#laz reads things
bamboozled-distress · 3 months
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trans rights!
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laz-262 · 4 months
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more doodles as i consume fanfic at a terrifying rate
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lazinesswrites · 2 months
Hey! CrossRex please! Happy writing!
Thanks! Here you go ❤
That, finally, has Hunter looking away from the little clump of inaccessible mineral, to turn on Crosshair. “Taking missions from Cid to survive is not at all the same as blindly following the Empire’s orders.” “Isn’t it?” Crosshair asks, gaze piercing even through the visor, and that— “Omega should be small enough to fit into the crevasse above the support beam,” Tech interrupts. “She can extract the ipsium.”
Find the rules and titles for this week's WIP Wednesday ask game here.
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dispotatorulzz · 2 months
I don't post wips enough anymore here's something of Viv and Vex, deciding if I want to put thier pony clothes on them or not . I feel like the coats look wacky in this one and I mean. What's a little bit of unsafe practices in the office (not like they gaf /lh)
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Also I love seeing the comparisons between my original first sketch to get the idea down and my second "ok time to try and make this make sense" I draw faces alot better quickly than I do bodies and thats interesting to see I think !
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lazitoelgato · 7 months
(this is about FeiSaru the ship)
Lately I've been drawing so many emotional issues between them, yes, that's great and I love doing it, I love talking about how rotten and at the same time beautiful the relationship is but sometimes I feel like I'm hurting myself doing that, it's stupid, I know.
If artblock allows me, I would like to draw comfort, not a single measly thought in their heads, just a lot of comfort, warm, cozy things, they being clingy, stupid, in love, HAPPY.
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acecasinova · 1 day
Things I'd like to get done yesterday:
Break down recycling boxes✨️
Load/run dishes✨️
Clean out fridge✨️
Take out trash ✨️
Make a choker
Pick at office organization
Sketch (probably Laz)✨️
Work on actual OC page
Try to contact dentist ✨️
Draino the shower bc oops that's where I yarfed
Clean for cleaners✨️ (mostly)
Riz gun texture??
Rp posts (maybe today, who knows)✨️
Pick up clothes✨️
Laundry (wash) ✨️
Laundry (fold) ✨️
Cat snuggle breaks thus far: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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this flopped on reddit so i hope y'all like it more
So, hi. It's been a very long while since I've talked about my OC Vault Hunters here, and, well... things have changed. And I'm better at wording things.
Here's my... well, I wouldn't say propositions, more like full blown concepts for the entire BL4 VH team.
First thing: there's 8 classes, and not 4. The Watcher did say we'd need as many as we can get.
In my head, 6 of them are base-game, and the last two are DLC. Coincidentally, the last two are mechanically unusual classes compared to the rest of the team (and even to the rest of the Vault Hunters across games), and happen to essentially be multiple people in one playable character - to keep the gender balance, you see: the team already consisted of two dudes, two dudettes and two buddies before I realized I wanted to add more, so the last two are "multiples".
Second thing: I am a lore guy, so I know barely anything about game balance... but I do know some things about game design, and I do in fact have played these games (wow!), so I'd like to think I know what I want to see in these games... BUT I can't escape bias, and I love the way TPS skilltrees were designed, so if you don't like skilltrees encouraging you HEAVILY to use a very specific weapon type, this is probably not the post for you.
Third thing: This is going to be long, but I tried to make it as readable as possible.
Fourth thing: I will be using the BL3 multiple action skill/augment system here, since I like it a lot.
With that out of the way, let's actually get into it.
Lazarus as the Prodigy
Once an urchin scrambling for zir life in the alleyways, now adopted child and protege of the most notorious powercouple in the galaxy (Alistair Hammerlock and Wainwright Jakobs, if it wasn't obvious by zir Jakobs-style attire). Also, ze likes bugs.
Key Words: Sniper, "Soft" Melee, Non-Elemental, Bleed/Stun
Action Skill: Sheer Focus - essentially, an activated gun boosting ability similar to Fade Away, but instead of automatic criticals, it grants Laz the ability to focus shots for a duration. Focusing - or rather, charging - takes a bit of time, but when focused to the maximum, it can do insane damage. The catch is that the "Focus Bonus", even when charged to the max, will be divided by both the pellet count of the weapon and the burst-fire count if it has one, meaning you are heavily encouraged to use those good ol' semi-autos.
And let's not even talk about what happens when you use a fully automatic...
Gimmick: Swappable melee overrides. Each tree has one "starter" override, and additional ones are unlocked the further you go down the tree.
Sheer Focus has a long cooldown and pretty much just exists to boost damage - the overrides are where the real utility is, and are usually available more often. It's sort of like a secondary action skill that you don't really sacrifice a button for.
Do you want to reflect enemy fire with a single stroke of a rapier? Do you want to throw gunpowder in their face and watch them explode when you shoot them? Or maybe take out a banjo and smack them on the head? Lazarus can do all of that.
Additionally, Laz has two other somewhat unique things that aren't unique to specific skill trees:
something called Deadeye Skills, which trigger on crit (or crit-kill, if it's a Deadeye Kill Skill) and are grouped up in a manner similar to Fl4k's Hunter Skills.
great usage of bleed and stun status. Bleed is the same as it was in TPS, a non-elemental damage over time effect. Stun disables the enemy, preventing them from moving or attacking - for obvious reasons, badasses and bosses cannot be stunned and will simply take a bit more damage if they would be stunned by an attack.
Skill Trees: You're in luck here, because I actually made a full detailed skill tree for the Prodigy already. Read it here if you like walls of text.
If you don't, here's a summary:
Green Tree: Legacy - Critical hits. Loads of Deadeye Skills. Major bonuses to Sheer Focus. Not much to say here.
Red Tree: Tradition - Gun damage, heavily favoring non-elemental weapons. Get those FAT one-shots, as the slogan says.
Blue Tree: The New Path - Melee focus. Staying on the move, weaving melee strikes between gunshots, and the bleed/stun status effects I mentioned above. Maybe it's not fair, but who really cares when you can make your enemies into but a fine red mist.
Bartholomew as the Butler
An old model of Jakobs brand butlerbot, deactivated many years ago and only recently turned back on by an unknown variable. Took up vault hunting as a means of... venting his frustrations, so to speak.
Key Words: Berserker, "Hard" Melee, Support, Health Management
Gimmick: Everyone else has a skill-related gimmick, so Bartholomew's gimmick is not having one. Let me know if you can think of one for him.
Action Skills:
Gearshift - fully heals the player and reloads all weapons. Grants a movement and weapon swap speed buff for a short time afterwards
All Out Attack - a large dash with a punch at the end. Has multiple charges. Can be cast multiple times on the same enemy or chained to others.
