#izana omegaverse
cannellee · 2 months
do you know that thing were the omega usually have two main scents but when they are horny a third one appears??? what would be the reaction of mikey and shinichiro (if you write for him ofc) to that???
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୨୧ alpha! Tokyo revengers x omega! Reader (pairing: mikey, shinichiro, izana)
— their reaction to their omega being horny
(I don't think I've ever heard of it but that's so cool?? not too proud of this one, and it's rather short, I hope you don't mind!)
my masterlist : ☆
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shinichiro is flustered. he didn't mean for your night to turn out like this but he honestly doesn't complain. he's been touching you mindlessly for a while, cuddling close to your body. and you didn't mean for his affection to turn you on this much, but the way his fingers kept touching you so close to your thighs made you hot.
you accidentally let out a more powerful scent, your usual jasmine aroma turning into a hypnotizing combination of vanilla and citrus.
he looks at you surprised and can't help his own pheromones to react to yours the moment they hit his nose. it's a well known fact that an omega's scent influences their alpha's mood and behaviour, but in your case, shinichiro is particularly sensitive.
if you throw away his hands because of how embarrassed you are, he'll softly make you look at him, keeping his urges in check, to make sure you know you can be comfortable with your own desires.
shinichiro will be totally in for sex afterwards, especially because of how worked up your scent only got him. but he'll respect your wish if you don't want to and won't bring it up if he knows it makes you embarrassed!
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mikey literally had no idea where that scent came from. you two were in heated make out session and after finally undressing you completely, a lovely cinnamon scent hit his nose.
he frowned and took in the new fragrance, surprised at how fuzzy it made his alpha. but despite the pleasure he got out of it, he wondered where your own sugary scent went ?
he'll dig his nose into your neck, smelling and breathing you in, the proximity and aggressive touches only making you whine more in return. this caused you to release more of your own pheromones, mikey growled, thrill consuming him.
you explained it to him in a breath. it was your first night of sex after all, it was all a surprise and a novelty for him. this gets him going even more, wishing to draw more of your scent.
after one night, he knows he'll never get tired of it, his already present obsession for you growing even more.
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izana just loves that scent of yours. he'll purposely try and stir it up by whispering provocative things in your ears and touching your thighs. it doesn't matter what place and time, he's shameless and just want to keep smelling you.
you get shy by his actions and from then, your scent only starts to get sweeter and sweeter. it's like a reward for izana and he wants to push all the buttons that make you loose your cool.
your aroused pheromones smell so good, it instantly makes him horny as well. his instincts progressively become less controlled and his mind is high off of your scent, making him focus on breeding you only.
he gets so excited he practically has no restraints. he'll just bury his head inside your neck, breathing next to your scent glands and he'll never remove himself from you until he's fully satisfied.
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emjiroki · 10 months
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Tokyo Revengers Masterlist ♡
Manjiro Sano ♡
First mini 18+
Early Mornings 18+
sleepy mornings 18+
Halloween 18+ Draken x Reader x Mikey
Lactation Kink Manjiro
Burn It Down: Toxic collab Manjiro
Need it all, All the time: Alpha Manjiro x Omega Reader
Ours for the Night: Izana x Reader x Manjiro x Shinichiro
Wanna kiss every inch of you Prompt
Fuck, you feel so good prompt 18+
Manjiro Headcanons
Breeding kink Manjiro late night rambles
Alpha Manjiro headcanons
NSFW Ask Game
Virgin Mikey x Shinichiro's Girlfriend
Take What You Want: Bonten Gangbang
Ken Ryuuguji ♡
Draken & Taiju Omegaverse mini
Feral Domestic Dominant drabble
Backseat backshots 18+
Ex's to Lovers drabble
Early morning drabble
Misc Prompts
Izana Kurokawa Babytrapping 18+
Stoner Haitani Brothers drabble
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d4m14rt · 5 months
how about cuties I have news soon, I will continue a story (it is not mine but I liked it and I am going to continue it because it has been canceled) and I will translate it into English? That's right mr asshole will do what has never been seen before to continue another author's story and translate it so get ready for...
Morphus ( Bonten x male reader ) ( omegaverse )
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here the original story in Spanish
and a very, very special thank you to Gab-Alban-Malv who is the writer of this story and has given me her consent to do this and all her help, thank you very much, please come and support her wattpad account
and here my cute wattpad account
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reallyromealone · 1 year
gunna resend my ask~~~
requesting for a izana x kaku x reader fluffy omegaverse, where they like have him sit on their lap (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Yes absolutely
Y'all know how to play me like a fiddle god damn
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It was a bit of a struggle at first.
Not the relationship oh no no!
Both alphas wanted their Omega to sit all pretty in their laps, it made them feel powerful during meetings--well more powerful.
At first (name) would alternate between alphas but Kakucho noticed (name) didn't like constantly getting up when the other alpha got needy for him, wanting both alphas near.
So they came up with the best solution.
Sitting side by side they pressed their thighs together and let (name) sit on a lap of two men.
"So pretty... Spread out for the both of us" Izanas lewd comment didn't go over (name)s head as the Omega gently smacked his shoulder with a blush as both alphas held a hip "now you don't gotta move so much to be near us, you get to stay here and look beautiful"
They did this everywhere they could, meetings they had him sitting forward as the alphas wrapped their arms over the others shoulder to give their Omega more comfort as they spoke about boring gang stuff, things their pretty omega didn't need to concern himself with.
Sometimes though when the other alpha was gone, the other liked to snuggle their Omega in their lap, kissing and scenting away until their third piece returns and honestly (name) loved when all three of them were present as that meant getting to love his alphas as they love him.
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okeutocalma · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers [Male Reader].
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[Nome] estava deitado na cama, sentindo a dor latejante por todo o corpo. Ele se sentia culpado por estar "doente" e dando trabalho ao seu amigo Draken.
 Ele sabia que estava causando uma grande preocupação para Ken, mas se sentia impotente, pois não conseguia se levantar e cuidar de si mesmo.
Ele podia ouvir Draken andando de um lado para o outro do quarto, tentando encontrar algo que pudesse ajudá-lo a melhorar. Mas o Alpha infermo sabia que não havia nada que pudesse ser feito para que ele se sentisse melhor. Ele se sentia fraco e desanimado, não só pela "doença", mas também pela culpa.
[Nome] lembrou de todas as vezes em que o loiro havia o ajudado, sem hesitar, quando precisava. E agora, quando Draken precisava de sua ajuda, ele não conseguia nem sequer se levantar da cama… Ken precisava de sua ajuda?
Desesperado, [Nome] decidiu que tinha que fazer algo para retribuir a bondade de Draken, mesmo estando enfermo. Ele recolheu todas as suas forças e, com muita dificuldade, conseguiu se levantar da cama. Ele caminhou lentamente até a cozinha, onde o Alpha loiro estava preparando uma sopa quente.
Ao ver [Nome] de pé, Draken ficou surpreso e aliviado. O Alpha fez questão de sentar-se na mesa e conversar com Draken enquanto tomava a sopa. 
— Acabar isso você vai deitar!
— Eu estou te dando trabalho Ken… Você tem que dar atenção a Mitsuya, ele é seu ômega… Você não está sendo pago pra cuidar de um Alpha doente e inútil como eu. 
Draken ouviu atentamente as palavras do outro e cada fala dava vontade de meter um murro na cara do Alpha fraco. 
Ele colocou a mão no ombro do Alpha e o olhou nos olhos, passando uma mensagem de conforto e compreensão e em um movimento rápido ele juntou os lábios dele aos seus.
[Nome] estava sentindo-se cansado e fraco após passar dias lutando contra uma febre alta. Mas ao sentir a mão de Draken em sua bochecha e os lábios juntos, algo em seu corpo pareceu responder, embora ele mal tivesse forças.
 Foi um beijo gentil, quase como um pedido mudo por permissão. O Alpha fraco sentiu seu coração acelerar e, apesar de estar fisicamente fraco, ele se sentiu tentado a se entregar ao momento.
Após se separarem,[Nome] olhou com tristeza nos olhos. Não estava pronto, não queria outro relacionamento… Não por agora.
— Eu… Sinto muito Draken mas… — Ele começou a falar, trêmulo e com medo. Mas sentiu uma mão em seu queixo levantando levemente seu rosto o fazendo olhar para o alpha loiro.
— Eu sei [apelido], você acabou de sair de um relacionamento e saiu machucado. Você não está pronto pra entrar em outro tão cedo,eu entendo e respeito isso. — Falou olhando em seus olhos com um sorriso discreto nos lábios. — Mas quando você se curar,desejo que dê uma chance a mim e a Mitsuya.
Um rubor tomou conta do seu rosto e você acenou positivamente,com o coração mais leve e sem um certo peso em suas costas.
— Eu agradeço por compreender Ken! E com toda certeza,darei uma chance a vocês! Eu agradeço tanto por terem cuidado de mim. — [Nome] o abraçou,com toda força que tinha em seu corpo.
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Três meses tinham se passado e [Nome] estava melhor,um sorriso tomava conta dos lábios do Alpha enquanto andava pela rua vazia.
O cheiro de terra molhada predominava ao local, indicando que tinha chovido durante a noite e o ar frio se chocava contra o corpo do homem.
Seus passos eram leves, quase dançantes, enquanto ele apreciava as gotas de água que ainda escorriam das árvores e telhados. O aroma fresco da terra molhada impregnava o ar, envolvendo-o em um abraço revigorante.
