#i just love the concept too much
horrorknife · 27 days
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babe, this wouldn't be the first time it will not be the last time there's no parasol that could shelter this weather
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constarlations · 20 days
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🍊 Big Sis Nemona 🍊
my favorite Unovan/Latina Pokémon trainer ever created
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waterghostype · 5 months
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If you and I had met under more peaceful and carefree circumstances, I wonder how well things would have gone.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Thing about just clicking with someone and not having to put in the work is finding not making and those relationships - whatever form they take rarely last or manage to develop past a surface level.
Buck is such an all in or nothing kind of person that has had to fight for pretty much everything (when it comes to relationships of any form) he just cant comprehend that other people experience various levels of friendships or relationships more widely.
We see it in his training of Ravi, it comes out in his father son reltionship with Bobby, it’s part of the underlying reason the lawsuit happened and stems from his childhood abandonment issues. We even saw it in the other sneak peek where he’s with Tommy - he’s trying so so hard to make a friend that he comes across as slightly intense and focused. And while the worthwhile people will stay (the fire fam, his sister, Eddie) those who can’t take that level of focus will pretty quickly drop away, Abby and Ali are prime examples of this and even Taylor to a certain extent - she just didn’t care enough to be bothered by it.
It’s one of the reasons he’s oblivious to the fact his relationship with Eddie is different on multiple levels and it’s part of what makes Buck so interesting and why so many of us think he’s neurodivergent.
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jackyjackdraws · 8 months
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I recently watched that TikTok of someone building what's supposed to be a particle accelerator out of Hot Wheels track pieces
And at first I thought about actually making it work, but then I thought about those comments saying stuff like "Imagine how painful it is if it flung out of the track"
And of course I thought about Science Dad Au cause it tickles my brain and I love it as a concept so much
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bambeptin · 1 month
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clownsuu · 1 year
Heeeeyyyy You know what?
btw, this is not an Oc, it's.. A Version of the discarded character from Welcome Home named Sunny
It's my version as a nun/monk
ALSO!! I draw ur version of Home and Sunny in the church confessional and and- DAMN IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL, JUST HERE TO SAY THAT UR DRAWINGS AND EVERYTHING CHARACTERS (Oc's) THAT U MADE ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, FOR LOVE OF GOD- I'm Ur fan- a big fan u guess- (sorry I'm nervous-)
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shima-draws · 3 months
Currently in the middle of reading a Lawlu soulmate fic and it’s SUPER cute so far but the best thing is that Law is also Cora’s (platonic) soulmate, and Cora’s got the ‘You won’t see in color until you meet your soulmate’ kind of bond. Except it fluctuates depending on Law’s health, and Law runs purely on caffeine and spite, so Cora will text him being like “Hey. For some strange reason I currently cannot see the color red. Would you happen to know anything about that” and Law is just like “Uhhh. No??” and Cora’s like “Law I swear to GOD you’d better stop pulling all nighters do not make me come over there” LMAO
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willczek-art · 1 year
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smol thing for a fanart competition, prompt was "Prison" so P5 Velvet Room was kind of an obvious choice :v
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horsemeatluvr23 · 19 days
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the juppet !! i just realised he is jerma posing i swear that was unintentional...... i spent so long digging thru muppet concept art and looking at old puppet designs just to end up doing a rly simple drawing but. i love joehills!! i have only been watching them for like 4 years but their videos r so special to me :3
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layalu · 12 days
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so i uhhhh. started PoE
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varilien · 5 months
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given that i've ran this blog for as many years now i think i should get much credit for this being what, only the third dick joke i've ever made here hdfkhkj
anyways. there's this point in the story where vash and wolfwood have to go their separate ways for a while, but neither of them are dealing with it particularly well
