#he’s a very typical type of person in certain spaces
comradekatara · 3 months
honestly I think the reason why there are so many cases of people completely misunderstanding sokka’s character is because most of you simply have not clocked enough hours around a very specific type of stem bro.
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One massive difference between the western vs JP TWST fandoms that I haven't seen anyone else talk about is that the Japanese fandom seems to dwell in "grimdark" territory while the western one tries to see the best in these characters. From my glimpses into the Japanese fandom, they seem to see these character's darkness as the main appeal. That's reflected in their fanworks, since yandere works or things that dive into their dark sides are more popular there. While there is plenty of yandere content in the west, it seems more like a niche than the most popular way to portray the characters in fics where as in Japan that seems to be the norm on Pixiv. The JP seem to LOVE their grim dark fan theories WAY more than the western one. The western fandom seems like the opposite. Works seeing their humanity, them being decent partners, etc is the norm. Thought?
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“I can fix him” vs “I can make him worse”—
Mmm, I have many thoughts on this but before I get into them I want to clarify some things. This is so everyone reading is running with the same definitions and thus can better understand (and perhaps contribute to) the discussion.
Firstly, “grimdark” can refer to any and all materials which people may find disturbing, amoral, and/or violent. Grimdark is NOT just yandere content. Although yandere content is an example of grimdark, not all grimdark is yandere.
Secondly, I want to dispel the notion that “grimdark” and “seeing the best in the characters” are opposites. They are actually not mutually exclusive; it is entirely possible to have the two overlap. For example, it is common for assassins to be after Kalim’s life (which is dark). However, Kalim himself is very cheery despite being cognizant of this (which is not dark, he is able to see the nest of this situation and is often praised for being a spot of sunshine in the cast). There are also much darker takes while staying true to Kalim’s caring nature, such as fandom works which portray his big heart (a strength) as a detriment, causing him to fall into deep paranoia and/or guilt. For the purposes of this discussion, I will still refer back to those two original viewpoints, just be aware that they are not truly “opposites”.
Lastly, the ask is phrased such that it suggests that dark content is “the norm” in Japanese circles. In actuality, the content you see is dependent on personal biases and what the algorithms feed you based on your likes and communities. While it’s true that perhaps Japanese fandoms have more dark content than the western fandoms, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is “the norm”. It is still considered niche, it is just that the fandom culture of Japan is more open-minded about these depictions, as well as fans’ choices to filter out dark content if they do not wish to encounter it. Western fandoms are very different in this regard. Rather than ignoring content they dislike or find disturbing, western fans tend to adopt an attitude of openly renouncing that which they dislike and, at times, calling out those that do enjoy that kind of thing. It is this social stigma and pressure within western fandoms which creates a less welcoming space for dark content to exist and to be publicly shared. Rather than saying one type of content is “the norm”, I think it’s more accurate to say certain types of content are deemed as being “acceptable” or “unacceptable” depending on the fandom culture.
Now then, as to why the western fandom in particular tends to favor works that show the TWST characters in a favorable light rather than focus on their darker aspects? There are many possible explanations for this:
Cultural differences in fandom spaces. I already mentioned this in the opening paragraphs, but it warrants repeating here. Japanese fans are much more reserved in how they express themselves and tend to keep quiet relating to content they dislike or don’t care for. Western fans are more outspoken and may actively “call out” what they dislike. This is typically observed in collectivist vs individualist countries, as conformity with the group/not causing disruptions to the group harmony and standing out and being one’s own individual are opposing ideologies and values.
Japan’s culture is one that stresses the importance of politeness and being proper. The country has strict social expectations of people and especially women (which makes up the majority of TWST’s fanbase). It is only in the realm of fiction where Japanese women are able to freely express themselves and to explore subject matter deemed socially inappropriate, however dark it may be. Fandom is their creative outlet. Meanwhile in the west, it’s the opposite. Overt uniqueness is more acceptable overall, but there is also a present effort of policing online content, often in the name of social activism and inclusion. This makes sense for western countries, many of which sport much more diverse populations than Japan.
Going in with the certain expectations of the game. Many western fans mistook Twisted Wonderland for a dating sim when its marketing materials first released, maybe due to a language barrier. This set them up for the wrong expectations about romancing and potentially “fixing” a villain, even when the game finally came out (due to residual feelings; I know for a fact there are still a handful of fans who want TWST to have a dating sim spinoff or wish the game had been a dating sim from the start).
Changes made in the localization.
I’m not sure what the ratio of westerners playing EN to JP, but the official localization made several changes which “blunted” some details or changed the context of some characters’ stories. For example, Jamil is no longer a “servant” but an “employee”, Kalim is his “employer”, not “master”, and Jamil complains that his parents will be “so mad at him” when he is asked why he doesn’t rebel against the Asims whole the consequences are made much more explicit in JP (his family will be thrown out onto the streets). Cater, Floyd, and Idia have also notably gotten a lot more memey dialogue that was not there in the original. These softened versions the characters may make western fans more likely to see the a less severe backstory or have goofier interpretation of certain characters.
Popular western media’s interpretations of villains. A lot of western media nowadays tries to redeem the bad guys. For example, in many young adult and adult romance fantasy novels, the love interest is often presented as a misunderstood bad boy that has a change of heart because of the protagonist. Disney themselves is also guilty of “softening” many of their more recent villains and giving new backstories to older villains to make them more sympathetic (Maleficent, Cruella, etc). Compare this to “classic” era Disney villains, who are just evil for the sake of being evil. These will naturally inform the general public’s views on villains. (It is also to be noted that Disney villains and specifically their evilness are extremely popular in Japan. They are adored for being fun characters, not necessarily admired for being bad.)
Disney’s reputation, especially in the west. The company is closely associated with fairy tales —and, more importantly, with magic and happy endings. This, too, may contribute to western fans wanting to look on the “bright side” of things and wish for happy endings for characters that are, in fact, part of the Disney brand. The Disney message is perhaps strongest in the west due to having its origins there:
The age differences between the Japanese and the western fandoms. The western TWST fandom skews young overall whereas the Japanese TWST fandom is older (which is why a lot of TWST merch you’ll see is expensive household goods and fashion; this is to appeal to working Japanese women). As I mentioned in the previous point, this means younger audiences in the west may mostly encounter media which presents villains in a more sympathetic light, or at least much earlier (which leaves a stronger impression). This makes them more inclined to view other media in a way which is more flattering for the villains even when they are dark or morally ambiguous in canon.
Younger fans may also be not as informed and thus lack some perspective, which means they may have more limited views. A 15 year old wouldn’t have as much life experience as a 20 year old—that’s not a bad thing, it’s an objective truth that has an impact on their perspective. They may see things more simplistically or see easier solutions to complex problems. Younger fans may, for example, be able to identify circumstances as being traumatic or unfair (such as the case with Jamil’s past and Leona’s desire to introduce new technologies to his home country) but may not understand the full ramifications (ie why Jamil cannot just leave or have Kalim to speak with his dad about it, how difficult Leona’s plans would be to implement as well as the social pushback due to the harm the advances could pose to the environment). This leads to more of a lean to positive content, as dark content would inherently mean problems are much more difficult to resolve and have more factors to them than what was originally considered.
I want to also point out that younger fans are especially concerned with what their peers may think of them, and so they may feel too embarrassed to dabble in darker content. Some dark content may also not be perceived as appropriate depending on the fan’s age. Alternatively, some fans may just not feel comfortable exploring those ideas (and that’s totally fine!).
Western fans project onto/relate to the characters they love. I’m not saying that Japanese fans don’t do this, but I feel like western fans tend to do this to a VERY strong and sometimes parasocial degree (which has its roots in comfort character and kinning culture, things which largely do not exist in east Asian fandoms). Like… western fans can relate to a character so deeply that any criticism of that character can feel like a personal attack on them, the fan. Likewise, if that character is presented as having flaws or doing questionable things (even if it is canon), the fans that are strongly projecting onto the character may feel that they themselves are flawed or somehow “bad” too. This can lead into trying to defend or justify the character’s flaws or actions. Maybe a fan that has shared trauma with a character sees them as a proxy and want to see the character (and thus, themselves) in a positive way or in good situations. In eastern fandoms, it is more appropriate to consider the character a separate entity rather than relating to or projecting onto them.
The western rise in moral justification for the content one consumes. This is a big one, and it has been alluded to in some of the other points. There is this belief circulating in western fandom spaces that “the content you consume reflects your real world values and morals”. So… if you believe that (or are in a social space where it is believed) and happen to like evil or morally grey characters, what does that imply about your own character? Does that mean you are morally bankrupt or that you condone bad things? Personally, I don’t think so but I understand why this way of thinking could make people feel ashamed. They may avoid looking at “dark” interpretations of a character and instead focus on wholesome feel-good content so that the content they consume reflects “well” on themselves. In other cases, fans may try to twist the bad points of a character to make it “morally okay” to like them.
That’s everything I could come up with off the top of my head!! I hope this was interesting to read and maybe helped you see the international TWST fandom from a new perspective. With that, I’ll leave you with this relevant Wreck-It Ralph quote: “I’m bad, and that’s good. I will never be good, and that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
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coralcatsea · 7 days
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-Typically sensory seeking. He tends to touch everything so he can feel the textures. He likes a little bit of noise and can be uncomfortable with silence. However, if he's not in control of the noises then sometimes they still bother or distract him.
-Stims. OFTEN. Humming, bouncing, clicking pens, shaking his leg, all sorts of things. Him flapping and waving his hands is just straight up canon.
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-I think we all know he's been called childish before.
-He absolutely comes across as someone who info dumps. He just gets so excited and passionate about his interests!
-There are a lot of social cues he disregards because they're inconvenient to him, and I do headcanon him as bisexual and very likely demisexual as well.
-He has ADHD along with the autism. I could see him possibly having anxiety as well since I believe he overthinks a lot. Maybe also depression? Harder to say on that one. It seems plausible a lot of nations would develop it, but I feel I'd need to do more research.
-It is canon Alfred cries a lot, so the difficulty with emotional regulation could be possible.
-He absolutely has an exaggerated, loud way of expressing himself.
-Lacking spacial/body awareness seems to fit with how he doesn't appear to think about others' personal space.
-He often takes things at face value. A very literal guy who doesn't always understand sarcasm – or just isn't sure, so he chooses to react as if it's literal. This doesn't mean he's incapable of ever understanding it, though, and he can even be sarcastic himself.
-Very often feels misunderstood, since people make a ton of assumptions about him. He often feels like he's performing social interactions, having to make sure he does the right thing to come off a certain way.
-He does repeat phrases a lot, I think. Especially movie/TV quotes, if that counts.
-Given he's immortal, it's extremely likely he felt older than any of the human children he might have interacted with. Even with Canada, he seemed older for a while since he developed so differently. Once he became an adult, however, he became perceived as young since he refused to abandon things he enjoyed just because adults have a limited perception of fun.
-Has a strong sense of justice, fairness, is very loyal, and has a hard time lying. I would say all of these are pretty true. He can lie decently sometimes, but if he's not prepared for it, he's not always that convincing. Depends what it is, though.
-He's caring and has shown concern over other characters (e.g. England, Romano), but he doesn't always express it too well and sometimes even comes off as insensitive in the process.
-He forgets to eat properly. Yes, there are times when he eats a bunch, but he has also been shown living off protein bars because he was so busy working. Even Romano was concerned.
-He definitely scripts stuff in his head to prepare. Remember that time he was imagining what he would say when he arrived to the meeting early for once? Of course, that's only one small thing, but I do feel he's the type to script a lot of things out.
-VERY friendly, but yeah...he doesn't have many friends. It's even been stated in his bio that his only friends are England and Japan. Hopefully he's gained a few more since then!
