#listen I need Rin to be a pathetic boi
hiorintruther · 1 year
I posted this on my twt but god damnit I need to ruin peoples days here — Rin would’ve been a FNAF kid and you can’t change my mind.
He was almost 12 years old when FNAF 1 came out (if bllk is set in 2018, he’s 16 and his b-day is September 9th, this checks out)
He’s canonically been a fan of horror since he was about 10 (confirmed in his light novel chapter)
He plays a lot of horror games (confirmed in the Egoist Bible)
He wanted to be fluent in English (he’d watch football commentary in English to learn but I think he could potentially watch Markiplier too)
So, I present to you: Rin was a FNAF kid who used to watch Markiplier compilations at 3am and 100%-ed the first 4 games like 5 times over. He thought FNAF was the shit. Of course, he got over it by the time he was like 14. However, to this day if he ever ran into Markiplier in real life his brain would short circuit… also he will viscerally react to hearing the Living Tombstone
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angsty-omi · 3 years
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you get jealous of their manager
suna rintarou; sakusa kiyoomi
angst to fluff, hurt/comfort.
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suna rintarou
when rin told you about the new manager, you didn’t expect her to be blonde, curvy, and absolutely gorgeous. honestly, just looking at her made you insecure. the way all the boys gawked at her everytime she walked by. you didn’t care about the boys though, you only cared about a boy, your boyfriend rin. she’s with him longer than he’s with you. practices take up most of his day, so you only saw him once he got to your shared apartment where he was too tired to do anything that exterted energy. to be fair, you were fine just staying in, but imagining him with her during practices made you uncomfortable.
it was even worse when he’d go out to dinner with the team and her. you couldn’t remember the last time he’d even ask you on a date. you hated the way he stopped trying once you started dating. starting to reach the AMs when you called him.
“y/n?” his slurred tone showed that he was drunk.
“suna? where are you? it’s almost 12 am.” you scolded. how could you not? he’s drunk and with a girl that you were very envious of.
“first of all, can you chill? i literally told you that i’d be out with the boys, i don’t understand why you’re getting so upset,”
“upset? you’re literally out with a girl who’s very attarctive” you frustrated.
“oh i see what this is now, you’re jealous and you don’t trust me.”
“it’s not a matter of trust, it’s just i fe-feel uncomfortable and i oh i don’t know wanted to talk about it?” you started to raise your voice. the attempt to set a boundary has failed, and rather was replaced with you being the enemy.
“she’s my friend y/n, get over it because you’ll be seeing a lot more of her,” rin hissed.
“i’m not telling you who you can be friends with or not, but you have to understand where i’m coming from” you murmured.
“just leave me alone, i can be friends with whoever i want, and the last thing i’m going to do is let a bitch dictate that.” suna argued loudly.
it was followed up by silence, with a girl voice cutting in, “rin-rin let’s do this song together!” in a high pitch squeal caught the mic.
“oh so you’re rin rin now huh? i can’t be surprised considering how much time you spend with her!”
“well maybe i like hanging out with her. did you ever think of that y/n? it’s nice to have someone who wouldn’t nag or bitch about me, she doesn’t pry for me to open up,” he attempted to justify his actions.
“okay fine then, if she’s soooo perfect than just date her” words just started spilling out of your brain, and it was too late to take it back.
“maybe i will!” he roared. after he sunk in what he was saying, he followed up with “w-wait i didn’t mea-” trying to save his relationship.
“do whatever you want suna, whether you’re with her or not it’s not my problem anymore, i’m done.” you ended the call, tears freely flowing down your face.
you couldn’t sleep that night. pathetically, you’d hope that suna would at least give you a call back, or any sign that he still cared for you. but he didn’t, and you assumed that was your answer. you would reevaluate the relationship after a good nights sleep on the couch. you couldn’t sleep on the bed due to suna’s lingering scent.
when 4am rolled around, the door opened as quietly as possible. suna assumed that you were asleep in bed, and was prepared to join you. when he walked in the bedroom and saw the bed still made, he panicked. did you really leave? were you actually done with the relationship? he checked everywhere, the bathroom, kitchen, the basement, and not the most obvious place ever. he dialed your phone, and heard loud ringing from the living room. he slapped his forehead in stupidity and made his way over to you. his heart broke at the sight. the way you tried to fit your body with the throw blanket, unaware that you were shivering at the cold. your face was also pale, with dried tears on them. you looked so broken and so drained. immediately, suna carried you off the couch bridal style, and tucked you into the soft king sized bed. he then, moved onto his side and slid under the sheets. it’s only when he grabs your waist is when he feels safe enough to sleep.
five hours later, you awake with dried tears still in your eyes. you wiped them with your arm, and felt weight around your waist. once your eyes were cleared, it was suna. you let yourself comfort in his warmth for just a bit more, knowing that there’s a huge argument to come.
“suna we can’t just not talk about this,” you whispered into his ear, knowing he was awake. he hid in the crook of your neck, “i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry, please take me back.”
“i can’t just accept your apology blindly, we have to set boundaries or else we’ll never move forward.” you sighed while tracing circles on his bare chest.
“i’ll never even look at her again,” his face deadpanned. your laugh vibrated against his chest, “that’s not needed, it’s not really her fault anyways. how about, we spend more time on dates and devote days for each other?”
“anything, princess.”
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sakusa kiyoomi
sakusa hated physical touch, the spread of germs with a single handshake grossed him out. that’s why he built a cold exterior to prevent many from getting close. however, when he met you, you happened to be the exception and you took pride in the fact that he was only comfortable with you. he’ll never admit it to you though, and claims he only ‘endures’ your hugs. although, you knew your limit, you would never show affection in front of people. if there’s one thing sakusa hates, it’s PDA.
so you couldn’t really blame the new cute manager for flirting with him, because it seemed like he was single. listen, you trusted sakusa with your whole heart, but you just wanted to see how he would react with a girl flirting with him.
you hid behind the door, eavesdropping behind the door.
“sakusa-senpai, can you please help me up?” the cute manger whined.
“can you not get up yourself?” sakusa groaned.
“no i think i twisted something,” as a girl, you knew exactly what she was doing and her execution was poor. you rolled your eyes, assuming sakusa too would know what she was doing.
but he didn’t.
“thank you, sakusa-senpai!” she squealed, and then what you can assume, she hugged him. because then it caught him by suprise, and they both fell together, with her on top of him. you didn’t hear him scolding her, rather he was laughing. he was happy with her presence when he wouldn’t even physically show it with you. you decided to just walk in and stop this.
amidst of their laughter, both heads looked up at you. “sakusa, don’t you have to get home soon?” with an eyebrow raised.
“uh actually sakusa-senpai it’s getting dark, mind if you could walk me home?” she babbled.
“fine, y/n you can walk yourself right?” he said casually, while packing up his things.
“y-yeah i guess” you stammered.
on your walk home, you were reevaluating what just happened. no longer did you feel special anymore. your brain started to overthink itself, why did they look better as a couple? and why was he so relaxed around her? was i just not the right person? has he found his true love? all these scenarios made you start to tear up. you were in love with the germaphobic man, for god sakes.
when you got the shared apartment, you immediately took a shower, knowing that sakusa was going to nag you anyways when you got home.
then, you started on dinner and chopping up some vegetables when you heard the door open. he nodded at you, acknowledging your presence and was waiting for the hug you gave him everytime he came home. but you didn’t, and he awkwardly just stood there for good minute or two. to your suprise, he was the first one to make the move. he wrapped his arms behind you and resting his head on your neck. immediately, you shrugged him off.
he furrowed his eyebrows, “is there something wrong?”
“i don’t know, is there something wrong?” you repeated his question.
“i wouldn’t know, that’s why i asked.” he bellowed.
you put the knife down and faced him, “you know i love the double standard of how i have to shower before i get to touch you, but that whore gets to touch you whenever,” you ranted.
“our new manager? you can’t be serious. we fell, it was an accident.”
“maybe you thought it was, but i know what she was doing because i, too am a girl. if you guys just ‘fell’ why did it take so long for you to get back up? why’d you let her touch you for so long?” you questioned.
“i wasn’t thinking about it, not everything i do in life is rotated around germs-”
“except when it’s with me” your voice cracked. “right? it’s when it’s with me, that must be it. that’s why you never show any affection, but it’s okay for you because you’ve gotten tons from me and her!” you raved.
he tried to wrap his around you, but you moved out the way.
“don’t touch me with that whore’s filth,” you muttered, turning off the burner and stomped to your shared bedroom, slamming the door. your insecurities were roaring on the inside. sakusa chose to sleep on the couch, thinking you needed space. but, that was the least thing you wanted. you wanted him to beg, or to at least apologize.
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over the following days, you didn’t wait for him outside of practice. in fact, the only time he saw you was in the morning before classes and at night when you left leftovers for him in the kitchen. after the argument, he pushed everyone away, especially with the new manager. he only wanted one person’s touch, yours. and to achieve that, he had to put in some effort. that night when he got home, he went straight to the shower. you assumed it was just a normal silent treatment day, so you went to bed scrolling.
you felt the weight on the other side of the bed. knowing who it was, you continued to aimlessly scroll on tiktok. sakusa abruptly grabbed your waist and coddled you, drowning you in pecks all around your face.
“mh.. sakus.. sa.. mh..” continuously getting cut off with his cute pecks on your lips. you decided to let go of the whole manager situation, and let yourself to just be happy. you wrapped your arms around his neck and put him even closer to you. he then pulled away and you dramatically groaned.
putting his face close to yours, “i love you y/n l/n.” before continuing.
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a/n: if you like this series please request some characters you’d like to see!
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fanfickittycat · 3 years
Pay Attention to Me
TITLE: Pay Attention to Me
AUTHOR: fanfickittycat
FANDOM: Haikyuu!!
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Suna Rintaro x Reader
GENRE: Smut 
FIC SUMMARY: After seeking advice from everyone about what to do when your boyfriend Suna won’t pay attention to you, you decide to take matters into your own hands
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: Unedited because that’s sexy right? Atsumu being a huge himbo. Read it on AO3 here 
“Rin?” No response. You knew it was useless, but you couldn’t help but try to get your boyfriend’s attention. He was right next to you and he still wouldn’t respond, despite the way you’d call his name in the sweetest voice you could muster. You sighed, turning back to your maths homework that Suna had abandoned twenty minutes ago with no progress beyond the first set of sums. He always suggested study dates, but really it was just the chance to be near you without interacting.
“Talking isn’t necessarily communicating” he said once “I just like to be near you.”
At the time, it had made your heart melt that he was so satisfied and comfortable with just your presence, but lately it felt like a slap of indifference across your face. It was almost as if he thought of you as a pet, or a casual acquaintance instead of as his girlfriend. You looked at him, regarding his green eyes that looked at his phone with more interest than they looked at you. His thumb lazily scrolled down the screen as the clock ticked behind him. You could leave and he probably wouldn’t notice, but you were too shy, too nervous to make such a bold move. You finished up your homework glumly instead, packing away your things when it started to get dark.
“Done already?” Suna asked, speaking for the first time in two hours. You felt your heart sink into your stomach.
“Yeah” you looked away and nodded, pretending to be distracted by the inside of your school bag. It offered no comfort.
“Time flies” he hummed, stretching his arms up as though he had done anything more than be on Twitter. You swallowed thickly and stood up, feeling awkward when he didn’t follow suit.
“Well, I’ll get going then” you said. It prompted him to stand, which was encouraging, and he pressed a quick kiss onto your cheek before bidding you goodbye, but it didn’t calm the anxiety churning in your stomach. You were thankful you lived close by, only a couple of streets away at most, but it would have been nice if he had walked you. A cool spring breeze made a flurry of petals swirl around your ankles, and you breathed out shakily. Strings of gut-wrenching questions began to spin like threads in your mind. Was this it? Was this what you had to look forward to? Silence and your words hanging in the air, ignored? A lame kiss on the cheek as your only crumb of attention?
You contemplated your relationship when lying in bed that night. Suna had caught your eye, as he had many girls’. Tall, lean, athletic; his fox eyes had been subject to many a giggly conversation in the girls’ bathroom. You had thought him attractive, but what really captured your heart was how deceptively smart he was. You could see how intelligent he was. When he was picked on by the teacher in class, he always managed to have the answer, even though his tone was bored, and he didn’t look at all like he was paying attention. In the few volleyball games, you had attended with your friends, you observed how he calculated his chances with keen interest. He was more times than not on his phone, but you had seen him reading classic, dog eared paperbacks too as he waited for the twins to come out of class. It was how you had met.
“Vonnegut?” he noted, making you jump. You looked up to see him standing in front of you, hands in his pockets casually as he regarded you.
“Yeah” you cleared your throat, feeling your cheeks flush at the unexpected attention “I read Slaughterhouse Five last week and I liked it so…” You trailed off, feeling self-conscious. You had never spoken to him and vice versa. In fact, you were surprised that he even acknowledged you, even though it was a little pathetic to admit.
He nodded “I noticed.”
“You… noticed?” you frowned as you considered his words “do you make a habit of watching girls read?”
His lip quirked upwards “no. Only you.”
The chaotic sound of Miya Atsumu interrupted anything more being said, and you both looked towards the school as Atsumu held up a paper with a 32 written on it in red and circled. The blonde boy started raving to Suna, even at a distance, about how he had to do a make-up test and how badly he needed his help.
“God, he’s so loud” Suna mused, turning to walk away from you and towards his friend. You opened your mouth to say something but snapped it shut instead, not wanting to ruin whatever just happened.
“Tell me what you think when you finish” he said over his shoulder at you, nodding to the copy of Breakfast of Champions “I think you’ll like it.”
That had been it. From then on, you’d speak more and more to each other, straying off the topic of literature soon after. Then, when asked to pick partners for a history project, your friends had stared at you in open mouth shock when he walked across the class to claim you as his. His confession to you had only been a natural progression and you’d been together ever since.
So, what had changed? You knew that Nationals were coming up and he had been training more and more in preparation, but he had always carved out time for you, even in the summer when he’d go away to training camps. Was he tired of you? Bored even? You had to admit, that when gossip began to flutter around school about the two of you dating, you were really the one who was most surprised by the news. You were by no definition, popular, instead keeping a small group of friends and interacting with others easily with little to no friction. When you had asked Suna about it, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, he had laughed.
“You think nobody sees you, but I do” he said, leaning his chin on his hand “the way you told the substitute teacher last month that you enjoyed her lecture, or the books you read in the courtyard, or the confident way you talk in class. I see it. I like it. I like you.” He said it like it was the simplest, easiest thing in the world. Now however it felt complicated. You didn’t feel seen or even liked anymore.
You groaned and turned over to bury your face in your pillow. A soft thud prompted you to reach over the side of your bed and retrieve the fox plushie that Suna had won for you at the summer festival last year. He had looked so beautiful in the light of the lanterns, and happy to consume all the misshapen onigiri that Osamu couldn’t sell that night. Atsumu had practically inhaled the meat buns, and it rendered him full and groaning on the ground. The memories filled your mind, calming your racing heart. It had cemented itself as your favourite memory. Aran physically stopping the twins from arguing who could catch the most goldfish; Kita coming in a navy yukata with his grandmother; Suna kissing you when the fireworks filled the sky. The images played themselves in your mind like a slideshow, lulling you to sleep.
The next morning followed without major incident. You woke up earlier than usual to see Suna had sent you at least eight different TikToks. Something that he did often. You had texted him to say you were going to school early, not that you expected a response. You ended up forgetting your headphones and it rendered your walk to school monotonous.
“Good morning” you turned to see Kita and Aran smile gently at you. You had never interacted much with the two third years, but they were always kind to you, whether it be thanking you for coming to their games or reassuring you that they’d take care of Suna during training camps.
“You’re up early” Aran noted “did Suna keep you up? He keeps sending TikToks in the volleyball group chat at like, three am.”
“He’ll need to stop that soon. He needs all the rest he can get before Nationals.” Kita added. You smiled at their concern, but it faltered as you thought about the wall between you and your boyfriend.
“Is… Is he okay?” You asked, “he seems distracted these days.”
“He seems normal to me” Aran said, shrugging. Kita took time to consider his answer, but he didn’t have anything to add, which only made you sigh.
“Never mind” you said hurriedly, shaking your head “I’m sure he’s just occupied with Nationals.”  It seemed stupid suddenly, but your heart still ached at the lack of an answer.
“Suna is talented” Kita said after a pause “and when he applies himself, he shines but he’s also lazy. He lacks the discipline to keep himself motivated when things become too comfortable.”
“What should I do?” You asked, cringing at the way desperation snuck itself into your tone.
“Tell him how you feel” Aran said, “he’s sure to listen.”
You shook your head “that’s the problem. He’s not listening.”
Aran scoffed “I can talk to him if you like. He’ll listen to me.”
“No” you sighed “it’s my problem, I should deal with it.”
“Be direct with him” Kita said, “confront him with his behaviour.” You thanked them for their help, leaving them to go sit in the courtyard. Your book was open, but you weren’t reading it. You mulled over the advice you were given instead. Of course, it would be best to just say it plainly, but the thought made you recoil. You were never one for confrontation. You didn’t have Kita’s ability to be cold and logical; nor Aran’s willingness to start difficult conversations. You tried to picture yourself challenging Suna but whenever you looked up at him, you’d register his height and his pretty eyes, and your brain would glitch for a full two seconds. How he still managed to have that effect on you was nothing short of witchcraft.
You ended up closing your book and abandoning the chance to read and instead wander aimlessly through campus. It was a stupid way to kill time, but you couldn’t sit still anymore. The sound of sneakers scuffling distracted you, leading you to the gym where the basketball team were practising.
“Those sneaky bastards” you heard, prompting you to look to your right where an angry Atsumu stood with his hands on his hips.
“They know Thursday is our day.”
“Atsumu” his brother said in between bites of onigiri “today is Friday.”
“Oh.” Atsumu raked a hand through his blonde hair, hiding his obvious embarrassed flush “don’t say anythin’ ‘Samu, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“Eh? I’m jus’ tryin’ to eat” Osamu mumbled, mouth full of rice. He noticed you looking at him and raised a hand in greeting.
“Is Suna ‘ere too?” Osamu asked, making Atsumu look away from the basketball team and at you instead.
You shook your head “no, I got here early. Um…” You hesitated, unsure whether or not you should ask “about Rintaro… How do I...” you struggled to describe the situation “how do I get him to pay attention to me?”
“Aren’t you his girl?” Atsumu asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Idiot. She means he’s bein’ negligent.”
“Don’t call me an idiot, yer the one who forgot to buy milk yesterday!”
“You forgot too!” “Quiet dumbass, we’re s’pposed to be helpin” Osamu snapped, looking back at you.
“Oh yea” Atsumu laughed, the fight already forgotten in his mind “hmmm… Suna likes lace.” You blinked at him and Osamu smacked the back of his head.
“Ignore him. Bake him somethin’. Or go out an’ eat. Or-“
“Not everyone thinks with their stomachs” Atsumu retaliated, smacking his brother on the back of the head too. They started to squabble again, and you watched, wondering whether you should walk away or film them.
“This has to be a new record” you felt yourself flinch at the sound of Suna’s voice “it’s not even nine.”
“Rin“ you murmured his name as his lips ghosted your temple, you felt the words in your throat but before you could even form the letters on your lips, he had whipped out his phone to film the twins. They were on the floor at this point, and you sighed, watching your boyfriend kneel down to get a better shot. You turn to go to class, in dismay about what to do.
You had to push yourself to focus on class that day, conscious of the fact that Suna was sitting at the opposite side of the classroom, towards the back, making it too hard to turn and look at him subtly. You were driving yourself crazy thinking about it. When it came to your turn to read aloud in class, you were uncharacteristically shaky and even the teacher seemed concerned. She asked you quietly before lunch if you were feeling okay, and you flushed and quickly reassured her that you were fine.
Your friends however were not so easily duped. You sat on the roof of the school with them, dodging questions and shrugging when they asked.
“Is it Suna?” Misa asked, frowning “is he treating you right?”
“He’s not treating me wrong” you mumbled, stirring your chopsticks into the cold udon.
“I knew it. I’m going to beat him up after class” Misa said, aggressively stabbing her omelette, making Ami pinch the skin between her eyebrows.
“I don’t think you need to go that far” Ami said, turning to you “you know you can tell us anything.”
Your heart warmed “Rintaro is just… I feel like I’m boring him.”
Misa made a sound of disagreement “his personality is being hot and sending memes. You’re way better.” It was funny to hear her speak like that considering how much fangirling she did when you two started dating.
“He’s always been withdrawn” Ami said, “even in elementary school and middle school he was disinterested.” Ami had been surprised when you and Suna became an item; she had known him since first grade and always knew him to be reserved.
You sighed, closing your eyes to concentrate on the slight breeze and the warmth of the sunlight. No one seemed to be offering the same opinions except that Suna was just like that, and you should’ve known better. It made you upset that everyone thought so little of him.
“He’s a good boyfriend” you insisted lamely “he’s thoughtful and considerate and I like him a lot.”
“He doesn’t sound like it” Misa scoffed, earning a sharp nudge from Ami.
“Well, he is” you snapped, immediately feeling guilty “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be like that.” To your surprise Misa laughed.
“Maybe you ought to be more like that” she said, eating another bite thoughtfully “you’re never aggressive or argumentative. Maybe you should raise some hell.”
“Yeah, that sounds mature” Ami said, pushing up her glasses “but maybe being a little more assertive would be beneficial.”
The mix of opinions and advice stayed with you that afternoon. Perhaps you should insist more. You knew Suna had practise that afternoon, and though you’d usually insist on waiting for him, you decided to leave instead and figure out what you needed to do. Tomorrow, he had promised that you two could hang out. It would probably just be watching a movie in his room, or at the very most, going out for pizza. Your fist clenched. You knew what you had to do.
