#mum's not here to judge me anymore
wachtelspinat · 5 months
Hey ! I’ve been seeing your art going around since your midnight crew stuff and I just recently stubble across your tumblr, thank to your beautiful overwatch art for our beloveds junkers ! I’ve been scrolling through your account and read about your experience of being a former graphic designer who is a doctor now. And damn. I can’t emphasize how much I admire you, especially as someone who is struggling really hard to choose between 2 careers paths ( with one of them being art related ). This is why I was wondering if you would be open to talk about how and why you switched from art to medecine ? Especially because most of the time I feel it happens more the other way around ? ( If it’s too personal just ignore this ask + sorry if you already talked about it before )
hey ! no worries, i don't expect ppl to scroll through my tumblr to find an answer for a question they might have. first of all thanks for your nice words, means a lot <3
i switched from art to medicine because my early 20-something-self was even more anxiety-ridden than my present-self, and being in art school and having to "perform" regularly was a nightmare. i'm talking about a time in which i was so scared of being perceived that i often skipped grocery shopping, just so i could avoid being around people. so like, pitching art related projects to peers and profs was eeh... especially because art is so personal oh my god. i still hate it when someone tries to sneak a peek while i'm drawing, makes me wanna throw my sketchbook and myself off the bridge. anyways so i always felt a 110% inadequate (plus i got a gf during that time who was so good to me and tried to get me out of my funk on multiple occasions (she was and still is an artist and has now a career as a freelancer and i'm rly proud of her) but i couldn't see that because i just compared the two of us all the time and sabotaged any attempt she made for having fun with drawing with her) that i sat down at some point and asked myself if i could do this any longer, and i came to the conclusion that no, it really kills me rn.
what made me go into the health sector? i don't even know anymore, i think it was a mixture of "i loved biology, esp. the human body in school" and "my mum is an icu nurse and talks a lot about hospitals, maybe i should check it out"... it was not a well thought through decision, which is so funny because studying medicine was a hell of a meatgrinder ride (also my anxiety and self hatred? still there, but now i wasn't judged anymore because of my art but instead being called a dumb idiot collectively with all the other students because nobody likes med students) and for some reason i was able to get through that despite it not being my passion at all, but i couldn't stand up for myself in art school. i don't even know if i could work through it nowadays, but the good thing is i don't have to ask myself this question anymore, because being a doctor pays the bills, and ever since i left art school i was able to just draw without consequence. which is nice to a degree, my artistic output is not tied to the means of generating money. on the other hand... idk, in another life with more confidence and less worries, i'd love to be some sort of character designer T_T
so yeah that's basically it. at some times i cherished my career decisions, at other times i regretted them deeply, worst thing is i know it has a lot to do with personality, but the fact that we can't change who we are with a blink of an eye gives me the framework to think that the path i took was ok. as in. things happened for a reason and maybe i'm just not cut out for that kind of work. you have to be aware of the conditions of a job to decide if you are up for it. because being an artist doesn't end with "just draw". i myself had an unrealistic view of the job back then too. and the fact that i could not seperate between personal aspects and "doing a job here" was crucial.
yeah, idk if this is helpful at all. i think the one thing that is super important here is to have a realistic view on the conditions of work you are about to head into, and i know this is mostly very difficult to aquire. because unless you really work in a sector there is often no way to fully grasp the situations you can find yourself in (this applied for me also in the health sector, which made me fall into a depression a year ago, but what do you do after you spent 6 years of studying :') ). doing internships and just trying to get to know a lot of things really helps. and - idk how old you are, but if you're really young: it's ok to switch careers at some point. it's even ok to do so when you are older (trying to end on a positive note here because it feels like i just said a lot of depressing things... like don't get me wrong i like my job, the conditions are just fucked up, and again my personality prevents me from switching again but it's also not that easy in germany, BUT it's a valid thing to do, being versatile is good! just... make sure you don't end up with a job that you absolutely hate because that kills it all)
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jewish-vents · 3 months
its so bad to the point that i cant talk to goyim anymore, i just cant trust them whatsoever. but my therapist is a goy and a few weeks ago i tried to say that i was scared to go to more punk shows because of rampant antisemitism and she basically said that i was just paranoid and that it doesnt matter anyways. so obviously i walked out. but since then i cant talk to her i cant forget about everything that goyim have done to break me these past few months and i cant trust her to talk even about normal stuff. i still go i just sit there in silence while she talks at me for an hour. last week she asked me if someone did something to make me shut down like this and i was just thinking "yeah, my friend was murdered in october and i lost all my irl friends after i saw them cheering on the people who murdered him and i get people telling me almost everyday that hitler shouldve finished the job" but i just stayed silent because i know she'll probably agree with them. when my mum woke me up to take me today i started crying and hyperventilating because im so scared. its really bad because i need her to help get on the diability benefit, i cant work because im disabled and i cant get the benefit alone because my disabilities stop me from going to the meetings and making the phone calls and my brother said im a waste of resources and contribute nothing to society and i cant leave my house because im scared i'll get killed for being jewish
I'm sorry but your therapist sounds like a crappy therapist. It sucks that you need her. You're not a waste of resources and you can contribute to society, but one way or another you have inherent worth that is completely independent from what you can give others. And you have experienced quite a significant bit of trauma, and maybe more things you haven't even mentioned here. You're allowed to feel sad and upset and even angry.
When you need it, you can always come here scream and cry and talk and whatever you want (within the rules, of course). We're not going to judge you and you don't even need to make sense. Just let it out.
Best of luck and I hope it gets better for you
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What if I were like them (Mick Schumacher)
Note: english is not my first language I was listening to a couple of new (to me at least) songs the other day and came up with this idea
Feedback is appreciated 🤍 and although I'm not taking requests per se, if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so!
Also, i have some ideas for a potential part 2 but let me know how you feel about it 🤍
Edit: there is also a part 2 and a part 3
Tw: curse words, mentions of alcohol consumption, being cheated on/infidelity, relationship break-up, selfconcious/doubtful reader
"I'm sorry I'm calling you at such a weird time, but are you home?", you sniffled into your phone, "Are you crying, Y/N? What happened?", your best friend said on the other side of the line, "I'll tell you later, but can I come to you? I don't want to be alone", you asked, receiving a positive answer from her. Drying your tears and taking a few deep breaths, you composed yourself to the best of your hability, knowing you couldn't possibly drive safely over to her place in this state. When you turned for the last time in direction of her house, as the gates were opening they revealed your best friend Gina dressed in her pyjama and a bit coat. Parking the car inside as she closed the gates remotely, you got out and your lip started trembling again, tears blurred your vision again until you felt her arms around you, "Hey, hey, what happened?", she tried to pry you away from her body so she could at least see your face, watching your bloodshot eyes, "we broke up, it wasn't working anymore", you finally uttered words since arriving. "Do you need anything from your car?", she asked, earning a shake from your head, "My brother is out on his motorbike, no need to park your car better, it's fine like this", Gina thought out loud, and it hit you, "Goodness, your family! Shit, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, didn't even think about it", you apologised, only now realising the extent of your disturbance, "I can leave, I'm sorry again, I-". Grabbing your hands, Gina squeezed them as hard as she could, "you're not leaving, you're staying here. My brother is out in some late meeting with his team and my mom would kill me if I let you to go back to your place like this", she reasoned with you as she welcomed you in, ushering you to her bedroom before asking if you wanted anything from the kitchen, "some water would be nice, please".
Looking around the room, you saw all the picture frames from various moments, some of them where you were lucky enough to be in, from your first day at kindergarten to some birthday celebrations and even some racing weekends the Schumacher family had invited you to join them. Grabbing a frame from what you figured was your 8th birthday, judging by the obnoxious balloons with the number, both you and Gina standing in front of the cake while a young Mick tried to get some frosting on his finger, "I have your water and some cake mum made this afternoon and dropped here when she came by", she offered, placing the tray on the bed, "Now, tell me what that asshole did for you to end up like this". And you went on about what happened. You had made some dinner plans with your colleagues once you got out of work a few weeks ago, deciding that a new restaurant in town was the ideal place to get together and enjoy some time off work. What you didn't expect was to find your boyfriend on the way back to your place. He was sitting at your door, waiting for you to get home since he wanted to spend time with you and you thought it was a nice moment until you questioned why he hadn't called you, making him reply that he had been out with his group of friends and didn't think to do so. You found it endearing until it happened a few more times, his state growing more intoxicated with alcoholic beverages he would consume over the times he payed you visits. Things started getting a little bit more complicated, and even though you suspected there was something else he wasn't telling you, only today did he sit down with you and expressed his true feelings and truthful words, going on about how he didn't feel like you were working anymore, admitting what he got up to in his nights out and how he was sorry that you both ended up in this situation. By the end of the conversation, you both had tears rolling down your eyes, prompting you to part ways as he grabbed the few things he had left at your place and bid you goodbye. And you cried, no matter how much your intuition told you that maybe he was spending his time elsewhere (and maybe someone else), it still stung that he hid all of those feelings and thoughts from you. "And yeah, that's that I guess...", you finished, grabbing another tissue and wiping your cheeks as finally the tears seemed to stop, "I'm such a mess and because of a guy...! This is a new low", you exasperated, your whole behaviour going against what you believed in, having grown up with every female role model in your life telling you how amazing you were and there should never be a man involved when you thought about your worth. "Do you want to spend the night? I think it would do you some good, I promise I won't kick you during the night", she conforted you, trying to pull a smile out of you as she pulled the sheets on the bed. Accepting her offer, you grabbed a spare pyjama from her chest of drawers and changed, going to her ensuite bathroom to splash some water on your face and then heading to the double bed.
You woke up when you heard an engine rumble outside, followed by the small noise of the gates closing and, not wanting to wake Gina up, you headed to the kitchen to grab some coffee and maybe lounge in the little outside area the house had connecting to the kitchen. "How are you feeling?", Gina asked once she arrived in the kitchen an hour later, pressing the button on the coffee machine after inserting the pod in, waiting for the dark liquid to brew and fill her mug, "For someone who cried all the water they had in their body yesterday, I feel surprisingly okay today", you humoured her as you drank some of your own coffee, looking at her, "again, thanks for letting me wallow in my misery with you", you showed your appreciation for her friendship, "Of course, what are best friends for? I'm not here just to make fun of you when you flip go karts", she replied sitting down after pressing a kiss to your forehead, "speaking of, have you seen my brother?", she asked. "I think I heard him leave this morning when I woke up", you mused, "he probably went for a workout", Gina wondered as she buttered some toast for your breakfast, "I'm going to spend some time in the stables, do you want to join me or stay here?", she questioned as she made her way upstairs after you cleaned the kitchen, "I think I'm going to stay here a bit on my own if you don't mind", you replied, earning an understanding nod from her. You sat down on one of the sofas after grabbing one of the many notebooks you usually carry with you from the totebag on your car, jotting down some words as you tried to work your way through how you were feeling. Being an introvert, you have learned a long time ago that one of the ways to stop bottling up everything you felt was to write something down, wether it just a literal brain dump or some verses.
Three weeks had passed since you went to Gina's place late at night after your break-up, and given everything you were taking things pretty okay-ish. Grabbing the things you needed and stuffing your tote bag with them, you grabbed the box that had your homemade dessert inside and headed to your bestfriend's house since she had invited you over for lunch, "Hi, hi! Oh, I'm so excited to have you here!", she greeted you at the door once you arrived, helping you carry your things inside. Setting the table and picking on some of the foods displayed, Gina informed you you would have some company, "My mother and my brother are joining us today, I assumed you wouldn't mind", she added as she passed you a tray to put on the table, "Oh, how great! I haven't seen them in a while, especially your mother. Mick I see on the TV on the races but it's not the same", you smiled as you heard the tyres on the gravel outside, "Oh, it must be them", and a few minutes later they both got in through the door, "Y/N, dear, it's been so long since I've seen you", Corinna beamed as she took you in, "always so gorgeous, you are so grown up", she hugged you and then greeted her daughter, "Angie, outside for a bit, and don't ruin the footballs, please", you heard Mick say to his dog. He too had grown up, the little boy you would once play with and read with (as you were both very shy and seemed to be happy just like that) was now a young man and, despite being a year younger than you, his body towered over yours as he turned to look at the room, "Hi Y/N, how are you?", he hugged you as you greeted him with a kiss on each cheek, "Hi, good and you? It's been a while since I've seen you in person Mr Formula 1 driver", you teased slightly. You had been almost as proud as the rest of his family when he got his F1 seat knowing how hard he worked for it and how much he deserved it, "Yeah, it's been a while", he said blushing, "Kids, the food is on the table, c'mon", Corinna called for you as you all sat down and ate the lovely meal Gina had prepared for you. "I saw a dessert platter when I arrived", Corinna said as you helped her tidy the table when you finished eating, "Oh yes, I almost forgot, I made my mum's recipe of meringue pie, I hope it's good", you winced, "I'm sure it's great. Mick! Y/N, made that dessert love", she said, entering the room with platter and placing it in the middle of the table. "I have a race next weekend but I've been pretty good lately, I think I'll have a bit actually", Mick said, forwarding his plate as his mum served everyone, "Wow, I'm shocked you're even considering eating a dessert, last week mum made some cake, your favourite cake, and you said no, thank you", Gina exclaimed, "Well, this is a pretty good recipe", Mick tried to reason his sister's light teasing, "It's worth breaking the diet a little bit just now, although I'm trusting you all to not tell my trainer on me", he pointed the spoon, "speaking of, do you want to join us these two this weekend? They're going to see the race", Mick offered, "if you're free and if you want too, of course", and it was suddenly like the shy and introverted kid you've known pretty much all your life was in front of you.
"Oh Y/N, you should come, change your whereabouts for a bit, get a chance to hang out with us...", Gina tempted you, "I'm free from this weekend on actually, I have a break from work so there wouldn't be any rush either...", you whispered, tempted to given in, "I'll email the team so they can get your passes ready, just need a picture of you", Mick said, "I can send it", Gina offered, "I have to send you mine and mum's too, Y/N sends me hers and it's done! Uhh, I'm so excited", she clapped before digging in the food on her plate.
When you moved to the balcony, you grabbed your notebook and sat in one of the sofas they had outside, appreciating how Mick and Angie played with eachother in the garden, "Still writing, dear? I always remember you having a notebook one you at any given time", Corinna said as she sat down on the opposite sofa, "It's always been a nice way to express how I'm feeling", you said as you both looked out to the dog who insisted she must rip apart every single bit of the football Mick played with, noticing how she ran to you and nudged her nose on your leg, "you want me to play with you? Is that what you want? Okay!", you said, excusing yourself as you joined the fun on the garden after setting your notebook on the sofa.
