#i yam reading a book on here so i got confused
sundropglass · 15 days
I did that stupid thing where i looked for my phone even tho it was right in my hand
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dilly-oh · 3 years
Trashy Romance Novel
    “Naruto, you frigging idiot,” Iruka began hotly, barging into the hospital room, “of all the stupid, brainless things you could have done, this is by far the-”
    He stopped. 
    The person lying in the small bed was definitely not Naruto. It was a grown-ass man with messy gray hair and a faded scar over one eye, the sterile white sheets pulled up over his nose, apparently sound asleep. Iruka stared at him for a long moment, dumbfounded, before it clicked. 
    Oh shit, he thought. This is the wrong room. I'm in the wrong room. I need to hurry up and leave before- 
    The stranger's eyes cracked open and he squinted up at Iruka in confusion.
    “...Who're you?” he croaked out. Iruka managed a rather articulate gurgle of dismay, frozen in sheer mortification. He considered the distance between him and the IV drip, wondering if he could dose the man back to unconsciousness before he could scream or buzz for a nurse. “Are those for me?” the man asked, sitting up in bed to regard the bouquet of flowers in Iruka's arms. He opened his mouth to disagree, but then the sheet slipped off the man's face, and Iruka suddenly thought giving him the flowers might not be such a bad idea. He definitely deserved a thank you after gifting him with...that. He didn't even protest as the alarmingly handsome stranger reached out and took the bundle of flowers, opening the card on top. 
    “You're a dumbass. Love, Iruka.” he read aloud, then looked up at Iruka, batting his eyes. “Aww, babe, you shouldn't have.”
    “Whoa whoa WHOA!” Iruka finally blurted out, his face burning half from embarrassment at the situation, half from the thinly-veiled flirting. “I'm sorry, sir, there's been a mistake. I'm in the wrong room and-”
    “You mean you aren't my doting husband I tragically forgot about due to amnesia and now you have to win back my love by passionately recreating the story of our romantic union?”
    “Excuse me, WHAT-”
    “Sorry, I've been reading trashy romance novels. They're the only books this hospital has. Can't blame me for trying.” The man shrugged, then reluctantly handed back the bouquet. “Who's the lucky person they're actually for? Must be someone real special if you're calling them a dumbass to their face.”
    “My kid brother,” Iruka explained with a sigh. “He's here with a head injury.”
    “Ouch.” The man winced in sympathy. “Poor kid.”
    “Not really. He head-butted a brick wall.” 
    “...May I ask why?”
    “Because his stupid boyfriend walked into it and he had to, and I quote, 'defend his honor'.” Iruka paused, looking the man up and down. Despite being a bit on the pale side, he looked perfectly fine, pun very much intended. It was almost unfair how well he pulled off the hospital gown (although Iruka would much rather be the one pulling it off, wink wink, nudge nudge). “So...what're you in for?” His voice dropped to a whisper. “Was...was it the crappy romance novels? Did they rot your brain?”
    “I have an extremely rare, aggressive form of cancer with only two weeks left to live and the only cure is a kiss from my one true love...” The man swooned back onto the pillow and looked expectantly up at Iruka, who rolled his eyes. 
    “Yeah they definitely did-”
    “Alright you got me. Broke my leg.” He pulled the sheet off his lower half, revealing his legs, one of which was wrapped in a cast, propped up on some pillows. Several encouraging words from friends were scrawled on the white surface in marker, one of them a jarring green highlighter. It almost hurt Iruka's eyes to look at it. 
    “...How did you break it?” he asked, unable to contain his curiosity. 
    “I heroically threw myself in front of a speeding car in order to save the life of my beloved-” 
    “Okay how did you really break it?”
    “Tripped chasing after my pug at the park,” the man admitted with a weary sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat. 
    “...Is the dog okay?” Iruka asked after a long pause.
    The stranger burst out laughing. It was a nice laugh, warm and contagious enough to elicit a chuckle out of Iruka, who was growing more and more intrigued. He couldn't deny the spark of attraction he felt for the other man, spontaneous as it was, and it seemed to be reciprocated. He didn't even know his name, but something about the man made Iruka want to know more about him. Maybe this was like some trashy romance novel, where the two would-be lovers met under unusual circumstances and fell instantly in-
    “Hey, Kakashi,” a man with short brown hair said, suddenly walking into the room, “I brought the next three volumes of your shitty porn series from the hospital library and a couple pairs of clean underwear, so you can stop fucking texting me the specific style and brand you want from home, you're so damn picky-” He stopped dead as he caught sight of Iruka, pausing for a beat, then glanced at the man in the bed, his eyes darting nervously between the two. “Umm...am I...interrupting something?”
    A cold pit of ice yawned open in Iruka's stomach. 
    Oh my GOD. Here he was, borderline flirting with some stranger in a random hospital room, when obviously the man already had a boyfriend and Iruka was just making a complete ass of himself. The flirting had probably been misinterpretation on his part anyway, and if not, the guy was a total dick. Either way, enough was enough. His face aflame with rage and shame, Iruka spun towards the door. 
    “I need to go.”
    “Hey, wait!” Kakashi or whatever his name was called after him. 
    Iruka was already out the door, ignoring the man's cries. Screw him, and screw Naruto, too. He was the cause of this whole mess. Iruka would just text him later. He was probably making out with Sasuke anyway and wouldn't even notice his brother hadn't popped in to visit. Iruka needed out of this hospital NOW. He turned towards the stairs, immediately got lost, and spent the next five minutes growing increasingly flustered as he stormed through the winding hallways, desperately searching for the exit. Why the fuck was the hospital so damn BIG-
    “Hey! Iruka! Hold up!”
    Iruka spun around to see Kakashi speeding towards him in a wheelchair, his boyfriend dutifully pushing him down the hallway at a dead run, IV dangling after him on its cord like a faithful dog. The wheelchair stopped with an audible squeal in front of him.
    “What- where did- did you steal that?!” Iruka hissed in outrage. 
    “Of course not, don't be silly,” Kakashi protested, sounding offended. “The guy it belongs to was asleep in his bed. I'm just borrowing it. I'll return it later. Anyway, Iruka-”
    “Were you flirting with me in there?” Iruka demanded, cutting him off. “Be honest.”
    “Abso-fucking-lutely,” Kakashi said without an ounce of remorse. “So can I have your number or what?” Iruka bristled. 
    “You're a piece of shit! I can't believe you, hitting on me like this right in front of your boyfriend! You have some nerve-”
    “Wait...boyfriend?” Kakashi cocked his head in confusion. “You mean Yams?”
    “The fuck do YAMS have to do with anything-”
    “Hi, that's me,” the short-haired man said, raising a hand. “Yamato, actually. 'Yams' to my friends. Which is what we are. Just...friends.” Iruka scowled at him suspiciously. 
    “Friends? Don't fuck with me. You brought him underwear-”
    “Really close friends,” Yamato reiterated. “Also, roommates. It's awful. I can't get away from him.” Iruka studied him for a moment, but couldn't spot any hint of deception. The man's almond-shaped eyes were surprisingly honest.
    “So you two...aren't dating?” he asked hesitantly. Yamato gave him a horrified look.
    “Dear God, NO. Kakashi is the WORST. He's lazy as hell, procrastinates til the last minute, is perpetually late to everything-”
    “You are a shit wingman-” Kakashi began. 
    “He needs to know what he's getting into,” Yamato snapped at him, then turned back to Iruka. “Seriously, though. You should run while you still can. There's hope for you.”
    “Don't listen to him,” Kakashi cut in. “I'm a fucking catch. Which is exactly why you should let your flaxen hair down, rip your shirt open to reveal your heaving bosom, and throw yourself into my arms-”
    “Will you cut that out?!” Iruka burst out impatiently. “Life is not a trashy romance novel.”
    “You sure about that?” Kakashi said, quirking an eyebrow. “Because I met you in a hospital through total coincidence. After really hitting it off, we had a misunderstanding brought on by miscommunication. Then I chased after you in a fucking wheelchair to declare my undying attraction to you. If that isn't a plot to a trashy romance novel, I don't know what the fuck is. At least it's not raining right now.”
    “I dunno, it might be drizzling,” Yamato said, glancing at a window.
    Iruka paused, considering.
    “I guess it...would make a pretty good book,” he admitted quietly. “The only thing is...I'm not sure what happens next.”
    “That part's for us to write,” Kakashi said, his tone eager. “Only we can complete the story.”
    “Aaaaand I'm going to puke,” Yamato stated. 
    “Sorry, we crossed the line from 'trashy' into 'sappy'.” Kakashi shook his head. “Anyway. Iruka. Please, I'm begging you. Let me sweep you off your feet. Just...give me a chance.”
    “I'll do you one better,” Iruka said after a pause. “I'll give you my number.” Stealing a marker from the nearby nurse's station, he bent and wrote his cell number on Kakashi's cast, then straightened and held out the bouquet. “Here, you can have these. The message works for you too, I guess.”
    Kakashi accepted the flowers with a laugh, taking an appreciative sniff. 
    “And now, I shall ride dramatically off into the sunset,” he said with complete seriousness. “Come, my valiant steed. Awaaaay!”
    “I will push you down the stairs,” Yamato grumbled as he spun the wheelchair around and started back down the hallway. Iruka watched them go with a fond smile on his face, giddy with anticipation. 
    He was eager to read the next few chapters in his life.
    Including the steamy bits. 
(Written for @kakairu-fest KakaIru Month 2021, Day Twelve Prompt: Hospitals)
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tamagochiie · 4 years
holding hands with haikyuu boys (part one)
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genre: fluffy oneshots
characters: yamaguchi tadashi, tsukishima kei, & sugawara koushi
a/n: i wrote this out of pure neediness and desperation. please someone get me a boyfriend, i'm dying for some cuteness.
warning: your heart about to bURST (1/2 joke)
—yamaguchi tadashi
he has naturally clammy hands and it embarrasses him. so, when you hold his hand for the first time, you're the one who initiates it. he'll try to (literally) slip away from your grasp, but you'll only tighten your grip.
he'll apologize the whole time you two hold hands.
since then, he'll always make sure to keep his hands a little on the less clammy side. he'll wash his hands, and even carry around alcohol to rub on his hands before he gets to hold yours.
The early morning air is crisp and as clear as the sky. The flowers scattered around the neighborhood are finally at full bloom, soaking up the sunlight and basking in their soil damped by last night's rain.
Its a perfect day.
Well, it would've been almost perfect if your boyfriend had been walking beside you, holding your hand rather than pacing ahead of you.
You pout, looking down to the palm of your hand, realizing it had yet to feel the warm touch of Yamaguchi's. And the more you think about it, it only registers now that he hadn't made any attempts to hold your hand. Not even a mere, gentle brush against it.
Nearly six months since you became a pair, but not the slightest bit of effort to hold your hand. You can't help but let it urk you; and the longer you hold onto the thought, the less effort you give in to holding your tongue.
"Hey, erm, Yamaguchi?" He hums in response, his head lulling side to side as if his thoughts are elsewhere. He doesn't have to be facing you to know he's got that dopey smile plastered on his face, enjoying the spring air. "Why haven't you held my hand yet?"
The tension in Yamaguchi's shoulders are visibly seen from where you stand. The air between the two of you grows thick the longer you stay in the silence, and even you begin to feel tense.
Spinning on the balls of his feet reveals Yamaguchi with his cheeks beet red, flustered enough to be stuttering. "Oh, uhm—Well, you—you see..."
You furrow your brows, tilting you head to the side. You can't help but smile as you watch him turn into a string of short breaths and unfinished sentences.
"C'mon, Yams." You encourage him, and the sight of your smile eases Yamaguchi enough to spit it out.
"I-I have sweaty hands!" He admits, his eyes peel away from you and move to the ground.
Confusion etched in your face, your lips slightly part yet not a single sound escapes you. "What...?"
"My hands are naturally sweaty!" Yamaguchi stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket, growing self conscious. "W-When you hold hands, it's supposed to be romantic, right? What's romantic about holding hands with someone that sweats more than they can talk?"
"You're being MEAN!"
"I'm sorry!" You apologize, unable to completely hold back your laugh. "But that's so cute! Oh, c'mon even you have to admit that it's a little cute!"
"It's not cute!" He argues, glowing a bright red. "I shared something deeply embarrassing!" He whines your name like a child, only making you laugh even more.
"Oh, c'mere, would you?" You motion him over and though it takes him a while, he eventually does. He treads towards you like a puppy, watching carefully.
When he's close enough, you hold out your hand to him. His eyes widen and he twists away, "No."
"Give me your hand." You insist, jolting your hand.
"Hold my hand, damn it!"
Yamaguchi flitches at the sudden raise of your voice. You expect him to shy further away from you—runaway even. But instead, after giving it  some thought, he reluctantly inches towards you.
You observe the way Yamaguchi hesitantly slips his hand onto yours. His eyes glinting in fear, but the moment his skin comes to contact with your own, you feel him melt into the palm of your hand almost immediately.
You do notice the subtle sweatiness of the palm of his hand, but you don't mind it. You completely ignore it when Yamaguchi gathers the right amount of courage to weave his fingers in between yours.
There's a tickling feeling rising from you chest, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. All the air you've taken in goes straight to your head.
Is this what floating feels like?
You think about holding your breath, hoping that it'll somehow stop time and keep you both here. But the moment ends when you feel Yamaguchi try to slip away.
"No!" You shout, glaring at him. "Don't you dare! I'm enjoying this!"
—tsukishima kei
he'll always want to hold your hand, but his inability to let go of his pride, even if momentarily, gets the way of him initiating it.
he'll drop hints; brushing his hand against yours every now and then, sometimes looking at the palm of his hand and asks you if you think his hands are too big, and when he's desperate enough, he'll pout around you until you catch what he wants.
tsukki isn't much of a fan of cold weather, but ever since he started dating you, he began to like. but it's only because it was an opening for him to naturally hold your hand whenever he could.
Though you and Tsukki sat in the library, eyes buried deep into your own books, you were very much aware of what Tsukki had been doing, or at least trying to do for the last hour.
Every five minutes or so, you'd feel Tsukki graze his hand over yours. Whether it be him trying to reach over to other  side of the table for something that wasn't there, or when he'd  mindlessly try to shove his hand back into his jacket pocket, you saw right through him.
You smiled to yourself, You're clever, Tsukki, but not that clever.
You noticed him growing a little agitated, tapping his fingers against the side of his wooden chair. From the corner of your eye, you saw they way his glass tilted just a little bit when he crinkled his nose, and the sudden fall of his chest when he sigh in frustration as he shifted in his seat.
For someone who was usually so stoic and unbearably hard to read, it amused you how painfully transparent Tsukki could be when he wanted to hold your hand.
You gave it another few minutes and let him grow antsy. Eventually, you took a breather.  The chair creaked beneath you as you slumped against the backrest.
You twisted your attention to Tsukki, reaching over to him and tapped the against the plastic of covering of his headphones.
Flinching in place, he turned his head to look at you and in a swift motion, slipped the headset. He looked at you with a crease between his brows and a frown painted across his lips, but you kept your amusement plastered across your face.
"What do you want?" He whispered, scowling at you because you probably interrupted him when the song he had been listening to had perfectly synced with the flow of the story.
You leaned in, making him blush. "If you want to hold my hand, just do it."
—sugawara koushi
the first time he holds your hand, it feels like you've slipped into a pair of perfectly fit mittens. there's a ease in your chest and you feel like the only hand you were ever meant to hold was suga's.
he isn't shy, but he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable either.
but when your sad or feeling overwhelmed, he'll hold your hand and trace little circles over your skin to help calm you down.
Suga gently tilted your head onto his shoulder as you sat there swept away by the river of the emotions you had carefully boxed shut and kept hidden in a corner.
You had spent the beginning of the week imagining the storm that awaited was still too far off to touch you. But before you knew it, it was the middle of the week and it had drawn closer. So, as an attempt to ease yourself, you had thought of yourself as a buoy, believing you could withstand the harsh winds of your parents' constant nagging and judgement, and  the violent waves of tests and quizzes crashing into you all at once.
But you couldn't.
By the end of the week, the tides had finally rolled closer to home, and in one breath, you had been dragged off the shore and thrown into the heart of the sea.
But just when you thought you were too far gone, there stood your lighthouse at the very center of it all, Sugawara Koushi. Eyes full of love and hope as it searched for you, pulling you out of the water the moment he found you.
He hummed a soft tune in your ear as you cried the rest of your pent up frustration off your chest. He held your hand with both hands, massaging your palm as you caught your breaths.
Like steam, your sense of peace rose from the pit of your stomach all the way to your chest. You could finally breathe.
"Do you still wanna to talk about it?" He asked, bringing your hand up against his cheek.
You shooked your head, "I just want to stay like this a little while longer."
You felt the warmth of his skin in the palm of your hand. The weight that had settled onto your chest began to float off it when he tenderly kissed your hand.
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crushzone · 4 years
omg can i request relationship hc with kei tsukishima as well
Absolutely, anon!! Only makes sense for the other Tsukki to get his love too. Here’s my relationship with Akiteru HC if you wanna check that out.
I’m also sorry my headcanons always turn into short semi-fic hybrids, I just get too invested in my imagination and Kei was a lot of fun to write for hehee.
Thank you @tedwardos and @nonexistent-social-life for bouncing some ideas with me, and coming up with Tsukkisaur HAHA. You guys are amazing. 😘💞
Being in a Relationship with Kei Tsukishima 👓🦖
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How it all began:
Truthfully, I do not see Kei as someone who would fall in love or have a crush on anyone that easily. Therefore, I believe it would be appropriate if you are Yamaguchi’s distant relative who went to the same school.
As we all know, Yams would get bullied often in middle school, and even when he tried to stand up for himself, he gets pushed back down. So that’s why you always try to intervene, physically throwing your body between the bully and your relative with your bravest face.
However, they would just push you aside and go back to bullying Yams :(. You felt pretty dang helpless and very upset that you've been brushed off like a piece of garbage.
So as you are readying to tackle one of them, you stop when you hear an unfamiliar voice behind you. “Lame.”
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You turn around angrily, thinking that it was directed at you, but is surprised when the tall blonde boy is looking above you, at the bullies.
One of them runs over to pick a fight with him, but he simply towers over them. Tsukki: “What?” then at that, they all run away, leaving you and Yams behind. You’re still unsure if he was also referring to you, but when you turn to look at the admiration in your relative’s eyes, you can’t help but look down at the bruises on your knees pathetically. 
All these times you’ve spent trying to protect him, only ends in failure, and then this boy comes by and saves him with barely any effort. You were rather jealous, and felt discredited, so you try to avoid Kei at all costs. Even just the sight of him walking by in the halls irk you.
And to your dismay, you are a little horrified to see that Yamaguchi had befriended him and is now constantly by his side. He’d asked you to hangout with him, and get to know Kei better, but you keep denying his efforts.
Meanwhile, the only thing Kei knows about you is your name, through Yams. But he doesn’t really know or care about you tbh, he’s got other things he’d rather be focused on, like volleyball.
THEN one day, Yamaguchi tells you that he is joining the volleyball team in middle school, and it would mean a lot to him if you go see Karasuno’s match with him and Kei.
You wanted to say no, but you love your relative, so you decided to go.
When you’re there, you never really spoke to Kei, only sticking to conversations with Yams. Then when you get to where the game is, you notice Kei’s awfully silent as he scans the court, not seeing his brother anywhere.
You wonder why he’s grown silent, but then when this one kid stalks over with a magazine in hand, saying that his brother is not even on the sidelines, you decide to shove the kid away because he’s being so annoying.
“Kei...let’s go.” You say, as you try to tug him away from the hood of his jacket. To your surprise, he follows you silently with his head down.
Tbh, you don’t really know the whole picture of what had happened, but he looks so down and vulnerable after the game, so you spent the rest of the day, trying to cheer him up with Yams.
Then the next day, you stop by his class during lunch to see how he’s doing, and is surprised to see that his demeanor had changed drastically. The sparkles in his eyes no longer there, as he ignores you when he steps out of homeroom.
That upsets you initially, but then you realize that whatever had just happened is probably a much bigger deal to him than his rude behavior just now. So you suck it up, and jog up to him, so you can walk to the canteen together, in silence.
He’s never expressed it, but your quiet presence is actually really comforting.
Then the next day, you do that again. And again. Before you know it, it became a thing for you and Kei to walk to lunch together. Sometimes, he’ll be the one to come over to your homeroom before you could go to his. “It’s nothing. My class just got out earlier, so I’m giving your lazy legs a break.”
Yamaguchi notices you and him getting closer over time, and it makes him very happy.
You begin to notice his subtle acts of thoughtfulness, such as when he’ll only eat half of his lunch so he can offer the other half to you; he knows you are absolutely in love with his mother’s cooking. It made you feel really bad because you don’t have a bento to offer him back; your parents are usually very busy so they don’t have time to pack you lunch, but you’ve been okay with that. 
The fact that you love his mother’s cooking also got him feeling a little smug tbh.
Because of this, you’d try to cook something for your own lunch. But c’mon, you are just a 6th grader, unsupervised in the kitchen (lol), so you could only make something as simple as peanut butter and jelly HAHA.
So the next day, when it’s lunch again, and Tsukki offers you half of his food (Or more like, pretending that he can’t finish it and didn’t want to throw his food in the trash), you scramble to pull out your sloppily wrapped sandwich and offer the other half to him with a big grin.
It got him laughing at how ridiculous your sandwich looks, it’s not appetizing at all. 
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But just when you’re about to wrap it back up with a pout, he grabs it from your hand before smoothly sliding his food over to you. “This looks awful”, he’ll say as he takes a bite, getting some peanut butter on his cheeks.
You’re surprised he took it, and can’t help but feel a strange flutter in your heart when you see his ears redden, his gaze avoiding yours.
The next day, Tsukki shows up with two bento boxes, and hands one to you with a blush. “I told my mom about your awful sandwich, so she decided to make an extra bento.”
And when you are just standing there in awe at his thoughtfulness, he gets even more flustered as he shakes it around. “Do you want this or not?” 
Of course you took it, and you are BEAMING when you eat. Tsukki can’t help but accidentally smile at how endearing you are. “Idiot.”
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Yamaguchi also noticed that btw. So he’s got a plan haha ;)
Ever since that day, Yams would occasionally back out from hangouts or events just so the two of you can spend some alone time together.
You and Tsukki being smarties, TOTALLY notice Yams’ attempts. The first time you figured it out, awkwardness turns on like a freaking switch. Suddenly neither of you know what to say or do, because the idea of being matched is hella embarrassing.
But then you were like, “It’s not weird if you don’t make it weird. We also don’t have to acknowledge his attempts and treat this like the usual.” So at that, you go back to talking like usual.
Tsukki is definitely a lot softer when you are alone with him, he doesn’t tease you AS much and is very thoughtful.
Now that you three are in the same high school, Yams would still do that!! And he is low-key frustrated as to why his plans are working so slowly >:( Get yourself together guys, you clearly like each other!
When you had to buy a bunch of textbooks, Yams got you to go with Tsukki alone and he carried all your books haha. Even went to get your uniforms together, and you helped him pick his size.
You two are around each other all the time, and are very comfortable about it. Everyone in school think you are an item, even teachers and fellow parents. Hell, even your own parents thought you two had been dating since middle school. But no one really brought it up, because....well, it’s not like it’s an issue or anything, they’re all just happy you’re happy.
However, neither of you know that’s what the others had been thinking, so you’re a little confused when people keep asking you where Tsukki is, or when they do the same to him. Like, I’m not his parents, how am I going to know where he is all the time. You may think that, but you both ALWAYS know about each other’s whereabouts somehow lol.
Honestly, you two don’t even acknowledge each other’s looks or changes, when you see him, it’s just him and his sassy attitude you’ve grown accustomed to. Well...and his tall bum, cuz your neck starts to hurt a little more than it usually does whenever you look up at him. UNTIL....DUN DUN DUNNN
It’s Valentine’s Day, and different students all over campus are slipping love notes into lockers, some leave roses on their crush’s table, while female students are handing out their giri and honmei choco to their male friends and crushes.
It totally flew past your head that it is Valentine’s day, so when you walk over to your locker with Tsukki and Yams that morning (you always walk to school together and your lockers are right next to each other’s), you are surprised to see 6 love letters fall from yours.
You: 😳 Yams: 😦 (he’s still a heavy believer in you and Tsukki lol, so he’s worried about competition.) Tsukki: 😶
“I see you got some admirers.“ He says casually, turning to unlock his own locker. Little did you know, he’s trying to suppress his curiosity....and jealousy?? Who could it be? When did they put those letters in your locker. How creepy.
You turn to him, wondering if he also got some letters in his locker, and your heart sinks when he pulls out one, nonchalantly ripping the beautiful packaging with his thumb to read its contents. He flips it around in his hand, trying to see if it’s got a name on it, but there were none.
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The entire time when you are in class, you can’t help but wonder who had sent Tsukki that letter. The fact that it was the only one, makes you a lot more nervous too. What if it IS the one...and why would you care so much if it is. You’d be happy for him....right?
Meanwhile, Tsukki’s thoughts are also occupied as he sits in class, by the window. Since when has Y/n been so popular. Will you spend time with him and Yams if you found someone? What about you is so attractive....oh....shit. YEA boy, you’ve ALWAYS been attractive, but he never noticed.
