#elliot armstrong
gritsandbrits · 11 months
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They would be friends, bonding over rock music & taking on white capitalists.
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jennrg · 1 year
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(Credit to Life)
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barbariankingdom · 9 months
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to R) American astronauts Elliot See, Gordon Cooper, Neil Armstrong, and Gus Grissom (flipping the bird at the photographer). Circa 1965.
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popawritter12 · 16 days
Amo tus escritos! Estaba buscando algo así desde hace mucho.
Quería preguntarte- ¿A qué yanderes les importaría tu consentimiento y a quienes no?
Si te hace sentir inc��modx escribir algo así, puedes ignorarme.
Author's note: Anon, ¿puedo decirte que te amo?
/english: Anon, can I tell you that I love you?
Also, thank you so much for your very original request <3<3<3!!!
So, with your amazing idea, let me open a new series of posts that I have long needed to do.
It will be called
“In each situation, how would this Yandere react?”
In this case, let's start with 5 archetypes: -Is not interested in your consent. -It's important, but in an extreme case may not need it. -Thinks it is important only in sex. -Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick. -Does not understand what consent is
And, since you didn't specify which fandom, I'm going to list some of the ones I'm in! <3
Let's start with the soft.
Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick.
League of Legends
Alistar, Bardo, Blitzcrank, Braum, Ivern, Kalista, Kassadin, Maokai, Nautilus, Rakan, Shen, Soraka, Taric, Wukong, Yone, Karma.
Kengan Ashura
Yoshinari Karo, Haruo Kono, Jun Sekibayashi (<3<3), Mikazuchi Rei, Mokichi Robinson, Suekichi Kaneda, Agito Kanoh.
Stardew Valley
Krobus, Willy, Linus.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Erina, Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon, William Zeppelin.
Part 2: Smokey, Wamu.
Part 3: Joseph Joestar
Part 4: Tonio, Reimi Sugimoto, Koichi,
Part 5: Doppio.
Part 6: Foo Fighters
Part 7:Lucy Steel.
Demon Slayer
Ozaki, Genya, Nezuko, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Gyutaro, Gyomei, Tamayo and Yushiro
Mikey (<3) April.
Mortal Kombat 1
Liu Kang, Geras, Smoke, Baraka, Asharh,
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Thinks it is important only in sex
League of Legends
Akshan, Aphelios, Camille, Ekko, Ezreal, Darius, Hwei, Illaoi, K'sante, Leona, Nilah, Pantheon, Pyke, Riven, Ryze, Yoeick, Yasuo, Xhin Zhao, Sarah Fortune, Taliyah, Ornn, Tryndamere, Nami, Janna, Kai'sa, Kindred (sheep), Senna, Udyr, Varus, Garen, Lee Sin, Master Yi.
Kengan Ashura
Kaolan Wongsawat, Saw Paing Yoroizuka, Gensai Kuroki, Ryo Inaba, Seishu Akoya, Takeru Kiohzan, Jerry Tyson, Niko Tokita, Adam Dudley, Ren Nikaido, Takeshi Wakatsuki, Ryo Himuro, Marvelous Seki, and Ichiro Nakata.
Stardew Valley
Maru, Emily, Marnie, Sandy, Caroline, Harvey, Robin, Marlon, Rasmodius, Clint.
Team Fortress 2
Heavy, Scout, Soldier and Spy.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Lisa Lisa, Joseph Joestar,
Part 3: Kakyoin, Avdol, N'doul, Mariah, Hol Horse.
Part 4: Shigechi, Jotaro, Okuyasu.
Part 5: Bucciarati, Giorno, Fugo, Risotto Nero, Pesci, Trish Una, Squalo, Tiziano
Part 6: Hermes, Weather Report.
Part 7. Gyro, Hot Pants, Funny Valentine, Pocoloco.
Demon Slayer
Giyu, Yorichi, Kyojuro, Urokodaki, Kanae, Kagaya Ubayashiki, Kanao, Muichiro, Obanai, Akaza, Sabito, Murata.
Leonardo and Donatello.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kung Lao, Raiden, Syzoth, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Sindel, Li Mei,
Metal Gear Rising
Armstrong, Boris, Sam, Raiden, Courtney, Kevin.
It is important, but in an extreme case could “forget” about it
League of Legends
Ahri, Akali, Azir, Caitlyn, Fiora, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Kayle, Kayn, Morgana, Quinn, Rell, Sett, Shyvana, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Luxana, Vayne, Victor, Xayah, Zeri, Alune, Olaf, Seraphine, Ashe, Diana, Lucian, Nasus, Sivir, Talon.
Kengan Ashura
Cosmo Imai, Tokita Ohma, Muteba Gizenga, Sen Hatsumi, Naoya Ohkubo, Keizaro Sawada, Julius Reinhold, Sen Hatsumi,
Stardew Valley
Abigail, Alex, Elliot, Gunther, Haley, Leah, Kent, Jody, Penny, Sebastian, Sam and Shane.
Team Fortress 2
Demoman and Sniper.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Straizo.
Part 2: Stroheim, Esidisi. Caesar Zeppelin
Part 3: Polnareff, Jotaro, Vanilla Ice.
Part 4: Josuke, Yuya Fungami, Rohan,
Part 5: Mista, Ghiaccio, Narancia, Abaccio, Prosciutto.
Part 6: Anasui, Jolyne, Pucci.
Part 7: Dio, Jhonny Joestar.
Demon Slayer
Zenitsu, Kokushibo, Sanemi, Uzui, Daki, Shinjuro.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kitana, Mileena, Kuai Liang and Rain.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Sundower, Moonson.
Is not interested in your consent
League of Legends
Aatrox, Bel'veth, Brand, Cassiopeia, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Graves, Jhin, Katarina, KKhartus, Le Blanc, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Nidalee, Quiyana, Renata Glasc, Renekton, Sejuani, Singed, Syndra, Thresh, Urgot, Vi, Virgo, Vladimir, Xerath, Zyra, Tham Kench, Malzahar.
Kengan Ashura
Karla Kure, Raian Kure, Setsuna Kiryu, Hajime Hanafusa and Yohei Bando.
Stardew Valley
Mr. Qi and Morris.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Dio .
Part 2: Kars.
Part 3: Dio, Mariah, D'Arby,
Part 4: Yoshikage Kira, Yukako, Akira Otoishi,
Part 5: Cioccolata, Melone, Formaggio, Illuso.
