#l i t e r a l l y fucking fight me
like-wuatafauq · 2 years
Ma'am i cannot tell if you're flirting with me or kicking me out but either way just shut up and kiss me
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thetopichot · 6 months
•°● Fluff Alphabet ●°•
I made my own version of the Fluff Alphabet because I'm a unhinged cat that has the power to do whateva I want. (`ε´ )
Also you guys should totes tag me when you use these, I love seeing what you guys do with it!
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A = Abundance Of Love (Are they a loud lover that loves to express their love in many ways or are they a quiet lover that loves those quiet intimate moments?)
B = Brave (Were they the first to confess? If so, how did the confession go?)
C = Control (Do they take the wheel of the relationship or do they let someone else do the driving?)
D = Dreamboat (What do they find attractive in their partner(s)?)
E = Empathetic (If their partner(s) was in a not so good mood, how would they cheer them up?)
F = Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
G = General (Random Fluff Headcanon)
H = Home (How would they feel living with their partner(s)?)
I = Idealistic (What's their personal preference in a special someone?)
J = Jealousy (Do they get protective of their partner(s) when someone flirts with them?)
K = Key To The Heart (What is something that will make them fall in love instantly?)
L = Luxurious (Do they spoil their partner(s) rotten? If they do, how do they spoil them?)
M = Marriage (How would they feel about getting married?)
N = Nobility (How honest are they to their partner(s)? Do they hide anything?)
O = Overwhelmed (If they were in a not so good mood, how can their partner(s) help them out?)
P = Passionate (What is something to them that means a lot to them that only their partner(s) knows about it?)
Q = Quirky (Something silly that they do.)
R = Romantic (What is their love language?)
S = Sublime (What is the best gift that their partner(s) can give them?)
T = Touching (How do they feel about PDA?)
U = Undeniable (Did everyone know about their crush on their partner(s)?)
V = Visionary (What do they want their future to look like with their partner(s)?)
W = Wacky (General Fluff Headcanon. Again.)
X = Xaroncharoo (Yes, that's a word. Look it up. In a domestic sense, what are they exceptional at in the home?)
Y = Yearning (If their partner(s) went out to get something without them/went off to work, how would they feel about it?)
Z = Zonked (How do they cuddle?)
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - Yippie! It's done. FUCKING finally. If you guys use these, you should tag me! You don't have to, but I would love to see what you guys do with it!
141 notes · View notes
birchbow · 1 year
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For the me and my readers both; my reference document for Clown Church nonsense. Compiled character ref, clown scriptures, fleet ships, saints, schoolfeeder names and specialties, etc. Subject to change and additions.
EDIT: nice lmao
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Griefing Specializations
Subjugglator – frontline barbarian/tank, high damage low defense.  Not much concerned with stealth, not worried about taking hits.  Ex:  Feeder Rissan, Sungazer, Cisine, Khalse, Travye. 
Laughsassin – stealth and assassination, not good at taking hits but very good at infiltration.  Quieter/subtler weapons, or the strength and size to make one hit count.  Mime-inspired paint.  Ex: Rishet, Kurloz, Untoxxic, Hurrel
Contorturenist – field interrogation experts, armored, usually with long-distance weapons.  Clean-up crew for missions where information will need to be extracted during the process of the mission.  Ex:  Ianche and Verato Uderak, Yettah
Acrobatterer – frontline opportunist, experts in speed and evasion.  Many lighter, faster hits instead of one heavy one.  Better at taking prisoners.  Friendly rivalry with the subjugglators, because they’ll often use a noisy, head-on assault as a distraction to opportunistically whack their target on the head—sound tactics or cowardly cull-stealing depending on who you ask.  Ex: Ravell and Raywar Olemma.  If asked, some of the younger clowns would probably group Karkat here. 
Gymnabsolutionist – On missions, a form of field chaplain, praying for fallen faithful to make sure the messiahs took note of their sick-ass sacrifice.  On-fleet, spiritual council and advisors.  The oldest is expected to lay to rest the soul of the previous Grand Highblood and help the new one through their prayers/vows, although this role hasn’t come into play in a very, very long time.
Joker – Not technically a position you can train for, but colloquially a highblood who multi-classes or whose style and focus doesn’t fit neatly into a category.  Gamzee is technically a subjugglator (very big, doesn’t give a shit if he gets hit) but can rapidly flip to acrobatterer tactics. Travye's bonekind uses subjugglator style, but his bookkind doesn't fall into a category.
Saints And Martyrs
Saint Mortor the Defender — Burned alive to protect other purplebloods from lowbloods; like his giant salamander lusus, he proved incredibly hard to burn, and his execution pyre burned for a night and a day.  Saint of aspiring martyrs.
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Saint Trasti — Prayed to the messiahs for vengeance as she was cut apart by lowbloods; when they burned her corpse, the messiahs listened and brought up a plague from her ashes.  Prayers to bring a plague on your enemies or for sick/poisoned faithful
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Saint Ekorot — Patron saint of pupation and cocoons, and especially the faithful who die during pupation. One of the oldest saints, said to have hatched with the lower half of her body deformed/largely missing and survived a perigee before being found by the church, surrounded by dead lowbloods and wild animals she'd killed. She was sanctified on the spot because lo, it was fucking dope as hell.
Her bladekind became the Knife of Messiahs' Mercy, the weapon the Grand Highblood uses for ceremonial culling of the faithful (By the new Grand Highblood to finish off their predecessor after the fight is won, when church kin pupate too malformed to live or are so deeply wounded in battle they won't survive, etc).
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Saint Jakill — Fought an entire army despite being ripped to increasingly brutal pieces. Refused to go down, until his skull was finally split with his own hatchet. Patron saint of berserkers, death-rages and suicide missions.
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Schoolfeeders Of The Flagship Dark Carnival
Halore Travye — The Stædfast, advanced scripture and exegesis.
Separates his letters with an extra space, capitalizes nouns and the letter I. Square bracket smiles/frowns.
"sacredDidaction: T h e q u I c k b r o w n F o x j u m p e d o v e r t h e l a z y D o g . : o ["
Veneno Krelle — The Untoxxic, advanced mediculling, poisons/antidotes.
Doubles Xs and inserts them in place of similar sounds. X-eyed smiles/frowns. When speaking they tend to have difficulty finding and forming words due to a long, long career being exposed to all sorts of neurotoxins and poisons.
"abstersiveDetoxifier: If you axx me, the foxx has better things to be doing. X...X" (=uX, XnX XsX)
Ianche Uderak — The Inquirer, advanced information management/propaganda.
Hisses on S, ends all sentences as questions except the occasional Shocking Headline. Snake-tongued faces.
"mortalRigor: Sssso why wasss the fox with the dog at all? >:oY Ssscandal!! Quick Brown Fox Hass Torrid Pitch Affair With Ssslothful Barkbeasst?"
Arelux Stelos — The Sungazer, schoolfeeder of galactic navigation, omens and starcraft. 
Starts and ends with ~* and *~, replaces I and O with 1 and 0. Tends to trail out words and emphasize with capitals and multiple asterisks/punctuation when worked up, which is often. Smiles/ frowns have starry eyes.
"grandlyCosmic: ~*000h mess1ahs you w1ll **never** bel1eve what the STARS told me today about the fox's dest1ny!!!!*~ *u*
Belico Rissan — Warmaker, Combat/griefing, avid collector of various strife specibi
Largely normal clown syntax but will frequently phrase things with all-caps over-the-top violent language. Doesn't bother to capitalize or use periods but an avid user of exclamation points.
"sanguineEclectica: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy barkbeast and landed in THE PIT OF A SPIKED AND BLOOD-PUTRID CULL-TRAP as a lesson to complacent wrigglers everywhere! :o)"
Karkat Vantas — Schoolfeeder of quadrantcraft, originally as a joke, but unfortunately for all the elder members of the church the new baby clowns don't know that and he's increasingly accepted and legitimized with every class he teaches.
Minera Tresor — Scriptural basics (deceased)
The Holy Holidays
The troll equivalent on New Years Night/Day; for most of the population it's a raucous all-caste night of celebrating that they've made it another sweep without dying. For the church it's their most sober holiday, a reminder that another sweep came and went without the promised Vast Honk and Dark Carnival. Faces are painted white (funeral paint) during the night, and in the morning everyone takes off their paint entirely until the new sweep is rung in at noon.
In the meantime, it's expected everyone will spend the night/day fasting from food and drinks, and tempting themselves with things they want or enjoy, whether that's making your favorite food and not eating it, or hooking up with a quadrant and then breaking off before either of you are satisfied.
Then at noon everybody goes buckwild and indulges until they're sick.
A very rowdy church-wide holiday. Work forbidden, only fun and capricious impulse. Copious colored clothes and decorations, painting, and powder dye are rampant. It’s traditional to stash little brightly-colored objects (and vials of blood) throughout the rest of the sweep and then hang them out a day at a time through the week so that the decorations get slowly more colorful and vivid.  They lump the seadwellers in with the rustbloods and the last colors to get hung up on the last day are the colors of the church.  
There’s also a different major saint for each day, which some people remember to pray to and some people don’t.  There’s a lot less quiet internal prayer at this point too--if you have something for a saint or messiah to hear, you probably shout it.  
Also; massive games of--essentially--capture the flag.  Teams are assigned according to age group, with the youngest/most numerous cohort starting on the first day.  They’re split in half into a team with a seadweller-color flag and rustblood-color flag, which they play for for the first day.  After that the next age-group comes in with their color, and all three teams try to collect the flags, and onward and upward until the schoolfeeders and generals come in to play, each with an incredibly high-point-value purple flag.  You have to challenge them to a duel to win one, in whatever area they teach/specialize in.  It’s pretty widely assumed that you won’t actually beat them, they just respect your attempt enough to hand it over, but if you do everybody is like !!!!!!! WOW HOLY SHIT DUDE and you’re a hero to the rest of your team.  The points system is pretty unofficial but the more flags you have, and the higher the blood color of those flags, the more you “score”.  Winner gets preferential treatment for the next two weeks.
Ships Of The Holy Fleet
Names of ships are subject to change when a new captain takes over, although they aren’t always changed—when Kurloz joined the fleet, the flagship was the Painted Disciple, and Kurloz changed the name to the Dark Carnival after he successfully challenged the previous Grand Highblood. 
The Blessed is intensely focused on prayer and meditation and prophesy—much less in the way of combat training etc.  You can get religious training anywhere on the fleet, esp. the flagship, but if you want to basically focus your life on spirituality the Blessed is full of like-minded trolls.  
The Orisoner is Just Straight Up Vibing to an extent that many trolls find unnerving, but the crew of the Blessed are absolutely ride or die with her/him/them/etc. His powers are 100% min-maxed into sucking hate/rage/fear out of people, and the resulting good vibes and soft euphoria are a powerful (and borderline addictive) combination. Secretly terrifying, because nobody wins fights against her--because very few people can even bring themselves to lift a hand against them in the first place.
irenicDevotion: no caps, sooo many smilies :o) and just like... emphasis extensions my duuude :oD copafuckincetic
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The Sinner is a party boat, which is considered an act of worship in and of itself.  People just get rowdy and wild and live it up at all times.  If there was air in space, you would be able to hear it as you approached to board—when it’s landed, you can hear it, and it’s super eerie.  Lots of trolls whooping and honking and shouting in a big metal box.
The Libation's powers are addictive in a different way; he's physically intoxicating to be around. If he focuses, he can easily have most people, especially people who aren't used to being drunk/high, blacked out and pretty much incapacitated.
ecstaticEroticism: 8RO h'es. straiht up nightdrinking rn. look hers his 8onkinggourd. all teh 8s their 8s its little drinking gurds. motherfuckr this paryts LIT roflmao
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The Joker is a pretty standard barrack ship, although it has the notable reputation that under the current captain if you’re cheeky enough to do something and do it well, you should be allowed to get away with it even if it’s against the rules. It takes the majority of mediocre-to-fair trainees every generation, and compared to the Dark Carnival, a much higher percentage of its graduates go on to live off-fleet on shuttles or colonies.
Sister Waspclaw is a walking test of everyone who meets her's ability to read a passive level of threat and calculate accordingly. Very talkative, encouraging and pleasant, with an extremely dangerous and unhinged core. Her whole philosophy is that you can get far in life by figuring out what the most daring trick you could pull and get away with is--but it's very important you don't try to take even an inch with her. She's tiny, but her claws are incredibly venomous and very few trolls in the entire church fleet can match her for speed.
toxicAudacity: wazpclaw'z zo excited to talk zhe can't even bother with the zentencez and ztuff like that and it all flowz together but if you pizz her off you're DEAD MEAT and you can tell if you've pizzed her off becauze when zhe's angry zzzzzhe zzZZTARTZ GETTING A LITTLE UNHINGED AZZZZZHOLE!!! >:o[
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Elixir and Stardust are commercial centers; the two ships used to be separate, but the people living there had so much reason to cross between the two, they put boarding passages up and welded them in place, fusing them together.  People who handle the dark, mysterious and miraculous arts of financial management and resource acquisition work here.  It’s also the most common place for the few cult members who aren’t purple-blooded, one of the few places they’re comparatively safe.  Some non-church quadrants of purplebloods will also set up hive here.
The Abattoir is canny, sober, and calculating, a loyal ally until slighted and then a bitter enemy. The nature of her identity is a topic of fierce public debate, and he's certainly not giving out answers. Whether her consciousness is originally one of his bodies now inhabiting two, an amalgam of two minds indistinguishably linked, or some completely external force puppeting two bodies, everybody can agree she's damn good to have on your side, and that crossing him is a fatal mistake.
duelReactor: II speak clearly and concisely because II respect your time, motherfucker, and forsooth you will respect me similarly. II am busy today: I am on-ship and I am travelling to the flagship for work. II will be back in office by sunrise.
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The Freakshow is a cesspit of violence and bloodshed. A very dangerous place, but also prime picking ground if you have strong conciliatory urges and are looking for your One True Diamond. People who want to settle shit once and for all can come here, and the winner will probably get a cut of the pot from the people betting on their death-match.  The bloodshed and rage are technically holy and irreproachable but most fleet faithful tend to give this ship a wide berth.
The Behemoth is the epitome of Alternian culture: take what you want through force of bloodcolor and unmitigated violence, and maintain it through merciless supremacy. Sharper than it likes to act, and with a blatant disregard for any power except its own monstrous strength, it's been butting heads with the Grand Highblood ever since it came to power, and only a surprisingly canny ability to judge the rare occasions it's outmatched has kept it from marching on the Big Top and trying to take the throne by force.
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The Penitent is essentially church jail, for sinners and troubled faithful, especially/specifically those who don’t have any close mentors or quadrants to help rehabilitate them.  It’s also where prisoners under suspicion of church-related crimes are kept to wait for inquisition, as well as non-urgent/non-imperial messengers from outside the church who are waiting to be heard by the Highblood.
The Judgment is both incredibly stern and strict, and also surprisingly forgiving--her job isn't to decide who to cull, it's to decide which sinful highbloods can make their way back into the church, through a lot of prayer and ritualized punishment. In person, though, she's a terrifying battle-ax of a troll with zero patience for dilly-dallying or lollygagging or talking back or not talking back enough or failing to use her title or answering clearly and concisely!!! She has shit to do!
consecratedCourtroom: Very rarely embellishes. Very rarely ends sentences with anything but a period. Speaks CONCISELY to get her point across. Uses emphasis scaling that always seems a LITTLE passive aggressive and sarcastic. Occasional interjections of OVERRULED. GUILTY. DISMISSED. IRRELEVANT. Etc etc.