As you predicted, Suna asked you over to watch a really bad movie he had found online that promised bad CGI aliens and not a trace of coherent storytelling. You entered his room, taking care to keep your composure as he accepted the Tupperware box of cookies you baked for the occasion.
“Chocolate chip” he hummed “don’t tell Kita that I’m indulging like this.”
“I’m not making any promises” you said, earning a raised eyebrow from him in response but he said nothing. You bit the inside of your cheek, hesitating before shrugging off your jacket and sitting next to him on his bed. He played the movie on his laptop, putting one arm around you casually.
“You feel stiff” he commented, and you relaxed your muscles, telling yourself to calm down.
“I’m just really tense about these aliens” you said, nodding at the screen where a squadron of lanky green creatures discussed their plan to blow up the Earth. Out the corner of your eye you saw him smile and held your breath when he pressed his cheek against the top of your head. Already your resolve was melting. Maybe you had been exaggerating his lack of attention? Maybe he had snapped out of it? You snuggled into his chest, feeling happier already.
Then he reached for his phone.
You snuck a glance up at him, wanting to gauge how distracted he was. His face was impassive as his thumb scrolled down his twitter feed. He stopped to read something before continuing.
“Rin” you said softly. He did nothing. “Rintaro.” Nothing again. You nudged your foot down onto the spacebar of his laptop to pause the film. He didn’t notice. You bit your lip. It was now or never.
“Suna Rintaro” you said in a clipped tone, swinging your leg over so you were straddling him. He dropped his phone and it bounced off the bed and onto the floor.
“What… What are you doing?” You grasped his chin, bringing it up so that he had no choice but to look at you.
“Pay attention to me” you said with a frown “you’re always on your phone when we’re together and you act like I’m not even here.” You felt yourself swallow nervously and your face flush with heat, but you pushed yourself to keep it up.
“Am I boring you?”
He blinked at you “no.”
Unsatisfied you clicked your tongue “do you still like me?”
“Then why don’t you look at me instead? Or respond when I call you? It’s not nice of you.” He opened his mouth and then closed it again, considering his words.
“I’m sorry, angel” he said, using the pet name that he only brought out on rare occasions “I didn’t mean to ignore you. You’re right it wasn’t fair of me. Can you forgive me?” You could feel your heart hammer in your chest as he glanced up at you, loosening your grip on his chin with his hand and then pressing a kiss to it. His expression was so tender; something you’d seldom see unless you were in the midst of passion.
You pressed your lips together for a moment and said “no.”
“No?” He repeated, furrowing his brow in confusion.
“No” you said firmer, fisting the material of his t-shirt. Your knuckles brushed against the milky white of his skin.
“Your actions have consequences, Rintaro” you said, “I will not be ignored.”
“Oh?” he murmured, his hands lingered on the backs of your thighs and inched their way up your skirt.
“R-Rin” you struggled to maintain your demeanour “I’m serious.”
“I know but you’re so cute when you’re serious” he cooed, squeezing your flesh and smiling when you bit your lip “hmm these feel different.” He let go of your ass and brought his hands around to the front of your skirt, lifting it and whistling at your new purchase.
“They’re a new set” you mumbled.
“Pretty” his eyes darkened as he took in the vision of you in black lace “is this why Atsumu was talking about lace?”
You spluttered “w-what? How do you know about that?” He shrugged playfully, letting your skirt fall back down in exchange for undoing the buttons of your blouse.
“Everyone knows Atsumu can’t keep a secret” he hummed in pleasure at the sight of the matching bra “all this for me?”
“I have to get your attention somehow” you muttered, looking away from him.
“Angel” he called “I am sorry about that. Let me make it up to you.” He leaned forward to press a kiss onto your sternum. He continued to pepper your heated skin with kisses to get you to look at him again.
You sighed “you’re hard to be mad at.”
He smiled triumphantly “does that mean I’m forgiven?”
“You’re a tough cookie” he said, “I guess I’ll have to try harder.” One arm curled around your waist, pushing you closer to him so he was able to capture your lips. He smiled when he elicited a soft gasp from you as his free hand gripped your thigh. He kneaded the flesh, making you tremble in anticipation as his lips continued to kiss your own. He hissed when you bit down on his bottom lip, making you feel bolder. You kissed down the column of his neck, pulling his shirt and prompting him to take it off. Before the shirt could hit the ground you latched your mouth onto his shoulder, biting down onto his skin and making him curse under his breath. You pulled away to lick the tender skin, leaning back to survey your work.
“You are being punished for your crimes” you said, “bad Rintaro.” You crawled off him, shutting his laptop gently and placing it on the ground. You expected him to wait; after all, your streak of confidence had rendered him speechless. You forgot however, that just as he was on the court, he adapted easily to new situations. He grabbed you from behind, making you squeak in surprise at how swift he was. His arms were wrapped tightly around you, preventing you from moving despite your struggles. His chin rested on your shoulder and you could hear his breath on the shell of your ear.
“Just when I think I have you all figured out, you throw something like that on me.” He licked a stripe up the pillar of your neck, chuckling when you shuddered in pleasure. To be honest, even you were surprised by his actions. Usually sex was a soft experience, with him being gentle and slow as he coaxed orgasms out of you. This time he was rougher; no longer wanting to be lazy and indulgent.
“Rin” you whined when he began kissing the spot near the base of your neck that he knew made you weak “you’re meant to be facing punishment for your behaviour.”
“Aw, am I still not forgiven yet?” he nuzzled into your neck “hmmm I suppose I deserve it. How could I neglect my angel like that?” He loosened his grip on you, letting you wiggle out of his grasp. You turned, feeling a heady mixture of intoxicated by his presence and nervous as you tried to anticipate what to do next. A certain idea had been playing on your mind for a while, but you lacked the conviction to undertake it. You pressed your lips against him hard instead, wanting to build up a little more courage. He was more than happy to accommodate, kissing you back with equal vigour.
“Fuck” he mumbled under his breath when you kissed his jaw, allowing your hand to traverse down to the planes of his stomach. You stroked his skin softly, enjoying the soft trail of hair that led you down to the waistband of his sweats. His breath hitched, and you felt empowered by your ability to make his brain glitch. You leaned back, biting your lip as you palmed the outline of his dick. His eyes fluttered shut, and he began breathing harder when you shed the layers of fabric and touched him. You stroked up and down his shaft a few times, wetting your lips as you watched him groan softly. You swallowed your nerves and leaned your head down to kitten lick the head of his dick.
“Is this okay?” you gazed up at him through your lashes as you continued to lavish your tongue over his flesh. This was a first for you.
“Y-you. Uh, yes but you don’t ha- fuck” he struggled to say anything coherent when you took him in your mouth. His hand petted your hair at first, encouraging you to continue, and you experimentally took more of him into your mouth. The sensation was foreign, and you felt your throat protest against the invasion.
“Don’t push yourself, angel” Rin panted, and you pulled back a bit, using your hand to help where your mouth struggled to reach. You tussled at first to find a comfortable rhythm, but Suna’s soft, sinful sounds pushed you to try. You let him poke into the flesh of the inside of your cheek, trying to find what would feel best for him.
“Good girl” he mumbled, holding your hair like a makeshift ponytail. The words immediately made a rush of heated lust swell inside of you, increasing your speed. Suna’s words began to sound less intelligible as you continued, and you were surprised that his thighs were beginning to quake. You pulled away, watching him whine from the loss of your warm, wet mouth. It ached a little, you realised, touching your jaw lightly.
“You’re such a fuckin tease” Rin huffed, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his pouty face.
“You brought this on yourself” you said, sticking out your tongue “but I think you’ve learnt your lesson now.”
“Finally,” he groaned, pushing you down so your back was flat against the mattress. He positioned himself so he was pressing against you “now let me pay some attention to you.”
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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Sooo let’s bash axis Kay??? Kay.
Axis is the type to definitely be in the most toxic of relationship may I present: gold digger meangirl darling
I need to stop listening to that one kesha song..if you can guess the song I’ll give you a kiss
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“Look when I first dated you I thought you were really hot, but you are Kinda a crybaby” you sneered out and axis tensed up eyes wide as he stood there in shock.
Why were you doing this in front of his friends? Why now? Axis felt tears in his eyes and he kept his head down sniffling “b-but you like that about me don’t you? You always say you like how sensitive I am” he mumbled out making you sigh “you are always whimpering and whining it’s just annoying at this point” you hissed out.
Hikaru had to be held back by his partner anger seeping through him “I just wanna talk” he hissed out with a growl, the nerve of this dumb Barbie doll bitch. You patted axis on the shoulder “when you get some balls we can try again okay? Girls just don’t wanna talk about feelings...it’s not fun” you said softly and axis grabbed your hand tears pouring down his cheeks
“W-wait! I-I can change y-you’ll let me change won’t you?” He sputtered out hands shaking and you reached out roping his tears “I’m not attracted to bitch boys..that’s all. It’s not your fault you don’t have a single masculine quality, I mean you sometimes wear a skirt I can’t be with a guy like that” you cooed out making him tense up his breathing getting shakier.
“I-I try super hard, it’s just..hard for me. And I love you so much. I just have all these feelings that I want to express and I just..I love you so much!” He sobbed out his body shaking as he dropped to his knees hugging your waist face buried in your stomach, god he must have looked pathetic sniffling and sobbing like this but this was so painful
“Axis, I just don’t find you attractive. Like at all, not even a little bit” you sneered out now pushing him off softly, “I need a stable man, now a twink” you scoff out making axis whimper as he reached out for you his milky white eyes filled with tears and he latched onto you once more standing up and holding you tight
“Y-you just want more money yeah? I’ll give it to you! All of it! I’ll make more paintings and make more money for them! Y-you want that new purse? T-those new pair of shoes? I’ll get them!”
As if a switch flipped you kissed him sweetly “aww! I love you baby! Such a cutie! You know I was kidding right?” You purred out and axis smiles brightly nuzzling his face in your chest letting out a loud shaky sigh as he relaxed from his huge panic attack.
Hikaru scowled “I say we burn the bitch..why the fuck is he with her?” he hissed out. Rin gave a soft hum of acknowledgment “I mean, that was cold like brrr! Wonder how long this relationship would last” He cheered out. Solomon flicked both boys on the back of the head
“You idiots! Mind your fucking business he wants to be some bimbo’s lapdog then let him”
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dweetwise · 4 years
Hello, can I request a headcannon with the killers that has s/o that has a German Shepard as a pet and would take to trail as to protect and guard s/o.
[yes you can i love dogs asdfdg this made me so happy ;w;]
sort of crack what else is new
Killers X reader with German Shepherd
Evan will pretend to be disgusted by doggo and avoid you two. “Real men don’t care about animals,” his father’s words echo in his head. Still, he won’t place any bear traps the entire trial out of concern for puppy’s safety. Please take the dog to meet him properly after the trial, he’ll warm up to the idea of pets in no time.
Philip loves animals. When he rings his bell and uncloaks to approach you, puppy is spooked and he’ll be so disappointed! He’ll throw the entire trial to hang out with you two, trying to build trust with the dog, and is so happy when it finally lets him pet it!
Max is, um... ABORT MISSION OK. He has some unresolved issues with animals (see: cow tree incident) and you’ll need to hide puppy and give Max a very stern talking to before introducing them. Once Max realizes animal = fren, he’ll become instant besties with puppy!
Sally won’t be overjoyed but is willing to put up with the dog for your sake. “Can you stop barking, I’m trying to have a conversation with my partner,” she’ll scold the dog when it, understandably, is confused by a floating ghost lady approaching its master.
Michael ignores the dog entirely. It could chomp down on his leg and he’d just keep walking. One time, you were whisked away to a trial while you were visiting Haddonfield with your dog, only to return after to find Michael laying motionless on the floor with the dog sprawled out on his face, Michael refusing to move to acknowledge the animal.
Lisa immediately lunges for the dog upon seeing it. “LISA NO DON’T EAT —” you start, when you see she’s just hugging the puppy tightly, while it’s frozen in place and very confused why there’s a tiny person covered in mud clinging to it. “I used to have a dog when I was a child!” she’ll excitedly tell you while giving head pats to the dog with her non-taloned hand.
Anna will look at puppy, cocking her head while humming, with the dog mirroring the action to listen to her lullaby. “You bring food?” she finally asks you, pointing at the animal with her axe. “NO! He’s my friend!” you’re quick to explain. Anna ends up training the dog to locate survivors in trials, and now neither of you are allowed to bring it into trials with you anymore.
Herman... oh lord have mercy. Herman giggles maniacally while approaching the animal, shock charging in his hand. “DON’T,” you warn sternly, protectively stepping in front of the growling doggo. He huffs in disappointment, before shocking you instead. Your scream is more from frustration than pain, but puppy launches himself at Herman, biting into the killer’s arm. “Hmm... interesting reaction,” Herman muses to himself, lifting his bloodied arm (dog still hanging on) and not seeming to care about the pain.
Bubba is terrified of the dog. Even when you manage to get him to pet it after gently coaxing both him and the dog, his hand is shaking. It’s going to take a lot of work to get him to trust such a ‘scary-looking’ animal.
Frank thinks German Shepherds are cool as fuck and fit his ‘badass’ image. He’ll often sneak puppy away from you, prancing around with it in the killers’ camp or trials to try to look tough. That being said, he’s secretly a huge softie and you’ll often find him cuddling the dog in his sleep when he thinks no one will see.
Joey just wants to chill with you and puppy. He’ll let the dog climb all over him and give him sloppy puppy kisses, and he’ll carry the dog around in his lap like a chihuahua. If your dog didn’t sleep in your bed before, too bad it does now because “He’s a family member and is not sleeping on the floor!” according to your boyfriend.
Julie is more of a cat person, but she’s more than happy to play with the dog. When she’s trowing the same stick for the 35th time in their game of fetch, you sneak off to repair a generator and neither of them notice.
Susie... well. “Who’s a good boy? A-who’s a good boy!? You are! Yes you are!” She loves the dog almost as much as she does you and will be extremely sad if you ever visit her without bringing your furry companion with you.
Danny won’t notice the dog at first, sneaking up to you in a trial and smacking your ass playfully. When you yelp in surprise, puppy growls and pounces on the killer, tacking him to the ground. Danny is screaming bloody murder while thrashing under the animal, while the dog is not even doing anything, just looking at him like ‘wtf is wrong with this dude’. It takes you a while to get puppy off of him because you’re laughing so hard.
Caleb is pretty cool with the concept of you having a dog. He doesn’t particularly like pets, but is willing to put up with it. Though he will snark at you to get the dog under control every time it starts growling when he kisses you or if, god forbid, it dares to jump on the bed with you.
Adiris will be like “Ah, a creature made to serve me”. She takes its leash and just... prances around in the trial, puppy following obediently behind her. When she gives the dog back, she’ll praise you for training it so well and give you a big smooch.
Kazan will be surprisingly accepting of the dog, as the most honorable samurai of his time had canine companions. It’s not the same breed, but hey, can’t be picky in the fog. Prepare for a couple of arguments when he wants to teach the dog to maul survivors and you just want it to be a cuddly friend.
Rin is wary of puppy and the feeling is mutual. She's pretty misinformed about the breed, but will be reassured when she sees how well-trained puppy is. Some mischief ensues when puppy once mistakes her floating leg as a new toy and takes off with it, causing an angry Rin to phase after it to catch up.
Pyramid Head will just stare at the dog, then tilt his headpiece in an unimpressed manner as if to say “Really?”. He’ll come around once he realizes puppy makes a fantastic guard dog, and he’ll let it roam the halls of the school outside of trials to look for intruders while he focuses on spending more time with you.
Amanda vibes with the breed being misunderstood and instantly wants to be a puppy mom. She’ll make a spiked collar for the dog, despite your protests. Will make a very pretty picture laying on the couch chilling with the dog, wearing her leather jacket and puppy wearing his new studded leather collar.
(Bonus: Clown running as fast as his chubby legs will carry him while Freddy is getting mauled by the dog into a bloody pile next to him. Clown slips on a pile of dog poop and the animal catches up to him, lunging for his throat. A small distance away, you’re watching the spectacle unfold with Quentin who high-fives you with a smug grin.)
(Bonus 2: The Demogorgon finds you in a trial, but puppy jumps in front of you and growls at the killer. Demo screeches, opening his maw wide and causing puppy to slink down in submission and whimper pathetically. Demo closes his mouth and cocks his head. Puppy starts wagging his tail and curious butt sniffing ensues between the dog and the killer.)
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angstyaches · 4 years
Come Back to Me Pt.1
Follow up to Rin and Felix meeting at a park bench for the exchange of money and a Ouija board. Actual whump/sickness in this one, as Shayne's bad habits catch up on him. Part Two will be from Charlie’s POV.
CW: panic, nausea, dizziness, fainting, no emeto, hunger/disordered eating mention
Swallow the World, Halloween: Part 3
Shayne was sitting on the picnic table with his feet on the bench, and Charlie was sitting on the bench with his back against the table. Shayne had never seen him sitting with one leg crossed over his knee before. Relaxed. Confident, maybe. He might have looked slightly intimidating if he wasn’t wearing a bright yellow jumper. Or if he didn’t keep tapping his pink smoothie against Shayne’s leg.
“Piss off, I’m not touching that thing.”
“Damn it, Shayne!” Charlie laughed. “I asked for soy yoghurt specifically so you could try it. I threw dairy under the bus for you.”
Shayne sighed. Fuck’s sake. “Give it here.”
He took a small sip through the straw. At first, all he could feel was an icy stab in his throat and chest. He closed his eyes and breathed through his mouth, drawing the warm, early autumn air into his lungs.
“There’s no way it’s that bad.”
“It’s just fucking cold. Reminds me of –” Demons sliding down my throat. “Y’know.”
“Sorry, I should’ve warned you.”
Shayne was ready for the cold on the second sip, and the tart strawberry flavour made his cheeks tingle. The acidity was still sharp on the way down, but pleasant in the same way as splashing your face with cold water. There was also a sweetness he wasn’t used to, but wasn’t put off by either.
“Yeah, okay, that’s actually nice,” he admitted as he handed the cup back to Charlie, whose eyes brightened.
“You want some more?”
“No way. It’s yours.”
Charlie didn’t push it, but he still looked pleased with himself. He looked away in favour of gazing out across the park, at the sunshine lazily casting shadows through the yellow leaves. He let his finger hover close to the top of the straw, twirling it gently with his telekinesis without even looking, but that wasn’t what had Shayne’s attention.
He was examining the silver possession scar that curved around Charlie’s neck, invisible to the most people, but a clear mark for a demon killer. For Shayne. He felt a little light-headed with frustration at the fact that they still hadn’t made any progress with getting that demon out of Charlie. That he hadn’t made any.
It also felt a little strange to be taller than Charlie for once. Shayne wondered what would happen if he slid across the table, just a little to the left, and rested his head against Charlie’s. Imagining the smell of his hair from that close made Shayne’s own hair stand on end, and didn’t help with the slight dizziness.
A light whistling sound rushed past his ears. Echolocation; softer and more elegant than it usually sounded, but still unmistakable.
“You hear that?” he asked tightly. No. No, there was no way… He’d only been gone from the house a few hours; Madelyn and Watson wouldn’t care about that. Not enough to follow him all the way to the city.
Charlie looked up at him. “Hear what?”
That was when Shayne spotted him; a familiar figure across the park, sitting alone at another picnic table. His golden complexion and ridiculous clothes would have made him stand out anywhere, not to mention those glowing yellow eyes.
“Fuck.” Shayne hopped down and sat next to Charlie.
“Whoa - what is it?”
Shayne pulled his friend’s shoulder so that they were both turned and leaning towards the table. Shayne was hyper-aware of Charlie’s flesh and bone hidden under his clothes, how real and solid he was. How breakable. Shayne felt like his insides were slowly tightening, pushing more and more pressure up into his skull.
He blinked as Charlie’s hand rested against his cheek, tilting his head to make their eyes lock. “Come back to me. Shayne, you look so... When did you last eat something?”
Shayne couldn’t remember, but he also couldn’t see the relevance of the question. All he could think of were vampires elitists so desperate to rid the world of demons that they would set a trap for the kindest, most amazing –
“Th-the –” Fuck. Why was his voice so shaky? Why were Charlie’s eyes so blue, and why was he seeing four of them? Shayne tried to focus, lowering his head to his hand when the dizziness didn’t pass. “The – the guy on the bench over there, can you – can you quickly check if he’s looking at us?”
Charlie laughed gently. “What? Why would he be –?”
“Just – please.”
“Who, the guy in the suspenders? I don’t think so. He’s just – wait.”
“Wait?” Shayne’s breath suddenly felt like it wasn’t going all the way to his lungs. He clutched the side of his head. “Wait what?”
“He’s looking over at Rin, and – and the guy she’s with.”
Shayne looked up and saw Charlie’s lips move again, but couldn’t remember if he’d replied before leaning back and getting to his feet. He couldn’t remember how he made it so far across the park with his head feeling so floaty, his legs so shaky, his thoughts so detached.
Elliott intercepted him before he got to the side of the park where Rin was sitting. He called out his name a few times before tearing ahead, turning, and shoving Shayne backwards. Shayne stumbled but managed to catch himself, adrenaline clearing his head a little.
“Why the fuck are you here?” Shayne growled. “And who the fuck is Rin talking to?”
“Try and stay calm, alright?” Elliott raised his eyebrows. “You want a repeat of what happened with us last time?”
Remembering the agony of being punched by Elliott made Shayne almost gag. He stretched his jaw and tried to steel himself. “If she gets hurt, Elliott, I’ll – I’ll put you in the ground, whether you’re dead or not. You and your little friend.”