A moment later, Gina occupied your spot on the sofa, chatting to her mum, "Did you know that I always thought they would end up together?", Corinna mused, looking at how you two laughed together at something you said, running around Angie, "Mick and Y/N? Really?", Gina chuckled, "Yeah, although she was your best friend, Mick always enjoyed having her around, I think at one point the only time you played together without ripping eachothers hair off was when she was playing too, your dad used to say that could tame you both like that would go on to do great things", she mused, remembering her husband's words, "It's just, it's Y/N, you know? She's been around since forever almost and-, and she's had a rough break-up you know?", Gina said, looking back at you, now sitting on the floor next to Mick with Angie laying on her back, appreciating the belly rubs you were both giving her while settling in what looked like a comfortable conversation. "I'm not saying they will be, you know? But she is a very nice young woman, very kind, respectful, and she's very beautiful too... it's a shame she has learnt how brutal and stupid some men can be", Corinna offered, earning a hum from her daughter.
Even though you couldn't stay for dinner, Mick stayed, his sister not bothering with setting the table and choosing to eat outside and enjoy the warm night. While Gina offered to do the dishes, Mick was fixing the pillows of the sofa when he found your notebook, your initials carefully embossed on the front. He knew better than to go snooping around other people's things, his parents did not raise him like that and he felt on his own skin what it was to have people wanting to sneak and know about things no on told them about, so he chose to just grab the notebook and make a mental note to give it back to you at the race. As he grabbed it, a single sheet of paper flew away with the light breeze, landing on Angie's paw as she fiddled with it, "No, no, no Angie, no. Please don't rip it", he said carefully convincing the dog to keep the paper intact, "you don't play with balls but you play with this? You are one interesting dog", he mumbled as he picked the paper up, noticing a few drawings on the edges and some words written on it, and he caved in. He placed the sheet on top of the notebook on his lap, admiring how the drawings around the edges looked like a creeper-ivy and your handwriting.
What if I were like them
Who you wanted to be with
I did everything to be Cinderella
You seemed to think i wasn't to be praised
And I pretended I didn't notice
But deep down I always knew
Of the emotions you hid from me
From the temptations of your nights
I saw myself sinking very slowly
I think I only thought of you
I would say that we did everything
I just wanted to understand
How did we get here
Left on the side to suffer
Do you even know how much I liked you
Maybe it's not what you want
Maybe what I give you is not enough
If those you were with
Were better than I am
And maybe that wasn't enough
To make you stay here
He never allowed himself to dive deeper into his feelings when he spent time with you, after all you were his sister's friend and had known him almost all his life, but reading how you wrote your feelings down, he felt a sudden anger after reading words of self doubt and how someone had (mis)treated you. How someone had your love and affection and they let it all go to waste, how you were from now on insecure about yourself and unsure of your worth, the tightness on his chest lingering after he carefully placed the loose sheet inside the. notebook. "This is Y/N's, do you want me to keep it and give it back on the weekend?", Mick asked when he heard his sister's footsteps joining him on the outside area, "Sure", Gina added, thinking that maybe the conversation with her mum this afternoon did make some sense and maybe, just maybe, her best friend and her brother did have a chance at something beautiful.
Part 2
Part 3
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Millie Bright x Reader
Part One: Triggered
Posted 05/04/23 : Edited 27/06/23
AN - I wrote this after a dream I had last night sparked the initial concept. I woke up midway through and didn’t want the story to end as Millie being mean so had to finish it. Based on my own struggles with ADHD and Autism and judging by this dream I’m a bit anxious about the game next week!
A text came through to your phone “mate, Millie is such a bitch she keeps giving me evils and barely even talking to anyone, it’s so awkward!” with a photo taken on the sly. “Omfg Millie’s there?! Get her to sign something for me pleeeease!” you replied. “Fat chance of that! She’s well stuck up!” “I don’t care, I love her!!!” was the last text you sent to your friend. He had won a chance to be at an open training session for Chelsea, he’d asked you to go with him but you had tickets for the England game tonight. Millie was injured so you didn’t expect her to be at either event but here you were with a photo in your hand showing she was at Chelsea rather than supporting her national team vs Brazil tonight.
You had met up with your friends earlier in the day who live around the corner to the stadium, his mum had made dinner and passed you a plate. It was a lovely sunny day and Mack’s mum was the type of person to have the front door open at all hours of the day. You perched on the door step watching the fans trickle towards the stadium, munching happily away at the bbq chicken when you heard the garden gate click open and shut. Looking up to see the familiar blonde figure approaching the house. Gobsmacked at who it was and why she was there you moved your body to the side so she could enter the house. “Millie! I didn’t think you were coming, I just gave your plate to (y/n)!” your friend’s mum called from the kitchen. Feeling a shift in her positioning behind you, you looked up to see the defender towering over you “I’m assuming you’re (y/n)?” she snapped. Yes, that was me. The bitch eating Millie Bright’s chicken, of course that could only happen to me. “Do you want some? I’m not gonna eat all of this anyway” your words quickly exiting your mouth in panic and becoming more frantic when she nodded in a ‘well duh’ sort of way as she opened her mouth. Screwing up your face in confusion “y-you want me to uh“ stabbing your fork into a piece of crispy chicken as Millie rolled her eyes and nodded again. Lifting your fork to towards her mouth you were obviously shaking and accidentally smeared bbq sauce on her cheek. You felt the mood lift a little when she chuckled wiping her mouth as you passed her the plate to avoid anymore mishaps. Your friend went inside to wash up leaving a space next to you on the door step where Millie plopped herself down, her knee grazing yours. “How’s the injury?” you asked trying to make small talk “I’m not allowed to say” she replied bluntly still shovelling food into her mouth like she hadn’t eaten in days.
“Guys we should probably leave soon” you called through to your friends in the lounge. “Why? Kick off isn’t for another hour yet” Millie scoffed at you “because I get anxious” you responded honestly “why? It’s just football” she sneered like you’re an alien species. “I just like to know I’m on time” your friends knew your AuDHD traits come out the most when there is a set timed thing to do. Like football. You liked to be there early so you could find your seats without an overwhelming amount of people staring at you arriving. You found comfort in knowing you wouldn’t have to tell people they were in your seats and you could relax knowing you were in the right place. You’d never been to this stadium before and new places triggers your anxiety. “You don’t need to worry about that” she muttered between mouthfuls “gee thanks, I’m cured” sarcastically rolling your eyes at her ignorance as you rose from the step and entered the house to move away from her. Maybe your friend was right, she is a bitch!
An hour passed before you actually left, you were now a nervous mess and on the brink of a meltdown. Millie lead you and your friends down an ally to a gate you hadn’t seen when looking up the maps online. You fell behind your friends as you rushed to find the tickets on your phone and missed the email containing them. “I can only find two guys!” you called out to the group in panic “slow down, I can’t find the other two!” you pleaded. “You don’t need tickets you’re with me, put your phone away” Millie sniped at you. This game you were so looking forward to now made you want to leave and go home, everything was wrong and nothing like you had planned for weeks. Millie handed over her pass to a steward as you were frantically trying to find the other tickets, your friend noticed, pushed your lock button and gestured for you to put your phone away with no explanation. You stood there wondering what the hell was happening until you heard the steward “5 yeah? All good.” With that, the others started to shuffle you inside and to seats that weren’t the ones you had carefully chosen when booking them. To be fair, they were really good seats just above the dug outs and in front of a box but you couldn’t help feeling on edge knowing these weren’t actually your seats, worrying someone’s going to come at any moment and tell you to move. Millie sat down next to you with her huge England puffer jacket encroaching on your personal space, hearing every squeak of the fabric against the chair and the rustling against your body, you had never felt more uncomfortable.
Noticing you were stimming - your foot tapping and fiddling with your thumb ring Millie heavily placed her hand onto your thigh making your leg stop shaking instantly. “What’s wrong?” she asked moving her hood so you could see her face “nothing” you shook your head violently trying to stop her from asking anymore questions. You were trying so hard not to have a meltdown and anymore questions might push the tears you were trying desperately to hide out of your eyes and you wanted nothing more than for her not to witness this. You’d looked up to the defender since you were young and thought meeting her would be like a dream but today had been nothing short of a nightmare. She’d hit all your triggers without realising you had any and you were really struggling to hide your contempt. “Tell me” she said forcefully. Staring out to the pitch you thought deeply about what to say but it all came blurting out like a car crash of words leaving your mouth. “I have ADHD and Autism, I’ve never been to this stadium before so had looked up all the maps and knew what time to get here so I could find my seats, I always feel like someone will be sat in them and I’d have to have an awkward conversation to get them to move, The Lionesses are my special interest and I was so looking forward to this day but you changed all the plans and it’s been a lot to deal with. I like being on an aisle so I don’t feel trapped, I wanted to watch the warm ups, I hate being late and your jacket is so noisy it’s making me want to throw something at you.” Your words left your mouth in one extremely long sentence barely making time to breath, your monotone voice wasn’t raised just sad that nothing had turned out right. Millie stared blankly at you like everything you had just said flew straight over her head. You couldn’t help that you felt uncomfortable, your friends knew what triggers you and should have been more understanding to all these plans changing. One thing you could have dealt with but this.. this was a lot.
“Do you drink tea?” the blonde asked you after a long awkward silence, nodding gently she asked how you have it then rose from her seat and entered the box, re-emerging with a cup in her hand. “Sit in this one” she gestured to the seat she was in before which was on an aisle and passed the cup to you; instantly feeling a little relief as the warmth spread through your hands. Hearing the zipper of her coat undo she took it off and started to put it around your shoulders. “What are you doing?” you asking while trying to shrug it off, “trust me, it’s a like a big safety bubble, put it on” she nodded smiling as encouragement. Feeling the warmth around your body and the weight of the coat acting like your blanket at home you sunk into your seat, your heart rate returning to normal and your eyes were no longer acting like dams for your tears. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise” her words sounding sincere “why would you? I have to work very hard to appear like everyone else, to seem normal. Nobody would know unless I told them or I suddenly snapped. They’d just see me flip out over one tiny thing without recognising all of the other things that had lead me to snap” you said looking down at your cup. “I get it, trust me” she smiled. With that the teams walked out onto the pitch - immediately making you happy again. Millie took hold of your hand and held it between hers on her lap. It’s like she had heard you and understood exactly what you needed - to feel safe.
Part Two
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megalony · 1 year
A man named uncle- Part 2
Here is the second part of my new, different Henry Cavill series that I hope everyone is going to like, feedback would be appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez-blog​ @jonesyaddiction​ @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @ceres27​ @avyannadawn  
Series taglist: @slutforhenrycavilll
Summary: (Y/n) and Henry have a house of girls and they are guardians of their nieces who they think of as their daughters. But looking after their girls isn’t easy when (Y/n)’s pregnant and their fifteen year old niece starts to resent (Y/n) and is fighting for Henry’s sole attention.
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"You're not taking us,"
(Y/n) couldn't decide whether the words were meant to be a question or a high demand but however they were supposed to be interpreted, they made her heart lurch down into her stomach. She knew better than to take the words to heart but it didn't stop her heart from reacting to them in a deeply upsetting way.
Hitching her bag higher up on her shoulder, (Y/n) snook a glance over at Henry before she raised her head and forced a smile on her lips.
"I'm not taking you, I'm coming with you." (Y/n) continued to try and keep a smile on her face while she held her hand out towards Alice who came running through the gates and bypassed Jamie immediately.
It was their day for contact with their mum and they were allowed to leave school just over an hour early to go and see their mum. Neither girl wanted to go, they would rather stay in their classes and finish the day at school and then go home. They didn't want to go to contact but they didn't have a choice in the matter when a judge said they were too young to decide for themselves if they wanted to see their mum or not.
She wasn't truly their mum anymore.
She had been in and out of Jamie's life since the moment she was born and she had barely been around at all for poor Alice. The moment Alice was born, she was pawned off on (Y/n)'s parents before (Y/n) and Henry decided to take her in. She didn't want to see the woman who always promised to take her out or visit her but never did.
"No... you promised you'd take us." If Jamie were a few years younger she may have stomped her foot on the ground or resorted to a scream to show his she disapproved of (Y/n) coming with them. But instead, she clenched her hands into fists and folded her arms over her chest when she looked at Henry.
He said he was taking them, neither of them said anything about (Y/n) coming too. They were supposed to go out after contact, Henry promised they could do whatever they wanted, whether it be going to the cinema, out for something to eat or bowling. They could do something fun and relax with time alone with him.
"Carry on being rude and you're not going anywhere." Henry tilted his head to the side and rose a brow with a dangerous tone to his voice that made Jamie internally shiver.
He wasn't impressed.
"I need to talk to your mum so I'm coming to contact but after that, I'll get the girls and take them home. You're still going out after, I just need to see her. Alright?"
(Y/n) slowly looped her arm through Henry's crooked elbow and pulled his bicep across her chest in a small gesture to tell him to calm down. She knew if Jamie's attitude continued, Henry's temper would also flare. He was a very mild-mannered, laid back man but he wouldn't have any of the girls say or do anything rude to disrespect (Y/n). She was their mother and deserved their love and respect.
She could feel his arm tensing and relaxing against her but his expression stayed the same while he waited for Jamie's response.
They both knew how much it meant to Jamie and Alice to have time alone with each of them. They didn't get much attention from their real parents and they craved love and attention so badly. It's why they made sure to give the girls at least one day a week alone with either Henry or (Y/n) so they could be together and have some time alone. The girls loved their time alone with each of them and since Henry had been away for two weeks, they had spent more time with (Y/n). It was their turn to go out with Henry now.
"Okay... sorry." Stuffing her hands in her pockets, Jamie moved over to Henry's other side and the four of them got in the car for the ten minute drive to the family centre.
If it was (Y/n)'s choice, she wouldn't be coming to contact. Three weeks ago she had taken the girls to their last contact session and it was Henry's turn, but (Y/n) needed to talk to her sister and contact was the best place to do that.
She had all but given up on her sister now and her antics and bad ways.
