#hOpefuLLy sHe dOeSn'T geT wOrSe :3
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lina-lovebug · 4 months
I'd Fight The Devil
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Pairing: Alastor x fem! reader
Background: reader is Lilith and Lucifers oldest, and resembles Lilith more. Lucifer has a hard time bonding with her because of this, and Alastor decides to step in.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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(Y/N) Morningstar, firstborn daughter of Lilith and Lucifer, was currently having a breakdown over the fact that her father was on his way to the hotel.
She'd have no issue leaving, of course, but Charlie tricked her dear old sister into staying by saying she needed help with the hotel. . .and told her their dad was coming when he was two minutes away.
It's not like she didn't miss him, but things became different once their mother disappeared. Lucifer threw himself into his ideas, and (Y/N) tried maintaining their relationship but he couldn't even stand the look of her.
"I'm sorry! But I thought maybe you guys could talk while he's here?" Charlie suggested with a gulp, twiddling her fingers.
"I'm done trying with dad. If he wants to talk, he can come to me," (Y/N) crossed her arms, firm on her stance.
"I never thought I'd meet someone with worse daddy issues, but here you are, cher," Alastor, with his famous grin, looked down at the Princess of Hell. She huffed, not in the mood for his side comments.
"Alastor, please-"
"He's here!"
"-please fucking hide me!" She ran behind him, despite the mass amount of blonde hair making it obvious.
He chuckled.
Honestly, since meeting the eldest Morningstar, Alastor deemed himself her Protector. Not that the girl wasn't capable or needed him persay, but he cared for her. Being on the aroace spectrum, he wasn't plagued by a selfish desire to fuck her, but it was a sweet concern that slowly turned into a need to be near her.
A need to make her his.
"Hopefully he doesn't-"
"Fuck," (Y/N) silently cursed under her breath before Alastor stepped aside.
"Hey dad," Lucifer felt a pang in his sinister heart at her tone. She sounded uncomfortable and wouldn't even look at him, but he also remembered that he couldn't look at her at times.
It reminded him of happier times.
Times he didn't want to be reminded of anymore.
"So how've you been? Heard you've got a fancy job now. Probably making loads of money, huh?" He chuckled nervously.
"Dad, it's my company. I made it."
And he couldn't even remember that she did that?
Any dad would remember that his child created her own business.
"And it's got a fucking duck on the logo. God, dad," She rose her voice, "you can't even remember that?"
"I've been busy, pumpkin-"
"Too busy to call? Too busy to even fucking call?!"
Charlie flinched at the harshness in her voice. She's always been a firecracker but she's never seen her so angry.
"I'm not fighting with you, (Y/N)," Lucifer stepped towards her, "why do you insist on fighting? Especially when I'm here for Charlie."
"Oh, you're here for Charlie?" Her horns started to come up through her skin, rolling back like a rams.
Just like her mom.
"I'm not making this about me. I just wish you'd make the effort instead of it having to be me," She missed who he was.
And during this, Alastor could see the pain on her face. She was furious, and rightfully so.
But he let her fight her own battles.
"I'm sorry that I look like mom. Is that what you want me to say?!"
He didn't mean it. Of fucking course he didn't mean it, but it slipped out.
"Dad! That's enough!" Charlie ran to her, seeing tears well up in her sisters eyes. "How could you say that?"
"Pumpkin, I-"
"Don't," She sniffled, holding Charlie close, "don't come near me."
But he didn't listen.
He hated being the fact that his little girl was crying because of him.
"I think you've come far enough," Alastor spoke, getting infront of Charlie and (Y/N). He is excellent at saving face, so his pure unadulterated rage was hidden beneath his smile.
She hiccuped behind him, sobbing into Charlie's shoulder.
"Don't make me move you," Lucifer glared.
"And don't make me fucking kill you for hurting what's mine."
His voice turned more static-like than before, his eyes a burning red and his horns outstretched. He was a fucking shield for his Princess, and not even the King of Hell could get through. Lucifer recognized this and humbly backed away, retreating with his tail between his legs.
_ _ ☆ _ _
(Y/N) spent the next hour crying in her room. Over the years, she had started to hate herself for looking like her mom, and Lucifers' confirmation only reaffirmed it.
"Need anything else?" Charlie asked her. Although her sister wasn't searching for redemption, she had her own personal room in the hotel.
"Can you get Alasto-?"
A knock sounded at the door.
"Was he there the whole time?" She sniffled, and a muffled "maybe" came through the door.
Her bed was surrounded by napkins that she quickly placed on her bedside as Charlie allowed Alastor inside.
The two of them.
Might as well just throw them condoms and say get to it, is what (Y/N) was thinking. She's known about her crush on The Radio Demon for a few months now, having a fantasy dream here and there, but wasn't much of an active person herself.
"Thank you. I know he tried to fix it, but I couldn't stand to look at him," Her puffy eyes made Alastors eye twitch, still a small spout of anger for her father.
"Of course, my dear," He sat himself next to her on the bed.
"Because your father, although the King of Hell, is a fucking coward", is what he wanted to say but kept those words for himself.
"Did you mean it? That I'm yours?" She asked, her hand inching closer to his.
"I never say anything I don't mean, cher," He grabbed her hand, kissed it, and made the she-demon gasp.
"I thought you hated touch."
He chuckled, "Oh, I do, but not if it's you. Your skin is warm, and it brings me comfort. You bring me comfort."
"You'd have me, even if I want to be glued to your side? Even having petty fights with my dad?"
"Darling, I'd wear your skin if you asked."
"Oh, how romantic," She blushed before both his hands came up to her face, bringing her into a needy kiss. With her, he needed to feel her.
Someday, even all of her.
"And I'd eat demons with you," She whispered against his lips.
"Oh my heart may burst, my dear."
Taglist: @lorkai @droopingdatura @tr1coo @randomuser-89 @abbiedail @evelin1o1 @sseleniaa
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potter-imagines · 10 months
Family Sleepover
Pairing: Choso Kamo x Reader
Prompt: A relaxing friday night for Choso and Y/n takes a turn when Choso's little brother, Yuji, has a nightmare leading to a family sleepover.
Word Count: 5.8k
Warning: modern Choso and reader, non sorcerer world setting, mentions of drinking and smoking, otherwise mainly fluff!
Notes: love love love choso, he doesn't get enough attention in writes so hopefully i'll have more choso x reader to come! <3 (gif credit to @fushiguro)
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Rainfall smacked against the shingles on the roof while the weather outside only grew worse. A majority of souls dreaded nights filled with storming rain, although Y/n never truly understood why. Not only did the ‘disgusting’ weather provide her the perfect excuse to remain indoors, the cracks of lighting and the booming of thunder set a cozy mood as the rain poured down from the skies outside. The light from the flashing television brightened the darkened room to a glowing haze. Choso had his arm thrown over his girlfriend’s body and his back pressed up against the black headboard as Y/n curled herself into his side, her hands resting neatly on his chest. 
It was a typical Friday night for the couple after an exhausting week for the both of them. Choso had put in three grueling nights of overtime while Y/n had run herself thin juggling her final semester of college writing three separate ten page essays and studying for finals between her part time job. 
Instead of going out until the early hours of the morning bar hopping and clubbing like most couples their age, the two preferred the more intimate occasions of peaceful bliss wrapped in each other’s hold. Besides, babysitters weren’t cheap and between keeping up with rent, having enough food on the table, gas to get to work, bills and buying new clothes for a never ending growing boy, there wasn’t a surplus of funds left over to pay some high schooler to watch little Yuji every weekend night. 
Yuji was the youngest of Choso’s brothers, his only surviving family member in fact. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday his entire family perished in an electrical fire that tore through his childhood home. The cause was natural yet their deaths hardly felt so. His mother had passed away in the hospital a day after the fire, while his little brother was the only member she could manage to stumble out of the home with. Yuji was a few months old at the time, and if he hadn’t still been sleeping in the bassinet next to their parent’s bed, Choso was sure he would’ve perished as well. He had received a call only hours after the fire was put out, being miles away at university, he rushed to his hometown immediately to discover the life changing news. 
That tragic event was four years ago and ever since, Choso has been raising his youngest brother alone- well, they were alone, until through friends, Choso was introduced to Y/n. The couple met at nineteen and had been going strong since, much to his surprise. Choso struggled in the dating field prior to being a near ‘single dad’, and now that he had his kid brother to look after, he naturally assumed he’d never find a partner.
However Y/n proved herself different from any woman he’d ever met, and Yuji adored her. From the child's second birthday on, Y/n had been an essential part of their lives and she had no intentions of leaving, which she once again proved by blowing Choso’s mind and signing on to lease a small three bedroom home alongside him and Yuji. Three years later now and the couple were raising Yuji like a stable, healthy family, and Choso couldn’t be more grateful to have her in both of their lives. 
Typical wasn’t an adjective that fit like a puzzle in their dictionary but they still tried to act like a normal 23 year old couple, hence the half full wine glasses sat on either side of the bed and the tightly packed pre roll waiting patiently on Choso’s side. Sure, they had a crazy five year old to look after, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t allowed to indulge in a bit of fun themselves, right?
A mutual favorite horror film of the couples was playing in the background. Y/n laid peaceful alongside Choso and the two cuddled on one another underneath the heavy stack of blankets. H/c hair tickled his skin as Choso situated his chin on the crown of her skull. Screams streamed from the television as a helpless victim took their chance at running through the winding forest trying to escape the crazed killer. Y/n’s body jerked as the girl managed to trip over a perfectly placed tree root and went stumbling down a large, leaf filled hill. The actress cried in fright as the killer stood at the top of the embankment, staring down at her disheveled state. Choso stole a peep down at his girlfriend, a rare smile coating his lips as he noticed her fully clinging to his naked chest. Once the girl was murdered and the screen cut to a new scene, her body visibly relaxed as her hold loosened. 
Choso smirked at the action, his lips finding their way to the top of her head, placing a small kiss as his arms pulled her closer. He could feel her hands absentmindedly tracing patterns against his chest while her eyes were glued to the horror movie on the television. Every once in a while her frame would flinch against his as a new victim was slain and killed, making him laugh to himself at her jumpy nature. Not everyone found horror movies ‘relaxing’, so to say, but for the couple, it was their idea of an unwinding night. 
Y/n shakily picked the wine glass up from the nightstand and took a reasonable gulp on the red liquid, then placed the cup back on the coaster. Her eyes casually shifted to her boyfriend, a mischievous smile playing on her pink lips as she motioned towards the joint resting on his side. Choso understood her thinking, not needing the use of words, and he chuckled. The mood felt all too perfect and the claming drag of a blunt was the bow to tie their night together in a beautifully wrapped present. However, as the saying goes, if something seems too good to be true, chances are it isn’t true. 
Right as Choso went to reach for the bud sitting beside him, a loud, echoing shriek broke through the once mellow air causing both adults to spring in terror. Y/n gasped, sitting up immediately as she looked up to Choso who was already throwing the comforter off and his legs off the side of the bed to stand. 
“Shit…” He cursed. Another scream hit the air as Choso grabbed the nearest shirt he could find and threw it on. Watching as he hurriedly redressed, Y/n extended her hand to flick the bedside lamp on, a worried hint to her tired gaze. 
“Is that Yuuji?” Concern laced her words as Y/n watched her boyfriend throw a random shirt over his head. He nodded towards her, confirming her worry. 
“Mmh, one second, babe. I’ll be right back.” Choso shared a quick kiss with his girl before sliding out the bedroom door. Stepping into the hall he quietly flipped on the ceiling light and walked the few steps to his brother’s room. Yuji’s door was decorated in various drawings, stickers, and paintings the young boy had made, making it hard to miss. The door was closed shut, but that didn’t stop the sound of muffled sobs and shaky breathing from breaking through. Twisting the golden knob, Choso slowly creaked the door open as he peeked his head around the wooden frame.
From his spot in the doorway Choso could see a small lump under the covers that was shaking like a leaf in a storm, much like the raging thunderstorm occurring outside the home. Entering the room, he quietly made his way into the bedroom and sat his body on the edge of the bed, careful as to not startle his younger brother. Choso reached his hand out to rub along what appeared to be the child’s back as he whispered, 
“Hey, little man. Everything alright?”
The heavy blanket was ripped from the boy’s body at the sound of his savior’s voice as Yuji flung himself to his big brother’s arms, grasping at his shirt while his teary eyes leaked against the cotton. 
“Choso!” He cried out. An iron grip clutched at his skin, tiny hands searching for stability in his hold.
“I’m here, don’t worry. Why’re you crying?” Choso hugged his body close to his chest, his large hand running up and down Yuji’s back in an attempt to comfort him. The small boy buried his head in his shoulder as the broken sobs continued. 
“I-I had a-a bad dream a-and the thunder w-was so loud my… my whole room was shaking and… and I saw a monster was outside my window with big claws and sharp teeth- he was going to eat me!” Yuji shouted in fear. His voice trembled as he struggled to get his words free from his dry throat.
The image of a terrifying beast perched up on the branch staring at him through his window replayed on a loop in Yuji’s head, his brain creating a scarier image each time he recalled the monster. Tiny fists bundled the shirt between his fingers as Yuji clung to his older brother. Glancing down, Choso leaned back a pull so the boy was forced to look into his dark violet eyes. Despite his usual solemn look, Choso’s features were warmer- more comforting than Yuji had witnessed on the regular. A serious gaze crossed his stare as his thumb wiped a bundle of tears running down the child’s cheeks. 
