#harry would still be really biased against slytherin
t1oui · 1 month
i don't think the hp next gen fandom talks enough about how percy's kids would be treated differently just because they're his.
like, the kids don't know why. neither do their cousins. they're just used to weird looks from their aunt and uncles and grandparents. they're used to fewer photos of their father and more jokes thrown in his direction. they're used to traits they share with percy being seen as a negative.
and maybe it's subtle. maybe their presents at christmas and birthdays aren't as personalized as the presents their cousins get, and maybe they don't notice at first because their parents always try to give them presents they'll definitely love. maybe at family get-togethers, every cousin has one of their favorite sweets made but percy's kids were never asked. but they don't notice this, either, because percy makes a big deal of them baking their favorites together when they get home.
no matter the way you look at it, with percy and audrey or percy and oliver, with percy in gryffindor or slytherin, his kids would've been treated differently by their family.
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rewritingcanon · 8 days
If you don’t mind me asking? why do you believe that Slytherin is a terrible house? Draco was an asshole and some of the other Slytherins(Crabbe, Goyle). although throughout the entire series the golden trio were practically bullies to most Slytherins for no reason(more so in the books)? Slytherins at hogwarts were usually mistreated due to their reputation of producing dark wizards, as if Ravenclaw doesn’t have almost just as much 🙏 plus how biased the entire school facility were with Slytherins, honestly i wouldn’t expect Slytherins to act the best when the whole schools against them.
And Slytherins being bullied or mistreated isn’t a new thing, especially by Gryffindors(Ex; Golden trio, marauders, fantastic beasts).
And whats your take on Ron? i’m a bit meh on him, as he was a good friend although i still can’t forget or excuse him
-Bullying first years
-Abusing his Prefect status
-Almost calling Ginny a slut
-abusing Crookshanks
kinda confused a bit because i don’t remember ever calling slytherin a terrible house lol. i’ve said that slytherin was written with the mind to make it a bad house, with all its characters being pretty morally bleak. hp is not supposed to be very morally complex, all the work in that is mostly credited to fandom.
as readers, we’re positioned to sympathise with the golden trio being mean to slytherin characters more because they have the moral leverage of not being blood purists or terrorists. maybe harry had no reason to go after them at first, but hermione definitely had as a muggleborn, and ron was constantly getting slandered for either being poor or a blood traitor. granted, this was all mostly from draco. the other slytherins are one-dimensional characters who serve as his lackeys, there’s not one that’s properly fleshed out except maybe severus snape and even that’s iffy for a lot of fans.
yes, ravenclaws did have death eaters, but not to the same extent that slytherin was producing them. most death eater characters have unconfirmed houses, the only ravenclaw we actually know to be a death eater is quirrel and thats it. so they’re actually tying with the amount of death eaters gryffindor produces (pettigrew), not slytherin. everyone else— lestranges, blacks, malfoys, crabbes, snape etc— are slytherins. this is unsurprising as salazar slytherin literally wanted to gatekeep his house from progressive and inclusive ideals.
i have many gripes with the oppressive world jkr has written— i don’t think she understands how oppression operates because i agree with what you say about most of the hogwarts staff treating the slytherins like shit. in reality, the ones who are oppressed should be the ones discriminated against, but in the hpverse you see the oppressors getting treated badly. im not saying i think slytherins should be presented as the oppressed, its just horrid writing on her part.
i really like ron, i think he’s a really well fleshed-out character with realistic flaws and a good arc. i cant remember when he bullied first years and i don’t remember him abusing his prefect status in any extremely terrible way that would lower my opinion of him. i do remember him almost slut-shaming ginny, and though i think it was terrible of him i also think it was a realistic thing to say from an older brother to a younger sister in the 90s. i have a younger brother and you should clock some of the arguments we’ve had over the years in the 2020s. it’s within the same vein. ginny was pressing on ron’s sore spots as little siblings do, and ron was attempting to compensate by biting back in any way he could. it was realistic to me. and its been a while since i read the books but ron bitching about crookshanks read as comedic. granted, i was like 11 years old when i read them, but i remember thinking it was justified because to ron, crookshanks was literally trying to kill his pet. he’s not going to be chill around something thats tried to eat his rat multiple times. when someone is attacking your pet, you get scared and angry and try to fight back in defence of your pet because you want to deter that animal from trying anything like that again. they obviously can’t understand you if you simply lecture them. i once had to do something similar (i did not physically fight anything though LOL) when i got a new cat, and our neighbour’s cat would constantly attack and injure him every time we let him outside. and that was a cat v cat, this is a little mouse versus crookshanks 😭😭
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Lost Part 2
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 1 
Pairings: Regulus x Reader 
Rating: M- Regulus is still being an angsty emo kid and isn’t playing nice. Light mentions of smut 
Song in the beginning/end: Circles by Post Malone
Let go I got a feeling that it's time to let go I say so I knew that this was doomed from the get-go
You thought that it was special, special But it was just the sex though, the sex though And I still hear the echoes (The echoes) I got a feeling that it's time to let it go, let it go
Seasons change and our love went cold Feed the flame 'cause we can't let it go Run away, but we're running in circles Run away, run away
I dare you to do something I'm waiting on you again So I don't take the blame Run away, but we're running in circles Run away, run away, run away
You stormed out of the dungeons and up the stairs. At the moment, you wanted to storm back down the potions classroom and slap Regulus. This desire was totally out of character for you. Sure, you wanted to smack James and Sirius sometimes for their antics but usually, it was all in good fun. Regulus, however, was bringing out a side of you that you didn’t even know.
This is why you don’t need to be in love with him. It would just be toxic and you won’t be yourself.
You thought as you shoved your red hair out of your face. Remus’ words of “you’re not a doormat” returned to your mind. Remus was the only one that was aware of your affair with Regulus and didn’t hesitate to express his concern. That was his job as your best friend. He looked out for you since Regulus clearly didn’t want the job anymore.
“I’m not a doormat. I’m not a doormat. I’m not a doormat.”
You chanted before running headfirst into a hard body. Looking up you immediately blushed to see Gavin McDonald in front of you. He was the one Ravenclaw boy that you would consider throwing out your morals as you did for Regulus.
“Y/n, hey.”
He said, cheerfully before reaching down to pick up the romance novel that you dropped. You blushed as he read the title.
“Good book by the way.”
He said as he put it back in your waiting hands. You blinked a few times.
“You’ve read it?”
Gavin nodded.
“Nothing wrong with a good romance novel. I thought that you had potions this period.”
You huffed. The last thing that you wanted to do was explain to Gavin why you were so frazzled. It would be embarrassing to say “oh, Regulus Black called me a clueless tart but I still adore him.” That would probably destroy any chance that you had as far as a date would go.
“I got finished early.”
You replied with a bright smile. Gavin ran a hand through his black hair.
“Slughorn has nothing but amazing things to say about you.”
You blushed again.
“I think he is a bit biased. So, Gavin, Hogsmeade is this weekend...would you like to go with me?”
Gavin’s smile fell as he looked around the hallway for any sign of Regulus Black. The last thing that the Ravenclaw wanted was to face off with the Slytherin boy with a bad attitude.
“I can’t. It's not that I don’t want to. You are a really lovely girl, Y/n...I’m just scared of Regulus Black.”
You felt your mouth drop. What in the fresh hell was going on? Just what had Gavin been told?
“What does he have to do with anything? He isn’t my boyfriend or anything. We aren’t even friends.”
Gavin shrugged.
“But you were.”
“Yeah, the keyword is “were.” He and I haven’t properly talked in over a year.”
Gavin sighed again. This was going to be a harder conversation than he expected. He hated the thought of breaking your heart. You were a sweet and kind girl that deserved the best in the world but the Slytherin boy lurking around the corner at the moment watching Gavin’s every move was enough to scare him off. Gavin winced when he saw Regulus’ gaze narrow on him.
“You don’t seem to understand. When a Slytherin claims a Hufflepuff it’s for good. You were his companion for a long time. The last thing I want is to have my face bashed in.”
You blinked a few times. Claimed? What? Where in the hell were you when this happened and why weren’t you clued in on this little fact?
“Gavin, I do not have any ties with Regulus Black and he doesn’t like me. Yeah, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs are extremely compatible but Regulus and I...well...we would kill each other.”
“Regulus is a scary dude.”
Gavin confessed before looking at Regulus again. The other boy had been joined by Barty Crouch Jr and Severus Snape. All three were watching with matching scowls.
You, meanwhile, not realizing that you were being watched like a hawk, sighed.
“Fine. I understand but I assure you I am nothing to him.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Regulus and his friends walked by. You noticed the colder than normal expression on Regulus’ face as he pushed Gavin out of his way.
“Move, McDonald.”
He snapped, ignoring your presence completely. It wasn’t until he was about six feet away did he turn and meet your frowning face. Smirking, he turned back to his friends laughing about the stupid expression on Gavin’s face.
“Excuse me.”
You muttered to Gavin before going after Regulus. He had no idea that you were behind him when you shoved him out of your way.
“Watched what the fuck you are doing…”
Regulus started to say but stopped when you pushed past him. What possessed you to something so bold was still beyond you.
“Evans, you idiot!”
He yelled. You turned as Snape reached out to tug Regulus back.
“Freaking leave me alone and stay out of my business.”
You said, keeping your voice calm. Barty started laughing.
“Fiesty little mudblood.”
Your wand was out and pointed right at Crouch. Again, you had no idea what you were doing but your temper was starting to get you places. You knew that Crouch was a blithering idiot and depended on his friends to make sure that he passed school. If push came to shove, you could defend yourself.
“Oh, shit.”
Snape muttered meeting Regulus’ own surprised expression. None of the boys had seen you ready to take someone out before. Whatever set you off must have been bad!
Moments later, Remus and Sirius stepped out of an empty classroom and froze at the sight in front of them. Had they not see it with their own eyes, they would have never believed that you were about to hex someone. The sweet shy little girl that gave the best hugs and “sad time” presents was starting to act like them.
Remus questioned. You turned to face your best friend as Sirius’ eyes flickered to his brother. He had a feeling that this was caused by Regulus somehow even though Crouch was the one about to get hexed.
“It's okay, Remus.”
You said, softly. Sirius reached out and carefully pulled you back.
“Whose ass am I kicking?”
You were tempted to say “your brother” but decided against it.
“No one. They aren’t worth it.”
You replied before putting your wand away. Remus held out his arm in hopes that whatever had your knickers in such a twist would stop. You wrapped your arm through his before letting them lead you off. Sirius smirked back at his brother. Regulus gave him a dirty look that made Sirius chuckle.
“Boy, you sure showed them.”
You took deep even breaths as Sirius and Remus led you into the castle to where Lily and James sat. Both looked up and immediately knew something was wrong by the expression on your face. Remus looked as grim as you did while Sirius was grinning like a proud parent.
“What’s wrong?”
Lily asked immediately. The last thing that she wanted was for something to be happening to her favorite sister. James put his water down.
“Whose ass am I kicking?”
Sirius shook his head.
“I just had ringside seats for the event of the century. Our little mini-red was about to hex Crouch. My stupid brother and Snivelly looked like they were ready to shit their pants. It was epic! I’ve never seen our little nerd flip like that before.”
Lily was genuinely startled by the words that left Sirius’ mouth as she turned to you.
“Y/n, is this true?”
You sat down beside your sister in a huff before nodding.
“Yes, Crouch made me mad. Well, it started with Regulus...the butthead.”
Lily raised an eyebrow. She always had a suspicion that your friendship with Regulus was a little more than friendly but was never able to confirm it. As much as she hated your friendship with Regulus, she tried to look the other way. She, after all, was friends with Snape so who was she to tell you not to take up with Slytherin boy?
The protective sister in her, however, wanted nothing more than to go find Regulus and ask what happened. Lily knew that your friendship with Regulus had fallen apart after he started making some not so savory friends. As much as she wanted to be thrilled that it was over she couldn’t help but feel sorry for you at the same time. You missed Regulus and she knew it.
Lily didn’t realize just how much that you missed Regulus. You were fuming as you thought about him again. He didn’t deserve your love nor did you deserve the heartache that you were being put through.
“Why do I miss him?”
You thought sadly as you looked down at your lap. Hell, you missed everything about him! You missed the way he frowned when reading something, his protective nature, and as silly as it sounded the sound of his heart beating.
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts by Regulus’ voice. Looking up, you frowned meeting Regulus’ impatient expression.
“What do you want, Black?”
Lily snapped. Regulus didn’t even look at Lily.
“I’m not talking to you.”
James jumped up. He didn’t mind fighting Regulus. The little jerk, for whatever reason, developed a horrible attitude and needed to be reminded that he was human like everyone else.
“You’re going to talk to me. Leave Y/n alone. She is not a doormat.”
Regulus’ cold gaze turned to James. His dislike for James Potter was clearly evident on his face.
“Fuck off, Potter.”
“No, you fuck off!”
James yelled back. You sighed before putting your face in your hands.
“Just go away, Regulus.”
Regulus shrugged before narrowing his attention back to you.
“We have a potions project to complete. I am not failing because it's your time of the month.”
Regulus didn’t give you a chance to reply before turning and leaving the great hall. All of your friends looked personally offended by Regulus’ comment. Sirius shook his head.
“Mummy is wearing off on him. I swear if I didn’t see him standing there I would think Walburga was yapping.”
You nodded, hating the fact that you felt like some pathetic “Mary Sue” that needed to be protected by friends from the person that used to protect you.
Later that night, you were on your way back to the Hufflepuff common room when Snape stepped out from a dark corner.
“Y/n, wait.”
You turned with a sigh.
“Hello, Severus. What can I do for you?”
Snape looked over his shoulder. He didn’t want any drama from the Marauders should they decide to show up.
“I apologize for that less than thrilling scene this morning.”
You shrugged.
“Not your problem. You didn’t say anything or start it. That was all Crouch.”
Severus nodded, rolling his eyes.
“He can be a bit tempestuous.”
“A bit.”
You replied as Snape took an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to you. Taking the envelope, you immediately recognized Regulus’ neat as a pin handwriting. Groaning you quickly shoved the envelopes back in Snape’s hand.
“Tell him that I said return to sender.”
Snape rolled his eyes again.
“Being a bit dramatic now, aren’t we? You have a pureblood Slytherin pinning for your attention.”
“Pinning? Is that what his actions are called now? I would hate to see him be desperate.”
“You know that he won’t believe me. I also am not an owl.”
Snape said, sounding almost bored. You snatched the letter out of his hand before digging around in your bag for a quill. Snape watched with a raised eyebrow as you wrote: “return to sender.”
“Shall I take it to the owlery myself since you are not an owl but will deliver letters for him but not me?”
Snape quickly took the letter back.
“You made your point. Have a nice night.”
“Yeah, you too.”
You muttered, suddenly not feeling like going back to the common room. Walking down the hallway, you smiled seeing professor Slughorn going in the opposite direction.
“Ms. Evans, I hope you are feeling better. Regulus said that you had a headache.”
Headache? Yeah, caused by him. You thought morbidly.
“Yes, sir. I am feeling a lot better. Sir, would it be possible to change my project partner? Regulus and I...we just aren’t a good match.”
Professor Slughorn frowned.
“I’m sorry, my dear but there isn’t anyone that I can switch you with. I thought that you were always a pet of Regulus’.”
Had it been anyone but a professor you would have laughed. A pet? That was laughable.
“Not really. We used to be friends. It's complicated, I guess.”
“I’m sorry to hear it. I always thought that the two of you were extremely compatible. I would have expected an invitation to your wedding if my thinking was correct.”
You blushed as red as a tomato on that one.
“You can expect an invitation, sir….it will just be a different groom.”
Slughorn smiled.
“Young love is a funny thing. Have a good evening.”
You waited until Slughorn was out of earshot to mutter “shit” under your breath. Now you knew that you were stuck with Regulus as a partner. Why did everyone think that Regulus and yourself were SO compatible? Did compatible people make their partner feel like scum? You didn’t think so.
A hand touching your arm, made you jump. You were surprised to see Gavin McDonald standing in front of you.
“Hi, again.”
You said, forcing a smile. Gavin nodded.
“So, I was thinking about your offer of Hogsmeade and I would really like to go with you. I don’t care what he thinks. You made it clear that there was nothing when you almost shoved Regulus on the ground. I was afraid that I was going to have to hex him when he got up. It was impressive watching you do that.”
You wanted to tell Gavin that you were apparently doing a lot of impressive non-Hufflepuff things lately but decided not to. It wasn’t his problem that you were an emotional mess. Here was the nice boy offering to go to Hogsmeade with you, as you wanted.
“That sounds nice, Gavin. I look forward to it.”
The boy grinned.
“I am on my way to hang out with some friends outside. Would you like to come?”
You nodded. There was no point in going to the library to sulk like a giant pouting mess. Why not hang out with Gavin? You did like him (not as much as Regulus, you thought). Maybe it would be worth giving some other boy a chance...especially since he was interested and inviting you.
“That sounds nice.”
You replied with a smile before following Gavin down the hallway and outside where a group of Ravenclaws sat. All of the boys immediately looked at Gavin in surprise or fear when you sat down. No one had to say it for you to know what they were thinking…
What the hell are you doing with Regulus Black’s Hufflepuff?
“You all know, Y/n, She and I are going to Hogsmeade together this weekend.”
His friends nodded before a younger student by the name of Gilderoy Lockhart decided to speak.
“I thought that you were dating that boy in Slytherin?”
You laughed as Gavin too chuckled.
“No, not at all. I’m a free-range Hufflepuff...I don’t need some Slytherin to keep me company. They are overrated creatures anyway.”
The group of boys chuckled at your joke. You forced a smile as Gavin wrapped his arm around you. The group of Ravenclaws seemed amused with your joke...now only if you could believe it.
You didn’t see Regulus standing in the shadows watching the whole scene with a frown on his face. He had heard everything that just left your pretty little mouth. Overrated? He was going to show you overrated! If you thought that little twat from Ravenclaw would be a better lover than him, you had another thing coming!
Gavin, or whatever his name was, didn’t make you come from one touch. That was all Regulus. Gavin didn’t know how to overstimulate you to the point of tears. Again, that was Regulus. Gavin, sure as hell, wasn’t going to be the one that held you in his arms after a world-shattering orgasm…
“That’s only me!”
Regulus thought with a sneer.
“It isn’t only sex. I love her.”
He added in his mind. Regulus loved you and he knew, for a fact, that you loved him.
You didn’t understand what he was going through or what he was dealing with. You didn’t know how he had all of this stupid shit thrust upon him without his wanting. Sure, he chose to be a death eater but it was to appease his parents. Regulus had to be the son that Sirius wasn’t. Even if the things that he was doing weren't right...they had to be done.
Regulus would have to make you understand…
After hanging out with Gavin, you decided it was time to head back to your common room. You would have liked to go tell Lily that you had a date with an actual boy but it was late. Lily would be sleeping and would have to wait until the next morning to hear the happy news.
As you walked past the transfiguration classroom, a set of hands reached out and pulled you inside.
“Let me go!”
You squealed as a hand closed over your mouth. In the moonlight, you could see Regulus glaring down at you.
“Gavin McDonald? Really? That’s the best that you can do?”
You tried to shove Regulus away from you but it didn’t work.
“I’m going to move my hand and you better not scream.”
He said before moving his hand away from your mouth. You took a deep breath fighting the feeling of fear. Just what would Regulus do to you in this classroom? Would he hurt you? You weren’t sure.
“It's none of your business.”
You curtly replied. Regulus raised an eyebrow….that damn eyebrow. He would give you that look when the two of you were sleeping together and you knew exactly what it meant. Regulus was displeased. This was how you got your ass spanked.
I’m not sleeping with him anymore. I’m nothing to him.
You told yourself not to even get excited but it didn’t work. You were getting wet for him as you always had. Swallowing, you took in Regulus’ appearance. The moonlight only added to his ravishing good looks.
“None of my business? Is that how you talk to me now?”
“You don’t deserve an ounce of my kindness.”
You replied, stubbornly. Regulus smirked before tilting your face to his.
“You’re wild.”
He whispered before pressing his mouth to yours. The kiss was soft at first before growing more desperate. You sighed against Regulus’ mouth as he took control of the situation and deepened the kiss. His tongue teased yours as his arm wrapped around your waist.
Merlin, he still kisses so good!
You thought as your mind went from stubborn and ready to kick his ass to a hopeless teenage girl that was finally being kissed by the crush of her dreams.
The moment that Regulus pulled away, you wanted to whine. You weren’t ready for the kiss to end. Should you ask for more? You knew that you were being a bit of a brat and would be lucky if Regulus gave you anything else.
Your eyes finally fluttered open to look at Regulus. His eyes were wide as he took in what just happened. The cold distant expression returned as he rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand.
He hissed before turning and walking from the room leaving you staring after him blinking...
I knew that this was doomed from the get-go”
@euphoniumpets (here is part 2 as promised)
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dramioneasks · 4 years
HP FESTS: Dramione Height Difference
Dramione Height Difference 2020:
Arithmancy and Quidditch by grace_lou_freebush - E, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are partners on an Arithmancy project during their eighth year, but Draco fails to meet up at their agreed upon time. When Hermione finds him down at the Quidditch pitch, she just might change her mind about how upset she is." She hadn't seen him up close in his Quidditch kit since second year, and the sight made her snap her jaw shut and swallow. Her eyes trailed from his massive hands and his covered forearms up to his square shoulders. His emerald green robes fit over his light pads snuggly and hung like a second skin down his slim torso. Quidditch robes were designed to be trim, without excess fabric, for speed and agility, and Hermione was reaping the benefits of that now. At the waist, the robes parted to showcase the tight trousers he wore to cover his lower half. The white fabric almost glowed in the twilight, and shadows at his groin left little to the imagination as the fabric bunched at his hips, creating an impressive display of his package. He'd slowed down as he approached the locker rooms, and Hermione drank her fill of his body before snapping her eyes up to see his face lit by the lamp at the Slytherin entrance."
