#if you're a queer person who still has Netflix why?
thundergrace · 11 months
June 10, 2023
During a recent interview at The OCS Conclave 2023, Hayter said the love story between Ava and Beatrice, one of the main attractions of the show, was written in secret since the platform wanted to ban it.
“We wanted to have love stories. And it was just about treating everybody as human beings,” he said. “And then when Avatrice [Ava and Beatrice] became the prime sort of shipping object, it just felt right that that was something we would pursue. But our executive at Netflix was uncomfortable with sex on any level, and was like, ‘No…we’re not going to do this Avatrice thing.’ And Simon Barry and I were like, ‘Yeah we are!'”
He added: “Sara Walker, who directed the first two episodes of season 2 and a couple episodes in season 1, she came in and she read the script. And she said, ‘Oh, so we’re not gonna go with the Avatrice storyline?’ And we’re like, ‘No, we are. We just can’t put it in the script. So every time you see ‘she loves her like a friend,’ just understand that’s the story we’re telling.’ So we didn’t tell Netflix what we were doing. But we felt that was the key relationship, and that’s what the audience wanted to see.”
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
Look, I just need you guys to understand how important queer coming-of-age forbidden romances on internationally accessible platforms like Netflix is, especially to youth in countries where homosexuality still hasn't been legally decriminalised or socially accepted.
That was a mouthful, so let me explain. You, a white American adult with a liberal family, may not relate to a fictional anxious teen Swedish prince grappling with strict familial and societal expectations versus his first love. You may not find anything special in a bunch of queer British teens discovering themselves and figuring out complex relationships that are honestly rather simplistic, in retrospect. It might be a little too trite for you. Like, just a little vanilla without any extra drama. Perhaps corny—cringe, even. Too wholesome.
But you know what that is to me, a desi queer young adult? It's representation, in an unlikely place. My country certainly isn't making movies or shows where I see my secret relationship between me and my girlfriend portrayed. I don't see that happening in the next couple of decades, either, sadly. But you know who’s telling our stories? Alice Oseman. Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung and Camilla Holter. Through fictional storylines that might seem kind of boring to you, I am finally able watch my lived experiences play out on screen.
American media has done such a disservice to queer coming-of-age stories. I want to scream this from the rooftops. Y’all, I’m glad to see more out quirky queer side-characters—I can’t get enough of them—but why is it so rarely their story, in sharp focus, about how they found themselves? I want to know how they overcame internalised homophobia. When was the moment they knew? What is the cost they have to pay for being out? For not being out?
And no, I don’t want it to be dramatic. I don’t need to see violence or betrayals or victorious kisses in public, really. I’m happiest with the teenagers behaving like real teenagers. Innocent, vulnerable, nervous. I want it to be heartfelt, and excruciatingly slow, and authentic. I want to see the small wins and the subtle losses. The quiet mental toll of how much you have to give to a queer relationship—especially your first queer relationship—and how hard that can be to separate from your Identity itself.
Give me that "am I gay?" quiz and genuinely crying at 3:00 AM because you're in a rabbit hole about LGBTQ+ rights in a country where you actually don’t want to be gay and you don’t even know if you “count” anyway. Show me that moment where you're going back and forth from forbidding yourself from seeing the one person that sees and understands you and it's to protect your mental and physical well-being but it's driving you insane. Give me ALL THE YOUNG ADULT BI+ AWAKENINGS where one person strolls into your life and changes everything. No, it’s really not the same as most cis-heterosexual insta-love movies out there, even if it looks that way to you. It doesn’t even cut it close.
The happy ending, the acceptance is only what I can dream of, not what I can expect. The wholesomeness is actually radical to me.
No, we’re not past the need for basic star-crossed queer romances. For most countries in the world (including for many white American teenagers!), we need them as much as ever.
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andmineisyellow · 4 months
Hey, I know you are mostly a Polin blog, but I like to read your thoughts on here, so I thought I'd ask anyway: do you think it could be possible that bridgerton is doing the rich x poor trope with Eloise and Theo and instead saving a different storyline for Benedict (hopefully something queer 🤞)? And no, I'm not just saying this bc I like Theo, but since Ruby is most likely not coming back and I really can't see Eloise settling for some old man, idk... Btw, I haven't read any of the books, but what I've read about Eloise's and Benedict's arcs doesn't rlly make sense to me (sorry)
I wouldn't necessarily rule it out mainly because there are always practical/logistical reasons that may force the show to go in a different direction. That said, I don't think it's the current plan they have in mind.
Theo only exists in Eloise's world. He has a bit of a run-in with Whistledown as well, but he never interacts with Penelope directly. He exists only to push Eloise's story forward and because of that, he feels more like a plot device than anything else. He is there to demonstrate that Eloise is perhaps more interested in love than she realized and to drive a wedge between her and Penelope (and to try and convince the audience that Eloise is straight tbh).
Phillip, while still a supporting player, has been introduced to Bridgerton's larger world. He is familiar with the family through the Featheringtons and through Colin now as well. I don't know why the show would go out of its way to introduce Phillip and bring him back unless there was a plan to make him more important down the line. The only way I could see this changing is if Chris Fulton booked a bigger job elsewhere. As a guest star, he is not under a multi-season contract. Even then, there is always the option to recast.
It's not necessarily what I would like to see personally. Any storyline that involves Marina dying or having to abandon her children would probably outright ruin the series for me. I would much rather the show flip the script. They should kill off Phillip and have Eloise run away to Marina instead. They could still hit the basic plot points of TSPWL while avoiding killing off Marina and giving us the queer representation so many people have been asking for. If Ruby were to make the decision not to come back, there would be a precedent for recasting.
