#didnt know if i should tag it but everything I make is taken that way now so
beebopurr · 4 months
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Ever since I drew f!Mayhem I've just been thinking abt this meme
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roseworth · 2 years
rating different versions of jason by how insane they are
someone made a joke about this in the tags of one of my posts and i thought that was hilarious so now im doing it. these are just the ones i could think off of the top of my head i cannot stress how little effort im putting into this
canon jason: 8/10
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yes he is extremely mentally ill but everything wrong with him is funny so no one should ever fix him. sure babygirl killed some people but he knew exactly what he was doing. not to mention he is legally sane according to arkham asylum :)! he is insane but in a normal way
three jokers jason: 9/10
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he is a little more insane than normal jason i am going to be real. not his fault though. same origin but things are 10x worse for him here bc this entire book is titled "be mean to jason at every turn." however i do take off some insanity points because he is very pretty
bombshells jason: 0/10
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he is a little guy that has done nothing wrong ever in his life. completely sane and if anything ever happens to him i will kill everyone in this room then myself
world without young justice jason: 3/10
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he is mostly normal except for the fact that he knows hes supposed to be dead and is having a crisis over that the whole time :( also he burns to death at the end of the issue which i guess isnt necessarily insane but its not normal so it gets a few insane points
flashpoint jason: 10/10
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babygirl WHAT r u doing as a priest. what is wrong with you
wfa jason: 9/10
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he is too normal in this and it makes me suspicious. what do you mean youre just hanging out with your family. what are your intentions. why.
suicide squad get joker jason: 6/10
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i guess hes relatively sane here. also hes in belle reve and not arkham so he is legally sane here too! he gets some insane points for being in a bad book, but also some points taken away because he is very pretty here. most of the points come from the fact that he didnt shoot joker at the end. what the fuck.
arkham knight jason: 30/10
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sweetheart we are going to put you in therapy fr. he is so near and dear to my heart and there is so much wrong with him. this man invented the word insane and he gets worse every day. he is so babygirl. he is the "him" in the phrase "i could fix him" because there is nothing you could do to make him worse. and i love him so much
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Reading early 2012xRise crossovers now where you can tell they were made soley to bash Rise is kinda funny because all the arguments fall apart
Rise are incompetent -> actually due to their genetic engineering surrounding their creation they learn skills fast and are efficient threats in their own right
Splinter should be ashamed of not teaching his kids how to fight -> actually Splinter made the decision to leave his clan and traditions for a multitude of reasons and he only found his way back to his family roots after learning how to uphold those traditions in his own way and on his own terms
Splinter doesn't call his kids by their names thats so disrespectful -> all i have to say to this one is wow these authors were stretching. Theres these things called nicknames and terms of endearment and many parents use them all the time BUT ALSO im 95% positive Splinter named them their colors so he is actually calling them by their fullnames
And on the other hand today a lot of 2012xRise fics that bash on 2012 today focus solely on the relationship dynamics
2012 are toxic with each other -> they're 4 teenage boys the same exact age with a total of three friends they all share and are locked in a house together almost 24/7 of course they're cranky and annoyed and easily irritated and partially self-centered. I was awful to my little brother until i moved out. Im not proud of it but its true and i know a lot of people with similar experiences
Rise have the normal™️ sibling relationship -> i have met a grand total of one pair of siblings that had a good relationship growing up. But also they have issues! I have yet to see a fic touch on their massive codependency problems
2012 Splinter is too strict/too controlling -> and R!Splinter was massively disconnected from his sons pre-s1 for implied but never specifically stated reasons. One Splinter is not better than the other! They had very different parenting styles and several of their own flaws
I know im my fics i tend to generalize everything and make it all some happy au (and tbh i think i didnt quite succeed in how i wanted 12!Mikey to see his relationships at the beginning of my fic and im aware that could be taken as bashing) so i try to make that clear in the tags but yeah i forgot where i was going with this post anyways Rise has interpersonal issues that most authors never touch and 2012 isnt a huge ball of toxicity that explodes when poked with a stick
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devilscastle69 · 6 months
hot//wings - got to begin again
Hawks is “pretty sick” and injured and his ex-bf Touya is the only one who checks up on him.
crossposted here for tags!
i stole the title from b1lly j03l and stole the characters from u know who bc he didnt make them kiss and make up.
au - civilian!touya x hawks but theyre already broken up
The ghost of Touya’s warmth lingers in Keigo’s mind but can’t leave the confines of his memory to give reprieve from the cold and dull pain in his extremities. He shivers. The cool pack on his forehead brings some relief to his forehead but also some of its own unique forms of discomfort. Everything aches, and not just the broken ankle that he’s forced to elevate. He’s supposed to be Wing Hero Hawks, Japan’s Number Two Hero, and here he is lying around with only a few baby feathers left.
He coughs painfully, directing the barrage into his fist. Not like anyone’s coming by anyway. It’s probably for the best. Touya would be pissed at him for letting it get this far. He’d tell him he told him so and scold him for going to work with a fever for not just one, but two days, and then he would— 
Keigo’s eyes prick with the threat of tears and he snaps out of his thoughts and gets a hold of himself. He exhales slowly through cracked lips and doesn’t blink until his eyes dry. Nothing is made to last, and his own fault for getting attached in the first place. There are no constants that can keep up with his high speeds and that’s proven time and time again. The news continues buzzing in the background and he waits for a story to air about the area he was supposed to still be patrolling.
The glare his handler had given him as the Commission doctor ordered him to be on bedrest continues to replay in his mind. He’s supposed to be better than this. Stronger than this. More capable of taking decent care of himself than this.
Though it’s been a month since they’ve broken up, Touya’s contact is the third most recent text chain. It’s pathetic. He clicks the chain and stares at the contact photo. It’d most recently been changed to a picture Fuyumi had taken of Touya and him while they were apple picking. A sharp pain stabs at his chest and before he can stop himself, he’s crying. It’s so beyond pathetic. Tears spill down Keigo’s cheeks and roll down to his neck; within minutes his collar is soaked and he’s choking on sobs that make his insides more sore than the cumulation of all of the coughing he’s done. He pulls the filthy fleece of his hero costume up to his cheek to attempt to clean up some of his face. It stings.
>>ll be over in 5 to trade stuff
>>just got back
>>have a good night
Touya liked your message.
Touya has stopped sharing location.
Would he even answer if he was so desperate as to call him given the way they’d left things? Even calling just to hear his voicemail crosses his mind, but he just as quickly dismisses it. Maybe he’s blocked now. It’s better if he doesn’t know: logically, he knows this, but he can’t help but linger on the thought. He should delete that picture. He should delete a lot of their pictures, and yet, he hasn’t had the heart to even change his phone screen. The TV is hurting his head and it’s hard to concentrate on it, and yet this train of thought is hurting his head too and it’s all he can concentrate on right now. He squeezes his eyes shut, sighing as another tear makes its way down his cheek and into the crevices of his neck.
It’s not even three in the afternoon when he falls asleep thinking about giving Touya a call.
A loud ding rouses Keigo from his feverish sleep. The glare from his phone stings and makes his head hurt, and for a moment he’s worried there’s an emergency.
<<saw the news
It dings again. Keigo squints at his phone. 
<<ru ok?
How long had he slept? Thirty minutes and yet his mouth feels like sand. He coughs and sniffles, wincing from the efforts. He unlocks it to see Touya’s messages in their entirety. The news? Fuck, what did he miss? He moves too abruptly and his ankle smarts leaving him hissing in pain. The TV blurs and he closes his eyes and leans back into the pillow to stop the dizzy feeling from progressing.
He’s focusing on the wrong thing. Touya texted him. Touya texted him. Touya texted him. Touya texted— oh fuck, Hawks’ head hurts. The congestion seems to have gotten even worse overnight and he can’t even breathe from his nose now. A sharp attempt at a sniffle makes his nose burn with a dull itch.
Touya is typing…
Touya is typing…
Keigo’s heart rate spikes and he tries to think of a response. He’d been a fucking moron and left read receipts on. It’d never been an issue because he generally replies fast, and he’d waited too long from hissing in pain. Now they’re typing together. 
<<looked like a bad fall.
>>im okay thanks 🥲
Keigo swallows hard and sniffles as the tears fall again. He’s an idiot. Touya isn’t the type to reach out just to be polite. He’d been genuinely asking, and is probably the only one who’s ever actually asked Keigo such a question, nevermind care to hear the answer. 
Touya is typing…
Touya is typing…
Touya liked your message.
Keigo sneezes three times, and the last of the trio sets off a cough that threatens to tear his chest apart. He glances at Touya’s name and the picture he still hasn’t removed and feels a new level of pain in his chest. He’s pushed Touya away again, and he fucking knows it. What does he have to lose? Definitely not his dignity, he thinks, looking down at his tattered costume, the used tissue mountain range all over the floor accompanied by the cold dish towel head cuddled with that’d fallen next to the cool pack at some point. 
>>jk im p sick
>>my ankles broken
I miss you, he doesn’t say. Please come over, he doesn’t add. He silences his phone and stares at the news. There he is. How many times had his failure to do a decent job been played on national television? He grabs a tissue from the box, fingers dipping much deeper into the box than they had this morning before they find a tissue.
“h’kSXChh’yuh!” He manages to get the tissue up belatedly to wipe and blow his nose. The tissue chafes against the raw skin of his nostrils. He’s pretty sure these are lotion infused, too. Oh, no, they’re not. Touya usually bought those. He must’ve run out at some point. The leaking tears turn into a flood as he wishes he could smell the the tissues, as if it were just another one of Touya’s scents, another one of the ghosts he’d left behind when they’d died here in his room, the door slamming shut, the tissues he’d left behind, being used just ten minutes after he’d left. 
Damn fever. 
His cool pack is on the floor, but he’s sure it can’t be much below room temperature at this point, so it’s not worth picking up. He shuts his eyes and lets the fever bring him to slide back and forth across the spectrum of awake and asleep. 
If Keigo of all people says he’s pretty sick, then he's at least very sick. Touya frowns at the last messages from him. This is the same man who came home with broken ribs and got confused when Touya didn’t want to fuck him stupid. Or stupider, really. 
It’s not like it’s his problem. They’ve been done for at least a month now. Not that he’s counting. 
“Stupid fucking bird,” Touya curses him half-heartedly under his breath as he puts various soup cans into the basket to join the other supplies he’d accumulated. He’s appointment-free for the night, but even if he weren’t, he doesn’t think he’d be able to keep them; getting a tattoo or piercing from someone while they’re this agitated is ill-advised. 
It’s foolish, creepy, and a major faux pas to drop by without explicit permission—at an ex’s place no less—but Touya’s reputation precedes him anyway and Keigo is not answering his messages anymore. Keigo had once canceled on a date saying he’d been “a little roughed up,” and he’d found out the next day the man had been hospitalized with injuries that led to an infection, so sue him for overreacting. 
He’d given up the spare key (threw it back at Keigo’s face as he left) so he has to ring the bell. He’s expecting a feather to answer the door, but instead he’s left staring through the wrong end of the peephole. He rings it again. There’s a distinct sinking feeling in his stomach. Keigo never takes this long to answer the door. Maybe he’s not even home. No, he’d checked his location beforehand. He has to be here. 
Touya startles at the sudden click from the other side of the door. When the door opens, Touya’s grip on the bag slackens and he nearly drops as he instinctively grabs the man in front of him to steady him as he wobbles with only one crutch as support. It’s all a blur as he wraps an arm over Keigo’s noticeably bare back. Bare and hot with fever. 
“Touya?” he croaks, voice cracking on the final syllable, and Touya’s heart reacting in kind. 
“Shit,” Touya swears under his breath, bracing Keigo against him. He shifts to better support his ankle and sets the bag down. He can get that later. The crutch slips out of Keigo’s grip and clatters to the ground and he falls into Touya.  “Hey, hey. Let’s get you to bed.”
“Whadt—” Thankfully, Keigo breaks into a coughing fit, sparing them both from an embarrassing interview neither of them want to have.
“You’re sick.”
“‘Mb sorry.” Keigo’s breathing sounds labored and wheezy, like even standing with Touya supporting the bulk of his weight is sapping him of energy. “If you were here for combpa’ddy, uh…I don’t…”
Touya feels a familiar nauseating pit growing in his stomach. He’s so pale. “I gotcha, Kei.” The name slips out before he can think better of it, but it’s too late to take it back. Keigo shakes against him with a silent sob and Touya carefully scoops him into his arms, heart aching with each movement; he’s only seen Keigo cry one other time, and it’d been during a night terror that left his face blotchy with red. They fall into the familiar position and the nostalgia is so sweet it makes his throat burn. There are more pressing matters than the inner turmoil so unexpectedly coming to a head. “You’re burning up, baby bird.” He’s supposed to be the one who gets terrible fevers. He’s supposed to be the one with a weak constitution, and yet, somehow The Number Two Hero of Japan has regularly been worse off than him. 
Keigo nods. He’s gone silent just like he had when Touya left. They’d fight from time to time, usually verbally sparring until things would get so heated they’d blow off steam by fucking; this last time, though, Keigo had let him leave. This time, Keigo had been honest with him. He’d finally trusted Touya enough to confide in him, and of course it’d come after they’d broken up. 
The man is still in his hero costume. His jacket is filthy  from the fight earlier and has a few tears in the sleeve. He’d probably be nursing more wounds were it not for the thickness of the material. Bed first, maybe bath next. 
“What the fuck were you doing out there like this?” he murmurs, though his tone is soft and sad rather than accusatory. God he wants to yell at him, finally spit out all of the angry conversations he’s rehearsed in his head and in front of the mirror, scold him for putting himself in this situation, rant about the hero system, but what he needs is to hold him close. If Keigo dies, how will he tell him how angry he is, how will he tell him how carefully and carelessly he lives in all the wrong ways, how will he tell him how thinking of him is more fatiguing than burning himself out? And most of all, how will he tell him he loves him anyway? 
“Mby job.”
Touya.  tightens his grip. “I was worried about you.”
Touya only releases his grip when it’s to help Keigo sit on his bed. “Don’t be, dumbass. Not unless you’re gonna do something about it.”
“You…cambe over.”
“I did.”
“You’re gonnda get sick, y’kndow.” Keigo suddenly looks far too small for his costume between the lack of wings and the oversized bed built to accommodate them. He’s still shaking, though it’s more subtle now. His eyes are red rimmed and puffy, and his whole face is a splotchy mess of pallor and various shades of pink.  He wonders how long Keigo’s been sick, how long he’s been crying. 
“I’m not worried about that right now. C’mon, how about a bird bath, huh?”
The bird jab earns a slight glare from Keigo. “Asshole.” 
“Mm, I think you’re too feverish for that,” Touya says, making a show of feeling his forehead. This he can work with, the steady back and forth verbal sparring is comfortable and safe. He smirks when his hand is swatted away, though the amusement is tainted with concern from just how hot to the touch he is. 
“You think?”
Keigo gives a half hearted laugh, notably muted from congestion.
Touya hums in agreement and fights the urge to cringe as Keigo starts coughing. It sounds painful, like his lungs are banging around in his ribcage. “Let’s take your temperature,” he suggests, gently placing a hand on his shoulder before rising from the bed. He’s sure Keigo hasn’t done that yet, and he mentally confirms it for himself when he finds the thermometer in the bathroom cabinet. The complicated feelings of being back in this apartment will have to wait until after Keigo is feeling better. 
Keigo is quiet and compliant—a terrifying combination for him, really—as they listen to the thermometer beep. He’d since wiped his tears and stopped crying, but the sad gleam in his eyes remains.  
“Just over 39º,” Touya murmurs, stopping himself from running a hand through Keigo’s hair. He’s not sure that’d be welcome. Keigo shrugs. 
“Seriously though. How ‘bout a bath? You’ll feel better after.”
