#i don't even think i can say 'my name is' or smth anymore
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
Drawing a nude model was not awkward for me at all but now it's really bothering me bc my class ended hours ago and I haven't been able to escape the feeling that I knew that particular model from somewhere before but I have no idea
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Skz when you call them a different name
not proof read yet
raises his eyebrow
,"Jacob is that like your hairdresser or smth"
genuinely confused
,starts asking a bunch of questions,kind of let down when you tell him it was a prank
"Hey jacob can you pass me the remote","Jacob?do i know him?",he shower you in questions,"No i was just joking","Oh."looks disappointed but continues with his day
Lee know
Gets so aggravated
"Who the hell is Aaron"
"my name is way better than his so i'm better than him"
when you tell him it's a prank he ignores you after
"Aaron do you know where my book is?","Aaron?!","Who the hell is Aaron?"."You find him on bumble?"does not take this lightly AT ALL,"It was a joke.",he glares at you and walks away"wait,come back im sorry!"
thinks it's a new nickname for him
"doesn't really sound like Changbin but ok"
talks about how it could've been better
"Oliver can i have my phone","Oliver?that's new and i don't think i like it","What do you mea-","Changbin,Oliver i guess i see it,but not really"He's confusing you at this point,"You could've done anything more related to Changbin,like pure muscle,the rock 2.0,better than yo-","Okay thats enough"
might start fake crying
"So you're cheating on me??!?!?"
"Geor-","George??Who the hell?",he'll put his hand on his chest and if he's standing or sitting on something,he's not anymore he's on the floor."Hyunji-","No,don't even talk to me anymore"takes a while to get him to listen to you
won't accept it
will start naming hs nicknames
"You mean Hannie?"
"John,can i use your phone for on sec","John?that's not how you pronounce han,or you could say sungie,hannie","Han it was a joke-." "Uh I'm not finished,you could say Han quokka or just quokka"He will go on and on about his nicknames
he would get sad
"why didn't you tell me about him?"
"You could've told me"
tries to be understanding
"Daniel,do you have my charger?","Whos daniel?,do you not want me to know about him?","You could've told me about him"Would overthink it too much so you have to reassure him it was a joke,"no no no no no no,it was prank i'm sorry".you feel so bad after
excuse me
would lowkey be offended
"I'm way better looking than any Lucas"
"Lucas-","I don't know who the hell Lucas is but i know damn well im nothing like him."Seungmin","Do i look like a lucas too you?","...","Don't know what to say?"he left you speechless
asks you to repeat
"excuse me i don't think i heard you"
"Joseph can-","Hold on,rewind,who?","Joseph?"he'll start laughing and keep on asking you to repeat yourself then he'll start to repeat the name"Joseph?,Joseph?JOSEPH","How do you confuse Joseph with Jeongin,my name is Yang Jeongin not Joseph get it right"
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the-moon-files · 2 months
So I have tried to request this prompt from someone else but I don't think their blog is that active anymore. If your willing I'd love to request the following.
Prompt: Reader is bisexual and gender neutral.
Reader is considered fairly attractive and gets flirted with pretty often by basically whoever gender wise. And maybe reader and Zelda even end up flirting a little bit. Reader would have a similar lackadaisical flirty personality as Warriors has.
I wanted to see how each of The Chain would react to this with the context of them having secret feelings for the reader.
2nd official request, woo look at me go 🏃💨
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Sun: Gender-neutral Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Zelda (Assuming they meant BOTW), + the classic Chain of Links <3
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, mild typical loz violence, Mildly Suggestive, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so i like to think that modern flirting is radically different than their medieval flirting,
like mayyybbeee Wild can handle it, but even then, they have royalty/knights still, so hes still gettin flustered lol
and i like to think u learned that difference the first time Wars complimented ur new/strange modern fit, and u returned the energy?? except 10x stronger (to them)??
youve played the player, and beat him at his own game, the Captain of the knights is sputtering and shit LMAO
(he said smth like, “their beauty is god-like in this otherworldly clothing“ and YOU said smth like he’d “thank you, youd look better in my bed than in armor 👉 😎 👉 ” lmao)
funniest part is, bc its so natural, i can see u immediately shooting off smth and forgetting it instantly, much to the Links collective shock 😭
u go to towns and notice theres always 1 hero around to steer u away from shopkeepers, townsppl, etc so u wont flirt w/them LMAO
(when u finally notice, u just, “ohh i get it now, so im only allowed to flirt with someone named Link, ohhh, okayy” and they just, “NO we didnt say that-!” “No its just their bold flirtations are not for the weak of heart-!” “Yes.” “CAPTAIN-”)
the only one who they cant steer u away from is Zelda.
afterall, they kinda have to inform the Princess/now Queen of the kingdom, whats going on w/them traveling with Link (Wild) around time and space
the sheikah tablet had been disconnecting + reconnecting to Purah’s both fascination and worry
so as theyre invited to eat dinner and explain in the rebuilding castle, everyone’s absorbed in shadow talk or smth, and u can see Zelda’s struggling to follow along, u just casually bring it back to her, as she’s also trying to write notes and theyve moved on too quickly w/o her
“wowww, all these men and not a single one’s gonna offer the lady any, ‘hi, hello, how is the most beautiful girl in the world today?’ “
and the gapingggg from the links shut them right up, while Zelda goes all pink and coughs, and agrees that they should move on to more chill topics lol
and u can crack anybody tbh, Zelda giggles at ur compliments all the time, even in work mode, u can deffo get Wars to blush to his ears, and even Time to look away first in a flirty + staring contest lol
Legend might actually put his hands up like he’s prepared to fight u anytime u try to flirt at him when its just you two, before he realizes what hes doing and stops LMAO
oh and u absolutely get a lot of mileage out of that one lol
the best reactions have gotta be, in order of most to least extreme: Hyrule, Sky, Wild, Four, Legend, Twilight, Wars, Time
Rulie, Sky, Wild and Four fall into that classic, shocked-heart-eyes, full blush up to their pointy ears, etc category when u get them,
they are also very easy to get lmao
Four is the best at recovery, or ducking away, but if its the Colors, its this type of obvious lol, w/the obvious ones like Red and Blue, Green takes a little more to break, and tbh Vio could go toe-to-toe w/u better than Wars tbh before he crumbles under the pressure lol
Legend, Twi, Wars, and Time faces may not change a lot, bc theyre trying to save it lmao, but the way their cheeks go pink and ears twitch is how u know ur gettting to them (along w/legend’s defensive reaction to getting cornered LMAO)
Twi has caved and covered his face w/his hands before lmao
one day youll get Time to break more than an ear twitch, and looking away, One Day.
(Wind is in fact, having the time of his life, watching you absolutely hilariously wreck these otherwise v serious heroes, hes glad u got them to finally relax a little, but also its hilarious seeing Wars and Legend red faces, and occasionally stealing Wild’s tablet to take funny pics of them all to blackmail later lol)
idk how good that was, as im kinda bust at flirty banter between characters, so i hope this suffices ur need to flirt w/everyone lol
also i feel i should apologize for not rlly including pronouns? it just kinda comes w/writing reader stories to put them in 2nd person to both make intimacy for readers w/their little avatar im controlling for them, and to purposefully remove the need for gendered pronouns :/
so im sorry i couldnt quite figure out how to make it where “they/them” got used much, i promise i love all pronouns, its just a skill issue tbh lmao
send any prayers, blessings, or good vibes u got my way tomorrow bc im getting wisdom teeth surgery and i am intimidated✨
ill post more asks (i have multiple asks!! <33) after im lying in bed lamenting my painful fate,
mostly just worried ill react badly to the drugs, also the idea of being knocked out during surgery is a little scary so what can i say
have a great weekend guys!! thanks for reading if u did :)
Peace out,
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mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Toman Captains + BajiFuyuTora Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of substances, mentions of PTSD
Desc: Baji tries to make a polycule work with some heavy convincing
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Baji: alr guys, i'm gonna ask Fuyu and Tora out on a date at the same time
Mitsuya: that's not gonna work
Draken: don't they hate each other? just pick one
Baji: no i'm in love with the both of them so i'm gonna ask both of them out
Baji: also they actually have feelings for each other but haven't realized it yet
Draken: you're pushing it
Smiley: first of all, Kazutora likes women
Baji: no, he has feelings for me but he hasn't realized it yet
Smiley: alright man
Mikey: Baji, your chances are better with Chifuyu. sort that out first because you're gonna ruin the entire friendgroup dynamic with this shit😟
Baji: we're not a friendgroup, we're lovers
Mikey: i'm talking about us, dipshit
Baji: who
Mikey: everyone who isn't Chifuyu and Kazutora??
