#oH and life is also another part 🧍
chaibewriting · 9 months
Any updates on your a dollar make ‘em holler series?? I’m just curious, and it been a while since you’ve been active. 😅
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough im workin' on chapter three and chapter four simultaneously. i don't know how i plan on makin' things flow just yet but ill post 'em when i post 'em. patience young firefly
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Another day another LU analysis with me!
Dawn 9 is here and with it the end of the next arc of the LU comic is done!
This update did a lot and is also a full 10 pages long! So there's a bunch to unpack!
As always linked universe belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
Oh, and obviously spoilers for the most recent LU update if you've not looked at it!
Now, checklist. Popcorn, water and time to read half an hour worth of rambling.
Without further ado!
The letters!
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So, Twilight, four and Time all appeared to get letters, with Time getting multiple (More on that later)
Twilights reaction to the super sale was my reaction while playing TP (I recently finished it for the first time! :D) when they opend the store in castle town. Every time i couldnt get there to get potions i was low key gutted.
And Four. Four's grandpa is a mood and i hope we get to meet him.
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blorbo blorbo blorbo
The master of standing 🧍
Beloved blorbo i love him
Okay im done
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(Im not done)
Poor Sky He's so sad about it D:
But... I, as a part of the The team is heading to Skyloft next, team. Believe that Sun has done this on purpose. (Or that the Skyloftians dont have the mail system for him to retrieve anything) but i like to think its the first one.
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Hmmm.... Time got multiple letters. (That takes care of the letter discrepancy)
Twi asking about the ranch, Time looking to one of the letters. This tells me one of two things.
The letter he's looking to could be from Malon, and he's genuenly not concerned.
or The letter he's looking at isnt from malon. Infact, by the way he's looking at it i think its from his Zelda. Possibly a report about black bloods in his time period. (As last time we see them in Time's era. They dont actually fight anything)
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Twilight being cheeky and Time's dad face are giving me life.
But... as we know, Time is Twilights direct decendant only by a few generations at most. With the infomation we have from Twilight princess with Shade. And from jojo with Time and Twilight. I'm seeing this conversation as more of a father and son conversation over brothers.
And the rest of this conversation follows this same pattern. Twilight is very much being scolded. He's biting back with what he see's as Time's own words. (not that time know's as such)
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Twilight looks genuenly shocked to hear this.
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From the hero's shade (Time) in twilight princess.
"You may be destined to become the hero of legend...but your current power would disgrace the proud green of the hero's tunic you wear. "
I am screaming
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And now im screaming more. Twilight nooooooooooooo
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The we care about Twilight's well being gang. Spoiling us with the full body shots againnnnnnn.
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Give me more of these three i love them all together.
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And I'm convinced that theres going to be something bad happens to time directly after the end of the LU timeline.
Time is missing an eye. So we know that Shade and Time are closer together than the hero of time (In game). SO.... If time dosent Die on the adventure with the chain. I'm almost convinced he does almost right after he returns back to his time.
The armour is almost identical. He has most of the scaring which lines up....
If the helmet turns up, then i think Time dies during this adventure. It's the only thing i can see as missing.
Twilight.... Now i think Twilight thinks that the gods are giving him an opportunity to save the hero of time from dying to become the heros shade. but thats the funky thing about timetravel.
(Depending on how Jojo and LU time travels works.)
I believe that the timetravel in LU solidifies the adventures of the other links. And that nothign that occours in this adventure impacts their adventures. Even if something was changed it wouldnt change the past.
IE - Twilight breaking his shadow crystal wouldnt mean that wild didnt remember having the wolf on his adventure - as its already happened.
(I hope that makes sense. - time travel is confusing i see it as an alternative timeline type thing)
Moving on!
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Wild is best brother 101
Also twilight getting flustered about a girl oh bless this man i low key love him okay
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Smiley man
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Epona is a wonderful girl and i love her so much okay
Also Warriors!
Man got his emotional support scarf and is no longer stressed (Atleast not visably)
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Please understand how much i am cackling at the shenanigans of these three.
Wind rolling around because it is clearly faster mode of travel
Go zoomies wind go zoomies!
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Wind rolled down the stairs you cant convince me otherwise. Look at his little superhero pose as hes moving around the corner.
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Older brother alert, dont ruin the kids fun warriors they are just getting excited about being on the road again.
Also Warriors, This is normal link behaviour. Just ask Time. He would eailsy tell you that he rolled around hyrule field.
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(if i run out of pictures i swear to hylia)
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There's so much brotherly energy in these panels i love them all so much okay.
Also Sky offering to Pay Time back for the Inn Fee this is why i love the wonderful blorbo okay
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Guys im sorry, he's their dad. You cant change my mind.
Thats a dad walk, with a dad sentence.
'Okay guys i need to make sure you are not gonna get killed please have swords.'
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The blacksmithing gang getting the love they deserve.
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Sky leading the charge! (I know its cause he knows the way and stuff But...)
It also makes a lot of sense. If Sky is the slowest of the group(Again not confirmed but we have had jokes about his stamina), it makes sense to put him at the front to maintain pace of the group. Stops people going too fast and prevents people from being left behind.
Which i might add has already happened. (Warriors and Hyrule im looking at you.)
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We just need to read the boss partterns for a bit so we can then decide how to fight it. You know, like we did when we were in our adventures and had to figure out boss mechanics.
Important that hyrule is saying this as his game is arguably one of the hardest. He probably spent a long time on each boss learning attack patterns.
Oh this arc was fun! So much fun i love it so much okay
Thank you so much again for hanging out with me while i write these. I love making them and i really appreciate all the support on them. (If you could share it around i'd really appreciate it :) )
Have a wonderful day! :D
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kaeyahiya · 1 year
"Unrequited Enemies" (NSFW)
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Pairing: Ayato x Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW/Explicit content, use of y/n if that bothers you,use of feminine parts, enemies to lovers (kinda), swearing, and mentions of marking, a little bit of angst, a little bit of smut
Disclaimer: This is intended for adult viewing only, I have plenty of SFW content on my master list so please check that out instead. I am strongly discouraging and actively not condoning the consummation of this content for anyone who is a minor.
Word count: 5687 OH MY GOD???
Authors note: This is LONG the longest thing I think I've written to date. This counts as like a full fic, should be like a multi chapter type beat. It's a long read but dare I say this might be my best work yet. Anway, I haven't written anything for Ayato bc he was a faceless ncp before I went on my hiatus.... I am also in love with man and couldn't stand the thought of this. Hence I'm writing a self serving fic bc I'm incredibly selfish rn and need some of this man in my life. Also I enjoy a good enemies to lovers troupe sue me!! ALSO ALSO THIS IS GENDERED HAHAHAHA finally if you see my master list it's all been GN so ha I did it. Anyway enjoy me being selfish 🧍🏻‍♂️(edit) Future self here... This took me almost a month to write, this turned into a novel and I apologize....
This will also be crossposted on my A03 probably bc of the girth of this beast. You can read it: Here if you prefer that interface better
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Working under the Kamisato's was a blessing. Truly it was. You considered yourself exceptional in hospitality and an ace seamstress. That's how the Kamisato clan sought you out.
Lady Ayaka was kind, the easy one to put it bluntly. Her tasks were normal simply as asking you to clean her linens or making small repairs on her formal wears. (Which Thoma would normally jump in to help, cleaning and sewing was also his forte). Genuinely, she was the nicest noble person you've ever seen, still managing to keep an air of excellence and gracefulness to her despite her overly kind nature. 
Working there is what kept you and your family fed and you were able to have a safe haven during the Vision Hunt Degree when being a vision holder yourself was hard to avoid.
However, working under the Kamisato's wasn't easy work by any means.
The head of the household was where the issue lied when it came to your work. Kamisato Ayato, you swear had it out for you since you arrived to work for them. One day he'd have you doing mundane tasks like taking inventory of the spices in the kitchen, and the next it would be making him tea over and over until it was the exact temperature he liked.
Not to mention all the constant repairs on his clothes you'd have to do, whether it be taking care of personal matters or training with his sister he'd always come back with piles of clothes in need of huge repairs.
You probably would have punched the pretty smirk off of "Lord Ayato's" face if it wasn't for poor Thoma keeping you afloat. You feel bad but while he cooks, you normally lament your frustrations to him. He'll occasionally offer his support or advice, since after all he's your senior and also a fellow outsider of Inazuma.
"Miss, your presence is requested in Lord Ayato's office." the guard locks eyes with you. You want to groan in agony, you were hungry and tired but still you mustered a smile. " I'll head over right now, thank you."  You say with a small bow. Once the guard exits you you finally let out a long groan looking to Thoma for support. "Can't you go instead, at least you can put up with his nonsense." You sigh exasperated.
After one particularly frustrating day of repairing both Lord Ayato's and Lady Ayaka's training wear entirely and aiding another with mending their Shinai Practice Swords (The bamboo ones, commonly used in kendo??), which were almost beyond repair. You find yourself once again in the kitchen with Thoma going on and on about the day before a dreaded guards men enter.
Thoma chuckles. "I believe a 'Miss' was summoned, I'd be scolded if I showed up, besides I'm cooking. Unless you wanna deliver food to the entire staff and the Lord and Lady." You wrap him lightly on the back of his shoulder. " Fine, but if I wind up dead it's your fault." You joke. You excuse yourself and exit the kitchen; then head for your doom, Lord Kamisato's office.
You stand outside his office, the dimly lit Shoji (those paper sliding door things?) showing the silhouette of menace himself just waiting for you.  "(Y/N) here My Lord." You grit your teeth. "You may enter." You can almost hear the sadistic smile in his voice. Sliding open the door you're immediately confused on why you are here.
Ayato looked right as rain, clean and on top of that his office looked organized and practically sparkling (you'll have to thank Thoma for that later), boba tea full, and a small before dinner snack fully eaten. What more could he need at this hour. "Ah yes, Miss (Y/N)" his eyes lock with yours. "I've seemed to have spilled ink on my clothes. I need them cleaned immediately before dinner is finished." Though the room was dimly lit, you could clearly see there was no ink anywhere on Ayato's clothing.
"My lord I don't-" before you can even finish getting the word's out, Ayato takes the ink on his desk and proceeds to dump its contents all over his clothing. All the while that signature sadistic smile plastered on his face. You face contorts, you try to conceal the seething hot rage from pouring out of your mouth. (Un)Luckily Ayato speaks first. "I'm sorry you were going to say something? Go ahead, I apologize for my clumsiness."
Your mouth opens but you quickly close it. You're dumbfounded. His informal attire is mostly white, similar to his training attire, getting ink of that amount out in such a short amount of time would be nearly impossible. As you continue to stand there in silence you can see Ayato absolutely blossom with happiness.
A few more seconds pass until you collect yourself enough to speak calmly. "I'll fetch you some other clothing to change into while I tend to your..." Your eyes narrow at him. " Accident. " Words laced with venom at the end. He nods, smiling. " Go ahead, I'll be right here. Do be quick though, I hear ink is a pain to get out the longer you leave it. " He smirks.
You bow rigidly before bolting out the door to his quarters to grab him some fresh clothing.  Returning to the lion's den, you announce yourself once more. "You may enter," Ayato calls out again. Sliding open the door he promptly stands up this time.
You don't say a word but hold out the clean clothes to him. "My my, that was fast." He smiles. You don't answer but begin to turn to exit so he can change in private.  "No need to be so shy. You're practically one of my retainers at this point. "
You quickly turn around deciding to face the door instead of him, face red with embarrassment this time. You hear the rustling of the rest of his clothes. After a few awkward quiet moments with your thoughts filled with annoyance and somehow Lord Ayato's bare chest and perfect stupid abs, he finally speaks again. "I'm dressed." You pivot to see him again, back in pristine condition, however not bothering to pick up the ink stained clothes off the ground.
Retainer??? Since when? Where's your pay raise? That's all that runs through your mind as you stare at him dumbfounded. You don't realize until you snap out of your train of thought Ayato has already started stripping, his bare chest on full display. "Miss (Y/N) I don't mind if you watch, but watching me so intensely is unnecessary." You didn't think that smirk could get any bigger but it does.
You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding in and kneel to grab the stained clothes scattered around his feet. You go to grab a sleeve and the bastard has his foot still on the article of clothing. Giving it a little tug as a hint to move, Ayato simply looks down at you with a smile. "Oh my apologies, didn't realize I was standing on it and hindering your precious time to get those pesky stains out." He steps out of your way and plants himself back to his desk. Asshole is all that runs through your mind as you gather the clothes.
Once again you quickly excuse yourself and rush to the medical bay to grab some balls of cotton and rubbing alcohol. Storming back into the kitchen you decide you need to get this frustration out and combat this stain at the same time.
You definitely startle Thoma as you slide open the Shoji with little to no care of its fragility. "Listen I'm sorry, Lord Ayato is fucking awful."  You say holding up the stained clothing to accentuate your point.
You recount your encounter with the Lord of the house to Thoma all the while desperately scrubbing the ink out with the rubbing alcohol. "He's a sadist Thoma, he hates me I'm sure of it. Why on earth would he do this." Thoma turns to the area of the table you're vigorously scrubbing at ,now almost finished with dinner at this point, offers you a pot of cold water and soap to help you finish cleaning the stain. "That's just Lord Ayato, and hey maybe it was a genuine mistake."  He shrugs. "Thoma, I saw him pick it up and dump it on himself."
You move over a bit to let Thoma work his laundry magic. Taking the garment from you, which was now almost its original color, he washes it in the aforementioned cold soapy water. After some more scrubbing he pulls it out. Looking as radiant as it did on Ayato before he went and soiled it.  "Thoma I'm sorry for roping you into this... I appreciate you." He smiles nudging you softly. " Stop that, you'd do the same for me if I needed that level of help. " You're glad Thoma is always here to save your ass. 
"I may have done the best I can but it won't dry before dinner, since I'm almost done with it." You grab your Anemo Vision and wave it in front of him and he lets out a 'Oh yeah...' before he smiles radiantly. "You got this then, dry it quick and as soon as you're done I'll serve dinner. Hopefully that'll buy you a bit of time. " You bow to Thoma, thanking him profusely. You exit the kitchen before running to the courtyard to swiftly dry the Lord's clothes with a little help from your Vision.
After making quick work of drying the clothes. (Thank you Anemo Archon). You inspect the clothes one last time and decide they are pristine enough for him. Carefully folding them, you proceed to slide down the hall to Ayato's office once more. 
For the final time of the night you announce yourself. "Miss (Y/n) back so soon?" he says as you enter. His eyes narrow in on the clothes in your hands. "I'm more than pleased with your speediness. However, folding them will definitely crease them." You wordlessly unfold the clothes, gesturing to the creaseless stainless garments. "I see... Very well then, I will change after dinner."  
His eyes light up again and you regret opening your stupid mouth. "Ah yes, Thoma should be along with my dinner soon. My arms are awfully tired from writing documents all evening..." There it is again that fucking sadistic grin. "Stay here and feed me will you?" You can't stop the words from spilling out of your mouth. "What? Why?" Clapping a hand over your mouth. He didn't like that, you can tell as you watch sadism on his face fade to confusion. "Because you serve under me and I'm telling you to do so." 
Taking the clothes from your hands, Ayato purses his lips briefly as your fingers touch during the exchange.  You grimace at him, typical of him to be disgusted by touching you even for a millisecond. You quickly rearrange your face before asking the dreaded question. "Can I help you with anything else my Lord?"
Right. You forgot. You're supposed to be like Thoma, a loyal dog who does what it's told. Maybe that's what you're supposed to do but this was an outlandish request. However, knowing the wrath of Kamisato Ayato, you flop yourself in the corner in defeat, not bothering to put up a fight. You press your knees up to your chest, glancing at Ayato's, once again, happy smirk. He too proceeds to sit back down, at his desk.
A heavy silence fills the room as Ayato resumes his work. You want to yell at him, kick and scream, but overall you just wanted to cry. You're so embarrassed for what's to come and your mind is reeling. The tears brimming your eyes burn as you try to continue putting on a strong front. You refuse to let this asshole see you cry.
Thoma must be taking his time because amongst the scribbling mixed in with silence you have a lot of time to think. You evaluate your position. You signed up for this, but did you really? A maid sure, but dealing with a sadistic brat? No, that wasn't in the job description. Or maybe that was the plan all along, maybe it just happened along the way? You weren't sure at this point and you felt bitter and defeated.
"Lord Ayato?" Your voice comes out horse. "Hmm?" He questions. "Why do you trouble me with the most torturous and utterly embarrassing tasks?" You stare him down. He looks shocked you dare question his authority. He opens his mouth to answer? maybe yell at you? But as if the Archons themselves are taunting you, Thoma announces himself. "My Lord you dinner is ready, may I enter?" Ayato fixes his gaze on you for a second longer than needed before responding to Thoma. "Thoma. Yes, you may enter." He answers 
Thoma comes in hands full of all of the dishes Ayato requested tonight. He almost doesn't see you in the corner for a second but being the loyal retainer he is, the actual retainer of Ayato, he says nothing but shoots you a sympathetic glance. "Thoma, please let Miss (Y/n) help you with the rest of your food deliveries. I wish not to be disturbed the rest of the night." Ayato says using a voice he normally only uses when talking with other officials. It's cold, a lot colder than usual. The blood drains from your face and a knot forms in your stomach, you fucked up big time.  
Three days. It was three days of terrifying tranquility, free of summoning from Lord Ayato.
Lady Ayaka assured you, as well as your job, were fine. The looming anxiety however had you on edge, you couldn't sleep fearing you'd be assassinated in the middle of the night. After all Kamisato Ayato hated being questioned, the only thing you were sure he hated more was you. Death would be the only solution right? 
You were in the courtyard, it was evening and everyone was eating dinner. Thoma approached you gently tapping your shoulder. "Dinner is ready for you in the maid's quarters... But uh, Lord Ayato wishes to see you in his quarters before dinner." He says sheepishly. You groan looking to Thoma “If you don't see me tomorrow, assume the worst." You joke but deep down felt your stomach drop. It had been three days of not seeing him, who knows what kind of punishment you'd receive. 
Thoma gave you a reassuring smile as you bid him farewell and headed from the courtyard to the personal quarters of Kamisato Ayato. It's not like you haven't been there before, but something still felt off about addressing your punishment not in his office but your room. 
So there you were, standing in front of the looming door to the man who was about to decide your fate. You swallow hard before addressing your arrival. "My Lord, (Y/n) here. Thoma said you requested my presence..." Your voice came out a lot shakier than you'd like to admit. Frankly you were terrified. There was, what felt like, an eternity of silence before he finally responded. "Come in."
