#i did not do the background i meant to lmaoo--
keeps-ache · 25 days
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here i am!!
[separate figure and background below]
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I'll start this by saying you can ignore this ask if it's too annoying bc valid
but I just saw some absolutely bullshit takes when I was scrolling through mdzs posts
some people claimed that:
- jin guangyao and wei wuxian are the same and both killed for revenge so if wwx isn't evil then jgy can't be either (I- excuse me??)
- jgy did so much good for people and wwx just........ saved some wens (lmaoo???)
- jgy killed nmj out of self defense (ok so why did he keep coming back and acting nice playing/poisoning him for probably weeks if not months then????????)
- (this one is just crazy) wang lingjiao was just some poor commoner woman who couldn't fight back so wwx is awful for what he did to her
I'm sorry am I the crazy one here because these takes sound straight up INSANE to me like did the people who wrote it read the same novel I did??
"wwx stans are so hypocritical how can they say my baby's evil while they stan this cruel murderer who doesn't let his corpses reincarnate :((((" bitch????
I'm fairly new to the fandom and I can be wrong so can you tell me if I'm missing something (I doubt that i do tbh) but you seem very sensible and I just needed to get it off my chest
I'm not even saying people can't enjoy characters that are evil/morally gray bc some of my faves from other works are just that... but if you have to pretend these characters are some saints who didn't deserve what they got and drag down the main character just because you're salty then I don't think you like your "fave" all that much tbh
I hope you don't mind me ranting in your askbox, if you read my message then thank you for your time! Have a nice day! (I hope I didn't ruin it too much haha)
Hello anon! No I don't mind at all for this, rant away if you need to as I make my inbox open for it.
As to the idea that Wei Wuxian are similar, in terms of their status they had been born to, yes. But that's about as much of their similarity as they get. Just as how Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji are literary mirrors due to similarities in circumstance, but not mind or ideals. Yes, Wei Wuxian did kill in revenge, but he never denies this. He fully admits to this unlike Jin Guangyao, who continues to say he had no choice but to kill those that wronged him. The difference there is that, Wei Wuxian had been tortured, his guardians killed cruelly, his own sect almost was decimated by the ones he killed. Where as with Jin Guangyao, he killed many that endangered his political position or, verbally insulted him in some way. Between the two one's actions of revenge was foremost for the ones that had been wronged. For Jin Guangyao it was concerning his own ego.
Jin Guangyao never did anything for the common people. We are told several times in story that Lan Wangji, and the Lans are the outliers for this sort of thing. The watchtowers are nothing more than a repainting of the Wen's Advisory Offices and keep in mind, it was still under the approval of Jin Guangshan that they even were created. From a Jin Guangyao who wanted to please his father foremost. He also burned down a brothel of prostitute women, where in that, shows he cares for commoners of his own background?
A scum of a person, can be human and sympathetic, but it does not change that they themselves are in the end selfish, cruel and manipulative. That's what makes them terrifying, they use that sympathy to cause more hurt. Wei Wuxian never holds others hate of what he had done as unfair, just that he would not take rebuttal for what he never did and stands by what he did. Jin Guangyao never takes any sort of responsibility towards the ones he drags into his schemes and continues to say he needed to with no sympathy for the ones who had been innocent, saying that he should be the one pitied and forgiven.
You can like and enjoy an evil, just don't paint it as a saint when that is what the very work is against and criticizing. We are told that Wei Wuxian is meant as an ideal of morality, who this is still argued about and he is labeled "morally grey" and "just as wrong as the others" is just wrong from a literary and plot point of the book.
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you (p.s. I've been scouring simblr, and I've noticed people don't like how picky SQOTD feels, so please! Share around SQOTD asks, anon or not, I'm only one person and can't find and ask every person on simblr ~ 💛)
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Thank you to SQOTD Anon and other Anon for the asks!! (I'm presuming we're gonna start seeing dupe asks with this getting passed around now LMAO)
I RELIGIOUSLY put small details in my renders and stuff, so take a shot (or sip of juice) for every small detail i point out /j LMAOO
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starting off with my most recent post, whether u wanna call these small or not, im still gonna point them out - the next panel after "I'll see you in a weeks time" you can see the text box is still there, which is just a play on perspective, you can also see the lyrics from the Beabadoobee song in frame on the ticket close-up shot AND finally (for this post), a more subtle detail, is the fact that the box with the "-$158" casts a shadow! I gave a before and after, thats how subtle it is and how subtle i wanted it to be :)
That's the one I wanted to share the most, but if you want to see and read about more details (small or just overlooked/overlookable), I'm adding a couple more under the cut :)
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Lighting isn't so much a small detail, but a detail that I think is important and am sharing a couple (not all) moments where I used colored lighting to create contrast or just to outline characters or where I just felt it was important to use specifically-colored lighting:
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Just gonna speedrun explain these: Leo's colors are red/red-ish pink and green is the opposite of pink, which I used in that specific render, so it was a nice contrast Hero's colors are a range from Red - Orange - Yellow-ish Green - Green Vanella's (A sim I havent talked about before!) color is Blue and I used blue both as lighting for the walkie talkie and to make her stand out from the background Leo and Roo's colors are [respectively] Pink/Red-ish pink and Purple, I like to, especially in these kinds of renders with no background, use these colors to highlight them and their favorite/representing color Same as the last, I used yellow and purple/pink to contrast the two, with blue as a sort of undertone(?)
Also if you look at the W.A.S Teasers, Green, Yellow and Blue are meant to highlight the different characters and sort of set them apart from each other
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in this post/render-set, I wanted to show (whether u see it as a big or small detail again idk, i see it as small/medium) just how exhausted Harvey/Younger Roo was and how sorry Roo was/felt, hence the slumped over body and Roo tightly hugging him
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you wont see this for a bit (until i muster up the energy for a flashback Hiraeth render), but Leo DOES wear this sweater again after Roo said he loved it :)
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I will never get enough of this panel, i always eat it up everytime I see it... but anyways LMAO The small detail here is just the hair strands... I feel like I did SO well on not making them look exactly perfect but not exactly like... fake hair, kind of representing the "I cut my hair myself" look- also the fact that I managed to perfectly remove his glasses (via model editing in blender)... *chef's kiss*
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shoutout to you if you remember the first nirvana post... anyways, Obv the text isn't small but it's just the fact that you can interpret these two frames in two different ways (that I know of): One is that it's saying DONT. (as in dont grab her hand) and then she does her hypnotizing shabang and it says "DO IT" a bunch (like yk,, do it, grab her hand-) The other, is that it says "DONT. DO IT." (basically just saying DONT DO IT, with a period/comma however u see it) Not necessarily a render detail, but something i realized a while ago while looking at this
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And thats it! Thank you again for these asks!!! I love putting in small details or just details that might get overlooked SOOOO much :)
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harlowsbby · 8 months
“I don’t know if you love me anymore, I don’t know if you love me like before.” - Rod Wave. (I’m scared…
This scratched the itch I was havin for a lil angst 🤭
He always saw it as you being a bit selfish although he’d never tell you that. (Now Jackman….😐
“What are you on about? Of course I care.” He tried defending himself (Actions speak louder than words & rn u ain’t showin shit
“You’re serious? I can’t go out and have alone time by myself anymore. I’m meant to be inside with you 24/7? Y/N.”( You just completely missed the point.
“I’m a rapper Y/N, I have fans to please and a label that needs me. I’m actually somebody.” That one stung and it honestly took you off guard. (Yk what FUCK. YOU.
“I didn’t mean it like that baby.” (Yes u did.
You looked down at your phone seeing you had gotten a notification that Urban posted onto his story via Instagram. (Uh oh
“This isn’t gonna do much justice.” You sighed and exited out Urban’s story, maybe you were paranoid there was no way Jack was going to stood you up. He wanted to make this relationship work right? He wanted the two of you to live happily ever after right? (Don’t be naive babe, he ain’t shit 😕
In the video there was Jack clear as day in the background talking to some blonde haired chick. (😦😀🔪
“I guess this was what celebrities do huh?” You whispered to yourself and shook your head. All you could do was grab your car keys and purse and leave. You weren’t about to stick around and be played with. (YESSS BABE DONT LET THAT WHITE MAN MAKE U FOOL OUTTA U👏🏽
LMAOOO friend I can’t with you 😭😭 I missed your commentary very much though
I didn’t really like my fic but I’m glad you enjoyed it and lmaoo you know Rod Wave just be having the girlies and the guys at times going through the emotions 😭
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Tiktok Trend: Black Sheep
This is entirely based off this tiktok, which has been bouncing around in my head for about a week and always makes me laugh. Andromeda's been mentioned a couple times in some older fics, but I thought it might be fun to finally introduce her! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, as always <3
TW for mentioned racist/ sexist/ homophobic family members and disownment (in a joking way)
“Sirius!” Andromeda called over her shoulder as she scrolled through the literal thousands of comments for her favorites, popping her gum at her cousin when he poked his head around the corner.
Sirius pulled a face right back at her. “What?”
“You’re stealing my spotlight again.”
“You don’t like the spotlight.”
Andromeda raised her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, which of us was the first to be deemed a family disappointment based on their choice in partner?”
Sirius rolled his eyes with a huff and padded over to the couch, leaning his elbows behind her head to see the phone screen. “What did I do this time?”
They had filmed the video as a bit of a joke, not intending for anyone to see it—Andromeda only had twenty followers on TikTok at the time, and she was pretty sure half of them were bots. When your racist/ sexist/ homophobic family members start getting a little too comfortable at Thanksgiving dinner, read curly script across the top of the screen as Eminem’s Without Me played in the background.
Andromeda stepped into frame a moment later, walking past the camera in slow motion with a smirk and a casual flip of her hair. The black dress was one of her favorites, knee-length with a slightly low-cut bodice; her mother used to say it looked ‘slutty’ and ‘debasing’, which obviously meant she wore it on every possible occasion. The cousin that married ‘below her class’ was written in the same cursive lettering at her side.
Sirius followed in her footsteps, a devious smile on his face as he adjusted his rainbow tie and slid his wedding ring on. The gay cousin signed to the family’s rival team who they can’t get rid of because the disownment papers are still processing sat happily in a text box by his head as he passed the camera as well.
And then came Regulus, wearing a cocky grin that Andromeda had only seen blossom over the past year. He shook out his suit cuffs and straightened the purple-gray flag pin on his lapel, then stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled past as the cousin that dropped out of the NHL to go to college and made sure the bloodline ended with him stood stark white against the bushes in front of Sirius’ house.
None of them had actually gone to the annual holiday dinner hosted at Sirius’ parents house, of course, but it was the thought that counted. They had made the video for a laugh before heading off to Dumo’s; when Andromeda returned to her phone eight hours later, the video had 200,000 views and just over 40,000 likes.
She craned her neck back to look at Sirius as he laughed at the replay. “Read these fucking comments, you fame thief.”
mandomallow: First of all ma’am please stomp on me second of all are you aware you have TWO famous hockey players in your driveway
tromblerone: Are we just ignoring the fact that Sirius and Regulus Black are making tiktoks with random ppl now :sobbing emoji:
nhl4days: Oh my god Regulus looks so happy stop I’m gonna cry
merqueen15: I litcherally have no words imagine being related to THEE Sirius Black couldn’t be me
21macattack: There are too many hot people in this video pls have mercy
bibibiboba: If being sexy is a gene this family has all of it and honestly I can’t even complain
lillyofthevallley: How many people did that family kick out oh my god???? Also drop the skincare routine queen you’re GLOWING
Dozens more comments focused specifically on Andromeda—the vain little part of her heart appreciated the ones that asked for her curl routine—but she couldn’t quite get over the fact that all it took to bump her follower count to over twenty thousand people (and counting) was her geeky baby cousins.
“Hey.” She poked Sirius’ arm as he reached over her head to scroll through the comments, giggling to himself. “Hey. I’m the hot one, remember?”
“Tell that to your followers, Andy. Reg! Get in here!”
“What?” a distant voice called.
“Andy’s TikTok famous!”
There was barely half a second pause before footsteps came pounding up the stairs with all the grace one would expect from a 20-year-old college student. “How the hell did you get TikTok famous?” he asked, perching on the back of the couch like some rumpled bird.
She cocked a brow. “Remember that video from Thanksgiving?”
“You and your stupid brother are stealing my fans.”
Sirius flicked her forehead lightly and she batted him away. “Hey, we gave you those fans.”
“I’m going to post all of your embarrassing baby pictures in my next video,” she threatened around a smile with a playful kick to his pajama-clad thigh as he skirted around her to go back to the kitchen. “All of them! Oldest cousin privilege!”
First, though, she had a curl-care process to film.