The Borrower by magical_traveler - T, one-shot - Malfoy looked up at her and scowled. “What have you done to me, Granger?” he squeaked. His face grew red as he heard his voice and he glared at Hermione. He began to pace in the seat of the chair. Hermione began giggling.
Chains by Aneiria - E, one-shot - 'Draco,’ Hermione crooned, making her voice sound as soothing as possible. She reached up to wrap her hands in his soft blond hair, tugging firmly to try and force him to look down at her. His hands were holding her tight around her waist, almost meeting around her middle, but he looked over her head to where the official was now lying sprawled on his back. ‘Look at me, Draco,’ she tried again, tugging his hair harder. Finally he tore his eyes away and looked down at her, still breathing heavily. Hermione gasped when she saw the usual silver of his irises had brightened to an ethereal blue, his pupils narrowed into elongated slits.‘Oh, Draco…’ she breathed, concern building in her as she reached up to stroke his cheek. Draco purred and rubbed his face against her palm. ‘We need to get you home.’
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Height by SenLinYu - E, one-shot - “Tall? That’s what you think I should notice about Malfoy? His height?” Ginny quirked an eyebrow and licked the tip of her quill suggestively. ”Well, isn’t that your thing? Lockhart. Krum. McLaggen. Ron. The only thing they have in common is being tall enough to give me a neck ache.” Hermione felt her ears grow hot, and she gripped her book tighter. “I don’t have a thing for tall men. Their height is—completely coincidental.” Dramione Height Differences Minifest 2020.
"I will always catch you" by Takingflight48 - E, one-shot - "A huff drives out of my open mouth as he slides me up into the ceiling, but I have little time to consider logistics as his mouth is gliding up my right thigh, hot and needy." Malfoy's do not wait for anyone. That has not changed, a fact Hermione was banking on as her hunk of a man takes her to heights unknown.
The Longer The Wait The Sweeter The Kiss by hslades - E, one-shot - “I’ve missed you so much,” Hermione whispered in the crook of his neck, a few tears running down her cheeks, wetting the skin of his neck. “I was so worried.” “Shhh, it’s okay,” Draco assured her, running his large hands down her hair. “I’m safe, I’m home now.” Draco has been away on a mission for the resistance longer than expected. Hermione longs for him to get back to her safely.
Ministry Business or Minister's Pleasure by mxstyassasxin - E, one-shot - When Minister For Magic Hermione Granger drops her children off at Kings Cross for another year at Hogwarts, she has two problems on her hands. One, her imminent divorce from another third of the Golden Trio and two, the fallout from her removal of funding for a certain blonde's research project. The first is a given: Her marriage just hasn't been the same since Hugo started Hogwarts, since the emptiness became much more obvious. The second though? Maybe she can use the free time she suddenly finds herself with to help in some way...
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One Moment in Time by PixieKisses - E, one-shot - Uncertain as to what her life held now that Voldemort was gone, Hermione heads up to her favourite place at Hogwarts. However, she's not the only one to seek sanctuary within the walls of the library. Can a moment of curiosity bring them clarity, or are they destined to be ill-fated for the rest of time?
Perfect Fit by granger_danger - E, one-shot - “What’s the height difference like, when it comes to sex?” Ginny waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Feeling eyes on her neck, Hermione looked up to find Draco staring at her from across the room. He appeared to be multitasking; while chatting amiably with Harry, he was also sending her a secret message with his gaze, another psychic missive detailing how her dress, lovely as it was, would look much better on his bedroom floor. “You know I don’t kiss and tell.” Hermione lifted her chin and fluffed her hair, grinning like the cat that got the cream. “But it does have … certain advantages.” *A fluffy, funny, filthy smut-biscuit written for Musyc's Dramione Height Difference Mini-Fest 2020 and featuring a tol!Hermione and a smol!Draco*
Persephone's Adjustment by riane_b13 - M, one-shot - Hey Mom! I’m so excited to see you and dad again. I just got the approval to get two weeks off so I’ll be home for Christmas through New Year's Eve. I can’t believe it’s really been a year since I’ve seen you. There’s so much that has happened since then. Ginny and Harry have finally set a date for their wedding. You would think that after seven years of dating Ginny would’ve forced him down the aisle. Molly almost did. The Harpies set their schedule to start spring season March 1st so they decided on February 1st. That way they have time for a honeymoon before Ginny starts back up training. Unfortunately for me, I need to find a new place to live. You can only imagine who practically demanded I move in.
The Peruvian Strike by ExpositorRevan (Naydras) - E, one-shot - The Wimbourne Wasps experiment with Quidditch innovation under Oliver Wood’s tutelage. Wood, desperate to defeat his former team the Schemers of Skye, enlists casual ballerina Hermione Granger to whip his inflexible chaser into fighting form. Porn with a side dish of plot. Dramione
Restricted Rendezvous by Musyc - E, one-shot - Draco looked up from his book in the library and caught her staring at him. Deliberately, he met her eyes. She looked down, her cheeks turning a soft pink. He folded his hands under his chin, waited until she looked at him again, then dragged the point of his tongue across his bottom lip. Draco follows Hermione into the Restricted Section.
Shifting Perspectives by Misdemeanor1331 - E, one-shot - Being a woman in a male-dominated profession is hard; being a woman and below average height is even harder. Fortunately, Hermione Granger has developed a strategy to counteract these unconscious biases. Unbeknownst to her, Draco Malfoy has noticed and formed his own opinions on the matter.
Untidy Souls by JelenaD - M, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is back for Eighth year. He wants a girl too large for her small size to get out of his head, but she’s persistent at the best of times.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Unknown Muggleborn - Chapter 9
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3rd Person POV
Hermione, who had come back with (Y/n) the day before term had started, takes a different view of things. She is torn between horror at the idea of Harry being out of bed, roaming the school three nights in a row - "If Filch had caught you!" - and disappointment that he hadn't, at least found out how Nicholas Flamel was.
(Y/n) had opened her mouth to say something, but Fred and George had darted across the Common Room and dragged her away and towards Oliver Wood, her three friends staring after her, and catching her apologetic gaze before Oliver snaps at her to pay attention.
Oliver seems to be working the Quidditch team harder than ever. Even the endless rain that had replaced the snow couldn't dampen his spirits. The Weasleys complained that Wood is becoming a fanatic, but Harry and (Y/n) are on Wood's side. If they win their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. Quite apart from wanting to win, they find that they has fewer nightmares when they're tired after training.
Then, during one particularly wet and muddy practice session, Oliver Wood gives the team a bit of bad news. He'd just gotten very angry with the Weasleys, who kept dive-bombing each other and pretending to fall of their brooms.
"Will you stop messing around!" Wood orders. "That's exactly what'll lose us the match! Snape's refereeing this time, and he'll be looking for any excuse to knock points off Gryffindor!"
George Weasley really did fall off his broom at the words.
"Snape's refereeing?" he splutters through a mouthful of mud. "When's he ever refereed a Quidditch match? He's not going go be fair if me might overtake Slytherin."
The rest of team - besides (Y/n) - land next to George to complain, too.
"It's not my fault," says Wood. "We've just got to make sure we play a clean game, so Snape hasn't got an excuse to pick on us."
Which is all well, thinks (Y/n), but I don't need a repeat of what happened last time, whoever did it.
The rest of the team hangs back to talk to one another as usual at the end of practice, but Harry and (Y/n) sprint straight back up to the Gryffindor common room, where they find Hermione and Ron playing chess. Chess was the only thing Hermione ever lost at, something Harry and Ron though was good for her.
"Don't talk to me for a moment," says Ron when Harry sits down beside him and Hermione shifts to make room for (Y/n).
Then Hermione catches sight of (Y/n)'s face. "What's wrong?" she asks, a worried look on her face and Ron looks over at (Y/n).
Speaking quietly so that no one else would hear, Harry tells the other two about Snape's sudden, sinister desire to be a Quidditch referee.
"Don't play," says Hermione at once.
"Say you're ill," Ron offers.
"Pretend to break you leg," Hermione says.
"Really break your leg," at Ron's words, everyone turns to him.
"I can't," says (Y/n), then she signs. "There isn't a reserve Seeker. If I back out, Gryffindor can't play at all."
At that moment Neville topples into the Common Room. How he had managed to climb through was anyone's guess, because his legs had been stuck together with what they recognized at once as the Leg-Locker Curse. He must have had to bunny hop all the way up to Gryffindor Tower.
Everyone but (Y/n) and Hermione laugh, and (Y/n) leaps up an performs the countercurse. Neville's legs spring apart and he gets to his feet, trembling.
"What happened?" (Y/n) asks him, leading him over to sit with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
"Malfoy," says Neville shakily. "I met him outside the library. He said he'd been looking for someone to practice that on."
"Go to Professor McGonagall!" Hermione urges Neville.
"Report him!" (Y/n) agrees with the brunette.
Neville shakes his head. "I don't want more trouble," he mumbles.
"You've got to stand up to him, Neville!" Harry says.
"He's used to walking all over people, but that's no reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier," Ron says.
"There's no need to tell me I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor, Malfoy's already done that," Neville chokes out.
(Y/n) feels around in the pocket of her sweatshirt and pulls out a chocolate frog. She gives it to Neville, who looks as though he is about to cry.
"You're worth twelve of Malfoy," (Y/n) says.
"The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor, didn't it? And where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin?" Harry finishes.
"Thanks, (Y/n), Harry ... I think I'll go to bed ... D'you want the card (Y/n), you collect them don't you?"
As Neville walks away, (Y/n) looks at the Famous Wizard card.
(Y/n), reading the card, smacks herself in the face and everyone turns to her. "I found him!" (Y/n) hands the card to Hermione and she sprints upstairs and grabs a alchemy book from her nightstand.
"I never thought to look in here," (Y/n) says, sprinting back downstairs and over to her friends. "Snape gave me this a few weeks ago to read."
(Y/n) opens the book and flips through the pages. "Nicholas Flamel is the only know maker of the Sorcerer's Stone."
This doesn't have the effect she had expected.
"The what?" ask Harry and Ron.
"Honestly, don't you read?" Hermione asks.
"The Sorcerer's Stone," (Y/n) begins pacing back and forth, her friends watching, "it was a legend, but I guess now it's true." (Y/n) runs a hand through her (H/C) hair. "It can transform any metal into pure gold and can produce the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker immortal. If I remember correctly, Flamel just turned six hundred and sixty-five."
"The dog must be guarding the Sorcerer's Stone!" Harry begins.
"I bet he asked Dumbledore to keep it safe for him, because they're friends and he knew someone was after it, that's why he wanted the Stone removed out of Gringotts!" Hermione finishes.
"A stone that makes gold and stops you from ever dying!" exclaims Harry. "No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it!"
At Harry's mention of Snape, (Y/n)'s mouth spreads into a frown.
"And no wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," says Ron. "He's not exactly recent if he's six hundred and sixty-five, is he?"
. . .
The next morning in Defense Against the Dark Arts, while copying down different ways of treating werewolf bites, Harry and Ron are still discussing what they'd do with a Sorcerer's Stone if they had one. It wasn't until Ron said he'd buy his own Quidditch team that (Y/n) remembers about Snape and the coming match.
"I'm going to play," she tells the other five. "If I don't we'll be behind in the cup. If we win, I'll show them ... it'll really wipe the smiles off their faces."
"Just as long as we're not wiping you off the field," Ron comments and (Y/n) shoots him a incredulous look.
As the match grows closer, however, (Y/n) becomes more and more nervous, whatever she told her friends and sister. The rest of the team isn't very calm, either. The idea of overtaking Slytherin in the House Championship was wonderful, no one had done it in seven years, but would they be allowed to, with such a biased referee?
Harry doesn't know whether he is imagining it or not, but he seems to keep running into Snape wherever he goes. At times, he wonders if Snape is following him, trying to catch him on his own. Potions lessons are turning into a sort of weekly torture for Harry, Snape seemingly getting worse in each class. Harry didn't see how he could - yet sometimes he had to horrible feeling that Snape could read minds.
(Y/n) knew, when they had wished her and Harry good luck outside the locker rooms the next afternoon, that Ron and Hermione were wondering whether they'd ever see her alive again. (Y/n) hardly hears a word of Oliver's pep talk as she pulls on her Quidditch robes and picks up her Nimbus Two Thousand.
Ron and Hermione, meanwhile, had found a place in the stands next to Neville, who couldn't understand why they looked so grim and worried, or why they had both brought their wands to the match. Little did (Y/n) know that her friends had been secretly practicing the Leg-Locker Curse. They had gotten the idea from Malfoy using it on Neville, and were ready to use it on Snape if he showed any signs of wanting to hurt (Y/n).
Back in the locker room, Oliver Wood had taken (Y/n) aside.
"Don't want to pressure you, (Y/n), but if we ever need an early capture of the Snitch it's now. Finish the game before Snape can favor Hufflepuff too much."
(Y/n) nods, a determined look on the Seeker's face.
"The whole school's out there!" says Fred, peering out of the door. "Even - blimey - Dumbledore's come to watch!"
Harry and (Y/n) exchange looks. "Dumbledore?" Harry asks, dashing to the door to make sure. Fred is right, there's no mistaking that silver beard.
Harry could have laughed out loud with relief. (Y/n) was safe. There was simply no way that Snape would dare hurt (Y/n) if Dumbledore was watching, Harry thinks. Maybe that's why Snape is looking so angry as the teams march onto the field, Harry thinks, which Ron notices as well.
"I've never seen Snape look so mean," the ginger tells the other girls. "Look - they're off. Ouch!" Malfoy had poked Ron in the back of the head.
"Oh, sorry Weasley, didn't see you there," Malfoy grins at Crabbe and Goyle. "Wonder how long (L/n)'s going to stay on her broom this time? Anyone want a bet? What about you, Weasley?"
Ron doesn't answer; Snape had just awarded Hufflepuff a penalty because George had hit a Bludger at him. Hermione, who had all her fingers crossed in her lap, is squinting fixedly up at (Y/n), who is circling the came like a hawk, looking for the Snitch.
"You know how I think they chose people for the Gryffindor team?" says Malfoy loudly a few minutes later, as Snape awards Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason at all. "It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter and (L/n), who've got no family, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money - you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains."
Neville goes bright red but turns in his seat to face Malfoy. "I'm worth twelve of you Malfoy," he stammers.
Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle howl with laughter, but Ron, still not daring to take his eyes from the game, said, "You tell him, Neville."
"Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something."
Ron's nerves are already stretched to the breaking point with anxiety about (Y/n), "I'm warning you, Malfoy - one more word -"
"Ron!" says Hermione suddenly, "(Y/n) - !"
"What?! Where?!"
(Y/n) had suddenly gone into a spectacular dive, which draws gasps and cheers from the crowd. Hermione stands up, her crossed fingers in her mouth, as (Y/n) streaks towards the ground like a bullet.
"You're in luck, Weasley, (L/N)'s obviously spotted some money on the ground!" says Malfoy.
Ron snaps. Before Malfoy knows what's happening, Ron is on top of him, wrestling him to the ground. Neville hesitates, then clambers over the back of his seat to help.
"Come on, (Y/n)!" Hermione screams, leaping onto her seat to watch as (Y/n) speeds straight at Snape - she didn't even notice Malfoy and Ron rolling around under her seat, or the scuffles and yelps coming from the whirl of fists that was Neville, Crabbe and Goyle.
Hermione watches to see Snape turning on his broomstick to see something scarlet shoot past him, missing him by inches - the next second, (Y/n) had pulled out of the dive, her arm raised in triumph, the Snitch clasped in her hand.
The stands erupt; it had to be a record, no one could remember the Snitch being caught so quickly.
"Ron! Ron! Where are you? The game's over! (Y/n)'s won! We've won! Gryffindor's in the lead," shrieks Hermione, dancing up and down on her seat and hugging a beaming Pavarti Patil in front of her.
(Y/n) jumps off her broom, a foot from the ground. She couldn't believe it. She had done it - the game was over; it had barely lasted five minutes. As Gryffindors come spilling onto the field, Harry sees Snape land nearby, white-faced and tight-lipped. Harry lands beside (Y/n) and they feel a hand on their shoulder and they look up into Dumbledore's smiling face.
"Well done," says Dumbledore quietly, so that only Harry and (Y/n) could hear.
The Gryffindors run to lift (Y/n) onto their shoulder; Ron and Hermione in the distance, jumping up and down, Ron cheering through a heavy nosebleed.
Harry leaves the locker room alone some time later, to take his Nimbus Two Thousand back to the broomshed. He leans against the wooden door and looks up at Hogwarts, with its windows glowing red in the setting sun. Gryffindor in the lead. (Y/n) had done it, she'd shown Snape. . . .
And speaking of Snape . . .
A hooded figure comes swiftly down the front steps of the castle. Clearly not wanting to be seen, it walks as fast as possible toward the forbidden forest. Harry recognizes the figure's prowling walk. Snape, sneaking into the forest while everyone else was at dinner — what was going on?
Harry jumps back on his Nimbus Two Thousand and took off. Gliding silently over the castle he sees Snape enter the forest at a run; he follows.
The trees are so thick he couldn't see where Snape had gone. He flew in circles, lower and lower, brushing the top branches of trees until he hears voices. He glides toward them and lands noiselessly in a towering beech tree.
He climbs carefully along one of the branches, holding tight to his broomstick, trying to see through the leaves. Below, in a shadowy clearing, stands Snape, but he isn't alone. Quirrell is there, too. Harry can't make out the look on his face, but he is stuttering worse than ever. Harry strains to catch what they are saying.
". . . d-don't know why you wanted t-t-to meet here of all p-places, Severus . . ."
"Oh, I thought we'd keep this private," replies Snape, his voice icy. "Students aren't supposed to know about the Sorcerer's Stone, after all."
Harry leans forward. Quirrell is mumbling something, but Snape interrupts him.
"Have you found out how to get past that beast of Hagrid's yet?"
"B-b-but Severus, I —"
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell," says Snape, taking a step towards him.
"I-I don't know what you —"
"You know perfectly well what I mean."
An owl hoots loudly, and Harry nearly falls out of the tree. He steadies himself in time to hear Snape say, "— your little bit of hocus-pocus. I'm waiting."
"B-but I d-d-don't —"
"Very well," Snape cuts in. "We'll have another little chat soon, when you've had time to think things over and decided where your loyalties lie."He throws his cloak over his head and strides out of the clearing. It is almost dark now, but Harry can see Quirrell, standing quite still, as though he was petrified.
. . .
"Harry, where have you been?" Hermione squeaks.
"We won! (Y/n) won! We won!" shouted Ron, thumping (Y/n) on the back."And I gave Malfoy a black eye, and Neville tried to take on Crabbe and Goyle single-handed! He's still out cold but Madam Pomfrey says he'll be all right — talk about showing Slytherin!"
"Everyone's waiting for you and (Y/n) in the common room, we're having a party, Fred and George stole some cakes and stuff from the kitchens," Ron continues.
"Never mind that now," says Harry breathlessly. "Let's find an empty room, you wait 'til you hear this. . . ."
He made sure Peeves wasn't inside before shutting the door behind them, then he told them what he'd seen and heard.
"So we were right, it is the Sorcerer's Stone, and Snape's trying to force Quirrell to help him get it. He asked if he knew how to get past Fluffy — and he said something about Quirrell's 'hocus-pocus'— I reckon there are other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy, loads of enchantments, probably, and Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark Arts spell that Snape needs to break through -"
"So you man the Stone's only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?" asks Hermione in alarm, (Y/n) shifting thoughtfully on the desk she was sitting onto of.
"It'll be gone by next Tuesday," says Ron.
Hermione glances over at (Y/n), who is sitting silently, a thoughtful expression on her face. "What is it?" (Y/n) asks.
"The thing about the loyalty confuses me," (Y/n) says, jumping off the desk. "Who would Quirrell need to prove his loyalties lie to? Dumbledore right, what if Quirrell is trying to get the stone? What if that whole stuttering thing is an act? I've never been a hundred percent about him myself."
Ron shrugs her off, "It must be Snape."
"Not necessarily, not to be rude or anything, but I'm his favorite student," the others nod in agreement. Then (Y/n) turns to Hermione. "Who was sitting behind Snape at the first Quidditch match?"
"Quirrell," Hermione says.
"My point exactly," (Y/n) says but Ron and Harry shrug her off again.
"It's definitely Snape," Harry says and (Y/n) shakes her head and walks back to the Gryffindor Common Room alone.
Despite herself, she grins when she portrait whole swings open and the Common Room erupts into cheers as she steps through. Oliver and Fred come over and lift (Y/n) up onto their shoulder and everyone begins to cheer:
Word Count: 2963 words
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Hello! I agree on your takes about HP, and I wanted to ask you: why do you think Rowling is so biased against Slytherin?
Canonically, Slytherins are cunning, ambitious, clever, resourceful, determined. Why does she hate such traits? When Snape’s story is revealed, Dumbledore says that the Sorting Hat was wrong to put him in Slytherin (“You know, I sometimes think we Sort too soon”) because he was soo brave, and a Slytherin couldn’t possibly do the right thing. On Pottermore (if I recall correctly) she wrote that the Hat was really torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin for Pettigrew. I actually think that, if Rowling weren’t so biased, many characters would have been perfect in Slytherin, but since they’re Good Guys™️, they had to be Gryffindors. Like you, I don’t believe for a second that only the Slytherins are blood purists, but why are they, the characters that represent cleverness, resourcefulness, determination and ambition, considered so villainous by Rowling? I mean, I get why ambition is frowned upon, but the others are great. And what do you think about possible missortings? The twins would’ve made good Slytherins in my opinion, but Harry sees things too black or white, and that’s very Gryffindor of him. What about Hermione? Does she belong in Gryffindor?
I would love to read your thoughts.
Hi there!