Demon Slayer
Douma, Enmu, Muzan, Shinobu, Gyokko, Hantengu, Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Zobakuten, Uzami, Nakime and Kaigaku,
Mortal Kombat 1
Bi Han, Shao Kang, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Nitara, Reiko and Havik.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Don't know the concept of consent
League of Legends
Briar, Dr.Mundo, Galio, Gwen, Hecarim, Jinx, Lillia, Neeko, Orianna, Rek'sai, Rengar, Shaco, Sion, Skarner, Trundle, Vel'koz, Volibear, Warwick, Zac, Aurelion Sol.
Kengan Ashura
Stardew Valley
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Santana.
Part 4: Mikitaka.
Part 5:Secco.
Demon Slayer
Mortal Kombat 1
Fue hermoso, espero que les haya gustado leer esta pequeña lista salida d mi creatividad y del pedido de este anon ;)
/ english
It was beautiful, I hope you liked reading this little list from my creativity and this anon's request ;)
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9, 32, or 37 for the ask game!
ooh, thanks!!
9. Something you find scary in an ND game that people don’t talk about
the endgame sequence in secret of the scarlet hand scared me half to death when I played it as a kid. you're trapped with a dead thing and to get out you have to open it's mouth? i didn't even want to look at it! but then, i was an easily scared kid.
now i think i'm most frightened by the apparent lack of ventilation/sanitation in the secret/hidden baths in shadow at the water's edge? there must be so much mildew in there! i get that it's the site of the shimizus' tragic loss, but you can't brick up a natural hotspring in the middle of your hotel. that would result in so much mold- not to mention the smell. there's no way you can't smell that all over the ryoken. /shudders/.
32. If you had to get rid of one game and instead combine it with another one, which games would you combine and why?
hmm. might be interesting to combine the haunted carousel and the final scene. imo they're probably the weakest out of the early games - FIN has always felt to me like it's a step back in quality/tone after MHM and TRT, and CAR doesn't really have a lot going on.
consider something like this: it's still the final show at the royal palladium, controversial demolition scheduled, activists/historical society trying to save it - but there are also reports of lights/the projector/sound systems turning on and off on their own, could it be the spirit of JJ Thompson disturbed by the upcoming demo? or could someone be faking a haunting to gin up publicity to stop the demolition? maya and nancy arrive to interview brady armstrong, maya is kidnapped from the dressing room, the case begins.
brady, simone and joseph stay basically the same. harlan can still be a security guard. joy could work as a manager or something at the royal palladium, have her backstory involve going to the movies with her mom, now she works at the theatre but hates movies. she can still have a little b-plot, but make it less annoying than the one that eats everything else in CAR. i think you could combine elliot and nick into a single character, just make the HAD-IT activist an artist. ingrid... okay, i'm not sure how you fit ingrid in. it would be a shame to lose her, but i'm working entirely off the cuff here. ingrid... tbd. sorry ingrid.
oh, and i would add a day/night dynamic that lets you snoop around the theatre at night, and maybe witness some of the 'hauntings' (spoilers: they don't turn out to be real hauntings) firsthand.
yeah. maybe something like that?
37. Most disappointing ending
I'll go with the captive curse, because the culprit being the most likeable character in the game is deeply annoying. and 'bitches be crazy' is a shit motive especially when they could have gone with 'rich guy disregards safety to maximize profit'.
cap was already a flawed game and the ending just. does not help at all.
send me a number
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wondering-oracle · 1 year
Fullmetal Alchemist: Leverage Headcanons
There's probably a better physics pun that could be made, but it escapes me.
Short premise, just the Leverage crew in Amestris instead of America, and a couple other characters. (I haven't seen the reboot, so not including them, sorry.)
Hardison: Still the team's tech wizard, though maybe more literal wizard than in the original. He is an adept alchemist, maybe not ever a State Alchemist (maybe encountered Hohenheim at some point?). Though the internet may not exist yet, he is still much more capable with doing things over a longer range than most of the team, such as surveillance, and has a wealth of knowledge at his disposal. If there is a machine or ritual that needs to be dealt with, he knows how to work or break it. He has not opened the gate.
Most everyone else functions much the same as usual so their entries will be briefer. Hardison kinda has his whole schtick rewritten.
Elliot: Likely a result of a State supersoldier program, or maybe just a regular soldier who served in the Ishbalan Civil War (and witnessed the massacres there). Still a badass fighter, one who can hold his ground even against alchemists. Whether he is an alchemist or not is for the writer, there are pros and cons for either way, depends how much you want to focus on it. If he is one he has a cool State Alchemist title the team doesn't learn until like halfway through the fic.
Parker: It is unclear whether she can do alchemy or not. She is never shown using alchemy, but is shown in circumstances where it would be near impossible to have gotten into without using it. If she can do alchemy, she has certainly opened the gate, but it's never revealed. (There is an "I thought everybody could do that?" moment when she asks Hardison to do something without an array, played for laughs.)
Sophie: Pretty much the same as usual. A normal, if wealthy, person. Maybe knows the Armstrongs? (Or has stolen from them, maybe grifted Alex?)
Nate: His usual self. Insurance agent turned criminal after his son dies (perhaps the details of the death vary). Not an alchemist.
Now for some side characters:
Sterling: Like Nate, just a normal prick. Still influential, still a prick. Still not an alchemist.
Tara: Unlike most characters thus far, she was once a State Alchemist, but now uses those skills to grift marks.
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historyhermann · 1 year
Metal Family Review
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In recent years, there has been an increase in indie animations, including on platforms such as YouTube. One of those series is the musical-themed Russian mature animation series, Metal Family.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs, my History Hermann WordPress blog on Jan. 19, 2023, and Wayback Machine. This was the eighth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on January 8, 2022.
The action-adventure and drama series focuses on a Russian family of metal fans, each with their own personalities: there are Victoria and Glam, two metalheads in love with one another, and they have two children, Heavy and Dee. It follows the creative ways that the family deals with problems every day and manifests various tropes. Dee is 15 years old and Heavy is 13. Victoria is 37 and Glam is 39-40.
The series has a number of interesting small details that sets it apart from other animation series. For example, the opening of each episode begins with the character, or characters, hanging up their key, with the way each character hangs up their key a specific reflection of their personalities. There are also various pop culture references throughout the series to bands such as Metallica, System of a Down, Black Sabbath, Bon Jovi, and Led Zeppelin. Unlike some other series, this show takes place in a blurred world, without any specific location.
