#its the way he stops. and BAITS you. only at the last second (with perfect comedic timing) to just be like 'teehee :]' and then bolt
v-iv-rusty · 1 year
did fs intend to make micolash's fight as objectively funny as it is
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shepherdsheart · 9 months
City Spirit
DpxDc prompt
Vlad had grown tired of the young Badgers games, if the boy would not listen! Comply! Fine then, Vlad would take the hint then, but if the boy wouldn’t join him he would just have to remove the boy.
It had taken months of planning and scheming but he had finally figured out how to permanently rid himself of the thorn in his side called Phantom or better yet Danny.
Sure it took some persuasion and quite a bit of money but with the help of an old crooked spell caster Vlad had set up the perfect trap. He would finally be rid of the boy leaving him to rid of the boys father and be the comforting arms Maddie would turn to when Jack was finally gone. It was perfect really.
Now here he was face to face with the young halfa as the first step of his plan was set in motion.
A wicked grin ripped across his face as he held the blue blazing core towards the young halfa causing a snarl to rip from the boy.
“Now, now young Daniel. That’s now way to act, you might cause me to drop this precious little thing.” He grinned as he dropped the core only to catch it a moment later.
The panic in the little badgers eyes was so delightful it sent chills up his spine. There was no way the boy would attack with the risk of damaging the core that he held in his hands.
“Give her back! She has nothing to do with this!”
“Ohh but that’s where your wrong little badger, she has everything to do with this.” With that Vlad fled and of course the boy took the bait. He gave chase hot on Vlads tail as they picked up speed.
The chase was probably faster than Vlad or Phantom had ever gone and it was thrilling. To bad this would be phantoms last, after today Vlad would never have to deal with the boy again.
With the speed they were going it didn’t take but a few hours of chasing before the gloomy city of Gotham came in sight and Vlad belt the feeling of success swell in his chest as they flew over the city straight for an old clock tower.
Vlad easily turned intangible as he entered the tower and came to a stop against the back wall before turning to watch as the boy flew inside and stopped in the center, he’s chest heaving from the long and quick paced flight.
The boy was in the perfect position.
“Are you finally done with this pointless chase.” The boy growled as he moved closer like a cat ready to pounce on its prey.
“I am only just beginning little badger.” Vlad said as he helped the small core up causing the boy to stop in his tracks. “Now why don’t we land and talk this out, I’m certain you wouldn’t want anything to happen to little Dani now would you?”
“Don’t you dare! Do you realize what you’ve done! You’ve broken one of the realms biggest laws!”
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them now would it?” Vlad said as they began to float downward before both of there feet were planted on the ground.
Now that they were both firmly planted on the ground Vlad smiled. The second phase of the plan was active and everything was going swimmingly.
“Vlad please just give her back.”
“Ohh, begging now are we? That’s new even for you little badger.” Vlad said as he held the core close, “I quite like that, do it again!”
The boy visibly stiffened before he balled his fists and glared at Vlad, “pleas, don’t hurt her. I’m begging you give her back!” The boy practically sobbed.
Vlad grinned, ohh this was fantastic! Absolutely brilliant, he had the boy at the palm of his hand literally.
“I don’t think that was sincere, why don’t you beg some more. Show me just how far your willing to go! Beg on your knees, grovel before me and beg for her mercy!” He growled out as he gripped the core tightly causing a whining sound to come from the small orb in his hand.
The boy flinched and stared at him wide eyed before slowly he dropped to his knees. The look of hatred raged in the boys eyes as tears welled in them.
Who knew victory would be so thrilling!
With a cackle Vlad lived off before his grip tightened even more around the small core. Sadly a sacrifice must be made for the plan to work so no matter how much he enjoyed the boys begging he had to do what needed to be done.
He watched as the boys eyes widened in horror as the smallest of cracks appeared before it quickly grew in size and began to fracture across the whole of the core like lightning before finally it shattered.
A wail filled the air but it was to late, the deed had been done and the runes had activated. The whole clocktower lit up in neon green and the wail went unheard as the power from the spell overwhelmed the attack.
Vlad watched as green chains latched into the kneeling boy, his arms and legs restrained as well as his neck.
Vlad watched curiously as the old mage approached the boy who’s eyes now completely glowed green. The old coot placed his hand on the boys head before he began chanting in a language Vlad could not comprehend.
Immediately the boy began to wither in pain as green runes etched across his skin and his form began to change. No longer was there a 18 year old kneeling before the mage but a small boy with white hair.
Phantom was no more but in his place was a young city spirit, bound to the city Gotham and as such his form would represent the city itself.
Vlad didn’t think he would change so much. Phantom or Gotham was a small child of 8 to 10 years old with soft white hair that had flecks of black and deep green eyes, his tan skin etched in runes and his death scars, the linchenburg scars on his left arm traveling up to his heart and neck now glowed an eerie green.
Then there was the change in clothes, His face was covered completely in a mask only leaving the boys eyes and the bridge of his nose visibly. Then there was the rest of him so much line one of the bats little Robins but the armor was black and grey without any insignia in sight. His left arm and neck were the only parts of the boy left bare showing the deep glowing scars and his neck was etched in a dark runes that bound him to the city much like a collar.
Finally the glowing faded ad the boy collapsed as the chains faded into nothingness. The deed was done, the boy would never get in his way again. Sure he had to make the sacrifice but in truth it was worth it as he would have never been able to kill the boy so he had done the next best thing. He had trapped him.
Gotham was far from Amity, far away where he could no longer get in Vlad’s way.
“It’s been done, I’ll take my leave now.” The old mage said as he removed himself from Vlad’s sight.
Vlad landed and kneeled next to the unconscious boy. “How cute, it seems that the bats and birds influence the city far more than what I thought.” He grinned as he held the boys face in his hands.
It really was a shame Vlad couldn’t keep the boy as his own but this would do and maybe he could come back for him once he had Maddie at his side.
He grinned at the thought before he set the boy down. He had plans to make and a wife to take!
(Late night ideas are always fun so I hope y’all enjoy.)
Should i keep going with this?
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elkian · 2 years
This is something that’s occurred to me before, but I just realized it’s only come up in writing projects I haven’t uh... actually finished, let alone posted:
Vulpes Inculta Lies To Your Goddamn Face.
When you amble into Nipton, you can ask the furry with the chainsaw what happened to the good people. To paraphrase, he answers, “What good people? Everyone here was evil to the core and I did the world a service.“
More relevantly, he goes on to say that none of the townsfolk, not a single person, not a one, does anything to stop the Legion. He says they all sat back and waited passively for their turn to die, in the hopes that they might be the lucky survivor.
Okay, pause for a sec.
Have you ever met a human being?
Humans are deeply spiteful and contrary - not everyone, mostly not all the time, but it is something that comes up again and again in history. Rebellions, slaves fighting back, oppressed classes protesting and fighting for basic rights. We aren’t perfect, but we are capable of of saying “fuck the status quo”.
Now, importantly, this is Nipton’s first (and last) official interaction with the Legion. It sounds like a spy or two were sent in before “Mr. Fox” came by to bait the trap, but this was an independent town that notoriously served its own interests alone, refusing to side with or against the NCR, Powder Gangers, nor presumably Legion.
This is not a population used to the way Legion does things, indoctrinated former tribals or those born into its world, these were free contractors.
When the fuck have humans ever said “oh you’re going to kill all but like 2 of us? guess I’ll sit by and wait my turn!“ *
Not to mention this is the Wasteland. Nipton is an established town and what little you look up doesn’t mention raiders, but you have to pass by raider groups both directly before and after entering it, not to mention the Radscorpions and other wildlife threats. There had to at least be a few people in town who knew how to fight, because the town was still there by the time the Legion arrived.
With me so far?
Two places stand out to me. First, one of the houses in Nipton was a pain and a half for my noob self and I ended up having never looted it, because it is abrim with traps. There’s a Mr. Gutsy, a cage full of Radscorpions, and who knows what else.
There is a dead Legionnaire in this house.
The second place is the mobile homes sort of outside the town, to the right of where you come in. In fact, you can check them out without triggering Vulpes’ conversation. There’s several dead townsfolk out here, one of whom is holding an energy weapon. There is also an ash pile. If you inspect that ash pile?
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[ID: Screenshot from Fallout: New Vegas. It displays the contents of an ash pile, which are a Legion Recruit Armor and a Machete, a common weapon of the Legion. End ID.]
That is two places where you can find legitimate proof that someone, actively or passively, fought back against the fate of Nipton. You find no Legionnaire corpses in Town Hall if I recall, but they failed to clean up other locations, perhaps not even aware of their losses but I doubt it. Vulpes surely knows that the good people of Nipton fought back, even succeeding in killing his soldiers, and he lies directly to your face about it.
*Given what I’ve heard of the other Bethesda ““Fallouts”“ this might be a valid expectation in another game, but definitely not here.
EDIT: Made the asterisk more visible.
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foxgirl95 · 1 month
Back Into the Fray Ch.7: Marshal of the Sands
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Chapter Description: Mando and Cobb Vanth strike a deal to kill the Krayt dragon.
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First Chapter
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In the aftermath, the town residents slowly crept from their hidey holes and began to rebuild the damage the giant worm-like creature had caused. One of the townspeople had alerted Mando that the speeder they came in on had been buried in the sand. Anai needed a moment to herself, deciding to leave the child to toddle after his father while she dug it out. It needed minor repairs and Cobb Vanth was more than happy to offer the help of a kid who dabbled in mechanics. If anything it would be a learning experience, even if she did begrudgingly agree to it. Anai sat on the raised porch instructing the young person, presumably a teenager,  where to solder the wires together and tighten a few bolts. She tuned into the conversation as Mando and Vanth sauntered by “But a krayt dragon is too much for me to take on alone. Help me kill it, I’ll give you the armor.” The Marshal offered which Mando took a moment to consider “Deal. I’ll ride back to the ship, blow it out of the sand from the sky, use the bantha as bait.”
“Not so simple. The ship passes above, it senses the vibrations, stays underground.” The marshal sighed looking off into the distance, they must've tried that one already “But I know where it lives.”
“How far?”
“Not far.”
Mando turns to Anai as she as the townie kept working on the speeder “That about done?” The mechanic waved him off “Hold on, you can’t go rushing near perfection.” He tilted his helmet to the side “Near perfection?” The Mandalorian teased. She turned to him, raising her arms to the expanse of the town “We are in the middle of-!” She looked down seeing the kid at her side moving her hands to cover his big ears before continuing “Butt-Fuck nowhere!” She removed her hands returning to the speeder “You get what you get.” The marshal let out a hearty laugh “I like her.” He smirked.
It didn’t take long to finish repairs and they were off into the sands once again. Anai clung to the back of Mando as he came alongside the marshal’s speeder; which she noted looked like a refurbished pod racer engine. “You don’t understand what it was like.” Vanth started “The town was on its last legs. It started after we got news of the Death Star blowing up. The second one, that is.” He winked through his goggles at Anai “Thanks for that by the way.” The mechanic only nodded at the acknowledgment. He went on to tell them of how the Mining Collective moved in after the Empire and turned the town into a slave camp. Also that the Jawas had given him the armor in exchange for silicax crystals he had taken off into the desert with. He had saved the town and its people from a fate considered worse than death by most. If Anai was honest she was impressed and at the very least she thought Mando’s mind could be put at ease as it seemed he had used the armor honorably. They slowed as they came to the narrow passageway of a canyon when a sudden guttural growl reverberated against the stone walls. Both speeders quickly came to a stop; they all immediately jumped off, taking cover, and aiming their blasters to the rocks ahead. The air was tense as each of them looked for a possible ambush when a small pack of mastiffs melted from the shadows howling towards them in warning. Anai’s eyes went to Mando as she noticed his shoulders relax and he rose to his feet putting a hand to his helmet where his mouth should be letting out his own Tusken howl in response. Setting his blaster back on the speeder he made his way over to the scaly creatures. “What the hell you doin’?” Vanth called as the armored man passed him and the armored man only offered him a calm raise of his hand for them to let him deal with this. Turning back to the four-legged creatures he made a series of soft sounds that made the leader playfully wag its non-existent tail before running up to Mando getting some well-deserved pats and scratches. Anai couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face, his ever-exposed softness always reminding her of the man that lingered under the armor. She stood as a group of Tuskens decided to appear, putting down her blaster as Mando began communicating with them. Where they were calm though the Marshal was completely unnerved, tightly holding his weapon against him “Hey, partner, you want to tell me what’s going on?” The Mandalorian simply turned back stating “They want to kill the krayt dragon, too.”
They were led to the village of the Tuskens, around a fire a few sat with the Mandalorian and his current traveling party. Anai was at his side where the child resided in her lap lazily holding onto her thumb as they watched the negotiations. One Tusken held some sort of fruit in its hands breaking the shell of it and offering it to Vanth who looked at the fruit disgusted “What am I supposed to do with this?”
“You drink it.” Mando simply stated.  He sniffed the offending fruit, his nose wrinkling at the smell “It stinks.” The Marshal complained. Anai watched the way Mando’s body started to stiffen, he was getting frustrated “Do you want their help?”
“Not if I have to drink this.” Thankfully she was wearing her visor so he couldn’t see how she rolled her eyes. Suddenly the Tusken closest to him started grunting and signing rather angrily.
“He says your people steal their water,” Mando translated “And now you insult them by not drinking it.” He continued “They know about Mos Pelgo. They know how many Sand People you killed.”
The more that was said the more offended Vanth became  “They raided our village!” He blurted out “I defended the town!”
“Lower your voice.” Mando warned as Anai put a hand over her ear closest to the yelling. The noise was stinging her eardrum.
“I knew this was a bad idea.”
“You’re agitating them.”
“These monsters can’t be reasoned with” Suddenly everyone was on their feet and in each other's faces “Sit back down before I put a hole through ya!” Anai noticeably winced at his voice and the child cooed worriedly at her catching Mando’s attention, alarm bells began ringing in his head. Okay, he’d had enough. With a flick of his wrist the flamethrower activated making it clear he was more than frustrated with all of them. He rose to his feet letting the flame die before sternly signing to the Tuskens. “What are you telling them?” The now seated Marshall all but demanded.
“Same thing I’m telling you.” The sound of Mando’s strained but level voice quickly spoke “If we fight amongst ourselves, the monster will kill us all.” There was a pause as he looked at each of them around the fire “Now, how do we kill it?” Cobb Vanth looked down at the fruit in his hand again turning his nose up at it when Anai poked her head around Mando “Will you just drink it, before I shove it somewhere you don’t want it to be.” She growled while rubbing her ringing ear, and the child in her lap giggled at the prospect of seeing just where that might be. The Marshal gave her an incredulous look before reluctantly gulping it down.
Soon enough into the rest of the conversation, the little one in Anai’s lap yawned, his ears drooping as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. He turned himself into his caretaker’s stomach, nuzzling into the softness he found there. The mechanic smiled as she gently rubbed circles into his back “Someone’s ready for bed.” The Tusken who had been singing to Mando started pointing into their lines of Hutts. His helmet swiveled to her “They said we’re welcome to take shelter with them tonight.” One of the other Tuskens stood waving for her to follow them “Go ahead.” Mando instructed, “We’ll join you when we’re done here.” Anai simply nodded, pulling the child up to her shoulder as she rose to her feet and followed after the masked being to a hut in the center of the village. It wasn’t very big she noted as she ducked through the cloth door but it was a good place to lay your head. She smiled politely to the Tusken as they switched on a lamp that hung from the ceiling, lifting her visor from her eyes and  feeling content she bowed her head lightly hoping it conveyed her sincerity “Thank you for your hospitality.” The other only nodded in return before scurrying out the door once again. The child cooed sleepily against her shoulder and Anai sighed “I know Bachsu na, let me get us set up here.” There were a few sleeping pallets on the floor and it seemed someone had been kind enough to bring her backpack inside. Good, she kneeled next to a pallet dragging her pack over to dig through it before producing her blanket. Wrapping the little one up in it she laid down into the softness of the makeshift bed kicking off her boots in the process. She laid the bundle up baby next to her earning a whine as he was jostled around “There we go.” She reached down, undoing her holster belt liberating it from her waist, and setting it nearby just in case. As the mechanic finally settled she put a hand over the little one’s tummy and started rhythmically patting him as she hummed her lullaby from their first night together almost a year ago. Mando and Vanth entered the hut a few hours later, the Marshall still looking unsure about the situation he'd found himself in. Mando ignored the man looking down at the sight before him, Anai and his son were both sound asleep. They looked so cozy and warm…there went his head again. He needed this to stop, the thoughts he was having about his companion were unnecessary and confusing. He was a Mandalorian for maker’s sake, he didn’t do warm and cozy, he didn’t fantasize about some woman he barely knew running her fingers along his skin as she whispered sweet words to him, and he didn’t like the way it brought a warmth to his chest. Except he did and he wanted to punch himself for it, maybe he was getting soft…too soft. “You good partner?” Vanth finally asked, confusingly interrupting Mando’s staring session. The armored man didn’t answer as he frustratingly moved to the pallet at the other end of the hut as far as he could get from them. The marshal only shrugged as he crawled into his place between them, creating the oh-so-needed buffer Mando craved at the moment.
By morning Mando was the first one up and out of the hut before he could allow himself to seek the view of his crew. They all rose not too long after and Cobb Vanth cracked a witty joke about how Anai’s hair must come alive in her sleep with how messy it gets. Mando was almost upset he’d missed seeing a view like he had the morning before but no he shouldn’t be. It was decided during a quick soupy breakfast that they would continue their journey to the dragon’s home this time joined by the Tuskens. They replaced their speeders with Bantha’s who were trained to lay on the ground as they loaded up. Anai watched from a distance as the armored man brought their things to the beast they were to share “I uh…I don’t know about this.” She shuffles her feet in the sand nervously as Mando loads his weapons onto the Bantha the sand people had given them “Are we sure we can’t take the speeders?” He finishes strapping on the kid's designated satchel and sighs “There’s too much of a risk the dragon will know we’re coming.” He grunts as he throws a leg over the creature’s back “C’mon,” The Mandalorian raised a gloved hand as he beckoned her to him, noticing a shift in her stance as she stared at his extended hand “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Anai gave him a look “I’m not afraid, it’s just…I’ve never ridden an animal before they’re unpredictable…” He rolled his eyes behind the helmet “You’ll be fine, now get on.” The mechanic took hesitant steps before reaching to grab his hand and pull herself up “Okay…it’s all good everything’s fine.” She reassured herself as Mando made a clicking noise commanding the Bantha to stand. Anai gasped, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his back, not even caring if his jet pack was digging into her. Suddenly that feeling he had been avoiding all morning came rushing through him, and he internally basked in it. There was no time for it though as he lightly knocked his heel against the beast prompting it to move forward “See you’re fine.” He allowed himself to tease her only earning him a displeased grunt in return. They made short work of reaching where the monster had decided to make its home. Their party set up in the rocks adjacent to a large cave opening as one of the Tuskens started their way down to it with one of the Bantha in tow. Anai sat atop the cliff face with the child next to her as she pulled her visor over her eyes to watch what was going to happen “They say it lives there. They say it sleeps.” She heard Mando tell the Marshall “It lives in an abandoned Sarlacc pit.”
