#it also sounds like something techno would say
made-nondescript · 2 years
i hope the person who said "he wouldn't want such a small thing to ruin his brand" about technoblade knows how helpful that line as been. it's the one thing anyone said then or since that pops into my head every time i start thinking too hard about technoblade's passing. like he has a brand to maintain and i'm here mucking it up by being sad and mournful about it. who am i to do that! and then i can self correct and think more positively about how cool techno was and what he meant to me. so yeah they little joke has been so helpful
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huicitawrites · 1 year
The Hunt
Yandere! Miguel O' Hara x Fem! Spider! Reader
T/W: yandere (slow-burn(?)), dark fic, violence, assault, spoilers for across the spiderverse.
Status: rewritten.
Next Chapter
Word Count: 2,4k
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"Y/N! Get. Back. Here. NOW", swinging away from an infuriated Miguel O'Hara wasn't something you had planned or ever thought would occur, never entertained the thought of it. At least not until now, as you desperately attempted to get away from him and somehow escape him- for your dimension-travel watch (as wild as the concept of it sounded) had been snatched by the same man that was madly hunting you down.
How did it even all come to this? Let's rewind, back to the beginning.
Part I
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After being bitten by a radioactive spider in a school trip to Alchemax at the young age of 15, you obtained enhanced spider-like abilities: a sixth sense for perceiving danger, incredible reflexes, amazing parkour skills, extraordinary strentgh and flexibility.
And for the past ten years, you have been New York's one and only Spider-Woman.
Learning to use your powers was a whole trip on itself. They awakened rather clumsily -nothing a leap of faith could not fix- as you began to grasp the ropes of being a masked hero in your teenage years [it's safe to say that your teenage years were truly a heck of a rollercoaster].
Handling a double-life was not easy, that is something you have learned with your ten years experience. You saved a bunch of people and thus many lives, you won many times and saved the city countless more. Yet you also earned a bunch of dangerous criminals and villains tailing behind your back that would want to kill you without hesitation and harm you in any way possible.
In spite of the times you were beaten down, left made a mess in the ground, or at the brink of death- you would always get back up because you were Spider-Woman.
Sometimes, getting back up was hard.
The weight of the sake of the city was on your shoulders. And sometimes, that weight crushed you. When you lost your parents it was devastating, because not only had you failed as a hero, but as a daughter.
[Your dad perished in an attempt to save you from an attack of one of many enemies- the Green Goblin . You two happened to be on a ‘father and daughter’ outing in a nice dinner when the Green Goblin tried to draw out Spider-Woman from her hiding place in Brooklyn (unbeknownst of your true identity and much to your own misery and guilt.) After battling the Green Goblin and imprisoning him, you rose with your dead father in your arms, and an huge crack in your heart that would leave a deep scar.
Months later, your mother's followed suit. That day was chaotic, panic filled the streets of New York as The Rhino, a veteran soldier with super human strentgh and a high-techno advanced armor resembling a rhinoceros, laid waste to the city. You were evacuating all civilians nearby, swinging across and into buildings, picking up and scooping anyone you could encounter and putting them out of danger.
It happened as you held falling debris with your arms. You picked up wailing in between the many cries of people, and your spider-sense guided your eyes up from the ground.
A child, no older than five, was crying. He was glued to the floor, too overwhelmed by the calamity surrounding him. A wall from a building was falling on him and your heart beat raced. You still had people below you that were crawling out and the child was a or two block away. Your thoughts raced in your head, you had to save everyone, down to the last live.
"Come on, come on, come on" you muttered in between gritted teeth as you gathered power and lifted the debris into the air. With the help of your web shooter, you pulled all the remaining civilians out and casted aside the courtesy of double-checking as you swinged toward the child.
You could see how the wall fell over him, and you reached out your arm with your forearm out desperately, attempted to pull him out with your web but the wall was already about to touch his head and-
She pushed the child out of the danger, motherly instincts impulsing her feet at the cost of her own life. The child was pushed onto you and you brought him flush against you with your web, arms encasing him as you witnessed the wall collapse on her.
In shock and disbelief, you gently lowered the child to the ground and ran to the fallen wall. Once again in despair, you clawed through the debris and searched for your mother’s body.
You found her bruised and crushed, her face deformed. You brushed the dust off it. Her pained groan was faint, and you begged her right there and then not to leave you. Not to leave you alone, again.
“Is the kid al…?”
“Yes! Don’t, don’t talk. Help, help is coming. You have to stay, you have to.” But her eyes were already fading, and her limbs growing weak. Your disguised hand snatched up hers and you cried,
She recognized your voice, the one she cherished the most. Her fading eyes gathered all the warmth they could muster and she reached out a quivering hand to your cheek. Her fingers slid into your mask, and she felt your tear stained skin.
“Ah my baby…[Y/n]…I’m so proud... Your father would be so proud... keep it up”. Her last words were voiced with strain, but you would always remember them.]
They became the fuel for your mission, and no matter how many times you were beaten to the ground and wounded to no end, you stood back up. You would save everyone else, no more deaths, you swore upon your parents' last moments.
Now in your adult life, you found yourself in a stable life besides the implications your side hustle not-so-side -hustle brought. You had an adequate job as a writer for small titles in a decent newspaper, and you had a department you shared with your childhood best friend, Peter Parker [who eventually became your tech-desk guy. Hiding your true identity from your best friend and roommate would have never lasted long anyway. You remember clearly the day you climbed into the living's window, beat up, bruised and tired, when the lights suddenly turned on and a Peter with crossed arms and an eyebrow raised was waiting for you like a parent whose child was past curfew. You were without your mask on. Nonetheless, after stuttering uncontrollably and failing to explain and just simply breaking down in front of him. Without saying any words, he took out the first aid kit and reassured you with a smile. You were so grateful to him.]
So now here you were, crouching on the top of The Clock Tower, the moonlight casting its light on your back and darkening your silhouette. Earlier in the day you dealt with some thugs and minor crimes, but since the sun fell nothing happened. That was odd, NYC was never quite, least of all times at night.
But your spider-sense was running, not rampant, but definetely there like annoying itch on the nape. Something had to be off, you knew it.
"Um, I'm not picking up anything, (Y/n). Maybe you should be calling it a night, you've been doing good work so far. You did lower the crime rate, after all."
"You sure Pete? There's this feeling in my gut and-"
"Your 'spidey- thingy' ?".
"Spider-sense, spidey-thingy sounds dumb" you answered with a small groan, rolling your eyes although he could not see the.
He chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he turned serious " but I'm not getting anything from anywhere. From police radios and stations to our own hidden cameras"
"Nothing? Sure?"
"I mean everything is awfully quiet now that I think about it... All I can pick up is glitching, let's see... let me do my thing and-" you could hear frantic typing through the comms of your suit within the mask, you could even picture Peter hunching and fixing his eyeglasses.
What he said left you pondering. Glitching? It couldn't be a coincidence that all the radio signals he could pick up were glitching.
"Aha! Here it is, your spidey-thingy was right." this time, you chuckled as if saying 'see?'. He continued, "-this should be a very hidden signal from the special forces team. Seems classified, man they should really put a little more money into whatever software they use to protect their privacy" and he pushed on one final 'enter', the glitching and static got louder almost startling you to which your friend apologized softly, but it evened out.
"Report the situation, Lieutenant Stacy"
"Requesting back-up right now, suspect is armed with advanced equipment, we are at the Port, South East, many of my men and women have been wounded and- oh, shit, shit" The man's words died down with the sound of something big crashing and breaking.
Well, that's your cue. You stood up on your toes and balanced you body weight forward, diving to the ground. With your limbs extended, you stretched your forearm and extended your wrist, web shooting out from the slick web shooter Peter designed.
Swinging from building to building under the night sky, you jumped across billboards and slid past tight spaces as you were heading to the location of the conflict, and the closer you swinged, the wilder your spider sense got.
When you arrived at the port, you saw a SWAT truck that was flipped over, it had a huge dent in the form of a what seemed to be a claw mark, and the windows had been broken. There were a few members on the floor, and you noticed there were two trying to lift the heavy vehicle.
"Let me help," you announced your presence and they whipped their heads. Their faces were glistening with sweat and dirt, and you could notice their equipment was damaged. You crouched and lifted the truck, there was one member there below, and his leg was twisted the other way, but he was breathing- well, panting.
Without further a do, the soldiers went and dragged out their friend. A soldier's face lit up, though they seemed hesitant [after all, your line of work was kind of controversial among the government and its forces] but they were thankful. "Thank you, Spider-Woman", their voice was genuine and you smiled below the mask.
"Your welcome, leave it to me" winking at them through your lense, you nodded and propelled yourself to the ceiling of the warehouse. You noticed a roof canopy at the center, lucky you, and brought the palm of your hand to it. Utilizing your sticky finger pads, you carefully removed a pane of glass and entered the building without making a sound.
"Be careful, please" Peter voiced with worry.
You hanged the web from it's strongest point at the peak, and slowly lowered yourself down until your hand gently brushed the cold floor . You got off the web and crawled in direction of the tingling of the spider-sense. You found some warehouse crates, pressed your back onto them, slowly leaning your head out to take a peak.
A man stood there, a middle aged man by the looks of him. He had a round pair of black sunglasses on and a large leather coat on, but the most outstanding feature was apparently behind him. Four metal tentacle-like arms sprouting from his back, with threatening looking claws. That had to be the thing that put such a dent in a SWAT vehicle, the advanced equipment you heard of in the interception.
He was ranting about something, speaking to himself. "The power of the sun at the palm of my hand, only to be ruined by that fucking-"
‘What is this man even talking about…’
His words died down in your ears as it took a few seconds for your spider-sense to peak, and you scrunched your face features. Your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes squinted, cheeks squeezing up and causing the lenses of the mask to stretch and flatten.
"(Y/n)? Found anything yet?" Peter inquired.
"This man... I think I know him... but also not..." At this point, your spider-sense was rampant. Your gaze still confused as you tried to decipher him. Your spider sense was alerting you of this oddly familiar feeling. It was someone you had dealt with before, but also someone new. Simply off-putting.
Then the realization fell on you, his tentacle-like arms.
"Is that Doc Ock!?" Without getting a hold of your reaction, you accidentally raised your voice and revealed your location. Your spider-sense tingled again, this time, sensing imminent danger as you backflipped and dodged the incoming attack. The crate you were hiding behind of was broken into splinters.
"Come on out, Spider-Man!" he shouted, his voice in pure anger.
Spider-Man? As long as you remember, you never referred to your disguised self as Spider-Man...
"It's Spider-Woman, mind you" You revealed yourself off the shadows, and the light basked in your costume, revealing its signature colors and design. "Do I know you by chance?" you tited your head, inquisitive in your tone as you were trying to figure things out.
The man's expression fell, and his rage was replaced by annoyance.
"Is this some kind of sick joke, Spider-Man? Have you forgotten the name of the man whose work of life you ruined, Otto Octavius." His tongue rolled of his name with spite and you widened your eyes.
"Doc Ock? But, you are different. You are totally human". Last time you checked, Doc Ock was a mad scientist that turned himself half-octopus by bioengineering his genetics in the name of some sort of sick evolution idea. He had tried to turn the city into mutants like himself for 'the sake of humanity's future' and you managed to stop his plans. Furthermore, he had been sent to a high-security prison for villains, where an anti-serum is being developed to turn him back and halt his aggression.
"Are you pulling my leg Spider-Man?" He said with disbelief, and he began to appear more and more angry by the second. He muttered something below his breath, and you swore you saw one of his tentacles turn toward his face as if it were sentient and listening...
"I've told you it's Spider-Woman." You huffed out, chest puffing out. You had a bad feeling about this...
The man's hand ran down his own face and he groaned, visibly tired. "Well, whatever, but you do appear to be an ally of Peter Parker's, your costume and your name leave little room for further speculation". The mention of your friend raised up your guard, how did he know Pete? Any doubts and hesitation erased themselves of your mind, for your friend could be in lethal danger.
"Oh? What's the matter, 'Spider-Woman'," he sneered.
"Picked right on the web, hmm?" He edged on, a dangerous smirk dancing on his face and two claws raising up in the air, ready to pounce.
There was not much to it, as you jumped sideways to dodge whatever that clawed-tentacle-armor was. You found yourself right back at the gig, fighting a villain as the one and only Spider-Woman.
Or so you thought.
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A/n: Hi! So when I first saw this fictional man I KNEW I had to write about him, originally, it was going to be a long one shot, but I decided to break it into parts. I expect this story to be up to 3 parts or 4 as most. Anyhow, I hope you come to like it!, and sorry for the long- ass intro, I really wanted to dwelve deeper into reader as a spider person. Next is the real thing. I have seen some people have asked me to tag them, so don’t be shy to ask too!
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that-sweet-jester · 2 years
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Just a bunch of bad guys
A little background below ⬇⬇⬇
HA I TRICKED YOU, it's not little, it's a lot!
Alright, this was just supposed to be an attempt at character design of my own after I read bunch of Superhero AUs, but I got carried away and created some lore :')
Full Name: Both him and Techno had been adopted by Philza at young age and took up his last name, but wanted to keep something of their own. Hence, both have their nicknames "Soot" and "Blade" (not last names, they don't know what they were).
Alias: I wanted to base all names of the Syndicate on Greek mythology, however I had hard time finding something for Wilbur. I came close to calling him Apollo, but most of the things attributed to this god, aside being the patron of music, just didn't align with what I had in mind for him. Thus, ta da, "very original" Siren. Even tho, it's not really a name name - "lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song" just fits too well.
Powers: Hypnotic voice was an obvious choice, but I wanted all of them to have two main abilities. Thus, after long search I stumbled upon enhanced hearing, and hear me out. Wilbur wears mask over his eyes (he can see through it) but it gives the illusion that one of his senses is gone, and what they say when one sense is taken away? Another one amplifies >:D And I just think that someone whose powers are based on sound would be more sensitive to it. It's not like he has super hearing for miles away, he can just hear well what someone is whispering like few meters away form him :p
OK THAT'S IT. I think that's the most I've ever written on this site. To anyone who've read the whole thing: ily <333 thank for reading my rambling and sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language and I was too lazy to do a spell check.
Full name: Explained before. I'm sorry, but I just can't separate those names from them, there is no Techno without Blade.
Alias: Now I spent a lot of time on this one, bc I just couldn't settle on anything. First I thought about Ares, for being the patron of blood lust and warfare, but just, it didn't work that much for me, I just think there should be more meaning behind the name. Then I searched more, I stumbled on Polemos and some other I can't remember and finally settled on Perses.
PERSES was the Titan god of destruction. He was the father of Hekate, goddess of witchcraft, by the Titanis Asteria ("Starry One"). Perses' name means "the Destroyer" or "the Ravager" from the Greek words persô and perthô. Hesiod inexplicably describes him as "preeminent among all men in wisdom"
And I just think this one's perfect. God of destruction? nice. "The Ravager"? Techno loved mc ravagers and I just can't pass this coincidence. "Preeminent among all men in wisdom"? Man's crazy smart, also as I'll explain more in a moment, Techno knows things he shouldn't really know, and he's almost always ahead of everyone, so, check. Also, my fav goddess aside form Persephone is Hecate so, additional point.
Powers: Enhanced durability is pretty explanatory. Mans could be thrown through a building and only his hair would get messy, maybe a bruise here and there and a lot of complaining, but that's it. You need someone equally powerful to bring him down. NOW, hyper awarness, man oh man, so I NEEDED to include the voices somehow. And I never saw them as something negative in his case. Of course, during combat, they start to demand bloodshed and make him sometimes loose control or result in sensory overload. BUT most of all, thanks to them he knows things - names of people or locations he never seen before, where the punch is coming at him from, answers to weird questions, who stole his food, and why is it always Wilbur, etc etc. So, yeah I thought that writing it down as hyper awarness, might work.
Additional info: His eyes are always red, but his sclera changes color to black when he's out on a mission or fighting, basically when the voices become louder the eyes become more intense in color. As civilian he wears red glasses most of the time to somehow mask the real color.
Full Name: You have no idea how much I wanted to write him down as Philza Mine Craft.
Alias: So, I also struggled to find a name for him. I was battling between Thanatos or simply calling him The Angel of Death. But then I was struck and everything became clear. I love fanfics where Phil was a hero before he saw how bad the system is and decides to become the "bad guy" who's actually kinda good, but does bad things sometimes. So, why not use it. In my version, before he became a villain, he was known as Angel, the Hero Committee wasn't as fully developed, so the heros still could stay anonymous, that's why even now they don't know his real identity. After he left he decided to take up new alias and therefore Thanatos was born. Person with black wings associated with Death, also now has a scythe??? Fits perfectly. And that's how people from calling him Angel started calling him The Angel of Death.
Powers: He has the ability to hide his wings and manifest them whenever he wants. I thought about making them just permanent, but I think it's just cooler when suddenly you see a character spring out a pair of big wings out of their back out of nowhere for the shock effect. (no i wasn't just too lazy to draw them, what are you talking about)
Avian telephaty - I also just couldn't not include the Chat. Wherever you see a cloud of crows you know the Angel of Death is nearby. He can communicate with any bird that is a raven, crow or rook. They're his eyes and ears.
Now, I can't leave without giving some credit to the writers that inspired me:
The Oath of Hippocrates by Melatonin_High
tommyinnit's clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti)
Welcome Home Theseus by SoulfirePhoenix
All of them are on Ao3 and are super cool, so give them a read <3
Also, I'm planning on drawing Vigilante Benchtrio but we'll see how much that'll take me xd
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
fast times.
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pairing: co-worker!donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
word count: 7.6k
synopsis: throughout the snapshots of your life, lee donghyuck is always there. (or, you realize that you’re in love with the bane of your existence.)
author’s note: i started grad school and it’s literally eating me alive so i wanted to write something short and sweet to de-stress and then it ended up being almost 8k words 😭
warning(s): excessive drinking, family tension
playlist: fast times by sabrina carpenter ― the bottom by gracie abrams ―  stress by taeyeon ― ruin my life by zara larsson ― cruel summer by taylor swift 
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022  sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating 
Liquid courage, as the poets say.
Well, don’t fact check that, but surely Wordsworth or Coleridge or whichever poet that Taylor Swift talks about in the lakes mentioned something about getting shitfaced during a St. Patrick’s Day office party.
Regardless, you’re going to pretend like they did because it’s a lot less romantic (lowercase r, not capital like the movement) if you’re just drunk off your ass at an office party without an artsy-fartsy literary reference to back you up.
You’re one too many shots of tequila deep, swaying to the shitty techno music that someone is blasting from their pretentious Spotify playlist while stumbling past the office cubicles, including yours and He Who Shall Not Be Named’s, on your wobbly trip to the bathroom.
Despite the copious amounts of alcohol in your system, the remaining coherent part of your brain is sounding the alarms that you’re probably going to throw up soon. You wish that part of your brain would just shut the hell up because you don’t want to think rationally right now.
You don’t want to think about He Who Shall Not Be Named and how he’s in love with your best friend. You don’t want to think about how his eyes found her the moment she walked into the office, how his gaze melted into a pool of honey, his head swiveling towards every direction she went like a stupid bobblehead. Not that you blame him; everyone is in love with Karina. It’s not his fault, but you’re mad at him anyways.
Ugh, see? You’re thinking about him again.
Anyways, you’re also grateful for that part of your brain because the poets definitely do not write about spewing chunks in front of your co-workers. You just want to hurl in peace and wallow in your misery with the porcelain toilet bowl by your side.
The poets probably wrote about that.
You finally make it to the hall where the bathrooms are, having steady yourself against the wall as you make your way down because walking in a straight line has become a luxury. However, you only get about five steps (at least you think it’s five, numbers are hard) when someone grabs your arm. You don’t even realize your legs are in the process of buckling until there’s a pair of hands supporting your waist to keep you upright.
“Jesus, Y/N,” someone breathes in relief, exhaling loudly.
You’d recognize that condescending tone anywhere.
He Who Shall Not Be Named carefully leans you against the wall, one hand still on your waist while the other removes the bottle of Jack Daniels that you didn’t even know you were clinging onto from the nook of your arm. With one smooth motion, he tosses the bottle into the trashcan and doesn’t even flinch when the bottle very audibly shatters inside.
“I know you’re a loyal worshiper of mine, but just Y/N is fine,” you slur, not sounding nearly as cool as you’d hope, “though it’d be pretty fucking funny if you washed my feet.”
He huffs and pauses, like he’s debating on whether or not he should say what he wants to say next. And because he’s a piece of shit, he says it:
“For the record, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Not the other way around.”
You groan, shoving him hard. He barely budges, so most of the force in your shove kicks back to you. Feeling yourself tip forward, you grab his shoulders out of instinct to avoid busting your head open against the hard tile. In the process, your forehead slams into his chest, and he lets out a soft grunt. His hands grip your elbows, fingertips warm against your even warmer skin.
“I hate you,” you sniffle, burying your face in his shirt. He smells exactly like a fluffy towel that just came out of the dryer. “You’re tactless and you never let me win and you have shitty taste in movies.”
“And you’re drunk,” he replies nonchalantly, “Why do you drink so much when you’re such a lightweight?”
“You don’t deserve Karina,” you continue angrily.
He actually laughs at that. “Okay, young lady. I’m going to drive you home now. Come on.”
You lift your head so fast that you nearly slam it into his jaw; luckily, he sees it coming and steps back before you can knock his teeth out.
“Don’t,” you hiss, poking his chest. “I don’t want you to drive me home. Don’t drive me home unless…”
He raises an eyebrow. “Unless what?”
“Pretty boys can never be trusted,” you hiccup.
“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, but let’s continue this discussion when you’ve sobered up,” he sighs, crossing his arms. “And when you are sober and realize that you don’t want to talk about this anymore, like I suspect you’ll do, I’ll even pretend like this conversation never happened because I am a gentleman.”
“Do you think I’m pretty?” you whisper blearily.
You’re wearing a green t-shirt that has “Kiss me, I’m Irish” plastered across the chest in big, bold white letters. You borrowed it from Karina when you realized you didn’t have any green in your closet. Of course, only Karina would look good in something like this, but you really didn’t want to be pinched the entire night. Someone had plastered four-leaf clover stickers all over your face, though you’re not sure how many of them are still on at this point. Your makeup should be intact since you haven’t been sweating, even if you probably have mascara residue under your eyes. You’ve certainly looked better, but this definitely isn’t the worst state you’ve been in.
It’s a stupid question though, really. No matter how pretty you are, he’s already chosen Karina.
When you glance back up at him, he looks like one of those cartoon characters that have two perfect red circles on their cheeks when they blush.
You haven’t seen him this flustered in a long time. He’s always had this smug, impenetrable mask of an expression that you want to punch off his face―like he’s constantly one step ahead of you in something.
You want to take out your phone and take a picture of his expression so badly.
Instead, you hunch over and throw up on his expensive shoes.
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VALENTINE’S DAY 2018 my feelings used to be serrated, but you speak in such a perfect cadence
Pretty boys should never be trusted.
That is your ultimate mantra in life.
Especially pretty boys that claim to be “nerdy.” The ones that smell nice and aren’t misogynistic but also like games and anime and know how to code. The ones that wear indie band t-shirts and actually enjoy the band but don't care if you wear the same t-shirt just because you like the aesthetic. The ones that wear rings on their fingers and metal-rimmed glasses on the tip of their noses.
The ones that other girls would claim were “written by women.”
It’s all a trap.
If anything, they’re worse than the obnoxious frat boy chads. At least those are straightforward about what they want. Nerdy pretty boys are professional manipulators, meticulously slicing your heart into thin little pieces to use as a garnish for their own ego.
So when the new intern swaggers into the office, hands tucked into the pockets of his designer slacks, your Pretty Boy senses start to tingle.
He’s wearing a crisp white button-up (not a band tee since he’s at work), and he’s got rings on his fingers and metal-rimmed glasses right on the tip of his nose. His hair is a little curly and falls into his eyes in that messy but charming look. He’s got a round face and pouty lips, looking just sweet enough to disarm someone.
After he walks in, the CEO of the company follows, and now everything makes sense.
“Everyone, this is my grandson, Donghyuck,” Mr. Lee explains, smiling warmly.
Nepo baby, you realize, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“I want you all to know he won’t be getting any special treatment,” Mr. Lee says firmly, “He will have to work his way from the bottom, just like everyone else.”
Right, that’s why you’re personally introducing him to us, you think wryly.
After receiving a load of ass kissing from the employees, Mr. Lee finally leaves, and your team leader points Donghyuck to the empty cubicle right next to yours. He strolls over with an ease as if he owns the building (he technically does) and takes a seat. He smiles at you, though it reads as more of a smirk than a good-natured smile.
“Hi, I’m Donghyuck.”
When he looks at you, he does so with his whole body. His lanky frame is completely angled towards you as he unabashedly drinks in your side profile with his mischievous, twinkly eyes. The way he stares at you with such intrigue makes you jittery, and you keep your line of sight glued to your computer screen, refusing to indulge him even through your peripheral.
He’s deploying his Pretty Boy tactics, you warn.
