#odin hart
shadecrux · 11 months
About/RP Info
~~Short About~~   This is a mixed blog!  You’ll find RP, fandom posts, my art and writing, memes, informational posts... really all kinds of things, I apologize to anyone who follows me for only one kind of content - you’re not gonna get that.  I don’t have any sideblogs, so everything all gets dumped here babeyy.  .  
I am selectively open to new RPs either on here or via discord!  
Looking to begin publishing my fics here on tumblr as well as branch out with my writing.  I’m not ready to open for requests yet, but in the future I would like to give it a shot!! 
If doing character asks, please specify which muse! 
------------------ Current Hyperfixations:  
Bucky Barnes lord help me. Loki, Sylvie, Sylki, yes.  WTNV - currently relistening to all of itttt.  ~disclaimer~ I suffer from a handful of mental and physical illnesses that can sometimes make functioning difficult. Some of these conditions incur chronic pain, and flare ups, bad days, mood shifts and so on can mess me up a lot.   So if I’m ever slow to reply, or miss a fic request or comment, or come off in some unintended way in a post I promise, it’s not you - it’s just my brain. I am find with being poked and reminded about things as long as it’s not excessive.
Ariadne Hart (OC): 
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Sylvie Laufeydottir: 
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Fandral The Dashing: 
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In the past I’ve written as Loki and The Grandmaster as well but those muses have been weak lately. 
Other Characters
RP Side Characters I’ve written as:
The Grandmaster, Thor, Volstaag, Hogun, Kang, Frigga, Odin, Laufey, Freyja, Freyr. 
Characters I would like to RP as: 
Rocket, Wanda, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes
For purposes of fic writing or roleplay side characters, I will write anyone and everyone~! 
For RP mains I only like to write as ones I feel a bit confident in, but I am willing to experiment with the caveat that I might fail at them. 
RP Basics
1. I am open for canon, canon-divergent and AU RPs with canon characters or OCs! 
2. I am 33 and I require RP partners to be over the age of 18. Age MUST be in bio.  
3.  Open to RPs of all ratings and ships as determined by plot and chemistry.
4. Any adult writings will be tagged as such and beneath a page break.
5. I’m very adaptable with my roleplay replies! If you want multi-paragraph RP with all the trimmings I can do that! If you prefer shorter form, I can do that too. All I really need is for replies to at least be a couple of sentences and i am happy to adapt within that scope. 
6. I typically write third person, past tense, but I am willing to adjust if a partner prefers something different.
7.  If we are writing with longer replies, I am okay with minor things being written for my character if it fits!  Such as being led somewhere, the continuation of some action from the previous reply, and so on. If something goes too far I’ll be sure to let you know - I’m quite easygoing but I don’t want to be god-modded either.
8.  I  can be a little shy/awkward but I can promise I’ll always be kind!
9. I like to talk plot in ooc. Check in with how people are feeling about things, talk about replies or upcoming plot points to be on the same page, clarify things, etc.  I encourage my RP partners to do the same - I am very happy to hash things out, plot together or make corrections and clarifications if need be. 
10. I do have some triggers and limits when it comes to RP but I would rather discuss those privately as opposed to posting them up out here. I have very few hard limits overall though. 
Will and Won’t  Writing and RP 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wil write: Most things to be honest.  I can do fluff, I can do angst, I can do smut and any combination of those. I am comfortable with most adult and difficult topics. I LOVE writing combat, and I really should do more whump. Most kinks are alright. Will mess with incest and certain flavors of dubcon/noncon.  Won’t write: Underage NSFW, Kinks involving scat or vomit or other very dirty sorts of kinks.  Might write: Darker noncon scenes (in fics, I can’t handle it in a RP) , kinks/characters I am not familiar with, really if anything isn’t on one of these lists just ask. I can write about a character throwing up or being sick but would prefer not to go into great detail as it can be a trigger for me.
