#it's an inside joke with myself practically
luffyvace · 3 days
Vinsmoke Sanji x reader who fights his royal treatment~
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@starrymiko suggested/requested these!! This a fun idea I’ve never seen before, because most people ik wouldn’t reject royal treatment from a hot guy—turns out I have a lot to learn (😂💗)
I really don’t how to explain this as a short title so here’s the post where they explain it better than me: Vinsmoke Sanji with reader who rejects his royal treatement
also going to link the posts they got inspired by/read to give them this idea:
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons & Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt2
Sanji loves hard when he loves
And he certainly loves you!
He’s also a very expressive man!
whether he despises you or wants to marry you, he expresses how he feels!
usually verbally too
But he also has practically all love languages, and he tones them to your favorites
but one trait that definitely sticks is his need to take care for who he loves!
so when you reject it?! “But my ethereal and whimsically attractive darling?! What do you mean??”
you explain that you don’t want his coddling and that you can do things on your own, as you prefer your independence
even though that’s not the full story, technically
Pushing him away is pretty darn hard as we see in the anime with Nami and Robin. He’s been trying and failing for 2 years..So if your his s/o this simps’ definitely not just gonna be like “ok 👍” and simply walk away 🤷‍♀️
Alr I apologize for that dad joke.
he’s gonna try every love language in the book to try and get you to open up, you two are dating after all, so maybe your just shy? Awww so cute! His dearest is embarrassed~ Physical Touch is probably the first thing he’d try and the first thing you’d say no to. Mainly since he’s a simp and touching is too direct for you. You guys are a really ironic couple since you’re almost scared of love and he’s all about it.
He tried to initiate contact of all types and got rejected each and every time. Let me carry you for a romantic walk as I hold your bags! 💥💥 “I said got it! 💨 🎒😑” Well at least let me carry the bag to your room! It’s really heavy! “No! I can do it on my own!” But darling- “NO!”
tbh you can hit him as much as you want but he won’t hit you back. So whenever you argue or fight about these kinds of things you usually end up winning the argument
for acts of service literally everything is a no- I washed your laundry for you! “What! Don’t touch my clothes! I’ve got it!!” I got that thing you’ve been searching for! “I wanted to find it myself! Now it’s not as rewarding! I could do it on my own! Stop doing things for me!” Darling, let me help~ 😞 “no way!”
tbh the only thing you let him do is cook for you because he is the cook, and even so, if you want to fix a snack you prefer to do it by yourself. It makes his love for cooking grow even more and he looks forward to daily meals because he can finally take care of you! 🩷
receiving gifts is probably another thing you’d reject seeing as though you’d figure you can get it yourself. But words of affirmation and quality time? May or may not be so bad for you! I’ll let you decide :) if you allow him to display his love in these ways he’d be overjoyed and just assume this is your preferred way of display of affection, and that the other 3 aren’t your forte 💗💗
when he finds out he’s truly scaring you away simply by treating you right and respecting you, he figures somethin’s up.
he’s gonna get to the bottom of it too, whether you like it or not because you, need. it. He knows what it feels like to bottle up your past and smile at the future, despite the fact that the past is still hurting you inside, and it’s like a ticking time bomb before you implode.
He knows he doesn’t want that for you. (Especially after whole cake)
So he’ll gently pry as much as he can with out upsetting you too much. It’s also helpful if you visit your home land, because then he can learn what it was like for you growing up.
if he finds out a person did this to you? They’re cooked.
LOL- literally tho, he’s going Infrit Jambe and lighting’ ‘‘em up! 🔥
if they’re a women he’ll explain the situation to Robin and Nami who’ll certainly want to help you, and they’ll beat up that trifling tramp! 💥
(even if you don’t visit your homeland this still applies ⬇️)
after that Sanji would want to ease you into being used to respect especially and his care too
now if your just naturally independent he’ll try and let it go as best as he can, but he does want you to command respect, because if you let others disrespect you, that proves you have no respect for yourself.
and it’s essential to be able to at least stand up for yourself on the grand line.
but don’t worry! If you won’t do it, he will for you! 😏 No? Well then stand up for yourself dear! 😊
🔥🔥🔥🔥 Let. Me. COOK.
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drawnbinary · 1 year
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Gays who can't drive (anymore)
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egg04 · 10 months
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This fucker.
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matchboxcards · 1 year
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From December 2022
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jeff davis got me so mad, i wrote dramione fanfic
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mortalityplays · 2 months
You need more free art.
I quit my job yesterday. Well, actually I quit my job eight weeks ago, but they finally released me yesterday for good behaviour. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do - but I do it for the wrong reasons. Working for major charities, you learn very fast that 'I want to make the world a better place' is a phrase you use to ask people for money, not to give them things. I was an ass-backwards fit for that world.
You need more free art. I need more free art. Everyone has felt the shift in our media landscape over the last ten years, away from access and towards nickel-and-diming the human experience. That lack of access is making life and culture worse for all of us, across the board. Paywalled news sites leave us less informed, attacks on the Internet Archive leave us less capable of research. Algorithmic social feeds and streaming walled gardens trap us inside smaller and smaller demographic bubbles, where we are increasingly only likely to encounter ideas that have been curated for us by marketing departments. Hasty efforts to resist AI commodification have only led to more artists locking their work away and calling for even more onerous systems of copyright law. This is not good for us.
We all need more free art.
So what am I going to do about it?
This is a question I have been asking myself for years. It's easy to sit here feeilng frustrated and thinking 'boy I hope SOMEONE does SOMETHING'. It's harder to take action in a world where I still have rent to pay. But hard doesn't mean impossible. Sometimes hard just means time-consuming, frustrating and slow. And sometimes it's worth doing something time-consuming, frustrating and slow because...I want to make the world a better place.
I'm going to do this:
1. From April 1st, I am relaunching as a freelance writer and editor.
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This is the one that will (hopefully) help to pay the bills. I am a very good and experienced editor. I've worked on hollywood movies, I'm a member of the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders, I have clients who have been coming to me exclusively for more than 10 years.
Alongside bigger contract jobs, I am going to refocus on offering my services to small-press creators at a reduced rate. That means you, graphic novelists. That means you, itch and amazon writers. I want to help you develop your work, the same way I help large organisations. You can learn more about what an editor even does and what kind of pricing you can expect here.
2. I'm also going to start giving shit away. Like, constantly.
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Next week I'm going to launch a new free shop. If you're unfamiliar, a free shop, giveaway shop, swap shop, etc. is an anarchist tradition of setting up a storefront where anyone can take what they like for no cost. Offline, this often means second-hand clothes, tools, furniture, food etc. Online, I am going to be giving away digital art. Copyright-free, no strings attached. It will (eventually) feature everything from print-res posters to zines, poems, tattoo flash, t-shirt designs and anything else we come up with.
Yes, I said 'we' - while this is a curated collection, it will feature work from a variety of credited and anonymous artists and activists, all of whom have agreed to give their work away to the public domain. Some of it will be practical, some of it will be political, but a lot of it will be decorative or personal. This is, in part, a response to recent difficulty I had finding somewhere that would print a one-off joke poster for a friend that featured the word 'faggot'. Enough. No middlemen - no explaining ourselves. Just print our shit and enjoy it.
I'm very, very excited about this project. I'll have more to say about it closer to the launch, but you can expect it to go live on March 27th.
2.2 I forgot to mention the ACTUAL LAUNCH GIVEAWAY
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To celebrate my launch, I am going to be giving away a ton of physical prints. When I went looking for my old stock to see if it was worth setting a new (paid) storefront up, I realised I had way more old work in storage than I thought. This will be announced in its own right on Monday, but this is why I've been hinting you should go follow my Patreon.
On April 1st, I will pick 8 random patrons (from across all tiers including non-paying followers!) and mail them a bundle of assorted prints and postcards. The prize pool includes A3 and A4 posters, packs of A6 postcards, and printed minicomics that I've previously sold for up to £12 each.
You don't have to be a paying subscriber to enter - this is strictly no-purchase necessary. It is purely and entirely a celebration of the concept of GIVING ART AWAY FOR FREE.
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Because I still have to pay to stay alive, I am going to be subsidising all this free art with the introduction of Fuck You Fridays. Starting from March 29th, I will drop a new 18+ short story on the last Friday of every month, over on itch.io (yes I know my page is desolate right now, don't worry I'll get there).
The first edition, Go Fuck Yourself, is about, well - telling your boss where to stick it. Julia has had it with her millionaire man-child manager, and is just about ready to let him know what she really thinks. It's a short and steamy 5k words, with a gorgeous cover illustration by @taylor-titmouse, and you can pick it up for $3 starting from March 29th.
I'm keeping this one under wraps for now, but April 1st will also play host to one more (FREE) launch. If you've been following me for a long time, you might remember the other significance of this date (no not April Fool's day, though that is certainly thematically relevant to this entire effort). That's all I'll say right now. Watch this space.
tl;dr: I'm sick of paywalls and career ladders. I'm literally putting my money where my mouth is. More free art for everyone and I'm not kidding around!!!
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canthelpit0 · 30 days
Pairing: Matt x Reader
Wordcount: 2.1k +
In wich: matt has a borderline obsession with cock warming
Warnings: smut, cock warming, p in v, use of y/n, 1st pov, praise kink, name calling (slut), pet names, unprotected, creampie
(A/N: English is not my first language! Also this song has like barely anything to do w the plot, I just feel like that’s the vibe. This is sort of like a blurb. Hope you guys like it <3)
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One of the considerably weird things Matt is into is: cock warming.
I clench at the thought trying to focus on my history homework.
I’ve known Matt for practically all my life. We’ve always been close and no conversation between us was ever awkward.
Matt didn’t seem like the type to be into that sort of stuff. But one day, when, we were hanging out and cuddling like we were normally, I felt a hardness at my butt.
When I turned back to look at him he was blushing. Matt had his arms wrapped around my waist, spooning me.
After I asked him what that is, he responded with a question. “Can I..?” He trailed off and I wasn’t catching on to his train of thought.
“What? you want to fuck?” I huff rolling my eyes…not that I would be against it.
“No.” He said defensively squeezing my sides. “Can I just put it in?” Matt asked shyly.
I paused, But eventually complied. With the duvet being over us it shouldn’t be too awkward. He shuffled out of his sweatpants and pulled mine down too.
And before I knew it his finger was inside of me and I was wet.
After a few moments I felt the head of his dick press against me before feeling his entire length slide into me.
I never thought he’d be into that, but even further, I didn’t think that I’d like it too.
I shift feeling the angle change.
“Y/n/n, can you stop moving.” Matt huffs, his words sounding passive aggressive. He puts one of his hands on my hips to prevent as much movement as possible, his other hand still clutching his phone.
I clench again at the tone of his voice, slamming my pen down.
Ever since that day, when this first started off, I started to sit on him more often. Whether it was while we were cuddling or just mindlessly hanging out. We’re not necessarily friends with benefits tho.
I guess he just likes the feeling… but so do I.