“Well you know that would never happen. Do you remember what I told you about monsters?” He questioned. Yuji rubbed at his eyes, his head shaking ‘no’ in response. Swiping his thumb across the underside of his leaking eyes, Choso wiped his rampant tears away.
“They’re not real. They’re just in our heads, right?” His finger tapped against his small forehead. “Even if monsters were real, your big brother would never let it eat you, I can promise that.”
Yuji peered up at his brother, his curious wide eyes on full display, as if his big brother had all the answers to life. If Choso told him the grass was blue and the sky was green, he’d believe him. To Yuji, his brother could do no wrong. A twinkle met his large brown eyes as his head tilted to the side,
“You’d beat him up?” He asked hopefully. A crack of a grin broke across his face as Choso nodded in agreement. 
“Mmh.” Choso ruffled the pink of his hair, giving him a reassuring smile. Yuji cuddled himself against his chest once more, previous shaky breaths finally evening out to small hiccups. The redness to his plump cheeks were starting to fade leaving tiny blotches of hysteria in its wake. Those tears that seemed never ending like a rushing waterfall growing into quiet sniffles. 
A steady silence filled the room until Yuji pulled his head away from Choso’s now damp shirt. With nervous eyes he hesitantly looked down to his fidgeting hands. Rubbing his palm against his heated skin, Choso wordlessly urged his kid brother to speak up, knowing there was clearly something swimming around his mind. Reaching out for the plush brown bear, Yuji held it to his chest as he inhaled steadily. 
“Can… can I sleep in your bed, please big brother?” The flush of innocence to his tone was a gentle reminder to Choso that although his little brother was rather brave for his age, he was still only five years old and sometimes, extra reassurance was required. 
“Sure, kiddo.”
Yuji leapt towards Choso, his small arms encircling his brother’s neck as he let out a cheer of delight. Smiling to himself, Choso plucked the blue star blanket he knew the child struggled to sleep without and stood from the bed. Yuji’s head laid against his shoulder as the pair started walking towards the master bedroom. Choso flicked the hallway light off and turned the handle to his room, stepping into the darkness with his brother in his hold. 
The small lamp on her bedside was still lit as the two brothers entered the room, the sudden presence capturing Y/n’s attention. Choso didn’t fail to notice the smile that graced her beautiful features as she caught sight of the pink haired boy in his grasp, and the way her arms opened up on instinct. A gasp of excitement broke from Yuji’s chest as he met the eyes of his second favorite person in the world. 
“Y/n!” Yuji shouted. Shaking from Choso’s arms, he scrambled against the fluffy duvet as he crawled to Y/n. A large grin illuminated on his face as he fell into her welcoming embrace. “Big brother is letting me sleep in his bed- do you think we can snuggle?”
His strawberry scented hair tickled against her chin as Yuji buried himself further in her chest, cheeks still slightly damp from his crying from before now pressed to her skin. Y/n drew her nails up and down his spine, scratching his back as one comforting their young would do, then kissed the side of his head. 
“Of course, baby.” 
Choso reached out for Yuji from behind and lifted him, allowing Y/n room to pull the blanket down so he could sneak in beside her. Once Yuji was under the covers he yanked the dark material up and settled in below his chin, his arms falling above the blanket then effortlessly positioned himself on his side so his little body was nearly attached to Y/n’s. Yuji innocently cradled his face into the warmth of her chest. Y/n giggled at his forwardness and wrapped her hold around him, pulling Yuji closer and kissing his ruby cheek, to which the boy snuggled in closer. 
Choso couldn’t resist the chuckle that broke from his chest making the tattoo line across the bridge of his nose scrunch in amusement as he watched how easy his brother made himself at home in the bedroom he shared with his girlfriend. Yuji pranced in the room and fixed himself up in Choso’s bed next to his girlfriend like he owned the place- like he was the one paying rent. Tugging his shirt off, Choso threw the cotton to the side as he slipped into his side of the bed and shot Y/n an apologetic look. 
“I’m sorry, angel. Yuuji had a nightmare then was certain he saw a monster outside his window so he’s pretty shaken up.” 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize for taking care of him, Cho. There’s plenty of room for all three of us up here.”
Choso’s eyes drifted to his nightstand, purple orbs landing on the sealed up backwoods as he mentally cursed himself, thank god Yuji hadn’t noticed it or Y/n was sure to chew his ass out. Looks like they’d have to save their smoke session for another night. Sliding open the bedside drawer, Choso swept the pre roll into the cupboard and shut it, tossing the blue lighter in alongside. The wine swayed in the glass from the movement, and he pushed it back a few inches so it was completely out of Yuji’s reach. 
Turning his attention back to the two Choso nudged his finger against the chubby texture of his little brother’s cheek. 
“But you’re coming in here to sleep, okay Yuuji? It’s bedtime, not playtime.” Yuji obediently bobbed his head in agreement, a twinkle of mischievousness sparking in his eyes. Choso knew that gleam all too well. Overall his kid brother was a relatively good listener, but there was always some catch, and when it came to bedtime, Yuji’s catch was his ability to ask a million and one questions before actually falling asleep. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to keep from letting a laugh escape. Yuji was too sweet. Tapping his finger at Y/n’s arm, the small boy gestured towards the tv. 
“Can I watch a little of your movie to go to sleep?” His question was suppressed by his face being shoved into Y/n’s neck, but the words were clear enough. Y/n glanced at her boyfriend, an uncertain raise to her brows. Before he could decline his brother’s request, she shook her head softly. 
“Well… it’s sort of scary… maybe we should put something different on until you’re asleep.”
Instead of changing the channel, Choso opted for turning the volume down. It was a film he’d seen a thousand times over and he knew there wouldn’t be another scary scene for a good fifteen minutes, which opened the perfect window of sleep for Yuji. Unlike Choso who required a minimum of thirty minutes until sleep could greet him, Yuji could fall asleep at the drop of a pin, and based on the droopiness to his eyes, sleep didn’t seem too far off for him. 
“How ‘bout you try closing your eyes for sleep and we can have a fun movie day tomorrow, alright? Y/n and I are gonna go to bed soon, too.” Choso promised. The young boy tilted his head up towards his big brother, almost searching his features for any sign of lies, but Choso only stared back. Once he was sure his brother was telling the truth, Yuji nodded and forced himself to close his large eyes. 
Both adults watched the movie without a word, cautious to give Yuji a fair chance to fall asleep. Images passed on the screen of a seemingly happy family as they began moving into their new home. The children ran around outside the home, giggling and shouting with glee as the parents carried loads of boxes into the home. The scene hadn’t struck either Choso nor Y/n as one of importance as they both knew the ill awaited fate to meet the family, but through half lidded eyes, Yuji’s interest was quipped. The quietness lasted for no longer than a minute when Yuji moved his head, pink hair brushing against Y/n’s chin, and knocked at his brother’s shoulder. 
“Big brother…”
“Hm?” Choso replied. Yuji’s fixation was back on the television screen as he pointed his finger to the image. 
“Are you and Y/n gonna have babies?”
Both heads immediately snapped to the young boy, a gasp of shock sounding from Y/n at the sudden inquiry as her eyebrows shot up towards the sky. If someone was to take a picture of her face, she was sure she’d look like she’d witnessed a ghost. Choso’s mouth hung astoundment, the innocently worded question clearly hitting him like a smack across the face. 
Y/n quietly stared at her boyfriend for help, unsure what to say in response. Yuji on the other hand sat unwavered as he wiggled against her, trying his best to find the most comfortable position. Choso lifted the comforter of the blanket so Yuji had more access to cover his small body, then provided a brief shrug. Giving his girlfriend a look of uncertainty, Choso sighed at the oddly deep question. 
“Not for a while, little man. We’ve already got you to take care of so I think we’ll wait a bit.” Choso spoke softly.
“Oh… okay.” Disappointment flooded his tone. Seeing his face drop in such a sad manner made Choso feel a bit bad for letting him down. Of course the couple planned on having children, it was a topic they’d discussed more times than they could count, but it wasn’t necessarily a priority at the moment for either of them. Choso wanted Yuji in school, and Y/n to have her dream wedding to him before either of them seriously took action to have children of their own. In the meantime, they certainly enjoyed practicing the baby making process- but Yuji didn’t need to know about all that. 
Yet it seemed Yuji’s curiosity was not quite settled as he once again tapped Choso on the shoulder,
“Big brother?”
“Yeah?” He tiredly mumbled out. Y/n laughed at the exasperation in Choso’s voice. It was no secret, Yuji had hit that age where his questions and curiosity had no end. Every meal was filled with a game of 21 questions asking what was in the food, how was it made, where did the ingredients come from, why does it call for carrots and not chocolate, and so on. His mind had no limits, and most of the time, Choso was grateful for that, except for now when Yuji was meant to be asleep, not firing inquiries left and right. Stealing a glance to Y/n over his shoulder, Yuji turned back to his big brother, a shade of scarlet painting his skin. 
“Can I marry Y/n when I’m a big kid like you?” Large brown eyes bore up at Choso as Yuji hugged his teddy closer, a faint blush flushing his cheeks. Choso was aware of his little brother’s crush on his girlfriend, and honestly, he couldn’t blame the kid. Y/n was attentive, caring, selfless, kind hearted, and not to mention gorgeous, so he could see plain as day why Yuji had a crush on his girlfriend. Still, the question knocked him back a step in surprise. Tonight's line of thoughts racing around the child’s mind seemed larger than normal. 
“I’m sorry, little man but I was planning on marrying Y/n. I don’t think it’d be very fair if you stole her from me, do you?” His brows pulled together into a thin line at his brother’s new inquiry. First babies, now he wanted to marry Y/n? Choso was scared to hear what Yuji had up his sleeve to ask next. The child’s expression went glum once again, a heavy pout coating his pink lips. 
“No… I guess not… I just really like to snuggle with her…” He admitted. His confession brought a cheesy grin to Y/n’s face. Yuji had always been adorable to her but now she found him even more of a sweetheart. Arms still wrapped around him, Y/n pulled Yuji in further to give him a hug, which he happily accepted. 
“You can always snuggle with me, bubs, but I’ll bet when you’re a big kid like your brother, you’re gonna meet a pretty girl you’d rather cuddle with instead.” Y/n laughed slightly as she glanced down at the young boy. She found it irresistibly adorable Yuji had developed a crush on her, but she also knew it was sure to fade as he grew, nonetheless, it was one of the cutest things to her. Kissing his temple, Y/n gave him one last squeeze then loosened her grip as a loud huff tumbled from Yuji’s parted lips. 
“Not true! You’re the prettiest girl ever! I don’t want another girl- gross!” Yuji’s tongue fell from his mouth as he made an absurd gagging sound. In his mind, the idea of snuggling another girl was the most disgusting thing he’d ever heard- but snuggling his big brother’s girlfriend? Now that was a totally different story. Choso sent a flick to the side of Yuji’s head, snickering to himself as the boy yelped and grasped for the point of impact. 
“We’ll see if you change your mind, how ‘bout that?” Yuji shook his head ‘yes’, agreeing to his brother’s words. Y/n suppressed a giggle as she looked over to Choso, amused by his twinge of annoyance at what she found to be adorably harmless questions from Yuji.
While Choso quietly pondered over his brother’s words, the small boy seemed to be warming up to the idea of bedtime. Yuji’s big eyes were casually drooping lower and lower with every blink he took. 
“I think someone is sleepy…” Y/n’s tone was teasing as she poked the chub of Yuji’s cheek. His usual hyperactive nature was calmed down to a simmer, and Y/n could feel him sinking into her hold. Not much longer and she was sure he’d be out like a light. As if reading her mind the young boy let out a loud yawn.
“I’m just gonna close my eyes for a little bit.” Yuji seemed to be making the promise more to himself than anyone else. Choso nodded, feigning belief, his brown strands threatened to slip from the rubber tie holding his hair in two loose spiky ponytails as he moved his head. 
“Okay, kid. I believe you.” Choso smirked.
Twisting his body, Yuji pressed his back against Y/n’s chest. She wrapped her hold around his smaller frame, allowing his little arms to lay ontop of hers, then reached his other hand out to hold the edge of his brother’s pillow. Choso could feel his tiny legs folded, Yuji’s knee pressing against his side. The kid was never one for a normal sleeping position, Choso thought to himself. 
Nuzzling his head against the plush mattress, Yuji peaked his eyes open and gave his brother a soft smile. The hand clutching Y/n’s arm gave a squeeze as his sleepy voice mumbled,
“I love you, big brother… I love you, Y/n…” 
“I love you too, Yuji, sweet dreams.” Y/n leaned down to press a loving kiss to the boy’s forehead. Pulling away, she brought her hand up to stroke at his light pink strands. Choso smiled to himself at the sight, then reached his hand out to pinch at the excess of skin on his little brother’s cheek. 
“Love you, little man. Sleep tight.”
A stillness enveloped the room in a circle of quietness, the sound of Yuji’s faint breathing followed by light snores being the only steady sound. Choso waited a few minutes before reaching for the remote and turning the volume up slightly, their mutual resistance to having Yuji listening in now wiped clean. Although both had their outward attention focused on the movie playing, neither were mentally zeroed in on it. In fact, they were both thinking about the same thing, thinking about what Yuji had said; having kids, getting married, spending the rest of their lives together. 