There were many times (Y/n) had forgiven her big sister, such as all the times she screwed Jamie over in her life. Each time Jasmine dumped Jamie back with their parents and floundered off somewhere for weeks at a time, she had been forgiven. She had been seventeen when she gave birth and she didn't want a baby but at the same time, there was part of Jasmine that just couldn't give away her baby either. Not when her parents graciously offered to help bring Jamie up if that's what she wanted.
Each time Jasmine promised to do better and do right by Jamie, (Y/n) forgave her. She forgave her sister for pawning her child off on her or for how she treated her girl.
Even the time when (Y/n) had been on a date- which Jasmine had crashed whilst being drunk, and told her date that (Y/n) had a two-year-old waiting for her at home. (Y/n) had only been sixteen and safe to say, no one else wanted to date her when that rumour went round college.
Or the times when Jasmine would tell everyone Jamie was (Y/n)'s and turn up in the middle of the night and hand her over to (Y/n), crying and sobbing that she couldn't look after her right now.
Or when she had been pregnant with Violet and was horribly ill during the last month of her pregnancy and Jasmine turned up and dumped Jamie on the doorstep. (Y/n) had been in no fit state to look after Jamie and Henry had been shooting his film during the night and was barely home either. (Y/n) forgave her for that too.
With Alice, it wasn't so easy to forgive. Jasmine wasn't cut out to be a mother and she barely tried with Alice, she just gave her to anyone who would have her. By choice, (Y/n) wasn't talking to her sister much anymore but today she needed to see her and that meant tagging along to contact.
"Baby, we're here," Henry reached across and rested his hand on (Y/n)'s leg when he noticed she seemed to have zoned out.
"Dad..." The moment they got out the car, Alice wrapped her arms around Henry's leg and tugged to the point his jeans almost came down. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want to see the woman she barely knew try and pretend that they were a loving family. She didn't want to sit and hear Jasmine ask about school and what she was doing and then suddenly ask how old she was like she did last time.
"Alright sweetheart, we won't be here long." Leaning down, Henry gently untangled her arms from his leg and scooped her up to sit on his hip. If it were up to him they wouldn't have to come here. They were old enough to know their own minds and they knew whether they wanted to see Jasmine or not.
A small smile worked its way onto (Y/n)'s lips despite the headache forming behind her eyes when she felt Jamie move closer to her side when they walked in the building. She knew Jamie hated this place and every time they left, she seeked out some sort of comfort and solace.
(Y/n) looped her arm through Jamie's after speaking to the receptionist and they headed down to room number three. She could feel Jamie tensing beside her and her steps were becoming slower and more sluggish before (Y/n) took a deep breath and opened the door.
There she was, sat in the usual armchair beneath the window.
With a swallowed breath, (Y/n) took in the state of her sister as she and Jamie walked into the room and moved to sit on the sofa. She could feel Jamie tightening her hand around (Y/n)'s arm, a small but desperate plea for her not to let go just yet and she wouldn't.
Her sister looked a little better than the last time she saw her. Her hair was more stylish today, pinned back to the side and curly as if she had taken the time to put curlers in. It was still a mix of pale hazel and dark brown from a bad hair dye but she looked more alert today, a nice pale blue dress with a belt round the middle and some flat shoes.
Sometimes Jasmine looked like she had been caught in a hurricane when she came to contact or like she had just come from a street fight, at least today it showed she was trying to make a little effort.
"Hi sweetie,"
"Hi," It was clear Jamie was refraining herself from calling her mum by her first name. She hadn't called Jasmine 'mum' in years but she knew every time she called her Jas, it cut deep and it made the air in the room too thick to breathe. She didn't deserve to be called a mother but at the same time, Jamie cared just a little too much to really hurt her.
"Alice, baby, come give mummy a kiss." Jasmine held out her arms with a wide smile that slowly slipped away when Alice stood near the coffee table, unsure which way to move.
She became stiff as a board when she finally moved towards her mum and her body shook from how tense she was. But when a kiss was placed on her cheek, she turned and retreated back to the armchair where Henry was sat and scrambled up onto his lap.
"So, how have you both been, what have you been up to?"
"I've joined gymnastics after school on Thursdays," Jamie looked down at her hands as she spoke. Part of her wished the gymnastics club was run on a Tuesday so then she wouldn't have to come here. But she knew if it was, they would just change contact day anyway and she wouldn't have a choice, so it didn't really matter.
"You're not very, athletic." Jasmine chose her words carefully but she smiled nonetheless.
"Yeah well, I'm gonna be."
"What about you, Ali?"
"I like art, I did some pictures for mum." Alice stayed tucked up in Henry's arms and didn't bother to look over at Jasmine when she spoke.
She knew she shouldn't really call (Y/n) her mum in front of Jasmine because it always made things awkward and last time she did it upset Jasmine, but she couldn't help it. She wished (Y/n) was her mum and she always said it was okay if she wanted to call her mum. Jasmine was more of a distant auntie she never really got to know and she didn't want to know her either.
"Will you draw me a picture?"
Biting her nail, (Y/n) looked across at Henry before she shrunk back in her seat, feeling a shiver running along her spine when Jamie rested her head on her shoulder. The hour they spent here each time always seemed to drag on forever and it never seemed to end. There was nothing they wanted to say to each other and the girls didn't know what to do or how to interact with Jasmine when she could be very tempermental.
One week she might look disgruntled and get snappy at anything they said and the next time she would be happy as ever, kissing and hugging them and pretending everything was just fine. It was off-putting for the girls and whenever Jasmine cancelled a visit, they were both unsettled and relieved all at once.
After about twenty minutes of mismatched conversation, (Y/n) patted Jamie's arm and tried to force a smile.
"Why don't you take Alice to go get a drink from the machine?"
Reaching into her bag, (Y/n) handed her purse over to Jamie who was quick to jump up and hold her hand out to Alice. It was clear Alice needed a small break and Jamie would do anything to get out of this boring conversation for a few minutes. She knew how to drag her feet to draw out the seconds so when they came back they wouldn't have long before it was time to go.
"Have they been okay, Alice looks a bit under the weather." When the girls left the room, Jasmine moved to sit down next to (Y/n), blind to how her sister moved an inch away when she got close.
"She's fine, they're both doing good... listen, we're going to talk to someone next week about these sessions."
"The girls aren't happy, it's off-putting to come here every week and they don't want to."
(Y/n) didn't know how else to put it and she hated the way her sister pulled back as if she had been slapped in the face. But it was the truth, she and Henry were going to find out of these sessions could be cancelled because they were making the girls worse rather than improving their relationship with Jasmine and it wasn't fair anymore.
"Of course they want to see me, (Y/n) don't be like that they're my daughters."
"And I have custody of them. If you really want to keep seeing them then why not come to mums and visit them? Somewhere they feel safe and relaxed and maybe we could take them out for ice cream if you can commit to it. Anything's better than this place."
It was too formal for the girls, Jamie didn't care as much about where contact happened she just didn't want it in general. But if it had to continue then they could meet at their parents house, somewhere the girls were comfortable and could be around other people and leave when they wanted to. And if Jasmine could commit to regular visits they could take the girls out somewhere, only if the girls wanted to though.
"I have been committing to seeing them, I've turned up to these visits-"
"Jas, you've missed five this year. They don't want to meet you in this place, it's not fair on them."
"And you think letting them call you their mother is fair?"
(Y/n) could feel a headache forming behind her eyes, but maybe that was because of how sick she had been feeling lately. It was so much easier when the girls were younger, even though everything always seemed to go up in the air and things kept going from bad to worse, somehow it was easier than the stability they had now. The girls being stable meant that Jasmine felt like she was being pushed out and forgotten but she couldn't have it both ways.
Sometimes (Y/n) wondered if it was better back when Jamie was a little girl and she and Jasmine would take her out to the park or the play areas. They always caught the bus into town and took her out.
But then again, (Y/n) couldn't handle going back to that part of her life where she was looking after a toddler that wasn't hers in her parent's house. And then when she moved out she barely got time alone without Jamie coming in and out of her life and Jasmine bustling in and ruining everything.
Meeting Henry and having the girls changed everything, he helped (Y/n) raise the girls and now they were slowly becoming a family. (Y/n) would never be able to go back to how things used to be.
"What else would they call the woman who raised them?"
Henry rubbed his hand over his chin but his other hand stayed balled up in a fist on his leg. He could never quite control his temper when Jasmine was in the room and she was the only person who ever managed to rile him up and ruin his calm persona. He never understood how (Y/n) could be so calm and collected when her sister used and manipulated her and tried to ruin everything she had, intentionally or not.
He couldn't count the times Jasmine had made (Y/n) cry or feel bad about herself when she was doing everything she could to raise her nieces. If Jasmine couldn't take responsibility for her life then Henry didn't want to be around her and hear her blame everyone else for her mistakes.
"Jamie's fifteen now, she can choose whether she wants to meet up with you for a coffee or if she doesn't want to see you and that's her choice. And I think Alice might give you another chance but you'd have to really try with her which you never do. If they don't want to see you I'm not gonna make them."
(Y/n) pressed her face into her palms and took a deep breath. At least Henry could say everything she couldn't, even if he never sugar coated it. They weren't going to do this anymore, it wasn't a debate it was a decision that had already been made.
"Daddy," Alice pushed past Jamie and made a beeline for Henry and was just about to scramble up onto his lap when he stood up. His hands held her sides and he settled her on his chest like she was a toddler again, letting her arms cocoon around his neck and her head burrow into his chest. They had been here long enough, they all needed to leave and calm down now.
"If you want to meet up and see the girls and they agree, ring me and let me know."
(Y/n) could see the relief in Jamie's eyes when she realised they were leaving now and she reached out for (Y/n)'s hand as if wanting to drag her out to get away a little quicker. She let Jamie loop their arms together and practically pull her along to follow Henry and Alice out the room.
"Jamie, slow down," (Y/n) pulled her back a little when the speed she was walking made (Y/n)'s head spin faster.
She could feel the hallway stretching out into eternity and and the more Jamie pulled on her arm, the more she became unbalanced in herself. The room they had been in for the last hour had been sweltering hot even with the window cracked open and (Y/n) felt like she was a boiled egg by now. Added with the fact that she hadn't eaten yet today and wouldn't be able to eat until she got Violet and Minnie back home just made her feel worse.
The moment they got outside, the fresh air and the cold breeze hit (Y/n) like a tidal wave knocking the air out of her system. Her previously burning skin now felt like it was prickling with frostbite.
She needed to sit down.
"W- what's wrong? Uncle Henry," Jamie's head frantically looked between (Y/n) and Henry when (Y/n)'s weight suddenly leaned on her and she bent her knees and went down to the pavement. Leaning down, Jamie tried to be gentle and help (Y/n) sit down without falling with a bang but the moment she sat down, her head flopped to rest on top of her arms.
She kept hold of (Y/n)'s hand but her eyes focused on Henry who handed his car keys to Alice and gently told her to get in the car before he turned round and jogged over to them.
Something inside of Jamie wished that look of concern in his eyes was meant for her.
"Baby, you okay? Talk to me," Kneeling down in front of (Y/n), Henry gently pressed his hands to her elbows and rubbed soothing circles into her skin. She felt hot to the touch and he knew she had barely managed to eat anything today. He knew he should have tried to get her to eat something before they came out. "Baby?"
"I- I'm good, just went dizzy for a moment." Lifting her head, (Y/n) managed a small smile when her eyes came back into focus and she could see Henry's lips quirking up into a lopsided smile.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her temple before he wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly helped her up to her feet. His arms stayed tight around her middle, keeping her pressed up to his front and (Y/n) rested her palms on his chest, relishing in the touch for a few more seconds.
"Are you gonna be alright to pick up the girls? I won't leave you if you don't want me to." Henry moved his hand to cup the back of (Y/n)'s head and he spoke quietly with his lips an inch away from her forehead. He didn't want to leave her at the school to walk home with the girls if she was going to have another dizzy spell. He would rather take her home and make sure she was alright than risk leaving her and worry she might not be okay.
When she opened her eyes, (Y/n) dared to sneak a look to her left to see whether Jamie had heard Henry's words or not. She looked rather put-out but she didn't look like she heard, if she did then (Y/n) was sure she would have added her own input by now.
(Y/n) couldn't upset Jamie, she was desperate to go out to the cinema and just have some time to herself and be out with Henry. It wouldn't be fair for (Y/n) to make them all come home when she knew she would be fine after eating something and having a sugary drink.
"No, you take the girls out, I'll be fine. I promise."
"Can we go now?"
Henry leaned his head back and rolled his eyes with a small smile, he could see the anticipation in Jamie's eyes. She was done with this meeting and she wanted to go out now, she wasn't waiting around for anyone. Deep down Henry would feel better if she showed a little more compassion towards (Y/n) but he knew a lot of the time Jamie would just shut down and focus on what she wanted to do.
"Yeah, we can go."
A soft hum vibrated at the back of (Y/n)'s throat in a melodic tune as she slowly swayed her upper body from left to right. Her cheek was nuzzled softly against the top of Minnie's head and her hand was rubbing soothing circles up and down her back. She could feel her little girl making a few small noises of contentment as she stuffed her thumb into her mouth.
Turning around, (Y/n) started to slowly pad along the dark red carpet while her gaze drifted from looking at her youngest girl to looking at the far wall where her mural wall was. It was a cherry red room but the wall behind Minnie's bed had a black Minnie and Mickey Mouse sticker taking up the majority of the wall with her name in big Disney style letters underneath.
Another melody hummed against (Y/n)'s lips and she closed her eyes, smiling to herself when Minnie snuggled further into her chest. She wouldn't be able to do this in a few months with a bump in the way.
Her eyes remained closed but her lips curved up into a soft smile when a pair of strong arms gently curled around her frame. A hard chest pressed up against her back and she could feel soft breaths tickling against her ear.
Henry slowly wrapped his arms over (Y/n)'s arms and brought his hand up to to rest on the back of Minnie's head, dragging his fingertips through her curls.
Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss against (Y/n)'s neck, smiling into her skin when he felt her shiver at his touch. He couldn't resist joining in on such a calm and quiet moment with two of his girls, especially when he hadn't seen much of Minnie today with her being at school and him taking the other girls out. He kissed his way up (Y/n)'s neck until he was nipping at her cheek and his arms tightened around her, squeezing her against his chest.
"Are you feeling better?"
"A little," (Y/n) knew having something to eat and drink would make her feel better and she did manage some dinner with the girls. Her head still had a dull throbbing behind her eyes but she felt better compared to this morning.