It was bad, like we hung out so much Chris and Nick started to make joking remarks about it.
About us hanging out so much that is, not the… whatever we’re doing.
Like it was so bad that practically every time we were alone somewhere private, I was probably sitting on his dick.
It feels so intimate and good, and if we still have time after, he’ll rail me.
But I’m saying that when we’re at home doing homework, I’m sitting on his lap. Or when cuddling or sleepovers. Or even when we go get fast food to eat in the parking lot at night. I’ll climb over the middle console and sit down on it.
I was never a skirt person, but I started to wear skirts more often just for the easier access.
I could go hours just calmly sitting on it.
But sometimes after a while I would get frustrated.
I try to grind into him, Matt still holding me in place as much as he can.
“What? You wanna get yourself off on my dick?” He huffs. His grip on my hip gets harder making me whine, while his other hand still holds his phone.
He’d been scrolling through TikTok and various other social media while I was trying to get all of my homework done.
And it’s been probably over an hour now and I was getting frustrated from all the homework. doing math first was definitely a mistake.
And while on a normal day I would be fine with the intimacy and wouldn’t be trying to get myself off, the homework today was frustrating. And since Matt was already balls deep inside of me, I might as well.
He leans over putting his phone on my desk. With the movement his hand on my hip loosens giving me the opportunity to start to slightly ride him.
“Fuck-“ i sigh. I lean forward on my arms, trying to get as much friction as I can, both on my sweet spot and also my clit.
I hear Matt’s low groan. And suddenly his hands are on my hips again, holding me in place.
“Y/n I swear, i will make you cum over and over again until you’re seeing fucking stars if you don’t fucking stop right now and go back to your homework.”
His tone is authoritative and so hot. Why was he saying that like it would be such a bad thing anyway.
“Matt please.” I whine.
Sometimes Matt would get frustrated and fuck me while I wasn’t even paying him any mind, and sometimes it was the other way around.
He huffs letting go of my hips. Matt leans back as he just watched me and my every move.
I let out a shaky breath once again, leaning forward more to lift myself better.
“Fucking slut, getting yourself off on your best friends dick.” He rolls his eyes in exasperation.
His hands go to my waist, assisting my movements now instead of stopping me.
“If you cum I’m still gonna Make you warm me.” He warns his tone assertive.
Matt holds me in place for a few seconds and scoots the chair back. I sigh leaning forward, using my forearms to prop me up, before starting to ride him again.
His eyes were heavy lidded, his mouth dropped in a silent moan while he watches me.
He somehow seemed way less sensitive than me. But I can literally feel the knot starting to tie In My stomach just waiting to snap.
By this point I was panting and Matt was letting out some heavy breaths too.
“Fuck- Matt, Matt” I whine his name my voice pitching higher as i keep getting closer.
“You close baby?” He breaths out keeping his hands on my hips for stability.
I let out a sharp breath letting my head drop forward as I keep up the angle and speed up in order to reach my climax faster.
“Yeah.” One of my hands go down to my clit to rub it, resulting in my other arm having to hold me up alone.
“Come then.” He demands, his voice sounding cocky. I can hear him breathe heavily and bite his lip to keep quiet.
With his hands tightening on my hips, I feel the knot in my stomach snap.
I let out a loud moan, piercing through the, otherwise, mostly quiet room.
I sit down again my pussy convulsing around his cock.
I sigh, trying to calm down again. Matt’s hands rub my sides, holding my back to his chest and mumbling sweet nothings into my ear.
“You good?” He asks after I mildly catch my breath. I lean more into him, my eyes fluttering closed as I mumble an agreement.
“You gonna go back to your homework now, or…?” He trails off waiting for me to answer.
“No” I breathe out and slightly look over my shoulder to make eye contact with him.
He lets his huge grin take over his features. He picks me up gently, making me wince, to wich he whispers encouraging praises into my ear.
My back makes contact with my bed. I sigh at the feeling of the soft sheets under me. And I watch as Matt hurriedly takes off his shirt.
I was still wearing my mini skirt and a long sleeve shirt, but Matt didn’t look like he was going to take them off. The access was easy, so really, why do the extra work.
Matt rubs my lower stomach, while his other hand holds his dick. He glides it up my folds before slipping it back into me. I whine at the feeling throwing my head back into the mattress.
I’m still sensitive from my previous orgasm and also from the hour of cock warming’s
It wasn’t like he wasn’t sensitive too. I could see him physically hold back from releasing right then and there.
Our eyes stay locked while he starts to rock his hips against me. I can feel him hit that spot in me that makes pure euphoria shoot through my entire body.
Despite not being labeled, it always felt so intimate with Matt.
Maybe it was because most of the time it was literally just cock warming and nothing else. But sometimes, when it did come to the actual intercourse - penetration type of thing, it still felt intimate.
“So good for me baby.” He breaths out. Our eyes stay locked, my mouth dropped in quiet moans.
“Fuck- you like being filled?” He chuckles. His hand stays on my lower abdomen, pressing down slightly to feel himself.
I close my eyes briefly trying to respond, but the way his hips snap into me, and the way he still manages to make this feel sensual, has my head fuzzy.
“Fuck..” Matt breaths out his eyes staying locked on my face. “Too fucked out to answer now?”
All I can do is whine out his name and moan loudly, and he takes pride in that. I know he does. I can see it in his eyes.
“You wanna be fucking full all the time, don’t you baby?” Matt taunts, somehow speeding up even more.
I clench around him my legs going stiff at the constant and heavy stimulation.
Matt notices and readjusts, picking up my legs further so they’re on his shoulders before he picks up pace again.
“Close” I whine out, I can feel the knot in my stomach getting tighter by the second, threatening to snap anytime now.
“Good girl” he hums. Matt’s fingers find their way towards my clit as he starts to vigorously rub it.
“Oh god-“ I moan loudly throwing my head back, my eyes shutting tightly as I try not to get overwhelmed, even tho i already am.
“Eyes on me.” Matt speaks lowly also panting. His movements pick up pace getting more rough and messy, indicating that he’s close too.
My eyes snap open, immediately meeting his. And as soon as they do, I feel my body convulse, my orgasm washing over me like a wave. But despite that, I try to keep my eyes on Matt as best as I can.
“So pretty.” He breathes out harshly and before either of us know it, he gives me one last thrust and fills me up.
I pant, trying to catch my breath. I feel a thin layer of sweat coat my skin, but despite that, I love this feeling.
This post orgasmic state was sending me into almost as much euphoria as the sex itself.
I watch through lazy, heavy-lidded eyes as Matt sits up straighter, moving my legs from off of his shoulders.
“You wanna clean up or sleep like this sweetheart?” He asks tilting his head. Matt was trying to contain a goofy smile.
“Just..” I trail off and let out a breath. Damn I didn’t realize just how out of breath I am.
“Just lay down.” I breathe out.
He licks his lips his eyes wandering from my face to my body and how it’s still clothed.
“You wanna sleep with clothes, or…” he trails off. Matt’s eyes come to meet mine again with a playful glint.
“Matt, I don’t care” I say exasperated.
“I wanna cuddle?” He says like I said we wouldn’t. I huff a slight laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation at hand.
Matt huffs trying and failing to hold back a smile. He gently and slowly pulls out in order to not hurt me. But I still wince from the over stimulation.
He pulls the skirt back down and than reaches for the zipper. He pulls the skirt off tossing it to the floor carelessly.
He then reaches for my long sleeve shirt. I sit up slightly so he can take that, and my bra also off.
Now being nude under him, he looks satisfied. He hums in approval and wordlessly lays down next to me, before I feel his arms go around my waist.
“You think you can warm me, baby?” He whisper sweetly into my ear. I feel a shiver run down my spine from his tone of voice. My eyes shut I take in his silk like words.
“Corse.” I breathe out pushing my hips back into him to tease him.
Matt chuckles lowly. I feel his length slide through my folds. Still being soaked in our combined juices, it was fairly easy for him to slip back in, not that it didn’t make me moan.
I felt way too sensitive, but like hell would I ever say no to this.
Matt chuckles at the low moan I let out. He has his arm spread out so I can lay on it his other arm around my waist. “You do like being full?” He asks in fake shock.
“You were the one that started this tho?” I question right back not moving at all. Simply keeping my eyes closed and enjoying the closeness and intimacy.
A /N: sorry for being gone for so long guys. Schools been overwhelming. But yeah, I hope you guys liked this. Requests and asks are open & feedback is always appreciated 💕
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun
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osaemu · 4 months
✩ ‧ ˚. synopsis: you have a cold, and he has a bag of sweets—how does your streamer boyfriend comfort you when you're sick? (streamer!au)
contents: fem!reader. fluff. pet names. very self-indulgent bc i'm sick right now and needed this for myself :,) can mostly be read outside of the streamer!au i guess.
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“i brought you some sweets!”
you look up drowsily when your boyfriend’s familiar voice pulls you out of your sleep. your eyes slowly adjust to the soft lighting of your room and to the perfect, sharp features of the face inches from yours. “satoru, how are you here—”
he cuts you off by pressing a finger to your lips, and a moment later, satoru slips some sort of candy into your mouth. “‘cause you’re sick, and i’m a good boyfriend. obviously,” he teases, smiling endearingly when your eyes light up from the sugary taste of whatever satoru gave you. “how’d you catch a cold, anyways?”
you sit up a little bit, resting your back against the headboard and your head on satoru’s shoulder. “i’m not actually sure,” you admit, snuggling into the arm that wraps itself around you.  “aw, you’re wearing the hoodie i got you,” you point out, tapping on his chest. it’s a small inside joke between the two of you—the logo on the top left of the hoodie is the one from the streamer inmaki’s channel, a user who has a long-standing reputation for being one of your boyfriend’s haters.
“only because i practically ran out of the house once i got your text,” satoru huffs, rolling his blue eyes good-naturedly. he notices the little smile on your face and the way you cover your mouth in an attempt to hide your laugh, so he pulls out his phone from his pocket and adds, “hey, what was i supposed to do when i get a message like this?”
random girl i guess i like: can u come over :( i’m sick and imy
“why’d you change my contact to ‘random girl i guess i like?’” you gasp dramatically, snatching satoru’s phone away from him. a nervous laugh slips out of your boyfriend’s lips before you turn on him, squinting your eyes at him suspiciously. “if i looked at suguru’s contact, what would i see next?”
“...you don’t wanna know.”
“satoru gojo, answer me or i swear—” you don’t get to finish your threat before a sneeze cuts you off, followed by two more that leave you deflated in satoru’s arms. somehow, your head slides down from his shoulder and ends up on his chest, and a look of concern overtakes satoru’s expression.
“how sick are you?” he asks tentatively, fishing out another candy from his pocket and prodding at your lips with it. you open your mouth and let him feed you, taking a second to relish the sweetness of the sugar-loaded bite before you shrug and sniffle again. “poor thing,” satoru coos, rounding his eyes down at you while you rub your nose to get rid of the subtle itching sensation. 
