#in what world do their goals and outlooks align
lindenmori · 1 year
someone: id love to see merrill and velanna in da4 again...
me: 💖💓🥺😍💚🤩
someone: ...on solas' side
me: 😐😔🥱😴
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months
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I really wish we could reorient how society talks about weight loss. Because losing weight is very challenging and I don't want to take the joy away from someone who accomplished a difficult goal. But it would also be nice if people didn't imply if you are overweight you are just a miserable blob.
I have a lot of complicated feelings about weight and weight loss. I know I don't always agree or align with the fat positive outlook. I am too fat. It is causing me a lot of health difficulties. I don't think weight should be the only consideration for doctors when diagnosing a health issue. I do think overweight people can be healthy. But I also think there is a line where that is no longer true. And I think some people don't want to acknowledge that line exists.
When I have a health issue, I just want to be able to go to the doctor and not have them automatically conclude, "It's because fat." I want them to do tests and properly diagnose what's wrong. And if being fat is a contributing factor, I want proof, not an assumption. But I'm not going to pretend that being fat has no health risks either.
And then there is the fact that meaningful long-term weight loss is extremely rare. But if you are past the line where it is a major risk, what other option is there to avoid inevitable health complications?
Then you have all the people calling stretch marks "tiger stripes" and they spend all of this time trying to convince people that everyone is beautiful and that just seems like a fool's errand. I don't need everyone to think I'm beautiful. Why is beautiful the goal? If someone doesn't find me aesthetically pleasing, that is fine. It's when they care that I am *not* pleasing to them. When they feel the sight of me is an insult to them, that is when I care. I just want people to think, "That's not for me" and move on.
There are 8 billlion people in this world. There are plenty of folks who like what I've got going on. I don't have the energy to convince everyone else my stretch marks are an attractiveness multiplier.
Honestly, it is all a mess. I saw an article on Ozempic and they interviewed some fat people that seemed angry it existed. But if I can lose 30% of my body weight I can reduce the risk of heart disease and control my diabetes much better. Why would anyone be angry I have access to a tool like that? I'm more angry that people who are using it for aesthetic goals are messing up the supply. It should be prioritized for people with health risks first.
So, yeah. I want to be respected. I don't want to be pitied. And if someone doesn't find me attractive, I just want them to not care about my appearance at all. I know some feel differently, but that is where I've landed.
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How to Maximize Your Productivity Living with Limited Time
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Hello, friends! Today's post is a little longer, but it's something I felt I needed to share.
We all have different commitments—school, work, hobbies, etc.—and in today's fast-paced world, our schedules are overflowing, leaving little room for us to breathe. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and struggle with the constant juggle of work and obligations, leaving many of us feeling perpetually busy and struggling to find balance in our lives.
So, this week, I wanted to talk about time management and productivity, specifically task management systems that will help you efficiently plan out your life and find time for absolutely everything.
Over the last two months, I've experimented with a plethora of different productivity and task management systems and want to share five strategies that will help you maximize your productivity and have time for all the things you love.
Embrace slow productivity
This is probably my favorite tip I’ve ever encountered and felt compelled to share.
After listing to a podcast hosted by Jordan Harbinger and Cal Newport where they talked about shifting mindsets concerning the work we’re doing, my outlook on productivity has changed.
Slow productivity is founded on the idea of “resourcing your work so it garners a sense of fulfillment rather than leaving you feeling overwhelmed”. To really embrace slow productivity is means not over-loading your plate
That can be difficult because we’ve been conditioned to believe that beibusy and doing more is a sign of progress; however, it’s important to understand that doing less things =/ accomplishing less goals. In fact doing fewer things often makes our work more sustainable, allowing us to work at a natural pace and pay more attention to quality instead of quantity.
This is probably my favorite tip I've ever encountered and felt compelled to share. After listening to a podcast hosted by Jordan Harbinger and Cal Newport where they talked about shifting mindsets concerning the work we're doing, my outlook on productivity has changed.
Slow productivity is founded on the idea of "resourcing your work so it garners a sense of fulfillment rather than leaving you feeling overwhelmed." To really embrace slow productivity means not overloading your plate.
That can be difficult because we've been conditioned to believe that being busy and doing more is a sign of progress. However, it's important to understand that doing fewer things does not equal accomplishing fewer goals. In fact, doing fewer things often makes our work more sustainable, allowing us to work at a natural pace and pay more attention to quality instead of quantity.
Here are some steps to help you embrace slow productivity:
Prioritization: Identify the most important tasks or goals and focus on them first. Emphasize quality over quantity and aim to produce meaningful results rather than simply checking items off a list.
Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Personally, this has helped make tasks feel less overwhelming and helped me maintain focus and momentum.
Set Realistic Expectations: Setting realistic expectations is crucial. Understand the time you have and what you can accomplish within it to avoid overcommitting, particularly to tasks that don't align with your priorities.
Finding a planning system that work for you
Effectively managing your time requires a solid organizational framework. The planning system you choose plays a crucial role in maximizing your productivity. This means finding the right digital or tactile analog tool that works for you.
Digital Tools: There is a crazy amount of digital planning tools available that comprise different features such as to-do lists, task and project managers, and progress trackers. I’m slightly biased here, but apps like Notion, TickTick, obsidian, Trello, or Asana are good for organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress on a project. Additionally, using a calendar app such as Google Calendar, outlook or, Fantastical can you schedule your time effectively and avoid overcommitting.
Pen and Paper: If you’re someone who prefers the simplicity and tactile experience of traditional pen and paper planners, processes such as bullet journaling or simply using a journal to keep note of all your commitments offers a flexible system for organizing tasks, events, and notes in a customizable format. One perk about using pen and paper is that it offers a level of permanence that can’t be found in digital tools. Once you write something down (depending on the tool you write with) it’s permanent.
Hybrid Approach: You can also combine both of these methods to create an experience that works for you. For example, you can use a digital calendar while also keeping a bullet journal as a task manger or place to reflect.
Personally, I find that the hybrid approach works best for me.
Time blocking
Time blocking works because it provides a structured approach to managing your time effectively.
Time blocking is the process of dividing your day into blocks of time dedicated to specific tasks or activities—allowing you to minimize distractions and maintain focus on the task at hand.
Here’s what I’ve found to be the best way to implement time blocking:
Identify Priorities: Start by identifying your most important tasks and goals for the day or week. These are the activities that align with your overall objectives, values, and contribute to meaningful progress.
Choose Time Slots: Next, choose specific time slots in your schedule for each task or activity. It’s crucial to be realistic about the amount of time needed for each task, and consider factors such as your peak productivity hours and natural energy levels.
Time blocking may seem antithetical to flexibility. However, regular review and adjustment is a good way to make modifications in response to changing priorities or interruptions.
<3 Luna
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astrojulia · 11 months
Hi Julia!! I hope you are doing well, I love your signs through the house posts! They are so in depth <3 🥺
My ask is if you could please explain Mars conjunct MC please!
Backstory: I want to ask this, because i’ve seen a lot of posts talk about mars in 10th house, but my mars is in the 9th house but it still conjuncts my MC, so if you could please explain that aspect I would love that so much! THANK YOU <3
Mars 9th house conj. MC
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When Mars, the planet of action and drive, forms a conjunction with the Midheaven in your 9th house, it creates a powerful fusion of energies that impacts your vocational pursuits and philosophical outlook on life.
Firstly, Mars in the 9th house symbolizes a fierce enthusiasm for exploration, expansion, and intellectual pursuits. You possess a strong desire to broaden your horizons, whether through travel, higher education, or embracing different belief systems. Your career may involve fields such as teaching, publishing, law, or any domain that allows you to engage with diverse perspectives and cultures.
The conjunction with the Midheaven adds an extra dimension to this placement, infusing your professional path with ambition, assertiveness, and a pioneering spirit. It signifies that your career aspirations are closely aligned with your thirst for knowledge, personal growth, and a desire to make a meaningful impact in the world.
With Mars conjunct the Midheaven in the 9th house, you possess an assertive drive to push the boundaries of conventional thinking. You are not afraid to challenge established norms or take risks in pursuit of your professional goals. This alignment suggests that you thrive in environments that allow you to be a trailblazer, leading the way with your ideas, convictions, and willingness to take action.
Furthermore, this configuration also implies that you may possess natural leadership qualities in your chosen field. Your assertiveness and passion for what you do can inspire others and position you as a guiding force. You have the potential to be seen as a courageous and influential figure, someone who fearlessly stands up for their beliefs and motivates others to do the same.