“Lived on Tatooine my whole life.” She could tell he was giving Mando a look from the tone of his voice. “There’s no such thing as an abandoned Sarlacc pit.”
“There is if you eat the Sarlacc.”
‘Well, that’s concerning’ Anai thought, having been on Tatooine several times it was hard to imagine an all-consuming Sarlacc getting eaten itself.
“They’re laying out a bantha to protect the settlement.” Mando continued explaining what exactly they were doing here “They’ve studied its digestion cycle for generations.” Even in this scary moment, his calm voice had a soothing edge to it like a narrator in an old Holo nature doc show the mechanic might have watched years ago “They feed the dragon to make it sleep longer. Watch, the dragon will appear.” The Tusken down below set the Bantha in place before screaming into the rather large opening and then booking it back as fast as they could. As they ran the ground shook, scaring the mount to move forward in fright. The Tusken was being thrown off balance making them trip over their robes several times. They were scared and they had a right to be, the dragon was near. Suddenly there was a break in the sand and the monster reared its ugly head to strike down its prey. The child at Anai’s side quickly toddled over burying his face into her the leather of her jacket and she instinctively placed a hand on his back to protect him from whatever was about to happen. The dragon’s head almost lazily creeped along the sand, its mouth open and drooling, missing the bait entirely and instead chomping down on its handler before taking shelter once again. The other Tuskens jumped back a bit in fear of seeing one of their own eaten by the monster. “They might be open to some fresh ideas.” Mando commented to the Marshall as Anai lifted the visor from her eyes “Yikes…” She whispered before looking down at the kid at her side “It's over now, it’s okay.” He peeked up at her with teary eyes and his hands trembling “Oh…” Anai felt as though her heart was gonna break for the little guy “Don't worry we’re not sticking around here.” She turned to Mando, almost pleading, “We should get out of here before that thing decides whether or not it’s still hungry.” The armored man nodded and in record time they loaded onto their mounts again back to the Tusken village.
Once back Anai took the child with her grabbing her backpack and they found themselves a nice shady spot.  Anai dug through her pack producing a packet of jerky and dried berries she’d bought on Lothal and decided to save for the little one’s snack times. The mechanic plopped down on the ground, placing the child next to her, breaking off a piece of jerky and grabbing a berry, giving them both over to a pair of grabby green hands. After a while, the rest of the party came to join them in the shade. The Mandalorian made a quick turn in their direction as he silently watched his child take more snacks from his companion “Is he doing alright?” He suddenly asked, causing Anai to turn her gaze up at him “He’s fine now, just got a little scared that’s all.” She gestured to the packet in her hands “Figured this would help.” He nodded in agreement before crouching down next to the little green one and lightly stroking one of those big ears mimicking how his companion so often had “It’s alright to be scared, kid.” The little one stared up at Mando’s visor as he spoke “But as long as I’m around I promise I’ll protect you.” The child cooed his ears moving up and down seemingly understanding. Anai smiled at the interaction, he had changed so much since their first meeting “Fatherhood has done you well Merichetara.” She commented and his visor found her eyes “That so?” He asked, uncertain of her meaning. She nodded “Mmhm, I may not know you as well as your other friends but even I can tell you’ve changed. Still that hard exterior but you’re getting all soft on the inside.”
“You think I’m soft?” He asked, sounding a little offended.
“Not in a bad way!” She quickly explained, “I’m just saying you’re letting your heart show, and it’s…endearing.”
He grunted in response, mulling over her words in that metallic dome of his before speaking again “So, friends…is that what we are?”
Anai let out a chuckle “I sure hope we are! Unless you’re still upset about the other night.”
“I was never upset.” He quickly stated “And is that what we are…friends.” That was an answer that satisfied his compa- no his friend as she gave him a toothy grin “Good, cause I wouldn’t want it any other way.” Mando let out his own huff of amusement before his attention was caught by the Tuskens sitting together around something they were making and Vanth was hovering over them curiously. The armored man got to his feet and joined them in a few strides now standing next to the Marshall. “What are the bones?” He asked as the sand people bickered amongst themselves.
“That’s the krayt dragon.” Mando simply stated.
“And those little rocks?” He asked again, gesturing to the scene.
“That’s us.”
“It’s not to scale.”
“I think it is.” The Mandalorian argued with a nod.
“Can’t be. That’s too big.”
Mando made a few gestures to the closest Tusken and they confirmed his query “It’s to scale.”
Anai appeared next to them holding the child on her hip, having listened to the conversation “Damn, it’s huge…” Vanth nodded in agreement “I’ve only seen its head and neck.” He admitted, “It’s bigger than I guessed.” He leaned a bit closer as the sand people continued their discussion “Might be time to rethink our arrangement.” One of the wrapped beings seemingly asked Mando a question and he answered in kind before another tribe member sprinkled more pebbles onto the ground “That’s more like it.” The Marshal quietly remarked, “Where are they getting the reinforcements?”
Mando shrugged, “I volunteered your village.” Anai spared a glance at the Marshal and it took everything she had not to laugh at his wide-eyed expression. She knew he was probably wishing Mando had just shot him and gotten it over with.
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Their little troop ended up staying one more night with the tuskens, the Mandalorian still refusing to sleep anywhere near his new confirmed friend. The next morning they were on speeders again headed back to Mos Pelgo. “They attacked us less than a year ago. Killed half a dozen of us by the mining camp.” Cobb Vanth suddenly spoke as they parked the speeders in front of the cantina and he dismounted “I’d say I took down about twice as many Tuskens.” It was clear he wasn’t exactly confident in this plan of Mando’s.“The town respects you.” The armored man reminded him, “My guess is, they’ll listen to reason.” The marshal only gave him a skeptical frown “I wouldn’t be so sure.” He then walked off to call a town meeting. Anai and Mando shared a questioning gaze for a moment before climbing off their own speeder and following him with the child in tow. When everyone was gathered inside, Cobb Vanth stood against the bar with Mando beside him while Anai and the child sat upon stools beside them, gave his speech to the crowd as honestly and delicately as possible. They were all on board to trade the armor for help with the Krayt Dragon. Then he got to the part about working with the Tusken village and they all erupted into a rage. Mando sighed “Kriff…”
“I kind of expected that.” Anai spoke up beside him “Looks like you’re up Merichetara.” She gave him a hardy couple of pats on the cloth part of his shoulder “Give ‘em a good old pep talk.” He shook his head, pushing himself up from the bar and stepping closer to the crowd. “I’ve seen the size of that thing, it will swallow your entire town when the fancy hits it.” They had quieted now listening to the silvery Mandalorian intently “You’re lucky Mos Pelgo isn’t a sand field already.” A few of them looked at one another knowing he spoke the truth “I know these people. They are brutal, but so is the Dune Sea. They’ve survived for thousands of years in these sands and they know the krayt dragon better than anyone here. They are raiders, it’s true. But they also keep their word. We have struck a deal.” He paused just a moment to let his words sink in “If we are willing to leave them the carcass and its ichor, they will stand by our side in battle and vow never to raise a blaster against this town until ONE OF YOU breaks the peace.” Mando had now said his piece and stepped back to the bar as Anai leaned forward with a smile “That was impressive.” She whispered as her eyes scanned the room “I think you’ve convinced them.” The child cooed in agreement beaming with pride up at his dad and seeing that the armored man held his head a little higher. The town held a vote and it was unanimously decided they would fight alongside their former enemy to rid themselves of a shared problem. With that they started making plans the first thing obviously was to assess the weapons situation, without the proper firepower there was no way this plan would work. They made their way to a warehouse at the edge of town, opening the armored doors to reveal a mass of explosives they normally used for their mining operations along with an array of blasters and ammunition. Mando and Cobb stood in the door as a few townspeople moved around them “Think it’ll work?” The Marshal asked. The armored man tipped his head to the side as he replied “It better, joining forces is their only hope.” Just as he spoke, familiar figures appeared on the horizon, a long line of sand people on the backs of banthas. Anai stood off to the side placing the child atop a stack of crates, her eyes moving to survey the townies. Needless to say none of them were too outwardly pleased and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a vibroblade. The little one cooed beside her and Anai only sighed “Strap in kid, this is gonna be a bumpy ride.”
After a few tense moments, Cobb Vanth and Mando greeted the tribe, conveying what jobs they would be allocated to working alongside their former enemies. Anai volunteered herself to help as well much to the shock of both men, she hadn’t been involved in this whole thing and the only answer she could offer was that she was “bored out of her mind”. After she started working though Mando found himself going quiet on the subject. She’d removed her leather jacket, her arms now bare with the tank top she’d chosen to wear, the toned muscles under her skin flexing each time she picked up a crate loaded down with weapons or ammo placing it onto a cart. He hadn’t realized she was physically strong, not that he thought she was weak either though certainly nowhere near the level of the drop trooper Cara Dune or his Mandalorian brother Paz Vizsla but the strength of one who had worked hard their entire life. He wondered about her constantly still oh so curious about her origins and what she had gone through before the rebellion. He’d been able to turn his attention to the situation at hand to keep these people from killing each other but it was only temporary. She was a mystery only letting him see what she wanted him to, it was jarring. Usually, he was the one everyone was curious about, was this what it was like? Wanting to pry into something he didn’t understand but walking on eggshells at times worried he’d accidentally offend her. The Mandalorian’s thoughts halted for a moment when Anai was approached by a Tusken holding out one of their watery fruits to her. She smiled at them dipping her head in thanks as she took it into her gloved hands. Suddenly there was a clattering sound to his right and he turned in time to see an explosive hit the ground. He'd be lying if he said his heart didn’t drop into his stomach for a split second. After it didn’t explode and kill them all, the man who had handed it off to a Tusken lost his cool “Hey! What are you doing?!” He screamed at the top of his lungs in a rightfully panicked manner “That’s an explosive! Are you trying to blow the whole place up?!” The other retaliated with its own uninterrupted screams, luckily Vanth stepped between them “Take it easy. It was an accident, okay?” He got them to separate for the moment and he was again gifted one of the sacred fruits. Mando let out a sigh of relief and turned back to his unsolicited gawking when his dark visor suddenly met those green eyes of hers. Still frozen in place either fruit in one hand and her other clutching the arm of the Tusken beside her and he assessed she was coming down from her panic. They continued their shared gaze a while longer but were interrupted when the being beside her lightly tapped her hand. She jumped turning to them and though he couldn’t hear it he could tell she was apologizing. He wasn’t the best at reading lips but he was almost sure she said something along the lines of “I know we’re friends now cause we just shared a near-death experience.” It may have been a half-joke but it seemed to at the very least be reassuring to them. She took a moment to breathe before downing the water she’d been given. He internally applauded the strength she showed in holding her features appropriately, he knew what that stuff tasted like and it wasn’t good.
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They had managed to finish preparations by nightfall; the sand people made camp a short distance from town while the locals retreated to their homes. There was no place in Mos Pelgo to rent a room so instead The Marshal offered up a small vacant building to the Mandalorian and his party. Anai handed off the little one’s bedtime duties to his dad this time and made a b-line for the bar. There were a few townies scattered about the inside; they didn’t turn to acknowledge her as she found a booth to slide into. Laying her visor on the table she tapped the side a few times and a series of droid beeps came through her earpiece “Hey Racket, just checking in. Things are getting pretty serious on this end, are you behaving for Peli?” Their conversation went on like this until a bottle of spotchka tapped lightly against the tabletop. The mechanic looked up to find Cobb Vanth standing there with two glasses in his other hand “Mind if I join you?”
“Uh…sure…” She awkwardly agreed before turning back to her visor “I gotta go bud, talk to you tomorrow.” The marshal took a seat across from her filling the glasses with the bright blue drink before sliding it over to her “Sorry to interrupt your call darlin’ but since you're here by your lonesome I thought I’d take the opportunity to talk to you.” She took hold of the glass bringing it up to her lips “No offense, but why?”
“Feels like all I’ve been doing these past few days is hanging around strangers.” He shrugged, “Hell I’m not even sure I know your name darlin’.” She gulped down the first shot easily and sighed “Well if it’ll keep you from calling me darlin’ the name’s Anai, just Anai, no last name. I’m too cool for those.” The man chuckled at her response as he repeated her name to himself “Pretty name, too bad your partner doesn't tend to use it.”
“It’s not like I mind or anything, he can do what he wants.” She shrugged though there was a small part of her that did mind as she filled her glass again “If you’re trying to get something out of me though I’d rather you just say it.” She peered up at him as she set the bottle back down “Flattery will get you very little.”
“Oh, you wound me Anai.” He dramatically placed his hand over his heart, faking a wince “Saw right through me did you?”
“I figured you’d get curious eventually, though I warn you I’ve only known Mando for a short while and there’s not much to tell.”
“Ah see you’re assuming there sweetheart.” He leaned forward, guiding his drink to his lips “I’m actually more interested in you, to be honest.” That made her stop as she stared at him over the rim of her glass “Me?” Anai scoffed, feeling rather perplexed, “Why me?” Vanth shrugged “The Mandalorian I get, he wants the armor because it belongs back with its people. The kid’s just along for the ride but you though…” he pointed at her as he grabbed hold of the bottle to pour another drink “I don’t get you, you helped out today but what are you getting out of this whole deal?”
“Is it so hard to believe someone can just do something and not want anything in return?”
“In this day and age very much so.” He chuckled, setting the bottle back down “Kindness freely given is rare, especially on this planet.” This time Anai nodded in agreement “Don’t I know it.” She lazily swirled the liquid in her cup as she continued “Maybe it’s the rebel in me or some complex sense of justice, cause if doing something means it’s the right thing then I want a hand in it no matter how small. I don’t have to push myself into the middle of it now like I used to, I choose to help and fight when I want and I’m not forced to.” The marshal nodded, taking in her words “I think I’m starting to get what you mean.” His lips curled into a smirk but the look in his eyes suggested his thoughts were somewhere else “I spent a good chunk of my life running from things I thought I’d never be free of, but then I came to this town and it became my sanctuary. I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to it or the people.” Anai couldn’t help the curve of her own lips at his words and lifted her glass towards his “Cobb Vanth, I think you and I just may have been cut from the same cloth.” The marshal only chuckled tapping his glass to hers “I second that thought.”
It was late, the three moons were high in the night sky and the Mandalorian was getting antsy. Anai hadn’t come back to their temporary housing yet and even though the bar was just down the way he wondered if she had drunk herself silly and gotten lost in the dark. Anything could’ve happened to her, that Krayt dragon wasn’t the only dangerous creature on this planet after all. No, if something like that happened he definitely would’ve heard her screams and she had night blindness. Right, even if she was drunk she’d never walk into a dark abyss that she couldn’t navigate. She wasn’t that stupid, at least he hoped that was the case….Then again the only reference he had for how Anai and alcohol mixed was the events on Nowhere. ‘Damn it.’ He rose to his feet, unable to take any more of his thoughts. Luckily the kid had passed out a long time ago so he quickly tucked a blanket around his little body and headed out the door. The armored man marched his way down the path to the cantina catching the attention of the Weequay barkeep “Your girl’s over there.” He nodded to a far wall across the room already knowing who he was seeking. His visor snapped in that direction just in time to see Anai down another shot of spotchka “She just emptied the bottle” The man continued “Kept our marshal good company.” That’s when Mando noticed Cobb Vanth passed out across from her, his arms crossed on the table and his head resting against them. He let out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he had been holding and made his way over. Almost immediately her eyes found him drinking in his appearance like she had the alcohol “Don’t tell me you came all the way here for me Merichetara…” She called to him her eyes half-lidded with what he first thought was drunkenness but as he got closer he realized it was only tiredness. He put his arm against the wall of the booth now looming over her.
“Oh wow…” the words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them and there was a noticeable heat that spread through her. The way the light hit his armor and just the way he stood there was enough to make anyone weak in the knees. Mando had barely caught what she said but the way she looked up at him, the way her tongue darted out wetting her bottom lip. It was like he was a meal she was ready to devour and oh would he let her have him. Stop it! No, he had to fight back against these thoughts. The woman’s probably drunk out of her mind for maker’s sake! She couldn’t be conscious of what she was doing to him. But the idea of being the prey to her predator sounded oh so good. He quickly cleared his throat and stepped back putting both hands on his belt. “It’s late and we have an early start tomorrow, you should be in bed by now.” He did his best to sound normal but the way Anai quirked her eyebrow and smirked told him otherwise “Ah…So you’ve come to collect me then?” She stood pulling her visor across the tabletop as she did “Well…” She pressed a thumb to the bottom of his helmet forcing him to meet her eyes “How valiant of you Merichetara, maybe I should reward you.” He was putty in her hands, no one had come so close to his helmet since Sorgan, and the first time the movement wasn’t to remove it “I-It’s fine…” The Mandalorian stuttered before clearing his throat “There’s no need for that.” Anai only dropped her hand and shrugged “Whatever you say.” She moved past him towards the door patting his shoulder as she did. He watched her for a moment admiring the swing of her hips then he caught sight of the barkeep watching as well. The armored man audibly growled and the barkeep turned to him with a smirk “If I was you I’d keep an eye on that one.” Was all the man said before turning back to whatever task he’d resided himself to. Mando didn’t waste time stomping off after Anai, catching sight of her form walking along the raised path, one hand trailing against the building’s as she moved her visor still loosely hanging from her fingers in the other. “Hey.” He caught up with her grabbing a hold of her arm. “You shouldn’t walk blindly out here, you’ll get lost.” She merely chuckled “I think I can walk a few yards without losing my way. Besides, I made sure to count the steps back when the suns were out.” Mando was amazed not entirely by her ingenuity but by how well she was still with it as someone who had downed a whole bottle of spotchka. When they reached the door of their shared sleeping space he finally asked “There’s no way you're not intoxicated beyond your comprehension, right?” She paused for a moment, her eyes staring off into the cast darkness ahead of her, then simply answered “If you think I am, then I must be.” He didn’t get a chance to ask more as she slipped inside their quarters leaving him to stand and ponder just who or what she could be.
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Author's note: Don't forget you can also follow this fic and get the updates on AO3!