Of course this was a common thought that roamed around in Choso’s head, he had just never realized he wasn’t the only one who thought about it. Cracking a smirk, Choso settled his arm around the middle pillow supporting Yuji and placed his hold on Y/n’s shoulders. His fingers unintentionally tickled her skin and her body subconsciously melted into his touch. Letting out a chuckle, Choso turned his head in her direction, 
“Can’t believe my kid brother is trying to steal my girl from me.” Y/n laughed at his remark, amused by the idea of Yuji wanting to marry her when he grows up. It was a sweet gesture in her eyes and made her feel grateful that he held such a high opinion on her. Of course, it was his elder brother Y/n planned to wed, the thought meant the absolute world to her. 
“I don’t know, babe, give it a few years and he just might do it.”
Choso lolled his head to the side, a look of idiocy gracing his features as he rolled his eyes. Grabbing her free hand he brought her fingers up to his face and pressed his lips against her ring finger. Although the finger was bare of jewelry at the moment, Choso was determined to change that fact soon. Without Y/n’s knowledge Choso had been saving a portion of his work checks on the side, saving for a sparkling diamond ring to adorned her hand.
Knowing his girlfriend, Y/n would accept a bread bag tie or a ring pop even. Money wasn’t something they were swimming in, and she loathed the rare occurrences Choso would splurge on her. However, Choso wanted her to have a diamond ring- no, he needed her to have one. After all she had helped him through, all the times she had been there for him and his brother, Choso wanted her to see how much he truly appreciated her, so no ordinary ring would do for him, it needed to be perfect. Laying her hand against his chest, Choso narrowed his gaze playfully. 
“You’re talking like I won’t have a ring on that pretty finger and you tied down to me by then.” Laughing at his statement Y/n simply shook her head at him. 
“I’m already tied down to you, Choso. You’re stuck with me forever.” Y/n teased, sticking her tongue out momentarily to tease him. She knew if he had asked her to marry him right then, she’d say yes, zero hesitation in her answer. It was no secret that she planned on spending the rest of her life by his side. 
“Good, ‘cause I wasn't planning on letting you go.”
Yuji stirred between them, faint groans of tiredness breaking from his lips as his body jerked in his sleep. Y/n retracted her hand from Choso’s body and soothingly ran her fingers up and down the child’s back, silently lulling him back to his peaceful sleep. Yuji cuddled further into her hold, a sigh of contentment escaping his parted lips. Choso watched the two, his heart fluttering as Y/n effortlessly brought comfort to his brother without even a word. 
Glancing up to her quiet boyfriend, Y/n sent him a sweet smile.
“Are you staying up for a while?”
“Yeah, I’m not too tired yet but I won’t be too late.” He nodded. It was no secret Choso had adopted a poor habit of staying awake until the sun rose, especially on the weekends. No matter how much effort Y/n devoted to breaking this habit, it lived on.
Propping herself on her elbow, and cautious for the child in between, Y/n reached across the space between the couple. Receiving the unspoken message loud and clear, Choso turned his face, allowing opportunity for their lips to touch as he kissed her sweetly. The exchange was short and loving, but Choso took every advantage of the moment as he relished in the feeling of his lover pressed against him. His lips greeted hers in a passionate embrace, despite their awkward positioning. A tiny hint of a smile cracked through her lips as Y/n pushed her lips against his, gentle yet determined to prove her love, which he effortlessly felt. Pulling apart, Y/n grinned up at him as she leaned back into her spot on the bed, snuggling up against her pillow. Blinking her e/c eyes up to him, a stroke of red flushed her s/c cheeks as she blushed. Y/n could spend the rest of her life kissing her lover and still would never grow old of the butterflies his lips released inside her soul. 
“Okay,” She whispered. “Turn the tv off at a good time, you had a long day.” Choso’s hand ran along the top of her head, petting at her hair with a gentle smile. His insides fuzzed at the sincerity to her words. The caring nature Y/n held always had him feeling so loved and looked out for, it truly meant the world to him. 
“Thanks, pretty girl. You’re always taking care of me… well, us.” He gazed down at his sleeping brother. Y/n leaned further into his loving strokes as she reached her arm gently across Yuji’s body to lay still against Choso’s chest. The action was simple, but the effectiveness was strong. A chorus of chills danced down his spine at her touch to his bare skin. There was no element of sexualizing to her touch, no hidden agenda, no further want but a safe place to rest.
“You say that as if two don’t take care of me as well. We all need each other.” Y/n argued. A comfortable silence greeted the pair as Choso basked in the comfort of her hand against his skin. The movie on the TV played on deaf ears while Y/n’s eyes slowly grew heavy in weight.
Reaching around his shoulder Choso grabbed the wine glass from the night stand, bringing the glass to his lips he sipped the red liquid, feeling his body relax at the taste. Red wine had always been a favorite of his, a taste Y/n had developed a liking to after multiple tries of her lover convincing her it was the superior choice. Many things had changed in her life after Choso and Yuji, such as red wine over white, nights in over nights out, and sharing the bed over sleeping alone. 
Choso set the glass down, opening his mouth to make a remark about how the chilled beverage was now warm and apologize once again for the bump in their night, when he was suddenly taken aback by the look on his lover's face- the love pouring from just one look. 
“About tonight-” A quick roll of the eyes and a motion of the hand caused Choso’s words to fall flat against his tongue. 
“Don’t. I wouldn’t choose anything over this.” Y/n smiled.
Careful for the boy laid between them, both leaned across the mattress, unable to resist the need to feel her once more, allowing their lips to meet in the middle. Choso’s hand curled around the side of her face, his thumb caressing the skin as his lips devoted all the passion and love his heart could express. His soft kiss brought a sense of home to Y/n, her hold clasping on the back of his neck, not allowing a chance to break. She swore she could feel her heart physically warming as his lips moved against hers, savoring every moment of his love. Every kiss they shared held a piece of their love, yet this one was received stronger. 
Pulling away, Y/n leaned her forehead against his, quickly pressing a final ‘goodnight’ kiss to the corner of his lips, causing a smile to rise. Even in the poorly lit room Y/n could see the red rush of blood to his cheeks. Leaning back she cozied herself underneath the heap of blankets, allowing Yuji to cling to her once more in his asleep state. Resting fully against her pillow, Y/n looked up to Choso one last time before allowing her heavy eyes to finally shut for the night. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, angel.” Choso whispered through the still air. 
It didn’t take long for her even breathing to be heard and he was certain she had fallen asleep alongside his brother. Silently slipping out his phone from his side Choso snapped a series of photos of the two snuggled against one another, a grin adorning his lips as he did so. Yeah, he thought, I’m putting a ring on that finger real soon.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
cheeky little angst to fluff blurb for leah??
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leah didn't do her acl in this because i said so insensitive II l.williamson
"-so i'll rest again for a bit in bed, go to breakfast and then i think we have our team walk in a couple hours? oh! then a few of the girls are gonna go for breakfast and to the beach tomorrow before our flights since they're later at night. the beaches here are literally insane babe the water is so blue, i'll make sure to send you some photos. i'm keen for one last taste of summer before returning to the bleak dead cold of the uk." you joked with a smile, your girlfriend humming tiredly in response.
"i'm sorry baby i'm talking too much. are you sure you're okay? you played brilliantly leah really, i was so proud of you." you softly assured, as you had been for the majority of this phone call which was really annoying the blonde more than helping her to feel better as you intended.
both of you away with your respective national teams for international break you'd both been on the phone much as you could, forever attached at the hip you missed the older english girl who held your heart terribly.
however it would appear that your break was going a whole lot better than leah's, australia coming away with an 8-0 win a few days ago and england having just lost 3-2.
your chances of qualifying were looking up whilst hers seemed in a jeopardy she'd not predicted experiencing.
"i'm fine." if you would have picked up on the hidden sharpness of her words you might have caught on and changed topics, however still half asleep you missed it, having been up very early to watch your girlfriends match.
"losses happen lee it doesn't mean you girls have any less chance of qualifying, you've come back from worse yeah? heads held high and leave it in the past, same thing you tell us all each week in red babe." you tried to comfort her only your words had the opposite affect.
with the loss playing heavily on her mind and leah attributing a large portion of the blame toward herself in defence, she felt a bitter bubble of jealousy and frustration begin to build up in her throat. and before she could think any better of it, it came out suddenly like a toxic word vomit.
"yeah well some of us have actual challenges to face to qualify. we can't all get the easy draw and piss poor low ranking teams to smash 8-0, scoring hat tricks against players with half your professional experience and no funding into their programs, can we? the entire olympics qualification system is a fucking joke!" leah snapped, a few of her team mates heads swiveling toward her with a mix of frowns and surprise at her harsh tone.
silence was all that she was met with after her little outburst, you opening and closing your mouth in somewhat a state of shock at the venomous tone from your usually calm mannered and always supportive girlfriend.
"you must be tired and your flights soon. i'll call you later before warm ups?" you asked hopefully, heart hammering in your chest. "no, i'm going into the training centre soon as i get back." leah replied bluntly, clearly not intending to watch your match as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"right. well i hope you get some rest on your flight then." and with that the line beeped signaling you ended the call, leah shoving her phone into her pocket and resting her chin on the handle of her suitcase she was currently sat on.
"leah mate...that was painful to listen to." georgia winced from beside her, keira humming in agreement. "what? she's being insensative! if she knew me she'd know i fucking hate being coddled and thats all she was doing, as well as flaunting her stupid win." leah muttered with a roll of her eyes.
"is that seriously what you think?" keira questioned, eyebrows knitted together as leah only gave a small shrug. "leah." the younger girl sighed, shaking her head.
"she barely mentioned the win to you when it happened, she spoke about her hat trick maybe once on facetime that night? she stayed in to call you like normal instead of being out for dinner celebrating with her team." keira began to lecture the blonde beside her.
"do ya know what time it is in western australia right now leah?" georgia continued on, eyes wide looking at her phone as again leah only shrugged, though a hint of guilt was just starting to creep in.
"it was 3:30 in the morning there when we kicked off and she watched the entire match and then stayed up for a few hours afterwards to call you, so that she could comfort you and try to make ya feel better." georgia lectured, leahs stern gaze beginning to crack at her words.
"then you just dismissed all of the graft she put in last match and her entire teams hard work down to something they have no control over. doesn't matter who they play leah, they deserved each win." keira continued, leah taking her bottom lip in between her teeth as she sat up and rubbed her face with her hands.
"then she gets up at 3:30 to watch your game and you tell her you aren't bothered to watch hers when its at a more than reasonable time, because you're busy feeling sorry for yourself." georgia added on, yet another blow of guilt for her to swallow.
"did you think it was insensitive when we beat them in the semi final of their home world cup, and you celebrated with your team afterwards?" keira asked with a raised eyebrow.
"nah that was different! i went right to her first to make sure she was okay and tell her how proud of her i was, and she told me to go out afterwards and went out with her own team." leah defended suddenly, shut down by the looks from her best friends either side of her.
"exactly leah, so then how is that any different than her trying to console you after this loss? and then you had to go and open your stupid hot headed mouth, stick your foot in it and probably make her feel like shit before her final international match of the break, which you all but said you wouldn't be watching. how is that fair?" keira delivered the final punch as leah crumpled, head hung in her hands with a small groan.
"yeah alright alright i get it, i've royally fucked up here." leah sighed, standing suddenly and walking off with her phone held to her ear, calling you over and over as each time the phone would ring out only affirming to her that she had really stepped in it this time.
trying you for a fifth time, urged to hurry up from her team mates as their flight was boarding leah's phone vibrated with a message as again you didn't answer.
from; lover girl i need some space please, i'll call you once i land back in london x
with a frustrated sigh leah heart reacted the message not wanting to overstep, locking her phone and hurrying over to keira who was impatiently waiting to board.
she had some serious groveling to do.
you opened and scanned through the multiple messages from leah she'd sent while obviously watching the game, withholding the urge to smile at her running commentary and complimentary words about how you and the team played.
still quite frustrated with her and still wanting space you opted not to reply, locking your phone and tucking it under your leg as you rummaged around in your backpack for your airpods.
"you're not gonna call leah?" steph asked with a look of surprise as you settled in beside her on the bus back to the hotel, where as normally you'd sit by yourself to call your girlfriend after each match like clockwork.
"nope." you answered simply, shaking your head and tucking one knee up to your chest. "what's happened?" the older girl sighed knowingly, draping an arm over the back of you as your head came to rest on her shoulder.
through the four seasons you'd played together at arsenal the two of you alongside caitlin and now kyra had become like a family, relishing in the familiar comfort of having your fellow aussies around living in a foreign country where you hardly saw your actual loved ones.
"i think we had an argument? but we didn't exactly argue." you replied, still a little in the dark yourself on what had caused leah's outburst. steph only gave you a confused stare and nodded for you to explain further as you did so, recounting your conversation with the blonde captain this morning.
"ahhh, i see." steph nodded now caught up as you hummed tiredly, the time now nearing eleven at night. "you know she loves you very much. but we both know she hardly has a filter on what she says sometimes, and she's quite potentially the most patriotic person i know both for club and country." steph chuckled, patting your shoulder.
"norf london foreva." you mocked her accent quietly with a small smile, admittedly missing it even more now you knew you'd not be speaking to her for a couple of days while you flew.
"but thats not to dismiss how harsh she was and how that would have made you feel. i think some space is a good idea, gives her some time to reflect on why you're upset and why what she said was wrong. you gonna be okay?" the brunette asked softly as the bus pulled in outside your hotel.
"yeah, i'll be fine. it's been nice being back home and seeing all the girls again, and we're going for brunch and to the beach tomorrow. i'm just focusing on that and the horrendous jetlag we're due for once we touch back down." you groaned, steph agreeing as the two of you filed off the bus.
