#i pray GOD tell me what was the reason for that scene
kenananamin · 8 months
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All I ask, All I want
*This story will slightly alter the events during and after Shibuya.
Summary: Nanami makes his way to you after Shibuya in a delirious state and crashes into your apartment with severe injuries. He cannot process his current state and shows you what he was always worried you would see. You question everything you thought you knew about him and you're anxious to ask him for the truth but worried if he'll even survive. post-shibuya angst, worried nanami and reader, angst, pain... i'm sorry. happy ending ~2.7k words
I'm almost there, she's right past this alleyway.
Nanami slowly walks to your apartment and leans on a parked car for support. He can't hold his head up for longer than a few seconds at a time, but he's memorized your neighborhood after patrolling it so often for any curses that might hurt you as a non-sorcerer. I'm almost there, she's waiting for me...
You hear your door handle clanking and slowly get up from your bed without making any extra unnecessary noise. You grab your phone and open Nanami's contact just in case you need to call and lower your head to the door's peep hole. You smile as you see the very top of a familiar blonde head and open your door, "Oh gosh, I was about to panic call you until I — "
Nanami crashes into your entryway and you fall back to the floor when you see him. You're in shock and it takes you a moment to realize there was a bleeding man with severe burns in your entryway... and that man was Nanami Kento. Your brain catches up with the scene in front of you and you let out a blood-curling scream as you crawl towards your boyfriend. He's laying flat on the floor by now and the rug underneath him starts to soak up the blood from his shredded and burned skin.
"Nanami! Fuck, what do I do?! Kento!! Oh my god, oh my god," you reach for your phone but pause as you're about to call for an ambulance. Nanami had mentioned weeks ago that you should call his... friend if he ever had an emergency. You didn't understand at the time but Nanami said it was just a precaution he wanted to take early on. You look for the contact and find 'G.S. Emergency'. No answer. You look for the second emergency contact 'K.I. Emergency'. No answer.
You look at Ken who's shallow breathing has filled every corner of your apartment and soul. You place the call on speaker and start to ramble to the operator while hiding the cleaver knife-like object in his hand.
You thought something was off when Nanami would look behind the both of you and excuse himself for a second in the middle of your dates. Or when he'd tell you to stand still and close your eyes. Or when he told you to get inside first and you heard light grunting and his fast steps outside your door before he breathlessly entered the apartment.
You thought something was off, but you could have never imagined this. Nanami lay in a hospital bed, wrapped in special bandages, but you guys weren't in a hospital. It was a clean and sterile room, but you could open the large window and see a horizon of lined traditional temples.
You push any other thoughts away and return to your spot next to Nanami and clasp your hands together. You weren't sure who you were praying to this whole time, but you hoped that someone out there, anyone, was listening and taking pity on you.
Nanami wakes up and feels like he's floating. He can't feel the bandages he clearly sees on himself and especially — you. You were sitting on a chair near the foot of his bed with your arms crossed on the bed, sleeping peacefully. This must be heaven. There was no other reason why you'd be in this room with him, in Jujutsu Tech. No wonder he felt like he was floating, this was the afterlife that was being blessed upon him to spend another moment with you. Fleeting moment or a permanent heaven, Nanami wanted to touch you again, hear your voice, and look into his favorite pair of eyes.
"y/n," Nanami squeezes out your name from his dry throat. He doesn't have the strength to move his leg and try to shift your arms so he keeps repeating your name and nicknames to wake you up.
You had fallen asleep for the first time in a while but you hear your name very very softly. You open your eyes and see half of Nanami's face moving. You sit up and see him smile, "y/n. Hi baby."
You shove the chair back and stand up to touch what you can of his face while repeatedly pushing the button on the side of the bed, "Hi Ken, don't move too much, ok? You need to rest first."
He lazily smiles, looks at you with a half-closed eye and slowly says, "Thank you for seeing me off. I love you, y/n." Nanami gently closes his eyes right as Shoko comes in and you see him drift off.
"I love you, Kento," you whisper and kiss his knuckles as you feel the tears prickling your eyes again.
Nanami was finally awake. He woke up to see you sleeping on a small couch by the window where the sunset lightly reflected off your skin. He thought he was dead and he'd spend the rest of eternity with you in that room and right as he was finding peace and comfort with the idea, his student walked into the room with a tray of food and water.
"Na— Nanamin?" Yuji stared at his teacher and leaned out the door to scream for Shoko to hurry in.
Nanami starts to shush him and his previous thoughts of being in the afterlife shattered. There was relief to know he was alive, but his panic slowly started setting in when he wondered why you were in the room and just how much you knew.
Yuji and Shoko rush in and he can hear questions being asked and hands touching him to check on him, but he interrupts them without looking away from your sleeping figure, "Why is she here?" Nanami looks at them both, "What does she know?"
Yuji sits on the chair that Nanami had seen you in before and quietly starts to explain that he had left Shibuya after fighting Jogo. Nobody knew where Nanami was and some people believed they should look for his body only instead, predicting he'd be dead. Yuji shares that everything was shattered and hectic but they received a call to rush to a local hospital.
Shoko continues as Yuji grabs some new bandages, "Our van got to the hospital at the same time as the ambulance. y/n told them she was your wife to avoid any resistance in going with you and started fighting us when we wanted to take you. That was when I realized that she didn't know anything about us, about this world. She cried and begged to let the hospital take care of you, that only they would know what to do."
Nanami looks over to you and wishes your back was not turned to him so that he could see your face.
"We brought her with us too and let her stay in the room for everything so that she could see we would not hurt you," Shoko pauses in removing Nanami's bandage and whispers, "Nanami, you should tell her. Everything or just something — anything. She has not left the room since we brought you and she won't listen to any explanation from anyone. y/n said she'll wait for you and will only listen to your explanation."
Nanami rubs his eye and begins to wonder how to even start the conversation with you. This, this was exactly what he wanted to prevent. He tried to stay away from you so that you'd never find out about anything he did, he covered his tracks and continued his cover-story of being a salaryman. But even with all his efforts, he was drawn to you like a moth to a flame and was prepared to let himself drown in everything about you.
Nanami glances to his student who's sadly looking at your sleeping figure before turning to nod to Shoko.
"You know Shoko," Nanami takes a deep breath and turns back to you, "she was the only thing on my mind after Jogo. I walked passed some of the most gruesome scenes I have ever seen in my time as a sorcerer, but I could only think about how much longer I had, about how long I could extend my final breaths to see her one last time. I wanted her face to be the last thing I saw."
It's nighttime when you stir awake. The couch was too small to comfortably sleep but your exhausted body was willing to pass out anywhere. You shift to look towards the hospital bed to check on Nanami but you find an empty bed with the covers neatly organized. You start to kick your blanket off to hurry out and quietly whisper no, no, no, please, no when you feel a hand on your foot.
You flinch at the touch but squint your eyes to see Nanami sitting on a chair next to the couch and looking out the window. You look over his body to check that he's still wrapped in his bandages. Nanami sees your eyes travel over his body and moves his hand from your foot to pull the robe over his chest to cover what has begun to scar.
Your eyes well up with tears to see him sitting next to you — alive. You move to the edge of the couch closest to Nanami and hold his hand. "Everything," you move one hand to his chest, touching the part he just tried to cover and leaving your hand over his heart to feel the beating. "You tell me everything right now."
Nanami starts from the beginning. He explains what it was like being born to a non-sorcerer family and the fear he would feel as a child when he'd see things no one else could. He describes what it was like to find out there were more like him and being admitted to Jujutsu High. He talks about his classmates, the work that's required, how the curses look and what the process is to exorcise them, a young man named Haibara, a sister school in Kyoto, the levels to the curses and sorcerers, and the weapons sometimes used.
The last part reminds you of the cleaver-like object and you tell Nanami you hid what he was holding. "I wasn't sure what it was, but whatever it was, I felt like nobody else should see it to avoid more questions to the already suspicious scene. The paramedics already thought I was crazy once they got there and saw your body.."
Nanami nods and let's you ask any questions you have about the Jujutsu world. You both lose track of the time and Nanami notices the sky start to turn into different shades of blue with an orange strip on the horizon by the time you ask what you've been holding all night, "Are... will you.... do you have to go back?"
Nanami looks back at you but you're holding his hand with your head down, waiting, perhaps dreading, his answer. "With how things are now, I think I might. I'm not much help right now but with time I ca—"
Your sob interrupts him and you lean your head down further to cry. He tries to scoot closer to you but a sharp pain in his torso stops him. He rubs your hand with his thumb instead and gently shushes you not to cry.
You stand from the couch, right in front of Nanami and start to fall to your knees. He realizes what you are about to do and leans forward to grab your arm to stop you, but you swat his weak grip away and continue into a deep bow.
"y/n, please. Baby, please stand up, please don't."
You cry and let your forehead touch the floor, "Nanami Kento, I am begging you to stop. Please stop being a sorcerer and please leave this world with me. You have taken enough punches and bruises, you don't have to stay in the ring. Tap out and let someone else tap in." Your quiet tears turn into sobs towards the end of your pleading.
You hear Nanami's voice start to shake above you, "Darling, please —"
You interrupt him and sit up to scoot to hold his knees close to your chest, "Tap me in, let me help you, Ken please. Let me protect you, I swear that I will protect you now."
You feel guilty bowing as you are. You are asking this man to leave what he knows, but you don't know what else to do. You have never felt such fear after seeing so much of his body burnt and his breath so shallow. You would bow to anyone for a chance to save his life. You would bow to him and plead him to save himself with this second chance.
"Don't fight anymore. Stay only as a teacher if you want but put that blade away. Don't leave these walls and the protection they offer. This is as much as I will compromise. I do not want you out there regardless of the danger levels. But better yet — please, let me take care of you. Stop fighting and working, follow me out of these halls and I'll do anything for you, I swear it."
Nanami's tears start to fall and he looks down at you gripping at his thighs in desperation.
"Kids..." you continue to ramble, "We can have kids if you want, we can move somewhere far and finally have our kids. You can convert a whole room into your library, you'll have an infinite amount of books and time to yourself to do anything you'd like. I'll make you all your favorite meals and listen to everything you have to say, even open a bakery if you want to try! I'll wear that wedding dress you have a photo saved of on your phone, even do a traditional wedding if you want to. I'll do it all and more, Ken, just please —" You knew your face was drenched and contorting to match your desperate pleas. "I'm begging you, please.."
Nanami reaches out to touch your cheek and a sob escapes his lips. It's the only time you've both cried this way in front of each other.
Yuji is sitting in the hallway by the room door and listens to the desperate rambling. He had been sitting there since he passed by and heard Nanami talking about his adolescence. He knew it wasn't right, but he just wanted to listen to Nanami speak for a while after the overwhelming anxiety of thinking he was dead and possibly not hearing him again.
Yuji stands, steps inside the room and clears his throat, "Nanamin? I — I think she's right. You should go. I can find you if we need help, but we'll be ok," he pauses to walk halfway into the room, "I think you should step out... and maybe have those kids?" the young boy smiles a bit at the thought of young kids running around his usually stoic teacher and calling him dad.
"Nanamin, Jujutsu High will be ok. And you have someone else to worry about now." Yuuji looks down to Nanami's lap where your head is laying on his thighs, weeping and thinking of more ways to beg him. The young boy smiles, "I've got it from here."
Nanami believes his student... and nods. He looks down at the crying woman whose sobs have their whole body shaking. He fights against the sharp pains around his body and leans down as far as he can to hug you. It is not the strong embrace you are used to from Nanami, but a light envelop that warms and calms your deepest fears.
Walking out of Jujutsu Tech, Nanami stops and introduces a few of the people he mentioned in his life story to you. He does not introduce you as his girlfriend (which was technically your title at that moment) but as his wife. You widen your eyes the first time he says it but he just smiles down at you and says, "You started using it first, now it's my turn. But I promise to properly ask you soon."
Yuji, Shoko, and Ino follow you both to the bottom of the stairs to say goodbye. You give them your number so that they have another place to reach Nanami and Yuji gladly takes the number with the promise of checking in soon. Nanami lightly pulls you away to finally leave but pauses before taking another step.
You hold Nanami's hand as he looks back to the school one last time. The place that showed him real pain and heartbreak, but also gave him a place to feel like he was making a difference. The place that held so many memories as both a student and teacher. The place that nearly broke him, but gave him the space to heal to return back to you. You rub his hand with both of yours and say, "All I ask is that you are happy, alive, and safe."