Henry moved his hand to rest on Minnie's back when she shimmied a little higher up on (Y/n)'s chest and snuggled up to her neck like she was already in her bed getting comfy. His other hand slowly tickled down (Y/n)'s side until the palm of his hand was resting on her lower stomach. In just a few short months he would be able to feel their next baby kicking against his hand. Henry remembered when they were expecting Minnie, she was forever sending kicks his way like she automatically knew when Henry was around.
"I love you." (Y/n) couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face when he whispered those little words in her ear.
A rumbling bubbled up at the back of Jamie's throat and a burning sensation errupted in her chest as she hovered behind the door just over the threshold of Minnie's room. She leaned a little closer towards the door and peeked her head round to try and get a better look but looking only made the fire inside of her burn brighter and made her nose burn with the threat of tears.
It wasn't fair.
Why did (Y/n) get everything? She had the girls with Henry, she even had Alice who was now practically one of their daughters too. She had Henry who was the absolute best person in the world, he was funny and caring and loving and adoring and worshipped the ground she walked on. He held her like that and cradled her to his chest like he was trying to stuff her into his heart and keep her safe forever. He kissed her neck so sensually and he held her close and he adored all their girls.
And now she was pregnant too, (Y/n) had everything and Jamie had nothing in comparison. She wasn't their daughter, she wasn't truly (Y/n)'s which hurt more than she cared to admit and Henry wasn't hers, he was (Y/n)'s.
Why couldn't they swap places?
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1d1195 · 1 year
Normal People V
I'm sorry this took so long. You can read the rest of it here: Normal People
I got one more part of this for sure, in my head. Just got to put everything together. I think this part is kind of all over the place, but I kind of like it. I hope you do too.
She looked at the guy that broke her heart more times than she could ever count. The brown curls and the perfect dimples. She thought back to the time she used her own finger to pretend Harry was tracing her face. It seemed like a lifetime ago...a whole different person ago. Harry was the only one that ever managed to make her feel whole...then and now.
Harry remembered the first time he saw her smiling and laughing with the guy beside her that obviously adored her—he looked much more than nice towards her. He looked like he would do anything to make her smile. But she said he didn’t really do anything for her—she was too independent. Of course, she was...that was Harry’s fault...and probably everyone else at school.
She gave a wave in Harry’s direction once while they were at the same café one morning. Her boyfriend turned to glance at Harry and then he murmured something to her. Whatever she responded with, she gave Harry a wink and smile as she spoke. He nodded and waved as well, finally. She wrapped her arm around his and they turned back to wait for their drinks before heading out the door.
Harry thought about how she said it wouldn’t go anywhere—he clung to that idea because all he could imagine was her being with him. His arm wrapped with hers while they got coffee each morning. It hurt Harry to think about how badly he blew things with her. He remembered saying to Mum that she shouldn’t forgive him...he meant that; he didn’t deserve her forgiveness, but all of this was so much for his heart, and he just wanted to be with her—he wouldn’t be stupid anymore.
It's in the library that he finds her when he was looking for a book for one of his classes. He had been hanging out at the library a lot since he was hiding from himself, his emotions, and Niall with his personal questions. He hadn’t seen her since the café but it all sort of worked out well—he was getting his schoolwork done a lot faster without the distractions. Yet here she was with tears in her eyes, and he immediately wanted to murder someone.
Harry was used to being the cause of her sadness but now that he knows he had hardly spoken to her recently, he felt okay assuming it wasn’t his fault this time. “Oh, love,” he cooed softly sitting beside her quickly and offering her a tissue from his backpack. Gemma had given him the tip: “either your allergies would act up or classes would make you cry...or maybe you’ll see some girl crying over a guy in the dining hall.” Gem was close enough and it made Harry sad that she was right. The poor girl sniffled.
“Thank you,” she mumbled.
They didn’t speak for a few moments and Harry awkwardly reached out to rest his hand just below the back of her neck. Gently, he rubbed a circle over her shirt as he tried to soothe her. He didn’t want her to say anything if she didn’t want to. He would be there for her. It wasn’t his job to judge or comment. He had no right to tell her anything he thought or assumed about her relationship. As far as Harry knew that guy treated her better than—
“I miss my mom,” she whispered. Harry couldn’t imagine life without his mum, so he just nodded. He was hopeful the tears were about her mother and not the guy in her life. He could comfort her a lot more reasonably. Again, he didn’t understand her grief fully, so he just stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue if she wanted. “She wouldn’t let me date him,” she said knowingly.
Harry sighed. It was about him. Harry had no high horse. He wasn’t any better than this guy that made her cry. “Isn’t that enough?” He asked. “Jus’ knowing?”
She shrugged then shook her head. “It’s different.” He didn’t want to argue with her because of course he didn’t know, and he would never ask her to put something so vulnerable into words. He believed her implicitly. She knew her best because no one else had ever gotten close enough to know her. “Do you remember seeing us at the café a few weeks ago?” Harry thought about it every day, so he nodded a few times silently remembering how much he hated the guy beside her because he wasn’t him. “I told him you were my best friend,” she whispered. Harry felt a lightness in his heart that he didn’t know could exist. His hand fell from her body and the words couldn’t form in his mouth if he tried. “I’m sorry,” she apologized and now Harry couldn’t not speak.
“Sorry for what, kitten?” He asked quietly.
“I-I know you don’t want to be my best friend.”
“Oh, for fucks sake,” he hissed under his breath. “Kitten, I...” he rubbed a hand over his face. “You are my best friend.”
Harry would hate himself for the rest of his life. Regardless of if he ever did end up marrying her. The relief on her face was so tragically beautiful, Harry wanted to take back what he said only so she would stop looking so happy for such a shitty best friend like him. In actuality, Harry would never take that sentence back—because she was his best friend despite everything.
But Harry hated the way the relief looked on her face. He didn’t deserve it. Not after all those days he spent hiding from her. All the days he ignored her and didn’t protect her from his “friends.” It wasn’t fair that she looked at him like he was a life vest when he was drowning in guilt. He wished she knew how strong she was without him—without anyone really.
“I am?” She whispered.
“Love, you are the best person,” he said softly.
Smiling through a bunch of tears she sighed out an anxious breath. “That’s good.”
Harry couldn’t tell you why he was at the library anymore. It felt like his only purpose was to sit next to this beautiful girl and chat with her until they were all caught up and said a lot of things that they hid from one another until that point so that Harry really, truly could confidently say that she was his best friend.
“I think there’s something wrong with men,” she said as she entered Harry’s room. He heard her say hello to Niall as she got there so he was anticipating her arrival the moment his door opened. Without saying hi to him, or breaking stride, she flopped down on Harry’s bed.
He smirked at her. “M’sorry,” he said. “On behalf of the lot of us.”
She shrugged. “You’re alright,” she mumbled and then rolled onto her stomach to shove her face in the pillow. After a few moments she turned her head to the side so she could look at him. “I let him manipulate me,” she said softly.
Harry was in the middle of composing a song; one that he had been writing for years but never letting it breach his subconscious. But he stopped trying to force it down and let it flow out of him.
Up until this moment where she was being manipulated by some man that didn’t deserve her. Harry didn’t deserve her either, but he would be damned if he didn’t spend the rest of his days protecting her the way he should have for the last fifteen or so years. “What d’you mean?”
“Just...” she sighed. Harry turned in his seat and waited patiently but it felt agonizing. He wanted her to skip to the part where she told him where he was so he could kill him. “I bring it on myself, I think.”
Harry shook his head. “Can y’clarify what y’mean, kitten?”
She bit her lip and stared at the ceiling. It was easier to look at the white paint than Harry at this moment. “I do things for him. He gets mad. But I tell him it’s easier for me than for him. And I don’t mind. Then he just lets me do them. He doesn’t help.”
“So why don’t y’stop doing things?”
She was quiet for a few moments. “Because I think if I don’t do things for people they’ll leave me,” she explained.
Harry could feel the sadness seep from her all the way across the room to him. He wanted to cry. He made a vow to himself that he would never let her lift a finger on his behalf. She would never have to. Not while he was around. “M’sorry, love,” he didn’t know what else to say. “I know s’not the same...but...y’don’t have t’do anything for me...I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
Again, silence for a few moments. “Can I ask you to do something, and can it not be a thing?” She asked. Harry thought about how she was constantly surprising him. She was always her own person and never hid or shied away from Harry and her own personality. But Harry usually led all the make out sessions and tended to lead the direction of their conversations because she seemed nervous to say the wrong thing. Harry was so proud of how she would ask him anything, say anything to him now, and she didn’t bat an eyelash. He had no right to be proud because any functioning adult relationship and conversation was composed of those attributes. He solely took the blame for her shitty school experiences, and he was grateful she was in his life now and doing well despite his shitty friends and his lack of help.
Harry still hoped she would ask him to punch himself in the face to make up for all the damage he caused. He thought about the day she asked him to leave her alone a lot. “Course,” he hummed.
“C’mere,” she said and gently patted the mattress beside her as she scooted back to the wall and laid on her side. Harry felt his heart rapidly speed up and thunder against his ribs. He got up and sat on the edge of his bed unsure that this was the best idea. “I don’t bite,” she promised. He chuckled with slight relief at her teasing, and he settled down to lie facing her. She smiled sweetly and then scooted forward so her face was tucked into his chest. She had one arm beneath the pillow and the other lazily looped over his waist. His arm slid beside the crook of her neck and the other he rested at her hip. “Thanks,” she whispered and her warm breath penetrated his t-shirt, through his skin, and touched his rapidly beating heart.
It was just a regular old day between the two of them. She was lying on his bed. He was at his desk. But suddenly it wasn’t a regular day. Suddenly she was about to change one of their regular old days into something entirely new and different. “When was the last time we kissed, you think?”
Harry felt his face warm, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He had been counting the minutes since he last kissed her. It was much too long. “Fourteen and a half months.”
“I think that should be corrected, no?” She said moving from lying to sitting.
“You want to kiss me?” He asked near breathlessly.
“I take my teaching very seriously and don’t want you out of practice,” her smile was so mischievous, Harry wanted to kiss every inch of her body.
“Are you drunk?”
“I don’t like the insinuation that I would only kiss you while drunk.”
“You know how I feel about you calling me that.”
Now his brain felt tired. That didn’t make any sense. “You want t’kiss me, but I can’t call y’kitten?”
She sighed. Folded her hands in her lap and looked away from him. “I can’t get attached to you again...not like that,” she whispered. “But I really liked kissing you and being around you and it’s not fair you just pulled yourself away from me...so I can’t take that—"
Harry melted. Fully, totally. He dropped to his knees in front of her on his bed. He placed his hands on the bed outside her thighs. He didn’t want to touch her if she didn’t want it. “Kitten,” he practically cooed.
His lips pressed against hers. Just like the first time he kissed her, she pulled back quickly; surprised and nervous at the touch of his soft lips. She put a finger to her lips and Harry watched the way her grown maturity and strength faltered behind her eyes. Harry hated that he was the cause of it. “Kitten, I won’t be going anywhere. I want to kiss you a lot. And I want to call you kitten.”
Her eyes looked so distrustful. But she had never trusted anyone but Harry before. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. “Do we have to have any rules or—”
“No, no, love. No rules. Just you and me.”
She nodded, still seeming unsure. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Harry would do anything to take the distrust from her.
Another nod. “Kiss me again...please.”
Smiling, he bobbed his head up and down quickly. His face felt warm again. It had only been two minutes since the last kiss, but Harry was desperate after all the time he spent not kissing her, all the same as those fourteen and half months. The time spent not holding her seemed overwhelming. He wondered if she felt the same way. “Yes, love,” his fingers snaked through the hair at the back of her head. Inching her back on his bed, he slid in beside her and pressed his lips over hers.
“Harry!” Niall shouted, causing Harry to fall off his bed with a loud thud.
It took Harry a moment to realize he was asleep, the kiss, the bed, all of it was unreal. At least the last few moments. She was still there beside him on the bed. But now he was groaning as she giggled where she looked over the edge at him grumbling on the floor. It seemed so cruel after what he thought he was doing on the bed with her. “Sorry, Ni, he was asleep,” she called back sleepily. It occurred to him they were actually taking a nap together.
“Lazy bones,” Niall called back.
“You okay, Harry?” She asked softly. She was rubbing her eye of the sleep and Harry thought he’d never be okay if she was going to look so adorable and cute like that fresh out of a nap. “Sorry for hogging the bed,” she murmured, and she maneuvered to the floor beside him and rubbed his head. He leaned into her hand a bit. It wasn’t her fault, and it wasn’t that serious. Harry had a small bed and when he dreamed, he was always dreaming of her.
He shook his head and sighed. “What d’you want Ni?”
“Do you and the missus wanna come out tonight?”
Harry looked at her peripherally to see how her cheek pinked at the nickname, her hair fell in front of her face as she gazed forward in an attempt to hide from Harry how she was affected by Niall calling her the missus. Harry liked it a lot, but he had to be casual.
“D’you wanna go out?” He asked quietly.
She shrugged. “Maybe for a little while.”
“We’ll be down in a bit,” he called back to him.
“Does he mind y’being here all the time?” He wondered. It had been nearly a month since she started coming over regularly. Niall kept joking she would have to pay rent soon. She told him she would bake something for him.
“Don’t joke with me like that, kitten,” Niall said seriously.
Harry rolled his eyes and ushered her upstairs as quickly as he could. “Does who mind? Niall? I think he made that clear—”
“No,” he shook his head ignoring her joke. It suddenly seemed serious. As much as Harry hated the guy and thought no one deserved her, if she stayed with him, there were reasons. Reasons he didn’t want to understand but he didn’t get to judge. She put the book down that she was reading, and she sat up against the wall of his bed. She tilted her head at Harry. “Your boyfriend.”
“What boyfriend?” She asked without any emotion in her voice.
Harry stared at her, blinked at the abruptness. “Did I miss something?”
“Harry, we broke up.”
It felt like the world was no longer spinning. How did he miss that? Was she crying? No...no way. Not here. He hadn’t seen her cry since the library. “Kitten, I didn’t know.”
“I try not to advertise my heartache as much as possible.”
“M’so sorry, love,” and he was sorry. He meant it seriously. “I...I wish y’told me, I would have—”
“Harry, I came over the day we broke up,” she said. “I told you I had a bad day and you put on a movie I used to watch as a child, you got me my favorite coffee, and we laid here all afternoon while it rained.” Harry thought that sounded like a regular old day to him...at least now that she was so prominent in his life.
