#nothing too spicy but it's still very creepy :
14dayswithyou · 2 years
How feral would Ren be if MC had a whole home security camera system inside their house and liked to walk around naked? 👀 Asking for myself
✦゜ANSWERED: He'd be on his knees thanking every single god in existence right now. You really must be an angel, otherwise how else could you be so generous enough to install an entire home security system?
This means Ren can get even more shots and better angles of your home (compared to what your webcam and phone camera had to offer) — and all while seeing you in that crispy, 4k ultra HD quality. He'd be able to see you shuffle about in your kitchen as you innocently sway your hips to the beat of the song, watch the cute reactions you make whenever you watch a movie your lounge room, and even be able to listen in on your conversations with Violet without having to hack into your phone or hope that you left your laptop open in your bedroom.
Realistically speaking, I don't think anyone would set up a camera in their bathroom, but if you happened to put one in there... Welp. Rest in peace Ren because he's literally going to pass away on the spot. Watching you shower might soon become his new favourite pastime — though he might get a bit annoyed whenever the camera lens fog up from all the steam.
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strawbeerossi · 7 months
Taking Calls
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: Whenever a man who makes you feel uncomfortable asks for your number, you give him your boyfriend’s number instead. Whenever he texts him all day and finally decides to call, Spencer plans on taking care of it.
Content/Warnings: Minor case details (nothing explicit), creep officer, loving boyfriend Spencer, intimidation mention, kissing, unprotected sex, Spencer answers a phone call in the middle of sex (I didn’t know how to word that so it works lmao.)
Word Count: 1.2K
Anon Request: I had a spicy idea where a creepy cop tries to get readers number for “work purposes” and instead she gives him Spencer’s number and the cop happens to call Spencer and reader while he’s in the middle of fucking reader or the reader is in the middle of giving him a blowjob and the cop sort of hears her in the background? I just thought you’d be the perfect person to write this 😍
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Spencer had his number given out before due to a prank on Derek’s end that had so many people blowing up his phone. It was something he vowed that he would get the man back for and specifically state that it could never happen again.
The team was on a case in Manhattan, a standard killer who had an awakened blood lust was terrorizing the city. After six victims, the NYPD felt it was best to invite the BAU onto the case, which seemed to be too little too late due to the man going dormant.
Every lead was buried so deep that you’d need an excavator to dig them up, still the team persisted. You were currently on day three, staying back at the police precinct along with Dave to interview the families of the deceased, hoping to dig up any leads.
You had currently stepped out for a brief break, standing by the coffee machine as you were getting one of the disposable cups, filling it to the brim with a healthy mixture of coffee and sugar. “Hey, Y/L/N, correct?” A voice came from behind you, making you turn to look over the person addressing you. Officer Laslow. “Hi, yes. That’s me. How can I help you?” You asked, eyebrows raising.
You didn’t like to judge people, however you had a very uneasy feeling around him. The way he was looking at you was a good enough reason to be uncomfortable, the man seeming to mentally undress you as he stared into your soul. “I was just wondering if your team had any leads? I mean, I’m sure the families know something,” He spoke, making you sigh as your shoulders slumped. “Nothing, unfortunately.” You spoke while sipping from the coffee cup in your hands.
“Nothing? What a shame. I was actually wondering if you and I could exchange numbers? No funny business, I’m just wanting to make sure we can stay in communication throughout this case. You know, share intel.”
He could’ve just asked Aaron for updates. However, in the moment of being uncomfortable and not knowing what to say, you were clearing your throat. “Well. Okay.. Just for intel though.” You murmured, slowly taking the device from his hands to put in Spencer’s number instead of your own. You’d explain things to your boyfriend later. Until then, you were doing the next best option. Spencer could handle this. You were sure of it.
As another day passed and there was no leads, the team was retreating to the hotel for the night to try and get some rest, even if they were overly focused on trying to catch the murderer running around freely. “Honey, I have a question.” Spencer began as he was walking from the bathroom, a pair of flannel pyjama pants and a white t-shirt clinging to his lanky frame. “I’ve just had a lot of texts today. The person is addressing you by name. Wanna talk about who you gave my number to?” He asked softly. He knew it had to be a big deal if you wouldn’t give someone your number.
“Some creep on the NYPD team. You should’ve seen the way he looked at me, Spencer. It made me so uncomfortable.” You shivered while looking over at your boyfriend. “I’m sorry that I gave him your number. I didn’t know what else to do.” The feeling of his hand rubbing your shoulder caused your body to relax, a soft sigh leaving his lips.
“I’m not upset with you by any means. I just wanted to ask. He didn’t try and touch you or force himself on you, right?” He asked, slowly letting his arm wrap around your shoulders as you shook your head. “No. Nothing like that. He was just twice my size and intimidating. I mean, he could’ve hurt me if I rejected him.” In this job, Spencer saw cases like that far too much, so he believed it.
“Come here.” He spoke while slowly pressing a few kisses against your cheek. “It’ll be okay. I’ll speak with Hotch about it tomorrow. It’ll get taken care of.” He smiled, the back of his knuckle gently caressing your cheek. “How did I get so lucky to be with you?” You asked softly, offering a smile as you leaned against his touch. “I’m the lucky one.” He mused, now moving to press a sweet kiss against your lips.
However, the kiss was only cut short whenever he could hear the ringtone on his phone designated for texts. “This guy is a real piece of work.” Your boyfriend muttered against your lips, opting to ignore the incessant sounds coming from his phone as he carried on your shared kiss. As the kids deepened, his hands were working to push your shirt over your head before his hands were working on your work pants. You hadn’t changed just yet, so he felt like he was definitely helping you out in the grand scheme of things.
Once you were undressed to his liking, it wasn’t long until your own hands were pushing at his clothes to bring him to the same level of unclothed as you were. “Lay down.” Spencer breathed as he broke the kiss, watching you push yourself back in bed before he was crawling on top of you to attach your lips once more. You were both eager, a lot of stress from this case as well as your own yearning for pleasure making things go just a little faster than usual. He used one hand to bring one of your legs around his waist, which prompted you to mirror your actions with your other leg.
Pushing your panties to the side, your boyfriend wasted no time pushing his cock inside of your eager cunt, a low groan leaving his lips as the hand propping him up was gripping the sheets. “Fuck. I love you.” He whispered, pressing a few sweet kisses to your lips. For once today, you felt like you could forget the officer from earlier, to enjoy the moment. Until Spencer was getting a call. “Are you kidding?” He huffed out of frustration, hips still thrusting at a slow pace as he was reaching over to take his cellphone from the bedside table.
“W-we should stop.” You breathed, knowing he had to take the call judging by the look on his face. “No. No, just lay there and take it, pretty girl. I’m gonna settle this once and for all.” He murmured. Before you could object, he was swiping to answer the call. “I don’t appreciate being ignored.” The male on the other end of the phone huffed. Just hearing his slimy voice had Spencer cringing. Using his shoulder to hold the phone up to his ear, he let out a soft breath. His hips thrusted into you at a faster speed, your lip tucked between your teeth as you really did try to keep quiet.
“She’s busy but I can take a message.” Spencer answered as if he wasn’t jackhammering you into the mattress right now, whines and moans slipping from your lips as you couldn’t hold them back anymore. “Who is this?” The officer asked, now his annoyance being clear as day. “Spencer!” You gasped out, answering his question without even being aware of it.
“You heard her. Tell the nice man on the phone who has the pleasure of fucking you.” Spencer grunted, making you red in the face as you gripped his upper arms. “You!”
“My name, baby. Tell him who gets to take you home every night.”
“Spencer!” You panted, head tossed back as he was pounding into your sweet spot.
“Now. If you’ll excuse me, I have important matters to attend to. I hope you get the hint.” He murmured.
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buubonita · 2 months
More HCS - MTT + Cross
Cross haves this stupid, intrusive impulse of making puns. But it's something he can't control at all, just like a tic.
Dust & him were drink buddies in the past (BST configurations/scenarios)
He's a very spiteful little shit. He hates Killer ever since their confrontation.
If we are thinking about Cross being part of Nightmare's team, he and Killer have never gotten along (much less in the event that Cross decides to flee with or without Dream).
Cross haves drinking habits.
Killer likes spicy flavors.
A hopeless romantic. He knows every trick in the book.
Dust's lab rat. They play doctor together (Dust is the mad doctor who moves for the science, Killer is the perfect test subject)
Killer haves more sense of fashion than Dust and Sans (Horror).
Nightmare's loyal lapdog.
Smooth talker, haves a silver tongue.
Hates Cross on his posibilities of feeling shit.
He haves a good pair of quick hands.
Barely talks. Barely blinks. Barely moves.
His voice is low than the other too, sounds like a ghostly whisper. But his laugh is actually creepy and very noisy in other hand.
Refuses to touch anything without gloves.
I also like the idea that he has a small minor degree of mysophobia.
He really likes creating torture devices.
He has a greater scientific streak than Killer and Sans.
Creepy little shit. He can live on cigarettes, beer or rum and a leaf of lettuce because his magical reserves make up for everything.
Thin and small, but he haves strength.
Smells like formaldehyde, antiseptic and cigarettes.
He is the most destructive of the three.
Sans (Horror)
Loves dark jokes. He haves the funny bone intact (just more twisted)
He fed Killer and Dust human parts once.
He really likes pushing people to the edge. He enjoys mind games more than physical torture.
His memory is bad with names, so he calls everyone by nicknames (Dust haves all the pet names).
His smile is creepy. It has huge cracks in the corners.
If he eats something, he will throw it up on purpose afterwards.
He's still learning to deal with his peers. Sans was particularly harsh on Dust at first (even when Dust did nothing more than express his condolences for his situation).
His voice is deep.
Nightmare will have his own post later along with Dream. I still have a lot of hcs i need to find again on these two years i have been writting these characters.
Thanks for reading, if you did. You can take these ideas to anything. Sharing is caring.
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r0b1ns · 2 years
Characters: Klaus, Diego, Viktor, Ben (both), Allison, Lila, Luther
CW: very slight mention of spicy times
Sorry some of them are short
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-klaus usually wakes up before you
-in some weird ass position
-he stretches, goes to the bathroom, and returns to bed
-he cuddles close to you and puts your arm around him
-its hard for him to fall asleep again
-so he traces details on your hands
-veins, lines, scars, tattoos
-sometimes mumbling something quietly
-kisses your fingers and palms
-he really wants to hug you but doesn't want you to wake up
-so when he feels you stir he whisper asks you if you're awake
-"are you awake (nickname)"
-if you are he turns to face you and hugs your waist
-likes to kiss your collarbones
-you rub his beck and play with his hair
-tells you about the weird dream he had
-you lay like this until one of you is hungry
-he complaints that you need to get out of bed
-but you drag him out and you make yourselves something to eat
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-you usually wake up at the same time
-either you're on Diego's chest or he's on your stomach
-he grunts and complains about the sun in his eyes
-you joke about him being grumpy
-than he smiles at you and and kisses your cheek
-you get up almost immediately
-he has training routine to follow
-sometimes if he finishes early he'll shower and get back to you
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-most of the time he wakes up before you
-he just lays there with you in his arms
-just admiring your face
-he traces your features and accidentally wakes you up
-he feels bad but you reassure him it's ok
-you like to kiss him and brush his hair of his forehead
-viktor loves to just wrap his hands around you and say nothing
-but unfortunately his siblings make so much noise you can't possibly stay in bed
-you look at each other and roll your eyes
-having to get off of your comfortable bed
-you like to make breakfast cause he can't cook shit
-sorry Viktor
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-there's not much to say
-she either wakes you up by kissing you
-and than it leads to more
-or she's already gone somewhere by the time you wake up
-i wish I could write more but that's it
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-you wake up before her
-you wake up hugging her in some way
-you like to caress her cheek with your thumb
-she wakes up with a smile and snuggles close to you
-asks how your night was
-likes to brush her fingers through your hair (if you have any)
-if your hair is too curly for this she just swirls it around her finger
-doesn't want to get up
-"why do we have to get up it's only 10"
-i like to think you piggy back her to the bathroom/kitchen
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HARGREAVES: -well he's a ghost
-he doesn't sleep
-but he likes to lay/float on your bed in the morning
-just watching you
-not in a creepy wat ofc
-sometimes likes to scare you
-"how long have you been here?" "Just a few hours ^_^"
SPARROW: -already awake
-like four hours before you
-when you come out of your room he smiles at you
-says "oh look who's up" in a sarcastic tone
-made breakfast for you while you were showering
-if anyone besides you two is in the kitchen he acts like he doesn't really care about you
-but everyone knows he does
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-always hugs you when you wake up
-is still asleep
-you try to tangle out of his hands but fail
-you'll have to wake him up to go to the bathroom
-wakes up like a mom
-"what? What's happened, is everything alright?"
-you say you just need to go to the bathroom
-he apologizes to you and let's go of you
-you kiss his nose and go to the bathroom
-asks you how you slept when you return with a dorky smile
!gifs are not mine!
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 3 months
aged whisky
my comfydant friend after we saw the archivist debut: might as well also give in and just brainrot until my brain is fried cuz this ain't leaving my mind anytime soon
me: yeaaa brainrot. mmmmg. I JUST WISH I HAD FUCKING CONHERENT THOUGHTS OTHER THAN mmm what if i kissed him on the cheek very nicely
me 4 hours later at 5:44 am: so it wasn’t just the cheek
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, fluff, making out, suggestive, old people in love, reader and fulgur are implied to be middle aged or older, domestic
⚠️ drinking/alcohol (reader and fulgur both drink)
⚠️ suggestive content (sex jokes, it's spicy but not explicit ykwim?)
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
you’re not quite sure how it started, but maybe it’s the whisky clouding your head. it’s like your thoughts lazily swirl together like a potion, or those fancy cocktails fulgur likes to make on the weekends, all loose and giggly while the buzz rests in the back of your head.
he’s giggly too, toppled on top of you and the couch cushions. some concert from one of the popular bands when you were young is playing on the tv, but it’s all but forgotten as you laugh about nothing together. the drinks from tonight make it easy to space out, and so does the edge of fulgur’s beard. it tickles your face as he pecks you, which just makes you laugh more.