Nanami looks back at you with relief covering his features and guilt covering yours while you keep your head down. He gently rubs his thumb on your hand, "All I want is to follow you." You look up and he moves his hand to your face, "I promise, all I want is you."
You nod and lean to kiss him once softly. You wrap your arm around Nanami's torso and he wraps his arm around your shoulders. You motion for him to lean on you as he walks and for the first time in a long long time, he takes the offer to lean on someone else.
Yuji watches from the entrance path of the school as you both turn to leave the premises. He cups his hands around his mouth and yells, "Nanamin, y/n! I'll visit when I can! Read a few mangas for meeee!"
a/n: I saw paramore this summer and their music has been on repeat the whole year. 'all i wanted' is def gonna be in my top wrapped songs and it def reminds me of nanami every. single. time.
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justwonder113 · 1 month
Head over heels - Lee Know
part 2
Warning: Mentions of drinking, Minho is a bit tipsy but he's sober by the end of it. Rader is getting hit on by some weird dude. Slightly suggestive at the end. Minho is staring at the reader's chest. GN reader. Not proofread. Please tell me if I missed anything
A/N- I'm finally back!! Thankfully I got over the virus and more than dedicated to write as much as I can. I have many ideas and can't wait to write all of them. Thank you for all the love and support you've given me it truly means the world to me. Reblogs and comments are much appreciated. If you have any requests too feel free to do so. Take care of yourselves, love you all❤️
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When is the right time to say that you're head over heels in love with someone? Perhaps when they do something really romantic and/or selfless. Something probably really kind and generous, something really cool... Probably not when they are dazed from having a bit too much to drink and look like they are about to fall asleep any given second now, right? Yup, you were definitely weird, probably the main reason you and Minho clicked this well. Okay in your defense you knew you were smitten with him for a while obviously, who wouldn't fall for him? it just downed on you though how down bad you actually were.
Really though. To think that you would realize that you're in love with your best friend when his like anywhere but this world is beyond crazy, even for you.
"Pretty boy do you want me to bring you some water?" You asked after seeing him blink slowly yet another time. You were at this club Hyunjin had invited you at. The music was blasting on the full volume and everyone was having the time of their life, well maybe except you and Minho. Normally you would be also be having fun with your friends but now everything felt a bit dull. Maybe because you didn't drink anything. You had bad flu earlier and you just didn't feel like drinking today. As for Minho, normally the drinks didn't get to him that easily, but he wad been overworking himself a lot lately and due to the fatigue even such small amount of alcohol as two or three shots got to him pretty easily.
Minho looked at you with dazed eyes for a second or two, as if trying to gather his thoughts. Something glimmered in his already sparkly eyes and he gave you a small smile. God, he looked so squishy and cute like this you wanted to pinch his cheeks. Not that you would, he had this tough persona to keep. Also not to sound weird but you didn't want others to notice how cute he was. Let's just say you wanted to gatekeep him for yourself.
After Minho gave you a small nod you got up and headed to the bar. There were a lot of people in line so you would probably have to wait quite a while to get something as simple as glass of water. You texted Minho that this could take a minute or two and started waiting for your turn. Meanwhile from the corner of your eye you saw someone shamelessly check you out, like, could they be any more obvious about it? You prayed that he wouldn't approach you while you also crossed your fingers for the bartender to hurry up. You decided to ignore it. You didn't see anything.
Unfortunately your prayers hadn't been answered, the sleazy man decided to approach you, honestly the audacity some people had. You tried to keep your distance but it was all in vain. The man stood in front of you now. He even made a show of slowly checking you out. God what a pig. You really tried your best to compose yourself, you really didn't need to make a scene now.
"Hello. Gorgeous can I buy you a drink?" God even his voice was so annoying. You reminded yourself that you needed to keep calm. With the most polite voice you could muster you answered that you were good and that you were with someone. But the dude still kept pestering, making your blood boil even more. Who the hell did he think he was? You had enough of this, you were about to warn him that you would call the security on him, when hands wrapped around you. You stiffened for a second, but relaxed when you noticed that it was Minho. The strange man grumbled. "Shit, boyfriend of yours?"
Minho answered before you could, his hands tight around your waist, his glare cold as ice. "Yes, now fuck off." The man was about to argue but Minho's death glare shut him up quickly. The man slithered away to disturb someone else you guessed. You noticed to yourself to nitify security about him. He seemed shady.
You turned your full attention to Minho, who kept hugging you and now had rested his head on your shoulder. He still felt sleepy you guessed. "You took too long." He grumbled after a few seconds of silence. You turned your head and kissed the top oh his head. Minho grunted again. "Sorry pretty boy. Let's get you that water." You took a step towards the bar but Minho stopped you.
"Don't want it anymore."
You fully turned to Minho and started closely examining him, his face was unreadable though.
"Hey, how are you? Are you okay?"
"Just tired. Can I stay at yours?" You thought for a minute jokingly which Minho didn't really appreciate which he showed by softly pinching your side. Really, what was up with him being all cute today? You couldn't help yourself and you gave him a little peck on his cheek.
"Sure." Minho didn't say something, and you couldn't read anything on his face. He held his hand towards you and after you held it he started leading you to others so that you could say your goodbyes.
The walk to your house wasn't long. You appreciated the comfortable silence between you two. It was peaceful. You also loved how extra protective Minho was over you, he didn't let go of your hand whole way. Your heart felt like it would burst from joy.
You sighed in relief once you walked into the safehold of your house. It felt so good to be home. Like the two youthful people you were you immediately started getting ready for bed. You of course on top that pestered Minho to drink plenty of water before going to sleep. You didn't want him to wake up with a hangover. Surprisingly he was being obedient. You also couldn't help but admit that sleepy Minho was absolutely adorable. To you he just looked so soft and squishy all you wanted to do was to cover his whole face with kisses. And from the way how whiny he was, telling you that you should hurry up already and come to him he would most likely let you.
You didn't know when you crossed the boundary between being friends and well something more, but here you were now. You were always touchy with each other and flirting was a regular occurrence too, you didn't know when these playful banters became meaningful and made your heart flutter, you didn't really know when did you get so extra affectionate but you loved it if it meant that maybe you two could become something more.
You tried to get ready for bed as fast as possible, but the chains you had worn today didn't really let you. They managed to get stuck and you didn't really feel like going to sleep in them. So you turned to Minho who laid across on your bed. Diagonally like a sweet person he was. He had changed into the sweats and oversized shirt he had left at your house, but as it seemed he got lazy to get under the covers. "Min can you help me with these?" You asked sweetly as possible. Minho didn't answer and you thought that he fell asleep again laying diagonally on your bed, but he got up after a couple of seconds. He looked at you with unimpressed eyes waiting for you to ask what you wanted. You motioned towards your bundled up chains. Minho grumbled again but immediately started working on it.
The chains were more tangled up than you could imagine. Minho kept grumbling about how he should just snap them but still kept diligently working through every knot. You had no idea how did they get so tangled up on your neck. You got curious on what was taking so long and looked down and only when did you notice that upper buttons were open and you were showing quite a decent amount of cleavage. You felt shy for a second but then as if on cue you noticed how Minho's eyes kept shifting down towards your exposed skin. Let's just say it was a nice ego boost. Subtly as possible you even straightened up a little so you could show off your assets better. You didn't know if Minho knew you did that on purpose but his eyes sure did appreciate the sight. You didn't even realize you were staring at him, before he looked up and your eyes met. Suddenly you felt lost at words. How was he so gorgeous? You could use every word in dictionary and still it wouldn't be able to fully express his beauty. You wondered for a second if he was aware just what he did to you. God, you could just stare at him for hours.
"I did it." He spoke calmly as he placed your chain on your hands. "I think I know how you should thank me." Was it you or was he really close? You could even feel his breath on your skin. Your eyes couldn't help but shift from his eyes down to his pretty lips. What were you even doing? Minho noticed your wandering eyes, his gaze also shifted down to your lips.
His finger touched under your chin and slowly lifted your face so that you were eye to eye again.
"What do you have in mind?" You found your voice after a few long seconds of being rendered speechless.
"I want to kiss you so bad." Minho's confession sent shivers down your spine. Good thing that you were sitting on your bed, you felt like you would fall otherwise. You felt like fanning yourself, your whole body felt so hot.
"What's stopping you then?" You quipped back, he was so close now with each breath your lips slightly grazed each other.
"Nothing." His voice was raw with emotion. You didn't even get to say anything, his lips were on you in matter of milliseconds. The kiss was raw, passionate. It ignited you, you felt alive now that you had the taste of his lips. It was everything and so much more, it was like he tried to convey his feelings with this kiss.
Guess you were not the only one head over heels for the other.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
For dialogue prompts #6 with Steddie pls!!!!
Writing Prompts | No longer accepting new prompts
06.  “I don’t know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?”
“I don’t know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?” Steve startled upright at the voice behind him, turning, his hands and the thing within them flying behind his back out of sight, he found himself looking a little downward to the judgmental gaze of two of the three members of Corroded Coffin. The one in the middle, Gareth, being the one who’d spoken.
How did he, the King of Hawkins High know of Corroded Coffin pray tell? Not important. Definitely wasn’t the painful crush he had on their magnanimous ring leader that’d had him lingering incognito at a gig at The Hideout every now and then despite it definitely not being his scene. Definitely wasn’t that. It wasn’t like he had clothes hidden in the guest room’s loft space so he could attend those gigs and blend in for that exact reason, definitely wasn’t THAT.
“Uhhh... nothing.” Nothing. Gareth raised a single brow. Nothing. “Seriously, man, nothing. What’s it to you anyway?”
“That’s Eddie’s locker, dude. He’s our friend. The hell are you doing at it? Were you trying to break in or something?”
“No” well that was believable. Fuck, why didn’t he get one of the little buttheads to do this. It’d have been easier for them! Nobody knew who they were, would have probably been mistaken for random freshmen. His face was known. He was known in Hawkins High, and he really hadn’t thought that anyone would still be there that late in the evening.
Stupid nerd clubs running late.
“Alright, I changed my mind, I absolutely do know that I wanna know the answer. What the hell are you doing to Eddie’s locker, and don’t say nothing cause I saw you fuckin with the lock, so what is it, Harrington? If this is some kind of practical joke, then cut it the fuck out, he’s never done shit to you, so leave him the fuck alone.” Maybe Eddie had verbally abused them from lunch tables once or twice, but he’d never messed with lockers or hurt any of them.
The basketball team definitely hadn’t shared his hesitance to declare war either, always doing shit unprovoked.
“I’m not—shit, I’m not doing anything bad, Jesus, could you just… I dunno… trust me? and not say anything to Eddie maybe, that you saw me here?” God he was so not sneaky, he was the worst possible ninja ever, the duo only looked more suspicious. “Ugh, look, it’s none of your actual business why I’m here, just… just move on, and uh… forget you saw me. please. I’ll buy you lunch for the next month.”
“Now that’s just extra suspicious” the other one piped up, Jeff the backup guitarist “you think our loyalty to our friend can be bought, Harrington? Cause it can’t, we can afford our own lunches.” Their parents paid for them basically. “So spill it, what do you have in your hands?”
“I have nothing in my hands, look. Im gonna go, I’m just gonna go, so lets just forget you saw me.”
“Or we could tell Eddie we saw you lurking at his locker so he c—”
“No!” Steve grabbed Gareth as the boy tried to start for the door, “No, nope, don’t do that. Why would you do that?”
“Cause you’re being really fucking suspicious and get off the threads, man.” Gareth shoved Steve’s hand away from his jacket “he has a right to know if he’s about to get punked. Especially if he hasn’t done anything to earn it.” Eddie could be pretty fuckin annoying at times sure, especially toward the basketball team, but he’d never done anything to Steve.  
“He’s not about to get punked, Jesus. That’s not—I wasn’t going to—that’s not it. Okay? It’s not. It’s just… I just—” Gareth’s eyes dipped down just in time to spot a box in Steve’s other hand, peeking out from behind his back, wrapped in red with black ribbon… his eyes narrowed “I just—” Steve was obviously grasping at straws, clearly about two seconds from panic if his tone was anything to go by, the choppy speech, the broken sentences.
Gift wrapped box. Sneakily snuck into Eddie’s locker. The date. The day it’d be tomorrow. Holy shit.
Jeff seemed to catch that lightbulb moment at the exact same moment as Gareth did because they both burst out with “It’s YOU!!” At the same time, clearly scaring the shit out of Steve who jumped back in surprise, back hitting the metal of the lockers.  