Os raios de sol timidamente surgiam entre as nuvens, dispersando o cinza do céu e iluminando o caminho à sua frente. Ele sentia o calor suave do sol em seu rosto, e isso apenas aumentava a sensação de contentamento em seu interior.
[Nome] observava os transeuntes com um olhar curioso e benevolente, cumprimentando-os com um aceno ou um acolhedor "bom dia".
 Seu sorriso irradiava bondade e alegria, contagiando todos ao seu redor. As pessoas que cruzavam seu caminho encontravam em seu semblante a promessa de um dia repleto de oportunidades e momentos felizes.
E assim, ele seguia seu caminho, com um sorriso iluminando seu rosto, em harmonia com o mundo ao seu redor. Sabia que havia muito a ser vivido e desfrutado, e cada respiração era uma renovação.
Com passos calmos ele andava olhando para o céu com um sorriso bobo nos lábios. Se sentia tão idiota por tá rindo assim mas amava o fato de estar se sentindo livre.
Ele estava tão envolto que nem percebeu alguém vindo e acabou esbarrando na pessoa e ela caiu no chão e rapidamente, [Nome] correu para ajudá-la a levantar.
— Desculpa, eu não vi você,estava envolto em pensamentos. — Disse [Nome], sem olhar o rosto da pessoa.
— [Nome]? 
Ele sentiu o sangue sair do rosto e os olhos se arregalaram,o alpha engoliu em seco e olhou para o rosto da pessoa.
— Kisaki?
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— Não Kisaki,meu relacionamento com eles acabou no momento que aquele laço se rompeu. — Neguei com a cabeça, levando o copo de café aos lábios.
 Aquele gole quente e reconfortante era exatamente o que eu precisava naquele momento. Enquanto o líquido escorria pela minha garganta, senti uma sensação revigorante percorrer meu corpo.
Era como se cada gota de café trouxesse consigo um novo fôlego, dissipando a exaustão que eu nem sabia que consumia meu ser. 
— Mas por favor! Por favor [Nome]! Eles estão morrendo,os visite só uma vez. — O loiro pediu,eu pude ver seus olhos suplicantes e pude ter certeza que não era mais uma ladainha que ele sempre fazia.
— Eu também estava quase morrendo,os chamei pela antiga marca e quem disse que eles vieram? — Falei em um tom ríspido,afastando o copo e o colocando na mesinha que nos afastava.
— Eles não saíram daquele quarto.
Ok,essa fala me fez parar por um momento. A única coisa que lembrava eram os lençóis sujos do meu suor,o banheiro com a banheira cheia de água e logo após eu desmaiei…
Kisaki pareceu perceber que eu travei e viu isso como um gatilho para continuar a falar.
— Não deixam ninguém entrar,pois lá ainda tem poucos resquícios de seus feromônios. Consegui dar um jeito na casa junto a Hanma mas não conseguimos entrar lá. Tivemos que enfiar sopas na goela deles,se não os mesmo não comiam. Estão morrendo [Nome], eu sei que você pode ter ódio,rancor, não querer mais olhar na cara deles mas… — Ele parou por um tempo, olhando para a xícara de chá que tinha em mãos. — Me ajude a salvá-los, vá lá apenas uma vez e veja o estado de ambos… Estão deploráveis.
Eu soltei um suspiro baixo de exaustão, mas soube que não pode me dar ao luxo de recusar,aquilo ficaria em minha mente me perturbando.
— Bom, se eu estou indo com você, então vamos nos mover. — Disse para Kisaki - esse que rapidamente se animou.
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 Estava lá, a porta, e eu não sabia o que fazer, só que sabia que precisava entrar. Me sinto nervoso, com a respiração ofegante e os dedos suados. Com minhas mãos trêmulas e um coração acelerado, me aproximei lentamente. Era como se eu não tivesse ar suficiente para arriscar passar por aquela porta.
Pensei em tudo o que poderia acontecer do outro lado daquela porta. E então,peguei a maçaneta,girei e empurrei a porta para frente e entrei. Agora, estou aqui… Estou aqui dentro novamente.
A sala de estar e a cozinha  possuem um charme simples e acolhedor. Os móveis são modestos, mas bem cuidados, e a decoração é discreta, exalando um senso de cuidado e conforto.
Na sala de estar, há um sofá de tecido simples, porém confortável, acompanhado de poltronas estofadas. Uma pequena mesa de centro fica estrategicamente posicionada, com livros e revistas dispostos de forma organizada.
As paredes são pintadas em tons neutros, transmitindo uma sensação de calma e tranquilidade. Quadros com imagens bucólicas ou fotografias de momentos especiais que eu tive com os dois adornam as paredes, dando um toque pessoal e acolhedor.
Próxima à sala de estar, encontra-se a cozinha, que também tem uma simplicidade encantadora. Os armários são de madeira envelhecida, mas bem conservados. A bancada é de azulejos coloridos, adicionando um toque de personalidade.
A cozinha possui apenas os utensílios básicos, mas eles são mantidos de maneira arrumada e organizada. Há um fogão simples, uma geladeira compacta e uma pia com um pequeno balcão para preparação dos alimentos. A mesa e as cadeiras na cozinha também são modestas, mas bem cuidadas, fornecendo um espaço aconchegante para refeições em família.
Apesar da simplicidade, a casa está arrumadinha e limpa. O aroma agradável de limpeza e frescor preenche o ambiente, pois a casa é constantemente arejada.
— Estão no quarto, né? — Perguntei após terminar de reparar a casa,me virando para Kisaki que acenou positivamente.
Engolindo em seco caminhei em direção ao corredor, deixei meus feromônios saírem livremente pela glândula. Tentava me manter calmo e deixar o meu cheiro mais confortável possível.
Puta merda,o que eu fiz da minha vida para resolver voltar para esse lugar?
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dabiekql · 21 days
Recommendation - Jujutsu Kaisen/Haikyuu/Boku no Hero Academia/One Punch Man/Attack on Titan/Tokyo Revengers
🔮 Jujutsu Kaisen
Singledad! Sukuna x Neighbour! Reader
Sukuna - affaire de cœur
Sukuna - How Sukuna Loves
Sukuna - Having Soft Spot on Concubine Reader (NSFW)
Sukuna - Sukuna & His Love Languages
Sukuna - What If He Lost Someone
Yuta - Cursed Spirit (NSFW)
Gojo - Won't You Say It Back?
Gojo - Wanna Be Yours
Geto - Wings
Geto - We're In Trouble Now
Geto - Sorcery Schemes
Megumi, Itadori, Sukuna, Geto - When They Accidentally Yell at You
🏐 Haikyuu
Ushijima - Story Time
Kageyama - Communication (Omegaverse)
Alpha! Kuroo - Come See Me
Alpha! Kuroo - Please Don't Let Me Go
Oikawa, Iwaizumi - Let Me Help You (Omegaverse) / Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki
Bokuto, Ushijima - Back Me Up (Omegaverse)
Sugawara, Ushijima - Time Bomb
💥 Boku No Hero Academia
Bakugou - One Word to Describe Bakugou
Yandere Barbarian! Bakugou - Iron
Alpha Dragon! Bakugo x Thief Omega! Reader
Pro Hero! Bakugou Katsuki x Female! Reader
Overhaul - When Kai Wakes Up in Another Universe
Overhaul - Wedding Day
Hawks - Courting Troubles
Alpha! Dabi x Omega! Reader
Alpha! Tamaki Amakiji x Omega! Reader
Dabi, Shigaraki - He Tells You to Run During His Fight and You Get Lost
Hawks, Overhaul, Dabi - How the Boys React to You Doing the Break Up and Get Back to Your Ex Thing
Omegaverse - Anything from this Author is Great
👊 One Punch Man
Yandere! Garou - Turning the Tables
Yandere! Garou - Please Don't Save Me
Yandere! Garou - Child's Play (NSFW)
🔰 Attack on Titan
Levi - The Perfect Blend
🏍️ Tokyo Revengers
Chifuyu, Mikey, Mitsuya, Baji, Izana - Mythological AU! #2 Omegaverse
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atarathegreat · 4 months
Tokyo Revengers Masterlist
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Protecting Each Other-- Hanma Shuji Rooftop Dangers-- Kazutora Hanemiya Ken Ryuguji x reader Something's Wrong--Bonten!Mikey Shuji's Habit Sanzu's hands Rise and Shine--Ran Haitani I'll See You Again--Racer!Mikey Angry-Chiro--Shinichiro Sano The Student Worker--Keisuke Baji Drunken Dancing--Atsushi Sendo DrakenSibling! Reader x Mikey and Part 2 Really?!--Makoto Suzuki How Sweet it is to be Loved Like This.-- Kakucho Hitto The Boy in the Gang-- Keisuke Baji Yandere Mikey Unconventional--Ken Ryuguji (Omegaverse) Prank Gone Wrong--Rindou Haitani Showing You Off--Rindou Haitani Pappa!--Kokonoi Hajime
Time Skip Accident--Kokonoi Hajime 💮 Ken Ryuguji 💮 Nahoya Kawata,
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Crackhead Headcanons ft: Kazutora, Mitsuya, Nahoya, Souya, Baji, Kokonoi, Mikey, Draken, Taiju, Hanma, Chifuyu, Kisaki, Hakkai, Takamichi. 💮 Ran, Rindou, Sanzu, Yamagishi, Shinichiro, Wakasa.
