#fanfic writers gears turning
icycoolslushie · 8 months
Why have I not seen a single person talking about the fact that Jace is half-French?
There is so much potential to use this fact somewhere!!!!
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Let's get one thing straight: I have no part in this chaotic mess (infact, I have blocked all the accounts mentioned below), but it's grinding my gears how it's devolving into another petty fanfic drama: case 607. I know this drama is getting the attention for certain individuals who are demonstrating mean girl behaviour and gossiping about other writers behind their backs. However, I am solely focused on addressing the racist and discriminatory remarks made by these individuals in the leaked text messages.
For those not in the loop, there's been a huge drama in the fanfic community involving leaked text messages from a group chat of four prominent members. In these messages, two users - Fae and Bel - have admitted to sending hate anons and talking smack about other writers behind their backs. Two other members left the group after it was revealed that B tried to make amends with someone who these two, Em and Ange, don't particularly care for. As a move to clear their names, Em exposed all the texts, trying to prove that Fae and Bel are the real villains here.
But wait, there's more! In these same chats, Bel not only mocked fellow non-English speakers but also bragged about sending rat emojis to an 18-year-old Pakistani writer who was already receiving racist anons. While everyone is focused on getting back at these two women for being shady af, it's mind-boggling how Em and Ange are suddenly jumping on the anti-racism train.
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These two ladies stayed in the same chat as a fellow Pakistani writer was driven away because of racism, knowing full well that one of their own was contributing to it, and said NOTHING! Zero discouragement, no condemnation - they only hopped off when things got personal.
So here it is… I've had it with all of you hypocrites. You praise and encourage these women at every turn, feeding their egos like they're the second coming of Beyonce. But let's not forget who's always stirring up drama in this fandom - hint: it's these same people with a sense of entitlement the size of a planet. The issue is groupthink and y'all have all jumped on the bandwagon. You're worse than HBO's marketing department because just like their shitty teams, everyone involved here SUCKS ASS. You don't have to pick a side because they are all petty, mean losers. Bel and Fae are facing the consequences of their actions, which they rightfully deserve.
However, Em's exposé on Bel's racism seems more like an opportunistic move and it's disappointing that so many of you are supporting it. It's a predictable cycle now; there will be a half-hearted apology, an announcement of a hiatus, and then tons of people will flock to their inboxes to shower them with praise and excuses. It's ridiculous! I know there are many who feel the same way as me but are afraid to speak up because they don't want to upset the "village elders" and risk losing their connections and engagements. It's a joke atp!
Instead of taking responsibility for their own wrongdoings, they will come up with a list of 10 different cyber crimes by others to divert attention from their own nonsense. These very same women have confessed to creating multiple fake accounts, secretly stalking servers without mods noticing, and constantly harassing individuals through anon messages.
Yet, we are supposed to consider them as examples of moral integrity and ethical behavior? 😒
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realmermaid333 · 9 months
A Guide to Using the "Inspired By" Function on AO3
The "inspired by" function allows writers to display fanfics that inspired their own fanfic neatly in the "notes" section via a link. It is used to credit inspiration, for archival purposes, and also for translations, remixes, and podfics.
It is a very fun function because it encourages community, and even gives your readers something else to read while they wait for your own fic to update. It can help people who really like a certain trope or writing idea easily find another fic just like it. And, if you use the function, the writer you are inspired by can choose to link it back to their own fic. So, at the end of their fic it will say, "works inspired by this one," and list yours.
"How can I tell if I should use the "inspired by" function or not?"
You should use the inspired by function if you are directly inspired by another fic. I have done this twice, and it is splendid. One of my besties and I have fics that are attached by this function. It's like they're holding hands via "inspired by" links :' )
If you read a fic, and at the end you're like, "Wow, this was totally radical, and now my gears are turning with an idea just like this one, but I'm gonna add my own spin to it." That would be a moment that calls for the "inspired by" function.
A situation that doesn't call for the inspired by function is two fics that are similar in trope, but the second one was not inspired by the first. For example; let's say person A writes a coffee shop AU fic, which is a very common trope, and person B also writes one, but without having ever read person A's fic, or without directly getting the idea directly from person A. Person B was not inspired by person A.
Let's say person B did read the fic, then also eventually decided to write a coffee shop AU that was completely different, and had very little in common with A's fic. That would not be a moment where the "inspired by" function would be necessary. B could use their own judgement to gauge how inspired they were by A's fic.
But, let's say person B really, really loved person A's fic, and wanted to show everyone another coffee shop AU. Person B very well could still use the "inspired by" function just to have the link. Or, they could just link the fic in their "Notes" section, but i personally think the inspired by function is a little easier than creating a "notes" link on ao3 LOL.
However, I have seen some people just list a fic they are inspired by in the notes section without any issues, but I encourage people to use the inspired by function. If you're unsure, maybe ask the author that you're inspired by if they care. If you ever don't use the "inspired by" function, and step on another writer's toes, just simply talk it out and credit.
"But, Mermaid, if I use the "inspired by" function, won't it look like my fic belongs to the original person?"
No?? I am including this because I've seen a surprising amount of people say this and it bugs me. If you use the "inspired by" function, it links the fic you were inspired by in the "notes" section in first chapter. That's it. It doesn't say, "this fic belongs to this other writer," lol. It says, "Inspired by (insert fic) by (insert author)," one single time. After that, it will not be listed in future chapters. Your name will always be on it, and it will only be listed on your account like usual.
To conclude, you should use the "inspired by" function if you are directly inspired by another person's fic. if you're not, then don't use it. Easy peasy. I encourage its use because it's very fun, it is part of fandom etiquette to use it when needed, it allows people to recommend fics similar to theirs, credit another person's idea they used, etc.
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itsbansheebitch · 2 months
Fanfiction as a Learning Tool
Imagine if we were able to use fanfic as a learning tool. You could get people interested in topics they would otherwise hate (or think they'd hate) or you could inform people on topics that could effect the plot.
You wouldn't have to simplify it or water it down much because the reader is already interested. You could get people informed, and it's not like writers are strangers to research. There are literal memes about it.
Just to clarify, here's some examples:
DC X DP crossover: Bruce adopts Danny and thinks he's vaping (ghost sense) and gives him a lecture while Danny has to find a way to explain that he's never vaped in his life lmao
Undertale (Horrortale AU): Human falls into the Underground and had a hyperfixation/special interest in cannibalism. This allows them to remember the the Harris Benedict Equation, and other options for food (leather, bark, etc). You could get into misinformation about nutrition, the importance of rest in the human body, etc. Not to mention the psychological and sociological coping mechanisms that come with survival cannibalism.
Supernatural: You could teach the history of cryptozoology and ghost hunting
These are just some examples, but hopefully this is getting your gears turning. I genuinely think that this could help young people practice their media literacy skills, reading more, and staying informed.
Reading fanfic is actually a great tool when it comes to practicing reading, finding what you like, and learning new things.
I know we all meme on fanfic sometimes (My Immortal) but fanfiction could actually be used this way, and just because it's not a published work, doesn't mean it's not as good as books. Also, it being free to read fanfic means people from all walks of life can read it and learn. It could be very helpful to see how different people live.
I swear I've learned more about Romani culture from Romani people writing DC fanfic than I've ever learned in my whole life lol.
I wouldn't recommend it in schools (due to grey area legality and censorship), but I think it could be a new form of informal learning. What do ya'll think?
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Interested in Writing But Can't Seem to Write
Anonymous asked: I've been interested in writing since I was a child. Used to be a bookworm. Whole chapter books in one night, completely addicted as a form of escapism. My first real dream job was to be an author - I decided this at around 11 maybe. No matter how many phases I've had, I always return to wanting to be an author. I am 22 now. I have not written a single thing. I vaguely remember writing like, maybe 3 things at most. Incomplete works that I just had fun with. And this was before I even turned 14. But in all those years of "loving writing and books" and "wanting to be an author" I did straight up nothing. Didn't even contribute to fanfics for the fandoms I was deeply obsessed with (I do remember trying once but wasn't into it). At some point reading was out of my life too.