"kyra i promise you, if you so much as breathe near me for the next twenty four hours i am going to murder you." you spoke calmly, stopping to take a deep breath as the younger girl purposefully stepped on the back of your trainer again.
you loved her dearly but it was like having your own child as she'd wound you up for hours now, giving you a brief moment of rest when she'd finally passed out on the plane. but now fully awake and in her usual tiresomely hyperactive mood she'd been kicking the back of your knees out and stepping on the back of your shoes from the moment you stepped off the plane.
"leave her be! honestly mate you're so annoying." caitlin groaned on your behalf, wrangling the girl into a tight headlock and dragging her away from you as the four of you headed out of baggage collection.
"i see your personal chauffeur has arrived." you looked up in confusion as steph elbowed you, spotting leah a hundred or so metres away. "ooo she's off to kiss her little girlfr-" kyra's sarcastic kisses and teasing words were cut short as caitlin suddenly swept her feet out from under her, sending her tumbling to the ground on her ass.
"oi!" with that the two took off chasing one another around the terminal, steph kissing your cheek and telling you to call her if you needed her as she hurried off to sort your friends out, the three of them set to take an uber together.
you watched leah nervously shift her weight from one foot to another as you slowly made your way over, her face partially hidden by the hood drawn over her head. a hoodie which you quickly recognized as one of yours, a faded black australian national team hoodie from years ago.
you also noticed she had a bunch of flowers in one hand which she immediately held out to you. "hi." leah breathed out quietly once you arrived in front of her and had taken the flowers with a mumbled thank you.
"hi." you echoed back, adjusting your bag on your shoulder and shaking your head as she offered to take it from you, the two of you wordlessly making your way out of the airport and to the car park.
you dumped your bag in the boot which she opened and closed for you, sliding into the passenger seat with a tired sigh and carefully placing the flowers on the floor between your feet as leah sat beside you, starting up the car and pulling away.
"can we talk? or do you want some time to like actually sleep and rest, you must be insanely jetlagged. i can stay at beth and viv's place tonight? give you some space." leah offered, the two of you having been living together for well over a year now.
"no it's fine, we can talk." you confirmed, adjusting your position as your head slumped against the window, eyes struggling to stay open which didn't go unnoticed by the blonde beside you.
"are you sure? you look exhausted we can-" "leah i'm sure, we need to talk."
you hadn't mean to come across as bluntly as you did given your jetlag, as you saw surprise flicker across your girlfriends face for a moment before she nodded and you mumbled a quiet apology, rubbing your eyes.
"well i'll start. firstly; i am so incredibly unbelievably sincerely sorry for what i said to you love. i was tired and frustrated with my own performance not that thats any excuse, and selfishly a little jealous of your big win when we lost. which was completely unfair because i am so so proud of you in everything that you do. i promise!" leah started, glancing over at you as she stopped at a red light and you gave her a small smile, nodding for her to continue.
"you put so many hours of extra training in to prepare for the world cup and of course thats payed off and you're finally seeing the benefits. I was bitter and selfish and i lashed out at you when you were just trying to make me feel better, like always, and i am really really sorry baby." leah continued, falling silent after as you assumed she'd finished talking.
"well firstly; you were an asshole." leah winced at that but nodded, understanding her actions were to blame here.
"but i understand you were feeling poorly after a loss, i just wish you'd communicated that with me a little better and i would have left you be with your own thoughts rather than talking your ear off and probably worsening your mood." you sighed, the blonde quick to assure she normally loved you talking her ear off.
"i just felt like i didn't understand what i'd done to cause you to be upset with me, and then you snapped about the qualifying process and you weren't entirely wrong but-"
"i was! i was wrong about that. its been the way they're done for years now and its not anything you or i are ever going to have the influence to change single handedly, and i should have never dismissed the shift you and the girls put in for that win." leah was quick to clarify before apologizing for interrupting you.
"thank you. next time please just communicate with me how you're feeling and what you need lee." you smiled tiredly, your girlfriend reaching for your hand and smiling in relief when you allowed her to take it, the blonde bringing it to her mouth and placing a few tender kisses on your knuckles as she glanced toward you.
"eyes on the road thanks charmer." you smiled tiredly, leah not letting go of your hand but dropping it to rest on the middle console, her other hand expertly maneuvering the steering wheel.
the rest of the ride home was filled with a much more comfortable silence, leah thanking her lucky stars you'd been so forgiving and remanding herself over and over for ever wronging you, smiling softly at you asleep in the seat beside her.
parking in the driveway she flicked the car off, carefully getting out and softly closing her door. she grabbed your bags out of the back and hurried them inside, dropping them in your shared bedroom and rushing back to the car, leaving the front door open.
gently opening your door she caught your body as it slid out having been leant against the door, your eyes shooting open as you inhaled sharply and sat up. "we're home baby." leah advised, affectionately rubbing your flushed cheek with her thumb as she pressed a kiss to your temple.
with a tired nod you allowed her to pull you up and out of the car, walking yourself to the front door and rubbing your eyes. you stretched as you crossed the threshold of your home, squealing as leahs hands poked at the sliver of skin which popped out as your top rode up.
"hello." you latched yourself onto her the moment she closed the front door and turned, your cheek smooshed into her shoulder as her hoodie clad arms wound tightly around you. "i really really missed you." leah sighed, swaying the two of you back and forth as you relished in the familiar warmth of her embrace.
"so i can see, you've become an honorary tillie." you teased, tugging on the sides of the hoodie as your chin moved to rest against her sternum, looking up at her in amusement. "for you my girl? anything." leah promised with a soft smitten smile, leaning down to kiss you.
"leah what is that?" you spotted a piece of cardboard on the kitchen counter over her shoulder, pulling away from her right before her lips met yours causing her to frown.
"welcome home from prison!" you read out the sign with a scoff, leahs arms folding around you from behind as her chin rested on your shoulder and you felt her body vibrate with a quiet laughter.
"thought it might be a bit too soon for the joke to land right without an apology first." leah admitted, pressing a few light kisses to the side of your neck.
"mm yeah good choice. dick!" you shoved her playfully as she continued to cling onto you, spinning you around. "may i have a proper kiss now please?" the blonde pouted, puckering her lips as you smiled, shaking your head.
"well i am all for charity and since you asked so nicely." she pinched your side for the comment, pressing her lips to yours before you could say another word.
the way her lips slotted perfectly with yours would forever make your head spin, sending you into a love drunk haze of dizziness at the euphoric feeling of kissing her. the way her bottom lip would part slightly as her hand flew to the back of your neck, her tongue slipping into your mouth as her thumb rubbed gentle circles just below your ear.
her lips always soft and welcoming, her kisses calculated and thought out, making sure that with every fleeting second you could feel how deeply she cared for you. this kiss in particular was two weeks in the making, the blonde pouring into it every inch of her adoration for you with each slight adjustment and touch, her other hand resting on your waist to draw your body even closer into hers, trapping the two of you in a cocoon of warmth and love and safety.
"welcome home." she pulled away with a light smack, pressing a few softer kisses to your swollen lips before pressing her forehead against yours, closing her eyes and hugging you tightly, anchoring you in her arms like a lost ship coming ashore.
the sea of your relationship wouldn't always be smooth, but with leah at the helm and you loyal by her side the two of you could get through pretty much anything.
"it's two now baby. do you want to sleep for a few hours and then up for dinner? and we can stay up till around maybe ten to try and reset your schedule?" your girlfriend offered sweetly, warm lips pressing against the crown of your temple with each word.
"so long as you're with me i don't mind." you sighed, head falling to her chest as you squeezed her tightly, melting the older girls heart who hugged you back just as firmly.
"well you can't sleep standing up." with that she'd bent down to grab the back of your thighs, hoisting you up. "bed or lounge baby?" the defender asked with a raised eyebrow. "not the first time you've asked me that while i'm off the ground in your arms." you smirked, kissing her nose and grinning as she scrunched it slightly.
"even half asleep with jet lag you remain a cheeky cheeky girl." leah tutted with a shake of her head and carrying you with her over to the sofa, turning around and sitting down as she pulled you to sit between her legs which stretched down its length.
"can you put the golf on please?" you mumbled tiredly, shuffling so your head was resting on leah's chest, hearing her heartbeat beneath your ear as leah smiled happily in surprise at your request. "really?"
"yeah, always sends me to sleep." you continued, closing your eyes as leah rolled hers, carding a hand through your hair but doing as you asked, nails scratching at your scalp and the english captain chuckled seeing within a few short minutes you'd fallen right back to sleep.
desite the fact she actually enjoyed watching the golf much to your horror, a few holes in, she was ashamed to admit she joined you, eyes drifting closed.
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weird-is-life · 5 months
hii I have a rockstar!remus request where the reader is a massive fan of the Marauders band and she got front row seats (idk what instrument u prefer to have remus play but guitarist!remus lives in my head rent free) and he sees her in the crowd and when it's his guitar solo he just locks eyes with her and doesn't look away and then winks at her when he's done<3
Hiii ty for this cute request! Hope you like it and lovelies if you have some more request for rockstar!remus feel free to send them my way, warnings: fluff, mentions of concerts, (0.5k)
You've been a fan of The Marauders basically since they've started playing. But this is your first time at their concert, where you can actually see their faces in real life, not just through those huge TV screens.
You're standing in the front row, giddy as one can be. It all feels like some kind of fever dream being this close to the stage.
And something that makes it even better, it's that right in front of you is the bassist of the band, Remus Lupin.
He's definitely your favourite member of the band. With his soft face, kind looking eyes, devilish smile, wild hair, he's the perfect definition of a rockstar and that's basically why every single girl or a boy melts at the sight of him.
But even tho, you really love him, you aren't one of the girls, that will go crazy at the sight of him.
It's because you know, there's no fucking chance, that he'd ever look at you and think ' oh that girl is really cute, lemme ask her out'. You know, that's not happening, like ever, so you settle for enjoying the moment of just seeing him so close.
But something weird keeps happening during the show. Remus seems to be looking at you every now and then, or at least you think he is. Maybe you're just going crazy.
You try to not think of it, not wanting to be delusional. But when one of Remus's bass solos come on, you know for sure, you're ot imagining it.
Remus's is definitely looking at you. Like he doesn't break the eye contact the entire solo and it makes your cheeks go on fire.
You even look around you to make sure, he's not looking at somebody behind you. He's not.
And his smirking isn't helping the situation, like at all and by the time the solo is over, your cheeks are red as a tomato and a shy smile is stuck on your face.
What makes it even worse for you is when he winks at you at the end of it. You have to actually hold on to the railing just so you don't loose your stability, suddenly feeling like some silly fangirl.
And that handsome bastard just chuckles at your stunned, sheepish face.
For the rest of the concert, you try your best to calm down and to bring your stupid hopes down. It feels impossible tho.
And finally, the last song ends and you can go to your hotel room to take a cold shower to get rid of the permanent flushed cheeks.
But your hope of doing that dissappears just as quickly as it came, because one of the bodyguards hands you a folded paper. It's written in a messy handwriting, that you don't recognise, but you easily guess who's it from.
Thank you for being a great view for me, dove. Your dance moves and smile made my evening, hell the entire week probably. So thank you. See you soon hopefully ;)
Love, R.L.
Bravely, you scribble your phone number with a short note on the other side of the paper and quickly run out of there. Cheeky smile now paints your face as you make your way to the hotel and surprisingly, when your phone vibrates with a notification, you know it's him, it's from Remus.
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ginevrapng · 6 months
Hiii<3 im sorry, can you write something about george? I dont know, something sweet? I feel like he is like that, and i miss him so much and i love your writing so i kinda wanted to ask for that, it is totally okay if you dont do it!! Just want to say i love your writings<3 they made me feel like im living your stories, its just soo good<3 oh and sorry for my english it's not my first language
hi<33 hopefully you like this! i decided to write a sweet best friend to lovers with george. i love him so much and i feel like this trope fits him really well. {contains slight angst but blink and you'll miss it
i'm really glad you like my writing, i love to hear that it! your english is really good by the way<3
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george weasley is your best friend. you met at hogwarts in your second year and by your fifth year your feelings for your best friend were less than platonic. it's frustrating being in love with your best friend, you know it's wrong and he doesn't think of you that way but at the same time you don't really blame yourself george is amazing and it's no wonder you fell for him.
george loves you and it's so obvious to everyone, at least everyone that isn't you. george is sweet and kind but with you he takes it to another level yet you're so oblivious. he's your best friend of course he's going to be more touchy with you, right?
george always pulls you towards when you're walking down corridors together, he puts his arms around you and brings you to his side when you're sitting next to each other but in your eyes it's just george being comfortable around you. he even kisses you cheek and forehead and you brush it off. george is incredibly tender with you, holding your hand gently and complimenting you everyday. "you look very pretty today love" and "another o? you're so clever sweetheart." you think those affectionate nicknames are just between best friends though, you do call him georgie when the only other person who does so is fred.
he spends his spare time with you and makes time for you between pranking. george loves it when you help him with his pranks by giving him ideas, he knows you typically try to stay away from getting properly involved worried that you'll get into trouble but he loves when you praise him about how brilliant his pranks are and how creative he is. george always makes sure that fred doesn't prank you, the last time fred pranked you was in their third year and george was pissed off, not wanting to talk to him for days. it was a harmless prank but he didn't want you to be the target of their pranks.
george comforts you whenever you need it, sometimes you can get emotional and he'll be your support. if classes are getting you down he'll be there next to you, holding you in his arms after class while you lay on his bed while he tells you about how rubbish the teacher is and how stupid the subject is, "don't let it get you down sweetheart, so what if you got a d in astronomy? sinistra is just terrible, she's even worse than snape." you knew he didn't think that but it still brought you comfort.
