#finding a beta reader
kawaiikenna · 2 years
Hello! So I’m a fanfic writer and I’ve got multiple fics that need a beta reader. As well as someone to just bounce ideas off of! All of the fics I’m currently working on at dp x dc fics based on prompts that I find here on tumblr! ☺️💜 If you’d like to beta one or more of these fics send me a dm and I’ll gladly talk with you! ☺️💜💜
The first one is my Dad from Mars fic. Martian Manhunter adopts Danny. The fic follows them through the adoption process and their lives afterwards. Chapters 1 & 2 are already posted to my AO3. Based on a brain vomit by @thebubblesareevil
Second one is a Fenton Reunion one. In this one the Kents have been going to the Fenton Family Reunion for decades and are now bringing Clark along with them. This fic is more based around how Clark, Danny, and Jazz become fast friends and keep the friendship up as they grow up. Based on a prompt by @tomboy014
Third is a ballet dancer Danny AU. I haven’t put much together for this one but I do have a general idea of what’s supposed to happen. I just can’t connect all of the little plot bunny points into a somewhat cohesive and coherent fic or outline. 😅 All I’ve got is that the batfam go to a ballet performance they see Danny onstage and just about all of them fall for him at basically first sight. They then start a competition for Danny’s hand in dating/a relationship. Shenanigans ensue and it’s very endearing and entertaining. Prompt is an answered ask from @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
Last one that has been poking as my subconscious has been the Alfred’s apprentice one. Where Danny is homeless in Gotham and Alfred finds him. He tries to convince the teen to come to the mansion by talking about how he takes care of the estate and manor as well as the people who reside there. Danny mistakes what Alfred is saying and thinks he’s going to the manor to learn under the butler. Alfred tries to convince him otherwise but Danny is set on either being trained or just leaving to keep living on the streets of Gotham. And that’s how Wayne Manor came to have a new apprentice butler. Prompt originally by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 but you can see all of the little add-ons in the reposts
I also have a little ficlet floating around about a ‘haunted’ theater in Gotham. The vigilantes go to investigate and end up finding Danny. He pretends to be a ghost and freaks them out. All in good fun though. ☺️ Prompt/fic by @midas-lost-it
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devilevlls · 1 month
"In the depths of my soul, you reside."
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3,259 words - Minors do not interact
TW 📌: "Satanic" rituals, abuse, explicit language, pornographic content, mentions of sexual abuse, hateful language directed at religious groups, blasphemy, corruption kink, demons being demons, unprotected sex, creampie, gay sex, MC is the bottom, MC trusts him to consume a piece of their soul.
MC is AMAB, I use they/them pronouns to refer to them because that's the way I feel comfortable in describing the character. They are called "boy, young man, son" and so. If you are uncomfortable with any of the warnings, please, do not read. Sumary:
After the former priest was removed due to accusations of sexual abuse, the authority place had to be filled by someone else and Lucifer, who owed a favor to his friend Simeon, took the spot, ministering that Saturday to fulfill his obligation.
He ends up finding a new motivation when he encounters MC, who is in conflict with themselves about their dark thoughts. Their desires and duty are fighting to see who would take the young human and the demon would like to help, with a price.
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The sound of the chapel's heavy doors echoed, interrupting the stillness of the afternoon, as the man dressed entirely in black entered, moving with determination and agility, casting furtive glances around to ensure he was not being followed. His long, purposeful steps led him until he stopped in front of a cowering, sobbing, fearful figure.
The young human was kneeling before the bench, hands clasped in prayer, tears flowing freely.
"Why are you crying, son?" The newcomer's hoarse voice cuts through the silence, his imposing red eyes penetrating deep into the boy's soul.
They were startled, interrupting their prayer to look at the one who was getting in the way of their sacred moment.
"Forgive me, sir." They bowed gently, voice trembling.
The elder gentleman stood majestically, dressed in the attire befitting his vocation, exuding an aura of divine elegance. 
With a subtle clearing of the throat, they signaled their intention to speak further. “I believe you are the new priest responsible for our humble chapel this saturday. I am your assistant, aspiring priest, a... Deacon.” The human struggle with their words.
"It's nice to meet you, MC." The older man's husky voice delivered a playful tone.
"How do you know my name? I haven't introduced myself yet," MC replied, somewhat intrigued.
"Do not worry. I know everything," the man replied, his enigmatic smile seeming to widen even further. "My name is Lucifer." He took a few steps towards MC, his confident posture and penetrating gaze causing slight discomfort.
A frightening shiver ran down MC's spine, but they forced themselves to maintain composure, standing up and trying to appear receptive, although the nervousness was still evident.
"That's a pretty unusual name for a priest," MC commented, their voice a little shaky as the younger one tried to hide the fear that was beginning to settle inside.
"Do not be scared. I will only stay here while the other priest is being investigated for the rape of the young people in this chapel.”
The mention of the accusation made the boy take a step back, feeling their stomach twist with tension.
"Oh... yes."
"Did he touch you?", Lucifer asked, taking a step forward and reaching for MC's chin, forcing them to maintain eye contact, his imposing presence dominating the surrounding space.
"No, sir. Father Kahleus has always been very kind to me," MC responded quickly, feeling uncomfortable with the unexpected physical contact.
"Humans are so hypocritical, don't you think?", Lucifer continued, his voice filled with cynicism, as he watched MC's reaction with interest.
MC gave a nervous laugh, confused by the direction the conversation was going. "Humans...?", he began, before being interrupted by the tall demon.
"Please, refrain yourself from acting like you don't understand," Lucifer said, his gaze making them uneasy.
Swallowing hard, they turned away from Lucifer, looking down at the ground for a moment before taking a deep breath and gathering the courage to respond.
"Sir, we shouldn't make that kind of analogy in a sacred place like this. Would you like to accompany me, so I can show you your private room next to the tabernacle?"
"Show me the way," Lucifer replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes, watching as MC chose to ignore the reality unfolding before them.
— * 
Once inside the room, MC presented all the important documents, financial notes and accessories for the masses that would begin the next day.
"Do you have any questions, sir?" The human asked, briefly meeting Lucifer's gaze before looking away again, feeling uncomfortable under the intensity of those piercing eyes.
"Why were you crying earlier?", Lucifer asked suddenly, breaking the brief silence that hung in the room.
A shiver ran down MC's spine before he could respond. "Father Kahleus was never like that. I feel like the devil tempted him," MC confessed, voice thick with worry and confusion.
Lucifer held back an ironic laugh and sighed, shaking his head. "Are you that naive? People are bad and blaming the devil doesn't make them better," he replied with disarming directness.
"Don't you understand? We have oaths. We all do, and I'm sure you did too," MC insisted, struggling to comprehend the complexity of the situation.
"Many centuries ago, when my wings were still white as snow and my mind corrupted by the ideals of a cowardly creator," Lucifer murmured, a trace of melancholy passing through his eyes.
MC sighed, feeling scared and confused, taking a step back and inadvertently bumping into the coffee table.
"Don't be scared, but I must admit that the more time we spend together, the hungrier I get," Lucifer said, voice filled with a strange sadistic energy, he enjoyed watching his prey connecting the dots and becoming alarmed.
"You... You did this to him?", MC asked, voice cracking at the terrifying possibility.
“Ah… Now you have become aware of who I really am.” He smiled slightly and concentrated for a moment, making his demonic form apparent. “No, I didn’t do anything.”
MC tried to scream, but before they could make any sound, their mouth was immediately silenced by Lucifer's firm, gloved touch, which covered their lips with firm pressure. The demon's gaze conveyed a silent warning, a contained threat that echoed beyond the simple physical gesture. The air around them felt heavy, thick with palpable tension between the two, as MC fought the panic that threatened to wash over. The young human’s eyes widened in despair, but the words were suffocated before they could even come out.
“Let's not make a fuss, okay? You're safer with me than you were with that creep. Unlike him, I know how to keep my dick in my pants instead of molesting innocent young boys and girls.”
MC's eyes widened at Lucifer's explicit language, feeling uncomfortable with the description and lack of shame.
