#japanse flower
eijukawai · 1 year
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(via Blue peony Cap by Lifeadventurer)
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miinxpid · 1 year
♥*♡∞:。.。  E-PINKIE ROOM CC LIST   。.。:∞♡*♥
                                  ♥*♡∞:。.。  CC LIST  。.。:∞♡*♥
Desk: https://www.patreon.com/posts/gaming-room-set-50717528?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
Sanrio pictures: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sanrio-nursery-70742236
tapetry: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kawaii-70741893
heart curtains: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heart-set-66373351
Sanrio plushes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-67892556
Kitty camera: https://www.patreon.com/posts/high-school-set-70060243
Heart shelf: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-48141541
My Melody clock : https://kemono.party/patreon/user/33607175/post/67672617
Switch controllers: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/33607175/post/53320694
Switch: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/33607175/post/60289150
Pusheen cat figure: https://losts4cc.tumblr.com/post/665007574549250048/s4simomo-sfs-link-sfs-folder
Bratz phone: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55034551
Plumbob neon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/modern-teen-room-71118538
Sonico figure and anime posters: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65031710
 Astolfo figure: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-4814154
Rilakkuma bag: https://simfileshare.net/download/1141593/
Hello kitty sticker:
Zero two and japanse letters neon light: https://www.patreon.com/posts/neon-set-zero-61476946
Avril lavinge/ monster high/ hello kitty poster and  chair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/y2k-set-66654532
Keyboard : https://www.patreon.com/posts/kawaii-keyboard-51208159
BMO: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-kawaii-66685214
Body Pillows , tissue box and hentai dvds: https://www.patreon.com/posts/honey-azalea-set-64988171
Yoongi poster: https://burnitmyg.tumblr.com/post/686161591359635456/nuwmie-posters-set-01-kpop-jpop-posters-i
Scream poster: https://www.patreon.com/posts/y2k-prints-70741974
Gloomy bear: https://cursedcc.tumblr.com/post/649051527653228544/sims-4-gloomy-bear-new-mesh-made-by-me-use
Rilakkuma bear
Kawaii neon light:
Moo plant:
Rilakkuma cow/strawberry plush: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-53203759
Hello kitty, Cinnamonroll head plush: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-49605717
Heart pillow: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-cozy-set-67495035
Heart grid:
Flower pillow: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ajisai-extra-59526335
Hentai manga dcor  : https://missmecustomized.tumblr.com/post/656332308445544448/annnd-here-is-the-pose-pack-its-been-a-loooong
Heart dildo,paw candle, pc and monitor, coffin shelf , cinnamonroll plush,pencil glass: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bknysimz-new-53821746
 Penis plush : https://www.patreon.com/posts/cuupid-free-baby-69022861
Heart mirror:
Monsters :
Miku poster: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W7Vp_K56awm4CjCx06U1UJXsvJ6w-QBy
Ouija pink:
Kawaii print:
Octopus plush and Penis lollipop: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-x-48142788
Sailor moon mouse: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-gift-6-56548911
Desk down bag: https://www.patreon.com/posts/school-bags-ts4-62922109
Color Boxes:
Makeup clutter(décor):
Hello kitty hair dryer: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hello-kitty-hair-58547695
Kitty mirror:
Powerpuff girl/ kuromi and my melody head/ rilakkuma cherry and candy : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-cute-random-61792794
Headphones: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-and-65364921
Spongy Glitter Mirror: https://www.patreon.com/posts/spongy-glitter-69767540
Kawaii calendar: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-studyroom-66133030
Heart chair and digital clock: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-study/title/gaming-room-set/id/1604755/
Self love pills (happy pills): http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts4patreon/ddae/
Kpop posters: https://burnitmyg.tumblr.com/post/686161591359635456/nuwmie-posters-set-01-kpop-jpop-posters-i
Hello kitty sticker ( I think is frm here T_T I DON’T REMEMBER WELL..): https://atomiclight.tumblr.com/post/631332775535968256/random-stickers-get-to-work-is-required
Hello kitty radiocaset: I don't remember where it was :(
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bowbowis · 1 year
How Much Difference Does the Translation of the "Reconquer" Line Make?