if someone says something mean to you they'll suffer with some harsher prank. when he overheard zacharias smith talk bad about you he made him pay the next quidditch match the gryffindors had with hufflepuffs, george focuses more on aiming any bludgers towards smith than any other hufflepuff.
george knew you'd always be friends, no matter how many hints he gave, you'd only see him as your best friend. sometimes he thinks he has a shot when he swears he sees you look at him the way he looks at you but he dismisses it. he's happy to be your best friend and he hopes that however you end up will treat you well, just as long as you don't end up liking... "i can't help it, i know i should be trying to get over him but i love him so much." he hears your voice. "he's just perfect, he's so sweet and always looks after me. he's so good at quidditch and he's so popular... i know i don't have a chance. his red hair is so hot and i lay in bed at night thinking about his lips." george hears the laughter of your friends and his heart breaks.
you deserve to be happy, you do, but the one person he wishes you didn't fall for was his twin. george feels like everyone prefers fred, george has felt second best all his life and at the end of the day george is insecure and you're one of the only person who knows this. he goes to leave not wanting to hear anything else you have to say. "he's my best friend." george immediately stops, "i mean it's george bloody weasley. he's amazing and i'm just me." george grins and he's so glad he took his time walking away before you carried on speaking.
at dinner that night he comes up to you and whispers in your ear, "come to the room of the requirement later love." you nod your head and later on you're worried that you'll get caught out of your common room after hours but you trust george and you'll risk getting into trouble if it meant spending time with him. when you arrive to the room of requirements you're shocked by the display. george has set up a midnight feast with hot chocolate for you both to warm you up, a blazing fire, a big comfy sofa and big bed. basically a big room where you can relax for the night with george. "this is amazing georgie."
george's heart is beating incredibly fast as goes to stand next to you. "i'm so glad you think so." you see pink dusting his cheeks and wonder if the room is too warm for him. he gently picks up your hand and places it on his chest where you can feel his racing heartbeat. your eyes widen as you get worried but before you can ask him if he's okay he starts speaking. he cups your cheek in his his hand, "i love you," he presses a soft kiss on your lips causing you to gasp at his confession.
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lucy90712 · 12 days
Young parents- Marc Guiu
Finding out you are pregnant at 17 and then giving birth at 18 is not exactly the normal life course and it's definitely not how I expected my life to go but that's exactly what happened. My boyfriend Marc and I were always careful and used protection but we were unlucky and somehow I still got pregnant. We had to have a hard discussion on whether we wanted to keep the baby or not as we are still young but in the end we decided to keep the baby as Marc could still play football and I could do school online. Navigating my pregnancy was difficult as we didn't want to tell too many people as I didn't want the judgement from any more people than necessary. Pretty much everything that could be kept secret we kept hidden, we didn't tell people the gender and we didn't tell anyone my due date so that we had a bit more privacy which is what I wanted the most. 
Our beautiful baby boy Benji was born only 3 weeks ago but already Marc went back to training in fact he only got a few days with me before he had to go back leaving me alone with Benji from very early on. To say it's been difficult is an understatement of course newborns need constant attention so I never get chance to sleep as he keeps me up all night and during the day I have work to get on with. For the first few days I was ok and I found a bit of a routine but the last week has been testing, Benji hasn't been sleeping as well and he's been feeding almost constantly which has been really hard. 
I know it's the hormones but since Marc left us this morning at 7am I've been bawling my eyes out. Benji barely slept all night and now I just can't get him to settle even after feeding him, changing him rocking him he's still crying. I'm going insane listening to the sound I hate hearing him cry I feel like I'm failing as a mother because I can't calm him down. After trying pretty much everything I decided that I just need to get out the house even if it's only for about 20 minutes I need some fresh air to reset and hopefully clear my mind and maybe if I'm lucky it will make Benji stop crying. 
Getting him in the stroller was difficult as he didn't stop crying and wriggling but we eventually got out the door and started our slow walk around town. By some miracle Benji stopped crying and started falling asleep in the stroller which made me feel so much better until I noticed that pretty much everyone on the street was staring at me. There was so many eyes on me that I felt the need to put the cover down over Benji so he didn't have so many eyes in him because a 3 week old baby doesn't need that. When the stares didn't stop it was quite clear that people were looking at me and judging me which I already experienced when pregnant but it feels a lot worse right now. 
All I can imagine is that all these people think I'm way too young to be a mum because I am young but I know I look a few years younger than I am. They probably think I'm incapable of taking care of Benji and honestly part of me is inclined to agree I mean all morning he's been crying and I've been crying as I don't know what I'm doing. The longer I kept walking the more I felt judged I even saw people whispering to each other after looking at me and I've never felt so self conscious than I did in that moment. It got to a point that I was feeling worse outside of the house than I was inside so I decided to make my way back home so I can cry in the comfort of my own space. At a crossing I felt this older woman burning holes into the back of my head until she came and stood next to me and I could feel the judgement before she even managed to express her opinion. 
"Aren't you too young to be a parent kids these days are so irresponsible all having babies before they are ready and they can't even look after them properly there is just no hope for the future if kids like you keep having babies" she ranted at me 
"I imagine your so called boyfriend left you to take care of the baby too god you are all the same" she continued 
That was the last straw for me I wasn't about to fight back because I don't have the energy and I'm simply not that type of person instead I just walked away to find a new way home. I've never walked so fast in my life as I just wanted to get home because as soon as I did the tears were back and I just sat on the floor. Looking at the stroller I couldn't help but think that maybe I'm setting my son up for failure I'm not prepared enough to be the best parent for him and Marc can't be around all the time so maybe he would be better off with someone else looking after him. 
While sitting on the floor the front door opened and Marc came in, with everything that's happened today I lost track of time so I didn't realise Marc would be home so soon. I scrambled to wipe the tears from my face and get Benji out of his stroller so Marc didn't think I was neglecting our child. Before I could do that Marc grabbed Benji and held him in one arm before brining me to his chest with the other. He somehow managed to soothe both of us he helped calm me down and got Benji back to sleep. If I didn't feel like a bad mother before I definitely did after that it's been 3 weeks and my son already hates me. 
Marc put the baby in his little crib that we have for him in the living room before coming to sit on the sofa where he instructed me to sit so he could go back to cuddling me. His hand ran through my hair getting all of the knots out before putting it up with the hairband I keep on my wrist at all times. For a little while I felt we were back to how we were before the baby but then I heard Benji make some of the little sniffling noises he makes when asleep and I was brought back to reality. 
"Whats wrong love what's happened to make you so upset?" Marc asked 
"I've just had a bad day Benji didn't sleep last night as you know and he was crying all morning and I just couldn't get him to settle so I decided to get out for a walk to see if some fresh air would help us both but everyone stared at me and someone berated me at a crossing for being too young and not being able to raise him properly" I rambled 
"Oh cariño you should've text me I could've come home earlier to help out you don't have to do this alone I'm here to help you and for the record that person was wrong we might be young but you are the best mum if you weren't you wouldn't be so upset right now" Marc said 
"I just can't deal with the judgement I want to go outside and not have to deal with everyone looking at me assuming things I already feel like a bad mum I don't need strangers telling me that too" I chocked out 
"It's horrible I know but you need to ignore them which I realise is hard but those people don't know you like I do and they don't see how hard you are trying to be the best mum possible because if they did they wouldn't judge you" he comforted 
"How about you come to my training sessions with me it means you get out the house I can help you out a bit more and no one there will judge you what do you think?" He asked 
"I actually like that idea it will be nice to leave the house and see all the guys" I said 
Marc woke me up gently this morning so that I could get up and join him at training he even got Benji out of his crib and got him ready for the day so I could shower alone which is a luxury these days. Having a few minutes to myself was so nice but it really was just a few minutes because once I was dressed and had brushed my hair I went downstairs and had to feed Benji because Marc can't do that. While I sat with Benji Marc made breakfast us both and he made sure I had a balanced breakfast which I definitely haven't had since Benji arrived as I usually just grab whatever I can if I even have breakfast. I even got to take my vitamins which have been neglected recently but if I can actually take them I might feel a little less dead each day. 
So far this new routine is so much better I'm not as stressed and there hasn't been any tears from me or the baby which is a significant improvement. Marc even put the baby in the car and still managed to open the passenger door for me like the gentleman he always is. He drove the back way to the training ground so that we could avoid the streets where fans would be stood wanting signatures or pictures. We decided that we didn't want to show Benji on social media more than just his little hand to announce his birth so avoiding fans who could take pictures of him is what we want. Luckily we completely avoided all that and arrived at the training centre with no issues and even a bit earlier than Marc would usually arrive as he didn't have to stop for ages.
We slowly made our way into the training centre because I'm still recovering so can't walk as quickly as I did before. Walking slower also meant we had more time to talk about what it will be like when the whole team meet Benji, Marc told me that he's talked about Benji non stop and the boys are excited to meet him but they know they have to be careful as he's still small which made me feel a lot better. On our way to the locker room we saw lots of staff who all congratulated us and others asked how we were doing. That's something I love about this club everyone gets along and cares about each other every time I came to training with Marc while pregnant someone checked on me and asked if I needed anything plus all the boys were so lovely. 
Marc left me with the baby as he went into the locker room to make sure everyone was decent before opening the door to allow me inside. It was so quiet when I walked in which is very unusual but it was because they were all so excited to meet Benji but didn't want to wake him up. I put the car seat down and gently took Benji out and gave him to Marc who went straight to Hector because he's the person who Marc has confided in the most throughout everything. Watching how Hector and all the others interacted with Benji nearly made me cry, no one else has met Benji until now and I was worried about how it would go but clearly everyone loves him.  With my permission Marc let the guys hold him and when he did he came back to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed a kiss on my temple. 
"Isn't this so much better" he said 
"It really is everyone here is so nice and supportive and I get to see something other than the four walls of our house" I said 
"I'm glad you are happier you can come with me everyday if you want or just a few times a week it's up to you but everyone here will be happy to see you and they won't judge at all" he said 
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sillywittleprincess · 2 months
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Modern AU Mahito x fem reader
Warnings: SMUT, dub-con (reader is intoxicated), inexperienced reader, sub reader, fingering, teasing, use of the word slut (once), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, semi-public sex, not beta read
Word count: 4.2K
It has been a long week of cramming homework and you needed a break. Needed something to distract you from the hell they call college. You decide to text your friend Nobara to see what she's up too. Despite being a year younger than you, she already doubles you in popularity and always knows when there's a party.
Hey girl! Sorry we haven't seen each other much this week, professor nanami has no mercy when it comes to assignments.
Haha you're all good gorgeous. What's up? You texting me out of the blue is like hell freezing over.
It's not like I NEVER text first. But you're right, something is up.
LMAOO why did you phrase it like that 😭
Shhhh! Anyways, do you know if any parties happening tonight? Like ones where I won't get kidnapped?
Oooh quiet y/n is entering her party era?!
Yeah I'm actually going to a party tonight with Maki. I'll send you the address ;)
How'd you convince Maki to go to a party with you 😭
Also thanks girl! When does it start?
She doesn't know she's coming yet, but you know I'm dragging that girl by her ear to come with me :P.
And it starts at 8, so that gives you time to get ready. Hopefully I'll see you there girl!
Hopefully <3
You look at your phone again and see that Nobara has sent you the address. You smile at the message, she's such a good friend. The clock on your phone says it's 6:58pm so you decide to start getting ready now so you don't run late.
You first pick out your outfit. "Something cute but not too showy...." You think to yourself.
After rummaging through your closet for a few minutes, you finally find an outfit that you like. A pleated black skirt that goes down to your mid-thigh, a light pink oversized sweater, some white leg warmers, and some Mary Jane's that you bought online a few years ago.
You put on your cute and casual party outfit and press the power button on your phone, looking at the time.
"7:11" you say aloud to yourself. You walk over to the vanity in your room and sit on the chair, looking in the mirror. You didn't look bad at all, you just wanted a extra cute factor.
You turn on some music and open your makeup bag, finding yourself in your own world. You flinch slightly when the dollop the cold moisturizer onto your face before quickly rubbing it in. Then you reach for your blush, rubbing your brush against the powder compact before buffing in onto your cheeks. You also put a little on your chin to blend out the duller color it has compared to the rest of your face.
Then you grab your highlight and fanning brush, rubbing the brush in the glitter. You swipe the brush above your blush before dabbing your finger into the glitter. You put some on the inner corners of your eyes, on the cupids bow of your lips and on the tip on your nose.
Then you dig your hand in your bag and grasp onto your tube of mascara. You swipe of one layer of it before checking your phone once again.
"7:30..." You think out loud to yourself. "I should probably start on my hair."
You find your comb on your vanity and brush through your hair after fixing your part that got messy during the day. You put your hair into a cute half up, half down style, bringing the front two strands of your hair loose so they can frame your face.
You grab your phone and look at the time. The clock says 7:39pm. You turn off your music and look around your room. The floor is covered in clothes.
"I clean it up when I get home" you think to yourself.
You spritz on a few pumps of your favorite body spray before giving yourself a once over in your full length mirror. You definitely look cute.
You type in the address that the party will be at. It's a 18 minute walk, but you've walked further in worse weather so you'll be fine. You sigh softly as you exit your dorm and lock the door behind you.
The walk wasn't actually that bad. You wished you had your headphones with you but your thoughts were enough to entertain you on the walk to the house. You realized when you arrived that the party was at a frat house. It was to be expected, I suppose.