Metal Family does not shy away from mature topics. Victoria often drinks and smokes, while her husband, Glam, does not. She even gambles. The last part of the first season focuses on Glam Shvagenbagen’s troubled childhood going to a music conservatory. He meets a friend named Ches/ Chive who introduced him to Twisted Sister, heavy metal music, and gives him his current nickname. He leaves home for good after living with his abusive father, Gustav. Leaving his past behind, he chooses to be part of the “rabble” as his father puts it. He finds a family for himself in music and in the companionship of Victoria.
The show plays with the idea of a “strong man” defending a “weak” woman. In this series, Glam is diminutive but nasty in a polite way while Victoria is buff and brash. She is not afraid to throw a person out of a window or punch a hole through a wall, if warranted. Glam is more calculating and can solve problems by using his mind. Victoria likes to smash things apart – as she does in an escape room in an episode. She is a little like Princess Bean in Disenchantment, an alcoholic, and Harley Quinn in the series of the same name, who carries around a baseball bat which she uses to protect herself, those she cares about, and fight for what she believes is right.
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The series is produced by a small team and is created by Alina Kovaleva. Xydownik co-directed the series with Kovaleva. Both work as series animators. According to the fandom site for the series, Koveleva works on the series full-time, using Adobe Animate CC. It took over two years to create the show’s first season. Alexey Khrapov worked in the show’s sound department. Alexey Vasilevsky composed original music, apart from the show’s other music. Karin Karimova worked as a violinist, Daniyl Yakovenko as a music consultant, and Luis Rojas as a guitar soloist.
The Russian voice actors have been consistent. Blin voices Glam and Dee. Roman Volkov voices Gustav and Xydownik voices Heavy. Kovaleva voiced a Youtube Instructor in a 2021 episode as well as Victoria. Xydownik also voices Ches in two episodes, along with characters like Rowd and the Conservatory Dean. Flynn The VA voices Drusilla. There’s also a background character named Celestie, and therapist Dr. Hans.
The English dub introduced new voice actors, including Elliot Cancel as Chive / Ches, Randolph Castellanos as Dee, Lydia Shvagenbagen, and Richard Armstrong, Hoctor as Gustav, London Hartman as Heavy, Kylie Ann as Mary Shvagenbagen, Ry Harte as Glam, and Chiari Queen as Victoria. Hoctor also voices biker gang member Bug, Ann voices Anna, a cynical radical feminist.
The series first aired on September 13, 2018, released in Russian, with English subtitles added after its release, ending its run in 2020. The pilot episode was also a music video sung by Avantasia, is entitled “The Story ain’t Over.” Since February 2021, an English dub of the episodes has been released on a separate YouTube channel, with a hilarious 3-minute trailer for the release of the English dub. Through 2021, the 10-episode first season aired on YouTube and the second season began in late December 2021. Oksana Gunchenko helped translate and adapt the episodes of the series.
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The series has been positively received by fans, with over 140 fan fics on Archive of Our Own, garnering hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, and has high rankings on IMDB. Hundreds of thousands more follow a fan site for the show on the Russian language social media platform, VK. This is impressive for a series with relatively new voice actors, with this series as their first big roles, and even for animators. A few are involved in other indie animated projects, like Kylie Ann as an animator on Legends of Myiorda, an anime/cartoon series. Some previously worked on Russian language productions.
Updates about the series are shared on Xydownik’s Russian-language YouTube channel, the Instagram account of Kovaleva, a channel on Telegram, and Kovaleva’s VK account. Like Helluva Boss, Heavy, one of the show’s characters, has an official Instagram account, posting candid photos from his life. This encourages people to be more deeply invested in the show. There’s even an official store to buy merchandise and items related to the show.
The voice acting and animation of Metal Family were intriguing. The story kept me watching the episodes and I say this as as a person who likes listening to metalheads like Caleb Hyles and the band Twisted Sister. The characters were complex enough and were not stereotypes which made me excited about what is going to come next. In the end, I’d highly recommend this series, especially for those who like badass characters, music, and compelling stories.
Metal Family is available on YouTube.
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© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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scotianostra · 14 days
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On April 13th 1596 Walter Scott of Buccleuch freed notorious reiver William Armstrong of Kinmont in a daring raid on Carlisle Castle.
Perhaps the best known of the Border reivers (outlaw raiders or rustlers), William Armstrong of Kinmont’s first recorded raid was against the Milburns of Tyndale, in August 1583, when Armstrong was probably in his forties. In 1585 he accompanied the Earl of Angus`s campaign against the Earl of Arran and pillaged Stirling. Eight years later he was in Tynedale again with 1,000 men, carrying off over 2,000 beasts and £300 in spoils.
The events of 1596 and the rescue of ‘Kinmont’ Willie Armstrong represent a daring swashbuckling adventure. The fact that Kinmont led one of the most notorious bands of cut-throats ever to roam the Debatable Land seems to be irrelevant and in the tradition of the Border ballads we are to view him as a hero. His notoriety and activities were such that the Warden of the West Marsh’s deputy, Salkeld, captured Kinmont as he returned from a Truce Day at the Dayholm of Kershope. Kinmont was taken to Carlisle.
According to Border Law it should not have happened on a Truce Day and Walter Scott of Buccleuch who became known as The Bold Buccleuch, and was keeper of Liddesdale on whose land the arrest had been made, protested to the Warden, Lord Scrope. When Scrope refused to return Kinmont, Buccleuch became concerned that Scrope was anxious to hang Kinmont on the gallows at Harraby and so assembled a motley bunch of Elliots, Scotts, Armstrongs and Grahams to effect a rescue. Oral tradition has meant that the numbers vary from 40 to 200. The weather was atrocious which made crossing the River Eden very dangerous, but it did mean that the castle watch had taken shelter. Buccleuch left a group to cover the retreat and led the raiding party himself. Popular opinion has it that they must have had support from the inside because they entered the castle quickly. Thus with the aid of a sturdy Reiver, Red Rowan, Kinmont made his escape.
In 1600, Armstrong attacked the village of Scotby with 140 riders, burning and taking prisoners and cattle. In 1602 he rode his last foray, south of Carlisle. He was still alive two years later, and his four sons who had helped to get him out of Carlisle Castle are frequently named in the later Border raids. Legend supposes he died in his bed of old age, sometime between 1608 and 1611.
As is usual with these Border legends we look to the old sources of the story tellers before reading and writing was the norm, the old songs. Francis James Child was an American scholar and collector of Ballads, if you follow my posts you will no doubt have seen me posting “Child Ballads” at times, this story comes from Child Ballad 186. This ballad is more unusual than most of the songs I know from the Child Ballads as it is longer than most at 20 verse so I wont post it, you can look it up on YouTube as Child Ballad 168, but it’s over 9 minutes wrong in full!