Baji: idgaf
Mikey: ayt
Pah: weren't we your treasures or smth 🧐?
Baji: i've moved on to bigger things
Baji: smaller twinks
Baji: you get me?
Smiley: Chifuyu's short but he's not a twink.
Smiley: now Kazutora, we can call a twink
Smiley: you guys are using this word wrong
Mikey: it's it just a skinny guy?
Smiley: "a gay or effeminate man, or a young man, regarded as an object of homosexual desire, usually a bottom. they are attractive and slim in appearance."
Draken: this is just Mitsuya
Mikey: 🧐
Mitsuya: ?
Smiley: that is correct but i didn't wanna say anything cause that twink got hands🤷‍♂️
Mikey: now that i think about it, Mitsuya used to be kinda built. not buff but not skinny. fuck happened
Pah: Draken died
Pah: "died"
Baji: so he stopped eating? lame
Mitsuya: do you guys get how mourning works
Draken: well i'm good now so let's get this grub 🗣
Draken: sorry for making you sad, brother
Draken: it's my mission to bulk you up again
Mitsuya: i'm fine👍
Mikey: no one dying is going to get in between me and a meal😭🙏
Mikey: skill issue on Mitsuya's part
Smiley: skill issue is when your friend dies and you go into a depression so deep that you can't even eat anymore
Mikey: that's what i'm saying❗
Smiley: leave it up to Draken to get shot 3 times in the chest and just walk it off
Smiley: that was kinda hard tho
Draken: thanks👍
Draken: it hurt really bad
Draken: i think it traumatized me
Draken: i can't go to amusement parts now. or listen to fireworks cause i'll start hallucinating shit that happened from that night. weird
Mitsuya: ...that's called ptsd
Baji: yeah man you have ptsd
Draken: what's ptsd
Baji: GOT EM
Draken: i wish your suicide attempt worked you mentally challenged, wanna be werewolf, loreal shampoo ad looking ass bitch
Baji: BANG BANG BANG💣💥💣💥💣💥
Mikey: DUDE💀
Baji: do you guys get it
Baji: it's the gunshots
Baji: because he has PTSD
Baji: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: do you remember how you killed Shinichiro
Baji: 😐
Mikey: GUYS💀
Draken: i'm sorry Mikey
Draken: but
Draken: Baji do you remember when you were screaming his name and watched him bleed to death
Smiley: ☠️
Draken: the skull represent Shinichiro, who you killed
Baji: anyway
Baji: back to my kittens
Baji: before Draken decided to take shit too far😒
Draken: when you go low I'll go lower
Baji: cause you were almost 6 feet under???
Draken: where you put Shinichiro??
Mikey: Ken-chin he's gonna kill himself again😔
Draken: that is exactly the point
Baji: anyway
Baji: back to the topic at hand 😐
Baji: i'm doing it tonight
Mitsuya: ahem
Mitsuya: do you know how awkward it's gonna be when Kazutora rejects you? we don't wanna have to deal with that
Baji: he won't reject me
Mikey: your delusional
Baji: can you guys name a situation in which things didn't work out for me?
Baji: no you can't
Mitsuya: 1) Bloody Halloween??
Draken: 2) Your grades🤨?
Mikey: 3) Not making your mom cry🤔?
Baji: ...
Baji: those don't count
Smiley: it's so hard trying to talk to stupid people
Smiley: he doesn't use logic at all
Draken: Baji don't fucking ask them out
Mikey: ask Chifuyu!!! that f slur is obsessed with you😍
Draken: don't say that word😐
Mikey: i literally didn't say it😭
Mitsuya: Baji please just think for literally one second
Baji: too late cause i just texted them
Mitsuya: omfg
Mikey: you fool😞
Mikey: what did you say??
Baji: i went to our groupchat
Baji: "yo let's cut the bullshit. i'm in love with the both of you so why don't we all date and love each other in a relationship with all three of us and shit"
Baji: i sent that
Smiley: you're very... direct
Smiley: i'll give you that
Smiley: Kazutora's gonna say no
Draken: obviously
Baji: bet
Baji's kittens:
Kazutora: Chifuyu can you please change the fucking groupchat name
Kazutora: i know you and Baji do kinky shit together but i am NOT anybody's kitten
Chifuyu: but Baji-san changed it and i can't change it back if he doesn't want me to
Chifuyu: and Baji-san and i do not do "kinky shit"
Chifuyu: we don't have a sexual relationship😐
Kazutora: you have free will mothefucker!! you don't need his fucking permission
Kazutora: is he your dom or something😭
Kazutora: why are so obsessed with him jesus
Kazutora: you guys are gay af
Chifuyu: just because i don't stab my friends doesn't mean i'm gay
Chifuyu: i just respect him a lot cause he's cool 😒
Chifuyu: nothing you'd know about
Chifuyu: you psychopath
Kazutora: you slobber on his dick all day
Kazutora: "Baji-san!!! What a cool kick!! Can you teach me😁?"
Kazutora: you might as well just ask him to put it in
Chifuyu: shut the fuck up all you've ever known are the prison walls that enclosed you
Kazutora: NOT ANYMORE😁
Baji: ladies, ladies
Baji: there's enough to go around 😏
Baji: ew. alright i'm never using that emoji again what the fuck
Baji: no
Kazutora: you and Chifuyu can do your pet play somewhere else please leave me out of it 🙏
Baji: nuh uh
Baji: you're a tiger
Baji: tigers are cats
Baji: so you're a kitten
Baji: done deal
Kazutora: i'm an adult tiger not a kitten😐
Baji: i'm the alpha and you and Chifuyu are my omega's
Kazutora: what the fuck does that mean????
