#i have many feelings on this subject and i expect Jade would too
jadeclaymoresworld · 3 months
Random midnight thought on how Jade must be really conflicted over being a knight.
On the one hand, she's been in training for as long as she could remember, and Ballentine believed in her, so if she decided not to be a knight would that tarnish his memory and everything he did for her?
On the other hand, she was stolen from her people, from her sister, to become a knight now would be in the face of her heritage. Would Scorpia understand or would she lose her sister for a second time?
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cannedpickledpeaches · 2 months
Insert Your Name (5)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Overthinker reader having a conversation with Mr. "Just Trust Me" Jade Leech. This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
Tags: @guava-writes @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe
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“Would you like some tea?”
Jade offers you a cup of something that smells like lavender. You shake your head.
“I’m okay.” You turn your attention back to your screen. He sets the cup and saucer next to you anyway. “Who knows, maybe you’ve put a suspicious substance in it.”
“Is it so hard to believe that I can do something out of the kindness of my heart?”
You chuckle and shake your head. “You? Absolutely not. Give an inch and you take a mile.”
There’s a beat where he doesn’t reply. You look up at him, wondering if you’ve said something strange, but his back is turned as he walks to his seat. When he turns back around to settle in his chair, his expression stills like a frozen pond. Perfectly crafted, carefully unreadable.
A few hours have passed since his phone call. You’ve decided to work in Jade’s office today, thinking that you might get a clue or a burst of inspiration if one of the subjects of your thoughts is in close proximity. He doesn’t seem to mind. If anything, his quiet hums and constant catering to your needs indicates that he’s rather pleased. Aside from the cup of tea releasing a wispy veil of steam, there’s also a plate of cookies and a bowl of cherries on his desk beside you.
“A penny for your thoughts?”
You close your laptop and sigh. There are too many to count, all swirling in your head without rest.
“Still thinking about what you told me this morning.” You don’t want to address the bigger issue—that (Y/N) apparently forgot who you are—so you start small. “I didn’t expect you to actually fall asleep.”
“Neither did I.” Jade frowns in thought. “I imagine it is a result of too few hours of sleep throughout the week.”
“Even so, you said it yourself. You can’t sleep around strangers.” You drum your fingers on the desk. “Maybe you actually do feel at ease around her.”
“That is not the case.” His voice carries certainty that surprises you. When you glance at him, you notice that his mouth is set in a firm line. “I was quite unsettled when I woke up.”
“Huh.” You can imagine it. His shock at his lapse in vigilance. But even so, no matter how tired he is, he has never made this sort of blunder before. “I guess there’s a first for everything.”
A shadow passes over his face. He stands next to your chair and leans over you. His eyes stare straight into yours—piercing mismatched eyes with an almost magnetic pull.
“I will ask you the same question as last night. Do you really believe that manuscript is a reflection of things that will certainly come to pass?”
Your heart jumps. Is he using Shock the Heart? But a few seconds pass, and no words leave your lips. This is not his Signature Spell. This is Jade Leech asking you a sincere, serious question. Besides, you have no reason to lie.
“Like I said, I don’t know—”
“Then don’t talk and act as though it is.” Is that frustration in his voice? He maintains eye contact with you, and you feel as though you can’t look away. “I, for one, think a predetermined future is horribly boring. My actions dictated for me, every event predictable . . . . I would sooner abandon it all and throw caution to the wind. The only reason why I am following the manuscript is because it outlines a way to restore my parents’ health.”
His sentence ends on half a breath, as though he originally intended to say more. He doesn’t. You wait, but nothing comes out.
He kneels beside your chair, no longer towering over you or crowding your space. When he speaks again, he is quiet. But in the silence of his office, you hear it clear as day.
“And because that is what you want.”
Many history textbooks praise the Sea Witch for her spells and potions. One of the most famous ones took away a mermaid’s voice. You wonder if this is what that mermaid felt like. A storm of thoughts, but none able to be processed by your vocal chords. Parted lips that leak no sounds. You stare, nonplussed.
Eventually, you manage to let out a breathy, barely-heard whisper.
His Adam’s apple bobs. “That is the truth. If that is what you wish for, then I will do my best to live up to your expectations. I know your good friend (Y/N)’s life is difficult. I know you think that by following this manuscript, everyone will be happy, because that is what it says will happen.”
You continue staring. The words seem to pass through you. It’s as though you are sitting in a dream, your surroundings wavering and surreal. What is he saying?
“The truth is that I could simply care less about (Y/N). She is at most an acquaintance. The reason why I give her special treatment is because I know she is precious to you.” He keeps rambling. You get the sense that he has been keeping quiet about this for a while. “As for the matter concerning my parents. If we follow the story, there is still no guarantee that they will be cured. Even you said you do not know if the manuscript’s plot will certainly come to pass. If Vil Schoenheit refuses to help my family, we will think of another way. He is not the only alchemist or curse expert in the world.
“I will follow what you want. But do not ask me to fall in love with (Y/N). That is the one thing I cannot do.”
“Why?” Your brain feels like porridge. Nothing seems to be getting through it. You cannot reason out a single thing. Isn’t (Y/N) created to be loved? Aren’t they written to fit like a glove on each other’s fingers? You’ve read the story. There doesn’t seem to be a particular reason why the Jade in the story obsesses over her aside from spending time together. It doesn’t actually matter. It’s the author’s will that their love is written in the stars—and the pages of that damn manuscript. It’s the point of the entire plot. “Is there something you don’t like about her?”
“Do I need a reason for failing to fall in love?”
Your mind blanks. Does he need a reason? He has a similar line in the manuscript. Do I need a reason for falling in love? If you think about it, isn’t it the same? No matter how you try and reason out the answer, love is not a puzzle with a logical answer. There is no formula, no recipe, no surefire step-by-step manual that you can follow to ensure success. Sometimes a spark causes a flame, and sometimes it sizzles out and dies. There is nobody to blame for either outcome.
You can’t wrap your mind around it. Why. Why. Why. Your brain, constantly overflowing with thoughts, cannot leave this topic to rest. A puzzle without an answer leaves you feeling antsy. Not knowing everything is a sin to your conscience.
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“That is how love tends to be.”
An unsatisfactory answer. You dig your nails into your palm.
“Then answer me this. Why do you follow what I want? Is it because I’m interesting? No, that’s not right. You just said following a pre-written script is boring, and that’s exactly what I told you to do. I don’t understand.”
“The script is boring. You are anything but.”
“Me? What have I done?”
He smiles, then, one wholly different from his polite masks or his teasing grins or even his unhinged laughter. It’s an expression you associate with the times he talks about his interests. The expression that blankets and scatters across his countenance like orange rays of the setting sun over ocean waves. A quiet and calm beauty. A fondness that he rarely allows to be seen.
“Did you know that when you have much on your mind, you look up to the sky? That is why you prefer rooms with windows. The attic in my home that you love so dearly is one such room, and you spend all your time there nestled on the window seat. On that topic, you prefer small spaces because it helps you feel secure while you think. This is because you tend to zone out, and it is easier to defend yourself when no threats can appear behind you.”
“Uh, this is more like a behavioural report than a reason.”
“I do adore observing your behaviour. Particularly when you are lost in thought. I find myself wondering what you’re thinking about. If you’ll share them with me. But oftentimes, you do not trust me enough to do so.”
You swallow hard. “It’s hard to.”
“Why is that? I’ve known you for fifteen years. Floyd has known you for just as long, Azul a little less. (Y/N) has only known you for one year. So why can’t you trust me?”
You fiddle with your fingers, no longer capable of meeting his gaze. This kind of outburst is not something you expected from Jade. How long has he been thinking this way?
“I can’t tell what’s going on in your head. That’s why. Everything you say or do just gives me more to think about. If you’re being genuine or not, if you’ll suddenly decide to turn on me, things like that.”
Hurt flashes in his eyes. His smile shifts from fond to rueful and raw desperation permeates his shaky voice. It sounds brittle, as though a well-aimed push would shatter it into infinitesimal pieces.
“Is it so inconceivable that I could do things for you without ulterior motives?”
You look away. “Only until it no longer serves your interests or amuses you. Even if I can’t trust you fully, I’m sure there’s at least some level of it between us. I mean, we see each other regularly. I even let you drive me home.”
“Yes, but I am afraid I am a greedy man. Anyone else turning their back on me would be tolerable, but you—if it’s you . . . . At least promise me this. Even if I turn on the entire world,” he declares quietly, “promise you will trust that I will not betray you.”
You open your mouth as though to reply. Nothing comes out. You try again, your fingers gripping your knees tightly.
“I think we’re too similar. We’re both too cautious. We both think too much. Because of that, I can’t let my guard down around you.”
“Yet that is exactly what fascinates me.” He places a hand over yours. “Trying to decipher your thoughts, wondering about the motivations behind your actions, these are all things I find myself enthralled by. Your brutality and decisiveness towards that which would benefit you, but your willingness to do anything for the people dear to you. Your cautious nature as you execute your bold plans. Every time I think I have you pinned down, I only unearth another layer. The mystery intrigues me. On the other hand, I cannot help but wish you would trust and open up to me a little more.”
“That’s contradictory.”
“I cannot help it.” He smiles wryly. “I am contradictory by nature, as are you.”
You study his hand that engulfs yours. Cool to the touch. Ungloved, too. You muster your resolve.
“Then promise you won’t lie to me.” You finally lift your gaze until it returns to his eyes. Clear eyes that have been by your side for years. The eyes of a liar and schemer. Ironic for the one who wields a Signature Spell that forces out the truth. But these are the eyes of Jade Leech, and you won’t try to make him be someone he isn’t. “Lie to everyone else, I don’t care. But don’t lie to me. You can try to trick me or give me half-truths. I’ll figure them out on my own. If I still get fooled, that’s on me. Just don’t outright lie.”
The pounding of your heart fills your ears. Then, it is replaced by the sound of his quiet laughter.
“I expected nothing less from you.” He brings your hand up to touch his cheek. It only lasts a moment before he lets go and stands back up, returning to his seat. “I give you my word. I will never lie to you again.”
You look at the teacup on the desk, the lavender tea inside now cooled. The untouched cookies and cherries. A soft clink rings out as you take the teacup and bring it to your lips. Sweet and fragrant. Even cold, the tea Jade brews is impeccable.
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cursedcola · 2 years
A/N: Hi Everyone! An anon put in a request for this but Tumblr was a butt with formatting and deleted the origional post that I had it on. Anon, if you’re reading this then I'm super sorry. I hope you find this post. 
This is going to have 2 parts.
Synopsis: They say something hurtful to their s/o and make them cry. Characters: Ace Trapolla, Jade Leech, Leona Kingscholar, and Ridde Rosehearts Warnings: None Part (1/2)
Read the second half: here
Ace Trappola
"Y'know, I thought Grimm was the slacker all this time but maybe I was wrong? Don 'cha think, Deuce?" he laughed, ruffling your hair in an affectionate manner.
His laughter continued until he realized that he was the only one.  You were uncharacteristically still, and Deuce too stunned to speak. The only give away being the instantaneous shift in the room's atmosphere.
"Guys?...Hello?" Ace arched a brow in confusion, stilling his hand that remains on your head.
In his defense, Ace never thought you to be sensitive or someone to overthink. Before he was your boyfriend, you both were best friends. Playful mocking and quips were natural.
Dating didn't stop the way you both would banter either. In fact, he would agree that the teasing has definetly gotten worse. You have a knack for making quick comebacks and that makes it easy for one joke to turn into an entire comedy act.
It's Ace's favorite thing about your dynamic and he feels comfortable enough to say whatever he wants now. Everything is natural. You compliment each other.
"Dude...that's harsh coming from you of all people," Deuce's momentary shock is overcome by anger, and he shove's Ace's arm off of your head. Ace lets him but not without a surprised curse escaping his lips.
He's confused and nearly bites back when a meek voice beats him to it.
'Why would you say that? You know how hard I studied for this test. You know that this is my worst subject,' your voice meets his ears, and all anger at Deuce fades away. You're still standing as he left you, with hair unkept and in your face from his recent attack.
Ace's eyes first note your fists clenched at your sides, then to your shoulders hiked up to your ears. Your body trembles slightly, and that's when he finds the water droplets pooling at your chin.
Ace never thought you would be a silent crier, like a child holding back tears after being denied a toy at the store. He always imagined you to be loud, and needy, and demanding, and just like him. He wouldn't cry if someone commented on his grades, so he expects the same from you.
His complimentary piece
Why? Why are you crying? It's not a big deal, just laugh it off.
Why is Deuce comforting you while he sits here like an idiot. That's his job, he knows you best.
"You know I didn't mean it like that! C'mon (Y/N), I was only messing around,"  he reaches for you again in an attempt to brush the situation off.  
Deuce shouts his name in anger yet it's muffled in Ace's ears. He watches you deflate further in Deuce's hold, before pushing the boy off and bolting towards the nearest door.
Ace...he fucked up
How many times has this happened without him realizing it? Where he's said something that hurt you, brushed it off, and left you to deal with it on your own
Maybe you weren't as similar as he thought
Jade Leech
Jade knows mixing buisness with personal affairs quickly leads to no good. Azul understands this as well.
As a result, all official affairs involving Ramshackle's prefect were to be sorted out by either Floyd or Azul himself. Ever since he became the prefect's partner, Jade was not to be involved in any dealings, contracts, negotiations, or...more 'unique' matters. He is only allowed if their safety was in question or the issue is purely personal.
"Bring all matters to me immediately. Do not engage without my consent, are we clear Jade?" Azul said to him the day your relationship became public.
Not because he doubted Jade. No, Azul trusted his judgement.
This rule was set to protect his relationship. To protect you
Jade is aware that many do not like him; the silent killer with the aura of a true gentleman. His hands are stained black while his brother's are red. At first their prey's focus is on Floyd, deeming him the bigger threat.
They always learn how wrong they are.
Jade does not hide this side of himself from you. If you ask, then he'll respond in kind. He simply does not bring the topic up himself. Some call this lying through omission, he calls it keeping you safe.
The three merfolk will not allow their past or buisness to mess with Jade's newfound happiness. Anything involving their 'buisness,' will be handled as a group, with Jade ensuring you are not involved whatsoever.
This agreement worked for the most part. Especially since Azul stopped doing unsavory acts in the name of contracts.
There was merely 'cleanup' duty. On occasion a student seeking revenge for being duped appeared, and the Leech twins would handle it swiftly. There was never a trick they didn't predict, or a plan they couldn't thwart.
Until one vengeful soul decided to come after you. The unbreakable trio's "weak-point"
Floyd was the first to notice the target on your back, considering he normally clung to your side during the school day. Bad luck seemed to be your new shtick, with many "accidents" happening suspiciously often. Mislabeled chemicals at your alchemy station, a crack in the leg of your desk-chair, spoiled vegetables in your dinner...
Needless to say, someone was out to get you. You were no fool and connected the dots quickly. At first, you believed someone was targeting you for being a non-mage. Yet before you could ask for help, the Leech twins became your shadow.
During they day both boys would be at your hip, and at night Floyd would disappear for "overtime," yet refused all your offers to help at the monster lounge. No, you were to stay with Jade and be a 'good little shrimpy' until Floyd came back.
'Jade...is something wrong? I love all the attention you've been giving me lately, but don't you have work too?' you asked after the third night, wanting an explanation.
Jade expected this. He offered his trademark smile, vague reassurances, and quickly changed the topic while beginning to walk you home. Every time you made an attempt to discuss the issue he would somehow avoid it.
'Jade, knock it off. You know something about all the weird things happening and I want an explanation. Now.' you said authoritatively, digging your heels into the ground and refusing to move until he explained himself.
Between your accusatory tone, persistent behavior, and how long it was taking to find the halfwit coward messing with his personal affairs- he snapped.
"Explain myself? Why should I explain when you can offer no help. Is it so troublesome to remain quiet for two minutes? Why must you insist on making my work more difficult?"  
He spoke with his characteristic smile, eyes closed, and hand drawn to his breast. The smile he gives his patrons, meant to strike fear in their hearts.
"Work? I'm work to you? Is all this just work for you?," you began, eyes welling with tears, "You're so focused about upholding those stupid contracts, well what about ours?! If you're not going to be honest -treating me like some chore- then forget it. Forget it all,"
You barrel past him and into your dorm. On the outside, Jade remains like a statue in front of your dormitory. He did not intend to come off uncaring, but wanted for you to quit prying. If only until you were safe and Floyd found the culprit.
Anger fills him, and he decides to leave you alone to calm down. For now, he trusts the cat will comfort you in his place and that the lurking fae will watch over the dorm.
Disregarding what just happened for the moment, he plans to find the clod responsible for this mess. Burn all his anger, make sure everyone knows who's protection you are under. Then he'll get you to forgive him, somehow.
Leona KingScholar
In Leona's defense, you were not part of the origional conversation. You merely walked in at the wrong time, taking his words out of context
On the other hand, he didn't even try to explain himself when given the chance. You stood there. You waited. You prompted him to continue or at least explain the circumstances of the conversation
"You don't mean that, right?" quiet. Waiting in the doorway, still clutching the knob with one foot in the room. You wanted to run, yet still remained to hear him out.
Yet he let his pride take over, his need to be seen as a superior by his dormmates. He couldn't let them see how much of a lovesick fool he actually was.
It's no secret that Leona acts like a spoiled princeling. He skips classes, talks like he owns every room he walks in, commands his classmates like henchmen, actually has one as a servant, complains 24/7--the list goes on
Yet, he keeps his  position as leader because of his strength. He is strong-willed, intelligent, and will beat the crap out of anyone who challenges his authority. No one commands him.
At least, until you showed up. Now the head honcho has a partner and is 'going soft,'. His underclassmen have the gull to say that he's losing his edge. The fact they would even say this to his face shows how much respect Leona has lost from the rumor
What did you want him to do? He had to defend his position
"Are you kidding? I get a new toy and suddenly you're all bent. Let's get something straight, I don't need (Y/N) and will do whatever the hell I want, when I want. Wag your tongues some more and we'll see if you can make a single syllable after I'm through"
And that's when you walked in. He called you a toy. He said he didn't need you in his life. He basically through your relationship under the bus.
Yet he couldn't take it back. He held his ground, arms crossed with a silent stare of indifference. He couldn't do it with his underclassmen watching. He stayed firm, hoping to explain later despite how troublesome it would be to have you angry at him. Yet he's certain that you'll understand...
"If you don't need me. If it's all a game...then I'll go. I'm sorry for wasting your time, Leona"
You closed the door with a loud bang. Leona felt his breathing halt as all his underclassmen stared at him in shock.
Your tears. The strong scent of salt. He didn't-
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle was accustomed to attention. Ever since childhood he has consistently remained in the spotlight. He's given speeches, proposed toasts, had hundreds of eyes on him at once. Never has he faltered under their gazes. He's thrived, always having a way to turn the odds in his favor.
"No," one word.
One word destroyed everything. A simple, curt response in between bites of cake.
One response, to a question he barely heard over the pounding of his own heart.
One second, for your light to crumble. For the table to fall silent.
It was the last unbirthday of the schoolyear. Summer break begins tomorrow, and as everyone else heads home you would remain on campus with the headmaster.
The table was alive with conversation, everyone discussing what they'll do during the break. You mentioned working with Headmaster Crowley to find a way home, and suddenly the conversation took a twist. Questions about your homeland, thoughts on what you'll do after returning, and promises to visit.
Riddle lost himself. Since becoming his partner, Riddle had convinced himself that you wanted to stay in Twisted Wonderland. He thought you loved him. He thought you wanted to stay with him.
He tuned out when you began to ramble about your world, missing bits and pieces of the conversation around him. Giving automated nods and     responses.
Then you were looking at him, beaming brighter than he's ever seen. You're rambling, waving your arms animatedly in excitement, you're asking him-what are you asking him? He misses half of it but-
"--right Riddle? You agree, right?” You’re looking at him expectantly, and he panics. 
He denies to be safe, not knowing what he would be agreeing to.
It’s then that the table falls silent, and all in attendance look surprised. Even Trey appears disapproving. 
'What?' he faintly hears your voice crack, reaching over the table to grasp his hand. His eyes widen in a panic and pulls away unthinking. 
A mistake, as you fall more sullen in response. As if he confirmed whatever he denied to be true. 
Tears gather at the corners of your eyes, and Riddle feels his stomach fill with dread as you move to stand. 
“Oh-oh, I’m sorry. Uhm...I guess I misunderstood,” You fold your napkin, gather your things, and sniffle. Yet before leaving, you offer a reassuring grin. One that confuses Riddle further, “I mean- that’s fine. No need to feel bad or anything, okay? I should have asked first before springing that on you. I just...yeah. I’ll see you guys next year if the portal isn’t up, yeah?”
And with that, you’re gone. Grimm follows close behind but not before sneering Riddle’s way. The man in question still sits frozen, unable to comprehend what just occurred or how to proceed. How can he fix a problem he has no idea about? 
“Dorm-Head...normally when I call you heartless it’s a joke, but that? That was cruel, even for you,” 
Panic creeps up in his chest again, considering Ace of all people spoke and yet no one was denying him. He looks to Trey, and in that moment it clicks for the vice-leader what happened 
“Riddle, you denied loving them. In front of everyone. They asked if you wanted them to stay and you said ‘no’”  
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daily-rayless · 7 months
Late but I'm gonna be MAXIMUM PREDICTABLE and ask about Van for the character meme.
Honestly, it's never late, not when it comes to talking about characters.
Van it is!
Favorite thing about him:
When I first played Abyss in 2008, I liked Van well enough as an antagonist but didn't pay him much attention. But as time's gone by and I've played more and more JRPGs, I've come to appreciate what a well-written villain he actually is, particularly in that he's so connected to so many of the party members. That adds a lot of emotional weight to the larger conflict about the Score, which, on its own, would feel pretty abstract and unrelatable. Having Van be Luke's and Asch's teacher, Guy's childhood friend, Anise's and Ion's colleague, Tear's brother, and a combined researcher/test subject in the field of science Jade developed and now hates, makes everything feel very personal. I feel like a lot of games don't try that hard when it comes to establishing emotional, personal stakes with the main villain, so I think that has to be my favorite thing about him. Runners up would be the piercing long-lashed blue eyes, just as a pretty design choice and to serve as an immediate visual link with Tear. And also the name -- there's a real art to creating made-up fantasy names, and sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't, but the cadence of Vandesdelca Musto Fende sounds very believable to me. I think it's...trochaic tetrameter? Is that right? You could slip it anywhere into "The Song of Hiawatha" and no one would notice.
Least favorite thing about him?
This is going to sound silly, seeing as we are talking about a villain, but calling Luke a "foolish replica" is so... come on, Van. It's so mean and small-spirited. Van is a person who's able to respect his enemies (like the elderly engineers) and those who dissent from him (Asch and Ion). He reserves his scorn for people he deems weak, like Spinoza. So I guess it makes sense that he scorns Luke, because Luke is pretty weak at that point. But who helped make him that way? I see you, Van, at the start of the game, just smiling and nodding at the things Luke says. Van didn't try to make Luke strong because it wouldn't serve him for Luke to be strong, and then he denigrates Luke for it. (Granted, more people than just Van, including Guy and Natalia, were also feeding into Luke's immaturity.) Van creating Luke just to kill him? Real bad. Van creating Luke just to kill him and then calling him a really mean name? Real bad and petty, and, given Van's behavior throughout the game, I expect more from him. Though I do see how it serves the narrative, as it's such a contrast to the end of the game, where Van would be glad to have Luke assist him.
Favorite line?