Then lunch rolls around, and you are waiting for Tsukki to meet you by your homeroom, since he’d mentioned earlier that he’ll be the one to swing by. But he never came...:(
And it’s not that he forgot. As he’s about to step out of his homeroom to go to yours, an unfamiliar feminine voice calls out to him, and when he turns around, a girl is offering him her honmei choco. 🤭 He’s SHOOK, but then he quickly realizes that she’s probably the one who slipped the letter in his locker.
Nice Tsukki activated, because I don’t think he’s actually MEAN mean, ya know? “Thank you.” He says, as he takes the chocolate from her with a neutral expression. “But I’m currently seeing someone.”
The girl looks to him with a sad smile, so close to the verge of tears. “That’s ok! I hope you’ll enjoy it though, thank you for being honest!” She says, quickly running down the hall. He felt bad, but he’s more confused about why he had said what he did. That was dumb, I’m not seeing anyone, he scolds himself, walking off to your homeroom while shaking his head incredulously.
When he gets to you, he feels guilty at the sight of you sitting by your homeroom, fingers fiddling sadly. “Why do you look like you’re in some emotional music video?” At the sound of his voice, you spring up to punch his abs jokingly, low key impressed at how rock solid they were haha. “What took you forever!! Did you have diarrhea or something?”
But he never responded, instead, opting to flick your forehead gently before walking off. “Some girl approached me, probably the one who slipped that letter in my locker.”
You let go of your forehead, instead feeling a hitch in your throat for some reason. When he didn’t hear your response, he stops walking. “But I told her I got you guys.”
Your face WARMS TF OUT, but you are hella happy, immediately bouncing up to him. “Is Kei finally willing to show his friends some love and affection?” You tease him as you burst out laughing. You’re sorry for the girl, but for some reason, you’re happy, happy to know that you are not going to lose him to somebody else.
Then during lunch, as Kei’s unpacking his boxes, handing one of his extra bentos to you, his face turns BRIGHT red when he notices this adorable packaging with home made chocolate in it. The note is written in his mother’s handwriting: For anybody your heart decides to give this present to! Love, Mom.
“Are you okay?” Yams asks as he peers over his shoulder, eyes widening when he sees what Tsukki’s been staring at for the past minute. You look over at them suspiciously, already chewing on some food in bliss. “It’s nothing.” He mumbles, quickly tying and setting the bag down. Ok, sus, but you’ll let it pass.
For the second half of his day, he can barely focus on school, wondering if you’d find it strange for him to give you those chocolates. But he’s also a little afraid to go home with it, fearing that he’d make his mother sad. He could eat it himself and lie, but that also feels wrong.
By the time he’s done with practice and is helping the team wrap up the gym, you poke your head in through the entrance with a smile. You also have your own after school club and it usually finishes a few minutes before volleyball practice does, so you make it a thing to walk home with two of your favorite boys.
Also, at this point, you go there all the time, so you’ve become well acquainted with the entire team. It would bother Tsukki how Noya and Tanaka always does some of the dumbest things to try to impress you, or the way the other members would cast longing glances at you, before returning to what they were doing. Even the third years can’t help but smile a little wider and stand up a little straighter when you greet them.
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“I’m going to run to the restroom before we leave.” Yams says, when he notices the way Tsukki is fiddling with his headphone cord, constantly casting hesitant glances at you.
Screw it. Tsukki decides, when he’s finally alone with you again. This is my last chance. “Oi, idiot.” He says, tearing your gaze away from the bright moon and the stars that sprinkles the night sky.
There he is, with the chocolate in his outstretched hand, looking hella flustered. “T-Take it.” He stutters, mentally cursing at how embarrassed he is, he can’t even look you in the eye.
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Your entire body warms, as you could feel a tingly sensation on your cheeks and ears, slowly reaching to grab the chocolate from his trembling hands, still at a loss for words.
“Kei...” You begin, but he quickly counters, looking away. “My mother made it.”
"Ah...” You respond quietly, suddenly feeling really sad because you thought he had feelings for you.
He notices the sadness in your tone. “And you’re ok, I guess.”
You remain silent for a moment, a smile slowly painting your lips, as you continue to stare at the tiny red box of chocolate in hand. Then he’s caught off guard when he feels your gentle fingers, timidly curling to the side of his large palm. He looks to you in surprise; it was too spontaneous for him to put his walls back up.
“I like you too, Kei.” You respond with a smile, that only widens when he shyly returns your gesture, long fingers curling over yours. “let’s share this! there’s three pieces in here.”
When Yamaguchi returns, the three of you share a piece, humming in delight when the deliciousness and richness of the chocolate lather your taste buds.
Earlier Stages
WHEEEW sorry the backstory was so long, I just think that’s one of the few ways I’d ever see a relationship with him form: through time. 
And like any other aspects of your relationship, both in regards to intimacy and communication, it’s also going to take him some time to acclimate and adjust. He’s doing his best, everyday, mentally beating himself when he fails.
You know how harsh he can be to himself, so you try to cut him some slack by becoming more observant. Constantly teaching yourself to learn his micro-signs and sighing in frustration every time you misread him.
However, Tsukki notices your attempt, and is incredibly grateful. He’ll make things a little easier for you, because he can see how much it stresses you to do so. He’ll try to communicate more, eventually telling you how he feels, though he’ll admit, it does feel very awkward in the beginning. Overtime, you’re both helping each other grow in the communication department.
On days when you have no clue how to read him and is feeling overwhelmed, Akiteru is always there for you to consult! Well...it’s actually usually the other way around tbh.
That being said, you GOTTA be patient with him. He will be sassy, and he will be even sassier when you get into arguments, or when you’ve accidentally annoyed him.
However, because you’ve known him for a LONG time, you’ve learnt to translate his saltiness into kinder words haha. (kinda like what Hinata does with Kageyama lol)
You’re always by him, and apologizing on his behalf when he annoys someone.
However, if the person he’s accidentally annoyed expresses their hatred for him to you, you will always defend him because you know that he’s really great person and that his attitude is just a defense mechanism to prevent himself from getting hurt.
But there will be days when you really wish he could shed that wall and realize that he has friends and families who love him dearly and will support him no matter what. But you know that it’s not something that could happen over night, it’s just a wish that he would slowly walk down that path one day.
You are grateful though, so very grateful, because when Tsukki is alone with you, there is never a moment when he’d allow himself to put up that wall. He refuses, finally finding relief in relaxing his defenses for once, because it can get tiring sometimes. 
In fact, all those walls that he put up, is probably the reason why he can’t really hangout around others for too long, he needs to be alone and recharge. So the fact that he’s able to relax around you, means that his “alone time” will almost always include you.
His eyes remain soft, as he always looks at you with a subtle glint to his golden orbs and an upward curve to his lips.
And when he laughs, he does so freely. Even Akiteru is surprised when he accidentally overhears it from his bedroom.
His mother still cooks you lunch, so whenever you’d go to his house for a study session, you ask her if she could teach you how to cook, and that made her SO happy. It becomes a thing now; you two would cook and sing along with one another in the kitchen before you excuse yourself to study.
His mother and brother loves you SO much. Sure, they’ve known you for a long time, because you and Yams would come over often and hangout, but it’s never been just you and Tsukki. So now that you’re together, they have the chance to chit chat with you alone.
You’re basically like a daughter to his mother, because let’s be real, as much as she loves her sons, she’s always wanted at least another woman in the house to hangout with.
When Akiteru visits home, he’ll bring some interesting comics or things for you to geek out about together. At one point, Kei even got jealous enough that he’d come join you guys by the porch, softly playing his music on the phone.
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Speaking of music, he likes to create playlists and sends them to you. Whenever it’s just you and him on your way to the canteen together, he’ll offer you one side of his ear piece, so you can listen to music together on your way there.
You both take your relationship VERY slowly, and that’s perfectly fine. It took you over 2 months into your relationship to hold hands outside the comfort of your homes, and 4 to share your first kiss.
FIRST KISS 💋: It was during lunch break, when you and Kei decide to enjoy your meal at the roof of an academic building. Yams was busy with something else at the time, so he promises to join you a little later. The two of you are alone, ear piece in one ear each, with shoulders and knees touching, then suddenly, you feel an urge to shift your gaze to him. As if your minds are one, he did the same, but instead of feeling embarrassment from your sudden eye contact, you slowly lean to one another, like the ocean, magnetized by the moon, sharing the most innocent, gentle kiss, before pulling back to look into each other’s orbs. It was so gentle, like a breeze that tickles the bottom of your lips when you exhale. It was very nice.
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Since that day, the two of you begin to experiment in private, like kissing a little more passionately when you catch him gazing at you again mid-studying. You even tried cuddling, and you LOVE it.
I can’t even begin to express how wonderful it feels like to cuddle someone tall (looking at you, Lev boi 😉), the way his long limbs drape over yours, big warm hands massaging your shoulders comfortingly as you breathe in the clean scent of his sweater.
However, cuddles don’t happen often, except for special occasions when you both feel extra needy or exhausted. He’s never really been a touchy person. Hand holding is fine, but constant cuddling just makes him feel like he’d rather be doing something else.
BUT, here’s the trick. If you request for some song recommendations, so he can play it on his speaker, while you crawl up to him on the bed, with your head on his chest, he’ll never be able to reject you. He’ll readjust himself comfortably, removing his glasses, before turning you sideways to face his chest, as he tucks his chin over your head, legs entwined. If this is the case, you can lay there for hours, listening to different songs until you fall asleep.
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Loves it when you wear his oversized clothes, but will never admit it. You know he likes it because he always offer you his clothes when you come over, just so you can be comfortable while studying with him. (I’d never say no to that.)
Also likes it how his scent lingers to you, even when you change back into your school uniform so you can head home.
Just generally a big scent, kind of guy, He’s one of those people who ALWAYS smells good and has great olfaction. Whenever you smell a little like him, he WILL notice, and it always makes his heart flutter, as he stands up a little taller. 
He’ll also walk you home from his house, no matter how late it is, and he will always make sure you’ve gone INTO your house, and hears your lock click, before returning.
Never understands why you always make him promise to text you when he gets home though, but he’ll never forget to do it.
Likes to lean on you jokingly, use you as an armrest, regardless of your height.
Whenever Yamaguchi jokes about how he feels like a third wheel, you’ll always joke back that Tsukki is actually the odd one here, cuz you are related haha. He’ll flick your forehead softly as your punishment.
Your pet names are always something endearingly mean, like “Idiot, sodium man, sassy pants, salt shaker 🧂, or four eyes.” 
His teammates always tease him about you; honestly, they’re all very surprised that he’s capable of being in a relationship, but they’re happy for him. Daichi always has to shush them all down, because it can get a little out of hand sometimes with all of them bombarding him at once.
Long Term:
Post-honeymoon phase, babyyy.
Space, lots of space. You’re both very independent, and are introverts, so during the day, you’ll do your own thing, but he’ll meet up with you for lunch and dinners to spend some time together, in comfortable silence.
You’ve been leaving a lot of things at his house, so he neatly gathers it all into one corner of his room, so you can access it with ease when you sleep over.
Both your parents became best friends, so they’re totally cool with either of you sleeping over, even when it is a spontaneous decision.
You are comfortable to say “no” to one another, and that includes social gathering as well. If Tsukki is feeling too socially anxious to join you for a party, you’re totally ok with that, and likewise, when his team hangs out, he understands that they can be a little overwhelming sometimes.
But that doesn’t mean that you both don’t try. He mentally take notes of all the times he’s said no, and will only do it at times when he really do not feel like it. And if you ever feel like he’s been a little too distant, he wants you to tell him that directly, so he can avoid coming off that way.
Sass level increases overtime because he knows you can take it, lol.
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Would totally do something like this to you, regardless of your height.
If you are smol, he will definitely do this too, and Yams will react the same way as shown. >>>>
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You’ve grown immune to his sass, and may have adopted some. However, it’ll usually only come out in arguments. You’re still that nice approachable person, who deliver other people’s messages for him, to him (Because they’re too afraid to approach him directly.)
Definitely opens up to you more, if he hasn’t already been, because he knows he can trust you, and trust is a VERY big thing for him. This boy’s got some trust issues, yk?
He’s a little more adventurous now; it used to be so difficult to convince him to go somewhere new or exciting with you, but after years of pestering him to go places, he realizes, as he’s standing in the middle of a hike, lush green leaves surrounding him from all sides, that maybe this is not so bad after all.
You and Yams keep bringing new activities for him to try, and for 70% percent of those attempts, he actually says yes.
LOVES it when you give head massages, but he always complains that you are messing his hair.
Stargazing after dinner had become a routine for you. You’ll both lay, head to head, bodies the opposite direction, with your fingers interlaced next to each other’s heads. Sometimes, you’ll even drift off into a short nap, and he’s fine with that because your hand feels very nice in his.
Your presence had encouraged him to become closer to his family: you two will help his mother pack up and wipe down the table after dinner, while Akiteru washes the dishes. Sometimes, you’ll wave a curious Akiteru over to join you and Kei on horror movie nights. His mother even joined for 1 whole minute, before she leaves, saying that it’s too scary for her, leaving you three to throw some funny/judgmental remarks at how silly the characters are being.
He’s also a big supporter of your interests, though he will never admit or fully show that he is, if that makes any sense. For instance, if you are in the robotics team, he will educate himself on its process and some technical solutions and will help you build your robot at home. When you ask him how he knows about all this, he just responds with something like “I don’t know, I just guessed.”
If you are interested in something more performative, like if you’re into ballet, for instance, he will always show up to your performances with Yams (and Akiteru, because he really wants to see his future sister-in-law killing it). However, he’ll also respect your decision if you tend to feel more nervous with him there, in that case, he’ll just send you a text that says “You’ll do great. 🦖” or “Don’t fall on your bum 🤡” right before the show begins. It always makes you laugh when you read it in his monotonous voice.
You just know that he only uses emojis when he think his texts sounds unintentionally sarcastic or too short. lol. He’s just not too great at texting, ok?
When it comes to cheering for Tsukki, you share the same type of support. You’d LOVE to go to all of his matches, to be there for him and show how proud you are. But if he’s really uncomfortable, then you understand that too.
He secretly loves it when you go cheer him though, it really brightens up his match, especially when he’s in one with a tougher opponent. To look up to the sea of growing Karasuno supporters and see your smile shine brighter than all the others, restores his energy like the sun.
Somehow, Tanaka and Noya always notices when he turns to look at you, so they’ll both cling on to him like monkeys, turning to wave at you. 
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You gladly return their gesture, laughing at Tsukki’s miserable face as you pull your phone out to snap a very zoomed in photo of his pained expression to use as his new contact photo LOL. 
“At least, I’m the one in a relationship.” He’ll deadpan, adjusting his frames before walking away quietly with a smug smile. RIP Tanaka and Noya, they’re just rolling on the floor crying for Kiyoko haha.
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Also, he has this weird fascination for animals? Well, mainly with dinosaurs. BOTH Tsukishima’s has this fascination, it runs deep in their blood. Oh you prefer whales? Too bad, it’s not as cool.
Whenever Kei recommends some dinosaur-related movies, he’ll try to be low key about his excitement, but you can totally tell that, at this very moment, his body feels like a shell that’s trying to contain the vibration of his happiness. Saying no to his suggestion, will only shatter his little heart. You find this incredibly endearing, for a moment, he reminds you of his younger self, where he would always show up to school in his dinosaur T-shirts.
When you agree to watch it with him, Akiteru ALWAYS emerges out of nowhere, and invites himself to join you. You like to jokingly call them Tsukkisaurs, but Kei will be the only Tsukki to have that name saved in your contact.
We also love some asshole Tsukki moment ✨: He likes to call you Godzilla when you are on your period and is feeling bloated. You were a lil offended at first because, WHICH RENDITION OF GODZILLA is he referring to? It better not be the 2014 one, because it looked a little chubbier than the original.
He confirms, without hesitation, that it IS the 2014 rendition, just to piss you off lol. Then he shows you his phone, to confirm that he had you down as Godzilla on his contact, with this image as your profile:
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But if you are actually feeling self conscious about your body that day, he will sigh and pull you to his chest. “Idiot, you look just fine to me, the way you are.”
And he meant it.
He may be inclined to appear indifferent and cynical at times, but he KNOWS you can see right through him. The idea of showing vulnerability to anyone at all, was daunting, but you embraced him with so much love and acceptance, he wishes that he’s proven his love for you enough. 
And he has, you understand him so well. You appreciate all his subtle signs of affection and thoughtfulness, and you would never ask for it any other way. This is him...it’s who he is to you: your best friend and lover, perfectly imperfect in every way.
Taglist (open): @shhhlikeme @ceo-of-daichi @karasu-hoes @super-noya @nonexistent-social-life​ @scorpiosanssexy @tedwardos​
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 5 (Lighting Up in a Rainy Town)
Wattpad Link
Ch. 1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna and Matteo stunned by the announcement stare at each other with worry and unease. “What do you mean the Jam and Roller is shutting down?!” Luna blurted out right before Simón and Ámbar came rushing in. “Ok I think this is all a misunderstanding everybody. You see the Jam and Roller isn’t shutting down, here’s just a…. guy who does finances and is just checking up on the place. I think what he meant to say was that the Jam and Roller will shut down if nothing is kept in order with the payments, which it obviously has been cause I have my binder with all the receipts in them. So, no need to panic alright; everything is ok,” Ámbar announced to the gang pulling the man with the suit, who now has a confused expression on his face.
A wave of uncertainty is felt in the room. “Luna I’m worried this doesn’t add up right. The guy never mentioned any of those reasons. He said he came to do the final paperwork cause the Jam and Roller is closing,” Nina whispered to Luna. “You’re right Nina, this doesn’t add up. I think it’s time for Watson and Holmes to get on the case.” Luna and Nina each give each other a smirk cause the dynamic duo is back into investigating on a new mystery.
Matteo grabs Luna’s hand, takes her away from Nina, and pulls her out the door. “Where are you taking me, Chico Fresa?” Luna asked curiously. “Remember I told you I had a surprise. Well, it’s in the car.” Matteo and Luna walk to his car and stop at the Black Lamborghini in the parking lot. He opens the trunk and reveals a pair of shiny new skates. The pair is glittery pink and are laid on top of their box. Luna gasped at the thoughtful present Matteo displayed to her. “Matteo I... I…. I LOVE IT,” Luna exclaimed before running up to Matteo and giving him a bear hug. “And that’s not even the best part. The wheels light up. I purposely got this cause your Luna and Sol. Eres la luna y brillas como el sol. You’re Luna (Moon) and you shine like the sun. So, whenever you roller skate, the glitter will shimmer while the wheels light up just like you. Te quiero Chica delivery. I love you,” Matteo professed to Luna. Luna was in awe of Matteo’s gift and how he still remembers the exact same words he told her right before he kissed her at the Sky Concert. As tears were slowly falling on her cheek, she gave another hug to Matteo right before he kissed her.
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Ámbar flips through the multitude of pages in her binder as the guy in a suit looks at her with a stern look in his face. “Sorry sir but are you sure we can’t wait any longer. Maybe we can still negotiate a deal with Vidia.” The guy immediately shakes his head and states, “I’m sorry but that’s not possible. Vidia doesn’t want to be a part of the Jam and Roller anymore, they have other ideas in mind for the future and those ideas do not include this place.” Simón holds Ámbar’s hand when he notices her teary eyed as she puts her other hand over her face in disbelief. “Look I’m sorry Ms. Smith but the deal is done. The Jam and Roller is now in the market to be purchased,” the guy responds to Ámbar. She swiftly looks up. “Mr. Tobias, What do you mean the Jam and Roller is up for sale? I thought Mr. Trabeck was going to buy it to turn it into a club and bar. Also, you can call me Mrs. Álvarez from now on.” Simón and Ámbar glance and give a smile to each other.
Mr. Tobias thinks for a second and replies, “Mr. Trabeck pulled out his offer and decided not to purchase this place so it’s currently up for sale.” Ámbar and Simón immediately look at each other with hope in their eyes. Yeah, the Jam and Roller is being sold but maybe, just maybe, the owner can preserve its originality and keep it the way it is.
Luna dashes inside with her new roller skates in hand. Nina notices and approaches her. “Luna are those new skates? They look beautiful!” Nina compliments. “Thank you, Nina. Matteo bought them for me! I’m so happy right now. He got me specific ones just for me and the words that he told me inside reassured my trust for him. I love him and he loves me. Ooh I can’t wait to try them on. I’m planning to head to the rink right now and skate in them so I can easily break them in and get well acclimated,” Luna stated to Nina with exhilaration in her voice. “Alright than I’ll leave you to it. See you later Luna. It’s getting late and I want to go home quickly so I can read the book that’s been waiting for me!” Nina gives Luna a hug and heads towards the exit as Luna runs to the rink with her new pair of roller skates in hand.
“Jim, I think we should go back to school so we can finish packing up our things to bring them back to our apartment,” Yam said to Jim. “Really…. Can we please stay a little while cause I’ve been dying to skate.” Yam shook her head in response to Jim and replied, “We shouldn’t, the quicker we get it done the quicker we can come back to roller skate tomorrow.” Jim nodded in agreement. “I can drive you guys back since I’m also going to head out,” Ramiro stated. The three amigos (friends) headed out the door.
As Matteo closes the trunk of his car, he notices at the corner of his eye Gastón walking towards him. “Hola Matteo. Wow nice car, didn’t know my buddy was already going to spend some of the cash he earned from his big sold-out tour.” Matteo laughed at Gastón’s compliment. “Originally I wasn’t planning on it, but I decided to treat myself after seeing how huge of a success the tour became to be,” Matteo boasted with excitement on his face. “Makes since, you totally deserve it.” Gastón than showed a worried look on his face. “Que te pasa? What’s the matter,” Matteo asked. “The thing is Nina got a call from Eric today. She’s planning to meet up with him tomorrow morning. She said they’re only friends, but I know Eric. He’s probably still heartbroken that Nina broke up with him. What if he tries to get her back? What if he's still not over her and tries to steal her away from me? This is not good! I should’ve told Nina that was a bad idea for her to agree to have a meeting with Eric,” Gastón pondered right before freaking out.
Matteo looked at his distraught friend. “Don’t worry too much about it. Remember Nina broke up with Eric because she didn’t have feelings for him in the first place. She’s always been in love with you. If your still super worried about her than… maybe… spy on them. See how the date goes,” Matteo suggests. “Spy on them? Heck no I’m not going to do that. What if she catches me,” Gastón immediately rejecting the idea. “If you do it right, she won’t find out. I once spied on Luna when she did that music video for Sebastian Villalobos and she never caught me. Trust me bro you’ll be fine.” Matteo’s advice calmed Gastón down as he contemplated on whether or not he should spy on Nina.
The phone in Matteo’s pocket starts ringing. Matteo picks it up. “Yes hello…. Oh hi Viviana…. Yeah I’m a little busy does it have to be right now…. Alright fine I’m on my way.” Matteo hangs up the phone and says goodbye to Gastón. “It seems like I have to go. Viviana apparently needs help with this song. I can’t reveal much other than the fact that she wants to release a collaboration soon. Rafael thinks it’s a great idea, so I have to help her,” Matteo revealed to Gaston. “Like I said before, I think Viviana is bad news and you should try to stay away from her as much as possible. I understand that your manager keeps pushing for you too to hang out more frequently but don’t trust her,” Gaston advised Matteo. “It’s ok. She means no harm and I only see her as a friend. Plus, now that my tour is over, I can finally hang out more with Luna.” Nina comes running to Gaston. “I’m ready mi amor.” Gastón and Nina say goodbye to Matteo as they all head to their cars and leave the parking lot.
Simón enters the rink and sees Luna skating with light up, shimmery roller skates. “Hola Luna! Love the skates. They finally glow just like you,” Simón cheered to Luna. She skates towards Simón and gives him a hug. “Oh, Simón I am just so in love with these skates! I won’t lie I still prefer my other ones, the pink and orange ones since I have so many memories with those, but I don’t know these new ones give me hope. Maybe someday the Roller team can get back together. I know we’re all very busy but who knows! It is the summer, and anything can happen,” Luna bubbled to Simón. Simón scratches his head and swallows hard. He feels bad keeping a very important secret from Luna but doesn’t want to break her heart. He knows how much the place means to her and doesn’t want to bring her down. “You never know Luna. Maybe Juliana comes back, or maybe when we have time, we can enter a competition,” Simòn swallows hard. “Oooh that would be incredible Simón. Truly a dream come true, but I guess I have to wait to see everyone’s decision, but I will propose it to them. Hopefully they say yes,” Luna gushed. “You never know.”
Pedro comes walking in with Delfi. “Simón, it’s getting late and me and Delfi are really tired. We just came back to say goodnight and don’t forget to lock up,” Pedro reminded Simón. “Yes of course Pedro. Buenas noches! Goodnight,” Simón replied. Everybody told each other goodnight and left the rink. Simón heads over to Ámbar in the cafeteria while Luna heads to the lockers to grab her stuff.
Simón sits down over to where Ámbar’s table is at and talk about the Jam and Roller. “Mi amor I don’t know whether to feel hopeful or worried that the Jam and Roller is for sale on the market. What if someone buys it to only remodel the place and get rid of the rink? Keeping this secret is just too much for me knowing how much this place means to all of our friends.” Ámbar holds Simón’s hand after admitting what’s been worrying her. “I know exactly how you feel but hopefully someone does buy it to keep it the way it is and don’t shut this place down. We just need to keep having hope and faith alright.” Simón caresses Ámbar’s face and hugs her as she lays her head on his shoulders. Little did they know Nina had entered and overheard their conversation.