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codenamejudas · 1 year
Oh boy, this was going to be...interesting. "Okay so...Norse Pantheon is...Odin, Thor, Loki...all of them right? Well there's also beasts and spirits in the Pantheon, the ravens and the Harts for example. They have different jobs from the gods but they're sort of like...a step or two below them in a sense."
There was a lot of nodding going on from Judas' side of the conversation. He understood everything, but he was taking time to properly process it all. "This why you've been doing the whole, like, time cop thing?"
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kokeethornton · 2 years
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Die nordischen Mythen fand ich schon immer toll, darum habe ich ihnen dieses Comic gewidmet. Vor allem um die Großartigkeit & Weirdness dieser Mythen zu feiern und um blöde Rassisten zu ärgern, indem ich dieses von ihnen zu Unrecht teilvereinnahmte Kulturgut zeichnerisch zurückerobern, humoristisch wiederherstellen und durch seriöse Wissenschaft von u.a. Prof. Rudolf Simek ergänzen möchte. Je nachdem ob euch das Thema überhaupt interessiert, zeichne ich weiter daran oder nicht. Ich freue mich über Feedback :)
Da Rechtsextremisten die nordische Mythologie aktuell wieder verstärkt für ihre völkische Siedler - Propaganda missbrauchen, finde ich es wichtig diese Geschichten ohne den ekeligen `Harte Natur-Kerle - Nazi-Kitsch´ zu vermitteln. Darum lese und höre ich mich durch diverse Bücher, Vorträge & Diskussionen, um zu verstehen, was wer wann, warum, geschrieben, erfunden, erforscht, romantisiert, missbraucht hat, etc. und was eigentlich in den Ursprungsgeschichten erzählt wurde. Für den Einstieg: Die Wildmics Ferngespräche oder auch die Hoaxilla Folge/n mit Prof. Rudolf Simek schauen/hören oder direkt mal in sein Lexikon der nordischen Mythologie reinlesen, falls dich das Thema interessiert.
DIE EINE EDDA oder eine `heilige Schrift´ dieser Mythologie existiert nicht. Stattdessen diverse Überlieferungen. Die zwei bekanntesten in schriftlicher Form: Die Snorra - Edda von Snorri Sturluson, der in einem bereits christianisierten Island lebte und die alten Geschichten sehr ausschmückte und aufhübschte. Außerdem die sogenannte Lieder-Edda, die im selben Jahrhundert, zeitnah zur Snorra Edda verfasst wurde. Beide weichen etwas voneinander ab. Ich werde beide erwähnen und die Version zeichnen, welche mir am besten gefällt.
... Und dann wurden sie ja auch noch von diversen Leuten mit eigenen Interessen in andere Sprachen übersetzt. Eine der auf Amazon meistverkauften deutschsprachigen Erzählbände der nordischen Mythologie ist die von Edmund Mudrak, ein Volkskundler der für die Nazis arbeitete, gewidmet einem Übersetzer der selbst überzeugter Anhänger der Rassenlehre war... WTF?! ... Da kotzt das Kokeeherz. Autor*innen googlen ist sauwichtig, bevor man ihre Bücher unvoreingenommen konsumiert. Selbst bei popeligen Märchensammlungen. Noch steht der Wortschinken hier im Bücherregal, wird aber zeitnah zur antirassistischen Murmelbahn verwurstet. In your dead Naziface, Mundrak ^^
Ich habe seit meiner Kindheit Spaß an den herrlich schrägen und düsteren, rauen Geschichten um Odin, seine Family, die Riesen, Zwerge, Monster. undwatweißichnochalles. Es sind die Urahnen großer Erzählungen wie Tolkien´s `Der Herr der Ringe´. Ich lieb das sehr.
Moin :)
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chershire23 · 3 months
My pets that im basing characters off of along with some voice actors!
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This is Odin! The voice actor for his pandorian night Fury counterpart is Keith David
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The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Their voices will be Dwayne Johnson for Ruff and Kevin Hart for Tuff.