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The Dark Carnival is a little bit of everything, but the clowns who work there are generally the best of the best in at least one area, or extremely promising.  Intensely-devoted cultists, genii of violence and/or interrogation, artists, artisans, the rare mechanics, geeks and scientists, navigators, or just trolls who show a lot of ambition and leadership, all get funneled into the Dark Carnival to be trained up as heads of their respective fields.  
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Trolls are always coming and going from ship to ship for whatever they need or to visit other faithful, and there’s always the constant low level of kinship between any members of the church, but there is also a certain amount of distance between the microcultures of each different ship.
Outfitting is pretty consistent ship to ship, with exceptions; on the Penitent nobody but the sufferingmasters and the captain are allowed weapons, armor, or decoration.  On the Blessed clothes tend to be plain and austere by cult standard, but they are allowed to wear armor and carry weapons.  
Scriptures (to date)
Beginnings - a clown book of Genesis, of sorts. Creation myths and ancient church history.
“When it started we had fuck-all but dark. And so it stayed until Messiahs pulled back the curtain and said ‘let’s get this motherfucking party started’.  And they threw stardust down and it hit mud and it made dirtbloods, baked all dry enough like they could crumble if you breathed wrong.  And it hit water and it made waders; wet, cold, mirthless salty motherfuckers with too much eye for their own motherfucking sparkle.  But where it hit oceanside it made trolls out of sand, all capricious as fuck and changing with the water.  Trolls who could go hard or give when they had to.  All balanced on the universe high wire and not ever falling sea-side or ground-side but right there on their line like the acrobatterers they were.  From the sand were made the faithful; from the beachwood their horns, their goddamn bone snapped off from sea-floor stones on mountains under the water.  And what they made was Troll.  Only that.  Just that and no motherfucking more.  And when the last world was all fit together, messiahs looked on it and said ‘motherfucking money’.  
“Remember this story, faithful, and remember its lesson.  Change yourself always like sand in the water, you motherfuckers hand-shaped of surf and whimsy.”
“Urge of chaos and whim of change be ever on your skin like paint, in your pusher like blood, on your horns like a crown.  Mirthful, faithful.  Kickass and giving no shits.”
 (Book of) Colors - church policy on lowbloods, seadwellers, social order and painting, as well as the meat of the “Dark Carnival” scriptures/afterlife mythology.  
“You’re next.  You’re motherfucking next, give no mercy because the mercy of the messiahs is only as much as fits in their hands and what’s poured out on shitblooded scum will not be given you in the dark carnival gates and—”
“The Vast Honk will deafen and take from us, and all together we’ll head on up and get our dance on through fire and over skulls and horns—”
“No fear, brothers and sisters, no fear of the waders, the brine-drinkers.  There's no mirth in the sea and no painting the water doesn't wash off and you've got your hands on the righteous shit they won't ever know. No fear of the waders, for you're higher than them.  You're higher than anybody.”
“I fucked up, I fucked up, the fault's mine and there's no motherfucker I can share it with, I fucked up, forgive me.”
Sacrament - ceremonies, specifically related to new initiates and promotions within the church.  Naming ceremonies, promotions, priesthood bestowal, etc.
Suffering - Stories of martyr deaths and heretic executions.  Unique in that it is occasionally edited or added to if the church believes a story has been included in error or that a modern event needs to be added to the record.  
“…I am lost, kin.  My eyes see no colors I know.”  
The Cult of Flesh were a heretic movement deemed too dangerous to the faith of the readers to be included in the book of Suffering. Their belief that the Messiahs came to Alternia and were raised in flesh bodies by a troll acting as a lusus has been stricken from this record; their attempt to win over the current Grand Highblood, who they consider the descendant/reincarnation of the holy troll-lusus Brother Immortal, caused a schism and internal inquisition violent enough to be purged from the accepted imperial history.
Hilarities - Platitudes and words of wisdom, including the rules of comedy, the Great Unfunny Jokes, and some really quite good dating tips.
“It’s not a wise one who leaves the place of their motherfucking heart untimely.   No laughter in the suffering of those early lost of their quadrants so rest you with heart and spade and club and diamond and speak of the fucking Hilarity to each other.” 
“Fill the night enough full of holy deed and you’ll have no need of sopor to bless you with dreaming.”
“Ha ha, you salty motherfucker.”
“Let your spade burn hot, drive you up and make you great.  In this motherfucking way your kin will increase you and I’m not just talking about your bulge, LOL.”
“The wage of weakness is death; fear the only edge sharpened by waiting.”
“Take all you can grasp in your greed and your lust.  If something you want comes to your fronds, motherfucker, take it and run like it’s yours.”
Hot Shit – Letters from a historical Grand Highblood to his matesprit.  Considered by some to be a holy template of pity and matespritship, and to others a hot piece of smut that has been hilariously canonized.
(Hot Shit 1:1) "My sister in mirth, blessed in hilarity, peerless in holy rage; u up girl? :o?"
“Only let me hear you want me!  Hold me down and devour me, my love.”
“When my feet touch soil again I’ll make my way to you.  Take me as you like, heart of my heart; throw me down and fuck me under night sky and the Messiahs will only hear me sing praise out louder.  I’m hollow as a thunderstruck tree for you, sister.  I need you like starving needs food, like rage needs mercy, like sin needs forgiveness, like pain needs pleasure.”
"In grandest tradition of hot motherfuckers at the prime of their lives, fuck if I don't get mad stupid when I'm horny, sister. :o("
"Well the fuck I will reward you when you come back to hive. So well will I show my love for your thicc motherfucking ass, not for a night and a day and a night will you get feeling back in your motherfucking legs."
Revelries - Praises and adulation to the messiahs.
"I'll sing out my praises with wicked flow to the messiahs who saw fit to smile on me.  I'll praise and shout how I'm greatly blessed, I'll cry and weep how I'm not fucking worthy; their claws are in my soul, in the shape of my body, in the beat of my pusher.  Oh, my holy kin, we are color and light inside.  We are stardust.  Hands raised and faces laughing, spitting sick and delirious, together in glory.”
“…the halls around you will be painted bright and all the glitter and shine you’d want; get ye lit as fuck, brothers and sisters, let the beauty of their holy color and noise spin your pan like a motherfucking top.”
“Oh that I’m of use to you, all times and ways and places, my idle rest is to watch your show and my dreaming to hear the holy motherfucking noise."
“For not a troll was ever made, who didn’t fuck up nightly; never a faithful hatched who deserved their seat at the show.”
“Never will we be anything but loud, nitty-gritty dirty little freaks.  Lo, pour elixir and raise a glass.”
Conviction - The duties and trials of the church
“…leave ye not the dirtbound warm of blood to crawl and scrape, and waste offerings in vain.  They owe you penance and awe and what they give you are owed to take. A good ruler does the mercy of taking.”
“When your feet are unsure and what comes on you is un-fucking-funny, seek you holy suffering in penance.”  
“Dumbass, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“If fool-ass jokers fail to learn from looking, let their bodies learn it for them; scars teach best what a motherfucker’s too deaf to hear.”
“If your kin gets you sinning, cut them away, no true fucking family can they be. If the noise from your flap be blasphemous, carve it from you and stitch shut your filthy mouth, motherfucker. If your flesh leads to sin scourge it clean, washed in blood; cut away rot, and leave only what’s holy. Repentance by mouth never saved a soul; spill blood and flesh in price of forgiveness.”
Angels - Death, last rites, damnation/double death, hell, etc.
“[death] itself is not a glory; more glorious far to walk on and trail paint where you walk.”
‘I suffer pain, and want become need…I am allowed no motherfucking means to make resistance.  I wait for death, brothers.  Pour one out for remembrance of my soul’.”
“Why seek martyrdom when you could bring a hundred down with you?  Turn martyrdom to murderdom.  Paint the way; make them pay.  Shit, kin, let’s be destroyers.”
Devotions - Prayers, repentances and rituals.  (”Leader.”  “Congregation/faithful.”)
Repentance of sin (ending) - “Hail messiahs both.”  “Their works, their great motherfucking joke in the pits of the worlds they left and in the space in between.”  “Hail messiahs both.” “Your penance is paid.”
Reaffirmation of faith - “If I go false on promised devotions let messiahs grind stardust out my bones.”  “If you’d paint the face of flawed unholy troll with the shades of our holy messiahs, answer yes brother I will.” “Yes brother, I will.”“If you believe truly in what holy mess and bloody riot will come at end of worlds, if you plan on being full and motherfucking ready, make some motherfuckin’ noise.” “(Response, freeform).”“Have your ticket ready when you kick it, give me an amen brothers and sisters.” “Amen.”  “No mercy, faithful one.” “Amen.”  “No fear.”
The Dark Scriptures - only shown to religious sacrifices before their deaths. Readers must subsequently die. Contents are a mystery.
His/Her/Their Mirthful Majesty
King/Queen/Crown of Colors
His/Her/Their Holy Hilarity
Biggest brother/sister
The Ringmaster
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tmpestuous · 5 months
Moth to a Flame - 4
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series masterlist
summary: Bucky Barnes was the love of your life, and you were his. There was no denying it. But after two years of dating, you found yourselves on different paths and decided it was best to go your separate ways. The only problem was how drawn you’d always be to him even after moving on.
pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
chapter warnings: alcohol, drinking, implied (stated) sex, bReAkUpS?, angst, fluff, i think that’s it
word count: ~5k!
a/n: an update finally… i sincerely apologize for the inactivity but life has been more than stressful lately. i have the course of this story planned so hopefully i can push out a few updates for you all over the course of december and hopefully finish it! thank you for your patience. 
“You should be with him,
I’ll let you go from time”
“You should give him another chance, you know,” Bucky said softly as he gazed out at the water before him. 
He had brought you out to the lake to calm your nerves after he found you crying on your bedroom floor, always knowing how to best comfort you. You two were seated on a bench, watching the moonlight illuminate the water through its reflection. 
“I’m surprised you’re saying that,” you joked as you looked over at him, your eyes tired from their overuse. “You said you wanted to fight him not even an hour ago.”
Bucky chuckled. “Listen,” he leaned forward on his knees. “It’s his first fuck up, and I know he cares about you. I know you care about him too. I reacted the wrong way when I saw you earlier today, I let my emotions get the best of me. But I still meant every word.”
You sighed. “I do care about him, it’s just…” you paused. “I expected more, you know? I’ve gone to all of his big moments since we’ve been together. I’ve been to his stupid frat parties when I didn’t want to go just because he wanted me to be there. I’ve done my part; I don’t know what I did wrong for him to not do his.”
“Hey,” Bucky turned his attention to you. “You have done nothing wrong. He was irresponsible and that is not on you.”
“So why exactly are you telling me I should give him another chance?” you asked, avoiding the topic of your self-blame. 
Bucky shook his head. “I dunno, I just don’t like seeing you sad. He’s a good guy, he made a mistake. I made lots of mistakes with you—”
“None that really hurt my feelings, though,” you cut him off. 
“I know,” he agreed hesitantly. “But they were mistakes nonetheless, and you never held a grudge too long with me.” You giggled, making Bucky furrow his eyebrows. “What’s so funny, Y/l/n?”
“I don’t think anyone can hold a grudge against you for too long, Barnes,” you said as you raked your fingers through his hair to push it away from his face. “You’re you.”
“So I’ve heard,” Bucky responded, his conversation with Atlas after the seminar creeping into his thoughts. “Still, what I said still stands. Just talk to him.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
T W O  W E E K S  L A T E R
Studying for an exam was indeed the bane of your existence, but studying for an exam you thought you weren’t prepared for was by far a lot worse.
Forcing yourself not to get swallowed up in your schoolwork was starting to get really difficult, and your exam for your 6:30pm class had you up at 7am this morning to study. 
The library was somehow even quieter in the early morning, the silence forcing you to play some music lowly through your headphones because it had started to make you uncomfortable. 
Around 11am, you had been studying for 3 hours with appropriate breaks during the time span. As you were about to take another one, you saw a familiar face that’d only make you feel better.
“I’d say you look like shit when you’re stressed, but I would very much be lying,” Bucky joked quietly as he sat across from you.
You and Bucky were… different.
It’s odd to say that your relationship with each other has changed drastically in the span of two weeks, but you both felt that it was a lot less hurtful to be around each other. You invited the warm feeling. 
After that night on the bench in front of the lake, you were a lot more open with each other. Cracking jokes about your previous relationship that would have left you crumbling in tears months prior. 
It felt nice to have your best friend back.
“This test is slowly going to kill me, but I desperately need to eat,” you said as you closed your textbook and finished up the notes you were writing on your iPad.
“We can grab lunch, if you want?” Bucky offered, “I don’t have much going on today before my only class at 2:00.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you mentally questioned why he’d already be eager to leave the library if he had only just got here. “Did Nat put you up to this?”
Natasha had been on your heels revolving anything and everything in the last two weeks, not letting up on the Atlas situation either in the slightest.
“It’s not that serious, Nat, I promise,” you said. 
“It’s hate sex, Y/n. Not even me and Steve would do such a thing.”
You shook your head with a chuckle. “It’s not like it was planned, it just… happened.”
“With no conversation, not even a hint of him telling you why he didn’t show up to your presentation, and no sight of an authentic apology that doesn’t end with him in your pants. I mean, when did you all of a sudden decide to want him all up in your guts anyway?”
“Natasha Romanoff!” Natasha shut her mouth as soon as she went to retort. “He apologized. As a matter of fact, he won’t stop apologizing. I’d rather him put his energy into something else anyway.”
“Do you really think he’s sorry?”
“He’s just gonna have to show me over time. Bucky said it is his first fuck up,” you mentioned, not getting your conversation with Bucky out of your head.
“I cannot believe Bucky told you to give him another chance,” Natasha slid her jacket on. “That man is still in love with you.”
“Isn’t he seeing someone?”
“Aren’t you?” she rebutted.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She winked before leaving your dorm without another word. 
Chuckling slightly, Bucky pulled on the straps of his bookbag.
“She told me to find you,” he admitted. “Make sure you aren't drowning in this test. What’s it on anyway?”
“Different theories pertaining to the mind. I’m pretty well versed on who said what and their reasoning, but some of them are a bit confusing and the professor helped a bit, but he’s a philosopher through and through.”
You closed the case to your tablet before shoving everything in your bag.
“So we’re getting lunch?” Bucky raised his eyebrows as you exhaustingly zipped your bag up.
“We’re getting lunch.”
The dining hall was a bit across campus from the library, so you were glad you had Bucky as company. Your newfound dynamic brought you a sense of comfort with him you hadn’t had with him in a while—steps in the right direction to avoid the tension that’s been looming all semester. 
Walking into the cafeteria, you and Bucky ordered and paid for your food before going into one of the booths, sitting across from each other. Bucky stared at you with a stifled laugh as you dug into your food, resulting in you glaring at him.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you said, mouth half-full.
“Don’t talk with food in your mouth or you’ll choke,” he teased and you rolled your eyes playfully. “How’re you and Atlas?”
“Just going straight to the important questions, are we?” You retorted after swallowing.
“I’m just checking in.”
Shaking your head, you shrugged. “We’re… okay, I guess. He still hasn’t really confessed anything about flaking, but I also haven’t really asked.”
Bucky nodded. “Are you going to?”