Nina secretly sprints to the lockers to get her journal and sees Luna there. “Luna you would not believe what I just heard. So Simón and Ámbar were talking and apparently the Jam and Roller is up for sale and they may shut it down!” A terrified look is plastered on Luna’s face hearing Nina’s big news.
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writingssummit · 3 years
a yamaguchi x reader oneshot.
contains: fluff, fluff, and more fluff. yams + reader are pining idiots and tsuki is over it. confession, a word loving reader.
wordcount: 1,482
a/n: i really hope i did yams some good here! and remember, asks are open! just check my yay’s and nay’s! enjoy ~
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Words are beautiful things. They were your escape, your hope; and on top of those reasons why you loved them, words were the foundation of communication. They were how you expressed yourself, a feeling, a sight, anything. You took pride in knowing and learning new ones, your vocabulary was growing everyday it seemed.
You were sitting at your desk, tapping your fingers as you skimmed through a book. The one that you were reading was decently thick, thick enough to scare away others, but not thick enough that it would take forever to finish. You were so immersed in it, the plot, the characters. ‘He stood on the top, and plunged-’
“L/N-chan, h-hey!” A chair and a person slid over in front of you, snapping you out of your trance. You were about to complain before you saw that it was your best friend. With butterflies in your stomach, you smiled back at him, taking quick note of the page number as you closed it. 
“Yama-kun. What’s up?” You would always make time to talk with him. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
“Ah, not much, really. Tsuki and I were just getting ready to head out.” You must’ve looked confused at that moment, because he rushed to elaborate. “F-For lunch! He’s waiting outside the door for us, if you maybe want to come.” How could you say no to that? You couldn’t, you were weak for the freckled boy. With a squeezing heart, you nodded.
“Yeah, of course. C’mon then, we shouldn’t keep glasses waiting.” You both chuckled at the small jab at their tall blonde friend. Yamaguchi wouldn’t poke fun at Tsukishima, but you for sure would. With your stuff all gathered and ready to go, you slung your bag over one shoulder with your book against your chest, and walked out of the classroom with him. Tsukishima was indeed waiting outside, and he looked down at you both with a slightly annoyed expression. 
“That took a little too long. I was about to leave you here.” You rolled your eyes with a grin. The three of you were walking down the hallway now.
“Tsuki, chill. I was just reading. Besides, you shouldn’t leave your friends behind!” He smirked.
“Reading again? How nerdy of you.” He hummed. 
“It’s hardly nerdy- you’re the one with the best grades out of us three anyways, so who’s really the nerd?” You stuck out your tongue at him, but you knew he wouldn’t give any reaction back. Yamaguchi fiddled with his bag strap. 
“What book is it, by the way? You seemed really into it.” 
“Ahh, I thought you’d never ask!” You showed him the cover, and he looked it over. 
“You sure your small brain can handle a big book like that?” You smacked Tsuki with the book for that one. And Yamaguchi, your beloved friend, had come to your defense. “Tsuki, she can read really quickly, remember when-” 
“Shut up.” 
“Gomen, Tsuki.” 
Darn. So much for defending. But he had at least tried, and that was enough. You smiled softly at the ground. “It’s really good, you know. The use of words in here is amazing, I had to look up a few of them here and there.” You continued to ramble about the words you hadn’t known, what you’ve read so far (you didn’t have to worry about spoilers. Tsukishima wouldn’t bother to read it, and Yamaguchi liked to hear about the plots anyways), while Yamaguchi listened eagerly, and Tsukishima looked bored out of his mind.
You really liked words.
“L/N-chan, do you have a favorite?” You paused for a moment to think it over. 
“I like the word wonderwall.” You had finally been able to settle on it after debating in your head. “Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time. That someone being who you really do like. Like um..infatuation.” He nodded, clueless to what you were trying so desperately to imply.
“I think it’s nice. Do you, Tsuki?” 
“I don’t really care.”
A typical response. You sighed.
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Yamaguchi would be lying if he said he didn’t think of you all the time. You consumed his thoughts. You’d known each other for awhile, so he was very familiar with you.He’d be lying if he said he didn;t have a crush on you. The feeling was always there, in the back of his head when you talked.
 He loved to listen to you when you got super passionate about something, the way your eyes would light up were precious. He wished you would look at him with that same look; he knew it wouldn’t be possible, since you both were just friends, right? He didn’t have any chance, and the thought of ruining your friendship loomed over him like a heavy cloud. It made him anxious, it made him worry-
“Yamaguchi.” Tsukishima’s voice snapped him out of his spiral right away. He jumped a little.
“Um, yes, Tsuki?” He twirled a string around his finger. 
“When are you going to just come out with it? It’s annoying watching you both tip toe around each other.”
He gulped. “I-I don’t know what you mean, Tsuki-” 
“You know full well what I mean.”
Yamaguchi lowered his head, looking down. Something switched. “It’s not like..” He muttered. “I have a chance, y’know?” He was just saying the truth; he honestly thought there was zero possibility for it to work out. He was awkward, and a mess, he worried too much, and there you were- smart, beautiful, amazing. The complete opposite of himself..
“Fine. Whatever. Just don’t get all sulky if you’re too late.” Tsukishima sighed. So, he’d have to succumb to more of the awkward stumbling of two pining idiots for the rest of his life. Wonderful.
But Yamaguchi was at least thinking about it now.
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You stopped at your locker the next morning, since you had to grab one of your textbooks. You tilted your head when you saw a slip of paper sticking out of it. “Hm? I wonder what this is.” You opened the paper, only to find writing on the inside. 
‘My word for you today is serendipity. That’s what you were like for me.’ 
The paper wasn’t signed. You glanced around you from all angles, trying to see if you could find out who had stuck it there. But you brought your eyes back to the note. It was charming, and dorky- who could have written it?
Later, when you were with your friends again, you brought it up.
“I found this in my locker today..pretty strange, huh? I don’t even know who wrote it!” You didn’t notice how one of the boys beside you tensed.
“O-Oh, really? That’s strange.” Yamaguchi agreed.
“Stange.” Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at the freckled boy. 
“Yeah, I don’t really recognize the writing..but then again, I’m not good at that.” 
“I-I hope you can find out who it is!” You melted at Yamaguchi, hiding a small blush behind your hand.
“I hope so too.”
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It had been going on for 6 days now. Everyday was a new word written on a paper, and stuck in your locker. It was like a small game for you now. Figure out the person! You’d read them with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima during lunch hour, trying to figure it out.
The words were amazing to you, though. They were beautiful. 
‘Today’s word is Lucent. Like your smile.’
‘Logophile. Which is what you are, I looked it up.’
‘Every day with you is like Nirvana.’
‘ Eesome.’
They were compliments, little notes that were just for you. You’d never recieved anything like them. You kept asking Yamaguchi his opinion about it all, but he’d always say that he had to go somewhere. Tsukishima, when asked, told you to leave him alone. Which meant that the mystery was up to you to figure out.
But it seems like you wouldn’t have to. Because you had just walked into Yamaguchi himself, slipping a paper into your locker. You blinked, staring at him. When he noticed you, his eyes widened, and his cheeks flushed.
“U-um, L/N-” He laughed awkwardly.
“It was you?” You murmured, looking up at him. Your own face felt warm. 
Is this..a confession? From Yamaguchi? Your best friend who you’ve been in love with since you could remember? 
He nodded quickly. You didn’t know, but he was scared of how you might react. “Th-the last one was this one..wonderwall. The one you s-said during lunch a while ago.” He remembered?
You reached out to grab his hand, waiting for an okay. He reluctantly let you take it, and you gave it a squeeze. “I liked the words.” You whispered. His eyes lit up a little.
“I..I like you.”
Needless to say, Tsukishima was relieved to find out that you both finally told each other. It was about damn time.
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bokutos-babyowl · 3 years
Ayeee so This is part 3 of little shorts of how haikyuu character would respond to the picture, sorry for how late this is I was drowning in school work ✨all characters are aged up✨
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* It was like any other Monday morning or so you thought, when you wake up you saw it was already 9 and Suga should have been at the school teaching by now but he’s sleeping holding you like your gonna break with how close he had you to him
* Little did you know when suga woke up for school he saw the spot you made last night and knew you where gonna be in pain all day so he called in sick to school so he could take care of you
* Unable to get outta his grasp you fall back asleep when you wake back up you see suga outing down good next to you, still not knowing what’s going on both eat and the tells you to go to the bath it was. It till then you realized
* Suga came in the the bath room not long after to get your clothes after he changed the sheets and put out the snacks and stuff he got from the store when you where asleep when he was finished he saw you being embarrassed in the bath
* “Hey sugar what’s up look at me” you look in to Suga’s soft eyes and you start to cry he holds you head in his hands and strokes your cheek “hey hey it’s only nothing is wrong okay I love you and o wild do anything for you they are not gonna miss me for one day sugar you come first okay” you shake your head yes and he does not look convenced and helped you out if the bath and gives you a towel and some pjs “I’ll see you in the room okay” he kisses you and goes to the room leaving you to to get dressed and ready
* When you come out you see that the the sheets where changed and you saw that he had snacks and meds pulled out and a heating pad for you and surprise suga and you hug him and start to cry again
* “Ahh sugar i told you it’s okay I know you usually do this on your own but you don’t have to okay, I’m your husband now you have to let me help with things okay now let’s go lay down, I canceled your plans with Daichi for today” “I- I love you Suga you make me so happy thank you so much” you kiss him “can we go back to bed Suga I am tired again”
* He picks you up and goes to the bed with you and turns on so music and you fall asleep in his arms
* It was odd last night you waited for him to get home from work and immediately wanted to cuddle he did not want to question it but he just wanted to sleep
* He carries you back to bed and he got changed and joined you in the moring he saw you looking pained and holding in to him like he was honing to leave you and that is when he stared to wonder why where you like this.
* Tsukki knew most things I mean he is salty but he picks up on small things
* I hen he got up outta bed he noticed you looked like you where pain and that is why it clicked he knew that it will now be a long day he was gonna hang out with yams on his day off to day while you where at work but he knew that will nit be happing
* On his way to the kitchen to make breakfast he called your work and told them that you will not be going in be you are sick today after started to cook and called yams saying that he has to cancel today
* On his way back to the room with food and medicine he noticed you curled in a ball embarrassed
* “Tsk pipsqueak eat and take the meds okay I’ll go run you a bath and take care of the bedding and your clothes”
* He leaves to find the bath, when you where done he showed back up and carries you to the bath
* After he was done cleaning you where done with the bath still embarrassed you stay to the side of the bed away from him
* “Tsk pipsqueak come here” you go over to him and let of him with him stroking your hair as you slowly fall asleep you here his voice” pipsqueak I still love you damn it your stuck with me like how I am stuck to you okay” and he kisses you on the forehead as he also falls asleep
* You and Suna over sleep no surprise there last night y’all where with the twins Suna got some good black mail of there fighting while you where just chillin eating Ice cream
* When you wake up your in pain and you know what it’s from your cross your fingers and hope that it did not go through but it did (damn it)
* You go and take a quick shower in hopes that Suna will not wake up Wel that is what you thought till you heard the door open and your shower suddenly Turing in to shower with a naked Suna behind you
* He holds you while your in the shower stoping you from washing your hair you turn to look at him and he is starting to fall asleep on you in the shower you go to wake him up so he won’t fall
* “Mmm let me sleep it’s so warm” he mumbles “I have to change the sheets rin you can-“ “shhhhhhh I already changed them and put them in the wash now let’s go get back in pjs and go to bed okay I hate sleeping with out you, you know that”
* When you go to get outta the shower he kisses you “ the faster you hurry the more you will get” as he walks out of the bathroom
* When you get the the bed he is already waiting with meds and heating pad ready for his nap with you
* You curl up to his chest and you hear him chuckle “ aaahh your so cute y/n” as he kisses you again you pull away before it can get to heated.
* “Hey rin you know I love you, well thank you for always talking naps with me and taking care of me”
* He kisses you on the head “no problem my little fox I love you and will no matter what”
* last night you stayed up way to long with noya and Tanaka, you and Tanaka were having a perfect night of movies before noya called saying he was lost at the airport
* After picking him up noya decided to take Tanaka to a bar and you evened up driving everyone home
* When you wake up Tanaka is no where to be soon all you here is him in the phone with kiyoko, you can’t here the convo other than him saying he will run to the store
* Little did you know he was calling kiyoko for help he saw a spot this morning and thought you where gonna die so he called the only girl he knew kiyoko he left you asleep and ran to the stare to get the things kiyoko said that you would need
* When you wake back up again you see Tanaka holding medicine and take out he feeds out and on his way back he starts you a bubble bath
* You don’t know what is happing until you get outta the bed and then you knew why Tanaka was on the phone kiyoko he did not know what to do bc you always just take care of it and tell him not to worry
* Tanaka comes and checks on you in the bath making sure you did not need anything
* When you get outta the bath you see Tanaka looking through the TV trying to find something to watch when you walk into the room he immediately runs toward you and picks you up and take you to the bed where he had snacks and a heating pad for you
* He sat you on the bed as you curled up into him, as he rubbed your back you felt sorry that he was taking care of you and not out with noya again he saw your sadness and pulled you up to see look at home
* “Hey y/n I love you okay don’t be sad noya will be here for a while he is not going anywhere
* It was evening and you know Tendou would be home soon this time you are there before him bc you called in to work. You sent tendou a text at lunch saying you where sick but he knew you lied. It was like clockwork every month once a week your in pain and felt like your dieing.. your period.
* It’s a relief that your not pregnant with the way things have been going since you got married to the red head. You hear a knock at the bed room door breaking you outta your thoughts and tendou was right he brought chocolates from Work that he made that day and some meds. You where on the bed with a heating pad wanting the chocolates he brought
* .” Paradise let my change and make room for me okay you want any food or just the chocolates” you look at him with puppy dog eyes and he knew that you just want him and the chocolates he gives them to you and walks to the bathroom to change.
* After changing tendou walks out to see you culled up in a ball watching anime and the chocolates some how already gone. “Move over paradise and come lay in my arms I’ll make you feel better.” You move I. To his arms not taking your eyes off the tv bakugo was fighting deku and you where crying “shhhh it’s okay it’s just a show baby” you Bury your head in the his chest and feel the vibrations of him humming as he turned off the tv. He sees tour done crying and tilts your head to look at him” hey paradise I was reading today and some one said that sex can help your period crams you wanna try that” you shake your head no and curl in to his arms and fall asleep
* The next morning when you wake up you don’t see tendou are you hear is him cooking in the kitchen when you go to get up he is already there walking in the room with breakfast and some medicine
* “ hey paradise not to late to change tour mind I am just saying the sheets are already dirty”
* You look at him confused as you eat till you look tendou sees you expression change and chuckles “it’s okay I am already running you a bath go and hop in I’ll change the sheets”
* You nod and walk to the bath and get in he comes and gets your pjs from the ground and throws them in to the wash
* When you get back to bed you see tendou and his chocolates you get happy and run to the bed almost killing him in a hug
* You guys gossip and eat and when you start to get tired he pulls of the blanket and kisses you on the forehead
* “ I love you my paradise I’ll always be here for you good nigh
* last night it was a night out with Kenma well it really was just playing video games all night and streaming with him. Well it was fun. To kuroo you on the other hand was reading all night till you fell asleep on kuroo
* When you woke up your in your own bed but you don’t see kuroo you turn and go back to bed when you wake up you see kuroo siting next to you with medicine
* I mate be a boy but I have read enough science books to help you take this and go get in the bath to help you feel better okay
* When you get up to go the the bath you realized why he was talking about Scientology books you where on your period and bled though on the sheets you where surprise how calm kuroo was and how much he seemed to know about the situation.
* In reality he was panicking the text books never said that females bled that much he did what any sayin person would do he called his mom
* She told him what to do and how to take care of you and he did what she said to a t
* When you got out he had snacks, a heating pad and chocolates. When you walk to the bed he immediately hugs you and starts to kiss you making you feel so loved “mmm I love you kuroo” “I love you too kitten” he replays you guys watch some tv and he orders take out after eating and cuddles you fall asleep
* While you are a sleep he tells you how worried he was “hey kitten you don’t know how scared I was today when I saw it I panicked and called my mom how funny is that she told me what to do, I live you kitten and will always try to make you happy, goodnight.”
Tag @aoi-turtle
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch.8
a/n : oof, i’ve been a bad writer! i didn’t update my story for a month, sorry y’all. please stay safe during quarantine and if you go to a protest, wear long sleeves, close toed shoes, nothing with brand logos, gloves and have a MASK!! covid is still here and spreading so be safe :)
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The jet was beautiful, and you expected nothing less for the rockstar in front of you. 
Everyone had thankfully gotten through the security lines without a flash fan mob (bless sunglasses and big hoodies). Because you were taking a private jet, the group of y’all had to walk out onto the actual terminal and hop on an airport golf cart. Which sucked because it was still slightly dark out at 7am and 18 F/-10 C outside! 
As another cart loaded up your suitcases to put them into the plane, your cart started to drive off towards the plane. 
“Oh, Y/N?” Jeff turned to you has he was the one you sat next to in the flurry of events getting to the jet. 
“Hm?” You looked up from your phone, having been scanning through some of the comments on your latest posts. 
“I got a call from the intern and your extra luggage should be meeting up with us in Sweden.” You let the tension in your shoulders fall away from the good news. 
“Thank you so much, it’ll be great to have a fresh set of clothing to choose from.” He gave you a smile and the cart slowed right in front of the high class air mobile you’d soon be in.
Everyone loaded up and before you realized the wheels had left the ground and you were on your way to Stockholm. Squishing into the comfy window seat you’d claimed, happy to be warm again, you pulled your laptop out of your backpack hoping to get through some pictures from the previous show and check up on your emails.
Harry and the band had dispersed throughout the plane, Sarah and Mitch sitting next to each other with the arm rest up so they could snuggle, Clare in the window chair facing opposite them with her book resting on the shared table between them. H was chatting with Jeff and Hélène in the seats in front of yours.
1 New Email : Professor Clemet
Hello Y/N,
In regard to your recent email, I’ve spoken to the administrative board and because of your ‘certain situation’ we’ve decided to grant you impromptu abroad study. Please make sure to keep up with the assignments I post to the college online platform, as there are only a few left I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding a good source for photos.
Best of Luck,
You did a little fist pump in the air as you finished reading the email. You thanked the stars your teacher was okay with you basically missing the rest of the school year. 
A body plopped down into the chair next to you. “Whatcha so happy ‘bout?” Harry asked. 
“My Professor sorta just told me she knows I’m with The Harry Styles and that she doesn’t live under a rock so its fine that I do school online while we tour.” 
He laughed, hitting his head back on the soft headrest.
 “Well, that’s great news love.”
The rest of the flight was uneventful, basically just a bunch of tired musicians taking the couple hours they had to relax before the hustle started again. 
A perk though was that you were all served a breakfast of toast, fruit, and yogurt. It definitely helped having something on your stomach before you had to brave the cold again. 
As you all piled into the SUV Jeff had rented for time there, you turned to Harry who was sitting next to and offhandedly asked, “When do we get to the Air BnB?” 
He looked at you with a confused expression as the car drove out of the airport.
“Huh what ‘re you—“ 
“Great news everyone, I’ve got a surprise!” Jeff said from the passenger’s seat, Hélène driving and paying attention the GPS on the dock.
“I’ve booked an Air BnB for the nights we’re here! It’s a big house that everyone will get to be hang out together in.”
The band cheered and Harry just chuckled, “That’s still so cool Y/N” he said looking up into your eyes again with a grin.
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Jeff kept to his word, the house was big and very pristine.
The ceilings were high and boarded with white wood panels. When you entered the house, the living room was to your left; it had a glass doors instead of windows so you could open them all and walk out onto the wrapped around porch. The were two black couches, a large coffee table, and a fluffy cream rug. 
About 15 feet in front of the door was a staircase to the second floor and them to the left of that the entrance to the kitchen. It had a bar that separated the living room and kitchen but space flowing as you could still see anyone from both rooms. The kitchen had a white marble island, the stove was to the back of the wall, the sink was the left wall under a cute window that had small white shutters. 
To your right at the front door was a large glass dining table that had 8 glossy black chairs. 
On the right side of the staircase was a hall way with a sliding door to cut off the living room from the rest of the house. The nearest door was open to a bathroom and them a few more doors that you concluded were bedrooms.
In conclusion, your jaw may have opened when you entered the home.
“Girls call the upstairs bedrooms!” Sarah yelled out, earning a few groans from the boys and patted up the steps with her suitcase in tow.
You followed her as she turned right at the top, taking the first room to the left. You went to 2nd door and rolled your luggage in. 
It was a lovely room, the theme was a soft pastel purple but not too much that it gave you retirement home vibes. The tall ceiling had purple wood panels, the walls white. The white wooden poster bed was against the right wall, it was laid with a violet duvet and pillows with to small matching nightstand on either side.
The opposing wall had an antique dresser and a tv propped on top. To left was a small closet you guessed and to the right of it there was a sliding door to the en suite (that had a claw foot tub!!!!) and at the back wall were glass balcony doors cover with sheer white curtains. 
The last piece of furniture was a desk on the left side of the balcony doors, set with a lamp and some pens in a mason jar.
You flopped on to the bed after you moved your suitcase to the other side of the bed. You took a couple seconds to yourself before sitting up and taking your boots off and hanging your wool coat in the closet then headed downstairs. 
You heard the guys chatting to each other from their rooms, something about if Chelsea boots were superior to Doc Martins? You shook your head and went into the kitchen, you ran your hand across the sleek island counter. 
Then an idea popped into your head.
What if I cook for everyone tonight?
A smile to hold of you face as a plan started to form in your mind. You pulled your phone out and connected to the wifi at the house (thanks to a little sticky note on the fridge with the router and password) and searched up the stores around and what you could probably scrounge up for 7 hungry people. 
You raced upstairs, wrote the address and your grocery list down on a spare piece of paper with one of the mason jar pens. You changed into jeans and threw on a long sleeve undershirt and then black turtleneck, tucking them into your pants. You slipped your wool coat back on, buttoning it up and tying the belt. You tucked your gloves into the pocket with your phone and wallet. 
As you exited your room and entered the living room, you were met with Sarah, Clare and Harry propped up on the the two couches, watching…
“Is that Twilight?” You asked, a bit of a laugh in your question. 
The brown haired boy turned to you at the sound of your voice, “Yes it is, yo’ve got a problem wit’ it?” 
You shook you head, a smile on your face. “I’m going to the market up the road to pick up fixings for dinner tonight, I thought I could cook for everyone as like a big thank you.” 
Sarah cooed at your happy exclamation, “Thats so sweet Y/N, I’ll think I’ll come with you if that’s okay?” 
You nodded, “The more the merrier!” 
Clare stood up from the couch, “Me too, we’ll make it a girls outing.” 
The girls started chatting and headed up stairs to get ready. You turned to the boy in front of you, now wearing a childish frown. 
“What about me?” He whined, flopping back to starfish the couch. 
“Sorry Styles, your hair needs to pass your shoulders, but since you’ve cut yours your out of the girls squad.” 
He shot up from his seat, giving you a loud hey! as you doubled over laughing. Harry stood up and took his wallet out of his pocket, pulling out a sleek black card and tried to hand it to you. 
“If I can’t come, at least let me pay for the groceries.” 
“Harry no! I can’t let you do that, this is my treat!” 
He thrusted it into your hands, “The treat is you making it, I don’t expect you to pay for 7 peoples worth of food as a college student junebug.” 
You blew a raspberry, knowing he was right. “Fine, thank you.” 
He clasped his hands in front of him and bounced on the balls of his feet like her was a kindergartner showing his mothers the macaroni necklace he made for her, “Not a problem lov’.”
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The girls and you found the market easily.
You loaded up with zucchini, squash, some chicken breasts, lime and basil minute rice, and some yams. You grabbed a good bottle of wine as well. 
Clare brought over some croissant and chocolate cookie dough, depositing both into the shopping cart. 
Sarah grabbed cheese and crackers, as well as a tub of vanilla ice-cream. 
The three of you checked out and bags in hand, headed back to the Air BnB. It was great time shopping with them, you felt like you got a bit closer to them both which was nice since besides Hélène (who had opted out of the shopping trip in order to look at photos) you were the only girls in the main traveling group. 
Once back at the house, you unloaded the food, putting it away before slicing up the cheese Sarah had bought. You spread some crackers out onto the chopping board you had been using. 
“Where is everyone else?” 
You asked taking your coat, turtleneck, and boots off, then siting down on the couch next to Sarah and Clare. 
The drummer grabbed a piece of cheese from the board while flipping through channels, “I think everyone is catching up on sleep, taking naps or working through emails, that sort of thing.” 
You hummed and snuggled back into the cushions, watching whatever Sarah had set the tv to. The 3 of you watched a few episodes on HGTV, then stumbled upon The Golden Girls, which had you laughing till you sides hurt, and finally switched to The Prince and Me, commenting throughout the movie on the characters and situations they found themselves in. 
As the credits rolled and the girls decided to turn the tv off and head upstairs to take showers, you checked the time. It was around 5:30, so you got up to start cooking. 
As you marinated and seasoned the chicken, you looked to the stove to see where the timer was and instead saw something else that piqued your interest. 