“i can’t stop sniffling,” you mumble dryly, staring up at satoru pathetically. it’s as if you’re a wet cat that’s been sitting in the rain for hours, and as if he’s the kind old man who takes you in and dries you off. satoru’s slender fingers thread themselves through your dishelved hair, stroking it and twining it around his hand. “s’ been like this for hou— no, days,” you continue, determined to complain for at least the next couple minutes. “and—”
satoru’s hands move from the top of your head to your cheeks, cupping them intensely enough to hold your face still as he leans down and gives you a quick kiss on the lips. you make a small sound in protest, not wanting to get him sick too, but he ignores you and peppers feather-like kisses all over your face. “you’re so cute like this, y’know?” he murmurs, squishing your face in between his hands. “all rumpled and bedhead-y, aww.”
“satoru, you’ll get sick,” you point out, futilely trying to lean away from his lips when he goes back in for a kiss again. “satoru!”
“i don’t care,” he grumbles, swatting away your hand when you try to pull on the strings of his hoodie. “you’re my girlfriend, and if i wanna kiss you, then i will. and i don’t care if i get sick, ‘cause i have a pretty girl to take care of me anyways, don’t i?”
you stop protesting and let him press his lips back to yours again, and even though you sniffle again about three times, satoru’s as devoted to you as ever. “really?”
“yeah. my mom— ow, i mean, you too!” he adds quickly, grinning playfully even when you swat his chest. “i’m joking, i’m joking. have some candy, sweet girl.” before you can say anything, satoru shoves a handful of bright, colorful sweets in your mouth and kisses your nose. “take a nap. i’ll be here when you wake up, i promise.”
somehow, the moment you hear satoru’s murmured reassurances, your eyes grow heavy and you surrender yourself to his grip. “m’kay…” you mumble, closing your eyes and exhaling softly. and maybe it’s your imagination, but you swear you can feel satoru’s suppressed laughter as you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. 
“wait, now what do i do?”
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worldlxvlys · 4 months
I love your writing so I was wondering if you could make this part into a smut of course if you want to
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the truth
dwb! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: dirtyyyy ass smutttt, p in v, unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, squirting, degradation if you squint, fingering, cream pie, sex tape
a/n: so…pretty much…yeah !
for @chrisstopherfilmed & @vane2realz <333
based on these texts
despite what i may have thought, chris was not joking in the slightest.
when i opened the door, he rushed in like a man on a mission.
he quickly pulled me into my kitchen, and set me on top of the counter.
“lift” he spoke firmly, making me shift my weight onto my arms and lift my hips up.
he pulled my sweatpants and underwear down in one swift motion.
“you ready to admit the truth?” he raised his eyebrows at me.
“chris-” not hearing what he wanted, he practically dove into my pussy.
“holy fuck” i whimpered out shakily, my hands gripping his hair.
i felt him smirk against me as his hands wrapped around my stomach, holding me in place.
his warm tongue moved between my folds expertly, licking up every drop of wetness that came out of me.
i gave his hair a firm tug, causing him to groan against me, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
his tongue darted in every direction before focusing on my clit. he licked and sucked me feverishly .
“chris, chris, chris! i’m gonna-“ i cut myself off with a loud moan as my senses were overtaken with pleasure.
my face scrunched up and my eyes screwed shut as he continued his assault on my overly-sensitive clit.
“mmm, chris! it’s too-” he removed his mouth, replacing it with his hand.
“you gonna admit it?” he asked.
“c-chris, fuck, i can’t-”he moved his face back to my abused cunt, placing his tongue flat against my folds.
it was impossible to keep my sore thighs still as they flew open and closed. i squirmed underneath him as he continued his brutal movements, bringing me closer and closer to my second orgasm.
chris grabbed one of my legs, pushing it up and in towards my chest before plunging his fingers into my aching hole.
“god, chris! holy- oh!” my moans echoed around the kitchen as he moved his mouth further up my body.
he placed open-mouthed kisses along my skin, leading all the way up to my jaw.
he stopped at my lips, brushing his against mine while his fingers squelched inside of my narrow walls.
“you ready to talk ma?”
i let out a whine in response, my stubbornness getting the best of me.
he’s not getting it out of me.
“no? that’s ok, we can do this all day mama. i’m having the time of my life” he spoke against my lips.
i let out a long, broken moan as i clenched around his fingers.
“you close, baby? give it to me, want every drop of your cum on my fingers”
his words sent me over the edge, as i felt my cum drip out of me and onto his fingers.
instead of stopping, however, he sped his fingers up inside of me.
“chris!-” i grabbed his wrist, trying to get him to slow down.
“i swear to god if you don’t move your hand, i’ll fuck you into the floor like a little slut” he said as he glared at me. “i don’t give a fuck how sore you are”
deciding to challenge him, i tilted my head and tightened my grip around his wrist.
he raised his eyebrows at me, almost as if he was asking, you sure you wanna do that ?
“oh, so you think this is a game?” he removed his fingers from me, lifting me off of the counter and placing me onto my hands and knees on the ground.
thank god i keep my floor clean.
the tile of the kitchen floor was cool against my skin, and the reality of the situation started to hit me as i heard him unbuckle his belt.
i don’t know why i keep testing this man.
there was silence for a moment, making me nervous before i was met with the feeling of chris pounding into me from behind.
i let out a guttural moan as he didn’t give me any time to adjust to his size.
he pushed my front half down by my back, making my nipples harden from the contact with the cold floor.
i shook my ass in the air slightly, making him let out a low groan.
“god, keep doing that” he moaned as he continued to push his hips into mine.
his thrusts grew sharper and harder making my hands shoot out under me to stop myself from falling onto the floor, face-first.
my muscles were screaming and aching from the force, but i was so wrapped up in the pleasure to focus on it.
due to how wet my pussy was coupled with chris’s size, his dick slipped out of me every now and then.
for some reason, his solution to this was to fuck me even faster.
“so good” i whispered out, unable to form more words.
“yeah? you like this? you like getting fucked on the floor like this ?”
all i could do was nod my head as my eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open.
he hooked his fingers under my chin, turning me to face him.
“look at that, fucking you so good you can’t even close that pretty mouth. let me help you” he spoke before swiping a few fingers through my folds and bringing it to my mouth.
i did as he said, taking his fingers into my mouth and slowly swirling my tongue around them.
his lust-filled eyes widened slightly as i moaned around his fingers.
without warning, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up, his chest pressing up against my back.
one of his hands held my arms behind my back, while the other grabbed one of my boobs.
the new angle allowed him to fuck me deeper, his tip kissing my cervix.
the sounds falling out of my mouth became longer and more drawn out, signaling i was getting close.
he lifted one of my legs, holding it up by the back of my knee as he continuously hit my g-spot.
“tell me what i wanna hear or i’m not letting you cum” he whispered into my ear, gently biting it.
my mind went blank as he circled his fingers on my clit.
“i- what ? what do you..” i trailed off, not even being able to remember what he was talking about.
“shit, ma. fucked you dumb, huh ? you don’t even remember why you’re being ruined like this ?”
“chris, i’m gonna cum!” i spoke as my stomach began to tighten.
“wait.” he reached over to the pocket of his pants, grabbing his phone.
he pulled up the camera app and handed it to me, “record yourself begging me to let you cum”
my eyes widen at this, but i quickly obliged, wanting nothing more than to finish.
i struggled to click the red button as my hands shook and chris’s pace made it hard to keep them still.
“need me to slow down?” he taunted, loving the effect that he had on me.
“no! no! i got it!” i spoke quickly, finally starting the video.
i looked at my reflection, taking in my fucked out appearance. my eyes were slightly red and drooping, my face and hair drenched in sweat.
the recording was shaky as chris never once let up with his relentless pace.
chris placed his chin on my shoulder, staring at me through my phone. “better start begging” he spoke, making me clench around him.
“fuckkk” he groaned as his hips stuttered and he shot his load inside of me.
“oh my god” i moaned out. “please please let me cum, chris. i need it” i cried out as he fucked his pleasure into me.
“mmm, how badly do you need it mama?” he groaned into my ear.
“i need it so so bad, fuck, please chris! wanna cum on your cock so bad!” i yelled, damn near sobbing at this point.
my body tensed up and my eyes rolled back as i tried my hardest to hold it off.
“chris, please! can’t hold it much longer! i-“
“go ahead baby” he cut me off.
as soon as he gave me permission to, i let go. i lifted myself off of him as i squirted directly onto his dick, making him moan out.
my body began to shake as i felt my cum drip out of me and down my leg.
chris wasted no time in reaching up and pulling me to sit on his face, making me squeal in surprise.
i gripped harder onto his phone as he licked me clean and left a kiss against my heat.
“that was amazing, baby” he spoke as he stood up.
i stopped the recording and placed his phone down as i leaned against the counter and took a second to catch my breath.
“you okay?” he asked as he placed his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.
“i’m amazing” i smiled as i turned to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.
“good” he spoke as he planted a kiss on my cheek.
he pulled away for a second, going to find something.
he came back with a water bottle and granola bar.
“here, have these. i’ll go run you a bath, i’m sure you’re pretty sore” he smirked lightly at the last part.
i narrowed my eyes at him, playfully hitting his chest.
“shut up”
dwb! chris masterlist
main masterlist
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sturnsdior @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @rheaakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @sturns-posts @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop
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charcoallbaby · 4 months
the chase
smutty asf. 18+
wrote this last night while i was half asleep enjoy!
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matt sturniolo was the biggest slut ever. if he wasn’t too busy with college work or being the hockey teams captain, a girl was definitely getting dicked down by him.
i was a sophomore, he was a junior so we never crossed paths until my best friend started to date one of his brothers nick. my best friend, sam was head over heelings for nick, it was annoying to be around but i was happy for him, he seemed to be really happy.
his brother matt sturniolo could never get his eyes off me when i was around him, it made me pissed off. i knew what his thoughts were, even if he was a cool guy, which he is. he’s nice and pretty and would never dare try to do something with me since sam and nick warned him that im off limits. but i think matt liked the chase, he liked the fact that he couldn’t have me. so all he did was eye fuck me across the room with a solo cup in his hand talking to some blonde who was practically begging for him. he could smile and girls would be throwing themselves at him.
i sighed before making my way over to sam and nick. “can we go?” “im getting tired,” i exhaled. “girllllll, come on!!!!” “the party is just getting started!” sam cheered. i rolled my eyes at him. nick touched my arm, “matt’s going home soon, he has a project to work on, i’m sure he’ll have no problem dropping you off.” “yeah-um sure, i’ll ask him.”
my eyes darted over to where matt was. no where to be found.
3 months later.
“it’s so fucking hot god!” i groaned. “don’t worry y/n, it’s because im here.” matt joked. i angrily rolled my eyes. “matt, what?” nick cringed. “it’s too hot in this car and i’m gonna die if we don’t get there soon.” i whined. “stop whining and be happy!” sam patted my head like a dog. “wait is there a pool or hot tub there?” chris asked nick. “hot tub chris, it’s a cabin in the middle of the woods!” “but we can just get the hot tub in while it’s cold.”
the second matt parked the car in the garage, i grabbed my bag, hopped out and ran towards the door inside. i needed to get into minimal clothing, i was wearing sweats for some reason.