When he confronts Edelgard in Crimson Flower Dimitri asks her the following: "Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?" Edelgard's response has often been mocked for being ad hominem attack. Some insist her reply is mistranslated and that she makes a stronger argument in the original Japanese script, others contend that the line is basically the same in both versions. Who is right?
Here's her reply in the English localization:
Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation?
Here's a version closer to the original Japanese:
So you'd feel better if you reconquered... if you killed in retaliation?
So there is a difference between the English and Japanese lines. The Japanese version puts an emphasis on Dimitri's motivation that is mostly absent in the English version. The significance of the change becomes more pronounced when you remember that Edelgard says more after that. Her complete reply is, in English:
Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation? I will not stop. There is nothing I would not sacrifice to cut a path to Fódlan's new dawn!
In Japanse:
So you'd feel better if you reconquered... if you killed in retaliation? I will not stop. I am willing to sacrifice to pave the way for the future!
While you can still kind of get the original intent by reading between the lines of the English version the Japanese version is much clearer that Edelgard is not only calling out Dimitri for doing what he's accusing her of but also contrasting their reasons for doing it. She is going on the offensive to bring about a better future, he's doing it to indulge his own desire for vengeance (note that she never brings up his purely defensive actions, only his retaliatory ones).
It actually mirrors what Dimitri says when he's tormenting Randolph in Azure Moon:
Dimitri: You are a monster too, General. You have just yet to realize it. A monster who thinks he's a man... despicable. As a general, you must have killed countless souls without a shred of mercy. Do you still remember the sound of them begging, just as you're begging now? Or, now that your life is at its end, will you hold to the lie that your hands are not stained red with blood? Randolph: This...this is war. I did what I had to for the Empire...for the people...for my family! Dimitri: So, you are piling up corpses for the people and for your family. And I am doing the same for the salvation of the dead... After all is said and done, we are both murderers. Both stained. Both monsters.
The difference of course is that while Dimitri rejects the idea that why he and Randolph kill makes a difference, Edelgard highlights the fact that although they are both killing people she is doing it in service of the greater good, while Dimitri is just looking to satisfy his own desire for vengeance. It's a reflection of their deontological and consequentialist ethics respectively.
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fouryearsofshades · 1 year
What’s in your opinion, your view on non Han accessories such as Miao silver, Japanese silk flowers, and other accessories used while wearing and posting Hanfu online. I’ve seen it a lot personally when looking at Hanfu things on little red book, is it complexed than we think?
Personal opinion below:
Oh are they still popular on little red book? I thought they had gone out of fashion. The latest offense is Tibetan style.
The popularity of miao silver, Japanse silk flowers, Japanese hand fan etc, however, is often because those things are CHEAP. Cheap, easily found on taobao and looked good on screen. That is it. Most people wanted to stand out of the crowd but doesn't want to spent too much time, money and energy on it. And taobao sellers, to increase exposure, will include additional keywords regardless whether it is true or not. Again, many people will not spent the time to do good research, so people will be misled and think that they are authentic Han products.
Traditional Han accessories are expensive because they are often not factory made. For example Japanese lantern and Japanese mask are often used in China because Japan had ordered a lot of those products from China and the production lines have existed so it can be made cheaply and easily. But Chinese masks and lanterns? Often there are no factory lines available and they have to be hand made so they are rather expensive. (People will complain if they found the local organizers used them but often it is too late. Japanese building and vectors are also a common offense. Because those designers are often freely available online while Chinese stuff are often not digitized.)
The price does come down slightly nowadays as more people promote Han culture and there are factory products, such as chanhua, now they are available in packs of premake pieces and sellers can just put them together instead of rolling each leaves and petals themself.
In short, I think professionals (including designers, make up artist, influencers etc.) should avoid using those accessories (unless there is a good reason to use them) because it perpetuals the wrong image, but random people~ eh whatever. People can buy imported stuff as international trade has always been a thing. People can also include anything that is meaningful to them, either to speak of their heritage or as a memento.
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dearauthor-sama · 11 months
Shuu's other name: Ririe
I may be very late on this topic. But, oh well..
Alright. Somebody enlighten me on this.
Why and how did Rejet come up with this idea of giving Shuu a second name which is actually a flower? And I don't get how swapping the "i" in the Japanse spelling fort he flower lily, (Ririi)with an "E" makes it cool. Rejet could've at least done some research on cool/ aesthetic sounding names.