Gareth continued though “you’re the one that leaves him presents every holiday!! That’s you!” Steve’s eyes widened, clearly just about to deny any involvement when Gareth continued with “oh my god, that’s YOU?! Dude. Oh my god. Dude. Eddie’s gonna flip—”
“You can’t tell him, man” Jeff seemed to catch on quicker though, punching Gareth in the arm as if he’d done something wrong. “We can’t, that’s just… not right, dude.”
“Eddie’s not an asshole, Jeff, c’mon, he deserves to kno—"
“Nope. It’s not cool, man. Even if Eddie’s not an asshole, if Steve wants to tell him, then Steve can tell him, but until then? No. It’s not fair to take that choice from him. How would you feel if you were in his place?” Gareth seemed to consider that for a moment before his whole body deflated.
“Ugh, fine. You’re right, why are you right? Who said you could be the grown up, man, Jesus.” Gareth then turned back to the deer in headlights gaze of Steve Harrington “Alright, man. We won’t tell Eddie. He changed his combo to nine nine nine if you didn’t already know, but I swear if that’s not some real tasty chocolate or some other nice thing that’ll make him feel all gooey tomorrow, we tell Eddie exactly who left it there, and he can corner you himself, got it?”
“…Got it. You uh… you won’t tell anyone else… right?”
“Nah” Jeff answered for him “We don’t tell on our own people, man. Your secrets safe.”
“Thanks. M’not… like… fully, y’know… I’m just—It doesn’t matter, will you both just… I dunno, go? Not like… not like I’m not thrilled you’re being cool but—” he was nervous enough, he didn’t need an audience watching him do something he’d always managed to be sneaky as all hell with before. Someone had to spot him eventually.
“Heh, sure thing, man. But remember, if that’s not something that makes Eddie smile tomorrow, all niceties are off. Got it?” Steve nodded quick to Jeffs warning, which seemed to be enough, because the boy moved to push Gareth toward the doors, away from the scene of Steve’s little holiday crimes, leaving him there to finish up and disappear into the night back to his castle.
Both hopeful, and thankfully thrilled when they attended school the next day, to find Eddie, excitedly bouncing on his heels by his locker with a box of fancy homemade chocolates, a beautiful little dice bag in his hands, and Steve Harrington, barely visible in the throng of teens bustling through the hallways, trying very hard to remain inconspicuous as he watched the reaction from a distance, hope that Eddie liked his gift in his gaze so blatantly obvious even from a distance that they couldn't believe nobody had figured him out yet.
Someday. They figured. Given how determined Steve was to remember every single holiday... someday. They'd find each other properly someday. But until that day...
Eddie had a really cool new dicebag to show off to them.
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dragon-ascent · 1 year
The novel
You happen upon a cheesy novel about Rex Lapis...so of course you show it to Zhongli.
★彡flustered zhongli, mentions of sex and spiciness but just trust me it's fluff
The first thing you do when you return home is kiss Zhongli and say, "Guess what I found!"
Zhongli, smiling at your enthusiasm, cocks his head slightly. "What did you find, darling?"
Grinning deviously, you set a book down on the table. "Gold, my love, literal gold!" Your husband glances over at the cover of the book.
"What is-" His smile falters and his cheeks heat up as he takes in the...rather suggestive illustration. It depicts Rex Lapis in partial human form, with long golden horns and a brown tail, holding in what seems to be a death grip a petite young woman wearing a sheer nightgown. Also, Rex Lapis is shirtless.
"Morax is my Mate," you read the title aloud for him, "it's a sappy, crappy romance fanfiction about you and some random female OC!"
Your husband blinks. "Romance? I - he looks like he wants to kill her."
You shake your head with a snort. "That sultry look is meant to be hot and threatening towards rivals!"
"Rivals," Zhongli repeats. "What, pray tell, is this story about?"
"It's about this village woman becoming Morax's mate, as the title suggests. Celestia appointed her as such, and thus her ordinary life gets thrown out of whack! And Morax is like, obsessed with her for no reason other than she's his mate. She has no personality outside of biting her lip and tucking her hair behind her ear every other page!"
Zhongli's brow furrows. "I...see..."
"And guess what," you say, flipping the pages until you get to the part you want, "the smut scenes go on for pages and pages! This one in particular spans thirty-four pages."
"Thirty-four!" Zhongli repeats, paling. "And it is one scene! What could these characters possibly be doing?"
You stare him down long and hard, smirking. "Do you really want to know, darling~?"
Zhongli's cheeks go from pale to deep red. "On second thought, I do not wish to-"
"Fingering, overstimulation, tail-play-"
"Oh Celestia, please spare me from-"
"-Edging, double penetration, oral-"
"I have had quite enough of-"
"Bondage, bathtub sex, usage of titles like Sex Lapis-"
"S-Sex Lapis..?" If Zhongli could drop dead right now, it would be because he cringed himself to death. In fact, he sits down to process this.
Trying not to laugh, you sit beside him. "You look a little under the weather, hehe."
Zhongli, rubbing his temples, is the very picture of 'under the weather,' if not more so. If he were human, he would possibly have thrown up at least twice by now. "Give me that," he says, taking the book from you and skimming through the prose for a semblance of sanity.
Except, he only feels more and more nauseous with each paragraph he reads. Forced marking? A competing god? Toxic possessiveness? An uprising that somehow only this heroine with the personality of a broken vase can handle? His closes his eyes and wonders when he can return to the earth as dust.
Watching him intently, you ask as he closes the book with a long sigh, "So what do you think of this book that should totally be illegal?"
"Well..." Zhongli gulps and clears his throat, tapping into his rational side. "Freedom of creation and expression is a fundamental right which the citizens of Liyue are entitled to exercise. This...this novel has been appropriately tagged as a fictional work meant for recreational purposes, and therefore...it does not break any rules. It has every right to exist."
You flash him another devious grin. "Uh-huh. And what do you really think of it, Zhongli?"
He draws in a sharp breath. "It is pure and utter garbage and I sincerely wish to delete this from my memory forever."
"Aww, Sex Lapis doesn't like it?" you tease, poking his cheek.
"No, and I am not Sex Lapis..."
"Sex Lapis! Sex Laaaaapis!" Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Hmph. Are you aiming to be punished like in the novel?"
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asleepyy · 7 months
ello ello ello, ive got a questions!!!!! the Job job. as of right now, having planning it for your s2 of oopsie!omens but not have Done It yet, what can u tell us about it? how does azazel go about fulfilling satan's side of the bargain? does jophiel try and help him in any way? how do beelzebub and azazel interact?!?! WHAT WOULD HAPPEN DURING THE CLIFF SCENE??! probably something a lot worse. i feel like azazel would be afraid to Fall ever Farther, if u know what i mean. be irrevicably unredeamable. aomething "worse" than being a demon. personally taken out by heaven? idk im thinking about it so hard and i still wanna write about that job . ur au is next level for that reason alone: THINKING!!!! ABOUT THINGS!!!! :D
also!!! when did azazel learn that praying to god as a demon hurt him . when did he realize that even trying got him burning. that little piece of lore stabs me 28 times every time i see it. ourgh. ty fpr the amazing au and i cant qait to read more about it!!! :>
hello hello hello!
Well I don’t like to go around spoiling future chapters too much, but I shall indulge you guys a little 💖 (obviously these things are not set in concrete, sometimes I end up changing things around)
Azazel is told to do something, and with guilt and regret, he will do it. Jophiel finds out about it and essentially puts into motion a way for Azazel to carry out what Satan wants in a way where he really actually isn’t (lambs to birds, kids to salamanders, etc)
Azazel feels great relief, and great great fear. He’s dragging down an angel into lying to god (even though this is all entirely Jophiels working)
Azazel, tearfully: “But, I made you lie, to thwart the will of God.”
Jophiel, with a shrug: “Mnnnyeah not really, but. I won’t tell anyone if you won’t.”
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simpforrooster · 2 years
the princess and the hangman
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
you and Jake are constantly at each other’s throats. everyone can see why except for you. 
t/w: cussing, closed door scene, mentions of cheating. enemies to lovers. let me know if I missed any! 
“I hate you.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m hurt. Get in the fucking truck,” Jake “Hangman” Seresin slams himself into his truck and raises a brow at you. Your hand refuses to reach out towards the door handle.
He rolls the window down. “I will leave your ass here if you are not in this vehicle in the next five seconds.”
You know Jake well enough to know he is telling the absolute truth. Begrudgingly, you slide into his old Chevy. 
“I called Rooster, you know.” 
Your best friend, Rooster, was always your first call when you needed to get out of a horrible date. He always came riding in on his shiny Bronco, and rescued you. For some reason, Jake showed up this time.
“Well, I’m here instead. Rooster said he was caught up in something.” 
Or someone. 
The two of you rode back to the Hard Deck in complete silence. Old school country played lowly through the speakers, and you want desperately to make a comment about it. 
You decide against it not wanting to get into another argument with the Hard Deck three minutes away. The last thing you needed was the two of you flying into the bar at each other’s throats. It would only lead to the gang asking when y’all would finally admit your feelings for each other.
You did NOT like Hangman. No matter how fucking sexy he was. 
Jake pulls into the parking lot and throws his old Chevy into park. You both sit there, waiting for the other to make a move. These standoffs were pretty common. God, you were both so competitive. 
Jake finally speaks. “Next time, vet the guy a little better before agreeing to go on a date. I am sick of ‘rescuing’ you.” His voice is low, barely above a whisper. 
Your brows shoot up your face. “I’m sorry?” 
Jake doesn't answer. Instead, he slides out of his truck and slams the door. He stops at the door of the Hard Deck, “Lock the door behind you, Princess.”
That fucking nickname. 
You weren’t a naval aviator. You weren't in the Navy at all. You were a teacher at the school on the base, and one of the admiral’s daughters. Hence the nickname. You were untouchable. One call to Daddy, and you got whatever you wanted. 
So what? It wasn’t your fault you were the only daughter. 
The gang adopted you into their group the night you strolled into the bar after the first day of school. 
“The princess has been returned to our humble hangout,” Jake announces to the group. 
So much for coming in without arguing. 
You were hot on his heels. 
Coyote hands Jake a beer. Jake takes a long swig from it, and looks at you. He cocks a blonde eyebrow, daring you to say something. He knows you enough to know you can't pass it up.
“You’re an asshole.” You keep your voice neutral. 
“And you’re a brat. Tell me something I don't know, Princess.”
Rooster joins you at your side and throws an arm around your shoulders. “I wish you would have come,” you tell him.
“Yeah, I was a little preoccupied,” he winks at a blonde across the bar. “Besides, Hangman insisted.” 
Your eyes met Jake’s and for once you were speechless. He insisted?
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Jake shot at you. 
“Take your insult back to the 80′s, dick.” 
Mischief flashes through those green eyes. Those eyes you'd be blind if you didn't think they were gorgeous. His famous smirk falls on his lips. The one that usually precedes whatever smart ass comment he has cooking. 
Before he can come back with anything, Coyote jumps in. “When are you two just going to sleep together?” 
Rooster rolls his eyes next to you, and Bob, who was quiet in the corner, was suddenly interested with his phone. 
“He wishes.”
“I’d rock your world, Princess.” 
You pray your cheeks remain the color they are. He cannot see you react to that comment, because you’re pretty sure Jake could.
“Flyer would disagree.” Jake’s grip on his beer tightens. It was a low blow. Bringing up the only girl who kept him tied down. 
Jake regains his composure pretty quickly. “Yeah well, I wouldn’t want Origin's sloppy seconds anyway.”
Your comment was a low blow, but his was a complete kick in the hypothetical nuts. Even Rooster stiffened next to you. 
Origin, the guy who captured your heart. The guy who swept you off your feet. The guy who promised you the world. The guy who ultimately cheated on you. 
“I think the two of you should take a breather,” Rooster says, trying to steer you away from Jake. Not being able to back down, you slip under Rooster’s arm. 
You close the space between you and Jake. He has almost an entire foot on you. Your head almost falls all the way back to look him in the face. 
“Why’d she leave you?” you ask. Jake never mentioned the break up to any of you. When she left him, he sulked around for about a week, and then was back to his old self.
Jake’s jaw tightens, but he doesn't answer. 
“Come on, Hangman, I want to know why she left,” you pressed. The two of you were standing dangerously close. 
“I bet you do,” he makes a big show of taking a sip from his beer. His lips momentarily throwing you off as your mind wandered to how they'd feel on yours. They say hate and passion is a fine line, and you’re tittering it being this close to him.