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All Graphics by @saradika-graphics
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
can u do more sub harry or neville with mommy kink smut and soft dom george with innocence kink smut please? i love your writting <33
pairing: george weasley x reader 
warning(s): 18+, fingering, mentions of oral (female receiving), mentions of handjobs, innocence kink 
a/n: this was supposed to be a blurb but i just couldn’t stop. i decided to go with george because i don’t write for him as often as the others. and just a reminder that requests are still closed so if you send me anything right now it will likely get deleted. as always, enjoy! 
Kissing George was an experience you thought was like no other - not that you had much experience to go by. George was your first real boyfriend, therefore your first everything that comes along with that. 
In the weeks you had been dating, neither of you had taken it further than kissing - you because you were too nervous about your inexperience and him because he respected you too much to push anything on you too soon. 
And not that you would ever know this, but George was infinitely turned on by your innocence. Every time you blushed at his praise, every time he had to explain a dirty joke to you, every little noise you made when he was kissing you left him rock hard in his trousers. 
And tonight he’d be going out on a limb, but he was almost certain that you were ready for a little bit more. He was just waiting for his moment. 
It came quick enough. His hands were sliding up your sides, barely grazing the skin on the sides of your stomach, and your thighs clenched together fiercely. Every little thing he did turned you on, but it was all you could do in the moment to ease the ache you felt between your legs. 
He broke away from the kiss with a raised brow and a cocky smile, looking at you from where you were both laying on your sides on his bed. “Is my girl turned on?” He asked simply, not wanting to tease you too much. 
You immediately felt your skin heat up and your eyes went wide. Flustered and unsure of what to do next, you could only give him back a small nod, doing your best to maintain eye contact with him. 
He gave a small chuckle but gave you a playful smile shortly enough, easing your worries slightly. “And would you like me to help you with that?” 
You furrowed your brows just slightly, a bit confused. “How?” You asked, knowing full well he knew that you weren’t quite ready to take that step just yet. 
“You seem to like my hands. Isn’t that right, baby?” He asked teasingly, a hand slipping down to caress your bare thigh that had been hidden underneath your skirt. 
You managed to give a steadier nod than earlier, but your pulse had significantly increased at the prospect of what he was offering. 
“Open your legs for me, pretty girl,” he told you, but to your ears it sounded more like a command than anything. A command you so desperately wanted to obey. 
You turned slightly on your back and let your legs fall open, your skirt still covering his destination. 
“So good for me,” he mused, his lips trailing kisses up your neck, only making you that much more desperate. 
“Please,” you whimpered, sure you had never been this aroused in your life. 
His head popped up to reveal the shit eating grin he was wearing. “You don’t have to beg for anything tonight. We’ll get there one day,” he said, winking down at you. 
Just the thought of one day having to beg for him was enough to send you into a dizzy loop of scenarios in your head. It was enough to distract you from the way his fingers were trailing up your thighs and into your underwear. 
You gave a startled noise when you felt his finger trail up and down your slit, feeling for himself just how wet you were for him. 
“You’re fucking soaked. Is this all for me?” He asked, looking down at you in awe as his fingers explored your most sensitive spots. 
“Yes, George,” you managed to get out before a loud moan fell from your lips when his finger circled your clit. You felt a new flush creep back over your skin, never having made that sort of noise before, not even when you were alone and it was your own hand. 
“Don’t be shy. I wanna hear all your pretty little noises,” he said lowly in your ear, pulling away to watch your face. 
His fingers were skilled on your skin and careful to never leave your clit. Your orgasm built slowly, but you knew you needed more. You needed those long fingers inside of you, something you had dreamed about ever since you started dating him. 
“George,” you whined, bucking your hips into his hand. It was a silent plea for him to move his fingers lower, to put them inside of you, but he wasn’t taking the bait that easy. 
“What do you need, pretty girl? Hm? Use your words,” he told you, but once again it sounded a lot like a command. 
You couldn't seem to stop blushing as another wave of redness covered your skin at his words. You didn’t know what to say to him, but you were desperate. 
“Finger me, please,” you begged, looking up at him with imploring eyes. 
He didn’t even have to say the words to agree, the way his pupils dilated so the black overtook the blue was enough to tell you that he wanted nothing more right now. He quickly shifted so he was kneeling between your legs, lightly playing with the hem of your underwear and looking at you with a question in his eyes. When you finally gave him a brave nod, he slowly slid the fabric down your legs and tossed them off the side of the bed. 
“Open those legs for me, baby. Let me see just how needy my innocent little girl is,” he said, his hands rubbing your thighs to try and gently coax you into doing as he asked. 
Slowly, you let your legs part and exposed yourself to him. You watched him carefully as you did so and he couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from the spot between your legs. It was like watching a man go through a religious experience. 
“Look at you, baby,” he said, the awe evident in his voice. His fingers began to slowly trail up your slit again, but this time fully for the purpose of teasing you. “So puffy and red and so fucking wet. Absolutely perfect,” he mused, making your confidence go through the roof. You had never thought one man could make you feel so beautiful when you were this exposed. “Am I the first one to see you like this?” He asked, finally tearing his eyes away to look back up at you. 
He knew just as well as you did that he was, in fact, your first everything. You knew he just wanted to hear you say it. 
“Only you,” you said softly, but you could practically feel yourself shaking with anticipation.  
As if those words flipped a switch inside of him, he was plunging one finger into you slowly, your walls forced to stretch around it. He moved slowly, but it felt so good you couldn’t help but throw your head back and let out a moan. 
He kept going, finally slipped a second finger in and curled them in a way that made you see stars. A scream tore its way from your throat and your hips were moving of their own accord, fucking yourself down onto his fingers everytime he pushed inside of you. 
“Fuck yourself on my fingers. Just like that, baby. So fucking good,” he told you, his voice having dropped an octave since the last time he spoke. 
Knowing it turned him on watching you like this only sent another wave of arousal through you, making you that much wetter and bringing you that much closer to your orgasm. 
“You look so perfect right now. One of these days I’m gonna put my head between your legs and put my tongue right where my fingers are. I bet you’ll taste just as good as you look right now,” George told you, his voice just about the only thing that was keeping you in the moment. And the images he was supplying you with were making you shake with arousal. 
“Look at me,” he gave as his final command once he felt your walls begin to grip around his fingers. “Look at me when you cum.” 
You couldn’t help but obey, forcing your head to lift up from the pillow and your eyes found his. They were blown with lust, it was written clear on his face just how much he wanted you. 
Between the look in his eyes and the way he curled his fingers so perfectly, you were tipping over the edge and spiraling into the best orgasm of your life. It took everything you had in you to keep your eyes on him, and he worked you through every second of your climax until you were a shaking, panting mess on his sheets. 
He slowly pulled his fingers out of you, forcing you to whine at the sensitivity. But when he lifted his fingers up to his mouth and sucked on them, a whole new rush of arousal ran through you. It was something you had never even thought of, but watching him do it made you near desperate again. 
“I was right. You taste like heaven,” he told you when he was done, leaning over your body to catch your lips in his. You could still taste yourself on his tongue, a thought that made you shiver with need, but you quickly forced yourself to calm back down as you got lost in the kiss. 
“Did that feel good?” He asked, finally joining you in laying down once more, just as you had begun. 
“So good, George,” you told him honestly, still breathless from your orgasm and the kiss that followed. And when the idea struck you, you felt your body move for itself. You reached a hand out to gently run along his belt, your own silent desire to please him creeping up inside of you. 
“You don’t have to,” he argued gently, moving to push your hand away. 
“I want to,” you said defiantly, the confidence boost he had just given you making you feel as if you could do anything right now. But on second thought… “I just don’t know how,” you told him, looking back down at where your hands were. 
Softly, he curled a finger under your chin and lifted your head up, forcing you to look at him. “I can teach you,” he told you, and you watched as his pupils dilated at the thought. 
“Yeah?” You asked, still a little unsure. 
“Of course, pretty girl,” he said, capturing your lips with his once more, easing all of your nerves.
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phasmwrites · 3 years
drinking games || itadori yuuji
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this is a part of the sewer’s valentine’s day collab! please be sure to check out all the amazing writers & artists on the list here! thank you for letting me be a part of it! 💗 
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Pairing: Itadori Yuuji x Female!Reader 
Warnings: Smut (18+), Alcohol Intoxication
Word Count: 4.8k+
A/N: Here’s my first fic for the JJK fandom! I hope its turned out alright 😩💗 my pink item for the collab was pink vodka! I wound up having quite a bit of fun writing this, Yuuji’s just prime playful sex material and I love it 😍 If you’re uncomfortable with themes of sexual acts being initiated under the influence of alcohol then please don’t read. All characters are aged 18+.
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[You: 22:42] Put some pants on I’m coming over [Yuuji: 22:43] U better bring food [You: 22:43] I got something better! [You: 22:50] OPEN THE DOOR YUUJI
Stumbling into the apartment, you clutch at the bag slung over your shoulder that contains the surprise you’ve brought along with you, “Are you deaf?”
“Ah, sorry, I had my headphones in,” He scratches at the back of his neck before closing the door, “What’d you bring? Is it for me?”
“I barely even walked through the door!” You roll your eyes, feeling his curious gaze at your shoulder as you place the contents of the bag onto the coffee table: a bottle and two shot glasses.
Pink liquid sloshes inside the glass container, grabbing the man behind you’s attention. Yuuji reaches over and picks up the bottle, reading the label until it clicks what exactly you’ve brought with you. 
“You pick tonight, before I have to go on a mission in the morning to bring alcohol over?” He whines, tilting the liquor back and forth with mindless fascination, “This looks like a girly drink anyways.”
“It’s vodka, come on you can drink a little with me yeah? Unless you’re gonna pass out early on me like last time, you lightweight.”  
Shifting anything into a challenge is a surefire way to get Yuuji to become an active participant, always striving to improve, including how much alcohol he can consume supposedly. You smirk in victory while he goes to find a bottle opener, mumbling about how he’s going to prove you wrong this time. 
“Is Megumi here?” Making yourself comfortable on the thrifted couch, you inquire on his roommate’s whereabouts. After leaving Jujutsu Tech, you and Nobara sought out a small apartment in the city while Yuuji and Megumi found one a bit closer to your alma mater. 
Nobara normally accompanied you on the trip up the mountains to their place, but she had left the apartment that evening for an overnight mission. It seemed Megumi was just as busy too, “Nah, Gojou-sensei asked him to join on a last minute thing.”
“I’ll just have to record you passed out in the bathroom then.” You tease, remembering the last time all four of you had gotten together and drank. Faint memories of Yuuji barely holding down his liquor as he stormed to the bathroom plagued your mind, followed by all of you finding him knocked out cold on the tiled flooring twenty minutes later. 
He inserts the bottle opener, using his superhuman strength to yank the cork out in one fell swoop, “Let’s make a bet; you win, which you won’t, you can record me admitting defeat and post it online, I win, I get you to do something for me.” 
“First of all, how do we determine who wins?” You raise an eyebrow, holding your glass out for Yuuji to pour the pink liquid in, “Second, what exactly would I do for you?”
“Whoever says no to another shot first, loses, and I haven’t figured it out yet, you scared? Hm?” Placing the bottle down, he glances over at you and wags his eyebrows tauntingly, waiting for you to snatch the bait you tossed his way earlier when you challenged him to drinking in the first place.
The shot glass brushes against your lips before you allow the alcohol to effortlessly glide down your throat, swallowing it all in one go, “You’re on.”
Yuuji’s wolfish grin has your stomach at an immediate disadvantage, with the way it feels like numerous knots have formed within the space currently reserved for liquor. You divert your attention to the television, grabbing the remote and flicking through movies to find the perfect candidate.
After downing his first shot of the evening, he points forwards, “Oh! Oh! Let’s watch a horror movie!” 
It would make for a good drinking game, you think to yourself as you click on the horror genre, a myriad of bloody thumbnails coating the screen. The amount of cliches alone would have both of you finishing the first bottle after one movie. Yes, you brought a second, unable to resist the buy one get one half off deal the liquor store was having. 
You both agree on watching the classic Scream movies, taking shots for specific horror movie tropes that appear along with every time either one of you falls for a jumpscare. 
“Y/N…” Yuuji suddenly whispers at your side only minutes into the film, “You want popcorn? I want popcorn.”
“Hurry up then! Can’t have you cheating by getting a snack.” You tease, laughing to yourself at the way he dashes to the kitchen to throw a bag of kernels into the microwave. 
He leans on the archway between the two rooms while waiting for the appliance to ding, but you didn’t notice until you visibly flinch at the sight of a chair being thrown through a window on screen, “I saw that! Take a shot!”
“Wha– that’s not fair! I can’t tell if you flinch from here!” You whip your head around only to be met with his toothy grin, “Yuuji!” 
“Are you scared of losing that bad?” That puts an instant scowl on your lips; he knows you’re just, if not more competitive than he is when it comes to silly games like these. By the time Yuuji returns to your side with a bowl of fresh popcorn in tow, you’ve long since took your second shot of the night. 
Minutes tick by, drinks are taken, and you’re beginning to feel the alcohol buzzing through your system. The buttery snack is nearly gone, the pink-haired man at your side having practically devoured most of it. Your fingers walk along the plastic bowl in search of more, refusing to tear your gaze from the movie, until they suddenly meet another hand.
This paired with the suspense building in the film has you jumping slightly in your seat. Yuuji lets out a loud laugh as you glance in his direction with an incredulous look on your complexion, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“Here,” He brings the last piece of popcorn towards your face, waiting patiently for you to part your lips. As you do, his fingertips just barely brush against them, causing your body temperature to rise very quickly at the contact. Yuuji’s soft, gentle eyes don’t waver from your own pair for what feels like an eternity and your tipsy brain is going on and on about how attractive your best friend really is–
That is, until a loud noise coming from the television yet again has your entire body jolting in surprise, “Fuck!” 
“Thas’ another shot.” Yuuji slurs only slightly, turning back towards the film as he leans over and pours you the drink this time. 
“It’s not fair,” A whine escapes your throat before liquor is yet again poured down it, shaking your head at the bitter taste, “You’re trained to be good at this.” 
Suddenly an arm is draped over your shoulder, tugging you closer to the male’s sturdy frame, “Come ‘ere, I’ll protect you from the big bad scary movie.”
You’re about to protest how that actually wouldn't help, but the next jumpscare rolls around and you’re unwavering at the gruesome sight. That, paired with how safe you actually feel when pressed against Yuuji’s side, has you shifting closer until your head is laid on his shoulder and your legs are curled underneath you. 
His fingertips wander along your arm, mindlessly tracing shapes against your skin and chuckling to himself whenever goosebumps form in his wake. Shots are now chugged straight from the bottle, neither of you wanting to detach from the other but both unable to express that aloud. 
It would be so easy to blame your feelings on the copious amount of alcohol, but the liquid courage has only brought your infatuation to the forefront of your thoughts. Being wrapped in Yuuji’s embrace was something you hadn’t realized you wanted, even needed, until this very moment. 
Your mind is swirling by the time the first bottle is actually finished and you’re halfway through the second movie. Unable to stop anything that spills from your unfiltered mouth, you blurt out, “Yuuji, you’re like, a human radiator, what the fuck.”
“Oh!” He hiccups, “Are you too warm? I can...I can move or turn on the fan–” 
The attempt he makes at lifting himself from the couch is futile, his wobbling legs giving out on him along with you refusing to let go, “No! I like it.”
“Gotta get alcohol too, we finished the bottle and there’s still the second movie and oh I think there’s a third one too if I’m not mistaken–”
“No- no more shots,” Just the thought of more liquor makes your stomach churn; you had definitely reached your limit a few shots prior but if you push it any farther, you might be the one with their head in the toilet this evening. 
Your admission of defeat has Yuuji turning to fully face you, his button nose nearly brushing against your own, “I win?”
“Yeah,” The words sting your stubborn tongue, “You win, I’ll do whatever you want, but be nice!” 
“I almost forgot about that! Hmm...” 
His eyes search yours while he silently thinks of what he wants as “compensation” for winning the silly drinking game, the movie you both once paid close attention to now only background noise. You could just faintly feel his breath on your lips, the gap between both of you subconsciously growing smaller.
A dust of pink coats Yuuji’s cheeks when he finally speaks again, “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes-” You manage to exhale before his lips crash onto yours, the taste of popcorn still lingering on his mouth. The kiss is sweet, albeit clumsy from your intoxicated state of mind, but it has Yuuji giggling nonetheless. He tries to contain himself, opting to release soft hums like he’s just taken a bite of decadent chocolate. 
“Wow,” The pink-haired male gasps out as you pull back just enough for some much needed air, “I’ve been wanting to do that for years.”
“Years?” You manage to squeak out, leaning back just enough to look into those warm, brown eyes. 
Yuuji appears like a deer caught in headlights, realizing the words that just stumbled off his tongue, “I- uh...yeah, I hope that isn’t weird–” 
It's your turn to cut him off with a kiss, right after adjusting yourself on the couch just enough that you could toss your arms over his shoulders, dragging his body closer to yours. Deft fingers play with the small strands of hair at the back of his head, eventually raking his locks between them. His own hands find solace at your hips, guiding you onto his lap without pause. 
A part of you was still in disbelief, unable to understand how you had gone from watching scary movies to making out on the couch. You don’t even get an opportunity to dwell on it, Yuuji’s lips forcing yours open just enough for him to guide his tongue inside. The feeling of him eagerly exploring every cavern of your mouth with the pink muscle has your legs clenching at his sides, heat beginning to pool between them. 
Then, unexpectedly– “Ow!” Your teeth clack, forcing you apart from one another in surprise and slight pain. 
“I’m so sorry,” He brings his palm to the side of your complexion, an adorable pout spread along his bottom lip, “I think I drank a bit too much.”
“It’s okay, me too.” You laugh, leaning into his touch. The way Yuuji gazes at you in this moment makes you feel like a goddess, nothing but absolute adoration swimming in his irises. Had he truly felt this way for you all this time without you catching on?
Slowly, you meet him in the middle again, this kiss much less rushed than before. What once felt like roaring waves crashing onto the earth’s surface, overwhelming all of your senses, had calmed to soft laps at the sand, gently guiding you into the ocean. Occasionally, a small hiccup or a breathy laugh would leave one of your mouths, still in disbelief that this was actually happening. 
Yuuji’s lips then leave yours in favor of pressing them along your jawline, peppering your skin with feather-like delicacy. His travels lead him to the curve of your neck, your head lolling to the side to give him easy access. When his teeth first bare themselves and tug at your sensitive skin you subconsciously grind your hips down and let out a shaky exhale. 
“Do that again.” He mumbles, fingers curling harder into your sides, “Please.”
Another roll of your hips has him whining against you, gathering your once unlittered skin between his teeth as he coaxes a mark to form under his ministrations. With your lips just barely parted, you release a needy moan, the noise traveling to both Yuuji’s ears and the space between his legs. 
Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was your infatuation settling on the surface, but every touch was so warm and only made you crave more. You set a lazy pace of rocking your hips against the man beneath you, digging your fingernails into the back of his scalp as he continued to mark up your skin, practically claiming you as his. You want that, you think to yourself, you want to be his.
As his mouth travels back up in search of your lips, you speak against them, “Take off your shirt.”
You emphasize your request by blazing a hand down to the hem of his loose tee, tugging at the soft material. Yuuji’s half-lidded eyes open a bit wider at the suggestion, “Are you sure? Listen, I know we’re kinda drunk, but I really do like you, like a lot. I wish I would’ve had the courage to do this sooner–”
“I like you too,” Cutting Yuuji off on his tangents seems to be an ongoing trend that evening, “I want this, I want you, so make me yours.” 
While he takes a moment to process the words just spoken to him, you decide to make yourself loud and clear by yanking your shirt up and over your head, tossing it onto the hardwood floor without a second glance. His eyes immediately divert to your now partially exposed breasts, intricate lace holding them close together. 
“You’re so pretty,” Yuuji blurts out, tentatively bringing one hand back to your cheek, “If you ever want to stop just tell me, promise?”
Glancing down, you notice he’s held out his other hand with only his pinky sticking up. With a light giggle you nod, curling your own finger around his to seal the deal. The next thing to escape your mouth is a squeal, Yuuji’s lips returning to your own with a renounced fervor. 
Except you tug harshly at his shirt, reminding him that you wanted it off and you wanted it off now. He follows through this time, detaching himself from your mouth only temporarily. 
The pads of your fingers immediately explore his newly exposed frame, feeling his body shiver under your cool touch. His hands trail down your arms, palms gliding along your skin until they nearly meet one another at your perky breasts. When he stalls momentarily, you whine in protest against his lips and eagerly press your body closer to his warmth. 
Yuuji uses your silent plea as encouragement to continue, pressing indents into your soft mounds and toying with the bra that separates him from your hardening nipples. Despite that, he runs his thumbs over them through the flimsy fabric, chuckling at the breathless noise you produce in response. 
He goes silent the moment the palm of your hand presses against his clothed erection, fingers curling around his length through his sweatpants. Gasping into your mouth, you take this opportunity to invade his with your tongue while slowly sliding a hand down his shaft. 
“Can I take your pants off?” You eventually ask, causing him to halt his ministrations.
He’s quick to comply though, nodding and begging against your lips, “Yes, please.” 
It still didn’t stop him from pouting when you lifted yourself from his lap, but his expression quickly shifts when he watches you sink onto your knees directly in front of him. With your calves resting on the hardwood floor, you reach up and curl your impatient fingers around the waistband of his sweats, yanking them down in one fell swoop.
You were fully expecting to have to drag a pair of briefs down his toned thighs, but you’re pleasantly surprised when his cock springs free and slaps at his toned abdomen. Glancing up, you notice the way Yuuji’s caught his bottom lip between his teeth, eyebrows furrowed when he meets your gaze. 
“Don’t hold back any pretty noises from me Yuuji.” His mouth parts ever so slightly, obeying your command while never tearing his eyes from you. 
Your delicate fingers immediately wrap around the base, feeling his hot skin throb at the sudden touch. A small puddle of precum rests along his lower stomach, having come from his drooling head. 
Yuuji sucks in a deep breath when your tongue lolls out of your mouth, but the tension seemingly dissipates when you begin lapping at his leaking slit, “Hah! That tickles!”
Repeating the action, you’re unable to stop yourself from eliciting another bout of laughter from the pink-haired male. You swallow his precum with an amused grin, watching him through your lashes to gauge his next reaction.
“Oh fuck…” All laughter dies in his throat when you take the entire head between your lips, sucking hard at the sensitive skin. Low groans escape past clenched teeth instead, one of his hands digging into the cushion with so much strength he might just tear it to shreds.
The further you travel down his length, the more vocal Yuuji is in return. His unoccupied hand travels between your locks, seeking any sort of purchase to keep himself from cumming in twenty seconds flat. 
Despite that, he truly wasn’t prepared for just how amazing it felt when you began bobbing up and down along his veiny cock, your hand stroking what wouldn’t fit. He refuses to tear his gaze away, refuses to let his eyes close in bliss and miss even a second of the view in front of him. 
This goes on for what feels like forever: your big, soft eyes peering up at him while his cock is wedged between your pouty lips, a culmination of saliva and precum beginning to spill down your chin. If he peeks even further down he can see your perky nipples straining against your bra; it was a sight he wants to burn into his memory for the rest of his life. 
“You’re so perfect, so good, please don’t stop, please, please, please–” Yuuji begs, accidentally thrusting his hips upwards in desperation. The feeling of his head at the back of your tight throat has you instantly gagging, tears pooling at your lower lash line.
It takes him a few moments to notice those tears now rolling down your cheekbones, quickly loosening his grip and allowing you to remove yourself from his length, “Did I hurt you?” 
“No, no,” You reassure him after a much needed breath, brushing your swollen lips along the prominent vein that runs down his cock, “I kinda liked it.”
He doesn’t even get a chance to respond to such a blunt statement before you’re hollowing out your cheeks and sucking him back into the wet cavern of your mouth. The muscles in his thighs begin to tense with his rapidly impending orgasm, fingernails digging harshly into your scalp while he chants praise after praise into the thick air.
“I’m so close, hah, if you don’t- if you don’t stop I’m gonna,” Yuuji tries to speak with some cohesiveness, but it dissolves into debauched blabber when your hand reaches up and begins massaging his aching balls, “I’m gonna cum!”
This spurs you on further, taking him as deep as you can until you nearly choke on his head once more. Your nose almost rests on his pubic bone when his grip on your hair tightens, forcing you to keep still as he spills thick, hot cum into your eager mouth. His eyes are screwed shut as he pumps ropes of white fluid down your throat, long, guttural moans passing his lips.
Persistence is key, you tell yourself as you refuse to release him until you’ve swallowed every single last drop. Until finally the overstimulation gets too much to bear and Yuuji yanks you off of his softening cock.
“Wow,” He exhales, allowing you to glide his sweats back up his frame and climb into his inviting lap.
You can’t help but giggle at his blissed out state, pecking his lips once, twice– before speaking, “Wow? That’s all you can say?”
“I think you sucked my brain out too,” Yuuji whines, hands resting comfortably on your pert ass, “Before I go completely braindead, let me return the favor.”
“You’re so dumb, Yuuji–!” A squeal is ripped from your throat when your back meets the couch cushions, bouncing ever so slightly before a lean figure hovers over you. 
The smile spreading across his complexion is contagious, those pretty brown eyes sparkling as he peers down at you, “You’re so beautiful, you know that? I’ve wanted this for so, so long.” 
Your legs squeeze around his waist, drawing him closer until you can reach forward and capture his mouth in yet another fleeting kiss. This entire evening feels like a fever dream, or rather a wet dream from the depths of your subconscious. One might mistake it for fantasy if his words of praise and gentle touches didn’t ground you back, back to the reality where Yuuji is now trailing his soft lips down the column of your neck. 
He continues his journey downwards until reaching the swell of your breasts, nuzzling his nose into your cleavage and mumbling into your skin, “Tell me if I do anything you don’t like, okay?”
“Okay.” You nod, watching as he leaves a few more pecks along the tops of your chest before descending down yet again. Eventually, your legs drop back down onto the couch, Yuuji’s mouth and hands hovering over the waistband of your leggings. 
Wasting no time, he eagerly curls his fingers around the material and rolls them down your thighs, your calves, and over your feet so he can cast them aside. You feel so exposed, your matching bra and panty set on full display to the man above you. If you look closely, you can see the way he drags his tongue over his bottom lip at the sight. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Yuuji groans before burying his face between the apex of your thighs without warning, like a tiger pouncing on its prey. All you see are pink tufts of hair as he drags his tongue along your clothed slit, impatient to get a taste of you.
He remains like this for what feels like too long, refusing to toss your panties aside as he sucks at the drenched lace while massaging the inside of your thighs with his palms, “Yuuji, please.”
“Hm?” Peeking his head up, he gets a glimpse of just how desperate you truly are; your eyes glassy, bottom lip puckered out, fingernails digging into the couch cushion, “What is it?”
“Take em off already!” You’re full on whining, jutting your hips up to emphasize your point. 
He can’t stop himself from laughing before hooking his index fingers on the sides of your panties, growing more and more excited by the second. Neither of you expect the material to actually tear off of your frame from his mass enthusiasm, though, “Whoops.”
“You’re so lucky you’re cute.” You chide, but the sheepish grin Yuuji shoots your way has rendered you unable to be upset at the ruined underwear. 
Finally tossing the flimsy lace aside, his next words run shivers down your spine, “I’ll make it up to you.”
His mouth descends onto your cunt in a flash, diving headfirst between your sopping wet folds with renowned fervor. The pink muscle of his tongue leaves no part of you untouched, eagerly lapping up whatever your body has to give him. You cry out in pleasure, thighs trapping Yuuji between them, even though there’s nowhere else he’d rather be in this moment than eating you out like a man starved.
When he isn’t dipping his tongue into your tight little hole, his lips are gathering your clit between them and sucking hard at the sensitive bud. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your skull, the heel of your foot digging into his toned back in search of some sort of purchase. 
Just when you thought it couldn’t feel anymore amazing, he reaches down and presses not one, but two fingers at your entrance. He hums against your clit at just how hot and tight your walls feel around the appendages, wondering how good it would feel if it was his cock instead. 
Tears begin rolling down your cheeks at the intense pleasure coiling in your lower abdomen; all these different sensations coming together in an attempt to drive you over the edge. From his mouth sucking fervently at your clit, to his fingers rapidly thrusting against that spongy spot inside of you, you were sure to tip over fast and hard.
“Yuuji, I’m- I’m so close already–!” Your voice cracks when he suddenly inserts a third, stretching you even further, “Please!”
Ever eager to satisfy, he picks up his pace even more, fucking you on his thick fingers and lavishing your fluttering cunt with his warm mouth. The pleasure is becoming too much to handle, your legs shaking rather violently, your climax so close. 
You reach for his pink locks, tangling your fingers through them when your orgasm suddenly hits you like a freight train, a loud cry tearing through your throat. Yuuji coaxes you through it by refusing to halt his ministrations, enjoying the way you’re gushing around his digits and into his awaiting mouth.
When you start to come down from your high though, you realize he’s still very much between your legs, “Hah! No more! It’s too sensitive!” 
“I think I’m gonna have to buy a new couch.” Is the first thing Yuuji says when he finally lifts himself up, your cum coating the entire lower half of his complexion, “You came a lot.” 
“You’re embarrassing.” You instantly cover your face, growing warm with abashment at the realization. 
The first thing you see when he eventually moves your hands is his concerned expression, having wiped away your slick with some napkins laid on the coffee table, “I thought it was really hot, but next time we should put a towel down or something.”
“Next time?” You squeak, completely forgetting how this entire ordeal came to fruition in the first place; him kissing you and admitting that he’s harbored feelings for you for years.
“I mean…yeah,” Yuuji’s cheeks go pink at the insinuation, “But I know we did things kind of backwards, so I’d really like to take you out on a date sometime, if you’d want.”
His words were sober, the alcohol having long since passed through both of your systems. Your own heart melts at the way he lays his own on the table, unwavering in his infatuation for you. Before vocalizing your answer, you lean up and capture his lips for the umpteenth time that evening in a toe-curling kiss. 
“I’d love to go out with you, Yuuji.” 
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The front door creaks when Megumi forces it open, cursing to himself about needing to fix it one of these days. It’s nearly seven in the morning when he returns to his small apartment and the only thing he wants to do is throw himself into bed and sleep for many, many hours.
Except, the sight in front of him has his left eye twitching: an empty alcohol bottle lays on the coffee table along with a bowl of unpopped kernels, numerous shot glasses, and a pair of lace panties. The television was still on, playing some vintage horror film he didn’t recognize.
He has half a mind to storm into Yuuji’s room and give him a piece of it, and he decides to do exactly that. Though, when he slams open his roommate’s bedroom door he’s met with a sleeping Yuuji holding you tightly in his embrace, a large blanket draped over both of your frames.
“Huh.” Megumi tilts his head to the side, realizing he should have expected it to be you, after all those years of listening to his friend’s pining. 
The anger subsides only slightly, telling himself he’s still going to yell at both of you for not cleaning up when suddenly a mouth manifests itself onto the back of Yuuji’s hand, “Disgusting, isn’t it. At least you didn’t have to listen to it.”
Not necessarily disgusting, Megumi thinks, but he’s way too tired to deal with any of this anymore and begins to retreat to his bedroom when, “I wouldn’t suggest sitting on that couch anytime soon, either.”
Definitely too tired for this shit.
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thank you for reading! please let me know your thoughts! 💗
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Graveyard Siblings (4)
I am sorry for not posting in a while. School is a total bitch. Here is part 4 of a fic that is not a fic.
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)
Tall Marinette.(I admit I might be projecting a little here.)
One day, she took out something from someplace high and the whole family realized that ‘holy shit when did you get so tall?’
Bonus if Jason comes back from a long mission and had a wtf moment because she was wearing 6-inch-heels and met his eyes with them on.
You know how Bruce has the identity of Matches Malone to infiltrate the Gotham Underground.
While Jason does the drug deals more street crime stuff, Maria uses an excuse of being the representative for Red Hood excuse to mingle with the rich people who does crime on the side (Penguin), she uses it to go to black market auctions and buy some of the lost miraculouses which got into the hands of black market dealers.
Jason knows about it and acts as her ‘bodyguard’ anytime he can or sends one of his henchmen to be one with a death threat if she gets a single scratch on her.
Bruce is unaware of this. Or is he?
Mari helps with running WE since she is a little less busy with the vigilante side of things.
It started with Tim panicking about deadlines and Mari offering to help, to Bruce and Tim bullying the board to have her as co-CEO.
She has to be that and head of Afterlife. So she is very busy. Doesn’t know about what comes next….
Somehow the class comes to Gotham for a trip. It has been 3 years since her death.
Mari has changed her appearance since the day she left Paris. She has highlights in her hair after a ‘sibling bonding day’ with Jason. Her hair is kept short for convenience and not in pigtails. Along with her tall height and more confident aura, she is almost unrecognizable.
She rides a motorcycle too.
The class waits in the lobby for the tour and in walks this badass woman with aviator sunglasses, leather jacket and designer clothes which was all MT brand, making a lot of people swoon.
She takes off her glasses and walks past the class. Checking stuff on her phone and sipping coffee in her other hand.
She seems familiar but they couldn’t figure out why. (All except Chloe, Alix and Felix who are snickering in the background.)
Lila sees her and comments on how she must be a criminal with the way she dresses. (Lila internally freaks out because were her eyes messing with her? Because she looked a little like Marinette. Also jealous of the new arrival for stealing all the attention.) Alya takes the bait and calls security to ‘arrest’ her.
They just laugh. The class doesn’t understand, speaking in confused French.
“I am Maria Todd-Wayne, also known as designer MT. CEO of Afterlife and co-CEO of the very company you are in. I am allowed in here. Don’t judge a book by its cover.” she said in perfect French.
“But Lila told us you can’t speak French.”
“Lila Rossi, your friend. She told us that you and MT were dating.”
“Me dating myself. Okay I love myself because self-love is a thing but that is a whole other level. MT are my initials. Anyone who has a brain could have figured that out or at the very least do a Google search. I am not sure where your friend got that notion.”
“Hey, Bean, come on. We have a long day ahead of us.” Tim reminded her.
“Goodbye but cease the rumours or you would be escorted off the premises.”
As they rode up the elevator, “Tim, why are they here?”
“They are the lucky winners of the Wayne Enterprise Young Prodigies Contest. Why, Maria?”
“Lucky, huh.” She muttered under her breath. She might as well tell him. They are the Bats and they will find out anyway. “They are from my old class, the one you know…”
“Oh. Want me to send them back? I can do that if they are making you uncomfortable.”
“Nah. Too much to deal with. And it is unfair to send them back over a petty grudge. Besides, I could have some fun.”
“Anything that Bruce and I should be worried about?”
“I swear no killing. Just because Jason came back from the dead, hell-bent on killing. Doesn’t mean I am too.”
“Cool, just don’t do any property damage or traumatize our employees.”
“I might need you to erase some footage later and tell Bruce about this.”
“Some brownies, my favourite coffee cake, the ‘special’ brew and you have yourself a deal.”
So basically she just showed up around where the class was ‘by coincidence’.
Talk to a few people and take them out of earshot of the rest of the class.
End the conversation by saying a few things only they and her would know. Insides jokes and secrets. (I pick her old childhood friends like, Nino, Kim and maybe Sabrina)
Uses Trixx to turn into a walking dead version of her 15-year old self and disappears as they freak out about how she knew that secret/story.
Freaks them out further by appearing again in front of the whole class and pretending not to know their previous conversation.
Mari manages to get Lila alone.
I should also say that Lila thought that her curse was making her see MT as Marinette.
It terrifies Lila when she finds out that MT is actually Marinette, not dead but alive after all this time and apparently living the high life she wanted. This fact made the Italian swell up with jealousy.
“I hope you are not lying about me again, Lila Rossi. Like you always do.”
“What do you want with me? I swear I didn’t say anything else about you.”
“Aw, Lila. Don’t recognize me?”
Maria flickers and Ladybug is in her place and later, the Marinette that appeared in her bedroom and back to normal.
“You! How? Why are you here? Why can’t you leave me alone?”
“Why not? I mean you did take away nearly all my friends, my parents and made my life a living hell. If you think about it, I am just repaying you the same favor. How are the others? Treating you well?”
“What did you do to me, you bitch?”
“I just put a curse on you. The ghosts of your past will haunt you until you stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop Lying, Liar. They all feed and grow in power from your lies. I wonder what would happen in a few years if you kept this up.”
“You think you can get away with this. This is war and I have already beaten you once.”
“Oh Rossi. This isn’t a war. It’s a death sentence.” With that she disappears.
Lila tries to tell her class that MT is actually Marinette. She is met with crazy looks. Some of them look like they want to believe her but don't because they don’t want to look crazy too.
Oh. Adrien wasn’t on the trip because his mother didn’t want him to go to the crime capital of America although the crime rate has gone down a little due to Hellbat curing some of the city’s bad energy..
Right after Lila told the class about MT, Scarecrow came to steal some Wayne tech and the class got caught in the crossfire. So later, it was brushed off as Lila seeing things due to the fear toxins.
Joker made the mistake of kidnapping her. Once was enough to never try that again.