“here she is!” “here she is!” sam sang out. a smile formed onto my face.
i wore a baby blue bikini set. it made my girls look amazing which rarely happens while having a heavy chest, bikini cup sizes always do me dirty.
i pulled myself up onto one of the kitchen island stools. “care to make me one?” i asked matt who was on the opposite side of the island cutting himself limes to put into his bottles of corona. “yeah sure,” he flashed me a small smile. he could be really sweet sometimes, it didn’t suit his slutty alter ego that he had. he had no shirt on. he looked really fucking good. small beads of sweat were around his neck, i wish i could lick them off. what. no. y/n stop. my eyes shifted down to his tattoos covering his right arm, it made him more attractive if that was even possible. i shook myself out of the heart-eyeing gaze i was in and turn my stool around to sam, chris and nick playing mario kart.
something cold touched my back making me jerk away from it and turn around. “here.” matt nodded his head. “thanks,” i took the bottle off him, our hands quickly touching. he had nice hands. matt made his way over to the boys in the open-planned living room joining them on the couch. “i’m just gonna go tanning!” i called out to the boys. “okay!”
i placed my headphones into my ears, pressing shuffle onto my playlist. the first song playing was “we are the people.” by empire of the sun.
i opened my eyes, something was blocking the sun. all the 4 boys standing in front of me. i ripped my headphones out of my ears. “excuse me?” i pull my sunglasses down from my head to cover my eyes. “we’re going to the store do you need anything?” sam asked. “oh-em,” “get me more tanning oil i’m out,” i propped myself up with my elbows. “girl, we meant food,” nick sighed. “oh, im good.” i smiled before laying back down. “can i have the keys?” sam asked. “oh yeah here,” i hear matt’s keys jingle. “wait,” i sat up. “who’s going?” i asked. “just me, nick and chris why?” sam pushing his hair out of his eyes. “oh no, just wondering.”
great. i’m gonna be here alone with matt.
the boys walked back inside. i picked my headphones up to put them back in my ear until i hear the door re-open. “thought i’d join you,” matt’s voice became louder.
i mentally groaned. i moved my head to my left and looked at him. “i’m not going to be doing a lot of talking, i’m tanning as you can see you,” i looked back up at the sky. a husky chuckle left matt’s mouth. “i was gonna turn on the hot tub and make the water cold for us,” i sat up for the 3rd time in the space of 2 minutes and looked at him. “nice glasses.” he teased. “thanks.” i gave him a fake smile.
i couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not they were the iconic simple black raybans.
i walked over to the hot tub, taking off the covering. “do your job.” i crossed my arms. matt laughed. “such a pretty attitude.” he walked past me and turn the hot tub on. i rolled my eyes and looked out at the view infront of us while matt did his job.
“should be good to get in.” matt picked up his bottle of beer, taking a gulp. “alright.” i dipped my foot in.
“ohhhhhhh fuck,” i moaned putting my head back in pleasure. the cold water hitting my skin felt so good against my boiling body. matt followed in after me. “so,” i clicked my tongue. matt looked at me while licking his teeth. his teeth and lips were so perfect fuck. “what’s your body count so far?” i crossed my arms. he shot me a glare.“i’m not as bad as you think i am y/n, i just like to feel good,” he put a wet hand through his dry hair. “yeah sure matt, does that mean by being inside every girl that you make eye contact with?” i tilted my head and smirked. “i’d bet you’d love it.” he raised his eyebrows and shot me a smile. “yeah, no thank you.”
i layed down on the couch in my bikini scrolling through different social media’s on my phone.
matt drained me in the hot tub. all he did was try to flirt with me and try to get me to accept to let him fuck me, so i left. it was way cooler inside from the blaring AC.
“we’re backkkkk!” nick sang while walking upstairs from the garage. i put my phone down and sat up. “did you get bottled water?” “i’m dying,” i followed nick into the kitchen. “yeah, sam and chris are bringing the groceries up now, i didn’t want to carry anything!” he chimed. i let out a small laugh before nick asked, “where’s matt?” “he’s in the hot tub,” i looked outside at him. “oooooo, i wanna get in the hot tub, “please tell me he’s not a psychopath and it’s cold?” “it’s freezing don’t worry.”
it was around 9pm. everyone was tired from the sun. all of us were in the living room, me laying on the cold floor, nick and sam sharing a arm chair, chris and matt both sprawled out on the big couch. my arm draped over my eyes while we talked while chris’ playlist while lowly playing on the tv.
“we’re off!” nick yawned. i pulled myself to sit up. “don’t go to bed too late y/n!” sam called out.
“i won’t thanks mom!” i called back.
after awhile of chris yapping to me and matt, i decided to head upstairs and going to bed.
it was 4am, i went to use my bathroom until i noticed there was no toilet paper. i groaned and made my way to my bed to grab a t-shirt to put on.
i threw on a baggy t-shirt before opening my door and making my to the bathroom. i rubbed my eyes and pushed open the half-closed door infront of me.
"fuckkkkk,” i heard a deep groan. i rubbed my eyes again. matt standing in the shower touching himself. he didn’t notice me. i quickly turned around before i heard him moan my name. no. no. no. i needed to leave. i quietly shut the door and ran back to my room.
i anxiously sat on the side of my bed biting my acrylic nails. that fucker was thinking of me while jerking off. i sighed before waiting until i could hear matt’s footsteps.
i walked out of my room to matt with a towel wrapped around his waist, wet hair and water droplets all over his body. i gulped. “showering at 4am?” i questioned. “i like night showers y/n,” he stopped. “oh yeah, i bet you do matt,” i jokingly winked. “wha-” i cut him off. “it’s okay matt, you get off to me,” i crossed my arms. “n-no, no i don’t how would you know?” his face was covered with confusion. “i have ears, anyway im going to use the bathroom,” i walked past him. he quickly grabbed my arm. “no, no,” “y/n tell me what you heard?” he quirked his eye brows up. “matt i’m going piss myself.” “i’ll see you in the morning then.”
i made way back into my room. i jumped seeing matt sitting on my bed with shorts on. his phone screen lighting up his face. “what the fuck are you doing in my room matt!” i whisper-yelled.
he smirked. “i think we should recreate what you suppose heard in the shower,” i rolled my eyes. “matt,” i sighed. “go please, i’m tired and i don’t want to fuck you sorry if that bruises your massive ego, but your probably a walking form of chlamydia,” i made my way to the opposite of my bed.
he turned and looked at me. “come on baby, i’m clean i get tested im not stupid,” he layed down on my bed, resting his hands behind his head. i layed down beside him. “i’m going asleep matthew,” i placed my head down onto the pillow behind me. “mhm,” he mumbled. he leaned down to me his lips hovering over mine, they looked so kissable. “you don’t know how bad i want to fuck you, you make it so hard when all i want to do is bury myself inbetween those thighs y/n,” he groaned. i clenched my thighs together which made his eyes shift down. a smirk now planted onto his face. “i bet your panties are soaked, can i check?” his fingers trailed down my under my shirt. i nodded my head. god what am i doing. 2 minutes ago i didn’t want him anywhere near me, now i want him everywhere.
he pulled my underwear down slowly making me impatient. i groaned and leaned my forehead against his bicep.
matt slid his fingers down my soaking pussy that was begging for his touch. “oh my fuck, “your soaking,” he groaned before slipping two fingers into me. a low moan left my mouth. “look at me,” he spoke. i quickly pulled my head up and looked at him. he picked the pace up hitting my g-spot making me moan loudly. “there it is,” matt whispered. all he did was hit my g-spot making me on the verge of my orgasm. “come on sweetheart, finish on my fingers.” his thumb met my clit making my orgasm come quicker. i clenched around his fingers and shivered while coming down from my high.
matt’s fingers were in his mouth tasting me. “you taste so sweet,” his lips finally meeting mine. i hungrily kissed him, i didn’t know i had this much energy from just coming down from my high. his right hand met my waist slowly pulling my shirt up. “take it off,” he mumbled. i quickly took my shirt off before placing my lips back onto his. his hands met my nipples. he pulled his lips away from me before placing his warm mouth onto my nipple slowing sucking it. “matt,” i moaned eyes rolling back from the pleasure. he pulled away from me. “that’s all i wanted to hear from the moment, i met you.” he grunted. “fuck me, please.” “as you wish.”
he was massive. i didn’t know if he would be able to fit inside of me.
he lined himself up with my entrance. “ready?” his chain hanging over me. i nodded my head. his head slowly entered me before pushing his whole self into me. “ohhhhh,” i let slip out. “you ready baby?” he asked again before kissing me. “mhm.” i mumbled.
matt was pounding into me roughly and i wouldn’t want it any other way. god he felt so good inside of me. i have been missing out.
he slowly pulled out of me finishing all over my stomach. his load tripping down my hips. i quickly picked it up with my fingers and placing my fingers into my mouth. the salty-sweet taste entering my mouth. “i think you were made for me y/n, you feel way too good.” matt mumbled into my neck.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hi there! I love all your work and I saw wife!reader and alastor getting married when they were alive and wanted to know how they met or who fell in love first.
You don't have to do this though, have a lovely day! ❤️
I really love this...I won't do how they met because I want people to be able to decide that for themselves but..
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Reader goes on a date, Implied Murder, Alastor being jealous, Suggestive
Description: ☝️⬆️
You are most likely the one who falls first, not that anybody could blame you, Alastor is F I N E
He's a well sought after man with his good looks, charming conversation skills and various other talents
So it makes sense that when you meet him and get to know him a little more, you're smitten with the radio host
But you're well aware that the chances of becoming an item with Alastor are slim to none
He's never once showed an interest in being in a relationship and visibly tenses when someone flirts with him
So you resolve yourself to try and get over this little crush and keep your friendship with him intact
If you were being honest with yourself, then it's more than just a crush, you're head over heels in love with him
You two do become fast friends though, something always drawing the two of you close, a sort of magnetic pull
You're practically the best of friends, always together, inside jokes, judging people together
A dozen almost kisses, romantically charged interactions, almost sexually charged drunken escapades
You even bring him food when he's at work so that he doesn't forget to eat and take care of himself
He sets aside time to take you to different restaurants, clubs, parks, anywhere that might be enjoyable
People are quick to assume you two are a couple, but you're always quicker to correct them
It's the truth but it sort of bothers him
He can't deny that you're great company, or that you're beautiful, or that he hates it when you're not smiling
Or that he has a great...fondness for you and your little quirks/talents
He's very attached to you to say the least, you're an important person in his life
That's what he tells people anyways
He doesn't even realize that he's in love with you until you're suddenly gushing about meeting someone new
You look so hopeful, so excited that some guy asked you out but the idea of you on a date makes his skin crawl
But you're only so hopeful and excited because you think maybe this guy will help you get over your feelings for Alastor?