We all know that this won't happen as Netflix has shown over and over again that it's not interested in appealing to Bridgerton's potential queer/LGBTQ+ demographic. This is especially true for sapphic women in particular because Netflix worries about losing the straight female demographic that the show has been marketed towards. But I do think it's the option that would please the most amount of people and they're definitely missing out by excluding the queer community.
I don't know... changing Eloise's love interest from a white man to... another white man, wouldn't feel like a particularly bold or interesting move to me even if Theo is of a different class, I'm also not sure why the writers would be motivated to do so. But if the only alternative to Phillip is Theo, then I would much rather see Theo in the future than have to witness any harm coming to Marina.
And you're definitely right about Phillip and Eloise's books not lining up. They're my two least favorite in the series. A Cinderella Story is basic enough that it could still work for Benedict, but Book Eloise's love story is just super far removed from who Eloise is in the show.
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fudgetunblr · 2 years
Stranger Things 4 volume 1: a Character Analysis 
(for the second to last time besties, let's go)
Jane/Eleven: deserves a nap. should be compensated for all the shit she does for others. Victor Frankenstein, is that you ???
Will: gay™ & an artist™. "turn arooouund,, looook at what you seeee" - still has the worst haircut in the show (they've done you dirty my man). I'm not saying Alex Standall,, buuuut....
Mike: has the worst wardrobe in the show (affectionate), asshole (affectionate), bad friend (derogatory).
Dustin: apparently the smartest person in this show apparently. has a tone problem. still funny :)
Lucas: has the best hair on the show :) jock™. Trying to do other things than just play D&D, good for him. Shot the final shot, v proud of him <3
Max: trauma™ - also deserves a nap fr. she was a skater girl™, we love her ok ??? she's great
Steve: babysitter (derogatory)™. Still trying to find a girlfriend ??? (take a break king). hairy™.
Nancy: gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss™
Robin: disaster lesbian™ (love the representation)
Eddie: looks like he's 30, why are you in high school my good sir???
Jonathan: in his Zach Dempsey era <3 pothead™
Joyce: couldn't even be gone for like two hours before everything went to shit. deserves a break !!! has now been to Russia
Murray: rat (affectionate)
Hopper: so in season 1 they played on 80s archetypes and turned them upside-down blah blah, but my dude is in is 80s hero era, they've completely lost the thread of what they did in the beginning.
Erica: amERICA ! ! ! still playing into that sassy black girl stereotype I see. loved when she played D&D with the gang though <3 "it's a club for nerds" she's not wrong
Henry/One: *it was Agatha all-along*
Victor: :(
Doc B (not me shortening his name): no comment.
Argyle: Netflix owns Eduardo Franco at this point, so it was only a matter of time before he joined Stranger Things. Good to have you here king. Pothead™
Mr. Wheeler: you may hate him, but he speaks the truth. "A club for people who won't graduate high school" cut to a bunch of people who've continuously repeated their senior year.
Mrs. Wheeler: you flirted with an underage boy last season, I have not forgotten mam.
Barb: still haunting this show I see.
Enzo: he's a cool dude, I'm glad you're not dead king
Suzie: tech™, mormon™, like lowkey the coolest person on this show
Other characters: *exists*
Mileven: you know when you date someone when you're like twelve and it's cute and then suddenly you're older and it's not that cute anymore? yeah. Girlboss + Stick vibes :))) (sorry Mike, not my words)
Byler: currently a one sided affair, let's be real, the writers never intended for this, but it's cool that they're doing something now, and if Will does end up not being queer, at this point it will be queer baiting.
Jancy: "We're fine" cut to them not being fine
Stancy (this can not be their ship name): god, this again ??? we can't just switch every season it's exhausting
Mucas: they still care about each other and that is all that matters
Joyce x Hopper: that hug sustained me for another year
Suzie x Dustin: couple goals™ (fr though, they're like the healthiest relationship on this show)
LA Crew: yells in unison. buries dead bodies ?? is perhaps the saddest crew I've ever seen, like I know they're going to El, but God they haven't been plot relevant for a few episodes. They're fun though so I'll accept it. Vibes > Plot.
Hawkins Gang: making a bunch of progress. plot relevant™ - off saving lives and shit. Dustin has no one told you to respect your elders?
The Adults™: off on a trip to Russia, just casual things you know. Still keeping the Soviet storyline alive even though that should've died last season.
The guys™: lmao they haven't been a friend group since like the beginning of season 2 :'(
The Hellfire Club: I'm ngl, if I was Lucas I would also bounce
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Stancy/Season4 rant
sorry if you ship it, but Steve/Nancy is a ship i really, really dislike. i could see the chemistry the two had in season 1 and season 2, i understand why they were together, but that finished with season 2. by the time season 3 came out, it was done, over.
but now they are trying to bring it back in season 4? fuck no. here's a list of reasons why i disliked it.
it felt really forced. they've always had chemistry, but this season I expected that chemistry to be played as platonic, not romantic.
I don't have a problem with Nancy and Jonathan having long-distance relationship problems, but I don't think the conflict should've ended up in Nancy and Steve having a thing again. I'll probably talk about jonathan/nancy in my post about what I'd change about season 4, though
also, I am so sick of Nancy's character development having to revolve around her current boyfriend. let my girl be single!