(It involved the use of nearly all of the Miraculouses, old and new. He was thoroughly humiliated at the end of it and his picture by the time Hellbat was done with him was on the Batfam’s Christmas Card. Like I said she doesn’t kill but making them beg for death was okay.)
It coincided with Jason’s Birthday and the video of the incident was ‘the best birthday present ever.’ The uncensored version was watched at the next undead siblings bonding day. Damian included.
After hearing a few rumours about what happened, most criminals were glad for Hellbat’s rare appearances. (which happens once a month and during really busy time of the year)
There was a time where Penguin was carrying out one of their plans and when Hellbat showed up, all of their thugs surrendered instantly. (No Batman did not pout at the fact that this French girl was more imitating than him.)
Scarecrow used his newest batch of fear toxin on her during the first year after she died.
He was astounded to see her still standing and she later proceeded to beat the crap out of him while being under the toxin’s influences.
He has tried to stay out of her way since then.
She saw Scarecrow as Hawkmoth and said a lot of things in French which scared everyone because she said it with so much hate, anger and in a very menacing tone that everyone is like ‘I am not touching this.’
It took Red Hood and Nightwing to restrain her from further beating Scarecrow up.
He was one of the people who sympathised with the Joker after the Incident.
The next was Riddler being so arrogant in his plans and managed to get Hellbat and Spoiler into a death trap.
“You know I have a few regrets in life. And my final one is that I got captured and am now going to get killed by a walking fashion disaster.”
“Hey! I made this myself. I will have, you know.”
“You have a brilliant mind but no sense of fashion at all. When I get out of here, I am going to burn that thing with you in it, for your crimes against fashion.”
“What is wrong with it?”
Cue a lot of roasting of Riddler’s costume and Spoiler adding more fuel to the fire.
They manage to escape while Riddler is crying on the floor, having an existential crisis.
The thing was no one knows why Riddler was silent the entire week after encountering Hellbat and crying when anyone mentions it.
They now think Hellbat is the scariest one in the Batfamily, second to Batman and tied with Black Bat/Orphan.
The few who find out what really happened in the warehouse that night. Blackmail material on the Riddler.
Three ( four if you count Penguin) of Gotham’s biggest villains of the Rogues Gallery scared of Bats’ newest addition. Hellbat was not someone they wanted to mess with.
Magic crisis stuff. Like a world ending event thing. Dr. Fate says they need the Miraculous jewels but the last mention of them had been in Paris a few years ago and had vanished since then.
Costantine looked at Batman. “You know who you have to call.”
Batman calls Hellbat. Who hasn’t been introduced yet to the JL.
“Ah. Bats. Not that I question your authority or anything but how can your newest ‘ward’ help us?”
She takes off her helmet and reveals her face and more importantly, her earrings.
Tikki comes out of her hiding place.
“I am the current Guardian of the Miracle Box and wielder of the Ladybug miraculous during Hawkmoth’s reign in Paris a few years ago. Any other Questions?”
“Oh great Guardian. Tikki. It is an honour to meet you.”-Wonder Woman, who else.
“You too, Princess Diana. Pass on my regards to your mother.”-Tikki
A huge face-off and the big evil is defeated.
WW asks abt HM and gives a horrified face at the end of her story. Nearly everyone who eavesdropped on the conversation was.
"Forgive me, Guardian for not aiding you in your hour of need.”
“It’s okay. I understand that there are other crises, world-ending ones that JL have to take care of. I am better now. Mostly.”
“I doubt it with those revenge schemes I found lying around. But she is getting there with her therapist.”-Batman
“I hate you, Dad.”
“Did you just call him Dad?”
“Do you see me as a father figure?”
“I see you as a nuisance with how nosy you are with my personal business. So you are more of a bother figure.”
“I see you as part of the family too, Daughter.” (Got that reference anyone?)
“Jason was the one who adopted me.”
“Legally you are adopted by me.”
Maria with Pikachu surprised face because nobody told her that. “My life is a lie.”
(Part 5)
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manias-wordcount · 3 years
How To Drive The Car (Noctis x Reader) - Fourth Gear
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀 𝗶𝗺 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗜 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗮 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗿.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: 𝘃𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝘅. 𝗱𝗼𝗴𝗴𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲.
𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁: 𝗼𝗻𝗲 || 𝘁𝘄𝗼 || 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 || 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿 || 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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Put on a skirt, you’re a tease.
Sway your hips when you walk, a tease.
Flash a smile, rub his arm, look him in the eye-
The rest of the boys aren’t too far away. Distracted, yes, but within earshot. At any moment they could hear something go down. At anymore moment they could  sense  something happening. It wouldn’t take anything but a few, meager little seconds to look over and see-
The other side of the car. The one barrier between you and your Prince’s unsuspecting voyeurs.
What? You’re  brave, not stupid.
Stupid would be trying to ride him again, this time in broad daylight of such an open and exposed area. You remember what happened last time. Hell, your  pussy  remembers what happened the last time. He left you sore for a couple of days and horny for a lot longer. There’s no way you could keep it on the down-low if you did something like that again.  That  would be stupid.
Brave, on the other hand, is flashing the white-knuckled prince a coy smile as you pretend to drop a coin right next to the Regalia.
You drop to your knees, leisurely getting on all fours as the coin rolls to a stop just underneath the car. You hear a sharp breath as you brace yourself on your hands and knees. Your too short skirt and nonexistent underwear gave Noctis a perfect view of all the goodies you had to offer. Soaking wet and ripe for the taking-  his  taking. Couple that with a slow arch of your back as you pretend to reach for the fallen coin and a wiggle of your hips, and you know it won’t be long until you feel his hands on you.
Ask and you shall receive, of course.
It only takes a moment for you to hear him drop down behind you and grab you by the hips. It’s a quick and sudden jerk as he manhandles you away from the car and to grind against his clothed erection. You fall into sync with him naturally, pressing your core against him in a shared rhythm before he takes the back of your head and presses it into the ground. You gasp silently in surprise, but the noise is overshadowed by the sound of Noctis unzipping his pants.
You can’t help the devious smile that spreads across your face as you hear him grunt and spit into his hand. You’re excited. Beyond excited. All this built up just to play with him- to bait him into fucking you right next to his friends. All morning it was a battle. Will he, won’t he? Does he want you, or does he want to avoid getting caught? How far is too far? When does he draw the line?
Clearly, that’s something you haven’t quite found out yet. Test of resolve or not, it doesn’t matter. He’s bolder than you would give him credit for. He’s no longer the dark-haired, blue-eyed prince who stuttered and whimpered just because you got your claws on him. Oh no, now he’s a future King.  A future king that’s currently sliding the tip of his dick into your drenched, eagerly awaiting pussy while you both listen to his best friend ramble about absolutely nothing from just a few feet away on the other side of the car.
Your mouth falls open at the sensation of being full, but you don’t dare let a sound fall out. It’s quite stretch as he enters you from behind with the bare minimum done for preparation, but you don’t make a sound. You bite back your moans with half-lidded eyes as Noctis pushes into you, inch by inch until there’s nowhere left for him to go. He lets you adjust- panting as your hands clench into fists, holding in every nose that tries to slip out as you feel its dick pulsate inside of you. Even after all he does to you, he’s still a good boy at heart.
At least, you thought so. Until he moved.
It was a small movement at first. He disguised it as shifting his grip on your hips as moved just the tiniest bit. It catches you off guard as his dick prods against your g-spot so suddenly. You try to look back at him, but all it does is Noctis to arch your back ever further and force your head down. For a moment afterward, the two of you are sitting in complete silence. Your heavy breaths mix with his as his hands glide over your skin. You want to ask him what he’s doing when he starts to flip your skirt up higher. A hand traces thigh always up to your ass cheek with such tenderness, you’re honestly surprised. It’s so sweet how he always-
The hands on your hips return before you can even blink your eyes, and suddenly you’re seeing stars.
“Noct, I-” Your words cut off as he jackhammers himself into your pussy. You bite down hard on your lip as the telltale sound of him slamming into you echoes in the air. In and out, in and out, you’re struggling to breathe. He’s going so fast- he’s making you feel so  good.  And he took the lead from you this time.
You’re not used to not feeling in control.
“Noct-” You hiccup, in-between thrusts directed right for your the little spot inside of you that makes your vision go black. “What if they-”
“Hear?” He finishes your words in a grunt, not even bothering to keep his voice down. “Let them hear.”
Your mind feels fuzzy, and his voice is so  warm  yet so cruel .  He’s fucking you stupid, and he’s fucking you stupid  quick.  You so dick drunk you wouldn’t even be able to tell if the rest of the group had walked to the other side of the car and had caught you whoring yourself out-
“I  want them to hear.”
You feel like you're flying.
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deargetou · 3 years
- the music we make is unnatural, but it sounds just like falling in love
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paring: megumi x stepmother!reader
a/n: Everyone is aged up because this might be NSFW! third years, second years and first years are 20!
a/n: I gave up in the end and didn’t proofread, but enjoy, and feel free to send me your questions! I don't know if Tumblr is working, so maybe she'll see it
this is for @tobios-housewife
i honestly love her writing and felt so welcomed by her and her blog. i thought i would give my shot at writing, and im dedicating this piece to her. its not great, but i hope you like it! this was supposed to be for christmas, but i hated everything i wrote, but i did like this. so sorry for the long-ass wait, but im in a good mental place to start posting
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Megumi couldn’t help the eye roll when you asked if he wanted to walk with you. You always tried to get him to do things with you when his father was away on business, and you finished all the housework. His father should’ve known that his wife would be lonely after so long, but he usually came after 3 days, never later. 
So it was strange that his father was nowhere to be seen the next morning, on the 4th day. Megumi was used to waking up and sitting down on the left side of the table, never top or bottom. You would fix breakfast and sit down near Megumi after fixing the plates. His father would be silent and just eat without saying anything. Megumi would do the same. After breakfast, Megumi would be off to do his own thing and wouldn’t see you until dinner.
It was a routine that he perfected but stopped when his father was gone much longer than usual. After the 8th day, you became touch-starved and would start bugging Megumi to do things with you, but he would always reject and leave you to your things. 
Many people, including his friends, thought that Megumi hated you because you were replacing his mother or because he didn’t like you, but all those were wrong. Megumi had deep feelings for you, and they began when he first laid eyes on you. He never told anyone about his feelings and was sure people would just talk about his bad luck, but he knew differently. It wasn’t bad luck or true love between you and his father. Megumi knew the evil truth.
He knew that his father only married you to spite Megumi.
Megumi never cared for the festivals or anything that involved him hanging out with his old man, but here we are. It wasn’t Megumi’s choice to invite his father but his friends; although they meant well, Megumi wished they minded their own business. He could tell that his father only wanted to annoy and embarrass him by telling childhood stories. Stories that only Megumi and Gojo-sensei knew were false.   
Sadly, it wasn’t long until his friends decided to ditch him with his father and let them have some bonding time. The bonding didn’t happen. Instead, Megumi followed his father and watched as he played the various games. He made a mental note to kill his friends later, but that note was soon scrapped when his eyes landed on you. 
You stood with a small group of girls; they were all talking to each other, but you ignored them. Your eyes were more focused on the colorful flower stand before you. Megumi could see why. The flowers bloomed in the light, and the colors were mixed well, but you took their attention away.
“She’s pretty, but you’re too young for her, Fushi.”
Megumi turned his attention to his father, who abandoned his game to annoy his son. He didn’t say anything to the comment, hoping his father would drop it if he kept quiet, but that seems to have the opposite effect.
“She looks good in bed, hell, just look at her throat." Toji knew what he was doing. Baiting his son to react wasn't gonna be too hard. “You just know she can handle a big co-“
"You're disgusting," Megumi spat, causing his father to burst into laughter. This only fueled Megumi's hatred for his old man.
Toji gave his son one last look before making his way over to you.
To Megumi's surprise, you fell in love with his father and married a year later. The wedding was painful to plan, but seeing you in your dress was something he would never forget.
Being the asshole, Toji had asked his son to be his best man. Megumi would never forget the sight of you walking down the aisle. It seemed you were walking down to him, but you weren't.
Megumi did everything in his power to avoid you from that point, but he knows that won't be possible until his father returns.
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Megumi wasn't surprised that you kept to your routine. You cleaned the house and put up all the clothes after they finished drying, and you made dinner, but it was different this time. Usually, you would call him down for dinner, but today, you knocked on his door before quietly asking if he wanted to join you for dinner. Megumi could feel a sharp pain in his chest when he saw you. 
Your face no longer held that joyful smile or the twinkle in your eyes. It almost seemed like you'd been replaced by some zombie, but the truth was that his father neglected you for so long, and so has Megumi.
Megumi nodded, pushing down his feelings before following behind you like a lost puppy. Your routine continued by fixing plates, sitting close to Megumi, and staring ahead at an empty seat. He didn't say anything at first; Megumi just watched as you pushed your food around with your fork.
Taking a small bite, Megumi let a little sigh and a smile. "Thank you for fixing a wonderful meal, Mama."
The routine was broken.
Your eyes got their twinkle back, a soft blush on your cheeks, and a big smile. It was almost sad that you clung to something small like his compliment. Megumi knows his father isn’t returning; he should probably be upset, but he knows this is his chance to make things right.
"You're welcome, Megumi."
A new routine was born. You would wake up, fix breakfast, wake Megumi up, and eat breakfast together before spending the day together. The day started with a “Thank you, Mama,” and always ended with a “Goodnight, Mama”.  Megumi would push the limits every day. He started small by helping you wash dishes, standing so close that your scent was the only thing he could smell. Then he moved on to helping you with laundry, stealing your panties, and hiding them under his pillow.
Megumi loved laying his head on your lap; your fingers would instantly go to his hair. He fell asleep multiple times because of the position, your scent, and your fingers, luring him into a deep sleep. Megumi would help you with everything and always ensured you never pushed yourself.
His favorite time is when he fixes a bath for your hard work. Always assisting that he should help and not let you do it yourself. He sat on the tub's edge with your darling figure between his legs. Megumi loved rubbing the soap through your hair before washing it all out, getting you to close your eyes and lean back for his eyes to freely stare at your breasts.
He was always playing Russian roulette at times like this. Seeing the water going down your breasts and dripping off your nipples made his pants unbelievably tight, but he had to be careful to not let you know that he had a raging hard-on. Megumi looked away when you washed your more intimate parts, but he still listened to your words as you went about your day.
When done, Megumi would grab a towel for you but turn away so you wouldn't see his pink cheeks. You would always thank him before pulling him into a hug, allowing him to place his face into your breasts. He couldn’t be ashamed any longer of his deep lust for you.
Everything was going great until it wasn’t.
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It wouldn’t go down!
Megumi was keeping to his routine. He grabbed a towel and helped you out of the tub, but you slipped in the water and fell. Being the good boy he is, Megumi dropped everything to catch you, causing you to fall and land directly on top of him. He could feel his heart racing, almost like it would jump out. “Mama, a-are you okay?” Megumi stuttered, his face increasingly red from feeling your bare breasts on him. He could feel his face heat up; he prayed you couldn’t feel his swollen cock as it pressed against his pants.
After helping you up, Megumi sent you off to bed and offered to clean up the mess, but in reality, he wanted private time to eliminate his problem. Before going to his room, he cleaned the mess, hoping it would go down as he cleaned, but with no such luck. Megumi quickly lay on his bed before pulling your panties from his pillow, the blue lace falling between his fingers. 
He brought the lace to his nose but wasn’t met with your sweet smell. Megumi frowned. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get off without some part of you, but some part of him also knew that he needed more than just your smell. His usual routine wasn’t going to work anymore. His other hand slid down his boxer; Megumi let out a pained gasp as his slender fingers wrapped around his leaking cock. 
Megumi gently moved his thumb to run over his tip, letting the precum be spread over the rest of his cock. He didn’t need to see it to know the tip was red and irritated. He couldn’t help the little pained gasps; Megumi had never been turned on like this before. He needed something fresh of yours or something from just a few days ago.
Megumi quietly made his way to your room. Usually, he wouldn’t do something dangerous, but he’s never been so desperate. Squeezing through the crack in your door, Megumi approached your dresser. He glanced at your sleeping form before digging for another pair of panties. Unfortunately, Megumi was so focused on searching for the perfect pair that he didn’t even know how much noise he was making after getting slightly frustrated.
"Megumi?" You softly called out, moving out of your bed to his side. Megumi froze in place, his eyes wide with fear. His heart was coming up his throat; god, he couldn't even move his hands out of the damn dresser. You weren’t sure what to make of the scene before you, but it was becoming more apparent as you looked over his form and saw how disheveled his clothes were, his bulge sticking out like a sore thumb. 
A thousand thoughts were running through your head. You should scold him and kick him out of the house. You should make Megumi feel ashamed and disgusted for what's happening, but then you would have to shame yourself? You tried to deny your growing feelings for your stepson the past few weeks, but you still crossed the line with him. Your clothes became more revealing, and you put more effort into the little things like getting different shampoo and soap for the bath.
The line was far too gone at this point; it compared more to a dot. Grabbing his shaky hands, you led Megumi to your bed. Having another man on your bed was different, but your husband had long abandoned his spot. He quietly sat down next to you; his breathing was uneven, and the tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
Was he gonna be kicked out? Maybe you would tell everyone that he's a pervert. He would get kicked out of Jujutsu Tech and be shunned by everyone. The worst possible thoughts were going through his head, but Megumi knew he had brought this on himself.
He waited for the worst to come, the tears finally sliding down, but it never did. Instead of a slap, you cupped his rosy cheeks, thumbs swiping away the fallen tears. Megumi felt confused by your soft gesture. His eyes were quick to meet yours. The expected hatred was nowhere to be seen. Your eyes held something that he had never seen before.
“Oh, sweet boy, you should've just come to Mama if you needed a release.” Your gentle voice was always calming to Megumi. He couldn’t say anything as you moved before him, slowly dropping to your knees. You pulled down the front of his pants, letting his length spring free. It was truly a sight to see. His tip was red and leaking, and Megumi’s eyes were clouded with tears. He’s been hard for so long that it had become slightly painful. 
You moved your thumb over his tip to spread the precum over the rest of his length, causing Megumi to whimper. You adored the sound of him slowly falling apart. It was evident he wasn’t trying to make noise, almost like he was afraid someone would hear them, but there was no close enough. 
Giving a kiss to the tip, you started giving kitten licks to Megumi’s cock. The taste wasn’t bad; it was much better than Toji. 
“Ah, m-mama.” Megumi’s little whines are enough to make you give him more. You tease the tip of his cock with a few more licks before taking him in your mouth, wrapping your hand around what you couldn't. “Mnh!”
Megumi quickly covered his mouth, eyes tightly closed, biting back any moans that dared to escape. He was scared that everything was a dream and that he would wake up to his hand. The world couldn’t be that cruel, right? The pleasure was racing throughout his body, leaving his mind feeling hazy. 