“you’re so messy,” you say in-between laughter. he’s leaving kisses all over and you don’t even know if he’s aiming straight or not. one of them lands at the edge of your mouth. you get a whiff of spice just as his beard prickles up along your lips. “you smell like booze.”
“i wonder why.” he leaves a wet one there as a final attack. now that he’s done you can admire him and how he blocks the dim overhead light. out of its usual ponytail, his hair almost reaches his palm flat along the couch and beside your shoulder. the obscured light makes the shadows around his face darker, and so are the lines of wrinkles along his features.
mindlessly you taste the mark he left behind. sure enough, fruits and spice drag along the tip of your tongue. there’s not much alcohol but you swallow the burning feeling. it goes right down into your belly, just as warm as your face and the telltale flush of drunkenness along it.
you nuzzle up to fulgur’s palm to quell the heat. steel mesh curls around your face as natural as could be.
and fulgur starts up again as you let your cheek go exposed, and his beard tickles, and the whisky burns just enough. his glasses bump up against your skin.
you grunt and pat the side of his head—you might’ve landed on the ear?—to get him to rise, then take the glasses off by the bridge. “you’re going to smudge them.”
“ah, i don’t care.”
“you should. they’ll get fingerprints.”
“they always have fingerprints no matter what i do.” now that the glasses are off you can see how his brows lower while his eyes light up into silver. looks like someone just got a bad idea. as if he wasn’t up to trouble already. “you just wanted to see me without them.”
“guilty as changed,” you admit as you set them aside out of his reach. “looks like you caught me, officer, i surrender.”
you were already snickering but fulgur dives down to the crook of your neck and presses down another kiss, still laced with whiskey. there’s more of that scent as he smiles harder than he puckers. “how dare.”
the tipsy giddiness surges as he pulls the collar of your shirt aside to go lower. god, you feel stupid happy like this, spending your night by curling a hand into his hair and pushing him down close to you. it’s getting thinner than it used to be but you can’t find it in yourself to care between the whisky and the smooches. “creepy old man.”
“ooh, but you like it.”
“where did my gentleman go? he was just pouring me drinks fifteen minutes ago!” you cry, a playful grin over your face. “aren’t you supposed to be good at holding your alcohol?”
he snickers. “i am, i just don’t want to.”
“so you’re being a pervert.”
“mm-hm. don’t complain, or else i’ll do this!”
“ah—that tickles!”
your eyes snap open. like a bolt from the blue, dog is right next to you at eye-level, sitting pretty with a tongue lolled out. you jerk your head away as he pants—that is definitely not alcohol on his puppy breath.
mood effectively ruined, you pat dog’s head and give him a good ruffle behind the ear. “now look what you’ve done, you got his hopes up.”
“you’re the one that summoned him.”
“you started it.” dog plops his chin on your body, ready for his nighttime walk. “tell you what, take him outside and we’ll continue.”
“consider it done.”
you cover your eyes to reset, then rub them, and blink as the process ends. fulgur’s head is still propped between your neck and chest. he rests his cheek along your softness and hums. the scruff along his face brushes your skin with the quiet sound.
“in a minute,” he adds. “i don’t wanna move.”
how he can flip from sexy to adorable in a second, you still have no idea. you get the feeling you’d never get the answer no matter how much of your life you spend with him.
the giggles have passed but the lightness in your heart is all the same. your vision blurs but you take his chin in your hand, letting your aged fingertips roll along the lines that sweep out from his mouth and the hollows of his cheeks.
you’re the one that kisses first this time. you end up landing along his top lip and the stubbly hairs above. moving down is inelegant but you make it there, and he opens his mouth, and the whisky burn goes smoky along your tongue.
sweetness breaks through as you drag your lips up across his face until you get the will to part, just by his ear now as you hold him close to your chest. “fulgur,” you whisper. “he can just go out to the yard, can’t he?”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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wishing-stones · 1 year
For the sake of equality since you have the non spicy version of the stars and error in bed, than what is nightmares gang like? Need me that wholesome fluff
Because we're slowly finding out what they're like when things get spicy.
But, generally speaking, if they're just sharing their bed or sleeping next to someone...
Killer is unusually sweet. He cuddles kind of loosely, but absolutely has his face either in your hair or in the crook of your neck. He sleeps pretty lightly, so any shift or small awakening while you're in his arms is met with soothing, repetitive motions, like fingers through the hair or a gentle hand up and down the back. Dust clings. He prefers to be as close as possible, even if he's not holding on very tightly. He takes great comfort in the sound of a heartbeat, the repetitive draw of breath... all these sounds that he doesn't quite have himself but that are even and steady and help make him feel safe. He's a deeper sleeper, but if you shift, he curls closer unconsciously. Axe doesn't mind being laid on top of, but it isn't wholly comfortable. He loves cuddles, and holds on kind of loosely as well. He sleeps fairly deeply, which is a good thing since if he doesn't get a while to wake up and reorient himself, he might be dangerous. He's a big perpetrator of head scritches and nuzzles; he's very affectionate. Cross holds tightly and holds close. He really enjoys the feeling of bare skin, so if there's enough on your arms or back, he'll trace it slowly until he, you, or both of you fall asleep. He prefers to have you tucked up against him so he can see over the top of your head, just in case he needs to see. Baggs is a hard sell for this one, but if he's conscious and you aren't, he's a massive cuddle bug. He snuggles and observes and toys with hair, feels skin, watches your face or notes how your breathing shifts... it might be creepy if it didn't come from a place of affection. He can be conned into laying still for a while and it's very much the same here, too. If you're lucky, while he's laying down with you, Nightmare comes in to knock his ass out too. Nightmare is startlingly affectionate as well, and likes to touch and feel while snuggled up, too. Soft skin is not something he gets to feel often, nor hair, nor genuine breath or heartbeat that isn't racing with fear. He likes to lay on his back and have you snuggled up partially on his chest. He prefers sleeping on his back, anyway, but there are no shortage of nuzzles.
Pretty much all of them will murmur sweet nothings, too, although some are better than others.
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propertyofkylar · 6 months
Questions about Oli, he's super cute, love your design!
My questions;
- What if his darling is insecure, how would he console/cheer up his love?
- If Oli could go on a holiday/vacation, where would he go?
- Is he more indoor or outdoor type of guy?
- Favorite food? Spicy, sweet, sour, umami?
- How would Oli react if he received a gift from his darling? Would he use it as decoration, would he cry because he's so happy, would he get touchy?
I declare my obsession with this cute, pathetic loser. I hope I didn't ask too much questions! 💐💜
loving never apologize. i am so happy you enjoy my little freak!
he loves to give compliments, so he would always be praising his darling. oli is a deeply insecure person himself but never wants his love to feel that way. he would take note of the specific insecurities and give compliments based off those. if you are insecure about your body, he would tell you exactly what he loves about it. even if you're not dating. he will send anonymous messages to you praising you. how did he discover those insecurities? don't worry about it
the most obvious answer of course is that his dream vacation is wherever you want to go. but more realistically it would be anywhere he could be alone with you. like a cozy cabin in the woods. not in a murderous way. but in a creepy way still. he's very much a perv.
he's an indoor guy. there is much to be scared of in the outside world. he spends a lot of time at home on his computer. what is he doing on there? again don't worry about it. it has nothing to do with you and the webcam he's hacked into.
my instinct says spicy! it comes as a surprise from such a wimpy little guy but he does enjoy spicy foods.
he would be sosososo happy to get a gift from you. he would treasure it. he would hold it all the time. he would sniff it because it smells like you. probably would lick it. he would do a lot of weird things to it. it would be his most treasured possession.
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darkmedolie · 2 years
A taste of your soul (snatcher x reader)
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I finished a snatcher x reader that has been sitting in my notepad for ....4 month i think ?? It's just that i'm so bad at writting, so i come back on it from time to time to add tiny bits to it.
@tiramegtoons helped fixing my writing and made it so much better so a really big thanks to her 💕
🔥 this a fic with suggestives themes (it's a bit spicy) so, only proceed if thats your thing, you are warned. 🔥
You were watching the night sky of subcon forest, standing in front of Snatcher's home, waiting for him to come back. 
It seemed like the sun never shined in this haunted place, and soon enough your mind began to wander into the stars, losing track of time. 
Since how long was Snatcher gone now..?. It seemed like hours to you, maybe more, maybe less, but one thing was sure: You missed him a lot. 
He was usually found by your side, he was quite possessive over you, but you enjoyed his company nonetheless. You were also feeling safer with him around, the forest hiding quite a lot of dangers. 
But this time, you preferred to wait by yourself here.
Snatcher had certain needs he needed to fulfill that you were-admittedly- a bit scared of seeing it in person. You had both made an agreement that you would wait for him at his home while he was gone. 
"Miss (y/n)!" 
Snatcher's Little minions were calling for you.
"We made dinner! Come eat with us!" 
The minions were really sweet; they always enjoyed sharing food and caring for you. 
You joined the little group in the village, all sitting around a cozy fire. One of the minions approached you with a plate of cooked meat. 
"Thank you", you said. 
"Boss isn't back from soul hunting yet, hm ? He should be here soon, don't worry" the little minion noticed your downcasted expression and made an attempt to cheer you up. 
Soul hunting, that was the thing you didn't want to see, but you understood that even a large, shadowy poltergeist like Snatcher had to eat too, and yet, you found it too cruel to watch... 
Maybe it's time to change the subject.  "The food.. This is chicken, right? " 
"It's an owl corpse!" The minions answered cheerfully. 
"Oh....it's ..uh-... it's very good! " you suddenly exclaimed-rather awkwardly. It actually didn’t taste bad, but the creepy wording was a bit off-putting to say the least.
“We all need to eat I guess...“, you think to yourself.  “Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him …”
Not too long after you heard the minions bursting with excitement.
"Guys! Guys! The boss is back!" 
You stood up, smiling, your wait was finally over. 
You hurried back to Snatcher's home as fast as you could, but when you arrived you quickly noticed he wasn't in a good mood, his usual smile was replaced by an ill-tempered frown... 
"Snatcher, are you okay...?" You ask, approaching him cautiously.
"It’s been days now.. And still, nothing.." he sighed, his arms dangling in disappointment. 
"I'm sorry... " you replied, reaching out to give him a soft, comforting hug.
"I'm soooo tired..."He leaned into the hug, lowering himself so he could get his head to your level, burying his face into your neck. You could feel his breath on your skin and his fur tickling your skin.
"Sooo... hungry..." 
Was he.. inhaling your scent? This was a bit strange. Why would he sniff you like that?
"Is  there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Maybe this is a good time to change his mind.
He lifted himself back up and eerily fixed his eyes with yours for what seems like a bit too long..
Not a single word was spoken. Eventually, although a bit hesitant, you decided to break the silence.
"You say you would do anything, right?"
You gulped, maybe you had made a mistake, 
"Yes, of course, if it helps you." 
"Then I want your soul, now." He said while pointing a single claw to your chest." 
"Uh..?  Snatcher, I-I- don't think this is a good ide-" 
"Oh please (y/n) let me have it.  Just a little bit? I promise I won't hurt you. " 
"But-" you took a step back. You trusted Snatcher, but this time he didn't seem to be his regular self. The fact that he’s begging told you that he was pretty desperate.
"Please, The smell- it’s driving me crazy!" 
You took another step back- your shoe got caught in the carpet's edge. Before you knew it you stumbled back on it- which felt oddly soft in this particular situation. 
Snatcher ominously hovered above as you lay there.
You were now trapped under his large, ghostly form. 
A shiver ran through your body. 
"Was this how it felt to be a prey under his claws?”,  you wondered as your heart pounded in your chest.
"P-please Snatcher, be careful-”, you stuttered, knowing there was no way you could physically stop him now.
He said he wouldn't hurt you, You should trust him right? but what exactly did he plan on doing with your soul?
"Don't worry.. I just want to have a taste" he said. 
Snatcher’s claw eased its way to your chest, and with a quick lift of his finger, a wispy orb materialized right in front of you, floating just over your chest.
Your soul was a light blue one; one of his favorites. His smile grew wide and mirthful at the sight of it.
The last time he had taken your soul out of you, you couldn't feel your body anymore. And yet you were still feeling normal, as if nothing had changed. This left you very confused and bewildered.
He noticed your baffled expression.
"Your body and your soul are still connected." 
"I didn't know you could do that?" 
"I rarely do this." 
You wanted to ask why, but before you could open your mouth to speak-
"Wh- ah~?!" 
-A sudden feeling interrupted you and something else came out instead.
Snatcher had taken your soul into his hand. 
And the soft friction of his claws against your soul sent shivers across your skin. 
It was as if the feeling of his touch on your soul was reciprocated onto your body. But it felt much, much more sensitive. 
Snatcher chuckled at the little sound that had escaped you.
"Oh? What is it sweetheart~?" 
There’s that self-satisfied  grin of his. Oh. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
"You-you did that on purpose!" You whined, hiding your now flushed face. 
He gave a little lick to your soul.
“Snatch-ah!” You tensed at the sudden feeling. 
"Hehe~You taste just like candy, you know~"
He seemed to greatly enjoy your reaction and chuckled softly, the humming vibrations traveling through your soul.
He continued to lick your soul more, enjoying the sweet taste, and greedy for more of your cute noises. 
You moaned and squirmed, you could feel his tongue grazing all over your body. 
This was so lewd!
How could he make you feel like that without even touching you??
"Tch tch ...I wouldn't move that much if I were you."
He tsked, poking your soul enticingly with his fangs.
"You know... these are pretty sharp... just imagine how it would feel if I bit into your soul right now ..." 
You stiffened at this remark and tried your best to stay still. There was no telling how painful it would be to feel his fangs with these oddly enhanced sensations. So you decided it was best not to test it.