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devosopmaandag · 9 months
Absolute wreedheid
Ik herinner me geen enkele oudere in mijn jeugd en jonge volwassenheid die dement werd of alzheimer kreeg. Dat zou heel gemakkelijk gekund hebben met de enorme kennissenkring van mijn ouders. Misschien was dat ook omdat er uit schaamte amper over gepraat werd, nu is alzheimer en dementie alom aanwezig. Langzamerhand is er een canon te maken van boeken, films, documentaires en series. Zo zijn beelden ontstaan die tot ons (westers) collectief beeldarchief zijn gaan behoren: een kamer vol opgeplakte post-its, dwalende oude mannen en vrouwen langs drukke wegen, documentaire beelden van treurige verpleeghuizen, advertenties van zonnige villa's met lachend verzorgend personeel. Het zijn de dementie- en alzheimer-memes van deze tijd. Alle liefde, optimisme en tederheid ten spijt is er amper iets wreders te bedenken dan je identiteit kwijt raken bij leven.
En toch ging ik gisterochtend naar de Japanse film 'A hundred flowers'*. De trailer bevatte alles wat ik kon verwachten van de zoveelste film over het onderwerp. Ik was die dag alleen, en daar hoort luiheid bij of anders een soort verstilling. Lui was ik genoeg geweest de afgelopen week. Ik zette me, zo merkte ik, toch een beetje schrap toen de film begon. Japanse films zijn of traag of gewelddadig of absurd, zo denk ik wel eens. Dit kon niet anders dan een verstilde film worden, zo zeiden de eerste beelden: een verouderd interieur in bruintinten, een oudere vrouw in zacht vloeiende kleding die Bach speelt op de piano – ze stokt heel even – en dan een verwarrende scène waarin de tijd lijkt ingedikt of juist uitgerekt. De bodem is gelegd voor het niet chronologisch vertelde drama van een moeder met alzheimer en haar volwassen zoon. Ooit verdween de moeder zomaar uit het leven van haar zoontje. Nooit heeft hij geweten waarom en wat er is gebeurd. Het script is geraffineerd, omdat zijn niet-weten en haar vergeten elkaar spiegelen. Slechts in één scène komen alle angsten en frustraties van hun beiden tot een uitbarsting. Wij als kijkers weten wat er is gebeurd. We zijn de alwetende kijkers, een geruststellende positie. 'Hersenschimmen' van Bernlef lezen of 'Iris' van John Bayley, kijken naar een documentaire, 'The Father' of 'Still Alice' zien, de oude Stoïcijnen erop na slaan, dat alles is hoe indringend en belangrijk ook iets anders dan de angst en de ontreddering van een naaste recht in de ogen kijken.
Mijn moeder werd rond haar 91e dement. Ik vertel mensen wel eens hoe mooi en belangrijk die laatste jaren voor mij waren. Teruglopend naar huis in de regen, na afloop van de film, vroeg ik me af of die verhalen niet te mooi zijn. Ze laten de wreedheid waaraan zij werd onderworpen, en die zich voor mijn ogen afspeelde, in tact. Geen enkele filosoof, filmer, schrijver, dichter of god kan die wreedheid verzachten, het verzacht alleen de pijn van wie daarvan getuige is – achteraf.
* 'A hundred flowers' |2022 | 104 minuten | regie Genki Kawamura |met Mieko Harada, Masaki Suda, Masami Nagasawa, Masatoshi Nagase
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Japanese Style VTG Kimono Robe adult Geisha Red Costume Loungewear Wall Hanging.
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catvcr · 2 years
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Miki ✦ 16 x 20 Prints on my Etsy Store
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eijukawai · 1 year
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daoko-fans · 3 years
Who is the flower here? 🥺💐🤍
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lilico-co · 5 years
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eridanus21 · 6 years
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Japanse apricot 向島百花園の梅,新冬至,ウメ,Japanse_apricot,梅,向島百花園,シントウジ,Flower,Plant,花写真,Flowerphoto,Internet_Botanical_Garden,インターネット植物園, https://t.co/3zfJyUPfM9
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Platonic!Freddie Mercury x reader : shopping
Notes : reader is with the band in Japan and Freddie wants to go shopping. He already bought some kimonos so he decides to look for one for y/n. Takes place during the mid 70s
Warnings : non
Words : 908
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(Not my gif)
The band was in Japan on tour they had a day off.