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comicaurora · 11 months
there's a tl;dr at the end if you're a coward who's too scared to read my glorious essay
wassup my name is destruktow i got in an argument with tumblr user flishthedragon (over discord) on the topic of aurora being an isekai (we were watching anime (they made me watch serial experiment lain (it was decent but i am too stupid for it)) and i brought up isekai) and i am convinced you bastards in the notes of when they posted my ramblings have no clue what an isekai is because an isekai is not defined by said isekai guy previously existing in the "real" world (despite that making up the majority of isekai stories) and let me tell you that i Have Not read past like the big robot thing (despite tumblr user flishthedragon being very adamant that i do so) so i have no clue if this still holds up to canon but as of right now we have no confirmation as to where jeffrey (canon name kendal i think but i call him jeffrey due to him looking like a jeffrey) originated from outside of "yeah jeffrey is like. this dude's empty body becoming sentient" which is bullshit so even by the bad definition everyone in the notes was pushing it's still not confirmed to not be an isekai and
*i pause to take a breath. as i breathe, you glance at my shirt. it has an image of popular comic strip character Garfield along with his adopted sibling/punching bag Odie and sugar daddy Jon Arbuckle. you appreciate said shirt*
also is space jam an isekai? it's absolutely an isekai dude lmao i love space jam that movie's great
okay back on topic so isekai originates from ancient japanese literature such as the story of Urashima Tarō, fisherman guy who saved a turtle and got to go to fishland for a week (my apologies to the urashima tarō fans out there my only exposure to this man is that they put him in battle cats and that was pretty cool, he's a decent black/angel tank that manages to not be outclassed by ramen and nono) and holy shit look at that you don't have to die to be isekai (no one was saying this but at least two of you were thinking it don't lie) and while reincarnation stories are not inherently isekai they can be viewed as isekai stories in certain contexts and those stay in the same world that's crazy
omniscient reader is also an isekai btw (if you finish it it's actually not but if you don't read like 500 chapters you can't prove me wrong and if you do i get someone to talk to about omniscient reader)
so obviously jeffrey exists (was summoned (technically)) for the purposes of getting vaush (that's not his name but it sounds like vaush and i used to be a vaush fan so we're going with it)'s soul back (has a goal given to him by a god) and he gets a companion (whether she is hot or not may depend on your taste and/or sexuality. me personally she is not hot) and he has big fucked up powers (real) BUT he keeps the memories of the previous host! wow! but screw you that's also an isekai thing i'm reading trash of the count's family and it does that (you suck stop typing stop trying to disprove me it won't work) and his existence prior, as i have mentioned, is disputable (he may or may not have existed. retaining your memories from previous life is not necessary) and his journey is fucking identical to various other isekai franchises you learn how shit works alongside him that's how isekai works you doubters in the notes
tl;dr: you can't prove it's not an isekai (author please do not confirm/deny it becomes much less funny if you do so) and it's infinitely easier to think of it as a typical isekai with all the isekai tropes so gg ez i win
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t4tkaarija · 8 months
The character of Käärijä as a drag persona - A mini essay
Before we begin, this is just my ideas and interpretations. I used to be a drag king and my act was focused around being shirtless and sexy so I can relate quite heavily to the character of Käärijä lmao and so that probably informs a lot of my feelings about this. Feel free to take what you want from this and leave the rest! 
As a pre-face, the term "queer" here can be interpreted in 2 ways. 
1. Queer refers to all non-heterosexual sexuality.
2. Working through the lens of queer theory, "queer" refers to the notion of deconstructing ideas of gender and sexuality that are deemed the norm in a cisheteronormative society.
The essay begins under the cut:
The concept of a drag persona is often considered a safe space to express a person's queerness, specifically allowing them to play with gender roles which are stereotypically associated with gay men and lesbian women (however anyone of any gender can do any type of drag!). Gay men have traditionally performed exaggerated versions of femininity through drag queen personas and lesbian women (and increasingly trans and non binary people) play with notions of masculinity - which often involves performing (heterosexual) masculine sexuality and sensuality. 
We can interpret the character of Käärijä as a drag king persona in multiple ways. Firstly, through costume; the green bolero is a representation of the masculine physique. The exaggerated puffs represent muscles, and this is coupled with Jere's chest constantly on show. In this way, we could argue that the persona of Käärijä aligns with drag kings in that the character is simply a manifestation of gender roles within society, with certain elements being exaggerated to make a comment on the ridiculousness of gender norms.
As well as the bolero, the cha cha cha live performances and music video are heavily masculine. The music video is situated within a boxing ring, a typically masculine domain. Similarly, in recent performances we see Käärijä pour water over himself, and generally acting erotically. Here, he performs sex on stage, similar to the way drag kings perform sex and masculinity in their acts. Oftentimes, their acts will involve stripping down to a bare chest (example of one of my fave drag kings here) and so Käärijä's behavior here is similar.
As we know, the idea of a persona is different from the real person behind it. Oftentimes, a person will use elements of their own personality to form the persona but exaggerate certain elements - for example confidence. Thus the persona is informed by the person themselves but is seperate from how they are in real life. 
We see this in the difference between Jere and Käärijä. While Jere tends to wear oversized clothing, Käärijä wears tight fitting clothes on stage or takes his clothes off. Jere gives off a vibe of wanting privacy and wanting to fade into the background, whereas Käärijä takes up space and it's hard to miss him. It can be argued that people do drag to take up space - in a society where queer people are increasingly under threat, drag allows people a safe space to express themselves, while being given permission to be visibly queer. 
With this in mind, we can speculate that the character of Käärijä gives Jere the freedom to experiment with his queerness. "Acting gay" on stage can be explained away as part of the character, rather than Jere expressing and understanding his potential queer sexuality. Drag in its very nature is a queer performance art, and goes against the norms of what is deemed acceptable and "normal" in society. Käärijä has gained flack for not being "child friendly"* - essentially not conforming to the norms of heteronormative society. This dictates that sex should be between men and women only. Displays of sexuality that go beyond this are deemed unacceptable to children and thus unacceptable to society. Does any of this seem familiar with the drag bans and Conservative backlash about drag storytimes?
Jere's frustration with the media and the associated censorship of his act has manifested in Käärijä becoming more rebellious. We can see this through Its Crazy, Its Party - not only is the content of the lyrics reminiscent of this frustration he feels with the fame and lack of freedom, the homoerotic performance with Tommy Cash acts as a way to push the boundaries of the box he has been placed in. Furthermore, despite it not being out yet, we can assume the music video is going to be insane, furthering his aim of shaking off the "child friendly" image. Linking back to drag, many drag performers I know DO NOT want to perform for children because this would mean they'd have to stifle their creative expression and force themselves to be something they're not. While this may be considered a reach, the links between the two can be seen. Ultimately, drag is a creative outlet - however its significance comes from its inherent queerness and the way it comments on constructs within society. In this way, the persona of Käärijä allows Jere to express himself as well as allowing him to queer understandings of gender and sexuality.
*most criticism is directed at his swearing on stage but we can also infer that his sexual behaviour is not "child friendly"
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tamtheshihan · 8 months
Jin & Xiaoyu in Tekken 8
This is a couple I’ve wanted for years and its safe to say Tekken 8 may just give them the room to be an actual couple once and for all. If you are obsessed with this fighting game franchise as much as I am and have been waiting as long as I have, Jin and Xiaoyu are a ship that in my opinion should have sailed loooooong ago. Xiaoyu is the sunshine and Jin is the one in need of that sunshine.
Their relationship seems to be more grounded and cohesive this time. No longer the delusional and obsessive teenager chasing the handsome and mysterious bad boy, but now as two young adults who respect one another whilst realizing and understanding underlying feelings and the role each plays in the other’s life.
Now before I get to it, I am fully aware that there are millions of people who are against them being a couple. “Oh Xiaoyu’s annoying, Jin doesn’t care for her, JinXiao shippers are delusional”, YADA YADA. Be that as it may, I am 100% behind Jin and Xiaoyu. This post is not for you!
Its shaping up to be Jin and Xiao as endgame and here’s why… Get comfortable because it’s a long one…
Starting off, Japanese men are not the most romantic and are considered shy in those kinds of contexts- as most Japanese people are. Japanese people are not big on pda and being straightforward. Commonly seen in manga and anime. Protagonist in most cases will literally do everything else in a story before worrying about their relationship- telling the girl or guy how they really felt. And it is usually the very last thing we get, if we get it at all. Creators/writers will hint at certain things subtly and you usually have to be aware of it. It’s a staple in Japanese storytelling and Tekken is no exception. It’s a fighting game people, so fighting is the main focus while something like romance is typically placed on the backburner.
With that said, Jin is yet another example of this. He crosses me as the type to be very loving but not in a showy kinda way. I’m certain Jun showered him with love and affection. Her very existence is love and affection. She is mama Kazama- Jin’s whole heart which was taken away from him very early. So being caring and affectionate is something we all know Jin is capable of doing. It’s just that his life took a course that changed him in a way that he needed to adapt to. The mishimas and the devil gene are no place for the kind boy who was raised on the almost remote island of Yakushima. Never having to deal with anything even close to his life after meeting Heihachi. I say this to not right any of his wrongs but to say that you can become a product of the things you go through in life.
Jin is capable of a lot but had to put a lot on the backburner because he was dealing with a situation that was thrown onto him. He didn’t ask for any of it but it was time for a boy to become a man. He no longer had Jun’s kind and touching words, but rather memories of her precepts and warmness to guide him, a grandfather whom he became to trust betrayed him in the worst way, and a father who could care less of his existence.
Xiaoyu on the other hand, a cheerful and caring young lady who wants nothing but to be there for Jin- someone she seen the good in and became a close friend to. She knows that Jin has only become the way he did to cope with the never ending pain and sadness, having to force away everyone and everything he cares about because he fears he would bring them nothing but harm. Jin was once a kind and sweet guy as Xiaoyu stated. Jin cares for Xiaoyu. He cares A LOT. I feel that he cares as much as he can in a way that he can given his situation. I don’t think I want the person I truly care for to be around me in moments were I lose control of myself either. Trust me, Jin has all the emotional components as the next person, he just doesn’t have the space to show it.
Xiaoyu isn’t an idiot. She understands this and catches what Jin throws. Jin’s life was a hard contrast to Xiaoyu’s fun loving, amusement park going life. Sometimes the best way to get through to someone is to communicate in a way they can understand and this time around she knows what has to be done.
And there are things that Jin is fully aware of. He knows that Xiaoyu will follow him to hell without a second thought. He knows she will come looking for him at the drop of a dime and wouldn’t even consider the harm she would face in pursuing him. HE IS FULLY AWARE of how much he means to her. Which is why he puts that distance between them. Why he disappears without a trace, why he keeps his hardships to himself. He knows Xiaoyu will go to bat for him quick. But he cares for her so much that he doesn’t want her getting caught up in his mess. Jin believes that he doesn’t deserve the love and consideration Xiaoyu gives him but he still cares. His self-hatred is what holds him back from believing he’s a proper member of society. The devil gene thoroughly labels him as an outcast who doesn’t deserve a second shot at life and he doesn’t try to hold onto that hope. So something like a relationship or friendship means nothing if you can never truly have it-and to him- as long as the devil gene exist, none of those things could ever be.
He feels as though he has to deal with everything on his own- end his family’s mess and end the bloodline. Jin always seems ready to give his life away because he feels the world would be better off without him. He looks at himself as an abomination, an existence not of this world. He invalidates how he really feels for what he thinks is appropriate for the situation. He calls it like it is. How can you smile, be a friend, or even have a relationship when you are a ticking timebomb and could ruin everything in the blink of an eye?