You shrugged again. You weren’t sure if you wanted to open the possibility of another argument with Atlas, especially since you hadn’t had one since him ditching you. He seemed remorseful, trying to make up for it with time, but the thought of not knowing always bothered you in the back of your mind.
“Enough about me,” you said abruptly. “How are you and Sharon?”
It was Bucky’s turn to shrug. If he was being honest, he didn’t know how he felt about Sharon. She was a nice girl, but he wasn’t entirely positive that she’s 100% into him and vice versa.
“We have good moments; I just don’t know where it’s going.”
As you were about to reply, Natasha and Steve crashed the booth without warning.
“If it isn’t my two favorite people after Steve,” Natasha said as she scooted in next to you, giving you a side hug. “I’m glad we found you here.”
“What trick do you have up your sleeve, Nat?” you asked, knowing your roommate and best friend a little too well.
“I’m sure you know this already,” she leaned into you before turning her attention back to everyone at the table. “Party tonight at the frat house on Fulton. 9:00 PM sharp. We need a break now that midterms are finishing.”
“Sounds fun,” Bucky agreed. “I’m in. Y/n?”
“I’m not sure I have a choice with the redhead next to me,” you said, making Natasha giggle. “I will be late though, I have my last midterm for this class today and I’m taking every single second I can get to perfect it.”
“We shall meet you there then,” Natasha said before you all continued finishing your lunch.
1 0 : 0 0  P M
To Bucky’s surprise, this party had gotten live faster than he expected. A 9PM party usually meant everyone started pregaming at 9, showing up at around 11-12. But the amount of bodies within this house had him wishing he’d shown up later. It wasn’t like he had much of an option, with Natasha rushing everyone out at 9 to head over. He said it’d be best to wait for you to get back so you can all go together, but Nat had assured him you told her it was fine to meet her there. 
On the bright side, Sam agreed to be the designated driver which meant he could actually drink for a change. He wasn’t a huge drinker, fancying his occasional whiskey, but he felt he hadn’t had a chance to let loose all semester. Bucky definitely wasn’t trying to get wasted, but he wanted the warmth of a few drinks that made him incapable of being trusted to drive.
Bucky couldn’t help but keep an eye out for your arrival, knowing how stressed you were about your test and even offering to study with you before and after his only class of the day. You had gotten a few texts from Atlas throughout, Bucky noting your frustration and overstimulation from everything and making you take a few breaks here and there, which you were grateful for.
Bucky knew Atlas was never going to be fully fond of him and his friendship with you, but he couldn’t really blame him. He knew he’d probably react the same way if he were in such a situation, but he also knew that he’d never purposely ruin your relationship. Atlas cared about you and you cared about him, which was enough to preserve in Bucky’s eyes.
You always caught a few longing glances from Bucky, but he was oblivious to it. You knew what was cycling through his head, as he did yours, but your current dynamic was going so well and neither of you wanted to go back to square one.
Bucky was on his fifth drink of the night when you walked in, begging him to make you the strongest drink possible without a greeting to precede it.
“How’d it go?” he asked you in your ear so you could hear him over the music, prepping his same drink for you, but with a bit more to take the edge off. 
“It was fine, I’m just glad it’s over,” you sighed as you took the cup out of his hand within seconds of him handing it to you, downing the entire drink before demanding another.
“Slow down,” he warned before making you a second one.
“I need to get drunk tonight, Bucky, so you can help me by making sure no one fucks me up or I will go elsewhere,” you warned back playfully, and he could see you meant no harm when he handed you a second, third, and fourth. Soon enough, you had already passed him in drinks and he saw as you looked giggly already.
Atlas had walked up to the both of you, making Bucky look on his phone to avoid the awkwardness. 
“I didn’t know you were here already,” Atlas pulled you into his arms, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. “Are you… drunk?”
You giggled in response. “I need another one,” you hiccuped before going back to Bucky, who was entertained with swiping aimlessly on his phone. “Barnes.” Bucky looked at you with furrowed eyebrows as you took his phone out of his hand, shoving it in your bag. “Get off your phone, we’re here to have fun.”
“Your boyfriend’s here, Y/n, go have fun with him.”
Shaking your head, you grabbed him by the shoulders. “We’re all here to have fun, c’mon!” You pulled him forward, Bucky and Atlas both trying to make sure you didn’t trip over your own feet. You ended up pulling Atlas into the mix as well, who was already more than uncomfortable. 
Dancing in between the both of them, Natasha was giggling in the corner, earning her a hard glare from Bucky. He knew he wasn’t gonna live this one down, but he slipped away from your view once all of your attention was on Atlas instead of partially on him. 
“That’s gonna be a messy conversation, huh?” Natasha asked as Bucky finished making his way over to her and Steve. 
“What are you talking about, Romanoff?”
“Atlas hasn’t had a drink all night and he looked like he’d rather crawl in a hole than dance with his girlfriend and her ex-boyfriend,” she watched as Atlas carried you upstairs, taking another sip of her drink. “Wonder how that’s gonna play out.” 
Atlas was dying to get out of the crowd, taking you upstairs to his room which you happily accepted, throwing yourself on his bed after he put you down to lock the door. Another giggling fit came out of you, and Atlas sat next to where your lying body was on the bed.
“What’s so funny, Y/n?”
He didn’t sound too thrilled, having the notion that drunk actions were sober thoughts in the back of his mind. When you got here, you made your way to Bucky. Not him. That on top of the most awkward situation he’d been in with Bucky since he started dating you, he was starting to lose his patience a bit, but he knew he couldn’t bring it up while you were drunk. 
“You’re funny,” you said with more giggles to follow. “You’re maaaad.” You sat up, a bit too quickly which Atlas noticed, holding you stable by the shoulders so you wouldn’t get dizzy and throw up. You stared at him and bopped his nose with your index finger, giggling again. “Don’t be mad, Atlas.”
“I’m not mad, Y/n,” he responded in a shy yet stern tone. “You should probably go to bed.”
“Mm, no,” you said with a quick head shake, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your torso. “I’m not tired.”
“You’re drunk,” he said, laying back as you fell on top of him. “Let’s go to bed, okay? We’ll talk in the morning.”
“I don’t want to sleep,” you pushed up off of him, straddling his lap. “And I don’t want to talk. There’s nothing to talk about.”
Atlas scoffed. “There’s a lot to talk about, Y/n.”
“Like what?”
“We’re not doing this right now, you’re drunk,” he said as he removed you off of his lap gently, placing you back on the bed. “Let’s just go to sleep.”
You shook your head, suddenly starting to feel your buzz get killed. “No, what is it that you want to talk about so bad?”
“I’m not doing this right now, okay?” he said, pulling one of his shirts for you to change into. 
Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly got changed, getting into bed as he slid in behind you, knowing the following morning was going to be irritating. 
And that it was.
Waking up slightly late, you were surprised you weren’t sporting a raging migraine from the previous night’s endeavors. Atlas was no longer in bed and the bass from the speakers downstairs blasting music long gone. You checked your phone, seeing a few texts from your friends who you left without a goodbye.
Bucky <3
Hey, everything all good? 
We’re heading out in a bit. Not sure if you drove here or not if you want a ride back
I would assume your phone’s dead but all the messages are delivering
Nvm all good. Atlas just told us you went to bed. See you tomorrow loser
Future Russian Spy (Nat)
Where is your drunk ass at
Hoping you’re not getting laid again
Sleep is for the weak but I’m glad you’re resting. Let me know if you need a ride back tomorrow when u see this
You had driven to Atlas’s place, but given the fatigue you had, you texted Nat back asking for a ride. After doing so, you got out of bed, deciding it was best to take a hot shower and at least make yourself look human for the day. Atlas came back into the room after you were dressed and brushing your teeth with the spare toothbrush you’d left here the last time you slept over. 
“I made breakfast,” he said, standing in the bathroom doorway.
“Not hungry,” you said, rinsing your mouth with water. “But thanks.”
You were pretty intoxicated last night, but definitely not blackout drunk to forget the impending comments from your boyfriend about whatever was bothering him. Not to mention, the last thing you were looking for was an argument at 11 in the morning after you just woke up.
“Can you please not be difficult right now?”
Stopping in your tracks as you were about to grab your jacket, you turned to face him. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”
Atlas sighed. “I’m not arguing with you, Y/n.”
“I never said you were,” you rebutted. “You wanted to talk, so let’s talk.”
“Do you seriously not see that nothing is getting better between us? You were throwing yourself at Bucky right in front of me last night, and he has a girlfriend. You don’t even seem regretful.”
Scoffing, you rubbed your hands down your face. “I’m not repeating myself for the thousandth time to you, Atlas. You know how I feel about Bucky, and he and Sharon aren’t even dating.”
“You still love him.”
“I will always love him, that’s what you don’t get!” You yelled in frustration before exhaling deeply. “Bucky and I didn’t end on bad terms. We didn’t end because he cheated on me or I ruined his life. I will always have love for him, regardless of whether you think it’s platonic or romantic. I can’t just change that.”
“Well, you need to,” he replied flatly.
You chuckled. “You’re giving me an ultimatum?”
“Me or him, Y/n. I can’t play second-fiddle to Bucky Barnes anymore. It’s me in your life or him.”
“You can’t sit here and give me ultimatums like I’m constantly the one that’s doing you wrong.”
Atlas crossed his arms across his shoulders. “I knew this was going to come up eventually. You’re still mad at me.”
“I have never been mad, Atlas. I just wanted an answer. And that was so fucking difficult for you to give me.”
“Maybe you should ask your little ex-boyfriend what happened that day.”
“It’s always about Bucky with you,” you dejected. “I’m starting to think you’re the one that’s in love with him.”
“I’m serious, Y/n.”
Throwing your hands around in frustration, “What could Bucky possibly know abou–”
“He’s the one that told me to leave!” he interrupted you. When you simply stared at him without words, he continued. “I showed up. Bucky told me to leave. I fucked up the night before, I get that, but I was there. I made it after you walked in and Bucky told me to up and leave because I couldn’t support you in the state I was in. So if you need someone to be upset about, maybe start with him.”
Staring at him in disbelief, you scoffed again, shoving your jacket on your shoulders, checking your phone to see Natasha text you that she’s outside. “I’ll talk to you later, Atlas.”
“When you come back here, I want an answer.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you said, starting your day off with an immeasurable amount of frustration, which Natasha could feel radiating off of you as you got in the car angrily.
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you slammed my door and ask what happened.”
Sighing to yourself to calm down, you leaned back in the car seat. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Fiddling with your fingers, Natasha was talking your head off but you could not hear her one bit. You know Bucky was mad about Atlas not showing up, but it wouldn’t make sense for him to sabotage you like that. Was he telling you to give Atlas another shot because he felt guilty? Did he not want to be the reason things fell out? 
No, that wasn’t Bucky. He would never do such a thing. 
Sighing to yourself, Natasha snapped you out of your thoughts in the middle of the diner you were seated at having breakfast food at 1pm. 
“Are you even listening? What’s got you so distant since I picked you up?”
“Are we seeing Bucky at any point today?” you avoided her question.
“I told you he’s meeting us here with Steve. What’s going on?”
Knowing how Natasha feels about Atlas, you decided to wait until Bucky made it before jumping to any conclusions, assuring her that it was no big deal. It’d be better to hear it straight from Bucky than being mad at anyone over anything yet, and you knew Bucky would tell you the truth.
At least that’s what you’d hoped.
Almost as if on cue, Bucky and Steve walked into the diner, looking around before Bucky spotted you with a smile, tapping Steve to draw his attention in the same direction. You half-smiled back, but Bucky knew something was off. As the boys made their way over, Bucky sat next to you in the booth, looking over at you with concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, making you shake your head.
“We didn’t order for you guys not knowing what you guys wanted,” you said as you slid both of them the menu, leaving Bucky confused while Steve was excited. 
“Bucky and I have been thinking about bacon since we left the dorm,” Steve chatted looking at both you and his best friend, which you returned, but Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off of you. “Buck?”
“What’s wrong, Y/n?” Bucky asked you again, Steve diverting his attention towards you. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out for the past two hours,” Natasha interjected, and everyone at the table was now staring at you.
You sighed, looking down at your hands in your lap, biting down on your bottom lip. “I don’t know.”
“Did that asshole do something again?” Natasha asked, clearly starting to get riled up. “I swear to G—”
“Nat,” Bucky cut her off sternly, giving her a glare. He knew you were nervous about something and anyone getting angry would just make it worse. 
He always knew how to read you.
“Did something happen after we left? This morning?” he asked softly while Steve ordered for himself and Bucky.
“He told me it was you, Buck,” you responded hesitantly, causing Bucky to shake his head in confusion. “The presentation. Him not showing up. He said you told him to leave when he got there. Before you walked in?”
Shaking his head again, Bucky was now annoyed. “Bullshit.”
“He showed up during Banner’s slot, Y/n. Yeah, I told him to leave, and if that was wrong on my part, I’m sorry, but I would never force him to leave if he actually showed up on time.”
“That and he smelled like a bad liquor store,” Steve added.
“He was only going to make things worse. I’m sorry for telling him he should leave but—”
“No?” Bucky questioned your interruption, not quite catching on.
“You’re not apologizing. You did what you thought was best, and he lied to me about it again anyway.”
Feeling defeated, you urged everyone to move on. Bucky felt bad that you had to find out in such a way, and the urge he got to beat Atlas’s ass was even stronger than it was the day everything happened. 
After you all ate, you went back to the dorm and relaxed for a bit before asking Natasha to give you a ride to get your car at Atlas’s house. The gang all asked to meet up at Bucky, Steve, and Sam’s dorm for drinks and games, so you told Natasha you’d meet her there.
“You sure you’re gonna be okay?” she asked for the second time that night.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna get my car and go,” you unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door. “I’ll see you at the boys’ place, okay?”
Nat nodded before watching you walk towards your car and driving off. Unlocking the vehicle, you saw Atlas rushing out of the front door from your peripherals.
“You weren’t even gonna come inside?” he said as he walked up next to you.
“Don’t think picking up my car requires me to go inside, does it?” you retorted with an attitude, not really wanting to talk.
“You know why I’m asking.”
“Well, I wouldn’t think it’d matter considering Bucky has no involvement in the reason why I’m breaking up with you, Atlas.”
Stunned, Atlas stared at you incredulously. 
“Cat got your tongue? Or are you coming up with some other lie you think I won’t find out about?”
“Save it. We’re done. If you think I’m choosing Bucky over you, then maybe I am,” you cut him off, tears filling up your eyes. “Now that I think of it, I’d choose him over you every single time, Atlas. He’s never lied to me, never treated me like I was less than him, and he sure as hell would never make me pick between him and someone else that he knows I care about. I’m over it, I can’t do this anymore. We’re done.”
Getting inside of your car, Atlas decided not to say a word as he watched you pull out of his driveway and drive off. He definitely had other ideas in mind.
Meanwhile, you were trying to gain your composure as you made it back to campus and to the boys’ dorm. You managed to get yourself to stop crying but given the amount of it you just did, you knew it was evident on your face.
Even though it might be the worst option at this given moment, you wanted nothing but to jump into Bucky’s arms. You wanted his hugs back, you wanted to feel his warmth again.
You wanted him back. You knew it was dumb to even think of, but you couldn’t help it. All of your emotions were crashing down on you and you finally knew why everything was weighing so heavy on your shoulders for the past few months.
You never wanted to move on. It was foolish to even think of doing, let alone actually doing it. Bucky was always going to be it for you. It’s him. It’s always going to be him. 