Sibling Headcanons ft: Ran and Rindou, Nahoya and Souya, Mitsuya, Chifuyu. 💮 Draken, Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakkai, Hanma, Makoto, Takuya. 💮 Baji, Kazutora, Mikey and Emma, Sanzu. 💮 Inui, Kokonoi, Akkun, Yamagishi, Takamichi.
Gang Leader Sibling ft: Ran and Rindou, Nahoya and Souya, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Draken. 💮 Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakkai, Hanma, Makoto, Takuya. 💮 Baji, Kazutora, Mikey and Emma, Sanzu. 💮 Inui, Kokonoi, Akkun, Yamagishi, Takamichi.
Zoning Out With Them ft: Chifuyu, Kokonoi, Taiju, Souya
Inciting Incidents ft: Baji, Nahoya, Hanma, Sanzu
ZombieLand ft: Sanzu, Baji. 💮 Takamichi, Draken, Izana, Mikey. 💮 Rindo, Shinichiro, Kakucho, Inui.
Old Money Love (sibling) ft: Sanzu, Nahoya and Souya, Makoto. 💮 Baji, Kazutora, Draken.
Scary Wife Privilages ft: Kokonoi, Draken, Rindou, Akkun. 💮 Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai.
They Come Home Late ft: Shinichiro, Yamagishi, Takuya.
Pretty 24/7(SiblingReader)-- Draken, Mikey, Mitsuya, Sanzu, Kazutora.
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Souya Kawata On My Knees-- Sanzu Haruchiyo Yamagishi NSFW (headcanon) Gaming With Souya It'll Hold--Kazushi Yamagishi Sunrise- Tetta Kisaki Vacation--Kawata Twins Taunting--Benkei I'm Naked Here--Ken Ryuguji
Wearing Their Glasses ft: Rindou, Yamagishi, Baji, Hanma. 💮 Kisaki
No Nut November-- Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Kazutora, Pah. 💮 Takemichi, Takuya, Akkun, Makoto, Yamagishi 💮 Nahoya, Souya, Chifuyu, Peh, Hakkia 💮 Kokonoi Hajime, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Izana Kurokawa, Hanma Shuji.
Soft/Spicy Bonten/Racer Mikey I'm Tired, Love--Takashi Mitsuya
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
and what about tiny boys in the omegaverse?? (waka, mikey, izana, fuyu)
Good Things Come In Small Packages: Manjiro Sano/ Wakasa Imaushi/ Izana Kurokawa/Chifuyu Matsuno x Fem!Reader 
wc: 1.8k
tw: smut & fluff
Manjiro Sano - Alpha (smut)
Mikey is mean when he's in a rut. Mean like grabbing your hips and jerking them against his.
"Hips up for me, baby."
He's dirty. Like... finger in your ass dirty.
"Got you all worked up now, huh?"
You look up at the black-haired man and allow yourself a moment of pleasure before pretending to hate it again. "Mikey, you're so rough..."
Mikey chuckles, twisting the finger in your ass a little. "You're so submissive for me, though. Want me to ease up and go slow?" You shake your head no, then bury it in the covers. "Ah, ah, ah." The blanket is snatched off of your head, and Mikey pulls you up to meet him thrust for thrust.
"What, princess?" Mikey wonders, shoving his full length, knot and all, into your waiting pussy. "You don't want me to stop, do you?" Your entire body yearns for him. You shake your head no again, and Mikey runs a hand down to your clit before biting your earlobe.
"You're gonna let the whole pack know whose pussy this is before the night's over." You cry out a little, stars dancing in your vision as he picks up his speed again. Mikey holds you against him and doesn't let up, even for a second, but when you almost go limp from overstimulation, he lays you across the bed.
His hands roam around your flesh as he drills his cock into you ruthlessly. "This pussy is mine," he growls ferally. "All mine."
Wakasa Imaushi - Alpha (smut)
"It's for the good of the pack."
You're laying on your back underneath a long-haired alpha, his features smoothed into a half-bored, half-asleep expression with fully lidded eyes and soft grunts reminding you of snores. But they're not snores, and he's fully awake. His hips remind you of that.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way," he said before undressing and folding his clothes neatly. You watched as he placed them on the end of the bed and then motioned toward you. Lay on the bed.
You return to the sensations building between the two of you, the feeling of his knot swelling and your heart beating ever-so-fast. It's common for an omega to be mated with an alpha of a different pack, but this differs from how you imagined a courtship. It had been a middle-of-the-night thing with hurried rituals and rushed ceremonies. All of them left you breathless and unsure, especially this one.
The red stains of your former virginity are on a sheet tossed to the floor, but you can't think about your former ways now. You're fully engaged in sex with your... husband.
"Ah," you groan, the knot at the base of Wakasa's dick swelling even more.
"Mmm," the man murmurs, burying his head in your neck. "I'm gonna cum."
Your slick - produced by a false method to prepare you for this - makes a sound you can't quite place, but Waka doesn't seem to mind. In fact, it seems this makes his thrusts sloppier and more hurried, each one rocking you against the sheets.
"Oh, god," he whines, squeezing his eyes shut and cumming long and hard into you. You gasp as his cock pulses inside you, and the knot sinks in a little deeper - further than you thought possible. When all is said and done, Wakasa moves you so you're lying on your side and facing him. "My knot will go down soon," he huffs. "Are you okay?"
"'M fine," you grumble, tucking your face into his chest. Waka places an arm around you and kisses your forehead tenderly.
"Just rest." Those two words ease your transition into sleep. When you awaken, Waka isn't there. The sheets at the foot of the bed are gone, and you can smell the coffee being prepared from the kitchen downstairs.
Just as you shift up from the bed, the door opens slightly, and Waka walks in, his hands holding orange juice, fruit, and eggs. "You're up," he mentions, barely smiling. You don't reply, but you watch him carefully place things on the night table beside you. "Thought you'd like something to eat."
"Where's the coffee?" you wonder, and Waka snaps his fingers.
"That's what I forgot." He disappears only to reappear with a steaming mug filled with coffee. When it's cooled, you take a sip and taste the familiar flavors of your usual homemade brew. "Two sugars, three creams." You peer at him over the mug, and he smiles sheepishly. "Your parents told me. How are you feeling?"
"Fine," you reply, noting the sticky feeling between your legs. "A little sticky."
"That can be fixed with a shower." Before Waka can walk off, however, you reach out for him instinctively.
"You should eat." Waka blinks, but you offer him a slice of apple. He grabs your wrist and feeds himself by your hand, his tongue swirling around your fingers lasciviously. You shudder in pleasure, and Waka grins.
"You're right," he begins. "I should eat."
Izana Kurokawa - Alpha (fluff)
You're lost. You're horribly lost in the dark. In the dark and on one of the emptiest streets in a town you don't know.
“This is not a place for a tiny Omega to be this late at night.” You leap out of your skin, holding tightly onto your sweater. You turn around and spot the white-haired man lingering in the alleyway with his arms crossed.
"I... I..." The scent of the man in the alley is strong and heady, and you begin to feel fearful in the presence of an Alpha. You're an unmated Omega wandering around in a city you have no clue about; you're prime real estate by all accounts.
The alpha shifts off the brick wall and smirks at you, his purple eyes flashing as if he was prepared to play a game with you. "Are you going to run?" Your feet don't move even though your common sense tells you to take off. You're... stuck.
The man stops in front of you, reaching out to stroke your cheek before twirling a strand of your hair around his finger. "You smell incredible."
"Please," you murmur, feeling your stomach quiver. "I--"
"Where did you plan on going from here? I can get you there, sweetheart." You suddenly can't remember as his scent envelopes you. All of your senses calm to a slow crawl as his musky, warm, spiced scent eases you into a dream-like state. "Let me get you there," he murmurs gently, tilting his head.
You reach out to him and take his hand as if you were in a dream, holding onto him with only a shred of sanity left. When the man gets you to his car, you find your tongue to ask him his name. He replies, "Izana," so casually as if you'd asked him what color his shoes were. You can't imagine being anywhere but in his car, in his presence, and saying his name back to him like a transfixed siren.
"I'll protect you," Izana states, turning the key to start the car. As it rumbles to life, you reach for the buckle, but Izana is already leaning over you, his hands making quick work of the device. He takes his time to lean back into his seat, his eyes lingering on your lips, and then wandering up to your eyes once more.
"What?" you wonder, your voice barely a whisper as Izana settles in his seat.
"Nothing. Are you visiting from out of town, or..."
"Yeah," you quickly chime in. "I'm staying in a hotel but was hungry and didn't have a car, so..." Izana puts the car in drive and coasts out of his parking spot.
"We have food at the pack house," Izana begins, flicking on his turn signal. "Or we can get McDonald's if you'd like. That's the closest thing to us."
"McDonald's is okay." You settle into silence as the car makes a few turns before merging onto the highway. You know you should be frightened by an unknown man chauffeuring you around a city you don't know, but there's something so soothing about him that makes you feel warm and--
"You have a pack?"
"A pack of what?" you shoot back, but when you look away from the window, a frown has settled onto Izana's face.
"A pack," he states again. The meaning settles into you, and you look away nervously. "You don't smell like..."
"I don't," you admit. "I've just been wandering for a while."
A ghost of a sad smile crosses Izana's face. "I know what you mean." He clears his throat suddenly and murmurs, "My pack is full of those who don't have a biological family. For... whatever reason."
The bright lights of a McDonald's cross your vision, and you grip the edges of your jacket. "Maybe we can eat there, then."
"At the house?" Izana wonders, and you nod. He smiles gently, reaches over to squeeze your thigh, and then chuckles. "Not unheard of. McDonald's is kind of trash anyways. I'll introduce you to the boys. We'll be happy to have you."
