#matt damon imagines
arctickat2400 · 11 months
Jealousy Doesn't Suit You <> Damon Salvatore
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Not sure if this is how I wanted this to turn out or not. My writing isn't how it used to be, but I hope y'all enjoy it anyways.
Request: The reader and Damon could be playing hard to get and is too stubborn to admit they both fancy and love each other so one day the reader flirts with a guy knowing that it’ll really make Damon annoyed and he gets all jealous. But maybe one night Damon cooks the reader a romantic dinner and tells her he’s been in love with her since the first time they locked eyes on each other.
~ ~ ~ ~
When Damon wants something, he gets it. However, with you, it’s easier said than done. He was so in love with you, but that was the last thing he would admit to you, let alone anyone else. 
This week had been a disaster. Your constant attempts at getting Damon’s attention have all failed miserably. You would never admit to liking him. Okay, that was an understatement. You had a fiery passion for this man, but that’s not something you would openly tell someone as news around this town travels quite fast. 
So now, you were drowning out your sorrows at Mystic Grill, sparking up conversations with Matt as he was working the bar this evening. When he wasn’t serving other customers, he was cleaning glasses and talking to you. 
“What’s gotcha down, (Y/Nickname)?” Matt asks, using your favorite nickname that only your closest friends use, as he leans forward on the counter across from you. 
“Oh, nothing,” You answer, leaning your head on your fist, your arm bent across the bar. You held a toothpick between your fingers as you traced random lines and shapes around the wood. “Just the usual. Work, mostly, among other things.” You shrugged, continuing your invisible art.
You always thought Matt, as one of your best friends, had this intuition, as if he knew almost if not everything about you. What you didn’t know was that he knew the one thing that you hadn’t told a single person, the one thing you didn’t want anyone to know. And, although he didn’t like the certain fact, he vowed to always be there for you, despite the situations you refused to tell him or anyone else about.
That’s why when he glances over at the door to see Damon waltzing in, Matt continued to keep up the conversation, keeping his eyes on the man that stole your heart without even knowing.
Damon immediately spotted you at the bar, his brain sensing your presence the second he walked in. He noticed a melancholic expression adorned your face as he made his way over to his usual booth in the corner. Damon didn’t show his emotions on the outside, but whenever he saw you, his emotions went wild on the inside. He wanted to know what made you so sad. He wanted to comfort you. When it came to you, every part of him that anyone has ever known is thrown out the window, replaced by a sweet, kindhearted man who wants to love and be loved by you. 
“Can I get you something to drink? Maybe (your favorite cocktail), your favorite?” Matt smiled your way, making your eyes flick to his, a smile crawling onto your lips. Somehow, you came here not wanting to be home alone doing nothing, just wanting to be out and about, and thought you’d see if Matt was working. So, when you came into Mystic Grill, you didn’t even think about drinking oddly enough, only looking for some friendly convo with your friend.
Matt’s suggestion pulled a laugh out of you, it coming out louder than you intended, but you didn’t care. “Oh, Matt, my friend, you know me so well,” You smiled sheepishly, getting one in return from him. 
You spin around in your bar stool, facing the restaurant to people-watch as Matt made your drink, only to be met with the piercing blue eyes of the one and only Damon Salvatore. Of course, he would be here. How had you not even noticed until now?
Your smile falls and you panic as you quickly spin back around to face the bar, your cheeks burning, most likely red as rubies. Just then, Matt slides your drink in front of you, pulling your attention to him. You meet his eyes and he already had a knowing look on his face. How did he know? You thought questioningly. Matt offered you a smile and a wink, and you decided to take matters into your own hands.
Damon’s POV
Watching Y/N with Matt, or any other guy for that matter, is torture. I should be the one to make her smile, to make her laugh, to make her feel anything at all. But, no. With Y/N, I’m a coward. I’m usually so confident, but with her, I can’t control myself. Why can’t I just go up to her and tell her how I feel? 
Because I’m not that kind of person. I can’t outwardly express my feelings. I don’t deserve her anyway. I can’t be the guy she deserves. But watching her laugh like that with someone who isn’t me makes my blood go cold. I can’t do this anymore. I’ve always been selfish. And if being selfish is what it takes to have her in my life the way I want, that’s how it’s going to be. And I know exactly how to make it happen. 
I stand and rush out of the grill, just barely missing what seemed to be a longing glance from Y/N as I storm out, her eyes glued to my retreating back. I pass by Stefan and Enzo on my way out. I was supposed to meet them, but the matter at hand is much more important. I speed home to get everything prepared. 
* * *
I’d say Y/N knows me better than I know myself. We’re inseparable and that’s why I can’t hold back anymore. I can’t handle not being able to hold her and kiss her and just show the world how much I love this woman. 
Damon: I need you to come over. It’s an emergency…
Y/N: What? Why? What’s going on? Is everything okay? Are you okay?
That’s a big reason why I love her so much. Always making sure everyone is alright, doing everything in her power to fix things and make everything okay. 
Damon: No, questions. Just get here as soon as possible.
Y/N isn’t a vampire. She’s so purely human that it makes me love her more. But, that’s also why I’m so surprised by how fast she got here despite not being able to run at an inhumane speed like me. 
“Damon!” She screamed through the house. I didn’t answer back, just waiting for her to find me in the kitchen. “Hello?” She called out again. 
When she did finally reach the kitchen, skidding to a halt, she seemed out of breath, naturally, and panicked, as she did at the bar, but different. Her cheeks were flustered as her eyes widened and she made her way towards me quickly. 
“Damon, what’s going on? What’s the emergency?” She attempted to catch her breath as she looked around at the large kitchen island that was covered in the ingredients of her favorite dinner. She may know me better than I know myself, but I also know every little thing about her. 
“Oh, nothing. I just wanted you to get here as fast as possible. Great timing by the way. Dinner’s almost ready,” I said in my normal nonchalant tone, turning to the oven to take out the main course. When I turned around, however, Y/N did not look happy. Stunned, maybe, her eyes still wide in disbelief as she stared at me. I froze in my tracks, staring right back into her beautiful blue eyes. That’s when I noticed what she was wearing. She’d changed from what she had on at the bar. It looked like she had gone home to get comfy and relax in her black lace cropped tank top and matching pj shorts. I couldn’t help but glance down at the stretch of tummy she was showing off. I couldn’t get enough of it, I couldn’t hold back a small smile, hoping she wouldn’t notice. 
She had thrown on a jacket and boots (as it was Winter), and she didn’t waste a second getting here. A twinge of guilt ran through me, but the selfish part of me was just glad she was here and looking gorgeous in spite of the casual attire. 
“Damon Guiseppe Salvatore!” Y/N started as she made her way toward me, stopping as she leaned toward me against the island. “What the hell is wrong with you?! You think it’s okay to just tell me there’s an emergency when there isn’t? To tell me to get here as fast as possible without a single reason?” She finished, her eyes burning with anger. I could see another emotion in there, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. 
“I did have a reason. I want to cook you dinner, that’s what I’m doing, and I wanted you to get here ‘cause I cook fast.” I shrugged as if it was obvious, getting back to the last of the food. 
“Damon…” She sighed in exasperation. The guilt was getting stronger the more negative emotion she showed, although I tried to ignore it. “You can’t… you can’t just…” I looked up after hearing her hesitation to see her eyes getting red and tears building up before they spilled over all together. The anger washed away as something completely different took over. She held her hand up to her throat, leaning down against the counter, attempting to hold herself up. I dropped what I was holding, not caring what it was, and sped over to her, pulling her upright and holding her against me. Every wall I’ve ever built came crashing down, and it was all for her. I held her close as she cried into my chest.