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etherrreal · 3 years
“drunken love”
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Pairing: nishinoya x gn!reader Genre: fluff Prompt: “I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” Word Count: 803 Warnings: reader being a drunken mess A/N: so close to having 2 works being named after beyonce songs lol ; but writing this was one of the easiest things i’ve ever done. like, i’m shocked by how quickly I wrote this one and how much I like it despite that? y’all better enjoy it because it ain’t ever happening again lmaoo -Luna
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Nishinoya was woken up around 1:30am by the sound of his phone ringing, your unique, personalized ringtone blaring loudly from the corner of the room. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and picked up the phone, your best friend's voice coming from the other end.
“Hey Noya! I’m sorry for waking you,” she began. There was a brief pause during which he overheard her hiss for someone to sit down, and then she was speaking again. “Your pain in the ass partner–” another pause, this time accompanied by a shout that sounded suspiciously like your voice, followed by a deep sigh from your friend, “my bad, I mean your, uh, ‘little love muffin’ –whatever that means– got a liiiittle too drunk at this get-together. I think it'd be safer for you to come to drive her home.”
He heard your voice faintly in the background, commenting on someone's hair. He could only imagine what you looked like right now, and if your friend didn't sound so light-hearted, he would've been more worried about your well-being.
"Damn, she sounds far gone," he joked. "But alright. Just send me the address, and I'll be there as soon as possible."
The call ended with a click, his phone pinging soon after with the address of the bar you were at. Noya hopped into his car quickly, following the GPS directions to the bar only 15 minutes away.
He walked into the building and found it was pretty empty, servers wiping down cleared tables and beginning to sweep the floor. You were sitting at the bar next to your best friend, peeling the plastic label off the water bottle in your hands. When you heard the chime of the bell signaling that someone walked in, you looked up, locking eyes with Noya and letting out an ungodly screech.
You jumped up from your seat, stumbling into your boyfriend's arms. Incoherent words were falling from your lips, muffled by your face being smushed into his neck. He looked up to see the exasperated look on your best friend's face, biting back a laugh and offering her a winning smile. "Thank you for looking out for her! I'll be taking it from here,” he said, waving goodbye with what little movement he was allowed. “Get home safe!"
Noya waddled out of the bar with you dangling from his body. It was difficult getting to the car when you insisted on staying glued to him from behind, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. He barely managed to get you to the car without tripping and eating concrete, walking over to the passenger side door to seat you first.
Unsurprisingly, you made getting into the car just as difficult as walking to it. You wriggled around non-stop, trying to reach for Noya to give him a kiss or to pinch his cheeks. He finally managed to sit you down with the promise of uninterrupted cuddling once you got home and into bed.
You sat in the passenger seat, body finally relaxed and head resting against the back of the seat. You were staring directly into his eyes while he reached around for your seatbelt, a permanent smile etched onto your face. Your eyes were shining with drunken glee and your expression reminded him of how you used to look at each other constantly during your honeymoon phase.
"What?” he asked, chuckling at your lovestruck expression. “What's with the face?"
"I love you," you blurted out.
He couldn't ignore the way his heart almost leaped out of his chest at your words. He so badly wanted to say them back to you, to believe that you meant your confession whole-heartedly, and while he knew that you felt strongly about him, just like he did about you, he also knew that you'd hate for this to be the way you confessed that to him.
"Tell me that when you're sober," he joked, clicking your seatbelt into place over your squirming body.
Brushing off your confession was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, but he knew that when you woke up the next day, head pounding with foggy memories of the night before, you'd appreciate that he’d spared you the embarrassment. Relationship milestones meant a lot to you, so he wanted to make sure that you, as a couple, could make this one special.
As much as you drunkenly whined and pouted about him not returning the sentiment, even going as far as repeating it several more times, he knew that you'd thank him in the morning.
And the next morning, after Noya brought you a greasy sandwich and a fresh cup of coffee, you told him you loved him like it was your first time doing so, and he knew that when he said it back that he made the right choice.
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Written by: Luna
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), stupid people in love
a/n: I love one(1) libra man!! I love Atsumu’s character and the way he’s developed in hq and I think that this is a very probable way in which he finds love !! thank you all so much for loving the first installment so much <3 I-I went a little overboard with this one but ,, xoxo Chlo
━Miya Atsumu
Let’s start with a little background; I think we can all agree Atsumu is and always has been popular with the ladies
…But that doesn’t necessarily mean the ladies are popular with him LMAO
He’s truly the emotionally unavailable heartbreaker and he built himself quite a reputation without even knowing it
This dude doesn’t even really fuck around with girls, maybe a few meaningless flings his senior year but besides that, he only has eyes for one lady and her name begins with the letter V and ends with ball
So you’ve known Atsumu for years unfortunately,,, and you surely know about how he treats the girls that approach him with confessions and boxes of chocolates
You don’t approve of it at all, but your family is practically family with the Miya’s and you’ve literally spent every major holiday with them since you can remember
You: Atsumu would it kill you to show some respect towards these women
Atsumu: If she breathes, she’s a thot
….smh… a fucking mess someone please put him in his place
However your mom was always happy that you could be around the twins since you were an only child, and she loved the idea of you having two brothers who would protect you from the evils of college men little did she know,,
You hate to admit it and we hate to see it, but you started to develop a crush on him your freshman year of high school.. you suppose it was because you spent so much time with him and you saw parts of him that a lot of people didn’t get to see I mean you also saw him with his jersey on and off pretty often how could you resist
For example, every Halloween you had a sleep-over tradition where you watched horror films after trick-or-treating and Atsumu was scared SHITLESS every year, I’m talking ripping your favorite blanket off you and burying his face in it to block out the movie, he would threaten you and Osamu about telling people at school about it
Him, a 17 year old teen standing in your doorway at 3:40 am: c-can I sleep on yer floor I LOVE HIM SKAKAKAJSW
You, filming him and sending it to Suna on snap: sure Atsumu <3
You found yourself entranced when he automatically gave you his school cardigan on the walks home from school when it was cold or raining, and completely enraptured by his cute little accent
Atsumu: did ya know yer a fuckin’ idiot bimbo stupid butt crack for not bringin’ yer jacket
Atsumu: yer lucky I’m a gentleman
You: ...
Osamu: god…..
It was naïve to think he would ever reciprocate feelings especially with his entire life being his volleyball career, and you convinced yourself it was a tiny high school crush and eventually you managed to repress it
Too much was on the line; you didn’t want to make both of your families awkward, and you needed to focus on your studies as one of the top students at Inarizaki yes ma’am
Besides you loved him like family right ???
The twins are a year older than you, and Atsumu had just signed to play professionally for MSBY!!
You at his official signing: wow, looks like you don’t have to resort to living on the streets after all
Him: yeah ❤️
You kind of forgot about how you felt about him since you weren’t seeing either of the twins consistently anymore with how busy both of you were; you stayed in contact, but nothing really serious
It was weird because you were still in high school while the boys were experiencing college and doing their own thing… you drifted apart honestly and you felt a bit awkward talking to them sometimes, you felt like you were bothering them Atsumu would probably tease you and say that you were
Another year passed and you were heading to college! You are living your best life, meeting new people, and then you got the text from your mom that you were doing Thanksgiving with the Miya’s,, you weren’t sure if that meant you would be seeing both twins but something about the possibility of seeing Atsumu again made something stir in your chest
Fall break hit and you found out both the twins and you were back at home since Atsumu also had a rare break from training and his regular professional season
You were helping Osamu out at his shop, since it was his first time dealing with the overflow of Thanksgiving season as a new business owner
You’re helping close the shop, when you hear the door jingle; you turn to say a polite “sorry we’re closed for the day,” but you’re met with what seems like a new and improved and muscular Atsumu OH NO
He looks amazing and so much older than you remember??? And he’s thinking the same thing about you!!! Like wow she’s changed a lot since she started college, I’ve missed a lot apparently ??
You immediately fall into his arms, inhaling his familiar scent, Osamu rolling his eyes at the two of you and telling you to get lost before he yaks
You leave the shop with Atsumu, inviting him to your house; as you enter, you catch your mom leaving to pick up some last-minute groceries for the Thanksgiving meal
She’s acts way happier to see Atsumu than she acted when you came home LMAO later she doesn’t shut up about how handsome and manly he’s become, but you just pull him away to your room and lock your door behind you
He goes to sit on your flower-patterned comforter from your childhood, newly washed thanks to your mother
Atsumu: so…. what’s up with you..?
You can’t control the churning of your stomach all of a sudden; you can’t remember him ever looking at you this way, like he’s looking at a woman
The feelings come rushing back, and literally all you can think about is kissing him
You lean back on your dresser in front of the bed, and a wave of need to express yourself washes over you,
“Atsumu, I missed you.”
You don’t even know what’s happening until you’re trapped in between Atsumu and the door, his mouth gently pressed against yours, his warm hands caressing your hips
He asks if this is okay, and all you can do is moan back a yes in response
Let’s just say your mom might need to clean your comforter again lmaoo
It’s complicated and you’re both kinda confused after… like no one admitted that they had feelings for the other and its not like either of you can just disappear from the other’s life like a random hook-up
Like he’s literally cuddling you and kissing you and asking you about college in your childhood bedroom naked what
And it ISN’T uncomfortable at all
It feels so right to be in his arms, and you’re in disbelief about what happened??? What even like how have you gone all this time without doing anything honestly
You suddenly hear your dad pull into the garage, and you’re both up and putting your clothes on as fast as possible
It’s embarrassing when you look back on it, how long the hook-ups went on, but this was a common occurrence whenever the two of you were home
It was basically like you were dating and doing long-distance without the label
Osamu during next year’s Thanksgiving meal: I think we should go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, I’ll go first. I’m thankful that two people at this table are getting laid despite the fact that I’m not 😊
Your parents:
Atsumu, in many ways, is oblivious to what his feelings mean after not really being in any real relationships and blocking out all the girls during high school,
He would find himself texting you after each of his matches, hoping you had watched him and his heart would flutter when you complimented him on his sets
Atsumu on the phone with you: yeah I’m just chillin’ with the boys rn 😏
Sakusa: get the fuck off my bed and get off the phone with your girlfriend so I can sleep
Atsumu: she’s not my girlfr-
Sakusa, talking loud enough for you to hear: I literally don’t care but don’t you have her picture saved as your lockscreen?
He tried to hook-up with someone when he was away playing a tournament in the summer, but it wasn’t the same and it was only good if he imagined it was you
He never did it again and before coming home for Christmas, he called Osamu to finally ask him what to do
Osamu: about time you meathead
Osamu literally spells it out to this man; he has been and is in love with you and he needs to do something about it asap before someone else snatched you away
Atsumu: why didn’t ya just say somethin’ ? Ya know I’m not good at these typa things !
I can’t he’s something else
So it’s Christmas, and he asks if you would want to go see the town square’s Christmas lights with him
Of course you say yes, you’re just really excited to finally see him after so long !!
Atsumu with rosy cheeks ugh spare me
He picks you up and greets you with a kiss to your temple, and he has a little gift baggie with him; he hands it to you to open and you pull out his old school cardigan
“I-I thought maybe you would want it since ya always stole it from me in high school, and since I’m half-way ‘round the world most of the time”
It smells just like him, you thank him with a kiss to his cheek and you tuck it away in your bedroom before leaving hand-in hand to see the colorful lights dazzling in the night sky
You talked to Osamu about your relationship with his brother and you want Atsumu to make a move honestly; you want to be sure he wants this since you’ve literally liked him since high school
You’re not sure what you are expecting, but when Atsumu has you in his arms, your back against his chest and his chin on your shoulder as you watch the Christmas carolers, you don’t expect him to whisper into your ear,
“hey, will ya be my girl?”
You turn around to give him a surprised look, his hand bringing yours to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on your knuckles this is his favorite place to kiss fight me
After getting over your dream-like shock, you say yes and pull him into a kiss
I’m crying he tells you afterwards that you were his girl since the first time he met you, we’ll let him have this one because did he really know until like a week ago? no
Whew, all of your friends and family let out a relieved sigh when they hear the news LMAO
Suna, hearing about Atsumu finally making it official: thank god I was about to start blackmailing him with those Halloween videos
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Hi there! Could I maybe get a fred Weasley x Romanian!Reader and maybe like she goes to the burrow for the holidays? She could try to confess to him by telling him he loves him in Romanian but always telling him it means sth else. But she doesn't know about Charlie and the fact that he used to live there, and then... y'know, up to you? Just thought this was an interesting idea lmaoo. Thank you and congrats!!🥺💕
Te Iubesc [F.W.]
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Romanian!reader (can be from any House really)
A/N: I ended up changing a bit of your context and only noticed it later, and I’m really sorry for that. Instead of she saying it all the time, she accidentally confesses it in Romanian. I'm sorry it's not what you actually asked for, but I hope you enjoy it either way.