It is essential to balance the fiery nature of Mars with the expansive and philosophical realm of the 9th house. While your ambition and drive can propel you forward, remember to cultivate patience, diplomacy, and a sense of higher purpose. Channel your energy into pursuits that align with your principles and contribute to the greater good.
As always, it is crucial to consider the broader context of your birth chart, as the specific aspects and placements of other planets can further refine the expression of Mars conjunct the Midheaven in the 9th house.
Kisses from the Sea! 🐬
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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hermajestyimher · 2 years
What are your relationship non negotiables? I love your blog!
Good hygiene, not just basic, but good. The amount of men that go around the world with the most repulsive habits and lack of self-care towards their bodies and the environments they live in has been shocking for me to find out. I will not cohabitate with someone with repulsive behaviors of any kind. If you don't take your hygiene seriously, it lets me know that you have very little regard for your body combined with low self-awareness, and if you don't care about properly maintaining your living space accordingly, it tells me you care very little about the ones you have to share them with. I will leave at recurrent unhygienic signs.
Lack of ambition and motivation. And when I speak of ambition, I am not referring to it in the biblical sinful way of going only after money and material things, regardless of what you do in the process of getting there. But rather, I mean having a bigger vision for your life, the things you want to accomplish, and having the drive, dedication, and discipline to go after them. A man that is driven and actively working towards creating a better future for his family and himself is extremely attractive.
Generosity and wealth. Although I'm very vocal on and actively advocate for other women to strive to be independent and go-getters, I also understand that for relationships to work, there are roles and assignments each partner has to fulfill. As such, my man has to have a provider mindset and must be willing to give me the world. I don't care how much money and wealth I end up gaining in life, if I'm having a romantic relationship with a man, I'm not paying a single dime while in his presence. For this, he must be successful (and actively working towards his goals as touched upon in the previous point), but also not be stingy in any kind of way. How he treats you in relation to his money will speak volumes about his character and how he views you.
Positive mindset. The people around you affect how you view the world more than you think. A negative person can bring misery into your life if you allow yourself to internalize their ways. Your partner should be someone that has a bright outlook on life and is looking forward to building nothing but positive memories and moments with you. If they are doing the opposite, you must cut them off (this also applies to friends and family members).
Values. I will not compromise on my core values, my religious/spiritual believes, or certain strong political views for another person with different or opposite ideas. As a Christian I'm called to entertain men I'm equally yoked with, but this goes beyond believing in the same Higher Power, it includes sharing similar values about key aspects of life so that you two may align in the things you want to achieve and the lifestyle you want to live.
Fitness. This is crucial, similarly to the first point; a person who doesn't care for his physical appearance and fitness shows very little self-awareness, likely low self-esteem, and ultimately doesn't care about keeping you attracted to them, therefore, holding you in a lower regard. Putting effort into your fitness showcases values of discipline, delayed gratification, and high self-esteem, and as someone who tries to embody those things in her own personal life, I would not want a partner that does not see the value in these things as well.
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venusiancharisma · 30 days
Snippet of part 14 of 80 included in Your Astropedia...
Manifestation - Sun, Moon, & Rising...
(I do offer several different avenues for manifestating and this is one of them)
A person with a Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, and Libra Ascendant - Here's how they might manifest:
Optimistic and expansive thinking (Sagittarius Sun):
They have a naturally optimistic and enthusiastic outlook on life, which helps them maintain a positive mindset while manifesting their desires.
They think big and aim high, setting ambitious goals and envisioning a life filled with growth, adventure, and exploration.
Practical and grounded manifestation (Taurus Moon):
Their Taurus Moon grounds their Sagittarian optimism, helping them manifest in a practical and realistic manner.
They focus on creating a strong foundation and taking concrete steps towards their goals, understanding that manifestation requires effort and dedication.
Visualization and affirmations (Sagittarius Sun and Taurus Moon):
They harness the power of visualization, using their Sagittarian imagination to create vivid mental images of their desired outcomes.
They combine visualization with affirmations, using their Taurean determination to reinforce their beliefs and maintain a steady focus on their goals.
Harmonious and balanced approach (Libra Ascendant):
Their Libra Ascendant brings a sense of balance and harmony to their manifestation process, helping them navigate challenges with grace and diplomacy.
They understand the importance of creating win-win situations and manifesting in a way that benefits not only themselves but also others around them.
Collaborative manifestation (Libra Ascendant):
They recognize the power of collaboration and partnerships in manifestation, leveraging their Libran charm and social skills to attract supportive people and resources.
They create harmonious relationships and surround themselves with individuals who share their vision and can contribute to their manifestation journey.
Alignment with higher truth and purpose (Sagittarius Sun):
Their Sagittarius Sun connects them to a sense of higher purpose and spiritual truth, guiding their manifestation process.
They align their desires with their philosophical beliefs and seek to manifest in a way that expands their knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the world.
Gratitude and abundance mindset (Taurus Moon):
Their Taurus Moon helps them cultivate an abundance mindset, focusing on gratitude for what they already have while manifesting more.
They find joy and contentment in the simple pleasures of life, appreciating the beauty and value of their current experiences.
Inspired action and adaptability (Sagittarius Sun and Libra Ascendant):
They trust their intuition and take inspired action towards their goals, embracing the Sagittarian sense of adventure and exploration.
Their Libra Ascendant allows them to adapt and find balance when faced with challenges or changes in their manifestation journey.
Consistency and patience (Taurus Moon):
Their Taurus Moon provides them with the patience and persistence needed to manifest their desires over time.
They understand that manifestation is a process and are willing to put in the consistent effort required to bring their dreams to fruition.
Overall, a person with a Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon, and Libra Ascendant has a dynamic and well-rounded approach to manifestation. They combine optimism, practicality, harmony, and a sense of higher purpose to create a life filled with growth, abundance, and fulfillment. By leveraging their unique blend of energies and staying aligned with their values and beliefs, they can manifest their desires with grace, enthusiasm, and determination.
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thatsgeeky · 1 year
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Bringing Your D&D Character to Life: A Guide to Roleplaying
As any seasoned D&D player knows, the key to an immersive and engaging game is strong roleplaying. The characters we create for our campaigns are more than just collections of stats and abilities; they are fully-fledged individuals with their own personalities, backgrounds, and goals. By bringing these characters to life through roleplay, we can add depth and richness to the game world and make our adventures all the more memorable.
In this guide, we’ll go over the steps you can take to create a well-rounded and believable D&D character, and provide tips and techniques for enhancing your roleplay. Whether you’re a seasoned role-player or new to the game, we hope you’ll find something here to help bring your D&D character to life.
Before we begin:
Have a pen and paper handy to jot down your ideas.
Consider creating a character sheet or journal to keep track of your character’s stats, abilities, and other important details.
Step 1: Developing Your Character’s Personality and Motivations
One of the most important aspects of roleplaying a D&D character is understanding their personality and motivations. This will inform how your character behaves in different situations and how they interact with other characters in the game world.
To get started, think about what makes your character unique. What are their quirks, flaws, and strengths? What are their goals and aspirations? What do they value most in life? Answering these questions can help you get a sense of your character’s personality and give you a foundation for building their backstory and shaping their actions in the game.
It can also be helpful to consider your character’s alignment, which refers to their moral and ethical outlook. Are they lawful good, chaotic evil, or something in between? This can give you a sense of how your character might approach different dilemmas and conflicts in the game.
Finally, consider your character’s motivations. What drives them to adventure? Are they seeking wealth, power, revenge, redemption, or something else? Understanding your character’s motivations can help you make more informed decisions about their actions in the game and give your roleplay more depth and purpose.
Step 2: Building a Backstory for Your D&D Character
In addition to your character’s personality and motivations, their backstory can play a major role in shaping their identity and informing their actions in the game. A well-crafted backstory can add depth and complexity to your character, as well as provide opportunities for roleplay and character development.
To begin building your character’s backstory, consider their family and cultural background, as well as any significant events or experiences that have shaped their worldview and personality. You might also think about their education and training, any notable relationships or allies they have, and any enemies or rivalries they might have.
It’s important to strike a balance between providing enough detail to give your character depth and complexity, while still leaving room for flexibility and growth. Your character’s backstory should be a starting point, not a definitive roadmap for their actions in the game. As you develop your character’s backstory, try to think about how it might inform their behavior and decisions in the present. For example, if your character comes from a wealthy and privileged background, they might approach problems and conflicts differently than a character who has had to struggle and fend for themselves.