"So what are the plans for today guys?" Asked y/n as she siped her coffee.
"I think im going to practice a bit more for tomorow"
"Dont over work yourself Brian i don't want you to hurt your fingers"
"I'll be carefull" he smiled
She turned to roger " what about you?"
"Eh don't know jet " he shruged his shoulders
"Alright, you deaky?"
"I might read something and try to write a new song who knows"
"And what about you Fred?" Y/n took an other sip of her coffee
"Wel i wanted to go shopping and i was wondering if you want to come with me perhaps"
She smiled "Yeah sure why not". Once the boys and y/n cleaned up the table they all parted ways for the day. "So Fred what do you want to buy?"
"Some clothes a perhaps tea pot and oh a kimono"
"Fred you already have some kimonos what could you want with more?" She laught
"Wear them of course, now come on we have a long day of shopping"
"Not to mutch stuff we have to take it all back home as wel" he pulled her along to go inside a shop.
About a few hours later they both came out with four bags of goods all ment for Freddie
"Alright where to next?"
"The kimono shop where els" he smiled like a child on christmas day
"Alright Lets go then" they both walked in to the shop and their eyes fell on all the kimonos with their beautyfull pattern, they spent looking trough the fabrics and displays for about 30 minuts thill y/n her eyes fell on a kimono.
It was decorated with fine green lines, white flowers and with some pink blue and yellow flowers here and there.
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"Hey Fred look at this" she very delicate grabed the soft fabric of the rack and showed it to him. "do you think this would do?"
Freddie looked at it "hmm i really like it, i could try it on"
"Oh please do it would look amazing on you"
Freddie went to change a few minuts later he came back "So what do you think?" He did a little twirl
"Simply gorgeous" she smiled and rubbed her thumb over his hand "as always"
"You have to go and look for one to"
"Fred you know i can't afort it"
"I know dear but i can its a gift from me to you"
"You really don't have to fred"
"But y/n I just want to get you something Nice you have done so mutch For the boys and i"
"Alright alright" she laught "I will look for one"
About an other 15 minuts later y/n had found a few that she tried on
Y/n gave Fred a little show in the kimonos they were both gigeling like children. After messing around die decided she want
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kimono (insert number here). Both payed for their stuff and went back to the hotel.
Once they arived y/n wanted to dress up And drink some tea. They both put on their kimonos again " Hey Fred could you help me a bit with the obi? It won't stay in place"
"Yes sure hold on..... there perfect"
"Thank you" they both sat down on the ground. Y/n had boiled the water already so that was done. They sat relaxed on the ground drinking their tea when the door opend.
"Hello anybody home.... why are you two on the ground dressed like that?" It was Brian and john
"We are having tea want to join?"
"Yeah sure im a bit thirsty" they sat down as wel and y/n gave them a cup
"So i can see you went to shop for a kimono"
"Yep, "
"Do you think they have something in my size?"
"Im sure they do bri, i think i saw a few that might fit you" she noded
"Oh thank goodness"
"You are a literal gigant in this country brian" Freddie laught
"Yeah i am i guese"
"By the way where is roger?"
"I think he want to get food for us" john piped up
"Ah alright, what have you two been doing?"
"We went on a walk and we were thinking about new songs"
"Oh i see" they all were interupted by a knock
"Hey guys could you help me a bit i got my arms full" it was roger
Y/n stood up And opend the door for him "hmm smells good"
"Glad you think so it was hard to chose" he set everything on the table and pulled her close to him "looking absolutly beautyfull in that kimono my dear Japanse goddess"
"Aw going all red for me are we now"
"Roger please stop" she giggled
"Alright alright sorry" he let go of her and dat down with the others and grabed a cup and pored some tea in it
"Cant wait to eat"
"Yeah we should before it gets cold"
"I set up the table don't worry"
John stood up "let me help you with that"
"Thanks john"
After dinner the boys and y/n went on an other walk in the moonlight. And they all went to bed late. So far they all had the time of their life in Japan and they hoped it would stay like that.
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading
Feel free to leave a comment and reblog 😊 thanks guys♥️♥️
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honeyfizzly · 3 years
Just some speculation once again, I'll be talking about flowers and inazuma.
