#fuck Amren
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My biggest beef with the Inner Circle is how they feel so entitled to information that impacts ALL of Prythian. And they hoard secrets and powerful artefacts like they’re the only ones responsible or trustworthy enough to handle them. For someone who says he doesn’t want to be high king Rhys sure acts like he rules all of prythian. 🙄
Maybe that’s how being high lord works but it’s just the superiority complex of it all.
Azriel spying on literally everyone (I know it’s his job but it just feels like there’s no privacy in this court and they want it that way. If ANY other person outside the IC has information they don’t, they want it. Secrets are for NC only 🙅‍♀️. No one else is allowed to make plans to save the world)
Location of the cauldron(it should be secret but why does it get to be the night courts secret? I think they should have let Tarquin decide tbh)
The whole search for the book of breathings (as if the war that was starting didn’t affect everyone. They considered just asking Tarquin and they should have.)
The existence and location of the trove (again why do they deserve to be the only ones who hold this knowledge)
Keeping Nestas weapons from her (they belong to her and no one else has any right to them. I’ll die on this hill)
Luciens paternity (though I’m pretty sure he already knows. But it’s the fact that feyre wouldn’t tell her friend this life altering information for literally no good reason)
Even Rhys and Feyre keeping their stupid death pact a secret is so selfish. Bc if they both died with no heir who becomes high lord? Kier? Seems like a shitty surprise to leave your mourning court.
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sherell-x · 17 days
Another thing I’ll never understand about the ACOTAR fandom is why playing an instrument is an ick!!
Tamlin playing the fiddle which is just a violin basically (believe me I’ve seen art depictions of people confusing a fiddle with a flute) is honestly amazing to me, the violin/fiddle is also one of the most difficult instruments to master & yet Tamlin plays it so well it captivates EVERYONE!!
You know what is icky THE BAT BOYS.
Tamlin has ACTUAL hobbies: playing the fiddle, writing poetry, a few times it’s been eluded to that he likes gardening
meanwhile the flying rodents do nothing but drink, gamble, fuck, lie, steal, beat, bully, torment, harass, exploit, abuse, imprison, gaslight & manipulate, dress their partner in clothes made by their mother, breed, force people to secrecy, attack, buy more homes than need be. There’s probably more but off the top of my head that’s the basics & none of which are hobbies or anything to fall in love over.
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bluedietcoke · 2 years
y’all love the morally gray, snarky, grief stricken characters until it’s a woman. i’ve seen so much discourse regarding female characters who display the exact same character traits as male leads and are criticized for it while the men are praised. let women be cruel and vindictive. let them deal with their grief and trauma in destructive ways. let them be real. give them the same treatment you would give to your favorite male love interest.
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hugevanserrass · 7 days
reread the solstice scene from acofas and was surprised at how pleasant nesta was the entire time. from the way people talk about it, and from Cassian's reaction after she leaves, you'd think she was hissing and insulting everyone in the room. but no.
nesta wishes feyre happy birthday, she thanks elain for her gifts, and sits quietly, allowing them to continue with their presents. meanwhile mor gives cassian silk boxers that match the lingerie set he got her. nesta even kisses elain on the head before she leaves. she is 100% polite.
the next chapter is Cassian's pov and it starts with "he'd had enough. enough of the coldness, the sharpness. enough of the sword-straight spine and razor-sharp stare that had only honed itself these months"
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kataraavatara · 2 months
there’s something about a fourteen year old Feyre hunting in the woods for her family being absolutely horrifying to the inner circle but a fourteen year old nesta forced to use her body to seduce older men so she can get a marriage alliance for her family is just a funny little story for the inner circle to have a giggle over that gives them the idea that they should have adult Nesta use her body to seduce an older man into a marriage alliance. for her “family”.
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intairnwetrust · 6 months
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The Inner Circle + Elain and Nesta
Art by @crisolcrowling on Instagram
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yaralulu · 2 months
The scariest part of acosf wasn’t the blood rite or feyre almost dying or cassian getting controlled by the crown it was actually amren introducing the idea of high king.I already despise the idea of high king so much as it is but RHYS as high king??? Yeah I think I speak for all of prythian when I say I’d rather die than have that happen.
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litnerdwrites · 24 days
Can someone please tell me how you can write a scene like the one where Nesta fell down the stairs and Cassian laughed at her, re-read it, and decide 'yeah, this is romantic. Let's make them the otp' before proceeding to write a whole ass book about them?
