#give us a sequel or a show cmon
chrismho · 5 months
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"Dr. Doppler, I presume?"
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nikox400x · 2 months
Kung Fu Panda 4-All the budget went to the animation (spoilers)
Hey all, its me, the guy who everyday make a tour around this site but almost never talk. How are ya?
Two days ago something arrived to the cinema's screens, something that me and everyone were waiting for since 2018, the fourth film and the begginig of the new kung fu panda triology.
You know? When I sat on that theather seat with my friends to see what Dreamworks had prepared for us, I told myself; "Maybe that post I made a while ago throwing shit at what seemed like Kfp 4 was going to be was a bit hard, I hope I can come out regretting what I said that time"
And as soon as the credits ended, it was clear to me, I dont regret a shit. Maybe it was a little exaggerated, compared to what a megamind fan would think about the terrible sequel they made, but still: the film is crappy and boring most of the time. But why?
I'm going to explain some points.
1- Po? Is that you?
I don't know you guys, but i don't think the panda we knew in the end of the third film is the same as this one. Seriously, he share more comparisons with the Po from the legend of awessonless than the one from the films, maybe its a personal thing but it feels that way. At least in the beggining of the film feel like that.
And I don't know what he was thinking about when he decided to follow a thief he doesn't know at all and who tried to steal in his own palace, and that suspiciously know who is the chameleon, whose were her plans, her past, where she lived, where exacly they had to pass through avoiding all the guard inside her home, why the others thiefs of the city hate her so much... With Po's experience with criminals this is like a chef throwing water on a pan with boiling oil, it's obvious what is going to happen.
2- Zheng- Female Nick Wilde but without charisma or half of his intelligence.
I knew it from the first moment I saw Zheng's desing, the people who know me can corroborate that; her facial expressions, her tone while she talk, her animal race, her position as thief, her final when she is part of the justice same as the protagonist... it's clearer than water I think.
Everyone could say this is forgivable if she's smart, but surprise, she's not. This character is just an absurd try of this company for """"conect with infant audience""""(I don't know in what sense, I supose for the cute design, idk). But the point is, the supposed objective of the hollywood companies is give the new generetions better things than we got at their age, but what I see is laziness for write a decent scrip only for take an advantage of a known IP and make easy money. Even the children have quality standars, this is not the dragon warrior and of course this is not kung fu panda.
And talking about the dragon warrior, having our deep and lovely Tigress with her magnific development or Tai Lung back from the spirit realm... why in the hell this character exists?! Oh yeah, for being trending topic in twitter for three days. Yay...
3- The furious five and Shifu, for us : our pretty boys, and for Dreamworks: living jokes.
What made Kung Fu Panda what it is, is not the fucking panda, it's them. They're the inspiration for Po, their allies, the royale representation of kung fu and the ones which everything started with.
Po's a comic relief, and his mission is show his development in part using his humor, but the humor in this film barely works because of the lazy script. Something that even the talented Jack Black himself can't fix, beacuse his only role there is dublin his character, unlike the rest of the residents of the Jade Palace except Dustin Hoffman.
Seth Rogen (Mantis) himself even said that he wasn't even contact by Dreamworks in the first place, only for make a scream in the credits, that's sad beacause he really wanted to see Mantis on the screen. And I know and I understand that the five are expensive, but cmon, they could just simply change the voice actors and offset it with a good script but that's not the case of course. Their role in the film is being a counter for Po's constant jokes, for not to saturate the spectator with jokes, now that's not in there anymore, thank you Dreamworks.
4-The chameleoooohhn and her "motivation".
I can't say much, basically because out of her design she's nonsense. She says that because of her size, she was reyected for being a kung fu warrior.
Yeah of course but only one little thing, what about Shifu? Viper, a warrior without tips? Mantis, literally a dawn insect? Master Oogway, a TURTLE? The masters goose? C'mon even there's a fucking master chicken! Don't talk shit chameleon!
Her importance for the plot? Its almost a lie, the others villains had links to important characters; Tai Lung (with his link to Shifu's past), Shen (with his link to Po's past) or Kai (with his link to Oogway's past), all of them related to important characters. And her? To zheng's past and present I guess? But again, anyone know this character. She's like a villain from a Disney show, you know the type of villain who say a lot of things but at the end, she don't support nothing to the lore.
And her personality is like a mix of all the previous villains, and this sounds good right? HAHAH nope. Do you remember when as a child you mixed all the plasticines of all the colors to create the final color and you ended up with a color similar to poop? well that's exacly how her personality feels like.
5- Po's dads; the only reason they're there is because they ran out of characters to make the film.
The tittle itself tell everything, they don't do anything for the script in all the film, and their objective could be done since the start.
The script of the film except for the final looks like a draft which they didn't know how to complete, everyone who watch it can see it perfecly. The animation, the music and the backgrounds are the only things notable here.
6- Tai Lung and the cheapness nostalgia.
Fan service is not necesarry bad, above all if is used in a good way, they sold us Tai Lung as a miracle but his importance for the plot feels just like a Stan Lee cameo, I like Tai Lung I can say that. But this is too weak, Shen and Kai are only characters in the background who don't do nothing except being defeated or make facial expressions (I don't even joke that Shen would show respect to Po considering what we saw in the second movie, and Kai wasn't supposed to be destroyed as a spirit, what the hell is he doing here again? *sign* I'll to stop trying to make sense of this).
By the way, anyone else think that the dragon warrior role is understimated? I mean Shifu obligated Po to transfers the role to another one just because yes, i mean he only has been the dragon warrior for less than 5 years and now they want to replace him with a random. Everything just for at the end, he choosed a thief with at least 30 crimes registred and who was a traitor during the 75% of the movie.
7- The """""""""humor"""""""", except they forgot the parts where I must to laugh.
Seeing nonsense hits only beacuse yes stopped of being funny a long time ago, and no, I don't want to talk about the bunnies of the portrait because I would get sick. I had to go to the cinema drunk to endure the filler that the movie had, no joke, it was the only way to laugh at those jokes.
So I think about applying the same method as in any movie with bad jokes, ignoring the jokes. I tried to do the same thing but with the pace that the film managed, such a thing was impossible, the pace of the movie seems to be made for Tiktoker children with attention deficit. From the chaos in the quarry until Po takes the bitc... uhg fox out of prison, only 10 fucking minutes pass, all of that for what? So that you feel like the baseless information and the nonsensical plot that they tell us is of any use? they could simply make a non-canonical short and that's it, but no, yes or they were going to tell us a story written by rotten old men who spend the entire day watching Tik Tok. It's not going to be that the child who sees this doesn't get bored, we know that much today's children don't have many neurons as they say, but even to make movies for them you have to have a certain talent.
In some point at the beguining Po make a joke about the ausence of the furious five saying that at least he had them in cardboard posters, and this would be a good joke. Only if the stupid film could be prove that the franquise can do something memorable without the furious five, but again, that's not the case.
Don't have any respect for this movie, look what it had with you. I understand that it is enjoyable because of the animation but it does not go beyond that line, it destroys important things about the canon and spoils its teaching about the need for change by treating it in a terrible way.
Coclusion: KFP 4 is just another Po's adventure as Shifu says, it won't tell nothing to you or make you feel different, it's a shame but after Megamind 2 I imagined something like this. It's a dark era for film, expecially the animated one so like Scar said; Be prepare, there're worse things waiting for us.
Do you want something with real quality? You don't even need kung fu panda 1,2 or 3, for make it easy to this film let's take this marvelous example; kung fu panda: secrets of the scroll (2016). You'll say; "An animated short, this is not like-" Shhh Just watch it, you won't regret it.
If you think I'm wrong in something, just rewatch the film. And if still you aren't agreed with me, well, I respect you and I'm happy you like it. I wish I could love it as you do, but that doesn't mean that the movie isn't bad, because if you watch it with your brain on or remembering the previous movies it's terrible.
. Me? I've to write a story, I love you all. Except you, Dreamworks, I'm mad with you, expecially when you do this at the same day as Akira Toriyama's death :(
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valittlecorner · 7 months
☆ (Improvised) Pararai appreciation post!!
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- Hi hello this is a very improvised post!!! But I've always been thinking about how this project seems to be made with so much love. There's so many details about the creative process of it I can't get out of my head. So we're appreciating it. Right now.
1) Designs!! The fact they got a bunch of different character designers for EACH UNIT for the sake of keeping it unique, resulting in a cast full of vibrant outstanding characters. That definitely wasn't cheap, but they made the sacrifice for the sake of a varied cast!! And it did pay off (It also must've been a struggle to adapt the designs to the usual Pararai artstyle lol)
2) VA's!! They hired Utaites with more or less experience to be voice actors!! (Zen va, Kei va, Anne va, Toma va). They opened a bunch of opportunities for the ones who are beginners in the Industry like 96Neko, who mentioned Pararai was the first "real project" she's participated in. And the best thing is, they've been doing their best efforts to preserve the identities of whoever wants to remain private. Like 96Neko, who's usually a shadow in concerts. And Kashitaro Ito, who always wears a fox mask (I THINK that's always been his thing but I still want to mention it, don't come at me!!).
3) VA's!! (the sequel). On the voice actor topic, besides hiring Utaites, they also got their hands on some of the most recognized faces in the industry. Like Natsuki Hanae (Ryuu va, known for roles like Tanjiro Kamado), Ayumu Murase (Hajun va, known for roles like Shōyo Hinata) and many others! All the Pararai voice actors are talented, but having some of the most solid VAs on board definitely helped the project a lot not only providing publicity, but providing some amazing work in concerts due to their experience while also having fun little quirks (staring at Natsuki who's quite literally irl Ryuu).
4) The commitment to Rap and different genres!! Most projects do have this, but I still want to talk about it okay!!!! Pararai has a lot of different genres under their belt, we all know that. But I think it's the COMMITMENT to it that really makes me happy. Every group has an established genre, like for example, Cozmez have more "raw" hip hop and trap, while Akyr are Reggaeton inspired, those are their assigned genres. But the producers manage to make a different twist all the time. Even if it's the same genre and formula, they always give it a new unique twist without ruining its essence, thus establishing a solid image for everyone!! This could sound like the bare minimum, because it is, but it's MY post so I'm appreciating it anyways, it's nice :3.