Stopping for a moment, Lucifer was truly stunning, almost mesmerizing, and he was so close already... It made the human's heart race.
The demon sighed and removed his hand from the boy's mouth, looking around before moving away, breaking the physical contact that had left MC so tense. “You don’t look very old, how old are you? Why are you so naive?” “I’m 23 and not a child to be naive.” MC hisses a little offended “I’m aware of what happened, but I can’t believe he would do such a thing.” “Then you are just stupid, young man," He says agressively before changing the subject. "Well, I believe your work is finished for today. I'll see you at mass tomorrow", Lucifer declared, his voice filled with indifference, as if the previous meeting had never happened.
"Why...", MC started to ask, before being interrupted by Lucifer.
"Why, you say? I'm just following orders, nothing more," Lucifer explained as he settled into the office chair, crossing his long legs with an air of nonchalance. "Please leave. You're making me agitated with all this excitement between your legs." Lucifer's final remark made MC feel heat flush their cheeks. “I’m not excited!” They complained.
“I can see your erection from here.” The demon states dismissively, opening one of the reports to analyze.
MC quickly walked away and left the room without saying another word, feeling embarrassed. The encounter with Lucifer left them shaken and confused, questioning how all this could happen in such a sacred environment.
Why didn't the demon attack him or do terrible things to them? These questions echoed in their mind as the panicked figure hurriedly walked to the quarters.
Once there, MC threw themselves on the floor and closed their eyes, trying to banish the disturbing thoughts. The human wondered if it was all just a nightmare or a bad joke, but the firm feeling of Lucifer's hand still hovered over their skin, making them feel indecently warm.
"I wonder if he's really going to minister tomorrow…", MC muttered to themselves, voice filled with uncertainty and apprehension.
They feared what the next day might bring.
The other day, in the morning as promised, MC entered the private room before mass to organize all the accessories, but was surprised to find Lucifer dressed for the celebration, his attire highlighting his magnetic beauty even more. So handsome... So tempting.
"What...?", MC began, their shaky voice reflecting the confusion at seeing the demon there.
Lucifer turned and sighed, recognizing the human's presence. "You again…", he murmured.
"I'm your assistant. I-I mean... I'm the substitute priest's assistant!", MC hurried to explain, reeling in their own troubled thoughts as they watched the demon button his shirt and put on his chasuble with a disconcerting naturalness.
"So nervous early on. This way you won't make it through the rest of the day," Lucifer teased, approaching the young man with an intimidating presence. "Can we go or are you going to keep devouring me with your eyes? I thought you had a vow of chastity to keep."
MC stepped back looking away to avoid the temptations Lucifer offered. "We may proceed. The faithful are arriving," they replied quickly, trying to maintain the composure.
It was truly surprising to watch Lucifer lead the mass. He delivered speeches and read bible verses as if had memorized them in his mind centuries ago. Well, in a way, he actually had them. After all, he was once an angel before becoming that.... Thing.
MC found themselves staring at him as he continued with the ministration, unable to look away. Lucifer's beauty was mesmerizing, every movement elegant, every word spoken with authority. Even though they knew who he really was, MC couldn't help but admire, getting lost in the details of his sculpted body and magnetic aura.
They tried to push away the conflicting thoughts, focusing on the church service that was taking place in front of them. But despite the efforts, the demon's presence continued to exert an undeniable fascination over them.
After concluding the morning mass, they both retreated to the private room once more, where Lucifer intended to change.
"And with that, I'm free from this stupidity," Lucifer remarked with disdain.
"But there's still Sunday mass," the other replied.
"I couldn't care less. Saturday was my agreement, and I've fulfilled my part," Lucifer retorted coldly.
"Please, I don't know how I'll find another priest!" they pleaded, their voice tinged with desperation before clearing their throat. "Not that you're truly a priest, but..."
"Perhaps I could assist... for a price," Lucifer interjected.
The human sighed disapprovingly. "And what do you want, demon?"
"Fear not, nothing of a carnal nature unless that's what you desire. Just a small sampling of your soul. It won't be painful..." Lucifer's voice dripped with mockery, knowing full well it would inflict torment.
"Okay... but..." They fidgeted nervously. "What if I desire... to explore something more?" The young man struggled to articulate their thoughts, aware that the words might inadvertently reveal the weight of something deeply personal. Despite the embarrassment that lingered, they saw this moment as an opportunity to confront a long-standing question that had lingered since their teenage years: exploring intimacy with someone of the same sex.
"More...? Pray, enlighten me," Lucifer responded, already aware of the human's desires but relishing in their embarrassment nonetheless.
"What if I desire... to be intimate with you?" they whispered, their cheeks flushing crimson.
"Ah, you are a naughty one," Lucifer chuckled, crossing his arms. "Very well, then. You've piqued my interest enough to indulge your curiosity."
Lucifer drew nearer, enveloping them in his embrace, arms around their waist, and swiftly initiated a fervent kiss, his tongue forcing the other to yield while they squirm, their kisses growing sloppy.
"Ngh..." the human moaned softly.
"Hush," Lucifer whispered, pulling them closer until their backs met the desk, eliciting a startled squeak. "We wouldn't want anyone overhearing, would we?"
The boy felt his heart thundering as they attempted to match Lucifer's fervor, but this was, indeed, their first kiss. Delicate hands roamed frantically over the demon's back, grasping at his clothes, while their legs trembled, on the verge of collapsing.
Observing the human's struggle, the avatar of pride seized their waist and gently positioned them on the table, slipping his hands beneath the fabric of the shirt to caress the delicate skin underneath.
The young assistant was already swept up in excitement, their cheeks ablaze as they breathed heavily. Their eyes darkened with lust, body craving more with every heartbeat. There was a slight twitching inside their pants and Lucifer noticed right away, brushing his long finger on top of it.
Lucifer leaned in closer, their lips grazing the human's ear as they whispered in a low, sultry tone, "You're quite eager, aren't you?"
They shivered at the sensation, their whole body tingling with anticipation. "I... I want..." stuttered the assistant, their voice barely a whisper as desire flooded their senses.
With a smirk, the demon gently lifted their chin, his gaze locking with the assistant's as he whispered, "Tell me exactly what you want." Swallowing hard, their heart race in their chest. "I want... I want to feel you," they confessed, voice trembling with a mix of nerves and longing.
A predatory gleam sparked in Lucifer's eyes as he leaned in, capturing the assistant's lips in a searing kiss. They melted into each other again, the heat of their desire igniting a flame that consumed them both.
The demon quickly starts undressing, taking off his clothes and tossing around before doing the same with them, until they are only with their underwear. Feeling both exposed and exhilarated, the human experienced a rush of courage as they reached out, their finger tracing along Lucifer's firm chest and abdomen. His physique wasn't overly sculpted, but it was undeniably defined in a way that stirred desire within them. It was fucking sexy.
Biting their lip, they chastised themselves for entertaining such thoughts about him. Yet, with every movement, their mind spun with vivid imaginings of what lay beneath his clothing, igniting a wild frenzy of desire that threatened to consume them completely.
“Now let's begin…” Lucifer cast a spell, conjuring a bright red light that momentarily dazzled the priest assistant. As their vision cleared, they blinked in surprise to find Lucifer holding a bottle of lube in his hand.
MC's cheeks flushed crimson with a mixture of arousal and astonishment. "What... what did you just do?" they stammered, their voice betraying a blend of curiosity and anticipation.
“I just got something to assist you.” He spreads some of the liquid on his hand and comes closer, sliding their underwear down. “Now, be a good boy and spread your legs for me.” As they opened their legs, Lucifer adjusts himself in between, sliding the underwear off his body, making the hardened shaft plop against his abs. The human widened their eyes, admiring how thick and perfect it looked. It was way better than they could ever imagine. Taking a deep breath to steady themselves for what would come next, they fix their gaze on Lucifer as he spread the lube over himself with deliberate care.
Anticipation coiled in the air between them as he stepped closer, now caressing their thighs. “Hold into me and enjoy your ride.” His low voice echos into their mind.