You check your phone, and 8:00pm stares back at you. Getting there the moment the party starts is a little embarrassing but that just means you get first dibs on drinks.
You knock on the door and you hear music blasting from behind the thick wood. A few moments later the door opens and you see a man that looks slightly familiar.
"Oh...I didn't expect to see you here y/n". The male in front of you says in a slightly surprised, but monotone voice. You give him a once over and it hits you. Two messy buns, pale skin, black stripe tattooed on his nose. Choso Kamo! A quiet boy in your English class.
"Hi choso. Am I here too early?" You ask, hoping he'll say no.
"Nah you're good. We finished setting up a while ago. There are a few people who can earlier than you if that helps you feel better." He gives you a soft, comforting smile then opens the door wider so that you can pass through. "Come on in"
You thank you and walk inside, the music blasting loudly. You swear you feel it vibrating in your bones.
"I'm on door duty but you make yourself comfortable okay?" Choso says a bit more loudly than before so you can hear him over the music.
"Thank you choso. I hope that I see you later." You also say in a louder pitch before waving him goodbye.
You look around the living room and see a few people either scrolling on their phones or talking with their friends. That reminds you of Nobara. You pull out your phone to text her
Hey I'm at the party. Where are you and Maki at?
Damn girl, you got there early. I wasn't planning on coming until 9. So just chill until I get there okay? Maybe get yourself a drink to pass the time.
You groan out. Now you're stuck in a new environment with nobody that you know. But you decide to take Nobara's advice and head towards the kitchen to look for some alcohol. And when you enter the kitchen the music becomes more mellow and that's when you see him.
Sitting on the counter in the kitchen in mahito. He is well known around campus for beating some guy into a pulp last year so absolutely no reason. You've always tried to avoid him in the hallways out of fear. This is your first time being in such close proximity with him. His casual outfit of baggy jeans and tight long sleeve shirt make him look approachable, but you know better.
Looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact, you open the fridge and see it's practically busting at the seams with booze. You're about to grab a can when you hear the sound of feet plopping on the ground.
"Hey...you looking for alcohol? The fridge is where we keep the cheap stuff so I wouldn't recommend it when we have better options."
His voice is a lot smoother than you thought it'd be. It seems to relax you, but only for a moment when you remember his reputation again.
"Um thanks for the heads up." You say awkwardly, still looking at the fridge. "Where is the not cheap stuff then?"
"Turn around and look at me and I'll show you" you can hear the smirk in his voice as he talks. Hesitantly, you turn around and look at him. He's tall, at least taller than you. The first thing that you notice is the stitches on his face. If they're real or fake, you're not curious enough to ask. Then your eyes drift from his face to his hair. He has such nice, long hair. You have to resist the urge to run your fingers through it.
"Ahh a girl who's not too afraid to look me in the eyes. That's quite rare these days." He says before sighing out dramatically. "Anyways, the good stuff is in the basement downstairs," his voice drops to a slutry tone. "Do you want to come with me to get it?" Then his tone changes once again to a more cheerful one, "that way, you can pick out what you want."
His constant change in demeanor confuses you. He seems to mean well but you can never be too sure. "That sounds good, just give me a moment"
Mahito smiles down at you as you pull out your phone, tilting it away from him so he doesn't see. You open you messages app and text Nobara.
Just so you know, I'm going to the basement with mahito to get drinks. If I'm not in the living room by 9, check in there to make sure he didn't kill me or something.
I turn my phone off and look at Mahito. "Sorry about that, I'm ready now".
Mahito shrugs, seeming not to care. "Follow me" he says before opening a door in the kitchen that you assumed was a pantry. But you stand corrected as you see stairs going down to a grey concrete floor.
You follow Mahito, closing the door behind you. You don't want anyone else to see that you're getting the good stuff and they're not. As you walk behind him down the stairs, the silence feels heavy. You don't know if it's awkwardness or fear of his reputation. Probably the second one.
When you finish walking down the stairs, mahito is already way ahead of you, opening a mini fridge. He kneels down to peer in. "So we have vodka, rum, some leftover champagne and a bottle of wine. The wine's mostly used for cooking but I'm sure the guys won't mind if a glass goes missing."
You nod as he lists off the multiple types of alcohol. "Can I have vodka?" You ask. Mahito hums in acknowledgement and grabs a small plastic bottle before handing it to you.
"It may not look like a lot, but this will get you drunk for sure." He says with a smirk.
You nod once again before twisting open the cap, taking a small sip. You cringe at the taste of straight vodka and Mahito laughs loudly in your face.
"Have you never drank before?" He asks in a teasing manner. This makes your eyebrow twist and you feel like you have to prove yourself. Without a moments hesitation, you bring the small bottle to your lips before chugging it, holding back your body's reflex to spit it out.
Mahito whistles lowly at your prideful action. "Wow, you could have just said no, but damn." Then his voice gets a teasing lit to it "you might wanna sit down. Can't have you wobbling up the stairs now can we?" He gestures towards a worn in looking sofa.
You're about to say that you're fine but then a wave of nausea hits you and you decide to follow mahitos advice. You slowly make your way towards the couch before plopping on it.
Mahito giggles and sits down next to you, leaving a cushion in between you too. "I didn't expect you to be so eager to prove me wrong pretty girl" he says, his voice still teasing. He lets out another giggle as you groan. "Don't worry, the nauseous stage will be over soon" he scoots closer to you to run his flat palm on your head, trying to comfort you.
You originally flinch when he touches you but your mind becomes as woozy as your body and you relax into it. There are a few minutes of silence, only broken by your heavy breathing. Despite your original fear of him you feel comfortable in this moment. "It's probably the alcohol, you think to yourself".
The comfortable silence is broken my Mahito suddenly speaking up. "Are you feeling any better?" You nod in reply, distracted by the comfortable feeling of Mahito's hand on your head.
Mahito chuckles. "You like my touch that much ,huh?" He says before pulling his hand away. You pout and look at him, wondering why he stopped.
"Put your hand back, it felt nice" you demand.
Mahito smirks. "Ohh so you're an honest drunk... how about this. You do something for me, and I'll go back to petting your head."
You may be drunk but you still know how dangerous that situation sounds, especially with a person like him. You bite your lip anxiously then say "before I agree, what exactly is it that you want from me?"
Mahito smiles at your question. "You're such a smart girl. I'll tell you what I want. I want you to do something that is truly unique to you. Something that will touch my very soul. What I want you to do..." he stops his monologue to look at you, reveling in your confused expression. "I want you to crawl into my lap and whisper your deepest desires into my ear. Will you do that for me sweet girl?"
The sexualness of his request makes you blush.
Mahito smirks when he sees you blush "Awe, are you embarrassed baby? I promise I won't do anything...until you want me to." His sultry tone makes you feel a tingle run down your spine.
You think about his request for a moment. Maybe it was the alcohol but it didn't seem like a bad deal to you. And he promised not to do anything.
"Okay... I can do that. B-but only if you promise not to judge me! And you have to promise that you'll go back to petting my hair!" You say looking directly into his eyes.
"I promise baby" he says bringing the hand the was once touching you to your hand, intertwining your pinkies. "See? I pinkie promise to keep my word. Now come here and crawl into my lap like a good girl." He says, removing his hand from yours and patting his thigh.
You awkwardly move so that you're straddling one on Mahito's thighs. You can feel how toned they are against your panties even though his jeans. "This is so embarrassing" you say, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as I feel my cheeks grow hotters.
Mahito sighs, enjoying the feeling of your weight on top of him. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about sweet girl. Just let it all out." He runs a finger up and down your spine, making you shudder.
You decide to get down to business right away, lowering your voice to whisper in his ear. "Well...I'm a virgin. I've never done anything too sexual before. So... it's my dream that when I do have my first time, it's with someone experienced that can help me and...take control." You shift my hips side to side, not knowing if you're doing it because you're anxious or because of the delicious friction that it provides.
Mahito smirks, his breath hot against your neck "Ah, a virgin. How quaint. I assure you, my dear, I have plenty of experience in this department. And as for taking control...you have no idea how much I enjoy doing just that." The long haired man grasps onto your hips, making you gasp. "And stop squirming baby. If you want I can relieve you later"
You blush at his words and stop shifting your hips. You decide to continue saying your desires, your hormones taking control over your mind. "And I've never...um...fingered myself. so I want someone to do that to me too."
Mahito hums softly in response, his voice low and seductive "Ahh, that's not the first time I've heard a girl talk about fingering." He runs his thumbs over the fat of your hip. "Very well, I shall do all those things for you. Now then, why don't you let your guard down and give me full control?"
You pull your head away from his neck and look at him with a slack jaw and wide eyes. It was probably the alcohol. It has to be the alcohol. That's the only reason why you were considering his offer. Yes, that had to be it. You can just blame it on the alcohol later.
"You'd...do those things for me?" You ask bashfully.
Mahito's smirk widens, his eyes filled with lust "Of course. I've been wanting you since I say your cute self walking into the kitchen looking to booze. And if getting to have you means fingering your virgin pussy until you scream my name in ecstasy...then so be it."
You whimper softly at his dirty words, going back to burying your face in his neck, feeling embarrassed and overwhelmed.
Mahito's hand gently massages hips, trying to soothe your nerves. "There's no need to be embarrassed pretty girl. You were born to feel pleasure, and it's my pleasure to help you find it."
You nod into his neck. "I know...I'm just not used to this. I don't even know how to start this..." You felt embarrassed and shameful about how inexperienced you were when it came to sexual encounters.
But as promised, Mahito was there to take the lead. Mahito's fingers moved up from your hips to your back, lightly trace designs, his touch gentle and soothing. "You can start by relaxing. Let all your muscles go lax, and let your body melt into mine. I'll take care of the rest."
You shivered when you felt his comforting words said against the skin of your neck. You do your best to do as he says, taking a few deep breaths and letting your muscles grow relaxed against his body.
Mahito hums softly, pleased with your response. "Good girl. Now let me see what else I can do for you."
You gasp when his hands make their way down again, but this time going slightly lower than your hips, massaging the gloves of your ass.
"Shhh it's okay" Mahito hums out, "I've got you".
As he says this, Mahito's fingers find the hem of your skirt, gently pushing it upwards. He then reaches your panties, his fingers tracing the outline of your virgin pussy, making your body tremble. "You're so wet for me already. Did talking about your horny thoughts get you all worked up?" He teased.
You whimper softly "sorry" you apologize, unsure of what to say. "that's a little embarrassing..." You didn't want him to get turned off by how unused your body was to this type of attention.
Mahito's fingers dip into your panties, feeling the slickness of your arousal. He smirks against your ear "Embarrassing? No, it's quite endearing baby. You're excited for me to touch you. To be honest, that's hot as hell."
His praise makes you want more. You try your best to stay relaxed like he said, but you can't help softly grinding your hips against his hand.
Mahito's fingers slip out of your panties pulling them to the side. Placing his thumb and forefinger on your cunt, he gently part your lips, teasing the entrance of your pussy "You want me to finger you? To make you scream my name in pleasure? Let everyone upstairs hear you?"
"Please..." you whine out, feeling yourself grow wetter at his words, feeling yourself clench around nothing.
Mahito's thumb presses against your clit, while his forefinger begins to slowly enter you. He goes slow, savoring the tightness and wetness of your virgin pussy "Mmm, you're so tight...so perfect," he groans out, throwing his head back. You followed in suit, slightly arching your back and moaning out a little more loudly and high-pitched than intended. The foreign object inside you feels new and different, but it definitely doesn't feel bad.
Mahito smiles, hearing the pleasure in your voice. He begins to move his finger in and out of you, faster and harder. "Come on...move your head. Look at the person who's making you feel good for the first time"
You do as he says, anything to keep him going. As you lean back to sit down fully of his leg he smirks at you. Only one finger was in and you looked a mess. You had a slight sweaty look to you and you were panting. It'd look like you had just finished running a marathon if it wasn't for your eyes, half-closed in pleasure. "I knew you'd be a good little slut for me."
You open your mouth to object but only a moan comes out as mahito slides in a second finger. The stretch was painful at first until he did something that made you grip onto his wrist. He curled his fingers inside you, hitting a sensitive spot that you didn't know you had.
"You like that, don't you?" Mahito questions, but it's more of a statement. "Being filled up by my fingers? Feeling me touch you where no one else has?"
You whine loudly and he pumps his fingers in and out of you. "It feels so good Mahito... I love it so much!"
Mahito starts to feel you clenching more tightly around him and he smirks. He rubs your clit with his thumb, having forgotten that it was resting there in the first place.
Your moans grow louder and louder and all it takes is one, two, three swipes of his thumb on your clit before for cumming on his hand.
But mahito doesn't stop. No, his smirk turns to more of a sadistic one and he pumps his fingers faster, rubbing his thumb against your clit in hard, fast circles.
"N-no!" You babble out. "I need a minute, I can't take any more"
Mahito chuckles as you beg. "You can and you will. You're a big girl. Remember when you chugged that vodka? I think you can give me one more."
You squirm your hips, trying to get away, but Mahito's other arm wraps around your waist, keeping you in place.
Your grip on his wrist tightens and you look at him with pleading eyes. "Mahito please stop! I feel like I'm gonna pee!" You sob out, tears of overstimulation pricking at the corners of your eyes.
You immediately regret saying that because mahito starts giggling like a psycho and goes as far as to add a third finger.
"W-wait..!" You try to start, but the second Mahito curls all three fingers inside you, a hot gush of liquid shoots out of your pussy. Some of soaks into Mahito's jeans and some socks into the plush couch you both are on top of.