Keigo stares into space for a moment and then nods. Touya helps his jacket off and tries to ignore the guilt at the way he immediately shivers. “Wait…I gotta um,” Hawks says, holding up his hand. His eyes squint and he twists into the crook of his arm to cover his mouth and nose. “ih’hgksh-! KhhxXt! Hhh…ugh, shidt.”
Keigo squints and scrunches up his nose again and the chapped pink nostrils and philtrum give away how sensitive it’s gotten over the course of however many days he’s been sick. Touya feels a flush of his own creeping up to his cheeks, and decides that for both of their sakes, focusing on the pattern on Keigo’s comforter is the best bet.
“Hehh-!” Keigo sniffles hard, eyes watering. “God, this is- hh…h-hehH…!”
It’d be weird for Touya to say nothing. “Stuck?”
Keigo nods, shooting him an apologetic look through the haze of teetering on the brink of no return. Touya still can’t look directly at him without becoming very aware of his dick, but hearing the way Keigo’s breaths snag as his inhales become more vocal is enough to have the same effect.
“Do you…need help?” he asks after a few stressful minutes of listening to the uneven cadence of his breathing. And he means actual  minutes. He was in fact counting all one-hundred-and-twenty-two seconds of this agony. 
The flush across Keigo’s cheeks seems to darken. “I, uh…” he sniffles, mouth hanging open. “Sure.”
This might’ve been a mistake. Touya nods, hesitating for only a moment before tracing a few quick lines down the bridge of Keigo’s nose with a finger, willing himself not to be self-indulgent as he does so. By the time he gets to the tip of his nose, it’s scrunching and his nostrils are flaring. He prods at the sides of his nose down to the rims of his nostrils, only pausing when he hears Keigo take a desperate and shaky breath in, only to hold it and sigh.  
“Yeah, that’s guh-gonnahh…”
Touya is sure his face is as red as Keigo’s quivering nostrils as he teases the outer rims with his fingernail. 
Keigo crumples into his hastily cupped hands, only barely catching Touya’s hand with a light mist of spray. 
“Ihhkkshhu! Hksshhhh! hih’KXSHH’ihyuhh!”
“Bless you,” Touya mumbles. 
“Thangks.” Keigo sniffles thickly and winces before giving a sad smile. “You’re really cute.” He nuzzles his cheek against Touya’s shoulder. “Missed you.”
Touya rubs his hand against the fabric of his pants and wills himself to not have a heart attack. Or to have one. He swallows the dry lump in his throat, unable to return the sentiments in the way he knows Keigo wants. He rises and pats Keigo’s shoulder. “Your fever’s really bad, little bird. How about that bath now?”  
Keigo nods, and with his consent, Touya lifts him again. Moving is good. Keeps him busy. 
“KnxSHhh!” Keigo sneezes again, angling away from Touya’s face. “Sorry,” he says before he even takes in a breath, punctuating the apology with a pathetic sniffle and cough, “Beend like this all day, n’dot tryi’gg to mess with you.” 
Touya nearly drops him. The fact that he’s being genuine is what keeps him holding Keigo close as he walks into the bathroom. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. That’s not why I’m here.” 
“To get mbe naked?”
Touya glares at him. “I will drop you.”
It’s awkward having one foot out of the water. Touya calls him a flamingo and Keigo flicks water at his face. It wasn’t a ploy to see him naked. It wasn’t a ploy to watch him sneeze helplessly. And yet both of these things are happening right in front of him. 
“IHSHHh’yue! Guhh…Th-Thangk you. ‘Scuse mbe.” Keigo pinches his nose and runs his hand in the water, and Touya counts the tiles on the wall. 
“I’ll be outside. Just yell when you’re done.” 
Keigo nods. They part ways and Touya scrolls through his phone outside the door that can’t quite muffle the sounds of desperate sneezes that ricochet through the bathroom every few minutes. 
It’s too intimate. He’d known it would be, but no amount of preparation would’ve been enough. Maybe he should’ve had Fuyumi check on him instead. Touya continues this train of thought as he helps Keigo back to his bed, into fresh clothes. He pretends to not notice the crumpled up sweatshirt the hero was supposed to return. It’s not like he wore it anyway. He makes him soup and Keigo eats it in bed at the slowest speed he’s ever seen and only eats half of it. 
“Thangk you.”
“Here, let’s get your ankle up.” Touya props the pillow under his injury and cleans up. He leaves the crutches at the side of the bed along with tissues and the cold medicine he’d brought over. He hides the other kinds that were not used. 
“Touya…are you gonnda…”
Touya steels himself. “That’s not a good idea.”
“Guess not.”
“Well. Feel better. Don’t go dying now, Hawks.”
Keigo pulls the blanket to his cheek. 
“Fuyumi was worried about you.” Touya stops at the door. He’s supposed to be on the other side of it by now, but he’s opened his mouth. “We might be over but…you don’t have to stop talking to her. And Natsuo.”
“Why did you combe here?” Keigo asks, voice thin. “To be sweet a’dd just leave mbe againd?”
Touya whirls around, the effect lessened by the smooth way his socks move on the wooden floor. “I came because I’m stupid enough to love you.”
“Great, you always—“
“And because you’re shit at taking care of yourself.” He taps his foot, trying to stomp out the rising anger. More evenly he “Hawks. I’m not gonna stay with someone who thinks being the Commission of Public Coverups’ fuckin pet is some kind of altruism and poorly hides his obvious death wish. I’m not gonna stay by your side as you waste away.”
“I didn’t have a choi—“
“But you do! But you did!” Touya hisses, voice low and dangerous. “I—ugh.” He groans. What a fucking waste. It’s not worth it. I’m not fighting with you when you’re like this. Take your damn medicine and go to sleep. I’m not your mom.” 
Touya cringes as Keigo’s face immediately darkens. “Kei—”
“Yeah, I kndow, you’re more like your old mban.”
His hand grips his thigh as he tries not to punch a wall. “Goodbye, Hawks.” And when he says “take care of yourself,” it’s bitter on his tongue. 
The trees are almost bare as he walks home, the red and gold and brown crunching under his boots. He can’t help but think of how small the trees look now and how small Keigo had looked. They’d looked up at the stars one night in weather like this and talked about how small they were comparatively and the wishes they’d made. He thinks about Keigo telling him he wishes heroes had more time on their hands. He thinks about the way he’d dodge so many personal questions after Touya would pour his heart out. He thinks about the fact that Keigo had cried when he’d seen him and about the hoodie tucked away. He’d always say that was the most comfortable one, even though it was fairly ratty from being overworn.
Touya returns, hoping that Keigo hadn’t gotten up to lock the door—he didn't— and storms inside and hears him sobbing into the lotion tissues he'd bought before he opens the door.
“Keigo.” He opens the bedroom door, shoes still on. “I love you. You care too much about everything and everyone, and if you can’t fucking care about yourself, then I will until you learn.” 
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desudog · 3 months
i feel like a vital thing often missing from a lot of discussions of abuse and mistreatment and mental illness because many people just assume its "obvious", even though if you are mentally ill it means you will commonly see things in ways they dont present and trauma can make you read situations different is:
when someone says your feelings are valid- they are not saying your accusations must be as well.
if you say, "i feel really grossed out, my parents own a picture of me newly born. im naked in that pic, clearly its porn right? my parents own my newborn pictures for sexual reasons!"
and your therapist or a friend etc says "that sounds really stressful for you." or something, theyre not saying "yep, and they should go to jail."
the truth is, your parents probably own that picture because... its the first picture they have of you. they probably dont think anything of your nakedness, i mean, they probably changed your diaper and bathed you and dressed you so much the idea of you as a baby naked is totally nothing to them. you may have alarms go off due to your overactive trauma fear responses that may make you constantly on edge of being hurt by things that didnt happen.
trauma and mental illness can make us jump to a lot of conclusions. it can seem really practical in our heads, but can be taken from 1 to 100 really far too fast.
For example, disordered thought may produce a train of thought like this... my friend liked a post i fandom tagged we both are in the fandom for, even though they dont know this blog is mine -> my friend is sneakily interacting with me -> my friend is tracking me -> my friend is stalking me -> they know my IP -> my friend WILL dox me -> my friend is going to try to get me killed -> my friend is going to kill me...! by the end of the thought train you may be completely convinced this person you spoke to 4 times is actually genuinely going to attack you in your home. but "shares a fandom and liked a post that was fandom tagged" is very much a different statement than "going to break into my house with a gun", even if you dont see it, and if you actually start accusing that person of being a serial killer, thats not appropriate.
the fear you are feeling is stressful! its there and real, the fear shouldnt be swept away- but the delusion is not. please remember to try and ground yourself and follow it BACKWARDS, not forwards. if you assume everything only happens in bad faith, you will live in a very scary world. if you assume a parent feels aroused when viewing baby pictures and not that they are thinking, "what a stressful day that was, but you were so small and magical. what a miracle!" than you are misrepresenting a majority of people in favor of a non-conscious victimization instinct.
its really hard to break out of, but until you do... dont throw accusations at people about like, being child predators or serial killers. dont use your delusion to hurt other people. if you can find the resistance, please resist.
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bulletproofscales · 2 years
a helping knot
i wrote this during finals, i am not proud of it at all, but i really wanted to write but didnt have the brains to produce something good. JJAJAJAJ so read at your own risk
summary: taehyung never paid attention to his roommates heats, but his late presenting as an alpha makes him suddenly a lot more interested...and worried.
tags: omegaverse , a/b/o , omega yoongi , baby alpha taehyung , heat sex , sexual tension , fat yoongi , pov alternating
6.8k words
link in ao3
Yoongi is quite spiteful, in the best of ways. So much so, that when Taehyung presented as an alpha, he wasn’t about to move out, or kick his roommate out either. When he emerged from what had clearly been his very first rut to their cramped living room, at the ripe age of 22; Yoongi didn’t even budge. 
Yes, he had assumed that Taehyung was a beta all these years when he met him in that dreadful philosophy class (that Yoongi should’ve taken in his first year but quietly pushed further and further away until he couldn’t avoid it). And the sweetheart freshmen got to him, with a boxy smile and clingy nature, but soothing voice and contemplative speeches. At a time where his roommate was leaving to study abroad and the omega desperately needed someone to share rent with. 
The semester was barely finishing when Yoongi proposed the idea to him.
Even when he thought Taehyung was a beta, Yoongi tried his best to keep all things omega out of sight. And yes, Taehyung would never mind if his roommate brought someone over to spend the heat with (not that he had any contendants, but the thought is nice), or nested outside his room, or was a little too loud with his whines when the first wave hit. But he was a beta, and Yoongi felt just a little bit protective over his roommate; not wanting to show him or burden him with stuff he wasn’t instinctively prepared to handle. 
However, now that Taehyung presented as a late-bloomed alpha… Yoongi hid all things omega for a completely different reason. 
Taehyung knew that there were a lot of things he didn’t know. Of course, all unpresented teens get the same biology class, and he likes to think he always had at least a basic understanding of omega anatomy; never got any complaints. 
But there's so much he was missing out, things that couldn’t just be explained to someone that doesn’t feel it. Or at least he has been struggling to translate any of the new…additions to his body now that he presented… 
Or maybe he is just too humiliated to talk about them, even if they’re obvious. 
The increased appetite, finally matching the omega’s; except  Taehyung’s metabolism seemed to burn everything. Though, if the way his shirts were fitting snug around his shoulders, chest and arms were anything to go by, more than burning it, it was just transforming into muscle. 
His senses were overwhelmingly acute, most people wore scent blockers in the outside world… But going into Yoongi’s room was nearly impossible for him now, pretty much drowning in the omega’s citric smell (he could never quite put a finger on it before but now.
Taehuyng is for sure it smells like oranges and pancakes). Sometimes just painfully aware of his presence in the kitchen while the alpha studied on the couch, ever present and itching at a part of his brain he didn’t know how to satisfy. 
He also found himself lashing out more than usual, sensitivity and irritability running high at the slightest thing where he had once been calm and collected. Though he is getting better at detecting it and stopping his little tantrums, at least. Though it has been incredibly embarrassing for his family and friends, and even Yoongi to quickly blame it on his hormones. And that's not the worst of it. 
No one told Taehyung about the boners. 
He already went through puberty, there is no reason why an added knot at the base of his dick (that he had been quite fascinated by the first few times, but it got old now) should mean any increment in the amount of boners he gets throughout the day. 
Because yeah, there's several of them throughout his day now. It's never too drastic, nothing a bit of willpower and a painful press of his thighs can’t solve. Though when he is in their apartment he is guilty of standing up mid-movie night quite urgently. Yoongi’s scent definitely did nothing to help. And the alpha probably stinks up the place whenever the familiar but oh so dreadful arousal presses heat to his navel. 
Luckily, Yoongi didn’t mention any of it. No matter how blunt Taehyung was, the omega treated him as if nothing had changed. He was eternally grateful. 
Taehyung wishes he was as good at being subtle. 
His roommate went through heats, he knew that ever since meeting Yoongi. But it had never occurred to him what those heats looked like, or how the omega got through them; he had always been so secretive about them and Taehyung didn’t have space in his mind to think about them. Even if he was quite blunt about asking questions to his friends, alpha and omega alike, Yoongi was different. He had made such an effort of keeping things the same as they were with Taehyung’s late presenting. It would be inconsiderate to just ruin that by prodding into Yoongi’s subgender like that. 
The problem is, the alpha’s newfound instincts were on overdrive, they have for this first month after his presenting. Urges to know, to look after Yoongi, to ask about his heats, to ask if he is taking proper care, to at least come in the breaks between waves to bring him water. Seokjin, the poor alpha that has been the subject of all of Taehyung’s whines and incessant questions, tells him it's normal. That as an omega so close to him, his instincts tell him the omega is part of a pack, or a possible mate he has to court, making him feel protective. 
But Taehyung doesn’t feel normal when it's 3:26 am, and the last time he saw Yoongi was after dinner when he excused himself saying that he: 1) wasn’t all that hungry 2) was feeling a bit feverish. Which the alpha knew where all symptoms of Yoongi’s heat starting. And even if it's been hours since then, he can’t possibly go to sleep. How could he when this enhanced senses torture him with the faint noise of Yoongi in the room infornt of his?
He can hear his cries, he can hear the way Yoongi helplessly makes his old bed creak. Moans not sounding pleasured but pained, unsatisfied, deprived of what he wants- what he needs. 
Every muscle in his body twitching to reach across the hall, just a few steps away…  Instincts urging between his ears endlessly. The shaky deep breaths he tries to take in an attempt to calm himself only fill his lungs with the slurty sweetened scent, the sour hint immediately striking him with the dissatisfaction that Yoongi feels. 
Dissatisfaction Taehyung could solve. He has what Yoongi needs. 
He manages to resist that first night, putting on his headphones and pressing his nose deep into his pillow. By the second night, his body starts to respond in selfish want; squirming against the bed as his boxers become tighter, his heartbeat faster. 
What's worse, Taehyung responded back. 
Unable to help himself as his thighs pressed together and his hand caressed at his navel. Not in hesitation, but rather to inhale at the faint caressing of the tips of his fingers against his burning skin, before sipping underneath the waistband. Groaning, in both frustration and pleasure at the feel of the nub at the base of his cock beginning to form already. And when he wraps his hand around it far too tightly, it's hard to tell if it's meant as a punishment or reward. Especially with the loud moan he lets out, shamelessly too consumed in his own instincts to stop it before it's out. The own sound of his voice freezing his movements. 
He takes a cold shower, not daring to come out until he hears (and smells) Yoongi’s wave die down. 
And by the third night, about halfway through Yoongi's heat, the alpha resorts to buying some Melatonin gummies on his way from class. Not that his dreams are any kinder. 