I don't think the duffers would actually stick to making Steve/Nancy canon mostly because of the fact that the actors playing Jonathan and Nancy are dating in real life and that adds a lot to the chemistry in the show, so what's the point of breaking them up? unless the two have broken up but haven't revealed it to the public yet, but in that case why would have Netflix made a post about them being super cute together a couple days ago?
ngl, I am team "give Steve Harrington a boyfriend 2022", not just because I personally headcanon him as bisexual but also because it would make sense as a character arc. he was a jock in high-school who was a bit homophobic (for example when he called Jonathan "a queer". I get it, it was the 80s, it probably was like the today equivalent of calling someone an idiot, but still.) but then got character developed and a lesbian best friend and realised that maybe the reason why he can't seem to find a girlfriend anymore is because his soulmate is a boy and he just never showed attraction to men before was because he was in denial.
and now, the main reason why I don't think they are compatible: their dream futures. I've been thinking about this since the start of the season, but the talk between Steve and Nancy in vol2 really settled the case for me. Steve talks about how he wants a full house with six kids, three boys and three girls, y'know, the nuclear family dream and all. but Nancy in season 1 has a whole talk with Jonathan about how she does not want that in her life. she doesn't want to end up like her parents, with their lovely nuclear family, their house with a picked fence and the whole suburban dream. so in the end that's really what makes me dislike them together, their dreams for the future are just not compatible because they are opposites.
in the end, i think the only way I would be okay with Steve and Nancy ending up together would be if it became a poly relationship with Steve, Nancy and Jonathan.
for the record, I don't have a problem with the people shipping it, you're allowed to have your opinion and ship who you want, all this is just my personal opinions. if it came off as though I was insulting you, it was not intended that way.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
your post about mailee says everything i’ve felt about how this fandom (and many others) treat female characters, especially in the context of sapphic shipping.
i could never personally get into mailee due to the annoyance that is it’s fandom. the constant bashing of certain sapphic ships by proclaiming them as toxic (as if that isn’t the appeal) was so annoying to see in 2020 that it sadly left a sour taste in my mouth.
it also just fits into the most boring stereotypes of cute and fluffy sapphic ship!! something that tends to be the case nowadays.
but even with all that aside it’s obvious why mailee exists. they’re a side pairing for more popular ships and oh what a surprise, it’s a mlm ship leading it. i can’t deny that zukka fans mostly contribute to mailee content because they do but also how deeply annoying it is to see this pattern of wlw side pairing for mlm over and over again.
especially with atla of all shows. a show that actually has a complex female character whose unintentionally lesbian-coded but people will not bother exploring her queerness because shes “mentally ill” or “too much” or “she doesn’t need that rn” or whatever excuses people come up with.
it’s a shame to see all this play out but i’m not surprised. at the end of the day it’s always going to be mlm or f/m at this point.
oh wow i'm glad to hear i'm not the only one feeling this way!! like i mentioned in my previous post, i honestly don't really like mai, but i've tried to get myself to over the years. in 2019 i had rewatched the show and thought "hey, mai and ty lee are kinda cute together, i still don't love mai but maybe i could if i try to think more deeply about her character and see if i can find some meta and fics and such that flesh her out and examine her good points. maybe ty lee could be someone who really understands her and brings out the good in her". but mailee was very much a rarepair back then and i could only really find fluffy drabbles to read. i like fluffy drabbles and all, but they just weren't what i needed in this case. so then in 2020 the show gets put on netflix, i come back from a tumblr hiatus to see there's been a massive fandom renaissance, and now mailee is so popular it's getting to high numbers on weekly fandometrics lists! great!
so then i again look for content about them and see that a ton of it is either zuko-centric or zukka-centric with them as a side pairing at best, and zukka just isn't for me. i have a close friend who ships it so i understand the appeal, but i'm always and forever a zutara stan. i could've multishipped (i do reblog cute fanart of them on occasion) if i didn't keep seeing things from the zukka side of the fandom that really frustrate me, this being one of them. and every time i choose to dive back into the fandom and see if things have improved it's still the same, i should not have to go through 53 of the most kudos'd fics in mailee's tag before i find a fic about them especially since they have less than 1/5th the amount of fics as zukka in the first place, and it just makes me sad that this is an issue in almost every fandom. i may not like mai, but you would really think the people making shippy content involving her would like her and be willing to actually focus on her in said content!
as for the constant bashing of other more "toxic" f/f ships and unwillingness to examine another female character's complexity and potential queerness while using her mental illness as an excuse... i believe i know exactly who and what you're talking about it's an issue with certain mailee content for me as well. see, even though i've loved ATLA since i was a kid and have been on the internet just as long, i used to always dismiss the concept of tyzula because i myself never appreciated azula enough and wasn't interested in ships with her (and because frankly i really hate how azula's voice actress sexualizes the ship). but on my current rewatch of the show i've started loving azula a lot more and now like to imagine her redeemed and happy, repairing her damaged relationships with her family and friends and maybe even falling in love. i've realized that part of the appeal of tyzula for me is that while, yes, azula's entire dynamic with both mai and ty lee is toxic and messy during the show, i don't personally think it always was. i think the three of them were genuine friends until things gradually got fucked up because of how ozai's treatment of azula fucked her up. and i think that if azula were to have a redemption arc, the 3 of them could salvage what once was and have a healthy friendship again.
a lot of mailee fans do not seem to agree with this, though, because i've seen several metas and headcanons that rely on the idea that the two of them were always just afraid of evil, nasty azula and that they can bond over how much they hate her. i am not here for that, and yeah, i'm also not here for the whole "this ship would never work because [insert character] just isn't ready for a relationship, i ship them x therapy!!" thing fandoms love to use as a way to demonize certain ships. mentally ill people can be in happy, loving relationships and they can go to therapy while in said relationships. they can even use therapy to--gasp--figure out how to keep their mental health issues from getting in the way of continuing to have healthy relationships! this happens in real life and i fully believe it can happen in a fantasy cartoon for children. also, i know some people use the comics to justify the idea that mai and ty lee have just always hated and been afraid of azula, because apparently it's implied in those that they were fake friends? but fuck the comics, they're OOC and horribly written lmao.
this ended up being a much longer reply than i initially intended but yeah, all this is to say that i 100% agree with you and thank you for sharing your thoughts, anon. sapphic ships and the female characters within them deserve just as much space in fandom as m/m and m/f ships get, to be fully explored and appreciated in their own right and even to sometimes be complicated and imperfect.