But much to your demise after opening the door to the boys’ dorm, you walked in to see everyone in the living room.
Including Sharon.
Everyone looked up at you, seeing your face and immediately asking what happened.
Again, including Sharon.
“Um– sorry, I didn’t want to be a buzzkill or anything, I just—”
“You’re not,” Sharon spoke up again, and you couldn’t help but notice her hand on Bucky’s thigh while she spoke. “We weren’t talking about much, just some updates on everyone. Right?”
Everyone agreed.
“Yes, like Barnes here making it official with Sharon,” Thor added eagerly.
You looked back at Bucky, who suddenly looked like he wanted to throw up.
“Are you okay?” he asked, not wanting to talk about the bombshell news that just got dropped on you.
“Yeah, I-I’m fine,” you shook your head. “Don’t worry, I just got into a heated argument with my mom is all. Um, I actually forgot something in my room that I should grab so I’ll be back.”
Natasha knew your excuse for leaving was full of shit the second you walked back out the door, telling everyone she was going to check on you. She walked downstairs to see you sobbing to yourself in your car, thankful you didn’t drive off yet.
Opening the passenger door and getting inside, Natasha pulled you into her embrace.
“I know it wasn’t some argument with your mom that got you like this, so what happened with Atlas?” Natasha asked right away, knowing you weren’t calming down anytime soon unless she knew how to help.
“I broke up with him.”
Well, she wasn’t expecting to hear that. 
“Oh,” she said, rubbing your back up and down. “I’m sorry—”
“For Bucky.”
Or that. She definitely wasn’t expecting to hear that.
“I’m such an idiot, Nat,” you sobbed into her shoulders. “I just broke up with him and now Bucky’s with Sharon and I can’t tell him that I broke up with Atlas because he’s gonna ask why and I—”
“Hey, hey,” she lifted your face in her hands to look at her while you cried. “We’re gonna figure it out, alright? You’re gonna be fine.”
You nodded, even if you weren’t fully convinced. But little did you know, everything was about to bite you in the ass.
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cjrights · 10 days
songs that remind me of my dysfunctional family
this is random but i love my fam fam so much so here we go
ngl this is only alora and luce but i love my extended family and daughter as well 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Halley’s Comet (billie eilish) - one of my fav songs ever and the vibes are very alora: “ive been loved before but right now in this moment, i feel more and more like i was made for you”
intro (end of the world) (ariana grande) - song makes me feel like im taking a breath of fresh air and so does alora so! “if the moon went dark tonight, and if it all ended tomorrow, would i be the one on your mind?”
Enchanted (taylor swift) - hehehe one of my favs on speak now and lyrics just ring true! “ill spend forever wondering if you knew, i was enchanted to meet you”
Best Thing I Got (sabrina carpenter) - this song is so fye and it’s so cutie and baby wlw coded “and i don’t think it’s any kind of secret, i feel your love from a million miles away… your love is the best thing that I got, and it’s only just begun”
seven (taylor swift) - yeah iykyk the best series ever ever go read rn cause just duh “your braids like a pattern, love you to the moon and to saturn”
I’ll Kill You (summer walker) - whole song idk i don’t want to talk ab it “you know I love you like no one else could, i go to hell and back for you”
PTPOM 2.0 (mohead mike) - self explanatory i fear “put that pussy on me…”
love language (ariana grande) - whole damn song tbh (free alora) “i promise it’s the little things you do that make me want to give it all to you… teach me how to love you im not learning what ain’t right, i want you to keep speaking my love language baby talk your shit all night”
Sunsetz (cigarettes after sex) - the vibe reminds me of her “and when you go away i still see you”
lacy (olivia rodrigo) - not the parts where it’s like i fucking hate you and want to be you so bad but the sweet parts 🥰 “i see you everywhere, the sweetest torture one could bare”
cardigan (taylor swift) - because alora is my comfort person “and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, you put me on and said i was your favorite”
TOPIA TWINS (travis scott) - do i even need to explain “twin bitches, twin bitches hopping off a jetski”
I miss you, I’m sorry (gracie abrams) - this is our song whenever we fight smh 😔 “and i know you said that we’re not talking, but i miss you, im sorry”
Bags (clairo) - this is luce’s songggg and alora too!! “know you’d make fun of me” (lololol)
Nobody Gets Me (sza) - JUST CAUSE YEAH “how am i supposed to let you go? only like myself when im with you, nobody gets me you do”
everything i wanted (billie eilish) - a song literally written about a sibling bond so yk “and you say as long as i am here, no one can hurt you”
Thinkin Bout You (frank ocean) - beautiful song like my beautiful twin “cause ive been thinking about forever”
Somewhere Only We Know (keane) - a love letter to my twin “oh simple thing, where have you gone? i’m getting old and i need something to rely on”
Treacherous Twins (Drake) - also self explanatory “you my treacherous lil’ twin and you know that we locked in”
LIGHT SHOWER (melanie martinez) - not the horny parts because… but this is one of my fav songs and it reminds me of twin “you are the light ive been searching for forever”
cowboy like me (taylor swift) - CAUSE WE THE SAME PERSON FR FR “takes one to know one, you’re a cowboy like me”
Poison Poison (reneé rapp) - THIS ONE IS A JOKE BUT I HAD TO INCLUDE “you get on my nerves, you’re so fucking annoying”
21 notes · View notes
music-viber · 1 month
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Summary: your younger sisters boy best friend had been getting too much attention lately.
kissing booth if the genders were opposite. Pt.1
Warning: smut, mature content, language.
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Your sister had a built-in best friend since the day she was born and 1. No, it wasn't you but yes 2. I, was better that way because you could only deal with so much of her for so long so you were glad to share some of the responsibility with somebody. They grew up together and partly with me because I tried to ignore them most of the time anyway but they always found a way to be around me somehow Vincent’s mom had been best friends with your mom since college or something so it made sense
Sports are your specialty which worked in your favor cause guys like girls who play sports especially when they were good at it. You got in a few of fights when you were younger making you gain popularity girls feared you knowing you could beat their asses. You did look out for your sister and her best friend when other girls would try a fast move on you guys. You liked to feel needed and important so you would always help them with bullies when you guys were younger.
You were the popular sister athletic it’s not like it was some big secret, you didn’t need to be nice to get what you wanted you had pretty privilege had it since the you pop out of your mother actually, it was like a super power. P r e t t y p r I v l I d g e something not all people are blessed with. Only time I was ever jealous of my sister was when she had a built in best friend who stuck by her side 24/7 and never got tired of her. So basically since the day she was born maybe? You can’t keep count.
Everyone put up with you tough girl act everyone except vinnie ever since you were kids he had always put you in your place when your out of line you couldn’t lie you didn’t know why you didn’t just ignore him what he tried to but it didn’t think much. People had always liked you but in a I fear her kinda so what you got went through puberty you better believe it wasn’t that way anymore. You tried to know less about Vinnie because 1. He was like a little brother to you and 2. That’s your sisters boy best friend, You didn’t wanna upset her.
School was starting up again soon your about to start senior year. No different from the other schools years but you did have to pick a college soon so that really sucked for you. Leaving home.
As you walked into your house from a workout in your sports bra and gym shorts your a variety soccer player so it was mandatory you keep up your A game. “Leeah, have you seen my soccer ball?” I asked my sister looking at the pair who can never be caught apart. She obviously gave me some snarky remark making Vinnie laugh, I smirked “hey Vincent” I say looking at him. I know he hates being called by his full name, he looks back at me “Yes Noelle?” He knows I hate being called my first name
“When did you get the abs?” I pointed out at them He looked caught off guard as he looked down at them trying to think of something to say. Leeah chimes in “When you were away at soccer camp learning how to be a bigger bitch, it was almost as if he was in human growth hormones or something.” Leeah laughed as you scoffed. Vinnie then covers himself with a towel “Rule number 2? Please.” I tell them I was throwing a party and not to invite any jackasses. Leeah makes another snarky remark as she and Vinnie celebrate it so I throw a ball at her making him fall into the pool and then walking away. Leeah gets out of the pool, “she's such an ass” Lee says looking at Vinnie, “I know.” Vinnie says looking directly at his best friends sisters ass which was quickly shut down by Lee.
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The first day of school
as I got there on my motorcycle and started talking to some other girls my sister rolled up with Vinnie. “What the fuck is he wearing” his shirt was way too small for his new muscular body making his buttons left open making his whole chest and stomach exposed. Noelle sat there dumbfounded by his chiseled-like abs then looking away. Noelles sister and vinnie looked confused as to why Vinnie was getting some stares.
“Is he new?” you heard females ask around. You scoffed at their reactions. Then some horny girl grabbed his ass in front of everyone. He made a weird sound then turned to confront the person then saw it was a female. He was helpless he couldn't hit a girl, Leeah knew this and yelled at her attempting to push her then looked like she needed some help of her own so I intervened and punched her to the ground as the principal came out and sent us 3 to the office. “You guys office now.”
Vinnie had ended up asking me why I helped them so obviously I told him “It's like seeing those girls gryi g to get into my little brothers pants, which is super gross.” I continued “ You've also had 0 experience with girls you haven't even had a girlfriend. Opening your shirt like that is asking for it.” I laughed as he took offence. We kinda all git detention after that stunt we pulled this morning
As I watched Vinnie flirt with the girl who had groped him yesterday my eyebrows raised as I look between them. He looks over at me as I mouth the words “what the fuck?” he rolled his eyes and he goes back to passing notes. The teacher doses off then eventually the girl bursts in the room wearing her shirt the same way Vinnie had done that same morning as people laughed and took picture she posed as Vinnie laughed also. I'm definitely have in a chat with her after class.
After detention, I found her “hey.” I said pushing her shoulder “I don't know what you told him but your not going out with Vinnie.” she was confused and scared “if you will I will break your nose, got it?” he nodded and ran off. “Easy.” not as easy as you thought because the next morning Vinnie called you angry “You do realize you're not my mom right?” he stated while on the phone with you. I smiled “You still got a lot to learn kiddo.” he scoffed
Mumbling stuff you ignored “I could just beat you with my shoes right now” be says “she's a player” I tell him “so are you?” he yelled confused.” “and that's why I'm not letting her near you, you'll thank me one day.” Noelle says calmly “stop yelling girls not to talk to me!” Vinnie yells.
Two days later
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It was time for my party which was packed with almost everyone even tho I did say invite only. I had occupied myself with the first person to throw themselves at me just to have a make-out session, and that's when Vinnie came up and tapped on Noelle's shoulder. She turns to face whoever tapped her. She stopped kissing the guy for a brief moment. “I haven't seen Lee,” she said as she went back to making out with the guy. Vinnie taps me again as I stop kissing the guy again “What?!” he says something about a kissing booth before the guy I'm missing flicks Vinny's forehead “Lonely nerds are downstairs bro.” I rolled my eyes at the random guy. “ look uh, you should probably leave he's important to my family which kinda means he's important to me.” the guy backed off and left and was sassy about it. Vinnie looks down at me “Sorry I ruined your make-out session.” you smiled “That's fine he tasted like Cheetos anyways.” he ignored the last part. “So kissing booth?” he asked hopeful. “No, go away” and so he did.
Later into the party I saw Vinnie drinking like there was no tomorrow like absolutely downing everything everyone gave him as people cheered him on. As he got up and danced on the pool table. I couldn't like he. Does look better this year and people can tell people he's getting lots of attention. He starts to fan himself “It's hot out here.” he starts to strip as everyone cheers him on. You look at him in disbelief. Then he yells “Let go skinny dipping.” that's when you know he's had too much as everyone jumps into the pool Vinnie stumbles and falls into the grass. Lee looked over at Noelle for help and so she rolled her eyes and helped carry him up the stairs. “I have to go make sure they don't break anything but you git this right?” lee leaves them. “Noelle” Vinnie mumbles as you ignore him as he gets up and walks into your room and crashes on the bed. “Great because I didn't wanna carry him” Noelle whispers as he throws up on his shirt he put back on. Noelle takes his clothes off him and immediately outs it in the washer. “This is so gross”
The next morning
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Vinnie woke up groaning from his hangover he opened his eyes and looked around panicked as he checked to see if he slept inside my room. He then checked to see if he was naked which he stuff had his underwear in as he sighed in relief. He watched as Noelle walked in with nothing but a towel as Vinnie stared at her in shock. He looks at him “Oh I didn't mean to wake you just grabbing my clothes.” she said. Vinnie didn't need to ask what happened, he remembered everything. “Noelle I'm so sorry,” he said holding his head. He got out of bed and looked down and realizedtat he was basically naked and tried hiding behind her curtains embarrassed. “Can you pass me those?” he pointed at some baggy shorts on the floor. “Please can I get those” he begged. She just stood there smirking at him ignoring the request.
“Fine,” they both said heading towards the shorts as Vinnie fell into Noelle getting tangled in the fallen-down curtains. She was rolled up on top of him and he was under her complaining about how were stuck. “My arm is stuck” he yelled as they tried to get out of this his arm pushed into her core the he gasped as she moaned “I told you not to stop moving!” she yelled yelled. They untangled themselves from the curtain. Vinnie rushes to put on the shorts and then rushed for the door before he stopped “Do I owe you anything at all” he asked “Just get out dork.” she said panting.
The next day
I was playing carnival games and talking to a few guys when Vinnie came up to me. He spoke “Look I'm desperate, just stop at the booth for a little please? It would mean a lot to me.” he signed. I looked at him crossing my arms“Wow the independent Vincent Cole hacker begging someone else for help?” then he ended up giving me an I care about you so help me kinda talk making me feel bad as he walked away.
The kissing booth starts and it looks like the most successful booth at the carnival after while so I bought a ticket. I stand there thinking I wasted my money on something guys wouldve payed me for. “Wanna cut?” I looked over at some random girl confused as I tilted my head. She then opened her mouth again “like get I front of me and not wait in line?” she said nervously. “Okay.” Noelle cuts in front of her and walked up to the stand. Waiting for the kisser. She sighed and looked towards the curtains to see which guy she would be kissing. Suddenly Vinnie walked out in a blindfold looking confused. He stumbled as I helped him to his stand of the stand. He then nervously tells me his secrets about his lack of relationships and kissing
experiences as everyone else also hears him and laughs at his nervousness. I smirked and rolled my eyes as I looked over at the curtains seeing the guys Laugh at Vinnie until they saw who he was about to kiss and stopped in their tracks. Noelle cut off the geek boy rambling by pulling him down by his collar and kissing him. It went in as people around then gasped and cheered. After a while Vinnie thought, why these people be cheering over just a kiss- he then realized and took off his blindfold and looked at her dumbfounded. She didn't want it to stop so he kissed him again then people had cheered as she looked at Vinnie “okay I'll see you around?” she walked away from the booth and wentnti go flirt with some guys to take her mind off of him.
Later Noelle was on her motorcycle when she spotted Vinnie walking home on the road. The sky was lit by the thunder. “Need a ride?” Vinnie gave her a little look. Noelle rolled her eyes and crossed her arms “Look I care about you and stuff plus my mom would kill me knowing I left you in the cold. He got onto her motorcycle after a while the storm got heavy and they couldn't drive any longer. She led him to a greenhouse-like area where he gave her his jacket. Noelle was looking out through the glass at the rain “We should be fine if we wait.” she said distracted.