(image id below the cut since it's a longer one)
[image ID: a rough, doodley 5 panel digital comic of vash and meryl from trigun, but from my leaden skies au where they've both been lightly redesigned to fit into the setting of monster hunter. vash is a wyverian with long pointed ears, wearing a red coat with gold trim and buttons. meryl is a human wearing a beret as seen on other guild girls, but her all-white outfit is a practical two-piece blouse and shorts set. the whole comic is comprised of warm colors, orange and yellow and dark purple
panel 1: vash sitting in the foreground at a brown desk covered in candles and books, with a book opened in front of him that he flips through with a bored expression and his cheek resting against his hand. he appears to be in a library, lit by candles on dark grey chandeliers hung from the ceiling. meryl is in the background stretching up to reach a book high on a shelf, and beside her is a table which is also covered in candles and several tall stacks of books
panel 2: a closeup of vash's face as his eyes widen and his ears prick up. something in the book has apparently caught his attention
panel 3: a closeup of the page vash was looking at, an illustrated info sheet about the flying wyvern, khezu. a candle in the table brightly illuminates the colored page
panel 4: meryl has come around by vash's shoulders with a stack of books held in her arms. she quirks a brow as she looks over vash's shoulder at the book. vash has a neutral, hard to read look on his face, but his ears are still up and his eyes are still shiny and wide as he seems to consider the page for a while
panel 5: a yellow word bubble comes from vash, who huffs a long sigh and says, "maybe i should call him...". his head has tipped to the side as he rubs his neck and frowns, blushing a little with his ears drooping. meryl physically recoils from him and her face scrunches up in disgust, saying, "eww" and, "there's something wrong with you"
end ID.]
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mishy-mashy · 7 days
Imagine we get to the Paranormal Orphans chapter (410) in the anime, and instead of a normal narrator like Midoriya or AFO, it's just- Present Mic.
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*Present Mic*
If only he was swept away by the river at birth and drowned- COUGH!!!
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canisalbus · 6 months
AU where there is some sort of zombie-like (maybe something like a rabid vampirism?)
Where one of the boys is bit/infected and desperately wants the other to join them, while also wanting to resist?
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been thinking of getohime/reader lately….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 this is just a short word vomit i needed to get off my chest <3
for some reason i’m imagining a college au for them right. a uni au if you will . 
but like. imagine. it’s your first week, everyone’s still adjusting, you just so happen to get them as partners for a group project…. and they’re just. kind of hard not to love? they’re both so intelligent and competent and helpful, so kind and easy to talk to.
effortlessly charming. 
suguru who brings you both coffee when you meet up for the project early in the morning, and waves you off when you try to pay him back. effortless. utahime who goes to the cafeteria to get you more when you run out, knowing the lines will be absolutely hellish. effortless — even when you catch her almost tripping over her own two feet as she nears your table.
geto and his kind eyes, utahime and her comforting smiles. their cozy sweaters and pretty hands and half-rim glasses. effortless, effortless, effortless.
it’s just a project, you barely even know them, but conversation flows so easily, and time passes so quickly. they’re both smart and maybe a little bit bossy, but in a good way — a we’ve already started on the outline while the other groups haven’t even decided on a topic kind of way. a fact they’re both evidently smug about, but they hide it well, tuck it in between upturned lips and crinkled eyes. 
it’s nice to work with people who won’t slack off, people who take their studies seriously. it’s even nicer to work with people who smile when you meet their eyes, who ask if you have any pets while showing you pictures of their own, who purr out a satisfied good work when you’re done for the day.
they’re nice. charming. you’re friends before you know it, and suddenly utahime is waiting for you outside the university every morning, suguru is taking a seat next to you whenever you have lectures together. you share pictures of your cats in the group chat you made and complain about how vague your professor’s instructions are. you learn that suguru likes to tease, that utahime can be snarky, that she laughs at her own jokes with a cute little snort. that suguru secretly likes the gossip he pretends not to indulge in. 
suguru brings you coffee, utahime gets you more; he thanks her and she smiles, you thank her and it grows. and so on.