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wolfstrela · 2 years
queerbaiting is when you promote or imply something to get the queer audience and then you don't deliver. people were saying it was queerbaiting because different official stranger things and netflix accounts were promoting a lot of byler during june and then immediately stopped once july and volume two came, where we saw that mike was "completely oblivious" which led people to feeling duped. people also felt that way because there are plenty of instances where the problems that mileven have or the requests that el demands from mike are things that mike easily and readily gives to will without being prompted or problems that he and will never have (specifically in season four, not even counting one or two)—behaviors which he doesn’t even show with dustin or lucas, showing that his relationship with will is different entirely. the show implying all of that for will and then never actually doing anything with it would have been queerbaiting yes, but that isn’t the only way that they would’ve been queerbaiting. regardless, we still have to wait until season five considering how up in the air and intertwined that love triangle is after those confessions and eleven’s journey to self-realization. a show doesn’t have to be about the lgbt community to be able to queerbait. any film or show can do that. not only that, but everyone else’s internal issues get addressed somehow eventually despite it being a show “about kids facing other worldly monsters”.
I see what you're saying and I agree to some extent. I didn't see the byler posts promoting stuff, so that's on me and this whole conversation might be over nothing substantial 🤦🏽‍♀️
My posts were referring to what I've seen in the show and what I saw some people saying around here on tumblr about it.
Exclusively talking about their relationship depicted in the show, though, I still don't think byler is queerbaiting, didn't get the vibes they were implying anything, and here's why:
I rewatched the first 3 seasons last week and I saw their friendship and how special it was, but to me there was no doubt they were always following the mileven path. I even asked some people about it and they agreed (dunno if this really changes anything but they were queer people, so there's no 'straight bias' or anything).
I think if Mike treated Will differently from Dustin and Lucas it's because Will is different. He is more sweet and sensitive, it's his personality, who he is (independent of anything). And also, baby boy spent an entire week in the Upside Down, then came back and kept having "episodes", basically being haunted. Will's been through different shit, things none of his friends understand. And Mike s1 and s2, who is so different from Mike s4, reacted the best way he could about it, because he cared. They're best friends, and I think the show proved Mike would do anything for his friends. Remember the time he jumped off a cliff to prevent Dustin getting stabbed by that bully? I mean, he could've died if Eleven hadn't saved him. Idk, to me that speaks more about Mike's (wholesome) personality than anything else. You can disagree.
In my original post I said "just because Will likes Mike doesn't mean Mike has to like Will back", and I still agree with that statement. That's not exactly queerbaiting. Just feels like there's a lot of wishful thinking going on when it comes to byler. I get the romance vibes from Will, but I don't really feel like Mike reciprocates it (and, hey, maybe I'm wrong, it's just how I felt watching the show).
And just to make sure: I know “a show about kids facing other worldly monsters” could queerbait, I know any show can queerbait being queer or not, I said on my post:
“it's about kids facing other worldly monsters — and sure, a show like this could potentially queerbait if it wanted to, but i don't really believe it's the case here.”
And what I mean with that is that I just don't feel like they did this in the episodes — again highlighting that I didn't see the byler promoting stuff (my fault, I guess). If, however, you're telling me they did this with their promoting tactics, then I guess that's a different thing and you might be right.
(based on what I just told you, I didn't see any queerbait, but based on what you told me, perhaps the show did queerbait, just not how I thought, so there would be space for both of us to be kinda right-ish.)
Just wanna say I'm not coming from a bad place. I'm open to being wrong. I don't mind Byler; in fact, if they became endgame that would be cool (though I gotta say I'd be surprised af). Mileven is so boring now 😮‍💨
Tbh, I just came back to this topic in the first place because I wasn't comfortable with what (or how) I said about "Will having to come out". It sounded like "or else that would absolutely be queerbaiting" and that's dumb, you know? That's it. I said dumb stuff and changed my mind about it
I hope this makes some sense
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holy shit dude, leave byler fans alone!! stop putting your "aggressive byler fan" stuff in the tag because we do not care. if you want to criticize constructively then that's okay, but, you're not doing that, you're just blatantly shitting on us and being rude in our tag. you are the one being aggressive here.
and i'm sorry to break it to you but having a same-sex couple in a show like stranger things actually would be groundbreaking and it's ignorant af to say otherwise. yes, obviously, other forms of media exist. LGBT people have always known this because we have to actively search for niche media in order to find representation.
a ship like byler being canon in a show as famous and mainstream as stranger things is something we never ever get and it would mean the world to us, especially because unlike 99% of mlm ships, the byler fandom is majority queer people. we're not the straight girls fetishizing the ship, we're actual gay and bi people who want to see people like us represented on-screen.
you being asexual doesn't give you the right to speak on all queer people, especially not gay or bisexual people...so maybe don't do it? keep your passive aggressiveness and rudeness to yourself.
