#non-fandom OCs
prismaticstarshch · 3 months
doing stuff like writing crack exchanges between completely unrelated characters and trying to do narration practice using Tupperbox in a private Discord server at almost midnight makes me wonder how sane I am
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simpystarrr · 2 years
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Whumptober day 2 - confrontation
Ah yes, a classic sibling rivalry.
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noti-mportant · 4 months
A request from no one on nowhere(me)
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A Lust Fallen Angel and A Cupid Shadow Angel
Yeah I'm bringing back my non-fandom OC universe, maybe that'll bring the folks
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sapphickx · 4 months
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i wann a frankenstein gurlfriendd sooo badd.....
comm info!
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artkett1412 · 7 months
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Fursona art for funsies
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choccy-milky · 12 days
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clora with @lamieboo's dahlia💛🩵 i had to draw them together as soon as i saw dahlia was yellow and blue, bc their colour schemes are kinda the same, just inverted (and u all know how i love my opposites LMAO)
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kockatriceking · 3 months
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how Courier Six be looking at Jeannie-May Crawford just before putting on the red beret (her head is about to spontaneously explode)
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srvbryn · 4 months
Hey, whoever requested the last one did great but now it's my turn, I can ask for the same thing in a Luke Jealous mission but in my case it would be Dark Luke.
Luke Castellan. If I kill someone for you
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Dark!Luke Castellan X Aphrodite!Daughter!Reader
Summary: talking with you is one thing, but flirting? The audacity of a man.
Reader and Luke are not in a relationship.
Warning: 16+, obsessive behavior, Luke is a pervert, canon universe, non-canon quest, Reader doesn't have a lot of dialogues, original character(s), not beta read, one shot, no smut obv, issues, jealousy, I wrote this instead of sleeping, GDoV, murdering, Luke is a killer, a murderer and a man known for his beauty 🤭🤭, Luke can't stop yapping 🤷, implied manipulation, ooc, cnc
3 posts in a day? Shockers, I'm a champ now mom 💯
A/n: since some of the requests are "Jealous Luke" and "Dark Luke" I decided to merge it into one! Also feel free to request other characters. Fyi, you can request Bianca/Leo/Nico/Will/Etc & gender! It can be M/F/Non-bi , you can choose which gods you want to be the godly parent too 🎀 I don't have a life and I'm free 24/7
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One thing that Luke Castellan knows about you is that you are most likely Aphrodite's favourite daughter, - you shine so brightly that others are drawn to you, you're gorgeous and everyone knows that.
He, himself, can't help but worries his own obsession with you has turned worse since the past few years since he first saw you.
He starts stealing your belongings, particularly your undergarments. It was supposed to be a normal thing, like stealing your pen and your used shirt, but when he saw the laundry basket next to your bed, he couldn't help but reach for your pretty pink frilly panties.
He was glad he always wore cargo trousers. It's easy to hide your undergarments that way - a smirk appeared on his face at the thought of it.
Fortunately, no one was present when he left the Aphrodite Cabin. That is, until he heard Chris call his name. "Hey man - Mr.Chiron called us for another teammate's quest selection".
"Oh? Let's go," he says with a forced smile.
Well that was a few days ago and now he's stuck with a dude from Apollo Cabin and most importantly he's stuck with you.
He extended his hand. "(Name), isn't it?" he asked. "Camp Half Blood golden boy isn't it?" You tease.
Luke's gaze darted around the forest clearing, and he blushed; he hadn't realised your hand was shaking his extended hand.
Ethan Calixto. He's such a sight for sore eyes. Flirting with you in front of Luke. 'The audacity of a man', he thought to himself.
He pursed his lips, a slight furrow between his brows as he stared pointedly at Ethan, and with an icy coldness.
"We're here to go on a quest, not flirt," he scoffed.
If Luke had wanted to, he would have killed Ethan. Oh my gods, he has so many ideas, but his favourite is definitely killing the poor dude!
To show how satisfying it was to watch Ethan slowly slide against the wall with his back, leaving straight, thick red lines behind. His trembling mouth was trying to say something. He vomited a lot of blood, and the light reflections on his irises faded away.