It's haunting, Yoongi’s cries too realistic that when he wakes up he can’t figure out if he heard them for real or not. But the images in his head, those are entirely on him: the omega’s teary eyes, his plump body shivering and squirming, ample thighs wet with slick. Rocking into his hand as he tries to fill himself, fails even with the long fingers deep in him. He needs more, he needs a knot, needs to breed. He needs Taehyung. 
This heat is eating him alive, the idea of Yoongi in pain and displeasure making his gut twist uncomfortably, and his fingers itch. And without the omega to ground him and work as the voice of reason and common sense through the entire hellish week. The first time Taehyung saw him after his heat, the alpha had distinct determination in his eyes when Yoongi walked into the kitchen. 
“Hyung, how are you feeling?” The worry is blatant in his tone. And it seems to startle the both of them, they never mentioned anything about Yoongi’s heats before. While Taehyung is just surprised he managed to voice his concerns at all. 
“Uh… Much better, I felt far too hungry to stay in bed.” Even with his puzzled look he still chuckles through his answer, endeared as he makes his way to prepare some breakfast. But to Taehyung this is just a reminder that Yoongi doesn’t eat through the entirety of his heat. Something he has suppoused since the first time, but now irks the alpha with a sudden desperation. 
“I could go get us something nice! Those leftovers are old…” They aren’t, Taehyung got that pizza yesterday. But he does not care, what matters is that there’s only two slices left of it, and that's not nearly enough to make up for all the meals Yoongi skipped throughout the heat. 
Yoongi eyes the food, sighing. “I don’t want to get dressed.” When he looks back at Taehyung his eyes have a plea, and his lips have a hint of a pout that's beginning to form. The kind that found its way at Taehyung’s heartstrings, to tug at them whenever he purses his lips. 
“You don’t have to! We can go to that drive-through donut place.” It's not uncommon for Taehyung to propose plans like this. He was a sweetheart before presenting as an alpha, thank you very much. But the urgency of it all, especially after Yoongi’s painfully long 5 day heat, was new. He’d feel shy, if this wasn’t how their dynamic always worked. Taehyung could convince Yoongi to do anything with him. 
That's a comforting thought for the conversation he wants to have later.
After Yoongi eats breakfast, though. If he wants to make it through the talk at all. 
The omega smiles, tiredly, but Taehyung already knows he’s got him. “Fine, but you’re driving.” He closes the pizza box and the alpha feels like victory. Not hiding the spread of his grin. A little “yes!” slipping out as he wordlessly rushes to get the car keys and slip his shoes on. Making an effort not to face Yoongi… He knows how sore the omega can be after a heat, it makes mobility a little hard…
His size doesn’t do Yoongi any favours either. Taehyung doesn’t need to turn to see the way the omega’s belly gets in the way of him reaching his toes, even as he sits down. And now he is thinking about it! Which he shouldn’t be!
“Done, let's go.” He sighs, hand heavy on the alpha’s shoulder. 
They’ve always been comfortable in silence around each other, living together does that to you. Or more like, Taehyung is comfortable with the omega’s silences. Has learnt he is listening and he doesn’t mind his little tangents he gets into. Yoongi just coaxes words out of him, in the best way. On the way to the car and during the drive Taehyung just told him about these past 5 days without the omega around. Getting small comments here and there from Yoongi, and that's all he needs. Taehyung feels relieved already that the heat is over and that he is getting his roommate something to eat so soon. 
A particularly strong sense of pride spreads across his chest when he leans over the speaker and doesn’t have to check to order Yoongi’s breakfasts. The  caring act running deeper than he ever remembered it. Something carnal in him being satisfied from finally being able to provide for Yoongi. Even if it's barely the amount he wishes he could give him. 
The soothing sensation is quickly replaced though, it was the same urge to provide that got him 5 of the most hellish days he’s experienced. That's why he has to do this. 
Taehyung waits until Yoongi is halfway through stuffing a donut into his mouth, boxed open on his lap; held in place snugly between the omega’s belly and the glove box of the car. Tries not to pay attention to the warmth in his chest and rather focus on the dread he’s been feeling all week. And, in an attempt to be as casual and subtle as he possibly can, the alpha asks. 
“So… how do your heats usually go?” Horrible delivery from his part, honestly. Voice tight and smile nervously as he tries not to eye Yoongi, keeping his hands tight on the steering wheel and eyes glued to the road. And it's either that or the question itself that makes the omega look puzzled if not a little bit indignant. 
It makes Taehyung feel like he is a teenager all over again, asking his parent’s crude questions about mating cycles. 
“The same as everyone else’s?” The hesitation on his voice is a bti ironic, considering he revealed absolutely nothing in his answer. But the alpha had expected this. 
“I don’t know if all omega’s go through such a hard heat every time…” Still keeping it cool, he purses his lips cutely. Barley daring to side eye Yoongi before quickly looking away. 
“It's not hard, I’m used to it.” It seems like the omega fully lost interest in the conversation as that last sentence comes out muffled by his resumed eating; dusting his cheeks and double chin with powdered sugar. Taehyung rather thinks that he is comfortable in the conversation; which is good, because he wasn’t done. 
“Heats aren’t meant to last more than 3 days, hyung. I know!! I asked!” Not such luck at keeping his cool this far, a whiny tone overtaking his entire speech as he turns to his roomate at the stop of a red light, eyes pleading and worried.  
“You need to stop asking Jimin. He is mated, it's not the same.” He deadpans as his hand reaches for the cup holder by the door, having to fold over, belly inevitably pressing to the poor cabroard box. Taehyung doesn’t know if it's the strain from the movement (he is still sore after all) or the exhaustion towards the alpha’s interrogation that makes him sound a little breathless. 
“He only mated a few months ago! And his heats were shorter ever since he started spending them with Jungkook!” Maybe his tone is a bit childish, even defensive. But the concern he feels is too much! He can’t spend another one of these knowing that Yoongi is withering in pain in his room just a few steps away from Taehyung. 
Any other person would recommend that Taheyung spent Yoongi’s heat elsewhere, far away from the omega. And maybe that's a conversation they would’ve had if Yoongi didn’t avoid talking about his subgender this much! But now it's too late, and Taehyung has another idea in mind. 
“So it doesn’t have to be with a mate, hyung.” His tone is gentler now, and Yoongi even dares to look him in the eyes because of it. “I could help.” And the vulnerability in his eyes is enough to stifle the way Yoongi chokes on his coffee. 
“What?? Taehyung-ah…” It hurts the way a smile is growing on his face, endeared, condescending. He is beginning to object and the alpha’s desperation is evident on his face. Similar to the whine that is about to slip from his mouth. 
Luckily it doesn’t. “Why not?” His tone manages to be gentle despite his urgency. 
“I know, that you presented now so my heats probably seem harder than they are” Why is he consoling Taehyung now, he is the one that spent 5 days in pain! “But I promise I’m fine.” 
“But they could be better. Why not make it better?” He is pretty sure he is pouting now, but it's too late to stop himself. 
“You never spent a heat with an omega.” Yoongi still has that warmth behind his eyes, like he doesn’t want to burden Taehyung with the alpha’s own request. 
“I have my instincts going for me now!” His scent must be starting to stink up the car because he sees the way Yoongi’s face flinches. That or Taehyung’s speech is actually convincing. “We don’t lose anything by trying.” 
He wishes he could know what is happening in Yoongi’s head, but he doesn’t care once the word is out of his lips. “Fine.” 
They lose everything by trying. 
Yoongi’s seen it happen. 
Omega and alpha friends that succumb to instincts. It's just so easy. Everything in their bodies urges them, as the tension finally breaks and they succumb to the want. Instincts knowing how to escalate everything into perfection. Instincts don‘t know how to clean up the mess afterwards, though. 
He and Taehyung were different, he never had to worry about it because he had made sure the alpha barely remembered Yoongi was an omega at all. And he liked it that way. 
Yes, there were times where he couldn’t help but think about the alpha closest to him, the one that knows Yoongi’s breakfast order, and his schedules, and never pushes him to talk, or makes him feel weird when he does come a little out of his shell. Who stumbled through his presentation so clumsily, it made Yoongi want to coddle him until he figured things out. 
He didn’t, and luckily Taehyung had things figured out quite quickly… Not that it helped Yoongi's instincts… at all. In fact everything got worse. 
The alpha probably couldn't tell, but he stank up every single object he walked past. He so much as washed the mug he had a tea in and the entire kitchen would smell of pomegranate and bitter chocolate. So strong it seemed to burn at Yoongi's nostrils, making his eyes flutter closed; submissiveness rattling his body. 
And even if he always was caring, his acts of service to Yoongi now carried this… weight. Like his knowledge of the omega combined with the instincts that made something that would’ve been clumsy but endearing into something so… stoic but warm. 
It was only natural, if still torturing, that his mind would think of him during heats. 
Maybe that fact should make him all that more excited for his next heat. But it all just sounds like a mix for disaster. A mix that has him hyper aware of the alpha the entire 2 months it takes for his next heat to come. Ironically this time, it's Taehyung’s time to act unaffected. 
Because yes, after that proposition, Taehyung just continued as if nothing happened! As they didn’t both know they would be having sex, heat sex, in about 60 days. 
The wait was excruciating. And as the symptoms of preheat struck him, slowly but noticeably (especially to Taehyung’s enhanced senses) the alpha seemed more and more attentive. And Yoongi, as he slowly descended into madness, he could do nothing but soak all the attention up, his scent sweetening when Taehyung did little favours for him. 
When he was serving Yoongi a second plate just as soon as he was done with the first, before the omega could even utter a word, tugging Yoongi’s hand when Taehyung decided the omega had enough studying and needed a break, or when he came from class with take out bags in his hands. It all seemed to urge his inner wolf more and more excited about the heat, about being taken care of by Taehyung for real. 
And not to mention, he saw the way the alpha had started stocking the entire apartment with food the entire week before. And he certainly will not mention the way his insides turn to putty when he so much as thinks about that fact. 
Yoongi thought he’d have to be the one to take the first step when he woke up with the first symptoms of a fever. All he had to do was walk to the kitchen, focusing all his attention on controlling what he knew was going to be the nervous stutter of his voice. For the alpha to talk before he can. 
“Are you still okay with me helping?” How his voice can sound so casual will remain a mystery to the omega. Poor poor Yoongi who’s heat induced brain can’t explain how he ever survived without this proposition; even before it happened. It had never been considered a possibility for him, to have an alpha he knows, so close to him physically, emotionally!! Just offering himself to Yoongi’s nest…
Okay the heat-haze is definitely getting to him. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m still… I’m still okay with it.” A nervous giddy smile grows on his face. “I was just coming to tell you I’m feeling a little bit…” He tries to find the words. 
“Feverish? Needy?” He interjects, eyes a little wider than he remembers them being, that causal facade slipping off; quite endearingly. Taehyung's true eagerness shining through, the way he always wants to solve Yoongi’s inconveniences for him. The omega feels warmth blooming deep in his stomach. 
“Ready.” He corrects, a little amused. “I want some breakfast first, though.” As he says it, Yoongi starts making his way lazily across the kitchen. Opening the fridge to lean a little to peak inside, belly pressing to his thighs, folding a little into itself in objection to the movement. “Should have enough time to squeeze a meal before the first wave.” He mumbles eyeing his options.
Before he has the time to prepare himself for it, Taehyung’s standing next to him. Warm hand on top of Yoongi’s where it's set on top of the fridge door. “I can get you something, you should go to your nest.” When he looks up towards their alpha their faces are so much closer than he ever remembers it being. “And I’ll meet you there.” It's probably the near distance of each other, but the way Taehyung smiles appears all that much more mesmerising to Yoongi. 
He can recognize the signs of himself slowly, very slowly, sinking into the omega headspace. Submissive, needy, whiny… All things Taehyung would be seeing for the first time today. But even from the last remaining bits of self awareness, there's a bigger part of him that trusts Taehyung enough to want- no, to need to comply with everything he says. 
Yoongi nods. Taehyung lets go of his hand on top of the omega’s letting him let go as well closing the door. Neither of them moving away. “Okay… You bought some cinnamon rolls right?” Its like he just said exactly what Taehyung wanted to hear, because the alpha beams. 
“And I’ll make you some coffee.” He adds without Yoongi needing to even ask. “I’ll meet you there.” If this entire conversation wasn’t enough for tight warmth to twist at his navel, the smile Taheyung offers him afterwards definitely does the trick. 
It's contagious, his own giddy smile spreading on the omega's face before he walks away, feeling lightheaded like he hadn’t in a while before the first wave. Dizziness coming from the excitement instead of the fever. 
Usually, the first wave hits slowly. Maddening want torturing him as he gradually loses his mind. It shouldn’t be different now, they’ll have time to have breakfast and work things out steadily as Taehyung gets a hold of things before Yoongi goes completely submissive. But he barely makes it past the door of his own bedroom. Inhaling his own scent, thickened and palpable on his tongue. It's probably just the nerves. 
His heart speeds up before he can even concentrate to stop it. Chubby hands placed on his chest as he felt it hammering, his chest rising and falling. Letting his hands fall as they caress down his fuller chest and the curve of his stomach. Getting agitated out of seemingly nothing, but he knows. 
Yoongi will be so good for him. He’ll be Taehyung’s, he’ll have an alpha and he’ll be so good Taehyung won’t let him go. 
The part of his head that tells him this is all the preheat talking is becoming smaller and quieter. While the thoughts of the alpha preparing him breakfast across the hallway in the kitchen became louder and needier. Making his hands more urgent as he felt himself up, groping and making the fat on his torso bounce. 
Yoongi’s touches become truly desperate when he scrambles to get out of his shirt. That distinctive, hellish, heat spreading across the pits of his stomach, all across his body. Making his skin break sweat. Sensation of his shirt sticking to the rolls on his back and the folds under his chest are unbearable. The first tracings of his slick began to coat between his cheeks, droopy texture soaking his underwear, and it makes him all that more urgent. 
Clumsily, he starts to strip his shirt off, tugging it off where the hem hugs tightly at the very bottom of his overhang. It seems to cling to every fold stacked on his waist, and by the time his face is stuck in the shirt; it becomes truly suffocating.The stench of his own scent and sweat desperate as he starts walking back in an attempt to take it off properly. His heart beating in his ears, mind only able to focus on the need to be naked for when the alpha arrives. 
A hand presses to his naked, sweaty lower back. Sinking a bit into the fat collected there. 
“Careful hyung.” Taehyung’s voice sounds a bit breathless behind him, tight. But always so deep, Yoongi’s knees get weak with the way it makes his sternorn tremble. There's a quick sound of something being set on the omega’s desk before two large hands are taking the hem of his shirt and finishing to tug it off where it decided to sink under Yoongi’s moobs. The action was slow and deliberate, sure that the two of them had stopped breathing as Taehyung strips him shirtless, the omega hears the way he inhales deeply once he sees him. 
Nothing had prepared Yoongi for the scent. Musky but tart as it burns up his nostrils in that familiar way. “Taehyung-ah…”  He turns to face him, probably already looking like a mess already just from his slight touches and scent in his room. Yoongi would feel embarrassed, if it wasn’t for the alpha’s flushed cheeks and widened eyes, the strengthening of his scent. 
“I–I brought you breakfast.” Something about the tone of his voice reminds Yoongi this is Taehyung's first time helping with someone's heat… probably his first time with someone after presenting as an alpha. 
That realisation alone is enough to stir a new wave of desperation in Yoongi’s gut. Making him shake his head quickly. “N–no—it- it can wait.” His fingers wrap around Taehyung’s wrist. “I need you.” The want is palpable in his voice when he says it. His words hang heavy in the air as they stare at one another. 
It's never too late for him to back down. 
He can’t finish that thought before Taehyung’s lips are pressing against his. 
Instincts, it's all about instincts. 