“Baby, why are you crying?” The nickname just slipped out, and if she noticed, she didn’t let it show. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would affect you like this.” She pulled away, something that looked almost like hurt evident in her eyes. 
“Damon, you know how I am,” Her voice didn’t sound as angry, but there was still a lot of emotion in her tone. “You tell me something’s wrong and I’m there within minutes. It doesn’t matter what it is. But you go and do this, especially after the week I’ve had. But, of course, you wouldn’t notice. No one ever does. No one ever notices the sadness, the depression, the anxiety. Why do I even try? Why-?” I couldn’t let her go on like this anymore. I leaned forward, taking her in my arms, and captured her lips with mine in the most passionate kiss, the one I’ve been waiting for since I first met her. 
I pulled away, holding her face in my hands, her hands latched onto my wrists. “I notice everything,” I begin, my tone firm as I stare intently into her eyes. “I notice every little thing about you because I love you!”
She gasped, her eyes that were frozen to mine widening in shock. “What?” She was barely able to let out a whisper of a word.
“How could you not see it? Every time we went out, I would notice your nervous ticks. I would notice how you tried to hide it with a smile so no one else would see. I would take your hands, calming you down. Every time you came here looking all sad and broken, I could see the tears and I would talk to you. Every time you had one too many drinks or you were just so tired that you couldn’t stand on your own two feet, I was there to help you and take care of you. And I do it all because I love you. I love you so much, Y/N, and I have since the moment I laid eyes on you. And I hate that I haven’t told you ‘til now, but I thought you’d be better off without me. I know you deserve better than me, but I’m too selfish to stay away. So, I’m taking you and I’m making you mine.” I stared into her ocean eyes, trying to gauge a reaction, an emotion, anything, but came up empty.
Until she stood on her toes and pressed her lips to mine and I welcomed them with all the emotion that I had built up for her. I bent down so she didn’t have to reach up anymore, her hand reaching up to curl around the back of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her tight against me as she arched her back to mold her body with mine, and she fit perfectly.
“It’s about time.” I chuckled at her words, almost missing her lips. “Ya know, jealousy doesn’t suit you,” She giggled, her face just centimeters from mine. I groaned, leaning my forehead against her, my thumbs brushing over her bare waist.
“Oh, darling, I can’t tell you how much I wanted to punch every single guy that touched you, let alone those who even looked at you. You’re mine and if anyone else sets a finger on you, I-” She interrupted me by placing her finger against my lips, hers turning into a sly smile. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you, my love. You have nothing to worry about. I am yours and I love you.” She admitted sheepishly, her cheeks turning red. I’ve always loved making her blush, even when she didn’t notice it happening. “But I will get you back for what you did. You just wait,” She tried to be menacing as she fisted my shirt in her hand. I found it quite adorable. I just smiled mischievously, leaning down and picking her up in my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist as I take her lips in mine once again. Oh, how I’ve longed for this magnificent woman. 
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s1ater · 11 months
pairings. will hunting x fem!reader
about. will has a conversation with a woman that's very close in age with him and yet very different.
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warnings. swearing
ricky rocks. this movie was the first to ever make me cry. i also hate dumbass people (especially old ones) that come into my work asking me questions that have nothing to do with me. i need a raise atp.
“you’re a therapist?” you watch his face screw up and narrow as if in deep confusion, pointing before it slowly all slips away and is replaced by amusement. he laughs. he laughs in your face proudly, but the laugh doesn't seem genuine, but rather… mocking. “no fuckin’ way, you’re all pulling my leg now.”
your lips are pressed into a thin line as you watch him. you feel a distinct pull in your chest of slight humiliation, but as well sadness; for him.
“how old are you, kid?”
“i’m 22, will. how old are you?”
“22 and you’re doing this,” he shakes his head and you can’t tell if he’s impressed or still mocking you. “how’d you end up here?”
you sigh, leaning back in the chair you sat in, knowing you’d get no where from here, “i played my cards right.”
“yeah, no kidding.”
“you want to tell me how you ended up here?”
he smiled. he smiled like it was funny that he sat in the orange jumpsuit he was in and it was funny that he was screwing himself over, “i didn’t play my cards right.”
“no kidding,” you mumbled, looking at him with the most unimpressed look he had ever received from a stranger. “why?”
“what do you mean, ‘why’?”
“why’re you doing this to yourself?” you mean it. “do you not think you deserve this, that you could do better, be better?”
he doesn’t like that question.
“that’s awefully personal of you, doc. don’t you think you should take me out to dinner first?” he laughs again, but it’s not strong, it’s more nervous than anything.
“will,” you cut off the amusement in his tone, giving him a pointed look. “i’m not here to interrogate you, you know that right?”
“then what are you here for?”
“to talk.”
“about what?”
“whatever you want.”
he scoffs, “if it was whatever i wanted, we wouldn’t be talking at all.”
"what then?"
and then he smirks. his eyes rack you up and down from what he can see sitting across from you, but he keeps his mouth shut. he doesn't have to say anything for you to be able to tell what he's thinking anyways.
you look like a mother with the way annoyance just soaks you like a second skin. he almost regrets even implying such a thing with the way silence simmers uncomfortably between the two of you.
he coughs, "you like what you do?"
you inhale sharply, still staring at him carefully, thinking on how you want to reply to him. you could take one of two different routes; answering honestly, and continuing a conversation as if he was someone you had just met under normal circumstances or turning the question around on him and ultimately getting no where.
"yes, actually, I do."
"why?" he's quick.
"I like helping people."
"I knew you'd say that," he almost grumbles, like what you just said proved something to him. "everyone to ever exist with your exact career always says the same damn thing and you know what? I don't believe it."
you're taken aback, mouth slightly open, "why?"
"because people don't just like helping people out of the goodness of their heart."
"well, maybe people like you don’t."
his head tilts slightly back, you watch a slight curve form on his mouth at your retort, "what's the difference between you and me, huh? what's the little riff that separates us and makes you better than me?"
“i don’t think i’m better than you.”
“but still..? what is it?”
you stare at him, blankly, before you shrug, "well to start off you're a man and-"
"awh, cmon doc," a fake groan resonates from the back of his throat as he cuts you off, obviously fucking with you. "not this sexist shit."
"tell me I'm wrong."
he stays silent, but it's only because he wants to hear you talk.
"it's proven on multiple occasions that women are more empathic than men. it's even proven through animals that there's a seemingly large difference in empathy between genders."
"animals?" he raises a brow, "we're basing our research on animals now?"
"I mean we always have," you can't help but roll your eyes, even as he is still fucking with you, "hormones. if you want a simple basis; hormones. women's hormones are higher, so their empathy levels are higher."
"I see," will nods, but you can see there's still a pressing matter of mischief in his eyes. "you're a woman, so that's why you want to help people and I don't."
"that's not the only reason."
"what're the others then?"
"why don't you tell me?"
he narrows his look on you upon the request. you had trapped him into another question and he felt an actual drive to answer this time.
“you know this really has nothing to do with gender… but the nature we were raised in.”
oh, will hates that.
“what?” he looks relentless, like he’s given up almost, “you want me to tell you that i’ve been abandoned all my life and think our society doesn’t deserve any help? that they’re all pieces of shit and don’t deserve anything more than what they give? that your entire life has been easy, so you don't understand just exactly how fucked up people are.”
he hates how the way you look at him. the way you look content, like you had gotten exactly what you wanted, but there's sympathy; your eyes are soft, and your lips are pressed together in a half frown. that's the only thing that keeps him from not being completely on edge, the soft look of your sympathy.