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nothums-from-tj · 1 year
If anyone wants it <3
ED and drug TW for some songs (they’re in the titles)
Written playlist below (will be continuously edited):
“Rebel Love Song” - Black Veil Brides; “Check Yes, Juliet” - We The Kings; “Perfect” - Mariana’s Trench; “Ribs” - Lorde; “Stacy’s Dad” - Sub-Radio (“Stacy’s Mom” parody); “Can’t Help Falling in Love” - Elvis Presley; “Juliet” - Cavetown; “Accidentally in Love” - Counting Crows; “Hey There Delilah” - Plain White T’s; “Habits (Stay High)” - Tove Lo; “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” - Arctic Monkeys; “Astoria” - Mariana’s Trench; “Mary On A Cross” - Ghost; “Ballad of Mona Lisa” - Panic! At The Disco; “Nikki” - Forever The Sickest Kids; “Queen of Hearts” - We The Kings; “I Wouldn’t Mind” - He Is We; “Haven’t Had Enough” - Mariana’s Trench; “We Got Something to Talk About” - Alight The Night; “If I Had You” - Adam Lambert; “Whataya Want from Me” - Adam Lambert; “LEMONS” - Brye; “Tongue Tied” - Grouplove; “This Is Home” - Cavetown; “Team” - Lorde; “Fall For You” - Secondhand Serenade; “Dirty Little Secret” - All American Rejects; “High School Never Ends” - Bowling For Soup; “That’s What You Get” - Paramore; “Dark Side” - Kelly Clarkson; “Angels Like You” - Miley Cyrus; “Don’t Call Me At All” - Flatsound; “Missing You” - All Time Low; “Piece Of Your Heart” - Mayday Parade; “She’s Kinda Hot” - 5 Seconds Of Summer; “I Go Hungry” - Mother Mother; “Like Real People Do” - Hozier; “Heat Waves” - Glass Animals; “Boy In The Bubble” - Alec Benjamin; “Soap” - Melanie Martinez; “when the party’s over” - Billie Eilish; “Peace” - O.A.R.; “Looks Red, Tastes Blue” - Mayday Parade; “Bruised and Scarred” - Mayday Parade; “Stay” - Mayday Parade; “Pompeii” - Bastille; “Demons” - Imagine Dragons; “Build God, Then We’ll Talk” - Panic! At The Disco; “Sometime Around Midnight” - The Airborne Toxic Event; “Girl All the Bad Guys Want” - Bowling For Soup; “Running Away” - AM; “ocean eyes” - Billie Eilish; “Weapons” - Emily Kinney; “All To Myself” - Mariana’s Trench; “Somewhere Only We Know” - Keane; “party favor” - Billie Eilish; “Bad Girls Club” - Falling In Reverse; “I Love You So” - The Walters; “death bed (coffee for your head)” - Powfu; “Battle Scars” - Paradise Fears; “Chasing Cars” - Snow Patrol; “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)” - John Lennon; “The Name Of The Game” - “Mamma Mia!” cast (slight twist on the ABBA song); “Happy Together” - The Turtles; “From Here to Mars” - We The Kings; “It’s Time” - Imagine Dragons; “The Drug In Me Is You” - Falling In Reverse; “I Think We’re Alone Now” - Billie Joe Armstrong; “As You Go” - Red; “River Flows in You” - Yiruma; “On Top Of The World” - Imagine Dragons; “Face Down” - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus; “Monster” - Imagine Dragons; “BURN IT DOWN” - LINKIN PARK; “Runnin’” - Adam Lambert; “My Demons” - STARSET; “Hey Lover!” - Wabie; “She Had The World” - Panic! At The Disco; “Bloody Mary” - Lady Gaga; “Pocketful of Sunshine” - Natasha Bedingfield; “Young Dumb & Broke” - Khalid; “Numb” - Linkin Park; “Pink (Freak)” - Elliot Lee; “Shower” - Becky G; “Can I Have a Ride Home? I’m at a Party and I Don’t Know Any1” - carpetgarden; “Every Morning” - Sugar Ray
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rcpeterfan · 16 days
[Identity V OC AU] IDVI CAST
The Researcher
Game 1
Leon Armstrong
Charlie Parker
Anna West
Morgan Lopez
Game 2
Eileen Davis
Elliot Willson
Anthony Monroe
Game 3
Ray Williams
James Anderson
Game 4
Game 5
Azazel Wilhem
Everett Kreiburg
Kathyrne De Ross
“The Dreamer” (Game 1)
“The Weeping Fairy” (Game 1)
“The Cupid” (OWNED BY ITHA) (Game 2)
“The Obsessed Beauty” (Game 2)
“The Plauge Doctor” (OWNED BY ITHA) (Game 3)
“The Historian” (Game 3)
[NEW] “AI-Perf-001” (OWNED BY ITHA) (Game 4)
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soul-dwelling · 6 months
I'm sorry if this question bothers you (you can ignore it if you want) but you recent post about Beyond the Boundary made me remember a personal question
I think you mentioned somewhere (correct me if I wrong) that the Fire Force prequel reveal soured you hunger for fanfics involving it and Soul Eater
What exactly did the metaphorical belly hungered for (Either Fire Force only or a crossover between the two) before the eventual ruin?
It's been easier by making it "what if" scenarios that don't have to follow any logic ("So, do they time travel, or is it alternate dimensions?").
For me, what I desire is less of any ongoing plot or story ideas (although, as some of the below shows, there are ideas) so much as just interactions between characters, the equivalent of quick gags of just, "What if this character was in the same room with this character, how would they interact?"
I wrote some of my own crossover interactions as gag conversations between Soul Eater and Fire Force characters over at @ask-a-meister. And I got to collaborate with my friend elliotthezubat on others. Here are some interactions that I've enjoyed, either stuff I wrote at the RP blog, stuff Elliot and I collaborated on, or any weird stuff that comes to mind right now:
"So if Huo Yan lost an arm, he's going to need medical treatment." "How about Stein do it?"
When working with Elliot, I love interactions between Tamaki and Kana: similar animal motifs, different ages and personalities, basically giving Tamaki someone to look over and Kana someone to gently snark at (which is an improvement given all the crap Tamaki has dealt with earlier). It's a different version of what Irregulars Productions has done with Kana and Maka in the Abridged series.