Taehyung feels a rush of panic, as the tug in chest takes control. Urging him on what to do seamlessly. Everything his body has been screaming to do for Yoongi, he finally can. And it's so easy. 
His hands immediately cup Yoongi’s naked waist, the omega’s surprised moan muffled by their lips. The noise was enough to make Taehyung’s hand sink into his fatty sides; gripping a little harshly. Yoongi took a few steps back, legs  starting to buckle. But the alpha was quick to follow, crowding the omega’s space until he had to plop onto the bed; he was able to feel the jiggle form where his hands were secured on Yoongi’s body. Struggling to get his weight up to give Taehyung more room, but the alpha doesn’t give him time to struggle, leaning down to cup his thighs, fingers sinking with overspilling  lard as he picks him up.
Yes, Taehyung always considered himself fit, but even lifting Yoongi a few inches off the mattress and climbing on the bed with him is enough to coax a grunt out of him. Stumbling shortly after as Yoongi falls on his back and the alpha follows, towering over him. Both of them gasping, the omega’s curved stomach pressing to Taehyung's, rising high even as he lays down. Their lips clashing hungrier than last time, the alpha relentless as his hands roam all across Yoongi’s body. 
Groaning into his lips at the feel of the omega, his omega, his mind corrects him. The one he gets to take care off for the next few days, plump and ready to take him. Whatever Taehyung gives him. 
He will give everything. 
Their lips part, leaving them gasping for air. Because Taehyung smells it, he smells slick. He feels it, soaking through the pants Yoongi didn’t have the time to take off. Pressing wet against the alpha’s crotch. 
Taehyung doesn’t recognize the sound that makes his body tremble as it comes out of his throat. And Yoongi seems just as widened over it as he feels. But the alpha doesn’t give either of them time to react. As his fingers sink under the tight waistband of Yoongi’s pants, grunting as he starts to tug them off forcefully from Yoongi's thighs. Watching how the light material darkens with the omega's slick. The motions making his body bounce all the way up to his double chin. 
“C-come on Taehyung-ah do it.” Even the omega’s words come out from tight, gritted teeth. But all he can do to help is reach to his overhand and hold it up. Too gone to try and lift his hips. That's fine. 
“I’m trying!” The ripping noise makes Yoongi’s eyebrows shoot up, but his pants finally slide down, showing his plump and wet inner thighs. Strings of slick connecting to one another, the scent intoxicating, making Taehyung’s eyes flutter shut even if he can't physically look away. 
And he can smell it, the confidence oozing off Yoongi’s scent, the heat taking over his head, taking away every worry and reservation the omega has had ever since Taehyung moved in with him. He finally gets to see Yoongi for the omega that he is. And that's an omega that’s completely entirely gone. 
“Strip too. Strip Taehyung, I want you to strip.” His words come out even a little demanding; completely overtaken by need, and the alpha he finally has to solve it. His chubby hands drop his belly, letting it wobble as he reaches for Taehyung’s shoulders. Nails sinking in, gripping his shirt as he tries to tug it off Taehyung’s torso himself, desperate. The alpha can just hunch his back to let him, unwrapping him like a present. His own muskier scent clashing with Yoongi before mixing perfectly. 
The omega’s expression is wild when he finally sees Taehyung’s torso; he feels himself swallowing thickly under his gaze. “Turned into such a gorgeous alpha, didn’t you?” He sighed hungry-eyed, as his hands immediately caressed down Taehyung’s muscular arms. The praise pools heat at his navel, the tent that was already growing in his pants becoming downright painful. Hands fumbling as starts stripping his own pants and underwear; Yoongi’s eyes follow. 
“You’ll take care of me won’t you?” The question dies in his throat when the cold air hits Taeyhung’s dick, making the omega throw his head back in an animalistic moan, just from the sight alone. 
And he can feel the tugging at his chest become more urgent, nodding before he can even formulate the words to reply. As if the dam was finally breaking. “I will. I’ll make you feel so good, hyung.” Taehyung doesn’t even have the self awareness to feel surprised by the harsher tone of his voice, pressing himself flush against Yoongi’s crotch. Even if he isn’t aligned to slide in, feeling the way slick gushes out and coats him full. 
The thighs at either side of his slim hips tremble at the sensation; expression scrunching up. So close, but not nearly enough to satisfy the first wave of need rushing through Yoongi. “Going to fill you up, just like I know you want.” He only separates to be able to look down, aligning his cock to Yoongi. 
The alpha’s heart stammering in his chest, but he still smiles confidently before speaking. “Just like I know you wanted ever since I presented as an alpha.”  Yoongi’s ankles wrap around his lower back, whining. Taehyung doesn’t let it linger, though, as he gradually slides in, groaning at the way Yoongi’s walls take him in, swallow him whole. He notices the way the omega’s expression tightens overwhelmed. 
The clear discomfort in Yoongi’s face, in spite of the ungodly sweetening of his scent, is enough to hold him back, even for just a few seconds until he is fully in. And that restraint is repaid in the way that the omega’s expression softens gradually. Eyebrows scrunching up as he is overtaken by pleasure, small lips parted but muted as all the air is pushed out of his lungs by Taehyung’s slow movement in. There was a tension that fights against Taehyung’s intrusion, but it becomes looser as Yoongi’s body begins to suck him in, to clench around his dick. So overwhelming but so good, his groan rumbles out his chest with a wide grin and his hands tightening where they hold the omega’s thighs. Even if he is fully in, Taehyung leans over to press his torso against Yoongi; pressing just the last bit deeper into him. That small distance is what finally makes the breathless omega whimper.  
Taehyung feels like he is the one going through heat. Arms shaking as he holds himself above Yoongi, the alpha’s eyes wide staring down at the blissed omega; who’s smiling drunkenly up at him.  
“I co-couldn't stop thinking about you.” He whispers, a small smile shaky in his face, as his hand cups Taehyung’s nape. “The entire heat, ju–just wanted to call for you.”  There’s a plea in Yoongi’s words, but there’s that knowledge. Like he knows the alpha has been just as desperate, the entire heat urging to come to him and beg him just to be able to serve Yoongi. 
He can not control the way his hips stutter trying to control himself at his words, the delicious smell, his nose so close to the omega’s neck making him dizzy, eyes fluttering close as he tries to control his body. But before it starts to hurt, Yoongi’s legs tighten around the alpha’s slim waist, nails digging a little into the back of Taehyung’s neck; making him inhale sharply.  “Now…d–don’t hold back.”
The words can barely come out of his lips, Taehyung doesn’t wait a second more before his hips are pulling out, slim body dragging against the curve of Yoongi’s belly and slamming back in. Their moans echoing in sync as their needs are finally satiated; succumbing to their urges as Taehyung’s instincts set the pace. Completely losing control of his actions as he lets his face sink into Yoongi’s neck, pressing open mouthed sloppy moans into his scent gland. Stench so strong the alpha’s hips become aggressive; sending Yoongi’s body jiggling underneath his own, the sound of rolls slapping together echoing with their moans. 
Yoongi’s hands are wandering across Taeyung’s body, tangling in his hair, gripping his nape, nails sinking into the curved muscle of his shoulders. Each thrust made his cries happier, satisfied. But so much more desperate, groaning in pleasure as his chubby hands travel to Taehyung's waist to try and follow the alpha’s movement. 
“Yes–yes, Taehyung-ah…” His name sounds so pretty coming out with that needy tone. The voice of someone who’s gotten a taste and needs more. Taehyung can tell, because he feels the same. Feels what it's like to finally be able to give, to provide, to be good. 
“All that heat- I just wanted to come here…” He groans into Yoongi’s ear, his speech interrupted by the messy kisses he presses on the omega’s faded jaw. Sloppy from his thrusts  “Burst into your nest and take you how I wanted.” Taehyung lifts his head so he can properly look down at Yoongi’s gone expression. He can see the way the omega struggles to pay attention, and struggles to look up at Taehyung. “Just like this.” 
He  grunts as he pushes Yoongi further against the mattress, hands sinking into the thighs as he pushes them against the omega’s chest. As much as his belly allows, folding into deeper rolls as Taehyung lifts his ass barely off the bed. Angling himself deeper with every thrust, bringing Yoongi’s fat chest down to his neck suffocating his gasps.
“Y–yeah, yeah spread open, presenting yourself for me.” His thrusts are slower but so much sharper, strong enough to rock Yoongi and the bed underneath them. And there’s a newfound ache travelling down his jaw, urging him with the need to bite, to mark. Taehuyng silences the instinct with the clashing of his lips against Yoongi’s; swallowing the omega’s moans. “Gonna–Gonna breed you full just like this.” He did not have time to silence the instinct that wanted to knot Yoongi, to pick something else to say. 
The omega didn’t seem to mind, though, with the way he threw his head back helpless. “Yes–Yes I want your knot- alpha, your pups… ngh- please!” It barely manages to be a coherent sentence, before Yoongi’s starts marking Taehyung as his own. Spreading his small teeth along the veins in his neck, digging a little from the way both of their bodies move. 
He was never one to abaid to sub gender roles, but right now feeling his omega claim him, provoked a low groan slip out of his chest. One of the hands dropped Yoongi’s thigh and tangled in his hair, tugging the omega’s head back to bare his neck with a weak whipmer Soft padded neck exposed just for him to drag his tongue across. Letting his instincts take over, his fangs drag over Yoongi’s pulse. “I’m the one that gets to claim you.” He doesn't recognize the tone of his own voice; or the strength of his own thrusts. Animalistic as he humps into the omega’s hole; knot beginning to swell as it slaps harshly with each thrust. 
It's only when the growing knot presses in, barely threatening to stretch past the tightness of Yoongi’s hole, that the omega seems to gain lucidity. Eyes widening as his hands stop gripping Taehyung’s shoulders and tangle in the curls of his hair, making him look up with drunken eyes. And what he sees is a completely gone omega, trying so hard to sound determined as he says. “P–pl–please, make me yours.” Voice sounds so small, as if it would break into a moan if it was anything above a whisper.  
The alpha can’t help but smile down, humps eager with the knowledge that he is about to do what Yoongi has been needing all this time. His expression melts into a moan as he forces his knot inside. Tight but swallowing him whole, the wet noises quiet in comparison to their combined moans, carnal as Taehyung feels Yoongi’s inside take him. Like this is all the alpha was meant to do, fuck his omega through his heat, breed him full of pups.
Time seems to still when Taehyung’s knot pops. Feeling the way Yoongi’s navel stretches with cum and his entire body melts, tension finally easing. Unable to stop his hips from grinding regardless of being held in place, milking himself as his forehead tiredly rests on Yoongi’s. Body finally crumbling on top of the fat omega. 
Like always, the silence is just as comfortable as ever. But the alpha is the first to break it, his head sunk into the other’s neck when he asks “So…Did it help at all?” Grin spreading against the soft padded skin. It could almost be mocking if their heads were not swimming in the heightened scent of satisfaction. 
Still, Yoongi has that last bit of energy in him to chuckle, making Taehuyng bounce on his chest. “Your knot was very useful, yeah.”
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 6 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas pt 2.
Evan: It was early evening when we reached back to the ranch, dinner had been slow cooking, and Clover had been taken care of it, so it was now ready to serve. The whole house was smelling so delicious, our mouths were watering. We did all the tarditional things, the big Christmas dinner, gift swapping, eggnog drinking, watched an old time classic Christmas movie, ate cookies and candies. And later in the night, when everybody seemed to enjoy some different alcohols, singing and laughing, I found myself lost in observing Andy, only interrupted by a strange feeling of eyes watching me. Daniel, of course. And when he saw me looking back, blushing brightly, he grinned and winked at me, satisfied he had caught me in the act. I sighed, shook my head and left for the kitchen, I needed air. Daniel was one of my dearest friends, I see him as family really. But he was far beyond annoying, maybe because he could see right through me. It made me uncomfortable, I didnt want anyone to know about my fling with Andy. Most likely because I in my heart already knew it was more than a fling. I tried my best to deny all thoughts in my head as I sunk down on a kitchen chair, lighting a cig. Smiling as I looked down at my feet, dangling them from the high kitchen chair, observing the new boots, black leather, must have been quite expensive. My Christmas gift from Andy. He knew me so well, so of course he had found the perfect pair of boots for me, when I a few days before had complained my old boots werent waterproof in the snow, and left my feet ice cold and wet if I spent more than 10 minutes in the white wonderland our surroundings had become. My thoughts got interruped as I suddenly heard the fridge door open.
Congo: You want a beer?
Evan: I looked up, Congo had managed to get past me to the fridge without me even noticing. I smiled softly and nodded my head.
Congo: Grunted satisfied you looked like you could use one. He quickly opened two beers and sat down oposite from me, smiling warmly as he sipped his beer so what are you doing out here?
Evan: I sipped my beer and smiled back I was just taking a small smoke break…
Congo: Chuckled deep And here I thought you came here to avoid Daniels inspector gadget games? You know, we do have ashtrays in the living room as well? He winked at me and sipped his beer again, then leaned closer, lowering his voice could I have a cig from you?
Evan: I raised my eyebrows, observing his face wondering a bit about his question, then grabbed the pack of smokes from my pocket, sliding it over the table slowly sure…
Congo: Smiled politely and lit a cig, blowing a big cloud of smoke out I do smoke from time to time, even if I never concidered myself a smoker. Its mainly in very stressful periods. Or after a whole evening of stuffing Christmas food in my stomach he chuckled warmly and took another big drag
Evan: I nodded silently and sipped my beer, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable around a guy everyone could feel comfortable with. Congo was just one of those warm hearted people, that instantly makes you relax in his company. You just know you are in good hands when he's around. But I suddenly felt nervous, uncomfortable, and it hit me, I didnt know if Andy had told Congo about us. You see, Congo and him has this agreement, they are both allowed to have sex with others, on one condition, they tell each other, and if it isnt common friends, you ask your partner first, a way for Congo to filter who Andy chooses as sex partner, as he sometimes isnt the best at choosing people of good character. I suddenly noticed I had failed to ask Andy if Congo was aware of him and I? 'Him and I'… I blushed and suddenly felt like the kitchen had turned to a sauna. 'Him and I'… but what were we exactly? We kissed, we cuddled… no sex… so should Congo even know about us? I suddenly started doubting everything again, but before my doubts took the best of me, Congo cleared his throat and snapped me right out of my chain thoughts.
Congo: Talked in a lowered, firm yet warm voice Look, I didnt come here to small talk. I think we both know Im not much for small talk anyway. He took another big drag of he cig, then placed one of his big warm hands on my hands around my beer bottle, contiuing in the same tone of voice Andy told me about…. you and him. I just wanted to tell you I am 100% okay with it, so you dont have to feel awkward around me at any point. Obviously I know its a fragile subject for you, so Im not gonna sit here and ask you about intimate details, or what your intentions are with my boy. All I want to say is this; IF you two end up having sex, I want to know. It is a rule Andy and I have, its my way of protecting him. I know you enough to know you are a good person, and you understand why sometimes Andy needs to be protected a bit from himself, thats why I need to know what goes on between you two. I dont need all the details, but I need him to report back once in a while, and I need to know if you are okay with that? Im not asking if you are comfortable with it, cause I think I know the answer to that. I am asking if you are okay with it?
Evan: I blinked my eyes a couple of times, while managing to forget to breathe Ye-yeah… sure… I understand… I blushed bright red and sipped my beer, fumbling nervously with the lighter as I lit another cig
Congo: Smiled softly I do not expect you to do the reporting, Andy will tell me what I need to hear to be able to feel comfortable. Its not that I dont trust you, I trust you 100% with him, but we both know things can very fast crash and burn for Andy, so the more I know, the better I can prevent his world from crumbling. Or the better I can help when things do seem to blow up in his face.