“I know,” you snap back. You don’t mean to come off that aggressively, but you just know he’s trouble. In an attempt to remedy your curt response, you softly tack on, “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You don’t like me very much, do you?” Donghyuck asks, the quirked grin on his face growing.
You blink in surprise. You were not expecting him to say it so straightforwardly. “I…just met you.”
“You’re not answering the question.” He tilts his head, though he doesn’t seem particularly bothered by it. Rather, he probably already knows the answer.
You’re not sure what to say to that, and Donghyuck doesn’t try to continue the conversation either. Instead, he begins to unpack his stuff and set up his work space. When he turns on his personal laptop, you see League of Legends downloaded onto it.
Like the standard pretty boy, he starts hanging up an indie band poster, along with some anime ones you don’t recognize and―a Twilight poster.
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see it. Men, even the pretty boys who are trying to make themselves as appealing to girls as possible, rarely ever admit to watching, much less enjoying, Twilight.
Okay, so maybe your Pretty Boy tingle got one thing wrong, but it doesn’t change the fact that he checks most of the Pretty Boy boxes―
“Are you Team Edward or Jacob?” Donghyuck asks, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
You have no one else to blame but yourself for snooping, but you still grow hot from your face to the tips of your ears and all the way down your neck.
“I’m Team Charlie,” you reply breezily, sounding pretty calm for someone who’s screaming on the inside.
His eyebrows slightly raise, and he just laughs quietly to himself.
You relish in that tiny victory.
As it turns out, Donghyuck is an extremely fast learner.
And despite being a nepo baby, he puts his money where his mouth is. He picks things up extremely quickly and utilizes everything he has learned efficiently. In fact, he’s doing so well that he’s starting to threaten your position as the office’s favorite intern.
And of course, on today of all days, you fuck up.
Another intern messed up the report, and you somehow overlooked it while you were checking. However, the responsibility falls on your shoulders because it was your job to make sure the report was correct. You get viciously chewed out by your team leader, and you’re guaranteed to have to work overtime to fix everything.
Ultimately, it is your mistake, and you’re not disputing that; you just know that you’re being made an example of so the office can look good in front of the CEO’s grandson.
So, while everyone is gathering their stuff to leave, you’re the only one still at your cubicle, fingers clicking away on the keyboard. Your eyelids are already starting to droop, despite the fact that you have at least a couple hours left of work. Giving yourself a couple of smacks on the cheeks, you try to shake away the brain fog and keep going.
You’re so immersed that you almost don’t notice Donghyuck set down a cup of coffee on your desk.
“I bought two for myself, but I think you need it more than me,” he admits, actually seeming a little sympathetic.
“Thanks,” you say, a little wary but still appreciative. You’re too tired to even question his motives.
He gives you a wave before leaving. Once he’s gone, you turn back to your computer and start to work again. You nearly forget about the coffee until you pause to take a big stretch, noticing it in your peripheral. Picking it up, you notice there’s a message scrawled on it.
happy valentine’s day! maybe i’ll grow on you :)
You smile, but only a little bit. Only because he’s a little cute.
When you finally take a sip, you nearly spit it all over your computer screen.
It’s so bitter that it sends a shudder throughout your whole body. You start to cough, feeling like even a single drop of that coffee getting in your system is going to make your short circuit. You’re not even sure if this poison could be considered black coffee. It might be actual black tar. Frantically digging through your drawers to find some candy or gum to offset the bitterness, you begin to curse Donghyuck in your head.
When you finally find a half-melted caramel cube and pop it into your mouth, it occurs to you that Donghyuck didn’t even have a cup of coffee in his hands even though he said he bought two.
“That asshole,” you whisper.
Cracking your knuckles and rolling your neck, you start to type again with a renewed vigor, thinking of all the ways you were going to make Donghyuck pay to power you through the rest of the night.
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022  sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating
You’re not sure how He Who Shall Not Be Named manages to clean himself up and wrangle you into his car in such a short timespan, but he does it. Most of it is a blur to you, though you do recall him throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carrying you through the parking garage after you started trying to fistfight him.
Now, you’re leaning your head against the cool window, watching all the buildings whizz by, as he drives in silence. Well, not complete silence. Music is being softly played on the radio. It’s that stupid indie band he likes, and you hate that you know exactly what song it is. You remember it from last time.
I’ve only been in his car twice, including now, you think groggily to yourself.
He must really like this song.
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APRIL FOOLS 2019 three stories up here contemplating, but what the fuck is patience?
“Is this some sort of sick April Fools’ joke?” you demand.
“Come on, Y/N. Surely, you don’t think a prank of mine would be this lame,” Donghyuck retorts, offended.
The two of you are fighting again. At this point, it’s a daily occurrence in the office. In fact, Karina likes to say that the official work day doesn’t really start until you and Donghyuck start going at each other’s throats. You feel bad that everyone has to constantly deal with your bickering, but Donghyuck asks for it every time.
“You can’t just take someone else’s client,” you say through gritted teeth, wanting to smack that insufferable look right off his face.
“I didn’t take anything,” he corrects haughtily, “I was assigned your client, who is now my client. Take it up with the team leader.”
“The team leader would suck a fart out of your ass if you asked him to,” you hiss back.
He shrugs like you have a point.
“Fine,” you snap, grabbing your bag. “I’ll go talk to my client myself. I’ll get them to request to be transferred back to me.”
Before marching out, you grab the coffee on your desk and down it all in one go. It’s been sitting there for a couple hours, so it’s ice cold. The cold temperature in combination with the extreme bitterness is just the right mixture to light a fire in you.
Unfortunately, that fire is dimmed when you step foot outside and realize it’s thunderstorming heavily. The wind howls so piercingly that it almost hurts your ears, and the onslaught of rain is so strong that you can barely see the cars on the streets. You weigh your options: you have no car, there’s no way you can wait for a bus, and there sure as hell aren’t going to be any available taxis.
Just as you begrudgingly decide to do the walk of shame back into the office and wait out the storm, you hear a loud honk and see an obnoxiously red Ferrari pull up. The tinted window rolls down, and you find yourself staring at nepo baby Lee Donghyuck.
“Need a ride?” he shouts over the pouring rain.
“Not with you!” you holler back, turning to go back inside.
“Are you really going to wait it out?” he teases. “Their office closes in twenty minutes.”
You want to keep walking and ignore him, but your traitorous feet plant themselves on the concrete and refuse to let you take another step.
“Thanks for the new client, I guess!” he continues in a sing-song voice. A car behind him beeps, and you hear his window roll back up as he slowly starts to drive away.
“Damn it,” you mutter. Not giving yourself to think, you whirl around and dash out into the rain. Luckily, he decided to leave at a snail’s pace, so you have time to fling his car door open and slip inside.
Even though you were only in the rain for a few seconds, you’re soaked to the bone. Your pants make a squish noise when you settle yourself into his expensive leather seat. You want to make a joke about ruining his seats, but your teeth are chattering too hard for you to even speak.
Donghyuck reaches over and turns your seat warmer on before also blasting the heater. Your thin blouse has become see-through, and you awkwardly cross your arms over your chest, hoping he hasn’t noticed. Unfortunately, he has noticed, judging by the way he loudly clears his throat and reaches into the backseat to give you his hoodie.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, pulling it over your head before slipping your arms through. The sleeves are too long, so you roll them up to your wrists. His hoodie smells like fabric softener.
“No problem.” His voice cracks.
Neither of you say anything after that, only the sound of the rain pitter-pattering against his car filling in the silence. Eventually, he turns on the radio.
It’s a song you don’t recognize, but you deduce it’s from one of his indie bands when he starts humming along. You’re not even sure he’s aware that he’s doing it, though you don’t really mind. He’s not a bad singer, and you actually enjoy the song.
The two of you spend the remainder of the drive just listening to music, neither of you really feeling the need to speak. It’s a calm, comfortable silence―something that you never thought would be achievable between you and him. Rather, you wish you had more moments like this.
By the time you arrive at your client’s office, the rain has stopped. You assume he’s going to leave after dropping you off because it’s not raining anymore, and especially since the meeting ends up lasting way past the office’s closing, but you see his Ferrari still there when you come back out.
Walking over to him, you knock on the window.
“You didn’t have to wait up,” you say when he rolls it down, slightly touched.
“You have my hoodie,” Donghyuck states plainly.
Well, there goes the moment. You can always count on him to say something to piss you off.
“Right.” Rolling your eyes, you start to take off the hoodie in the street.
“I’m just kidding, Y/N,” he grins, “Come on.”
You let out a small huff, even though you’re smiling too, and you climb in. He turns the radio on again, and the two of you fall back into the ambiance. It occurs to you that Donghyuck’s car smells overwhelmingly like rain and leather and him. When you cross your arms, the scent of the fresh fabric softener from his hoodie wafts back up to you. You feel warm―the kind of warmth that blooms in the pit of your stomach and then melts throughout your body, like when you take a sip of hot chocolate on a cold day.
“How was it?” he finally asks after the song ends.
“Who do you think I am?” you scoff. “Of course I got them back.”
He smiles, and it makes you feel proud.
“You can tell the team leader to suck the fart out of my ass,” you retort.
This gets a laugh from him before he hesitantly adds, “I really didn’t want to take your client.”
You’ve never heard him sound so serious and so…vulnerable before. He says it with a slight desperation, like he doesn’t think you’ll believe him.
“I know.”
And much to your own surprise, you do know.
Now that’s a sick April Fools’ joke.
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating 
“You don’t deserve Karina,” you mumble, coming in and out of sleep.
He Who Shall Not Be Named laughs again at that, though he sounds a lot more exhausted. “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Don’t think I didn’t see it,” you slur. “You were making those stupid moon eyes at her all night long. Looking like some lovesick puppy. Gross.”
He laughs for a second time, but there’s not a hint of humor in it.
What if it had been me, you want to ask him.
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NEW YEARS EVE 2019 tiptoeing past so many stages, but what the fuck is patience? 
You’re not sure what possessed Mr. Lee, probably the fact that his grandson works for the company, but he randomly announced one day that the entire office was getting an all expenses paid trip to a fancy ski resort as a New Years present. Needless to say, everyone was absolutely ecstatic.
But you should’ve known something was going to go wrong when Karina suggested that the two of you leave the bunny slope and move straight into the advanced slope, despite the fact that neither of you have ever skied in your lives until now.
You’d like to think that Karina’s sudden bravery was due to the adrenaline of being on such a luxurious trip. You’re going to blame your lack of judgment on the adrenaline rush as well because you actually agreed to it.
Of course, things derailed almost immediately and literally because the two of you ended up veering off the course due to your lack of steering abilities and somehow found yourselves in a random, remote wooded area off the edge of the slope. Karina also twisted her ankle after landing incorrectly, so there’s that too.
Oh, and there’s a snowstorm.
Well, it’s not really a snowstorm. It’s more of a flurry, but it’s terrifying nonetheless because of your current situation. Karina can barely move, and neither of you have any clue where you are nor do you have any sort of communication device since you left it all at the resort. It’s not like you can leave Karina by herself to get help either. You can really only hope that someone finds you before the frostbite starts settling.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Karina sniffles, her nose redder than Rudolph’s.
You hug her tightly, both to comfort her and to keep the two of you as warm as possible. “Stop crying, you’re going to dehydrate yourself. You can apologize when we get out of here.”
She chokes back a sob.
You want to cry too, but you bite down on your lower lip and just cling onto Karina harder.
“Damn, and I was finally going to follow through with my New Year's resolution of fixing my sleep schedule,” you joke, voice trembling.
Karina laughs weakly at that too. “You say that every year.”
“I know,” you admit sheepishly, “but I really am going to this time. I need to make sure I’m in tip-top condition because there’s no way in hell I’m letting Lee Donghyuck get that promotion over me.”
That’s right, you tell yourself. I can’t die here. Not before that dumbass.
You’re not sure why you’re suddenly thinking about him again, but it makes you feel a lot less scared when you picture his dumb smirk and that sly glint in his eyes when he’s gearing up to say something to piss you off. He always knows which buttons to press on the exact wrong day to press them.
You kind of wish he was here now. He would probably be cracking stupid jokes and distracting you―
Blinking the snowflakes out of your eyes, you squint past the sheet of snow and tall trees, trying to make sure you aren’t hallucinating. You see a blurry figure running towards you and Karina, the beam of their flashlight peeking through the darkness. When did the sun start setting?
Speak of the pretty boy, and he shall come, you suppose, because Lee Donghyuck is suddenly kneeling in front of you.
The smug look he always dons is wiped clean from his face, instead, his eyes are wide like two saucers and his hands are trembling. You can feel how tightly he’s clutching your arms even through the thick material of your parka. His hair is damp against his forehead; whether it’s from snow or sweat or both, you’re not sure. His face is flushed, and his nose is red like Karina’s, but you want to reach out and boop it for some reason. You can see his labored breath come out in white puffs due to the temperature.
“I found them!” Donghyuck calls out, turning behind him. A couple of your other colleagues emerge from the trees, all holding flashlights. Then, he reverts his attention back to you. His face is all furrowed up, like he isn’t sure whether to be mad at you for being reckless or collapse with relief.
“Are you hurt?” he eventually asks, voice strained as he helps you to your feet. He brushes the snow out of your hair and lifts your ski goggles from your eyes, scanning your face.
“Karina twisted her ankle,” you reply numbly, unable to feel your lips.
He glances over at Karina, who’s being helped by your other co-workers, before looking at you again. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head.
Donghyuck exhales loudly, and you watch his shoulders relax. Then he says, “What the hell were you thinking?”
You flinch at his sharp tone. He’s never raised his voice at you before. You’ve always been the one yelling at him.  
“You can’t even drive a car, so what on Earth possessed you to try and ski on the advanced slope?” he continues to reprimand you. “What’s the point in being this smart if you’re not going to use common sense―”
You burst into tears.
You cry for many reasons: the sheer terror you’d been trying to keep at bay finally catches up to you, you’re grateful to be alive, you’re upset that Donghyuck is scolding you, you’re happy that Donghyuck is scolding you, and most of all, you know he’s right. He’s right, and you’re glad he’s right. You’re glad that he’s standing in front of you.
“You’re such a dick,” you wail, “I can’t believe you’re yelling at me when I almost died. Why can’t you just comfort me like a normal human with empathy?”
Donghyuck grows quiet, and you see his expression soften. Sighing, he reaches over and swipes the tears from your face. When you sniffle, he takes his expensive cashmere scarf and wipes your nose with it. He doesn’t even blink at the snot on it as he cups your frozen cheeks with his gloved hands. Grinning evilly, he squishes your face together, a mush of tears, snot, and puffiness.
“I’ve never wanted you more,” he teases.
“I’m going to kill you,” you grumble, shoving his hands away. Though you do find solace in the fact that he’s making fun of you again.
Your colleagues call the two of you over for help, and you make your way to Karina, who’s still unable to get up.
“Hyuck, do you mind carrying her back to the resort?” One of them asks, their hands too full with Karina’s skis and their own emergency supplies that they brought.
Donghyuck hesitates for a moment, his eyes inadvertently flashing towards you, before he kneels down and turns his back to Karina as he prepares to give her a piggy-back ride.
“I’m heavy,” Karina warns as she carefully climbs on.
“Don’t worry, I do five pushups a week,” he replies breezily, and despite his joking, he stands to his feet without a problem.
She laughs at that, sounding like an angel descending from the heavens.
He adjusts her thighs in his arms slightly, pausing to ask, “That didn’t hurt your ankle, did it?”
She shakes her head, and he says something else that makes her laugh again.
It’s not that you’re jealous that he’s carrying Karina. After all, she’s injured, so it would be a bit obnoxious to be upset over something that isn’t anyone’s fault. And it’s not like you’re any more special to him than Karina.
No, this feeling isn’t jealousy. It’s…uncertainty.
You’re uncertain that he would do the same for you if you were in Karina’s position. Has he ever reassured you with such ease like he did with her? Has he ever treated you like you were made of glass? Has he ever spoken to you so tenderly like that?
You suddenly feel so cold.
When you get back to the resort, there’s an ambulance waiting to take you and Karina to the hospital for a checkup. You try to tell everyone that you don’t need to go to the hospital, but your colleagues, Karina, and the paramedics insist on you doing so.
“Your glove is torn.”
Before you can even register his words, Donghyuck is holding your hand and flipping your palm over. The fabric of your right glove is ripped, exposing the tip of your pointer finger. You must’ve scraped it against something in the middle of all the chaos because there’s some dried blood caked around your nail.
“You should go,” he says softly, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze before letting go.
Once Karina is properly settled on the gurney, you’re ushered into the ambulance after her. As the doors close behind you, you catch Donghyuck’s eyes one last time. You don’t get to see what his expression is because you look away almost immediately, focusing your gaze on your finger.
Now that the adrenaline has worn off, it does sting a little.
Once the hospital finally discharges you and Karina in the middle of the night, the two of you call an Uber back to the resort and clumsily stumble up to your room like two people that just came home after a long night of partying, completely exhausted.
You’re so busy fumbling with your room key and nearly miss the gift that someone has set in front of your door. Picking it up, you realize it’s one of those hot chocolate sets that come with a cute little mug and are wrapped in holographic plastic. There’s also a separate bag of marshmallows beside it.
You don’t really examine it that much, simply handing it off to Karina.
“Looks like you’ve got a secret admirer.”
Karina doesn’t notice the note tucked into the holographic plastic until she’s hobbling to the trashcan to throw it away.
happy new year! maybe i’ll grow on you :)
She turns to you to ask you about it, but you’re already tucked in bed fast asleep. Shrugging, she crumples the note up and tosses it away without another thought.
“Happy New Year,” she whispers to you before crawling in bed herself.
It’s a shame you didn’t get to see the fireworks.
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating 
“I’m hungry,” you whine, jolting awake and hitting your head against the hard leather headrest on your seat.
“Probably because you emptied out the contents of your stomach onto my Air Jordans,” He Who Shall Not Be Named says wryly.  
You ignore him, getting distracted by the hot dog vendor that you drive by.
“I like hot dogs,” you say absentmindedly.
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HALLOWEEN 2021 picturing us in all these places, ahead of myself’s an understatement
You just wanted to get away from the crowd, really.
The party was getting a little stuffy, and it’s pretty easy to get overheated when you’re in a thick Teletubby onesie. You and Karina had the bright idea of dressing as the purple and red Teletubby, but neither of you considered just how hot it would get.
So, that’s why you’re wandering around the dim hallways of the office, munching on a handful of candy―only to end up hearing a conversation you shouldn’t have.
“You are my biggest failure.” That’s Mr. Lee’s voice, hushed but angry.
“More than my mom? I’m honored.” It’s Donghyuck this time. He laughs, a bitter and choked sound.
You nearly yelp when the sound of a loud slap echoes down the hallway. No one else talks after that, and you only hear the sound of footsteps walking away.
Actually, walking away sounds like an absolutely amazing idea, so you turn on your heel to make a quick escape―
And of course, on today of all days, you fuck up.
All of the candy that you had been clutching to your chest slips from your sweaty palms, clattering to the floor. Every single clatter makes you shrink further and further into yourself, and you have no choice but to step out from the corner you were hiding in.
In probably one of the most poorly-timed situations of all time, you have to face Donghyuck while dressed as the purple Teletubby, and he has to face you while dressed as a hot dog―right after you just involuntarily witnessed a glimpse of his strained familial relationships.
“Hi,” you greet awkwardly, gesturing to all the candy that just fell on the floor. “You, uh, want some candy?”
When he looks at you, all the words die in your throat. There’s a red mark on his cheek, and he looks like a little boy again. He stares at you like a deer in headlights, a mixture of horror, embarrassment, and frustration all over his face. He seems so lost and alone, and you don’t know what to do to help him.
“No thanks, Tinky Winky,” he finally replies. He gives you a half-smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“What?” You blink.
“You’re dressed as the purple Teletubby, and you don’t even know his name?” He raises an eyebrow as he sits down on the floor, leaning against the wall.
“I think it’s weirder that you do know his name,” you try to tease.
He doesn’t react to that, and you just stand there. Not wanting to leave him alone, you squat down and start to pick up the candy on the floor to keep yourself busy.
“You should go back to the party,” Donghyuck says quietly.
“It’s too hot,” you complain.
“Wanna watch Twilight?” you suddenly ask.
He stares at you for what seems like forever, his expression unreadable as he searches your face. After a bit longer, he just says, “Okay.”
You gather up the rest of the candy before taking a seat on the floor right next to him, brushing your shoulder against his. Pulling out your phone, you open the Netflix app and start to play Twilight.
You pretend you don’t feel him trembling, and you tell yourself he’s crying because he knows Bella will eventually choose Edward over Jacob. The two of you watch in complete silence; he doesn’t explain, and you don’t ask.
Instead, you push your hood off so you don’t poke him in the face with your triangle antenna and lean your head against his shoulder. Then, you lace your fingers through his and hold his hand without a word.
A hot dog and Tinky Winky the purple Teletubby watching Twilight, who would’ve thought?
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating
“I hate you, Lee Donghyuck.”
He doesn’t say anything to that.
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CHRISTMAS 2021 outlines on bedsides, give me a second to forget i ever really meant it
It happened on the last day of work before Christmas break.
You gawk at the opened box in your hands, a pair of fluffy white angora gloves wrapped in fancy wrapping paper staring back up at you. Even though there’s no receipt included, you already know that these gloves cost more than three month’s worth of rent for your apartment.
“Did you steal these? Is that why you’re giving them to me? So you can frame me for your crime?” you ask suspiciously.
“Please,” he rolls his eyes, “as if I’d let you take the credit for any one of my crimes.”
You carefully take the gloves out before tossing the box at him. Catching it deftly and handing it back to you, he pretends to wipe away a tear dramatically.
“I went through the trouble of remembering how your gloves were ripped during the ski trip, so I meticulously picked these out for you,” he whines. “And I can’t believe you’re now questioning my goodwill.”
That makes you pause.
Is he talking about those cheap gloves that you used only once for that disastrous ski trip and then threw out immediately afterwards? The gloves that you haven’t thought about once since then? The gloves that you had to rack your brain to recall when he started talking about them just moments before? You can’t believe he remembered something so random.
Why did he remember?
It’s a question that haunts you on the entire plane ride back to your hometown and follows you throughout all of your family dinners and even when you’re lying awake on your cramped childhood bed.
It’s a question that both baffles and angers you at the same time. You wish he didn’t remember, and you wish he never gave you those gloves in the first place. The company is always generous to their employees around the holidays, and you know that this isn’t anything special, but it makes you feel special. It makes you want to be special. To him.
He is just a pretty boy. A pretty boy that likes indie bands and wears rings on his fingers and metal-rimmed glasses on the tip of his nose. A pretty boy that likes League of Legends and Studio Ghibli and Twilight and that one Hallmark movie you once caught him watching in the break room. A pretty boy that drinks black coffee. A pretty boy that drives a red Ferrari. A pretty boy that gave you a ride in that red Ferrari when it was raining. A pretty boy that looked for you for an hour during a snowstorm. A pretty boy that dressed as a hot dog for Halloween. A pretty boy that gave you expensive gloves because he remembered.
When did he go from Pretty Boy to Donghyuck?
But he can’t be Donghyuck. He can’t just be Donghyuck to you. Because that would be too real, too unrestrained. Because Donghyuck makes Karina laugh, so he can’t make you laugh. There needs to be decorum, after all. If he’s just Donghyuck, then what happens after?
That’s right. He can’t be Donghyuck. From now on, you won’t say his name. You’ll only know him as He Who Shall Not Be Named.
It happens when your mom tells you to take the casserole out of the fridge.
You see it, that traitorous pack of hot dog sausages.
You think back to Halloween, and then―
Oh my God, I like him.
“What the fuck,” you groan loudly.
That gets you a couple of gasps from your elderly relatives and an asswhooping from your mom.
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ONE DAY AFTER ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 ― PRESENT fast times and fast nights, no time for rewrites
For the record, Donghyuck was not looking at Karina.
And if you’d stop avoiding him like the plague, he would be able to explain that to you.
He honestly applauds your ability to ignore the elephant in the room, considering that his cubicle is right next to yours. You’ve continuously managed to give yourself more work or conveniently slip away to the bathroom during any moment of down time. His patience is honestly starting to grow thin, but you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t wear it down to the wire.
Donghyuck finally manages to hunt you down in the same hallway where you threw up on his shoes. It’s hilariously ironic, and he would normally make a joke about it, but he’s in a bit of a time crunch. You look like a spooked cat, preparing to dart away the moment there’s an opening.
“Surely, someone as smart as you is aware that you can’t just avoid me forever.” He tilts his head.
“Well, if you move, we can find out if I can or not,” you reply, refusing to look at him and trying to walk past him.
“How’s your hangover?” he asks cheerfully, stepping to the side and blocking your way.
“Do you remember what happened last night?”
“No,” you say instantly. You’re such a terrible liar.
“You said you hated me,” he starts softly. He isn’t sure why he’s saying this. This isn’t what he wanted to talk about first. The order is getting jumbled in his head. “Do you?”
You suck in a wobbly breath. “No.”