I think the main problem is, that HP started as a children’s book and that JKR stuck to that in regard to painting the characters black and white. At the same time the books (and the characters) grew more complex and grey but it was never made explicit. That is why Slytherins remain the villains (generally speaking) and their actions that have good results are motivated by survival instinct and selfishness, while the good characters grey actions are not acknowledged as grey. I think it’s a serious flaw in JKR’s writing. You could do that even in children’s book.
Put under the cut for length!
As for Dumbledore: I hate that he thinks Snape should have been sorted into Gryffindor, because as a spy he needed all the Slytherin characteristics:  cunning, clever, resourceful, determined...
Even ambition is not negative per se. It depends on the circumstances.
And I agree the Weasley twins would have made good Slytherins.
As for my own headcanon: I talked about this in my fic “The Phoenix Potion” and I’ll copy the dialogue from chapter 54, where my characters explain their ideas.
“So, you want our opinion on the sorting? And on the houses?” Hermione asked.
Greggs nodded.
Draco and Hermione exchanged a glance.“We’ve talked about this very often. There are so many things that don’t really add up.”
Draco held his index finger up. “One, students are sorted when they are eleven, when they are kids, their characters aren’t set, their talents still hidden. Does the hat determine how their character will be? An ambitious Slytherin, a happy-go-lucky Hufflepuff? A brainy Ravenclaw? Does the hat know how their characters will be? Where is the freedom of will in that?”
“Two, students can negotiate with the hat. The hat takes their wishes into consideration.”
“Three, how comes that the houses are evenly distributed? In every class all four houses are represented, and evenly more or less.”
“Four, it is no secret that house traits are not to be found exclusively in the members of said house. Severus Snape was a Slytherin with courage, Dumbledore was a Gryffindor with a cunning that would have put Salazar to shame.”
Hermione raised her hand, spreading her fingers and continued. “Wizards and witches are a small community, a small society and to survive and prosper they need all the characteristics of all the houses. They need the Slytherin drive to survive, their ambition to improve, the Ravenclaw’s thirst for knowledge, the occasionally stupid risk affinity of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuff love, friendship and loyalty to patch it all together.”
“I think many things influence the sorting: The wishes of the child, what the school needs to be balanced, maybe also what the child needs and not how the child is. An unfocused dreamy girl with much love in her heart might need to get focus in Ravenclaw, a timid little boy might need to learn courage in Gryffindor, an ambitious boy might be put into Hufflepuff to learn about the advantages of friendship. Someone who is already very brave might need to learn how to survive with cunning in Slytherin.”
Draco took over from her. “The child’s actual character that is still malleable at eleven might be the least important contribution to the sorting.”
The students had listened with piqued interest. Neville thought that he could actually see them processing these interesting ideas. The timid little boy was him. He had known for quite some time, that he had not started with Gryffindor courage. The girl with love in her heart was Luna.
“Why were you sorted into Slytherin, Mr Malfoy?”
“I think mostly because I could not have fathomed to be sorted anywhere else.”
“And you Mrs Granger-Malfoy? Why Gryffindor?”
“The hat wanted to put me into Ravenclaw. I think he put me into Gryffindor because he knew I needed courage.”
So, I think Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor to get courage. She could have been sorted into Ravenclaw for her rationality and I think she would have made a good Slytherin - if Slytherin would have taken Muggleborns.
Thanks for the ask!
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serpents-den · 3 years
i think youre the only person who writes about snape fairly while still being a fan and seeing all the motivations that led him down the path. i was totally mindblown when u were on about lily and severus and how he wasnt obsessed w her but like she was his childhood friend and for a long time the only person who showed him kindness and affection and cared for him etc etc
i agree he was supposed to be misunderstood. snape is a red herring from book 1 when harry alsways thinks snape is evil and behind whatever problem arises that school year only for harry to learn from Snapes memories in ootp and dh that snape was not only doing the right thing but was bullied merclessly by his dad (i still remember feeling as shocked as harry felt when weve had everyone banging on about how awesome james potter was but maybe a lot of that is post mortem idolization?)
i see ur point about why he would want to make a name for himself. it makes sense w his slytherin ambition.
considering he was a halfblood (esp one w a muggle dad not just a muggleborn dad) he also wouldve had to make friends w the right people in slytherin in order not to get hatecrimed lbr. i dont see him as pathetic as peter pettigrew but damn the early years in his house probably sucked but yeah he made connections from people that would take him who happened to be terrible people. considering snape didnhave interest in the dark arts (which i dont think is him being evil but like dumbledore dabbling in all magic) that would have made him all the more welcome by the slytherins who grew up to join voldemort
idk if i agree that u couldnt be neutral during the wizarding war. i dont think neitrality would have protected anyone but there r definetly families that escaped mostly unscathed during the first war though that might be because jkr tends to write gryffindor V slytherin and forget the other houses and people in them.
feel free to ramble away!
I don’t think I’m the only Snella who writes him fairly but I appreciate the fact you think I do. I think that people tend to assume that the only love there can be between a man and woman is romantic and I hereby disagree. Severus and Lily themselves said they were best friends and if he did harbour that kind of feelings towards Lily, I do believe he would’ve changed for her (not like James supposedly did because he changed exactly nothing), would’ve fought harder or would’ve at least moved on.
I’m just fifteen so my personal experience of love quite amounts to nothing but I do know I have loved as sister, as a friend, as an aunt and perhaps not as much as a daughter or a lover but I’ve loved so far and I know how hard it is when you lose a platonic love, even if you haven’t talked in years, your heart recognizes them as siblings of your heart and it grieves.
Most of the feelings people expressed for James Potter were kind ones since the only person around Harry that truly disliked his father were his relatives and Snape. And most of those people weren’t at the other point of James Potter’s wand or wrath. You may not speak ill of the dead but you shouldn’t lie about them either. Most of the wizarding world loves him because he died bravely at hands of Voldemort, they love him because he died, they do not know him personally. Most people don’t know or simply ignore the fact he hadn’t always this war hero they deem him to be.
It certainly was a shock for Harry to realise Snape was right when everyone compared James and Severus to himself and Malfoy — Harry had assumed Severus had been the harasser, he had been wrong.
I’m not saying James and Severus relationship justifies how the latter acted towards Harry but I find it more disturbing how Dumbledore knew the man had never healed from wounds he let be infected while Severus was a student and still told him to teach, at Hogwarts, where he had more sad, angry and bittersweet memories than happy ones.
In my point of view, Severus Snape was never pathetic. Yes, he may had been bullied, he may had been the target for cruel pranks, hexes and jinxes but I would never say he was pathetic because he didn’t let himself be one. He was strong, stronger than most characters in the entire series, but he is only human and he has been shattered way too many times. But Snape was brave, and he loved more than anyone thought him capable of, and protected just as much. Crying doesn’t make you pathetic, and neither does having suicidal tendencies when you’ve lost the only person who truly was kind to you.
And I think I stand rather strongly on the fact you couldn’t be neutral. You either are okay with the idea of muggles and muggle-born being persecuted or not. You may have not fought, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t against what is going on.
Take the Weasley Family for example, they didn’t fight during the First Wizarding War and not because they were neutral towards what was really happening. They were against it but how can you step in the battlefield while having to take care of seven children? Since in Harry Potter they are countlessly mentioning “light” and “dark” magic you would think they would just throw grey in it, let people not partake in wars. But the light side looks at you like “How can you not be against people persecuting muggles?! You must be dark too with that shoddy heart of yours” while the dark side is like “Whatever you mean you are not against protecting muggles!? They are vermin! I bet you are a blood traitor too, aren’t you? Fancy to join the list of catastrophes this year?”. Because not only did they kill muggles and mudbloods, they wouldn’t have any problem taking out muggle sympathising half-breeds and blood traitors alike.
JKR (ugh) herself hates Slytherins but makes some “exceptions” I personally don’t trust her biased judgement at all.
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90slevi · 4 years
Butterflies {Draco Malfoy x Reader} - Pt.1
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Sitting at the front of the potions classroom was certainly nerve-wracking. Being watched at all times by none-other than Professor Snape was terrifying in itself, but being right under his nose as you tried your hardest not to mess up your potion created so much anxiety in your body that you thought you'd shrivel up and die. Maybe you'd even hex yourself just to get out of the lesson.
It wasn't the class you hated; in fact, Potions class was something you enjoyed quite a lot. It was just... Snape. Even though you were a Slytherin.
"Y/n," a voice from beside you hissed, almost making you jump. You turned your head to see Lucy Stoneward, your best friend since you were kids, stop your hand, and you looked down to see yourself almost put too much powdered unicorn horn into the cauldron. You were making a Draught of Peace, which could put the user into a deep sleep if too much of each ingredient was used. "You need to focus."
"Sorry," you muttered, trying your best to focus on what you were doing. This was an incredibly difficult potion to make, which was ironic since it was supposed to reduce anxiety, but there was too much on your mind to focus. Not only were your OWLs coming up and a horrific teacher had been put in charge of the school, but you'd heard rumours of a certain blonde-haired boy in your house having... feelings for you.
It wasn't that you didn't like Draco; in fact, you'd been friends since the first year and only gotten really close in the third year, leading him to ask you to the Yule Ball in your fourth. Despite a lot of people's opinions, you found him fun to be around, actually being quite a nice person when he wasn't... well, being a bully, and you couldn't deny he was very attractive.
It was just surprising that he fancied YOU, and not Pansy Parkinson or any of the other girls in Slytherin.
"Y/n, has your potion turned pink yet?" Lucy asked, a pout on her face as she watched her potion stay purple and not... pink, as it was supposed to. She was still adding powdered unicorn horn, but to no avail, whereas you'd only added a bit and it'd turned pink already. "Did I do it wrong?"
"I have no idea," you chuckled, beginning to stir your potion and watching it turn a deep red, as the instructions had said it would. "How much porcupine quill did you put in?"
Lucy was silent for a second before her eyes widened and she face-palmed. "Shit, I didn't see the turquoise bit. I started stirring at green!"
"And that's where you went wrong," you chuckled, hearing a loud groan from one of the Hufflepuff boys behind, indicating he'd done something wrong too. You couldn't blame them, though; the Draught of Peace was one difficult potion to concoct. "You gonna start again?"
"I'll have to, won't I?" Lucy grumbled, tipping out her entire potion and starting again. "You have any spare moonstone?"
"Not much, but you can use it," you answered, passing her your tray. She pouted, wondering if it'd be enough and if she could ask around without being caught, but from Professor Snape's expression, it appeared he'd seen her anyway. "Right, I can help you if you want. My potion just needs to simmer for a bit- hey!"
You exclaimed loudly when an enchanted piece of paper hit you in the shoulder, shaped like a small butterfly that floated in the air. You sighed, recognising the enchantment as one Draco used often to piss off people like Harry, and you glanced over at him. However, strangely enough, he wasn't looking in your direction. Instead, he was speaking to Goyle in frustration, the dumber of the two clearly having messed up his potion. And, from where you were sitting, it was obvious Goyle had messed up. Instead of his potion being ANY of the colours it should've been, it was a murky brown.
"What's that?" Lucy asked focusing on her new potion, and you shrugged.
"It doesn't matter for now," you said, tucking it into your pocket. "Concentrate on your potion! Lucy, look! You've almost put in too much moonstone!"
"Ah, my bad!" she exclaimed, grimacing when she noticed her potion turn a darker green than it was supposed to. "Erm... do I need to start over again?"
"Nah, it'll be fine," you said, not entirely sure yourself. However, when it turned blue after stirring it, you sighed with relief. It was fine. "Mine's purple now... oh you're kidding!"
"What?" Lucy asked, stirring it again. "What's up?"
"I need some more moonstone," you muttered, having just given her all you had. Thankfully, she hadn't used it all, and she'd probably have to go get some more from either Snape or another student. You took it, much to her protests, and watched as the potion turned purple to grey, just like it was supposed to. Another loud, angry exclamation was heard from across the room, and you turned to see Goyle getting increasingly frustrated at what he was doing. Draco rolled his eyes at what the other had done, which was drop his tray of powdered unicorn horn onto the floor.
Thankfully, it would take a while for the potion to turn from grey to orange, so it gave you a chance to read the note Draco had sent you without Lucy looking over your shoulder (she was too focused on her potion to care). Usually, it was just stupid stuff like him complaining about how useless a certain class was or just teasing you, so you weren't expecting much. However, you were surprised.
Meet me outside the Slytherin Common Room at lunch. I need to talk to you. Forget about dinner, I'll bring something if you need it. - Draco
That was... certainly odd.
It was against the rules to roam the corridors when not permitted, and at dinner especially, everyone was supposed to be in the Grand Hall to make sure everyone was safe. Although Draco was a rule-breaker and not too bothered about any of that, it was still strange for him to want to spend time with you alone outside the Common room. And with dinner, too!
You started writing your own note back, keeping your eye on the potion you were making to make sure it didn't simmer too long and glanced towards Snape to make sure he didn't notice. There wasn't anything incriminating on the note, though.
Why? Can't you tell me at dinner? Y'know, in the great hall, where we're supposed to be?
With that, you sent the note over in the form of a small bird, catching the attention of two Ravenclaws who were about to tell on you before being very intimidated by your glare. Draco caught it and read it, before looking at you with an expression of disgust, as if why it was secret was blatantly obvious. For a split second, you thought you'd got the wrong person, but was glad to see you hadn't when he began writing one back.
Turning back around, your eyes widened in surprise to see your potion turning from orange (what it should've been) to yellow, and you quickly stopped it from simmering before adding powdered porcupine quills, the last step before you'd finished. You crossed your fingers behind your back, praying it'd turn white soon and that you'd done it right, and thank your lucky stars, it did. You heard a familiar laugh from behind you, and you turned your head with a frown, ready for one of Draco's snarky comments.
"Messed up again, Y/l/n?" he asked, his eyebrows raised. It appeared that only in classes, he'd refer to you by your last name. In the Common Room or in private, he'd refer to you by your first, something you liked. "I thought someone like you would get this right."
"I don't know whether that's a compliment or not, Malfoy, but I'll have you know, it went fine," you replied, looking back at your cauldron to look for any flaws. Snape wandered over, his piercing eyes sending a chill through your spine as he looked inside. However, to your surprise and relief, he nodded at it, his eyebrows raised.
"See, Longbottom, if Y/l/n is able to make a potion like this, then you should be able to too," Snape said, a disgruntled expression on his face when he looked at Neville's. For starters, it was bubbling, which it shouldn't be doing at all, and it was a strange, yellowy-green colour after he'd put in the unicorn horn, which wasn't supposed to happen. "Ten points to Slytherin."
Lucy whispered a pleased 'yes' underneath her breath, giving you a high-five underneath the table. Neville grumbled something quietly about him being biased, only to throw his whole potion away and start from the beginning. Despite there only being five minutes left of class.
"No! I only have five steps left!" Lucy exclaimed, trying to rush through it. You shook your head, knowing that rushing the Draught of Peace was the worst thing to do, but you chose to say nothing. "Crap, do you have any-"
"Nope," you chuckled, looking at your desk. Snape had bottled up your potion and left it at the front as a good example of what it was supposed to look like, and you watched as other students tried to finish in time. Hermione Granger had finished hers just a few minutes after you, and so had Harry. The only others who'd completed it were Draco, Pansy, Seamus, about three Ravenclaw students, and a Hufflepuff. You were pretty pleased if you did say so yourself.
You'd also almost forgotten about the note you'd sent Draco about fifteen minutes ago until another hit you in the shoulder. Once again, it was an enchanted butterfly, which was odd since he usually sent a bird, but you didn't question his choice of origami animal.
Are you brain-dead? There's a reason I want to talk to you by the Common Room. Why the Hell would I tell you something secret in the Great Hall? - Draco
You couldn't help but laugh at your stupidity and face-palmed, quickly tucking the note into your pocket before anyone saw it. Lucy raised her eyebrow, and you just looked away, trying not to raise suspicion. You heard Draco also chuckle quietly from behind, and you turned your head to notice him walking down the classroom to put something away, his eyes meeting yours for a split second.
He acted completely differently when it was just you two or just you guys and some friends. He was kind (well, as kind as he could get, anyway) and, although insults were thrown towards each other, was an overall cool guy to hang around with.
"So, Y/l/n, I see your potion got put as an example," Draco said, leaning against the wall and raising his eyebrows in surprise. "Since when did you get so good?"
"Since I actually started studying," you chuckled, trying to forget the first three years of Hogwarts where you just messed around in classes and did pretty much nothing outside of class. "It's funny to beat the Ravenclaws, so I thought I'd continue."
"Your priorities are so messed up," Lucy muttered with a chuckle, packing her things away before class finished. You laughed and nodded, Draco sighing with a shake of his head.
"Yeah, but at the same time, I don't fancy failing my OWLs," you sighed, stretching as you checked the clock that hung at the top of the room. "Retaking those must be a pain in the ass."
"God, from what Goyle was doing this lesson, I wouldn't be surprised if he has to retake them," Draco responded, shaking his head at the brown-haired boy struggling to finish his third potion this class in time. It still wasn't the right colour, turning a navy blue after letting it simmer. "Somehow he made it bubbly earlier."
"Yeah, quite a few people had that issue," you answered, finally tidying away as Lucy pouted at her grey potion, supposedly finished. "Why don't people know how to simmer things?!"
However, your conversation was interrupted by Snape calling an end to the lesson, humiliating both Neville and Harry in the process (which was unfair, but you couldn't be bothered to call him out) before letting you go. You wandered into the corridors, talking to Lucy and two other Slytherin girls named Anastasia-Rose Richards and, of course, Pansy Parkinson, who you'd known since your first year and shared a dorm with. To your surprise, Draco was nowhere to be seen, either teasing you or making fun of another student. You couldn't even hear his voice, and Crabbe and Goyle were just walking awkwardly behind, talking about how boring that lesson was. You ignored them.
"Where's Draco?" Pansy asked rather loudly, looking around. "He was just here a minute ago!"
It was no shock to anybody that Pansy had the biggest crush ever on the blonde-haired boy. It was clear as day ever since she'd cried over his injury in the third year, and just to confirm it was when she had a huge, heated argument with you over the fact he'd asked you to the Yule Ball and not her, as he'd supposedly promised. You hadn't fully forgiven her for embarrassing you in front of the whole Slytherin House by using the body-binding hex, but at the same time, you weren't really one to hold grudges for years.
"Dunno," you shrugged, looking around for the familiar blonde. It was like Draco to just wander off, but he never did it without telling at least someone where he was going, whether it be you, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe or Goyle. "Bathroom, maybe?"
"But what if he's late to Defence Against the Dark Arts?" Pansy asked, her eyes wide. You sighed, shaking your head.
"It's Draco, as if he cares," you answered, stuffing your hands into your pockets and cursing at a Hufflepuff second-year who decided to barge past you. "Oi, watch where you're going!"
"Pansy, seriously?" you scoffed, looking at her with a dead-pan expression. "Stop worrying so much. He'll be fine."
Lucy tried to hide back her snickers; despite Pansy being one of the most popular girls in Slytherin, she wasn't particularly liked much, especially because of her whiny attitude and desperation to get Draco to like her. Plus, when she had the fight with you, a lot of people's respect for her vanished, comparing her to a baby who wasn't allowed to get what it wanted.
"In all honesty, where has he gone?" Anastasia asked you quietly, and you shrugged. You were tempted to tell her and Lucy about the notes Draco had passed you in class, but then changed your mind when you remembered it was supposed to be secret. "Damn, even Y/n doesn't know."
"Pfft, he doesn't tell me everything, you know," you chuckled, shaking your head. "I wouldn't be surprised if he was skipping class. I don't want another lesson with that old hag."
"The bitch," Lucy mumbled, her nose wrinkling even at the thought of Professor Umbridge.
Although the teacher was already hated amongst school students, there was nobody who hated her more than you and Lucy. After speaking out in class multiple times about how 'shitty and useless' her lessons were, you'd both recieved such a harsh detention that you'd left with a scar on your hand. Being forced to write lines of 'I must not swear' in your own blood would leave anybody with a burning hatred of the lady in pink.
"To be honest, I might skip that damned class too," you replied, and Lucy raised her eyebrows. Despite being a Slytherin, you'd never ever skipped a lesson in your life, not wanting to get into trouble with Snape and not wanting to make your grades worse than they already were. Plus, Umbridge taught you nothing anyway and you'd rather teach yourself. "Honestly, Lucy, there is no way in hell I want to see that woman again."
"Yeah, me neither," Lucy grumbled, cracking her knuckles as if she wanted to punch the living daylights out of Umbridge. "But my parents would kill me if I skipped class."
"Same, but I'm pretty sure they value my life over skipping one lesson," you answered, believing this a good time to look for Draco. Maybe if you found him, you could start talking about what he'd been meaning to speak to you about at dinner, and you wouldn't have to chance missing a meal.
"Whatever, I'll see you at dinner then," Lucy grinned, stuffing her hands into her pockets as her and Anastasia continued down the hall to their next class. You dove into an empty corridor, hearing the sound of footsteps disappearing, and sighed into the silence.
Now, where the hell was Draco?
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Lily hadn't been this happy about the book for this long since Harry's first year, and even then by this point her son had been in more than one deadly situation. Of course she couldn't deny the Voldemort mentioning's, but Harry was at school now where Dumbledore would even keep the worst of that away from him. She was all for hearing about her son sitting in the stands and enjoying this tournament, so after she handed the baby to Remus, that reminder she gave the boys actually quieted them down so she could start.
Ron was still babbling in Harry's ear as they followed the Durmstrang students back into the school about that being Viktor Krum!
"Are you sure, because I don't think he got that the first dozen times," Lily snorted.
"Quit being a killjoy Lily," Sirius shot back, "just imagine for a moment that your idol was around school, you'd be acting the same way."
Lily shrugged at that, not denying it.
Hermione tried to get him to stop, reminding he was just a Quidditch player. Ron looked at her like he couldn't believe his ears.
"I know I can't," James agreed.
  Reminding her he wasn't just any Quidditch player, he was the best Seeker there was! Ron hadn't even known he was still in school!