"is that what you wanted to hear?"
"not necessarily," you fold your hands up on the table. "hearing anything from you would've been fine."
he scoffs, "you goddamn therapists."
"i don't think we're much different at all, actually," you glance at your hands, still folded nicely on the table between you. there's a silence then that you allow to fold up in between the two of you as you think. "life has never been easy, will. i don't think it is for anyone. everyone has their struggles, some of us just face a more... difficult horizon. in the end it only matters with how we deal with it."
he stares at you blankly as you continue to speak.
"you can wake up every day still harvesting that hate for society for whatever it has done to you, and you'll never change, because you hold that hate in your chest, because you don't let people hear you," your eyes go progressively softer, and your head slightly tilts, driving him even more insane. "i was mad for a long time at what my life was, but i became comfortable with it. you can't change what has already been done, but you can make of it what you can."
it's silent.
will thinks about your words more than he intends. having those words spoken to him by someone so similar in age to him made him feel strange, like he was a failure. you seemed to have everything in your life so figured out, as if you were so content with anything that came your way. he doesn't understand how you don't hold hate, how you just let it go as you claim.
"you happy, doc?"
you smile then, "as happy as i allow myself to be."
"you're strange," he chuckled, "you must've never been really fucked over by the world if you just let things roll off you're back."
"what would it matter?" you try to reason. "a person's dog could die and that person could take that harder than if your father were to die. your level of 'fucked' is different to everyone, but it shouldn't matter. you shouldn't feel the need to invalidate someone's feelings, just because yours were continuously. and you shouldn't feel the need to rely on the world to validate your 'fucked up things'."
he feels like he's suffocating from the large amount of empathy you shoved into his ears and down his throat. he had always heard the classic 'you deserve better' speech, but never like this. the way you laid it all out for him put it all to a different level of understanding for him, creating a feeling for guilt that was creeping around his heart for even saying anything remotely ignorant about people's struggles; for thinking he had it worse, that he felt pain more than anyone else.
will feels foolish staring at you. he feels foolish that it took this simple interaction of man sitting across from woman being what it took to make him truly understand he was in control, even his own happiness.
"we really did play our cards differently."
you smile softly, "good thing it's never too late to draw a new one from the deck."
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“Is it over? Is it really over?” | Mark Watney x Reader
Fictober 2023 Day 24 - “Is it over? Is it really over?”
Mark Watney x Reader
Warnings: making out, occasional swearing, use of Y/N, Matt Damon (Matt I hate you and your use of slurs, but why do you keep showing up in my favourite films? 😫)
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A quiet day is usually hard to find at NASA, but since the rescue of stranded astronauts Mark Watney and Y/N L/N from Mars, things had certainly calmed down as the Hermes ship continued its almost year-long journey back to Earth, safe and sound.
Instead of calculating trajectories and plotting courses, the scientists at NASA now had a slightly more chilled job of combing through the hundreds of video logs made by the pair of astronauts during their time of exile. As soon as they arrived at the Ares IV MAV, the high-bandwidth connection on board was used to upload the diaries to Earth, to chronical their time on the red planet, but also provide the memory of their final living days in case the worst occurred during their rescue mission.
Thankfully, the worst did not happen.  
Vincent Kapoor and Mindy Park now crowded around an office computer scanning the videos for any important information they missed to be filed away for NASA’s future space missions. Annie Montrose kept an eye on them and the screen over their shoulders for anything she might be able to release to the public who continued to clamour for anything about life on Mars.
“Our own employees shit-talking the scientists of NASA and their advice to help save their lives maybe shouldn’t be broadcast to the world,” Annie lamented as Mindy shut off another video where Mark whined about an army of botanists trying to micro-manage his potatoes with a new growing technique and Y/N complained about the demanding engineers who critiqued her repairs on the rover and quote “wouldn’t know a wrench if they sat on one”.
“Self-awareness can be a refreshing approach for a government agency,” suggested Vincent, sarcastically, rubbing his eyes from the glare of the screen. Mindy laughed as Annie launched a pen at Vincent’s head in annoyance as she clicked on the next video. It began with Mark alone on the screen.
“So, nothing has caught fire in 15 sols, I think that’s a new record for us,” Mark always managed to sound cheerful on his video diaries no matter the situation. He could be smoking from an explosion, arm falling off and in the middle of a claustrophobia-induced argument with you, but still have a boyish smile on his face.
You couldn’t think of anyone better to be stuck on Mars with. His constant witty narration and array of new bold ideas to keep you both alive braved your unfathomable storms, even when you were close to giving up on ever returning home.
No wonder you fell for him.
And he fell for you too.
Some would say being stuck on a deserted planet with your crush would be a dream. Maybe not a dream, but the constant close quarters did force you both to admit your burgeoning feelings for each other and begin your relationship. Sure, the adrenaline-fuelled trauma bonding and distinct lack of personal space at all times sometimes felt like a wall, your patience with each other and resolve to overcome triumphed.
“Y/N should be back soon,” Mark continued, “it’s been pretty goddamn quiet without them here. I hope they get back soon, I’ve started talking to my potato plants again… Y/N, please come back soon.” You had been on a multi-Sol test-drive of the rover, trying to gently push its limits before the long pilgrimage that was to come. Mark loved your commitment to the rover, how you cared for it like your child - both your child - but all he wanted now was for you to return, safe and back in his arms.
Mark continued his daily report diligently - so diligently, in fact, that he was completely unaware of your early return back to the Hab.
All that could be seen on the screen was his eyes suddenly snapping to the side and widen with a gasp.
“Oh my God.”
In an instant, he was up and completely gone from the camera, but soon he returned, locked in a heated embrace with you.
You both crashed and clattered into the wall of the Hab; you straddling his thighs with your dusty suit rolled down, exposing your torso, and him laid almost completely flat on his desk chair, pulling you into him with all the force of a lonely lover finally reunited. Your lips moved with a frantic speed, making up for lost time, as your weathered and slightly dirty hands threaded through his hair. He clutched and squeezed all over your curves as he whispered affirmations of “God, baby, I missed you”, “fuck, I was so worried”, “I love you so much” between kisses.
Mark eventually broke away, only for a second, remembering in a panic that the computer was still recording. It took all his might to pull away from you, but you launched back in immediately, planting sloppy kisses down his neck. His eyes started to roll back with a sigh on his lips and his hand fumbled around for the computer’s off switch.
In all their years, the NASA employees had never been more shocked.
A simple briefing log quickly descended into softcore porn. But it was so hard to look away.
Mindy had her hands covering her eyes, but still secretly peeked between her fingers; this was by far the most interesting briefing she had ever been a part of.
“Is it over? Is it really over?” she asked worriedly from behind her hands. She got no response from Vincent who simply looked ahead, stunned and silent, no words to wipe their memories of what they just saw. An exasperated sigh sounded from Annie, her brow pinched within an inch of its life.
“No one release that one to the public.”
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glass-crabs · 9 months
can we talk about how in the book peter called tom "tommie boy" while he was having a breakdown
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sturniolosreads · 5 months
If your a Stefan girl, your a Chris girl. If your a Damon girl, your a matt girl. If its okay to love them both, your a nick girl. Argue with the wall.
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Congratulations to Oppenheimer winning big at this year's Academy Awards. Well deserved.
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kaiparkersgf · 5 months
I wanna write short (one shots/imagines) stories to practice my english and my storytelling skills, so requests for one shots are open.