Okay I see why I’m being annoying and aggressive but also I put the aggressive fans for a reason!!! Because I’m not including people who just vibe with it. Literally a lesbian character exists and y’all ignore her. Also I get that me saying my sexuality is annoying but I’m also kind of trying to make a point that people like me don’t get any rep. Legit someone saying that they were asexual in ‘sex education’ was an amazing thing for us. Which also ‘sex education’ is a huge hit in Netflix and it has black gay representation so there’s also that. But it was so big for asexual people because we don’t get anything. Meanwhile half the shows who do get queer representation only talk about people who are gay and the main popular ones. I didn’t even know asexuality was a word that I could use until like maybe 6 months ago. (I’m in college rn so I feel like that should tell you something). And I’m not being the voice for other queer rep. Saying that this ship is groundbreaking is making one big generalization of queer people. I have talked to my friends so many times (who are queer) who just don’t give a shit about byler at all. Because they don’t agree that it is good representation. So I do know from experience that some people don’t consider it groundbreaking. Also while this isn’t the topic people who are on the ace spectrum and other sexualities get shit compared to gay and bi and lesbian people. I legit have seen stories on tumblr saying how some people aren’t even welcomed in pride parades. And while that’s in real life and this is a show it’s still important because that’s how people get treated. It’s also common for people on the ace spectrum to actually define what it means to be ace instead of people just knowing. I really am a chill person but this is why saying byler is groundbreaking hurts me personally. Because people actually have gotten so much representation meanwhile others are left in the dust. It just hurts me seeing the fandom I love talk about this ship as if it’s some savior and worship it so hard that I feel alienated. That I feel like I’m somehow wrong for just wanting them to be friends and for friendship (which has been the main theme since season 1) to be the main theme. Instead I’m meet with ship wars and gross accusations that I’m somehow the enemy. Also I’m not trying to weaponize sexuality. Im just trying to be myself and be open about it because so many other people get to be open about their sexualities online so why can’t I? Why can’t I say that it hurts me that I barely get any rep? Why can’t I say that to me saying byler is revolutionary is doing more harm than good for my mental health?? Because seeing mike and will be friends to me is more groundbreaking than a ship. To me seeing two boys who are vulnerable with each other and love and care about each other because they are friends is something that I find more groundbreaking than a stupid fucking ship war.
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joynershats · 3 years
I'm actually surprised Julie and the Phantoms doesn't have as much hype as other Netflix original series, especially in the LGBT community.
As a part of said community, I've been searching for a while for positive representations of different sexualities, or at least one (1) movie or series where my OTP doesn't have to walk through hell to have ONE HECK OF A MOMENT.
And aside from the whole sexuality thing, it's getting fairly annoying how every character's personality gets erased to have a love interest. As if there isn't a plot, you know? Sometimes their backstories are even shaped so that a certain character will love one certain another person!!
But Kenny Ortega really said "give the gays what they want" and gave us some amazing characters, and their sexuality isn't their only personality trait!!!
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Look, openly gay, but also DRUMMER, he has AXIETY, he has a story and it's not only on his love interest!!
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Look at this cute ass boy. With a female love interest and yet the biggest queer vibes in this entire universe. He loves what he loves, deeply, and he loves without labels, seriously, it's so beautiful.
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AND HIM, he's the most realistic of them all honestly, cause we're told he's kind of straight?? Or at least it's what we get from he says, and yet he has the most realistic gay panic ever?? And he's not afraid to show love in his very own way. Chef kiss.
But aside from sexualities, can we talk about the fact that we have so many positive representations of everything? It makes me smile to see such a diverse cast and again, their diversity is not their only personality trait!!
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Queen!! She's a teen and acts like a teen!!! Not one single forced label on her cause she's young and has yet to explore some parts of herself!!! Loves what she wants, hates what she hates, and god don't get me started on queen Madison Reyes cause homegirl is 16 and has the strength, a fucking talent, she's amazing and such a positive icon in this world, stan Madison Reyes y'all.
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And don't get me started on Flynn. Amazing best friend, has a whole personality and she's so lovely and badass, a real representation of actual people of color, not whitewashed, queen of this entire world.
But you wanna know who the best character is?
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King Ray Molina. A healthy representation of family. Supportive dad. He does what a dad should do, but supports his daughter's passions and thinks they're valid as long they make her happy. Amazing.
His show makes me so happy and I genuinely don't get why it's labeled as a children's show. Because it doesn't have unnecessary sexual scenes? Yea, it's just a relastic teenager representation, duh.
I feel like more people should see it, the cast is amazing, the show tracks? Bangers, and the more we watch it the more likely we're gonna get a season two, and honestly this show deserves it.
And if you're still not down for it, here, let me show you what you're missing.
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thundergrace · 11 months
"If you're a queer person who still has Netflix, why?"
I can only speak for myself on this one, but I honestly don't see the point.
No amount of cancellations of subscriptions is going to change the culture of Netflix or Amazon or Hulu or Disney+ or any of the network television shows for that matter, at least not any time in the near future.
And unfortunately, at the end of the day, when the world around us is burning, when I go to work every day as a mental health therapist and work with people who have been through actual hell and back and come home, I need an escape, something that can take me away from reality and that's television.
So simple answer? Sometimes you have to take care of yourself first.
Oh I just meant cause there's like no queer content left that I know of other than the one about the British boys. Just seems other platforms may have more to offer you - not much more. They all suck in their own way.
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aspicystrum · 3 years
Embarrassingly, last night I wrote an exceedingly long and sickeningly heartfelt email to some Netflix people (executives? Idk) based on advice from #saveteenagebountyhunters. It felt important, so I decided to share.
Hi there, friend. 
I don't usually do this, because writing in to a studio about a show that you just watched seems a bit over the top, and potentially just a drop of salt water in a river that somebody has already built a bridge to get over. 
However, on the off chance that this email might make a difference, I just want to say that it would be really, really, super-mega-cool if you guys changed your minds about renewing Teenage Bounty Hunters for another season. I finally got around to watching it this week, and I want to firstly, congratulate you for such a stellar piece of work, and secondly, implore you not to leave it unfinished. Not only is it fantastic and hilarious, but I also think it's kind of important, and I'm going to apologise in advance for the length of time I'm going to spend on telling you why. 