5) Fan appreciation!! The AMOUNT of events for JP Heads is impressive. Listen, most projects have livestreams and concerts, that's pretty much the standard. But Pararai takes this concept to the next level. It's not enough to just have a livestream event on an Anniversary, nuh-uh, they have livestreams EVERY TIME a new phase of RTL drops. And speaking of RTL phases, they also open AT LEAST ONE little pop-up cafe when these happen, with special merch and food + those videos with the VAs and Producers talking about the songs. Also the Dope shows, they're pretty elaborated too. They have little outfits for each VA that are a replica of their character's. Cmon they even have exclusive bonuses depending on where you get your albums from, like in K-pop!!! They kind of spoil us fans lately, but we won't complain🤨🤨
As you can tell, this project is filled with so much Love for its niche. Every voice actor seems to really like their job, some are constantly posting old photos or promoting in personal accs, and I can see why they do. This is a really worthy project, made with nothing but respect to its fans!!! Thanks if you read all of it, I was rambling a bit lol
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thegeminisage · 6 months
tng night the second: naked now and code of honor. verdict: oh man.
really excited initially about a sequel to naked time, easily among the best ever tos episodes. but this is too early! even in tos we'd gotten a short time to know them as they are normally before they did All Of That
also this episode was. uh. not great. for starters, the inhibitions being lowered in meant different things to everyone...except the women. ALL THREE major female characters instantly turned into boy crazy sex fiends, which is particularly tragic for tasha bc she has major lesbian swag.
wesley continued to be annoying in this episode. i want to like him because he seems like a nice and eager kid (even if it is still fucking bonkers to me that kids are allowed on a starship), but the problem is he'll do some stupid bullshit that kids are wont to do and instead of like mothering him at all crusher IMMEDIATELY begins making excuses for him and getting defensive if anybody says anything to him. so also i realized i do kind of like crusher, especially when she gives picard shit, except every time she starts to grow on me she just lets wesley do whatever he wants and the i'm like :| again
also, what is UP with tasha yar. RAPE GANGS??? she just drops that into casual conversation while trying to fuck an android?? hello?????
lmao that data fucks also. i'm so glad actually. love and light it's so hard when people make androids asexual. i'm never opposed to any ace headcanon ever they're all fundamentally correct every fictional character IS ace so true but cmon. a robot??? it's better this way. good for him.
also, why did crusher get infected AFTER riker but succumb before him?? like are women just that weak lmao
perhaps the most interesting character in naked now was geordi, who got absolutely no resolution to the interesting setup they gave him, which is pretending he's satisfied with the way things are re: his vision and the prosthetic he uses, and then revealing that perhaps he's actually secretly not. that was neat. every time he's onscreen i'm like "i'd like to know more about that guy" and every time they're like "no <3"
code of honor was somehow even WORSE. apart from like. the obvious sexism and racism. we also had tasha yar once again being like "oooh i would love this big savage black man to ravish me that did make me feel so sexy" which. what the FUCK
AND ALSO a scene with crusher that annoyed me, because she went from "oh why can't i as a doctor show professionalism" (she's a woman) and then also in the middle of the crisis "can i bother you to let my son on the bridge even though he's a child i speak As A Mother (woman)" like girl...ik you love your son but he doesn't need free roam of a fucking starship. he is a baby. he needs to be in class. this was crusher's only scene in the entire episode btw she quite literally had 8 lines and they were all about how much of a woman she was.
i just feel like if we are going to do this to women we should go back to not having them. like shadowhunters. if you can't treat those ladies properly you have to put them back on the shelf until you're a grown-up.
we looked up a few skip/watch lists but none of them agree with each other. i'm too paranoid about missing vital info/context and i wanna see them all anyway even the bad ones but like...this is ROUGH. i know i know i KNOW it is going to get so, so much better. but good god.
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Billy + stu reacting to reader saying "would you regret it if you killed me?" During one of their many movie nights?
(Billy: no
Reader: cmon, I'd regret it if I killed you~)
I did a cute little drabble for this instead of my normal HC, because this scene wouldn't leave my head lol.
Nah. - poly!Ghostface x GN!Reader:
"Would you regret it if you killed me?"
Billy's fingers dancing up and down your arm pause, and you felt more than saw their heads turn towards you, the upwards quirk of Billy's lips turning into an amused grin viewable from your left peripheral.
Stu chimed in from his place laying back against Billy, and when you finally turned to look at him, his face showed confusion more than anything.
You adjust your legs, bumping the brunette's arms from your shoulder slightly so that his palm now rested on your lower back. You move them under you as you turn to face your boyfriends wholly.
"Would you regret it if you killed me?"
Stu opens his mouth to reply, but before he could Billy's voice rings out to cut him off.
"Nah." He says, turning back to the movie, smile still playing on his lips.
"Nah?" Yours stretch in turn, giving him a cheesy grin as gaiety dances in your tone.
"Nah." He reiterates, turning towards you once again. "If I wanted to kill you, I'd make sure it was for a really good reason. That way I wouldn't regret it." he shrugs.
"Yeah, but also, we're not planning on killing you. Like, ever." Stu chimes in as he stretches himself a little, and when your eyes slide back to his face you see his signature grin on his lips. He elbows Billy in the leg, earning a grunt from the shorter man "Right, Billy? Having our love interest go bye-bye in the sequels is too cliche. We gotta reinvent the wheel a little, no sad overtures for us."
Brown eyes roll and you giggle before Billy's palm on your back slides back up to your shoulders, pulling you against his chest and almost onto Stu's head. The blonde's hand finds yours as you place it on Billy's leg to stop your fall on him, lacing your fingers and shooting you a quick wink.
"No. We're not gonna kill you Y/N. There won't be any chance for regret to exist in the first place." Billy says as he places a kiss against your head. The finality in his tone indicated the end of the hypothetical, and they both turn back to the movie, the hand around your shoulder feeling a little tighter than before.
The sudden affection from Billy surprised but pleased you, and their assurances were nice to hear regardless of how much trust you had in them. You observe the two for a little longer, both of their attentions fully enraptured by the gore and viscera currently splattering across the way of the television, lights from the LCDs dancing along the slopes and curves of their features.
Satisfied, you settle back into the comfort of the evening, content and warm and feeling light. And at the moment, you knew you were safe with them.
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axolotlsauce · 2 years
Okay so Im bored and autistic so im gonna rant about why lumity is great
(besides the obvious, which is that its a canon wlw ship in a disney property)
One of the things I HATE HATE HATE in media is a romance subplot that ends with the two people kissing and that’s just it. It infuriates me, because there are only 2 possible scenarios here.
1. The classic case of “kissing cause its in the script” aka “we’re pairing up the characters whose relationship only exists to fill a quota of what’s expected from a mainstream piece of media, and this kiss signifies that the relationship is complete, happily ever after.” this is bad because I dont give a fuck about this pairing because you used western audiences automatic expectation for the most obvious het ship to just happen to just... skip the part where you write a story where the characters actually develop feellings, because you know the audience will see a sexy male actor and a sexy female actor be co-leads and naturally assume that they’ll be the endgame relationship. This is lazy and boring
2. You actually did write the couple well, and I’m invested in their relationship. They have chemistry and their relationship develops well across the story, and they’re cute enough together for me to write at least three fanfics. In which case. Having the subplot end with the big kiss is just fucking cheating me. You gave me this whole story to want to see them be together. and then the second they came together, you ended the story. that’d be like if you built up a villain for the entire story and the protagonist killed them with their first attack. I wasn’t excited to see those characters kiss once and then be satisfeid with the knowledge that they will be together in the happily ever after: I WANTED TO SEE A CUTE ON-SCREEN COUPLE
And then there are the issues common with both of these: - A big kiss is a cliched and unrealistic way to start a relationship. for most relationships, getting together officially and the first kiss are seperate milestones, and cmon that’s way more interesting - The big kiss start relationship is always at the fucking climax because OF COURSE you cant dedicate any time to actually showing the couple, and then they’re usually broken up or physically distant in the sequel because GOD FORBID you write an actual relationship happening ONSCREEN. (like seriously why are you putting a relationship into a story just for the sake of having a romantic subplot when its so clear you have no interest in acutally writing a romantic subplot) - This leads to writers dragging out the relationship so it can happen at the end, when it would probably make more sense, both metatextually and in universe, for the characters to get together earlier. this is ESPECIALLY egregious in TV shows which are longer than movies, and thus more likely to pad out the relationship preamble with willtheywontthey BULLSHIT
and yet lumity. avoids all of this. everyhting I hate in fictional relationships isn’t present
For one thing, the romantic tension doesn’t start the second they meet, because it’s an enemies-to-lovers ship, so instead the focus with their interactions is initially antagonistic, but there’s a focus on how luz changes amity, and we also see their crushes on one another naturally develop and we actually get to see the chemistry they have with each other
The “oh shit they kissed” moment was a kiss on the cheek, and then when they got together officially it wasn’t a big kiss in the climax after defeating belos because that’s not engaging and also that’s not what teenage romance is like. Having them get together in a slower, lower-stakes episode where they just. ask each other out like normal kids is so much more engaging 
And then. Ever since that ep. We’ve got to, you know, SEE THEM BE ADORABLE GIRLFRIENDS. The thing that lumity shippers ACTUALLY WANTED
in conclusion, this is a well paced romance between 2 characters who have great chemistry with each other, which isn’t the highest bar and yet the owl house has cleared it better than so so many other shows
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sanchoyo · 2 years
I already talked abt my probably unrealistic botw 2 wishlist here but may I add onto it: with even more unrealistic wishes before the game actually comes out
-diving mechanic (I mentioned ocean exploration in that post but diving is a Separate Wish. ocean exploration means fun little islands like wind waker. diving is just, let me swim down further and open treasures/find underwater caves or smth...)