Overclock - large damage and fire rate buff at the cost of constantly taking damage.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Servitude (Gearshift) - A very strange twist on a support tree. Servitude has an entire swathe of team support skills, all of which activate on (mostly) controllable actions such as reloading a gun or reviving an ally. The thing is, upon these buffs activating, Bart takes health damage.
Red Tree: Rage (All Out Attack) - Melee damage, with a focus on increasing melee speed, taking/healing/ignoring damage, not having a shield and mashing that V button into oblivion.
Blue Tree: Restraint (Overclock) - Remember Nisha's Order? This is basically that, to 11. Upon losing a percentage of health, Bartholomew will gain a Restraint stack. Stacks give a variety of buffs, and can even be spent for certain triggered abilities.
Scylla as the Siren
A member of Junpai-7's pirate royalty, disgraced from her home when she became a Phasesight siren. For many decades, she's been wandering the galaxy as a hermit wizard of sorts, and now in her old age she returns to find the Vault, in hopes of preventing some sort of war that she foresaw.
Key Words: Siren, Shock Damage, Crowd Control, Mobility~~, Discount Spellshot~~
Gimmick: Can equip two action skills at once at the cost of sacrificing her grenade slot. Unlike Zane, she has no real way to use grenades, because who needs them when you can electrocute your enemies to death with your bare hands?
Her skill trees also contain (sometimes radically different) variants of the tree's main skill just like Amara, so you can really customize your setup.
Action Skills:
Phasemancy - mind controls an enemy, making them fight for you for a reasonably long duration. Also makes them invincible, though they die instantly when the effect ends. Badasses and bosses can't be mancied, for obvious reasons.
Phasestasis - spawns a large dimensional field, slowing down everything in its radius for a medium duration and causing shock status. Can be re-cast in a different place as long as it's active, but you can't spam-move it.
Phasebolt - a simple shock damage projectile that is precise and deals high damage. Multiple charges.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Clairvoyance (Phasemancy) - Mind and some battlefield control, with a bit of sniping for brainy flavor - but rather than using sniping for damage, you'll be using it for utility. Tons of status effect bonuses. Stealing enemy shields and staying ahead of the battle's speed by manipulating it.
Red Tree: Storm Terror (Phasestasis) - Mobility, with a little twist. Rewards not just moving fast, but also staying airborne, jumping, sliding and whatnot. Double jump. Sprinting and shooting. Amp shots for free.
Blue Tree: Wizardry (Phasebolt) - Action skill damage spam, and rewards for doing so. The main deal of this tree is Flow stacks, gained upon using action skills. At base, they don't do much aside from bonus Shock damage - the deal is, you can spend them for other things. Electromagnetic flight, ignoring FFYL and various techniques too strong for those not versed in the arcane arts.
Samuel as the ~~Problem~~ Primordial
Before the incident, he was just a normal Tediore employee working in R&D. Now, he is a vessel of the Vault Monster Uyrru, a locust-like ancient horror. He seeks the Vault both for his "other self", and to figure out what the f/ck is going on.
Key Words: Wildcard, Radiation Damage & Status, Survivability/DR, Ammo Economy, Armor
Gimmick: In a manner similar to Moze, Sam has only one Action Skill, which at base does almost nothing aside from disabling all means of attack. But when you equip Mutations onto it, that's when it gets interesting.
Action Skills: Transform - turns Samuel into his Vault Monster-ish form. As said above, at base it only gives some damage reduction. But when considering Mutations, one can turn Samuel into a:
pestilent master of disease, spawning hordes of bugs from his body.
miniature black hole, hovering over the battlefield and emitting huge waves of radiation.
feral creature, slashing at the enemy with humongous claws.
variety of other things.
Transform does have augments too, but they are not specific to a certain Mutation.
Skill Trees: I have a full skill tree for him as well... but it's still a heavy work in progress, so I won't be sharing it here just yet. Here's the summary:
Green Tree: Resourcefulness - Ammo/grenade stuff. Unlike Moze's tree, this one actually somewhat encourages reloading. Instead of gaining ammo in your mag, Samuel simply picks up more ammo from pickups or even gains back a bit of a weapon's mag when he reloads. Sometimes you need to make most of what you get instead of summoning it out of thin air.
Red Tree: Eldritch Potential - Radiation damage and utility tree, with a bit of splash. Curiously enough it encourages Samuel to get statused, and keep rad status on enemies. Power at a price. But you do get immunity to Radiation!
Blue Tree: Perseverance - Survivability tree. Not that special, aside from the fact it tends to give DR instead of the usual health/shield capacity like most survivability trees. Tends to be more effective the closer to death you are. Also, allows you to gain armor, because it'd be funny to have a VH with three health bars.
Val as the Fanatic
Former member of the CoV, Valor was given the role of Saint of Sparks and Honor. Even after the Calypsos fell, they try to find spiritual guidance and enlightenment in the Vaults. Half blind, has taken a vow of silence and speaks through a floating drone which follows nearby and relays messages through neural uplink.
Key Words: Splash Damage, Support, Healing~~, BIG DAMAGE ALL THE TIME FOREVER~~
Gimmick: Has the option to equip two grenades at once, which synergizes extremely well with their skills, as many of them activate on grenade thrown.
Action Skills:
Battle Prayer - somewhat minor team gun stat buff, but lingers for a reasonably long time.
Dodge Roll - exactly what it sounds like, gives i-frames. Does not trigger "action skill start" effects, not that Val has any of those in their skill tree.
Deep Pockets - forsakes an Action Skill entirely for the ability to equip two grenade mods.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Spirit (Battle Prayer) - A variety of team-wide support skills that reward the team for actually sticking together and helping one another. Buffs Val themselves too, of course. Has a few health restoring abilities as well.
Red Tree: Faith (Dodge Roll) - Insane fire rate! Mag sizes that would make Moze weep! Melee damage! All for the low low price of your enemies' lives and all of your accuracy! Vault-Gods, take the wheel!
Blue Tree: Piety (Deep Pockets) - Splash damage, especially grenades. Mostly focused on radius and spamming rather than the splash damage itself being big. Insert Holy Hand Grenade reference here.
Alkimia as the Trooper
A mysterious, brooding woman who defected from an elite, secretive cyborg division of the Maliwan army upon being ordered to kill civillians. Is a poet-philosopher with an unusually calm demeanor for her line of work.
Key Words: Corporate Soldier, Elemental Damage, Status Effects and Interactions, Versatility, Gadgets/Utility, Mild RNG
Gimmick: May swap the element of her Action Skill, similar to Amara. Defaults to Corrosive, but can be changed to Cryo or Incendiary with enough skill point investment.
Action Skills:
Asclepios - a hovering drone shaped a bit like a snake which flies at enemies and attacks them with its elemental beam.