Megumi looked down at you, swallowing hard, but he regretted it as soon as you locked eyes. You slowly took him out of your mouth, flicking your tongue into his slit, “Are you enjoying yourself?” You purred before bringing him back in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks.
It was indeed a sight that he would remember forever. Your skin had a thin coat of sweat, with lips darkened and wet with saliva, but your eyes were filled with lust and love. Megumi quickly nodded before moving his fingertips to his lips. he wanted a kiss, but his mind was too overwhelmed to speak.
Thankfully, you understood him.
Taking him into your hands, you stood up before bringing him into a kiss. Megumi let out a small grunt when you began pumping his length. The whole situation was taboo, yet your kiss gave him the love he was yearning for.
It only took a few more strokes before Megumi became a sobbing mess as the fire pooling low in his abdomen became unbearable. At this point, anyone could get close to the house to hear Megumi begging you to let him cum
“P-please..I need to cum, ah, so bad.”
You couldn't help but giggle at him. Imagine if people could see him now! Megumi’s face was flushed red, with tears streaming down as he desperately begged to cum. How could anyone deny him?
Giving him a small kiss, you finally allowed him to dissolve into pleasure, which he did with a loud moan.
Megumi was floating and disconnected; you could tell it was a whole new feeling to him. The boy was slowly catching his breath while watching you get down on your knees and clean the mess he made up. He was slowly coming down from his high when reality set in.
You felt him tense up. Making sure he was appropriately cleaned before sitting beside him to stroke his face, giving his nose a small comforting kiss. “Do you wanna sleep with me tonight?”
He nodded his head before you both lay together with Megumi lying on top of your chest. Your heartbeat lures him into sleep. 
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You were gone when Megumi woke up, but the smell of food soon flooded his senses. He rubbed to sleep out of his eyes before laying his head back down on your pillow. Last night wasn’t a dream..you helped him cum and kissed him. Oh, your kisses were just the softest against his rough ones.
“Sweetie, come down for breakfast!” You called from downstairs with cheer.
Megumi smiled at early memories of you calling his father something similar at the beginning of the relationship. You stopped when that love disappeared, but now it came back and was all for him. He went downstairs and smiled at the sight of you humming and dancing around the small kitchen, fixing the plates like your usual routine.
He grabbed his plate from his usual seat, earning a confused look, and made his way to the chair across from you. His father had long abandoned his family, and Megumi was now taking charge. He sat down before giving you a loving smile. You stared back at him with an adoring look, but it soon turned to shock. Megumi was about to ask, but a hand gripping his shoulder told him otherwise.
“Looks like I came just in time, huh?” Toji chuckled before going down to Megumi’s ear, “I think you’re in my seat.” 
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Author san!!! Can I use my free pass for the Black bull team pleasee!! I am sure one piece requests will flood away but I wanna read about the black bulls team so much. Fluff/Romance HCs. It can be anything like first meetings or kiss idk what ever you wish and feel like writing. Its your choice. The black bulls, I love them so much especially Zora... I absolutely fell in love with his charecter design, his outfit and his personality. Sadly he is not that popular. Please do justice for him. Thankyou!!!
Hi Abhi! I’m so glad to see you requesting something for the Black Bulls, they are such an amazing squad! For this one I decided to go with first kisses, since I recently wrote more kissing headcanons and I think they’re surprisingly fun to write UwU Zora is up first, and since you mentioned him not being popular, I decided to put more of the less-popular Bulls in here! I hope you enjoy ❤
Zora Ideale
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Behind his though exterior, Zora is actually a little bit of a romantic. He doesn't quickly grow attached to someone, let alone fall in love, but it happened. Zora believes you deserve someone better than him, but you picked him so he'll just have to be the best version of himself for you.
He'll make sure the setting is right for the first kiss. Some place away from people, some please you can relax. Probably one of your favourite places. A first kiss should be memorable, right?
He'll place his hand on your cheek and lean In slowly, giving you enough time to turn away in case you'd be uncomfortable. He half expects you to punch him in the face or something.
The kiss is soft, your lips just barely touching. Zora is a little worried he'd hurt you or make you uncomfortable, and his pointy teeth may or may not be part of that worry. He's not changing them though, he likes them this way.
When he takes his hand off your cheek after the kiss there's a stinkbug on there. Zora wouldn't be himself if he was a perfect gentleman, right?
Charmy Pappitson
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Your first kiss with Charmy will be kind of spontaneous, a kiss that will surprise both you and Charmy. It will, however, also be a sweet one, in more ways than one.
You and Charmy will just be relaxing, eating something sweet Charmy has made. Cupcakes, donuts, anything. As you're both enjoying it and gushing over the taste, Charmy notices a bit of frosting/filling/whatever stuck just above your lips. She'll point it out, but instead of describing exactly where it is so you can remove it yourself, she'll grab her chance, quickly lean in and clean it up herself.
The kiss lasts about a second, it's over before you even realise what just happened.
Charmy herself is a little surprised at her sudden bravado and looks away with a blush on her face, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She liked it alright, but what if you didn't like it?
She'll be so taken off guard by her own action, that you have the perfect opportunity to lean in and place a kiss on her lips, this time a proper one. Once your lips part, she will be laughing awkwardly, probably avoiding your eyes by looking at the sweets.
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“Y/n! Can I kiss you?!”
It's Asta's typical stressed/flustered way of shouting and even though he asked you away from other people, you're pretty sure anyone within the vicinity has heard him yelling.
Once Asta falls in love, he wastes no time getting his feelings across. He has no problem proclaiming them to you, be in privacy or in front of others. Once he knows you return his feelings, he will be so ecstatic that he forgets everything else. Including that he wants to kiss you.
So somewhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours after he confessed, he will be asking you if he can kiss you. When you say yes, he'll step closer to close the distance between the two of you, put his hands, which you can feel are a little sweaty because of the nerves, on your cheeks and slowly closes the distance.
The kiss itself is very careful, Asta has no idea what he's doing and he doesn't want to do anything wrong either. First kisses are special, right? He keeps his lips pressed to yours for a few seconds before pulling away with a big grin.
Grey, Henry, Luck, Noelle, Gauche, Gordon and Secre after the cut!
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Grey is just not doing it. She's way too embarrassed, and there's just no way she can get herself to ask you to kiss you. She'll consider catching you by surprise and just doing it, but what if you don't want a kiss? Or what if she does it wrong?
She's an absolute mess. She'll ask Gauche and Noelle for help, but their advice is simply ‘just ask it’ or ‘just do it’. It's no help to her, which only makes her believe even more that she's a lost cause.
She will make several attempts to ask you, but she just never can get any further than the word ‘can'. The stuttering already starts when she calls out your name to get your attention, and after a few attempts to ask ‘can I kiss you?’ the embarrassment becomes too much and she transforms herself into the big guy. She's not finishing that sentence and no matter how much you ask her about it afterwards, she won't complete it.
Ideally, she'll wait for you to kiss her first. It'll still be super embarrassing, but at least she won't be the one who has to make the moves.
Henry Legolant
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Henry is a little hesitant about kissing you, he knows what effect he has on the people who come too close to him, but he really wants to! So he'll think about it for a good while before hatching a little plan.
On a moment when nobody is around, he'll call out your name, step closer to you slowly so you can step away if you become uncomfortable, slowly leans in when he's close enough and kisses you. He has his arms around you to support you, in case he's draining too much mana from you.
The kiss is soft and slow, and he stays close to you for a few seconds, not wanting to part from you too quickly. He tightens his hold on you a little, enjoying the rare feeling of being close, certainly this close, to someone.
He'll then hand you a little plate of food he had asked Charmy to prepare for him beforehand and step back to give you some space. It's Charmy's special food to restore mana. Of course Charmy was in on his plan, he had to tell her to get her to make something for him, and unknown to you she's sneakily watching through the keyhole of the door to see if their plan worked.
Luck Voltia
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Luck didn't plan on kissing you today. Luck doesn't plan on anything. He always goes with the slow and his only goal is for the two of you to have fun. Aside from that, it really doesn't matter what happens. Though if fighting or pranks are involved, that's a plus! And that's exactly what put him in a good enough mood to kiss you.
The two of you had just played a huge prank and were running away from your poor victim, who seemed about ready to murder you. You were laughing like maniacs as you ran and you eventually lost them. The two of you now stood still, catching your breath and laughing.
That's when he does it, suddenly and unexpectedly. The kiss is story and sweet, gone as soon as you felt it. Just a little peck. Luck simply keeps smiling at you while you're trying to process what just happened. He'll start laughing at your reaction, and it makes you unable to stop yourself from laughing as well.
The whole situation is a little absurd, but there's no uncomfortable silences, no tension, no awkwardness. Just your boyfriend playing a little prank on you, one you certainly don't mind.
Noelle Silva
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Noelle is going to do everything in her power to make you be the one to kiss her first. She's a royal, she shouldn't be the one making the first moves. Right?
She's tried to a few times, but she just gets too embarrassed every time and chickens out. Hence her new plan: make you want to kiss her. You're already attracted to her so it shouldn't be too hard, right?
She'll put some extra effort into looking pretty, and she'll try to bait you with things like a subtle with pretty lipgloss, or by leaving a little bit of food hanging on her lip. She's not the most subtle person, so her message should come across pretty easily. It's up to you whether you want to tease her a little about it and pretend to not notice, or to just give her what she wants.
If you keep ignoring her hints, she'll eventually find a moment to just tell you that you can kiss her. Mostly likely when you've gotten her something or done something for her.
“You did good, as a reward, you're allowed to kiss me.”
No, even though she said it, she's still not making that first move herself.
Gauche Adlai
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Gauche is not a very subtle person. When he wants something, it's obvious. Usually he just makes sure he gets it too. You, however, are the one exception to that. The one person aside from Marie that he's careful with, about whose opinion he cares. So, instead of just kissing you right the moment when he feels like it, he waits a little.
He's not too worried about setting up a good romantic setting, that's not what matters anyway, it's the kiss that matters, but he does try to get some privacy for that moment. He doesn't need people commenting on him kissing you when he does, it's a pain in the ass.
But getting some privacy with the Black Bulls around is nearly impossible, and Gauche is struggling to even create such an opportunity. His patience runs thin pretty quickly, he just wants to kiss you already, so he pulls you away behind a corner, pulls you close to him and kisses you there.
The kiss is a little on the rough side, mostly due to Gauche's annoyance at the whole situation and at how long he had to wait. He calms down pretty fast though, now that he's gotten what he wanted.
Gordon Agrippa
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Gordon usually goes with the flow, letting you take the lead, letting you set the boundaries. It was like that in his friendship with you, and it will continue to be like that in his relationship with you. However, you two have yet to have your first kiss and he's getting a little worried about it. So this time, he decides to make a move.
When the two of you are relaxed and away from prying eyes, he'll just talk to you about it. Not in a sad or an accusing kind of way, but in a way filled with curiosity. Were you shy? Were you uncomfortable? Did you just not want to? Were you waiting for him to make the first move? Despite the somewhat weird topic, it's a comfortable conversation.
Once you let him know you're comfortable with it, be it during that conversation or later, he'll carefully cup your cheek in his right hand, put his left hand around you to pull you close and then he'll kiss you in a soft yet sweet kiss. Nothing too overwhelming, just a relaxed and loving moment.
Mind the lipstick stains though. The other Bulls will have a riot when they see them.
Secre Swallowtail
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Secre never really thought too much about kissing you. Sure, she loved you, but physical displays of affection are not really her forte, nor are they extremely important to her. She always figured that if you wanted to kiss, you'd come to her and kiss her, simple as that.
However, when Vanessa, be it in an alcohol-induced haze, informed her that kisses were needed to assure the other of your love for them, she got a little insecure. Was that the ramblings of a drunk woman? Or was there some truth in that and were you doubting her love for you?
She remembered Tetia and Licht, and how happy they seemed when they kissed, so there must be some truth in it at least, right?
So she asks you if it's bothering you. Expressing her emotions aren't her strongest point, but you can see some worry and uncertainty in her eyes. If you assure her you're fine, that's that. If you let her know in any way that you would like to kiss her though, she'll lean towards you and place a quick peck on your lips. The contact doesn't even last for a second, but Secre can't help herself from smiling. Maybe kisses were better than she thought.
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anotheranimewriter · 3 years
How You Met The TR Boys
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PC: Google! This hotheaded, yet oh so level headed boy, man oh man, could I tell you that this boy is literally in my top 3 for comfort characters.
Missed the last meetings? Catch Up Below:
Mitsuya Takashi
Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
So after I finish up the main TR boys, I'll be doing some boys from the other gangs! So there will be some character spoilers but I will try to keep it manga spoiler free!
CW: Swearing (I honestly suck at this warning because its very rare for me to not curse for certain characters, so bare with me okay?) THIS ONE HAS A TEENY TINY SPOILER, BUT Y'ALL CAN SQUINT RIGHT PAST IT OKAY? Thank you 🥰
Keisuke Baji: He really is a sweet boy at heart, but his ferocious nature is a force to be reckoned with and we all know he isn't one to back down from a challenge. He definitely doesn't need to prove himself but that doesn't stop him.
“C‘mon don’t be pussies! It’s just a boxing place, it’ll help with those cheap shots you throw Chifuyu!” Baji teased, flashing his vampiric grin at his friend who playfully shoved his shoulder to the side. “Shut up.” Chifuyu mumbled as the rest of the TOMAN boys laughed in unison at the little interaction. Baji swung open the door wide, nearly shattering the glass against the adjacent wall “I have returned!” Baji hollered from the front door catching the attention of several existing boxers who only rolled their eyes at his ‘little’ entrance before returning to their original positions. “Yo! It’s the manic kid!” An older man yells to someone in the back away from the TOMAN boys view as they follow Baji, who was currently striding to the older man.
“Well, today is Friday. You said your best fighter would be here but I’m only seeing old news.” Baji declared, sliding his tongue across his teeth before letting it rest under one of his long fangs. “Vampy boy. You’re a cocky one huh?” A voice said behind the TOMAN boys causing them all to turn in the direction of the voice, only to reveal a girl who stood dead center, carefully wrapping the bandage around her knuckles. “Yeah, so what? I got all the reasons to be. Kicked everyone’s ass in here.” He stated, as he began moving away from the counter to stand directly in front of her, nearly towering over her frame. “Everyone? Sensei, you fought Vampy Boy?” She asked leaning to the side of Baji to look behind him as the older man chuckled while shaking his head. He slowly got up from his seat as he walked away from the counter.
“You wanted the best kid. Remember that. Those were your words.” He said as his final statement before disappearing into the locker room. Baji scoffed at the older man’s comment sizing the girl in front of him. “You’re the best? Damn, then I guess this place is perfect for you, Chifuyu.” Baji exclaimed as the girl chuckled softly “Which one of you is Chifuyu?” She asked leaning to the other side of Baji to look over at the TOMAN boys, carefully watching an embarrassed Chifuyu shyly raise his hand but his eyes remained glued to the ground. She smiled at the shy boy before moving away from Baji to stand before Chifuyu. “Let me ask you something, 2 or 5?” She asked as Chifuyu raised his gaze to look at her with a puzzled expression, but he was only met with a sweet smile displayed across her lips. “Um.. 2, I guess?” He replied hesitantly, shrugging his shoulders as she nodded, turning back to Baji.
“Alright, your friend has spoken. I’ll only use 2 moves to take you down.” She said watching Baji’s face crack into a wickedly wide smile, she was doing nothing more than fueling him up. He was always one for a competition, it was in his nature, he refused to turn back from any challenge presented to him “Baji. You can’t fight her, she’s a girl.” Mitsuya chimed in, almost breaking the tension that was growing in Baji. But her laugh severed that thought in Baji’s mind.  “That’s fine. You don’t have to worry about that Baji. Unless, that’s your way of backing down. Don’t tell me you’re all fangs and no bite?” She teased feigning a sad pout, creeping closer to Baji as he laughed. “You wish, princess.” He mumbled as he prepared his fist at his sides. “You wanna do this here?” He asked, looking around surveying the space as she nodded, “I don’t need that much space.” She explained as he nodded, tying his hair into a tight slicked back ponytail.
Baji was always ready, it didn’t take him much convincing to beat someone, but she inspired a whole new flame within him, he didn’t just want to beat her, he wanted her to eat her words. He studied her stance, cautiously watching her feet and just as he was going to make the first move, she made quick work of her space, as she extended her arm almost as if she was going for a punch, faking the move as her frame lowered itself from his view. Crouching down, kicking her foot across the floor connecting her force with his ankles, catching him completely off guard. Baji stumbles back as she sits herself on his torso holding his arms above his head “That was cheap shit.” Baji snapped as she smirked, leaning further down until her lips were near his ear. “It was, but I don’t see you fighting me. What happened, Vampy Boy? Where was all that cocky shit you were talking about?” She whispered before moving away from his ear.
Baji chuckled slowly as he lifted his body upwards “Keep talking.” He taunted before turning his body under her hold, flipping their hands as he pulled her off and down onto the ground, with him now straddling her torso. “Tsk tsk tsk.” You think that weak shit is cute huh princess?” He asked against the shell of her ear, feeling a shiver run through her body under him. Once he had moved his face up from her ear to now look at her, Baji noticed exactly how close their faces were, and that’s when he noticed the faint scar that ran across her face, from her eyebrow to her lips, completely forgetting where they were for a split second he broke off the grip from their hands, causing a confused look to appear on her face as she tried to bring her hands down from above her head.
Even though Baji’s mind was focused on other things, he wasn’t going to let her be completely free. Using one of his hands to grip both of her wrists as he placed them back above her head allowing his other hand to carefully trace over the scar “What happened there?” He asked softly, his hardened eyes growing softer as he felt the depth of the scar, fighting back the urge to hiss at the rigid skin, he could only imagine the pain.
“Something horrible that made me the best fighter in here.” She snapped moving her face away, and just like that Baji knew he screwed up. His touch became somewhat toxic to her as she roughly broke one of her hands free using all her force from her hand and knee to push him off of her. Sending him back onto the floor, but not too far from where she was now sitting.  “Nice match, Vampy Boy.” She commented before getting up from the floor and walking away from the TOMAN boys with such a haste as she unwrapped her hands, as Baji noted the shaking within them, he assumed it was just nerves from no longer being considered the best in the club, but unfortunately for him, he couldn't be any more wrong. “It’s Baji!” Baji called out taking account of her overall change in demeanor, she wasn't the same playful tease from when they first walked through the door. “Well then, nice match Baji!” She flagged him down before disappearing into the back.