"AHahahah! Good girl~" he cackled gleefully, studying the ruffled look on your face. He trusted himself enough to not hurt you. Then again it was way too amusing for him to spook you out a little bit. 
He returned to savoring your soul, when something caught his eye. He came to an abrupt halt when he spotted you biting your lip, trying with arduous breath to keep more noises from fleeing your lips. 
"Don't hush your voice...I love to hear my prey ~"
You trembled at his low, reverberating voice and your face began to heat up. 
Whenever he used that tone, it always made you feel weak... 
Snatcher continued to lick and sup softly at your essence as if you were a lollipop, not wanting to miss any of your sweet taste.
You eventually gave yourself in and closed your eyes, drowning in pleasure as Snatcher kept feasting on your soul. To think of how easy it would be if he wasn't controlling himself to just devour it whole right now, but he loved you so much. He would never want to hurt you. However, there was something else he was getting hungry for. And he wasn't going to hold back any time soon.
Your eyelids shot back in surprise- the next moment feeling snatcher's lips on yours as he started passionately kissing you. 
It seemed your soul had come back to its original place. 
"Thank you my sweetheart,"  he said, parting from the kiss "I feel a little better now." 
He softly kissed your forehead and helped you get back up from the ground.
He settled down to sit on his chair with you on his lap.
You tiredly rested your head into the fur on his neck while Snatcher reached his hand up to softly pet your head.
You fell asleep soon after.
The next day you woke, finding yourself alone on Snatcher's chair.
Seemed like the little tasting of last night gave him an energy boost to go hunt early. 
When he came back later, he had caught just enough souls to satisfy himself, which was a relief ...for now. 
Next time, when Snatcher does feel hungry again, he will probably ask for more of your help... 
You thought to yourself, after that, maybe you wouldn't mind that happening again.
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vdragon-creations · 4 months
Spring Stars! (Part 2) A Date By Any Other Name!
(2003 Donatello x Sasha Fic)
Author’s Note: Holy shit, it’s been a hot minute since I made Part one! I just wanna say a quick thank you (and a very big sorry) to those of you who read it! Means a lot to me that you even attempted to sit through my garbage writing! And now, you’re here looking for more punishment, and deliver it I shall! Plenty of OCxCC ship trash to go around, and more art with it too! Also, MAYBE a slight CW on this one for mentions of possible Spicy thoughts & a little angst! Other than that, it’s all just some fun character interactions! There will also probably be one more part to this story because I love torturing myself, and I can't seem to make anything easy! So enjoy! :3
“Is this a… date?”
The question felt like a switch being flipped, turning the world around them into nothing. Donnie froze, feeling his heart start to pound. He hadn’t really planned for this kind of question, and to him this didn’t FEEL like a date. Though, thinking back on what he had in mind for this outing, it did seem like one. The idea making his face burn even more. But, he had to be honest, the look on Sasha’s face was more studious, and she’d surely be able to tell if he was trying to lie.
“W-we don’t have to call it that just because tht’s what everyone else does. It can be a j-just two friend having fun and getting to know each other better!” Donnie said, nervously smiling as he gulped. Sasha chuckled a little while an unsure grin came to her lips, “That sounds like a date though…” “Fair…” Donnie admitted. There was another pause between them, Sasha now looking at the floor again, then back up at Don. She approached him, getting in so close that Don felt the need to back up, but he stood his ground. While not being much taller then Donnie, Sasha’s stature always made it seem like she was bigger then him. This was a test, and she stared him down to see if there were any signs of wavering. And he just stared back.
“So…what do you say?” Donnie asked, trying to break the silence. Sasha tucked her bottom lip in a bit, her eyes not leaving him. The look in her eyes was thoughtful, then she opened her mouth to speak.
The interruption from Mikey calling out for them, along with the ensuing swoons from others mocking them as well, made them both quickly jolt back from one another. Sasha actually seemed rather pissed off by it and she growled back, “ROME WASN’T BUILT IN A DAY! AND NEITHER IS GOOD POPCORN! JUST SETTLE YOUR SHELL!” The others could be heard laughing in the background. Sasha caught her breath and hissed a bit in irritation, before sighing, looking back at Donnie with a disappointment look. “W-we’ll talk more after the movies. Okey?” Donnie had caught his breath too, but now looked disappointed. “S-sure…”
With that the two finished making the Popcorn, and finally came out to the living room where everyone was waiting to start the movie. “Bout time you two joined us! Donnie burn something again?” Raph teased. “Nooo, he actually did quite well. Though maybe it would’ve been done faster if SOME turtles had tried helping out!” Sasha chastised, only to be met with the remaining three turtles looking away, whistling a tune. Sasha rolled her eyes, looking over to April, hoping to get some actual conversation going! “Soooo, did you guys finally decide what to watch? I’m pretty curious!” April nodded, putting in a DVD, “Yep! Casey’s movie is the first!” “Booyah! You’re gunna love it! You’re from like, the desert and stuff, right? The Mummy is the best horror film ever!”
Donnie placed down a few bowls of popcorn onto the coffee table, as Sasha moved over to the side of the couch, still holding a huge bucket of popcorn for herself and Leatherhead. “The Mummy? What’s so scary about Mummies?” She seemed genuinely confused. “You don’t think they look creepy! Dead bodies wrapped in bandages, trying to eat your brain!” Casey argued, getting up and out of his seat and lunging at Sasha playfully, imitating a mummy. Sasha’s ears tilted back, and she stepped back from him, “Yeah…mummies aren’t like that at all! Having seen some up close, they’re more fascinating then anything. You humans are spooked by the weirdest things…”
Casey scoffed, sitting back down and crossing his arms, “Says the girl who can’t look at a kiddy pool without getting shaky…” He muttered under his breath to April, who rolled her eyes at him. “What was that Jones?” Sasha hissed as she turned her head to look back at him, her ears still back. “N-Nothin’! Nothin’ at all!” He scrambled to keep her from jumping him, April and the others having to stifle giggles. “That’s what I thought…” Sasha huffed, turning her attention on trying to find a seat.
Sasha quickly noticed that all the seats where taken on the couch and chairs, with only Leatherhead sitting on the ground, as he was far too big to sit on anything really. As small as she was, she still didn’t like the idea of having to squeeze into any of the seats, getting a little too close for comfort with anyone. But he didn’t need to worry as Leatherhead patted his lap, sitting cross legged on the ground. “It’s easier to share popcorn this way.” He said, giving her a warm and toothy grin. Sasha thought nothing really about it, and agreed. Walking over to him and plopping herself down in his lap. Being this close to Leatherhead was pretty normal to her, having spent plenty of nights by his side, calming him down from his nightmares and helping him get to sleep. However, it was a new sight for a certain terrapin ninja. Donnie had scooted into the couch next to Mikey and Honeycutt, and if she had asked, he would’ve gladly moved to the floor. But instead, here he was, staring at his crush in the lap of another large male mutant!
The normally levelheaded turtle had to admit to himself, it made his heart sink and his blood boil. Truthfully he’d always envied, to some degree, how close Leatherhead was to Sasha. She lived with him, spent most of the day with him, and judging by how comfortable she was touching him and sitting in his lap, spent a lot of time getting…cozy with him. As the movie started on the TV, Donnie started to feel a bit sick, watching Letherhead and Sasha in the corner of his eyes. He’d hold out his hand, and Sasha would take a bit of the Popcorn and place it into his palm.
“Why isn’t she like that with us? With me?”
And after she left his offer for a date unanswered, it made this even harder to watch.
Movie after movie, the night continued, until it was time to start getting to bed. Everyone set up sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets in the living room. Casey and April shared the couch, Mikey and Donnie taking up the Lazyboy chairs, and the others all scattered along the floor. All except Honeycutt who decided to return to Leatherhead’s lair. While getting ready for bed, Donnie ran into Leatherhead, who was washing the bowls and cups they had used all night. “Oh, Donatello! I need to ask you, which soap do you tend to use for your dishes? The Green Apple scent or the Original?” Leatherhead asked, turning his head to see his turtle friend standing in the doorway. Donnie was stunned for a moment, as he wasn’t sure how to feel. His voice was caught between wanting to snap at him cause he was still upset about Sasha. But the more rational side of him told him to cool it for now. He shrugged, “Oh uhhhh, I think we use Original…” he replied, sounding a bit mopey as he crossed the room and grabbed a cup from the cabinets, doing his best to not make eye contact. But Leatherhead noticed immediately, “What is wrong my friend? You seem upset.” Donnie stayed still, staring at the cup in his hand, trying his best to not snap at him, debating on whether or not to say anything.
“I really don’t have the right to be upset. I don’t own her…” Donnie said flatly. His eyes flew wide open, and he gasped a bit at what just came out of his mouth. He really didn’t wanna say it out loud, but it just…came out. Even Leatherhead was a little spooked, it was a tone he had never heard from his terrapin friend. He sounded almost, bitter and childish. “What are you talking about? You don’t own who?” As soon as he said it, it’s like the answer came right to the front of his mind, but it still didn’t make sense. “Are you…talking about Sasha?” Hearing her name come from Leatherhead’s mouth brought Donnie back to reality, and brought back his earlier frustration. That’s when he finally looked up at the taller reptile, with a face that made Leatherhead actually step back for a second. “Look, Leatherhead. I-I…need you to be honest with me!” Donnie started, he looked like a mixture of determination, worry, and possibly anger. “Of course my friend…” Leatherhead’s brows turned down in concerned confusion.
Donnie sucked in a breath, clenching his fist before finally breathing out, a slight shake coming from the puff of air. “Are and Sasha…involved at all?” The words felt painful coming from his lips, the meaning of which almost made a tear come to his eyes. Even his voice hitched as he spoke. He trusted Leatherhead so much, he was one of his closest friends. For sure he knew how he felt about Sasha, even without being told directly! And if he was having a relationship with her while knowing this, it was a betrayal on a level he hadn’t dealt with before. Leatherhead’s eyes went wide as the words finally met his ears, his jaws gaping open in an attempt to speak. “W-what? Have you gone mad?” “Just please answer me Leatherhead!” Donnie snapped back, he was trying his best to sound tough, like he wasn’t about to cry. And still trying not to be heard by the others. “I-I don’t know what you’re going on about friend! What Sasha and I have is purely platonic. Nothing more! Where on earth would you get the idea otherwise?” Leatherhead asked, but Donnie didn’t answer back, he just stood there, keeping eyes contact with him. That’s when it hit him.
“This is about her sitting on my lap…” he stated, his voice starting to sound less startled and more cold. If the Croc was being honest, he was kinda offended by the implications this question brought on. “And the touching and the feeding you popcorn…” Donnie added, starting to sound a bit more argumentative. A growl started to form in Leatherhead’s voice now, “You can’t be serious Donatello! I would never-“ Before he could finish his words, Sasha’s voice coming from the doorway spooked both of them. They whipped their heads to see Sasha standing there clutching a couple of chip bags that were now rolled up and clipped shut. She had a confused look on her face, looking back and forth between the two. “Did I interrupt something?” She asked.
“So…she didn’t hear anything…”
The thought alone made Donnie relax a little bit and he stammered out a response. “N-No nothing really.” Sasha squinted a bit at him, then looked at Leatherhead, who straightened up at her gaze. “Yes, nothing really too pressing.” Yeah, she didn’t buy that for a second, looking back and forth between the two again. “Alright then…well…I’ve got these leftover chips. Where would you like me to put them Donnie?” She asked. Donnie stuttered a bit but approached her “I’ve got it for you!” He took them from her arms and walked over to a random cabinet and shoved them in there. “Ah! I s-see…thanks…” Sasha said, feeling a little weird now. It was clear the two were in the middle of a conversation, one she wasn’t welcome to, so she made herself scarce. Sasha then stretched and yawned, “Well then, I’m just gunna…uhh start getting our blankets ready Leatherhead!” She chirped. “Thank you Sasha! I’ll be over to help in a minute!” Leatherhead nodded her way, prompting the turtle to give him a side glance. Sasha nodded back, giving the two of them another look before walking off.
There was silence once more between them, before Leatherhead huffed and looked back down at Donnie. The Turtle already looking back up at him. “I don’t know what is going on with you my friend, but I’d never willingly hurt you. I’d hope that after what happened with bishop and your transformation, I would have proven myself more then loyal to you and your brothers.”
“Ouch…he really had to go there…”
Donnie bristled a bit at that. It had happened a while back. And while he didn’t remember anything that happened during it, from everything Leatherhead and his brothers told him, he was a lot to deal with. He didn’t know if Sasha had been told the story of that or not, but the thought of her knowing made him cringe a bit. With that, Leatherhead went back to the dishes, turning his back to Donnie.
After getting something cold to drink from the fridge, Donnie left the kitchen to see everyone getting settled down for the night. Including Sasha, who was making a big spot on the floor for Leatherhead. A smaller spot lay right next to it. Sasha, looked up for a split second to see him staring. Her face becoming a bit flustered. Donnie bit his lip and quickly walked over to his bedroom. Raph happened to look up and see him making a beeline for his room and let out a quick “Yo Donnie!”, prompting the purple clad turtle to stop dead in his tracks, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment. “What are you doing? We agreed on a full crew sleep over!” He had to think fast, come up with an excuse, any excuse that would keep him out of the same room where Sasha and Leatherhead would be laying together.
“Oh uhh, yeah I know! I-I was just gunna work on something real quick, just till I get sleepy! Then I’ll join you guys!”
Donnie chirped, just as Leatherhead came out of the Kitchen. He turned his head just in time to meet eyes with the Croc once more, then he looked back at the others, the ever friendly smile still on his face. “Promise! You guys just go ahead without me!” The others looked at one another confused, meanwhile Sasha just looked at him confused, ears tilted low. Leatherhead himself looking at the turtle with a stern stare. With that, Donnie booked it into his room and shut the door behind him, breathing in a sigh of relief, shell against the door.
