#in the middle of the night | drabbles
sintied · 2 months
Mina looked up from her phone when the bedroom door opened, smiling as her husband walked into the room with a certain hop in his step. It was later in the night than the couple usually would have settled in for the night, but their daughter had refused to go to bed and it had taken some coaxing and then some to get her to at least go to her room. Even then, she had wanted her father to put her to bed that night. Not unusual by any means. Lyra had a habit of picking one parent over the other every now and again.
“Everything go alright?” The singer already knew the answer but it never hurt to double check. Besides she had to make some conversation as she watched her husband undress for the night, especially because she wasn't being subtle about it.
Whether he noticed or not, the hedgehog continued the conversation normally as he slipped off his gloves and socks. “Took about three stories an’ eight lullabies but she's asleep and will hopefully stay that way until morning.”
Mina snickered. “Hey, I call it a success. And thanks for taking bedtime duty.”
She expected the snort from her partner as he tossed his scarf onto the dresser. Per usual the only thing he wore to bed was the communicator on his wrist as he slipped under the covers to join the mongoose. No time was wasted before a gentle kiss was shared between them. Lingering on the hedgehog's part, though the mongoose thought nothing of it. Not until they parted and there was a certain glint in emerald eyes.
“You never need t’ thank me, y’know that,” matter of fact words before he closed the space between them again, catching the singer's lips in a way that spoke volumes. And if it didn't, the nuzzle to her neck certainly would. Even with the hero's gentle purring his next words were sultry, leaving nothing to mystery. “But maybe you ought t’ hold off on the praise for a little bit longer.”
It wasn't often that her husband was in such a mood, but Chaos if knowing he was didn't send a sort of shiver through the mongoose. Those eyes alone could have made her melt, but feeling his lips caress her neck, shoulder and collar bone sparked an anticipation in the pit of her stomach. Not how she saw the night going, but like hell she was going to turn it down.
And it would be uncharacteristic for her not to tease a little, hands running through her partner's quills and small claws finding the sensitive skin beneath them. She was rewarded with a small shiver, a small hot breath against the crook of her neck that caused her to give one in turn. “Hmm, someone's affectionate.”
The hero chuckled lightly, and yet didn't stop himself from practically straddling his wife. All the better to keep laying kisses to her shoulders, chest and soon enough her abdomen as scarred hands raised her shirt just so while he lowered himself. He did stop a few seconds later, emerald hues glancing up at her with a playful air as a brow quirked. “Is that alright?”
The singer just snorted, a poor attempt to hide just how much she hadn’t wanted him to stop. By way of answer, she cupped both his cheeks in her hands, a spark in her eyes. “What do you think?”
He only kissed one of her wrists, grin in full view. At least for the time being. His next words were a statement; a promise. “That ‘m going t’ enjoy this just as much as you are.”
Mina knew better than to doubt any part of those words, and more importantly, her partner knew that she knew that. Which was why he went right back to his task at hand, hands effortlessly lifting the singer’s shirt so he could continue his downward path. From torso to navel to hips his lips left nothing untouched, but even that was just a tease. The real treat came when he coaxed his partner into laying down fully with a gentle nudge of his head.
As much as she wanted to play hard to get, so to speak, the mongoose found herself doing just that. And feeling her partner hook scarred fingers into the waistband of her shorts only ensured she stayed that way, a kiss to where leg met hip as they were pulled down teasingly slow. He knew exactly what he was doing, and the mongoose cursed softly under her breath as his tongue ran along her inner thigh, warm and wet. She could feel a heat pooling far too close to where the hedgehog’s affections were, but then again that was the whole point, wasn't it?
He had noticed too, but spent a few more seconds exposing his partner in full while kissing her exposed legs and thighs with a gentle purr leaving his throat. The scarred fingers of one hand had taken to massaging her hips, gently but firmly. And she had to wonder if part of that was to keep her still as, at last, she felt that slick tongue pass over the sensitive nub between her legs, lingering before tan lips gave it the same treatment as the rest of her.
The hero's free hand had taken to gently massaging around the very same area, his thumb purposefully brushing against the small bundle of nerves while his mouth focused just below that. The hot breath cascading over her made the mongoose want to squirm in the best of ways, and she knew her body was reacting in kind. Which was exactly what the hero wanted.
His lips lingered in that one spot, as if debating on his next move but the mongoose knew that wasn't the case and she actually let out a soft whine at his pause.
The fact he chuckled told her she was right but she was rewarded with another kiss to that sensitive spot. He had gotten the message and held nothing back from then on. There wasn't a single part of his partner that he didn't enjoy ravishing with attention, but he would admit he was partial to her more delicate areas in those moments. Where his kisses were quick to lay affections, his tongue was just the opposite. Slow, meticulous, in the way it dragged along the singer's folds, mixing saliva with excitement until there was no telling one from the other.
She had been doing her best to keep still and relatively quiet but a curse left the mongoose’s lips when she felt a sudden warmth slip inside her. And again she swore she heard her husband laugh, as much as he could that was. Damn that tongue of his. Whether she realized it or not her hips had started to gently rock to meet the slow movement of his tongue, heightened by scarred fingers alternating between rubbing that sensitive nub or massaging her entrance. It was a slow, methodical movement, the way the tip of his tongue would dip in and out, never too far to drive the singer crazy right off the bat but more than enough to add to her mounting pleasure.
With knees drawn up and hands lost in the blue quills she could reach, Mina could hide nothing. Nor did she want to. She knew her husband had been right, that this was a pleasurable experience for both of them and knowing that only made her feel warmer. Knowing the hero was watching her, enjoying himself, in making her squirm was never something the mongoose thought would be so alluring. But Chaos, it was hot.
Her head fell back as the hero seemed to read her mind and double down on his efforts. She could feel the warmth of not just his tongue but his own excited breathing. But it was the mix of that tongue and the fingers that soon joined them, curling just right, hitting just the right spot, that did it. She breathed her partner’s name right before pleasure hit her in waves, her hips bucked but none of it deterred the hero in the slightest.
He didn’t stop until she stilled, and even then he made a point of laying kisses where he could as he joined her back at the head of the bed, where the mongoose wasted no time in curling up to him. Likewise, little time was wasted before tan arms came around her, head resting on top of hers as they lay there, one trying to catch their breath and the other merely enjoying the sound.
It was a few minutes later when the singer finally spoke, clearly on the verge of sleep. “Mind if I…save the praise for tomorrow…?”
He made a point of settling them in until they were both comfortable. It didn’t take long after that for the mongoose’s breathing to slow, eyes shut and content as she drifted off. A perfect ending to the day in the hero’s mind.
It only made the hero smile, and he nuzzled into lavender hair before planting one more kiss there. “Whenever you’re ready, Love.”
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sparklingchim · 8 months
you're losing me; m | jjk
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 3.2k
rating: 18+
genre: angst, married couple, age gap, ceo jk, nepo baby oc, second chance romance
warnings: thigh riding, liddol hickey, spittt, groping, dirty talk, name calling, only one spank!!, arguments 🙄, mentions of smoking?, daddy kink, fake sympathy, creampie, little cum play,
summary: jungkook is late from work yet again. but he shows you just how much he missed you.
a/n: this is for us angst girlies 🫂
Something is not right.
Your nose picks up on the unfamiliar scent on Jungkook as you bury your face into his chest. He squeezes you tightly, big arms embracing you with a warm hug.
“Hi, love,” he softly whispers. Jungkook cradles your head and you melt into his hand. He is bent down to your position on the bed, his loose tie hanging from his neck.
“Missed you.” Your voice gets buried in the kiss Jungkook presses on your lips. You catch his tie and pull him closer.
“I told you not to stay up.” He leans back. Accusatory eyes peering down at you.
Your nose scrunches when he steps away, the pungent waft snaking up your nostrils.
“Did you smoke?”
His round eyes widen at the question, but he denies it with a firm shake of his head. His neatly styled hair doesn’t move – except the short, wispy flyaways on his forehead. Jungkook’s lips pucker the slightest bit. He appears innocent and you believe him if he tells you so.
“I was with Mingyu a lot,” he explains. He places his folded suit jacket on the dresser and begins to loosen the sleeve of his shirt. “You know how he is when he’s stressed.”
You lean against the headboard. “I don’t like the smell.”
“I know.” He starts unbuttoning the front of his shirt. “I’m sorry.” He walks over to his nightstand and exchanges his Rolex for his smart watch. You watch him with knitted eyebrows. “I’m gonna head down to the gym – do a quick workout session.”
“Jungkook it’s late. You just got home from work.” You reach for his arm.
He turns to you, chiselled chest peeking out from underneath his unbuttoned shirt. “It’s fine. I’m not tired.”
You huff, crossing your arms. “Then let me watch you work out.”
Jungkook sniffs a laugh. “You stay here.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Get some sleep for me, yeah? I know you have an appointment tomorrow morning.” His knuckles trace the outline of your jawline.
You sigh and draw back.
“Hey – don’t be upset.” He catches your chin with his fingers. “I told you I was gonna work out today.”
A harsh glower settles on your face. “Well, I thought that meant you’d come home earlier.”