Your hands waver as you pull the Shoji door open. It was almost pitch black inside Ayato's room. He was sitting under a Kotatsu with his dinner finished. His eyes immediately fixed on you as you entered. "Miss (Y/n) please sit. There's something I'd like to discuss with you." Fuck. Your family will be so upset if you lose this job, what will you do for work, where will you live? Sure you hate Ayato but you for the most part enjoy your job and- No no no you can't spiral right now. 
You suck in a composed breath and take a seat opposite him under the Kotatsu. "What is it, my Lord?" You ask meekly. He closes his eyes, sighing. "I.. You see.." He's uncharacteristically fidgety. "My sister has brought it to my attention that I've been causing you much strife lately." You want to laugh, lately he says, it's been since day one but okay sure. You grit your teeth. "As you said before, I serve under you. It's my duty, I suppose." You respond promptly. As much as it hurts your pride to admit you needed this job. You belong here and you won't go down without a fight. "I see." He says, sighing again. 
" (Y/n)... You loathe me do you not?" He locks eyes with you, as if boring directly into your soul. " My Lord, of course not. I'm grateful to serve the Kamisatos." He shakes his head. " Miss (Y/n), from the moment you arrived here you've seemed to take a disliking to me. I'm just trying to understand what started it. Please be cooperative." 
Huh? You? You're the problem in this situation? You know what fuck your job. "Kamisato Ayato, I do believe from the moment I arrived here you've made me do the most outlandish things and have, frankly, acted like a brat. If anyone hated anyone first it'd be you." You bang your fist on the table of the Kotatsu. "I'm a mere maid trying to make a living, not a babysitter or a toy for a spoiled noble's amusement." 
He has the audacity to laugh. "I'm sorry I seem to be missing the joke here my Lord. Please share so I too can laugh at the very serious call concerns I just raised." You glare at him. He smiles trying to suppress his laughter. "(Y/n) no one has ever talked to me like that before..." You pause. You've never seen Ayato look so pleased in your presence before. 
"Shamefully I'll admit, I enjoyed hearing your true feelings about me." He fidgets under the Kotatsu again. "For the record, I never hated you. I enjoy teasing you, and I'll admit I take things to an extreme. For that I apologize for the suffering I put you through." You're stunned at his apology. The head of the Kamisato clan apologized to you? " My Lord I..." Your words catch in your throat and all the anxiety built over the past three days spills out of your eyes. The one thing you swore you'd never do happens, you're crying in front of Ayato. 
Instinctively Ayato rushes to your side of the Kotatsu kneeling next to you handing you his handkerchief. You take it and turn away from him as you try to repress your sobs. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry, I didn't realize... I..." He turns you to face him. His face is almost unrecognizable, maybe from the blurry vision of your tears, but his face laced with pure concern and gentleness. "I apologize for being so bold to ask but my I... Hug... You?" H u h?  Your world feels like it's been turned upside-down. Ayato is being nice to you, and the craziest part is you kind of enjoy how it makes you feel. A half hour ago you would've never dreamed you'd be in this situation. 
You cautiously nod and Ayato gently pulls your much smaller form into his chest. You sniff, still calming down from your episode. Ayato gently strokes your back. It sends shivers down your spine but you don't... hate it?? You're conflicted at this moment. A man who was once so cruel to you is now being the perfect gentleman. 
While battling your thoughts Ayato fills the silence. "When my sister and I were young, she would often hurt herself by accident. While she cried, I'd hold her like this until she would calm down." You hum softly. You're unsure what to say. This whole situation feels like a twisted dream. You feel like any moment you'd wake up in your bed and the sinister Ayato you'd known up until now would return.
You glance up at him, his eyes are closed as he still is gently stroking your back. He looks peaceful, a small gentle smile on his face. You dare even concur he looks rather handsome like this. Your face turns red as you now realize the situation you're in. Kamisato Ayato is holding you. Even worse, you're enjoying it.
One of his eyes opens and peers down at you. His smile gets wider but remains gentle still. "Feeling better?" He asks. "I think so. I apologize for my outburst My Lor-" "Ayato..." "Huh?" "You can apologize but please use my name, not my title." You snort with a smile, there's the Ayato you know. "I apologize for my actions Ayato. For the record as well, I don't hate you either." 
You pause for a brief second confused by your own confession, then words continue to spill out of your mouth. "I think I hated the way you treated me and just assumed you hated me. Besides you'd make me do silly things and would cause problems just for me to fix, making my life harder, it was frustrating but..." Ayato tips your chin up from his chest. You both stare at each other in silence.
Whatever rambles you had in your mind vanished and all you can think about now is how pretty his eyes are and how you never noticed until right now.  Ayato leans down, your lips inches apart from his, you can feel the heat of his lips radiating on to yours. "May I be bold once more Miss (Y/n)?"  You say nothing, you're absolutely frozen so he continues. "I think I did all of that because I'm positively enamored by you." Then closes the gap between the two of you, kissing you.
His lips are soft and as his hand moves from your back to your waist you find yourself kissing him back. It's gentle but tender, all that pent up rage for the man you once loathed melts and in this moment it feels like you two are the only ones in the world. He pulls away first. You stare at him, he looks positively breathtaking now. His other hand runs a finger over your bottom lip then joins his other hand on your waist. "If you hate it please tell me to stop, and I will." You shake your head. "Please... Continue."
His lips meet yours again this time with more passion. You wrap your arms around his neck and gently part your lips. Ayato takes this opportunity to deepen the kiss further, sliding his tongue gently into your mouth. His hands wonder about your body while he kisses you. You can't deny the sparks that follow in the wake of his touch. 
You part briefly to catch your breath and Ayato uses this as an opportunity to explore your neck. You tilt your head to the side giving him more access. He chuckles softly at your action. "So responsive." He teases against your neck. "Please keep your thoughts to yourself and keep kissin-" He bites down on your neck leaving whatever grip you had planned to die in throat and gets replaced with a soft moan. He lavishes the bite with his tongue and you're positive that's gonna be a mark you'll have to cover tomorrow morning. He tugs at the corner of your kimono staring into your eyes asking for silent permission to continue. 
Taking the hint you boldly slide down the shoulder of your kimono to let him continue. He smirks as continues his conquest from your neck to your newly exposed collarbones. Placing soft kisses on them while making quick work of sliding the top half of your kimono off, leaving the excess fabric to hang around your waist. The cold night air hits your skin leaving your exposed top half covered in goosebumps. Ayato reaches around to your back feeling for the clasp of your bra. "May I?" His voice comes out soft, filled with lust against the shell of your ear. "Please." You whimper.   He skillfully unclasped the bra freeing your breasts from the confines. Instinctively you cover your, your face bright red with embarrassment with another realization Kamisato Ayato, your boss, is about to see your naked body. 
Ayato wraps a warm hand around your wrist, planting a kiss on the inside of it. "If you're nervous we can stop here. If not..." His eyes wander to his bed, which is partially skewed from your vision due to the folding screen for Ayato's privacy sake. "No I want to continue... I just..." You laugh. "I don't want this to affect my job you know?" Ayato chuckles back. "I promise you it won't." You blush slowly unfolding your arms. "In that case..." He smiles, that's all the permission he needs and in one swift motion stands up and hoists your half clothes body over his shoulder, like you weighed nothing. 
He takes a few steps and throws you on to his bed, one you've made many times before and one you'll probably have to make again after this. He takes advantage of you getting comfortable to take off his top. You're once again faced with Ayato's bare torso, this time you are able to ogle at it as much as you'd like. "You're staring again." He says with a smug expression, climbing on the bed now towering over you. "Am I not allowed to My Lord?" You quip back. 
He raises an eyebrow and then you see that expression on him that you used to loathe, that sadistic smile. "I suppose I'll allow it tonight. I'll even do you one better." He once again grabs your wrists, this time places your hands on his bare chest, abs, shoulders. But Ayato being Ayato was in control of your movements Giving you the satisfaction of feeling his smooth skin but not giving you control to do so as you please. "Ayato..." You whine. He just laughs before releasing your hands and leans back down to kiss you again. 
While kissing you his hands wander to your breasts giving them a little squeeze. You can feel him smile in the kiss when you let out a small moan. "Sensitive?" He asks. You nod in response, worried your words will betray you. His kiss trails back down your neck to your breasts this time. Taking a nipple in his mouth and biting and suckling on it you can help but cover your mouth and whine in pleasure. He takes his other hand and messages the other breast pinching your other nipple occasionally. 
Your core was practically aching for friction at this point you wiggle your hips. Ayato's attention shifts again. "How cute.. Someone's needy." He says after releasing your breast from his mouth. He shifts his attention to untie your obi to get the rest of your pesky kimono out of the way. When he does you catch a glimpse of the sizable bulge in his pants. "I could say the same for you." You tease. "Can you blame me?" He responds as you lift your hips so you can let him discard your kimono on the floor. "Besides, your one to comment when your panties have a wet spot." He states bluntly as he slides off the bed dragging you by the hips to set you at the side of the bed. 
Ayato plays with the waistband of your panties eyes once again meeting your asking for silent permission to go on. As if you would stop him now. He must take your silence for reassurance because he drags your panties down your hips and discards them somewhere with your kimono. He parts your legs and spreads your pussy open. "You're soaked..." He sounds breathless as he stares at your glistening hole. "Don't stare!" You protest as you attempt to close your legs, admittedly flustered. Ayato, of course, overpowers you by keeping you legs spread and plants a firm's kiss on your clit. 
He takes his time eating you out. Making sure to tease all the spots he gets a good reaction out of you. Your grip on the beds' silken sheets will tear somehow. Ayato looks up at you making eye contact with you before sucking on you clit particularly hard. You almost cum right there. After a one more delicate kiss on your core he brings his fingers up to your mouth. "Suck on these for me please." He says. Instinctively you take his fingers in your mouth. The flush across his face as you tease the tips of his fingers is something you'll definitely be thinking about later. 
Once Ayato decides you've soaked his fingers enough he gently pulls them from your mouth. You let out a whine and Ayato takes the opportunity to spread your legs a bit wider. "Oral fixation... Good to know." He teases. Taking his now wet fingers he gently prods at your damp fold locking eyes with you as he slowly inserts a finger into you. You bring a hand out to cover the guttural moan that spills from your mouth. 
Ayato looks up at you, eyes boring into yours. "You better keep your voice down, we don't want the entire estate to know I'm giving my 'disobedient maid' a punishment. " He winks, and you click your tongue at him. Ayato quickly slides another finger into your hole before you can come up with something to throw back at him. 
Ayato scissors his fingers, opening you up for him. You feel close, that all too familiar high. "C.. close" is the only thing you can muster without being too loud, you were just so sensitive. He smiles sinisterly at you, rudely ripping his finger from your aching core. "Not yet, I want you to cum with me inside you." He bashfully explains. To think Kamisato Ayato is blushing, you still honestly can't tell if this is a fever dream or not.
While in your own thoughts Ayato shed the rest of clothing and you finally get to see his cock. It's definitely not going to fit... He's going to split you in half. You move to get off the bed to 'return the favor' but Ayato stops you. "Next time... I need you right now." Pushing you back down on the bed he grabs some oil stashed under his bed and lubes up his dick. Pumping it a few times for good measure. The anticipation is gnawing at you, as he runs his length in-between your folds. 
You open your mouth to tell him to hurry up, but his lips catch yours and he inserts himself into you. Ayato takes, what would have been an earth shattering groan, from your lips as he lets you adjust to his size. Pinning your arms above your head he peppers your face with kisses as your pain slowly morphs into pleasure. Eventually the pain stops and you relish in the feeling of being full, the glee of that gets old pretty fast and now all you want is Ayato to rail you into high heaven. 
You wiggle your hips as a gesture to show him you're ready and he smiles down at you. "Use your words... Ask me what you want." He's a fucking sadistic asshole. "Please?" You whine. "Please what? (Y/N), you always have something to say, why are you so shy now?" You hate him, tears of desperation fill your eyes. " Ayato please fuck me, I need you to fuck me. I can't-" You choke back a moan as Ayato slides all the way out of you and rams his dick back into you.  He buries his face into your neck. "Good girl." He praises before leaving yet another hickey you'll have to cover later. 
He sets a steady pace snapping his hips into yours. You can only imagine how fucked out you look right now. Ayato looks like an Archon himself above you, his furrowed brow and the sweat glistening on his forehead. To think you hated this man a few hours ago... Now look at you, completely at his mercy. The soft grunts he lets out next to your ear you wish to engrave in your memories forever. 
Ayato hits that spot inside you that makes your vision blur and you can't suppress the whine that spills out this time. "Ther..Fuck...There!" Ayato hones into that spot, causing you to fall over the edge. He gently thrusts in and out of you helping you ride out your orgasm. With the combination of your soft whines and how tight your climax made you, he pulls out and comes all over your stomach. 
With no strength left Ayato collapses, gently, onto you. "Noooo" you whine weakling. " My stomach is a mess now you're messy too." "I'll call for a maid to bring me a towel." You smack him and he laughs, rolling off you. He pushes himself up off the bed and grabs a small towel from a drawer. Gently tending to your cum covered stomach before attending to himself. You curl up on his bed, as you watch him as he grabs your clothes along with his. "So next time huh?" You smirk. "Pardon?" He freezes for a moment. "I owe you one, so you know... This doesn't have to be a one time thing." He clears his throat. "I wouldn't be opposed to that, I suppose."
 You push yourself up to grab your clothes from him but immediately regret it as every muscle in your body refuses to cooperate with you. You fall back on the bed Ayato chuckles softly. "Rest for a bit before leaving... Leaving too hastily will definitely cause more suspicion than leaving now anyway... " He lays back down on the bed pulling your body into his. "I didn't take you for a cuddler My Lord." You joke, followed by a yawn. He laughs, stroking your back just as softly as he did when you were crying. "Rest for a bit. I promise I'll wake you up in a bit." You nod sleepily into his chest. "Just for a bit is fine." You mumble before drifting off to sleep in Ayato's arms.
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OH MY GOD I FINISHED IT HAHAHAHA GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKED PAST ME. If you read all of this I both sincerely apologize and thank you for reading my self serving fic. I hope you enjoyed it even a tiny bit.
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hyeque · 2 years
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synopsis: in which pretty boy atsumu is stupid enough to believe he can have a friends-with-benefits relationship with you and not catch feelings
notes: this is for @iwaizumis-bitch himbo collab. it's also the first time I've ever written a full piece for blondie, so please be nice. also my first attempt at making a banner :D thank you dee @kissyomi for beta reading :’) <3
warnings: female implied body parts, hard then soft dom!atsumu, light choking, oral fixation, cunnilingus (male and female receiving), clit slapping (once), atsumu has a sailor’s mouth
word count: 5.1kei🧍🏾‍♀️
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it wasn't a rare sight for you to lie naked next to miya atsumu. in the moonlight, his backside looked heavenly. ethereal, if you will. his muscles were well defined, and the natural light carved and traced faux lines over his body which highlighted his features. currently, he was asleep, unaware of your ogling. his light snores weren't bothersome, but instead, comfort within itself.
this was the regular routine for you. you'd be in your dorm or somewhere studying and you'd get 'that' text from him. or sometimes, he'd just let himself into your apartment, jumping on you the moment you came in. you're not sure how he convinced you to give him a spare key, but it doesn’t matter now.
your relationship is strictly no strings attached. atsumu was a volleyball player before a lover, that's what he told you when this all initially started out. the two of you swore up and down that no real feelings would come out of this arrangement, and so far it’s worked.
and it worked, until it didn’t.
it never really occurred until recently that what you harbor for miya atsumu is more than just the feelings of a best friend. but whenever you would witness a girl too close for comfort around him, your stomach would suddenly get upset. not to mention that the time he went off with another girl at a party the sight made you so nauseous that you nearly threw up. that was very telling to everyone—except atsumu.
it has been a challenge trying to fall out of love with atsumu. you thought that you could distance yourself from him, but when that started, everything started to remind you of him. of all your memories and childhood adventures, the aching hole in your chest where he belonged could never be filled up by anyone else. that was a fact.
you decided suppressing your feelings was the best option. acting like he didn’t mean anything more than your best friend seemed to make sense. especially when you don’t want to jeopardize a meaningful and lifetime friendship.
besides, atsumu always teased and flirted with you jokingly, so why did butterflies swarm your tummy? why did your heart race faster every time that obnoxious idiot smiles in your direction?
you decided the day atsumu got tired of fucking you would be the worst day of your life because there were a lot of intimate moments you two shared outside of the sheets. but you can’t dwell on it for so much now. you’ll just enjoy everything while it lasts.
"tsum," you poked his backside, trying to wake up the setter.
there was no reaction, so you poked him harder and finally he made a noise.
he rolled over halfway, his face scrunched up. "what?"
"'m hungry," you told him, huffing.
the blonde's look of discontent faded away and a sleepy smirk appeared on his face. "oh? ya want another round already, angel? well i'm glad you asked—"
"no," you shoved your hand in his face, lips pressed into a hard line. "i want food. go make me something."
he blinked, sitting up more clearly now. "what..? what are ya tellin' me this for? ya do realize that this is yer place we're in, right? and last time i checked, I'm not samu."
"it's practically yours too with how much you come over. you don't even pay rent, you freeloader," you argued, “the least you can do is make me some food.”
"yer mean." he pouts, sliding out of bed to put on his boxers and sweats.
"but you love it." you beamed, sliding his t-shirt over your nude figure. if you squinted hard enough in the dark, you swore you saw atsumu's eyes linger on you as you did.
it didn't matter how much you teased or bullied atsumu, especially since the words never held any actual weight. the blonde would do anything for you if you asked.
that night, like a familiar dance, watching atsumu move around your tiny kitchen and make you onigiri made you realize one thing:
how hopelessly in love you are with him and hopelessly screwed you are.
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normally after studying and tutoring atsumu, that would lead to a round of sex as a 'thank you'. he claimed that he may not be as smart as you, but he knows how to fuck you dumb anytime you want. this comment resulted in him getting pushed off the couch.
today is different though as the two of you lounge on the couch, barely paying attention to the tv. glancing at the time you go to make your way off the couch.
"where are ya goin'?" atsumu mumbles, not removing himself from where he's curled up against your body. his heavy frame is practically on top of you and you find your breathing restricted.
"i have a date, remember?" you say, peeling his limbs off of you.
truth be told, atsumu does remember, but a super, microscopic part of him was hoping you'd forget about it or at least call it off.
he remembers you mentioning it days ago, but didn’t think you were actually serious. you always claimed that you were too busy to date, and that you were satisfied with the arrangement you two had going on.
he huffs, looking offended. "am i not enough for ya?"
you laugh humorously. "very funny, tsumu." you go to get up but the setter dramatically drops himself on top of you again so you can't move.