He's aware that Xiaoyu is going to give it to him straight, cut no corners. He knows she wants the best for him. He knows she’ll tell him that what he thinks of himself isn’t true. He knows that she can read him like a book. He knows she truly cares.
Their special interaction in Tekken 8 is long overdue. It shows exactly what their reunion should be. An abundance of emotions that look almost impossible to interpret. Xiaoyu- happy, relieved she found her man, but also with restraint trying to approach the situation another way, and there’s Jin- sheepish, unable to face Xiaoyu, not sure how she feels. Awkward but both push forward to paint a better picture together this time around. He knows she knows all the things he’s been doing and she knows that he knows but wants to move forward and be able to aid him in the fight. He’s always been much more softer in tone and demeanor with Xiaoyu. He calls the girl “Xiao”for goodness sakes, and in Japanese society people don’t usually do that unless they are really close and have a bond. She calls him “Jin”, no suffix just Jin. She even came out and said that "an exchange of blows can be revealing". Now if that's not obvious...
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Sometimes love comes at the right time, and you have to be ready. The love was definitely there, feelings were definitely mutual, they were just shown very differently. In a lot of ways they just had to get themselves together and figure some things out. Besides the romantic part, Jin and Xiaoyu did a lot of growing up. I mean a lot. Look at those two. Xiaoyu LOOKS more mature. SHES A WOMAN NOW. Jin LOOKS certain in his actions and seems to have much more confidence and resolve. This is a man and a woman. I believe they are ready this time.
In a lot of ways Xiaoyu is what Jin needs- that reassurance, that support, that sunshine, that stick beside you type of thing.
And with Jun officially back, Jin’s life will definitely brighten up but with Xiaoyu included… That’s the ideal situation for me!!
I can go all day on these two but in conclusion, Jin and Xiaoyu are a pair that is definitely hard to come by and one of my favorites especially in games. It doesn’t make any since how long I have waited for an interaction between these two where they finally appear to be on even footing, on the same page, and know what they want.
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thedensworld · 8 months
Lover | Kim Mingyu
Falling In Love
Lover Series 🖤🌼
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Pairing: Idol!Mingyu x FashionEditor!reader (ft. Non biological brother!Joshua)
Genre: Romance, fluff, angst, series
Falling in love with Mingyu happened quickly, as if in the blink of an eye. He didn't give you much time to adjust; he just enveloped you in his affectionate embrace. Mingyu was like a hurricane of love, sweeping you off your feet. His love was as swift as his pace, as he tended to throw himself wholeheartedly into affection. There was no need for numerous dates or endless meetings to make him certain of his feelings. He was sure from the very start that he loved you deeply and wanted to protect you.
Mingyu, with his discerning personality, chose his connections wisely. Having crossed paths with so many people, he had become adept at selecting those he would genuinely care for. His nature gravitated towards those who resonated with his frequency and mindset. Energy drained from him in the presence of individuals whose thinking diverged from his own. He cherished meaningful conversations and appreciated a balance between depth and humor.
Serious discussions resonated with him, but he enjoyed them most when interwoven with a light-hearted touch. He found that humor could alleviate the heaviness and create a space for deeper connection. Mingyu was also drawn to individuals who exhibited passion in their pursuits, whether work or hobbies. Being surrounded by motivated people fueled his own aspirations.
Meeting you was a serendipitous encounter, one that Mingyu often expressed gratitude for. Reflecting on your second encounter, he openly confessed, "If we hadn't crossed paths again after that café meeting, I don't think we'd be where we are now."
"You weren't my type," Mingyu said, humor lacing his tone as he recollected your first interaction. You both laughed, reminiscing about the twists of fate that brought you together.
"It's destiny that made us who we are," he concluded with an amused smile, leaving you shaking your head in amazement at his ability to wrap up the conversation so neatly.
Two years prior, Mingyu had decided to move out of the shared apartment he had with Wonwoo. He sought to establish his own space, one that resonated with his identity without encroaching on Wonwoo's territory. The decision was particularly advantageous once you entered his life. Your work was conveniently close to his home, and his workplace was a mere five-minute stroll from your place. You exchanged playful suggestions about swapping homes or moving in together, sparking laughter and sweet moments between you.
On this day, Mingyu had a rare day off and invited you over for dinner at his place. Typically, you would leave your car at the office and walk to his apartment, enjoying the short journey. As the clock struck five, you texted him that you would be there in 15 minutes, planning to stop by a convenience store on the way. Little did you know, a heavy downpour would surprise you mid-trip. Mingyu called, concerned about your safety and whereabouts, hoping you had reached his building or were still at the office. Your failure to answer his call sparked irritation and concern in Mingyu. He sighed and wrapped his cooking before grabbing an umbrella, ready to pick you up himself.
Mingyu was halfway through picking up his jacket when the doorbell rang. The sudden sound, coupled with the flash of lightning, startled him. Hurrying to the door, he was met by your drenched figure, a tote bag from the convenience store slung over your arm. Mingyu ushered you inside, perplexed by the sight of a tiny creature in your embrace. Though he didn't ask, he patiently waited for your explanation.
You set your belongings aside and hurried to the couch, gently placing a shivering kitten on the cushion. Using a towel, you diligently dried the little feline, its damp fur matted against its body. Mingyu watched your efforts, his frustration at seeing you soaked from the rain gradually turning into concern.
"Babe, let me help dry it. You go change," Mingyu offered, stepping in to take over as you graciously accepted.
As you disappeared into Mingyu's room to change into dry clothes, he attended to your hair. With gentle care, he dried your hair and wrapped a towel around your shoulders. He also had noticed the towel you used to dry the kitten was soaking wet, he brought another towel and put it under the kitten.
Upon your return, you found Min, as you called him, placed near a heater in a box with a meal nearby. Mingyu inquired about the white-furred kitten, and you explained that he was Min, a stray cat you had encountered at the office. The poor kitten had been out in the rain for two days, and you couldn't bear to leave it there. As Min hungrily devoured his food, you sighed, "He's just a baby." Your eyes were fixed on Min, your nurturing nature evident.
Mingyu couldn't help but chuckle. "You've already named him?" he asked with amusement.
You shrugged, your eyes still on Min. "Naming is fun."
Approaching you, Mingyu offered you a cup of hot coffee. "You should probably put a towel on your head to prevent catching a cold," he said gently, his concern for your well-being evident since you seemed like had no intention to dry them on the first place. You accepted the offer, letting Mingyu place the towel on your head.
As you settled at the dining table, you noticed Mingyu's gaze fixed on you, his affectionate eyes never leaving you. "Did you skip lunch today?" he asked, his concern mirrored in his words.
You nodded, confirming his suspicion. Mingyu respected your intermittent fasting diet, as he had experience with dieting himself. You both knew the importance of balanced nutrition, and he never failed to support your decisions regarding your body.
"Want to share?" you proposed, offering to divide the meal between the two of you.
Mingyu shook his head, allowing you to enjoy your meal. He explained that he had already consumed everything he bought for the week during a moment of impulse. It started with intentions of stocking up on chips, fruit, protein bars, Coke, and even your favorite tart, but they had all vanished into his stomach. You laughed at his candid confession, and he joined in your laughter, acknowledging his own impulsivity.
After drying your hair, Mingyu joined you at the table, watching you eat. "How was your day?" he inquired, genuinely interested in your work.
"Meetings, visiting a shoot, brainstorming with my team for an anniversary project. Oh, and I met a corgi on set; it reminded me of you," you shared, reaching for your phone to show him a video of the adorable corgi vying for your attention.
He laughed as he watched the corgi's antics. "He's cute. I'm cute," Mingyu mused, referring to your earlier comment.
Shaking your head playfully, you added, "He's needy." The word hit its target, causing Mingyu to pout as he tried to hide his reaction.
Recovering from his pouting bout, Mingyu suddenly suggested adopting a corgi together. You playfully declined, joking that you didn't want to raise two puppies in your life—referring to him as one of them. He protested, insisting he wasn't a puppy. Yet, secretly, he did enjoy the adorable association.
"I already have Min," you firmly stated, declining his suggestion.
""Are you planning to adopt him?" he asked, a puzzled expression crossing his face as he registered your intention.
"Are you?" you countered, observing his quick headshake and his preference for dogs over cats. "I already have two cats," he added, referring humorously to you and Wonwoo, both of you sharing the trait of having a cat-like personality.
You nonchalantly shrugged. "Well, who else? I've had a cat before, so I have experience," you quipped, your words making him sigh in response. Your teasing tone was met with Mingyu's mumbled mention of a TikTok trend. He recounted hearing that when girls choose to have a cat, they don't need a man. With a dramatic hand on his forehead, he acted as if he was grappling with the weight of this newfound revelation. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, calling out his penchant for dramatics. Mingyu promptly shifted the blame to his friend Jeon Jungkook, who had coerced him into joining TikTok. Apparently, their second Instagram account wasn't enough for Jungkook's content-sharing endeavors.
Meeting your gaze, Mingyu suddenly playfully imitated the character of Puss in Boots from "Shrek," pretending to be a cat. With his towering frame and well-defined muscles, his humorous impersonation prompted another eye roll from you.
Chuckling, he added, "But you still need me, right?" He mimicked the character's tone with an amused expression.
Suppressing a smile, you bit your lip, your cheeks tinting with a warm flush. "Yeah, you're right," you conceded, your embarrassment evident. You closed your eyes, avoiding his gaze, but the sound of Min meowing loudly caught your attention.
Both of you were taken aback by the unusually intense sound emanating from the tiny creature. You rose from your seat and approached Min, noticing his face smeared with the wet food Mingyu had provided. The kitten seemed rather worried in the unfamiliar surroundings of the box. Mingyu playfully quipped, "Now you realize you've been kidnapped by a random woman, Min," before returning with a pack of wet tissue to help clean the kitten's face.
Diligently, you wiped down every inch of Min, ensuring he was clean and dry. Mingyu watched you with a mixture of amusement and appreciation, breaking into laughter suddenly. He mumbled, "He looks funny," leaning into your side as he attempted to stifle his laughter.
You shared his amusement, your smile soft and genuine. Min's wet fur and skinny frame did create a comical sight. His bright blue eyes fixated on you, his gaze unusually calm now. Mingyu couldn't resist commenting, "I think he's falling in love with you." He observed how Min's eyes remained wide, focused on you.
Amused by the idea, you countered, "No, he thinks I'm a prey." Your matter-of-fact statement elicited another bout of laughter from Mingyu. He collapsed onto the floor, overcome with amusement, as he realized the humorous perspective you had offered.
After enduring a demanding period of preparation and an extensive world tour, Mingyu had finally returned home to savor some well-deserved rest. His most recent concert had taken place in Singapore, and he was delighted that you could join him this time, as your business trip coincided with his performance. The day after his concert, you explored the city together, visiting museums, mingling with his fans, and creating memorable moments. Your interactions with his fans revealed your kind and outgoing nature, as you not only captured photographs for them but also directed fun poses. In contrast to your usual home-bound or restaurant-centric dates, this time you engaged in more creative pursuits like drawing, painting, and pottery – an acknowledgement of Mingyu's greater skill in these arts.
Clearly, seeing you just yesterday wasn't enough for Mingyu. The morning sun had barely risen when he sent you a text, inquiring if you could drop by his house after work. To his delight, you were heading home earlier than usual. Mingyu took a detour to a grocery store before arriving at your house, knowing full well your tendency to avoid cooking. After all, your culinary adventures primarily revolved around delivery and takeout. He was greeted by the sight of a fluffball blocking his entry – Min, the feline who hadn't crossed his path for nearly five months. He marveled at the cat's growth. What was once a slender and funny-looking kitten had matured into a chunky and adorable patootie. Min meowed in protest as Mingyu entered, clearly wary of this sudden visitor.