I'm definitely not a teenager anymore, but I was definitely a young christian questioning her sexuality when I was a teenager, and there was just nothing remotely like this on TV at that time. If there had been, I think it might have been a bit easier for me to figure myself out. Much easier, even. I dislike clichés, so I don't like that I'm basically saying the same thing that most queer people over 30 are saying about new media featuring queer representation, but the thing is, there's a reason that we're saying it. And Tropes Aren't Bad. The only thing that was around when I was growing up that had any gay women in it was porn and the L Word. Buffy too I guess, but I never got into it when it was airing (I'm not even sure if I'd have been allowed to watch it, to be frank) and later on, I wasn't interested in the drama and heartbreak. And of course, because I was a young christian, I thought porn was bad (I mean, it's terrible if you're looking for accurate romantic representation, but it's certainly not morally wrong like I thought it was) and because I don't live in the US, I never came across the L Word until I managed to pirate it in university. And while the L Word was massive and so important for representation and visibility... Honestly, I never really liked it. I didn't relate to a bunch of lesbians having sex and being bitchy in LA.
But Teenage Bounty Hunters? Shit. That would have been young Alex's obsession. Or lifeline. Cup of tea. Addiction. Breath of air while feeling like I was drowning? I don't know. Pick one. All of the above. I grew up going to an Anglican, semi-private high school. So while lesbianism wasn't wrong per se; (God still loved the gays - they weren't wrong for loving who they did) it definitely had to be wrong for me. Because it also sure as hell wasn't good. It was definitely no path to happiness. Lesbian was an insult that you used against girls you didn't like on the opposing soccer team. It wasn't until I went on exchange to France when I was 17 that I met girls who were out and proudly, wonderfully, sweetly dating. It's not even like it was illegal or anything, or that the LGBT+ community weren't tirelessly working to be visible and represented. I live in New Zealand. Generally, we're a pretty open, progressive, liberal country. I like to think that most of the time kiwis make pretty sensible decisions in terms of governance (though, believe me, there's always room for improvement). But, there's a difference between what's allowed, and what's socially acceptable. Especially in high school. Especially when you bring religion into the conversation. Or politics. It just wasn't done. Even in public school, you'd be asking to be an outsider. 
So I can't satisfactorily express how incredible it was for me to experience the relationship and character arcs of April and Sterling. A couple of staunchly christian girls, falling in love and unashamed of that. Albeit fucking scared. Their storyline resonated with my queer little soul. I was Chapel Prefect in my final year at school. I was an overachiever like April, and I had no idea how potentially gay I was, like Sterling. I wanted to kiss boys and sort of ignored all the crushes I had on the girls I went to school with. I wanted to be a good student and above all, a good person. I believed in a god. In fact, I wanted to believe in a purpose for existence and God so badly, that I chose to continue to believe, even while I wanted to kill myself in my first and second year of university because I felt like I was a bad student and a bad person. I still believe and it still keeps me alive from time to time.
All this is a very dramatic and unfortunately slightly sad way to say that you've got something incredibly special in Teenage Bounty Hunters. And that's just from one perspective. There's so much else that the show brings to the table. So much that it has the potential to. I could talk about racism, or adoption, or classism, or so many other things that I don't really feel I have the experience or understanding to give voice to, and do them justice, but you get the picture. 
Finally, I just want to say, I think I got my first recommendation for this show after you'd actually officially cancelled it. And it wasn't from your algorithm, it was from a male co-worker. Somebody I wouldn't have expected to recommend something like this show. Both based on judgements from before and after watching it. And I'm not going to lie, I heavily judged the title when I heard him talk about it, because I thought it sounded pretty frivolous and mindless. But certainly after searching for the show (I'm kind of shocked it was never recommended to me actually), and watching the trailer, I was immediately interested, because it's fucking hilarious. Now, after watching it I'm curious to know what he liked about the show too. So if your algorithm is designed to target viewers you think might be in a show's intended demographic, I feel like it needs tweaking. Also, I feel like you need to give more than two months grace-time for a show after releasing it, before you decide to cancel it. It's kind of tragic finding out about and deciding watching a show even though you know it's cancelled and then having your suspicions confirmed about you loving it. Very Fox and Firefly. Congrats, I guess? 
Anyway, I do genuinely want to say thank you for the work that you do and the joy that you've brought me and others through Netflix. I do hope the decision does get reversed, but it is a small hope.
If you made it this far, thank you very much for reading all of this. You're clearly a generous person with your time. 
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choir-tales · 6 years
S1E10 - Song Writing and Netflix
I have a sore throat so I can't sing -_-
Doesn't mean I didn't still go tho. I don't need a voice to have Netflix playing in one ear
And I wrote half a song while I was sitting at the back of the room so I did something useful at least
*Twirling across road listening to the Queer Eye opening music*
*playing a Ludovico Einaudi piece on the piano just before we start*
*completely ignoring the conductor and accompanist adjusting the piano around me because I was here first thank you very much*
Conductor: Sopranos, please stop imitating trombones.
Bass: *points out a rough note*
Conductor, who is renowned for nitpicking and has stopped us five times in the last two minutes: They're just learning, don't be too hard on them.
Choir: *makes the collective human equivalent of the audio from that one vine with the umbrellas flying down the beach*
Sopranos: ~night~
Conductor: ...it's like hearing dominoes. Night-t-t-t.
Conductor: That next bit is a tenor line, but don't panic, that's the soloist. *slightly ominously* He doesn't know yet, but he will. Soon.
Part of the accompaniment for this song sounds like a Doctor Who track. Doomsday, specifically.
Me: ohh ouch
Conductor, after forgetting to tell people when they switch lines: *sighs* can't you read my mind?
Conductor, standing in the middle of the audience seating: I'M BLAMING THE ALTOS. BECAUSE I NEED TO BLAME SOMEONE
Men: ~I hear the echo~
Conductor: I can't hear the echo because you're singing too loud.
Conductor: Remember when I said I didn't want to hear the ladies breathing? Well apparently some of you need an oxygen mask, you breathe so often.