The vampire diaries
- Caroline Forbes
- Damon Salvatore
- Elena Gilbert
- Elijah Mikaelson
- Kai Parker
- Klaus Mikaelson
- Kol Mikaelson
- Rebekah Mikaelson
- Stefan Salvatore
- Tyler lockwood
The 100
- Bellamy Blake
- Clarke Griffin
- John Murphy
- Lexa
- Lincoln
- Octavia Blake
- Raven Reyes
The Hunger games
- Katniss Everdeen
- Peeta Mellark
- Finnick Oddair
- Steve Rogers
- Tony Stark
- Peter Parker
- Thor
- Natasha Romanoff
- Stephen Strange
For now, that's all i'm gonna take but the list can always expand! pls send requests and help a girl out lol💕
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shelbgrey · 12 days
Request are open for Ocean's 11
I just watched the whole series and I want to start writing for it. I mostly right for Danny, Linus, and Rusty.
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loreleismusings99 · 10 months
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Two-Body Problem
Mark Watney x reader
Grad School AU, (academic) rivals to ??????
No use of y/n
Not Beta-read, we die like Spirit and Opportunity.
CW: networking, Inaccurate depictions of organic chemistry, probably riddled with typos, but that's all I can think of. Please please please let me know if I missed anything and I'll add it to the top of the list
The reader and Mark are both PhD candidates at Northwestern and both happen to be GTAs for an o-chem/bio-chemistry class. They schedule and meet up on neutral ground(a library) to get some grading done together and some unexpected feelings creep in.
AN: This is the first fanfic I've ever written; critique is always welcome and encouraged, but, uh, perhaps manage your expectations? Idk 😅 I'm not the best when it comes to creative writing, but there's a criminally low amount of fic for The Martian and even fewer fic centered around Mark imo. I might continue this into something more, if there's demand and if I've the energy and motivation 🤷🏾
Alright, I'll stop trying to lamp-shade; Enjoy, and thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this 💚💚💚
Wanna meet up to put a dent in the pile of grading I know you also have? 
The two of you exchanged numbers at the beginning of fall quarter out of politeness, but it was still surprising to see the notification from Mark’s text. 
Leaning back in your chair, you considered your options, the soft sensor schematic in front of you now fully abandoned after an hour of rearranging thermocouples and resistors trying to alleviate a stubborn inductive noise problem.
Mark had been a thorn in your proverbial side since the day you met him; well, night, to be exact—your blood begins to boil at the memory. You were engaged in cordial and calculated banter with a researcher working in a lab you were gunning for before being interrupted by someone exclaiming “Dr. Hernandez!” to your left. You blinked and the fragile connection you just began to form had crumbled as the attention of the faculty member in question whirled to the side and greeted a stocky and stubbly man who Dr. Hernandez introduced to you as “Mark Watney, one of my PhD students!” This confused you since his name tag clearly said, Plant Bio and Conservation and this was a mixer in the electrical and computer engineering department; “I’m working with him and a faculty member in my own department on developing novel ways of monitoring soil properties in areas in Illinois hardest hit by industrial runoff” Mark says with a smile that oozes levels of confidence and hubris only considerable privilege can spawn. He gives you a quick glance before saying, “which actually reminds me-” and steering Dr. Hernandez away from you. Now, this certainly stung, but it wasn’t anything that you couldn’t get over. No, what made this a problem was Mark’s uncanny ability to draw the room’s attention to him and his work, making it a just a tad difficult to properly network without having to entertain talk and conversation surrounding the department’s charismatic new wunderkind apparent. This combined with quite publicly challenging a design of yours for a class you two shared had firmly placed Mark in your list of worst enemies. Which, admittedly, might be a bit dramatic, but after some quippy and well worded critiques and suggestions to optimize a C++ script he’d written for the same class it seemed you’d made your way onto his hit list too, if department gossip had any veracity to it—so at least the feeling was mutual.
Which brings you back to your confusion at this new development in your communication with him; Mark hadn’t exactly jumped for joy when, in some sick reversal of the infamous two-body problem, the two of you got hired as TAs for the same introductory o-chem class. You exchanged numbers, but neither reached out to the other to host joint office hours, or to work together to get through the ever-growing pile of completed homework assignments that you two need to finish grading—in fact, this is the first time either of you texted the other since the first text you sent confirming your number as yours. Staring at your phone’s screen you weighed the pros and cons of saying yes; on the one hand, it’ll help the two of you get ahead on the imposing pile of work that had accumulated just in the first 2 and a half weeks of the quarter. On the other hand, it meant that you’d have to breathe the same air as your infuriatingly handsome nemesis for longer than you were required to. Not that he was your type. Absolutely not. He just… had an objectively strong jawline…. Choosing not to think too hard about that and reasoning that getting grading done was more important than your pride, you typed out a curt sure. See you at Galter in an hour? And waited for his equally as curt sounds good before getting up to go change out of your comfy, at-home garb and head out the door with your half of the grading pile and your laptop tucked away into your backpack.
You’re chewing the last bite of a pop tart you got, realizing you unfortunately forgot to eat dinner before leaving, and scrolling through Instagram when Mark walks through the glass doors leading into the Galter Health Sciences Library. Under a mild windbreaker, he’s wearing what’s presumably a band t-shirt but with a worn-out and unrecognizable logo tucked into his cuffed light wash jeans. He"s carrying a clearly well-loved canvas satchel with a Cubs patch sewn onto the front. His hair was artfully tousled as he ran a hand through it while he looked for you in the spattering of students who occupied the library at minutes to 9 on a Friday evening. When his eyes finally land on you, he looks taken aback, the carefree look wiped off his face for a moment before he smirks at you through an obviously clenched jaw. “Glad you didn’t decide to stand me up. You reserve a conference room?” You returned his tension-filled smirk with a smile resembling a sneer and responded, “Of course. We’re on the second floor.” You stood up from your seat and started walking in the direction of the staircase, looking behind you to make sure he was following you only to find him in the middle of a light jog to position himself on your right side.
“So, how’s the dissertation writing going?” he asks over his shoulder. Scoffing, you respond with an incredulous “How’s yours?”, hoping he pics up on your clear annoyance at being asked that dreaded question yet again. Wincing at your retort of a question, he concedes with a “Fair enough” And the two of you are plunged back into the awkward silence that permeates the sparsely populated library.
after finally finding the room you reserved(the library is like a maze, capable of ensnaring even the most seasoned of academics), you shuffle into the study room together and set up your computers and piles of homework to be graded before settling into a serene flow with Mark working quietly beside you.
after about thirty minutes, you look over to Mark’s pile and notice that his “complete” pile is, unfortunately, larger than yours, which ignites a spark of competition in you. You start to try to work through your pile faster and Mark seems to pick up on your haste.“Worried about falling behind?” he scoffs with a shit-eating grin, clasping his hands together in front of his mouth. “Oh, not in the slightest; just trying to optimize my time, I've more work to get back to, you know.” you say, smirking back at him but with a glint in your eye, tacitly challenging him to try to get through his pile before you get through yours.
The two of you actually make some substantial progress in both of your piles before you encounter one of the more difficult homework assignments your students have been assigned. You’re stumped by the multi-part problem at the top of the page, trying unsuccessfully to follow the student’s work in front of you.
“... You on homework 15 yet?”
“Yep.” you nod.
“... You have any idea what Dr. C is asking them to do?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Alright, just checking.”