Chifuyu: haha Baji-san😂
Kazutora: i've never seen someone ride someone else's meat so hard before holy shit
Chifuyu: if you don't understand what respect is, just say that 🙄
Baji: don't lie Chifuyu
Baji: you're in love with me
Baji: you are too Kazutora
Kazutora: 🤨
Baji: yo let's cut the bullshit. i'm in love with the both of you so why don't we all date and love each other in a relationship with all three of us and shit
Baji: you guys are in love with each other too just by the way
Kazutora: what
Kazutora: that's not how anything works
Chifuyu: Baji-san i ask again is this a prank 🤣🤣🤣
Kazutora: it has to be cause i'm not a boy kisser like you mfs
Baji: Kazutora be fr. you just got out of prison, you're clinically insane, you're on parole, people feel unsettled by your presence, you have an ankle bracelet, you belong to the state, you have mommy AND daddy issues, you've killed someone
Kazutora: damn
Kazutora: you didn't have to list it like that
Baji: all i'm saying is that i'm your best option because i don't care about all of this and i'll take care of you for the rest of your life even tho you're crazy
Baji: cause i love you (gayly)
Baji: you could even stab me again
Chifuyu: NO
Baji: Chifuyu shut the up i'll get to you babe
Chifuyu: yes Baji-san
Kazutora: "yes daddy😩😍"
Kazutora: what the fuck dude you could least try to hide it 💀
Baji: can u focus
Kazutora: oh right
Kazutora: what about gay sex tho
Baji: i'll teach you
Kazutora: but you have a dick
Baji: uhhhh
Baji: fine you can use yours
Baji: nah nevermind i'm not a bottom
Baji: fuck you
Kazutora: i didn't even say anything
Kazutora: but whatever ig
Kazutora: i'm not gonna be with Chifuyu tho😐
Baji: you are
Kazutora: 😒
Baji: Chifuyu we've been in love for years so i know you'll say yes. just needed to convince Tora babygirl
Chifuyu: but is this a prank tho🤣🤣
Baji: no
Baji: you are my boyfriend now
Baji: both of you come over
Kazutora: ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kazutora: fine
Chifuyu: are the both of you pranking me🤣😂
Baji: just come over you fucking idiot
Baji: that was too mean
Baji: please come over you fucking idiot❤
Baji: they said yes and we're all about to have sex now
Mikey: you're just gonna lie Baji
Draken: should i get beers? you can cry if you want i won't even laugh at you
Draken: i promise
Mikey: you're just gonna lie Ken-chin
Mitsuya: what did they actually say
Baji: they're coming over? and we're about to make love? are you guys dumb 🤨
Baji: it worked out how i said it would
Smiley: Draken gets the beers i'll get the cigarettes
Smiley: Baji we tried to tell you
Draken: don't piss me off cause you know i don't smoke
Draken: you're gonna influence Angry into an early grave
Draken: do you want your brother to have lung cancer
Smiley: chill
Smiley: Angry tried a cigarette and almost died
Smiley: so you don't have to worry about that
Smiley: fine i'll bring weed instead
Mitsuya: where are you getting drugs😐
Smiley: my plug, duh 😁
Mikey: can i have a weed as well please
Smiley: idk man what if your dark impulses come out or something
Mikey: my therapist said that only happens with specific triggers so it's fine
Mikey: plus i have a shock collar in case that happens
Draken: i don't think that's normal 🤨
Baji: you guys are pissing me off
Mikey: dude it's fine we can comfort you even tho we told you so
Draken: i'm gonna be the better man and forgive you since you've just been rejected
Baji: yk what idgaf
Baji: i'ma just nut in my kittens
Baji: bye losers
Baji: no one does it like i do
Mikey: poor thing🙁
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goddamnitchuuya · 1 year
hi! i saw ur reqs were open so i thought id ask (absolutely no pressure if u don't want to write for this^^)
nyway could u maybe write smth about pm!dazai + degrading??
i rlly don't see enough appreciation of pm!dazai on tumblr and i am starving for content lmaoo
he!!! 🛐
contains: dom pm!dazai x f reader, dazai is a sadist, degradation, choking, exhibitionism, very light bondage, breeding, creampie.
minors dni.
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"Can't even keep quiet during the last seconds? If the door wasn't shut so loudly, he could've heard a whore choking under my desk. Or perhaps he really had, 's that what you want?"
Dazai who roughly catches a fistful of your hair and pushes you deeper onto his cock. The sheer amusement in his laughs when you gag more sends shiver down your body. Your throat closes tightly around the fat cockhead, boosting his ego even more. He thinks whether it's because of how you absolutely love being humiliated by him, or getting caught by his subordinate or just literally anyone. How pathetic you are when he pushes you off his cock, he watches you cough and suck in deep breaths, wiping the remaining white fluid on your chin.
"I'd get up and shoot him twice, but you just had to get in my fucking way."
Dazai, whose lap you're being held in place on. Being his cockwarmer already has you frustrated, now even with a vibrator right above your swollen clit. Your lips must hurt from how hard you're biting them, palms all bruised by your own nails digging into the skin. He won't touch you properly, no. Can't you see he's busy? His chin over your right shoulder, dark eye fixed on the mess of work on the desk surface. But you're just a greedy slut who can't keep her mouth shut - his words - who's god damn desperate for his attention, constantly hungry for his cock, can't live without his cum fucked deep inside you. Those things slipped out from his mouth as if his dick weren't twitching and aching to thurst up to your cervix.
"Cut the whines, slut. Unless you want the entire Port Mafia to know how cock starved you are, stay still and don't fucking dare squirt all over my paperwork."
Dazai who doesn't run out of saying to degrade you. He has you bent to the nearest wall once you arrive at your shared bedroom, not bothering to strip you both off. Your wrists are all red, locked in his single hand while his other toys around with your mouth, long fingers pressing down on your tongue that's still coated a bit in his seed. His cock is filling your pussy up so full but he won't stop. It gets all messy on your clothes and he doesn't care. He mockingly calls you a princess, the dirty princess who never gets satisfied of what she gets, not even when her hole can barely hold his cum in anymore.
Dazai... who whispers in a soft voice of how much he loves you when you're fucked too stupid to form any coherent word but his name.
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wintersera · 8 months
Helloo my first ever ask on this app but anyways let's get to the topic already.
Like ever since the pics of winter got released after aespa was at the Yankees game I can't help but think of so many things like I can imagine one night after a long day of work for minjeong and she comes home to see her gf wearing her jersey and minjeong finding it soooooooo attractive so she decides to spend time with her then she procceds to hug her from behind and reader just greets her and just like that cause reader is busy on her phone so minjeong just decideds to ask reader on why she's wearing her jersey so that she could get readers attention but reader just replys "cause I can" and minjeong just procceds to humm in response and then she notices on why reader is so distracted and not paying attention to her because she got a glimpse of readers phone and it looks like reader is just liking all of Karinas photos and minjeong gets quite pouty and starts whining asking reader if she's not enough as a tease but reader teases back and says that she like Karina more and minjeong takes it seriously and gets quite jealous so she starts gently kissing readers neck and smudging herself closer to reader but reader doesn't take it seriously and keeps pushing her away but minjeong actually gets really jealous now and starts to actually punish reader iykyk😈 but reader didn't expect it and tries to say sorry while whining because minjeong is making her soo weak😈😈😈 and also I can imagine just Minjeong not taking of the jersey on reader and says because she likes it or smth I just don't know how to explain it anymore I can't hwhehshshjsejsjhshdjdskallapqksnxwieiehdbxbwhwjsjnrkalwkdncnbdaoqoekr
Also can I be Anon 🦊 shshshhs tyy<333
cw: mommy kink
SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT 🦊 anon?:’shd you’ve added sm idk even know what to that,, but anyways 🤭
adding onto the smut part of your request- as she watches you scroll through jimin's instagram account, her hands hike up the jersey, tickling your skin as she does so “mmmm y/n? do you like jimin unnie more than me?” you respond with a quick nod and a hum. she awkwardly laughs at your little jokes, ofc she knew you loved her more but something abt the way you weren’t even paying attention irked her :(( she asked again, this time with her lips grazing against your nape “me or jimin unnie?” her hands roaming around your skin which sent shivers down your spine. again, teased her, not knowing that it would push her over the edge.
“yeah i like jimin unnie more than you-“
boom, you’re pushed face front against the wall. jeongie begins to strip you from the waist below, keeping the jersey on bc she thinks you look so good with it. you moan out loud as you feel her icy hands cup your cunt, playing around with your folds while your panties were still on “what did you say?”
“f..fuck… i’m joking, sorry minjeong- nngh” you feel her press the tip of her fingers on top of your puffy clit. drawing little circles on it nd making you whimper out her name. as quick as ever, she slides ur panties aside, still circling your clit. dipping down to ur cunt, she gathers up ur slick around her fingers and slowly pushes herself into you.
“say it.. say that you like me better. say that you love mommy's fingers more than you like jimin”
“mmngh.. i- i love mommy’s fingers more.. fuckfuck mommy go slower” she didn’t want to give you time to rest, she felt vulnerable and jealous, and she had to see you come undone because of her. so she fucks you rough, pumping her fingers in and out, in and out until you’re left speechless against the wall. crying out minjeongs name as she curles her fingers up till you cum alllll over her slender fingers.