I'm going to start here, because of these conflicting statements:
-- "I have not written a single thing." -- "I vaguely remember writing like, maybe 3 things at most."
See the issue? ;) If you've written "maybe 3 things" you have written something. They may have been incomplete, and you may not even remember what you were, but that doesn't mean you should discount them. You have written. That experience is still in there somewhere.
One of my biggest pet peeves as a longtime writer is hearing newer writers refer to themselves as "aspiring writers." If you write, you're a writer. Period. It doesn't matter if you journal, write poetry, write fan-fiction, or wrote a middle-school round robin with friends where you all married your favorite K-Pop stars. You write. You're a writer. And, honestly, even if you're not actively writing right now, if you want to write--if you think about writing, are constantly jotting down story ideas and character names, and are eagerly gathering inspiration from all around you... guess what? You're still a writer.
Now I'm trying to take my interest in writing more seriously, but I just can't sit down and write. I'm good at storing notes and ideas and daydreaming what my stories are about, but nothing is ever produced. If I think about it I immediately lose interest - even if I am in fact still interested in writing and publishing? I'm very confused by my behaviour and I wonder if it's normal.
What you're experiencing isn't unusual. In fact, most writers experience it from time to time, though usually it happens at points further into the writing journey and not right at the start. But I still wouldn't call that "abnormal." It happens.
There are a hundred-million reasons why it happens, and the only way to figure out why it's happening for you right now is to do some soul-searching. At your age, I think a prime suspect would be that you're in the jumping off point for your adult life. This can be a tumultuous time for a variety of reasons, and your focus and energy may be naturally geared toward the things that help you explore and settle into this new phase of life. Even beyond that, if you have have a demanding job (including being a parent or caregiver), are going to school or studying for job-related tests/classes, or have a lot going on right now (multiple projects, lots of travel, lots of appointments and social commitments, etc.)--your focus and energy is probably running thin as it is, so finding a way to funnel what's left into writing is going to take some finesse. And that's if this is even the right time for it, which I'll get to later on.
Writing Stress = Writing Avoidance
One of the most mind-blowing things I've learned about writing is that writing avoidance often comes down to writing feeling stressful for whatever reason. If you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself to write, write a certain amount, meet goals or deadlines, that translates to stress. It makes writing stressful, and the problem with that is evolution has wired our brains to avoid things that are stressful. At its most basic level, stress is a response to danger--you hear a lion roar in the distance, it causes you stress, you turn and run in the opposite direction. Stress triggers the "fight or flight response," a defense mechanism that protects us from the impending danger. With writing, "fight" shows up as self-criticism. "Flight" shows up as avoidance.
So, if you find that you want to write but are avoiding it, it's worth considering if you're avoiding it because it feels stressful to you. If so, there are things you can do to de-stress writing. For one thing, let go of the notion that you have to write any particular thing or amount in order to be a writer. Set yourself a bare minimum writing goal to reach every day... like writing for 10 minutes. That can be any writing--journaling, writing prompts, working on a story, fleshing out story ideas, fluffy fan-fiction, poetry, writing down a favorite memory, doing a book or movie review, anything. Try to do it every day, but don't beat yourself up if you sit down and aren't able to write anything, don't write a lot, or never sit down at all. Just try, every day, do your best. Also, try setting up a writing routine that you do every day when you sit down for that little writing session. Try to pick the same or similar time each day, do a little meditation or stretch beforehand, put on some soft music or light a candle, get your favorite drink or small snack. If you do this almost every day, what you'll start to find is that the writing happens more and more easily. Eventually you'll be spend more and more time doing it.
Why can I say I'm interested in writing when I don't write at all?
I'm interested in traveling to England but I haven't yet and have no current plans to. Does that mean I'm not allowed to say I'm interested in traveling to England?
Being interested in something doesn't mean you have to do that thing right now or you can't say you're interested in it.
And even if you can't write right now for whatever reason, there are still plenty of writerly things you CAN do. Following writing blogs and vlogs is a good start. You can listen to writing podcasts and read writing craft books. You can keep a notebook full of plot and character ideas, setting inspiration, favorite quotes, interesting words, and overheard bits of dialogue. You can watch TV shows and movies (and read books, which includes listening to audiiobooks!) You don't even have to do these things all the time or everyday. Just periodically, when you can. It all goes into your creative well and will be there to draw from when you are able to write.
One final word...
You do not have to be in a hurry to be a writer or to be a published writer. The average age of first-time publication is mid-30s. I was mid-40s. Jane Austen was 35. Toni Morrison was 40. J.R.R. Tolkien was 45. Richard Adams was 52. Annie Proulx was 57. Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65. National Book Award winner Harriet Doerr was 74. Poet Sarah Yerkes started writing poetry at 97 and was published at 101.
So, be interested in writing. Own that interest. Figure out if and how writing fits into your life right now. If it doesn't, do the other things. Fill your creative well so it will be ready when writing does fit into your life. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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complexcritterscave · 2 months
Anyway fanfic starts now :3
Who would want to leave the soft and warm comfort of their bed? The embrace of one’s sheets wrapped around them as if they were but a small infant once more.
There was not a single person in the world who actually enjoyed getting up.
Absolutely no one..
Not a single person…
Okay that might have been just a teeny tiny lie…
Well… Not really a lie? How am I supposed to know, I’m just a narrator get off my back!
Moving on…
There really was one person who enjoyed mornings. For her, that meant she had lived to see another day. That she had evaded capture once more. No one could catch a genius, a reborn, intuitive Einstein as she would say. That’s right! Bive was the smartest cookie there was!
Mornings were a sign of hope, that she still had a chance to spread the truth! A chance to save everyone. Of course some were too far gone to be saved and would have to suffer the consequences for when the clowns came and snow soldiers took over but they picked their poison. They made their bed. They dug their graves. Now they had to lay in them when the time came.
Besides! Even if she couldn’t save everyone, she could save some of them! She could use her cleverness to think of plans to save those who listened. Her brains to find solutions to their biggest problems. She could accomplish anything as long as she was wide awake, as long as the gears in her head were constantly turning!
So why weren’t they spinning now?
She stared at her corkboard, her expression dull as she leaned against the brick wall of the maze. She felt horrible. Her head was killing her and her special brew wasn’t helping her in the slightest. If anything it made it worse! She felt top heavy and ill, her arms and legs acted as if they were a fruity gelatine. Maybe even a sweet lime flavour gelatine…
If that didn’t sound awful already. She was groggy and irritated. Her cat-like reflexes were more like a snail’s and her vision would occasionally blur.
What in the name of Clown Militia was going on with her?!
She let out an annoyed groan as she used the wall to keep herself upright before eventually succumbing and falling over. It was as if her own body were betraying her!
Useless vessel. Didn’t know she was the reason it was even alive! Talk about ungrateful…
There had to be someone she could trust to assist her. DrRETRO? No. That furball thought she was insane. Poob? No. They’d make it worse with their constant partying. Mark? He’d try and fix her with some sort of wood trick. Wallter? He trusts the flowers… Absolutely not…
Wait… God it was worse than she thought. She couldn’t even CONTACT any of them! None of them had her signal! Oh the fool she was! A complete and total fool!
Who had her radio signal..? Her memory was a bit fogged at the moment but she knew she gave it to someone..
Aha! Split! At least she thinks so? She couldn’t remember very well. She reached for her radio, twisting and turning the knobs as she attempted to reach the fruit-taur, letting out a cry of pain from the feedback and hissing through her teeth.
She let out a quiet sigh, trying to ignore the splitting pain that shot through her head, with every knob turn a new static frequency filling the air. Her voice croaking as she spoke into the radio.
"Split are you there?!"
The fruit-taur was sleeping peacefully in her own bed, a small banana-themed night light shining on her nightstand beside her alarm clock. It was still frankly early, only about 4am.
All was quiet…
… Until it wasn’t…
Split immediately shot up, breathing heavily as she was suddenly awoken from her restful slumber. Her heart racing as she glanced around frantically.