He's a very sweet man, cute, funny, a little touchy-feely but nothing you can't handle
You don't notice the way Alastor's smile twitches ever so slightly whenever you bring up your date
Or his sour tone and the way he tries to discourage you from going
"Y/N, do you even like him? Can you picture yourself having a future with him?"
"That's why I'm going on a date with him, besides... he's very sweet to me!"
Another eye twitch and a sound that's almost like a snarl, Alastor is sweet to you, this guy isn't special
Okay, you notice but you assume he's just being protective
Alastor doesn't even realize his thunderous expression until your soft hand grips his chin, forcing him to lock eyes with you
"Alastor, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl and I can handle myself, you don't need to worry about me.."
Even though you want him to worry about you, you want him to beg you not to go, to tell you that he-
But he won't
His attitude only gets worse once he actually sees the guy who asked you out on a date
Oh no he's hot
If Alastor knew the word, then he would surely call him a himbo but he doesn't know that word, so he just calls him "Next."
Watching you interact with him was something that was truly sickening, seeing someone so clearly enamored with you
And you're enjoying the attention, Alastor gives you attention, he compliments you and takes you to fun places
Just never with obvious romantic intentions before...
Your date kisses your hand and Alastor wants to scrub it clean for you, Alastor can kiss you-
Kissing you wouldn't be so bad...or possibly more...
What was all that sickeningly sweet stuff you used to talk about couples doing together? Dates, cuddling, sex? He could do that, with you that is-
It's a little hot under his collar all of a sudden
It's not like Alastor hasn't already been practically taking you out on dates, courting you
Everyone already thinks you two are a couple anyways
Fuck he's in love with you and he's probably already missed his chance
He wrestles with himself over the sudden revelation all the days leading up to your date
It's not until you come out looking like the most heavenly creature on earth that Alastor realizes you're actually going on a date
"You... you're really going to go out with him? You can do so much better, Y/N."
He doesn't miss the frustrated look on your face and the way you hug yourself
"Well, he's the only one who's taken an interest in me, Al."
"And if someone else asked you?"
He's cautious with his words, already formulating a plan in his head based off of your reaction
"...there's only one person who I want to take notice of me."
Oh he's stealing you away now
He stands up and slaps his hands on your arms, giving you a charming smile as he leans in
Your body instinctively reacts, and you lean in to meet him halfway, your lips drawn to his-
"Make sure you guys tune into my show later tonight, okay? I'll have something special whipped up for your date!"
He hugs you and leaves you feeling more conflicted than ever, the feeling doesn't leave even after Alastor sees you off for your date
Your lips still tingle from that almost kiss
Your date is absolutely ruined, Alastor having completely taken over your thoughts with his strange behavior
Not that he didn't always take over your thoughts already
But you can hardly focus on your date, who's very sweet, very dumb and a little too touchy for your tastes
You end the date early, already knowing there's no shaking off your love for your best friend
You'll just long for Alastor for the rest of yours days...
Then you remember he asked you to tune into his radio show! Without even realizing it, your feet have taken you to his radio tower
You can hear him in there, getting ready for his show, you grab the handle and press your ear to the door
"Good evening, folks! I would like to dedicate this special song to the love of my life! My soulmate, Y/N!"
You feel your body freeze as a familiar song fills your ears, a song that was special only to you and Alastor
It's the closest thing to a confession that you'll probably ever get from him-
You'll take it
When you open the door to the broadcast booth you can tell he's surprised to see you there
"I thought you would at least be letting him drive you home by now..."
He's nervous but clearly trying to hide it, making his way towards you slowly
"I just wanted to be here with you..."
His arms are sliding around your waist, the nervousness he had before melting away into a smug grin
He's so fucking handsome
"You missed me so much that you ditched you date~?"
Your fingers are tangling in his hair as you pull him in closer, lips nearly touching as the emotions between you two threaten to burst
"And you just dedicated an entire love song to me on air to steal me away from my date."
His warm breath hits your face as he chuckles, bypassing your waiting lips to kiss your ear softly instead
"What can I say, my dear? I'm a fool when it comes to love~"
His voice nearly makes your knees buckle, but Alastor easily holds you up, pushing you up against the door while giving you a bruising kiss
For someone who's never really taken an interest in relationships, he's a really talented fucking kisser
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I really hope you like this one! I had so much fun with it!
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v5ttelfilms · 9 months
methinks max and little leclerc flirt in a distinct way. it's more teasing and playful in nature, probably thick with inside jokes and ughhh😩
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max would be all relaxed, just looking at you with a self assured smile, asking, "when will you give me a chance, schatje?" as he looks at you from his perch on the hood of his very flashy aston martin.
"when pigs fly, verstappen." you look up from your phone, to give him a sweet smile, only to lose it in the blink of an eye monotonously. max made a show of putting a hand on his chest, bending his shoulders as to emphasise how much his heart had shaken with the look you gave him.
"you give me so much hope, schat." he sighs dreamily, looking at you earnestly that his eyes sparkled. you finally smiled, rolling your eyes with a small laugh, "don't you ever get tired of this dance?" you remark, amusedly.
his mouth opens to respond, but you both hear the faint exclaim of your name from the distance, a friend of yours waving their hands to beckon you over.
before you could even walk away, max jumps from his seat. he looked resolute, a stubborn furrow on his brow.
"let me take you out. i'll be good." max promises you in a honeyed voice. "i'll even keep my hands to myself, scout's honor." he brandishes an x to his chest, looking at you hopefully.
you notice the difference in him this time; besides the fact that this was the first time he asked you, no, infromed you of his plan to take you out. he finally seemed to find that misplaced confidence once again. he was certain and sure of himself. you kind of liked this look on him.
"somewhere nice." you reply, and max blinks rapidly, as if trying to register your agreement. "and button up's, please." you graze your hands over his collar, giggling at his completely shocked form; unmoving and practically unresponsive with his disbelief.
"and if you don't watch me walk away, date's off." you pat his chest, moving away from him and towards your friend.
you hear the incoherent shouts from behind you, as if max had forced his body to finally move; your friend looked at the exciting scene of one max verstappen fist bumping the air.
"should i be concerned?" she asks you, bemused, while you shake your head and giggled.
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jjunieworld · 4 months
from the start ⊹៹🎐༉‧₊˚
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pairing: choi soobin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, bestfriends to lovers, first love!soobin, mutual (unknown) pining, a drop of angst (i can’t help myself)
synopsis: you never really understood the saying “you’ll always remember your first love,” but that was before you fell in love with your bestfriend soobin. now all of it makes sense. you notice everything about him, from his dimpled smile to the way he could go on and on about the things he loves. and that just makes you fall for him more. cupid has shot an arrow through your heart and you can’t take keeping your feelings for him inside anymore.
word count: 3.1k┊v-day event masterlist┊masterlist
a/n: based off from the start by laufey and part two of my v-day event! you already know i had to write for the first love!soobin agenda, it’s just too good! hoped you got the movie reference i threw in there ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა enjoy! ♡
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if you were being honest, you weren’t listening to a single thing that soobin was saying to you. you had your head in your hand that was resting on the table, a lazy smile grazed your lips. the drinks and food the both of you got at your local café had been long abandoned. staring at him intently, his words went through one ear and out the other.
instead, you were more focused on the way he was speaking. arms flailing around as he explained to you whatever it was that he was talking about, his face shifting from expression to expression. the way he would look at you occasionally with slightly wide eyes that shined brightly, the corners of his lips always tilted upwards. god, you were so in love with him. just watching him talk made you fall deeper and deeper.
“y/n… are you listening?”
your ears perked up at the sound of your name. there was a slight awkwardness hanging in the air as soobin awaited your answer. soobin looked at you with those slightly wide eyes, still shining. there was a sheepish smile on his face, making you look at his dimpled cheeks. “of course i’m listening!” you replied. “keep talking!” soobin laughed shyly before continuing.
this time you focused on what he was saying. “—and, i don’t know, i just feel like she would really like it! do you think a locket is too much? would you like a locket in this situation?” you held down the urge to roll your eyes at the mention of your best friend’s crush. it killed you inside knowing that he didn’t feel the same way about you.
“a locket is cute! i’d like it if someone got me a locket! would wear it everyday even,” you pushed out, a practiced fake smile appearing on your face. soobin’s smile widened and you felt your heart leap at the sight. “really?” he asked. “it’s not too much?” you shook your head, your smile becoming ever so slightly less fake. the way he was staring at you like you held all the answers in the universe, you couldn’t take it anymore. why did he have to look at you like that?
you thought of confessing your feelings for him right then and there, even if you knew it would end in disaster. you could practically feel cupid’s arrow in your heart. if only soobin did too. the scenario rang in your head, the crushing, unrequited heartbreak, the end of the two of you being best friends. you could never do it, not that you would anyway. ever since you admitted that you were in love with soobin, you were a giggling mess around him, cheeks always heated. quietness hanging between the two of you that you so desperately wish he’d fill. tell you how much he liked you too.
when you first heard the saying “you always remember your first love,” you didn’t really understand it. but then again, you were never in love before. not until now. not until the feelings for your childhood best friend hit you full force. not until soobin. though you knew you would never be together, that didn’t stop you from melting everytime he smiled at you. laughed at one of your lame jokes. sat close to you, head on top of yours as you watched a movie together. a burning pain shot through your heart.
“should i get it in gold or silver?” soobin asked, oblivious to your inner turmoil. you shrugged a little, “depends on her, really. just pay attention to the kind of jewelry she wears.” he nodded, deep in thought, as his eyes trailed along the rings on your fingers. “everyone’s different,” you added. “perfect! thank you, y/n! i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
you laid your hands onto the table, trying not to let the hurt show through your smile.
everytime you asked who this mystery girl was, soobin would always divert the question to something else. it was bad enough that he was clearly in love with someone else, but it was even worse that he wouldn’t even tell you who this someone else was. you were his best friend, for crying out loud!
soobin would go on and on about this girl, tell you how perfect she was, how she was his dream girl. “she’s everything i’ve ever wanted,” he had told you once. you thought he was thinking a little too far ahead. it’s only been about two months since he’s been telling you about her, at least openly, asking for your input on various gifts or conversation topics.
you were brought back to reality with soobin sighing dreamily. his head was in his hands, tilted to the side, and his body was leaned onto the table. “y/n, she’s so perfect. you don’t understand—“
blah blah blah, you thought. you lifted your eyebrows, nodding along at his words. you couldn’t take hearing any more of it. the idea of confessing your feelings became more and more tempting. even if it did ruin your friendship forever, at least you wouldn’t have to hear him daydream about some other girl.