As Lucifer aligned himself and pushed into their entrance, MC gave a sharp intake of breath, instinctively clinging to the demon as a wave of intense pain surged through them. Tears welled in their eyes, and a soft sob escaped their lips, the sensation overwhelming and unexpected.
"Oh, do not cry," Lucifer murmured with a smirk, his voice a blend of amusement and a hint of something more complex. Despite his earlier taunt, there was a surprising gentleness in his actions as he continued to push himself deeper,the movements careful and deliberate, attuned to the human's sensations.“I almost feel pity of you.”
As the older man's hips pressed against theirs, the human's moans and pants grew louder, caught in a mix of pain and pleasure unlike anything they had ever experienced before. 
With each thrust, MC's member pulsed with desire, coating their belly with slick pre-cum, a testament to the overwhelming arousal that coursed through them both. 
"L-Lucifer... I..."
“Already?” Lucifer teases, moving faster and pushing forcefully inside them. They didn’t answer, only digging their nails into Lucifer’s back, nodding while moaning desperately.
Seeing the opportunity, the demon smiles sadistically and turns into his demon form, dark wings spread, growling like a wild animal. His tone was demonic, it had something almost disturbing in it. Without a word, he sinks his fangs into the boy's shoulder, the sudden surge of pain and pleasure caused the boy to gasp and squirm uncontrollably, their body convulsing with ecstasy as they release their load, splattering a mess across both of them in a wild climax of desire and darkness. As Lucifer indulged in consuming the ecstatic piece of soul, relishing its delectable taste, he exercised restraint, ensuring not to take too much.
It was a corruption that came so natural, so enticing, it only fueled his insatiable hunger further. With each taste, he felt himself sinking deeper into them, reveling in the delicious sensation of it all.
He couldn’t hold himself anymore.
He grips into their hips, his nails digging into their skin as he thrust himself deeper with a primal ferocity, ignoring the human's pleas for respite as they get overstimulated, he moved with an unrestrained urgency, becoming increasingly feral as he relentlessly massaged their prostate with his tip. With a primal roar of release, the avatar of pride surrendered to the overwhelming intensity, emptying his pent-up load deep inside them. Groaning and trembling from the sheer magnitude of the moment, he gasped desperately, seeking solace in the warmth of the human's neck as he nuzzled against it. That was the most vulnerable moment of Lucifer, the afterglow. Holding their body tightly, Lucifer ensured they couldn't escape from his corruption, his embrace a mixture of possessiveness and longing, binding them together in the aftermath of their shared descent into darkness. "Hells..." he murmured, his voice heavy with satisfaction. He threatens backing away but gets pulled back into the embrace.
"Please... Don't go yet," the human pleaded, their breath still coming in ragged pants as they hugged him back.
"Listen... I'm just here because I was in debt with a friend of mine, so I had to hold a stupid mass, now that I'm done with it, I will go back to Devildom. I'm just catching my breath," Lucifer explained matter-of-factly.
"Oh... So I'm not going to see you again?" There was a slight hint of sadness in their tone.
"What? Are you switching sides now? Want me to take you to hell with me?" Lucifer smirked, nuzzling against the MC's neck once more, inhaling their sweet scent mingled with salty sweat.
"No! Of course not. How could I...?" they replied, their tone falsely offended.
"Don't deny me like we didn't just... you know, fucked" Lucifer teased, his smirk widening as the human blushed and caressed the back of his neck.
“D-Don’t say such a thing.”
"Since you are so inspired… Maybe I could indulge you in a second round, but I don't think your human body will handle me again," Lucifer suggested, his voice laced with amusement.
"Please... Again," they whispered eagerly, desire evident in their eyes.
"Guess I will visit you more, human," Lucifer agreed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
With smiles exchanged between them, they resumed their passionate embrace, forgetting the world outside the private room as they risked getting caught in the most sinful act they could ever do.
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Ok, this took me too long... I really really really hope you guys liked it. >﹏< AO3 version OH! And thanks for the 300 followers! You guys are amazing, thanks for the support, for rebloging my stuff and interacting in the posts, I'm loving every part of it.
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
as our lives change, come whatever
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Word Count: 2.4k
Rating: E
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, teen drinking (though probably legal in the UK idk), explicit sexual content, unprotected PIV sex
Summary: The night you graduate from Hogwarts, you indulge in a bit too much Firewhiskey and have to sleep it off upstairs at the Three Broomsticks.
“Come on, Sirona, please,” Sebastian whines, leaning on the worn edge of the bar as he tries to charm Sirona into giving him the key to the private room upstairs. “Just so we can rest for a while.” “Sebastian,” the weary proprietor sighs. “Unlike you, I may not have graduated today, but I wasn’t born yesterday." “What are you implying, Miss Ryan?” the now former Hogwarts student asks with a teasing grin. “I would never try to get up to anything untoward in your pub, I swear.”
“Come on, Sirona, please,” Sebastian whines, leaning on the worn edge of the bar as he tries to charm Sirona into giving him the key to the private room upstairs. “Just so we can rest for a while.”
“Sebastian,” the weary proprietor sighs. “Unlike you, I may not have graduated today, but I wasn’t born yesterday.”
“What are you implying, Miss Ryan?” the now former Hogwarts student asks with a teasing grin. “I would never try to get up to anything untoward in your pub, I swear.”
She scoffs, rolling her eyes at the young man while she dries an empty Butterbeer mug.
“Just look at the state of her,” Sebastian offers, glancing sidelong at his group of friends crowded around a far table. “I just need somewhere she can rest, I promise it’s all above board.”
Currently, you’re slumped haphazardly between Ominis and Natty, your head resting on the drowsy Slytherin man’s shoulder as you slur something about your formal robes cutting off the circulation in your wrists. Natty laces her fingers with yours and tugs your hand into her lap, clumsily ripping open the cuffs while you laugh, delighted.
“Seems she can take on a fully-grown mountain troll on her own, but she can’t handle her Firewhiskey,” Sirona deduces.
“I can’t Apparate her home like this, Merlin knows where she’d end up if we tried to Floo, and she’d fall right off her broom somewhere over Irondale if we even got that far,” he says, trying to reason with her. “Just until sunrise, and then I’ll take her home.”
Just then you hiccup and startle Natty and yourself into another round of giggles, and Sirona shakes her head good-naturedly.
“Merlin’s beard,” she sighs. “Fine, Sallow, you can have the key for one night. But when I come back to open up in the morning, I want to see no trace I ever caved to you.”
Sebastian quickly takes the key offered to him before she can change her mind. “This is why you’re one of the good ones, Sirona.”
Just a few hours ago, you and your friends had officially graduated and become mature witches and wizards in the eyes of the Ministry. While it isn’t the first time you’ve ever tried the spicy sweetness of Firewhiskey, it is the first time you’ve been able to purchase a bottle at the Three Broomsticks.
(It’s a lot more convenient than having sweet Poppy distract the disgruntled barman at the Hog’s Head in order to pilfer a bottle in exchange for a handful of galleons left behind the bar).
So, perhaps you’d all had a bit too much while celebrating your newfound freedom, and now that the end of the night drew near, only Sebastian had retained enough of his sense to see everyone off.
“Natty,” he asks, sliding back into the booth. “You’re off to Hogwarts for the night, then?”
“It seems I cannot escape,” she laughs. “I will stay with my mother in her quarters until I find a flat in London.”
“Our newest Auror!” you exclaim, tugging Natty’s arm to your chest.
“And you, Ominis?” Sebastian continues.
“Not with my mother, that’s for sure,” he demurs. “Off to Feldcroft for the night, I think.”
“With Aaaaaaann,” you coo, and Sebastian politely – generously, in fact – ignores how Ominis’ cheeks go red.
“Right then,” he grumbles. “Obviously this one is in no state to travel, so Sirona’s agreed to let us stay upstairs for the night.”
“Upstairs?” you breathe, reaching across Natty to take Sebastian’s hand. “The private room?”