It doesn’t hit him until after your answer how deathly afraid he was of you hating him. He has grown so desensitized to the word “hate,” yet it’s only when it comes to the person he cares about the most that the gravity of that word becomes so apparent.
“I like you, Y/N.”
This isn’t exactly the grand declaration of love that he was imagining; he was thinking more along the lines of The Notebook or any romcom from the early to mid-2000s, but it felt like the right time to just say it now.
Your reaction isn’t exactly what he had in mind either.
You’re gawking at him like he just grew another head. He isn’t sure why you’re so surprised; he hasn’t exactly been subtle about his crush on you.
“No, you don’t,” you say in an accusatory tone. Leave it up to you to even argue with him on his own feelings.
Now it’s his turn to gawk. “What?”
“You don’t like me,” you state firmly, but it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. “How could you like me?”
Donghyuck raises an eyebrow, and he starts listing off reasons with his fingers. “I start a fight with you every morning because I want to have an excuse to talk to you, I bring you coffee everyday, I drove you to my client’s office in the middle of a storm so you could take back said client, I nearly shat my pants when they said you were missing at the ski resort and also bought you hot chocolate and a huge bag of marshmallows for New Years, and you were the only one I gave a Christmas present to last year.”
“You bought the hot chocolate and marshmallows?” You blink in surprise.
“Is that all you got from what I just said?”
“But Karina―”
Oh, right. He wanted to say this first.
“I wasn’t looking at Karina,” Donghyuck finally confesses, “I was looking at you. It’s always been you.”
That’s right, it’s only ever been you.
The stupid green “Kiss me, I’m Irish” shirt. Your smeared lip gloss that he wanted to kiss right off. The sparkly stickers all over your cheeks that made you look absolutely adorable. The way you buried your face into his shirt. How you fit right into his arms. Even when you threw up all over his favorite pair of shoes, there was no place Donghyuck would rather be.
Do you think I’m pretty? you had asked him.
Yes, you’re pretty. You’re so pretty that he feels like his heart will stop every time he lays his eyes on you. You’re so pretty that he can’t even think about the seasons without thinking about you and how you’re so much more beautiful than autumn, winter, spring and summer and anything in between. There’s never been a moment when you weren’t stunningly, breathtakingly, and heart-stoppingly pretty in his eyes.
“But―But that doesn’t make any sense,” you sputter, “You can’t like me!”
“Why not?”
“Because you just can’t.”
“Do you like me?”
“Yes―no! Regardless, you can’t just suddenly decide you like me―” you begin to explain.
“I’ve always liked you,” he points out.
“We’ve spent four years hating each other, and now all of sudden, we like each other? It’s too abrupt―”
“Y/N.” Donghyuck reaches over and grasps your wrist, his warm fingers against your even warmer skin as his thumb traces circles against the back of your hand. “Will you go out with me?”
When he looks at you, you have the same expression on your face as when he first met you and caught you staring at his Twilight poster. Your eyes dart around nervously, your pulse pounding against his fingertips, and he knows he has his answer.
“Okay,” you breathe.
He sighs, coiling an arm around your waist and pulling your body flush against his. Leaning his forehead against yours, he whispers, “Now was that so fucking hard?”
He kisses you, and you taste like everything he’s ever dreamed of and more.
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miss-atena · 6 months
After a while of trying, I ended up uninstalling Twitter again. That app is not for me lmao.
On the other hand, though, I am feeling quirky and want to make a new HCs post of creepypasta. So...
Creepypasta characters soft spots*
Featuring: Jeff the Killer, Jane Everlasting, Nina the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Sully, BEN, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker
* bear in mind I make them a tad bit fucked up in the head, so beware (though it IS Creepypasta)
Tw: slightly graphic canibalism description, mentions of abandonment trauma, canon like control freakiness on Jason's part
Jeff The Killer - expressiveness and not being easily intimidated
Jeff is a pretty... Expressive guy, to not say a huge asshole with a big ego. And even though he might not say it, he does admire someone being expressive. It took him a long time (and a mental breakdown) to start expressing himself how he wanted to. If he meets someone that is expressive be it verbally or physically, he will end up circling around them more often than others.
Hand in hand with that, if the person is not easily intimidated and has the courage to talk him out of his mean comments, he might as well ask to be friends with them. As much as he denies it, he enjoys not scaring someone by being himself from time to time.
Jane Everlasting - housekeeping skills and good music taste
Jane is not the easiest person to get along with. However, if you know how to work a stove, and knows that x product is better at cleaning windows than y, she finds than entertaining. She misses Mary so much, and having someone that reminds her of Mary, it warms her on the inside.
This is more of her being a bit of a nitpick, but she despises having to deal with screamo or those techno songs. She deals with it too much from the others, so having the chance to listen to classic romantic ballads, or some soft Jazz while reading a book, by her fave person's side, and not having a complaint at all? That's a dream. One that seems so far away to her reality, being near so many emos
Nina the Killer - foot on earth and alternative fashion
If you stayed even 5 minutes with Nina, you would understand why she appreciates someone hard on reality. Nina is easily enthusiastic and also impulsive as fuck. So having someone to keep her from breaking the whole house down, or to make sure she doesn't throw someone out of the second floor window, it really helps her out in the end, and she knows it.
Nina, although she is slowly getting better at keeping this down, is still a bit obsessed with Jeff, so alternative styles like emo and her beloved Scene style, it makes her feel like she is right up her alley. She would pick matching fits for you two, and also make a whole blog just for pictures of you two with very 2000s core stuff. Plus: hot topic dates.
Homicidal Liu - respectfulness and good cooking skills
Liu has gone through a lot of traumatic events, all his life. Some he holds the memories, after alter fusion, and others... Not so much. But what he does know is that disrespect towards his person, and what he has gone through, is something he doesn't want to go through never again. So being respectful, in the sense of not narrowing him to DID guy, or to murderer, it makes him genuinely happy.
Liu misses his family, even though it wasn't the best family. It's been 11 years since he lost all his family, so sometimes he will try cooking food that his parents used to make. However he... Is not the best cook. He tries, he really does, but it's not his thing. So having someone put the time and effort to do this small act, of cooking him the food that he misses since a teen, it makes him have butterflies. Plus, seeing his lover in an apron sounds cute in his mind.
Sully - strong morals and dark humor
Sully may share a body with Liu, but he is still his own person, as an alter. And most importantly he is the system protector. It is his role to make sure no more trauma is suffered. So, having a lover that understand that and agrees with him, it is a sight to behold to him. And most importantly, having someone that understands and respects the boundaries he puts, which are many, is important for him.
Now... The system is rather small, and so Sully is a trauma holder alter. But... His method of coping with that trauma is mostly through dark humor. Jokes about his trauma done by him or the body, is the way he knows how to cope and, in his eyes, not turn into a monster like Jeff, which he despises. Having someone letting him indulge in his not healthy but necessary coping mechanism, and even joking around with their own problems, it ends up in a great pair for him.
B.E.N._drowned - Sass, nerdiness and night owl
BEN is not really a human, and although he sometimes can be very human like due to the Moonchildren Souls, the one in control is still the Behavioral Environment Network. So he has the power to be as mean as he wants and not feel remorse. Though as a behavioral AI, he can react in many ways depending what his code finds most fitting. He didn't start liking sass, but after being around Jeff and collecting data to act based on that, besides the souls, he ended up sassy, and enjoys now having sass thrown back at him. It is a familiar environment, which is something he sometimes need.
He is based around on TLOZ, and his souls had that common interest besides other games, so of course he wants a gamer to fit with him. He doesn't sleep, so having someone also be a night owl and stay the whole night spending time with him, letting him learn their functions and behavior, it makes him enthusiastic, as much as malevolent code can be.
Eyeless Jack - Patience and a hard stomach
Jack, different than a lot of the others, didn't want to be here at first. And as such he isn't the easiest to approach, sometimes being plainly reclusive, and others being aggressive. Having patience but still perseverance to approach him at his own time, and let things go in his time, it makes him trust you even more.
Jack, as we all know, is a human eating being. Not sure cannibal is the right term since he isn't a human anymore, but I'll use it for now. As a cannibal, it is not easy to be around him sometimes. He is not afraid to eat in front of others if needed, or to harvest organs out of a human carcass. If you can endure at least the putrid smell of organs and blood, than you will find EJ to not be he worst to be around.
Laughing Jack - playfulness and clingyness
LJ is, as we all know I assume, a clown! So what would I clown like to be around? People who know how to have fun, of course! Playful battering, joking around, a good sense for a performance, this are all things that, summed by playfulness, make Jack feel alive. The feeling of succeeding at making his lover laugh till their cheeks turn red, it is a sight to behold to him, so having a good sense of playfulness makes things a lot easier.
On the other hand, Jack was once abandoned for years in his toy box. He grew to feel lonely, sometimes even around others. Having someone being close to him, even when not the best option to do so, and the feeling of being wanted all times. It does magic to the clown.
Laughing Jill - good sense of humor and optimism
Jill, like Jack, is a big clown lady and as such, she loves to make people laugh and have fun! She isn't the fondest of the more mean plays, but she does love striking jokes around, so having a good sense of humor is the best option of a pair for her!
Although she was made to be happy and make others happy, she can have negative emotions too. But having someone that will make sure to let her know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and give her the care she gives to others, it is truly special for her.
Candy Pop - chaotic nature and being laid back
Candy is to an extent a genie like entity. And as such, they love to bring chaos, and distort stuff to their amusement. And as such, having someone that matches their personality is what they want. C'mon, who doesn't want to see what can happen if they inflate their head like a balloon? I do.
As such, someone strict to the rules, and someone that wants them to be in line at all times bore them if not anger them. They need some semblance of freedom. Being laid back, doing your stuff when they do theirs, and uniting forces to end get out of trouble, that's love to them.
Jason the Toymaker - size difference and art appreciation
Jason is someone that likes to feel in control of any and all situation. He is a manipulators, so making sure he is the one up top, it's what he wants ever and ever. Having someone smaller than him, it gives him a semblance of control, even if only illusory. It plays in his control freakiness.
As a toymaker, he is an artisan. He loves to create intricate toys, which are pieces of art in itself. Having someone that appreciates it and praises him for it, it boosts his already inflated ego. He might plainly squeeze you for your praises, as a thank you.
That's all I got for now, might do some others plus the proxies on another post.
Reminder that it is cool if you don't agree or like these, y'all can have your own opinions and it is very valid! This is how I like the characters (aka sick in the head).
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sansxfuckyou · 1 month
nowhere to hide out in the open
summary: the one good thing about these 'Genre Peace' meetings, it would be that Delta Dawn has an excuse to be next to Queen Essence
warnings: its just fluff
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To be frank, Delta Dawn didn't necessarily enjoy the fact that the genre leaders had to meet up in Funk's spaceship of sorts; they called it Vibe City. The deck may have been solid beneath her hooves and the air perfectly metered in temperature, but it still felt wrong. Just something made her feel off about living up here, especially when they used to inhabit the deserts and oasis's below.
The only plus was the fact that she was allowed a seat next to Queen Essence, Funk's co-ruler. Pale blue fur and glistening silver tinsel littered across her form and like necklaces on her neck. A spattering of glitter on her face and golden adornments in her hair, voice a gentle timbre and comfy pace-
Delta Dawn definitely enjoyed her, and the fact that she was married with children.
"Now, Queen Poppy, are you sure we really need to unite geographically as well?" Trollzart asked, and the annoying sound of his voice snapped Delta out of it. He sounded like a 'woodwind,' as the Classical's called those instruments.
"Yeah, Popseed, I quite like Volcano Rock City. The Rocker's need some heat to keep us going," Barb tacked on, voice sharp as always with a blunt edge that Delta respected. Even if the gal tried to destroy all music, she had good work ethic.
Poppy gave a nervous laugh, "Well we could at least try making a place where the cross-genre's and genrefluid Trolls could exist in peace?"
"A utopia," King Quincy supplies.
"A Trollstopia, if you will," Queen Essence adds on.
"The only problem with that is the Techno's, they can't be out of water for prolonged periods of time," Branch said. He was already splaying out blueprints, "I'll work on a fix."
"I can help manufacture it," Trollex said and his voice also had an annoying sting too it out of water, oddly synthetic but natural to their speciation.
"Dawn," Queen Essence said, and it took Delta a moment to realize she was referring to her.
The sheriff of Country nodded, "Yes, miss Essence?" Country sensibilities sneaking into her speech again, she really hopes that isn't an offence in Funk.
Instead it makes Queen Essence smile, "Do you have any objections to this Trollstopia?" There's a softness to her tone, a calm that Delta doesn't know too well. Everyone's much gruffer in Country, more to the point and strict about it. Working together is loving each other and tussling in a rodeo is a love language.
Funk Trolls are so... Different, in a refreshing way of course. It's confusing too, Delta never took herself for a romantic, but the Queen is doing something to her. And it's just how she exists too, even when they aren't interacting she's just like this. Smooth and calm and with an amount of allure that Delta is sure must be practiced in advance.
"I got no objections to it, I think it's a great idea," Delta said before standing up and pushing aside the cushion she sat upon. At the slightest hint of Poppy going to speak up, she waved it off, "I'm fine, Queen Poppy, I just need to stretch my legs, get some water."
Her hooves clicked uncomfortably against the metal-adjacent platforms below her. She rubbed her temples as she walked, taking long, deep breaths to try and compose herself. How on earth do they expect her to keep it together when they put her beside Queen Essence? She shouldn't be getting this worked up over a married Troll.
"Dawn, you're probably gonna need some help finding the vending machines," Came a gentle voice from behind her and all she could do was freeze up.
"Naw, I'll be fine, Queen Essence," Delta said, turning to give her an affirming smile. It looked kind of forced.
"Please, just call me Essence," She said before leading Delta along and the sheriff followed without questioning her own actions despite her previous defiance.
Delta gives a huffing sort of sound, it earns her a perplexed look before she remembers that the Funk Trolls don't have that in their lexicon, "Then I have ta ask that you call me Delta."
Essence gives a long hum as she pads down the halls, her paws are near silent against the flooring. A stark contrast to the clip-clop of Delta's hooves, "I'll see what I can do for you."
The slight teasing lilt coupled with a small chuckle has Delta going mad. She trots up closer to the queen of Funk and follows her obediently down the halls. The swirled design of Funk architecture matches the consistent beat thrumming below them in the main corridors. It pulses with a faint glow, so subtle it's almost unnoticable unless you really look close- and Delta needs something to stare at that isn't her guide.
When they come to a stop Essence grabs her a bottle of water, gifted in return for a small melody in a genre Delta doesn't know well. It's interesting technology really, maybe Country is outdated after all. Then she remembers that Pop still lives in the woods and hasn't rebuilt after they had their empire swept out from under their feet by the Bergens. Her genre isn't too far behind, and Funk is highly advanced anyways.
"So, Delta, what's got you down?" Essence asked, dropping down to sit with folded legs on a cushion. Delta followed suit, a low table between them, and she didn't quite sit the same way Funk Trolls did but she made it happen.
"Nothin's got me down," Delta said, twisting the cap off the bottle, "Don't know what gave you that idea."
Essence's brows furrowed, but she didn't narrow her gaze much. She just sighed, "I can't be offended that you don't want to tell me, but I can be offended that you think I can't see what's right in front of me."
That shakes Delta down to her core, she didn't expect Essence to have such keen observations as well. She nearly chokes on her water which has a tang too it, a hint of citrus flavouring perhaps? She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, "I suppose I shouldn't treat ya like an idiot cause you're different than me."
"Some signs are universal," Essence said, "And your vibes aren't exactly feeling on point."
Delta gives a low laugh, "You have a point there, Queen Essence. You're mighty smart, mighty tenacious for waiting so long for your son to show up."
Essence smiles a smile that's so warm it contradicts the soothing frosted hue of her form. She tilts her head a bit as she smiles, a small laugh arising and she brings a paw to hide it. "I'm flattered, Dawn."
"Essence, you seem like the loving type," Delta begins, "Happily married and whatnot."
"So it's a romance problem you have."
She nods, "Yeah, that. What would you say is the best action for loving someone whose already set for life?"
That gives Essence pause, and she's more than clever enough to piece it together right then and there, but she still takes a moment. "In Funk we're usually pretty open, most relations are fluid and shifting states frequently."
"They are?" Delta asked a bit too fast.
"Of course they are, Delta. Are they not in other genres?" Essence asked, a genuine curiosity lacing her voice.
Delta shakes her head, "We're rather monogamous in Country."
"Tell me, Delta," Essence begins, a type of smile on her face that makes Delta shiver. Essence leans a little bit closer, "Is it me?"
"What gave it away, your majesty?" Delta asked.
"Country Trolls are very up front, it translates to the way you act," Essence explained before pressing a kiss to Delta's cheek. It left a silvery, snowy mark in its wake and Delta was too stunned to move. It made Essence giggle a bit.
"But, but you're royalty!" Delta managed to get out, "Doesn't royalty have ta keep a closed relationship?"
Essence shrugged and the tinsel shifted and coat the technicolor glow of Vibe City. "Quincy is understanding, I doubt he'd mind if we let you in for a bit."
"Well alright then." She's not in a cohesive enough mindset to get anything else out of her mouth. She's wearing this dumb grin on her face that's quick to fall.
Essence brings a paw to Delta's face, "What's wrong, darling?"
"Nothin' that needs to be worried about now," Delta brings her hand to rest on Essence's wrist, or ankle maybe? Delta isn't too sure of the proper terminology to use.
"You got your legs stretched out enough to head back, Dawn? They can't make much progress without Country," Essence asked.
"I'm ready," Delta said before standing up, she traced a digit across the lipstick mark on her cheek, "Say, won't this be incriminating evidence?"
"Quincy won't mind," Essence assured with a hum.
"The others?"
"They're in our home, we can evict them."
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The water reflects beautifully off the lake when dusk hits.
Techno knows why they forbid him from coming here. Deceiving as it can be, the darkness of the water hides its true intentions. And the pale yellow eyes that peer back from its depths too.
"Are you willing to take my deal now?"
"Nope." Techno laughs at Quackity's annoyed scowl. Pupils narrowed, he would be intimidating to most humans. Techno should know better than to play with fire. The tree hollow he returns to each night proves he's too stubborn when it comes to ignoring the warnings of magic.
But also, Quackity looks like Techno could break him in half like a twig if need be. So sue him for not being very afraid.
"You're such a dick," Quackity hisses. His body is pulled up from the water to settle on a rock, legs dangling off idly. He pushes the hair out of his face, wetly clinging to his skin. "Do you like torturing me, is that it?"
"Not particularly," Techno says with a shrug.
"Then tell me what it would take to convince you?"
There's so much about Quackity that betrays his inhuman nature it. The sharpness of his fangs catches the light and his claws pick at the rock. Techno just is smart enough to stay a good three feet away from the edge of the water so the nixie can't drag him in.
"If you could stop bringing me here that'd be great," Techno says. "I'm just trying to take an evening stroll, man."
"It's in my nature," Quackity says flippantly while waving him away. "Asking me not to lure in humans is like asking the seasons to stop changing."
At the sound of Wilbur's voice, the man quickly ducks back into the water. Techno watches the ripples in the lake, feeling some kind of relief. As if something was pressing down on his chest without him noticing.
"Techno, are you okay?" Wilbur grabs his wrist. It makes him want to flinch away on instinct, but he can't.
Unlike with Quackity, Techno already messed up with this guy. Staying away from magic used to be a bigger issue for Techno and he's paying the price every single day.
"Peachy," he deadpans. "Why would you think otherwise?"
"Because you kind of have a tendency to get thralled," Wilbur tells him. His grin is so self-indulgent, Techno wishes he could slap it off his face really.
"Oh, I wasn't going to claim him." Quackity rolls his eyes at them from where they're peeking out a few inches above the water.
"Tell that to all the other shit you stole from me," Wilbur snarls back. "This is not one of our little contests, Quackity."
"Sure, Wilbur, we'll see about that." The nixie raises his hand above the water to wave. "See ya later, Techno."
Techno waves back until Wilbur drags his arm down, irritated. "This is why you got kidnapped by fae in the first place," he tells Techno.
"Actually I'm pretty sure I got kidnapped because you tricked me into accepting a gift."
"Who takes a potato from a stranger?"
“I’m appealed you’d even have to ask.”
Techno laughs all the way through Wilbur grumbling as he drags him back to his ‘family’. Say what you will, being condemned to living with fae has never been boring.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 10 months
There's this one conversation c!Ranboo and c!Techno have about c!Tommy, where c!Techno is joking about how c!Tommy would totally kill his pets (in this case Steve) and then go all "you can't hold me accountable for that, it was a full minute ago, I'm a changed person!" and what I find really funny about that conversation is how much it sounds like something someone might say about c!Technoblade.
(It sounds exactly like how c!Techno reacts to people bringing up c!Tubbo's execution)
Like c!Tommy and c!Techno both hate each other for their shared flaws. They say the same things when arguing why the other sucks.
But also on top of that, they both make up the same flaws for each other that the other doesn't even have. Like neither c!Tommy nor c!Techno would ever lay a hand on someone's pet (outside of self-defense), but they both think the other would.
(They both think the other is selfish and aggressive and doesn't care about anyone but themself, but in reality they're both kind and fiercely protective under all the layers of gruffness and abrasiveness, though in different ways)
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vilevenom · 1 month
Woo! I think I managed to work my way through my writers block! I give you, a sequel/second chapter to "Shooting Stars"~ And I'm dedicating it to @ninja-go-to-therapy & @bitterbunny07 for being sweet when I mentioned Clay and Trollex were the only ones I could write yesterday 😘 I hope y'all enjoy some more claylex! It's a touch spicy near the end, so just bear that in mind.
Clay was nervous, which was a not something he was used to feeling. At least, not since he was practically a trolling and he was forced to perform in front of others when BroZone had started to take off. Even when he'd left the troll tree, or when he began to help Viva with running the golf course, he'd only really felt mild trepidation. Not full out, knee knocking nerves like he was experiencing now as he stood on the shore on the lake next to Pop village, waiting for the submarine fish that would bring the techno trolls to the surface. He wasn't the only one waiting, as a visit from the King of the Techno trolls did warrant a small handful of others to be waiting to greet their visitors, including Queen Poppy, but Clay certainly felt like he was alone.
"You gonna make it, Mr. Clay?"
Clay let out a breath, shaking his head a bit as he turned a slightly wobbly smile on Viva, who offered him an understanding smile of her own. "I, uh…probably. After all, this isn't a big deal, right? He's just coming to visit. It's not like we haven't hung out before."
"Well…I mean, this is different, though?" Viva said as she stepped up next to Clay, gently resting her hand on his elbow. "You guys barely knew each other before. Now you're, like, trying to be a couple."
"Are we?" Clay practically wheezed, lifting his hands to wring them together. "I mean, we talked a lot, and we made out and stuff, and he said he didn't want it to be a one time thing, but….does that mean we're a couple? He never said that's what he wanted. And he never really said anything before we left Techno reef."
"Maybe so, but he did say he wanted to see you more, right? That means something. And the fact that he's coming all the way to Pop village just to see you," Viva hummed, shifting to wrap her arms around one of Clays, while resting her head on his shoulder. "Just talk to him, if you're this wound up about it. The worst that can happen is that you know, exactly, what he's looking for in this…thing. With you."
Clay sighed as he tipped his head to rest on top of Viva's, lifting a hand to gently sweep up and down her arm. "Yeah, you're right. I can't keep catastrophizing. I should just pull off the band-aid and get it over with."
"Exactly," Viva hummed, lifting her head as the submarine fish rose from the depths of the lake. It let out a rumbling, groaning sound before it opened its mouth near the shore, revealing a dozen or so techno trolls, with King Trollex grinning like an idiot near the center of them.
Clay heard Trollex's shout from across the beach, lifting his hand in greeting as Trollex gave a cursory greeting to Poppy, before watching as the King bolted over to where he and Viva were stood. "Oh, I am definitely in the way," he heard Viva murmur next to him as she quickly extracted herself from his side. He blinked in confusion and glanced her way, only to grunt in surprise as Trollex scooped him into his arms and spun him around with a whoop.
"I missed you!" Trollex crowed, grinning as he set Clay back on his feet.
"Yeah, me too," Clay said with an apprehensive little laugh, a bit off kilter from being spun. He froze as Trollex's hands came up to cup his face, a surprised squeak escaping him as he was unexpectedly kissed. In front of everyone. His brain short circuited and his hands hovered in the air, not quite sure what to do with himself, even as Trollex pulled away. He glanced around quickly to find Viva giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up, while Poppy giggled behind her hand.
"Oh, sorry. Was I not supposed to-?" Trollex also glanced around, shifting backwards from Clay a bit, only to be stopped by Clay's hand on his wrist.
"No! No. Sorry, that was just, uhm…unexpected," Clay said with an awkward chuckle, suddenly feeling like every troll on the beach was watching them. "The only one who usually greets me so enthusiastically is Viva."
"Viva kisses you frequently in greeting?"
Clay snorted and smacked his hands over his face with a quiet groan. "No, that's not-" he cut himself off and sighed, dragging his hands down over his face. He was more than happy to have the troll in question pop up next to him.