“Seriously, watch yourself, Shayne.” Elliott’s eyes darkened as he bared his fangs, which Shayne had seen rip open the ribs of a deer. “No one’s gotta get hurt here, man, let’s just –”
Shayne stepped forward, tightening his fists. “Let’s just nothing, you son of a bitch.”
“Shayne?” Charlie took hold of Shayne’s arm from behind.
Shayne froze up before he could even think about where to hit Elliott first. Charlie’s hold wasn’t strong, but it still made the wrong chemicals fire in Shayne’s brain, and he had to choke back the instinct to lash out.
He shivered as he realised Charlie was seeing him this angry. The rampageous energy leaked from his limbs and his heartrate dropped, though the panic was still screaming in his head. It was like his body was forgetting the danger while his brain fixated on it.
Elliott nodded over Shayne’s shoulder. “Who’s your friend?”
Shayne stepped right between Charlie and Elliott. He reached back with his trembling free hand, shivering again when he felt Charlie take it. He wasn’t sure anymore if all of this holding was purely for Charlie’s benefit.
“You – you don’t go near him, Elliott,” he breathed. “You don’t even look at him.”
“Okay, relax, man.” Elliott nodded, careful not to break eye contact again. “You want to tell me what you’re so worked up about?”
“How about the fact that you’re here,” Shayne said, “while our friend is meeting someone she’s never met before –?”
The way Elliott’s eyes glistened caught Shayne’s attention. No, this was no coincidence. There was a member of the Aldridge clan that Shayne had never met, and the hooded seller had to be them. The confirmation settled like cement in his stomach.
“The Aldridges planned – planned all of – all of this,” he muttered. Shit, why couldn’t he get his voice to come out any damn louder? Everything was coming out in such short, pathetic bursts. “Unless – unless this goes all the way – all the way back to –”
“Shayne, listen,” Elliott said. “Me and Fee didn’t have a choice in this. Besides, isn’t this something you needed, to help your friend?”
Shayne shook his head, wanting to draw Charlie a little closer behind him, but realising he couldn’t get any closer. His shoulders were already pressed against Charlie’s chest, and most of his weight already seemed to be taken into Charlie’s arms. 
Charlie was holding him.
“Shayne, look,” Charlie said, moving one hand to rest on Shayne’s waist. “I can see Rin, and she’s just talking to the guy. She’s fine, if you just look.”
“He’s right.” Elliott’s face was swimming in and out of focus. “My boy would never hurt a fly.”
“Then why all the secrecy? Mad- Madelyn…” Shayne didn’t mean for it to be a whisper, but it was. 
He’d wanted to make Elliott tell him whether or not Madelyn had orchestrated this, if she knew Shayne had been hoarding demons in jars, if she knew about Charlie. 
God, he felt so weird. 
The weight of the panic in his stomach made him feel like he was going to throw up, but all that came out of him were mumbled fragments of thoughts that burned whitely in his head. “Mads and Watson, they – they found the - they know about – don’t they? They – they’re going to… Charlie?”
“Yeah? I’m here. I’ve got you.”
“They – they’re…” They’re going to hurt you, they’re going to kill you, they’re going to make you go away, they’re going to –
“Shayne?” Charlie whimpered.
The last thing he remembered thinking was that Charlie must have abandoned his smoothie somewhere, because there was no way he’d be able to hold it and catch Shayne on his way to the ground.
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lecliss · 4 years
Telling you this because i am Not naruto posting on main, but imagine a servamp inspired au. Instead of sealing the biju inside a person, they chain them together, like servamps. But instead of having a human and animal form they have a small and large animal form. Imagine trying to hate a kid who carries a small, cuddly fox everywhere. Don't ask me for specifics i just think it's really cute. Anyway thanks for listening
You will post cringe on main and you will like it cjfbcjfb /jk
Anyway, that's kinda like Sumire and Nue in Boruto, but Nue isn't always around. It's fun tho! And I imagine Naruto wouldn't feel so alone and maybe he coulda gotten along with Kurama a lot quicker if they interacted early on like that. He'd be like a pet, but like, one that everyone hates and fears lmao
Actually tho! I mean, considering everything Kurama did to fuck up Konoha(even tho he was being controlled by Obito) I think even if he looks like a cute tiny pet fox he'd still freak people out, if not more so than in canon. Cuz it wouldn't be like, Kurama took the form of a suppodedly harmless boy(as per the people's interpretation early on), it'd be that Kurama is still literally right there but just small and who knows what he could still do even in the hands of a little kid. I don't think anyone would feel like the problem was solved, especially since even some people wanted Naruto(a literal small child) dead back then.
But then there's the question of can the biju like, poof away like Nue whenever they want and is there some kind of distance limit like in Servamp? Cuz then Kurama can just not be seen except when it's safe in Naruto's house.
And also! This is Kurama here! He was like, a major 'blood, death, and destruction' dude until getting along with Naruto. Like, imagine a tiny fox in a cutsey voice yelling about getting revenge on Minato and how dare he be confined to living with a weak pathetic baby. And then he's like, 'ah fuck I have grown to care about this weak pathetic baby' kfnfkcn
Oh! And then like, if Kurama's kept out of view of the people until Naruto becomes a genin I can totally imagine a scenario where Naruto finally introduces Kurama to the rest of Team 7 and Sakura just screams, Kakashi does an emotional internal monologue over seeing Kurama, and Sasuke's just like 'Tch, how dare an idiot like Naruto get control over such a power beast. It's wasted on him.'
AND THEN THERE'S ALSO GAARA!! And Gaara's, like, everything changes from this! Why would his mom still have to die in this situation?? I don't think she should. His mom should get to live instead because I will cry if she does not.
But Shukaku is also totally all 'blood, death, and destruction'-y. How do you control that??? Shukaku didn't chill out until after the Chunin exams and Gaara was like, a straight up murderer. How do you adjust that then??? People tried to assassinate Gaara as a toddler!!! His uncle fucking blew himself up trying to kill Gaara!!! Okay, we'll just make that never happen cuz it makes me sad and I liked Gaara's uncle. The whole thing was his dad's idea anyway so I assume people would be like 'yo kazakage what the fuck can we do something about the fucking monster your kid is toting around??' And he's just like 'nah. It's a good idea. Leave it.' And they can't fucking do anything about it cuz he's the Kazekage ckcbcjcjck
This feels delightfully fun with Fuu and Chomei though cuz she's my fave jinchuriki and apparently Chomei is like, very genki lmao.
WAIT! IVE HAD A SAD THOUGHT! So Rin had the four tails sealed inside her(right? The big turtle fucker) and that led Kakashi to accidentally killing her and Obito to. Ya know. Do what he did. But if the four tails was like a Servamp in that case... well the whole plan kinda falls apart. They could communicate to each other but idk the four tails' personality so idk if he'd want to explain shit to Rin and be like 'lets avoid this situation' or if he'd go for letting shit get fucked. But either way I feel like it'd be harder for things to happen the way they did since idk if in this AU a jinchuriki and biju being separated results in the death of the jinchuriki. And also, would Rin dying have even helped anything? Cuz the four tails would just be free. In fact, what the fuck happened in canon when Rin died anyway? I don't remember anything about the four tails getting released after her death and going on a rampage. Isn't that what's supposed to happen??? Idk, I'm not gonna question it. But I think in this scenario Rin dying wouldn't have solved anything but she might have had a stupid moment and thought that was the only option so she sacrificed herself anyway.
I need to stop cuz I'm just gonna fuckin go on thinking about the intricacies of this idea. There'll be no end cjfbcjcb
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free-pool-trash · 5 years
Jealous Free! Boys (Pt.1)
Requested by anon: Hi your headcanons are superb! Can I ask for jealous scenarios for our Starting Days boys Haru, Makoto, Asahi and Ikuya + Natsuya? Thank you yo!
Requested by @pristinehaven : Hi! Can i get some jealousy headcanons for Asahi,Natsuya and Ikuya with a fem s!o. Like how often do they get jealous and what are the things that tik them off. And how do they handle their partner if they get jealous. Thank you!
Requested by anon: the iwatobi boys + rin, nitori, seijuro, momo’s reaction to someone flirting with their s/o?
Oml these should be fun 😂 thanks for these requests hope you all enjoy 💞 part 2 with request number 3 coming soon ❤️
He doesn't really get jealous often
He trusts you completely
it's the guys that flirt with you he's got the problem with and the fact that you're too sweet to notice they're trying to make a pass at you
The first time Haru gets like this you honestly had a hard time comprehending what happened
Haru had brought you to an aquarium on a date and while you were looking at the Dolphins a guy around your age approached you both
He was wearing a staff uniform and starting talking to you and Haru about the types of dolphins they had
At first him and Haru were the only ones talking, Haru being interested in the Dolphins
But eventually the guys attention turned to you and you didn't really notice the shift in the way this guy spoke but Haru definitely did
The way the guy looked you up and down certainly did not sit well with Haru either
He humored the guy for a few minutes since he was just talking but the minute the guy starts to get flirty Haru gets fed up
He narrowed his eyes at the guy, looking between him and you
You didn't look at all interested in what he was saying but you were being polite and listening anyways, completely unaware of the flirtation
“Y'know, there's this really good restaurant just a little bit away from here, maybe you'd wanna-” the guy began to say before Haru cut him off
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and nodded at the guy, his expression completely blank
“Now that you've mentioned it, I'm actually pretty hungry, what about you babe?”
looking up to him you smiled “I could eat.”
Haru looked at the guy gesturing his free hand to you, “We better get going. Thanks for the recommendation.”
Haru keeps physical contact with you for the rest of the day, an arm around your shoulders or his hand holding yours
It's easy to tell when he's jealous because he gets extra quiet and extra possessive
When you get jealous he thinks it's kinda funny
He isn't as oblivious to flirting as you so when random girls stroll up he knows not to entertain them too much
You get all huffy and glary
You hold his hand and make sure it's seen
Pretending you don't care but getting increasingly frustrated when the girls don't back off
like hunny he clearly is not interested
He makes sure to give you extra attention for the rest of the day
you're so cute to him when you're jealous
Very rarely shows his jealousy
but he does still get jealous he just tries not to show it because he trusts you 100%
Sometimes though if guys try take advantage of your kindness he's right there to shut that shit down
One time you were waiting for Makoto to finish his class, since you were planning to go for lunch after
You were waiting on a bench on campus when a student approached you
“Hey, are you new?” He asked you, he seemed nice
“No I'm just waiting for somebody.” You told him politely, not really feeling like conversing with the stranger
You just wanted to see your boyfriend
“Yeah, I definitely would've remembered seeing such a pretty face around.”
At that moment Makoto had started to approach, noticing it was one of the campuses many players who was trying to chat you up
he also noticed how flushed and uncomfortable you looked/
“Hey, (N/n). Sorry, have you been waiting long?” He cut the dude right off
You perked up straight away like he knew you would
“Oh good you're finished!”
And that's pretty much all it took for Makoto to get your full attention
“Ah, Tachibana! Is this lovely lady a friend of yours?” The guy asked and Makoto watched as you gave him an awkward smile
“Yeah actually she's my-”
”Cool, anyways-” he just completely cut Makoto off and he was trying his hardest not to blow a fuse
“-how about you guys take a raincheck, and you and me get to know each oth-”
cut off central
Makoto sighed in frustration as he intertwined his hand with yours and pulled you to your feet
“Sorry but myself and my girlfriend, need to be going. Have a good day!” And with that he struts off, your hand held tightly in his
He'll quietly grumble to himself and you can't help but giggle at him everytime
When you get jealous on the other hand you're a lot more passive aggressive than sweet boy Makoto
He's too nice to tell girls he isn't interested so sometimes when they get a little too ballsy you gotta step in
He loves when you do though
Because your so protective but you're never mean and he just thinks he's so lucky to have you
It's a mutual thing between you that if one of you is jealous you'll intertwine your hands together and even after the jealousy is over you keep hold on each other
Subtly? We don't know them
Possessive baby
Listen here's the thing he's not threatened by any guys who stare at you because hey he has a gorgeous girlfriend he knows
It's when guys he doesn't know try chatting you up
God he's so extra
You were sitting at the bar of his sister's restaurant and he was behind the bar holding Tsukushi while his sister was out
You were giggling at your boyfriend and his nephew when you saw someone sit beside you at the bar and out of reflex you turned and gave the guy a polite smile
”Asa do you want me to hold him while you take this guys order?” You giggled watching him try and multitask
“Sure!” He handed the giggling little boy to you as you cooed at him
Tsukushi looooooves you
You sat with him cooing and giving him little butterfly kisses all over his face giggling with him while Asahi went to take the guys order
“What can I get you?” he asked but the guy didn't answer as he his attention was fixated on you and the baby who was squishing your cheeks with his hands
Asahi rolled his eyes and cleared his throat loudly “excuse me, can I help you?” He asked again and the guy looked his direction
He didn't even say please just went straight back to looking at you
Asahi rolled his eyes again and got to work in making the rude guy his coffee listening while he pathetically tried to flirt you up
“Hey.. you're really good with kids, huh?”
“Mhm” you knew what he was up to but you were having too much fun with Tsu to care too much
“We have the best time don't we Tsu?” You cooed at him as he giggled and threw his hands up in the air
“You'd look really good with a kid of your own.”
Ok this guy was definitely not so subtle himself but not to worry
Asahi set the guys coffee down in front of him and made his way around the bar to you
“Yeah she would, wouldn't she?” He said wrapping his arms around your shoulders and peppering kisses all over the side of your neck as you laughed
“A boy and a girl-” he then turned towards the guy again with a wide close eyed smile “whaddaya think?”
“Uh, um, sure yeah…”
And you'd never seen someone down a coffee so fast
You pretty much do the same when someone is flirting with him
stroll up to his side and slide into a hug and he always always always greets you with a kiss so that's pretty much all it takes
you're both pretty calm with flirts because you both know your each other's number ones
Lmao get the fuck away
Don't even T R Y
He doesn't care who it is like no feelings are spared, especially it they're cocky about it
You two were out shopping one time and he was just kinda following behind you because he didn't really have much of an input
you looked pretty in everything you buy
But you were trying to choose between two really pretty dresses and asked Ikuya what he thought on which one you should buy
“They’re both really nice, but maybe the light blue one?” He suggested knowing you probably needed an actual answer and the blue dress was really cute
but then/ this guy chimes in
“Actually the pink one would compliment your skin tone more, not to mention bring out the colour of those pretty eyes”
You weren’t stupid but you figured he was a shop assistant or something tryna get a raise
Ikuya was not having it
“She likes the blue.”
You had to thank Ikuya for stepping in because as nice as this guy was trying to be he was making you a little uncomfortable
“He's right I do like the blue, but thank you anyway.”
The guy looked Ikuya up and down and gave him the dirtiest look then back at you
“But with this dresses length and your legs it'd look so se-”
Ikuya wrapped his arm around around your waist took the pink dress from you and hung it back on the rail and looked the perverted guy right in the eye
“Listen man, she's not interested.”
Ikuya bought you the blue dress and didn't let go of your waist the entire day
 When you get jealous on the other hand you tend to beat around the bush a little
“come on babe we're gonna be late” or if you're just walking up to him and some girl is already batting her eyelashes at him you strut up behind him and wrap your arms around his middle
He secretly lives for when you do it and you know it
And just like that all of his attention is immediately back to you
Generally you guys never get too antsy when it comes to flirting but it does tic you both off
Okay you both have two types of jealousy
Sober jealousy and drunk jealousy
let's start with sober
He's fairly tame in these situations, obviously doesn't like dudes chatting up his girl but he usually just gives you a kiss on the cheek and says something like “We better get going, baby, wouldn't wanna be late.” He might even throw in a subtle wink in your direction for good measure
Very casually throws an arm around your shoulder
Same with you, it's all very mature with maybe a tiny hint of passive aggression
Now onto the more common form of your jealousies/ the drunk kind
So one night he was supposed to be meeting you at your favorite bar a bar he'd never been to before
When he got there he saw you sitting at the bar chatting to the bar tender that you knew from college
He greeted you with a kiss and then the two of you started to drink
After a few too many beers the bar tender came back over and Natsuya SWEARS he was checking you out
“I think someone's had a liiiiiittle too much.” The bar tended teased you causing you to giggle and Natsuya to pout
“(Y/nnnnnnnnn)...” he whined
“Babbbbbbbby.” you responded back with a hazy smile
He's kissing you hard with one eye open and glaring at the bar tender/
“What was that for?” You giggled out at him with your hands lazily in his hair
He smiled at you with droopy eyes “You're all mine”
“Mhm, kiss me again” you're both just two drunken giggling messes
Okay with drunk you it's a little more innocent
If some girl is taking up too much of his attention you get a little antsy
“Natsu…” You tug on his sleeve
“Yeah?” He gets a little confused seeing your pout
“Hi” you give him a smile and wrap your arms around him
“hey” he smiles back wrapping his arms back around you and whoever he was talking too has moved away
You're a snuggly jealous drunk and he's a possessive jealous drunk
it works
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ace-alex-art · 5 years
Thomas is a prick
I'm terrible with titles. Anyway this took way too long because Parker and I get distracted easily. It's a rollercoaster.
Also theres some really strong language from Thomas in the first half that is derogatory towards women. Please be careful when reading.
Michael keeps his body small as he lays curled on the floor. His shattered rib cage is burning, and every breath like inhaling shards of glass. His eyes are squeezed shut as he tries to wait out the pain. “P-please… Father…”
A harsh kick to his abdomen leaves the boy gasping. “Stand up.” He demands with another swift kick to Michael’s stomach. “This is all your fault! You pathetic little bitch! So stand up and fight!” The booming voice shakes the room.
Michael knows he can’t fight back. He’s learned the hard way that fighting back and defending himself always leads to more pain, but his head is spinning. His Father’s voice is too loud, and he just wants it all to stop. So slowly he gets back on his unsteady feet.
A strong punch to Michael’s face sends him sprawling onto the floor again, sufficiently erasing all the work it took for him to stand in the first place. Thomas stomps his foot onto Michael’s thigh and tears a hoarse cry from the boy. “Are you fucking deaf? I said stand back up!”
The boy whimpers and wipes his bleeding nose with his arm before forcing himself up again. He was always forced to not defend himself. Always hurt more when he did so, but if his Father truly wants him to fight back then why not? He's going to be beat anyway, so he might as well try to defend himself.
An arm reaches for his collar, and he ducks before maneuvering behind him. That wasn't what Thomas wanted apparently as he lunges at the broken boy and slams him into the wall. “You worthless piece of shit! I said fight back!” He slams Michael back into the wall again before punching the boy in the stomach sufficiently doubling the kid over. “Go on, hit me back!” The overwhelming stench of whiskey on his breath.
Michael doesn't know what else to do, so he plays the roll his Father wants. Hoping it will end soon if he plays along, Michael weakly punches Thomas's chest.
“Good girl.” He drunkenly praises before grabbing his arm and flinging him into the other wall.
I'm not a girl! Michael's thoughts scream. He knows he's going to lose this rigged fight, but he doesn't care at the moment. Michael moves to rush one way but quickly switches to the other side, and he plows into Thomas's side, knocking him into the wall.
That was not the right answer as his large hand clamps around Michael's throat and pins him to the wall. Holding Michael up by his throat, the drunkard leans close to his face. “I could fucking kill you right now, you know that?” He growls. The boy held off the ground; his toes barely dragging against the floor. Thomas pulls Michael forward before slamming him back into the wall again with intense force. “You ungrateful little bitch! You deserve this, girly. Go on, princess. Say it!” His grip on Michael's throat just loose enough for the boy to get a few words out.
“I...I de...serve it…” Michael weakly chokes out. Spots already beginning to dance in his blurry vision. “I de...serve it…”
“Fucking whore. We do so much for you and this is how you repay us?” He spits, clearly too inebriated to remember that he told Michael to fight back.
“...n-no… Sir… I-" The hand around Michael's throat squeezes hard as it cuts off his oxygen, making him slightly kick his legs as panicked eyes pleaded with his Father.
“I'm going to break your jaw if you keep fucking talking! Do you understand?” A minute nod as Michael fights to stay awake when his vision is being surrounded by darkness. “Get your shit and get the fuck out of my sight!” He booms as he throws Michael onto the ground. “Anyone fucking says anything, tell them your clumsy ass fell, do you understand me!”
Hes wheezing and trembling as he tries to regain control of his limbs. Grabbing his tattered backpack and racing out of the house before his Father could change his mind. His entire body screamed in protest, but he wanted to get as far away as he could. Adrenaline coursing through the boy allowed him to run until he got to the Sheriff's Secret Police Auction House before finally needing to stop. He slumped against the building when he finally began to feel all the pain in his body. Freezing when he looked back at where he had ran from and seeing bloody footprints.
Michael looked down to see a small puddle around his left foot. Cautiously using the wall for support, he lifted his leg to inspect his foot. The streetlight above him showed off the semi deep cuts on the bottom of his foot, and something shone in the light. Gingerly, Michael touched it. Piece of broken glass. He didn't have time to grab shoes when given the chance to flee, and he had ran through broken glass without realizing. The boy's hand shakes, but he manages to pull out the shard, cutting his foot more as it was removed.
Everything hurt, but he couldn't just stop here. He has to get farther away. His foggy mind told him to get to the dog park. Nobody goes to the dog park, so he would be able to rest outside the fence. It feels like another hour had passed in the time it took the boy to limp from the auction house to the dog park. As soon as he felt hidden enough, Michael slumped to the ground crying.
At some point the boy ran out of energy to keep crying. His entire body was aflame, and his throat hurt too much to continue to sob. His Father was always careful not to injure him where others could easily see, but he knew a black eye was forming already. There would be a prominent hand print around his throat by sunrise. How would he get anyone to believe he fell and got that?