"i'm serious, ya don't need anyone but me!" he whines, burying his face within your neck. your breath hitches as the smell of his citrus shampoo hits your nose and you try to stop the racing of your heart.
"whatever." you roll your eyes, internally scolding yourself as you attempt to push the large mass of muscle off of you. he still doesn't budge though.
"will good sex be enough to convince ya?" he purrs, pressing himself into your backside. how is he already hard?
yes, god, yes. atsumu could fuck you horribly and sideways and you'd still stay. you were only doing this to move on from him. you knew it was selfish not to break off the arrangement but you were scared.
"no, but nice try," you reply, peeling his arms off of you. he doesn't seem satisfied with your answer and trails after you into your bedroom as you get ready for your date.
"i just don't get why yer going on a date." he continues, plopping back on your bed.
"and i just don't get why you're so concerned about it," you reply, flipping through your clothes. “you’re not my boyfriend.”
"right," he says, quickly growing quiet. his eyes seem to fidget as he watches you pick out something he deems too scandalous for a first date.
"don't you think yer showin' too much skin?" he asks, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"well i'm not a nun," you joke, fixing yourself in the mirror.
"of course yer not, i've seen what those hips can do," he smirks and dodges a flying pillow as you nearly yell at him.
he returns his attention to you getting dressed, a serious look on his face. "i'm only sayin' what i said because yer hickies would be visible with that on." he tugs at the strap before letting it snap in place.
"and who's fault is that?" you sigh, "i always tell you not to leave them somewhere visible, and yet you never listen."
"sorry," he says bashful, a light blush on his cheeks. "i just don't want anyone to see them but me though," he pouts and you try not to think about how cute he looks.
"i'll cover them up with makeup, does that make you feel better?" you ask, looking over your shoulder.
"very." he answers, shoulders relaxing.
"okay, now come help me pick what else to wear," you say, and he happily obliged.
strangely and disappointedly enough, atsumu showed no more opposition to you going on a date like you hoped he would. he watched you quietly as you got ready and even helped you choose between shoes and hairstyles. in the end, he hadn't done a bad job. in fact, you look absolutely amazing.
when your date texts you that they're here, you take that as your cue to leave. "okay, well...I'm headed out. don't destroy anything," you tell atsumu, slinging your purse over your shoulder.
"ya don't trust me to keep things upright?" he fakes a hurt expression as he looks at you from over the couch. "I'll even run the dishwasher for ya so you can come home to clean dishes."
"no," you shake your head, "you put one of my favorite mugs in there that was handwash only. don't touch anything."
he pouts, cheeks puffing out. "it was an honest mistake! ya know i'm tryin' my best!"
you laugh, kissing his cheek. he has to restrain himself from leaning into your touch. "i know tsum," you glance at your phone, "well, I'll be going now."
he laughs, scratching his head, "'kay. bite his head off if he tries something weird. and don't hesitate to call me."
you nod, "of course."
it's silent for a moment and while you look at him you can tell he wants to say something else, but doesn't. if he wasn't your best friend then maybe you would have him win the best poker face award, but that's not the case here.
another pause, and when he doesn't say anything else, you internally sigh and turn towards the door.
you ignore the pang in your chest, why did you hope that he would stop you? tell you to stay?
...but then again, didn't he do that earlier? he asked if he was enough. or maybe he was joking? this is all so stupid, all the things he said was only to tease you, nothing more--
your thoughts are interrupted when a hand plants itself on the front door, stopping you from opening it.
"miya atsumu," you say, not daring to look at him.
you can hear the grin in his voice, "yes, that is my name."
you turn towards him, and blink unamused. "what are you doing?"
"stopping ya from makin' a mistake." he shrugs, looking down at you.
you squint at him. "how is going on a date a mistake?"
"it is when it's with the wrong person," he replies.
he didn't say that, did he?
but he must be reading your mind as he continues. "i did just say that. ya shouldn't. ya can't."
you laugh humorously and say your most common line, "very funny, tsumu."
atsumu makes a disgruntled expression, the words flying out of his mouth before he can stop them. "not tryin' to be funny. ya don't even want to go on this date, so why are ya lyin' about this anyways?" he says, his brown eyes boring into your own. "just admit that ya don't want to go because of me."
"woah woah woah," you hold your hand out in front of you, "what does me not going on a date have anything to do with you?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.
"sweetheart, it has everything to do with me." he steps closer to you and you move back, your skin meeting the cold surface of your front door. "notice how you didn't deny not wanting to go?"
dammit, he's right. "i-i don't know what you're talking about," you respond, looking at the ground.
atsumu knows you're lying. he knows that you've both been lying to each other for a while now, he was just too dumb to bring it up to you sooner. and maybe you were too.
what you don't know is that he already realized his feelings for you for quite some time. he'll never forget the time only a month ago when you picked his drunk self up from a bar.
"god, tsumu, you reek," you complained, adjusting his heavy arm over your shoulders as you guided him into your car. "what made you drink this much anyways?"
you. you did. is what he wanted to say so badly. he remembered seeing your cute figure when you came into the bar, the man nearly shoved into your arms by his brother and suna. he clung onto you, daring any other person to hit on you in his presence. your sweet face already invaded his mind enough, but now you were taking care of him and making sure he didn't gag or choke on his own throw-up. he considered you a fallen angel, minus the fact that you threatened him with no sex for a week if he didn't sober up quick enough (he’ll admit it was rightfully deserved).
the words 'i love you' has been on the tip of his tongue for a while now. every time he saw you he wanted to confess and tell you all about how he felt, but he knew what the contract was and he couldn't breach it. no matter how badly he wants to. but it does haunt him, how the thought of not having you in the way that he wants can never become a reality.
"tell me, angel," he pulls out the pet name, knowing it's a weakness of yours, "were ya really going to bring back a man to yer apartment to have sex with, knowing yer best friend is here?" he tilts your chin up so you meet his eyes. "hm?"
"who said anything about not going back to his place?" you argue.
"you did, actually," he responds, a smirk on his face, "you said a while ago that you don't trust going back to a man's place. fearin’ about 'god knows what' is in there."
“so what if you remembered an intricate detail about me. that doesn’t mean anything.” you shrug.
“it does when i know things about you that other people don’t,” he argues, “things only you’re comfortable with telling me and no one else. and maybe i want to keep it that way. maybe… i want more than what we have going on.”
your stomach churns. you can’t believe this is happening right now. "sorry, i don’t think i’m hearing you right...so what you're telling me is that you have feelings for me?"
“yer finally using that pretty, smart brain of yours, good job.” he praises, patting your cheek.
your eyebrows knit together in confusion, “but…you said that you didn’t want a relationship. you said you’re too busy with volleyball so which one is it?”
he shrugs again, "i did, but what's wrong with me changing my mind anyway?"
you feel your hands trembling as you speak, “because maybe i do have feelings for you and maybe i was trying to get over them. so right when i think i’m starting to move on, you pull this shit?”
“look, i didn’t know ya had feelings--wait you have feelings for me?” his eyes go wide.
“read the room, miya,” the blonde flinches at hearing his surname, “this isn’t fair and you know it!" you shout, looking up at him from where your face was hidden in your hands. "you're the one who was so damn adamant about keeping no strings attached so you got what you fucking wanted!"
"well i don't want that anymore!" he huffs, moving towards you. you flinch, moving away from him and he stops, sighing. "I-I don't want to not be able to call ya mine. to worry about other guys stealin' yer attention away from me! i want ya all to myself--I don't care how selfish i sound!"
you laugh bitterly, "that’s the problem. you only care about yourself, atsumu. i deserve better than you." you turn your head away, afraid that if you looked at him for any longer that you'd change your mind and cave in.
"hey--look at me," he says sternly.
when your eyes shift to meet his honey brown ones, his gaze softens. “i’m sorry, okay? i was stupid for thinking that feelings wouldn’t get in the way of what we have going on.”
you’re quiet and atsumu knows that means you’re stuck in your thoughts, trying to think of all the cons and negative outcomes.
and he’s right when he hears you say, “you’ll get tired of me. i don’t want you to change your mind and drop me out of the blue for some reason.”
you don’t know where all your anger is coming from. shouldn’t you be glad? ecstatic? no, you can’t. because you’ve seen the way atsumu gets bored of things and drops them easily. who’s to say he won’t do the same to you?
the feeling of his large hand meeting your cheek snaps you out of your thoughts. “i could never get tired of ya.” he says, voice unusually soft. his brown eyes are warm and inviting. like honey. “we’ve been best friends forever and I could never see my life without you in it. you’re irreplaceable.”
you rest your forehead against his chest, leaning into him. “you…you sure?”
“i’m positive,” he goes to wrap his arms tight around you, but as he does your phone rings. the two of you stare at the buzzing device in silence and he looks at you questioningly.
you give him the same look and say, “aren’t you going to tell me not to answer it?”
you’re shocked when he shakes his head ‘no’. “if ya really feel like i’m not good enough for ya then answer it. you can forget everything that just happened and find someone who’ll make ya happy. it’s what ya deserve.” he says, and you recognize that he’s not lying or joking like he usually does.
if there’s one thing miya atsumu is: it’s insecure. he doesn’t know a damn thing about relationships and feelings. it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, he just doesn’t get it.
you watch his eyes shift away from you and suddenly you’re seeing the vulnerable side to him come out.
“i didn’t mean it, you know.” you say, and his head snaps up.
“about you. about deserving better than you.”
he tilts his head to the side. “then what did ya mean?”
you sigh, “think of it this way: hypothetically you would be a worse option, and maybe there is someone out there who can treat me better than you”—atsumu grimaces—“but that doesn’t matter. not when all i want is you.”
“thanks, i guess?” he shrugs.
you add, “it’s like picking a used toyota corolla over a new tesla—“
he backs up with offense. “a toyota?! ya couldn’t have chosen a better car?”
“it’s because they’re reliable you idiot,” you flick his forehead, “and i like all the little quirks that come with a used car; that is, your flaws. i wouldn’t have it any other way.” you explain, and he instantly calms down at your words.
it’s silent and you lace your hands together with his. “the long run down is that i don’t want something new with anyone else. i just want you.”
he squeezes your hands in return, pressing his forehead to yours. “i’m glad. don’t ever wanna let ya go.” he presses a few chaste kisses to your face, and you giggle, pushing him back playfully.
his lazy brown eyes only take the opportunity to examine you, a feeling of elation and content washing over him. it’s what happens when you’re in love with someone like you.
"yer so pretty, you know that?" his hands trace over your face gently, eyes not daring to miss any part of your gorgeous face.
he’s seen you naked a dozen times but a compliment renders you flustered beyond means. "s-shut up." you look away from him, but his hand only juts your chin so you have to look at him in the eyes.
“it’s true,” he breathes, grinning lazily, “most gorgeous person i’ve ever seen. can i kiss ya?”
you don’t answer and press your lips against his instead. you two kissed a million times before but nothing comes close to now. atsumu kisses you like an apology, like reassurance, and like complete affection. he can’t write words well but he hopes you understand his love letter in the form of his mouth.
he pulls away and watches in amusement as you chase after his lips for more, the setter’s height making it difficult for you to reach him.
the pout on your painted lips is intoxicating, and atsumu doesn't want anything more than to see you ruined. a complete mess by his own hands. he sucks in his own breath, trying to calm his nerves.
atsumu pulls back to drag you into your bedroom. by his quiet nature you think he's upset, especially when he doesn't look at you. atsumu has a million things to contemplate and you're definitely one of them. your words from earlier about deserving better still stings and he wonders if this is the right choice.
"tsumu?" you call, leaning in close enough that your breasts push up against him, "what's wrong?"
his worries disappear and he remembers how he, like a fool, intentionally helped you get ready for a date. to look this good and not be fucked by atsumu had to be an offending crime.
and you’re going to pay for it.
and when you look up at him innocently with wide, doe eyes, he snaps. all self-control was gone.
"turn around." he barks.
"w-what?" you look at him with an incredulous expression. "i-i don't understand, what-"
"yer not dumb, sweetheart," atsumu says, roughly spinning you around and pressing your hips to your dresser. looking at the two of you in the mirror, you shiver. you never realized how much bigger atsumu is than you and you feel yourself squeeze your legs together.
when you open your mouth to speak again, he shoves two of his thick fingers into your mouth to silence you.
the blonde looks at you through your mirror, a dark expression on his face. "yer gonna listen and yer gonna listen carefully, okay?"
you nod.
it isn't until atsumu pushes his hard erection against your cute ass do you register what's happening.
oh. that.
"suck on them," he says, referring to his digits.
you eagerly oblige, already drooling in the appendages.
"fuck, always such a tease aren't ya?" he sighs, watching you suck on his fingers in the same way you would his cock. he watches you a bit more before he feels like he's had enough.
when atsumu pulls off his pants you can't help the surprised look of how hard he is. precum leaks from his red tip and you notice the two visible veins that always show up along his shaft to meet the pretty mushroom head.
"yer actin' all shy like this fat cock doesn't belong to you." he snickers, stroking himself. he throbs harder at the sight of you watching him with hungry eyes and becomes pleased once you get on your knees in front of him.
he doesn't have a chance to prepare himself before your warm, inviting mouth swallows him whole. a shudder runs up his spine as he bites back curse words.
"that's it. such a good girl, sucking cock just like i taught ya," he moans, eyes transfixed on the way you swallow him. your warm, wet mouth feels so fucking good he has to control himself from cumming too soon.
you hum in reply, feeling your panties already ruined from the action of sucking him off. your free hand slips between your thighs and you get yourself off.
the lewd noises of how wet and sloppy everything is drives you both crazy, and your moans fill the air like a synchronous melody.
"fuck, yer gonna make me cum, sweetheart." atsumu moans, sweat brimming his forehead. a whine escapes him when you reach down to suck on his sensitive balls—a weakness of his. a whine leaves him and a small plea as he nearly tips over the edge.
atsumu pulls you off of him and tosses you gently on the bed. he crawls between your legs and you push him away, shaking your head.
“what’s wrong? do ya want to stop? am i bein’ too rough?” his voice is soft and he looks at you with concern.
“no, please no. but i can’t wait anymore more. need you to fuck me.”
“but i didn’t get to taste ya,” he pouts, pawing at your thighs.
you grab his shaft, scooting yourself towards him. “don’t care right now, I need you inside of me.” you beg, “please tsum, fill me up with your cock.”
a smirk spreads across his face and he leans over you. “as you wish, princess.” he pulls off your panties and stuffs them in his pocket. your hazy state doesn’t have the right mind to tell him to stop stealing them when he pushes inside of you. now another thing is stuffed full.
you gasp, nails digging into his back. feeling so full you think he’s in your throat. you know you’re gushing all around him, inviting him further into your cunt.
"s-shit, yer already clamping down so hard on me, angel. is my cock that good? yeah? yer already dumb just from being filled up." he snickers.
"y-yes," you whine, feeling more of your arousal gush out. you hate how right he is. if there's anything the two of you know, it's that you can't ever get enough of his cock.
atsumu's in heaven. being balls deep in the girl of his dreams is enough to make him cum on the spot, but he erases the thought before he has a chance to. fluttering his eyes closed, he takes the time to memorize the feeling of you around his shaft, your bare ass pressed up against his sensitive balls.
yeah, there's no way atsumu is going to let another man put his cock in your cunt. in his cunt. not when you feel this good and cream around him so well. just for him.
he pulls his hips back and you almost whine at the lost of contact. he flips you over before he stuffs himself back inside of you, the wind nearly being knocked out of your chest by the force and stretch that he gives you. you could fuck yourself a million times on his dick but nothing would ever prepare you for how big he is.
he grabs your hair, fisting it in his hands before yanking back. "fuck do ya think ya were doin’ going out lookin' this pretty for someone that isn't me, huh?" he breathes, his hips moving faster at the thought and jealousy corrupting his mind. his hand grips your throat and a small whimper lets loose from you at the action.
"yer mine, and only mine. if i have to fuck that into ya, then so be it." he huffs. at this point, you can feel him in your lungs.
"tsumu! tsumu, please!" you cry, hand grasping desperately at his arm.
he moves your hand, pinning it behind your back. "don't act like ya can't take it, angel. your pussy's been trained to take my cock. nobody else's but mine. isn’t that right?”
you nod furiously, words unable to escape your mouth.
"say you love me." he demands, tone softer than usual.
he pulls you into his chest, arms tight around you. "say it. i know you do." his nose nudges against your neck and you feel his hand grab yours, lacing your fingers together. your brain could be jumbled from how hard he's fucking you, but you could of sworn that a whine escaped his mouth.
"i love you tsumu!" you cry, tears nearly escaping your eyes, "i love you so much! don't want to be with anyone else but you!" you feel tears in your eyes and you reach up to capture his lips against your own.
“yeah? want to be mine? don’t want any other scrubs thinking they have a chance with you.” he kisses you hungrily, his hands claiming a bruising grip on your hips.
“yes! i’m all yours! and you’re mine!” you sob.
his heart pangs at hearing that and something inside of him snaps, making him overwhelmed and emotional as he cums inside of you, crying that he loves you too. it doesn’t help when he feels the vice-like feeling of your pussy clamping around his cock, prolonging his orgasm. he's cumming so hard his vision spots and he nearly loses his grounding.
the two of you gather your breaths before pulling apart. when atsumu opens his eyes, he finds you looking up at him with wide ones in return.
"wasn't too rough, was i?" he looks over you with concern.
“no, it was perfect, actually.” you feel your cheeks burn.
"good, cause i'm not done with ya yet." he grunts, sliding down between your legs.
you whine about being sensitive but he only hushes you before burying his face between your legs.
"t-tsumu!" you cry, back arching up off the bed.
"hmm, we taste so good princess. don't know why i haven't done this before," he smirks, hands rubbing your thighs soothingly.
your face burns when you realize he's tasting both of you and not just you. something about this sparks further arousal within you and you feel your cunt flutter.
"yer gonna give me one more, okay?" atsumu adds his own fingers and you gasp, the rough texture of them from playing volleyball feels so good and you grind up against him.
"gonna look so pretty cumming like this, so good fer me." he’s slurping up everything in sight, and the man thinks he might lock his jaw eating you out, but so be it. with his cum, this is the best you’ve ever tasted.