You put a hand on his chest and playfully shove him back. He doesn't move an inch, but he captures your wrist in his before you can pull back. You don’t mean for the gasp to fall out of your mouth, but it does and he definitely noticed it. You were careful to never put your hands on him, afraid you may like it too much. 
“Why’d she leave, Jake?” 
Jake closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath. When they reopen, it’s like he’s staring into your soul.
“Because of you,” he says so low you almost didn't hear him. 
His hand his still encircled around your wrist, and you're pretty sure those green eyes just flicked down to your mouth. 
Jake drops your hand before you can say anything and stalks out of the bar. 
A week passed by with zero contact from Jake. Not that the two of you talked a lot outside of the weekend gatherings at the bar. You could usually look forward to a witty text from him at least once a week. 
“Come on, Y/N, you have to see the way he’s always looked at you,” Penny says. You were sitting at the bar, keeping her company before the Friday night crowd came in. 
You shake your head. “Jake hates me, and I hate him. That’s our thing.”
Penny gives you an incredulous look as she dries a glass. 
Sure, Jake is fucking hot. And you have thought about what it would be like if he was yours. 
“He said Flyer left because of me.” You still hadn't be able to work that out in your mind. 
“I would have too,” Penny shrugs. When she takes in your confused look, she adds, “Because she knew he was in love with you.” 
Your forehead comes in contact with the bar. Letting out a groan, you say, “Impossible.” 
“Trouble in Y/N Land?” a voice appears to your right. You glance over, keeping your head on the bar, and see Maverick, Penny’s boyfriend, and your father’s biggest annoyance. 
“She’s coming to terms with Hangman being in love with her,” Penny tells him, leaning over the bar to give Maverick a kiss. 
“Oh yeah? Shit, it's been what? Three years?” Maverick says. He knew too.
You let our another groan. 
You were at the piano with Rooster later on that night. You tried to remain present with your friend, singing along to whatever song he had just learned to play. Your eyes kept scanning the crowd, looking for that handsome blonde. 
“He’s not coming, darlin’,” Rooster tells you. 
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” 
Rooster finished up his song and turned on the bench towards you. “You’re looking for Hangman.” Your head shakes widely. “Of course I’m not. Why would I be looking for him? I hate him.” 
Rooster hits you with a look you imagine an older brother would give. A look that says ‘do you think I am that stupid’? 
“Where is he?” you ask quietly. 
“His apartment.”
You waste no time throwing your card at Penny and running out of the bar, not even caring. You knew Penny would lock it up for you to get later. 
You speed down the highway, taking the familiar route to Jake’s apartment. Rooster lived in the same building. Parking next to his Chevy, you take a deep breath. Your mind is in a million webs, and you don’t even know what you’re going to say to him. 
Mustering up as much confidence as you can, you stalk up the walk to his door. Pounding on the door, you don't notice that he’s opened it. It’s only when your fist makes contact with his chest does it register. 
“What are you doing here, Princess? Hot date stand you up?” he turns his back to you, heading into his home. You fly in after him, all nerves gone.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” There is no way on Earth this man ‘loves’ you. Everyone is just confusing hate with love. 
“I don't have a problem. Seems like you do, though.” Jake leans against his kitchen counter, arms crossed over his chest. 
“Yeah, I have a problem. Why would you tell me Flyer left you because of me, and then give me the cold shoulder for a week.”
Jake smirks. “I wasn’t aware you were waiting around for some kind of contact.” 
“Cut the shit, Jake.” 
Fire flashes in his eyes. “What do you want from me, Y/N? Do you want me to tell you that even though I was with her, I thought about you? Do you want me to tell you how you encapsulate every part of my mind? Do you want me to tell you that I have a fucking photo of you in my cockpit? Do you want me to tell you that no matter how many wise ass comments you feed me, it just makes me want you that much more?” With every question, he steps closer to you. His chest heaves as he looks down at you. You look down and see his shoes meet yours in a little kiss. 
Jake hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your face up to look at him. “Is that what you wanted?” 
Your breathing matches his. The two of you in another stand off. This time, who is going to kiss the other first? 
“Is that what you wanted, Princess?” he asks again, his lips lowering to yours. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.” 
You can’t find your voice. Instead, you grab the collar of his shirt to hurry him along. His lips meet yours, and you taste the beer he was drinking before you came over. Jake’s hands cup either side of your face, like he's afraid you’re going to disappear. 
“Origin didn’t fucking deserve you,” Jake says against your mouth.
“Please don’t bring him up again,” you say as you pull Jake into his bedroom. 
a/n: so sorry it has been so long since my last fic! I appreciate all the notes, and reblogs, and follows from everyone. writing is one of my most favorite hobbies and I am so glad y’all are enjoying them. I am thinking of opening some requests?!
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forest-mouse · 8 months
1. Stede killed for the first time. Everything inside me tightened when I saw that scene. I probably felt what Ed felt. His emotions in that moment were hard to watch. As someone who has experienced all the shit of pirate life, he didn't want Stede to go down that path. He didn't want Stede to become the person Ed despises in himself. I prayed to all the gods that Stede wouldn't do it, that someone would stop him. But it happened. He believed he had to do it for the sake of the crew, for himself, and for his development as a pirate. But it's complete self-deception because it goes completely against his nature. That's what his childhood flashbacks showed. It hurt him back then, and it hurts him now.
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2. The sex, I think, was a mistake as it happened. Both of them. Ed asked not to rush, and Stede accepted that, but they both just gave in to it on emotions to release the emotional tension. The sex wasn't about feelings, emotions, or each other; it was about saving themselves and escaping from their traumatic experiences. And it's understandable why Ed regretted it afterwards. I think it would have been better if Ed had stopped Stede from acting impulsively and talked to him. But blaming only Ed for the missed opportunity is wrong because they were both not in a good place.
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3. Stede and Ed currently have different ideas about their future together, and I dare say that there isn't one yet. They still have a lot to discuss and find compromises on. When Ed was talking to the kids, he told them that he and Stede are hotel owners, not pirates – it was said as a joke, but it's not a joke for Ed. It's the future he wants with Stede. But he didn't say it to Stede's face because he's afraid (remember 1x9) that Stid will run away again and won't agree to retire with him. That's why he keeps silent.
And it's precisely for this reason that he decided to leave and become a fisherman on his own, without telling Stede. He's afraid of being rejected again. So, it's better if I do it myself. He's incredibly tired of pirate life and wants to escape, while Stede is still at his peak.
They are at different stages of the same journey. I don't think we will see Ed Blackbeard's growth and development because they show that through Stede. The whole journey from beginning to end. And I think at the end of the road (at the end of Season 3), Stede will realize that this isn't for him, that he played pirates enough, and he'll get tired, and only then will he be fully ready to settle down with Ed in a quiet place and manage the hotel. This will happen only when it becomes the limit of Stede's dreams.
Do you know why this will definitely happen? Murders, cruelty - they completely contradict Stede's essence. They didn't show us flashbacks from his childhood for no reason. He has always been and will remain inclined towards beauty and tenderness. Let's also remember that Jenkins constantly talks about toxic masculinity in society and what it means to be a man.
For Stede, piracy was a way to escape from the boring routine, an idealized fairy tale, an adventure, but not killings and cruelty. That's why he called himself the Gentleman of Pirates.
And when he realizes that his true nature contradicts the real pirate life, when he gets tired of the cruelty, only then will he truly understand Ed and see his dream as his own dream, and only then will they truly be happy together.
Ed has already gone through this path. Ed has already realized the horrors of such a life. Stede still has it ahead of him.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Did someone say Kanej coded songs by indie artists who deserve more attention? Probably not but I’m gonna give you some anyway
I’m going to limit myself to putting one or two lyrics with each song but just know that I’m picking and choosing from loads of good options they aren’t the only lyrics that work 😁
Pray by The Amazing Devil - “God made all man in his image but honey I’m no man I’m what’s left when children go to war” “Why womanhood is more than crying I’m stronger now than you have ever known, the cracks you made I’ll fill with mortar a broken pot can still hold water”
Metaphor by The Crane Wives - “I’ve gotten good at leaning on metaphors, I’ve gotten good at living on someone else’s page, I cut my teeth on second hand sentiments, you can’t trust a single thing I say” “I keep my closet free of skeletons, ‘cause I’m much better at digging graves, but I always dig up bones in your sympathy, I can’t trust a single thing you say” (I actually have an edit to this that I haven’t posted yet so I guess let me know if anyone wants to see that)
Three Spectres by J Maya this song is the reason I started making edits - “I wonder how people can talk about the past and go to bed, the space around me feels with spectres of what I should have said. The past is a presence, the future is pretend, and the present is a pastor trying to make it all make sense. Will I ever leave this place? This world that I am trying to break? The mind is such a funny space, with these spectres centre stage”
Falling by Florence + the Machine I guess this is kinda borderline indie but I’m counting it and this is an underrated song - “I’ve fallen from favour and I’ve fallen from grace, fallen out of trees and I’ve fallen on my face, fallen out taxis, out of windows too, fell in your opinion when I fell in love with you” “sometimes I wish for falling, wish for the release, wish for falling through the air to give me some relief because falling’s not the problem when I’m falling I’m at peace, it’s only when I hit the ground it causes all the grief” the edits could’ve gone wild for this one if we had the tightrope scenes with Amita/Inej I’m so heartbroken
We Have It All by Pim Stones I have an edit to this one posted if anyone wants to see it - “the print was so small I didn’t understand, he cut out thumbs and placed a feather in our hands, told us we would see all our dreams and plans unfold” “all my life I’ve been heading for hell but never had I thought I’d drag you down as well, I just couldn’t resist what he was trying to sell” “our hearts we have sold for diamonds and gold but hey baby take a look, we have it all, and haven’t you heard? Hearts turn to dirt, along with the rest of your body it’s all claimed by the earth. It will fade and it will wither, but gold it will never, and hey baby, don’t you know? Diamonds are forever”
Run by Daughter - “if I try to get close, he’s already gone, don’t know where he’s going don’t know where he’s been but he is restless at night ‘cause he has horrible dreams” “and I won’t tell my mother, it’s better she don’t know, and he won’t tell his folks ‘cause they’re already ghosts. And we’ll just keep each other, as safe as we can, until we reach the border, until we make our plan to run” “Will you stay with me my love, for another day? ‘Cause I don’t want to be alone when I’m on this state. Will you stay with me my love, til we’re old and grey? ‘Cause I don’t want to be alone when these bones decay”
I might add more as they occur to me but I think this is the list for now, feel free to suggest more!!! ❤️
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
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𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆
tags: zhongli x gn!reader, fluff, angst, reader is the sibling of guizhong, themes of loss (please lmk if I've missed any important tags)
word count: 1.6k
notes: before you read, i recommend taking a quick look at the ask this request came from! i may have possibly missed out some scene setting as a result of assuming every knows the context. I had so much fun doing this :) don't tell anyone but i actually shed one or two tears, but i was listening to the ballad of jane doe as i wrote it so can i truly be blamed? @cheezybell , i hope this lives up to your expectations <3 if there's anything formatting-wise that I've forgotten about tell me tomorrow cause it's now past midnight and i'm going to bed :)
Masterlist | taglist form
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The world had been silent since you died. The god of war was accustomed to loss, but none had worn on him so heavily but yours. Of course, you weren't his only acquaintance, but the uncertainty of your well-being weighed heavily on him. The others were lost to the winds, their memories infused into fields of lilies and violent sunrises, all of which he observes with a detached melancholy.
To protect yourself after sustaining an almost fatal blow, you'd employed a tactic Morax himself had taught you—a tactic that had a 50 per cent success rate, a tactic for a worst-case scenario, a tactic shared with you because he couldn't bear the thought of you leaving him forever. If he'd have known that he'd be here now, seated beside your lifeless body, quietly begging someone, something, to save you, his friend, his companion, his… It doesn't matter now.
He wouldn't indulge himself in such thoughts. It was selfish. You'd tried to protect yourself for his sake, and here he was, wishing that you'd died so he would have had the chance to find your reincarnated soul in the faces of those in the harbour. You'd sworn you'd always be with him, regardless of the circumstances, irrespective of the fact that you loved him and he didn't–couldn't ever know. You'd watch him from a distance, how he brought smiles to people's faces and how the people of Liyue worshipped the ground he walked on. What would he want with you? The forgotten kin of a well-known adeptus—adept at nothing much but fading into the mist. What could you offer him that thousands of being on Teyvat couldn't?