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shadowqueenjude · 7 months
Nesta fell to one knee and bowed her head. “I am sorry.”
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
UGH THIS SCENE I so badly wanted Cassian to remind Amren how little power she has now that she’s only Fae
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maisonaime · 5 months
Ilithyia's Blessings
I got Covid-19 as a college graduation/early Christmas present :) enjoy the fruits of me being stuck in my parent's basement.
Summary: Rewrite of Feyre's reaction to finding out about the risks of her pregnancy! I (like many) hated how this was dealt with, and would personally love to see her rip the entire IC a new one for that bullshit. Diverges from canon the moment Nesta leaves the townhouse. Heavy angst and hurt for all, BUT a happy ending! Please note that I am atrocious at writing dialogue so forgive me.
Warnings: Pregnancy complications, family dysfunction, mentions of past trauma, emotionally abusive & generally unhinged behavior from all!
Part 1:
As the last of Nesta’s burning fury trailed out of the door after her, Feyre’s eyes once again met Amren’s. The tears there had turned sharp as glass shards. Power imbued with the abundance of life nestled in the High Lady choked the air of the townhouse, damp and salty and so very wrong. They had been so very wrong. 
Amren did not falter, but her stance was one of false ease. She had never wished so badly to be well-versed in the nuances of emoting and made a note to herself to observe her peers' reactions more closely; that she might glean some useful mimicry for a similar situation in the future. A creature of preternatural stillnesses and pregnant silences, Amren waited until Feyre spoke in a voice so deep it may have been derived from the pits of the Mountains themselves. 
“How long have you all known?” 
“You should really ask your ma–” bared teeth cut her off.
“I asked you Amren. How long?” Feyre snarled.
It was becoming uncomfortable to breathe, reminiscent of the cloistered air of the Prison. Amren was struck with the sudden realization that her powers were no match for her High Lady, not anymore.  
“Too long” she admitted unflinchingly. “I will apologize for my part in it, but Rhysand had his reasons and I saw the practicality of it. As your friend, I know it was wrong. You must understand Feyre, I have to be the one person who can separate emotion from decisions in this Court, it’s my first nature and my duty as Rhys’ second.”
Feyre just stood there, eyes wide, breathing hard. Her tattooed hands still clutching her stomach as though the babe would rip its way into the world for all the horror she felt in that moment.
“Has it ever once occurred to you…” – her voice burned through the condensed ether like the birth of a star, Amren winced – “has it ever once occurred to any of you, that when Rhys made me High Lady, he made me High Lady of this Court, not just his High Lady. I am High Lady of the Night Court, I am your damn High Lady. And if you Amren are his second, then you are also mine.”
Tiny ancient one be damned, she needed backup for this. She only prayed Varian had the good sense to bring Elain back to the townhouse, no one else would do any good for this moment. 
And to think I was lecturing Nesta on respect.” she seethed. “To think that I’ve put up with this ridiculous sequestering of my family by my family. Elain and Nesta are flailing as they grapple with bodies and lives they were born and bred to fear, just as I did. We treat Elain like a vapid flower as if she is not burdened to see between fucking worlds. And you all act as though Nesta’s viciousness will tear chunks out of me but you forget she is my sister. I have known her my whole life and she has not torn my throat out yet. Vicious she may be, but at least she’s godsdamn honest.”
“No one is denying this Feyre but I don’t see–” 
“What this has to do with me? With my child? There’s plenty you lot are failing to fucking grapple with right now. The very basic premises of duty and friendship to start with. What about the principle of allowing a female control over her own life, her own body?” there was a jagged edge of panic making its way into her tone, the air grew impossibly tighter. 
At that moment the door banged open once again and Amren winced again as Morrigan pushed her way into the room against the wave of unyielding magic pulsing from Feyre. She silently cursed Varian.
“Feyre, I’m so sorry. If we had thought there was any other way to keep you and the babe safe–” she began before she was cut off by a dark wave of Feyre’s magic. Not the same magic that silenced Tamlin’s voice at the meeting of the High Lords, but a plume of magic that quite literally took the place of the air in Mor’s lungs, bringing her swiftly, silently to her knees.
“Surely you aren’t going to tell me you knew what was best for my womb Morrigan, you couldn’t even protect your own from desecration.” Feyre spat down at her.
Amren stood frozen in horror, watching Mor claw at her neck, eyes bulging and mouth agape like a fish out of water. The spell lasted only moments before air rushed back into her purpling face with a harsh gasp, but both Fae were still frozen in place before their High Lady. 
