#cyro the cat
cyro-starfire · 2 years
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Redraw of an old 2020 thing lol
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eevee-genshin-blog · 4 months
How'd This Happen?! Pt.2
Holy- I wasn't expecting everyone to like this; But thanks for the support! Please enjoy this part two of the story!
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You stared at the now knocked out Razor. You maybe shouldn't have used a mix of Geo and Electro to knock him out... Now you felt bad, Razor wasn't one of your mains, but you did max out friendship with him. Wait a damn minute... What if this is like that one idea you read on Tumbler?! Where the higher Friendship the character had a better chance of recognizing you! That would give you at least one or two safe people per Nation!!
You're getting off track.. You shake your head and walk over to Razor, and sniff him, you couldn't rely on your human form since, one you didn't have clothes, and two you didn't want to mess up anything; After all... You liked being free and chaotic.
You huff and headbutted Razor, as hard as you could do. It didn't wake him up, but it left a bruise on him. You nudged him, to no avail.
Now how were you gonna fix this... Razor most likely had someone with him, and if they find Razor they'll find you; A black cat with a moon marking on your head, braided fur, blue, silver, and gold paint on you, and a Hilichurl mask on your side...
(The mask wouldn't work on your face, you couldn't see through it, and it was still too big even after the Hilichurls made it so small.)
Yea, this could risk you, but. What's gonna happen? You were starting to get bored now... So a chase would be fun... But you rather not, what if they realized you were the real deal? You didn't want to stay still. But you were starting to dislike the False on the throne.
Actually, you kinda wanted to punch her in the face now... But you'll let them rule for longer. You needed to wake up Razor or move him somewhere. Maybe Cyro would wake him up...
You take a deep breath and gently nuzzle Razor's neck, the boy in question still doesn't wake up. Now, you felt pretty bad about that... Maybe you shouldn't use two elements to knock someone out- A noise behind you, sounding like a person made you panic.
Without thinking, you swirl around and bite someone's leg, Electro bursts once you make contact and the person hits the ground... You let go and freeze... You knocked out Bennett...
Damn it..
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You felt bad now... You dragged them into the forest mainly because you didn't want anyone to see them passed out, nor did you like the idea of leaving the to the Hilichurls... So, they were tied to a tree(with a lot of vines), but they're awake, and not every happy... Bennett's eyes fell onto you, "Erm.. H- hey there... Can you help us?"
Holy shit!! He talked to a cat?
You snorted, turning and walking off. "Hey!" "S- Stupid Weird Smelling Cat!"
After a few minutes, you found where you wanted to go.. But you hoped this wouldn't be a game of Dog and Cat... You found a clearing which hopefully was- HOLY SHIT HE'S A TITAN!!
You stared at the huge Blizzard God- Wait, can you still call Andrius a Blizzard god?
You tilt your head and look at him as he speaks, "What's a tiny cat doing here, where you could be hurt?" He had a teasing tone to it... You were confused, but shapeshifted into a wolf to properly speak to him.
"Sup?" You basically greet him, like he wasn't the literal Wolf of the North, the man who embodied wolves. He seemed amused with your antics.
"Soo... Why aren't you shocked?" You asked him, both confused and happy to speak to someone.
Andrius hums, "As a creature of Teyvat, I am connected to the land... I can realize when the Creator stands before me." You tried processing that but gave up. "So... Can you just help me with something real quick...? I can't turn into my human form right now and I need a bit of help..." You ask, somewhat nervously.
Thirty minutes later, you had brought the giant wolf to where Bennett and Razor are. Both looked horrified at the fact that you a tiny cat, summoned one of the Four Winds... You loved it.
Andrius helped you with getting the vines off of the two explorers. Though while they were shocked, you took the chance to leave after thanking Andrius.
You had no regrets... But now you wanted to meet the other Four Winds...
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spiralingemptyness · 7 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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ikemengoessbrrrrr · 5 months
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Mind you, I have this idea in my head for really long time, so I decided to let it out
For you guys who may not really familiar with Genshin story or lore its alright! Because they don't really have anything to do with main story and all you need to know about them in this au is they life in Fontaine, one of the places in Teyvat.
The Cat Bureau is a service place like in the movie where anyone can come to them if they need help or request. But instead being hidden, the Bureau is pretty easy to find and most people in Fontaine know about them.
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EY! Here my design for Haru Yoshioka! Kinda having hard time and mostly dunno what am I doing when drawing her.
Haru is originally from Inazuma (Japan inspired place in Genshin, another place in Teyvat), She's been alone since something happened with her hometown way years ago and been wandered. She moved to Fontaine after she chose to work at Cat Bureau. Haru has Anemo vision and a claymore user. (Which I need to change the design cuz wtf is that)
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Baron's design is basically his original design but with improvisation lmao
Like in the movie, he also own the Bureau in this au, the difference is the bureau always respond to his magic and emotions. Baron here is a Yokai who has been lived 300+ (pretty young for immortal being). In the past, he actually had Dendro vision originally but get taken away after massacre he did way years ago. Yeah, he was not a good person, he was a Yokai who choose to make chaos and won't hesitated to kill especially humans, that massacre is end point. As punishment, his vision gets taken away also with his freedom. That was 100+ years ago and now he is getting calmer and better, also he gets another vision (Cyro) for his dedication.