"Hiya! It's so nice to see you again," Viva chirped, pulling Trollex in for a quick hug.
"Yeah, hey! Nice to see you, too," Trollex hummed, though his earlier gusto seemed to have dampened a bit. "Did I…Did I, like, go against some pop troll social rule with the kiss?"
Viva laughed and waved her hands through the air, while Clay groaned again, his shoulders slumping. "Not at all! Mr. Clay here just isn't used to open affection," Viva said with a brilliant smile, turning to poke Clay in the nose. "He's been really nervoucited for your visit! That's, uhm, nervous and excited, by the way. He's really been looking forward to it."
"Oh, yeah? Well, me too," Trollex's grin returned to his face as he reached out to twine his fingers together with Clay's.
"Awww! So sweet," Viva cooed, hands cupped to her cheeks as she watched the blush spread over Clay's face. "Well, I'm gonna go! Poppy asked for me to help her show the techno trolls around," she added, tossing her thumb over her shoulder.
"What?!" Clay looked panicked, even as Trollex chuckled next to him.
"Yeah! A bunch of them have never been here before, and Poppy wanted someone to help her with them, and Branch is busy. So, off I go!" She patted Clay on the cheek, grinning as he sputtered quietly at her. "Just rip off the band-aid," she murmured, barely loud enough for Clay to hear, before turning on her heel with a wave. "You two love birds have fun!"
"I'm sure we will," Trolex called back, bouncing on his fins slightly as he waved back, while Clay's mind began to race as to what he could even do to keep Trollex entertained on his own.
"And, this is the library," Clay stated, gesturing with a broad wave at the building set into tree trunk and stone. In the end, he'd settled on a village tour, going in the opposite direction as the rest of the techno trolls. Trollex had, apparently, been to the village before, but that was before some major changes and expansions had occurred, so he thought it'd be a safe bet.
"Nice," Trollex hummed next to him, swinging their hands idly between them. He had not let go since the beach.
"Yeah. Very extensive sections on history and safety, which I was really surprised about, but I guess Branch really pushed for them," the green troll rambled, tugging Trollex along into the building.
"Yeah? Your brother is a pretty impressive dude," the king said appreciatively, letting Clay pull him along. They walked through the stacks in silence for a few minutes, Trollex's smile turning into a slight frown. "You know…you're pretty impressive, too, right?"
Clay jerked slightly in surprise at Trollex's comment, turning his head to arch an eyebrow at him. "What?" he laughed, finally letting go of the king to snag a random book of a shelf, "What're you talking about?"
"Dude! I talk to Poppy outside of meetings, you know. She told me all about her adventure in finding you guys and saving your other brother. She told me about how you were helping to manage a whole group of pop trolls that survived a near miss of a massacre. Not to mention all your stellar ideas in the meetings. How can you not think you're impressive?" Trollex asked, mildly affronted on Clay's behalf.
"I mean," Clay shrugged, a lopsided smile on his face, "I did my best. Viva was struggling with the putt putt trolls, and I knew how to do crowd control. People knew who I was from BroZone, so…I dunno if knowing how to charm people into listening to me is really that impressive."
"Woah, woah! Live wire! Clay…Man, I know all about all of the things you would've had to do to make that place livable. I kinda have to run my own kingdom, and Poppy told me what that place was like. You can't seriously think that was nothing?"
"Not nothing," Clay shook his head, "I know that. But the only reason I could do what I did was because people recognized me from my old band. They didn't actually start taking me seriously until years later. The other tribe leaders still barely take Viva and I seriously half the time. Branch did all of this," he waved at the book shelves, "without BroZone. Without clout, or reputation. He stood on his own two feet and made a name for himself without being shoved into a box."
"Hey. You climbed out of your box, Clay." Trollex moved so he stood in front of the green troll, carefully taking the book from his hands and setting it aside. "Bro, you are so much more than the 'fun boy' or 'the serious one'. You just gotta let yourself see that."
Clay scoffed quietly, taking a step back from Trollex. "Look at you. Having a handful of conversations about me with other people, and suddenly you think you know all about me."
"Well, that's just unfair, bro," Trollex sniffed, folding his arms over his chest. "We've spent time together. We've talked. You think I haven't been able to get a read on you from that, too?"
"How?! How could you possibly have a better idea of who I am than me? What do you even get out of this?! I'm not fun anymore!" Clay paused as the words left him, immediately taking another step back and covering his mouth with his hands. Today was supposed to be a leisurely day of hanging out with Trollex, not trauma dumping all over him. "I-" he swallowed thickly, watching the emotions shift over Trollex's face, before settling on what Clay could only describe as disappointment, "I'm sorry. That…I shouldn't have yelled at you."
"It's okay-"
"It's not! It's…it's really not. You came to visit and have a good time, but I'm not good at that anymore. I haven't been for a long time. I don't know what you were expecting, but I'm sure it wasn't this."
Trollex shifted forward, cautiously brushing his fingers against the back of Clay's hand. "And what, exactly, do you think I was expecting?"
"Someone interesting," Clay said with a shrug and a derisive snort of laughter, "Someone who knows how to be entertaining."
"Man, we talked about the structural integrity and benefits of different kinds of buttresses when you visited the reef," Trollex said with warm chuckle, "And you were so animated in our last meeting when you were talking about the importance of properly notarizing certain documents, I thought for sure you were gonna throw hands when Barb said it shouldn't matter. That's what I was expecting. Someone with passion for the things they care about. I do find that interesting. I don't really care if you're 'fun' or 'entertaining'. Besides, I thought we talked about this, already?"
"I guess we did," Clay admitted with a small shrug, turning his hand so he could lace their fingers together. "I think I just got all up in my own head, and…man, you're the king of the techno trolls. Your whole schtick is being 'fun'. I would've figured you'd go for someone less, I dunno. Boring."
"Boring!" Trollex couldn't help the bark of laughter that left him. "Bro! Clay, man, you are so far from boring."
"How's that?"
Trollex clicked his tongue with a short shake of his head. "You are baffling. Okay, for starters, most of the kingdoms haven't seen pop trolls in a couple decades, so we'll start with that, just by virtue of your hatching. Then, the fact that you were trapped in a tree by troll eating bergens, while also being in a boy band? Then, somehow you managed to escape said tree and helped with running a whole new settlement while you were still a teenager! And then you went on an epic adventure against giants to save your brother?" He let out a little whistle while Clay rolled his eyes.
"Those are just the highlights of my life. They don't make me interesting."
"Alright, fine. If those don't, then how about your passion for your people? Your unending want to make sure trolls stay safe and happy? Your devotion to your friends? The fact that, even though you were apart for, like, twenty years, you're making an effort to reconnect with your family? Your willingness to try new things and meet new people, even though you spent so long living in a secluded community? Do you need me to go on?"
"I-no," Clay shook his head, giving Trollex's hand a short squeeze. "You really think all that?"
Trollex laughed quietly, bringing Clay's hand up to press a short kiss to the back of it, grinning as a flush spread over the green trolls cheeks. "Yeah, man. 'Course. And even if you wanna spend the rest of the day in the library, I'll still think you're one of the most fascinating trolls I've ever met."
"If you say so," Clay said with a light laugh, "But, man…Y'know, I'm angry, like, all the time. Viva said it's a trauma response or something, but like…you sure you wanna deal with all this?"
"Yeah, bro. I think so."
Clay let a soft smile curl his lips as he gave a small nod to Trollex before he began to lead him through the library once again, their fingers remaining entwined. "All right. Well, turn about is fair play. You know a weirdly large amount about me. Tell me all about you."
"It's party time!!"
Clay didn't even blink as Viva appeared in the doorway of his pod later that day, while Trollex looked like he had nearly jumped out of his scales.
"Party time?" Clay echoed, eyes tracking Viva as she bounced into his pod and over to his kitchen, absently scouring his cupboards for sugar. At least, that's what she assumed she was doing, and he was proven right as she gave a triumphant little cheer when she found his cookie stash and stole one.
"Yeah! It's not Poppy's usual todo, but the techno trolls wanted to throw a rave," Viva chirped happily while munching on her pilfered cookie. "They're setting up all of the available DJ equipment and a bunch of lights and stuff as we speak."
"I dunno, Viv. You know that's not really my jam," Clay murmured, but caught the brief look of excitement on Trollex's face before it was quickly schooled and the King pretended to be interested in one of the picture frames on Clay's wall. "But, uh, I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out?"
"Yes! You can show off your well-oiled robot," Viva cheered, bouncing back across the pod to the door. "I'll see you guys there! Poppy has me running around letting people know about the last minute party change. Thanks for the cookie!" With that Viva twirled her way out the door, leaving Clay and Trollex alone again.
"You sure you wanna go? You didn't seem super jazzed at the rave in the reef," Trollex asked, floating over to Clay.
"Yeah, no! It'll be good."
It was, in fact, not good.
The bass felt like it was rattling Clay's very bones, but Trollex seemed to be having a ball, twirling glowsticks around between his fingers and yelling out every time the DJ did a call and response. The DJ wasn't even a techno troll, but some troll he'd been told was named Suki, who'd moved to Techno Reef for a while to learn more about techno mixing, and had created her own hybrid techno pop DJ style. It was actually pretty good, in Clay's humble opinion, it was just that the party was a bit louder and rowdy than he was strictly used to anymore. He was trying, though. Trollex had taken the liberty of affixing glow sticks around Clay's wrists, ankles and neck, which honestly made the green troll feel a bit silly, but he'd acquiesced at the brilliant smile Trollex had given him for it.
A couple of techno trolls inevitably dragged Trollex into a dance circle, and Clay took it as his opportunity to escape the dance floor and take a breather near the edge of the party. He made sure he could still see the king, and vise versa, before flopping himself into one of the chairs that were scattered around with a loud groan.
"How's it going?"
"Cupcakes!" Clay sat up with a start, shooting his baby brother a glare. "What is it with all of you sneaking up on me, man?"
"I mean, it's sort of your own fault for being unaware," Branch said with a grin that told Clay all he needed to know about his brother's lack of remorse over his racing heart.
"Well, it's not my fault I'm unaware when the music is so loud," Clay groused, slumping back down in his seat as Branch pulled a chair up next to him.
"It's not so bad, when you get used to it," Branch said with a shrug, earning an arched eyebrow of disbelief from Clay.
"That's surprising, coming from you."
"Yeah," Branch laughed with a shrug, "I used to hate techno, if I'm being honest. But, I made friends with a couple of them, got invited to a few raves here and there, and it grew on me."
"You say that about all the genres," Clay snorted, idly twirling one of his glow sticks between his fingers.
"Yeah, I guess I do," Branch hummed, looking thoughtful for a moment, before rising from his seat. "You know…I bet if you stopped thinking so much, and just let yourself feel the music, it wouldn't grate on you so much." With that he gave Clay a little salute and headed into the crowd without a backwards glance.
"Wh-what's that even supposed to mean?!" Clay shouted after Branch, pushing himself up to find his baby brother having all but disappeared on the dance floor. He scowled for a moment, before taking a deep breath and counting to ten before letting it out slowly, like Viva had drilled into him over the years when he felt overwhelmed or upset by things. The music then shifted from some base driven, heavy song, to something softer with a beat that Clay found himself actually bobbing his head along to, and lyrics that the pop trolls on the dance floor had begun to sing along with.
He was about to get up to try and find Trollex, when the troll in question appeared in front of him with a grin. "There you are!" he cheered, reaching down to pull Clay up from his seat, "C'mon, Live Wire! You gotta dance with me to this one!"
Clay let himself be dragged back onto the dance floor, but this time, instead of planting his feet and barely registering the music happening around him, he did his best to let the beat take him. He took a couple of deep breaths, watching as Trollex tossed his arms in the air and whoop at a beat drop, letting a smile take over his face. He let the beat that he had previously hated feeling in his bones shift his body, rather than resolutely standing against it, like a rock against crashing waves. He felt his feet move across the floor before he'd even realized he'd done so, bobbing his head and grinning as he swung his arms around, twirling his glowsticks around gleefully. He let out a shout of joy as Trollex grabbed his arms and twirled them both around in the center of the dancefloor, before the green troll dropped into a spin down sweep and popped back up with a grin. The trolls around him cheered, to which he blew a few kisses and bowed with a laugh.
"See?" Clay shivered at Trollex's breathless hum next to his ear, "Fun boy Clay isn't dead. He was just in hibernation."
Clay moaned as his back hit the door of his pod hours later, Trollex pressed against his front and kissing the life out of him.
"You gotta-wait! You gotta let me open the door," he laughed breathlessly as Trollex shifted from kissing him outright, to planting little kisses over his shoulder and down his arm.
"Go on, then," the king huffed, letting Clay go long enough to open the door and step into the pod, before he was back on him like white on rice. He kicked the door shut with one of his fins. "You were so, mmn, electric!" Trollex groaned, pushing Clay backwards through the pod towards his bed.
"Gotta live up to my nickname somehow," Clay laughed, stumbling happily through his pod with the techno king barely letting him out of his grasp.
"You did, you did," Trollex cooed, a triumphant little grin on his face as Clay squawked indignantly and fell backwards on his bed as his knees hit it. "And, trust, I'm gonna show you just how good you did out there."
"Oh, yeah?"
Clay gasped as Trollex stilled above him, the both of them a panting mess amongst the faint, multicolored gleam of the glowsticks still wrapped around Clay's appendages, and Trollex's natural bioluminescence.
"Fuck, Live Wire," Trollex murmured as he let himself settle over Clay like a blanket, digging his arms under Clay's pillow so he could hug the green troll to him, "You feel so good."
"You, too," Clay sighed, drawing his fingers in random little patterns over Trollex's arms, a blissed out little smile on his face, "We should do this again, sometime."
"All the time," Trollex grumbled into Clay's shoulder, shifting his hips just so and making Clay whimper beneath him.
"Yeah, okay, I can probably be convinced of that," Clay sighed, squeezing his knees around Trollex's hips.
"Good," Trollex sighed happily, pressing a kiss to the underside of Clay's jaw. "I know long distance relationships can be hard, but if you're willing, so am I."
Clay blinked at the ceiling, his heart racing a little at Trollex's words. "So…this is a relationship, then?"
The king snorted, pushing himself up to look down at Clay, the pink heart on his chest glowing brilliantly. "If you want it to be, yes. I know I do."
"Yes! I mean…yeah," Clay tried to feign nonchalance, only to whine as Trollex rolled his hips with a grin.
"This really isn't the position you should be in when you wanna try to act indifferent, bro," Trollex cackled, earning a swift smack in the shoulder from Clay.
The next morning found Clay up well before Trollex. He stumbled his way into the shower, having fully forgotten about the dull ache that'd be in his hips, and tucked himself up in a blanket on the couch with a book once he was clean. He glanced up with a pleased little smile as Trollex stumbled out of his bedroom, looking groggy as he leaned against the door frame.
"Where'd you go?" Trollex all but whined, floating across the pod to sit on the couch next to Clay.
"I got up and took a shower," Clay snorted, lifting his book as Trollex squirmed into his space, wrapping his arms around Clay's waist and half burying his face into the green trolls stomach.
"Read to me."
Clay hummed, resting the spine of the book against Trollex's shoulder. "You sure? It's sad."
"Yeah," the king said around a yawn, "You like sad books. Read one to me."
Clay smiled warmly at the half asleep techno troll in his lap, before flipping back to the first page of his book and beginning to read.
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covenofwives · 9 months
Dream knew DreamXD would come for him eventually after his stunt in the End. He didn't expect that XD would be so serious about demanding answers. Or expect for far XD would go to get them.
WOOOOOOO!!! Next part of the AU baby lets go! And perfect timing for this :D since people are making theories. Sadly this fic won't answer any but it has a lot of ticklings. And it takes place right after Dandelion Kisses.
Warnings for this fic: Intense tickling. Like it's called interrogations, it is very heavily a tickle torture fic. Dream is fine and safe but be careful when reading. Also warning for feet nibbles in this fic. It's not a lot or in great detail but feet nibbles do happen and I know that can make people uncomfortable. Again pls be careful when reading, don't push yourself to read something if it makes you uncomfortable.
Thank you and pls enjoy!
Dream was still pulling dandelions and grass out of his hair by the time he and George had finished lunch. He’d left them in, as some sort of whimsy reminder of the day, but a few too many started tickling at his ears and he was pulling them out now.
George had left to meet with Sapnap. He didn’t know when he’d be back, but he promised not to mention anything about Dream. It wasn’t the right time and while George didn’t agree, Dream knew he wouldn’t break his trust.
Now all that was left was to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. Dream taunted with the idea of going out. He could cover himself up and walk around the SMP, not interact with anyone even though his whole being burned to. He wanted to know what was happening, to catch up with everyone. He had to visit Techno sometime and see where the piglin stood exactly. He had to get to the next part in his plans with Punz.
Dream hadn’t thought of Punz since their last meeting. Everything had been crazy and it felt like he never got time to think and sort everything out. Now Dream thought of Punz and a million questions popped in his head.
Where was the blonde bounty hunter now? They had a meeting plan in the snow and then that was it. It was supposed to be planned out from there but then Punz had vanished. He handed Dream those weird Ender Pearls and then he’d left. Dream was too excited with the new plan to really think properly. He should have sought Punz out, or at least planned a better way to contact him.
Maybe that could be the next plan. And George could help. A small list formed in Dream’s head while he walked from the kitchen to the main room then a sudden familiar pop sound filled the air, and Dream stood looking at DreamXD.
The God looked better than the last Dream had seen him. The torn up bloodied imagine of his brother was replaced with this. His cloak was completely fixed and the blood was gone. Dream glanced down at XD’s arms, only seeing the top set hang over his cloak. He couldn’t see the damaged one, and worried if it was still torn, bloody and limp. But he forced himself to look up, get his thoughts away from it.
If XD was here, there’s only one conclusion Dream’s mind leapt to.
He’s going to put me back in the prison!
Adrenaline coursed through Dream’s veins for survival. His legs screamed at him to run and he nearly did when XD rose up his arm. He thought it was coming to grab at him, but XD held up his palm like he was trying to sooth a wild animal and he spoke.
“I’m not taking you back to the prison. I’m not here for that.” XD’s voice rumbled behind the mask. That mask was once comforting to look at and now it filled Dream with anxiety. When the mask was on it wasn’t his brother speaking to him. It was the God of the server.
XD lowered his hand slowly and spoke again. “You are not going back there. But I need to talk to you.”
Dream’s heart thumped uncomfortably in his chest. He had practiced what he’d say to XD over and over again in his head but now given the chance his memory failed him. He opened his mouth and was cut off.
“How did you get to the End?”
Any hope Dream let himself had fell. So it wasn’t to talk, it was to get answers. Not a conversation Dream wanted but it was something.
“W-We…” Dream cleared his throat when he realised how hoarse his voice sounded. “I found a stronghold where the portal frames weren’t destroyed.”
“How?” XD asked suddenly.
A bead of sweat rolled down Dream’s neck. He wished he had his mask on to hide. It seemed unfair XD got to hide while he was forced to face this head on. “I just...searched for it. Went to stronghold after stronghold until I found it.”
“You? Not you and George?”
“No!” Dream quickly shook his head. “No. It was me. All me.”
“You…” XD repeated the word slowly. “So you went out and searched for the stronghold yourself, found it and then went back and got George?”
Dream realised his fuck up before XD finished his sentence. That wouldn’t make any sense time wise considering Dream and George travelled for a month.
“No I… I knew the area where to search. I got George and brought him with me while we went to the stronghold.”
XD hummed and Dream realised he didn’t make a whole lot of sense. His mind cursed himself. How could he be so calm and cool speaking to everyone else, but as soon as he had to talk to his brother it felt like his mind was mush and his mouth was full of cotton.
XD was silent for a long while before he spoke again. “How did you open the portal?”
A thousand lies ran through Dream’s head but before he could say anything XD cut in. “Do not lie to me about this Dream.”
Dream wanted to act in offence, but it wasn’t like XD was wrong. “I… I used those ender pearls. The ones in the portal frames.”
XD nodded slowly. “And where did you get them?”
Dream controlled his breathing. “I… I found them.”
“No you didn’t.” XD voice was harsher. “Where did you get them?”
“I made them.” It was partly a panicked response, but XD’s head tilted and Dream couldn’t tell if it was in consideration or not.
“Really?” The voice was dripping in sarcasm. He did not believe it. “How do you make them?”
Dream pursed his lips. Caught.
“Right. So. How did you get them?”
“I… I just found them. I swear-”
“Did someone give them to you?”
Dream thought he controlled his face enough to not let it slip away, but without his mask he didn’t have that assurance. Seems like his expression wasn’t controlled enough as XD quickly asked. “Who gave them to you?”
There was no point lying again, but if Dream told then Punz was in trouble. Probably worse than trouble. Punz would  be dead. “N-No-one! I found them. I knew you needed something for the portals and they fit.”
“Did this person also tell you where the stronghold was?”
His face clearly made a tell again because XD nodded. “Okay. So they’re the same person. Who is it?”
“I… It - N-No-one. It was all me.”
XD sighed. A sigh that was holding back frustration. “Dream, this is serious.” His voice was almost growling. “Whoever gave you those Eyes is dangerous. You could have been killed, or someone else might have followed you through. Or Dragon could have gotten out to the Overworld. So you need to tell me right now who gave them to you.”
Dream’s neck felt wet with sweat and his heart raced. He couldn’t sell out Punz no matter what. If XD was that mad at his own brother he couldn’t imagine the rage he’d have for someone unrelated to him. “No-one did…”
Dream’s voice wasn’t very believable, but he already knew XD didn’t believe him. He just had to outlast the God and show that he wasn’t budging.
Of course it was easier thinking that than actually doing it. Despite them being brothers, XD was terrifying and while Dream was sure XD would never hurt him, the aura from the God was…unsettling.
XD moved suddenly and if Dream wasn’t so used to XD’s tells he would have been caught instantly. The God leapt from his position, arms out stretched to grab hold but Dream quickly ducked under them. He pushed himself off the floor and ran for the door but he didn’t even make it half way before he was caught.
XD’s upper arms caught around Dream’s waist. The blonde didn’t even have a chance to struggle before his wrists were captured and Dream was pulled up off the ground, his arms held up high above his head. He kicked out his legs, but even as his foot hit into XD’s shins, the God was unmoved.
Undetered by Dream’s actions, XD brought forward his lower set of arms. His hands poised on either side of Dream’s ribs before digging in. His claws scribbling through the tunic over the ticklish bones.
“Pffftt! W-Wait! Wahahahait!” Dream laughed instantly with no chance to steel himself from the tickling. Honestly this wasn’t what he was expecting at all.
The tickling hands crawled up to Dream’s armpits, drilling into the hollows before skittering their way down and kneading at Dream’s hips. The trapped mortal threw his head back in a boisterous laugh that caught him off guard. XD usually teased his tickly victims into a frenzy but there was none of that softness. XD went straight in for the kill. His fingers crawled around to Dream’s stomach and vibrated over the quivering belly, drawing the laugh up to near hysterics.
XD lessened his tickling only slightly to whisper into Dream’s ear. “This doesn’t stop until you tell me who gave them to you.”
Dream gasped between his helpless laughter. He’s going to tickle torture me to find out!
The realisation kicked Dream’s body into survival. He tried to wiggle, kick and worm his way out of XD’s hands but it was no use. XD didn’t budge and hands tickling didn’t falter in their attack. They moved down, switching between scribbling over Dream’s tummy and kneading over his hips. He never stayed in each spot for a set time, moving rapidly between them or sometimes he’d give one more attention than the other. It kept Dream’s nerves constantly on edge and crying out for mercy when he thought it should be over.
Tears prickled in the corner of Dream’s eyes when XD finally stopped. Their hands pulled back but the hands around Dream’s wrists still didn’t move while Dream took in gulp after gulp of air.
“Pl…Plehease… Stop…” Dream gasped.
“Who gave you the Eyes, Dream?” XD voice was cold as they asked.
“No-No-one! Please XD just listen to me-!”
Dream was moved. From being hoisted in the air he was then laying on the floor of the cottage. By the time he realised it he was still trapped. XD sat over his legs, facing away from Dream and down to his feet. Dream immediately knew what was coming. He tried to jump up and make a grab for the back of XD’s cloak but his hands were tied. Literally. He looked up above his head to see his wrists bound together with rope that grew from the floor. Like tan snakes they weaved around Dream’s wrists and tied into a tight knot.
He tried his hardest to pull on the ropes, but it was worthless. His attention was drawn back to XD as the God began to slowly pull off his brother’s socks.
“XD! Wait wait wait! WAHAIT! Plehease!”
His brother paid no attention, throwing off the socks without hesitation. Dream curled his toes and tired to cover one foot with the other, but XD simply grabbed his toes. His foot was stretched out and his sole attacked. XD’s terrible tickly claws scratched up and down his foot, not focusing on one spot but just making sure the whole area was tickled.
Dream threw his head back into a laugh, which became a scream when his other foot was grabbed in the same way. Stretched out and tickled beyond reason.