"If I'm the reason why you aren't returning," Morax says softly, his voice permeating the silence of the cave he hides you in. "Please rest assured that I expect nothing of you upon your return. Simply focus on yourself. That's all I ask."
As long as he knew you were alive, Morax would accept being apart from you. But until he was aware of your recovery, he'd keep visiting.
And so he did.
Millenia go by before there's even a slight change in your appearance. He visits you at the end of every era he finds himself in—the end of the archon war, Liyue's sudden economic boost, his 'death' at the hands of the Fatui… He keeps you up to speed on it all. Of course, if you want to survive in this world once you awaken, you have to know what's going on, do you not?
This time, when he sits beside you to tell you about how Liyue no longer has an archon and the new life he hopes to pursue, his heart swells with hope. In the dim light of the almost freezing cave, Morax is almost convinced that he spies the condensation of your breath in the air. But simultaneously, the years of hoping and praying for your return have hardened his heart to hope. It's a selfish emotion, one he should know better than to entertain. But though there's a voice in the back of his head, telling him that he's hoping and praying and waiting for nothing, it's you he's waiting for. The one who always made him laugh, listened to him as he mused aloud about the wonders of Teyvat, and helped him mediate arguments between Cloud Retainer and Guizhong. He can't let you go.
"Change is constant in this world," He says to you, noting the slight colour in your cheeks and the flicker of your eyelids. "But I will continue to wait for you, to cultivate your memory such that nothing can dull its shine."
It was a promise to a friend, a declaration of love, an acceptance of defeat. He strokes your hair lightly, an intimate gesture he always longed for when you were alive, one he indulges himself in, in case it wakes you up. And the contact shocks you. You can feel it and hear him, but you can't reach out. You can't hold him in your arms and tell him that it's okay, that you loved him then, and you love him now, and nothing he could ever say or do could ever change that.
But you never had the will to do so when you were awake, and now, as you cling onto his voice to drag yourself back into reality, your resolve is too much for your body to bear, and you explode into fine mist, impossible to catch or hold, or trap. Morax realises that, and though his heart disappeared with you, he accepts his fate—forever longing for a being he might never see again.
Finding yourself in Liyue after the years passed is nothing short of a learning curve. You learn early on that Morax was killed by the Fatui in an act of cold cruelty, a discovery that leaves you fuelled with rage. But casting your mind back to past conversations with Morax himself reminds you of a hypothetical game you and Guizhong used to play with him to pass the hours. Morax always had a fascination with the idea of faking his demise if it was what was necessary for Liyue's survival. Or course, that kind of morbid practicality makes Morax who he is, and you struggle to believe that he'd leave Liyue without a fight. He'd waited millennia for your return, but you're supposed to believe that he'd abandon his nation without so much as a second thought? Impossible.
So you set to finding him. Regardless of what form he's taken on or the lies he's employed to stay under the radar, you will find him. It starts with assimilating into Liyue's society, working hard to establish yourself as an upstanding member of the harbour, always found helping with a smile on your face. You'd smile innocently when asked what you charged for your help and services. "I'm something of a history buff," you'd say. "I'm researching Morax's death—undoubtedly this is an important date in the history of Liyue and i'd like to hear more about it from those who experienced it."
Of course, locals were more than happy to help—to share stories of their valiant archon, who left too soon, but left his nation in such good stead for the future. Most, if not all, the leads you were given were dead ends, an impressive mix of decorated truths and half lies. That was, until a passing traveller mentioned a certain Zhongli of the Wangsheng funeral parlour. According to them, he was the man for any kind of Liyuean history, regardless of the era.
You wasted no time hurrying to the funeral parlour with newfound hope. Would this Zhongli know where Morax is? Would he know of you, Guizhong or any other Adepti that were lost to the brutality of the war? Or would he send you away, accusing you of insanity or espionage?
You didn't know, and frankly, you didn't care. When you arrive at the parlour, you're met by a young woman who greets you with a melancholy smile. "How may I help you?"
"I was hoping to speak with a Mr Zhongli? If that's possible, that is."
The woman's expression changes, relaxing from its state of melancholy. "Of course. I can get him for you. Feel free to take a seat."
The seconds seem to drag by as you sit and wait for this man to arrive. Is this yet another dead end? Your mind begins to wander before the woman returns, asking you to follow her to his office. She seems slightly surprised by the words coming out of her mouth—admitting that this isn't something the man often does. The walk to his office is almost stifling. You're silent, your heart pounding helplessly in your chest as you walk.
The woman opens a heavy mahogany door, smiling encouragingly at you as you walk in.
The man before you nods at the woman before turning his attention to you, and you're surprised by his reaction. Years of analysing Morax's stoic face have taught you to pick up on micro reactions like the one Zhongli displays as he looks at you.
His eyes soften as he stands up, bracing himself on the desk as he rises. "I'm afraid I didn't catch your name," he says slowly. You tell him your name, and he chuckles lightly to himself. Of course, you'd find him. Or course you would. You look the same as the day you fell asleep, your eyes wide and excited, a gentle smile playing on your lips despite the absurdity of the situation you find yourself in. He extends his hand to you, and you shake it firmly, muttering the necessary pleasantries.
Zhongli can't believe it. You're real, not a figment of his desperate imagination. You're real, and perfect, and standing right in front of him on your own two feet. Do you know who he is? Is this some cruel joke Celestia is playing on him as punishment for going through with the Fatui's plan? His eyes are familiar to you—they shine with gold as you stare at him, your mind trying to grasp where you remember him from.
"How can I help you?" Zhongli asks. He can't bear to look away from you, the one he's loved since before he could quantify the feeling. The one who listened to him with such care and kindness. The one who made the millennia of duties and solitude worth it. It's you. You've returned to him. And regardless of whether you remember him or not, he swears that he'll express his love for you. He won't make the same mistake twice.
© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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taglist: @ainescribe
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gamerwoman3d · 8 months
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Welp. It's been fun but I gotta go to horny jail for about the next thousand years or so. Holy fuck.
[Spicy/Explicit AND gifs AND gore under the cut 🔞]
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Original video:
[And not to brag but yes I did get a flawless victory over him in that ridiculous Seasonal Tower in Invasions mode. Watch the whole thing if you want to find out how.]
Okay. It is horny hours.
They objectified the fuck outta this man in this fatality and honestly? Kudos.
This hit me in all the kinks at once. No trigger warnings past this point read at your own risk
On screen, the whole thing about Shang Tsung pouring pain-inducing liquid on Sub-Zero's chest reads like hot wax. It reads like overstimulation and forced climax. Omg his hips... the way Shang Tsung watches/monitors him almost gives the viewer permission and encouragement to do the same. It's as if Shang Tsung is telling us "I'm enjoying watching this man writhe and spurt and lose his mind. I'm enjoying it immensely, actually. There's no reason not to do so."
We get so many of Sub-Zero's expressions. That's the more intimate part - the part most often censored in any kind of porn is the man's face, as if it's illegal for them to display any kind of expressions. As if they might accidentally leak proof of an actual emotion, it is too taboo even in the realm of porn to show the guy's face. That's what makes this particular piece of art-violence unique: it's usually a woman cringing in fear and pain and dread at the brink of being devoured by a monster that is simultaneously a vagina dentata and also phallic. [See: Ripley, Aliens.]
So we get to see his face in part pain, part fear, part on the brink of death, all the way through a symbolic climax, until literally he's getting his mind blown. And it's kinda amazing.
As for the other kinks this scene is reminiscent of, I'm personally not a big fan of being tied down but exceptions can be made - I'm into it if he is. There's the dom/sub[-zero hah] element of Shang Tsung having autonomy while Sub-Zero can only watch and pray [he kinda mouths 'oh my god' - right? if you read lips, lmk]. Not into the power imbalance part but Shang Tsung's enjoyment of the situation itself is also kinda arousing.
The final bit is the blood/birth stuff. Skipping the mpreg stuff [Barbara Creed has all this covered in The Monstrous Femme, check it out from a library], the blood stuff is... well its a kink for some. For me there's only one week a month where seeing blood on his nose is acceptable 😝
And yea I'd still sit there if the enthusiasm was mutual. Damn snake beat me to it this time tho.
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Bad For Business
paring ✦ Bella Ramsey x Fem!Reader
summary ✦ Bella and you work together. Forming a close friendship, spending so much time together. As your feelings for Bella grow you become distracted while filiming. Staying up late and showing up to work late. What happens when a producer notices? You confront Bella with your true feelings. Inspired by Bad For Business - Sabrina Carpenter
word count ✦ 900ish
authors note ✦ not me posting at a reasonable time and not three in the morning this kinda short but it’s cute lol
Feedback & Reblogs are helpful and extremely appreciated ♡
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
“I know everyone sees it. He’s going to be the death of me.” You sigh mid rant to your closest friend on set, Sara.
“You’re crazy.” She laughs.
“Because of him! He’s so good for my heart but bad for business.” You respond heated. Taking a bite into the lunch they serve on set today. Only causing Sara to laugh harder than before.
“You don’t know him the way I do, you wouldn’t get it.”
“Yeah I don’t. You two work all day side by side then hang out all night? That’s your excuse for being late?” She asks reiterating the staring point of your rant.
“It’s a never ending cycle. Bella has broken into my head. That’s why I’m never paying attention and forgetting lines I swear he does it on purpose. Sending me winks and smiles when it’s my turn to say my lines.”
“Girl you have all this pent up frustration. You need to tell Bella how you feel, let the frustration out."
“What if they don’t feel the same way? Then I’m stuck working with him for a few more weeks.” You respond, have played this scenario a bajillion times before out in your head.
“You’ll never know it until you try.” Sara says with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Actually now that I’m thinking about it I’ve never been so glad to be exhausted. I’ll just get used to not getting to work on time. It’s fine.”
“Yeah until some takes notice and you get talked to.”
Sara was correct because when the final scene for the day was done filming one of the film producers asks you to follow them to their office. Your sat opposite of them at their desk waiting for them to speak.
“Don’t worry your not in trouble.” She says and you breath finally.
“We’re just worried about you.” Her face falls filled with concern.
“You’ve been late nearly everyday. You seem distracted when we’re filming. Is everything okay?”
“I’ve just been struggling to get any sleep. I think it’s just hard for my body to get used to this new work schedule and environment.” You say, coming up with this white lie on the spot.
“That’s understandable. We just really need you to be on your a-game.”
“I will make an effort to get to bed early tonight.” Bella hadn’t asked you to han yet so maybe you could actually attempt this.
“We’re giving you tomorrow off. Consider it a mental health day. Gets some rest, come back refreshed. Okay?”
“Will do.” You smile before she excuses you.
Your walking out of the office towards your trailer. Praying that you don’t bump into Bella. You make it inside your trailer with out being caught. Your busy undressing and getting your things ready to go when there’s an obnoxious knock at the door. A knock you’ve grown to recognize by the best they use every time. You can’t get the door fully open before Bella lets them self in.
“My hotel or yours tonight?” Bella leans against the counter.
“Can’t tonight.” You respond, avoiding eye contact.
“Why not?”
“Because I just can’t.”
“Can’t what?” He asks, pushing your buttons knowing exactly how to get a reaction out of you.
“Oh my god Bella. I can’t stay up all night with you. I got called into the office and told off about how I’ve been late to work all week, can’t even pay attention when we’re filming together.” You say, it coming out more annoyed than you had wanted.
“And that’s my fault how?” You only roll your eyes in response, shoving your belongings into your back pack.
“Please talk to me. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.” Bella says, you stop what your doing to look at him. His big brown doe like eyes on full display making you fold. You knew for a fact that he knew the power of his gaze constantly using it against you. You groan out loud at him knowing where this is headed.
“I used to get to work on time until you starting taking up my nights. I’m mad for you.”
“Mad for me?” Bella questions, face filled with confusion.
“I’ve been trying to fight these feelings for you.”
“Feelings for me? Pfft no way.” Bella crosses his arms across his chest, not believing you in the slightest.
“We look so good together and I like the way you love to laugh at my dirty jokes. I know they’ll always land with you. I’ve never been so glad to be so tired. You’re so nice it’s bad. You’ll be the death of me at this rate and I have absolutely no desire to stop you.” You spill your guts to Bella and he doesn’t respond. Only looks at you like your crazy.
“Ok that’s why I didn’t want to do that. ” You zip up your back pack ready to rush out of here.
“Wait no I like you too. I just was not expecting all that.”
“You do?”
“Yeah why do you think I’m always looking for any excuse to hang out. Or fucking up the scenes were together in. So I can be with you longer.” Bella admits.