Reaction Globule - Alkimia throws a big ball of elemental sludge that bounces around and deals damage.
Traversal - dashes/teleports Alkimia forward like a Maliwan Flash trooper, dealing action skill damage to anything in her path. May ragdoll weaker enemies at the endpoint.
Skill Trees: I am also working on Alkimia's skill tree. Trying to figure out something really neat. Here's what I got so far.
Green Tree: Catalyst (Asclepios) - Elemental damage and status effects, with a small twist. Instead of just applying status, you want to combine status effects and react them with one another. Burn them with corrosive damage, electrolyze their skin, or abuse the laws of thermodynamics to combine Cryo and Incendiary.
Red Tree: Evolution (Reaction Globule) - General damage, with some Claptrap-esque randomness. The joke is that evolution is an organism trying to gain advantage in an unfavorable environment, and in this case the organism is the player. You better own a variety of guns. That's the price of experimental tech.
Blue Tree: Adaptability (Traversal) - Utility and some survivability (mostly elemental focused). Almost all of the passive bonuses in this tree change either with Alkimia's Action Skill Element, or with the conditions present on the battlefield.
Kat & Dawg as the Partners in Crime
A one-for-two Vault Hunter deal, Katherine and her tink wife Desmond have been sharpening their teeth (and blades) on heists big and small for ages, with Kat being the brawn and Dawg the mastermind of their operation. However, when they caught wind of the Vault, they immediately embarked on their biggest heist ever, the one that might just set them up for life.
Key Words: Pet Class, Inventory Management, Incendiary Damage, Stuns, Mild RNG
Gimmick: As said above, these two are a package deal, do not separate. While the player controls Kat, Dawg just piggybacks on top of her, occasionally commenting on combat or story beats.
The real deal is when these two enter combat. Kat may deploy Dawg with the action skill button, and the latter will stay deployed until she dies or is picked up. If she dies, she respawns back on Kat's back ready to be deployed again, somewhat similar to Fl4k's pets.
While Dawg is on the field, Kat can use her own action skill. (If Dawg dies, she can't, until Dawg is redeployed anew!) She has three, just like most others, but which one she equips also determines what kind of weapon Dawg will be wielding in combat.
Action Skills:
Trust Throw - summons Dawg back to Kat, then she immediately throws her back into the battlefield with a damage boost for a short time. Enemies hit ~~by THE TINK CANNONBALL~~ are stunned. Also heals Dawg back to full, because.... the power of love, or something.
Whirl 'Em - Kat gets out her trusty scrap-axe and spins it in a manner similar to the Brrzerker from Wonderlands, but with incendiary damage instead.
Mystery Bag - Kat takes out Dawg and her's bag of loot, and checks it for anything useful. The pool of what she can find is around 20ish different items with various small beneficial effects: free grenades that are thrown immediately, health hypos or even ancient Eridian doohickeys.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Battle Bond - Buffs the living daylights out of Dawg, and makes it more rewarding + easier to coordinate your movements with her. Pretend you're playing co-op in solo!
Red Tree: Destruction of Property - General damage, mostly in incendiary form. Rewards hard hitting weapons and attacks, maybe with a melee strike in there or two. A few kill skills for good measure.
Blue Tree: Larceny - Damage buffs and other benefits... dependent on picking up loot, eridium and cash. Gives a new meaning to the word "shloot". Additionally, a few "underhanded tactics" such as lowering vendor prices and increasing backpack space (to fuel a damage buff scaling off the fullness of your backpack). Think Timothy's Free Enterprise, but even weirder.
The Triad
Actually a trinity of Guardians inhabiting a nanobot swarm body, a corporate experiment at controlling these ancient constructs gone wrong. It tries its best to get along, and find itself in this strange world.
Key Words: Stances, Jack-of-All-Trades
Gimmick: In lieu of an action skill, the Triad switches between its three constituents - Supplicant (highly loyal to the Eridians, to the point of fanaticism), Seeker (neutral, but also the most sapient) and Sorcerer (Vault Monster cultist, corrupted by their influence eons ago) - in a way similar to stances in other games.
The switch itself does nothing, unless a certain skill is specced into that provides a short burst of beneficial effect when it occurs. However, a lot of the Triad's skills have different effects, elements or drawbacks depending on its current stance.
Action Skills: Spirit Switch - see above for details.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Supplicant - Focuses on team support, usually at the cost of damage. Can still reliably solo, however, thanks to having crowd control options.
Red Tree: Sorcerer - Focuses on pure damage, usually at the cost of survivability. Has elements of health management, as no price is too great for dark power.
Blue Tree: Seeker - Focuses on survivability and utility. Fairly scrappy, can manage ammo and identify enemy weaknesses.
Closing Words
I hope you all enjoyed this little creation of mine. I'm not... really sure what else to say here besides I love this series, and I love making things for it even more.
If you're curious what these Vault Hunters might look like, I drew all of them a while back.
Thank you for reading, and if you have any feedback regarding these concepts, or maybe your own fanmade Vault Hunters, feel free to comment.
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i dont know why i had this idea but: sentient batmobile.
imagine just going up to dc and being like:
sentient batmobile. reason: funny.
honestly tempted to do that tbh
more imagining under the cut bc this is gonna be lonnggggg
so. bruce would build it bc hes lonely and wants friends but is too broody to try and make them. dont ask my logic pls but yeah batmobile would be friend
alfred would simply sigh and be nice to it bc like,,,first granchild technically. if tony stark can claim FRIDAY and DUM-E as his children the Batmobile can be bruces child ok
i honestly dont know the right characterisation for dick as a kid anymore but imma assume he felt a little off-center, especially if bruce treated the batmobile like his kid bc yknow,,,new older sibling but its an AI fr. however hed probably end up trying to wheedle the mobile to let him drive even when bruce said no. and the batmobile would install seatbelts all by itself bc tiny child.
once again my view of jason is,,,kaleidoscope but based on the "innocent nerd child" hed be freaked out at first and not know how to deal but would eventually start reading books in the batmobile in his free time bc "the batmobile shd learn too". the batmobile would also be the second to gain his favor after the whole laz pit thing, as alfred would obviously be first.
tim would just be intrigued and the two would debate about electronics and the morality of AI's(fun way not problematic way) and yeah
damian would probs try to kill it at least once but eventually would join dick in his wheedling ways
cass would be a little weirded out bc its a car, so not rly any body language but theyd probs just end up mutual existence-like
and steph would so use the fact that the batmobile sees like 90% of what goes on
babs would be the same as tim
and duke would just chill
i dont rly know any other batfam im sorry T-T
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positivexcellence · 2 years
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Jensen Ackles clarifies longstanding Marvel rumor: 'Did I audition for Captain America? No, I did not'
Jensen Ackles finally got his shot to play Captain America. That is, the Captain America of the world of The Boys.