Despite being unable to see, she immediately went on the defensive, tensing up as she tried to look as threatening as possible.
"Split…? Split are you there? Split..? Split!"
She turned towards her nightstand, the adrenaline dying down as it slowly became replaced with tired realization. She grabbed her glasses, putting them on before reaching for the radio.
"Bivey, you’re spiralling again…"
Bive’s side of the radio went quiet, as if she were processing the moment before answering.
"SPLIT YOU’RE OKAY- AcK- Ow ow radio feedback ow."
Split couldn’t help but smile, finding her worry endearing before speaking up.
"Yes, I’m fine. What’s going on with you? It’s uh…"
She glanced at the clock.
"Four in the morning. I don’t even think the early bird gets up this early!"
Well that was concerning news.
"What do you mean something is wrong with you?"
She listened as the detective rambled on and on, blinking as she tried to slowly put everything together.
"Poisoned-? Bive what-? No one poisoned you. You probably just have a cold."
"Okay okay fine! You’re not sick! Just calm down."
"Oh my… Bive? Just… Stay calm for now? I’ll be over soon."
Guess she wasn’t sleeping in like she originally planned. She sighed as Bive rambled some incoherent words before the radio went dead, having no clue what she said before she got up. She was just in a comfortable T-shirt, that’s decent enough to go out.
It’s not like anyone would see her, it was too early for someone to be out and about on the elevator… Apart from her of course…
Bive was leaning against the wall, her head still throbbing and body still weak. She felt awful. There was no way she WASN’T poisoned. How was this even possible?! Even if they DID make it through the maze, how did they catch her off guard?! She was awake the whole time!
This was worse than she thought. Her enemies were getting smarter. They had found her location, slipped through the maze, and caught her off guard while she was on guard! Oh this was horrible. Truly terrible! How could she save anyone in her weakened state?!
The next hours were spent in agony. Well at least it felt like hours, it had really been only thirty minutes as she sat there patiently. Waiting for the Split’s arrival.
Speaking of Split, she was already stepping off the elevator, standing outside of the maze as she yawned. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, it wasn’t even dawn. She entered the maze, knowing her way decently enough to where she couldn’t get lost and only worrying about Scary Mike and an overly excited Fleshy, more so Mike, as she navigated herself through it.
Turning one of corners, she noticed the soft glow of a yellow light. Bingo. She quickened her pace down the hall, the strong scent of coffee wafting over her as the glow became stronger. Soon enough, she was met with the living quarters of the paranoid detective.
It was just as unorganized as she remembered, red string and empty styrofoam cups littered the floor. At least she listened to her the last time Split was over and picked up the thumbtacks, those were just accidents waiting to happen. Her floppy ears lifted as she heard a quiet and pained groan, looking down to see that Bive was on the floor, against the wall, with her head in her hands.
She let out a startled yelp, trying to jump back only to met with a brick wall as she hissed through gritted teeth. That didn’t help with her headache and weak body at all… She looked up at the fruit-taur, a wave of relief and realization washing over her.
"Are you okay?"
"No! I’ve been POISONED! I’m going to DIE!"
"You’re not going to die."
"Why do you think that?"
She winced in pain as she felt another debilitating stroke of pain shoot through her head, gritting her teeth and using the wall to stand as she leaned against it. Seeing her state, Split grew concerned. Her being poisoned was a stretch but there was very well a chance she may have done or eaten something that could cause her this much harm.
"Can you tell me exactly what you’re feeling right now..?"
"Er-! A stupid headache… I feel a bit nauseous… lightweight… Annoyed with everything.."
"Have you eaten?"
"Have you had some water?"
"Have you slept..?"
"Have. You. Slept?"
"Uh… No…"
"When’s the last time you have?"
"Bive… When was the last time you slept?"
"Hold on. I’m trying to remember…"
"You shouldn’t have to remember! It should’ve been recently!"
"You’re also vulnerable to them if you DON’T sleep!"
"Oh please, I’m not even tired!"
"Doesn’t mean anything!"
"I think it means a lot!"
"Do you want to feel better or not?"
"I do."
"Then go to sleep!"
"No no! I don’t wanna hear it. No buts! If you’re that worried about being attacked by someone, I can just stay with you! Problem solved!"
Bive stared at Split for a moment. She’s never had her stay over. But seeing how much the fruit-taur wanted her to sleep, she knew she didn’t have much of a choice.
"Thank you…"
Split watched as the detective huffed and left to go get ready for bed, smiling as she grumbled underneath her breath. Even if she wasn’t happy with the idea, it was certainly necessary.
She continued to wait patiently before Bive reappeared, no longer in her classic coat and pants but in her own sleepwear.
"I don’t like this."
"Too bad. You need it."
"Do I though?"
"Go to bed."
Seeing as she wasn’t going to be able to wriggle herself away from this situation, she groaned before heading off back to her room, falling onto the bed and just laying there while waiting for fall asleep. She wasn’t very good at this thing…
Split stood outside the door, still feeling sluggish but forcing herself to stay awake. She had no idea what time it was since Bive owned no clocks; something about time being stopped and how every other clock was a fake, but it felt as if it were still early. She felt herself dozing off, but tried to fight against it. Right as she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt someone tap her shoulder.
"Split…? I can’t sleep."
She jerked awake, staring down at Bive before sighing.
"Are you okay?"
"I’m fine! Just tired.."
"Do you wanna sleep in my bed?"
"I MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE TO! I just thought.. Ya know!"
She stared tiredly down at the stammering and jittery detective, a small grin appearing on her face.
"I’ll take you up on that offer…"
Bive paused, looking at Split before forcing out a nervous laugh.
She led the fruit-taur into her room, watching as she dragged her paws towards the bed. She paused midway before looking towards Bive.
"Wait. Where are you gonna sleep?"
"Uhh… I just… won’t? Since I’m not tired..?"
She gave her a nervous smile, flashing her yellow tinted teeth at Split. Unfortunately for her, the other’s gaze hardened.
"Alright, I’ll just fix it this way."
Before she could get a reply out, she was dragged into the bed with her, the fruit-taur was holding her close as she sighed.
"This… This isn’t necessary you know?"
"Yes it is."
"… Yes?"
"… Goodnight, Split.."
Bive fell quiet, listening quietly as Split’s breathing eventually slowed into quiet snores. She laid there a moment, before clinging onto the other, snuggling against her before sighing. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her as she began drifting off.
RAHHHHHHH FANFIC FINISHED. Sorry if it isn’t as good as my angst fic, I hope you enjoyed it though!!!!!
Omw to work on the Cheshire Cat doomed yuri fanfic someone double dog dared me to write now bye sillies <3
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Skywarp helping Thundercracker get over his depression by telling him to write fanfiction 🤌🤌🤌 like I’ve never considered it before but it’s now been ingrained in my brain that he’s a fanfic writer bc it’s very in character for him. And now skywards gotta figure out how to get Starscream to feel alive. Who knows how he does it. Is it science? Is fashion? Is it G1 starscreams favourite hobby of being a bastard?
It’s probably not that…
I'm glad you asked! I think we've got a pretty great idea for what he does for Starscream
So, Vos is a flying city, right? It's way, waaay up in the atmosphere, barely a gleaming speck when viewed from the ground, and it has no set day or night cycle due to it constantly moving independently of Cybertron's rotation. As a result, though the acid rains they produce nourish the vast crystal flora on the planet beneath them, Vos is entirely barren. It's environment is entirely unfit for crystals and they can't thrive, bleeding their color til they turn gray and shattering to dust within mere hours. Because of this, most Vosians have never even seen a real crystal flower before.