Tho, he still needs supervision until now (Yep, by Toto)
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Fighter Pilot Callsign names
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Names for pilots for your Top Gun fanfics
 FYI most Callsigns are a play on names or to tease the person who gets them
Names Like Ice-Man                                                                                                
- Blizzard
- Avalanche 
- Cloudy
- Hurricane
- Cyro
Names Like Rooster/Goose
- Hen
- Mother Hen
- Birdie 
- Chicken
- Hawk 
- Crow
- Raven
- Eagle
- Finch
- Basan
Names that have the same personality as Iceman and Hangman
- Balloon Buster
- Devil 
- Risky
- Riot 
- Demon of (insert hometown) 
- Killer
- Mad Major 
- Rouge 
- Black Knight 
- Silver Fox
- Wrong Way
- Agony 
- Apex
- Electroman
- Razor
- Dead Walker 
Names that are similar to Phoenix 
- Harpy 
- Griffin 
- Imp
- Basilisk 
- Kraken
- Medusa
- Chimera
- Cyclops
- Owlman 
- Strix
- Thunderbird
- Hellhound
- Hydra
- Werewolf
Names with the same personality as Maverick 
- Dark Swallow of Death
- Red/Brunette/Blonde Devil 
- Kaboom
- Cats Eye
- Butcher
- Longshot 
- Chaos
- Tex
- Hyde
- Pyro
- Rebel 
- Stray 
- Ace
- Pompeii 
- Dead Walker
- Rampage  
- Rumble
Other names
Names for those who stay hidden well 
- Ghost
- Ghostrider
- Stalker
- Vapor
- Zombie
- Casper
- Reaper 
- Stranger
Names to do with the wind/sky
- Lucky Breeze
- Zeus
- Zephyr
-Steel rain
- Tornado
- Dove
- Astro
- Moony
- Halo
Names for ‘rebels’
- Lucky
- Dice
- Gamble
- Gambit
- Flatline
 - Giggles
- Dirty
-Bloody Bucket
- Pandora
- mamba
- Havoc
- werewolf
- BamBam
- K9
- Mutt
Names for small people
- Petite 
- Ratsy 
- Rudy
- Smalls
- Yoda
- Big Boss 
Names for annoying people
- Alf (stands for annoying little fuck)
 - Grumpy
- Grinch
- Sunshine
- Flatline
- Joker
- Jester
- Bonk
Names for smart/tactical people
- Cypher
- Jigsaw
- Jinx
- Mastermind
Names for people who are stuck-up/cocky
- Headliner
- Bruise
- Dynamite
- Dusty
- Fireball
- Showoff
- Twitch
‘Scary’ names
- Great White
- Nightmare 
- Omen
- Ripper
- Taz 
“Nature names”
- Cherry
Other names
- Resident
- Dogface
- 22 (Like Catch-22)
- Nov 1, 2022 - added new names 
- Nov 24, 2022- new names
- Mar 5, 2023 - new names
If you have any suggestions on what to add, please let me know! 
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hunted-moth · 1 year
Forest Of Dreams Pt 2 // New Life, New dreams
Word Count// 3,732
Summary// Y/n awoke to a new dream after being in cryo sleep, this one was different for some reason. As she and Jake landed on pandora they met Norm and their Boss Grace Agustine. Tension was high during the meeting. The next day Jake and Y/n finally experience that thing that put them there in the first place
Warnings// Language, nightmare, not listing to med techs(idk I'm bad at this link if I need to add stuff!)
A/N EY your back! Glad you liked it, this one is a bit longer, also I don't understand na’vi so please don't expect me to write the na’vi parts, ill translate it the best I can though
Speaking Na’vi
*mini time skip, like a small location change
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You were running, jumping over logs, climbing over rocks. But every time you got close to your prize you'd hear laughing and they run even further from you. As you speed up, you saw a figure, it was the first time you saw the person who giggled and laughed in your dreams. And damn was she beautiful, putting the gorgeous forest to shame.
You saw her on an edge of a waterfall, as you walked closer she jumped and you woke up in your cyro pod.
It was dark and cramped, you were confused for just a second before remembering where you were.
You felt yourself move as the pod you were in opened. You were unbuckled and you started to float up.
“We here,” you asked, the tiredness escaping your mouth
“Oh yeah, we're here alright,” the nurse said with a hint of energy in him.
He continued “You've been in cryo for 5 years 9 months, and 22 days. You will be hungry and you will be weak” he yelled to the other men and women who had just awoken from cryo like you.
You glided over to your locker and grabbed some of the clothes you stored in there. It was your school sweatshirt and a pair of pants with shoes.
They then corraled you to board the ship that’ll take you to Pandora. You sat next to Jake and noticed he look serious, giggling to yourself as he seemed to be in his marine mode. He often said that ‘once a marine, always a marine’.
You sat next to Jake on the air shuttle taking you to Pandora. You were given a safety briefing on the Exo packs and the air on the moon. The mask looked interesting, it covered the whole face while still showing it.
As the shuttle was landing everyone stood up in a single file line, god it reminded you of your JROTC days back in high school. You stayed seated with your brother, you offered to help him but he declined it. You assume he was in full marine mode by now.
“Common special case, I'm not waiting all day for you two” the man stated as you both passed him walking onto the tarmac. The place was littered with army dogs, who would've been fighting for freedom or earth, but here it was for a paycheck.
As the two of you were going forward, an amp almost walk over Jake if he didn't see it first
“Look out hot rod” was all he said. Jake ignored him, but you threw your arms up ‘saying what the hell man’ without saying anything. You continue forward with a sour look on your face, but a giant bulldozer rolls by, with giant arrows in the tiers, stoped both you and Jake in your tracks, having a look of awe on your face you said “Woah, some big arrows huh,” you alerting two security ops. They turn to you and Jake.
“Ey man, look at that, meal on wheels and a science puke with it,” one said and the other went “Ah man now that's just wrong,” with a smirk.
You Jake got to where they were, noticing that they were staring at you both.
“What you two limp dicks staring at?” Jake said with some attitude in his voice
Causing the bald one to respond with “looking at you stumpy, and it ain’t so limp right now” He had a disgusting smirk on his face as he eyed. You just rolled your eyes and walked away
You heard one of them do the cat call whistle at you, you turned around and said:
“suck my cock and balls, ya bald fuck” You turned around firing back while doing the suck it a gesture
Turning back around you looked down at Jake to see him shaking his head a rolling away from you into the building.
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LOCATION- Safety Briefing: Mess Hall
You and Jake were a bit late, the fact it was a huge building and there weren’t places for Jake to wheel through didn't help. But eventually, both of you got there
“You are not in Kansas anymore.” was the first thing that reached your ears
“You are on Pandora, ladies, and gentlemen. Respect that fact every second of every day. If there is a Hell, you might wanna go there for some R&R after a tour on Pandora.” the little joke he made was kinda amusing to you, but you only chucked to yourself as the two of you walked in, opting to sit in the back. You hop on a table to listen to the rest of his speech.
“Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes.” he continues, though you think he's being a bit dramatic to scare the new recruits.
“We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi. They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in one minute - and they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fiber. They are very hard to kill. As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive. I will not succeed. Not with all of you.” he said the last part looking in your and Jake's direction, but you think he was looking at Jake the whole time.
You spaced out the entire time after that, you were used to military briefs from all the drills in JROTC plus you knew what to expect from your avatar training. After that, you hopped off the table and the two of you headed out to the labs.
You and Jake were in a tight halfway trying to squeeze through everyone when you heard a small ‘excuse me’ from behind you and then saw a tall man, you recognized him as Norm Spellman. Meeting him at avatar training, though you two were in different squads so you were never that close to him, but he still came over a few times.
“Excuse me your Jake right, Tom's brother. Sorry im Norm Spellman, Man you look exactly like him” He shook Jake's hand then you perked up “Hey wheres my greeting Norm” you joked
He looked embarrassed and went to apologize but you budded in saying “Nah it's cool man”
“you know him?” Jake asked, but he didn't have any heart like he didn't really care. “Hmm yeah me, him, and Tom were in the program together, different squads though,” you said like it didn't matter, you noticed the fall of Norm's face
“I'm sorry to hear about you brother, he was a good man, it came as a big shock to all of us” He tried to offer some condolence but it came out awkward. “Yeah,” Jake said
“hey man it's alright don't worry about it too much, don't mind him either he's a bit of a grouch right now” you tried to comfort Norm, he willed his way through another conversation “So you're taking over his avatar right,” he asked with some excitement trying to bring the mood up, a ‘yep’ was that was heard “umm want to go take a look at them, there in the bio lab”
“Yeah sure let's go check it out, want to see how mines holding up” you mused and started walking to the lab
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“Hey welcome to Pandora good to have ya,” a man you assume to be a scientist in charge right now shakes you and Jake's hand greeting you to Pandora.
“Damn, they got big” Jake chuckled “Yeah they matured on the way out” Norm stated and the scientist constituted “Yeah great muscle tone too, it'll take a few hours to get them canted, but you should be able to drive them tomorrow” he then pointed over to the other two avatars saying “there's your guys”
You walked over to the female one and saw your avatar. Her hair was already braided around the queue, but extra hair was still loose, clouding her face. She was just floating around in the amino acids and twitched a few times.
You were just staring at her you didn't notice Jake rolling over to you, with Norm not far behind.
“Wow, looks just like you, but taller…and blue” Jake said “Yeah, wonder if ill still be taller than you” you joked, Jake never liked how you suddenly got to call him short. “Yeah we’ll see, bet ill be taller than you by a foot” he stated with a puffed chest
You punched his arm, then Max stated he'd take you to the link pod bay, and to meet your boss for the next 6 years, Grace Augustine.
“WHERES MY GODDAME CIGGURETE” was the first thing you heard. But you were more paying attention to Jake and the Norms convo, it started with a simple question from Jake.
Whose this Grace Augustine, it was a simple question one you knew the answer to but the Norm beat you to it
“Grace Augustine is a legend, she's the head of the avatar program and wrote the book and I mean literally wrote the book on pandora botany,” Norm said as if it was a simple fact of life and Max interjected saying “Yeah its cause she likes plants more than people” he added
“Ahh there she is, cinderella back from the ball I see, Grace I’d like you to meet Norm Spellman and Y/n and Jake Sully”.
Grace took a puff from her smoke and addressed you and Norm
“Norm and Y/n heard a lot of good things about you two, hows your Na’vi,” she asked while putting her hands behind her back
Norm shot first saying “May all mother smile upon our first meeting” He finished off with a grin like a just got all As on his report card
“Not bad you sound a little formal” Grace replied in na’vi to which Norm continued with “I studied for five years, there's still some much to learn” She then turned to you expecting a show of your words
“Ahh well, not good at it, still learning” you finished with a shy smile “weak point in learning to speak it hearing good” Grace only nodded and said “it can be rather hard”
Max tried to divert the attention to Jake and introduce him to her, but she only waved him off saying
“Yeah yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brother, you know the other brother, who had a Ph.D. and trained for three years on this mission” she said in a tone, both you and Jake didn't like too much
“He's dead, I know that it's a big inconvenience for everyone” Jake spat at her. You felt his annoyance radiate off him. You then threw your hat into the ring and shot off with
“Ma’am I don't exactly like you insulting and deeming my brother, he may not be what you need but he's here to help, any way he can. So lay off a bit will you” You finished off, and you looked around to see Norm's eyes as wide as saucers, and Grace's face, it had a mix of ‘what did you just say’ and ‘hmm impressive’.
“How much lab training have you had” She directed it towards Jake and you knew he was screwed, he practically failed science even with you and tommys help
“I dissected a frog once,” he said with a smug look, and that look combined with the answer blew Grace's lid off
“Ya see, ya see? They're just pissing on us without even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge.” with that, she walked off.
Max tried to reason with her “Grace. No, I don't think…” but it was futile as Grace just fought back “No, man, this is such bullshit! Gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in MY department.”
And with that, she went off to bridgehead to talk with you mused. Max faced you guys and told you guys to be here at 0800, told Jake to say big words, and walked off.
The three of you just stood there, looking at each other. Jake was in the biggest sour mood, you were peeved, and Norm looked at you two like you were combing into one in front of him.
“Wha-what did you two just do!” he said you and Jake just looked at each other. You were confused about why he was so bewildered.
“What do you mean?” you questioned him with a look of confusion written on your face, Jake looked more annoyed that he was being questioned.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN- WHAT DO YOU MEAN, you just told off Grace Augustine, our boss” “Yeah what about it, she was shit-talking my brother, Sullies don't ride like that” with pride for your brother you put your hand on his shoulder. “I-i guess that makes sense, but please don't do that again! Or at least not in front of me might actually have a heart attack!” he finished holding his heart, you and Jake looked at each other and laughed, he sorta reminded you of tom at that moment.