Vinnie had walked towards the girl towering over her. He then quickly kissed her and she kissed back. Then he backed up “We can't how would I tell Lee?” he said slowly. “We’ll figure it out” I reassure him pressing my lips into his as he melts into it, he then takes the lead by choking her a little bringing her to moan and catch her breath. She grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned it. As he gasped and pulled away, they stared at each other for a short period of time She looked at him “we don't need to-” she told him he unbuttoned her shirt. As they were both shirtless and making out. Vinnie knew he should've stopped but she felt too good to let go.
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"May I?" Vinnie asked, indicating his desire to try something else. Noelle agreed, "We can do whatever you want," she said, grinning at him seductively. He then chokes Noelle gently as his leg nudges between hers, encouraging her to spread her legs for him. She gasped as his knee pressed into her core. Seizing this moment, Vinnie slipped his tongue into her mouth, asserting his dominance.
Noelle knew that her actions with Vinnie were morally questionable. She had no intention of revealing their secret, as it would earn her the label of the worst sister of the year. Yet, Vinnie was so intoxicating that she couldn't resist him. She had known about Vinnie's feelings for her since they were children, but societal rules had always been a barrier. Now, the way Vinnie made her feel had her contemplating a future with him.
She moaned as he tugged on her hair, a side of Vinnie she hadn't expected. "Vincent," she moaned softly. He paused from his activities, "Don't call me that," he replied, looking right at her as lightning illuminated the sky and the rain poured down.
She looked up at him, an innocent challenge in her eyes, "Or what?" As she reached up to touch his face, he grabbed her hand. With a gasp, she found herself turned around to face him, her back pressed against the wall. He was careful not to hurt her. Sweeping her hair aside, he whispered into her ear, "Let's find out."
He used his belt to tie her hands behind her as she was pressed against the wall, he then asked her “Can I remove your clothes?” as she nodded. He scoffed saying “Use your words, princess.” she rolled her eyes “Yes please Vinnie.” as she said this he undressed her and started to rub her heat in a circular motion as she threw her head back and moaned in pleasure as she pushes her ass against him. It wasn't long before Vinnie had also undressed "I want you to pleasure me until I reach my cum."
He teased me with the head of his arousal, causing me to shudder and my breathing to grow unsteady. He lavished attention on me, and then without warning, I felt him enter me. I was pinned and helpless, unable to do anything but accept him. His thickness filled me, causing my back to arch as he held my thigh to steady himself. My cries were quiet, shocked at the intensity of the situation. He paused, savoring my response, his lips peppering gentle kisses on my neck and chin. I tensed when he moved, the sensation overwhelming. As he withdrew slightly, my body reacted instinctively, crying out his name, "Vincent!" "Vinnie," he corrected, but I had no time to process his words as he moved again.
His touch stirred me, his hand moving from my thigh to my rear, adjusting my position. My legs wrapped around him as he quickened his rhythm, each withdrawal and thrust more intense than the last. My cries grew more urgent, the intense pleasure leaving me gasping for air. My body responded to him, my euphoria building. He grunted my name, our bodies slick with sweat. "Vincent!" I called out, but he corrected me once more, "Vinnie."
He repeated, "Say it and I'll let you go." His movements quickened, our bodies collided. My legs shook, but I kept them wrapped around him. I matched his rhythm, eliciting grunts from him. "Vinnie," I whimpered, yearning for him to release my hands so I could draw him closer. He looked into my eyes, the intensity of his gaze holding me captive. He let go of my hands, and the rhythm continued, the intensity only he could create. I clenched my muscles, matching his pace. His hands gripped my waist as he murmured into my lips.
Our bodies moved faster, and our lips parted. His head rested in the crook of my neck while he lifted my lower body and continued to thrust. I cried out, a sensation building that would soon release if he continued. "You like that, baby?" He whispered. I could only respond with a roll of my eyes as he filled me again. He was so deep, I felt him in my stomach. My toes curled, my hands clawed at his back as I tried to steady myself. But neither of us cared. We reached our climax together, and we collapsed on the floor. Breathless, I asked, "Where did you learn that?" He smiled and responded, "Porn." I nodded, understanding his solitary pastime. We sat in silence, trying to comprehend the magnitude of what just happened. I began to giggle, then burst into laughter. Vinnie watched me, chuckling softly. "I'm such a bad sister," I finally said.
"I'm such a bad sister," I admitted, my laughter subsiding into a quiet chuckle. Vinnie, however, continued to chuckle, his eyes filled with truth as he looked at me. "You're not bad, Noelle," he said, his voice soft but firm. His hand found mine, giving it a comforting squeeze. "You're human.
We sat in silence again, the gravity of our actions settling in. But there was no regret, just a strange sense of... peace. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it was right. But in that moment, we were just Vinnie and Noelle.
And as I looked at Vinnie, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath, I realized that sometimes, it's not about right or wrong. It's about the moments that take your breath away, the moments that make you feel alive. And as I lay there in Vinnie's arms, I felt more alive than I ever had. I closed my eyes, letting the silence of the room envelop us, a serene ending to an unexpected night.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
... With some asks answered, are you alright if I ask what The Roo Gang would be as yanderes? Go ahead and ignore this if you want to of course! 😅
No no, I loved this! XD
Warnings for: Yandere behaviours, sexual assault and harassment, kidnapping, etc.
Kinda??... Chill??? Kinda.
Like, he wouldn't hurt you. He wouldn't touch you in an inappropriate way. And he likes it when you fight back; he thinks its cute and you're the coolest person ever. So he wont fully kidnap you or anything either- as that'd take the fun clean away!
But he w i l l n o t leave you alone. Every time you get home there's a reminder that he's thinking about you~ Like a bouquet of flowers, or chocolates and a note teasing you that these are your favourites, doll!- but did I drug them?, a new piece of furniture (for me to sit at when I come over to see you~ ), etc.
There will also be never ending attempts to blackmail and threaten you into being with him (Just one date! A movie! I'm not askin' you to marry me, just come out with me- just give me a chance.), but basically telling him to fuck off will get rid of him. He wouldn't actually send you to jail, or get you kicked out of your house, or fired or anything!!- you both know that!!-
So yeah, chill sorta?? You can brush him off. But you'll be brushing him off for ever.
... unless of course you start dating someone else, then he'll have to get serious. To protect this cute little thing, you two have with eachother~ ^^
Rena is eager. XD What little sense of dignity and pride for herself she had before, is gone- now she'll do anything to have you. And almost anything for you (Anything- except let you go of couse).
She w i l l catch you (She'll drug your drink, she'll seduce a flunkey or two into kidnapping you for her and then kill them to prove they meant nothing for her and she's all yours *cough*, she'll chain you up in the basement she set up all-pretty for you~ ^^ ), she will keep you, and she will get rid of anyone looking for you.
She's kinda like Baby Firefly in Mommy mode actually XD She likes to feed you, dress you, bathe you- just in general be super sickly sweet to you.
She's also kinda like Greasy in yandere mode, though. And... you know. She wont be able to keep her hands off you.
Okay he's my favourite. YOU DRIVE HIM C R A Z Y. Like, man, he is the m o s t sexual yandere here. He's demisexual, and he is i n l o v e with you. He's the type to stand over your sleeping form and jack off.
He hates himself for it, but what can he do? You're the bitch for doing this to him. Could you not fucking look at him?? Jesus fucking christ.
So yes- he's also m e a n. He wont kidnap you or anything like the others; in fact he'll try to keep you at a distance, but you still cant manage to shake him. This rude guy is a fixture in your life, no matter what you do to remove him. Go to a different grocery store?? He's there growling that you followed him. Different bus stop? Turns out he lives nearby.
He calls you a stalker, a creep, obsessed. Spoiler: He's deflecting. He's all those things, he's the one consumed by you, and he's blaming the hell out of you for it. He'll spend every waking hour that you see each other being awful and grumpy towards you and then when you're asleep?? He's squeezing his cock and gritting his teeth, pumping himself slowly and fighting to stay silent so you don't wake up and see him in the dark, in your bedroom.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
↳ Random HCs: R. Sukuna Edition ↲
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Warnings/Notes (don’t skip this shit): n/sfw, 18+ only, mdni, f!reader, look the easiest thing to do would be to just tell you not to read this if you don't know who Sukuna is and/or if you are offended by his character/personality, black semen (yes, i’m disgusting what’s up 💁🏼‍♀️), marking, exhibitionism, voyeurism, collar, “pet”/"slut"/"whore", degradation, praise, mention of ass play, cumflation, squirting, mention of drawing blood, breeding, Sukuna just being fucking Sukuna k? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Says “bruh” sometimes, especially at Yuuji
Marks you, gives you a curse mark that’s like a signature/brand to let others know you belong to him.
Okay but what if his jizz is black?
100000% has dick tattoos…a pair of thick, black bands matching the ones on his arms.
Also has the same tattoos on his legs…one pair of bands around his muscular thighs, the other just above his ankles
Likes it when you ride his cock while he sits on his throne. "Ganbare, ganbare..."
Will bend you forward if you're riding him in reverse when he's ready to cum. He'll slam into you so hard that his flexing ass raises up off his seat while his wet thighs clap against yours.
I know this is played out, but it’s basically canon at this point: grows a mouth just above the base of his cock to tease your clit (or asshole...or both) while he fills your cunt with his fat dick
Puts a collar on you and calls you “pet”
Expects you to wait on your knees for him…
until he tugs on your leash, then you are to crawl on all fours while he leads you around his domain
“Stop. Stay on your hands and knees, pet,” he growls. Still holding onto your leash, he circles behind you and moves his robe to the side just enough to pull out his hard cock.
He gives his dick a couple of strokes, pulling his foreskin back before slipping it inside your squelching cunt, bulldog style.
Will deadass fuck you right in front of those who happen to enter his Innate Domain to establish his “irrefutable dominance".
Loves it when you make slurping noises while sucking his cock
How big is his cock? However big he wants it to be. “You seem to be enjoying this a little too much, pet. Gonna make my cock so big you fucking weep while I ream you.”
Before he falls in love with you: “Did I say you could look at me while I’m fucking you, whore?” “Keep your eyes on my cock, you fucking degenerate slut. Watch my fat fucking cock slide in and out of your filthy pussy.” “Gonna break that tight little pussy of yours while it drools all over my loins.”
After he falls in love with you: “I said look at me while I’m breeding you, pet!”
If your fingers go anywhere near his asshole he has to fight tooth and nail not to cum on the spot.
His tongue-fucking game is SNAAAAAATCHED asf okay?
Kisses your tongue if you burn it on something.
Laughs at you when you get the hiccups.
Teaches you to suck his dick E X A C T L Y how he likes it. Rewards you by shoving his cock down your throat.
Sleeps shamelessly: naked, on his back, spread eagle, no covers; heavy, soft dick lolled to the right on proud display
Cumflation. Sukuna loves to fill your soft belly with his thick black seed.
Takes a pic of your face when you cum on his cock for the 3rd time in as many minutes and makes it his home screen…while he’s still fucking you.
Uses your phone to take a close-up video of your twitching pussy slurping away on his wet, veiny dick then flips you onto your belly and makes you watch it while his hips clap against your ass.
Loses his mind when you cry out for him while he’s ravaging your cunt. “YesssS’kuna, oh shit fuck me harder! Oh god, oh fuck Ryooooou!” All 4 of his eyes will roll back in his pretty head.
Sure, he could text you these things, but he secretly loves leaving little handwritten notes for you in random places: “Love you, pet” on your bathroom mirror. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about last night” under your windshield wiper. “Text me if you need anything” in your coat pocket. “Can’t wait to feel you gag on my cock again, sweetheart” under a magnet on the refrigerator door.
Messy pussy eater…never breaks eye contact with you and comes up after he makes you squirt in his mouth with a big toothy grin, his long tongue licking his dripping chin as he mounts you, groaning in your ear “Mmm…I could devour every last drop of you, my sweet little pet.”
Alternates letting you paint his fingernails while he paints your toenails when he gets bored inside Yuuji’s head.
Speaking of his fingernails, get ready to have their marks on you on a constant basis
Grips your thighs and hips so hard while he’s slamming into you that he draws blood at the very least
Falls asleep on your shoulder when you lightly trace your soft fingertips over his tattoos.
Buries his face in your neck, so close he can smell your hair. “I don’t like your new shampoo. Change it back.”
“M’hands are cold, Ryo,” you say, pouting while pushing them around his back under the trim of his robe. He looks down at you for a moment and huffs. “Fine. Just keep ‘em close to me.”
You gasp, pointing, “Ryo! Look! Taiyaki!” He walks after you to the street vendor, waiting patiently for you to pick which flavor you want. “I can’t decide between chocolate and sweet potato,” you say, chewing your lip. Sukuna pushes off of the wall and drops a few thousand yen on the counter. “Give her two of both.”
Will not fucking move if you fall asleep on him. Loves listening to you breathe and feeling your heartbeat against his warm, inked skin.
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sundered-souls · 24 days
Aïcha Bedi
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Name: Aïcha Bedi
Nicknames: none
Age: In her thirties
Nameday: 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (which she probably shares with a bunch of my characters)
Race: Midlander hyur
Gender: Cis woman
Orientation: Mostly straight
Profession: Adventurer, formerly a contract killer
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Long and curly. She takes great care of it and regularly despair at what Inge does with hers.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Fair, but tan easily. Considering how much time she spends outside, people tend to assume her skin is darker than it actually is (on this point the screenshots aren't very accurate since they don't show her tan but that'd be a nightmare to represent accurately XD)
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos whatsoever. She's got plenty of scars, most aren't really remarkable, but there are two that are special: one from Zenos' blade when he stabbed her in Rhalgr's Reach (it's not just her ego who got bruised that day, sorry MSQ), and one from her cesarean section while she was on the First. Don't worry: nothing creepy happened while she was unconscious, G'raha just had the worst timing ever.
Parents: Her father lives peacefully in Tural. She has no idea where her mother is, if she's still alive or even who she was since she left when Aïcha was still an infant.
Edmont de Fortemps also counts (haha) as a paternal figure in her life.
Siblings: None by blood. She does consider Alisaie and Alphinaud like her siblings, however. Artoirel and Emmanellain are more like extended family.
Grandparents: Long dead of her father's side. No idea on her mother's.
In-laws and Other: Well, she's in a relationship with Estinien so I suppose Alberic counts as her father in-law. The moment both realized that their respective father would have to meet eventually was glorious, because the dad jokes will be neverending and mostly at their expense.
Officially, they also have a kid together born during her time on the First.
Officially, because Estinien offered to adopt the kid and pretend he was the biological dad. Only three people know who said bio dad truly is, none of them is the man in question, and Aïcha would rather die than say it out loud. It's one thing to make dubious life choices, another one to let the world know about it...
(I haven't decided on the name or gender yet, but we can thank @gatheredfates for the prompt she sent me. It got completely out of hand but I'm having a lot of fun with the idea it gave me.)
Pets: None
Abilities: Excellent shooter, although her mechanical skills don't go much further than what she needed to maintain her guns. She hasn't touched one in years and has no intention to change that.
Excellent dancer given that she's trained since childhood. She dances about as much for the artistry of it as for the self-expression it allows without having to speak her feelings out.
She also went through the GLD/PLD quests in Ul'dah, and that's mainly how she's been fighting since then.
She's also a surprisingly good poet and singer, albeit that's not known to many people.
Hobbies: Writing or reading poetry, singing, dancing and trying out new food (including the kind of food that even the most adventurous people hesitate to put in their mouth). She's pretty receptive to art in general to be honest and will gladly watch plays or go to concerts if she can.