I will always come back to the optional Natalia fight and Van telling her "I will bury you as an offering to Asch." I feel like there's a lot to unpack in that line -- it's the first, only time we see Van display such strong emotion towards Natalia, someone he's presumably known for years. He clearly says it to hurt her. It's arguable how he means it on the Asch side -- would he make her "an offering" to spit on Asch's legacy, or would he do it as some twisted form of respect? But there's another (similar) line on the main story I really like too, right towards the end of the game where Van's body has been restored and the final fonstone has been read. Then Van turn to the party: "Step across the sea of corpses and make your way to me...Asch...and Luke." First off, we have Van acknowledging Luke as a viable player in what's about to happen. Secondly, I think it's interesting that Van sets himself up in a passive role -- he's the endpoint of the quest, he's the reward waiting around for someone else to get to him. You could say he's set himself up as a final test, as a teacher would. Thirdly, he's acknowledging it's going to be a bloodbath and he's fine with that, it just makes it a good villain moment. And fourthly, the drama of "sea of corpses". You can see why Dist likes Van, he has a good dramatic flair, not overblown, but there enough to keep things fun.
Probably canonically, the closest thing he has is Guy. But I feel like, given how their lives have diverged and how little time they spend together (along with the six-year age-grap, and Van probably being absent for most of Guy's most important developmental years), Van and Guy feel more like relatives than friends. Relatives in that they care about each other, they're always going to be in each others' lives. But they don't keep up too much on each others' day to day lives and interests. (Otherwise, how could Van have hidden his plans so perfectly from Guy?) And I think Asch wants that kind of closeness with Van, and possibly for a time deludes himself into thinking they have it, but I think there's too much deception and manipulation coming from Van's side to allow me to think of them as bros. I could imagine a younger Van, before he became commandant, becoming friends with another Oracle knight, maybe another man, maybe not. And this friend is on the outside of Van's plans, so Van doesn't have to exert any manipulation, and they get to be normal together, not literally planning the total upheaval of the world. I could imagine an arc where Van got close to this person, only to reach a point where he asked himself, "But what does it matter? [Friend] will have to die -- I need to get some distance." Or maybe, "If [Friend] knew the truth of what I'm doing, this would end anyway." Or maybe the youthful Van tried to recruit this person, his first God-General, and was rejected? Just adding to his bitterness. But yeah -- among the canon characters, I'm not sure Van's in a position where he can have that close, equal friendship. He cannot achieve bro-ness.
I don't have a Van OTP. I think I've always felt he's way too focused on other things for love. I think my assumption would be that during the game, he's not romantically involved, and if he's sexually involved with someone, it's either very casual or strictly business. But if I were to pick a shipmate... I mean, Largo does make a lot of sense. Van seems to trust Largo, which implies respect, and Largo makes his own respect and admiration very clear -- I think, in fact, Largo is surprisingly dependent on Van for his sense of identity (being Largo rather than Badaq) and for any feeling of having meaning in his life after the destruction of his family. I suppose Van and Guy could also be an interesting angle of approach due to their shared history, and the way Guy parallels Van in his own relationship with Luke. And then Van and Jade also operate as foils. As for the women in the cast, none of them immediately suggests herself. I think he and Cantabile have some animosity in their past. Maybe there was something there?
Ah, you noticed a glaring omission in my last answer? Yeah. For some reason, VanLegretta has always put me off. I don't have any moral opposition to it, and I don't really have a reason rooted in the story or characters for why it bothers me. I don't question anyone else for liking it, I'll happily read fic that includes it, and I don't even dislike it that much. But, for as long as I've been playing Abyss, the pairing mildly but consistently irks me. It may be that having the main female antagonist be romantically involved with the main male antagonist is an overused trope in JRPGS -- I can think of Antenora in Wild Arms 2, Violetta in Grandia 3, (possibly) Sarah in Suikoden 3 just off the top of my head -- so does it just feel too tropey to me? But most of my favorite ships are extremely tropey, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I don't know. It doesn't work for me, though Legretta being in love with him against her will is at least an interesting element.
Random headcanon:
I don't think I have any? I like to imagine him being the one to give Tear their mother's pendant. As morally dark as Van is, I like that he's still very capable of that kind of sweetness and gentleness. It makes him feel more real.
Unpopular opinion:
I know there are lots of polarizing things to say about Van, but I'm going to be really pointless and say that something that's always bothered me are his brown fingerless gloves. I just think they look kind of bad with his gray sleeves, and they're distracting. They don't look polished and professional enough for the commandant of an army. (Oh, and the shoulder spikes do?) I would've picked something else. He looks better as an eldritch mutated half-Lorelei horror. He might have feathers coming out of his arm, but at least he doesn't have the gloves.
Song I associate with him:
Oh, this is cheating by picking someone else's, but I've always liked how this one fan took Within Temptation's "Hand of Sorrow" and connected it to Luke, Asch, and Van all together. Again, it underlines how closely tied into the heroes' backstories and the game's central themes Van himself is.
Favorite picture of him:
I like his hair-down surfer look in Rays, but for my favorite, I'll say this panel from the Asch manga. (Apologies for the curvature of the page.)
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This is a scene where the manga improves on the game. It's much more intense and visceral (hello bonus violent silhouettes with Van being extra spiky), and the personal aspect of Asch's and Van's conflict is front and center. This isn't just an argument about philosophy or ethics, it's an argument between a master and a student who have worked closely together for years. I really like how Van seems not only immovable in that panel, but he's also -- still. No matter what Asch tries to do, no matter how quick and violent he can be, Van's standing at the eye of his storm -- Van is the eye of his storm, quiet, unchanging in his purpose.
Thanks for the ask, I enjoyed this one a lot!
Meme taken from here.
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numberonesnarkfan · 3 months
Rich fic 2
Harley had quickly had a large collar designed for Rich. It was adapted from an elephant tracking collar, designed to stay on at all times. He left the tracker as part of the design, but added several extra features. For one, there were the electroshock stimulators, and another was a hook designed to allow Sawyer to attach a heavy-duty leash to Rich, either to keep him in one place, or…
Harley tugged on the leash harshly. Rich made a low grunting noise in protest and refused to budge, which earned him another tug, which in turn, pulled a throaty growl from him.
Harley tutted.
“Now, now. Don’t you growl at me. I’ve been nothing but charitable to you, Rich, I expect some cooperation in return. Respect is a two-way street, and I’d like to see us both walking it. Or… Rather, me walking it, and you sort of lumbering.”
Harley swore he saw the beast roll its eyes.
“Now, beast. Move!”
He gave another harsh pull and Rich rumbled deeply, but rose to his paws and began to slowly trail Harley.
“Good Richie.” Harley praised, although his voice was still jaded and annoyed sounding. “Now, we’re going to go out and see all your many friends. Isn’t that exciting?” he taunted.
He worried for a moment he’d perhaps taken the mocking a little too far, as Rich narrowed his eyes and made a deep warning noise. It sounded akin to the roar of a brown bear. But, even so, he continued to lumber behind him.
Harley was not a fan of how slow he had to be to allow Rich to keep up with him. He expected something that large to be able to move rather quickly, but it seemed not. Perhaps because of all of that fat, not aided by his stumpy legs.
Finally, they stepped out into a circular room, which immediately erupted into gasps and cheers. Rich stiffened, but Harley gave another sharp tug. He reluctantly followed his direction. Rich felt huge and exposed, unable to speak, to plead his case to the faces in the shocked audience that he recognised.
“One-Eight-Zero-Five. Sit.” Harley ordered. Rich would have much preferred to growl and roar, but he could see his hand resting on the wireless controller that activated his collar, so, instead, he lowered his belly to the floor. He couldn’t exactly sit like a dog due to the shape of his body, but laying down seemed to be good enough for Harley. All of the members of the audience seemed to be employees of the company or investors. He saw Stuart’s face in the crowd. He looked away quickly.
“Now, I’ve kept you waiting long enough, I’m sure.” Harley started, “Before we begin, I’d like to remind you all of the NDA you signed coming in. This,” he gestured to Rich, “Is the first subject of our new Bigger Bodies initiative. One of our employees here at the company was unfortunately left comatose after an accident,” That wasn’t true, Rich thought, “but, innovators as we are, we thought that there must be a way to save them before it was too late. So, instead of placing them inside the toy, we put the toy.. Inside of them. It’s true! This beast was once a man, on the very precipice of death. But, once again, we have done the impossible.”
Dr. Sawyer continued to address the crowd in a carefully measured cadence, but Rich wasn’t paying attention anymore. He felt a strange feeling bubbling up inside of him. It was a physical sensation that ran through his bones. He didn’t know what was happening, but he remembered the pain of his first transformation. If this was anything like that, he figured he may as well let it out. So, he lowered his head to the floor, his vision blurring and doubling as the sensation built. It did not hurt, it made him feel tired and far away. He closed his eyes.
The voices around him started to become urgent and loud.
“What’s happening?!” an audience member yelled.
“Look at it! What’s it doing?”
“Awe, shit!” He heard commotion, as if someone was getting up to run away.
“Dr. Sawyer, is it alright?” a woman asked from the crowd.
“Oh my god, it’s shrinking!”
“Is it turning back into a human?”
“It is! It is, look!”
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”
“1805!” That was the voice of Dr. Sawyer calling to him. He was so tired… He let himself lay sideways on the floor. He could feel his limbs re-forming, patches of fur returning to skin and hair.
“Is he naked??”
“What the hell!”
“Is he dead?!”
“Is that…!”
It was quiet, but Rich could hear Stu’s voice from the back of the room.
Then, the voices faded away.
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invisiblegarters · 9 months
Only Friends Ranking - Ep 4
Genuinely had to sit and think on this for a bit and watch certain parts of the ep again (oh what a burden) and ponder my own reactions a little. I fucking love this show.
But I want to add a little disclaimer, since I guess it's needed: these opinions are subjective. I'm not objectively sitting here ranking the messiness I'm subjectively ranking how much the messiness (or lack thereof, for now) entertains me personally. It's not a statement of fact over which character is the "villain" or the "good guy" because frankly, I don't think we have any of either (maybe in their own heads, but not in the show itself).
Okay. That out of the way let's do this.
Character Rankings (Fave to Least Fave atm)
Sand. Yep he's back on top, it felt weird to demote him last week but he was much less boring this ep. I think I'm starting to get a better read on him, which I didn't have before, and I'm enjoying what I see. While I would like him to be much more guarded against Ray in particular, I think he's just too forthright. Not just with other people but also with himself. And I wonder how much of that stems from his situation. Back before ep 1 First said that Sand doesn't have time, he is patient, he has to do a lot of things just to make ends meet, and I think that extends to his personal life as well. He knows Ray's a bad idea and he also knows he's gonna walk right into it, and I am tentatively hopeful that this is what will make him come out okayish in the end. Because at the end of the day he still isn't gonna have time for bullshit, either other people's or his own. I feel like Ray's gonna fuck that up a bit (or a lot) for a while, but in the end he'll reset to form, probably a little more jaded but altogether still fairly whole. I think that's about all we can ask for him.
I hope that the ex shows up for real. Flashbacks are fun but I want a little bit of mess and it seems clear to me that Sand still has unresolved feelings there, maybe Top too. I am also more sure than ever that he has some serious anger issues and I think we might get to see the Return of the Bat, and I for one am so very here for it. He still seems the most put together out of all of them which is a little disappointing, but again, I do wonder how much of that is because he doesn't have the time to give into the hot mess he really is. I'm very very curious to see how his relationships with both Nick and Ray affect that moving forward, because it seems like regardless of what went down with Top and the ex that better be Mix or I will revolt, he tends to keep himself fairly restrained, and those two are so openly messy and so very unrestrained that you can practically feel the car crash coming (hopefully not in the literal sense).
Also people need to stop calling him a green flag like yesterday. He is not. He's just better at compartmentalizing, give him two episodes I feel it in my bones he's gonna turn out to be a messy messy bitch.
Mew. Never let it be said that I can't admit that I was wrong. I still think that Mew is manipulative but I no longer believe that he is specifically keeping Ray on the line. Ray is keeping himself on the line, every time Mew tries to yank him off he just bites in harder. Which means it's really gonna sting in so many different ways when Mew eventually decides fuck it and does what Ray's been begging him for for two years, because I'm not sure the feeling will be there then either. But I still expect it - frankly the real surprise for me would be if Mew and Ray end the show without fucking. And while I guess it's still possible that they did sleep together two years ago in the current timeline Mew has put a firm "no" down - at least for now. And I have to respect him for it.
Kinda wish he'd stop talking Sand up to Ray though. For one, the more he pushes Sand at him the less likely Ray will actually develop organic feelings for him. For two, he needs to back away from Ray's love life wholesale until Ray no longer wants him to be intimately involved in it. It's just smarter, although I can understand why Mew might think differently.
Then again if he wants to keep noticing how lovely Sand is (he is Mew, good taste no notes) he can go right on, because I wasn't kidding when I said I was shipping this. Maybe instead of Ray Mew should have Sand be his ill-advised hookup after things with Top blow up. I for one would not say nay.
I genuinely thought I'd be annoyed if Mew were not some sort of mastermind, but I'm not. At all. That said, I still don't think he's half as innocent as the show wants us to believe. And I still feel like he's playing with Top. Oh, Top is playing back, a little, but there's something about the way he looks sometimes and the things he says ("I don't want to hide anything from you / I need you to be honest with me") that makes me feel like he's still got more going on than we're seeing. Also he has to know that Top's not gonna stop doing drugs if he sexes him up. There was something about that whole interaction that struck me as weird. I can't put my finger on it right now but it's one of the things that I am going to be chewing on in the days to come, I can already tell.
Ray. This one was a surprise, and I want to be clear. I do not like this guy, and yes, a lot of that stems from the fact that he's set up to hurt my fave, but also he's a wrecking ball in human form and the worst thing about him is that he is an aimless one. Boston is a wrecking ball too but he's pointing himself in one direction; Ray just swings wildly in every direction because he himself is aimless, he doesn't know who he is or what he wants and that is dangerous, especially when you add in his substance abuse and his struggles with depression (look I don't like armchair psychoanalyzing but yeah, depression is what I am going to call it). He feels worthless and hopeless, he hates himself, and the problem with that is that no one else will ever be enough. He will turn his hatred against anyone who cares for him because he hates himself so much that he truly does not understand how anyone else could like him, and the self-hate turns into a weird derision for anyone who tries to see past the shell.
Mew is only exempt from this, I think, because he doesn't want Ray in the way Ray so desperately wants to be wanted. He loves him, he cares for him and tries to build him up, but he is not in love, he can and will step away if Ray is becoming too much, he will set boundaries and stick to them. So Ray's ire can't fall on him because he's reinforcing all the things Ray thinks about himself: that he's a burden, that he's too much, that he drives people away, that he's so unlovable even his own mother couldn't love him.
Sand, however. Sand is gonna fall right into the trap that Ray is laying for him, and oh boy is Ray gonna make him pay for it.
I was surprised by how much he seems to have held on to all the mean things Sand's called him, though. Not that he held on to them as further proof of who he is but that it was Sand specifically that was calling him those things. That was interesting and unexpected.
I do not think that Ray genuinely cares about either Mew or Sand as people at this juncture, but I also don't think that it's on purpose. He's a drowning man grasping at any and everyone within reach who is treading water, and he can't look past his own panic at not being able to get enough air to understand or care if he's dragging others down with him.
So yes. I do not like him but I find him utterly fascinating and Khaotung is killing it. That bathtub scene was amazing and painful (and yes I'm still feeling smug for calling it, mostly because I made a bet with my friend and now they owe me fic. Man do I love profiting off of being right. It's like Christmas AND my birthday) and finally made me understand why he clings to Mew so hard, and why he will keep clinging in spite of everything that happened this ep, in spite of having someone else who wants to care for him the way Mew won't, in spite of probably trying to think of something (or someone) else.
But the sad, sad truth that Ray will have to face (maybe not in this show but eventually, as a character) is that it's no one else's job to fulfill him, and they can't anyway. He's gotta learn to love himself before he can really love anyone else, or let them love him. I can't get over the idea that at some point he's gonna have to break his own heart to figure that out.
Nick. He gets this spot just for the way he smiled at Top like "bitch I know Boston's the worst, do you really think I'm not?" I knew he wasn't gonna go to Mew with the sex recording though because he wants Boston and breaking Top and Mew up at this point is counterproductive to his goals. Still think that he should blackmail Boston into a real relationship though. Opportunity wasted. Also he's making me very wary of wanting to take my phone into IT if I ever break it, lol. Because you know Boston didn't give him his passcode.
I'm also curious why he went for Top because he has to know it was Boston pushing things this whole time.
Boston. He went from winning last ep to being kind of pathetic this ep. The elevator scene in particular. I was embarrassed for him. Don't tell me that he really thought that Top would just give up and start fucking him on the regular after one night? Come on. Top's pettier than that, my dude. He's gonna make you feel like a pathetic loser for it as well as renew his efforts with Mew just to prove that he can do everyone one better.
I have to admit I am curious what makes him pull the "I want to try settling into something" thing with Nick next ep. Does he suspect that Nick knows more than he's saying? Does Top outright tell him he does?
I am also looking forward to him or NIck causing some havoc with Ray and Sand. One of them is gonna spill the RayMew beans, right? Boston would do it out of pure nastiness, but Nick I think values Sand as a friend and would do it as a warning. Or maybe he's like Boston and will hold onto it for when Sand pisses him off...
Top. Frankly unless we find out that Boston has further evidence of Ray and Mew actually fucking or at least showed him some sort of manipulated vid, I think he's a complete dumbass. You don't get to police who the guy you're with now kissed before he even knew you existed (or did he? 👀👀👀). Literally the only reason I was on his side was that if they fucked it was less about the fucking and more about the deliberate dishonesty, but let's be real, even that is a little sketch. Especially when you yourself don't know how many people you've slept with.
However I also kind of want to be weirdly charitable and say that maybe it has less to do with being pettily annoyed that Mew *dared* to have some sort of non-platonic contact with someone else before him and more being blindsided by how much the idea of Mew playing with him hurt. Whether that's because players hate being played or because he has genuine feeling for Mew I'm on the fence about.
But I still think Boston showed him sex. Because he was very insistent about that point. Whether it was RayMew sex or something else I do believe there was something. And I wanted to look at that scene again to see what Mew's face does when he replies but youtube at this point youtube told me to go f myself so no dice.
Also I think we all called the addiction problems. Dude's a mess. And he's not going to stop being a mess for sex.
Relationships (most to least fave atm)
This time I'm not just going to include romantic relationships because finally we're seeing some real meat out of the other interactions.
BostonNIck. Genuinely I think these two of the best chance of actually working out right now, very much in a "they deserve each other" way. Neither one of them knows what boundaries are and they're both obsessive af. If they turn that on each other they're doing society a favor, lol.
SandTop. You know what I would love? If Top was actually into Sand and deliberately lured his ex away to make him available. Of course that's not where we're going but that's why fanfiction exists. But weirdly I do think that Sand hates Top more than Top hates him - maybe he feels remorse for stealing his ex. Maybe they were friendly before he did that. I don't know. I do know that I want them to make out about it and I will never stop. You hear me? I will. Never. Stop.
SandNick. These two are gonna be fun. You can just tell by the way that Sand didn't even bat an eye when Nick was like hey listen to this audio recording I got when I bugged my FWB's car.
TopMew. Both still playing games. The balance of power between these two fascinates me because it seems to switch back and forth at will. I still feel like neither of them is *really* feeling much but I wonder if and when that will change.
MewRay. It's the only thing I can't make myself ship, but I thought that their whole dynamic was super interesting this ep. I can understand Mew trying to build Ray up, especially as he seems to be the only one who is privy to how deep Ray's issues go, and I can also understand Ray latching on to him hard because of that. When he kissed Mew while Mew was trying to sleep I recoiled from my screen so hard it physically hurt, lol. I do not know if that was the intention but it's what happened. Ideally I'd love it if they came out of this mess stronger friends but not sleeping together or paired romantically, but I don't have the highest hopes for it.
SandRay. I'm gonna be frank. Ray doesn't need a boyfriend. He needs a therapist and possibly a stint in rehab. Sand's gonna bash himself on this one like a bird against glass and it's gonna hurt him a lot. They're gonna flare hot and bright and burn to ash, but maybe, just maybe, they'll be able to emerge from the ashes as friends. It isn't lost on me that they do genuinely seem to get on even when they're not preluding to sex. For me this really depends on how fast it falls apart. If they've split by ep 9 I can really see a friendship emerging from this, but if not...nope.
Franky this one worries me. Because Ray latches on and it would be very easy for him to become far too dependent on Sand far too fast, and that's the last thing that either of them needs. Whether they fall in love or not (and I still think Sand will and Ray probably will not) is immaterial. If Sand (because for better or worse it's gonna have to be Sand) doesn't catch on fast enough to what Ray's doing with him it's gonna spell trouble, even without any interference from an outside party or even counting in Ray's continued feelings for Mew.
Sand clearly wants to be with Ray as equals, whether their relationship remains just friends or something else. And Ray is incapable of fulfilling that wish as he is.
SandMew. New ship alert! They should make out. The only reason it gets lowest billing is that it's a pipe dream comprised of one line from Mew and the fact that they both would be very good at communicating their needs with each other, at least from what we've seen thus far.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐬𝐭 (𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
Author’s notes:
I went in with low expectations, so the pictures came out better than expected. Daisuke looks cool in his own special way, even though his hair isn't very accurate. SD picrew 
Daisuke ♡
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Other names:
Seahorse (Floyd)
Monsieur Independent (Rook)
Jade (Slyvan)
Tower (Xenon)
Homeland: Sunset savannah
Dorm: Octavinelle
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
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Eye colour: Light blue
Hair colour: Jet black
Race: Beastman (Black fox)
Uniform: Most of his uniform is in place, his tie being the only exception (he finds it too stuffy). The top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned, and he wears black gloves for whatever reason.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3E (Student no. 8)
Best subject: Alchemy
Club: Science Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Playing pool ball, flirting, getting his salary
Dislikes: People who try to trick him, having to rely on people, being nagged for his attire
Favorite Food: Shrimp dumpling
Least Favorite Food: Fried rice
Hobby: Gambling
Talents: Converting materials into gold
Unique Magic: Knowledge is power - He can gain information of a target by touching them and activating his UM. The longer he touches his target, the more information he gains. He can choose what information he would like to gain, but will face trouble when it comes to certain details that the target is guarded about.
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He was giving me beastman vibes and who am I to ignore? I think being a fox suits him really well. Sly and cunning.
He has many acquaintances, but only a few friends. He's considered more on the friendly side for an Octavinelle student for even admitting he has friends. Funny how that works.
Yes, Slyvan's nickname confused him at first (considering his vice dorm leader is literally named Jade). But the goat boy explained the nickname to him and he came to like the ring of it.
He isn't always in the mood for makeup, but manages to come to class everyday wearing perfect eyeshadow because his friend helps him with it.
He joined the science club to do more alchemy experiments.
He works as a waiter for the Mostro Lounge. He gets tips often.
Suzume ♡
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Other names:
Humpback whale (Floyd)
Mademoiselle Jewel (Rook)
Chrysocolla (Slyvan)
Lover (Xenon)
Homeland: Coral sea
Dorm: Pomefiore
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Unnamed older sister
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Eye colour: Baby blue
Hair colour: Garnet red
Race: Humpback whale mermaid
Uniform: She dresses prim and proper as any Pomefiore student should, with everything ironed neatly and worn in place. Her skirt reaches slightly above her knees, paired with knee-length black socks and loafers. Her bangs fall into her eyes sometimes, so she pins it up with a purple flower hairclip. It compliments her purple eyeshadow and (occasional) pale pink lip gloss too.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3B (Student no. 29)
Best subject: Magical potions
Club: Science Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Strawberry milk, anime and manga, making jewelry (with plastic charms)
Dislikes: Feeling outcast, mirrors, socialising
Favorite Food: Salmon roll
Least Favorite Food: Edamame
Hobby: Reading
Talents: Humming
Unique Magic: Ideal self - She can alter her target's perception and impression of her. Basically, her appearance in their mind and their feelings towards her. The effect is only temporary though, unless she keeps her UM running constantly (risking overblot).