Chifuyu Matsuno - Beta (fluff)
“You don’t happen to have any heat suppressants on you, do you?”
The shocked beta stands in the doorway, his eyes glazing over as your scent hits him. "I, uh..." The pause is enough for you to stare at him for a moment, then he scrambles into his dorm, leaving the door ajar for you.
After slipping past it, you walk into the somewhat messy area and watch while your close friend looks around for something he probably doesn't have.
"Y/n," he mumbles, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "I don't have any. But I..." As you prepare to leave, he stands akimbo in the room but then offers his hand. "I could help if you wanted."
"How?" you wonder, and Chifuyu smiles shyly.
"Baji taught me a thing or two a few years ago."
It's uncommon for betas to want to help with a heat or encourage anything other than sex - however casual it may be - with an Alpha. But seeing as Baji was nowhere to be found and Chifuyu felt up to the task, you lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed and cuddled by the warm and inviting beta.
"Baji taught me that I could hold an Omega close and turn the heat into something less... uh..." Chifuyu fumbles for the word, but you nod, understanding it. "Just let me know if you start to feel uncomfortable."
"This is nice," you hum, snuggling into Chifuyu's soft shirt. His scent lulls you into a gentle desire to be held and never let go. "This is really nice."
"Yeah," Chifuyu whispers, resting his chin on your head. "He said he would do this all the time with his mate. She'd be intensely in heat, too. I'm surprised he made it through all of that without..."
The silence is enough for the both of you to settle in, and your eyes flutter shut as Chifuyu begins to talk again, his voice soothing you to sleep.
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kzuhae · 1 month
( 𝓚. ) ─ 𝐙𝐔𝐇𝐀𝐄. ’𝐒 𝓑𝐘𝐅 &&. 𝓓𝐍𝐈. 萬里飛虹
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𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐒! ⌇ read before interacting!
𐚁 notice from jia. hi lovely, welcome to my little safe space bloggie ˃̵���˂̵ please read these before interacting / following!
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通 ⟩ i change my url and themes a lot!! i get bored easily with my urls, so please don’t be alarmed if you cannot find me!
明 ⟩ kzuhae is a multifan [ currently tokyo revengers centric! changes a lot though ] and (n)sfw + dark content blog! i write mainly fluff but minors are to block the tag #after hours ಇ. or you’ll be blocked. block all triggers needed w/ #tw trigger
明 ⟩ kzuhae is a selfshipper bloggie! idm if you like the same characters as me or talk abt your selfship on my blog, but please be mindful that you’re in MY space and that i am also allowed to talk abt my faves &&. selfships. gatekeepers are blocked.
佑 ⟩ blank blogs are blocked immediately. if you’re a minor and try to interact with my nsfw posts then you’re blocked as well. please be aware that i don’t follow back ageless blogs!
步 ⟩ don’t make drama about aging up characters or writing smut for characters with ambiguous ages, especially when it comes to genshin impact. i see most of them as adults (chongyun, gaming, etc) so i may write smut of them. block if you don’t like.
踏 ⟩ please don’t spam like! more than [5] posts liked in quick succession will get you blocked bcs tumblr will flag me as a bot :<
梅 ⟩ no reposts / promoting my work on other sites outside of tumblr, no translations, plagiarism, edits or feeding my work to ai! the same goes for my themes or my concepts. inspiration is fine when asked, but if i say no please don’t press further.
花 ⟩ i’m not always online. i’m a busy university student so i’m active infrequently, post sporadically and write slowly.
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醒 ⟩ i’m very slow at replying to asks . . . i’m really busy and it’s not on purpose, so please don’t think i’m ignoring you! (T▽T)
靈 ⟩ please don’t vent or trauma dump in my inbox, especially if we’re not mutuals or don’t know each other well!
擂 ⟩ please don’t ask to be mutuals! especially if you’re a minor! i usually follow / mutual people who i want to be friends with or if i am in the same fandoms / like the same content as them! ^_^
震 ⟩ don’t send personal discourse into my inbox, because that is between other individuals &&. doesn’t involve me.
雲 ⟩ if i break a mutual / block you, please don’t ask why. you either broke one of my boundaries, are in my dni, i don’t like your vibes etc. i won’t respond if you ask why. i hard block to break a mutual, if i’m not following you anymore it’s probably a glitch.
裡 ⟩ i use a lot of petnames ++. terms of endearment for my mutuals, &&. if you don’t like that please let me know!
翻 ⟩ i treat you as well as you treat me! please be kind ^_^
山 ⟩ all hate is blocked, especially anon hate!
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吼 ⟩ i don’t accept requests, please don’t send any ૮꒰っ˕‹̥̥̥ ꒱ა you’re free to ramble in my inbox about any thoughts, i might write them!
( 法 ) ⟩ don’t send dark content requests. i am very picky with the dark content i write and consume. please don’t rush or force me to write thirsts or thoughts as well, i will trash it right away.
male!reader. chara x chara. bodily fluids other than spit &&. cum. rape / noncon. fisting. raceplay. graphic domestic or sexual abuse. suicidal tendencies. self harm. omegaverse. rpf. incest. eating disorders.
( 魔 ) ⟩ list will be updated &&. changed as time goes on. i also might reblog works with some of these tropes depending.
fem!reader. filipino!coded fics (especially when writing for izana kurokawa). fluff. smut. longfics. multi-series. headcanons ++. thirsts. switch!reader. most characters from my fandoms -> if unsure then js ask ^_^
( 魔 ) ⟩ list will be updated &&. changed as time goes on. i also might reblog works with some of these tropes depending.
aged up characters. stepcest. age gaps (depending). professor x uni student. dub-con. cheating. drug use. somnophilia. fear play. sub!chara. dom!reader. yandere (picky). gangbang. monster fucking (depending).
( 馴 ) ⟩ list will be updated &&. changed as time goes on. i also might reblog works with some of these tropes depending.
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kissesforsatoru · 7 months
event announcement
i was looking at my followers list this morning and realized we're so, so close to 2k already??? it feels like not that long ago i hit 1k and we were doing the obsessive lovers interview event! i don't wanna get too sappy about this, but i really am grateful for all of the support you guys have given me <3 i love interacting with you all and recieving your thirsts and ideas and it truly means a lot to me that you guys like my writing!
and in honor of all your support, i bring you another 'event'! it's not much of an event, just a few fics + a few other little things cause i don't think i can get through a whole event like last time 😭 but you guys do get to pick the fics, so! some of the ideas here are old, i know, but a majority of them are new so i hope you don't mind too much.
more details will be posted after the poll in week.
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zaenaris · 1 year
Just for fun, i tried to imagine who would be what in a omegaverse
They are Alphas: Mikey, Izana, Draken, Baji, Ryusei, Ran, Benkei, Taiju South, Smiley, Akkun
They are Alphas BUT doesn't look or act like Alphas: Koko, Shinichiro, Shion, Makoto
They are Alphas but sometimes people thinks they are Betas or Omegas (yes that's different from the one above): Mitsuya, Yuzuha
They are Betas: Naoto, Hina, Takeomi, Pah, Akane, Kazushi, Yumi
They are Betas who act more like Alphas: Kisaki, Hanma, Sanzu, Kazutora, Kakucho, Mucho
They are Betas who act sometimes like Omegas: Takemichi, Peh
They are Omegas: Emma, Hakkai, Takuya
They are Omegas who can DESTROY the people who direspect them/try something on them: Wakasa, Inupi, Chifuyu, Senju, Angry, Rindou
I finds that very funny the idea that Waka and Inupi are omegas who acts like if they were alpha to the point that people doesnt' realize first that they are omega, or they can destroy the ones who try something.
Same for Shin and Koko, they are alphas but doesn't act like alpha. People could see Shin as a omega because he is caring, emotional, and has raised his siblings. Meanwhile nobody would guess that Waka is a omega at first.
Koko doesn't act like a alpha the most of time, he never reacts to omegas, only to Inupi (they are soulmates, that's why).
Ahaha yes it's fun 😆
I am not very knowledgeable on omegaverse (besides the usual things that are common knowledge in the fandoms - I was there when SPN fandom invented omegaverse lol) but yes, sure it's funny and interesting when characters turned out to be something different/you wouldn't expect!