“M’still really sorry.”
She shrugged. “I told you I didn’t think it was going to work out.”
He nodded in agreement. “I hoped it would, for you...he seemed like a nice enough guy despite...” he didn’t really believe that. He didn’t think she was worthy of anyone. But for a moment in time, he made her happy. That’s all Harry wanted for her. “Well...can I get y’something now that I actually know?” He wondered.
She looked at the guy that broke her heart more times than she could ever count. The brown curls and the perfect dimples. She thought back to the time she used her own finger to pretend Harry was tracing her face. It seemed like a lifetime ago...a whole different person ago. Harry was the only one that ever managed to make her feel whole...then and now.
She thought about asking him to make out again. But she didn’t think Harry liked her like that anymore. Of course, they shared a bed a lot of afternoons and he called her kitten a lot. He confessed he loved her one time after she saw him for the first time in college. But once more she repelled him away and told him he didn’t. It was nearly forgotten...maybe it was the alcohol talking and she could push the idea away that the guy she had loved for so many years loved her back.
She thought about that moment a lot. Thought about how easy it would be to fall more in love with Harry. Especially this new Harry that was so gentle and sweet to her. She wondered if her heart could take it. The idea of him not being in her life now seemed horrendous. Her current idea was just bottling up her feelings until he married some other girl that didn’t love him as much as she did.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
“Whatever y’want, kitten.”
taglist: @feestyles @sunshinemoonsposts @matildasatellite @reveriehs @asmilinghopefullromantic @macy-tpwk If you no longer want to be tagged lmk, no hard feelings!
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canirove · 1 year
I don’t like you, Mason Mount | Chapter 8
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"Ok, Lola. Are you ready for your present?"
"The first part is here" I say, giving her a tablet.
"What do I do?"
"Just press play."
"Hello Lola, Merry Christmas!"
"Oh my God, it's Mason!" she screams.
"I hope you are enjoying the holidays with your family, give them all a hug from me. To your untie too" he says with a wink. "Anyway, I've heard that you now have a new favourite player, that I don't own that honour anymore. But I am not mad, don't worry."
"How does he..."
"Keep watching" I tell her.
"I still think I'm better than him, but hey" Mason shrugs. "You should know that he feels very lucky to be your favourite player now, but what if he tells you himself? Dec, come here!"
"Hello mate. And hello Lola, Merry Christmas" Declan says, showing up next to Mason. "Hope you are good."
"She's having a heart attack" my dad laughs.
"Thank you for choosing me as your favourite player, I hope I don't disappoint you."
"Nah, you won't" Mason says.
"Thanks bro" Declan chuckles. "So, we have a little gift for you and your family, Lola."
"This" Mason says, showing some tickets on camera.
"We would love it if you all came to watch us play on Boxing Day, maybe even have a chat after the game" Declan says.
"No way!" Lola screams, her eyes growing wider and wider.
"And when we say the whole family, we mean all of you. You too, auntie" Mason says with a smile, making me roll my eyes. Again, because I have already watched the video. I wanted to make sure they didn't say anything stupid.
"I look forward to meeting you, Lola" Declan says.
"And Merry Christmas!" both of them say at the same time, the video ending with that.
"Auntie... Is this true? Are we going to the West Ham-Chelsea?"
"We are" I say, showing her the tickets.
"Oh my God!" she screams again, jumping at me to hug me.
"You are like the best aunt ever. Ever, ever, ever!"
"Thank you, Lola. But if you keep squeezing me like that, I won't be the best aunt for too long" I chuckle.
"Sorry, sorry. Are you coming too?"
"I am. And I am wearing my Mount shirt. If I can find it."
"You'll wear Mason's, and I'll wear Declan's! We'll be matching! Isn't that perfect, mum?"
"It is, darling" she says, looking at me and trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
"I can't believe you kept all this from me, you little bitch!" Monica says, hitting my arm.
"You deserve it! I thought that after everything you went through over the summer, you would share something like this with me! Like, you freaking met again, and it actually was a coincidence!"
"I know."
"And things weren't weird! You behaved normal!"
"We did" I say.
"Urgh, Dani! You know what this means, right? You are getting a second chance! This is what I told you! If destiny brings you back together, it's because you belong together!"
"Aren't you getting a bit too excited?"
"Maybe I am, yes. But I am just so happy for you! This was the reason why you had that little smile these past days!"
"You probably haven't noticed, but I have. I know you better than yourself, remember?"
"I just... Ok. Yes. Maybe since we met again, I feel like this weight on my chest has lifted."
"Ah!" Monica says, hugging me just like Lola did.
"I would like to be able to go to that match. Can you please let go?"
"Yes, yes, sorry. I can't wait to see you with his shirt. Imagine if he scores and dedicates you the goal!"
"He has a girlfriend." One with whom he may be having trouble judging by the way his face changed at the bookstore when I mentioned her, but his girlfriend still.
"He has. But he also has feelings for you. He wouldn't have gotten us those tickets and recorded that video if he didn't."
"You think?"
"Yes, I do. Now let's go find that shirt, God knows where you put it. It will definitely need a good ironing."
“Lola, darling. Breathe” my sister chuckles.
“Yes, yes, sorry. I just can’t believe I am meeting you!” she says to Declan. After the game, they did as promise and met us to have a chat. Though so far, only Declan and Lola are talking.
“Would you like me to sign your shirt?” Declan asks her.
“I would love that! Do we have a pen?”
“I don’t. Dani?” Monica asks me.
“It’s ok, I’m sure someone has one in the changing room. Why don’t you guys come with me? I can give you a little tour” Declan offers.
“Yes! Can we, mum?”
“Of course. Dad?”
“That would be nice. Daniela?” he asks me.
“I think she should wait here with Mason” Declan says. “Someone has to stay with him, I don’t want him to get lost.”
“I’m not a child, Dec” he replies, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but do you remember what happened the last time you came? You got lost. I trust Daniela, I’m sure she can take care of you. Shall we, guys?”
“Wait, what?” I say. But before I can properly protest, they all are gone and it is just Mason and I standing in the middle of a corridor.
“He did that on purpose.”
“You think?” I say, rolling my eyes. “Do you at least know where the exit is? We can wait for them outside.”
“It is freezing cold outside. Why don’t we wait at the bar?”
“Ok, fine.”
“My shirt looks really nice on you” Mason says after walking in silence for a couple of minutes.
“Thank you” I reply, looking anywhere but at him. “Are you sure you know where we are going?”
“Yeah, we are… shit” he says when we make it to an emergency exit.
“Dear God, Mason. We are lost.”
“No, we are not. We are just a bit…”
“Lost?” I chuckle.
“We’ll find our way back, don’t worry. We just have to follow the same route but backwards.”
“Do you remember it?”
“We are lost. They are going to close the stadium with us inside.”
“Nah, Dec and your family would not allow that.”
“What? After setting us up? C’mon, Mason. You aren’t that stupid.”
“Wait, did you just compliment me?” he asks with a cheeky smile.
“Don’t get used to it.”
“And was that a smile? Oh, my God. It’s a late Christmas miracle!”
“Shut up!” I say, hitting his arm.
“She’s mean and she’s violent. Wow.”
“This is nothing compared with what I can do. Besides basketball, I also did some karate when I was a kid.”
“Did you?” he says with a smile that makes his dimple pop, making me want to kiss it. Wait, what? “You are staring.”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are staring. At my mouth. Do you want to kiss me?” he says, taking a step closer.
“I wasn’t staring at your mouth, I was just looking at your cheek. And why would I want to kiss you?”
“I don’t know” he shrugs, taking another step forward and getting closer to me. “Maybe you were thinking about my car in Portugal.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Yeah, sure. Then why are you blushing?”
“I am not blushing.”
“Yes, you are Daniela. Your cheeks,” he says, touching my face and making my heart skip a bit “are as red as United’s shirt.”
“They are not” I whisper.
“I want to kiss you” he says, his face very close to mine while his thumb caresses my cheek.
“And I don’t want you to kiss me.”
“Because you want to kiss me?”
“I don’t kiss people I don’t like.”
“Sure” he says, his lips brushing against mine.
“That’s my name.”
“I…” And I’m not able to say anything else. I can’t resist it anymore, and I kiss him.
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missseeker · 10 months
The Stupid Things I Often Do - A Poem for Baxter Ward
When you left, I broke. Down, down, down...Never left my house, and cried without command. For days, for weeks, it broke me. For months, for years, it's scorned me. My mums just wanted me to eat. My friend just wanted me to sleep But me? I just wanted to dream of a place no longer here...
When I finally came out, it didn't help Not the people, the stores, not even the wind The only thing I found again was her, The silent moon.
I sobbed and she didn't judge I cried and prayed, but she didn't budge I told her all of what you'd done... And she seemed to feel for me.
I still sit up at night, guided only by her light And talk to her of you, when you come back into my mind. I dare not do it in front of others, they'd think me crazy still Crazy for keeping a kind of hope, one that has yet to wilt.
As time's gone on, I learned to cope. My friends were ecstatic when I drank just a Coke. My mums were happy to see me outside But really I just learned to hide, it all.
About that time I took up my brush, wilted, disused, almost painting with rust I made a pretty picture once, of a girl alone in the cold sand, and with her only friend, the moon. My loved ones thought it was a sign, that I was moving on just fine But really I made it just to remind, remind myself of you.
It still hangs across the room from me Forever there when I wake or sleep, there to remind and comfort me Even when the bed is cold beneath my fingertips, and I find myself all alone Your memory is there to hold me, together.
I taste of peppermint tea now, but it's not how I like to drown, my taste buds. In fact, I'm partial to lemon, but I find that peppermint tastes of you. So I always keep at least one box at home, in the back corner of my cabinet So that when I am cold, and sad, alone, I can always have it.
I don't drink champagne at parties anymore, Because I can't get the memories of before, to go away It still tastes like midnight, and cupcakes, and late-night decisions And I can't bring myself to stop reminiscing, when I taste it.
That condo just a few doors down, it's empty every summer now Even with new people there, I can't help but stop and stare At the door, the last place I saw you go, back when it was still your home And now I can't go inside again, even if I was invited in.
I dress in colors still, bright and bold, but sometimes it gets old So when I feel it coming on, the sadness, I dress to meet it In black and white, what you wore back then, so when the feelings come in Maybe you can come along with them, and still recognize me.
I now wear a floral perfume, but not the one I used to I used to smell like sunflowers and sky, but now I smell of roses and night And all because the scent smelt so familiar when I found it It smelt of you, and a white shirt draped over my swimsuit outfit.
I can't seem to dance anymore, for every time I step to the floor I look down just hoping to see another pair of shoes besides mine. But every time, I silently pray they're you, or they have the skills to fill your place, And they're not, and they don't, and the disappointment just won't let go of my face.
And the stupidest thing I still choose to do? I still have not let go of you, even though if I did I know I could be loved again, but by a nicer boy with blueish eyes But to me, they seem so dull, and I do despise, that they're not brown
He would gladly kiss away my pain, dance with me in pouring rain Take me away if I asked him to do so But we both know I can't do so, because I still need my hope Even if it makes me lost, left behind in the Cali dust.
I still see him hang around, waiting in this stupid town For someday when my head comes down, out of the clouds And I don't know who's stupider. The girl who waits on a fever dream? Or the boy who is okay looking after her?
So I've spent these years, aging and waiting For that dust to clear, for maybe then you'll be able to find me But until then I'll still stand sadly at the shore, forevermore Just talking with the moon.
(Originally posted on AO3 under A Book of Poetry by Jamie Last. Thought I would repost it here too to open up this page!)
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secrets-of-everwich · 8 months
03-1 Proof of Something Strange
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt on the 3rd October 2021, and I have some amazing news. We’ve had someone – finally - write in to the podcast!
Callie, I’m right here.
Even better, they’re here in the studio! Mr Morris, you said you had some… Interesting information about something?
{Mr. Morris}
Callie, you can just call me Ash? Like you normally do? Or Asher will be fine? I literally see your brother like every day.
Yes, but this needs to be professional, Mr. Morris.
Remind me how many listeners you have?
[A Pause]
Ok, Ash, what did you see?
Well… Ok, don’t think I’m crazy or whatever. I probably am but I wasn’t gonna tell anyone but then you overheard me talking to X and then you dragged me into doing this so.
I won’t judge! You think I’d be doing this if I cared what people think?
True. Ok. Well. Yesterday, as you know I was visiting the haunted house because it was Rin’s birthday and I wanted to do something fun! And, then X asked me to come with him – he wanted to show me something, or so he said. And, then we went into the basement – we left Em and Rin to go on the- Why am I telling you that, you were literally there?!
We need it for the record, remember?
[Callie clears their throat]
Oh yeah! We left Rin & Em to go on the show tour with you. Xavier took me down into the basement. It… Wasn’t fun. We walked down, the lights were growing dimmer. They’re like those old-style festoons but they were really flickery, I never like lights like that, but they’re really good for stage lights because they’re-
Oh, sorry! Well we walked down the steps, and I nearly fell because the steps are really – and I mean really – breaking like they’re really worn down and slippery, so I nearly fell down and X had to catch me… So anyway we got down the steps and I was really cold because you know it’s October and it’s freezing because it’s autumn. And it was a basement. Ugh I don’t want to do this, I just want to forget about it, you know I hate spiders!
Asher, Xavier won’t talk to me about this. And if I talk about it, it doesn’t seem as… Professional. I need you to tell me!
Um… If that was meant to be persuasive it wasn’t really… Working…
Please, Ash?
Fine! We got down there, it was freezing, and… Spiders. Lots of them. They were green too. All crawling along the walls and the floor. They didn’t totally cover the stone walls, but. They were there. I tried to tell X that I didn’t wanna be here anymore, and I wanted to leave, but he said there was more I needed to see.
[A long pause]
He, um, opened the door.
[Another pause]
Callie, please I don’t want to do this.
Literally nobody will listen. I still only have 1 listener, and because they’re anonymous I’m still not unconvinced it isn’t Xavier putting it on mute and just playing it so I get a single listener.
[Sounds of a chair moving, getting fainter] Nope, nope, that’s even worse, nope.
[Sounds of a door opening and slamming shut]
ASH! [Getting fainter] Come back!