But that was just one of his million ideas and he isn't trying to spend his time on a dude who's not worthy of your present.
Being Aphrodite's daughter does not imply that you are only an expert in Amokinesis, beauty, and French. You might just be Athena's daughter, based on the way you make plans.
Ethan, in an attempt to impress you, denies your plans and instead devises a terrible plan that he believes is a good idea. Luke dismisses, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should".
Now that irritates Luke. Ethan's ideas were terrible, but since this is his quest, you simply accept them, and Luke follows your lead, not without considering murdering Ethan in a different way.
Luke's eyes flickered with irritation, but he maintained composure. "Charisma is just one aspect of a successful quest. Cooperation is equally crucial."
As preparations began, tension lingered in the air. During another strategy meeting, Ethan emphasized his ideas, seemingly ignoring Luke's input. The latter bit his tongue, suppressing his desire to straight up murdering Ethan.
In the forest, while navigating a maze of twists and turns, Ethan made a questionable decision. Luke couldn't hold back any longer. "Ethan, are you sure about this path? It seems risky," he suggested, his patience wearing thin.
Ethan waved him off. "Relax, Castellan. I've got it under control. Your input isn't necessary."
The words stung, but Luke remained composed. You observed the escalating tension between the two. Luke, determined to prioritize the mission, restrained himself from confronting Ethan directly.
Ethan, with a sly grin, addressed Luke. "Castellan, do you have any issues with how I'm leading this quest?"
Luke sighed, choosing his words carefully. "I just think we should work together more closely. It's about teamwork, not individual glory."
Ethan chuckled condescendingly. "Teamwork, huh? Maybe if you were more decisive, we wouldn't need this discussion."
That causes Luke to snap. While you were sleeping like a sleeping beauty, Luke took advantage of the opportunity to photograph you with the stolen phone he was holding.
"For the latter," he thought to himself, chuckling.
Given that Ethan is also sleeping at the moment, Luke decides to murder him. Why? Because he was a nuisance standing in the way. One thing was certain: Luke was glad he asked Demeter's son for a poison plant a few weeks ago. He used the excuse of wanting to study about it.
Hemlock a relatively common plant that has been used to execute criminals throughout history, most notably the Greek philosopher Sokrates in 399 BC. By pulverizing the fruit after shelling it, then spread a thin layer of the powder over a cup of water. It takes approximately 0.5 grammes to kill an adult.
How would he die? It paralyses the spinal cord starting at the feet, and he dies within 30 minutes to 5 hours. What's the cause? Respiratory paralysis occurs while fully conscious.
And that was something Luke Castellan enjoyed about murdering. This is his third victim, and he's only 19 years old, but who are the gods to judge his actions?
"are you awake yet?" He said with bitterness. Ethan's groggy eyes snapped to Luke as he realised he was tied to a tree.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Ethan yelled out. "Hmm? I wonder what I'm doing." Luke ponders.
Luke smiled as Ethan struggled to free himself from the tree. "You shouldn't do that y'know, you're letting out too much noise to my liking"
Luke continues, "I thought Apollo's children were known for their foresight? Can't you see your future? I thought you were smart.."
"Shut the hell up Castellan, my dad's going to murder you!" Ethan's voice was strained as he yelled at Luke.
The realisation dawned on him, "fuck" Ethan cursed, and he lost feeling in his legs.
"What did you do to me, monster?" he spit out. "Oh I don't know just some Hemlock" Luke says with a grin, "I can't wait to see you die in a few hours!" He said that with a crazy look on his face.
Luke quickly returned to you and noticed you rubbing your eyes. "Good morning sleeping beauty, did you get a good night's sleep?" Luke teases.
You groaned, "What time is it?".
"It's only 2am way too early for you y'know go back to sleep."
You look around your surroundings and notice that Ethan is not with you. "Where's Ethan?" You speak up.
"nothing you should worry about, I think he's just taking a dump somewhere" said Luke with a laugh.
You chuckle nervously, noticing Luke's facial cuts and bruises. You decide not to be a busy body, you simply return to sleep, which Luke appreciates.
"good girl" he grinned.