“gonna cum, tsum!” you cry, legs shaking vigorously around his head, the pressure building up at a rate you can’t keep up with.
he hums, “go ahead, baby. make a mess for me.” at the action of spanking your cunt, you’re unraveling at the action.
your sure your neighbors can hear you sing praises of atsumu’s name and you have to accept for the first time that you don’t care. nothing would be worth more than this moment.
“that’s so fucking hot,” atsumu leans back, revealing his face covered in your essence. a huge grin appears on his face. “ya wanna taste, babe?
you scold him but don’t object when he kisses you again, suddenly understanding what he meant earlier. yeah, the two of you do taste good.
after cleaning up, atsumu slides next to you in bed. this time though, he faces you.
“so, are we like, official?” he shyly plays with your hand and you wonder how he can get like this after blowing your back out.
you laugh, rolling your eyes, “yeah, dummy. we are.”
“good, i can’t wait to show ya off to everyone. especially stupid samu.”
“are you just bragging that you got into a relationship before osamu? because i’ll break up with you right here right now.” you joke.
he huffs. “no! in addition to yer pretty self, bragging rights is just a plus ‘is all!”
it isn’t long before you fall asleep, and atsumu takes the time to admire you. however, his peaceful thoughts are sidetracked when your phone buzzes again.
he groans, quickly silencing it before you can wake up but notches it’s your date trying to contact you again. quickly, he takes a photo of you curled up on his chest.
‘sorry, she’s a bit occupied now.’ he sends the message before tossing your phone and tugging you closer. he looks down where you sleep peacefully.
yeah, there’s no way he can get tired of this.
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teagballs · 4 months
I just read your Dennis fic, and if you were going to write a part 2 would you be able to make it that Dennis doesn’t immediately tell reader he likes her? He just starts acting really weird when she’s around?
Like maybe, Dennis Charlie and Mac are insulting Dee and reader says something like “that it’s not nice” then Dennis goes, “yeah that’s seriously not nice guys.” And everyone’s just confused cause like he was saying mean stuff too.
If it’s to much trouble or if you don’t wanna write this please just ignore this 🧍🧍
"like no one else" | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part one here
authors note: ur mind anon UR MIND BROOO. this prompt was amazing and i had to do it but also it took me a month cuz i was busy. OOPS. i hope i did it justice cuz i took it and ran LMAO
requests open as always!! looking to do some charlie kelly stuff, so if u have any ideas for him lmk!!
cw: fem reader, mentions of objectification of women and the D.E.N.N.I.S system ofc, lil smoochie smoo at the end but nothing nsfw, 1.4k words
Dennis stumbled out of the restaurant, abandoning his date and this old life of promiscuity behind, seemingly. He walked down the street, pulling out his phone. He entered your name into his contacts, ready to confess everything. Ready to tell you how much you mean to him. Ready to love you. But then he stopped. His finger hovered over the call button and he thought, "what am I doing?" It was the emotion of the situation that made him act with such heedlessness. He didn't even know if you felt that way about him, if you felt the same deep connection he did. For him, it was a feeling like no other. It felt like you got him in a way no one else did. With understanding and kindness too. But to you? Dennis could just be a good friend to you. And if that was the case, what was the point in risking it all? He took a deep breath, shoving his phone back in his pocket. No, he shouldn't act so incautiously.
In the following weeks, Dennis found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. Every action you took, every word you spoke. He found himself obsessing over it. He tried not to come off as creepy - although that was hard, this was Dennis. His still kept his distance as usual, but now with a growing infatuation. He believed he was portraying this neutrality to you well, but this facade was challenged today.
"Y'know what guys, I'm really excited for this date tonight," Dee began to explain as she sat at the bar with Dennis, Charlie, Mac, and you.
"Oh shut up, Dee, nobody cares about your stupid date," Mac barked. Degrading her as usual.
It was water off a duck's back for dee, "You're just jealous I have a date Mac." She rhymed off before taking another swig of her beer.
"How'd you get this one to go out with you, Dee?" Charlie began in defence of Mac, "What'd you do? Steal his dog?"
"What? God no, what the fuck are you talking about?" Dee said.
Dennis didn't involve himself in verbally bullying his sister as he usually would. Usually, he would come in with the worst, most grating jabs. Instead, he silently observed how you scrolled on your phone, occasionally taking a sip of your drink, noticing how your brows furrowed ever so slightly in frustration.
"Even if you do go on this date, Dee, the only way you'll get him to stay is if you steal his phone or something!" Mac snarled.
"Yeah, you stupid bird!" Charlie said, which resulted in loud laughter from the men.
"God, would you just leave her alone, you two? Do you have nothing better to do?" You snapped at them finally. Dennis noticed your frustration and wanting to support and comfort you, he responded;
"Yeah, guys, leave her alone. You're both so sad." Dennis said in his usual 'I'm not wrong about anything ever and you're stupid for being wrong' tone.
Silence. Everyone, including you, turns to face Dennis. Did he just defend Dee? The sister he swore he hated?
"Dennis, what did you just say?" Mac asked cautiously and filled with confusion.
"I said leave Dee alone."
Dennis didn't really care all that much about Dee. Really, all her cared about was proving to you he did. He wanted to be on your side, always. To have your approval.
"Thank you, Dennis," you agreed. Dennis's heart swelled. 'God, what's wrong with me?' he thought. He had never felt this many emotions ever. Never mind for one person.
"That was weird, right? Earlier? When Dennis, like, stood up for Dee?" Charlie asked Mac.
"Oh yeah! For sure! I have no clue why he did that. I mean, just yesterday me, you, Frank, and Dennis were ragging on her for being a failed actress." Mac replied, causing laughter between the pair at the thought of this previous discussion.
"So... what changed?" Charlie puzzled.
"Everyone was there, except.. except for her." Mac hypothesised that when you were there, Dennis avoided talking poorly of Dee.
"But why? What does she change?"
Mac shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to D.E.N.N.I.S her."
"Huh. Doesn't really seem like his usual type." Charlie said.
Dennis was definitely not trying to D.E.N.N.I.S you. He made that distinctly clear in his mind. He wasn't following the steps at all, going out of his way to avoid flirtation with you, actually, to avoid raising suspicions. And the final step, 'separate entirely,' was most certainly one he didn’t want to follow. He wanted to spend forever and ever with you. Why? He didn't understand it himself. He was Dennis Reynolds, the Golden God! How come he was acting so pathetic?
You were starting to notice his weird behaviour. You had known Dennis for years. He was never this.. clingy? Not that you minded, really. You had always thought he was attractive, sure - charismatic too - but his general objectification of woman and lack of interest in a stable and long-term relationship certainly deterred you. Still, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter every time he would talk about the girl he was planning to go out with next. You had grown tougher over the years of knowing him, accepting that he would never change, and he would never see you like that. This new attention from his was definitely appreciated, but strange.
This all came to head a couple of weeks into this behaviour. You and Dennis sat in the bar together on a slow Tuesday. You had been testing him slightly. You were saying things to provoke him - small things. Things that would usually lead to a disagreement or argument or him going on a long Dennis rant. But he didn't budge. He didn’t roar obscenities or call you an idiot or react negatively at all. He would just nod and smile. And then he would agree. You couldn't take it. Was it some cruel joke? To get your hopes up or make you look stupid? You didn't get the punchline.
"Alright, Dennis, what's with you lately."
Dennis freezes. He feared you had picked up on his feelings towards you. He feared this would be the end of it all, and he had ruined it, and you would leave and he would never see you again.
"What do you mean?" Dennis replied. He was lucky he was such a good liar. He played coy well. But you didn't back down.
"You've been acting weird. You just agree with everything I say, and you're hanging around me a lot and like you keep not making fun of Dee when I'm here. You're always looking at me too. Is it some sort of joke I don't get? Are you making fun of me? That's mean."
Dennis felt emotions, oh god. He located that he felt regret and frustration and guilt and guilt and guilt. 'Mean'. He wasn't trying to be mean. She thought it was some sort of joke, but no. This was how he really felt. He really wanted to spend all his time admiring you, he wanted to agree with you on everything, that's all he could think about for the past month. And for once in his life, Dennis was at sea for words.
"I... I didn't..." Dennis attempted. But he couldn't convey his words in a safe manner. In a manner that meant if you didn't feel the same way it would be okay and you could keep being friends.
"I think I'm in love with you." Dennis sighed.
"It was after that date. With that chick. What was her name? Candy? Karen? Doesn't matter." Dennis rambled. "It was then when I realised I never want to be with anyone else, if not you. I don't think anyone had ever understood me the way you have. And I just spiralled after then? I haven't stopped thinking about you." That would be a creepy comment if it wasn't something you had always wanted to hear from him.
It was your turn to be speechless. Instead of saying anything your eyes scanned his face for any indication of falsehood. Nothing. You saw and expression on Dennis's face that you had never seen before. One that could be equated to not knowing the answer. Clueless. Maybe afraid? You open your mouth to speak again but Dennis cuts you off and speaks first. Like he's trying to drown out a negative response. Like covering your ears to block out the sound of a gunshot; the damage would still be done.
Dennis looked at you, waiting for the gunshot.
"Dennis.. I feel the same way. Of course I do, oh my God." You finally say. Your voice is small and hoarse, like you have never used it before. Quickly, before anyone can say anything else, Dennis envelops you in a kiss. A kiss that isn't filled with lust, something Dennis isn't used to. His lips lean into yours in a desperate attempt to convey his gratefulness and love and devotion to you. You grip at his sides. You understand.
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wayvtual · 6 months
hi bestiesssssss i saw woodz yesterday n i am a changed person this is the best artist in the world to Me. i apologize to him deeply for ever looking at another man it won’t happen again like i was blacking out hes so fine n pretty n his smile is so nice i forgot my glasses in my car so i couldn’t see him as clearly as i would have liked help but i was really close n i did cry i’m not going to lie. i was doing pretty good n then he sang journey n it was over for me i love this guy so much n always wish him the best in everything. he’s so genuine on stage like u can tell he’s just having so much fun performing n he took off his ear piece a lot so he could hear us singing along. he played the guitar too i was blacking out sorry i do love a fine ass man that can play guitar like that’s literally my boyfriend n omg he took his shirt off at the very end before he left the stage n i Screamed so loud it hurt my throat n my boyfriend was like 🧍 n i was like i didn’t see anything even though i almost teared my vocal chords up… sorry. what else was i supposed to do i saw the gun tattoo w my own eyes he’s so fineeee. he’s such a singer u guys like we all know this but i was so happy to experience his singing live. he didn’t dance at all like other kpop artists but honestly it wouldn’t have fit the vibe like that’s the lead singer of a band. i’m in love sorry he’s everything to me. watching him sing busted n chaser n noid n i hate you n multiply n trigger n. well u get the point was everything to me who else is making music like this NO ONE that’s who‼️ seungyoun u will always be famous forever n forever i hope he knows that… oh n unfortunately he did not sing hope to be like you for me 😞 or better and better or lullaby or thinkin bout you 😞 but it’s okay we move forward ! he also took the time to read posters n accept song requests n i was really close to him so if i would’ve taken a mexicans 4 woodz/mexico loves u sign he definitely would’ve read it i’m so sad i didn’t make one omg. but he sang short parts of pool n waikiki n better and better n lullaby n deep deep sleep (kind of bc he couldn’t remember the lyrics 😭) n god hijack just came on while i’m typing this it was so crazy seeing him perform this like literally i hit the road running all the fucking time‼️ also he went crazy w ready to fight like he put so much passion into the “shut the FUCK up” part like damn okay.. anything for u king. the whole concert was fun but especially at the end when he performed i hate you bump bump n ready to fight i was so tired but i kept screaming n jumping help. n he was so energetic n happy like i have feelings for this man u don’t understand wayv close ur eyes but this is The kpop man to me n also omg when he opened w busted like i knew he was opening w that song but i still felt like that joker gif where he’s flying backwards like this was soty to me originally until wayv came in w the steel chair but i don’t know u guys woodz might have taken the steel chair out of their hands n used it on them i’ll get back to u on that i’m on a woodz induced high rn so i can’t think clearly wayv i still love u. n omg i saw him sing chaser live. i was singing so loud i felt bad for the girl recording on her phone next to me bc my ass is definitely in her videos singing about breaking down bc what else can i do that’s the song of all time n omg dirt on my leather was so fun literally why u gonna be so sad? rub some fucking dirt on it‼️ seungyoun the rockstar that u are…. n trigger n drowning n i can say this about every song honestly every song was life changing to see live i love singers who sing n i love woodz. i really regret not getting vip i would’ve loved to meet him he was so endearing on stage when he was talking… it honestly feels like a fever dream now like i really saw that man i was there… 🚬 this is so fucking long i’m sorry in conclusion, i’m in love w him i’m obsessed w him i need him badly n he’s a pop rock legend to me forever n ever. te amo luizinho 💙😭
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polyamorousmood · 8 months
How do people handle when a partner says something along the lines of...oh, what, I'm not enough? I don't feel like the notion of polyamory is about anybody not being enough. But not quite sure how to articulate that in a helpful way to reassure another person. Thoughts?
There is no in-the-moment fix to this that I've found.
That is a big concern that requires a lot of work to address. Your partner has to have an open mind, and you have a lot of explaining to do. It's a process, and you'll probably have to explain it several different ways, several different times for it to sink in.
I would caution against directly saying "you are enough" because... your partner alone won't satiate you, in one way or another. If they could, you likely wouldn't be trying/doing/asking for poly stuff (in such a mono-centric world as we live in). But I'd also be likely to bet no ONE person would satisfy you either.
Here's as good a place as any to put the very necessary read-more. There's specifics and stuff below the cut
Okay, I'm having a hard time organizing what I'm trying to get across as flowing prose so we're just doing bullet points of general advice. You know your life better than I do though so these are not hard-and-fast rules so much as consider-this-es.
🔍Find the specific worries your partner has. Without judgement work with your partner to get to the heart(s) of the issue. Are there any precise worries your partner has? When you go out to eat, your partner isn't scared their cooking isn't to your standards. So what ways are they actually worried about being "not enough for you." Sexually inadequate is a common fear, but so is the fear that they're not providing enough for you emotionally or materially, they might worry you're discontent because your hobbies don't overlap enough, or a thousand other things. There's likely general anxiety there as well, but know as much as you can about what worries your partner has.
👇Be specific with your reassurance. As discussed, saying "you are enough" is too easy to ✌️"disprove"✌️ (these are air quotes). But that's in part because its too broad. Any one thing you prefer to do with someone else can serve as "proof" the partner in question "isn't enough." So focus on what you value about your partner, what you get out of that specific relationship, what is special and un-replicatable that you enjoy. "I will always want to do [activity] with you" and "I love your way of seeing the world. When we were talking about [subject] you mentioned [interesting point]. I never would have considered that. I want to keep hearing your insight" and "I NEVER thought I'd like [whatever], but the way you love it makes me love it". You should also (if applicable, do not lie) probably assure your partner you are still committed to a long term relationship with them, including working through problems together.
🤝Help your partner build security in the relationship. Have dedicated time that's just for them Even if you're living together so everything you do is "together", make quality time. Those specific reassurances? Write them down on fancy paper and give them to your partner, so they can refer back to it when they need to. Thank your partner for coming to you with concerns, even when you're not sure what the fix is. In your daily routine you should be telling your partner things you're grateful for about them.
🧍Help your partner feel confident as an individual. The worst way to transition a relationship to polyamory is to go straight from spending every minute together to seeing other people. Perhaps counter-intuitively, you need to have separate lives, preferably before you add other people to the mix. You should spend at least a couple hours a week with friends or on hobbies away from your partner and vice versa. If you're everything to your partner, the fear of not keeping you is the fear of losing EVERYTHING, so your partner needs to see they have value outside of the relationship. And that WILL make a good relationship STRONGER, and less dependent.
⏲️Take time to work through problems.Don't let stuff fester. If you notice your partner is feeling off, say so in as many words. If they aren't ready to talk, its still helpful for them to know you notice and care about their feelings. If they do want to talk, talk. Even if you don't know how to proceed, take real time to sit together and brainstorm. If you don't reach a possible solution, establish a time to revisit it. Don't. let stuff. fester.
💭Know what you mean. "I don't feel like the notion of polyamory is about anybody not being enough" okay, what is it about? What's the draw for you? For me, whose very kitchen table, its about freedom and trust, sure, but its also very much about exploring new things and sharing that experience with my partner. I feel our love is stronger when it is not bogged down by petty mortal notions of exclusivity.
📘📗📙📕Explain your needs multiple different ways. Find several metaphors that describe how you feel. "My favorite meal cannot be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner." "It doesn't feel different to me than friends. You're my best friend but I wouldn't say no to hanging out with a work friend for my best friend's sake." "The sun is beautiful, I cannot live without it, but its also really important I get to see the stars". "I can't do monogamy. I tried really hard in the past, but it felt like cutting off a limb. I wasn't wholly myself, I could still feel phantom sensations of what wasn't. It drove me mad" Whatever you feel suits the situation. Be prepared to go into detail, be prepared to explain the shortcomings of your metaphor, and be aware of what negative associations your metaphors my have (for example, the food metaphor listed here may be misinterpreted as "so you're sick of me"). Make it personal.
🙋Its not you, its me. but like fr. DO NOT use that wording, but emphasize that your wants and feelings and needs are not caused by your partner. They are yours (and you're asking your partner to help you meet those wants/feelings/needs by allowing you some poly freedom).
📑Further reading. I talk about how to communicate effectively here. Here's a little workbook about "jealousy" but I think it also applies to in/security so it may be helpful for your partner to do independently or with you. Some explanations as to how your partner might be hurt by you having other partners. And lastly, I haven't read Polysecure (yet!) but uhhh, gonna go out on a limb here and say might be applicable (my library has a copy! so you might check yours if you don't want to purchase). And last but certainly not least, though again, nominally about jealousy, I think this article really suits your situation and offers some reframings your partner may find helpful.
As a final word of advice: hear your partner out. Your goal, ultimately is not to change your partner's mind, but to reach an understanding. You both will have to work toward understanding each other for there to be any hope of success.
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
Eddie x platonic!experiment!reader
hii i haven’t been able to get this out of my head. so i decided to write it down 😊 also i needed this right now because the duffers have me messed UP
also this is my first time writing so 🫣
and another thing is being that i’m black, i envision the reader as black. but anybody could read this being that i won’t put anything physical appearance-specific other than reader’s hair, which she ends up growing to be similar to eddie’s but honestly i feel like any race can have that hairstyle just different textures so 🫶🏾
(reader is the same age as el being that they’re “sisters” and it’s pretty much a similar dynamic as dustin and steve because i love their dynamic so much 😭)
summary : pretty much the same plot of el meeting the boys and how they were when they first met except it’s reader and eddie
part 2 🤍
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part 1 : how they met
- so you’re in the same friend group as dustin , lucas , mike etc.,
- but FIRST we of course need the backstory
- so. you were born in 1971 and lived a pretty ordinary life in Illinois until your parents could no longer handle things setting aflame or go flying across the room without you ever picking it up whenever you lost your temper.