Observing Min's transformation, Mingyu crouched down, patting the cat's head gently. Min resisted at first but eventually succumbed to the soothing touch. As he interacted with Min, Mingyu found himself growing fond of the feline, considering the quirks and amusing behaviors you'd shared with him. It intrigued Mingyu to learn that Min's name was inspired by his own, Mingyu, which also happened to be a nickname Wonwoo once called him. The connection made him feel a little closer to his friend.
Min provided Mingyu with company as he prepared dinner. The cat's growing comfort with Mingyu brought a small sense of achievement. Mingyu indulged Min with treats, thanking the cat for helping him feel less lonely during the cooking process. He even made a point to express gratitude for Min's presence – after all, Min's introduction into his life had played a pivotal role in deepening his connection with you.
The sound of a door opening signaled Min's swift departure, jumping off the counter where he'd been observing Mingyu's culinary efforts. Mingyu chuckled at the sound of your cheerful greeting, delivered in a higher pitch reserved solely for animals – a tone he had never heard directed at himself. Your presence prompted a warm embrace, which you allowed to linger before settling in to watch him cook.
"Seeing Min again after all this time was such a surprise," Mingyu commented as he focused on dicing an assortment of vegetables. You stood close to him, your presence comforting.
Noticing your lingering embrace, Mingyu chuckled softly. "Are you planning to keep me hostage?" he playfully inquired. Mingyu secretly loved your clingy moments; after all, he was usually the one initiating close contact.
You released him, your fingers wrapping around his arm as you requested a pick to the counter. With surprising ease, Mingyu lifted you up onto the counter, allowing you to watch him cook from your perch. You observed with curiosity as he prepared a traditional Korean soup and grilled fish. Min positioned himself on your lap, his gaze fixed intently on the fish sizzling in the pan. Mingyu's attentiveness to Min's longing stare earned him a pat on the head. You couldn't help but find their interaction endearing.
Amidst the cozy atmosphere, you couldn't help but wish time would stand still. The scene before you, with Mingyu's confident and skillful movements, Min's curious gaze, and the aroma of dinner wafting through the air, painted a picture of domestic bliss. It was a vision of happiness you longed to experience in the future. You sighed contentedly, grateful for this moment of tranquility and the simple joy it brought.
Mingyu's aura seemed to glow, even in his casual hoodie and shorts. His hair, tousled and untamed, further emphasized the genuineness of his character. He emanated kindness and warmth – qualities that had captured your heart. He was a dream brought to life, and having him as the person you loved filled you with gratitude. The realization that you had fallen for him all over again was a tender revelation.
While Mingyu's love was swift and passionate, yours was gradual and measured. Through his example, he taught you that love could exist without ulterior motives, pure and unassuming. He succeeded in demonstrating the unpretentious nature of love. Smiling at him, you reached out, your fingers wrapping around his wrist, pulling him closer. He raised an eyebrow, curious about your intentions. Without hesitation, you looped your arms around his neck, drawing him in for a kiss.
The kiss was deliberate and unhurried, each touch and movement a testament to your affection. It felt as though your love was conveyed through the gentle press of your lips. Memories of your shared experiences swirled through your mind as you kissed him, even the challenging times had ultimately strengthened your bond. Mingyu had taught you that love could thrive and evolve, and through his guidance, you had blossomed beautifully. The warmth of your love radiated through the kiss, each moment becoming a canvas for your emotions.
However, the scent of something burning swiftly interrupted your tender moment. Mingyu chuckled, his laughter echoing through the room. In a moment of shared amusement, you both acknowledged the mishap. In the grand scheme of things, a burnt dish was a minor inconvenience – a reminder that the imperfections of life could be met with laughter and embraced as part of the journey.
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theghostbunnie · 2 months
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Fuck it Mitchell ramble post bc I care about his character alot actually (cringe)
Originally played football later switched to baseball and is regarded as a jock type, though his main passion and hobby is being a guitarist. He writes and vocalizes songs but sees it as being just a part of getting to play guitar if he wants to do it entertainment wise, often rock/pop rock lyrics that don't go far into and generally lack emotional depth, in favor of being catchy. He loves the rockstar aesthetic mainly, and the old timey-esc gentleman one secondarily.
A big huge romantic, very flirty personality who prides himself on being attractive. Brimming with genuine self esteem he thinks highly of himself to the point where he can come across as egotistical, in actuality he doesn't outright think he's better than anybody , just has clear self love is all.
He's an older brother and incredibly family oriented who aligns more maternally in the nature of his behaviors alot of the time. For the majority of his life it was just him and his single father so he's always craved that big family vibe he never got.
He's supposed to have a caring/warm/comforting effect on people in alot of scenarios as well as effectively protective so he's physically big as well as literally usually high temperature and I've used the term "swallowed her/his frame in his embrace" to describe him hugging ppl bc they'll like disappear against him/in his jacket
and also the fact Mitchell takes up alot of space, is aware of it, and doesn't like it !! He's incredibly expressive in nature and talks with his hands but almost strictly keeps them right infront of him. He's also heavily expressive in the face, he prefers to not hurt feelings and stay in his manners but cannot have a poker face easily at all. He can only lie believably when the need/want to do so outweighs any guilt.
Has this thing where he doesn't want to hurt people and never wants to come across as violent or scary. I've described him feeling immense guilt in certain situations when he thinks he has and he gets the overwhelming desire to literally shrink himself down but can't. It's a pure insecurity not really based in any truth or any one past event.
Regulates his emotions very well, seemingly has this endless patience.
Mitch has things integral to the person he believes he is/wants to be. Attractiveness, helpfulness, comforting, being main ones. He'd much rather be a "simple" guy despite his dreams of fame, as in easy going and rather not particularly burdened by anything emotionally, very positive in attitude.
Additionally in being characterized as "simple/basic/normie" alot of his personal tastes reflect that, having very on the nose typical "average" preferences and not falling far outside the box of what's considered normal, he's nerotypical and charming and has functioned his whole life in the center of what's considered socially appealing.
He doesn't like to analyze his negative thoughts at all, much rather get them to go away. He doesn't even like to analyze himself that hard at all either, or his habits. He doesn't know why he needs to be helpful, strong, masculine it's just a role he wants to fill and prides himself on doing so.
He's completely unaware to all his flaws, as he's accidentally a little overbearing at times to his loved ones, even unintentionally patronizing in some circumstances, coming off condescending without meaning to. He wants to be helpful and even specifically has this good samaritan "look out for the little guy" mentality but to do so inherently has to make subconscious judgements on who's deemed a 'little guy' metaphorically or literally.
He likes to think of himself as a guy who has no toxic masculinity, and for the most part doesn't, but what he does have is deeply subconsciously internalized and only ever aimed at himself, a certain ideal he has to be.
On multiple levels he's judging himself on a different caliber than other people, holding things against himself he wouldn't for anybody else, holding himself to a different standard on a plethora of things.
As well as his fear of being scary he doesn't want to be perceived as weak either. To his idea of himself a damnaged or hurt person will never fit that, bad things happen to other people and it's his duty to help them as a friend, lover, whatever he may be to them. This isn't to say he thinks there's something shameful on a personal level to being a person who went through something bad, it just is to him. He's not being good enough if he can't get over it.
Has a fear if he ever does something extreme to give either the impression he's scary or wimpy that'll be how everyone present will veiw him from then on no matter what he's done or can do to fix that image before or after.
Despite having such heavy pride in general, especially in his looks and his ability to be charming/flirty and that having an effect on people, his pansexuality is not something he feels much connection to. He doesn't even view himself as a queer person just a "dude who happens to like dudes too" and experiences alot of comphet without ever realizing it and of course never addressing it
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wilbursoothatepage · 4 months
I did a bit of research into this because I felt like the explanation that Demons can split themselves into two that everyone was giving about Bad being split into 3rds was very stupid.
Which it is, the only cases in media when demons have been able to split or clones themselves is with magic from that is specific to the universe that any person could do if trained enough or a set of very populated people could do typically in anime. This isn’t all that popular either, it’s not done really at all with demons.
Additionally the type of demon bad has made himself to be, which is a reaper, wouldn’t have this type of magic as it doesn’t relate to what his job would be. Since his job is guiding souls to their resting place.
Yes he had those other versions of himself in his purgatory lore coming back, but they were in a different dimension/his mind space from what I can tell. There is no way that they are living breathing versions of himself with how they acted.
So therefore that explanation is just plain weird and bad because it would mean he is just making up ways for himself to be everywhere at once and putting weird schematics that only work for him. He is basically trying to play god and make himself op, which doesn’t make any sense for the universe that is qsmp. It’s like he’s a kid telling you that you can’t have a certain mermaid power because he already has them all.
Also yeah the characters on qsmp can have fun with their characters and do what they want with them but if you have to give me a 5 page essay on every little thing that one character can do and why then shush. Because why even have the character included if they can literally solve all the problems themself but choose not to because they like pretending to be an oppressed civilian surrounded by actual oppressed civilians.
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
I like to think about different expressions of affection between frames and how it can either overlap or clash with others.
Example: Pharma and Revelation.
Similar to mecha with equipment alt-modes, medics tend to lean toward acts of service. They typically have a culture of high maintenance due to their own frames, especially with the massive workload and long hours.
Acts of care and appreciation include but not limited to:
Memorizing fuel preferences
Topping off favorite sealants
Touch ups on appearance to ensure immaculate image
Doing someone’s hand maintenance
Settle up the cot and/or keeping specific hospital staff bunks in a certain way (like extra pillows, a heated blanket, or tucking a current edition of a favorite magazine).
Seekerkin, however, tend to lean toward physicality as it's driven by their coding quirks since they're a highly social frame-type.
Shared personal space. Close ones and trine will realign their wings to set together if they're sitting side-by-side
Sharing a bed or resting upon each other
Grooming and eating together
Interacting with very young or sick spark-kin
Bottom line, I find it hilarious that the Lost Light's medics and resident Seekerkin have no idea how to view these two.
Ambulon and Smokescreen have the unique experiences by being in both worlds, so they side-eye because it's such a strange mesh and clash, but it surprisingly works. (Those two mechs keep a good eye on the little family.)
Ratchet has been driven up the wall multiple times because Revelation refuses to be parted away from the surgeon. They're practically welded together. He wants to make sure nothing happens on his watch, whereas Revelation has practically joined the medbay crew by focusing on servo maintenance and upkeep.
First Aid thinks they're super clingy to each other, and is honestly surprised little clashes had happened between Ratchet and Pharma, outside the issues of Revelation.
Bluestreak almost shoots his shot because Revelation reads as available but immediately backs off since Pharma's face promises a really bad time.
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hereticpriest · 1 month
Rating: Mature?
Relationship: Laszlo Kreizler x reader
This is a bit of a prequel to Bite, expanding upon the beginnings of their relationship. Soon to be followed by another prequel about their wedding night.
Warnings: Heavily implied odaxelagnia, letters of an intimate nature, flirting in the 1890s, period typical misogyny, period typical relationship culture.
Note: Szerelmem means 'my love' in Hungarian.
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When you had first started your job as typist at the Kreizler Institute, you thought that you would have a small cubby tucked away somewhere in the bowels of the Institute. Somewhere where the good people who ran the Institute could forget that you existed until they had need of you, like any woman who dared have a job in these tumultuous times. Your interview with Dr. Kreizler had been perfunctory, but he had paid attention to you as you spoke, and he only interrupted you once, to stop a somewhat self-deprecating verbal spiral. He gave you a short test regarding your typing skills and ability to take dictation, reading over your results with a double-edged comment about your remarkable grasp of the spelling of complex medical terminology.