“Be good,��� he says firmly. “You’re just going to sleep.”
“Fat chance,” Ominis mumbles into his mug.
“Shouldn’t you be going?” Sebastian asks pointedly, throwing some extra galleons onto the table for the young wizard who’d been bringing them rounds of drinks. “It’s quite late, and I believe Ann was expecting you at ten.”
“...What time is it?” Ominis asks, sounding slightly panicked – the Sallow siblings aren’t exactly known for their patience.
“After ten,” Natty laughs.
Just like that, Ominis curses under his breath and Disapparates right from his seat.
“Need a hand getting her upstairs?” Natty offers, but Sebastian quickly waves her off, insisting she Floo home and get some rest herself. As soon as she disappears in a quick burst of green flames from the fireplace at the end of the pub, Sebastian hauls you out of the booth and starts to walk you upstairs.
“S’not even that late,” you whine. “We graduated today Seb, s’a big deal!”
“I know, love,” he replies fondly. “But I think it’s time for you to call it a night.”
You’re quite the handful to get upstairs, occasionally tripping on the pub’s ancient wooden stairs – not to mention protesting the entire time.
Once Sebastian manages to get you into the private room, he quickly locks the door and enchants the small loveseat along the far wall into a modest-sized bed for the night.
“Sit,” he insists, wrangling you toward the bed and kneeling in front of you. “Boots off.”
He barely gets one of your shoes free before you drape your leg over his shoulder with a sly grin, trying to pull him in closer.
“Not a chance, dearest,” he drawls. “You’ve had so much Firewhiskey tonight I could light a match off of your breath.”
“But it’s graduation night,” you protest. “S’the most important night of our lives!”
“I’m not sure I agree,” he counters as he tugs off your other boot, thinking of a much more special night he’d like to have with you a few more years down the line, when you’re both ready. Once you’ve established yourselves, he thinks.
(Once he’s earned it, his inner voice tells him.)
“But I want you,” you whine, trying one last time to coax him into trouble.
And Sebastian will admit, he’s far from a perfect man. It’s certainly tempting.
But he manages to make himself focus on helping you out of your cloak and robes, and thank Merlin that wrestling you free of your corset takes long enough that your eyelids start to droop. He nudges you onto your side while he strips off his own cloak and dress shirt, eventually joining you to wrap his arm around your waist and tug you back against his chest like he’s done nearly every night for the past year.
“Sleep, you little minx,” he groans tiredly, his nose buried in your hair.
In the morning, Sebastian wakes up to your hand down the front of his trousers.
It might not even be morning yet, he thinks blearily. It’s still somewhat dark in the small private room, its sparse furnishings barely visible in the weak light from the two windows high above him.
“Good morning, Seb,” you whisper, nosing along his neck before pressing a lingering kiss to the hinge of his jaw.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” he asks, his voice hoarse from sleep.
“It’s early, Sirona won’t come to kick us out for another hour or so,” you offer.
Sebastian realizes you’ve got your hand wrapped around his cock only when you start to stroke him, and any argument he’d had against letting you have your way with him starts to go murky in the back of his mind.
“Are you still drunk?” he asks, his head tipping back against the pillow.
“No,” you insist, mouthing at his jawline. “Promise.”
You’ve already thrown one of your legs across his lap and you’re wearing nothing but your undergarments. Sebastian doesn’t stand a chance, and he knows it.
He groans softly as you kiss your way from his jaw up to his plush lips, distracting him while you clumsily tug your underwear off with your free hand and wiggle your way fully onto his lap.
“How long have you been up?” he asks.
“Oh, just a little longer than you’ve been up,” you answer, pointedly stroking him again.
“I had no idea you could be so crude,” Sebastian laughs. “What happened to my good little witch, hm?”
“She’s not a student anymore,” you answer, extracting your hand so you can finish undoing the front of Sebastian’s trousers.
Leaning back onto his thighs, you pull his trousers down as far as you can and then his underwear as well, until his bare cock rests against the lowest part of his stomach, glistening wet at the tip.
“Like this?” he asks hopefully, sliding a hand up your bare thigh to your hip to coax you forward again.
“Yes,” you whisper, leaning down to kiss him gently at first, and then rougher when his grip on your hip tightens to encourage you to grind your wet core against him.
When you can’t take the teasing anymore, you quickly sit up and lift your hips so you can reach between your thighs and take Sebastian in your hand. Holding his cock steady, you meet Sebastian’s gaze as you line him up against your entrance and start to sink down.
He’s stunned silent – a rare occasion.
Truthfully, you’ve been ready for him since you awoke, but a bit of teasing from your own fingers while he slept helped make sure you could take him straight away. You didn’t want to waste any of your precious time in the pub’s private room on anything other than having him inside you.
You gasp softly once he’s fully inside, your ass pressed to the tops of his thighs as his hands roam hungrily over your hips, your legs, and even your chest.
“You really needed it, didn’t you?” Sebastian asks, his voice still a bit hoarse. “You woke up this wet for me, love, that’s… fuck.”
“Yes,” you whimper, starting to rock up and down to let yourself feel the fullness of him inside before you start to ride him in earnest. “It’s all I wanted, all night.”
“Take it, then,” he says smugly, removing his hands from your body to fold his arms behind his head. “I want to see you take what you want.”
You both know your relationship thrives on a bit of healthy competition, it always has. So when he issues a challenge like that, you have to meet it. Narrowing your eyes at his knowing gaze, you trail your own hands up your body – he likes a bit of a show, of course – and start to ride him properly.
Despite the usual hustle and bustle of Hogsmeade, it’s silent in the early morning hours. All you can hear are the sounds coming from the bed: your panting breaths, Sebastian’s low groans, the addictive sound of bare skin on skin, and the dubious creaking of the conjured bed’s wooden frame.
“How’s that, love?” Sebastian asks lazily, watching you throw your head back in pleasure as you grind down on him over and over. “Is that enough for you, or do you need more?”
“More,” you slur without even thinking. Whatever he wants to give you, you’ll take it, no questions asked.
He laughs softly before reaching out to press one of his large hands to the crease of your hip, rubbing his thumb gently against your clit. When you moan encouragingly, he presses a little harder.
“Like that?” he asks. “You want to come on my cock like this?”
“Please,” you beg, and you’re not even sure what it is you’re begging for. You’re full of him, you’ve got his hands on your body, you’ve got his fiery gaze all over you… it’s nearly too much, but not quite enough.
But Sebastian knows. He always knows just what you need.
He sinks the fingers of his free hand into your hair at the base of your neck and pulls you down to him, messily kissing you and nipping at your bottom lip until you open up and let him devour your desperate moans. This angle, bent over his body like this, it’s exactly what you need.
Sebastian grins victoriously as you come apart on top of him, biting gently along your neck when you throw your head back and cry out helplessly.
“That’s it, good girl,” he moans, wrapping an arm around your waist so he can keep you pressed close to him.
He shifts you forward so that he can plant his feet on the bed, fucking up into you the second your leverage is gone. You figure he’s probably close, he’s usually desperate to follow you once he’s gotten you off.
“Sebastian,” you whine against his cheek. “Please.”
“Please what?” he grits out, the arm around your waist drifting lower to roughly grab at your ass. “You need more, you greedy thing?”
“Please, come in me,” you keen, and Sebastian nearly chokes.
He manages a few more precise thrusts before his rhythm is gone and he simply buries himself in you, his core taught while he finishes with a low groan. You press sweet, aimless kisses across his cheeks, his forehead, his jaw until he goes boneless.
“That’s a hell of a good morning,” he breathes, and you blush a little, tucking your face against his neck. “Maybe I should let the barman overserve you more often.”
“Overserve me?” you protest. “And just who was pouring all those shots, hm?”
“Couldn’t possibly have been me, I’m quite responsible,” he drawls, and you playfully elbow him in the side. “Speaking of which, you need to eat some breakfast soon or you’ll be useless the entire day, and last night you offered to help Natty look at flats this afternoon.”
“I did?” you groan.