Thats just some of the characters more shall be introduced later on but I don't want to spoil anything!
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forestwitchnika · 7 months
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Tiere, Teufel und Satyrn
Heilige Fauna
Bären und Wölfe, Wildschweine und Hirsche, Füchse und Wildkatzen, Eichhörnchen und Hermeline, Dachse und Biber und noch viele weitere Tierarten, der Sage nach übrigens auch Einhörner und Drachen, streunten im Altertum durch Europas Urwälder. Auch Wisente und Auerochsen - europäische Wildrindarten (,„Bisons‘“) - lebten in Europa; erst im Mittelalter, zur Zeit der Christianisierung, wurden die Großsäuger mit den teuflischen Hörnern ausgerottet.
Im Neuen Testament wird „das Tier‘ mit dem „Teufel“ gleichgesetzt („666°“). In der germanischen Mythologie hingegen treten Tiere als göttliche Begleiter, totemistische Krafttiere und spirituelle Schutzgeister in Erscheinung: Die Fauna war den Heiden heilig, durch sie offenbarten sich die Götter und Naturgeister. Viele Germanenstämme leiteten ihre Herkunft von Tieren ab, etwa die berühmten Cherusker („Hirsche“); aber auch Eigennamen zeugen von der besonderen Beziehung der Germanen zu Tieren, etwa Wolfgang und Eberhard, Bjöm, Ulf oder Falk. Ist es Zufall, dass dieselben Tiere, die in heidnischer Zeit als Göttertiere galten, seit der Christianisierung einen schlechten Ruf haben als Unglücks-, Hexen- oder Teufelstiere, zum Beispiel Raben (Odin), Böcke (Thor) oder Katzen (Freya)? Wotan wird von zwei Raben und zwei Wölfen begleitet, wenn er auf seinem achtbeinigen Pferd durch die Wälder braust, gefolgt vom ganzen Ungetier im Zug der Wilden Jagd. In der Edda verwandelt er sich sogar in eine Schlange, in ein Tier also, das in christlicher Interpretation wiederum den Teufel symbolisiert.
Laut Tacitus soll es unter den Germanen Menschen gegeben haben. die „Antlitz und Mienen von Menschen, jedoch Rumpf und Glieder von Tieren haben“ (Germania 46). Tatsächlich überliefert die nordische Mythologie mannigfach von solchen Mischwesen aus Mensch und Tier, vor allem von Bärenmenschen und Werwölfen, aber auch von Bocksgestaltigen oder Gehörnten; dies sind gewiss germanische Schamanen, die sich mit Tierfellen verkleidet haben und in Trance „zum Tier“ wurden.* Mit der Christianisierung wurden diese Kulte verboten. Zum Beispiel erließ Theodor von Tarsus, Erzbischof von Canterbury, Ende des 7. Jahrhunderts ein Gesetz, das jeden mit einer dreijährigen Kirchenbuße belegt, der sich in Tierhaut hüllt und als Stier bzw. Hirsch verkleidet.
„Ende des Mittelalters schritt die Obrigkeit mit immer schärfer werdenden Maßnahmen gegen solches Treiben ein. So wurden etwa im Jahre 1430 in den von Herzog Amadeus VIII. erlassenen Statuta Sabaudiae in Chambery harte Strafen ausgesprochen, die den larvaria drohten, also jenen, die sich in ‚Teufelskleider‘ steckten“.
Aus: Der verteufelte Waldgott
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neonross · 2 years
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builderandwanderer · 3 years
Hey Obin how did you get/meet Dara and Nestor?
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christowitch · 5 years
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The Ansuz Scarf at Hazel & Hart
It was inspired by the Ansuz Rune from the Elder Futhark.
Pronunciation: Ann-sooz
Key concepts: Communication, message, divine advice, wisdom, creativity, inspiration. Odin. Listen before speaking. Authority. Leadership.