When you had arrived for your first day, you were surprised to find yourself led up to Dr. Kreizler's office, where a desk had been placed with a typewriter and appropriate supplies. The chair was comfortable, but you felt a little bit nervous under the heavy scrutiny of your boss. Thankfully, he was fair, and genuinely kind most of the time. He was wonderful with the children, and you truly admired the easy manner in which he spoke to them. He had a habit of prying, as if he needed to understand the way your mind worked, and you remember distinctly the moment you told him he couldn’t ever be capable of fully understanding your mind seeing as he was a man, and you were a woman. You had experiences he could never properly relate to.
That had certainly sparked one hell of a debate, but he hadn't been upset with you. Instead, he seemed to want to prove you wrong by way of dissecting your brain while you were meant to be working. He asked you questions endlessly, sometimes completely out of nowhere, and often those of a personal nature. However, you found yourself happy enough to speak to him, exposing your tenuous relationship with your parents, who were upset that you chose to have a job despite their intense desire for you to marry as soon as possible. He noticed your compulsion to chew the skin around your nails and asked you questions about it as if you were his patient rather than his typist. The following morning, you came into work to find a brand new pair of gorgeous gloves on your desk, and Dr. Kreizler suspiciously quiet.
Shortly after, you met the first of his friends, John Moore. He was very kind to you, with a certain sensitivity you weren’t used to seeing in high society men, though he always treated you as if you were very delicate. Next, came Sara Howard, a woman who impressed you very much as she was the first woman to ever work for the Police outside of cleaning staff. You both spent many a time together commiserating over the trials of working for men, though you felt a bit bad since you had much less to complain about than she did. Dr. Kreizler was very kind to you, if blunt and manipulative. He’d never made you feel uncomfortable in the way that men often made women feel uncomfortable, and he was respectful of your personal space. You often stayed at the Institute as late as he did, and he would always offer you his arm to walk you to his carriage, giving you a ride home safely, and walking you to the door despite you insisting it wasn’t necessary.
He was, however, prone to staring. It wasn’t like you thought he was staring at you - you were sure he was just lost in thought and not really seeing what he was looking at - but you could feel his eyes burning into you regardless and it had taken some time to get used to it. He was also prone to prying in ways that were considered socially inappropriate. He asked you about your fears, your dreams, your desires, and your relationship with your parents. He probed when you told him that your parents wanted you to marry instead of working for him. He asked about your prior suitors, or at least attempted suitors, and how you felt about them. Every time you helped with a case, be it criminal or simply a patient, he would demand your opinion and make you defend it.
The fact that he did it to everyone made it easier to handle - he didn’t think you were stupid and feel as if he needed to decipher your nonsensical thinking. On the contrary, he valued your opinion and thus wanted to hear it, and discuss it. He just wasn’t very good at the discussion part, and made it feel more like defending one’s scientific papers. Mr. Moore tended to get offended on your behalf when Dr. Kreizler did it in front of him, but you always took it in stride, and when you were done with the conversation or had run out of points, you simply had to admit it in order for the good doctor to leave you alone. He wasn’t trying to be a pest, he just liked a good argument to get his brain whirring. He liked dissecting every point to find the truth of a matter, and was very much open to considering the opinions of others, which was a rarity. He just made it seem like a fight when it was really his burning curiosity.
The brothers Isaacson entered Dr. Kreizler’s group last, and together they began to work on the case of the murders of young boy prostitutes. Mr. Moore protested your involvement like he did Sara’s, but you were a bit more gentle in telling him that you had a very strong stomach. You were, in fact, fascinated by the whole ordeal, which was a morbid fact you tried to keep to yourself lest you seem rather strange. You didn’t do any investigating yourself - you were simply there to take notes, and make copies of the files that Sara borrowed from the Police department. However, Dr. Kreizler brought you everywhere with him when he was investigating, offering you his arm and keeping himself between you and any other men to avoid you becoming uncomfortable. He was careful with you, and you appreciated that he took you into consideration when he brought you to less than appropriate places.
Note-taking for the investigators brought you to becoming somewhat comfortable in Dr. Kreizler’s home, as you all often met there, and Dr. Kreizler had a habit of thinking aloud when he was finished at a crime scene. He began asking you to come back with him to the house so that you could discuss the case, notes you had already taken, and what you were missing. Often, John Moore and Sara Howard would join you if they had the time, though you lied to your parents when you told them you were never actually alone with Dr. Kreizler. Countless times, you had curled up on the sofa across from him, talking until Cyrus or Stevie would have to remind you that you might want to leave before nightfall. The good doctor would come with you in the carriage even though he had no need to, and it always made you feel soft, even if he’d been rather annoying or mean that day.
It was only recently that things had begun to change.
Your parents were on a rampage - a backhanded reference to your wasted youth and beauty by one of their high society friends had sent them into a tizzy, and you found yourself the victim of near-constant badgering. They were insistent that you leave your job and let them find you a husband so you could raise your station and theirs. For a long portion of your employment, you’d been able to stave them off by promising that you did want to marry, you just wanted to experience the world a little bit first. Unsurprisingly, that had come to bite you in the ass. They had found a gentleman whose prospects were affected by his unfortunate stutter, and he was willing to overlook your want for employment. Your parents had given you a lecture the previous night, and made it very clear that you were going to marry this man when he asked. The ‘or else’ was implied, and had kept you up all night.
You stumble on the slight ridge where the door to Dr. Kreizler’s office closes, which he told you was used for privacy as it helped dampen sound. It’s the first time you’ve ever been careless enough to trip over it, and you find yourself caught in the stare of the good doctor, his honey-brown eyes scanning over you quickly as if looking for an explanation.
“Are you okay, Miss L/N?”
Something about the soft way he asks you causes a crack in your demeanour, and you nod, swiftly making your way to your desk.
“Of course, Doctor.”
A disbelieving hum answers you and you settle yourself at your desk, opening Dr. Kreizler’s journal to the marked page where you left off so you could resume your work. You lose yourself in it, the soft clicks of the typewriter lulling your mind enough that you don’t hear the doctor’s approach until his hand gently closes around your wrist, pulling your palm away from your mouth. He hisses air through his teeth as you stare, ashamed, at the mottled purple of your thenar eminence. You didn’t even realise you were doing it. You knew you had been biting last night after your lecture from your parents, however, you never thought you would unconsciously do it in the presence of Dr. Kreizler.
“Your biting habit worries me.” He states as he leans his hip against your desk so that he can look at you properly, “What troubles you?”
Another crack.
“Let me help you, Miss L/N.”
Spiderweb cracks spread across the glass separating you from your emotions. You have so little control of yourself left, so close to breaking. You close your eyes briefly, steadying yourself, then look up at your boss as calmly as you possibly can, “It is a childish matter, Doctor, I couldn’t possibly trouble you with it. Please excuse my behaviour.”
Dr. Kreizler sighs.
“Miss L/N, please tell me.” he asks a little more sincerely, and you shatter. Your bottom lip wobbles, and his fingers slip up from your wrist to wrap around your hand instead, an intimacy that makes both of your faces’ hot. His fingers slip through yours, and you stare at your hands instead of looking at him, nerves sparking at the intimacy.
“My parents want me to marry.” 
“So you’ve said.”
“Yes, well, they’ve found a man willing to take me on despite my questionable desire for employment.” You inform him, looking from your linked fingers to his face and noticing a tightening in his jaw.
“Ah.” He acknowledges, taking a breath, and for the first time you notice the flowers sitting on his desk, and the letter attached to them. You don’t forget your troubles so much as grab the distraction with both hands.
“Oh, those are lovely. I apologise for overstepping my bounds, however, may I ask who they’re for?” You ask, “You even wrote a letter. That’s so lovely, Dr. Kreizler.”
The doctor’s cheeks go pink, and he glances at the flowers before looking back at you, “Have you accepted his courtship?”
Your face falls, and you frown as he outright ignores your query, which seems almost worse than if he were to tell you off for it. But, you shake your head, looking away from him as you pull your hand free of his. He holds on for a moment longer before letting you go.
“He has yet to formally ask me, and thus I haven’t yet been forced to decline as I intend to.”
The tension in Dr. Kreizler’s shoulders ease, and you wet your lower lip as he leaves you, walking over to his desk and picking up the flowers. His nervousness rubs off on you, and you stand, following behind him.
“The flowers are for you. I know it is wholly unprofessional for me to propose courtship at your place of employment, however I believe we’ve surpassed the simple bonds of employer and employee to something more akin to friendship, so I hope you will forgive me. I-I know that I may not be what you want in a man… I have… deficiencies that may make you hesitant, and I know that I am difficult.” he says as he touches his right arm, which you knew about only because he had needed assistance one evening while you were at his home without anyone who knew about it, ”But I would take care of you in all ways. You would want for little, and of course, you would be able to continue your employment and pursuits of knowledge. I would never deny you anything simply for the fact of your gender.”
You’ve never thought of Dr. Kreizler that way. In the interest of keeping a professional relationship on both sides, and treating him with the same careful respect as he treated you, you had put his being a man firmly in the back of your mind. He was a doctor. He was a brilliant mind. He was your boss. He was something of a friend. Last, and very much least, he was a man. As you stare at him in shock, you begin to put latent thoughts together that you’ve often pushed to the back of your mind. He is a handsome man, with sweet honey-brown eyes and lovely brown hair. His body is appealing, with broad shoulders and a strong chest. His intelligence is attractive - you’ve always known it in the back of your mind, but you’ve ignored how that might’ve made you feel, instead focusing on the outcomes of his intelligence. He is well-groomed, from his pristine facial hair to his fantastic outfits, which you know cost a pretty penny. He has always cared for you, and shown you some of the best sides of himself to balance the times when he is more difficult. His weaker hand ghosting across your back when he helps you from the carriage while his strong hand holds yours to steady you comes to mind when you think of how he cares for you. Your father has never shown that much care for your mother - your coachman helps your mother from the carriage while your father marches on ahead.
You realise with a start that Dr. Kreizler is everything you’ve ever said you wanted when you considered marriage. And as you examine the softness and the twinge of hope in his eyes, you realise that you do actually want this. You want him. Your cheeks grow hot as you realise that you truly, honestly, deeply do want him. And he just asked if you would let him court you.
A surprised ‘oh!’ escapes your lips in a rush of air, and you take the flowers from him, staring at them in shock.
“I… I would accept, should you propose courtship, Dr. Kreizler. I thank you for asking me rather than my parents, however, my family is old fashioned and you… well, you would need to ask my father as well.” You admit, and he seems surprised that you agreed, which hurts your heart.
“I had intended on pursuing this properly, once I knew your desires on the matter.”
“And now you do. Perhaps you should call on my father.”
“I will.” He assures you, and you stare into his eyes for a moment, holding your flowers to your chest like he might try to take them back.
“Good. I will await the good news.” You reply with a firm nod, and a smile creeps across your face like you’re trying to restrain it, mirrored on his own. You head over to your desk, and he moves quickly to pull your chair out for you, drawing a shy smile to your lips. You spend the rest of your day at work listening to the soft rumble of Dr. Kreizler’s voice and trying quite hard not to laugh when three separate patients, two of the other workers at the Institute, and John Moore remark on the man being in a particularly good mood today.
That evening, a knock comes at your door, and you wait with baited breath, hiding at the top of the stairs as Dr. Laszlo Kreizler asks your father for permission to court you. His proposal is professionally detached, running off of what you’ve told him about your parents, and emphasising that he would like to pursue marriage swiftly. Your father knows exactly who the good doctor is - he had done his research when you began working for him - and he is aware of exactly how wealthy the man is. His social status has suffered from his career choice and his strange views, but he’s still above the man they’d intended for you, and they knew you would be well-looked upon for getting the man to finally settle down. It would look good on him to marry a high class woman with good standing as well.