Shinwaka and kokonui <3
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cannellee · 1 month
TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (mythological au! #2) ☆
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୨୧ medusa! alpha! tokyo rev x blind! omega! reader (pairing : chifuyu, mikey, mitsuya, baji, izana)
— you meet medusa, whose stare can turn people into statues of rock. but you're actually blind so it doesn't affect you! what are their reactions?
cw : yandere!izana, baji is sweet++ and probably not representative, SA (mitsuya's one, it's not him though), deaths
(they don't have snakes hair, just the curse) + (it's sooo badly written pls don't mind the quality) + (baji's one is criminally short even though it has sm potential sorryy)
my masterlist : ☆
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ALPHA! CHIFUYU (love at first sight)
you really simply wanted to pick berries for the pie you planned to cook this afternoon. you would call for your friend to come with you as it's so much more amusing when you're not on your own, but she couldn't today.
still, you went to your usual spot, experienced feet strolling along the path you grew to recognise by heart. you bent down, gathered a few fruits and other sweet things while searching deeper into the forest until you heard the soft sound of water dripping down.
you walked closer, senses alert and nose breathing in the fresh air around you. once the lapping of the gentle waves hugged your ankles, you put away your basket and sat down on a rock you found while navigating through your surroundings.
you let the sun hit your skin and sooth your worries away, calmly closing your eyes.
when chifuyu was alerted that someone had crossed his territory thanks to the mouths of the tiny magical beings he took under his protection, he promptly made his way to you.
chifuyu valued his space, but most and foremost, he hated humans. he hated the way they would cower under his gaze, how they pleaded for their lives and tried to harm him any chance they had.
if his life was to be painful and lonely, he at least wanted some peace. foolish people who wandered into his forest didn't know their fate, or at least took it too lightly.
he first heard soft hums, and the unnatural splash of water you made with your feet immersed in the lake.
chifuyu was prepared to scare you into running away, to growl and yell at how impudent you had been for trespassing.
but upon witnessing your small frame and catching a taste of your sweet scent, chifuyu wasn't so sure anymore of what he had to do. although he was a huge hater of humans, hurting another soul bothered him. you looked harmless and defenceless, definitely not a threat.
you most likely lost your way, chifuyu thought. he expected a hunter or something among the lines, some gross alpha who came here to bring harm to the sacred place that was the forest.
but a peaceful omega like you surely would just go back to were she came from without any trouble. he sighed and turned around, already ready to leave. that was until his foot walked on a branche, making a loud "crack" sound for the both of you to hear.
"who's there ?", chifuyu hurriedly turned his head the other way, suddenly conscious about his eyes and what they could bring to you.
"you're alone and lost. you shouldn't be there", you laugh a bit at the man's answer, not feeling threatened one bit.
"how would you know whether I'm lost or not ?", he frowned when you kept your eyes shut, never sparing him a glance. when he didn't answer, you invited him to join your side.
"I can safely say you wouldn't want me to sit next to you if you knew who I am"
"you would've already hurt me if that was your intention. as you said, I'm alone", chifuyu eyed you up carefully before taking up on your offer, smelling the fresh berries you tempted him with.
"are you always this reckless that you would invite an alpha you don't even know to chat with you ?", he quickly took his place beside you, eyes locked on the floor and hands already digging inside the basket you put between the two of you.
you simply shrug, finally opening your eyes and turning your head his way before he could even react.
"I'm y/n", he looked in your eyes before realising and felt his heart drop upon doing so, fearing you would change into a statue in front of him.
but you didn't. your delicate scent he tried to ignore kept making him light-headed and feeling calm, your smile didn't freeze and only grew wider in a sweet way he found particularly cute.
he took his time scanning your features. a real flesh and blood person's face was looking at him. well not exactly, chifuyu now understood why you had seem so fearless despite aventuring yourself in a forest known for inhabiting a dangerous monster.
he couldn't recall the last time he looked at someone so intimately, without the disgusting feeling he had the first times he realised he no longer belonged with other humans. he didn't remember when he had the opportunity to admire such a pretty face like yours, without immediately changing them into marble.
chifuyu was deeply looking into your eyes and no parts of your body turned hard and grey.
he felt normal again as he introduced himself as well, his eyes never leaving your face, paying attention to the smallest details of your expressions, the way your eyes looked around and reacted to the sound of his voice.
you didn't fear him, you didn't beg him to spare your life and never once did you turn your head away from him, refusing to look at him as if he was the most horrendous thing in the world.
chifuyu didn't want to tear his gaze away from you, not even for a second. for the first time in years, he had someone he genuinely enjoyed being with, with no other emotions inhabiting hin than calmness, anticipation and a merry scent circling around the both of you.
he didn't believe someone he met a few minutes prior could make him have so much hope for the future, and such a growing urge to stay near you, the only one who would never ostracise him.
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ALPHA! MIKEY (a sacrifice for the prophecy)
you were beyond scared shitless, tears running down your trembling jaw. you clutched your white gown in the biting cold, slowly walking up the hill with dreadful steps.
you relied on the men escorting you for guidance, eyes covered with a silky material which would have prevented you from seeing anything if it wasn't for your blind eyes.
they told you you were doing this for the greater good, to save another innocent and indefective soul from perishing to the hands of the beast who pressured your tiny village to send him a person each year. what their fate turned out to be was a mystery, but it was evident that it wasn't anything good as none of them ever returned.
the tradition was old from centuries ago, your ancestors carefully choosing a bride to send up the hill you were currently on. they never missed a year, scared of the wrath of the monster.
they did try rebelling some hundred years ago, refusing to send another one of their comrade to their fateful death. after this day, they never once disrespected the wish of the beast as they coldly remembered the terrified looks of the thousands of teenagers who were turned to stone in a single night. frozen by the gaze of the man they now obeyed without a fault.
after this came a prophecy ; upon hearing the sad news, an oracle visited them to deliver the truth from the gods above. they listened attentively as the woman spoke, affirming that they were to perpetrate the ritual if they wanted to keep their people alive, until someone with a similar curse came into this world. only then, will the circle of atrocities come to an end.
today was your turn, no reasons were given to you as you marched, the lack of familiar surroundings was enough to put you into such a distress state you didn't know what to do with yourself.
"we'll leave you here. enter the cave, you'll find your way if you follow the walls." they pushed you forward, promptly leaving you here after threatening you to keep going. you had no choice but to do so, unable to decipher where you even came from, the walk was long and tiring, you knew you wouldn't make it back.
so you followed the path, fingers running on the wet and rocky walls, silence engulfing you totally with only the soft sound of your footsteps around. the floor was soft though, almost inviting and comfortable and you soon understood you arrived to your destination.
your heartbeats accelerated, scared and disoriented when a new scent hit your nose, yours emitting a stressed one.
"an omega ? they usually keep them to themselves" you jumped at the foreign mumbling voice, deep and low. you said nothing and kept your right hand on the wall, for a semblance of control of your surroundings.
"it's not like I care anyways. you can keep the blindfold, I'll guide you to the garden" and with that, a cold hand grasped your shoulder, forcing you away from the wall which kept you steady.
you whimpered at the sudden touch, musky scent invading your privacy. he dragged you gently to an open area, you could tell it was with the way the wind caressed your skin and the shivers it sent you.
"stay here. you'll look perfect with the others. I never had such a pretty one being sent my way", his breathe fanned over your ear, you felt his face dangerously close to yours and you kept wondering how the beast could actually be an alpha and not some faceless furry thing, instead he smelled and seemed just like any villagers you met.
you were scared. you felt small and defenceless. but you remained there, unmoving and ready to undergo any treatment. what would a blind omega like you could even do against the terrible beast you've heard countless of atrocious stories about ?
"it'll be over quickly. just don't move", and with that, you felt his big hands leave your arms and instead reaching behind your head for the neat knot the other betas women of the village had done while preparing you.
your nails dug into your flesh and left red marks, you hoped nothing of it hurt. you knew you would be changed into a statue and you hoped it was as painless as he told you. you trusted his words, despite him being the one inflicting such a deplorable fate.
the blindfold fell off your face and you opened your eyes in a blink, looking up despite not seeing anything.
and he looked at you, right into your eyes, shocked and confused. "you're blind ?", he asked you with a voice void of any confidence he had earlier, it came in a whisper, almost as a vulnerable affirmation more than a true question.
you nodded, unsure of what was happening. "my curse only works if you can look at me in the eyes. but you're blind.", he repeated, as if trying to convince himself it was real, that you were real.
the man drops the blindfold to his feet, looking at your face, your eyes, impressed by how much cuter you looked when he could see your whole face.
"you're... I can't turn you into a statue then"
"what will you do then ? if the ritual doesn't work they'll have to send someone else ? are you going to hurt my people ?", your stressed out scent hit him in the gut ; he didn't want to make you feel distressed.
"don't worry about anything at all. this place is perfect. nobody will be coming here anymore, you can relax"
he was enjoying the pleasure of finding someone resistant to his curse, surely you weren't leaving at all. you were his new companion.
you're right, he hadn't felt a human touch in so long, but that's exactly why he will be extra careful with you. even after centuries he still knows how soft and fragile omegas are, he'll take great care of you. it'll be just the two of you and mikey's undefeated power. you're the only one immune, he'll scare people away like he always did, turn them into statues without even lifting a finger, keeping you in his arms while he only has to lift his gaze to erase the threat.
and he'll also get rid of all of the old statues in the garden! it's your garden now, so there's no need for such frightening decorations...
mikey is so ecstatic, he didn't feel such bliss in a while. he's already anticipating all the things you're both going to do together !
but despite his excitement, mikey still is an alpha born in such old times, so he's old-fashioned : he loves you, provides for you and protects you, and as such, he doesn't tolerate outbursts from you. he likes respect. he's an alpha, so you need to listen to him. he's doing that for the both of you! just keep making happy and he'll keep you away from those terrible people you call your family, who deliberately sent you here, even while knowing what would become of you...
but regardless, he's just so happy to be cured from his usual loneliness that he unknowingly becomes more and more lenient, accepting anything from his new omega. you're such a joy to his normally gloomy and silent day. keep talking to him, keep asking him to show you around, he loves it.
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ALPHA! MITSUYA (a strange saviour)
you cursed yourself under your breath for being such a dumb person while gripping tighter a wicker basket filled to the brim with freshly picked flowers.
they only bloomed at night during the full moon and they just smelled so good you couldn't help yourself from going out once a month to snatch them from the tricky path where they grew.
it was risky and dangerous, not only because you were aventuring yourself in such a desolated area, but also because your sweet aroma seemed to get even softer the longer you walked to your house.
you hurried along, feet stumbling through the hard floor and occasional rocks all because of your precipitation. distinct voices and irregular steps were following you close behind, getting closer with each times you missed a step while scurrying down the stairs and met with a wall you didn't remember was there.