Warning for potential spoilers and leaks
Firstly, let's start with the most iconic flower shared between both Japan and Inazuma- Sakura flowers
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Sakura flowers (also known as cherry blossoms) represent the transience of life. Sakura flowers bloom quick but fall just as quick as well, only lasting for a few days.
Sakura flowers are ironically the exact opposite of Baal's ideal of eternity. Alot of Japanese literature and philosophies have to do how short life is (ex mono no aware). This is probably going to be an big plot point in inazuma and the unrest people feel with their goddess.
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Next up is the domain "court of pansy". Pansy is a flower in hanakotoba (japanses flower language) represent thoughtfulness (which would be pretty appropriate for a domain that gives out teachings as a reward).
Also in the description is talks about the violet sakura. Its extremely rare that sakuras are ever dark purple, and only have small splashes of purples.
Most likely, this violet sakura is actually Sakurasou which is also shown in the shogun's design
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Sakurusou are very common in Japan and have been grown since the edo period. Sakurasou represent long lasting love and desire. Also other common names for Sakurasou is cherry blossom primrose and madam butterfly (which could also explain why the shogun has butterflies on her design).
The violet sakura in genshin could also just straight up be an made up flower for inazuma, perhaps its an electro infused Sakura made by the electro archon in an attempt to keep it alive for longer? Simmilar to the glaze Lilly perhaps.
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Next up is the red cherry blossom tattoos on Yoimiya's design. Of course they have the same meaning as the common pink sakura, though Yoimiya was probably chosen to have the red sakura because of how sakura is associated with summer. Yoimiya's whole character is heavily associated with the summer festival.
Anyhow those are all the notable flowers I've noticed in inazuma, I'll probably make a follow up when inazuma actually gets released.
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baegarrick · 4 years
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Anyone else obsessed with all the new furniture from the Feb. 20 Animal Crossing: New Horizons direct?
Item descriptions listed below cut!
Read left to right, by individual image collection. Tried to get everything that we haven’t seen already (stuff that is specifically new to ACNH), but I may have missed a few things or listed stuff I just missed from another video. 
Image one: 
Sakura picnic set
Burning pile of leaves
Fruit drink pitcher; basket of misc native fruit
Standing 3-shell display; shell table; shell stool
Wooden block table
Brown mushroom table + chairs; berry table plant tree
Mushroom outdoor umbrella(?)
Toy box; sled; ice sculpture
Image two:
Ice tables; tabletop christmas tree; tabletop candle; ice drink collection; ice pop set
“lost cat” sign
“simple wooden bed” (new set?)
Shell lamp; coffee shop sign
Simple crafting bench; classic toolbox
Terrarium; “simple wooden”(?) side table
Image three:
Blue pitcher
Wooden ring toss set; football
(Starting at bottom row) white wood side table
Wooden counter; wooden counter with sink; kitchen scale; white blender; aqua toaster with fish toast
Hanging wall plant; white fridge
Corkboard; aqua alarm clock; tiny table plant
Adobe/clay oven; cast iron pan; wooden Japanse bucket(?); steaming basket; clay dining set; stone table + stool
Rusty oil barrel; ceramic pot plant
Image four:
Black stove; white typewriter; white incense burner
Toadstool chairs; foosball table
Wooden log table with placemats
Pink rocking horse; open wooden toolbox
Cabana/wicker table + stools; garden hose
Wooden water fountain; fish door sign
Outdoor cooking pot (?)
Black smoker; log with mushrooms; beehive (!!!!!!); plastic toolbox
Image five:
Apple wardrobe (or chair?); pansy table
Flower box on wheels
Fish drying rack
Fondu pot
Wooden toolbox (???)
Puppet box
Clothing drying rack
Image six:
Diner booth chair
Cotton candy machine
Buckets with turtles in them (?)
Industrial shelf
Tomb (with above-ground grave)
End table
Climbing set; lighthouse
Sheep rocking horse
Image seven:
Pocket Camp stuff: Burning leaves with marshmallows; fortune cookie stand; OK sign; Campground sign; Brake Tapper game; pole with flags
I may make one of these for the new website items, but this took me a couple hours so we’ll see if ya’ll like this. 
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