You stand up quickly as you hear your mother approaching the stairs, and she breathes a sigh of relief when she sees you, looking happy about you for the first time in a long while. She encourages you to come down, and as you approach her, she teases you gently about having a gentleman suitor and that perhaps she should have seen the wisdom of you working with a well-to-do man as if this had all been your plan. You’re happy enough to let her believe what she likes so long as she isn’t angry with you. You had changed after returning home from work, and now wore a dinner gown that was much prettier than much of the clothing Dr. Kreizler - Laszlo, as he’d asked you to start calling him - had ever seen you wear. He brightens at the sight of you, and you smile demurely, taking your father’s arm delicately.
“Dr. Kreizler has come to ask to court you, darling.” He says as he pats your hand on his arm fondly, as if he hadn’t been arguing with you a short few hours ago. You smile with a bit of faux surprise on your face, and you give your father’s arm an encouraging squeeze.
“Well, with your approval, Father, I will most heartily accept.” You reply, and you smile as Laszlo holds out a sealed letter to you, taking it from him and tucking it into one of your pockets. He kisses the back of your hand and bids you all farewell, promising to return in the next week or two to get to know your family better, and asking your parents if it would be acceptable to take you for a chaperoned walk this coming Saturday. You bite the inside of your cheek to hide your excitement, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you try to keep your cool in front of your parents.
You tear into your letter and drown yourself in his words, his proclamations of adoration and desire. He begins with a softer tone - how surprised he was when you came in for your interview, the way you provoked his mind, how impressed he was to find that you’d read not only his own work but the work of other alienists. How you coaxed him to open up piece by piece, in ways he hadn’t expected. How you’d encouraged him to see some of the little joys in life when you’d brought him to the rooftop gardens and told him what each of the flowers was. The way he loved to hear your opinions on cases, be they criminal or patients of the Institute, for you always surprised him with a new perspective.
Next, he professes little intimacies. You were wrong when you’d assumed he wasn’t staring at you and was simply lost in thought. He admits to getting lost in the soft curve of your smile, the delicate click of your fingers on the keys of the typewriter, and the way you sometimes hum while you’re working. He loves the way you grip his bicep in your hand when you walk together, and the gentle flex of your fingers when you get excited by something you see, or the clench of your hand when you get annoyed by something. That you trust him so deeply as he helps you from the carriage, barely looking where you’re going as he guides you, trusting him to keep you safe. How his heart races when your knees bump together in the carriage, or when you let him place his hand on your lower back to guide you through a crowd at Delmonico’s. How he dreams of the soft curve of your back, and what it might look like unbound.
By the end of the letter, your heart is racing just as he’d professed his own had raced, and you lay back on your bed after you’ve unburdened yourself of your day’s clothing with the help of your maid. Alone, you hide yourself under layers of blankets, your hand between your thighs as you read your doctor’s private words for you. You stroke your pleasure from sparks to a fire, eyelashes brushing against your cheekbones as you toss your head back into the pillows, a silent cry caught in your throat. Guilt burdens you afterwards in the cold dark of your bedroom, and you slip from your bed to sit at your desk in your nightdress, writing in a flurry to your doctor. Now, with the last remnants of your act of devotion cooling on your inner thighs, your writing is sinful. But your doctor does not believe in a God, nor the binds that society places on a man and a woman, and he will not shame you for your weakness. Perhaps he will even take himself in hand like you did, and devote himself to you in love and sin.
The idea of it burns you, and you bite your trembling lip as you write about what you’d done with his name upon your lips, hidden under metaphors that he will doubtless understand. By the time you’re done, you know this letter should be burnt. If you were a good, pious, proper woman you would walk down the stairs to the fire in the fireplace and burn the letter to avoid anyone seeing your shameful words. You seal it, then slip it into the pocket of your coat, crawling into bed and getting comfortable for the night. The following morning, your face is burning as you place the letter into Laszlo’s hand, and he gives you a discreet smile that only worsens the feeling until you settle at your desk to pretend you aren’t an unprofessional ball of embarrassment.
You hear a soft gasp, and your eyes meet Laszlo’s as he reads your letter, his cheeks burning. He coughs, adjusting in his seat, and folds the letter, presumably to read later. A wise choice. You giggle, and he smiles despite himself, turning his gaze back to his papers. You admire him for a moment longer to make up for all the time you’ve wasted not gazing at him, then turn back to your work, excited for the future. Hopefully, he won’t make you wait too long to be wed. It seems almost a waste to delay any longer.
You find yourself engaged no more than two months later.
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roxannarambles · 13 days
Finally finished playing Legends: Arceus-- the main storyline, at least, I have not completed the full Dex, but I did everything else. Some thoughts below.
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So, there's a lot this game has going for it. There are lots of lovely natural environments to run around in and explore, and the pokemon really do feel integrated into a complete world, full of personality and ways of interacting with them you just don't get in other games. The controls feel good, the mounts are very fun to use, the aesthetic is on point, and the story's pretty fun. Crafting is a neat addition to the game, there's plenty of side-quests, and there's some interesting new battle mechanics. Overall, they switch things up from the mainline games and try a lot of new things, which I do commend them for.
But, um. Here's the thing. I really hate the gameplay, for the most part. Which is why I bought the game and really, really wanted to enjoy it, and I tried several times to play through, but each time I got so intensely bored I just couldn't go through with it. Don't get me wrong, catching pokemon and using berries and stun items and other stuff feels good, and it feels fun. For like, the first hour. But you have to keep doing it.
Over and over and over.
I just don't enjoy catching a billion pokemon and grinding out other research tasks, like beating up on wild pokemon in various ways, using a specific move a certain number of times, etc. It's so mindless and dull and grindy and boring. You know how PokemonGo is mostly just . . . catching pokemon? Yeah. That gets old, I hate that. I can see how it's just chill and relaxing for some people, but it just isn't for me. I did my damned best to get into it, I promise, but I never did. It was a slog the whole way.
I tried to make it more interesting to me by doing a "bug only challenge." I was only allowed to catch and use bug types, the whole game. (The exceptions are plot-required catches: namely, the Tutorial pokemon and a Dusknoir at some point in the main storyline) And it . . . was sorta nice, I guess? But it didn't do much to make it more fun to me. In some ways it made it even more of a slog since it's harder to earn Star Ranks when you're severely limiting the species you catch. Still, I'm kinda proud I was able to do it, I guess?
Trainer battles in the game are frustrating, too, due to their rarity. You do have battles in the game, and new battle mechanics to try out, too, which gives you a desire to have battles-- especially since it can break up the monotonous research tasks. However, battles are so incredibly rare, and typically incredibly, incredibly easy and are over in almost an instant. You never get to really use the pokemon you've trained. And I get it, the emphasis of the game is research, not battling, since battling is still in its infancy in this era. It still feels frustrating though. I craved battles.
I didn't get to ever feel attached to my team, either. Since most of the game involves research tasks, a lot of those tasks involve battling against wild pokemon. If I used my main team for all that, they'd get way overlevelled in a hurry. So I was always using different individuals. I hardly ever saw my main team, so I did not get the chance to bond with them emotionally-- especially since we rarely had trainer battles anyway.
I didn't feel attached to most of the characters in the game either, to be frank. This isn't any fault of the writing, I actually think the writing was very strong in this game, this is more of just a personal preference. The Pokemon Professor is fine enough, but I never got over the disgusting pube-hair look he has going on his face (I am allowed to dislike characters for shallow reasons, okay). Rei was okay, but I certainly didn't feel fond over him. The leaders of the Pearl and Diamond clans were okay I guess, but the 'arguments' about time and space were so fucking stupid and took up most their screen time, so it kind of ruins them. I just, I dunno, I didn't feel strongly about any of them.
Except for Volo. I always liked him. (The moment I saw him I hoped he was a butch lesbian and got all excited. When I found out he was a dude I was a bit disappointed but oh well, he's still pretty) He was friendly and charismatic and I appreciated his curiosity and his wanderer's spirit.
It's a shame I didn't play and finish the game when I first bought it, because then I might not have been spoiled to Volo's little twist at the end. But, finding out Volo's heavy involvement in the game and the twist at the end was what motivated me to bother finishing the game, so. There's that. I really don't think anything else would have motivated me, because the gameplay was just such a slog for me.
I am glad I bothered to finish the main story, though. It was interesting. I do love the premise of people being very wary and frightened of pokemon and exploring that kind of world. Portraying pokemon in a scarier role was a bold move for the franchise and I love them exploring that side. I LOVE pokemon chasing after you and attacking you directly and the 'alpha' pokemon mechanic and the spookiness of it all. And the story is honestly a neat one. The idea of MC being displaced in time and space and having to work for their room and board has a cozy-survival feel to it, and the deep mistrust of everyone and slowly earning their respect was interesting. Although I did feel actively annoyed that no matter how much work I did, and how many requests I fulfilled, people still often treated me with mistrust. But I think that was the point, to be honest!
When you quell the final Noble and the sky goes boom, that's when things get truly fun, though. I love that Kamado turns on you, which was not too surprising since he'd been one of the ones who really banged on and on about mistrusting you the most. I LOVE the short scene of showing you being walked out of the village as you're banned. I LOVED the feeling of being suddenly on your own, and I LOVE that both Pearl and Diamond clans turned their backs on you so that they wouldn't risk war with Galaxy. And who is there when you have no one else to turn to, alone in the wilderness, when you need a friend the most?
He brings you to Cogita, where she fulfills the heavy burden of Exposition Lady. The years of bearing that burden of Exposition have turned her tired and a little snippy, apparently (in truth she's only snippy with Volo, and I think it's because she senses a bad aura, but from an innocent standpoint it seems needlessly snippy, since Volo's Mask is a genuinely nice guy and he's given a nearly flawless performance). I don't know if Cogita was even needed for the story, since Volo's specialty is myth research and he could have easily given us that exposition and also given us a neutral ground to shelter at while the other clans turned their backs on us. But whatever, they wanted a Cynthia ancestor, I can understand that. Dang her house was pretty to look at, and the music there was great. They really put effort into that part.
And then you go and forge the red chain and climb the mountain and . . . potato guy? Why are you here? Oh, he's randomly a ninja. Actually, that part was hilarious and I loved it, I had a grudge against Beni the ENTIRE game because he didn't want to serve me his stupid mochi, so I was so excited to kick his ass. And the extra lore was nice, not to mention the extremely rare chance to have a battle. Anyway, after that, you battle the boss and then take care of the scary Legendary pokemon and all that jazz, and the story . . . ends. Rather abruptly, to be honest. It felt a bit sudden, as if Act 2 was cut a little short. I think it's because the post-game is still what you'd call the main story. Post-game content normally is extra, bonus stuff, but man, if you skip the post-game plot in Arceus, you'll be missing a whole chunk of actual story. Tbh I think they shouldn't have rolled credits 'til the end of the Volo battle, but that's nitpicking. Besides, it amuses me to think some people stopped after the credits and never learned the truth about Volo, which is just a hilarious thought.
Act 3 takes place after a festival celebrating the fact MC saved the world and the Diamond and Pearl clans no longer need to fight (sadly, we don't get to see the festival though!! other than a tiny photo in the credits!) It's pretty short and mostly running around doing errands involving facing off against legendaries and mythicals; the most satisfying errand was a rematch with Kamado because it was a trainer battle aaaaaa!! So few of those. And then we climb the mountain again because Volo, um, really wants to meet the creator's 'unwanted child' for some reason . . . sounds like a good idea right??
The battle with him was fun. Having Cynthia's banger theme was hype, didn't expect it. I was doing the bug challenge run, my team was levels ~60-65, and I beat him on my first go, down to my last pokemon, Heracross on full health.
And then he brings out Giratina without letting me heal. Ahaha, uhhm.