Most Positive Trait: Open-minded
Most Negative Trait: her competitiveness. You'd think someone who succeeds as well as her would be graceful when she loses but fuck no! Every Scions and most people who played even a card game against her once know that she's a sore loser and will use every loophole under the sun to try to win lmao
Colors: carmine and gold
Smells: campfires, incense, fresh flowers, the ocean
Textures: Soft fabrics (silk and satin especially), the sand under her feet, the breeze against her skin (yeah it counts as a texture)
Drinks: the main thing that matters is how much caffeine there's in it and how much sugar she can add to it
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: Alcohol sometimes, but never a lot and only very, very occasionally since the banquet and then the drugged beverage in Falcon's Nest. For the most part, she runs on water as well as coffee and tea if available.
Drugs: No, she hates not feeling in control of herself
Mount Issuance: Aïcha didn't join any free company. That'd mean taking orders and she's no soldier, so she didn't have a mount until Haurchefant offered her her black chocobo. As you can guess, it's been her mount ever since.
I'm not entirely clear on the timeline in StB yet for her, but if she got her yol, she left it with the Mols.
Been Arrested: no but she should have.
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster (ty again! I'm probably not gonna tag you every time because you'll get tired of it at some point I think XD)
Tagging @xsummoner-kuro @hinganskies @briar-ffxiv @confusedtia @paintedscales @fair-fae @mrlarkstin @thatonediviner @fatewalker @otherworldseekers @saeta @airis-ray @mymistymornings @riftdancing @sailor-artemis @starforger and anyone else interested. Feel free to ignore the tag if that's not your thing, and I'll do that template for more characters during the week so I'll tag new people then!
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crappymixtape · 1 year
something infinite • part one
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2.8K – part one of something infinite – steve steals a car and somehow you wind up in hawkins, indiana, a meet cute without the cute *18+ only  | ( 2.8k, angst, verbal abuse, enemies to lovers, steve x you, steve x reader – find the rest of the series and more here and find the series playlist on spotify here )
J U N E 1 9 8 7 🎶 the rat, the walkmen 
“C’mon Harrington, don’t be a pussy, get in.”
“Shit, hurry up Tommy!”
“Shut up, I’m going!”
With two wires held tightly between his fingers, Tommy Hagan quickly brushed them together until the old Chevy Blazer rumbled to life, Lynyrd Skynard’s Call Me the Breeze screaming through the speakers.
Well now, they call me the breeze, I keep blowin' down the road! I ain't got me nobody, I don't carry me no load!
“Fuck yeah, get it in drive!”
Steve didn’t know how he ended up there in the passenger seat of an about-to-be-stolen car – sheriff’s car to be exact – and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as Tommy struggled to shift it into gear. His hands gripped the dash in front of him as he watched a light come on inside the house, “Jesus, Tommy, fucking move!”
“I’m trying, god damn gear shift is stuck!”
It was the hundredth weekend in a row, Steve was certain, that his parents were out of town on business and the fight he’d had with his dad that night had been a real crowning achievement. The worst of all time and something in him snapped. All he wanted now was to feel something. Anything. And it was barreling toward him like a train off the rails.
“Oh shit, we gotta go, we gotta go!”
“Fucking bail!”
The screen door on the front of Hopper’s house flung open so hard the whole frame shook as it slammed shut behind him.
“Get outta here, meet back at my place!” Kyle and Tommy jumped out of the car so fast Steve didn’t have any time to think.
“Shit, shit shit shit,” scrambling, Steve’s hand fumbled on the door handle as he shoved it open, scraping his leg against the runner board on his way down. Hair messed and wild in his eyes, he looked up to see his friends were already over the fence and sprinting toward the tree line behind Hopper’s place, “Wait!”
Not bothering to close the door behind him, Steve tried to pick up a sprint, but a large hand half-shoved, half-grabbed the back of his neck and within seconds he was face down in the lawn with a mouth full of grass and dirt, Hop’s weight pressing him into the ground.
“You little shits think you’re so clever. Well, s’the last time you fuck with Hopper, hm?”
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It was dark, the summer night thick and warm when you arrived at your aunt’s place in Hawkins. Nothing like Indianapolis. The moon hung high in the inky black sky, stars blinking above you like holes poked through canvas, and the sound of crickets and frogs off over the fence was almost deafening. No ambulance sirens, no yelling, no loud music in the apartment above you. Your stomach sank. What was this place?
“The real armpit of America, hm?” the cab driver said tossing your bag and skateboard at your feet as if he could hear your apprehension, wiping sweat from his forehead. You gave him a look, almost pleading to let you come back to the city with him, but he was already climbing back into the car. Rolling down the passenger window he leaned over and tipped his ball cap at you with a laugh, “Enjoy!” And with a rumble he was off down the road you came, dust kicking up around the wheels as he went.
Fuck, you muttered squeezing your eyes shut, hoping maybe if you clicked your heels together you’d magically appear back in your room like Dorothy. The whole summer. That’s how long you’d be stuck in this place. Until your mom was back, and in that moment you wished you’d asked to stay with your grandmother. Anywhere was better than this.
“You’re here! Oh, you’re here!”
Your eyes flew open at the sound of a voice you hadn’t heard in years and you were suddenly wrapped up into a big hug. It was all cinnamon and fresh laundry and cut grass and so soft. So warm. Your aunt Joyce.
“Honey, you’re so tall! My gosh, I don’t think I’ve seen you since…can’t be since ‘77 can it? Here, Hop will get those, come on inside,” with a gentle hand on your back she guided you to the door, leaving your things where they were for whoever this Hop was. “I just made dinner,” Joyce gave you a big smile, her shoulders squeezing up toward her ears with excitement, and you wondered for a second if maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
She was so different from your mom, her sister, so much softer around the edges, fuzzy and sparkling and bright. The look she gave you made your heart ache a little, like she really loved you, and a small lump rose in your throat as you tried to smile back.
“Oh, Hop, grab those will you?”
As the screen door creaked open you came face to face with what could only described as the human version of a grizzly bear. Tall, frame like a fridge and gruff, but oddly soft under all the grit like your aunt. He grunted a reply and held the door for you both, muttering a Hey, kid, to you on the way by before going to grab your things.
Your aunt’s place was modest, but so homey and comforting somehow. The living room was smaller, with a little television in the corner, and it bled right into the dining room and kitchen. Open, just like your aunt.
Family photos hung along the walls, you recognized your cousins Will and Jonathan, but there was a girl now too. And Hop. And tons of other kids you didn’t recognize. All grinning and laughing and piled on each other or hanging out the bed of a pickup or floating lazy in a lake.
“Will and Jonathan are out with their friends, not sure when they’ll be back…” your aunt’s voice brought you back, “Are you hungry?”
“Actually, I’m sorry, I’m just pretty tired and–”
“Oh, of course you are! That’s okay, sweetie. Your room’s the third door on the right, Hop’s got your things in there, and the bathroom is the first door on the left. I’ll be out here if you need anything, okay?” she gave your arm a gentle squeeze and for the first time in a long time you felt your lips curve up into a small, genuine smile, murmuring your thanks.
Turning to walk down the hall you looked back to see Hop settle into the big, brown arm chair with a beer in hand as your aunt climbed up onto his lap. She pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, fitting perfectly there with him. Hop rumbled a contented sound as he wrapped an arm around her and pressed his own kiss to her forehead.
Happy. Loving. A proper display of affection. Nothing like home.
Closing the door to your room you didn’t bother unpacking and flicked the light off before falling onto the neatly made bed. Hawkins, Indiana. Crickets and frogs and wheat fields and dirt roads and hot and thick all summer long. Your eyes slipped shut and the lump came back to your throat as you rolled onto your side.
It’s only three months. It’s only three months.
The words looped in your head on repeat as you curled into yourself, exhaustion slowly wrapping around you until you fell away into sleep.
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“Got some real shitty friends there, huh?”
Steve’s arms were folded tight over his chest as he glared at Hopper from across the big desk. Tommy and Kyle had made it over the fence and home, because of course they fucking did, and he was here getting an ear full of shit he already knew.
Hop took a long drag from his cigarette and tapped it on the ashtray. Leaning back in his chair he blew smoke up toward the ceiling, not bothering to look at the kid across from him, “Suppose you think you’re gonna get off easy, right? Mommy and daddy come in here and cut me some check, let little Stevie go home, lesson learned.”
“They don’t even know I’m here–”
“Shut up, my turn to talk,” Hop snapped, cutting Steve off as he spun in his chair to lean on the desk. He fixed the boy with a look that shut his mouth right quick. Sucking on his teeth the sheriff shook his head. “You’re all the same. Entitled little assholes,” he hummed in thought, “Same goes for your buddies, Hagan and Peterson, right? Yeah. Well. They ran faster than you, unfortunately.”
Steve let out a heavy sigh and jammed his tongue into his cheek, fighting the urge to snap back at the older man, knowing damn well he was already in for it as it was, “Jesus, can we just get this over with?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Got somewhere to be, Harrington?” Hopper sniped, taking another drag, this time blowing the smoke into Steve’s face. “You’re lucky, I don’t feel like looking at your face anymore,” putting out his cigarette, Hop stood from the desk and snatched up the pile of paperwork in front of him. “Community service oughta do it. Fifteen hours a week all summer at the library, weekends off.”
“Fifteen?? That’s crazy, how am I supposed to—“
“Keep runnin’ your mouth and I’ll make it thirty!” Hop rounded on Steve, leaning down to get in the boy’s face and meet his eye line.
Steve’s chest was heaving as he sucked in air, struggling to keep himself in check as his heart pounded against his ribcage. Hopper shot him a grin.
“Perfect. See you Monday, champ,” he clapped Steve on the back hard enough to make him stumble forward, Asshole, muttered under the younger boy’s breath.
Hop didn’t bother to wait as he walked out of his office and down the steps of the police station. Steve watched through the blinds with balled up fists as the sheriff climbed into his rig and rolled out onto the street.
“Do you need something, hon? Jim won’t be coming back today…” the receptionist called in after him and Steve turned to kick the leg of the chair he’d been sitting in.
“No, just— no,” Steve grumbled and followed the same path Hopper had out into the hot, sticky summer heat, chucks smacking against the pavement as he started the walk home.
His parents didn’t know he’d tried to steal a car, didn’t know he went out drinking, didn’t know how much he longed for their approval, their affection, and didn’t know he was saddled with three months of community service for the rest of the summer.
The last time he’d talked to his dad was the night he’d gone to Tommy’s, begging to do something – something reckless. It had hardly been a conversation, Steve and his father at each other’s throats, yelling until they were both red in the face and saying things that couldn’t be taken back.
“You couldn’t even get into a trade program, Steven! What in the hell am I supposed to do with you??”
"I tried, dad! Do you know how many applications I sent–”
“I don’t give a shit, we’re done. You’ll start at the firm in September.”
“Dad, I don’t want–”
“It doesn’t matter what you want anymore, son. If you’re gonna amount to anything in life it’s obvious I need to step in.”
Steve’s breath caught in his throat as his father’s words ran on a loop in his head.
If you’re going to amount to anything in life. If you’re going to amount to anything in life. If you’re going to amount to anything in life.
The corners of Steve’s eyes prickled with tears, but he threw his gaze up to the ceiling and hastily blinked them away. Finally it was out. What his dad really thought of him. And it hurt more than he wanted to admit. “I don’t need your help,” the boy snapped, turning back around to look his dad in the eyes. Heat rose in his chest, flames crackling and roaring to life, a fire he’d tried to contain all these years, but his father’s words were like gasoline and it was hot and angry now.
“Yeah? And who’s gonna hire a kid out of high school with shit for grades, huh? The only thing on your resume is a damn ice cream shop and video rentals and the real world doesn’t care about basketball or popularity contests, Steven.”
“Stop calling me that!”
“Gary, just drop it–”
“Quiet, Carol! He needs to hear this. No one else seems to be able get it to sink in. You wanna be a real man, Steven? Take care of a family, huh? A wife? Get your shit together.”
“Take care of a family?? Are you kidding?” Steve was laughing, but there were tears streaming down his cheeks now as he slammed the chair he’d been gripping onto into the dining room table, “You’re never home, you don’t give a shit about me.”
“Watch your mouth! Ungrateful. I told you Carol. Doesn’t appreciate anything I do for him–”
“I can’t,” Steve threw his hands up as if to shield himself from the words his father was hurling at him, voice thick as he hissed through his tears. Snatching his keys from the hook next to his mom he knew he couldn’t be there anymore.
“Steve, your father doesn’t mean it–”
“I do mean it! Don’t you walk away from me, boy, we’re not done here! I’ve got a flight in the morning and–”
“Yeah? Well gee, dad, have a great trip!” Steve snapped, slamming the door behind him as he left. The tears came more freely then as the hot, sticky summer air hit him, thick and suffocating and too warm. He cranked his BMW to life, speakers screaming as he turned up the volume, and backed out of the drive before ripping down the street toward Tommy’s to steal Jim Hopper’s rig.
Paying no attention to where he was walking, Steve let muscle memory guide him down main street. A light sheen of sweat was clinging to his forehead and brows as the sun beat down on him and his anger faded with each step in the heat. Tommy and Kyle were going to give him so much shit for his community service stint, Steve could already hear them laughing, and he toed a rock into the road. A muttered dammit came forth, eyes still on the ground, but then someone was shouting at him.
“Hey! Watch out!”
Eyes wide, the boy standing in the middle of the sidewalk clearly wasn’t going to move, so you angled your board into the grass and jumped off, hands flying up to grab fistfuls of his shirt as your feet hit the concrete.
“Shit!” he yelped, his own hands grabbing onto to your arms. You stood like that for a moment as if to make sure you were both okay, but then the boy was letting go and pushing himself away from you, threading his fingers through his hair to try and regain his composure. “Watch where you’re going,” he sniped, tone packing more heat than he’d intended.
You scoffed. “Where I’m going?” crossing your arms over your chest you fixed him with a look, “I’m not the one with my eyes glued to the pavement.” Bending down to grab your board, you tucked it under your arm and glared. He was taller than you by at least a few inches, moles chasing along his jaw and cheeks, hazel colored hair messy across his forehead and eyes all warm honey and burnt caramel. He might have been pretty if not for the scowl on his face.
“Pedestrians get the right of way,” he sniped, throwing an arm out toward your skateboard.
“Okay,” huffing a laugh you shouldered past him, but he caught your hand.
“Hey! Where are you going? Shouldn’t you apologize?”
“I’m so sorry,” your voice was sugar and saccharine sweet, but it didn’t match the look on your face as you tossed your board to the ground, “Don’t get run over!”
“Oh nice, really nice!” he yelled after you, and when you glanced over your shoulder to give a wave you laughed at the sight of him. All worked up, hand on his hip, lips twisted into a frown and hair caught up in the heat.
“The nicest!” you called and with a few kicks off the pavement you were gone around the corner toward the gas station for a blue-raspberry Icee, leaving Steve there cursing on the sidewalk with an infuriating curiosity as to who had almost run him over.
SOMETHING INFINITE SYNOPSIS: hawkins, indiana, 1987 – your mom is out of town for the summer on business and she sends you to live with your aunt joyce and her husband jim in hawkins while she’s gone. joyce works at the library and jim is the town sheriff – the kids, will, jonathan and el slowly warm up to you and it’s after you get in with them that you really start to feel at home, but there’s one person who just annoys you to no end. one person you’d love to just boot off a cliff – steve fucking harrington. ♥️ find the rest of the series and more here and find the series playlist on spotify here.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
that power over me | klaus mikaelson x reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
prompt ↪ you and klaus have been in an on and off relationship for almost two years, both still new to the concept of love you try to figure it out together and although the continuous fights should be a sign to end things, you still wake up beside him the next morning. But this time, things were different, you didn't know who or what you were with him after this fight but you wanted to leave.
warnings / other notes ↪ swearing ↪arguing / toxicity??