It was only a matter of time before those claws would hone in on his worst spot. His laugh came out in high pitched squeaks whenever those claws brushed along his arch. It was like they were sending warning shocks through his body, alighting his nerves while taunting him: this is what’s coming. This is what you’ll be dealing with.
“Tell me who gave you the Eyes. And this stops.” XD slowed his fingers, softly scratching over the balls of Dream’s feet and just under his toes. It still tickled madly, but his laughter was soft enough to hear XD’s words and speak.
“EHEHEX DEHEHEHE! Ple-ehehe-eHEAHAHASE! PLEASE! I-I cahahan’t breheheheathe!”
“You can speak just fine. Talk.” XD replied coldly, and his fingers went down, just ever so slightly, closer to Dream arch.
“NOHOHO! PLEHEHEHASE!” Dream screeched. He tried to arch his back as much as he could but couldn’t do much with XD on his legs. “I CAHAHAN’T! EheheHEHEehehex Deheheheheh! Plehehehease!”
“That’s not an answer.”
With that XD’s nails went down, directly over the arches of Dream’s sensitive feet and scribbled.
Dream’s laughs came out in mix of silent screams and sudden bouts of hysterics. He wiggled, turned and kicked out any part of his body he could move. He couldn’t speak or form words, or at least not consciously anyway. His mind was overtaken by the shocks of ticklish energy. Numbing his thoughts and overriding every sense in his body to just feel the tickling.
He barely even noticed when two more arms sprouted from XD’s back. They pushed aside XD’s cloak, flexed their fingers before suddenly launching down and tickling into Dream’s tummy.
Dream didn’t think he could physically be tickled anymore than he already was, but it seems his nerves still had a ways to go. He could feel his mind slipping to the depths of insanity, forever feeling this endless tickling. It seeped into every thought of his mind, electrifying all of his nerves with no sign of rest.
The tickling must have stopped for a while but Dream was still laughing. Eventually his laughter died down to giggles and he noticed XD had moved off his legs. Not that it helped him in any way. His whole body felt like jelly, unmoving except for the few twitches he made. He could feel the tear streaks down his cheeks only because XD wiped them away. He was by Dream’s side now, wiping away the fallen tears with the back of his hand. The extra arms he sprouted were gone, but his mask remained on and his voice still cold when he spoke.
“Tell me who gave you the Eyes Dream and it’s over.”
Dream whined. “Pl…please XD…. I… I can’t….”
“Did they threaten you, Dream? Did they say something would happen to you if you told me? Or threaten George?”
It was the first time XD’s voice had gone soft through their whole conversation and Dream hated how much he leaned into it. He hated how his heart fluttered and yearned for that voice again, to hear XD be his brother.
“N-No…” Dream hesitated to say, and felt a cold sting when all softness from XD’s voice was gone.
“Then tell me who.”
Dream shut his eyes and shook his head. It was becoming unbearable to see that cold mask looking down at him. He heard XD sigh and then he moved. Dream’s nerves tingled with unknowing until he felt his tunic being pulled up over his tummy.
“N-NO!” Dream yelped, eyes shot open and he tried to curl up again.
XD was having none of it, easily stretching Dream out again and sitting on his legs. Now facing his stomach.
“I’m not playing games with you Dream. When you’re ready to tell me, this stops.”
He came down upon Dream’s stomach, who tensed up expecting raspberries blown across his skin. But it was not XD’s lips that touched his skin, it was XD’s fangs. The End God immediately began nibbling along the soft sensitive flesh and Dream lost it.
He screamed louder than he ever had. If he had any sense left to think he’d be thankful George’s cottage was in the middle of a forest. It must have sounded like he was being murdered.
Dream vision was overtaken with flashing colours, blinding white lights and spouts of darkness. His nerves felt alight with fire and electricity at the same time.
It felt like hours the tickling lasted for, but it was truly only a few seconds. Dream took in air like he had been drowning. His cheeks were wet with tears again and his hair clung to his sweat slicked skin.
The starry mask of XD was pushed up, revealing his lips set in a straight emotionless expression. Dream tried to plead again, but it came out in whimpers and XD spoke over him. “You cannot handle my fangs on your stomach. And that’s not even your worst spot.”
Dream cocked his eyebrow up in question. Or he tried to but he honestly wasn’t sure if it moved. His whole body felt like it wasn’t in his control.
“How are you going to last with those fangs on your worst spot?”
It look longer for Dream to connect the dots, and even then it didn’t fully click until XD moved himself off Dream’s legs and grabbed one of his ankles.
Dream wanted to jump away and fight with his full strength, but he was weak and his voice hoarse from all the laughing. He barely got his other leg up to kick before XD’s hand snapped on and held it down. His shouts for XD to stop came out more in a whimper.
“Plehehease! Plehehease plehehease dohohon’t! E-Ehehex Dehehe!”
“You know how to make it stop.” Was all XD said before the foot was raised up, and he opened his mouth for his terrifying fangs to grow long and sharper. They grazed across Dream’s arches, nibbling so softly and Dream screamed for as much as his lungs would allow.
His laughter came out in a mix of silence and screams. When his lungs could laugh no more his face was still an expression of hysterical laughter but no sound came out. When he got the smallest puff of air it wailed out his throat in pleading laugh-filled words.
The tickling did stop, but foot was held up to XD’s fangs. The God hesitated, having a silent debate with themselves and even if the tickling had stopped, Dream still felt no safer when he could feel the God’s breath over his foot.
He’s not going to stop!
Dream felt his chest tightening when XD slowly lowered his foot, calming him for a moment.
“You get a break, then this continues.”
Words had never felt so cold and terrifying. “Nohoho! Plehehease! You-You cahan’t!”
“I can, and I will. Until you’ve told me who gave you the Eyes, this doesn’t stop.”
“I-I can’t…” Dream blinked away tears in his eyes, unsure if they were from his tickling, or frustration. “I can’t tell you.”
“You have to, Dream.”
“You’ll… You’ll hurt them if I do…”
It was easier to read XD’s emotions with their lips shown. They pulled back, lips slightly parted in a silent gasp as they paused over the words. “I… I wouldn’t.” XD spoke after a moment to collect his thoughts.
“You will! You…” Dream rapidly blinked the tears from his eyes and looked up to XD. It probably wasn’t as impressive or serious as he wanted it to look. “You nearly threw me back in the prison, and I’m your own brother! You’d kill a stranger if they did the same thing!”
XD’s mouth fell open as though in shock, and Dream could only imagine it was a look of pain on their face. “I-I…” XD started then silently mouthed something. They looked down for a moment before bringing their face back up. “I would have… I would have never put you back in that prison. I… I misspoke.”
“You misspoke?! You said you’d have thrown me in the prison if you had the chance!”
“I wouldn’t have! I was…I was angry! I was terrified! Terrified I’d lost you. That I’d lose you!”
Despite how much his heart wanted to hold onto the pain and spitefulness, he could hear truth in his brother’s words. They had spent years together, learning one another's tells and XD wasn’t lying.
“That’s why I need you to tell me who gave them to you. If they know how to make them, or have some way to get them, they’re dangerous Dream. They nearly killed you.”
Dream’s head fell back in defeat. Of course, of course it wasn’t for Dream’s concern. It was to keep those stupid Eyes safe and out of everyone else’s hands. It was all to protect the End. Dream’s care was a second thought.
“I won’t hurt them, Dream. If it was one of your friends who gave them to you. I just want to speak with them.”
Part of Dream didn’t want to believe it, but he knew XD too well. The God wasn’t lying but doubt still prickled along Dream’s skin. It was hard to trust what he knew right now. His mind was still foggy from the tickles, and it was hard to think of XD showing mercy to anyone when it came to the End.
“You…you won’t hurt them?”
XD shook his head. “No.”
“I promise you. I just want to talk to them.”
It was hard to believe, but the tickling of XD’s fangs along his feet were still coursing through him, lightly strumming his nerves with the memory. And he had a feeling XD wouldn’t show him mercy for his safeword again.
“P… Punz… It was Punz.”
XD’s reaction was a lot…less reactionary than Dream thought. The God seemed paused, like he hadn’t heard Dream and then he tilted his head. “Punz?”
XD’s head tilted again, this time the other way. “Punz? Mercenary Punz? White hoodie wearing Punz?”
“Yes! How many Punz are there? That Punz, yes!”
XD leaned back ever so slightly, tilting his head up to the ceiling. He was still for a moment before looking back down to Dream. “You’re sure it was Punz who gave them to you?”
“Yes!” Dream huffed, frustrated.
“He didn’t give them to you from someone else? Did he make them?”
“He…well…” Dream pushed through the fog in his mind to think and remember. Punz had given him the Eyes but he hadn’t elaborated on how. When Dream went to ask, Punz had vanished. “I don’t know…” He admitted. “He gave them to me but I don’t know how he got them.”
XD paused again to think but after a moment his shoulders relaxed and his words came out softer, carried on a sigh. “Alright…”
Worry, dread and guilt pooled in Dream’s stomach. He’s sold out his friend over threats of tickling. “You won’t hurt him, right? You’re just talking.”
“I won’t hurt him, I promised.”
The ropes uncoiled from Dream’s wrists and disappeared. Dream hissed from the burn. His wrists were red and the skin was sensitive. He pulled his arms down, wincing slightly at the pain in his shoulder. XD must have let go of his ankles because he found his body curled up and then he was suddenly lifted into XD’s arms.
He didn’t fight the move, no matter how much Dream wanted to. This thoughts and feelings were still swirling around and confusing him. In his mind he wanted to still be angry at XD and scream at him for not listening, but his body just wanted to be coddled and wrapped up in XD’s cloak like he was a child again.
XD moved into George’s room and carefully placed his brother over the bed. Dream winced, when his wrists touched onto the sheets, but as he went to held them up they were gathered in XD’s hands. A tingling, ticklish feeling washed over Dream’s skin, and then the injury was healed and XD drew his hands away.
“You should sleep.” XD spoke. “Maybe get some water…”
Dream was tired, and his throat did feel scratchy from all the screaming. His body still felt weird, like the ghostly tickles were lingering on the edge, waiting to pounce him. Ghostly anticipation.
“Are you going to see Punz now?” Dream had to ask.
“Yes but…not to speak to him. Not yet. I’m going to try and find him and then decide what to do from there.”
Dream gave a silent sorry to Punz, wherever they were. XD promised not to harm them but he couldn’t help but feel he’d just gotten Punz locked into a future tickle torture session with his brother.
“Sleep.” XD said again and when Dream looked up he saw the God placing down a glass of water by the bedside table.
His throat cried out for water, but Dream ignored it and instead looked up to XD. “Will you be going then?”
“Soon…” XD nodded.
“Will you come back, or will you keep avoiding me?”
XD was taken aback by the question and even Dream was himself. He knew it was frustration but he couldn’t care less. He deserved to act a little petty.
“I’m not avoiding you…” XD sounded genuinely hurt which almost wavered Dream’s heart.
“You haven’t spoken to me for a week, and the first time you do it’s to torture me to give up my friend.”
“This is serious Dream. If there are more Eyes out there or someone who can make them, it’s dangerous!”
“Then why didn’t you talk to me about it? Why didn’t you come sooner? Why did you make me wait and worry that each day would be the day you’d come back and drag me back to that prison?”
“I-I didn’t…” XD’s voice sounded hurt. “I needed to figure out what to say to you. I needed a plan for how to deal with everything.”
“Why do you need a plan for me?! Why can’t you just talk with me first?!  You’re my brother! We’re siblings, but you look for every excuse, every other way apart from just speaking to me! I’m your last resort to come to when you should have just spoken to me first!”
Tears flowed down Dream’s cheeks again and this time he didn’t have the tickling to blame. He never sobbed or cried though it welled up in his throat wanting to. Dream wouldn’t give XD that. He swallowed back his cries and shut his eyes.
He couldn’t hear XD move, but Dream just willed himself to believe the God had left. He kept telling himself that until he felt the hand run through his hair. It stopped at the base of his skull and scratched softly at his scalp. Dream couldn’t hold back the whine or gentle sigh that left him. He hated how easily he could relax in XD’s arms.
“I’m sorry, Dream.” XD’s voice sounded hoarse as well, like holding back a cry of their own. “I truly am. I don’t… I still don’t know what to do sometimes. I fear if I do one thing it’s not what you want, but then I end up doing the other and it hurts you still.”
Dream wanted to speak, but the scratching on his scalp made him too tired to think properly or form any words. He just felt the comfort of the mattress underneath him, the pillows under his head, and the warm blanket that suddenly covered him. Dream didn’t have to open his eyes to know it was green.
“I want to speak with you. Properly. I’ll speak with you soon. I promise. Sometime in the coming days…”
The words faded as did the rest of the world. The comforts and warmth all rolled into Dream as one, cradling him down into a soft gentle sleep.
His waking was not so soft. It was hand on his shoulder, rousing Dream from his slumber suddenly and George’s voice ringing in his ears. “Wake up! Dream!”
It took him a while to shake the sleep from his mind and blink himself awake. He felt groggy and unbearably thirsty. It was now night time. Candles were lit in the cottage to give it light and George was sat on the edge of their bed.
“Was XD here?” George asked frantically. “There’s a note left on the table from him. Was he here?”
Dream drank the water as George carried on. He was holding a note which he handed over when Dream asked for it. It was written in XD’s hand, though rather messily.
Dream. I meant what I said about speaking with you. I need to prepare things but in a couple of days I’d like to meet with you and we can discuss talking on fairer terms. If you ever need me before then, you can always find a way to the Glade and I’ll come to you.
Don’t worry about the prison. I’m taking care of that.
The last line cause Dream off guard. What did that mean? How was he taking care of the prison? XD never showed interest to the building, even when it had been Dream planning and organising it. He had waved it off as keeping neutrality then and even when it was Dream in it he sill refused to act.
What has changed his mind? Dream wondered. And what does he plan to do? What counts as ‘taking care of it’ to him.
“Dream!” George snapped, pulling Dream from his thoughts and reminded him he wasn’t alone. “What happened?”
It wasn’t an easily answered question, but it reminded Dream that George wasn’t here because of his meeting with Sapnap, and sparked a question.
“George! Did you go to the meeting? Was Punz there?”
“Punz?” George pulled and and raised one eyebrow. “Why you asking about him?”
“Was he?”
“No…well… That’s funny you should mention that, because Punz was supposed to be there but he never showed up. Sapnap seemed worried. Apparently Punz was helping with defences for the Kingdom a few days ago but he was acting off.”
Acting off? Dream thought. He wondered what would be considered acting off for Punz. The mercenary was a master manipulator, so it’s not like they’d be acting suspicious. But then Dream hadn’t given any plans out for dealing with Kinoko. He taunted about it to Sapnap of course but he had no plans at the moment for it. Especially not when George was so closely tied to it.
“Why are you asking about him?” George asked.
 “I… Well XD was here.”
“I knew it!” George climbed onto the bed. “It was so obvious! What did they say? They’re not…thinking of taking you to prison right?”
“No. I don’t… I don’t think so. But something did happen.”
A blush flushed over Dream’s cheeks, but he cleared his throat and readied himself to explain. If Dream was going to go through with his plans, then he wanted George there by his side. And that meant telling him everything.
Dream sat up on the bed, faced George and began to explain.
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book-of-baba-fett · 9 months
Illicit Affairs - Chapter 21
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Captain Rex x OC
Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary: The battle for Anaxes has reached its breaking point. As the Republic and Separatist forces face off, will Rex and Talia be able to get past their history or will the rising tension between them lead to further broken hearts.
Chapter Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Oral (f receiving), PiV, creampie, canon typical violence, mentions of death.
A/N: Thanks for your patience with the wait on this one. It's a long chapter, but I in no good conscious could split it in half and make y'all wait (which for me, who loves good cliffhangers, is saying something.) Thanks to my darling @galacticgraffiti for beta reading, and for being with me on this journey for TWO YEARS. Won't be much longer for the next chapter.
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19 BBY - Anaxes
The Republic suffered heavy losses on Anaxes, something that Rex couldn’t help but feel a bit of guilt for as he walked through the medical station at camp. Given the chance, he wouldn’t do anything differently, he would always go back for Echo; but he couldn’t ignore the nagging thought in the back of his head that he should also have been in the field for the rest of his men. It was hard for him to not feel like he had the responsibility of the war on his shoulders. After so many years of command it was impossible to not feel that burden. Part of his mind told himself that he should be used to it by now, that this was the way of war. But the other part reminded himself that he was feeling that guilt because he was human. 
Echo had been in medical care since they arrived back on Anaxes the night before, and Rex hadn’t seen him since. He had to get caught up on the siege and was also encouraged by Kix to give the medical team some time, and Echo a chance for much needed rest. But Rex came as soon as he had a moment, he wanted Echo to know he had someone there for him. As soon as Rex walked in to see him, he was greeted by the sound of raucous laughter. 
“-and that’s not even all of it,” Jesse was saying as he stood in front of Echo, a grin overtaking his face. Kix was leaning on a table to the side, shaking his head but smiling along, Echo sat on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands as he shook with laughter. “You know how Hardcase could never say no to anything. So, when he was dared to try a sip, he downed the whole bottle-”
“And the whole barracks regretted the dare with how much he puked that night,” Rex added, remembering the story Jesse was sharing as he walked in. Jesse and Kix laughed at the memory and Echo smiled along. “We were lucky to be shipped out the next morning: I feel bad for the cleaning droids that had to deal with that.”
“I’m sure the 501st is responsible for half the contraband rules in the GAR,” Echo joined in, the smile on his face making him look livelier than he had the day before. Jesse and Kix said their goodbyes, giving Rex a chance to talk to Echo alone. 
“How are you feeling?” Rex asked tentatively.
“As good as I can be,” Echo replied simply with a small shrug. “Medics say I’m fine, I’ve just been getting some nutrients and solid food for the first time since…well, since it happened.”
Rex nodded, glad to know that there weren’t any flags raised. Echo would still have to go through some conditioning and a psych eval before going back to combat, but there was some relief in knowing Echo would be ok. Echo shifted his seat, a frown creasing on his lips as his face scrunched in thought. He glanced at the door where Jesse and Kix just walked out, then back at Rex. 
“Fives is dead, isn’t he?” 
Rex exhaled heavily. Of course, Echo was too smart to not figure out why Fives hadn’t come to see him yet.
“I’m sorry. That’s one of the reasons I was coming to talk to you today.” 
Echo nodded, his head tilted down, so he was looking at his hand and the scomp link the Techno Union had attached. “The last thing I remember was him calling my name. Next thing I knew-”
Echo’s words choked in his throat, but he swallowed whatever he was trying to say. He glanced back up at Rex and forced a smile. “Figured he would have been on the mission with you guys, that’s how I knew he was gone.”
“I’m sorry,” Rex repeated, because once more guilt was taking over him. It felt too simple just to say ‘sorry’. That one small word couldn’t encompass all the guilt he was feeling, and how it connected to Fives.  He forced a low chuckle, thinking of a different world.“Fives would have been the first volunteer, and he might have single-handedly taken on the Techno Union if he’d seen what they did to you.”
“How did it-” Echo started to ask but a knock sounded on the door. Rex and Echo glanced to see Talia standing in the doorway. A pit formed in Rex’s stomach at her sudden appearance; he hadn’t spoken to her since their conversation on the Havoc Marauder. 
“Sorry, I can go if I’m interrupting,” Talia quickly said, her eyes flicking once in Rex’s direction before locking on Echo. “I just wanted to see how you were doing.”
“It’s fine. I was just leaving, General,” Rex said quickly. Echo’s eyes darted between the two of them, but he smiled politely at Talia. In truth Rex did have to leave - he was supposed to be in command for a briefing on his next assignment. And Cody was still injured, so he was going to stop by his quarters to see him after checking on Echo. He was also being selfish, because he hadn’t thought of how he would explain how Fives died to Echo before he stepped in. Everything around Fives’ death was painful, and he didn’t want to cause Echo any more potential stress. It was just another burden for Rex to carry. 
Since Cody was out of immediate danger, he was allowed to rest in his officer’s quarters and attend briefings, but much to his chagrin, he wasn’t cleared for combat. When Rex entered Cody’s room, the commander was out of the bed, sitting at his desk with a datapad in front him. Rex knew no medical orders could keep his brother from work. Cody didn’t look too bad anymore, he was just bandaged around his chest; it was probably precaution more than anything that kept him on rest. Cody looked up as Rex entered and offered a mumbled greeting.
“How are you feeling?” Rex asked, sitting on the edge of the bed that Cody had abandoned.
“I’m fine,” Cody grunted, uncharacteristically grumpy. He sighed and looked at Rex. “I should be cleared for duty already. It’s ridiculous being cooped up here.”
“I’m sure Kenobi has things under control, and wouldn’t want you to rush yourself,” Rex offered. Cody grunted again.
“You’re right. Hell, he’s probably the one ordering the medics to keep me here no matter how much I try and pull rank,” Cody’s tone had lightened a bit. “Still, I can’t imagine I’ll be out of action much longer. I heard things went well on Skako.”
Rex nodded. “Echo’s still being looked over. He seems to be holding things together well, after everything he’s been through.”
“That’s good to hear, he was always a good kid,” Cody said. He sighed as he leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. “Never deserved for that to happen to him.”
Rex nodded. He couldn’t think of anyone who would deserve what the Techno Union did to Echo.
“How’ve you been holding up?” Cody asked. 
“It’s not easy to see brother in that state, or  to know I’m partially responsible for him being left behind-”
“You’re not,” Cody interrupted. “You know you can’t think like that. It was a mission from hell, and we couldn’t have known what would happen to him.”
“Still doesn’t make it any easier.” Rex replied darkly.
Cody seemed to accept that and nodded. 
“Still, that actually wasn’t what I was talking about,” Cody said slowly, as if Rex was missing something more obvious. Rex just stared at him in mild confusion. Cody put his datapad down and fixed Rex with a serious stare. “You looked like you saw a ghost when you saw General Riva the other day, Rex.”
“I don’t see what that has to do with anything.” Rex frowned and shook his head.
“Rex, we aren’t going to sit here and act like you haven’t been a miserable piece of shit since you two ended things.”
Rex scoffed at that, “Bold of you to call that out.”
Cody sighed and pushed his chair back. “Honestly… seeing how you’ve been since and watching you two dance around each other in command meetings this past week, I’m surprised no one else called either of you out before.”
“There’s nothing to call out, we ended-”
“I know it’s over,” Cody waved him off, “But Rex, come on. You look at her like the stars shine out of her ass. How the hell did I never see it?”
Rex stared at him in disbelief. “What does it even matter now?”
Cody sighed and fixed Rex with an imploring look. “I’m saying you do everything you can to look after the 501st, all of our brothers. Maybe I was wrong to call out the one thing you did to look after yourself.”
“What, suddenly I have your blessing or something?” Rex scoffed. 
“I don’t give a shit what you do. All I care about is that you take care of yourself. We’ve lost so much. All of us. And we need to fight for something that we believe. Not because we were trained to fight for it, but because we chose to fight for it. It’s what makes us human.”
Rex frowned and looked at his hands, already warring with himself. He opened his mouth to try and find a reply, but nothing came out. He was rescued by his comm beeping - General Skywalker ready to brief him on the next assignment already. Rex sighed heavily, and glanced back at Cody who was still giving him that frustrating, knowing look. If he hadn’t been injured, Rex would have had an urge to slap it off his face. And yet once again, Rex was leaving Cody’s room after a conversation that would stick in his mind.
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The air around the base was tense. One didn’t need the Force to sense that something was about to finally give in the battle for Anaxes. They had been stuck in this stalemate for too long, and now both sides were getting ready for a final push. Rex trusted Echo’s plan to feed false information to the Separatist forces, even if Rex was worried Echo was pushing himself back into action too quickly. Rex would also stand by Echo, no matter how much the Batch seemed wary of his intentions, worried that he had spent too much time working with the Separatists to truly be on the Republic’s side again. Rex knew Echo, knew he’d had no choice in what his mind was used for. But now, he did.
The Batch and Anakin had already boarded the Havoc Marauder, and as Rex turned to join them a voice called out, “Wait a second!”
Rex turned as Talia was running over, a little out of breath. She halted in front of him as Rex stood next to the walkway.
“Aren’t you leading the 412th into the assembly complex?” Rex asked bluntly. Talia frowned, but shook her head.
“Storm has it under control. I figured you all could use some extra support here,” Talia’s tone turned stiff. “Is that going to be a problem for you?”
Rex couldn’t ignore the slight crack in her voice. He sighed and shook his head, “It’s not my call what you chose to do, General.”
Talia pursed her lips but nodded, “Then we best get on our way.”
She sidestepped him and boarded the ship, leaving Rex looking on as he once again found himself berating every little action he took. Just like when they went to Skako Minor, he knew her help was always an asset. And he didn’t want it to be this way, but he was still thinking about his conversation with Cody, and what had happened on Skako.