English Corresponding Letter: A
When this rune appears change is on the horizon. You may not know how to deal with the change that is coming but with communication comes wisdom. Sometimes divine advice is handed down in times of need if one only stops and listens.
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natasomewhere · 6 years
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Welcome to the club, Thor! 😉
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Our Little Brother
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Asgard is a very strange place, at least that’s what Y/N thinks. The third son of Odin and Freya sometimes wonders how can pass as an Asgardian.
The population of warriors clashes with Y/N’s personality perfectly. The latter, as the God of Nature, is petit and plump figure, along with his shy and kind personality, he couldn’t be more different than his people.
“Y/N, my dearest flower, what has you so troubled?”
Ah, his mother, Y/N loves his mother dearly, she is the strongest woman that he knows. Freya taught Y/N a lot of things, thanks to her he became a master in healing magic.
When he was younger, Thor and Loki joked that Y/N was a mama’s boy, but they found it very cute.
“Nothing too troublesome, mother, I’m just worried about them.”
Them, Y/N is referring to his father and brothers. The three of them were at some war campaign, Y/N doesn’t remember, he never liked wars anyway.
But, the fought of losing his brothers and father breaks his hart. Every time this happened, Y/N worried that they wouldn’t come back.
Y/N loved his brothers dearly, Thor and Loki were his heroes, always protecting him, always making sure he was all right.
They were so different, but yet, so alike. Thor was an extrovert, a booming force, perhaps a little childish, but he had a good heart.
Loki, he was closed off, some would say he was mean and evil, but, there was no denying, he was extremely intelligent. Always ready to defend Y/N if he needed it. You don’t want to get on his bad side…
“Why are crying, my dearest brother, who hurt you?”
One time, when Loki discovered someone was making fun of his brother because of his weight, Loki cursed them, and Y/N never so his bully again.
And Thor, he didn’t mind physically fighting someone who offended his brother.
“Y/N, we’re back!”
After hearing his brother’s booming voice, Y/N ran to the throne room. Finding, his brothers and father, still in their armours.
He practically jumped in Loki’s arms, the God of Mischief wrapping his arms around Y/N, to stabilise him.
“You’re such a baby sometimes, Y/N. Did you miss me that much?” Loki teased.
“Shut up! I know you like it!”
“Don’t I get a hug?” Thor asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
After hugging and kissing Loki loads, Y/N jumped into Thor’s strong arms. The eldest brother spinning him, laughing like a child.
“He has blossomed into a handsome young man.” Y/N heard his father whisper to his mother.
Y/N loved moments like this, where they could all be together, like a true family.
Sure, they weren’t perfect, but they were his family. And Y/N loved his family with all his heart.
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afoolandathief · 2 years
THHT Chapter 13 memes
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Anyway, my way of saying Chapter 13 of Those Horrid, Horrid Things is up, but no official post yet since I'm food deprived and not sure if further edits to this monster are needed.
[ID: A series of five different memes. The first, a gif of the "Blinking White Guy" meme with the text "Loki listening to Hel explain Santa Claus when their family celebrates Jul" imposed over it. The second, an image with a top blank, white square with text reading: "Fenrir: Eats the Odin gingerbread cookie," followed by the meme of Aaron Paul screaming labeled "Sleipnir." The third, an image of the "protected Kevin Hart" meme with Kevin Hart labeled "Sigyn," the woman holding him labeled "Angrboda" and the woman she is pointing at labeled "Loki." The fourth, a screenshot from the show "Futurama" with the character Fry saying to Leela in front of a group of robots "oh my god he's become evil. I mean evil er" with the text "Angrboda when Loki starts growing mistletoe" imposed over it. The fifth, an image of Taraji P. Henson holding a phone with the caption "you're doing amazing sweetie" with the text "Loki watching Hel perform as a spider who tricks and eats a fly in her school play" imposed over it. End ID.]