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If i ever were able to list all the things i dislike in Magisterium series, this post would've been endless. Instead, I'd mention smth i love so much that it makes me re-read the series for the fifth time and gives me inspiration for new drawings and playlists
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The first one is aesthetic. I don't think I've ever read a YA book with the death and necromancy as the main lore theme. Also, the first book in series is so sweet and innocent compared to the fourth I can't believe it lol. Corpses. So gothic. So edgy. Love it
The second is very similar to the first - chaos magic. We come across elemental magic in all sorts of media, but they don't usually have the 5th element, or if they have it's more likely to be electricity or smth. Not ACTUAL NECROMANCY omfg... I love it. Also Makars being able to manipulate not only chaos (the void itself) but the soul.... Cute
So next. The main character ofc. Callum Hunt. What can I say he is such a cinnamon roll hating himself for what he is not. Screaming, crying, throwing up. I can feel his pain with every fiber of my soul he's so relatable. He is a type of chaotic neutral main character which is rare I guess, and at the same time he doesn't act like a total jerk and piece of shit. Can't name some other like him, idk. He's sweet but also edgy. His self-confidence is below the surface of the earth. He's just like me frfr my poor little meow meow. Also he is disabled and it influences the events of the book. Sometimes. Cool, representative. Not a disabled person myself but can appreciate it
Another reason for me to love the series is the changing of Call's secrets idk how to call this. The structure of his character lore. His secrets and abilities, they're layered.. you know... And every book one by one uncovers these layers: 1 - he uncovers that he is the reincarnation of Constantine. 2 - he gets his powers (which made Constantine evil at the first place). 3 - he learns more about Constantine's family, and the whole world finds out that he "is" the Enemy of Death. 4 - omg how much he uncovers here lol i can't. May be my favourite book thanks to its maaad vibe. Everything he learns here makes him closer and closer to Constantine. 5 - i know that most of the fandom thinks it was stupid to make Constantine himself a reincarnated thousand-years-old evil Makar. And i may agree. But in the moment of reading this it was so impactful for me idk why.... I literally cried idk!!! Lol. Love the moment where Call opens his memory to help his friends to fight wolves or smth, and PASSES OUT. KING. So, the other secret is uncovered here. Everything he learns makes him understand Constantine's/Maugris's motives, but he never ever becomes anything like them nor wishes to follow their path. Pretty symbolic and meaningful
So what can I say? Every series has it's weak and strong points. Some of them become classic literature, some are forgotten in the abyss of YA books. I understand why Magisterium's place is with the second type of series, and it's not even saddens me anymore (we're so underground teehee). But i see many posts where the series is shitted over, and not much of posts appreciating the things that we actually love in it. Aren't they the reason you started and finished it sometime? So I'm here spreading positivity! And also because I'm so tired of being a fan of this shit so i tried to acknowledge all that i love, and why am i here in the first place
I think it's all for now, maybe I'll come with more ideas later
Fandom are you alive? Heh am I a Call kinnie to the point that i become necromancer?...
P.S. sometimes i think I'm so cringe to be periodically obsessed with this STUPID POOR-WRITTEN CHILDISH BOOK ABANDONED EVEN BY IT'S OWN CREATORS BUT I CAN'T HELP IT...... AND THE WORST THING IS THAT I DIDN'T EVEN READ IT IN MY EARLY TEENS (except the 1 which i read when i was around 13. Read it twice in one week so maybe that's the moment my brain was damaged) I READ IT WHEN I WAS 16 ALREADY aaarrrhh I'm so cringe. Why obsession why why why why why why i hate this but this is literally the only book which makes me cry and scream and feel every fucking time i re-read it even when i know EVERYTHING THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN LITERALLY EVERYTHING reading it all again for the 6th time FOR GODDESS SAKE WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME
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ambcass · 7 months
ᴊᴇᴀɴ ᴋɪʀꜱᴛᴇɪɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ || ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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in honor of aot ending :( Also what if I told yall that ck isn't my thing no more... when s6 comes out I'll watch it but idk if I'm gna post anymore ck stuff
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: implied sexual content (it's mild dw), AOT ENDING SPOILERS!!, Terrible pet names, SOME SAD PARTS
Jean is a big PDA guy. He tries not to get too handsy but good lord he can't help it. Hands on your waist, hands on your thighs, and hands around your neck are all it'll take to get him going.
His top three love languages are physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation. He doesn't mean to always touch you but it makes him feel safe that he knows that you're safe. He cannot go one day without kisses or hugs!!
If he doesn't get the slightest attention from you, he'll get super grumpy. Spending time with you is what really helps Jean connect and bond. He'll slowly educate himself on your favorite foods, clothing, etc.
Words of affirmation are how he really bagged you in the first place. Commenting on how beautiful you look, how much he loves you, and encouraging you to do things you love is what makes you fall for him even more.
Dates can range from movie nights to a full-on romantic dinner with rose petals and everything. Making sure you're loved and happy is one of Jean's priorities. He won't stop doing things until you're satisfied (winks) with whatever he's doing.
Jean hates cooking but he can cook. He always complains about how he can't cook and stuff but TRUST ME when I say he can. The second you tasted his cooking, you were in LOVE. You kept asking for seconds, thirds, and forths. (Niccolo obviously cooks better...)
Jean is the type of guy with very low self esteem in a relationship. Scared to lose you to another guy or thinking you're too good for him. Days like those is really what "breaks" the relationship. He doesn't want to but he'll ignore you for a little to give himself space to get rid of thoughts. He overthinks for sure. When he hears you tell him "I love you", he thinks that you don't mean and you're just pitying him.
You always try your hardest to comfort him when he thinks that way. You reassure him that you do love him and you give him millions of reasons why you do love him. It's canon that he covers his ears and gets lost in thoughts when he's really overwhelmed.
After Eren's death, the both of you were closer than ever. He was scared to lose you just like Mikasa lost Eren. (I AM A MIKASA LOVER I SWEAR.) He promises to stay by your side no matter what.
Jean gets jealous easily. He can't hold himself back when he sees a guy getting too comfortable with you. He'll interfere no matter what and doesn't care who that guy is- he'll rush over to you, telling that guy off and making sure that guy knows who you belong to.
He's pretty basic when it comes to pet names. It's just "Babe", "Baby", or a stupid nickname he made for you.
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hello everynyan :3 /ref
4 the redacted match-ups ! not sure if you're still doing these or not bc i'll be damned i'd give up after the first 3 🙌🙌🙌 power 2 ya ! (if you ARE, in fact, not doing these anymore pls ignore this. this never happened. kay.)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
this was the hardest question bc i LOVEEMUSIC so bad i can never really pick ONE fav bc it changes every 2 seconds but !!! gun to my head as of rn i'd say -- "but not kiss" - faye webster
'i want to see you in my dreams,
but then forget.
we're meant to be,
but not yet.
you're all that i have,
but can't get.'
i chose this song primarily because of the aesthetics & instrumental,, + the feels - i love how the piano carries and portrays every feeling (dread? maybe?) alongside the vocalist ugh sick to my stomach /pos
as for the verses i've chosen i just. really like the way she sings them HA i guess depending on my current mood i might relate to the lyrics for .5 seconds due to a past relationship of mine that had me fuckedd anyway.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
i WISH i could enjoy these as much as others but i have the attention spam of a fucking goldfish i need to be stimulated 24/7. i cannot stare at the same face and occasional photo/clip for over 10 mins.
i might watch more of em if they had like a satisfying slime video in the corner or smth. i find i only watch ones that have a topic/interest of mine that i am actively curious about/into????if that makes sense??
for instance, the only one that comes to mind rn is "in defense of chat noir" by toon ruins UGH ITS SO GOOD i used to be a huge fan of miraculous so that defffinitely takes part in why i rewatch it every few months.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
on my stomach. arms under pillows. one leg up. yo i bought these headphones made specifically for sleeping while listening to relaxing noises or smth & i kid you not i use them shits to listen to asmr/rp audios. sometimes it puts me to sleep other times i'm up all night tryna figure out what position the listener and 'character' are in. anyway!!!