Michael digs through his mainly empty bag when finds his phone. Carlos gave it to him since his old one was stolen. He said it was a gift. A “welcome to the family” gift. Michael smiles slightly. That was the day they made snow and decided they would prank Cecil and nearly give him a heart attack.
He only had a few numbers: the station, the lab, Mika's cell, Ainsel's phone, Cecil's, and Carlos's. He couldn't call Cecil. He would freak out. Mika would start a fight with his Father, and Ainsel would likely cry at the state he is in. Michael squeezes his eyes shut as he swallows hard. Carlos is going to be so mad for waking him up, but he didn't know what else to do.
Ring. Ring.
“P-please… please answer…”
Ring. Ring.
“I know you’ll be mad… it’s too early… but please pick up…”
Ring. Rin-
Carlos jerks upright as his phone goes off. Who would be calling at this time of night? Rubbing his face with a groan, he feels around the nightstand for his glasses. He gets up carefully as to not wake Cecil, who, as soon as Carlos got up, turned over and spread across the mattress.
Crossing the room, Carlos picks his phone up off the dresser, not bothering to check caller ID.
“Mm...Hello?” He asks with a yawn.
“Papa?” Michael shakily whispers. He didn’t know what else to do. He didn’t have anywhere else to go. Yeah, they gave him keys to their home, but what if they didn’t really want him there right now? Who wants a kid showing up at their door at 2am?
Carlos was suddenly wide awake as his blood ran cold. “Michael?” He asks, stepping out into the hall, shutting the door behind him. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
Carlos wasn’t sure what worried him more; the fact that Michael was calling at two in the morning or the sound of the child’s voice. “Do I need to come get you?”
I woke him up. He’s gonna be mad at me. “m-m sorry… didn’t… I-I didn’t wanna wake you…” His voice hoarse from the lack of oxygen he endured and laced with fear. “P-please? I-I dunno if I can walk anymore… m at the dog park…”
Carlos takes a breath. “Don’t apologize. Hey, deep breaths. You’re going to hyperventilate. I’m on my way and I’ll be there in fifteen minutes okay?” He makes his way to the living room to look for his shoes. “What happened?”
Michael closes his eyes and tries to listen to Carlos, focusing on breathing around all the pain he feels. “I…I upset Father… and I fell...” It’s not a complete lie. He did fall, multiple times, actually, but he knew the scientist wouldn’t completely believe that answer. It was what his Father told him to say.
Maybe he could lie or hold back details over the phone, but Carlos would know otherwise when he sees the boy. A black eye from falling is somewhat believable, but the handprint around his throat? The huge bruise that will be prominent on his thigh? The fresh bruises on his stomach and already bashed in ribs? There’s no way the scientist would believe that. He isn’t an idiot after all. But for now he has fifteen minutes to come up with a better cover story, or at least a way to explain what happened without worrying him.
Carlos could feel his heart ache. “When did this happen? Were you followed?” He asks, pulling his shoes on and stopping at the table next to the door to grab his keys. He steps out and locks the door before starting down the walk. “Thank you for calling me Michael.” He stops and waves at the Sheriff's Secret Policeman hiding in the bush under the living room window. “How bad are you hurt?” He makes one last stop at the truck and takes out the first aid kit.
Michael keeps his eyes closed as he listens to the sounds of Night Vale in the early morning. “Hour ago? No… I dunno… maybe an hour and a half since I left? So maybe less than two hours ago?” He tries to think. He doesn’t have a watch that works. The one he has from before they moved had a dead battery. “I don’t think so… I didn’t know I was leaving footprints until I got to the auction house. I didn’t feel the glass in my foot… but he was really drunk and wanted me gone, so I don’t think he followed me…” Michael coughs a little before whimpering at the pain. “ll survive… not much worse than usual.” he admits. “But it was a bad fall… I, um, I got caught on the door knob, so I, uh, I might have a black eye… y'know m clumsy with my ankle and stuff…” he knew the lie was horrible, but he had to be careful with what he said in public in case someone was listening. He didn’t want to get in trouble after all.
Carlos tucks the plastic box under his arm and starts down the sidewalk. "Okay. Keep talking so I know you haven't passed out." With every word from Michael's mouth, Carlos's stomach twisted in more knots. Maybe he should take Michael's mind off the pain. But how?
He tries to stretch his back slightly and ends up whimpering. “Wouldn't be the first time… nobody really comes out to the dog park in the early morning…” Michael gingerly brings his hand to touch where the bruises on his neck are already beginning to form. There's no way he can hide that. “m sorry for waking you up…” his voice soft and remorseful.
"Its okay. I rather you call me than stay out all night. You take first priority always."
Michael feels himself being watched and tenses. However when realizing it's just a hooded figure, he relaxes. Hes spent numerous nights out here, and they haven't hurt him yet. “It's not all night… and I shouldn't…” he mumbles. “m sorry”
"Hey. You are always more important. Always. You can call me anytime." Carlos reminds him, rounding the corner. "No matter what."
Michael carefully shakes his head despite knowing Carlos cant see him. He doesn't have the energy to disagree with the scientist. “I-I didn't mean to fall… I tried… m sorry…”
"I know." Carlos says softly. "I know you did." He looks down the way a little and sees the park. "I'm almost there."
Eyes closed as he replays what happened. He didn't know what his Father wanted from him, but clearly he gave the wrong answers. Wind blows through him as he sits curled into himself on the ground. “m sorry…”
"It was not your fault Michael. I promise you that." He's closer to the park now and begins looking for Michael. "I'm here now."
He shakes his head and sniffles. “It's always my fault.”
Michael hears Carlos before he sees his hero. Whimpering as he forces himself to stand and stumble in the direction of the noise, the world beneath him swaying.
Carlos walks a little further before stopping and looking around. "I see you. I'm coming."
He hangs up the call and breaks into a sprint towards Michael's limping form. He comes to a halt, dropping the plastic box and gently hugging Michael close. "I'm so sorry.."
His abused body gives out causing him to slump into Carlos and cry out in pain. Weakly hugging the scientist and using him to stay standing. “m-m sorry…” he brokenly hiccups. “m s-sorry…” Michael buries his face into Carlos's chest to hide his forming black eye and bruising throat.
"How about we get you home so I can get you cleaned up?" Carlos says softly. He takes a slight step back but isn't really able to see in the dim light. At home he'd have light.
“P-please…” A choked noise come from the boy. “It hurts…” Michael rests completely against Carlos  as he cant find the energy to continue standing.
"I'm going to pick up now okay?" Carlos says softly. "Is that okay?"
Michael whimpers at all the pain, but he nods. He trusts Carlos to take care of him. “m sorry…”
"I got you." Carlos murmurs. "I got you." Carlos leans down and carefully picks Michael up. "Let's go home."
Heartbreaking noises come from the boy as he gets picked up. “Everything hurts…” He whines while hiding his bruising neck from Carlos. Tense and scared but slowly relaxing knowing he's safe with the scientist.
"I know. I'm sorry." Carlos says softly as he starts the walk back home. "I'll get you patched up and some clean clothes and then something warm to eat. Okay?"
Michael nods a little. He has no idea how to hide how bad the damage is once Carlos gets home. The black eye? Handprint bruising around his throat? Those aren't as easy as his stomach and ribs. So Michael remains quiet for the walk home. How would he explain it was his fault this time? Really and truly. He fought back, and he was punished.
Carlos is quiet most of the walk home. He doesn't know what to say. What even was there to say? The walk back home seemed longer than the walk to the park but that could just be Carlos' nerves. "Almost home."
“Thank you...m sorry…” Michael softly whispers as he lays his head against Carlos. The scientist is going to see his bruises anyway, so what's the point in being even more uncomfortable?
Carlos doesn't answer at first. Then he says "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
“Why?” Michael quietly asks. “You haven't done anything wrong… thank you for letting me stay over… and coming to get me…”
Carlos stops walking for a moment and lays his cheek on top of Michael's head. "Because I can't help you."
“Oh…” He quietly says. “But you do help… you're helping now… and you help other times…” Michael explains softly. “You've saved me with the car and CPR and nightmares… you are good, and you help me. Thank you…”
"I only wish I could do more…." Carlos whispers, rounding the corner onto the driveway. "Can you stand for just a minute?"
Michael chews on his bottom lip and nods minutely. “Yessir…” he hoarsely whispers.
"I just have to unlock the door alright?" Carlos digs in his pocket for his house key. He unlocks it as softly as he could, keeping in mind that Cecil was still asleep. "Alright. C'mere. Let's get you cleaned up okay?"
As soon as Carlos let's him, Michael stumbles into the scientist. Clinging to his hero from fear and worry of falling again. “m sorry… m-m sorry…” he whimpers. He's gonna see my throat. He's gonna be sick. I'm gonna make him sick. He's gonna regret me.
Wrapping one arm around Michael, Carlos pushed into the dark living room. He does a quick once over of the room due to habit and was startled to find the kitchen light on. It hadn’t been on when he left. Slowly and carefully, Carlos moved Michael toward the light, poking his head in and jolting in surprise to find Cecil at the table with a mug of coffee between his hands. Cecil had obviously not been awake long at all; as his hair stuck up at odd angles and his eyes were kind of dull. He looked up as Carlos helped Michael sit down.
If Cecil had been standing, the mug between his hands would have shattered. He looks over the fresh bruises and the hand print on Michael’s throat. He was instantly on his feet. “What the hell happened?”
Michael immediately tenses at Cecil's reaction. How the hell does he explain this one? His bullies don't attack at 2am. Hell, he isn't even allowed out of the house most days until at least 8am. But the abused boy is scared and doesn't know what else to do except what he's been forced by his Father to do for years. He says what he's told to say.
“I-I fell… m s-sorry…” he answers, looking at the floor and wishing he was strong enough to tell the truth. It wasn't a lie. He did fall, but it was far from the whole truth.
Carlos crouches down to inspect the damage now that he had enough light. His stomach twisted as he looks over the exposed part of Michael's arms before his eyes traveled up to Michael's face. The black eye was already darkening. He places two fingers on Michael's chin and carefully tilts it up. His eyes land on the handprint, and he felt his blood run cold. "Did he do this to you?"
Carlos already knew the answer and didn't know why he asked, but he couldn't help it.
Michael squeezes his eyes closed and chews on his split lip despite the pain. How does he explain this one? He can't just say yes. His Father would kill him if he did, and while he's been ready to die for awhile now, dying by his Father's hands is truly terrifying.
His throat tightens as he tries to speak, but he manages to get a few hoarse words out. “Was my fault… didn't know the right answer… m sorry…” He whispers.
"You have no reason to apologize. None of this is your fault." Carlos answers. He looks up at Cecil. Cecil had gotten up and set the first aid kit on the table. Carlos mouths a 'thank you' before carefully tilting Michael's face, checking for bleeding or broken skin.
The boy sniffles and shakes his head as best he can while Carlos was holding it. "Didn't know the right answer… didnt wanna fight back… didnt know the right answer… m s-sorry I woke you both…"
Cecil waves his hand a little. "I needed to get up anyway."
Carlos takes his hand from Michael's face. "I don't see any bleeding. That's good at least." He sits back on his heels. "He wanted you to fight back?"
A small nod before he stops and shakes his head instead. "I… he said to… got mad when I didn't…" he pauses and looks away from the couple. "Got mad when I did… pushed him, and he grabbed m-me…" he swallows hard. "Couldn't touch the floor… then threw me down and yelled t leave…" he sniffles again. "I didn't know the right answer…"
Carlos clenches his jaw and doesn't answer. It takes all of his self control not to go down there and put his fist through Thomas's face. "Alright." He says. "You're safe now. He can't get you here. Do you want some water?"
He gives a weak nod. "P-please…" Michael chews on his split lip again. "m sorry…"
"I got it." Cecil says softly, standing and crossing over to the sink. He pulls a glass down and fills it half way before crossing the room again and pressing the glass into Michael's hands. "Drink."
It's a good thing Cecil only filled the cup half way since  Michael's trembling would've spilled the water. He carefully sips from it. The coolness easing his strained throat while stinging his cut lip. "Thank you… m s-sorry…" He pauses as he drinks more of the water. "s my fault… I deserve it…" Michael softly repeats his Father's words.
"I promise you that you don't." Carlos stands to make a compress. "The opposite of deserve. Trust me."
"No one deserves that Michael." Cecil passes a hand through Michael's hair. "Especially not you."
Michael tenses when Cecil brushes his fingers through his hair, but he tries to relax. Knowing that they don't mean him harm is helpful, but most interactions with hands in his hair lead to pain and being pulled around. He stiffly shakes his head. "I-I do… m ungrateful… disrespectful… worthless… pathetic…" his trembling worsens, and his words hold layers of emotions. "I deserve it… it's my fault…"
Cecil pulls his hand away when Michael tenses. “Sorry.” He says softly. He sits back on his heels again to not overcrowd Michael.
Carlos returns to the table two minutes later with an ice pack from the freezer and a luke warm wash rag. He kneels back down and looks up at Michael. “Do you want me to treat your neck or arms first?”
"S-sorry, Cecil…" he whispers when the radio host pulls back from him. Michael knows there's no getting out of this. Carlos and Cecil will fix him as best they can even though he doesnt deserve it.
He looks down at the floor in front of him. Just past his bare feet and just before Carlos's knees. Staring at the small blood drops on the ground, he answers. "Foot? P-please… I- there was a broken bottle… i didn't pay attention… i pulled the glass out at the auction house…"
Carlos sits all the way down on the floor and carefully pulls Michael’s foot onto his lap. He rolls the pant leg up and inspects the cut. “How big was the glass that got stuck here? Do you know?” He asks as he picked up an alcohol swab and starts to clean the wound.
Michael quietly hisses as his foot ignites when Carlos starts to clean with the alcohol swab. "Um…" he pauses, trying to think. "I dunno for sure… it was from the bottom of the bottle and curved… maybe two inches? I-I was shaking when I pulled it out and it sliced it a bit more… m sorry…" the boy anxiously explains.
“The cut could have been a lot deeper so it’s good you pulled it out before it got worse or infected.” He looks up when Michael hisses. “Sorry. I know it hurts.” He finishes the cleaning before  leaning closer to get a better look at the cut. “I don’t think it need stitches but I’m going to wrap it to be sure okay?”
Nodding, Michael tries to keep his leg still. His sprained ankle, which seems to always be sprained, is still bandaged, and now he will have the other foot wrapped up. "m mostly bandages…" he tries to joke and lighten the mood. "Thank you"
“You’re like a mummy from one of those movies Carlos likes so much.” Cecil says with a soft giggle and a yawn. He holds his arms outright and goans.
Carlos starts to  wrap the foot and shakes his head with a chuckle. “I’d rather not have my son be a dead body please and thank you.” He secures the wrap and lowers the foot. “What next?”
The boy smiles at Cecil. He definitely needs to go back to sleep soon. "m pretty much already a dead body." Michael points out before shrugging. "Arms?"
“You aren’t dead if you’re still breathing.” Carlos counterpoints, picking up the cold compress. “This might ache for a moment.” He warns before laying it over the area with the most fresh bruises “But it’ll help them heal faster.” He was glad they managed to get a real smile out of him that time. He hears a dull thud and jumps a little, turning quickly. Cecil had fallen back asleep and as a result, fallen over under the table. “Well…..so much for needing to get up.” Carlos says with a raised eyebrow.
"ve stopped breathing before and m dead inside" Michael muses before bracing for the compress, so it won't be as bad. Flinching back when Cecil falls and whimpering at his torso.He's quiet for a moment. "didnt mean t wake both of you… m sorry…"
“I’m glad you did. You are more important. Always will be.” Carlos changed out the cold compress for the warm one, laying the cold one on Michael’s other arm. “I’ll take care of him in a bit. He has a hard head. He’ll be fine.”
A minute head shake, but no verbal argument. "m sorry…" he whispers before glancing at Carlos and looking away. "P-please don't be mad…" he begs despite not saying why Carlos would be angry or upset.
“I have no reason to be.” Carlos picks up the compress and inspects the arm. Some of the swelling has gone down, so that's good. He switches them out again before standing and going back to the freezer for a fresh ice pack.
"Thank- thank you, Carlos…" Michael looks at his arms before remembering that he has to show his stomach. Possibly more broken or cracked ribs, and his stomach would have terrible bruises from the kicks.
Carlos sits back down. "Is something else on your mind?" He asks, picking up the warm compress again. "I think that'll do for now…."
He chews on his lip again. "My stomach hurts… I… its gonna have new bruises too…" he whispers the last part.
"Can I see?" Carlos asks softly.
Hes gonna be disgusted…
Michael nods a little before carefully lifting the hem of his tattered hoodie up to show his bottom ribs and stomach.
Bruises litter the boy's pale skin. Some already deep purples while others were angry red on top of healing yellow and green skin. An indentation of Thomas's wedding ring left just below his diaphragm.
"m sorry…" He shakily whispers. His eyes closed to keep from seeing the disgust on Carlos's face.
Carlos' heart broke at the state of Michael's torso. It was a good thing Cecil fell back asleep because if he saw this, almost nothing would stop him from trying to fight Thomas. "I'm so sorry. Michael…. "
With his eyes still closed Michael shakes his head. "s-s okay… I… I deserved it… m sorry…"
Carlos shakes his head. "I think I still have some salve to help with the swelling. It'll make you feel better and you'll be able to breathe easier.  Would you like to try it?"
Michael hadn't even noticed the individual pain from his throat as his entire body was ignited and throbbing. He doesn't want to use more of Carlos's supplies, but everything hurts and he just wants the pain to stop. So he nods carefully. "P-please?"
Carlos nods with a smile. "I'll be right back." He stands and goes back to the fridge, pulling out a small mason jar. He then sets it on the table. "We have to give it a few minutes to soften." He says as he kneels back down. "It doesn't really spread when its solid."
"m sorry…" he sniffles and pulls the hoodie back down. Only disgusting things visible now are his bruising eye and battered throat.
"You haven't done anything wrong." Carlos reassures him again. "I promise. You aren't in trouble. Not at all."
Michael shakes his head. Of course he's in trouble. He caused trouble at home and now he's causing trouble here. "m s-sorry… didn't know the- the right answer… m s-sorry…"
"There's no right answer in this situation." Carlos says softly. "But you're safe now and that's what matters."
"Al-always a wrong answer…" he fearfully whispers. His thin frame still trembling. "m s-sorry… shouldn't've- shouldn't've woken you up…"
"I'm glad you did. You are my first priority. Always. I will never regret helping you." Carlos picks up the jar and unscrews the lid. "Want me to do your neck first?"
His breathing picks up slightly. Knowing the salve needs to go on his neck and will help, knowing that Carlos wouldn't hurt him, but scared of the possibility. Regardless of his anxiety, the boy nods a little and closes his eyes.
"Would you rather do it yourself? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Carlos offers him the jar.
A quick head shake. Hes scared of anything touching his throat, but he trusts Carlos. He already knows something that could kill him, so if he really wants the boy to die, then it will happen. But outsiders can trust outsiders. He trusts Carlos. His hero scientist.
"Alright. I'll be careful." Carlos takes some of the salve onto his index and middle fingers before starting to apply it. "My mama made this when I sprain my ankle jumping off the roof."
Michael tenses as Carlos begins to put the salve onto his throat. He trusts the scientist, but he's still just a scared kid. The boy holds his breath as best he can when Carlos touches the bruised, sensitive skin.
Carlos tilts Michael's chin up a little so he could see better. He is careful to not let his fingers linger on the bruises as he worked. "I'm sorry."
Small, soft whimpers come from Michael as Carlos carefully works on his throat. Eyes squeezed shut as the process seems to take forever. "Th-thank you." He brokenly whispers.
"There. All done." Carlos sits back. "That should soothe the pain. I can do your arms if you like. Or your torso?"
Michael opens his eyes when Carlos pulls back, a small sliver of a smile on his face. I shouldn't waste more of his supplies. He'll hate you. You worthless piece of- "p-please?" He softly asks.
"Which one first?" Carlos tilts his head.
"Um…" he looks down. He can relax more after his stomach is taken care of, right? "Stomach? If-if its okay…"
"Alright. I need to see again. Do you want a clean hoodie? Or a clean set of clothes for when we're done? I'd offer you the banana shirt but Cecil claimed it tonight." He gestures over to his sleeping husband.
A soft smile at the mention of the banana shirt, and Michael looks back at the mess that is a sleeping Cecil. "Please?" He gently asks as he lifts up the bottom of his hoodie. "I dont wanna risk Cecil seeing…"
"Alright. He's pretty dead to the world so that isn't an issue. I'll get you clothes when we finish here alright?" Carlos forces himself to not flinch when be sees Michael's torso again. 'Almost done okay?" He says as he starts to apply the salve in a slow gentle manner.
Michael nods. "Thank you…" He looks down at his battered torso. "m sorry… thank you for being nice…" He can't help but tense when Carlos touches Thomas's ring imprint even though he knows Carlos wont hurt him.
"Sorry." Carlos says softly. He looks up at Michael. "It's my pleasure. My biggest concern is your safety. Always."
"You're probably tired of having t deal with this stuff… m sorry I always bother ya with injuries and stuff…"
"Michael I will never get tired of helping you." Carlos picks the jar up again, scooping some more of the salve out. "Never."
"Y-yeah but it can't be fun… and people get tired of repetitive… boring… useless things…" He bites his lip again, reopening the cut that had just stopped bleeding.
"You are far from boring Michael. Trust me."  He looks up. "Be careful. You will hurt yourself more. We don't want that."
"Multiple people would want that." Michael sighs, but stops chewing his lip. "And m hardly entertaining."
"I happen to think you're great."
The boy furrows his eyebrows. "Why? How did you come to that conclusion?"
"I got to know you. How else would I get to that conclusion?" Carlos quirked an eyebrow and pulled the hoodie down, finished with his work.