Don’t be afraid to collaborate with your DM and fellow players to incorporate your character’s backstory into the game. This can add an extra layer of immersion and help bring your character to life in the game world.
Step 3: Physical Characterization and Mannerisms
Together with your character’s personality and backstory, their physical appearance and mannerisms can play a significant role in bringing them to life in your D&D campaign. Consider your character’s physical characteristics, such as their height, weight, facial features, and any distinguishing marks or scars. You might also think about their style of dress and any unique items or accessories they might wear.
Next, consider your character’s mannerisms, or the way they carry themselves and interact with others. Do they speak loudly or softly? Do they make frequent hand gestures when they talk? Do they have a particular way of moving or standing that is distinctive to them? Adding these small details can help bring your character to life and make them more believable to your fellow players.
It can also be helpful to consider your character’s posture and body language, as these can convey a lot about their personality and state of mind. For example, a character who is confident and assertive might stand up straight with their shoulders back, while a character who is anxious or nervous might fidget or avoid eye contact.
If you're stuck then try to draw inspiration from real people or fictional characters you admire. Just be sure to make your character your own and avoid simply copying someone else’s mannerisms or appearance.
Step 4: Voice and Dialogue for Your D&D Character:
An important part of bringing your D&D character to life is establishing their voice and dialogue. This includes the way they speak, their choice of words, and their tone and inflection. To begin, consider your character’s age, education level, and cultural background, as these can all influence the way they speak. You might also think about their personality and any quirks or mannerisms that might affect their speech patterns.
It can be helpful to practice speaking as your character out loud to get a feel for their voice and how they might naturally phrase things. You might also consider using a voice recording app or software to help you fine-tune your character’s voice and speech patterns. In addition to your character’s voice, pay attention to their choice of words and the way they speak. Do they use formal or informal language? Do they have a particular dialect or accent? Do they use slang or colloquialisms that are specific to their background or profession?
Consider your character’s tone and inflection. How do they sound when they are happy, angry, sarcastic, or serious? By paying attention to these details, you can add depth and believability to your character’s dialogue and help bring them to life in the game. As you work on your character’s voice and dialogue, don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. Just be sure to communicate with your DM and fellow players so that you can all work together to create an immersive and engaging game world.
Step 5: Consistency and Continuity in Roleplaying Your D&D Character
One of the challenges of roleplaying a D&D character over an extended period of time is maintaining consistency and continuity in their behavior and actions. It’s important to stay true to your character’s personality and motivations, while still allowing for growth and development over the course of the game.
To help ensure consistency in your roleplay, it can be helpful to refer back to your character’s backstory and personality traits as you make decisions for them in the game. This can help you stay true to their character and avoid sudden, unexplained changes in behavior. It can also be helpful to keep track of your character’s actions and decisions in a character journal or log. This can serve as a reference for you and your DM and help you stay on track with your character’s development.
In addition to consistency, it’s important to consider continuity in your roleplay. This means keeping track of your character’s past experiences and how they might impact their present actions and decisions. For example, if your character has a history of being betrayed by friends, they might be more hesitant to trust new companions in the future. Paying attention to consistency and continuity in your roleplay, you can help bring your D&D character to life and make them feel like a fully-realized individual in the game world.
Conclusion: Bringing Your D&D Character to Life through Roleplay
In this guide, we’ve covered the steps you can take to bring your D&D character to life through roleplay. By developing your character’s personality and motivations, building a believable backstory, considering their physical characteristics and mannerisms, and establishing their voice and dialogue, you can create a well-rounded and believable character that will enhance your gaming experience. Remember, roleplaying is a collaborative process, and it’s important to communicate with your DM and fellow players to ensure a seamless and immersive game. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take risks with your character, and always be open to feedback and constructive criticism. With a little practice and attention to detail, you’ll be well on your way to bringing your D&D character to life in your next campaign.
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agro-carnist · 1 year
One thing that's come from this is that it's shown who is actually interested in the truth and who isn't. The fearmongering, dramamongering crowd don't care about any actual research that's been done on the topics they passionately attack people over. Have they ever bothered to ask what the professionals that study and treat kink, paraphilia, and paraphilic disorders have to say? What their position is? No, they care what other people online believe. They don't let the evidence lead to a conclusion. They look for any "evidence" that supports the conclusion they've already made. They let what they think makes sense to them design the argument rather than anything tangible. They see what big name online has been called out and say that's the proof. What FEELS right is proof. What I consider "normal" is the proof. They very easily brush off any actual evidence shown them as not worth their time, or clearly made by pedo apologists because it doesn't confirm "common sense," or grasp for any tiny reason to dismiss it as untrue, while also providing absolutely nothing to support them. People that care about aligning with what is true actually look into what has been said by people that know what they're talking about, even when they don't come to the same conclusion. They are able to see that there are many potential outcomes and choose the one that they feel has the best supporting evidence, but are willing to change their mind based on new information. This situation isn't just having an opinion or disagreeing with someone, it's specifically anti intellectual and fear mongering. It's designed to paint your enemies as the worst people based on the most bad faith interpretation of what you see, without any room for anything else, no matter how much the evidence disproves you. It is no different than how the ARAs or other fear-based groups function. The goal is to set up a person that does not exist but give it someone's name, and then destroy it. It is not about learning or the truth or protecting anyone. It is about using alarmist tactics to depict yourself as a morally righteous hero by casting out regular people you have deemed as too deviant to be worth human decency. Create a sense of danger based on emotional responses, build that up, and then attack in a blind rage. There is only room for black and white thinking in those groups. Never believe there is a possibility you could be wrong. That's the thinking of predators. Anythinf and everything the enemy does is proof of their monstrous nature. No matter what they say or do, it's bad. And these predators are all around you. They are master manipulators. Once someone is labeled a predator, you can't trust anything they say. They are Bad and we are Good. They don't act like WE do, and we are Good, so they must be Bad. Anything you do, it's for the good of children and animals. Think of the children. Think of the animals. The world is full of predators. Deviancy is predatory. Destroy deviancy at all costs.
But never step out of line and show a whiff of anything your friends have decided is unclean, unacceptable, immoral. They will cannibalize you. This way of life leads to everyone turning on each other at some point. Anyone that doesn't adhere to the arbitrary rules will be attacked. Consider another point of view or ever question what has already been decided as true will make you an outcast. Ever suggest that maybe you are wrong and you'll become a monster too. Because it's not about learning and growing and discovering a better outlook. It's about punishing an imagined evil and maintaining a Visage of righteousness. And what we feel is good must be good, and what we feel is evil must be evil, not matter what anyone, even the experts, say otherwise.
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cosmicchats · 8 months
Transit for Week of September 17th, 2023
Posted on 9/17/23 @ 12:49 AM PST
The astrology for the week of September 17th is interesting to say the least. Mars has been in Libra since August 27th and since September 11th, it has been making a sextile with Venus in Leo. The theme for the next month is Justice for Women. There will be a grande trine working in your favor this week helping you accomplish task dealing with your long term goals and career. There is also a T-square that I might make another post about.
Sunday, Sept 17th
Mars is the planet of action, initiation, and productivity. Mars in Libra will bring action that deals with justice as Libra is represented by the scales. Sextiles are about the energies of the signs working together as if they are in sync. Venus in Leo is basically women in the spotlight because Venus = women and Leo = sun/attention. In short, the energies of Libra (justice) are syncing (sextile) with women (Venus) getting the spotlight (Leo). But the spotlight is more so vindication after being wronged and the women in the spotlight maybe literal celebrities or adjacent. This transit will last till October 11th. I think tomorrow, Sunday, Sept 17th maybe when major news comes out with Venus in Leo at 15° which is a Gemini degree = communication possible international communication.
This is further emphasized by the direct midpoint Neptune=Mercury/Mars; the stage of getting in involved in controversies or lawsuits and the pursuit of fanatical plans.
Monday, Sept 18th
By Monday, think about journaling your dreams as the Moon moves into Scorpio creating an opposition with Jupiter in Taurus. The Moon will be in the 12H of subconscious, and since Scorpio already represent the underworld it is further emphasized. Moon in Scorpio at 7° will have us thinking about our relationships (romantic, platonic, business), and how people perceive us. Jupiter is in Taurus at 15° will have us communicating (15° = gemini degree) about our values and what we needed to feel secure especially in our daily lives and health with it being in the 6H (virgo house).
A direct midpoint Neptune=Moon/Jupiter; female civil servant or officials dealing with enterprises or legal and maybe religious conflicts may arise. Be mindful in social settings. 