Mark sits back in his chair with a thud and runs a hand down his face. you stand from your seat and move to the small whiteboard on the wall opposite where you were sitting and start to list out the knowns and unknowns in the problem statement. You can feel Mark’s eyes on you the entire time, following along with your work and your movements as you draw out the reaction being described in the first part of the problem. You get stumped at the end of the problem, trying to piece together the end products of the reaction. You hear Mark shift behind you before turning around to see him walking toward the whiteboard to silently walk himself through your work, nodding at each step you took. He picks up a marker and starts adding onto where you were stumped and you watch intently, absorbing what he’s writing. As he finishes the problem, you get the chance to actually get a look at him while he’s working; he furrows his eyebrows and you notice a small crease he gets between his eyebrows as they cinch together, and the faint spattering of freckles across his nose becomes apparent with how close he is to you now. God, he is so close-"that should be it? I think?" He looks to you with an indiscernible look in his eye; first, a hint of shock as his eyes widen--looks like he noticed how close you are too-- then something else you can't quite identify. It takes more effort than your willing to admit, but you eventually tear your eyes away from his and look at his work on the board. It all makes sense, you also note how messily he draws his diagrams of the assortment of carboxyl groups created by the process at the center of the problem(and it also takes everything within you not to smile at that, thinking to yourself, when did this start feeling nice???). "It, uh, it looks all good to me. And the rest should follow from this too." you utter awkwardly and turn to face him again. "Yeah?" His state of mind is still elusive to you, and he responds with an almost dazed sounding "Yeah."
The moment doesn't last for long though, as a soft knock sounds at the door, startling you both out of your joint reverie. "Hey, you guys are the TAs for o-chem this quarter, right? Do you have time to talk about the homework due tomorrow?" The two of you exchange a glance and invite the exhausted looking undergrad into the alcove.
After helping your wayward student, the two of you start packing up your now completed piles of grading in silence, the awkward air from the beginning of the night settling back in now that the distraction from grading was gone. The two of you are about to part ways at the entrance of the library when Mark stops you with a "hey," and says,"uh, so, I know we have this…whatever this is? Between us" He gestures chaotically back and forth in the space between you, and you raise an eyebrow at him. "But this is the most work I've gotten done in one sitting in a while. Would you, uh, like to do this again? Maybe? But at more reasonable hour?" Mark takes a defensive steps back, and this throws you off for a multitude of reasons. One, Mark is acting nervous, which is something you've had the pleasure of witnessing mabe once in your time being around him. Two, he seems to be genuinely asking spend more time with you. And, to be honest, after the silence between the two of you was broken, that was also the most productive you've been in a while. And it probably wouldn't hurt to actually collaborate with him instead of trying to compete with him. Just as you began to fear you were taking too long to respond, Mark pulls his hands out of his pockets and puts them up in the universal "I'm harmless" pose, "you don't have to, I just thought I'd ask-" "sure." You cut him off before he can try to answer his question for you. He looks at you with what can only be described as gleeful shimmer in his eyes and smirked again; this time, though, it didn't have his usual venom behind it. "Yeah?" He asks hopefully. "Yeah." You smile in return, it reaching your eyes this time.
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bfmva7x · 1 year
Them: Why are you so obsessed with the vampire diaries?
Me: I don't know, I just really like the plot!
Them: What's the plot?
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Me: You were saying...
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imma-devil · 8 months
Girls & Boys - blurb
Pairings: Oberyn Martell x fem!reader x Ellaria Sand, Matt Murdock x fem!reader x Elektra Natchios, Damon Salvatore x fem!reader x Elena Gilbert,
Warnings: NSFW (Minors dni)
Tags: Threesomes (MFF), Bisexual [used as an umbrella term], switch!reader, food play, cunnilingus, fingering, shifting position, fainting, multiple orgasms, praise, degradation, bruises, making out, cum eating, oral fixation?, love bites, choking, finger fucking, cum shower, first time, teasing, little to no proofreading.
Word Count: 1,287
A/N: I have fed my bisexual fantasies, I will sleep good tonight. My third piece for Lazy Ghouls Spooktober under prompt 'threesomes.'
You can not take my work or translate it without my permission. This piece of fiction is mine, and only the characters belong to their original creators.
Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand
Both are vocal with their praises in adoration of you. 
Oberyn is far more doting in his praise, opting to whisper how good you make him feel in your ear or compliment your beauty while you ride him. When he’s between your legs, he likes to smother the compliments that flow from his lips into your clavicle… his Dornish accent growing heavier with each second he comes closer to release. 
Ellaria is different. She throws out compliments with the energy of a command, intertwining demeaning language in between. “You’re so good to me my pretty little whore~” she’d usher out between aches and moans as she rode your tongue. 
Oberyn and Ellaria both chose you, but let’s be honest… Ellaria is the one who really picked you. Oberyn loves all women and is willing to please the many if granted the choice. He treats you nicely, but it’s Ellaria who acts as if you belong to her. She parades you for all to see like you’re a prize. 
Ellaria often likes to watch Oberyn have his way with you. But you’re not innocent, you purposely give her lustful glances or all-out keep eye contact with Ellaria; no matter if Oberyn’s hips are snapping into yours or if he’s spending endless minutes between your legs tending to your core. 
When you do this, Ellaria more than likely just observes and smirks at your playful nature. But sometimes, if you push her too far, she’ll shamelessly lift her dress to toy with her heat with her fingers. She’ll make sure you can both hear her moans. 
Once Oberyn has worked you over the edge more than enough times, he’ll tend to his wife. He’d bend her over your torso, making sure you feel every thrust no matter how exhausted you are. 
When he cums, he makes sure to pull out so he can share his spend amongst you two. His ropes of cum coating Ellaria’s back and your tits. For good measure, he’d swipe through the white coat with his two fingers, just so that he could find it a place on your tongue. 
When one of your many escapades is finished, Ellaria feeds fruit platters by hand into Oberyn's mouth. But, don’t feel left out. Oberyn will be sure to cradle the ripe grapes or strawberry slivers between his teeth so that he can share them with you. He likes the taste mixture when he kisses you. 
Ellaria will get jealous. She’ll take over, kissing you so longingly that the night begins again. She’ll repeat mantras between heated breaths, “Mine” “You’re mine, little viper.”
Oberyn will watch contentedly for a little while before joining in on the fun. 
Matthew Murdock and Elektra Natchios
Matt will definitely be in a mood when you three finally get it on for the first time. He gets quiet, thrumming with energy that he can barely contain. Unable to quell the devil within him, especially with all the history that rests between him and Elektra. 
Elektra, who on the battlefield acts like a wild panther, is tamed to a house cat when under the attention of both you and Matt. She becomes pliable under Matt’s rough hands and reduced to whimpers when you work her sensitive bud with your tongue. 
Elektra becomes increasingly more sensitive with Matt’s hand around her throat, his hips rolling to meet hers, dragging out a moan from her lips with every thrust. After all, Matt typically liked to take things slow, opting to savor it. 
Matt would fight off release at the glide of your tongue on his shaft, prodding at his head in sparse intervals each time he unsheaths himself from Elektra’s cunt.
A frequent position revisited by the group has you on your back in missionary for Matt; Elekra mounting you with her back arched and ass presented. Matt plows into you from this position, his hands marking deep bruises into your hips. All while your hand reaches around Elektra’s thigh, plunging two fingers into her eager pussy. Elektra would be fucked dizzy from your fingers, trying to ground herself by latching her lips onto yours. 
Once you’d cum more than one time from Matt’s cock, he would switch to Elektra, fucking up into her with a speed that left her breathless. She wouldn’t be able to think, especially with you rubbing tight circles onto her clit. 