“Her name’s (Y/L/N) (Y/N), by the way. Since you were so interested in her scar.” One of the patrons snapped at Baji as Smiley scoffed, as something clicked within him.  “Her brother was killed by the Black Dragons.” Angry then followed up his brother's statement “They used her as bait to get her brother.”, the twins looked over at Baji who only nodded. “You know kid, you're honestly lucky you still have two legs. Last guy who mentioned that scar.. Well it didn't end so well for him.” The patron continued as a visible shiver ran down his spine, causing him to jump at the memory.
“Me and you (Y/N)! I want a real match!” Baji declared loudly, causing the girl to walk from the backroom, still clearly shaken up from earlier. “You know what? You’re fucking on Baji. No rules. No weapons. You want an early grave? Fine by me, who am I to stop you.” She declared her nearly cracking her composure in the process as Baji nodded. “I’ll be waiting. So don’t take too long training for me, ’kay princess?” He lightly teased, winking at her causing a small smile to appear on her face as she flipped him off before disappearing into the back once more “You know where to find me!” She finished as Baji nodded before turning towards the front door, this may have been their first meeting but it would definitely not be their last.
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noteguk · 3 years
this extra happens in the same night as the tribulation drabble, in case some of you want to know why Jungkook got into a fight.
warnings; angst, violence (fist fight), mentions of blood, lewd language, major prick behavior, Sehun is pretty misogynistic, drinking, jk is feeling sad, Taehyung tries his best but doesn’t succeed
“See something you like?”
Seeing was a strong word to use, considering that Jungkook’s mind was flying miles away from that dirty bar, unaware of the conversation that bubbled around him. He blinked once, twice, realizing that his gaze had gotten stuck in a group of girls across the place, which was the perfect opening for his old “friend” to start pestering him.
Jungkook never liked Sehun, not even when they were kids and there was still a semblance of innocence between the two. He had absolutely no clue why Taehyung still hung out with him, especially after Sehun had decided to put his greasy hands all over the place, trying to piggyback off the money that the Kim family had. But he guessed that Taehyung was a little naive when it came to that, considering that he had disregarded all possible warning signs that his friend was one of the biggest douchebags in the world.
Nevertheless, he would figure it out soon enough.
“I’m not paying attention,” Jungkook mumbled and took another sip from his bottle, the liquid burning like fire on its way down. He didn’t remember how much alcohol he had consumed, and that was never a good sign. But he couldn’t think straight when you were in his mind.
The other man scoffed and turned around on his chair as if to check that the girls were still there. “That’s news coming from you, Jeon. Sure you don’t wanna get a taste of that?”
It was a bait — and Jungkook knew it was. Sehun was the kind of person that liked to see how far people would take his provocations, how long it lasted before they decided to snap. And then he’d know their weak spot. It was a dirty, sneaky little game, and Jungkook refused to be a part of it. That’s why Sehun kept trying, kept pushing.
“I’m with someone right now,” Jungkook said simply. And he wished the conversation had stopped right there.
The other man scoffed, eyeing Taehyung’s worried expression before allowing for his gaze to trail back to Jungkook. He knew he was getting somewhere interesting. “You mean you already have someone you’re fucking tonight? Lucky.”
He could’ve said yes, and ended that issue before it had a chance to reach irreversible levels. But Jungkook was drunk, and Jungkook was down. So he replied, “No. We’re dating.”
Sehun didn’t waste one second before he bursted out laughing, a fry hanging from in between his fingers, wiggling around as he waved his hands, trying to catch a breath. “No way. You?” He exclaimed, sighing before shoving the fry inside his mouth. “Tell me how long that lasts.”
There: the trap was set, and Jungkook was walking right into it. He lowered his bottle on the wooden table, his face impassive when he asked, “Wanna say that again?”
“Jungkook…” Taehyung trailed off, sensing the shift in the atmosphere. He was in damage control mode, and he was pretty sure where this situation would escalate towards. “I’m sure that’s not what Sehun meant.”
And yet, the smile on Sehun’s face only grew wider, more satisfied. He was used to shitting on people with little to no consequence, and he had no reason to believe that things would be any different that night — not when Taehyung always kept his friend on a short leash. “Oh no, I meant that. But I don’t think I lied, did I?” He was looking straight at Jungkook as he spoke, a devilish glint in his eyes almost daring him to curse him back. “Don’t look at me like that, man. You know it’s true. For someone to get involved with you it’s either because she’s just as fucked up, or because she’s trying to fix you.” He shrugged, leaning back on his chair. “Either way, it won’t last.”
Jungkook was surprisingly tranquil, which was probably the biggest, brightest red flag in the world. Taehyung knew his friend, of course, but Sehun only thought he had won that little back and forth. “You sure you wanna say that?” He gave him one last chance to take it back, but pushed his own chair back a little — because he knew the other man wasn’t going to.
Sehun didn’t notice. Taehyung did. Taehyung was ready to intervene when his friend laughed even louder, crossing his arms. “Yeah. Why not? Actually, better question: why are you so worked up?” He scoffed, but his smirk didn’t subside. “Shit, Jeon, you’re making me interested over here. If that chick sucked your dick that well just pass me her number, we can sha—“
Sehun was on the floor before he could finish his sentence, the wooden chair falling beside his head with a deafening bang. His hands were covering his face, a thick splatter of blood all over his crooked nose, lips, his palms. He looked up at Jungkook with fury and confusion mixing inside his eyes, getting back on his feet before spitting, “You fucking dog,” and hitting Jungkook right back.
And it was only a blur from there. As it often was.
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fandom-monium · 3 years
fuck shit i loved unrivaled but can we please get jealous reader? like maybe everyones on a mission and spencer has to flirt with someone?? the target??? thank you keep doing what you do!! <3
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Established Relationship Rivalry
Summary: In which you really don't like Spencer talking to other girls... or assassins. "Shut your mouth, before I do it for you."
WC: 1.8k
TW: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, Jealous!Reader, companion piece to Unrivaled but not a sequel, pining (?), fluff and angst(?), established relationships RIVALRY, more reader-centric sorry, ft. Entropy Cat Adams that bitch (derogatory), a darker side of Mysterious!Reader comes to light
You sit at the bar a few seats down from JJ, watching Spencer at the corner of your eye as he puts on a show of settling into the velvet booth. 
The restaurant is fancy, the kind you take your significant other, or in this case, invite your ‘high end’ date to gain their trust, lure them in. Your vision swims at its dark red scheme and slightly dim lights, but it’s not too much that you don’t notice how good Spencer looks in his new suit, something he’s recently taken up. The blazer’s dark against his light skin, his purple tie is in a lopsided knot, and he even combed his hair a little. 
You sigh. If only you weren’t on the job, you’d stare as much as you’d want. It seems you’re not the only one who’s noticed either, surrounding patrons stealing glances at Spencer despite most of them with company.
You decide suits might be your favorite on him. It’s definitely up there.
But as the wine glass threatens to crack between your fingers, you weigh the possibility that maybe⏤just maybe⏤you should reel in your emotions, because you might actually get yourself kicked off the operation.
Now, you’re not jealous. Seriously.
This isn’t jealousy. Spencer and you aren’t even like that. Like, yeah you care about each other (more than what would be considered platonic), but you’re not together together, and there’s certainly not this weird, unspoken agreement that neither of you are to be ‘involved’ with others. Because that would imply you have feelings. More specifically, non-platonic feelings for someone you’re just not ready to admit to.
Then Catherine Adams enters the arena.
Her strides are short, almost dainty, and if you were a less experienced profiler you’d think that she was a normal woman, shy and awkward as any first date would be.
But you know each footstep is calculated, controlled. A perfected facade built on years of practice.
Other than respecting her abilities, you don’t know how to feel about her. From what little you guys could gather from her file, she is little… psycho.
So no, you’re not jealous. 
You’re not jealous when she exchanges shy smiles with Spencer. 
You’re not jealous when she invades his personal bubble. Or when she gropes him for his gun.
No, this isn’t jealousy that burns in your stomach. Oh no no no.
This is fury, your eyes stinging with barely contained rage. And as you imagine the eight different ways you could amputate Adam’s hands with a butterknife (there’s plenty within arms length, you could reach it), it takes Hotch’s stern voice for you to lower it to a simmer.
“(Your Name), calm down,” he crackles into your earpiece.
Hoping to dissuade from yourself, you cover a sickly sweet smile behind your glass, your canines glinting in the light. “Hotch, please, I’m the epitome of calm and collected.”
“We can literally see your teeth grinding on cams, and if we can see it, Cat Adam’s will too⏤”
You huff.
“Now calm down. You look more like a disgruntled divorcee than a satisfied customer.”
Okay, harsh. You almost reply indignantly before you catch JJ’s gaze, her blue eyes warm with enough understanding that it makes your shoulders relax. As much as you appreciate her, you’re supposed to be strangers in this restaurant. She can’t even mouth to you without giving you both away, blowing your covers⏤
“...tell Blondie McBlonderson over there at the bar to disappear.”
⏤cover. Welp. There goes that plan.
Immediately you lower your gaze to the rim of your glass, keeping the bitch in your peripheral as JJ clenches her jaw and slides off her stool, trudging off to the kitchen. It’s a chess match; Cat picks each of you off as if you’re pawns, sacrificial pieces, bait, until the restaurant is clear and Morgan, Lewis, and you remain. Gun raised, you try not to sneer as Lewis cuffs the Bomber’s hands behind her back, leading her and the civilians outside. 
“Guess we’re right back where we started. You and me with a gun,” Adams huffs, her tone betraying nothing. Your anger spikes as she grips Reid like a human shield. “Although, I didn’t think I’d get the chance to see you.” She stares across the room at Morgan…and you.
She’s looking directly at you.
You frown. “Do I know you?”
Adams snorts, adjusting Reid in front of her, “No, I guess not. Last time we met was years ago, and you were a whole other person at the time. I barely even recognized you.” Her eyes trail over your figure, and your skin crawls as her lips stretch into a cruel smile. A threat. “But you never forget your first, right?”
Oh. Oh.
Oh no.
In the blink of an eye, you pull the hammer of your firearm, its click echoing through the empty restaurant louder than it should have. Your lips pull back in a snarl, “Shut your mouth, before I do it for you.” 
Her response: a cheshire grin in return.
Huh. You hadn’t used that tone in what feels like forever, your voice laced with the promise of silence and death. It doesn’t feel as foreign as you hoped, and the realization wrenches your gut as you pretend not to notice Reid and Morgan’s scrutinizing gaze, eyes full of questions. Questions you really don’t want to answer. Not now.
Preferably not ever.
So you redirect everyone’s attention back to the situation at hand. It takes little prompting, considering Adams is holding a gun to Reid’s face, and it’s not long when Morgan convinces her to surrender. Like a shadow, you trail behind Morgan as Reid hauls her to the prison transport, your eyes burning a hole in the back of her head.
As Reid steps away, as he quietly settles next to you, before Morgan shuts the truck’s double doors Adams catches your eye. Her eyes glisten as her body shudders from hiccups. But she grins at you, wide enough to make your stomach squirm.
You flip her the bird in return.  
For the rest of the night you act natural, keeping your head down. You don’t leave right away, because nothing screams ‘something’s wrong’ than ditching everyone, so you passively agree to check on Garcia despite your grim mood. But at the sight of her, inebriated as she aggressively tells everyone how she loves them⏤loves you⏤you can’t help the tiny smile that spreads across your face (mostly because she’s pinching your cheeks). 
Even if she doesn’t mean to, Garcia manages to brighten your day, and you love her more for that.
After bidding your farewells (swallowing when Morgan shoots you a look that says, ‘this isn’t over’), you walk side by side with Reid, trudging through the tense atmosphere until you realize with a tight chest: he escorted you to your car. For a moment, you both stand at the driver’s side door, a beat of silence passing as you shakily pull out your keys. 
His hands, stuffed in his pockets, clench and unclench as his jaw sets. He’s yet to look you in the eye but you know, and for once you pray⏤to the universe, to whatever deities are out there, to Karma⏤that he’ll let this go, drop the subject. Hopefully never bring it up.
But this is Spencer we’re talking about. He’s your… friend. He’s confused and concerned and he wants to help some way, somehow.
So as you unlock your car, as his lips part, you don’t give him the chance, shoving away your dread. 
“You wanna get dinner?” It comes rushed, fear trickling into your voice. You hope he doesn’t notice. (He does.)
Spencer blinks at you, his mouth agape. “What?”
“It’s just,” You lick your lips, tugging thick air into your lungs as your body screams to run. Your eyes dart from his, looking at the ground, your car, the scuffs on your shoes, and you hate yourself, knowing Spencer notices all of it. “It’s a shame we didn’t get the chance to eat at that expensive restaurant, ya know? It was paid for too.”
Please, don’t ask. Please, don’t ask. 
“...That’s true.” His tone is scarily neutral. 
Looking up, you’re taken aback as he turns away to round the hood of your car to the passenger side door. “What do you think of thai for tonight?” 
You stammer a response, something along the lines of ‘uh⏤yeah, sounds good’ as you clamber into the car after him, fumbling to insert your key into the ignition. Your nerves only worsen by the second as you drive off into the dark, the only sounds coming from the rev of the engine and your heart thundering in your ears. Up ahead the traffic light changes, slowing you to a stop. You glance at Spencer, his purple tie red from the light, his side profile softly outlined in its harsh glow. He remains deathly quiet.
The silent treatment, huh. If he thinks reverse psychology is going to work on you...
He’d be absolutely right. His silence is deafening.
You turn to him, “Spencer⏤”
“You don’t have to.” Your breath catches in your throat, his lips parting and closing as he stumbles for the right words, “I mean, not right now. I-I know this isn’t the best time, but at some point we’re going to have to talk about it. So whenever you’re ready, I⏤” He clears his throat, twisting in his seat and meeting your eyes. His eyes gleam, earnest even in the dark. 
“We’ll be here for you.”
You can’t help gawking at him. Because Spencer’s eyes are inquisitive and kind⏤always have been⏤but right now they’re trained on you, and your face burns as your heart swells. You’re suffocating.
Because you want to tell him⏤all of them.
But fear clutches your heart.
White-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, you face the road again, blinking through unshed tears. “Thank you.”
Spencer nods, relaxing back into his seat. You’re relieved your answer’s enough for now.
The light turns green and you speed off. The grim night turns a little brighter as you fall back into routine with Spencer, the tension slowly lifting, your stomach, once filled with lead, now stuffed with thai food.
You’ll deal with Cat Adams later. She’s behind bars, so you doubt it’ll be anytime soon. You laugh as Spencer curses, soiling another pair of chopsticks when they hit the floor. Yes, you’ll deal with her when you’re ready.
That is, until you’re stopped by another red light.
AN: no cap i hesitated posting this because i realized after finishing its less of a Spencer Reid x Reader and more a reader-centric. i wanted to establish that reader has a whole backstory sorryyyy i hope yall like it anyway :)))
if you didnt notice, unless stated otherwise almost all my oneshots and FtH are tied together by Mysterious!Reader. yall dont have to but if you read them it helps understand reader better??
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
Before I Leave You (Pt.2)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
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Summary: On the worst days, Yoongi is judge, jury, and executioner. But he judges you and finds you worthy of protecting (and loving too). 
Tags: Dead bodies, blood, murder/crime themes, guilt, childhood trauma, drugs (cocaine, heroine), domestic abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, controlling behavior, implications of omega mistreatment/discrimination, anorexia, blood, graphic depictions of violence, manipulation, talking behind someone's back, morally gray Yoongi, 
W/c: 14.5k
A/N: Honestly this took me way too long to write and edit. I can’t tell if this is my favorite depiction i’ve ever written of falling in love or if I hate it. But yeah- i didn’t want to sit on it for much longer. This part takes place chronologically before the last part, and documents what happened while yoongi was away from the rest of his pack. 
Previous part — Masterlist
“She’s just an omega- you know how they are- they need a firm hand to keep them in their place.” Yoongi scoffs thinking of his omegas. Anyone who even dared to think that Seokjin and Jungkook did not wear the pants in their pack had another thing coming to them. 
He watches his older brother cut another line of cocaine. 
The amount of drugs in this Geumjae’s study cost enough to feed a small family for a year. But Yoongi knows better than to partake. He pretends to take a Bump and taps it off when Geumjae tips back a shot."Omegas aren't even fucking worth it if you ask me, brother, you're supposed to give half of yourself away, and for fucking what? A glorified bed warmer?"
Yoongi boils and stays silent, letting Geumjae get himself wasted on drugs and alcohol. He can't tell what distresses him more Geumjae has such little regard for life that he can't recognize that omegas are fucking people- or that he's so freely sharing this with him. 
He knows he’s toeing the line. More pushing might hurt you more, if he provoked aggression from his brother- it would no doubt come back to bite you. Yoongi can’t imagine wanting to hurt someone he loves or speaking with the same callousness that Geumjae speaks. “Don’t you love her?”
Geumjae laughs at Yoongi’s childish question “Oh little brother, don’t you know that love makes you stupid?”
His brother has it all wrong but Yoongi’s powerless to say it. Those threats from the funeral linger. And it's not only your life and Yoongi’s at stake here but the rest of his pack. He has to fool Geumjae into thinking he is on his side. 
“Work with me here- what will the other omegas in the pack think of you if they find out what kind of shit you pull? And they’ll take their concerns straight to their alphas and say you’re unfit to lead. You know I have to listen to the bulk of them regardless of what you want.”
If he can’t appeal to Geumjae’s humanity- he can appeal to Geumjae’s better interest and common sense. His image in the family is arguably the most important thing in geumjae’s mind, and Yoongi can tell by the way that Geumjae stiffens when he says the words that it’s stuck.
Geumjae might have been trained in torture, but Yoongi was trained in manipulation. And he take the bait- hook, line, and sinker. 
After that, he has the good sense to act softer with you in front of the rest of the family at the very least. But he fears he might have done more bad than good when he sees the way you stiffen and fail to meet his eyes more consistently as the days go on. You’re sensitive about eye contact, Yoongi gets it. you don’t have as much control over your facial expression as the rest of these robotic mobsters.  
Group dinners are routine, and while Yoongi could find an excuse to see you during the day, he’s also often pulled in 50 different directions by the expectations of his family.
He finds himself reading for dinner in a hurry most nights, eager or maybe a little panicked to check in with you. You never request his presence, you never text (though he made sure you have his number just in case), and the family dinners are tense between the two of you.
You maintain none of the easy friendship you’d started that day in the rain or that closeness. You avoid him like the plague at dinner, and It’s like that day in the rain never happened. 
Geumjae sticks to your side like glue too. A hand that probably looks protective to anyone else but looks possessive to Yoongi slung around your waist. Yoongi sees the harshness and pain in your body when Geumjae’s hand tightens digging into the swell of your hip. You’re soft in the way that most omegas are a little soft- and it’s as expected as it is distracting.