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The three of you went off to your sleeping quarters with the help of another scientist, Then went to eat with the others. You sat next to Jake and were talking to another scientist, you didn't notice that Jake was more or less by himself eating, to wrap up talking about Pandora.
When a woman came up to your table, wearing an airforce uniform, the table got kinda quiet as Grace stopped talking to just looked at her, you looked over at her when she started speaking
“I'm looking for a Jake Sully.” she looked around then Jake spoke up “Down here.” she looked down then grinned and tilted her head in a direction “Come with me, Quaritch
needs ya,” Grace raised her voice at this “now what does he need him for?” she sounded annoyed already “I'm not sure just needs him ma'am-” “are you just gonna stand here? Let's go.” and with that, he was off, the women jogged after him leading him to where he was needed.
‘Wonder what he needs with Jake’ You continued your conversation and ended lunch and retired to your bed to finally get some shut-eye.
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Sleep was difficult, being in a new place, hell on a new planet, meaning sleep was hard to come by. But the sweet embrace of sleep hugged you, and you were out like a light.
You were walking in the dense forest, with careful steps. Looking around for a way out of the forest. It was nightfall now, and you could feel the fear in your body with each step as it rose. You heard something in the brush you stared at for a minute before feeling okay that nothing would jump out at you.
That's when you heard it, a giggle. But it didn't sound happy or joyful, no, it sounded sinister and evil. But you couldn't see where it was coming from, which only made your fear worsen.
When a sudden rustle in the bushes made you spin to it. Not seeing anything, you turn back, but you heard it again, the giggles, right behind you. You took off, faster than you ever ran before.
But with your luck, your foot got caught on a root and you were sent flying to the floor. You turn on your back to see what awaits you. You see nothing then the laughter starts again. This time, it surrounded the forest, suffocating your ears. Then you heard it pounce on you, you closed your eyes- and you sat up in your bed, sweating drips down your forehead.
Then your alarm goes off signally to you that it's 6:30 now, meaning you have half hour to eat breakfast and get ready.
You were eating with your brother. You two were just talking when norm cam and sat your table, Jake looked slightly annoyed but you spoke up and greeted him.
“Hey Norm, how’d ya sleep last night?” “Oh alright, the beds are bit uncomfortable but I’ll like haha” you both laughed when Jake asked how you slept, “so what about you? You look like you saw a ghost when you left your room.”
“Oh uhh, we’ll I had the forest dream again, but this time it was more like a nightmare, It was like someone was watching me then I started running with I heard giggling surround me then I woke up” you finished with a shrug “hmm yeah that’s a night meat alright,”
Norm looked slightly confused “wait forest dreams, do you always have dreams like these?” He asked with a confused face “oh yeah since I was a kid, but they weren’t always like that nightmare, usually I was chasing the laughter, it’s actually what got me into geology” you finished with a smirk.
You checked the time to see 7:30 meaning you only had 30 minutes to get ready, you told the other men this and you all went off.
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“So how much link time have you logged,” Grace asked you guys as she walked you to the pods. “Umm about 520 hours” he answered before you, “I logged in about 250 hours” yours wasn't much but it was something compared to Jake “that's good, Norm you in there, Y/n your here, and your here,” she pointed to Jakes pod and did some operating things “so how many hours did you log” “zip” you could just feel the annoyance from the next pod over
You lay down in your pod, the inside was made from this squishy silicon-type material that dip from the pressure that was on it.
The scientist that was assisting you to put the cage down and ask if you were ready, oh you were more than ready, you put your thumbs up and they put the lid down after instructing you to keep your mind blank. Then it was dark, you closed your eyes, relaxing then you saw white
You opened your eyes to see a doctor in your face, “Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?” it was bright as the doc was flashing light in your eyes testing your pupil's dilation. “Your eyes seem good, can you hear me well?” she asked as you felt your ear swivel around “Oh yeah loud and clear doc”
She had you sit up, you look over to Norm and Jake, it look like Jake just woke up. “If you can just perform some movement that is really nice, just wriggle your toes or fingers”
you saw Jake standing up, so decided to try it too.
“Oh no Y/n, you need to sit down please–” “No it's fine I got this, promise” you try to reason with her “No we need you to sit down, you're going a little too fast right now”
When you stood up you almost fell on the poor woman. But you regained your balance, you were close to a wall and you felt your tail hit it “Yo Jake, look at it, I feel like a cat!”
Jake looked in your direction then he felt his tail and looked at it. You and Jake were causing panic for the med techs, they called for you two to be sedated, and you walked forward to Jake and ripped off your IV and other medical stuff.
You landed on him and looked at Max through the window, he yelled saying “guys, listen to me; you are not used to your avatar bodies, you need to return to your beds, this is dangerous-” “This feels great,” “Jake, Y/n-” “c’mon guys, their gonna put you out” they both tried and failed to get you two to your beds
Jake walked away with the biggest grin on his face, you stayed put, just watching him move around the med bay, his tail knocked into some things, then he was gone, he just left the bay.
You saw this and followed after him, same with Norm. when you all got out there Jake was on a court, you ran to him while Norm was still with the med people. You caught up to him
“Hey wait up” You had a playful smile on your face as you caught up to your older brother, Norm not long behind
You two clumsily passed a bunch of people, accidentally bumping into people. Then he started to build momentum, so you built momentum. He noticed and went faster, you chased him and eventually you started to race each other, the fishline unknown to you both
You passed other avatars training on obstacle courses, then you almost ran into an amp suit, you two gave half-hearted apologies, as you ran into a field of fruits.
He stopped suddenly, you almost crashed into him. You caught your breath while looking around, it was…green and full of life, as opposed to earth and base, which was gray and dull. You dug your feet into the dirt, you can't even remember the last time you did that!
“Hey, Sullies!” you both looked over to see… Grace! You both uddered a quiet ‘damn’ and ‘shit’ under your breaths as you saw grace in her avatar for the first time
“Grace?” Jake was the first to speak to her “Who do you think numbnuts?” Grace looked over and threw some fruit at you guys, “Think fast.”