Evan: I nodded agreeing and smiled awkwardly
Congo: He sipped his beer and took a last drag of his cig before killing it in the ashtray between us Im glad you are with me. He smiled warmly and reached over the table padding my shoudler gently relax a bit will you, you look like you have seen a ghost. I always liked you Evan, you are a good guy. As long as you treat him nice, and dont hurt him on purpose I will never have a problem with this. Whatever this is he smiled warmly and lifted an eyebrow you look like you are going to tilt off that chair anytime soon he chuckled warmly are you okay?
Evan: Something resembling a snort escaped from my nose, followed by a goofy half laughter. I shook my head as I realised what just happened, and a serious frown appeared on my forehead Im okay… I lowered my voice to an almost whisper I just dont know what Im doing?
Congo: Smiled softly I know…. but I also know the one with all the answers arent in this room… you should ask him. He is the one who has been in the same situation as you. He sipped his beer Im not saying you are gay, Im just saying he went through this whole thing, suddenly finding himself enjoying kissing a man… I do assume you enjoy it, since you seem to keep coming back for more?
Evan: I scratched my hair nervously and nodded, letting my eyes glide down on the kitchen table, feeling almost ashamed I do like it…
Congo: Somehow his voice managed to grow even deeper and warmer Evan, I dont think I need to tell you there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you two are doing, right? You are a smart guy, Im pretty sure you already know it.
Evan: I nodded softly
Congo: Just dont lead him on, if you want out, tell him… if you think you cant handle it, tell him. He is more invested in this already than you think.
Evan: His last words pierced me, a tickling sensation in my stomach, I looked up, suddenly feeling happy as I tasted the words in my mouth what do you mean? I lifted my eyebrows questioning, but in the same second as my question reached the room, I felt scared to hear the answer.
Congo: Chuckled softly Maybe you arent that smart after all, huh? He chuckled warmly and sipped his beer Evan, Andy is in love with you, and have been so for quite a while…
Evan: I froze
Congo: He must have observed me for quite a while, cause when he spoke again his voice was firm with a hint of concern Evan? Are you alright?
Evan: I starred at my new boots, running a finger slowly over the soft leather, a soft almost invisible smile appeared on my lips
Congo: Chuckled softly I take that smile as a yes. He got up from the chair and winked at me as he opened the freezer this calls for something stronger huh?
10 minutes and 4 shots of Vodka later my spirit was suddenly high and light weight. All worries seemed to have been cured by the clear alcohol. Congo had changed the subject to ease me a bit, so for the past 10 minutes we had mostly laughed and talked about our Christmas eve. How Daniel had been so eager at the dinner table that he had spilled sauce in his own lap, making him scream like a hyena as he was dancing around on the floor, trying desperately to get out of his army pants. And Gabriella had had to help him getting the burning pants off, and to make the scene even more hysterical, Andy's dad had grabbed a bag of frosen peas from the freezer he came running with, squeezing it against Daniels naked groin, making everybody laugh loudly as he had pointed out the ice cold peas had turned Daniels balls into the size of peas. I liked the sound of Congos laughter, loud whole hearted and warm. It was one of those laughters that was truly contagious.
Evan: Congo? I started out a little nervous, still mid laughter
Congo: Looked at me questioning as his face turned more serious again Yes, Evan?
Evan: I took a deep shaky breath I would never do anything to hurt Andy on purpose, he means a lot to me…. much more than I dare to admit.
Congo: Nodded agreeing I know Evan, some things you just cannot hide he winked at me and lighted up as his focus disappeared somewhere behind me ah, speaking of the sun he smiled bright and stood up slowly, returning the Vodka to its place in the freezer I'll leave you two alone he winked at me as he nodded in the direction of Andy standing behind me Im pretty sure he overheard a bit, judging by the smile on his face…
Evan: I blushed deep red and didnt dare to turn around
Congo: He chuckled deeply, most likely by the look on my face, and as he passed Andy on the way out I could hear him whisper something, followed by a gentle kiss I'll be in the living room, my love, I think people are slowly starting to make ready for bed, its almost 4 am by now, and judging by the laughter some of them has definitely gotten a little over the top when it comes to alcohol, so I will go see if anyone needs to be carried to bed, after all thats the big guys responsibility, right? he left the room with a small chuckle, and just as I couldnt hear him any longer, two arms wrapped tightly around my neck, squeezing me gently
Andy: He planted a soft kiss on my cheek, sending butterflies to my stomach I hope he wasnt too "rough" on you?
Evan: I shook my head gently nah… he was a gentleman as always I chuckled softly and nervously fiddled with the sleeve of my shirt
Andy: He chuckled softly and planted another kiss on my cheek, whispering softly in my ears I missed you.
Evan: The sound of his words made me warm inside, so without further thinking, I answered him back, in a satisfied voice I missed you too.
It was about an hour later, we had helped Congo and Andys mom clear out the living room after everybody else had gone to bed. Andy and I were alone in the living room, making sure we got every last bit cleaned up, listening to the happy voices of Congo and Kat still chatting in the dining room where they had sad down in two chunky arm chairs, relaxing with a 'good night Congac' as they called it. Suddenly Andy grabbed my arm, and with a cheek smile dragged me accross the floor, and as he stopped, he grinned wide as he pointed towards the ceiling. I looked up. I let out some extra air in a soft chuckle through my nostrils as I spotted the deep green mistletoe hanging above my head.
Andy: Bit his bottom lip and chuckled hoarse you arent gonna get away….
Evan: I smiled nervously and looked around to see if the coast was still clear, I was sure Daniel would still be sneaking around somewhere. But before I could get to protest, Andy leaned in and kissed me gently. No tongue, just a soft yet longing kiss on my lips, which I swear in a glimpse made me feel things I had never felt towards anybody before, and I had to fight with every fibre in my body to not drag him in for a deeper kiss. The kiss lasted for only a second or two, but man it was so good I can still taste it. It was so good I completely forgot everything about Daniel, well that was until he decided to post a picture of the kiss on Facebook.
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beelas-bees · 3 years
back to sad loving tommy hours guys
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
heavy cross to bear* matt Murdock x reader
+++++++++ Request @juniebugg: reader and Matt are in a very serious relationship (could be married) but then when reader actually sees Elektra, whom she already knew about but has never seen because she was "dead," she gets really insecure and tells matt that he deserves better or something and he reassures her. Angst and smut"
hopefully its not too ooc this is my first MM smut so i hope you like! and thanks again for the request!!
* - you asked for smut and that really is all this is lol, little bit of story. 
Song: wasted time by skid row
tag list: @cynic-spirit @juniebugg
i sat at the table sipping coffee and thinking. it was almost nine at night and i knew i should be getting ready for bed but my body wasn't quite ready to move yet. when matt disappeared into our bedroom i figured he'd be changing into daredevil for the millionth time but when he emerged in his pajamas i was a little surprised. and then it hit me. maybe he knew. hell, he always knew.
but maybe it was just that something was off, that i needed him to say it again, to stay with me and make sure i knew. but then there was her. she had showed up out of nowhere and took me off guard more than anything else up until now. one more doubt at the forefront of my mind. that i didnt believe him when he said he loved me despite being married for a year, despite having dated for three before hand, and despite everything he has done to keep me safe. because he loved her first and it felt like the biggest lie ive ever been told. even after a couple days of sitting on it and hoping it would go away. still it was there. in the back of my mind:
"matt i dont know if i can do this anymore."
his head tilted to the side and he looked confused.
"do what?"
he asked almost worried, moving slowly to the table and sitting.
"this, us. i just- you deserve so much more, so much better than- well, than me."
he was quick to scoot his chair closer to my own, his hand coming to rest on mine.
"hey, dont even say that. what would make you think i would want anyone but you?"
now he absolutely sounded worried.
"i saw her matt."
"saw who?"
i shook my head.
"that woman, your ex. you said she was gone."
he sounded a little broken.
"shes something else ill give her that much. i see why you like her."
he swallowed hard.
"elektra is dead."
i shook my head.
"then why was she here? looking for you. saying your name with such... god i dont even know how to explain it. matthew."
i repeated it exactly as she had said it and it felt wrong. like i was acting. saying someone elses emotions and intentions. they were no longer mine. or at least it seemed like it. There was a long silence and I just stared at him.
"She was here?"
There was hope in his voice and I figured that was it. It made me angrier than it probably should've and my only response was to stand and walk away. I got half way across the living room before he caught my arm.
"Y/n, that doesn't matter. I-"
He swallowed hard and I tried to study his face.
"You mean more to me than anything. Yes I love, loved, her but I married you. I chose you. I want nothing more than to be with you. For better or for worse remember?"
He bargained and I sighed heavily.
"How can I be sure you mean that? What if she comes back? again."
He shook his head, taking both my hands in his and stepping closer to me.
"Let me prove it to you. If she really is back then it doesn't matter. I'm with you, I love you, and I'll always chose you."
I closed my eyes, feeling him get closer and closer until his forehead was against my own.
"We belong together."
He whispered before kissing me gently.
"I only want you."
He kept just as quiet, kissing next to my mouth once, then twice, making his way across my cheek and to my jaw.
I breathed out and he paused. I licked my lips lightly before opening my eyes and looking at him. He really did seem like he meant it. He was trying so hard to keep it together.
"I can't lose you."
He sounded so broken.
"Do it."
He drew his brows and I brought my hand up to touch his face gently. We were still so close I could feel his breath fanning my neck.
"Show me you mean it."
I said softly and his Expression changed.
"I love you so much."
He said before kissing me harshly, releasing my hands and pressing his fingertips into my hips. I hummed against him as he walked us backwards. We stumbled along as he pulled my shirt up, tossing it to the floor.
I moaned, pulling his shirt up next. It was gone in a second and he was back, kissing me and moving quickly to get my pants down. His hands roamed my body just as much as mine roamed his. I traced my fingers slowly up his torso, grazing over his scars before wrapping my arms around his neck. I gasped when he picked me up. There was a soft laugh that escaped him and I was relieved to see him smile even if it was just a second. He knew it would take some convincing and he was right. I needed to know he meant it. That Elektra wasn't gonna be a problem.
"I need you."
He whispered again, laying me gently on the bed and situating himself between my legs.
"I need you to know how much I mean it."
He kissed my jaw slowly, then down my neck and across my collar bone.
"Prove it."
I challenged, my breath hitching in my throat as he ripped my bra open from the front, his lips grazing my nipple before taking it into his mouth. He hummed against me, his finger tips down my torso and into my panties.
I moaned, dropping my head back as he ran his finger up me and against my clit. i closed my eyes, pushing my head back into the bed as he stroked me, kissing his way back up to my exposed neck.
"i love you."
he repeated against the heat of my skin. when he resituated i could feel how hard he was already.
"i need you."
i breathed out, pressing my hips up into him as he continued to finger me.
i whined, him removing his hand long enough to pull my panties down. i looked up to him with lust blown eyes, watching him intently as he got rid of his boxers.
"youre still okay with this?"
he asked and i nodded quickly, pulling his face to mine and kissing him deeply.
i moaned, inhaling deeply before he kissed me again, pushing his hips into mine. my breath caught in my throat as he pushed all the way into me, catching my bottom lip between his teeth as my mouth hung open.
"i wanna hear you."
he said softly.
"feel you."
he moaned against my shoulder, dropping his head to the crook of my neck as he placed his large palm over my heart. it was already banging at my rib cage begging to be let out but i could have swore it did when he started moving. he pulled out of me slowly before slamming back into me and i moaned so loudly i was surprised at myself. and then he did it again and again, getting a good rhythm. it was long, and hard. nothing like our nights prior, even on his worst of days when he's frustrated and in need of release. no this was different. purposeful.
i held onto him for dear life, pressing my fingertips into his shoulder blades as he continued to pound into me in long drawn out strokes.
"tell me. tell me what you want."
he grunted out, trying to sound as steady as possible.
"i want you. god i only want you!"
i cried out as he thrusted upward harshly. then he did it again and i saw stars, my mouth falling open as i moaned.
"thats my girl."
he praised, trailing his hand down my torso and pressing his finger in circles against my clit.
"youre almost there."
he coaxed, building me up. i could feel the tightness building, pressing my hips up to meet him as he kept his pace.
"im so close."
i panted, pressing my finger tips harder into his bicep as i gripped onto him.
"do it, do it for me, let go."
he said softly and i snapped. my orgasm racked through my body and my vision went blurry. i was breathing hard as he rode out my high, still chasing his own.
"im almost there."
he said, squeezing his eyes shut. he moved to pull out but i wrapped my legs tightly around his waist.
he asked surprised and i leaned up to kiss him.
"just do it."
i said, pressing a hard kiss to his neck. he kept going, knuckles going white against the bedsheets as he came in me with a loud groan.
"oh my god."
he panted, slowing his thrusts.
"i love you oh my god."
he said, dropping to his forearms, trying not to put his full weight on top of me. my legs were still wrapped tightly around his torso as we both calmed down.
"i love you too matty."
i said softly, feeling him nuzzle his nose against my neck. it made me giggle a little bit and i could feel him smiling against my skin before kissing it gently.
"you have no idea how relieved i am to hear that. youre the only one for me. always will be."
i sighed softly in content, kissing his forehead and dropping my legs.
"im sorry i doubted you. i just. i need a reminder every once in a while i guess."
he kissed my chest before pulling out of me and dropping to the bed beside me.
"i will give you as many reminders as you need, as long as we both shall live."
he said, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it.
"thank you matt. thank you for everything. especially knocking some sense into me."
he raised a brow, a half smirk on his face and i immediately wondered what was going through that mind of his.
"after tonight sense might not be the only thing i knocked into you."
i couldnt help but laugh, him matching it as i rolled onto his chest.
"i know you want nothing more than to tell the father we're finally starting that catholic family with lots and lots of beautiful babies but i still have my iud."
he let out a short laugh sigh before i kissed him quickly.
"but that doesnt mean i couldnt be persuaded into getting it taken out."
he raised an intrigued brow.
i laughed lightly.
"ill think about it. right now i just wanna live in this moment with you."
i said the last bit through a yawn, resting my head against his chest and hearing his heartbeat.
"i love you."
he whispered, earning a hum from me as i dozed off.
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Out For Blood
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Gif credit @afacelesschampion
Requested on wattpad.
Sorry I've been absent, it's been a crazy month. But hopefully I'm back, if the inspiration keeps up. Havent had much lately. So we'll see. Thanks for sticking around.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @twistnet. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc @mypridefulsoul27.
WARNING: Kidnapping. Children abandonment. Murder. Blood. Assault on women. Killing. Hostage situation.
It was your normal routine, taking the kids to the market and getting fruits and vegetables for dinner. But something was different. You could smell it in the air.
Looking over your shoulder you saw two men looking at you. They weren't regulars around there and they weren't Miguel's people. They two were watching you.
"Alberto"? You called over to your security guard.
"Yes, Señora Galindo".
"Can you take our stuff to the car and get one of the others to get the kids? Cristobal is tired". You tell him and he nodded.  Grabbing the bags.
You held onto Melya, your two year old daughter and held Cristobals held as you walked along. The two men followed you. You knew not to panic or show fear. But deep down inside you knew you had to protect your kids.
Hurrying along you went to go to the car since your men havent showed up but as you got to the car there they were, laying dead on the ground their throats slit.
You cover your sons eyes with your hand and turned to run back into he market but you bumped into one of the men following you.
"Cual es la prisa"? The toothless man asked you with a snicker.
"Please. Dont hurt my babies. Please. I'll go with you just dont hurt them". You begged, tear falling down your face.
He nodded to another man that was behind you. You kissed both Cristobal and Melyas head and told them you loved them very much and sat them in the car. It was a beautiful day the sun was shining and the wind blew a cool  breeze.
"We wont hurt them. We came for you anyways". The toothless man spoke as you turned around.
"Can you call their father? Just for him to get them, please? I dont want them out here all alone. They're so little". You sobbed into your hands.