“You all seem to have forgotten, that I live and breathe the powers of all the Courts of Prythian. That I am Made, my sisters and I. We are creatures to be feared and served before we are loved. You’ve failed me, and in doing so you’ve failed this Court. Make sure you let Rhysand see me say that when he looks into your mind.”
Mor blanched, “Feyre you can’t leave now, Rhys and Madja are so close to finding an answer.” Where the hell was Rhys, how had he not yet sensed the chaos threatening to level the entire block of buildings the townhouse occupied?
“I can and I will. I am not safe here, nor is my child. I will seek refuge where I can find healers and friends who will allow me the dignity of deciding what I do with my body, my child. That I would put my life in the hands of a healer who answers to my mate over me, a husband who seeks to deceive me and involve my entire family in doing so? No, I would be a fool to give away my life so passively.” she paced before them frantically, power collecting into thick bands that coiled around Feyre in a churning, horrid shield. 
No longer their friend, no longer their family. A mother and a female burning with primal rage and fear for the safety of her child, guaranteed only by her ability to protect it. Protect it from the world, and in these agonized moments, protect it from her family. A family that could no longer be trusted.
“He will rip apart the world to find you and the babe Feyre, this won’t do any good.” Amren spoke as bluntly as usual, but the edge in her tone betrayed her wariness. 
“Let him try. I’ve never had the chance to test my powers against him, have never needed to until now. I confess I’m curious to see if I can inspire the fear in him that he’s attributed to my name.” The crazed glint in Feyre’s watery eyes was wholly unnerving. 
“Feyre, I’m begging you, don’t do this. We all lived with the fear of losing each other during the war– you and Rhys actually did. Don’t let this tear us all apart again.” Mor was practically weeping, still draped at Feyre’s feet in submission.
“Mor, it’s not my decisions that have led us here. I’ll leave it to you all to decide how to proceed; this Court seems to conceive of its most coordinated efforts without my knowledge.” Feyre had stopped pacing and closed her eyes, all of that asphyxiating power rushing from the room back into those bands of black power coalescing around her. The hair on the back of Amren’s neck stood tall.
“Will you return girl?” she asked quietly, refusing to look away from the fierce specter of power they had so woefully forsaken. Accepting that there was little they could do to stop the events that had been set in motion.
Feyre’s head snapped to her, eyes black with rage, looking every bit the Made Fae that could undo curses and courts. 
“I will return when I have proven to you all that I can give birth to my son without your duplicitous interference. I will return when I have a Court and friends and a mate that I trust to bend the knee, not bring me to my own.” she said with finality. 
The vortex of power around Feyre crackled and snapped as Rhys’ careful warding of Feyre’s body collapsed under her iron will. A new source of power, alarmed and frenetic and reeking of Rhys, swept through Velaris and into the townhouse. It crashed into the whorls of Feyre’s might with a piercing screech. The windows shattered sending glass through the air. Amren and Mor curled into themselves to avoid the spray.
When the chimes of falling glass had stopped and Mor and Amren could uncover their eyes, Feyre was gone. Where her scent, her power, her body had overwhelmed the room, there was absolutely nothing left to indicate that the High Lady of Night had ever stepped foot in the townhouse. 
Somewhere in the distance, mountains rumbled, birds took flight and the citizens of Velaris cowered as Rhysand let out an unearthly roar. 
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sherell-x · 1 month
ACOSF RANT/Nesta intervention rant!!!
I would just like to point out that Feyre is a POS when it came to that “intervention” to “help” Nesta…
Remember when Feyre said that Nesta had a CHOICE between a death sentence in the mortal lands or incarceration, torment, harassment & forced military training in the HoW…well Feyre lied not a few seconds later by then saying to Nesta
“you’re going even if you have to be tied up & hauled there” - Feyre, Chp 2, Pg 34
So I thought Nesta had a choice?…so what you’re telling me is that Feyre & of course Rhysand had no intentions of letting Nesta choose because they (more so Rhysand) wanted to CONTROL her
“If my sister cannot be CONTROLLED, then why should we have the rights to rule over anyone else” - Feyre, Chp 2, Pg 34
But again I thought Nesta had a choice?…I thought this was about helping her become better, be better?