This is where Skywarp comes in. Starscream can only pursue his love of science, of exploration, of the unknown in the palace's vast library. This sort of thing would put Skywarp to sleep, but there's always fire in the prince's optics when he's glued to a textbook or meticulously scanning through advanced theories, and it's clear he's boundlessly curious. He'd love to do some proper hands on science, but it's not necessary for his future as the Winglord to know advanced physics or xenobiology, so the current ruling trine wouldn't approve. In a perfect world, Skywarp would love to see a laboratory space installed in the palace, but seeing as that's not going to happen anytime soon, he sets his sights elsewhere
The idea comes to him after a portrait catches his eye in the halls while he's escorting the prince and his fiance. It's a beautiful painting, lovingly crafted and flawless perfection down to the tiniest detail. It depicts Starscream's carrier, visibly sparked, his chassis glowing softly with the life he carries and belly perfectly round. He's seated in his throne, a regal, serene smile on his face, posture perfect and arms tenderly cradling the swell of his midsection. It was a commemorative painting to celebrate the Winglord's first concieved children, but that's not what garners his attention. No, it's the background: the second Lord of Vos is surrounded by glistening white crystal flowers, reflecting light in rainbow dapples. They're gleaming and glittering and only serve to make him glow with a heavenly backlight.
He asks Starscream if those were real flowers, and he responds that of course they were. It may have been before his birth but he knows perfectly well that his sire would never spring for anything less than the real deal. Skywarp asks if he's ever seen a crystal flower before, and Star kind of sighs, rolling his optics and shaking his helm. Of course he hasn't.
And that prompts Skywarp to suggest that maybe he should.
Starscream scoffs because that's ludicrous. Importing flowers has an asanine price tag, and they shatter within mere megacycles. The dust gets everywhere. He's seen pictures, that's plenty.
But Skywarp jumps in, insistent, "No, I mean, you should grow your own!"
Starscream barks a single, bitter laugh, because surely he must be insane. Crystal flowers dont grow in Vos, it's impossible!
Is it impossible?
Skywarp can practically see the gears turning in his head, and goes in for the kill.
He suggests that Starscream experiment. Research. Learn. He's read plenty of books on botany, right? Sorted through academic papers and knows Vos's atmosphere extremely well. If anyone could figure out a way, it would probably be him. Crystal gardens are a common sight amongst the houses of grounders nobility; why should they have anything the seekers don't?
It takes him a long time, a lot of trial and error and a lot of research, combing digital foreign libraries and maybe even writing to botany professors from Praxus or Crystal City. Starscream noticeably changes, becoming brighter and more exuberant now that he has a hobby he truly enjoys. The shelves in his room start filling up with various pots of ground metal soil from the surface, full of seeds and withered half-sprouts, and he's always got his face in a notebook, scribbling away new theories and notes and recording data, tweaking his hypotheses and trying everything he can think of. Thundercracker is always nearby reading his latest romance novel or writing his own fantastical ideas down, and Skywarp is always there too, watching over them and thoroughly enjoying just how happy they look.
And sometimes 🤭 multiple nights a week, Skywarp takes him down to Cybertron. Checking out the gardens and wild fields of flowers around Praxus, maybe even wandering through the delicate forests surrounding Crystal City. Star takes samples and observes them with intense scrutiny, and buys hundreds upon thousands of seeds for his experiments. Skywarp has never seen him so happy, so excited, when his first crystal seed sprouts.
It's after months of work and trial and error, but miraculously, it finally happens: a shy little blue crystal sprig, poking out of it's pot by less than a pinkie's width, but it's there! Starscream is overjoyed, mumbling to himself a mile a minute and rushing to triple check the sample ID and write everything down, as well as begin mass replicating that batch to see if they can get more to grow! He's smiling so widely it looks like his cheeks may become sore, and his wings are fluttering behind him, actually fluttering, he's so pleased with himself. Skywarp lends a hand preparing more pots and flower boxes, and when Thundercracker arrives he congratulates his fiance wholeheartedly. Maybe his endeavor even inspires the blue seeker to write some more 🤭 it may not have been the chemistry lab work ups Starscream used to dream of, but the thrill of scientific experimentation and discovery feels just as good as he thought it would, and for the first time in a long time... he truly feels happy. Content. Fulfilled. And it's all thanks to this lovely courtesan. That night Skywarp puts on the best show he can, and who knows? Maybe someday, he'll be able to dance for them with petals falling from the sky 💖
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 11 months
How does one get back to writing after a long hiatus? My gaming addiction is finally wearing off and I wanna write but mental block is at it again.
oh my lol well the gaming addiction is very very real! luckily there are several things that work really well for me:
reading fic: new fic or re-reading old fic never stops me from ✨getting ideas✨even reading some of my favorite books or picking up new ones will serve as good inspiration. the best written stories always do, i find
brainstorming with friends: i'm lucky to be on some really cool discord servers where i can chat with ppl who love ml like me <33 (love you littlebugs) but i also just chatter to my irl writer friends about my non-fanfic wips and then the ideas start bouncing and then my brain goes brrrr
drafting: just sit down and DO it bro!! get a little anonymous animal to sit in the corner of your google doc and babysit you if you must (ily littlebugs)! trust me it works. at least for me, having somebody there and watch me type shit up helps to at least get the words down. then i go back and edit and that really lights a fire under my keyboard lol
writing youtube: go down this rabbit hole! i swear it helps so much! start with the closer look, lessons from the screenplay, studiobinder, filmento, and even film courage. maybe it's just me but every time i start binging the screenwriting/novel writing side of youtube i just get so many ideas and the gears start turning and i start thinking "what if in my story" and yeah. do it!!! i promise it's so helpful!
anyways gl anon <3 and happy writing <3
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 5 months
TITLE: For the funny (is this even for all ages??) FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: sun, gnagle WRITERS: elsie, xeya, tailsbot RATED ALL AGES
One day, Gnaggagngle and Sun decide to go to therapy. Unfortunately for them, the only available therapist is Ragatha, who immediately has a mental breakdown because girlie needs help.
This now turns to Gangle, Sun, and Ragatha all crying together, doing pure crack as they did so. Wh.. do I even want to know?
Anyway, Sun then flared and died, falling facedown onto the table in front of them.
So now a high Gangle and a high Ragatha are next to a dead body.
"wow, that sure did happen, im still depresed" says Gnangel "Lets go kill Jax, for the funny!" ragatha exclaimed "For the funny!" gangle replied
so then the two went and found jax, who was chilling in a t pose as one does "Jax we here to kill you" said gagnle "No u" says Jax 'oh ok" replies ragatha, as both her and gnglea do the family guy death pose and die.
"wow! they had crack on them!" says Jax "im gonna do the crack, and then ill blow up Mars!" Jax proceeded to do the crack, and blew up mars
Jax then proceeded to become the new tumblr secymand
TITLE: Gangle's Secret love FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: gangle, james/mask WRITERS: gummy, tailsbot, xeya RATED ALL AGES Gangle and Mask were at a cafe, waiting on their order. Gangle had been showing off her sketchbook to Mask, flipping through pages, when suddenly Gangle remembered a particular sketch that was in there… Gangle was too late to snatch the sketchbook back, when Mask flipped the page. "What the hell is this?" He said incredulously. "NO NO NO NO NO!" Gangle screeched.
Unfortunately, all had been revealed…
as her life crumbled before her, she sat, watching the terror in masks face, as they witnessed the page. Her biggest secrets, shown to the world, now everyone would know that
Gangle drew herself, KISSING ZOOBLE!
Mask stared down at the BEAUTIFUL AND TERRIFYINGLY DETAILED DRAWING and slowly turned to look at Gangle. "Are you…" they began, their voice trembling… "…a homosexual?" Gangle profusely denied, but the truth was out. Gangle was gay for Zooble. "Gangle.. why didn't you tell anyone?!" "It was… sniffle… it was too much!!! I COULDN'T!!! ZOOBLE WOULD FIND OUT IM GAY FOR THEM!!!" Mask committed a hit and run on Gangle by smacking her upside the head with her sketchbook and ran over to Zooble. "GANGLE IS GAY FOR Y-" Mask was pulled backwards into the shadows by a mysterious ribboned force and was never seen again… Emerging from the shadows was Gangle! "Hello! Everything you just heard is WRONG." Gangle faded away.