After his retreat the others decided to play a few card and board games to wear themselves out. But the whole time, Sasha seamed a bit, distracted. Leatherhead had to get to the bottom of this. It was clear now to him that something had to have gone down between both of his friends. It was the only way to explain Donnie’s sudden jealousy. So after excusing himself to the kitchen, he gestured for Sasha to come with him. Sasha was confused, but agreed, as she was pretty thirsty. Once she entered the kitchen, Leatherhead was leaning against the countertop, staring right at her with an expectant look on his face. She flinched a bit, but then tried to play it cool. “H-hey big guy, what’s up?” “I was hoping you would know.” Leatherhead responded flatly, letting his thick tail flop loudly on the ground behind him. “Know about what? I don’t fallow.” Sasha asked, now genuinely curious and a bit annoyed. Leatherhead was quite for a moment, looking like he was trying to choose his words carefully. “Donatello is acting strange, and I was hoping you’d be able to tell me why.” Sasha raised a brow, her lips turning into a frown, “Well, yeah, he’s acting weird. But why would I have anything to do with it? The more likely thing is that whatever it was you two were talking about in here earlier is what set him off.” Sasha shot back, crossing her arms, “Maybe I should be asking YOU why he’s acting weird.”
Leatherhead snorted loudly, narrowing his eyes at the feline. “You know, Michelangelo told me he overheard you two talking earlier in here…” Sasha seemed to freeze as her eyes widened, her face somehow starting to burn with embarrassment. She gulped, but tried to play it off, though her tone wasn’t convincing at all, “W-What did he hear?” “He didn’t give any details, said that the two of you were far too quiet to be understood. But whatever it was, it was charged. So to speak.” Sasha’s eyes looked down at the floor, as she absentmindedly sighed. Both with relief and frustration perhaps. Then her eyes looked back up at Leatherhead, still a bit miffed at this interrogation, “Still not sure where you’re going with this then.” Leatherhead hummed a little under his breath, before deciding it was better to be blunt about this. “Donatello seems to be a bit jealous with our relationship.”
Sasha’s face went from annoyed to being downright stunned in a matter of seconds. And she just stood there, mind spinning like a video game loading screen, before words finally started forming in her throat, “I-I w-what? How does that work? What do you mean by our ‘relationship’!?” Sasha asked, in a hushed but clearly angered tone. Doing her best to keep the others in the living room from hearing. Leatherhead shrugged, “He just really seemed to be upset with how close we seemed. Especially physically. Had a problem with you sitting in my lap during the movie and handing me popcorn.” Sasha shook her head and started rubbing her temples in frustration. A hissing sound escaping her lips. “I told him that he should be able to trust me, given our history together. But I wanted to know if there was actually something going on between the two of you that I should know about. Because I’m clearly missing something.” Leatherhead added. Sasha huffed, now crossing her arms. Having her back turned now at the Croc.
Even from behind her, he could see her staring at the ground, her tail and ears twitching with aggravation. Clearly thinking. He gave her a few moments, before her ears drooped in defeat and she sighed, “Promise me! This doesn’t leave this room!” She looked back at him over her shoulder. Leatherhead silently nodded. Sasha then turned to face him, eyes still low to the ground and arms crossed in front of her, but now her cheeks actually started to show a slight pink hue. “D-Donnie sorta…asked me out…” She muttered.
There was a pause, and Leatherhead’s eyes slowly widened.
“Oh!” He said, finally putting two and two together. Sasha growled and her eyes snapped up at him, she wasn’t sure why, but his almost lackluster reaction to this news pissed her off. “Oh! Just Oh!?” “Sorry! Sorry I just wasn’t expecting that! You mean like…asked you out! As in a date?” Leatherhead asked. Sasha’s irritation dropped a bit and she shrugged, “He said we didn’t have to call it that. Just two friends hoping to get closer to one another and understand their feelings more…” She muttered, looking back down at the floor. Leatherhead raised and eyebrow at that, a slight smirk tugging at his lips, “That sounds a lot like a date.” “That’s exactly what I said.” There was another pause.
“So, did you say yes?”
“You rejected him?”
“What? No! W-we got interrupted before I could give him an answer…”
“Ooohhhhh…” he said, looking off to the floor. Mulling over this new information. Now Donnie’s attitude made a lot more sense. To pour your heart out and finally ask out the girl you’ve been crushing on for the last few months, only to then have no clear answer and watch as she gets closer to another dude. And his close friend at that! He’d be a bit miffed too. Maybe even violent. Though, Sasha can’t really be held responsible for this alone. “So what did you end up telling him?” He asked, finally looking back at her. “I told him that we would talk more about it after the movie. But…then I saw you two in here talking, and now Donnie seems awfully upset…” Sasha responded, leaning against the counter. Leatherhead sighed, This whole thing was a bit of an emotional mess. And communication would be the obvious answer. “You need to tell him your decision tonight. Irreparable damage could be done to your relationship if you don’t let him know soon. And frankly, I can’t stay. I’ve never seen Donatello so angry before, and while I won't hold it against him, if I stay the night, I’ll only make it worse…” Leatherhead muttered. Sasha’s ears drooped, he was right. This needed to be settled soon.
With that, Leatherhead left the room with Sasha closely following. He said his goodbyes to the others, but explained that he had to head back home to be with Professor Honeycutt.
As he left, Donnie peaked ever so slightly out of his door, to see Leatherhead leaving…with Sasha close behind him. It stung, he couldn’t deny that! But, he also couldn’t blame them. After being the kind of ass he was being, he’d be surprised if either of them wanted to talk to him ever.
“So much for…getting closer and figuring things out…”
With regret and shame in his heart, he slumped back over to his bed and flopped down onto it.
A few hours had passed since Donnie passed out, and he looked over at the clock across the room. “2:30 a.m…” he muttered, yawning as he did so. He felt his mouth was dry and his head seemed to hurt quite a bit. “Should probably get some water…” he thought, before remembering that the others were still in the living room, and that he had promised to come out to join them all. He cringed, guilt tugging at his nerves. He tiptoed over to the door and peaked out again, relieved to find everyone had fallen asleep. The pressure of them badgering him was now gone, and replaced with a new fear and mission. “Get to the kitchen and get some water without waking them.” He thought.
As silently as he could, he cracked the door open and stared tiptoeing his way to the kitchen, putting his ninja training into practice. Only stopping shortly to look over at the entrance to the Lair, more guilt seeping in as he remembered seeing Leatherhead and Sasha leaving together. But, he got to the kitchen without waking anyone, and he quietly got a small cup and turned the faucet on. After filling his cup, he peaked out of the kitchen, and after seeing that the coast was clear, he tiptoed back to his room.
He turned to softly close the door behind him, but as soon as he turned back to look at his bed, he saw Sasha sitting there. Blue eyes staring right at him in the dark room. The surprise alone of someone being there, made him flinch and almost scream, but he was stopped when Sasha zipped off the bed and was now in front of him, covering his mouth with the back of her hand. “Shhhhh! It’s me, relax!” She whispered harshly. After a few seconds of hyperventilation, Donnie blinked a bit and relaxed, Sasha then moved her hand away from him and stepped back. “W-when did..” he tried asking, but Sasha answered promptly, “About the time you were on your way to the Kitchen. You stopped and looked my way. Thought you saw me, but it didn’t seem like it…” “Oh…I see.” He muttered, then froze realizing that his cup was missing and nearly having a heart attack, thinking that he dropped it and alerted the others. But just as the thought crossed his mind, he saw Sasha holding up the cup in the dark. “Getting yourself a drink after working for so long?” She said softly, a tinge of sarcasm and bitterness in her tone. Donnie’s heart shriveled up a bit. She knew he was lying.
Donnie took the cup from her fingers and chugged it down, but it really didn’t help much, her being here like this made his stomach feel sick. The silence between them was the loudest thing in the world now, and it made Donnie feel so clammy. But he had to say something. But once again, Sasha spoke first. “Leatherhead told me everything…” And just like that, Donnie’s heart dropped to the floor so hard he was surprised it didn’t wake everyone in The Lair. He felt heat rise to his cheeks and he felt tears beginning to come to his eyes. “I-I don’t know what came over me…” he started, “…and I’m sorry…” “I’m not really the one who needs to hear that…” Sasha piped up. “I know, and I plan to tell him sorry in the morning. But, I’m also sorry to you…” Sasha raised an eyebrow at that. Donnie sighed, “I had no right to act Ike that. You didn’t belong to me, you still don’t, and you never will. I was being selfish, entitled, jealous, and…just plain stupid…” he said, taking a seat over by his deck, slumped over, face in his hands.
Sasha kept her eyes on him the whole time, and after hearing that, a soft red started to creep up on her cheeks. She stayed silent for a bit, waiting to see if he would say more. But he didn’t, so she continued, “You’re the furthest thing from stupid Don. Cut yourself some slack. Not every guy out there can admit that sorta thing out loud, ya' know?” Donnie let out a dry chuckle, no humor was there though. “I don’t know if I should be praised so highly. After all…I-I…” his cheeks went dark red before continuing, “I still can’t admit how I feel about you…not to myself, to anyone, and…” his eyes trailed up to her, and seeing her rosy cheeks and blue eyes staring at him, he swallowed his words and just clammed up, looking back down at the floor. Sasha blinked in shock, her mouth slightly agape. But this shock only lasted a moment, and it was replaced with a rush.
Confidence, Determination, and Excitement!
An ever so slight grin came to Sasha’s lips, her cheeks getting warmer. “Well… at the very least I’m glad you plan on apologizing to Leatherhead! I wouldn’t wanna spend the night looking at stars with you if that was gunna be the case.” Donnie softly nodded, the words “Yeah…” muttered their way out of his mouth as he stared at the floor. Until what Sasha said finally clicked in his brain, and his head snapped back up to look at her. She had a soft smile on her lips, a small red tint peaking its way through the fur on her cheeks. Donnie’s eyes started growing wide as his heart started gaining speed in his chest. “W-wait, w-what? Did you just..” he was about to question, but Sasha just nodded softly in response. “REALLY?!” Donnie said, almost shouting, before noticing how loud he was and flinching, bringing his hands up to his mouth, clamping it shut. He quickly got up and rushed around to his door and peaked back out into the living room. Everyone was still sound asleep, and he sighed in relief.
Donnie closed the door back behind him, and faced back to Sasha. A sheepish grin pulled at the corners of his mouth, “I-I..I’m happy you’re up for it.” Sasha let a small giggle out, crossing her arms in front of herself, “Well, I was always up for something like this, but finding an activity that didn’t necessarily involve being all ‘Sciencey’ and what not was a bit difficult. Especially finding something we’d both like equally.” Donnie nodded in agreement, having had the same thoughts before talking with April about all this. Happy to see he wasn’t alone in that. “But…Stargazing actually sounds really fun! Used to do that all the time back home. And…it’s pretty romantic…” The heat on her cheeks getting stronger as those words came from her lips. Don wasn’t sure if that was a bad reaction or if she liked the idea of that, so he reiterated his earlier statement, “Y-yeah…I know. But again, we don’t…have to call it a date if that makes it too…well…you know.” “Y-Yeah, I know….” There was a very tense pause between them, before Sasha spoke up again. “Well then…Uhhh…” she stuttered out, looking at him, almost like she wasn’t sure what to do next. Her arms now kinda lifted like she wanted to reach out to him, almost like a hug or maybe something else. But she quickly shook her head and brought them back down to her sides, “Y-you have a good night, ok?”
Donnie was about to protest a bit, after seeing that, but decided not to try and press his luck. The girl he’d been crushing on for a while now had just agreed to go out with him. He wasn’t about to try anything stupid now! He softly nodded, “Y-yeah… you too Sasha…”
With that everything was set in motion! Splinter was told about his plans and his blessing was given, though not without the embarrassing implication that he “Expects that they’re not going to do anything that would be irresponsible.” Donnie promised no such thing would get even close to happening. Not that the idea hadn’t crossed his mind before in a few dreams he’d wish would leave him alone. And of course April knew about the plan. The only one’s not in the loop where Casey & his brothers! And if he had anything to say about it, none of them would ever know about it. Though hiding the fact that he’d be gone for about a week was gunna be impossible.
For the next few days, Sasha and Donnie texted back and forth, disguising the details of the trip. Sasha was a little surprised to find out that it wouldn’t just be a single night out alone with him, but it would actually be a six day long trip! One day to make it there, two days hike out to where they would actually be star gazing, Two days back to the farmhouse, and then a one day trip back to the city! This made Sasha just a tad bit more worried about the idea, and it made a pit form in her stomach.
“Oh god…am-am I gunna be able to handle being alone with him for that long...?”
Sasha looked down at her claws, noting the sharp nails again. The memory of the other night where she accepted his offer replaying in her head again for the 30th time that day. She was about to hug him, but she had to stop herself again. Those feelings, Those thoughts, those…urges, they showed no sign of stopping. And it really started to scare her more. Worried about how she would handle it all, she went to Leatherhead for advice. If it was this hard to hold back being all cooped up, she could only imagine how much harder it would be to keep herself under control while not only being out in nature again for the first time in months, but it was also spring time. The Time of Passion for a lot of species, including themselves. Leatherhead assured her she’d be fine, but if she really felt uncomfortable, she could just change her mind about going.
But no, Sasha snorted, “I can’t keep being a coward. And I’ve already gotten this far. I might as well see how this goes. And I trust Donnie, so I need to start trying to trust myself.”