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It was particularly weird being a Romanian at Hogwarts, but since it was your parents’ dream to you study there, you were not to complain.
It took you a while to find your place, but it was way easy when the famous Weasley Twins played a prank on you. 
When your whole body turned blue, and you ran around the corridors of Hogwarts, asking, angrily, if anyone had seen who could be guilty of it — you knew it could only have been the twins. They appeared two hours later in front of you, with puckered foreheads and using minimal eye contact. One of them had a flask, and he handed it to you.
“We’re really sorry,” he said, with an almost smile, but not of happiness. He wouldn’t dare laugh at your blue skin while you stared at him with a killer expression. “It wasn’t for you; we mixed it up in the deliver.”
“And what is this?” you asked, raising the flask closer to your eyes to analyze it better.
“The antidote,” one of them said.
“You don’t want to be forever blue, do you?” asked the other and they both giggled.
You drank all the liquid in one gulp, desperate to go back to your natural colour. The twins stared at you while your body changed its colour, and you couldn’t see the point. What did they want? Thanks?
“Are you two expecting me to thank you?” you asked, with a mean voice.
They exchanged looks before smiling.
“No, we just would like to introduce ourselves, that’s all,” said the one that had more freckles.
“You’re Fred and George Weasley, everyone knows who you are,” you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. You saw their eyes following your arms, and then they blushed. You chuckled at those boys stupidity.
“But do you know which is which?” he continued, smirking. “I’m Fred,” he whispered, tipping you since you hadn’t answered his question.
“I’m George,” said the other.
You took a great look at both of their faces, making sure you discerned things that would make it easier to differentiate them. Fred had a better posture, nothing very perfect, but just slightly better than George. And he had more freckles, at least on his face he did.
“I’m y/N,” you said, noticing they were waiting for you to present yourself.
And that was enough for a born of a beautiful friendship.
The pranks still got you, those times on purpose, but they all gave you a break when you asked. You started helping them with their homework and study for exams — even though they hated it.
You lost track of how many vacation days you spent in the Burrow, and this year, you were going back there. You were especially excited this year — and partly worried — because, since the beginning of the sixth year, you’ve been developing an enormous, gigantic crush on Fred.
So, spending the Christmas holiday with the Weasleys, having Fred next to you all weekend, was going to be awesome, but also terrifying because he had no idea you fancied him — and you wanted things to still be like that. 
Fred was known to have had tons of girlfriends — he usually told you everything about every girl he ever snogged. You didn’t want to be just another one that he would abandon in a month. That would completely ruin your friendship, and that meant being apart from a ton of other friends. Being friends with the twins allowed you to befriend Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Harry, and now they are essential in your life too.
“Hi, dear!” Molly hugged you tightly as soon as you stepped in the kitchen. You hugged her back once your shock passed. “I’m so happy to have you here for another year; surely I can’t stand my kids saying again I have a terrible taste for music.”
Oh, yeah, one fact: every Weasley kid (in particular Fred) hated your taste in music. They hated it because you loved the same singers as their mom did, and Fred disliked it the most. As more annoyed he got by your singing, more you sang.
“By the way,” you smiled, “you’ll love the present I got you. I know I shouldn’t say something yet,” you leaned in Mrs Weasley’s ear and whispered: “but I just wanna make sure you haven’t got Warbeck’s newest CD, have you?”
Molly Weasley gasped in surprise and hugged you even tighter.
“That’s why you’re my favourite!” she muttered in your ear and winked when you leaned away and faced her.
Blushing, you went upstairs to find the room Molly always left for you — it was Charlie’s old room. It was the closest to the twins, so you liked it. And the place was decorated with old faded posters of creatures only your home country could offer.
You’ve never met Charlie Weasley, only Bill and Percy, but you knew he was fascinated with dragons, and that your country had to offer. 
You lost a couple of minutes staring at one of the posters; not for the dragon, but because of the background — your old but forever home.
When you got out of the room, you didn’t even need to wander around to find the twins.
“y/N! You came!” shouted an excited Fred Weasley, getting you by your waist and spinning you around in a hug.
George was right next to his twin, rolling his eyes at how foolishly obvious you two were about fancying each other, but none would move a finger to change the situation.
“Of course! Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” you say when Fred finally puts you down. “Hey, George!”
George hugs you too, but not with the same passion as Fred. It makes you wonder if it was your fault somehow to why Fred spun you around. You should have gone with a simple embrace like you’re doing with George. Gosh, why having a crush has to be so hard?
“So, we’re planning a Quidditch game in the yard. You in?” Fred asked as soon as George released you.
“Sure,” you smiled, placing your hands on your waist. “But I’m seeker,” you warned, raising a brow.
“Harry will love to hear that,” George commented.
“And I need a broom,” you added, tilting your head, trying to look pity-worth.
“You can take mine,” Fred said while you three headed downstairs.
You stopped right away. George kept walking, and suddenly it was just you and Fred in the middle of the stairs.
“You’re gonna use your old one? No way; that thing sucks, Fred,” you said.
“But a seeker needs a better broom than a beater,” he pointed out, tilting his head towards you and some red locks fell upon his eyes. Instinctively, you reached for them and took away from his eyes. He blushed with a small smile.
“You’re too nice to me,” you said, nodding and starting to walk again.
“Perhaps you deserve it,” he muttered, half-hoping you wouldn’t hear, and half-hoping you would.
Fred has been playing this dangerous game for a while now — plainly flirting with you, expecting that if you didn’t see him that way, you would take it as a joke.
When the game finally started, you were glad to be in Fred’s team. Some arrangements had to be done to accommodate less than the minimum number of players per team, so instead of two beaters, your team had only Fred.
Ginny was your keeper; even though she hated the position, she was proving to be quite good at it. Of course, Ron, on the other side, was being way better.
The disadvantage for you was that although you are a great seeker, you had to be also a good chaser, because your team had only three players with you, so that left you with two jobs. Fred helped as much as he could, but he was more used to his role as a beater than to play a chaser.
When George’s team won — Harry got the Snitch (I mean, come on, how to compete?) — you were completely dirty.
You’d never tell Fred, but George was a better beater than the twin, so you’d been hit more times than you would’ve liked and ended up rolling on the grass, still wet from the rain the night before, enough times that your pants (which were blue jeans) were now the colour of mud.
None of this was bothering you, however. You were, in fact, laughing at yourself and everyone who was also dirty. Hermione had arrived in time to watch the last minutes of the match, but she was now trapped in the kitchen, with Ron and Harry filling her with bizarre theories. George and Ginny had run off right after the victory celebration, to see who could get to the shower first.
Although you have no idea how long you would still have to stay dirty, showering was your last concern. At the moment, you were occupied in trying to smudge Fred even more, while both rolled on the grass like two crazy kids.
It felt like a tickling and laughing competition — what you were competing about was uncertain, however, you were definitely competing because Fred wasn’t leaving you alone and you were loving it.
“Thanks for the match, Fred,” you said the instant you were able to breathe without laughing. You were propped up on your right elbow, which raised your head enough so that you could see the redhead’s face, who was looking at the sun that was already hiding behind the clouds. “You could have left me; it was clear that I was going to lose.”
“Give it up then, y/N. I’ll never leave you,” he replied, looking sideways at you and looking back at the setting sun.
You took a deep breath, enchanted by his beauty and his words. When you realized you had already said: “Te iubesc.”
Fred turned quickly at you, frowning. “Did you say something?”
You gulped, as red as one can get and quickly got up. You had just said you loved him, thankfully in Romanian, but still... Close call.
“I’m heading to the shower,” for the first time that late afternoon, you were urgent to get cleaned up. 
“I don’t think George — or Ginny, whoever got there first — is done yet,” Fred said, sitting down on the grass.
“Doesn’t matter,” you pretended to laugh it off and rushed inside the Burrow, leaving a confuse Fred behind.
Well, not so confused. Fred was almost certain you said “te iubesc” to him, and he was sure that was something in Romanian. He knew you were from there, and he always waited for the moment you would let a Romanian dialect, word or accent slip, but that day never came — until now.
He waited for this moment because he made Charlie teach him some primary words, so he could reply with a ”yes”, “no” or simply “Nu mai esti în România.”
Although at the top of his head, your words didn’t click in his head as nothing he knew the meaning, he had a feeling he had heard it before. He could ask Charlie, but knowing the family owl, it would take Fred a week to learn the meaning.
He waited a while before heading to the kitchen, where he found a distracted Harry, a sceptical Hermione and his younger brother, Ron, eating, as always.
“Huh?” Ron let out between bites. 
“Have you seen Mum?” Fred asked.
“I think she’s doing laundry,” Ron answered. “Why?”
“Wanted to ask her something, that’s all,” Fred was already turning away when Hermione called.
“Perhaps I can help. What’s it?”
“Nosy,” grunted Ron, but the girl didn’t hear.
“It’s a phrase in Romanian. Somehow, I think I heard Charlie say it to Mum once,” Fred shrugged, assuming Hermione wouldn’t be able to help with that.
“Your mom keeps a Romanian dictionary in the living room. Over the fireplace,” Hermione said as if it was nothing — as if the whole family knew about it.
Fred raised his brows, suddenly excited. “Thanks, Hermione,” he mumbled before rushing to the fire to get the book.
After some minutes with it, Fred was about to give up. The dictionary was no help with phrases; it was only good for random words alone.
“Mum!” he exclaimed in surprise and relief when Molly walked in, holding a basket of clean clothes.
“Fred!” she exclaimed back. She wasn’t used with her kids that excited to see her.
“Last time Charlie was here, he was using a lot of Romanian dialects,” Fred started, not sure of how to proceed.
“Yes,” his mother simply said.
“And he said something to you after hugging you. Did he translate?”
“Oh! Te iubesc?” Molly definitely was not used to Romanian — in Fred opinion her accent was terrible compared to yours, but the words were apparently the same, so he didn’t complain.
“That’s it! What does it mean?” Fred jumped from the couch towards his mother.
“It means I love you. Your brother is such a sweetie,” Molly smiled with the memory — she missed all her kids, but most especially Charlie and Bill.
Mrs Weasley was so distracted by the memory of the last hug she gave her son, that she left the room without lingering with her older twin son. She didn’t seem to notice that Fred was paralyzed in place, relying on the sofa to keep him upright.
Fred couldn’t think — he was silly, completely silly. As crude as the adjective was, that was how he felt. He was happy, of course, he was!
You had practically declared yourself to him, and yet you had done so in innocence, using your mother tongue, which, in Fred’s opinion, only proved how true you were.
He had to do something about it. But what? It’d be ridiculous to use your words to reciprocate the statement — Fred wouldn’t be able to copy the accent well enough to make the sentence natural.
Something told him that he should act naturally about it and wait for your confession in English, which would mean that you really wanted him to understand. 
But then, how to look at you again and ignore that the most beautiful girl in the world, the friendliest, the funniest, the most talented, had said that she loved him? How would he ever go back to acting normally knowing that the only girl he ever loved— that he always hoped would be his— loved him?
Taking a deep breath, Fred came to an inevitable conclusion: he needed to be the one who would confess his feelings. Now he just needs a plan to how to do it.
After a long wait, it was finally your time with the shower, and you hoped it would clean not only your skin but also your thoughts.
So close, so close you came of confessing to Fred. Well, you actually did it, but in Romanian, so he’ll never know it.
You needed to distract yourself from Fred Weasley, but after that shower, everywhere you looked, there he was. 
Fred was outside of the bathroom, waiting for his turn to shower. You greeted him with a yellow smile before rushing back to your room. 
Just an hour before dinner, you were sitting in the living room, and he decided to sit next to you in the couch. Sure a part of you was thrilled, but another was freaking out.
When dinner was ready, he sat next to you again at the table.
When you thought you were about to free yourself from him —leaving quickly from the dinner table and rushing to get the armchair, where you would at least sit alone, he called you out.
“I need to show you...” he looked around before continuing in a whisper, “... a new product.”
You sighed, deciding it was better if you learned how to swallow your feelings and let your love for Fred kill you from inside out.
You two walked to upstairs where he guided you to hs room.
“Where’s George?” you asked once you sat down, remembering that generally, when they had a new product, George was always around to see your reaction too.
Fred just shrugged, almost ignoring your question.
“I have something to tell you,” he said fast, scared he would lose his courage. “And, well, I don’t really know how to do it... You see, I’ve never told a girl I’m in love with her before.”
Fred hadn’t realized that he had just done that, so while he was lost in words, rambling how amazing you were, you were frozen at just the “I’m in love” bit.
“Come again?”
“...should have said it sooner, because I’ve been... — wait, which part do you want me to say again?” he stopped his tracks.