If you’re not trying to get pregnant make sure you are taking precautions. Neptune=Moon/Venus; the female capable of conception. You may be a little moody on Monday with the direct midpoint as well so try not to make rash decisions. Think first.
Tuesday, Sept 19th
You may have a breakthrough at work or in your career as Tuesday rolls around. The Sun in Virgo at 26° in the 10H forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus at 22°. The Uranus Rx will slide back into 6H of work and routine on Tuesday. Uranus is the planet of sudden change and rebellion at 22° in Taurus signaling responsibilities and long term goals (22° =Capricorn degree). Although Uranus is in retrograde it will be supported by the Sun in Virgo helping you apply the action and handle your responsibilities. Are you worried about financial security? Looking for a new job? Wanting to take control of your reputation? I see this trine syncing the energies of Virgo and Taurus bringing application to the values and your needs. 
Wednesday, Sept 20th
Internal conflicts will need to be faced on Wednesday with Mars in Libra in 11H at 15° semi-square Moon in Sagittarius at 2°. The Moon in the 1H will have you reflecting about your outlook on the world, especially with who you associate and your networks, you might think you need to reinvent yourself. Be mindful of the internal conflicts you feel this day because they are likely part of a larger habits (Mars sesqui-square with Saturn) being compelled to break. Do the people you associate with align with you? Do you align with the people you associate with? Has your outlook on life or even appearance change because of your associations? Although it is an internal conflict, themes of diplomacy, justice, and balance may come up during this reflective transit. Finding a way to communicate what is happening will be something to prioritize. If you are not comfortable with speaking, you can journal or create some art (2°=Taurus degree ruled by Venus=art) 
Thursday, Sept 21st
Any journaling you did on Wednesday will come in handy as the Moon and Mars now make a sextile with one another having their energies work in sync with one another. However, restrictions in communication are still present but  you are now forced to directly deal with the tension as the Moon now forms a square with Mercury in in Virgo at 10° in 9H. The conversation may be about travel like long distance (9H rules by Sag), higher education, and law/religion. Because Mercury is in the 10° degree (Capricorn degree), you have responsibilities to face that is in conflict with your desire for freedom (Moon in Sag). How are you finding balance with what you desire, your responsibilities, and diplomacy in your associations.
Friday, Sept 22nd
External conflict caused by habits that need to break will come to the forefront to you today. Moon in Sag at 29° forms a sesqui-square with Jupiter in Taurus at 15°. The Moon now sits in the 2H of daily routine, work ethic, and income. While Jupiter sits in the 6H of work habits, health, and service given. A few questions to think about: How does your work ethic impact your work habits? Are they aligned for your success? Is your daily routine a healthy habit you should be continuing? Is your income sustaining you? Do you need a certain service provided to help you break any habit that are no longer serving you?
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invictarre-archive · 10 months
( tagged by @zenigatakeibu , tysm <33 )
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MBTI: ENFJ-A, the Protagonist.
Protagonists feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. They rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy. Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.
ENNEAGRAM. type 3, the Achiever.
Polished and sophisticated, Achievers have a particular taste for the nice things in life. They have the capacity for huge chunks of productivity to reach their goals and high standards. Their goal is to be remembered and appreciated for their discoveries and creations — to be the best.
Smart, ambitious and typically well-dressed, Achievers hit and exceed targets left and right. Their performance and dedication is admired by others and may even inspire them to take action. Achievers typically have schedules chock-full of events and professional meetings to keep themselves busy and on the go.
ZODIAC: leo.
People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier.
TEMPERMENT: sanguine.
The sanguine personality is characterized by a cheerful disposition, lively energy, and a generally positive and optimistic outlook on life. Sanguine individuals tend to be highly social, extroverted, and enthusiastic, often possessing a contagious sense of humor that makes them the life of the party. They are usually creative, imaginative, and tend to be very entertaining.
Overall, sanguine individuals are warm-hearted, buoyant, and carefree, bringing lightness and joy to their environments and interactions. Despite their potential challenges, they have a unique ability to rebound from disappointments with their resilient optimism.
You are really just a bundle of sunshine, aren't you? Your joy and spirit brighten up every room you walk into, and your kindness inspires everyone who knows you. You may come off as naive, but you know exactly what you're doing and how to help those you care about. Remember to let others help you from time to time, your selfless nature is powerful, but may hurt you if you can't accept help.
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agrise · 1 year
fatui lumine mini info / concept dump or at least, what my brain has been floating about with since my initial creation of the version.
can find her pinterest board here
a lot of my thought process comes from traveler who, throughout her journey of teyvat gradually starts to believe that "wow these people i'm helping and trying to put all effort into assisting really aren't that great" + "what have they ever done for me in return?" sort of bitter, but it's also ... why am i going this far for people who see me as nothing more than a solution? why am i going this far for archons whom have done equally questionable or outright damning things? do they really care about this world? what difference does it hold where i align or affiliate myself if i can easily reach the end point i want, quicker and more efficient, at the side of the fatui?
it's a shift of her beliefs and perspective, gradually she stops having the outlook she once did. i also just like the idea of ... the tsaritsa solidifying these doubts or feelings all the more + her developing a solid bond with the tsaritsa which sparks such strong feelings in her that she finds herself aligning to the fatui's own goals.
yeah she's a harbinger !!! i made her based around the lovers thus her title is INNAMORATI.
given lumine is able to use any element; delusions are sort of irrelevant here but if you do know my specific portrayal - i write her as a wielder of the electro vision primarily. this does not change but i suppose to keep with the theme, if she were to use another element, it's likely to be cryo.
but given that delusions are important for the transformations of harbingers, it's something i intend on figuring out for lumine. i haven't put as much time as i'd like into it quite yet but do know, ill eventually make another post about it!
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Book Review: ‘Women Who Run With the Wolves’
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Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés My rating: 5 of 5 stars The gulf between the presumption of experience and inexperience itself is nowhere near as significant as gap between knowing and unknowing. That is to say, to simplify, experience informs, but only if myriad conditions favor an individual's growth trajectory at such a time. Estés' WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES: MYTHS AND STORIES OF THE WILD WOMAN ARCHETYPE collates, brings the fore, and also archives numerous narratives in which the wild woman comes into knowing. Fairytales. Cultural rites. Coming-of-age stories. Narratives that explore the essentialness of known and unknown, reinforcing the integrity of what is gained and granting emotional latitude to those still unknowing. On wildness, the author warns of the fragility of the complacency that germinates from formality and domestication. Civilized society does not always nurture the intuition of the individual, of the need to live and breath and think and create organically. Loss of instinct occurs when captivity dethrones ambition (passivity), agency (submission), and action (discrimination), dulling a woman's gifts for innovation, perception, and confidence. But one is responsible for mediating the balance between what the self can create and what the ego desires to acquire. One must observe and protect each channel or avenue for curiosity, creativity, and individuation. On bodily duality, Estés discusses how the body is differentially multilingual. This means to hear the mundane world yet listen to the needs and anxieties of the soul. This means to see as one might regularly do so, yet view one's spiritual outlook in the same moment. This means to wield the strength of the physical as well as the strength of the soul. In being multilingual, different parts of the body converse in different ways, and so also remember and store information differently and with varying intensity. Different kinds of body and different kinds of bodily architecture likely beget different memories (experiences). On matrilineal initiation, the author of WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES discusses the dangers of aligning individual insight and confidence to the emotional and mental pressures brought about by cultural rites. Poor insight often pulls a woman away from a more intuitive connection. "One of the central and potentially destructive issues women face is that of beginning various psychological initiation processes with initiators who have not completed the process themselves" (p. 263). On the emotional parameters of the human experience, Estés explores why anger is instructive, provides perspective, engenders discourse, can restore order, and enables one "to see into places we cannot usually see" (p. 352). Upon separating the self from one's anger or rage, one tends to search for a cure so as to live in restorative peace. Rage as motivation is also instructive; however, it is also, often, without an adequate promise of an effective or egalitarian goal. The distance between anger or rage as a transformative anchor for collaborative insight (cogent reflection), and anger or rage as a means to empower the self (self-assured wisdom), is terribly narrow and deceptively thin. On mothering, pregnancy, and the archetypal spiritual child, the author compares and contrasts a multitude of cultural forces, effects of self-preservation, external social dynamics, and all other manners of sustenance to the wild woman. What communal socialization, consequences of generational knowledge, or priorities of the locus of self will shape the individual? From one environment to the next? From one cultural rite to the next? WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES is both a chronicle and a starting point. For the aged and weathered, the book is a collection of essays and stories whose emotional breadth lends a measured, conscious voice to one's many, manifestly displaced knowns. There is much to be gained here. And for those new to the multimodal dialectic of the feminine, the psychoanalytic, and the literary mythic, Estés' essays outline the many silhouettes of the many unknowns. There is much to be gained everywhere. The instinctual nature of the wild woman is diverse, astonishing, and in several fundamental ways, indefinite, which is all the more reason it must be pursued.