"Actually that just makes him all the more interesting," Remus smiled. "Shows that he's thinking outside of his career, most others his age would have dropped everything."
Ron wasn't the only one having a fan attack, there were several girls bickering about whether they could get Krum to sign something in lipstick.
"I can't see why he wouldn't," Sirius snickered.
Hermione still wasn't impressed, even as Ron turned to Harry and asked if he had anything Krum could sign with? Harry said he hadn't, he'd left his bag upstairs like everyone else.
"Starting to wonder if this is why they told them to do just that," Lily mused.
They went into the Great Hall to see that the Beauxbatons students were already seated at the Ravenclaw table with glum faces.
"If you were worried about being home sick, you shouldn't have come," James snorted.
A few of them still had their scarves on, and Hermione tisked at that, stating it wasn't that cold.
"It probably is to them," Lily shrugged.
Demanding of no one why they hadn't brought cloaks?
They were all wondering that though.
Ron wasn't paying any attention, watching the Durmstrangs who were still hesitating in the doorway, Ron trying to hiss at them to come sit at their table while telling Hermione to move.
"Oh yes, I'm so sure Hermione scooting one seat over would have convinced him to sit over there," Sirius snickered, not pretending for one second he wouldn't have been just as bad.
He was disappointed though when they instead sat at the Slytherin table.
"Now why does that feel like a bad omen?" Remus rolled his eyes, he'd heard plenty of bad things about that school from Sirius though, so maybe he was being biased.
They watched as Malfoy leaned in at once and began talking to Krum.
"There's a tragedy," James pouted.
"I think it's good for him," Sirius said with a bit of a smug look. "He clearly needs all the help he can get, maybe Krum will convince him to give up on his own team all together when he finds out how bad the little brat is."
Ron scathed it was just like Malfoy to smarm up to him.
"Now who's being a hypocrite?" Lily rolled her eyes, considering he was being just as bad seconds ago.
Muttering about how Krum could see right through Malfoys act, that people probably fawned over him all the time.
"That I wouldn't doubt," Harry said with some sympathy, as he lived that problem.
Then Ron asked where they would be sleeping, he had no problems kipping on the floor and Krum could have his bed.
Causing all five of them to start snickering, knowing Ron wasn't kidding. He'd probably beg the house-elves never to wash his bedding again if Krum even sat on it.
Hermione began laughing at him, while Harry at least pointed out the Durmstrang students were taking more of an interest then the Beauxbatons. They were all removing their furs and looking around with keen expressions, many picking up the golden plates in surprise and clearly impressed.
"I can only imagine how much of an experience this is for them," Remus said with honest interest, his own mind spinning as for the first time he wondered what other wizards schools were really like.
At the staff table, Filch was putting down more than two extra chairs, but when Harry asked why that could be, Ron wasn't listening, still watching Krum.
"This is getting Colin creepy," Lily snorted.
"Leave him be," James rolled his eyes, "he's star struck."
"His best friend is one of the most famous names alive," Remus reminded with a slight wince.
"And he's used to that," Sirius waved him off, "but there's a difference in a household name, and a star name, and Krum is a star!"
Lily and Remus exchanged bemused looks, clearly they weren't getting through to these two any better than they would Ron.
All the students had taken their place when the staff and guests arrived, and the moment the Beauxbatons caught sight of Maxime, they all took to their feet at once amongst a giggling crowd, but without a trace of embarrassment, didn't retake their seats until their Headmistress had.
"Guess it's a French thing," Harry shrugged.
Only Dumbledore kept his feet, welcoming the crowd with open warmth, and promising their stay here would be as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. A girl of the Beauxbatons lot, one still wearing a muffler over her head, sniffed in disbelief.
"Oh she's going to be a lovely one," Lily scowled. Who came to someone else's school and did a stunt like that?!
Hermione bristled, muttering that no one was making her be here.
"Thank you," Remus grumbled in agreement.
Dumbledore was still going, inviting them all to enjoy the feast. The moment he retook his seat, Karkaroff leaned in and began speaking to him. The plates magically filled at once, and the house-elves below had clearly gone all out on an exotic menu, as Harry identified several foreign things.
"Eat your fill," Sirius said with honest envy, "sometimes foreign food's the best. Ever had a s'mores, those things will give your head a spin."*
Harry looked at him quizzically, but decided against asking.
Ron was looking at a shellfish dish in particular as he asked what it could be.
"That actually sounds kind of good," James said with interest, he didn't get to eat seafood enough.
Hermione explained it was bouillabaisse, she'd had it while on holiday in France, stating she enjoyed it. Ron still chose to pass it by. As Harry ate, he seemed to feel the Great Hall was more crowded than usual, even though there were only about twenty extra people.
"Really, each school only brought ten?" Remus asked in surprise. That seemed like a pretty big ship for so few students for the Cup to choose from.
"They don't want the whole of their seventh years missing a whole year I guess," Lily shrugged.
It could be because of the standout colors, now that the Durmstrang had removed their furs you could see red uniforms beneath. Hagrid came in last, giving a friendly wave to where Harry and his friends sat, though they all noticed bandages on his fingers.
"Oh the poor thing," Lily couldn't help but tisk, though her worry for Harry being around those skrewts increased if they were even starting to give Hagrid a problem.
"Those are really going to turn out to be something to have done that to Hagrid," Remus agreed, missing the concerned part of her tone, his mind still caught on the intrigue of those things.
Ron couldn't help but chuckle as he realized the skrewts had finally found a food they liked, Hagrid's fingers.
Causing all five of them to start snickering in total agreement.
A new voice came in then with a French accent, asking if they were done with their bouillabaisse? Harry looked to see it had been the girl who laughed at Dumbledore during his speech.
"I'd tell her I was going to eat the whole thing for that reason alone," Lily rolled her eyes.
She'd finally taken her headgear off, revealing very long silver hair and large blue eyes. Ron went purple in shock, only able to gurgle in response.
"Well, well, well," Sirius' laughter continued even louder.
"Best hope she doesn't turn out to be one of the champions," James said mildly, "I might disown Ron if he starts voting for his new love interest over Hogwarts."
Harry blinked in confusion at his dad, just knowing there was something in what he'd just said, but Lily only gave them an indulgent smile before moving on.
Harry answered instead, pushing the dish towards her. She asked if they'd like it, and Ron finally managed to get out he'd loved it.
"I'm sure Ron loves every bit of it," Remus muttered, causing Lily to snort, which she quickly tried to hide as a cough as she moved on.
Both boys watched her walk away with her dish, and Ron finally came back to his senses enough to speak normally again, telling them that was a veela!
"I think Ron's been having one too many dreams about those," Sirius said with a knowing look, "and now he's seeing them everywhere."
Harry cocked his head to the side, a little spot where he was sure he may have said something to that, but it was such a small thing it hardly registered.
Hermione told him that as he was the only one being an idiot, that wasn't likely.
"Did I detect a hint of jealousy?" Lily asked.
"Just because Harry doesn't go for blondes doesn't mean there's not a dozen other guys watching," Remus shrugged.
She wasn't entirely right, as Harry watched several other guys turn heads to watch the girl retake her seat.
"Least Ron's not the only one in that boat," James chuckled.
Ron was being insistent that wasn't a normal girl, you couldn't find them like that at Hogwarts!
"I'm sure your female best friend just loved that one," Lily scowled on Hermione's behalf.
Harry disagreed they came alright at Hogwarts, his eyes now on Cho who was a few seats down from the other girl.
Causing an eruption of giggles from the others at Harry's expense, who was now wishing he'd gone back and sewn his mouth shut at some point.
Hermione was getting tart with them as she told that the rest of their guests had arrived.
"I'm going to give you that one Lily," Sirius said with a winning smile Harry was still trying to ignore, "Hermione is definitely jealous of someone."
Harry didn't react, he was still too busy keeping a steady eye on the carpet.
"The question is who," Lily agreed with honest interest. Of course she may have been acting like a prat again, just because Hermione had two boys for friends didn't mean she had to have a crush on one of them. Still, it couldn't feel good for the poor thing that neither of them ever complimented her like that.
She was gesturing back at the staff table, where Bagman
"Bagman's back!" Sirius unbelievably brightened all the more. "You've now got two Quidditch stars walking around Hogwarts! I can't believe I won't get a chance to meet them!"
Remus was sorely tempted to tell his friend off for possibly having mixed priorities then, but Lily had already rolled her eyes at him and moved on.
and Crouch were taking seats.
"I think I found the rest of our judges," James said in surprise.
"Why them though?" Harry said quickly, more than happy to hear about anything that wasn't girls at the moment. "They're from our Ministry, like you guys said earlier, shouldn't they get someone that has no relation to us."
"Don't ask us, we didn't put it together," James shrugged.
 Harry asked why they could be here, and Hermione said it was probably because they'd helped put the tournament together, they'd want to be there for the start.
"Well there's that too," James agreed, "the other two judges might not show up until later."
"Why wouldn't they show up with the rest of them?" Lily asked.
Again James shrugged, he was guessing as much as the rest of them.
After dinner was done dessert came up in the same manner, and Ron made sure to place a French dish in the sight of the veela girl, who did not make a reappearance.
"Poor Ron," Sirius said sincerely, "maybe he won't change colors after the meal so he can go up and talk to her, ask how she liked dinner."
"You say that likes it's so easy," Harry muttered without thinking, knowing he'd never be able to stammer out such a thing to Cho.
"It is with practice," Sirius said at once, his eyes lighting as he watched Harry flush slightly who was clearly regretting having opened his mouth, but did indeed watch Sirius with polite, if dumbfounded, interest as he launched into a full volley of the number of topics he'd gotten started with that had landed him with dates.
James watched with a rising sense of verdant eyes, and quickly turned away to tune them out. Sirius had always made jokes that his kids would have to come to their Uncle Padfoot for dating advice, seeing as James had only ever gotten together with one girl in school and Heather had asked him out first. He'd only agreed, and dated her for a total of three months, to try and make Lily jealous during their fourth year. When that stunt clearly wasn't working and James was starting to feel bad for leading a girl on when all he kept doing was watching his favorite red head, he'd dumped her much to her protest. Of course once he'd gotten his dream in his first date with Lily, he'd never looked back with regret, but Sirius had never quite seemed able to let the joke go that any future kids of theirs would have to turn to anyone but their parents for dating advice.
Lily hadn't been much better, seeing as she'd basically been a social pariah to the male population of the school for a long time having hung out with Snape, and then once they'd stopped being friends any suitors she did have mysteriously wound up in the hospital wing though no one, ahem Marauders included, would take credit for why.
Of course neither parent would go back and change it, but now that they realized they wouldn't even be there to witness Harry growing up and even trying to talk about these things, the wedding ring on his finger was more than proof enough he'd long since figured out anything Sirius was currently telling him, watching Sirius dole this out was definitely rubbing them the wrong way.
Lily shared a commiserating look with her husband, before clearing her throat loudly and saying, "alright Sirius, I put up with having to watch all that, don't make me relive it." Then she started reading again loudly before he could protest it was all just for fun.
Before turning his attention back to her though, Harry shot his dad a grateful look and mouthed 'thank you.' If he was under the impression James had put Lily up to stopping that, James wasn't going to correct him.
After those plates cleared as well, Harry wasn't the only one watching the staff table with unbridled excitement. Dumbledore took to his feet, announcing that the Triwizard Tournament was about to begin. He wanted to speak for a moment before the casket was brought in,
"Err, should I be worried they've already got burials started?" Harry asked with concern, not realizing the terrible wince this came with may have a deeper meaning then his first layer of concern.
"I said casket, not coffin," Lily corrected with a small smile.
"A casket is a nicer way to say coffin," Harry corrected right back with a very uneasy look.
"Relax pup," Sirius snickered, "you'll see in a minute."
Harry was still watching them all, clearly not any kind of comforted, so Lily decided not to keep him in suspense too much longer.
about some clarifications. Introducing Bartemius Crouch and Ludo Bagman and their titles at the Ministry. As the first name was called, there were a few half hearted claps, but once Bagman's was, the applause was much warmer. Perhaps it was because of his old Beater status, or he just looked friendlier.
"I honestly believe the second," Remus agreed.
Dumbledore explained that Bagman and Crouch were also going to be on the panel of judges hosting the Triwizard Tournament, along with all the heads of the schools.
"Nope, guess we should all just get ready for Britain to be accused of being biased," James shrugged as he finally got the final answer for that.
"Assuming Hogwarts even wins," Remus said with a challenging smirk back, in no way meaning it, just looking to pick a fun jab at his friend and see the reaction.
James puffed up, fully preparing to defend their school that there was no contest, but Lily still chose to ignore the both of them. One glance at her son and she could tell he was already turning green, clearly any talk of this was hurting him as he must have a memory of who did win, but bringing it up now would do no good to him.
Dumbledore did have a casket brought in then, a very old wooden chest encrusted with jewels.
Harry couldn't help it, the closer this Tournament got to getting started, the worse he was feeling. He hadn't felt so terrible since the lead up of finding out Pettigrew was still alive. Clearly something terrible happened during this tournament, and the more he tried to push away any feelings he was getting, the harder his head was starting to pound.
Dumbledore once again explained that precautions had been set in place to prevent any student from dying this year, then went on to say that the champions would be facing three challenges all designed to test a different part of them. One student from each school would be selected, from the Goblet of Fire.
"Oh," Harry murmured. He supposed a magical object would be the most fair in selecting the students for this, it certainly wouldn't be biased.
Dumbledore reached into the casket then and pulled out an unmemorable chalice, but its contents left the whole hall breathless. It was brimming with blue-white fire. The lid of the casket was closed, and Dumbledore placed the Goblet of Fire on top of it so that everyone could see its flickering flames. Then he told that after everyone put their names in, the Goblet would decide who the champions were tomorrow night, Halloween.
"Well how does that work?" Harry couldn't help but ask, forcing the buzzing out of his ears for a moment. His head felt like it was being stuffed, and perhaps further conversation about the Goblet wouldn't help, but it was better than trying to ignore it which was apparently doing no good. "How does just writing your name down make the Goblet determine anything?"
"The Goblet of Fire is a deeply powerful magical object," Lily said as she cast her mind back, trying to think up anything she might once have heard about this. "I know that the founders of Hogwarts, and those who started Beauxbatons and Durmstrang all had a hand in creating this fire. It was designed to absorb the essence of whoever put something in its fire, and judge those who were worthy."
"That's pretty cool," James said honestly.
"Starting to wish all the more I'd had a chance at this," Sirius agreed with a sigh.
The Goblet would be in the entrance hall, where anyone who was able could place their name. Dumbledore would be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet, so that those who were not seventeen couldn't attempt.
"Well that'll do it," Remus chuckled.
"Won't stop those like the twins trying to get around it," Sirius disagreed with a wicked grin.
Dumbledore gave one last word of warning then, instructing that entering your name into the Goblet would put you in a binding magical contract. If your name was selected, you would be a champion, and there was no backing out after that.
The longer his mother continued on this part of Dumbledore's speech, the lower Harry's heart sank. Surely he must be misunderstanding this feeling though, it couldn't possibly have anything to do with him...right? He must just be feeling bad for whoever the Hogwarts student was...
"I don't see what the lecture is for," James rolled his eyes. "The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students wouldn't have come if they weren't willing to go all the way, and anybody at Hogwarts who puts their name in should understand by now what they're getting themselves into."
"Can't say he didn't warn them," Remus shrugged.
Dumbledore ended his speech there, instructing them all to have a pleasant night. Fred was absolutely gleeful at the news of an Age Line, all it would take was an Aging Potion to get past that.
"Theoretically," Lily scoffed, "but do they really think Dumbledore won't account for that?"
"Maybe he won't," James said eagerly, "sometimes the simplest solutions often get overlooked."
Harry tried to latch onto this lighthearted conversation, trying to convince himself that maybe he was just worried for one of the Weasley twins. Maybe they got in and they regretted it, something other than his own self being involved in this!
Once they were in, the Goblet wouldn't know the difference.
Hermione disagreed, saying that anyone who wasn't seventeen shouldn't try, they hadn't learned enough.
"Age is a number," Sirius scoffed. "Hermione can do a potion most sixth and seventh years can't, and everyone's got different strengths. Theoretically any student could win this."
"I'm still happy they can't try," Lily murmured with a protective eye on her Hare Bare, growing more concerned the longer she kept going that Harry somehow kept losing a shade a color the longer she dragged on. She couldn't imagine why, what on earth did he have to be so worried about?
George told her to speak for herself, asking if Harry would try for it? Harry's mind did flash back to that wonderful daydream of what it would feel like to win the Tournament,
Harry gave a blithe smile to show how much he was kidding with that thought...so why did that terrible idea somehow make every one of his feelings grow ten times worse?
and wondered how mad Dumbledore would be if anyone got past his Age Line.
"Like Fred said, he can't do anything about it," Remus chuckled, "if the Goblet sets up a contract the moment their name's in, no one can do anything to get them out of it."
No one noticed Harry's hands starting to shake, and he quickly tried to tuck them out of sight.
Ron clearly wasn't listening as he asked where 'he' was,
"You sure he said he, and not she?" Sirius couldn't help but grin at Lily.
She ignored him.
watching the Durmstrang students file out and complaining that Dumbledore hadn't said where their visitors would be sleeping.
"Ron's going to be so much fun this year," James snickered. "If he's not freaking out about being around his Quidditch idol, he's going to be drooling after a girl."
The question was answered as they saw Karkaroff at the Slytherin table, talking to his students about heading back to the ship. Then he asked Viktor if he'd had enough to eat, if his head was feeling better, should he have some more wine?
In the excitement of his name being revealed, they'd almost forgotten that Krum was apparently feeling under the weather. Now knowing who it was that was supposedly sick, the four who had never met him in person couldn't help but scowl lightly, wondering how much he used his fame around school.
Krum told his Headmaster he was feeling fine, but then another student jumped in saying he wouldn't mind some. Karkaroff snapped at him, telling him he'd disgraced their school by getting food all over his robes and he wouldn't be receiving anything.
Which instantly seemed to clarify the situation for them. Karkaroff was clearly being chummy with his star of a student, but that in no way extended to any other student. He shouldn't speak to that boy like that, so he'd made a mess, that was no reason to insult him in public like that!
Karkaroff began leading the way to the door, and Harry and his friends stopped to let them pass first. Karkaroff at first barely batted an eye as he said thanks, but then he did a double take upon seeing Harry.
"Oh joy," James muttered in disgust.
"Please don't tell me he'll turn into another Diggory senior," Sirius sniffed.
Karkaroff froze on the spot, his eyes zeroing in on Harry's forehead, causing several of his students behind him to look on with gaping mouths as well.
"Subtle," Lily hissed, wanting to give them all a smack for gawking like that.
Moody arrived then, telling them all that was indeed Harry Potter. Karkaroff whirled around, and seemed even more surprised to find the ex auror, but much more terrified.
"Well what's this now?" Remus yelped, trying to lean around Lily and look at the book himself.
Lily shoved his face back out of the way, but it didn't erase her own surprise and unease as she began, "ah, are you really thinking what I am?"
"That Moody might know Karkaroff the same way Snape does," Sirius agreed at once, his eyes suddenly narrowed in a whole new way. "Can't imagine why anyone else would look like that around an auror."
"Are you telling me an old Death Eater managed to be head of a school!" Lily balked in disgust at that idea.
"A Death Eater managed to be teacher at a school," James reminded bitterly, "it's not too much of a step up."
Lily sighed and turned back to the book, wondering if they were all being too suspicious. There could be another reason Karkaroff would be afraid of Moody...though she couldn't think up one right now.
Harry had so much practice of late, it wasn't too hard to keep his expression as steady and neutral as possible so as not to reveal that his first instinct was to say they were all right on point with this one. It wasn't any more encouraging that this may be where he had known Karkaroff's name.
When Karkaroff just kept gaping, Moody suggested he should move along, he was causing a blockade. He was right, several students were now bottled at the door, trying to look over each other's shoulder for the holdup.
Harry gave a blistering sigh. It wasn't a pleasant reminder that his presence had caused a whole block up of the Great Hall, but for once even realizing how famous he was, was still nicer to think about than whatever was driving his mind crazy recently.
Karkaroff turned on the spot and without another word marched off. Moody's magical eye followed him the whole way, his face showing nothing but dislike.
"Well that's not encouraging," James muttered, his fingers starting to tap out a rhythm on his knee in agitation.
Saturday usually meant a sleep in, but the trio weren't the only ones up bright and early, racing down to the Great Hall to see the Goblet had been set up as Dumbledore had said, a golden line encircling it ten feet around.
"Does it go above it?" James asked with high interest, his mind already spinning on how he'd get his broom into the hall and pass his name into the Goblet before anyone could stop him.
"I'm sure it goes in the full sphere of its diameter," Lily grumbled without looking up.
There was a crowd hovering around the fringes of the walls, and Ron asked a random student if anyone from Hogwarts had put their name in yet? She responded she knew Durmstrang had first thing in the morning, but hadn't seen anyone else. Harry voiced that anyone from their school had probably done it last night when no one was watching. It would be embarrassing if it just spit the name right back out.
"Yeah, I can see Harry's point on that," Remus agreed.
Laughter came from the top of the stairs then, announcing Fred, George, and Lee's arrival who were all running forward, Fred hissing as they did that they'd taken it! Ron asked what,
"Oh keep up Ron," Sirius scoffed, his eyes lighting like a child.
"Oh I hope his brother's get it," James wriggled in place.
and George pointed out the Aging Potion of course! They'd only needed a drop, as it was only a few months till their birthday. Lee agreed if any of them won, they'd split the money three ways. Hermione still tried to warn them Dumbledore had prevented this, but she was ignored.
"Can't even blame them," Remus chuckled, he probably would have as well.
Fred stepped forward first, and didn't even hesitate as he jumped across the line.
All four boys felt like they were holding their breaths as well, fingers crossed that if they could pick their Hogwarts champion, one of the twins would be it!