You sighed and looked up from your knees, raising your eyes enough to meet his.
“You love me?”
“Te iubesc, yes,” Fred said. and then he hit himself in the forehead because he had promised he wasn’t going to use Romanian to declare his feelings. “Sorry about the Romanian bit. I love you, yes, that’s what I meant.”
“Wait. You understood me earlier?” your brain was just malfunction at this point, like a broken old computer.
“Not right away...” Fred stopped talking when he noticed you were panicking. “Look, I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time now. When you said it first, you just made things easier for me.”
“How did you know?”
“Charlie, my brother. He lives in Romania.”
Damn it, of course, the dragon fanatic would have gone live in your country; why wouldn’t he?
For a few minutes, or at least you guessed it had only been minutes, Fred stood in front of you, who was sitting on his bed, and the two avoided looking at each other for a long time.
“Should’ve guessed. Your mom kept Charlie’s posters of my country in his room,” you tried to laugh it off.
Fred ended up chuckling too. “Can we quit being awkward? I really want to kiss you,” he said, smiling and blushing slightly at the same time. “I mean, my brother will leave the room just to us for not much longer.”
It was your time to chucked while getting up, ready to have Fred’s lips in your for what you hoped would be the first of many times.
“I have a room for my own, silly,” you whispered in his ear before he smirked and trapped you in his embrace.
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miekasa · 3 years
💉 in the case of erwintholomew, our most esteemed blonde dad
before the pandemic, they barely interacted. erwin was levi’s friend after all. although the rest of the gang had bonded with oc, erwin was less visible. he was polite of course, charming even! in uni days (erwin works in corporate now, so his major is business/econ/accounting whatever yall want!), every single history and literature professor fell in love with erwin. as did the barista at the school cafe, the friday night guard, the park street sweepers, and every member of the tai chi ladies club who practiced during weekends at the park where he made his morning run. he always greeted them and yelled “great form, keep it up, ladies!” when he passed by.
of course he tried to turn up the charm on oc (old habit). but. but. oc was just. unaffected. she treated him no differently from the others in his friend group. no swooning or giggling or bashful smiles. she didn’t even blush when he tried his smoulder while offering her some of his enhanced fruit smoothie (enhanced with spinach and kale). she laughed and declined, opting instead for a berry smoothie that she loaded with full-fat yogurt and honey. he was aghast. and levi said oc was a doctor? (levi might have been laughing silently in the background. hange was full-on cackling while moblit was trying to shush them.) he didn’t dwell on it much, it’s not like they saw each other a lot. but then the pandemic struck. being confined to one living complex meant he was lucky to see his friends still. they were at levi’s, watching a movie, when it happens.
oc walks through the door and hange yells “hiiiiii!” she waves at them tiredly. and starts stripping. at the door. in front of everyone. erwin’s blood pressure spikes. his face goes red. he’s staring with his mouth half open, thick brows knitted together. levi snaps his fingers to shake him out of it. moblit is tapping his shoulder more forcefully by the minute while hange has begun asking oc about her day. they’re talking amiably as if oc wasn’t by the door, in her underwear, spraying her things down with alcohol. she catches erwin’s staring and laughs out loud. by this time, moblit has hidden behind the couch and levi has buried his head in his hands from secondhand embarrassment. oc asks him if he’s never seen people in bikinis. “it not as if a bra and undies covers anything less!”. (erwin will later be relieved that she understood him and did not pin him for a creep). hange says erwin just doesn’t function like a regular human. he’s more of an intergalactic species with elements of dad-ness to him.
hange: he’s kind of like a DILF but also a dad!
moblit audibly groans in embarrassment. oc giggles and walks to the bathroom to shower like nothing happened. levi and hange both give erwin a slap, and that pulls him out of it.
levi: you’re redder than a hot cheeto, your elderly highness
erwin: what’s a DILF?
a few headcanons of their relationship:
he still gets flustered seeing oc strip down after work. he fainted once when hange began talking about oc’s bra and the little birds embroidered on her underwear (on her butt). oc sighs and just tells levi to elevate erwin’s legs and let him smell something pungent. moblit has a picture of him passed out. it’s printed and framed on hange’s shelf.
he almost popped a blood vessel when oc once asked him what was the difference between debit and debt and dividends.
oc: i’m a science nerd, erwin, i don’t know jack shit about business jargon!
erwin: these are accounting terms! they’re totally different!
oc: to-ma-to, to-mah-to?
erwin just really has to ask. really. because he’s erwin. “
erwin: do you ever think of a different line of work? i mean, it is a very scary virus and a pandemic
oc: erwin, i went through a decade of academia for this. still going through it. and i need to pay rent and put food on the table!
levi is rolling his eyes in the background because this little shit said that with her whole chest while she was literally living off peanut butter.
erwin is also stressed with oc’s eating habits with particular attention to nutrients and calorie count. he tried giving oc an organic diet plan, but oc sat him down and debunked every single thing about trendy diets. she also bugs him stop dieting. “diets are not foolproof! erwin, you are 250 lbs of healthy muscle! one burrito won’t hurt!”
they once had a romcom movie night. it was cheesy and fun and perfect for unwinding. until the sex scene happens.
oc: why do men just stick it in? where is the foreplay?
hange: mhmm the male gaze has ruined men, amazing how men ruin themselves
erwin, turning red: do people really talk about detailed sex so casually? i mean we’re in public?
levi: yes, erwin, grow up
moblit, whispering: it wasn’t even detailed, erwin, please
he does go to oc when he pulls a muscle or strains something. she tut-tuts while wrapping up a joint or icing and stretching his sore muscles and tells him to take it easy on the workouts. he’s also started sending fitness health articles to oc, and oc patiently confirms or debunks each one with sound medical and scientific basis.
he lets oc use his gym. she works out in a sports bra and cycling shorts because she says it means less laundry for her. oc usually just runs (speedwalks actually, and jesus, erwin is itching to turn up the speed) on his treadmill for 20 minutes. then she cycles for another 20 minutes and calls it a day. he tried to take on the role of her trainer and gave her a workout regimen. oc makes it to five sit-ups, ten burpees, and a single 1-minute plank before she falls flat, gasping like a fish out of water, and gives up. she’s flat out on his gym floor, but she tells erwin she appreciates him. erwin had to give her a piggy-back ride back to her apartment though.
levi:you died after five sit ups?
oc: shut uP, LEVI
whenever she uses his gym, she leaves him food. a slice of cake, donburi from the japanese place, a salad bowl, fajitas, some mochi, a parfait. not once has her gift of food been a part of his diet plan, but he eats them heartily. he hides when he eats the desserts, even if he’s roomie-free. he just feels like he’s cheating too much.
he never quite gets used to oc. she’s nice and wonderful, but she still manages to surprise him. a lot. to others, it may seem like oc enjoys pulling his leg (to hange’s endless delight), but in reality, she’s just trying to help him navigate and acclimatize to the ever-changing modern society and social norms. levi notices, of course, and it only makes him fall so much harder 😌
it’s fun to clown erwin within reason, really vibing with the modern au erwin on here 😌 but yeah, this is how i picture their interactions and dynamics 😭
THIS IS PERFECT OMFG BYE!! I love, love, love the idea of just... slightly socially aloof, but very professionally proficient Erwin trying to make friends with Levi's.... well not his s/o but his very obvious crush at least LMAOOO. I love it, I really, truly do anon, you continue to deliver 😌😌
OC: Erwin, I went through a decade of academia for this. Still going through it. And I need to pay rent and put food on the table!
Levi is rolling his eyes in the background because this little shit said that with her whole chest while she was literally living off peanut butter.
HELP LEVI IN THE BACKGROUND BECAUSE HE WOULD 😭😭 LITERALLY LIVING OFF OF PEANUT BUTTER BYEEE the amount of unconscious lies Levi could expose oc for... I get the feeling he's /this/ close to strapping her to the dining room chair and spoon feeding her himself
Levi: you’re redder than a hot cheeto, your elderly highness
Erwin: what’s a DILF?
HELP THIS IS MY FAVORITE EXCHANGE LMAOO. Levi clowning Erwin, Erwin being too confused too even respond to Levi's jab; he's still processing being called a DILF, and I just know that Levi isn't gonna be the one to explain it, but god forbid Hange does lmfaooo
OC makes it to five sit-ups, ten burpees, and a single 1-minute plank before she falls flat, gasping like a fish out of water, and gives up. she’s flat out on his gym floor, but she tells erwin she appreciates him. erwin had to give her a piggy-back ride back to her apartment though.
Levi: you died after five sit ups?
OC: shut uP, LEVI
Okay first of all, relatable, bye... something about the atmosphere of any gym, even if it were privately owned by a blonde businessman, makes it impossible for me to actually work out 😭😭 The fact that Erwin piggy-backed her back to her apartment is so cute please, I know they never quite get used to each other, but the friendship they have going on right now is so damn cute in an unconventional way, I adore it. Definitely an unexpected pair of friends and they don't... /quite/ work, but they also do. Incredible
Also not Levi coming for her, listen, not all of us are built like you, also you know damn well she's been living off of peanut butter sandwiches, OF COURSE she was gonna die after a few sit ups 🙄🙄 if you wanna help her improve, then start cheffing it up smh
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fishnets-fingers · 3 years
Layla rolls her yoga mat onto the grass in the backyard.- She's a good girl xD
The first para is calming
She opens her eyes a sliver to find Harry’s head peeking out over the wooden fence.- I laughed so hard when I pictured this
That’s when I saw you and decided to be a perv,” he replies.- lmaoo
They both laugh because the fence was taller than Layla.- oop-
crazy golf outing- oooooohhh
o chuck something at Harry’s fat head.- oh well....
- for fuck's sake, mum interrupted, going for lunch!-
“Guess what, something I wouldn’t have done a month and a half ago?”Layla stares at him dumbfounded.
“I’m wearing sunscreen.”- AWWWWH BESTIE YOU'RE A GOOD GUY
thinly sliced cucumbers with salt and chili powder.- *goes and munches on a cucumber with light salt on it bc I never had it with chili powder*
“Do you ever regret going out with me?”- this caught me completely off-guard, not gonna lie..
“No! See, that’s the thing! I’m very sure of this choice but sometimes it feels like this huge clock ticking in the background whenever I’m with you. Like a bomb waiting to go off.”- excuse me sir, ouch...
Anyways, I just want you to be my baby forever.- AWWWWH
Just thought of you when I saw it- literally the most romantic line in the whole damn language.
naan+paneer butter masala/kadhai paneer= BEST COMBO FOR NORTH INDIANS, LITERALLY
“Bleh! Old people kissing! Gross!” Layla exclaims, covering her eyes.- lmfaoo
“I mostly have jazz and blues.- I FALL IN LOVE BLUES IN MORNINGS
Thank you as always! <3 Love the reactions for part twelve. The next part is underway (hopefully it can see the light of day next weekend - spoiler alert :major things are gonna happen).
- She's such a good girl indeed ;)
- Picking up each others' healthy habits = wholesome
- Cucumbers with salt and a sprinkle of chilli powder is just lip smacking!
- I feel like that conversation needed to happen sooner than later, the whole idea of is this a vacation fling needed to be aired out. Harry did not like the idea of the relationship being FLEETING and Layla hasn't yet thought about it like that. I just wanted to highlight the difference in their train of thoughts.
- 'I thought of you when I saw it' but what she really meant was 'you took me to a very expensive dinner on Sunday and even though you said you're paying 'coz you asked and you can clearly afford it considering you are a millionaire I don't really feel comfortable with you spending that much money on me and it makes me feel less than' That's Layla for you! No punctuations in her thoughts 'coz they be running a mile a minute.
- Naan and kadai paneer are a staple when the fam goes out for dinner.
- Earl's a baller! He's had his fair share of wild times, now he just chills to the best music.
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
Anonymous said: Hello! May I request an x reader with Marko and a female reader? Something where he helps her dye her hair a bright color.
(a/n: heya hun, thanks so much for your request! i’m so sorry that it took me a thousand years to get round to writing it and then posting it. i hope that you enjoyed what i came up with and it’s what you were looking for. - admin kat 🌙❣)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Marko Helping his S/o Dye Their Hair a Bright Color Headcanons:
° When you first told him, this boy was so  s t o k e d!! He was practically bouncing on the spot with utter excitement over the entire ordeal.
° “What color?!” He inquired with an immense beam stretched from ear to ear across his entire countenance. His eyes had lit up like bright torches whilst he imagined the endless possibilities.
° Yet no matter what color you decided to go for, he thinks it’ll suit you. He’s honestly your biggest hype man at this point! He’s a supportive significant other, he doesn’t want to dictate the way that you look or act because he believes in allowing you to have total freedom on how you express yourself, in whatever way that you see fit.