“binnie, i’m sorry to cut you off, but i gotta go…” you trailed off, lying through your teeth. soobin’s smile faltered slightly as he glanced at his phone. “o-oh, okay!” you both stood to your feet. soobin handed you your bag of food and your drink, which you took from him with a smile. he pulled you into a tight hug, his hands resting at the small of your back, as he said, “don’t forget about our movie tonight.”
soobin pulled away, but still held you in his arms. “wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, causing him to smile. the two of you were so close, faces inches away from each other, that your heart started to beat rapidly. he let go of you and you felt empty without his warm embrace. soobin’s eyebrows raised suddenly, his face falling into a serious expression. “and you’re sure the locket isn’t too much?”
you just smiled, “if it were me, i would love it.” you exchanged your goodbyes and you speed walked to your car. you didn’t even know why he bothered with these gifts. the last two gifts he gave this mystery girl, she didn’t even end up liking.
“she didn’t really like them,” soobin had told you, the two of you were walking down the streetlight illuminated sidewalk. the cold winter air pierced through your thin jacket. he handed the gift to you, it was still in its elaborately decorated box. you opened it, a shocked smile on your face at its contents. it was a pair of knitted mittens that he clearly had gotten handmade. you remembered him telling you about it a few weeks ago. “but when i asked you, you said you’d really like them. so why let them go to waste!” soobin added.
that’s usually how his gift giving to this mystery girl went. it made you really dislike whoever she was. all these well thought out gifts from soobin and she couldn’t even have the common courtesy to accept them? it made your blood boil.
you looked to your hands that were resting on your steering wheel. those same knitted handmade mittens soobin had gifted you a month ago covered them. sighing at them, you pulled them off and threw them onto your passenger seat as you drove home.
laying on your bed, you looked through your window at the setting sun. the hues of dark blue and burnt wisps of orange perfectly visualizing how you felt. the moon shined brightly against the darkening backdrop, illuminating you.
“what should i do?” you asked the moon. the moon didn’t give a response. instead, she shined brighter as the world got darker. you sighed and sat up, it was almost time to meet soobin as his place for your movie night. “should i just tell him tonight, after the movie? face the terrifying unrequited instead of letting my love for him drive me insane?”
again, there was no response from the moon. you stood and walked to the window, staring up at the moon from the open blinds. “either way, damage will be done. you’re right, moon.”
tonight, you were gonna confess your feelings. you were gonna spend the whole movie taking in as much of your best friend before you ultimately lose him. you began getting ready, laughing wryly. “i sound like a lunatic,” you muttered to yourself.
just as you had finished getting ready, making sure to keep your outfit casual, you had gotten a text from soobin asking when you were coming. you shot him a quick text back, telling him you were on your way, as you raced to put your jacket on. you made sure to wear the gifts he had given you that this mystery girl didn’t want; the handmade mittens, a charm bracelet, and a pair of cute but simple earrings.
soobin had flung his door open, a wide smile lighting up his features. he ushered you in, to where he already had everything set up. a big bowl of popcorn sat on the living room table. the movie that the two of you were gonna watch, flipped, was ready to play on the tv.
“wow, you already have everything ready!” you commented as you took a seat on the couch. soobin sat down directly next to you, so close that your arms were pressed together. he gave you a shy smile, a chuckle on his lips, “i take our movie nights seriously!”
at some point in the movie, you had cuddled up into his side, your head resting on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around you as you stared at the screen. it was hard to focus on the movie with soobin playing with the charm bracelet he had gifted you absentmindedly. you shifted slightly, trying to focus your thoughts on the movie.
it was proving more and more increasingly difficult as the movie drew nearer and nearer to the end. the only relief you got was when soobin had paused the movie to make more popcorn.
the two of you had gotten slightly distracted. you were trying to see who could catch the piece of popcorn in their mouth first and you were both failing horrible. the sound of your giggles filled the room as the piece of popcorn somehow bounced off your nose and landed in your mouth. you raised your arms in the air as you cheered, laughing happily. “i can’t believe i got that!”
“you must’ve cheated somehow!” soobin pouted lightly. the two of you were facing each other, popcorn bowl between you. you took a couple pieces of popcorn from the bowl and ate them smugly, “no… i’m just that good!” soobin laughed and it was so infectious that it made you join in as well.
“how could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful?”
you doubled over onto his chest, briefly forgetting about the movie and almost spilling the bowl of popcorn between the two of you. you and soobin’s laughs filled the room, seemingly laughing at nothing at this point. laughing because the other was laughing. you wished it could be like this forever.
soobin glowed in the silver light of the tv screen, and you had to refrain yourself from staring openly at him. you snuck looks at him when he was distracted, looking down to get more popcorn or throwing his head back slightly to laugh. it wasn’t enough.
once the movie ended and you had helped soobin clean up is when you really felt like your heart was gonna escape your chest from how hard it was pounding against the cage of your ribs. this was it. this was your time to confess.
you took in your best friend's appearance for what would probably be the last time, taking in every last detail. the way he stood so tall that he towered over you. the way he walked around the room making sure not to knock things over. the way his dimples appeared when he talked or smiled and how said smile was always directed at you. you took a deep breath and tried to steady yourself for what you were about to say next.
“hey, binnie?” you called out to him. he turned from where he stood next to the tv, messing with the buttons on the side of it. he had turned the lights on so you both were no longer in the dark. a small smile spread across his mouth, “yeah?” you took another deep breath, you had to get this off your chest. it was now or never. now or watch him obsess over someone else for the rest of your life.
“i love you,” you said. soobin turned to you fully from where you sat curled into the side of the couch, remote control hanging from his fingertips limply. his features softened and he looked at you fondly, “i love you too, y/nie.” you smiled slightly but shook your head. “no, i mean—i love you, love you,” you tried to clarify, looking away as your cheeks heated.
out the corner of your eye you saw him move towards you and felt the couch cushion dip next to you. his hand entered your vision as it cupped your cheek, guiding your face to look at his. soobin had a big smile on his face. your brows furrowed, “why are you smiling? i’m being serious, soobin!”
soobin just laughed a little, causing your confusion to deepen. did he really think you were joking? your eyes widened when instead of the rejection you were expecting, soobin instead softly joined his lips together with yours. “you idiot,” he finally replied against your lips, deepening the kiss as he pulled you closer to him.
after he pulled away, you were left breathless and even more confused. soobin looked at you with so much love in his eyes it had taken you aback. it was as if the veil between the two of you had been lifted. “i love you, love you, too,” soobin smiled.
“b-but, what—the mystery girl you’ve been talking about, what about her? didn’t you say she was your dream girl? your soulmate?” you stammered.
soobin chuckled as he got up from the couch. he walked back over to the tv and reached behind it, grabbing a small, nicely decorated box. soobin walked back over to the couch and sat down next to you again. he held the box out to you, “you beat me to the confession.”
you were in such shock all you could do was take the box numbly. when you opened it, you let out a gasp. there laid the locket soobin had been going on and on about earlier today, it’s intricately designed heart tugging on your emotions. you looked up to him, a bright smile on your face.
“there was no other girl,” soobin spoke, “only you. i guess i kinda messed up with my whole approach. i didn’t mean for it to seem like there was someone else, i was only trying to gauge your reactions to see if you liked me back…” you lightly shoved him, mouth still open in shock. “so you’re saying your dream girl, your soulmate, was me?” you asked. you desperately needed the clarification, to hear it come out of his own mouth in his own words.
soobin laughed, his features brightening with his smile, “yes, it was you! i have loved you from the start!”
you gently sat the locket box on the table and practically threw yourself onto his lap, attacking his lips with kisses. soobin laughed throughout the whole thing, holding your waist. “you idiot,” you started as you pulled back. “why didn’t you say anything?”
“why didn’t you?” he countered, then grimaced slightly as he remembered his mistake. “nevermind,” soobin added, making you laugh. “i didn’t want things to change between us for the worse. i didn’t want to lose my best friend.”
you kissed him again, “you could never lose me.” you grabbed the locket box and took the necklace out of it. soobin gently took from your hands and motioned for you to turn around, which you did. he clasped the locket onto your neck and you looked down at it as you turned back to him. it matched your charm bracelet and earrings perfectly.
“open it,” soobin said lightly. inside, on each side, was a picture of you and a picture of him. “when you close it, we kiss!” he exclaimed, demonstrating for you. you giggled and pressed your lips to his. “thank you, binnie, i love it. i love you.”
you and soobin had been dating for almost a year when he presented you with one of his many gifts over the span of your relationship. the two of you were at the park where you had met as kids, taking in the lush scenery and cool air.
“you have to stop giving me so many gifts,” you muttered as he showed you the box. your words got caught in your throat when you opened it to find a ring inside. the ring matched all of the other jewelry he had gotten you. you looked at soobin with eyes so wide they were gonna pop out of your head. “this isn’t the real thing,” soobin stated. “that moment will be a lot more special. but take this as my promise to love you forever.”
soobin slipped the ring onto your left hand ring finger and pressed a kiss against it. tears brimmed in your eyes as you pulled him into a tight hug. when you pulled away, the tears had fallen and were trailing down your cheeks. soobin cupped your face and wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs, then kissed you passionately.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him to you. “i love you so much, soobin,” you said against his lips with a warm smile. you rested your forehead against his. “i love you more,” soobin replied.
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
permanent taglist: @jjunberry @gothgyuu @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @kittyhyuka @dani-is-tired @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @rapmonie2047 @riaawr
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chuuyasfanboy · 5 months
Happy new year! This popped into my head on my way home from a party, so I figured I better write it LOL
Can you tell I'm still figuring out my blog formatting-
"I'll fuck you into next year."
Dazai x GN!Reader
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Sex with Dazai comes in two forms. And more often than not, it's wholly unserious. Sure, on certain events (Birthdays, Valentine's day, Anniversaries, etc.) he goes out of his way to be romantic. But casual banging, on New Year's Eve no less? You can't possibly expect him not to crack some jokes.
Not that it doesn't feel good. No, no. Your legs are pushed against your chest in a mating press, and he's reaching so deep inside you that you think you might explode. Grunts and moans fill the room alongside a melody of skin against skin. But in-between groans and kisses planted so gently on your neck, Dazai's doing nothing but laughing. You aren't fairing much better.
"God, I'm gonna fuck you all the way into the next year, you hear me?"
11:49; he wasn't too far off from that goal. And while your stamina was nothing compared to his, he was sure you could make it just ten more minutes. Right? You were practically made for him, after all.
11:58; he pulled away for only a second, just enough time to adjust the display of your bedside clock, the seconds now counting down below the hours and minutes. As he pressed back inside you, his gaze remained firmly in place on the clock, freeing a hand from holding your thighs to instead cares your cheek, grinning.
And when the clock begun to ding, he let out the most animated moan he could manage, suddenly shifting to act like a man starved.
"Oh, baby, I feel like I haven't had you all to myself since last year~!"
This is what you get for choosing to date Dazai. But is he worth it? Absolutely, yes.
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evan4ever · 10 months
could you write some smut ab evan being jealous?
I Don’t Share
Evan Peters
TW smut smut smut. Pretty dirty. 18+
Let’s just pretend I didn’t just take a 4 month hiatus 🫣. Anyways😅 enjoy! Didn’t proofread btw!
“Are you always this funny?!” Finn (Wittrock) laughed along side of you, his hands on either side of his head as if you blew his mind. Your own loud laughter filled the dressing room, your head nodding to his question in confidence.