Similarly, Elliot has had fun ideas with Maki treating Tsugumi as a little sister. Then Elliot had an idea how they were related--and Anya has a freak out because it undermines her preconceived headcanon about Tsugumi as a common girl (and Anya may have been my own author avatar for how surprised I was by the revelation).
I did like Ohkubo's initial crossover artwork of Maka and Shinra both in the 8th uniforms. Elliot had staged it as a promotional photo shoot, which was a fun idea.
Soul and Arthur...Elliot and I wrote an interaction that I don't think matches who Arthur ended up becoming in the series, as we kind of made Arthur too much of a dick who needed a comeuppance, when that's not really who the character is in the manga.
But we did have Inca and Kim interact...and Kim was not taking her shit.
Patty and Juggernaut is a crack pairing.
And speaking of the Thompsons, some gags around Patty and Liz mistaken for Iris and Lisa.
There may have been a gag about Gopher and Yu--I don't remember.
Elliot and I had a very weird idea about the 8th running into the sloth Marianne from the Soul Eater NOT anime.
I have zero idea how Rekka would interact around the Star / Hoshi characters from Soul Eater--and given how putrid Rekka is, I'd rather not subject anyone to his bullshit.
Elliot and I had Free and Akitaru basically doing a flexing competition similar to Sig Curtis versus Alex Louis Armstrong in Fullmetal Alchemist 2003.
From working with Elliot on writing, if things had worked out completely different, and Fire Force somehow was just contemporaneous with Soul Eater (and we ignored all the post-apocalyptic setting), that club woman Assault spoke with would have been an employee at Chupa Cabra.
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elamaine · 2 years
Masterlist (who i write for) <3
i do allow mlm and wlw and poly relationships x and please request stuff x
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finney blake 
robin arellano 
billy showalter
vance hopper
griffin staggs (platonic)
gwen blake 
bruce yamada                       
                       💥丂ㄒ尺卂几Ꮆ乇尺 ㄒ卄丨几Ꮆ丂💥
jane hopper
mike wheeler
nancy wheeler
jonathan byers
will byers
lucas sinclair
erica sinclair (platonic)
eddie munson
billy hargrove
steve harrington
max mayfield
tommy hagan
jason carver
gareth emerson
                                    🌠 乇ㄩ卩卄ㄖ尺丨卂🌠
(sometimes) nate jacob
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
fezco o’neil 
ashtray o’neil (platonic)
rue bennett
jules vaughn
kat hernadez
chris mckay
ethan lewis
                                 🩸 尺丨ᐯ乇尺ᗪ卂ㄥ乇🩸
archie andrews
betty cooper
jughead jones
veronica lodge
cheryl blossom
jason blossom
toni topaz
kevin keller
reggie mantle
F. P jones
sweet pea
fangs fogarty
jellybean jones (platonic)
                       🍿13 尺乇卂丂ㄖ几丂 山卄ㄚ🍿
clay jensen
jessica davis
hannah baker
justin foley
(sometimes) bryce walker
tony padilla
zach dempsey
alex standall
                  🌕ㄒ卄乇 爪卂乙乇 尺ㄩ几几乇尺🌕
chuck (platonic)
                                         👽 爪卂尺ᐯ乇ㄥ👽
bruce banner
tony stark
steve rogers
natasha romanoff
wanda maximoff
pietro maximoff
spiderman (andrew, tom, and toby)
pepper potts
morgan stark (platonic)
bucky barnes
peggy carter
howard stark (young)
sprite (platonic)
and more!
                  🫣几乇ᐯ乇尺 卄卂ᐯ乇 丨 乇ᐯ乇尺🫣
devi vishwakumar
paxton hall-yoshida
ben gross
fabioal torres
aneesa qureshi
elanore wong
jonah sharpe
rebecca hall-yoshida (platonic)
                                   🐍 匚ㄖ乃尺卂 Ҝ卂丨🐍
johnny lawrence
robby keene
daniel larusso
miguel diaz
tory nicholas 
eli mokowitz
samantha larusso
john kresse
terry sliver
                                🍰丨几丂卂ㄒ丨卂乃ㄥ乇 🍰
patty bladel
brick armstrong
robert armstrong
bob barnard
coralee huggins
nonnie thompson
magnoila barnard 
christen keene
dixie sinclair
regina sinclair
henry lee
                                                🎈丨ㄒ 🎈
richie tozier
eddie kaprask
stanley uris
beverly marsh
ben denbrough
henry bowers
reggie huggins
patrick hockstetter
victor criss
ben hanscom
i will add some more later <33 likes, comment, reblogs are appreciated xx
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decennia · 2 years
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lorna lovestrange + bruce wayne
↳ cinematic appearances
Lorna Lovestrange made her live-action debut in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins. Many actresses were in talks to play the anti-heroine, the list including — but not limited to — Kate Beckinsale, Charlize Theron, and Milla Jovovich. The role ultimately went to Ali Larter.
She is first referenced to Bruce by a concerned Rachel Dawes during their reunion, who briefly mentions their childhood friend being kept at Arkham. Lorna is then later seen for the first time being escorted from Dr Jonathan Crane's therapy suite to vacate for Carmine Falcone. The look she gives Crane is not lost on Rachel as she is sent back to her cell. She's discharged from Arkham later on in the film, where she has a fleeting and emotionally distant meeting with Bruce. She mourns the friendship they'd once shared, and departs, disenfranchised by how much fondness she'd once held for him. She is present during the Batman's encounter with the Scarecrow, having sworn vengeance not only for the experimentation, but for the kidnapping of Rachel. It is here that she is exposed to her overdose of the fear toxin. Her fate is unknown, but it is heavily implied that she passed away, solidifying Bruce's resolve in distancing himself from Rachel. In the last moments of the film, it is revealed that Lorna is alive when she visits Crane in Arkham. They have an exchange of words, and Lorna is shown to take great pleasure in Jonathan's broken condition.
Lovestrange had never meant to be in the sequel, but her status as a fan favourite warranted her return. She is first seen at the police parade for the judge's funeral, her attendance at first being out of respect, as her family were well-known Gotham officials and were close with the family. This is her first encounter with the Joker, his arrival being of some cause for concern. Under military guidance, Lorna remains in Gotham as a failsafe measure to contain Joker. She reappears later when he is in custody, and has an exchange with Jim Gordon, who is the first to call her by the moniker of Cannonade. She is permitted to interrogate the Clown Prince of Crime, but her attempt ultimately fails when he is unwilling to speak to anyone other than Batman. He does, however, take great interest in Lorna herself. Frustrated, Lorna leaves the room, encountering Batman on her way out. It is clear that she is visibly struggling to control her violent temper, and a brief flicker of concern is seen on Bruce's face as she exits.