After Elektra cums, likely for a fourth or fifth time, she quite literally passes out. Every time this happens, you and Matt often dote on her. The two of you cleaning up, especially when looking after her. Matt would have a content smile resting peacefully upon his lips. 
Any time the three of you have sex, it likely ends in you and Matt having idle conversation before you all sleep the night off. When you wake, Elektra always makes a show of wearing Matt’s shirt. The article of clothing often looks like a dress on her tiny frame. 
Elektra would return to her sharp flirtations and witty remarks as if nothing happened. But you and Matt both know that you could reel her in with a few simple moves. 
Damon and Elena 
Elena is needy. The only way this works is if you accommodate that. So, be ready to have to direct your energy towards her in any relationship, including physical. But, lucky for you, Elena actually was okay with a threesome with her boyfriend’s best friend. Funnily enough, it was her idea. It would also be her first time with a partner of the same sex, as well as her first time having a threesome. 
When things started off, Damon sat in audience with a glass of bourbon; the buttons of his black shirt undone as he slumped into the couch. He mirrors a separate couch, there seated are you and Elena.
She kneels in front of you, her hands pressing into her thighs in a clear display of anxiousness. Even the rock music that plays faintly in the background doesn’t ease her nerves. 
You ask for her permission with every move; allowing you to comb your fingers through the silkiness of her straight hair, lifting her chin in a delicate hold, and placing cautious kisses on her plush lips. Eventually, her hands migrate to drape over your shoulders, signaling a slight release of her hesitancy. 
It's not long before Damon abandons his empty glass to sit behind her, gently kneading his fingers into her dainty shoulder blades. His mouth found its spot against the pulse point of her neck, leaving pink blemishes as he traveled up the length of her fair skin to linger below her jaw. 
Elena lifts her head to offer him room, growing heavy on her shoulders. You decide to reflect his actions, following what Damon knows to already be successful in wooing the Gilbert girl. Elena shivers at the sensation, not used to the second person. A faint whimper makes its way past her lips, to which you and Damon both smile.  
As the night progresses, you end up behind Elena’s back, the two of you lying on Damon’s bed in the boarding house. You support her weight as she leans into you. Damon stands at the bedpost, between her legs. He’s purposeful with his languid thrusts, which you accent with your fingers on Elena’s clit. Your other hand traces the curves of her body, slowly traversing the smoothness of her skin. 
Elena likes being pampered, and it shows in the arousal coating her legs. 
“Look at how wet you are,” Damon boasts with a mischievous glint. 
Elena is silent besides the moans that fill the room like a song, hiding her face behind her hands in embarrassment.
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arctickat2400 · 10 months
Decade Dance Pt. 2 ~ Damon Salvatore
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*Read part 1 first or else this won’t make sense lol
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2 Nights Later ~ Night of the Decade Dance
The night of the Decade Dance arrived and, although you hated crowds and most people and loud noises and just about everything that tonight was going to bring, you couldn’t be more excited. You were going with an amazing guy, you would be hanging out with your friends, dancing and laughing, and you’d all have the night of your lives to end your high school careers. Although, you still couldn’t shake the disappointment that you wouldn’t be walking into the dance with Damon. 
But, you couldn’t let that put a damper on your night. This is going to be a good night. You added the finishing touches to your hair and accessories, checking your dress in the mirror before sliding on your heels and heading downstairs. 
Just then, the doorbell rings. Right on time, you thought. You open the door with a smile to be met with Matt’s equally friendly one. 
“Hey, Matty. You look great,” You mention, leaning over to grab your bag from the entry table. 
“Thanks, Y/N. And, of course, you look as gorgeous as ever,” A blush rises to your cheeks. You smile shyly in response as he leads you out to his car. 
Pulling up to Mystic Falls High, you see couples walking into the school, some standing around outside with their friends. You catch sight of Bonnie with Enzo standing by the entrance. You knew Caroline was inside taking care of everything, no doubt Klaus following her everywhere she went
Gathering your phone and bag, Matt opened your door, holding his hand out for you. You took it and lifted yourself out of the car, linking your arm with his as he led you to your group of friends. You walked on the red carpet covered in a canopy of fairy lights leading up to the entrance. Greeting your friends, you waited for Stefan and Elena, who arrived shortly after you and Matt. You were surprised to see Damon missing. He was usually lingering around and you’d heard that he had found someone to take to the dance, but you didn’t know who.
Walking arm and arm with Matt, your friends following behind, you strolled through the arch of gold, black, and white balloons and into the gym where the dance was being held. And, as you’d claimed before, Caroline did in fact create an epic dance and you were glad you were not missing out on it like you’d originally planned. 
Suddenly, your heart and mind became hyper-aware of your surroundings, and your attention immediately found Damon across the room. Your eyes met and your heart dropped. Rose stood next to Damon, her hand wrapped around his arm. Of course, it had to be her that he asked to the dance. But, you refused to let it get to you. 
You followed your friends to where Caroline stood off to the side by the food table, clipboard in hand, searching the room while checking things off. She looked hectic and stressed, although she had no reason to be. She was doing a great job, and the dance seemed to be going well, everyone seemed to be having a good time.
Klaus stood close behind her. He seemed very adamant about not leaving her side with no intention of going to enjoy all the dance had to offer. Who can blame him though? Klaus was absolutely obsessed with Caroline, to her dismay. You thought it was actually kinda cute, especially the way he looked at her. Just like you wished a certain someone would look at you with such longing and adoration. Little did you know, that’s exactly what had been going on for quite a long time. 
The night went on. After you and your friends convinced Caroline to retreat from her nightly duties, you all went to enjoy the festivities, switching between the food table and dancing on the dance floor. You would all dance and laugh together as well as dance with your respective dates. You were happy to see that despite her hatred for Klaus, she was actually having a good time, even while she danced and talked to him. The night was turning out just as you’d hoped while you let yourself enjoy the carefree night, all while, unbeknownst to you, Damon couldn’t take his eyes off you.
Soon enough, your brain switched to autopilot and your energy began to plummet. You told Matt that you were gonna go take a walk through the halls and get some fresh air away from all the people. But, little did you know, you weren’t alone.
Damon’s POV
The moment Y/N walked through those doors, I knew I was done for. I couldn’t take my eyes off her the whole night. She was stunning, even more so than usual. Her dress flowed out around her, her corset hugging her curves just right. 
I hated that I wasn’t the one holding her arm in mine, that I wasn’t the man standing by her side showing her off as my girl. 
Instead, I stood off to the side with Rose who I’d regrettably chosen as my date. Why I didn’t just go alone? I don’t know. Maybe it was the fact that she had sought me out and I just said yes and went along with it. Should’ve just said no, although I would be in the same situation, standing here alone, cursed with the torture of watching Y/N laugh and smile and have fun with everyone but me. But, I was here for one reason and one reason only - to watch over Y/N and make sure she was safe from Daniel Warren. He was one of Klaus’ old hybrids that turned against him and was now out for Y/N after hearing about how she was turned and now wants to turn her into a hybrid and join him. Over my dead body. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep my girl safe. Even if she didn’t know it, Y/N would always be my girl.
The night was coming to an end and my eyes followed Y/N’s moving form as she guided herself out of the gym and into the halls. I go to follow her before Rose stops me. 
“Where are you going?” She inquires, placing her hand on my shoulder, but I don’t really plan on answering her, too intent on finding Y/N. She shouldn’t be alone, especially tonight. I shrug her hand off my shoulder to continue my steps away from her. “I don’t really understand why you keep going for her. She’s not even that pretty,” I stop in my tracks. “And don’t get me started on that body. Goodness,” She mentions, he tone filled with disgust as she holds her hand to her chest, her arm crossed over her beneath her other. “I mean, who could-” But I cut her off, my hand at her throat as I pressed her against the wall, leaning in to whisper into her ear. To anyone else, it would look like the beginning of a makeout session. But really, it was far from that. A threat to be exact. 