"Don't worry. He knows". The toothless man grabbed your upper arm, you let out a yelp. He dragged you away. You looked upon the kids as you walked. They were fine. Not crying. Just sitting in the back seat playing with they're toys. It killed you to know that this was the last time you would ever see them.
Miguel fault through the crowd of the market. Someone left him a letter to come to the market or else. He didnt take threats to kindly.
He didnt see his wife or kids. Nestor made all his men scatter out and find you. But the only thing they found was the kids sleeping in the back seat.
"Mickey"? Nestor called over the walkie talkie.  Miguel's heart dropped as he ran. Nestor held Melya in his arms when Miguel got to the car.
"Where's Y/N"? Miguel grabbed up his son and daughter. Hugging them tightly.
"No sign. My men are checking". Nestor walked away, talking on the walkie talkie.
"My babies". Miguel kissed their faces.
"Where's momma"? Cristobal asked with a yawn.
"She's still shopping". Miguel put on a fake smile.
"What about the man? Is he still shopping"?
"Man? What man, Cristobal"?
"He was mean to mommy. No teeth. Rrr".
Miguel didn't know what to say. His mind was with you and all he could think about was getting you out before it was to late.
"Sir"? A young boy came over to Miguel and tapped on his shoulder. "I was told to give this to you". And the boy ran off.
Miguel opened the paper and it read "ten million or she dies". Along with a address.
"I'm going alone". Miguel picked up the kids and headed to the SUV.
"You can't. I'm going with you. It's to dangerous". Nestor followed.
"Take the kids home and watch them. Dont take your eyes off of them, Nestor". Miguel kissed their heads and buckled them up.
"Here, at least take this". Nestor handed Miguel a pistol. "It's small, discreet. Maybe they wont find it".
"Thanks. Watch over my kids". Miguel ordered Nestor as he walked away. Going back through the crowd to his car.
Nestor looked at the address and knew exactly where it was. He wasn't going to let Miguel get himself killed. So he told his men to watch over the kids. He had something to do.
Miguel pulled up to an empty house. It was falling apart, there were no windows or even a front door. But outside in the drive way was a nice brand new SUV with thirty day tags.
"Hold it". A older man came out of the house carrying a machine gun, pointed right at Miguel.
"Where's my wife"?
The man didnt say anything he patted down Miguel and pushed him along the drive way to the front door. Looking around making sure no one followed.
Miguel could hear talking and laughing. Music playing in the back ground.
"Jefe". The older man called out as he walked into the room. There wasnt a kitchen or livingroom. Just a big open space.
"Where's my money"? The toothless man came over. Cristobal was right, he was a monster.
"Where's my wife first"? Miguel gulped, but kept his cool.
"She's right there. Didn't you see her? She goes great with the floor". The toothless man stepped aside and Miguel couldnt keep his composure.
You were laying on the floor lifeless. Your face was unrecognizable. They had beaten you so badly that your eyes had swelled shut.
"Hijo de puta". Miguel went to lunge at the man in front of him but he was stopped by a gun to his head from a man behind him, that, he didn't notice before.
The toothless man clicked his tongue. "You should show some respect. Do you know who I am, pendejo"? He walked closer to your body.
"A fucking coward. Beating on women. My fucking wife". Miguel snapped.
"I'm the son of Jorge García. The man you murdered and my mother". The son of Jorge García took out his gun and placed it against your temple. Grabbing a fist full of hair and pulling you up. You let out a whimper but had no more fight left in you.
"Your father was a soplón, a rat. He deserved everything he got. Now your mother, she begged forgiveness and I was going to let her live but she decided to kill one of my men so I had to kill her. It was business". Miguel spoke outraged and heartbroken. He tried to hide his tears.
"Oh look, my father's killer has feelings for this puta. Where was that for my mother"? García jabbed the guns barrel harder into your temple.
"What do you want? Me to apologize for killing your parents? Fine I apologize. Now please let my wife go. We have two beautiful kids and they need their mother". Migue pleaded.
"Then they'll know how I felt my entire life. Living without my parents. But you, you'll live with the guilt of knowing you couldn't save your wife. You got her killed for your life choices, remember that". García laughed with a smirk as he pulled the trigger. With one quick move you were gone. Your body hit the ground with a thud and you blood splattered onto the wall, floor and Miguel.
Miguel screamed, dropping to his knees crawling to your body, tears were a flowing waterfall down his face. His face heated with anger.
He scooped up your head and placed it gently in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Mi Amor. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you. Please forgive me". Miguel kissed your cold lips.
"Where's my money"?
Miguel lifted his head slowly, with a sniffle. "It's in the trunk of my car". Miguel looked back down at your face. His hand slowly inching it's way to his boot, taking the small pistol in his hand. With one quick jerk he shot García in the leg. The man with the machine gun came running up and went to shoot but he was quickly taken out along with the other men in the room. Nestor, walked into the room, his gun drawn.
"Mickey". Nestor ran over to Miguel.
"Bring him to me". Miguel didnt look up as he gave orders to go get García who limped off during the gunfire.
Nestor took off and found his prey laying on the back steps, breathing heavy.
"Get up". Nestor, grabbed Garcías hair and dragged him in side. Miguel was waiting. He had taken off his dress shirt and placed it under his wife's head.
Nestor pushed García in front of Miguel.
"Tell your parents I said fuck you". Miguel shot García in the head right between the eyes.
"What do you want me to do about the bodies"? Nestor asked.
"Burn it all down". Miguel said emotionless. He handed Nestor the gun and went to his wife. Gently picking her up and carrying her out of the room. Placing her in the back seat of his car.
Nestor grabbed the gas cans that laid outside and poured it over the bodies and struck a match. The bodies were engulfed in flames soon the whole building was.
Miguel didn't want her to burn with her killer. She deserved better than that a proper burial. So his kids can have closer and he can have somewhere to come and talk with her about life.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Regrets // Victoria De Angelis
words // 1557
warnings // angst, mentions of abusive relationships (not details)
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x GN!Reader, Ethan Torchio x Platonic!Reader
author's note // taglist here. please only let me know if you want to be tagged on that google form so i know what to tag you on, thank you
also i changed the original tittle because i didnt like it that much
request // yes
summary // Reader is Ethan's best friend and because of that they are around the band a lot. Maybe a hint of jealously, a toxic partner and a visit at the hospital will be enough to change their relationship with Victoria from hate to love. Or maybe the love was there all along.
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The first time the two met each other was right after the band finally united. Y/N’s had been Ethan’s best friend for years now, making the fateful meeting inevitable - as well as the obscure amount of time they would have to spend around each other. If anything, the drummer was attached to the hip with his best friend, tagging them along to every show, many rehearsals (there was even a suggestion to come with him on Måneskin’s European tour - it would be a nightmare if they did).
Victoria did not take long to adopt a defensive mode against them, one that not even she could decipher. Maybe it was the way they were just always there, like leech attached to her bandmate, or maybe it was that annoying way they dressed, all out there and attracting her attention, or maybe it was that stupid girlfriend of theirs that just had to make it known they were a couple. She really did get on Victoria’s nerves a awful lot. She was nice, not going to lie, just maybe a little too nice - ickly nice, she’d say. She wasn’t sure why but that girl simply made Victoria’s gut drop every time.
For years, as that relationship lasted, Victoria and Y/N would butt heads, always at each other’s throat with something to say and complain about. What are they doing here again, the bassist would ask over and over again. Just here to piss you off, Y/N would say, walking to Ethan. Other times it’d be the opposite. It just always was… a mess.
Everyone could see the situation the two found themselves into but no one could do anything. No, not until they opened their own damn eyes.
The dislike between the two only grew stronger and stronger as time passed by, with their insults getting worse. Truth be told, no one expected it to get that bad, and now they just hoped to stop.
For a while, Y/N was facing some drama in the relationship, some that could end up pretty bad. Not few were the nights Ethan would get a phone call in the middle of rehearsal, sobbing heard even beyond his phone. Please, please come get me Ethan. I don’t think …. The rest was inaudible for Victoria, not that I care, she would remind herself, moving on with her work.
On occasion she’d joke about it to Y/N. What? Trouble in paradise, cucciolo? Oh well. Deep down she knew she should not say that but she could not control herself. Y/N was pretty put together some of those times, others they’d just snap with no regard to anything. Just shut your fucking mouth, they said once adding a few profanities to explain their anger.
After the fourth time it happened the blonde had gotten genuinely angry. “Ok, enough. Close your phone, Ethan,” she spat out, almost snatching it off his hand. “They can wait.”
“No! They have cut short three out of our four rehearsals this week! This is the fifth rehearsal, Ethan, their fourth time! They’re a big kid now, they should not need you all the time.”
In time she would regret those words but in that moment they seemed appropriate. She had grown exasperated at their constant interruptions. Well, most of the time they were not really disturbing - they’d call on a break or just cuddle with Ethan on a break, at a time they had for the solemn reason of relaxing - but Victoria would not admit that. Not to herself and not to anyone.
“Ok.” Ethan whispered the words, silencing his phone with a heavy heart. He had a bad feeling, that he knew for sure, but he did not feel like fighting with the blond bassist.
The hours they worked passed by quickly, feeling more like quick moving water, their session was simply flowing. It was now quiet, maybe around three in the morning. 2.58 AM read the clock on the table. Ethan was sure his best friend was sleeping by now. He’d shoot them a text and then go to sleep as well - lord knows he needed it. Well, not everything always goes as planned.
Victoria was by him when it happened.
His phone started to ring while he was about to walk to his room. Y/N. If he was not concerned earlier that night there was no way he was not now. It was not common for them to call at hours like this, if anything they were usually asleep by eleven, maybe even twelve.
“Pronto. Che? A- cazzo, sì, sì. Sto venendo ora.” showing off my italian lol
“Ethan? What happened?” She was not sure of her feelings in that instant. Why was she even asking him? She did not care about them, right? But no, no, it was not worry. It was fear of guilt. And worry, but that she was not aware of.
“Y/N is at the hospital,” he breathed out, “they- uhm… Their ex hurt them - thank god their neighbor was there and heard what happened. Oh my- if-if-if he was not there Y/N-”
Victoria could not stand seeing her friend like that. She believes that she’s never once seen Ethan this emotional - not negatively emotional, that is. He always keeps his composure so well but this time it just was not possible. The blonde just stood there now, holding Ethan in her arms, whispering comforting things to him, hoping that he’d calm down a bit.
“I-I should’ve answered the phone Vic… It- I could have prevented this. Oh god, it’s my-”
“Ethan no! If it’s anyone’s fault here, it’s mine. I should not have snapped like I did.”
“I- yeah. Yeah, you know what, yeah, it is your fault.” He was sad, he was anxious, he was angry… A whirlwind of emotions really, and Victoria’s statement made him target it to her. “It is your fault Vic, with that-that stupid, stupid, conflict you two have. I’m leaving.”
“Where are yo-”
“To the hospital! Where the fuck else?” Ethan’s voice was rising by the second, as his blood started boiling in his veins. He knew he could not drive there, but he was not about to say it.
“I’ll drive you-”
“No. I can do it on my own.”
“Please. It’s the least I can do.” Victoria’s eyes were cast to the floor, unsure of what else to do. She knew that things were taken too far this time, the least she could do was drive her friend to the hospital.
The drive there was quiet. Neither knew what to say. Victoria was feeling guilty, afraid, and even worried about Y/N’s well-being, regardless of whether she could she tried to focus on the road. More injured people would not be helpful. Ethan on the other hand was fuming. He was angry out of his head; at his blonde friend, at himself and most of all that bitch, Y/N’s ex. She was the one to cause all of this, all of it, even problems he was not aware she was the cause of.
As they arrived there there was even more trouble on their way. He’s not family, he’s not a spouse, neither is Victoria. It was always like that. They would not let them pass if they were not either of those things but, god bless that man, the nurse that called him showed up, recognizing the voice and assuring the nurse, on the front, that he was indeed the only person on their emergency contacts, they had to pass. With a lot of complaining they were finally let to pass.
When they walked in the room Y/N was laying on the bed asleep and at first both their minds went to the worst case scenario. “I have given them some painkillers for now. They’ll be ok but some injuries cause severe pain -” he was walking outside along with Ethan.
Victoria was now left alone in the room with Y/N, although it felt as if she was looking at a photo of them rather than the real life Y/N. “I’m sorry,” was all she could say, the only thing that felt right to do at that moment. “It’s my fault -oh my it is! Ethan, he-he wanted to respond to the call by I-I got so angry!” She cried out, now grasping Y/N’s hand. “I can only hope he can forgive me. Hell, I hope you forgive me. It’s my fault you’re-”
“It’s not, Victoria.”
“You are awake?”
“It’s not your fault. I was already here when I called the first time. Neither of you could have changed a thing.” They were so calm - maybe it was the painkillers, she thought. “Thank you. For the apology I mean.”
“Yeah. I, uh, I’m sorry for everything Y/N. I-”
“Hey, stop! It’s ok. What’s by is by,” they laughed, never missing the opportunity to joke. (you know, bi - by… terrible pun)
“I, uh,” she paused, thinking of what to say next. She remembered a small chocolate bar in her pocket. She was about to eat it when the call happened. “I don’t know if you’re supposed to eat chocolate but I know you like it.”
“Oh my, it’s my favorite,” they gushed, prompting Vic to come closer.
“Come, sit, sit! We can share it.”
“Yeah, I guess we can.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost @superchrystaldrug
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Babysitting in the Devildom
Chapter Six: Beel- Dinner Indifference
"Beel n-"
Solomon had to cast a teleportation spell before he could even finish his sentence. Beel's wings fluttered furiously as he burst through a portal and into Solomons arms instead. He immediatly clamped down on Solomons shoulder and started to chew. Solomon sighed as he watched his cloak get drooled on, big violet eyes watching him back as more of the cloth disappeared into his mouth.
Solomon paused. Should he take Beel to you? You seemed to know what you were doing but you also already had Asmo and portioning out food for the rest of the kids...Beel would be in the presence of food either way. He glanced back down and the chipmunk-cheeked Beel and considered trying to take the cloak out of his mouth.  Buuuuut if Beel cried again it was his fault, again...but he really shouldnt be eating fabric...not that it would ruin his appetite but-
He was running out of time to make a decision as the delivery person made their way back to the door. Beel seemed content eating his cloak for now. Beel would be fine, right? Yeah- its Beel. Solomon tightened his grip just slightly on the baby as he approached the front door again, ready to take the bags.
He should have taken Beel to you.
It was like fighting Taz from Looney Toons as Solomon stumbled about, half eaten cloak and a blur of movement around him as he used small portals to keep the bag of food away from Beel.
Barbatos had walked into the kitchen with Luke, wondering if he could help somehow. You had taken Luke from him and used one hand while also sometimes directing him on how to help you while Asmo followed behind him to make sure each plate "looked pretty". Everything was going really well....until the other bag of food appeared suddenly in your free hand and you heard a demonic screech come from the hallway and a loud buzzing noise which was curiously silenced soon after, though Asmo had given you wide berth after hearing that. You sighed and asked Barb to continue portioning things and to go tell the rest of the kids that if they had to go to the bathroom, the time was now. You held Luke close to you as you ventured just outside the kitchen doors and nearly bumped into Solomon.
".....I can expl-"
"Why is Beel eating your clothes?"
You didnt really want to laugh for fear of waking Luke up, but a wide silly smile bloomed on your face as you watched Beel use both his tiny fists to stuff more of Solomons cloak into his mouth, wide eyes staring at you as he cooed a bit and continued to stuff his face, Solomons cloak almost gone.
Solomon had a combination of exasperation and amusement on his face. "Uh...well I didnt want him to cry or attack the food- o-or you so I.....I fed him my cloak."