° In all honesty, you already had bought the pack of bleach and dye for yourself because you’re a prepared badass bitch! You want this to work and Marko, your ever loving boyfriend, is not going to settle for anything less than perfect. After all, it’s your hair and he wants you to be happy with it!
° Originally, your friend was meant to help you out with the bleaching and dying process, however, they bailed out the night before which left you with a predicament. This led to you asking Marko for help, which he gladly accepted. You had wanted it to be a surprise, however that idea was promptly scrapped when your friend decided to change their plans.
° During the entire process he’s hyped asf!!! Marko is bouncing like an excitable child. He can’t wait to get this done because he knows you’re going to look fire!
° The night of this colorful ordeal, he showed up with snacks and soda, because you guys are definitely going to pig out whilst you dye your hair. He also calls a pizza joint somewhere in the area so y’all can eat something solid too, because pizza is the best! Obviously there’s no garlic for him because that would go down terribly.
° You’re filled with nervous anticipation so Marko has your favorite bands/musicians playing in the background to soothe your nerves. He constantly reassures you that it’ll turn out great because he’s not going to fuck up your hair. He swears on his eternal life that he won’t! He’s not Paul after all...
° This boy genuinely gets everything that you both need, including one pair of gloves; which are for you because he’s undead and refuses to wear them. Besides who needs that shit anyway? Not him!
° I believe it would be a team effort when it comes to the bleaching and dying of your hair. Marko doesn’t want to take away from the experience, so you get to do the front of your hair while he gets to do the back and the hard to reach areas. And again, he’s so excited that he’s having such a challenging time keeping still.
° Marko is incredibly professional about the entire ordeal and ensures that the bleach is covering your hair completely and has been worked in super well. He is really gentle with your hair the entire time so he doesn’t hurt you.
° Then the pizza arrives just as you’ve finished putting the bleach on and Marko is a little punk and hypnotizes the pizza guy so y’all don’t have to pay lmaoo. You aren’t complaining though because he did order enough pizza for all the boys, even though they’re not there? And you weren’t going to pay $50+ in pizza.
° Marko is such a sweetheart that he keeps track of the time so your hair doesn’t fry, your scalp doesn’t get burnt and that you don’t lose your hair. My man cares about your well-being! That is incredibly evident.
° So y’all are pigging out on pizza with your stereo blaring in the background whilst you talk about your days or anything really. This also happens in between you both belting out proper tunes like the pair of cool kids that you are!
° And of course he washes his hands before he goes to wash your hair out!
° He’s very meticulous when it comes to washing out all of the bleach, but he’s a bit unsure of when that is because he’s never had to really bleach anyone's hair before? But nevertheless, he does a fantastic job and when he’s working in the conditioner, he’s giving you a scalp massage that almost makes you fall asleep over the edge of the tub.
° Cue this little shit spraying water down your top so now you’ve got soaking white hair and you’re shirtless! He’s living his best life then! He definitely also dodges all the attempts you make at trying to get him wet as well. He’s not having any of it and shuts the water off before anything wild can occur.
° He then helps you put in the dye. You use gloves but he doesn’t because in his eyes, gloves are for fucking pussies!
° Marko does an astounding job as always and works the color in really well, being very gentle about it! This boy is genuinely the sweetest ever!
° Then the pair of you just chill out and watch something funny as hell on the TV when you wait for the dye to settle in. He’s still keeping time for you though!
° You look down at his hands and they’re just fucking  v i b r a n t  as hell, even though he washed his hands immediately afterwards.
° “I told you to wear gloves!”
° “Gloves are for pussies!”
° Marko washes out the dye super well and wraps your head in a towel. He wipes away any colored water that’s dripping down your face because he’s the sweetest chicken!
° Not gonna lie though, he first threw the towel in your face because he’s kinda an ass like that. He also didn’t regret that life choice either.
° Now it’s all on you to take the ropes in regards to drying and styling your hair. It’s your individual choice and Marko isn’t mad however you style it. He thinks you could rock any hairstyle. So instead, he would lay back on your bed and just observe you. He showers you in compliments the entire time!
° “Babe! You look so pretty.”
° “It so suits you!”
° “Man, the boys are gonna freak when they see you!”
° “You look so bad ass!”
° “You’re gonna look even better when you wear my jacket now.”
° “I’m so glad we did this!”
° It’s practically impossible for the boy not to run his fingers through your hair, whether it’s long or short. He’s so incredibly mesmerized and the conditioner made it sooo soft!
° He also has a habit of smelling your hair a lot afterwards, telling you that the conditioner is nice but the bleach burns his nostrils a lot.
° And honestly, he can’t stop playing with your hair after because it amuses him so much. Even if you complain that your hair will get oily from his constant touch, he doesn’t relent. How can he when it’s so bright and soft?!
° Marko will be down to redye your hair, bleach and dye the roots once they’ve grown out or will straight up just dye it another color, if you wanted him to. He’s so excited for the next time because this was an incredibly fun experience for him.
° Whatever you want he’s down for.
° He will probably give you crazy ideas for next time, which you either accept as potential ideas, claiming he’s a genius or you disregard because there’s no way you’re that crazy to pull off his suggestions. But he makes a mental note of what are potential options.
° Marko was right about something though, the other boys did flip out when they saw you. But in the best way of course! They teased you for how bright it was, stating that none of them would be able to lose you on the BoardWalk now.
° P.s. you made him clean up the water on the floor.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: closed!
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katsumox · 3 years
noooo i meant hitoshi sjdhdj sorry if i wasn’t clear enough. but denki’s character is basically just comedic relief and while it isn’t as jarring at m*neta’s — because i have so much to say about why his character isn’t even needed — denki as a whole shouldn’t have to exist just for laughs. i mean, i get the story is mainly surrounding the next big three, but shit. you gave eijirou background. would denki’s quirk not backfire on him the same way, and possibly even worse? let’s not forget that ei is insecure about his quirk because of its lack of flash and it’s not as ‘useful’. does horikoshi not see how he can take that and flip it when denki? the pressure of dumping electricity on a kid at such a young age can be so detrimental! there’s the constant power outages, shocking people, emitting dangerous sparks when sneezing — i did a calculation once because i was bored and you know what i found out? denki after his first year (or where he is now even) has the power to — if he sneezed — power down nearly three large scale american stadiums. that’s deadly. please i have so much to say sjdhdjd—
the fact that kaminari sneezing or doing some sort of trivial occurrence that everyone does, yet it holds so much worth so interesting to me!!!
and the way he has so much power to end lives so quickly yet no ones done any sort of thinking in the show ab it is wild. the kids a literal fuckin powerhouse that gets minimized to dumbass friend of resident fuckface mineta, and that pisses me off. i wish we knew more ab him as a child, what make him tick, y’know?
as for hitoshi,,, oh boy. i think i’ll have to write this in another ask, so all i’ll say here is that he’s a victim of quirk discrimination and he’s so so powerful yet he gets cast aside bc his quirk is manipulative, but not in the way people like. it’s inside you. there’s no stopping it, sans that one time deku did, but that’s bullshit to me🤷🏾‍♀️
anyways there’s more but i’ll write it in another ask if u want. there’s too much to say here lmaoo
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socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
hey! this isn't a request or anything but i was just kinda curiou; how did you get into all your interests? like did you see them in tv, a friend request them to you? as long as the question Isnt personal or something I'd love to know !! 💗💗
heya birdie! (': i love this question sm and i'm v happy to answer it! <3
i got into the hobbit in academy when i had this friend who was super into lotr and literally learnt how to write and speak the elven language??? it was v fun and wholesome! (': thorin, fili and kili are my favs and i can't watch BoTFA any more: i have only ever watched it one time! :'(
i got into twilight through that craze in the early 2000's and honestly, i cat fought a girl in my fifth grade class for the last new moon book lmaoo it was wild asf! i remember when i went to see the movie with my dad and younger brothers when it first came out: my dad and brothers fell asleep and i was the only one at the edge of my seat absolutely invested. i love twilight sm despite everyone in my life having enough of me talking about it dhdhdhdh also all of my wives are in this fandom, like leah, rosalie, kate, tanya, maria- the list is endless :-:
i got into the lost boys bc a friend i used to have introduced me to it and i was incredibly hooked after that! i watch that movie like 7 times a day lmaoo i love it sm! i also played it in the background a lot when i was studying bc gotta have that eye candy known as dwayne distracting me haha! also star is so beautiful wth am i meant to do now that i've seen her? :-:
teen wolf was something my younger brothers introduced me to when it first came out and i was so hooked immediately! i have to confess that i haven't gone through even half of the dread doctor season lmaoo i still gotta finish the show. the reason why was bc i spoiled it for myself by finding out brett talbot and lori dies, and since isaac didn't come back i was like "welp, there goes all my hope" dhdhdudhsyeueh but its a solid show and i'm obsessed still to this day! also really sad erica died bc she was my everything, boyd's death still to this day haunts me bc it wasn't right! also, cora never returned and she was my wife too :(
the outsiders was introduced to me in middle school in 8th grade when i lived in canada! i remember the day i walked into english class and my teacher said we'd be reading a new book. it changed my life lmaoooo! i really enjoyed the book and movie, johnny and dally have always been the characters i connected to the most, though dally's death is one that i struggle to read through without crying shsudhdhd i did end up passing my english class that year bc i wrote a whole ass extra chapter and then some (basically a fanfic) about sodapop meeting a new girl called roxanne, there was drama, romance, angst- i got 100% bc i was the only one who didn't do a dumb ass board game or whatever. i remember the whole class cheered for my introverted ass like ew!
some honourable mentions are:
diabolik lovers: got into this when one of my brothers was like, "yo let's watch this shit!" and guys, lemme tell you when i say that yuma mukami can get it-i mean that shit! man's needs to step on me! also shu, subaru, ayato.... who gave them the right?! also yui is so damn precious and i love her sm! (': also yuma is my only personality trait bc he's all i ever talk about irl dhdhdhd
haikyuu!: man, kuroo is something else lemme tell you that! i am also an avid supporter of daichi, iwaizumi, oikawa, bokuto... and many more. the peak comedy that comes from this show gets me every single damn time-and yes, the english dub be funny asf too don't come for me!
free!: guys sousuke is so beautiful and so is rin! nagisa is the cutest little thing i have ever seen in my entire life, he's so precious!
peaky blinders: yooo my brothers got me into this and i am deceased whenever i watch it! i'm not ready for it to end :( alfie solomons is hilarious as hell dhhddjd so sad about john tho :'(
the vampire diaries/the originals: okay, i read some of the books and they were dope! i watched most of the show and it was good! the originals tho- guys when the mikaelsons were introduced lemme just tell you how hyped i was! i love all of them dhdhd even finn grew on me eventually. but rebecca mikaelson has every right to punch me in the throat and i'd thank her! <333
sorry i kinda splurged there and reared my thirsty head but- can you blame me?! - mae
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luvdsc · 3 years
sam is super talented!! i'm actually like one person away from him? like one of my mutuals is a close friend of his which threw me for a loop, but apparently he's super thrilled every time his art does well, and it's kinda funny because i cannot imagine his world where his art isn't known? like it's so good it's inevitable it'd go viral!!
and yeah, i was very lucky!! i think my parents don't really mind when i do as long as i don't break laws or rules and i'm healthy?? which i appreciate but i think it's nice to have ambitions set ? like where they encourage sports and everything, i never did clubs or extracurriculars
i do a mix! graphite, colored pencil, acrylic and oil paint, etc :) i started with traditional, it just takes a very long time so i do digital if i don't have a lot of free time!
picasso's bothers me too !!! i tend not to share that because it can be an unpopular opinion but it hurts my eyes and i don't like his composition because abstract pieces have never been my cup of tea. i feel like it can definitely be a genre that's just used to say.. oh yeah it's meant to be abstract i didn't mess up LMAOO
it is hyunjin, yeah!! i drew it during his hiatus when stay though stray kids was doing an underwater photoshoot, and i wanted to make sure he wouldn't be left out <//3 i had to use like four photos of his side profile and one reference of a random person underwater, but i'm really proud of it! and the sicheng and ten ones, i only sent you my favorites haha, there are quite a few portraits i finished i'm not that happy with!
i use the gaussian blur pretty frequently (like to mix the flat colors for hair or clothes) and a blur brush on 50% opacity to blend everything i need to in order to make my works softer! i use krita if that helps!! i think i have a skin tutorial i did a while ago on my blog, and my voice is kind of grating because i was sick but i think it displays my process... kind of well?
i think grainy works and sharpness can be really good though!! i tend to oversoften mine and make it look airbrushed, but i recently downloaded some pore brushes which should help with that!!
the first landscape was actually acrylic paint, one of my traditional works!! it was a graduation gift for someone, so she can have some art in her dorm room <3 and her room is sage green decor-wise, so it fits in really nicely!
and thank you for the compliments,, your art is really nice too!!
like this was a recent work of yeonjun i don't really like,, i have more works i'm not a fan of then ones i do enjoy haha! but i feel like it's good to share how the oversoftened stuff looks, and also just works i get lazy on towards the end of drawing them!
the felix one is older, and one of my "sharper" ones, as you can see i really got lazy on the hair, it's just scribbles at that point haha, but i still love it!
and that drawing of haechan has a pop art background, sort of, which i think is fun! my style is variable and they all are different qualities, but i think enjoying it is the most important part!