Sixth meme below the cut because of spoilers for future chapters, so you've been warned:
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[ID: An image of the "suspicious Fry" meme showing Fry from the show "Futurama" narrowing his eyes with the text "Not sure if fatherly love, or guilt about killing her dad," imposed over the image. End ID.]
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mythologymatrix · 3 years
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Eikthyrnir the hart is called, that stands o’er Odin’s hall, and bits from Lærad’s branches; from his horns fall drops into Hvergelmir, whence all waters rise:-
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cheapcakeripper · 7 years
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bella083 · 3 years
Imagine being able to lift Thor’s hammer!
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(Not my gif)  (This is my first imagine, sorry if it’s bad)
Summary: Your Tony’s daughter and you’re at the party in AOU, they are playing a game on who can lift Mjolnir.
Your father doesn’t want you to be an avenger because he thinks it’s to dangerous and he wants to keep you safe. But that doesn’t mean he never lets you hang out with the team. you were all at one of the parties that your father was having.
It was late and most people had left to go ack home, but you and the avengers were all sitting together and Thor came up with the idea that you all should play a game where you all have to ty and lift his hammer.
 “It’s a trick! It’s a circus sideshow, and that’s it, and you know it.” Clint scoffs.
“I want to be the first to attempt the challenge,” your dad says standing. Tony looks at Thor. “If I lift it, do I get to rule Asgard?”
“Yes, of course,” Thor humors Tony. The god has a smug look on his face, he knows that Tony won’t be able to lift it.
After a lot of tries from your dad, “I will be fair, but firm, and maybe work out the Wench Clause,” he says. You all watch him place both hands on the handle. You and Natasha are sitting back watching and chuckling at him.
“Hold on,” your father says, then he walks off. You know he is getting a piece of his suit. As you predicted, he comes back with the arm of his suit on one hand. He tries again but the hammer doesn’t budge. 
Rhodey helps him, also with the arms of his suit on but... Nothing. At this point everyone is laughing.
“Are you even pulling?” Rhodey asks.
“Are you on my team?” Tony says back.
“Just represent, pull!” Your dad’s friend said.
After a few tries...
“It won’t work,” Rhodey huffs.
Tony rolls his eyes, “You think?!”
Then Clint tries, and of course fails. He sits back down and fiddling with his drum sticks.
“Now here’s the successor,” you say as Bruce stands up.
He laughs, “Maybe if I could Hulk-out in here, which I can’t.” He tries, and of course , fails. He jokingly pounds his chest, the pretends to Hulk-out, which makes you and a few others to chuckle.
Then, Cap tries it. “Come on, Cap,” Clint says. You aren’t certain if he’ll be able to lift it or not.
He grips the handle and pulls, straining. The hammer shifts, just the tiniest bit. You steal a glance at Thor and see his panicked expression. But Capsicle fails. Thor chuckles and shaking his head in relief. “Nothing” 
“Natasha?” Tony asks.
She’s laying down, beer in her hand. “That’s not a question I need answered.”
“I’ve got a simple theory,” Tony states, “Like a security code. Whoever has Thor’s fingerprint is, I think literal translation?”
Thor nods, “Yes, that’s a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one.” He summons Mjolnir to his hand. “You’re all not worthy.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” You say. “Put the hammer down, I wanna try!” Thor raises his eyebrows in question, but does as asked.
You stand shaking yourself out. “Are you sure you want to do this, sweet hart? It’s really heavy.” Your dad says to you. “Don’t worry, dad. I just really want to try.” 
“Let’s go Y/N,” Steve chimes in. You make a face at him, then grip the handle and lift the hammer.
However, you didn’t expect yourself to be able to lift it or be so light, that you stumble back a little. 
Tony is, struggling to breathe, Rhodey is just completely done, Bruce is in shock, Nat chokes on her beer, and Thor goes from panic to shock in a matter of seconds.
As everyone gapes at you in shock, Clint says, “Man, how awkward would that be if you hadn’t been able to lift it?”