“Oh so it’s about you saving face—“ Nesta, Chp 2, Pg 34
“It’s about how it reflects upon me, upon Rhys and upon my court when my damned sister spends our money on wine and gambling and does nothing to contribute to this city” Feyre, Chp 2, Pg 34
But you all only have a problem now because of WHERE Nesta is choosing to drink & gamble because of the TYPES OF PEOPLE Nesta is choosing to fuck and because CASSIAN ISN’T ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE, what does Feyre contribute to The Night Court? Can someone please tell me what Feyre’s title of High Lady actually entails her to do? I need specifics…oh that’s right no one can give an actual answer beyond the shit she said & assumed Tamlin wanted from her (which btw is just standard ruling lady of court things), again this isn’t about helping Nesta it’s about their image as Feyre oh so beautifully stated above 👆🏾 it’s about controlling her & trying to hone her into a weapon, it’s about Feyre getting payback for how Nesta spoke/treated her when she was human.
“I won’t be your prisoner—“ - Nesta, Chp 2, Pg 35
Feyre did in fact make Nesta a prisoner…the very same thing she swore blind she hated when Tamlin sealed her in the Spring Court manor & swore she would never be put through again & oh now look at her…doing worse than what Tamlin did & yes I say worse than what Tamlin did because Feyre was in there for all of a few seconds before Mor came in saving her like a prince/ss in shining armour & she the damsel in distress, not to mention Feyre would have been in the manor for what?…a day? & Nesta is in there indefinitely until she has the most physical strength to leave?…she put her sister in a cage, a gold plated gilded cage.
“No. You can go wherever you wish…if you manage to make it down those ten thousand steps” - Feyre, Chp 2, Pg 35
Don’t you just love it when your jailer taunts you knowing physically, mentally/psychologically you’re not in a place to be forcing yourself down 10,000 steps just to have a bit of freedom, oh how endearing Feyre is…SIKE.
I would like to point out that Feyre was sealed in the manor of Spring Court for no more than a few seconds & look at how she reacted but then thinks that Nesta should be grateful for being locked in there for an untold amount of time & furthermore can you imagine being “gifted” your prison as a thank you for saving my mates, son & my own life…I can’t believe the Feysand stans support them.
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hugevanserrass · 16 days
not feyre starting their little intervention with "no, it's not a scolding. think of it as a discussion." and then a few pages later she legitimately says "you're going, even if you have to be tied up and hauled there."
and then when feyre tells nesta they are tearing her apartment building down, nesta thinks to herself "one of the few choices she'd made for herself, stripped away."
like be real are we really not supposed to read feyre as the villain here bc she totally is one
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flowerflamestars · 1 month
Effloresce snippet
Size did not matter. Her gaze came as though at great distance- the sun to a beetle, every tree in the forest to a single, bruised, blade of grass.
Amren. Not the, never the, but with all emphasis just the same. Amren, power of a different world, who'd watched Prythian so long she'd faded into folly and legend, length of a life too long even for fellow immortals to comprehend.
Elain dipped a deep curtsy, but she did not lower her head.
Look away, from that clear predator.
Lucien did not move at all.
"You," Amren said, flashing mother of pearl teeth, her gleaming eyes seeming far too other to be bothered by the hair she tossed out of her view, shifted on sea breeze. "Now you have a face."
Elain dimpled her way. Held, shoulders aching iron, neck prickled with a discomfort, a fear that was pure instinct, moving only when her smile- her grandmother's smile- was met head on in interest.
"Amren," Elain did not swallow, did not show her dry mouth, "We have a gift."
A tip of the head. Lucien swept smoothly forward, low, to place the box before her. "Archeron."
"Not him?" Amren addressed only Elain, "Not a treat, a feast, little lost light? I've never tasted the sun and moon in one."
Not a shake, not a waver, Elain imagined Nesta's knife blade frown. The smile that was not a smile at all, gentry cut direct. "House Archeron does not sacrifice it's own."
A snort, gentle derision, melted all of Elain's fear in one blast. All the honor she'd ever had, burnt to nothing by her youngest sister.
Amren watched on, unblinkingly. Elain walked forward, respectful distance damned, and ripped open the lid. Did not flinch at the fresh scent of gore, the neat bed of the finest mortal lace soaking up blood.
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latrodectal · 18 days
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i’m calling this for the next acotar book now, posting it for posterity.
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straightasaaro · 11 months
Just Want to Bitch a Lil-a POC Girl
How the book describes the Bat Boys, Tarquin, Thesan, Helion, Lucien and Amren:
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The fandom: mm-hm, understood.
The books: Y-you do?
The fandom: uh huh.
The fan casts:
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Fandom: we completely understand
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