“Surround sound speakers? Hmm.” You tapped the panel that was on the left of the stove, which lit up and read ‘connect via bluetooth’. You grabbed your phone and hooked it up. 
You scrolled through Spotify, debating what to play. 
An idea popped into your head and you nodded to yourself, then clicked play on your playlist.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You started singing to yourself, setting the timer once you found it and popping the chicken and yams into the oven. You chopped the freshly washed zucchini and squash, clicking your heels together and bopping your head to the beat. 
Sarah, accompanied by Clare and Hélène, came into the kitchen.
Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey
You put the knife down and picked up the spatula, using it as a microphone and pointing to Clare.
“You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so doooooown!”
You sang, twirling her around as she laughed. 
“Hey Y/N, can I pop this wine?” Hélène asked. 
“Go for it.” 
Sarah found some glasses as the resident photographer got the cork popper.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Grabbing a pan and cover, you turned a stove burner on and put the zucchini and squash with a glob of butter plus salt and pepper in to cook. 
The girls sat at the bar, so you came over of the kitchen section to parade around the foyer/living room area.
Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you
Before belting, you checked to see if the hallway door was slid closed, thankfully it was so you turned back to your audience and gave the performance of a lifetime.
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down
Hey! Hey, hey, hey hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
During the song, you paused your jamming to see from your peripheral vision the sliding door open. 
A just woken Harry came out in jeans and a t-shirt. 
“Ohmylord, the food smells delicious. What’re you up to?” 
He asked, watching you dance around him. 
You smiled, “We’re singing!”
“Couldn’t you at least be singing one of my songs?” He huffed.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
You checked on the food, putting your make shift microphone down. 
“Y/N can you turn the volume up for next song?” 
Sarah asked while Harry snatched a sip of her wine. 
“Sure” you said and moved the dial up, making the end of the song louder.
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
“I can’t believe you listen to this Y/N, I’d never pegged you as a boy band type of girl.” H laughed. 
You walked back over to the group as the ending notes of the song died out.
“Hopefully something better comes on.” He quipped.
You're insecure
Don't know what for
Everyone froze. 
Harry’s back was to you as he had started for the couch, you were scared he might not be to happy to hear one of his pervious band hits. 
You could see the girls at the bar waiting with baited breath.
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make-up to cover up
Being the way that you are is enough
You saw him take a big breath and you immediately started into an apology.
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
“Harry, I’m so sorry I’ll go turn it off—“
“Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oooooooh ooooh
You don't know you're beautiful!”
You gawked as Harry bursted into song, all the girls’ shoulder’s sagging in relief. He came dancing over to you, twisting his hips to the song.
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
You both sang to your hearts content, holding hands and twirling each other underneath your arms.
So co-come on, you got it wrong
To prove I'm right, I put it in a song
I don't know why, you're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
“Na na na na na na na na na na… Na na na na na na…” He sang into your face with a scrunched nose, making it sound high pitched and squeaky. 
You sang the same thing back to him, the same sort of strange sound coming out of your mouth.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
(You don't know, oh oh)
You don't know you're beautiful
Harry turned and bounded over the coffee table, hoping up onto it and belting the chorus.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Grabbing your phone, you snapped a picture of the crazy rockstar on the table top to post later.
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Harry made eye contact and pointed to you dramatically, serenading you with this specific part of the song.
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
The song ended and applause erupted in the room, but you both held eye contact, breathing heavily from all the movement. 
It was, strange, it’s like you seeing him in a new light all of a sudden. 
A hand on your shoulder pulled you out of the trance, “That was fantastic! Oh gosh Harry you scared us for a second—“ 
Sarah went onto chat about the band and you shook your head slightly as you walked back to keep cooking.
Whatever that was, it’s over now so don’t dwell on it.
A half hour later, the food was served and the whole group was seated to dig in. You received a few mmm!s and Oh how I’ve missed home cooked meals, suffice to say: they liked it.
After plates were half empty, people started to chat a bit more, taking their time to finish. 
“So Y/N, We about your crazy powers, can you tell us a bit more about you?” 
Clare asked. You eagerly nodded and patted your mouth with the napkin before starting.
“Well, I’m in my senior year at NYU, studying Photography & Media Arts with a minor in Creative Writing.” 
“That’s so cool! NYU?” Sarah commented. 
You nodded and took a sip of water, “Ya, moved to Larchmont as a kid and got residency in New York and then worked my butt off to send a good portfolio in. But some miracle that accepted it and I got a scholarship on top of it which, not gonna lie, I bursted into tears on the subway when I read the email.” 
Jeff scoffed, “I bet the superstar across the table couldn’t get into community college now if he tried.” 
The table laughed at Jeff’s nudge to Harry and the offended expression he wore. 
“Hey, I think I’d do pretty well! Even NYU!” 
“Oh my Harry darling,” 
You leaned on the table to get a bit closer, 
“No Gucci loafers aloud.” 
The group bursted into laughter as they watched Harry’s antics of waving his arms around in an X shape and mouthing NO. 
You continued, 
“I’m afraid you’d either get eaten alive by the business majors or absorbed into the philosophy department and never talk to anyone else again.”
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The boys offered to clean up after which you were grateful for. 
You took a shower and changed into new pjs!!! As your suitcases had been delivered to the house from the flight they came over on. 
You came down the stairs in your dark navy long sleeve and legged satin ensemble (don’t forget the fuzzy socks!) to see what everyone was up to. 
The dishes were done and care was busy making the cookies she had bought.
 You flopped down next to H, it was like second nature for the both of you; while he watched Clueless he opened an arm up for you and you snuggled down into his side, propping you phone up on his stomach to post the picture you’d taken. 
“What do you think?” You held the phone up to his face.
“I look good, post it.”  You nudged him with you shoulder and smiled. 
You did have to admit, he did look good.
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The concert was amazing, of course. 
You were sad to be leaving the Air BnB, but alas you had to go. 
Jeff and Mitch loaded the last of the luggage into the SUV and you all climbed in at the early time of 5:30 to get to the tour bus that was still parked at the arena.
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“Bye Stockholm.” 
You whispered as you looked out the window of your bunk bed in the tour bus, inner curtain closed and ready to sleep again. 
You took one more glance, and then closed the window curtain.
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pocminiseries · 5 years
Body Smile
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"Who's all coming again?" Aliyah questioned out loud, turning to face her mother as they set the table for their weekly Thursday night family dinner.
"The usual. I think your brother is bringing Traci for once and I know your Uncle Raymond is finally going to reveal his new wife to everyone." Her mother, Connie, replied, chuckling at Aliyah's bulging eyes.
"Mama...I know you did not invite him just to see Aunt Lynn start some mess? You know she can not stand Uncle Raymond," Aliyah stared at her mom in disbelief as an evil spread across her beautiful face.
"I consider this payback for all those times she continually put down my marriage while placing her cheating ass husband on some pedal stool. You know she always thought she was better than me because of the luxurious lifestyle she lived, now look at her."
Aliyah shook her but smartly decided not to say anything else involving "grown folks business". "So does that mean she's bringing Trina with her too?"
Her mother shrugged. "Probably," She replied, placing the last plate on the table. "Are two still having problems?"
"If you mean by problems, her jealousy towards me for no apparent reason, then yes, we do." Aliyah wasn't sure when her cousin developed such a distaste for her, especially since they use to be so close when they were kids. It seemed to happen out of nowhere when Trina's attitude started to change towards her.
Aliyah just found it all to be weird because Trina had everything a girl could ask for, the money, the cars, the clothes, vacationed to the best spots, the big group of friends, etc. The girl was literally out here living her best life. And yet, even with having all that, she became rude and judgemental of everything Aliyah did. She couldn't even remember the last time she heard her cousin say one nice thing about her.
It was ridiculous.
"Maybe you two should sit down and talk, try to fix whatever issue is there," Her mother offered, earning a look from Aliyah. "Don't make that face at me,"
"I hear you mama but I'm good. She can continue to sink in her misery alone." Besides they were grown now. Fuck that bitch.
Connie smiled softly at her daughter, reaching out to stroke her face. "You know I'm proud of you, don't you? You've grown so much baby," She cooed, earning a playful eye roll from Aliyah.
"Mama..." She whined as her mother squeezed her cheeks. "I appreciate the love, really, but c'mon." Her protest only went in one ear and out the other when her mother continued to pull her in for a bone-crushing hug that she couldn't break free from.
"Baby? Have you seen my brown loafers, I can't seem to find them anywhere," Her father's voice boomed from the other room until he made his presence known. "Let her go so she can breathe, you're killing her." He smiled, shaking his head at his wife and her worrisome ways.
Her mother pouted but stepped back to give her some space. "You always know how to ruin the moment, Roy, and your shoes are in the laundry room,"
"You sure? Why would they be in there?" He questioned, seeming confused as to why he would leave his shoes in the laundry room of all places.
"Because you had to handle a situation in there that required you to take them off," She reminded him with a tight smile, hoping he would get the hint.
Her father rubbed his chin, thinking back to what problem his wife was talking about. "I don't rec-...oh, that," A grin broke out onto his face once he realized what he meant, the wink he sent towards his wife causing Aliyah to scrunch up her face in disgust.
"I'm going to go check on the food," She mumbled, hurriedly walking back into the kitchen to get away from her parents and all of their nastiness. Just the thought of them being like that made her grimace.
Picking up a fork, she barely was able to taste the yams when her mother had caught her. "Aliyah, what have you told you doing that? You can wait for a few more minutes."
Quickly stabbing into one, she placed it into her mouth and put the top back onto the pot. "Nobody’s counting candy yams mama, they'll be fine." She stated once she swallowed the sweet vegetable.
Her mother waved a dismissive hand and grabbed some needed utensils. "Did you invite Kaiden to join us?" She questioned, wondering when or if she was going to see the young man again. She was still in shock when she saw him show up for Aliyah's graduation party. She always knew he would grow up to be a fine young man and she was not disappointed.
Seeing the way Aliyah looked at him in the same manner she did when they were teens was so adorable to her. She was still so entranced by him after all this time.
"I did but I don't know if he'll be able to make it," Aliyah shrugged. She wasn't entirely sure if she wanted him to come anyway, especially tonight and around Trina conniving ass.
"You two have seemed to have gotten back to being close," Her mother observed, attempting to probe and be the nosey mom that she was.
"I guess. We went out on a little date two nights ago and finally talked."
"And how did that go?"
Aliyah smiled to herself, still feeling all giddy inside. "It was nice finally being able to clear up a few things and do some catching up on our lives. I enjoyed it." Though Kaiden answered some of her questions, she never gained enough courage to ask him how he got involved in the world of doing cam shows. Plus she still felt like there was more behind him leaving back then.
Her gut never lied.
"So did you admit that you're still in love with him?" Her mother asked knowingly, showcasing her magical ability to read her daughter like a book.
"I don't know about being "in love" but I do still love him," Aliyah admitted, just as the doorbell rang.
Her mother squinted her eyes at her accusingly for a few seconds before putting on a smile. "If you say so. Start putting the food on the table for me, ok?"
Aliyah nodded and watched as her mother went to answer the door while she started to place the different dishes her mother made on the dining room table. She could hear more voices in the living room while she retrieved the rolls from the oven and carefully placed them in a basket. Just as she was about to pick it up, she was pulled back against a hard chest.
"Beauty," Kaiden whispered, those soft lips brushing past her earlobe. With his arm secured around her waist, he pecked her lips once she turned back to look at him. "You didn't think I would come did you?" He teased, letting her go so she could completely face him.
"I had my doubts," She smirked, letting her eyes take in his appearance. Why did he have to so damn good all the time? She wondered to herself as someone stepped into the kitchen.
"Hey cuzzo," Said a voice that made Aliyah become instantly irritated. Lowering her head, she looked over to see Trina standing near the kitchen entryway in all of her negative glory. "Kaiden," She smiled sweetly, focusing her attention on him. Aliyah could feel a twinge of anger begin to rise inside of her at the way Trina's eyes danced over Kaiden like she was ready to pounce at any second.
"How are you, Trina?" Kaiden acknowledged, leaning back against the counter behind him. He glanced at Aliyah and smirked at the dark look on her pretty face, finding it to be both cute and hilarious.
"Better now. I didn't know that you were coming." She said taking a few steps forward. "Why haven't I heard from you?"
"I've...been busy, I'm sorry." He apologized, raising an eyebrow at her biting her lip.
"Oh, no it's fine I understand but- you should text me later, so we can chill at least," She suggested, giving him those infamous bedroom eyes. Trina always knew how to use what she had to get what she wanted, and this was no different. Kaiden was not someone she was going to pass up on. And judging by the way his eyes danced over her, he was fair game.
"Of course," Kaiden agreed which made Aliyah roll her eyes hard as hell. "Where are you going?" He asked suddenly, reaching out to grab her arm, pulling her to a stop.
Aliyah looked at his hand then his face before moving away from him. "The dining room. Clearly you two have things to discuss." She pointed between him and Trina. Grabbing the warm basket, she made her way towards the table, leaving them alone without saying another word.
Sitting in a random chair, she tried to push back her anger at what she just witnessed. Truthfully she didn't have a right to be mad, she wasn't dating Kaiden, they were just technically friends but damn, her cousin, really?
Crossing her arms, her thoughts begin to fill with images of her whooping the dog shit out of her cousin for pulling some mess like that. She always found a way to get under her skin somehow and Aliyah hated it so much.
"Damn Liyah, what the crescent rolls do to you?" Her brother laughed softly as he helped his girl into her chair before sitting in his own beside her. "You good? It isn't Trina duck head ass again, is it?"
Aliyah softly shook her head, while everyone started to pile into the dining area. "I'll be fine," She reassured him with a small smile.
"I can handle her if you need me to, Liyah, just say the word and I got you." Traci offered seriously, knowing how much of a nuisance Trina could be.
Aliyah giggled at that. "I'll keep that in mind," She nodded, glancing at Kaiden sliding into the chair to her other side. He attempted to smile at her but she quickly dismissed it, choosing to walk the petty path instead. Besides, he could focus his attention on Trina since she took it upon herself to a seat across from him.
Once everyone was situated in their seats, a short prayer was said before everyone dug in and the sound of silverware scraping against plates could be heard.
Between laughing at her brother and dad going back and forth over sports, her mother getting into it with her sister and watching her Aunt Lynn almost throw hands with her ex-husband and his new girl, dinner night wasn't all that bad.
She had for the most part, successfully ignore both Kaiden and Trina the entire time. Tuning them out when they spoke to each other or someone else. Kaiden fell back into step with her family as if he had never left, bringing up old memories from back then. If she wasn't so into her feelings, Aliyah would've thought the whole thing was adorable.
Once everyone was full and the drama settled down, the table was cleared as everyone went their separate ways in different areas of the house. Unfortunately for Aliyah though, who was finishing up her dessert, was left sitting at the table with both Kaiden and Trina. She rolled her eyes so much as they talked and laughed, she was surprised they didn't get stuck in the back of her head.
If it wasn't for her phone occupying her the entire time, she probably would've lost her mind.
Quickly taking the last bite of cake, Aliyah stood up and got ready to leave. "Wait, Aliyah, we need to talk," Kaiden says before she had a chance to fully leave.
Aliyah made a face, shifting her eyes to the side. "No, we don't, I'm good. Continue your interesting conversation with Trina," She insisted and walked away, ignoring him calling her name.
Maybe she was acting childish but she didn't care. It wasn't as if Kaiden had been neglecting her the entire night because he hadn't. Throughout dinner she could feel his hand squeeze and caress her thigh, even jumping when he cupped her heat. She was thankful she chose to wear shorts and not the dress she was originally going to go for.
She couldn't imagine trying to control her facial expressions with Kaiden's fingers playing with her pussy at the dinner table.
Shaking her head of those thoughts, she washed her dishes and moved towards the hallway. With her attention on her phone, sending a quick text back to Hazel, she was suddenly pulled down the hall and into the nearest bathroom.
Flicking on the lights, Kaiden stood in front of her, blocking the door with an upset look on his handsome face. "Are you done being childish?" He asked, the irritation in his voice evident. All throughout dinner she acted as if he didn't exist, barely answering anything he asked her. It bothered him because he absolutely hated being ignored, especially by her and she of all people knew that.
"No," Aliyah sassed. "Now move so I can leave." She attempted to push him aside but he wasn't budging no matter what she did.
Kaiden angrily ran a hand through his hair, turning his heated gaze towards her. "I don't want her Liyah, I already told you this."
Aliyah scoffed at that. "Funny, your actions tonight proved otherwise."
"How? By talking to her? Am I not allowed to have conversations with other women?" He asked in disbelief at how she was acting right now.
"Seemed a lot like flirting to me but go off I guess," She said with the wave of her hand. He must've thought she was blind? Aliyah saw the way he was looking at Trina, she wasn't stupid.
"I was being respectful Liyah, that's it. I have no reason to be ill towards your cousin." He explained, snatching her phone from her hand and putting it in his pocket. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, she fixed her gaze on him. "Whatever you say Kaiden. It's over now, so can you please move aside so I can leave?" This was the last place she wanted to be. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him, especially about her damn cousin.
"No, I can't, not until we fix this. And stop calling me Kaiden. I hate when you do that."
"Well, that's your name so..."
Done with her actions towards him, Kaiden's hands swiftly wrapped around her neck and pulled her closer to him. "Stop playing games with me," He warned, careful to not to cut off her oxygen supply...well most of it.
Aliyah gripped his arms, thrown completely off by his actions. Not because she was scared but more so turned on by this side of him. "You're jealous, I get it but the only woman I want is you. It has always been you." He breathed, walking her back until she hit a wall.
"Don't ever ignore me again...you hear me?" He muttered, squeezing her neck slightly as her nails dug into the skin of his arms.
"Ok," Aliyah whispered low enough for him to hear, feeling light-headed.
Suddenly Kadien let go, letting her breathe correctly. His eyes searched her face, lingering on her partly opened mouth. "I can't wait anymore," He tells her, pulling at her bottom lip with his thumb.
"For what?" She swallowed, taking notice of predatory look in his eyes.
Kaiden began to smirk, his hands finding their way to her waist. "This..." He trailed off placing a soft kiss to her lips, the taste of the chocolate cake she had eaten still on her tongue. She moaned as his hands moved lower to cup her ass, pulling her closer to him. He had wanted to wait a little while longer, slowly lead her into it but she pushed him to do this.
"Ace...what are you doing?" Aliyah panted, feeling his hands undo her shorts.
"Shut up," He grunted, pulling them and her panties down her legs, letting them pool at her feet. He was happy she had left her shoes back underneath the dining room table. Less work he had to do. Running a finger down her folds, he smiled seeing how wet she already was.
"Sit on the counter for me," He instructed, taking a step back to allow her room to move. Doing as he said, Aliyah lifter herself onto the cool bathroom countertop and followed Kaiden's every move. "Open your legs baby," He urged, running his hands up her thighs as he placed kisses along her neck.
He stepped between her legs and started to unbuckle his own jeans and pushed them down until his dick was free. Aliyah looked at him nervously. She was expecting him to eat her out again, not this, especially now in the bathroom at her parent's crib.
"I need you to be as quiet as possible, can you do that for me?" His voice had become deeper, more lust filled as he spoke. Aliyah bit her lip as she felt him rub the tip against her other set of lips.
"I'll try,"
"Good girl," Kaiden praised, lifting his shirt enough to watch himself slowly disappear into her. As he expected, it was a tight fit. Looking up, he took in her facial expression, making sure he wasn't hurting her until he was fully inside. Kaiden let out a shaky breath, his eyes closing as he leaned his forehead against hers.
"You're so damn tight, Liyah," He whimpered a bit, waiting until she was adjusted to him. With his hands on her hips, he could feel her fingers digging into his shoulders. He glanced at her, seeing her eyes closed tightly and her teeth biting her bottom lip.
After another minute, he finally pulled all the way out and thrust forward, earning a low cry from Aliyah in the process. He lightly pumped into her to get them both used to the feeling, to adjust to the insane pleasure that was being created between them. Kaiden watched her head fall back as he picked up speed, sending Aliyah into a frenzy at his consistency.
She sobbed louder than expected and quickly slapped her hand over mouth to keep quiet. The sound of her wet channel could be heard every time he entered her, yet her walls squeezed around him, pulling him deeper with each stroke.
Opening her legs wider, she allowed Kaiden to go harder, the sound of skin slapping skin becoming louder. "Shit..." She cursed when he paused to roll his hips and grind into her, the pressure to her gut taking her higher.
Needing to feel more, Kaiden reached under her thighs, pulling them over his forearms and placed his palms flat on the counter, fucking her harder. "Fuck!" He whined sexually into her chest, trying his best to keep himself from getting louder. Her pussy was so fucking wet and warm, it was slowly beginning to drive him insane. The way she clenched around his dick was going to turn him into an addict, he felt it.
Aliyah fell back against the mirror, pulling Kiaden along with her. His thrusts quickened causing her to cry out, no longer caring if anyone heard her. She couldn't hold it in when he was beating down her walls like this, it was impossible.
The way he worked his hips, moving to hit certain areas inside of her had her legs shaking. "Liyah? Are you in here? Mama is asking for you." Her brother's voice called out from the other side of the locked door.
Aliyah looked towards the door with wide eyes, immediately remembering where she was. But her brother being here didn't falter Kaiden's deadly assault to her cunt as he began to furiously pound into her, knowing fully well that her brother could probably hear what they were doing. Kaiden could feel her pussy start to swell around him, signaling how close she was.
"Are you about cum for me baby?" He taunted, loud enough for her to hear. "I feel it,"
"I'll be right there!" She rushed out, knowing her shaky voice sounded suspicious but she couldn't help it, Kaiden was killing her right now.
"Shit, Liyah...I'm about to cum," He chanted lowly, his thrust getting sloppy. "I'm cumming..." Knowing she close as well, Kaiden smashed his lips against hers to keep as silent as possible. His movements paused as he pushed himself deep inside of her one last time, feeling her release as soon he did, his seed coating her walls.
"Aight," Her brother says turning to walk away, only to pause at the last second. "And Kaiden, we need to talk when you come out, ok? You foul for doing this at my mama house man."
Kaiden laughed through his heavy breathing, laying his head on Aliyah's chest. "Sorry," He panted out, pulling himself free from her womanhood. He knew that after this he would want her daily. It was going to be harder to keep his hands to himself when she was around.
"And hurry up." Her brother fussed moving away from the door.
Wiping her forehead, Aliyah shook her head in disbelief. "I swear you get me in trouble every time Ace," She mumbled, wincing from her legs and pussy both being sore. But even being in slight pain, she still wanted him again.
"I know and I'm sorry but I can't help it, I need you." He told her seriously, kissing once more. The huskiness to his voice only making him more appealing. Aliyah bit her lip looking him over, taking in his semi-hard dick. Following her gaze, he smirked, lifting his head to lock eyes with her.
"Spend the night with me, Beauty? Please."
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 116 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1,671 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
  RATE THE CHAPTER 1,533 responses
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The chapter overall had positive reviews, with only 19 respondents leaning toward disliking the chapter. Will Isayama be able to keep up this momentum with the rising action?
Amazing as always. Definitely I always get surprised by Isayama each chapter, you never know what can happened in the next chapter, and i love that. Thank you Isayama
It was amazing. Can't wait to see how things will play out
Felt short, little content. I'm happy Porco can be seen when Pieck says "hey there", nice touch
I don't understand how some people thought this chapter was boring. I found it to be the most entertaining one in ages! Hyyyype. Also yay Colt!
I'm glad it looks like we'll get a bit of a break from the political conspiracies and constant double crossing. This is not the kind of stuff I started reading this manga for.
Pretty good chapter with a lot of characters stepping up imo. It's getting pretty tense and I was hoping for more information regarding Ymir or more of Zeke but reasonably this chapter was necessary.
1,634 responses
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This chapter had no shortage of excitement, and we nearly had a three-way tie for the favorite moment of the chapter. For 14.7%, Eren coldly calling Pieck’s bluff was chilling enough to be their favorite moment. In contrast, 14.6% most enjoyed Pieck’s betrayal as she turned to name Eren her enemy. Despite Porco’s failure to incapacitate Eren, 14.1% still loved the Jaw Titan’s surprise attack! He tried!
Nice to see Eren playing 4D Chess with Pieck. I loved Pieck's "Please take care of me!" as she went up the stairs! And Yelena standing up for Sasha was a great moment in my book too - a bit extreme like, but that's Yelena's style though! Eren at the end returning to his old self - angry and legless - was my favourite moment though!
my favorite moment was jean, just jean, jean all the time but that wasn't an option :(
Reiner finally showing his beautiful face again is the best, one can only hope that we get Annie soon.
This chapter was amazing and really set the tone for the upcoming battle. That last page with Reiner looking down at Eren was my fav moment.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,627 responses
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This wasn’t much of a competition - with Pieck taking the MVP title for Chapter 116 with more than half (56.2%) of respondents thinking her actions were exactly right (as expected). We had a close race for second place, with Jean (17%) taking a slight lead over our problematic protagonist (15.4%).
I never really got invested much in the new Marley characters, but god damn if I don’t love Pieck more after every chapter. I mean the pointing thing? That was SICK
I liked Nicolo's defending of Sasha and it hurt to see her family forced to listen to that guy degrading her. And because of his feelings for her and for eldians, I chose him as the MVP for now :)
Grior. He showed us how deeply Nicolo felt about Sasha, he created a scene where Jean got to show his worth, and he opened the door to everyone seeing exactly how creepy Yelena is. He made EVERYONE (besides Yelena) look good. :D
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The vast majority are happy to see someone from Gabi’s side of the war finally tell her the reality of their situation. 12% of respondents don’t think it will ultimately matter as Gabi is too stubborn to change her views. A smaller portion feel that Pieck doesn’t actually believe what she’s saying to Gabi at all.