Nonfiction Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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consciousawakening · 2 years
To Think or Not to Think
Mindfulness practice, rather its Zen, Buddhism, Taoism or any other form of eastern thought are not as linear and structured as most people try and see them, and quite frankly how they present themselves. The practice of any eastern thought or the ideology is exactly that, it is a practice and an art. When you practice something you do it multiple times in order to become good at it. Then you take parts that resonate with you and tend to make it your own. When you do that it then becomes an art, it becomes your art and your practice.
 Eastern thought has two sides, on one hand you have the idea that becoming mindful is to monitor and keep track of every thought, every feeling, monitoring these concepts on a continuous basis just to let them go so that you do not focus on anything but the present moment, which is good in theory. Focusing on what you are doing at that moment being 100 percent involved in whatever it is you are doing is something to be admired. On the other hand Its almost a contradicting idea, how is one suppose to be present and mindful at the same time? If you are letting go of every thought how is it that you can become aligned with the very moment you are in? How can you be focused and let go of that attachment to the present at the same time?
Then we move on to something else entirely, in eastern practices it tells us to simply let things be. If I was to let myself be, my mind would naturally wander because that’s just what it does. Maybe the lesson is in the teachings themselves, what if we are not designed to figure this puzzle out maybe it’s the puzzle and the contradiction itself that is the lesson we are to learn. Maybe it wasn’t the goal to find the solution to the eastern way of thinking, maybe the lesson is the problem itself and knowing that there is no solution is the real teaching.
From what I know and the countless hours I have studied on this subject is that becoming aware is not just something that we can learn in one day, at least not on the level that being mindful is implying we should be. Its mostly the idea of coming back to the idea of awareness when and pretty much every time we notice that we are not. This will develop our skill in this practice and allow us to become accustomed to the idea of coming back and grounding ourselves into the present, making it easier over time and allowing it to become easier each time we do it.
People tend to overthink, they have higher expectations than what is expected. I know I did, even to this day I still am trying to find that balance. How do I become free from thought when trying to monitor myself on the level that is required, but at the same time let myself be me and let go of everything else that pops up in my peripheral mindset.
 capture the space in between each thought, that’s where you want to be and that’s where your trying to stay.
See everything but recognize nothing, there is no greater sight then to see without the constructs of man.
When a situation arises what makes that experience a good or bad one? Is it the situation itself or is it the way you react to it. Responding to a situation with negative energy will bring about negativity, while responding to the situation with positive outlook will bring about positive energy.
One thing I know for sure through my own spiritual experience, and I stand by this 100 percent is that its all about the perspective that a person has on a situation or circumstance. This is the key to finding happiness in every situation no matter how bad it is or rather how bad you think it is. The problem lies with our own minds allowing ourselves to only focus on what we allow it to focus on. We see, hear, think and experience only what we allow ourselves to experience. Obviously, No one wants to experience the bad, but when the bad presents itself by default and the conditioning of the very world we live in, this is what we are taught. We have to start looking at the bigger picture, the end goal, the lesson that is to be learned in every situation even the ones we would consider the “bad” ones.
We all have that voice inside our head, some call it intuition,instinct, some may even refer to it as their spirit or consciousness but whatever you choose to call it, we all posses it. We need to harness this and listen, but learn not to be consumed in order to find true happiness at the core of your own being. If you are unhappy there is a reason why, if you feel you should be doing something else instead of doing what you are doing at this moment you should probably do it. This concept is good for every level of tasks rather its small and minute or bigger life changing decisions. If you as a person can learn to follow your heart you can then find happiness in your very own life, not only will you find it but you will begin to manifest it, all you have to do is start.
All you have to do is let yourself be who you really are, Knowing who you are should be the easiest thing for an individual person, but when it comes to even that most people will still overthink it. You cant be yourself if every action is predetermined by a thought. Being yourself implies freedom and there is no reason not to be who you are by simply doing and acting as you would, but we live by the very wall we create; fear. Simply learn to be more comfortable with the person you are, don’t factor in the fear of being alone, the fear of failure, the fear of what people think. Don’t ever do anything because you think you have to, because if you are doing what you want to the universe itself will guide you and forge the path for you to follow.
I truly believe that all most minor forms of anxiety are caused by the idea that somewhere in you personal life you are not doing what your heart truly desires. When a person is unhappy its time to bring about a change, and the first steps is to trust completely in your own instincts by following what your feelings and mind are telling you to do. Align you mind and soul with your body.
We are conditioned by the world to feel rushed, everything in our lives at this current time is designed so that we have access to all information at our fingertips at all times. Our brains our conditioned that if we want something more than likely we feel like we need to have it. If we want to know something all we have to do is open our phones up and look it up and now we know. We have created a pattern in ourselves and in the world that is consistent with this behavior. We have created this problem in our lives so when we are met with any type of adversity, we don’t know how to handle it internally, therefore we have caused strife within ourselves.
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sys128 · 1 year
The Happy Post
I will warn you: this entire thing is about a half-hour read, which easily some of the longest things I have typed in a while. This was calculated by taking the number of words in the document and dividing by my personal talking speed. This half-hour metric is not going to be very consistent because people do things at their own pace, so sorry to my psychology teacher (Shoutout!), who has to read this whole thing. Good luck grading.
In introduction, one of the most important things in life is to remain positive. This is mainly because of the benefits we can reap from it. The things we do and experience greatly impact on our outlook on life. Here, I have compiled multiple lists on things that are generally positive and my thoughts and experiences that connect with them. This was originally made as a project for my psychology class but I am more than willing to make it a blog post. I guess you could say I thought real positively about my project, huh? Huh? … Sorry...
Five things I am grateful for
Love. Love is a general concept, and multiple ways exist to describe and experience it. The first of which I will mention is family love. Family love is the main sign of a healthy relationship in the household. It has to be genuine love, though, because people in the world take it out of context and then do nasty things with it. That would be the case for any kind of love, actually. That is how we get fake friends. Speaking of friends, that is the second kind of love that I want to mention. Family and friends are perhaps the two most important things someone needs in their lives. It is different with friends, though, because one may need more friends than others. Think about introverts. Even having one single friend will positively affect your life. There was a saying I once heard that having five friends that care a lot about you is more important than having tons and tons of them that don’t care very much about you, even after you pass away. The third and fourth parts of love are the ones I tend to be most curious about, especially in the stage of life I am in right now: romantic and sexual love. I am putting those two together to explain them simultaneously because they often go hand in hand for some people. Around the adolescent years, people begin to truly explore themselves and discover who they truly are and who they want to be with in the future. I am no stranger to this experience. I had to revise my goals often to find the type of people I would rather be with. The biggest thing would have to be the target gender of people. In 2019, I was 14 and started thinking much more about this. At the time, I just went with the flow of what everyone else was doing, which affected my general attitude substantially. I began researching LGBTQ+ issues near the end of the year.