“I tried to, love. I really tried.” His worried eyes search for understanding in yours. “I don’t want you upset. I never want you upset.”
He tilts your chin, so you meet his eyes. Jungkook’s gaze is soft. The amount of softness you’d have if you were staring at a delicate, precious thing. He always looks at you like this.
“I only ever want to make you happy. Nothing else.” His eyebrows raise to stress the tender words he whispered into the room. “Just want to make my wife happy.”
Warmth spreads in your chest. “I know that,” you answer meekly.
Deep down, there’s an overwhelming desire to pour your heart out to him, to express the multitude of things that have been gnawing at your soul, each one a sharp thorn in your side, leaving you utterly upset. But considering how late it is you don’t think it’s the right moment to unleash this torrent of pent-up frustration.
You’re both tired from the useless arguments. You don’t want to make this day any more exhausting for him.
“If you want to make me a happy wife then finish off that workout quickly and join me in bed,” you say. “I need cuddles.”
His eyes crease before a gentle smile sweeps over his mouth. “Good night, love.” He catches your lips in a swift, tender good-night-kiss. “You should shut that thing off. It’s too late for that.” Jungkook regards your iPad with a disgruntling scrunch of his nose. He hates screen time before bed. But you just love drawing on it.
You’d tease Jungkook with it sometimes. Annoy the hell out of him until he’d see no other choice but to put you to sleep his way.
But now Jungkook tucks you under the bed, makes sure to grab his number one enemy when it comes to having you to himself at night and hides in his nightstand.
You watch him slip off his shirt as he crosses the room. You get a glimpse of his broad shoulders and unfairly teeny tiny waist before he leaves the bedroom.
You turn to your side. A tiring sigh flies past your lips.
With two gentle claps of your hands the dim lights in the room shut off.
The spot next to you is empty. Cold.
It’s unsettling how quickly you’ve gotten used to the feeling.
The mattress dips beside you.
“Hmm?” You stir awake, emitting confused murmurs.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook hushes from behind you. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
Your head turns in his direction. “Jungkook.” You bury your face into the crook of his neck. He is a magnet, always pulling you in. Even when you are sleepy and can barely force your eyes open.
His fingers find their way to your hair and in slow patterns he strokes over the length of it.
“What time is it?” you mutter the question into his skin.
“Just past midnight.”
“Two hours?” Your peeved grumble prompts him to peck your bare shoulder. “You said quick workout.”
“I didn’t work out the entire week, babe.”
You rest your head on his arm, glaring up at him. “It’s just Wednesday.”
Jungkook shushes you with a firm squeeze on your hips. “I’m here now. Done with everything.”
When you hear him emit a tiny, exhausted blow through his nose – barely audible in the quiet room, but you notice because you notice every little detail about him – your eyes turn worried.
“You okay?”
Jungkook lets the questions linger in the air before he nods firmly, uttering a, “Yeah. I’m fine.”
You tentatively sweep his short hair from his forehead. It’s a little damp from the shower.
“The day was filled with lots of important meetings. It was a lot today.” Before you can place your hand back on his chest, he catches your wrist and adds a small kiss to the back of your hand.
You figured as much. Jungkook barely texted you back today. Needed hours to respond.
“Was at least the food that I ordered for you good?”
“Fuck – don’t remind me.” He bites his bottom lip, pleasure spreading over his face. “The food was incredible. Have you eaten there before?”
A smile curves your lips. “Uh-huh. Went there with Namjoon last week. I didn’t know when you’d have time to have dinner there with me, so I got my favourite from the menu for you.”
Jungkook has been coming late from work for over two weeks now. You barely had cute dates anymore.
“We can go there.” His tatted fingers toy with the hem of your lacy nightgown. “You wanna go there tomorrow? I’ll finish work earlier.”
Your eyes sparkle. “I’d love to.”
Jungkook’s dimple appear at your beaming face. He drags your thigh over his abdomen, the silky fabric of your nightgown riding up the curve of your butt. His palm rests on the exposed skin.
“Why didn’t you blow dry your hair?” you ask. You tug at some damp strands.
“Didn’t want to wake you.” Jungkook cranes his neck down to gently kiss your forehead. “We should sleep now. It’s late.”
Your brows furrow in exaggerated displeasure. “Not yet.”
“What’s wrong, love?” He cups your cheek worriedly.
“Wanna hang out more.”
Jungkook chuckles lightly. “You wanna hang out?”
“You’ve been making me feel really lonely,” you say in a pout.
“Love, fuck.” His hand on the swell of your ass squeezes your flesh. “Don’t say that.”
“You’re barely home.” You get closer to him, if even possible, knee skimming past the front of his grey sweatpants. The pads of his fingers dig into your skin at that motion.
“You really don’t wanna sleep, huh?”
You slowly start to grind your hips against him.
“Then let me make up for all the time I’ve been away from my wife.”
You giggle when he draws you on top of him. You straddle his thigh as Jungkook leads your face down to his mouth. It’s an impatient and longing kiss, the type that has your mind bewitched, compelling you into chanting his name in a never-ending rhythm.
Jungkook rids himself of his sweatpants, tossing them to the ground with his feet.
Your hips continue to move on his now bare thighs, moving your kisses from his lips to his neck. He doesn’t like having marks on his neck, but you can’t help but feel a little selfish when you start sucking on his skin. Just merely a second after, Jungkook pulls at your hair.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he questions with a sharp gaze.
“Having fun?” Your desire to leave a little hickey might also stem from media outlets starting to question why Jungkook and you haven’t been spotted together recently, but you’d rather not admit that. You don’t want him to think that you care about public perception, even though Jungkook is very well aware of it all. You just like to pretend it doesn’t affect you.
You just can’t wait for the photos tomorrow when you will show up in a cute outfit with Jungkook holding your hand, a small love bite adorning his neck after not making a public appearance with him for a couple weeks.
He sniffs a laugh. “Just can’t help it, can you?”
“Never.” You bat your eye lashes.
His hands are on your waist, encouraging your slow movements. He bunches the soft material of your baby blue nightgown in his palms, staring at your clothed pussy.
“I can feel how wet you are for me.” His eyes move with the motions of your hips, a gentle smirk capturing his lips. “What’s gotten you so worked up, babe?” He flexes his thigh, coaxing a gasp from you.
“You.” You’re already a little breathless, his heartbreakingly handsome face fuelling the deep desire of needing more.
Jungkook clicks his tongue. “Have I not been taking care of my love? Hm?” Jungkook asks you in mock sympathy.
You nod, pressing your palms against his ripped chest while your hips grind a bit rougher on his thigh.
“I’m sorry.” He traces your bottom lip, gentleness coating his words. He pops his finger into your mouth, making you suck on it. You swirl your tongue around it until he withdraws his finger, sneaking it in your panties and pressing it against your sensitive clit.
A whine flies past your lips at his touch, moving even faster.
“You’re gonna cum for me like this?” He starts circling the pad of his thumb on your clit.
Arching your back, you lean in for a kiss, uttering little moans of his name against his lips. You can feel the smug smirk on his mouth, can feel his possessiveness in the way he squeezes your ass and hear it in the loud smack that echoes through the room after his palm collided with your butt.
When you feel the pleasure exploding within you, you bury your face into Jungkook’s neck. Your body trembles. Jungkook tilts his head and gingerly pecks your temple, hands skimming over your back.
“Good girl,” he murmurs.
Jungkook puts you on your back, tugging off your panties and carelessly throws them away. He does the same to his pair of black briefs.
You watch him spit on his dick and stroke his hard cock while you get comfy on the pillows. Jungkook rubs his tip over your soaked pussy, leisurely pressing his dick inside when his head is against your entrance.
“Fuck, I missed your pussy.” He wraps your legs around his waist, staring at how your pussy takes his entire length.
As he moves his cock, his hand raises to your head to tame your chaotic hair. You pucker your lips a little and he instantly answers your silent request with a smooth press of his mouth against yours.
“Want your vibrator?” he asks.
“Too sensitive.” Your nails graze his back, your feet keeping him close to you.
Jungkook pushes your silky nightgown past your tummy and over your tits. He loves watching them bounce as he thrusts his cock into your pussy. He gropes them, toying a little with your nipple as he swipes his spit over your nub. His eyes are practically glued to the supple swells on your chest.
Until he finds something prettier than your tits. Your face.
He wears a boyish smile on his face when you meet his gaze. You bite your lip, pleasure and giddiness swirling through you.
“Taking my cock so well,” he praises. “Such a good slut for daddy.”
You gulp, teeth sinking further into your lip.
He lowers his head, pulling your earlobe between his lips before he whispers, “Right? You love being a good slut for daddy.”
Chills spreads over your neck and you manage a meek nod as loud whines escape your throat.
“Use your big girl words,” Jungkook demands. “Tell me whose girl you are. You can do that, can’t you?” His voice turns sweet again, though the taunting glint remains in his eyes. Your pussy foolishly clenches.
“I’m daddy’s girl,” you utter with bright eyes.
Jungkook flashes you his dimples. Excitement spreads in your tummy at his approval.