-I assume there'll be new areas/possibly an entirely new map to explore. termina. I want to revisit termina. possibly as zelda. oh my god she falls into the ground and ends up in termina. doesnt need to make sense, it would be sick as hell JKSADHFKJ at this point my list of wishes is just fanfic ideas
-everyone is saying playable zeld, but may I raise you playable ALL THREE triforce ppl. cmon. is playable ganon not the funniest concept ever. I have no idea how it would work. but it could work in a way of showing more lore/what might have happened to make him give up reincarnation?? or the theory hes being used as a power source for hyrule??? or the lich theory?? the zonai stuff?? anything??? I know theyll have to talk about the elephant in the room (HIS CORPSE??) but how in depth will they GO. I NEED DRAMA AND IN DEPTH LORE. I WANT IT SO BAD.
-fans have very much been wanting more human ganon/lore/depth ANYTHING so. maybe nintendo. will Notice That We Would Like That. (remember the rehydrated ganon fanart after the first botw teaser dropped JKASDHFJKSKF nintendo def noticed some ppls THIRST WITH HOW POPULAR THAT WAS FOR A WHILE. GOD) please for a moment imagine in the botw sequel bein able to play as all three of them at diff times and being able to custom dye their outfits like u can do with links. bc i did an all pink link wardobe and u would be crazy to think i wouldnt do the same with ganon and zelda. +horsies with flower manes. <3
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Ch 9 spoilers
I still can't believe Billy bought Stu's lie that the door was locked cause we were fooling around with him 😭 Billy, man, we told you in Ch 8 we weren't dating Stu. We've made it clear this entire time that we don't trust Stu fully...and you still believed the lie 🤡
Cmon Billy, give us some credit and use some critical thinking skills baby boy 🤣 I get it, he barely knows us, our shirt was slipping, and it's obvious we are more comfortable around Stu then we should be, but you can't believe everything that comes out of Stu's mouth.
In Ch 8, he was assuming we were dating Stu based on NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE other than we are clearly more comfortable around him. It'd be one thing if we kissed him or something, but c'mon bill 😭
Even the old y/n wouldn't have slept with Stu. Especially now after everything he's done. Billy better be careful bc the fact that he bought the lie shows that he is susceptible to Stu's lies and manipulation. He knows Stu better than us, yet he's already getting jealous and jumping to conclusions. He's already giving Stu ammunition.
Who's to say Stu won't be able to trick Billy in the future and turn him against us? Or try to get Billy killed bc he knows how to rile him up? 😬👀
Billy will never admit it but deep down inside he is beyond insecure. His looks and manipulation got him everything but us and THAT wounded his pride more than anything other than us beating him twice in the showdowns of Set Up and Sequels Suck.
He looks at Stu as below him but he still sees Stu as competition. Stu having his life more together than Billy has to sting too.
Then sprinkle in the jealousy of still caring about us and disguising it as bitterness (Isn't there a qoute somewhere that love and hate are two halves of the same coin?) and Stu being closer to us. You have a huge mix there.
Billy will deny it forever but deep down inside he's insecure and jealous and a pessimist that thinks of the worse scenario first bc it saves him from being taken off guard and hurt that way. The idea of Stu winning us over him is like losing two people he secretly stills gives a shit about at the same time. It's a fear and he's thinking of it first to avoid the heartache of it
Again...He'll never admit it.
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cyber3lf · 3 years
in another world
say it back sequel
˖⋆࿐໋₊ ✎ synopsis: it has been two years since your last encounter with oikawa. you thought he was gone for good, buried deep in the past, and will just live in your mind as a faint memory but unfortunately, you were far from being right with that statement.
pairing: oikawa x fem. reader
genre: angst angst angst
word count: 2.4k
warnings: cringe, sappy stuff LOL don’t come @ me
you didn’t know how you got yourself into this mess. how you let kuroo drag you to his dumb party that he hosted. who throws a reunion party and invites their team’s rivals? besides the point, there were more people than you had expected. you scanned your eyes observing the room filled with people having a good time. the flashing lights were hurting your eyes a bit but you got used to it. although, it was hard to make out the people’s faces since of the horrible flickering colored lights.
“cmon, let me introduce you to some people,” kuroo grabbed you by the wrist so you wouldn’t lose your way in the crowd. you gave in at first and let him drag you around but as the bright tinted illumination beamed across the room your eyes widened when the source hit a nostalgic figure you thought would be long gone from your world, let alone be in the same room as you. you stopped in your tracks, eyes widened in horror and a rush of anxiousness ran down your body.
“what the hell is he doing here?” you couldn’t help but think to yourself. you have been content for two years and suddenly your ex appeared out of nowhere. ever since your last contact with oikawa, you had been miserable for a long time. nothing was able to bring you out of your misery. you despised him and felt bitterness in your nerves when someone would mention his name in a conversation. you hated him. but you couldn’t blame him for everything he has done. of course you had to take some credit. your foolishness and feelings has gotten the best of you. even after that date you thought maybe he would come up to you and apologize. yet you were so far from that concept. however, the universe eventually showed sympathy towards you and gave you signs that you were better off without him. in other words, you were just hit with a fat reality check that you and oikawa were never meant to be. conceivably in another world or in other cases just a figment of your imagination.
“and this is lev. you know lev right…” kuroo’s voice trailed off, noticing that you weren’t paying attention to what he was saying for the past 10 minutes. “y/n what the hell. did you listen to what i was just saying?”
“huh?” you snapped back, your attention turning back on kuroo who had a very irritated look on his face, crossing his arms and tapping his finger. “yes i was.” you retorted to your tall friend.
“ok who was the last person i just introduced you to?” kuroo bickered back.
“tori nakamoto?” kuroo kicked you in the leg, “ow! what was that for?”
“what is the matter with you? why are you so off tonight? loosen up.” kuroo complained. at times you would act like this, not listening to what your best friend was saying and wandering off to dreamland or play vigorous, humiliating thoughts from your past. like just now.
you rolled your eyes and apologized under your breath. you hoped that whatever you just saw was just your imagination. nevertheless, you still glanced over in the direction you last saw the figure. you were about to turn your head away and a let out a small gasp but you weren’t quick enough to turn your attention back to what kuroo was saying. and as cheesy as this sounds, your eyes locked with him for three lengthy seconds. “it was like the room was lit up again” is what you would have thought two years ago.
oikawa was in much shock as you were. probably even more shocked. he couldn’t believe he would ever see you again. and quite frankly, he wanted to see you again. more than anything in this world. after your guys’ last encounter, he brushed off the feeling of these perplexed thoughts of not pulling you back in, holding you tightly and kiss you. anywhere. even if it wasn’t on your soft, full lips. but needless to say, there were more fishes in the sea. hundreds of them and he attracted a lot of them. and obviously, like the guy oikawa was, he took as many girls out as he could until he felt the satisfying warm energy they equally radiated as you did when he was with you. it was one after another and no one could meet the expectation he held. oikawa was a determined man however, and he was not about to give up. and no matter how many girls he came up to ask them out, oikawa couldn’t bring himself to even spare you a glance let alone talk to you. he wanted to explain himself. about how shitty of a boyfriend he was in the past couple weeks, why he treated you the way he did, and how he was wrong for taking his anger out all on you and pushed you away especially times when you needed him the most.
he didn’t realize it until the day of graduation day that he wanted nothing more in this world but to be with you, wake up by your side, hugging you and smell your rose-like scent, comb your hair with his hands, taking out all of the tangles and listen to everything you had to say whether it was you ranting about something ridiculous or about how great your day went. oikawa had to talk to you, even if he had to think twice about what he was getting himself into.
“kuroo… uh,” you started, looking back to see if oikawa was staying where he was at and just to your dismay, the lean figure was walking in your direction. “kuroo, kuroo, kuroo,” you tapped your friend’s shoulder, eagerly trying to get his attention.
“what the hell do you want woman,” kuroo almost spat out his drink.
“where’s the bathroom?” you asked smiling at him innocently but also in a hurry. you have not been near oikawa since forever and you had planned on keeping it that way.
“around the corner on your left…” kuroo described suspiciously. “hurry though, i have more people i want you to meet.”
“in your dreams kuroo,” you rolled your eyes and sped through the crowds almost tripping three times on your way to the restroom. man was this party packed or what? on your way, you grabbed a slice of cake and locked yourself in the tight, small room. you waited for a solid 10 minutes until you couldn’t handle the claustrophobic atmosphere and opened the door quickly while checking both ways for any brunette with shaggy like hair before you could come out of your hiding.
“are you gonna plan on avoiding from me forever?” a familiar cocky voice piped up. oikawa.
“i had to use the restroom,” you muttered under your breath, not looking in his direction, and wanting to roll your eyes in disgust. you got up quickly and headed in the opposite direction from where he came from but you weren’t quick enough. he grabbed you by your wrist and dragged you towards the direction you were just about to head towards. you were stubborn and tried to loosen his grip but he was stronger.
“oikawa let go,” you pleaded, trying not to sound weak but more rather annoyed and irritated. he wanted nothing to do with you and now he’s trying to get you alone with him. after more fussing about letting you go, oikawa did. but he lead you guys up to a room and shut the door. “what the hell do you want?” your question sounded more like an order, although you rather much not want to hear about it and move on from here. but before you could say anything else, your former lover sat down on the bed and pulled you into a hug making you sit down next to him. your heart raced at an incredible speed.
“please,” oikawa started, “can we stay like this for a bit?” he buried his face in the crook of your neck. although you were very upset that a jerk like him who happened to date you in highschool, ghosted you out of nowhere, and now just started to talk to you out of nowhere, you decided to stay for his sake.
“i’m sorry,” oikawa apologized, “i missed you so much.” he looked up at you, now cupping your face with his hands examining all the details on your face with the moonlight shining in through the windows with meticulousness and held it with so much care like you were fragile.