“Motor control looking good” she stated
You caught it and looked at Jake to see if he’d eat, he looked at you and took a bite to make sure it was safe for you. He bit into it and groned from how good it was, and from that, you took your first bite, then another, and another, it was sweet and made you want to keep eating it. Grace giggled at you two, it was like seeing two toddlers tiring something new instead of two adults.
After you got your avatar situated and properly looked at which the doctors were not happy with you three.
You sat in your bed, you and Jake looking at your queues, they had white tendrils and were squirming around looking for something to connect to, from what you could remember, it could connect to the environment
“Kinda freaking huh,” Jake said to you, “Yeah reminds me of testicles or so-” you were interrupted with “Don't play with that, you'll go blind” It scared Jake but you just laughed as you knew it was practically harmless. You put it away as you laid down to ‘sleep’. The forest was alive as you could hear so many animals in the forest, but you closed your eyes and opened them in the link pod.
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You retired to your room after a long and rough day. You cleaned yourself up, changed into comfy clothes, and laid in your bed.
When you closed your eyes and fell asleep you were met with black and then woke up, looks like you didn't have a dream last night.
But now you had an even longer day ahead of you. You, Norm, Jake, and Grace were going out to collect samples out into the forest.
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Next // PT 3 Deja Vu
Previous // PT 1 A Shit Place
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A/N // see told you it would be longer lol. NOW IM EXCITED! We get to meet Neytiri, idk if you noticed but I'm following the plot of the movie, but now I'm wondering if I should end at the Tree of Souls or just complete it like in the movie. And even do some way off the water stuff, like head cannons of they function and work, but we’ll see when that happens ;)
Anyways let me know what you think, and give me ideas and stuff for later chapters and stuff
MY DUMBASS DIDN’T PUT ANY TAGS!!! I wonder no was seeing it T-T
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ash-l31gh · 1 year
Raiden Ei x Adeptus Reader(Y/N) Headcanons
• you weild a cyro vision and (weapon of choice)
• She doesn't like the idea of you leaving for to long
• Ei is rarely not see with you as you are her most prized possession
• She made scaramouche to originally protect you because you don't like fighting he still has a high amount of Respect towards you
• You wear a purple necklace that has a glow to it with an 'eye' in the middle EI is essentially watching over you
• You go to stores to get sweat things and other supplies of things while they want to give it for free as your the Shoguns lover but you still may them
• The plain of Ethuamia is not the are you stay. You both stay in a castle like domain that's really beautiful you designed it all
• You attempted to help EI cook which was ended misrebly she tried her hardest ok 😭
• She LOVES scuddling most the time
• You own a few cats, kittens and kitsunes Miko sometimes joins
• You usually can be found around the Narukami Shrine, Kamisato Estate and Watatsumi island your close friends with Miko, Ayato, Kokomi and Gorou
• They have prepared little date things for you privately and got the things for you both EI personally has a liking towards those 4
• Once a year there's an event called 'The Eternal Sparks and frost' where Electro and Cyro can be seen racing across the sky and is rumored to be the day of you two getting together and a week of peace for all
You were currently stuck with EI as she clang onto you sleeping peacefully with cats with their kittens in their stomach and kitsunes around curled up with each other . You woke her up saying "Angel, its 4pm and I want to get some treats for everyone in this house" which earned a grumble from EI and muttered "Fine, no longer than an hour" which earned a chuckle from you. You kissed her forehead before you got dressed in a (favorite color') kimono with (a matching color) lightning striking your waist with a (matching color) frost pin in your hair that was but in (preferred hair style) with curles at the bottom. Once you left with a small kitten held to your chest, you arrived at the shop your a regular at "The regular I suppose Y/N" said the shop keeper "yes please" you responded with. Within the ten minutes, the food arrived in a bag and you handed them the money with extra before you left with a "Thank you, Enjoy your day" and went to a pet shop while the whole thing essentially repeated itself (didn't feel bothered to re-right it) "how about we visit Miko before we leave" you said to essentially no-one but your kitten before you climbed the mountain along the sides on the pathway. Once you reached the top, Miko was there reading some of the newer books. "Hello miko' you greeted and was replied with "oh? I didn't expect you to visit today. What's the occasion??" "Nothing at the moment I thought I could pay you a visit so you know in still alive" you joked which earned a chuckle. "Now you better get going. EI isnt going to be happy now is she?" "Oh yeah, I'll visit soon and bring some new books for you to read maybe from other nations who knows" you said before you teleported back into the castle. You put the bags on the table before you made your way to your girlfriend that was reading a book that was gifted from the traveler, she noticed you were back and said "Scuddles. Now" which you didn't want to decline to you hopped right back into bed with her and dosed off the bed with the kitten between you to comfy and purring..
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The Difference Love Can Make (A My Hero Academia Story) Chapter Three
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou X Shoto Todoroki X Morrigan Carter (Black!Plus Size!OC)  
AN: Guess who's back, back, back. Back again, again, again. Queen's back, back, back. Tell a friend. No, seriously. Please leave a comment. Let me know what you think of the story.
A few hours later, Morrigan found herself at her mom’s hero agency with Riley and Jordan, being tended to by medics. It was barely ten minutes after Morrigan and Riley managed to deal with the intruders for the cops and their mom to show up. Of course, Nephthys was stressed out and worried when she got the call from Jordan about Morrigan and Riley fighting some guy with phasing quirk and about how cold it was despite it being almost 90 degrees outside. She knew it could only be one villain that has that kind of power.
Cyro-Drive. Quirk - Cryo-phasing. He can freeze anything he phases through be it a wall, car or even people. Nephthys wasn’t dumb. She knew about all villains, including those not in the states. She only did that so she wouldn’t be caught off guard by anyone, should they manage to get past country borders. 
Like now.