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I couldn't decide on her race at first because I could imagine her being a fae, mermaid, and human. So I let a randomizer decide for me. Why did I decide to make her a humpback whale mermaid? I just thought it suited her. Big but gentle, with a soothing song.
She doesn't like mirrors because her reflection unnerves her.
She joined the science club because she heard that they do a little bit of everything there.
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aidemint · 2 years
Lather in the Saltless Sea
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Outside’s cold is forgotten, melted away by her flame—what remains beads on my chest and she too, kisses it away.
I did not know I could be loved like this. I utter her name, and she stills.
Say it again, she tells me. I do. Again. I follow. Once more. I am a simple woman.
Tell me what you want.
You, Lady Ningguang.
In Liyue Harbor, the tale of a Dragon King reaches the curious ears of a woman in gold.
Pairing: Beidou/Ningguang
Word Count: 7.4k
Warnings: None!
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I made a promise with the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing.
It was years ago when we shook hands. She invited me into her office, then, having heard of me from tales floating around the harbor, offered me a proposition—my service in exchange for something I wanted.
Anything, she told me, she would grant me anything.
I was not capable of doubting her, but I was tempted to decline. What did she have to offer me? I was content with the life I had. Liyue Harbor was not subject to change anytime soon. The death of Rex Lapis was the most exciting thing that had happened in millennia. Well within my lifetime and hers, I did not expect any irregularities, save for the occasional windless afternoon or starless night.
So certain was I that I would have no complaints in the view of every yolk of dawn, some half-caught half-sun peering over the water’s edge. The tide would ebb and flow and I would ride with it, like I had done all my life.
I was simple. I did not tire of a repeating day. 
She must have sensed my hesitancy—she asked me what was wrong—I gave her the truth in full.
As I talked, she listened intently, a jeweled finger upon her cheek, motionless. Her mannerisms were unlike those of an ordinary citizen. I believed her to be something entirely else when I met her gaze.
The more I said the less I knew. She was alluring. What notion of nothing did I speak of? Something that felt like desire burned in the depths of my gut. I wanted to believe that it was not by my own doing, but I did not stop. I could not stop.
This and this and this, I said. This and this and that. I asked her about where she had heard me from. Was it the merchant and his apprentices? They traded fragrant fruit with explosive flavor and thin skin. The jade master? He once offered me his best harvested gem.
I knew everyone quite well, so I was no stranger to such stories. Some folk were even bold enough to tell me directly. But I wondered which tellings piqued her interest; I wondered what went on in that mind of hers.
Was it that she liked how people compared me to a dragon? I assumed that she wanted me for labor, so she needed someone strong. Perhaps it was this one maid’s tale that children liked retelling, though I don’t know the appeal of being portrayed as a swash-buckling mermaid. I think I hoped that she’d overheard a romantic’s spiel. Maybe she wanted me (for my smile).
There was a pause as she waited to give her answer when my rambling stopped. Silence gave way to thought, and my eyes drifted to my surroundings.
I remember that the walls were hung with tapestries and fine art. It was as much a shame as it was an honor to witness it.
My attention returned to her when she shifted in her seat, legs crossed. Expectant, I awaited the parting of her lips, the utterance of a response.
Nothing came immediately—she just smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes—and I felt my face flush. She seemed to delight in my embarrassment, for she prodded more.
I find you are a woman of many extremities, Crux Fleet Captain Beidou, she said. First you claim to want nothing from me, and now this. She placed both elbows on her desk and leaned in. I swallowed thickly at the sight of her.
Is my answer so important to you, that you would put it adjacent to “anything?”
She might as well have pressed my skin into cherry wine.
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Our relationship got more complex, from there.
Feelings were slow to boil, but we both knew what we wanted. Through the months we’d hint at it, either too shy or too unwilling to commit fully—sometimes it was a mix of both. We still wanted our freedom, so we kept it at child’s play.
Of course it wasn’t enough, as more time slipped through our fingers. We were listless. 
A heightened sense of tension had already grown between us, told in full by the lingering glances thrown so carelessly at one another, the unnecessary chess matches, the silly requests she’d mail me so I would stay at her office for a bit longer. 
She kept me close; I kept her closer.
It worked like this for a while. We were both content with it, dangling our feet off of the cliff of possibility. I felt like a child around her. The memory of young love and idealistic crushes stricken with naivete became a close friend to me once more. 
More months flew by, and then the push-pull of whatever we had shot upwards, smashing through its glass ceiling during Lantern Rite.
Sometimes I still think back to the day—in the pagoda at the heart of Liyue, our hands resting on the railing, just close enough so that the tips of our fingers touched. It was there where she whispered her secrets to me, where she laughed when I responded with foolish sailing stories, where she regarded me as if I was the finest treasure in all of Teyvat. My eyes shined so passionately then, teary from reminiscence, alive with all the love in the world centered on one thing.
Perhaps our attention was somewhere else other than the thin veil my tales provided. She asked me what was so special about the moon, gesturing to it with a pale hand. I answered simply. It reflects the sun, I’d said. I knew it was nonsense, I didn’t need the quirk of her brow to tell me that.
I think I just wanted to get the conversation over with—admittedly, I don’t remember much of it.
But Polaris sat on her shoulder, and Venus laid just beyond her white hair. Her dress shimmered with moonshine and blended into the background. Smoke curled from her lips when she exhaled after a drag from her pipe.
I watched her, her figure outlined by the stars.
She asked me again, what was so special about the moon. A similar reply came from my lungs, and I still stared at her. Ningguang trusted me too much—she relented after this time.
Following that night she had to have thought I adored everything because of the sun.
In reality, I just liked the way she looked in the moonlight.
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Somewhere along the line we (inevitably) went from business partners to girlfriends.
The details are blurred, but in the end we just realized we wanted similar things from the transaction—if it could even be called that, anymore. We’d already crossed the fine line between a trade and a relationship when I touched my lips to hers.
Gods, I’ll never forget the way she pulled me in, the softness of her skin. She slung her arms on my shoulders, eager to receive me when I wanted more, kissed her harder. It was her way of saying thank you, happy to follow when I took the leap to bridge the gap between us. 
But I digress. I have no need for a fanciful description—we’re resting side-by-side now, in each other’s arms. What more could I ever want?
She’s leaning on the curve of my bicep, ungloved fingers curled around a scarred forearm. White hair spills endlessly down the length of my body, such locks undone in the privacy of trusted company. Parts of it mingle with black tresses, a small braid conveniently formed right where the bend of her elbow begins.
The edges of my lips curl upwards when she shifts closer, an ear on my chest, her limbs looped around me, tangled with my own. Warmth blossoms in my stomach. It wasn’t carnal in any way, my desire—I want nothing more than to just hold her, feel her.
In this, I recognize how the weight of her rises and falls with every slow breath I take. Her heart beats metronomically with mine, this steady rhythm that falls out of line at some parts, then rejoins at others. I wonder if she can hear me, my thoughts—she pushes further into me, like a child seeking warmth.
I wonder if that is what we are right now—children.
My smile falters for a moment when I spot the smeared makeup underneath her eyes. Splotches of unkind darkness lie right below, bags of toil and work carried in their existence. I want to ask, to abate the itch at the back of my throat that grows like wildfire.
Maybe I don’t know who Lady Ningguang really is. I don’t move, I don’t dare to. The only reaction the notion elicits is the furrowing of my brow. Did I always assume I knew her?
Does she know me?
A curious fellow, Zhongli, told me of you when I consulted him. He said you proved your loyalty to the Liyuean people through your efforts. I found that I was in need of a figure like you.
But for once I do not want to be simple, easily sated—I feel selfish. But I pretend I do not, for her sake.
My grip tightens around her shoulders.
Ignorance is a kind of mercy the gods give us.
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I follow my routine in the days after. It’s the last bit of normalcy I seem to have other than my occupation, so I relish my time. 
Ningguang and I sit quietly by a crackling fire, blankets twisting around us. She’d been gone for most of the day so the burning wood is clean, ample pine just set aflame, quick to blacken. Embers jump and burst in anticipation of decay with an eagerness I don’t believe I could have emulated.
Minutes blow by, easy, until we’re left tired of staring at the simple fashion in which the fire flickers. It’s dimmer, now, fed by tired charcoal and unspiked by young logs.
Ningguang sighs with a soft rise of her shoulders and a slow breath, then peels the blankets off of both of us. 
My throat tightens. 
The absence of the cover reveals the thin satin dressage she hadn’t previously been in. When I greeted her, when we had slipped under the covers together, she wore a robe.
That article had been shucked off with our sheets—a loosely worn nightdress took its place, hanging far from her collarbone, barely covering the surface of her torso, leaving even less room for imagination below.
I watch her hands grip the blankets. Long and slender digits press the material, neatly manicured with a special sheen to her nails. Golden rings shine at the base of her fingers, one embellished with the symbol of the Liyue Qixing.
I watch her, next. There is not enough time to take in everything.
My breath hitches when her gaze meets mine.
The lady in gold hums into the silken comforter, face half-buried in the fabric, and looks at me with a mischievous glint in her ruby eyes. I swallow slowly; I ask for confirmation.
She blinks—the light in her eyes changes. I dare to inch closer when she beckons me forward with that one look.
There is no time for hesitancy—time slips through the gaps of my fingers as I sink deeper into the bed. Her hands come up, tuliping into two stems that caress each side of my face, petal-light on my cheeks. I do not protest when she lifts my eyepatch. She touches the spot underneath with her lips first and I tremble at her softness. 
Then it’s a gentle swipe of her tongue on her bottom lip that sends me reeling. She tells me her affection, our fingers now intertwined; she laughs into the crook of my shoulder at my expression; she traces all my scars and meets every one of them with a kiss and a look of sorrow.
Outside’s cold is forgotten, melted away by her flame—what remains beads on my chest and she too, kisses it away.
I did not know I could be loved like this.
I utter her name, and she stills. 
Say it again, she tells me. I do. Again. I follow. Once more. I am a simple woman.
Tell me what you want.
You, Lady Ningguang.
She swallows me entirely, as if I were the last bit of light in Liyue. Her hands travel up and down my sides, daring to touch me, to love me—electricity crackles in the wake of her fingers but she doesn’t care. I tremble in her hold as the warmth of her throat pours into mine, mouths open in fervor.
It all seems so different every time we do this together. The same motions repeat again and again yet I still find myself craving more as if it was something new. A hunger burns in my gut. She tastes like dark plum and lemongrass. She smells like the sweetness of summer.
I hold her, take her into the bend of my arms—it is all I can do. Her heart thrums against mine and I feel alive. She gasps into the air when I kiss the column of her neck, gripping tight onto my shoulders. I’ve memorized her every crater and dip, I know where to grip so that she doesn’t slip from my grasp. The sensation of salt on my tongue is maddening.
The rest of the evening blurs into a stream of passion. It flows like smoke through us, supple, letting. Her skin slides against mine as we give into one another. Something excites me about getting to see her like this—vulnerable, yet willing. I would always know her white locks, like silk as they pool in my hands, her crimson irises, burning with the will of Morax, her tenderness, what physicality that I loved dearly.
But the fire in my belly lights alive when I see her in her fullest. It’s the way her nails dig into my flesh, when she breathes words that sound like she’s calling me. Her lips crush my calluses under sweet nothings and I am reborn. She drowns my mortality in amber, the thickness of geode barely enough to contain it.
I wish to set myself on fire by the burning of her gut, by the oil of her skin.
In the morning, we have no regrets. Though our faces are puffy and the room has a strange air to it, we giggle and laugh like little girls anyways. Is that what we are? I ask myself this at the moment.
I know that I could be whatever she wants me to be.
When I go to look at her, she tells me that all she wants me to be is nothing more than myself. It is enough for her, so it is enough for me.
We stay like this for a little longer, beautiful and in love.
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Weeks pass like a clap of thunder and suddenly we are thrown into the stark winter.
Liyue gets snow for the first time in three years. The air is bitingly cold—frost nips at my nose whenever the wind is too harsh. A forever-red makes a home on the surface of my knees, the outside edges of my elbows, the tops of my shoulders. My skin loses its tan, drained of all reminder of sun, cast into white in the new-scrubbed atmosphere.
The look of scarred flesh on such a pale background is unfamiliar, still, to me. It doesn’t prickle when I touch it, nerve endings having been shattered ages ago. My fingers push craters in my skin, milk velvet against worn edges, nails brushing past lines of blisters, giving.
Some semblance of discomfort boils in my stomach when I realize I don’t recognize this outlaid organ as my own.
Luckily, the breeze distracts me from the notion, whistling in the empty air. Scents of the bay, muddy and stale, flush against my face, a crash of the slushy tide echoing in the background.
The salt of the ocean tastes more acrid in this weather.
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Months come, months go, and the world still spins. Celestia plunges Liyue into spring, then the cusp of summer. The breeze turns crisper, the harbor teems with new life. Rigid waves crash along the shoreline, gleaming blue shells dotting the coast; merchants, nurtured by the dormancy the coldness brought, flock to the harbor in search of prospective business.
In delegation of said business, I find myself spending more and more time on the waters. The increased commerce has been doing me well, having regained a natural tan and exposure to newer faces in the area. Though the occupation has significantly lessened the amount of time I spend with Ningguang, it’s to be expected by both of our ends—a woman such as she wouldn’t forget the increase in revenue during this time of year.
Despite our lack of presence, I still have reason to believe that we’re making it work. Yes, we’re making it work. We have chess meetings every other evening, no shared bedroom this time, but lantern-lit dinners every two weeks during the afterhours of Liyue Harbor. Sometimes she’s late, the backs of her ankles red from running in three-inch heels from her office to our spot, but I wait. 
I’d wait however long it takes for her to arrive.
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If you’d told me that I would end up like this years ago, I would have laughed.
The sound would have shook my very bones, how deeply I believed I would stand to gain nothing more complicated than the tasks Lady Ningguang sent to me. My self, younger by a few ages, had no intention of soiling the relationship we had. Business was business and I thought I could best my curiosity.
Now, admiring the way the golden light frames her features, I think I’d have been a fool. 
There was never a moment in which I didn’t love her. To deny myself that in the pursuit of formality was unbecoming. 
We both had dreams, in engaging with one another. Hers was simple, I imagined, despite not knowing what it was. Perhaps it was reflected in the way she took upon the subject of us.
“Is it a choice to love me?” My attention snaps upwards at the sudden sound of her voice. “Or do you simply do it out of necessity?” I can never tell what she’s thinking upon receiving my response, even when I change it on some occasions.
“Of course it’s out of necessity,” is what I say this time. She gives a little giggle and squeezes my hand tighter, so I think I made the right decision. “I tend to follow my heart more than my mind.” This comment earns a kiss to my forehead, and I think that maybe I would like to hear her reason for doing so.
Her dream is an enigma, but I would go after it anywhere if it means being with her a little while longer. 
Ningguang’s eyes are on me now. Impenetrable ruby. But I don’t look at her, lasered-in on her gold rings.
She doesn’t say anything until I’m forced to raise my gaze.
“Would you like one?”
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“You know, you’ve never really told me how you got all this.”
It’s seven on a Sunday night and we’re right next to each other on the shaded terrace of the Jade Palace. Ningguang’s head tilts in curiosity, the pair of glasses atop it shifting a little from the movement.
“What do you mean?”
I gesture around us. “Like the whole… place and stuff. Paintings and jewelry, I guess. I’ve always been wondering.”
She huffs, seemingly amused at the comment. “A woman has her ways,” she replies, taking her specs out of her hair to lay them on the bridge of her nose. “Within the web of artisans, I have my fair share of connections.”
“That’s not what I mean,” I snort lightheartedly. “C’mon, Guang. I’ve always been wondering about your rise to fame. What’s the big secret?”
The air changes, suddenly—there’s a redness lingering somewhere in the atmosphere. Something that doesn’t wish to be touched. Dusk greets us with its familiar half-sun and leaky horizon, blurry darkness giving way to ribbons of crimson.
Pandora’s box opens.
“I’d rather not talk about it, Doudou,” she replies sheepishly, looking away. Something moves in the corner of my eye but I pay it no attention.
Some feeling churns in my stomach. Is it guilt? “That’s okay,” I say. My insides twist even more. “Sorry for asking.” Or is it irritation?
I press a soft peck to her cheek to get her to look at me again. She does, smiles softly, and touches her lips to mine. It doesn’t help the swirling in my gut.
The day is July 13th and it has been 1264 days since our first Lantern Rite together.
Then what’s your favorite color? I want to ask. Easier question—surely she’d be able to answer that if not the previous. Doubt burns like acid in my core amongst the other emotions. My hands flex, once, twice, and I think about whether she’d respond with purple or yellow.
That’s okay.
It’s the question of the night why I admitted that it all was alright despite thoroughly believing the latter.
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It doesn’t take long for the crew to catch on to the fact that something’s wrong. I can hear the whispers of concern, but barely pay them any attention. I’ve been discontent more often than not, and it’s starting to affect the way I usually go about my days. Jobs were always well done—it’s hard to think out in action in the waters—but my brows knit together when my soles hit the land.
“Captain Beidou!” Furong exclaims. She slings an arm around my shoulders. “How about a drink? We did pretty good out there today, no?” The other sailors nod eagerly. I can’t bring myself to smile at her attempt to cheer me up.
“Yeah! Only the best for our Dragon King!”
The phrase makes the crease near my eye deepen. I never knew why I had so many epitheticals. Or rather, I was now beginning to find them difficult to manage.
Where had my simpleness gone? Years ago were the hours in which I had no memory of ever feeling so uncomfortable because I didn't want to be anything more than myself. The air was always lax, easy to breathe in, with no pressure to bear it down.
Now I question who I am. And it always feels worse when I remember that everything seems to come back to Ningguang. What brought her closer to me? Prevented her from keeping away, maintaining her pace as a governess to a citizen?
My boots connect with the ground, heavy, as we navigate to the nearest pub, with Huixing promising the prospect of a round on him. Everyone cheers—including me, but it’s empty, somehow.
We arrive, sit, and drink. Shandies are spread around, rims fresh with curt lemon.
Conversation is quick to strike up, a natural bud of flame kindled by friendship. Talk of adventure, treasure, family, and friends is alive with the energy of the group. Sea Drake goes on a long tangent about a supposed siren sighting and we roll our eyes and nod; Mora-Grubber discloses information about an ancient book series they’ve taken from a smuggler.
The topic jumps from person to person—everyone’s dying to get their story in. Perhaps I should have expected that, in the end, attention would fall on the one person who wished not to reveal anything about their occupations.
Juza’s peering from the end of the table at me. “Captain Beidou, is everything okay?” he asks. “You’ve been awfully quiet tonight.”
“Ah, you know sometimes work gets us a little worse for wear,” I mumble, attempting a smile. “Happens to the best of us.”
Silence. Then, “Well, you know you can trust us, right? We’re here for ya. We’ve got your back through everything.”
I can feel the mood die, writhing as its liveliness sputters out like an old, creaking mast. “Really?”
“Well—” My throat tightens. For a moment, I actually considered saying it all. “—my… my cat died yesterday. I loved her a lot. She meant the world to me.”
Are you fucking serious? A cat? Archons, you are pathetic.
“Aw, I’m so sorry,” Furong gasps, hands cupped over her mouth. “Losing a pet is hard, I really get the feeling.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, Captain Beidou. What was her name?”
“... Light.” I wince. You’re digging yourself a deeper hole right now, I hope you know that.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful cat.” My crew give each other nods of sympathy. “Well, let’s raise a toast to honor Captain Beidou’s late cat. I bet she was a soldier, just like her mother.”
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. “To Light.” I lie, my drink in the air. “To the best cat of all of us.” The alcohol burns in my throat as I chug it down.
I can’t do this to them.
Soon, the crew busies themselves with other matters, fully believing that my strife had come to an end. I watch as the bubbles in my alcohol fizz out as the night rolls on.
Somewhere along the line my hand comes up, feels the necklace with a golden ring Ningguang gave me after my “sudden interest in hers” hung on it. It glitters with opulence in the light, the gem in the middle the same color as her irises.
I can’t do this to myself.
There’s that familiar roundness again, coming back to haunt the pads of my fingers when Ningguang walks to the kitchen island. It’s smooth, expertly crafted, fine and sheen. The only bump comes when I loop to its insides, thumb above the chain it hangs by. Even then I know, by the symmetry of its hoops, what was demanded of its maker.
It feels like a promise, somehow.
“What do you think of your necklace?” The question comes suddenly, catches me by surprise. My eyes light up and flicker to Ningguang’s—they peer over a handleless tea cup as she drinks quietly.
I try to smile. “It reminds me of you.” I love it, I want to say next, but I bite my tongue. I have to stop lying.
“Well that’s good.” The slightest incline of her chin. Then she swallows and sets her cup down. “I was thinking that a ring worn on your finger might obstruct your duties. I see you use your hands a lot—didn’t want it to dig into anywhere and leave a bruise.”
“Thank you,” I hum, “that’s thoughtful.”
She chuckles and makes her way back to me. “I hope it was.” A small pause. “Also, I saw you eyeing a certain jade ship’s plate yesterday—”
“No. No, no, no.” It’s a protest, half-playful, half-serious. “You’ve already gotten me plenty of gifts, Guangguang. I know your pockets run deep, but I don’t need you to buy me that jade plate.” 
“Why?” she asks, frowning. “I can get you it. I’m able to. Why shouldn’t I?” At this, I take her by the hand and press a kiss to her knuckles.
“I promise I can manage myself.”
“No ‘buts.’ I got this. I could probably trade all the gifts you’ve gotten me for all of Sumeru and half of Snezhnaya. Probably a good chunk of Mondstadtian land, too.”
She considers the thought for a moment, then smiles. “Alright.” I return the expression, and let go of her fingers. Our digits come to a rest atop the counter, though some are less content than others—a faint scratching can be heard from my right.
One look down, and I can see, in plain view, the scraping of one of Ningguang’s claws on the marble. The thought of not being able to provide brings her a sense of urgency, it seems.
I don’t wish for her to have to so discreetly suffer like this. But I hesitate upon recognizing the other alternative—there is only one thing she has yet to give me, but I’m sure it will spell the end of what we have now. For that reason I’ve been avoiding it for the last few days, keeping myself from confrontation.
Sssskt, shhhr, sssskt, shhhr, sssskt, shhhr. The sound persists. I imagine the steadiness of metal underneath my hands, what it must be like to feel it always, stable between my fingers, ever-present; I remember the gleam of that ruby-red gem, think about the forever contrast of it against the rough darkness of my skin.
Sssskt, shhhr, sssskt, shhhr, sssskt, shhhr. A tightness wraps around my throat in seconds. I want this. I want this. My hand clenches easily, having already memorized the weight, texture, and shape of the article that hangs by my throat. The nape of my neck numbs, its chain dies—all that exists is the ring.
Sssskt, shhhr, sssskt, shhhr, sssskt, shhhr. Where there’s a promise, there’s a future.
“There… there is something you can do for me, though.” The scratching stops.
Ningguang’s eyes light up—she stares at me like a kid on Christmas day. “Of course,” she says gleefully. “What do you want?”
“I…” I almost falter, almost misspeak. It’s pitiful, as if I hadn’t been quietly dreaming of this day ever since I told myself what was wrong. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Depends on the question,” she muses, “and what answer you’re expecting.” A smile plays on her lips—I think that she thinks it’ll be something harmless.
“Why are you getting me these gifts?”
She blinks. “Is it not customary to give your lover gifts?
“No, it’s just that— I just don’t think it’s… normal to give this much.”
“Is it? Hm. Perhaps my standards are higher material-wise. But if you insist on not receiving presents, I’d be happy to.”
“Guang, it’s not just that.”