He manages to corner you during one of the dinners. you're not alone- and you can hear the grannies and omegas prattling to each other in the kitchen. the alphas are outside enjoying a cigar and investigating one of the new rolls royces that one of yoongi’s uncles recently purchased. 
The corset portion of your dress making your chest soft looking, plump and inviting if yoongi was the kind of man to get distracted by something like that. As it is- all he notices is how it’s making your chest heave. Breath uneven, he thinks he can hear the boning in the dress creek. It’s a designer thing, but it looks way too tight on you. he can tell how uncomfortable you are. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, though it's clear you’re not, you dont reply, looking down and away worried. Hand hovering over your stomach, “I won’t get mad whatever it is.”
You bite your lower lip. hand catching yourself on a side table before you teater over, dizzy. Yoongi grabs you before you fall. “He did my corset too tight, it’s hurting my ribs. I feel like im going to pass out.” Yoongi quickly looks around, but there is no one around in the part of the house right now, the garden is a backdrop, speckled with lights. you’re alone. 
Yoongi turns you around quickly, setting his champagne to the side and grabbing yours out of your hand. He undoes the top knot of the dress and you inhale gratefully as he tugs at the strings looser, fingers touching your bare skin. “Is that better?” he has to be quick. This isn’t exactly scandalous- but- its not quite proper. 
You inhale deep and grateful. “So much better, thank you.” you barely have a second to both straighten up, Yoongi's fingers pulling the bow back together. grabbing your champagne and sipping at it a careful distance away from Yoongi. looking for all intents and purposes like you’ve been swathed in uncomfortable silence the entire time they were gone. The picture of propriety as Geumjae and a few other alphas return in a puff of rich smoke. 
“Don’t mention it.” Yoongi says it softly so that only you can hear it.
More than once. Geumjae catches him staring at you during the dinner. you look so much more comfortable now that it’s been loosened. Your hand hovering in front of your dress to conceal your cleavage under the guise of fiddling with your necklace. During those moments, Geumjae rewards Yoongi’s wandering gaze with bold touches. A hand sliding from waist to hip and your sudden straightening in pain. 
Geumjae’s harsh fingers digging into a bad bruise on your hip. you’re so trained, you barely flinch when he does it. And still- Yoongi’s hands tighten in his slacks. Gritting his teeth and biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from making a scene and reaching across the table to stop Geumjae from hurting you.
Many of the other members of the family notice Geumjae’s sudden dogmatic approach to your presence in his life. Confirming what Yoongi suspects. That he’d never given you too much attention at these family meals before Yoongi came with his wandering eyes. He should do better be better not to put you in harm's way.
Yoongi keeps his eyes firmly trained on his plate full of spiced soft-shelled crab as one of the grannies comments on how sweet the two of you seem. Yoongi wants to gag. “You know how new love is. I feel like we’ll be in the honeymoon phase forever. I want her all to myself so bad I think she’s worried I’ll chain her to my bed” he says- feigning drunkenness. You laugh too- trying to play it off but Yoongi can see your barely concealed fear.
Staying silent and letting your husband hurt you is the hardest thing that yoongi’s ever had to do. But there are many more battles, fights and skirmishes to win in this war. Yoongi has to be patient.
He’s a poised snake, ready to strike at the perfect moment.  
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hanazou · 3 years
So um .. I just recently found your blog and even though you haven't written that much but you really have a unique writing style and I'm in love 🥺💞 .
So may I please request fyodor and/or sigma headcanons or scenario (whatever you're feeling comfortable with ) being on a date with their s/o and getting lost somewhere trying to find their way back home ? I mean it's just so adorable and been on my mind for a while.
And thank you 💚
𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭.
— how did you end up here? getting lost wasn't on the agenda.
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Book : Fyodor | Sigma
Genre : Fluff with romance or implied romance
Category: Scenario
Word count : 0.8K | 1K
Bookshelves : Leatherbound
Note : I love this request! Thank you so, SO much for requesting Fyodor and Sigma! Truthfully these are far from being my best works, but I hope you enjoy this, love! It took me a while since I had to make sure these are in-character :") Thank you for the patience!
I hope you enjoy these! 💛
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“This is quite the view,�� Fyodor smiles to himself, fingers treading around his chin like creeping vines. “Yokohama has a sophistication to it after all.”
“Fyodor,” His name from your mouth rolls out slower compared to the cars on the road near you both to give the impression that your patience is unscathed. “We’re lost.”
Yokohama isn’t too huge of a prefecture for you and Fyodor to get lost in while exploring for the sake of the upcoming Cannibalism scheme, but since you both insist to check out even the smallest of details because one can never be too perfect, exploring took the whole day. Outlining the landmarks on a map would have sufficed, but you and Fyodor agreed that travelling in first-person is more helpful in discovering things that can trick the enemies, and that agreement led you travelling together.
It wasn’t hard for someone to get drunk in this cozy atmosphere and forget why they were here, especially if they’re with someone they trust and are fond of. For you, that person happens to be this pale and sickly genius.
The foreign building structures, the bustling unfamiliar crowd, the compact scent from street food vendors you've never tasted, and the crunch of dry leaves under your feet, they are all different from home, but the striking allure and exoticness are undeniable. Hence, you and Fyodor lost track of time and direction. Not to mention his needy eye for aesthetic slows down the pace.
You don’t want to say this aloud, but this atmosphere and mood, doesn’t it feel like going on a date?
Never mind that—you both were having too much fun brainstorming for ideas, too many alleys to check out, too many manholes to note, too many dead ends to utilize for you to recognize both of you have strayed off the planned route. On the bright side is, Fyodor found the ideal, secluded, dead-end alley for him to station his sniper to attack a certain detective, but the bad side is, while chatting with him about how and where to allocate your pawns, you and Fyodor didn’t pay attention to where you’re going.
Where in Yokohama are you now?
Neither of you planned to walk this far around the prefecture, so you can’t pinpoint your position on the map inside your pocket.
“I have great confidence in my memory,” Fyodor gazes around. “I can find our way back.”
“Then why are we still here after—” you look at your watch. “—half an hour?”
“I thought that while having the opportunity, we should take our time to know this area better. There’s artistry in any form of structure even in those we will decimate soon.” He pivots his head to you. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
He sounds like he’s beating around the bush. He won’t admit he got both of you lost.
You hum. “You still don’t know where we are,” You bring the focus back to your point. “Let me take my turn navigating our way back home,” You reach for the minimap in your pocket. “You’ve had your share of getting us lost.”
You wonder how in the world a prodigy like Fyodor affords to get lost. You consider the possibility of him being distracted by this little trip (that feels like a date) itself since you caught yourself doing that, but you shake off that thought. You ought to stop being delusional.
“As you wish,” He smiles at your proposal. “But only because you insist.”
You make wild guesses of your current position by observing the buildings and shops, try to figure out where you are on the map, and take the lead in guiding yourself and Fyodor back. He follows your headship without any protests, taking the same turn as you elegantly. 
You catch Fyodor also observing the map with you while he matches his legs in coordination with yours. His eyes turn to you and his raised dark brows ask you why you’re staring at him.
“Is it because you’re not confident I can take us back that you’re watching the map with such focus?” You bait, half smiling.
You want him to admit that he trusts you. It’s a pleasant feeling, hearing someone like him value your judgement.
He made a soft chortle from his chest. “Impossible, my dear,”  Fyodor says.
He stops in his tracks.
The sudden halt makes you pause too, and you lower the map to look at his whole face.
You jolt when he takes your hand with his icy pale fingers, guiding your palm to rest on his chest. His coolness mixing with your warmth creates a perfect state of equilibrium that mirrors both your difference yet similarity with him.
“I simply enjoy our mundane little detour.” His voice's vibration from his chest rumbles your hand. His smile is like cotton, but the sharp violet in his eyes holds power over you. “Allow my heartbeat to be the witness of honesty in my words.”
His heartbeat thumps in an orderly calming pattern, his chilly skin still sheathing your hand to press it against his chest.
So maybe getting lost isn’t so bad after all.
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Your eyebrows quirk when you notice the same scenery outside the car window, forehead matted against the cold glass. “Are you sure this is the right way?”
Sigma’s lips tense down, still staring at the road ahead. “Uhm, yes?” His eyes dart at you for one second.
The two of you, Sigma and yourself, are on your way to visit the last potential location for Sky Casino to expand its branch down below. He demonstrated more than enough faith in your judgement when he invited you to travel to the cities under the sky, offering you a ride in his lavish car. If it were with another person, you wouldn’t see too much into this situation. But with Sigma, it’s a whole different story.
It was the having a luncheon together in a prestigious restaurant of a five star resort with him ordering the best dish for you with a warm smile when he described your order to the waiter. Another being his gentlemanly mannerism, he made a shallow bow when allowing you into his car and opened the door for you, also holding your hand as you got in. The hospitality and elegance from his demeanour excites your heartbeat.
In Sky Casino, he may be your employer and you his employee, but with just the two of you, he makes you feel like the most treasured royalty.
Sigma clears his throat, his fist in front of his mouth while the other around the steering wheel. “I’m certain I’ve memorized every route for the casino’s potential branches.” He glances at the note on the dashboard where the addresses are.
You raise your eyebrows seeing a tower ahead. “And I’m certain we’ve passed that tower in front of us at least twice.”
The expression Sigma makes is made of mild surprise, frustration, and gloom.
"Let's face it," You slouch down your seat. "We're lost."
Sigma repeatedly looks from the scribbled map on the dashboard to the road back and forth, fingers squeezing the wheel in uneasiness. “I could’ve sworn we took the right turn this time…”
Your shoulders deflate at the expression Sigma makes. You feel bad for putting it bluntly. “How about I drive while asking for directions from the locals? You must be tired since we’ve been travelling for hours.”
His head turns swiftly at you, long dual-coloured hair whishing. “You know where we are?” He asks before quickly turning his sight back to the road, stealing glances.
“Not exactly, but I’m familiar with the local dialect and I can ask for directions easily.”
The hesitation and disappointment are still evident on Sigma’s face. You purse your lips, hesitant in how to phrase your next words. “Employers employ people to be assisted with the workload and to have someone to share concerns with. I’m not here just for you to treat me like royalty, I’m also here to assist you.”
Sigma huffs a smile, taking chances to look at your face now and then. “Do you mind the treatment for a royalty?”
“No.” You deny a little too fast. You clear your throat, ignoring the heat in your cheeks. “Absolutely not,” You speak slower. “But even royalties have to give back, right?”
He fails to hide his laughter. He sounds so free, unrestrained, and possibly the most relaxed that day, making your cheeks swell with a prideful smile. As long as he gets to laugh, you don't mind sounding silly. “By asking for directions while talking using a local dialect?” He asks.
Sigma lightly giggles. “Alright, you win.” He slows down the car, eyeing the rear mirror to make a quick stop at the side of the road. “I’m afraid to crash us from feeling exhausted anyways.”
He makes a parallel park and the car comes to a full stop, engine still smoothly running and vibrating the interior.
You ruffle his silky dual-coloured hair as smooth as the leather seat. “Don’t be too hard on yourself,” You say, tinting his cheeks pink. “Allow me to treat you like royalty from now on.”
When you retract your hand, Sigma’s head automatically follows with the yearning to get more touch.
Your eyes enlarge and so does his. He whirls away, hands hiding his face. Loud and uncontrolled laughter erupts from your belly despite you covering your mouth to tone it down. You want to stop—but your chest keeps heaving out the joy, raising your shoulders to your ears.
Sigma shrinks in embarrassment, his long hair curtaining his face as he buries his head to his knees. He looks like a tulip in that driver’s seat. With his fair pale skin, even from your distance you can see the red on his face. “Please don’t tell anyone about it…” His voice can be barely distinguished from your untamed laugh.
“The secret’s safe with me.” You wipe a tear as your laughter slows down. You exhale a wide smile, unbuckling your seatbelt. “Alright, let’s switch now before the sun sets.”
“Wait!” Sigma springs out from his position and hurries his hand to land on yours before you open your door. You tilt your head, and he responds with “Don’t open the door yet.”
He dashes out and jogs to get to your side of the car. He opens your door and stands on the side with a shallow bow, his empty hand offered to you. You stifle a giggle when you accept his hand that gently helps you up until you fully stand outside.
You grin for the umpteenth time at Sigma’s chivalry that reminds you of the demonstration of romance during the regency era. It’s simple things like this that boosts your confidence and comfort around him. You can definitely get used to this.
That is until Sigma’s bow deepens so his lips kiss your hand.
You tense. You expected a normal escort when stepping out. The unforeseen princely kiss and his smile send you on haywire—why are you even there? Why did you go all this way into an unfamiliar city? Just to get kissed? To have him act like your Prince? Why is he even kissing you?
“Even without disembarking a journey I still get lost in your touch and laughter.” He straightens his body, elevating your hand to stay on his lips and chin. You feel his breath on your skin. “Thank you for giving me the honour of getting lost with you.”
Then you remember.
You're there to be with him.
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starstruck-shima · 3 years
The Darknight...Heroes?! (Diluc)
Notes: fem reader, mentions of injury, fighting, and bruises. 
Maybe I’ll make a full blown fic of this if it gains interest!
“In which Mondstadt gains itself a new vigilante of the night, even catching the eye of none other than Diluc himself.”
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Mondstadt was the home of many things, like the thousand winds that Barbatos brought to its lands. It was also known that like the wind, words travel far, and as dandelion seeds find fresh abodes, so does the ever so growing gossip in the walls of Mondstadt.
Diluc was never one for idle chatter. No, he’d rather not be the one talking--instead, he’s merely a passive person, one who learns from either the networks he has under his grasp, or the chit chat of bar goers when he shows up in the taverns.
Tonight’s topic however, had proved to be quite the rose amongst thorns, as for once, even the ever so silent Diluc had been intrigued by what the people of Mondstadt were sharing beneath hushed whispers.
“Hey, have you heard the rumors?” Initially thinking it was merely something insignificant, Diluc’s attention was suddenly caught by the customer’s second words. “There’s another person fighting monsters at night!”
“Eh?? Other than the darknight hero? Are you sure it isn’t just him?” Diluc wants to scoff at the name that had been slapped onto his nighttime persona. But this was something most noteworthy--it wouldn’t hurt to listen on even further.
“Nah, this is a girl we’re talking about. One of my men were rescued by her!” As the men kept conversing, more and more patrons joined, adding their two cents. Eyewitnesses say that she fights during the night too, and it couldn’t have been the Darknight Hero--their builds and fighting techniques were different. The townspeople called her “Nightwing.”
He’d say it was corny, but compared to “Darknight Hero”... it seems that Mondstadt had a theme going on with cheesy vigilante names.
When he returned to his abode after his shift, he feels an unknown feeling bubble in his chest. A feeling that begs for him to get to the bottom of this.
He didn’t know why--it was none of his business. Yet the ambiguity of this “Nightwing”, and the fact that she was so shrouded in mystery kept bothering him, especially when his informants came back dry. This only drove him to believe that this new vigilante wasn’t just some nobody--she knew how to hide her tracks well. And that was quite unsettling.
It wasn’t long until Kaeya confronted him about the issue as well. Obviously, it wasn’t Diluc. But if so, who was this other person? Who would dare risk their life at night fighting monsters, and for what reason?
Kaeya explains that no one in the knights reminded him of their 2nd Darknight hero (a term Diluc glared at), and that he could freely turn his head away from the knights, opting instead to look at a wider scope. But who else would fit the criteria of a nighttime vigilante, if she had no occupation nor training with the knights and could freely roam around undetected? You’d have to be smart, and in the right occupation to be able to keep up the vigilante work with no suspicion. (Just like him)
Enter you--Mondstadt’s sweetheart bachelorette. Known far and wide to be the talk of the town whenever your deeds of kindness reached the public. A loyal believer of Barbatos, an avid chess player, and from the times Diluc has shared with you, you were most definitely as true as the rumours would say.
But Diluc knew things beyond the surface. He’s seen cracks and double meanings be uttered from your mouth, and he’s seen that look behind your eyes too many times (especially when you conversed with people whose morals did not align with yours in parties). Even mist corollas shed danger despite their beauty.
You became his prime suspect--and it was only a matter of time until he uncovers the truth. In fact, it was as if it was too easy...
It was during an afternoon walk through his vineyards when it happened. When he started to open up a case regarding the abyss order. He didn’t let the slight stiffen of your posture go unnoticed, and as soon as he shot his question to add you to his suspicions, it was as if it all made much more sense. “The Abyss Order... do you dislike them?”
His eyes widened a bit at your response. “I despise them.” You said such bitter words with a smile. Your exterior as Mondstadt’s sweetheart faded for just a bit--and Diluc saw her. Nightwing.
The timing couldn’t be more perfect for him to test his theory out into the field, for as soon as a mere weeks later, out came a declaration from the order, targeted specifically to Mondstadt’s two vigilantes. 
The knights were livid, of course. Honestly, it was funny how a repeat of the last time they were on Diluc’s tail happened--yet instead of him having to step in and distract them himself, something peculiar had already moved them away from him. The knights were distracted by the sudden influx of angry hilichurls storming through the fronts of Mondstadt, and it left him an easy entry to where the abyss order would strike--one of the temples near the city. (And on the way there, he noticed some smashed hilichurl camps. So that was why they were angry...)
It was there where he fought the first wave of the Abyss Order with ease, yet you were nowhere to be found. It only irked him more. You weren’t the type to just back out--no, you were smart enough to never get hurt, but you’d never let the Abyss Order get the last laugh. That was a line reserved for you.
He’d never let his agitation get the better of him, but the waves of enemies didn’t seem to stop. it was getting more and more troublesome, and though he’d be able to clear them by himself, he was still human. 
Before he could ever succumb to anything however, help reigned from above, and when he saw the other protector of Mondstadt for the first time, he knew it wasn’t just Nightwing. It was you.
And you’re never one to back down nor abandon Mondstadt. (It was scary how it felt like he was staring into a mirror.)
As soon as the fight ended, he finally got to take a good look at the second darknight hero, and lo and behold, he was met with the same kind eyes that held glaciers upon glaciers of depth and secrets. Secrets that the two of you were willing to keep.
“Hello Diluc.”
“Hello (Y/n).”
Ah, so you knew as well. And you knew that he knew. So that was how you planned things out. 
It all made sense, somewhat. The way it became so easy to find clues and hints, the way a path was somehow laid out or him--it was all you, strumming a lyre and making him dance along.
Leave the bait out. Test the waters. Then, hook line and sinker. It wasn’t something any ordinary person would do, even with the high risk and reward. No, to be able to pull this off, and to be able to even be able to do this night after night required a mind that knew how the game worked. And you had everything tied around your finger.
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