Currently, Nephthys was in her office, having an emergency meeting with the hero commission or the hero mafia as Morrigan likes to call it. Morrigan wasn’t slow. Morrigan paid attention to the news and she paid attention to her mother. She’d see how beat down she was when she came home after work and what the news was saying every night. News would say that everything was ok, just some small crimes taking place like an occasional bank robbery or illegal usage of a quirk. But Morrigan knew her moms wouldn’t be so run down if it was only small crime, which led her to do some digging. 
Up until now, there had been reports of break-ins and missing people. The agenda was the same; lights went out in the house and when they came back on, someone was either gone or frozen solid from the inside out and sometimes it was both. She recognized the pattern already and knew what to do. She did scouting for weeks on end in search of his hangout or at least find some of the missing people to finally piece together why one of Japan’s top-priority villains was in the states in her city. The hero commission was doing their best to keep the people calm as the spike of criminal activity by keeping her in the positive light of the media. However, they were getting impatient with her in providing answers, despite her asking for extra help with it. Their answer was always the same; ‘Bringing in more heroes onto this will cause unrest in the city as the people would begin to feel like the city’s unsafe.’
So instead of telling the people the truth, they rather give the people a false sense of security at the expense of her mother’s sleep?
‘Muria, amirite?
Morrigan was then taken out of her thoughts when she felt a stinging sensation on her head. “Ow! What is you doin’, man?” She asked the nurse who puts her hands up in defense, scared of her outburst. 
“I-I’m sorry but your head’s bleeding rather profusely.” The nurse stuttered. Morrigan goes to make a response when she sees the head of the hero commission leave her mom’s office. Without hesitation, she gets up and walks to her mom’s office. She doesn’t even bother to knock when she walks in. 
“Ma, what’s going on? And don’t tell me nothing.” She demanded when she closed the door behind her.
“Watch yourself, Missy. You forgot who your mama is.” Nephthys said as she shot her daughter a glare. Morrigan rolls her eyes. 
“Yeah, my momma who’s apparently ducking my question.” Morrigan sucks her teeth. “Mmmcht, why don’t you tell me what’s going on and why me and Riley basically got into a scrimmage with a renowned villain from Japan, mind you?” She crosses her arms. 
“Japan?” Nephthys and Morrigan look towards the door, seeing Jordan and Riley. “Mama, what is she talkin’ ‘bout?” Nephthys sighs, realizing she’s basically cornered. 
“Well, the cat’s out of the bag now. You guys are just as involved in this now.” She gestures to the chairs in front of the desk for the girls to take a seat.
“...And that’s pretty much where we are so far.” There was a moment of silence as the girls processed the info that was just relayed to them. Morrigan’s mouth opened and closed before she spoke.
“So you mean to tell me…based on what you just told us…that the only major hero in the states that is actively tracking down a national threat to Japan and now possibly the U.S…is you. Because God forbid, they actually alert the people so they can stay safe.”
“Morrigan, you also have to keep in mind; Americans are not exactly the smartest. Some of them would actually try to take the law into their own hands.” Jordan mentions.
“At that point, it’s natural selection. You have to talk that up with the lord, not the heroes.” Morrigan just waves her off. 
“But it’s our job to protect them. That even means from themselves.” Nephthys said before she places her forearms on the desk. “Look, I don’t like it anymore than you guys do but that’s how things go…until now.” The girls’ eyebrows raised simultaneously. 
“What do you mean about that, mama?” Riley asked.
“What I mean is that, thanks to the incident that happened at the manor, Cryo-Drive has now been reported to be fleeting back to Japan. Something about Nephthys’ brats getting the better of him.” 
“Just barely. If It hadn’t been for Riley, I’d prolly been a frozen corpse by now.” Morrigan fell back into her chair in defeat. Riley looks at her with peak confusion. 
“The hell-?” She paused when she saw the look on her mom’s face. “Heck are you talkin’ about? I’m pretty sure you would’ve set the house on fire if I didn’t drop him, the room was so hot.” 
“And yet, I couldn’t fucking get any real offense in. Granted if I did, I would’ve set the block ablaze. I just-.” Nephthys recognized that look Morrigan had on her face as she stared up at the lights. It was a look of frustration at herself. Nephthys knew she trained day in and day out to protect those in need and her loved ones. To feel so helpless in the face of a villain…
“And yet you managed to get one of Japan’s most dangerous villains to hit the dash back overseas.” Jordan said. “What’s wrong with that?” There was a sudden chill in the room as Morrigan lost all emotion in her face.
“He got away because I thought I was sweet and got big-headed. Yes, I managed to defend myself but just barely. So if I can barely defend myself, how the fuck am i supposed to defend others?” Morrigan asked. “I still got a long way to go and a lot to learn and there’s no school in America that can adequately train me.” 
“Well, lucky for you, you not going to a hero school in America.” Nephthys said. She almost lost her composure laughing when she saw the flummoxed looks on her daughter’s faces. 
“What-?” Morrigan sputters a laugh in disbelief. ‘Whatchu mean I’m not goin’ to a hero school in America? Where am I’m goin’ then?” 
“What I mean is that I just spoke with your guys’ teachers. After what happened and with Cryo-Drive fleeing back to Japan, the hero commission wants me to travel to Japan to help track him down. He’s been giving the heroes there the slip for quite some time, even duckin’ All Might’s grasp. But if I agree to go, I would have to bring you guys along and transfer you to another school. But in speaking with your teachers, Riley and Morrigan have enough credits to graduate early, that wouldn’t be necessary. So the only thing I would have to do was apply you two to a hero high school but the only one adequate to take you is-.” 
“U.A.” Riley finished. Morrigan leans forward on her head, elbows on her knees as she thinks.
“So mama, you saying that Morrigan and Riley could attend U.A. after all?” Jordan asked the question that plagued everyone’s mind.
“Indeed. And you, my dear, would be attending Somei as well.” Nephthys explained. “So…what did you say?” 
“Hell yeah! Leggo!” Riley cheered.
“Yeah, I’m ready to go! Let’s go!” Jordan cheered as well. Nephthys then looks to Morrigan who hasn’t moved from her position. 