“I knew you were doing that shit on purpose.” You smile bashfully shaking your head pretending to be annoyed.
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storm-driver · 11 months
trollhunters s3 spoilers below
it's my 5th time rewatching it now, with friends this time. and just... the entire ending of s3 enamors me so heavily. it's just this ultimate culmination of the death of innocence.
and it's not bad AT ALL.
the moment Merlin tells Jim "you get the choice to become stronger and be the foe that your villain fears, or you can take your chances as you are. if you stay like this, it's entirely like you'll be killed. and if you change... a part of you is going to die forever."
you just. you immediately know the stakes. i understand that it's quite literally Jim losing his humanity, he becomes a troll, yes. but i equate it so heavily to the loss of his innocence, of his literal human-nature to love and care. because he becomes so animalistic afterwards, it's like watching someone spiral. it's a walking tragedy, especially after you watch the whole show and you can't help but UNDERSTAND WHY he's spiraled so hard.
not to mention, just... the mastercraft of the bathtub scene. it's a sensory overload of every single reason Jim wants to stay human, but at the same time, it's the EXACT reason needs to turn in order to protect all of those he holds dear.
and not just that, the fucking... the deliberate framing. he's alone, locked himself in a room. there's a phone ringing on the counter, but he can't hear it and he refuses to look. he's just sitting there, quietly, going back and forth constantly to decide what to do. his whole family and friends are beating on the door, trying to get to him, but he just won't listen.
the fact that they bleed Anton Yelchin's lines into Emile Hirsch's at times, as if it's a moment of saying goodbye to the previous voice actor. like a passing of the torch. it's almost symbolic of everything he's going to do going forward: letting his humanity, his entire self, die.
i swear, barely any shows i know these days can evoke emotions like that. where the visual metaphor of someone committing suicide is so powerful that you have to just reach out constantly and beg and hope and pray that he will turn around and open the door instead.
it's hopeless incarnate. it's the death of innocence. it's watching the quiet death of someone who just wants to better for the people around him.
it's so fucking painful, but it's god-tier story-telling and animation. i can't even imagine how they managed to write that all down.
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agaypanic · 1 year
omg i love ur writing i was wondering if you could make a reset wilkerson x female reader where reese gets into a fight, and the reader cleans his wounds, and they are both embarrassed due to them being so close, and the tension is really high owo😍😍
The Lover and the Fighter (Reese Wilkerson X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Reese shows affection by beating up people that bother you. You show affection by cleaning his wounds.
Being Reese’s first (and sometimes only) friend, you were very important to him. You didn’t make fun of him besides light teasing occasionally. You helped him with homework and pranks. And in return, he’d make you your favorite foods and would beat people to a pulp if they messed with you. It got to the point where everyone knew not to mess with you.
Sometimes, new people don’t get the memo.
His name was Eric, a new kid in your English class. He was put in the empty seat next to you and was a non-stop talker. He was friendly, but that kid did not know how to shut his mouth. You could deal with it at first; English was only an hour long. But then he’d find you during lunch and after school.
Like now.
“Stevens was so annoying today. Like, we get it; you’re getting a divorce. But stop taking it out on us.” The boy laughed, not noticing your disinterest.
“Uh-huh.” You said, looking around the quad for Reese so he could drive you home. He must’ve gotten held back by a teacher or something. He’s usually out here by now.
“Hey, Y/n, can I ask you something?” You sighed, turning to face Eric. You might as well try to get through this conversation while waiting for Reese.
“Do you wanna go out sometime?” That caught you off guard. 
“Well, I just thought we get along really well, you know?” This guy had to be delusional. “I like hanging out with you, Y/n. So what do you say?”
“Oh, Eric…” You prayed that Reese would turn up and get you out of this situation. “No.”
“No, Eric. I don’t wanna go out with you.” He scoffed.
“Why not? I thought you liked me.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t laugh at me! I’m a nice guy, Y/n.” 
“God, don’t pull the ‘nice guy’ thing, dude.”
“You okay, Y/n?” You jumped at the sudden new voice, turning to see Reese, who was already glaring at Eric. “Is he bothering you?”
Eric looked startled at first but then put on a brave face.
“We’re in the middle of something, Reese.” He rolled his eyes, trying to brush Reese off.
“No, we’re done, actually.” You corrected. “Come on, Reese.” You went to walk away, but someone grabbed your wrist.
“I’m not done talking to you, Y/n,” Eric said. He made a move to tug you towards him, but something stopped you. The grip on your wrist was gone as soon as it was there.
“Don’t touch her!” That was the last comprehensive you heard from Reese before he started throwing punches. The scene became a debacle full of fists, kicks, and yelping. The yelping mainly came from Eric. 
“You didn’t have to do that, Reese.” You sighed, grabbing the first aid kit that was in his bathroom. “I could’ve handled it.”
You were honestly surprised that any school admins didn’t catch Reese beating the shit out of Eric. A couple of kids waiting for their parents to pick them up had crowded around the boys. You couldn’t decide whether you were embarrassed that the fight was because of you or flattered that Reese felt the need to defend you against that jerk.
“He deserved it,” Reese mumbled when you sat on his bed next to him.
“I’m not saying he didn’t.” You took his hand and a washcloth to clean up his bruising and bloody knuckles. You’ve been through this before, even when Reese didn’t beat someone up because of you specifically. But for some reason, it felt different. “You know, you were a bit more violent with Eric than you usually are with people. Why?”
Reese cleared his throat, looking at his bedroom wall.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Fine, don’t tell me.” Neither of you said anything else as you continued cleaning him up. After his hands, you went to his face. Eric got some good hits in. Sure, he still lost the fight by a long shot. But before he did, he gave Reese a cut lip and a black eye. You decided to start with the lip.
That was a mistake. You’ve cleaned Reese up from a fight before, but you never had to get this close to his face, especially to his lips. You tried to distract yourself by getting an alcohol wipe.
“This is gonna sting.” You warned, but both of you knew he knew the drill. The second the wipe touched his wound, he hissed and squeezed his eyes shut. “Sorry, Reese.” You knew the quicker you got it over with, the better. When you finished wiping over the cut, you grabbed the washcloth to get the extra alcohol off his lip.
“You’re fine, Y/n.” Realizing you no longer had the alcohol wipe, and he didn’t have to cringe in pain anymore, he opened his eyes.
That was another mistake. Reese opening his eyes made you realize how close you were to his face. You gulped and tried to brush the proximity off by wiping the small amount of dried blood off his chin. 
But you’d keep getting distracted by his lips. And when you tried looking away, you kept catching his eyes. Then you’d go back to cleaning up his face. It was a never-ending cycle.
“Y/n?” Reese was quiet, but you heard him loud and clear with how close you were.
“Yeah?” You put all your willpower into focusing on the task at hand. You waited for Reese to say something, but he didn’t.
Instead, he put a freshly cleaned hand on the side of your face. 
“Y/n, look at me.” His face was pink. He seemed nervous, and at first, you didn’t know why. But as you watched him take a quick glance down to your lips, you figured it out. You took a deep breath, debating what to do.
‘If he looks again, maybe I’ll kiss him.’ He tucked a bit of hair behind your ear, playing with the end of it. And then he looked down again.
So you leaned forward, dropping the washcloth. Reese’s hand grasped onto your hair, making your breath hitch. You kissed him harder, and even though he winced, he didn’t seem to mind.
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ice-sculptures · 10 months
Okay well I’ve already forced u to look at most of my pets so I’m kinda just gonna copy u…what r ur favorite buck and/or eddie quotes?? I can NEVER think of any when I’m making graphics and u remember the show so much better than I do LOLL
some off the top of my head:
"two cut lines" - like. okay. i still maintain that the rest of the firefam doesn't actually know how close buck & eddie are and definitely do not fully realize the extent of buck's role in the diazes' life, but one thing that the rest of them Do know is that buck would rather die than leave eddie behind and i love tht these three simple words encapsulate the strength of that undying devotion
"and that started with you. whatever happens to him next, you gave him that second chance. maybe that's the point." i will never ever ever ever ever ever be over this scene and how buck found the exact words to bring eddie back from the brink and show him that what he does matters, that there's still hope, that there are things worth living for and that he made a difference in someone's life. and i think that this right here is more than romance more than love this is just. soulmatism right here. i mean....to be seen to be found isn't that what we're all searching for?
AND ON THAT NOTE. BUCK. THERE'S NOBODY IN THIS WORLD THAT I TRUST WITH MY SON MORE THAN YOU. makes me fucking INSANE because what do you mean eddie forgave him instantly?? in any other show with any other pairing this would be a season long arc with the two of them tentatively reconciling at the very end of it all. anybody else would be (understandably, i might add) nervous to leave christopher with buck after what happened, but eddie forgave buck immediately. eddie, who adores chris with all of his heart and soul, who loves that boy more than anything else in this world, saw not that buck wasn't able to hold onto chris, but that he loved him enough to try. he didn't hold it against him for chris getting swept away, he only focused on the buck that spent all day bloody and bruised, searching for his heart. but more than anything, i think he saw all of that love and heartbreak and guilt and the self doubt that matches his own reflected in buck and decided to give his best, truest friend the chance that was never given to him 🥺😭
"comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in the wall" i can't explain why i love this bit of casual reassurance so much but i just. i think it's so simple and so sweet and a testament to how they make each other feel so loved so easily :(
i don't remember the exact quote right now but do you remember that scene where eddie and hen are gossiping about hen's mom and eddie says that his abuela would love the tea bc she loves telenovelas and buck beams at him w the fondest grin ever and teases eddie about loving telenovelas too? i know they're soulmates and in love and all of that shit but they're also Best Friends and i love all these little reminders of how well they know each other and how much they genuinely like each other. also this being in the same episode as buck's look of complete confusion when his long term gf tells him she loves him was a Choice™️
"just gonna be you and me" from the LS crossover episode for no reason other than it was cute & i love buck's subsequent jealousy
"guess all that company must've wore you out" bc of the obvious Implications that maddie tried to rope eddie into her plan of sending buck visitors to cheer him up and eddie straight up said no because he knew that wasn't going to help. yet another one of the million examples of these two knowing exactly what the other person needs & also Being exactly what the other person needs
"three minutes and seventeen seconds" because what do you MEAN he knows the exact amount of time buck was dead for. what do you mean he counted the seconds that he lived in this world without his best friend, praying and begging that he could outrun the clock and he wouldn't reach the time that would make it permanent. what do you mean he memorized the amount of time and then he threw out that line so casually because he couldn't stand the way they were talking about buck's death as something fascinating instead of as the worst three minutes and seventeen seconds of eddie's life...
the one-two punch that is "you don't need to pretend with me" and "you don't have to be anything for anybody" because both of them have spent so much of their lives not feeling good enough and not truly living for themselves...and yet around each other they've never had to do that and are free to be nothing but themselves and still be loved not despite it, but for it.
and finally last but not least....the very thesis of their relationship: "you can have my back any day" / "yeah. or, you know, you could… you could have mine" because it's stayed true ever since the first day they met and will remain true for the rest of their lives. also i'll never stop thinking about how 911 straight up said "isn't that what we all want in a partner? knowing that they have your back?" in the season five finale and have shown time and again that buck and eddie have tried to accomplish this in their previous relationships but have only ever been able to have a full and true partnership with each other...yeah that shit will Haunt me forever
this is probably incomprehensible but my mind is running at a million miles an hour right now so i am not going to go back and edit it
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 5 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part eleven - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW; this is just really gross fluff. Like I didn’t even think I was capable of this mushy stuff but this chapter was HONESTLY my favorite that I’ve written so far. Enjoy some soft John Wick ❤️ And thank you for reading.
Work is literal hell. Not just for her, but the patient’s, too.
To replicate the infirmary, the prison has attempted to create a pop up hospital on the main level. 
Literal curtains attached to metal poles separate the sick inmates from the main, drafty entrance. Blankets upon blankets is not enough to keep these people warm. The upper and lower levels have been partially closed off, and to get anywhere you have to navigate yellow tape and maintenance and construction workers and use the stairs instead of the busted elevator. That would be okay if everything she needed for her patient’s was right at hand instead of four floors down locked in a dark storage room. 
She’s thankful to have her job back, but after a night arguing with managers about the safety of her patient’s, and running up and down stairs with supplies including oxygen tanks and water jugs, she’s exhausted, scared for these grown men’s lives, angry, and wondering whether or not she should call whoever owns the place and tell them it needs shut down and the prisoners need relocated.