- so after many calls, doctor’s appointments and evaluations (and maybe some attempted exorcisms 😧), you were finally referred to dr. brenner who (of course) was very quick to take you in and “help” you.
- a 3 year old you is now residing in hawkins national laboratory , where you met el, 008 (kali), and the very friendly orderly named Peter.
- now. fast forwarding to 1983, the year that you and 011 escaped hawkins lab and the year that will (🫶🏾) went missing.
- unfortunately not long after you two had left the lab together, you lost each other in the chaos of being in a new environment:(
- as you’re wandering around this new environment (being that you haven’t really been outside in years) you’re tired beat and bruised from wandering around in a forest for about 2 days (you’ve honestly lost count) and just want to find your sister.
- you’re starting to lose hope when you begin to hear an unfamiliar sound in the distance. it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before!
- it stimulates your ears in such a way that, little 12 year old you just can’t help but to follow it.
- as you being to get closer to this peculiar sound, you realize that you’re no longer in the woods, but are now on the outskirts of a trailer park .
- as you walk through this new place (fear at the back of your mind of being in a strange place at night nonetheless) determined to find the cause of this noise,
-you see in the distance a boy not much older than you sitting on a picnic table, holding a large object in his hand and- “oh my gosh, the noise is coming from that thing!“ you think as you slowly walk over.
- now from a 16 year old eddie’s pov, he knew that playing his guitar at 10 p.m wasn’t exactly ideal, but his uncle wasn’t home and he was bored ! and if any of his neighbors had a problem with it , especially mrs. nolan (that old hag) they could simply come outside and tell him to shut up. (not that he would listen.
- so when he heard footsteps coming towards him, he figured that’s exactly what was about to happen so imagine his surprise when he looked up and saw some kid in a hospital gown, with a shaved head and no shoes?! he was appalled!
- so back to you now.
- instead of being skeptical of the boy in front of you, you’re eyeing the weird thing in his hands, with caution. only being able to think “what is that?” “can it hurt me?” and “i want to keep hearing that sound”
- your thoughts now being cut off by this boy in front of you.
eddie : “ummm… hi?”
you : “🧍🏾‍♀️”
- eddie’s completely freaked out at this point becauseeeee who the hell is this??? is he about to get murdered??? is this what he gets for trying to antagonize that old ass mrs. nolan???
- so he slowly puts his guitar to the side and hops off the table
- of course you noticing this, which automatically puts you in fight or flight mode because this guy is bigger than you and could be just like papa and the bad men.
“hey, are you okay? do you need help? a-are you hurt or something?” he trails off noticing the cuts and bruises on your bare legs and the dried up blood under your nose. 
- he remembered seeing on the news his uncle had it on over the past few days of kids being abused and/or abducted in nearby towns and immediately thought that this was the case. and being that this kid looked scared from just him getting up and walking towards them he figured that was the case.
“i-i’m not gonna hurt you i swear. what’s your name?”
- seeing you jump at the slightest sound and looking around frantically when other trailers lights began turning on at the previous commotion he figured they should probably go somewhere more private.
- he put his hands up to show that he meant no harm.
“you should come inside before anyone sees you, some neighbors’ll be quick to call the cops the second they see something weird so..”
- as you were about to run away the closer he got the sound of something howling in the distance made you jump towards him in fear and he decided it’d be best to lead you into the trailer and away from potential prying eyes. (damn mrs. nolan and her nosy ass)
- he held his hand out for you to take , which you did , as he guided you into his trailer.
- short time skip brought to you by eddie giving you clothes to change into (it was a short sleeved van halen shirt and sweatpants which is important information to know for later) and him completely freaking out when you tried to undress directly in front of him.
“oh my gosh, oh my gosh- what the hellll? don’t just do that!”
- of course at the sound of him raising his voice from the calm tone he was using before, you immediately cowered away from him, thinking you did something wrong.
“i’m sorry, it’s just… you shouldn’t just do… that. you know in front of people especially guys you don’t know. get it?” he said repeating the movements you had previously done.
“so i’ll be right outside this door andd you just knock when you’re finished changing okay?” awkwardly putting his thumbs up and not even waiting for an answer before he walked out and closed the door behind him
another timeskip to you and eddie now sitting at his dining room table, as he tried to get you to answer his questions while having you eat some left over pizza, that he had sitting out from several hours prior
- or just really say anything at all at this point
- he thought about taking the pizza from you if you didn’t answer his questions but you were really fucking it up (😭) and he was absolutely astonished
“have you never tried pizza before?”
- you slowly shook your head at him. but to him that’s progress so!
“soooo my name’s eddie. what’s your name?”
- when you just blankly stared at him while eating he figured this wasn’t going to be a very productive conversation until you set the slice down, held out your arm and pointed at the inside of your wrist.
-he saw what looked like ink on the inside part of your wrist.
“007?” what’s that mean?
when you pointed to yourself and softly said “me” he almost missed it.
“wait, i’m sorry. you? like your name is seven, like the numb-“ he stopped himself. starting to think that whatever or whoever this girl was involved with was wayyy beyond his original understanding.
- noticing that the topic was making you uncomfortable he decided to let you sleep for the night so they could hopefully talk more in the morning.
- the next morning he woke up to the sound of a guitar playing and saw you sitting on the floor in front of his bed, holding it the same way he was when you found him the night before. except you were just staring at it and tentatively pulling the strings and letting them snap against the wood.
- now normally seeing anybody handle any type of guitar, (especially his) like that would’ve sent him into an aneurysm. but the more he thought about it, the more he realized you probably didn’t know any better as crazy as it sounded to him.
“you like it?” he asked.
- having not heard him get up or notice him sit down next to her she jumped and quickly put it down on the floor
“i’m sorry” you said looking down in shame at touching his stuff without asking. you just wanted to hear the pretty sounds from the night before
“hey it’s okay, i mean it is pretty cool isn’t it” he said picking it up off the ground and started playing the beginning of some song
“see, you don’t pull the strings like that,” he said replicating what you were doing minutes prior. “you go like this see?”
“play.. one from last night” you said
“what?” he asked, looking confused before whispering to himself “one from last night…oh! sorry.” he apologized because his slight outburst made her jump.
“the one from last night when you walked up to me! yeah?” she nodded
thus that led to a day’s worth of guitar lessons and showing you all of his favorite songs and bands as you listened intently and watched as he danced around to each song.
“like the shirt you’re wearing! van halen? see look .” he showed you each of the members and saying their names. “and last but certainly not least! eddie van halen!”
“eddie…that is your name 🫵🏾” you looked at him intently
“huh? oh! well i mean yeah, we have the same name but everybody knows that i’m the original of course.” he pshhed. trying not to get too excited at the fact that you were opening up to him more
- he then went on to show you black sabbath, metallica, and all of his favorites throughout the rest of the morning.
- the one that stuck out to you the most was “children of the grave” from black sabbath’s master of reality album. which also happened to be the one he was playing the previous night that you heard.
he figured you liked it a lot (when for some reason everytime he left the room and it neared the end of the song it would start rewinding even though he swore he never saw you get uo to rewind it.) to the point where he put the tape into one of his (too many) walkman’s and let you listen to it in your ears instead of out loud.
- he didn’t want any noise complaints from that goddamn, old ass, mrs. nolan (no seriously what is his beef with her 🗿) and for her to call the police
he also told you the story of ozzy osbourne biting the head off of a bat with a very enthusiastic reenactment of it.
“gosh that shit was so metal” he said nostalgically.
“metal?” you repeated
“yeah.. it means like hardcore you know, but in a good way! metal 🤟🏻” he said sticking his tongue out
“ metal 🤟🏾” you said copying him and his hand gesture making him chuckle.
“so we should think of some nicknames for you, because i don’t really think we should walk around calling you seven, huh?” he seemed to be thinking really hard, putting his hand to his chin in a “🤔” way. you copying him as you stared at each other.
“sev? that sounds cool or how abouttttt van! you know because of the van halen shirt i gave you. or! how about dio or ozzy! from black sabbath! but since you’re a girl, how about dia or ozz!” he rambled enthusiastically
- you just nodded your head yes to each of them. making eddie burst out laughing much to your confusion.
“well i think you deserve an award for being the bearer of so many names milady.” he jumped up and jogged into his room before coming back with something behind his back.
“butttt since i have no medals or trophies to give you, i figured this should be good.” he said handing you his walkman with the children of the grave cassette tape in it.
“consider it a gift from “the great sir eddie munson” he said bowing theatrically making you laugh as he showed you wear to connect it to your outfit and how to operate it.
you stayed with eddie for about 3 or 4 days. and eddie being eddie, figured that you were more important than school at the moment so he just simply… didn’t go.
- he taught you how to do things that he considered basic life skills.
playing children of the grave on guitar
headbanging without hair | he was real adamant on that one because :
“imagine when you finally do get hair, you’ll be a fucking pro kid, i’m tellin ya!”
“fucking pro!” you repeated determinedly
“oooh umm don’t say that! don’t say that!”
he even took you to main street for a few hours. (but not without an amazing disguise of course ;)
now when his uncle finally came home early one day he wasn’t too pleased with the finding out that eddie had been skipping school. that disappointment was quickly replaced with confusion, at walking in and seeing a young girl with a buzz cut in his nephew’s clothes sitting at their table while eddie looked to be enthusiastically explaining “that damned board game” (dungeons and dragons) to her.
“h-hey uncle wayne, um i can explain everything , this is seven-“
“i think we should talk son. now”
without giving him a chance to explain, wayne dragged eddie to his room, slamming the door behind them, leaving you in the dining room by yourself, where you could only listen to the back and forth between the two.
“what the hell is going on eddie!?”
“listen she came up a few nights ago wearing some hospital clothes, and-and-and with a bunch of cuts and bruises, man! she needed help! he confessed
“then you call the police edward!-“
“jesus christ” eddie rolled his eyes, “since when are they any help!” he wasn’t actually asking, because he knew exactly how much “help” they could be
“i’m sure chief hopper would be glad to help her get back to where she needs to be, but she can’t just stay here!
“why not!?”
“ ”why not”?! they could think that you kidnapped this girl! or worse you could be harboring a damn fugitive for all we know!-“
“i didn’t! and a fugitive?! seriously? she’s a child! i- this is unbelievable!” you heard the door open back and eddie stomp back into the dining room where you were with his uncle trailing right behind him.
as they continued to argue in front of you, and the argument continued to get more and more heated , a moment passed where wayne raised his hands to put his face in his palms but you were too quick to react, thinking that he was going to put his hands on eddie and raised your hand, sending wayne flying across the room and hitting the wall with a loud and strong thud that shook the trailer.
- as you realized what you just did and touched the blood that began to drip from your nose eddie started to yell.
“oh my god! jesus h. christ! what the fuck was that man!” he looked over at you with what looked like fear on his face, before he ran to his uncle to make sure he was okay, as his uncle just stared at you in pure shock.
“i-i thought he was going to hurt you, i didn’t mean too i’m sorry!” you yelled and before they could respond you panicked and ran out of the trailer.
“sev! sev, wait it’s okay! you don’t have to run!” eddie yelled once he overcame the initial shock and confusion of what just happened, as he ran after you. but by the time he got outside you were nowhere to be seen.
2 weeks had passed and eddie looked for you non-stop when he wasn’t in school, but no sign of you. and all the hype was currently around looking for the byers kid who was reported missing the day after he met you.
- he would’ve thought he had just made you up in his imagination if not for the slight dent in the wall from where his uncle flew into. but what really reminded him of you being real was when one day his uncle came home with something for him
- eddie was sat on his bed retuning his guitar, when his uncle came and leaned against the doorway.
“hey eds i’m ‘bout to head out, try not to stay up too late alright?”
“okay. have a good night.” he said without looking up from what he was doing.
- you see eddie hadn’t spoken about what happened that day, since that day, so ultimately wayne didn’t either, not exactly knowing what to say about it. therefore they didn’t really have any type of conversation since that day.
“and um, i haven’t been able to catch ya but,” he tossed a manila folder next to him. “garrett from the photo shop caught me at the grocery store the other day, gave me that, said you never came to pick those up so he asked me to bring ‘em to ya.”
“i don’t remember developing any pictures but, thanks wayne, i’ll look at them.” giving a half-hearted smile before going back to what he was doing.
“alright kid, see ya later” wayne said walking out.
- the second eddie heard the front door close , and his uncle pull off in his car, he hung his guitar up and picked up the folder.
- he opened it, pulled out the prints, and his eyes widened as they immediately teared up, nearly breaking down at the sight before him.
- a picture of you and him at the general store sat in his hands the both of you doing the 🤟🏾pose he taught you with your tongues out.
- now he wasn’t only crying because he was upset that you were gone possibly forever and without a goodbye
- and because you were probably out there thinking he hated you
- he was also crying of relief at the fact that he wasn’t crazy and that you actually exist and that he had proof of it
- now this wasn’t proof to show you off or anything, he didn’t even plant on showing anybody the picture
- but proof that he had met what he thinks was the coolest kid ever and could only hope that you were doing okay wherever you ended up.
- he quickly grabbed a marker and wrote on the back of the print “eddie & van nov. 1983” pinning it next to where he would hang his guitar.
- eddie was happy that he had something to remember you by, being that he didn’t think he would ever see you again.
- and he didn’t. see you again that is. and you didn’t seem him either
.- not for another 3 years at least.
- but that’s a story for another time i guess 🤭
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wow this event escalated quickly
Am I late in giving my thoughts? Oh definitely. Am I gonna still say them? Aw hell yeah, there's so much to say here man + I have Thoughts now on Rollo backstory
anyway spoilers spoilers for part 3 of Glorious Masquerade, this will be split to two parts
when things were still aight
Love that they're still able to squeeze in a bunch of references here. Like, they made a reference to the man in stilts. It's such a small small thing in comparison to the other references, but they still added it. It adds to the festivities though but like wowowow they really went off with the Hunchback of Notre Dame references
ok you may be wondering why the fuck that's the thing that's making me go insane. Like, it's just Azul watching a tightrope walker doing their thing,,, and getting nervous as he watches them ,, and just being enthralled by it
in all seriousness, Azul reacting to the tightrope walker was. so. cute. 😭 The way that he was so nervous for them, the way he was like "it's a show, they'd have something to keep their performers safe" but would still feel nervous LIKE!!!! IT WAS SO CUTE THAT HE WAS THAT WORRIED PLS AND GRIM WAS ALSO SO WORRIED IT WAS CUTE and then when Deuce was like wow the ones who are watching this are Grim and Azul then he smiles and goes wow that's a rare sight LIKE LIKE DSKFNGSDNKGFLSNDKLGNSDKLNGLNKLNG MY FAVOIRTE KIBBY AND MY LOML TOGETHER WATCHING A TIGHTROPE WALKER,,,,,,, my heart , ,, ,
anyway, I really love that they went with topsy turvy as the name of the festival!!!! Like, it's so cute, it's so Disney, and I really hope Twst EN does not change this when they bring the event over to the EN version. I also super super love that the dancers get to use magic tambourines though! I love that they not only fit in the idea of masquerades being the place where the rich and poor gather and no one cares about hierarchies and such but that they also add in that non mages can experience having magic for even just a few hours 🥺 that's honestly so beautiful
Rollo being all sniff sniff over that though hmph
Azul going "you were deciding with a luck based game you should have prepared better" man this guy nskfkdnlskdskdngkg
I think I fucking lost it though when Rollo's like hi can I sit here too and the others were more accommodating about it
guys pls it gives me life whenever I see people really try to be polite when someone they dislike tries sitting in their table but would be so welcoming to someone they like to the point they'd willingly live with the cramped space just for them to sit beside them
"because you're loud and we don't want you" I think we should have another Twitter poll on who burns the hottest in Twisted Wonderland and Idia Shroud should win that on the sole basis that that statement was a literal burn
this fucking exchange sent me though
Sebek) OK ANYONE OTHER THAN MALLEUS SAMA CAN I SIT ON YOUR LAP Azul) do you know how big you are Sebek) ok then..... AZUL SIT ON MY LAP
not to be possessive but excuse me Sebek, Azul's lap is MY spot and Azul's only choices for a seat are the bench or MY LAP 😤 know your place smh
(this is a good time to remind everyone that I'm very very aight with sharing oshi/bias and I love seeing people share their love for Azul and fangirling with me)
anyway thank you Malleus for finally speaking up and telling Sebek that he was causing trouble because funny as it was, I would have actually been pissed off if I was in that situation. Poor Bekbek though, sent off to the other table. But hey, he had his equestrian buddies with him 🥹 not all was lost !!
Here's a part that actually got me thinking hard! When the show starts and the Fool narrates the tale of the Righteous Judge and the Kind Bellringer, it's done in the same way Clopin does it in the beginning of the movie. Except that in the movie, Clopin tells the children of how wicked Claude Frollo was. But here in Twst, the story has been twisted to show that not only was Quasimodo (the bellringer) kind but that Frollo was also a righteous judge whom everyone respected. And when there was a calamity in the town, it was the combined efforts of Frollo and Quasimodo that saved it. What's more is that nobody knows the exact calamity, just that it was crimson.
We already know that history seems to have been twisted, but understand that up till this point, the way we heard the history of Twisted Wonderland is through a 21st century group of students learning from the books and internet. Of course they're going to read what has been preserved.
But that show sharing the story, it was clearly an age old tradition that started since, or even before, the time of the movie. True, we can't be sure that the events of the Disney movies had happened in Twisted Wonderland. Yuu's dreams remain dreams until now with no clear meaning of whether they're dreaming about the true past or if they're even dreaming about an alternate universe where the Disney we know of occurred. Still, there may be truth to Yuu's dreams, so by that logic, you would think that those stories would be preserved and passed down. But no, they were twisted, to the point that nobody knows the calamity that struck the town. Rollo and Trein even bring it up, there's no literature that specifies exactly what happened, just that the streets were dyed crimson. That's the first time that the story has somewhat addressed the issue with their history. And that makes me fear a bit on what's going to come in chapter 7, when we'll be dealing with Lilia who has lived for so long.