Finally the day came, and with it, butterflies galore for both of them. Donnie was in his room, getting his final preparations ready. All the gear he’d be taking with them laid out over his floor. “Let’s see…Blankets, Pillows, Telescope, Flint, Matches, Water Canteen, Notebooks…” He muttered to himself, before a knock at his door spooked him. “Hey yo, Donnie! You in there bro?” called out Raph’s muffled voice from behind the door. Donnie panicked a bit and quickly started to shove the items into his duffle bag, “Uhhh, j-just a minute Raph! I’m here!” Raph raised a brow at that, “The heck does that mean? The hell are you-“ Raph asked as he opened Donnie’s door anyways to see his brother haphazardly slamming his duffle bag under his desk and him quickly plopping his butt into his deck chair. There was a pause while Donnie tried playing it cool, “Oh hey! Sorry about that Raph, I was just…uhhh…you know…reorganizing my stuff…” trailing off in the last part a bit. Both in a way that made it sound like he was questioning what was coming out of his mouth and instantly regretting it. He had been able to hide the trip from his brothers for the whole week, but this is where shit was gunna hit the fan.
It was pretty obvious that Donnie was lying, he was never good at it! Raph’s eyes flicked down at the duffle bag and then back up at his brother, then they narrowed, “You always stuff your bag full of your crap when you ‘Reorganize’ things?” He asked, really not amused. “I do now.” Donnie stated, quickly rushing past his brother. If he was gunna be getting ready for this trip and getting the snacks packed, he was gunna have to do it now while he still could. But Raph wasn’t letting him go that easy. The whole week leading up to today, he, Leo, and Mikey had been feeling like something was up with him and Sasha! Big time! Mikey said that during the sleepover, he overheard Sasha and Donnie talking in his room, but couldn’t exactly understand what they were saying. And ever since that, the two of them have been a lot weirder around each other. They could be seen starring at one another more often, they’d be whispering to one another, and it seemed like the super awkward air they had between them was nearly gone almost over night! And now, this morning, Donnie hadn’t come out of his room and was now packing a bag with god knows what!
“Like Shell you do! The heck is up with you today?” Raph asked, fallowing close behind his brother who was heading to the kitchen. “I have no clue what you’re talking about…” Donnie said quickly, trying to shake off the praying. But it wasn’t gunna work. Leo stopped his training to walk over to them, “What’s going on?” Leo asked, concerned that the two might have gotten into another fight. “Donnie here is packing a bag in his room!” Raph said, still fallowing Don and not stopping. “What?” Leo asked, genuinely concerned hearing this. “It’s not how it sounds…” Donnie said while digging through the cabinets for a few sandwich bags and filling them with a few small snacks. “It’s exactly how it sounds! Don’t give us that!” Raph barked back. “What the shell are you doing packing up your stuff Donnie?” Leo asked, now getting really worried. “I’m…going on a short trip…” Donnie’s said, figuring he might as well give them that much. “What!? Why? Where? Does Splinter know about this?” “Any particular order you want those answers in?” Donnie snarked back as he quickly gathered up some juice pouches into a cooler along with the snacks, still not making eye contact with his brothers.
“Stop it Donnie, I’m serious! What is going on?” Leo tried to plead, but it fell on deaf ears as Donnie slid a few extra things from the fridge into his cooler and made his way back out of the kitchen, cooler in hand. “Nothing that you two need to concern yourselves with! I’m just gunna be gone for a week! I’ll be fine!” Donnie said, obviously getting annoyed and stressed by the badgering from his brothers, speed-walking his way back to his room. And just as he saw his open bedroom door, he could see Mikey, looking through his Shell Cell. The duffle bag he had on the floor now open.
“MIKEY!” Donnie shouted in anger as he charged into his room, quickly whipping the Shell Cell from his hands and quickly slinging the duffle bag over his shoulders. “Whoa! Easy Donnie, I was just-“ “Snooping through my things when I’ve told you about a thousand times not to…” Donnie quickly retorted, clearly not amused. “Come on dude! You aren’t telling us what you’re up to, and I KNOW you’re up to something!” Mikey said back, sure he could be a little shit stirrer, but he was just as worried about this “trip” as much as his brothers were. Donnie rolled his eyes, letting out and exacerbated huff, “Look I’m gunna be fine! I have my Bo with me, and if I need anything, I have my Shell Cell!” He said, now packed up and ready to leave. He had already texted Sasha to let her know he was ready to leave.
Walking into the living room area, Donnie just stood there, looking through the Shell Cell at his messages. But his brothers weren’t gunna let up. “Can you at least tell us where you’re going?” Leo asked. “Why, so you three can fallow me? I don’t need any praying eyes!” He brothers all just threw up their brows and that, and looked at one another. They had to admit that fallowing him was kinda on the table, but no way they were admitting it. “What does that mean?” Leo asked. “Yeah!?” Raph asked. “You got some super secret vehicles you’re working on or something?” Mikey asked. Donnie turned to look at his brothers, “What? No! Look, I’m not telling you guys what I’m doing or where I’m going! And that’s final!” Donnie snapped. The brothers had to take a step back for a minute, looking a bit concerned now. Donnie sighed, “Look, I’m sorry, ok? I just need to be alone for this! Splinter and April know where I am if something happens to me. But I’m gunna be fine, I just, need to face this on my own.”
Leo narrowed his brows a bit, Donnie made it seem like a very important mission, “Face what on your own?” But before Leo could get any kind of answer to his question, a voice came up from behind Donnie at the entrance to the lair! “Hey Donnie, sorry for taking a while, I had to find all my old camping ge-“ Sasha chirped as she entered the lair, to see Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Raph all looking up at her. The latter three looking up at her a bit bewildered. Donnie looking back at her over his shoulder, now smiling. There was a short pause before Sasha let out a nervous chuckle, taking in the scene right in front of her. “Oh…Am I interrupting something?” She asked, a crooked smile crossing her face. “Nope! Just finishing up here!” Donnie chirped back, giving her a sweet smile, his brothers now looking at the two of them with wide eyes and slacked jaws.
Sasha, noticed the light signal from Don that she needed to run, and she nodded. “Ah! I see, well…meet you in the Battle Shell then! See you in a week fellas!” She said, giving them another smile and backing up a bit. And before any of them could react, Sasha turned tail and sped off on foot. Another awkward pause wafted through the room, before Don looked back at his brothers, “Welp, you heard her! And it’s not polite to keep a lady waiting!” “WHAT?” His brothers shouted, but Don was already booking it out of the lair, disappearing in to the darkness of the tunnels. “The shell was that?!” Raph asked, genuinely thrown off by how bizarre and quickly that went down. “I-I don’t know…” Leo muttered, honestly too shocked to really understand what just happened. “Huh…well that explains what I found in Donnie’s bag…” Mikey then starts to giggle a little, that impish smile he gets when he’s just played a prank on someone slowly growing on his face. “What? What’s so funny?” Raph looked at his brother with a raised eyebrow. “Oh nothing…sure we’ll find out in a week…” Mikey grinned.
Donnie was nearly out of breath by the time he made it to the warehouse, where Sasha was already sitting besides the Battle Shell, leaning up against it. But once she heard his feet approaching she straighten up and waved. She looked nervous, but was clearly trying to hide it, “How did it go?” She asked. Donnie shook his head as he approached her, “About as good as I figured it would…” he said. Sasha cringed, “Ooof. Sorry to leave you behind like that…” “No need to apologize, probably would’ve gone way worse had you stuck around.” Donnie admitted, opening the back of the Battle Shell, loading up his duffle bag and cooler. “Fair enough!” Sasha said, also placing her duffle bag next to his. “With that said we should probably get outta here pretty quick before they have a chance to fallow?” “Oh you bet! Hop in!” Donnie said, climbing into the Battle Shell first, turning around once inside, holding out his hand to her. Sasha blinked a bit, surprised by the offer. Her eyes looked up to his and he was giving her a soft smile, cheeks the slightest bit dark. “N-need a lift?” Sasha looked back down at his outstretched hand, lips pressed into a thin line, contemplating and nervous. Finally, she tentatively reached out and gently took his hand. Donnie then pulled her up into the Battle Shell, finally sliding the back hatch behind them down.
Sasha had been in the Battle Shell a small number of times before now, and it always impressed her just how much work went into it. It was one of the first projects Leatherhead ever told Sasha about when she first met him, and was telling her about how brilliant Donnie was. When she finally got to meet him and he decided to show her the Battle Shell, she was smitten with it! Such a beautiful machine made from only scraps and junk. It was truly a sight to behold. Since then, she’s been allowed to help in making adjustments to it. Specifically, Donnie wanted her to help with making it go faster, which the cheetah was more than delighted to help with. Speed was part of who she was after all, and her tips on making the Battle Shell more aerodynamic were incredibly effective. Only now further demonstrated by how fast Donnie pulled it out of the warehouse and into the back allies! When they finally made it onto the main streets of the city, Sasha’s eyes seemed to grow to the size of dinner plates!
“Oh my spots…” She said in amazement. Seeing the city at night from the rooftops was one thing, but during the day it was a whole other beast. The sun was so bright, there were so many people it was impossible to make out any one face in the crowd, and all the noise going on was insane. A stray thought made Sasha wince as her ears drooped and she moved her face away from the windows a little. “Uhhh aren’t you worried someone is gunna like…see us?” She asked, honestly not having thought about that until now. “No need to worry! I tinted these windows to the maximum legal limit! They won’t be able to make us out.” Donnie chimed up. Sasha sighed, feeling a lot better now. “Oh good! Thought I was gunna get us caught there of a sec…” She started shifting her gaze back out the window again, partly to keep looking at the world around them, and partly to try and keep from making eye contact with Donnie. She was hoping that the new sights would keep the butterflies that had been doing back flips inside her stomach down, but that wasn’t happening.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Donnie asked, noticing her wondering look. “It’s definitely something! They have cities in South Africa too, but…nothing like this!” Sasha responded, still not looking back at Donnie. Donnie nodded, his eyes now wondered over from the road to Sasha in the passenger's seat. He didn’t say anything about it before and had no plans to bring it up to her at all out of fear of being seen as a creep, but…something seemed…different about her today. Almost…prettier. Not that he ever thought of her as not pretty, far from it actually. But for some reason, her fur seemed smoother, more groomed then she normally looked. Her coat shining in what little sunlight was making its way through the windows. And…if he wasn’t mistaken, she had to be wearing some kind of perfume, or maybe it was her shampoo. It was a fruity smell, like a watermelon maybe. The smell of which was filling the cab.
“Did she really get all dolled up just for this?”
This staring went on for a bit, till he noticed something, her tail was wrapped around in her lap. Her nails lightly playing with the fur at the ends, hands seemingly shivering. Of course, she was nervous. Not that he blamed her, so was he.
A honk from a car behind them made Donnie jolt a little, focusing his attention back onto the road, nearly making him leap out of his shell. Sasha then glanced back at him, “Y-you get everything you needed?” She asked. “Huh? O-oh, yeah! Well, just the essentials. I was packing over the span of the week so my brothers wouldn’t get suspicious. B-But uhhhh…you saw how well that went.” Donnie answered, his hands gripping the steering wheel every once in a while. Sasha nodded, taking notice of his hands, it was pretty clear he was nervous but was doing his best to seem relaxed. And that’s when a faint hint of sunlight made her notice something else. A short but noticeable glimmer came from behind Donnie.
“D-Did he polish his shell? All for...this? For...me?”
The thought made Sasha’s face burn, though she really couldn’t judge. She was the one that called April and had her come over way earlier in the day before she left to help her get ready. And for moral support.
Feeling like she was starting to stare a bit, she quickly looked away and started trying to think of something to say, keeping her eyes anywhere but at him. “I-I'm really glad you asked me to come with you…” She said, sheepishly. Donnie blinked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye, “Oh…Really?” Sasha nodded, “Yeah, I mean, I not only get to spend a bit more time with…well, you. But I also get to see a forest for the first time!” Donnie took a second for those words to set in his mind, the idea of her never seeing a forest before was baffling, but then logic kicked back in and he nodded. “Oh yeah, that’s right!” “This closest I’ve ever gotten to seeing one was a Jungle, but it wasn’t very big. And of course, pictures online and in books don't really count.” Sasha added. “Well, I’m hoping to show you more then just that! We have a two day hike ahead after we get there. Casey, April, and my brothers have had a few…adventures out there. I can even show you where a spaceship crashed!”
Sasha’s eyes grew wide and her head snapped up to look at him, “Are you for real?” Donnie laughed, “I wouldn’t lie to you! Yeah! I can also show you a nuclear power plant that we shut down because it was killing off some mutant fish folk that were living in the river!” Sasha’s mouth curled into a wide grin, “This so cool! I can’t wait to see it!”
With a little bit of the tension lifted, the rest of their drive out of the city was a little more comfortable. And once they started hitting the wilderness, Sasha’s eyes wondered even more. Without much traffic around them now, Sasha felt safe enough to roll down her window a bit to see everything better. The trees were just beginning to sprout fresh leaves, and the grass seemed to already be bringing out colorful flowers and weeds! The sun was high in the sky, giving the daytime a pleasant warmth, something for the plants and newly awoken critters to soak up to prepare for the new season. The scent of clean spring air hit Sasha’s face, her smile turning soft as she took it in. Her fur seemed to shiver a little, as if a new wave of energy was going through her body.
That’s when another feeling creeped into her body, and she froze a little, a rush of embarrassment and worry slowly starting to take over. Her eyes glanced over at Donnie, who seemed more relaxed, but was still focused on the road. A very slight smile on his face. Taking in his features, Sasha felt that weird tingle in her body and she frowned.
“T-this is…gunna get…weird…”
Sasha started looking down at the floor, thankful that the window was down now so that she could get a soft cool breeze on herself as her cheeks began to burn hard. “H-Hey uhhh, D-Donnie?” She started softly, starting to feel her paws shake. Donnie almost didn’t hear her over the sound of the wind, but his eye’s could see her lips move from the corner of his eye and he turned his head slightly, “Huh? What’s up?” He asked, honestly looking a little concerned now. She didn’t look too hot, and her cheeks could be seen turning red through the fur on her cheeks, “You getting sick? Should I pull over?” He asked. Sasha shook her head, “N-no it’s just…I-I’m a bit worried.” She muttered, her hands coming together in her lap, clamping onto one another tightly. Donnie’s brows curved up, taking quick glances at her, still trying to keep an eye on the road. “What about? If it’s the hike and camping-“ He was cut off pretty quickly. “N-No! I-It’s not that…I-It’s…about me…” Donnie cocked a brow and looked at her for a good long second at that. “What do you mean? Thought you said you weren’t sick.” Sasha grimaced a bit, looking back out the window at the beautiful woods just beyond the road, as if she were looking for a way to put it. “I suppose you could…see it as being ‘sick’, in a way…” She said.