It seemed to have worked, George certainly thought so, as he took to his brother's side and both pulled out a bit of parchment with their name on it. They hadn't taken another step forward though, when the area at their feet sizzled, and they were thrown back by an unseen force. It didn't quite end when they landed, as both sat up with long white beards on their faces.
Lily paused with an astounded look on her face, before bursting out laughing. Every one of them were quick to join in. It was a pity they hadn't made it, but glory it had nearly been worth it just for them to receive this lovely mental image!
Lily caught her breath back first, and had to read slightly louder than normal to make sure her rowdy boys could still hear her.
Everyone in the vicinity began laughing, and after the twins got a look at each other, joined in.
"The good ones always know how to laugh at themselves," Remus agreed, wiping a happy tear away as he still beamed down at the book.
Dumbledore appeared then, saying he had warned them, with a happy smile of his own in place. He told those surrounding him that the Weasley twins weren't the first to have tried, several others were already up at the Hospital wing getting beards removed.
"At least Dumbledore appreciates the attempt," Sirius sighed happily.
Fred and George went up there as well, accompanied by a still laughing Lee.
"There's the proper friend as well," James was still chuckling under his breath and made no attempts to stop soon.
Harry and his friends went in to breakfast then, finding the usual Halloween decorations.
All of their faces couldn't help but drop at the reminder, as so far Harry had a terrible track record of this holiday. That must end this year though, nothing this year had anything to do with Harry. Unless another troll got in, Harry should just watch the champions get selected and go to bed as excited as everyone else.
They'd hardly taken their seats when Dean and Seamus arrived, Dean announcing he'd heard that Warrington of Slytherin had put his name in.**
Sirius looked properly disgusted at the very thought, snapping, "no way would I go for a Slytherin being the face of Hogwarts. I'd go for Durmstrang first."
"You're such a prat," Lily snapped at once, eyeing him carefully to see if he really meant that.
"Ah he didn't mean it," James rolled his eyes, still not looking any happier himself as he grumped, "but I can't deny I won't be rooting for anyone who isn't a Gryffindor as well."
Lily had to fight down the impulse to whack them both over the heads.
Harry disagreed at once, saying they couldn't have a Slytherin champion.
"Thank you Harry, my point exactly," Sirius nodded, waving his hand towards Harry like that set his point in stone.
Remus lifted a pillow in one hand and gave Lily a questioning look, but she shook her head and he put it back down with a slight pout.
Harry was rubbing the bridge of his nose in clear agitation, as far as the others were concerned because he was trying not to laugh that he agreed with Sirius, but deep down he was fighting off word vomit that this wasn't going to be a problem, that maybe his dad had hit a little closer to the mark.
Seamus kept going by saying that all the Hufflepuffs were behind Diggory, but Seamus was just surprised he'd enter, putting his pretty looks on the line. Hermione wasn't listening, her attention on the cheering crowd back outside. Angelina came in blushing amongst the praise, taking a seat near them and declaring she'd just put her name in.
"Oh sweet!" James and Sirius cheered at once.
"Now she'll get my vote any day," Remus snickered.
Harry was practically beaming now, thinking that Angelina must be it! She made perfect sense with everything he'd been thinking, she was a Gryffindor and of course he'd be worried if one of his fellow Quidditch team mates entered! He dutifully ignored that there was no reassurance from his gut on that statement, keeping his mind blissfully ignorant of anything else now that he seemed to have slightly settled.
Angelina had just had her birthday last week,
"Good on her," Lily couldn't help but agree.
"Though it must feel like an injustice to the twins," Sirius said sadly. "It really does feel like they got cheaped out since they just didn't have a birthday in time."
The others just shrugged. Even if they did agree, they couldn't do anything about it.
and Hermione agreed all the Gryffindors were happy for her. Seamus definitely put in she was better than pretty-boy Diggory.
Harry could not stop the convulsion that caused him, drawing concerned looks from all around, but all he could offer was a weak smile in return and a listless shrug saying he had no idea what his problem was. Lily pursed up her lips for a moment, Harry really was starting to worry her as clearly something was deeply bothering him, but she knew better than to ask him about it.
Causing several Hufflepuffs passing their table to scowl heavily at him.***
"Why were they passing your table?" James asked in surprise. "They're at the opposite end of the hall."
"They were going to talk to some other Gryffindors down a bit," Harry murmured, clearly not distracted from whatever was bothering him.
Ron changed the subject by asking what they were going to do for the day, and Harry suggested they hadn't been to Hagrid's yet.
"It's October and you haven't gone to see him yet?" James balked, since this had seemed like a regular occurrence Harry's first and second year. The only reason they hadn't his third was because Harry hadn't actually been allowed to.
"We saw him during class," Harry defended, "and we had been really busy with school work."
Ron agreed, so long as they weren't expected to donate fingers to the skrewts.
"Your fingers should be safe," Remus smirked.
Hermione suddenly beamed as she realized she hadn't asked Hagrid about S. P. E. W. yet.
"Well this should be interesting," Sirius said honestly, as he'd never spoken to Hagrid on the subject.
They ate breakfast, but then Hermione demanded the boys wait for her as she shot up the stairs to go get her stuff. They were waiting around when Harry pointed out Ron's veela friend and the rest of Beauxbatons came in.
"I don't know if I'd call her a friend quite yet," James snickered.
"Let's see if we can't find out her name, then we'll move up to acquaintance," Sirius agreed with a grin.
The crowd watched as they all walked past, only stopping to drop their name in the fire. Every time someone did, the flames momentarily flashed red, then switched back.
"Least it didn't spit them back out," Remus chuckled at Harry's previous suggestion.
Ron asked what would happen to those who weren't champion, would they stay in support of their school?
"I can't imagine why they'd leave," Lily said in surprise. "They wouldn't ship them all back and leave the one on their own, plus I'm under the impression they're sleeping in how they arrived."
Harry suggested that as the heads were judges, the other students would most likely stay. When the Beauxbatons students were done, they turned around and headed back to the grounds just as Hermione arrived, and Ron was quick to trail after the French school who had parked their carriage not too far away from Hagrid's, and were climbing back inside. Their horses grazing in a makeshift paddock.
The boys either nodded or shrugged as they got their confirmation, they hadn't really been too worked up about the answer.
Harry knocked on Hagrid's door, who opened it with a beaming smile for them as he joked they'd forgotten where he lived.
"Oh yes, I'm sure that was the reason," Remus chuckled.
Hermione started to explain they'd been really busy, when she cut herself off in surprise.
"Err," James began, but Lily quickly read out what had Harry looking just as shocked.
Hagrid was wearing a hairy, and ugly, suit that still had mothballs on it and a clashing yellow and orange tie. His wild hair had apparently been tempted at taming, pulled into bunches in the back as if he'd first tried a ponytail, but then simply slicked back with grease. The three just stood there gaping at him, before Hermione seemed to decide not to say anything and instead asked how the skrewts were.
"No, no!" Sirius began waving his hands frantically to make sure Lily didn't try to avoid the subject as well. "You most definitely comment on this!"
"So, I think Hagrid's trying a new look," Remus said mildly.
"That about covered it," Lily agreed, looking like she was already going to turn back to the pages.
"You must be joking," James was now ogling the pair as much as the book. "How can you not want to talk about this?!"
"Leave Hagrid be," Lily gently scolded, "it's not like it's a real mystery, clearly Ron's not the only one who's been fetched by the French arrival."
"There's no since in laughing at him about it," Remus agreed, though his twitching mouth made it clear he was trying his hardest to follow his own advice.
James and Sirius exchanged pouting looks, but decided against arguing with the pair about it. Perhaps they needed to convince Remus to move, he was clearly getting too chummy with Lily over there agreeing with her so much of late.
Hagrid happily answered they were out by the pumpkins, growing larger every day, three feet by now.
Lily grimaced in disgust, maybe she would prefer to talk about Hagrid.
He was disappointed to note that they'd started killing each other,
"Oh no," Harry muttered with every last drop of sarcasm he had.
Hermione managed to say how sad this was, while shooting Ron a look that he clearly ignored as he tried to say something about Hagrid's hair.
"Those boys are so lucky they have Hermione around," Lily huffed, rolling her eyes at her own boys who were clearly still muscling down anything they wanted to say about it.
Hagrid clearly didn't notice, stating he only had about twenty left.
"So close," James said with a snap of his fingers, that coming out a beat too off from normal, but still rolling far easier than his previous attempts, so all of them pretended not to notice.
Ron agreed this was lucky, while Hagrid missed the sarcasm of that.
"Well maybe next time," Sirius offered.
Hagrid's cabin had always been warm and cozy, and they spent the day discussing with him all about the Tournament. Hagrid was just as excited for this as anyone.
"Oh I'm sure all the staff are," Remus agreed.
"They just have to show it a bit less," Lily nodded.
He kept dropping little hints that they were going to love this, then quickly trying to change the subject that he shouldn't mention anything.
"You weren't supposed to talk about Fluffy either, and yet," James rolled his eyes.
Harry gave his dad a nudge for that, they'd all admitted they weren't going to hold that against Hagrid.
The kids tried to convince him otherwise, but he just shook his head with a grin.
"Now where was this attitude in your first year?" Lily couldn't help but mutter an agreement with James.
Hagrid didn't want to spoil anything for them, but those champions were in for it. Hagrid never thought he'd live to see the Tournament be put on like this!
That gave all four of them an odd pause, as two of them realized they hadn't reached this age, that they should have been alive to be as impressed with this as Hagrid. They hadn't ever really forgotten per say, but it was a bit of a smack in the face all of a sudden to realize otherwise.
They ended up eating lunch at Hagrid's, which they regretted when he served beef casserole and Hermione found a talon in hers.
"Err," Remus said with genuine concern.
"What kind of beef-" Sirius began slowly.
Lily shook her head to indicate she hadn't the faintest idea, before continuing if looking a little green around the edges.
They decided they were done with food after that, but still spent the rest of the afternoon speculating what the champions would be up to, and wondering whether Fred and George were beardless yet.
Causing another round of snickering at that lovely reminder.
Rain started to patter down as the sun set, and Harry and Ron felt completely at ease as they watched Hermione argue with Hagrid now, as he flat out refused to join S. P. E. W.
"Well there you have it," Sirius said in absolute triumph as he smirked at Lily. "You know Hagrid would get behind anything that was being repressed, and yet here he is!"
Lily sighed as she ran her hand through her hair, still wanting to do some research of this on her own, but for now finally deciding to hatch away whatever her problem with Sirius was on this particular subject as she was so clearly outvoted. She must be missing something.
Hagrid was saying how it wouldn't be doing those house-elves any good trying to force what Hermione was saying on them, it would be insulting. Hermione pressed that Dobby was free, and he'd never been happier.
"There's the odd one in every bunch," Remus muttered, thinking he classified under that. Most werewolf's purposely set themselves away from society, never even bothered to try and get wands or make an effort to be around people unless it was for some gruesome ulterior motive. Remus' parents had tried to do that to him for most of his younger years until Dumbledore had arrived and convinced them to try otherwise. Who knew what would have happened to him if they hadn't, maybe he would have turned out like the others of his kind out there.
Hagrid agreed there was the odd one in every species, but most would refuse what Hermione was saying, and he wouldn't help her otherwise. Hermione did not look happy as she tucked her box away.
"It really should be telling her something that she can't get one person older than her behind this," James pointed out.
"Hopefully she'll realize she needs to look into what she's talking about a little more," Sirius agreed.
As dinner grew closer, Hagrid agreed he'd walk up there with them, but first he stepped over to his chest of drawers, and moments later they all plugged their noses from a terrible smell. Hermione choked as she asked if that was aftershave, and Hagrid blushed deeply as he muttered he didn't do cologne.
"Aww," Lily cooed, "that's adorable."
"So you get to say how nice it is he's doing that, but we can't compliment his hair," James pouted.
"As if you were going to," Lily shot back.
"Presumptuous, and hurtful," Sirius mock pouted, pressing his hand to his heart which still didn't cover the grin that made it perfectly clear Lily wasn't wrong.
At their faces though he did agree it was probably too much, and stepped outside to wash himself in a water barrel. As he was out of earshot, the three finally asked what was getting into him, but no one answered when Ron pointed out the window where Hagrid was more red than ever,
"Well he did just get caught washing in a water barrel," Remus chuckled, "I'd be red too."
while now talking to Maxime. Her students were just behind her, clearly they'd been stepping out to head up to the school as well, and though they couldn't hear what was being said, they did recognize the look on Hagrid's face as he spoke to the Headmistress. It was the same misty eyed look he'd gotten around his old baby dragon Norbert.
"Oh now you know he's in deep," Sirius couldn't suppress a giggle any longer.
"Poor blokes over the moon," James sighed, giving his own adoring look to his wife and child.
Lily blushed slightly in shock for a moment, but couldn't deny her pleased tone as she kept going.
Hermione was indignant at once though as Hagrid went off to the castle with her.
"Ouch," Remus winced on the kids behalf.
"I felt so loved right then," Harry rolled his eyes indulgently, not finding it in him to be too mad at Hagrid for this.
Without glancing back the two were chatting happily on their way to the school, Maxime's students having to sprint to keep up with their long strides. Ron finally stated the obvious, Hagrid fancied her.
"Thank you for that wonderful observation cupid," Lily giggled.
Adding on that if they had a baby, it would break records for weighing a ton.
Causing all five of them to crack up laughing. It wasn't really that funny, but the fact that this was Ron's first comment caused the reaction to burst out of them.
They left Hagrid's themselves then, and managed to run into the Durmstrang heading up as well, Krum in step with Karkaroff,
Lily made an agitated little noise, despite the few thing she'd seen, still wondering how much Krum used his fame to get favor from his headmaster.
the rest trailing behind. The Hogwarts students waited politely for their guests to step in first before following behind.
The Great Hall was set up for another feast, the Goblet of Fire placed in front of the staff table. They found a clean shaven Fred and George,
"I would have kept mine," Remus snickered, "glorious fashion statement it is."
seeming not to disappointed as they were wishing Angelina good luck.
"Same," they all murmured agreement, Harry with less conviction than he'd meant to as he was still fighting off something to do with this topic.
The Halloween feast seemed to take much longer than usual.
"Honestly, I would have had the feast after the Champions were selected," James pointed out. "Sort of a celebration to the lot of them."
Every student seemed to only be picking at the food, watching Dumbledore expectantly to see when he'd be done.
"James' point," Sirius agreed, "they would have loved that much more congratulating their champion."
Finally when the dishes were clean, Dumbledore took to his feet. The other heads of houses were watching him just as breathlessly, while Bagman was winking and waving at the crowd, though Crouch looked almost bored.
"Merlin, who can actually look bored right now," Remus demanded of nothing, sitting on the edge of his own seat in excitement for this news.
Dumbledore began to instruct that once the Goblet was ready, it would give him the name of the champion, who would then go behind the staff table to the adjacent room where they would receive first instructions. He waved his wand, and all the lights went out except the Goblet itself.
"Dramatic," Sirius hissed under his breath in the most mystical voice he could offer, causing his friends to start snickering again.
Every person present was vibrating with baited breath, many whispering it would happen any moment.
Harry couldn't help a bone deep shiver, wondering why he should enjoy these precious last few seconds. What on earth could be fixing to happen?
The others did notice, but they were all convinced it was just Harry being as excited for this as them.
Finally, the flames changed color again, and amongst the red sparks came one bit of paper shooting out. Dumbledore caught it, and announced the Durmstrang champion, was Viktor Krum.
"Bully for him," Sirius chuckled while all of them could only look mildly amused. It was Hogwarts they were really wanting to see! Though the fact that the esteemed Quidditch player had been selected, they couldn't deny interest of, as Sirius and James at least really would like to hear more about him.
The hall burst into cheers of applause as the Quidditch star slumped to his feet and shuffled off.
"Well he's clearly enthusiastic," Lily chuckled.
Karkaroff in particular could be hearing shouting jovially for Viktor.
Remus rolled his eyes, and he wasn't the only one. They were already rather agitated at Karkaroff's obvious favoritism of this student, even if they didn't have proof yet if the other appreciated it. Still, at least this time it was warranted.
The silence died down fairly quickly, and only a few beats later did it all happen again with the Beauxbatons student,
James let out a pitiful groan, why did Hogwarts have to be last!
Fleur Delacour.
Harry was relieved for only a moment as this name returned to him, though it only added to his wonder of why he'd think anything of the other schools champion. Even this brief distraction still didn't help with the terrible build up he was feeling in the pit of his stomach, telling him he'd better savor his life now.
Harry shouted in surprise it was the veela girl for Ron's benefit
"Oh wow," Lily said in only mild surprise, only being able to garner up about as much enthusiasm for her as Krum. Maybe even less so, they wanted to know the Hogwarts one already!
as she got gracefully to her feet and practically pranced out of sight. Hermione noticed the others from her school weren't as pleased, many of them had burst into tears at not being picked.
"Jeez," Sirius rolled his eyes.
"I don't know, considering what was offered up, I'd be pretty disappointed if I didn't get in," James shrugged.
When Fleur left, the thickest silence of all fell upon the room. Finally it was Hogwarts.
The three Marauders were wriggling with so much excitement it was getting hard for Lily to stay focused, they were all so intent on hearing who was going to represent their school no one really noticed Harry losing a shade of color with every word.
The Goblet flashed red for supposedly the last time, Dumbledore caught another strip of paper, and read out the name Cedric Diggory.
"Bollocks," James and Sirius pouted at once, leaning back into their seats with pouting lips. They'd really been banking on Angelina.
"Still better than Warrington," Remus sighed, his own mouth puckered slightly.
"Oh stop," Lily scolded them all with a snicker. "Just because Gryffindor didn't get in. At least we know Diggory's a good lad, it's nice to know he'll be fair in this Tournament. I've heard one too many stories about all the cheating that goes on during this thing."
One of the Marauders may have said something back, but then they finally seemed to realize one outstanding person hadn't spoken a word since he'd left Hagrid's, and all eyes turned to Harry to see him blinking spastically behind his glasses, his breaths coming out rather strangled, his lips trembling like he needed to say something but no noise was coming out.
The four of them exchanged almost frightened looks now, not one of them really wanting to comprehend what could be so bad about this. Their mind flickered back, and they suddenly remembered when Harry had first heard Cedric's name. At least this did explain some of Harry's behavior towards him, he would be worried about the Hogwarts champion in this dangerous quest, but this was still pretty bad for someone who was practically a stranger. Did something happen to him during the Tournament then? It was all they could come up with to explain how their boy was reacting.
Lily still hesitated, like she wanted to offer her son some comfort, but Remus waved her on with his own eyes watching Harry very carefully. They all knew by now it really was best to just push past and get to a new topic, rather than letting Harry linger on something too long that could hurt him.
Ron gave a cry of agitation, but it wasn't heard in the tumultuous noise made by the Hufflepuff table as they all got to their feet in a stampede of cheering while Cedric made his way past Dumbledore.
If Harry wasn't freaking them out so much, they all honestly might have joined in. Despite their initial teasing, they couldn't deny they were happy for the choice even if it hadn't been their first pick. Aside from the fact that they would admit they liked Cedric on principle considering how he'd been told to act after that disastrous Quidditch match against Harry, it was just nice to see the Hufflepuffs getting so excited over something.
Dumbledore congratulated all three champions,
Harry shivered so hard it made James and Sirius on either side of him startle, but while the two exchanged wide eye looks Lily still didn't want to stop until that look was off her son's face.
saying he expected them all to support their champions- but he was cut off, and no one needed to ask by what.
Lily looked up expectantly, like she was hoping that now Cedric was gone and something new was happening Harry might be getting better, but the opposite was happening. He was trembling nonstop now, his chest kept stuttering as his breaths hitched and he clearly wasn't taking in a word as they all asked what was going on.
Lily made to put the book down and go over to him, but Remus caught her and shook his head, looking imploringly at the book. Lily knew deep down it would be better if she just got whatever was bothering him out, but it didn't really get rid of her desire to be at her sons side when he was clearly so distraught either. She had to take a deep breath and one last protective look at her boy before she could finish.
The Goblet of Fire had flamed red again, and for the last time a piece of paper shot out of it.
'Oh, he's not.' James couldn't seem to swallow, his eyes darting from Harry to the book and back so fast it was blurring out everything.
One thought was running through all four of them. 'Why would the Goblet being going off again? It was supposed to only do that three times, right?'
Dumbledore caught it on instinct, and stared for a long time at the slip. The hall was deadly quiet as he whispered the name Harry Potter.
Harry sat there, too dumbstruck to realize there was no obligatory 'what?!' from the rest of his family.
*A lovely fan, Queen Paddie, pointed out to me that s'mores were only an American food back in chapter 7, so I went back and changed it, but I just couldn't resist putting that in here now that I know.
** You know what I honestly would have loved to see though? If this had happened. Don't get me wrong, the Cedric plot line isn't bad, but can you just imagine if this had happened to a Slytherin? I can still imagine Harry sharing the tip about the dragon with Warrington because he'd still think it should be equally fair even if he didn't like the guy, I like to think Warrington still would have paid him back with the egg tip because he'll repay his debts even to a Gryffindor.
Then in the end when Warrington still dies, it would just be the biggest slap in the face for all the Voldemort supporters to realize that their precious Dark Lord had killed a pureblood as a spare as readily from his own precious house as any? Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud Hufflepuff and love my house getting some attention in this book, but I feel like that would have been a huge impact, even more than Cedric's.
***I've been trying to figure out the Hogwarts school tables for ages, and I think I'm overthinking this. If you go back and read the passage from the first book where they're first being sorted, Harry lays out the tables for you. Facing the tables from right to left, it's Hufflepuffs table on the far right, and then from that table on it's Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor at the end. This makes sense as Harry's said several times he's had to pass every table to get to his own, but contradicts that's it's said several times throughout the books the Slytherins and Gryffindors are at opposite ends, not just a house apart. Plus in the very next chapter, Harry says that he has to walk in between the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables. Did the tables switch and this is a mess up on JK's part, or am I misunderstanding something? My suggestion is loose at best, so if I've got this wrong somehow, please correct me.