so, really, it’s a coincidence. a stroke of luck, that you were paired up with them, that it happened so early that none of you really had the chance to establish any other friend groups. other things weren’t coincidental, like the fact that you’re so close in age, that all of you are crippling people pleasers, that you have a tendency to get attached a little too quickly.
the group project goes well, obviously. very well. again, you see the smugness in their smiles, their crinkled eyes — show offs, you think, but they’re cute about it. suguru tells you that you did well, utahime does the same. when you return the statement their smiles grow just a little wider, and you think nothing of it because that’s just how they are — effortlessly warm.
at this point, you’ve wriggled your way into each other’s routines. so nothing changes, even after you receive your passing grade. you still walk to class together, still choose to sit side by side in the lecture hall. you never delete the group chat, and the cat pictures keep coming. your friend group grows; suguru has known a guy from the physics department since middle school, utahime is good friends with a biology major. you eat lunch together, go to the nearby convenience store between lectures. study in each others’ dorms. they’re all pretty lovely.
but you, and suguru, and utahime have a special kind of bond — the kind where you could sit together in complete silence, and anyone passing by would still be able to tell you were friends. silences are always comforting, their smiles always warm.
they dote on you a lot. satoru and shoko make fun of them for it; every time utahime absently adjusts your scarf, when suguru ties your shoelaces without being asked to. you’re always in the middle, squished between them in crowded trains, right arm linked with utahime’s, touching pinkies with suguru to your left. utahime blows on your coffee before giving it to you, suguru lets you rest on his shoulder when you’re sleepy. and so on. 
and yeah, it’s kind of embarrassing, but they’re just… really casual about it? effortless, as always. like it comes to them without thinking.
but satoru and shoko still find it funny, still won’t stop referring to them as your mama and papa, won’t stop pulling your cheek and teasing you until suguru and utahime come to your rescue. which only really proves their point.
it’s a joke, obviously. none of it should be taken seriously. 
… but, as you grow closer, and time passes, you think to yourself that maybe you are a bit of a third wheel. 
because they look so good together. matching glasses, matching sweaters, matching wits and brains. they keep up with each other so effortlessly, joking around, indulging in idle banter, talking about some baseball game they both watched last night. it’s not like they ever make you feel left out; doting on you comes easy, and they make sure you’re always comfortable. 
that’s another joke — that you’re the favorite of the group. the baby. you wish you could believe it.
utahime and suguru are twin suns. bright smiles, warm souls, hearts that always melt when it matters. they shine brighter than anyone else, so you really don’t get a say in loving them. 
it’s easy to feel small, in their presence. easy to feel a sting when people mistake them for a couple, even though you have no reason to feel sad about it. they’re your friends. what business do you have in who they choose to date? 
that’s what you tell yourself, when you notice them speaking from afar. when they abruptly stop as soon as you’re in earshot. when you catch utahime texting him in the middle of your lecture, when you realize that there are things they can’t talk to you about. things they don’t want to talk to you about.
so, obviously, you assume that this is it. that your destiny is to be their third wheel, the baby of the group, the person they’ll hang out with when they need some variety. 
which is fine. obviously. even if it stings.
you know your place.
(what you don’t know is that their little talks consist of sheepish excuses and irritated grumbles, because neither of them can seem to make any kind of progress in their plan to ask you out.
when they eventually muster up the courage to corner you, to tell you, their eyes will be bright and their smiles will be kind. understanding, merciless, so bright it’ll blind you. utahime will hold your hand and suguru will adjust his glasses. they’ll be nervous, but as charming as ever.
effortless, effortless, effortless, in the way utahime will hug you once you say yes, the way suguru won’t manage to stop himself from kissing the bridge of your nose.)
until then, you’ll assume it means nothing. you’ll let them buy you coffee and adjust your scarf and dote on you, and completely miss the playful glares they shoot each other when one of them hogs your attention.
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heybiji · 1 year
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Human Wizard, Lacuna.
ever make a standby DnD character and immediately go feral over them
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