At first, I found it hard to understand why some things were the way they were, especially at 14. I had conformed to what was deemed correct in society for my whole life up to that point. For a while, I was confidently incorrect about the things I was observing, which of course made me look kind of stupid. There are records on the internet of me being quite ignorant about certain things. Of course, as the saying goes, people change. When I was 15, I started to think about my connection to this newfangled "LGBTQ+" thing and started to try out different things. This would also mark a transition point in my life. The first thing I tried was asexuality, the lack of sexual attraction. I quickly found that it didn’t work out for me because I still had some thoughts that clearly stated otherwise, so I retracted that. My first real crush took form in late January of 2021, and to my surprise, it was not a woman like I thought it would be. It was a male-aligned, non-binary person (they would later identify as a demi-boy). When I first noticed this, I thought, "There is no way I am falling for a guy right now," and I tried to obscure these thoughts. But they did not go away, no matter how hard I tried. A relationship would start between them and me the following month. That same day, I started using the "biromantic" label for myself and later "bisexual" to include the sexual side. They helped me on my way to finding the kinds of people I loved. I don’t know what I would do now if it weren't for them. Much more progress was made on the exploration front, and May 31, 2022, would mark the day when I fully came out as gay. Of course, as most first-times go, some instability was involved, and it eventually fell apart. (We eventually made amends and moved on.) A pattern you begin to see as you progress through life is that nothing lasts forever. Everything you know has an end to it at some point. Family members start to die out, friends move away and eventually die or maybe even not enjoy you anymore, and of course, relationships end. The best thing to focus on is not their absence, but the opportunity to spend as much time as you did with those people, making an impact on both sides of life and having more memories of you, good or bad. Love is a strange thing, but I cherish it with every fiber of my being and look forward to what it has in store for me when I become an adult.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a bandage for a lot of things. There have been countless times in my life when I have had to forgive somebody for something that they did wrong if it benefited both sides in the future. Why is it so important to me? Mainly, it is just because, well, it works! It sometimes takes me a while, but it works! Usually, forgiveness leads to positive outcomes, depending on what sort of situation I was in at the time the bad thing happened. In recent memory, I can recount two days when I had to use forgiveness. About a week ago, there was a basketball game at my school where my current town had to play against the town I grew up in. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to meet up with some people I used to talk to back in elementary and middle school. Before then, I was kind of in a rough spot with them. In middle school, I was greatly affected by my old classmates, to the point where I had mental troubles going into high school, which lingered on until my sophomore year of high school. There were two prominent people involved with it, but I will not give out either of their names out of respect for privacy. The situation was especially bad in 7th grade, where I used to get bullied by them to oblivion. It also made me do things that I would come to regret later on, like the deletion of old social media accounts and my self-isolation from the crowd. At that game, I recounted all of these factors that affected me and found something good in them. These factors jumpstarted my goal to become a better person. I also took note of the age we were all at when everything happened and decided that I should not worry about them anymore. I forgave them. I later logged on to an old account of mine and contacted one of the people that used to pick on me, and we had a truce. That lifted some pressure that I felt for a while, especially since I used to be opposed to the idea of returning to my old hometown. Now, I don’t mind if I ever come back to that place. There was something else that happened that was related to friends recently. There were two friend groups that existed almost separately from each other. They were in this state because of a big fight that had happened the previous year. It was one that hurt everyone in the group. There was betrayal, deceit, humiliation, and snitching. All of that happened over the course of a couple of hours. It had felt sort of like a battlefield, a war between sides. After that whole fiasco, there was over a year of separation. Both sides sat at a standstill, minding their own business.
That was until one day, a member of the other group decided to form a group with both sides of the party in it. Perhaps there was some back-and-forth behind the scenes that led them to ultimately decide to keep things the way they used to be and perhaps even recount the mistakes they made by splitting up. I was, of course, added to this group as well. I quickly realized there was no longer any pressure on either side. Everything seemed to have simmered down. My friend, who used to be on my side post-split, said that everything that happened was caused by the heat of the moment, and actually, most of that tension simmered out sooner than we all had previously thought. At least, that is how I interpreted it. There was one guy in particular from the other side with whom I used to have a bit of beef that we both apologized to each other for, and with that also came forgiveness. Those weren’t the only people I forgave that night. I also noticed that I started to feel guilt for what I said behind those people’s backs. That gave me another lesson: the art of forgiving yourself. It also ties back to some of the past mistakes I made in middle school with the hometown situation. It was also important to forgive myself for those too, but it was okay to still feel some regret. The most important thing to take away is to learn from your mistakes and use that newly learned information to make yourself a better person in the long run. Funny enough, this also ties in to the next thing I am grateful for.
Self-improvement. Self-improvement and self-awareness and things I cherish more than forgiveness, but not as much as love, but it gets kind of close to that spot. I make important lessons for myself based on what happens during that day. Almost every single one of those days has something for me either to review or something new to take away. These lessons usually relate to either my strengths or weaknesses, which I have found many for in each, especially in the past year. I would say that during that timeframe, I have learned more about myself than at any other time in my life. It has also gotten to the point where I find some lessons more important to me than others. One that I have learned recently comes from when I was having relationship issues with my ex-boyfriend (even though they went by they/them pronouns, they were fine with calling it a fully homoromantic relationship), and I was starting to feel really bad without having someone like them to love. This had affected me for about a couple of months, especially during the summer of 2022. However, this did not last for too much longer after the school year started, because the more I felt this, the more I started to notice how other people got over their own breakups. This led to a lesson I have been learning for the past month. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense: if you want to look for another relationship, stop actively looking for one. Put simply, the reason it does not work as well otherwise is because of desperation. People hate desperation. If you go with the flow and just talk to people, it will eventually happen. The more people you talk to, the more likely it is that you will meet your future soulmate. But I also recognize that it is hard to start. You essentially have to give up to eventually be successful, which doesn't sound right at first. The first time I dated, it started this way too, because I was not actively looking for someone who was not a woman at the time. Things like that just happen! Having this in mind has greatly helped me overcome my feelings of loneliness. And you know what? Not only is that part of self-improvement, but an important component to using that technique is to use another thing I mentioned on the list: forgiveness! See, it all ties together in some way! Having done that, I was able to properly make amends with my ex and move on, this time with a focus more on what I have now—friends, family, and talent—than on what I don’t have.
Eustress. Eustress is a type of stress that falls under the umbrella term "stress." Eustress refers to positive stress, the type of thing that motivates you and even helps you build skills in the thing that you are doing. Distress, on the other hand, is stress that we all don't want to feel but do. It is that type of stress that demotivates you and causes you all sorts of problems if it happens often enough. Stress is something we all experience in some way, shape, or form, so I am also no stranger to it. Actually, believe it or not, stress is the number one thing I still need to work on at the moment. I tend to turn something that is supposed to emit excitement into distress. But when the good eustress moments happen, that is the type of thing that makes me feel good when I am learning something. I also seem to get a little anxious, and sometimes even angry, when I get stuck on something, such as my homework. This could be for any subject, but it seems to happen the most for my physics and my calculus homework. Some may think that I hate calculus, but in truth, I don’t! I think calculus is fascinating! I just hate when I get stuck on it because I want to understand. However, I am immediately jumping to the conclusion that some things are just too hard for me to do at that moment. I also get worried when I get stuck at every segment of something, because that seems to tell me that a bad grade may pop up once the test comes around because I am not understanding something fundamental over an entire unit. Again, it is not that I hate math — in fact, I love math — I just wish I could understand it. Another example of a common time where I struggle to use stress but think I could benefit from it is when I am playing video games. Like every young boy, I love to play video games. I especially find enjoyment in playing rhythm games, usually 4K, if any of you know what that means in rhythm gaming. There are some days where I just struggle to match the score that I got on a map three weeks ago and decide to call it quits for the session. Rage quitting, if you will. Like what my friend said before in regards to forgiveness, this is usually just in the heat of the moment, and I will always return to it some day, usually the next one. After this happens, I eventually find out what I could have done better in that session. Essentially, the thoughts come in, but they come in too late. It would be best to have them appear during the session. Right, so I have the fundamental goal here and the thoughts that I want to think, but I have to think of a method to actually put those thoughts into practice and use it to have a better time while I am doing my homework or playing games. I have found that eustress is something that takes a little while to implement and has to be done in steps. That way, you can find what works well for you and what does not. Ultimately, it leads to better-developed skills more quickly. Despite having a decidedly underdeveloped idea of how to experience more eustress, I am still grateful for having the ability to experience it at all. Maybe the more I practice using it and find calming techniques, I will be able to overcome the challenge of stress.
Intelligence. Because I strive to know lots of things, you could say I have become a bit of a nerd, especially when it comes to technology. In the past couple of years alone, I have taught myself how to use Linux, the Colemak keyboard layout, some programming (enough to collaborate with someone else to create a game in Python), and some stuff about building computers, the last of which started from my fascination with watching my dad do things with computers. Other than that, I have always had a fascination with technology as a whole, as well as math. Math is probably the reason why I was able to get into programming so easily. I think intelligence can tie into knowing what a good life looks like from one's own perspective. It is personalized for the person who has it. I'm sure my life is good, but since I'm still in my teen years, I believe I still have a long way to go before I can live a great and fulfilling life. That will depend on the choices I make when I become an adult. Another cool thing about intelligence is that it does not necessarily have to equate to someone’s general “smart-ness.” I personally believe that someone can still have some form of “intelligence” if they are just an expert in something, even if it’s the most uninteresting, simplest thing that can just be passed off as nothing by everyone else. Everyone is good at something, even if that something is not so useful.
My rankings out of these five qualities to life.