“bullshit,” you snapped back at him, striking lightly at his hands to get him to stop touching you. if he was really sorry, he would’ve stopped you from leaving on the day at the amusement park. you know. if he was really sorry, he would’ve texted back that night. if he was really sorry, he would’ve called and asked for a reschedule for another date. if he was really sorry, he would’ve changed his poor attitude towards you as a boyfriend and acted like a real one. you wanted the oikawa you first fell in love with again. but nothing is perfect and will go as planned in life. and your relationship with him was one of them.
“i mean it, y/n” oikawa said, lifting his head up and meeting your eyes, his tone of voice getting more and more serious as he spoke, “ever since you left i couldn’t stop thinking about you. and i know this is so sappy and mushy for you to hear but i really, really mean it. and i know i haven’t been the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for yet i still want to be with you. i miss your touch and voice--”
“then why didn’t you say so sooner?” you asked quietly. this time, wanting to know the answer. you looked down at your feet while saying this to hold back tears. you were frustrated to say at the very least. who wouldn’t be?
“huh? i’m sorry i couldn’t catch what you were trying to say--”
“THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO SOONER, OIKAWA?” along with shouting, tears streamed down at your face, making the mascara you were wearing, run a little around your eyes while you were wiping it. and as for oikawa, he was startled by your blaring attitude. you weren’t ever like this especially not towards him. but what could he have expected? and although you were physically the one who left him, he emotionally left you first which hurts just as much, if not more.
“you know what, if you ARE really sorry you wouldn’t have shut me out when i’m trying to talk to you. if you ARE really sorry, you would’ve texted me back that night after i left, if you ARE really sorry and want anything to do with me again you would’ve tried to hold our relationship together, if you ARE really sorry--” but you didn’t get the chance to finish as you were ranting on about how dense and ignorant he was in the past and how he still is because now, you felt a pair of soft, delicate lips crashed onto yours.
you wanted to resist. push back and slap him for doing what he did but you couldn’t bring yourself to it. instead, you closed your eyes and kissed him back and found yourself wanting more of this forbidden fruit you thought you would and should never get to taste again. you slowly brought your hands to his neck and hinted at him that he can continue. you don’t know if the act of you kissing him back was through lust or love. but it didn’t matter to you at that very moment. you just wanted him. your lips were moving in sync to his movements. abruptly, he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer until you were on his lap. every second, your breath was shared between one another as he bit your bottom lip every now and then, the both of your guys’ hands tangled up in one another’s touch. you ran your hands through his thick brown toned hair and a tear slipped down on your cheek. you missed his touch so much, yet after some time of repeated, heated actions, you couldn’t bear this anymore. you knew it was wrong. if anything, doing any more intimate stuff with him could lead you back to square one. you worked so hard trying to bring your mental health back up and you weren’t going to let him ruin it again. you had to cut him off and right now is the right time.
“oikawa,” you tried pulling away from his touch but his grip on your waist increased. “oikawa stop. really,” you said again, raising your tone of voice. the kiss deepened. “oikawa.” your harsh voice came out like a snap rather than a warning. this time, oikawa stopped and stared right into your glossy orbs giving you the sign that he has his full attention on you. you noticed that in the corner of his eyes there was a small tear merely planted on his lashes. he wanted to cry which made you more guilty saying what you had to say, “i can't do this,”
“no. oikawa. move on. you know staying together is only going to hurt the both of us. so please just move on,” now it was you again with tears in your eyes.
“please just give me another chance. i want to do better for you. you’re the only who can truly make me happy please y/n.” during your two years of maturing mentally, you could tell the words that rolled off of his lips meant nothing but lies.
“i have to go. it’s getting late,” you got up and walked out of the door without looking back and somewhere deep down, you were hoping he would pull you back and stop you unlike two years ago. and sure enough he never stopped you this time either. but nothing would anyways. not even after he finally said “i love you” as you closed the door on your way out.
“maybe in another world we were meant to be. just not this one.”
edit: also privating this if it flops until i find the motivation to undergo MAJOR editingT_T
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sunflowergirl522 · 4 years
Eat The Damn Cheese Stick
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary: Mix of the soulmate AUs where you have the first thing your soulmate says to you on your arm and the one where your greatest fear is what your soulmate had a near death experience with.
Word Count: 1759
Warnings: language
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Poe hated third wheeling with Finn and Rey. He hated doing it and having an awkward blind date, set up by Finn, even more. Sure Finn just wanted him to be happy but Poe, and he had told Finn time and time again, was perfectly happy dating (and sleeping) around by himself. And ya he wanted to find his soulmate and whatnot. He wanted to be happy with someone the way Finn was happy with Rey but, he wanted to find them on his terms not on a blind date set up by his best friend. He got really good at sniffing out a set up and giving any excuse to not hang out. But this time was different, Finn had managed to sneak it past him.
He didn’t even realise it until Rey came out of nowhere and joined them in the diner. Finn had invited him out to see some new horror movie and they decided to eat beforehand. It was only going to be the two of them so he didn’t think anything of it since Rey was always there so the date wasn’t ever too awkward, even though it almost always was. But when Rey showed up and sat down next to Finn at the table the veil lifted and Poe could see what this really was.
“No, no way Finn I’m leaving.”
“Poe, cmon just, please. I didn’t even pick this girl, Rey did.This was all her idea.” At this Poe shoots a glare at the girl next to his friend.
“You’ve betrayed me.” He can’t help but to joke with her. Rey always had told Poe how she didn’t agree with what Finn was doing and how she’d try to get him to stop.
“Look I know this goes against my beliefs with this but, I think you’ll really like her at least enough to be her friend. Good lord she needs friends.” Rey mumbles the last part more to herself than anything else. “After this I promise Finn’s done with blind dates and you’re on your own with finding love.”
“This is the last one?” Rey nods and Poe looks over to Finn for reassurance.
“This is the last one.”
“Fine, I’ll stay. Where is she?”
“She should be on her way. Did you guys order anything?”
“Just appetizers, tell me about her.” He hated going into these things without any info about the girl. That’s a main reason as to why he hated blind dates so much, it could be a kind of girl that he hates almost immediately and he’d have to spend the whole date with her.
“All I’ll tell you is that she can be a bit much sometimes to handle. So with that being said here she comes.” A bit much to handle? What did that mean, what was Rey getting him into?
The appetizers arrive as Rey stands to catch the excited girl in her arms and the server blocks Poe’s view. He can hear the silvery voice greet the two of his friends. The server moves and Poe can finally see the short curvy girl that stands next to his taller, thinner friend. His gaze lands on her fishnet clad thighs a second longer than they should have and he has to look away before his mind starts to wonder.
“Y/n, this is Poe. Poe, Y/n.” The minute you hear that you stop smiling and look at the man in front of Finn. Meeting new people wasn't your cup of tea and Rey knew that. Why would she invite someone and not tell you? The man is attractive you’d give him that, you were a sucker for black curls. He definitely would’ve been a go to man if you were at a bar and looking for a hookup. “I think the two of you could really hit it off.” Oh so this was her trying to set you up on a date. Rey takes her seat next to Finn again and you go to sit down next to Poe, just now seeing the food on the table.
“Oh, mozzarella sticks!” Finn smiles at you and pushes them towards you while pulling the pretzels towards himself and Rey.
“Woah buddy, I thought I was getting the pretzels. You know I can’t eat these.”
Upon seeing the confusion on your face Rey speaks in a hushed tone to you. “Poe’s afraid of cheese sticks, that’s the fear his soulmate gave him though.”
“Don’t you go telling people my business. What are you doing?” You reach towards him holding one of the sticks in your hand for Poe to take.
“Don’t be a pussy, eat the damn cheese stick.” Poe knows those words, it’s like he’s heard them before. The tingle he feels on his arm reminds him of the words that are etched on his skin. Once the realization hits him, his eyes light up and he can’t stop beaming at you. “What, why are you looking at me like that?”
Poe wants this first line to you to be something witty, something that sounds cool. But when he looks into your Y/E/C eyes he swears he can see galaxies and his mind stops working. And because of that he says, “Helicopter crash!” Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and Poe wants to slap himself. “I almost died in a helicopter crash.” Your arm tingles a bit and you roll up the sleeve of your leather jacket in order to scratch at it as if it was an itch. Upon looking at your arm you see the words there that you had momentarily forgotten about, Helicopter crash. Well there’s that fear of flying you had to overcome.
“You have to be fucking kidding me, there’s no way.”
“What’s going on?” Finn and Rey were sharing looks of confusion with each other since Poe’s odd reaction to being called a pussy, normally he would try to fight anyone who dared to call him one.
Rey gasps as Poe takes off his iconic tan leather jacket to reveal the words on his arm for you to see, Don’t be a pussy, eat the damn cheese stick. “They’re soulmates, you guys are soulmates. I knew you two would get along!”
“How did you almost die from a cheese stick?” Poe leans on his arm towards you and you swallow before answering.
“I was young and you know how kids are they don’t always chew completely. Well, I was just eating one and I must not have chewed through the cheese completely because when I swallowed, all of the cheese just goes to the back of my throat while still being connected to the breading. So I was sitting there choking and tada I almost died. When’s the movie?” The question is directed towards Rey as you try to get the spotlight off of you and the situation you’re in.
“It starts in about thirty minutes. Y/n, are you okay?” Rey can see the panic beginning to rise in your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I, uh, I’m just gonna go get my ticket and grab us seats. I’ll see you guys in there.” With that you stand up and walk away quickly.
Poe can’t help but to feel rejected, you didn’t seem very excited to have found him. In fact, you seemed upset and he couldn’t figure out why. He sits there in stunned silence for a while before turning to his friends. “Guys I think I might just go home. I’m not really feeling a movie any more.”
“Poe, don’t let her reaction affect you. I know her and I know that if you just give her a bit she'll be jumping with joy.”
“Ya c’mon buddy it’s not like you to skip out on things because of some girl.”
“I appreciate you trying to help, but this isn’t just any girl.” And with that Poe grabs his jacket and walks away with his head down. On his way to his car that he parked at the theater, someone bumps into him.
“Shit, sorry I wasn’t looking at where I was going.” Poe looks down at you and his eyes widen, shocked to see you heading back to the diner. “Oh, Poe! I was just uh, coming to apologize to you.” You put your head down not able to look him in the eyes for that confession.