“What is it, then?” She lays a hand over mine. “Tell me and I’ll do anything to supply it to you.”
I take a deep breath to save myself from faltering. “Another question, then.” She nods intently. “Why did you bring me into your office those years ago?”
Ningguang raises a brow. “Have I not told you this before? I heard about your feats from the locals on the harbor.”
“That’s not it, is it?”
The whisper blows through us like a torrent. It’s sudden. Chilling. Winter waves at us from the corridor, giggling. The air stills, free of the lax atmosphere it once housed—tension now binds it in coils that threaten to snap and suddenly the room we’re in feels less comforting. Less like a home.
Was it ever a home?
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that the statement isn’t the truth, is it?” I say. I remember the days in which I desperately searched for her in the jewel-toned threads of the carpet, in the blurry reflection of a jade dragon statue while in bitter regard of all those gifted riches strewn across my living quarters. “It’s what you said before. But it’s not— it’s not true.”
“What?” she echoes, in clear confusion. “What isn’t the truth, Beidou? I don’t understand.”
A pregnant pause. “Why did you pursue a further relationship if all you wanted was my services?” It comes faintly, a lick above a whisper. “Is that… is that all I am to you?”
“Beidou, where is this coming from?” She withdraws her hand. Shit. “I thought we were having a good night.”
“Ningguang, I—” I might have said ten thousand things at that moment, overcome by emotion; how I yearned for affection that extended beyond physical intimacy or material wealth; how I longed for her genuine love behind the doors of empty bedrooms, cuddled into comforters that smelled of her; how I wanted to feel like I have not spent these last years wondering whether or not she was truly there because too much of her time was spent on not knowing me. “Ningguang, what do you want out of this relationship?”
“What anyone wants out of a relationship, Beidou. Where is this coming from?”
“You’re not answering my question.”
“You’re not answering mine.”
“If you wanted me for my services alone, why did you become my girlfriend, Ningguang?”
“Your company? Your person? I truly don’t know what you want me to say,” she huffs, standing straight.
I take a few steps back. “I’m not expecting any response, just the truth.”
“Well I’ve told you my truth and it seems it isn’t enough. What is it you want from me?” There’s an edge in her voice, a swipe of sharp amber lodged within her words. “Where are you even going with this?”
“What I’m trying to say is that you can’t start this and act like— act like what we have right now is enough.” My palms are clammy and damp, red and strangely sweaty. Perhaps there was an answer that I was expecting and I just didn’t want to say it.
She’s stumbling over her words. “Well then what do you want, Beidou?” she pleads. “What do you want from this? I can— I can give you—” The confusion on her face is imminent, but I push forward, frustration pressing on my chest like a hot iron.
“I don’t want any material!” I shout. “I have never wanted anything like gold or silver or jewels, Ningguang!”
“Well then what do you want?” The noise she makes is like something breaking. “Tell me! Tell me so I can give it to you!”
In my frenzy I hadn’t realized the state we’ve inhabited. We’re both shaking, hair sticking to our necks with the sweat that drips in beads down our skin. The room is hot, tight with tension and a feeling I never wanted to feel again—it’s unbearable. And yet somehow I can ignore it.
Archons bless.
“All I’ve ever wanted was you!”
Silence—the only sounds, our slight pants and thick swallows. We let the break hang like cobwebs.
Then, she murmurs, “Do you not have me already?”
I don’t know what to say; I start to wonder why we’re even fighting in the first place. The words are present, in the back of my throat, but some spark of will, a flicker of grief, flushes it down. How long had we played at this with one another? Years, precious time, squandered, spent in the arms of a stranger. I’d been so foolish, then; I am still so foolish.
“Do I have you?” It is a question to myself. She knows. “Do I have you?”
Ningguang responds anyway, “Yes, yes you have me Beidou.” It comes as a gasp, something desperate that I can feel radiating off her in waves. Guilt seeps into my nerves.
I can’t look at her. “Tell me you know what my favorite color is, Ningguang. Tell me.” Silence sounds out louder than it ever has before. The dissonance gives way to the memory of her flushed cheeks and thin, rosy lips—I’d never seen them cracked and creased with bitterness, but I hate that I could imagine it.
“Tell me you know where my favorite place to sail is, or where I like to go when I’m bored.” There are no tears that I can muster. Only a face of disappointment. “Tell me you know who I am, other than the ‘help,’ or the ‘Dragon King,’ or the ‘Pirate Captain of the Crux Fleet Crew.’”
There are still so many things I want to say, scraping the edges of my larynx. How could she be so naive? I want to condemn her for not knowing what she’d gotten into when engaging with me, for so foolishly letting herself come in contact with someone that wanted more than she could give—someone that wanted her to take.
Never once have I wanted to shout like this.
But I can’t. I don’t. I just stand and stare, dry-mouthed, at her gossamer dress and her hands, bright ivory and adorned with gold. They’re red on the insides from being clenched, with deep, crescent-shaped welts on her palms.
Ningguang takes my silence as an opportunity in fervor. “You could have said something,” she breathes, voice quaking. “And don’t you dare say that I have not been as invested in this as you have. I just don’t know how to love like you, Beidou.”
Another wave of quiet. She sucks in her bottom lip and breathes in deep. “I don’t know how to love like you. But I’m not going to apologize for that. Affection in your language isn’t universal. And how am I supposed to know anything if you don’t tell me? I can’t read minds. You accepted my gifts so I assumed— I assumed that you liked them. That you liked me enough.”
Despair strikes my gut and plunges it to my feet. “Ningguang, I never said I didn’t like you.”
“Well it seems now that I… that somehow I didn’t like you enough.” Ningguang laughs and it’s more of a gasp for air. “I don’t know how to spend affection, I admit it. I never had any to spare until I met you. I did hear about you in the harbor. Zhongli-xiansheng did tell me about you—this strong Crux Fleet Captain who took out dragons—and I wondered why you still lingered on the shores. I employed you because of your prowess and your will, but I wondered why you were still here when you could’ve been chasing something greater.”
All the words that swirled in the back of my throat are suddenly gone; the frustration has forfeited my core, fleeing the emptiness. Now instead of trying to hold something back, I am left instead with entirely nothing.
Ningguang pales, her knuckles white. “You are as much of an enigma to me as I am to you, Beidou,” she says. “And you say that I should tell you that I know who you are. But if even you can’t answer that question, then how am I supposed to?” Shame embodies every word of the phrase and it feeds the crawling guilt inside of me.
Then we’re quiet again—we let the silence sweep over us like a riptide, our tongues dry and eyelids heavy. Ningguang’s words run through my mind, unrelenting.
I did hear about you in the harbor. Zhongli-xiansheng did tell me about you—this strong Crux Fleet Captain who took out dragons—and I wondered why you still lingered on the shores.
It is a miracle that there is no tale of Captain Beidou acting like a child.
The thought numbs me. I don’t like this feeling, this affliction. My gaze drags upwards to fight the exhaustion that riddles my limbs. I get a glimpse of the collar of the evening dress Ningguang wears tonight, gold lace and a curve just short of her chest, and now it’s her neck, her jaw, her cheek, stained with emotion. I look upwards still.
Something shifts in me, then, some semblance of rationale trickling into the cracks in my resolve.
“Why are we fighting?”
Is it the way her lips curve downwards, the manner in which she furrows her eyebrows? Maybe it is the fact that I’d never witnessed displeasure so imminently plastered on her features, the agony of her flushed cheeks, those remorseful eyes. Ningguang had always kept her appearance in order, tidy even in informal events. There was always an air of refinement, an intricate delicacy about her.
But that had long been washed away from the moment she told me she was mine and I denied her. I ask myself now, what exactly it was that I wanted from her.
“I don’t know.”
Ningguang had never known the life which I expected of her—she’d never known the kind of living in which she was free to take. Too much of her person was spent giving to her friends, to associates, to her people. It was a part of her, just as her hair was, or her moontouched skin.
And we both wanted the same thing from this—to be loved—the only difference being that she would not let herself be.
Tears edge at the corners of my eye. “I’m sorry.” My throat closes, fills with the beginnings of a sob. “I’m sorry, Ningguang.”
At this, she steps closer to me, gingerly, saying nothing, taking in the air closest to me. The curve of her undereye and the crinkle that connects her lids deepens. Some shine returns to her iris. She moves in, still, her dress blowing lightly by her ankles. 
We blend together like steady hands pushing into the earth.
She cups my cheek with her palm and closes her eyes. I shift my head to touch my lips with the base of it and breathe in her faded perfume. It smells like grace. My hand finds hers as she rubs over the thick fabric of my eyepatch with a thumb.
“Perhaps I should have known.” she whispers.
“You didn’t need to.” Words bubble up and out from the thickness of my throat. It’s natural, freeing. “I shouldn’t have acted so rashly. I was being selfish and stupid and idiotic—we could have talked.”
“We should have.” There’s a sadness to her smile she wears when she looks at me. “We can do it now, if you’d like.”
I swallow thickly, allow for the silence to seep into us. “Yeah.”
She kisses the tip of my nose then guides me to the nearest couch. Down we sit, and there we think—I have no idea if she’s already got her thoughts sorted, but she gives me time. When I’m done ruminating, I leave five minutes just in case she needs it.
“Can I talk?” I finally ask, uncertainty bleeding through every syllable. Ningguang nods with an earnest look, stance open and turned towards me, hands folded neatly in her lap. A half-smile curves my lips upwards.
“Look, I know I already said this, but I’m— I’m sorry for the way I acted. I don’t ever want you to feel like I’m too demanding or brash or impatient. I was… I was acting out of impulse. There’s no excuse for it and I apologize.” 
Ningguang hums. Her eyes study my face with such focus, flitting here and there, down the tired lines that streak my cheeks, curving with the sag of my under eye. She must’ve come across something that said I wasn’t done just yet—she’s waiting, silent, understanding, soft.
Then I speak my part for a while, rambling, asking her questions, to which she responds patiently to. The tension in the air eases, I feel the tears abate, and wonder why we didn’t do this earlier.
When I finish, she starts, voice level. She tells me little things about her, the reason why she never opened up, the lingering shame that lasted when confronted about her past, that same shame she felt when she thought I would resent her for it. The more she goes, the more things I notice about her—the way she twists her rings around her fingers when she’s nervous, the quirk of her brow in moments of tenseness, how tightly she holds herself, guarded, though she’s spilling all the secrets of her little, compacted world.
It takes time, like things do. She pauses sometimes, unsure, and I can only put my hand on her back for reassurance. The lines in her forehead deepen like she’s searching for something. Her grip on her arm tightens, tips of her fingers flushed yellow, palms red. Tears come slowly, leaking out, dripping down, lines etched in the fine divots of her features.
I don’t stop them.
She grasps the empty air like there’s something to hold, wearing an expression of longing as she does. I fill the gap with what I can, scarred fingers and bound muscle, trying not to think about what goes on inside that head of hers.
I never wanted to see vulnerability alive in her eyes again, pupils blown out in fright.
The rest of the night rolls through us without trouble. We talk until our throats run dry and succumb to slumber when the conversation naturally comes to a close.
When she pulls me to bed, our fingers intertwined, this is perhaps a mark of the first peaceful night for both of us in a long time.
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a/n: hello! my first writing post in a couple of months... a LOT of months, actually. i hope you enjoyed it. this was probably one of the first times i went into depth for a ship without prior material that extended this deep. it was fun!
but it took three months to make and i kinda struggled through it at times. BUT in the end it all turned out fine and was only achievable with the help of my darlingest best friendest sunnie (@/sunshii on ao3) as a beta <3 i love you sunnie mwamwamwamwamwa <3 and i love you guys! thank you for reading and liking my works :)
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boyywithluv · 2 years
4,5,6,11 and 18-- for the ship asks
feel free to not answer some of these since i sent so many! <3 <3
HI THANK YOU♡♡♡ sorry it took me a bit to answer akkdksk♡
4. What is/are Your favorite Trope(s)?
Friends to lovers (ESPECIALLY when its childhood friends), i love a good arranged marriage au, i also adore monster plots? Im not exactly sure what it would be called but like when person A is some big terrifying monster, and terrified of hurting B, but character B knows in their heart they never would it just uuuuughggggdjejfjfjfjdajwmjfj
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
Now i will read and enjoy it if done certain ways!! But i usually hate the way its done :')
Im not into the idea of like. "There is one perfect person for me and thats it"
I am a firm believer in "love is made. Love is work. Love is effort." so they usually just dont vibe for me.
Im not particularly into angst/hurt no comfort either but thats not rlly an "i have an issue with how its done" and more "i am a big sensitive baby who cries way too easily" OWJDKWKDKE
6. Do you have a certain kind of ship you're more attracted to?
I. Love. Ying/Yang. Symbolism.
I want my ships to mirror each other. I want them to be whole on their own, and something more together.
I go absolutely FERAL for ships that are foils to each other- who complete each other in a way they never expected
(See ladynoir, zentan, tododeku, etc)
I also LOVE found family poly ships.
All my poly ships are a little family who have been to hell and back together they would DIE (and in some cases have) for each other! Anything to keep each other safe i live for that shit owkdkakd
11. What makes a great ship, in your opinion?
I mean- i could be very jaded and list all my favorite things but honestly that's the kind of thing thats in the eyes of the beholder.
So many ships i look at and go "ugh" someone else looks at and sees nirvana.
Its completely subjective and i don't feel right making a comment of what makes one thing great and another not! Bc yeah theres tropes/dynamics i LOVE but everyone loves something.
You know the classic "one mans trash is another mans treasure" thing!
18. What is your favorite Unpopular ship?
(Kingdom Hearts)
I see Sora shipped with tons of people but god the heart hotel as this sweet little poly ship absolutely KILLS me and its so so rare to find anything for them *platonically*, much less shippy :'))
Their overall group dynamic makes me so♡♡♡
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
can I get some more octavinelle with pregnant!mc? how they would react around mc and when the baby is born if they would cry or anything
in case I'm violating any rules or the requests are closed feel free to delete this! I'm just a big jade simp and I love my octatrio a lot too!
Requests are currently closed.... but.... I'm a sucker for domestic stuff and an Octavinelle stan, so I'm gonna do this anyways asddf
This will be the one exception [note post writing everything: YEAH this will definitely be the ONLY exception.... this is looooong]
Tried to keep everything as gender neutral as possible: when referring to pregnant partner and the babies alike
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 💜
When you're pregnant
Proud papa!! Azul definitely cried from happiness when news of your pregnancy reached him
Was also a nervous wreck, however. He's very insecure about his abilities to be a good father and role model his children would like to follow and look up to
You know him, he's studious and booksmart. Ashengrotto will take to reading many parenting books and blogs entries to prepare himself for the arrival of his baby
Definitely had you both enroll in classes in a local hospital so you know how to act and what to expect when time for labor arrives
Health and being healthy is important to him. For you he will put up with eating all sort of balanced meals, regardless of how much he dislikes them (so you're not alone while keeping up a diet)
Always accompanies you to your gynecology appointments. Cried every time your baby's heartbeat was heard through the echo/ultrasound machine
We know how he is, grown up Azul probably has a business of his own and it takes a good amount of his time to attend. Still, he will take time to call you through the day to make sure you're fine
Probably had either of the twins look after you in days he really couldn't take time off his job. Jade being the more helpful one with chores and emotional rants (you've both probably sniffled at natural documentaries), while Floyd is perfect for food prep and hysterical laughs over fail videos
Every night, before going to bed, he spends time talking to your baby bump, places some kisses on it too
He goes sooooo soft in those moments before sleep takes you away, his love lulls you to refreshing rest
Always makes sure to give you a kiss and a rub goodbye to your bump when heading off to work
Really enjoys watching you cook. the pregnancy glow looks beautiful on you when doing mundane tasks, he thinks
Maternity pictures? He's a little reluctant, but if you really want to... *end up carrying a small copy of his favorite pic in his wallet* *sends a copy of the whole pack to his mother and grandma* *frames his favorite and puts it on his office*
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
But after a nice yell of surprise, fear and nerves, he's ready to go and put your plan of action learned in those classes ready!
He's collected for the most part, but every time you scream from the contractions, he screams too because "he can feel it"... but it's really just his nerves getting out of hand
However, once you get to the hospital, this man will burst in and yell loud and clear "SOMEONE HELP ME, MY SPOUSE IS IN LABOR!!!" because the ride was so stressful he can't hold it together anymore
Be it through natural labor or C-section, Azul will want to hold your hand and be there for you through it all.... He might get light headed at times, but again, he'll push through anything to make sure you and the baby are fine
If he somehow manages to translate his grip strength to his human form now that he's older, he will be squeezing your hand just as hard as you're squeezing
Is a mess of tears once your child's first cry echoes through the room. It feels so relieving and miraculous.... You're now parents to your first little baby!!
Can't help to smile so tenderly at his chubby little angel. Runs a finger delicately against their cheek and sheds more tears at how warm and soft and alive they are
"My precious little pearl... What a blessing you are, little one, already making us so joyous. Welcome"
Azul holds his child so gently. If you had a glow while pregnant, Azul has a glow as a new father. You swear you can see a golden halo around him whenever he's pampering and carrying your child
Reads them a bedtime story every day. They may not understand him, but Azul wants to acquaint them to his voice quickly
Since he has paperwork to do at home, there have been times the octomer left you to sleep while he attended the baby's necessities. It relaxes him, and the rocking to get them back to sleep refreshes him. How can one not be powered up after seeing a plump little munchkin sound asleep with a smile on their face?
This private moments with the baby get him emotional, has probably cried during all of them. He just feels blessed with a mountain of happiness when he sees his baby sleep so comfortably, knowing they're surrounded by love and care.
Is curious to see if his baby will manifest a merfolk form later in life, or manifest any sort of magical powers.
BONUS: It was during a family vacation to the beach during their 2nd year in primary school where your child manifested their mer-form. They were ecstatic!!
🐬 Jade Leech 💜
When you're pregnant
His expression was as collected as always, but his heart jumped into outer space when he got the news of your pregnancy. Held you close and kissed you with so much passion and love, you saw a new Jade that day.
He thinks you don't notice, but the loving gaze he shoots your way when doing the most random things around the house is so soft, your heart stops every time (think of his lab coat groovy, that smile)
Like Azul, he's very keen on keeping you healthy. Along with a proper diet, he makes sure you take your daily supplements
But he turns a blind eye when you wish to indulge a liiiittle too much on that snack you adore
With his big appetite, it doesn't come as a surprise that he willingly subjects himself to your strange cravings
Jade is another one that accompanies you to each and every doctor's appointment. Is well read of what to expect in every month mark, so he asks the most questions to clear up any doubts you may have.
His eyes filled with tears when hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time. Held your hand tightly and kiss your forehead so many times while you were in the ultrasound room
While he's patient, sometimes your mood swings also get him in a sour mood. Thankfully, he has a way to destress with his job and terrariums. It's not long into the day when he calls to apologize for any dumb things he said, and to make sure you're doing fine
Floyd sometimes tags along to your home. It's always 50/50 on what it'll be: nice funny harmony, or utter disastrous chaos that leaves you sobbing in your husband's arms.
Perhaps the one thing Jade dislikes of your pregnancy is ho hard it is for you to find a position to sleep in because your constant tossing and turning interrupts his sleep every time
Jade speaks to your bump in whispers. Likes to lay his head on your lap and talk to the baby. He tells stories of his childhood, tells the little one how much they're loved, and sometimes indulges in singing
He also likes to play classical music for your bun
The one thing he adores? Feeling your baby kick, it always lights up his face with a bright pointy smile
If you want maternity photos, Jade is quick to convince! He acts like it embarrasses him, but he does secretly want some nice pictures to commemorate this period in your lives (plus, Mama Leech wants some to display in her home!)
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
His mind is running a mile a minute. Excuse him is he calls you "hospital" instead of your name, everything's flashing before his eyes quicker than he can register.
Would crash the car into the entrance from how fast everything's happening, but he doesn't. He does carry you to the front desk and hurriedly pants "Spouse, baby, NOW! HELP!!"
For x or y reason, Jade ends up waiting to hear the news of you and the baby. He's not in the room with you. The whole time he's left alone, he's bouncing his feet and pacing back and forth. In a short moment of clarity, he dials up Azul and notifies him of the situation, asking the octomer to pass the information to his twin and parents.
With how long births are, it shouldn't be surprising to see Mama and Papa Leech, Floyd and Azul arrive at the hospital. However, with how worried and stressed he is right now, it does catch Jade by surprise.
This moment of uncertainty, of not being by your side, is the one time where the eel lets his emotions and thoughts go unfiltered.... which may provoke his twin a little. But it's exactly these small quarrels that snap sense into him and remind him that he should focus his attention on doctors and nurses for any possible news about you. They also help refresh and keep him awake
His mother and Azul are the most helpful, calming him down and quelling his anxieties about your and the baby's safety
The moment he sees the familiar face of one of the doctors that entered the same room as you, he's up and speedwalking to them.
As soon as the merman gets permission to see you, he's already making his way to you
Finally, he can rest and let it all out. There's visible tears flowing out his eyes and sobs coming out of him while he holds your little bundle of joy. Not even a thousand kisses are enough to show his gratitude to all that you've done for him
He was already in love with your baby the moment he laid eyes on them, but once their tiny hand wrapped around his finger.... HE WAS DONE FOR, THIS BABY WOULD BE SPOILED BY PAPA FOR ALL ETERNITY. In fact, it was this moment the one that made him ugly cry
His instincts got the best of him. Jade literally snapped around to bite his father and Floyd when they got a too close to the sleeping baby. By a miracle he allowed his mother coddle them for a split second. Can you blame the poor man? He's sleep deprived and stressed, cut him some slack
Once he got some rest, Jade was embarrassed by his words and actions, but oh well... The past is in the past
He adores spending time with your baby. Every time he's in charge of bathing them, he does the cutest babytalk. He lives to see them giggle and relax in the water
Feeding time is also one of his favorites, and you also enjoy it too. Jade is just wonderful when taking care of the baby, your heart swells and a smile reaches your lips (partly because he turns so silly to make the little one eat)
He is helpful when attending the child at night, but whenever he had a stressful day at work he pleads you to go and calm them down
Talking about stressful days, feel free to send him some selfies and pictures of your baby through the day. They surely will cheer him up a little while he works.
When your child starts attempting to talk, Jade will go along with it. He nods and answers attentively to anything your baby says
BONUS: At around 5 years of age, your kid turned into their merfolk form in the middle of bath time. They cried from panic while Jade had a proud smile on his face
🦈 Floyd Leech 💜
When you're pregnant
He takes a minute to process the news. Frankly, he's nervous about this big leap, but he's sure he wants to have kids with you. His excitement may be subdued at first, but you will see him throw more smiles and tender gazes your way within the following weeks
If you notice him spacing out during the first weeks, urge him to speak out. It will take many tries to get him to open up, but one night he goes to spoon you, hand carefully caressing your tummy. "I'm unsure... isn't this... too fast?"
Understand that his doubts are more about feeling unprepared (specifically him, he has no clue how to even begin preparing), not about not wanting to have kids. "Accidents happen, Floyd, we can't control every variable in our lives. We have one another, I'm certain that together we can do this."
"Plus, we can always consult your parents." Cue a groan from him, but soon after there was a smile
Slow but steady, Leech begins researching and reading up about parenting and pregnancy. Lemme tell ya, he's not looking forward to the mood swings. Sure enough, when they arrive, he handles them very poorly. At the end of every day, however, he hugs you close while in bed and asks for forgiveness through kisses to your back
He sometimes gets bored by all the technical talk your gynecologist speaks, but follows their orders to a T. They're the professional, he barely knows the surface of what your body's going through.