Gabi is easily the character whose future development I look forward to the most.
I feel like Gabi needs to listen but Pieck here really means there's another method on the way; the rest is just her LARPing as a restorationist to gain Eren's trust, just as Armin did with Annie in the past.
Gabi's already gotten so many doses of reality that have done nothing. I honestly don't feel anything about these moments at this point.
Pieck isn't entirely lying here. She believes that eldians should fight for themselves and is using Marley to get what she wants. Good on her for calling out Gabi's blind devotion to Marley! Stupid child.
Pieck is showing her true thoughts but won't act on them, because she won't betray Marley and everyone she knows.
Gabi truly believes that all the Warriors are doing what they do in the name of Marely, Zeke turned his back on Marley to accomplish his ultimate goal and Pieck revealed that she doesn't trust them at all. Gabi may understand that simply being an honorary Marleyian isn't why the Warriors fight for Marley, they simply fight for themselves, even if it does help Marley to an extent.
I'm more interested in what it means for Pieck's viewpoint tbh. She says this, and is clearly smart enough to know this to be true, and yet is still apparently fighting for Marley. I'm very interested to see whether she actually has any ideas on how to win Eldian freedom after the Paradis battle.
Pieck was telling half-truths to Gabi, she knows about the danger of the Eldians being obsolete but Eren is not the answer for the survival of her people in the mainland.
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70% of respondents feel similarly to Jean, believing that Eren wouldn’t do everything he’s done without a good reason for it. 21% feel similarly to Armin, just wishing to understand Eren’s actions and why. A smaller percentage feel similarly to Connie and agree that Eren has simply become irredeemable regardless of his motivations.
I still don't know how to feel about Eren and his plans
I really like how Jean was trying to see Eren in a different light to try to understand him and Connie's ongoing grudge against eren.
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Jean provided some much-needed comfort this chapter, and 38.4% were most pleased that he decided to finally introduce some much-needed objectivity to the Eren discussion. On top of that, another 26.1% were most impressed with his ability to stay calm despite the stressful circumstances.
All of the above. Any of these moments in isolation would have been good, but it's all of them taken together that made Jean amazing this chapter.
Now our favourite Jailbirds: I'm so happy to see them after a few months. Jean continues to be the best, and my most favourite boy, I liked how rationally and objectively he viewed the situation -- and the fact that he was still vouching for Eren, and showing so much care for Mikasa made my heart flutter a lil bit.
Horse-face standing up for that suicidal bastard was the best moment in this chapter!!! Jean growing so much makes him best boi-horse ever!
He should join the yaegerists, then we can talk about best boy
Literally anything the majestic stallion does classified him as best boi. He breathes and he’s best boi.
Jean's actions in this chapter show the signs of a good leader, and I hope he is rewarded for it down the line.
getting the SOLID gift of character development that just KEEPS ON GIVING
Oh so for THIS one you ain't got 'all of the above'? WHERE IS ALL OF THE ABOVE
You utter fools, everything Jean has done since Season 1 has solidified him as best boi
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Is it getting hot in that jail cell or did Mikasa take off her scarf for more personal reasons? Almost half of us believe this is hinting at Mikasa breaking away from Eren in some way, but more than a third think it’s just another of many instances where Mikasa has gone scarfless for practical reasons.
Isayama probs used it to sew another seed of doubt so that we'd ask this exact question.
she's sad :(
It's typical for her to take the scarf off when it's warm, so it shouldn't have any significance, however it's hard to think she would just casually remove/interact with the scarf after that conversation. I feel like Mikasa'd either keep it with her at all times, or get rid of it completely (though if it's the latter, the chapter should've focused on the absence of the scarf more). For now, the scarf situation has me really confused.  
She doesn't want to think about Eren right now
She finally saw how hot Jean is. Just as everyone else in that cell. That's it.
She is Sad, not Mad at Eren
This can mean that she is still shaken up after what Eren said to her, but that doesn't mean she's sick of him. She's probably realizing that her attachment to him is not doing her any good so far.
She wants to let go
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The majority are still uncertain about where Onyankopon stands. Less than 1/4th of the fandom believe he’s truly on Yelena’s site.  Many agree that he needed to side with Yelena at that moment regardless of what he truly believes. Nearly half the fandom (45.6%) selected “He’s been too hard to predict, I hadn’t made up my mind.”
My man is legit Yelena’s hostage. He never asked for this.
He looks very hesitant, so I am also hesitant to make a call
he’s sweating and eyeing yelena like he’s worried so he is just playing along with. i think he’ll go free the 104th during the commotion!
At the very least, he and Yelena are not on the same page. In a way, they've been foils since their introduction: from the way they interact with the Survey Corps, the ways they assisted in Liberio, to their stance on God. I've always loved their dynamic, and I definitely look forward to more of these two in the future!
Great way for Yams to maintain tension in the storyline. It doesn't really matter what he chooses, but he works great as a character to bounce concepts off of.
He is on Yelena's side for now. You can tell that the guilt is weighing on him.
He's just here until the next Star Wars movie
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Perhaps the most interesting thing in this result is that 51 people in our fandom don’t want to punch Grior. The vast majority (72.2%) selected the highest choice, “I’ve never rooted harder for Yelena”
She's nuts but she's fun and gets props for shooting Grior.
Jheez the disrespect coming from Grior. Connie and Nicolo were rightfully fuming. Yelena putting a hole in his head has been the best thing she’s done in the whole story.
Fuck Grior
I wasn't a fan of Grior, but shooting him was an overkill. Yelena did it in front of the kids no less.
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“Crazy” was the most common reaction with nearly half the fandom (41.9%) selecting that option.
Although she's 'cray cray', I would feel bad for her and Zeke if they find out that Eren is using both of them. I'm staying neutral to her.
I hate fanatics. I hope Zeke steps on her and we never see her again.
I love Yelena. Truly, her actions aren't that right, but everyone in this show depends on some corrupt decisions. I'm sure she has good reasons why she's that way and she shows to the 104th some of her weak as well as nice side. I think she would be a good ally for them, but we will see!  
She's very interesting, although her motivations are indeed 'crazy' (not normal admiration for the Yeager brothers), her actions stay logical and reasonable considering her goal.
First she kills people in ruthless way and few minutes later she is crying and tells others about Yeager bros being gods. Yet, I have to admit that she is a good character.  
She’s an interesting combination of things tenacious, devoted and cunning. I can’t wait to find out if what her and Zeke want is actually the same thing.
cray cray, but still, P O U N D T O W N
  WHY WAS ARMIN CRYING? 1,573 responses
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Another strong consensus in the poll! 65.4% selected “He realized Eren would never agree with what she said, and is still on their side”.
Armin is trying to like to gain the upper hand
he must've felt overwhelmed with something, and decided to play it to his advantage
Biggest mystery of the whole manga imo. Ymir fritz and he origins of the titans? Nah fam, I need to know why Armin crying was important enough to take up a whole pageworth of panels.
Boy tryna get tf outta here even if it means temporarily joining yelena’s wack ass cult
He just got heads-up about some harsh truth.
He was definitely faking
He's figured SOMETHING out, we don't know just yet. I'm so excited, it's been a while since we've seen his tactical cunning side!
He's obviously manipulating her. Yelena is a bit of a nut case, but she's also really passionate. Armin is using that to his advantage. 
I think he's genuinely crying, but certainly not for the reason he said. As for why exactly... Not sure, it might be for a lot of things… I think he understood something about what Eren's plan might be
he could be crying from relief. he has known eren the longest, knows how much he values freedom, and knows he would never agree to euthanasia. after 112, he was really asking himself whether eren was actually on their side or not. he's definitely seeing through his mask now and realizes that he's playing zeke and his cult like a damn fiddle.
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Ahem. The Snk Poll Team would like to remind you that we asked this question in the chapter 111 poll and at that time only 27% believed he knew about the wine. Just sayin’ :P
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The larger half of the fandom doesn’t feel that the wine plot had anything to do with Eren taking his own actions. Still, nearly half feel it’s possible it could have influenced his decisions.
Eren is planning something
Eren is suspicious.
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Nearly 75% of voters feel that Eren does care about Falco’s situation, but not enough to distract him from his plans. Nearly 15% feel that Eren doesn’t actually care about Falco at all, and 9% believe that he is feeling concerned for Falco.
Sympathizes with another unknowing Eldian pawn
Eren collapsed a building on Falco, like, are we forgetting this.
He thinks he cares, but has decided that the end justifies the means. How noble
I think that Eren thinks it sucks but that 'it be like that'
He’s so cray cray right now that I don’t know what to think
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Was Eren shading Yelena? 30% of the fandom seems to think so. 23% feel that he is referring to Kiyomi. 20% don’t want to make any calls yet but feel that this is something we’ll be calling back to down the road, while 10% think the rest of us are making a big deal out of a small statement. A few write-ins also listed Annie, Hange, Gabi and Historia as potential options.
He's talking about Pieck, the translation is weird.
Can we hack Eren's brain?
Have we considered Historia? I'd love for Historia to be one of the big players herself.
Either he's talking about Pieck if you take the translation as "just as she doesn't trust me" or Yelena, since he's not on board with her plan as a whole.
"That woman" is Kiyomi and she will appear like a wildcard next chapter.
I think that he means Pieck doesn't trust him either? I don't really know, the translations are so wildly different.
  WHO PLAYED THE OTHER BETTER? 1,608 responses
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Regardless of who wins or loses the upcoming titan battle, Pieck won the chapter with more than 75% believing she won this particular meeting of the minds.
As expected of Pieck, she's best girl (hope she won't die too soon).
Erem seemed way too easily convinced by Pieck that she would point out her colleagues. Yes he threatened her with his pricked finger, and yes he was ready to transform on the roof, but it felt like he went along with everything too quickly.
I love pieck and eren and I didn't know I needed them to meet until now!
I was super worried that Pieck wouldn’t be given any spotlight and would stay in the background forever. Now all I need is her last name and I will die happy.
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Sorry Porco. Most (73.1%) of us have no confidence in you. But look on the bright side - 17.1% think that maybe you can be redeemed. Oof.
Coming up through the roof *was* his moment of glory. It's all downhill from there.
His moment of glory was getting to see ymir's gorgeous face four years back
I believe that his mission was about injuring Eren, not eating him. I hope he will have his own five minutes because he is strong as a titan and knows very well how to use his powers.
Eating Erens legs off is pretty impressive on its own right tbh
Eren is gonna eat him before he gets another chance to do something impactful
He'll be forever a failure but I still love him very much! He's trying his best!!
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The opening scene, and one of the most iconic, has had several imitations since. The slight overall majority, at 51% think that Eren turning the tables and being the one to deliver the grim reminder in chapter 100 was the grimmest.  33.5% of you prefer the classic scene that started it all.  9.2% thought that this chapter offered the grimmest circumstance, with Marley’s blimps appearing overhead.
The grimest reminder was chapter 84 for the simple reason that heroes of the story showed the worst side of humanity and ever since then I think they don't deserve happy ending.
It’s so cool that we get to see another grim reminder, again, so soon, as to ensure that it has little emotional impact!
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There was some genuine excitement at seeing Reiner’s return to Paradis. Of the Marley cast, 84% where most excited to see him.
Why you gotta be assuming people are unanimously excited for Marley characters to return? I literally could have gone this entire series without any of them.
ITS BEEN SO LONG MY SON IS BACK i missed you reiner youre doing amazing sweetie pls dont die @_@
My ovaries exploded when Reiner showed up looking badass with those swimming goggles. I missed my best baby boy so much.
REINER VS EREN ROUND 4 BABY!!! hopefully reiner can win! he deserves to win a fight with eren once at least lol
I was so happy to see Reiner again. It's so ironic of Isayama, that Reiner looks like a hero in this panel and Eren as the bad guy.
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In chapter 92 we saw Reiner join his comrades by jumping out of a blimp; will he do it again?  And if so, who will join him?  The general consensus, at 92.8% think Reiner will be skydiving once more; and about half at 52.2% think Colt will join him this time.  36.6% of you think Magath will as well, with 73.4% feeling he’ll likely command from the skies.  2.8% of you think no one will be leaving the blimp anytime soon.
Reiner again! I still fear that Colt will end like Farlan, but it's just me.
I freakin' wish Pixis weren't in jail. I'd love to see him and Magath match wits while commanding large forces.
Colt is allowed to exist dammit
I think Marley is going for the same tactic they used in Slava: sending in Pieck and Porco on the ground, then deploy Reiner via parachute. Zeke will also show up last this time and fire on enemy ships, the difference being that the enemy isn’t marley and the ships are airborne.
I didn’t realize Colt was even in this chapter until I filled out this survey
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With Eren recently acquiring the unique and awesome war hammer abilities, many of us are waiting with bated breath to see him show them off.  87.5% think that Eren will utilize them in the battle, and 8.3% think he already has.  While his titan form doesn’t seem radically different yet, it seems to have formed in the style Lady Tybur’s did.  Only 4.2% don’t believe Eren will break out these powers.
Disappointed that Isayama didn't give Eren's titan form a redesign after eating the Warhammer Titan. Hopefully we'll be able to see how Eren's going to utilize its power in the next chapter.
Marley came prepared to deal with the Founding+Attack+Warhammer Titan. If he's overwhelmed, he may get desperate and who knows what could happen then.
I thought Eren easily fell into a trap, and I don't see why he can't easily take down the blimps with his Warhammer power.
After that Awesome entrance I really wanna see warriors kicking his Eldian ass, but I just somehow know that Eren Warhammer will wreck them.
i'm really hoping to see some badass war hammer action
i am ready for the war hammer boy
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The results here are relatively divided. Nearly 40% of the fandom believe that Eren’s going to be able to handle himself in this battle without the help of the Survey Corps. 23% are certain that he will be defeated. 30% feel it could go either way and don’t want to make a solid prediction.
Eren will struggle but ultimately not be taken captive
He is totally going to get kidnapped😆
They will help him anyways. They need to protect their home, and without Eren it's impossible
Eren's fine. He's been able to predict and deal with everything up to this point. If he knew there were already spies on Paradis, he could've predicted the invasion. Might be too much credit, but he might've even used Pieck's arrival as the opportunity to lure everyone out.
With the help of Zeke and the Yeagerists I believe he’ll be able to hold his own
I sure hope so. He better fail. And he SC better only reluctantly help him they have to; ends don't justify means Eren. You made your bed, you gotta lie in it.
He has the support of the Yaeger faction, Eren has shown massive improvement with his fighting ability in titan form in Marley, and with the power of the Warhammer he can only improve.
He will not be able to overcome them on his own BUT WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP will win out once Armin convinces everyone of the truth
Last time he didn’t have the Warhammer’s abilities, now he does. He also has the Yeagerist faction with him. I say he takes it.
We've never seen Eren in a fight where he was completely on his own.  He always relied on an assist from either the Survey Corps or an Ackerman.  It's going to be  really, really interesting to see how he does without his cheat codes.
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Another battle finally erupts!  What other challengers will approach?  Zeke is the most popular option at 68.7%.  Armin, Mikasa,  and Jean all had about half the fandom voting for them, and Connie and Floch just below that, but still popular choices.  About 90% of you think Levi and Hange will sit this one out whilst on their own little adventure.
I suspect that Zeke will show up with the Yeagerists in time to save his younger brother.
If Zeke should appear, then the battle is almost certainly lost to Marley.
Zeke will probably show up at that moment so he can save Eren just as he claimed he would long ago. His promise to Eren was even brought up Pieck this chapter, who we know is exactly right!
Reiner is going to get SO depressed when Armin transforms into the Colossal. Also not a big fan of Annie but she needs to get out now.
Now Eren is facing the strong enemies alone. I would like to see how he can handle them, that why I hope that Zeke and SC won't join. I want Reiner to win at least once.
Floch and co. will come to the rescue after Eren starts losing
I'm sorry but ew who wants to see Floch?
Floch needs to make an appearance I wanna see the rest of the 104th rip him a new ass hole tbh
Floch is best boy
I just really wanna see all titans fighting each other. Just Imagine how Eren is standing there with Zeke like : Hey We just won and then Eren is kicked from behind by Annie and then Levi show up + Armin (and others) gets out of prison and transform to fight Eren.
I know I've said that I hoped Hanji and Levi stay away from this war as long as they can but LORD please tell me how they've been currently.
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Has Eren burned every bridge?  The majority, at about 55% think both Armin and Jean will still end up siding with him.  Just below that, 47.7% think Mikasa will continue to support him.  28.9% think everyone listed will oppose joining up with him.
Eren alienated Mikasa and Armin so i think they won't join, but they can't abandon him either.
I bet Eren broke ties with Armin and Mikasa so that they wouldn't get involved in this fight, because he's seen a scenario where they die here.
It's hard to tell because Eren's "side" is still quite a mystery. If he truly believe in the euthanasia plan then I doubt anyone in the SC will join him, even Mikasa. But if it turns out his plan is something else we don’t know, then they might help him in the end. Most likely Armin and Jean. But I doubt any of the SC joins the Euthanasia side, now we just need to find out if that's actually Eren's side.
Mikasa believes that the Eren now isn't the Eren she knew back when he saved her
I think it would be interesting for at least one warrior to join forces with him.
  IS THIS THE FINAL BATTLE? 1,570 responses
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The warriors have returned to Paradis Island on the offensive!  Will this be the final conflict in the manga, or is there more to come?  78% of you feel there will be another fight after this one; while 22% think we’re in the endgame with this brawl.
I'm concerned that if this does turn out to be the final battle many important characters like Levi, Hange, Historia and Annie will not be involved.
I think this is the start of the final fight but depending on how you look at it the fight may pause and continue on elsewhere, but this is for sure the final conflict I think
The chapter is a kickstart to the final climax of the manga, and I'm excited to see how the end turns out.
I hope this isn't the final battle, if so, I hope its very long
The final battle will end up decimating the entire island. No one will survive.
I really like that Pieck was pointing her finger at Eren, as he asked on the rooftop where the enemy is and she said 'there'. I'm wondering if this has a special meaning that Isayama will turn Eren into the last 'antagonist' for his final arc. Maybe the last fight, includes the whole world vs. Eren, but who knows?
This chapter was great! i thought pieck will side with eren and others but nope. Also hyped for final battle!
I hope it isn’t the final battle. I’m so confused by everything happening.
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The biggest winners this month were unsurprisingly Jean and Pieck, with huge upswings in popularity. On the other end, Onyankopon, Yelena and even poor Connie took a hit. It seems Connie’s distrust of Eren might have upset a few people.
I don’t know who in the SC will side with Eren but I am almost completely sure Connie won’t.
I'm glad we got to see more of pieck! best girl snapped on this chapter. She was playing it safe and smart with the things she was saying to both Eren and Gabi.
Could someone please punch eren in the face
Honestly feels like Onyankopon is just a side character that won't affect the plot much at all and therefor is pretty much irrelevant.
Also, WTF are you doing, Onyankopon?
Can't say I was surprised about how things unfolded. The SC are still in jail, at this point it's laughable. Pieck and Marley attack - who didn't see it coming? Onyankopon is still shady. Yelena is still cray cray. Eren is still acting like a heartless asshole. Gabi is beyond redemption, she would have shot Pieck if she hadn't been stopped. So nothing much was new :D
Still tryin to figure out what's the point of Gabi in this story.
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Just like last time, most respondents (37.5%) believe that Chapter 130 is most likely to be the final chapter of the manga. 85% think that the manga will go until at least 130, and 48% think it will go until at least 134. With the recent announcement that the manga will continue for another 1-2 years, it’s looking like we won’t be getting a conclusion before Chapter 128 (or 130 if we are going by volume-ending chapters and chapters per volume remains the same).
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We may or may not have forgotten to include Annie on this list, but aside from that, people seem overall most anxious to get an update on Levi’s condition, as well as see Historia (presumably doing something other than sitting in the rocking chair). Floch… sorry, dude.
Annie wake up and kick some people in the head.
Can we get some annie or is she just like the basement we'll never get?
I just want to see Bertoto at some point again :(
I still curious with Levi's and Hange's condition after Hange throws herself to the river.
I wonder how many more angles can we view Historia from that rocking chair.
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Porco and Pieck look good in Paradise Military coats...
It would make the most sense for Eren to lose this upcoming fight because he abandoned his friends, while the opposing side is united because of their friendship (if we're speaking in narrative terms). But we still don't know what his thoughts are, how much he knows, what his plans are, or his reasoning for anything. How can he be the main antagonist of this fight if we don't know this much? Idk but I hope we'll get some clarification during the fight (but I doubt it)
Will Reiner overcome his sufferboi status to finally do something right for himself? That's what I want to see.
I want to know if they have Hot Chocolate in the cell or some coffee. Why only tea? What is Eren planning withholding the coffee?
Armin's ability to manipulate has levelled up so much! He might be overplaying it a little bit with the tears, but considering previously he was really bad at making the emotions on his face reflect what he was saying, he's getting better at it. It both excites and saddens me. Excites because it makes him all the more dangerous; saddens because my greatest wish for Armin is that he needn't know these skills at all. Just let him be free and travel and see cool things! He deserves it.
What a ride!  And what a turn-around.  I love how the narration has come around to Eren being the villain, and Pieck and Reiner being the heroes.  I also can't wait to see Eren get his ass stomped.
I'm so happy that it looks like the remains of the 104th might actually do something soon.
The direction the manga is going it’s fucked up. I think the manga has lost that sparkle that once had. Basically at this point everybody is waiting just to see who makes it out alive and lives to tell the tale.
Eren is finished. Maybe imprisoning your best soldiers, crippling your strongest trump card, having Zeke titanize a bunch of Scouts, and generally wreaking havoc in Paradise wasn't such a good idea.
I was really impressed with Eren. He’s become such an interesting and amazing character. And he didn’t fall for Pieck at all, and it was so smart when he healed his finger in front of her to show he “trusted” her, meanwhile still having another finger cut and hidden. And his overal distrust and not telling Pieck anything he knew. He obviously didn’t trust her. *sniff* my baby going out to destroy people
Jean and Connie are both right. Eren's not absolved just because he has reasons for his actions. Lying and manipulating your friends is shitty, especially if you're doing it "for their own good." That's not a solid friendship. I hope Isayama sticks to his guns on this. And also get Historia out of that damn chair, I'm so tired of it. But mostly I really liked this chapter, particularly the arrival of Reiner and Co. And Gabi and Pieck!
Pieck is the best girl of all time. You CAN’T change my mind.
The Marleyan military is attacking Paradis. Them killing Eren and getting his powers is bad for Paradis. I have no idea why there are fans saying the Survey Corps will outright abandon Eren or even fight against him right now. Helping the people currently attacking them is...unwise, to say the least.
I know Eren looks like a tasty snacc, but I would be extremely grateful if Porco keeps his filthy mouth away from Eren. He can eat a 10 foot flaming pineapple for all I care, please and thank you!
Best part of this chapter: no Zeke. Thank you Yams.
Porco and Pieck look good in Paradise Military coats...
It would make the most sense for Eren to lose this upcoming fight because he abandoned his friends, while the opposing side is united because of their friendship (if we're speaking in narrative terms). But we still don't know what his thoughts are, how much he knows, what his plans are, or his reasoning for anything. How can he be the main antagonist of this fight if we don't know this much? Idk but I hope we'll get some clarification during the fight (but I doubt it)
Will Reiner overcome his sufferboi status to finally do something right for himself? That's what I want to see.
I want to know if they have Hot Chocolate in the cell or some coffee. Why only tea? What is Eren planning withholding the coffee?
Armin's ability to manipulate has levelled up so much! He might be overplaying it a little bit with the tears, but considering previously he was really bad at making the emotions on his face reflect what he was saying, he's getting better at it. It both excites and saddens me. Excites because it makes him all the more dangerous; saddens because my greatest wish for Armin is that he needn't know these skills at all. Just let him be free and travel and see cool things! He deserves it.
What a ride!  And what a turn-around.  I love how the narration has come around to Eren being the villain, and Pieck and Reiner being the heroes.  I also can't wait to see Eren get his ass stomped.
I'm so happy that it looks like the remains of the 104th might actually do something soon.
The direction the manga is going it’s fucked up. I think the manga has lost that sparkle that once had. Basically at this point everybody is waiting just to see who makes it out alive and lives to tell the tale.
Eren is finished. Maybe imprisoning your best soldiers, crippling your strongest trump card, having Zeke titanize a bunch of Scouts, and generally wreaking havoc in Paradise wasn't such a good idea.
I was really impressed with Eren. He’s become such an interesting and amazing character. And he didn’t fall for Pieck at all, and it was so smart when he healed his finger in front of her to show he “trusted” her, meanwhile still having another finger cut and hidden. And his overal distrust and not telling Pieck anything he knew. He obviously didn’t trust her. *sniff* my baby going out to destroy people
Jean and Connie are both right. Eren's not absolved just because he has reasons for his actions. Lying and manipulating your friends is shitty, especially if you're doing it "for their own good." That's not a solid friendship. I hope Isayama sticks to his guns on this. And also get Historia out of that damn chair, I'm so tired of it. But mostly I really liked this chapter, particularly the arrival of Reiner and Co. And Gabi and Pieck!