“I’m not exactly good at being put on the spot with things or with dealing with things, like soulmates for example, being thrown at me from nowhere. So if I came across as cold or unexcited about meeting you and everything I’m sorry. And before you say anything,” You step closer to him and poke your finger into his chest. Poe can’t help but find the sight adorable as you try to be intimidating. “I’ll have you know that that’s a big deal cause I don’t apologize for things I have no reason to be sorry for.”
“Well in that case I suppose I can forgive you.” He smirks at you and you can’t stop the smile from making its way onto your face.
“Alright let’s go watch the movie.”
Rey and Finn watch as you pull him with you into the theater from the entrance to the diner. “I told you they’d be perfect for each other from the start. You should’ve just listened to me now let’s go home.”
“But I wanted to watch the movie.”
“You can let your best friend enjoy a date without you for once or you can go see the movie and be the third wheel.”
“What a bullshit ending! They made it a point in the first one that the doll wasn’t possessed. And the head inside was ridiculous and completely unnecessary. Why do sequels suck so much ass nowadays?” Poe has never seen someone leave a theater so fast or so angry before.
“It's just a movie Y/n. I didn’t know there was a first one until you said something about it.”
“You’ve never seen the first one?” You stop in your tracks and turn slowly towards the man behind you. He only shakes his head and that’s all you need to make a last minute decision. “Okay, then you can take me home and you’re gonna watch it.”
“Wait, what?” You’re already pulling him into the parking lot for him to take you to his car. “Didn’t you drive here?”
“Nah I bussed, gotta keep the air clean y'know? Now which one is you?”
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codyssfern · 5 years
ooh, a request? okay so what about being shawns gf right in the middle of this clownery, like he has no choice but to do the pr stunt with c but then it keeps getting harder on him and after the day on the beach he totally breaks down and tells you he cant do it anymore and you comfort him and just 🥺 the angst 🥺 the fluff 🥺 the feels
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decided to combine these two requests and give y’all a sequel. might want to read this one first.. enjoy ;)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚:
“Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello spice things up at Miami Beach!”
your heart sunk as you scrolled through all the pictures and videos of your ex boyfriend with the girl he sworn would never come between you two. it had been almost 4 weeks since you broke up with shawn. 4 weeks long heartbreaking weeks you’ve spent inside your apartment, watching movies, eating like never before, and going to sleep at 3am every night. you had tried your best to avoid any media outlets talking about your ex boyfriend but that’s kind of impossible when he’s one of the most famous people in the world. if it wasn’t your friends sending you articles, it was you turning on the tv and seeing nothing but shawn all over the screen. it was you in line waiting to buy breakfast and suddenly his song started playing. it was you cleaning your closet and stumbling upon one of his shirts. he was everywhere. everywhere but with you.
today it was your first day back at work after kindly asking your boss to give you some time off to sort out some things. when you arrived you were greeted with pity looks and endless hugs. you wanted the earth to swallow you whole but in a way it made you feel like everything you went through was real. andrew had made it his goal to keep your and shawn’s relationship out of the media, even before all of this he was always telling shawn to keep you two on the down low. of course there were always fans who saw more than what andrew wanted them to see, fans who questioned everything, and got suspicious. there was a bit of talk about you after the breakup, like “where is y/n? why isn’t she of any of the tour pictures anymore?” or “why did y/n and shawn unfollow each other?” but the questions remained unanswered.
“shawn just calm down!” 
but he couldn’t. he’d been pacing back and forth for the last 10 minutes, everyone in the room swore he had made a dent on the carpeted floor.
“i can’t do this anymore!” the soft cries and cracks in his voice made everyone go silent. “i can’t keep lying to my friends, my family- my fans! my girlfriend. my real girlfriend!” 
andrew started motioning for people to leave the room so it could just be him and shawn.”
“shawn to be fair y/n did break up with you..” gerty says as he closes the door.
shawn turns to him, “and would you care to tell me why?! why do you think she broke up with me?” 
gerty sighs, “kid you did sign the contract. you can’t keep blaming me or the rest of the team for your actions,” shawn couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth, “i know it’s been hard-”
“now you know that’s a load of bullshit andrew!” andrew’s eyes widened, he’s never seen shawn so angry, “you told me there was no reason for me to go over the contract because you already had. when i wanted to go over it myself you wouldn’t let me! you kept saying it was fine.”
shawn wanted to hop on a plane, go to y/n, and tell her that she was right all along. that he should’ve kept bugging andrew until he gave in and let him read the contract before signing it. hell that he shouldn’t have agreed to any contract in the first place. not one that he felt would put his career and personal life on the rocks. 
“i should’ve listened to y/n and fired your ass a long time ago!”
andrew knew that if any of this got out his ass would be dust. the label itself would fire him. as shawn’s manager he should never let shawn sign any contracts without having shawn go through them first. 
“i’m sorry kid but i did what i thought was best for your career. both me and camila’s team thought this would be a good thing-”
“well it wasn’t! it isn’t. its all bullshit and i want out of it.” shawn was desperate. he felt like his world was falling apart day by day and not to mention his anxiety lately was off the roof. “now if you can’t get me out of this mess i’m contacting a lawyer, a lawyer outside of the label and you know what that would mean for you.”
andrew had no other option but to agree. 
you weren’t so excited be back home. frankly you were tired of being alone. tired of moping around. you even asked your boss to give you an extra shift to cover for all the ones you missed but she didn’t allow it so you had no choice but to go home. you took a bath, made yourself dinner, and now you were watching tv in the living room with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around your cold body. you had a few glasses of wine with your dinner and you were starting to feel sleepy. alcohol always made you sleepy which was something shawn used to tease you about.
if it hadn’t been for the buzzing coming from the coffee table in front of you, you would’ve passed out cold. when you went to look at who was calling, you could have sworn your heart had stopped. 
shawn mendes
you wanted to click the small red button and continue with your night but your fingers didn’t move. it was like you were frozen. you let out a sigh of relief when the call failed through and his name was no longer on your screen... thought that didn’t last as long as you want it because not even a minute after he was calling again. 
“fuck it!” you said to yourself before pressing the green button. 
all you heard was loud shuffling. like a bunch of people were crowded in one tiny room but in less than a few seconds all you could hear was his voice.
you stood up and found yourself pacing around your living room, “i hope you’re not drunk right now shawn.” 
“i’m not. i’m just on the verge of losing my mind,” he admits, “i’m so sorry. i’m a fucking dumbass and you were right. you were right all along.” 
hearing him cry was almost as bad as seeing him cry. he had never cried on the phone with you and it all made you want to hop on a plane and go to him. 
“anxiety has been eating me alive since you left. i can’t do what they want me to do anymore- can’t be who they want me to be,” shawn cries, “please just tell me what to do y/n. help me.”
you felt stupid looking around your apartment as if you were going to find an answer that way. you felt as if a ticking bomb was about to go off any second now, you were confused. hurt. worried. but most of all scared. 
“shawn i can’t tell you what to do,” you start, “but just breathe okay? do the breathing exercises we used to do before a show,” you remind him, “take a deep breath, cmon.”
“i-i i can’t,” his chest was only getting tighter.
you took a deep breath and told him to do the same. soon enough he started following your actions. this wasn’t the first time shawn had called you while he was having an anxiety attack, there were common with him. 
“all better?” you let out a weak smile. 
shawn took one more deep breath before finally letting himself feel relaxed or well at least better. he was no way near feeling relaxed.
“yeah. thank you.” he smiles, “y/n i- i fucked up and i let the best thing in my life just walk out right out of it and i just fucking stood there like an idiot!” you chuckle making him let out a breathy laugh, “that night you left is like you took my heart with you or something and i just felt empty.”
you really didn’t know how much of this rambling and confessions you could keep listening to, it already had you tearing you and pouring yourself another glass of wine. 
“i just want one more chance. i want to do it right.” he finally finishes.
you groan in frustration, “shawn there’s just- i don’t think we can do that! it’s impossible. the last month of our relationship we spent it arguing it and saying so many horrible things to each other-”
“i know. i know,” he interrupts, “and i want to make it up to you. we should make it up to each other, we deserve one more chance... so just open the door, y/n.”
you were about to say something but then you realized what he said. 
“open the door? what door? like a metaphorical one...?” and then there was knocking on your front door.
there is no freaking way. you thought to yourself. 
“shawn i swear to god if you’re out there i’m gonna kick your ass.”
he laughs and you start walking towards the door, “i’d like to see you try.”
you unlock the door and it took you a few seconds before actually twisting the knob and opening it. you once again just stood there frozen as the tall boy stood in front of you looking at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. and you were.
you chuckle in disbelief, “you fucking idiot.”
“please just.. come here.” 
he extends his arms out, inviting you into them and this time you don’t think twice about it. wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling your head on his chest as he left a kiss on top of your head.
you could get used to this again. 