[Sounds of a door opening]
[A long pause. Radio static]
[Sounds of a door closing]
[Getting louder] Well, that’s just great. Our only primary source has left. I could try Xavier… But he’s already said no. I don’t know where the key is to the basement, so I can’t go check myself. God, sometimes I swear this town, or someone in it, is deliberately trying to make this harder for me.
Actually, how did X get into the basement at all?! The door’s never left unlocked. I’ve asked mum and dad, they don’t know what’s in there, and they definitely don’t know where the key is. Did X find the key? It wouldn’t be the first time there’s been something hidden in the bookshelves, like that jou- Like nothing I’ve found. I’ll have to ask X if he still has the key. And if he knows where it is.
[Radio static for a moment]
He doesn’t. He found it on Friday evening, went down there that evening to check it out, took Ash down there because he needed to know he wasn’t insane and locked the door behind him, and put the key in his pocket. It is no longer in his pocket. He has no idea where it is. I emphasise my previous statement about the whole town is against me finding the secrets. But, I’m determined to find them. It’s not like this is a new thing – I’ve been interested in the secrets of Everwich for years now. Anyway, since our primary source has left the building, and another potential primary source will not talk to me, I guess that’s it for this episode. Thank you for listening, that’s it for today’s Secrets of Everwich with Callie Hewitt!
[quieter] Nope, that’s not it either.
[Very faint, recording keeps glitching out]
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queenshelby · 2 years
D*I*L*F (Part 18 of 20)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 768
Warning: Pregnancy, Angst, Fluff
Notes: Obviously not based on Cillian’s Real Life or Family. It’s all just fiction! Also, Cillian am on heavy pain meds atm, so please don’t mind you. Your writing may be a bit off.
After you stormed out of Cillian’s house in anger, Cillian felt it to be necessary to sit down with Nora and put her into place. The way she was acting was unacceptable and even Cillian realised that her antics were not just the result of her dislike towards you.
“I cannot believe that you are with her. It is just so fucking wrong” she kept on saying, telling Cillian that she appalled by the fact that you solicited an affair with him and now you get to be part of the family.
“Nora, I wouldn’t have gotten involved with Y/N unless I felt something for her and, the truth is that I didn’t even want to admit it to myself nine months ago. But, I realised since that I do love her. It may not seem right to you, but this is what I want. You know that your mother and I have been having problems in our marriage for years and, when Y/N moved in with us, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a while” Cillian explained before acknowledging to his daughter that he made many mistakes back then. He knew he should have handled all of this in a very different way and, for that, he apologised.
With his apology, Nora broke out in tears. She was clearly upset but she didn’t seem angry anymore.
“Nora?” Cillian asked, wanting to know what was really going on inside her head.
“I just hate the fact that Y/N gets this kind of support after breaking up our family and I get absolutely nothing” Nora cried and Cillian sighed again deeply before reiterating what had already said to her before.  
“She didn’t break up our family. My marriage to your mother was broken already and my relationship with you and your brother doesn’t need to be affected by this. I will always love and support you both” Cillian said calmly but Nora got more and more upset.
“Well, I wish I would be in her shoes. I mean, not with you obviously, but generally speaking. I am in the same fucking situation without any support whatsoever” Nora spat as her anger was slowly returning.
“What are you talking about?” Cillian asked, confused and a little concerned.
“I am pregnant dad” his daughter then blurted out suddenly and Cillian’s chin dropped.
“You are what?” he asked, hoping that he had misunderstood.
“I am 16 weeks’ pregnant. Mum knows and she gave me money for an abortion eight weeks ago, but I couldn’t do it” Nora explained and Cillian’s eyes widened.
“Fuck, Nora” he gasped involuntarily. “Who is the father?” he wanted to know.
“His name is Callum. He’s married and not interested in me or the baby” Nora explained nervously and, after a moment of complete silence, Cillian spoke up again.
“You know what? Screw him. We will figure it out. You are strong and independent enough to bring this child up on your own and I will be here to support you” Cillian explained while reaching for his daughter’s hand carefully. She was still crying and clearly unsure about how to cope and where to go from there.
“You aren’t angry?” she asked through teary eyes. “You aren’t even judging me?” she then said surprised.
“Well, if I was to judge you, I would be a hypocrite, wouldn’t I?” Cillian chuckled, seeing how you just gave birth to his daughter Charlotte.
“I suppose” Nora laughed for a moment before saying exactly what Cillian needed to hear.
“I am sorry dad. I am sorry for everything” she said with a lot of emotion in her voice before falling into her father’s arms. He hugged her tightly and, after she got the comfort she needed, she asked an all-important question.
“Do you think Y/N would be okay for me to meet my sister?” she wondered and Cillian nodded.
“I think she would be” he smiled.
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deathbyoctopi · 2 months
Rarepair April! Yaaay!!! >w<
So! For the past couple weeks I've been working a lot with Gotcha for Gaza and another event, writing some oneshots for prompts, and the wonderful rare ships I was asked about are just so cute!!
So, for those already lost on just what I have and haven't written (me included), here's the recent Rarepair Festival >w<
🚢Wen Chao / Wen Zhuliu🚢
Shouting was heard from the ancestral hall of Lotus Pier. Which wasn’t too strange on the warmest summer days, when the youngest disciples took refuge in the cool shade and played games (making them grow quite rowdy), ensuing the even louder screams from the closest responsible adult that came to yell at them young irreverent ruffians.
Ah, but it wasn’t summer anymore, and the shouting now was far from joyful. Also, all the disciples were dead.  
From: A helping hand, a nsfw nasty little dub-con because if Wen-er-gongzi discovers he likes being spanked, can his faithful bodyguard actually refuse? (he should and he almost does! XD)
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🚢Nie Huaisang/Lan Wangji🚢
Lan Xichen eyes nervously the other members of the meeting. Judging by the little monitors on his screen, no one else seems to be noticing that Wangji is having some sort of inappropriate fun right now, thank God. Although he can’t understand why, since it’s so obvious…
But well, Lan Xichen has been long aware that, for some reason, he seems to be the only person able to read Wangji’s solemn expression, which Jin Guangyao has called on some occasion “the most perfect poker face” he’s ever seen.
From: Just another corporate secret, a naughty Lan Wangji / Nie Huaisang from the pov of Lan Xichen, that gets in an online meeting and realizes what's going on under his brother's table.
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🚢Jin Guangyao / Nie Huaisang🚢
“Tell me, a-Yao…”
The tinkle of golden wrist bells rang soft and delicate, glittering against the dark golden silks of the bed. The light was low and the perfumed incense thick, and there was a heavy suggestion of alcohol in the room.
Enough to make Nie Huaisang’s voice pass for something even more light and feminine.
“…have you been a good boy?”
“Yes, a-niang.”
From: Tell it to your mumsy, a nsfw HuaiYao where a drunk Jin Guangyao misses his mum very, very much (and Nie Huaisang takes advantage of that to learn all his little secrets >w<)
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🚢Jin Guangyao / Wen Ruohan🚢
“Show me what do you do to them. The prisoners.” Wen Ruohan sat calmly on a wooden chair, which the local guard had very wisely left free the second he saw those two turning the corner of the corridor.
Meng Yao’s voice didn’t betray his thoughts, but even so the sightliest hesitation dripped through. He looked at the prison guards, still lounging by the nearest cell.
“As your Excellency wishes, but… Here?”
“Wouldn’t it be more suitable to... perform such acts in the comfort of your Excellency's bed?”
“Here, a-Yao.”
From: Keep an ace up your sleeve (it will come handy) a very nsfw insight at some special methods Meng Yao came up with to torture prisoners during his internship with the Wen...
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Lastly, not a ship but a very special pair I hold very dear to my heart...
🍃Xiao Xignchen & Cangse Sanren🍃
Cangse Sanren put her arm around Xiao Xingchen’s shoulder and her voice took a conspiratorial tone.
“You too, you must get yourself a good and reliable cultivation partner, do you hear? Like that young man you fought with. What's his name? Song Something."
"Whatever. If you like him, tie the knot as fast as possible. Life is so short, and so precious!”
Xiao Xingchen could have blushed, if it wasn’t because he had lost quite a lot of blood and was feeling a bit light-headed.
“Shijie, please, don’t tease…” he said hiding a smile.
From: Relentless in love (and dodging nettles), where Xiao Xingchen comes across a mischievous spirit and realizes she is non other than his legendary martial sister...
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There! Now I'm up to date with the weird shit I've written lately XD
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evita-shelby · 10 months
Tie your heart to mine
Chapter 12
Cw:mentions of death, near death expiriences and trauma
Gif by @emziess
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No more lying, Diane means it.
So when she offers him a tour of the house to get away from the servant’s watchful eyes, the witch proves it.
“Ask away.” She says leading him into the gallery.
Her mom has a love for the dark, most of Francisco Goya’s paintings and other obscure works adorn the walls of her private gallery in the small drawing room.
But here she displays some you would find in a normal estate.
Some portraits of her family, one of a long dead Smith relative, Beatte Smith, that she swindled from the 9th Duke of Rutland at Belvoir Castle the moment she got proof that the Romani King, Absalom Smith, was truly her ancestor and that his lovely daughter deserved to be displayed in her descendant’s house.
“Why were you so angry at me not treating your prophecy seriously?” Tom asks looking at Waterhouse’s Pandora as he asks her.
Rather fitting, he is opening the box and unleashing everything with that question.
Up until now, she had avoided speaking of her family history.
There was no need to ruin things with all of the skeletons in their closet.
“On my tenth birthday, I predicted Aunt Polly’s death, and five months later, she was shot in the head by the IRA.
A few years later, when I was fourteen, I was misdiagnosed with consumption by doctors because my best friend who sat beside me school, Cathy Shelly, caught it and died from it that same week.
Thank God it had been pneumonia and I survived when many of my classmates didn’t, but it still changed my perspective to know it is always one step behind me.
That even if I can feel it coming, I cannot stop it. Not for me not for anyone.”
Always one step behind her and that one day it will catch up or take someone she loves forever.
Now that she knew it was stalking Tom, she was so afraid of losing him. Of having him gone just like that.
Tom knew death, perhaps more than she did. He and his sister had been so young when their mum died of Influenza.
Stupid of her to expect him to have reacted to the inevitability of death like she did.
“I’m sorry for saying those things to you that night, we all process these things differently and I should’ve known better than to judge you for how you deal with shit like that.” She apologized and he accepted it.
“I suppose I could forgive you, like you said we deal with it differently.” Tom gave her hand a squeeze and even a small smile as they made up. “But I won’t accept your apology until you are completely honest with me about this.
Do you feel it coming for me?” he asks, deathly serious, his hand growing clammy in hers.
It being death, even calling it so is enough to scare the both of them.
“A chill in my bones every time I see you in your uniform, but mama sees us married with children, so perhaps it isn’t your death I feel might be someone else.” Diane answered wishing she could lie and say no, I don’t think you’re dying.
Death was a tricky thing to pin down in visions, her mother only saw it when it was going after a stranger or when she could prevent it for a loved one.
She didn’t see Tom’s death but saw a death in his family.
Maybe Douglas, or Lois or the baby that keeps appearing in Lois’ cards lately.
“Married, eh? Can’t even work up the courage to tell you I love you and you’re telling me I either die or settle down with you.” He pushes away his fears with his jokes and Diane realizes she doesn’t mind it anymore. Not one bit.
“I think you just did, Tommy.” The witch feels herself soar with that casual I love you he had said.
“Would you like to hear it again?” he asked with that grin of his that drives her crazy.
“As if you need to ask.” Diane answered knowing those three words will stay with her forever.
He leans down, letting her throw her arms around his neck as she stands as far as her tiptoes allowed her to and meet him halfway. “I love you, and I’m going to love you even if I don’t come back.”
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“He’s dying isn’t he?” her husband asks as they quietly observe the young couple hiding in the maze.
They weren’t seen by Florence, but Tommy and Eva could see them just fine from their bedroom window.
Bennett had gotten their daughter something for her birthday, a necklace he puts on her as they sit on one of the white stone benches in the walled maze.
Diane kissed his cheek in thanks and her boyfriend says something that has the two of them laughing quietly before deciding Florence and Gabriel have been tortured enough.
They were young and in love, and it was a sight that contrasted with the grim future awaiting them.
“Prisoner of war, but no, Tom Bennett’s not dying.” The witch shook her head smiling softly as she saw how sweet they were with each other.
Eva sees Douglas Bennett become a shell of himself when they tell him Tom’s missing in France, she sees him ignoring the sirens telling him to run and sees him accept death as he asks Josie to forgive him for not taking care of the children better.
“But his father will.”
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eleni-cherie · 2 years
lonely hearts club ✨ || kth au - chapter 0.9
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“lonely hearts club // do you want to be with somebody like me?”
maybe single parents are meant to be members of the lonely hearts club.
masterlist: here
— genre: single parents au, romcom, humour, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
"Look." Taehyung's thumb slightly raised Ari's upper lip. Revealing two small white canines. "Doesn't she look like a little vampire with those teeth?" He was grinning boyishly, making Cassandra breaking into a grin as well. "She does! I'm kinda afraid of Izzy starting toothing now," she said, faking fear when glancing at her daughter in the stroller. "Does Ari cry often?" They were at one of their usual spots at the lake again. Something they tended to do often lately, whenever they happened to pick up the girls at the same time and didn't already have other plans. It was a nice change in between their everyday life. And it allowed both homebodies to actually spend some time outside in the nice weather.
"Sometimes, yes," he nodded to her question, adding with a mutter, "And I usually don't know what to do." She noticed a hint of embarrassment in his usually cheery voice, however, chose to ignore it. He had already seemed quite insecure in his parental skills before, she didn't want to worsen it. "Well, those toothing rings surely help," she said then, giving him an encouraging smile. "But you can also rub warm chamomile tea on her gums." His eyes went round, before letting out a chuckle under his breath. "Where do you get all this stuff from? Only from daycare?" She laughed, shaking her head. "No, no. I like being prepared so I asked my mum." "You surely are a dedicated mum, huh?" She shook her head lightly. Feeling like blushing. "I don't wanna be one of those overprotective ones, who read all the baby books and don't really let their kids just do their thing. You know what I mean?" She watched him nod. "I feel like it'd be better if I was like this, to be honest," he said, dragging a sigh, "I sometimes feel like not having any clue of what I'm actually doing.." A light breeze picked up then. The trees above them rustling loudly for a moment before falling back to silence. Cassandra observed the afflicted expression on his soft features and she contemplated whether to say anything or not. However, she believed he was unfair to himself so she took a deep breath. "You know I don't know you that well.. yet.." She paused and she could see him turning his head towards her from the corner of her eye. "Still well enough to hang out with me though," he teased and she rolled her eyes, nudging him. "Yes, no, that wasn't my point." Taking a breath then, she continued with her original statement. "My point is, I may not know you that well yet, but for me it seems like you're doing your best. Seriously. I've seen others only doing the bare minimum so really.. You're a good dad." "I'm.. I'm not a good dad," he plainly stated then. His hands softly squeezing Ari's small feet while she was absentmindedly chewing on the blue plastic ring. A fond smile ghosting over his lips observing her. Cassandra glanced at him for a moment and smiled. Confused about his insecurities when she probably shouldn't judge based on her own sometimes. "I'm sure you are," she insisted then. "No, I mean.. I'm not.." he breathed. Hesitating for a moment. "I'm not a dad." She squinted at him startled, not understanding. "What do you mean?" "Ari.." he sighed, "Ari isn't my child."