Now that REALLY confused the poor terrapin, but she was clearly getting at something, so he prodded as gently as he could, “Okeeeey…care to explain?” Sasha gulped, “Tell me…W-what does spring usually mean?” Donnie felt like he had to pause and reboot his brain for a moment. The vagueness of that question only making his worry and confusion more tangled. But, he trusted she was going somewhere with this, so he tentatively answered, “Uhhhh, well I think Blooming Flowers, Bugs, Warmer weather, and maybe allergies?” Sasha has to hold back a small laugh at his last statement, but it seemed like he didn’t notice. But the laugh was replaced with a loud sigh, as she started coming to the realization that she was gunna have to spell it out for him. Her face getting even hotter. “It also happens to be the season of procreation for many species…”
The silence is incredibly loud in the Battle Shell, even the wind coming in through the cracked window seemed to be drowning in it. Donnie’s eyes went wide as a slight heat creeped up into his cheeks, waiting for a second for what she said to sink in. He turned his head slightly her way, only to see her still facing out the window, but her eyes staring right at him. Her cheeks were a bright red, ears drooped and her mouth was in an uncomfortable frown. “…that includes yours and mine.” She concluded, her voice almost hitching, but the statement still hit like a semi-truck. That’s when Donnie’s face started turning bright red and he quickly looked away just to try and save himself from every thought racing into his head at once. But, it was too late! He really wasn’t sure what to say to that!
“I-I uhhh, w-well, I mean…you’re right. But-but that d-dosen’t mean anything. W-we’re not like…well normal animals! We have more control!” He said, just trying to get something said out loud. Though it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself and her, but it didn’t, as a hoard of butterflies started churning in his stomach again. Nights worth of dreams finally flooding his brain with any and all scenarios his teenaged mind could conjure. Sasha just whimpers a bit, shifting in her seat so that she’s scooted a bit further from her turtle friend, but still facing him. Her eyes started drifting down to the floor, “Y-Yeah, I know. B-but it’s less you I’m worried about, and…m-more me…” Donnie glanced at her, and she continued, “Being a cheetah, we a-aren’t that tough, but we’re still big cats. And cats are…p-pretty…aggressive during this kind of season…” a tinge of worry coming across Donnie’s face a little hearing this. “And it get’s more intense when w-we’re…in our element. So to speak…”
“Y-your not gunna…like…hurt me, or anything like that are you?” Donnie asked, honestly a little confused by her words. The way she was talking it was like she was scared she might try to eat him. Sasha’s eyes flew up and she looked really scared, “My Spots! N-no! Never in my life! It’s just…remember that night how I-I…” she trailed off, looking down. She slowly opened her paw to look at it. He knew what she was getting at almost immediately, bringing his own hand up to his cheek, it getting warm again. “Y-yeah…I remember…” “When I’m…in my element, I tend to be a…bit more bold. And I start to show a bit more of myself…” she continued, “You’ve likely noticed before…” Donnie thought about it, and she did seem to be a bit more open when they’d be out on missions, or in the heat of battle, or even just when she’s in the zone while in the lab. Calm, tactical, and cheery most of the time, but Donnie started seeing glimpses of something else during these other occasions. A Sly playfulness here or a small trace of bashfulness there, little peeks into Sasha’s true personality.
Donnie let his mind wander a bit, before Sasha sighed, “I’m sorry for having to bring it up NOW, but… I didn’t wanna seem like I didn’t wanna…go out with you like this…” she said, her eyes glancing back out the window, leaning against the door with one arm up against it, the other on her lap and cradling her stomach. “N-no! It’s ok! I-I’m happy you’re being honest with me! That’s the whole point of this trip after all! To get to know each other more!” Donnie said, reassuring her. A slow nervous smile passed over Sasha’s lips, “…just promise me that… if I get too…” her cheeks turned bright red and her ears lowered “…Frisky…, you’ll stop me if I cross a line. And p-please don’t…take it too personally…”
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The word ‘frisky’ coming from Sasha of all folks made Donnie nearly laugh, but he held it in immediately. “Of course! I promise, nothing you could do would cross a line for me! But, uhhhh, I suppose the same should be said for me…” Sasha looked at him, an eyebrow raised. Donnie nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck some, “I’m assuming you know how turtles get w-when…uhhh…” he trailed off, cheeks burning immediately. Sasha smirked a little, nodding.
Of course, Sasha was always more into the Biology branches of science, it was something he admired about her. He swallowed, “R-right, so…stop me if I cross a line too.” Sasha nodded again, “Deal… though…” a light devious glint hit her eyes “I don’t think I’ll need to worry about you. I know more about your body than you do about mine…” Donnie eyes grew at the sound of that, and his looked over her way. She was blushing still, a slight smirk on her face, but she was leaning against the window again. Staring off at the passing trees. The butterflies in his stomach were going insane now, his face practically wanting to melt off.
"W-what the shell?"
Quickly looking back at the road so they wouldn’t crash, Donnie kept driving. Sasha felt pleased with that, but the pit in her stomach still hadn’t let up. She had been honest with him. Right?
After about another hour or so, they finally pulled up the long dirt road leading up to the large Farmhouse. Sasha let out a long whistle, looking at the size of the property and seeing the woods just beyond it. “Talk about some fresh air! This place is so…beautiful!” She said, taking off her seat belt, still keeping her eyes trained on the tree line. Donnie huffed out a small laugh, “I know right! Plenty of wide open space for us to just stretch our legs a-“ The sound of Sasha’s door opening and her hopping out made him stop. The speedy pattering of her feet on the grass was so quick that Donnie hardly started unbuckling his seatbelt yet. By the time he finally climbed out, he turned his attention to the back of the Battle Shell, and Sasha had already made it halfway across the property. She was looking all over the place, slowly turning, her tail softly flicking behind her. She was wonderstruck!
A soft smile spread on Donnie’s lips as he watched her. “I guess she really HAD been needing some time out in nature.” Sasha only stopped moving when her eyes landed on the sight of the distant hills, a huge smile spreading on her face. A present spring breeze blew through the trees and grass, and as it made its way into her fur, Sasha closed her eyes and took in a huge breath of it. The tips of her ears and tail now softly twitching. She then let out with a sigh, the wind suddenly changing direction and strength along with it, almost in sync. That’s when her ears flicked to something behind her, and she quickly turned to see Donnie approaching her, carrying both his and her own bags. “Huh, that wind gust was pretty strong!” He chuckled, getting closer and holding her bag out to her.
Sasha seemed to flinch at him taking notice of that and her ears drooped a bit, but she quickly shook that off and took her bag from him. “O-oh yeah, you know! These Spring winds they…uhhhh…always seem to…you know…move with the hearts of those who let it in.” Donnie raised a brow at that, “I’ve never heard that one before…” he said, a small smile on his face. While it was strange, Sasha always seemed to know a few weird sayings, most of which were kinda funny but mostly endearing. Maybe even a little spiritual at times. “Y-yeah, it’s something my Grandmother used to say…” She said, seeing to be in a hurry to stop talking about it, quickly slinging her bag onto her shoulders. “Well, I hope you’re ready to move like the wind, cause we’ve got a LOT of ground to cover before we make it to were we gotta be.” Donnie piped up, tilting his head in the direction of the woods just ahead of them.
She looked at him of a second, her ears perking back up again, the cat-like smirk returning to her lips, “Born ready my terrapin friend! Lead the way!” Donnie walked ahead a bit, “Well, We’ll have to move a bit stealthily from here for about a mile through these woods! Casey has a neighbor here who once sent his pitbull after Mikey.” “Oh! Crazy Man Hatchet?” Donnie froze for a second, looking back at her surprised that she knew. “How did-“ Sasha shrugged, “Mikey told me the story! You three saved a furry green man thing and it’s baby.” “Right…well, I’m hoping we won’t be seen like he was. But, like I said, we only got to get past a mile and then we should be in the clear.” Sasha nodded, “You got it…” she started walking ahead of him, only stopping to get right next to him, giving him a playful bump on his shoulder “Ninja Boy…” The way her voice came out was so sultry and almost teasing. Donnie froze a bit, feeling her soft tail brush his arm as she passed him. The tingle from such an action traveled through his whole body, making him shutter as his face began to burn. “Oh shell…is THIS what she meant by ‘being bold’?” He thought to himself, staring at Sasha, slack-jawed as she walked ahead of him. Noticing the way her tail swooshed, moving in time with her steps and the sway of her hips. He gulped, “If so, I just hope I can handle all of…that!”
The cheetah looked back at him, over her shoulder, “Race you to the other side?” She shouted back, a sly smirk on her. The return of that competitive spirit in her, and the quickening of her steps made Donnie flinch, before springing to life himself. He smirked and ran to catch up, “Sure, but aren’t I supposed to lead the way!?” He yelled back, with a laugh in his voice.
(To Be Continued...)
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bmodiwrites · 1 year
Hi friends! I'm dabbling in tomgreg, again. Don't worry, though - I'll be back steddieing very soon (there are like... four WIPS on the way!) I thought it'd be fun to dabble with sugar daddy esque Tom. Here's hoping you guys enjoy! Catch a sneak peek of the fic below, then head over to AO3 to read the rest. It's spicy, so minors DNI!
It becomes Tom’s sole responsibility in that moment to fix this glaringly obvious problem.
There’s a little work that goes into the whole thing – while Tom understands himself and his own sense of style, he’s still getting to know Greg. Tall isn’t a measurement that can be used to make someone a custom shirt. Which means there’s no way around being a little creepy to find out Greg’s size.
Of course, the odd touching and weird comments that make Greg bend over enough to see down the back of his shirt give Tom an opportunity to indulge the unchecked crush blossoming further by the day. Their weird connection upon first meeting (that Tom absolutely ruins in his hasty to overcome nerves and the funny feeling of love at first sight) lit something in Tom that’s refusing to putter out into the snuffed out thing it already is. Or, well, should be.
So, Tom indulges himself while collecting the needed data to fulfill his task. After he gets the numerical information, Tom does nothing to stop himself from continuing the arm grazes and long looks. He’s so used to it by now that it’s too big of a burden to even consider. It’s not like Greg does anything about it, anyway. In fact, Tom is almost positive that Greg moves into his touch. Or maybe that’s just the wishful thinking Tom can’t allow himself to put to rest.
Either way, the indulging does not stop.
When the shirt eventually comes in, Tom thanks his tailor for the last minute addition – his usual order is pristine as always, earning Leon a nice tip. Tom can’t wait until he’s home to take a peek at his commission and isn’t disappointed with the result.
The black of the shirt is deep and dark, beautiful because of its shadowlike nature. Tom’s thumb stopped on the example tab while flipping through the palette book thoughtlessly, like the thought of black enhancing the paleness of Greg’s creamy skin is an everyday thing. Sadly, it probably is.
Either way, Tom is happy to note the buttons are thick and durable, even at the cuff. Greg is a clumsy nuisance who’s like Bambi on ice at his best. Providing him with a garment that’s both pretty and made to last is Tom’s way of showing care. He hopes to see the soft, obviously high quality fabric of this shirt for a long time to come.
He’s meticulous in the way he packs it later that night. It came in a nondescript black box but Tom is hoping to impress. He buys a fancy gift box and folds it like he’s seen his own shirts a billion times before. It looks professional and classy – just like the man Tom wants Greg to be.
Despite being stoked about researching for and buying the gift, Tom can’t stand the thought of being there when Greg opens it up. He’s got this stealth plan that frees him from having to experience Greg’s reaction first hand. It’s so good, the plan that is, that Tom is cheery and upbeat throughout the entire day. People give him a wide birth but that’s just as well – not having to mop up other people’s bullshit adds a yummy cherry on top to a pretty good day.
After waiting until he’s almost certain everyone is gone, Tom sets things in motion. He sends a text to Greg about getting him a coffee for the road. When he hears the squeak of Greg retreating to do Tom’s bidding (just like the very good boy that he is,) Tom pulls out the box and makes quick work of putting it on Greg’s desk.
He’s seconds away from being in the clear when the intoxicating sent of tobacco infiltrates Tom’s senses. Greg is back and Tom is still there, lingering around Greg’s desk. The perfect day is quickly flying downhill at a terrifying speed. There’s nothing he can do to salvage the situation, so Tom does his best asshole impression, instead.
“Took you long enough, Gregory,” Tom says, turning around to snatch a nonexistent coffee cup from Greg’s hands. “What happened? Where’s my coffee?” The exasperation in his voice is real, though it’s not Greg’s fault.
It is a convenient excuse, however.
Greg looks flabbergasted, stuck between staring at Tom, his empty hand, and the obviously out of place box amongst his things. Tom, because he’s close to a breakdown already, is having a hard time not laughing it all. Karma is speaking loudly to him now, heckling Tom ruthlessly for his attempt at being a good person.
Thankfully, Greg’s broken up speech brings Tom back from the edge of a very embarrassing spiral.
“I uh – what’s that?” Greg asks, bypassing all of Tom’s questions in favor of honing in on something shiny and new. It’s the exact reaction that Tom wants, though there’s mixed feelings churning in his gut because he’s here to see it. His imaginings aren’t nearly as good as the real thing – that spells trouble for Tom, he can already tell. Being here, seeing this – Tom’s not sure he can recover.
Read the rest on AO3!