Michael relaxes once Carlos pulls down his hoodie. "You're biased and therefore it throws out your data." He tries to reason.
"And how exactly am I biased? Because I'm an outlier?" He couldn't help the slight smile.
"Yessir." He weakly smiles. "Therefore you should not be included."
"What about Cecil? Or Lisa? Or Trevor?"
"Lisa is not old enough to vote on any matter. Cecil is Cecil. Look at him." Michael nods at the passed out mess of a radio host. "A complete gay disaster and totally makes bad decisions. And Trevor, well, he probably doesn't even care. He's gotten use to you bringing home a beaten kid and just rolls with it probably. See something, say nothing."
"Cecil may be a mess but you know as well as I do that when he loves someone, he will move heaven hell and earth to keep them safe and happy." Carlos laughs softly. "Okay. What about Dana? Rochelle? Jason? Emmerissa? Mika? Janice? Roger? Earl? I can do this all night."
"Dana is pretending for your own mental comfort. Rochelle probably has a vendetta against you since shes knocked you out and zip tied you to a chair. Jason swallows firecrackers, and it probably isn't good for his head. Em connects to all the interns. I'm nothing more than an intern to her. A pretty bad one too with my attendance record." A half laugh. "Mika has Ainsel and I'm pretty sure they only tolerate me because we are partners for most history projects. Earl can't express how terrible I am because Cecil is his best friend and your husband has a temperament to throw hands. Roger and Janice are same as Earl's reasoning. You're gonna run out of people." Michael smirks.
"Josie? My dead abuela? I got hit with a rolling pin because she thought i wasn't feeding you enough. Khoshekh? Hell even the Faceless Old Woman."
"Carlos," Michael gently places his hand on the scientist's arm. "Are you being hurt by your abuela regularly? Oh sweetheart, are you being abused?" He playfully asks in a light tone. "You're not alone. We can get you help." His abuela was such a sweet woman when the boy met her. Though she didn't really understand why Carlos suddenly had a fifteen year old with him, especially not one that was so underweight.
Carlos snorts. "You and I both know my father was the abusive one not my abuela. You can't deny that Josie doesn't love you. Oh yeah and the hooded figures."
Michael smirks when Carlos slips up with his words. It is early morning after all. "You're right. I can't deny that Josie doesn't love me. It is true and I admit it. She does not love me just like you said." He twists his sleeves. "The hooded figures tolerate me just like they do with everyone else in Night Vale. They probably like you and Ceec more considering you used their dog park for a vacation shortcut."
Carlos groans and rubs his face. "You know what I mean." He smiles softly. "How are you feeling?"
"Thank you for saving me, hero." He gently smiles. "Not as bad as before coming here… m scared t go home… Father will want me back eventually…" A quiet, fearful confession.
"I'm not a hero." Carlos smiles back. "Well you are welcome to stay here as long as you need. Do you want to sleep in your room or ours?"
My room? I don't have a room… I stay in your guest room… "m scared t be alone…" Michael answers instead. He doesn't want to be alone, but it's not his choice. Having already burdened the couple, it is their choice where Michael ends up.
"Of course. Come on. I'll get you situated before moving Cecil. And I'll dig you up some pajamas." Carlos stands and offers his hand.
Relief floods the abused boy, and he shakily accepts Carlos's hand. His legs wobble as he tries to stand up. He ultimately has to cling to his papa to stay upright, groaning at the pain.
"Easy does it." Carlos picks him up and carried him to the master bedroom. He sits Michael on the bed before going to the dresser. "After last time, Cecil went nuts and bought a lot of pajamas so ...take your pick." He grabs five sets of flannel. One with taco cats, one space themed, one with birds on them, one with boats and solid green set.
You're not a little kid. You should walk on your own. Pathetic.
Michael chuckles at the selection he's offered. "Cecil likes to go overboard. Space?" He smiles before quickly adding. "If-if that's okay...please…"
"If he didnt, he wouldn't be Cecil." Carlos hands over the pajamas. "You get changed. I'll go get Cecil."
A small nod. "Thank you." He twists his sleeves before finally accepting he has to change.
"I will be right back. Call if you need me okay?" Carlos says before standing up straight and going back to the kitchen to clean up.
The boy nods, but he knows he wont. With the swelling and bruising around his throat, it would be too painful. Michael carefully begins to undress after Carlos leaves the room. The pajamas are extremely soft, and for a moment he doesn't worry about borrowing their supplies. For a moment he is simply a little kid who had a nightmare and is sleeping in his parents bed to keep himself safe. The monsters aren't under the bed though. They live in his house and inside his head, but they dont hurt him as much when hes with his new family. His dads keep him safe.
Carlos cleans the kitchen quickly, putting the ice packs back in the freezer and the salve back in the fridge. He made a mental note to go back to the park and get the first aid kit. He then kneels down beside Cecil and shakes him gently to wake him.
Cecil jerks upright, nearly hitting his head again. "Kevin I will punch you in your ugly face!"
"Punching Kevin will have to wait. It's time for bed." Carlos says with an amused smile. "Come on." Carlos helps Cecil stand and guides him back to the bed room, knocking on the door frame.
Michael twists the sleeves of his new outfit. Too scared to risk raising his broken voice, he knocks against the bed frame.
Carlos opens the door and guides Cecil back to the bed. "Sleep."
Cecil gives Michael a sleepy smile. "I like space." He giggles and yawns, booping Michael's nose. He crawls onto the bed and holds up the fuchsia comforter. "Bedtime."
The boy smiles back. "Space is neat." He giggles when Cecil boops his nose. Looking unsure at the comforter and sleepy radio host, Michael twists his sleeves. They're safe. We are family. They will keep me safe. He reminds himself before finally crawling to join the space underneath the blanket. "Thank you."
"Neat." Cecil gives a small nod and closes his eyes, asleep in a matter of moments.
Carlos slips under the blanket and looks at Michael. "Want me to leave the lamp on?"
"P-please?" He weakly asks. Pathetic.
Carlos nods and sets his glasses on the bedside table. "Alright. Bedtime for you too."
"Okay…" He carefully shifts to hug Carlos while they lay there. Resting his head on the scientist's chest. "Goodnight, my hero."
Carlos didn't have the heart or energy to argue. So he just smiles. "Good night Pez Pequeño." He whispers.
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Chapter 3: White Fire-Lily Meets Barnaby Again
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Chapter 3: White Fire-Lily Meets Barnaby Again
( I would like to make a couple changes to the story line on the history of Barnaby's parents being murdered. So Barnaby is actually 10 years old when he witnesses his parents being murdered instead of being 4 years old. The reader is around the same age as well, That's all. ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal POV: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little while after our heroes had encountered the mysterious NEXT that called herself White Fire-Lily, Lunatic vanished again, Kotetsu went back at hero headquarters to tell everyone about the mysterious NEXT and Barnaby went back home to ponder a question about how she knew his parents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barnaby's POV: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Flashback: " You knew my parents? " I asked. " Quite well actually, they helped me in my need and I gave my life to them and they treated me like I was a part of your family and it truly made me so happy and I would love to discuss this with you sometime Barnaby. " She replied.
Barnaby's POV: 
I paced back and forth with my head filling up with all type of questions that I had taken control of my emotions and actions.
' Who is this mysterious Next, Miss Fire-Lily? '
' How did she know about my parents? '
' When did they take her in? '
' How did I over look her existence? '
' What type of Next is she? '
' If I call her on this pendant with my parent's company logo on it, will she answer? '
' Was she there when my parents were murdered? '
' Does this woman know anything about Ourorbourus? '
I grabbed a fist of my hair and tried to calm down when the questions were over-powering my mind and nearly causing to go mad. I sat down and tried to take a few deep breaths while getting my heart rate to settle down. I glanced over at the pendant she gave me and I thought for a brief moment on whether or not I should call her, I hesitated but I picked the pendant up and decided to press the button on right for calling on the screen.
* Ring........ *
* Ring........ *
* Ring........ *
* Rin- *
" Hello? "
Your POV:
I was back at headquarters and was done for the evening and decided to go back to my home and relax for the rest of the night after a long day. I went inside of my shower and got my cleansed of the evil that may have had any effect on my physical and spiritual well being. When I was done in the bathroom, I combed my hair and wrapped my body in my fluffy grey robe and sat down and relaxed on my bed when suddenly.......
* Buzz......... *
* Buzz......... *
* Buzz......... *
* Buzz..- *
I picked up my mask from my nightstand and placed it upon on my face and answered the call.
( Side note: She has it in her nightstand because when she answer her hero calls, she doesn't want people to discover her true identity quite yet. However in all due time she will reveal it to our main 3 male characters and possibly to the others. )
" Hello? " I picked up the phone and I saw Barnaby's face and smiled that he believed me and would call me so soon.
" Hey.... " I heard a quiet atmosphere on his end on the screen call.
" Hello Barnaby, it's amazing to hear that you're calling me on the device I gave to you. "
" Well, I called to ask about my parents obviously and how you were in any way connected to them. Also, did we ever meet and I just don't remember it? " Barnaby looked like he was about to burst from constant questions wrapping around his head. I tried to calm him down.
" Barnaby, calm down honey. I will tell you in all due time but first, take a deep breath and let me see your face. " Barnaby looked directly into my eyes and I felt like crying again but tried to hold myself together so I could explain myself to Barnaby.
" Oh Barnaby, You look so much like your mother and father that it makes me want to cry, but I'll try not to. I miss them so much. "
" I know, I miss them so much too. " Barnaby wipes a few tears from the corner of his right eye and sniffles a little.
" Well, I will try my best to tell as much as I can about my involvement with your parents. " I smiled gently on my side of the camera.
" So, let's start at the beginning. When did you meet my parents and what did you mean earlier when you said that they took you in? "
" Well, I wasn't exactly the crime-fighting and bold superhero you see me as today. I was.......how some people would say......a timid pushover child who was very emotional. "
Normal POV:
" Please stop it! "
In the streets of Sternbuild city, a little girl cried out while she was being chased by some bullies that always kept picking on her right after she was done with school. It was about to rain but the bullies didn't care whether or not she got sick if it did rain, they just wanted to make sure that the freak Next just got what they thought what she deserved.
" Don't hit anymore please! " The little girl just cried out more and more but that didn't stop them nonetheless.
" Oh no! Please! Please! Don't hurt me anymore! " One of the boys mimicked.
" C'mon, listen to yourself! You sound just as pathetic as you look, if you can't fight back then why should we stop? " The other boy said.
At that very moment, she had finally given up on what possible motivation she might've had residing within her and just allowed the bullies have their fighting ways with her. While thinking that she actually deserved this torture when she really didn't.
" Look at her, she's not even crying anymore. I think this has actually become boring. "
" Yeah, let's just leave her here next to the dumpster, that's where she belongs anyway. "
" Hahaha....good one! " The bullies began to walk away just as it started to rain and they left her there.
An Hour later:
" Well that play was indeed a magnificent one, don't you think so honey? "
" It was indeed, should we take little Barnaby to go and see it? "
" Maybe but I'm not sure if he would-huh? "
" What is it love? Oh no! "
The couple that was walking down the street underneath an umbrella noticed that a small young girl, covered in bruises, was just sitting next to a pile of trash while being soaking wet in the pouring rain where she could get very ill.
" Oh my goodness, young lady are you alright? "
" ...... "
The couple looked at each other and then at the very small and frail child and checked to make sure that she was alive. She was indeed alive but she wouldn't be any longer if she had stayed out in the freezing rain.
" Young lady, can you understand us? " The little girl just looked up at the couple and just nodded slightly.
" Ok, that's good. Now we need to get you some medical help so do you think you can stand? " The woman of the couple offered her hand to the young child.
" Don't touch me please..... " The little turned her head away and just cried silently.
" Why not? " The gentlemen of the couple asked her in concern.
" I deserved what I got because I'm a freakish NEXT who deserves all of this pain for being different. " The little girl cried even more.
" Little girl, just because you're a NEXT doesn't mean you should be tortured for being different. What could you have possibly done to deserve this? " 
" The answer to that is: Nothing "
" But why do my parents hate me and all the kids hurt me? " She asked.
" Probably because they're jealous or scared of you and your powers. "
" Really? " The little girl sniffled and tried to wipe her tears without flinching in pain.
" Of course, now, how about we bring you to our house and clean and bandage your wounds? " The gentlemen offered. The little girl smiled and tried to lift herself up and walk with the very kind couple.
At The Brooks Mansion/Lab:
" There you go sweetie, do you feel better? " The little girl nodded.
" Well that's good, those bruises are easily visible and will defiantly take some time to heal. "
" By the way, I'm Mrs. Emily Brooks and this is my husband Barnaby Brooks " Emily pointed to her husband who was pouring some hot water to a tea packet into a cup.
" Hello Mr. And Mrs. Brooks, thank you for helping me and liking me enough to welcome me inside of your home. " The little girl replied.
" Wow, such a polite young girl. You're very welcome miss? " Barnaby asked while placing the tea in front of his wife Emily and in front of the little girl.
" Oh right, my name is ( Y/F/N_____ ). ( Y/F/N________ ) ( Y/L/N________ ) and I'm 8 years old. " ( Y/N_____ ) smiles as she picks up her tea and blows on it slightly before drinking it.
" Well ( Y/N_____ ), please tell us your story of how you came to be in such a nasty situation for when we first discovered you? " Emily asked.
" Well, I was being chased by some bullies from my school and they had beaten me up for over an hour and they basically got tired of me and left me in the rain and I was too tired and in pain to really get up and do anything about it. "
" Oh my dear, what do your parents think about this? " Barnaby asked.
" They don't at all, they said they wished that they had never had me and want to get rid of me. I think from time to time that my suffering gives them happiness. " ( Y/N____ ) sat there on their couch drinking her tea.
" Oh honey, I'm sure that's not true. " Barnaby said.
" They said so themselves. " She replied.
The Brooks couple just looked at each other and felt sorry for the poor child and after a while they both had the same idea.
" Hey ( Y/N_____ ), would you like to live with us and become a member of our family? " Emily asked.
" Really!? Can I?? " ( Y/N_____ ) asked while smiling like crazy.
" Absolutely sweetie, any parent who doesn't want a child has no business having a child. "  Barnaby said.
" Oh thank you so much! " ( Y/N____ ) hugged the Brooke couple while crying.
After the custody is taking care of and we are meeting Barnaby for the first time:
" Here Barnaby, say hello to ( Y/N_____ ). " Emily said.
" But I've already met Barnaby, who is this boy? " ( Y/N______ ) pointed towards the mini blonde haired boy.
" This is Barnaby ( Y/N_____ ) " Barnaby pointed out.
" But you're Barnaby! " ( Y/N_____ ) also pointed out.
" Hahaha..... yes I am but I'm Barnaby Brooks Sr. and this young man is Barnaby Brooks Jr. " Barnaby replied.
" Oh ok......that's just going to be confusing. " ( Y/N____ ) replied. The couple laughed and tried introducing Barnaby to ( Y/N_____ ) again. After that, she spent all of her happy childhood memories with the three of them.
Back to the present:
Your POV:
" No way......( Y/N_____ )? " Barnaby looked at me with his eyes tearing up.
" It's me Barnaby, I've missed you and Aunt Samantha a lot. " I smiled while trying to contain myself from crying.
" But how do I know if it's really you?! ( Y/N_____ ) died along with my parents in the fire! " Barnaby started to get slightly aggressive towards me which is understandable.
" Will this help? " I ask while taking my hair out of it's ponytail and remove my mask that covers partials of my face. I hear Barnaby gasp and start to cry.
" ( Y/N_____ )....thank god that you're here and that you're alive! " Barnaby started to chuckle out of relief as if a whole weight had just been lifted from his shoulders.
" Same to you, given you being a hero and stuff. " I laughed.
" ( Y/N_____ ) Where are you? " Barnaby asked.
" I'm at home. " I replied.
" Where is that? " Barnaby eagerly asked.
" ( Random Address in Sternbuild ) " I replied.
" Ok, can I visit you tomorrow if you're not busy or anything? " Barnaby asked me.
" Of course Barnaby, I'll see you sometime tomorrow. Oh and Barnaby? "
" Yes? " Barnaby Replied.
" Thanks for being a hero like Barnaby and Emily wanted you to be. " I smiled and ended the call on my end and placed my mask and device in my dresser.
Barnaby's POV:
" I can't believe that you're here and that you're safe......I'd do anything for you and my parents. " I quietly whispered to myself in my room.
Hey everyone!
Sooooooo sorry for being gone for so long and seeming like I was dead but I'm not, I swear. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and will still want to read this fanfiction.
I can't wait to write Kotetsu's and Lunatic's chapter. I'm starting tomorrow and I'm so excited to re-watch The Tiger And Bunny Series. It's amazing. If you have any requests for me wanting to write a Tiger and Bunny oneshots or x reader fanfics, please lease me a private message on my profile and I will get to it as soon as I can.
:) I'm happy and I hope you enjoyed it.
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24: Hug - You deserve better
Tsuna was worried about Rin. He hadn’t met the young boy in their usual place and that was worrisome. He climbed over the back gate of the grand Kurokami estate that still had an old Japanese manor layout. He glanced around, hoping no one saw him. When he knew he was safe, he rushed to Rin’s room.
“Rin?” Tsuna whispered outside Rin’s window.
Tsuna pried the window open, shocked at the state of Rin’s room. His mirrors were broken and his books and items were thrown around the room. Tsuna was immediately on guard. He stepped on Rin’s bed carefully, closing the window behind him.
“Rin? Rin, where are you?”
The voice came from the closet. Tsuna opened the closet door, pausing to see the small form of the boy he knew. Rin had his knees drawn to his chest while he had his face down. Tsuna kneeled down, “Rin, what happened?”
“I’m okay.”
Please, leave me alone.
“No, you’re not. What happened?”
Please go away.
“Tsuna, I . . .” Rin looked up, tears still streaming down his cheeks, “Can you kill me?”
Tsuna pulled Rin close to his chest, wrapping his arms around the younger boy. Rin melted in Tsuna’s embrace, the only one that had come to comfort him in his time of need. The older boy was far too nice to him, Rin thought as he sobbed.
Tsuna could see Rin was bleeding from the back of his neck. It wasn’t like he was sliced. It was as if something sharp had been pressed against his skin and had not stopped despite protests. From the look of the wound, it had been a katana. Tsuna had an idea over who had done this to Rin.
He was about to run his hand through Rin’s long hair only to see it had been cut short in a lopsided manner. This wasn’t normal. Rin prided himself on his long black hair, saying it made him look like someone from ancient Japan. Seeing it cut horrified Tsuna, to say the least.
“Who did this to you?”
“Pathetic, trying too hard to be a true Japanese man.”
“Tsuna, why do you like me? Aren’t I a burden and a disgusting person?”
Tsuna shook his head, “No, Rin. You’re a brilliant person, smarter than any thirteen-year-old kid I’ve met. I’m glad to have met you.”
Glad to have met someone like me?
“Tsuna, I’m not perfect, am I?”
“You will never please me.”
Tsuna frowned, tightening his hold on Rin, “Did your grandfather say that to you again? He did this, didn’t he?”
“I’ve never been perfect for him, Tsuna,” Rin said between sobs, “No matter how hard I try. I’m never Japanese enough. I speak fluently, I know the history, I learned the fighting styles, I know everything. I study and get good grades. Why is all that not good enough?!”
“You’re just like your mother.”
“Why did I have to have a foreign mother?!”
“Don’t say that!” Tsuna hissed, “Being half-Japanese is not a sin! Your grandfather is an idiot to think you’re worthless because of it! Being pure is bullshit! You’re great! What he’s doing to you is wrong. You’re biracial and he shouldn’t make you feel like shit for something you can’t control. Besides, what kind of bastard cuts his grandson’s hair with a katana?”
“Grandfather means well, Rin-chan. He does care about you.”
“Grandfather’s right-.”
“No, he’s not!”
“I’m just pretending.”
Tsuna slowly entangled himself from the embrace he had put Rin in. He held the boy at arm’s length, looking at him in the eyes that caused him so much sorrow. Rin tried to avoid eye contact. Years of people bullying him for having blue eyes had taken a toll on him. He never wanted to look people in the eyes.
Tsuna lifted his chin, staring at him without backing down, “You’ve stopped speaking Russian for him! You don’t eat any Russian food, don’t watch Russian shows or movies and don’t listen to Russian songs! All you do is limit yourself to Japanese forms of entertainment! And for what? For him?! You only embrace half of yourself for that racist bastard! Why can’t you understand that you’re hurting yourself?!”
“Why can’t I speak Russian? Dad used to speak Russian to Mom all the time.”
“Well, Grandfather doesn’t like it. If you’re going to live with us in Japan, forget that foreign language.”
Rin had tried. He’d tried so hard. He’d buried his old books under the floorboards and stayed quiet if he forgot a word in Japanese and only knew it in Russian. He didn’t speak for months until he was fluent in Japanese. He had begun to eat tofu and sushi, even though he had never liked them, and stopped eating ___.
He had allowed his grandmother to dictate his school and personal life because she said she knew what grandfather wanted best. He had never chosen anything for himself. “Kurokami Rin” existed as a doll to be used and molded. He had never had control over his life.
To find out that, despite it all, his grandfather had never accepted him. . .
“I just want him to accept me, Tsuna. I want him to be proud of me like he is with everyone else. Why am I the black sheep?!”
Tsuna outstretched his hands, welcoming in a way no one else had been. Rin wrapped his arms around Tsuna’s waist, bawling his eyes. He’d done so much to please his grandfather only to find out it was all for nothing. He’d never love him.
“That man doesn’t deserve you. No one here does. One day, you will find people that will accept you and won’t say anything bad just because you’re half. No one cares anymore. You’ll find more friends that see you like I do and, trust me, you’ll never return here to be treated like dirt. Because you’re not Kurokami Rin, you’re Rin Yuriy Mizushima. No one can change that part of yourself.”