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"Yet here I am, still standing by for your ultra plan, Niklaus, what is your plan this time?" throwing my hands up in the air "MY PLAN" he yells smashing the table before removing his hand and taking a second to himself "my plan, is for me to know and for you to find out." he mutters before walking off.
"don't fucking walk away Nik" I grab his arm and he spins around "Why Y/n?" he says aggresively.
"Why should I not walk away, when you will just repeat yourself. Why are you even here y/n, you're of no use." he says pulling out of grip before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
"fucking pathetic, YOU'RE PATHETIC NIKLAUS." I yell before storming out of the room in the opposite door. "How am I pathetic, I'M THE HYBRID, ALRIGHT? I CAN'T BE KILLED, NOT BY YOU OR ELIJAH OR ANYONE. YOU ARE ALL BELOW ME." he yells back angrily.
"NOBODY GIVES A SHIT IF YOU'RE A HYBRID EITHER WAY YOU'RE A MISTAKE, AN UNBALANCE OF NATURE" I yell furious with him despite a door being the only thing separating us.
"AS ARE YOU, YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A LESSER VERSION OF MY SIBLINGS." the anger in his voice didn't got unnoticed, but I didn't have a care in the world.
This was a typical Klaus and Y/n fight, a fight that would wake up the Mikaelsons every morning at 6am sharp every month. The slamming of the door would wake them up if it wasn't mine or Niklaus's voice that did so first.
Before I left our house, Klaus rushes in front of me "don't return back tonight. we don't need you, I don't need you. I can prove it so leave." he says through his gritted teeth "I don't need you either, I was on my way out anyway Niklaus, you're starting to look like your father." I say towards him before shoving past.
He jaw drops but not a single word comes out of his mouth, I had only said that line twice in arguments, this time included.
The line 'you're starting to look like your father', although they weren't biological there were so many traits of Mikael's that I saw in Klaus. Sure that line made me seem like the worst person in the world but it doesn't affect me as much as it should.
As I get in my car and speed off I am stopped by the living older brother who stands in front of my moving car causing me to stomp on my breaks. I wind my window down, sticking my head out "you're starting to look like your father." the older brother yells out "yeah? and?" I yell back.
"get out of the car." he yells and I stand out. When it came to the other siblings I had some sort of respect for them, I was mainly scared that they'd tear me limb from limb the only person I had the balls to yell at was the middle mikaelson child.
Walking towards Elijah he chuckles "You know you guys had about another week to fight, or so I presume." he shrugs "Yeah? so?" I ask him "My brother means well y/n. I know you understand that." Elijah tilts his head looking back at my car and then straightening his head looking back at me.
"Well then you'd understand that he's being an unreasonable pain in the ass right now, I don't want to speak to him or even look in the general direction" I say waving my hand behind me.
"yet you'd be back later on tonight... I presume" he hums "no, I'm going back to mystic falls. To be with vampires who won't call me useless even if I do nothing but sit around and babysit their kids." I scoff before storming back to my car "you're looking in that general direction, y/n." Elijah yells.
"because my car is here." I yell back before I buckle in and drive off.
later that night (20 minutes from Mystic Falls)
My phone hasn't stopped ringing for 10 minutes. Reaching for it on the passenger seat I see Klaus's name on my phone.
I ignore it, hitting the red button and tossing my phone back on the chair, I'd be going back to my friends soon. Those were the people I cared about, more than a stupid Mikaelson anyways.
When I finally arrived at Damon's house, I knock on his door lightly hoping that he was still up drinking bourbon and "can i crash?" I ask him half asleep, he looks me up and down "where's the big bad wolf?" he asks "i'm not talking to him." I yawn and Damon nods letting me in "you know your room." he mumbles as I nod walking past him up the stairs, past him room and into mine.
collapsing onto the bed not saying 'hi' or 'hello' to anyone in the home since they were all probably awake.
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the next morning
"hi everyone" i mumble rubbing my eyes as I dawdle into the kitchen opening the fridge "when did you get here?" Stefan asked "last night, I got into a fight with the old man." I cough pulling out a bottle of water.
"old man as in..." Elena says "Klaus, she won't say his name." Damon says causing every to nod understanding the situation im in.
"but you guys always fight, what was new?" Bonnie says as I clear my throat "yeah well, he really fucked me off." I yawn once more before walking back up stairs to get ready for the day.
After my shower, my hair was in a towel. I walk back downstairs and hear a knock at the door "who the fuck, is nobody gonna answer that?" I say looking at the 7 people sitting on the sofas and they all shake their head "fine." I roll my eyes taking the towel off my hair and tossing it to the side on the floor.
I open the door "you know you guys could just open the door more because you live her-" my eyes meet his, Klaus.
The man I ditched not even 24 hours ago.
I hear movement behind me and then footsteps going up the stairs.
Klaus stands before me, he looked like he had been driving all night "I just had to know you were safe." he finally gets out, i know deep down he just wanted to see me because he knew I wasn't coming back when I was ignoring his calls.
"i'm guessing elijah told you." I clear my throat, I wanted to slam the door in his face. The opportunity was there but for some reason a apart.
Klaus nods silently, I had so many words to say to him, so many untasteful remarks yet kind and carefully picked words but I think it was plastered on my face, all the words I wanted to say but couldn't were in my facial expression.
"i know, my words hurt you y/n. i understand." he speaks "you should also know that I meant nothing that I said, not one bit of it." he said. Klaus wasn't a man of apologies, nor was he a man to express his sad nature unless it really affected him.
I step out of the doorway, closing the door due to vampires probably listening in.
"i do love you, you know." he clears his throat "and i want to be with you, more than anyone or thing in the world. It's just hard when you make enemies, some of which you can't seem to keep off your back." Klaus yawned after that sentence.
He usually wasn't a tired person, he stayed up for weeks, months even and he'd still be wide awake which made me wonder why he was so tired right now.
"you have that power over me... you know?" he says looking me in the eye "what power over you?" I ask him "the power to make me drive all night just to see if you were alright, the power to make me feel something that wasn't burning hatred." he smacked his lips.
I had never seen this side of Klaus, the tired and vulnerable side, sure I had seen his tired side but i'd never seen it more than his calm or angry side.
"you have the power to calm me, anger me, tire me out." he chuckles "two years and we still don't know what this is." I sigh "two years, Nik, we've been on and off for two years and we can't even bond together like a normal couple." my melancholy attitude rubbing off on him.
"well then i'll try, if you want to I'll try, alright?" he says taking a step back "Nik you've said that every single ti-" "no, I mean it. More than I've meant anything else, Y/n, I'll try. I'd rather have you in my life than not." he says, his tone almost drastic at the thought of leaving me.
"one more chance, is all I beg." he pleads, I had never heard Klaus beg for something before. I had never seen him genuinely upset over a small thing, vulnerable, it was all a first. A new side I was seeing to him.
It wasn't like I was perfect either, I pulled the 'father' line and some might argue that was worse than anything he said. Sure, I felt bad. But it looked like I didn't need to apologise at this point.
"i've never seen this side to you, even when there is a bunch of witches and vampires who could easily be listening to us" crossing my arms over with a smile "as long as you're hearing me, i couldn't care less." he smiled.
"you're a pain in my ass Mikaelson." I sigh and he sighs in relief, pulling me in for a hug "i do love you." he whispers "I love you too Nik." I chuckle.
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divinctions · 5 months
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Is that Cha Eunwoo ? oh, no, that's Arlo Hwang ! A twenty-seven year old Gaming Content Creator/Streamer who uses he/him pronouns. They currently live in Viña Del Mar, and the character they identify with most is Arataki Itto from Genshin Impact. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
your resident gamer boy with brainrot here only to be loud and wrong / more below
━━━━━━━━━   B  A  S  I  C  S :
full name: arlo haneul hwang ( contreras )
nickname(s): hannie ( by his mother ), lo, lolo
age: twenty - seven .
ethnicity: korean american . korean chilean ( dual citizenship ) .
gender: cis man .
pronouns: he / him .
orientation: heteroromantic / heterosexual .
occupation: youtube gamer / streamer .
language(s) spoken: english , spanish ( valpo spanish ) , learning korean .
career claims: lazerbeam fortnite content, markipliers fnaf content, and quinbobins youtube channel .
aesthetics: glow of a computer screen in a dark room, the sound of someone feverishly typing on a keyboard, and screams of delight followed by hours old monster energy and axe body spray
most replayed song: snooze - sza ( patrick star ai cover )
━━━━━━━━━   P  E  R  S  O  N  A  I  L  I  T  Y  :
absolutely unhinged . speaks without thinking . impulsive . he’s comfortable in his skin, career, and outlook on life which makes him confident beyond belief ( alot of the time unjustifiably so). he’s an idiot and he knows it. anyone can correct him and he won’t say anything, even if it’s a topic he knows like the back of his hand; he just assumes they’re right because he’s really dumb like barely graduated dumb and that’s okay. which means he’s so fucking gullible. it doesn’t even take much to gaslight him, it’s more of a match that won’t strike and he’ll still believe it. truly takes everything at face value. easily gets hyper fixated on his interests and will talk about them nonstop, you don’t have to be listening to him but he’ll yammer on and on; he swears it’s just the streamer effect but honestly he’s just like that. like i said he’s dumb as hell but the knowledge he does retain is all very irrelevant and useless on the grand scheme of things like he couldn’t tell you the right way to use a comma but if you have a few hours for to go over five nights at freddy’s lore he’s excited to share . very kind mainly because he’s not someone who will do well in a fight. his comebacks are limited to ‘ i know you are but what am i ’ and ‘ i’m like rubber, you’re like glue; what you throw at me bounces off me and sticks to you ’. he has to be nice. always has a joke on his tongue that it’s okay not to laugh at because he’ll laugh enough for everyone . over all has very good energy, he’s a go with the flow kind of person, the kind you can call on a whim to go out and he’ll be down. can make the most out of a bad situation and tries to see the positive in everything. that being said though he is dramatic af, but it’s over minor inconveniences like his package is delayed or he’s hungry and his food got delivered to the wrong address. then he’s the biggest baby around. 
━━━━━━━━━    B  A  C  K  G  R  O  U  N  D  :
arlo grew up in a extremely loving family. as the only child with a single mother who worked from him, he wasn’t necessarily spoiled, there were a lot of guidelines he was expected to follow and his mouth often got him in trouble in school, but his mother was always very gentle with him. he had undiagnosed adhd as young as four years old and had no place to expel that energy; he was no good at sports, didn’t have the athleticism for it, it only left him with injuries. but he was restless so his mother decided to introduce him to a variety of video games she was working on the concept art for..
it was a way to get him to settle down and focus on something, and also spend time as a family. he got to learn more about his mother’s job as a concept artist and what sparked her interest in video games and the kind of escape they give. arlo was very bad at them from the start, no matter how long he played or how easy the mode he set himself in, but it never turned him off from the games. he was really attracted to the idea that he could fail however many times he wanted and would still get the chance to try again and correct where he went wrong until he did get it right. or the game took pity on him and pushed him forward anyway.
his mother would go out and purchase a variety of consoles and games to have family game nights that she would use to slowly introduce her new boyfriend to. what started as a weekend thing quickly turned into a nearly every night of the week thing and something he looked forward to the most. At first, the addition of mr. contreras ( the name arlo still calls the man to this day ) bothered arlo to his core. there was a routine he’d fallen into and he loved it. he lived a comfortable life, but him showing up meant nights with babysitters and limited time in front of the tv or in front of his games to be sent to his room or go out on family outings where they’d pretend to a big happy family, but arlo always felt they were just that without mr. contreras.
despite arlo being a dramatic little shit, his step-dad was determined to get on his good side. he worked hard to prove to arlo he was someone he could trust and that he wouldn’t be going anywhere with a beautiful engagement ring to his mother. his soon to be step-dad, a costume designer, would hand make arlo’s costumes for halloween or events where he wanted to be his favorite video game character. it was a process he actually really enjoyed learning about and taking part in. by the time they packed up and moved to chile when arlo was 11 for the wedding, he was beginning to make his own costumes and tailoring his own clothes ( not always the best but he was getting there ).
as he got older his parents interest in the games dwindled as his mother turned to the beautiful mural work of valpo and his step-father focused more on the local theater scene, but they had already created a monster. he tried to connect with his classmates, joined gaming clubs, and online spaces available, but the thing is he’s not very good??? at playing games??? easily confused, has a hard time figuring out controls, and panics at any sudden music change which makes him forgot how to play the game completely because he thinks he’s about to die anyway. his game play style didn’t really mesh well with the people who are very good at games and they figured why let him play if he was only going to die or bring his team down. not to mention he was still adjusting to learning a new language, being in a new country, and missing the time when it was just him and his mother. he wasn’t use to sharing her, and it had always felt like it would be him and her against the world. it’s not that he didn’t like his step-father, arlo just couldn’t adjust to change well. once he was comfortable in a space that’s where he thrived, where he wished to stay. his step-father took that comfortability away and pushed him into something new, and he wasn’t doing so well with new.
like all us lonely, ostracized folks who wanna share a space with people who share like interests, he turned to the internet ! at first, he started uploading on youtube and streaming to get better. he was looking for tips, and hoping others would reach out to help him out. games had become a solace for him when he was growing up, and he hated feeling like he was being torn away from it because he couldn’t find anyone to connect with. what his bad gameplays actually brought him was a community of people who liked that he just enjoyed the game for what it was without worrying about being the best. they laughed when alongside him as he managed to die for the fourth time in ten minutes, they cheered when he managed to win a match by pure luck, and they felt comforted knowing there was someone out being bad at games and having fun with like most of the game players at home. he had created a space for players of any level to just have fun and not have to worry about the pretentious ridicule from others in the community.
after having that realization he completely embraced the brand he unintentionally created and the upward success. his parents are super proud of him and brag about his career all the time. of course, he’s insanely active on social media always posting but he’s especially active in his discord servers and in the comments of his posts because he really does love engaging with his community. he loves collaborating with smaller creators and pushing the notion that gaming should be fun and relaxing. and never cruel.
━━━━━━━━━   H  E  A  D  C  A  N  O  N  S  :
he absolutely ADORES music. could be the adhd but he often has to have it on in the background when he’s playing games no matter what. during his streams he’ll have a 15 minute dance party with viewers to hype himself up before playing. also enjoys learning gg dances and tiktok dances on stream. he’s actually a pretty good dancer too but you won’t catch this man in a class. closest he gets to sweating is when he plays just dance and takes it very seriously, obviously.
sza’s number one fan. if he could uproot his life to become her groupie he’d do it without hesitation.