“Morrigan? What about you?” There was a few minutes of silence before Morrigan sighs, leaning back into her seat.
“How long’s the flight?”
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cyrohzin · 1 year
Looking back I think I blogged the least about Raz, and I feel like shit about that as I am realizing it, and so I am going to try and post more about the boys because they are wonderful too and totally deserve attention; who doesn’t love cat/dog posts? I will try and get them cuddling, they don’t want the internet to know they do that. 🤭
Raz was such a special girl she didn’t really translate into content that works for the internet very well. Sharpest cat I ever met to date though, wish I could have caught her speaking on video, she could say “Mamma” so clearly it was freaky. Will try and do another post-life about her. 🥹 got her picture up on the fridge to remind me.
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This is the last single-frame I have of the whole trio, from back in July 2022. Resting after a long warm day (it’s about 10pm then)
Brain is totally melted out from today though, so I’ll sign off before my only input ability become a cry-swollen face keyboard roll, lol.
Remember what you have because it cannot be kept forever, and time flies.
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mlarayoukai · 2 years
I know splatoon lore is fucked up but remember the scientist who warned about global warming or whatever cyro froze his cat for 1000 years and made him immortal and then made a mini clone of him. Was it really necessary to add lore on explaining why there's a cat in this game
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cyro-starfire · 2 years
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I missed drawig themb,,
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Hello! I fed a cat today! It was so cute it's little tongue went out and it went lick lick lick I love cats cats are so precious I love this cat so much
Cats are the best! I wish there was more cats in my neighborhood.
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112-darling · 2 years
M̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞F̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞
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no intended ship [self insert] ISWM lore ig
They held a match grinning as it burst into flames against their (s/t) [skin tone] colored skin. Sharp teeth twisted into a sick grin as they where sure if they had their transformation spell off their tail would be making noise to attract some instructors.
“hey? Are you the new kid?” They jumped and turned the match already burnt out as they stomped on it with the boots. “Uh- yeah! Just got lost, so sorry uhm am I in trouble?” “Nope, we just got worried you where a no-show. It being a new school n’ all.” They looked around but followed the councilor.
“Your in the Captain Course, so you’ll be learning everything, Cyro, Weaponry, Engineering, and commanding a ship successfully. Plus some minor grades.” They nodded taking a mental note, walking into the large, but empty, lecture rom.
*•_~*two years later*~_•*
“-Absolutely. . CAt-iStrOph. . . Ship repairs have been complete!”
they huffed finishing the Cyro engine and walking back to their Cyropod humming a jingle from a ad from the pits of hell they crawled from. You where stopped by a Gun at their chest. “How did you fix the ship so fast? Cap?” Gunther growled as they just grinned fluffing the hair around their hidden horns.
“just my job Gunther, why?” “Cut the crap, your not human are you?! Alien? Vampire? WHAT?” he yelled as they looked around hearing other Cyropods opening up. “Well, I feel like if I told you anything you wouldn’t believe me huh? So let’s just say I’m some alien. Why have I kept a ton of loud, annoying, boring, agitating humans alive? Or a vampire, I would have to drink blood, which expires.” They smiled smugly.
He scoffed as they pointed the gun away from them “Let’s say, I’m not human. But a Demon, crawled from the pits of hell, but instead of doing my mission. I got addicted to learning about humans. Huh? Then I got assigned to this ship. I would know no basic math right? So how did I pass the course?” They chuckled walking back to your cyropod before a bang sounded and you looked down seeing a hole through their chest. No blood or anything.
“damn. Ow?” They chuckled turning back. “You own a hard bargain then huh? Fine whatever I can’t die so I’ll just crawl back here if you do eject me.” Gunther looked satisfied as Mark, Burt, and Celci walked in. “I’m a Imp.”
Mark tilted his head before their skin turned into a violent crimson and horns appeared. And they twitched their tail, becoming larger. “Boo. Hey before you go googling how to kill me, I’m not trying to hurt nobody! If I wanted too I’d do that. Now I’m gonna walk away? Can I not have to deal with a hole in my chest no more?” Celci followed them to their cyropod along with mark who just wanted to see if it was a dream. Burt didn’t really care thinking it was a poetic way of revealing themself.
“yes?” “Captain, with all due respect, is your tail soft?” Celci smiled as Mark stuck his head out with a grin. “Can we feel them! Pleaaaase!” He grabbed their arm as they sighed. “Fine whatever. Can I sleep after though?” Their tail flopped in Celci’s hand as they bent their neck so Mark could inspect their horns.
“Captain! Do your kind have tail masks? To keep them feeling soft and not ashy?” They nodded as Mark let go of their horns to take notes.
“I don’t use them usually since I keep my tail in okay care, but human lotions work. But I need to go back to cryo sleep.” Mark whines about his notes as they retracted their tail and stepped into their cyro pod.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
【Repost, don't Reblog】
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Name: Lyubimoya Alias: Lyubi, The Tsarenva, Tsarenva/Princess of Snezhnaya, The Snowflake Princess, Tsarenva/Princess Lyubi, Her Highness Gender: Female Age: 500 years old(at least) Species: Demi-Archon(Demi-goddess) Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown Abilities/Talents: Cyro(as the cyro archon’s child), Electro(dislusion)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Religion: Cyro Archon Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: Russian, English, Italian, Japanese & Chinese Family: Father - Unknown, Mother - The Tsartisa Friends: Her personal maids that the palace, select members of the Fatui Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / other Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other(light blue) Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds Scars?: N/A Facial Features?: N/A Tattoos?: Cyro elemental symbol on her left hip
Dogs or Cats? Birds or Hamsters? Snakes or Spiders? Red or Blue? Yellow or Green? Black or White? Coffee or Tea? Ice Cream or Cake? Fruits or Vegetables? Sandwich or Soup? Magic or Melee? Sword or Bow? Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn? The Past or The Future?
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starcatchingmusez · 2 years
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐳! 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦! 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 @𝐜𝐲𝐫𝐨-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲. 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝, 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠!