Conductor: Men. Look at each other. These, are your compatriots. It's not karaoke, where it's a competition to see who can sing loudest and out of tune of everyone else. Sing. As. One.
*heading to the kitchen during the interval*
Person behind me to someone else: They've locked up the milk.
Me: *le gasp*
It appears I look tired because I walked into the kitchen to find a lady who took one look at me, waved her hand in front of my face and said, "Hellloo, wake up"
*Lady tries to open fridge*
Me: Oh yeah, apparently they locked up the fridge.
Lady: *stares at the padlock* But....how we supposed to get the milk?
Me: uh...I'm pretty sure that's...why they locked it?
Conductor: What's better, twenty sopranos singing pianissimo or four sopranos singing mezzo forte? Twenty singing pianissimo. It's like the difference between four violins and twenty violins.
*mutters* I wanted twenty violins for this concert but the committee said NO, NIGEL.
Choir: ~Laudamus te~
Conductor: *claps hands* What was wrong with that?! There were too many mooses! I thought they'd invaded us!
Anyway, next week I'm away at Interactive Introverts so no new episode.
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translightyagami · 6 years
Lawlight (duh) for the ship thing Also, if you're into any of these - Drarry, Malec, Ichiruki, Sakunaru
uhhhh i only know drarry tbh but not well enough for a ship meme dlfajsda sorry. anyway here’s lawlight. 
who is more likely to hurt the other?
they both hurt each other on some level just bc they hv v combative personalities and also they r WATER SIGNS which means they r constantly in a fight over who is more valid. jokes on them tho: they r both unvalid as hell. light will center an entire week around getting back at L for something he did bc he’s basically amy dunne playing the long con all the time. L will hurt light in ways that last. he’ll just come out of nowhere with something like, “maybe it would be better if we hadn’t met” and light will just go quiet. that’s like, a sore spot L will push on if they argue bc he knows light is incredibly insecure abt his standing in L’s life. idk man. they love each other but there’s a lot of stuff they’re working thru and they’re leaving some scars along the way.
who is emotionally stronger?
hm. i think L is. he’s toughened up from all his experiences as the world’s greatest detective and had to deal w a lot more emotional crises than light. when it comes to big setbacks, he’s more likely to take them in stride whereas light is like that post that’s like “i’ll deal with it but you gotta let me be dramatic first.” before anything, he’s gotta scream in his scream jar then he can put those anxieties into the fridge and go back to figuring out his life.
who is physically stronger?
they hv abt the same physical strength. that’s less of a contest between them, altho light does sort of like it when L can lift him up. he’s done the same for L a couple times but its more fun to b carried than to b the carrier. anyway. if ur asking who wins more fights? then i would say that light wins a lot of their brawls bc he’s not afraid to play dirty. he has a sibling, he’s fought these battles many times before. its no rules just right in this house.
who is more likely to break a bone?
light has a lot of sports related injuries but not a lot of broken bones. meanwhile, mr. stays inside all day on my laptop has had three broken bones all from falling down the stairs or slipping on shit. just, like, hold on bc i’m picturing light and L sitting in the urgent care waiting room, both with broken arms bc of a roller skating accident. i don’t know how ppl break bones.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
see this question and the first question r so close and so the answer is like both of them know each other well enough to hv their fingers poised over a particular emotionally destructive button at all times. i only say L is better at upsetting light bc he’s more willing to go the extra inch of underhandedness. of course, light nvr shows that he’s upset on the outside. no, he remains cool and calm, laughs it off probably, and then goes into the bathroom to hv a full scale meltdown in the dry bathtub. to b fair, that doesn’t happen often. its only during big, BIG arguments.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?
oh i don’t think either of them hv apologized once in their whole lives so it was a big step for them to apologize to each other. light caves first, trudging into L’s office with the most pathetic look on his face and being like “i’m sorry i called you a trash bag with arms.” and then L sort of sits there and has an inner conflict for a second before saying, “i’m sorry i told you looked like a kohl’s mannequin but not hot.”
who treats who’s wounds more often?
if their fights ever get too intense and someone gets hurt, its usually L knocking his head against something sharp and light has to like sit him on the toliet so he can fix him up. when he’s administering first aid, light starts to fuss over L and makes a lot of concerned noises.
“that hurts.” L squirms as light gives him stitches. “don’t pull too hard.”
“relax.” light says. “i’m actually quite good at this.”
(will i ever stop quoting that one line? no, i won’t.)
who is in constant need of comfort?
i don’t know abt comfort but light needs a lot of reassurance, both verbal and physical, that L does care abt him. he needs to b assured of his place in the world and in their relationship which L isn’t super great abt doing. but light is usually vocal abt when he needs comfort around L, whomst he rarely hides much of himself from, so its nvr a problem of L just not knowing. he just has no clue how to react.
there’s been a scarce few times when L has needed comfort after a taxing case but light is right there to just sort of, uhhh, hold him. let him make some horrible noises and talk. they try to b there for each other. its something they’re working on.
who gets more jealous?
oh for sure light. he gets flushed w jealousy anytime L shows a little more attention to someone else who could possibly usurp light’s romantic position in L’s life. its not fair. those ppl nvr worked as hard as he did to get L’s attention, to get his love. L thinks its kind of funny and will do shit to make light go green eyed. but that shit stops after they work with a french officer who gets a little too flirty w light and L just like, shuts that down. not so fun to b on the receiving end of that kind of jealousy.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
light. he’ll fucking do it at the drop of a hat too, just fucking walk out and not come back for three days. of course, they both think they can handle being separated so neither of them calls the other. but on the third day light’s trying to eat mcdonalds in his car and put a sausage mcmuffin in the hole L’s absence made so he goes to call him but his phone rings and it’s L on the other line like “please come back i forgot how quiet things r when ur not around also if ur at mcdonalds can u get me an apple pie okay thanks i love you.”