On that note, I find it funny that the first conclusion the boys come up with for the "streets were dyed with crimson" part was that there was a fire. Like, y'all wouldn't think there was a war or some other conflict first?? 🤡 I mean, I get it's for the plot to flow but still, that's an interesting first interpretation lmaoo
congrats to Azujami stans for getting your ship to dance congrats Sebek for getting to dance with wakasama congrats to Nobunaga Shimazaki for getting your character to dance with your biggest fav
and congrats to me because I finally get to see Azul dancing and based on the story afterwards not commenting on everyone's dancing .. he can dance. He can dance. He can dance. I can actually live out my dreams of having a waltz with him. He can dance. I can dance. We can dance together.
@ Jamil and Ruggie how does it feel to be God's chosen ones
and then boom fireworks of course Grim's the one who starts it. I found it so cute that NRC boys were like 'we can't lose to other schools! we gotta show them that we're the best!" and it's just setting off fireworks for the people. It is so cute. I love these teenagers;;;;
part 1.5: when things slowly start going to shit
ngl had to do a 1.5 because Tumblr has a 4096 character limit per block (like all those bullet points are one whole block of text technically)
so anyway, first i just want to say I really love how the Fool was like "hey this is a once a year festival let's dance some more" when people were like hoh fireworks??? Like, they managed to slide in one more reference to the movie, I really love these writers I swear
Now we really see things slowly going to shit. This episode, we do see Rollo being more disgusted with the festival, from the idea of rich and poor mingling together to mages in general.
Here's where it gets interesting though. As the students were setting off fireworks, Malleus approaches Rollo and tells him to join the festivities. Rollo then tells him that he and the students of NRC are strong mages. They shouldn't wield that power so carelessly, or at the very least, use it to entertain the townsfolk. Malleus' response is that he has a strong power, and it's up to him whether he wants to give it to people he likes.
I find their words very interesting. Let's start with Malleus: he views his power as something to be shared to others. It's a mirror to the three fairies who gave gifts to Aurora. This part alone really added a lot of depth to him because up till now, Malleus has an arrogant view of himself and his power. It's not entirely his fault, of course, he was raised with such high expectations and has seen how well he performs in comparison to everyone else. But that sentence, we know that Malleus is aware of his power. But the way he says that like it's a gift that he can choose to give to others. At that moment, it's pride but not arrogance. It's a pride over being able to do this and knowing that you can give something to other people with something that you have. I like that. I really like that.
Onto Rollo: what he says here is really interesting and I'll actually refer to this part later on in the post.
If you recall chapter 2, when Crowley explains the concept of overblot to us, Ace mentions that his grandma would always lecture him to not use his magic so carelessly and that it was due to overblot. See the connection between that and what Rollo said to Malleus? I'll leave this here.
Now Rollo asks us how we feel about being surrounded by mages every day. I think it's really interesting honestly that we get to be asked this the first time. And Yuu says that they either find it fun or that they're used to it. And the way that this puts off Rollo... ah yes, we love to see the face of one who will turn things to shit :33
I mean come on, if you've been playing Twst for a while, you should know by now what episode 3 in events like these is supposed to be: the part where things turn to s h i t
part 2: ah shit shit hit the fan
ah yes, my favorite crime: arson
so ngl this ep really sealed this event as my favorite event of all time but before we explain that, let's get to what's happening in the story
so the students get back to the school, and then they hear the bell ring four times. Very interesting, totally not sus at all
and THEN suddenly a bunch of crimson flowers grow and students start going down. Everyone's like shit fuck what the fuck
the way that they even affected Malleus,, like bruh thank God his guards were with him. That part was pretty eye opening for me actually. I always found it odd that Silver and Sebek were so protective of Malleus when he's so strong that he can defend himself. But that moment, he was stuck, and he could break out because of the two of them.
can I just say those battles had the weirdest opponents ever. Like . I commend them for inserting all the movie references but I think they overdid it with the cloaked men with flowers for heads. Like . help what is THAT .
when wehn Chenya and Neige saved Riddle & Deuce and Rook & Epel 😭 especially Chenya honestly. He saved Riddle because Riddle is his friend. Take note that Riddle was shielding Deuce but Chenya's the one taking the hit for Riddle. This guy,,,, he really cares about Riddle, it is So cute
I love the Neige memes that came out of this event honestly. I need to abuse them KDSNFKSFDJSKGDSG
absolutely love how by some miracle (aka plot convenience), all of NRC is still standing. good thing we're here because that plant nearly killed us but turns out being magicless is a gift for once
New piece of lore! The flowers that sprouted all of a sudden are actually extinct flowers that have the ability to absorb one's magic. They are capable of absorbing all their magic to the point someone is left magicless. People have started speculating them to be based on the flowers in Maleficent 2, which were used to kill fae. It's quite terrifying, those little flowers.
So anyway we find out Rollo's the baddie behind this. Everyone's obviously fucking pissed the moment he walks in
And here's an obligatory Azul lovemail from me because hey,, come on. Everyone's pissed at him. But somehow, Azul still has the calmness to go "oh my oh my that sounds like something a bad guy would say" like bruh,,, how can you still be so FUNNY during these trying times
AND THEN WE GET A GOOD LOOK AT ROLLO'S FRENZIED FACES 😳 I think that Twst live2D artists should calm down with the feral faces they are making them too hot
anyway here's where he says that he wants to rid Twisted Wonderland of all its mages. And like hey look at him, he actually has the means to do Just that and that's actually terrifying
bruh Silver and Sebek were actually ready to throw hands at him. they were gonna use their bare fists. pls let Sebek's groovy be him punching Rollo that would be fun
ah shit trapdoor ah shit we're falling down OH HEY MALLEUS IS SAVING US man that was actually really sweet of him 🥺 I'm not a Malleus stan but even I felt touched and a bit excited seeing that part. He really rushed to our aid <3 Malleus stans won so hard
So anyway everyone's safe, Trein saves everyone with his magic go Trein we stan best prof
NOT AZUL BEING SO HAUGHTY KSFHKSDHFJKSDKGBJKSD he's like aww thank you Trein for saving us but I was also prepared to save myself too
idia being like is now the time?????? God this duo is gonna end me one day
but honestly I can relate to that haughtiness it hurts
so anyway weeding time
if you can't magic the flowers away, gotta do it the old fashioned way
Love how Ruggie and Epel are like PUT YOUR BACKS INTO IT DO IT FASTER
that crack though,,, poor Trein, may your hip rest in pieces
sadly, there's too many flowers and they can't all weed them out so Ruggie and Idia just go "uhh every man for himself then?"
CUE TREIN CRYING LNSGNKSFDNLSDLNLSDG "where did I go wrong in my teachings huhuhu RSA protected you and this is how you repay them huhuhuhu" HE ACTUALLY CRIED HE HAD TEARS IN HIS SPRITE,,,,,,
and of course. of COURSE Azul goes "oh of course we'll help, this is the perfect opportunity to get mages into our debt" like ,, ,like how can you be so ONE TRACK MINDED ???? literally the world is on fire and Azul will still think about putting people in debt. Riddle is like smh but he's like somehow seeing Azul being Azul calms me down
ah I love Azul, of course he's the first one to figure out that the flowers were Rollo's plan since the very beginning and that the symposium was all a way to bring mages to one place and wipe them out. you and your scheming-ness actually helps out from time to time
But then Idia solves the big mystery: it was to lure Malleus. Damn, these two I swear
and . oh no. oh no Malleus please don't please don't go cra—
"ROLLO FLAMM I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU" boom crackle lightning ahhhh shit there he goes
Jamll I'll have you know that yes being invited for once in your life only to be lured to a trap meant to take you down is a very valid reason to feel upset like come on I feel sorry for the dude he's been wazowski'd at least three times by Disney pls have some sympathy
so Malleus' magic actually causes some flowers to wither and Epel being the local farm boy notices that they were overnourished by the magic
and then of course Azul and Idia figure out what to do. Of course it's the two of them.
so the bell of salvation rings four times to give the town magic and shit like that. so what happens if it's rung a few more times than that? Magic overnourishment wheeeeeeee
I genuinely hope there's no such thing as humans getting overnourished by magic because imagine there's a suddenly long line to the hospital just because people got sick from magic overload this is gonna go to Crowley wheeze
because the righteous judge was the one who told the bell ringer what to do to save the town. So you know, Trein in all his cracked hip glory would want that he's the one who rings the bell while the students stayed behind. But if the righteous judge trusted the bellringer whom he saw as his son, then Trein will trust his students
slay what a great prof you are Trein I hope more profs turn out to be like you
.. but he's still gonna make himself bait . and Yuu and Grim will be with him of course
and anyway yay time for NRC to do their badass thing
final thoughts
Okay so why did this episode make this event my all-time favorite? See, up till now, all the Twst events have been really light with not much real danger that happens. Halloween 2 honestly was the event that made me so so hopeful that there was actually going to be something that happens. But then it only resulted in a prank??? Do you know how disappointed I was with that ending??? 😭 I wanted something thrilling and we didn't get that.
But here we have something ruthless, something actually dangerous. We saw Malleus needing help from his guards, we saw Chenya and Neige go down. Those were extinct flowers that pose a real threat to them as mages. This event was not afraid to be like this even when we know that there is going to be a happy ending after all this is said and done. I'm just so happy that we got such important pieces of lore that I have always wanted ever since 2020.
no like come on, I have this post that I wrote on November 19, 2020, and I say, word per word:
There is another unique magic that I thought of, but it’s for a potential new character.
It’s a bit similar to Riddle’s, except it has a more permanent effect... the unique ability to take away one’s magic. Think Amon from the Legend of Korra, and yeah that’s really the idea. I’d love to see a truly villainous character with that unique magic, and they target NRC for evil reasons. Crowley would be alarmed, and the students themselves would be on guard.
.. ok it's not a unique magic that Rollo is using, but he IS a skilled mage. AND ASIDE FROM THAT, WE LITERALLY GOT THIS ... pls you have no idea how happy this makes me.
Onto my next thoughts, I have two prevailing thoughts over this event. First about Azul (of course lol) and the other being about Rollo.
So on Azul, generally I'm so happy to see him joking around more often. Either he's opening up more or he's always been this funny and we just get more opportunities to see this side of him. 🥺 But I want to draw your attention to not just his humor but his mental fortitude.
Azul's sass comment towards Rollo and his whole "we can get people in our debt!" were hilarious, but it speaks of something deeper about him. In chapter 6, Idia does mention Azul's mental fortitude, but we really see it here. Everyone's tense, everyone's stressed, some of them considered giving up. Azul is angry, he's stressed about this situation too. But he's still being . himself. Like, he's still scheming to get people in his debt. He's still able to throw in one haughty or sassy one liner. And he was still able to think during all this. He was still able to figure out Rollo's plan along with Idia, he was still able to figure out that they could all go to the bell tower and ring the bell 248230923048082353 times until all the flowers die. Sure, maybe it's his coping mechanism. But still, he's not letting the stress get the better of him. Azul is still .. being Azul, even in the face of a disaster. And that's such a huge source of comfort too especially when you're in the situation yourself.
Now onto Rollo. So you really can see his discrimination and hatred against magicians mirrors Frollo's hatred for the Romani people. If you remember what I mentioned about what he says to Malleus, good because that part is important for this.
I believe that Rollo's hatred is heavily influenced by indoctrination from when he was young. It's very possible that he discovered he had magic pretty late, so it may have been in his formative years where he was indoctrinated to believe that mages are evil. It's likely in the kind of institution he initially was. Probably some really really conservative Catholic school that taught that witchcraft was the devil's work.
However, I think that that hatred was further solidified by overblot. It makes sense, no? Overblot in a sense is a manifestation of one's most corrupted self. It's a combination of overuse of magic and one's negative emotions. And it's one thing to just know the existence of overblot. It's another to witness it yourself (or even... experience it yourself...).
Consider: Claude Frollo from the book is an orphan. His parents are dead. What if his parents were taken because of overblot? OG Claude Frollo also has a younger brother. What if that younger brother was affected too? It could also be that the parents themselves overblotted, or there was a monster that rampaged over his home. Or perhaps... he himself overblotted... and he hated himself so much that he spills it over to the rest of humanity.
In any case, I can't wait to see if they'll reveal Rollo's backstory. Would love to see an overblot too honestly wwww but it is an event story. The chances of seeing an overblot are not that high.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this long long LONG ramble. I'm really really excited for next Monday uuuuu
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daywoutmoon · 1 year
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Before starting I just wanted to say that: This post is for the most part a joke! While I really would love have more Ritsu in this arc for all the reasons in this post, this is not really a serious critique or anything like "oh this arc sucked cause of little Ritsu screentime" lol. I do enjoy that arc as it is, the only part I really hate is the fucking Inukawa omakes (that I will not mention again in this post), aside of that very cool arc.
Also a warning: This contains spoilers for the entire season 3,ok?!
Anyway let's go gamers!!!
Now if you are anime-only or read the manga but forgor let me explain why he didn't go: The Shiratori brothers say they're leaving after Takenaka accept join the alien hunting, and then-
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So as we can see... Ritsu was interested in joining in or... I mean what else could be ? Does he wanted to stay not because he wanted to join the fun but just like...idk... see Tome reaction to the news cause he would love some gossip and drama? I don't think so. ALTHOUGH IT IS FUNNY THAT THEY ONLY FOUND TELEPATHS CAUSE RITSU WAS JUST STANDING THERE LISTENING MOB TALK WITH HIS FRIENDS,AND THEN HE LIKE "OH I KNOW SOME". So maybe he truly just want the gossip who knows lol. But I'm more willing to bet he wanted to check out the alien thing.
we been so so robbed. like so robbed. Tome and Ritsu interactions... Are very little. We technically had one non-canon one. And when I mean non-canon is because was in this omake that Ritsu killed One.
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So all things considered I don't think Tome calling out how Ritsu was out of the plot at that moment followed by him killing One is canon, but... The point is she just gets there and calling him creppy. Just beating him down,judging him... And we don't have more interactions between them? BULLSHIT, I WANT MORE OF IT.
We do have another interaction that was in the last chapter/episode with Ritsu and Tome gossiping about Mob life,what is great content!!! Also is it me or this post is slowing turning into Ritsu gossip propaganda? Anyway glad to see at least a little of interaction in canon.
But I wanted more of them in canon,wahh. Lot's of people point out how Tome is like mini Reigen sometimes but I don't think Ritsu would have lot of beef with her cause she is not like being a big fraud like Reigen you know? Big part of Ritsu issues with Reigen is the whole lying to and using his brother, not being loud. And while we are at those two-
now. I say bonding cause both would have a very common thing in this trip: they have nothing to do with it. So like while Tome is complaining and being salty they both would be like 🧍 🧍 and I think that had lot of comedic potential. AND RITSU BEING ABLE TO THROW SHADE IN REIGEN DRIVING SKILLS??!?!
4.the rest of the club i guess lol
I talked about Tome and Reigen but honestly I would enjoy more interactions with the other telephaty club members with Ritsu lol
Now I said this post was mostly a joke, but not totally a joke and in one point is just like... Again I would love more Ritsu lol, but other point is when it comes with Mob and Ritsu I do think maybe would be more interesting for the plot if Ritsu was in this trip!
I'm not the most passionate over this arc,I adore it, I just never been intensely plagued with thoughts about this arc in specific, but over the time I did read some analysis there and there about it, and when the arc was adapted there was even more analysis of it. And seeing people observations I can see the importance of the arc not only to be a breathe between two intense arcs, but also to see the growth of Mob. Obvious there is even more to it, but focusing on Mob in this arc is like... He takes initiative, even the telepathy club members are impressed by him and he doing his best to help his friends. And he likes... Choose to use his powers?! And even convinces Takenaka to use his powers too.
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And like. RITSU WAS THERE W HILE MOB SAID ALL THAT,WHAT I THINK IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. But like...What Ritsu missed was seeing Mob there, really exausthing himself with powers and all but not like...Over some big battle or anything like before but. Just for something "stupid". Something silly. And like, post finale I have no doubts that they will have many opportunities to share moments using psychic powers in a more mundane way, just like Mob used before The Accident. But I still wonder how it would be in the story if Ritsu had seen this, because in the confession arc there is an "out of nowhere" moment: That being Ritsu being the first to conclude that ???/Shigeo and Mob are the same.
Now I say out of nowhere, but I think that's kinda unfair. Rather is more unclear, what is not a bad thing, people can come up with their own interpretations and stuff. Like this can be just the result of lot of self reflection, it doesn't need have a clear A-HA EUREKA moment.
There is also how in the manga it goes like this the moment he says it:
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And in my own interpretation one of the biggest things made he realize this is just another part of his brother is he seeing how ??? still just want to give flowers to his crush.
In the anime too part of this realization happened before he even saw Mob, so it does not work out but like. Personally I love the anime as much as the manga,but speaking about Confession arc in specific I LOVE THE MANGA VERSION 10 TIMES MORE AND I HAVE 89839895 NITPICKS WITH THE ANIME VERSION SO… Ok Ritsu concludes that this was a opressed part before coming face to face with Mob,ok. So I feel in that version is even more unclear.
But with all this in mind I wonder if that conclusion would work better with Ritsu seeing Mob use his powers to the max in a non life threatening situation. And… I have no idea. Maybe it would, or maybe it would ocupy too much of the alien arc. Maybe it would make less compelling if was super clear. I do not have a definitive answer. Idk if One didnt included Ritsu in the trip for a big reason or if he just didnt want him in and then made Shiratori brothers throw shade to Ritsu leave lol.
But. I do ask for you consider a what if. What if Ritsu was there ?~~
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dallonwrites · 1 year
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[image description: a photograph of a wave crashing against the ocean. to the right, in a bold serif font, reads “2023 writing update” /end id]
dallon’s 2022 year in review + 2023 plans 🧍
Hehe so. I went back and forth on whether or not I’d make a “year in review” writing update because whilst I’m proud of what I achieved, this year SUCKED for my personal life and I had to sacrifice a lot of writing goals because of that (which also like, doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. But it still bummed me out lol). Writing did help me cope though. It’s funny because on paper this would be one of my more “successful” writing years, but really all my writing had to do this year was help keep me going lol, the rest feels like a bonus. I did want to honour what I did achieve though, because writing is one of the few positives of this year and I’m trying to be positive!
Learnt to prioritise my personal projects. Finding joy in WIPs that I write  that nobody will see, or WIPs that I’ll never publish but find joy in sharing my journey with it, has really been the most valuable part of this year. Made dealing with submissions and rejections and self doubt much easier and reminded me why I write in the first place
Got my first publication! I had two short stories and one flash piece published. Getting to walk into a store and pick up a magazine that had my work in was so surreal and cool. I also got my first writing grant (love The White Pube x) and my first award nomination (the Pushcart??), two things I did not expect to happen in my first year of submitting lol! And, more importantly, I put myself out there in the first place, and let myself be rejected 
I won NaNoWriMo, something I thought was totally inaccessible to me before. I’ll probably never write 50k in a month again, but it was a super fun experience and I learnt a lot from it! 