"....wHY? Earlier you were summoning food for him- you could have done that again right- or multiplied the food we already have even if he ate the bags worth of food-"
You were still smiling, the whole situation a little ridiculous as Beel finished Solomons cloak and started to sniffle, pouting and making grabby hands to the air for more.
Solomon paused before a goofy smile spread across his face as he summoned a popsicle to give to Beel. "I. Dont. Know." He laughed a bit before smiling fondly at you. "This is why you're the one in charge." He started to walk past you into the kitchen, but not before a quick kiss was planted on your temple and a small smirk at your expression was given to you. You gave yourself a moment before joining him and Barb, and a slightly startled looking Asmo.
".....can I have a posicle before dinner too?"
Asmo looked up at Solomon, pleading who just shrugged. "Thats not up to me." He looked at you and smirked a bit. *Motherfucker*
Asmo gasped and skipped his way to you, big, pleading amber eyes as he batted his eyelashes. "May I have a posicle before dinner too please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
It was too much. From the way he asked politely, to the way he said popsicle, to his little pose and big ole eyes-
You looked around the table of happy faces as all the kids destroyed popsicles that Solomon had summoned for them, all save for Beel, Barb, Diavolo, and Lucifer untouched food in front of them.
"They said we still have to eat our food if we want to have dessert tomorrow."
"But I'm not hungry anymore..."
"....I guess I can try to eat some food but Im full from the popsicle..."
"LOOKIT IM PUTTING MY FRIES IN MY ICE CREAM!  But I aint havin the green stuff, thats yucky."
"You're yucky Mammon."
"My father would NEVER let me do this!! Thank you MC!!!!"
A chorus of thank yous came from all of the kids, luckily before another fight. You sighed softly and forced a small smile as you said "youre welcome". You figured they wouldnt eat their food if they had popsicles. The bigger kids had eaten their food, and Beel had no problem eating his portion and Belphies who....oh. Belphie was sleeping in his mashed potatoes. You glanced around the table again, noting all the sticky faces and hands and...bodies in Satan and Luke's case. Solomon looked exhausted as he summoned another piece of food for Beel. Asmo was trying so hard to eat some more of his food but only ate a few more bites and looked a little upset. Mammon had eaten his fries, at least.
".....if youre full, give your food to Beel. Dont make yourself eat anymore, its ok. I just need to talk to Sol for a minute, ok?" You smiled as you walked to take Belphie out of his highchair and gestured to Solomon to put Beel in. He was a little confused but did so as you wiped some of the potatoes off Belphies face.
Levi spoke up very quietly. "Can we still have dessert tomorrow if we didnt finish our food for dinner?" The sound of plates being pushed towards Beel paused as the kids all looked at you, waiting for an answer.
".....it depends on how well you eat your breakfast tomorrow.." you smiled as the kids thanked you again as you asked Barb and Lucifer to make sure Beel didnt eat the actual plates as you took Solomon and Belphie into the kitchen.
"How are you feeling...you look exhausted.." geniune concern on your face once you had Solomon basically alone. His face twisted slightly and he sighed. "I had hoped the rejuevenating spell I casted would re-energize me more than it did...why? Are you worried?~" he smirked slightly, though it fell just short of smug. You rolled your eyes a bit and ruffled is hair, your turn to smirk as his face turned light pink and started to protest, pouting when you stopped, though you werent sure if it was because you stopped or because you ruffled his hair in the first place. You stopped his protesting by asking your next question, also avoiding answering his question. "Do you have enough energy to clean all of them or am I going to bathe them in an actual bath..."
"....I? It should be we..."
"Well if you're tired you should rest...I'll need your help tomorrow too..."
"I can sleep after the baths..."
"But if we're doing the baths then I need you to cast one last spell to keep the water in the tubs..."
"So I'll sleep after that spell...maybe..."
You gave him a withering look before sighing, though appreciative of his stubborness....for once. You smiled a bit.
"Alright then. Bath time. Especially for the babies. The bigger ones can probably just shower.... Belphie, Luke and Satan need baths the most. Beel made sure his food ended up *in* his mouth....the others..." you chuckled as you peeked back into the dining room, seeing only Barbatos' face clean, and Lucifer and Asmo both fussing over the little mess they had on themselves, Lucifer using Asmos mirror, and Asmo following Lucifers every action to get clean. You brought your attention back to the sleeping Belphie in your arms.
"....do you think he'll stay asleep for bath time?"
"Its Belphie. He could sleep through anything."
"Dont jinx it." You sighed softly and looked out at the kids again, some playing tag, others just watching. Satan continued to mash his food onto the platter in front of him, Luke giggling and copying in glee. Solomon tapped your shoulder to get your attention again.
"Are you ok? The bags under ypur eyes could hold all my potions-"
"Shut up- maybe if a certain sorceror had been more careful I wouldnt be as tired....not to mention the popsicle before dinner was a bad mov-" you were interrupted by Barb lightly tapping your arm.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I was just wondering if you want me to wash the dishes or just leave them in water in the sink....or if you have a dishwasher..." you were a little surprised when you turned and saw him carrying all the dishes from the table, and Lucifer behind him with garbage. Simeon was wiping down the table with a cloth, but gave the younger ones in high chairs some room. Diavolo was trying to talk to Lucifer, who just kinda kept nodding and saying "oh thats cool" before looking at you almost desperately. His look brought you back to your senses as you nodded at Barb.
"Just in the sink with water is fine, thank you Barbatos. Thank you for cleaning up Lucifer, Simeon. It makes a huge difference to me."
Barb and Simeon beamed, and Lucifer managed a small smile before shooting Diavolo a dirty look, but the other boy didnt notice, too busy rambling on about how this was so much better than home for the upteenth time. Ypu ruffled Lucifers hair as he walked by, and noted Diavolo's slight stumble in words as he eyed you a bit, but rushed past to go talk to Barb, glancing back at you, almost pleading, though your attention was divided again as you felt Levi hug you and snuggle into your side wordlessly. You patted his head softly and turned back to Solomon.
"I'll answer that question later. For now lets clean up. Then bath time."
Levi squeezed you a bit and beamed. "I love bath time!! I can do it myself! I promise, I can! I can!"
Though Levi couldnt see it, Mammon was mocking him from behind. You gave him a bit of a "look" before the hem of your shirt was being tugged at and you were met with those same amber eyes that had persuaded you into giving everyone treats for dinner. "I love bath time too! Me too! But you have to watch me. I make great bubble hair dos! A-and guess what? In the water, it might look like I have legs, but really Im a mermaid!"
"And Im a sea dragon!!" Levi cried out, still wanting your attention. "And Asmo, you're not really a mermaid-"
"Am too!"
"Are no-"
"Everyone can be who or whatever they want to be, in the water or otherwise. Fooooor example, I'm actually a sheep, see I go baaaaa" you smiled softly, and winked at Levi before turning to Asmo again who was practically dancing at your side, bursting to ask you a question. "Whats the prettiest animal you like mc?!!!"
"....whats your favourite sea animal mc?"
"Whats the coolest animal mc! No wait- whats your favourite animal?!"
"Yeah, whats your favourite animal?!"
"Oi, I asked em first!"
"Guys its ok, you can all be my or your favourite animal. Theres more than one of each." You chuckled, listing off animals as more questions were asked, meowing at Satan as you handed Belphie to Sol and took him out of his chair, who happily meowed back as you lead your noisy little zoo to the communal bathroom.
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reyeslonestar · 3 years
Lone star better square the hell up if they think we are just gonna accept this lame ass apology from Owen. It’s not nearly enough and the real apology that TK deserves. He has probably lived with this relationship with Owen his entire life or at least majority of it and that’s so sad. He seems so used to this that he just sat back and continued on with the intervention. I know that comment still hurts TK because of how he even brought it up. They need to circle back to this because I’m genuinely wondering what it’s gonna take for Owen to actually act like a good father. Loving your kid isn’t enough- you actually have to actively try to be a good parent. As in- remember they exist even when TK isn’t hurt or something. As in, don’t twist things around and play victim. All TK does is love his dad and yeah he gets frustrated with Owen because who wouldn’t but he still is always there. Owen straight up acted like TK didn’t exist when he thought Gwyn’s baby was his. He only said he would schedule the surgery because ‘he’s gonna be a dad’. He only jumps into father mode when TK was shot and kidnapped. Every other time??? It’s like oh TK is mad at me that’s why he is being a paramedic now. Like dude have you ever stopped to think that maybe it’s not all about you? He just wanted the switch to the paramedic job because he likes it. These little moments add up and make me wanna yell at Owen FOR tk
anon, we are in agreement. god, I want to get tk by the shoulders and tell him that owen’s bullshit is absolutely not his fault and he has done way more than should have been expected of him. then id like to slap Owen upside the head and frogmarch him into therapy. very regular therapy.
you’ve brought up a lot of interesting things here so im going to stick most of my thoughts under a cut.
ultimately I think that the things that underscore the problems of TK and Owen’s relationship are Owen’s inconstancy and unreliability. I think theres a decent splash of narcissism in there too, which leads to him pressuring and gaslighting people, unloading his problems on random people, making himself the victim in any given confrontation, and also his misguided heroism stunts. but the root of him and TK having a fractured relationship comes from TK being unable to rely on Owen. (and hoo boy does that make me emotional about the fact that TK finally has someone he can completely rely on with Carlos)
so your first point:
this lame ass apology from Owen
honestly there were two weak apologies that stuck out to me - the first being the one during the intervention about Owen ‘going to be a father’ - yay, acknowledgment - but TK deserves an proper apology, one that doesn’t feel offhand, and not when Owen feels pressured by the environment. im sure im not the only one that felt that comment was disingenuous - it didnt feel at all like Owen actually felt sorry, or understood the damage he’d done. and then again in the vets - it felt pointed to me that TK had to confirm Owen was still going to go through with the surgery after buttercup turned out to be okay. he understandably doesn’t trust Owen to hold himself to his promises, even one he made in the last five minutes, and I think that reflects on how he views the apologies - if Owen can flip back and forth on promises about his own health, what’s stopping him from giving insincere apologies?
He has probably lived with this relationship with Owen his entire life or at least majority of it and that’s so sad. He seems so used to this
yeah I think you’re absolutely right - I think everything about their relationship, including TK’s anxieties about Owen’s unreliability, stem from him feeling left behind during his childhood (something I talked about a lot here - I wrote that a few months ago but I stand by a lot of it). and those anxieties really came out this ep because Owen keeps being incredibly inconstant this season. (not inconstant as in inconsistent characterisation, inconstant as in an unreliable character)
something I mentioned in some of my tags yesterday (and that I want to really dive into more specifically at some point) was the emotional labour that I suspect TK has had to shoulder in order to maintain their relationship. Owen has been this consistently absent figure, so TK has worked himself into Owen’s work life to be physically close to him, but Owen’s emotional distance has meant TK has taken up the emotional work too in order to maintain their relationship, and that has kind of allowed them both to pretend to themselves that they have a good relationship, with much more of the strain of maintaining that facade falling on TK.
Loving your kid isn’t enough- you actually have to actively try to be a good parent.
everything you said here. absolutely. loving someone does not equal having a healthy relationship with them, and TK and Owen definitely dont have that. TK is evidently so hyper aware of how much Owen has ignored him when it suits him - it kills me to see the way that comment about being a father has obviously been eating at him for weeks - and I really hate how controlling Owen gets when TK is in danger, but then is so utterly absent when TK’s in a good place, or even bitter and hostile when TK makes positive choices for himself. again, I talked about this in detail in this post - basically, Owen has major control issues and dude needs therapy.
don’t twist things around and play victim.
oh man, this shit pissed me off. like, I get that the subjects of interventions often have hostile reactions, but gaslighting Mateo after pressuring him into drinking and emotionally unloading on him? holy shit Owen, no. and making himself to be the victim of situations that have nothing to do with him, like TK becoming a paramedic or oversharing to the vet and the kid sitting on the roof. like, I understand that mental illness can lead you to taking shitty actions, but it still makes them shitty actions.
They need to circle back to this because I’m genuinely wondering what it’s gonna take for Owen to actually act like a good father.
yeah! I dont know what to think about this in the show, because knowing the way the show heroises Owen, I don’t know whether they’ll feel that they need to address it further than those pathetic apologies. that said, we’ve got Owen and this arson case next week and there does seem to be a tone that shows Owen as an idiot, and frames him as wrong for going against the rules and trying to sneak into a crime scene. if im right, then there would be scope for this to be an overall arc of Owen learning to become self aware and understand that he is not the centre of the universe. I just hope the show bothers to do that.
in the immortal words of Michelle Blake: Owen, get a therapist!
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Heart and Soul
@wonder-womans-ex @peggyrose19
chapter 2 of your birthday gift. there might be a few. if you dont want to be tagged next time, for whatever reason, just tell me. :)
Characters by @lumosinlove
Thank you to @moonofthenight for beta-reading
Chapter 2
“Babe, you coming?” one of the Saints poked his head through the door, waiting for a reply.
Babe. Well, that would make his job easier. If the other boy already found someone to date, he could just leave them both alone and move on. Sometimes soulmate tattoos were wrong anyway. But he wasn’t leaving. There was no way he could further embarrass himself, so why not stay. It wasn’t useful to him in any way, but somehow, he didn’t want to go just yet. Damn his curiosity. Luke matched the intruder's face, looking at the boy in the middle of the room, currently stuffing a sweatshirt into his bag.
He rolled his eyes, but smiled. It looked strange in comparison to the emotionless face he had seen on the ice and the teasing one here; it was a genuinely happy one. Luke almost felt uneasy, since it was something so different; he decided he didn’t like it.
The blond turned to his teammate as soon as he had everything cleared from the benches.
“Be right there, Bee, a Lion’s trying to-,” he looked back at Luke exasperatedly - Is it that much of a burden to look at me?! - “What exactly did you want from me, Cub?” 
There couldn’t have been a pinch less enthusiasm in his voice if he tried. Well, Luke wasn’t really bursting from joy either.
He should get on with it then, there was nothing else holding him here.
“I- Um.. “ 
Oh, this was fantastic, apparently he could embarrass himself more. It was just that damn challenging look in the other boy’s eyes that made Luke actually feel intimidated and he didn’t like it. Clearing his throat, he simply said, “I wanted to ask you a question.” 
The blond actually had the audacity to smirk at him. He fucking smirked.
“He’s a fan, this could take a while.” 
He leaned back and told his teammate, who as a consequence was about to walk out the door again, “I’ll text you.” 
He closed it behind him, leaving the other two in complete silence for a second.
“I’m not a fan of yours!”
Luke cringed at the abruptness of his statement. That came out too whiny for his liking, he somehow felt like he should practice to insult people. This boy just brought out the worst in him for no reason. But now, he couldn’t just leave it at that.
“Frankly, I don’t know why anyone is.”
A spark lit in the eyes in front of him. This bastard wasn’t even phased by the insult, he treated it like a game.
“You came here to tell me that? Cool. Thank you. If you want to ask something, do so now, because I, unlike you, who has nothing else to do other than scrub the dirt off of Tweedle Hot’s shoes, actually have important things to do today.”
And that caught Luke off guard. Not because of the other trying to insult his life, but that the Saint had just called one of his teammates hot. He wondered which one. He kind of wanted to just ask, but he didn’t think that would end well. 
He collected his thoughts. He came here for the sole reason to find out if this Saint was his soulmate. There was no short way to find out if the golden haired boy's tattoo meant him, but there was another way to find out if they were a soul match.
So, instead, he asked something else, something that he had been wondering ever since he’d seen those dark lines on his wrist. What better time to ask than now.
“What’s your name?”
A couple of different emotions crept over the boy's face, I changed from slightly taken aback as if he had been expecting a totally different question to almost smug before it landed on the teasing one he had before.