Thankfully I had a lot of Max Revives stuffed in my bag which I FINALLY had a use for. The second phase for Giratina was not expected, so that was a fun surprise, but I scraped by on a few more max revives and careful juggling, and we won. (I dunno what happens once you meet Arceus itself, because I think I need to 100% the Dex for that to happen, but presumably our character can finally return home.)
Was it a good game? Yes, objectively speaking, definitely. I think Legends: Arceus was a very strong game. The writing was very good, and that's a precious rarity in Pokemon games. The world itself was carefully designed, polished, pretty, and felt like truly exploring nature and encountering pokemon, in a unique and refreshing way. The gameplay tried something very new and it generally implemented its intentions very well-- it felt fun to control the character, to throw pokeballs, to craft and collect items, to use mounts, and go up against the Nobles. The story and the universe cast pokemon in an exciting new perspective.
It's just a shame that a million grindy research tasks are so utterly boring to carry out, because the main thrust of the game and what you spend the most time on just plain sucked for me to do. So much so, that I did not enjoy most of my experience playing this game. But oh well, what can you do?
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ohbother2 · 2 months
hi! so like, i might try writing smut soon enough (because why the hell not amirite?) so like, is there any advice you could give me? like DOs and DONTs, tools that could be useful to avoid orthographic errors etc etc (im used to using chat GPT to look at my horribly, horribly written texts and correct them, but i've got a feeling it will straight up censor it, and english's not my first language, so anything that would make my dirty dirty texts into dirty clean text would be dope)
I'm sorry but because you're an ageless blog I'm not going to give actual smut-writing advice, but ig it's okay to give general writing advice?
Just a reminder to everyone, if you're a minor please do not interact with me or my posts!
In all honesty I don't really know what I even do when I write, the words just sort of appear and I'm like 'yep, that works', but that's not the most useful advice, lol
I envision the story I want to read, and then I write it how I want to read it. I hope that makes sense
I guess my main advice would be to find your own niche, like, are you a dialogue or an 'action' based writer? Ofc it's good to be good at both but people have their own strong suits. For me, for example, I'm much better at descriptive writing than dialogue so that's what I focus most of my writing around
People also have their own unique styles and formatting to their writing - I feel as though mine is pretty distinctive with certain types of vocabulary and paragraph spacing/grammar/etc - so I guess it would be good to find a style that works good for you! For example, don't stick to lengthy paragraphs of immense detail if that doesn't come naturally to you, etc
My absolute top priority when writing is to not tell the readers what's going on, but to show it. Sometimes 'They felt X/Y/Z' is a useful tool for emphasising a particular point, but sometimes it detracts from the writing overall.
As an example: 'He felt as if his heart was going to burst from his chest...' (This can be good when used in the right moments, but if that's the only descriptor the writing loses a bit of life to it)
Compared to: 'His heart hammered painfully against his taut ribs as he gasped uselessly for breath...' (This is showing rather than just simply telling, and is how I personally prefer to write a majority of the time)
It's also important not to repeat yourself unnecessarily - it can be good to repeat when you're really trying to emphasise a point, but sometimes writing can stagnate and become less engaging? It's very difficult to find the right balance but it makes a world of difference to a piece of text
For dialogue (arguably my weakest skill) the best piece of advice is that you cannot write accurately how people in real life talk. When we talk we mostly fill out thoughts with nonsense and fluff out the main point - you can't write this because the readers will become disengaged. There's an important balance to find between being too formal for speech, maintaining the main point of the conversation, and ensuring the characters still sound like themselves. I tend to really try and put myself in the characters heads, think about what they'd actually say, and then 'translate' it into a written format that works whilst keeping that characters traits.
The way I 'learnt' to write was through reading, and I'd really recommend you read in your desired writing language (I'm guessing English from your ask) to see the typical structures and vocabulary of that language when written down. Direct translations don't always work, especially with literature, because there are phrases and sayings and common slights-of-tongue that are language specific, so I think it's really useful to get used to that language in its own written form, yk?
I forgot!! But it's also important not to tell your readers everything. Let them fill some gaps in on their own - they don't need to be told how a line of dialogue was said if it's obvious in the speech and context, and they don't always need to know how a character moved across a room or what their hands are doing 100% of the time. Sometimes the best parts of stories are the bits that go unsaid :)
Sorry, this is rambling and probably not very useful, but I've never given writing advice before.
Writing really is all down to the author finding their own 'voice' within their texts, and I'm sure you're writing will be great!!! I hope this helps! :))
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gacha-incels · 24 days
thoughts on stellar blade and the model?
imo right now it’s occupying a similar space as something like that game with the “sexy” faceless robots, atomic heart. hailed by misogynists and racists as an “antidote” to any sort of diversity in videogames, gameplay very rarely discussed if at all, eventually after release it ends up back in obscurity. it was never going to be “just a game” regardless (and I do find a certain naïveté in discussing it as such) since the developer Shift-Up (most known for gacha NIKKE) has engaged in feminist ideological verification. There’s a reason so many posts about it say shit like “5 minutes in already GOTY”. I do have some overarching thoughts on the entire scenario.. because stellar blade is created by an east asian company there is an added layer of fetishization regarding the female character designs among western men who view japanese and korean women as the remaining women who are “truly feminine”. In their eyes this is a petite, young, thin, subservient dollfaced woman who, by these “feminine” traits, reaffirms the man’s “masculinity” and therefore his place at the top of the patriarchal hierarchy enforced by societal gender roles. When women push back against these dehumanizing and racist stereotypes the men will condescendingly say they have been “ruined” by western feminists - showing again they believe east asian women cannot think for themselves. I don’t think it’s just a coincidence you can find similar misogynistic arguments made by western “sex tourist” or “mail order bride” (their terms) purchasing men throughout the years. This is of course only lightly touching on the dynamics and intersection of misogyny/racism/colonialism/class, not to mention women’s movements themselves in east asian countries etc. for the sake of brevity at this moment we’ll just look at some aspects of the western man, I believe a lot of us have seen reactions from this group regarding stellar blade and the previous “gamer gate”.
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What I find illuminating here is twofold- the fact that as the (in this case, typically white, esp. for the earlier dates) western woman gained and fought for more rights, the (same note) western man felt emasculated as women became even slightly closer to them in society (“he criticizes the desire of women for autonomy, independence, and equality”) and secondly, his strong “masculinity” needs constant personal and societal affirmation which can only be sated by having the lesser “feminine” gender roles subjected upon women. in many cases he enacts this “domination” via the “purchase” of poor, trafficked foreign women which we can also see as a colonial and racist action made upon her body.
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This type of attitude can be seen reflected in the type of language reactionary men use when discussing “east asian” games as opposition to “western” games. the (in this example, stellar blade) korean game is said to show “beautiful, feminine, unpolitical” female character designs while the western games are characterized as having “ugly” female characters, designed to be that way on purpose, who have “masculine” bodies and attitudes, who exist solely because of “politics”. the pushback and valorization is done by these male gamers because they want, and need, to reinforce starkly polarized gender roles that put them in control. they think there’s a “war” on their enjoyment of “beautiful women”. when they read criticism of the hypersexualized female character designs in games they (in self-absorption) understand it as women telling them men are evil for being straight and/or male. the belief is men must be obviously “masculine” and women must be hyper “feminine”, only this way can the first group be recognized and dominate the second. they believe it’s “nature” as you can see in the above tweet. this is why I touched upon male vs female character design in the post about gacha designs- the sexes are typically starkly different from one another. the strong, sturdy and clothed males stand in polar opposition to the lithe female characters whose designs put heavy emphasis on tits and ass. when a male character is designed in a way to unequivocally be male and yet have clothing that follows the typical sexualized female attire, there are these types of men that erupt in anger as we saw with Genshin’s Lyney and Limbus Company’s summer Sinclair. when a female character doesn’t have a sexy enough outfit (LC Ishmael summer, GI Shenhe CNY costume that incels believed to have “removed” tit jiggle, Samsung Hu Tao outfit that doesn’t “show bellybutton”) the artist gets accused of being a feminist.
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A female character like in Stellar Blade wears a body suit essentially showing her naked figure - she has no imperfections, she’s thin with no muscle mass, she’s petite, her tits jiggle with every movement, her ass is front and center to the game’s player. this objectification flatters the male player- this is a woman who you control, an object created solely for your desire, who will never challenge your sense of superiority, who will always be “for you” first in a game made by men for an audience of men. the fact that this type of game is created , marketed and sold is, in and of itself, a testament to male domination of entertainment. There can never be comparison, hypothetical or not, to sexualization of men in entertainment for women- entire societies would have to be changed in order to even begin considering this. gendered socialization literally starts in the womb. we live in a patriarchal society completely saturated with representation of women and girls’ bodies plastered everywhere- hypersexualized, objectified, brutalized, used for advertising, sold as products, raped for entertainment, dominated by men. there’s no way you can entertain even the hypothetical of “what if the roles were reversed?” while living in a society like this, let alone compare some baldur’s gate 3 guy taking his shirt off to the stellar blade woman running around in a hypersexualized skintight bodysuit. this “shirtless guy” argument is DOA.
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I see people ask “do these men even enjoy games or art?” I think at least psychologically what a lot of them they enjoy the most is the feeling of domination and power that presents itself within an entertainment industry that is so catered to their fantasies. This is why they see it as such an “attack” when games are made without as much pandering to them. they need to dominate all parts of culture which is why they create such violent backlash to anything they perceive as challenging this, it’s why Anita Sarkeesian had such unbelievable abuse directed at her for making video essays of pretty basic feminist critiques of videogames. what this type of male wants is incompatible with the growth of any artistic medium, whether you find videogames to be art or simply entertainment, it’s stagnation to keep making the same thing constantly. we can see a lot of these guys who gas up stellar blade saying things like they want the “old” games back “where men were men and women were women” type of statements. nostalgia is exceptionally potent during times of confusing, hightened social and financial strain. imo this is also why it’s easy for some women (so far I’ve seen tradcath posting the most with white women demographic) to get caught up in the “tradwife” propaganda. in regards to this type of woman (in North America) I found Dworkin’s book “right wing women” to be informative. But there’s definitely a reason these “RETVRN”/ “this is what they took from you” guys usually praise ancient Roman sculptures and deride contemporary conceptual art. I don’t think they are particularly attached to this art but rather the power it represents. but this is another wish for artistic stagnation. sorry for the highlighting makes anything difficult to read in the passages I posted, it’s from my own pdf copies.