I think 2020-21 was my “growing pains era” with writing and in 2022 I finally solidified what I want to write, figured out how to fix WIPs I was struggling with. 
If you’re curious about the projects I’m working on in 2023, there’s a very long ramble about all of them under the cut!
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[image description: a shot of two hands against a dull purple background, reaching for one another from either ends of the image. their index fingers are almost touching. in the top left corner, in a bold serif font, reads “revelations, revelations” /end id]
Love of my life, bane of my existence for so long, I spent basically all of 2021 fighting with this project. In 2022 all I did was brainstorm and oh, oh I brainstormed. 
The most important parts of saving this project was realising that 1) I will never publish any RR novel (That being said I did publish two short stories inspired by the RR verse LOL. But that’s all the world is getting unless I write a secret Beaulix or Dorothy/Jolie short story) and 2) This is not one novel, this is just a whole universe that lives in my head rent free and sometimes I feel less like the author and more like I am merely observing it like a medieval scribe. I call it the RR Verse because RR is still what started it all, but I’ve had so much fun writing stories beyond this novel. I have like, five novel ideas within this universe LOL! Help! This is intentional because, for now, I can’t imagine ever being done with this world 
I really do think that RR and the RR verse is like My Special Project. It’s my baby even though it caused me so, so much trouble for so long lol. I just can’t let go of it and whilst I love all my projects, I have a special love for this one. Like it just enamours me in a certain way and the characters and world feel so real to me. Love having your own work be part of your special interest! I can hyperfixate on all my projects and feel that deep, probably-autism-fuelled loved for them, but I need have projects that purely exist to indulge in that, which for me is the RR Verse and Winter’s Slaughter. This is not a project I’m trying to finish any time quickly or get “perfect”. In fact, I’d happily start the novel over and over again, I love Felix and Dorothy LOL 
I also think writing The Rabbit Knows How To Bury Itself, a short story about Felix and Dorothy, helped with RR because that short story is very much the darker pushed-to-their-limits imagining of both of them. Felix at his lowest, doing drugs in the bathtub, and Dorothy wanting to be the only one capable of hurting him but only hurting herself when she realises she can’t not love him. I almost feel like that short story is like, Dorothy’s worst nightmare scenario of what would happen to her brother so writing it was like a psychoanalysis project which I seriously recommend! I don’t think you have to push a character to their deepest, darkest limits for their arc to be compelling, but knowing how far you could push a character, how dark their story could get and what it could look like, imo informs how you write them in their actual story. 
2023 plan for RR the novel is to just. Write it! See what I get out of it! I’m in my RR hyperfixation era so this is what I’ll start the year with, especially since my priority right now is writing short fiction to submit, so it’d be nice to have a fun little hyperfixation moment on the side. And I’ll definitely share a lot about it! It’s so fun now! Dorothy and Felix are more weird and off-putting than ever!  Dorothy likes to break into rich people’s houses just to look around! Felix ruins her vibe by actually stealing shit! Normal sibling behaviour. NGL I still don’t know how to explain what this story is “about” plot wise, but this is part of a basic summary I wrote:
About trying to process and heal from trauma but being terrified of it because you don’t know who you are without your trauma and coping mechanisms. About realising that you can’t truly detach yourself from those things. About being terrified of the theoretical violence you perceive yourself to be capable of. About re-understanding what love can look like. Also about the moon, space travel, cold coffee, parties, blue hour, piano music, blurry film photos and birthday cake.
I love these two. Their love for each other endures everything, even the times they want to kill one another. Nobody is doing it like them. Also their birthday is on Jan 11th so happy early birthday <3
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[image description: a cropped image of two arcade machines. in the top right corner, in a bold serif font, reads “lover boy” /end id]
AND WE ARE NOT DONE TALKING ABOUT THE RR VERSE! Lover Boy is technically Book #2 if you consider Revelations, Revelations Book #1. It’s set just under a year later and is technically the Beaulix Novel (who break up at the end of RR, surprise! But it’s because they both are like “I’ve realised I love you and that is terrifying me because I don’t think I’m in a place where I can love like this”), but sometimes it just feels like the Beau Novel! Beau is like a best friend to me and I love him so much, I had so much fun writing in his POV in Winter’s Slaughter that it just solidified my need to let him have His Moment. He’s sweet, funny, stubborn, emotional, confused, anxious, sleepy, he’s everything to me. I’m so obsessed with his narrative that I have barely figured out how he and Felix actually get back together LOL. We do get Felix’s POV too, but I won’t know exactly how that’ll look like until I’ve written more of RR. All I can say is he’s a bit more Normal in this one lol! He’s experienced growth <3 He finds himself <3
A big part of Beau’s narrative is reconciling with his need and yearning for romantic love. That yes, he doesn’t need romance, he can find love and fulfilment in other parts of his life, and he does! But that doesn’t take away from his yearning for this specific type of love. And it’s important to remember that Beau is a character who grew up gay in the 60s-80s. For him to yearn for, to reach out for romantic love in spite of everything is super important! He’s the type of person whose biggest dream as a kid was being prom king and his first heartbreak was realising that he couldn’t be prom king in the way he truly wants to be. Personally I think he deserves the world and more. He also has a little brother with a 15 year age gap, and their relationship warms my heart and tears it in two at the same time. 
Revelations, Revelations feels like a night time novel and Lover Boy feels like a daytime novel. This novel feels like a hug, but like a hug after crying. Part of the summary:
1987-1988. Follows Beau and Felix when they decide to rekindle their friendship after time away, and the ways they’re too scared to rekindle the relationship part. Also follows Beau as he tries to navigate moving away from home, tries understand why sometimes colours are too loud and sounds are too bright, tries to get some sleep and get better at breathing techniques, tries to spend as much time with his little brother, and tries to maintain his Donkey Kong high score. Also Felix has a “mild” gender crisis. About healing but we jump right into the middle of it. About how it feels to reach out for romantic love when it’s almost always felt unreachable. Also about karaoke, arcade games, bowling alleys, home videos, golden hour, glitter, the ocean and blue raspberry slushies.
My 2023 plan for this one is that I am not waiting to finish Revelations, Revelations to start Lover Boy. I wanna work both on them at the same time depending on which one compels me the most in that moment. Will I finish either of them? No! Am I gonna have fun? Hell yeah 
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[image description: shot of a clear, starry night sky, with silhouettes of trees on either side. on the left hand side, in a bold serif font, reads “winter’s slaughter” /end id]
Not gonna lie I still haven’t read most of the 50k I wrote in November and I’m undecided on if I want to return to it via editing first or just pushing through with the draft. I’m conflicted! But I have lots of fun plot ideas and oh, this book is gonna be a giant and there’ll probably be a book #2 oops! The 2023 plan for this one is just “whenever the apocalypse hyperfixation hits”. Which I don’t know when that’ll happen, but it more than likely will! Once I actually look at the manuscript again I’ll do a proper update because oh there is plot to update on! Mainly using this section to highlight what is one of my favourite passages I wrote not just in Nano, but the whole year? 
When Valentine found the collection of half-empty perfume bottles he had to take them. He likes to look at the empty space in the glass and wonder what stories could fill it up, maybe dinner dates or graduations or weddings or funerals or high-effort grocery store trips. What drew him to the train station were the ticket stubs scattered under the benches, on the ground of the decayed platform. He tried to explain this to Klaus, once, who looked at him, that glint of childhood wonder in his eye. Well, he’d said, nobody got rid of dinosaur bones just because there were no dinosaurs left to grieve them. And for Valentine, exploring the skeleton buildings that dot the world, specifically for what was left behind, is an act of deviance against the Devouring. This is how he remembers people, even if he never knew them. He once found the rib cage of a girl in the violet roller skates she left under her bed. Found the lungs of her mother in the attic, the box of forgotten goggles and swim meet trophies from 1986. So many people want to forget what the Devouring left behind; too many people want to forget the parts of themselves they let be devoured.
Also going to take the chance to soft launch one of my favourite characters I created this year: Cal, my emotionally volatile, traumatised, slutty transmasc king. He is everything to me to the point where I had planned for him to die and now I don’t know if I can bring myself to do it. He also has a ~messy emotionally intimate friends with benefits thing~ with Felix (this does not conflict Beaulix at all. We are not about that over here!), which is unsurprising considering their first meeting is literally them fighting in a Church but then it gets kinda homoerotic? And then kinda tender? Like look at this shit
“Sorry about the cheek, Felix.” It doesn’t sound genuine. Cal says sorry like it’s a stalemate. But they also reach out, wipe the blood off with their thumb. And the scariest part is how gentle it feels, against all his sharpness.
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[image description: a photo of ocean waves against a cliffside. in the bottom left corner, in a bold serif font, reads “ammonites for eyes” /end id]
Ammonites For Eyes is a novel I introduced on here earlier in the year under the title I Am Made Of Indigo, about a trans man who moves back to his coastal hometown and has to reckon with his closeted identity when he becomes a new maternal figure for his younger sister. I actually started it in the summer and was super excited by it! But you see, this is where all we can do is laugh, because this novel is about the protagonists grief after the death of his mother, and guess what happened to me three months after starting this book! I had planned my whole second half of the year around writing this and had to immediately stop because, oh my god is this novel Apollo’s curse of prophecy?? I considered shelving it for a while which was a massive bummer because I am enamoured with the story, the world, the characters, and want this to be my debut. But I’ve gotten to a point where writing this feels like a necessity and I can’t see anything else being my debut. This is absolutely going to be the one project where I let myself claw out the deepest parts of grief and yeah, absolutely wish I wasn’t able to do that but I know that the final project that comes from it is gonna be something special. This will probably be my main project for most of the year, but also the one I talk least about because 1) planning to publish it and 2) those writing updates would not be fun to read lmaooooo. But super excited to write this! Definitely won’t be able to write it for long periods of time, but I hope to get a good chunk of it drafted, and if I end up doing my MA this year I’d like to work on this for it. 
I don’t have a lot to say about the story itself, but my favourite little detail is that the protagonist works at a fossil shop that has a T-Rex skull displayed in the window who ends up becoming? A whole character? The protagonist talks to the skull and low key treats it like his therapist. So maybe this book IS about the horrors, but it’s also about the T-Rex skull. There’s a balance here 
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[image description: a close up image of the top of a persons back, with their hand holding their left shoulder. the image is tinted blue and green. in the left corner, in a bold serif font, reads “eulogy for the burnings” /end id]
What’s this!! I’ve only talked about this novel once, on my old blog, at the end of a writing update, but this is an idea that’s been slowly marinating in my brain for a while and in 2023 I’d like for it to marinate more, maybe even write some of it. This follows a man who tracks down his distant half-brother and becomes obsessed with him, whilst said brother is a pyromaniac who “hires” him to photograph the buildings and things he burns. Messy! Definitely one of my darker projects. It’s compelling me.
Other projects that I have less to say about but hope to work on in some way: 
I have a novel reimagining of my short story How Does An Orca Pray, which I’m obsessed with conceptually but have no idea what to actually do with it as a narrative. I call it a reimagining because it’s conceptually the same but the details are different, like the characters are much older in the novel than they are in the short story. But fun fact! The novel is in the RR Verse! The religious commune in HDAOP is the same on in RR and in the RR Verse, the narrator and Josiah running away is a massive #scandal in Felix and Dorothy’s childhood. So I think it’d be fun to write that scandal from their POV and have it be like a little prequel. It’s fun! It has summer road trip vibes with dark undertones and the playlist is full of 70s bangers 
I really would like my novel Life Cycle of Massive Stars to have a similar reboot to RR. I love that novel and it’s like a love letter to transness, autism, and my University city. Also a contender for what I write during my MA, so I’d like to start both this and Ammonites For Eyes and if I do my MA, I can present both of them and be like “help” 
Also continuously going to be working on short stories. I’d like to grow my collection since I have a title that I love now, Swimming Pool Prayers, but also I don’t want to force myself to only write stories I think could fit into the collection. I struggle with collections because the minute I write a story I don’t think fits the collection or develops the collection, I’m like oh well that was a waste! So trying to unlearn that. Also want to write more flash fiction and more poetry. I don’t consider myself a great poet, but I’m attracted to the abstractness I find in it atm. Also I keep impulse submitting messy first drafts of poems to litmags OOPS! 
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baekhvuns · 30 days
Ok, about my life and..updates.
RMR THE WEDDING?? it happened. I ENJOYED SO SO MUCH but it rlly hits u 'oh she's...leaving' LIKE DAMN but anyways about that. I've just been ig, studying again..i took a yr gap AND THT ENTIRE CHAOS THT HAPPENED LAST YR actually tbh, im glad it happened, i got a chance to think what I really wanted, nd if stuff rn is not good, it's definitely better.
Guess, whatever happens, happens for a reason.
So yehh, the exam is like a few days from now JAJSJSJSJ I'm scared 😭. OMG ALSO BESTIE I GOT A JOB!!! I'm so happy 😭😭 (ps one of them is international 😈) nah cuz the brown relations really fucking worked. Other than that, MAN. ATEEZ AT COACHELLA. Fuck.
Actually tbh, I've been a little disconnected from the entire kpop scene, just once in a while enjoying the songs and new things like Coachella performances but like so many new things happened in kpop and idk what to think 😭 Like ITS SO OVERWHELMING we got the hybe drama, ateez at Coachella, new cb, NCT SMOOTHIE??, bp members got solo...so dam yeah.
Another thing, UR GIRL HAS BEEB *OBSESSED* LIKE *OBSESSED* *OBSESSED* WITH DILJIT. Not like i never was But IT GOT STRONGER 😭nah my man so cool honestly nd all his movies are chefs kiss.
ANDD HOW ARE YOU? HOWS EVERYTHING? HOWS LIFE? I hope you're doing good and well, and ur healthy. I miss you so dam much it's crazy, like the only person rn who cn revive my addiction with kpop is you. No questions asked.
And I just checked the updates, the war is still going on....IM SO MAD BROOO it's..so sad i can't even like show my anger all I can do is stay at home and observe. Sucks to be powerless. I'm praying, still am, and will keep praying for the people of gaza. And they will have peaceful nights once again, Amen.
Alright, i shall take my leave but I'll come back, MISS U SO MUCH POOKIE 🫶🫶💞💞💞MWAH!!
RMR THE WEDDING?? it happened. I ENJOYED SO SO MUCH but it rlly hits u 'oh she's...leaving' LIKE DAMN but anyways about that. I've just been ig, studying again..i took a yr gap AND THT ENTIRE CHAOS THT HAPPENED LAST YR actually tbh, im glad it happened, i got a chance to think what I really wanted, nd if stuff rn is not good, it's definitely better. Guess, whatever happens, happens for a reason.
omg i hope ur outfits slayed! yeah no that part just randomly hits ur frontal lobe and everything just goes 📉,, AAAAAA AND U WERE WORRIED FOR NOTHING IM GLAD IT WORKED OUT FOR YOU!!!
So yehh, the exam is like a few days from now JAJSJSJSJ I'm scared 😭. OMG ALSO BESTIE I GOT A JOB!!! I'm so happy 😭😭 (ps one of them is international 😈) nah cuz the brown relations really fucking worked. Other than that, MAN. ATEEZ AT COACHELLA. Fuck.
omg i hope u do ur very best!! AAAAAA A JOB??? THATS SK GOOD ITS SO HARD TO FIND THEM IN THIS ECONOMY U BETTER MILK THEM FOR THE CASH, the brown nepotism 😭😭😭
Actually tbh, I've been a little disconnected from the entire kpop scene, just once in a while enjoying the songs and new things like Coachella performances but like so many new things happened in kpop and idk what to think 😭 Like ITS SO OVERWHELMING we got the hybe drama, ateez at Coachella, new cb, NCT SMOOTHIE??, bp members got solo...so dam yeah.
u know what, me too 😭😭 i’ve just grown indifferent to it, i mostly find myself listening to whatever’s been in my playlist for years,, YEAH it is so wild how much stuff happened in the last year 😭😭 NCT SMOOTHIE WHAT WAS THAT. 😭😭
Another thing, UR GIRL HAS BEEB *OBSESSED* LIKE *OBSESSED* *OBSESSED* WITH DILJIT. Not like i never was But IT GOT STRONGER 😭nah my man so cool honestly nd all his movies are chefs kiss.
AAAAAAAAA HE WAS JUST HERE A FEW DAYS AGO,,, would have gone if the damn ticket price wasn’t 400$ each 🧍🏻‍♀️ HE RLY IS SO COOL! his laid back swag is truly amazing
ANDD HOW ARE YOU? HOWS EVERYTHING? HOWS LIFE? I hope you're doing good and well, and ur healthy. I miss you so dam much it's crazy, like the only person rn who cn revive my addiction with kpop is you. No questions asked.
IM GOOD! ROTTING ON MY COUCH <3 life’s been boring, i’ve just been studying lots to get it over with but fortunately i have wedding season in my family so i have that to look forward too! ☺️ JDJDJDJSJD I MISS U TOO AND WRITING IT i briefly get inspo to write but bc im indifferent to kpop it just doesn’t hit but iam a yunho bais now 😭😭 im hoping to do at least something abt the fic or move on and write a different one!
And I just checked the updates, the war is still going on....IM SO MAD BROOO it's..so sad i can't even like show my anger all I can do is stay at home and observe. Sucks to be powerless. I'm praying, still am, and will keep praying for the people of gaza. And they will have peaceful nights once again, Amen.
it’s the way they’re using the met gala as a distraction to go all out on rafah, absolutely fucking batshit crazy, your words, truly 💗
Alright, i shall take my leave but I'll come back, MISS U SO MUCH POOKIE 🫶🫶💞💞💞MWAH!!
0 notes
fauxkaren · 10 months
My ID is Gangnam Beauty - 6/10
Hm. So, I think this drama was trying to say some important things about beauty and the way it is perceived and valued and how people are going through things you can't see on the surface. And... I think it did an ok job of it, but also felt a bit "ehhhhh" about other parts. Like idk! It's just a really complicated subject that is hard to distill down into a k-drama, you know? But as a whole, the drama was fine enough to watch so... yeah it's fine.