"y/n ! hurry and get your ass back there, you know I don't like chasing a blind omega around, just come here and stop making things harder for the both of us !", you shivered from the strong authoritative voice, calling you back in an annoyed growled while his friends snickered by his sides, enjoying way too much this little tantrum you were pulling.
your tears came running down your face, feeling so helpless with how little you knew your way and how merciless you knew your fiancé would be once he got his hands on you.
you never agreed to such proposal, but you came from a poor family and they were just too desperate to marry off their defective daughter. you were handed off to a same-age alpha, a spoiled idiot who liked to torment you even though you weren't still officially his wife.
if you knew you would've met him during your outing, you would've kept your basket neatly away in a closet and sat down near the fireplace.
when he caught you walking all alone at night, the alcohol in his brain and lack of respect for your dignity led him to a pervet shout your way.
he said he simply wanted to introduce you to his friends but with the way they were all looking at you was enough to tell you otherwise. so you ran, not sure where you were heading to.
in a second, you stopped abruptly in your tracks, a forceful hand grasping your arm and pushing you to the wall before you could even react. the force was such you felt light-headed, and the horny scents of the little pack of alphas made you nearly gag.
you pleaded and cried for him not to touch you, both being the only thing you could do. "oh come on, you're making me look like the bad guy here. isn't it my right to touch you as your fiancé?"
you cried harder, shaking your head and asking him to let you go. you felt such distress it was hard to control yourself. you were disoriented and lost, absolutely confused as to who exactly was before you excepted for your fiancé. would anyone save you if you screamed ? you doubted it, considering how his family was respected and felt sick in your head to know nobody would take the side of an omega like you.
you were wriggling again the grip he had on your neck when you felt it. cold and hard on your skin, rough to the touch and barely alive anymore. silence fell upon you before you could breathe again and a loud shattering noise was heard. tiny pieces of rocks hit your feet and your eyebrows furrowed when you heard the panicked pleads of the once so arrogant alphas.
you stayed put, unaware of the crime scene before you and the lavender-haired man who had just emerged from the next street upon catching your screams and sour scent.
you tried to catch your breathe, a serie of "please no!" escaping their throats, but you never relaxed, even when the deafening silence engulfed you once again after the similar shattering sounds were heard.
your eyes were wide open, frantically searching around in the obscurity. you gathered your hands to your chest in hope to make you appear smaller than you were, to appease whoever was pissed off.
"I'm sorry they did that to you", you jumped at the calm tone of his voice. you instinctively turned your head towards him, your pretty eyes catching his unknowingly.
he felt himself tense under your stare because of how unusual it was for him to be face to face with anyone.
"go home for tonight and don't wander alone like that again", there was some distance between the both of you, his voice was far away and let you relax a little at his warm and gentle intonation.
despite his initial excitement, his eyes softened when you seemed to trust him, taking slow and careful steps toward him, his voice guiding you.
he watched as you stumble on one of the statues and mitsuya approached you with cautious steps, alerting you that he was coming closer. "tell me if you want me to leave you"
you reassured him with a soar and soft voice, sounding oh so fragile. he offered you his hand in a silent reassurance and with a gentleness you didn't expect. you took it hesitantly and he guided you out of the dark alley you found yourself in.
"are you alright now ?", he asked after a while. none of you seemed to want to let go of each other's hand. he felt strangely scared to leave you alone and the foreign sense of security he gave you forced the two of you together.
"yes, thanks to you"
mitsuya was a sweet man despite the initial fear everyone seemed to arbour every time they met him. he took his sweet time getting to know you, and you didn't expect to have him by your door the next day, your basket of flowers put back together in one piece after being torn apart yesterday night.
you kept having little dates together, secretly hiding away in the deep forest mitsuya knew by heart. he made sure to take you to the best spots, while reassuring you with soft hums and a comforting scent every chance he got.
the connexion he felt with you was refreshing and sparked in him a protective instinct he didn't think he had in him.
he wanted to make sure you felt safe and would be willing to go on another date with him afterwards so he behaved correctly while assuring you nobody would be mean to you if you remained by his side.
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ALPHA! KAZUTORA (a fateful kidnapping)
bloody screams and desperate attempts at escaping drove each one of you mad. you ran without knowing where, only trying to chase away the yelling of your people.
you tripped against the statues littered across the floor, scratching your knees and hurting your hands in the process. you tried not to think of your dead loved ones, only focusing on your survival.
he was mad, completely crazy and thirsty for revenge.
your people had failed to give him a satisfying enough offering like you always did and here were the consequences.
a real massacre.
you found your way to a deserted house and pushed the door open, you scurried under the small space of the stairs, not having enough strength to drag yourself anywhere farther.
you heard him not long after, slow steps as if teasing you. you both knew you weren't winning and it amused him.
"where are you hiding little one ? if only you could smell yourself, only a fool would walk pass such a sweet scent"
you tried to muffle your pitiful cries, eyes shutting themselves with force. you couldn't calm your breathing down when he came closer, knowing exactly where you went but wanting to see you give yourself to him willingly.
"so cute", he whispered that more to himself than you, a smirk stretching his lips.
he bent down right next to you, inhaling deeply your scent. he took a lock of your hair in his hands, a satisfied look in his eyes.
"oh come on omega, just open your pretty eyes for me to see. listen to me while I'm being nice"
when you refused he persisted, keen on to see you give in. "you're the only one left omega, better make this quick for yourself don't you think?", your breath was cut short at the revelation, growing more and more distressed at your predicament.
"calm down, just breathe for me okay. don't want you fainting on me, it would be no fun right?"
a strange fondness made his way inside kazutora's heart while he helped you reach a calmer state. your head was still kept low, and tears kept running. but you managed to slow down your heartbeats thanks to him spreading calming pheromones all around you, your instincts reacting to them without your consent.
"that's right, just like that. you're doing so well"
and slowly but surely, everything felt calm again. you reached for his hands now gently cradling your face and forced them away from you.
you felt desperate, his proximity kept your thoughts going as just how fucked up your situation was, how inescapable it was. so you took advantage of your more relaxed state to pry your eyes open, guiding them up to meet his.
he watched you silently, almost regretfully but did nothing to stop you. he was eager to see your whole face and in the mere second when you lifted your face, he swore your statue would be the only one he took with him. he wouldn't let you rot away with the others. such a scared and fragile little thing...
and yet, he fell silent as he took in your soft features.
"your eyes...", he trailed off, shocked.
you were just as confused. why wasn't he doing anything? why was it taking so long? he mirrored your confusion, was your blindness enough to stop his curse from working on you?
a wave of relief washed over him and for the first time in years, kazutora felt at peace.
he didn't have to carry with him your dead body, he could simply ask you to follow him, or even better! he was going to court you, just like he dreamed of doing. he could look at you in all the angles and you wouldn't be harmed !
how sweet life was to finally smile at him and gift him a precious omega.
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ALPHA! BAJI (a gift from aphrodite)
desperately lonely. that's how baji felt for hundred of years now, since he was struck with his curse.
he ostracised himself from society, scared of bringing harm to anyone who would do just as much as look at him. he was feared and hated, despite never wishing anything bad on anyone.
one night, he found himself on the temple of aphrodite, the goddess of love, and begged all he could to grant him his only wish. the only desire he ever had.
upon hearing his cries, the goddess sent her child, cupidon, and charged him with a mission to bring her faithful devotee the perfect match for him.
you didn't know how you found yourself here, laying down on that same altar baji was praying on just about a few minutes ago.
all your senses were alert, trying to catch any familiar scent that would indicate where you were.
but you didn't smell anything, except for the cold marble floor and the strong and intimidating scent of what could be nothing else, if not an alpha.
"w-where am I? and who are you?" your voice bounced on the walls of the immense temple, and it sounded just like honey to baji's ears.
he couldn't believe his own eyes. had his prayers finally been answered? after a hundred years all but begging for the deity to let him find a precious omega who would come to love him and who wouldn't be harmed by his deadly curse.
and there you were! from the way your doe-eyes were looking around you, never settling on anything, he knew he had nothing to be scared about.
you won't crumble under his gaze, and baji could keep and love you to himself, just like he always dreamt.
he carefully went up to you, sweet words and kind purrs. and as if you were destined, you felt nothing but comfort emitting from the stranger, trusting him fully after just a few minutes.
"hey there, that's it I'm right here. you can stay up there while I come to help you down, okay?"
baji's instincts were screaming, blissfully looking at his adorable omega. he didn't know how to thank aphrodite, but one thing was for sure, he was going to cherish you to show just how grateful he was.