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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
❥ Rule 1 - ABSALOUTELY NO SEXUAL CONTENT ON THIS BLOG AT. ALL. Minors could be exposed to this blog and mun doesn't want to be responsible for some poor kid losing their innocence because of them. Slightly suggestive content and violence are allowed, but please don't go overboard with it.
❥ Rule 2 - No Godmodding. Please let mun control THEIR character.
❥ Rule 3 - No drama. This blog is only used for fun.
❥ Rule 5 - Mary Sues/Gary Stus will not be taken seriously here lol
❥ Rule 6 - Have fun!
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【Muses of this blog】
The muses of this blog will include both canon characters and ocs!
【Canon Characters】
❣Sonic The Hedgehog❣
❥ Sonic the hedgehog - C'mon! Step it up 🦔
❥ Miles Tails Prower - Believe in myself 🦊
❥ Amy Rose - Sweet passion 💕
❥ Knuckles the echidna - Rougher than the rest 💥
❥ Silver the hedgehog - Dreams of absloution ☄️
❥ Blaze the cat - Firey feline 🔥
❥ Whisper the wolf - Wisp whisperer 🐺
❥ Tangle the lemur - Lesbian lemur ✨
❥ Bunny Rabbot - Cyborg bun 🐰
❥ Tikal the echinda - Chaos is power 💎
❣My Little Pony: FIM❣
❥ Twilight Sparkle - Friendship is magic ✨
❥ Rarity - Generosity 💎
❥ RainbowDash - 20% cooler 🌈
❥ Fluttershy - Be Kind to others 🦋
❥ AppleJack - Honesty is the best policy 🍎
❥ PinkiePie - Party gal 🎈
❥ Starlight Glimmer - A true leader celebrates differences 🌟
❥ Princess Cadence - My love will give you strength 💘
❥ Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist - Open up your eyes 💥
❥ Derpy Hooves - Want a muffin? 🧁
❥ Lyra Heartstrings - Lesbian unicorn 🦄
❥ Scootlaoo - Determined little flyer 🚲
❥ Sunset Shimmer - The element of forgiveness ☀️
❣Friday Night Funkin❣
❥ Boyfriend - Beep bap ♫
❥ Girlfriend - Demon gal 😈
❥ Pico - Bang bang 🔫
❥ Carol - Confident gal 💕
❥ Whitty - Ticking timebomb 💣
❥ Soft!Boyfriend/Benjamin Fairest - Kind soul 🎨
❥ Soft!Pico/Pico N Grounds - Brave soul 🔫
❥ Soft!Girlfriend/Grace Dearest - Loving soul 🧸
❥ B3!Boyfriend/Bartholomew - Burger lover 🍔
❥ Sarvente - Praise the lord ✞
❥ (She-Ra reboot) Catra - I'll never say sorry 🐈
❥ (She-Ra reboot) Adora - You deserve love too 🗡️
❥ (Beastars) Haru - I don't care what you think 🐰
❥ (Pico's school) Nene - The violence! The tension! 🔪
❥ (Pico's school) Darnell - Pyrotechnic maniac 🔥
❥ (Pico's school) Cassandra - Not bad pricko 🖤
【Original Characters】
❣Sonic The Hedgehog❣
❥ Cyro the cat - Soft feline 🌸
❥ Rex the hedgehog - Eager young hedgehog ‼️
❥ Tami the bunny - Lesbian bunny 🐰
❣My Little Pony:FIM❣
❥ CherryHeart - Loving flyer 🍒
❥ HoneyButter - Silent metalhead 🍯
❥ Stardust - Night flyer 🌌
❥ Rosebud - Just wanna have fun 🌹
❥ (FNF/Fandomless) Cyro Starfire - Star catcher 🌸
❥ Angel Loveheart - Loving mother cat 🐈
❥ Lilith - Demon mama 😈
❥ Oliver - Tumblr sexyman 💕
❥ Birch - Nervous fox boy 🦊
❥ Penti - Loving devil 🩸
❥ Ace - Shy mutant 💦
❥ Jupiter - Strong rabbit gal 🐰
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Hope y'all are gonna have fun here because that's the all-time goal! See you all very soon!!!
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dragon-father · 2 years
Genshin Impact Sona - Hinata
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Name: Hinata
Pronouns: He/Him
Vision:(Aka element) Cyro
Region: Natlan
Weapon: Catalyst
Affiliation: Natlan's Adventurer Guild
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Appearance: Cat Eared Blind man with Vitiligo
Clothes: Black suit with Cryo colored tie & vision crystal cufflink. For summer he wears plain tshirt and leaf themed shorts in blue tones. Sunglasses to help him see outlines better under sun.
Personality: Possibly too kind
Likes: Cats,Rosaria's claws sound
Dislikes: Being scammed 
Love interest: Rosaria
Family: N/A
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Gentleman from Natlan, home of the Pyro archon. Known as a bounty hunter. Hinata is mostly blind but has trained his senses to identify outlines and visions of people as well as his hearing. Was promised his eyes could be fixed so he seems to always be collecting Mora for this. Speaks with an accent few can understand so he is learning how to speak like the people of Liyue via working for a few off and on. Often Hinata is scammed out of a lot of Mora from merchants taking advantage that he can not see the item being sold to him. His current magic tome is a cookbook because of this but he doesn't believe that since he can cast magic still with it. 
He loves cats a lot carrying around a cat toy to play with strays. Always wearing a black suit as he knows how to put it on correctly so it helps prevent clothing mishaps. Has a burn scar on the left upper side of his face he got from being assaulted by a Pyro Fatui agent. Personality wise he is very kind but that's also his weakness as people take advantage of it.
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He stumbled onto dragonspire and got lost. Almost died of the cold but was rescued by Rosaria. She has since threatened him and left him by himself often but always returns to check on him or he seeks her out by visiting the church causing a scene. Since he can not see her she lets him get close so he can know it's her so he doesnt do this to others. They often play a dangerous game of hide n seek as Rosaria loves to see if he can find her via just sounds from her claws or heels not speaking. He usually does and gets to hug her as a reward. She usually holds his mora bag for him and has a chat with awful sellers who just scammed him.
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