“What should I do?”
Tsuna patted Rin’s head, “For now, let it all go. Let yourself cry for your injustice. When it’s all over, you decide if you want to continue being someone that’s used and never loved. If not, I have an option for you. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow, of course. For today, just let it all out.”
Rin did so, crying himself to sleep and spending the night resting on Tsuna’s lap. Neither knew that that day marked the death of the boy known as Kurokami Rin and the birth of the boy who would come to rival even the Black King of Cardec.
For Day 24 of OCtober prompts by @oc-growth-and-development
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hopeymchope · 6 years
Literally everything that happens in Fate/Extra - Last Encore
Episode 1
Hakuno: grrrrrrrr..............
Viewers: Well ..... this looks nothing like the Fate/Extra game .......
Shinji: Hey there, “friend!” I'm an asshole!
Misao Amari: And I’m his girlfriend who’s here to help ever-so-slightly diffuse what an asshole Shinji is!
Shinji: HEY!
Twice Pieceman: *Sinister, shadowy cameo that might qualify as super-vague foreshadowing*
Kirei Kotomine: *Sinister, shadowy cameo that goes totally nowhere because this is my entire role in this series* OKAY I’M OUT
Nero: philosophy philosophy philosophy umu i'm CUUUUTE (with flirting) Hakuno: confused philosophy philosophy? philosophy philosphy?? Rin: Surprise philosophy! That's right, Tohsaka is in this series!
Episodes 2-3
Nero: Gratuitous bath scene with bouncy, only mildly obscured nudity!
Hakuno: ... too angry to care
Servant Cameos: Yo
Shinji: Ahhh... so, unfortunately, me being sympathetic for a change is the biggest twist in the whole series, so don’t expect too much from here on out.
Rin: Pragmatic philosophy!
Shinji: Utopian philosophy!
Nero: FIGHTING! TIME TO-oh woops it’s over hope you didn’t blink
Shinji: Congratulations, assholes; you just saved the last dangling bits of humanity from experiencing world peace. Bully for you.
Hakuno: meh
Nero: umu
Episodes 4-5
Robin Hood: Hi kids! Friendly reminder that I'm kind of a douchebag in “Fate” lore! Sir Dan: gravelly philosophy philosophy Hakuno: ANGRY PHILOSOPHY? DEAD FACE!! BURN MY DREEEAAAAD Rani: Hi I came for a glorified cameo where I speak like seven lines total for the whole series, everybody cool with that? Rin: ...does that mean this is the ‘Rin’ route?
Rani: Not really
Nero: And another fight scene that lasted less than a couple minutes. ... what a disappointment.
Hakuno: Must be how Shinji’s girlfriend feels...
Rani: philosophy
Nero: damn right with that philosophy
Episodes 6-7
Nursery Rhyme: Did you know this was animated by Shaft? Bc if you didn't here's two eps of MIND-NUMBING WITCH LABYRINTHS STRAIGHT OUTTA MEDUKA MEGUCA, Rin: wandering through trippy-ass backgrounds with calm philosophy Nero: wandering through trippy-ass backgrounds with energetic, curious philosophy? (and flirting) umu! Hakuno: wandering through trippy-ass backgrounds with angry/confused philosophy?!
Misao Amari: Hey can I get a fuckin uuuuuhhhh intensely sympathetic backstory and then disappear after barely existing in this thing
Nursery Rhyme: philosophy with PUELLA MAGI
Episode 8-9
Hakuno: ...jeez dude i thought i was angry but you-
Julius: LET ME LECTURE YOU ABOUT NIETZCHIAN PHILOSOPHY!! Hakuno: defiant... STILL WAY ANGRY... PHILOSOPHY!!! Female Hakuno: Btw the female Hakuno from the Fate/Extra game is the canon Hakuno now. Even though you're a dude. Because you're just a reincarnation of me mixed with dead peeps' grudges so now you have a dick and also anger issues. Not sure if they’re related. But aside from those two things you’re the same person as me. You’re me with a penis and rage. Hakuno: ....confusion about my gender identity... ? and confusion about philosophy.... ?
Episode 10
Rins #1-12 and Ranis #1-6: *ATTACK* Nero: Umu, I am increasingly confused! ( with flirting ) Viewers: SO THE FUCK ARE WE Rin: philosophy Rani: more philosophy Nero: umu philosophy ( with flirting )
Rin: Hakuno, we told you that you had to choose one of us to save and one to let die and you tried to save us both, wtf
Hakuno: I thought this was an anime? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? Break the rules and win at everything with the power of friendship and shit?
Rin: NOPE. your reward is that you watch one of us die hahahaha! it’s my route now, bitch.
Rani: ....fail.
Hakuno: philosophy - but now calm and determined
Episode 11-12
Gawain: *struts in looking smooth as fuck* Let me tell you some pretty gay philosophy about my stud of a master Rin: Did I mention that the bad guy behind everything is Twice Pieceman? Hakuno: Who the fuck is Twice Pieceman? Rin: He had like two lines in the first episode I think? He was kept in shadow? He looked like generic lab-coat man #17 if that helps. Hakuno: ....it doesn’t Rin: You'd know more if you played the PSP game Leo: even gayer philosophy Rin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Leo: attacking while YELLING PHILOSOPHY
Hakuno: fighting while SCREAMING PHILOSOPHY
Nero: It’s a fight scene that ACTUALLY GOES ON FOR A WHILE! Holy crap! UMU! .... (with flirting)
Special Double-Length Episode 13
Twice Pieceman: It’s the last episode so I think I’d better tell you my backstory
Twice: And let me slowly... calmly... teach you... PHILOSOPHY
Female Hakuno: Listen Peace-Man, I know you want to destroy humanity because people are a waste and all that, and honestly, I don’t even hate you for that. In fact, I get it and I sympathize.
Hakuno: ....where are you going with this.....
Female Hakuno: Just because I don’t agree with Twice’s philosophy, that doesn’t mean I need to be angry about it.
Nero: ... I mean... performer, I don’t want to tell you ow you should feel, but... it kinda does mean that?
Rin: Yeah he wants to destroy the entire species that everyone here is a member of so I think you should feel more angry. Remember all that anger you were carrying when this show started?
Female Hakuno: Yeah but that was my dumb boy self. Girls are chill.
Nero: But now that you’re a boy, is it time for fighting?! (with flirting)
Hakuno: Not really
Nero: Now that this is the series finale, is it time for fighting?! (with flirting)
Hakuno, Leo and Rin: Not really
Hakuno: wait — Leo?
Leo: Yeah, so I decided I’m lowkey sympathetic now and gonna help you guys.
Hakuno: ... Shinji did it better
Nero: umu
Leo: have you considered my philosophy?
Twice: what about MY philosophy?
Hakuno: philosophy i guess
Rin: philosophy?!
Hakuno: time to reset things in a super-vague way that we’ll never adequately explain or show the viewer
Nero: reset what exactly?
Hakuno: The computer inside the moon
Rin: uh-huh
Hakuno: and also humanity somehow
Leo: uh-huh
Rin: do you actually understand him?
Leo: oh, of course not.
Nero: MELT MY CLOTHES OFF! (with HEAVY HEAVY flirting)
Hakuno: Nice.
Leo: *gay silence*
Hakuno: *takes off and flies* TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!
Rin: I’ve been dead for 1,000 years but now I’m apparently alive again! In the real world! And the real world is now the computer world!  I mean... the digital world has become a physical reality? Wait we should try to expla—
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inukoibito · 7 years
Lightness and Darkness - 明暗(Part 1.)
Hey guys! Sakura speaking here. Today my dear friends @inuykago & @stubbornhalfbreed and I came up with a roleplay story idea. We each picked our favorite character and came up with this! There was no plot, so we just went along with it from the start.
If you want to see more of these, please let us know! 
Inuyasha (Sakura / @l0st-amul3t): Hanyou. In love with a miko and would do anything to protect his beloved.
Kagome (Aj / @inuykago): Miko. In love with a hanyou, and enjoys annoying his onichan by calling him her ‘onichan.’ 
Sesshomaru (Jocelyn / @stubbornhalfbreed): Witty older half brother of the hanyou. Hates everyone and everything except for a little human girl, Rin.
It had been four months since Kagome's return. She and Inuyasha’s relationship had grown much strong than before the well closed, but, between the two of them, Inuyasha had changed the most. His confidence had risen, he now took responsibility in his work around the village with little to no complaining, and his attitude towards everyone in the village no longer made him seem bad. But, what Kagome noticed first was how his relationship with her had changed, and maybe not in the way that she hoped it would. 
Although Inuyasha and Kagome lived together in their own hut, everyone in the village was very confused to why the two haven't gotten married yet, yet alone the fact that they were not even engaged. This was rare for a couple in these times, so they were often looked down upon by their fellow neighbors and their village. Inuyasha didn't take notice of all of the strange stares they got, but, Kagome on the other hand was taking it much differently.
( After a long week of working, Inuyasha and Kagome both had a well deserved day to relax. )
Kagome: "Inuyasha-" I could see a crest between his eyes and his lips in an uncomfortable slouch- "What's the matter?" I tried to speak up a bit so he would be able to hear me over the chatter in the town. I felt like there were eyes on me, but maybe it was just me.
Inuyasha: Despite hearing Kagome's soft words, I didn't turn towards her and continued walking with a plain look on my face, as if I didn't hear her. I suddenly felt her energy change drastically right before we reached our hut.
Kagome: I knew he heard me, but he just didn't want to reply. That's what really got me--that's what made my hands begin to sweat and my heart start to beat a little faster. Maybe if I asked him one more time he'll answer me? "Inuyasha?" I took a hold of his hand, praying he'd even look at me. "Babe, what is wrong?"
Inuyasha: There were so many mixed emotions going on in my head right then. I had no idea how to tell her, so I tried my best to keep it to myself for as long as I can, but now that things are stirring up with the village people, I almost had no choice but to tell her soon.  "Hey, what do you want to have for dinner? I can meet you back at the hut if you want me to pick somethin' up at the market before it closes?" A sweat drop dripped down the side of my face as I cracked a very unrealistic smile in hopes she would help me change the subject.
Kagome: I saw the look on his face, and the way he spoke his words and carried himself, which made me feel almost terrible for trying to somewhat force it out of him; he just couldn't stop ripping his eye contact from mine and trying to avoid whatever subject it is he's trying to avoid. My poor boy, I'll just stop nudging him for now. "Surprise me," I said calmly with a smile, hoping it'd calm his nerves.
Inuyasha: Seeing her expression change made my heart race slow down. I knew that I was in a safe zone now. I grabbed hold of her hands held her small fingers in my hand and held them very tightly. Her face glistened in the moonlight, and that instantly made me feel calm again. "I'll be back soon, my dear." I gave her a small kiss on the lips and went off to the market. I walked off feeling a strong guilt deep in my chest. It hurt to keep something like this away from her. She has every right to know yet, I couldn't tell her.
Kagome: It soothed me hearing him still call me "dear," and give me sweet kisses like that. I couldn't help but smile at the lingering thoughts I had of him. I took a seat near the fire and just listened to the low crickets from outside. The chatter had went down a notch, and everything was much more calm--I didn't feel eyes on me anymore. Yet, I still felt uneasy remembering how uneasy Inuyasha was. Maybe I should talk to someone? Yes, I want to talk to someone--I need to talk to someone. I rubbed my hands against the warmth of the flame one last time before pushing my weight off the ground and headed back outside. There wasn't many people around; Sango and Miroku seemed to not be in their hut and I could see from her that Shippo is helping Kaede with something. I took a few steps to the left until I saw a big furry kimono, which could only be one person. "Onichan!!!" I exclaimed happily--because I loved annoying him with the word. "Onichan!" I yelped once again and I came in closer to him.
Stopping when I heard Inuyasha's miko yelling the absurd nickname she had for I, Sesshomaru. Though she was a interesting human, I'll keep her around for because I'm... curious, I looked in the miko's direction
He gave me such a cold stare, but that didn't phase me because I knew what kind of person he was deep down all of the sass and furry kimonos. "Hey onichan!!" I felt him mentally stab me in the face. "Err-" I took a sit next to him. "Is it cool if I sit here?" He didn't move a muscle. "Great thanks!" I plopped down beside him. I heard a low grunt, but I didn't pay any mind I know he loves me .... somewhere in his cruelness. "So, onichan-" he still didn't move a muscle. "I have a problem." He continued staring at me, "It's about your brother." Still nothing, "WELL," I took a deep breath. "So, like, today we were walking today in town like usual, right?" He didn't even blink. "Right okay, so we're walking it's all good and all, but then I notice him get all tense out of nowhere so I ask him 'What's wrong?' but he just ignores me, I guess, and doesn't say anything back until we got back to our hut." The only reaction I was getting from him was his hair flowing in the wind. "Also, today I felt like people were staring at me, crazy right?" Still no blinking. "Totally, okay anyways... what should I do?"
Sesshomaru: I blink. Staring at her, why is she coming to me with this problem? I, Sesshomaru have no use for pathetic human drama, I look at her hopeful face and sigh "humans are strange creatures they will shortly die, why care for their opinions?" Maybe she will leave me be now. 
Kagome: Wow, that hit me. That hit me deep. I took a moment to look away from onichan and take my mind off of it for a moment. But I really couldn't. I could push away the thought that me and Inuyasha are not of the same life. We do not come from the same place, the same time, not even the same world. Am I really what's best for Inuyasha? I'm not even sure what I could do for him; maybe what I'm doing here is wrong. Maybe being with him is.... wrong. "You're right, onichan-" I still gave him a gentle smile- "Thank you." He didn't respond, as expected, as I got up and began to walk away. I was only a step or two farther from Sesshomaru when tears began to fall down my face. I tried to erase them from my skin, but it just wouldn't cooperate. I stopped, a few inches from onichan, to take a breath, tears still down my face. I didn't know what to do or what to think. But what made everything even more difficult was the person who now stood before me. "Inu-" he dropped his bags onto the floor- "yasha....?" He took a gentle hold of my face and furrowed his brows, angrily, as he wiped the tears away. He looked at Sesshomaru from behind me, which made his hands grip me tighter. "Inuyasha he didn't-" he stomped furiously past me- "do...anything..."
Inuyasha: "What the fuck did you do to my woman Sesshomaru!?" I pulled Kagome away and stood in front of her as I clutched my fists ready for a fight. I turned back to the small figure behind me with tears running down her face. I kept a close eye on Sesshomaru before I turned around and looked down at her fragile face. "What the hell happened? Did he hurt you? Please tell me Kagome." After grabbing her hands I held them tight as I looked deep into her eyes. She looked so frightened, which ripped me apart inside.
Kagome: I didn't know what was happening; I didn't know what to think, to feel.... to believe? His eyes were piercing mine so roughly and aggressively like daggers that it made me shut my eyes and rip away from his hold in pain. "He... didn't do anything..," I sniffled. "He just... helped me think of something..." I wrapped my own arms around myself as I turned back around. I saw how torn apart Inuyasha looked and it broke my own heart. I looked down at the ground, trying to get myself together, but then I noticed Sesshomaru stand up from his seat.
Inuyasha: "Keh, the hell he didn't do anything to you." I pulled Kagome's arm carefully and brought her behind a tree. I continued holding her arm as we made it back to our hut, by then, the sun had finally set, so it was pitch dark out. On our walk back, I would quietly glance down to look at her face which was as white as snow. I knew something was up, and the two of us had to figure it out together. 
We finally made it back to the hut as I held the screen door open for her as she walked in first.
Kagome: "Look, Inuyasha-" I rubbed my eyes and sniffled- "Onichan didn't do anything to me, okay?" His crossed arms and the vein in his forehead told me he needed a little more convincing. "I went to him to talk about you...," I took a few steps away from him. "Not like, talking about you, like gossiping-" I chuckled but he didn't laugh- "Oh gosh, do you think I'd actually do that?!" I realized this wasn't anytime for jokes, I needed to stop hurting Inuyasha, which is the exact same reason maybe I should... leave. "Okay, babe. Look," I put a few strands of hair behind my ear. "What if... this is wrong? You and me? What if.... I'm wrong for you?"
Inuyasha: How could she be so loose about this? Thoughts raced through my mind, and too many at once to process what was going on.
"You actually went to HIM to talk about US?" I was mad now. "Are you kidding me Kagome? Why the hell would you seek opinions from him? This is our relationship, and I want him no part of it! You're my mate, which means we keep anything personal to us only." I dragged my feet across the wooden floor of our hut as I paced back and forth. I was really tensed up now.
"Wrong with us? What are you talking about?" I felt a strong tension between the two of us now.
Sesshomaru: I swing the ridiculous excuse for a door out of my way and walk into my brother looking like himself, an idiot. and the miko showing those human things.. emotions? "Look hanyou, I must speak to Rin."
Inuyasha: My eyes darted to him. "Who invited you in here scruffy?" I walked over to in front of him, holding my head high. "Rin isn't here. Now leave." I pointed towards the exit.
"What did you do to you mate?" I drag a hand through my hair, my curiosity got the best of me, and I glare down at the hanyou
"You mean, what did YOU do to my mate!? I left her in my home with no problems, but then I find her outside with YOU crying her eyes out." I started to breathe louder under my breath. Why is this thing in my hut at this hour? What does he want with us? I want him out of here, now!
Sesshomaru:  "Inuyasha. This Sesshomaru only stated the truth. Anything your mate might of read into it is on you, so stop blaming it on me like a pup and fix it." For some reason this Sesshomaru did not like the usually happy miko's tears, it angered me
I turned on my heels and walked out of the dwelling, I could smell Rin with her mentor the old woman in the distance. 
Inuyasha: "Finally he left!" I scuffed. I turned back to my mate who was standing behind me the whole time. My face calmed down, and I offered her my hand to follow me.
Kagome: I looked at his hand before me; those hands that show me his gentle affection, and for me it was in the most beautiful way anyone could ever show.  I grinned, and slowly nodded my head, as I placed my hand on his and melted at his touch.
Inuyasha: I softly took her hand in my own and brought her to a quiet place in the woods behind our home, and at this time of the year, they would be filled with glowing blue flowers that reflected on our own skin. I sat down on one of the rocks that was in a little open space, where we were surrounded by a beautiful iridescent blue glow. She sat next to me as I held her tight in my arms, never wanting to let go.
Kagome: I felt the butterflies fight against my stomach, trying to escape into the world, just like the ones I had when I first met Inuyasha. The flowers, the woods, the rocks--it all made out me in a state of serenity. Between the howl of the calm wind and the soft sounds of his breath, I was at peace. "If I may ask," I broke the silence. "What are we doing here?" On second thought, that might have come off a little rude. "I mean-" I looked down beneath us and rubbed his hand- "is there something you want to tell me?"
Inuyasha: I signed a sense of relieve. My body felt shaky, like I didn't know how to reply to her. I let her go and looked back into her eyes, but this time, I gave her my full attention. "I-I wanted us to talk about what happened earlier...
She looked at me with confusion. I had to think of a way to make myself more clear, for her. 
I'm sorry about jumping on you before. You just needed someone to talk to. I must have hurt you really badly, to the point where you had to ask Sesshomaru for help. I'm awful to you... You, you honestly deserve better than this..." These words, I never wanted to say them. I loved her, and I knew she wasn't happy here. I made her cry, I made her feel alone. How could I have made her so upset? Do I want her to suffer like this? Suffer all alone while I hide my feelings from her? I shook my head in disbelief. 
I continued before my mind got too off track. "Kagome, I want you to be happy, but even that sounds like a lie. I'm hurting you, because I wanted you to stay by my side. Listen, the reason why we aren't married is because..." I began to tear up. This made me turn completely away from her.
Kagome: I was frozen. I stared at the back of him nervously and anxiously. His words began to dig deeper inside of me, ripping me limb for limb, making me want to scream for help because of the pain but my voice was strained; almost as if I was trapped in a loop of my worst nightmare. "Babe.... W-What-" the tears flowed down to my chin but I didn't care to stop them this time- "are you saying?! What are you saying?!" I threw my head against his back. My sniffles and hiccups returned without my permission, making it more difficult for me to speak. "I-I was wrong before!" I threw my arms around him. "We were meant for each other... don't you think?!" I tried to even put my breaths, "Don't you know?" What was he going to say? Why aren't we married? I felt so scared, like my world was crashing down.
Inuyasha: Her arms around me felt cold. I couldn't embrace her like I would normally. “Kagome, please tell me the truth…” I shuttered. “Do you r-r-really want to live here with me? To give up your family, your home, your entire life? I’m nothing compared to them.” My heart race sped up faster than ever, and the tears continued to flow down my face. “I don’t want to tell you this, but I have no choice now, do I?” I lifted my head up, and not even bothering to clear my tears that were rapidly rolling down my face. “I don’t want you to be in a committed relationship with me. I’ve kept it like this up to now because it gives you the freedom to leave when you want.” I put my hand on top of hers. “You are free. Marriage with a half demon will take all of that away from you.” I stood up and walked a few feet away. “Kagome, be free. Live a happy life.” With that, I walked away into the darkness of the woods, where even the glow of the flowers around us no longer could reach hold of me.
End of part 1.
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chilly-territory · 7 years
Gangsta, BD Special Manga 1-6 text translation
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A translation of all the chapters of the special BD LE manga (for info and scans - fuckyeahgangsta’s post)
EDIT: a translation for booklet #5 added.
EDIT2: booklet #6 added
Booklet #1
01 Cliff: I'mma give you what you deserve for stealing my girlfriend, fucking brat! Did you do it despite knowing what family I'm from?! Aah?!