“Well, I figured while we’re with her, maybe we could see if there’s any we like for us,” Sebastian says hesitantly. “I mean, if – if you still want to.”
When you delightedly throw your arms around him and roll him toward the clean side of the bed, he assumes that it’s still a yes.
Sirona cautiously steps into her pub an hour later, listening intently for any sounds of passion lest she become further scarred by Hogwarts’ hormonal teens than she already has been over the years.
Thankfully, the Three Broomsticks is quiet, and there’s a note on the bar next to a fresh bottle of ink from Scrivenshaft’s.
Thank you so much for letting Sebastian and me sleep upstairs last night. We’re taking off for now, but I wanted to gift you some new ink so that you’ll write to us in London – any exciting gossip is of course appreciated, but if there’s ever anything we can do to help out in Hogsmeade, please don’t hesitate to write.
P.S. Apologies about the loveseat. I promise we used Scourgify.
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miyamiwu · 26 days
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Miya’s Alpha Reading Service
Hello, hello! After months on break, I am finally reopening my fiction service, but this time, just the alpha reading one and none of the more rigorous book editing.
I used to host my service on Fiverr, where I offered three levels of review and editing. It was fine and all, but the 20% fee that Fiverr would take, plus the occasional rude messages from buyers trying to lower my already very low prices, made me put the service on-hold and rethink how I go about it.
This time, I’ll be hosting my service on Ko-fi Commissions, where the fees are lower. I also decided to make the listing much simpler:
I will alpha read any story, with a maximum of 2k words, for only $5.
Since I’m just starting out, the price is quite low. I may increase that price in the future or lower the word count limit, but for now, take advantage that it’s only $5!
I also offer a Reader Report add-on at only $3. The Reader Report is a separate document, of at least one page, where I summarize the strengths and weaknesses of your story. This will come in a PDF.
I will be working on your story in Zoho Writer because I find their review features a lot more stable than in MS Word. I can also work in Google Docs, but only upon request (more info under the cut).
You can find the full terms and conditions of this service on my blog page:
If you’re on the mobile app and the link above doesn’t work, please copy and paste the link in your browser instead.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! You can also email me at [email protected]
Update: I just a made a page for this on my blog. Same info as above but with a little more. Check it out here:
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If working in GDocs:
Indicate in the Ko-fi form that you want the work to be in GDocs.
You will still have to upload a DOC/ DOCX file in the Ko-fi form. I’m not gonna work on the same GDocs file you own.
I will convert the DOC / DOCX file into a GDocs file that I own.
When I’m done, I’ll transfer ownership of the GDocs file to you.
After confirming that you can access the file, I will forfeit my access to the document. I won’t entertain any follow-up questions in the comments.
You also acknowledge that by working in GDocs, the final output you receive is only the Google Docs file. No more DOCX and PDF.
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followerofmercy · 1 month
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magicpiano · 1 year
I often see people making posts looking for beta readers and getting no responses, and I think I think a big reason for that is just not providing enough information. So here is some advice of things you should mention in your post:
The rating (and maybe why it has that rating)
Any relevant content warnings
The main pairings, relationships, or characters
The (estimated) length! Committing to betaing a 5k work is very different from committing to a 20k one
If you have a deadline you need to work posted by (like if the story is for an event or a holiday, ect.)
What type of help you are looking for. Do you just want a spelling/grammar check, or are you looking for someone to brainstorm with and point out plot holes?
Maybe just a small summary of what the work is about. It doesn't need to be the fleshed out thing you put in ao3, but a short "coffee shop AU" or "season 2 ending fix it" goes a long way in letting a potential beta know what they are signing up for.
I understand the desire to keep your wips a secret till they are posted, but if you can't find a beta, this is probably why. Many times someone would be willing to beta, but doesn't want to offer because they don't know the above and would feel weird backing out after agreeing, so they just don't say anything.
Finally, remember the person on the other side of the screen is a human being. You are not owed help, they are doing you a favor so be polite.
(Please feel free to add more advice!)
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If I had a nickel for every time I accidentally wrote a few thousand words of Arthur Pendragon x Finding Nemo’s dad, I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
Grammarly hates me. I quit.
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jack-o-phantom · 10 months
short description
A small thing for the Stone Guardians AU or the Gargoyle AU. From Moon's pov, I don't write often and don't have enough creative writing talent to go further then a few passages, If I could I would.
Of course it's all experimental, so any thoughts or additions are welcomed!
The air held it's weight as the warm noon clouds casted over. A structure built tall and courageous now stood with no support. That is what the guardian thought, as it swung it's tail once, almost like the bell to grandfather clock. Here he stood like the building he guarded, a forgotten relic overtaken by mother earth from the ground up.
Thick skin, or rather, stone made its body bare the weight of the years so quietly, not even the birds nest that called the top of his head home was disturbed by it. There wasn't a reason to move for it, a simple twitch or grind of stone to stone tested if even itself was still alive, that was all that needed. The left of it though, perched its counterpart brazen with a crest dedicated to the life giving fire that was the sun.
Unlike his own grim appearance, this guardian's stone was clean, almost polished look to his limbs. Carved into it's arms though we're engravings left by sculptors long dead and forgotten to a markless grave stone. As the guardian stared longer, the more its own stone worked away to accomplish old movements.
The birds nest that littered his head came undone with claw on stone. Its counterpart had reached over their stone pillar, seemingly busy cleaning off moss and debris from the crown of rubbish. The guardian stood still, letting it clean away to a hollows hearts content. A rumble low and slow, lazily dragged across the floor, disapprovingly from them.
The guardian knew what that was, seemingly wanting to live what looks are to itself, is too much for the counterpart. A statue, yes, but living against the erosion of mother earth was simple for pebbles and stone. Under the watchful eye of its sun half, the stone of moon grumbled low.
Nothing ever creeped nor snuck around their area. Keen eyes ever wasting their time to a threat that has forgotten them, and their petty conflicts. There was no reason, but alike the stone they were carved from, they held a role frozen in time.
Whatever to disrupt them was only plotting away in the greenery, unsuspecting of their own presences to an unfortunate meeting.
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yoonrambles · 6 months
Unhinged Headcanon: Clarence reads (and probably writes) fanfiction.
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theaologies · 23 days
Hey I heard you say viking omegaverse???
LMAO yes! It’s literally called the viking omegaverse series. It’s by Lyx Robinson and it’s a reverse harem + women with religious trauma learning to do violence super niche historical fiction and it’s literally one of my favorite series ever
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davespritevstheworld · 10 months
i just think theyre neat
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same-name-supremacy · 6 months
Starting chapter 2,
Sadly chapter 1 isn’t uploaded to AO3, my beta reader hasn’t been active in awhile, I’m a little concerned. I mean it’s probably life, but I still hope they’re okay.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Sooooo…..where does a person find a beta reader? I saw on the You go to my Head and Performance fics they had…beta readers?
Hey Nonny!
Ah, usually authors put a call out for them, or their friends offer, or they commission people to help beta stories for them :) I'm not sure if there's a big list or anything, since I've never had a beta, but I now that there are betas in the fandom that are actively looking for stories to beta.
Can any author or beta offer a bit more info that I obviously don't have???
That said, Nonny, if you're looking for a beta and you make a post, please don't hesitate to send the post to me and I'll boost the post for you :)
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cademygod · 27 days
a list of things that have happened since posting the second to last chapter of sun tea in the summer (and are preventing me from finishing the last)
- there were bees living in my bedroom wall. MY WALL. in the middle of winter. they even tried to get through my light fixture into my room! (i have horrific misophonia so you can imagine how that went over) (i am mildly allergic to bees)
- i sort of broke my foot
- my brain made Rules about when i can write
- and, as of today, i have a concussion
ASATACLM (as soon as the author curse lets me), the last chapter will be out
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yan-snowcave · 1 year
🌹My Soulmate Turned Blue🌹
GN!Reader x Keith & Tenebris, Romantic soulmates
Word Count : 5.1K
Info : The chibi version of Keith/Tenebris is called Rosebud
E/C - Eye color
Y/N - Your Name
A/N : Some of the Chibi Soulmate information isn't mentioned here since it didn't really fit naturally into the oneshot. So I might make a seperate post about them is people are intrested.