Pieck is the best girl of all time. You CAN’T change my mind.
The Marleyan military is attacking Paradis. Them killing Eren and getting his powers is bad for Paradis. I have no idea why there are fans saying the Survey Corps will outright abandon Eren or even fight against him right now. Helping the people currently attacking them is...unwise, to say the least.
Best part of this chapter: no Zeke. Thank you Yams.
I know Eren looks like a tasty snacc, but I would be extremely grateful if Porco keeps his filthy mouth away from Eren. He can eat a 10 foot flaming pineapple for all I care, please and thank you!
88 notes · View notes
ac-ars · 5 years
high for this
i dont even have anything to say for my defense
also i wanna thank chica de cielos for handling my complaining when i was writing t h i s
have fun
Luna Valente doesn’t expect much fun when she gets accepted to the University of Oxford, but it’s the only way to stay away from her controlling aunt. She doesn’t expect also Matteo Balsano, who is the most helpful out of everyone there. Is he really as perfect as it seems though?
previous chapters here
4/ trust me girl, you wanna be high for this 
Her alarm snooze sounds for maybe a fourth time this morning. Luna had decided Saturday will be studying day; she has some test next week and it would be nice to know anything this time. She keeps wondering why she decided to study something that forces her to take chemistry and physics as majors, but hopefully they will take her head away from all cloudy thoughts and buzzes in her stomach.
She made out with Matteo less than twelve hours ago and she feels like she needs more than the small amount of sleep she got herself, but also her sleep sucked anyway. Luna didn’t manage falling asleep properly; she kept waking up and rolling around her warm bed, constantly thinking about this one very special boy. Her body was shaking softly with excitement, every nerve has been curling and uncurling nervously, and in general Luna hasn’t decided yet whether this feeling is great or if it sucks.
Eventually, she reaches for her phone, to turn off the damn alarm sound. It used to be one of her favorite songs, but since the day it was set as the waking up music, Luna couldn’t do anything except genuinely despising it.
She sits up, pulling the blanket all over her shoulders to keep at least a little warm, and yawns loudly, blinking because her eyes aren’t really used to darkness of early morning yet. The screen of the phone is definitely too bright, so Luna lets out small growl turning the brightness as much off as possible. Only then she can see anything, and her notification bar is full, putting another wave of buzz all over her body. There is some insta notification, few texts on group chat with the girls, mail from near bookstore and new youtube video from buzzfeed. No messages from Matteo has her disappointed; they shared few messages after she got back to her dorm so it’s not like he was supposed to leave something for her to smile after waking up, but it would still be better than nothing.
Still, she sends him quick ‘morning’ and locks her phone, throwing it on the pillow again. Apparently she gets up too quickly, because her eyes go black and she needs to support herself on the head of the bed. Her feet aren’t really happy to touch the cold floor, but that’s just karma for being so giddy last night and forgetting to put on the socks. Weather forecast isn’t really nice and Luna still hasn’t bought all wintery stuff. She noted in her head that she should tell Ambar or the girls to go with her, even if she knows she will surely forget.
The brunette leaves shower in actually better mood, wearing fluffy robe and just as fluffy slippers. The heating is put on max and that’s decent time for Luna to have herself breakfast. She sets on the water for the tea, and opens the fridge to wonder what to eat when someone knocks to the door.
Luna huffs, wondering who can be here without saying anything before and at this cold, early hour of eight in the morning. She goes slowly to open the door and stares at her guest with one eye closed.
“What are you doing here?” That’s all she can let out, despite it sounding undeniably rude.
He smiles. “Well, it’s very nice to see you too, Luna.”
She rolls her eyes, trying to hide the blush but her wet hair is in loose, messy bun so no way for that. Matteo sighs and kisses her cheek quickly as he passes her the warm cup.
“Coffee?” The brunette asks, already planning how she could put all said coffee to the sink and replace it with some tea.
Yet, he only sends her a smile. “Nah, this time hot chocolate. I already had my coffee and guessed you would be more up for something sweet.”
Luna raises her eyebrows surprised but takes one of the cups from his hand and closes the door as he is already inside her dorm.
“Thank you very much, but really what's the reason you are here so early?”
His eyes slide lazily down her body, making her feel like she is wearing nothing and that's not really the safest feeling to have around Matteo Balsano. Small smile forms on his mouth and he eventually is back with his eyes to her face. “I was going to class nearby and just wanted to see you,” he says almost matter of factly with a shrug.
Luna isn't sure if it was a good idea; now she definitely is gonna be a mess, now remembering his kiss from last night and the fact that she will probably keep it only for herself.
“So, are you gonna dress up or this robe is that comfy?” Matteo asks and Luna rolls her eyes, blushing slightly. “Leave me and my robe alone, if you don't like something you can not look.”
He hums, pushing one of untidy strands of her hair behind her ear. “I don't want to not look at you, I wouldn't deny myself this kind of pleasure.”
Luna kinda dies inside, but tries to keep it cool and just nod and drink her chocolate. Her red cheeks surely betray how she feels inside, at least a little. There is something very warm in that wrong way, the one that she didn’t really want to feel around him until last night and yet here she is, wanting to crawl out of her skin to get as close to him as possible. Matteo smiles smug at that as if he could read her mind. “Anyway, how was your sleep?”
She shrugs tiny, licking her lips after she takes the cup away. “It was nice, I talked to my mom before sleep. How was yours?”
Small something appears in his eyes, but just for a second and then he is all himself again. “It was quite decent,” he just says and starts putting tea boxes in some order so it looks definitely neater than after Luna left it last night. He is humming some song, probably fully aware of her watching him carefully. He is wearing those black jeans and Luna has her weak moment, again remembering why she has issues whenever she sees a boy with long legs. She is sure it's cold and yet he doesn't have any hat on his head, and that's the image thing she would never be able to pull; she always picks being comfy and warm over making sure her hairstyle stays in place.
“So,” she starts very not casual. “When do you have the class?”
He looks up at her with small smile. “In like thirty minutes.”
“Well, so I think it's time for you to go, Matteo.” Luna hums and he walks up to her. “If you are kicking me out, then I will go.” His voice is light, very much hinting the tease hidden behind these words and the brunette shakes her head.
“It's not me having double major studies if I remember correctly,” she says slowly and starts playing with the collar of his shirt, not sure why the fuck is she doing that; he hasn't done anything indicating that something changed in their relation since last night's kiss and that's probably her seeking for some kind of proof that maybe it did. Or him stating that it didn't, it would be still better than not knowing.
Boys are confusing.
He just smiles, again, he keeps smiling, but each of his smiles means a different thing. “You are very right here, caring about my attendance. I will get going. I hope you have nice morning, sweet thing. Let me know if you have any fun plans.”
He winks, kisses her forehead twice without pulling away his lips from her skin, and with that he is gone.
She better goes and gets dressed.
The thing about studying with your friends in some coffee shop, is that you all pick some coffee shop of your liking, then just get to the table and order something to drink as you take out the notes or laptop with the presentation.
In Luna’s case it’s almost the same, with one tiny exception. She can’t focus at all. She is reading the same page for the fifth time and still gets nothing. Like, absolutely nothing and it’s all because she has no idea whether she should tell her friends about Matteo or not.
She used to tell them everything before; they know each other few long weeks already and they literally talk about every single thing, which sometimes grosses Luna a little. Still, she isn’t sure if she should mention this very important piece of information, but this piece of information seems so weird in her head, not to even try to say it out loud.
The girls won’t suspect anything anyway, because they are busy with their own stuff, yet Luna is just trying to imagine what their reactions would be. Jim would most likely just huff and growl; she still needs some time to accept that Luna is willing to hang out with a boy who steal her drink and made them all go home. Yam wouldn’t do much except throwing shook gasps at her, at them all and wiggle her eyebrows annoyingly whenever Matteo would appear around them, while Nina would just silently judge her or something. Or maybe she would be chill and nice, and happy for her friend to be happy.
Is she happy though? She isn’t sure, and she doesn’t plan on trying to dig that hole deeper than it already is.
The book finally manages to be interesting, and Luna actually is focused, she is reading one paragraph, then the second and third, and she turns the page, proud of herself.
“Luna! You haven’t updated us recently!” one of the girls says, a little too loud for the coffee shop filled with people, and few people send them confused stares.
“What?” Valente answers, slightly confused and Jim rolls her eyes. “What’s up with you and Balsano?”
Blush that creeps way up to her cheeks surely betrays something, but no one really asks and she just sends a shrug. “I don’t know. I guess the same as yesterday, though the last time me and you talked, you hated his guts, Jimena.”
“Oh, it was in the past. I grew up.” Literally every person by the table rolls their eyes and the ginger friend of theirs pouts. “I really did.”
“You didn’t,” Yam says and Luna needs to stop her snort.
Jim flips her hair and starts braiding it, because it started getting into her eyes. “You may all be mean, I don’t care. I just want to know how’s Matteo with Luna. Maybe if someone tells him that he should bring her a drink instead of stealing her vodka shots he will learn. Plus he is too hot to be mad at him long.”
Luna blinks surprised, this is the most ridiculous shit she has ever heard Jim saying, and she has heard much, much of weird stuff.
“Well,” she shrugs. “You can be the one who enlightens him, I am not sure if he is willing to study anything except physics or some music connected things.”
Yam bites on her muffin and sighs heavily. “I’m sure he would be thrilled to learn some anatomy with you.”
Nina chokes on her coffee so much that her glasses almost fall off the bridge of her nose and she has to support them. Jim giggles and high fives her bestie and Luna just wants to go home.
She came here to study and yet here she is, being the protagonist of her friends’ kinky jokes. The day sounds dazzling.
“We should change the topic,” Nina says quietly, “I remember you girls talked about some party before when Luna went to order our stuff.”
Luna nods to herself, because that sounds like a safe thing to talk about, Jim and Yam always love to get some idea to drink, and dance, and definitely flirt with the boys.
“Actually yes! There is one on this Saturday, but we don’t have invitation.”
“Does any party really need an invitation these days?” The brunette asks with raised eyebrows and her ginger friend sighs sadly. “Yes. Or that’s what we overheard the other day from the conversation of Ramiro, the curly guy who is buddy buddy with Balsano, and some girl. You can’t just get there.”
She turns to Nina who shakes her head as well. “So if we can’t go then why are we talking about that?”
“Because you can totally get us in.” Yam grins saying it as if it was obvious, and Luna almost feels silly for not understanding the hidden meaning. “I can’t make someone invite you to their party if they don’t know you. Plus going somewhere without knowing anyone and the host is dumb and even you aren’t that dumb.”
Jim hums and kicks her foot lightly. “Talk to Matteo. He will be there probably and it will help us.”
Luna rolls her eyes. “He never talked to me about that, this is his personal life and I am not getting into that, because you are bored and decided to get more acquaintances in uni.”
Nina sends her encouraging smile and nods, which makes her feel a little better.
“You don’t really care that he will go there, and drink, and meet some drunk people as well?” The blonde asks, mixing her coffee with the spoon. “You know, drunk girls, and stuff.”
She isn’t looking directly at Luna, but they all know what she is doing right now, trying to manipulate Luna into this shit, but she is better than this and she won’t break even if the tight knot in her stomach makes drinking tea very difficult. She should chill and ignore this, not think about that since Matteo is his own person, he doesn’t need to be watched out and followed like a child in case he does something bad.
“I’m not doing anything. If he decided to not tell me about it, it’s his business and I can’t mix into his private life, girls.”
Heavy sighs from both sides reach Luna’s ears, but at least it means she won the battle. If they knew about the kiss from last night they would never let her get out of this situation. Her phone buzzes softly and there are two texts from Matteo, one ten minutes after the first.
Matteo Hope we can hang out today ?
She bites on the inside of her cheek, not sure if the question mark was to remind her that he exists and needs attention, but despite all promises she has made and will make, the promises she never really promised, yet simply decided she wouldn’t be putting herself on a silver plate for him, are really not in her head right now.
Me yeah what time?
She hasn't expected that he would actually still want to hang out after she told him she wasn't going to move out of her place anymore today. It was cold enough and when she and the girls left the coffee shop, it started raining, and she didn't have any umbrella or a hood to cover herself. She decided it was enough for her and that's why she is now sitting on the couch in big sweater, wrapped up in a blanket and drinking hot chocolate, while Matteo Balsano is comfortably seated right next to her.
He hasn't texted anyone or talked on the phone since the moment he entered her dorm, but also he hasn't done more than kissing her cheek hi and this has Luna lowkey disappointed. Though, it's all probably because her brain keeps having high hopes for literally everything.
His arm is around her shoulders as he seems very focused on the movie they ended up choosing. Luna isn't able to think clearly having him so close and having his scent in her lungs with every breath is like breathing in nail polish scent that makes her dizzy after being around it too much. The only difference is that he actually smells good and Luna is already addicted to this cologne of his.
It’s a nice and soft afternoon, she doesn't need to think about every word she says in case Matteo will use it against her like her friends would do. She kinda missed the moment when he pulled her to his side, but he is warm and feels safe, so she softly allowed herself to lean against his shoulder. It's not like he wouldn't do that if he didn't want to have her close, right?
He even got her food and snacks, and that has her so, very biased, because as soon as someone brings her any kind of food she is sold, and being sold to Matteo doesn't seem like a bad thing, even if it lowkey feels dangerous for her sanity. His eyes slide quickly over the English subs he put on and he doesn't seem to be throwing any any sneaky glances towards her, she knows because she's been very obviously staring at him and he apparently hasn't noticed it yet. He would tease the hell out of her and Luna would die, but she just can't take her eyes off his face, so steady and calm just like the sea after sunset, already hiding something dark and mysterious.
She sighs softly eventually turning her face to the laptop, deciding to chill and act like a normal person finally, not like a psycho weirdo.
“Are you enjoying the movie?” He asks quietly with a hum and playing with the ends of her hair. Luna blinks turning again to him. “What?”
“I just see you are having fun, being all focused on the screen so I decided to ask you.” He turns to her with a smirk and she wonders how bad would it be to push him off the couch in this very moment.
“I think, Matteo, that you should focus on it yourself, instead of watching me with the corner of your eye.”
He chuckles softly, wrapping a strand of her hair around his finger. “Touché, Luna Valente.”
She just shrugs and wants to move away, but he doesn’t really let her. He pulls her closer instead and kisses top of her head. “I was just messing around, you need to relax sometimes. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something anyway.”
Luna straightens her spine and sits a little up, so she isn’t melted in his arms as he says it. Thousand thoughts runs through her brain, tons of them hopeful for all kinds offers from him to all bad things that could have ever happened and it’s the weirdest thing ever.
“What is it?” she only asks.
Matteo looks back at the screen and sighs a little, leaving Luna wondering if he will look her in the eye or not, but eventually his face is back close to hears, his eyes a little serious yet playful. “There is this guy in my physics group who lives nearby and his parents are out of the town for weekend, because of the work.” Something passes in his eyes, and Luna doesn’t miss this, though she doesn’t touch the topic fully knowing that it’s not the reason why he is talking to her.
“And Ramiro made him organize a party, so I’ve been wondering if you would wanna go with me.”
He is smiling a little, leaning his head against the back of the couch and Luna has no idea what to say. To be honest, she likes him and be around him, but on totally different conditions, when they can chill together somewhere where no one will stare at her and talk, because he is himself and she is lucky that he is giving her his attention.
“I don’t think I should go, Matteo,” she says with a shrug and his eyebrows go up. “And why is that?”
Luna doesn’t feel like she needs to excuse herself, but apparently this boy over here isn’t used to hear no as an answer to anything. “Because I won’t feel comfortable enough there.”
“Come on, you’re never uncomfy.”
“I am, very much and you just never notice it.” She pouts tiny and he boops her nose. “I really think you are life of the party and you would do amazing. Plus I wouldn’t leave you alone for a second so you don’t have to worry about being left and awks.”
The brunette sighs and bites on her lower lip, not sure why he cares so much about bringing her there. She is probably taking it very childishly, but he hasn’t promised that he wouldn’t go away from her to hit on something else, and she plans on not making him do so.
“I want the girls to be there as well.”
He sighs heavily with his eyes looking at the ceiling and she can say it’s a weird offer so she continues. “I mean it’s not that I don’t believe you, I just would feel better that there is someone there I know, plus they would be together so it’s not like they would make drama I’m ditching them for you.” She hopes it makes sense or at least sounds convincing. Her eyes don’t leave his face until he clears his throat, saying just one word. “Fine.”
Luna grins and kisses his cheek a little awkward. “Well then I will go.”
It’s not that she doesn’t like parties, or people, or alcohol, but it still makes Luna feel very ridiculous and uneven, and the heels she put on didn’t make her any taller actually. Being so tiny can be a curse, especially when people always tease her and lean down while talking to her. Hopefully those creeps who know Matteo will let her go.
Jim pulls her by the hand inside, since they came here together and her ginger friend made sure Luna doesn’t “get lost” on their way, just lacing their fingers and no matter what kind of touch is that, for Luna touch is always reassuring and it’s the support she needs in this situation. Even if she doesn’t really want Matteo or anyone see her holding hand with Jim, no offense to her friend of course.
First thing that hits her as soon as they enter, Yam following them both alone since Nina very surely denied the offer, (leaving them all not-that-surprised), is loud music and basically no light. It’s so dark Luna needs to look under her feet in case she steps on something and trips, especially when those heels are high and she isn’t the most graceful person on the Earth.
The people they pass by are strangers and Luna is sure she sees them all for the first or second time, but in general she doesn’t know anyone personally. Yet, if she did, she probably wouldn’t recognize one human here with the surroundings being too distracting. The hazy chatters, bumping into someone again and again while pulling her friends behind, the music is getting even louder, making Luna’s skin tingle and her thoughts completely messy. The house itself seems to be prepared for the party as much as it’s possible; any vases or breakable things are hidden or out of the sight, everything from the center from the big living room is moved to the side so part of the guests can dance or support the walls while talking to others.
Yam pokes them both at the same time. “We should look for the bathroom and the kitchen now, so we don’t have to search for them later.”
“OMG, yes! First kitchen, though, because I’m hungry.” Jim jumps excited. Luna is kinda tired of her friends using the OMG, but they learned it from their English buddies, so she lets them live with it.
“Already?” Luna frowns, but nods in agreement, since she is forever in need of food and the ginger haired girl pulls them both in some direction as the brunette is definitely not trying to find Matteo in the small crowd formed in the living room.
The kitchen, as it ended up, is placed nearby. They had to just cross another hallway and open the door to get in. There is another ton of the food on the counters, right after the table in other room. The girls came kinda late, but there is still pizza waiting in few boxes, and Luna is the first one to appear near and take a slice. Jim and Yam do the same while Luna checks on her phone in case Matteo sent her a text, but he hasn’t, he hasn’t texted her or called, or posted on his story anything recently except his laptop with Netflix logo on the screen. If he doesn’t appear here today, she swears she is going to kill him as soon as her eyes reach him, and then herself.
Or she will just take her friends after they have free pizza dinner here, and go to some club just enjoying her girls-only time, and forget Matteo Balsano and her dramatic ass.
That is why she shouldn’t have drunk the few shots Jim made her drink to “chill” before leaving the dorm.
At some point in the middle of taking another bite someone pats her shoulder and she turns around almost smashing the pizza in the person’s dark shirt, because they are too close.
Here she is, out of all possible ways to meet him today, she ended up with mouthful of pizza and lips probably stained with tomato sauce.
“There you are, sweet thing. I see you are enjoying the party already,” he says, smiling as if she wasn’t messiest thing existing. He leans and kisses her cheek before passing her a napkin and taking his arm around her shoulders.
The girls stare at him and he looks at them without changing his face. “Jimena, Yamila, I hope you have fun today and I’m afraid I will have to steal Luna from you.”
Mentioned Luna rolls her eyes at the full names and stealing thing, since she is the one to decide with who she wants to spend the party. Even if she wants to hang out with Matteo, still it’s her choice.
He pulls her closer to his side, yet still casually and the girls just nod, smiling, and Jim raises her eyebrows. “Well, we hope you two have fun too, but please don’t babysit Luna today, because if you will, you will need a babysitter.”
Yam snorts and Luna gasps, Matteo seems surprised a little as well, but he sends her friend a wink. “There is nothing you need to worry about, really.”
“Okay girls, remember to not go alone anywhere, promise me that,” Luna warns them with serious eyes and both of her friends just nod before turning away and leaving with another slices of pizza.
Matteo turns to her with happy grin, as if he got extra toy on Christmas, the one he never found while searching around house. “I almost thought you wouldn’t appear, but at the same time I knew those two would drag you here even if you went back to Mexico.”
She rolls her eyes, but smiling as well, she likes simple being around him and just talking, and his teasing, and when he is looking at her with those funny, excited sparks in his eyes. She might like him a little bit too much.
“Do you really think I would miss an opportunity of getting free food?” she asks, raising her eyebrows and he laughs, reaching to push one loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “Why is your hair up, though?”
Luna shrugs. “I don’t know, I was in a mood I guess. Why?”
Matteo takes his fingers to the back of her head and releases her hair from the hairband. She immediately feels soft tickles on her shoulders and shivers. “Why would you do that?” she asks, but softly, without any drama in her voice surprisingly.
“I don’t know. I like your hair down more i think.”
She smiles. “You do?”
He nods and leans closer, having her almost breathless. “Yeah, and I very like your skirt.”
Luna has really no idea how much has she drunk yet, but it’s definitely much more than she should. Her head is spinning lightly, yet Matteo is holding his hand on her waist steadily all the time, which she appreciates. She doesn’t really see Jim or Yam since they left her alone with Balsano, and she is sure they are having fun or drinking until they throw up, or both.
Matteo introduced her to some people, though they haven’t stayed with anyone longer, because as he said, he didn’t want them to weird her out and ask too many questions since it's a party, fun for her, and not an interview. This makes sense enough in her head for Luna not to push, it's not like she wanted to meet all of his friends at once. She got to meet Ramiro, Matteo's good friend, or so it looks like, and few girls there keeps watching her with angry eyes. Each time Luna feels uncomfortable enough that she went to get a drink, and here she is now probably too drunk for her own good.
Yet, she still lets herself drag Matteo to dance, even if he sends her amused glance, but she doesn't stop and as long as he doesn't stop her either, it's okay.
Matteo is giving her this weird feeling, this idea of actual freedom that she doesn't have to follow what everyone tells her. She does what she wants, wears what she wants and she isn't sure if she feels like this because of all alcohol she has drunk so far, if it's because of Matteo being so close to her and keeping his hands on her body, while they are dancing slowly in between so many people, or if it's simply her relaxing finally after all those months. She likes it anyway.
She likes swaying lazily pressed to his chest with her arms loose around his neck. He is so, so close she can’t think straight, but she would never anyway especially when his hands are on her lower back, his thumbs sneaked their way under her a bit cropped tshirt. The song is quick and loud, people are jumping and hitting her with elbows, and sometimes pushing her a little. Luna can't care now, she is just focused on those two brown eyes, so warm and soft while he is mouthing her song lyrics and honestly it's the most perfect moment in the world even if she probably looks like mess with her curled hair. His tiny, annoying smile is almost enticing, asking her to go further, to take more, to feel more and feel less at the same time, she loves it and lets it all consume her in this very moment.
It’s the first time he is having her so close in public, around other people and she likes it so much, that he isn’t awkward, or pulling away, or pretending she is just a friend. Though, at the same time he is not kissing her yet, and she thinks that he should have already done that, not once.
He leans closer but turns towards her ear and his breathing on her neck makes her tingle. “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asks and traces the skin behind her ear with his nose, taking deep breath and Luna wonders if it’s still possible to move.
“Yeah, it’s very nice,” she says clearing her throat, because her voice comes out shaky and raspy. Matteo smiles at her and nods, but she continues. “Are you having fun with me, though?”
He raises his eyebrows just so slightly and hums. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “You probably had always had other things to do than spending whole party with one person.”
Matteo bites on his lower lip, making her want to do the same. “What if I like to do so? You are fun, Luna Valente.”
“I’m not sure what is your definition of fun, but that’s definitely not me,” she murmurs while playing with the collar of his shirt. He sends her almost annoying look before sliding his hand from her arm up to her nape and pressing her lips lazily to his finally.
It’s a slow, effortless kiss, but also a hungry and needy one. She can taste the alcohol drink he had before, it’s a bitter taste, yet now she doesn’t care, she just wants him closer and more. They stop in one place, closer to the wall than to the center of the room though, and her fingers tangle in his already messy hair. He tenses for a second, probably having the reflex of taking her hands away from his head, but she kisses him more urgently and he focuses on claiming her mouth as his once again.
The music is somehow dimmed and hazy now, as if her brain couldn’t take more things into her senses and process them, and Luna can only agree that Matteo kissing her is such an overwhelming thing, and she wants to kiss him forever.
His tongue is playing with hers almost teasingly, gliding across her lower lip or backing out for her to decide what she wants now, and she appreciates that. The hand he had placed on her nape to keep her close relaxes now a little, letting it fall a little before he takes it to her waist, under the tshirt she is wearing as the kiss becomes harder. His lips are more expecting and more wanting, he grips on her as if she was the one good thing in the world, or at least that’s what her dramatic, burned mind is saying. She wouldn’t really trust herself though, not when she is in a place like this, with him and doing what she is doing.