Acts of Kindness
The second part of this post is to identify two “acts of kindness” that I have done. These were not forced as per project but these just kinda happen naturally. Not to say that they are a bad thing though, assigning someone with the task of doing acts of kindness is a good thing because that gives people a chance to practice things like social skills. Looking back in my week, here are two of the things that fit in the criteria.
Over the past nine months, I have had to help with my mom a whole bunch. This week is no exception. Fun fact, as of submitting this post to Tumblr, my new sister would have been born! Welcome to the world, and Happy 0th Birthday! Anyhow, she has been hitting the age where it hurts more to do some things than before so she has been taking it easy on her bed for a while to make sure both she and the baby were safe. As a result, we had to do a bit more chores around the house. For a while, actually, I barely felt a difference! It felt the same as usual, but my little brother, since he is starting to get a little bit older himself, has definitely seen a bit of an increase in the number of chores he has been asked to do. As you can imagine, he was not very appreciative of that. If it weren’t for the help of the rest of the family, she would have felt a lot more stress too. She has relied a lot of the cooperation of the entire family, and when that happens, it relieves a lot. I can safely assume the effects were positive. She probably couldn’t do much of the chores we had to do with a baby inside of her. And another thing, because of how she is going to the hospital to get the baby out into the world, that also means I get to stay home from school! But that results in a missed holiday party in physics class. Damn it… I guess the more time I have to get other school stuff done, the better, right?
Another family thing that I have been working on this past week, or really these past few months, is improving my relations with my little brother. We have never been the nicest to each other, meaning he talks too much and I get annoyed, and then he gets annoyed. And then I intensely type, and especially play rhythm games, on my uber-cool mechanical keyboard, and then he gets upset and I get upset. I have been doing things that made him laugh a little more often. Like earlier today, I joked that I was going to put a bit of canned macaroni and beef on his head. The goal here was to make him laugh, and it worked well! One thing that strengthens a bond between two people I have found, was laughter, especially if it is with someone much younger than you are. Kids are well known to be super playful and easy to please given the right circumstances. Being playful is a good way to achieve this. As they say, laughter is the best medicine, including for relationships that are not exactly up to par with standards.
Bucket List
Everyone has goals for what they want to achieve in life. For the third part of this post, I list 10 things that I want to achieve before I die.
In my adult life, I want to explore the world more. Ever since the age of about 11, I have always wondered what it would be like to live in a different place. I have especially found lots of interesting differences in cultures and languages of the world and wonder how much difference there really is if I were to have grown up in those places rather than America. The answer depends on the country. Some are similar to the United States whereas others are about as different as fruit is to empty calories. I project that once I become more financially stable, I will save up for various trips to different states and countries. I currently have a few of these places in mind, those of which being Colorado, Canada, Denmark, and Japan.
Another thing I have been wanting to do is document more of my life. I have done so here and there in my tween-age years and some of my teenage life, but I am personally not a fan of the breaks I would take from doing them and stretch them out into oblivion. I think this will be somewhat fixed with my Tumblr blog, which has so far been proven successful because it captures the time spent on my computer and adds a writing element to it. Sure, it is a 2000s-y way to do it, but it gets the job done and I am very appreciative of it.
There has been a goal I have had in my mind in the past five years or so, but have yet to achieve that goal. That is to learn a second language and become fluent in it. During middle school and high school, I immersed myself into a whole ton of different languages, and they were fun to learn for a while, but the problem lies in the fact that I have never been able to make it stick. I get to around the intermediate level at the very best and then forget everything a few months down the line. This has happened before in my attempts of learning Spanish, Danish, and Russian. I was even considering Toki Pona one day, which is a constructed language not evolved via natural means. At the moment, I am studying Japanese, and so far, results are more promising than they are for the time I was learning Danish.
I have learned a lot from my first and currently only romantic relationship. I aim to use the lessons I have learned from those experiences to do a better job for whoever I end up being with in the future. I currently have a couple of guys in mind but I would have to talk to them more before I spill the beans on them. Not really much else to say here because half of this post so far has been about the different kinds of love, and I have wrung that dry.
As for how I want to make a living, there are two options I want to consider when I get the chance to. One of these is to grab a career in computer science, which I would also say is the more “normal” one as far as jobs go. Those types of jobs are in higher demand than ever before and the need for them continues to grow. I have had some self-taught and professionally-taught experience in programming, and have developed some things already, so I am kinda sure that I am off to a good start. The other thing I wanna consider is finding a way to make a semi-passive income. You know, something where the only work you need is to start it off and maintain it by doing a little bit, and then watch as the revenue trickles in. That is what people do with YouTube. They make videos for a living, and they can do it as often as they want, but results may vary.
Be more physically active and healthy. As it stands right now, I am NOT a very active person. I mostly just kinda sit around and do nothing on my PC. I also eat lots of junk… but it all tastes so good!! That is going to change in some way in my adult life but I have not fully developed how I will go about doing that yet. I know the kind of food that I think would be a better choice for me. I have always been kind of scrawny due to the fact that my metabolism is blazingly fast. Because of this, I think it would be a good idea to look more into protein products and eat more eggs and stuff. I could also do some exercising in some way, but I have not decided on if I wanna go to a gym or get myself some equipment at home. I hope this improves me not only physically, but mentally as well. Both areas are equally as important when someone is exercising. There are numerous articles on the positive effects of both.
I eventually want to try to participate in some voluntary community service. That idea was put forth to me when I was selected for possible recruitment of the National Honor Society last year. One of the requirements was to do a bunch of community service, which I personally find to be a strange requirement, so I did not commit to that. But I think I could benefit from doing things like that in other ways.
Mathematics is something that will be trained more after high school, for sure. If I do good enough in my high school calculus class, then some more math afterward in either a college or individual study is likely. I will probably end up using that new knowledge for more programming work. There are certain areas that I wanna study a bit more in my own time, but those are usually more of a fun thing rather than practical. Take googology for example, which plays around with the idea of inconceivably big numbers. It’s like using long words to sound more intelligent but with numbers instead, it’s great!
There are world records I want to set at some point. I also do not know what they will be but having titles like that would be cool. I do technically have one of these records though but it is for something that would only be important to one of the communities I engage with on the internet. For those of you who know, you know!
There is a concept in humanist psychology that I found quite interesting, that of the hierarchy of needs. This relates to each person’s curiosity with themselves and what they need. The more needs they have that are met, the closer to the top of the triangle they are, where they have fulfilled themselves to the fullest. I want to work towards that status. It may be the hardest of them all but I think it can be done.
Making the World a Better Place
And finally, since I am running out of steam, part 4 is going to be a bit shorter, but it is ways I can make the world a better place for people. I did have to think about this one for a while. I don’t think that I will commit to ALL of these in my life, but doing at least one or two should be enough. I don’t wanna do TOO much without focusing on myself. I believe that there should be a balance of care between others and yourself. But I digress…
I will say it again but voluntary community service. I have talked about this already but just in case I need to mention, it is pretty self-explanatory as to why this would be helpful for the world. The more help in these areas, the better off we are, even if one single person is helping out with things like this. It may not be enough sometimes, but it is something.
I think teaching people things has been a thing I have been doing here and there, but I might have already mentioned that a while ago, but that’s okay. The spreading of knowledge is a good way to increase the intelligence of others!
Use the skills I will build up to make a solution to a problem. There are lots of questions that I would like to answer at some point. Good thing that other people are interested in getting these questions answered too. Perhaps I could help out with finding solutions to those problems.
Continue being nice to other people, and improving on that little by little based on the things I learn around me. At this point, I am repeating a lot of things I have said before in this post but if I keep valuing the things I do, I will continue to improve in this area.
Put more work towards achieving the goals of both me and other people that will contribute to the world of those people. This can be with things like projects that require hard work, whether it be for academics, life, or otherwise.
Donate, which can kind of be part of the community service thing. I will have to wait until I am more financially stable to do this though because I am kinda saving money hardcore at the moment.
Express my creativity to inspire other people to make things in the same vein to whatever I have created, which in itself was inspired from people that made similar things before me. I am in the middle of the chain of a bunch of inspiration that took place before me, and will take place after me.
Wow! You have made it to the end of my post! This was kind of a pain in the ass to put on here. Because before this paragraph is a total of 5,428 words, making this the longest post I have ever put on this site. And what, just for a summative project at school that could have just been done with bullet points? Yeah, that was technically all I needed, but I spent all morning and a good chunk of last afternoon writing all of this! Comes to show how much fun I have with these things!
"You love torturing yourself, don't you?" - infinitysnapz, 2022
Until the next time I post, OoooHH!!! Scary RAi!!!!!