You quickly get over your shock, tossing the hand from one hand to another.
“Holy shit, my daughter is worthy!!!” Tony yells.
“It would seem so” The god replies, then he looks at you. “You’re worthy.” He’s intrigued and amazed watching you.
You hold it in one hand and raise it above your head. “I am Thor, son of Odin, god of thunder!” You pretend to act like Thor.
“This is bull. I call bull.” Rhodey shouts
Clint scoffs, “He let it happen! Y/N is in on the magic trick.”
“No I believe my daughter is worthy. She is the child of Tony Stark aka Ironman.” Your dad states.
“I need to call Pepper!”
The End
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1, 2, 3, 9, 16, 26 for the Loki meme~
already answered 1 and 2! and I...meant to answer this a long time ago and it kept getting buried in my drafts.
3. Did someone refer him to you or you found him on your own? A little of both, I guess. @erlkonigstochter watched the first Thor movie before I did and told me it had a quiet overlooked nerd vs. loud popular jock thing going on, so I was kind of predisposed to sympathize with Loki even before I watched it. and then of course I saw it and it turned out Loki was goddamn tragic and also fuck Odin because WHO FUCKING DOES THAT WHEN THEIR KID IS ABOUT TO COMMIT SUICIDE, HOLY SHIT (yeah overidentifying with Loki in multiple ways has always been part of why I love him). I can’t remember if I properly got into the fandom as such until after Avengers, but I definitely didn’t start trying to write my own fic before then, and fandom was very much a feedback loop--gifsets and meta made me notice things I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise (like...I don’t think it even occurred to me that Loki was probably tortured before being sent to Earth until I saw others discussing it and pointing out the onscreen evidence, and then of course it was obvious) and have feelings about those things, and fanart gave me more feelings, and so did fic, which also gave me various ideas. so in the absence of fandom, I think it’s safe to say I still would’ve liked Loki a lot, but it’s hard to say if I would’ve gotten in so deep.
9. Do you have a Loki song list? Answered before but answering again because I want to share a few! currently I have 68 songs on my general Loki playlist, which I rarely listen to because I’m a baby and some of them make me too sad. but! I also have a handful near the end that I’ve been meaning to post as a mini-fanmix, because it’s actually not terribly sad and it’s about a very specific topic: post-IW/Endgame Loki recovering in New Asgard because fuck canon actually, and it’s kind of bittersweet because trauma’s a bitch and he’s going to be dealing with all this shit for a long time but also he’s alive to deal with it and so is Thor and they’ll help each other heal because again, and I cannot stress this enough, fuck canon. so far it’s got: “No Monsters,” Roddy Hart & The Lonesome Fire “Tender Offerings,” First Aid Kit “Falling Slowly,” The Swell Season “Saturn,” Sleeping At Last “Never Quite Free,” The Mountain Goats, which really kinda sums up the whole concept and then some combination of “In Harmony,” “In the Silence,” “Going Home,” or the original Icelandic versions of them, all by Ásgeir. these are all extremely gorgeous songs by the way, the whole list, and most of them are even available on Freegal, if your library has that.
oh and the other super-specific mini-mix is about Loki’s time in the Void, and so far the only one on there that’s a sure thing is “Meet Me in the Woods” by Lord Huron (possibly also “The Yawning Grave” by same). other possibilities include “The Colour out of Space” by Matt Pond PA, “The Cold, the Dark & the Silence” by Sea Wolf, “The Void” by Metric, and “Was There Nothing?” (or its Icelandic version) by Ásgeir, but tbh most of those are based on the title more than the lyrics. also it’s sad.
16. How would rate yourself as a Loki fan from 1-10? (1- casual,  10-stan™)  I’m gonna be totally honest here and say that I probably have to admit to 10. I mean--I’ve written a bunch of fic. I’ve made multiple custom figures. I’ve cosplayed five different Loki outfits (all fairly straightforward, but still). and of course, I have an army, which doesn’t even include all the other Loki stuff I have like prints and t-shirts. all of that speaks to a certain level of fanatical dedication, you know?