Matteo pushes her a little backwards and she is sure that she will step on someone’s foot or other body part, but she meets only cold wall and he is everywhere now. It’s almost too much how lost she is, how she can’t breathe and when he bites on her lower lip, the last drops of her conscience make her stop him and push away for a few inches.
He stares at her with dark, very confused and messy eyes, his breathing is short and shallow, his cheeks are actually red as never before and he looks absolutely breathtaking.
“Everything’s fine?” he asks with a quiet, raspy voice and if she wasn’t so close, she wouldn’t have heard it because of the music being loud again.
She nods tiny and clears her throat, wondering how bad she has to look if he is such a mess now. “I don’t think this is a good place to do something like that.” Matteo opens his mouth softly, but she places her hand on his chest. “And tonight it’s not a good night to do anything more.”
He smiles with this small troublemaker smirk. “I wouldn’t have suggested anything like that, sweet thing.” Luna rolls her eyes, but smiles trying to regain her steady heartbeat. “I think that I need a drink.”
She doesn’t really care what she will drink, she just wants to cool down her body, and when Matteo asks her if it’s supposed to be alcohol free or not, she just shrugs. “Whatever, as long as it’s cold.”
He laughs and takes some bottle from the fridge and opens it, first taking a sip from it, not really caring to use the glass. The still awake “safety” part of Luna’s brain appreciates this reassurance that nothing suspicious is there, so she takes the bottle and drinks a little.
It tastes bitter, but just a little since it’s probably been sitting in the fridge for a long while, something in her head dims, and that was apparently more than she could have drunk for one night, because everything goes blank.
18 notes · View notes
Death by my laptop
This morning Amy, Hannah, and I went to the War Memorial Hospital. It’s right up the street. We went to the vaccination clinic there. Amy and Hannah wanted to go because Amy is doing her project on postpartum depression and Hannah is doing her project on exclusive breastfeeding. They wanted to get some general information from the nurses and doctors there to help prepare their research proposal. I wanted to go to see some little babes! We learned about the vaccination process from the nurses and got to watch babies get weighed and have their vaccinations given to them. The nurses and mothers were all so open and did not mind us just popping in and hanging out for a few hours. That would deff not fly in the US. We would need like a hundred forms to allow us to shadow people for like an hour. Everyone is very chill here. Very West Coast Vibe, ya feel? Anyways, one baby was screaming bloody murder when having his vaccinations given to him. It made me think of South Africa days working with the little babes there. This was this one boy, Daniel, who I would give his medicine too and he HATED it. He would scream bloody murder; run around in his crib to avoid me, and literally two people had to hold him down to give him his oral medication. He was so cute though.
Also at the vaccination clinic this morning, one baby was getting weighed (they put the babies in like a tote bag and hang the bag on scale to weight them) and he ended peeing everyone. Luckily we were all sitting right next to the scale and were in the splash zone! Gotta love babies. After that visitation was over, it was back to our little room to do more research! Right before lunch my track pad on my laptop decided to stop working. It’s happened before so all I did was reset my computer and it went back to working! Yay.
For lunch I had yams and Groundnut soup made by our favorite cook Irene. Groundnut soup is pretty much a peanut sauce with a lot of spice. It was good. After lunch I went back to my room to take a nap because I didn’t sleep well the night before because the power went out and I was reading a book about an insane asylum in the 1930s and I realized that I am really afraid of insane asylums. Like no thank you. Anyways so with the power out and the insane asylum in my head, there were so many noises that they freaked me out so I did not sleep peacefully. So a nap was needed. When I got to my room I remembered I had to send Dr. Depbuur my updates from my proposal so I pulled out my laptop and my track pad was not working once again. Great. I headed out to look for Bernard who is the IT guy and after 30 minutes of looking for him (he was still at lunch) and freaking out in my head I found him and he gave me a computer mouse to hook up to my computer! I went and hooked it up and it worked perfectly! No problems at all with the mouse anymore.BUTTTTT, Now. My. Keyboard. Isn’t. Working. LOL. Things just can’t be easy can they? So I decided to update the software on my computer and see if that works. Nope it doesn’t. So now I’m really frustrated and crying. Because, like, of course, my computer decides to crap out when I’m in a lower-middle income country. Like why couldn’t this happen when I could easily walk to an apple store. Welcome to my life. Since I had nothing to do really because I sent my edits to Dr. Depbuur and am just waiting for his responses, I take my nap instead of continuing to worry about my laptop.
After my nap and some reading I head back to the room with my computer in tow. I am hoping that it just needed some time alone to decide to work again. I open up my laptop and…yeah the keyboard still isn’t working. I can’t even get into my computer because I can’t enter my password to login. So I turn my computer off completely and leave it alone until this morning. Luckily Ali brought her laptop and her Ipad (I also have an Ipad, but did not think I would need both apple products with me in rural Ghana). She let me use her Ipad and told me I could use it for the rest of the trip if my computer still hated me. God bless her.
 Tensions were high when I went to bed last night. I sent good vibes to my computer and slept like a log. When I woke up this morning, I was afraid to see if my computer worked. Should I have been afraid? Yes because my keyboard still was not working. How did I deal with it? Put Drake on repeat #takecarealbum. I start googling on my phone how to fix my keyboard and one said a Bluetooth keyboard. I did not have a Bluetooth keyboard but maybe Bernard had a random keyboard with USB connectivity! I went to bother him again (he’s deff sick of seeing me) and he didn’t have a keyboard. Just when I was ready to give up, I head to system preferences to look at the keyboard option and everything looks fine. Then I click on the mouse option and decided to unplug my USB mouse and OUT. OF. NOWHERE!! Everything started working. My track pad was working. My keyboard was working. I am happily typing all of this with ease on my laptop! I am so relieved but also like confused because what happened? I don’t want it to happen again so fingers crossed it doesn’t!
 I’ve had this laptop since freshman year in college. Since 2012. We have been in a 5-year relationship (thats like 80 years in apple product time). Relationships are hard ya know. You gotta work through some stuff. There are hard times and good times. This was a hard time, but we made it through. I think our relationship is stronger because of it. I also think that when I’m back in the states, our relationship may need to re-evaluated (aka look into a new laptop, jkay not ready to drop $1000), but I deff can’t go through that stress again. Keep us in your prayers and send positive vibes to my computer for the rest of this trip because IT NEEDS IT. Alright, I sound crazy so it’s time to stop writing this blog.
My life is never not entertaining. At least not in my eyes!
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hebrewing · 7 years
Hebrew Basics #1: All about the Hebrew Alphabet
In order to learn a language, the very first thing you need to know is reading it. This is a basic step in all language studies. Hopefully you’ll start conquering that by the end of this lesson :)
The Hebrew alphabet… isn’t an alphabet. Technically speaking, it’s an “‘abjad” (an acronym of the first four letters of the Arabic ‘abjad), although it is commonly called an alphabet (as I’ll continue calling it for simplicity’s sake). Characteristic of Semitic languages (to which Hebrew belongs, among Arabic and many others, extinct and alive), the ‘abjad’s main characteristic is (almost) complete lack of vowels. Every letter stands for a consonant, and vowels are simply omitted. It’s equivalent to writing English “lk ths.”
While using an ‘abjad-like system with English is quite hellish, the case for Hebrew is quite different. Due to its relatively simple vowel system and unique Semitic grammar and morphology (how words are formed and act in a sentence), using an ‘abjad is actually quite a reasonable choice for Hebrew. Oversimplifying, Hebrew words are comprised of a root and a template, each contribute meaning to the final word. The root is comprised of (usually three) consonants, and the template describes the vowels, prefixes and suffixes you insert between and around the consonants.
The Letters
The Hebrew alphabet, called הָאַלֶף־בֵּית/אָלֶפְבֵּית הָעִבְרִי ha’álef-bét ha’ivrí, is comprised of 22 letters.
The first, most important fact is that Hebrew is read from right to left.
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Note: the names aren’t all that important to learning the letters. Simply learning their pronunciation is enough at this point.
Five of the letters, for historical reasons, have two different forms - a word-initial and -medial form, and a separate final form. These are marked with a 1 on the table.
As you might have noticed, some letters have multiple pronunciations, and some of these overlap with one another. This was caused by many changes that happened to the language’s phonology over the years since the alphabet was created (some 3,000 years ago in its earliest forms).
The most notable of these letters are the בֶּגֶ״ד כֶּפֶ״ת* béged kéfet letters, marked with a 2. These days, for historical reasons**, only three letters actually change their pronunciation depending on their position in a word–ב bet, כ kaf, פ pe–and they are the only ones marked on the list, pronounced as /b~v/, /k~kh/, /p~f/, respectively. Generally speaking, for native words, at the beginning of a word and directly after a consonant (with no vowel in-between), they are pronounced with their ‘hard’ pronunciation (/b/ /k/ /p/), and in all other positions with their ‘soft’ pronunciation (/v/ /kh/ /f/). Loanwords do not follow these rules, and are pronounced as they are in the original language.
*Acronyms and initialisms, as well as Hebrew letter names and numerals, are marked by the Hebrew punctuation mark ״, called גֵּרְשַׁיִם gershayim, and placed before the last letter of the phrase. It is similar looking to the Latin quotation mark, and is often confused with it even by native speakers, but nonetheless different.
**You might have noticed that ‘historically’, ‘for historical reasons’, etc. are somewhat a trend in this lesson. Hebrew is an incredibly old language, about 5,000 years old in fact, riddled with old tales and tradition. During that period it changed a lot, it even died for 2,000 years and came back to haunt us in the last 150. Despite this, the Hebrew writing system as we know it today was tailored (albeit not perfectly) for Hebrew as it was spoken some 2,500 years ago, and remained relatively unchanged during that whole period. Therefore, there are a lot of peculiarities in the Hebrew alphabet that we simply do not have time to cover, stemming from the complicated history of the language.
There are also a handful of letters which, for historical reasons, are still pronounced the same.
א alef + ע áyin (+ ה he) = ‘ (glottal stop) or none (ה he only as none)
soft ב bet + ו vav = /v/
ח chet + soft כ kaf = /ch/*
ט tet + ת tav = /t/
hard כ kaf + ק qof = /k/*
ס sámekh + שׂ sin = /s/
*I still transcribe hard כ kaf and ק qof, as well as ח chet and soft כ kaf differently (/k/ vs /q/, /ch/ vs /kh/) because, well, it’s easier than the other homophones.
To form a word, simply string together letters - the vowels magically appear in your head!
ספר (séfer) - book
ספר (sapár) - barber, hairdresser
ספר (sipér) - (he) told, (he) cut hair
ספר (supár) - (passive of above verb)
ספר (sper) - spare (English loanword)
…Yeah, that’s easier said than done.
See, in general with the ‘abjad system, all words pronounced with the same consonants are written exactly the same, which can create a heck of a lot of homographs, words written the same but pronounced differently. This problem has been cleverly solved using אִמּוֹת קְרִיאָה - ‘imót kri’á (literally mothers of reading). These are letters in Hebrew that serve a double function as a consonant and a vowel, marked with a 3 on the table. Noticed the letters ו vav and י yod have multiple pronunciations?
In many words, vowels (especially /i/, /o/ and /u/) are marked using one of these letters to reduce the number of homographs. For example, the words listed earlier are usually written:
ספר (séfer) - book
ספר (sapár) - barber, hairdresser
סיפר (sipér) - (he) told, (he) cut hair
סופר (supár) - (passive of above verb) 
ספייר (sper) - spare (English loanword)
These letters can be conveniently memorized using the acronym אֶהֶוִ״י ‘eheví.
Interestingly enough, Yiddish, written with the same 22 letters, uses these letters (and some more) to create a full alphabet, where each and every vowel in a word is written, as well as the consonants. But we aren’t learning Yiddish here.
Learning when and where to put ‘imót kri’á comes with time, as it is often up to the reader where to put them. The style of writing I’ll be teaching with is called כְּתִיב חֲסֵר ktiv chasér, or ‘lacking spelling,’ where the bare minimum of ‘imót kri’á are used, and all vowels are indicated using vowel points, נִקּוּד niqúd, explained in the next section. This style is often used in children’s books and Biblical inscriptions; ktiv chasér is historically the only way Hebrew was written. This is in opposition to כְּתִיב מָלֵא ktiv malé, ‘full spelling,’ where ‘imót kri’á are used and vowel points aren’t; this is the style of writing virtually every modern Hebrew text is written in.
This might seem all confusing at this point, but let me assure you it isn’t. Once you wrap your head around it and start reading more and more of the language, you just instinctively know how a word is read off the bat. Context is usually more than enough to settle any ambiguities in how to read a word.
Vowel Points
Vowel points, נִקּוּד niqúd, are the diacritics used in Hebrew to indicate the vowels of a word, to complement the ambiguous ‘abjad system. These are the little dots and lines around each letter in previous examples.
Hebrew has five vowels: /a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/ - pronounced almost identically to those in Spanish and Greek, to name a few. However, it has 13 different vowel points. Historically, and still in some traditional readings of the Bible, each mark had a different pronunciation, but in Modern Hebrew a lot of them merged with one another.
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The final form of מ mem, ם, is used as a placeholder here.
Make no mistake, the two vowels marked with an asterisk are in fact the same vowel. For now, know that in most cases it is pronounces as /a/. The /o/ pronunciation is rare, only in certain templates of words, and distinguishing between them is out of the scope of this lesson. For now, the only common word that uses the /o/ pronunciation is כָּל kol, meaning ‘all’.
Short and long vowels are only traditional nomenclature - in practice, all vowels in each row are pronounced with the same length. תְּנוּעוֹת חֲטוּפוֹת tnu’ót chatufót are stlightly different, but nonetheless pronounced the same. Note that the some long vowels use ‘imót kri’á intrinsically.
דָּגֶשׁ Dagésh:
The point on the bottom left, the דָּגֶשׁ dagésh, is an interesting topic. However, the only relevant point to this lesson is that it distinguishes between hard (with dagesh) and soft (without) pronunciations of בֶּגֶ״ד כֶּפֶ״ת béged kéfet letters.
שְׁוָא Shva:
There are two types of shva: נַע na’ ‘moving’ - indicating an /e/, and נַח nach ‘still’ - indicating no vowel. Distinguishing between them is way out of the scope of this lesson, so for now the only way to tell them apart is through experience and transliterations.
שִׁי״ן Shin Points:
You might have noticed the rogue ש shin at the bottom of the table there. ש shin is different to other letters with double pronunciations, as it had always had two different pronunciations. Therefore, it got a different point to distinguish between the two: a dot on the right spoke of the ש shin indicates the common /sh/ pronunciation - שׁ, and a dot on the left spoke indicates the rarer /s/ pronunciation - שׂ. Each pronunciation is subsequently called שִׁי״ן יְמַנִית shin yemanít ‘right שִׁי״ן’ and שִׁי״ן שְֹמָאלִית shin smalít ‘left שִׁי״ן’.
All word-final letters have no vowel, unless marked otherwise. Most letters cannot even take a vowel mark at the end of a word. Exceptionally, ה he, ח chet, final ך kaf, ע áyin, ת tav, in certain circumstances do take vowel marks. ש shin must always have either a left or a right point, but no other vowel mark.
Try reading these basic Hebrew words, then look at the answer key at the end to see if you were right.
1. אֲנִי 2. כֶּלֶב 3. בְּתוֹךְ 4. שֻׁלְחָן 5. פְּרִי 6. כָּל 7. יַם 8. עֵץ 9. אֲדָמָה 10. שְׂמֹאל
Answer Key
‘aní – I (me)
kélev – dog
betókh – inside
shulchán – table
pri – fruit
kol – all
yam – sea
‘ets – tree
‘adamá – ground, earth
smol – left (vs. right)
Alright then, that’s it for today! Follow me for more Hebrew lessons, hopefully they won’t all be as long as this one :D
לְהִתְרַאוֹת בַּפַּעַם הַבָּאָה! (lehitraót bapá’am haba’á)
See you next time!
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
i got a taste of love in a simple way
Life as a sister-mom is quite difficult, you know? it’s been busy busy busy! and i’ve also had some bad days but,,,, i’m here and day four is queued for later today, alright? it’s double fic day (maybe tripple if i can finish day five in time but i doubt it tbh) and i hope you enjoy! 
Not even close to be proofread but i do wanna thank my fave cupcake @ac-ars for supporting this when i doubted xD
(there’s a little loophole here that will be answered in day 7, the continuation of this date) 
DAY THREE: “When i was told i was going to a blind date, i never thought it’d be you”
“So, what you’re saying is that you set me up with someone who a) you’ve never even met, and b) could be the evil incarnated?”
Simón couldn’t believe his friends. He’d heard (and been part) of many stupid ideas the past five years they’ve been a band, but this was just pure insanity from then. Who even cared if he had a date for the charity-thingy their record label was throwing, anyway? Absolutely no-one.
Except his so-called-friends.  
“Hey, hey, hey. I never said she was the evil incarnated, okay?” Pedro tried to calm him down, turning away from the eggs he was frying on the stove for a minute, “Delfi’s friend is complicated. Maybe a little mean and full of herself, but not evil.”
Simón was having none of it, “if I wanted to go with someone complicated, I would have asked Daniela to go with me.”
“Now, she is the evil incarnated,” Nico, who was seating beside him, butted in, his mouth half-full from the toast Pedro had made for them; Simón flipped him off for that, “what? I’m just vocalizing what everyone was thinking.” The blond defended himself, taking another bite of the toast, not really caring about the topic at hand.
“I could have asked Luna or Yam, maybe even Nina,” he told them, still frustrated with the situation. “You didn’t have to set me up with a stranger.”
“You’re talking as if I had chosen a girl from the street and asked her to go with you,” the drummer turned the stove off and went to sit with them, eggs and toast on his plate, “Delfi knows her, and I trust her judgment.”
“Are we talking about the same girl who lied about being another person to be with Gastón?” now it was Pedro’s turn to flip Nico off. He waved him off, and turned to their guitarist, “Luna and Yam are on their mid-terms, they couldn’t come. And the event does require for you to skate for at least an hour; would you really torture Nina that way?”
They all knew the answer to that.
“I still don’t think this was a good idea.”
Pedro gulped down his bite before shrugging, “it’s only for a couple of hours, and who knows? Maybe you two hit it off and end up liking each other.”
They were quiet for a couple of minutes, each one of them too focused on eating before the rehearsals for their incoming tour started, before Simón finally accepted defeat.
“I hate you both, root in hell.”
He threw them a piece of bread on their heads, missing epically on hitting them, making his friends laugh at his childish antics.
Fast forward to a couple of days, he was still not in for it. If this charity event weren’t so important to him and the hundreds of kids who he’d be helping get an education he’d cancel in a heartbeat.
But now, with less than an hour until he left with Pedro to get the girls, he just couldn’t back off and be a coward. He’d spent the last ten minutes trying to get rid of the nerves by face-timing his best friend since their diaper days, but she was having none of his sentiments on the subject.
“You’re being very dramatic about this, Simón,” she said, trying to hold in her laughter when she saw him angrily combing his hair.
“Whose side are you on, dude?” he asked, dropping his comb on the bed; not looking back where it’d fell when a thud resonated on his room.
“Yours, of course,” Luna rolled her eyes, “which is why I’m telling you to go with an open mind and have fun.”
Simón recognized the change in her voice almost immediately. “You know something I don’t.” He stared at the face displayed on his tablet, searching for something to confirm what he already knew.
She smiled sheepishly, “I was the one who convinced Pedro to set you guys up,” when she saw his expression hardening, she was quick to explain, “I’ve met her before, Simón. She’s not bad, and I’m 1,000,000% sure you’ll like her; I would have never supported Delfi on this if I wasn’t.”
He was quiet for a minute. A part of him wanted to be mad, but he couldn’t really stay angry for long with anyone, much less his best friend. She knew him better than anyone else, and if she said it’d be okay, he’d trust her word.
“Fine,” Simón sighed, “who is she anyway? Where did you meet her?”
Luna froze for a second. He wasn’t sure if it was his connection failing on him, or her own body freezing in shock, “I, uh, went to school with her.” Her voice got a hint of nervousness, and Simón got suspicious. Luna didn’t lie to him, ever, so he was sure she was twisting the truth.
“What’s her name, again? None of you’ve told me.” He could see her struggling to find an answer.
“Uh, what was that? I, uh, can’t hear you anymore. And, um, Matteo is calling me so, bye?” The screen turning black let him know she’d hung up on him. Hung up.
Simón was about to call her again to ask for an explanation when someone knocked on his bedroom’s door. Pedro came in, cellphone in hand, and said, “the girls are ready, we’re leaving in five; hurry up, champ.”
His bandmate left before he could ask for the girl’s name.
The whole ride to Delfi’s was spent with Pedro singing as loudly as he could so Simón wouldn’t be able to question him.  
He’d turn up the volume all the way until his eardrums were vibrating, turning it down a little when his head started aching. Simón tried to gain his attention multiple times, on red lights and when a song ended and before another started, but Pedro always seemed to figure out what he was planning and changed the subject; saying stuff like “this is my favorite song!” four times in a row.
When they finally parked outside of Delfi’s building; his friend tried to sneak away as fast as possible, running to the entrance and to elevator, shouting a quick hello to the caretaker of the building.
“Does this idiot not know I don’t know where his girlfriend lives?” weren’t he so confused, he’d be amused at the way Pedro made everything seem ridiculous. The caretaker stood up from his seat by the counter, and smiled at him.
“Mr. Arias does the same thing every time, sir.” He confined, writing on the visitors’ book Pedro’s name, “I think miss Delfina gets annoyed when he’s late.”
Simón had to smile back, “he’s just whipped, mister,” he read the tag on the man’s chest, “Lozano.”
“Love is a funny thing, son.” The old man’s smile got bigger, “it brings out emotions you didn’t know you had, and makes you do stuff you were sure you’d never do.”
He wasn’t sure how to answer that. He loved multiple people in his life, had been sure he was in love with Luna and Daniela at some point, only to find out later he wasn’t at all.
Growing up he’d fantasize about finding his one true love. Someone who’d make him smile at the mere thought of her face, of long nights on the phone and conversations who’d never bore him. As time passed he realized those were fantasies only, and loving someone not always meant being in love with them.
At this part in his life, he still dreamt of love (because he was the sappiest bastard ever) but he now knew searching for it was just pointless. Love finding you in the less expected times and all.
The sound of the elevator arriving the ground floor distracted him. Out came a couple of people he didn’t know first, followed by Pedro and Delfi holding hands. His friend looked embarrassed when he saw him waiting alone in the lobby, the bag with Delfi’s skates hanging loosely on his shoulder; his girl reprimanded him for leaving him behind.
“Sorry, man.” Pedro apologized as soon as he was in front of him, palming him back lightly. Delfi shook her head, still surprised her boyfriend had ditched him in the lobby.
He shrugged his apology off, before finally looking behind the couple to see his oh, so secret blind date. He was stunned when he recognized the prettiest blue eyes and wavy blonde hair.
Standing there was Ámbar Smith, Luna’s aunt’s goddaughter and the girl he’d crushed the biggest in his life.
Memories of both at the mansion that used to be Luna’s home came to his mind. They hadn’t liked each other at first, her being too closed and unreachable for him to get know her better; and he “too goody two shoes” to be considered cool for her. Then, somehow, they were alone and she wasn’t as unreachable, and he wasn’t lame, and they were just what the other needed.
That was the day he knew he’d been crushing on her for months without knowing.
But that was also the last time he’d seen her. Until tonight.  
“Ámbar.” Her name came out breathless, too shocked to speak properly. Her lips curved the slightest bit at this.
“I see you remember me,” her voice had changed. A little more mature, less full of herself and no trace of superiority.
He didn’t notice when Pedro and Delfi had gotten out of his way until he started walking towards her, “that’s impossible, you know it.”
Ámbar flipped her hair, and he was surprised to see she’d grown it out a couple of centimeters below her shoulders. “Always the charmer, Simón Álvarez.”  
“I never thought it’d be you,” he said more to himself than to her, scanning her face; trying to convince his brain he wasn’t dreaming, “when I was told I was going to a blind date, I never thought it’d be you. Not after all these years.”
Her frown told him he’d say something wrong, “are you disappointed?” the question threw him off, and his tardiness to deny it made her tense, “I only agreed because Luna wouldn’t shut up. You can blame her for this.”
Simón blinked a couple of times when he heard her. Of course.
Luna knew he had the biggest crush on Ámbar the moment he saw him mopping the days that followed her departure. She knew she’d gotten back in town, saw the opportunity and set him up with her. Her words resonated in his mind; “I’m sure you’ll like her.”
“No,” he denied, looking straight into her eyes, “I got to thank her, because I’m not disappointed at all.”
The weight of his look made her fidgety, not sure how to respond to his words. Delfi called for them, hurrying them to get to the car or they all would be late.
Ámbar cleared her throat, straightening her spine to get rid of the nervousness. Simón took the bag with her skates gently from her, and offered his arm to her.
“Shall we?”  