“Open,” he instructs and you part your mouth. He drops a tiny bead of saliva in your mouth. With one hand around your throat, he feels you swallowing it. “Good girl.”
He pushes the back of your thighs towards your body, picking up on his speed.
“Jungkook,” you moan weakly.
“Gonna fill this pussy with my cum.”
He pounds you faster, harder, filling the room with filthy sounds.
“I’m close,” you mumble, fingers clawing at the bed.
“Cum with me,” he rasps.
Jungkook grunts your name and you feel yourself topple over the edge as his tip kisses the sweet spot inside you, repeatedly hitting it until your hands fly up to his shoulders and nails dig into his skin.
His hips still, painting your pussy white. Jungkook plants slow kisses on your collarbone, trying to catch his breath.
When he pulls out, his cum follows, but he pushes your mixed juices back inside. You moan lightly, tapping your feet against his back to tell him to get you something to clean you up.
But Jungkook remains on top of you just a little longer. “You did so good,” he whispers. He catches your left hand and pecks the ring that adorns your finger. “I love you.”
“Love you,” you mutter back, a tiny, exhausted smile curving your mouth.
“Forever.” With a doting kiss he conceals the promise he has been making to you for four years.
Getting off the bed, he puts on his briefs and disappears into the bathroom to fetch a warm cloth. When he returns to clean you up, he is gentle with you, peppering kisses on your tummy and thighs and flashing cute smiles your way as he does it.
With his sweatpants and now dirty cloth he walks back into the bathroom.
“Have you thought about costumes for the Halloween party?” you ask him.
“Halloween party?” His voice ricochets through the bathroom.
“Chanyeol’s Halloween party,” you remind him as he saunters back into the bedroom. The grey sweatpants hang dangerously low on his hips. “Wanna go through my Pinterest board? I collected some cute ideas.”
He grabs white lacy panties from the dresser. “It’s in two weeks?” Jungkook helps you slip on the new panties, ducking down to press a light peck on the little bow sitting on the centre of it. “I’ll see if I can find the time.”
You look at him puzzled. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook rakes his hand through his messy hair. “You know I’m extremely busy at the moment.”
“But we always go to Chanyeol’s party.” You reach for his hand, tugging him closer to the bed. Disappointment pulls your lips into a pout.
Chanyeol’s Halloween party is always big, extravagant and ridiculously dramatic, but that is exactly what makes it fun. You love extravagance. Love dressing up.
Jungkook’s finger brusher over your dainty ring. “You can still go. You don’t need me to go with you.”
You drop his hand with a frustrated huff. It’s not the response you wanted to hear. “Missing out on Jimin’s birthday last week wasn’t enough?” you ask disdainfully. A bit mean. You don’t care.
“I’m not doing it purposefully.” He levels you with reproving eyes. “I wish I could’ve come.”
You tuck your feet back underneath the blanket, pulling it up to your lap. “Just squeeze in a little time for the party.” You almost add a “please?”, but you’re feeling terribly annoyed; the kind that makes you unconsciously clench your jaw and pull your brows so tightly, they practically touch.
“I’m not going to schedule around a silly Halloween party, ___.” His tone drips with irritation.
“Fine,” you reply, scooching back on the bed. “Don’t know why I even bothered.”
“Love.” It’s a futile attempt at taming the sudden raging anger that crawled up your neck.
“You’ve been doing this constantly, Jungkook.”
He still stands in front of the bed. Tongue poking his cheek as he debates his next words. He swipes his hand over his face, sighing into his palm.
“You don’t understand,” he grumbles annoyed.
“I know you don’t.”
Jungkook scoffs at your reply – even wears a crooked, ridiculing smile. An angry flush appears on his cheeks.
“Let’s not do this before bed,” he suggests. Tiredness is written all over him.
We’re already in the middle of it. But you keep that to yourself. You don’t have the energy for a bigger fight. He’s drained it from you from all the fights the nights before this.
“I don’t care anymore,” you say. “Shouldn’t have asked you anyway.”
Jungkook turns off the little lamp on his bedside table before he gets into bed. You turn your back to him.
Your heart is heavy with confusing emotions as you lie there in silence. You almost feel your eyes well up with tears, but you blink them away as soon as you feel them.
“Want me to accompany you to your appointment?” Jungkook asks suddenly.
“No.” Yes.
“I’ll start work a little later.” Jungkook’s hand sweeps across your tense shoulders. You must’ve unintentionally stiffened at the mention of your gynaecologist appointment. “I know you’re a little anxious.”
As sleep gradually embraces you a little later, you try to pull back every time invisible strings tug you closer towards Jungkook. You don’t want to sleep in his arms this night, but your heart stubbornly ignores what your mind wants.
Your silent resistance eventually ends, surrendering to the inevitability of your limbs becoming entwined with his. Your cheek is pressed against his chest and his nose is buried in your hair while the soft cadence of his heartbeat finally lulls you into a deep slumber.
This is just the way Jungkook and you function.
Yet, despite your efforts, small seeds of doubt continue to sprout up in your mind, making you question just how much longer you can tolerate this.
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ruenii · 1 year
Tim, [pointing his staff at the human traffickers]: YOU ARE OUTGUNNED
Jason, [hyping him up]: WHAT?
Jason: WHAT?!
Jason, [getting his guns out]: PWO PWO PWO PWO PWO-
Goons: *shaking* what the FUCK are Batman feeding his partners--
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maxineholtzmann · 4 months
Eddie was having the best night of his life on stage, jumping and whirling with his guitar, fingers flying over the frets as he pulled off solo afyer solo. It was the absolute best he had ever played and he had never felt so free. Then, one miscalculated landing was all it took for him to end up sprawled on the stage, completely unconcious.
The EMTs rushed up from where they were stationed on the wings of the stage, the crowd falling silent as they checked Eddie out.
Eddie slowly came to, looking up at the strong angular features and perfectly coiffed hair of the paramedic above him. Wow, he’s hot, Eddie thought. Still out of it and not sure what happened or where he was, Eddie burst out with “Wow it’s not my birthday is it? Why did you guys get me a stripper?”
“Eddie, that’s an actual paramedic oh my god,” Gareth said from where he was hovering behind hot paramedic guy.
Eddie scoffed, “No one this hot becomes an actual paramedic, Garebear. Now just help me sit up, big boy, and I’ll give you all the lap you can handle dancing in.”
The paramedic laughed, blushing a little as he pushed Eddie back down. “I’m flattered but I am an actual paramedic. You hit your head pretty hard here, Eddie. I’m going to need you to stay down while my partner gets the backboard and everything. We’re going to have to take you to the hospital.”
The paramedic’s partner arrived, a tall woman he called “Robin” and Eddie remembered where he was and what had happened. To say he was mortified was an understatement. He answered their questions and said nothing more as they brought him to the hospital.
It was just a concussion but they wanted to observe him overnight so Eddie was sat up in his hospital room, running over the embarassment in his head. He heard a knock on the door before it opened a little. The hot paramedic from earlier poked his head in.
“Hey, my shift is done and I just uh…wanted to check on how you were doing?” The guy seemed a bit sheepish.
“Oh, yeah, uh hi, come on in,” Eddie said, beckoning the hot paramedic in. He came to stand at the end of Eddie’s bed, large hands gripping the footboard.
“I just really want to apologize for earlier,” Eddie started to say.
At the same time, the paramedic said, “My name’s Steve and do you wanna go for coffee when you’re not concussed?”
“Wait, what? Really?” Eddie asked, worried he was halluncinating.
“I’m not promising a lap dance, big boy, but I’d like to take you for coffee if you’re interested,” hot paramedic—Steve—smiled.
“Definitely interested,” Eddie said, smiling back.
Even with the concussion, it had still turned out to be the best night of his life.
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sinwcrthy · 2 years
                                                              10.31.3232                                                                                                                                  Location ¦ Green Hill                                                          Continued from | x |
     He had to wonder if this had been her intention all along, a fuzzy thought at best but still one that lingered slightly in the hedgehog's mind through the small haze his partner had stirred up between them. One he wasn't exactly stopping. In fact he was making quite a point of returning each meeting of their lips, every kiss that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment. Their breaths were interminable in the scarce space between them, chests pressed together and hands roaming. With the mongoose still sat on top of his lap, the hero would admit it was as much of an advantage as it was a disadvantage. 
     He knew what this was, knew his partner's tells and gestures. That restlessness about her. It had been dead in the water for some time, for obvious reasons, but he would have been lying if he said he wasn't glad to see it again. 
     Just like she would be if she said a certain, familiar sensation below hadn't made her smirk, her lips barely hovering over his.
     He only confirmed it with the next, quick kiss. Something subtly forewarning in his tone. "Mina…”
     "I know," she responded in turn, a mischievous undernote to her voice as she sat back just enough to meet those gorgeous emeralds. Enough so he could see the spark, and the burning love, in her jade hues. "My plan worked perfectly."
     To that, Sonic snorted, amused. "Maybe a little too well, hm?"
     "Nope. Perfectly." Came the retort, all while the mongoose leaned forward again, taking advantage of her position as her lower half slid along his, a warmth pooling between them that she knew all too well. Risky business, she knew. And she knew it well. "Though I have to admit I didn't think it would be quite that easy. Guess I'm not the only one who needs this, huh?"