Her final appearance in the franchise comes in The Dark Knight Rises. She is first seen in the opening sequence of Dr. Pavel's kidnapping as one of Bane's hired mercenaries. It is during the breaking of Batman that Lorna discovers Bruce's alter ego, and expresses a glimmer of remorse behind her cold exterior. Bane, sensing the burgeoning doubt in Cannonade, puts her loyalty to the test by gifting her to Jonathan Crane — now having taken up the position of Gotham's judge — as his enforcer. Her resentment for Bane festers and grows as she is forced to bend to Crane's every whim. During the final battle, her unpredictability gives way as she turns on Bane, dying by his hand to allow Bruce to escape. Her sacrifice doesn't go unacknowledged, and in the final scene of the film with Bruce and Selina in Italy, we see a faded photograph of a young Lorna, Rachel, and Bruce tucked away in Bruce's wallet.
During Gotham's run, Lorna Lovestrange was portrayed by two separate actresses. The first of which — Ryan Kiera Armstrong — depicted Lorna's younger years during her school days with Bruce, and the incident which consequently landed her in Arkham.
Her connection to Thomas Elliot remained, although it was altered greatly. She is most notably present in the first eight episodes of the first season, being a shoulder for Bruce to cry on and to lend an ear to his idot plans of conquering fear. Her last appearance of the season came in episode eight, following Bruce’s confrontation with Thomas Elliot after the bullying incident. After Bruce delivered his punch, Lorna returned to the Elliot home, not at all satisfied with Bruce’s self-discovered catharsis. The knife she’d brought with her found its home in the soft tissue of the belly of the first person to answer the door. Unfortunately, that person had not been Tommy, but rather the Elliot’s hired help. Her parents committed her to Arkham Asylum that episode, her last words to Bruce being enclosed in a letter to him. She is briefly seen again in episode fifteen as Jonathan Crane’s cellmate in Arkham, rather than her being his patient. 
The recasting of Lorna Lovestrange came when the show’s material regarding Cannonade’s characterisation was deemed unsavory for such a young actress to continue portraying in good conscience, and Jessica Alexander was brought in to continue the role. In every Arkham related episode, Lorna was given cameos here and there, her fall from grace a gradual building dread in every appearance. She eventually gets discharged, and reunites with Bruce at Anders Preparatory Academy, though their friendship is strained. Lorna clearly clings to the memories of the old days, and wants to return to that time, but Bruce has grown out of their bond, and, much to her dismay, her.
She appears, for the most part, stable, but when she catches the eye of Thomas Elliot, she begins to slowly grow paranoid and unravel. It is here that Cannonade makes her first true appearance, when she believes she is being followed home by Elliot and lashes out, killing her pursuer. It is revealed then that it had been a hallucination induced by the remnants of Crane’s fear toxin, and the man had been a mere stranger attempting to return a dropped wallet to her. She promptly leaves the city again towards the end of season three, stopping by Wayne Manor upon her departure to say goodbye to Bruce. Finding Bruce is not there, she confides in Alfred and tells him she is finally respecting her father’s wishes of enrolling in a military school, making a joke of how the “discipline might be good for [her]”. Her final appearance comes in season five, in the finale, with a wedding-dress clad Lorna Lovestrange gazing out the window of (what is believed to be) Thomas Elliot’s house as the bat signal hits the crisp dark of the sky.
Lorna’s most popular iteration had meant to be introduced in David Ayers’ Suicide Squad, but her scenes were ultimately cut from the film in an attempt to streamline the story. The deleted scenes can be found in the Director’s Cut, showing Lorna and Harleen in Arkham together. She returns briefly later on in the film as one of Flag’s soldiers, and is present during Harley’s torture in Belle Reve. To compensate for the large age-gap between Ben Affleck and Samara Weaving, Lorna’s previous friendship connection to Wayne was transferred to that of Dick Grayson, and Lorna was made into Bruce Wayne’s goddaughter instead.
All of this is retconned in Birds of Prey, as Harley and Lorna are roommates above Doc’s place. Given that Harley was convicted and sentenced for the murder of the Robin, Birds of Prey decidedly turn a blind-eye to the previously failed and deleted characterisation of Lovestrange, but returned Samara Weaving to the role. Lorna is not present much in the film, save for an expository throwaway line by Harley (“You can stay with me, my roomie’s outta town. Somethin’ ‘bout a weddin’. Can’t believe she didn’t invite me, some friend, right?”) paired with a brief compilation of Lorna Lovestrange’s deranged attempts at escape from Thomas Elliot, resulting in the consequent massacre and fire at the Elliot Estate.
It is in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad that she makes her true DCEU debut. Having been sentenced to Belle Reve following her crimes in Gotham, Lorna is sent as a part of Flag’s entourage to the island of Corto Maltese. She was the only one Walker told about the intent of the first team to be used as a distraction, her purpose on the team being to look out for Flag. She manages to get Flag off the beach, but when she, against Waller’s wishes, goes back for Harley, Flag is captured by the rebels. Lorna regroups with Bloodsport’s team in an attempt to earn back Waller’s favour. Throughout the film, Lorna and Rick develop a banterous flirtation. They reference a fleeting history with each other — a professional relationship, nothing more — but heavily imply that should they make it off that cursed island alive, there is a strong possibility for there to be something more. Lorna takes it incredibly hard when Rick dies by the Peacemaker’s hand, but pulls herself together long enough to help her team to save the world.
Lorna’s arrival in Peacemaker was only hinted at in the Pilot, with Amanda Waller warning Leota Adebayo that a mystery “she” has escaped Belle Reve, and for Leota to watch her and the Peacemaker’s backs. The first episode ends with Lorna having caught up to Christopher Smith, now adorned in an all-black suit — reminiscent of her comic book run during her Cannonade military days — and hair coloured ginger. All previous character design of tattoos and piercings — suggestive of Lorna’s instability and reckless nature — have been removed, giving Lovestrange a much more clean-cut and inconspicuous appearance. In the opening of the second episode, we receive a self-narrated montage of Lorna hearing of Peacemaker surviving his injuries, her consequent escape from Belle Reve, the painful process of laser tattoo removal, Harley dyeing her hair for her in a mirroring scene to Harley’s haircut in Birds of Prey, and the introduction of Lorna’s therapist: the exasperated Dr. Florentine de la Cruz. We see Lorna hunting down any and all leads on Christopher Smith in a parody of a hardened and gruff private-eye, before cutting back to a confused Smith in present day, wondering why Lorna felt the need to expostion dump on him. With Vigilante’s assistance, Peacemaker makes his getaway, which prompts Lorna to hunt him throughout the series, showing up at increasingly worsening times. Towards the end of the season, Lorna learns of the extraterrestrial threat to the earth and puts aside her vendetta to assist the 11th Street Kids. She grows close to Adrian Chase during that time, but is ultimately cockblocked by the potential end of the world. Christopher later apologises to Lorna for the part he played in Rick's death, and although she still doesn’t much like him, they make peace; pun intended.