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airoasis · 5 years
The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-danger-of-a-single-story-chimamanda-ngozi-adichie-17/
The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I am a storyteller. And that i would like to let you know just a few personal studies about what I prefer to name "the chance of the only story." I grew up on a school campus in jap Nigeria. My mother says that I started studying at the age of two, despite the fact that I suppose 4 is as a rule virtually the reality. So I was an early reader, and what I read have been British and American kid’s books.I was also an early writer, and after I began to write down, at about the age of seven, reports in pencil with crayon illustrations that my bad mother was once obligated to learn, I wrote exactly the forms of stories I used to be reading: All my characters have been white and blue-eyed, they performed within the snow, they ate apples, (Laughter) and so they talked lots concerning the weather, how beautiful it was that the sun had come out. (Laughter) Now, this although that I lived in Nigeria. I had certainly not been external Nigeria. We did not have snow, we ate mangoes, and we never talked about the weather, given that there was no need to. My characters additionally drank quite a lot of ginger beer, when you consider that the characters in the British books I learn drank ginger beer. On no account mind that I had no idea what ginger beer used to be. (Laughter) And for many years afterwards, i would have a determined want to style ginger beer. However that is one more story. What this demonstrates, I believe, is how impressionable and inclined we’re in the face of a narrative, in particular as kids.Considering the fact that all I had read had been books where characters were international, I had come to be satisfied that books via their very nature needed to have foreigners in them and needed to be about matters with which I could now not in my view determine. Now, things converted once I found out African books. There weren’t a lot of them to be had, they usually weren’t rather as convenient to find as the international books. But considering the fact that of writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye, I went through a intellectual shift in my notion of literature. I realized that persons like me, girls with dermis the color of chocolate, whose kinky hair would no longer kind ponytails, would additionally exist in literature.I started to write about matters I famous. Now, I adored these American and British books I read. They stirred my creativeness. They opened up new worlds for me. But the unintended end result was once that i didn’t comprehend that individuals like me would exist in literature. So what the invention of African writers did for me was once this: It saved me from having a single story of what books are. I come from a conventional, middle-classification Nigerian household. My father was once a professor. My mom used to be an administrator. And so we had, as used to be the norm, reside-in home aid, who would most commonly come from neighborhood rural villages. So, the year I grew to become eight, we got a brand new house boy.His identify was once Fide. The only thing my mother informed us about him used to be that his loved ones was once very negative. My mom despatched yams and rice, and our ancient garments, to his loved ones. And when I did not conclude my dinner, my mother would say, "finish your food! Do not you understand? Humans like Fide’s loved ones don’t have anything." So I felt big pity for Fide’s household. Then one Saturday, we went to his village to consult with, and his mom confirmed us a superbly patterned basket product of dyed raffia that his brother had made. I was once startled. It had no longer came about to me that anybody in his loved ones would really make anything.All I had heard about them was how poor they were, so that it had grow to be inconceivable for me to see them as anything else but terrible. Their poverty used to be my single story of them. Years later, I concept about this after I left Nigeria to head to tuition in the USA. I used to be 19. My American roommate was shocked through me. She asked where I had realized to speak English so good, and was once confused after I stated that Nigeria happened to have English as its professional language.She requested if she would hearken to what she referred to as my "tribal music," and used to be hence very disillusioned once I produced my tape of Mariah Carey. (Laughter) She assumed that i did not be aware of learn how to use a stove. What struck me used to be this: She had felt sorry for me even earlier than she saw me. Her default position toward me, as an African, was once a variety of patronizing, good-that means pity. My roommate had a single story of Africa: a single story of catastrophe. On this single story, there used to be no possibility of Africans being similar to her in anyway, no likelihood of emotions extra difficult than pity, no likelihood of a connection as human equals. I have to say that before I went to the U.S., I failed to consciously establish as African.But within the U.S., every time Africa came up, folks became to me. On no account intellect that I knew nothing about locations like Namibia. But I did come to include this new identity, and in lots of methods I believe of myself now as African. Although I nonetheless get quite irritable when Africa is referred to as a nation, the most up to date instance being my or else unusual flight from Lagos two days in the past, in which there used to be an announcement on the Virgin flight about the charity work in "India, Africa and other countries." (Laughter) So, after I had spent some years in the U.S. As an African, i started to fully grasp my roommate’s response to me. If I had no longer grown up in Nigeria, and if all I knew about Africa have been from general portraits, I too would believe that Africa used to be a place of beautiful landscapes, gorgeous animals, and incomprehensible persons, combating mindless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to converse for themselves and ready to be saved through a sort, white foreigner. I’d see Africans in the equal manner that I, as a little one, had seen Fide’s family.This single story of Africa eventually comes, I suppose, from Western literature. Now, here’s a quote from the writing of a London merchant known as John Lok, who sailed to west Africa in 1561 and saved a exciting account of his voyage. After regarding the black Africans as "beasts who don’t have any residences," he writes, "they are also men and women with out heads, having their mouth and eyes in their breasts." Now, I’ve laughed every time I’ve read this.And one have got to admire the creativeness of John Lok. But what is fundamental about his writing is that it represents the beginning of a way of life of telling African stories within the West: A lifestyle of Sub-Saharan Africa as a situation of negatives, of difference, of darkness, of people who, within the phrases of the unusual poet Rudyard Kipling, are "half satan, half of child." And so, i started to comprehend that my American roommate ought to have for the period of her existence noticeable and heard distinctive types of this single story, as had a professor, who as soon as instructed me that my novel used to be no longer "authentically African." Now, I was once rather willing to contend that there were a quantity of things unsuitable with the radical, that it had failed in a quantity of locations, however I had not quite imagined that it had failed at achieving something called African authenticity.In fact, i did not know what African authenticity used to be. The professor advised me that my characters were an excessive amount of like him, an educated and core-type man. My characters drove automobiles. They weren’t starving. Consequently they were not authentically African. However I have to swiftly add that I too am just as guilty within the query of the only story. A couple of years ago, I visited Mexico from the U.S.The political local weather in the U.S. At the time used to be hectic, and there have been debates happening about immigration. And, as customarily occurs in the usa, immigration grew to be synonymous with Mexicans. There have been unending reviews of Mexicans as people who were fleecing the healthcare approach, sneaking across the border, being arrested at the border, that kind of factor. I remember going for walks round on my first day in Guadalajara, watching the persons going to work, rolling up tortillas available to buy, smoking, laughing. I do not forget first feeling moderate surprise. After which, I was once overwhelmed with disgrace. I noticed that I had been so immersed in the media protection of Mexicans that they had come to be one thing in my mind, the abject immigrant.I had purchased into the one story of Mexicans and i would now not were more ashamed of myself. So that is easy methods to create a single story, show a individuals as one thing, as only one thing, again and again, and that’s what they emerge as. It is unimaginable to speak concerning the single story with out speakme about energy. There’s a phrase, an Igbo phrase, that I believe about every time I suppose concerning the energy buildings of the world, and it’s "nkali." it’s a noun that loosely interprets to "to be better than a different." Like our fiscal and political worlds, reviews too are outlined via the precept of nkali: How they are advised, who tells them, when they may be told, what number of reports are instructed, are really elegant on vigor. Power is the capability not simply to inform the story of one other man or woman, but to make it the definitive story of that character.The Palestinian poet Mourid Barghouti writes that if you want to dispossess a men and women, the easiest strategy to do it is to inform their story and to start with, "secondly." begin the story with the arrows of the Native americans, and now not with the arrival of the British, and you’ve got an totally special story. Begin the story with the failure of the African state, and now not with the colonial construction of the African state, and you have an totally special story.I lately spoke at a university where a scholar told me that it was any such shame that Nigerian men were physical abusers like the father persona in my novel. I instructed him that I had simply read a novel called "American Psycho" — (Laughter) — and that it was once such a shame that young american citizens were serial murderers. (Laughter) (Applause) Now, surely I said this in a match of slight inflammation. (Laughter) but it will by no means have occurred to me to think that simply on the grounds that I had read a novel wherein a character was a serial killer that he used to be somehow consultant of all american citizens. This isn’t seeing that i’m a better character than that scholar, however considering of the us’s cultural and economic vigor, I had many experiences of the usa. I had read Tyler and Updike and Steinbeck and Gaitskill.I did not have a single story of the united states. When I learned, some years ago, that writers have been expected to have had relatively sad childhoods to be positive, i began to consider about how I could invent horrible things my parents had carried out to me. (Laughter) but in fact that I had an awfully happy childhood, stuffed with laughter and love, in an awfully shut-knit household. But I additionally had grandfathers who died in refugee camps. My cousin Polle died considering he could not get enough healthcare. One in every of my closest neighbors, Okoloma, died in a airplane crash considering that our fire vans didn’t have water. I grew up underneath repressive navy governments that devalued education, in order that oftentimes, my dad and mom were not paid their salaries. And so, as a little one, I saw jam disappear from the breakfast table, then margarine disappeared, then bread became too pricey, then milk became rationed.And most of all, a kind of normalized political worry invaded our lives. All of those reports make me who i am. However to insist on handiest these poor stories is to flatten my experience and to miss the many other reviews that formed me. The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes shouldn’t be that they’re unfaithful, but that they are incomplete. They make one story come to be the one story. Of course, Africa is a continent full of catastrophes: There are colossal ones, such because the horrific rapes in Congo and miserable ones, corresponding to the truth that 5,000 men and women observe for one job emptiness in Nigeria. However there are other stories that are not about disaster, and it is vitally principal, it is just as major, to talk about them. I’ve perpetually felt that it is unattainable to have interaction correctly with a situation or a man or woman without attractive with all of the experiences of that position and that man or woman.The final result of the one story is this: It robs individuals of dignity. It makes our consciousness of our equal humanity problematic. It emphasizes how we are different as an alternative than how we are equivalent. So what if before my Mexican shuttle, I had adopted the immigration debate from all sides, the U.S. And the Mexican? What if my mother had instructed us that Fide’s loved ones was negative and hardworking? What if we had an African tv network that broadcast numerous African experiences all over the place the sector? What the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe calls "a stability of experiences." What if my roommate knew about my Nigerian writer, Muhtar Bakare, a superb man who left his job in a financial institution to comply with his dream and start a publishing residence? Now, the conventional wisdom was once that Nigerians don’t learn literature.He disagreed. He felt that individuals who might read, would read, for those who made literature low priced and available to them. Rapidly after he published my first novel, I went to a television station in Lagos to do an interview, and a woman who labored there as a messenger came as much as me and mentioned, "I rather favored your novel. I didn’t just like the ending. Now, you have to write a sequel, and this is what’s going to happen …" (Laughter) and she or he went on to tell me what to write within the sequel. I was now not most effective charmed, I was very moved. Here used to be a lady, part of the normal lots of Nigerians, who weren’t purported to be readers. She had now not simplest learn the booklet, but she had taken possession of it and felt justified in telling me what to put in writing within the sequel. Now, what if my roommate knew about my pal Funmi Iyanda, a fearless woman who hosts a television exhibit in Lagos, and is determined to tell the reports that we prefer to overlook? What if my roommate knew about the coronary heart procedure that used to be carried out in the Lagos health facility final week? What if my roommate knew about trendy Nigerian tune, proficient men and women singing in English and Pidgin, and Igbo and Yoruba and Ijo, mixing influences from Jay-Z to Fela to Bob Marley to their grandfathers.What if my roommate knew in regards to the feminine legal professional who just lately went to court docket in Nigeria to assignment a ridiculous law that required ladies to get their husband’s consent earlier than renewing their passports? What if my roommate knew about Nollywood, filled with progressive persons making films regardless of best technical odds, movies so general that they fairly are the first-rate example of Nigerians drinking what they produce? What if my roommate knew about my wonderfully formidable hair braider, who has simply began her own trade promoting hair extensions? Or in regards to the hundreds of thousands of alternative Nigerians who businesses and often fail, but continue to nurse ambition? At any time when i am residence i am confronted with the typical sources of inflammation for most Nigerians: our failed infrastructure, our failed government, but also by using the brilliant resilience of people who thrive despite the federal government, rather than seeing that of it. I educate writing workshops in Lagos each summer, and it’s robust to me what number of people follow, what number of individuals are eager to write, to tell experiences. My Nigerian publisher and i have just began a non-revenue called Farafina trust, and we have now big dreams of building libraries and refurbishing libraries that already exist and providing books for state colleges that would not have something in their libraries, and in addition of organizing lots and plenty of workshops, in reading and writing, for the entire men and women who are eager to tell our many reviews.Experiences matter. Many studies matter. Studies had been used to dispossess and to malign, however stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. Stories can spoil the consideration of a persons, however reviews may additionally restore that broken dignity. The American writer Alice Walker wrote this about her Southern family who had moved to the North. She offered them to a ebook about the Southern life that that they had left in the back of. "They sat around, studying the guide themselves, taking note of me read the ebook, and a type of paradise was regained." I wish to finish with this thought: That after we reject the single story, once we recognize that there’s certainly not a single story about any location, we regain a kind of paradise.Thanks. (Applause) .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-danger-of-a-single-story-chimamanda-ngozi-adichie-17/
The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I am a storyteller. And that i would like to let you know just a few personal studies about what I prefer to name "the chance of the only story." I grew up on a school campus in jap Nigeria. My mother says that I started studying at the age of two, despite the fact that I suppose 4 is as a rule virtually the reality. So I was an early reader, and what I read have been British and American kid’s books.I was also an early writer, and after I began to write down, at about the age of seven, reports in pencil with crayon illustrations that my bad mother was once obligated to learn, I wrote exactly the forms of stories I used to be reading: All my characters have been white and blue-eyed, they performed within the snow, they ate apples, (Laughter) and so they talked lots concerning the weather, how beautiful it was that the sun had come out. (Laughter) Now, this although that I lived in Nigeria. I had certainly not been external Nigeria. We did not have snow, we ate mangoes, and we never talked about the weather, given that there was no need to. My characters additionally drank quite a lot of ginger beer, when you consider that the characters in the British books I learn drank ginger beer. On no account mind that I had no idea what ginger beer used to be. (Laughter) And for many years afterwards, i would have a determined want to style ginger beer. However that is one more story. What this demonstrates, I believe, is how impressionable and inclined we’re in the face of a narrative, in particular as kids.Considering the fact that all I had read had been books where characters were international, I had come to be satisfied that books via their very nature needed to have foreigners in them and needed to be about matters with which I could now not in my view determine. Now, things converted once I found out African books. There weren’t a lot of them to be had, they usually weren’t rather as convenient to find as the international books. But considering the fact that of writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye, I went through a intellectual shift in my notion of literature. I realized that persons like me, girls with dermis the color of chocolate, whose kinky hair would no longer kind ponytails, would additionally exist in literature.I started to write about matters I famous. Now, I adored these American and British books I read. They stirred my creativeness. They opened up new worlds for me. But the unintended end result was once that i didn’t comprehend that individuals like me would exist in literature. So what the invention of African writers did for me was once this: It saved me from having a single story of what books are. I come from a conventional, middle-classification Nigerian household. My father was once a professor. My mom used to be an administrator. And so we had, as used to be the norm, reside-in home aid, who would most commonly come from neighborhood rural villages. So, the year I grew to become eight, we got a brand new house boy.His identify was once Fide. The only thing my mother informed us about him used to be that his loved ones was once very negative. My mom despatched yams and rice, and our ancient garments, to his loved ones. And when I did not conclude my dinner, my mother would say, "finish your food! Do not you understand? Humans like Fide’s loved ones don’t have anything." So I felt big pity for Fide’s household. Then one Saturday, we went to his village to consult with, and his mom confirmed us a superbly patterned basket product of dyed raffia that his brother had made. I was once startled. It had no longer came about to me that anybody in his loved ones would really make anything.All I had heard about them was how poor they were, so that it had grow to be inconceivable for me to see them as anything else but terrible. Their poverty used to be my single story of them. Years later, I concept about this after I left Nigeria to head to tuition in the USA. I used to be 19. My American roommate was shocked through me. She asked where I had realized to speak English so good, and was once confused after I stated that Nigeria happened to have English as its professional language.She requested if she would hearken to what she referred to as my "tribal music," and used to be hence very disillusioned once I produced my tape of Mariah Carey. (Laughter) She assumed that i did not be aware of learn how to use a stove. What struck me used to be this: She had felt sorry for me even earlier than she saw me. Her default position toward me, as an African, was once a variety of patronizing, good-that means pity. My roommate had a single story of Africa: a single story of catastrophe. On this single story, there used to be no possibility of Africans being similar to her in anyway, no likelihood of emotions extra difficult than pity, no likelihood of a connection as human equals. I have to say that before I went to the U.S., I failed to consciously establish as African.But within the U.S., every time Africa came up, folks became to me. On no account intellect that I knew nothing about locations like Namibia. But I did come to include this new identity, and in lots of methods I believe of myself now as African. Although I nonetheless get quite irritable when Africa is referred to as a nation, the most up to date instance being my or else unusual flight from Lagos two days in the past, in which there used to be an announcement on the Virgin flight about the charity work in "India, Africa and other countries." (Laughter) So, after I had spent some years in the U.S. As an African, i started to fully grasp my roommate’s response to me. If I had no longer grown up in Nigeria, and if all I knew about Africa have been from general portraits, I too would believe that Africa used to be a place of beautiful landscapes, gorgeous animals, and incomprehensible persons, combating mindless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to converse for themselves and ready to be saved through a sort, white foreigner. I’d see Africans in the equal manner that I, as a little one, had seen Fide’s family.This single story of Africa eventually comes, I suppose, from Western literature. Now, here’s a quote from the writing of a London merchant known as John Lok, who sailed to west Africa in 1561 and saved a exciting account of his voyage. After regarding the black Africans as "beasts who don’t have any residences," he writes, "they are also men and women with out heads, having their mouth and eyes in their breasts." Now, I’ve laughed every time I’ve read this.And one have got to admire the creativeness of John Lok. But what is fundamental about his writing is that it represents the beginning of a way of life of telling African stories within the West: A lifestyle of Sub-Saharan Africa as a situation of negatives, of difference, of darkness, of people who, within the phrases of the unusual poet Rudyard Kipling, are "half satan, half of child." And so, i started to comprehend that my American roommate ought to have for the period of her existence noticeable and heard distinctive types of this single story, as had a professor, who as soon as instructed me that my novel used to be no longer "authentically African." Now, I was once rather willing to contend that there were a quantity of things unsuitable with the radical, that it had failed in a quantity of locations, however I had not quite imagined that it had failed at achieving something called African authenticity.In fact, i did not know what African authenticity used to be. The professor advised me that my characters were an excessive amount of like him, an educated and core-type man. My characters drove automobiles. They weren’t starving. Consequently they were not authentically African. However I have to swiftly add that I too am just as guilty within the query of the only story. A couple of years ago, I visited Mexico from the U.S.The political local weather in the U.S. At the time used to be hectic, and there have been debates happening about immigration. And, as customarily occurs in the usa, immigration grew to be synonymous with Mexicans. There have been unending reviews of Mexicans as people who were fleecing the healthcare approach, sneaking across the border, being arrested at the border, that kind of factor. I remember going for walks round on my first day in Guadalajara, watching the persons going to work, rolling up tortillas available to buy, smoking, laughing. I do not forget first feeling moderate surprise. After which, I was once overwhelmed with disgrace. I noticed that I had been so immersed in the media protection of Mexicans that they had come to be one thing in my mind, the abject immigrant.I had purchased into the one story of Mexicans and i would now not were more ashamed of myself. So that is easy methods to create a single story, show a individuals as one thing, as only one thing, again and again, and that’s what they emerge as. It is unimaginable to speak concerning the single story with out speakme about energy. There’s a phrase, an Igbo phrase, that I believe about every time I suppose concerning the energy buildings of the world, and it’s "nkali." it’s a noun that loosely interprets to "to be better than a different." Like our fiscal and political worlds, reviews too are outlined via the precept of nkali: How they are advised, who tells them, when they may be told, what number of reports are instructed, are really elegant on vigor. Power is the capability not simply to inform the story of one other man or woman, but to make it the definitive story of that character.The Palestinian poet Mourid Barghouti writes that if you want to dispossess a men and women, the easiest strategy to do it is to inform their story and to start with, "secondly." begin the story with the arrows of the Native americans, and now not with the arrival of the British, and you’ve got an totally special story. Begin the story with the failure of the African state, and now not with the colonial construction of the African state, and you have an totally special story.I lately spoke at a university where a scholar told me that it was any such shame that Nigerian men were physical abusers like the father persona in my novel. I instructed him that I had simply read a novel called "American Psycho" — (Laughter) — and that it was once such a shame that young american citizens were serial murderers. (Laughter) (Applause) Now, surely I said this in a match of slight inflammation. (Laughter) but it will by no means have occurred to me to think that simply on the grounds that I had read a novel wherein a character was a serial killer that he used to be somehow consultant of all american citizens. This isn’t seeing that i’m a better character than that scholar, however considering of the us’s cultural and economic vigor, I had many experiences of the usa. I had read Tyler and Updike and Steinbeck and Gaitskill.I did not have a single story of the united states. When I learned, some years ago, that writers have been expected to have had relatively sad childhoods to be positive, i began to consider about how I could invent horrible things my parents had carried out to me. (Laughter) but in fact that I had an awfully happy childhood, stuffed with laughter and love, in an awfully shut-knit household. But I additionally had grandfathers who died in refugee camps. My cousin Polle died considering he could not get enough healthcare. One in every of my closest neighbors, Okoloma, died in a airplane crash considering that our fire vans didn’t have water. I grew up underneath repressive navy governments that devalued education, in order that oftentimes, my dad and mom were not paid their salaries. And so, as a little one, I saw jam disappear from the breakfast table, then margarine disappeared, then bread became too pricey, then milk became rationed.And most of all, a kind of normalized political worry invaded our lives. All of those reports make me who i am. However to insist on handiest these poor stories is to flatten my experience and to miss the many other reviews that formed me. The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes shouldn’t be that they’re unfaithful, but that they are incomplete. They make one story come to be the one story. Of course, Africa is a continent full of catastrophes: There are colossal ones, such because the horrific rapes in Congo and miserable ones, corresponding to the truth that 5,000 men and women observe for one job emptiness in Nigeria. However there are other stories that are not about disaster, and it is vitally principal, it is just as major, to talk about them. I’ve perpetually felt that it is unattainable to have interaction correctly with a situation or a man or woman without attractive with all of the experiences of that position and that man or woman.The final result of the one story is this: It robs individuals of dignity. It makes our consciousness of our equal humanity problematic. It emphasizes how we are different as an alternative than how we are equivalent. So what if before my Mexican shuttle, I had adopted the immigration debate from all sides, the U.S. And the Mexican? What if my mother had instructed us that Fide’s loved ones was negative and hardworking? What if we had an African tv network that broadcast numerous African experiences all over the place the sector? What the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe calls "a stability of experiences." What if my roommate knew about my Nigerian writer, Muhtar Bakare, a superb man who left his job in a financial institution to comply with his dream and start a publishing residence? Now, the conventional wisdom was once that Nigerians don’t learn literature.He disagreed. He felt that individuals who might read, would read, for those who made literature low priced and available to them. Rapidly after he published my first novel, I went to a television station in Lagos to do an interview, and a woman who labored there as a messenger came as much as me and mentioned, "I rather favored your novel. I didn’t just like the ending. Now, you have to write a sequel, and this is what’s going to happen …" (Laughter) and she or he went on to tell me what to write within the sequel. I was now not most effective charmed, I was very moved. Here used to be a lady, part of the normal lots of Nigerians, who weren’t purported to be readers. She had now not simplest learn the booklet, but she had taken possession of it and felt justified in telling me what to put in writing within the sequel. Now, what if my roommate knew about my pal Funmi Iyanda, a fearless woman who hosts a television exhibit in Lagos, and is determined to tell the reports that we prefer to overlook? What if my roommate knew about the coronary heart procedure that used to be carried out in the Lagos health facility final week? What if my roommate knew about trendy Nigerian tune, proficient men and women singing in English and Pidgin, and Igbo and Yoruba and Ijo, mixing influences from Jay-Z to Fela to Bob Marley to their grandfathers.What if my roommate knew in regards to the feminine legal professional who just lately went to court docket in Nigeria to assignment a ridiculous law that required ladies to get their husband’s consent earlier than renewing their passports? What if my roommate knew about Nollywood, filled with progressive persons making films regardless of best technical odds, movies so general that they fairly are the first-rate example of Nigerians drinking what they produce? What if my roommate knew about my wonderfully formidable hair braider, who has simply began her own trade promoting hair extensions? Or in regards to the hundreds of thousands of alternative Nigerians who businesses and often fail, but continue to nurse ambition? At any time when i am residence i am confronted with the typical sources of inflammation for most Nigerians: our failed infrastructure, our failed government, but also by using the brilliant resilience of people who thrive despite the federal government, rather than seeing that of it. I educate writing workshops in Lagos each summer, and it’s robust to me what number of people follow, what number of individuals are eager to write, to tell experiences. My Nigerian publisher and i have just began a non-revenue called Farafina trust, and we have now big dreams of building libraries and refurbishing libraries that already exist and providing books for state colleges that would not have something in their libraries, and in addition of organizing lots and plenty of workshops, in reading and writing, for the entire men and women who are eager to tell our many reviews.Experiences matter. Many studies matter. Studies had been used to dispossess and to malign, however stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. Stories can spoil the consideration of a persons, however reviews may additionally restore that broken dignity. The American writer Alice Walker wrote this about her Southern family who had moved to the North. She offered them to a ebook about the Southern life that that they had left in the back of. "They sat around, studying the guide themselves, taking note of me read the ebook, and a type of paradise was regained." I wish to finish with this thought: That after we reject the single story, once we recognize that there’s certainly not a single story about any location, we regain a kind of paradise.Thanks. (Applause) .
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