You sob, hot tears of pleasure and embarrassment running down your face.
Mahito has stopped giggling now and looks at you in concern. He slips his fingers out of you and pushes you underwear back to its rightful place, though it is a little wetter than before you came down to the basement. "I'm sorry baby, was that too much?" He wipes his cum-soaked hand on the sofa and uses the other one to wipe your tears.
"I just... didn't know what was going on... everything felt like it was too much" you sniffled out.
Mahito frowns when he realizes that he's done something more than make you feel pleasure. He made you feel unsure. He brings his clean hand to the back of your head and guides you down so that your head in in the crook of his neck. "Shh it's okay...I'm sorry I scared you." He strokes your head, keeping his promise that he would do that afterwards.
You smile softly and you feel yourself begin to relax again. That was until the basement door slams open and you hear footsteps pounding down the stairs.
You turn around wide eyed, and you blush shamefully when you make eye contact with Nobara, Maki trailing not far behind her.
You see rage in Nobara's eyes as she takes in your appearance, disheveled hair, post-crying eyes, mascara smearing off. But then maki whispers something to her that you can not hear and you see Nobara sniff the air.
Her angry face turns into a lopsided smirk.
"No...fucking...way. I thought you were getting murdered down here but it turns out you were getting your back blown out!" Nobara laughs at her own joke and Maki looks at the two of you, pushing up her glasses before speaking. "Just so you know, it reeks of sex in here. You both should probably spray some air freshener before coming back up."
You smile awkwardly, feeling like your face is on fire. Mahito just laughs and wraps his arms around you before saying, "that's a good tidbit. But why don't you two girl go back upstairs now. And make sure to close the door. I wasn't quite done with y/n," he says with a smirk.
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swiftsdelucaa · 8 months
❛ 𝑴𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Lexie Grey x f!reader ♡
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: What if between two besties there could be more? Maybe it's weird, but when you fall in love anything doesn't matter anymore.
𝘼/𝙣: Ikk haven't been here for ages! But now I'm back with a fic for my favv <3
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Lexie Grey, beautiful, so sweet, such a good heart, she was an amazing girl, how couldn't you fall for her? It took a very little time, when you met her you already know that one day that girl would have been your girlfriend. Well, hopefully.
Everything she did did nothing but surprise you, there were no flaws with her. You were also close friends, you were always there for each other. She was a messy, but you loved that girl.
Lately, however, something had changed between you. When you met you no longer had long conversations, everything was different. And what worried you was whether things were changing for the better or for the worse. Now you talked more about patient cases. Neither about her daily crisis. Damn, you missed this too, often when she talked you just looked at her and get lost. She made you feel in an indescribable way, almost like when they say the butterflies on your stomach.
All you needed right now was just eating something, it had been a long morning and you didn't ate anything. You went to the hospital canteen with your friends, taking your time and thinking about all the little things that came in your mind.
"Where's Lexie, I haven't seen her today?" Meredith asked referring to you since you were always together. "Y/n?" She repeated as you haven't heard.
"Hm?" you came back to yourself.
"I just asked about Lexie, do you know where she is?" She asked again. You sighed.
"I honestly don't know..." you simply replied. She nodded, a little confused too. You looked around when you finally saw her arriving. Lexie.
"I'm gonna back working, see you later" you quickly greeted them, trying to follow her. You just wanted to clearing things.
You didn't want to seem suspicious but you were acting almost like a stalker right now. You arrived to the locker rooms, but apparently it was too late since she was already went away.
You tried to wander through the patient rooms when you saw her heading towards the nurses station. You walked towards her.
"Lexie" you called her.
"Oh, hey" she smiled. "Since you're here could you call Dr. Shepherd, my patient needs a neurological consultation" she asked focusing at her stuff.
I raise my eyebrows. "Really?" I ask crossing my arms. "Lexie, can I please know what's going on?"
"I'm, umh, I'm just doing my job" she said like nothing looked normal.
"Come on, you exactly know what I'm talking about" he places his things on the table and says nothing else. "So?" She just kept looking at you, then walked away.
You followed her, pretty confused. "Lexie!" She stopped when you called her.
She turned towards you, approaching, and grabbing you for kissing you on your lips. You were just so surprised, but damn, that was so good.
"Alexandra Grey" you whispered when the kiss ended.
"I'm sorry" she said as you still were very close. You laughed softly.
"For what?"
"I just didn't know how to- well you're my best friend, my person, and I-"
"I love you Lexie" you said cutting her off. She smiled softly, that smile you loved so much that you would have done anything to see it. "I thought the same, but I do, I want you to be more of a friend to me" you said with your hands on her cheeks.
"I'd love it" she said kissing you softly again.
Yeah, everything about your relationship changed, but that was in better.
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I'm Elliot, the depressed teen behind this blog :3 I'm transmasc and use he/they prns, please respect that
(It also takes me a hella long time to respond to dms I'm sorrrry😭😭😭)
My old blogs both got t worded (rip oscillating-fan-whore and oscillating-fan-whore2) (next time I'll be oscillating-fan-whore4!!)
This is a triggering blog, BLOCK DONT REPORT. Reporting makes my mental health worse and doesn't do jack shit, you can't report everyone, we always come back
(Note: nsfw adjacent posts are mentioned below cut, if you are an adult on this blog please read that section <3)
ed sh blog but also I post vents and abt my life outside ed and sh too :D
(More under cut)
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Anyways now that we've hopefully weeded everyone who doesn't like it out, hi guys ^^
☆I've had my ed since July of last year (23) but sh since 5th grade
☆I have (somewhat?) Diagnosed depression and anxiety and very possible autism (AKA I've been told by many people that I'm autistic, have like every trait, scored high on every pre screening test, but my mom refuses to believe it whenever someone tells her [which has happened multiple times but yk] ANYWAY-)
☆tics (probably tourettes but never dx)
☆no one irl knows
☆prone to typos
☆EMOTICON USER :3 :D ^^ :) :]
☆active red bracelet wearer
☆American :( [help us]
☆nebularomantic and sexual but no idea abt who I'm attracted to 💀 just attracted to my partner (? It's complicated) so somewhere around androsexual
☆suuuuuper Hannibal (nbc) fixated rn so like of you see a reference in my blog don't be surprised
☆sweetsp0>>>>meansp0 (unless it's good)
☆Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal NY is THE ED song trust
☆I'll make a tag list for recipes, lemme know if you want in :D
☆I won't send bcs coaches fuck off
☆open to an4 buddies tho :3
☆ngl a lot of posts about the state of my stomach (she hasn't been okay in years <3)
☆asks are welcome and encouraged (just don't be a bitch)
☆DMs are open but so is my right to block <3<3
☆I do occasionally post something NSFW adjacent abt my experiences in life (becuz I'm a horny teen with a partner get it together people) please keep in mind that I am still a MINOR and all of those posts have an 18+ DNI. 18+ are welcome to interact with every other post, but it's weird and uncomfortable on those kinds of posts. Me posting NSFW adjacent stuff is NOT an excuse to sexually harass me, especially if you are an adult.
Height: 5'4"
SW: >175 lbs
HW: >175 lbs
LW: 128 lbs (probs less let's be honest)
CW: 129 lbs (may will b my month)
UGW: 90 lbs (40 kg)
Bodyfat Percentage: 24.5% (moderately lean/ average)
BMI: 21.5 (Healthy)
[Current goals]
☆UGW by the start of next school year
☆111 lbs by end of/beginning January May (officially underweight for my BMI [18]) (or at least county fair)
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[I AM SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!]
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jwirecs · 9 months
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for august! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Dare You || @dontflailmenow🔞💕✅💯
↳ One dare. One night. One creepy, people-died-here, dilapidated house. Two reluctant explorers. Of course it’s Halloween.
Keep It Quiet || @jaemified🔞💕✅💯
↳ you and seungcheol never liked taking risks, especially with 8 of his 12 roommates home. but, up until your self control couldn’t handle it anymore, you both found it was best to keep it quiet.
Laundry Room || @ikigaisvt🔞💕✅
↳ in which your husband is really good at cleaning - and he looks hot doing so.
Taking Care of Their S/O having Foot Pain From Their Heels || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ Anon Req: heyy there! your blog is amazing <3 i recently went to a party and wore a new pair of very uncomfortable 4in heels for like five to six hours ( ended up getting cuts and blisters :’)) so may I request svt members reacting to s/o who tortured their feet in heels for a party? tysm<3 
Your Cherry Flavored Kisses || @hannyoontify💕✅
↳ as his mom always said, kisses are the best kind of medicine for boo-boos
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I Hate U, I Love U || @wonusite🔞💕💔✅
↳ After finally managing to escape the lifelong rivalry you once had with Yoon Jeonghan, you’re unexpectedly thrown back into the undesirable feud after receiving a scholarship to the most prestigious private school in the city. Despite your attempts to leave the past in the past, you discover too late that you’re the only one interested in letting the vendetta go. Years later, there’s a switch in dynamic when you’re the one unwilling to let it go.
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The Very First Night || @shuadrive💕💔✅
↳ the search for a new place to live takes a turn for the worse when the only person willing to split rent with you is your ex-boyfriend.
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Close Proximity || @chilligyu💕💔✅
↳ when she first met mingyu, she didn’t know what to expect. she was desperate for a roommate, he needed a place to stay. they were exactly what the other needed, in more ways than one.
Contusion Confusion || @seungkwansphd💕💔✅
↳ your clumsy lab partner left a bruise on you. seungcheol seems disproportionately upset by it, but it makes way more sense once you understand why.
Jihoon's Puppy || @rubyreduji💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ jihoon can’t seem to shake the puppy dog who keeps following him around or the teasing he gets for it
Kidult || @hoeforhao💕💔✅💯
↳ can trying to relive the childhood you never got to experience, through your daughter be the reason of your husband's irk?
Real Eyes, Fake Lies || @wooataes💕💔🔄💯
↳ What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
Willow || @wongyuuu💕💔✅
↳ seungcheol always knew that he was going to marry you, but things only get harder once he does (or in which seungcheol is just really dumb and doesn't know how to show his feelings)
Your Games Suck: Next Level || @onlymingyus🔞✅💯💯
↳ (no summary but just think, wonwoo and seungcheol???. yes please.)
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I'm Dating Woozi || @jihoonotes💕✅
↳ y/n is in a public relationship w/ woozi of SVTZ and decides to make a twitter acc to support jihoon, but SVTZ fans seem to think they're delusional.
Pang! || @kkumawrites💕💔✅
↳ You'd consider yourself a simple college student, a freshman who just wants to survive their first year - but things get complicated when you're suddenly falling for someone you definitely shouldn't be, especially since he has a girlfriend already.
Yearning || @jihoonotes💕💔✅💯
↳ for yn it was love at first sight, but for jihoon it was annoyed at first sight.. oops?
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[Tales From The Pack] Soonyoung: Imperfect || @gamerwoo🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Soonyoung has always been desperate to find his mate, often going out into town at night to fill the void of imprinting that he craves so much. Then suddenly, you (quite literally) appear in front of him. He’d always dreamed and fantasized about what having his mate would be like, but the reality is nothing like he expected.
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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jess-the-vampire · 3 months
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Minor Blood warning for pg 3-4
The Storm, part 1
Previous / Next
now we get into the real meat of a first meeting
where evelyn has to decide whether to save someone who might be bad news, or leave him behind and make things worse for herself, whether she did it out of kindness or her own safety, it at least opens to her to meeting caleb
at least she was nice enough to heal him while she was at it, hopefully he doesn't think about it too much.....
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Hi! Can I request reader getting comforted by Mercy, Ashe, Junkerqueen, and Moira? Maybe they fell while out on a walk or something and needs some love from their girlfriend? Or you can do what you want, I don’t mind. I’m just in love with these 4 😭
this is so cute 😭thank you for requesting! My computer has been a little wack but the problem is fixed! Hopefully I can get out some fics sooner!!!!
Mercy, Ashe, Junker Queen and Moira comforting their s/o
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-Angela sat in her office, filling out paperwork and typing numbers on her laptop. She barely noticed when you opened the door and called her name
-You decided to visit her office after a hard day. Your computer was still messed up from the last week IT promised you they would fix and you spill your coffee all over your desk with important paperwork. After waiting almost 2 hours, your computer was fixed but you were now swarmed with work
-After getting angry phone calls all day and sending emails, you just wanted to spend time your girlfriend. The last thing you need was to trip over your own shoes. You looked up and recognized some of Angela's assistants...that just watch you trip over yourself. They seem to be giggling while walking away
-That was your breaking point, eye stinging as tears threaten to fall from your eyes. You got up and speed walked over to her office, wiping your face hurriedly while sniffling
-When Angela looked up from her laptop, she saw that you were in tears, "Liebling, what's the matter?". You couldn't answer her, you just put your face in your hands and cried. It seemed her just asking what was wrong was the last thing to make you break down
-"Oh my baby...Come here mien schatz," She whispered, stretching her arms out for you to come sit on her lap. You immediately went to her and sat down. She rubbed your back, "Let it out, tell me what happened," she asked
-Through tears and sobs, you told her your day. The last bit of her of her assistants ticked her off, "I'm sorry about your day liebling...and I will say something to those two, don't you worry," she promised, moving your hair out of your face
-You gave her a smile, "Thank you baby, you're an angel," you said, giving her a kiss on the lips <3
-Elizabeth was having B.O.B run errands as she filled out some paperwork. Being head of a gang isn't easy work physically, but also financially
-You walked into her office unannounced, this annoys your girlfriend but after the shit you had to deal with? No, you need to be with her
-Earlier while training, you hurt your shoulder while shooting off a shotgun. What made the pain worse was her gang was laughing at you, pointing and rubbing it in
-You almost wanted to cry, the tears sat in your eyes, but you sucked it up and kept going. Even after training you were still teased, "I could see you were about to cry", "You were acting like a little bitch, it doesn't hurt that bad!", and "You're such a crybaby"
-The last comment hurt the most, you're not a crybaby...you just got hurt and it was a natural reaction to pain
-Ashe looked up from her work, "I told y'all to knock- Oh, hey sugar, what's wrong?" she asked, putting her work down. You shook your head, holding your shoulder, "I hurt myself.."