ALPHA! IZANA (sick love)
izana couldn't believe it and he'll keep spending his whole life trying to ignore the deadly weapon he has in his eyes.
it wasn't always like that, it was only the result of a deity's punishment after he had accidentally profaned his temple.
and the day he witnessed the first ever person falling to his death for simply looking at him was a nightmare burned inside his memory.
he hated the curse and hated how isolated he became afterwards, how his village, his friends and even his family chased him from his hometown, refusing to even take one last look at him.
but luckily he had you. his sweet childhood friend who stayed with him through thick and thin while never feeding the thought of abandoning him like all the others.
you were blind and resistant to his curse, so your relationship never changed. at first.
the usually kind alpha you knew quickly turned bitter and tried to drive away anybody trying to come to you, just like they all avoided him.
if they thought his curse was going to make it easier for them to court you, they were dead wrong.
izana developed a growing obsession for you and a sick jealousy which ruled your entire life now. you thought it would pass once he recognised your loyalty and eventually came to terms with his own cursed eyes. but he never did and only worsened with the time, growling at you to never leave him, that you would lose your way without his guidance, that people would try to steal you because of how naive and innocent you were. he wanted to force this codependency on you and break you down to make it sure you would always need him.
none of it made sense and you tried to reason him. even when people started to yell at him to get away from here, only you stood by his side, knowing that the charming boy you once knew wasn't all gone.
but this situation only made it easier for him to keep you for himself, your people not caring if you left alongside him as long as he left the village immediately.
he comforted himself at seeing your similar treatment and grew overly possessive, only allowing you to breathe and stay pretty next to him, occasionally patching up his wounds if he had to fight someone for your safety.
"y/n, you know how much I love you right ? those people only wish the worst for us, that's why I had to do that, you understand? I just need you, my sweet omega, you'll stay with me, right?"
and you don't have a choice but to mutter a kind "of course!" with a fake enthusiasm, knowing full well that even though he can't force you to stay put by turning you into stone, he can and will physically restrain you enough that you'll never even foster the idea of running away and leave him alone.
you're the only flawless being he ever met, izana wishes for things to stay that way. you offer him stability and if you were to be gone, he'd completely lose it.
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prpfs · 3 months
Heya! Your resident catboy here (he/she) 🐈‍⬛✨
I’m currently in search of (preferably) 25+ rp partners for the Tokyo Revengers fandom! (:
I rp exclusively on Discord, and usually tend toward semi-lit to lit replies. I’m not interested in OC rps, only CCxCC please. And I only do m/m pairings. I’m happy to switch roles, and either top or bottom as long as we keep things fair.
That being said, I’m looking for both good plot, as well as nsfw content. I love angst, drama, fluff, and hurt/comfort. Smut isn’t very fun without a good story for me. But more specifically, I’d like a partner who’s adventurous and open-minded.
I’d like to explore unusual dynamics, omegaverse, nekos, unique AUs, maybe some rare pairs, and definitely polyamory. With a big focus on the gangs, and inherent violence involved. I also sometimes write trans masc or intersex characters because I’m comfortable with them, and I’d be happy to rp opposite yours as well.
I’m open to most ‘problematic’ content. Incest, dubcon, cnc, mild 🍪, bondage, and some other kinks. But we will discuss, and respect each other’s boundaries of course.
If you’re not into those, I’m still happy to discuss options for rp! As long as they include interesting story, and you aren’t judgmental of my ideas, or averse to discussing them.
Some of my fave characters to play include: Draken, Kokonoi, Izana, Kazutora, and Wakasa. But I’m happy to rp pretty much any character.
I would ✨really✨ love someone to play Mikey for me. Dominant Mikey, preferably. And I’m more than willing to rp him in return, I have a knack for overbearing characters.
This is not a requirement whatsoever, but I do have one, very specific head-cannon that I’ve been itching for. Mikey x Izana, with bottom Izana, some cnc, and dom Mikey. I love them together so much. If you help me write it I’ll probably cry from joy lol 💫
Anyway, I enjoy getting to know my rp partners and sending memes, art, and dumb ideas back and forth OOC, but I’m also respectful of the need for privacy and anonymity. I usually reply when I have time, there’s never any pressure for fast replies—take your time.
Please like this post if you’re interested, and I’ll take that as an ok to dm you. 💚
{Pls note: I will not interact with ageless blogs}
give a like and anon will get back to you
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fluffykinsblog · 2 years
Talks about heavy dark shit,So for the love of god read my Warnings!!!! Please!!! dead dove do not eat!!! No Minors on my blog,please!!!!
 Yandere Behavior
 Unhealthy Behavior and Mindset
Toxic behavior
Branding someone (the tattoo of Bonten gang logo) 
 Light Impact Play (mostly spanking)
Controlling someone 
Sexual/Physical Punishment
Unwanted pregnancy
Homemade abortion (For the love god do not,and I mean do not,do this!!! Please)
Little bit of misogyny
Forcing a person to be more feminine
Forcing a person to be something they are not 
Omegaverse AU
I do not support any of the horrendous behavior!!!!!
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I’m vary nervous to post this on my blog because I don’t want any backlash or people being hateful towards me, honestly I’m too scared to send a request or a ask. It’s a question for Yandere-blogs that are doing Tokyo revengers and taking request or don’t mind me ask about (age-up) Alpha Bonten Baji Keisuke. I’am also doing the Omegaverse Au version.
My story are not limited to Noncon,Branding (tattoo of the gang logo), Sexual/Physical Punishment, Forcing (Y/N) to be more Feminine,Bit of Misogyny,Forcing (Y/N) to be a housewife,Light impact play (mostly spanking),Unwanted Pregnancy, getting abortion without alpha’s permission.
So my question is how would (age-up) Bonten Alpha Baji Keisuke would handle Reader with a tough personality? It doesn’t help that she is stubborn and hardheaded who won’t listen to him and is constantly pushing his button? She hate being told what to do or being controlled because that crap will piss her off. She has a strong belief that all omega are independent people and can do whatever they want. 
(Y/N) is a badass boss woman that takes no crap from anyone despite be a omega,she does her best to hide that identity. (Y/N) wear suits when at work and wear masculinity “cologne” on her scent glands to keep unwanted alpha away from her. She takes suppressants to help hide her natural omega scent and It help canceling the heat cycle that every omega has to go through. (Y/N) is often seen smoking cigarette or cigar during A crime scene investigation with
This got make me think, Would yandere Alpha Bonten Baji Keisuke forced feminization on (Y/N) ? I wonder what his first step would he take? How would he get (Y/N) under his control? How would he make (Y/N) play the role being his sweet little housewife? How would he get (Y/N) to quite smoking? Since Keisuke doesn’t see smoking fit someone like (Y/N) in his eyes. So many question and so few answers.
My other question is how would (age-up) Yandere Alpha Bonten Baji Keisuke takes in (Y/N) appearances? Reader is goth. She has a tattoo of a Spider Lily between her breast. She got gauge that are the sizes of 12mm. She also have two piercing on both of her upper lobe and two helix on both ears. Not exactly a feminine type of girl.
The the reason I’m asking is because I been kinda working on my story that I haven’t decide a title yet,but I need help with Baji Keisuke‘s personality since I don’t really want to make him OOC and who should be the gang leader of Bonten? Should be manjiro sano or Izana Kurokawa?
Note: Understand that I do not support any of the horrendous behavior!!!! Especially it’s involve a person to be something that doesn’t fit in their identity, or being more feminine, or more “macho”. I think everyone should be whoever they want in life,I mean after all we only live once so be sure to make the best of or at least try too.
P.S (Y/N) mean Your Name incase no one knows or don’t remember what it mean.
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okeutocalma · 7 months
Kakucho and Izana.
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Tomando coragem, [Nome] abriu aquela porta com determinação, compreendendo os desafios que poderia enfrentar. No entanto, ao fazê-lo, um intenso e nauseante fedor invadiu suas narinas, deixando-o temporariamente sem palavras. Era como se um coquetel desagradável de odores desencadeasse uma reação visível em seu rosto. Mesmo assim, [Nome] não se deixou abater pelo odor pungente e persistiu, adentrando o local.
A banheira estava vazia, isso era bom. Mas a porta ainda estava quebrada e o quarto foi deixado como se lembrava, exatamente três meses atrás.
Os olhos dele se focaram em duas figuras deitadas sobre a cama, com passos calmos ele se aproximou e ao sentir os feromônios fortes aqueles seres ronronam. Agora o alpha estava parado ao lado da cama.
Kakucho estava acordado, ele foi o primeiro a ver você. Os olhos enchendo de lágrimas e ele se agarrou a ti, segurando com toda força que tinha no corpo pálido e desnutrido.
— [Nome]... é você mesmo? Ou é apenas uma alucinação por causa da fome? — A voz dele estava quebradiça e rouca, como se não tivesse sido usada por um bom tempo.
Seu nariz se contraiu novamente ao se agachar consideravelmente ao ficar na altura do outro que estava sentado, o ômega fedia. Tinha remela nos olhos, a roupa tinha manchas amarelas grandes, cabelos desgrenhados e oleosos.
— Eu, eu voltei Kaku, sou eu. 
Foi como uma barreira se rompendo, ele desabou a chorar, suas respirações ficaram ofegantes, e algumas lágrimas e lágrimas começaram a descer de sua face. Ele pensou em te tocar mas memórias voltaram à mente dele e aparentemente ele tomou consciência que estava sujo.
Kakucho, que se sentia tão sujo por dentro, se desesperou, você estava vendo ele e. Um estado tão deplorável. Ele sentiu que nada mais importava, que nem sequer consigo mesmo ele podia se manter limpo e correto.
 Suas lágrimas desciam pela sua face enquanto ele se sentia cada vez mais sujo e desprezível. Ele era incapaz de entender como você voltaria para cá, voltaria para eles... E, como havia chegado a um ponto tão baixo... Um ponto em que ele se sentia como se nem sequer pudesse se olhar no espelho e se reconhecer.
— Venha cá, eu vou te dar um banho. — [Nome] falou, pegando o ômega nos braços. Ele estava leve, muito leve. O alpha tentou manter a expressão neutra enquanto carregava o outro para o banheiro do quarto de hóspedes.