It wasn’t his place to question her, especially not anymore, but Rex could still feel the terror-filled awe that had overtaken him when he watched Talia take down the tri-droids with lightning. He had seen many incredible things done by the Jedi, but to see that amount of raw power coming from someone he cared about… it was mesmerizing, inspiring, and terrifying all at once. He had always known how powerful Talia was, even when she doubted it herself, but this was beyond anything he could ever have imagined. And what had scared him the most was that Talia didn’t seem to care about the cost it took on her. He saw how the lightning lit up her body, encasing her in a frightening glow, only for her to fall weak to her knees, exhausted and drained instantly after. Rex was a practical man, and Talia was right that a power like that had its use. He just didn’t think it was worth risking anything that could cause her pain.
As he contemplated this, he was only left more frustrated afterward, unable to convey his worry as anything more than irritation.  Especially when it seemed like there had been a chance for normalcy between them again with how they had talked on the mission.
He didn’t want to hurt her, that was never something Rex desired. But he couldn’t resist throwing her words back at her, because even though Rex knew Talia hadn’t meant to be cruel, she had to know how horrible it made him feel. But now he felt even worse for the pain he saw in her eyes, seeing that she obviously felt guilt for the way things had ended between them.
And then there was what Cody said. As frustrated as Rex was by his brother’s sudden change of tone, Rex couldn’t go back on his decision just like that. For all he knew, Talia wouldn’t even want him anymore. Rex had surely done enough to keep her at arm’s length in his own misguided sense of duty, but he also worried he may have lost his chance. Crosshair’s teasing remarks to Hunter still rung in his ears, and he thought of how comfortable she seemed with the Sergeant. It hurt to think that she might have moved on so quickly, but Rex couldn’t fault her for doing what made her happy. In fact, the only thing he wanted for her was happiness.
If only there was time to work out this mess between them before it complicated things on missions even more. But Rex couldn’t ignore the rushing feeling around him, that the galaxy was heading in a certain direction and couldn’t be stopped. He, his brothers, and the Jedi were caught in the middle, ready to crash when this all ended.
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Sneaking onto the Separatist dreadnought went almost too smoothly, something that kept Talia’s nerves on edge. They didn’t encounter any droids on the way to the comm vault, aiding their plans for a stealth mission - even if Wrecker seemed to be tired of all their sneaking around. The vault was a small, circular room lined with wiring and electrical lights, and a tall console in its middle that Tech was rigging an interface in so Echo could safely log in. Anakin was checking to make sure there were no other entrances to the vault, ensuring that they couldn’t be attacked by Separatist troops. Talia held her blade in her hand, twirling it in her hand, ready to ignite at a second’s notice.
Talia was playing things close to the chest with this mission. Storm had already sent her a message conveying that the other Generals were not so understanding of her decision to abandon the plan that she should lead the 412th into the assembly complex, and that she had left Storm to command in her stead. But Talia’s mind was in too many places, and her judgment told her this was the place she needed to be. She could deal with the council later, even though she could guess that she would be under criticism for her rash decisions. 
Once Tech gave the go ahead, Echo scomped into the mainframe, instantly accessing all the data. He intercepted a request from Admiral Trench, which Tech pointed out they would need to reroute the message to make it seem like the call was still coming from Skako Minor.
Talia stepped into the corridor that was leading to the mainframe, giving some space from the small room. They were lucky to have been undetected this long, but Talia knew that luck would eventually run out. She tapped her foot, glancing around as she tried to keep her mind focused.
“You doing alright?” Hunter’s question cut into her nervousness as he stepped up beside her in the corridor.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Talia shrugged off, her voice more curtly than she had intended, earning a raised brow from Hunter. She exhaled, and attempted to sound more at ease. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I’ve just noticed how…tense you get whenever the Captain’s around.”
Talia stopped in her tracks and turned on her heel to face him. “Your enhanced senses can’t work like that.”
Hunter snorted at how she didn’t even deny it, a grin curving on his tattooed face. “They don’t. Anyone with any sense can see it.”
Talia cursed under her breath. “Here I thought we were always good at hiding it.”
“You probably were before,” Hunter shrugged. “But whatever happened between you two…it’s still hanging in the air.”
Talia huffed a laugh at that, it was such a simple observation, but she couldn’t ignore the truth behind it. “You don’t even know half of it.”
“Well, I know one thing; even if you had never told me you had a history with a clone, I would have still known you were in love with him by the way you two go back and forth. In battle, and in conversation,” Hunter stated as simply as if he were recounting a mission. He made it sound so obvious, , as if it were the most natural thing.  “Hell, even the way you look at him when you think no one else is noticing. Same for him.”
Talia let out a mirthless laugh at that, “I think we’re long past the days where he looked at me that way.”
She berated herself for letting that slip. She had already overstepped with Hunter in too many ways to count, but he just looked at her with a somewhat exasperated look. “He’s doing it now.”
Talia frowned and glanced over her shoulder, just to see Rex’s head turn the other way. Talia’s cheeks burned and her heart ached, she couldn’t give herself that hope, even if Hunter was trying to make it feel better.  Shaking her head, she mumbled, “We should check what’s going on.”
Walking back into the room, Rex’s eyes flicked in her direction once more, to Hunter, then back to Talia. His lips flickered to an almost imperceptible frown, something anyone but Talia wouldn’t have noticed. She must be imagining it, though. Interrupting her musings, Tech made a confused noise as he looked at his datapad.
“I’m intercepting a transmission,” Tech said, suspicion in his voice, “Trench is ordering all his troops to the assembly complex.”
“All right, Echo, what are you trying to pull?” Hunter asked doubtfully.
“Don’t worry, that’s what I told him to do,” Echo answered with an assuredness only an ARC Trooper possessed.
“But our troops will be vastly outnumbered?” Rex deduced doubtingly.
“Not when I send the feedback pulse that shuts down all the droids,” Echo explained.
“How do we know that’s what you’re really going to do?” Hunter asked suspiciously. Both he and Tech were sharing a doubting look, as if they had been expecting this all along.
“We have to trust him,” Rex jumped in, frustration mounting in his voice as he tried to placate Hunter and Tech.
“Rex is right,” Talia joined, knowing that nothing would be accomplished if the squad was arguing amongst itself. “If Echo says the plan will work, it’ll work.”
“We’re counting on you, Echo,” Anakin said as he lifted his wrist to call General Windu, warning him that things were going to get a lot heavier for the troops in the assembly complex. Echo returned his focus, and Hunter and Tech seemed to accept that if it was a good enough plan for the Jedi, it was good enough for them, even if Talia could still feel the lingering suspicion on them. Rex on the other hand, didn’t waiver in his trust. In fact he seemed grateful that the tension had dissipated.
“We should be on guard,” Talia said aside to Rex, “With what I know of Trench, he’ll probably be suspicious the second things don’t work out as planned.”
“You’re right,” Rex agreed, glancing down at Echo, “I hope he didn’t play his hand too strong.”
“Keep an eye on things here, I can patrol outside and be ready at the first sign of trouble,” Talia ordered, already turning to the exit.
“What?” Rex asked, following her, “Let one of the Batch do it, I know Wrecker is itching for a fight.”
“And that’s a surefire way for us all to be discovered before anything happens,” Talia joked, earning a light huff of laughter from Rex. “Don’t worry: they won’t see me until it’s too late to do anything about it.”
Rex nodded as Talia turned away, her hilt in hand and ready for action.
“Talia,” Rex called, and she stopped; she had almost forgotten how sweet her first name sounded off his lips. She glanced back at him, his hands clenched at his sides, his brow furrowed as if he didn’t know why he called for her in the first place. He exhaled softly and met her eyes, “May the Force be with you.”
Talia nodded in return, a warmth settling in her, “May the Force be with you.”
The eerie calm of the ship was something that might have unsettled a younger Talia, new to war and battle. Hell, even a few hours ago she would have been more unnerved by the prospect of sneaking around, waiting for the calm to break. But she had to be prepared, she knew this calm would not last. It never did. She hid in the ventilation shafts, out of reach of any droids who passed by on patrol, waiting for any sign or signal that would propel her into action.
Talia’s comm chirped and she answered quickly, hearing Rex on the other side.
“Talia, they know we’re onboard. We’re going to have to make a quick evac,” Rex said rapidly.
“Got it, I’ll clear a path for you,” Talia answered. Sure enough, the sounds of clanking footsteps were starting to fill the corridors. Talia kicked open the grate beneath her and dropped below, landing with a thud and ignited her saber. She held the blade in front of her, the glow lighting the corridor as the steps approached. Talia stood still, breathed in and out, and waited for the first droid to round the corner.
Once they turned, they immediately fired, but Talia was ready, redirecting their shots effortlessly with her saber. The hall was narrow, preventing more than two droids from lining up side by side as they approached. Talia sprinted forward, her momentum carrying her up the side of the wall, and she leapt in the middle of the group of droids. Before they could turn back to fire at her, she tossed her saber at the front group, slicing them in half before calling it back. She twirled her blade rapidly, redirecting the shots the second group was firing at her, slowly pressing forward to make it to the end of the hall.
Blaster fire echoed down the corridor; more droid forces must have corned the rest of the squad. Still, Talia pushed forward, hoping that her presence as a Jedi would call more of the droid troops to her position. 
She sliced droids in half, used the force to crush them into the durasteel walls of the ship. Their shots danced around her, narrowly missing her as she carved a path through them. Her comm beeped, but she ignored the sound as she focused on the droids. Rapid metal footsteps behind her proved her plan worked, as a pair of commando droids stormed towards her. She held up her hand and slowed them with the Force, still using her blade to take out the droids closer to her. As she lost her hold, they sprinted toward her, but she moved quicker, sliding to the ground on her knees and slicing the droids at their calves, making them crash to the ground. The disassembled droids tried to push themselves up, but Talia Force-pushed them backwards, into the pile of miscellaneous droid parts her fighting had caused. 
Talia ran forward down the hall, getting closer and closer to the port the squad had used to enter the ship. Blaster fire still sounded, and she hoped the squad had made it back unharmed.
Another squad of droids found her, and Talia had to give their programming credit for their tenacity. A few more, and this might even grow to be a challenge for her. She raised her blade, ready to strike again when a small round device rolled towards the droids from behind her.
The droid popper went off and the droids crumpled to the ground from the shock. Talia’s blade disengaged as she turned in confusion to see Rex standing behind her, one hand holding a blaster that pointed at where the droids previously stood.
“The rest of the squad is already on the ship, we need to go,” he explained shortly.
“I had it under control,” Talia answered irritably; she didn’t need to be rescued from a handful of battle droids. Rex sighed as he turned.
“You weren’t answering your comm,” Rex said as he stepped away. “And I wasn’t going to leave you.”
Guilt wrapped in Talia’s gut for how harsh her tone was. She quickened her steps after him and grabbed Rex’s forearm. He halted his steps, his helmet locked on where her hand grabbed him as she said, “Thanks…for having my back.”
His helmet lifted and she stared into the back of his visor. “Always will.”
Talia didn’t know what to say. She just nodded, and finally released his arm when she realized she was holding it for far longer than she should have. Rex nodded and turned back down the hall, his blaster raising once more.
It didn’t take them long to reach the Marauder, which dislodged from the dreadnought as soon as they were safely on board. Anakin handed a detonation device to Wrecker, who let out a loud cheer as the dreadnought exploded, and Talia internally echoed his joy: after so much back and forth, it was good to have a victory that meant this siege was over. She stepped out of the cockpit, going to sit in the back of the ship for the quick trip back to base.
“Talia,” Rex’s voice called from behind her, she turned to find him approaching her, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Talia flicked a simple grin back at him, ignoring the way her gut flipped as he came up.
“For the record,” he started, and Talia tensed, preparing for some other fault he had suddenly discovered in her. But to her surprise, Rex;s hand was scratching the back of his neck, his tone more apologetic as he continued. “I know you could have handled those droids. I wasn’t trying to overstep-“
“You were trying to show off,” Talia interrupted, deciding humor was the best way to dissolve yet another moment of tense awkwardness. To her relief, Rex smiled. “I meant my thanks. You know more than most how stubborn I can get.”
Rex laughed at that, then asked, “So, what’s next for you?  I’m assuming the 412th will be shipped out pretty quickly.”
“I’m sure I’ll be getting orders from the council as soon as we land,” Talia shrugged, not letting herself feel hope at the twinge of something akin to sadness she felt coming from Rex as he asked her, “That is, of course, if I’m not grounded on Coruscant again.”
Rex raised a brow at her, and Talia sighed, biting her lip before continuing, “I kind of went rogue to join you guys here. Storm covered for me, and things ended up working out, but I can bet I’ll be getting an earful about recklessness.”
“Why would you do that?” Rex asked. His brows were cinched as he tried to read her face. For such a smart man, he could be truly oblivious at times. Talia was sure the same could be said about herself.
Talia glanced around the ship, making sure the Batch and Anakin were still otherwise focused before she met Rex’s eyes. “Look, Rex, I know things are complicated between us right now. But I still care about you, and I was worried.”
Rex didn’t say anything, his brows still furrowed as he listened. Talia gulped and couldn’t hold back the words spilling from her mouth.
“It’s just, I can tell how much stress you’ve been under, and I know I haven’t helped with that, but when you went to Skako I had to be there for you in case things with Echo didn’t turn out as well. And today, I was just still so nervous that something would go wrong, and even if you didn’t want me here I had to make sure-“
Talia’s words were cut off as Rex’s lips pressed into hers, her eyes widening in shock but fluttering closed as she melted into the kiss. His hand was placed against her lower back, holding her close to him; Talia had weirdly missed the uncomfortable way that plastoid pressed into her as her body was against his.
Rex pulled back slowly, his eyes drifting open, that soft, warm brown that still made her gut twist in the best way. For a moment, he looked content, then his eyes widened, and he removed his hand from her back.
“I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-“ Rex shook his head softly but the way he looked at her told Talia that he didn’t believe a word he was saying.
Talia opened her mouth, trying to say a million things back to him. It’s ok. You have no idea how much I wanted that. I missed you.
I love you.
“We’ll be landing shortly, everyone should get seated,” Tech called from the cockpit. Rex pushed away from Talia, returning to the cockpit. She was frozen, still feeling him on her lips and cursing herself for not saying more, terrified that she had lost her last chance.
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Some people hated goodbyes, or at least Rex had heard that in sayings tossed around by natborns. But Rex had always felt differently, mostly because he couldn’t count the number of people he never had the chance to say goodbye to. He couldn’t let himself linger on it, it wouldn’t help anything, but sometimes he found himself wondering what he would say with one last word. But Rex was beginning to understand what the sayings meant, as he watched Echo leave.
He knew it was the right call, that Echo knew where his place really was. It just felt like Rex was saying goodbye to a part of him, even though Echo hadn’t been back for long. But Echo was something to hold on to from the early days of the war, ever since he was that overeager shiny from the Rishi Moon. Just a kid when he joined the 501st, now he was a man forged by the harsh clock of war. And with him left one of the few things that tied Rex to an older version of himself he could scarcely remember.
Rex informed the generals that the Bad Batch had already departed, not being the types for the ceremonies of the medals they had earned. The generals didn’t comment, and Rex stood tall as General Windu handed him the medal he had earned. It sounded egotistical to say, but Rex couldn’t count the amount he had gotten in the last three years. He kept them of course, but he never knew what to think of them. At first there was an honor that came with them, and he still felt that, but now he couldn’t ignore the way he was shrouded by a bit of jadedness. After everything that had happened, this was just another campaign to add to the countless he had been in. He saluted as Windu gave him the medal, but the one thing on his mind was Talia, and wondering why she wasn’t there.
Dusk had quickly settled over the encampment, its golden glow and the harsh shadows casting over the men who already worked to pack up equipment. A small force would remain on Anaxes, as was protocol, but the cog of GAR couldn’t slow down, and most of the forces would be quickly redistributed to wherever else in the Galaxy they were needed. Rex had assumed the 412th would be one of the first groups to set out, something seemingly confirmed by the amount of troops wearing black and gold armor that still hustled around the base.
It was reckless and stupid for Rex to kiss Talia, not just because they were in plain view of Anakin and the Batch, but because he had done it without thinking. His feet carried him across the compound, somehow more determined than his own confused mind as they led Rex in a direction with no idea what course of action he could even take.
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  Three heavy knocks pounding on her durasteel door shocked Talia out of her meditation, or more of her attempt at it. She should be packing; she was heading out first thing in the morning, but when she got back to her room she couldn’t focus on anything. Not the report she needed to fill out, not the fact that she was clearly in trouble with the Council from the tone that Windu and Kenobi had used with her. The only thing she could think about was how she could still feel Rex’s lips on hers, could still feel the pressure of his hand against her lower back, the remnants of his essence tattooed in her memory. She practically bolted to her room after speaking with the other Jedi, trying to rid the confusing moment from her mind to no avail.  So when the knocks sounded, in the way that only he ever did, she stared at the door as if that would will it to open, for she was frozen to the ground and unsure if she could even handle being in a space alone with Rex.
Slowly, she rose from the ground, approaching the door with heavy steps before opening it.  Rex stood on her step, his helmet clutched tightly in his hands, doubt and questioning etched into his face. His eyes met Talia’s, and for a moment she half expected him to excuse himself and turn away, instead he blurted, “Can I come in?”
 With a lump in her throat, Talia nodded and stepped to the side, allowing Rex to enter, quickly shutting the door behind him. It was strange how easily he fit into the room, she was so used to sharing spaces with him that she hadn’t pinpointed how empty her quarters felt without him until this moment. His eyes scanned over the room, shifting his feet uncomfortably as he fiddled with his helmet in his hands. He exhaled, and set it on Talia’s desk, before returning to face her.
“Echo left,” he said with measured words. Whatever he was going to say, that wasn’t close to what Talia expected, and she sensed it was not what he planned on saying first.
“I’m sorry,” Talia offered sincerely, knowing how conflicted Rex must feel about it. “I’m guessing he joined the Batch?”
Rex nodded. “I told him to go, and said that if it was where he felt his place was, then that’s where he belongs.”
“Not everyone’s path is the same one they started on,” Talia said sagely, “After everything Echo’s been through, I’m glad he’s able to choose his own way.”
“You know, it’s funny,” Rex said slowly. “’Choice’ was never something us clones would have thought of. From the moment we’re created, our whole plan is set ahead of us. We train, we fight, and then we die for the Republic. Or atleast, that’s what I used to think. Once I got out here, once I lived, I knew nothing could be so simple, no matter how much my training tried to tell me there was just one goal for me. In fact, the longer I’ve survived, the more confusing it all seems.”
“That’s living,” Talia mused softly, “Even the wisest seers in the Order can misread the future. That’s because there’s no accounting for how people grow, how they can change their minds and their wants.”
“Or how they can be pushed in different directions,” Rex added. He shook his head, then glanced back at Talia. They stood in silence, just the low thrum of the air running through the vents of the quarters, the faded sounds of the camp outside the walls.  Rex shifted his stance, and took a breath before addressing Talia again.
“I had to see you before you left,” Rex started, his words weighted and heavy. “I owe you an apology-“
“Rex don’t-“ Talia interrupted, crossing her arms and avoiding his gaze. She gulped. “Emotions were running high, and that can be confusing enough for anyone.”
“That’s not-, I’m not here to apologize for the kiss,” Rex took a deep breath, “I mean...yes, if it upset you, I’m sorry for that. But I’m not sorry I kissed you.”
Talia’s heart pounded, “It didn’t upset me.”
Rex was trembling slightly as he approached her, as if the weight of all the burdens he had been carrying of late were finally releasing from him.
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” Rex said softly, his voice rough and sincere. “That’s the thing I want least in the galaxy.”
“I didn’t mean what I said,” Talia pleaded, the gap between them closing. “Rex, you know I think so much more of you, of all of you, than that you’re just soldiers-“  
“I know that, “ Rex offered, “I know you too well to think you meant it. But at the moment, it hurt.” 
“I regretted it the second I said it,” Talia continued, “But you left and I realized I ruined everything.”
“You didnt-” Rex took a deep breath, shaking his head as he insisted, “I was the one who fucked it all up.”
“What a pair we are, huh?” Talia forced a laugh before toying with her lip. She glanced back up at Rex, and hesitated before admitting. “We had everything, but it fell apart so fast.”
“We knew it was too good to last.” Rex muttered, but he knew he was lying to himself, trying to comfort the guilt he was feeling.
“Did we? I think I was so blinded, I couldn’t see anything other than you. But then you were gone and…I realized how much of a fool I was…” the words were beginning to roll off Talia’s tongue, faster than her own mind could comprehend what she was saying to hold herself together. “I realized how much I held back and wished I didn’t. How much more we could have had if I hadn’t been such an idiot. Now, when I think of you I’m in pain; because I had something perfect, something amazing. And I lost it because I felt like I didn’t deserve it.”
Rex was silent, and fear crept into Talia that she had admitted too much. That she was speaking to a lost cause, that he had lost any ounce of feeling he once had for her and this conversation was doing nothing but making him pity her. 
“I’m the one who pushed you away,” Rex offered, cutting through Talia’s thoughts. Rex avoided her eyes, as if the piercing gaze would be too strong for him to face as he searched for his own explanation.  “All because I got scared that we could never have what we wanted, that no matter what I felt, it wasn’t possible. You called me a coward, and you were right. Just… after you got hurt, I was so terrified. I couldn’t deal with the pain of losing you like that. And when Cody confronted me, I gave in. Almost as if I felt that if we weren’t together, that it would hurt less than the fear of losing you.”
“Rex,” Talia said softly, lifting a hand to his face. Rex tensed at the contact, and Talia almost retracted her touch, but his eyes met hers and they were those same soft, warm eyes that she loved. She lost her train of thought, any words of reassurance or doubts of herself that she was about to say we lost as she looked into his eyes. Instead, she blurted out words she should have said long ago-“I love you.” 
 Her heart pounded as the words escaped her lips, fear and doubt creeping into her mind as she worried if she lost her mind for even saying it now, the same fear that had kept her from saying it before. But now it was out there and couldn’t be taken back. 
 “I know,” Rex replied softly, stepping so close to her now that barely inches separated them. “I’ve always known. Just like I’ve always known I’m in love with you.”
Talia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, whether to keep spouting her feelings, dating back to all the times she should have said it before, but she just did the thing that felt most natural to her, which was to pull Rex closer and kiss him. 
Rex’s arms were around her in an instant, holding her tightly against him, his grasp so tight it was clear he had no intention of letting her go. Talia’s hands wrapped around the back of his neck, fingernails scraping against that small patch of skin not covered by his undersuit or armor as their kiss deepened, hard and needy. Rex pushed her back into the wall, the cold durasteel firm against her back as Rex’s armor pressed into her front. She gasped as they pulled back for air, at first overwhelmed by the closeness, but when she saw Rex in front of her, she just felt comfort and longing. She pulled him back in, desperately seeking his lips, moaning into his mouth as his thigh slotted in between her legs. 
The noise awakened something in Rex, and he rushed to start taking off some of the armor from his upper body, his fumbling hands unlatching the pieces as Talia held him for the kiss. He needed to be out of his armor, needed to feel the warmth of her body against his. Talia realized what he was doing and pulled back, freeing her hands so she could help. But Rex’s lips found hers once more as they both clumsily grasped at the armor, dropping pieces of plastoid without a care to where they landed, only separating for air. 
“Wait,” Rex gasped once as they pulled back, his lips swollen but a confused look on his face, before he hesitantly asked. “What about Hunter?”
“You know about Hunter?” Talia asked, guilt and apprehension filling her. 
“I do,” Rex swallowed and nodded. “I’m not upset…at least not with you. I let you go, and that’s the biggest mistake I ever made.  If he’s what you want, I’ll step away now. You’ll never hear from me unless you want to. I’m sure he could make you happier than-”
Talia shut Rex up by stepping up on her toes, cupping her hands on his cheeks and catching his lips with hers. Rex's eyes bugged wide, until they fluttered closed, his arms wrapping around her once more, holding her, taking comfort in the soft warmth of the curves of her body she pressed against the grooves of the remaining parts of his armor.
 “I just told you I love you,” Talia reminded him with a slight, teasing giggle. Her face softened as she caressed his cheek with her thumb, “I slept with Hunter, but it was just so I could try and forget you for a moment.”
“I - really?” Rex asked. Talia could almost laugh at how surprised he was, as if he had already accepted the worst. His face then became more serious. “I…you should know. I slept with someone else too. It was just a one night thing, I haven’t contacted her since.”
“It’s okay,” Talia nodded, ignoring the hypocritical way she was hurt. “It doesn’t matter, we don’t have to talk about that now. Just…shut up and keep kissing me.” 
“More than happy to follow that order,” Rex leaned in with a smirk and kissed her with a renewed hunger, his hands tightly gripping the curve of her hips. Talia groaned into Rex’s mouth as she pressed as close to him as possible, her hands fumbling for the latches on his chestplate. Rex pulled back to help her lift it away, and dropped it to the floor with a loud clunk. With only his lower armor still on, Talia’s hands ran up Rex’s chest, feeling the firm muscles and warmth of him in her grasp. Her fingers clenched around the fabric, using it to pull him to her once more. Rex’s hands slid down her waist, gripping under her thighs and picking her up, making Talia yelp in surprise. 