Returning to the status quo of childhood friendship gone awry, Lorna Lovestrange’s first appearance in Matt Reeves’ The Batman comes at the mayor’s funeral. Daughter to instruments of Gotham’s influence, Lorna’s presence was deemed mandatory. She lights up immediately after having spied Bruce in the crowd, but her attempts of reconnecting with him are rebuffed. Visibly stung by his indifference, she makes to leave before Bruce, in an endeavour to salvage what little bond they have left, asks her about her time in Arkham — insinuating the beginning of her comic book origins. She is about to respond before Colson interrupts them. Lorna snaps into action, helping the police get everyone to safety. She is then later seen at the end of the film during Bruce's narration of Gotham being put under martial law. We catch a brief shot of her beside Bella Reál during her address to the public. Lorna is accompanied by men in military gear, suggesting she is spear-heading the operation. Eagle-eyed fans will be able to spot the name “Cannonade” written on the folder in her hands.
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claudia1829things · 2 years
Movies Set During Depression Era U.S.
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Below is list of movies set during the Great Depression here in the U.S.  The list is in chronological order and . . . you might find them interesting:
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1.  “The Group” (1933) - This movie is an adaptation of Mary McCarthy’s novel about a group of friends and Vassar College graduates between 1933 and 1940.   Sidney Lumet directed.
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2.  “Bonnie and Clyde” (1967) - Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway starred in this biopic about the infamous Depression-era bank robbers, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.  Arthur Penn directed.
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3.  “Sounder” (1972) - Martin Ritt directed this adaptation of William H. Armstrong’s 1969 novel about the struggles of an African American sharecropper family in the Deep South, during the Depression.  Paul Winfield, Cicely Tyson and Kevin Hooks starred.
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4.  “Paper Moon” (1973) - Ryan and Tatum O’Neal starred in this comedy-drama about a pair of grifters on a road trip in the Midwest, during the Depression.  Peter Bogdanovich directed.
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5.  “The Sting” (1973) - Paul Newman and Robert Redford starred in this Best Picture winner about a group of grifters who set up a major con against a crime lord responsible for the death of a friend.  George Roy Hill directed.
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6.  “The Untouchables” (1987) - Brian De Palma directed this account of U.S. Treasury Agent Elliot Ness’ investigation into crime lord Al Capone’s bootlegging operation in Chicago, during the last years of Prohibition.  Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Charles Martin Smith, Andy Garcia and Robert De Niro starred.
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7.  “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” (2000) - Joel and Ethan Coen wrote and directed this satire set prison escapees in 1937 Mississippi, which was loosely based on Homer’s poem, “The Odyssey”.  George Clooney, John Tuturro and Tim Blake Nelson starred.
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8.  “Road to Perdition” (2002) - Sam Mendes directed this adaptation of Max Allen Collins’ 1998 graphic novel about a mob enforcer, who seeks vengeance for the deaths of his wife and younger son, while protecting his older son, a murder witness.  Set in 1931 Illinois, the movie starred Tom Hanks, Tyler Hoechlin, Jude Law and Paul Newman.
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9.  “Seabiscuit” (2003) - Gary Ross starred in this adaptation of Laura Hillenbrand’s 1999 book about the famous California racehorse from the late 1930s.  Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper and Elizabeth Banks starred.
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10. “Cinderella Man” (2005) - Russell Crowe starred in this biopic about boxer James J. Braddock and his struggles to survive the Depression via the sport.  Directed by Ron Howard, the movie co-starred Renee Zellweger and Paul Giamatti.
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11.  “Public Enemies” (2009) - Johnny Depp and Christian Bale starred in this biopic about the exploits of Depression-era gangster John Dillinger and the efforts of F.B.I. Special Agent Melvin Purvis to capture him.  Michael Mann directed.
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starlingsrps · 2 months
crystal clear on a star lit night.
there’s a party tonight, the kind of thing brass puts together when they can tell morale is flagging. any excuse to celebrate. elliot doesn’t drink the way some of the guys do - he doesn’t like when his hands shake or his brain fogs over. it feels like less of an escape and more like a trap. but he understands his friends that need it, that need the skimpy excuse of celebrating a successful mission to forget the bodies being prepared to go home a few hangars over. he doesn’t want to think very much either sometimes.
he sticks with armstrong for the most part. indigo is married, content and easy to be around. he likes to hear him talk about his wife, the flash of normalcy on the other side. they’re clustered at the bar, watching david get shot down by the red cross girls again. elliot sometimes wonders if it’s a masochism thing or some kind of fucked up optimism that keeps him going. mary hates his guts, mostly due to what david wryly calls a misfire with the kind of obscene hand gesture you can only make on a military base. helen wears a cross the size of texas like a dare. and nell…elliot smiles to himself when she pats david on the shoulder and shakes her head before turning. sometimes it feels like the ache in the pit of his stomach for her will kill him before a german missile gets the chance.
“i’m retiring,” david announces, taking his drink back from indigo’s side. “a man can only take so much rejection.”
“you know helen’s talking about being a nun when she gets home,” indigo says. “i don’t know why you try.”
“last ride,” he says. “or is that last rites?”
“last rites are when you’re dead, dumbass.”
david shrugs easily. “might as well be. no, howard. she’s got that goddamn dimple and i’m a weak, weak man. but,” he sighs into his scotch. “three strikes.”
“gotta leave it alone,” indigo says sagely.
“man gets married and suddenly he knows everything,” david says in a stage whisper to elliot. 
he still feels off in conversations with indigo and david - they’ve been friends long enough to have a quick back and forth that he always feels a step behind in. “i thought that was wives that are supposed to know everything.” he’s sure he heard something like that in a bar somewhere, even if he kind of thinks it’s crap.
it seems to be right because indigo smiles. “fortunately for hatcher, my wife and i both know everything.” the red cross girls cross into the bar area and he looks over at david. “you want to go for four?”