In season 3, Ackles stars as Soldier Boy, a supe modeled after Marvel's First Avenger but who is really anything but. He'll be making his debut when Amazon Prime Video's superhero satire returns June 3.
Many fans have pointed out that Ackles, a veteran of the CW's Supernatural, once auditioned for the role of Cap, which ultimately went to Chris Evans, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That's what they believed for many years, and that's what has been peddled around the internet. Ackles, however, confirms to EW that while he may have been in contention for a brief time, it was so brief he never actually auditioned.
"Did I audition for Captain America? No, I did not," Ackles says during a sit-down interview for EW's The Boys season 3 cover shoot. "I don't necessarily know, was that an auditioning kind of a thing? I feel like they just met with people on that."
Ackles further clarifies that he "never got the opportunity to even talk to anybody" about the Cap job because of his busy schedule.
"I was not available, anyway. So, I don't think they were going to work around my schedule. Doesn't seem like a kind of property that would do that," he continues. "I would've loved to have been in the mix on that because Chris [Evans] and I used to go against each other for quite a bit on a lot of different things back in the day. But, unfortunately, I didn't get to fight him on that one."
Ackles feels like he at least gets his shot now with Soldier Boy.
In the universe of The Boys, supes are not born, they are made. The Vought International corporation created a serum, Compound V, that grants people superhuman abilities. They injected babies with the pharmaceutical advancement and later sold their legion of grown supes as God's chosen heroes. Soldier Boy was the very first superhero Vought packaged for the masses.
"It's Captain America on his ass," Ackles says. "It's as if Captain America gave up super-heroism and was just your drunk and inappropriate uncle."
Soldier Boy led Payback, Vought's first premiere team of superheroes, who were active during World War II. But the Boys crew — Butcher (Karl Urban), Hughie (Jack Quaid), Kimiko (Karen Fukuhara), Frenchie (Tomer Capone), and Mother's Milk (Laz Alonso) — encounter him in the present day.
He's kind of like Evans' time-displaced super-soldier. He's even got a shield. He's just a total a--hole.
According to Ackles, "He's old school. He's from an era that is being close to forgotten, a time passed. He was World War II. He partied with Hefner in the Playboy mansion. This was just a different type of character. And he certainly represents, I think, a lot of that toxic masculinity that is so deeply rooted in a lot of what our society feels."
The Boys premieres the first three episodes of season 3 on Amazon June 3 before moving into a one-episode-a-week release.
Read our cover story on The Boys here.
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bamboozled-distress · 3 months
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Alfred ready to fuck up nightwings kneecaps so that he can’t leave till hes healed properly is probably one of the only good things that came out from war games 😭 and this is probably the most in character thing that’s come from anyone in the entire event
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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Batgirls #16 makes more sense in lieu of the news the series will be ending with #19. It's a rare one & done issue, but not necessarily one.
In all honesty, prior to the news on Friday, I figured this was writers Michael Conrad and Becky Cloonan paying homage to both Cassandra and Stephanie's ongoing runs by doing a one/done but really a single issue building off what came prior.
Really this issue is a culmination of seeds planted since the very beginning.  It's kind of satisfying in a way seeing story beats from the early issues paid somewhat off in creepy ways.
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This puppet Jason has haunted me since I read the issue and IT SHALL HAUNT YOU NOW TOO!! 
Namely, the opening "salvo" of the Mad Hatter showcases what Mr. Greene was doing all the way since #1 (but really we saw all the way to #9).
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Now seeing the creepy doll in #9 makes more sense with what he was commissioned with, and a bit of a payoff that yes Steph was right.  Just Greene was someone who developed something rather creepy for the supervillains of Gotham (akin to the Carpenter).
It's a neat little bit where Gotham gonna be Gotham and even working on creepy dolls for the bad guys wasn't gonna protect him from other monsters Gotham had (aka Mr. Fun).
If anything, I'm a bit surprised this wasn't further connected, but I'll base my theory anyway that Jervis targeted the Batgirls with this elaborate scheme because they took out his student. Charles Dante aka--
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It is a nice way to circle things all the way back to then besides Greene. But that's my personal theory.
Suffice it to say I did enjoy Neil Googe's art for this story because of the creepiness of the dolls and his style helps bring the monstrous twist all the better.
Again, Conrad and Cloonan have been showing Hatter has been using various stuff (again making me wonder given Spellbinder's modus operandi was the same).
Taking stuff (namely Hatter’s mind tech and Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin) and warping it for his own cocktail twist. I mean the clues are all there.  Hatter used Lazarus Resin and this issue uses a Man-Bat formula on a Batgirl to make her a Girl-Bat.
I'm a bit surprised at the choice because Cass did have a history with Man-Bat (in the ye old Batman & the Outsiders by Frank Tieri). So I figured if anyone was going to be a Girl-Bat it is her this issue.
But nope the recurring theme this series has been is Steph is the one who's gonna suffer. I mean literally, she's been doused with the brew Tutor/Spellbinder had made. She got tortured and "killed" then had the Laz Resin used on her. This issue--
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I mean I get it. But dang Steph's been put thru a ringer in this series. The fact that she's still willing to go after ALL this has happened to her is astonishing. It almost makes me wonder...
If the whole point of this, makes Steph retire. That this DC's way to give her this moment but step aside. I really don't want that but man there's got to be a point to put her thru ALL OF THIS. That said--
-- I loved this. Because one it harkens to something Cass has been doing throughout her career. She speaks to monsters.  Treats them fully as humans still even given their deformities and conditions.
She did it with Mr. Freeze (Batgirl Vol. 1). Man-Bat (Batman & the Outsiders). Clayface (Detective Comics). Orca (DC: Doomed & the Damned).
I think it's VERY telling this is Conrad and Cloonan having Cass relive a BAAAAD moment in her life in losing Basil here and being like, "NOPE! THIS ISN'T GOING DOWN LIKE THAT!"
It all feels waaaaaaaaaaaaay too similar in how this issue plays out to how it played out in Tec.
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I mean we literally have Babs in this issue in the SAME EXACT POSE as Kate did in Tec with both having a sniper rifle. Just that this time-- Cass FOUND THE WAY.
It proves Cass was right back then and it feels justified in a way that yes she could've talked Basil out back then. Instead of you know--
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I also think that's been the greatest problem DC has been skirting away from. You have these two characters with SO MUCH HISTORY. You had Basil remain good for a period even after that and turn him evil on a whim.
Not have ANY payoff with Cass seeing this? Come on DC. Break our hearts dammit!  You literally gave Tynion's Tec run an Omnibus and various trade forms. If you can revisit the overrated rubbish Hush story you can revisit this story!