It wasn't like this was a secret or anything. It was simply something he didn't like mentioning or talking about. Especially not to strangers. However, Cassandra didn't feel like a stranger anymore. She seemed genuine and not judging. And even though he wasn't someone to trust others easily, he felt like he could trust her. After all, she had trusted him with her worries last time. "Sorry I didn't mention it earlier." "Don't tell me you kidnapped her," she joked. A poor attempt to lighten the mood, but it seemed to work as she could swear seeing him bite back a laugh. "N-no, no, I didn't," he weakly laughed out, "She's my niece. She's my little sister's child." "Oh-" Her eyes widened. "And are you taking care of her, because.. because your sister can't?" "Yeah, somewhat.." His voice trailed off. Lips pressed in a line. And she got the hint, ready to change topics when his lips parted. "My sister and her fiancé had a car accident and passed away." She hadn't seen this coming. And all of a sudden she felt awful. Like a heavy pressure was laying on her chest as she watched him struggling finding the words to continue. Fumbling with his fingers. Eyes sternly looking at the baby girl in front of him. "I'm so sorry to hear that. That's awful." And then her gaze fell onto Ari. "M-may I?" He perked up. Seeing her hands reaching for Ari. A gentle look on her features as her eyes asked for his permission. He quickly nodded. Not able hiding a small smile when observing Cassandra carefully picking up Ari from the stroller and placing her on her lap. The baby seemingly clueless to why she got a sudden embrace. But it didn't wiggle or whine. She just let Cassandra hug her tightly while biting on her toothing ring unbothered. "My parents help a lot," Taehyung explained then as Cassandra released Ari from the hug. Still holding her close. And the way she held her and gently rocked her made a warm feeling spread inside his chest. "But they don't have the energy anymore to take care of a baby. Same goes for her fiancé's parents, who live far away anyway. And my brother is too young and still studying. So I was the only family member left to take care of her." "I see," Cassandra mumbled, caressing the baby's cheek. "It's quite sad she had to lose her parents like this. And doesn't even know yet." "See, that's the reason I feel so lost sometimes. I do my best and I love her more than anything. But I feel like I'm not the right one to do this. I wasn't supposed to be the one raising her. I always wanted children, but I don't know if I was ready for one so soon." Humming, she rocked the baby a little bit longer. Peeking at her own child. "But feeling lost is normal, even for actual parents. I was quite lost, too, at the beginning. And still am, if you haven't noticed.." He knew she was referring to the weekend Isavella got sick. Remaining silent though.
Yes, she was right. She knew what she was talking about out of experience after all. Because she was an actual mother. And yet, he couldn't accept it. He couldn't convince himself. And Cassandra could tell by his furrowed brows and his severe look. "Taehyung, listen," she said then in an almost too serious tone. Placing a hand on his slouched shoulder. "You might not be her father and you might not have been supposed to be the one raising her, but you are the one now." Her voice turned soft as she let go of him. Heaving Ari up and down. Causing the baby to make bubbly laughing noises. And she smiled brightly at her. "It is hard to raise a child. But there are people far less suitable for children who still manage doing it. Biology doesn't automatically make you a great parent, you know? And I'm certain you'll do a great job. I've got a pretty good sixth sense when it comes to judging people's vibes." She gave him a confident grin and for some reason he found comfort in her words. She was good in cheering up. She was good in many things, he thought. "Guess I could be doing worse.." he chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "You could," she nodded, "So don't be so harsh with yourself. Believe me, no one is ready to become a parent." She paused, a sad smile on her lips as she laid her glance on her daughter who was kicking her feet, sucking on her binky peacefully. "I wasn't ready to get a baby now either. Especially not alone. But here I am, somewhat managing it with the help of my family. And you also got your parents and friends, right?" He nodded. "My friends are somewhat helpful.. but not always," he laughed, "But it's okay, they're there if I need them." "See? And you got me. I mean, if you want my help, of course." For a moment, he silently observed her delicate features. There was something tender yet fierce about the way she moved and talked. About the way she carried herself. She had seemed sweet and funny at first, which she was, but she was also able to push and talk sense to someone in a very direct manner. She was capable of many things on her own. And he liked that. His lips curving into a grin eventually. "Sure. I'd be happy about your help." "Maybe we can help each other then." "I'd like that." She nodded contently, her gaze falling then. Contemplating for a moment. "I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to tell me about Ari's parents." He shrugged nonchalantly. Acting as if it wasn't a big deal. "It's okay. It's not a secret," he mumbled, "I just don't like remembering it. Even though it's hard not to.." "Because she looks like her mother." She remembered his words from the past. He hummed in response as his eyes fell on Ari in her lap. She had his sister's eyes.
"You know, Izzy looks like her dad. And it bugs me a little." She pursed her lips. Lightly poking her daughter's nose. "Actually it bugs me a lot. But that's how it is. Stupid genetics," she laughed out. Her voice holding a bit of sorrow. "But Izzy is cute. So he couldn't be a bad looking guy," he smirked making her laugh out. She shook her head, agreeing. "No, he wasn't. But that was the only good thing about him." She grew quiet for a moment. "Maybe it'd be fair to tell you about him." "Y-you don't have to, just cause I told you about my sister." "No, it's alright. It's not like it's a secret either. It's just.. you might judge me if I tell you," she said pursing her lips. The memory of her ex shaping a lump in her throat. "Why would I?" Taehyung asked puzzled. His lips forming an assuring smile. "I don't think I would, don't worry." She thought for a moment. Again, it wasn't a secret either. However, just like in Taehyung's case it was something she simply didn't like talking about. After he had managed speaking about a topic that was painful to him, though, she felt she should do the same. Furthermore, something inside her wanted to talk about it. Talking about it might help processing it better. And she rarely did, so might as well try it out. "Izzy's dad was.." she began slowly. Organising her thoughts. "Well, I don't know what he was. Or what we were. He wasn't my boyfriend. He was attractive. But personality-wise he wasn't my type at all. He was the outgoing, getting-drunk and smoking weed kind of guy. He was into partying and pretending being sophisticated just 'cause he could recite some philosophers." A sarcastic snort came from her lips while observing Isavella's innocent face. Not having any clue. Taehyung's big hands suddenly cutting her vision. Her brows raising when watching him heaving her daughter from the stroller. Holding the short-haired girl in his arms. And Cassandra could swear if she hadn't already found him attractive, she surely would have right then.
Taehyung noticed her astonished stare, smiling lightly. "Now we each hold a baby." And she giggled in a way he found lovely. She was seemingly amused. "Please continue," he said then while smiling down to Isavella who was fascinatedly staring at him. Cassandra nodded. Struggling a little on how to continue though. "The reason I fear you judging me is.. because I judge myself. For sleeping with him despite not having any feelings. I know many people do that and I don't judge them but.." She frowned, her gaze locked onto nothing in particular. Getting lost as she felt like exposing herself for a moment. "But I never wanted to be one of them." He hummed. Not wanting to sound noisy, but he couldn't help the fact more questions arose as she went on. "And why did you then?" "Don't laugh, okay?" He nodded quietly, growing curious while gently pressing Isavella against his chest. Cassandra fumbled with the hem of Ari's dress, sighing. "I couldn't find any decent guy for something serious and felt lonely. Damn, this sounds so pathetic," she laughed embarrassed. Tucking a curl behind her ear. "But it wasn't like he wanted anything serious either. He only wanted some fun. I'm not even sure if he liked me.." "Why wouldn't he like you though?" Taehyung mumbled absent-mindedly, making Cassandra smile again. The way he said it so matter-of-factly made her heart flutter a little. "It's ok, I didn't really care since I didn't like him either. But this is how I ended up pregnant." She shrugged. "I knew he wasn't interested in a child and I wasn't interested in being bound to him. But I wanted this child. So I didn't say anything and simply ended things with him." His brows rose, stunned. "So he doesn't know about Izzy?" She shook her head. Biting her lip. "You probably think I'm an awful person now, don't you?" "What? No." His voice raised, yet remained mellow. "I get it in a way. He didn't sound like dad-material. Even if being a single parent sucks as well." He offered her a small laugh, redirecting his gaze to Isavella, who was tugging at his shirt with an intense glare. Not understanding anything of what her mother had just told him. His words calmed Cassandra and she breathed out in relief. He seemed sincere when saying he wasn't judging her. Not that she cared much about other people's opinion. But for some reason she cared about his. "Yeah, it does sometimes. But I don't regret it." "What if he finds out about Izzy though?" he inquired then with a worried look. "He won't. We lived in a different city back then. And don't have any mutual friends or acquaintances either. But even if he did, it wouldn't change anything." And they grew silent. The babies in their arms being the only ones making pccasional noise.
His brown eyes eventually wandered to her. Quietly observing her and he noticed the afflicted expression in her big eyes. And he felt bad for her. She didn't deserve feeling like she had done something wrong when it wasn't the case. "Cassandra?" Taehyung spoke up then after awhile. She hummed, glancing at him in anticipation. Seeing him staring at her, immersed in his thoughts as it seemed. "Don't feel bad for feeling lonely. Many would've done the same." She was taken aback. Sensing tears welling up as he had hit a nerve. She quickly swallowed them down though and instead offered him a sceptical smile. "Alright. If you stop thinking you wouldn't be a good dad." He huffed, not having expected that. He licked over his lips then. "That might take some time." "Same for me," she smirked, "But we can at least try." "Alright. Deal." Taehyung stuck out his hand towards her. And she accepted it, taking it in hers. And they closed the agreement with a handshake. His almond eyes falling to the younger girl in his arms then. Observing the baby intensely, before looking at her mother. Taking in Cassandra's features one by one before eventually settling on her brown irises, which were already staring at him questioningly.
"You know, she definitely has your eyes," he eventually said then. Her eyes taking the shape of crescents as she smiled brightly at him. And he thought it was probably the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on her. Or anyone, for that matter.
next chapter: 1.0 here
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We will always support you (George Russell)
Note: english is not my first language, and another one because I still can't think about it all without smoke coming out of my ears
Not sure how I got to the ending but also not sure if I mind it that much to change it
Feedback is appreciated 🤍 and although I'm not taking requests per se, if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: Silverstone'22 (mentions of car crash, injuries), curse words
You were in the garage with George's family waiting for the race to start, headphones on and ready. And it took less than a minute for your heart to sink to your stomach, the screens around you showing Zhou's car crashing against the barriers and a few other cars who touched eachother in the process.
As a frantic aura set itself in the garage, your heart thumped in your ears as you waited for more information, then noticing in one of the screens George stopping his car and getting out of it, running to where the crash happened. A little relieve set in you as you squeezed George's mum's hand, a silent reassurance to the both of you that he was okay. The red flag was sent out as everyone tried to get as much information as they could, radio calling other teams and looking at the different angles as they waited.
"They're both talking and alert, so far it seems good", someone said through the radio, confirming that Zhou and Albon were taken to do further analysis and everyone seemed to let out a little bit of their breath that they didn't know they were holding in.
"I don't know if they'll let us continue", you heard Toto say to one of the engineers, referring to the FIA ruling, "do you think so?", you asked. "It's difficult to say because this is such an unique situation, I doubt they have specific guidelines for this, but from the images here", Toto showed on the screen one of the overviews that were being televised, "I think that maybe we will need to do more than just tyres". You were so focused looking at the different angles and transmissions that you didn't even notice that George wasn't at the crash scene anymore and was already behind you, greeting everyone and, particularly, his family, only jumping slightly when you heard "Hey" as he grabbed your arm, not wanting to startle you too much.
You hugged him and squeezed him so hard like you were afraid he would vanish into thin air if you didn't, taking opportunity that you were in a secluded area without any cameras around, "I'm so glad that you are all okay", you said, "and that you're okay", you finished, looking at him eye in the eye whilst you felt your breathing and heart rate come back to normal. He pressed a kiss to your forehead as Toto called him, making him leave you so he could learn about the FIA decision about wether or not he would get a DNF when the race restarted. Judging by the look on their faces, you figured that he could not continue the race, "FIA is giving me a DNF", he announced. "But wasn't John saying that it is just a puncture? You can fix it in time before they resume", George's father said after having heard one of the engineers, "Apparently it's not allowed. I'm going to go to get checked out and then I'll be back", he said before leaving.
After texting you and telling you he was fine and got cleared from the doctor, you heard someone else say that he was going to the media pen and would then return to the garage to support Lewis from there. He passed you on the corridor, giving you a quick hug, "I'm sorry you can't go back, my love. I am proud of you though, always", you said giving him a gentle squeeze.
With Lewis on the podium, Mercedes were still able to celebrate the achievement and after all was done, it was time to head back.
In the living room, the both of you just sat on the sofa, you cuddled up to George as the TV documented the race.
"I still think it was unfair that they couldn't get me back in. The car was fine and so was I", "Yeah, they could've been more open about the possibility", you replied, "you were doing so well this season".
"Yeah, it's a shame that it was at home too", he noted, "what you did though, that will go on. You should be proud of yourself for taking that call and handling it the way you did", you complimented him. You remember the critics' words about your boyfriend joining F1 and then joining the Mercedes team, judging him only by his age and throwing flaws at him, and today he showed and everyone wrong.