“Don’t you say a word about Y/N ever again. I won’t hesitate to drive a stake drenched in wolfsbane through your tiny little ice cold heart. Stay away from Y/N, and stay away from me. Get out of this town and never come back. If I see your face again, and, oh, I hope I do,” I let out a sly chuckle. “I will kill you.” I pushed her against the wall and rushed out into the hall, searching for Y/N. I should have been with her this entire time. I should have been with her since the beginning. Then, I could know that she was safe, ‘cause she’d be with me. Now, I’m not so sure.
Just then, I hear an earpiercing scream, and I know it’s her. I don’t hesiste to rush towards the sound, her scent engraved in my mind as I follow it to a classroom. But, there was something else. Something unfamiliar, and wolfsbane. 
I was not prepared for what I just walked into - Y/N, her hands and feet tied to a chair, tears streaming down her cheeks from the pain of the wolfsbane laced rope that bound her. Speeding toward her, I begin to untie the ropes around her ankles, the wolfsbane searing my skin, but no amount of pain would stop me from saving Y/N and getting her out of here. “Oh, my girl,” I sighed as I tried to release her the best I could, her eyes screaming for help. 
Despite his absence, I could still sense the hybrid lurking around. It was only a matter of time…
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” My head spun around at the voice. Daniel Warren stood in the doorway of the room, Rose standing right behind him. Of course, she had something to do with this. I was just too blinded to see it. I stood up, standing in front of Y/N. 
“You know, I don’t really care what you would or wouldn’t do. I came here for one thing. You can try to stop me from getting it, but I guarantee, you won’t get far before a stake pierces your heart and you die within seconds.” I give him a cocky, but mischievous smile, my hands locked in front of me as I stand in a guard position. 
Daniel lunges at me, and I’m ready, but the blow never comes before we hear a loud gasp. “Probably in your best interest not to make this any harder than it has to be unless you want your little… accomplice to die,” We turn to see Stefan holding Rose in a chokehold, the tip of a wooden stake pointed at her heart. Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Enzo, and Matt stood behind him, ready for a fight.  
“You really think I care about her? She means nothing to me. I can just make more hybrids. What I really want,” Daniel continues as he turns back towards me. “...is her,” His eyes lock on Y/N, but I won’t let him lay another finger on her. 
I sense someone I don’t see before looking in the corner of my eye to see Klaus standing in the other doorway to the room. How Daniel doesn’t recognize him yet is beyond me, but I use it to my advantage. 
This time, Daniel speeds around me to get to Y/N, but I’m faster. I hold him back flipping him onto the ground. He recovers and starts for me again, but doesn’t get far before Klaus takes him in a chokehold as well, a stake covered in wolfsbane in his hand, holding it above Daniel’s heart, already piercing his chest. 
“I’ve been waiting so long to be able to do this. And now I finally get the chance and your time has finally come,” Klaus threatens before he stabs the stake through Daniel’s chest, piercing his heart. Daniel’s face pales, black veins rushing through his neck and face. Klaus lets him go and he falls to the floor. 
I’m immediately at Y/N’s side, untying the ropes. Once the last rope is gone, Y/N falls into my arms and I hold her against me with no hesitation. 
“It’s okay, baby, I’m here. You’re okay now. He’s gone. You’re safe now,” I assure her as she cries into my chest, her hands grasping tight to my shirt. I help her stand up, holding her against me still. I turn around with Y/N in my arms and my gaze drifts to Rose still in Stefan’s grasp.
“What should we do with her?” Stefan asks. 
“Lock her in the cell in the basement at the house {the Salvatore House} with some wolfsbane. Starve her until she dies. As much as I’d love to kill her instantly, this way seems more enjoyable,” I mention with a sly smile as I brush my fingers through Y/N’s hair soothingly. Stefan nods. Matt comes in and takes some of the rope originally used to tie up Y/N and binds Rose’s hands. She hisses in pain until Matt takes another and ties it around her mouths to keep her quiet. Stefan and Elena take her to the house to lock her up. I turn to Klaus who stands beside Daniel’s corpse still.
“Thank you,” Is all I say before I turn back to Y/N. We aren’t Klaus’s biggest fans, and neither is he mine. But he’s smitten for Caroline and he assisted us in more than one circumstance before tonight. It’s safe to say that we can cound on him and he can count on us. Klaus nods and picks up Daniel’s body before speeding out to burn the it somewhere. 
Y/N sniffles and I look down at her to see her lifting her to, rubbing her eyes to rid away the tears. She looks up at me. 
“Damon?” She questions, a bit confused. The adrenaline had dissipated as she finds her barings.  
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. The one thing I wanted to do tonight was to keep you safe and I couldn’t even do that. I was an idiot for not asking you here in the first place, and now you’re hurt and…”
“Damon,” She stops me, her hand places against my cheek. “I’m okay. I’m okay because of you. You saved me. Sure, I was taken hostage and was almost became a hybrid, but you came just in time.” Her beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes sparkled, and I noticed something that I’ve noticed many times before. Love, adoration, the same I’ve always felt for her. Did she feel those things for me?
“I love you,” I finally said. It was about time. She let out a surprised gasp, her eyes widening. “I really do, Y/N, and I have for a long time. You’re my girl. You always have been and always will be. Nothing will stop me from keeping you safe, no matter what.” I placed my hand against her cheek, brushing my thumb under her eye to rid away a stray tear. 
Just then, Y/N lifted up onto her toes and pressed her lips to mine. I bent down to meet her in the middle, her lips perfect against mine. The kiss was passionate and deep; it’s what I’ve been waiting for. 
“I love you, Damon,” She admitted, her forehead against mine, her hand wrapped around the back of my neck, her other against my chest. I pulled her body against mine, my hand placed on her waist, my other holding her wrist against my chest. I felt the scars on her wrist, looking down at them, seeing all the damage Daniel had done, all the hurt nad pain he caused my baby girl. I wish it would have been me to have killed him for what he had done to her. 
“Let’s get you home, darling. I’ll take care of you now,” I admitted, taking her hand in mine and pulling her into my side, guiding her out of the building and to my car. Nothing can stand in my way of keeping the love of my life safe. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Taglist: (Message me if you want to me added to any of my taglists)
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love-imagineitall · 1 year
Prompt List
Hello every body please request from this prompt list by sending me a character and 1 or more numbers from this list. If the prompt is crossed out, that means that I have already used it or I am working on something using it and therefore will not be doing another request with it. Thanks
Also once all of these prompts are requested, I will be posting another prompt list.
“Is that really all you got?”
“Compared to my usual crowd, you’re nothing.”
“Over my grave, you bastard.” (Benedict Bridgerton x reader)
“I almost lost you.”
“Kiss me.”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
"Yeah, you're cold, I'm giving you my jacket." (Matt Jackson x reader)
"I'll take over from here, go get some rest" (Tangerine x reader)
"Wake up dammit!"
"Stop pretending that you care"
"Please, leave me alone"
"Wow, you're actually nice to me for once." "I won't make a habit out of it."
"Squeeze my hand."
“You saved me, let me save you”
“You deserve better”
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Matt Donovan x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: “There’s only us”
Summary: After living in Mystic Falls for their entire lives, Y/N and Matt Donovan finally left to go to college somewhere else, where they have a shot at normal, happy lives. And they're not about to let anything ruin that.