Back to this one. I really did like the simplicity of this issue where it's all about the "little" things. Things we as readers picked up on and get nods to the past of prior Batgirl volumes (or issues from this) and payoffs.
But the biggest one besides the connection to Tec this issue had was again a connection to Batgirl Vol. 1 I saw NO ONE pick up on. I kept it silent until this moment.
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I mean someone did catch the nods to the way Cass thought of Steph during the Andersen Gabrych run. That was a neat detail.
But here's mine I caught.  At the end, we had this mention from the narrator (and I'll fully admit it. THIS WAS THE BEST NARRATION this series has given us. It ADDED to the emotion of this issue). That Cass was by Steph's side the ENTIRE TIME.
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Just like Steph stood by Cass's bedside after she had to deal with the Shiva groupie in Batgirl Vol. 1 #26.
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That's a deep cut, but a nice one that had me all:
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Again, this issue had LAYERS of stuff that I enjoyed.  Which is all the more reason the news this past Friday is so 💔because since #9 the series has been clicking until #14 where it just unleashed that salvo of goodness.
Yes, it's baiting us. I'll fully admit but in a way it reminds me of what creators said akin to Tim/Cass back in the mid-00s that now fully relates to Cass/Steph here.
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Cass/Steph literally do act like two people in love with each other who haven't accepted it yet. Well, Cass we know did in #15 but I think this is the first real acknowledgment that Steph gives to Cass this issue.
Will we get SOMETHING in these next remaining issues? Who knows. But I really enjoyed this issue and what it gave us. Just connecting so many dots to this current run and of Batgirl stories' past.
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theallenshorefangirl · 5 months
Savior of Lost Hope Chapter 4
(Chapter warning blood,guns,abuse, and true tragedy in this chapter,readers beware)
As the group progressed through the maze,they all finally escaped that awful thing. “I thought that maze was never gonna end.” Lucas said out of breath as he shot the last inkblot in the area.”Tell me about it.”Virginia stopped and brushed gravel dust off her dress.”Come on, the entrance to the mansion is up ahead!”
Rosemary's wings switched from organic to a more radio wave frequency.”Careful though the Rainbow chemical,it must be strong in there.” Max was about to kick the door open but it opens on its own.”Woah this place is huge!” Virginia runs past the group and spins at the center of the room.Her fancy Victorian style ghostly dress swishes and sways on the ground.”Spider Lilies to Radio Waves do you read me,is everything ok,over” it was Lazaro,Jerico's brother.”I read you loud and clear Spider Lilies.” Rosemary spoke softly into the radio.”Making sure this worked Over.” “Roger that.Over” Lucas chimed in.They all scattered the whole basement and first floor of the place.It was huge.”We could be lost for hours,and still couldn't find them.” Virginia stopped to catch her breath.
They heard clicking and scraping of something strange hitting the floor,which caused a fear to rise in the small group.They turned around and could see from the top of the stairs a yellowed eyed figure trying to fly,but they all could see his wings were dripping hot asphalt and they all went to go after him but he quickly disappeared.”Was that Allen?” Max huffed.”Definitely him.” Rosemary chimed in.”Well looks like our Icarus was trying to fly to either the skyroof or what looks like a bedroom on the third floor?” Virginia found a blueprint mockup of the house.”Let's go Desmond could be in there too!” They all raced to the third floor and searched the rooms.The radio went off again.
”Dragon's Breath to Tango Flash,Do you copy?” It was Jerico this time.”Copy,something wrong over on your side?” Lucas sounded genuinely worried.”Well I just wanted to make sure you're ok…seen anyone yet?” Lucas took a sigh of relief.”Yeah actually we saw what we are assuming was Allen.” “That's good,I know a certain someone would be happy to hear that news.” Jerico took a sip of a cup of hot chocolate. “Where is Sorrowful Moondust at?” Lucas asked.”She's been asleep since we got here,she's been laying on the cold floor next to Allen's cot.” “As long as you and the others are ok I'll stay strong,use the radio again if you're in trouble or need to check up on us Jer.”Lucas gained a strong confidence boost.”Copy that Tango Flash.Over and Out.”
Rosemary's eyes widened and slowly turned to Lucas.”Wait Zoe is asleep!? Oh no this is my fault!” She began to panic.”What do you mean?” Lucas's eyes widened.”When Jerico,Lazaro and Zoe came over just as we were heading in,and Z said she was having trouble sleeping and I think I gave her a heavy dose of sleeping medication and she could be in here with us…somewhere.” She bit her nail as the radio wings flickered in a panic.
She grabbed the radio.”Jerico this is bad!? You said Z was asleep!?” “What happened to using radio code names?” Jerico responded.”Well I forgot I gave Z some strong sleeping medicine and she could be in here with us,I need you to attach a heat monitor sticky strip and place it on her wrist,we don't need her going into a bad situation and not know where she is!?” Rosemary said in a panic.”Oh great of all the things she's gonna make me worry more about the poor thing.” Lazaro placed a blanket on Z.”Me and Laz will keep an eye on her.” “Thank you both.We gotta go, talk later.” Rosemary clicked off the radio and handed it back to Lucas.
“So there's an unattended person somewhere…Allen go get her.” Allen nodded and dived into an asphalt puddle, Desmond you go and greet the guest.A well dressed male walks out of the shadows as his four white wings dripping Rainbow chemical spread out.”Of course Agent Rainbow.”
It was Desmond,his eyes were black with a red scalea,and his gold rim glasses gleamed in the light.Rainbow disappeared with a huff.The room the group was in goes pitch black and they hear a click of heels of some sort.”Ladies and Gentlemen,please give him a round of a pause your one and only therapist.” Rainbows' voices boomed through the mansion.”Desmond Wales!” Standing on the top of the stairs was Desmond.”Desmond is that you?” Virginia piped up.”Well why won't it be me?” He sounded offended by the comment “Well you look like him but Doc never had any red irises.” Max huffed,the cuffs clacked on his horns*
Desmond Looked at the two.”Where did they go,the radio angel and the cyclops.” His tone of voice shifts from calm to bitter and serious.”We don't know they were just with us a few minutes ago.” Virginia squeaks hiding behind Max.”Yeah honest truth.” Max huffed, almost grabbing the shotgun from his back.Desmond scanned the room before giving Virginia and Max a look of annoyed anger and flew off.”Oh no.” Virginia gave a worried look to Max.”Oh no indeed.” Max seemed nervous.”Oh where are my manners?Inkblots show our guests some gratitude.” Desmond laughed as his voice became quiet.Max and Virginia pulled out their weapons as Inkblots surrounded them.”Max…I'm scared.” Virginia clutched her mirror shard sword.”Stay strong Virginia,we must not give up now!?” Max loaded his shotgun up with fire bullets and held his ground.