He’s a cosplayer!!! Very serious about it to, he’s invited to hella conventions to host cosplay contests and has talks with some of the most famous cosplayers in the game. He thinks the craft is really cool and is super proud of the work he does. His current favorite cosplays to do are: Sidon from botw/totk, Childe, Itto & Zhongli from Genshin Impact, Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan, and Tuxedo Man from Sailor Moon.
the gaming chair he has is really just for show, because he stands almost immediately whenever he’s playing games bc he panics. spends a lot of time walking in laps around his room whenever he does something more stupid than usual in game. 
he doesn’t really have “gaming rage” he finds it more funny if anything. that doesn’t mean there’s no shouting, there’s a lot of shouting, it’s just not angry and vile. It’s a lot of laughter and a lot of begging, but whenever he’s playing horror games his spanish comes out. he’s been living in chile for 16 years so the language is second nature to him he just blurts it out very passionately, very terrified. It’s very funny.
absolutely hates horror games, he has a gentle heart, but he also has fomo and a curious mind so he plays all of them that are requested. especially since his fnaf videos skyrocketed his career forward. He actually had a cameo in the fnaf movie as the security guard in the beginning of the movie, and yes his fear was very real and yes it’s one of the coolest thing he’s ever done. 
has a fortnite skin and locker bundle and it’s his pride and joy he loves it so much. Will brag about it whenever he gets a chance, so give him a CHANCEEEEEE.
does not pull at ALL. he simply does not know how, and does not know when anyone is interested in him so he really is just out here spinning like a ballerina with his steam deck in one hand and his switch in the other.
Has a pet turtle named after his queen, his icon, the goddess he preys to: urbosa from the legend of zelda games.
━━━━━━━━━    W A N T E D C O N N E C T I O N S :
A vampire by olivia rodrigo esque plot where arlo is just used for money, status, company ( dont know why youd want that BUT FDKGIJKODFUKHJIS We can plot ), but he’s very gullible so he believed that it was real and it was fine but they only ever came around when it benefited them, never wanted to talk about anything he was interested in or any problems he had was basically just so awful to him and it took him way too long to get the picture honestly UFIJDKSFUFIJSKO
FESTIVAL PARTNER. This would be someone he goes to musical festivals with, like all the festivals. It doesn’t matter where in the world it is or how last minute it is, if there’s a festival they’ll get tickets and catch the flight, rent the car, etc. It’s led them on so many great adventures and they’ve landed in some very funny situations because of it. Just an all around great time.
ROOMMATES !!!! I think its funny if they didn’t know arlo was a streamer when they agreed to move in and so are shocked when he’s not only home all the time but shouting at top volume at 4am. He’d definitely try to convince them to game with him, and try bribes. He’s always ordering food bc he cant cook so at least he’s eating good.
Influence/Celeb/Socialite frenemy. I’d like to see him in a collab contract for a clothing company, or energy drink, or something influencers are paid insane amounts to promote, but they can’t stand each other BKJFGKODUHFIJKOS Arlo is notoriously hard to work with because he doesn’t find the work fun so he pouts a lot until it gets fun and then he can manage but only for a little bit because he’d rather be doing something else so I can see them bickering a lot but at the end of the day they’ll stand up for one another if they think they’re being mistreated.
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sweetgardener · 1 year
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Y’all are fiending for Wally, Goddamn! -------------------------------------------------------------- A: Aftercare | They gonna get you your favorite flavor of juice and something to eat, so you can get your strength back. Also blankets and cartoons. B: Bondage | This is a family friendly establishment so, unless its a blanket burrito, tis a hard no. C: Chase | He’s playful with chasing, very much wanting to give the lee a head start and a fair chance. As a lee, He will fucking sprint away. Ler ain’t getting no chances from him. D: Death Spot | Torn between his ears and his tummy. E: Expression | You know how some cats just. Flop over, tummy up? Wally’s like that. No words, just, come at me. F: Fight | Behavior? He’s p chill about it all, thinks of it as a fun lil back and forth. However, on the days he does feel like winning..He will. G: Gentle | He quite likes them, finds them soothing sometimes. H: Habits | Ler wise, He will use paintbrushes and other painting tools to get at a lee. Lee wise, Just kinda lays there unless he’s feeling particulary sensitive that day. I: Interrogation | Quite well, He’s good at shutting off the ticklish feeling. J: Joy | The fact it can make other’s happy. It’s a form of bonding and closeness to him. K: Killer Move | Mostly sweet words and candy coated nothings. L: Laughter | Gentle and chuckling, soft and fluffy. M: Mornings | Not much of a tickly guy during the morning. N: Nights | Likewise at night. O: Online | I’m not even sure if Wally has a phone to use that isn’t a rotary one. P: Partner In Crime | Barnaby to be honest. Just a funky guy who’s fun to team up with. Q: Question | "Yes, I am” He’s casual about it. R: Role | It’s 50/50 S: Safeword | Either Apple or Apples. T: Teasing | Cheesy words, just kind sweet stuff. Light tickles. U: Unusual | Not really? V: Victim | He doesn’t have a favorite, He loves everyone. W: Word | "Oh? Do you want me to tickle you? Or do you want to tickle me?” X: X-Over | Honestly No clue xD Y: YOU | Havent had any atm. Z: Zones | This is a child friendly establishment, no nsfw
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sparkedblaze · 11 months
Parts 1 and 2
@raggedy-albert tagging you bc you yelled at me ;-;
T/W cursing, talk of violence
"I'll be there"
"Just be real is all I'm askin'."
That's the end of act 1. I only just finished act 1. I pause it too much to type everything out. And also I napped earlier and it felt g r e a t
Finch laying across the table
"Just ask a fish in the desert"
"Why do old people talk?" "To prove they's still alive"
Mush's eyeroll
Squeeze Elmer's shoulder
Tommy snatching the pape from Davey
"There's a headline even Elmer could sell"
"Take it down shortstop"
Albert's look of disgust at being touched without permission
Henry: So?
"When ya fayhmus tha woild is ya erster."
😕 Wot?
"Ya erster"
"What are you saying???"
"O Y S T E R"
"Oh no"
*tucks emotional support stick under arm* "knOBBin WIt AlL DA MuCKeTY MuCks I'M BLowIN MY doUGH AND gOIN dELuxE"
Statue of Liberty
The obscene amount of times Racer sticks his tongue out
Raver ruffling Mush's hair
Davey and Ike playing dogs even after everyone else drops it
Lemme just (bad quality but I can’t clip it ;-;)
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*shoving Kath out of chair*
*cleans off ground with hat*
Albert: Ehhhh Albert: Oh shit that's actually p good
Clapclap clap
"Dear Jack..."
I paused it.
I don't wanna watch anymore ;-;
I wanna pretend they're all still happy and tappin' around Jacobi's
"Guess I wasn't much help yest'aday"
"Oh, yeah, Jack This is Crutchie by the way"
Andrew Keenan Bolger is just so fuckin good
"So far they ain't brung us no fooood..." lol
"Maybe though... heh heh... Not tonight..."
"We miiiight just go..."
Definitely NOT Ike sleeping next to him SHHHHHHHHHHHHH
"Damn this place."
"Your friend Your best friend Your brother Crutchiiiieeeee"
Albert Some other redheaded newsie: "Enough already!"
Everyone looking for Jack
Jack pretending to not be crying
"You're a gem"
"Does it matta?"
"If you're running away, nowhere is ever the right place"
"How about lettin' a pal know you're alive?!" Jack: Ffs 🙄
"Why don't I leave you with your boyfriend?"
They're so close just lean forward a lil and give him a lil smooch
"We're inevitable"
"Fame is one intoxicating potion"
"Yes he did and then he died :)"
Kath's lil supportive nod
"Smart enough to get you committed to a padded room"
"Lighten up, no one died."
"If I wanted a sermon I would show up for church."😠
"Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good."
"Here's how it goes-"
"Jackie think about it"
"poor GUYS head IS SPINNING"
Kath’s amazement at Jack admitting being wrong
“Stay on track”
Spit shake
Davey being disgusted
“And I’ve got a date!!!”
Kath being nervous asf to confront her dad
“The newsies are striking against… me”
Kath trying to melt into her chair
I’m gonna kick Snyder
Kath’s panic when Jack shows up
“Ask and ye shall be received”
S i t
“Good aftanoon bois”
“Aaand which Jack Kelly is this? The charismatic union organizer? Or the petty thief, and escaped convict?”
“Which one gives us more in common? Eh?” *wiggles finger*
“Want i should save ya a spot on the bill?”
B o y
“When New York wakes up to-“ 😗🧐 “-front page photos of our rally”
“Even some reporters”
Why does Pulitzer hit his desk so much? Take a Xan and calm down my guy
I’m gonna kick Snyder pt 2
Morris looking 100% done with Pulitzers shit
“They know I don’t care” 🙂
“Tossed 🫴🏼➰ to the rats🐀 Will they ever be able to thank you enough?💅🏻”
I like that he calls Jack ‘Cowboy’ in this song as a little homage to the original, but (bc I saw Livesies first) I was so confused when I watched it at first.
So ik they only use the newsies to move sets bc they can go fairly unnoticed by the audience when they’re going on and off stage. But just the idea that even if they aren’t actually there with him, them still do everything for Pulitzer is a statement to me
Morris hopp of stairrrrrrs
*bonk bonk bonk* “That there… is firm”
Jacks lil tantrum
TOMMY BRACCO 😍😍😍 (congrutalions on his engagement 😭😭)
Reasons I love Brooklyn (from left to right:
Ty for coming to my Ted Talk
“We’ll getcha payback with some PAY BACK”
Speepy Jack
Spot’s dramatic ass taking his hat off
Everyone else hurriedly taking off their hats
Definitely totally Jack Kelly on that printing press and definitely NOT Devin Lewis
The entirety of the boroughs introducing themselves
Davey’s first spit shake without wiping it off 🥹
Bart’s lil hops 🥺🥺
Jack Jack Jack Jack
Everyone smacking signs against the ground
Racer’s smile 😭😭😭
“That’s was a lousy thing to do” Everyone else: HELL YEAH IT WAS
Elmer’s Graves’ smile
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“He’s a sellout”
Kath plz be more considerate
"A little different from where you were raised?" s n a t c h
"Ya ffffffffADDA"
"a ffffffist in ya mouth"
Finger wiggle
Paper wiggle
"good for you"
"The children's crusade..."
"Oh no"
"Ya just gonna take back lAta"
Gotta be honest, Something to Believe In makes me so irrationally angry. Their whole relationship feels forced and only there for the romance grab :)
I feel like they could've done a lot with Kath's character without making her fall for Jack
Like it makes sense that Jack would feel things for her. She represents this freedom he's never gotten to have. She helped get the newsies a better hand in life. Granted it isn't perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better. Not to mention all the newsies have the emotional range of a speck of dust.
Kath, on the other hand, seems very in tune with her emotions. She knows how she feels about Jack during Watch What Happens, and I personally don't think much changed between them between that and StBI.
I think it would've been far better to have Jack, this emotionally ignorant artist pining after Kath, the 'sure of herself' journalist helping make a better life for his family, despite the repercussions of going against her father, who was originally in it just to further her career but has grown to care for and love all of these kids.
Have I mentioned the projections?
I also haven't mentioned this at all, but I love the newsies that push in Jack's 'penthouse' and just sit at the bottom of the set pieces.
Also seeing Kath deck Jack right here (bc she doesn't know how to respond to him trying to kiss her) would be so much better than a kiss
Don't ask me why, just trust me
Their hug at the end of it though
"We could hold a hoedown in here and no one would be the wiser"
"Hey!" "Hm?" "It's good to have you back again"🥰 "Shaddup."
Darcy's disgust
"B B Bill. So I suppose you're the son of William Randolph Hearst." "And proud to be a part of your revolution"😃
Nicholas Masson rolling his sleeves up-
Can we talk about how perfect a Javey first kiss would've been at "we ain't come this far to lose" without Kath being there
Tommy Bracco
Albert's lil nod
Smalls doing nothing but wiggling that bolt
look look
Spot doing nothing but standing and looking intimidating
Ty 🥰
"Such language"
I didn't know you could throw money in an inherently queer-coded way but here we are
The way Jack sits in the chair and gets confy
"Oh, we're your loyal employees"
Ben Fankhauser
The chorus starting up again and Jack just 👀
Spot taking off his hat again
wavey wavey wavey
Race 'cheers'ing with his cigar
"So what's your next move"
"Joseph Joseph Joseph"
Hummy hummy hummy
Shakes hand "My god"
"I'd do it with a SMILE"
"A soft head"
"He doesn't do happiness does he?"
"I'm young. I ain't stupid"
Wiggle finger
"iT's a CoMprOMIse WE cAn All LiVE WiTH"
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Spit shake
Why does every actor who plays Roosevelt look exactly the same????
"Ya miss me?!" YES😭
Davey swallowing his laugh when Crutchie calls Roosevelt 'your highness'
"Don't sweat it, gov"
"And we're family" YEAH YOU ARE BABY
"show me that backseat I been hearing so much about"
Albert's gimme gimme gimme motion
"G U Y S"
Race's lil hop
"I been I been BUSY"
Jeremy Jordan counting his steps
*incoherent shouting* "NEWSIES OF NEW YOOOORK AYOOOOO"
Tommy being slightly off
Clap clap
Specs falling when they do the lil cartwheels
All their lil hops and bows
Kara Lindsay being a lil early
JJ almost eating it
HYPEHYPEHYPEHYPE- Race, Mike, Ike, and Spot
JJ boogeyin
Kara and Ethan boogeyin
Kara and Jordan hugging
Nick swinging from the set
Ben and Sky doing a handshake and Ben almost knocking Sky over going for a chest bump when Sky wanted a hug
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27thfirefly · 5 days
tagged by @nicomrade to do the type out your url with songs. killing you forever with hammers. im not gonna put anything by the same artist on here either.!
2 - 24 Ghosts III by Nine Inch Nails. yaaay ghosts
7 - 7 Seconds by Youssou N'Dour. this one i havent actually heard before so. yeay new music
T - To A Sea Horse by Moondog. this one i really like just for its atmosphere i forgot how i found it...
H - Hem Of Your Garment by CAKE. The Character song ever imo. this can fit to so many guys that have burrowed into my brain
F - Fight for Me by AlicebanD. THIS ONES VERY GOOD TOO so toxic i love it. ive been wanting to make a playlist centered around this for ages
I - I'm Yer Dad by GRLwood. first i park my car. then i FUCK my car.
R - Rule #18 - Lion by Fish in a Birdcage. dungeon meshi in a like... disgustingly on the nose way
E - Er það un-pc að skera börn í tvennt? by Sucks to be you Nigel. best song about cutting kids in half hamburger or hotdog style
F - Fire by The Prodigy. i tried to avoid the prodigy on here but. um. Oops
Y - Yo Traigo el Boogaloo by El Combo de Pepe. i guess this was in my radio at some point and i liked it enough to save it.? its pretty decent ya
ummm if you wanna do it. if not dont. shugs
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why we all dont' bully the everliving fuck out of anti-maskers the way they claim we do is a mystery to me. in the shitty, rural convenience store down the road i once had someone confront me and ask why i was wearing a mask. i looked them dead in the eye and said, "because i'm fucking ugly." i've been fighting severe depression for close to a decade, but for the brief moment both his face and the face of the cashier who'd just been selling him "road sodas" went ashen...i was grateful i was alive.
covid should be enough to get you to wear a mask. but also please remember that people wear masks all the time for various health reasons. that has been the case for SO long and it's not just related to covid. these are people going through chemo, suffering autoimmune disorders, people with infections...just wear the fucking mask, and protect people who do. if you're struggling to wear them, that's probably for an understandable reason, but you need to reach out and get advice & help for your problem and not act like you're being oppressed. if you don't, can't, or won't wear a mask, you should still protect mask-wearers because they might L I T E R A L L Y have chemo like ur fave nicholas sparks character :(((
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