26. What’s your dream team for Loki? JUST LIKE. A FRIEND. LITERALLY ANY FRIEND, AS LONG AS THE FRIEND IS GOOD FOR HIM I’M REALLY NOT FUSSY but also I always wanted him to team up with the Avengers, you know, the thing that would’ve happened in IW/Endgame if the Russos weren’t such fucking hacks? could’ve even led to working with Nebula! that would’ve been extremely cool but nooooo, we can’t have anything nice! but uh, for things that might actually happen still, teaming up with Wanda would be fun. teaming up with Dr. Strange could also be cool if they both learn to respect each other. so yeah, if all three team up in Dr. Strange 2, I will be just...beside myself.
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lailoken · 3 years
“Lord of Norfolk, Grey Lord of the Flint
In our magical work, we often visualise the Lord of Norfolk in human form, because that is the way we are best able to approach and comprehend his being. He appears as a huge and ancient grey-clad figure, a hunter with bow and arrows, a strong and powerful builder, a protector and defender of the land, striding along the coastline, beside the meres, across ploughed fields or though the woodlands. Sometimes he seems to emerge so clearly, from the mists of the veil, that it is almost possible to glimpse his features, to make that step towards a richer understanding, a greater knowing; and then the moment passes. Nevertheless, the physical signs of the extraordinary remain with us, for the Lord of Norfolk is there in the stones, in our gardens and fields, as they work their way to the surface, blunting tools or needing to be removed to allow delicate plants to thrive. At other times, we hear his voice as the waves endlessly shift the shingle, back and forth upon the beach, creating smooth and sea-tumbled pebbles, or we catch a sharp reminder of presence on bare feet or careless fingers.
The Lord of Norfolk is embodied by a magical stone indeed. Flint is composed almost entirely of silica, and only diamonds are harder and more durable. Yet because it flakes so easily it can be worked into different shapes (Russell, 2000) and has a multitude of different uses. Although we see the Lord of Norfolk as a Grey Lord, his stone varies in colour, and may be yellow, brown or amber, if iron oxides or other pigments have seeped in through the his of the stone and left their own special magic. pores The core of a piece of Flint is usually smooth, dark and lustrous, while its outer surface, known as the cortex, is less dense and much more porous, and can be seen as a clear white line when a stone is broken open. Once Flint is cut and exposed, the process of cortication often transforms the colour from black to pale bluey grey, although the rate of the change is delightfully unpredictable. On some Medieval buildings, the shiny core is as little changed as on some Victorian buildings. Another process, patination, gives the Flint a yellow or white waxy look, somewhat reminiscent of ivory (Hart, 2000). Such a rich assortment is useful when selecting stones for magical work, as is the range of shapes and textures. Pieces found in Thetford Forest are often angular and rather waxy looking, with blue patterns on them, sometimes surprisingly like broken pieces of Willow Pattern crockery, but also containing runes or other forms of written messages.
The Lord of the Flint's domain extends far beyond Norfolk, and the buildings of the whole region of East Anglia are expressions of centuries of interaction between this magnificent being of the Earth and the ingenuity and skill of human craftspeople, at one with their materials, which come directly from the Source. The Lord of the Flint provides the raw materials for the simple hearth and home of ordinary folk, grand abodes for the rich, the protection of Norwich's city walls, the spiritual aspiration of the great wool churches.