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
I honestly believe that antis don’t know what dramione is actually about, and believe we just ship a bully with his victim–and refuse to deviate from their reasoning.
But dramione is NOT about that, because literally NO ONE in the dramione fandom (except a few bad apples) would ship a childhood bully draco with hermione. We understand that yes, doing that would make it toxic/abusive. 
draco’s racism was taught to him, just like the weasley children were taught that muggles and wizards and muggleborns were equal. the first eleven years of his life, he grew up with lucius malfoy as a role model–one of the chief blood supremacists. we know that canonically draco worshipped his dad. he learnt that muggleborns were scum of the earth. why would he question that? when we’re kids, we don’t question what our parents teach us–we just assume they’re right and that’s how the world works.
the same concept applies to his classism. the first thing he said to ron was “red hair. hand-me-down robes. you must be a weasley.” now, keep in mind that this is the first time draco is meeting ron. how is an eleven-year-old who’s never met the other child before, know exactly who the child is, and how the child would look?
again, the parents. lucius malfoy worked with arthur weasley in the ministry. he would obviously go home and complain about the “blood traitor and his poverty” to narcissa, and draco would probably overhear, and assume that that’s how you treat the weasleys, because they’re “bad people” in his father’s book, and by extension, his. 
the second book: at the start, lucius puts draco down because his marks were lower than hermione’s. draco is obviously put off, but he understands why–he’s a pureblood. he’s a malfoy. he’s supposed to be doing better than the muggleborns, because according to his father, they don’t deserve to attend hogwarts. later, he calls hermione a mudblood–again, where would he learn that type of language? definitely not the internet, because that didn’t exist. that takes us to his parents. 
now, the question probably is why wouldn’t draco see other non-racist people in school and change? because he didn’t hang out with other houses. slytherins are very isolated, and usually pitted against the rest of the school. draco’s friends, children of death eaters, were probably raised in the same way he was. if his parents taught him pureblood supremacy, and his friends’ parents taught them the same thing, why would he think to question it? 
draco malfoy was taught right from wrong, but those values just happened to be the opposite of what everyone else, like the weasleys, was taught. but just as the weasleys went in knowing that draco was wrong for believing in them, draco went in knowing that the weasleys were wrong for believing in theirs. 
in the third book, I think the whole buckbeak incident was realistic. if a child provokes a dog, and the dog bites it, the dog is the one that’s put down no matter what the child did. I’m not saying it’s “right”–I definitely thin draco 100% deserved to be punched by hermione–but it’s how the world currently works–maybe it will change later but for now, it’s reality. 
and as for the slytherins’ hatred towards hagrid–I’d say it was justified, because hagrid himself was no sweetheart to them. don’t get me wrong–I love hagrid, but he didn’t like the slytherins–you can see this when he talks about them in the first book. again, the books are from harry’s pov, so even if hagrid didn’t like the slytherins and said something about them, it would be biased. but yes, the slytherins often took it too far. 
the fourth book–draco’s bullying wasn’t even that bad. he actually warned hermione to get away at the world cup, in his own twisted way. he accidentally hit her with a curse meant for harry. he made “potter stinks” badges–juvenile things. 
now for the fifth. let me get this absolutely straight: I hate umbridge. I hate the inquistorial squad. I hate that the slytherins joined them. 
but we have to go back to slytherin inequality for this. the slytherins are booed at quidditch matches. the whole school, including most of the teachers and their headmaster, are against them. in fact, I could say that the only teacher that favoured the house was snape, and have canonical evidence. it’s basically the slytherins vs the rest of the school. 
now, comes along a lady that actually seems to favour slytherins. for the first time, they’re made to feel important. she wants to form a little group to catch their worst enemy in an illegal act. who would say no? 
but again–the golden trio was no less. they purposely excluded the slytherins from the DA. forget malfoy and his cronies. not EVERY slytherin would be devoted to umbridge/malfoy. but the trio didn’t invite ANY of them–and not all their parents were death eaters. 
now, put yourself in their place. imagine your school formed a club excluding your house. why would you protect them, instead of catching them? they had no reason to protect the DA, so they didn’t. 
in the sixth book–I think at this point, draco’s grown out of his blood prejudice and realised that it isn’t a game. his father, probably the person he expects the most to protect him is in azkaban. voldemort has his mum, and will kill her if he doesn’t murder the wizarding world’s most powerful wizard. but why did he continue his discrimination? 
do you really think that draco malfoy, bully and blood supremacist for five years, suddenly stopped bullying muggleborns, that word wouldn’t reach his house? his friends/housemates would tell their death eater parents, and somehow, it would reach his father, or worse–voldemort, who would just find it an excuse to kill his mum. 
but admittedly, he didn’t bully the trio that much that year, and I think he called hermione a mudbblood only once–at the top of the astronomy tower, when he was trying to kill dumbledore. 
also dumbledore KNEW that draco malfoy had been ordered to murder him. he knew who had been making those attempts the entire year. and then five minutes before the death eaters got them, he offered protection. draco was expected to make a life-changing, life-threatening decision in five minutes? when he didn’t even know whether he could trust the order? for all he knew, they could hold his family hostage to draw voldemort out. 
but even then, he began to lower his wand, but it was too late. 
IMHO, I think draco only referred to her as “mudblood granger” at that time as a last-ditch attempt to constrain to his father’s beliefs–which would be VERY advantageous to him at that point, because then he would be able to find a reason to murder dumbledore. but we all know he wasn’t able to do it. 
in the seventh book, he refuses to identify harry, even though it’s obvious he recognises him and his family could gain EVERYTHING–but that’s a flimsy redemption arc at best. he stands by while hermione’s being tortured, yes, but that’s because it’s bellatrix lestrange–probably the most feared death eater of all time. would you do anything? I think not. 
draco malfoy was brought up in a different way, having different beliefs ingrained into him. do you actually blame a child for doing what his father said, when the child should have been old enough to make his own choices? do you still blame that child for having been exposed to only one sort of right their whole lives, and having a biased opinion because they were never taught to see from a different perspective? and do you still blame that boy, despite everything he’s faced, that he never went through with it? 
people who say “draco had a choice and he made the wrong one” are just wrong. what kinda choice would they make if a genocidal maniac was sitting at their dinner table, holding their mum hostage, until they killed the president of their country? 
 to me, I think draco and ron were both very insecure people, though for different reasons, and just had different ways of showing it. ron cut people off when he thought they were going to succeed without him, and draco made comments about the other person’s insecurities, probably to make himself feel better. ron was insecure about harry’s fame, but since he was harry’s best friend, he just had to put up with it (until the 4th book). draco had no such obligations. 
and to say that draco malfoy isn’t redeemable, is saying that people who mess up when they’re kids, will remain that way for the rest of their lives. it’s sending a message to all young people out there telling them the consequences of making a mistake–no one will like them. 
I’m not “excusing” draco’s racism. he was a piece of shit, plain and simple. but I’d say 98% of that is because of the way he was brought up. 
also isn’t it the whole point that we want people to wake up and realise their mistakes? half of america would have LOVED for donald trump to get up one day and realise that he’s a racist misogynist. ofc it wouldn’t change the past, but it would change the future.
now, onto the dramione argument. 
first off, saying that hermione wouldn’t forgive draco for the past is going against every aspect of her character. she had a soft spot for kreacher, the house-elf that grew up in a racist household and was therefore racist and called her and ron “mudblood” and “blood traitor” (quite similar to draco, actually). she understood where he was coming from, and why he was the way he is, and ultimately didn’t care. after that, how can you say that she wouldn’t forgive draco for having beliefs and values ingrained into him from when he was a child? 
second, who is the real enemy in HP? yes, you could say voldemort, but it’s more about what he represents, which is prejudice. having draco, a former blood supremacist and the son and nephew of death eaters, getting together with hermione, a muggleborn girl, would show that he’s thrown his beliefs out of the window. it’s his character growth and how he matures through the war and its aftermath. 
putting draco and hermione together as kids without any change to their characters is toxic and abusive, no doubt about it. but that’s not what dramione is about.
even in hogwarts fics like isolation, what the room requires, and clean, the authors make sure that he repents. they make sure to explicitly write his character arc, and to show that he is no longer a bully or blood supremacist. 
hermione is NOT draco’s redemption, since canonically he shows signs of awakening, if not actual repentence. she’s the conclusion of his redemption. it’s officially showing the world and society that he is no longer a blood purist. 
dramione isn’t about crazy fans thinking it’s adorable for a bully and a victim to fall for each other.
dramione is about change. and if you believe that people can’t change, that’s on you.
I agree with most of the points you’ve made except for the second paragraph. The majority of Dramione fans do indeed ship Hermione with redeemed Draco, but there’s nothing wrong with reading fics in which their relationship is toxic (I do that every once in a while) because neither Hermione nor Draco is a real person and you can put them in all types of circumstances. They’re both fictional characters and thus can’t be hurt.
- AgnMag
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gloves94 · 4 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 26
Rating:  Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Anxiety! Phobia!
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Did Professor Snape actually think she was stupid?
Probably. Ellar Lestrange had tried to kill her. How- why on Earth would she ever considering being around him ever again? An unpleasant chill went down her spine at the thought of being around him. She thought of the crazed look on his eyes as he attempted to drown her, his rough grip on her body, his cold lips. Consider it done Snape.
It wouldn’t happen again.
However, the thought of getting even – the need to make him feel just as small as he had made her feel – the thought was more than tempting, but how could she hurt him? As far as she knew it didn’t look like Ellar had a weakness. She tried to empathize with him, to think of his intentions and have the benefit of the doubt yet couldn’t reach a conclusion.
‘Mr. Lupin, I apologize it has taken so long for me to write to you back. I hope the gloves I sent you fit you well. I’m not the most skilled knitter so I have enchanted them with a charm that should keep your hands warm (it is still a work in progress, so I hope the charm sticks).
Hogwarts has been well Hogwarts. I’m happy to be home. Work has been keeping me busy. I have a lot to make up to from last year and every year I get more and more clients. It can get exhausting, but work is work and I shouldn’t complain.
The Yule Ball was fine-‘
It wasn’t. The Yule Ball was a complete catastrophe. Not just for Nel but for almost every student that attended.
‘-I went stag. Found a dress from the ‘Come and Go Room.’ Did you know Hogwarts has a secret room? My friends are-‘
She looked up from her scribbling to see Daphne and Theodore playing and holding with each other’s hands in the middle of the Slytherin table. Both of them completely lost in each other’s eyes. Some Durmstrang students glared at them with revulsion at the romantic public display of attention. Nel almost threw up. To think she wanted that to be her and Ellar Lestrange only a couple of weeks ago. Leanne who was sitting next to Tracey in the Slytherin table was showing her the latest photographs she had captured of the Whomping Willow shaking off some snow. Both were also completely absorbed with each other leaving Nel to constantly feel lonely or like a fifth wheel.  
When they asked why she had returned to the dormitory with parts of her clothes soaking wet she lied and said it had been a prank by the Weasley twins. When asked who had been the one behind the anonymous flower arrangement, she, again, lied and said the person never showed.
“Was it Ellar?” Daphne had asked leaning over her bed, eyes wide in astonishment.
“No,” Nel said dully. “Why would he send me flowers?” She rolled her eyes dramatically. Another lie. None of them questioned it. Specially after the showdown that went on in the Yule Ball.
Of course, all of them were too engrossed with each other to noticed how she had begun to avoid the Black Lake. How she began to make excuses not to run around it in the mornings with Tracey and Viktor, how she starred at the green tinted windows in the Common Room it with unease, nails burying into skin leaving half-moon crescents in her palms, or how her breathing would become irregular when in the presence of a large body of water or even the mentioning of the lake.
She tried to compartmentalize. To push the memory to the back of her head. To ignore the painful memory of your lungs screaming and burning for air. The dark coldness of the underwater and the crazed look on that maniac’s face.
If you’re lying to your friends, you are doing something wrong. However, she felt like they wouldn’t understand. If they knew- if any of them knew it would only complicate things. If Snape, a Hogwarts professor, wasn’t able to do anything what help could her friends be? It didn’t seem like Ellar had a weakness. Even Professor Snape had said it himself, his reeking privileged had saved him from Azkaban once before. They might give him a piece of their minds but that would be about it.
In regards of her other friends- Harry was too impulsive, so were the Weasley’s- even talking about it- it would just be problematic. Even Nathair was absent since he was hibernating the cold winter somewhere inside the greenhouse.
Then again, these weren’t things they talked with each other. The less they knew about each other the better.
She wanted to talk to somebody who wouldn’t be biased to judge, someone who would just listen-
Her eyes left the letter she was writing and slowly wondered a couple of seats away to Draco who was pointing at something in a magazine Zabini was showing him, no surprise probably roasting someone. He was a good listener; he was good at this kind of thing.
“Why is Saintday starring at me?” Blaise narcissistically asked Draco when he felt a pair of eyes on him. “Think she’ll ask me to Puddifoot’s?” He laughed in reference to the pink Tea Shop were students usually went on dinner dates at Hogsmeade. She turned away quickly when Malfoy turned in her direction. Her mind went to that same place it had the night after the Yule Ball. The grip around her pen became a little tighter when she felt her face burning from the embarrassment of the memory.
‘My friends are great.’
She dotted that statement harshly.
‘I haven’t been practicing my Patronus charm as much as I should be. Other than that, professor, I was wondering,’ She wanted to scratch off the word professor. It was a force of habit to call him that. ‘Have you ever heard of Ellar Lestrange? He used to be a student at Hogwarts.’ He’s also a real foul git.
‘Other than that – I hope you are well professor. Hopefully by the next time we meet my Patronus will be fully functional.
Take care, - Nel’
Looking over her shoulder she fed a piece of sausage to her owl which had been loyally perched on her shoulder all this time and handed it two sealed letters. One for Lupin and another for Cedric who was just a couple of tables away.
‘Meet me outside in 5.’ The note read.
Cedric read it and their eyes met from across the Great Hall. Looking up he nodded with a lazy smile and made his way outside.
“Where are you going?” Tracey asked when she saw her friend rise without saying a word.
“Common Room,” She half lied. “See ya,” She said curtly.
“Nel you’ve been acting very wei-“ Tracey didn’t get to finish her sentence, her friend leaving her hanging. “Weird,” She dead panned and turned to give Leanne an irritated look. “I think she’s just upset about the Yule Ball,” the Hufflepuff suggested.
“I mean something did happen with Lestrange, right? People say she went mad and struck him, then he sent her flowers- you’d think she’d be elated. Didn’t you say she fancied him?” Moon added to the group of Slytherins. Daphne pinched the bridge of her nose irritated at the missing puzzle piece.
She was missing something, but what was it?
“Ced,” Outside of the Great Hall, Nel greeted the older Hufflepuff as they walked down the corridor in no particular direction. “Ever heard of the ‘Come and Go Room?’” She asked with particular interest.
Cedric looked a little confused by her question. “You mean the Room of Requirement?” He arched an eyebrow.
“The Room of what?” Her expression mimicked his.
“Come, I’ll show you,” He said turning in the direction of the moving staircases and leading her up. “Is this what you wanted to talk about?” He asked as they headed up the stairs to the seventh floor.
No. She wanted to tell him about what she knew about the lake. She wanted to tell him- someone about what had happened with Ellar Lestrange that night. About how his mother would most definitely kill her in cold blood for wounding the pride and joy that was her only son. She didn’t want to think of Cloelia rigidly sitting at home with her palms flat on the dining table as she plotted her vengeance against her. “I want to see you go mad,” the Beuxbaton student’s cruel words still haunted her. The thought of the dark water-
“No,” She said quicker than she intended. Wanting to shut out the memory of the dark water. “It’s about the Second Task of the Tournament. I am more than certain it’s at the lake. Are you prepared to go underwater?”
“Underwater?” Cedric’s thick eyebrows burrowed deep in thought. “Yes. Unless you can grow gills, I have a feeling you’re going to need some help in that department.”
“How do you know this?” He asked curiously.
She could’ve confessed. Told her about what Ellar had done to her and how Professor Snape knew. How Snape had been there and had done nothing about it, but it brought so much shame to her. It had been her fault in the first place, for being there, for trusting Ellar, for putting herself in that situation. Besides- what would Cedric do about it? Nothing. Ellar was beyond privileged, it would come to his word against her and in the end his, being a Lestrange, weighted more. It weighted enough to get him off the hook from Azkaban.
“Never mind that,” He shrugged. “Anyhow-“ Cedric said as they entered the Seventh Floor. “Here it is,” he finished with confident as they stopped in front of a large empty wall across from a tapestry of Barnabas the Barny trying to teach trolls to dance ballet.
She was silent for a moment looking for the entrance to the Room of Requirement. The door must be really small, she squinted her eyes to try and see.
“But there’s no door,” Nel observed.
“One thing about Hogwarts is, nothing really is what it seems,” Cedric reached for her arm and pulled her along as he walked away. She was more than perplexed by the missing room.
“The Room of Requirements only reveals itself to those who require it,” He explained as the two walked in front of tapestry three times. It was then that he stopped a massive door with intricate swirling carvings then revealed itself to the two of them. It even seemed to slightly shimmer. “Tricky, aint it?” He said with his hands on his waist.
“How-How’d you?” She looked at him wide eyed with a broad smile.
“Walk in front of the tapestry three times while focusing on an intent. If you do it correctly the room and whatever you desire should appear.”
She made a mental note of this. “How do you know about it?” She looked at him oddly.
A coy grin grew across his face and he ran a hand through his neat copper hair. “Well,” He chuckled. “Prefects use it as a snogging room,” he said cheekily. He laughed at her stunned expression. “Why? Are you thinking of having some company over?”
She slapped his arm and looked away hoping he wouldn’t notice her flustered reaction.
“Knock yourself out,” He once again laughed. “That reminds me-“ He waved his finger. She noted he was stepping away from her. “I have an idea. Meet me outside the prefect’s bathroom in half an hour.”
“What?” She turned back to look at him with that same confused look she had been wearing on her face all evening long so far.
It would take hours- no days. To look through all of the vials, books, trunks, boxes and other magical trinkets that are all inside of the room. And who knew what Cedric meant when he said the room would shift into whatever its user required.
Elowen even lost track of her time and arrived outside the Prefect’s Bathroom later than expected. She waited outside but Cedric never showed. Maybe- she looked around the corridor shiftily hoping no other prefects or professors would be doing rounds tonight. Maybe he was already inside?
“Hello?” She croaked as she crept inside of the Prefect’s Bathroom. She was distracted looking up in awe at the animated mermaid stained glass windows and the massive organ like fountain that was pouring down a rainbow of water that descended into a bubbly lagoon that she didn’t even realize Cedric half underwater. Did people actually come and bathe in here?
“Took you long enough!” He laughed a little and swam towards the edge and reached for the golden egg he had received in the First Task.
Normally she would’ve had a clever retort at the tip of her tongue, but the sight of the dark water grounded her in place. He didn’t seem to notice her rattled reaction. Her eyes were frozen on the water. She knew it had a bottom. She knew Cedric wasn’t struggling. She knew she wouldn’t fall. She knew she wouldn’t drown, but the memories.
The vivid feeling of her lungs burning for air as salty lake water flooded her mouth and choked the air out of her suddenly came back to her.
“Well come on then,” he waved his hand over in his direction still wearing a cheery grin. She didn’t share his enthusiasm. “Welcome to the Prefect’s Bathroom. You’ll be able to use it next year. If you are chosen to become a prefect. I think you’d make a rather good one.”
The cold darkness that engulfed her beneath the lake still pricked at her with the sight of the dark water.
The fact Diggory was shirtless and in the water didn’t cross her mind, she didn’t snap out of her fearful trance until she heard a dreadfully familiar laugh.
“Is this the- handsome boy – you brewed that foul-smelling Love Potion for?”
Moaning Myrtle.
“Myrtle,” Nel dropped her name from her mouth with much nasal distaste. The ghost girl’s remarks cause her to snap out of her trance and drag her heavily grounded feet towards the pool.
“I would disagree,” She said woefully with a bit of an incredulous laugh answering his comment.
Nel? Prefect? Could you imagine the chaos and havoc? Students would be getting points for jinxing people on her shit list.
“You brewed a Love Potion Nel?” Cedric laughed; his eyebrows arched in surprise. “Maybe the snogging room will come in handy!”
“The only snog Snelly Nelly is getting is from a Welsh troll,” Myrtle cackled and Nel wished she could toss something in her direction. Both ignored her.
“I am not getting in the water Cedric,” She warned kneeling on the edge.
“Are you sure?” He rested his elbows on the edge. “Waters nice,” He said splashing some warm water in her direction. She stiffened up petrified. Again, he chuckled slightly interpreting her response as a girlish nervousness.
“I was thinking-“ He pondered for a moment. “Since the task is underwater, what do you think would happen if I sink the egg underwater?”
“You have to come!” A week later Tracey was pulling on Nel’s hand as she insisted her friend came to attend the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament which would take place in the Black Lake.
“I’ve got a lot of work to do,” She lied shiftily nervously playing with her book bag’s strap. Never in this lifetime would she admit she was afraid and less to a room full of Slytherins. “Oh, come on,” Tracey insisted still pulling on her friend’s hand. “It’ll be fun! Leanne even got butterscotch popcorn for us!”
“Thanks Trace, but I’ll pass really,” Nel averted her eyes and kept them glued to the floor. She withdrew her hand from her friend’s coldly.
Tracey looked at her with a concerned expression. “You’ve been acting really odd lately,” She said with a hand on her waist.
“Odd?” Nel kept busy by tossing meaningless items inside of her bookbag. “Odd how?” She dodged the subject tossing in more parchments, ink, an extra quill and a pillow. Wait- she didn’t need a pillow. She put the item back in her bed and took in a deep breath her eyes moving from one end of the Slytherin dormitory to the other eventually focusing on Mildred’s cat.
“Nel,” Tracey said softly as she took a seat on the edge of her friend’s bed.