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vialdovi-artstuff · 5 years
i'm a huuuge fan of your monster designs and honest to god, one of my first thoughts during the final battle scene was that you woulda gone hard w/ a better final form design
awww thanks man, there is nothing better for me as an artist when i hear that people like my monster desings, i fucking melt lmao,also prepare youselves bc this will be long 
may have some spoilers,but dont worry i wont show the sequel it last form version
oh yeah,if it were for me i would have gone a lot harder with it final form,i mean the spider half body is ok, cute and fuzzy but cmon is a shapeshifter, anatomical rules doesnt apply to its body so you can go anywhere,like little anywhere ...maybe maintein the spider reference but just a little , not a literal a spider and the clown face since it cant keep it down
a good example of a spider monster,are the ones from the mist 
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u can see the clear spider anatomy but there are stuff that doesnt belong there and give u the creeps like the human teeths and nose,now this would have been great for a it final form, a single shape that you  know what is but up close is fucked up 
now they could also have gone for more eldritch vibe like this 
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you see , both ebrietas and amygdala has the stance of something truly out of this world,creatures that doesnt belong to earth and are here to fuck us up which is what it is pretty much about 
they also could have gone to a mory gory desing like this 
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the fly and the thing are good examples of making something than cant keep itself down, is so wrong physically that their bodies are falling apart,and with and anger and thirst of revenge the same concept could have aplied to it/pennywise,just imagine this fucker being so angry that cannot decide what its body should look like and end up just looking like a bunch of creatures stuck together on a same body (now imagine that with skasrgard natural beauty and innocence look and we could have gotten really fucking great...)
now this are just the 3 options i think could have work really good on the sequel,but there are so much more 
lots of choices and routes warner could hve taken but i guess they went for the safe route, again the final form of the sequel is ok,not great not bad,just ok but cmon we all wanted to see something truly out of this world when seeing it on its last attempt to fight 
and ive making this fucker last form for so long just look 
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my point is that u can go wild when making it last form,like i try to do when drawing  so imagine what the movie team  could  truly have done when making the decision of it last form,,, so u see my problem when in the sequel we only see a spider half body ......
 and if someone make it this far,u are one fucking brave person
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magical-canoe · 7 years
trailer talk - boyfriend!tom
Summary: You visit Tom on set.
It’s been two months since Tom left to shoot the Spider-Man sequel, and you finally have some time off to go visit in Atlanta. The Marvel movie sets are always basically on lockdown to keep any info from leaking out, so when you arrive at the lot, you are asked to go straight to his trailer, even though Tom had let you know that he would not be offset for at least another two hours. Since this was the first time that you were visiting Tom on a Marvel set, the production team and security were kinda wary of you being in his trailer by yourself.
After an hour, you notice a security guard just chilling outside the window and roll your eyes. Bored and tired of sitting in the trailer alone, you text Harrison, “wya?? I feel like I’m in prison. Come break me out”. He quickly responds “you’re here!! be there in 10”.
Harrison shows up at the door with coffee in hand, giving you a hug and asking about your flight. “Tom should be done within the hour,” he says. “I can’t exactly break you out, but I can hang here with you until he gets his break.”
Exactly 58 minutes later - you kept glancing at the time on your phone while catching up with Harrison - an excited Tom bounds up the steps and through the door, interrupting Harrison telling you about something funny that’d happened on set the day before.
“I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever taken off that suit,” he says by way of greeting, plopping down on the couch next to you and giving you a kiss that makes you forget for a second that Harrison is still standing in the trailer.
“Harrison,” Tom says, pulling away and turning his head to look at his friend, “go…assist.”
Harrison rolls his eyes and says “Yeah, okay, I’ll do that,” sarcastically. “See you guys later,” he calls, and the door swings shut.
Tom turns his attention back on you and starts excitedly rambling. “How was your flight? I’m so happy you’re here! What time did you get here? I’m sorry it took me so long to get over here.”
His rapid fire talking makes you laugh. “Flight was fine, me too, two hours ago, and no worries. Did I get them all?”
Tom chuckles and pulls you into his chest. “Sorry. Excited to see you.”
You kiss his jaw affectionately. “Hmm, I would say I’m moderately happy to be here.”
“Moderately? Just stab a knife through my heart, why don’t you?” he says, feigning hurt and falling backward on the couch, pulling you down on top of him with a smile.
You giggle. “Jokes,” you say, brushing your lips over his. “I’ve missed you. A lot.”
He twists a piece of your hair between his fingers and hugs you tighter to him. “I’ve missed you, too.”
You lay your head on his chest and the two of you talk about your week while he softly rubs your lower back. After a while, you let out a yawn.
“Am I boring you with my filming stories?”
“No, no, of course not,” you’d say, propping your chin up on his chest to look at him. “Just had to get up really early this morning for my flight.” Another yawn.
He reaches over his head to look at the time on his phone. “I have another hour until I’m called to set again. Do you wanna take a nap?”
You consider the idea for a second. “Well, I don’t want to waste any time with you…”
“Since when do you think of naps as a waste of time?”
You open your mouth to respond, but end up yawning again.
“Cmon sleepyhead,” he says, putting his hands on your hips to guide you to turn around so he can spoon you.
“Mmm,” you sigh contentedly. “I guess this isn’t such a bad idea.”
Tom moves your hair aside and kisses the back of your neck and shoulder. He rubs circles on your hip before resting his hand just below your navel, and you slide your hand over his forearm and tangle your fingers in his.
“I love you,” Tom whispers after a while. Too close to sleep to form words, you let out a little “hm” and Tom laughs softly, happy to finally have you back.
Ahhhh writing this drabble gave us so many cuddly tom feels. Huge thank you to @signethatsmelol for the request!!! xoxo
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tumblunni · 6 years
is it weird that i get salty when the obvious pokemon bad guys end up being obvious pokemon bad guys? like.. it just.. KEEPS HAPPENING whichever villain is my favourite and was usually at least 90% harmless and comic relief in the original game will suddenly become deplorable and horrid and everyone was right for hating them and i’m a bad prson for ever liking them and MAN I should have seen it coming because they ~looked bad~ but yknow maybe i was just fuckin hoping for not stupid ugly = evil stereotypes, especially in a genertaion where the main villain is supposed to mislead you by looking pretty and all and its always this REALLY SPECIFIC THING where in the adaptation or sequel or whatever they’ll be all like ‘hey specifically the one guy bunni liked is gonna be used as the Prime Example Of A Worse Villain To Make The Other Villains Look More Redeemable’ charon got used as that in two separate mangas, and it was like a stab in the face cos thats the only time he ever got significant screentime thus it kinda overpowers his original game self amoungst the fandom >_> and now same for faba but he’s got WAY more screentime in the anime devotd to making it clear he’s The Worst and also hey lets have a canon sequel game where we take back the sequel hook we seemed to give about him being redeemed and nope instead he’s Even Eviller Than Lusamine and will join the New Villain Guys while you team up with wicke to take him down because like friggin OF COURSE the sexy mom lookin lady would be the one good admin of the two admins when the other one happened to have a grumpy face and a hunch. ITS ALWAYS THIS ONE ART STYLE. THEY LITERALLY HAVE AN ART STYLE FOR IT. I love nanu cos he’s literally the first character they’ve ever drawn with That Face who hasn’t been a villain. And like Petrel is kinda a bit less stereotypical too cos he’s JUST the comic relief and he never got any big ‘worse than the other three’ moment but im really reluctant to start liking him in case they suddenly do it >_> WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST GRUMPY EYES, GAME FREAK?? also why has it twice been a science grump in particular also like this has happened to me in a whole bunch of other fandoms even when i pick completely different things as my favourites, i guess i just have REALLy bad luck.. I just.. like.. if that was what you intended with faba then you should have MADE IT MORE CLEAR like yes he’s still comical in his more evil anime incarnation and yes he was still evil either way. but in the games he wasn’t like.. unforgiveable horrible hateable nobody is allowed to have him be their favourite evil. He was pathetic and harmless and even the reveal of him taking part in making Type:Null was done in kind of a comedic way, like i know people drew a load of fanart of him being this crazy mad surgeon who abused this thing and kept it in a cage but seriously ingame you find out via HIS SELF HELP BLOG! he’s an egotistical selfish dumbass but he just felt like some sort of yes man who went along with all this evil shit cos he likes money and fame, not a guy who was like.. even smart enough to think of his own damn evil plots on his own. And he never had any scenes of abusing somebody’s pet owl or kidnapping lillie or Oh Man He’s Specifically So Bad That Even Team Rocket Hates Him. he was funny evil and now he’s just hate evil that happens to have some funny scenes. And I mean I know the problem is just that i didn’t predict the character correctly but I’m still salty about it. Cos literally anyone could have predicted it based on his appearance alone, and its like a punishment for daring to try and stay semi optimistic about a non stereotype existing. Everyone could have predicted this entire thing the instant that they showed faba and wicke’s concept art, AND THEY DID, and I had to endure a whole bunch of faba hate posts for months until the game came out, and I was like At Least Mildly Pleasantly Surprised that he was still evil in the game but he was harmless comic relief and Actually Pretty Funny and then people didnt have all that many reasons to outright despise him even if he still wasnt very liked. And I was super happy that there’s that easter egg of him appearing as a league challenger on certain days of the month, and I was hoping that maybe he’d get his act together in the sequel! just cmon nintendo, if you didnt give this to charon and now you’re taking it back from faba then can you please say at least next generation the ‘ugliest villain’ won’t also be the ‘so evil that even the other evils hate him’ archetype? I mean i’m not asking much, ive given up on asking for one of these characters to be the one who gets redeemed.. siiiiiigh
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Toledo (Trixya) - Joanne Elizabeth
AN: Hi there! Long time reader, first time submitter. I’ve had this fic in my files for a while, but have been too nervous to submit it. But with a sudden gust of courage and absolutely no beta, I bring you this outdated Trixya fic. I wrote it right after Katya was saying all of the things on stage about Trixie.  [Male pronouns, male body parts]
“I know that’s the joke, and that you’re all flooding your haunted caverns over it, but it’s real to us. I did try to fuck her, she did turn me down four times, and we are still friends despite my neuroses and her hot Jewish sausage packer of a boyfriend. But let me tell you this, Tracy Joanne Elizabeth Martel is my best friend and soulmate. She is the light in my dark tunnel of life, and I thank the good Lord of Hell Lucifer himself each and every day I get to exist with her beside me. But I would like to request that you let me live that truth every day without interjection, because I would never want to disrespect her or upset her. That is, until she shows interest, Barbara. The second either that egg shaped heela-monster or that blonde Barbie bitch shows an inkling of interest in me, oh, it’s on, bitch. The sequel. I’d give up both nuts and my ding a ling to so much as kiss a single hair on her bald ass head, not that she’d want me without this exquisite package anyway. But enough about me and my unrequited and unsolicited and unhealthy love for my best friend, let’s start the next song!”
Katya burst through his dressing room, eyes going straight to the table where he had left his cigarettes, because fuck did he need one. What the hell had he just done? But something stood in her way. Someone.