“got my fuckin six my ass,” he mumbles.
“gentlemen,” mary says, eyeing david, currently staring into his drink like it might hold the secret of eternal life to avoid eye contact. “behaving?”
“ladies. always,” indigo looks over his shoulder at david. “most of us.”
“i don’t speak for captain hatcher,” elliot adds. “you all look nice tonight.”
he mostly means nell. no, he only means nell. if mary or helen have any distinguishing features, he’s completely forgotten they exist. her dress is almost the same color as her eyes and if he’s spent enough time thinking about them to know that, that’s between him and the almighty.
indigo politely asks how they’re doing while david slowly creeps down the bar and out of sight. 
“well, we’re losing nell to london so if hatcher can keep his mitts to himself when the new girl gets here, we should survive,” helen says.
“i’ll do my best.”
it’s the first elliot has heard of nell’s request to be transferred to a hospital in london being approved. he’s happy for her but the idea of not seeing her every day causes a pang of anxiety. she’s told him about it a few times and when they last talked about it, she was still waiting for a place to open up. that had been a few days ago so something must have changed and fast. she gives him a smile that looks almost apologetic, goes back to talking. mary excuses them when their drinks come up at the bar and elliot and indigo stand around talking a bit longer with officers and listening to the band.
indigo checks his watch and sighs. “should probably go check on hatch, make sure he isn’t too fucked. take it easy, yeah?” 
elliot stays out a bit longer, talks with sid about an upcoming mission and tries to keep his eyes off of nell. finally accepting he’s failing, he excuses him to go find her. he passes by her, maybe a little too close, but close enough for him to mumble “meet me outside?” for only her to hear. she nods very slightly and he keeps moving through the clubhouse and out into the cool october night. he wishes he smoked more at times like this, if only to have something to do with his hands while he waits. she’s only a few minutes behind him but it feels longer when she finally steps out.
“i just found out today. i wanted to tell you earlier-“
he shakes his head to cut her off. “no, it’s amazing. i know you’ve been waiting.”
she smiles and if he’s cataloging her smiles, this one is proud. he likes it, just a little more smug that her usual and deservedly so. “i have. i mean, i knew i’d have to retire from coffee detail eventually. but…”
it slips out before he can stop himself and he realizes that he wouldn’t take it back as soon as the words are in the air. “i’ll miss you.”
there it is, that warm, sweet smile and dimple he’s willing to fuck up his entire career for. “i’ll miss you too. i’m sorry, i know we’re just…”
starting, he almost completes. they’re just starting. but he shrugs and offerers “i can write” instead.
“you can come see me.”
he laughs. “i don’t think i’m going to want to be in a position to see you at the hospital.”
“yeah, i don’t want to see you either. but maybe on a pass?”
“i would love to see you in london on a pass.”
“leave hatcher here?”
“oh he’d be a shit chaperone.”
“see, we might as well not have one at all.”
god he likes her. probably too much under the circumstances but right now, under the stars, he can’t bring himself to care about the war or his career or much of anything other than her.
“come on,” he says, holding out his hand to her. she smiles and takes it, stepping into his arms. he can hold her closer out here and her cheek rests right on his shoulder, her fingers twisting with his with a contented sigh. he isn’t sure how he’s not supposed to spend the rest of his life thinking about that. “feel like i owe you a dance before you leave.”
this feels like one of those soft moments he’ll remember when he’s lonely or flying and needs to remember who he is in the ground. it’s warm tonight, clear and starry and somewhere under the eternal smell of engine oil and cigarette smoke, her perfume has gotten into his nose. she feels soft and there’s so little in his life that’s soft anymore.  it’s all rough, sharp edges and smoke and fire. she’s humming along with whatever the band is playing, something smooth and dreamy. the small of her back is the perfect size for his hand to rest  and - shit.
“sorry,” he mumbles. he’s usually a better dancer - brutally trained by his sister in at least the basics - and doesn’t step on toes but his brain and body seem to have a disconnect. “i don’t have many moves.”
she laughs, adjusting her fingers in his. “forgiven. what are these moves?”
he leans back a bit so he can look at her when they talk. “well, you’re getting the shuffle right now. that’s my best.”
“best shuffling i’ve had in a long time.”
“i can also shuffle fast but that’s advanced.”  she laughs again and now he’s just talking to keep making her laugh. he doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of hearing it. “spinning and dipping, i’ve got a fifty-fifty rate. dropped my senior prom date and she never spoke to me again.”
“hmm, sounds like her loss.” her arms move to twine around his neck and he relocates his hands to her waist. “i like the shuffle, for the record.”
close now, close enough to kiss her and he does, light and easy, as though he hasn’t been thinking about it ever since london, even as it feels like he’s burning alive. “that’s good because-“
a piercing sound tears through the haze and elliot’s eyes snap to the now open clubhouse door. it’s hatcher, leaning in an open door. he’s got a wolf whistle like a goddamn tex avery character that scares the shit out of elliot and violently reconnects his brain and body. nell stiffens in his arms and any spell is broken.
“okay! lovebirds! leave some room for the holy spirit.”
“at least it’s just hatcher,” he says, reluctantly dropping his hands from her waist. 
“yeah,” she agrees. “i should go back in.”
“i’ll see you before you leave?”
she nods and kisses his cheek, squeezing his hand once before letting go to dash past david with a look that’s equal parts wary and warning.
“well, well, well, well, well,” david says, chuckling like a vaudeville villain around his cigarette. “knew you weren’t a fucking saint.”
“fuck off, hatch,” he says but there’s no heat to it. if anything, there’s almost a hint of relief that it’s out in the open and that it’s david and not someone who will actually give a shit.
david finally manages to light his cigarette, still laughing to himself. “i was starting to think it was me or the,” he gestures to his mustache with a lit cigarette. “but nope.”
“you can at least give me one of those if you’re going to be a son of a bitch,” elliot says, nodding towards the pack of luckies in david’s pocket. he takes the one he’s offered. “keep it to yourself, alright? i don’t want her getting in trouble.”
“scout’s honor,” david says, taking a drag. “armstrong count?”
he sighs. “you can tell armstrong.”
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gritsandbrits · 11 months
Ok i need to see more kat elliot being pair with other character as friend beside coraline because i see too much of coraline like come one beside coraline
I've seen fanart of her hanging out with Hobie and Ekko. I figured her and Riya from Stretch Armstrong could also be friends due to their similarities
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