Rosemary went looking for either Desmond or Allen and had Lucas look for Zoe.”Dragon's Breath to Tango Flash any luck finding her?” Jerico sounded worried.”Negative can't find her anywhere.” Lucas was becoming deeply concerned and very worried.”I'll update you if I find her alright Dragon's Breath?” He waited for Jer's response.”Alright Tango Flash,over and out.” The radio clicked off.”Over and out.” Lucas mumbled quietly.He then felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck as shielded shooting inkblots shot at him.”Alright you bastards bring it on!” He pulled out his sniper loaded with special green radio bullets that exploded when activated with his modded radio.Rosemary was running around trying to find any of the boys but ended up back in the main entrance of the mansion,and found herself tearing up.The scorched floor from Max's fire bullets and torn and blood stained fabric pieces from Virginia's dress didn't look well to her.”Max! Virginia! Where are you!” No response from the both of them.Rosemary walked up to the next floor only to find what seem to be droplets of blood and more bullet scorch marks.”No,no they have to be somewhere!” She tried to keep her hopes up.
Lucas had his med kit and patched up any cuts from the inkblots from where they shot him.”D…damn things.” he stuttered for a moment before hearing a bubbling sound and blackish brown asphalt could be seen in the light.Lucas quickly and quietly hid in the shadows due to his dark green ghillie suit hid him in the dark.Allen crawled out of the asphalt puddle and looked around his sunken yellow glowing eyes looked and looked around the room,his bone like wings clicked on the floor.Allen shuffled around for about 30 minutes looking in every room for the unattended person and falls backwards into the puddle and disappears.”Holy hell.” Lucas muttered quietly.”I can hear you…Lucas Cole!” Allen's voice sounded vicious but also sounded like he was in pain.”I heard you.” His voice shook as he spoke.Lucas quietly crawls on the floor trying not to get Allen's attention,but he seemed more nearsighted than far sighted in vision so Allen could barely see him.Lucas stood up quietly side stepping into one of the rooms and then used a item from the room he snuck in to throw at the other door to get Allen's attention.”I heard that.” He quickly scurried to the door that made noise and Lucas escaped that area.
Z was outside of the garden maze looking for the others.”Max,Virginia,Lucas Rosemary…where are you all! She had on a moon and starry-like long-loose sleeved dress and ran around looking for them everywhere.”Guys where are you!?” She was panicking and running about.She heard a noise and thought it was one of the people she thought to run into but it was Him and she stumbled backwards.”Ah did the sister to the one man freak show get caught up in something she shouldn't have got into?” Agent Rainbow sneered and then scoffed disappearing into thin air.She gets up and looks around staying alert.While she wasn't looking Rainbow appeared again and sent Allen to attack her.”I'll be inside if you need me.” He walks back inside from the balcony.Allen tossed a orb like object at her that was filled with sleeping gas,she tried to cover her face from it but the sleeves of her dress didn't help,she had grabbed a tiny vile of antidote and tucked it into her hand before her vision went dark.
She had awoken a few hours late,Allen was keeping an eye out for anyone outside the door before walking in.He kneels to get eye level with Z before slowly recognizing it was her.”Z?” Allen said in a more hurt and worried tone.”Allen?” She was still disoriented. ”What have I done…” He hung his head down. ”Allen come here,come close.”Z looked like a ball joint doll the way she was half awake on the floor.Allen quickly got the key from around his neck and unlocked the door and sat in front of Z with the key off his neck. ”Allen,I was so worried about you,I thought you wasn't gonna wake so I came in here to help the others,Rosemary didn't give me medicine to help me sleep,she gave me the same concoction that got them here in the first place and I wasn't gonna let them hurt you.” She grabbed one of his hands with her free hand. “But it is dangerous here,Rainbow and Desmond will hurt you.And maybe even me.” He looked away.Z grabbed his face and turned it to her. “Then why haven't you if you are under his control?” He paused before his eyes widened. “Do me a favor real quick,close your eyes and tilt your head back.” Allen found the request weird but he did just as she said.Z had popped the bottle of the antidote and carefully opened his mouth and poured it in.He lurched backwards before the asphalt disappeared and his single set of wings were more pure white than asphalt and he slowly starts to faded awake.”Z what did you do?” Allen was scared. “You're free from his grasp and you're waking up now.” Z smiled and grasped the key.Allen wanted to say one last thing but he was already waking up.
Jerico and Lazaro look over to Allen's cot and he shot up heavily and panickingly breathing.”What the!?” Both said in unison starting at Allen.”No Z what did you do!?” Allen ran over and looked at the screen.”Don't tell me she's risking herself to save the others.Zoe you're crazy!?” Allen was panicking and pacing the floor with tears in his eyes. “Calm down Allen,tell us everything.” Jerico grasped Allen's shoulder, stopping the man from trying to hyperventilate and pass out.”How about first you take a shower and get you a meal in and then tell us everything that happens.” Lazaro corrected Jerico escorting Allen to the bathroom with a town and a set of his pjs.”You're a pendejo sometimes you know that right?” Lazaro just turns his head and gives Jerico the look of disappointment.”Did you just miss use that word in the sentence just for it to make sense wow.” Jerico slapped Laz.”This is no time for child-like arguments.” She sat down at the desk.Laz was quiet til Allen walked out and into the kitchen.”I made empanadas and some soup if you want anything to eat.”
After Allen ate,he told Jer and Laz everything up until now.Them the radio goes off “Dragon's Breath,Spider Lilies what is going on?” It was Lucas.”Tango Flash you will not believe who's here with us…” Laz nervously spoke.”Who?” Lucas sounded concerned.”It's Asphalt Icarus,he woke up with Zoe's help and she could be in danger!?” Jericho sounded stressed out and worried. “Sunflower deep breaths in and out alright,stay strong,we will find her and hopefully bring her back safely.” Lucas reassured Jerico in a calm sweet tone. “Over and out.” Laz clicked off the radio.
Allen picked up Z and laid her on the cot so she wasn't lying on the cold floor and lays a heavy blanket over her.He noticed Z wasn't wearing her turtleneck and her black pants but a short sleeve shirt and shorts,her scars from where her father abused her could be seen,her arms and neck.and legs had a lot of scars from what Allen had guessed was from a beer bottle. “Is that why she wore long clothing?” Jerico handed Allen a glass of hot chocolate.”She told me about her being abused by her father after her mother died, her father always accusing Z of being the fault of her mother's death when she died of a natural cause.” Allen sat the cup down and quietly sobbed.”After I meet her when she first came to Milton Haven she was scared and had tears, packing a bag of clothes and medication with her.I said she can stay for as long as she likes and I took her in taught her everything she knows.She works morning Homa Mart shifts and babysits Virginia's brother and Max's kid,and helps me at night with the lighthouse.” He pulled his knees to his chest.”And she's like the sister I always wanted.” His eyes were red from crying and his cup of hot chocolate was empty.Jer and Laz both comforted him.