As he sighed, understanding that it was way out of his power of control now, you hissed a little, the TV showing the crash and prompting that reaction from you which didn't go unnoticed by George. "Thank you for supporting me... I still don't think saying it every time is enough, but thank you for always being there for me", George began, "I know you're not the biggest fan of speeds, but you're always there cheering me on", he squeezed you closer to him. "It wasn't my favourite thing ever before, but it is an important part of someone I love so now it is important to me too. Sure, it's a dangerous sport, but I also trust you and the other drivers to do a good job, and all of the engineers who work on your cars so they can be as safe as possible, I mean, look at the halo! I trust them, and I trust you...", you rambled, "Yeah, I got scared when I saw you were involved and how bad the crash was, time just felt like it stopped running at the normal pace until I saw you out of the car and communicating, and then when they said Zhou and Alex were good... but well, it's part of it, and all in all, as your mother was saying, I feel like we're training to have the strongest hearts ever seen on humans", you lightened the mood a bit, earning a giggle from your boyfriend. "I'm just happy that you are here, safe in my arms", you looked up to press a kiss to his lips. "Let's just put this behind us", George asked as he switched the TV channel, "Despite all of this did you have a good day?" running his fingers through some fallen strands of hair and pushes them behind your ear, "Yeah, I spent some time with your family, I hadn't seen them in a while so it was nice", you smiled and he smiled back, loving how you fit in so well in his family, "Ooh, and Roscoe was around in the morning again, and he sniffed me and then he let me pet him", you gushed, "he is so cute, just wanted to wrap him up and take him with me". "I'm not sure Lewis would appreciate it darling", George teased, "I know, but he was just so cute. His little legs were stomping through the hospitality, strutting away. Actually, it made me think that maybe we could get one too...", you forwarded. George wasn't exactly surprised, since you had been hinting about how you were in a stage of your life where you could dedicate your time to a pet now that you were out of university and in a somewhat fixed work schedule. "We can look into that in the next few days maybe", he grabbed your hand and kissed it, "We'll get home from work and have a little companion". "Yeah, and I won't be all alone on the weekends when you're not here", you referred to the GP weekends where either work or the distance made it impossible for you to cheer your boyfriend on from the garage, leaving you home supporting his with the same energy nonetheless, "We're gonna be the best supporters ever", you mused about all the possibilities.
During the following week, George got home a bit later that usual, smelling dinner already as he headed to the kitchen, and there you were, standing by the door that opened to the back garden in a tense position, "Are you joining the army now? You're so tense, my love, what happened?", he asked as he washed his hands in the sink. "Nothing", you said, grimacing as a bark was heard through the room, "So, maybe there's something", you admitted as you opened the door, a ball of caramel coloured fluff running around your boyfriend's feet making you dizzy just by watching it. "You got us a dog?", he said bending down to scratch the puppy, who promptly laid on her back, silently asking for belly rubs, "she's ours?", he asked, blue eyes sparkling and a big smile on his lips. "Yes, I went to pick her up today, I contacted the lady a few weeks ago because your sister saw this litter and she was getting one for them too and messaged me because she knew we were thinking about it and yeah, here's this little miss", you said and he got up, hugging you and kissing everywhere he could on your face, "this is the best surprise ever". Turning around so he could pick her up, he gushed "you're so cute, look at your cute nose, and your big ears" he admired the cocker spaniel, "and do you have a name, little miss?", he asked looking for it on rhe collar. "I was looking for some ideas online and I saw Maya, it's a short name, it's easy, but obviously you get a say, darling", you said as you scratched the puppy's head lovingly.
"I love it, hi Maya! We're gonna have some fun together, C'mon let's go outside!", he urged her, putting on his outdoor slippers and running to the garden with her, grabbing a ball he assumed you bought and throwing it, still closely, so she could go after it. You couldn't help yourself, phone already in hand recording your giant boyfriend playing with a tiny puppy was a sight too domestic and cute not too. As you were sending the video to his sister, thanking her for the recommendation and idea, you felt something nudging your legs and George saying "Go on Maya, tell your mother that she shouldn't be recording me and should be playing with us!". With your heart nearly skipping a beat at the name, you set your phone aside, grabbing your own slippers and heading outside to play with the new member of the family.
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riverstardis · 1 year
not in holby anymore:
oh this is the wizard of oz one skdjjfgj that opening’s so weird
charlie and duffy are treating a patient dressed as dorothy and then standing playing snog marry avoid and jacob tells them off for chatting SJDKFJJ duffy would snog louise, marry ethan, and avoid jacob
lmaoo charlie tells jacob he doesn’t have to go round shouting at everyone because of how bad the inspection report was and he bets him he can improve things in a different way and they come up with a plan
sdjkfkg jacob tells the nurses and noel the trust have come up with a new team building exercise where they have to work on their weaknesses and tells louise to “be kind”, noel to “engage your brain”, and david to “grow a pair” hmmm remind you of anything?
some people parking directly in front of a fire exit… there is no way this could end badly is there
lmao max and jez stole alicia’s tablet and posted on her social media and apparently her mum now thinks she’s a pregnant white supremacist💀💀💀
was this a special for a specific occasion or something???
ohh this scene with cal and ethan at their lockers!! with ethan looking at his dating profile and cal’s like “had any nibbles, nibbles?” skskkfkg
cal steals ethan’s phone to look but there’s no one there and ethan says he’s waiting for the right girl and cal says “come on there’s loads of talent on here” and starts looking through them
“oh look, that’s the fit f1 on keller” jasmine burrows. she was an actual holby character right? rather than someone they just made up? her name and face do ring a bell.
he keeps looking through them like “oh hang on- i’ve had her” and ethan’s like “unfortunately there isn’t a filter for girls my brother has slept with” SJDKFKF
cal starts editing his about me bit and ethan tries to protest but he’s like “trust me on this one bro, give it an hour… or two, and they’ll be ethan out the palm of your hand” THATS SO BAD😭😭😭
ethan tries to get his phone back but cal says he’ll hang on to it and leaves skdkfk
fun fact when i last rewatched this episode last year i posted a clip of that scene on twitter and RICHARD WINSOR QUOTE TWEETED IT ! he follows one of my mutuals and she’d rted it so i assume that’s how he saw it bc otherwise??? that was a wild day because on top of that i posted sahdor fanart on insta and both arin smethurst and milo clarke saw it, commented, and shared on their stories and milo followed me and then arin followed me the next day!! i was like what on earth is going on today?!?!
yup someone sets the fire alarm off and now people are getting crushed at that blocked exit
david being a hero jumping down from an upper floor to move the car!!
wait a second… a crush… like the wicked witch being crushed by a house?? i never realised that before😭😭
charlie going “somebody please pass me an oil can, i think she’s rusting up!” lmaooo. louise says why’s he acting weird skskfkjf just you wait louise
aw no one believes david that he jumped off a three story building
big mac mention!
sjdjjfjg there’s a drunk frequent flyer and neither ethan or cal want to take him but cal’s like “tell you what, you take him and you get your phone back” and ethan goes “that’s not how it works! … apparently it is” bc cal’s walked off already😭
charlie going “we don’t need you to be a cowardly lion, david. we need you to roar.” and then making him repeat it and making him roar and he does a massive roar in the middle of resus SJDKFKGKKG
david impressing jacob finally
cal gives ethan his phone back and he has 8 messages but only because cal changed his bio to say ‘easy going doctor💲💲💲 …looking for some fun. NSA’ 😭😭😭 also i think one of those messages is from the f1 on keller judging by the profile pic
aww his likes section lists literature and french films yep that sounds about right. also his age is 30 according to his profile which means this episode is not set when it aired because it aired on the 26th november when he would’ve still been 29.
he asks what nsa means right as alicia walks in and she answers “no strings attached. didn’t think that was your sort of thing?” and he’s like “no! it was cal’s idea. i’m certainly not looking for an… nsa”
she says there’s nothing wrong with a bit of online dating and asks to see and he gives her his phone and she rewrites his bio “keep it brief but meaningful. who’s that physicist that you like again?” and ethan looks a bit shocked but goes to answer but she remembers so they say it at the same time and then she types out a full quote/poem by his favourite physicist FROM MEMORY and then smiles at him and cal is just completely oblivious… mate your brother and your girlfriend are having an emotional affair right in front of your eyes WAKE UP MAN
anyways scibblesssss🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
and here we see ethan falling in love😭 in s33 he tells alicia that that was his favourite quote and this was the moment he realised he “loved being around [her]”🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 actually after this i may go screen record those two moments and post them side by side because THEYRE SO CUTE
lmaooo louise david and noel are all remarking on how well they did to jacob and then louise mentions the name of the person in HR who supposedly came up with the team building exercise and david recognises it as the name of dorothy’s uncle and that makes them all realise it’s a stitch up SKDKKFKGKG
loll the flashbacks to earlier with charlie betting jacob he can get better results out of people only using the wizard of oz references than shouting at them
then another flashback showing that duffy promised to buy charlie breakfast if he could stop jacob shouting at everyone sjskdkkf and now jacob’s just as mad as the others
this is such a wild episode, who came up with the idea of doing a wizard of oz based episode like?????
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canirove · 1 year
Bluebell | Chapter 18
Author's note: Four more chapters until we find out who she picks, or if she picks anyone! 👀 Also, something big is happening on next week's chapters 👀
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"Lindsey, I need your help" I say, letting myself fall on the sofa.
"Oh, God, it happened. You killed your cousin and want me to help you hide the body."
"What? No!"
"Damn it! I actually know the perfect place for it."
"It was a joke, relax. What happened?"
"I slept with them. Again."
"Wait, with both of them? I suspected you did with Mason because you disappeared during the party, but with Rúben too?"
"Yes, with him too.”
“After the date we had to celebrate my birthday. Which means that now I need to choose one of them before things get worse. Again."
"Pick Rúben."
"Just like that?" I chuckle.
"Yeah" Lindsey shrugs. "He's hot, intelligent, has a good job, his own money, a good amount of it if we believe what people say, and judging by your face after every time you've been with him, the sex is amazing. Oh, and did I already mention that he is hot? Because he is really hot."
"Mason also is all of that."
"Yeah, sure" she snorts.
"Maybe not for you, but he is for me. And I am the one who has to pick one of them."
"Then what do you want to do to? A list of pros and cons or something like that?"
"Why not?"
"Are you serious?" Lindsey laughs.
"I am, yes. Go grab some pen and paper, c´mon."
"Yes, boss."
"Ok, so let's start from the beginning. A pro for both of them is that you find them hot. Even if Rúben is hotter."
"Yes" I say, rolling my eyes. "Mason has his own business, and if one day Rúben decided he doesn't want to be the Mayor anymore, he can work as a lawyer."
"You don't have to take care of them financially. Good" Lindsey writes down. "But here is one difference: Rúben dresses better than Mason."
"True. But Rúben has a huge dog and Mason doesn't have pets."
"Doesn't he? What are Ben and Declan?"
"Lindsey!" I laugh.
"Sorry, sorry. You aren't the biggest fan of Urso, but like Mason's friends for whatever the reason."
"I do, yes."
"One bad thing about Rúben... He dated your crazy cousin."
"And Mason has a heartbreaker fame" I sigh.
"Another good thing about both of them is that you've never complained about the sex. But who does it better?"
"I'm not answering that."
"Because you know one of them is better than the other?" Lindsey asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Because it is not fair to compare them. They do it... Differently."
"How so?"
"I'm not giving you the details, Lindsey."
"Oh, c'mon! Don't leave me hanging like this!"
"Ok. Then I'll share my theory with you. I think Rúben is super romantic but he can go wild sometimes, and Mason is all about trying new things and enjoying the moment until you can't take it anymore."
"You are wrong” I chuckle.
"Mason is the romantic one, and Rúben the one who likes trying new things."
"Oh, wow. I didn't expect that from our Mayor."
"You didn't expect what?"
"Holy shit, mum!" Lindsey screams. "You scared the hell out of me."
"Now you know how you all in this town makee feel" I say with a big smile.
"What are you doing?" Mrs. Smart asks.
"Just helping our girl here decide who is her future husband. Rúben or Mason."
"With a pros and cons list?"
"Then you are doing it wrong" Mrs. Smart laughs.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"First of all, you must be sure about wanting to share your life with someone. Are you ready for that?"
"I am, yes."
"Ok. Then what type of partner are you looking for? Do you want something serious? A fling? Just to have fun with someone?"
"I... I don't know" I confess.
"Then you must decide that first. And once you've done it, you must think about the things you want from that relationship, and who is the person that you see yourself doing them with. Who is the person who can give you what you want."
"That... Makes sense" I say. "But what do I do until I’ve decided?"
"Talk to them, explain the situation, and ask them to be patient. If they truly love you, they will respect your decision" Mrs. Smart says.
"And stay away from them" Lindsey adds, threatening me with the pen she was writing our list.
"I'll talk with them and then stay way from them. I promise."
━━━━━━❃━━━━━━        ��
"What is he doing here?" Mason asks when he walks into my office.
"We need to talk. The three of us."
"Because she's back at it again" Rúben says from the chair where he is sitting.
"Back at... Are you seeing us both at the same time? Again?"
"Yes, but it's been different. Sit and I'll explain."
"Next to him?"
"Mason... Please" I beg.
"I don't bite unless asked to" Rúben smirks while looking at me.
"Whatever" Mason says, finally sitting on the other chair.
"Ok, so" I say, taking a deep breath. "I have been seeing you at the same time for the past few months, yes. But, as you both know, we've just been going on dates, nothing else."
"Until your birthday" they say at the same time. "What?"
"Yes, until my birthday. And that's why I've decided that it's time for me to pick one of you before things go to hell."
"Again" Mason points out.
"Yes. Again. All the dates we've had have been great. They've allowed me to get to know you better, and see how things could be if I dated you. Like, properly, you know? But before I pick one of you, I need to decide what I want in my life right now. And I'm not there yet, so until then..."
"You want us to give you space" Rúben says.
"Exactly. Do you think you'll be able to do that?"
"The three of us are gonna be busy with our jobs, it's the peak of summer in town. So I think we'll manage. What do you say, Mount?"
"Yeah, I guess" he shrugs.
"Thank you. Both of you. I know this sucks and that it is all my fault, but..."
"Nah, it isn't your fault" Mason says. "The Mayor and I just happen to like the same things, and are destined to fight for them."
"And you can't fight destiny" Rúben adds.
"Then... Everything is good?"
"Yup" Mason says, getting up. "No more dates, just saying hello. And no cheating."
"I don't cheat" Rúben says, also getting up from his chair.
"Is it too much asking for a hand shake? Ok, yes, it is" I say when both of them look at me as if I have grown a second head.
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