"…What the f-"
TITLE: TOP TEN ANIME BATTLES: #1: SANS VS FREDDY FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: sans, five nigt fredy WRITERS: xeya, gummy, elsie RATED ALL AGES Sans was gearing up for battle against Freddy Fazbear. He shined his Gaster Blaster and FUCKING obliterated a dummy. (mad dummy)
Freddy Fazbear showed up in a full blown mechasuit.
What the fuck.
Sans chuckled as he brandished his weapon. "I know your sins, Freddy. This won't end well for you." Freddy chuckled. "you may be strong, but you're still just a skeleton. One hit and you're done. I know you have a limit. How fast can we reach it?" Sans's eyes narrowed, and he pulled a hand from his pocket, his fingertips glowing blue. The bell rang, and the battle began, Sans dodged Freddy's attacks left and right, shooting arrays of bones in every direction. Freddy was hit several times, but this old bear was strong, and resisted the damage enough to keep going. "You're bear-ly taking a hit, arentcha?" Sans, joked, winking. Freddy Fazbear ignored this, and kept swinging.
Sans kept dodging attacks, but wondered how long he could keep this up…
And then he realized Freddy’s weakness… He’s electronic. And Sans has a bucket of water from an old door prank…
It was done.
@zooooble @thecomicallytragicgangle we wrote shipfic about you by the way
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sexyzuka · 7 months
A Fateful Encounter
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k+
Content: fem!reader, werewolf!reader, gore, blood, angst, mentions of death, a bit of findom, pet names
Summary: It's been nearly a decade now since the Fourth Great Ninja War. You and your tribe live just outside of Konoha's border, a coexistence spanning nearly a century, but one fueled by secrecy. Hardly anyone in Konoha knows the truth about you, and you'd like to keep it that way. Unfortunately, a member of your tribe has been mortally wounded. From past experiences you know that the only way to save them is to sneak into Konoha to get supplies, but what happens when your ruse to appear as a human is exposed?
Writer's Notes: Hey, so this is my first fanfic. I wanted to write down this scenario I had floating around in my head involving Boruto era Kiba Inuzuka and my werewolf OC. For the purpose of this fic, I turned her into the reader. I really want to rewrite this scenario from Kiba's point of view and have that as a sister-fic to this one. I also have at least one more part for this fic planned, so you can be on the lookout for that! When I write up the second part I'll be sure to link to it in the description. I hope you enjoy.
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Red. Everything was red. The oppressive hues coupled with the noxious stench of mangled flesh was wafting through the stagnant air.
"Stay strong, please. I'll be back as soon as I can," you said gently as you held up a hand to the grimacing maw of your friend. You affectionately ran your nails through their fur while you reassured them, "I swear I won't let you die." Your eyes began to swell a bit, but you managed to maintain your composure by virtue of sheer willpower. You knew that unnecessary emotional outbursts wouldn't accomplish anything right now.
The only thing that can help in this situation is action. That's right, you can't just sit here forever.
"I need you to keep pressure on the wound," you barked while beckoning over a trembling youth. "Don't ease up even for a second, okay?"
"O-o-ok," their voice meekly whimpered.
You could see the hesitation in their eyes, but you knew there were no other options.
"I promise I won't be long. This is something only you can do right now. Please," you pleaded while pointing to your companion huddled on the ground, "just stay here with Kōtarō and I'll handle the rest."
You kneeled down as you rested your hand on the pup's shoulder. They gingerly lifted their head up to meet your gaze. A firm resolve resonating within you emanated from every cell in your being. The youngster, emboldened by the exchange, gave you a silent nod as they arduously walked over to Kōtarō.
After instructing them on where to apply pressure, you put on your hood and took off at a breakneck speed towards Konoha.
Your adrenaline gave you tunnel vision, all you could think of was saving your friend. In your haste you neglected to double-check all of your belongings before you left. You thought that your gear felt a bit lighter than usual, but you couldn't quite figure out why. The only thing that mattered to you right now was securing medicine for Kōtarō.
You suppressed a wave of uneasiness swelling up inside of you by reminding yourself of what was at stake. Even a single moment of hesitation could be the difference between life and death. You bring yourself back down to earth by biting down on your bottom lip hard. A few drops of blood ooze out and flitter in the wind as you continue on your journey.
As you closed in on the village you took a detour to the east. There was no way the guards would let you in normally, after all. Thankfully the Konoha ninken were cordial with your tribe so you rarely had any issue when you chose to use their special entrance.
Entrance… might not be the right word for it. Sure, it was used for egress when a rowdy hound wanted to escape the humdrum of everyday life. Since the war ended there have been fewer and fewer missions for ninken, but their drive to hunt and unleash their energy hasn't abated in the slightest. On occasion a ninken or two will even join your tribe when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, joyously scampering about while their human partners are none the wiser.
As you think back on the last full moon you see Kōtarō's face in your mind. He was so happy to have finally been able to lead the pack in their nightly run, his eyes glimmering with pure joy and excitement as the cool breeze delicately tousled his coat. The sinister touch of reality didn't let this daydream last long though as it tainted his visage, turning it from one of unbridled bliss to gut-wrenching agony.
The sordid apparitions your mind concocts shake you to your core. Your entire body involuntarily shivers as you stagger closer to a partially obscured hole in the ground next to the wall that surrounds Konoha. A sullen howl in the distance snaps you back to reality.
"I'm doing this for him," you reassure yourself.
With one swift motion you jump up a meter or two and by the time you've reached the ground your transformation is complete. You've gotten better at this over the years. At first the blistering pain used to radiate throughout your body, especially in your bones. But nowadays you can complete the sequence without so much as a second thought.
As soon as your paws touched the warm earth you deftly burrowed through the small hole in the ground, being sure to not disturb the surroundings on the other side of the wall. You were very familiar with the placement of the crates that lined the perimeter of Konoha. The wooden boxes, for being as mundane as they were, served a surprising number of purposes. They were the perfect hidden entranceway that moonlighted as a lycanthrope transformation room.
As quickly as before, your body was transfigured into that of a young adult. Your metamorphosis into a human was pretty convincing, but your pointed ears and vivacious tail were remnants of your true form that belied your façade. In your haste you neglected to tie back your ears and tuck your tail entirely into your clothes. The caramel brown strands of fur weren't fully visible, but a discerning eye from a curious stranger could prove to be a detriment.
You silently lifted the top of the crate open so you could peer outside. You scanned the area, making sure no one was nearby, before you furtively slipped out through a small opening. You dusted off the outside of your cloak before beginning the next leg of your journey.
You'd been to Konoha many times, so you knew the quickest way to get to your destination, a pet supplies store on the south side of town. It used to be so much harder to secure provisions and medications, but since the Fourth Great Ninja War there have been more chances for an outsider such as yourself to blend into the monotonous mass of visitors that now populate the streets. Most of these tourists are too engrossed in their own inflated sense of self to pay much mind to others, let alone a meek and unassuming young woman keeping to the shadows.
You have keen senses and a knack for erasing your presence, so the rest of this trip should be easy, you reassure yourself. The owner of the pet supplies store you frequent has come to know you well over the years, a tacit understanding facilitated by the exchange of this civilization's currency.
You often wonder how these rather dull and drab coins are useful in any way to humans. It's not as if you can eat the hunks of metal or use them as a vulnerary, on the contrary you have to be wary of the ones that contain trace amounts of silver lest they elicit a potent allergic reaction. Just thinking about the tarnished tender makes the hackles on the back of your neck radiate with trepidation.
If anything, those accursed coins are more of an affliction than an asset because you've seen many a human turn feral from their wicked grasp.
"And they have the nerve to call us monsters," you mumble to yourself in a muted tone as you approach the pet supplies store.
As you enter the store you're greeted with an astute, silent nod from the proprietor. After half a second of eye contact you return his nod and make your way to the back corner of the store. You're grateful that the old man who owns this joint has never once questioned your rather unusual appearance.
He's no doubt seen the amber strands of your fur that sometimes peek out under your cloak when you bend down to grab something on a bottom shelf. An unfortunately timed occasional sneeze here and there sometimes jostles your hood and misplaces it ever so slightly, but he chooses to keep silent even when faced with an disconcerting truth that would unnerve most normal humans.