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
first thing that comes 2 mindd for whatever reason is 'may' ?? possibly bc i really like my birth name already and 'may' is somewhat close to it already? also because i'd love writing it over and over in my handwriting . probably just an excuse to write the letter 'y' actually.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
fav character changes ALLL THE TIMEE for no reason my fav is all of them rlly i just wanna love and be loved BUT when i reaaaally think about it ?? hudson. even though he's like. an easter egg. i cant have anything. wanna "D D D D DDDJJJ ANXIETY" into his pants. what. who said that. just got hacked wtff
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
a know a LOTT of ppl love david but i am sorry i just cannot. angel better than me idk how they do it. srry. my momma raised a bitch. i've never ever gotten to finishing any of his videos so maybe im the problem but from the get-go THIS BITCH IS SCARY BRO he's so damn intimidating . the fact that his voice is rlly deep doesn't help either :C ..& don't even get me started on early david.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
this is such a good question rlly makin me think . hmm . OK I FEEL LIKE A BASIC BlTCH BC PPL HAVE BEEN SAYIN THIS ALREADY BUT . hux. we like this 🤞 . as for why?? i feel like i need and would . honestly really appreciate more,, warmth and positivity in my life - and i def get that sorta 'aura' from him. & i know damn well he'd give the best hugs. and we could go to the gym together. it'd be so fun. so precious.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
ok first of all #relationshipgoals that is so sweet awe :((
i wouldn't say i really 'ramble' per say -- i just talk. to myself. like a normal person. mhm. i struggle with sleep in general, so i'm usually up till like 5am. typically endlessly scrolling through my phone, or talking to the abyss about something personal that's been on my mind for a while. if it's really bad, i cry in my voice memos. if i just need to - refresh? get smth off my mind so i can sleep? i write songs.
...and then i record them on my $15 wireless headphones. onto that very same voice memos app.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
if im being honest,, depends on my mood . but god could i fuck up some strawberry milk and mini oreos right about now. . mind you i've had strawberry milk like once but it changed my life u dont understand
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
i mean i don't listen to it 24/7 but man i outdid myself w this one. it's called "insanity" and every single song matches the vibe of . just straight up 'otherworldly' ?? if u catching what im throwin?? all songs r pretty 'out-there' - in terms of the vibes - at least i like to think so. for reference it has songs like "goth - sidewalks and skeletons" and "eternal youth - růde" . IDK i guess it makes me happy when songs from a playlist actually match up with one other
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
i listen to this japanese-kawaii-metal-based group called BABYMETAL and i loveee them soso much. a few "metal enthusiasts" go out and call their work 'not real metal' , which is why i guess you can technically call their music a pleasure media -- as well as the fact that whenever i put on one of their songs mfs r like ... what is this - cause its three young japanese girls talking abt bubblegum with the the most insane guitar riff in the back. their newer stuff is incredible. womanhood at it's finest. give them a shot plspls /nf
ALL DONE !! ty 4 reading & have a lovely day/night, wherever you may be <3
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Oh, this one is perfect and required, like, no thought. Vibes-wise? Given your energy? It’s just gotta be Guy.
Building on that, I love that you write songs and he writes screenplays(?). I think it’s so cute to pair writers together so that you might inspire one another and be each other's biggest fans. I also like Guy for you because he strikes me as one of those people who calls themselves “polyjamorous”, listening to basically anything and everything. He loves all your songs and all your playlists, vibing along to all of it even if there’s no words or words in another language. He doesn’t care: he’s with you, so he’s having a good time.
I would predict a fun, artistic life for the two of you like parallel-playing co-writing sessions with the two of you having individual headphones on, making funny faces at one another when you catch the other staring. You take turns showing each what you’ve created and hyping each other up, offering critique. When the writer's clock keeps y’all up till 3 AM, he’s got leftover pizza and any snacks you could possibly want. (He strikes me as the sort of guy who always has junk food caches.)
It was just two lovers/ Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde/ Fallin' for each other/ Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish/ No Donald Glover/ Missed call from my mother/ Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi/ I was all alone with the love of my life
Given your passion for music, I tried to pick a love song for y’all that was emotionally evocative to the mind and the ear. I chose this one because I thought the piano instrumental and how it evokes that mental imagery of sitting with someone during the golden hour might resonate with you. I also like it for y’all because this song got really popular on tiktok, and Guy would probably know it from there.
Obviously, we have to have Hudson as a runner-up. As a DJ, he’d be so loving and so supportive of your craft, hyping you up on air all the time and playing your work whenever he can. He’d also make you really bomb-ass playlists. A less obvious runner-up would be Anton, but I really like this one. You’d be more of an opposites attract sort of pair, but I think it’d be cute, and listening to music would remind Anton of you while he’s away~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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toyaslove · 11 months
Hi! Can I request Toya with a reader who's like N25 Len? Thanks!
A/N: omg I'm so sorry for taking so long, I put in my head today at 12 O'clock while I was going to home: "I'll write this and like this[...]" I swear I was thinking about in what to write but I FORGOT. Sorry for that!! And this looks so cute and cool to write! I would love to write it!
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Toya Aoyagi x Len kin!Reader
(Omg I'm so so good at giving history names 😍)
Tw: Maybe clinginess? Toya here is after his development
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♥︎ Poor boy, at first, he thought you were scared of him because of your shyness.
♡ But, with time, you guys know yourselves better and he realizes that it's just your personality!
♥︎ He loves how much you're shy, he thinks it's adorable! Even before you guys started to dating.
♡ You guys were such a messy when you guys confessed, Toya was who took the first step because he knew your shyness. You guys were completely red when confessed 😭
♥︎ It's stamped on your faces that you guys like each other, just you two don't know.
♡ Toya is normally touch starved, but with you is a little worse, because he's scared of asking you some touch and you getting too flustered or uncomfortable.
♥︎ Well, someday, he asked you if he could touch you! When you said "yes", he was so happy, he held you with all his gentleness and care, being careful not to let you too much shy, failing miserably.
♡ But you told him with pure shyness that you liked it!
♥︎ I feel like he would squeeze you from so much cute he thinks you are. 😭
♡ Someday, he LITERALLY asked you if he could hug and squeeze you, he told you that you're too cute to him while he squeezes you.
♥︎ (Idk if this is smth that Len does and if this is OOC just ignore)
He loves looking at the lil cute things you have, like your little plushies, mainly them! He ask you if he can hug them! If you'd let him, he would be so happy!
♡ If you don't stop this guy, every day Toya will arrive at your home holding a bag full of plushies from the arcade, I have to say you, you don't have anymore space in your bedroom because of this. 😭
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Ding dong
Someone touch the bell at your home, you go over there to see who was. There was your boyfriend, holding a white bag with some "Puyo" stamps on it. You opened the door and shyly you greet Toya.
— Oh, hello my love! I was in the arcade... I look at the claw machine and I remembered of you, but I think I maybe exaggerated... — He says blushing, smiling and giving you the bag. You opened it and was full of plushies, one more cute than other! Your smile when you see the plushies warm Toya's heart, he gets even more flustered.
— T-thank you... I... I liked it — You say gently and with a shy face — Let's get in?
— Of course! — Toya takes your hand and holds it, he left a kiss on it.
You guys entered the house, you guiding Toya into your bedroom, you put your new plushies in the bed and you hugged one, Toya is blushed, you can figure out why, but he looks like wanting something.
— H-hey... Y/N... may I hug you? I... honestly... you... you're looking so cute... I'm sorry... maybe this sounds weird, but... just ignore this if you don't want to! — He says shyly, he's holding his arm with his hand. You, as shy as him, nod your head in agreement, then, Toya holds you really tight, almost in a squeeze.
You make a sound like a "ugh-" and he giggles gently at you, he takes you chin and look at your face gently. You get SO MUCH SHY... his smile is so lovingly, so passionate, like he's seeing the most beautiful think in this world.