After being told that was the baby's heartbeat, Floyd's wide mismatched eyes remained glued to the monitor showing the silhouette of his little bun. Chills coursed through him and his eyes watered, heart leaping with joy.... It felt so strange, but he didn't wish this magical emotion to stop
He probably buys you one of those pill organizers with pretty colors so you know and he knows if you've taken your supplements
Whenever he has a very shitty day at work, being greeted by you waddling up to him due to your feet hurting from carrying the baby once he arrives home is the best. It makes him chuckle, but he soon drops down to place a kiss to your tummy to dispel any irritation you may feel his way after his small laugh
About work... Azul kinda lets him do as he pleases, he's aware there's no changing his decision. If he wants to skip half the shift to keep an eye on you, he allows it. But Floyd must heed important calls whenever he's summoned urgently.
Will ask to bath together. Intimate, soothing, and relaxing. Bathing with you while hugging you from behind to feel the bump reassures him you're both doing a good job so far, that there's nothing to fear
It's mainly in the few seconds before bedtime that he drops onto your lap to chat with the little one. Likes to hum melodies to the bump
He has a little game where he'll poke at your belly and wait to see if the baby kicks the spot he prodded
Sometimes, Azul pops up for a visit. Very calming to have the grey haired to talk to about emotional messes. Jade sometimes calls to make sure you're both fine and have everything you need. If he visits, they're short and to the point.
Maternity photoshoot?? Nah, he'll pass.... but if you are stubborn and very insistent, he relents. You better not send them to his parents behind his back (but you totally do, of course).
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
You want chaos? Because you definitely got chaos! Don't get me wrong, Floyd is actually doing a tremendously amazing job carrying your bag and yourself to the car. He's actually driving superb while reminding you to take repeat the breathing exercises you were taught. It's just...... the other people's slow pace and stupidity the ones making him yell profanities
Absolutely throws his signature crazed look at the first nurse he finds when asking, no, demanding help
That crazed look was reason enough to keep him out of the room you'd be in, his consequent aggressiveness after given the news is an even grater reason. If you can muster it, tell him you will be okay and to trust the doctors.
Sits on the closest waiting space to your room. Probably goes up to a bending machine and punches it a couple times to release some of the tension (he got a free snack, too)
Now it's when the nervousness settles in. He's so afraid at having you and his child away from him, he's worried about everything. May shed a couple tears of frustration, fear, and stress. His instincts tell him to protect you even if he knows there's nothing to protect you from, you're in a hospital for goodness sake!
That's when he calls Jade for comfort, and soon after dials his mother. It's her voice the one that helps him break through the confusing fog in his mind to go back and sit as close to your room as he can
Probably ends up stress eating everything in that vending machine he punched as he waits for any news about you and the baby He's munching on the last bit of a candy bar when a new one crosses his field of vision. It's Jade, with a bag full of treats, and some much needed water. Azul's beside his twin
It feels strange, but Floyd feels very vulnerable and needs the familiarity both of them bring. He lets his head fall on Jade's shoulder, which the twin takes as cue to hug him by placing an arm around his shoulders. Azul kneels in front of him and asks "How are you feeling, Floyd?"
"Scared.... and alert. Like I need to protect them, but... I know they're safe." He probably ends up crying a little more right then. After being calmed down by Azul, he probably sleeps for 10 minutes
Wakes up to find his mother replacing Jade by his side, and his dad is also with them now. Definitely feels much better after some shut eye and after seeing he's now surrounded by familiar faces
When he hears his name be called out by the doctor, he's immediately shooting up and throwing questions at the doc. Thankfully, the professional firmly states everything went swimmingly and he can now see you.
Will you look at that? TWO little babies are waiting to meet him!
You're holding one, and the second cutie is placed in his arms and.... There come the waterworks again It was such a natural reaction, he had no time to try and suppress it. Not like he would've wanted to, but the way you "aww"ed at him made him feel a little embarrassed
The twin in his arms reached out and tugged his black strip of hair after it tickled their face, Floyd couldn't help giggle
He can't lie, his arms were shaking the whole time he held the little one. He was scared of hurting them...or dropping them
He wonders how everyone missed the elusive second baby, but he's so happy!! He has two cute kids!! Oh, you're such a wonderful and strong parent! You carried their weight combined and powered through the pregnancy just like that!
He really wants to climb into your bed and hold you so close, but he knows you need rest. Settles for peppered kisses all over your face while uttering "I love you, thank you" in between
While his instincts do tell him to chase away the "dangerous" males away from his newborn kids, Floyd does let his father get close and look at the babies along with his mom. Jade and Azul are a different story, however, he growled at them.
Like Jade, Floyd loves spending time with his twins! His top fav is bathing the twins because he's always eager to see if they will turn into merfolk (spoilers: they do!! And quite early! A few months after their 1st birthday!)
Another thing he loves doing is laying a blanket on the floor and watching his cuties play with their toys and giggle at each other
He tried their baby food once and decided to make homemade baby food from then on. He says he wants his little ones to taste only good things since those prepackaged stuff taste terrible. Just keep an eye on his spice use.
Night necessities are your task though, he does not take kindly to being interrupted in his sleep
He likes reenacting baby photos of him and Jade with his babies
Once his kids get the hang of their mer-form, most of your vacations will be under the sea~
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Your writing is amazing! Can I ask for yandere behavior of Rook? Like what would be starting point of his obssesion? Thank you in advance ^^
God its been forever and there are asks sitting here unanswered for so long. I'm so sorry, I just have not been in the mood to answer stuff on Tumblr, but now I am in the mood. Better late than never, I guess? Haha... Anyways! "Many thoughts, little words," as I always say. Ever since the new content on the recent Ignihyde chapters, I knew Rook was yandere material before but now? Wow, is he really, I mean seriously, yandere material.
I'm just going to take this as a chance to rant about this a bit and maybe write something small. Here goes.
Personally, I feel like multiple things could trigger Rook’s obsession. If you’re like Yuu and from another world, that would certainly be enough to catch his attention. Maybe you’re from Twisted Wonderland and catch his attention another way. It’s possible you’re a beastman or actually from the sea, this would be enough to catch his attention. Or perhaps you are human and there’s just something about you. It could be your attitude, the way you talk, the way you think, the way you do things, some trait you have. You have to stand out for some reason. I can’t see Rook taking a particular interest in someone normal with nothing that stands out. Sure, you may be average and he still knows plenty about you, but he knows plenty about everyone. 
Once you do have his attention, he’ll add you to the top of the list of people to watch. You’ll somehow be among the ranks with students such as Leona, Ruggie, Floyd, and Jade, unfortunate to have caught his eye. In each subject he watches, he finds beauty in them. Of course, you were no exception. You might’ve been the most beautiful. 
So, Rook's special magic allows him to track anything really. It fits his whole thing as a hunter, and man would that take play in with the yandere thing. This means you can never get away from Rook. Yes, maybe he'll toy with you and play a game of cat and mouse, he might let you get far enough where you think you have a chance, but that's just him letting you think that. It's like he has an invisible leash on you, just letting you have enough lead for false hope before reeling you back in, or rather, chasing after you. Wherever you may be, he knows where you are and it's only a matter of time before he reaches you.
However, I don't think he would be that bad of a yandere. There certainly could be worse, you could have had someone like Leona or Malleus or even Vil, but Rook isn't all that bad. Yeah, he's creepy, and overbearing, and just plain weird... but he truly does care and he makes sure you know it. He's a poet, laying down lines, he would always sing your praises and give you warm shows of affections like fleeting kisses and holding your hand (often too tight). But, he truly does treasure you. He has so many nicknames for you, each endearing and hold deep meaning, each one he says with such fondness. He won't force you to do anything, after all, he fell in love with you.
Actually, I think he would expect you to stay home most of the time. Not as a house spouse or anything, just... stay home and don't leave. If you do leave, well, I can't see him being angry just disappointed you keeping running from the love of your life! But he's a patient man, so run away as many times as you can. He'll find you, and bring you back, and love you, until the cycle repeats all over again.
As for the staying home thing, it's been established that Rook is from a rich family with multiple homes in different countries. Surely he can provide for you, buy you whatever material item you wish for, isn't he such a wonderful lover? If you don't get a material gift one day, you're getting poetry and affection. Rook is probably one of the most affectionate, if not the most affectionate, yanderes out of the entire cast. Running his thin fingers through your hair, kissing your cheeks, bringing your figure close so he can feel your warmth and he can hear your heart rapidly beating out of fear-- these are all things to expect from him as your captor.
Still, he has his moments where you're reminded of the harsh reality. He wasn't some sweet loving man, he kidnapped you and hid you away from the world in some deep forest! You're reminded of these especially when he lets something creepy slip. Yeah, those "stalking" tendencies of watching those classmates he found interesting? You're not spared from that. In fact, it increases tenfold for you. He has multiple cameras filled to the brim with photos of you, an unnerving amount of those photos being very private ones too. His collection of these photos and items you've "lost" might as well be a whole shrine dedicated to you.
One moment he'll be acclaiming your beauty (even if you don't think you're beautiful, to him you're the most beautiful being he's ever laid his eyes on), and the next he'll murmur something chilling. Something like, "Ah, you're hair is magnifique! To touch it is simply a blessing, for so long I've merely held onto a strand in a locket." While whiffing your hair or something. Or maybe "Do not fret, mon ange, there is no need to be ashamed! This would not be the first time I've been an audience as you do this!" When you're about to do something but swear you've never done that something in front of Rook.
Anyways, that's all I can think of for now. Have this little scenario I made up on the spot.
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Twenty-five. This was his darling's twenty-fifth time attempting to escape. Yes, they knew that even attempting to run was futile, but they did it anyway. Oh, how he loved his darling, he adored their whole being, but each escape attempt didn't hurt any less. He was not mad, just disappointed and impressed. Even if the hunt had been exhilarating, fun even, they still had tried to run. They actually got much further compared to the last twenty-four times, and somehow managed to escape the house he rigged with locks.
"Mon lapin,"
Rook spoke softly, kneeling in front of them. Those forest green eyes peered up at them. He continued to smile as always, for he could never be angry at them. As they say, kill them with kindness. His fingers brushed over their knee, which was bruised from a tumble they had taken while running. Even as he applied an ointment to it to soothe the pain, his darling never acknowledge him. Obviously they were angry, at him for capturing them and at themself for failing once again.
Despite all that, he smiled. He nearly wanted to congratulate them and cheer them up by telling them how much further they got in today's chase, but he knew better, that would only motivate them to do it again. They likely would do it again either way. Instead, he chose to adore them, fret over them, love them.
"My poor wounded lapin. Tell me, mon ange, does anything else ache? Each time I see you hurt... I feel that I too am wounded. Each cut and bruise tainting your flesh, is something I cannot stand to see!"
Pressing a gentle kiss upon their knee, and taking their hand he pressed another kiss over the cut on their palm. Yes, he was a hunter, but he did not want to see his beloved in pain. He would never even dream of purposefully harming them, even the thought of doing so felt like a sin!
"I shall nurse you back to health, like caring for a darling fawn! Mon coeur, please. I do not want to see you in pain. Rest, close your eyes, allow me to love you."
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
dunno if this has been requested already, but can i get an albedo mc with the vice dorm leaders?? only if u want to :)
An alchemical genius, no wonder Divus favors you over everyone else. An amiable and patient, a kind soul in place. But you spend your time in recluse areas, sometimes having a slight distaste with talking with your peers because of the trouble needed to maintain the social relationship. You love drawing a lot, observing the things around you with curious eyes. Secretive about your past, you love working on many experiments, but know how to take a break. A bit of an oddball I must say.
You're also somehow very good with children, apparently.
Sorry there's no Ruggie, Jamil and Lilia- ;-;;;;;; And had to add in Idia to fulfil another anon's request.
Also pretty boy Albedo, he's so sweet UwU
TWST The patient and experimental alchemist, s/o (Albedo)
Trey Clover
Well, you certainly are quite weird. You usually exclude yourself from places with many people, even if you had met the Adeuce combo first, he doesn't see you around them so often even though the three of you claim you're best friends.
Trey sees you have a thing for alchemy, you love asking Crewel questions, albeit at appropriate timings, and Crewel keeps praising you for making a successful alchemy performance. It's not to become a teacher's pet, but rather because you were genuinely curious and love alchemy in general.
Trey is very appreciative of your calm, patient and kind nature. Heartslabyul is just filled with non stop drama, in fact, all of NRC is. Being with you, makes him feel more relaxed as you both remain quiet, enjoying the peaceful silence, occasional sounds from your pencil when you sketch and small conversations between you two.
He's also appreciating the fact you're wise enough to know how to take a break, so he wouldn't get worried you worry for him tho-.
You and Trey experiment on things related to alchemy science, your way of putting words together while making a hypothesis or conclusion and reason is somehow alluring to him.
Sometimes he sees you drawing in your sketchbook, while peering over it to look at him, eyes back to what you were drawing.
Upon finishing, you show him, and only him, that you drew things like the flowers, plants and trees, but most importantly, a beautiful sketch of him. You look a little shy when you showed him.
He chuckles.
You certainly are a unique one, aren't you?
Jade Leech
How interesting. A quiet little fish sketching away in their sketchbook, looking naive. How cute~ That was Jade's first thought.
He soon realized that you have always been watching him from the start, curious about his anatomy upon hearing he was a mer eel. A sneaky one he is, he peeps into your sketchbook when you aren't looking, discovering how you think his eel form looks like, finely sketched.
Perhaps he might show you? You're so curious as ever. You excel in alchemy, and you hold a passion for it dear, quite adorable may he add. You love experimenting on potions, chemicals, elements and much more, something Jade finds quite amusing, watching you as you stir a concoction in your cauldron.
You're patience and kindness is something he appreciated. Being the vice dorm leader of Octavinelle, isn't very easy. Jade's been running errand after errand non stop, everyone asking for his help with little patience sure gets him to burn out easily. Lucky for him, he gets to relax in the comfortable silence place between you two, occasional conversations brought up is something he thinks about a lot.
He's very keen on unravelling your past; you seem to keep it from everyone. He's not trying to be nosy, but he's just as curious of you as you are with him.
It's only fair he also gets his trade of the deal when he shows you his true form, hmm?~
Rook Hunt
Oh my! What an interesting and refreshing person you are! You have a keen eye for detail, don't you? Observing your surroundings, curious of the world around you, like himself!
Your sense of experimenting is something he admires, and he's more than glad to help you in doing so! He doesn't have to worry about you getting tired so frequently, you know when's the right time to take a break!
Rook is very moved by how patient and kind you can be, especially with him. His poor little soul can't handle the cruel weight of the school!~ You told him to please stop being dramatic- he "wasn't"- Geez-
It's funny how someone who likes talking, well, sort of, is friends with someone as quiet as you. Quite the dynamic you two make. He notices you seclude your self in places where there's zero to none people around, so... he'd be the one person who's always with you.
You're usually patient, so long as he doesn't disturb you too much, and Rook respects you want some quiet peace. And in all honesty, he loves the peaceful tranquility brought about.
He doesn't mind such <3
Ortho Shroud (Platonic)
Ortho finds you very cool!
He thinks you're love for alchemy and experimenting is something his brother would totally love! On the topic of his brother, you do remind him a lot about him. You two like to be alone but for different reasons.
Idia is more afraid of social interaction and awkwardness, but you on the other hand, you just prefer the peace and quiet, and maybe also you don't know how to handle social relationships too well.
That's okay! Ortho loves seeing you draw. Sometimes, he show your drawings to his brother and tells him what's it's all about. Your art is so detailed, fine and beautiful, he's never really seen such artistic talent in real life other than you!
You like showing him what you do, and show him cool things while you perform alchemy like creating an illusion of bright blue butterflies come to life from mixing potions.
It's super cool! And really beautiful! You can even create art it alchemy, so interesting!
I'm sure big brother would love how kind and patient you are! He admires that, and he feels big brother needs someone like you to help him!
He likes seeing you apart of his family, even though it just consists of him and Idia.
You're his other, cool role model, that's for sure! <3
Idia Shroud
Idia is super thankful that you're very patient with him, and that you're relatively quiet. He hates social interaction, the pressure's just too much, and he doesn't know how to keep a conversation going.
So you're quiet nature and being patient when he tries to think of a way to reply or talk to you is very appreciated. He usually just scrolls through his phone, hearing your pencil in contact with the pages of your sketchbook, drawing away. He wasn't going to lie, he think's you're really cute when you're focus on drawing.
Every time you're experimenting with your ace subject, alchemy, he usually helps you, albeit if you wanted him to usually because you just see him there just staring at your cauldron and sometimes you very tempting to want to join you- and he feels a little scared he might mess up.
You reassure him that it's okay to fail an experiment, and thus they are experiments, that they aren't made to be perfect the first time round. By this point, he thinks you're a saint, you're so kind and patient and like- he's just- there
Idia sees you one day sketching a lot, while you look at him intently sometimes. Was pretty nervous about what you were doing, but ultimately melt when you show him you were sketching him.
He's so flustered, embarrassed and happy at the same time because he didn't expect you to draw him, and he wonders why you wanted to draw him, but he's really happy you wanted to.
It makes him feel special <3
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jazzythursday · 3 years
I’m about to go into another very long Marvel rant/dissertation here— mostly for myself— that I started writing soon after the Loki Series finale so please feel free to just scroll past this, because honestly I think I kinda overdid this one. It’s jaded and overly dramatic even for me. You have been warned:
The last 4 Marvel movies/shows I’ve watched left me feeling so completely depressed and unsatisfied and hopeless about the future of popular entertainment and story telling in general, and I know I’m not the only one. The fact that fans are going into these experiences hoping for a good story and character arcs that make sense with prior characterization, and leaving feeling… empty is a very clear sign that their approach leaves a lot to be desired.
Infinite War had some valid reasons to end the way it did, because by having our heroes fall so much harder than ever before, it built up the tension and high stakes for the next film. But what does that do when Endgame leaves us feeling even worse? I wanted them to triumph and finally come together to be better. I expected there would be losses of course but not enough to negate the wins. Instead the characters were subjugated for plot, characterization was watered down, and we lost all the original Avengers besides Thor and Bruce (who was no longer even Bruce). Peter loses Tony, Thor’s previous loses are permanent, and so many other things that, in spite of loving a lot of the movie, mean I haven’t been able to stop being sad about it for literal years. And the amount of thoughtless destruction that seems to be at an all time high when it comes to character’s lives and disregard for properly exploring emotions just doesn’t leave much to be expected at this point. Far From Home was good. It was. I liked it a lot. The acting was wonderful and there were some really interesting themes they grappled with but I still walked out of the theater feeling like there was still so much detachment surrounding a lot of the decisions, a little too much thoughtlessness (that, and the gaping hole of Tony). I’m not going to talk about WandaVistion but I’ll say that I was invested until the start of episode 8, and finished episode 9 feeling drained and tired and sad.
Then we get to Loki, a show which has plagued far too many of my thoughts since I started watching it, and has crushed my hopes for ever truly being happy with a Marvel project ever again. Loki is a character who’s ostensibly felt alienated and unseen for most of his life, and that’s before finding out about his parentage. His first movie ends with his suicide attempt and subsequent fall into the void. His second takes place a year into working under Thanos and ends with him being taken away in chains (yes I know he’s the villain he’s done bad things etc. etc. but for the purposes of this I’m only focusing on his pov). Then his third involves his solitary imprisonment, his mother’s death, and his near-death (considering the likelihood that he was actually stabbed), although it does end on a lighter note with his acquisition of the throne. Then we get his redemption and reconciliation with Thor in Ragnarok, immediately followed by the utter tragedy that is the first 10 minutes of Infinite War, which I don’t think I need to explain.
So what I suppose I’m saying here (very very inadequately) is that after all of that, I can’t believe the proper story to tell in his first chance at being a main protagonist was one where he’s constantly degraded and beat up, convicted of things he didn’t actually do, given no focus on backstory or implied/established motivations, and labeled as a clown and a narcissist! His powers are weakened, he displays almost no recognizable mannerisms or competence, he’s held to a higher moral standard than every other character, shown no respect, and ultimately loses EVEN MORE. We’ve seen him lose and lose and lose and lose again. We’ve seen him die THREE TIMES, we’ve seen him redeemed TWICE. So who in their right mind thinks that the most compelling story to tell after all of that was to see him LOSE AGAIN?! And not only lose, but lose without any real triumph, dignity, or acknowledgment beforehand. Death to the author aside, reading the utter nonsense the team behind it have spread, it’s so clear that it wasn’t made in good faith. Whether in ignorance or true maliciousness, they just don’t care. They didn’t research. They didn’t try and see things from his point of view. They didn’t truly sympathize with him as a person while writing. They didn’t understand. And they truly, truly wanted him to fail.
I’m tired of feeling hopeless at the end of everything, of leaving the theater or turning off the TV wondering why I even bothered, why I even care when I’m just being strung along with as little consideration as an audience as my favorite characters. I wanted to actively see him strive to be better, not just be told he could be. I wanted to see him triumph over his demons, not forget them. I wanted to see him be the “master of magic” that every other damn movie has alluded to, and to use his powers effectively. I wanted him to be powerful. I wanted him to, if not win, then win on a personal level at least. I wanted to see him take agency in his life and PROVE EVERYONE WRONG! And, though it’s now bafflingly controversial to say, I wanted it to be told by an experienced and competent writing and directing team that knew and understood his character and were passionate about telling his story.
I would ascribe to the notion of “don’t like it, don’t watch” if I could but I care to much to not be affected by this obvious decline in quality and awareness. And I’m a relatively recent fan. I haven’t been waiting for Loki to get his moment in the sun for 10 years. I’M NEW HERE, and my heart breaks so much for fans of the original movies who have lost their love of Marvel or Loki because of the way it’s been handled. No one should fall further than they can climb up from, and I’m tired of watching loss after loss and never getting the release of gaining enough of it back. What’s the point of caring about these characters if the writers won’t? Of investing in a connecting cinematic universe if it lacks continuity? Of looking for clues and foreshadowing when there isn’t any and the only twists are random and pander to shock value? The way these pieces/characters are being created and interpreted is reductive and incompetent, and for once I’d like to watch something that feels crafted, inspiring, and gratifying to see to the end.
If some people like the Loki show we got, I have no argument against that, because my own opinion is just as subjective as theirs. Though, I’d like to think that if what I want is for the show to be better out of love for the same character, then what they enjoyed from the show can coexist in that. If anyone’s actually read up to this point, I have to admit I’ve forgotten mine. Mostly I just wanted to express my frustrations over how unfeeling and stale most entertainment, specifically from Marvel as of late, has been.
TL;DR: I care too much, waaay too much, Marvel cares too little, Disney doesn’t care at all, and I don’t know how to accept that.
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
EreMika is the villa’s top couple. Reader is hoping to turn one of their heads.
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Mikasa Ackerman x Fem!Reader
Contains: 18+ characters, a good ol' fashioned love triangle, possessive behaviour, dom/sub dynamics, lil angst + lotsa pining, threesome, the sex is kinda messy but so is everything else
Word count: 10.5k (yes it's proofread but it's also kinda not)
Notes: For @doinmybesthere’s love island collab! happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈
Lush, mediterranean forests, thick with leaves and the wonder of adventure hidden inside.
Snow white, sandy beaches
Cerulean waters that sparkle in the sunlight and stretch to the edge of the horizon
The view from the infinity pool really is magnificent.
“You and Armin look good together.”
“You think so?” You murmur nonchalantly. The dark shades that cover your eyes dim your surroundings, making it all the more easy for you to see the brilliant figure in front of you.
“You don’t?” Mikasa cocks her head to the side, jet black bangs sweeping across her forehead.
“Armin’s a great guy. He’s my type on paper but… I dunno… I guess I wanna keep my options open.” You chew on your bottom lip, hoping she’ll change the subject. You can’t help the guilt that sits heavy on your heart.
The ‘you’ on the outside would never do something like this. Lead on some poor, innocent soul so you can stay close to the true object of your affections, biding your time until you can confess. Only when you’re certain that said love interest is free to be yours.