02 Cliff: Just try to get anywhere near her again! Next time, your life's as good as forfeit! Woman: Worick, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! RandomThug1: Hey, let's go already, Cliff. RandomThug2: Ouch! Watch where you're going! Cliff: Come here and let's get going! Gee, you're sure one hell of a slut, too, huh! Woman: S-So what?! It's not like you don't get it on with that woman...
03 Worick: It's not my fault. The woman bought me. Chad: We~ll, not seeing through the fact that she has a boyfriend is your fault though. That's just how it works.
04 Chad: But more importantly, Worick! I told you time and again to stop picking up customers in the off-limits zone! When your workplace, Pussy, gets tipped about your extracurricular activities, I won't be able to cover for you, you know! Worick: I don't remember ever asking you to cover for me though, Chad-san? Ow, that hurts! What the hell?! You didn't have to hit me! Chad: Be grateful I took care of your wounds, punk! Worick: You just went ahead without asking! Chad: Agh! You're really such a brat, I can't even!
05 Worick: How about you just tell me who that shithead's 'parent' is already? Brown haired, a scar on his left cheek extending to the jaw, named Cliff... Chad: Look, you should never start anything with those affiliated with the 4 Godfathers. ---I know you can be smarter than that, Worick. And I really don't wanna hafta clean up your dead body.
07 Guy: Fuck, fuck! What the fuck, dammit! I'm from the Monroe family, you realize?! Think you can get away with this, damn Twili--- Eek! Nic: LoOkin' fO' C'iFf. GuY wI' a sCar 'eRe. CliFf. WheRe iS 'e?
08 Miles: Another one of our people got killed, sir. I think it is safe to assume that it is the doing of the same person who was behind the dismembering of our man the other day. The latest victim also had his nails methodically peeled off. To be on the safe side, I took it upon myself to account for the possibility of the killer being a Twilight and beef up security on the premises. I also requested the Paulklee Guild to dispatch a number of their mercenaries to be stationed here for that purpose. Two of them, of B/2 and B/0 class, are expected to arrive in the afternoon... Monroe: ---Miles.
09 Miles: Yes, sir? Monroe: What was it, in your opinion? Miles: ...What do you mean, sir? Monroe: What do you think devoured them? Grudge? Resentment? Hunger? Pleasure...?
10 Monroe: ---Lately, it was so boring because we didn't have this kind of entertainment. So let's make some bets, shall we, Miles.
11 RandomThug3: Hey, this ain't a show! Mind your own business! Go away! Scatter! Bystanders: Looks like the body is dismembered. / That's so fucked up. / He was a member of the Monroe family, apparently? / No way whoever did this can hope to get away with their life after making enemies of that family. / Just what on earth those responsible for this are thinking...? / Oh well, starting anything with the Monroe family is plain crazy from the get-go.
Booklet #2
02 Cliff(thoughts): Fuck! Another one got killed. Did someone catch on to me selling under the carpet to the anti-Twilight faction...? RandomThug1: Hey, Cliff! It's still daytime, you're clearly drinking too much. RandomThug2: ---Oh. There they come.
02 RandomThug2: The Guild's arrived. RandomThug1: ---Agh. So Miles-san summoned Rin again. This is my first time seeing that woman though... RandomThug2: Hey, hey, you don't know her? Her name's Wong, and she's Rin's older sister. RandomThug1: Huh?! They're siblings?! RandomThug2: Yeah, and they have the rep for doing a good and thorough job.
03 RandomThug2: With them around, guess we Normals get no turn this time, eh. RandomThug1: Hahaha.
04 Lin: Agh~~~~ We're stuck with some real tedious job again this time. Wong: Hold you tongue, Lin. The client is the boss of the Monroe family. Think of it as an honor. Lin: Agh~~~~ You're too serious for your own good, Wong-nee. Wong: Are there any Twilights who routinely visit this mansion? Lin: Hm~~~~~ A guy who does deliveries and a few others running errands for Master Christiano... And also~~~~~ Kids from the orphanage Young Master Monroe supports come to play from time to time. ...Is something wrong, Wong-nee? Wong: ---Well...
05 Wong: I just thought that their smell is a little too strong for a leftover scent.
06 Monroe: ----I smell a beast...
07 RandomThug3: ---Huh? Where did he go? Hey, whatcha doing? It's almost time to swit...
08 RandomThug3: ...ch.... En...
09 RandomThug3: ENEMY ATTAC-...*gurgle*.
10-11 Miles: Sitrep! RandomThug4: Miles-nii! RandomThug5: Miles-san! RandomThug4: We believe we're dealing with multiple invaders! 8 of our men are already dead! All of them had their necks twisted! RandomThug5: We gotta report to the bo---... OneOfTheRandomThugs: ---Eh?
Booklet #3
02 Woman: You sure surprised me the other day when you suddenly asked to see these blueprints. Did you discover an interest in construction? I could hire if you want...? Worick: No, that's not it. I've no interest in that. Woman: ...Eh? Worick: All I wanted was to see the layout of Monroe's residence. ---That won't do, Madame.
03 Worick: You shouldn't reveal your most important client's information so easily...
04 RandomThug1: Wh-What the?! What was that explosion?! What's going on?! RandomThug2: It's in the east wing's armory on the first floor. Stay alert! We've got invaders! RandomThug3: What the hell are the guys inside doing?! RandomThug4: Miles-san! Wong: Master Miles, are you OK? Miles: Forget about me, Wong! The boss' safety comes first! Go to his office on the third floor! Also, watch out for the vents, the attacker is a kid! Wong: Rin is already heading there, I'll be on my way right away as well. (thinks) Tch... There goes my left eardrum, huh.
06 Lin: Look, kid~~~~~~~ You even realize what you have done and who you bared your teeth at~? Didn't your Mommy and Daddy teach you that under no circumstances must you lay a finger on the 4 Godfa... Ouch! Are you listening to me, you damn brat? I bet someone hired you to do this, right? I don't have all day, so hurry up and spit their name alre---
07 Lin: Agh~~~~ What a pain in the ass~~~~~ That's why I fuckin' hate ki... (thoughts) ...Huh?
09 Wong: Rin! Are you there yet?! What are you taking your sweet time for! Where's Boss Monroe...?
10-11 Lin: Sorry, sis. I screwed up...
12 Wong: ...---I see. So you have a deathwish.
Booklet #4
01 Miles: Boss! Are you alright? RandomThug1: Please hurry up and escape, sir! Monroe: Easy, easy, no need to panic so much. RandomThug2: Miles-nii! I'm not finished tending to your wounds! We need to stop the bleeding! Monroe: Well, aren't you quite the looker now. Miles: Why thank you, sir. RandomThug3: This is the second floor speaking! The intruder is fighting Wong in the east hall! Rin is out of commission! We will stall to buy enough time for the boss to escape! Requesting assistance, asap!
02 RandomThug4: Bring what you can from the east wing's armory, too! RandomThug5: Hurry! They're moving towards the central stairway. Hey! Where are you going? That's not the way! Get back here, Cliff! Cliff! Cliff(thoughts): Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm in deep deep shit! It's me they're after... I'm next on their list! What the hell's going on?! How come the info got leaked?! Did the guys I sold to botch it up?! Assume they did, they're still a group under Corsica's umbrella! No way they could be traced back to me that easily...! I gotta think up of a way to get the fuck outta here, or I'll get killed...
05 Cliff: HIAAH!
06 Bystanders: H-Hey, that sound just now... / They said something about a Twilight intruder earlier... / No way! That's Monroe's residence, for crying out loud. / Should we maybe call the police? / Something's clearly wrong in there. / That's another explosion inside. Worick(thoughs): Yes, run. Run for your life. Come all the way here, to me.
07 Miles: ...*cough* B-Boss, I profoundly apologize. Are you injured anywhere? Monroe: What a bummer. The overcoat I had tailored for me just the other day is now ruined. Miles: I shall see to it that a new one is made for you on the double, sir. *cough* Monroe: What do you think of this, Miles? Just now, it was... Cliff, was his name, right? That naughty boy dabbing in the black market sales that you left at large for the time being? Miles: ...Yes... Only, he sold to the anti-Twilight faction. They would rather die than use a Twilight. Monroe: Yeah, except that kid Twilight is apparently only interested in that Cliff guy. ---But not in my head, despite my being one of the 4 Godfathers...
08 Monroe: ...or hers, despite her being a high level Twilight.
10 Cliff: Eek...!
11 Wong: ...Damn that Rin. Letting a Low like this brat send him to kingdom come. He may be my brother, but that's one hell of a way to be a pathetic loser. You fool daring defile the sanctuary, repent!
Booklet #5
01 RandomThugs: Plug all the vents down to the first floor! / Request the Guild to send reinforcements! / Hurry up with securing the route! / The Boss' escape is top priority! Miles: A samurai sword, huh? Quite the morbid taste, I have to say. Only the Raveau couple from the 1st street and the Guild could possibly carry a weapon that specialized... Monroe: ---No, that’s not quite so. (thinks) What a beautiful blade.
02 Monroe: It makes me want to have a chat with the person who polished this up. PoliceOfficers: Make way! Make way! The police coming though! / Chad-san. Chad: Make the onlookers back off farther away! So what's the situation inside the Monroe residen---
04 Wong: ---Agh. Ugh. Gha..h. Downer... Why... a stray brat... has... injectors... ...A Low... like you... I won't lose... to some... Low...
05 Wong: AAAH!
07 Cliff(thinks): I'm done for. No way I can do anything against a monster like that. Gotta ru---
08 Worick(flashback): Stupidly huge adults are who you'll be up against. So once you get in through the vents, you as good as won.
09 Worick(flashback): But make absolutely sure you don't kill Daniel Monroe. There'll be hell if you do. As long as you bring that Cliff bastard to where I am, your mission is accomplished. ---And hey...
10 Worick(flashback): Don’t overdo it like that time, monster [furigana: Nicolas].
12 Worick: ---Took you long enough. I even ran out of my smokes.
Booklet #6
01 Monroe: Haha.
02-03 Monroe: Miles. I want them. I want this thing's master.
04 Worick: Siiigh. The mansion is now in shambles. And a lot of Daniel Monroe's precious men died. All because you went and beat up a random kid you knew nothing about, over one unfaithful broad. And then his Twilight friend came to get revenge. So...
05 Worick: ...what do we do now, Cliff-san? Chad: Worick, you...! What were you thinking?! And after I expressly warned you not to get involved with him, too! This is how you want to repay your debt to Big Momma for taking you in?! Monroe: ---I see, so that's what's going on here.
06 Monroe: Geez... You sure did a number on us. Thanks to you, we now have all this extra work we could have done without. Miles: Boss. Monroe: Oh well, it was a good exercise for my rusting body. Ooh, oww. Chad: Da-- Cliff: Eek! Monroe: Don't worry, Chad. I'm not dead yet. ---Well then, pet owner-kun.
07 Monroe: As embarrassed as I am to admit it, your little doggie managed to scratch none other than one of the Four Godfathers. Doing that for a petty reason that you mentioned would do you no good, but you... What exactly did you want to accomplish by being here in person? Cliff: ...I-It's this brat! It's him, Boss! He's the one who murdered our members! I schooled and warned him, but he's not satisfied with killing all my buddies! He went after the whole family, siccing that monster on us...! Monroe: ...Is what he says. Is that true?
08 Worick: ...Yes. Well, the gist of it, anyway. Chad: Wori--! Worick: You don't need someone like him anyway, no? A pathetic loser who kicks up a fuss over one broad and shouts the place he's affiliated with loudly for all to hear.
09 Worick: And to boot, sells your family's goods behind your back to the anti-Twilight groups just to make some petty buck for yourself. A worthless shit is what he is. ---That's why I decided to get you rid of him. Although my dog apparently still lacks discipline a little. ...And I apologize for that. Cliff: Y-You fuckin' brat!!! Stop with your fuckin' bull--
10 Cliff: --shit.
11 Monroe: ---Alright, apology accepted. I've taken a liking to you. Starting today, you two are mine. Become my shield, serve my family...
12 Monroe: ...and I will give you two a place to belong.
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themonstersaidit · 7 years
Ship: Rin/Len Genre: Romance/Humour Rating: T
It's such a pity that 70% of his brain is probably air, 20% is raging teenage hormones and the remaining 10% a total mystery.
Len keeps sighing today, and Rin doesn't know why.
Or perhaps she does, but she's just choosing to ignore him. (This is the truth.)
The boy'll walk past every five to ten minutes, exhaling and attempting to make eye contact with her over her graphic novel. But she avoids his gaze, feeling his eyes burn holes through her forehead.
She knows why he's doing this, of course.
They stopped talking about a week ago, when Len broke Rin's favourite mug being an idiot. He was being all dramatic, just because, and slammed down the cup onto the bench, earning a very horrifying crunch. Orange juice went flying, and so did shards of glass. She was amazed no one was injured – but too mad at the time to care.
She hasn't talked to him since, and he's starting to become a little antsy with her lack of attention. So, all day, he's been cleaning her room extensively—scrubbing the floors, wiping the window sills, changing her bedsheets and folding her clothes—in a pathetic attempt to get word out of her.
But much to his disappointment, Rin has been lounging on the couch all day, reading and acting as if nothing is happening.
Len's starting to grow frustrated. She can tell.
His way of subtly dropping hints that he wants her attention is by passing her and acting dramatic.
Unfortunately, Rin's enjoying his pining for her attention (and her clean room) a little too much.
She's probably a little evil.
Just a tad.
But it's fine.
She's hatching a mastermind plan behind that graphic novel of hers, and no one is going to see it coming. Not even Len.
Just when Rin thinks Len is going to enter the room for the seventh time that hour, Miku walks in, a disgruntled expression on her face.
"Jesus, Rin. Can you please pay attention to Len? His heavy breathing is starting to distract my study. Like, seriously – go look at him. He's been working on the same spot in your room for the past three hours. I think he's started hallucinating dirt on your floor."
"It's probably paint," Rin says over her book.
"Rin," Miku begs, giving her a pout. "Please."
The sound of footsteps makes her hesitate, and she looks back down when Len enters the room to sigh again.
"Len, can you be more quiet when you're cleaning? I have an important music exam this week, and I can't fail it," the older girl tries.
He sighs, again. For the billionth time. Rin's surprised he hasn't passed out yet from losing so much air. (Or maybe he has already and is just trying to play it cool.)
"I'm just trying to clean," he says, his voice hitching. She has to suppress a snicker.
Miku folds her arms over her chest. "Fine." She turns back to Rin, jabbing a finger in her direction. "If I fail, I'm blaming you."
Oh, psh, you won't fail. You never fail, she retorts in her mind.
Miku and Len then leave the room, and peace and quiet resumes again.
She smiles to herself.
It's time.
"Rin," Len says, appearing in the living room once more, after doing his whole stompy-sigh ritual another thirty times. "I finished cleaning your room."
He stares at her with big eyes, as if to ask, Have I earned your forgiveness?
"That's nice," Rin responds.
He blinks, a frown tugging his lips. He puts his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight. "So…"
She looks up from her novel, raising an eyebrow.
He mirrors her expression. "Um, so… like… are you… going to, uh…"
Rin watches as he trails off, glancing away. "Am I going to what, Len?"
"Like, I don't know, um, acknowledge it? Or say thank you? Or forgive me, at least?" Len blurts, before snapping his mouth shut, paling. "Um, I mean, uh –"
"Len," Rin says, setting her book down on her stomach. "Come here." She beckons him over with her finger, and with hesitation, the boy obeys.
He swallows, standing over her.
She continues beckoning him, pointing down towards her. "Lean over," she orders when he looks confused.
As slow as possible, he bends forward, furrowing his brows. He seems to tilt his to the side, like he's expecting her to hit him, or something.
It takes a lot for her to not burst into laughter.
Rin keeps beckoning him down closer and closer, until he's hovering a ruler's length above her, bent at an uncomfortable angle.
Len closes his eyes, tensing.
Look, she's evil. But she's not that evil.
She waits a moment, staring up at him and admiring his face. It's such a pity that 70% of his brain is probably air, 20% is raging teenage hormones and the remaining 10% a total mystery. What a waste.
Without batting an eyelid, Rin reaches out to grab him by the collar and drag him down to her face. She smushes her mouth against his, and his eyes fly open – and conveniently, also his mouth.
"What –" he says, before that 20% of raging teenage hormones kicks in, and his eyes flutter shut, lips melting against hers.
Yes, this is her plan. And it seems to be running smoothly.
Rin doesn't really have much a reason for kissing Len, besides the fact that she just wants to kiss him. Overhearing Len moan to Kaito the other day about how torn apart and broken he was with her not talking to him may have been a greater influence over this decision – but, of course, she's always had this weird fantasy about kissing his soft, pink lips, so.
When they break apart, Len hovers, his eyes half-lidded as if he just took a hit of weed. Then he comes to, leaning back to stare in confusion at Rin.
"So that means we're talking?" he asks.
"I don't know how you can come to that conclusion just from me kissing you," Rin says, and she watches his smile falter. "But I guess it does."
The smile returns, and his whole face lights up. If he had a tail, it would've been wagging.
"That's also a thank you for cleaning my room," she adds, opening her book up. "Would you like me to do yours tomorrow?"
Len blinks, nods, then stops nodding when he realises something. "Wait – no. Hold on. I—uh—I need to put some stuff away first." Then he disappears to his room, flustered.
Rin sniggers.
She already knows where he keeps his magazine stash.
I'm still stuck on day three of the OTP challenge (and have been for half a month), but then I'm hit with a tidal wave of (pointless) plot bunnies and can write up this in like, an hour?
Whaaaaat isssssss myyyyyyyy braaaaaain.
Anyway, I'm glad I could write something that isn't complete angsty trash, because I have been feeling those vibes lately (squints at all my unfinished docs that have appeared over the past few weeks). I was inspired by that meme song, Compliments, by Kollektivet. If you haven't heard it, please go listen to the full version on youtube immediately gogogogo it's very important. (Also inspired by some cute Rin/Len PD photo booth pics a friend has been posting on twitter! fdsjdfjkdfjjfdf)
By the way! I only have five more assessments left for this semester! And I find out important stuff on May 25 ;_; It's so close to my birthday and I'm scared, so I've decided to not have my birthday at all and have a fake birthday on May 4, because it's Star Wars day and that's all that matters, really. (taps head) Can't have a shitty birthday if you don't have one At All(tm)
Cross-posted from ffnet.
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pxiao · 7 years
It’s my turn Chapter 1
It’s been four months since Zarc was revived and three since he reappeared in Standard. Standing guard against the revived Supreme King Dragon, Yuzu with Serena, Rin and Ruri stand as Ray with the stronger Lancers helping them. This time, It’s Her Turn! 
concept thought up by @skittymon originally. 
In the Fusion Dimension, a lone figure walked the empty halls of the Academia. As he walked, he saw that the school was starting to decay with spiders’ starting to make their webs, dust starting to gather and even the metal surrounding him was rusting. He mused how ruthless time was, even if the Academia was defeated and shut down only four months ago. This thought actually made him chuckle a bit as in the end it was him, Zarc and his godly power that drove the Academia to its knees. Continuing on his way, he was shocked at how Yuri’s memories and emotions started to flow into his mind.  While he had access to Yuri’s along with Yuya’s, Yuto’s and Yugo’s memories, he thought they wouldn’t bother him if he willed it, he realized he was wrong. Though he realized that was true for a lot of things he had thought were right four months ago as he clenched his teeth in rage at that memory. He sighed and quickly calmed himself, there was too much work to be done and too little time to let himself be consumed by rage.
As Zarc continued to search for Leo’s lab, Yuri’s memories and feelings kept assaulting his mind. Despite his efforts to shut them out, he could feel Yuri’s isolation, his loneliness and finally his happiness when the Professor told him that he was needed, Zarc could feel himself frown in response. After walking around the maze Leo called a school for a good hour, Zarc finally found Leo’s lab and then promptly kicked down the door in annoyance of Yuri’s memories hitting too close to home with the added bonus of wasting a good hour just adding to his frustration. After finally getting to Leo’s computer, he started combing through the data, not knowing that he triggered a silent alarm when he turned it on.
In half a second, an alarm sounded in the office of Reiji Abaka in Standard, he checked his computer and saw that someone had turned on his father’s computer in the Academia. He grimaced realizing that Zarc had finally returned. He activated his duel disk and called Sora, Asuka and Chojiro in the Fusion Dimension. He waited till his duel disk created holographic squares that showed Sora’s, Asuka’s and Chojiro’s faces.
“Did he really return?!!!” Chojiro exploded when he saw Reiji.
“Would you chill?” Sora calmly snarked but Reiji noticed that Sora’s eyes were clearly agitated.
“What happened Reiji?” Asuka asked in a clear and calm voice.
“Someone turned on my fath ….. Leo’s computer in the Academia thus it’s highly likely that Zarc has returned. Each of you, quickly check the Academia.” Reiji ordered.
“What if he escapes in the time it takes for us to arrive?” Asuka asked.
“Some of Yusho’s students in the Fusion Dimension are standing guard. The computer’s alarm also ringed their duel disks so they should be on their way. But if it is truly Zarc, they won’t be enough to stand up to him.” Reiji responded.
“What about ..” Sora started.
“I’m going to inform her right now.” Reiji interjected as his glasses shined from the holograms.
“Are you sure it’s a great idea to make Missy duel him, I mean …” Chojiro asked, obviously uncomfortable.
“It’s our only option if Zarc has truly returned.” Reiji coldly said.
“I’m going then” Chojiro responded as he hanged up while Sora quietly hanged up, frowning.
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t come down to that. “ Asuka confidently replied as she hung up as well.
As Reiji called their strongest duelist, he sighed as he mused over Sora’s, Asuka’s and Chojiro’s uncomfort. He understood their misgivings about using her against Zarc, but sadly she was their best shot at stopping Zarc even if it meant forcing her to fight the person she loved the most.