By the way, Toya is being the kindest guy in this world, like always, you guys end up the night sleeping in each other's arms 😭
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petitelepus · 3 months
You technically know me 😼
But imma give you smth to work with :3
So i want a normal, human matchup??
I'm female, (can i say i'm bi i dunno??) 170 in height, kinda chunky but a lil muscly??
I have a permanent resting b face, short fuse, death stare EVERYBODY 😈
I'm nice to people that deserve it?? Like, if a stranger comes up to me and asks something or i ask someone for something i'm an angel but if somebody i know and don't like talks to me, i'm a bitch
I'm overall a bitch, but also a lil shy??
I like drawing, singing from time to time, i ADORE KITTIES AND WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR THEM.
With people i befriend i unlock my NAUGHTY ASS HUMOUR and overall cracked sense of humour.
(Just in case, we both know how i simp for Sanemi but you don't have to match me with him if that doesn't match me - yeah me big ass brain)
or give up in shame
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I match you with Sanemi Shinazugawa!
You and Sanemi both have resting bitch faces and may look unapproachable. In your case, it can be a defensive mechanism but in the Wind Hashira's case, he is a bastard who has no respect for anyone.
In the beginning, the two of you probably butt heads every single moment you two meet, infuriating and annoying each other so freaking much...! But you both secretly love how you can get under each other's skins. Not that either one of you will say it out loud!
Sanemi certainly does not deserve your kindness and he doesn't expect any from you.
It takes time and tons of hard work from you to earn his respect and even when you have it, he doesn't show it. He is as stubborn as a mule.
You aren't afraid of hard work and he admires that trait in you. He does not rely on luck and firmly believes that actions speak louder than words.
He secretly thinks you are cute, but you will never hear him say it out loud on purpose.
Instead, this bastard tells you how you have no place amongst the Demon Slayers and just like with his younger brother Genya, he tries to get you to quit also, but only because he is certain that is the only way he can keep you safe.
He has seen you acting all happy and buddy-buddy with other Hashiras and he knows it's none of his business who you spend time with, but it annoys him to see you smile so sweetly to someone you don't even know that well.
It takes time, so much time and work until he doesn't call you a bitch and instead uses your real name. When he does this, you can immediately tell something is different, and that he has changed his view of you.
You may be tempted to be an ass and tease him, but you know that Sanemi wouldn't say or do something if he didn't mean it. Maybe the two of you could get along? You are both willing to try, even if a little reluctant.
Old habits die hard so he may call you bitch now and then, but it's more affectionative than insulting. In the same way, you may call him a bastard, but there isn't the usual aggressive bite in your words. No, it's much sweeter now.
Sanemi starts to hang around you, but not necessarily in the same room as you. He might be secretly listening to you sing but if you catch him listening, he gets defensive and may unintentionally say something like, "I just came to check who was killing the cat here!"
It doesn't help that you usually have a stray cat or two following you around. You're like a damn cat magnet and they like you almost as much as you adore them.
Sanemi doesn't mind cats, but they seem to love him also for some reason. It's like he chases humans away but attracts cats?
It might take a close situation where you are almost killed before Sanemi comes clear and tells you that he likes you out loud. The fear of losing you would shed away all his protective walls and show the tender love he has inside.
After that, he would start dreaming of a peaceful life with you in a world where Demons don't exist anymore. Maybe have a kid or two if you want any or travel a little? Whatever it is, he wants to do it with you by his side until the day you both enter the next life.
I know you, my dear friend and I know how you love Sanemi, so I kept it a secret, but I totally think Sanemi is your match!
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
y/n would want to name it after her to honor her, saying she's the only good parent out of all four of their parents. Y/n would visit her grave after Hee proposes to her to let her know and thank her for raising such an amazing and wonderful man; visits her grave as well when she finds out she's pregnant even before telling Hee since she would have asked her for help on how to tell him if he was alive, and just telling her grave soothes her enough so she's ready to let Hee know.
Hoon would do that, and Hee would break down and like imagine if y/n was pregnant with a boy at the same time, and Hee just loses it and he can't keep the secret anymore and he lets it drop that he and y/n were gonna do the same thing with their son and name it after Hoon.
Their boys would be born like two weeks apart and I just imagine them both getting the Park genes and looking so alike, they would just run around pranking people pretending to be each other. Like Hee and y/n collect their kid from a birthday party at Hoon's house and they don't realize until they get home due to the little boy giggling in the backseat that Hee and Hoon's sons switched spots, and you brought Hoon's son home; meanwhile Hoon is none the wiser at his house since he still currently has like 20 kids waiting to be picked up, and had Hee not noticed the two would have gotten away with it too, at least until later that afternoon.
Hoon will be the PTA dad, like I just envision it, he's the president of the pta and talks Hee into being the vice president of the pta with him, all the mom's join the pta for them, the school has record numbers of pta involvement due to the president and vice president.
the way the first part made me cry so much because she really would do all of that and always tell heeseung how much of a mother she was to her as well so honoring her is the least she can do to show her gratitude and appreciation. every milestone they reach they'd spend at her grave just telling her about it and most of the time seung just can't get a word out so it's y/n doing the talking. right before he proprosed he went to visit her grave and "showed" her the ring (it's her own wedding bad incorporated in a new one) and he'd cry so much at the thought of her missing such important days but y/n always plans the visit to her grave in on their big days like the day of their wedding, the day they go home with the babies, graduation and so on.
AND YES. i think sunghoon would feel so honored because it'd just show him what he means to his two favorite people and how important he is to the point they'd name their child after him. heeyn decides to fo with the hoon part so they'd have a mini-hoonie running around at all times and it'd never fail to make sunghoon smile when he hears rhem call his nephew his nickname :(
AND PLS NOT THEM SWITCHING PLACES THATS JUST SO THEM 😭😭😭 like by the time the boys are five ning and yn know they gave birth to carbon copies of their husbands (personality wise, appearance wise they're all park genes) and it's the best thing ever bc they'd have the same exact dynamics as heehoon and every time their dads woukd do smth the boys would instantly copy it URGH IM CRYINGGGG🥺🥺🥺🩷
and oh my GOD YES MFLENFLENE😭😭 at one point people genuinely think heehoon run the parent teacher associations and they'd be super busy in their jobs yet always make time for pta meetings and events, inlove it sm your brain is such a sexy bundle of nerves
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𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖕 : ̗̀➛ @darthvada
I pair you with... *drumroll*
*ੈ✩‧₊˚𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓜𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓾!!!ੈ✩‧₊˚
Song to describe your relationship:
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Heart Attack (츄) by Chuu ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
ꕥ Bachira strikes me as the type of person who likes talking but also enjoys listening so he's the best of both worlds!
ꕥ His mother is a painter aka a very creative women and I see that quality reflected in Bachira. He might not plan the best dates but they sure are creative-
ꕥ Part of your type was a kind person who was willing to open up. Bachira has no problem expressing his emotions and as we see in the anime treats everyone kindly (unless given a reason not to)
ꕥ He loves and I mean LOVES when you attend his games. It makes him so happy that the person he loves is watching him and that's when he starts to do extra fancy stuff to impress you lol
ꕥ Goes to all, ALL of your performances. ALL! And if he can't make it then he gets really sad. (showing him a recording of the performance or sing for him and he'll feel better lol)
ꕥ You love music! He also loves music! He dragged you to a karaoke (w/ consent) he wanted to sing with you. You were singing your favorite song sounding like an * 🎀 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 🎀 *and Bachira was over on the side "singing" like 👹 👺😀 All that matters is that you guys had a lot of fun :D
ꕥ Because Bachira was essentially bullied as a kid, he's probably conscience of what he says and how it makes people feel. In the heat of the moment he may say something that sounds rude without malicious intent and he will pause for a moment and immediately apologize. He's very open minded so if you think something you do is weird, don't. He's probably weirder :)
ꕥ If someone oversteps a boundary and says something borderline rude he can peacefully hint at them not to be a bitc- I mean to be a kinder person 🥰
ꕥ See someone who bullied you in public? They try to say something other than an apology? He scared them away. You won't have to deal with them anymore. Would throw hands. You have to hold his hand or smth so he doesn't commit a felony.