“Well, I still think you should lock him down before the recoupling. I don’t want you to get sent home.” Her gentle voice chases away any shame, kind eyes reminding you how you ended up in this situation in the first place.
“Oh you’d miss me?” You adjust your sunglasses, propping them atop your head, slowly wading towards her
“Of course you idiot.” She deadpans, kicking at the water, splashing in your face a little. You squeak in surprise and retreat a little. “You’re my best friend in the villa.”
If guilt is gnawing at you from one end, on the other end is bitterness, frustration slowly building towards a fever pitch.
Still, you don’t want to think about that now. You’ll only sour this moment for yourself. It’s rare that you get her full attention like this these days.
In the beginning, you two were inseparable almost from the jump. Both of you were a little more on the reserved side, especially stepping into such unusual circumstances. Naturally, you gravitated toward each other. Simply being in each other’s presence was enough to bring both of you out of your respective shells. That was the chemistry between you and Mikasa.
But when he dug his claws into her, your crush became one half of the strongest couple in the villa, leaving you behind to bury your own feelings.
Normally he’s stuck to her like a leech with his arms hanging around her like chains as if he’s afraid she’ll make a break for it any second. Like he’s afraid she’ll realise she’s too good to be catering to his every whim, too good to put up with his moodiness and too smart to fall for his charming front.
“Are you hoping someone new will come into the villa?” Someone ‘more your type’?” She uses air quotations to copy your words.
“Not exactly.” You start, distracted by the way she adjusts her bikini top, the soft flesh bouncing ever so slightly underneath her red bikini. The skin on her nose and on the apples of her cheeks are branded a similar shade thanks to the summer sun.
Your heart thrums against the ungiving wall of your chest, as you drift slowly towards her again, this time until you’re so close you feel her feet, drifting underwater at your waist. “I already have my eye on someone.” You answer as truthfully as possible.
“Are you gonna tell me who?” She furrows her brows curiously as you wrap your fingers around her ankles, slowly moving them up to rest on her calves. You use the position to pull yourself closer to her, until your chin rests on her knees. She leans down, as though she expects you to whisper the name of your crush into her ear.
You press yourself on to tip toes, to meet her halfway. Time seems to slow as you try to figure out what to do.
Lie? Confess? Kiss her?
But time doesn’t slow and-
You don’t get a chance to respond after your moment is ruined with an icy splash from behind you.
“Fucking hell!” You scream swatting water in his direction.
Right on cue.
“Eren what the fuck!” Mikasa scowls at him, clearly not amused either.
“I was just messing with you guys.” The sound of his cheery laugh may as well be nails on a chalkboard to you. “Sorry babe.” He pouts.
He takes up your spot by nudging you out of the way ever so subtly. Except it’s not really subtle. Not to you anyways. It’s pretty reminiscent of when he pushed you to the side when the two of them got together. He’s telling you to remember your place.
“Grow up Jaeger.” You roll your eyes.
With his arrival, discomfort sets into your bones. She accepts his apology almost instantly as always, easily placated with simple kisses. Innocent enough at first, starting over her knees but bit by bit his lips move further and further up her thigh, until she’s pushing him away murmuring “Not here.” As if he cared…
Watching them together, the picture of lovestruck, from a distance is nauseating enough, today you don’t have the willpower to experience it firsthand as a third wheel.
You’re about to excuse yourself when you hear Sasha yell from the opposite end of the pool. “Hey guys! I’ve got a text!”
Everyone shuffles closer, awaiting the message with quiet apprehension. When Sasha opens the message she gasps before reading it, making everyone’s anxiety grow tenfold.
“You don’t have to be a math genius to know that 1+1+1 = a crowd. It’s time to simplify the equation. Eren and ______ , get ready for a date! #LoveTriangle”
All eyes are on you in an instant and you resist the urge to duck down under the water to hide from the cameras. You wonder briefly if it would be easier to breathe down there, rather than up here where the tension is suffocating. Your fellow islanders are murmuring amongst each other but the words are indiscernible, muffled by the blood rushing to your head, face burning hot with embarrassment.
Everyone around you is wearing variations of the same expression; confusion. Sure they all had theories about you and Mikasa. Not that you were exactly subtle about it. Often touches that would linger for just a little bit too long, you would always lean in just a little too close when helping her with her makeup and many a time you’d been caught staring at her from afar. It’s just a little too intimate to be completely platonic but not intimate enough to be considered anything but a friendship. Then again, you never even had a chance to take it further because the only person who didn’t seem to notice was the ever oblivious Mikasa, not when she couldn’t see past the brunette boy with the striking jade eyes.
Now, looking at those very eyes you notice how they’ve lost their usual playfulness. As the exception to the bewildered expressions around you, he looks cold and unreadable. Then the corners of his lips twitch up into a small smile, one that doesn’t reach his eyes but big enough for him to flash his sharp white canines at you.
Mikasa has her eyes fixed to her hands in her lap, picking at her nails (a nervous habit she once told you). She refuses to look at neither you nor Eren.
You want to explain but the right words are nowhere to be found. Right here and now, in front of everyone (including the person she’s currently coupled up with) is not how you wanted her to find out. But you have to say something, anything to take away the melancholy that is so obviously weighing her down, but the words are stuck in your throat and before you can swallow that lump, he interjects.
“I wanna talk to Mikasa real quick.” He addresses you directly. “Why don’t you go ahead and get ready?” He phrases it as a suggestion but it’s more of an order. And just like that, your emotions flip to irritation. Who is he to tell you what to do? Even now, he wants a monopoly of her time and attention. As if your relationship (even just as a friend) might not also be damaged because of this.
And it’s not fair. You have to speak to her as well. You need to tell her that-
“It’s fine.” Her mouth pulls into a tight smile, being mindful of the cameras. It’s obviously not genuine, you can tell but you also know that she’s not one to show her true feelings, especially not publicly like this. But this feels too much for her and that brave face has never been more transparent.
Still, her slate gray irises meet yours. “I’ll be inside to help you get ready in a minute.”
You give an equally artificial smile and then swim across to the other side of the pool, where Sasha lends you her hand to pull you out of the water.
The car ride was awkward at best, insufferable at worst. You and Eren weren’t on friendly terms to begin with. Aside from the fact that he was coupled up with your crush, it was safe to say that being alone with him is not something you would ever have done willingly.
Where you found him loud and obnoxious, Mikasa found him excitable and bubbly. Where you saw him as stubborn, Mikasa saw him as driven and headstrong. Where you thought him impulsive and reckless, Mikasa thought him brave and spontaneous. When you said that he was rude and crass, Mikasa would say he was opinionated and outspoken.
It wasn’t as though she couldn’t see the bad sides of Eren but it was that she cared for him in spite of those things. Loyal to a fault she was. You let out a heavy sigh, thinking how much worse that makes all this. She must feel as though the loyalty she felt towards both you and Eren had been spat back into her face.
Silently you stare out the window, head turned away from him. A rare moment when you don’t feel the presence of camera lenses watching your every move.
Your brain is constantly replaying the last conversation you had with Mikasa. True to her word, she did help you choose an outfit and style your hair. But that natural comfort was gone.
No. That’s not true. The bond may be strained but it’s not broken. You can still do something to fix it. But neither of you were willing to address the elephant in the room.
Well, that's not exactly it.
It’s that neither of you knew how to.
Stood in front of the full length mirror, you took one last look at yourself, smoothing out the front of your sundress, but caught her sad gaze in the reflection behind you.
“Hey ____. Earlier, when you said you had your eye on someone. Were you talking about Eren?” Her voice was hushed but you feel it in your viscera, like a sharp kick that leaves you winded
You know what she’s thinking. What everyone is thinking. That you were going to swoop in and steal your best friend’s partner. And you can’t blame her because that’s exactly what it looks like.
But you didn’t betray her, you would never.
You want her. Not him.
It’s almost as though you’ll never get a chance to set the record straight. Before you could even try you were being shooed out the door.
Now at the table, you fiddle with the stem of your glass, resisting your body’s command to down the whole thing. Sitting here in silence with him for 2 hours may as well be torture if you were completely sober but it sure as hell would be better than talking to him.
Eren doesn’t seem to share your sentiments and is the first to break the silence.
“I know you don’t like me.” He says before taking a sip of his drink. “All this bullshit about a love triangle is ‘cause you like my girlfriend. Right?”
He flashes you his signature cocky smirk, one of the many things about Eren Jaeger that seem to irk you to no end.
“I mean she’s technically not your girlfriend.” You say as a feeble retort.
You are right. She’s not his girlfriend because he’s never asked her. Life in the villa was harsh like that. If your relationship wasn’t official, anyone was fair game. Really the only thing that had stopped you from making your move was the painful gnaw of your insecurity. The deep-rooted belief that she would never choose you over him. Just the idea of public rejection, in front of your friends, family and god-knows how many other people, puts the bitter taste of bile in your mouth.
“Like that fucking matters.” He leans back in his chair, long legs spread wide. At least you didn’t bother denying it, he thinks. But why would you, Eren is many things but he isn’t stupid. The way you stare at Mikasa all dreamy eyed, following her around like a stray puppy. When you two are together, he doesn’t like how you sit so close, always whispering and giggling at god knows what. You’re entirely too comfortable, letting her lay her head in your lap while you play with her hair. Small things like that add up, it’s not hard to fingers out what you true intentions are.
He’s not jealous. He’s not. Why would he be jealous of someone who doesn’t even have the balls to go after what they want? You just… bother him. You could have your pick of literally anyone in the villa but no. Instead, you’re always hovering around, waiting for him to fuck up so you can play the role of comforting best friend.
“What’s wrong?” Extra bravado backs your voice. You know this act. He’s trying to intimidate you. You always thought Eren saw himself as untouchable but the way his jaw ticks makes you wonder for a brief moment, is he threatened by you?
“Scared of a little competition? I think you’re on the wrong show.”
“Oh please.” He scoffs before picking up his glass again. “You’re no competition sweetheart.”
“Famous last words.” You hum condescendingly, before bringing your fork to your mouth, letting the food pass your lips.
He clenches his jaw tighter. Being able to push his buttons in this way is something you’re very proud of right now.
He lets out a deep exhale through his nose and says. “You know. I actually had my eye on you in the beginning.”
The bite of food seems to lodge itself in your throat, eyes bugging out of your head. You cough and sputter, quickly gulping down your drink to try and move the lump into your stomach.
“Surprised?” His voice takes on a much deeper tone.
You don’t reply, too busy fumbling for a napkin to wipe down the edges of your mouth so he continues. “Yeah. You’re hot, obviously. But also real feisty. Fun to tease and ease to get a rise out of. My type. But Mikasa…. I could tell she wanted me from the start and if I wanted to stay in this competition, I couldn’t waste any time grafting on someone who was playing so hard to get.”
“So this is all a game to you then?” You say through gritted teeth, both hands squeezing tightly around the cutlery you’re holding. All your anger is bundled up by a thin thread, ready to snap at a moment’s notice.
“I think you’re a little confused. Isn’t that exactly what this is?” He rests his chin on his palm, wearing that same chilling smile from earlier.
“You’re a real piece of shit. You know that?” You don’t want to lose your temper. Doing that means that you’ve given the upper hand back to him. Too bad you’re doing a terrible job of keeping it under control.
“Oh come on.” He laughs as if any of this is funny. “Its not like I’m leading her on.” Sharp as a dagger, those words jab themselves right in your gut. They’re a painful reminder that you don’t deserve to take the moral high ground. Thinking about what you’ve done to Armin, you may even be worse than he is.
“If I didn’t like her, I wouldn’t be bringing her tea in the morning, or making sure she ate.” Eren leans across the table, voice low and gravely. “Or making her cream all over my fingers every night while you and everyone else are fast asleep.”
You pick up the wine glass with the intention of covering his smarmy face in the blood red liquid.
Eren quirks brow at you, watching and waiting to see if you have the nerve. Because he knows that you don’t. If you did, you would have told Mikasa how you feel already. If you did, you would haven’t have latched on to the sweetest person in the villa as a fail safe. If you did, his pristine white shirt would have been stained burgundy by now.
Eren thinks you’re a coward and there’s nothing he hates more than that.
“Could have been you.” He sits back again. “Sorry I beat you to it.”
Your reception upon return to the villa is fairly mixed. Everyone is already dolled up with a drink in hand, the party in full swing.
Some people are glad to see you guys back, eagerly asking questions about the date. They might be genuinely curious as to how it went, interested in the development of new relationships or the survival of the villa’s power couple in the face of this challenge
Or they might just be in it for the drama, looking for gossip fodder. Wanting to know the details so they can go to the confessional booth and talk about how terrible of a person you are and how they would “never do anything like that to a friend”.
Other people greet you with disdain, people who would have been friendly with you mere hours ago. Armin is well liked in the villa, boyishly handsome with a kind heart. He’s a bit of a flirt at times but has never done anything with bad intentions. Of course everyone is fond of him. It’s only natural that you would look like the villain for stringing him along all this time, while he was developing genuine feelings for you.
Armin himself was angry of course, but it’s nothing if not deserved. You thought he would rage at you, call you selfish and cruel but he didn’t. Because Armin is a better person than you. You wanted to explain to him that you never meant to hurt him, but that wouldn’t mean anything because you did. In fact it would probably upset him more to hear that he was just an accidental casualty. A meek “I’m sorry” was the best you could offer. A nod and an impassive expression is all he offered in return, walking away to join Jean and some others on the daybed.
As for your date, you can feel his glare from all the way behind you as you make your way across the lawn to the bar. Mikasa is sitting on one of the stools with Sasha.
“Hey.” You interrupt Sasha’s animated chatter.
“Oh hey.” She turns to face you. While you’ve been gone she’s had time to build her defences up again, appearing stunningly neutral, not a hint of listlessness she couldn’t hide earlier. “How was the date?”
The first thing you think is She looks gorgeous tonight. But she always does.
The second thing you think is It’s time to grow a pair. Now or never.
You can still remember the sad look in her eyes from this afternoon. The thought still has your heart sitting in the pit of your stomach. The idea that it was a hurt you caused makes you want to throw it back up.
“It was…” You pause to find the right word. “Fine.” you decide on. You could have lied and said it was good but that’s probably not what she wants to hear. You could have been honest and said you would have had a better time removing your own wisdom teeth with a butter knife but that’s not the point. The date was irrelevant anyways, simple misunderstanding that you need to clear up right now. “But actually, I was wondering if I could pull you for a chat?”
Sasha hops off her chair, wobbling a bit as she lands. “Why don’t you guys stay here? I'm gonna go find Connie.” She places her hand on your shoulder, her own way of giving you a little courage.
You mouth a thank you that she meets with a wink before leaving.
You wipe your sweaty palms on the front of your dress, taking the seat across from her. Your mouth is dry and once again you can’t find the words to tell her how you feel.
Why can’t you just say it?
“So Armin is pretty mad at me. I’ll probably crash on the daybed tonight.”
You colossal idiot! You scream internally.
Once again you’re dancing around what you truly want to say.
Mikasa digs her clipped fingernails into her palm, struggling to keep her emotions at bay, dam threatening to break at any second. After everything, that’s what you came here to say? She knows it’s not your fault that you two didn’t get to talk before you left but you don’t think she deserves an explanation now?
At least Eren had the decency to come to her after. He didn’t say much except reassured her that nothing happened and he wasn’t interested in coupling up with anyone else.
Still, it didn’t quell Mikasa’s insecurity.
She’s never been jealous before in her life but this must be it. It feels like someone has dug into her chest and is squeezing, squeezing, squeezing until her poor heart is nothing but a crumpled mess.
If it had been anyone else, maybe it would have hurt less. Now she’s so afraid that she's losing you to Eren and she's losing Eren to you and in the end, she’s the one left with nothing.
“Yeah he was pretty upset when you left.” With her elbow on the counter top, she rests her chin in her palm. You’re used to her stoic expression because you know if you look long enough, carefully enough you’ll see how soft she is. But this is different. There is nothing but cold, hard steel behind her eyes.
“I deserve it though. I shouldn’t have strung him along like that.”
“Yeah I’d be mad too.” The bitter edge to her voice is one that you’ve never heard her use towards you. You try hard not to take it personally, she’s only mad because she doesn’t understand. You have to set the record straight.
Now or never right?
“Mikasa look. I have to tell you something. I-”
“I’VE GOT A TEXT!” Jean announces, getting in the way of your confession.
“For fuck’s sake.” You mutter under your breath.
It’s pretty obvious at this point that the producers have you on their hit list but as Jean reads aloud the message, it only becomes clearer that they must have some personal vendetta against you.
“Eren, you get to spend the night in the hideaway with the islander of your choice. #DecisionsDecisons”
It’s an easy decision so Eren doesn’t give it much deliberation.
But his choice shocks everyone.
“_____. It’s you and me tonight.”
Even after what transpired this afternoon, your relationship with Mikasa was salvageable but this… you don’t think it will survive
Without a word, she hops off her seat, storming into the villa without sparing a glance at anyone else.
It might have been the final nail in the coffin for his relationship with her as well.
Alone in the hideaway, you nervously tug at the silk sheets, bunching the fabric between your fingers.
You’ve been waiting here for 15 minutes, sat in your pyjamas, a simple t-shirt and cotton shorts. The possibility that Eren would stand you up becomes more and more likely. Why he would do all this instead of just choosing Mikasa is beyond you but you know better than to waste precious brain cells trying to figure out Eren Jaeger. If he did plan on leaving you alone here for the night, it was probably for the best. At least you could sleep in a room by yourself for the first time in ages. A small consolation.
Just as you start to contemplate turning off the lights and calling it a night, you hear the door of the room creak open.
Eren walks in still dressed in his jeans and white linen shirt and kicks off his shoes.
“Look Jaeger. I don’t know what you want from me but I’m not interested in playing your games. I-“
The rest of your sentence evaporates when Mikasa appears from behind him. You jump to your feet, fully prepared to leave. Did he bring you here just to humiliate you? If that’s the case then he’s had more than his fill, you won’t let him have any more fun at your expense.
“Not interested you say?” Eren raises his eyebrow, as he gently nudges Mikasa forward.
You should go but your feet just won’t move when she stands square with you. “What’s going on?” You ask, as your chest grows tighter, with every second that ticks by.
“Do you-” she pauses, after a silence that dragged on for much too long. “Do you like me?”
Everything about it is innocent; question, the tone, the way she looks at you. But now your heart is beating so ridiculously loud that you can’t think straight. She asks you so bluntly that you feel stupid for how long you’ve spent agonising over how you would confess. Unlike you, she’s never struggled to get to the point.
Behind her, Eren wears a poorly concealed smile and that’s confirmation of the obvious. You don’t know what he told her but it’s obvious she knows this much. There’s no reason to deny it now.
You had rehearsed it countless times, thought about all the flowery words you would use to tell her how you feel. Yeah is not as eloquent as what you had in mind but it would have to do.
“Oh.” Her blush deepens, blending perfectly with the red and pink hues of the dimly lit room.
Mikasa is still shocked, she didn’t really believe Eren when he told her. Granted, at the time she wasn’t really interested in what he had to say seeing as he had just publicly humiliated her. Hearing you say it now makes her rethink everything, from those early days up until now.
She’s seen people chop and change partners with every new face that comes in and out of the villa but that was never her. To her, she already had Eren so there was no need to consider anyone else. But now that she knows how you feel, things are different.
“Hmm. Oh.” You mimic followed by a dry chuckle.
It’s not the response you had dreamed about but what did you expect? Yes you’ve confessed but this wasn’t your moment. It wasn’t the one you’d been waiting weeks for. Ultimately, that moment never came and maybe that was a sign that you and Mikasa just weren’t meant to be.
The big room now feels too small for three people. There's not enough space. There’s not enough air. You need to leave. You need to-
“Well, why didn’t you say anything?” She steps closer to you. There is no malice in her tone. A simple question with a simple answer but you can’t pick up if this is a rejection or not.
“I didn’t know if you liked girls.” You mumble, taking a step back.
It’s not the reason. Maybe it’s one of them but you just needed the space to think. To breathe. But the back of your legs hit the bed and once again your backside is on the soft cushion of the mattress.
She moves even closer until her knees knock against yours.
“That doesn’t matter to me.” She shakes her head and cups your face with both hands so you look at her face, her smile (even though it’s only slight) alleviates the tension in your chest. “If I like someone, I like them and… I think I like you.
The relief that you feel meets an untimely demise when Eren approaches the bed. He pulls her body flush against his chest.
You truly were something. Here he was making it easy for you but you still can’t say what you want. A coward.
He whispers something inaudible into her ear and now you have both of them looking down at you. This is the smallest you’ve ever felt, wanting to shrink even further under their scrutinising gaze. Still, you feel a familiar tingle just buzzing in your lower belly as they size you up.
She tilts her head to the side, granting Eren access to her neck which he accepts. He plants soft wet kisses across the expanse of pale skin. Pink tongue and white teeth appear every now and then as he leaves bruises and bite marks on the, once flawless, canvas. Her eyes fall closed as she writhes in his hold, grinding her rear on to his crotch. His hands wander, underneath the hem of her short dress, exposing more of her milky thighs, black lace panties just barely visible. She hums, finally opening her eyes, to look at you, her thumbs rub circles onto your cheeks.
You can’t imagine how you look right now but you know how you feel. Your head is spinning from the erotic scene in front of you, clenching your thighs to alleviate some of the heat you feel, breathing heavily even though all you’re doing is watch, sitting there in your cartoon pajamas.
Mikasa gasps as he digs his teeth into her neck especially hard, leaving behind the dents of his incisors.
“Focus.” He murmurs into the crook of her neck.
You don’t know what he means but you can’t exactly blame her. If there were hands squeezing and clawing up your thighs, never reaching where you actually need them. If there was a tongue sliding over the sensitive skin of your neck, teeth raking over the same sore spots over and over again before soothing them with featherlight kisses and kitten licks. If you were in her place, you wouldn’t be able to focus either.
“I- I’ve never been with a girl though.”
Your mouth dries up at the promise of her words. There’s no way she means….
“But Eren said he’d help.”
There’s no chance for you to stop and question once he unzips her dress, letting it fall off her body, leaving her in her underwear in front of you. You can’t stop yourself from shamelessly raking your eyes over her body.
Yes, you’ve spent days with her, lounging around in swimsuits but this feels new. Maybe it’s the way the black lace cups the curves of her breasts, budding nipples just barely visible through the sheer fabric. Or maybe it’s the way the matching fabric only just covers her pussy, that’s just mere inches from your face. She’s so close you can practically smell her. Your tongue dips out to moisten your lips, practically dying to taste her.
Perhaps the biggest difference comes in the smouldering way she looks down at you, it’s the same desire you’ve had in your eyes for weeks, finally being reflected back at you.
Your hands twitch atop your thighs, itching to do something.
Touch her.
Touch yourself.
She tugs at the sleeve of your shirt and that's all the instruction you need. You pull your shirt over your head, perhaps with a little more eagerness than necessary. While Eren unhooks the other woman’s bra, flinging it across the room. You feel your nipples harden instantly but you can’t be sure if it’s because it’s due to the cold air of the room or the heat of her stare on your chest.
Mikasa straddles you, stepping free from Eren’s hold. From the corner of your eye you see him unbutton his shirt but you can’t focus on him for too long. Not when your bare chests are pressed together. Both of you shudder as your nipples graze against each other and you feel the heat of her cunt radiate onto yours. You hear the sound of heavy breathing, you can’t tell if it’s hers or yours. You can smell her perfume, intoxicatingly sweet jasmine and amber. Her pupils are already blown wide, only a thin grey ring that lines the pitch black of her iris. You see your reflection of yourself in them and you can only imagine that she is seeing something similar. Mikasa has literally taken over all of your senses, all except for one.