-"Aw pumpkin.." she got up from her seat, embracing you in a hug, "Tell me everything that happened," she cooed, kissing your forehead. As you explained the story to her, she cut you off, "What do you mean they were making fun of you?! I'll gut them like fishes!" she yelled, grabbing your hand and dragging to your shared bedroom
-Elizabeth had laid you down and put a heating pad under where you hurt shoulder is. She kissed your forehead, "I'll take care of this baby, you just lay here and I'll take care of ya. But for right now, I have some business to take care of.." she mumbled, kissing you before leaving the room
-You laid comfortably in bed, warmth embracing you as you heard you lovely, sweet girlfriend yell and scream at her gang in your honor <3
Junker Queen
-Again, again, and again. You were trying to weld two pieces of metal together but kept failing. For a couple weeks now you have been making your own armor and weapons
-You wanted to show off your own work and prove to the people around you that you are handy and can live in your junker town, but to also you're useful
-The sparks flying kept hitting your skin, making you more frustrated by the minute. Your forearms were almost burnt for sure due to the heat you were working with you. A stray spark flew and hit your shoulder, causing you to jump in pain
-Groaning, you threw the torch down and removed your mask. You were officially over this. You got up, almost stomping away like a child. You found your girlfriend slouching in her throne. Without saying a word, you sat in her lap and hid your face in her neck.
-"Woah..Hey babe, what's the matter?" she asked, awkwardly resting her hand on your lower back. You went on and explained your frustration, "I've been trying so hard, so hard...And I can't.." you choked, tears of built up frustration coming out.
-She wrapped her arms around you, "Aw baby...I know it's really hard, I never could do it in the beginning and that stuff does take practice. But for now take a break and relax, I got ya.." She whispered, kissing your temple
-Odessa let you sit in her lap and relax. She kept kissing your head and whisper comforting words you till you fell asleep. She decided to lay you down for the night. When you're in bed, Dez kisses your forearms, hoping her kisses would make your skin feel better
-When you woke up the next morning, you saw your armor that was barely assembled, built completely. You got up to examine the work, Odessa definitely saw your concept sketches and finished it for you <3
-Her lab was extra quiet today, nothing and no one was bothering Moira with her test. This was heaven... unlike her door opened
-She would've told that person to leave right away but she heard you pained voice, "Dear...why are you crying?" she asked you as you made your way towards her
-You were obviously crying, holding a towel over your hand, "I-I was making lunch and.. I cut my hand really bad and it's bleeding.." you sobbed. Moira saw the red stain on the pristine white towel
-"Oh gosh.." she mumbled, immediately taking you over to a clear table. She sat you up on the table, removing the towel, "You cut deep, no matter, I can fix what is broken..". Using her biotic grasp, she held your bleeding hand in her damaged one as the normal one sprayed out a yellow healing "spell"
-You felt a slight sting at the first but soon you started to feel more relaxed. You looked up at your lover, seeing her focus at her work
-"Thank you Moira.." you mumbled, feeling small as she meets your gaze. "It's my job to take of you..." she said, pulling away to dispose of the bloody towel
-You rubbed your now healed hand, "I know, but I still am thankful for you taking care of me...and I did interupt your quiet time," you smiled at her. She couldn't help but smile back, making her way back to you. She stood between your legs, her hands cupping your face, "I couldn't let anything happen to my one and only favorite person," she teased, leaning down to kiss you. "Now I can also spend of my 'quiet time' with you,"
-Moira picked you up, went and sat in her personal chair, and held you in her lap. It was hard for her not to go back to work, but she decided for now at least, she would hold you in her arms <3
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3 :)
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stop-talking · 3 months
So I guess I should do an intro post / fanfic masterlist
• I'm 20 yrs old, she/her, and obsessed with Josh Hutcherson. (Mike & Futturman especially have my heart)
• I'm new to writing, but I read like crazy and spend 90% of my time daydreaming up little stories about my favorite characters. Just using Tumblr as an outlet to get those little stories to the world.
• Feel free to request any fanfic related to a jhutch character. I'm most comfortable writing for Mike, Futturman, and Derek, but I'm willing to try to write for other characters. (Minus Peeta. Thinking about the Hunger Games makes me unreasonably sad & I'm not sure I know his character well enough to do him justice.)
My Works
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✩ Mike Schmidt:
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (18+)
Exactly what it sounds like. His babysitter goes missing, but he can't leave Abby home alone. Unfortunately, he's broke as fuck, and can't afford to pay someone to watch her. So... he calls you. He'll endure your bitchy attitude and relentless teasing if it means his sister will be safe. Somewhere along the way, endure turns to enjoy.
Fem reader; 10k words (total)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
No Abby, we're not getting ice cream.
Silly little one-off about the average shopping trip for Mike and Abby. He's just trying to get things for dinner, but Abby has other plans. Just Mike being the single mother that he is.
Mike's POV; 1.2k words
Read here
Open wide (18+)
Mike hasn't been to the dentist since he was a kid, but with his new job, and health insurance... he really has no excuse not to. One problem, though. He doesn't remember the experience being so... erotic? Is he insane, or is the attractive, young, dental assistant... hitting on him?
Gender-neutral reader; 2.8k words
Read here
Sleepless Nights
Abby is sure something's up with her brother. He's always been tired, sure, but ever since the events at Freddy's... well, he's gotten a lot worse. The stubborn man won't let her help, so she convinces him she's the one in need of comfort.
Abby's POV; 500 words
Read here
Gender-neutral reader; 2.8k words
✩ Derek Danforth:
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (18+)
You're hired by his mother as a last resort to try and get him sober. Alone with just him for three weeks, your job is to rehabilitate him.
Unfortunately, Derek sees you as his personal chef, maid, and whore. You flat-out refuse at first, but well, after so many days of only interacting with each other... The lines are a little blurred. something-to-lovers. It's complicated.
Fem reader; 22.9k words total (so far)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (Part 8 coming soon)
Derek sending you nudes while you're at work (blurb) (18+)
Read here
Older; not Wiser (18+)
Derek isn't the type to entertain 20-year-olds. Really, he's not. That is, until one falls right into his lap. Literally.
You're just so sweet and fun, how could he ever dream of saying no when you ask him to show you a good time?
Part 1 (Part 2 coming soon)
fem reader; 2.5k words
✩ Josh Futturman:
Win for me ♡ (18+)
You're tired of your boyfriend paying more attention to his stupid game than you. So, late one night, you take matters into your own hands. Literally. Hopefully his little gaming buddies don't mind hearing him moan into the mic...
Gender-neutral reader; 2.3k words
Read here
✩ Clapton Davis
Saturday School
(Request) "Imagine listening to music with Clapton while in detention... like sharing earbuds with him while y'all sit in silence. Then a cringe song comes on at the wrong time LMAO"
Gender-neutral reader; 2k words
Read here
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
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lettherebemonsters · 3 months
For Adam! What is one thing that you love about him in canon and one thing you dislike about him in canon?
What do you wish to see of him in the newest season? What develops do you wish to happen for him?
LOL I've been saving this one all day because it's gonna be fairly long. XD
What I love about Adam is that he's a dick but so lovable at the same time? I think it's a mix of his design is very round, Alex Brightman bringing that fun goofy quality to him and just Adam being....Adam, I guess.
Like, compared to Valentino, he's never outwardly abusive and never goes out of his way to physically hurt someone UNLESS pushed to it. Plus Lute with him are instant squad goals.
What I don't like about him in canon is how limited he is. I get that the show was crunched by Amazon to have barely enough episodes to do....anything really. And Vivz wanted to get a story out ASAP before she knew there was another season approved. But you can feel it with Adam. We're told ' oh he's so bad OMG so evil' but outside of the Exterminations.....how is he worse than Sir Pentious, who was BRAGGING about murdering people and wanting to enslave half of Pentagram City in the pilot.
Like Adam being an enemy is fine, I get it. But him ONLY being an enemy, since he's literally part of Genesis and a huge part of the overall structure of the Hazbin story just doesn't sit right with me.
What I wish for Adam in season 2 is definitely, well....more Adam. BUT I want him to be treated as not just yet another baddy. Unlike the Vees, Adam actually means something to the backbone of the lore. What the Hell are the vees compared to him? A bunch of punks who are trying to bully kids off the playground when big brother isn't there to stop it.
It's hilarious to think that we're supposed to think the vees are somehow BETTER than Adam even though they're literally just a bunch of whiny abusive pricks that enslave people and even rape them.
Bring Adam back and have him SUFFER. Have him be forced to eat so much crow that he's coughing up feathers by the time he ends up at the hotel. Don't make season 2 all about him but put him in the background and tease him being alive.
Have him shift from an arrogant prick to someone broken, desperate to go home, and Charlie having to swallow her anger at him to help him. Have Adam earn his way home by being forced to heal from the trauma he endured in Eden.
And have Lute and Adam find each other again. And have Lute find redemption in being forced to confront the fact that Adam is a sinner now, and that she can't hurt him. Have her become the Vaggie in her situation....because she fell in love with a sinner.
Hopefully by season 3 Adam would be established as a protagonist or even just an antihero. Kind of like Megamind. Just a guy who does the right thing but makes a big spectacle of it since he is the Dickmaster.
Have Adam get the attention he desperately needs from people who CARE about him. For HIM. Not for WHAT he is....but WHO he is. Have Adam find himself and not be part of an equation anymore.
If this sounds like Vegeta....yeah, basically lean him towards being Vegeta with the chaotic gremlin energy of Loki and Stitch.
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garglyswoof · 2 months
I was inspired by @push1na 's amazing klaroline version of Klimt's The Kiss and so wrote a ficlet inspired by it This is me writing on my phone in an airport lounge so hopefully it comes out ok <3
They come for him while the blooms are still bright, trampling them beneath an army of bootheels, and it's another point against them.
Because she loves the flowers, and he will have to get his minions to replant them when he crushes this threat. He often uses her own words, thrown at him with such vitriol years ago, just to see her eyes roll and barely hide the smile behind. But she's not here with him now. She is safe, he reassures himself.
It's only been a few years with her and he is greedy for a thousand of them. Last month he'd approached her here in this yard, in the suit she'd insisted he wear “for nostalgia reasons, obviously” with the blooms flowering their riotous colors in the golden light of sunset, and kissed her cheek as she stared at him with something that made his heart kick in his chest like a prey animal.
It was terrifying and joyous and his greedy, greedy heart cannot get enough.
He told her so, just a few days before, when he'd learned of this new vampire threat and sent her off to New Orleans despite her furious protests. He couldn't put it into words at the time, that losing her would break him worse than the hunter’s curse ever had. That to touch her was one thing, but to hear her spitfire words only made this stutter step in his heart worse. Instead he’d merely said ‘I need to keep you safe,’ and he knows it wasn't enough. 
He would enjoy his acts of contrition, truth be told, tangled in the sheets with his mouth tracing patterns on her skin.
The wind picks up then, ruffling his hair like it did her dress that golden-tinged summer evening, but this time it carries the scent of vampires instead of Caroline’s own. He keeps his pose casual, hands clasped behind his back, walking back towards the house and avoiding the wildflowers underfoot.  Let them think him clueless and weak, it made their destruction taste almost as sweet as the notes of jasmine in Caroline’s perf-
“Yes,” she replies, and he looks up at her, standing in the doorway, her sundress abloom with flowers to match the yard, and his greedy heart thumps.
“They're almost here,.love. If I - if I,” he can't even say it, as if speaking the words could manifest them. He feels the impotent rage rise up, knows his next words will push her away.
Her hand cups his shoulder.and squeezes before he can betray himself. “I know.  But you won't. And you can't ask me to stay away when you're the one in danger. So you're just gonna have to learn to trust me. Plus you just gave me that fancy mini fridge and Im spoiled by how good the wine setting keeps blood at the perfect temperature.”
He grumbles at this, because he doesn't get her choice of diet when she could have it fresh from the tap, but he takes the hand at his shoulder, admiring the glint of sun off of some ancient queen’s ring he'd bestowed upon Caroline, you’ll forgive him for not remembering who, and kisses the palm of her hand, her wrist. 
Her intake of breath is a revelation, as it always is, that she is just as affected as he is. It makes him think that perhaps this madness that takes hold of his greedy heart isn't one-sided. He hoards her gasps like jewels in a dragon’s den. 
The thought steels him and his eyes are wild as he turns to face the onrush that he knows is upon them. Her hand stays clasped in his own, for a moment, and if he has the brief thought of never letting go, it is one borne of a poet’s thoughts that he’ll remember for later, when the path of his brush traps their moments together.
The sun descends, but she still shines to him, monster’s visage above the blooms of her dress, the neckline covered in blood, her hand clutching a still-beating heart. He only has a moment to appreciate her, his brilliant blonde distraction, before he turns back to the fray.
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