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The Crows: What they smell like
(I hope this is not creepy)
so umm, Matthias smells like mint
for sure
with maybe a bit of a hint of honey
and like a strong kick of black pepper
like when you're near him you first smell this sweet fresh minty hint
and when he leaves there is this spicy void for a while
I am convinced Jesper smells like gunpowder and lavender
like you can think what you want I will stick to this and defend this with my life
but I also think he has a faint hint of jasmine
like it's that faint smell you only sense when you're cuddling
it's also what his clothes and sheets smell like
(Wylan is obsessed with this)
Nina smells like roses
and oranges
and a little bit of mulled wine
she basically smells like Christmas in my opinion
just like she her smells is gorgeous and everpresent
like the room smells like her for hours after she leaves
I think she also sometimes smells like plums
if she gets her hands on expensive body lotions from Shu Han or Ravka
(I think Matthias loves it when she's smelling like plums, it's comforting to him because as a kid sugarplums were his favourite)
Inej smells like spices
warm and spicy and rich but still not too much
she has a very warm smell
which is very impractical because it's distinctive and noticable
so in order to stay invisible she uses butter-soap which completely cancels out her smell
so most of the time she smells like absolutely nothing
once she gets comfortable with Kaz and her friends she stops using her soap as much
and when I tell you Kaz is obsessed with her smell
he once said she doesn't have a smell which was weird
well, it turns out she does and he's absolutely entranced by it
her hair also contain the essence of her scent
which is also why Kaz loves to bury his head in her neck when they cuddle (as soon as he's comfortable with touch of course)
Wylan smells like homemade gingerbread and vanilla and old paper and ink
interestingly, his stuff smells like cinnamon
which drives Jesper nuts
because he steals Wylan's clothes or stuff and they just refuse to smell like him
and Jesper just wants a reminder of his boyfriend
I also think Wylan's scent is the strongest and nicest out of all the crows
(mainly because of his overly great hygiene)
(like I kind of suspect a slight germaphobe in this boy)
Kaz smells like citrus and grass after rain
like you wouldn't expect this from him but I feel like he smells very bright
but not strong
like you have to be standing really close to him to notice
which only Inej is allowed to
so she knows this
but Kaz's clothes smell very strongly like him
which Inej of course takes advantage of
she loves stealing his shirts
(her her smells like Kaz when she returns them)
(and of course Kaz loves this)
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I actully was only a fan for goto at first but when i figured out that there ARE more fans of him and he has HIS OWN SHIP with kiga (hc name for moonfish) I WAS SO HAPPY LIKE OMG HE'S FINALLY GETTING ATTENTION THAT HE DESERVES FROM HIS 16 FANS AROUND THE WORLD HE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE DESERTED ANYMORE COMPARED TO OTHER CHARACTERS💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
then i started to have some interest in kiga and became a fan of him and started to support his ship with goto (I WAS ALSO SO SURPRISED WHEN I SAW HIS FACE HE'S SSSOOO PRETTY LIKE PRETTY BALD BOI SKSJSKJSKSJSKJS✨💕✨💕✨💕)
sometimes i just look at these two and go "yep I'm gonna make them ALOT of fake scenarios in the middle of math class and smile like an idiot for sure"
they're SO perfect together i wonder how did they become together? like who confessed first? who noticed the them looking at each other multiple time in the middle of the meetings first??WHEN AND WHERE DID THEY HAVE THEIR FIRST KISS??!?AKAJAKJAKAKAKAKA✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕
also do think goto might be into spicy food?? MAYBE KIGA WOULD TRY TO MAKE HIM HIS FAVOURITE SPICY MEALS AS A GIFT???????💓💓💓💓
(أنا آسف إذا كان هذا طويلًا جدًا حتى لو كان سؤالي الأول وإذا كان هناك أي أخطاء في اللغة الإنجلي��ية ليست في الواقع لغتي الأولى ، فلا تتردد في عدم الإجابة ، فلا بأس بذلك 💖).
oh my gosh, i'm so very sorry!! i did not see this until just now bc my asks have been like,,, ruined for a few months
yes, we can totally be moots!!
goto and kiga are such cuties and i love them both with all my heart. i was a moonfish fan from the moment i saw him and same with muscular
i love that more people are slowly liking muscular more! he's such a cool character and so is moonfish. and dw, i do the same in my lectures too, just always thinking about these two tbh. i've sketched muscular on classwork more times than i can count.
i have so many ideas for who confessed first and i'm honestly in love with it going either way. kiga could be like "oh you're such a menace of a man and are absolutely feral i love you" OR it could be muscular being like "...you're so creepy. we should kiss 💖." just so many ways it could go!!
yeah, moonfish is so pretty! i love the little scar in his ear, it's such a wonderful little detail. i imagine him having a shaved head makes it easier to wear his suit when he's working as a villain, yk?
i definitely think one of four scenarios for their first kiss:
they had their first kiss on a battlefield one day
they had their first kiss sitting on the roof of the LOV bar while watching the stars and talking about different things
they had their first kiss after the prison break
they had their first kiss after they slept in each other's arms one night and they both just woke up and kissed the other because they can't live without the other
i really like any of these four ideas for them!
goto ABSOLUTELY LOVES spicy food. as a spicy food lover myself, i just KNOW goto is the type of guy to eat the spiciest noodles and still add extra chilies, spicy sauce, and peppers. he needs it spicy enough to melt metal otherwise it isn't good enough. i think his favourite dishes are actually korean and indian dishes, rather than japanese. i think he'd love korean buldak and Gochujang noodle dishes. as for indian traditional dishes, he'd adore laal maas and Kolhapuri chicken, as well as any really fiery curry! i think muscular just really loves spice.
i HC that moonfish is REALLY good at cooking, so i think he is constantly cooking meals for goto as a part of his way to show love!
adding onto the moonfish-can-cook hc and -goto-loves-spicy-foods hc, i kinda combine them into- japanese/korean kiga and japanese/indian goto, who share their other culture's dishes with one another as a love language
(and dw, english is not the only language i speak and your ask has done nothing but make my early morning utterly wonderful. i am so very sorry i was unable to see it sooner, tysm for sending this! currently drawing the two sweet boys eating spicy noodles early in the morning <3)
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redvanillabee · 2 years
Give me spicy opinions on Agent Carter season 1, and your least favorite season of AoS 👀
AC S1:
Honestly I have nothing to add. This season—with it being a Marvel production and therefore all the limitations that come with it—is perfect.
Very fruity. It's a whole fruit bowl in there. A whole smoothie. A fruit punch. A mixed-fruit tea. Get your five-a-day from this show.
@ Marvel when (not if) you bring back Agent Carter can you promise to do Jack's hair like you did in S1. You just dumped a gallon of gel on him in S2 and called it a day. It's like Blaine in Glee S3 all over again.
...Honestly am still struggling to understand why Peggy saying that Daniel is 'one of the lucky ones' is considered ableist by some. Not that I'm in a position to judge what is and isn't, and I'm open to different interpretations of the line, but...?
Mundie you're gonna get me killed
...It's kinda hard to pick just one cos I'm of the opinion that S2-4 has Too Much Ward and he is a major reason why I don't want to rewatch AOS (the other being that it is a H U G E undertaking)
I'm really torn over S3 cos...on the one hand I love that it gave us HYDRA back story and the link to Arena Club in AC S2 (OG Marvel intertextuality is absolutely delicious), but on the other hand...I don't care that much about the Maveth/HYDRA planet secondary location plotline? Plus I don't really like Lincoln, and there's a lot of him in that season.
S2 was quite nice outside of the creepy stalker Ward stuff. I love them exploring the implications of SHIELD falling. The introduction of the Inhumans element was done quite well too.
S4 was...fine. Dark!Daisy in early S4 was very sad to watch. I didn't really like Self Control, but that's more my on-going issue with the show's continued strategy of 'absolutely torturing female characters = they are strong'. But yea it was. Fine.
(Honestly so much goes on in S3-4, I barely remember their main plotline, let alone all the side plots.)
So I guess that's my very long-winded way of saying that...S3 is perhaps my least favourite?
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
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My friendly friend, that re destro idea you had was spicy and great😍😍😍
Could i request a creepy-boss re-destro non-con with a male s/o😳😳😳😳😳😳
Please sir im begging
Love your writing, take care of yourself
He'd want you to be his "protege" and use that as an excuse to have you around all the time. Don't you want to learn from the best when it comes to business, writing, public speaking, philanthropy, management, etc? And it's not even hard work most of the time; he'll invite you to fancy dinners, outings to luxurious parts of Japan, wine tastings, and all of it can go on the company card.
That includes your wardrobe, too. Your office clothes are perfectly fine, but these are upper echelon events; you need something a bit more...elegant. Silk ties, custom-fit suits and shoes, cufflinks with real gemstones, a gold watch with your name engraved on the back. You couldnt help but notice how at-attention he seemed when the tailor had taken measurements for your inseam.
It only gets past that border of inappropriate when he decides to send you a pair of silk boxers. And when he explains it away as just another gift, he's friends with the company owner, but you can't help but feel weird about it.
He's CONSTANTLY touching your shoulders, and he's very handsy in general. When you point it out, he'll say he's like that with all his men--that is, the men he has in that close inner circle of his. Just some affection among the boys, you know? Then again...he never pats Skeptic's cheek. He never lets his hand linger on Geten's when he's getting some paperwork done. It's just you.
By the time he's invited you to his home (couldn't you have just given these papers to him at work?), he's kind enough to show you around. You'll have to excuse his unprofessional attire, he'd just gotten into his loungwear: a very comfy and expensive looking robe on top of some silky pajamas. Apparently he likes sleeping with the first three buttons undone?
While you're here, why don't you try this glass of wine with him? It's a fantastic Bordeaux, he always makes sure his cellar is stocked with enough to drown out the week. Ah...it must be a little strong for you. Maybe you should lie down?
When you manage to wake up, you're in his bed and wearing just his robe and nothing else. Your cock's throbbing and you can feel his mouth wrapped around it, as well as the tip of his nose pressing against your navel. You can make out his words amidst the haze of the wine: "You know, I was hoping you'd be wearing the boxers I gave you...ah well, this is still perfect."
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A Pure Soul (Yandere!Wanda Maximoff x ADD!Autistic!reader)
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Summary: Two weeks or so after Wanda arrives at the Avengers’ Place, (y/n) shows up. An autistic Avenger who’s extremely honest and who doesn’t really seem to mind just being by themself, but also is kind and even affectionate to others. Wanda’s smitten by this and does the unthinkable.
Request?: Nope. I’m literally just throwing this out of the back of my head. From the Yandere Starter Prompts list by @yandere-mccree
Prompt: 5. “This world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.”
Warnings: (AOU Spoilers, CACW spoilers, IW spoilers, Endgame spoilers, torture sorta, sleep paralysis mention, ableism, slight manipulation?, kidnapping, mind-breaking mention)
Note: I wanted to try a bit more of a subtle Yandere vibe for Wanda. I’ve never really written one of these, so it might not be as great as I hoped. I don’t encourage or condone the unhealthy aspects.
Word Count: 3,268
It’s only been a couple of weeks or so after she’d been taken from Sokovia after it was destroyed. Wanda’s still mourning the loss of her brother when you arrive. You're a shy person, not a fan of eye contact, but you do like touch, hugs in particular, as well as head pets.
Wanda doesn’t pay attention to you much at first. You’re just another Avenger to her; a nice change of pace, but that’s all. But then comes Lagos. Wanda now has guilt along with so much trauma. It’s no surprise when you hear her crying in her room one day, the door somehow left open a crack.
“I’m a terrible person,” she says softly, thinking no one heard.
You peek in and catch her with a pillow to her face, weeping. Your heart breaks. You know it’s on her, but she clearly feels terrible. You stand in the doorway until she soon notices you.
“Oh....(y/n),” she says as casually as she can. “Hey.”
“You’re not a terrible person,” you tell her.
She’s shocked to hear this.
“You’re not afraid of me?”
You shake your head.
“Why would I be?”
“I’m too destructive,” she says, sniffling. “You saw what happened in Lagos.”
You enter your room and sit on her bed with her. 
“But you’re also very kind,” you point out. “And you’re a good person. You clearly care when you hurt others, and you want to rectify your mistakes. A bad person wouldn’t do that.”
In that moment, you can sense her need for some physical contact. You lean over and give her a hug, rubbing her back.
“I’m glad you’re here, Wanda,” you tell her.
And you are. You truly are. Even if you don’t know her well, you’ve heard her talk a few times, and she’s a breath of fresh air. Most of the Avengers tend to be a bit loud and sometimes a bit insensitive, but not Wanda. Wanda’s extremely sensitive to others’ feelings and tends to be a quiet person. It’s something you need. Her accent is also soothing to you for some reason, not to mention she’s beautiful.
You let her cry on your shoulder for a few hours, even humming to her a bit. Then it’s dinnertime and you’re called to the kitchen. That’s when something in Wanda changes. You, an Avenger who barely knows her, aren’t afraid of her; in fact, you’re glad that she’s here. She also doesn’t know you all that well, but she’s seen some acts of kindness you’ve done for her and the other Avengers, even when you thought no one was watching. And she heard your thoughts when you were hugging her, all wonderful things about her, how you wish she could see how amazing she is, how beautiful she is.
At that moment, her heart melts. How can someone with such a sweet and pure soul like you exist? How could someone so....perfect exist? It’s a ray of sunshine in her heart, making her forget about the guilt and trauma, even if only for a few moments. Your presence is exactly what she needs. And she needs more of it.....
At first it starts off simple and small; making an effort to see you more often, running into you in the compound, smiling at you, making conversation. And honestly, there’s something about Wanda you can’t quite shake off. She does make your heart flutter; sometimes you get shy around her or even blush. It’s adorable and it’s something that only makes her more fond of you. 
She discovers you’re autistic when the lights of the compound are too bright one time. The second she notices how anxious you are after Tony turns on the lights before getting his coffee in the other room, she immediately turns them down for you, and she’s the first person you tell. 
“I’m touched that you trust me enough to confess this,” she tells you with a few tears in your eyes.