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i know you don't like to dm minors, but if you want to,, for art things, like the brushes or techniques i use, or in general, my inbox and messages are always open! and i turned 17 on the 8th, so i'm not a super young minor djsfdkfj
also sorry for the lack of emojis <//3 i'm on desktop
hi, sweetpea, i'm so sorry for the late reply! the tumblr app is super wonky and it only shows the first ten asks i get ?? so i've been going by that, and my older messages are starting to appear 🤧 butt omg that's so cool that your friend is friends with him?? :o his art is absolutely amazing oh my gosh, of course it's a no brainer his art will always do well 🤩🤩
we love supportive parents 🥺💗 yeah, i agree, it's definitely important to have ambitions set though because you need to live your life and be able to support yourself. it's not good to solely rely on your parents or other people forever 🤧
oooo nice !!! i also do a mix of those, but i ultimately prefer painting since it's not as rigid (?) as traditional drawing - like things look completely off if i draw something out of proportion, but it somehow works with paint?? idk how to explain it, but for me personally, i think there's more room for creativity with paint 💓 how long does it take for you to complete a digital drawing on average? :o
ashldkfjahsl YES that's exactly how i feel about his art too 😭 i don't particularly care for most abstract art, but i really love jackson pollock's art! 💘 i like abstract art that doesn't have a still life subject or landscape or something if that makes sense? it's just so fun and therapeutic to toss some paint around :')
omg they're absolutely amazing 🤩 i love them all sm 💗 all your art is so beautiful!! do you print them out and hang them up in your room?
aaa thank you so much for telling me how to do it !! i love love love that art style with the blurring because it just looks so soft and dreamy 🤍✨✨ i'll have to try those techniques out when i start a second drawing :') and i'll check out your video! and omg i didn't even know they had pore brushes?? i need to do more digital art aksldhflajkds
omg that's so nice !!!! do you gift your art to your friends often? they're so lucky 💟
asukdhfalkshflaksd what the heck, wdym these are art pieces that you got lazy on???? THESE ARE STUNNING HOW DO YOU NOW LIKE THEM OMG I'M IN AWE 🤩🤩🤩 yeonjun's lips look so so pretty, and felix's freckles and his hair omg 💓💓 hyuck looks sooo good, too !!!! and i love sunflowers !!!!!! 🌻🌻🌻
and omg thank you, lovebug, i may have to take up that offer if i ever finish my first drawing and attempt the soft look for my second one :')
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monst · 4 years
Hi sweety. How have you been? All good? I want to make a request. Can you continue to imagine ‘Inviting the league over to your place for thanksgiving’ but at Christmas and New Year, I think it would look great by this time. Thx sm, rest well and have a merry christmas and new year pd: i new request things so idk wheres the request box sorry foto that also i not good at english;(((( sorry. Hope you do it 💗💗💗💗
The madness continues:
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Lov of villains that make an appearance – Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Kurogiri, Twice, Compress, and you!
This probably won’t make sense if you haven’t read Thanksgiving with the LOV.
Warnings: More shenanigans, Suggestive comments? Cursing and crude/dark joke ^.^ Pe dumbassery Enjoy your time with La familia! Lmaoo I just re-read the thanksgiving one  :’D. there was like five spelling errors…..
 Shigaraki had demanded that he be invited to all of your family’s future gatherings when he was sitting stuffed as a turkey on Thanksgiving the previous month. You were pleasantly surprised that your last gathering went semi-smoothly… If you ignore that your uncle was streaking over to the neighbor’s home……  
“Are we still on for tonight.” Your boss had asked from his spot on the couch. You really hated him sometimes you thought as everyone’s eyes were on you once more. “Yes (Name) are you still on for tonight? And are we allowed to know what you’re going to be on for.” Spinner sassed. “It’s obviously her family’s Christmas gathering.” Toga pouted.
“I was already invited.” Dabi grinned. “Someone told me it was going to be lame and, to come over an entertain them.” Your eyes quickly met the burnt man’s eye. “Dabi I fucking swear! If she ends up pregnant the kid won’t have a father.” You threatened. “Jealous?” He teased. You flipped him off “Like hell I am. I just don’t want to be related o your crispy ass.” “Oof! Want some ice for that burn!” Twice chimed.
Dabi rolled his eyes and was about to speak when Spinner cut him off. “Your cousin invited me over as well.” A slow smirk stretched your lips. “Did he now?” You saw his scales redden. “T-to talk more and s-stuff.” “Can I be invited too!” Toga grinned. “If she goes I’m going too! Invite me please!!” Twice chimed. You sighed they were really doing this to you again. Your eyes landed on a masked Mr. Compress in silent questioning only for him to pull out his phone.
‘Hello Darlington I do hopeth youll come over to spend time with os on x-mas’ Why the fuck were you surrounded by idiots. The atrocious text made you want to facepalm with the wall… You looked to all the ratchet faces of your fellow league members and sighed. Hopefully things would run as smoothly as they did on Thanksgiving…. ‘Please, please, please let it go well’
When you arrived, you received familiar greeting ‘What the fuck took you so long?’ Wow. ‘Why are you here alone? Where’s the crusty heir?’ Crusty heir ‘Oi d-do you know if Spinner’s comin’ over?’ Hello to you too bitch… ‘You look trashy, it’s so obvious you don’t get laid.’ Says the one fucking a burnt chicken nugget… “You brought that gud Kush kiddo?’ No.. Fuck off and keep your fucking clothes on!?!
You sat there with shitty eggnog in hand waiting for the others to arrive. The sickly tree was buried under gifts leaving you confused. But since you weren’t exactly the paragon of humans you didn’t question it. You did question the choice of Christmas tree. It looked straight out of a horror movie… The first knock of the night brought to your utter joy…..Dabi.
“Ugh” You groaned wanting to shut the door in his smug face. “Play nice dollface maybe you’ll get a turn.” You wrinkled your nose in disgust. “Don’t be absurd. I’m not trying to catch an infection.” “Your loss sweet cheeks.” He sashayed inside and was promptly ignored by everyone save for your female cousin who had invited a friend as Dabi requested. You didn’t have time to comment negatively on their panned activities as the door came a knocking. With it’s opening you saw that Mr. Compress had come along with Toga and Twice.
You smiled at the trio as you invited them in. Toga pulled you into a crushing hug while you received a polite one from Mr. Compress and got spun into oblivion by Twice… “I missed you so much (Name)! No, I didn’t!” He cried. “Put me down. We saw each other yesterday!” You hissed. “Oh Mr. Sako” And it began… Your humiliation that is…..
“I’ve been awaiting you.” Your aunt grinned. She looked creepy… “And sir Korugiri? Is he not coming (Name)?” She asked pulling away a smirking Compress. “Sir Kurogiri?” Toga repeated. “He likes milfs” Twice informed. “……I… I seriously didn’t know you knew that word….” You mumbled. “It’s okay (Name)-Chan there’s a lot that we don’t know about Twice!!” Toga chimed. ‘o.O Like what??’ You thought.
Spinner came knocking next he was swiped away by your cousin who disregarded tradition and handed him a nicely wrapped gift. “The lizard doesn’t get to open presents first!” Your uncle hollered. “Shut the fuck up he can do whatever he wants.” Your cousin shouted back. “Oh, can he now! You’re just trying to get double dipped you whore!” He yelled back at your male cousin. Toga grinned turning her attention to the escalating drama. Twice began to eagerly instigate both sides. “You tell that lizard fucker!! Spinner is a good boy!!”
You groaned in frustration. “Ma tell your fucking brother something!!” He yelled his face beyond flustered at being outted in front of his crush. Sadly, he was promptly ignored as your aunt was lost in the kitchen boasting about how marvelous of a cook, she was to Mr. Compress. The argument persisted and you thought things couldn’t get any worse. Sadly your thoughts jinxed it and, you received background music…..
The lewd sounds bled through the thin walls of the apartment and stopped everyone’s bickering. “The fucking slut.” Your uncle scowled. “Right!?! She can’t keep her pussy dry.” Your male cousin agreed. “It’s not like our comrade is any better he’s always trying to get his dick wet.” Spinner grumbled in embarrassment. “A bunch of nasty fucks they are.” Your uncle frowned lighting a blunt.
“Not inside!” You hissed. He only shrugged and passed it over to your cousin who passed it to Spinner. “Fucking pot heads” You groaned. As they smoked you noticed that Toga and Twice had moved to help your aunt set the table. Your smile at the nice scene was ruined by your uncle who stood a top the coffee table “We should all sing Christmas carols!! Come on sing with me Jingle bells! My crack sells! Fuck yo bitch today!” He screeched like a newly made Jurassic park movie.
It was a miracle you heard the door and you debated on opening it. It could be the police, or worse, your boss. For some reason you didn’t want him to see or hear what was going on. But you knew if you left him outside he’d get pissed. And he’s very no fun when he’s pissed….. You did a once over of the living room your uncle in his drawers singing about ‘open legged hoes’ Spinner and your cousin gazing into each other’s eyes. When you looked to the side you could hear your aunt ‘flirting’ with Mr. Compress. Toga and Twice were well behaved. But, the worse part of it all was the noises coming from your female cousin’s room.
Dabi’s hedonistic ass was having the time of his life probably high as a kite as he indulged himself. In your family’s house no less. When you opened the door, you felt your cheeks grow warm. Shigarkai was once again in a fitted suit but his hair was slicked back out of his face. There was a slight smile on his scarred lips as he handed you a ‘polite’ gift of assorted cheese. The cute rat was probably proud of himself for remembering to bring a gift. Your NEET boss looked nice……. Too nice…..
As soon as they passed the threshold your aunt came running to kiss some ass. “Oh, my how handsome” she gushed not questioning his four fingered hand shake. You elbowed you in the rib “Doesn’t he look great (Name).” You rolled your eyes at her insinuation. “Look he’s even brought gifts how thoughtful” She beamed. “Sir Kurogiri how lovely it is to see you again.” She hummed looping her arm with his to drag him away. “Sir…?” Shigaraki mumbled. “Don’t question it.” You sighed.
“Sorry in advance.” You apologized as a loud moan cut through the air. “I see Dabi was here early.” He muttered walking over to the kitchen table. You followed along noticing the look your aunt gave you. You knew exactly what it meant. ‘Get yourself that man (Name)! If you don’t land someone with money, you’ll end up like me! Do you want to end up like me!’ You rolled your eyes at her and she narrowed hers at you while maintaining ‘polite’ chit chat with the ‘wealthy suitors’.
When dinner was called Shigaraki quickly took his seat beside you. He had come for the food. When skewed up words of thanks were given you all dove in. Except for Dabi, your cousin and her friend of course. They had their own meal you supposed. That just meant there was more for all of you and Shigaraki wasn’t about to complain… Speaking of which the bag of bones that was your boss could seriously put away!
“I see your ward really enjoys food.” Your aunt began. “(Name) here isn’t so bad herself.” She hinted. You caught Shigaraki’s side eyed gaze and sighed in embarrassment. Your aunt took it as some sign that he was interested. But you knew your boss that was the look of something else. And you soon found out what if meant when he leaned over you his finger wiping away food debris from your lips. “You never told me you knew how to cook.” He drawled. You knew where this was going, and you grimaced. “I’m not gonna make you food.” You grumbled only to yelp at the kick you received from your ‘innocent’ aunt.
“Don’t you guys think it could be nice if (Name) could treat us to a home cooked meal every so often.” He asked the present members who all jumped at the thought. You were met with a chorus of agreement. ‘Great not only do I have to do my missions and worry about not dying or getting arrested but now I have to cook for these idiots.’  But when you saw the excited looks on their faces you sighed. ‘It’s not like it’s too much trouble.’ You figured they deserved it, the budget was low, and you knew some of them went without a proper meal for days. Maybe you could commit yourself to doing this...