They stumbled to the desk, Rex clumsily setting Talia on the edge of it, their lips barely separating for air. They were frantic, needy, desperate, as if they were afraid the other would disappear if they stopped. Rex pulled at the wrappings of her tunic, exposing Talia’s heaving chest. His mouth only left her lips then, trailing to the soft skin of her neck, his teeth nipping along the exposed skin and down to the breasts about to fall out of her bra. Talia moaned  as Rex slid her bra cup to the side, and sucked at her now exposed nipple. His other hand slid under the other cup, groping at the soft flesh. The cold air left goosebumps over her skin, contrasted by the warmth of Rex’s hands and mouth. Rex could spend hours like this, slowly exploring the body he knew so well yet hadn’t been able to appreciate in so long. In fact there was little else on his mind at that moment besides what he wanted to do to her just in this state of undress, except he had other ideas in mind. 
Rex lowered to his knees, kissing down Talia’s stomach and dragging his hands down her torso, relishing in the sweet gasps for air that were leaving Talia’s lips. Rex’s hands stopped as he began to tug her pants down. Pink scars lingered  on her hip, trailing down her leg from the flame licked path. He paused, his fingers caressing the slightly raised skin, Talias breath hitched, Rex’s eyes flicked to her face, searching for any sign of discomfort. Talia’s eyes had squeezed shut, enough for Rex to push himself up from where he was kneeling. Talia’s eyes opened.
“I’m fine,” Talia reassured quickly, but Rex was still frozen, searching her face. She pressed a hand to his cheek, “Really, I’m ok. I just didn’t think about them.”
“I didn’t either,” Rex explained, “I just don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t,” Talia leaned in to peck his lips, then checked, “Are you ok? We can stop if you want.”
Rex shook his head, “I’ll only stop if you want me to.”
“Please don’t,” Talia said quickly, earning a smirk from Rex for how desperate she sounded. His fingers toyed along the waistline of her pants where they rested on her thighs. 
“Someone’s needy,” Rex teased lowly, his voice thick as honey, slowly pulling at her pants. “Tell me what you want.” 
Talia leaned back resting her elbows on the desk, offering up a sweet look, “I think you know what I want. And I think you want to do it.”
Rex offered a low noise of agreement, but taunted, “That some Jedi instinct?” 
He slowly pulled the pants down a little further. Talia wiggled her hips, trying to shrug them off, but his hand held her firmly in place. She let out a frustrated noise, but Rex just smirked. 
“Use your words, princess,” Rex ordered lowly. Talia’s cheeks burned, and she felt the pit of desire grow in her gut. She was half tempted to curse him for teasing her, and for how well he knew to play her. But she didn’t want to drag this out, they didn’t have time for a back and forth. 
“Please,” Talia started sweetly, only to get slightly desperate as she ordered, “I want your mouth on me.”
“Hmm, I could ask you to be more specific,” Rex murmured, to which Talia made an indignant noise when he smirked, tugging her to the edge of the desk, making her squeak and falling to his knees. “...But I’m not patient enough today.”
Rex tugged her pants and underwear down with one swoop, wasting no time to press his face between her legs, his tongue swiping over her slit. He groaned at the wetness already there, and Talia moaned as his tongue flicked over her swollen clit. One hand held to the edge of the desk, the other leaping to the back of his head. It took everything in her to not hold him still as she ground against his face; she knew he wouldn’t have minded. But Rex licked at her like a man possessed, like she was the best thing he ever tasted. His hands held her firmly against him, grasping at the top of her thighs as he positioned her where he wanted her. He may have been the one on his knees, but he was the one in control. 
It was surely a talent of Rex’s to have barely started but to already have Talia a whimpering mess. Her tunic was still half undone, her chest still half exposed as a red flush settled over her pale skin. She was biting her lip, trying to restrain her noises in some way but she would fail as Rexs tongue flicked over her clit, eliciting louder moans from her. And all he would do was grin up at her, his eyes almost taunting, before he continued his work. 
His grip was tight around her thighs, nails practically digging into her skin as he held her in place. His tongue slid up and down her slit, teasing her by flicking at her clit in between each swipe. Her breaths hitched higher each time, her body reacting so easily to the simplest touch. Rex knew how to set her off, and there were few things he loved more than making her fall apart with just his mouth. He could feel every twitch of her thighs in his hands, hear how she failed to keep herself quiet, and taste just how aroused she was. He wanted her to feel good, wanted to feel her let go, and he worked as if he had something to prove, that he needed to remind her that only he could make her feel this way. 
He circled his tongue around her clit, then wrapped his lips around it and sucked, sending jolts of pleasure up Talia’s spine. The wet heat of his mouth was intoxicating, Talia could hear herself begging him not to stop. Her arms shook so much she struggled to hold herself upright. But her gaze was locked on Rex’s face and how he devoured her. She couldn’t look away, even as tears sprung in the corners of her eyes and her whole body trembled. It was impossible to tear her gaze away, she was fixated even as she was falling apart. It was almost embarrassing how quickly she was coming undone, but she couldn’t help the way her body was lit aflame from every swipe of Rex’s tongue. He was precise, practiced, as dedicated to bringing Talia pleasure as he was in every other aspect of his life. He didn’t let up as her breath quickened, as her body tensed and he didn’t stop even as she cried out his name and quaked, coming from just the quick work of his mouth. 
Talia’s moans faded, but her breath was still heavy as Rex rose from the ground, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He leaned in and kissed her, pulling her off the desk as he did. Talia’s legs were like jelly as she stumbled with Rex to the bed. Her knees hit the frame of the bed and Rex gently nudged her back, causing her to land with a soft flop against the mattress. 
“Take your clothes off,” Rex ordered gruffly, his own hands tearing at the strips holding his remaining armor on. Talia pressed herself up on the bed, still breathless and flushed, but not moving quickly enough for Rex’s liking as he glanced over her, his heaving chest bulging through his undersuit. “Take them off before I rip them off of you.”
“You would just be finishing what you started,” Talia quipped as she gestured to the state of her tunic, still loose around her torso. Rex’s eyes flashed as she still played with the edges of fabric. He stalked to the bed, slowly taking his shirt off; Talia’s mouth went dry as she glanced over his chest, taking in the scarred and muscled form.  He lowered himself to the bed, and slowly crawled on top of Talia. Her heart pounded in her chest as his hands ran up her sides and found the edge of her robes. Talia cocked an eyebrow in a challenge as his eyes met hers. Rex rolled Talia over roughly so she was on her stomach, and her hands braced herself against the mattress as Rex’s hands at the top of her tunic’s back and tugged. With a shredding rip, the fabric pulled off her back and slipped off her arms, leaving Talia in just her bra. She half expected Rex to tug that off as well, but instead his lips met the back of her neck, kissing her softly as his hands deftly undid the clasp. Talia sighed as his lips traveled down her skin, the stubble on his face tickling her. 
For a moment Talia thought Rex would take her like this, that he would shuck his pants off and roughly enter her from behind, pounding her into the mattress as she sheets muffled her cries. And she wouldn’t have minded; her body was coursing with need, prickling with the desire of his touch. But Rex instead gently flipped her over, opposite of the man who had moments ago torn her clothing to shreds. Rex’s lips met hers as soon as her back hit the mattress, a soft, exploring kiss, the moment slowed once again, as if savoring the moment before they delved back into their pure need. But this was what Talia loved about him, how there could be both sides when they were together. The tender with the tough, the smooth against the rough. She could see the switch flip in his eyes whenever they made love, see how his own desire kicked in. But he was always there for her, reading what she wanted and adjusting off her energy. 
The kiss deepened, grew more hungry as they pressed against each other; Rex’s body pining Talia down as she squirmed beneath him, trying to angle her hips so she could relieve some of the tension settling back in her core. Rex ground against her, his still clothed, hard cock pressing against her pussy. Rex groaned into her mouth as he felt how wet she still was, dampening the fabric of his pants. Talia’s hands ran up and down his back, feeling the way Rex’s muscles flexed as he moved against her. Her hands slid down to his waistline, as she tried to nudge down his pants. Rex’s hands met hers as he helped pull them off, rushing to remove them so he could finally have her again. Once they were off, he pressed down against her again, the flame reignited as their naked bodies pressed together, already sweaty and burning with want. Rex’s cock pressed against Talia’s stomach, weeping with precum as he rutted against her, their tongues meeting as they moaned into each other’s mouths. 
“Rex,” Talia whimpered between breaths, “Please. I need you.”
He pulled back slightly as he readjusted, a thin line of spit connecting their mouths. Rex was panting, his eyes blown out as he looked down at her. But he spoke with such an assured, put togetherness as he said in his rough voice,  “Anything for you.”  
Rex entered Talia quickly and forcefully, her breath hitching and her legs spreading wider to ease his access. Rex waited until her body relaxed and her eyes opened, then Talia nodded her head and Rex began to thrust. His hips slammed against hers, his cock thick and hot as it stretched her cunt, her walls gripping around him and practically pulling him in. Rex’s eyes rolled back from the warmth of her, ready to be lost and never come back but he had to last longer, he didn’t want this feeling to end. 
His arms wrapped tightly around her, squeezing her against him in a near crushing grip. Her nails were marking his back as she whimpered beneath him, her breaths punctuating every move of his hips into hers. The room was filled with the loud smack of flesh on flesh, the squelch of their bodies meeting, and the moans and grunts leaving their lips in near unison.
This wasn’t the way this should have gone, it was rushed and needy, with no time taken to care about the little details. They were still dirty from the mission, but the time taken to tidy up might have raised more uncertainty between them than either could stomach just yet. But yet this rushed state was perfection, pure desire coursing through and guiding them, an unstoppable force pushing  them together. 
Talia cried out as Rex’s cock hit a spot deep inside her, making her head bend back in ecstasy. Rex did it again, wanting to see the way her face contorted in pleasure.
“It feels good, doesn't it?” Rex said, continuing to thrust. 
“Yes!” Talia quickly responded, her cheeks flushed. “So good.”
“Who’s doing this to you?” Rex asked, a cocky possessiveness creeping in his tone. 
“You are.” Talia gasped, her eyes meeting his. Rex’s hold around her loosened, and before Talia could whine from the change of pace, Rex’s hand gripped under her thigh and pulled her leg up to rest on his shoulder, his other arm still wrapped around her. His dedicated pace resumed, each thrust like a promise, punctuated with gasps, moans and words escaping lips like a prayer. 
“Who’s the only one who can make you feel this good?” The possessive side of Rex was coming out stronger, as if he had something to prove, or that he needed to hear Talia’s response as much as he knew what it was. 
“You are!” Talia answered. She swallowed, her breath heavy as pleasure crested within her. “I’m yours, only yours.”
“That’s right, you’re mine.” Rex echoed, firm and unyielding. He pounded into her harder, a renewed surge of need running through him. “Mine.”
Rex’s pace continued, hitting Talia right where she needed him. Each thrust was a jolt of pleasure that licked up her gut, so deep she could practically feel him in her throat. She was twisted around him, and he was all encompassing. Their skin was dewed with sweat, their chests almost clinging together as they pressed into one another. Talia would give him anything in this moment, ready to sacrifice all of her as long as he brought her that sweet release. 
“Fuck Rex, don’t stop please.” She begged, cheeks burning and eyes watering. “ I love you.”
“Say it again.” Rex ordered, his pace unfaltering and his chin set, gritting his teeth as if he was barely holding himself together. 
“I love you.”
“I love you!”
Tallia cried out as she came, her breath ragged and her body tensing as Rex lost what last bit of self control he had and he released inside her, hot spurts of cum filling her cunt. Rex’s thrusts slowed, exhaling as he hilted himself inside her. Their foreheads met, sweaty brows and panting breath meeting as their lips barely touched. After a moment that they wanted to last a lifetime, Rex pulled out of Talia and fell to the side, their bodies squeezed next to another in the tiny bed. The space was as small as they were used to sharing, but somehow there was a rightness in the way their bodies fit next to each other, even after all this time. 
“This doesn’t change anything, does it?” Talia asked, still breathless. The air shifted, the calmness that had settled between them now filled with the unknown. Rex tensed, and exhaled a large breath. 
“I don’t see how it can,” was all Rex could think to say. A lump formed in Talia’s throat, tears brimming at the corner of her eyes as she nodded. She rolled over to her side, already pulling off the covers to slip out of the bed and pull her clothes on. Rex’s hand gripped her arm, preventing her from leaving. “Wait, I don’t want-”
“What do you want, Rex?” Talia snapped, “I can’t do this again. I can’t let myself think there’s a chance for something just for you to change your mind. I’m not strong enough to hurt like that again.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Rex repeated for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He meant it, but he knew he had failed that promise in the past. And he didn’t want to mess this up again, to cause her any pain, but he didn’t know what promises he could offer her. Rex sat up, still holding Talia’s arm as he tried to work through this.. “I…I know that things haven’t changed in our situation, but I also know ending things was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made. I want you, Talia.” 
“I want you too,” Talia sighed, leaning back against the headboard. They sat in silence, stuck in the same moment as a million thoughts rushed through their heads. Talia knew there was only one answer to this, at least only one that had a chance to  make them happy. 
“What if I left the Order?”
Rex shook his head, “it was wrong of me to ever ask that of you, it’s not fair-”
“You’re not asking it of me - I’m suggesting it. Rex.” Talia said softly. She looked down at her hands, wringing her scarred wrists as she worked to the realization that has been hidden from her for so long. “I’m not happy. This war has taken so much from me. The Jedi were the only thing I knew, and the only possibility I saw for a future. But Rex…I know so much more now. I know you, that you’re what makes me happy. I can’t lose that again.”
“But you could have so much more than me.” Rex insisted. His hand rested on her face making her meet his eyes so he could make sure she wouldn’t lie to him just to make him happy. “ You could be a Master Jedi, could go on to do great things.”
Talia silenced him by leaning in to kiss him, she pulled back and didn’t let her gaze falter. “Rex - you’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me - there’s no more that I need.” 
“But still-”
“Being a Master was never in my cards.” Talia cut him off before he could go on about plans for a different future for her. “ I had a vision about it once, but I think I understand it now. I was always on the outside looking in, never quite fitting in with the rest of the order, or what the council expected of me. But I can find my own path without them. When the war ends, I’ll leave the order. And I’ll be yours, if you’ll have me.”
“You’ll always have me.”Rex answered quickly, a firm promise. “But, what about now? Our situation hasn’t changed.”
“Now is…more complicated. We need to be more careful than before. So. Not really together but…” Talia’s voice trailed off, still not sure what guidelines they could set. Because it was too complicated. She wanted Rex with everything in her, but she couldn’t abandon her men and leave while the war still raged on. And being with Rex while she was still in the Order was too risky now, they’d had too many slip ups already, too many chances that they would be exposed. “Now just…Just hold me, for a few minutes more and we can pretend like everything is okay.”
“We’re not pretending.” Rex said as he pulled her into her arms. His lips brushed against her forehead, lingering there as he continued. “It’s not perfect, but it’s something. I’ll wait for you, whenever you’re ready to leave. I know it’s a big thing.”
“It is, but I think it’s the right thing,” Talia answered. They settled back lower into the bed, a strange kind of peace laying between them. “This mess has to be over soon, so now we have something to look forward to once it’s done.”
“What do you want to do first?” Rex asked tentatively, allowing himself to think of an ‘after’ the war for the first time in a way that wasn’t dimmed by darkness. 
Talia hummed thoughtfully, her lips pursing in before a grin curved on her lips. She glanced up at Rex, a twinkle in her eye as she said, “We should go back to the island.”
Rex huffed out a light laugh, “Better prepared and without the crash landing this time, I hope?”
“Duh,” Talia mocked. She wrapped an arm over his chest, her fingers tracing along the edges of his scars like she had done that first time on the very beach they were talking about. “It’s where we began, it’s where we can start again.”
“That sounds like a good idea.” Rex mused, a lazy half smile on his lips, “How about we meet there, once it’s all over.”
“Sounds like a plan, captain.” Talia pressed her lips to his again. “Or a promise.��
 “Have I told you how beautiful you are?” Rex murmured, his hand cupped on the side of Talia’s face.
Talia thought her cheeks would ache from smiling, that they were burning from the blush that lingered on them. “You might have mentioned it sometime.”
“Not enough, I daresay,” Rex offered with a sly grin. He leaned closer to her, the coarse hairs of his scruff grazing along her neck in a way that sent shivers down her spine even in her exhausted state. He pressed a kiss in the curve of her neck, trailing up to her ear where he whispered once more, “You’re beautiful.”
“I love you so much,” Talia sighed.
Rex huffed a low chuckle. “So that’s all it took? Me calling you beautiful?”
“It’s a fair trade, I think,” Talia teased, lightly smacking his arm. But she set her face straight as she met his eyes again. “I mean it. I love you, Rex.”
 “I love you too.”
He leaned down to kiss the spot just below her ear, repeating his words once more. He trailed his kisses, followed by his adorations up her neck, to her jaw bone, as if tattooing the words upon her skin to leave his mark evermore. His lips traced to the end of her scar, pausing when Talia slightly flinched from the contact against the slightly sensitive skin. His eyes scanned  hers, waiting for Talia’s nod that it was ok, and he leaned in, tenderly kissing over the raised skin, “I love you, Talia.”
Talia sighed, a warmth of contentment filling her she hadn’t been sure she would ever feel again. She curled against him, feeling the warmth of Rex’s skin beneath hers, listening to the thud of his heartbeat. Her lips grazed the scar in the center of his chest, from the bolt that just missed his heart all those years ago. They laid together under that rough spun blanket, in the far too small cot, their arms wrapped around each other, their skin clinging to each other as they didn’t want to leave the others grasp. They fought off sleep, savoring the small moment they had with one another. It had been so long without the other's touch, but that absence only created a craving, a burning desire for the other’s comfort that would never be satisfied. They didn’t have the answers, not completely anyway. This simple impassé would be enough to hold over, to bridge the road to repair what they’d had before. There was the promise of something stronger, the unknown path of destiny and fate a sweet calling. What further doubts they had were buried beneath the surface, vanquished at the broken walls of their greatest barrier. As she drifted off, Rex’s hand brushed over Talia’s back, fingers grazing over the scars she received at the hand of the Zygerrians. The soothing action propelled her into sleep, no nightmares to be had tonight. Her dreams were filled with contentment and comfort, something the promise of a future with Rex held.
Next Chapter
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Hello love I got a request for you can you please do a yandere Hobie x techno spider woman reader
Where reader is a techno spider hero but she's also the daughter of Miguel and here's the twist Miguel and Hobie don't know that she's techno spider and when she's fighting spots, Hobie and Miguel finds out 🥰🥺🤗.
So about readers power she was bit by a techno spider so she's more like a techno DJ spider and she can release giant sound waves from a giant techno DJ set that comes when she uses her powers and her webs are like bluish and glitchy 🥰🤗😍😘
@/queenuchiha28- sup boo got another request for you yandere Hobie x Miguel's daughter reader
Reader is the daughter of Miguel and she's a spider woman known as hybrid spider and she has emo looks but she has a cool, nonchalant personality but her father Miguel and Hobie doesn't know that she's a spider woman and they find out
Love you boo
Hi hun! I combined your two requests since its premise is similar, hope you don't mind.
Pairing: Yandere! Hobie Brown x Spider-woman! Reader/ Yandere! Spider-Punk x Spider-woman! Reader.
Word count: 1.3k
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, TW violence, possessive behaviour. ANGST
A/N: I made Miguel an asshole here, sorry, I actually love him, contrary to popular belief.
"So I just shrugged, and left" you finish your story, while Hobie's casually playing with your hands. He laces your fingers, tangling them with his.
"I'm sure Miguel appreciated that," he says sarcastically.
"Oh you should've seen his face, he–" the loud beeping of Hobie's bracelet rings out, stopping you in your tracks.
You quickly let go of Hobie's hand, he misses your warmth immediately.
Lyla's bright hologram appears, a cheeky smile on her lips "hey lovebirds, aren't you glad it's not Miguel calling?" She bats her eyelashes, "anyway, there's trouble in Earth- 616, you're in Hobie" 
Lyla disappears back into the watch, you sigh, annoyed that your alone time gets cut off by spider duties. 
"Be right back" he leans towards you, holding on to your chin lovingly, Hobie leaves a small kiss on your lips, enough for you to want more, but you control yourself, stopping before you ask for a proper one. 
"Be careful" you softly say.
Hobie brings your hand to his lips, kissing your fingertips tenderly, eyes glued to yours. Your breath hitches in your throat. He teases you, smirking at your flustered face. Hobie pulls away, leaving you wanting more. 
He types in the coordinates, the sudden bright portal appearing in your dark room makes you squint. He looks back at you, winking. You smile lopsidedly.
Hobie enters the portal, making you alone again. You slump back on your sofa, wishing you could go with him, but alas you can't tell anyone that you're also a spider person, or else your father would get worried for your safety, and become more overprotective of you. You don't even know what Hobie's reaction will be.
Your thoughts get interrupted by your phone ringing, Miguel's caller ID pops up on the screen. You answer it almost immediately, thinking something might've gone wrong.
"Mija, where are you?" Miguel's familiar voice sounds out on the speakers.
"Home, why? Did something happen?" You're ready to jump into action especially if it involves Hobie. 
"Spiderbyte needs your help here, team alpha's asking for backup" 
You perk up, Hobie's a part of team alpha, shit is he okay? You stop your thoughts from getting worse, instead, you quickly make your way out of your dorm, making sure you grab the device you invented, your spider suit hidden in it.
"I'm on my way" you run towards the command center. 
You weave through the crowd of spider people, giving some of them a quick 'hello'.
Finally you make it to your destination, Miguel's already half way through a portal. 
Spiderbyte looks towards you, beckoning you over. You do your job, monitoring how the mission's going. You tap your hands restlessly on the table, your eyes trained on Miguel's form, at the same time looking for Hobie. 
Hobie's familiar back appears on screen, you can finally breathe again.
You watch as Spot makes more holes appear, throwing your loved ones further away. You grip the table tighter, seeing them lay still on the concrete floor. 
You press a button, alerting the available team for backup, trying to hide the shakiness of your voice, your usual calmness thrown out the window. "Attention team gamma, alpha needs backup, head to Earth- 616 immediately" 
Margo places a comforting hand on your shoulder, calming you a bit, you nod your head, telling her you're okay.
You turn your attention back towards the screens, watching as your father gets thrown like a rag doll. Spot makes a hole in the back of his head before Hobie's hand collides, Hobie gets punched in the face by his own knuckle, knocking him back.
The Spot is making a mockery of team alpha, while team gamma's nowhere to be found. Your feet move before you could think. Margo yells out your name, you press the button on your device, nanobots scatter around you, turning your dark civilian clothes into your suit. 
The jet black suit molds itself to your form, since the suit is still a prototype, it glitches out, different bright colors fade in and out in various parts of it. You'll worry about that later, right now, you need to save your loved ones. You quickly grab a bracelet from one of the work benches, strapping it on to your arm, you punch in the coordinates. 
You aim a bright web towards it, catapulting you. Bracing for impact, you land harshly on a roof. 
The Spot doesn't realize you're there, using the element of surprise, you manipulate your nanobots, turning them into a turntable, you play it sending shockwaves over the battlefield.
You miscalculated, the sheer force of it sends everyone else flying, except for the one you actually targeted. Spot finds himself free from being surrounded by spider people, he finds you standing, flabbergasted by what happened, you shouldn't have underestimated him. 
Spot mockingly waves at you, free to finally get away to another universe.
"No!" You shoot a web at him, trying to stop him, but he's already gone, already on his way to terrorize another dimension "shit" you land on the other side, feet skidding to a halt. 
Miguel lands loudly behind you, anger radiating off him "What did you do?!" He doesn't recognize you in your suit, mask still on your face.
Miguel harshly turns you towards him, "We almost had him! Who the hell are you?" He bares his fangs, you gulp for air, you shouldn't have come, you should've trained more, you should've– 
Hobie suddenly lands right next to you, mask torn on its side "go easy on her, she didn't mean to" 
Miguel ignores Hobie, leaning closer to you, his large shadow blanketing over you, "Who. are. you?" He growls out, causing you to move back, you stop when your back hits something sturdy. 
You can see Hobie from your peripheral, his chest stabilizing you. He nods knowing it's you under your mask.
"I didn't mean to" you reach for a button, opening your mask "I was trying to help, I'm sorry" you say meekly. 
Miguel's eyes widen when he sees your face, but it quickly morphs into anger "you could've been killed! I would've lost you!" He screams out, you swear you can see veins popping out on his forehead.
"She was just trying to help, bossman" Hobie counters, a tiny smirk on his lips, realizing he could use this opportunity.
"Stay out of this" Miguel points at Hobie "you're done," he grabs the web shooters from your wrists "I don't know when you got your powers, but you'll never use it again" Miguel takes your device from your hip, immediately shutting off your suit, leaving you in your regular clothes "You'll never be spiderwoman, I won't allow it" his words dripping in venom.
Your eyes water, you don't let the tears fall,  you stand tall, your knuckles shake, leaving half moons on your palms "you don't mean that, you won't lose me like–"
"Enough!" His voice booming out, he exhales out, massaging his temples "go home, you're banned from HQ and any spider business"
"Papa, please, I can do better" 
He doesn't answer, opening a portal back to spider society. Miguel doesn't even look back at you.