     "'Needs' is a…strong word," he said, voice falling to a low timbre as he trailed a soft path of kisses along her shoulder. A nuzzle was given to the crook of her neck, a soft rumble in the hedgehog's chest. "I just like t' see you happy. In all senses."
     She had no response for that, or rather the hero didn't let her try for one between him timing their next kiss and scarred hands finding her waist, pulling her that much closer all over again. It caught her by surprise, but she loved it. They were gentle, as they always were, but persistent as they glided over her, in a few minutes' time removing what articles of clothes they came across until there was nothing left. Which was only fair, given she had done the same, golden fingers brushing over the marred chest with the utmost care. It spoke volumes how there was only admiration between them, a delicate fondness with no barriers between them.
     Never once did his affections stop, and she knew they were in that rare opportunity when his hand slipped that much lower. Then again the hero always had found more joy in pleasing her than himself. Something she still didn't entirely get but it made her feel…special, admittedly. But he never did anything without her okay, it was why he had paused his touch, why he was hovering over such an intimate area with an unspoken question.
     Her response was a kiss, slow and lingering, and it was all he needed. The angle may not have been the most ideal, but never let it be said the hedgehog didn’t meet the challenge with a stark determination. Lithe fingers were just that, graceful just as they were gentle but loving. With blue ears trained forward, it would have been obvious that he was paying far closer attention to the mongoose than his own needs, no matter what certain parts of his body might have been saying. It was like he said, ‘need’ wasn’t the right word here. He thrived in satisfying more than anything.
     And watching his partner squirm as scarred fingers drifted over delicate folds and far more sensitive areas, hearing the faint moans that escaped her, was the greatest reward he could have asked for. He knew she had been hesitant in this, and while he had no idea what had changed that tonight, Chaos forbid he didn’t make her feel just as beautiful as she was. It was easy to get lost in her, in the familiar scent of faint coffee and floral perfume; in the lavender hair that draped along his back and chest when her head rested on his shoulder. An oddly shy display for the mongoose, but it only guaranteed a kiss was placed on her neck, reassuringly, as an amount of pride swelled in the hero feeling the slickness between his fingers. 
     But Mina had more in store, and that fact became terribly clear when it was she who shifted, enough to lay soft lips on the hero’s jaw, then catching tan lips all over again. If it had meant to be a distraction from her rocking her hips forward, gliding over a particular, slick pink member, it likely hadn’t worked as well as she intended. But the hedgehog could still feel her smirk as an unintentional sound was drawn from his lips and when they did pull back there was a playful glare aimed in her direction. Hardly threatening given the current situation but enough to make her smile.
     “See?” She mused, voice low, sultry, as her hips shifted in the same manner. Though this time rather than roll back she stayed where she was, the message loud and clear even as she smirked. “Easy.”
     “I reckon I’ve been called worse.” Leave it to the hedgehog to quip right back. Yet, in the pause that followed, there was a question in his quiet, bright eyes. One that Mina had anticipated and wasted little time nodding slightly to. Yes, she was sure, and nothing drove that home like her stirring once more, this time to raise her hips and hover over her twitching partner, already feeling eager anticipation burning in her stomach. She was warm, restless, and while he hid it well she knew that her partner wasn’t all that far off either. She could see it in his eyes, in the way scarred fingers flexed on her knees and she moved into place. But not before stealing one more kiss, just for the hell of it. 
     Even if she had been inclined to take him in one fell swoop, scarred hands prevented her by the simple means of resting high under her thighs, grip steady just as much as it was careful. Beyond it, the hedgehog let his partner set the pace, one more reason he suspected they were in the position they were but far be it for him to complain. If anything he did the exact opposite as the first sensation of warmth overtook him, no more than encompassing his tip but it was enough to send a shiver down his spine. Exactly what Mina had been hoping for, even if she hadn't fared much better with the initial stretch.
     Golden arms had circled the hero's shoulders, fingers lost in messy blue quills as strong legs raised and lowered the mongoose further and further down the hedgehog’s length. The previous attention from her partner, plus his own excitement, saw that it was an easy task. Each inch only made her more restless though she would give props to her partner for keeping his hips still as she adjusted. Mostly. Only when she was sat fully again, feeling uncountably full in the best ways, did the hedgehog’s hands finally move, scarred fingers finding their way through lavender hair, down to either side of her face to gently pull her in for another kiss. This one spoke volumes, wasn't just of love and adoration; but pride as well. 
     And she melted into it, for a few seconds returning it for all they were worth, and then some. Then sneaking another before raising her hips, just enough to tease her partner's tip and enjoy the sound it coaxed from him, and then lowering herself again. The pace was slow to start, the mongoose spending a few moments finding the proper rhythm, but they both knew when she had found it. Not quite as out of practice as they originally thought, it seemed.
     Occasionally, she could feel the hedgehog meeting her with blue hips, never aggressive but more than enough to shoot electricity up her spine in the most pleasant of ways. All the while, tan hands had taken to massaging wherever they could reach. Her sides, back…thighs. It drove her wild, nothing was off limits, and they both knew that. 
     It was a point driven home when the hedgehog felt something particularly warm pass over one of his ears, followed by the very distinctive purr of his partner. It was hard to tell if it was the action or sound that made him groan, and Mina could feel him harden.
     It was cheating, and she knew it, but…Chaos, she thought this was going to last longer. That she was going to last longer. She had missed this far too much, and Sonic had a way of saying everything with absolutely nothing. He let his hands, his body, do the talking, and it worked wonders every time. The living room was filled with nothing more than their labored breathing, the soft slapping of hips and breathless sounds of one another's names. A perfect chorus. 
     And she knew when she was close, when her movement became almost erratic, almost desperate to take all of her partner that she possibly could, edged along by the hedgehog’s firm hands and kisses against her fur. The heat in the air was near stifling, but oh so pleasant. And it was the sounds emitting from her partner, her husband, and the overwhelming pleasure of their joining that had her seeing stars just seconds later. It was explosive, racking her body with pleasure and joyous twitching as her grip tightened on the hedgehog, head once again resting on his as she fell into a panting fit.
     Vaguely aware of the hero's hips still moving, she smiled lazily when she heard that breathless gasp from him, and felt powerful muscles twitching under her and an entirely new sense of warmth. Gradually she could feel her partner’s body go lax, though neither of them seemed to be able to catch their breath just yet, but it didn't stop Mina from laying a gentle kiss on that marred ear. And she was pleasantly surprised when she felt one returned to her collarbone. Always a tit for tat.
     Still, neither of them seemed keen on moving just yet, too caught up in the pleasurable afterglow and each other's company. The most managed was tan arms skidding along the singer's waist, only to pull her as close as they could without separating them entirely. That close, she could hear the steady rumble in the hedgehog’s chest and it was enough for her to pepper kisses along his jaw. 
     All he did was smile, emerald eyes narrowing lazily as he looked up at her. "Y'know…that's how we got into this mess in the first place."
     She didn't stop, making a point in one or two more before she looked at him, feigning innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't doing anything."
     He called her bluff by the simple means of veering his hips, and he smirked at the sound it drew from her lips. Still sensitive it seemed, not that he was any better. Still worth it.
     Clearly the mongoose held no ill will as she merely snuggled against her partner, no intentions of moving just yet. Just enjoying the moment and the silence that wasn't broken by their delicate panting. How long they sat like that was anyone's guess, minutes maybe an hour or two, but it spoke volumes of how much the couple was comfortable around one another. Saying next to nothing, yet content nonetheless.
     But it could only last so long, Mina knew. And not in the least because she didn't think either of them falling asleep like that, messy in other words, was the wisest idea. Hence why she reluctantly shifted to look at her partner once more, her forehead on his with a gentle air. "We should go upstairs and clean up…"
     "Mm hmm," Sonic may have agreed, but there was one flaw with the idea as emerald eyes looked down, then back to his partner. They may not have been connected anymore, but he was still pinned for lack of a better word though it didn't stop a playful tone from entering his voice.  "I can't exactly make the first move on that one, Love. Not unless you want me t' carry you, anyway."
     There was something in the words that made the mongoose narrow her eyes, almost as if she were daring him. Jokingly, of course, but her tone still feigned seriousness. "You wouldn't." 
      As it turned out, he would. And gladly so.
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babyjakes · 6 months
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in the middle of the night. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | somnophilia
pairing | dark!stepdad!pete brenner x reader
warnings | stepcest (stepdad!pete is sooo sleazy.) soft dark!pete. reader is giving innocent vibes. noncon + somnophilia (reader is asleep.) age gap (reader is college age, pete is 40+.) slight daddy kink (pete refers to himself as such.) nipple play. fingering. oral (f receiving.) forced orgasm. squirting.
word count | 913
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an | this is my first time writing pete brenner so please be nice!! i hope you all enjoy <33 he's so sleeeazzy, i need him :'))) also i'm just making as many taylor references as i can at this point, im not sorry about it lol
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Eyes trailing up your unmoving form, Pete forced himself to swallow down the low groan building in his throat. The pale moonlight pouring in your bedside window was just bright enough to give view to your perfect figure. Taking in the delicate features of your resting face, the older man swore he was laying over a sleeping angel.