Even the guards seem scrambled, fried, like they don’t know what to do in the midst of all the damage and chaos.
She’s been looking for Mike all night, and finally she sees him as he’s walking down the hall and picking up pieces of fallen plaster. 
She’s so glad that he’s alive she almost hugs him. 
“Hey darling,” he smiles, letting the broom and dustpan dangle at his side. He’s pale and sweaty and his overalls look loose, like he’s lost a lot of weight. 
“Are you alright?” She asks.
He shakes his head. “Just getting over whatever the hell decided to mess my lungs up. Are you alright? I was asking around, trying to see if you were here that night and if you were okay, but no one could tell me a damn thing.”
“I was here,” she nods, “but I got out fine.” 
“I knew there was a reason I was praying for God to send his best guardian angel to you,” Mike tells her, wiping sweat off his forehead. “You’re blessed. A lot of people died that night.” He looks away, down the hall behind her, sadness crinkling his sunken face.
She cringes, looks at the floor, remembering. No angels have ever been in this prison, and no God exists in this fucked up world.
Instead of saying any of that, she thanks him for the prayers and asks if there’s anything she can do to help him feel better.
“Just keep yourself grounded, kid. I was in Vietnam for a long time, and I know what seeing this kind of thing does to a younger person.” He motions at the blood stains on the concrete walls. “It either makes you hard, or makes you crazy.”
They both try sad smiles for the other’s benefit before parting ways. 
She looks for Benny all night, too, almost hopeful that John bluffed. But the big man is not here, and no one says anything to indicate whether he’s alive or dead, so she assumes that she signed his death certificate herself. 
When she makes it home, aching and yearning for a shower and a soft pillow, John is outside her apartment.
In any other circumstance, he would see her immediately, but right now he’s helping two elderly women that live on her level load something big into their trunk. 
She watches the scene unfold, sees the way they thank him and hug him and kiss his cheek like he’s just saved children in an orphanage collapse, and realizes something about John Wick: Mike’s prayers for God to send her an angel were granted. Here he is, catching her eyes and smiling, her deadly guardian angel. She couldn’t see it before while her vision was clouded by spilled blood and instinctual fear, but he’s saved her life twice, subdued everyone he’s met into loving him, threw their trash away at the bar instead of just leaving it on the table for the waitress, and, if given the opportunity, she knows, without a doubt, he’d save a kitten from a tree and carry people out of a burning building and then go back in for more. 
The cold, white sunlight illuminates his tawny eyes into a pit that she’s falling into and never climbing back out of and she can’t believe him hoisting something into a helpless senior citizen’s trunk was the final push.
She reaches where he stands leaning against his car, and he kisses her cheekbone in greeting, the fever of his skin instantly warming her freezing flesh. “Let me take you for breakfast?” 
This sickly sweet exchange has her all messed up inside. She feels like her heart is a sleeping dragon hoarding her emotions in a pile and someone is tickling its nose with a feather and waking the beast up.
“I’m dirty,” she tells him, as if somehow that’s going to change his plans.
He cocks his head. “I can wait while you take a shower?”
Going to breakfast with a beautiful angel sounds lovely, but she doesn’t want him to smell her sweat and run the other way. “Sorry, I’m just gross right now.”
“I love dirt,” he teases. “Just come. They  run out of the blueberry pancakes fast.” 
She sighs, “fine, but if you smell me it’s not my fault.”
He eases her worries by pulling her into his nostrils and inhaling the skin of her neck. 
She squeals with laughter, pushing to get his stubble off her ticklish skin as he nuzzles and sniffs. 
“Hm.” He pulls away, thinking. “Smells wonderful so far. Maybe I should try again-“
“No!” She flails in his grip. “No john don’t stop- ahaha na-no!” 
He’s in the crook of her neck again, terrorizing poor nerves. 
She hits on his chest, presses her neck down over his face to buck him off, giggles obscenely for everyone in the street to hear. 
Her laughter is infectious and he could keep doing this all day, but he also really does want a blueberry pancake. 
“Apple shampoo?” He guesses, grinning down at her after ceasing cruel ministrations.
“Apple conditioner,” she corrects, glowering.
He leads her, by the waist, to his passenger door. 
While he holds the door open for her, she rolls her eyes and curtsies. “Thank you, Mr. Wick.”
He growls, playful, reaching for her as she falls into his cab.
She’s giggling and then screeching, shocked as he chases her in and folds her against the driver’s door.
It’s cold in here, but the heater that he calls a body can’t be fully enjoyed without some chill involved anyway.
And she can’t find the audacity to be cold when he’s tickle attacking her.
Facial hair in the crease of her neck and fingers on her belly and ribs is a deadly combination when he combines it with his huge, agile, speedy hands. 
“Oh-o-k-Kay I’m sss-sorr-y!”
He digs into her armpits and she screams, bucking her body so hard that she actually lifts him up a little bit. He’s impressed. 
“Please please please no fuck please.” All broken, yelping words from her feral mouth until he stops without warning.
He kisses her gasping lips, and grins. Zero percent disheveled or tired from fighting her while she pants and squirms.
“What about blueberry pancakes?” She flexes away from his lethal fingers. 
“You gonna stop being a heathen?” He asks, hoping the answer is no. 
“I’ll try,” she promises, grimacing while she waits for impact. 
He slides off of her, and they climb over one another - mostly just John moving both of them to their respectful places since she’s so clumsy - to trade places in the seat. 
“Pancakes saved your ass,” he tells her, starting the car. 
“Good ol’ pancakes,” she grins, “always there in my time of need.”
The restaraunt is a tiny diner on the corner of 3rd and Cross. It’s retro, metal and faded gold red upholstery, with flowers in glass vases adorning each booth. 
She wastes no time in smelling the daisies when they take seats across from one another. 
“Wow,” she says, “these are beautiful.”
“They’ve always had fresh flowers since I was young,” John explains, leaning close and taking a whiff. “You’ve never been?”
“I just moved here a little bit ago. City of opportunity. I think I’ve been to four restaurants and they’re all pizza places.” 
“When did you move?” He asks. 
She tells him, then adds: “When did you move from Russia?” 
“I can’t exactly remember,” he says, “young, though.”
“What was your favorite place to go?”
“Internationally?” John clarifies.
She nods, toying with the edge of her napkin. 
“New York. It’s my home.” 
She’s jealous of that word. Such a foreign thing for her to think about, a home. But she’s happy that he has some place he loves. “Ah, home.” 
It’s strange and sad, to meet someone more lost than he’s ever been. Even when he was younger, he can’t remember a time when he didn’t have a place to sleep even if it was a cold wooden floor on a burlap sack, and he still has family here whether he likes them all or not. 
He grabs her hand, startling her with warm touch on her freezing fingers.
Neither one is used to it, even though they crave the foreign feeling of intimacy. 
He rubs her palm with his thick thumb, pressure heavy and soothing. 
White snow turns blue, pink, and orange sherbet as clouds curtain back to reveal a painted, fluffed candy sky. 
They stare at each other, oblivious to the rainbow of color framing their embrace in front of the big window. 
John hasn’t been scared in a long time, but he’s horrified by what his chest is doing while he looks at her face. 
Vulnerability hangs in the flower scented air between them, and each one is afraid to cross its’ path. 
Like a near extinct species meeting another one of its kind for the first time in a jungle filled with chaos, and, yet, still extraordinarily lonely.
The waitress sets menus on their table, pulling them from uncharted sea back into familiar rocking ocean. 
“John,” Cindy greets, leaning down to embrace him.
“Cindy,” he replies, smiling, patting her shoulder and squeezing her back.
The older, plump woman chokes laughter and pulls out from his arm, dusting off imaginary lint from his jacket. She cracks her back and neck and rubs her shoulder. “See you haven’t lost your heavy hands?” She asks playfully. “Gotta be careful with us older people, though. We’re breakable.”
The faintest tint of pink colors his cheeks as he chuckles apologetically. “Sorry.”
“And who’s this?” Cindy asks, grinning down at her. 
John introduces them, and Cindy pulls her into a warm hug. “Hi honey.”
Cindy turns her delighted smile on John. “Delo?”
Cindy claps her hands together, laughing in joy. “I’m going to get Bill. Hold on.” She starts to scurry away, but then turns around. “Oh, what do you want to drink?”
“Black coffee,” John says. 
“Orange juice?” She says.
Cindy’s gone again.
He’s reminded by the side conversation she didn’t understand that there’s something on his mind he needs to ask her, because as much as he appreciates it, it’s starting to make him paranoid. “You haven’t asked a lot about what I..” he struggles to find the right words. “Do for work.”
“Do you want me to?” Her face is forgiving, non judgmental, although a little timid. 
“No.” He hopes he doesn’t upset her with the blunt answer.
“I figured.” She’s a little disappointed, but only because she wants to know if he’s safe while on the job. And also because people that don’t reveal a lot about themselves tend to just disappear without explanation. 
“I’m sorry,” he says.
She waves his apology away. “You don’t really know what I do for work either.”
“Hmm.” He leans back, man spreading and dwarfing the booth. His knees knock hers and she laughs nervously, shying away. “Nurses. Hurt people to make them feel better.”
She cringes. “I never thought of it that way.”
“You give people shots, dress wounds-“ he refers to himself “-fix plumbing, cover for maintenance, open packages, argue with stupid doctors, make older ladies adore you, hold people’s hands. This list goes on. Am I close?”
She laughs. “You’re forgetting one huge part.”
He motions for her to tell him about it. 
“We wipe a lot of ass.”
His head falls into his hands, and he shakes with heavy laughter. “Jesus,” he says. 
“What?” She teases. “Tough guy embarrassed by ass wiping? But not ass whipping? It’s two letters.”
His laugh gets harder, now with added groaning at her embarrassing admission in the nearly empty but still occupied diner. Full of surprises. He peaks at her through his hands. “Just how you say it.”
She shrugs. “Nature of the beast.”
He puts his chin in his hand. “What’s your dream job?”
She tells him, then asks the same question.
“Librarian,” John replies. 
She actually does laugh at him this time because she thinks he’s joking. He joins her laughter. 
“Yeah?” She asks. 
He opens his arms wide as if to embrace the career choice. “Yeah.”
Why is it so strangely hot to imagine him as a strict librarian working late nights at her local book dealer? There’s more to that fantasy, and it involves her getting lost in the maze of massive shelves right before the library closes and then sexy suited librarian finding her and deciding to punish her for her carelessness - but getting horny in a restaurant is not convenient. 
And Cindy’s back with Bill, who also gives them both big hugs. 
“Jesus John,” he says, “you swallow more iron every day?”
“That’s what I told him!” Cindy cries, elbowing her husband. 
“Bill,” John nods. 
Cindy sets their drinks down in front of them. “I was just asking about you the other day,” she tells John. “You’re not usually gone that long.” 
John sips his scalding coffee and listens to Cindy talk, occasionally nodding and agreeing with the banter between her and Bill. 
She drinks her orange juice and listens to the conversation about Cindy almost getting mugged on 23rd.
“And I said, if John was here those punks would have been sorry.” Cindy puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head, then looks at her.
“He’s always been my little - “ Cindy looks back at John “ - big guard dog. Anybody comes in her looking for trouble, he’s got us covered.”
She smirks over at John, who’s trying to act like he’s not blushing again. He narrows his eyebrows at her cheeky expression in a challenging warning at that says ‘ comment on these pink cheeks, and you’re fucked .’
Her eyes shy away from his own as she drinks more tangy juice. 
“Oh my god, Bill, he’s laying the charm on this poor girl,” Cindy whispers in her husband’s ear. 
Bill glares at Cindy. “They can hear you,” he says. 
Cindy pats John’s upper arm, quelling his elevated embarrassment.
“You take it easy on her, Johnny,” Cindy says. “She’s a sweet girl.”
She peaks up at John over the rim of her glass and he is adorable enough that it makes her forget some of her own shyness. 
“Remember when you chased that drunk guy down the street with a coffee cup when you were fifteen?” Bill asks, changing the subject. “Guy was so scared he pissed his pants before you threw it and gave him a concussion.”
Cindy laughs, addressing her again. “He did it because the guy grabbed me up for us being out of pie. I mean, how can I help it if we’re out?”
“You make the pie,” Bill tells Cindy, deadpan. 
“That’s besides the point,” Cindy scoffs. “Tall, Lanky, growing John steps right in and grabs this guy’s shirt collar and drags him off me. Guy gets up, tries to grab a coffee mug for nefarious reasons, but John grabs it first, looks at it, looks back at the guy, and just goes right for him.”