"Hm, what does 'normal' even mean?" you ponder to yourself while mindlessly passing through the aisles.
You've been here enough times in the past to know where everything is, so all you have to do is just turn this corner and-
Before you could finish that thought you carelessly trip on a leash that's being pulled taut by a rugged man with a distracted look on his face. His expression changes from one of distracted consumerism to that of genuine concern.
As you stumble and fall towards the ground a robust arm with an impressive amount of strength grabs you around your waist right before you hit the ground. The man slowly pulls you back up, but you're too frazzled to give much of a reaction. Your hood slightly askew now, and one of your ears is poking out ever so slightly.
"I'm sorry, my bad." a voice rings out. "I was looking for a leash for our newest puppy and-," the words continue to hit your eardrums but you can't make much sense of them because your heart and mind begin racing at an astronomical pace. The only thing that you can hear is your own heartbeat clamoring in your ears. "…my sis is busy, so I'm on shopping duty… and Akamaru, oh that's my partner, he… and I can't believe Kōtarō hasn't given us a raise this year, something about inflation-"
"Kōtarō?" hearing that name snaps you back to reality.
"Yeah, you know him or something?" the man asks with a skeptical expression on his face.
A flood of images from earlier today dance through your mind, the vile spectres of your past beckoning you towards the edge of a cliff. The icy chill that ran down your spine was enough to unfurl the jumbled mess of thoughts that constricted your free will.
"Kōtarō," you repeated again.
"Uh miss, are you ok? Also, it looks like you might have a little dog fur stuck on your hood here let me-" as the man reached over to grab the tuft of fur that was attached to your ear, you jumped back a little.
"Thank you," you said as you quickly fixed your hood and straightened up your cloak, shaking off the dust with a newly ignited fervor.
"You're welcome? Listen, just now was that your-" before the man was able to finish his sentence you were already in the next aisle grabbing supplies. He turned around and followed you, but you couldn't make out what he was saying because your mind was consumed with one thought.
"I have to save him." The words kept repeating in your head over and over.
You dashed to the register while carrying a considerable amount of gauze, antibiotics, and medical tape. As you put your items on the counter the man came jogging from the aisle you were just in.
"Hey, wait. Stop ignoring me!" he exclaimed as you frantically searched for the bag of ryō that you always carry with you whenever you visit Konoha. When you reached down to your waist the only thing that you were greeted with was a sense of horror. The rope that usually holds up your pocket change was missing, and in its place was nothing but a sinking feeling of dread. It must have been severed during all of the commotion earlier in the forest.
"Put it on my tab," you feverishly whimpered while deftly snagging the items off of the counter before the proprietor could react.
As you sprinted out the door, the owner shook his head admonishingly as he glanced over at the man who had a countenance composed of equal parts intrigue and confusion.
"So, is a member of Konoha's Military Police Force seriously going to let a robbery happen right in front of him and not go after the thief?" the proprietor asked with a snarky expression on his face.
The man snapped out of his daze, a cheeky smile emerging amidst the lingering remnants of bemusement.
"No way. I'll make sure I catch up to her or my name's not Kiba Inuzuka," the man proudly barked while puffing out his chest and flexing his muscles.
"That's all well and fine, but I still need to pay for my next shipment of Azithromycin. That stuff's not cheap, you know! Since you're so sure of yourself, why don't you cover her tab for now and get her to pay you back?" The old man had a crooked, sinister smile on his face while he pointed at the number on the register.
"Yeah, sure. I know I'll get her to pay me back. I'm Kiba Inuzuka, after all. There's nothing I can't-" he did a double take as he read the exorbitant number listed on the register, "-excuse me, that medication cost HOW MUCH?" Unable to swallow his pride and admit he was wrong, Kiba grabbed his wallet and paid for the mysterious woman's tab.
"Thank you. Please come again," the proprietor's cheery voice resounded as the cash register ringed.
Kiba has a sullen look on his face as he put his wallet away. It looks like his clan's youngest ninken will have to wait another day for that new leash. He left the store with a heightened sense of determination. "Okay little princess, now where did you run off to? Don't think you can run away from my nose."
----- TO BE CONTINUED -----
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firstkanaphans · 3 months
hii! i'm a big fan of your fanfics, and as an aspiring writer myself, sometimes I feel sad 'cause I know and feel like I won't ever be as good as you are ☹️ I know I shouldn't compare myself, and I'm trying to get better at it, so I would genuinely like to ask, are there any tips you'd give to authors out there trying to improve? either their writing skills, plot ideas, planning and stuff. thank you, either way, love you! can't wait for your next work ❣️
So, the first thing I want to say is that I have been writing for a long time. I published my first fanfic when I was 12 years old and I’m 31 now, so I’ve been actively writing for the past 19 years (!!!) with almost no break. The way someone explained it to me once was to look at your years writing like levels in a video game. I’m currently at level 19. If you’ve been writing for ten years, you’re at level 10 and it’s certainly not fair to compare yourself to me because the only thing that’s truly going to make you a better writer is to write.
I’m assuming since you called yourself an “aspiring writer” that your eventual goal is publication, so I’ll gear my recommendations towards that. Fanfiction is a completely different animal, but a lot of these tips are applicable to both. The biggest difference is that there’s a lot more freedom in fanfiction. You can write what you want without worrying about three-act structures and you don’t have to invest any work in making people care about the characters because they already do. It is worth noting, however, that if you write, you’re already a writer. 
First, I highly recommend that you read “Save the Cat” by Blake Snyder. It changed my life and I’m not even kidding. It’s an absolutely fantastic book on writing and although it’s geared towards screenwriting instead of novels, everything is still applicable. (There’s actually a newer version called Save the Cat Writes a Novel, but I’ve never actually read that one so I don’t know if it’s as good.) He goes over how to plot a story and also how to write likable characters, which is surprisingly one of the hardest parts of writing original fiction.
The second biggest tip I can give you is to let yourself write badly. Editing is easier than writing. The most important thing is to get words down on the page. You would not believe how bad my first drafts are—and that’s not just me being coy. Honestly, the next time I sit down to write a fanfic, I might save my first draft for anyone who’s interested to read because my first drafts are always bad. Like legitimately. There’s a lot of freedom in letting yourself fail and your writing will turn out better for it.
I would also recommend getting a professional critique if you are able to because you’re never truly going to know what it is you need to improve upon unless someone tells you. Signing up for a writing retreat is a great way to do this or you can look for online critiquing services. I’ve gotten several chapter critiques from Scribbler in the past and I found them very helpful.
But truly, the most important thing is to just have fun. I heard Lin-Manuel Miranda talking about writing Hamilton once and he said that what he constantly kept asking himself was, “If no one else ever sees this, will writing it still have been worth it?” And for him, it was. That’s the kind of energy I try to write with. I write what I want when I want and if I find myself struggling to write a scene because it’s boring, I do something to make it not boring instead. Change things up! Have fun! Because otherwise, what’s the point?
About six years ago, a friend of mine said virtually the same thing you did in this ask: “I’ll never be as good as you.” She had been writing for less than a year at the time. We lost touch when I left fandom to pursue original fiction, but when I came back last year, I looked her up again. She has a Tumblr ficlet pinned at the top of her page with 10K+ notes. I could never.
So don’t count yourself out yet. Just keep writing.
