#landon scott
leetleartgoblin · 5 months
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plague-of-insomnia · 20 days
Watched S3 dub…
Soma: I have mixed feelings…. on one hand I don’t hate him but on the other, it feels like maybe his delivery is really inconsistent?? I’ll have to watch again and see if it was just bc I was focusing on him so much lol… also it seems as if Agni’s VA dropped the fake accent? But he only says two words so could be I’m wrong
Sebastian: Tatum is definitely off his game. I have no love for him as a person but I actually like his Sebastian normally. Maybe it’s bc I personally think this may be Ono’s best Sebastian yet, but I really feel like Tatum is bombing it big time. I already thought so but the fact that he couldn’t even get the shift in tone when Seb threatens Soma makes me doubtful about whether he’ll improve for future episodes…. I really hope he does.
Ciel: Love love love both his VA, honestly. I think his English VA did an especially good job on ep 3 and maybe that’s also why Tatum seems so flat, by comparison.
Cole: I loved how the English VA showed such a dramatic shift from Cole’s persona to his true self. I didn’t like his voice too much initially but seeing this shift made me appreciate how fake the other voice was (intentionally, ofc).
Greenhill: This episode his voice finally struck me as familiar, though I think I had looked him up before and didn’t recognize him… so I need to look at that again. [Ahhh he was Legoshi in the English dub of Beastars! that’s why I recognized him.]
Dub Script: I actually liked the script this time. There is one line I want to look into more and compare how it was translated in the manga’s official english, the official subs for the original Japanese audio, and the dub script and compare to the Japanese manga’s original, because it ties into the missing dialog from ep 4 I’m so mad about, so I’ll make a separate post for that later.
Overall, this episode had me liking the dub more than before, though I still don’t like it as much as some of the previous anime. (Even Clayton’s voice wasn’t so off this episode!) Still, I expect the Japanese will be my preferred partly bc Ono does such a good job with the diff layers of Sebastian in this arc.
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brokehorrorfan · 3 months
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Gutter Garbs has released a Happy Death Day shirt designed by Sam Coyne. Priced at $30, it'll ship the week of April 14.
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robinfrinjs · 1 year
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W Interaction
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chernobog13 · 25 days
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Yes, saucer separation WAS possible with the Constitution-class starships from Star Trek: The Original Series, as demonstrated by this model of the U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1709.
This was described in the series bible for TOS, as well as the writers/directors guides for each season. It was never actually shown on screen due to time and budgetary concerns (heck, they could hardly afford to film a shuttlecraft departing/arriving in the shuttle bay).
Saucer separation was, however, referenced in the Season 2 episode The Apple. Kirk ordered Scotty to do it to save the Enterprise when the ship was caught in a rapidly decaying orbit:
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prettyshon10 · 6 months
🎶 They could never make me hate you 🎶
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enteringdullsville · 4 months
Landon, the Lavender Drewman
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Aesthetic: Pretty
Age: 26 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Triple Arches? I guess I can’t call it a rainbow since it’s monocolor, but that’s what I was going for
Color Type: Violet
Effects: Light Field (Landon creates solid light between his hands and launches it); Laser Light (Landon fires incredibly concentrated light from his fingertips); Dellusion (Landon casts a hyper realistic but still intangible illusion); Fire Worker (Landon projects a firework at the opponent)
Family: Dillon Muthie (Brother); Busaba Muthie (Mother)
Standout Features: Spiky hair, dark eyelids, beauty mark(s), sweater vest.
Rank: A- (Main Character)
Character Bases
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Landon would plotz if he saw most of his older designs. As Landers, he was still highly intelligent, conniving, and camp, but he was defined by his book smarts, hence his old forty forehead. Upping his flamboyant theatrics meant redesigning him to look less…ridiculous, resulting in a haircut that initially evolved to look like if Rudy fought a lawnmower before becoming a more spiky version of Peony’s. His glasses were done away with for the sake of enhanced expressiveness, swapping out for dark eyelids.
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Be Elegant
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userlaylivia · 11 months
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walled-flwr · 2 years
The fact that Harry Styles never sued the charlatan Anna Todd over assassinating his character in her "After" novels is mind boggling.
Styles was 19 when the After 1D fanfictions started blowing up, and in the biggest band on the planet. Maybe he was trying to retain his "cool, charming guy" image, play it for laughs, I dunno
But if an adult was using my likeness in her novel, writing me as an emotionally, physically abusive asshole with serious anger management issues, I'd be very unhappy. To say the least!
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halfpricehorror · 10 months
New episode! This one tackles 2017 time-looping slasher 'Happy Death Day', which is a stylish film but one that's not without its issues. Lots of them.
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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Happy Death Day (Christopher Landon, 2017).
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movie-titlecards · 10 months
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Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
My rating: 8/10
You know, I really love how everybody just went from zero to ride or die in what, to them, is like a day. Like. Physically attacking the Dean of your uni is not only great shenanigans, it also takes a lot of guts, and I appreciate that.
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
someone: *talks shit about my blorbos*
me, in davina claire's voice: YOU DON'T KNOW HIM LIKE I DO!
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hessa-luvs · 1 year
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After We Fell (2021)
You're Just A FaceTime Away Pt. 2
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prettyshon10 · 2 years
Choose Your Player:
Male lead made to endure and uplift the toxic white women in his life; torn down by fanbase when he doesn’t; receives little respect outside of a popular ship; villainized, then killed off unceremoniously and cheaply.
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Male lead hypocritically demonized in favor of propping up his brother; is chastised where said brother is praised; trauma is disregarded; undergoes constant disrespect; never knows peace; spends the final season getting alienated and sacrifices himself (a frequent occurrence) so that his “better” brother can live a full, happy life with his epic love.
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Main cast member unfairly bashed and over-hated by fanbase; loses all agency as a character and used as a traumatic device for someone else; overlooked trauma; disregarded by other characters; made to be selfless to his own detriment; all potential thrown away; written to be at peace with the crap hand he’s been dealt; one of the worst character wrap ups ever done.
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1/2 male lead later minimized in favor of other male lead (his brother); trauma is hypocritically disregarded in favor of other brother’s trauma; importance and value to the show reduced in favor of a non-canon ship; villainized by show and fanbase; lack of personal relationships (instead given to his brother); unresolved storylines; cgi blurry wife.
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Male lead who’s potential is not fully tapped into by writers; over-hated in favor of non-canon ship; fanbase minimizes him in value in favor of multiple white characters; real life actor being unfairly bashed and attacked to this day (not short of taunting him over his mother’s passing); kindness and well meaning nature taken as a weakness and character flaw by fanbase; considered undeserving of his central role; fanbase reimagining/rewriting the show in sole purpose of hating him.
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watching Hannibal for the first time. have decided to consume this media Incorrectly by shipping Will and Jack.
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