She’s so close to you, she must be able to tell that your heart is racing. Her nose bumps against yours ever so softly. You’re almost too scared to even move. Everything about this moment feels like a dream, what if you close that millimeter gap and it ends?
But you know it's real when her petal soft lips press against yours. It can’t be anything but real when she kisses you, gently as though you might break. You can’t help but want more, slipping your tongue past her lips. And finally you taste her and you don’t think you’ll ever get enough.
You swallow all the sounds she makes as you lick the inside of her mouth, lips sliding against each other. Every whimper makes you hungry for more so you kiss her deeper, massaging her tongue with yours.
Puffs of air escape through your nose, but both of you are much too desperate to stop the kiss for something as trivial as breathing. It’s not worth losing the feeling of her mouth on yours.
Before long, your hands are wandering, trailing over the curve of her ass, rubbing over thin fabric that moulds to her body, tracing the intricate patterns of the lace. Her hand glides up your torso gripping the soft breast in her palms, making you moan into her mouth. She smiles into the kiss, rolling your nipple between her fingertips, sending small shocks of pleasure straight to your pussy.
You maneuver her body, rocking her back and forth on your lap. It’s not nearly enough friction. You’re dying to get rid of the fabric that separates you. You want to feel skin to skin how wet she is for you. You want her to know how unbelievably wet you are for her. You fiddle around trying to adjust the position, trying to get her closer to where you need her.
“Baby.” A deep voice cuts through the tension in the room. For a moment you’d forgotten he was there at all.
Much to your chagrin, Mikasa pulls away from the kiss. You’re both left panting with your lips swollen. Your heart sinks as you come to the realisation that this is as far as everything would go. One searingly passionate kiss and nothing more. You couldn’t imagine a crueler fate.
Mikasa looks over her shoulder for Eren’s instruction.
He crosses his arms over his bare chest, toned muscles rippling with the motion, and stalks over to the bed. “On your knees.”
Obediently, she sinks to the floor, kneeling in front of you with Eren directly behind her. Yes, you just made out with his girlfriend right in front of him but suddenly you’re self-conscious being half naked in front of him.
He’s staring at you and not in the ‘ogling your tits kind of way’. It’s like he’s sizing you up, breaking you down with just his eyes.
“Can I take these off?”
You blink down Mikasa, not believing your ears but you heard the words yourself, clear as day. Eren does nothing but stare, expression unreadable. The room is quiet as they wait for you to answer.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you nod hesitantly.
Mikasa helps you shuffle out of your shorts and panties in one go, leaving you fully naked. Your legs are already shaking, resisting the urge to snap shut out of embarrassment. You can’t hide anything, not when she holds your legs apart, exposing your bare pussy to herself and Eren.
“Look how pretty she is, Eren.” Her voice is breathy. You’ve never heard her sound like this.
It’s because she’s in awe. Day in, day out you two would lounge around in swimsuits and not once did she picture this is how you would underneath them. Perhaps it’s better that she didn’t, because the thought would drive her crazy.
“Real pretty.” He hums in agreement. He can admit, your little display had him rock solid already. But god seeing you puffy cunt, lips already shiny and slick just from making out has him aching.
Mikasa slips two fingers between your folds, barely grazing your clit.
She pulls her fingers away admiring the way your slick webs between them. She holds her hand up for Eren to see. “Real wet too.”
It proves too tempting for him to resist. Eren leans down to suck on her fingers, cleaning them of your arousal.
You wish you could deny how much it turns you on when you hear him moan at the taste of you on her fingers. But it does and you can only hope they didn't notice how you flinched at the sound.
“You wanna taste her?” He teases when he notices her pout. He’s speaking to her but looking directly at you, pinning you under his gaze. “Then ask.”
“Can I eat you out?” She doesn’t miss a beat.
That tilts your whole world. Are you really sure you’re not dreaming? You nod, not trusting your own voice right now. Mikasa spreads your legs even wider but Eren stops her, firmly grasping the back of her neck.
“Nah. Don’t make it so easy on her. She has to use her big girl words.”
If you weren’t willing to take what you wanted, then he would give it to you. Eren is a nice guy like that. But he’s not that nice. If you wanted it, you were gonna have to say so.
“Right.” She agrees. “I’ll ask again. You gonna let me taste this pretty cunt?”
Eren’s throbbing behind his zipper. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard her talk like that. It’s not a monster, more of a little green pest that buzzes around his brain asking him why she’s never said those kinds of things to him.
“Yes… please.” you answer hastily but neither of the two seem to share your urgency.
Mikasa’s touch returns, spreading your lips apart, only for her gawk at your dripping entrance, so close you feel her exhales on your skin.
The buzz in his head goes quiet because she’s waiting for his permission. She’s still his.
“Go on. Taste.” Eren whispers in her ear.
With one broad stroke, she drags her tongue across your cunt making your hips cant up towards her face, both of you searching for what the other has to give.
You will your eyes to stay open, hoping to brand the image of her between your thighs like this into the recesses of your brain. You don’t know if this will ever happen again and in case it doesn’t, you’ll have this memory.
Her tongue laps at your hole with the kind of excitement you can only hope to reciprocate by grabbing on to her silky hair, pushing her tongue further inside you. Not too hard, just enough to guide her in the direction.
She’s close. Right ther-
“Oi.” A smack echoes throughout the room. Eren is now knelt behind Mikasa, massaging the now sore flesh that was reddened by his hand.
Eren hated that you were a coward and he wanted you to take what you wanted but he’d forgotten that what you wanted was his.
Her attention is on him once again and the familiar jealousy starts to crackle in your belly. When Mikasa said that Eren would “help out” you didn’t think it meant him interrupting you two everytime you were starting to enjoy yourself. Of course it was naive of you to think that Eren would let you enjoy anything tonight. Maybe he did bring you here just to mess with you.
You hoist up your upper body to rest on your elbows just in time to see Eren take out his cock. Or rather he makes sure you see it. Gives you an excellent view in fact. It’s fully erect, bobbing against his abdomen while he gropes the flesh of her ass, giving her one more spank for good measure.
“You said you wanted to top right? Stop bein’ a fucking pushover.” He growls.
Her panties are pulled to the side, letting him press the fat, drooling head past her lips. You feel her breath come out in quick puffs against your thighs as she tries to accommodate his impressive girth. Inch by inch he’s filling her up until his hips press up right against her plush cheeks where he rests for a moment .
You look down to where her head rests on your thigh. Her face is scrunched up in either pleasure or pain, you can’t discern which.
Then Eren starts moving, slow and shallow at first and finally her eyelids flutter open. “I’m not done.” She digs her nails into your skin, making you wince. “Put that pussy back on my face.”
Eren lets out a satisfied noise. He really doesn’t know where she learned to talk like that. Even though she’s talking to you, he still feels it so he rewards her by snapping his hips faster, pulling out almost completely before ramming himself back in.
You don’t need to be told twice. Soon you’re back where you were a minute ago, Mikasa hopes to do the same, dipping her head low, already missing the taste of you on her tongue.
Sure she knows her way around her own body but she’s never eaten anyone out. She wonders if everyone tastes this sweet. Doubtful. She’s so eager for more wanting her tongue as close to the source as possible.
But before she can get there Eren chimes in.
“Nuh-uh baby. Go for the clit.”
Mikasa doesn’t argue because she knows that he’s helping her in the right direction. She can’t vouch for his skills, having had first hand experience. If she could learn to eat pussy half as good as Eren that would be enough to brag about.
She parts your slippery folds ever so delicately until she finds the swollen bud, that’s just throbbing for attention.
Her tongue hangs out of her mouth, tentatively flicking against it. She watches your face intently, taking careful note of your reaction. And what a reaction it is. Your thighs twitch beside her head, threatening to trap her between your thighs while you moan something that definitely sounds like her name.
She wants to hear it again to be sure.
“Spit on it.” He instructs her again.
You don’t think she will. The Mikasa you know would never do something so-
She doesn’t question his orders, cheeks hollowing out to collect her saliva that she allows to mix with your juices.
“See how messy she is? Fuckin’ sloppy.”
“So sexy.” She murmurs before diving for your clit again. Her tongue flicks at it haphazardly, she can’t get a good reach because of the way Eren’s thrusts shake her body. It feels good but you need more, shuffling down the bed until she can wrap her lips around the bundle of nerves. Everytime Eren hits just the right spot inside of her she moans against you, and you can feel the vibrations radiate from your pelvis up your spine.
While you’re so entranced by your own pleasure you don’t notice Eren’s lascivious stare. Mikasa being so eager to make you feel good should enrage him. He shouldn’t be this turned on, watching his girlfriend get on her knees for someone else, especially not you. But seeing the way, you’re so desperately trying to keep yourself from rutting against her face, nearly drawing blood from your bottom lip to try and keep yourself quiet. It’s adorable. But Mikasa has been too easy on you in his opinion and he doesn’t think you deserve ‘easy’. He wants to see your attitude breakdown bit by bit.
“Fingers. Use your fingers baby.” He prompts while slowing his thrusts, giving Mikasa more room to work.
One slender finger slides into your dripping cunt, feeling near no resistance on its way. Noticing how easily you take her, she’s quick to add a second, scissoring her fingers to stretch you out. High pitched ah ah ahs fall from your lips matching the rhythm of the drag of her fingers against your walls, the rhythm of Eren’s thrusts into her. It’s agonisingly slow, so she can enjoy the sight of you sucking her back in every time her fingers attempt to leave and admire the way your sticky arousal drips down her knuckles, onto the satin sheets.
Once Eren decides he’s had enough of that he picks up the pace again, meaning Mikasa has no choice but to follow suit. While her fingers pump in and out of you, she crooks them ever so slightly to try and find your g-spot.
When she prods at the spongy spot you go limp for just a second “Mikasa. Oh my god!” You squeal.
“Oho. She likes it.” Eren remarks, leaning over to whisper in her ear. “Keep doing that.”
Mikasa is nothing if not diligent. She consistently aims for that spot while her tongue stimulates your clit, stroking it over and over again. You’re practically rushing towards an orgasm, stomach muscles already tightening up and white spots already clouding your vision.
“G-gonna. Fuck. ‘M gonna cum.” You stammer, teetering on the edge.
“You hear that baby?” Eren asks. “She wants to come for you.”
Eren tugs on her hair, pulling up her head so she can answer him, but all she can manage is a string of needy whimpers.
“What do you say? Hm?” He pulls harder, not satisfied with her response.
“Mm-ah. No.” She slips her fingers out, leaving you empty and clenching around nothings.
“Atta girl.” He praises her, beginning to fuck her in earnest now.
All you can do is watch as Eren fucks her stupid on his cock, driving her closer and closer to her peak while you feel your own pleasure dissapate into nothing.
A hazy fog has descended over her eyes, she’s looking at you but she’s so far gone that she may as well be looking past you.
Eren’s hair is messy, chocolatey strands framing his face, skin dewy with sweat. The heavy plap plap plap of his hips ramming into her ass is deafening. He catches you staring and you can’t even find it in you to be embarrassed although you do regret inflating his already sizeable ego.
“Tell her how it feels.” He hooks his middle finger into her cheek “Tell her how good my cock feels inside you.”
He has no issue with admitting he’s being petty but he wants you to see what he does to her.
No, scratch that.
He wants you to feel it. That deep hunger you have for Mikasa? He wants a share in it too. He wants you hungry like that for him too.
“Feelsh shhho good. Eren’shh cock feelsh sshoo good.” Her words are barely coherent, drool seeping from the corners of her mouth.
“Hmm. Ask her if she wants it.” He grunts.
“You want him to fuck you?” She slurs, words distorted by the obstructing force of his finger.
Do you?
Before you would swear up and down that you hated Eren. You still do. But Mikasa has gone delirious on his cock, mouth hanging open with her tongue lolling out, whining muffled “Eren Eren Eren”s even with him fish hooking her, and you can’t deny that it has you curious. It doesn’t help that you’re still desperate, from being left high and dry, poor empty pussy just begging for attention.
You shake your head yes and Mikasa’s hand comes down hard on your sore puffy clit. “Words.”
“Yes please.” You mewl. Tears prickle at your eyes from the sting between your legs. “Please. I want Eren to fuck me.”
“So well behaved.” Eren mocks you. “Hm?” He stops moving, still balls deep inside her.
“Good girl.” Mikasa practically purrs, lifting her head up once more. The small praise makes you feel flustered, desperate for more.
“Yeah?” His palm comes down hard on her ass. She almost sounds delighted at the pain. “What are you gonna do for your good girl?”
“I’m gonna make her cum on my tongue.” With that she’s back into your pussy, face first, suckling on your clit with quick pulses and pumping into you with three of her fingers.
It doesn’t take long for her to bring you back to that peak. Maybe because she left you on the edge just a moment ago only to let you watch her get fucked within an inch of her life. Maybe it’s you’ve been wanting this, fantasizing about this for weeks. Or maybe it’s because (as per usual), Eren Jaeger doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up, a string of filthy words falling from his lips.
“You're doing so well baby.” He still hasn’t moved, more focused watching Mikasa fuck you open on her fingers. She’s so focused on making you cum, he wonders if she’s even listening but he knows that you are. “Gonna make that sloppy pussy cum so good. Let her make a mess all over your face.”
That’s the catalyst. It’s then that you’re falling into the abyss of pleasure, legs shaking as you writhe on the bed, while Mikasa’s fingers ride you through your high, gradually coming to halt as everything subsides.
When you finally feel grounded again, you open your eyes in time to see Eren pull Mikasa’s face towards him. Tonguing at her mouth, licking inside and around it to clean off the remnants of your orgasm. You watch longly from the bed as their tongues tangle together, tasting the mixture of you and each other.
When Eren has had enough, Mikasa turns to you, spit-slicked face gleaming under the dim lights. “My turn right?” She asks you, still slightly breathless.
Eren answers in your stead. “Yeah, take these off.” He stretches the elastic of her underwear so it can flick back against her skin. He’s trying very hard to sound indifferent because he’d be mortified if you knew how eager he was to see Mikasa rut against your face until she cums.
“Move up.” The instruction is for you this time, Eren patting your knees that still dangle over the edge of the bed. You clamber up until your head lands on the soft, downy pillows, body sprawled on the length of the mattress now. Eren crawls on top of you, slotting himself between your thighs. Mikasa sits next to your head, now sans panties.
He nudges against your tender pussy with the bulbous head of his cock, spreading your lips apart ever so slightly.
You don’t expect a ceremony, closing your eyes in anticipation for the burn you know is coming. It never does.
“Beg for it.”
Your eyes fly open, face immediately moulding into a scowl. He looks down at you with unabashed cockiness, clearly amused at your frustration.
“You fucking bastard! I-“
“_____. “ Mikasa trails her hand down your neck, grazing over your sternum and tracing the underside of your breast and circling your areola. Your nipples stiffen under the light touch. “He said ‘beg’.”
“But I already said it, didn’t I!?” Your irritation simmers when you address her, still deep down you cringe at how petulant you sound.
Eren’s hand comes down hard against your pussy and you let out a loud cry on impact. His hands are bigger, stronger and harder than Mikasa’s and that one spank leaves your whole pussy aching.
“Told you babe. You were being too soft.” He slides his tip through your folds while you twitch underneath the two of them, spreading is pre-cum around, mixing it with your juices. “Now she thinks she can get whatever she wants.”
She takes your nipple between her fingers, tugging on it gently. “Is that true?” She twists it hard, making you wince. “ I thought you were a good girl.”
She soothes the sore nipple by laving her tongue across it but the reprieve doesn’t last long as she sinks her teeth into the hardened nub.
“I’ll be good!” You whimper.
You're dizzy from the teasing; Mikasa playing with your tits, mouth around one nipple while her hand gropes the other one and the torturous drag of the full length of Eren’s cock up and down your pussy. It’s slow enough for you to feel every ridge and vein around him, always stopping to tease your entrance, but never giving you the stretch you’re craving.
“P-please.” Your voice is hoarse. “Please Eren fuck me. Pleasepleaseplease.”
He’s content with that; hearing you beg for him. He would never admit out loud that he’s jealous but there is a certain envy that sits heavy in his bones knowing that you want his girlfriend and she wants you just as bad. That's why it helps to know that, at the same time, you want him and he wants you too, just in a different way. It's messy and twisted, perhaps a little too complicated to unravel now. Because right now he wants to fuck you until you cry.
Yeah, that’s the way he wants you
In one quick, smooth motion he enters. You let silent scream and just as you feel full enough to burst, he reaches his hilt.
Mikasa lets go of your nipple with a pop and murmurs, “There’s my good girl.” Against the shell of your ear.
Without warning, Eren starts to move, impossibly deep thrusts, moulding your walls to the shape of him. He prods against a spot inside you that has your back bowing off the bed but he holds you down by planting one of his large hands firmly on your stomach.
Soon, he’s fucking you hard and fast. He can’t help it. The loud sound of your sopping wet cunt squelching every time he slides home, dripping down his hefty balls as they slap against your ass with each brutal thrust, was just egging him on.
That, combined with the sweet-sounding quiet moans of his girlfriend with her hand between her thighs, rubbing quick, quick circles while she’s seemingly unable to take her eyes off of the both of you.
She perches up on her knees to get a better look. Wanting to see exactly where he enters you, wanting to see your pussy stretched out way more than her slim fingers could do.
The creamy ring that encircles the base of Eren’s cock makes her shudder. She feels a sense of pride, knowing that translucent strands of your cum was because of her. Part of why you’re so sex-drunk right now is because of her.
“Eren.” She purrs. “You’re fucking her so good. Making her feel so good.” She uses her free hand to tweak at her nipples, eyes flitting frantically between you and him.
“F-fuck!” You cry out as Eren bottoms out and stays there. He leans over you, face hovering just above yours, the strands of his hair brushing over your cheeks. His pelvis is against your clit, providing delicious pressure but not much else.
It takes a moment for you to process that he’s giving you an instruction. But then, you slacken your jaw, lips parting.
“Looks like you can listen huh?” He sneers. “Stick out your tongue.”
And you do.
It’s all so Eren can drop a glob of spit from his mouth into yours. He makes sure he does it slowly, so that the string of saliva can stretch and stretch and stretch until it plops unceremoniously on your waiting tongue.
“Don’t swallow. Keep it there.”
He gives you another one, coating your tongue in his spit while your own begins to pool in your mouth.
“Hey babe. You didn’t get to cum.” He addresses Mikasa. He gives you one shallow thrust of his hips, the tip of his cock nudging against your cervix.
“Yeah?” She perks up, catching the meaning behind his words.
“Yeah.” He grunts, one more of those thrusts that puts him so deep you feel like he’s fucking the air out of your lungs.
She leans over you too now. Two pairs of eyes, look down on you from above. You blink your eyes shut, trying to escape their scrutiny.
“Open your eyes, sweet girl.” Mikasa coaxes you out of your sheepishness. She purses her baby pink lips, as if considering her next words. “Make me cum. Can you do that for me?”
For the third time that night, you have to question if you’re dreaming or not.
You nod your head a yes, feeling your own saliva pool in your mouth.
“So, so good.” Mikasa tells you.
“Shit.” Eren’s hips jerk against you, when. you squeeze tight around him when she tells you that. “Say that again.” He grits out.
Mikasa is positioning herself, facing Eren with her knees next to your ears, soaking wet pussy just an inch or so above your face.
Their conversation is nothing but a faint buzz in the back of your mind, how could you focus on anything except what was right in front of you. Her pretty pink pussy, all wet just for you. The smell of her is heady, rich and sweet. The kind of thing you would get addicted to. God if she would only….
“——, you're such a good girl.” She sighs as she finally sinks down, resting directly on your face.
You moan involuntarily, finally getting to taste what your mouth has been watering for. You let your tongue stay still, letting her grind herself down on it. She tries to roll her hips in fluid motions but they stutter every time her clit rolls over your tongue as she lets out the most melodic moans.
You know that you’re being greedy now, but you can’t help it, the more she gives you, the more you want. Your hands fly up to her thighs and hold her in place. The tip of your tongue catches the rim of her leaking hole, trying to draw more of the sweet honey.
Eren clicks his tongue behind his teeth. “There you go again, letting her do whatever she wants.”
She pays him no mind, slipping her hand between her thighs to play with her clit, while your tongue massages the inside of her walls. “You’re just mean. She just wants to make me feel g-good r- ah right?” She rubs Her other hand tweaks one of your nipples, signalling to you that she wants an answer.
You moan a yes, muffled by the weight of her. You’re darting your tongue in and out of her pussy, unintentionally matching the pace of Eren’s unyielding thrusts.
She rolls the pulsing numb under her fingers, round and round. Her breathing quickens as she tries to bounces on your face; shallow up and down movements.
You can tell she’s close and briefly lament the fact that you won’t be able to see her face when she cums. You wish you could see what she looks like when that wave of pleasure finally crests. But when her knees dig into the mattress beneath her and rooting her firmly against your face, moaning your name as the waves of an orgasm rock her body, you can’t bring yourself to regret a thing. You’d let Eren have that. Getting to swallow down every drop that spills from her is more than a fair trade-off.
You clamp down on Eren’s cock, quickly approaching another orgasm of your own. Mikasa rides out hers by rutting against your tongue, her moans gradually fading into gasps.
“Make her real cum real hard okay ‘Ren?” She still hasn’t fully regained her bearings before she climbs off your face, (much to your dismay). “She really earned it.” She sighs giddy with bliss, plopping down beside you, turning her body to face you.
Eren huffs. “Your wish is my command.” His reaches your raw clit, rubbing it in harsh circles, setting your nerves alight like a livewire. There’s no way you could have held off your orgasm. Your muscles pull taut as you cum around his cock while he pummels your g-spot throughout your climax. As soon as you’ve come down, he pulls out of you. You whine, despite yourself, disappointed at the abrupt emptiness.
Eren mutters various expletives as he strokes himself over you. He’s coated in your cum and it makes the most obscene noise with every flick of his wrist. He releases onto your stomach hot, white ropes of cum shooting out, streaking from your belly button right down to the mound of your pussy. He milks his cock, desperate to get out every last drop, jolting his hips with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
He collapses on your other side, leaving you sandwiched between the couple.
For a moment the room is filled just with heavy breathing, the three of you recovering from your recent activities.
Mikasa drags her fingers across your torso, smearing Eren’s cum over your skin.
Your body is sticky all over, a mess of sweat and sex. All of you are. But you’re not able to get your muscles to move, just yet.
As the lust that fogs your brain clears, nagging questions start to rear their head.
‘What does this mean for us now?’ being the most pertinent.
You roll over, to face Mikasa.
Perhaps now isn’t the time to ask, but you’ve learned your lesson about waiting until the right time. It’s in everyone’s best interest to clear it all up as soon as possible.
“So um- agh!” you choke around a sudden intrusion and a salty taste spreads across your taste buds.
“Not now.” Mikasa gags you with two of her digits that are coated in Eren’s cum.
“Yeah.” Eren jostles behind you. His sinewy arm snakes around your waist pulling you into his chest. At the small of your back you can feel his dick pressed up against you, already at half mast. “We’ll talk later.”
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 7
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 7 - This Venerable One Likes Wontons
The scorching sun was blazing.
The veranda of Life-Death Peak stretched for mile.
As a rising star among immortal cultivators, it was quite different from the other famous clans of the immortal world.
Take the most prosperous Rufeng Sect of Linyi. The main hall of the sect was called the "Six Virtues Hall", which intended to encourage disciples to be "wise, faithful, holy, righteous, benevolent, and loyal" in accordance with the six virtues. The area where the disciples live was called the "Six Behaviours Gate", which warns the disciples to practice "filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, responsibility, and compassion." The place where classes were taught was called "Six Arts Platform", which meant that disciples needed to be proficient in the six skills of "ritual, music, archery, riding, calligraphy, and mathematics".
All in all, its elegance was endless.