“You can talk to me – to us – your friends. About anything, really-“ She said tenderly her worried eyes still lingering on her roommate.
“There is nothing going on!” She snapped in return. She didn’t even realize she had raised her voice. “Nothing Trace! Stop being so damn bloody nosey!” She shut her book bag before standing up and storming out of the room. Tracey sat stunned at the volatile reaction.
Halting by the door, Nel rested a hand on the door frame. “Trace- I’m…” She turned with her head lowered. “I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have snapped. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that,” She hesitated before walking back to the bed. “I’m sorry,” She pinched the bridge of her nose and Tracey suspected she was wiping away tears that dared prick at the inner corners of her eyes.
She sat in the bed next to her and Tracey took her hand in hers patting it sadly.
“Who do I have to kill?” Tracey laughed slightly which in turn made Nel break into a smile. “Was it Malfoy?” This time she spoke in full seriousness.  
Feeling drained Nel held her breath. “Draco?” She shook her head and put her head on her friend’s shoulder before sighing deeply. “No, not this time.”
“Draco?” Tracey was in turn more than surprised at her casual use of his name. “That’s new,” Tracey huffed slightly before nudging her shoulder up. She was about to further press on the topic when Pansy Parkinson walked into the dormitory. “Forgot my binoculars,” She tossed over her shoulder not paying the two Slytherins much attention.
“By the way my money’s on Potter,” She added with pomp before walking out.
“’On Potter?’” Nel repeated still with her head comfortably resting on Tracey’s shoulder. How odd for Pansy to be rooting for Harry in anything. “Interesting choice,” was all she commented.
“They’re not betting on winners,” Tracey said with an exhausting sight. “They’re betting on who’s drowning first.”
Like that Nel’s head jolted up as she sat extremely straight and looked at Tracey with a horrified expression. “What?” She gaped.
Tracey couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s reaction. “Calm down,” She said through small laughs as she attempted to comfort her friend. “Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic will be there, there’s no reason why anything could go wrong.”
The thought of Harry or Cedric or Viktor or even Fleur de la Couer whom Nel had never exchanged a word with drowning made Nel want to retch. She pictured the horrifying image of pale body floating in the contrasting waters of the Black Lake. She paled at the thought and felt her stomach twist uneasily. There it was again that tight sensation in her throat.
“I’ll catch up,” She croaked after a moment. Tracey hugged her and promised they would save her a seat since Daphne and Theodore were probably already there waiting for them in the audience bleachers.
The day was freezing. Air was cold as strong gusts of wind blew through the eager crowds which sat on the bleachers in a makeshift dock in the middle of the Black Lake. It was definitely not a good day to take a dip in the freezing waters.
The Ministry of Magic sat in the audience as a spectator, next to him sat Lucius Malfoy, on the same row was Albus Dumbledore, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch.
In the row below Tracey looked around the crowd anxiously. She sat in defeat when she came to the realization her friend was nowhere to be found.
Lowering her binoculars Nel blew a hair out from her face in great frustration as she watched from a far. There was no way she was going to walk across a bridge and sit in a dock for who knows how many hours waiting for anybody to come up from the water. She was safe and sound witnessing the events from the edge of the lake actually standing on solid British soil.
A gun had been fired and the contestant had been underwater for some time now.
Sighing she once again picked up the binoculars and this time observed as the champions got ready to take a leap. She knew that Cedric would use a Bubble-Head Charm one that he had endlessly been practicing in the Prefect’s Bathroom. She helped him practice, convincing herself that it would be ideal to know, especially when in such a close proximity to a large body of water. She was curious as to what the other champions would use.
“What are you doing here?” A voice that ran a chill down her spine struck her.
She said nothing and stammer a little imagining how ridiculous she probably looked standing alone on the edge of the Black Lake witnessing everything from a far.
“You’re scared of the lake. Aren’t you?”
Irritated she again lowered her binoculars yet didn’t turn around, her gaze remained fixed on the end of the dock where the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament was happening.
“So perceptive of you,” She said dryly.
“Why?” She could hear the pebbles on the edge of the muddy lake crunching under his feet as he approached her side. His voice, it sounded like he had genuine concern. Yet with Malfoy it was hard to know if he was being sincere or not. “Are you here to make fun of me?”
He stood there for a moment “I’m not,” like Tracey’s earlier his voice was soft, unthreatening, he sunk his hands in his black jacket’s pockets shielding them from the bitter winds.
Her lips were tightly drawn into a line. She still didn’t want to look at him. Wasn’t his father in the audience? Why was he here with her?
Unsure of what to say she was silent for a moment.  
“You were right,” She decided to break that silence. She hadn’t even realized she was biting her lip, nodding her head slightly with a distant look of disdain in her eyes. He looked at her with curiosity.
“Lestrange,” She thought of the perfect way to describe him. “He’s a monster.”
She didn’t notice how his expression hardened when he registered the apathetic look in her eyes. That son of a bitch. He wondered just what was going through her head. His eyes looked for any trace of injury on her exposed skin, but it was hard to see beneath the gloves, scarf, knitted cap and all winter gear.
“Seems to be quite fixed on you as of the late. Sending you flowers and all.”
“How?” She finally turned to face him. How was it that he always seemed to know?
“The Weasleys can barely afford to breathe, Potter is too daft to send something so elaborate. It has to be someone with a strong intent that can afford such an unimaginative gesture,” He looked at her with full seriousness. “Alright Sherlock,” She rolled her eyes wearing a half smile before once again focusing on the tournament through her binoculars which were strapped around her neck.
“What did you call me?” He asked sounding offended by the unknown word.  
“Muggle reference,” She added wearing that same coy smile. The moment was short lived. The smile wiped from her features as there seemed to be some action in the tournament.
“I think Krum is coming up-“ She described. “Is that? With Granger?” She squinted through the glass making sure she was seeing correctly. “You’re missing the task,” She said to Malfoy hoping he’d go away and return to his father’s eyes to witness the tournament. Instead he said nothing and took the binoculars from her and she was tugged to his side by the short strap that was around her neck. He didn’t apologize for standing so close to her, nor did he seem to care.
She could smell his strong cologne. Could see the beauty marks and freckles on his pale skin.
She didn’t mean for it to happen, but her heart picked up pace. This time there was no alcohol involved. She stood on her tip toes hoping to keep a distance between the two. Struggling to keep her balance standing over the slippery pebbles. Slipping she braced onto his arm to hold herself up. “Sorry,” She mumbled ducking her head.
“Fancy a swim Elowen?” A voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard interrupted. Ellar stood a couple of feet away from them about to cross the bridge which lead to the makeshift island were audiences were viewing the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He wore a smug smile as he hid his hands in his coat’s pockets.
Malfoy glared at the Beuxbaton student with hatred.
“Cowering behind Malfoy. How typical,” The other shot. Nel didn’t even realize she was hiding behind Malfoy, or maybe he had pushed her behind him. Did it really matter? Triggered she stepped forward and whipped her wand ready to hex him. Yet her hand was held back. Draco gave her a knowing look. He knew when to pick his fights. She didn’t.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lestrange raised his hands up mockingly. “Might want to put a leash around her Malfoy. I heard she bites,” Ellar bit down on the edge of his lip with a wink before haughtily walking away with his head tossed back as he retreated. His loud laugher a faraway echo from the windy spot where Draco and Nel were standing.
Nel kept her head lowered not wanting to think about what had happened with Ellar. After all it had all been her fault.
“Nel,” She felt a rough hand on her shoulder turn her. “What did he do?”
Sullenly she simply shook her head in small movements. “What did he do to you?” He repeated his tone stronger, grip on her arm tighter. “Nothing,” She lied dismissively , like she had rehearsed a thousand times. “Tell me,” He ordered. “He forced himself on me,” word vomit. She hadn’t even realized she’d said it. “Kissed me,” She paused. “And then tried to drown me in the Black Lake,” She admitted not wanting to look at his judging eyes. She waited for him to blame her just like she blamed herself from the shame of it. “Son of a bitch.”
Draco wasn’t looking at her he instead marched in Ellar’s direction beginning to cross the wood bridge. Lifting his wand dishonorably hexing the teen with his back turned; Lestrange was propelled high into the sky and across nastily splashing into the lake’s water. His father, the audience and everybody else would’ve been way to distracted by one of the champions emerging from the water to even realize what he had done. “And coming up!” Ludo spoke as he continued to narrate the events of the tournament to the audience.
Nel watched with her mouth ajar again bringing the binoculars to her mouth as Ellar spat out some cold water and rise up in the tournament. “Is that a student? Somebody get that fanatic out of the winter waters!”
Students in the audience pointed and laughed.
Wearing a triumphant and very satisfied smile Draco flipped his wand in his hand before turning to face Nel. Lowering her binoculars, she rubbed her eyes and buried her face in the palms of her hands.
“Nel?” He called her name quickly approaching her. Again, she could hear the pebbles shifting under his steps. “Are you crying?” He asked sounding more blatantly surprised than concerned this time.
“No,” She removed her hands and wore a broad smile she attempted to hide behind her knuckles.
Satisfied Draco looked back at the audience from a far. He let out a laugh when he saw the way Lestrange was pitifully fished out of the freezing cold water by a Beuxbaton Professor. People laughed at him as they did.
“What a tosser,”  Draco grumbled with great distaste. Still hiding her shy smile, the girl admired his face profile from the side. He completely missed the large doe eyes she was looking at him with. “Worse than mudbloods I tell you.” And… Just like that it was gone.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
Harry Potter asks! 3, 12, and 24 💚
Would you have an owl, cat, or toad?
Oh, definitely a kitty! There’s been a cat in my house since I was a baby, so I’ve always been very comfortable with them. I’d most love a black cat. ^.^
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Thoughts on Severus Snape?
Hahaha, funnily enough, I discussed this on another post on this blog, so I’ll just quote my answer from that!
My stance on Snape is that he is a total asshat who nonetheless did some good things, and those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Whether you believe his work as a double agent fighting against Voldemort and his evolution into one of Dumbledore’s most loyal soldiers redeem Snape for the terrible things he did as a Death Eater is solely up to one’s own opinion, but it’s much harder to excuse the terrible things he did WHILE supposedly working for the side of good – namely the bullying of his students, in particular Harry and Neville.
Snape’s arc from the side of blood purist evil to the side of loving good isn’t really a complete arc – he remains a bitter, resentful, cruel, petty bully who decides to take his rotten lot in life out on others rather than live a better life with his loved ones in mind. You are entitled to not be happy, of course, but it’s very difficult for me to forgive Snape’s past mistakes as fully when he’s consistently making more and more mistakes that – in some ways – are caused by the exact same flaws that prompted those initial mistakes.
Snape never respected Lily choosing James: it’s part of the reason he was so okay with letting James and Harry die if Lily survived, and it’s also the same reason he ended up bullying Harry so severely. Snape never grew beyond his resentment and desire to elevate himself over others by putting them down: it’s part of the reason he joined the Death Eaters in the first place, to feel powerful when he was always so powerless, and it’s the same reason he treated all of his non-Slytherin students like garbage. Snape never really respected other people and their feelings on the same level as he does his own: it’s part of the reason he had no problem spending time with people like Mulciber who was fascinated with Dark magic and who used Levicorpus on one of Lily’s friends, and it’s the same reason he cared so little for Neville’s feelings that he harangued him constantly and once even threatened to poison his beloved pet toad.
I do believe that Snape cared about Lily, but I also strongly believe that Snape didn’t fully comprehend what true love entails. He put her up on a pedestal and had this bizarre need to possess her more than respect her choices and support them however he could – as evident by, even sixteen years after her death, him ripping up one of Lily’s private letters and pictures just to have a small piece of her all to himself. If he’d truly loved Lily, he would’ve made peace with her death and tried living with her in mind, the way Remus did for James. Remus– who also had a really s*** time of it, just sayin’ – supported and mentored his best friend’s son. Snape took sadistic pleasure from bullying and demeaning him. Remus may not have had romantic feelings for James, but he clearly understood what love means more than Snape did. That goes for Sirius, too.
I do see Snape as a very interesting character, but I certainly wouldn’t like the man as a person, and I don’t see him as a hero. It’s one of the things my MC Carewyn and I disagree on the most, largely because Carewyn as a Slytherin is subject to her own biases regarding her Head of House. And also the games clearly modeled their Snape after movie!Snape, who’s objectively depicted as less unlikable than book!Snape.
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How do you feel about Cursed Child?
Bwahaha, my beloved Potterhead mother and I did an entire play-by-play review chronicling our journey reading that lovely trainwreck, if you’d like to read it. >3 To quote our conclusion, though --
Mum and I really didn’t like this story. There were definitely gems here and there that made reading it enjoyable, like Scorpius’s character, his friendship with Albus, some funny quips and jokes, the twist of Cedric stopping Delphi from using him to bring back Voldemort, and Draco’s character growth from his Hogwarts days into a misguided and grieving, but still very loving and overprotective father – but overall, the plot left us rather disinterested, the new villain Delphi brought out no sympathy or intrigue in either of us, and the characterizations of the series’ preexisting heroes were wonky at best or irritating at worst. Although the play itself likely has the advantage of wonderful special effects and mystical ambience, those things could not and really should not overshadow the intense ennui that Mum and I felt reading this script that is supposed to feature our favorite characters and their children in our favorite magical world. This is easily the worst installment in the Harry Potter franchise, in our opinion: we enjoyed this even less than Crimes of Grindelwald.
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HP Ask!
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moonyinchaos · 3 years
no problem and i would really love to see what you wrote about snape so if its not a problem share
Alright, I’ll put the Keep reading thingy, because I think this will be a long one. If you’re not interested in my opinion on Snape, please, keep scrolling. We can have a constructive argument about Snape as a character, but I won’t ever tolerate character bashing (with the exception of Dolores Umbridge, Peter Pettigrew and Fenrir Greyback). If anyone disagrees with me, I respect that, and I would really like to know why :) 
It’s so funny to write my opinion when someone actually asks for it! So here it is my opinion on Severus Snape... 
I think that Severus Snape is one of the strongest characters; both mentally and magically. Possibly even the strongest one right next to Harry. He is really determined, devoted, self-controlled, but most importantly he is emotional. Of course, he doesn’t show it, but he is really driven by his emotions. The main thing which made him change was his love for Lily. Love is the purest emotion, and I don’t think it was an obsession. His patronus was the same as her, she was something what made him happy, something that protected him. It was just unrequited love, and that happens in real life. But you can’t just push an off button, and stop feeling something for someone. We can see him showing exactly how he feels in some occasions. For instance, when he was mad that Sirius got away at the end of the PoA. Or when he refused to teach Harry occlumency after Harry saw his worst memory. But let’s go back in time for a bit... 
Judging someone according to something they did while they were teenagers, or really young adults is not really fair. But let’s start from his hostility towards the Marauders. It’s completely understandable since they were mocking him all the time, and without any real, valid reason. Even if they did have a reason, bullying is never justified. What James did to Snape in his worst memory is something that can make a serious trauma on a person. He, again, acted on emotions. He was humiliated, frustrated, angry, and he let it out by calling Lily a Mudblood. Was that right? Of course not. Did he regret? I think he did, until the day he died. But, teenagers say a lot of dumb stuff, and should never be judged by that. I would most gladly slap 16 years old self because of some things I said when angry and emotional. And with what he said, he lost the most important person he had in his life. I think that was the worst punishment ever for saying one dumb word. People often mention his invention of Sectumsempra. He invented the powerful spell to keep himself safe. Is it brutal? Yes. Could he kill someone with it? Yes. Did he ever? No by what we find out from the canon. Sirius, who is one of the most loved characters, endangered Snape’ life because of his teenage rashness, and lack of sense for consequences. The fact he literally sent Snape to transformed Remus was more dangerous than any spell Severus invented. Why? Because transformed Remus can’t be controlled, and what he can do cannot be undone. As we saw clearly, Sectumsempra has a counter curse, since Malfoy survived Harry’s experiment. If you’re judging Snape for inventing Sectumsempra, and using it against the Death Eaters to save Remus and George, then Harry is way worse than Snape because Harry used the spell purposely to hurt Malfoy. He could easily kill Malfoy, and then what? All the characters in the whole HP universe did at least one stupid thing, and we can’t judge them just because of that. Because if we do, write out Remus, Sirius, James, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, and many, many others as good characters :)
As we all know, Snape joined the Death Eaters. Kind of expected because, let’s be serious, most of the then Slytherin house did. Peer pressure is a nasty thing + Snape wanted control/power. He was naive to think he’ll get it from Voldemort, but look at all the people that followed Voldemort. Snape was among the smartest there, if not even the smartest one. Was that a mistake? Yes. And again, he did it when he was what 18? As I said before, people do stupid shit when young, and that’s a fact. Alright, he did really, really stupid shit, but it was a moment of naivety. If someone is judging him plainly on that, remember what Sirius said about the world, people and the Death Eaters :) From the moment he realised what he did when he told Voldemort about the prophecy, Snape did everything in his power to make up for that. He risked his life in various occasions, he lied to one of the most powerful wizards ever, who can read minds, torture, and kill people just for fun. But he did that for years. Snape always did exactly what Dumbledore told him to do, and even killed him, knowing that the deed will make him an enemy number one in the eyes of the Order. But he did that with a higher purpose, and on Dumbledore’s order. If Order wasn’t so judgy towards Snape, maybe they would know about this plan, and they would handle it better. Snape was a Death Eater for what, a couple of years, but he spent seventeen years trying to redeem himself for what he’s done. You can at least respect that. As my best Skyrim friend Paarthurnax wisely said “What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” :)
The only thing I can’t justify is his teaching methods towards a particular group of students. We never see Snape teaching a bunch of Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws, so we don’t really know what was he like in those classes. He is a mastermind with potions, and has a potential to be a great teacher. I don’t justify his behaviour towards Harry & co., and never will. His teaching methods were questionable at best, but lets take a look on who he “bullied” as a teacher. 
Harry - son of a man who bullied him, and a woman he loved. The Chosen One. The Boy Who Lived. It occurred to me that maybe Snape didn’t want Harry to forget what was important in life, and since Snape grew stronger from being treated poorly, maybe he wanted to do the same effect with Harry. I think he didn’t like Harry in particular, but I don’t see him as having bad intentions in long term. Nothing comes served in life, and I guess that was Snape’s point. Teen James was pretty spoiled, and vain, so maybe Snape didn’t want Harry to turn into teen James. 
Ron - Ron was to Harry what Sirius was to James. In Snape’s eyes, the same thing, and he deserves to be treated the same. Still, can’t be justified. 
Hermione - I guess she really did remind him of Lily. The fact that Snape didn’t want to hear anyone call Hermione a Mudblood tells us all. Emotions got the best out of Snape in this one, since he obviously couldn’t really control them. 
Neville - a soft kid who needed some strengthening for real. Well, not really in that way. Snape’s treatment was just too much. Was the fact that Neville was terrified of him good? No. But Neville got stronger, and learned to stand up for himself. And don’t forget, the prophecy could easily be about Neville, and if it was, then Lily wouldn’t be dead. 
As I said before, I don’t support his teaching methods, and can’t justify them because it was his choice to act like that, when he could easily be someone better than that. And that is the only thing I don’t understand about him. Maybe Dumbledore told him to be nasty :’D And of course he was biased to Slytherin. I think that doesn’t need any arguments. I would love to see what Snape was like when teaching young Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs because I’m sure he wasn’t that bad. Strict? Sure. Snarky? Always. But I highly doubt he treated Cedric, or Padma Patil, like he treated the students I mentioned. 
To conclude this, I think the anti-Snape fandom need to at least respect what he did because the man did some great things, and he was one of the main links in a chain that led to Voldemort’s downfall. Voldemort who was deceived by Snape. And as far as we know, Severus Snape is the only person in this world who did that long term (kudos to Narcissa Malfoy for lying to Voldemort’s face)! You don’t have to love, or like him, but he doesn’t deserve the bashing he gets. He deserves respect. I made him close to Gwen, my OC, to show the softer side of Snape. The emotions he hides, and how he is surely capable of them. I made him mentoring Gwen to show how he has a potential to be a great teacher. And I have a great plans for Snape in my fic because he, as a character, really gives an opportunity to make an interesting story :) 
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ravenwolf1132 · 5 years
Family Matters
Ok everyone! Here we fucking go, my HP/SD crossover! For those of you who are not aware, I posted this on my fanfiction account a while ago then decided to rewrite it. This is the rewritten version. If you want to read the original, it's still up on fanfiction.net but I'm not posting that one here.
Now the story follows Harry when after his third year at Hogwarts ends, his relatives are out of commission thanks to a car crash. Which lands him at the Mystery Inc household cause, low and behold, one of them (a certain Norville Rogers) is his distant cousin. For there shenanigans ensue. The Mystery Inc are in their mid to late 20s and we have a nice heaping helping of Poly Gang since all four of them are married. Also, Shaggy is a werewolf and the entire Gang knows about magic, unbeknownst to Harry who is actively trying to hide his magic from them and does not realize they already know. So that's going be a trip and a half for Harry when it's finally revealed.
On with the show!
(Ok, I tried to put this in a read more but I can't find the HTML option. So uh, enjoy the long post I guess??)
Chapter One - Welcome to America
It was odd when Harry was waiting outside King’s Cross Station and the Dursleys had yet to arrive. Maybe they had finally given up and stopped caring? Fat chance, though, there were two parts of him that both felt relieved and almost betrayed. For the longest time, all Harry had wanted was a family that cared about him and when he was younger, he did everything in his power to try and earn a real place in the family. Of course, early on he realized that was never going to happen, so he just stayed quiet and did as he was told. In hindsight, perhaps he should have fought back against the Dursleys, do everything he possibly could to defy them, show them that he wasn't a failure or a waste of space, and if they wanted a monster, a demon, a devil, they should have gotten one. Though that might have landed him in Slytherin by the time he got to Hogwarts, maybe it was worth it, just to get some payback. Ron would’ve never believed him had he heard Harry's thoughts, though he was sure, at least, that Hermione would be on his side. 