“I…” you start, struggling to catch your breath, “I am, in fact. I find myself to be quite the comedian!” Your laughter simmers to a quieter giggle, your eyes still looking at him confidently. He nods along, agreeing with your statement.
“I believe it! I can’t believe I haven’t sat and visited with you like this before. You really help lighten the mood and take some pressure off.” You smile at his light praise, not thinking anymore into it other than a new friend who happened to find you as funny as you like to think yourself to be.
“I try to stand back and not get in the way. I really enjoy watching Evan in his element. Meeting all of you happens to be a great plus.” You shrug lightly, nonchalantly.
“You’re something else. God, a mood, really! I’m glad I had the chance to finally have a real conversation to you. And not disappointed in the least!” He nudges your arm lightly with his as another string of giggles leaves both of your mouthes.
“I’m glad I could be at your service!” You joke, lifting your chin proudly.
As your conversation with Finn continues over the next hour, Evan frowns in the middle of his scene once again, overhearing it from the distance, causing the scene to be cut.
“Peters?!” The director yells in question. “The hell is your problem? Stay in character, this is the FOURTH time we’ve had to cut a scene for godsake!” Everyone glanced at Evan curiously, though he just lets out a deep breath and nods. “Right. Let’s take a break people!”
Everyone begins filing out for their short break. Even stands watching everyone while his ears zone in on the sounds of yours and Finn’s laughter still filling the whole building. He has no reason to be jealous, he wholeheartedly trusts you, but that pit of burning rage in his stomach can’t be helped. Usually, you’re out here, watching him, laughing with him. Usually, he gets to admire the beautiful sound of your giggles and the stunning sight of your smile. But today, you’re out of his sight, laughing with someone else, someone else admiring you the way he does. And it just doesn’t help that it’s a great coworker of his.
Finally, Evan peels himself from his spot in the middle of the set up and makes his way to the dressing room. The laughter between you and Finn loudens and the jealousy within Evan grows.
Before he marches into the dressing room, Evan manages to stop himself at the door and gather himself enough to make it less noticeable that he’s jealous. He clears his throat and knocks at the door before opening and walking in. Unfortunately, the sigh of you on the couch with Finn next to you, practically on and drooling over you, only furthers his jealously.
“Hey babe!” You grin at Evan, whose eyes are only on Finn. He quickly shoots you a smile before dropping it and clearing his throat, again.
“Hey, y/n, can I steal you for a minute? Got something to show you.” His smiles lessens to a tight lipped grin, and you quickly realize something is off with him. Your once giggling self now serious. You nod to Evan before looking over to Finn who gives you a knowing smile and nod.
Pushing yourself from the couch, you make your way to Evan who guides you past him and out the door, closing it behind him.
“Is everything oka-“
Your quickly cut off by Evan pulling you into a dark room, shutting the door and locking the two of you inside.
You stand in the middle of the small room, the smell of bleach and other cleaning products suggesting it’s the janitors closet, staring at Evan with confusion, what you can see of him on the dark anyways.
“What is up with you?” Your demeanor changes as you cross your arms over your chest and tilt your head to the side with an annoyed look on your face.
All you can make out of him is his body standing before you, still. Until his arms moves behind his head and the sound of scratching suggests he is, awkwardly, itching the back oh his head.
“Evan, seriously, what’s your-“
“Finn.” He interrupts you. You raise your eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate.
“What about Finn-“
“He was flirting with you!” Evan barks loudly. Taken back, you drop your arms to your side and squint at him trying to see him better but to no avail.
“Jesus, is there not a light in here?!” You huff, turning and moving your hands all over the wall feeling for a light switch. You weren’t trying to divert the statement, but you just didn’t realize that’s what was happening, if it really was.
Through your quick hand movements against the wall, you suddenly feel Evans body move closer to yours, till he was practically against you. Your hands again drop to their sides as you stare into the darkness where Evan is. You can feel the tension, so thick you could cut it with a knife, but fuck was it turning you on. You could hear his deep breaths mixed with yours, feel the heat radiating from his body onto yours, you wanted nothing more than to fall into his lips but it was like you were paralyzed, wondering what was going through his mind.
Your body jolts slightly in surprise as the light suddenly turns on, looking above you and seeing Evans hand releasing the long beaded rope to the single lightbulb on the ceiling. A half chuckle escapes from your lips nervously as you look back to Evan, his dark eyes already peering into you, making the wind feel as if it’s knocked from your lungs.
Not often do you see this side of Evan. He’s a kind, gentle man. Even in bed. If you want it rough, you have to practically beg him because he just isn’t. It isn’t in him, despite what’s seen on TV. He’s an actor, after all. So to see him now, looking so dark and almost cold — it’s different. But damn, does it turn you on like nothing else.
You clear your throat as you attempt to stare him back down, but failing miserably.
“I didn’t know he was flirting with me, Evan.” You glance back to his unfaltering stare before looking away. “Really. He sat down and we just started visiting. I cracked a few jokes because the entire cast seemed on edge. It lightened the mood. That’s all it was to me. If it was more to him, I had no idea.” You explain in all honesty. It was a good time laughing with Finn, but you never looked at it more than a friend and a friend having a good time with a few good laughs.
But Evan didn’t find it funny. And he knows your part is truth, but it doesn’t stop the jealousy on the other end.
You are his, and his only.
After a few more awkward seconds of silence, you groan, shifting from one foot to the other. “Evan, seriously!” You whisper/yell, now finally looking into his eyes as he was yours, but within the second, Evan had you pinned against the closet wall. It had taken you by surprise, a breath drawn in and being held as you piece together what had just happened.
His face was so close to yours now, and all you could do was stare at his perfect, pink lips.
“I don’t share.” Your eyes flicker up to his in surprise at his words. Your lips part to say something but before you had a chance, his own lips crash onto them in a deep, passionate, open-mouthed kiss.
You melt into him, his arms holding you up by your waist now, until you find the strength to slide your arms up his biceps and onto either side of his face pulling him to you more if it were even possible. He allows you to hold onto him, pull on him, whatever it was you wanted to do he’d let you, because he was just as much yours as you were his.
Finally pulling away for some air, he looks back down at you noticing your now perfectly swollen pink lips, a half smile appearing on his own with pride. “I don’t share.” He repeats.
You gaze up at him in awe, a complete desperate mess against his body.
You nod slowly. “I don’t want you to.”
Evan let’s out a deep throaty sigh, quickly grabbing the bottom of your shirt and pulling it up with your sports bra, your arms raising to allow them to slide off you with ease, his hands immediately returning to your waist and gripping it so tightly it almost hurt, and pulling you back into a kiss.
Your hands quickly slide down his body and find the buttons of his jeans, fumbling with in an attempt to get them off him. His hands meet yours as he helps in undoing them and pulling them down enough to give him some freedom before moving to your athletic leggings. His fingers hoop underneath and slide them down your legs, wriggling yourself out of them as well and leaving you bare.
Without hesitation, Evans hand scoop you up from under your thighs and rest you against his waist, the wall helping hold you as well as your legs that wrap around him. His lips quickly meet your neck, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down to your collar bone.
“I would’ve liked your shirt off..” you hum, your head falling against the wall as you take pleasure in the feeling his lips have against your cold skin. You hear a chuckle from him, smiling slightly at knowing he was feeling less tense about the situation.
Evans head lifts and his eyes meet yours again. He takes a moment to gaze at you, taking in your beauty and rejoicing in the feeling of knowing you felt the same, regardless of the jealousy he had previously endured. His hands lifts from your waist and soothes some stray hairs that had fallen onto your face back before letting it rest gently against your head.
“I love you.” He hums, his thumb caressing over your cheek one onto your temple. You breathe in, enjoying this moment while it lasts, before pulling his face back to yours into soft kiss.
But as quick as the moment came, it went, feeling the kiss deepen into more passion and hunger for each other. Evans hands find your own that we’re holding his face, taking them in his and guiding them against the wall. He slides them up until they’re completely above you both, taking them into one of his hands easily and pressing them hard against it now so you had no chance of moving them.
He parts from you just enough to see what he was doing, your eyes watching his every move carefully and excitedly. He grabs ahold of his erection that had been pressing against your thigh this entire time and strokes it, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling and only turning you on further. It almost hurt how badly your pussy was aching to feel him inside of you.
He finally guides his dick to your entrance, lining it up perfectly and allowing himself to slide into it with ease. Your mouth parts as you moan in unison with him, your head falling back against the wall.
“Fuck…” he hums, “you’re so wet. All for me?” He glances up at you, still in excitement, and you nod quickly, almost aggressively, just ready for him to fuck you.
“Yes, yes” you whimper, attempting to rock your hips for some kind of friction to ease the ache that was still there. “Fuck, please Evan..” you open your eyes and meet his with a desperate pout. Evan grins, his eyebrows raising playfully.
“Please, what?”
You groan quietly. It’s so rare that he makes you beg for him to fuck you, but it was so goddamn hot when he does.
“Please.. please fuck me.” You beg, squeezing your eyes shut as your hips continue their attempt to rock against him for some relief.
“Tell me your mine.” He demands as he pulls out slightly. “Tell me how you only want me to fuck you, that you want Finn to watch so he knows you belong to me.” He’s now almost pulled from you completely, leaving behind a worsening ache and throb in your pussy.
“Fuck Evan! I’m yours! I’m only yours” you take a deep breath trying to control your uneven breathing and trembling, “I want Finn to watch you fuck me so good that he never wants to look at me again” you whine, fulfilling his wishes. You gasp loudly as he thrusts back into you hard, pulling out immediately after.
“Keep going.”
You meet his eyes, surprised with the complete dominance he’s taken right now. And you were happily going to oblige.
“I want Finn to see your cock fucking my dripping cunt so he knows just how wet you make me..” Evan slams himself back into you causing another moan to escape, “I want him to know just how good you make me feel, I want him to know that no one else can fuck me like you do.”
Evan repeats his thrust into you, speeding up with every word that leaves your tongue. His grip on your wrists tighten so much that it’s sure to leave a few marks, but the pain is nonexistent as you disappear into the complete ecstasy feeling that overtakes your body.
“Fuck, yes… I want Finn to watch you make me cum all over your dick.” You moan out, the sound of his hips slapping into yours so loud that surely, everyone has to hear it.
Your legs wrap around his waist tighter as his thrusts grow faster and sloppier. His head falls against your chest, his free hand gripping your waist tightly to keep you in place.
“He’ll know only i can fuck you like this..” Evan repeats your words in a deep groan, his teeth taking your delicate skin on your chest between them and nibbling hard, until a dark purple mark is left. “Only I can mark you when and we’re I want.” He moans, kissing the bruise and resting his forehead against you.
“Fuck yes, don’t stop fucking me Evan” you whimper, your fingers attempting to grip onto his that are still holding them. “I want you to make me cum so good that he can hear it from in here.” You beg.