Wanda asks you what other things you like or dislike, things that give you sensory overload and things that help you calm down. She asks you about your experiences as an autistic person. You’re touched by how considerate she is, and even confess to her about your ADD, or Inattentive ADHD, as they call it now. She also asks about that, but does her best to take it a little at a time so that you’re not overwhelmed with questions.
What you don’t know is that she already knows all of this, having telepathy and all; she wants to hear it from you so that it doesn’t come off as creepy. She also loves to hear your voice. It’s like music to her ears, music that eases her stresses and trauma, even if only temporarily.
Then she starts to make some more effort, actively implementing what she knows and paying attention to things you say and do, so that she knows what she can do or say without it being suspicious. Wanda wants the relationship to move as naturally as possible. You’re her precious angel, and she doesn’t want to scare you. And she won’t unless it’s inevitable or of absolute necessity. 
Wanda buys a bunch of fidgets and other sensory things for you to try, keeping in mind what you’ve told her. But also throwing in some “close guesses,” meaning things she knows but that you haven’t told her, things close to what you’ve told her. She can easily pass it off as just “having a hunch,” as long as it doesn’t happen too often. 
Though she wants it to be as natural as possible, she occasionally uses her powers on you; nothing too severe at first. Just sending little suggestions to your mind; she’s told you a few of her favorite things, so she’ll base those suggestions off of that. One of the first suggestions is why not ask her how to make paprikash? She suggests that the two of you make it together and you agree. You’re not big on spice, but there’s some sweet paprika as a substitute. And it’s not as spicy as you think, but it’s delicious.
Sometimes Wanda sends a suggestion to get you going on a rant on one of your Special Interests; it’s both a chance for her to “get to know you more,” but mostly because she adores hearing you speak about what you love; she especially loves seeing that twinkle in your eyes and she loves seeing your face light up. It’s one of the most precious things to her, seeing you so happy. She wants to cherish every single second of it. 
Though you’re nervous about it, suggestions of humming or singing to her pop into your mind. You give into them fairly often, mostly later on in the relationship. She tells you about how beautiful your voice really is, which gets you shy and blushing. It’s so endearing to her, seeing her sweet little sunbeam being so cute without even trying.
When you come back from a battle, Wanda checks to make sure you’re okay as soon as possible. She volunteers to patch you up to the best of her ability, and she soon becomes the person you first think of when you need first aid or care after a battle.
Then Wanda decides to take it a little further; her room in the compound is next to yours. She stands outside of your door, waiting for you to go to sleep, before opening the door a tad and sending in sweet dreams. If there’s one thing she despises, it’s seeing her sweet little angel upset, and this assures that it won’t happen. 
Next she sends little dreams with her in it; first only small appearances, but then she becomes apparent little by little until she ends up being the focus of many of them. Of course she’ll throw in miscellaneous dreams here and there, just to make sure you don’t get suspicious.
Then comes Wanda’s biggest suggestion to you; you two have gotten so close over the past few months, why not ask her to be your girlfriend? It only makes sense. You still feel those butterflies in your stomach, you two both have amazing chemistry, and you both are very close. At this point, you don’t question it. You’re just nervous to ask, as you’ve never been in a relationship before. Of course the nervousness is also slightly part of the suggestion, more on a subconscious level. It’s not enough to make you panic; just enough to make you shy when asking her. And of course, you are. You end up stammering a little, blushing a bit. She fondly assures you that it’s okay to feel this nervousness, and happily accepts being your girlfriend. 
Now that you two are a couple, her next suggestion for you is to give into those affectionate feelings you have when cuddling with her. She loves the warmth you bring. Wanda didn’t think you could get any cuter, and yet she’s a full-on puddle when you cuddle with her. You’re just so sweet and Wanda can’t help but feel protective over you.
Others begin to notice you opening up more and they start making conversation with you. Of course Wanda’s listening to their thoughts to make sure they’re not interested in going further than a friendship with you. Friends are okay for her, and she’s very excited inside when you make a new friend, as she knows that making friends doesn’t exactly come naturally to you. However if it ever gets to anything past that, she’d have to take action. One does express interest in you, and that doesn’t sit well with Wanda. This person doesn’t deserve such a sweet angel, let alone her sweet little angel. Something must be done. 
That night, after sending you sweet dreams, she sneaks over to their place and hides just outside of their bedroom door. She’s able to track their brain activity, so she knows when they’ve gone to sleep. Once they do, she sends them their worst nightmares, ones that paralyze them in their sleep out of fear. The next day, you don’t see them at their usual time. You figure maybe they’re sick or they overslept. In the meantime, she’s there to keep you company. It happens on and off with them for some odd reason.
If it’s one of the Avengers taking an interest in you, Wanda ensures that the two of you don’t get too close. If you go on a mission and need a partner, Wanda steps up. It’s not really a surprise to them, with her being your girlfriend and all. She glares at the Avenger who’s showing interest, letting them know to stay back. 
And then shit hits the fan.
You come back to the compound in tears one night and Wanda’s the first one at your side.
“(Y/N), what happened?” she asks worried.
You tell her about how you ran into someone who said that autism is a disease that needs to be cured and that you shouldn’t exist because you’re a burden on society. Wanda doesn’t leave your side that night. You need someone there for you. Externally she’s supportive and loving. But internally, she’s both heartbroken and fuming as she looks through the memory. A fire storms inside of her. How dare they tell such a sweet and pure soul like you that they’re a burden! How dare they say her sweet angel has a disease that needs to be cured! Wanda knows that autism has its challenges, but also its upsides. It’s not anything that needs a cure. It’s a part of your identity. She will NOT let this slide. Not even a little. 
After cuddling with you, and sending extra-special sweet dreams that night, Wanda finds the place of the person who told you this. Wanda sneaks into their bedroom and induces their worst nightmares, along with a dose of sleep paralysis. She uses her telekinesis to throw objects around the room and even at them. She uses her power to make them choke. Her grief and anger only amplifies the severity. It’s satisfying to her to hear them scream, plead, beg for mercy, to see them so helpless, knowing what they said to her precious angel. She keeps doing this to them until they’re completely broken, even going back multiple nights, just to make sure they’re gone for good. 
You don’t hear from them until you find out that they’ve become completely catatonic. Part of you still feels bad for them for some reason, but you don’t know why.
“You have nothing to feel bad about, (Y/N),” Wanda assures you when you bring this up with her. “Their guilt probably just got the best of them. C’mon, how about we get some lunch together?”
Wanda’s got your back and more for the next few days. And then Tony locks her in her room, and you’re infuriated. He just sees her as a weapon and not a person. In spite of their attempts to convince you to come along on missions, you decide to stay back and keep Wanda company, to make her confinement more bearable. 
The two of you both fight Tony together, end up in the Raft, and escape together, living away from the compound. Then comes the war. You’re the one dusted and Wanda survives. Those five years without you are hell to her. She spirals back into grief, guilt, and trauma, blaming herself for not being able to save you. Thank God for Bruce Banner. In 2023, he brings you back. The second Wanda finds this out, she rushes for you, her eyes filled with tears, and you’re just as relieved to see her. Your warmth sparks a sense of purpose back into her. After you died and were brought back to life, to her you’re truly an angel now, and she refuses to let an angel be harmed. She’s reluctant to let you fight, but she tells you as long as you stay by her, it should be fine.
Tony sacrifices himself to save you all from Thanos. The second the funeral is over, you decide to take a nap. Wanda gently grabs you and takes you to a remote location; a cottage in the middle of the woods on an island. Those five years without you and then suddenly having you back sent her protective instincts into overdrive. She decides that she can’t let anyone or anything hurt you anymore. She’s lost her parents and her brother. She can’t lose you. She won’t lose you.
When you come to, you’re shocked about where you are. 
Sitting up you begin to panic when you hear a familiar voice.
“Good! You’re awake.”
The smell of paprika hits your nose as you see her face, a sweet smile upon it. 
She brings over a plate of chicken paprikash. 
“What do you think, (y/n)?” she asks.
“Of what?”
She gives a little giggle.
“Of our new home, of course.”
Your heart jumps in your chest.
“New home?”
Wanda sets down the food on a nearby table, and sits next to you on the bed you’ve been placed in. 
“(Y/N), I.....those past five years....”
“Must’ve been horrific,” you say, still in shock.
She nods. 
“And I wish I could’ve saved you.”
She gently takes ahold of your hands. 
“And now that you’re back....I’m scared to lose you. I want us to be together forever.”
Your face flushes, and you glance away. She giggles a little and gently guides your face back up to her.
“My sweet (y/n), you’re too adorable,” she tells you.
Your eyes meet the bridge of her nose, and she doesn’t make you look at her eyes. She knows eye contact can be hell for you.
“I’ve missed this energy so much; I’ve missed your kind-hearted nature, your beautiful voice, your wide and innocent eyes, that cute little button nose, you cuddling up close to me. I’ve set everything in this cottage up just for you. I want you to be as comfortable and happy as possible here.”
“Where exactly are we, though?” you ask.
“Somewhere where you’ll never be hurt again. I’ll ensure that.”
This set off a slight red flag, and you panic a little.
“We couldn’t have just moved to a house in the suburbs or maybe a house in Greece?”
She shakes her head as she pets yours, something that absolutely gives you butterflies.
“No. This world doesn’t deserve an angel like you, sweet (y/n). You have such a pure soul-you are a pure soul-and the world outside will only hurt you. Sweet and innocent people, especially at your age, are very rare. They’re like diamonds; real diamonds. They’re extremely difficult to find, but once you do, they’re a treasure that needs to be protected. I want to be that for you. I want to protect you, keep you safe, love you and care for you. This cottage, this island, it can become a whole new world. At least give it a try? For me? Please?”
You want to say no, right? You’re not sure. It feels like something inside of you is at war, but one side is winning. Wanda’s clearly relieved to have you, and you’ve loved her for a long time now as she’s loved you for a long time now. You feel comfortable around her too. Perhaps a little protection might not be the worst idea. At the very least, a trial run wouldn’t hurt.
You nod.
“Okay, I’ll give it a go.”
Wanda hugs you close and gives you a small peck on the cheek. 
“Thank you, my sweet (y/n)! Thank you.”
The two of you have dinner together and then watch a few sitcoms before you cuddle up in bed as Wanda softly sings you a Sokovian lullaby, your head lying near her shoulder. As you drift off to sleep, Wanda watches you endearingly. What you don’t know is that you’re going to enjoy being here. She’d love it if it’s on your own terms, but if you start to seem distant, she won’t hesitate to use her magic to send some suggestions. Maybe it’s to prompt you to ask her to include or remove or change something, or even to enhance your joy for the little things. Extreme worst-case scenario? She’ll plague you with a few nightmares, ones that’ll show you how dangerous the outside world is without her, but it will pain her to do so. Expect a lot of cuddling and kisses from her when you wake up in tears in the hopes of making things better. And she makes sure they do. All she wants is for you to stay and be happy and safe with her. 
And even if you wanted to leave, it’s doubtful that even with your powers, you’ll get past the barrier Wanda’s put up. It’s doubtful that you’ll even get that far. It’s a big island after all. Big and deserted. She wants to give you enough space, but not too much. Just enough to make you happy. If you somehow find it, Wanda will make sure you’ll forget finding it. She’ll fill in the gaps with something else so that it doesn’t seem suspicious. It’s not surprising that she knows how to deal with so many outcomes; she’s had five years to think it over, after all, just in case you came back.
But none of that matters right now. All that matters is that she has you, her precious angel, and you’ll be hers forever one way or the other.
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riftimagines · 3 years
Shopkeeper AU hcs
Decided to make some Headcanons for this AU lol.
-It’s by chance you run into the small Yordle woman opening up shop in Piltover, by chance I mean accident. You really hadn’t meant to knock over those expensive Shuriman vases but it still happened. Needless to say, you didn’t really have the funds to pay her for the damages but you were able bodied which for her meant you could work of your debt by being her delivery person. Saves her time and money.
-Simple enough right? Just take packages from point A to point B. Wrong. Between having to depend on a Yordle magic based contraption that can literally send you to the shadow isles of you put in the wrong coordinates and some of her clients being some of the most dangerous people in Runterra, you feel like you might have a heart attack some days.
-Like on your first day delivering a special whetstone to Noxus for their black metal weapons. Designated place being a military campsite near the borders of Demacia. Go to the campsite, she said. It’ll be easy, she said. She did not say you’d be thrown on the ground and nearly decapitated by blood thirsty psychopaths. Had it not been for the big, still very terrifying but level headed, spiky shouldered general stepping in with his own larger axe to stop them, you’re sure you’d be dead.
-As terrifying as that experience had been you do learn not all deliveries are horrible, in fact some are quite humorous. The book in your hand you know for a fact is a popular spicy romance novel, The Storm and The Saber. You’ve seen it around a lot and apparently it seemed to have caught wind in Ionia. The only issue was finding the receiver. They had left a general location and made you wonder around in the wilderness for a solid hour before you caught sight of a paintbrush bobbing in the wind. You’ll never forget the panic and embarrassment of the Ronin as you yelled at him that you had his smut novel. To be fair he shouldn’t have made you look for him for so long.
-Other times it’s oddly simple but nice. A box of Star Anise to Zaun. One of the easiest deliveries ever. Going down Emberflit Alley you see some kids sitting in front of your destination scurry away at the sight of you, nothing too unusual. The rather ordinary but at the same time eerie house though was a bit intimidating. You knock and an iridoscope moves before a metallic voice calls you in. A part of you is terrified at the jars filled with preserved organs and creepy golems and gadgets that lined the walls, but this is Zaun, things could always be worse. You’re surprised when you reach the depths of the house to see a young boy and a heavily augmented man talking, something cooking on the stove. A glass of sweet milk for your troubles and learning that the “Evil” Machine Herald of Zaun wasn’t evil at all.
-You pay off your debt to the Yordle shopkeeper faster then you realize but you find delivering for her was far more exciting then you thought. How knows what other interesting people and places you’ll get to visit next.
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