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albertfinch · 2 years
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There are doctrines today that allow Christians to sit back and do nothing. They defend this cool, casual leave-it-all-to-God attitude with Bible passages. Such an outlook is entirely foreign to the spirit of the New Testament.
The ultimate purpose of ministry should not be to teach people how to get things from God. The aim of the Christian life is to give and to equip fellow Christians to advance the Kingdom of God.
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon him while He is near." - Isaiah 55:6
The first step to getting out of the box is to fellowship with the God of the breakthrough.The Holy Spirit will charge you with fresh vision and boldness. Choose today to align yourself with God. Choose today to "turn aside into the flame" of God's presence and receive fresh encouragement, fresh vision, fresh energy, and fresh oil.
It's more important to operate at maximum efficiency in the Kingdom than ever before—that is getting up each day and asking Him to help you be aware of the Kingdom-current of activity going on around you—and jumping into Gods PURPOSE for your life.
Ask God for a revelation of your DESTINY in Christ. You carry the heart of a lion. You are made fearless in His image. You are created for an extraordinary life. Pray and soak in His plans for you. Open the door to your future.
God is looking about the entire earth, searching for the upright in heart. To them, God will prove Himself strong and sure (2 Chronicles 16:9).
The Sons of Issachar had an understanding of the time in which they lived, the season at hand, and were well aware of what the people of God should be accomplishing (1 Chronicles 12:32).
The Scripture declares that the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God (Habakkuk 2:14).
The Kingdom of God is advancing swiftly and countless multitudes are turning to Christ. This is the time to walk with true goals, aims and divine purposes, not drift about in an endless circle.
Ephesians 5:14-17 -- "Wake up, sleeper, and rise from the dead! And Christ will shine on you. So pay close attention to how you live.   Don't live like ignorant men, but like wise men.  Make good use of every occasion you get....try to find out what the Lord wants you to do."
No one desires another 40-year trip around the mountain of misguided human efforts! The good news is that we do not need to wander any longer in the wilderness: it is time to access the Kingdom of God. Now is the time to move forward, establishing the King in His Kingdom by operating in the power and authority of God!
These are days of DESTINY, filled with wonder and excitement, as the works of God are being displayed (Psalm 90:16-17). The awe of God is returning to the people of God, filling the hearts of God's people with great expectation (Isaiah 64:1). Expect to behold great and mighty things accomplished for the advancing of the Kingdom of God (Jeremiah 33:3).
The Spirit of God is anointing and empowering dedicated, consecrated Believers with unstoppable authority (Luke 10:19). These are ordinary people who do extraordinary exploits for the glory of God (Daniel 11:32b). They have embraced the promise from Christ concerning who they are and what they can accomplish by His Spirit (John 14:12).
As followers of Christ, we are to be bold, brave, and extremely courageous. Scripture declares in the book of Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
The last phrase contains an overwhelming promise – the abiding Presence of God. Keep this promise in the midst of your heart: "...for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go!" This promise is repeated throughout Scripture and is the foundation of the promise in 1 John 4:4: "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
This revelation is essential: we must embrace the promise of our identity in Christ and believe that we can accomplish exploits by His Spirit. The Kingdom of God will not be established by mere words, nor by our abilities, but by the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 4:20). This confidence can only come from factual, experiential union with Christ. By abiding in His manifested presence, we become bold and are able to stand firm; knowing our Christ identity.(Proverbs 28:1 and Colossians 2:9-10). God's Word declares that the fullness of the Godhead is in Christ and that we are complete in Him (Colossians 2:9-10).
Rejoice, for you can know for certain that the Kingdom is in you for such a day as this!  Be confident: you are born for this day. Do not delay to move forward by faith, walking in victory and taking your place as an overcomer, embracing fully the DESTINY God has planned for you (see Ephesians 5:14-17 above).
I arise to the occasion and take my place as a victorious overcomer, standing strong and bold in God's CALLING on my life, declaring that the Kingdom of God is manifesting through my fruit-bearing that remains for His Kingdom.
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unifabkenya · 15 days
Hotel Supplier In Kenya, Tanzania: Providing Quality Services for the Hospitality Industry
In the dynamic hospitality industry of Kenya and Tanzania, hotel suppliers play a crucial role in ensuring seamless operations and exceptional guest experiences. This article delves into the world of hotel suppliers, exploring their services, quality standards, sustainability practices, market trends, challenges, and future prospects.
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Overview of Hotel Suppliers Definition and Importance Hotel suppliers are companies or individuals that provide essential goods and services to hotels and other accommodation establishments. Their offerings range from linens and amenities to technology solutions and furniture, contributing significantly to the hospitality sector's functionality and guest satisfaction.
Key Services Offered Hotel suppliers offer a comprehensive array of products tailored to meet the diverse needs of hotels. These include:
Linens and Bedding
Toiletries and Amenities
Furniture and Fixtures
Kitchen Equipment and Supplies
Technology Solutions (e.g., PMS, POS systems)
Cleaning and Maintenance Services
Quality Standards Certifications and Regulations To maintain quality and adhere to industry standards, reputable hotel suppliers obtain certifications such as ISO, HACCP, and Green certifications for sustainable practices. They also comply with local regulations regarding product safety, hygiene, and environmental impact. Sustainability Practices In response to growing environmental awareness, many hotel suppliers embrace eco-friendly initiatives. These may include using biodegradable materials, reducing waste through recycling programs, and adopting energy-efficient manufacturing processes. Market Trends Current Demand and Future Projections The demand for hotel supplies in Kenya and Tanzania reflects the region's flourishing tourism and hospitality sectors. As these industries continue to grow, suppliers anticipate increased demand for innovative products and services, especially those aligned with sustainability goals. Challenges Faced Supply Chain Issues Like many industries, hotel suppliers encounter challenges in their supply chains. These may include raw material shortages, logistics disruptions, and fluctuating market prices. Overcoming these challenges requires robust contingency plans and strategic partnerships. Customer Experience Reviews and Testimonials The success of hotel suppliers hinges on customer satisfaction. Positive reviews and testimonials from hoteliers underscore the quality and reliability of suppliers' products and services, driving repeat business and referrals. Pricing Strategies Competitive Pricing Strategies Hotel suppliers employ competitive pricing strategies to attract and retain clients. They balance affordability with quality, offering value-driven solutions that align with varying budget constraints across the hospitality sector. Technology Integration Digital Solutions for Efficiency Innovative technologies play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency and productivity for hotel suppliers. From automated inventory management systems to online ordering platforms, digital solutions streamline operations and improve customer experiences. Partnership Opportunities Collaborations and Alliances Hotel suppliers actively seek partnerships and alliances within the hospitality ecosystem. Collaborations with hotel chains, industry associations, and technology providers foster mutual growth and innovation, creating win-win opportunities. Future Outlook Growth Opportunities Looking ahead, the future of hotel suppliers in Kenya and Tanzania appears promising. With a focus on sustainability, technology integration, and strategic partnerships, suppliers are poised to capitalize on emerging trends and expand their market presence. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 1. What types of products do hotel suppliers in Kenya and Tanzania offer? Hotel suppliers offer a wide range of products, including linens, toiletries, furniture, kitchen equipment, technology solutions, and cleaning services.
2. How do hotel suppliers ensure quality and safety standards? Reputable suppliers adhere to certifications like ISO and HACCP, comply with local regulations, and implement sustainable practices for quality and safety.
3. What are some challenges faced by hotel suppliers in the region? Supply chain disruptions, raw material shortages, and market price fluctuations are common challenges that hotel suppliers navigate in Kenya and Tanzania.
4. How do hotel suppliers integrate technology into their operations? Hotel suppliers leverage digital solutions such as inventory management systems and online platforms for efficient operations and improved customer experiences.
5. What is the future outlook for hotel suppliers in Kenya and Tanzania? The future looks promising, with a focus on sustainability, technology adoption, strategic partnerships, and growth opportunities in the evolving hospitality landscape.
6. How do hotel suppliers contribute to sustainable practices? Many hotel suppliers implement eco-friendly initiatives, such as using biodegradable materials, reducing waste, and adopting energy-efficient processes, to support sustainability goals. Conclusion​ Hotel suppliers in Kenya and Tanzania play a vital role in supporting the vibrant hospitality industry, offering quality products, embracing sustainability, and driving innovation. As the industry evolves, these suppliers continue to adapt, thrive, and contribute to a memorable guest experience.
Source:- https://roomitemsuppliers.weebly.com/blog/hotel-supplier-in-kenya-tanzania-providing-quality-services-for-the-hospitality-industry
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