who will propose?
dklfsadlsfkj neither of them. they don’t want to get married tbh. i just literally can’t see them ever wanting to get married. if ur gonna put a gun to my head abt it tho, i would probably say light does but its only bc his mom started a campaign to get him to make an honest man out of L.
who has the most difficult parents?
um. i mean i guess light’s parents r more difficult. its not that they’re difficult tbh its more like they’re still adjusting to the life their son decided to lead bc its waaayyy different than what they thought was gonna happen. like first he’s gay (which isn’t a huge surprise to them like they’ve seen queer eye for the straight guy. they know things.) and then he’s dating some 24 yr old reclusive detective that happens to hv been soichiro’s boss for like a couple months and now light just sort of solves crimes w his boyfriend. so they’re being supportive but they’re also a little bit confused so sometimes it ends up in awkward situations where everyone’s at the dinner table and sachiko is like “so. what do your parents do, L?” and L is like “i don’t know who my parents were. i think they’re dead.” and she’s like, “oh. hm. well. that must b rlly rough for you.” meanwhile light is p much eating his napkin so he doesn’t start screaming at how little control he has over this shitty conversation.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
they r rarely in public but uh. light does. he’s getting used to being out and part of him just rlly enjoys the physical evidence of their relationship that hand holding provides. that closet was so suffocating. it’s time to let those hands breath a little.
who comes up for the other all the time?
i still don’t entirely understand what this means entirely but i’ll take my best stab at it. i think L comes up for light a lot, esp if he’s talking to like the wammies or literally anyone who isn’t light himself or his family. like, p much everyone is like “but.....he’s kira???” and L is like “look. listen. i don’t know why but he’s. he’s rlly important to me. so its maybe better if we don’t shit talk the guy who sucks my dick? at least not rn.” he doesn’t do it v often bc usually the insults thrown toward light r well deserved but sometimes he does. light doesn’t come up for L like ever. he nvr talks to anyone abt L. whomst would he tell? yamamoto? secretly he goes on a couple message boards tho and send mean anon messages to ppl talking shit abt L but that’s as close as he gets.
who hogs the blankets?
L will b wrapped in a big old blanket bundle like that picture of homer simpson where he’s like “ah. i’m just a big cozy cinnamon bun.” light’s like curled up on his side of the bed w just the sheet but then L reaches over and drags him into the blanket bundle so they r both toasty cinnamon buns together.
who gets more sad?
L is more prone to bouts of depression and can get lethargic if something hits him the wrong way. the first few times it happened, light tried to shake it out of him but he’s learned since then that he’s just gotta ride this shit out. so for a few days or weeks, he’s just got a sad boyfriend so they watch a lot of netflix and don’t get a ton of work done.
light v rarely gets sad. he’s got a v positive outlook on life and doesn’t let a lot of stuff ruin his mood. but when he is sad, its like a big event and he’s crying in the dry tub in just his briefs and a sweatshirt while listening to sufjan on repeat. look. he’s just gotta get it out of his system and then he’ll b fine!
who is better at cheering the other up?
light is better at finding stuff to cheer L up. if L is in a funk, he’ll go search for a good case or an interesting lead so he can present it to him like a cat dropping a mouse in front of him. L is.....not so good at cheering light up. all he knows is how to piss him off. but after a while he starts to puzzle out that light flourishes under praise so he’ll try to keep telling him what a good job he’s doing.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
i said this in my mikami/light post but uh, light laughing is so uproarious that he just. whacks the person making him laugh on the back super hard. L doesn’t do anything the first time but the second time he grabs light by the wrist and is like “don’t. control ur self, u loud scream laughing monster.” light keeps his hands to himself when he laughs after that. he’s actually quite embarrassed of his natural laugh bc it is so obnoxious so he often tones it down but sometimes!!! shit’s just too funny!!!
who is more streetwise?
neither of these two know a god damn thing abt the streets. ok, L knows a little bit but he forgot it after building a giant fucking building for one investigation team of like six ppl.
who is more wise?
L knows more abt the world and has more experience than light does. he’s not quite wise?? but he’s definitely more knowledgeable and it smacks him in the face a lot how super young light is. how much he just doesn’t know. but L’s only in his mid twenties. what the fuck does he rlly know?
who’s the shyest?
mmm. they aren’t shy ppl by nature so i’d say neither of them. esp when they’re together. combining their levels of pure confidence is like putting a fire in a room with more fire; it just increases the amount of fire. as their relationship progresses, they get more assertive w each other and idk man. they just don’t do that shy shit.
who boasts about the other more? 
mmmm. i don’t think they brag abt each other a lot but i think light kind of wants to brag abt being w L. i mean, he didn’t think it would happen but then L did come and want to start something with him and its like?? wrow. but he doesn’t rlly hv anyone to brag to so he just sort of lets it sit like a smoldering piece of coal in his stomach, keeping him warm. L exculsively brags abt light during video conferences w the wammies like “MY PARTNER, WHO IS A GENIUS AND V ATTRACTIVE, AND I, WHO IS DATING THIS ATTRACTIVE GENIUS, HV FOUND A CLUE” and like everyone rolls their eyes like “dude u told us the same shit last week like please please please stop telling us abt ur hot boyfriend.”
who sits on who’s lap?
light!!! sits!!! on L’s lap!!!! all the time!!! he curls up in there like a cat and plays w L’s hair.
“am i making it hard to do ur work?” he asks, fingers scratching on L’s scalp.
“yes. but that’s okay. light shouldn’t move.”
so he doesn’t and just falls asleep there, hand on the back of L’s neck and drooling on his shoulder. its cute in like an ugly way.
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