"You came all the way from you lockerroom, crashing into this one, while my team is still in here, to ask me that?"
Luke felt a bit self conscious and he didn't even understand why. He took a breath.
"Yes, yes, I did." 
It was a valid question, if you didn't know someone's name, you could ask them. It didnt need to be linked to his soulmark. People could ask other people what their name was, that was a normal thing to do. It wasn't like he was supposed to know the other boy's name. They weren't friends.
"You know, I'm actually a bit disappointed. I really thought they taught you some manners here in Gryffindor."
Luke rolled his eyes. Who did this person think he was? The brunette did not have enough time to come up with a comeback though, not before the other boy spoke again.
"See, we've played against each other over 6 games. We've had a face off against each other at least 3 times and yet, you still don't know my name. Honestly, I'm disappointed in you."
Luke didn't show that he actually did feel bad. He remembered most other names in the league especially after their rookie years, but somehow this one he couldn't think of, no matter how hard he tried. Instead he shot back a "Guess you just weren't memorable."
"Ouch," the blond acted offended, even holding a hand to his chest. 
"I'll try my best to change that then."
Luke couldn't believe it. This mediocre acting performance actually made him feel a bit bad. He watched the blond pull out his phone while walking over to the door. Shit.
"Hey," the blond turned again, very slowly. Cool, he's staying for another second, what now, idiot. Why do you want to talk to him anyway, you don't like the Saints. He shook out of his thoughts and came back to his original question, still left unanswered. 
"I have to call you something. You know, when I joke about your team and how we beat you." You certainly sound like you're sorry.
"Well, if you're that desperate to insult me with a name," he put his phone back into his pocket and looked up at Luke, thinking for a moment before continuing, "I'd better give Luke Deveaux a name then. Since he is quite the star and if someone as high up as him asks for your name, you better give him one."
Well, it seemed like the other knew his name. When he saw the surprise on Luke's face, he explained, “'Course I know your name, because unlike me, apparently, you have made quite the impression."
Luke didn't really know what to say to that, but then he seemed to notice that none of this had answered his question and he just needed to know, so he could go back to his locker room. "Can you just give me a name?" 
His words sounded a lot more annoyed than he felt. He felt quite the opposite, this was somehow… exciting.
"Persistent. I like it." 
The blond had walked over to the door, one foot holding it open, body half way out while his eyes were again firmly on Luke's. 
"Call me Saint."
And with that, Luke was left in the empty locker room, in no way smarter than before.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 4 years
Counting the days day 4
Series summary. You go to a friends bachelorette party in Italy and meet the man of your dreams, NOT, you didn’t see the part where you get kidnapped by a gangster on your friends itinerary. How will you handle being thrown into a life of guns and mafias.
Massimo Torricelli x Reader
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slowly unpacking your bags once you reached the hotel room, which you were surprised wasnt shared with Massimo. he told you to meet him for dinner once you were done but you were to wrapped up in your head to care. as far as he needed to know you were taking so long getting ready not sitting on the bed scrolling through your phone. seeing all your friends posting pictures from home making you homesick, and a little jealous. Massimo didnt seem as bad as you thought he was, but he was different.
you agreed to give him a chance but the want to go to dinner at your favorite restaurant near you childhood home, or show him how you used to live, where you worked. was starting to weigh on you. although he probably knew everything there was to know about you on paper, it just didnt feel the same. but since when did dancing with the devil feel normal. one day, you told yourself. the cold tile biting at your feet as you walked to the mirror.
finishing your hair and make up, you didnt know where he was taking you but judging by his house he was a man with good taste, sliding on a black dress you brought with you, sexy but classy seemed like your best bet. your heels clicking against the white marbel floors of the lobby catching his attention. it was easy enough to find him, you were convinced the man stuck out like a sore thumb everywhere he went. his eyes scanning over your body head to toe, silently reaching his hand out for you, leading you to the car waiting outside.
"You look beautiful."
sneaking glances of you from the side of his eye, attempting to look as if you didnt make him nervous. it wasnt like the boy from school that couldnt talk to girls, no, this was more when a man asks a woman to marry him. like everything is riding on every word he says. you don’t know how to feel about that.
you were right, the man liked fancy. walking into the restaurant it was clear he rented out the entire thing, that or he owned the place. rose petals were covering the floor, candels giving the room a romantic glow. his hand was warm as it layed on your lower back guiding you to a table. the resturant was built inside a cave almost, that had an opening with the best view of the ocean you have ever seen. views like this dont make you feel so homesick.
"i spoke to the chef beforehand and planned the meal, hope you don't mind."
he said, gazing at you. while you haven’t taken your eyes off the ocean crashing aginst the cliffs.
"I dont mind, but did he listen to you because you’re a scary gangster, or because you sign his pay checks?"
side eyeing him for his reaction. he chuckels with his deep tone of voice you cant tell if its sarcastic or if he's actually amused.
"This is my newest restaurant , hasnt opened yet i thought you would like it and hopefully the food as well, if i'm lucky you may even enjoy the company."
as he finished plates were set in front of you both, your favorite , he remembered. so the company might not be that horrible.
he spent the entire meal either making you laugh or answering any questions you had while asking some himself. all in all it was an amazing date
He was walking you back to your hotel room, hand on your back once again.
“We have to be at my club in a few hours, be ready.”
Then he just walked away, you were almost upset at that. He went on and on about you giving him a chance, falling in love with him. But when you do he just walks away? Before you had to much time to dwell on it he suddenly stopped, walking back to you with long strides standing barely an inch away. His hand caressing the side of your face as he kisses you hard, showing you his still in charge, as if you didn’t know. Pinning you to the door, his free hand tugging you into him and holding you there. Your breath mixing as he pulls away.
“I had fun tonight, we should do it again.”
Wordlessly nodding your head, still caught up in the breathtaking kiss. He laughed knowingly.
“Glad you agree for once, I have something else planned for tomorrow.”
Taking the key from your hand unlocking the door, pushing it open for you giving you one more kiss before he left.
Two hours later Nico knocked on your door to take you to the club.
“Massimo says you’re giving him a chance now, is that true?”
“Not that a had much of a choice but yes, I did.”
Silence fills that car until the bright flashing lights of the club can be seen. Nico grabs your arm stopping your from getting out.
“Y/n it’s not just our crew here, it’s.....business partners you could say, so don’t pull anything, please I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m not stupid I’ll stay as far away as possible.”
Pushing pash the bodies in the club, you didn’t know where you were going just following Domenico who points you to a bar top table in VIP while he goes to a private room with two bodyguard on either side of the door. You and Massimo lock eyes briefly through the open door. Looking below to the ground floor, people dancing and drinking without a care in the world, like you and your friends were only days before.
Tensing when arms wrapped around your waist, relaxing as you saw the familiar tattooed hands.
“Are you trying to catch every mans attention with that dress?”
He harshly whispered in your ear, his grip tightening. Smirking you turn to face him. Now cornered between the railing and his large figure. His hair messier then last time you saw him.
“Got your attention at least.”
“And unwanted attention,”
He spoke looking at all the men staring at you, the smart ones averting their gaze as they locked eyes with Massimo.
“Just stay here, Domenico and I will be watching.”
Planting a quick peck to your forehead squeezing your ass, no doubt to show his ownership to those that didn’t get the hint.
“Said every stalker ever.” You mumbled, watching him disappear through the door. After watching mobster after mobster filtering in and out for what felt like hours. You knew if you accidentally crossed paths with a different mob they wouldn’t take your back talk as Massimo does. So it’s probably best to distance yourself. As you were trying to make it out of VIP someone pulls you back by a rough grip on your wrist. Not reacting thinking it was Massimo who was angry at your departure until you turned around seeing a unfamiliar face.
“Where are you going sweetheart? The party is this way.”
The stranger says, yanking your arm making you fall into him.
“Let me go!”
Trying to push him away proving futile as he over powers you, practically dragging you through the lounge. “Oh you’re a fighter, they’ll love that.”
Tossing you onto the heavily guarded room. Scraping your knees on the rough carpet. Cringing as the man yells out.
“Look what found, remember finders keepers boys!”
Pulling your hair to force your head up to show his prize, unintentionally making you lock eyes with Massimo, who launched to action the second he recognized you.
Jumping to his feet guns pointing in every direction as other members joined in. Keeping your head down. Now you understand when people say ‘it happened to fast’ You hardly noticed Nico dragging you out over all the yells and gun shots. Only coming back down to earth when he yells at the driver to go to some address and started shaking you.
“Y/n, what happened? Are you okay, Y/n!”
“If fine, uh, I didn’t like being so close I was trying to go to to main floor when he grabbed me. I’m sorry Domenico I didn’t mean-“
“No Y/n that wasn’t your fault!”
He interrupted, cutting off you self blame. Soothingly rubbing your back as you pulled your knees up wrapping your arms around them.
“Massimo’s gonna kill me.”
Series tag list: @calirindo @salvatorecan-wait @mjaudrey @omgsuperstarg
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Chapter 5
Characters: Clint, you, Loki
Warnings: this is a SLOW burn, slight angst, fluff at the end, Loki starting shit.
Summary: life has never really bwen this complicated. Or well the life that you think you know has never really been this complicated. Living with the avengers, learning new things, yeah its gonna be a long road but what else do you have to look forward to other than the random runins with the god of mischief.
Loki Masterlist
It had been about a week since you had arrived at the tower and just as long as your incounter with Loki, you hadnt had much time to think about it though since you were normally nose deep in class work or training with Nat and Clint since Tony had sent you the message "If your gonna be an avenger you have to train like one, training starts at 6." You had left him on read after that, you had never been a morning person and you sure as hell wasnt about to start now.
"Alright y/n, lets try you on the bow today." Clint smiled walking into the arena where most of your training took place.
"After I finish this." You said pointing to your coffee. "I swear, you would think that after saving lives you would want to sleep in." You grumbled.
"Bad guys dont sleep, we dont get to sleep." Clint said wiping down a few of his practice arrows.
"You didnt get back till like 3 this morning. Im really starting to wonder if you sleep at all." You tossed your cup away and got up starting to do your stretches.
"Get over here so I can show you how to hold this thing." He saod holding out the bow.
"I know how to use a bow, I was in archery in high school. Top of my team." You grabbed the bow feeling the cool metal in your hand. His bow was diffrent than what you was use to, as light as air almost were yours had been heavy.
"This bow is probably a little different than what your use to. The metal is vibranium, the strings are made of some type of industrial woven string that Tony invinted in his lab. Might be a littlw hard for you to pull back." He smiled looking at the bow like a child.
"It is very beautiful." You examined it looking down the sights has you pulled the string back easily. "Absolutly magnificent peice of weaponry." You looked over at him and seen that he was staring at you wide eyed. "What?"
"No one else has ever been able to draw the string back like that." You let the string gently go back into place amd handed it back to him.
"I told you, I was in archery while I was in high school."
"Theres no way that someone no matter how skilled they are can pull that back."
"Well if your forgetting, apperantly Im not from here either."
"Yup almost forgot, Asguardian. Anyways. You know how to use one of these so lets set up a few targets and get to work. Tony wants to try you out on a few different things, eval you, and see what suits you best. Im already leaning toward you being good at the bow."
After he talked you through some of the basics that you had informed him you knew and he insisted on stating that it was 'mandatory' you were finally able to pick up one of the training bows.
"These bows suck. Stark has all the money in the world and he buys walmart brand bows? If you pull this one back to many times the string will break. Why cant I just use yours?" You roll your eyes looking back at Clint.
"My bow, my baby. If you want ine bad enough you can start off at the bottom and work your way up. You have a card why dont you buy one?" He countered, just then the foor opened drawing your attention.
"Sorry, didnt realize that the area was occupied today, I just wanted to get a few throws in woth the new daggers Stark and Banner decided to enhance for me. Wanted to make sure that they wouldnt bloe up in my face." Loki said walking over to the bay next to you and Clint. You hadnt had a moment alone with the trickster since in the hall weeks ago and now he was here acting as of nothingbhad happened. You looked down at the daggers that he had laid out.
"Wow, those are beautiful." You noticed that not only had he laid down two simple green handeled knives but he had also laid down a set of electric blue ones and a set of gold handle ones engraved with ancient symbols and roses with the stems winding down the hilt. "May I?" You asked leaning down to get a closer look.
"Of course y/n, you are the one that gave me those." He answered casually. Your breathing hitched and you turned to look at him.
"Thats not funny Loki."
"I dont know what your talking about. I was simpl-" he started before you cut him off.
"You know damn good and well what I am talking about. What did you expect? Me to pick it up and everything come barreling back to me? Here I'll do you one even better." You stormed up to the daggers and grabbed one of the gold ones up throwing it at the target on the far side of the room. You had expected it to fall short and clink to the floor but you never hears it fall. When you looked at the target you noticed you had hit the middle.
Clints jaw had dropped as he was looking around the wall to see what you had been yelling about. Loki looked at you with a smug expression. "I assume they must have had knife throwing classes at the school you attended as well."
"Shut up. Clint are we done, I have some studying for class that I really need to do." You looked at clint as he knodded still awestruck. "Thanks, I'll talk with Tony about getting a better bow for me to practice with." You took off toward your room.
Later after you had taken a hot shower and changed into some leggings and a baggy shirt you decided to go to the one place in the tower that you had decided to claim as your own little study corner. It was located on of of the high up floors that happened to be more of an observation deck, you could watch the team leave on missions, see the ocean, and watch some of the most beautiful sun sets that you had seen. You had notice while checking the place out that there was a fairly large window seat that you could spead your work out on as you looked out over the city, this small part of the tower was your little hid away, you hadnt seen any other member of the team up here so you figured when you needed the alone time you could come here. It had seemed to work for the most part until today.
You notice the shadow of the figure standing over you before looking up into the eyes of Lokis confused ones, you had noticed his lips moving before rolling your eyes and taking out your noise canceling ear pods.
"What do you want Loki?" You sighed placing them back into the chsrging dock.
"Well if you hadnt had those things in you would have heard me tell you that I was sorry for earlier." He sassed crossing his arms.
"How did you find me? No one really bothers coming up here." You pulled your legs under your chin and covering you feet with the throw that you had brought up with you this time.
"The AI system has no bounderies when it comes to privacy, it can tell you were anyone is in this god forsaken place." He responded. "May I sit?"
"And if I say no?"
"I'll sit anyways." He shrugged.
"Then what is the point in asking?" You leaned forward moving your papers and books out of the way. He reached down and grabbed a few of the papers to help you.
"Your doing a paper on Shakespeare?" He asked as he sat down reading over the page.
"Umm, yeah. Part of my agreement to come here is so that I can finish up my collage classes. Drama and Art Major." He hamded the paper back to you so that you could stick it in your binder. He gave you a look that you were use to getting from him. "Don't say it Loki." You out your hand up to stop him before he could even open his mouth.
"I wasn't going to say anything." He held his hands up.
"Hum, interesting. The god of lies actually sucks at lying. I should remember that." You smiled. This was the first time you had actually felt half way confortable around him.
"I could never lie to you." He smiled back. "You have always had a knack for seeing right through me."
"I wish you wouldnt do that." You sighed leaning your heas agints the window behind you.
"Do what exactly?" He askes mirroring your position.
"Where you mention something about my past. Its annoying and it breaks my heart."
"Well Dove, how do you think I feel? The worst part about it for me is that while you remember nothing I am stuck remembering everything. Your past, my past, our past together. It truly is the worst pain that I have ever felt. To have something that you have wanted for so long in front of you and they dont even want you back." He sighed looking out the window.
"Loki," you crossed your legs and placed your elbows on your knees. "I have never said that I didnt want you. I just dont know what is what."
"So you do want me?" He laughted.
"That is not what I meant and you know it." You leanded back again. "Tell me about us. About how you and Thor know me." He eyes lite up.
Chapter 6
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