You guys sat down in the living room drinking eggnog and eating cookies. You couldn’t help but think of how well it ended. A bit bumpy but still nice. And as you saw your cousin kiss spinner on the cheek you smiled. ‘Yeah still nice.’ Toga and Twice were glued to the hallmark movie on the screen as Mr. Compress, Kurogiri and your aunt spoke of nothing. Shigaraki had fallen asleep beside you on the couch his head resting on your shoulder as you tried to dust the cookie crumbs off his suit. Your uncle lay passed out underneath various Christmas wrappers. It was nice.
You spoke to soon, the door to your cousin’s room slammed open startling everyone in the room. Out of it came your cousin’s friend who yelled and screamed. His hair was set ablaze and, your female cousin shouted for someone to put him out. No one moved an inch ignoring the spectacle. When she finally managed to put him out, they were gone. Half-nude and everything. She did yell something about taking him to the hospital…… At this point you were just too tired to care…….
You shot the burnt man a glare when he nudged you over to sit on the couch. “Why the fuck did you set him on fire.” You hissed. Only to be shushed by the movie watchers. “The bastard came inside.” He grumbled. You wished you hadn’t asked…….. Shiragaki stirred and muttered “New year’s too.” You sighed in frustration. Knowing that he wasn’t the only one coming over....
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agentstarkbarnes · 3 years
To all the boys I've loved before. (Based on the OG movie, not the book)
A/N: There is no love triangle like in the movies cuz I ✨ hated ✨ it in the movie, so the ending is gonna be different. Actually, a lot of stuff is going to be different. Kinda mixed stuff from the books. Also, STEVE is gonna behave like PETER K and JULES is gonna be like LARA JEAN. Ohh damn, this is gonna be chaos xD Credits to Jenny Han, ofcourse! xD
Oh and warnings? MY WRITING. THAT'S IT.
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Julia sat in her room, reading The Martian. It was her favorite book as she was a huge science enthusiast. That was Julia, she loved living in her small world. Her world included her parents Daisy and Grant Johnson, her sisters Riley and Katherine Johnson, her best friend Natasha Stark. She was loved by them and was happy with them. Adding to the list was Hayden, Riley's boyfriend who also happened to be their neighbor for about five years. It was just another night. Her mom called her down for dinner. They had dinner and the sisters sat with Hayden in the living room, watching TV. Julia excused herself and came back to her room because she was getting bored of the TV running in the background while Riley and Hayden talked in shushed voices. Riley was her elder sister, the eldest of Johnson sisters while Katherine was the youngest. No one called her Katherine, those who are close to her, I mean. It was Kitty to them, because she's white and scrawny like a cat. She knew Riley was moving to Scotland for college, but Julia felt like she had already gone distant as she was spending too much time with Hayden. She didn't blame her tho, Riley knew it would be more painful for Hayden if she moves away.
Therefore, Julia decided to lie and come to her room, and continue reading her book. When she came up, she still felt a pang when an image of Riley and Hayden curled up in the couch flashed her mind. She felt this was wrong, Hayden was her sister's boyfriend. She thought her crush on him was long gone, when she wrote him a love letter, more like a goodbye letter to Hayden, just like she did to the other boys she had crushes on. The most important thing is, the letters are only for her eyes, she didn't mail them. She tore a paper from her notebook and wrote another letter, hoping it was the final letter she'll be writing to Hayden.
Julia's letters are her most secret possessions. There are five total: Viggo from camp; Steve from seventh grade; Jake from Homecoming; Grant from Model UN; and Hayden. She writes a letter when she has a crush so intense that she doesn't know what else to do. Rereading her letters reminds her of how powerful her emotions can be, how all-consuming.
She then put the letter into the hatbox under the envelope where she had earlier put Hayden's first letter and closed the box. That's it, her feelings are gone the moment she finishes her letter, or that's what she hoped. It has always worked though, don't even ask how.
Riley is flying to Scotland tomorrow, and that meant her last night with Hayden. Julia didn't mean to peek, but she saw Riley and Hayden on the lawn, standing close by each other. Hayden's eyes were teary, so was Riley's. That's when Julia understood they had broken up. She closed the curtains and went to Riley's room to sit down, and talk. Riley came in and told her the same. They hugged for a while and talked all night. "Never go to college with a boyfriend, Julia" she said wisely. She nodded as they slowly drifted to sleep.
The next morning, the family went to drop her off at the airport. Riley said her goodbyes to them and flew away to Scotland. She's gone away, just like that, Julia thought. She had a close bond with Riley, she was more like a mother to Julia than a sister. When they came back home, Kitty and Julia had a major fight in the living room about changing the TV channels and Kitty stormed upstairs. That night was the night before school night. After a few hours of watching TV, Julia went to the kitchen to wish good night to her parents and then off to sleep.
Today was the first day of school. Julia was entering ninth grade, freshman year. Classes went by as usual, it was mostly just introductions and orientations. She had run into Peggy though, right in the morning. "Oh, it's you." she sneered at Julia. Peggy aka Margaret Carter was Steve's girlfriend. They used to be best friends, but post-middle school, for reasons having to do with her popularity and Julia's lack thereof, they are now decidedly not. Much to Julia's relief, she didn't run into Peggy the whole day. She was wondering where her boyfriend Steve was though, but decided to not give it much thought. That was when she got to know from Tasha that Peggy had left Steve for a college guy.
The last class was Physical Education. Julia was running on the field with her friend Tasha when she noticed Steve running towards them. "Can I talk to you?" he looked at Julia and she looked back at Tasha and Steve. Tasha gave a nod as she jogged away, leaving them alone.
This was the same Steve, the second non-recipient of one of her love letters. Peggy's Steve, as everyone called. Seventh grade was Julia's first real boy/girl party. Everyone knew that Steve and Peggy, who at the time was still her BFF, only wanted to kiss each other. But they were wrong, because Steve kissed Julia the moment the bottle landed, pointing towards him even though Julia said she could spin it again.
Now here he was, with her letter in his hand. She was confused. These letters were never meant to be sent out. Then how did it end up in Steve's hands? she wondered. He said softly "Look, I wanted to say that I really... I appreciate it, but it's never gonna happen" Steve continued to ramble on. "From what I remember that kiss was hot, you know, for being in seventh grade, and I think it's really cool that you think I have golden specks in my eyes. It's just, Peggy and I are in a really weird place right now. I don't know what you hoped to accomplish. Whoa! Hey, Julia! Wake up, wake up"
Julia opened her eyes and looked up at Steve. She was on the ground, and her guess was right, she had fainted. At a distance, she saw Hayden approaching towards them with her letter in his hand. In a flash, she pulled Steve down and kissed him, making sure Hayden saw them. "Hey! Stop that! Two more laps for you, Johnson!" the coach yelled at her. She blinked back to reality and looked at Peter. "Thank you" was all she could whisper before running back to the lavatory. This was too much for her to handle.
In the lavatory, she ran into Jake holding her letter. "Thought you'd want it back" she smiled as he gave it to her. "This was a long time ago, I don't even remember writing this" Julia played it cool, secretly praying that Jake would buy that. He indeed bought it and kept his smile on. "You know I'm gay, right?" he looked at her gently and Julia nodded her head yes, even though she didn't know. "See you later, Julia" he chuckled lightly and left the lavatory.
Julia went straight home, after school. So much was happening today. She found her dad there, playing chess with Kitty and remembered that he was sending their old stuff to goodwill. "Dad, did you send a hatbox to goodwill?" she asked, trying not to tremble. "Maybe, sweetie, I don't remember exactly" he said, moving a rook. "This is all your fault, I hate all of you" she semi-yelled at the both of them and ran upstairs, leaving them both bewildered. Kitty, however, being the curious one, went upstairs with Julia.
Just then the doorbell rang and she heard Hayden's voice. "Julia, Hayden's here!" her father shouted from the living room. "You never saw me" she said to Kitty as she sneaked out of her window and ran to a diner nearby. This was the diner she regularly visited, so she didn't feel weird running into it. But Steve being there sure felt weird.
"Hey, Johnson" he gave his classic Steve Rogers smile at her. "So what you doing here?" she asked him to which he simply shrugged. "I'm just here to take down one of those chocolate shakes" he said and right on cue, his milkshake arrived. "Actually, I stopped at your house, your sister said you'd probably be here. Look, I just wanna be super clear. I'm flattered, I am, but...Peggy and I, like, just broke up so.." he trailed off. "Steve Rogers, I'm not trying to date you" Julia said and Steve's face was now scribbled with confusion.
She saw his confused reaction and continued to explain. "Okay, um... So here's the thing, I don't actually like you. I just had to make it look like I liked you so someone else wouldn't think I liked them."
"Okay, and who's that?" Steve wrinkled his nose, sipping on his milkshake. "Hayden Skywalker" (sidenote from the author: i'm laughing so hard at this name lmaoo xD)
"Wait, hold on, Skywalker? Doesn't that guy date your sister?" Steve shook his head slightly to the sides, like he was trying to process what she said.
"Yeah... Well, he dated my sister, in the past tense. And he also got a letter, so you can see how awkward and complicated – that one's gonna get if he thinks I like him."
" Whoa whoa whoa, hold on hold on hold on, stop stop stop. I'm not the only guy that got a letter? Wow, you really think you're special, then you find out she wrote love letters to two guys." he scoffed to himself, looking away from her.
"I wrote five actually, so don't go feeling too special" Julia shrugged at him.
"Damn Johnson, you're a player. Who else did you write letters to?"
Hesitantly, she said. "Jake Puttkammer"
"He's gay"
She gave him a sharp look and a knowing nod. "Yeah, everyone knows" she said, even though she just found out hours ago.
"Who else?"
"Someone I went to camp with and someone from Model UN"
He nodded and got up as he finished his drink. He gave her a ride home and when they reached Julia's home, they both sat in silence. Steve was the one to break the silence. "What are you gonna say to Hayden?"
"Guess I have to tell the truth" she sighed as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. "Hey, what if you didn't tell him?" his eyes lit up. "What?" Julia stopped fiddling and looked at him.
"What if we let people think we were actually together? Just for a little while. And not just Hayden. I mean everybody." She frowned at him, as if she's asking him why. "When Peggy heard you kissed me, she went nuts, and if she thinks you and I are a thing, she'll want to get back together. And you can cover up your crush for Hayden, works for the both of us. Look, you don't have to answer me right away, just think about it, okay?"
Julia nodded and got out of the car, just as Hayden was walking in the lawn. Steve and Hayden nodded at each other, like a greeting and Steve winked at Julia before he left. Julia waved at Hayden and got inside her house quickly.
Next day, after school, Julia went to the lacrosse field just as Steve finished his practice. "Hey Rogers, let's do this" she said in a triumphant tone. They sat underneath a tree, and looked at each other.
Julia started to talk, tearing a page from a notebook. "So, first things first, we need to have a contract so we're on the same page about the rules." "You got rules? Come on, you really know how to zap the fun out of a situation."
"Whatever, we need rules so we can know where we stand. For example, I don't want you to kiss me. You may be the James Dean of this stuff but I've never had a boyfriend before"
"What does that matter?"
"It matters because I don't want all my firsts to be fake. If I'm making out with someone, I'm gonna do it for real."
"But you kissed me first!"
"This is non-negotiable."
"Fine, but people are gonna get suspicious if I don't even touch you."
"Okay, you have a point. How about this? You can put your hand in my back pocket."
"It may be romantic, in the 70s" he said with a hint of sarcasm, and she ignored it.
They then made a couple of rules, where they should to watch each others' favorite movies, Julia should be present at every lacrosse games and parties, and that Steve would write her notes everyday. He also convinced her to come on the Adler High ski trip, which is infamous for students doing the nasty. Oh, and the most important rule, they were not to tell anyone about this fake relationship. So, with that, they completed their contract and closed the deal with a handshake.
A few days after pretending to be a couple, they both were pleased. Hayden didn't bother Julia with the letter, and Peggy was fuming. Tasha was shocked too, but happy for her and promised to kick Steve's ass if he tried anything funny. Hayden talked to Julia though and she brushed it off as an old crush, now that she was with Steve. Hayden warned her to be careful as he said that everyone knew Steve was a player and would find his way back to Peggy.
A few days later, Steve came to Julia's house to pick her up for a party. Just outside the house, Steve removed Julia's scrunchie from her hair and fluffed her hair.
Julia reached for her scrunchie. "Give that back."
"I'm keeping it. I like your hair down. You look pretty. I'll prove it to you. See?" Steve took a picture of her and showed it. She smiled a little. "Fine. But you can't lose it. That's my favorite scrunchie." "Deal. Give me your phone."
"Would you trust me? Alright, you need to make this your new background."
"What's your new background?"
"Girl, Come on. You know I already got it." he grinned as he showed her his wallpaper. He saved the picture he took right now as his wallpaper. "Leggo" he dragged her inside the party.