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freakywizard · 4 months
hiii r&m anon here again!!! i noticed you mentioned liking season 7, so i was wondering if you had any favorite or least favourite episodes, plotlines, all that jazz. season 7 debrief, if you will. would love to hear your thoughts!
ram anon gracing my inbox once again (always a pleasure)
huge rant below the cut (talking about rick and morty triggers the longwinded newspaper art critic in me sorry)
s7e2 and e4 were the best episodes in my opinion. absurd, darkly funny, overall just so perfect. i was especially excited about s7e2 since the rick/jerry dynamic has intrigued me since episode s3e5. i love that that episode basically just confirmed Rick and Jerry may be foils but are also perfect complements? they can only understand / appreciate each other when they are literally existing in each other's flesh? i try not to wax poetic about ram but this episode was tempting meeeee
and re: e4, i think this show's writing is at its best when the writers come up with a stupid concept and treat it seriously. i love that this episode saw the concept of 'what if corpse spaghetti' through to the end. classic dark comedy, absurd, wacky goodness. lovee it
one thing i do hate about this season (as well as seasons 5 and 6) is the number of callbacks to 'old' rick and morty. s7e3 and s7e8 were some of the worst episodes this season, mostly because they just reused old plotlines and developed them in the least interesting ways possible, imo. did the mid gag from s3e5 really need its own episode? it really did not. i think that this is one of the worst consequences of the show becoming less episodic and more serialized - the writers just endlessly milk the early seasons to recycle into plotlines, one-off gags, whatever. the self-referentiality and meta humor of newer seasons will always, always grind my gears severely.
also, s7e7 was almost unwatchable. it reminded me of s6e2 in all the worst ways - just dedicating an entire episode to a SINGLE movie reference, doubling down on the singular reference as the episode drags on. god that episode sucked. so boring, annoying, unfunny.
i have extremely mixed feelings on s7e5. On the one hand, I'm still annoyed that the backstory from s3e1 is even canon, and Rick is yet another entry in the long tradition of flawed male protagonists turned into a nihilistic depressed shitshow by the death of a wife. it's such a pat trope, imo.
HOWEVER, i really like how this episode developed Rick. I'll always be a fan of ruthlessness and revenge plotlines, so im biased. but i've come to appreciate Rick Prime as a villain, as a testament to how much Rick hates himself -- there's a version of himself out there that would torture himself across the universe by killing off his own loved ones, just to try to prove his own superiority? it's all very mindfucky but im super into it. Rick C137 killing Prime with his fists, all while Prime goads him? it was such a cool scene. i love when the show does selfcest
i also still have mixed feelings on the evil morty and his growing prominence in the series. it was nice when he was just a little treat, but it became clear in s4 the writers were aware of fan expectations for the character. i can't help but wonder if that's shaped the way they're writing him, especially giving him the centralized role in the story of possible-future-final-antagonist? that being said i've always liked evil morty, he's a fun character to watch on screen. although i'm extremely cautious of my enjoyment. he's already starting to feel like a fanfic rip-off of himself a little bit (that one line where he said 'well, they don't call me good morty' was so bizarre. evil morty was the fandom name for him, and the writers adopted it and made it a diegetic epithet for the character???????)
s7e10 was refreshing after a long season of Morty getting sidelined. I love how this one starts with a classic rick and morty set-up (what if *weird thing* in *random place*) but turns it into existential horror? really cool. i don't think it was the most subtle way to do morty character development, but it was interesting enough that i was invested. also, rick pinning morty's picture to the pinboard. so good
overall my reaction to this season is 'we're so back.' it was LEAGUES better than s5-6, which i think are like the ram dark ages. i don't think s7 was the best season yet (as some are suggesting) but I think that this season marks a positive turn for the quality of writing in the show.!!
here's my episode ranking in ( i mostly did this for fun)
Basically, e7 and e8 were irredeemably terrible. e9, e3, and e1 were mid/fine. e6, e10, e4, e5, and e2 were all varying degrees of peak rick and morty.
other mics. thoughts:
i felt like there was a lot of long, no dialogue, sad music montages that felt like references to the famous scene from s4e8? the one from s7e4 comes to mind immediately. but there were another few sprinkled in
s7e3 rick telling a scientologist "worship how you want" ??? he would not say that. who let that slide in the writing room?
the fight scenes and gore were all really well animated!! since s3 the animation has only gotten better and i love the gore
i actually love the new VAs. they're different from roiland, obviously, but i honestly think they're both doing a better job. the performances are more naturalistic, and less grating? i thought the change would weird me out, but it's subtle, and i like it
Rick canonically bad at eating pussy in his youth
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jackiequick · 1 year
Your in love, aren’t you? • The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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HR Wells and Lea O’Conner One Shot | The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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“HR your in love, aren’t you?” Lea asked with a grinned, standing in front of the taller man.
“W-what? Me? Me in love? Noooo!” HR tried to defend himself but his eyes said otherwise.
One thing that every Wells they met so held strongly was their eyes and mannerisms. It’s one thing she noticed the 3rd time around with The Wells crew, as much as Harry likes to deny him ever being compared to the others, it was clearly there.
“HR. I can see it in your face and your hand gestures today, matter a fact this whole week.” Lea pointed out with her hands on her hips.
“Maybe.” HR admitted with a goofy grin on his face, “Okay, I am in love!”
“Ooo who’s the pretty girl?”
“Yes it’s her!”
HR was grinning and started to blush a bit. It was the cutest thing, rarely do you ever see a Wells blush. Grin like an idiot, yes. Blush? No. Lea started grinning brightly at the sight. HR was one of kindness and most sweetest people she knows, of course Tracy would go out with him.
“I just don’t know how to woo her.” HR admits with a smile fidgeting with his drumsticks a bit.
Lea sat down and nods, “What do you mean? HR, honey, all you gotta do is ring in that classic Wells charm.”
“How, flower? I-I don’t know how women on Earth 1 like to woo..”
“Awwww! First off, if she likes you back then Tracy has great taste in men. And secondly, buy her a small bouquet of flowers and a size small of favorite coffee.”
“Ohhh! I can add a little custom note, like a poem.”
“There you go! Use that writer brain of yours HR. Your a Wells, your clever than anyone.”
HR grinned brightly bouncing up from his chair and with a flicker of his wrist placed his hat on his head. Always a flare for the dramatically sweet moment. Lea laughed a little, practically seeing his gears turning in his head. Always happy to help a friend like him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, flower! I know excited what I’m going to do!” HR yelled excitedly and pulled her into a adorable embrace, placing a kiss of her forehead always grateful for his friends.
She laughed hugging him back tightly, knowing all he needed was a small push. “Your welcome, HR! Now go on before it’s too late, it’s 2:31pm already!” Lea replied with a smile.
“R-right! I’m going now, don’t tell anyone okay?”
“Of course not. Theses lips are sealed, I won’t tell a soul.”
“Promise? At least until I tell Cisco.”
“I won’t tell anyone, HR.”
The writer of Team Flash left with a grin, not before grabbing his black jacket and almost stumbling out the door in excitement. Once she was sure he was gone, she smirked with a dazzling look in her eyes.
“I’mma go tell Caitlin.” Lea said with a cheeky smirk to herself and raced off to the top floor.
⚡️ Thank you for reading this short one shot. I hope you enjoy it!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @yetanotherwells @drspencereidhotch @gcthvile @blueboirick @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and etc
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prahacat · 10 months
Hi, I really hope you don't mind me asking a few of the questions from the fan fiction writers ask because I'm curious. Of course it's totally fine if you don't want to answer.
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
🍭why did you start writing?
And my own... Do you write in your first or second language and how does this affect your writing process?
Hey! I LOVE talking about writing and (fan) fiction so thank you so much for giving me an excuse to do so! <3
✨ A fic I wish got more credit: "The Red Night" (it's on both tumblr and ao3) Yes yes, I know. It's poetry, it's very short, it's kinda weird(?) but also kinda generic. Basically the kind of stuff where, as a writer, you're lucky if people click on it at all (and I'm beyond happy some people did and even liked it enough to leave kudos/likes or reblog <3). But I spent several days on those ~500 words, I love how it turned out, it's like my favorite child, it's so ME ... and sometimes I can't help but wish it would get the same love as my other fics.
💝 A fic that got a different response than I was expecting: All of them, in some way, but especially "Three Days of Thawing". It was the first fanfic I uploaded to ao3 after years of writing original fic only: a little oneshot I wrote as a part of a bigger project and ended up posting just for the hell of it. I honestly didn't expect to get a response at all. A fic where nothing happens, it's just 15k of two old jaded men bickering and drinking tea? Little plot, hardly any romance? they don't even kiss. Who'd want to read that?