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ge · 6 months
would like to hear u talk about any of your aus.. like legend of hei au or just any
YAY ok omg ill talk about this loh one cuz i just rewatched the movie the other night and im currently rewatching the webseries and it is so fresh on my mind and i am so passionate rn...jic any of yall hvnt seen the series and dk what im talking about ill give a brief run down of loh lore so yall have a little more context (smile
‘the legend of luo xiao hei’ is a chinese animated webseries that currently has two seasons and a 2019 prequel movie ‘the legend of hei’, about a young black cat spirit (specifically known as an elfin) boy named xiao hei and his adventures..the plot among all of the webseries and movie is broad so i wont get into specifics of that since my rotmhs loh au will take place in a rotmhs canon divergence type thang
the world of legend of hei takes place in a world in which humans and elfin coexist harmoniously, with elfin either being secretly intigrated into human society or live peacefully and reclusively in their natural habitation birthplaces or in a guild..elfin are immortal pure spirits who are formed by the coalescence of natures natural energy, though due to humans limited understanding throughout history they have regarded elfin as gods or demons due to their power and extraordinary capabilities..elfin also have the ability to shapeshift between the spirit form they were born in and their elfin form, which for the most part is typically humanoid looking (ex. xiao hei in spirit form is a little black cat w a blue tongue and green ears, but in his elfin form hes a little boy w cat ears and a tail, due to his lack of prowess w shapeshifting he cant get rid of his ears and tail yet, a feat he will learn w age) some elfin however either dont have the ability to shapeshift into a human form or just choose not to, as a low majority of elfin have disdain for humans
throughout history, humans understanding of elfin shift among time periods. in the early days of man, when all humans saw were spirits with incredible otherworldly power and strength, they revered elfin as gods or demons. in loh lore however, there are no such things as actual gods/demons/etc, all known gods are actually just extremely affluential elfin..ie nezha and sun wukong are canon within loh but are not gods, just very well documented elfin lol… ‘god’ is essentially a just title elfin can obtain once theyve reached a certain legendary notoriety status within human society in lohverse
EDIT: heres an official comic about modern humans views on elfin for visual context
another suuuuper important feature in loh is the ability of elemental manipulation and realms. all living beings are born w an innate elemental spiritual type that, with conscience effort, can be honed in on and trained to be made more powerful..humans even have this ability but are mostly unaware. there are several spiritual types but off the top of my head the ones i can remember are metal, ice, water, fire, wood, and space.. all beings are usually born with one spiritual type which is their base type and the strongest they will ever have, but they can also learn other spiritual types..sometimes though, some beings are born with two innate spiritual types, an example being xiao hei who was born w a metal and space spiritual type
space spiritual types are the more rarer spiritual types that exist and unlike other spiritual types, where if u lose ur spiritual cultivation u can eventually cultivate it back, space is connected directly to ur realm so if you lost the cultivation of ur space type then you would die.. realms are literally personal physical realms that are connected directly to your soul and spiritual energy that each being has and it grows depending on the strength of ur spiritual cultivation, it pretty much is a white void that u can store physical objects in. other people can come into ur realm but as you are the master of ur own realm, any foreign person entering it can be subject to ur control (u can teleport, physically control others, etc etc in ur realm..u are essentially god within ur realm)
OKKKK I THINK THATS EVERYTHING NOW I CAN FINALLY GET INTO THE ROTMHS PORTION OF THIS (GLASS SHATTERING SOUND) this is already so long and i feel like its gonna get longer so im just gonna put this jnder a cut teehee⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
SOOOO LALALALAAA in my rotmhs loh au, everything in rotmhs verse is essentially the same as rotmhs canon aka canon divergence except now it has all of the same spirituality and elfin existence in it that loh does.. all the great sects and families are the same, all the villains and deuteragonists are the same, the only thing that is majorly different is that chung myung is an elfin (grins)
unlike in rotmhs canon where baby chung myung was abandoned on the front gates of mt hua, in this au he is an elfin who was formed among the plum blossom trees of mount hua..his formation was probably witnessed by the sect members of mt hua so he was swiftly taken in by them
in loh, when an elfin is formed, they are always surrounded by other elfin and spiritual animals to welcome them into the world and to give them a community, however since chung myungs formation was so close to a human settlement and witnessed by so many other humans, and maybe only a few other spiritual animals but no elfin, his role in life was pretty much decided for him
EDIT: heres an official comic of an elfin being born btw just for a little extra visual context hehe
chung myung was formed as a baby tiger elfin, who later in life can transform back and forth between a human form and a big ass melanistic tiger form, and due to the humans in this time periods lack of understanding of elfin, he was quickly decided to be mount huas own guardian 'god'.. pretty much i imagine he was raised the same way though bc no matter how much mt hua tried to lavish and spoil their own little ‘god’, chung myung is still chung myung so they got over their reverence of him pretty fast and started treating him like their littlest sect brother instead teehee (and chung myung wldntve had it any other way, i feel like if they kept spoiling him nonstop he wldve gotten annoyed by it pretty fast)
chung myungs elemental spiritual ability in this au ive decided is gonna be wood since he was formed among the plum blossom trees..i think itd be really funny to see a young chung myung growing a plum blossom tree in the middle of mt huas courtyard much to the faint inducing astonishment of the sect members hehe.... he also has a metal subtype cuz hes trained so much around swords he just inevitably cultivated the ability
all elfin are born w the inherent knowledge of their being, but since chung myung was pretty much born and raised among humans, his etiquette and sociability amongst other elfins is lost.. he wears his elfin features amongst humans with pride (his tiger ears and tail, hes able to shapeshift them away, he just chooses not to) and among mortals and even other members of the jianghu, he is still seen as an untouchable god to be respected and worshiped, or sometimes even as a demon by those who despised him…..i dont imagine this really gets to him or changes his personality in any meaningful way, hes still the same chung myung we all know and love….🩷
i didnt actually think about tang bo at all in this au but just to squeak him in at the last second, ive decided while he is still an immortal human, i will give him a refined metal manipulation ability.. i imagine what w the tang family being talented welders, their mastery over metal manipulation is incredible, however lacking….. when tang bo meets chung myung for the first time his metal manipulation is underdeveloped but after intentional training and sparring w chung myung for years and years, it develops into near perfect mastery yayy
mostly in this au i just like imagining chung myung in his big tiger form walking around tha sect, lazing around and sleeping in sunny patches or hanging out w chung mun or gnawing on chung jins arm LOL “god” or not, chung myung is still their annoying ass brother hehehehe
smth ive also thot about is that, in loh lore, when an elfin ‘dies’ they dont so much as DIE die, but the natural energy that formed them disperses back into nature, which makes me think that w enough intentional cultivation its not impossible to reform urself after a few decades or even centuries....so i imagine during the final battle when chung myung dies facing cheonma, cm doesnt really die die hes just dispersed and it takes him a hundred years to reform himself, though hes weak and reforms back into his originals selfs fifteen year old body..
eek ok thats kinda all i have to say about this au rn my thumbs hurt from typing sooooo bad watch lxh and loh byeeee
EDIT: nvm im back i have more i want to say..
in this au, chung myung being a minor 'god' was well known and well documented so even after the war and destruction of the sect, the jianghu and every mount hua generation afterwards knew that chung myung was smth otherworldly so the legend of the plum blossom sword saint lingered heavily on mount hua, even more so than in rotmhs canon because after chung myung died, theres never been another case of an elfin knowingly making such direct contact with humans since.. ofc theres been elfin hiding and living amongst humans in stealth but none have ever given themselves away or flaunted their abilities like chung myung had, so their existence, to humans, is still incredibly rare and unknowable..
i imagine when chung myung came back he would still hide his identity, as well as his tiger ears and tail, just like in canon because i feel like the uproar of mount huas guardian god returning would be even louder and put too much attention on the vulnerable rebuilding sect.. however since chung myung reformed weaker than he used to be, his grasp on shapeshifting is still a little wonky so sometimes he'll randomly accidentally have his ears or tail poof into existence lol.. luckily no one has seen it happen tho or else his identity would be revealed
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Since I got into MBTI a few months ago, I've been trying to type every single person I know - real or imaginary. There are quite a few people out there like me who like typing TV characters, but there have been very few sources out there that talk about the MBTI of the 2015 Thunderbirds Are Go series. So I thought I'd discuss my thoughts on a few more controversial (main) characters on TAG. Keep in mind that these are just my thoughts, and may not be 100% aligned with the theories. This is all in good fun.
Disclaimer: as Gordon and Alan's types are quite straightforward and widely accepted, I will not be discussing them.
Most commonly accepted types:
Virgil: ISFP
John: INTP
Gordon: ESFP
Alan: ISFJ
The Hood: INTJ
Not confirmed:
Starting off with Scotty. People (myself included) call him the Commander, ie. ENTJ according to the 16 Personalities website. I've done the test myself on his behalf (self-righteous me haha) and the results are quite conclusive: ENTJ. This is quite accurate, given his decisive demeanour in the field which corresponds with dominant Te. That's why I think ESTJ wouldn't be too far off either.
As for ESTP, they're known to be very spontaneous (and frankly, crazy...no offence intended!) The main reason people get this idea is because of certain episodes (High Strung) that suggest Scott was something of a 'thrill junkie' as a younger person. However, the episode also suggests he is not proud of his past and is not like that anymore (or at least tries not to be). So my conclusion is that he has grown into his role as head of IR, which requires an ENTJ personality, while suppressing the extraverted sensing which is dominant in an ESTP.
Next up, Virgil. Virg's known to be the family artist, and ISFPs are the stereotypical artists. In that sense, ISFP is pretty correct - but Virgil doesn't exactly strike me as (and I'm making a big generalisation here) a crybaby. So what are the alternatives? First, I'd agree he's mostly an introvert, though he sometimes does give off a more E energy. Next, I'd say that he could he either intuitive or sensing, and he seems like the kind of guy to come up with a plan at the scene. So I'd go so far as to say he could be an INTP. Conclusion: ISFP/INTP.
Now with Johnny, most people can agree that he's INTP. I once read somewhere that he's INFP, however, which I thought was interesting - INFPs have the stereotype of being ignored all the time, which relates to John's situation of being the guy stuck on the lonely space station and the middle child. But it doesn't feel as if he has dominant Fi, so I agree with the opinion that he's INTP. INTPs are stereotypically nerdy, and although John isn't a complete dork, he is shown to be afraid of crowds (and in general, people!) particularly in episodes such as The Man From TB5. So INTP is fair.
Kayo is an interesting case. I have found literally zero consensus on the net on Kayo's MBTI, so I have just gone ahead and typed her as ISTP/INTJ.
Kayo is, how shall we say it, very cool. Even aloof, like an ISTP, the typical lone wolf or cool guy. ISTPs also tend to have good street smarts, being very versatile quick learners. That is what makes them good candidates for being spies, or in Kayo's case, covert ops. She's formidable because of her skills, quick thinking and determination in protecting her ideals (her insisting that IR get involved in the 'bad guy catching business') - dominant Ti.
Some people also think she's an INTJ for obvious reasons. In Legacy, she reveals she has all sorts of contingency plans for Tracy Island, and even her uncle, the great mastermind, fell into her trap. That sort of scheming is very INTJ. It's probably an influence of her having the Hood as her uncle.
You could argue that Kayo is completely INTJ, and I'd say that's possible as well. The reason I've put ISTP is that some of the things she does are a bit too physical and real-world, things that typical INTJs would die from. Of course, she could be an Fi and Se developed INTJ. It depends on how you look at it.
Now finally...our favourite villain, Hoodie Guy. INTJ, the mastermind. No one can deny that the Hood is the ultimate criminal mastermind, with his scheming plots and evil smirk (!) However, there are some qualities he has that aren't exactly INTJ, which is why I'd argue that he's an INTJ/ENTJ hybrid.
First, he's very impatient. We see this in a lot of episodes, and in Signals Part 2 he even admits he was short-sighted (and therefore impatient) to have tried to commandeer a Thunderbird. That's quite unlike an INTJ, who must be patient in waiting for their plots to unfold over time. The Hood is almost too rash to be an INTJ.
Secondly, INTJs are known for being cold and calculated, and although the Hood is that, he's also very personal. And by personal I mean he gets very hung up on personal vendettas, namely the one against Jeff Tracy. INTJs don't usually put the focus on people - unless the person is merely an obstacle in the way of them getting what they want. They do not act on impulse - dominant Ni ensures that. ENTJs, however, can be 'personal'. They have vendettas, and they will use dominant Te to act even if it's not exactly wise.
Finally, he's too famous. INTJs do not thrust themselves into the spotlight as the Hood did even in the first episode - that is way too not subtle for INTJs, who work from the shadows and get what they want without anyone being the wiser. ENTJs, on the other hand, are known and feared by the world. Sound familiar?
Of course, the many cliffhangers we get informing us the Hood has gotten exactly what he planned tells us he's still an INTJ - but not entirely. Things like personality typing are never black and white, and no one is completely 100% one type or another.
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