O hitto colocou o rosto na curva de seu pescoço, respirando profundamente os feromônios que sua glândula soltava.
“ Foi como Kisaki falou, tudo está limpo, a casa está em perfeitas condições. Menos aquele quarto. "
— Kakucho, fique aqui quando eu preparo a água, okay? — O de pele [clara/escura] falou deixando o ômega sentado na cama. Imediatamente ele negou, não queria sair de perto de você, ele temia. Temia que você fosse embora após ver o quão nojento ele estava.
— N-não! Por favor. — Ele pediu agarrando o seu sobretudo, esse que você tirou e deixou com ele. 
— Ali, eu vou estar ali no banheiro. A porta vai ficar aberta.
Ele te seguiu com os olhos, você caminhou ao banheiro e começou a encher a banheira pra dar banho nele. A todo momento ele não desviou os olhos, segurava seu sobretudo com força perto do nariz, inspirando seu cheiro.
Após encher a banheira com água morna e muito sabonete líquido, [Nome] voltou e pegou nos braços, o ômega deixou o seu sobretudo na cama enquanto era levado para o banheiro.
Kakucho tirou a roupa e entrou na água sem esperar nada, com as mãos cobrindo o rosto, estava com vergonha do que tinha conseguido.
O cheiro da roupa suja e do suor que emanava daquele menino era quase insuportável.
Com cuidado, o Alpha pegou a bucha de banho e o sabonete e logo começou a limpar o ômega. Passando suavemente pelo corpo desnutrido.
Kakucho suspirou profundamente, sua pele tinha muitas manchas escuras, era um mistério como ele ainda estava de pé. Suas costelas, seus joelhos, seus cotovelos, ele não passava de pele e ossos... Ele não conseguia mais se conter.
— [Nome]... Eu estou tão… — Soluçou, com a cabeça baixa e os olhos fixos na água, a pele se arrepiava com seu toque leve e com a água morna.
— Pode me dizer. Estou aqui, vou cuidar de você.
— Todo esse tempo... Todo esse tempo... sozinho…— O ômega continuou tremendo, sem conseguir falar direito, ele abraçou os joelhos contra o peito, chorando como uma criança. — Com aquele fedor, com aquela higiene ruim... Eu merecia morrer... Eu mereço morrer, eu… eu não cuidei de você, não mereço continuar, você quase morreu neste lugar… eu não mereço.
Você ficou calado enquanto enxaguava o corpo dele com uma pequena vasilha, tirando toda a espuma. 
— Obrigado [Nome] … — Ele agradeceu, sua expressão mudou para um sorriso triste.
O ômega fechou os olhos e se concentrou, tentando relaxar na água, esquecendo todos os dias ruins que teve desde o rompimento do laço e a quebra da marca. Queria sentir o toque do Alpha para acalmá-lo.
Internamente [Nome] agradeceu Kisaki por deixar uma sopa de macarrão pronta antes de sair. O cheiro ótimo entrava em suas narinas. Após colocar Kakucho sentado na cadeira foi servir um pouco da comida a ele.
Ele estava com roupas antigas do alpha que tinham ficado, mas estavam limpas graças aos amigos dos ômegas que vinham, limpavam a casa e lavavam a roupa. Tentavam cuidar dos dois que se negavam a sair do quarto.
O estômago do ômega roncou ao vê-lo, ele olhou para a tigela com fome, os olhos arregalados de alegria, e não hesitou em comer.
— Onde você esteve? Todo esse tempo separados… — Disse entre ruídos famintos, pegando a colher e começando a comer. Ele estava consideravelmente melhor com sua presença ali.
— Eu estava com Draken e Mitsuya, passei um tempo com eles e então coloquei minha própria casa em ordem.
— Mmm… — ômega continuou comendo, suas sobrancelhas se movendo descontroladamente cada vez que ele comia um pouco do macarrão.  — Eu estava realmente preocupado… — Ele comentou em voz baixa, tentando parar de comer enquanto falava.
O grito alto chamou a atenção de ambos e logo [Nome] começou a caminhar novamente em direção ao quarto que Izana estava.
O Alpha o viu. Ele estava fedendo, tinha olheiras profundas e chorava. Parecia que ele não tomava banho há semanas. Estava magro, muito magro.
— Izana. — O chamou, olhando o estado deplorável em que se encontrava, por um momento você sentiu pena. Ele estava muito pior que Kakucho.
Ele fungou, olhou para o de pele [clara/escura] e depois olhou para baixo novamente, os olhos se enchendo de mais lágrimas.
— O-oi… — ele murmurou antes de esconder a cabeça, não ousando olhar para o homem novamente por medo, vergonha e constrangimento. Ele começou a murmurar desculpas. Tinha sentido seu cheiro mais forte e sabia que você estava aqui.
— Você está horrível. — Disse olhando para ele, depois se aproximando e passando os braços pela cintura do outro homem, ajudando-o a se levantar.
O menino se assustou um pouco ao sentir os braços em volta de sua cintura, ele fungou alto e fechou os olhos com força ao aceitar ser levantado.
— Sinto muito! Sou tão fraco e patético! Senti sua falta! Eu sei que tava errado, eu sou um idiota [Nome]! — ele chorou como um garotinho, abraçando [Nome] com força, pois não queria soltá-lo.
— Ah, Izana. — O Alpha o carregou cuidadosamente até o banheiro onde uma banheira com água morna já estava preparada.
O menino estava agarrado a você como um bebê, parecia com medo de deixá-lo a qualquer momento. Ele fungou e olhou para a banheira.
— I-Isso é para mim? — Perguntou suavemente, com lágrimas em seu rosto. Ele fungou novamente, envergonhado de sua situação lamentável.
— Sim, é para você.
— Eu não sou realmente digno disso… — O platinado enquanto tentava se livrar do alcance de [Nome], mas ele estava se agarrando com força. O alpha o colocou dentro da água, um suspiro baixo deixando os lábios dele.
 O Hitto olhou para o rosto do alpha novamente, nunca tinha sido tão próximo e íntimo. O ômega era tão fino que cada osso estava delineado sob sua pele.
— Espero que você não se arrependa de me trazer aqui. Não pensei que ainda estaria aqui depois daquelas... — Ele não conseguiu completar e sem evitar que lágrimas escorressem pelo seu rosto.
— Coma Kakucho, você está muito magro, você e Izana. — [Nome] mandou enquanto fazia um suco natural de laranja, colocando água fria na jarra.
Izana balança a cabeça e toma um gole de sopa de macarrão. Apenas com o banho ambos já estavam bem melhores, Izana também vestia roupas limpas que já foram suas, estavam largas nos corpos dos ômegas.
O platinado mantém os olhos baixos na tigela, seus movimentos são pequenos, para não incomodar ninguém. Sua respiração se aprofunda, ele se acalma, dá outra mordida e come devagar, saboreando o sabor.
Há um silêncio, apenas interrompido pelos pequenos movimentos dele com a colher.
— Obrigado…
Sua voz é baixa e gentil, você sabia do que ele estava a agradecer. Ele estava agradecendo por tudo que você está fazendo até agora.
— Assim que vocês melhorarem eu vou embora.
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notgaybitchfx · 2 years
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❣︎You can call me Coffee or whatever nickname you can think of
❣︎This is a BL omegaverse blog so if you’re a person that has she/her, she/they, she/it, she/he, etc. as your pronouns please click off this blog
❣︎Anyone under the age of 17 will be blocked and those that don’t have their age in bios will receive a personal message from me about how old you are
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• Things I WONT tolerate •
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❣︎No fudanshis or Fujoshi
❣︎No proshippers
❣︎No minor nsfw
❣︎No homophobia, transphobia, etc.
❣︎Don’t be fuckin racist
❣︎No oc x character & fem x m!reader
❣︎No incest
❣︎No vore
❣︎No teacher x student/pedophilia
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• Shows & Characters I write for •
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Stranger Things
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Eddie Munson
Lucas Sinclair
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Eren Yeager
Armin Arlert
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Connie Springer
Erwin Smith
Marco Bodt
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo
Suguru Geto
Noritoshi Kamo
Yuta Okkotsu
Toji Fushiguro
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toge Inumaki
Tokyo Revengers
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
Takemitchi Hanagaki (Takemitchy)
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Chifuyu Matsuno
Izana Kurokawa
Keisuke Baji
Hajime Kokonoi (Koko)
Hakkai Shiba
Kazutora Hanemiya
Nahoya Kawata
Souya Kawata
Ran Haitani
Rindou Haitani
Taiju Shiba
Takashi Mitsuya
Takemoi Akashi
Wakasa Imaushi (Waka)
Shuji Hanma
Seishu Inui (Inupi)
Keizo Arashi (Benkei)
Demon slayer
Giyu Tomioka
Obanai Iguro
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Gyomei Himejima
Tengen Uzui
Muchiro Tokito
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agamatsu
Inosuke Hashibira
Genya Shinazugawa
Muzan Kibutsuji
Kagaya Ubuyashiki
Jojo Bizarre Adventure
Dio Brando
Giorno Giovanna
Josuke Higashikata
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Johnny Joestar
Noriaki Kakyoin
Guido Mista
Jotaro Kujo
Bruno Bucciarati
Enrico Pucci
Leone Abbacchio
Pannacotta Fugo
Black Butler
Sebastian Michaelis
William T. Spears
Drossel Keinz
Alesiter Chamber
Ronald Knox
Genshin Impact
Tartaglia (Childe)
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(More will be added eventually)
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