🍭 Why I started writing: Writing in general: Because of my love for words. My family had a lot of books, so I grew up with stories. As a kid, reading was like eating to me. Sometimes, when I was starved for words and there was no book around, I'd read the tv manual, a cookbook, the labels on my cereal box. Whenever I was bored, I'd dig through my parents' bookshelves until I found something that sounded interesting. Naturally, since it wasn't geared toward children, a lot of it went right over my head. For example, I remember reading this passage from Bronte's Jane Eyre:
‘As we are!’ repeated Mr. Rochester—‘so,’ he added, enclosing me in his arms. Gathering me to his breast, pressing his lips on my lips: ‘so, Jane!’
… and it had me so confused. I didn't get it. "Pressing his lips on my lips? Okay, so like kissing? Why doesn't the author simply write kissing then? That's such a strange, roundabout way of phrasing it!" Yes, I was very young. But moments like that made me think about the different ways to use language for the first time. I feel like writing stories is all about expressing simple truths in a bit of a strange, roundabout way.
Writing fan fiction: I started writing fanfic (again) because I was stuck with my original story. So I wrote a short story about my current obsession, Star Wars. And then another one. And another. I love the disaster lineage, and I love writing for the PT because so many of my favorite themes can be accommodated in the stories. A lot of it is about family, about the more quiet, intimate struggles that happen inside of us, but there's also something so inherently "Greek tragedy" about the characters that makes their destruction feel intense and almost inevitable.
First and second language and how it affects my writing process: I write in both my first and second language. English is my second language. I don't think my writing process differs much in either language. My English is okay, I guess ... I keep looking up comma rules and prepositions when editing.
There are a few instances, especially when writing emotional, introspective scenes, where the idea of what I want to say evokes a strong, very specific feeling, but it remains abstract, almost like music or a blur of colors. Or like a train of vague thoughts, but they keep moving and flashing and I can't grasp them. And in such cases, I sometimes resort to my native language to "search" for imagery or tangible concepts that can be expressed with language. It's not like I have difficulty expressing my ideas in English, it's more that the process of pulling them from some unconscious, wordless depths into the realm of consciousness and language comes easier to me in my native tongue. I guess it's more of a creativity technique?
For example, I remember using this technique on this little paragraph from "Three Days of Thawing" (the fic where Dooku is stuck in his Redemption Arc, oscillating between self-loathing and the need for acceptance/forgiveness):
Maybe Dooku wasn’t happy, how could he ever again, but he had learned to put some distance between himself and the hated shadow inside him, the way most people no longer think about the bacteria living in their mouths or the mass of dead skin cells on their bodies, all a gross but inevitable part of the self. Him: the man he hated, and the man who hates, and the man who tries to forgive them both, and the dizzying distance in between. Sometimes, when he sits by the lake and stares at his reflection trapped inside the ice, he can delude himself into believing he might become whole again.
I felt the part about the split self very strongly, but it wasn't until I thought about it in my native language that the words to express this feeling came to me.
There are quite a few scientific studies about how emotions are accessed and processed differently in your native language and in your second language. I know I'm definitely a bit more detached from my emotions when I'm speaking/thinking in English. In contrast, my "English brain" is more rational and analytic, which is great for "killing your darlings" and avoiding sappy, melodramatic dialogue (something I love to write, but it often doesn't feel right for my fav characters like Dooku or Obi-Wan).
Gah, I could really talk about this topic for hours! It's so fascinating to me, and I'd be very interested in hearing the experiences of other bilingual writers!
Thank you again for the questions, this was a lot of fun!
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ipsen · 15 days
For the 40 questions if you do them: 1, 7, 28? I wanna know more about your writing preferances
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Fics that end with things better than where they started. I also tend to thrive in fluff and dialogue that just has characters bonding. And midlength fics; good enough to not get burnout (I say, as the author of Blank Canvas and co-author of Poisoned Lotus.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“What, um… What is your ‘type’?” [Kaneki] asked quietly. Donato smirked, as though he were waiting for that question. “What else do you know about my work?” What was it with meeting people who wanted to test him? “I-I know you fed your victims to the orphans in your care…” he mumbled, fighting a queasy stomach. It was on a documentary Hide and he had watched a long time ago. “Yes, I did. And what do you know about my orphanage?” “It was the sole reason you weren’t put on death row.” He rested his chin in his hand. “The orphans were intelligent and… well-fed.” The orphanage was rather sizable, especially for how it was run by not only a single man, but a priest at that. Feeding all those mouths regularly, even with donations and the other components of a healthy meal— He glanced up at Donato. “You preferred heavier people.” Yet as he said it, he also knew that didn’t make sense. He had never met Mr. Yasuhisa in person, but he had seen pictures; Mr. Yasuhisa was wiry in every single one, even in one taken mere weeks before his death. … Takatsuki had asked if he’d been approached for ‘hiring’. Was Mr. Yasuhisa targeted? And if so, by who? Donato watched the gears in Kaneki’s brain turn. “Sometimes, Haise, when confronting a ‘child’, one must explore the circumstances of the ‘parent’.” Kaneki blinked, confused. What did that— “You will find everything you need in my case file.” He smiled venomously. “Good luck, Haise.”
This is from chapter 6 of Blank Canvas! I was always fascinated by the small conversations Donato and Haise had in Cochlea in canon, so I incorporated it into my own work, and I'm quite proud of it! The Clowns have always been one to stir trouble out of boredom, and Donato is no exception.
I wanted to capture that dynamic: where Donato is causing trouble (cause tension between Kaneki and Sen) while simultaneously helping (bring Kaneki closer to the heart of the mystery that the story features).
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Now here's a tough one, as I don't read a lot of fanfics! But I've got a couple in mind: - @marathehomosexual! No bias :] But seriously, working with her has been such a joy and I love her ideas and style. - One of my favorite fics is by an author named moffnat on AO3! They have a good grasp of character dialogue and smut, the best things ever! - In a similar vein, negative_ease on AO3 also has a good sense of dialogue, but instead of smut, it's the political dance! Which is also the best thing ever :D
Thanks for the ask!
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Thanks so much to the writers who joined us for this special event, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Please give these fics a read, leave a comment and some kudos, and maybe come and join us to write for our next event, TROPED HORROR CHOICE & TROPE EXCHANGE!!
We received two fics for the Round One Prompt! Writers had to write a Canonverse Theme with the Tropes: Time Travel, Unreliable Narrator, Tea Party, Zeugma, and Time Loop AU!
Time Turns Flames To Embers (Rated T) [A Series of Unfortunate Events — Gen Fic] by @loveislarryislove
Summary: September 30th, 7:48am
Woke up to the sound of Violet working on her latest invention. I asked her what it is, but she wouldn’t say a thing – just that it’s important. Whatever it is, it’s enormous, taking up nearly the entire room – a great contraption of tubes and gears and beakers and crystals. Just looking at it makes me feel dizzy.
I think I’ll spend the day in the library; perhaps that will be far enough away that the clanging and banging will be somewhat muffled. Something tells me that it won’t be, though.
whiskey in a teacup (Rated T) [The 100 — Clarke Griffin x John Murphy ] by @probably-voldemort
Summary: Murphy was going to die. Any day now it was going to happen. He hadn't really come to terms with dying in a creepy lighthouse basement. He's always thought he'd have a more exciting death. But he had an unlimited amount of whiskey and a stomach that hadn't tasted even a crumb in days, so it wasn't like he was really sober enough to put too much thought into how he was going to die.
And then he starts hallucinating Clarke, who is convinced she's the one hallucinating him, and suddenly dying drunk in a lighthouse bunker isn't as boring a way to go as it had once seemed.
All TIMELOOP Prompts can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/troped-fanfic-challenge/tagged/troped%20timeloop
If anyone is inspired by these prompts, we would love to read them one day, so please upload them to the Non Anonymous TROPED Collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/TROPED_Non_Anonymous
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