“What in the hell is wrong with you? Actually?” Trixie wasn’t laughing. And he was in full drag. Katya could feel her brain trying to work it out.
“I didn’t know you’d be here” was all he managed.
“Would that have fucking stopped you from telling a crowd full of people with camera phones our full story?” Fuck, he was mad. Madder than Katya had seen in awhile.
“I didn’t - I didn’t plan it. Why are you here?” Katya was still stunned. Trixie was wearing the tropical swimsuit that made her padded hips pop with the white cover up that Katya had bought her in Brazil. She looked amazing, despite her angry face showing through the four pounds of makeup.
“I was going to surprise you, you bitch. But I can’t fucking go out there now, can I? Fuck, Katya, I didn’t even bring my stuff to change. It’s all back at your fucking hotel. You’re so selfish!” Katya stood still as Trixie paced the small area of the dressing room.
“I’m sorry,” Katya began, “I have to go back out soon. Stay here. We can ride back to the hotel together.” Trixie nodded sharply, throwing himself down on the small couch.
Katya left without his cigarettes and without knowing if it was even his time to go back out. He finished the show on auto pilot, thankful his meet and greet was before the show at this venue.
When he returned, he saw that Trixie had packed up all of his things, better than Katya would have done.
“Thanks,” he muttered, putting his backpack on. He assumed untucking and changing here wouldn’t be okay in the ways it was normal for them. Katya led them to the entrance and lit a cigarette the second his foot touched the pavement. He sucked roughly on the end of it, watching their cab pull closer. They climbed into it, without Trixie saying anything the whole way, or even looking her direction.
Once in the elevator, Katya chose six while Trixie pressed four. When the doors opened, Katya opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Trixie.
“Cmon,” she grunted, sticking his arm out to hold the elevator. Katya jumped and followed him by impulse. It wasn’t until Trixie’s door shut behind him that he realized that she had willingly walked into another fight.
“Trix, let me explain,” Katya began. But he couldn’t finish. Even when his friend, crush, best friend, soul mate, love interest, and life partner signaled him to continue.
“Okay, then I’ll start,” Trixie snapped. But his eyes softened before he spoke again, “Did you mean it?” Katya’s heart sank. That was the one thing she didn’t want to talk about.
“I don’t want to fuck up what we have. I know you’re with Jason, and I know it’s not a thing, and I promise you I am so, so fine with being friends. But you can’t break our friendship over this, you just can’t. I’ll die. I don’t know why I said that shit, except that to be honest I missed you like crazy and our phone calls aren’t helping because sometimes just being in the same room as you keeps me in my fragile state of pseudo sanity, except for obviously right now. But Tracy please, you have to tell me what to do to make this right. Yell at me, hit me, I’ll get a fake boyfriend and put him on Instagram so the fans lay off, but you can’t–”
He froze when Trixie placed a hand on his forearm. His hands were rough, like he’d been playing the guitar a lot.
“So you meant it?” Katya nodded before he could think of another ramble.
Trixie laughed, the loud cackling laugh that always made Katya jump in his skin. The hand on his arm tightened it’s grip and yanked him into an embrace that smelled like baby powder and hairspray and Trixie.
“Thank you, I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you,” Katya sighed, pulling back to look at him. But his friend wasn’t smiling like he was. Katya’s head tilted in confusion at the small tracing movements he could feel on his lower back by  one inch baby pink nails. Trixie’s head tilted the other way, his eyes slowly closing, and - -  OH
Katya leaned in to meet his lips and felt the exact moment his entire world flipped.
Trixie pulled him closer, refusing to break the kiss despite being light headed. He pushed Katya towards the wall, needing some stability in his six inch pumps and his six hours of nerves about this moment.
He both heard and felt Katya moan under him and used it to his advantage, kissing his way into the open mouth.
He loved licking the taste of cigarettes from Katya’s tongue. Whether it was because he was midwest trash, because he was borderline addicted to them as well, because he was crazy, or worst - because he was in love with him, Trixie didn’t know. He only knew how his tongue chased the taste. Hungrily, effortlessly, as if he had wanted to do it his whole life, as if he had been doing it his whole life, as if he was destined to do it for the rest of his life, their life. It was the last thought that made him suddenly pull back.
“Katya,” he huffed, placing his hands on the other man’s shoulders. He was fascinated at how much pink lipstick he saw on his face. He wondered how much red was on his own.
“No, no, please,” Katya murmured, his eyes never opening, leaning back in.
“Brian,” he softly shook the other’s shoulders and was met with piercing blue eyes that said more than Trixie herself was brave enough to say.
“I think you should go back to your room.” The shorter man’s shoulders fell. Trixie shook him again. “Stop. I’m not saying no to this. I just need some space to think.” He had a plan! And the plan definitely didn’t involve making out with Brian before they could have a serious talk about their feelings and treat this practically. He knew it would all fall apart if they weren’t smart about it.
“There’s so much spaaaace,” Katya parroted without thinking. They both chuckled softly.
“Seriously. Let’s take off this awful shit, and get some rest, and see each other tomorrow,” Trixie said gently. Katya nodded, clearly biting his tongue against a slew of words that Trixie knew all too well were close to falling out.
“I’m not mad,” Trixie placated, “I don’t think I am, at least. I need to think.” Katya nodded, still clamping his lips shut. He pulled his best friend into a hug, squeezed tight, and released him.
“When you jack off to that later, mama, please remember that you’re the one who started it,” Katya trilled as he shut the door behind him. He could hear Trixie’s laugh following him down the hall to his own room.
The door had barely slammed shut before the knife printed dress was on the floor, followed immediately by the wig and tights and bra and everything else that suddenly felt like it was suffocating him. He yanked the lashes off as he turned the shower on and glanced into the mirror. Yep, just as much pink was on his face as he had left red on Tracy’s.
The hot water was burning his skin but he turned it up higher because he wasn’t sure what else to do. He scrubbed until his skin was raw and then snapped the water off and sat down in the tub.
He had kissed him. Trixie had pulled Brian into her arms and had placed those overdrawn lips on his own and they had made out and it wasn’t for cameras or fans or fueled by alcohol on Trixie’s end. Brian had confessed his love for him for the, what was it, third? Fourth? time this month and they had fought and he didn’t lose him. He got a hot as fuck kiss and a promise that they’d talk later.
Brian stood slowly from the tub and, without drying off, rummaged through his suitcase for some shorts and a t-shirt. He threw a baseball cap on and grabbed his cigarettes, room key, and cell phone before slowly walking towards the exit of the hotel, skimming through his messages. He didn’t dare check twitter – his phone had blown up the last time he’d done one of his weird-ass-please-take-more-medication monologues. He stuck to What'sApp and saw that there were four messages from Alaska.
Hiiiieeeeee. Are you okay?
Shit, I meant, like how are you emotionally, not ya know, drug stuff.
This is about the Trixie speech tonight.
Brian cackled and shot a quick message back. “I’m okay, and I think I’m either really good, or really bad. I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Thanks for the concern, snake.”
The blip of the lighter was his favorite sound. He did it a few times more after he had lit the tip of his cigarette and taken his first, long drag. He sat for a few minutes against the brick wall before realizing what was missing. Usually, he called Trix on his post-show smoke break. He twirled his phone a few times, waiting for a response from Alaska to distract him, but nothing came.
“Fuck it,” he muttered, tapping in his passcode and pressing the phone icon.
“Um, hello?” Katya could hear the confusion in his voice when Trixie answered.
“I’m smoking and we usually talk while I’m out here, and I definitely don’t want to periscope,” he explained quickly, “Can we just pretend it’s normal for ten minutes?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s okay,” Trixie said, sounding distracted, “How was your show?”
Katya’s laugh burst through his chest, “It was fine. Normal, nothing to write home about.” Trixie laughed as well.
“Okay, so this morning, I’m standing in line at the CVS and there’s this ancient, I mean literally historic lady is two people in front of me, and she’s got head to toe purple on. I mean, purple pumps, purple tinted tights, a fucking purple mini dress, a purple fur jacket, a fascinator that she had clearly dyed herself. I swear to god Katya, I saw Violet Chachki’s future. This bitch even had a little purple clutch so she could store her lottery tickets.”
“Oh mama, please tell me you took a picture of that to send to Violet,” Katya responded between the wheezing laughter.
“No, I’m a fucking idiot and didn’t think to because I was there trying to load up on Red Bull.” Trixie’s laughed died off. “Honestly it wasn’t at the CVS, it was at the airport.”
“Oh,” Katya nodded, taking another heavy drag. “Sorry I ruined your surprise, Barbara.”
“It happens,” Trixie sighed.
“It doesn’t, but thanks,” Katya said, “Why’d you come out anyway? I’m sure Toledo isn’t the most luxurious place to spend your days off.” Katya felt his heart hammering and he knew it wasn’t the fact that he had already lit her second cigarette.
“I uh,” Trixie groaned, and Katya could hear the bedding rustle underneath him, “I’m not sure.”
“You got on a plane to Ohio and you’re not sure why?” Katya responded without thinking, and then, “Sorry, I’m pushing. I push too much.”
“No, it’s okay, I like being pushed by you sometimes,” Trixie chuckled.
“Mother, I’m pushing my friends away again,” Katya intoned. An amicable silence followed their laughter, and Katya stubbed out his cigarette.
“So, um,” Trixie began, “Jason and I broke up.” Katya’s heart fell to his ass in one final beat. His friend had sought him out after being horribly dumped and devastated, and Katya had to ruin it all by making jokes that weren’t jokes at all about how he was in love with him, when all Trixie needed was someone to eat ice cream with and throw pillows at romantic movies on the television.
“Oh, honey,” Katya cooed, “I’m so sorry. What happened? Was it the travelling again? Why can’t you find someone who is okay with the travelling? A werewolf, maybe, you could travel during a full moon. I know you like them hairy.” Katya heard Trixie’s laugh both in the phone speaker and behind him. He turned to see a sweatpants and tank top clad Trixie walking towards him, phone pressed to his ear.