Though, Harry would never get the chance to get any form of payback since, on the way to pick up Harry from King’s Cross, they had gotten into a car crash. Vernon perished on impact and Petunia was fatally injured. Dudley managed to get out alive with only a few injuries, but would never manage to remember anything about the crash and quite possibly, a lot about his life. Harry wrapped the leather jacket that Sirius had given him around his body as he waited for the Dursleys who would never arrive. It was nearly lunch when Harry finally gave up and started to walk. He slung the bigger-on-the-inside satchel that Hermione had charmed for him that held literally everything he owned in and continued on his way.
He never took the time to admire London, despite how many times he had been here and the fact that he lived just outside the city in Surrey. Hedwig was perched on his shoulder with her head tucked under her wing leaning against the messy curls on Harry’s own head. As they walked, Harry glanced at the tall buildings and marveled. Sure, magic was impressive, but sometimes, what the Muggles do, what they can make and build, and what they take for granted and seems mundane to them, is even more impressive. They built all of this without the aid of magic, and perhaps that was a good thing. While Harry was eager to leave his past in the Muggle world behind, it still fascinated him to no end. Same for Hermione and even Ron.
Hermione, of course, grew up in the Muggle world, but still wasn't content on leaving that world altogether. She went to summer school to catch up on the courses they don't have at Hogwarts and even started up a little tutoring club in third year for muggle-born and half-blood students, occasionally the odd pure blood, for Muggle classes. She did extensive research on how to be a teacher for certain classes and eventually had to ask the upperclassmen for help. The older Ravenclaws, especially the muggle-borns, took to the idea immediately. Contrary to popular belief, most of the ravens don't actually care about grades, what they value is the knowledge. Through hanging out with them, Hermione started to pick up their philosophy as well. She began to prefer her own study and learning methods over the teachers, only after she did some research on them to make sure it does work. She gained a particular hatred towards Snape, because while he may be a great potions master, he was no teacher. 
When he and Ron joined her little group, which had attracted attention from across the entire school, Ron was of course a little apprehensive. Ron grew up with an all Gryffindor family and a very biased one at that, especially towards anything that wasn't strictly light side. Sure the twins were an exception and perhaps Charlie and Bill, but still, whatever way you look at it, no matter how good they are, the Weasley’s are a biased family. However, slowly but surely, after being exposed to so many different people, from different alignments and houses and mindsets and even religions, Ron slowly began to let go of the biases he grew up with. It even got to a point where he could tolerate Slytherins and understand not all of them are bad, begrudgingly, but still. He found that there were many like-minded people he found in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses that were fascinated by Muggle tech and wanted to find some way to get it to work around magic. When Hermione saw the work he was putting into it and he found the motivation to actually do his homework from it, she left him to it, even encouraging him.
Last year, Ron would babble on and on about the things that he and his little tech group found out about, he even told his dad about his findings which helped him to finally get noticed amongst his family! Watching Ron be so happy and relishing in the feeling of finally being noticed for once, made Harry and Hermione happy for him too. They encouraged his behavior and it helped mellow him out too, no longer did he feel the same amount of jealousy or envy from being Harry's friend because he was being dotted and fawned upon now, and Harry happily took a backseat to this since he never really cared much about his fame. When he did feel stressed or had a bout of jealousy coming on, he'd smile and wait it out, trying to think about other things and often retreating to his work. Harry and Hermione could easily pinpoint what causes him to retreat, sometimes he's had a rough day, others he needs to cool off before he blows, and sometimes he just has this random bout of inspiration and has to get working on it before he loses the idea. He's grown accustomed to carrying around a sketchbook and notepad in classes so he can write down and sketch out his ideas.
A new dynamic had taken root among them. Ron had turned into the inventor, the strategist, he was the one to come up with plans and give advice should they need it. Hermione became the researcher, the one who keeps the others informed, not much changed here. However, while Ron may be good with long term and more permanent plans, and Hermione was their walking library, both of them had weak points. Ron's plans were great and all, but you can't change them on the fly easily, and Hermione, while amazing when it comes to knowledge, didn't know how to handle a stressful situation well. That is where Harry comes in. Harry is a quick thinker and very observant, he can work well under pressure and is at his best helping others. Each member of the golden trio balances the others out. Without Ron, Harry and Hermione won’t know what to do with themselves. Without Hermione, Harry and Ron wouldn’t have a clue what they're doing. And without Harry, Ron and Hermione would end up in situations where they can't get themselves out of.
As he dwelled on this, reminiscing about how far he and his friends had come, he realized he had gotten lost, and hungry. Pulling himself back to reality and the present, he looked around for somewhere to eat and get directions from. Noticing a small corner cafe, he walked in and up to barista.
“‘Ello there, lad,” the barista welcomed, “welcome to Cali's Corner Cafe, my name's Sally, what can I get for ya?” 
Harry turned his head up to the menu, feeling Hedwig's soft feathers brush against him. “May I have a BLT club with Turkey, ham, provolone, and extra bacon? Oh, and a couple of cucumbers? No dressings, please.” he asked shyly.
“of course, lad,” Sally said, “Any drink? Soft sodas or juice?”
“Just water is fine.”
“Coming right up!” She chirped. “Why don't you go find a seat? We'll call you up when it's ready for you.”
Not wanting to move very far, he sat down at the bar table. Thankfully, this cafe didn't sell alcohol, so he was allowed to sit up there. While he waited, he reached into his bag and pulled out a notepad for him to pass the time with. The spell Hermione had bewitched the bag with didn't require any sort of wand-waving to summon things from it, all you had to do while having a clear picture of the object in mind, was stuff your hand in and pull out once you grasped it. Though sometimes it doesn't always work, so you grab something that's the wrong thing. Thankfully, he pulled out the notepad and not something like one of his school books, summoned a couple pencils, erasers, and sharpeners, and started to work on the first thing that came to mind. Since he was hungry, he worked on a new recipe that he had been dying to try out. Sally came back over with his food and Harry pulled out his wallet with a Gringotts bank card and paid quickly. While Sally was handing him his recite, she looked over at the Tele. 
“Oh dear, how awful.” Sally bemoaned, Harry looked up from his half-eaten a sandwich and feeding Hedwig some of the extra bacon strips. “That intersection is quite dangerous, I hope everyone made it out ok…”
Harry glanced over at the Tele and saw it depicting a crash just a few blocks from Kings Cross. Maybe that's why it was taking the Dursleys so long? The more he watched, the more he began to recognize the victims of the crash. There was a walrus of a man hanging out the windshield of the car, obviously dead and very familiar to Harry. The two just barely surviving members of the crash looked strikingly similar to his aunt and cousin. But the thing that made him realize that they didn't just look like his relatives, was the license plate number, it was his uncle Vernon's car! He jumped out of his seat, startling Hedwig from her perch.
“What's wrong, sonny?” Sally asked worriedly. “Do you know them?”
“‘Know them’?” Harry echoed, “They're my aunt and uncle! I live with them! Oh god, if they're gone, where am I gonna go now?!”
He started shoving his things into his bag and Hedwig tried to comfort him by perching back on his shoulder and nuzzling him.
“Alright, alright, sonny,” Sally said, trying to calm him down. “We'll call a constable to see what to do, ok?”
“Yes, please do!” Harry begged, “And hurry!”
Harry didn't know how this had happened. The constable was a nice man named Constable Wright and was able to confirm that Harry was their nephew. Unfortunately, with no living relatives, they had to search elsewhere in order to find him someplace to live. However, they did find out Harry had a distant cousin in Ohio, America. They quickly arranged a short-notice flight to America after contacting his relative, a man named Norville Rogers, and having him agree to take Harry in. So, Harry went from a 10 hour train ride from school to Kings Cross, be in London for only a couple hours after finding out his aunt, uncle, and cousin are dead or badly injured and in no fit shape to take care of him, to an 8 hour flight from the UK to Ohio in less than twenty-four hours. What a great way to kick off the summer.
Harry was determined to let sleeping dogs lie when he got to America, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. What if his new caretaker was like the Dursleys? When the plane finally touched down, Harry grabbed his satchel, which managed to convince the constable that it was all he needed, and headed down to the baggage claim. Standing there, holding a sign with his name on it, was a very tall man, well over six feet, waiting for him. He had long light chestnut hair pulled back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck and his eyes were a honey golden color, he wondered for a moment if he were a werewolf. He looked ragged, like a more clean-cut version of Professor Lupin just without all the scars. He had a small beard on his chin and a bit of a five o'clock shadow. He wore a white tank top underneath a green flannel and had beige cargo pants and a set of black leather dress shoes. Sat patiently at his side was a large brown service dog sporting the signature vest and collar leashed to the man. That had to be Norville. Funny, he was expecting a lasso swinging cowboy or lumberjack redneck, not a scruffy bohemian hippie man. 
With Hedwig perched on his shoulder, Harry cautiously began to walk up to the man, silently praying that the dog wouldn't attack him on approach and that this man, his other cousin, was nothing like the Dursleys. The dog stood and with the sudden movement beside him, Norville also looked to the side. He gave Harry a friendly smile, but Harry's body had already frozen still and tense. The dog began to move forwards slowly and Harry could feel his heart racing, was it going to attack? His body hunched over, his shoulders coming up and he lifted onto his toes, keeping his arms tucked into his body and his knees loose should he need to run or fight the dog off. Hedwig noticed this and spread her wings enough so she could easily take flight and kept a glaring golden eye on the dog. The dog, whom Harry could see was practically his height on all fours, faltered a little when it saw Hedwig prepare to strike, but continued to come closer. Eventually, the dog sat in front of Harry and bowed its head looking up at him. So, the dog wasn't going to attack him? But all the other dogs attack him, why didn’t this one? Is it because it's a service dog? But aren't they known for protecting their master’s too? Looking down at the pooch, it was waiting for Harry to do something. Holding his hand out slightly, Harry reached for the dog’s head and went to pat it, he hesitated for a moment before his hand came into contact with soft, fine, fur. He visibly relaxed at the touch and scratched the pooch's head, its tongue poked out of its mouth and its tail swung lazily side to side with content.
“Sorry, Pooch,” Harry said, “I'm just not comfortable around big dogs, I thought you were going to attack me. Looks like your a better dog than all the ones I've met.” Of course, that didn't count Sirius or Lupin since they were actually people.
“Well, like, looks like you made a new friend, Scoob ol’ boy.” The man, Norville, Harry guessed, his cousin. He smiled at Harry, giving him a wide goofy grin. He held his hand out to shake, “Nice to meet ya’, kiddo. Name's Norville Rogers, but just call me Shaggy.”
“‘Shaggy’?” Harry echoed, tasting the word, it left a sour taste in his mouth, “Sorry mate, but no matter how good you are with the ladies, I am not calling you that.” Harry didn't care whether he was being rude to the man or not, he wasn't going to call someone the equivalent of having sex.
“Eh? What do ladies have to do with anything?” Norville inquired innocently.
“What? Do you prefer blokes, then?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. Scooby snickered as Norville’s face reddened. Though through the look on his face, it was surprise and embarrassment, not anger, that caused it. Norville chuckled.
“Well, it seems there's, like, a cultural difference here, cause in America, the word “shaggy” means scruffy or messy.” He explained.
“Oh,” Well that made more sense, but it also made this next bit more complicated to explain. “well, in England it kind of implies you like to…” he looked around as if he were about to tell a secret. “That you like to have sex.”
“ah,” Norville stated simply, his eyes widening a bit. “Well then, I guess we need to find something else for you to call me then.”
At that moment, both their stomachs rumbled, Norville's louder than Harry's. Harry rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed, and put a hand over his stomach. Both of them laughed softly.
“After we get something to eat,” Norville said. “I'm starving and I'm sure you're hungry too from your flight. C'mon, I know a place downtown.”
Norville turned and started walking towards the door and Scooby looked back at him, gesturing for him to follow. These guys didn't seem too bad, maybe things will turn out alright.
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The Sorting Hat
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), mentions of WinterFalcon (Bucky x Sam), MCU
summary: Steve has strong opinions on every topic, including to what Hogwarts house he and Tony would belong. spoilers for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. 
length: 883 words
a/n: inspired by this prompt! I was given the freedom to chose the houses, so I took it ;D hope you like it, reblogs, comments and likes are needed and welcomed!
The Sorting Hat
Steve sighed, closing the book. He shouldn't be surprised, really, but it still seemed unfair. He needed to rant.
"You know," Steve started loudly, finding his boyfriend standing across the room from him, working on a holographic screen. "I never liked how JK Rowling wrote Slytherin."
"Uh, what?" Tony asked, dimly registering that Steve was addressing him, lost in the world of graphs and charts. At least that was how it looked to Steve, Tony was reading some data and clearly seeing something Steve didn't.
"It is the last book! And you are trying to tell me that everyone from Slytherin fled to hide instead of fighting against You Know Who. This seems like a cheap move. They can't be all bad," Steve grunted. He loved the series, he really did. But he also strongly believed in second chances. The story was lacking it for him. Bad people remained bad, good people remained good.
Tony paused his work and turned to Steve, the biggest grin spread over his face. "Are you seriously getting worked up over Harry Potter?"
Steve huffed. He wasn't in a mood to be taunted. It was a big deal for him.
"How far in the book are you? I am a bit rusty on my Harry Potter knowledge, but-" Tony sat next to Steve and took the book out of his hands. "Not all Slytherins are bad. See? Like Snape. He protected Harry all those years."
Steve shook his head. "Only because he was Lily's son. If Neville was chosen, he wouldn't give a rat's ass over him."
Tony chuckled, huffing his cheeks out to not let the laugh escape. Steve was seriously involved in the story. It was endearing. And Tony could humor him. Probably if he won't, Steve would just go to Sam and Bucky to vent, because, boy, those two were nerds. They even got married on the day school year in Hogwarts started and threw Harry Potter marathons every couple of months.
"Okay, how about Slughorn?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I see you reading this book again, and I am surprised you don't remember. Slughorn stayed and before the final encounter he fought Voldemort with other professors."
Steve just stared. That did happen, but-
"You just don't like Slughorn, because you are biased by his elitist treatment of students," Tony pointed out with a grin and Steve shrugged with an embarrassed smile. "See, this is why you fit in Gryffindor, you all are thickheaded and see the world in black and white-"
"That's not true!" Steve interrupted but was ignored and Tony went on.
"- unlike us, Slytherins, we adapt the situation to us and make the most of it-"
"You are not from Slytherin," Steve said in a serious voice, grabbing Tony by the wrist, eyes wide open as if he heard something awful.
"Oh?" Tony's lips twitched into a smile. "Are you ashamed of being married to a Slytherin, Gryffindork?"
Steve smiled back. "I guess you will be ashamed of being married to a Hufflepuff." In Steve's opinion, Hufflepuff house was severely underrated and he was proud to share some traits of Hufflepuff. Loyalty. Valuing hard work. Fair play. Patience wasn't his strong point, but hey, he couldn't be all perfect.
Tony tilted his head to the side, considering what he heard. "Oh yeah… You kinda fall into that category. You are like the epitome of Cedric Diggory."
"Does that make you mine Cho Chang?" Steve asked with a smile. He always thought of Tony as a mix of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Brave and determined and witty.
"Careful, you know how that love story ended," Tony warned in a playful tone.
Maybe it was enough reading for one day. Steve moved closer, pressing his thigh against Tony's, leaning in-
"Ah, one more question!"
Steve drew back, looking at his husband in a bit irritated manner. He really didn't have any patience for Tony spoiling their moments. "Yes?"
Tony's lips twitched into a smile. "Seeing that we discussed your book, I want to discuss mine now."
Steve huffed out a laugh. They could form a book club. "Okay."
"So… Are you a Jedi or a Sith?" Tony asked, smiling wider.
Oh, that was an easy one. "I am Han Solo!" Steve exclaimed, finally reaching his goal and lounging himself at Tony to pin him down under himself. "I listen only to myself. And you are my beautiful Princess Leia and I will protect you with my life."
Tony whined playfully, quite comfortably smothered with Steve's solid and warm weight. He really felt protected. "Why I am a girl again?"
"Because you have the right hips and ass to wear that gold bikini for me," Steve explained, tracing light fingers over the curve of Tony's hip and the gently narrowing waist.
Tony giggled, slapping at the intrusive hand. Seemed that it just encouraged Steve to be a bigger tease, and the light touch changed into quick squeezes of strong fingers, almost as if disciplining Tony.
"HA! Hahahaa! Steve, stop!"
"Only if you agree to wear a gold bikini."
Steve just grinned, hoping for that answer. Thankfully, Gryffindors were so stubborn and easy to see through. When Steve used both hands to prod and wriggle into Tony's sides, it was when the real fun started.
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fedonciadale · 4 years
I wish people stop saying the Marauders weren't bullies. What we are shown and we are told are two entirely different things. Show, don't tell. We are told that Snape never missed a chance to hex James (unbiased source: Sirius Black) but we are shown that James and Sirius bullied Snape because they were bored. Moreover James threatened to take off Snape's pants! Merlin! We don't know if he did it or not but the threat is there for a reason. The thing is Harry recognizes this and acknowledges that his father was a bully and he feels for Snape. And it is ok for the hero's father to be not so good. (I know this wasn't JKR's intention but all of James' good qualities are told and that one scene is etched into our memories. Show, don't tell.) I don't have any problem with Lily because she isn't even a character and exists solely to further Harry and Snape's arcs. But I do have a problem when people refuse to accept Marauders were bullies. (Same with Fred and George tbh.) We are supposed to like all of them because Gryffindor? And Snape is an established Slytherin meanie so he deserves to have his pants taken off? Ok. You know what? In the HP books, all the Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs and the "good" characters and JKR herself are as biased against Slytherins as vice versa. The narrative tells us that what happened to Montague was okay because Fred and George are Gryffindors and Montague was a Slytherin. I refuse to be a part of this narrative.
(All of this is coming from a person who isn't a fan of Snape. I abhor his abuse of his students, esp Harry and Neville. But the cycle of abuse started at his home and James Potter, unfortunately, was a part of it.)
Hi there!
you know I love the HP books for several reason. I think that some of JKR’s ideas were really brilliant. I think the Horcrux idea for example is just fantastic.
She is not good at intentionally writing grey people. There are many grey people in HP, including Harry himself. All the ‘heroes’ do questionable things, and sometimes they have to do questionable things. Harry himself uses unforgivables and we as readers can understand it, because it is necessary to defeat Voldemort, but although there is even a justification for Harry to do that, the fact as such is never addressed. It would have been a great character development, if Harry had actually thought about how he was corrupted while fighting Voldemort (and maybe let him decide to never do that again?).
It is as you say, JKR shows us an abundance of grey characters: The pranks of the Weasley twins are not that funny if you look close, Hermione does some questionable stuff, Dumbledore is so intent on keeping Snape’s secret, that he ignores Draco’s predicament, not to talk about his machinations in general, Molly brewed amortentia (yikes) and yes there are the marauders.
It would even have made sense, if Harry would have started with hero-worshipping all Gryffindors, but let him learn!
Anyway, she contradicts herself by telling us that all these characters, that in reality are grey, are not only good people (which is o.k. They fight against a fascist tyrant after all), but that they are flawless. And this is not what she shows.
And the marauders and especially James are really a prime example for this. And as you said, it would be completely o.k. if Harry would have had a not so wonderful father. And Harry’s instinct is right about this: When he sees SWM he desperately wants to hear that this is not what his father was, that there was more to him than that despicable bully.
And we never see how he changed. And we don’t even get a story about how he changed. It would have been easy:
“When the war came, James understood that there were more important things than being the most popular guy in Gryffindor.” One sentence. One bloody sentence.
But what do we get? Harry is told that his father stopped his behaviour in front of his mother, but not that he changed it alltogether! He still hexed Snape in secret. He continued with the very behaviour his girl loathed. Well....
JKR could have easily done it differently. If she had placed the event at the shrieking sack after SWM. It would be believable that James changed after Sirius’ prank almost cost Severus Snape his life. That he realized that he had gone too far. That would have been a story I could have bought.
But we are to believe that James saved Snape’s life, that the knew that Sirius had gone too far and just continued with his bullying afterwards? Oh my....
Even after many years I’m still uncertain how I feel about Snape. With Snape JKR wanted to write a grey character and in his case, she managed. The real nature of Snape’s allegiance is one of the major plot points of the books and it is foreshadowed in the first book. It’s really done well. And I think he is one of the most fascinating characters in HP. There are many things I like about him, his brilliance, his snark, and things I hate. He is an abominable teacher (which does not rule out that people actually learn something in his class).
Snape has done terrible things, he has used unforgivables and he continues to use them even after his turn to the light side to not blow his cover. I would argue that for that reason he was always set up to die. He could not live. But that was  years after his terrible childhood and when James started it all on their first ride to Hogwarts he could not have an idea what Snape would become.
There is a reason why Snape is one of the most controversial characters of the HP fandom.
The thing is, JKR seems to imply that James’ bullying was o.k. because Snape turned out to be mean, and he was destined to turn out mean because he was in Slytherin. And that is just cheap.
What we see, if we scratch at the bias is another tale though: A tale of grey characters, a boy who really had it hard and who became bitter and in turn became a bully himself. We see a rich spoiled boy who got away with it and his son Harry who is not spoiled and therefore has a better moral compass than his father ever had.
The Gryffindor bias tells us one story, a story of a boy destined to be the hero with good people on one side and bad snakes on the other, but the events and the plot and what JKR writes of the characters shows us another story alltogether, a story where nobody is without fault. And this is the story I always found more interesting.
This is why I explored Harry as a grey character in my fic, ‘the Phoenix Potion’. I think it is all there and that is why I am still fascinated by HP, because JKR somehow managed to give us grey characters even if she never acknowledged it and never spells it out - apart from Snape.
That could be subject of another post on Snape, Draco and the Slytherins which I will explore some other day!
Thanks for the ask!
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