ꕥ You're in theater so I'm assuming that you like musicals. I think Bachira knows a little bit of popular songs from Ride the Cyclone, probably watched Hamilton with his mom. Other than that he doesn't know a lot. He would love to learn more if you're willing to teach him and if you have a favorite musical he buys tickets for your anniversary!
ꕥ Your school doing a Romeo and Juliet? Asks if you want to be Juliet so that he can be Romeo. Or same thing with a different play.
ꕥ First time he went to see you perform he may or may not have brought a giant poster with your name on it and held it up when you were on stage. You may or may not have had to tell him not to bring signs anymore because he was blocking the audience's view.
ꕥ You like playing games? Bachira is a fortnight kid (this is cannon no one can change my mind-) even if he didn't play fortnight he learned the dances. Was obsessed with soccer so didn't play many as a kid but will learn how to play all of your favorite ones with you. Will stay up all night playing video games or board games just for you. <3 You guys build a house in Minecraft together. And he sets it on fire. It gets destroyed. Bye bye house 😔
"Bachira what did you do how did this happen?!"
"Hehehehehehehe...he...he...honestly idk."
Something like that would probably happen.
ꕥ If you and Bachira do a self care night together that would be so cute <3 If you guys do face masks with the cucumbers he eats all of the cucumbers and takes off the face mask too early 💀 If you have long hair or hair long enough to be braided he braids your hair. Does it look like a braid? No absolutely not but it's cute sooooo
ꕥ He enjoys receiving hugs from you and if he sees you in the hallways (or anywhere really) he'll run up to you and basically tackle you. If you're someone who is not a big fan of physical affection then you'll have to tell him because this man wants to hold your hand 24/7
ꕥ Definitely tried to teach you a little bit of soccer. He doesn't care if you're good or not he just wants to share the things he loves with the people he loves.
ꕥ He confessed first. He was nervous that you would reject him because he got bullied for being weird as a kid. Asked you teach him like two cords on the piano and he "sang a song about his feelings" to you on the piano. With two cords. Yippee!
ꕥ Wants to play among us with you to troll random people by saying they're sus and voting them out.
ꕥ He likes cuddles and enjoys listening to you sing
ꕥ Introduced you to his friends but don't pay too much attention to them or he will get jealous (I don't know how to word it without it sounding cringe 💀) Was really excited for you guys to meet each other especially his bff Isagi 🫶 You said you liked making friends Bachira does too. You guys can become like a social butterfly couple and meet a ton of new people. You said you get anxious too and Bachira is an easy going person so dw he will always be there to help.
ꕥ This bundle of sunshine is happy as long as your happy and loves listening to things you're passionate about
ꕥ Gave you a bunch of random nicknames based off of your name, things you like, things you remind him of, etc
ꕥ Your relationship is like the golden standard for couples because your and Bachira's energies complement each other so well
Note: First request yippee! I had a lot of fun writing this and at first it took me a moment to pair you with someone but then I thought about and it came to me *snap* ☆Bachira☆
If I got any information from your request wrong or you want something changed lmk and I'll fix it ASAP. Have a nice day!
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doodlegirl1998 · 8 months
Hi. I just got an idea for a gamer au. Not sure if you know but some fics play with the concept of game for Izu. "What if Izu has a quirk that allows him to see life as a literal game?"
My take: Izu has this quirk waken in him when he was 8 years old (bk is a PoS and calls him deku) now the difference here is how...the quirk does interact with Izu and people can see it. My main gripe with this trope is how ...no one ever touched how sus would for Izu to "obey" quirk that only talks to him and no one can see it.
So...in this au, the quirk has the form of a green bunny (of course!) And her first priority is to protect Izu and she acess the situation. Aldera is not the best place for him and Inko is not...a great parent.
She bestow Izu with a quirk, a beginer one. Izu can control the perception of light one see.
Everyone is jaw drop. Quirkless Izu is no longer quirkless! Then everyone move on. Bk continues to be a PoS (his issue is with Izu, not the fact he is QUIRKLESS)
Bunny level up with him saying Izu to open his others quirks needs more stats and time "but this one will do"
We see them bond ad Bunny is now the mom of Izu. Inko? She doesnt change much she is relieved her son has a quirk but never asks about the bruises he got.
Bunny second mission is to elevate Izu's self love. She even hears Izu's rambles on how to defeat BK. "Cold water will do" bunny is pleased.
Here the thing...foreshadow for Bunny being a lovecraftian THING. Smth even Dark Shadow is wary and cowering.
Izu's life changes...not bc he has a quirk but bc he has someone on his side.
Izu meets AM who is impressed at Izu (and confused at bk as why he is being so rude to Izu "he saved him...there's smth wrong here") and wants to give him ofa - bunny has talked about afo and how he is a joke among the gods, oh yeah in this the outer gods messed up humans 200 years ago and the results are quirks- and Izu declines. Bunny chews AM out and drops Nana's name.
AM is shocked.
Bunny:😒 do I look human to you?
Nana is also shocked. But curious. They all are curious.
UA invasion begins and Izu saves Aizawa from Shig...and starts to belittling him and Shig is not having it. "He saved you! Show some gratitude!" Bunny is scheming.
Aizawa is a PoS. Bk is not at ua but he tries to appeal, only Aizawa hears him. The staff hates him for that.
The mall date begins and...well, bunny is very pleased to see Shig did take him to a nice cafe while he is bitch talking about his boss and stain. See in this version Shig wants to kill afo and accepted the mission of invade ua bc he thought afo would share some potential weakness to him.
Izu:🤨my dude. Afo is a moron.
Shig:🙄tell me about it.
Is bunny plotting for Izu to take down afo? Maybe. She is a ride or die here. If Izu wants to conquer the world...she is on his side.
Bonus: people get a bit unnerved by bunny, especially if she just stare at you- is she seeing your soul? Your future? Your death?- but Shig is strangely cool with that.
Bunny is scheming.
Oh bonus 2
Ochako confessed to Izu - right the time he gets a big intership🤨- and tells how he is plain but she likes him anyway.
Izu...turns her down.
Izu:🤨you called me plain! I think you are plain too so maybe we shouldnt hang out
Izu left
(Not to insinuante Ocha is a gold digger but I cant really see her a love interest nor his friend anymore. Kudos for those who can)
Bunny is scheming! Izu is plotting too.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
I certainly don't remember seeing this trope done before for Izuku but it certainly sounds like an interesting concept. An Izuku that sees life as a game, very cool!
Also I love your green bunny guide for Izuku that even makes Dark Shadow wary. Ooo! Perhaps Izu and Tokoyami could have a close bond in this considering the other worldly nature of their quirks? I do like the explanation you gave for quirks in this AU too.
It's so sweet that Shig and Izu have a respect and fondness of each other in this version of events and that Aizawa gets called out and Bakugou never makes it into U.A lol.
I do like how in the Bonus 2 omake Izu shows respect for himself by calling out Ocha calling him plain but still asking him out. It's strange how Hori treated Ocha and Izu - she's meant to be his endgame love interest yet Hori gives their friendship hardly any focus, they don't spend time together much at all or are shown / referenced to speak to each other and has her do things like calling him "Deku" all the time and "plain" which undermine the ship.
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purpleandstarlight · 6 months
@hateweasel Another one!
-Me to my friend: Cameron and DaffyDuck should get together, at least then they'd stop annoying other people.
Me to my friend like 3 minutes later: ALOIS JUST READ MY MIND-
-End chapter 296: *totally wholesome cielois moment*
Dan, beginning of chapter 297: I bet they're fucking right now.
It was hilarious to me back then that he just randomly thought of this while trying to sleep but it's even funnier to me now when I remember that later on in the story Alois confirms to DaffyDuck that they were, indeed, fucking. Does Dan have a radar or smth???)