As the storm picked up in Desmond's unconsciousness.Z would run to find Max and Virginia and with luck on her side did and patched up their cuts and bruises with a med kit Allen also left behind.Z's outfit also had a small change the dress now has a gold rim wing shaped shoulder cape that must be Allen is keeping her safe. “I'll help bring Desmond home,I'll be ok…Allen.” Z said with her confidence boosted clutching her fist.
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megaawkwardhuman · 10 months
*slowly puts on tinfoil hat* 1000TH NEW PROMO AND OMFG YA BOY HAS SOME THOUGHTS ON IT
we're getting to the point where we're going to get A LOT of new promos which yay for new shit!
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OK SO the promo clearly has multiple clips from the next season BUT focusing on the ones that at least I could put together at some point not just nandor know but I think they all know?
by the looks of it there's going to be an episode where laszlo reveals what he and guillermo have been testing cuz we see who I'm assuming is laslzo asking about things vampires can do
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then later we see the rice scene and nadja commenting on guillermo attempting to fly
so I think it's safe to say the whole guillermo trying to get turned but it getting fucked up thing probably won't be a secret for TOO long (low key kinda glad)
my main question now is WHAT leads to them telling them?
cuz this is very obviously not the first episode so what the fuck happens that causes laszlo to call in back up?
I'm assuming this isn't too late into the season and nothing BIG happens that causes them to spill
I mean they probably tell them at the end of an episode and them all collectively trying to test guillermo's vampyness (yes I know that's not a word) will take up an entire episode by the looks of it
so maybe either they hit a block, not that long after asking laszlo for help he tells the group, or guillermo feels that the rest should know about this so he gets laszlo to tell them cause maybe they're more likely to believe him
maybe we've (or at least I've) been reading the whole laszlo and guillermo spending more time together thing wrong and while he knows it's for a good reason nandor is jealous not just because laszlo is spending more time with guillermo but because he's learning how to be a vampire with someone else?
cause like even if it's just tests and there's a real chance he could be unturnable since he's been there for guillermo ever since day 1 he wants to be there for him when he finally figures out what's going on with him good or bad
maybe to him this is like teaching a kid how to ride a bike and he doesn't want to miss a second of it
buuuut due to how weird this all is he instead turned to laszlo instead of him and well nandor can't help but be jealous of laz taking not only guillermo's time but valuable moments nandor wants to have with guillermo that he possibly won't get now
it's also possible laz just asks them and doesn't tell them why or comes up with an excuse
my original theory of nandor just thinking they're testing myths could still stand
nandor could also just wanna spend more time with guillermo even if he has no idea what they're doing just cause he misses spending all his time with him and is still worried he's growing distant ever since the crate incident and freddie fuck fest
idk it's 4 am I should really be heading to bed 😅
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I personally think this scene will be a moment where guillermo thinks about telling nandor about the whole derek thing but for one reason or another (something nandor says, not know how he'll react, feeling bad etc etc) he doesn't tell him and instead just wishes him a good night
like that's the face of a man who's about to say something but instead says something else to not hurt anyone (IDK COULD JUST BE ME)
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p-paradoxa · 9 months
Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better!
a little late but thank you for the tag @bright-thorn :)
Last song: I think Two-Way Mirror by Loathe, I’ve been re-listening to all of I Let It In and It Took Everything, great genre bending album for fans of shoegaze and metalcore. reminds me a bit of Deftones with some ambience and nu-metal mixed in 👍
Currently reading: Making my way through Dungeon Meshi which I am recommending to anyone with even a passing interest in manga. very fun, thematically intriguing in a variety of ways I won’t fully get into here, overall a great take on the fantasy dungeon setting. told through the lens of cooking and eating. And because I can’t focus on only one thing at a time I also just started README.txt, Chelsea Manning’s memoir, along with All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries) ;)
Currently watching: I haven’t committed to binging any series in a while although I’m slowly but surely getting through TCW, as well as Gundam ZZ… both series started off kinda slow but alas I have franchise brain rot and must get through them
Current obsession: i’m not even outside as much as I want to be, but, identifying local wildlife. took that iNaturalist pill. recently helped ID a population of invasive beetles in my area and some paper wasp nests, and joined some local citizen biodiversity projects to contribute the fauna i’ve sighted over the years. highly recommend it as a casual way to understand the natural world around you
on the other hand the reason i’m not outside as much lately is because i’ve also been very into Slime Rancher. can’t stop ranching those slimes
tagging (if you want): @ireallyamabear @grimm-lynn @kaiiman @laz-laz-ace-pilot @bizarrobrain @regret-breathing @oatshow @crown-and-stallion @kassandors
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rosewood-mountain · 3 months
Rosewood Mountain
Chapter 2 - Body Horror
The relentless tapping of raindrops on the glass shattered the silence of the room, pulling Jacob from his restless sleep. The space briefly lit up as a flash of lightning pierced through a small gap in his curtains. 
Jacob groans as he sits up on the couch, stealing a glance at the standing clock, ticking in the corner. The hands read 6:45. He had managed a few hours of sleep, but his body yearned for more. It had been days since he experienced more than a couple of hours of sleep, the fatigue weighing him down like a stone, dragging him deeper into the waves of madness.
With a sigh, he unfolds himself from where he had curled in on himself and stood. His bare feet pad across his creaky wooden floor. He slipped down an adjacent hallway into his kitchen, sneaking as if not to wake the house itself.
The back window presents the surrounding forest, trees creating an oppressive blanket of shadow obscuring all that call the woods home, and with everything roaming the woods, seldom does one feel alone.
Jacob shook his head, trying to ease his troubled mind. It was in vain. His vision narrowed on a flash of color on his counter, tucked in a corner, right beside an old teapot. 
He caught his breath and his eyes burned as soon as he registered what he had been staring at.
A gold cross necklace. 
Jacob staggers back, the mere sight of the cross burning him. His back slamming against the wall behind him as lightning blinds him briefly. The old house groans and shutters. The walls were awake now.
His teeth grit tight, eyes squeezed shut. His breath came in short pants as he swore he could hear Lucy’s soft voice. 
“Your tea will be cold soon babe, hurry,” her voice echoes in his mind. Her soft face was etched behind his eyelids. 
Lucy stood by his stove after a church service. Her soft hands unclasped her necklace and set it aside on the counter. 
She smiled at him as he walked over, her hands wrapping around the mortician's neck, holding him close as she captured his lips in a soft kiss. 
His visions of her vanished as quickly as they appeared. All that remained was her corpse, mutilated and perverted as she laid back on his embalming table. Jacob could only find solace in Detective Laz's sympathies, as they were the only thing left. 