Hobie rubs your arms, comforting you. You break down in front of him, hugging him tightly, you try to stop the flow of tears, but you can't.
Hobie doesn't like it when you cry, but he finds himself smiling, Miguel was the only person that divides your attention from him, finally he has you all to himself. He wraps his arms around you tighter, rubbing a comforting hand over your back.
This wasn't his plan originally but he still got the same result he wanted, he knows not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
He's all you have now, and he'll gladly have you, even if it means he has to take you away from your only family.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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nesisamess · 9 months
my first impressions of the characters from the twitter post thing that DRDTDev made about the other killing game. First off: I love all of them, and half the cast gives me gender envy. I am continually impressed at DRDTDev’s character designing ability, especially in making them interesting, non-boring designs that still communicate their personality and aren’t too complex or over designed. ugh. love them for it (/platonically and/or parasocially)
Also, this post will be kinda assuming you’ve already read the very little info we have about them. If you haven’t, go here: https://href.li/?https://t.co/muTM8j8MPH
First off, here’s an image of the characters!!
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Beautiful, right?
Just take a few seconds to admire them.
Ok! I’ll be going over some theories that relate to all of the characters, and then character by character, and then at the end a little general reflection.
So, one of the main theories that have been posed is that this killing game takes place before the events of DRDT, which I am like 87% sure of (up 7% from my last post, woo). It makes sense, especially in the context of the other theories regarding the characters. As well as this, it just makes sense timeline-wise.
There is also a theory that every character is somehow connected to someone in the current killing game, which I am still a little unsure of. I can definitely see it for some characters, but we know so little about each of them that it’s really hard to say whether or not that’s true. I will be going over who I think could be connected to who, just in case it does end up being true. However, I think a more likely theory is that a couple of the people involved in this killing game (likely the survivors) are connected to the current one, and exactly how much is up for us to discover.
Ok, on to the characters!
First off!
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(I don’t know why, but she’s the only one who’s photo is cropped. oh well)
Pretty!! For the sake of this post, I’ll be calling her Spiral (I will be using the names that @xmicrophonyx came up with!).
My first thought when I saw her (besides the obligatory screeching) was that she gave me teacher vibes? That might be since I already had the context of this story being “about a person who wants to become the perfect teacher”. But outside of that, she definitely looks shy, with her hunched over posture and expression. I do adore her color palette, and the pops of teal add a lot.
In terms of a possible talent/role, I still think she gives teacher-y vibes, whatever that means, although outside of that I would think her talent is something a little more professional, considering her attire being formal (the coat, top, and scarf most of all). So other possibilities could be a secretary, librarian, buisness woman, etc.
Spiral could also be some kind of fancy art critic, or someone who works with the Spurling Foundation, if we need to connect her to the current killing game somehow.
Next up!
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The boy!!!!
I’m going to be honest with you. I think he’s my favorite. His demeanor, the neon green jacket, the fingerless gloves, the cap, the khaki capri pants, the aura of a 14 year old shoujo protagonist—he is the moment. The fan name for him is Soundwave.
I think he likely deals with music, since the pattern on his shirt reminds me of sound recordings. Specifically, he probably is into the more technical side of music, such as EDM or techno or something like that (I know pretty much nothing about music, so take my word with a grain of salt).
Because of this, I think Soundwave would be connected to J. J also is in a similar sort of technical profession, so I think that maybe he could be someone who ends up working with J in the future/has worked with J or something like that.
There’s one thing with Soundwave that also is present in 2 of the other characters—he looks quite a bit younger than most of the cast. He’s shorter, yes, but his proportions also make him seem younger. However, the DRDTDev specifies that all of the characters present are 18 or above, so it likely doesn’t mean anything. People can just look young, after all.
I think that’s all, but I’m really excited to learn more about this character because he just seems so fun :)
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Oh boy, let’s talk about them…
Hello there, XF. I will also be trying my best to use all of his pronouns! (Those being he/she/they). I am so happy to have yet another gender-non-conforming character in the general DRDT universe, and it is amazing to see such a wide array of diversity and representation in this cast, as well as the cast of the current killing game. Genuinely, I am just… blown away.
She is also the character which we have the strongest connection to the current killing game/a character from the current killing game, that being Min. Min mentions in her bonus episode that an organization called XF-Ture Tech were the ones to sponsor her for the test to become the Ultimate Student. On XF’s coat is an XF-Ture Logo. As well as this, they have the exact same tie clip that Min has.
PLUS, on top of this, he has the same purple/pink eyes that Min has. That last detail almost made me think they were related, but I don’t necessarily believe so. I mean, they might be, but I’m more inclined to believe that XF is just affiliated with/the leader of XF-Ture. There are A LOT of theories for her (along with a lot of simping ahem), but I won’t be mentioning all of them.
If they are the founder of XF-Ture Tech, I imagine their talent would be something like Ultimate Founder, Ultimate Inventor, Ultimate CEO, or something in that vein. He may not be the founder, however, and instead may just work for XF-Ture Tech. I’m not entirely sure, but I am inclined to believe that she is the founder because of the pink eyes. I have a theory that Min actually wears contacts, and that’s why her eyes look the same as XF’s. I may be totally wrong about this, and I thought that DRDTDev already said they weren’t, but I looked through the QnAs and I couldn’t find anything saying that. Unless it is confirmed somewhere, or it gets confirmed, that’s my theory for now!
As well as this, in the chapter 2 part 1 QnA, DRDTDev mentions that Min’s least favorite color(s) are pink and white together, because it’s “annoying”. Since that is a part of XF’s color palette, that draws an obvious connection between the two of them. If Min has had a lot of interaction with XF, and perceives them as annoying, this could be the reason for that connection. It definitely furthers the theory that Min and XF are connected. I’m pretty sure I barely scratched the surface in terms of what has been theorized about them, so I recommend you check out @accirax @googledetective and the posts they made, as well as any of the posts that are bound to be made by the rest of the DRDT theorists.
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For all of you who don’t know, this character uses he/him pronouns and I absolutely love him for that :,) I am truly just… flabbergasted at how amazing DRDTDev continues to be in adding representation to their stories, and not only that, but doing such a good job of it.
Anyways! I will be calling him Dandelion after the dandelion in his hair.
As far as what we can deduce based on his outfit and demeanor: obviously this is a character who messes around with gender presentation (we stan) and doesn’t fall into the rigid categories that many cultures try to enforce. He also looks somewhat naive, and young (though all of these characters are ~18, of course). I also definitely don’t think his talent is something physically demanding, since he seems pretty skinny, and his clothes don’t look like they would be good for running around in.
However, this character has a few things that might key us in to what his talent might be. The first of which is his clothing, since my first thought on seeing it was that it looked trendy, or like something an influencer would wear. In a way that kind of juxtaposes their outfit, however, he has a dandelion in his hair, through the band keeping it up. It is very different from the rest of his color palette, and dandelions are usually considered ‘weeds’, which makes me think that Dandelion’s talent is instead something plant-based.
Since that dandelion is just so different from the rest of his outfit, I believe the latter is true, and that his talent is something like the Ultimate Botanist.
In terms of characters he might be connected to, my first thought was Levi. They both are fashionable, and if my previous thought of Bunny being an influencer or something of the like, it makes sense for Levi to know them somehow. Still, it’s a shaky theory.
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I love asymmetrical designs, and the green/blue hair strand balances out his hair really well. I do also really like the strap on his leg, it gives him a slightly edgier look. I will be calling him “Scale” for convenience (I had names for each of these characters before someone came up with better ones, but @pastelclownkitty and I actually had the same idea for this guy!).
So, firsts things first: I do not think he is Elliot Cuevas. I saw this theory, considered it, and have come to the conclusion it doesn’t make sense (at least to me. if this is one of your theories that’s totally fine!). Elliot is described, by DRDTDev in the chapter 2 part 1 QnA, as having looked “shockingly similar” to how Charles looks now. I think the comparison is vague at best, not shocking. They do both have purple hair and dark skin, but both shades of those things are darker for Scale.
In terms of talent, the pattern of his shirt has been pointed out, and I agree that it probably relates to his talent. In fact, Scale somewhat reminds me of an anglerfish, with that bright green in his eyes and that strand of hair. I don’t know, I think I’m just saying things at this point.
Due to the mentioned factors above, I believe his talent is related to fishing or swimming, something like the Ultimate Angler. I can’t discern his build from under his clothing, but he looks a little skinny to be the Ultimate Swimming Pro or anything like that.
Ok. I’m sorry, but he looks a little… Fishy (don’t mind the pun). Maybe it’s how calm he is, or his mouth, but he reminds me of Rantaro somewhat. I love his design, though, and I think his color palette is supremely cool. I also like how his hair highlight is very faintly rainbow. It reminds me of how when you look at water a certain way, it shows a rainbow.
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Our protag!! Or, well, Teacher.
Now, I’m pretty sure almost everyone agrees that this character is the Ultimate Teacher, or something of the like. He also has an ID card which says:
This ID card is the property of Hope’s Peak Academy. Use of this ID card by any person other than the rightful holder is prohibited. Report lost or stolen ID cards by contacted 555-483-7367.
(Thank you to @weightedblankettt for the blurry text translation!)
Now, numbers starting with 555 are used for fictional phone numbers, specifically in North America, which is how we’re able to tell that this killing game’s participants probably come from the same Hope’s Peak that the participants of the current killing game are from. Other than that, it doesn’t really tell us much, other than our Protag has an ID card for Hope’s Peak. This leads us to believe that he may be staff, however DRDTDev confirms that these are 11 students.
One thing, though, that I think may be something…
What if Teacher is, instead of just a student, a student teacher? Basically, what if he is someone who comes in to help the actual teachers with the class load and such, but isn’t a classmate of the rest of the Ultimates. Either that, or he’s just a student who carries around his ID card from a lanyard. Like a weirdo (/j).
Now: The Mai thing. Many people think that Teacher may be a relative of Mai, or connected to her in some way, due to the red in his hair, on his shoes, and on the inside of his coat. However, the red used with his colors is very different from Mai’s red. Another theory to why he might be related to Mai is because his eyes are always closed in all the art we’ve seen of him, so maybe he’s related to one of the cast and DRDTDev is keeping his eyes closed to not spoil who. I do believe this part, just not with Mai.
Okay well, here my theory goes:
Teacher is the older brother of Teruko. Teruko mentions in chapter 1 episode 4 that she has an older brother, but they were separated when she was 5. She likely doesn’t remember much about him at all (and I suspect that he was the one who Teruko says she “couldn’t remember the face” of as well). Although they don’t have the same hair color, they do have a very similar skin color, and the closed-eye thing could be just as true with Teruko as with Mai. As well as this, most characters in all of DRDT have a gradient on their eyelashes. 3 characters who don’t? Mai, Teruko, and now Teacher.
Imma be honest, it’s a bit of a crack theory, but I kinda like it, and think it’s interesting. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be the only one to believe this haha
Oh wait! I almost forgot! The whole thing on him being the “Teacher” referenced in secret text. I don’t have much to say on that except that yeah, that’s probably true. Maybe. Who knows.
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Sigh, I love men.
I’ll be calling this dude Mint, which I know is separate from the names that @xmicrophonyx came up with, but… I think it’s cute, so. First off, his design is great, yada yada, and I love his little cropped jacket. Very cute.
I definitely think his design is pretty sporty, especially with the layers of the undershirt, over shirt, and jacket, along with the coat around his waist. My first thought for him is that he does some kind of racing, either with cars or motorcycles, because that’s what his jacket reminds me of. Race car drivers do wear gloves, so this would make sense for that. I imagine this isn’t his actual racing clothes, instead just casual clothes, but there are still elements of his racing clothes in there. Along with this, it makes sense that he’d have his hair tied back so then he could fit it under his helmet and it wouldn’t get in his face too much (although I suspect his ponytail is too high to fit under a helmet. Oh well, he might wear it lower on race days).
His personality seems like it would fit that sort of thing as well, since he looks serious and somewhat aggressive. He also has those little marks under his eyes. I’m not entirely sure what they’re for, but I’m sure I could connect it back somehow if I wasn’t working on this post for like 3 hours and had any energy whatsoever to do research into it (I just got home from a very long car ride, so keep in mind I am still somewhat delirious). Idk. Maybe he just wanted to look pretty/intimidating/whatever so he put markings under his eyes.
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A Child?!? Well, no, probably not, but she does look very, very young. Perhaps it’s the fact she’s right next to Teacher, who I’m pretty sure is the tallest out of the cast? Maybe it’s also the fact that the color that dominates her design is pink, and her complimentary color is baby blue.
So, her design is pretty clearly inspired by sheep/rams, since her pupil is the same shape as them, her braids are coiled up similarly to ram horns, and the bottom of her coat/dress looks like sheep wool. The bell on her bow also looks like the pupil of a sheep, too. I actually had a phase of drawing people with that type of pupil, too, because I thought it looked so interesting and unique. I still think characters with those kind of eyes are pretty cool.
Since her design looks so much like a sheep/ram, you would think that was involved in her talent, however in her eye you can see a little needle. That makes me think she’s a tailor or seamstress or something like that. Perhaps, since wool is a big material used for fabric, she cares for sheep and then makes fabric out of their wool, or something in that vein.
She seems pretty peppy and happy, so I assume she would take on an Eden-esque role in this killing game (Though, I assume, she is actually far different, and likely more naive than Eden is).
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Our girl Fire! She is hot, amiright? (Cue the applause). I don’t know what came over me, with that pun. Maybe the spirit of Whit or something.
But no, seriously, she is certainly a… very attractive woman. The snakebite piercings, eyebrow piercings, nose piercings, and bellybutton piercing? Oh my. A win for the girlkissers. A win indeed.
She certainly gives aggressive energy, like she would fight you (and win, obviously. It wouldn’t even be a competition). She looks like she could take Xander. Also!! I really like her teeth, because one of my teeth stick out like that too. I’m pretty sure it’s the one in the exact same spot as her, just mirrored. I’ve always kind of liked it.
Now, her outfit is definitely very sporty, though I’m unsure of which sport exactly. Her abs and chunky gloves give the vibe of something like a boxer or weightlifter, but she also has chaps on. I’m truly unsure if the chaps are just decorative or if she actually does ride horses (I want to say they’re just decorative because white chaps? Not a good idea. No white clothes are really a good idea when you ride horses a lot. Especially if the horses are unruly lol). Plus, she has a lot of skin exposed, and I can say from experience that flies and bugs are a bitch, and there are a lot when horses are involved.
I also just wanted to point out that Fire and Ice (her brother, who I’ll be talking about next) have eyes that are half brown and half grey, and they each have a color palette of either brown or grey and another color (the extra colors are also complimentary). I personally believe this is because the siblings/twins are very different, and likely don’t get along too well, but that’s just a theory. A DRDT theory. I’m mentally unwell, I think.
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scarletlich · 2 years
Heyo you offered to talk about the memes in the Chinese dsmp community and yup here I am to listen bc this is cool (also the fact that tommy is sometimes legit called child is fucking hilarious to me lol)
I will first add a slight disclaimer, I have been less active lately in Chinese dsmp community (wow back in the day I was part of a translation team too...) so my memes may be a bit outdated.
For some context, I'll explain a bit about how bilibili is structured. Here's a screenshot from Dream's 1v4 Manhunt Finale. As you can see, there are bullet comments on top of the video (if you scroll down there will also be comments below the video like on YouTube), sort of like chat on streams. Some of the bullet comments have lots of likes, such as the one with a yellow thumbs up next to it (it says ***At this point Antfrost is secretly doing something***).
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The ones I have been keeping up with the most on bilibili were Dream's manhunts and Technoblade, so there'll probably be more of their memes in this list.
muffinhead 松饼脑袋 this actually means pancake head, one of the initial translators mistakenly translated muffin as pancake but it stuck and is now a meme. Also theoretically they could've used 头 instead of 脑袋 but that also stuck.
Dream's opening "only X% aren't subscribed": 白嫖不分国界 "getting/taking things for free is an international activity". When you watch a video on bilibili without leaving a like or coins (which you get for free by logging in) or subscribing it's described as taking something for free.
There's a specific type of meme called 空耳 (lit: empty ear) which is how people mishear English. These are a bit hit or miss for me since I am a native English speaker as well, but here's a couple more common ones:
"leave me alone" sounds like 李云龙 Li Yunlong (1919-1965) who was a general in the People's Liberation Army and there was a movie made about him in 2005 I believe.
In the manhunt where the hunters get enchanted diamond armor Bad excitedly chants "shiny squad! shiny squad!" but viewers in the bullet comments misheard this as "Chinese squad". After seeing that comment I couldn't unhear it either.
半条命 "half a life" Every time Dream has half a heart left somebody will come up with a fancy title to describe the scenario, and people will spam 封印解除 "the seal (on his power/skill) has been broken". Examples of titles: 半条命:亡命天涯 "Half a Life: Death at the Cliffs/Edge of the Sky" 半条命:山谷危机 "Half a Life: Danger in the Canyon" (these are pretty mediocre examples, there are better ones but I can't think of them right now)
D道站 (since dream is also shortened to D) is a pun off of 地道战, a 1966 classic Chinese movie about the Sino-Japanese War, it means tunnel warfare and is used for whenever Dream tunnels around during manhunt.
They also have the dudududu meme, of course. They call it 松饼处刑曲, "muffin" sentencing (like sentencing a crime) song
Techno was a known fan of the esports donghua (donghua is to China as anime is to Japan) The King's Avatar 《全职高手》 and talked about it onstream before, he even read the entire over thousand chapter webnovel. In fact, fans found his comments on the English translation and he was in the novel's Discord server (it was linked to his Discord account iirc so it was him). He also once made his nick on hypixel OneAutumnLeaf referencing 一叶知秋, the main character's original username. (Sidenote I remember getting salty when people were commenting "webnovel? just say fanfiction" it's not fanfiction! it's original fiction! just because webnovels aren't a thing in the US... no need to say it in such a disparaging way... anyway...)
Of course Chinese fans would know about his memes with Sun Zi (Sun Tzu but modern transliteration) and The Art of War, as well as when he intentionally misquotes. The Republic-era author 鲁迅 Lu Xun is also often misquoted as a meme so these jokes often appear 鲁迅:这个我熟 "Lu Xun: I am familiar with this (experience of being misquoted)". Sometimes people comment on how incredibly long the English translation of Sun Zi's lines are.
中国文化传播大使 Techno is jokingly called Ambassador of Spreading Chinese Culture because of his usage of The Art of War, and to be honest he really truly understood the concepts he quoted lmao, he used them very well.
日常和粉丝互相80 Techno and his fans bully each other on the daily
There was that time Techno described Dream as a 刑天 Xingtian, a Chinese mythological warrior who was beheaded and then basically has eyes where his nipples are and a mouth on his stomach, so Chinese fans sometimes call him the green Xingtian, they also call him 晴天娃娃 which is actually a Japanese thing, they look like this:
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Skeppy often starts and ends his videos with things like "like or die tmr" and the bullet comments will spam 永久反弹 which means "eternal reflection", its basically just a "no u"
On funny interactions/bullying between Phil and his "sons" or Wilbur and Fundy, commenters like to spam 父慈子孝 which is a Chinese idiom meaning "compassionate father and filial son(s)"
I might add to this post in reblogs if I remember any more memes unique to Chinese fandom. I am not active on lofter dsmp circles (which you can think of as equivalent to tumblr) or weibo (analogous to twitter), only bilibili (similar to youtube) so that's where my memes come from.
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incognitacheetah · 1 year
Alright ya nerds, it's time for more angst. This is just one of the ways I see this scene going, the brainrot is still so deep.
From @wolfythewitch 's zombie au
It was him, a part of her knew it was. The blonde hair falling messily around his head, the green jacket that he wore everywhere, the brown pants she had gotten him for one of their anniversaries. It made sense even if she couldn't wrap her mind around it. She felt frozen, as if her muscles had turned to ice. Even though it was warm outside.
But it felt like she was freezing.
A wild screech sounded and a small streak pelted out from the abandoned emergency vehicle to her right, stopping right in front of Phil. It was a teenager, about 15, so scared his hands were shaking, but determinedly leveling a handgun straight at her. Kristin didn't even see it, as the boy behind it made her breath catch in her throat.
Wilbur. Her son. He was alive. And he was here. Her chest felt light, but she also felt like she couldn't breathe, both at the same time. Wild emotions warred inside her. Even if he didn't recognize her, even if he looked like he had been through a tornado and was aiming a gun at her head, shouting to stay back. She would recognize those brown curls anywhere, the soft tilt of his eyes accented by his "seeing circles," as he called them, or as everyone else called them, his glasses.
She tried to say his name, only to have her voice crack back to a whisper in the middle, her throat closing up because of a burn that traveled down from her eyes, one so fierce that it kept her mouth from opening again. Her eyes ached from holding back tears as she looked at her son, then to her husband.
She couldn't seem to move. It was like she was a million miles away, looking down at herself facing the two people she couldn't see herself without, having spent so long trying to get to this point. But now that she had finally gotten here, she couldn't believe what she saw. She couldn't make herself take it in, to believe what was before her.
Her eyelids beat like a hummingbird's wings. She couldn't let any of the tears fall. No that would lead to something she never wanted any of the kids to see.
Instead Kristin looked back at Wil, and realized that he wasn't pointing the gun at her now. She turned her head. Techno, he had somehow come up beside her, and taken her gun, without her realizing. He was pointing it at Wilbur. "Kristin, step back."
She looked back and forth between them, realizing that Techno had spoken to her, and the reality of the situation smacked her in the face. They were going to shoot each other if she didn't do something. Finally able to make her limbs work, she reached towards Techno, and managed to find her voice. "Techno, Techno lower the gun."
The 16 year old looked at her like she was insane, but before she could open her mouth again, a groaning interrupted her, followed quickly by soft protests. Kristin looked back toward her family.
Phil was trying to move toward her, and Wil was trying his best not to let him stumble forward, his soft tone just loud enough to reach her, and a stark contrast from earlier. "No, no Dad don't, I'm not letting you go, they won't take you away again..."
Kristin's heart squeezed as she struggled not to imagine what happened to them on their way here. Her jaw tightened as she called out to her son once again, her voice emotional but strong.
He froze then, blinking twice, and she could see the moment the recognition appeared on his face as he looked back at them, at her. The emotions she saw cross his face, shock, joy, fear, exhaustion, were nothing compared to the tears that came into his eyes as he whispered the one word she was afraid she would never get to hear again.
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The DSMP Nonhumans not...acting human
I just have too many thoughts
so what if I searched up animal facts leave me alone
likes to bask in the sun
don't touch his tail unless you get permission
meditates a lot to avoid "exploding" (edit: ok past me just say you saw someone make art about this and stole it /hj)
used to hiss as a kid when he made eye contact with strangers
Nocturnal but conditioned himself to be diurnal
At first most people are put off by his appearance but then they hear his voice and are like ""??????"
hates having to brush her hair
goes through so many brushes
if she hasn't had a haircut in a while, her hair will get super heavy
Puffy making clothes from her wool and giving them to friends
takes good care of her horns
ewes form such deep bonds with their lambs so that when they wander too far, the ewe bleats and the lamb comes back; so imagine Puffy calling for the DSMP kids and all of them perk up
constantly in motion, very rare to just see him relaxing
when his teeth falls out, he gives them to people he likes (he has to explain to people that shark teeth fall out constantly, he's fine)
his smile is a little scary to those who don't know that he's a big sharky sweetheart
sometimes can be found sleeping in a tree
screams at the most inappropriate times
when he was younger, Wilbur would sometimes catch his son up late at night climbing stuff
hates loud noises because of sensitive ears
foxes are born deaf and blind, which worried Wil until about two weeks after he was born when he finally opened his eyes and started responding to sounds
Techno will find him preening occasionally
if precious ores or shiny things in general go missing, stop by Phil's first and ask him about it; if it's not him, then it's probably one of his crows that stole it
sometimes will just go outside and stand in grass, staring into the distance
cool to the touch
uses a diamond file to dull his own sharp edges
it doesn't hurt when a small part of him chips off
cannot be hurt by anything less than a diamond tool, which is kind of useless considering everyone has netherite but anyway
Jello boy :D
will snort at random times and he hates it
did you know pigs can't sweat and can handle cold temperatures? so imagine him training with Phil and Phil is dying and shedding layers while Techno is absolutely fine
because he can't sweat, Techno has to roll in dirt or something to cool down fksdgj
Phil: what are you doing..?
Techno, covered in dirt after training: nothing
Pigs can run a mile in seven minutes but have shit eyesight so glasses Techno can be absolutely canon
lmao the rest of him is super fit but everything further than two feet from him is blurry
baby pigs are so small but get twice as big in a week, now I'm just imagining chonky baby Techno holy shit help
everyone who says Tubbo headbutts as a sign of affection is absolutely right, I love it
will bleat whenever something mildly inconveniences him
will also bleat when he means to swear (ie: "you motherbleat")
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