He knew what he was doing would be considered wrong by most. But Pete never had too much trouble ignoring his decayed conscience. When the opportunity had presented itself, it was just too good to pass up. You were home from college for the weekend, and your mother was away on a business trip. That left you alone with plenty of time to bond with your affable new stepdad, who you had no idea was such a raging pervert beneath his friendly smile and easy-going temperament.
The man tried to keep his hands steady as he dared to pull aside the fluffy white blanket covering your unconscious frame. When he saw what you were wearing: a skimpy satin nightgown with lacey straps and little bows along the seams, Pete cursed your unfeigned innocence, "Shit, babydoll. You're not makin' this any easier for yourself."
You were a heavy sleeper; that much he knew. He had seen it firsthand a few times when you had dozed off during movie nights with your mom. He brought a careful hand up to test out the waters, gently pawing at your breast as it rose and fell with your elongated breaths. Receiving no reaction, Pete smiled. He grew a bit bolder, gently teasing his fingertips over the slight tent in the fabric where your unguarded nipple lay. The removal of the blanket was already causing a shift in your body heat, both of your tiny pebbles growing semi-hardened at the drop in temperature.
Your body twitched, your plump lips letting out a quiet sigh as his even hand moved in circles over the stiffening nub. "There. That's nice, isn't it, angel?" he hummed, his other hand venturing to the hem of your nightgown's skirt. As lightly as he could manage, he pushed the fabric up to bunch over your tummy, his eyes widening at the sight of your lacey white panties. "Oh sweetheart," he sighed, his cock throbbing in his boxers at the sight of your clothed mound, "you have no fuckin' idea what you're doing to me."
Your slumbering body was cooperative as he eased your legs apart, scooting himself up a bit as he lay flat on his stomach, his head easing up between your bare thighs. Seeing you shiver slightly, he rubbed a large hand over your legs to warm you up. "Don't worry, baby. Daddy'll take care of you. You just lie there and keep lookin' pretty." The man was practically drooling as he peeled the strip of fabric covering your precious petals away, pushing it carefully to the side. At the sight of your little cunt glistening with the smallest bit of wetness, Pete let out a muffled chuckle. "My naughty girl," he cooed, rolling your nipple a bit more forcefully now between his thumb and finger.
Your little body was rocking gently, pulses of pleasure coursing through your limbs despite your deep state of unconsciousness. Licking his lips, Pete brought both hands down to gently part your folds, exposing your leaky hole to his hungry eyes. "Oh princess," he murmured lovingly, gently prodding the tip of a finger against your itty bitty opening, "so tight down here, aren't you? Daddy'll have to be careful with you, huh baby? Be nice and gentle for my girl."
He dipped his head down, teasing the tip of his tongue in place of his finger. The taste of your sweet, slippery juices only worsened his raging hard-on. Dragging his tongue up to your tiny clit, he traced the little nub in gentle circles, his elbows coming to rest over your thighs as your hips began to buck softly. "That's it, angel. So sweet for me," his hum was slurred as he gently slipped his finger inside you before wrapping his lips around your twitching button.
He pumped his digit in and out at a steady pace, finding your tender ceiling with ease as he nursed your clit. He could feel your core warming beneath him, your poor legs starting to shake weakly as you were worked up to an orgasm in the midst of your unwavering sleep. Soft little whines began rising in your throat as you were brought to the edge by your sinful stepfather's efforts. Seeing your climax approaching, Pete pulled his lips away from your burning nub, replacing them with his thumb. He wanted to see your precious little face as you came; he wanted to watch as your orgasm was forced out of you.
Soon it was, and it hit you with more force than he was expecting. As your cunt contracted helplessly around his single finger, a wave of glistening juices sprayed out onto your printed sheets. The man's grin only widened as he carried you through your high, not slowing his ministrations until your shaking died down. Breaths staggering, you were somehow still fast asleep, pussy dripping shamelessly onto Pete's fingers and the bed below.
Exiting you slowly, he brought his drenched digit up to savor your juices as his greedy gaze remained locked on you. "Oh pretty girl," he murmured with a breathy laugh, "the fun I'm gonna have with you..."
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marklease · 9 months
May I request fwb!haechan?😵‍💫
fwb gamer!haechan
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i saw a request for fwb haechan and couldn’t stop myself from pushing gamer haechan agenda. hope you guys still enjoy 😔💕
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scoopstomyahoy · 10 months
dating someone who is obsessed with their platonic soulmate (and vice versa) must be so difficult sometimes.
like, imagine eddie, waking up early one morning in steve harrington's bed, still too hazy with sleep to open his eyes. steve harrington's bed. his beautiful, wonderful boyfriend, who is currently lying with his back to eddie, just inches out of reach.
eddie scoots over blindly, hands outstretched to find said beautiful wonderful boyfriend. when he finds him, he wraps his arms around his waist, spooning him close. apparently already awake, steve clasps one of his hands over eddie's, nesting back into him. as he cuddles into steve, eddie hums happily, brain not quite yet on. steve normally sleeps shirtless, but today eddie's hands find cloth blocking him from touching steve directly. a shirt. this won't do.
eddie slides one of his hands under the edge of steve's shirt, rumpling the cloth and dragging it up. he doesn't mean anything by it—it was too early—he just wants to be closer to his boyfriend, craving skin to skin contact. he might have gone back to sleep if steve hadn't tensed under his touch. he mumbles something to eddie, something eddie doesn't catch.
"hnnh... what...?"
steve repeats himself, a touch louder. "robin's here, eddie."
eddie buries his face in between steve's shoulder blades, ready to let sleep overtake him for a few minutes more. he almost drifts away before—
"wait, what?"
"robin's here, eds."
eddie sits bolt upright. his eyes, still crusty with sleep, fly wide open to see steve harrington, his beautiful, wonderful boyfriend, turning back to look at him and smiling. and there, on the other side of his beautiful, wonderful boyfriend, is his boyfriend's best friend, hair splayed across the pillow, mouth wide open. some of her hair is actually caught in her mouth, sticking to her teeth. she's holding steve's other hand, the one that wasn't holding eddie's.
robin buckley is in their bed. eddie's eyes are comically wide—he probably looks like a cartoon, if steve's snort is anything to go by. he looks at his beautiful, wonderful, traitorous boyfriend, who allows robin to come over when eddie is asleep, when his hair is frizzy and messy and looks terrible and his breath probably smells bad. eddie opens his mouth to complain—loudly—and steve shushes him. 
"don't you dare wake her up." 
at this, eddie gestures widely, his arms moving in a way that he hopes conveys the message don't wake HER up, what about ME, steve, you didn't think to wake ME up when robin came over and apparently fell asleep next to us?? and is probably entirely incomprehensible. but steve seems to get it. he smirks.
"sorry," he whispers cheekily. "soulmate privileges." 
eddie considers getting upset about this. then he weighs the merits of getting upset versus going back to sleep. he shrugs. lies down. snuggles up next to his beautiful wonderful boyfriend again. and goes back to sleep. 
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its-mysleepover · 10 months
Soobin Car Smut Drabble
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idol! Soobin x AFAB! reader
Word count: I couldn’t tell you
Summary: Soobin fucks and briefly fingers you in the car passenger seat after you pick him up from dance rehearsal
Author’s note: I woke up in the middle of the night in a mood. Wrote this in my Notes app. Did not edit or read through. Decided to post. Bon appetit.
“….and I had to spend part of the break practicing with Yeonjun because the choreography was so difficult….” Soobin sat in the passenger seat, rattling on about the long day he’d had that you were now picking him up from. It was late at night, the streets leading to your shared apartment emptier than they’d usually been. There was a slight drizzle, creating almost a kaleidoscope of fluorescent yellow lights on your windshield and the dark leather of your car seats. The evening felt comforting.
You only half-paid attention to what Soobin was saying. The road was wet, you were holding Soobin’s hand over the center console, and you were so tired that you just wanted to make sure the two of you made it home in one piece.
Soobin was still speaking in a soft tone when you turned a corner to the street leading to your building, the road now barren for at least two blocks. You let out a soft sigh. Soon you would be home, wrapped up in silky soft bedsheets and his warm arms.
At a red light, you felt a thumb circle the back of your hand, and you realized that Soobin had stopped talking. You snuck a glance at him, and felt a warmth spread across your spine at the sight of the heated look he gave you.
“Love, everything okay?” You questioned, trying to conceal the bit of excitement in your voice. The warmth at your spine went straight to your core, but dear god you’d be embarrassed if it was just your sleepy, slightly horny brain misinterpreting things.
The light turned green.
“Everything’s fine,” he chuckled, “Pull over.”
“What?” A blush spread across your cheeks.
You could hear the smile in Soobin’s voice as he leaned over the console, pressed his lips to your ear and spoke softly, but firmly, “Pull.over.”