On the other hand, Life-Death Peak came from a poor background. Its names were hard to explain. "Danxin Hall" and "Platform of Righteousness and Evil" were alright. Perhaps it was because Mo Ran's father and his uncle weren't scholars and couldn't determine any better names. After a while, the names started to get more nonsensical, naming things "Xue Ya" -sounding names left and right.
Therefore, there are many plagiarised names from the underworld on Life-Death Peak. For example, the room where disciples practiced self-reflection was called Yanluo Hall.
The jade bridge connecting the resting area and the teaching area was called Naihe Bridge. The dining hall was called Mengpo Hall, the martial arts field was called Mountain of Daggers and Sea of Flames. The forbidden area of ​​the back of the mountain is called the Ghost Room, and so on.
These weren't too bad, but there were other places simply called "This is a mountain", "This is water", "This is a pit", as well as the famous "Ahhhhh" and "Wahhhhhh" cliffs.
The elders’ dormitories naturally did not escape, and each has their own nickname.
Chu Wanning was naturally no exception. He liked peace and didn't want to live near others. His residence was built on the South Peak of Life-Death Peak, hidden in a sea of ​​bamboo. There was a pool in front of the main hall, and the pool was red from lotus petals blocking the sunlight from reflecting off it. Because of its abundance of spiritual power, the lotus flowers were in full bloom all year round in the pool, like red clouds.
The disciples secretly called this beautiful place--
Red Lotus Hell.
When Mo Ran thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh.
Chu Wanning wore a terrifying face every single day, and the disciples who saw him thought he was the devil himself. Therefore, shouldn't the place where the devil stays be called hell?
Xue Meng interrupted his daydream: "You laugh even though you were scolded! Hurry up and eat breakfast. After eating, follow me to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil. Shizun will punish you in public today!"
Mo Ran sighed, and touched the whip mark on his face: "Hss. . . ow."
"You deserved it!"
"Hah, I wonder if Tianwen has been repaired. I hope he doesn't try it out on me again before it's fixed. Who knows what nonsense I might say."
In the face of Mo Ran's sincere concerns, Xue Meng's face flushed, and he angrily said: "If you dare to speak out indecently in public against Shizun, I'll rip your tongue out!"
Mo Ran covered his face and waved his hand faintly: "No need, no need, if Shizun ties me with willow vine again, I will end myself on the spot to prove my innocence."
When the hour came, Mo Ran was brought to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil according to customs. He looked around, and there was a deep blue sea of ​​people below. The disciples of Life-Death Peak all wore the sect uniform; blue so dark it was almost black armour, the lion's head belt, wrist guards and the silver threads gleaming on the hems of robes.
The rising sun, below the Platform of Righteousness and Evil, the sea of armour shone.
Mo Ran kneeled on the raised platform, listening to a chief elder list off a long list of the crimes he'd committed.
"Mo Weiyu, disciple of Elder Yuheng, arrogantly disregarded teachings, disobeyed the rules of the sect, and abandoned morality. You have violated the fourth, ninth, and fifteenth mandates of this sect. As punishment, you will receive 80 strikes, copy the sect rules a hundred times and reflect in solitude for a full month. Mo Weiyu, is there anything you have to say in your defense?"
Mo Ran glanced at the white figure in the distance.
That elder was the only member of Life-Death Peak who wasn't required to wear the standard blue and silver rim robe.
Chu Wanning's robe was made of snow-white satin, an outer robe made of cloud-patterned silver silk, like he was dressed in a heavenly frost, but the person wearing it seemed far more frigid than either snow or frost. He sat quietly, far enough away that Mo Ran couldn't see the expression on his face, but he knew that this person was probably completely unphased.
Mo Ran let out a deep sigh: "I have nothing to argue."
According to customary practice, the chief elder asked the disciples below: "If anyone is dissatisfied with the verdict, or has something else to say, this is the time to make such a statement."
All the disciples began to hesitate and averted their gaze.
None of them expected that the Yuheng Elder Chu Wanning would actually send his disciple to be punished publicly on the Platform of Righteousness and Evil.
To put it nicely, this person was impartial, but to word it differently, was also called a cold-blooded demon.
The cold-blooded demon Chu Wanning faintly propped his chin and sat in the position. Suddenly someone shouted with amplifying technique: "Elder Yuheng, this disciple is willing to plead for leniency on behalf of Young Master Mo."
". . . Plead?"
This disciple obviously felt that since Mo Ran was the nephew of Life-Death Peak's lord, even if he had screwed up this time, his future prospects would still be bright, so he decided to take the opportunity to win Mo Ran's favour. He began to talk nonsense: "Although Junior Brother Mo is at fault, he loves his fellow students and helps the weak. Please treat consider being lenient for the sake of his kind nature!"
Obviously, he was not the only one hoping to please Junior Brother Mo.
Gradually, more and more people spoke up for Mo Ran. They threw out all sorts of arguments, it made even Mo Ran embarrassed to hear; when had he ever had "an innocent heart, pure and open-minded"? This was a disciplinary meeting, not a commendation meeting, right?
"Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me exterminate demons and killed deadly beasts. I would like to beg on Junior Brother Mo's behalf. His merits will offset his demerits, and I hope that Elder will lighten his punishment!"
"Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me dispel my demons when I experience qi deviation. I believe Junior Brother Mo made a mistake this time and was only momentarily confused. I also ask Elder to please be lenient on Junior Brother!"
"Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once gave me an elixir to save my mother. He is a benevolent person. Please, Elder, punish him lightly!"
The last person’s remarks were based on the previous disciples', and he was at a loss for words. Seeing Chu Wanning's frozen eyes sweep over, the anxious disciple didn't hesitate to say: “Elder Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me dual cultivate--”
"Pff." Someone couldn't help laughing.
The disciple immediately blushed and retreated.
"Yuheng, calm your anger, calm your anger..." Seeing that the chief elder was not happy, he went to his side and hurriedly persuaded him.
Chu Wanning said coldly: "I have never seen such a shameless person. What is his name? Whose disciple?"
The chief elder hesitated a little, then bit the bullet and said softly, "My disciple, Yao Lian."
Chu Wanning raised his eyebrows: "Your disciple? Save face*?"
(Pronounced the same as Yao Lian's name)
The chief elder couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and his old face tried to change the subject with a red face: "He's talented at singing, and he can be useful when he receives the offerings."
Chu Wanning scoffed and turned away, not wanting to waste time talking nonsense with this shameless chief elder.
There were thousands of people on Life-Death Peak. A couple flatterers were nothing surprising.
Seeing the conviction in the faces of his sect brothers, Mo Ran himself almost trusted their words. Very impressive indeed. It turns out he wasn't the only person in this sect that knew how to concoct wild stories in broad daylight. There were many talented people here.
Chu Wanning, who had heard "Elder Yuheng, please be merciful" countless times, finally spoke to the disciples.
"Pleading for Mo Weiyu?" He paused and said, "Yes, all of you may come up."
Those people didn't know what would happen and went up tremblingly.
A golden light flashed in Chu Wanning's palm. Tianwen appeared as commanded, and wrapped around the dozens of people together with a whistle, and tied them firmly in place.
Not again!!
Mo Ran was beginning to get desperate. Just the sight of Tianwen made his legs weak. He really didn’t know where Chu Wanning got such a perverted weapon. It was a good thing he had never taken a wife in his previous life. The poor girl who would marry him, if she didn't get whipped to death, she would be questioned to death.
Chu Wanning's eyes were quite mocking. He asked one of them: "Mo Ran helped you ward off evil spirits?"
How could the disciple resist the torture of TIanwen? He immediately howled: "No! No!"
He asked another one: "Mo Ran helped you overcome your qi deviation?"
"Ah! Never! Never!"
"Mo Ran gave you an elixir?"
"Ah—! Help! No, no! I made it up! I made it up!"
Chu Wanning loosened the hold, but then raised his hand and waved the weapon fiercely, it crackling and blazing, Tianwen suddenly lashed out and hit the backs of the lying disciples.
There were screams instantly, blood splashing.
Chu Wanning's eyebrows furrowed, and he scolded: "What are you calling? Kneel down! Disciple attendant!"
"Deliver the punishment!"
As a result, instead of reaping the benefits of defending Mo Ran, each of them was beaten with ten strikes each for violating the mandate of deception, plus a bonus willow vine lash gifted by Elder Yuheng.
After nightfall, Mo Ran lay on his bed. Although he had been given medicine, his back was covered with staggered scars. He couldn't even turn himself over without almost crying from the pain. He sniffled.
He had been born, so whimpering like this made him look like a fluffy, abandoned kitten. But it was a pity that his thoughts didn't match that cute kitten image.
He gripped the bedding and bit into the sheets, imagining that this was that bastard Chu Wanning. He bit! Kicked! Stomped! Tore!
The only comfort is that Shi Mei came to visit him with a bowl of wontons. He stared at him with those gentle and pitiful eyes, and Mo Ran's tears fell even more fiercely.
He didn't care whether men were supposed to hold in their tears or not, he loved to act spoiled in front of the person he liked.
"Does it still hurt a lot? Can you sit up?" Shi Mei sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. "Shizun, he. . . he was too cruel. Look at your back. . . there are several wounds. Some are still bleeding."
Mo Ran's heart softened, a warmth gradually rose in his chest. His teary eyes lifted from the bedding and he blinked.
"Since Shi Mei cares about me so much, I, I'm not in too much pain anymore."
"Oh, how can it not hurt if you look like this? You know what Shizun's temperament is like, will you dare do something like this in the future?"
In the candlelight, Shi Mei looked at him a little helplessly and a little distressedly. The amorous eyes were gleaming, like warm spring water.
Mo Ran's heart moved slightly, and he cleverly said: "Never again. I swear.
"Does anyone believe your promises anymore?" Even though he said that, Shi Mei also smiled, "The wontons are getting cold, can you sit up? If you can't get up, just lie on your stomach and I will feed you."
Mo Ran had already climbed up halfway, but immediately collapsed back down when he heard this.
Shi Mei: ". . ."
Whether it was this life or his previous one, Mo Ran's favourite food was Shi Mei's handmade wontons. The dough was as thin as a cloud of smoke, and the filling was tender and moist, melting in his mouth after every bite.
Especially the soup, the milky consistency, sprinkled with green onions, tender yellow egg wisps, and topped with a spoonful of spicy chilli peppers fried with garlic. It made whoever ate it feel so warm that they would never be cold again.
Shi Mei carefully spoonfed him. While feeding him, he said: "I didn't put any chilli oil today. You're badly hurt. Spice isn't good for recovery. Just drink the broth instead."
Mo Ran stared at him and he couldn't look away. He smiled: "Spicy or not, as long as you made it, it's delicious."
"Smooth talker." Shi Mei also smiled, picking up a poached egg lying in the soup, "Here's your reward, I know you like them."
Mo Ran laughed, a small tuft of hair curling on his forehead, like a flower blooming: "Shi Mei."
"What's happening?"
"Nothing, I just felt like saying your name."
". . ."
The hair tuft swayed back and forth.
"Shi Mei."
Shi Mei held back a smile: "Just felt like it again?"
"Hmm, just saying your name makes me happy."
Shi Mei sat silently for a moment then gently touched his forehead: "Silly boy, do you have a fever?"
Mo Ran let out a laugh. He rolled over, looking at him sideways, his eyes bright, as if full of fine stars.
"It would be a dream if I could eat Shi Mei's wontons every day"
He truly meant it.
After Shi Mei died, Mo Ran had always wanted to try the wontons he made again, but it is what it is, and he wasn't coming back.
At that time, Chu Wanning hadn't completely broken off all relations with him. Whether it was out of guilt or something else, he didn't know, but when he saw Mo Ran knelt in front of Shi Mei's coffin in a daze, Chu Wanning went quietly to the kitchen, kneaded dough and minced the fillings, carefully folded a couple wontons. But Mo Ran saw what he was doing before he had finished. With the loss of the love of his life, Mo Ran just couldn't bear it. He felt like Chu Wanning was doing it to mock him, a botched attempt at imitating them, a deliberate insult to injury.
Shi Mei was dead. Chu Wanning could have saved him, but he refused to help. Afterwards, he wanted to replace Shi Mei and make wontons for Mo Ran instead? Did he think that this would make him happy?
He rushed into the kitchen and knocked over all the utensils. The round wontons fell out of his hands and all over the floor.
He screamed at Chu Wanning: "Who the hell do you think you are? You think you're worthy of replacing him? Of making the food he used to? Shi Mei is dead, are you satisfied? Or do you have to torture your disciples until they go mad or die before you're happy? Chu Wanning! No one in this world can make those wontons anymore. You can try but you'll never be him!"
Now he was eating this bowl with such deep joy. He slowly ate them, savouring them. Although he was still smiling, his eyes were a little moist. Fortunately, the candlelight was dim, and Shi Mei couldn't see his subtle expression clearly.
Mo Ran said: "Shi Mei."
"Thank you."
Shi Mei froze for a moment, and then smiled gently: "Isn't it just a bowl of wontons? No need to be so formal about it. If you like them, I will always make them for you in the future."
Mo Ran wanted to say, the thanks wasn't just for the wontons.
Thank you also, whether in the last life or in this life, for being the only one to look out for me, not caring about my origins, didn't care about the fourteen years I spent scavenging around.
Thank you, because if it weren't for the sudden thought of you, after being reborn, I'm afraid I would not be able to stop myself from killing Rong Jiu. I would've made a big mistake, and walked the same path I had before.
Fortunately, in this life, I was reborn before you die. I will definitely take good care of you. If you are sick, and that cold-blooded demon Chu Wanning is unwilling to save you, I will.
But how could he have said these words aloud?
In the end, Mo Ran just drank the soup, leaving not even a single green onion behind. He licked his lips unconsciously, his dimples prominent, and he was as cute as a very fluffy little cat.
"Will there be more tomorrow?"
Shi Mei couldn't help but shake his head: "You don't want something else? Won't you get sick of them?"
"I'll never get tired of your wontons, as long as you don't get tired of making them."
Shi Mei shook his head and smiled: "I don't know if there's enough flour left. If there's not enough, I'm afraid I can't make it. If I can't, do you think the eggs in sweet soup are alright instead? They are also one of your favourites."
"Okay, okay. As long as you make it, anything is okay."
Mo Ran's heart surged. He was so happy he could roll around in the blankets.
Look at caring Shi Mei is, Chu Wanning, you go screw yourself! I get to lie in bed with a beauty taking care of me, hehe!
Thinking of Shizun, a rush of anger mixed with the tenderness he had been feeling.
Mo Ran started to dig the bottom of the headboard with resentment again. He cursed, what Yuheng of the Night Sky, what the Beidou Immortal, it's all fucking bullshit!
Chu Wanning, just wait and see!!
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pastaimpact · 3 years
Since ur a catboy and maid simp 👀👀👀👀
Catboy maid headcanons for xiao, scaramouche, zhongli, kaeya and diluc?
Like, they lost a bet and have to drink a potion from albedo that turns them into catboy maid or smth pls?
-mac bulli anon
if u see me rotting, no u didnt
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Xiao’s displeased by the transformation, but he has better things to do than to get worked up by a small thorn in his side. He has evil spirits to get rid off, and archons be damned if he’s going to let a pair of furry ears and a tail get in the way of his duty. It’s an odd sight, seeing him swing around his jade spear with his mask on, only to be moe-fied by his ears.
He insists on carrying out his own duties, saying that your selfish desires to have him as your maid won’t overrule his original contract to Rex Lapis. Chances are, you won’t even get him into the maid outfit before he goes running off to dispel some spirits. It can’t be helped: Xiao is someone who values Liyue’s peace before he values anything else, although he does feel a bit fuzzy inside when he sees how ecstatic you are over how cute he looks.
If he does find a moment of reprieve, that’s your best chance to capitalize on his transformation. Xiao claims that he needs no attention or extra love from you, that he’s a yaksha who works alone out of fear of harming you, but he’s still someone who craves for the gentle touch of a fellow being. Tell him that he’s done a good job and that you’re proud of him while cupping his face, and next thing you know, he’ll have slotted himself against your body and tell you that this isn’t necessary, all while his tail wags around happily. Archons forbid that anyone tries to interrupt your cuddling session, because he’ll start hissing like an actual cat the moment your attention is turned away from him.
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Xiao purred against your skin, his head resting on the area in between your shoulder and neck. He was always cat-like to begin with: coy, distance, but still gentle and affectionate at the right times. You fondled his ears the way he liked them, and his tail curled up in satisfaction.
“What a pretty kittycat you are,” you cooed, your voice low and calm, like the careful trills of a lullaby. “Always working so hard... Always caring for someone other than yourself... What a good boy.”
“...Keep going,” he murmured, scooting closer to you when you stopped petting him for a second. You let a smile grace your lips as you stroked his soft fur again, enjoying the way the catboy immediately relaxed against you. 
How adorable.
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Scaramouche is livid, to say the least, by this change. He’s a Fatui Harbinger, and someone who demands nothing short of utmost respect and authority from those around him. Being demoted to not only a servant, but not even a human one at that, is a stain against his spotless, untouchable command.
The entire time he’s placed under your care, he grumbles and snaps at everything that comes his way. He mutters that you should be grateful he’s even putting up with this, and he might just flat-out refuse to do the things you ask of him—until you tell him that you’ll ask someone else, like Signora or Childe. Only then does he come scrambling back to you with a pout on his face and his ears pressed against his head to scold you and say that he could do a better job than any of those sloppy Harbingers could.
He also threatens you, saying that you owe him for humiliating him like this, but he also forgets all about being mean to you the moment you start petting his ears and scratching behind them. Scaramouche swears on his life that he hates being treated like this, but the way he clings to you and purrs loudly clearly says otherwise. He’ll get huffy and frown if you stop petting him, so be prepared for him to completely monopolize your time.
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“I hate you for this,” he hissed, practically bristling in your lap. You bit back a laugh, feeling the way he wrapped his arms tightly around your torso, pulling himself as close as he could to your chest. “You’re terrible.”
“It’s ‘You’re terrible, Master’ to you,” you teased, burying your fingers in his hair to tease his ears. The Harbinger opened his mouth as if to snap back at you with a haughty remark, but he immediately melted into your touch instead, giving soft mewls and twisting his head against your skin so that he could feel more of your touch.
“I-I still hate you,” he grumbled, forcing himself to frown at you and huff. He dug his nails into your clothes, settling his chin on your shoulder so that you couldn’t see the blush rising to his cheeks. “Master.”
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Zhongli has seen his fair share of oddities, being an archon and all, so he’s grown to get used to whatever life throws at him all while honoring his own approach to life and any traditions he upholds. While being transformed into a cat and a maid, for that matter, is surprising, it’s probably nothing more than a mild inconvenience to a god that once held the ability to shift into a variety of different forms.
He’s a skilled and knowledgeable man, so he’s more than willing to assist you in a variety of topics. His one condition while being placed under your care is that you treat him with the same respect you would show him at any other time. While he may be relatively polite and mild-mannered, he still was a very potent and feared God of War at one point in his life. He doesn’t expect much from you; just drop any funny business around him, and he’ll entertain you for hours with his knowledge about politics, arts, and other fine subjects.
Zhongli is good about keeping his emotions in check, and even with cat ears and a tail, it’s still fairly difficult to gauge how he truly feels. Of course, his new body does betray him every now and then: a flick of his tail to signify intrigue, ears pressed against his head for annoyance, a twitch of his nose for interest. It’s best not to tease him or pry into how he feels whenever he does make an odd movement, but it wouldn’t hurt to present yourself appropriately depending on whatever mood he’s in based off of his little actions. Besides, it’s not everyday that you can see someone as respected and feared as Zhongli in a cute maid dress with his tail swishing excitedly behind him.
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His entrance was quiet, and the only thing that even signaled his presence in the room was the rustle of fabric as he walked towards you. His tail was still, and his ears perked up like it had been for the day, ever since he downed the transformation potion. “I brought you tea.”
You looked up from your paperwork, smiling softly at the former archon. You pulled a stray chair close to where you were seated, inviting him to sit down as he set the teacup down in front of you. “You shouldn’t have!”
He shook his head, his ears twitching with the slightest hint of satisfaction as he sat down. “It was about time you took a break. I thought I would remind you not to push yourself too far by bringing you something to relax with. Do drink up; I brewed it myself with prized leaves.”
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Kaeya’s all about staying a step ahead of the game, and the moment fluffy cat ears and a tail sprout up on his body, there’s a good chance that he’s already found loads of ways to capitalize on his features to get what he wants. The best way to get information from anyone is to get them to let their guard down, and it’s hard to be intimidated by someone who looks like a stuffed animal.
Which is exactly what he does. There’s a good chance that Kaeya’s been observing you for a while, for whatever reasons he might have (be it personal or for the Knights of Favonius), so he’ll definitely use his cat features to his advantage. He’ll snuggle up to you and let you relax by teasing you with his tail and his ears, and he’ll let his silvery tongue do the rest as he extracts bits and pieces of information from you like he was extracting honey from a beehive.
Kaeya rocks the whole maid concept better than anyone else. Flexibility and adaptability are just a few of his many strong suits, and he might even go along with playing pretend with you just out of the goodwill of his heart. He’s extorted you already for loads of intel, so the least he can do to get you to keep staying so lax around him is to humor you just a bit. It’s also a good chance to see you smiling and laughing as you bury your head into his hair, and it sure doesn’t hurt to hear you gush over how much of a majestic catboy he is.
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You felt his fluffy tail slink against your arms, Kaeya splayed out across your lap with the most smug smile you’ve ever seen from him. “Awwww, your tail is so cute! I wish I could just hold it and fall asleep! It feels just like a cloud!”
“Does it now, Master?” Kaeya purred, batting his eyeslashes. It had only been about fifteen minutes since he barged into your room to show off his cat features, and he had already gotten enough info about you to entertain him for weeks. “You can pet me more, if you’d like.”
You lit up, completely oblivious to the fact that Kaeya had you wrapped around his little finger. You were far too innocent, too careless even, and Kaeya found it amusing. “Oh, Kaeya! You’re the best!”
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Diluc’s also fairly annoyed by this mess, but he isn’t one to viciously fight against what’s already happened. It is rather irritating to have to put all of his responsibilities aside for another day, but he’s capable businessman who’s used to having to adapt to all sorts of situations. Being turned into the catmaid is by far not the worst of his problems, but it’s enough of a change to actually make him think about how he presents himself not only to you but the people of Mondstadt as well.
He has maids around his winery, so he mimics his ow behavior with what he wants of them. Of course, you don’t make him cook or clean or anything like that, and similarly to Zhongli, he makes sure to treat you with respect as long as you do the same. Diluc’s a very pragmatic man, and he simply takes his duty as a maid to keep you out of trouble, accompanying you whenever you need to head out to protect you from stray monsters or helping you with any finances that you might have to sort out.
His only request is that he doesn’t let anyone outside of his immediate circle know about his current affliction. The last thing he needs is his reputation as a respectable tycoon tarnished, and he sure as hell doesn’t need Kaeya strolling around to mess with him. If it incentivizes you to keep the whole temporary catmaid thing under wraps, he’ll tell you that it can be a little secret between the two of you. It’s best that you give him your word, lest you end up on the wrong side of his stoic mannerisms.
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“Good work today,” you remarked, offering up a meek smile to the Dawn Winery owner. “It must have been a lot of work. You know, having to deal with the whole transformation thing while running a business.”
Diluc glanced momentarily you, his ears pressing against his head. You wasn’t sure if it was out of annoyance or shyness, but you decided that it was the latter, as Diluc hadn’t walked away from you just yet. “It’s fine. Albedo said it should wear off any day now.”
“Mmm. But still, if you ever need help from me, let me know, okay? I know I’m your ‘master’ temporarily, but we’re still friends,” You laughed. The corners of Diluc’s mouth twitched as he turned away.
“Goodnight then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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