Keith & Tenebris belong to @dualityvn
[Thanks to my Friend @hellomylovecomic who Beta read this oneshot]
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With an exhausted groan you closed your laptop, head falling onto the desk with a dull thud. Next to you sat your beloved chibi, petting your hand while letting out a gentle, almost comforting string of chirps and squeaks. 
"I knew all of this shit already, why isn't there a website or some paper about chibis changing colours!? I mean, I can't be the first one to have this happen to, right!?" 
The little blond chibi simply shrugged, looking as helpless as you felt right now. It was the first time you saw your friend turn into this form, which was followed by one of the worst tantrums you ever had to witness.
At least it didn't leave any long lasting damages to the apartment, but it still didn't solve the issue at hand. The colour change? Form change? Whatever it was, it seemed that your companion couldn't change back. Instead he kept the blue skin, and two squiggly lines had grown from each corner of his mouth, only stopping shortly below his eyes. Not to mention those sharp teeth that had replaced the once duller, human ones.
It didn't exactly help that whoever you contacted, be it friends, doctors or even those that claimed to know more about chibis than anyone else, in a desperate attempt to get some answer no one could simply give you an answer to your problem. Some even dared to suggest bringing Rosebud to a research facility to study him. 
Of course, you refused those offers faster than they could type another message. You didn't want to risk strangers poking and prodding your soulmate for whatever scientific reason they had. 
"Guess we're stuck like this for a while…"
"Hmmm? What is it, something bothering you? If this is about the chocolate, you won't get more of it. Last time you had a sugar ru-"
Chirp…Squeak, squeak!
[E/C] eyes widened as your companion continued to jump around frantically, pointing at the clock that hung on the wall, ticking away in peace. With each tick, a slight bit of dread filled you as you realised that you would be late to work. And you still needed to figure out how to keep Rosebud hidden from the others.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🪴 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Running through the rainy streets, you silently cursed whatever otherworldly being had it out for you today. A broken umbrella dangled from your right hand while the other was placed protectively over your heart. Underneath the thick jacket was a breast pocket where Rosebud was currently 'hiding' in. 
Growls and squeaks in protest were drowned out by the heavy rain. You knew that it probably wasn't the most comfortable place, but you’d rather not deal with a sick chibi and the form change. Could he even get sick in this form? Whatever, better safe than sorry. Who knows if getting sick in this form would be a death sentence on this lil' guy.
But, before your thoughts could slip deeper into this rabbit hole of worries, Rosebud silently and skillfully climbed out of the pocket. He clung onto your shirt as he scuttled around like a little rat, before popping out of your collar, wiggling with all of his might out of there and standing on your shoulder. He pointed at the nearby flower shop. 
Rosebud, since you could remember having him, had an interest in plants. His own name even originated from the time you found him napping near a rosebud, batting away your finger and grumbling whenever someone tried to touch the rosebud. It was almost like a dragon protecting its hoard. 
Shaking your head, your eyes locked onto Rosebud's big puppy eyes. An exhausted sigh left your lips, and your shoulders slouched. No matter how much you wanted to indulge your chibi, you couldn't. You were already running late, and getting chewed out by your boss wasn't what you needed today. 
"Not now, Rosebud. We can go after my shift is done to get some flowers, for now be patie-Huh!? Hey, come back you little-!" 
And just like that Rosebud was off, running through the wet street. He avoided puddles, nearby passersby and dodged your attempts of capturing him as if they would doom him to his death. All the while he would turn to see if you were still after him, squeaking encouragingly at you to continue chasing him into the flower shop.
You didn't know if this was some new game he made up or if he wanted to be a little brat, but whatever it was, he will be grounded and lose his Switch privileges. 
Bursting through the door panting and soggy from the rain, you looked frantically around for your companion. Walking along the potted plants, the sweet scent of the flowers flowed throughout the area, giving the little shop a peaceful, almost safe feeling to it, as if you could be yourself without having the fear of being judged. You double-checked the roses and forget-me-nots in hope of finding your chibi hiding behind those, but nothing was there. Not even any sort of trace like shoe prints. 
"Of fucking course this had to happen, this is why I shouldn't have given him these chocolate shards. Stupid, speedy thing, when I get my hands on him I will-" 
A cough interrupted your grumbling. Turning around, you came face to face with a strangely familiar face. Big blue eyes that seemed all too gentle, soft looking blond curls that just begged to have a hand run through them and that adorable, kinda nerdy outfit. Even the stance the man was holding himself in was oh-so familiar. And that's when it hit you right in the face. 
You have found Rosebud's counterpart who held his own smaller, blue skinned-self in his hands, who was purring up a storm as he looked between you two as if to confirm your thoughts. 
"Is this little guy yours, by chance? I found him hiding behind the peace lilies display."
"Yeah, he belongs to me. I hope he didn't cause too much trouble. You know how chibis are when they are in a playful mood, always causing some sort of trouble."
"Yeah..." A sad gleam shined in his big, blue eyes. His fingers ran gently through Rosebud's blond locks before he held him out to you. Something inside you told you to stay, to talk to him more, maybe even dare to ask him out.
After all, he was Rosebud's counterpart, he must have had your chibi around somewhere. Work could wait, it wasn't that uncommon for people who found their soulmate to be late to their job or meetings. It was understandable for most that once you find the one, you want to stay with them at least for a bit. Who knew if you would ever see him again after today? Life had already screwed you up too many times now, you couldn't let this chance slip out of your grasp.
"Oh, you can hold him if you want…Maybe you can show me the peace lilies he was at? He's a fan of flowers and botanics in general, so I might as well buy him one…If he promises not to run away again."
Squeak, squeak chirps…
Replied Rosebud as he refused to meet your eyes, grumbling silently as you took him back, letting him rest in the palm of your hand. 
The walk to the peace lilies was a quiet one, it didn't have the anticipated awkwardness of the moment. Instead it was a comfortable one; just being in the presence of the blond florist made you feel so at peace, as if you could simply walk for hours on end with him, no words needing to be spoken or even looks to be shared. The world could go under, fire could rain down upon you, but as long as you had him by your side everything would turn out fine. You just knew it. 
Is this what people meant when they said your soulmate would fill a gap that was hidden? To give you comfort and safety that promised peace of one's mind and soul? To set your heart aflame with a raging fire of love that would never dare to burn you?
"Here we are. Peace lilies are very beginner friendly so I think they would be great for you. Since they are in a pot, you would need to keep the soil moist and avoid direct sunlight. They also like warm temperatures since they are a tropical species. 
Then again some peace lilies can handle more sunlight than others, though generally if the leaves are pale and curled it means that it's getting too much light and it should be moved into a shadier location. 
Oh, and if the leaves ever get brown points it means that the air around them is too dry, a plant water spray should help out if that's the problem.
Also a good soil for peace lilies is a rich, loose potting soil that contains plenty of organic material. You might need to come back later to get bigger pots and such soil if these guys start to grow larger. But don't worry, once the time comes I will help you get the right soil to keep your plant friend happy and healthy.
Ah, during the winter season you should reduce the watering but watch out to not let the soil dry out. They also prefer a moist warmth, so you should avoid drafts and temperatures below 12°C (55°F). Their ideal temperature is generally between 18°-26°C (65°-80°F). 
Oh, but during the spring and summer, you should spritz the leaves every week with distilled water, since these plants thrive in higher humidity!
These beauties also can absorb benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and more! Simply put, they purify the air around you and can even prevent mildew. Isn't that interesting?
Also, did you know that peace lilies are not a member of the lily family? They are actually from the Araceae family, meaning that they are related to the philodendron, anthurium and alocasia!
Another neat fact about these beauties is their symbolism. While more often than not symbolism differs from culture to culture, these flowers are a symbol of peace in almost all of them.