The car hobbled over a speed bump. “Why?” You refused to meet his eyes. It was like a game between you two sometimes, to see how fast one could get the other to crack. You were determined to not give in so easily-
“I’m not waiting until we’re home to fuck you. So, pull over.”
You were giving in.
Immediately, you turned and parked the car a block away from your apartment building. Soobin giggled and finally, you turned to look at him.
A smile graced his gentle features, seemingly so innocent but the glint in his eyes was teasing. Hungry, almost. You squirmed in your seat. Soobin’s thumb caressed the back of your hand again, before letting go and settling on your knee. You kept his gaze to try and assert some shred of dominance. Then his hand moved, ever so slowly, up and up, to your hot and soaked center. You hadn’t planned on leaving your car, besides walking to and from your apartment to the garage, so all you had on was an old college sweatshirt and pajama shorts. Soobin’s fingers were cold against your warm skin, and it felt so good.
Then he stopped. Your eyebrows creased in question. The smirk was gone. The neediness on his face was replaced with concern.
“Do you want to do this?”
“Yes,” you answered, with no hesitation.
“Wait, are you sure?” He leaned forward a bit in shock, almost as if he couldn’t believe you were going along with this.
“Fuck yes!” You gasped out. You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him now.
Both of you unbuckled your seatbelts at the same time, and he slid one hand against your back to steady you as you practically jumped over the console to Soobin’s awaiting lap in the passenger seat.
It was incredible how quickly he could get you from 0 to 100 in a matter of minutes, how quickly he could have you keening.
Before you realized it, he’d already moved the seat as far back as it could go so that you two would have more space. Your hands wrapped around his broad shoulders, and you instantly straddled him, sitting down on his clothed dick. Soobin unconsciously thrusted upward and you moaned at the feeling of his clothed cock pressing against you. His hands slid around your waist, gripping them tightly. He looked down at where you two met, before glancing back up at you, tightening his grip and grinding you down on him again. His head dropped to the crook your neck and you sighed at the feeling of his hot breath against your skin.
“Baby” you whined. Your shorts were made of such cheap and thin fabric that you could feel Soobin pressing up against you so well.
As he peppered wet kisses against your neck, you tried to speak but it came out in a weak gasp. “Wait we- ugh,” he started suckling at your sweet spot just below your ear, “we don’t have condoms.”
He stopped, his fingers loosening their grip. He moved his head back, searching you with a serious gaze. “If you don’t want to do it without one, we won’t, baby.”
You cupped his face in both hands, squishing his cheeks. “Are you okay with doing this?” He nodded. “Yeah, but are you?” As a response, you leaned in and whispered “yes” against his plump lips before pressing a kiss to them.
Soobin instantly slipped his tongue between your lips and into your mouth, one hand going down your shorts to feel your skin and the other unbuttoning them. You shivered at his cold hands on your thighs, but then he bucked his hips into yours and it felt so good and you moaned. He was so hard and the reminder of the fact made you want him even more. You needed him inside you. You slid your hands from his cheeks, feeling his neck and collarbone and chest through his shirt before settling at the hem of his sweatpants.
He briefly separated his lips from yours to lean his forehead against yours and look down at your hands pulling his sweatpants and boxers down just enough so that you could wrap your hands around his dick. As soon as you did, Soobin hissed and his grip tightened. You pulled his cock out from the soft fabric and sighed at the precum already wetting your hands.
“You’re so hard for me Binnie,” you whispered teasingly, nuzzling your forehead against his before kissing him again. Soobin groaned. Just when you were about to start jerking him off, he slid your shorts down completely - you instinctually lifting up a bit to help him - and his long fingers deftly slid from your hips to cup your mound.
“You’re one to talk,” he giggled, a stark contrast to the mood. Gently, he slid his long middle finger in, both of you groaning.
“So wet…” he breathed, curling his finger inside and making you whimper. He flicked his eyes up to meet yours, in a loving yet wanting gaze. You felt his thumb inch towards your clit while his finger curled in and out.
“Don’t tease,” you warned, but there was barely any bite to it as he slowly circled your clit.
Soobin raised his eyebrows, his lips curling up ever so slightly. “Oh?”
“Yes, oh-“ you barely finished the sound before he removed his finger, gripped your ass and thrusted his thick cock inside.
“Fuck, Soobin,” you moaned right as he hissed into your shoulder. You felt him smile against your bare skin. “You said don’t tease,” he whispered in a shaky breath next to your ear.
Soobin kept his hands firmly on your ass, his arms flexing as he kept a tight grip on you while pumping into you. Your hands held onto his broad shoulders, nails marking crescents into his skin. Soobin threw his head back, groaning out.
“Y/N…Y/N…you feel so good around me, oh my God,” he babbled breathlessly. You were so overtaken with pleasure that you couldn’t find the words to respond. You started meeting each of Soobin’s thrusts, making him hit deeper inside you and brushing that sweet spongy spot.
Soobin let out another high pitched moan, and you felt your pussy tighten around him more at the sound. You drew your hands around him closer and leaned forward, your breasts pressing against his chest, your lips against his ear.
“Binnie,” you sighed, “I’m so close please.”
Soobin groaned and the sound rang deeply next to you. “Anything for you, love”
One hand let go of your hip, and suddenly he had two fingers rubbing circles against your clit. Soon after, you were moaning Soobin’s name in such desperation, and you were pushed over the edge.
Soobin gritted his teeth and kept thrusting, so so close. You lifted your head from his shoulder again to trail wet kisses up his neck and whispered, “Soobin, come for me.”
He groaned your name and you felt his warmth fill you. You kept moving your hips against him to ride out both your orgasms.
“I love you, I love you,” he panted as he came down from his high.
You kissed his cheek. “I love you too Bin.”
Once the two of you had calmed down, you kissed his shoulder and looked up at him just as he looked down at you, a huge grin on his face.
“This was fun,” he muttered, rubbing a hand against your back.
“And sticky,” you replied, glancing down at where you two were still connected. When you looked back up, your gaze immediately went to the window on Soobin’s right. You gasped.
“We fogged the windows up!”
Soobin looked at the window next to him and giggled.
“We need to clean up and go inside Binnie,” you pushed, with the little energy you had.
He looked back at you with a loving, playful gaze. “I know,” he said before turning back to the window. Knowing you were watching him, he lifted up a (clean) finger and drew a smiley face on the glass. Then turned back to you with a satisfied expressed.
Soobin leaned down to kiss the top of your head. You wanted to melt against him. “Let’s just sit here for a bit longer,” he whispered to you.
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koyot1 · 1 year
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me reading this comment: *quiet gasp* what if?
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flurrys-creativity · 22 days
Middle of the night
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Pairing: Song Mingi (Ateez) x GN!Reader; Genre: established relationship, fluff; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: getting kicked by a sleeping Mingi; Wordcount: 153
Summary: Getting woken up in the middle of the night never was a pleasant experience. Especially not when it was from pain.
A/N: My take on the prompt "Getting woken up" by @pirateeznet
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You groaned in pain and turned to your side, still being half asleep. But when another kick hit you, making you wince, you startled out of your sleepy haze. 
You sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. Ever so slowly and slightly disgruntled you turned around, staring at the silhouette of Mingi still being under the sheets and sleeping soundly.
He twisted and turned in his sleep, his long limbs flailing around ever so often.
You pursed your lips, realising he must have kicked or hit you in his sleep, resulting in you waking up quite rudely. You rubbed over your face and crawled back over to Mingi, dodging another hit. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, hugging him tightly and mumbling sweet nothings into his neck.
Soon enough Mingi relaxed in your hold and gave you a chance to slowly succumb to your own slumber once more.
© all rights reserved  
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin​ 
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dianadeadwing · 6 months
After the amazing and fun art storm of roudiseweek here’s a sappy courtship Boblin drabble fic I wrote back when I was really in the boblin feels.
Warning for fragmentary sentence construction.
Word count: 2,147
Tw: vague mentions of Bob’s mom’s death / fear of losing loved ones
He doesn't tell his Dad. He doesn't want to hear about all the things that could go wrong. All the things that he did wrong. Right now meeting Linda sits like this perfect little crystalline moment in his head. Almost as if he'd watched it in a movie and everything that had happened had just enfolded completely separate from any action Bob could have taken.
Not for the first time Bob thinks about how significant days start the same as any other. It's not like the movies with a sense of overwhelming dread and dramatic dips in the music. The day starts with tooth brushing and burnt coffee and too bright incandescent lighting. It starts feeling normal and just...
Once when he was twelve sitting on the bench after school. He remembered thinking that his dad was late. Later than usual. Because he was often late. There was so much going on. Mom in the hospital, and Dad trying to balance that and the restaurant. Sometimes Bob just thought it'd be better if he walked home to make it easier on both of them. But his Dad always showed up eventually, stubbornly, pretending everything was normal.
So he waited.
And waited.
This time until dark.
"So Bobby," Linda chirps, her soft fingers trailing along the hair on his arm. And Bob thinks about how no one has really called him that since--
"I--" It comes out his mouth without warning. Stupid. Stupid. "Do you really mean--? Do you really want--" And, God, he wishes he could be confident and assured but this has to be a mistake.