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The female lead of this show, Kang Mi-rae, is a college freshman who, the summer before her freshman year, has undergone some intense plastic surgery because throughout her life, she had been horrifically bullied for her looks. When she gets to college, she finds that one of the other students in her department was a boy she went to middle school with, Do Kyung-seok. So yeah the show is about Mi-rae's journey of learning about navigating life as a newly pretty person but also getting judgement for her plastic surgeries and also like learning how to be less concerned about appearance in general and yeah there's a lot so it's hard to say what the actual message of the show is.
Cha Eunwoo plays Kyung-seok and oh boy. He is... not good. His performance can be best depicted in emoji form as 🧍. Just like the epitome of 'go girl, give us nothing'. lol and I've seen him in another drama that he was much better in. I get that Kyung-seok is meant to be flat in affect but idk man... it was just some bad acting. And I think as a result of that, the romance just never quite works for me.
The thing that I actually really loved about this show was all the supporting characters. A lot of shows with as expansive a cast as this one will feel like the characters aren't full people and just pop up to deliver a line when needed. Gangnam Beauty did a really good job of building out the personalities and lives of the various students in the department which makes the drama feel like a fully inhabited world. So yeah, I liked the drama! Just felt like it wasn't as good as it could have been.
0 notes
short-black-diamond · 10 months
First of all, Yes Marbella is the mother of Lloyd the pretty woman with blonde hair
Second of all, Yes I wan to see a second part of it if it's not too much trouble >:DD I will wait respectfully in my pink Barbie toy jeep
Choi Han is like Elijah but very deadly fr
- 🍰nom
Yes I love the mom too, she's a strong woman
Anyways I'd protect Choi Han and the butler's son with all my heart, precious babies, and your sentence "Choi Han is like Elijah but very deadly fr" bro your statement couldn't fit more ngl, anyways I'm glad that I ain't the only one who finds him hot 😁
And now, I'll continue my analysis on the webtoon!
warnings: spoilers for those who didn't read the webtoon, me simping(hard) and bullying, not proofread
Part two of my analysis of the webtoon "The Tomato Can"!
I wanted to correct myself for what I said in my last post:
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About this panel. In my previous post, I wrote Medusa, but I actually meant Mario, the one with the earring to the right, and not the person who was sitting next to GSM. Because, as you can see, he addressed Mario and not Medusa. Sorry for mixing up the names.
Another thing I wanted to mention in my last post was again, something about Vasily.
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LOOK AT VASILY STANDING BEHIND MEDUSA, LOOK AT HIM ASK POLITELY IF THEY CAN SIT NEXT TO MARIO, PRECIOUS BABYBOY, OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEARTTTTTT And also his hand, like dude-🧍🏻‍♂️this is literally how you're standing V-Cube, like, is it because you're built that way??...but I still love him.
And now looking forward:
Okay, I stopped analysing at episode eight, which means I will describe episode nine. In episode nine, it starts with the weigh-ins, where Ethan weighs 179 pounds= ca. 81 kg and Elijah weighs 186 pounds= ca. 84 kg. Also, as Uncle/Coach Trevor was about to scold Elijah lightly on his weight, Kublai made some comment about it being because of those energy drinks, but Elijah quickly shushes him, and still, Elijah gets an earful from Coach Trevor. Here's a pic <3
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ALSO WHY DOES ELIJAH HAVE TO HAVE HIS SWEET CUTIE-PATOOTIE SMILE, LOOK AT HIM LAUGH, LOOK AT THE SWEET PLASTER ON HIS NOSE (JOCK VIBES) LOOK AT THE ABS BRO. Nah I'm down bad bad. Then there's the SNITCH Kublai, like bro I thought you were the type of person I could hide a body with??? Not cool man...
Then we have scary/angry Trevor-
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And just Elijah smiling at him...like bro-
And then we have JJ just making such a remark-
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And Ethan and Elijah just look at him like-
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Like, Ethan and Elijah were probably like 'What did he sayyyy???' And JJ just sweats. bruh. And that shirt he's wearing is ugly too. Going on to the next few panels, we have Ethan's coach telling him that he'll make the easiest 40k in his life, but spoiler alert, he gets folded like an omelet.
Going forward, Ethan's a sneaky bastard who does dirty tricks.
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Like bro, stop doing thattttt
but then, a few panels and fighting later, Ethan just fucking picks Elijah up.
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Ethan's face tells me that he's a little struggling, but other than that, nice cake Elijah.
And then, as they are fighting some more, Ethan just kinda holds Elijah down to the ground, as in slamming him on the ground over and over again, and Elijah manages to put Ethan in a triangle hold.
Like---scooch over Ethan!
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Like c'mon, who wouldn't want to get smushed between Elijah's thighs?! Like I'd die happy between 'em...
Ahem, going forward, Ethan just fucking raises Elijah in the air again, like what the heck are you Ethan? I though you were a cheetah!
But, Ethan just slamms Elijah to the ground again, and does another dirty trick. above Elijah's left purple eye, there is a wound. And what does Ethan do?? He presses on it.
Out wonderful Uncle Trevor yells at the Ref to do something, who tells Ethan to cut it out. I would've punched the Ref if I were there. Does Ethan listen though? No, he doesn't. He presses on a little more and then covers Elijah's nose to stop it from breathing.
In episode ten, we can see Ethan talking about his past, where his father died and he was alone with his mom, who also wasn't very happy, I mean, she drinks the whole time, and when Ethan started fighting, she dedicated her life to his wins, even when he cheated.
As Elijah and Ethan exchange punches, GSM/Alpha male raises his voice
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Is Vasily turning his head to not get slapped? Anyways, I feel pity for Medusa, who slowly looses it with GSM. Also it is now confirmed that GSM is a hypocrite.
Looking forward, we can see Daimyo(Izo Honda) saying Elijah won't win, and Bokassa saying that he will, but only because the horn is never wrong.
And then, Ethan says something along the lines of hoping that Elijah enjoyed the present he and Zach left for Elijah. And he was talking about the photo.
Then, we get some panels which show Ethan, Bokassa, Jamie and Zach outside, where Ethan asks about Bokassa's horn. As Bokassa tells them the story behind it, Ethan and Zach laugh at him, and Jamie tries his best not to laugh as well.
Bokassa then asks if Ethan would like to know if he or Elijah is going to win, and Ethan agrees, not really believeing him.
Anyways, let's admire Bokassa's beauty.
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Pretty Bokassa.
Look at him, so pretty, don't you think?
Also, Bokassa says that the horn tells him that Ethan's going to lose. After that, Ethan and Zach go to Elijah's room and mess up his stuff, and Ethan notices that photo of Elijah with his father, and, well, he tore it in half probably.
Elijah then realizes that it was Ethan and not Zach and and punches him, then raises him up the air. Ethan then punches Elijah after the fight was over, and the ref scolds him again.
As Ethan then sits in the corner to rest a bit, he feels Kublai's stare and-
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okay that's it for this post. I will keep writing later, okay? I hope more people will read this webtoon and talk about it as passionately as we do, 🍰-nom
-Your short diamond <3
0 notes
laila-s-world · 2 years
Haikyuu - Where they love to kiss you (body parts)
I don’t know if this title is correct, but I didn’t know how to call it. I wrote my headcanon and then I get to the title and I’m like "🧍🏽‍♂️", I hope you understand the content of this.
As always, I remember that the requests are open and I am ready to make other parts of all these headcanon. Feel free to ask!
Have fun!
Daily reminder: I apologize for the mistakes, feel free to report them to me, so I can correct them.
- Hinata Shoyo;
- Suna Rintarou;
- Sakusa Kiyoomi;
- Tsukishima Kei;
- Bokuto Koutarou;
Hinata Shoyo
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Oh this guy LOVES to kiss your cheeks, especially if you have freckles or dimples;
He loves to press his little face on your skin and be able to observe you so closely;
Also, when he lowers to kiss you on the cheeks, he can see more closely your beautiful eyes and fall in love with them even more;
When you cuddle he likes to touch your cheeks, make a drawing with his fingers and then kiss it. He finds it extremely funny and affectionate;
He loves to kiss you on the lips as in all love relationships, but I assure you that with him you will receive many more kisses on the cheeks, not because he loves you less, but because, according to him, he shows you more love doing it;
(If he’s taller than you) He likes to lower himself to your height and kiss your cheeks, putting his hands on your shoulders and offering you his sweetest smile;
(If he’s shorter than you) He loves to hop on his little feet, get you down and finally reach your cheeks to give you the sweetest kiss you’ve ever have;
Extra: If you have freckles on your cheeks, he will draw small lines of kisses from one freckle to another.
Suna Rintarou
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Don’t ask me why I think it or how I got this idea, but Suna LOVES to kiss your back;
Whole back, doesn’t have a favorite point;
He likes to caress it, while you’re lying next to him, lift your shirt up to your shoulders and pass his hand all over your back;
Then move on to kissing various points;
Sometimes it will track your spine with kisses, from the neck to the end of your back, and then the other way around;
Other times he will choose to kiss you near the moles you have;
Other times again, he’ll kiss it completely at random, when he’s quieter and he just does it to pass the time;
He doesn’t admit it, because, really, he doesn’t have favorite spots, but he loves to kiss you at the end, the lumbar curve, the lower part, to better sink his face into your skin.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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This guy doesn't like physical contact and this also applies to kisses. He may love you more than his life, but he’s always a little hostile when it comes to touching you;
But that does not mean that he will never kiss you, far from it;
Sakusa loves to kiss your hand, fingers, wrist. He finds it extremely elegant and charming;
He likes to bring your hand close to his mouth and start from your little finger, then to kiss all your fingers, palm and, finally, wrist, always looking at you with attention and love;
Also, when you go out together, maybe in a restaurant, he likes to hold your hand until you sit down, and then keep shaking it and kissing it like a real gentleman;
He can’t help it, despite the hands we often have many bacteria, he is simply fascinated and in love with yours.
Tsukishima Kei
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Oh, this great boy has a weakness for your forehead;
Usually the people he has a relationship with are always lower than him (this man is 190.1 cm (6' 2.8") tall, I mean), so it’s a habit for him to lower and kiss your forehead. Find this very sweet;
He knows that it is a gesture that, usually, is made between parents or, in any case, between people who have a relationship other than that of love;
Do you really think he cares?
His favorite moment to kiss your forehead is when you are falling asleep or it’s been a long time that you are cuddling: he caresses your face, looks you in the eyes, moves your hair (if you have any) from your forehead and then kisses its tenderly for a few seconds;
If you have been in a relationship for some time, it is likely that he will also tell you that he loves you very much;
It’s also a "secret" code of his way of telling you that he is always there to support and protect you, he feels that kissing you at that point is a very mature and quiet gesture, which does not create agitation but, on the contrary, relaxes;
If he is in a happy mood, you may have the whole package: kiss on the forehead, kiss on the cheeks and then kiss on the lips. It’s rare, but it’s so nice to get these kisses from Kei.
Bokuto Koutarou
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Oh this little bastard owl has no favorite place;
He will literally kiss you WHEREVER his lips may reach;
On the face, on the neck, on the arms, on the hands, on the belly... On the ass;
I think, however, that if he had to choose, he loves to kiss your neck;
He likes, in general, when you hug him and can hold his head in the recess of your neck and from there can kiss you comfortably;
Bokuto LIVES in your arms when you cuddle, so that became, automatically, his favorite place;
He loves it anyway, but if you have long hair, he likes to move them aside and create space to kiss you;
He likes to make a path of kisses between the shoulders and the ear, including the whole neck, and then get to your lips and laugh like a little child, amused for these "games";
Finally, if you’re ticklish, he’ll love the sound of your laugh and enjoy continuing to kiss you, just so he can hear you laugh more, and then stop and look at you in love, because you’re the most beautiful thing in his life.
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asteroshearts · 3 years
Eren Jaeger is a Selkie
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Modern!AU, Selkie!AU
Selkies are creatures originating from Celtic and Norse mythology. When the selkie sheds their coat, they become a human. Rumor has it if you take a selkie's coat, they're going to be forced into a relationship with you and can't return to the water.
Warning: Adapted selkie lore. The last three canons are also not SFW!!
Image: The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
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First of all, Eren absolutely detests the curse that has been placed on the selkie people.
He's like hmph! hmph! 😤😤 "How dare our people have their freedom be stolen from them by a mere coat!" Tatake! TATAKE!
You're a marine researcher and rescuer that works at a research institute. Another pleasure craft happens to "accidentally" pollute the ocean again, causing an oil spill near the beach where you work and study.
Thankfully, the amount isn't major, but it's still a danger to the marine life and habitats so you and your team go out and your job is to help the animals that were caught in the middle.
Your team brings back a horribly aggressive northern elephant seal. He's completely uncooperative, snaps at your teammates' fingers, tries to escape, and knocks over all of your tools. You'd think that he consider this "rescue" thing a major inconvenience, even though he's covered in oil and might have other health issues.
You all eventually decide to leave him to his own devices in a locked room and try again the next day where he's hopefully calmer because sedating him didn't work. Your coworker tried.
You accidentally leave your lunch bag at the rehabilitation center and you only notice late at night. Groaning to yourself, you drive out to the beach to get it back.
It's only when you're crossing the shore when you see a ??? butt naked man lying unconscious on the sand ??
You have half a mind to call the authorities, but you realize that he's covered in oil, the only thing he has on him is a surprisingly nice coat, and you figure that he might have been robbed or worse since he's not waking up no matter how much you try to nudge him.
You figure that he might just be another adrenaline junkie since it's illegal to swim on this specific part of the beach. There are no lifeguards, the water is incredibly rocky, and it's nighttime as well. It's also meant for thriving marine life and having humans in this area would drive them off. He's already hurt, and you know that calling the police won't do anyone any favors, so you hope he isn't a murderer and drags his heavy ass all the way back to your car.
He sleeps all the way through the car ride (you threw his coat over him to hide his hips) and you hope that no one sees you pull a 6'0" naked body back to your home.
You check him for injuries and can't find any, so you hope that he can just sleep it off. Quickly changing him into a shirt and sweats, you figure the only thing left to do is wash his coat for him and get all the oil, sand, and seawater out of it.
When Eren wakes up the next morning he immediately knows that he's in a human's place and that his coat is gone. He's about to go into a rage he swears 😡😡
Inwardly he's like, "MY FREEDOM?? MY FREEDOM." all pouty-like and crosses his arms.
But then you walk up with nothing but smiles, and you say, "Oh! Good! You're awake! I'm glad you're okay!" Before he can cuss you out, saying that he would never love you even though he's now forced to be in a romantic relationship with you, you give him a packed breakfast, his cleaned and dried coat, and you send him out the door saying that he might get caught for public indecency next time.
And even though he hates the selkie curse, the instincts are still engrained in his brain so the moment you shut the door he's just standing there ;;; in shock??? 🧍🧍
Half of him is saying that he has his freedom now and he can go back, but the other half is saying ??? you don't want me??? am I undesirable to you???
You clearly took his coat, he can smell it in your fabric softener, but you gave it back to him even though you guys are technically spouses now.
The next few days are a whirlwind. You come back to work realizing that the angry seal actually managed to escape and even though your coworkers are saying "Thank God," you're still worried since the spill hasn't been cleaned up yet.
Eren spends his days half in the ocean and half hiding behind rocks looking like an anime schoolgirl too shy to talk to his crush as he looks at you in your cute little rashguard or your research institute uniform. 👉👈
Eventually, he comes to the conclusion that you're the perfect human spouse!!! No other human would value his freedom like this, so he's like okay 🥰 you're perfect I'm consenting and we can get married and have lots of seal babies now.
He's a bit unsure of how to approach you, but you're sure that you catch a flash of that brown hair every now and then when you continue to rehabilitate other animals.
But then one day one of your work friends attempts to take you out on a date and Eren just comes sprinting up looking absolutely betrayed and furious that you would flirt with someone when you're supposed to be happily married to him.
You just let the biggest HUH? leave your lips when you see him again. AND HE'S STILL. BUTT. NAKED.
He drags you away and even though you're the most confused you've ever been in your entire life, it's hard to get angry at an extremely handsome brunet who gives you large green puppy eyes and acts as if his behavior is completely normal.
You just let your jaw drop at the end of his explanation and go, "...But we're not married!!!"
Cue Eren furrowing his dark brows and saying, "You took my coat though." He grabs your hand and places it on his bare chest. "This heart is yours now."
The selkie reveal drops extremely casually like he's telling you that he's the armored titan or something.
When you don't believe him, best believe he's going to do that dramatic jacket flip and turns into a seal before your eyes.
It takes you a while to get over your "I'm going crazy" phase, but then you decide that even though you're technically "together" by selkie rules, you say that you don't feel anything for him, so it would be unfair for both of you to be in a relationship.
To Eren, that's translated as, "Oh, I have to court them the human way."
He first relies on his instincts on what "courting" is. Imagine when you're at work, a large seal just drops a bunch of edible fish in front of you because he's proving that he can provide for the family.
When that doesn't work out, he goes to Armin and asks for ways to get you to like him. Armin tells him that humans like pearls and one day your coworkers just see you speedwalking as a seal attempts to flounder after you with several oysters in its mouth.
Next, he just tries to give you his coat forcefully. Like you just find it in your car, on your work desk, in your house. When you confront him about it he's like 🥰🥰 oh that's strange... how did that get there? hahaha anyway!!! let's be together now!! I'm stuck with you!!
Even though Eren is pretty...pushy... his efforts do actually start wearing you down. He's attractive and fit, he put time and energy into getting you to like him, and when he catches you on the beach alone, he talks to you about you as a person and you, in turn, learn about what kind of person he is. It's hard not to love someone when they look at you like you're the reason why the ocean is beautifully blue.
Selkie!Eren is clingy!!!! When he starts to live on land more than the ocean to be with you, he's just pouty and upset when you have to go to work. You know when you get a new puppy and they just trash the place because they miss you and don't know any better? That's Eren.
He doesn't understand why you have to work when he can just provide for you himself.
Doesn't like human clothes so he just walks around your home still bare. Eventually, you become desensitized to it and you don't even blink when a 6'0" naked man hangs off of you trying to get your attention.
You tell him that he can't go out with you and your friends unless he puts on some clothes and he just wears some pants and like his coat and you're like ,,,, okay I can still see your man titties like what's the point you're trying to make Eren.
I wanted these headcanons to be SFW, but Selkie!Eren legitimately doesn't understand pulling out and contraceptives. He's a horn dog but he also goes by animal instincts and so he's confused as hell going ?? we are supposed to have many pups !!
The northern elephant seals are also known for being extremely loud during mating season. Make of that (in human form!!!) what you will.
Also imagine having hot seggs on top of his coat. Okay. Send tweet.
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