-Me: Sometimes the author reminds us that all of the 7 but Alois and Ciel are mortals and they can and will die at some point and Alois and Ciel will just have to move on without them. Wich...It makes me sad every time. I don't want these reminders-
-Me, talking about that one demon girl I could never stand (the one Audrey and then a train killed): So this demon tried to get with Ciel...wich- she obviously had no chance, because she wasn't blonde...
-Speaking of, remember when she tried to get with Ciel saying crap that sums up in "[Alois] is traumatized so he's obviously not someone you could/should love"? You probably don't, but I usually do. It always makes me extremely angry lmao
-Speaking of me being angry - remember those girls saying "Oh but boys can't be [I won't say it but you get it]"? I was also about to throw hands at that.
-So a chapter was named "La storia della demone famiglia" and I was confused for a second because I thought it was a bad Italian translation of the page (Sometimes Google translates sites randomly and you gotta set it back to the original lenguage manually) but then I saw only the chapter title wasn't in english and just moved on. I guess it was a more "ancient/classy" way of saying "of the demon family" that i dont know of ? Since the most usual way of saying it would normally be "della famiglia demone"
-Me at some point about Daniel (im genuinely using copy-paste on this): Can't believe I actually thought this man was straight
-I genuinely was really scared since Bailey said he wouldn't be working in the police anymore that the person in his place would be some corrupted jerk, but then I arrived a lot of chapters later to him saying the person taking his place was his son so I calmed down. Fact is - as someone who is a lot further than that now, I actually dont really like Bailery Junior? He's not corrupted, but I wasn't too fond of him and then I disliked how he treated Alois? Sorry he lost his hand though. Hope his father's not too angry at Alois. IS Gabriel angry at Alois?? Or does he understand the situation they were in?
-Fun fact: for a long time, I only called Integra "Hellsing" because I couldn't really remember her name? Then finally i realized it would be more comfortable to call her differently than the organization to my friend. So I just started...I think around when Ciel starts calling her that as well? Lol
-DLTD: Warwick Academy; Yes, I'm sure you're more than well aware by now about this fine school by now.
Me, literally at chapter 319: You don't say?
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fischlslays · 1 year
Update on the Raelya Raasini situation..!
Lmao, as yall know from the last post, she was stalking me and some creepy shit. My friend @hunterxhunterisbest contacted her and guess what? She denied that she talked about me💀 bro its so obvious, and you acting stupid is actually driving me nuts💀
Like bro even took the "I always knew Mona mains can get along with Fischl mains." From my blog and said, "I wasn't talking about her, but the first one."
AND, she stalked my account long enough to know that I put her in my DNI list, here is the conversation between her and my friend. I'm rlly srry for y'all's eyes💀
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And btw, again, calling me a "bish" did nothing at all.
How you felt after calling me a "bish":🥰😍💋💅🔥
Bro pls use something else, you called me a bitch 4 times in row now, be creative. And we both know that you still have access to your goddamn account💀
Esther (my friend) had to go through hell and meet Satan to get this ugly ass mf to text back💀💀
"TELL ME" 💀💀 I don't have to say anything, do I? "I blocked her too! How-" that's even worse bro💀 and yall better be grateful for yalls ass😭 I'm rlly sorry Esther.
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"But she doesn't know one small detail" "I'm still there" bro watched a lil too much of Batman💀 its insulting to compare him to some random ugly ass mf on tumblr💀 even Esther herself said: "why is she acting so cringy? Is she going to tell me a government secret?😭"
Bro stalked for too long to see my DNI list💀💀 and yea, Esther hates you and thinks you the cringiest person to ever step a foot on this Earth. And no she ain't neutral💀
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Yes, you are the creepiest person I've ever talked to💀 and you still deny it. See? That mf admitted that she was stalking me, lmao, tbh, you though you actually changed smth💀 I already knew that you are a creepy stalker, I didn't need you to inform me, but thank anyway.
"She put me in her DNI list."
"And you still interacted?"
"Yes, because I'm not Raeyla"
"Have you lost it?"
Lmao this part got me laughing😭😭
I know you are not Raeyla, but didn't want to expose you to your sweet friends and virtual family, nor your dear followers💀, "Raasini". Tbh, I'm glad that is not your name, because it would be such a waste of a pretty name on a shitty person💀
"I called her friend a loser bc she is"
💀 mf don't get Leisel into this. You actually thought you did smth?💀💀 bro go cry yourself to sleep or smth, it would've been better for all of us💀 and for the third time, Leisel ain't a loser, and again, you clearly didn't see your self💀do us a favour and never show your fac again, and leave your blog, no one is going to miss you anyway💀 if you lied about your name, why would your followers trust you again?💀 Next time Raasini tries to act cool, remember that she likes Hisoka (a pedophile from hunter x hunter), Oliver Tree(search what he did to Melanie), and The Manni Show (master of slurs).💀
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"Idk hes hot" 💀💀 go get your eyes checked. Is this what you call hot?
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Raasini is this your man?💀💀 I don't blame you, you get attracted to shit cuz u are, rlly. U guys deserve eachother.💀
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Again, I'm rlly sorry Esther, and I sorry for everyone who's reading this except that mf, I bet she cringed too💀
"Peace✌" Bitch shut up💀 bro tried so hard to be Drake💀💀 NOT THE "..."💀
hoW dAre yOU! 💀 I swear no one cares, and I feel so bad for Esther. And btw Esther, you ate. And I agree with every single word you said.
And since that mf said that she just said what I did to her, I'm done, that's it, if you are playing that game, I'll do so too💀
Oh, by the way, remember the time you faked living in Ohio? And the time you were hard-core simping over Kaeya and Scaramouche and called them daddies but then you call me and Leisel losers for liking Fischl and Mona?💀 Or the time you acted all cringy by stuttering through text even though you weren't not Role-playing? Or the time you used the "..." so damn much that I gave my phone the nastiest side eye ever? And the time you acted all emo?💀 bro I have too much things, but I too lazy to list them all, and i don't want my followers to cringe💀
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Here is my gift for you <3 tbh, I glad not the only who thinks that💀 and Raasini, your grammar and spelling books are crying in the corner💀 victim rizz fr. and when I saw the screenshots that Esther sent me, you wrote "bulliying"💀 I didn't know ppl could fuck up the word Bullying. Bro, are you even 17?💀💀
And thx @sulli1361 for your advice, I blocked her, let's hope that mf doesn't make another account to stalk me again💀 because I'm so done with her.
Thx @notafan77 for your prayerz
And thx for @urbestgirlever and @hunterxhunterisbest for keeping up with her
And did you actually put an Oliver Tree quote on your post that was supposed to "expose" me?💀 I hope you are truly embarrassed, because if I was you I'd never show my face ever again. Not for the next 15 years at least.
And if yall want me to posy the screenshots, just tell me, I don't mind, that bitch asked for it.
"Peace out✌" this is going to haunt Mr down forever. Thx Raasini, I'm Traumatised, and so are my followers.
Tags (sry for yalls eyes): @foreveryoung @toxiccluvvv @breaking-panic @disa-ster @whatskillingthekids @vernadettachiara @sillyreadergal-blog @bleakqblake @shinobusupremecy @shinobuscanonwife @shinobu @shinobu-blogging-blog @slutsssphobia @sluttsxphobia @ask-the-insect-hashira @anime-fan- @astrox @simpinxdisrespectfully @pr3tty @notafan77 @piercingmylove @honeydazai @hunterxhunterisbest @hopperowo @toastdee66 @ask-chachamaru-kny @sulli1361 @ask-thekny @orangepegacorn-blog @booplsnoot @ilynaru @ilynes @sarahwinchester97 @mistymuichiro @mistymuichirou @reawakened-goddess @seaacutie42 @limeiscool @limebreaker @urbestgirlever @popcorn-and-other-fun-stuff @hottestcelebrities @horrorchicxoxo @delmissesryan @tomioka-pudding
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