Linda, vibrant, firework, sparkler, Linda can't be looking at him with eyes all lidded and that smile and she can't why would she--
"Want to buy me a drink?" Linda answers in all the confidence he lacks. Her eyes glitter in the dimly lit bar, eyelashes lowered looking at him like he matters at least a little bit. "I definitely, want you to buy me a drink."
And her smile is wow. Wow. Wow. wow.
"Um," He must have been staring for a moment too long. Linda doesn't seem to mind the attention but her friend giggles lightly into her own beverage. "What would you like?"
He's helpless, stupid, starstruck by her.
"Mmm..." Linda pretends to think and there's so much mirth behind her eyes as they meet his own, "Something this big," She moves her hands about a foot apart, winking one eye to make really sure of the distance, "And full of alcohol!"
"Yeah," He says immediately and turns to flag down a waiter. He can't think of a single drink that exists on the planet so he just tells the waiter to keep it coming on him. Linda giggles.
"So Bobby," she starts, and he's too caught up in her to notice the large glittering engagement ring on her finger, "What is it you do for a living?"
And that, that he can answer, so with a big smile, a true honest to god smile he meets her eyes and says, "I cook."
And miracle of miracle he sees her again. and again. And again. Every time he thinks this surely must be the end. Someone like her so full of life and laughter must be fed up with someone like him. But she isn't she keeps coming back. She keeps laughing at his dumb jokes. And he tells her about all of the things he hopes for and all of the things he's afraid of and he swears she listens.
It hits him one day. They are sitting in a drive in snuggled up close movie theater watching something about robots and Linda hums under her breath while periodically kissing him under his ear before turning away pretending she hadn't done a thing.
He never asks her what she wants out of life. He's talked at length about his own dreams of starting a restaurant. Of making all of these interesting and flavorful burgers. Of washing his own dishes and locking the door with his own key. He's never asked her what she wants. What she dreams about her life looking like. And that's important if they are doing to be-- If they will be-- If all this is to keep going forward.
"Lin," He starts. But Linda is a firework, glittering and explosive so she derails him.
"What, Bobby? Can't focus on the movie?" Linda laughs and her eyes are lit up from from explosion on the screen he definitely hadn't been paying attention to.
"I--" Bring it back, this is important he tells himself, "Linda? What do you want? I mean? In the future? I want my restaurant but what..." He gestures vaguely, "What's your dream."
And Linda just smiles at him big and bright, like he's being a little bit dumb and he probably is, he usually is, but he can't really think of why this time.
"It's not a thing." She says still smiling like she's in on a joke he's not even close to getting, "I just want to be happy."
He can't remember the last time he was really and truly happy. And then there she is. And he can't help but feel every piece of himself light up every time she so much as looks in his direction. He's working as a grill cook at some random dive to pay the rent and singing at the top of his lungs. So much when he finally quiets down there's actually applause. Wolf whistles.
At the end of his shift a coworker whispers "Must be some girl you've got."
And Bob can't help the sappy smile on his face, "She is."
And the first time she stays over at his little studio apartment he spends way too much time cleaning and trying to make everything perfect. He lights candles. He plays music really low and even gets her flowers. He has to make everything perfect. He has to convince her to see past every little glaring flaw and stay with him regardless.
Bob feels selfish and arrogant but he can't help it. He's somehow tricked her into being with him this long if he can just keep it going possibly forever then he never has to go back.
It's funny how before didn't feel so bad but the thought of going back to life before Linda makes him feel like death now. There is no going back. He can't. He knows what it's like to love someone.
And of course, she's bright and funny and a million miles ahead of him. The moment she enters his apartment and sees all the silly little candles she blows one out. Makes a little wish under her breath and turns to him with a big smile.
"I love you," She says before he can even say hello.
And instead of being cool and composed and acting like he's been there before he wraps her up in his arms to keep her from seeing how close to crying he is.
"I love you too," He whispers into her shoulder and hopes she can hear him over the sappy jazz he is playing.
And he just can't. Every day feels like he's getting closer and closer to the sun. He feels its warmth deeper and deeper in his skin, his bones, his soul. And he can't lose her. He can't.
But he could.
"Pop," Bob says. He's picking at a little crusted-on stain on the countertop of his father's diner. He can't look at him for this. He doesn't want to see what's there. He's afraid of it.
"What?" His father responds tersely, "You've been wound up since you got here. Just spit it out."
To his credit, Bob doesn't even bristle at his tone. He's too in his head.
"I want you to meet someone." And it's surprising how easily the words come out of his mouth. It's the truth but it's also. It's something else.
"Oh," His father responds. And it's uncharacteristically silent in the once bustling diner. It's after closing usually there's the sound of dishes hitting together rags on counter tops. But now nothing.
"Linda." And in spite of his own nerves, he looks up to see his father. He thought he'd be embarrassed or ashamed or something but all he is... "I-- she's my girlfriend," He smiles without meaning to, " I care about her a lot."
He didn't know what he expected but the smile on his father's face is big and genuine and not even a little bit bitter.
"I'd love to meet her." He says.
And they get along like. Well, people that get along really well. Linda's very good at stuff like that. Walking into a room and making everyone comfortable and at ease.
The first time she meets Big Bob she wraps him up in a hug that leaves little Bob and his father surprised.
"How are you, Big Bob," She says, laughter in her voice acting like old friends, "Hah, love the mustache. I see where Bobby gets his lip wig from."
How can she do that? Enter a room of strangers and be totally at ease? Bob had been so nervous to have Linda meet his father. He'd been so nervous about so many things and then comes Linda showing him that he had nothing to be nervous about after all.
Bob finds himself elated to see the smile lit up on his father's face.
Linda gets them drink for drink into the night. There may have been some singing and dancing on tables. He doesn't even notice when his father leaves them to their own devices.
"Linda's a great girl." Big Bob says the next morning over coffee.
"I love her," Bob says in return and he hadn't intended to say anything of the sort it just comes spilling out of him unwilling to be unheard.
Neither of them says anything after that. It's just morning sounds of doors opening and garbage trucks. But Bob can see the sad little smile on his father's face.
"I was twelve," Bob tells her one night, they are half naked snuggled up in bed together in that sweet place between sleep and wakefulness, "When she died."
"Your mom," Linda says calmly, because she's good at these things but he feels the ways her shoulders square up under his bare fingers.
"Yeah," It squeaks out, "And um, Dad was never the same. I was never..."
Linda props her chin up on his chest and Bob feels himself drawn into her as he always is. Her eyes are always laughing but with something else brewing beneath. "Tell me about her."
And he can't help but laugh. Like, it's so easy. Like it's not daggers. Like it's not a reminder of all he lost.
But still, "She was happy. We were happy." he leaves out and then we weren't.
Linda has sort of moved into his apartment. From the moment he met her honestly. She's terrible at keeping track of her things. Something of hers is always lingering around his apartment. At least he assumed she always was forgetting things but maybe she was just always leaving open a reason to come back.
He realizes after what had to have been a least a month that she hasn't left. Every morning she's giggling at him over coffee, wiping leftover food from his mustache kissing his cheeks, nose, and eyebrows before he heads off to work, straightening the collar on his shirt.
Every night he lays in a bed that smells like her. Hears her chattering away in another room or grinning at him while talking on the phone. She's so beautiful it hurts. And he can't go back to before. He absolutely cannot imagine being without her. He doesn't know who he even used to be.
It's not a big affair. He wishes he'd thought about it more. Been able to plan things and give her something special. But they are just ending the day together wrapped in each other's arms on the couch. Linda is telling some good-natured story about something that happened at her day job. her whole face lighting up and bearing down in anger at the appropriate moment. And he kisses her before she finishes a sentence.
"Bobby," she snorts undignified and he loves he loves her so much he's shaking with it, "Were you even listening?"
"No." He blurts of and she gives him a half-hearted little slap feigning offense.
"Last time I--"
"Marry me." Bob blurts out. Pulls back, "I mean, will you--"
And she's just laughing so hard there are little tears in her reddened eyes, "Absolutely."
And then Bob can't stop laughing with her.
And it's like hitting rewind on a cassette tape, a VHS. Back to the start, one, two, three. Only this time he hopes for a better ending.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Hi! I’m absolutely loving your AU AU! (That’s funny to write XD) I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and now I’m imagining frantic shenanigans where somehow they still manage to miss the obvious. Like maybe Sun and y/n are hanging out somewhere public when each gets notified of an enemy in the area and that there could be a big fight. So they’re both left trying thinking, shoot, gotta get away, but wait my very civilian crush is here and what if they end up in the line of fire? So they’re hyper vigilant, but nervously trying to figure out how to convince the other to leave, but they both need to stay, so they don’t get the hints the other is shooting lol. Bonus points if a fight does break out and they decide to hide and run where most people are going and there they each take advantage of the confusion to slip away and take care of things, somehow never encountering the other. Then they have the biggest freakout when after the fact the other is nowhere to be found. Relief is felt when they meet back home XD Sorry, I just realized I left you a whole synopsis in your ask box jhgjgfjgv Anyways, really looking forward for whatever you have planned next! <3
They'd be stuck between a rock and a hard place - the urge to get away fighting with the urge to lead the other to safety first, so they dance around each other, more and more frantic, before each slips away.