Word Count: 1,616
Category: Fluff, little bit of Angst
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I sighed as I looked out at the surf and sand before me. The sun warmed my face just right, and the sound of kids laughing as the waves crashed against the beach made me feel more relaxed than I'd been in a long, long time.
After spending eighteen years of my life in Mystic Falls, Virginia, and suffering the danger, supernatural headaches, and cold weather, I'd finally decided to get the hell out when it came time for college.
I'd barely survived high school, thanks to all the vampires, witches, and werewolves running around that town, so I'd decided to get as far away from all of them as I could. I'd ended up in San Diego, California, where the sun alone helped limit the vampire population, and I'd quite literally never been happier in my life.
My newfound peace was helped by the fact that I'd somehow managed to convince Matt, my best friend and, as of senior year, my boyfriend, to leave with me. He'd been agonizing over the decision for months, including the entirety of our senior year. I'd convinced him to at least apply to some California schools with me, since he didn't have to go even if he got in.
Then, in December, we found out we'd both gotten into the same school here. Matt had been tearing himself up wrestling with the decision, but it had literally never been clearer to me. There was nothing for either of us in Mystic Falls but pain and misery.
Finally, just before the May 1st decision deadline, I'd convinced him to take his football scholarship offer and run with me. Graduation had been hard, and the few months of summer in Mystic Falls seemed to drag. Matt clearly felt guilty leaving everyone behind, and I was personally terrified that–after surviving the most ridiculous things imaginable since the Salvatores moved into town–the thing that did us in was finally going to come, before we got the chance to escape. But it didn't happen, and as August came to an end, Matt and I got on a plane together and didn't look back.
And now, we were here, months into our freshman year of college and happier than we'd ever been. It had taken Matt a little longer to adjust than me, but with his blonde shaggy hair and general athleticism, he was born to be a California Surfer Boy. It was only a matter of time.
We'd just finished a late afternoon, post-class surf session and were relaxing on the beach as we watched the sun sink into the ocean when Matt had gotten a call. He'd jumped up and rushed off to take it, and whenever I looked over my shoulder, I could see him pacing. I knew he'd come back any second, telling me all about whatever it was that had him so worked up, so I was trying to get myself to as calm a place as possible before then.
After a few minutes, Matt came back as expected. He stood next to me, not sitting down on his towel, and I quickly but calmly stood up to face him.
"What's wrong?" I asked him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, and I could see him clenching his jaw in the way he always did when he got stressed.
"That was Elena."
I sighed, trying not to let myself get worked up. Elena had never really been my favorite person, but especially since she'd turned into a vampire and formed some alliance/relationship with Damon that constantly tried to endanger me and my boyfriend, I was even less of a fan.
"She said there's some new trouble stirring up at Whitmore." Caroline and Elena had gone to Whitmore to start college, less than an hour's drive from Mystic Falls and clearly still in the sphere of supernatural influence. I'd never been happier about my decision to go somewhere else. "She said she knows we're busy out here, and she doesn't want to interrupt any of that, but that they're a little short on humans they can trust to help them with things."
"Maybe it's because they treat humans like canon fodder and none of us want to help them when they don't give a shit about whether or not it kills us," I said, the calm I usually felt at the beach quickly turning into irritation at Elena and everyone else in the Mystic Falls area who I knew was involved with this.
"Elena's not like that, Y/N, you know it."
I sighed through my nose and closed my eyes. When I felt a little less like I was about to explode, I opened my eyes again and met Matt's before continuing.
"I know she's not, Matt. But Damon is. And you can bet if the plan they've come up with needs a human, it's because Damon wants to use us as bait. With no regard for whether we come out of it. And Elena and Caroline and Stefan will do their best to protect us, but as we've learned from experience, sometimes their best isn't enough. Hell, you almost died and Elena became a vampire because Stefan couldn't save both of you when an Original vampire decided to take out her temper on you."
Matt sighed and nodded his head, staring off into the ocean as he did.
"I know. I just... I don't like abandoning them. Any of them, except maybe Damon."
"I know." I took a few steps closer to him and ran my hand down his arm, trying to comfort him. "But Matt, I have full faith they're all going to be fine without us. They have insane superpowers, and they're all incredibly smart people. And, if they really need a human helping hand, I'm sure they can make some new friends who are still excited about all the supernatural shit to help them."
Matt scoffed. "I don't think I remember ever being excited about the supernatural stuff."
"Hm, I do. I thought Stefan was hot when I found out he was a vampire."
Matt whipped his head around to face me, looking completely betrayed, until he saw the shit-eating grin on my face. He groaned and rolled his eyes, but I just laughed.
"C'mon, Matt, you were completely hung up on Elena our junior year and I had to watch it the whole time before we started dating. It's only fair that I get to mess with you a little bit, too."
He shook his head, but met my gaze with a smile all the same. We held each others' loving stares for a few moments, but then reality set in, and our dreamy expressions dropped.
"So... you really don't think we should go back?"
I sighed. "I know it might sound harsh Matt, but no, I don't. I mean, we're in California for the love of God! We're in the middle of school! And... there's only us. I kind of like it when there's only us, safe and happy and together like a couple of normal people. Unless Elena finds a prophecy that says explicitly 'Matt Donovan, born in Mystic Falls, Virginia, is the only possible cause of death for X Supernatural Threat', I don't think they need us badly enough to warrant giving any of that up. And even then I'd want a lawyer to look for loopholes before we left."
Matt laughed, shaking his head as he took in the scene around us, but when he looked back at me the smile stayed on his face.
"You're right," he said. "I sure as hell don't want to give this up either."
"Good. And besides, just imagine all the good we can go out and do, Matt, if we actually get the space to live our lives instead of dying at twenty."
"I agree. I want to become a cranky old man with you," he said, taking my hands and pulling me towards him as I laughed. He kissed me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Matt's grip around my waist tightened as he deepens the kiss, but after a few seconds, I pulled away. He raised an eyebrow, so I spoke.
"I just... shouldn't you call Elena first? And tell her we're not coming? As much as I want to continue what we're doing right now, I-"
"I already told her," he said, cutting me off.
"I told her before I hung up that they were on their own. That we weren't coming back. I knew it was the right call, I just... I needed a little reassurance. I still feel guilty about not running to the rescue when they call, you know?"
"I know. And I love you and your hero instincts, Matt," I said, running my hands through his hair as I admired the beautiful, wonderful man in front of me. "But I'm glad you're learning how to put yourself first every once in a while."
He smiled. "Me too. Although I have to say, I don't know that I'm putting me first as much as I'm putting us first."
"Us first is good too," I decided. We shared a smile as we closed the distance between us again, returning to a soft, loving kiss. We'd gone through years of hell in Mystic Falls, but now we were free to just be together, happy and safe and with normal worries, like changing our majors and quarter-life crises.
Everything we'd been through, everything we'd survived, and everything we'd fought–it was all worth it to get to this, here, with Matt.
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hello-god-its-me-sara · 10 months
Part of me wonders what the rest of Oppenheimer press would’ve looked like of strike hadn’t been called since it was 1. very Cillian centric but 2. very obviously the maximum amount of times Chris negotiationed to drag Cillian out of his home (with the added stipulation that he got to wear cardigans)
Like we never got any American premiere events
Cillian really showed up to the London photo all in a cardigan and for the premiere Chris said “put him in a sheer black top”
I wanna know what looks would’ve continued to come out, would the promo continue to be further sluting up Cillian Murphy
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The Dunk Knight.
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