They also represent healing yourself and sometimes even sympathy, so people tend to send these flowers when attempting to end an old feud.
Oh, but you should keep them away from children and pets, or in this case chibis. While they aren't lethal, they can irritate the mouth and stomach if someone chews or eats them. And considering how small chibis are, one should always be more on the cautious side.
Also, like most other plants, peace lilies have a few pest and disease problems. They can be easily fixed, though, by simply cleaning the leaves with a damp cloth.
But besides that, what type of peace lily would you want? We have many different varieties since these are very hybridised flowers. Our selection ranges from smaller lilies like the 'Power petit' which only grows to be 15 inches, to giants like the 'Sensation,' which will reach up to be 6 feet in height and have broad, long leaves. 
Another popular variant we have is the 'Starlight' peace lily variant. They are known for heavy, multiple blooms with as many as 20 flowers on a single plant.
…Oh, I'm so sorry! I was rambling again b-but as I said, these are very beginner friendly. I can highly recommend them for people just starting out!" 
Snapping out of your swooning, you nodded in agreement. Not wanting to admit that you didn't even hear most of it, being more distracted by those sparks of joy in his eyes, how his face brightened up as he spoke about these flowers. Oh, how you wished he would talk about you like this. To be as special as those plants in his eyes. 
"Is that all or do you need something else?" 
"Hmm? Oh, yeah that's all but I…Well, this might be a bit sudden and I don't wanna pressure you or anything, but could I maybe get your number?" 
A blush formed on his cheeks as his eyes averted from yours. It didn't do anything to hide the sad gaze that once again took over his face or how his shoulder slumped. 
"Don't take this the wrong way, I…I think you're good looking and you seem like a nice person, but having my number wouldn't be a very good idea." 
"Ah, that's fine then. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything, thanks for all the information about these peace lilies. Have a good day, until next time."
Meeting your eyes one last time he gave you a gentle smile, hand waving as he wished you a good day. As you walked out, you didn't even realize how silent Rosebud was. Too preoccupied with the strained feeling in your chest, it soon got joined by a strong sorrowful longing and the feeling of being watched.
"Oh, Rosebud, I think this might be a one-sided soulmate link…Rosebud, you ok, buddy?"
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🪴 .⋅} ────── ⊰
To say your boss chewed you out would be an understatement, you barely got out of that room alive thanks to a sudden meeting. Otherwise he probably would have ripped you in two and force you to work overtime. Not to mention how Jacob overheard some of it and decided to try and pry more info out of you.
It was just so exhausting and it didn't even stop there, oh no. On your way back, you discovered that Rosebud was slowly changing back to the form you were familiar with. His eyes changed back to those big doe-eyes, most of his skin had turned back to a peachy colour, leaving only the occasional blue spots here and there. 
Currently, Rosebud was sleeping in your breast pocket. Nonsensical growls, huffs and chirps filled the silently stressed office. 
You couldn't even focus on your work, the mystery about Rosebud's new form always popping back up in your head. Alongside the florist you met—you really should have looked at his name tag. 
But that brought up a set of new questions. Why didn't his chibi make any noises? It's uncommon for chibis to not stay close to their partner, let alone be silent when they are seperated, and not to mention the looks he gave you. The way he held himself, something inside you just knew that he probably hadn't had an easy time with the romantic side of life. 
"Hey, where's your squeaky cuddle monster?"
"Oh holy fucking shi-! Jacob, don't scare me like that!" 
Holding his arms up in front of his chest, a nervous chuckle slipped past his lips. "Sorry about that, but really, where's your chibi? Normally that lil' bugger would have stolen my chocolate chip cookies already. It's a bit boring without him here, y'know?"
"He's taking a nap, we had an quite eventful morning today."
"That never stopped him before from becoming a cookie thief."
"Well today it does, now choo! We have work to do and I would rather do it while it's quiet."
Jacob shrugged before turning back to his own computer, the sound of keyboard clicking and phone calls soon becoming background noises to you. Slowly the sun settled and more and more people left the office. 
Until it was only you and a few others left, Rosebud still napped in your breast pocket. His skin had lost all of its blue coloration, his clothes had changed back to the light academy style he normally wore in this form.  
With a quick wave you wished the others a goodnight. Walking out of the building into the cool night you let out a small sigh. Your shoulders relaxed as you simply let yourself enjoy this moment. Yes, the day was rather stressful, but you got through and now you could relax, maybe Rosebud would even like to bake something. Then again, he probably would just demand to lick the spoon clean.
While your mind made up the image of a small, flour covered chibi sitting near a bowl and licking at a small wooden spoon covered in cookie batter, a shiver ran down your spine. The feeling of being watched had returned, and as you looked around you spotted him. Leaning against a wall was a man wearing a leather jacket. His overall style reminded you of a punk, but what caught your attention the most was the blue skin. 
Purple, small irises with aggravated sclera met wide (E/C) eyes. Not daring to break eye contact with him, you made your way towards the stranger. Curiosity about the familiar blue skin took over you, was it a sign for something?
Did fate decide to change your soulmate last minute? But why would Rosebud change back to his other form then? Maybe you were suppose to have two soulmates? Then again, others who were suppose to have multiple soulmates get multiple chibis…
You didn't even realize that you stopped a few short meters away from the stranger. "Ummm…I noticed that you were staring at me. Can I help you?"
"Sure you can. Give me your number." The man smiled. This wasn't really what you expected, but you didn't even really know what you would have expected. The day was just getting stranger with each passing hour.
"I can do you one better, handsome." 
"I will invite you into my apartment and then if we are both happy with how the day ends, I will give you my number, deal?" Taking the stranger's hand between yours you could feel a small, comforting yet anxious spark between you two.
The stranger blinked, eyes zipping from your hands to your (E/C) eyes. He looked quite flabbergasted as he questioned if you were serious about this.
"Yeah, why shouldn't I?"
"Well, most people when they see me normally stare, whisper or in some cases scream shit after me for how I look. Some even get creeped out and call me…Monster." A sour look took over his face, fist clenched and you caught a glimpse at those sharp teeth.
"You're not a monster, you're quite cute in my opinion."
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🪴 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The walk back to your apartment was filled with side glances, nervous smiles and Tenebris’ blushing. Something inside you felt as if you saw him before—maybe you saw him on the streets? It does get quite lively around here during the morning and evening rush, so it wouldn't be that surprising.
"Well, here we are." Opening the door, you spread your arms in a dramatic way, grinning from ear to ear as the very plain looking floor was revealed to your guest. 
"Come in, come in, don't be shy. But leave the shoes by the door, I don't want the apartment to get dirty again." 
Tenebris nodded, stepping into the apartment he allowed himself to look around. The pictures and posters of game characters had apparently caught his eyes before he continued to look at the other decorations scattered around the apartment.
It was mostly filled with the aforementioned pictures, posters but also a few small knick-knacks. Shoes were thrown without a care near the door and the walls held the occasional small dent from Rosebud's tantrums.
Gently tugging on Tenebris’ hand, you led him to the living room, dropping yourself on the couch before gently tapping the seat beside you. It was kinda adorable, seeing the towering man slowly shuffle over to you. The purple blush had lessened, but from the close proximity you could still see it. 
"So, I kind of invited you here for a reason, it's nothing bad I swear. I just ugh, ok, something just happened today and nobody could help me. Even when I tried to find something online nothing came up! I was slowly losing hope but then I saw you," pointing at him your grin spread at his confusion.
"Me?" The man pointed at himself, eyes going wide. 
"Yes, you! You looked just exactly how my chibi does, or well, he looked like that in the morning. Now he's kinda back in his original form? I guess? But that's besides the point right no-"
Mrrp? Chirp, chirp…Squeak?
Rosebud slowly emerged from the pocket, yawning and rubbing his eyes as his fluffy blond locks fell over his face. Clearly still half asleep but wanting to see what all this ruckus is about. 
What neither of you expected was the hurt look taking over Tenebris eyes. His hands shook as he started to murmur under his breath, you barely caught some of the words he said.