Bill and John chuckle. 
“And after he’s done knocking this guy out with a coffee cup, he comes back in and asks Cindy if she’s alright and she fell in love with the little demon,” Bill says. “Called him her adopted son.” 
“And gave him free pancakes for life,” Cindy added.  “How many do you want, by the way?” She winks at John. “Fresh blueberries.”
They place their orders, and Cindy and Bill leave them to cook and check on other customers. 
“They’re so sweet,” she tells John. “You’re lucky.”
He’s never heard anyone refer to him with that word before, but she makes him realize it’s true - he islucky. Blessed, even.
John orders a literal stack of pancakes and eats them all like he’s been starving for weeks. He also eats half her big plate of bacon, eggs, and cheesy hashbrowns when she gets full. 
She wonders if the wild wolves in Russia taught him how to eat every calorie you can in one sitting and then go days without, because she’s honestly never seen him eat this much or at all. She’s jealous of him, again, for being able to stay lean and bulky even after meals like this. She contemplates asking him to switch metabolisms, watching while he drinks down a cold glass of water and looks at her from the rim of his glass. 
“You work tonight?” He asks. 
“Twelve hours,” she groans. 
“Let me give you a ride in the morning?” He asks. “I’ll pick you up in the alley across the street.” 
“Well, that’s not shady,” she jokes. 
“Not at all,” he agrees. 
Before they leave, he tucks a casual one hundred dollar bill under their neatly stacked dishes and then hugs part of his chosen family goodbye. 
“Easy, easy,” Bill laughs, being dramatic while John squeezes him. “Jesus.”
Bill and Cindy pull her in for a hug, too, and Cindy kisses her cheek. “You come back,” the sugar-smelling woman tells her, holding her shoulders. Her heart swells as she tries really hard not to cry in front of them. This whole time in New York and she thought everyone was a soulless robot, but John’s people are just the opposite of that, and she’s grateful to meet them.
She only has time to say thanks before John is escorting her out into the bearable flurry of snowflakes. 
When they get into the car, she raises her eyebrows at him and smiles like he’s the most precious thing she’s ever seen. He glances away, avoiding her adoration. “Thought you got free pancakes for life?” She ribs.
He shrugs. “It was a tip.”
She’s extremely reluctant to let Mr. Wonderful himself go about his day as they pull out front of her apartment. 
They stare at each other for a minute, before John talks. “Can I pick you up tomorrow?” 
“Yeah,” she says, the word partially muffled by his mouth while he plucks at her top lip. 
He takes his kiss back and she whines involuntarily, eyes still closed and mouth open expectantly. 
He opens her door, walks her to the entrance of her complex, and lays a chaste kiss to her forehead. “Go to sleep,” he says. “See you in the morning.”
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gartenofbanny · 11 months
You all know what time it is, time for the review for the most hyped up episode since The Circus!
The Good
Vortex, as always is the best character in every episode he's in. As always he's pretty chill and nice around Loona treating her like a person and he's really nice with his girlfriend Beelzebub. There is one scene of Beelzebub talking about fucking Satan despite the fact that she views him as a brother and Vortex just doesn't say anything..and lets Beelzebub say it.
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This is honestly reminding me a little bit of Rent a Girlfriend, I really fucking hope they don't make Vortex into a cuck because that'll make me lose respect from the writers and Beelzebub. Not so much Vortex because idk what the hell he's even going to do against Satan when he finds out Beelzebub sleeps with him. The most he could do is leave Beelzebub.
Gluttony Ring
The Gluttony Ring looked pretty creative, it's my 2nd favorite one behind Wrath Ring. Why is it my second favorite? Because the atmosphere and the setting a little bit looks more like Earth than it does Hell. And the location where they're at just looks like a bee-themed tropical beach instead of fucking Hell. This is probably the last thing I would think of when I think of "Gluttony Ring in Hell". It's pretty, but it isn't something I'd imagine that Hell would have. Also, why is it that some places in Hell look fucking disastrous but other places in Hell look like oasis? Is this supposed to be a place where Sinners suffer or just Earth 2.0? We don't know and Viv doesn't either.
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The animation in this episode is pretty solid and looks good which is expected for a Helluva Boss episode, but there are some times when I find the animation to be really weird.
In the beginning of the episode, it shows Demons partying, but doesn't show their full appearances just silhouettes.
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And in the same timeframe, Loona and Tex outside has different shading, but once they're inside the shading instantly changes and they have thick black lines around their body. Making their characters not fit with the background. And all this shit happens in the first 47 seconds of the episode, holy shit.
Viv did say that this episode was supposed to be "A grand visual spectacle" but the only grand visual spectacle was the Cotton Candy song which took a significant chunk of time from an insignificant episode.
Yeah, there's not much I actually liked in this episode, so let's move on to the bad.
The Bad
Beelzebub's Design
I don't have any problem with Beelzebub personality-wise. She's cool and surprisingly nice for one of the Seven Princes of Hell. Vortex really does have good taste in women..aside from her wanting to fuck Satan. But I can dismiss that as a joke and pray to God that it doesn't actually happen.
But what I do not like about Beelzebub is her design which I know damn well the animators didn't get paid enough for animating this.
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Nothing from this design tells me that this is Beelzebub. I was completely confused on whether or not this woman was Beelzebub until I saw the credits. Beelzebub is depicted in Demonology as an insect, not a hellhound variant. A lot of people and I assumed that Beelzebub was going to be a bee due to the Bee Aesthetic in Gluttony, but we just got Jay Jay recolored and with four arms with miniscule insect aspects.
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The second reason why I hate this design is because it's not creative at all. This design without a doubt was heavily inspired by Jay Jay, but it wasn't just heavily inspired it's literally copied and pasted. They copied Jay Jay, gave her Loona's legs, recolored her, added so many unnecessary details, and called her Beelzebub. Looking at Beelzebub and the other furry characters that Viv designed in her past you can see that there's little to no difference between them.
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Beezlebub's design reminds me of how video game characters have alternate skins because her design is literally Jay Jay but recolored and with added cosmetics.
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Or how in Injustice: Gods Among Us the yellow costume for The Flash is Reverse Flash but he still looks identical to the regular Flash. So different personality, but the same skin just recolored.
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My third reason why I don't like the design is that Beelzebub's insect features are so miniscule that you can easily miss them. The only insect like features she has are the bee wings, four arms, and antennae in her eyelids and ears. Aside from those, there's nothing else. Now when she increases her size, Beelzebub does have bug like eyes but again that doesn't really say much.
My fourth and final reason why I don't like the design is that Beelzebub has so many unnecessary additions to her design that it looks pretty overwhelming but at the same time distracting. What was the point of giving her a lava lamp stomach? What was the point of having honey levitate from behind her? Why is her fucking eyeliner dripped as if she cried? I'm most likely going to do a design comparison with another iteration of Beelzebub, but yeah those are just my thoughts on her design overall. It's lazy, but also somehow overcomplicated.
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It would fit more if they made her into Cerberus instead of Beelzebub as Cerberus is a three-headed hellhound in the Gluttony Ring of Hell that likes to consume a lot. This design is more fitting for that to me.
Kesha voicing Beelzebub
Kesha voicing Beelzebub was a weird and bad choice not because of Die Young, but because Beelzebub represents what Kesha was running away from in her past. For those who don't know Kesha had a persona called Ke$ha who she describes as a "front for her emotional pain". And there are a few things that conclude to me why Beelzebub and the persona Ke$ha are nearly identical. They both overindulge in partying and drinking since Beelzebub represents overindulgence in those two things and many other things, but that was a really toxic lifestyle for Kesha to go through. There are two differences between the two characters that being Beelzebub also overindulges in eating but Kesha in the past had an eating disorder. She couldn't indulge in eating because as she says "I convinced myself that being sick, being skinny, was part of my job" and having Beelzebub a character who can overindulge in eating but still manages to stay skinny and thin is insensitive and unrealistic. The second difference is Kesha had to go to rehab in order to stay away from all of that and most likely doesn't partake in those anymore while Beelzebub doesn't have to.
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Simply put Beelzebub represents the persona Ke$ha and not the person, the same persona that Kesha used to mask her emotional pain and had to go to rehab to fix. I am fully aware that Kesha is an adult and she can make her own decisions, but having someone voice act a character who represents the persona they had in the past is really absurd and stupid, especially on Viv's part.
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It's likely that Beelzebub will never appear again or will have a different voice actor. Because Kesha being involved caused legal issues that took almost two years to resolve. If Beelzebub does return then I think she'll be voice acted by her singing voice actor Rochelle Diamante or someone else entirely.
Cotton Candy
After listening to the Cotton Candy song multiple times, I've come to the conclusion that this song is ass. It's not even intentionally trying to be bad either that's the worse and funnier part about it. The words "Cotton Candy" takes up 1/3 of the song, there's an entire video called "Cotton Candy, but only when they say Cotton Candy" and it's 1 minute long.
My problem isn't with the singing the singer behind this is fantastic, but my main problem with this song is the lyrics and beat. This song sounds like a bootleg version of Die Young, I know that was intended by Viv but that doesn't mean the song is good. The lyrics rhyme "Cotton Candy" with "Cotton Candy" Whoever was writing this song just needs to stop.
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Also, why is the song about Cotton Candy and not Honey? Beelzebub does have a bee aesthetic around her so wouldn't it make more sense to have her sing about honey. It's sweet and addictive
This video perfectly summarizes my thoughts on this song
Loona barely has a spotlight
Loona was hyped up exponentially a couple of days before this episode came out. From the voice actress stating that she'll return to voice Loona while striking a pose to a Loona plush releasing not too long ago.
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While I don't believe Loona was hyped up for this episode in particular she was still hyped up regardless and this episode was assumed to be a Loona-centered episode...that is until Beelzebub. Beelzebub stole the spotlight from Loona due to her character reveal being the sparkly song it was and a lot of people liking her design due to it being flashy.
Even a couple of days after the episode's release I still see more people talking about Beelzebub than Loona, regardless of how I feel about this character Beelzebub stood out more than Loona did to me. It's amazing that Loona was sidelined in her own episode
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Slight Tonal Issues
There are some tonal issues with this episode particularly in the middle and near the end. So in the middle of this episode, Loona walks out of the party wanting to leave feeling as if she didn't belong there.
When Blitzo was going to leave, she gets flirted with by some other hellhound and that's more than enough to convince her to stay. So apparently, Loona getting hit on allows her to become less insecure and more sociable. Jesus Christ
Near the end of the episode, Loona places Blitzo on his couch after pouring him some water then all of a sudden Blitzo suddenly has a sad moment saying that he'll die alone old and wrinkled.
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I gotta add if you don't want to die alone then stop treating people like shit Blitzo.
But anyway, this scene really just comes out of nowhere because Blitzo didn't express any problem with what happened at Ozzie's before he went to the party. I understand he was drinking all of his pain away but it still felt weird and forced to me.
Then after Loona calls him "Dad" for the second time in this episode, Blitzo suddenly just puked for the sake of comedy...
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Jesus Christ, even a filler episode has tone issues. Oh yeah, speaking of filler episode.
This episode is meaningless
This episode isn't a direct continuation of Ozzie's nor does it affect any future episodes. Viv stated that Ozzie's is the true season 1 finale and that this episode is a "grand visual spectacle"
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So all of this is just meaningless and what reinforces this is Loona's behavior. Loona went from her taking care of Blitzo to even calling him dad to straight up physically and mentally abusing him just because he wanted her to be nicer to the clients. Seeing Stars takes place at least a few days after Queen Bee so there's literally no reason for Loona to even act like this.
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Raises more questions than answers
This episode like all of the other ones in Helluva Boss raises more questions than answers. Hell, I'll even say that it doesn't even answer any of the questions I had. Beelzebub can literally make food from nowhere, so what's even the point of Wrath? Why is Tex and Beelzebub dating good, but Stolas and Blitzo dating isn't? How many abilities does this Beelzebub even have? Does the food she make has any side effects on those who consume it? Like there are so many fucking questions but NONE OF THIS GETS ANSWERED.
At this point, I will be really surprised whenever one of the major questions that the fandom has actually gets answered. Because I'm getting tired of this.
In conclusion, this episode really meant nothing and despite it not meaning anything I didn't like it. Especially Cotton Candy, that song sucks, I don't know why they didn't use Silva Hound's "Monster Ball" it sounds leagues better than "Cotton Candy" plus it's more fitting since Demons are monsters. Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day!
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