“I broke up with him,” Trixie had stopped walking, maybe fifty feet from where Katya was leaning. He sat up, and followed Trixie’s suit by keeping his phone to his ear.
“Why?” Katya breathed.
“He asked me if I’d rather be with you,” Trixie said, so quiet that Katya had to strain to hear it through the phone.
“Don’t,” Katya warned. He stuck his finger up, pausing Trixie, who had started to walk towards him. “Don’t.”
Trixie stopped. “I told him yes.”
Katya couldn’t hear anything, so he pocketed his phone. He sat back down, not trusting her legs.
“I came out here to see you,” Trixie called from where Katya had stopped him. Katya didn’t know if he meant Toledo or the sidewalk, but it didn’t matter anymore. He was there. Trixie had come to see him and he was there.
“Can I come closer?” Katya nodded slowly, eyes stuck to the ground.
“I need to talk and I need you to listen and then when that’s done, if you want to talk, you can. And I’ll try to listen. And then I am going to insist that we go back inside and make out until the sun comes up and we have to get back on a plane.” Trixie was stopped five feet in front of Katya. He could see his dorky brown moccasins, lined up with his own black flip flops. Katya nodded again, blipping the lighter with his thumb.
“I always thought it was a sex thing. Even after we were friends, I thought you only wanted to fuck me once or twice, like trade. I thought we were friends and you wanted to fuck me and that was it. And you know that’s not how I see sex, so I wasn’t into you like that. And then you started spewing your fucking mouth at your shows. Honestly, I was worried you were on something when I saw the first one. And I realized that maybe you didn’t just want to fuck me, but maybe you wanted to like, do all of the dumb shit I like too. And then I thought about how maybe I wanted that. And then I got really drunk and watched your speech on youtube in a private browser for an hour until Jason called me and I broke up with him because I don’t want that shit from him. The marriage and the house and the kids and the dumb dogs. I don’t even know if I want that from you, or like, at all anymore. I just want you, I think. I’d like to try just having you.”
When he was done, Trixie took a rattling breath that told Katya he was probably crying, but he still couldn’t look up from the ground.
“Do you know what I’m saying?” Trixie asked hesitantly. Katya stood up, stretched on his legs, and pocketed his cigarettes.
“My room or yours?” Katya asked, extending his hand. Trixie laughed so hard that he doubled over, slapping Katya’s hand away.
“You fucking bitch!” Trixie screamed, still giggling, “I take it all back, you fucking cunt.” Katya grabbed him around the waist and pulled him into his chest.
“No, you don’t,” Katya whispered into Trixie’s ear.
“I don’t,” Trixie agreed, leaning down to kiss him.
Trixie had an alarm set for seven am and it was already nearing on 2 am, but he had no intention of sleeping. Katya was on top of him and and both of their shirts were gone and he had his hands down the back of Katya’s shorts, squeezing his ass. The movement made him grind down onto Trixie’s mostly hard dick, which then made the man groan.
“Ugh, I totally have to pee, give me a minute,” Trixie said, tapping Katya lightly on the ass, “Get up.”
The blonde rolled his eyes and fell to the side. “Do you have an alarm set?” He called as Trixie padded out of the room.
“Yeah, for seven.”
“Fuck, I need six probably.” Katya pulled his phone from his pocket to see a slew of messages from Alaska.
That’s my job as queen, ya know. Worrying about my peasants.
I don’t know what that means? The being good or bad thing?
You haven’t let me know anything.
Okay I know this is the anxiety talking but pls let me know how you’re doing
I assume you’re getting trade but srsly shoot me a text before passing out with cum on your face
Katya laughed and pressed the video call button.
Alaska answered almost immediately.
“Waiting up for me again, mother?” Katya asked.
“No, I’m on fucking reddit for some reason. Can’t sleep. They’re obsessed with you right now,” Alaska drawled.
“Don’t fucking remind me,” Katya groaned. “I’m good, by the way. Things are good.”
“Did you talk to her yet? Is she mad? I know she was mad last time.” Alaska seemed so concerned, and it touched Katya’s heart to know they’d actually formed that close of a friendship.
“Yeah, we’ve talked a little tonight,” Katya said vaguely.
“Who?” Trixie asked as he opened the door from the bathroom.
“You and I,” Katya responded, spinning to face him, “We’ve talked a little.”
“What?” He looked between Katya’s face and Alaska’s on the screen. “You called Alaska?” Trixie placed his head on Katya’s bare shoulder and began nibbling at his ear.
“The bitch was having a panic attack about my well-being,” Katya sighed. Alaska’s jaw was dropped.
“I’ve been sitting here worrying about you relapsing and you’ve been balls deep in this bitch the whole time? I’m gonna kill you, you commie.”
“In his defense, we have not yet gotten to the balls deep part of the evening, but you’re welcome to stay on the air for that,” Trixie purred, smoothing his hands across Katya’s chest.
“You guys suck,” Alaska sighed.
“Each other, mother,” Katya responded without a beat.
“Gross, bye.” Alaska ended the call. Before Katya could put the phone down, there were little kissy faces and hearts being sent in messenger. He set the alarm he wanted, and silenced the phone. Trixie climbed on top of Katya and resumed their make out session.
“Can I be disgustingly gross?” Katya asked softly between kisses.
“Oh god,” Trixie groaned, “What?”
“I don’t want to fuck you tonight,” Katya whispered.
“I swear to god if you say I want to make love to you, I am leaving,” Trixie giggled.
“No, actually, I don’t want to have sex. I want to wait. Take you on a date. Make it special. You deserve special,” Katya continued to shower him with kisses.
“Um, that’s,” Trixie started. He was blushing, and tried to hide it in Katya’s neck. “That’s like, super gay. But so am I, so… cool.”
“I wish I would have made that decision before I got hard,” Katya laughed.
“I can help you with that,” Trixie whispered seductively, sliding down Katya’s body.
“I’m Roxxxy Andrews and I’m here to make it clear, I know you love me baby, that’s why you brought me here!” Trixie practically shouted at Katya’s dick.
“Was a bitch on season five, I’m here to make it right,” Katya joined in, sitting up.
“Not like my comedy I’m killing on this rhyme!” They finished together, clasping hands.
“God, I hate you,” Katya laughed, standing up to remove his shorts.
“Hate you more,” Trixie responded. They climbed under the covers. Katya hit the lights, and spooned up behind Trixie, their fingers interlocking.
At six o'clock, they both jumped at the blaring alarm from Katya’s phone.
“Nooo, fuck,” Trixie whined, “Nooooo.”
“What, what’s wrong?” Katya was on edge immediately, as he always was when he woke up.
“I was going to set an alarm after you fell asleep and make you get up early and go get breakfast with me. Then I was going to tell you it was a date and suck your dick before you went to the airport.” Trixie rolled into the pillow and sighed loudly.
“You little dick pig.” Katya smacked Trixie’s exposed ass and sat up. “C'mon, I only said six because I wanted to stay with you longer. I gotta get going soon. Are you coming with me or staying in bed?”
“I’ll come, but you’re paying for the uber,” Trixie groaned, hauling himself out of bed. He loved that he knew that Katya woke up wide awake and fell back to death within ten minutes of standing, just like Katya knew he woke up slowly but would remain alive without caffeine, if not just a little crabby.
He picked his belongings up and packed them in comfortable silence, trailing behind Katya as he did the same in his own room, the bed still untouched. They made it to the hotel lobby and located coffee before the uber arrived.
“I can’t believe you flew to fucking Toledo just to see me,” Katya whispered once they had buckled their seatbelts.
“It felt like I needed to,” Trixie shrugged.
“Glad you did,” Katya murmured against Trixie’s knuckles, kissing them.
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rigelianprince · 7 years
So yeah anyway as usual here are my thoughts on the presentation, we ain't get no Mom 3 tho so you ain't get no properly organised and typed up notes sorry, these are just what I scribbled down while watching the presentation: -paid wifi hnnnnn -region locking yay I guess -THE ULTIMATE FUSION now where's the antagonist that got exactly the same DNA except for having Virtual Boy DNA -controls and abilities have blown me away -thank you Nintendo you've taught us to be active and now you're teaching us how to read people, improve are reaction times and reflexes and then hypothetically kill people -Little Mac's smash replacement confirmed -Loving the local multiplayer support -I'm glad it's Splatoon 2 so I'm not buying the same game with a little extras (*side-eyes mariokart*) -NEW YORK!!!!! -WHAT -is mario bros movie confirmed canon now -BOWSER GOT STYLE -DOGGO! -Has Odyssey in the title I'm game -Me: "not as... appealing as the others "Xenoblade TWO" Me: "fuck it's a sequel I've got to like it -And here comes Fire Emblem pay to win -WAIT WHY WOULD THEY SHOW A MOBILE GAME FOR SWITCH -FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORSSSSSSSS -23 minutes left cmon Reggie -Translator sounds like me in my French exam at this point I can relate my dude -Omg Bill is translating I didn't know he could do that -"World's most popular sports game" Nice we've got Wii Sports! "EA" Take it away... TAKE IT AWAY -seriously don't let EA poison the Switch like this what are you guys doing the guy from Sega already looked evil and this guy is Capitalism in living form telling lies about his son and his son's middle name immediately they totally came up with that backstage 5 minutes before they came on -Bill keeps going to speak before he forgets and then gets cut off same -15 MINUTES CMON REGGIE JUST GIVE US THE SEGWAY "it's not just new games on the switch, were also including much loved classics" -AMERICA AND EUROPE!???? PLACES THAT NEED MOTHER 3!???? -CMON REGGIE -ONE THING IS MISSING -THE SOUNDTRACK FOR MOST ANTICIPATED SWITCH GAME -"I don't wanna lie ask him to lie instead" -"I don't wanna lie ask him to lie instead" -"I don't wanna lie let me come back to it" -ONE LAST THING -for fuck's sake -At least there's an artic fox -WAIT THATS IN-GAME VOICE ACTING SIGN ME UP -"This presentation has concluded" Well, I BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES AND THATS WHY I (aggressively) BELIEVE IN YOU
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