"Keith said-
No he wouldn't lie-
Why should he!? No, this ca-
How, why!?
This fucking-
...Did you fucking trick him!?"
Rosebud let out a scared chirp before ducking back into his napping place, leaving you alone and confused to face a very pissed Tenebris who was radiating with bloodlust.
"W-who's Keith? What do you mean by tricking him? I wouldn't lie to you, Tenebris, please calm down." Slowly backing away from him, you gave him enough room to breathe, hoping that he couldn't hear how rapid your heart was beating against your chest. Adrenaline was coursing through your body. It felt as if you were caught with an hungry apex predator and you were his prey. 
"Who's Keith? Are you fucking kidding me!? Do you think I'm stupid to fall for this shit!?" He snarled, sharp teeth glistening in the cheap artificial light as he punched the wall next to him, leaving a large dent that reminded you of Rosebud's.
"And you tried to get his number, yet you also implied we would date, hah…Are you some sort of player? Is this some sort of fucking sick game to y-...What? No, not now! Let me deal with them! No, you won-argh!" 
Tenebris grabbed a hold of his blond locks, cursing and arguing with someone who wasn't there. Your worry only grew as he tugged stronger against his hair, something inside you wanted to get closer to calm him down. 
But your body was frozen in place, forced to watch as Tenebris blue skin slowly turned into a peachy colour. The mouth that once held sharp rows of teeth turned more human-like, the squiggly lines on the corner of his mouth disappeared. His shoulders slumped as shaking hands slowly removed themselves from the golden locks. 
And then you saw him, those big blue doe-eyes looking right at you, the florist who you met that morning. The one who said getting his number wouldn't be a good idea, the one you believed to be your soulmate, your one and only.
"Umm…Nice to meet you again? I guess I should introduce myself? I'm Keith and… Apparently one of your soulmates?" 
You had so many questions.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🪴 .⋅} ────── ⊰
"So just to recap, Tenebris isn't a demon, but some entity that has been with you since your birth? You two can switch between each other but the one who isn't in control can't hear or see anything beside the thoughts of the one in control. And people normally tell you to stay the fuck away after meeting Tenebris."
Keith nodded. "Yep, that's basically it…I'm sorry that Tenebris lost it, it's just, well…It was the first time we ever saw someone with a soulmate representing him. Someone who would-"
"Accept him for who he is and not run away screaming as if death himself was after their ass?"
Covering his mouth to block the light chuckle, the blond nodded in agreement, clearly amused by your word of choice.
"Well, if those people couldn't accept Tenebris, then I would say they didn't deserve to be with either of you. Both of you have a certain charm y'know? And I don't just say this as your soulmate."
Squeak, chirp! Chirp!
Pointing at the small squeaking creature with a puffed out chest you continued. "See? Even Rosebud agrees with me and he's a smart fella, at least he is when he isn't trying to steal a certain someone's snacks." 
Squeak!? Squeak!
"Deny it all you want, I know that an entire package of oreos can't move on its own, let alone open itself up and leave a crumb trail behind."
Rosebud looked a little ashamed before turning towards you with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster up, silently asking for your forgiveness and to not extend his 'no desert after a meal' punishment for yet another week.
Your shoulders slumped, followed by a tired sigh as you simply nodded towards the now happily purring chibi. The rather sweet scene brought another thought to your mind, one that had been buried under all of the hecticness that just happened in under 30 minutes.
Where exactly is Keith's chibi?
It couldn't be near Keith, knowing how slippery those little guys are they would have already met in the middle of the room to play. There also wasn't ever a sound of a chibi or even of small movements. Keith and Tenebris also don't seem like the people who would neglect such a creature, and that only brought one option to mind. 
'Time to ruin a lighthearted moment' you thought, taking a deep breath. You calmed your wild running thoughts, building up the courage before looking right at Keith's blue eyes. Your question burned on the tip of your tongue.
"This still does leave one question unanswered, you don't have to answer it of course if you're not comfortable with me knowing. I would never want ro pressure you into anything like this but…Keith, where is your chibi? You should've gotten one when you two turned 18, did something happen to it?" Keith's demeanour shifted, first he froze in place with wide doe-eyes. 
Then his gaze shifted to you, the floor and then at the wall; his eyes never stayed in one place for too long. A sudden concentrated, yet tense, look washed over his face, shoulders tensing up as his fingers fidgeted with the buttons on his cuffs. Occasionally a few words would leave his lips but they made no sense, your best guess was that he was currently talking with Tenebris and those words just slipped out unconsciously. 
It felt like an eternity as you watched Keith change through many different emotions, at first you thought that maybe they were at a standstill. But the longer it went on the more you started to worry that something worse was happening, especially when a few blue spots started to appear on his skin.
Not knowing what to do, you gently placed a hand on his shoulder. Smiling, you felt him jolt underneath your touch, eyes furrowed, looking towards the ground as his lips formed a frown. The squiggly lines slowly grew from the edges of his lips towards his cheekbones, the big blue doe-eyes were exchanged for small purple irises and the familiar aggravated sclera. 
With one blink, Tenebris sat once again in front of you. "It's my fault that we…That Keith, didn't get a soulmate thing. He probably would deny it but there isn't another fucking explanation for it, everyone got one except us! And what's the only diffrence between us and people like you, like them!?...Me, I'm sure I'm the god damn fucking problem here."
"Don't. Just, don't…I don't want your pity or the 'this isn't your fault' shit. What other explanation is there? Huh? That's right, nothing!" An ever growing shiver of rage ran down his spine, his face contorting into one of pure agony-filled anger at himself. Teeth clenched, free for all to see as tears built up in the corner of his eyes. You didn't know if they were of sadness, anger, maybe something else entirely—maybe it's a mix of them? 
Slowly the hand on his shoulder slid down towards his shivering hands. Intertwining them as your forehead rested against his own, you closed your eyes and solely focused on Tenebris and the support he needed at this moment. 
Your other hand gently rested on his cheek, thumb running along the squiggly line as gently as possible, not wanting to disturb or ruin the moment you two were sharing.
"Tenebris, listen to me. I won't pity you, but I also won't lie to you. I don't believe it was your fault for not getting a chibi, there probably are people who never got one and I'm sure they didn't share a body with one of your kind. 
Don't hate yourself for something like this, please. You're still my soulmate, chibi or not, you will always be part of my soul. You will always be one of my better halves, one of the two people who fate decided to bond with me and I couldn't be more happy about it.
And even if this soulmate thing didn't exist I am sure that we would have found each other. One way or another, this also doesn't just apply to Keith. It also applies to you, I would have found you and roped you into this relationship. You're both mine and I am yours, even if one day something tries to tear us apart. I will fight tooth and nail to stay by your side, death might tear us apart in the end but I think even then…We would find some way back to each other maybe in another life? Or whatever lies beyond death, I won't ever let either of you two dorks go, understood?"
Tenebris leaned into your gentle touch, eyes closing as he let out a hum of agreement. His forehead gently rubbed against your own before he let his head rest on your shoulder. Blue arms wrapped around you in a comfortable, protective hug.
"...Can I kiss you?"
"Sure thing, loverboy. But afterwards, I also wanna give Keith a little talking to and a kiss, you're ok with that right?"
"...Yeah, sure whatever. You said it yourself, we belong to you and you belong to us. I guess sharing you with him won't be that bad…"
"We can work things out in detail later, but for now, lift your head up and let me kiss those soft lips.~"
And as Tenebris lifted his head, your lips met his in a short, yet love-filled embrace. His cheeks turned a deep shade of purple, a silent purr building up in his chest as he enjoyed the moment between you two. He let Keith take over once again, startling him into the moment.
As you two parted, you barely held in your laughter at Keith's surprised look. Mouth agape like a fish's as Tenebris caught him up somewhat on what had happened. This also included some light teasing on his behalf.
"You ok there, handsome?"
"Yes…Better than ever, actually. Could I get another kiss? Please?"
"Sure thing, love~"
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angelmarie · 6 days
Finished the first chapter of the old man yaoi
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I still have to write chapter 2
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