Peggy gave dagger eyes at them as they entered the party. "I'm going to get us some drinks" he kissed her cheek and went off. She went and sat on a couch, right next to Peggy and her set of friends. He came back with their drinks and took Julia to his lacrosse friends. They talked for a while, it was mostly Julia being awkward and talking with the other guys' partners and smiling at Steve. Steve seemed to take this fake dating thing seriously as well. He kissed her cheek a lot, held her hands and gave her reassuring looks. She felt the warmth but realised it was all fake, so she didn't think further.
On the way home, Steve told her about the fight with Peggy. "It's working Johnson" he said to which she returned a small smile and both of them didn't say anything till he pulled in front of a diner. They talked for a while, a not-pretend conversation, more like a real, heartfelt conversation. She knew about his life, favorite movies, about his friends and he got to know about her interest for science, about her sisters and her favorite food, which is the korean drink from the korean grocery store by the way. Suddenly, Steve asked "Be honest with me. Why haven't you ever had a boyfriend?" Julia hesitated but then started to speak. "Okay. Um... So love and dating? I love to read about it, and it's fun to write about and to think about in my head, but...when it's real..it's scary because the more people that you let into your life, the more that can just walk right out"
Steve looked at her and gaped. "You're right. My dad left us too." He paused. Everyone knew that Steve's father left them for another woman and had a family with her. Steve would never forgive his dad, to be honest those who knew the Rogers family wouldn't forgive him either. After a long pause, he asked. "I think it's funny, you say you're scared of commitment and relationships, but you don't seem to be afraid to be with me."
"That's because it's not real" Julia smiled a little, shrugging. "Yeah..right." Steve said in a dejected tone, unnoticed by her. They then ate the dinner in silence and he dropped her off. In the course of time, Kitty became attached with Steve and Julia got attached with his mom, his brother Owen, his friends and his lacrosse team. Even things with Hayden were smoothing out, they began to hangout after school by their lawns, reading books- just like the old times. At this time, Julia couldn't draw a line between fake and real, and her emotions were getting to her head. She knew Steve was pretty much interested in getting Peggy back. So she called Peter and decided to end the contract.
"Look, Steve...I don't think either one of us thought this was going to go on for this long, but Hayden and I are cool, Peggy's officially jealous, I think that we need to call it."
"I can't believe you're trying to break up with me before the ski trip!" he threw his hands up in air in exasperation.
"We agreed to go on it only if we're together, Steve" she sighed.
"Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"
How could Julia tell that she's having real feelings for the fake boyfriend? That she could feel a connection and feel comfortable in his presence? She doesn't tell the truth, so she tells a lie. "I'll come if Tasha comes"
Back in her home, Tasha and Julia were hanging out, just like everytime. "Jules, why the fuck is Stevie bugging me to come to the ski trip?" she asked. "That's because I said him I'll come only if you come" she giggled. "Please Nat, say no. I don't wanna go" she whined. "Oh I may hate school trips but I won't let you two stay away, especially with Peggy going on the trip, I'm coming to the trip, sweetie" she chuckled and Julia facepalmed mentally.
So, here they are, on the ski trip. Before boarding the bus, Julia saw Peggy talking to Steve and Steve showed no signs of searching for his pretend girlfriend. She sighed to herself and was relieved when Tasha came and put an arm around her shoulder. "Have fun with Stevie" she chuckled as they started boarding the bus. "I'm going to sit with you, Tasha" she said loudly as she wanted Steve to hear too. She sat alongside her best friend and ignored the puppy eyes that Steve was giving her.
They arrived at the lodge and almost everyone changed into their skiing gear and took off to the slopes. Steve was nowhere to be found. Julia shook her head to stop thinking further and sat by the fireplace, reading her books with Jake. After a while, when everyone started returning back, she looked at Steve who seemed to ignore her now. She bit her lip to stop showing any emotion when Jake said "Rogers is waiting for you, at the hot tub"
Julia looked at him with glistening eyes. Was this real? Heck, she was going to go to him. She's no longer going to live her live in her head, she was going to risk it. "Thanks Jake" she muttered as she went to the hot tub to the sight of Steve sitting alone, splashing the water slightly with his fingers.
"All by yourself out here?" she asked him but he looked away from her. "So what, now you're ignoring me?" she added.
"Oh, I'm the one ignoring you? That's funny." "Sorry I'm not a good skier, you didn't offer to teach me." "I'm supposed to be sweet to you after you don't sit with me on the bus ride up here?"
"Shouldn't you be thanking me, that you got to sit next to who you actually wanted?" she said, in a not-so-sweet tone. "For someone who has such good grades, you can be so dense sometimes." he sighed, splashing at water randomly. "What?" "Yeah. I wanted to sit next to you, Julia. I even packed the snacks. I asked Kitty where to find those yogurt drinks you like so much." "The Korean grocery store is all the way across town." she blinked. "I know. So if I went all the way across town to get you something you like,then that means.." he looked at her expectantly. "You must really like yogurt?" she chuckled. She didn't want to get her hopes up. Does he really like her? She smiled to herself at the thought. Steven Rogers is not known to be this kind of guy around any woman, not even Peggy. That was when she realised that he liked her back too.
"You're impossible" he bit his lower lip to keep him from laughing.
To his surprise and hers, she got in the hot tub in her nightgown and got to him. The next moment, their lips were connected, and Steve delivered soft kisses, tracing his fingers through her scalp, massaging her head. They withdrew and Julia hesitantly said "Do it again, put your hand on my scalp". And so he did it again, but this time, he held her softly against him with his other hand, kissing her gently as the other hand went to her head.
They got out of the tub, holding hands. "Good night, Julia Johnson" he grinned sheepishly, to which she waved him bye.
The next morning, when she boarded the bus back to their school, everyone clapped as she entered. Confused, she went and sat with Steve and his friends and that's when Tasha whispered to her. "I know you didn't but people are saying that you and Rogers did the nasty in the hot tub" Julia was heartbroken. "Did he encourage the rumor?" she asked Nat. "No, but he didn't deny it either" she pat her best friend. She sat in silence for the rest of the trip back to their town and Steve couldn't see it because he was sleeping on her shoulder. She slept too, to avoid the judgemental looks thrown at her.
"Hey, Julia. I think it's so cool that you came out on the ski trip. Hope you had fun." Peggy came near her, and sneered.
"Oh, I just mean... a lot of girls would be pretty weirded out by their boyfriend sleeping in someone else's room, but you're so trusting... I remember that about you from middle school. God. Doesn't your hair always get so greasy spending three hours on the bus?" she continued talking, taking out a scrunchie to tie her hair. This was Julia's favorite scrunchie which she gave to Steve the other day at the party. "Where did you get that?" Julia asked, her heart sinking. "Oh, Steve gave this to me. Isn't it cute? I love the colors in it. Well, have a nice day." she sashayed away from Julia, leaving her to stand there, having caused a rift in her mind. Steve came up behind her just after Peggy left. "Hi. Ready to go?" he kissed her cheek but Julia moved away a bit. Steve frowned at this.
"Did you go to Peggy's room last night?" she asked, her eyes glossy with tears. "Uh, yeah, but..." "And you gave her my favorite scrunchie? Am I just a joke to you, Steven?" she asked, now letting the tears roll down.
"No, sweetheart you don't understand the situation. Why don't we talk it out, I'll drive you home" he said, his voice desperate.
"You know what, I'd rather go home by myself. And last night was a mistake" she sniffed. "This is over, in every possible way" she let out a sob as she walked away from him. Steve tried running after her, but was waved away by Julia. His heart shattered into a million pieces as she saw her in tears. This was all a misunderstanding, he needed to talk to her desperately. He hung his head and walked back to his car.
It was christmas right after the ski trip so Riley had come home from Scotland. They were having a dinner party with a few neighbors over, and Julia was trying so hard to keep her mind away from Steve and the whole thing. The party was going smooth, everyone were chatting up but then she saw Peter come into the lawn. Julia pulled him aside and looked at him.
"Hey. We need to talk." Steve looked at her, his eyes tired as if he hasn't slept all night. "Not here." "Just so you know, nothing happened between me and Peggy last night." "What happened was that you went to her room in the first place." "Look, Peggy and I dated for a long time. Those feelings aren't just going to go away, we have history." "I'm tired of being second best or fake best. - I don't know." she sighed, tears brimming to her eyes. She couldn't speak anymore as she felt her throat closing up.
"Okay. Look, I..." he shook his head, trying to not look at her crying face. He felt terrible as tears just rolled down her cheeks. "Steve, just leave." she said in a heavy voice. "Can we go inside and talk?" he pleaded. Just then, Hayden approached them closer. "She asked you to leave, buddy." "Hayden, I'm fine. Go back inside." Julia sighed at him. "No, it's alright." Hayden stood by them. "No, no. Are you serious now? This isn't about Peggy and me, it's about you and Hayden! Are you kidding me? This is the reason you broke up with me? You're still in love with this Bon Iver wannabe?" he practically yelled in annoyance. Does she like Hayden? No, it cannot be. Steve just started to realise how Julia was perfect for her, a few weeks and he cannot lose such a girl after finally making a move. "If Lara Jean broke up with you, it's because she's coming to the life-altering revelation - she's too good for you." Hayden glared at Steve.
"You're in love with Hayden?" Riley asked and that's when they realised she came close to them after hearing the commotion.
"No, Riley, I'm not, please.." Julia looked at her sister who now ran inside the home. "Steve, please go home" she looked at him.
"You were never second best" Steve said sadly as he left.
Next day was even worse. Julia and Steve's rumor was now a video- looks like someone took a video of them kissing and spread the rumor. Riley refused to talk to Julia, but she couldn't take it. She finally went to Riley, who was in her room with Kitty and explained the whole thing, including what happened in the ski trip.
"I would never do that to you Riley" Julia hugged her sisters and they embraced each other for a while. "I know, I just got..I don't know" Riley sighed. "I forgive you, and not because the video got released. I truly forgive you because you're my sister. Let's make a pact, no more secrets between the Johnson girls" she looked at them and they nodded. Kitty was a little nervous though. "I sent out the letters, Julia" she said, her lips trembling. "We had a fight before the school day, remember? I did it for revenge, I swear I didn't know this would be a huge problem"
Julia looked at her little sister and the sincere apology. She forgave her, they are sisters after all. The Johnson sisters always have each others backs, no matter what. On that note, Riley reported the video and promised to get it removed. Christmas ended on a happy note to Julia with her sisters, but she still had Steve in her mind. His apology and the sincerity in his words were replaying in her head. Looks like Riley caught this too, because she said that Julia should talk to him and amend things between them. Julia smiled and hugged her sister, thanking her for everything and got back to her room. The same evening, Hayden came to their home and made sure that things are cool between him and Julia and also Riley. "You gotta tell people how you feel, Julia. And not write a letter to yourself and keep it to you" he smiled at them and left after a huge hug from the Johnson sisters, and just like that, Hayden and Julia went back to their old form. They were friends before after all, and now they are again.
She ran upstairs to her room and began writing another letter for Steve, but this time, it was a love letter rather than a goodbye letter. She smiled as she placed the letter inside the pocket of her jacket. She decided to go over to his house and give him the letter and tell him directly about how she feels for him.
Next day, she woke up to the message from Tasha that Steve threatened everyone about the rumor and told them to back off from their personal life. This brought a smile to Julia's face as she got ready fast to drive to Steve's home with her letter. It was snowing and their neighborhood looked scenic. She practically ran to his house and took the letter from the jacket into her hand. Here he was, roaming in his lawn with Owen.
"Hey." he looked at her. "Hi. I have to tell you something." "Okay." "I ran here." she mentally scolded herself, but okay. "Really? Wow, that's... that's... that's great, congrats." he shrugged, looking at her as his eyes spotted the letter. "Thanks." she said, mentally scolding herself again. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's in your hand?" he smirked at the letter. "Oh, uh, nothing." she felt her cheeks flush, as she was trying to hide the letter. "Oh, it's nothing? If you want me to read that, you need to give that to me." he looked at her with a smug smile plastered across his face.
"Um... Can you turn around? I need to read it to you" she said and he did. "Dear Steve, I need you to know that..." I need you to know that I like you, Steven Rogers. And not in a fake way. And so I guess that's all I came here to say." "Whoa, whoa, whoa... Don't I get to say something? The reason that I went to Peggy's room that night, was to tell her that it's over, because... because I'm in love with you, Julia. Only you." he smiled, moving closer to her.
"You're what? - Wait... How do we do this?" she said, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "What do you mean?" he took her chin in his hand.
"What do you put into a contract for a real relationship?" "Nothing. You gotta trust. You gonna break my heart, Johnson?" he smiled, taking his lips to hers, crashing in for a kiss. It was a warm kiss in midst of a snow and she almost felt like she was in a fairytale.
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