Waiting for a few hours was boring, so Luke decided to visit Ethan again because why not? It's enjoyable just to see the man cry out in pain.
Luke quickly made his way deeper into the forest, noting that there were no signs of yelling or grunting. "oh? dead already that was fast."
Of course, he didn't want the cops and detectives prying into his life, so he sloppily buried Ethan near the trees, removing all traces of human presence.
He wasn't Demeter's child, so he doesn't know how to properly bury someone, and he couldn't care less about Ethan fucking Calixto.
Now he can have you all to himself, with no one to disrupt your interaction. It was finally 7 a.m., and the sun was casting a warm glow as you rose, just like a sun god would.
"Luke?" You groaned. "Hmm?" He sat there with food in front of him: toast with a sunny side egg. "Is that food or am I in heaven?" You make jokes.
"I cook this for you being the eldest makes me a great cook," he says, flashing his perfect pearly white teeth to you.
You immediately felt at ease and decided to sit next to him and eat your food quietly.
"I wonder where Ethan is?" You ponder.
"Are you not charmed by my present that you need another man?" He snapped. Oh, oh his bad side is beginning to emerge.
"w-what no! I'm worried because he chose us for this quest to keep him safe and fight alongside him." You explained.
1 minutes.
Another 4 minutes have passed.
Making it 5 minutes already and Luke Castellan is not helping.
It is beginning to bother you that he did not look for Ethan. What if he died due to your incompetence? What if he was killed by a bear while sleeping? But. When was Luke ever asleep? He couldn't possibly have murdered Ethan, could he?
"don't worry your pretty head" he finally breaks the silence.
"what did you do to him?" You muttered. "Ethan? Oh not so much" he said softly trying not to scare you.
Your tears were threatening to fall any second now. "D-did you k-kill him?" You gulp. "Maybe," he smiles, placing his hand on your cheeks.
His hands make you all soft and putty. "I know you're scared, my sweet girl." He presses a kiss on top of your head. "I will take care of you. You do not need to do anything. Okay?"
He's such a sweet talker that you're worried you'll excuse the fact that he murdered someone. You don't even mind the fact that his hands are engulfing your thighs, palms running up and down the exposed skin in mindless motions.
His brown eyes are staring at you. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. You may have been scared, but that did not stop you from mindlessly nodding.
After all, you were a little messed up in the head, just like him.
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galedekarios · 2 months
love how ppl constantly invalidate gale's bisexuality
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flapdoodle2 · 26 days
Artsy Friends
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keuwibloom · 7 months
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The aftermath of inktobertale, a little self-indulgent thing (spoiling some ongoing and possible future projects too sjdjdksak)
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t1oui · 15 days
there is not a doubt in my mind that all the marauders have matching tattoos. it’s just a fact. they all have their animagius forms tattooed, along with a symbol of each other’s — for james, everyone has antlers; for peter everyone has a worm (his idea); for sirius everyone has a paw print; for remus everyone has a moon.
sirius and remus also definitely get moon/star tattoos on their ring fingers as promise rings about 2 seconds after they get together lol
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avocadoraisin · 24 days
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was missing my slime girl oc Clementine so i drew her in the same pose i always draw her in
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sapphickx · 3 months
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y'all liked her body, now she's got a face, a name, andd a staple gun!
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cremechees · 10 months
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hongcliff yuri coffee date thank u goodbye
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koma-art · 1 month
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✨️200 follower art raffle! ✨️ i hit 200 followers on both instagram and tumblr! and i holding a special event for it! on tumblr, ill be hosting an art raffle! all you have to do is like this post, reblog this post, and follow me (@koma-art) to be entered into this raffle! new followers are welcome, but please don't unfollow!
the winner will be selected in two weeks on may 8th! i'm ALSO hosting a DTIYS raffle on instagram! if you participate in my dtiys (draw this in your style) on instagram AND post it to tumblr, you get an extra entry! thats three whole chances to win! please make sure to tag me if you do post your DTIYS here!
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thank you all so much for your support. being a small artist, it means the world to me that people enjoy my art. im so excited to keep drawing and showing you the art i create! GOOD LUCK! 💖
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