He grins against your skin, releasing your waist and letting his hand find its way between your bodies until it stops on your clit. He quickly starts circling it with his thumb, your mouth parting in a gasp and your body jolting at the new overpowering sensation.
“Oh right there, yes Evan, fuck!” You whimper put more moans, Evan moaning at the beautiful sounds you make and speeding both his thrusts and his thumb up to help you reach your high. “Oh god, I’m gonna cum” you nod to him as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten more and more with every move he makes.
With one final hard thrust, you crumble into him as your orgasm takes over your body, a long string of moans filling the small closet as your high makes Evan reach his, pulling out and stroking his dick to ride his out, his thumb working on your clit to ride yours out.
As your moans quiet, your legs shake as they attempt to keep themselves wrapped around his waist. Evan slowly releases your wrists from above your head and carefully helps you stand, his hands holding your waist again for support as you catch your breath. You lean yourself back into the wall, lazily smiling up at him as you watch him tuck himself back into his boxers and jeans.
He glanced at you as you watch him on awe and shoots you a nearly embarrassed smile before reaching down for your clothing. He hands your shirt and bra to you before bending down and opening one pant leg and letting you hold onto him as you slip your foot into it, then he opens the other pant leg and slides them up onto your waist. You take a moment to put your shirt on, then lean back into the wall as you stare at each other.
“I’m not sure where that came from..”
“It was hot.” You cut him off. He blinks a few times, his cheeks reddening before pulling you to him into a hug. Your arms wrap around him gently but tightly.
“You never have to worry where my head or heart is at Evan,” you reassure him, feeling him nod into the crook of your neck. “There is not one person on this planet that could ever make me want to give you up. You’re all I could ever want.”
You hear him sigh, feeling his body relax more into your hold.
You hug each other for a few more minutes before finally pulling away, meeting the others eyes.
Evan clears his throat and looks around the room. “Um, I’m pretty sure the whole studio heard us so… sorry for what’s to come when he walk out.”
You press your lips together tightly trying to hide the embarrassed smile, but nod firmly and take ahold of his hand in yours.
“We walk out confidently.” You state, glancing up at him as he tries to stifle the laugh, only making you giggle with him.
Tags: @evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl @submissiveforahsmen @angelmenace @lovelizzie-blog1 @justa19 @daylas-life @simp4petermaximoff @totta69
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aliceramblez · 6 months
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BroZone Brothers With An Insecure S/O 😔💗
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Tags: GN! Reader, Self-Deprecating Jokes, Low Self-Esteem, Abandonment Issues, Slight Body Insecurities. Fluff/Comfort.
A/N: Here we go with our first request! I really liked this idea as someone who has low self-esteem, and honestly it goes to all of y'all who think you're not good enough— cause you are! Also sorry it took a bit! I've been sick because the universe hates me 🙃
Feel free to leave a request & hope you enjoy! ^^
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John Dory
At first, he doesn't really know what to make of it.
He finds it a bit strange, but doesn't question your odd sense of humor, and will sometimes even join in on the joke by saying stuff about himself, thinking it's some sort of inside thing between the two of you.
“Man, I can't believe I'm so clingy, sorry! Feel free to use me as a bad example, at least that way I won't be totally useless, haha!”
“Ha! You think that's bad? Babe, you haven't even seen me when I'm up at night just staring at the ceiling contemplating my life choices.”
It isn't until getting a good smack from Bruce and Floyd that he realizes you're actually being serious. And the prospect of that kinda puzzles him, not gonna lie.
“Look at you, tiger! Got yourself plenty of groupies already— Not surprising honestly. Don't have to worry about backups when you decide you're ready to move on, either!”
After a performance at the Pop Troll village, everyone is gushing over BroZone because of course they are. JD only barely manages to squeeze past the number of fans to get to you on the other side of the podium.
The oldest sibling looks at you in shock, and has to get closer to make sure he heard you right. “Babe, why would you say that?”
Caught off guard, you manage a nervous chuckle as you play with your hair. “I-I mean... Wow, would you look at the time! We gotta meet with Poppy and the others!”
John Dory stops you on your tracks and demands an explanation, which isn't really good for your poor heart. All you can do is kick the dirt and avoid his gaze, since that makes what you're about to say much easier to voice aloud.
“I mean... You're John Dory. You could date any troll you wanted and yet you're sticking with me. It honestly feels like a dream sometimes... And I'm scared of the day you realize you can do WAY better and decide to leave me.”
After processing this, he immediately holds your face in his hands and gives you the most serious expression you've ever seen on him. “I don't want just any random troll... I want you. You're my number one fan, and I'm yours, so don't even think about stuff like that, okay?”
After the exchange, he's always on the lookout for whenever your bad habit wants to kick in again and is ready to stop it ASAP
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He notices it happens mostly when you're working at the cantina.
Whenever you get an order wrong, trip over your own feet or don't remember how to work one of the machines properly, you'll go into an awkward insecure flight response.
You'll say “Oops! Sorry! Clumsy Twinkle Toes, coming through!” while grinning and laughing along with the customers, but Bruce knows that it's affecting you more than you lead on.
It also happens whenever BroZone is getting ready to perform and you don't know what to do with yourself since you're “standing in the way”, despite being told multiple times that it's okay for you to be backstage with everyone else.
When he talks to you about it, you get really uncomfortable and just say that it's no big deal and that you can handle it.
“I've always been a clumsy person, so I guess that's always making me doubt myself over the smallest of things... Sorry if it's annoying.”
Bruce will then proceed to give you a huge warm hug and a kiss on the forehead as he whispers comforting words into your ear.
“Hey, I can be clumsy too! I've always been the worst out of everyone when it comes to choreography. Don't tell JD though, cause I know he'll throw a fit knowing I don't practice.”
He'll throw in other examples that may seem inconsequential to you, but you appreciate the effort nonetheless and smile and giggle through the embarrassing stories he shares.
He helps you get more confident by being there with you while taking orders at the cantina and praising you whenever you get something right— albeit in private as to not embarrass you.
Same goes with rehearsals, where he WILL drag you into the lounge area to hang with his brothers and/or Poppy and Viva when they decide to visit, too.
Overall he wants what's best for you and will try and push you out of your comfort zone, but only in a safe environment where he knows that if something does go wrong, it won't be as catastrophic as you make it out to be in your head.
You never stop thanking him for being your crutch during these times.
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The moment he hears the words come out of your mouth he's completely flabbergasted.
First of all, who said those things to you? Because he swears he just wants to talk to them—
It's at a sleepover with his brothers and the gals at the Bergen Golf Course, and among the many games, snacks and movies watched, pictures are also taken.
As soon as you take a look at the array of selfies, you let out what sounds like a mix between a laugh and a sigh.
“I mean, at least it stays consistent— in photos, I look ugly. And in real life, I'm also ugly!”
As soon as those words leave your lips, Clay is at your side with an almost unreadable expression, only to snatch one of the photos from your hands. “How DARE you say that about the most attractive troll I've ever met? Shame on you!”
He then starts going around the room waving the picture around to his brothers, saying stuff like “Look how attractive my S/O is! I'm dating them!” while you're just blushing profusely and begging him to stop (even though deep down your kinda giddy about it).
After that day, Clay will do small gestures in which he reminds you how beautiful he thinks you are. Everything to outright saying it each morning, joking about it with his brothers, and even bragging about you to his friends in the Bergen Golf Course.
He's a simp and he's totally okay with that because it's you.
Clay feels like he's the luckiest troll in the world for being able to snatch someone like you since he's “the most boring and uninteresting of the bunch”, so he feels like he's hit the jackpot.
You immediately tell him that he's not boring to you and that he's the best boyfriend ever, which only causes him to smirk.
“Doesn't feel good to know the person you love feels so bad about themselves, does it?”
Finally realizing his reverse psychology, you give in with a laugh. “No, it doesn't. I guess... We can both work on that? Together?”
And so you do, and end up helping each other whenever one is feeling down in the dumps, as a sort of personal cheerleader. You truly couldn't have asked for someone better.
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You're the kind of person who's very vocal about your interests.
So it's no surprise that you have to catch yourself mid-ramble whenever you're talking about something you're either interested in or knowledgeable about. And with Floyd being such a good listener, it honestly slips your mind more times than you'd prefer.
After realizing you've been talking for too long, you turn pink in the face and start apologizing profusely.
“Sorry! You probably didn't need to hear all of that. They didn't call me ‘Chatter Box’ when I was younger for nothing! Haha...”
But Floyd could care less about any of that. He loves hearing you talk, not just because he's not much of a chatty person, but because he just finds it incredibly endearing.
He'll hold your hands in his own and give you the softest smile ever that just makes you think that it should be illegal to be THIS sweet.
“You're just so cute when you get lost in the moment like that. Besides, I love seeing you happy. By all means, I'm glad you get to do the talking for the both of us, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere in this relationship.”
You laugh at his attempt to make you feel better and melt under the touch of his lips on your cheek.
After that, whenever you go out either just the two of you or with your group of friends, Floyd will encourage you to express yourself. He does this by either asking you a question directly or subtly incorporating you into the conversation by saying something like. “I think (y/n) knows about this kinda stuff. Don't you, love?”
Obviously this all happens with your consent beforehand, since he doesn't want to put you in a tight spot, either.
Either way, he always values whatever you have to say, since you always bring in new perspectives that maybe others didn't think about before.
He will also encourage you to be yourself and not try and match your topics of conversation with things you think other people will find interesting. You deserve to be happy by sharing what you love with the world.
Poppy and Viva are huge helps in the art of feeling confident by speaking your mind, and Floyd couldn't be happier for you.
You thank him by telling him about your day each night, in which sometimes he'll fall asleep to the soothing sound of your voice, which only warms your heart on so many levels.
“Goodnight, my prince.”
“Goodnight, my little chatter box.”
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Just like Clay, this man is ready to throw hands.
Just give him a name and he'll get the job done before sunrise—
He notices that sometimes you struggle with finding outfits for different occasions, either something casual, dressy, classy, etc.
But it's not because you don't have anything in your wardrobe, on the contrary it's pretty much brimming. It's more the fact that you're not satisfied with any of them because you feel like you don't look good in them.
Branch tries to convince you otherwise, saying that you look great no matter what you wear, but you can't help but feel self-conscious in anything that isn't a good old sweatshirt.
He isn't knowledgeable in fashion (clearly) so he enlists the help of Poppy and The Snack Pack to try and cater outfits to your exact measurements, along with any other nitpicks you've had in the past with either texture or material.
I mean, Branch has backup plans to his backup plans, you think he wouldn't keep notes on what kind of stuff his S/O doesn't like— INCLUDING mundane stuff like their clothing?
He surprises you with these, and you can't help but feel attractive in them since he paid extra attending to the complaints you had from your own designs.
“I personally think you look great no matter what you wear. But if you feel so strongly about it, might as well get some stuff you'll actually enjoy wearing.” He'd said when you asked why he did it, and your heart just melted.
You vow to try and work on your self-imagine regardless, which he gets happy over and says he can't wait for you to see yourself the way he does.
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