In LDS’ Real Solid Vision Projector room, a girl with pink hair with two blue accessories in her hair and blue eyes was practicing her agility on a Real Solid Vision environment. As she was jumping over a pyramid’s top, she heard her father’s voice from the speakers.
“Yuzu, Reiji is calling!” Shuzou yelled as his voice was projected over the room.
“Thanks dad I’ll get it so please turn off the projector.” Yuzu said in a sweet voice. After quickly wiping off her sweat with a nearby towel, she grabbed her duel disk and saw Reiji’s face in a holographic square.  
“Is it him?” Yuzu asked in a calm tone as her heart started to race.
“Highly likely. Someone’s inside Academia, currently accessing the Professor’s computer. I have trouble imagining anyone stupid enough to do this unless they’re Zarc.” Reiji answered in an equally calm tone.
“I’ll rush to the Academia but will he still be there when I arrive?” Yuzu asked.
“Currently some You Show students from the Fusion Branch are going to head him off and I’ve informed Sora, Asuka and Tokumatsu to stop him as well.”
“I hope you don’t intend to use them as sacrifices to hold up Zarc before we get there.” Yuzu said as she started to frown.
“I hope it doesn’t come to that.” Reiji replied as he hanged up causing Yuzu to clench her teeth.
“Is … is it him?” Shuzou asked with his voice filled with anguish.
“Reiji, at least thinks so” Yuzu said with a frozen face as she felt her hands shaking a bit. She then saw her father’s face, quickly suppressing her fears she added, “Don’t worry dad, I’m make sure to defeat him for what he did to us three months ago.” Yuzu then ran out of the room and then building.
Once Yuzu was out of earshot Shuzou mumbled, “that wasn’t what I was worried about.”
As Yuzu ran to the portal that all connected all four dimensions, Arc-V, three girls with the same face as her floated next to her.
“So he finally returned huh. What has that coward been doing for three months?” Said Serena, a blue haired girl with a large yellow ribbon in her hair with green eyes.
“Probably gathering strength. We need to be careful.” Said Rin, a girl with green medium length hair and amber eyes.
“We need to hurry or those You Show students could be hurt!” Said Ruri, a girl with long purple hair that reached her knees with pink eyes.
“I am ……. But it’s our first fight and our debut as Ray. We won’t lose, right?” Yuzu asked as she looked at Serena, Rin and Ruri with confidence in her face.
“Right!” Serena, Rin and Ruri confidently agreed which calmed Yuzu’s trembling heart.
 In the Fusion Dimension, Zarc continued to search through Leo’s files when he heard his dragons yell,” Be careful! In front!” Zarc jumped back just as a dinosaur broke through the wall and Leo’s computer.  Zarc swore as light from the hole illuminated his face.
The You Show students looked in shock as they saw a shortish boy with green and red hair and crimson eyes in front of them.  “Yuya Sakaki.” One of the students said as they got a good look, causing Zarc to smile.
“Sorry, he doesn’t exist anymore.“ Zarc said with a smile. His appearance then morphed into boy with purple and pink hair that had two antennae in the front, think pink eyebrows and pink eyes but the same face as before and wearing the same pendulum as well. “I’m Zarc, Phantom King Zarc.”
The You Show students shuddered when they saw that not only had the person in front of them changed his appearance, but he changed into Academia’s deadliest duelist, Yuri.
“I’ll give you foolish mortals a choice. Either you let me go or face certain death. If you all want to continue living your pathetic lives at least for now, I suggest the former.” Zarc threaten as his pupils started to close, resembling eyes more like a reptile’s than a human’s.
The five students look around and then readied their duel disks. One of them roared, “we’re students of Yusho Sakaki. We joined because we couldn’t stand letting the Academia take over all of reality. Why would we let you escape when you are so much worse!”
“It’s sad how many youths have death wishes. It’s my turn!” Zarc said as he started their execution.
 “Did we get here in time?” Chojiro asked as he just arrived in front of Academia with Sora and Asuka beside him. As if the universe decided to answer his question, the front of the school exploded as someone was ejected from the hole just created by the explosion.
“Ritual Summon! Level 10 Cyber Angel Vrash!” Asuka said as she started her duel disk. “Vrash catch the student!” Asuka commanded her monster. Vrash listening to her master’s orders, flew upwards and catched the falling student.
“You just had to say something, didn’t you?” Sora mocked as his eyes focused on the damaged Academia.
“Hey is that kid ok?” Chojiro rushed over to Asuka as her monster floated to the ground.
She then turned off her duel disk as she held the injured party. “He seems to be alive at least” she answered as she checked him.
“Alive huh? I must be losing my touch then.” A voice boomed from the damaged Academia causing all three to turn their head to the source. They then looked intensely as the dust started to settle and an outline was visible.
“Yuri ….” Asuka said as she realized the figure in front of them was the boy that had carded her before.
“Wait, that’s Yuri?” Chojiro asked as looked to Sora and Asuka, who had clenched their teeth.
Zarc raised one eyebrow in their responses. “Ok I can understand those mob characters not knowing who I am. But I would have thought the Lancers, at least would know who I am. I’m sure I showed that brat three months ago.” Zarc questioned.
“We heard! You attacked Yuzu and destroyed the You Show school in Standard three months ago!” Sora said with enough venom to surprise Zarc.
Zarc smiled and then mocked. “What is it Sora? Angry that you couldn’t reach your master four months ago? Sad that you couldn’t protect Yuzu three months ago? Or just disgusted that you can’t do anything for your first two friends?” Zarc said as his smile twisted into a smirk.  He then turned his head to Chojiro and added “Also to answer your question, Mr. Tokumatsu. Yes I am Yuri as well as …” he then transformed into a blue-hair boy with yellow fringes and green eyes while still wearing the pendulum. “Yugo and ….” he then transformed into a boy with spiked purple and blue hair with grey eyes, still wearing the pendulum. “Yuto and ….” he then transformed into a boy with green and red hair, red eyes and goggles with a star on the left lens while still wearing the pendulum. “I am also Yuya Sakaki but overall I am Phantom King Zarc.” he finished with a cruel smile that didn’t fit Yuya’s kind face.
“Don’t smile like that as Yuya!” Chojiro yelled, disgusted at seeing the boy that showed him the light again, show a smile filled with cruel intention instead of kindness.
“sorry.” Zarc replied with sarcastic tone as he held his hands in front of him as if to give up. “While I would love to talk some more to the brave and powerful Lancers, I do have to go.” Zarc said as he readied his duel disk.
“You’re not going anywhere!” Asuka yelled as she, Sora and Chojiro also readied their duel disks.
“Oh but I must. Lots of phantoming I have to do. You know being the king of them and all.” Zarc joked as he was about to press a button on his duel disk’s screen till his dragons once again warned him of danger. He quickly ducked as crescent shaped rings flew through the spot where his head was. He then noticed that feathers attacking from above, wind was attacking from the left and right and the rings were coming from behind. He quickly drew five cards from his deck and yelled, “I set scale one Stargazer Magician and scale eight Timegazier Magician in my Pendulum Scales and I Pendulum Summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Odd-Eyes protect me with your Spiral Strike Burst!” As Zarc yelled, flames erupted from his dragon’s mouth, burning the feathers and wind while its tail protected its master from the rings.
“Close” Yuzu said. Zarc then turn his head to her causing Yuzu’s heart to ache when she saw his red and green hair to her shock.
Zarc’s eyes widened in rage as he saw her with four monsters in front. “Ray”, Zarc growled in a voice filled with malice that seemed more fitting for a monster.
Yuzu’s eyes widened in shock at how he knew their codename before they had revealed to anyone but their father.
“Yuzu, focus!” Rin reminded Yuzu when she started getting sidetracked.
“Rin is right, if you lose focus the enemy will take advantage and it’ll be all over” Ruri stated from previous experience.
“Sorry guys.” Yuzu apologized as she focused on Zarc again only for her heart to ache more when she saw his red dragon.
Zarc quickly took a huge breathe and quickly regained his composure as he looked straight at her. He then stated, “You know I’m shocked you actually came to face me again when you cried your eyes out three months”
“And let you off for hurting me and my father? You wish!” Yuzu yelled in response as she ignored his comment.
“Exactly why would we be afraid of a coward that went into hiding after seeing us once!” Serena taunted.
“Well I didn’t exactly hide though.” Zarc replied that cause all four of the girls to look in shock.
“You can see and hear them?” Yuzu asked.
“I am the Phantom King, so I think I should be able to see all phantom.” Zarc said.
“Wait, how does that make any sense? I thought you were the Supreme King Dragon” Rin asked.
“Then that makes it easy! Let’s duel you coward!” Serena roared.
“Wait don’t taunt him too much!” Ruri warned.
“As much as I would love to duel four people at once, I really do have to go.” Zarc said before he transformed into Yuri again causing Serena to frown in disgust.
“Violet Flash” Zarc said as he activated a card that blinded everyone around them.
After a few seconds, Yuzu realized that Zarc had disappeared, causing all four of the girls to clench their teeth in rage.
“Get back here and let us kick your butt!!!” Serena roared at the disappeared Zarc.
“Serena, stop there are people hurt. We need to help them.” Ruri said as she looked to the hurt student in Asuka’s arms.
Serena calmed down and said, “you’re right just .. Come on lets help.”
“Yuzu are you ok?” Rin asked when she noticed that Yuzu was a bit out of it.
“huh? Yeah I’m fine.” Yuzu answered quickly, which only made the other three look at her. “Asuka, are there anyone else hurt?” Yuzu quickly asked to get the attention away from her.
“I don’t know actually. Can you three check the inside for more students? I’ll contact Mr. Sakaki.” Asuka commanded with Sora and Chojiro quickly entering the damaged building and Yuzu following.
“Ahh, Missy are you ok?” Chojiro asked.
“eh..” Yuzu stammered and wondered if Mr. Tokumatsu knew that her heart ached whenever she saw Zarc as that red and green haired boy.  “Of course I am!” Yuzu nearly screamed.
“Well that’s good, I mean you did nearly duel Yu----“Chojiro started before he was elbowed in the stomach by Sora.
“Stop chatting and let’s look for more students!” Sora chided.
“What was that for!” Chojiro yelled as he held the spot where he was elbowed.
“You almost mentioned Yuya!” Sora said in a hush voice.
Chojiro then remembered and said, “ahaha, I guess I really am getting old. Let’s stop messing around and look for these kids!”
Yuzu looked in shock at Chojiro’s total change of mood in a matter of seconds while Serena, Ruri and Rin looked at each other with serious expressions.
In half an hour Sora, Chojiro and Yuzu had found four more hurt but still alive students and then with Asuka, helped get them on the boat that You Show’s Fusion branch had sent. Sora, Asuka and Chojiro then took seats next to each other inside the boat while Yuzu leaned on the railings on back of the boat. Yuzu gave a blank stare as doubt filled her heart.
Serena having seeing Yuzu’s expression, “Yuzu are you ok?”
“Hey Serena, do you think that we can beat Zarc?” Yuzu asked.
“Why wouldn’t we?” Serena respond.
“Look at how easily he escaped us. Despite the fact that Sora, Asuka and Mr. Tokumatsu was there too.” Yuzu answered.
“If he ran away that means that he fears us.” Ruri added, hoping to cheer up Yuzu.
“Or there was no more reason to stay.” Rin countered which caused Ruri to stare at her. “What? There’s no point in just being optimistic, especially against Zarc.”
“Exactly. ….. So  … why does everyone believe that we, no that I can stop Zarc?”, Yuzu asked.
“Because three months ago after you and Zarc met, he disappeared for three months.” Ruri answered with a smile.
“But I’ve also lost my memory three months ago. Whatever I did to stop Zarc that time, I can’t remember and despite all this time I haven’t regained a single memory.” Yuzu countered as her doubt started to overflow.
“Even so, you can’t just give up though Yuzu.” Serena said as she tried to cheer her counterpart up.
“It’s not about giving up Serena. I refused to just lie down and let Zarc do what he wants. It’s just ……” Yuzu said before pausing.
“Just what?” Serena asked.
“I’m just worried that I can’t do anything. Serena, Ruri, Rin, you three are strong. I know that you can stop Zarc. But me? What can I do?” Yuzu asked, causing her three counterparts to look in sorrow and anguish.
For the rest of the trip back to shore, her counterparts disappeared leaving Yuzu to her thoughts. And as much as Yuzu wanted to ignore it, she kept thinking about why it felt like someone had stabbed her heart whenever see saw Zarc as that red and green haired boy. And why she felt like crying of pure joy at the same time. Yuzu spent the rest of the trip wondering what Zarc was to her and if he was truly close to her, who she used to be.
 Yusho sat in front of the door of You Show Fusion branch for nearly an hour after he got Asuka’s call and sent the medium sized boat to pick them up. As he waited, he could only stew in guilt and worry that some of his students had gotten hurt or maybe even killed. As Yusho started to grind his teeth in worry, he felt someone hug him from behind.
“Dear, you really shouldn’t grind your teeth. We don’t have dental here” Yoko joked. “What’s wrong?” she asked as she saw her husband’s bad mood which he seemed to have more of recently.
“Zarc reappeared and some of my students tried to stop him.” Yusho said.
“Oh” Yoko replied, understanding the cause of her husband’s bad mood.
“It’s all my fault.” Yusho quickly said.
“It’s not. I know it’s frustrating but you shouldn’t stress your leg an-- “Yoko said.
“Not that.” Yusho injected. “If I had stopped Yuri at that time, Zarc would never have revived. None of my students would be in danger, Yuzu would never have been hurt and Yuya …. Yuya would be …” Yusho said.
“shhh” Yoko only hugged her husband tighter as she silenced him. “You did all you could do.”
“I could have done more though” Yusho added.
“What’s done is done.” Yoko comforted her husband. “Besides, we’re going to get our son back.” She confidently added. “I know our son and no matter what the world throws at him, he’ll keep fighting. So even if Zarc has absorbed him I know that he’s still alive because he has the great Entertainer, Yusho Sakaki as his hero and father to inspire to never give up.” She said with a smile, causing Yusho to smile in response.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Yusho mused.
“Nothing, I chose you and that’s all there is to it.” Yoko replied.
After a few minutes of happiness, the door opened causing Yusho to stand up. His smile turned back into a frown as he saw five of his students being carried in on stretchers. To his relief, he saw that Asuka, Sora, Chojiro and Yuzu were fine as they walked in.
“Oh Yuzu!” Yoko happily said when she saw Yuzu. Yuzu awkwardly waved back.
“Mr. Sakaki.” Asuka said when she saw Yusho.
“Wait lets go contact the other dimensions so we all can understand what is going on.” Yusho replied.
A few minutes later, Yusho walked in front with Yoko helping him, Sora, Asuka, Chojiro walking behind them and Yuzu rounding the back. After they got in front of a computer, Yusho turned it on and it opened a program that called Standard, the Synchro Dimension and the Xyz Dimension with Reiji, Gongenzaka and Kurosaki picked up respectively.
“So did Zarc really return?” Reiji calmly asked.
“Yes, he’s returned and like Serena told us, he can switch between four appearances.” Asuka said causing Reiji, Gongenzaka and Kurosaki to widen their eyes in shock.
“Were there any casualties?” Kurosaki asked.
“Luckily no one died but five kids are pretty hurt.” Chojiro answered as he clenched his teeth.
“We were lucky this time then.” Gongenzaka said as he released a huge breath.
“Do we know what Zarc was doing on the Professor’s computer?” Reiji continue to investigate.
“No but we can find out. From what I saw, the monitor was destroyed but the data was backed up. If we check when each file was opened, we should get a decent idea of what he was searching.” Asuka answered.
“Excuse me” Yuzu said in a meek voice, stopping their conversation causing everyone to look at her. “I’m sorry. Despite the fact that you all trusted me, I couldn’t stop Zarc. I’m sorry.” Yuzu apologized.
“Yuzu, you don’t have to ---” Yusho said.  
“You didn’t fail.” Reiji interrupted causing everyone to be shocked, especially Yuzu. “It’s true that Zarc escaped, but I never expected you to catch him on your first outing. When he revived four months ago, it took the full power of the Lancers to defeat him. It would be unreasonable to expect you to do something that took 10 people originally. And in this case no one died and we can find out what Zarc was looking for. This is undeniably a success.” Reiji reassured Yuzu.
“Don’t worry Yuzu, we’ll stop him. The Lancers have doubled in power since then and we have you. There is no way we can fail!” Gongenzaka added to Reiji’s reassurance with a smile.
“Either way, since he attacked the Fusion Dimension, it’s likely his target is also there. So can you stay there for the time being?” Reiji asked.
“Yes.” Yuzu agreed and then added,” and thank you” with a smile.
“Yuzu in that case, do you want me to show you to the rooms?” Yusho offered with a smile.
“Oh no, I can find them myself. I’ll be leaving then.” Yuzu said with a bow and then left.
Once Yuzu was out of earshot Reiji asked, “Sora did Zarc change from the time we fought him four months ago?”
“His entire behavior has changed.” Sora replied.
“In what way?” Gongenzaka asked.
“He’s much more pragmatic and calm. This time he was willing to make a few jokes and tried to escape when he saw the three of us.” Sora replied causing Reiji, Gongenzaka and Kurosaki to look in shock.
“How did Zarc act last time?” Chojiro asked.
“He acted like he was a god and happily took on any challenger that came his way.” Reiji calmly said.
“In that case, his personality has done a near 180 then.” Yoko piped in.
“Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he calls himself Phantom King now.” Asuka suggested.
“Phantom King?” Kurosaki asked bewildered.
“Could Yuzu have done something to him three months ago when he burned down the You Show in Standard?” Gongenzaka asked.
“Unlikely. Ruri said that they just met and had a duel that was inconclusive. Serena and Rin have backed this up.” Kurosaki answered.
“That brings up my next point” Sora said with a frown on his face. “I think Yuzu still remembers Yuya.”
“What makes you say that?” Reiji asked.
“Whenever she saw Zarc as Yuya, she would have this pained expression on her face.” Sora answered.
“Sora’s right, I’ve never seen the Missy in so much in pain before.” Chojiro backed.
“That shouldn’t be possible. From what Serena, Ruri and Rin have said, they erased nearly all of her memories. “Reiji said.
“But …!” Sora started before Yusho put his hand in front of Sora to calm him.
“I think Sora is right. While memories are important, I believe that if a bond is strong enough nothing can truly break it, not even death itself. Right Gongenzaka?” Yusho said.
Gongenzaka nodded and replied, “Like Mr. Yusho Sakaki has said although the time I’ve spent with Yuya and Yuzu were only 3 years, this man Gongenzaka can never forget them. That’s why the man, Gongenzaka believes that Yuzu can also never truly forget about Yuya.”
At the same time as the Lancers were discussing Zarc, Yuzu was getting ready for bed. As she laid in bed, she said good night to her counterparts who said it back. Once Yuzu went to sleep, the three counterparts stood in a secluded part of Yuzu’s mind where she wouldn’t hear them.
“I think we need to talk about today.” Serena started while Ruri and Rin looked at her. “Yuzu still reacted when she saw Zarc as Yuya. How is that possible? I thought we erased her memories.” Serena said grimly
“There is a limit to what we can do though.” Rin countered.
“What do you mean?” Serena asked.
“Look the reason we had to erase most of Yuzu’s memories was because Yuya was part of them. But even if you erase those memories, he’ll still be part of her.” Rin said before pausing. “Like with me and that moron. I’ve spent so much time with him that no matter how hard I tried, he still influenced me.” Rin said with a smile.
Serena looked puzzled while Ruri had a huge smile and blush as she heard Rin. Rin, noticing Ruri’s smile, quickly coughed and continued, “What I’m saying is even if we erase Yuya from her mind, we can’t erase him from her soul unless you want to completely erase her personality. And no matter what you say, I can’t accept that.” Rin stated.
“I’m not suggesting that at all” Serena said as she showed a miserable expression at the suggestion.
“If that’s the case, maybe we should restore Yuzu’s memories.” Ruri suggested which caused Serena to look at her. “I only agreed to erasing her memories if it would lessen her pain. But if she’s going to suffer either way, I think she has a right to make the decision to kill Yuya instead of realizing what’s she’s done after the fact. “ Ruri said. She then continued in a slow and weak voice, “That’s how I feel about Yuto at least.”
“We can’t” Serena instantly rejected.
“Why not?!” Ruri argued back.
“If you don’t remember, three months ago when she had all her memories, she believed that she could save Yuya, Yuto and Yugo when she faced Zarc. And as a result, she was hospitalized for a month.” Serena said.
“Sorry Ruri, but Serena has a point. Yuzu ignored us when we begged her to duel to kill. She just might not have it in her to finish Zarc if she knows that Yuya is part of him.” Rin backed Serena while looking like she was going to throw up.
“So what? We just let her suffer when killing Zarc and then finally reveal that she killed her most precious person after she has his blood on her hands!” Ruri yelled, enraged.
“That …. might. That might be our only option.” Rin said as she willed herself to say that.
“but that’s so “ Ruri said.
“I know, Ruri.” Serena cut Ruri off as her own stomach felt like it was about to explode. “I know” Serena said in a small voice.
Elsewhere Zarc entered his secret base, exhausted and angry that Ray had once again appeared. “If you’re revived, I’ll be revived as well huh?” Zarc said as a certain pink haired girl’s face entered his mind causing his heart to ache.
“So any luck?” Someone said.
“Some, I’ll go tomorrow. Hopefully his technology and yours will create an invincible and completely obedient army.” Zarc strained.
“Well good look tomorrow then.” The mysterious person left just as Zarc’s pendulum started to shine.
“Shut up, Yuya!” Zarc thought as he clutched the glowing pendulum.
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