Jacob swore as he snapped back to his senses. His sleep-deprived brain blurs the lines between his memories and reality. He wanted to take the day off from work, to hide, to mourn, but Lucy couldn’t wait. He knew she couldn’t.
He stumbled to his feet. Grief had dragged him to the floor without him noticing. His hands lurch toward a dusty cabinet he hardly touched.
Inside, his late father’s old bottles of whisky stand. Each bottle invoked dread within Jacob. Taunting him. With a snap, he forcefully squeezes the closest bottle in his hand, feeling the plastic crumple beneath his grip. His movements were erratic as he found a glass, filling it to the brim with the lukewarm alcohol. 
The house fell silent, still despite the storm raging outside. Watching Jacob with silent judgment for depending on vices. Jacob stood defiant against the feeling, stomping back to the living room, challenging the oppressive walls. Jacob crashes down onto the sofa, setting his drink down on the coffee table. His eyes narrowed toward a bottle of sleeping pills prescribed several months ago. With little thought, he retrieved a pill from the bottle and washed it down with his whiskey. His face contorts with the stinging burn of alcohol.
He takes a defeated gulp of the glass and lets his arm drop. The familiar sting of tears etched into his cheeks, unsure when he started crying. Jacob no longer wanted to feel. He storms back into the kitchen, abandoning his glass for the bottle he started on. He flings the cap off and begins chasing the bottom.
Laz sighs, taking a long drag from his cigarette. Eyes watching the rain pelt the windshield of his police cruiser. His headlights reflected against the wet asphalt. The idle chatter from his police stereo fades to background static. 
The department and he had followed all leads to their ends. It was apparent the suspect had departed from the Loger Motel a day earlier. The name used was fake. All they had was the car. A car that likely was hundreds of miles away by now.
Laz sighs and turns down a familiar road, driving up to an old gas station. The buzzing fluorescent lights make it stand out like a lighthouse in the rain. Pulling in, he elected to just sit. His mind whirls as he tries to go over the facts again. To find an excuse for the killer to remain in town. Perhaps it was a local, and they had rented the car for the crime. That would explain why Lucy got in the vehicle, seemingly by her own free will.
With a curse, he slammed his hands against the wheel. Taking a final drag from his cigarette before snuffing it out in his ashtray.
The lull of the night droning on. For a moment, Laz considered calling it a night. Leaving his patrols to keep a lookout, to go back to his office and reevaluate. 
The soft rumbling of a car caught his attention. With a quick glance in his rear-view mirror, he observed the car headlights approaching rapidly. The vehicle raced past the gas station, well over the speed limit. Just as he is about to turn on his light for a traffic stop, he stops. As it raced down the rain-drenched streets, a red Austin Allegro swerved down a turn towards the main road out of Rosewood, and up the mountain. 
“Mother-fucker!” Laz nearly screams as his car roars to life. His foot slammed the petal to the floor as his tires spun for a moment, skidding out of the gas station with a squeal. Sirens blaring as he gives chase. Grabbing his radio, he tries to call for backup. Only to be met with static. Not willing to lose the suspect, he bit his tongue. He had taken bigger risks before. He had his whit's and his shotgun in the passenger seat. 
Jacob groans as his head pounds, an empty bottle slipping from his grasp to clang to the floor between his feet where he sat on that red sofa. The room warped and melted in on itself as the alcohol and pills mixed in an ungodly concoction. 
Lifting his head, he stares straight ahead. His once cozy living room now spinning and rocking like a ship in a storm. His stomach lurched. 
The mortician froze. Stuck in place, he hears his name called. Wondering if it was maybe the groaning of his home. 
The man gulped and lifted his head, turning toward the sound. Eyes meeting a painting of Mother Mary. His heart stopped.
The painting had changed. 
Jacob stared into wide, uncanny eyes that seemed to follow him. Her peaceful expression warped into one of rage, hate, and disgust as she witnessed the man on the sofa. 
“Jacob.” The painting hissed at him. 
The man leapt off the sofa scrambling across the floor, a guttural scream leaving his throat as he slammed a hand down. Hot pain shot up his arm. Looking down, Jacob heaves. A large nail impaled his through the palm. Blood oozed from around the wound. Lifting his hand he clutched at his wrist sobbing like a scared child as he continued to scoot further from the painting. 
The painting was laughing now. Illuminated by lightning, the Mother caught up in a strange and inhuman euphoric state. Her mouth opened far too wide. A third large eye staring at him from inside the void of her maw.
“What are you!” Jacob shrieks as he tries to look for a way out, his vision tunneling leaving him disoriented and lost inside his own home. Eyes landed on other paintings, Angels, Saints, and the Messiah himself all staring with wide eyes. All depicting inhuman grins on their painted lips, the holy now perverted into beasts. A cacophony of laughter and hymns filled his ears. 
“Jacob, Jacob, JACOB!”  the voices chant louder and louder. The man wept in desolation as blood poured from his hand, staining the floor, the baseboards, and the walls.
Jacob felt himself dry heave. His stomach was flipping. Was he on the ceiling? His home felt as if it was crushing him. 
“What do you want from me!?” he screams back at the walls. Watching as lightning flashed once more and in an instant, the expressions changed  once again. All the faces were wiped clean. Blank slates of flesh. 
Jacob grits his teeth wanting to deny it, but his voice has died. Sobbing loudly as he brought his hand in front of his face. Howling like an injured animal as he grabs hold of the long bent nail. Had he been sober he would have left it alone, to call for help, but in his altered state his logic was nonexistent. Yanking it free, sending blood across the room. Splattering against the painting of the holy Mother. 
Jacob felt his lungs ache as he forced himself to obey, blooded hands leaving grotesque imprints on his wall. Was this what divinity was? Was this God's will? 
“Please … .please. What have I done to forsaken you?” 
He wept stumbling towards the photo again, a religious stupor falling over him. His mind crumbles with each slow tick of the clock. Every whisper and insult.
"Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life."
Jacob felt his vision tunnel further, legs shaking as they began to give out. His hands fly out as he catches himself on the sofa. Falling onto it with a thud. On his back he stares at the ceiling unable to move, staring at his hand, through his hand. Warm blood dripped down his face.  Unable to fight any longer, his hand fell to his chest limply, His wound oozed and soaked his shirt through to the skin as Jacob slipped into unconsciousness to the sounds of maniacal laughter and church hymns.
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[Read R->L ]Just a sketchy thing to help me figure out Laz’s story. I just wanted to experiment with funky panels and using as few words as possible. If I kept going i probably could’ve gotten away without the words at the end but alas. (Its R->L because I wasn’t thinking when I drew this and I had already finished the first page when I realized my mistake)
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