Fortunately, they do have each other's phone number, so meeting again after would happen relatively fast - though they do ask about where the other went, and both scramble for excuses lmao
Now, however, I do want to make a suggestion about the aftermath >:3c
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(NOT CANON) (I have plans for the reveal, but this was too tempting) Would be a shame if another coworker also present at the scene lets some details slip - that's one hell of a bomb to drop on our dear Robin (:
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Mayor Buckman x DeadWife!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: Buckman gets a visit from his sweet 💛 dead 💛 wife 💛.
Warnings: Death, talk of legal age difference. Unedited because it is 4 in the morningggg.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter.
She was young when they married, he was almost 30 and she was just 19. When she died she was still too young, only in her own 30's. She'll always be too young.
She's too young now in fact, sitting on the edge of his bed as he wakes up from a heavy deep sleep, looking just like the she did the last time he saw her happy- before she got sick; golden on the inside, and ridiculously kind with that sweet smile on her face that always melted him.
Vaguely Buckman recognises that you shouldn't be here at all, that you're deader even then him, but he can't find it in himself to care. Not with you holding his hand in your lap again and your soft voice in his ears again. He just doesn't care.
"Hey, there, darlin'," You whisper in a voice so much quieter, so much softer then it ever had been before; gentle eyes clear of the tired fog though that had filled them all your last weeks. That took you away. "... How are you?"
"I- " How does he respond? God, he doesn't want to be a sad sack for their reunion, but he sure can't lie... not to the ghost of his wife! That could be bad, conscience-wise. "Well, uh... I'm afraid I've been thinkin', lately, sweetheart."
"Thats dangerous." You tease, your smirk as gentle as your pretty eyes. When he opens his mouth to rebound with his own remark, you giggle quietly and shake your head. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Well, um," Suddenly he moves carefully to sit up against the headboard. He feels like he should be semi-straight up to tell you this; to have this conversation with his wife. Though, you'd think if you were watching over him and the boy's then you would already know- wouldn't you?? "I, uh... n- no way to pussy foot around this one really. I, uh- well doya remember Boone?"
Recognition flickers across your face, like 'oh' and you nod. "Yeah, I like her."
"I do too, sweetheart. Um, and the thing is,... we- we're uh... we've been... she- I- " Never in his life has Buckman struggled so badly with his words. Good God. How hard is it to say he had fallen for the crazy old bitch!?-
"... I know, George." You assure him, a little amused tone in your ghostly soft voice. "We know all sorts of things, over here. We get all the news- sometimes before you do."
"You- what??" Buckman looks exasperated and baffled at you. You kill him, even decades after you're supposed to be gone. Decades after he's supposed to be gone.
Giving a dainty shrug, the movement too perfectly smooth for it to have been made be a human, you grin. "I was waiting to see if you'd be able to say it to me."
"Well, heck- I tried!"
"Yes you did. Very noble, George." He can hear the eye roll in your tone, but let's it go.
For a few moments the two of you are silent together. He feels anxiety boiling in him, but you look calm as bath water as you gaze around the room; your old bedroom. You look serene. "... So,... What do you think? Huh?"
Your gaze flickers back to him, and you give another shrug. "... you're happy?"
"... yeah, darlin'," He tells you, all gentle.
A smile spreads across your face, and you nod. "Then I'm happy."
"... really?? No sorry- I mean- you're not jealous at all?"
Here was his wife, his person. Who he was so lucky to meet, who he was so lucky to get permission to ask to keep. Who he was so lucky to have liked him back; his best friend. The mother of his children. And she was telling him that she's just... fine... with him moving on with someone else?
Something about that jostles him. For weeks he's been agonising over this, wondering how you would react, if you would hate him for 'forgetting' you (though fuck knows, he couldn't do that even if he tried, which he would never). But you're... fine??
He's relieved, but he's also shocked. He doesn't think he could be that big if he was in her shoes.
"George... " Your voice is really as gentle as a feather right now, and he feels comforted every time you speak. Perks to being a ghost and not whatever mockery of one that he is, he guesses. "... I loved you, and I will love you in some way forever. And I know you loved me, I know. And I'm glad you were my husband. But if we're honest with each other if we lived in this modern time, we never would have even looked at each other that way. If we had the chances that people do now, if we knew the things they do, I would've found someone... my age, at the very least." You tell him, only half teasing. "And you might’ve been with Boone from the start, because come on let's be serious. We never made half the sense that you two do."
It's hard to hear, and there's a sad look on your pretty face, and he wants to gather you up and hold you tight and assure you that in a hundred lifetimes he would do the same thing by you- but he's afraid if he moves then you'll evaporate like smoke. And he can't be sure of the sentiment, as deeply as he might want to be.
With careful fingers though, you reach over and graze your fingertips over a cheek bone just like you used to; When you were both alive. You look overwhelmingly sad, then. "... you have other things to atone for, anyway... " The softness in your voice doesn't go away but a darkness descends over the room; a coldness. And- is that thunder tolling over head all of a sudden?? What on gods green earth!?-
"You're gonna have to think harder if you want peace. And not, about me."
"W- wait but- Hold on, what do I gotta atone for?? Y/N- " You're beginning to fade and turn translucent, and Buckman feels a sharp fear at losing you again. "Wait, wait!- "
"Before I go- how're the boys?" Surely you already know!- But-
"They're dumbasses- I mean they're good- wait." He reaches out away from your hands and your lap where he hasn't dared to lift his hand from this entire talk, and tries to grab you. But his hand goes right through. "Wait wait, sweetheart hold on a second- How's Scarlet???"
You give a final smile. "She's wantin' her daddy to come join us. So remember what I said." Then you disappear like dust in wind, leaving only an indiscernible weight in Buckman's chest and the memory of your face and your voice clearer in his head then ever for the first time in a long time.
You forgave him... but what the hell was that last bit??
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traumainpyjamas · 9 months
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"Why does it matter to you so much?" Jeno asked. He was leaning back in his chair. Bare arms clasped behind his head, flexing his muscles, expression full of youthful cockiness. One strand of midnight black hair fell across his forehead, swooping down to his raised eyebrow.
"It matters because it wasn't what the deal was", Johnny answered back, throwing the clipboard which he had been lazily brandishing in his hand onto the table. The metallic clash of the board hitting the steel table didn't even make Jeno flinch. He just licked the corner of his mouth and answered, "So what? I got what we wanted. Isn't that what's important?"
One of their hideout’s cold halogen lights kept flickering overhead as if sensing the rising tensions and buckling under it. 
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"What is important is our integrity and our reputation on the streets." The older man's words seemed to hit home. Jeno's expression soured a little, losing humor and exchanging it to simmering temper. He let his hands drop down to his sides.
"They were a group of punks anyway. You even said it yourself. Street scum with illusions of grandeur. So Hendery, Jisung, and I taught them a little humility”, Jeno started to say but Johnny spoke over him,
"And I told you I had a plan for that."
“Your plan was too slow!” Jeno exploded in turn and stood up – his bare shoulders flexing when he leant over the steel table to speak directly to his leader’s face. “If you don’t take action when people are plainly playing with us, I will.”
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Johnny snapped and in a flash got up close to the younger’s face and without a shred of hesitation forcefully said, “Last I checked this was still my crew and you will sit your ass down.”
For a moment both men were locked in a fierce stare down. The broken light kept flickering on the ceiling. Its flashes being the only moment in the silent room.
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Jeno clenched his jaw and breathed through his nose, the breath morphing into a low chuckle. The younger man turned his head and let his face split into a cynical grin. Jeno relaxed his shoulders and leaned back, shaking his head slightly. Then he looked back at Johnny who was still predatorily hunched over the table, observing the younger man’s every move intently.
Jeno straighted his posture and stepped back. He started idly fixing the black leather straps on his left arm, “Relax, old man. Nobody is after your position, too much paperwork.”
Johnny sat back down but didn’t relax his wolfish grace. His gaze though wasn’t as burning as before when he replied, “Paperwork which you just added immensely with your foolish actions.”
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redeyedryu · 2 months
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It is deep into the evening when you wake, the house bathed in darkness and the silence that always accompanies the hour. Sleep clings heavy upon your psyche, eager to welcome you back within its grasp, but nature calls. You pad your way to the bathroom, a guiding light unneeded—you know this place and everything within like the back of your hand.
You pay the crawling, coiling shadows flitting from corner to corner no mind, dismiss the peculiar chill in the air; the tired mind often conjures the strangest of things.
The figure in the mirror, however, roots you to the spot.
It is a simple glimpse from the corner of your eye—a passing acknowledgement not to worry, that is just you—that sets your hair raising and a chill racing down the length of your spine.
Don't look! your mind warns but it is too late. Stood before your reflection it is as if everything else has faded away.
It appears to be you but the clothes, the oppressive darkness that drapes their face...
Stop looking! your mind pleads once more but you cannot tear your gaze away. The darkness is too commanding—too alluring.
The figure reaches towards you and, unthinkingly, you mimic the action.
Their fingers thread between yours and then they pull.
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