Some of the constructions use "as-found" Flints, sometimes set into mortar, in an apparently random patterning, sometimes in coursed arrangements, where clear horizontal lines are visible. Herringbone patterns are often seen, as is galletting, when small flakes of flint are added to the mortar before it dries, to provide extra packing between irregular shaped stones, or for purely decorative purposes. A rich vocabulary has developed to describe the different kinds of Flint work, which have become part of the Flint Lord's poetry. Knapped work may be "select", "squared" or “rough squared"; it may use "ovals", "scales" or "blocks". In combination with other stone or brick, the patterns formed may be "chequer", "Flemish chequer", "banding", "morse" or "diaper". The names can be read as spells, and indeed used as such, with their "diamonds", "lozenges", "trellises" and "lattices". Flushwork uses the contrasting characteristics of Flint and ashlared freestone, mostly brought to East Anglia, by water, from Lincolnshire limestone quarries, to produce distinctive designs, which are full of symbolism, meaning and magic. The earliest example of this technique is thought to be St. Ethelbert's Gate, in Norwich, built in 1316, although restored in 1815 by William Wilkins (Hart, 2000). Flushwork on other buildings shows seasonal patterns, merchant's marks, the tools of many trades, wheels, foliage, intricate interlaced patterns, heraldic designs and protective or religious or spiritual symbols and even the Glastonbury Thorn. Just like the foliate heads, seen in so many Medieval churches, a wealth of Pagan and magical imagery can be seen in these flushwork designs (Talbot, 2004).
Not only does this Grey Lord represent protection from the weather and from attack, He also provided our ancestors with the means to hunt and grow their food. Arrowheads, sickles, polished axe heads and grinding stones were all made from mined Flint, at that liminal point in our history when we made the gradual transition from being hunter gathers to domesticating animals and cultivating crops (Russell, 2000). In honour of this, we attach Flint heads to the arrows we use on the garlands in some of our rituals.
Probably the most dramatic and focused way to experience the power of the Flint Lord, as he manifests in His Norfolk form, is to visit Grimes Graves, in Thetford Forest, where our Neolithic forebears risked their lives to bring out, from the depths, the most prized, unweathered, black Flint floorstone, which was to be found ten to thirteen metres below the surface, in seams just 20-30cm thick. Although there were lesser Flint workings, Grimes Graves was the largest and most complex in Britain (Forrest, 1983), with 433 shafts, many with galleries radiating out from them. None of this is easily discernible from ground level though. Approaching the site (now owned by English Heritage) along a straight, single-track forest road, one is just aware of an open grassy area of mounds and dips, a car park and a small building, which is the visitors' centre. In the Summer, there are Skylarks all around. The flora of this once industrial area, but now a Site of Special Scientific Interest, is rich and diverse, and there is a discernible crackle of ancient magic all around. Reciting just a few of the wonderful plant names associated with this place is one simple way of alerting the spirits to your desire to be fully present in the enchantment of both the past and the now. Heather, Harebell, Knapweed, Mouse-ear, Stonecrop, Hawk's-beard, Eyebright, Squinancywort, Gentian and Mignionette can all be words of power, which skim the surface and initiate a little quivering, which allows the eye to see more as you attune to what is really all around you.
Once you know what is in the ground beneath you, it is not difficult to picture an underground constellation of deep shafts and star patterns joining them all, in a fantastic, invisible network. The presence of another of the powerful gods of this land, the Norse/Anglo-Saxon deity, Odin or Woden, can also be felt to wander across the strangely- textured surface of the place, as it is by one of his many names that this site is known. There are no representatives of Odin's Ravens, Hugin and Munin, here, but we are reminded of them in the constant cawing of the Rooks, in the distance trees, and the many black feathers lying in the grass amongst the shards of Flint. Besides, both Thought and Memory are important aspects of any visit here.
Fortunately, at the time of writing, it is still relatively inexpensive to buy a ticket, which allows you to go down into the one pit which is open to the public. Visitors are required to wear a yellow hard hat (which would not be my first choice of headgear when going to meet a major deity), but they are permitted to go down unsupervised. The thin metal rungs of the alarmingly narrow, but very stable, ladder are chilly to the touch, and grow colder as you make the descent, passing the various layers of Flint- the topstone and the wallstone - and watching the circle of the sky above diminish, the deeper you travel into this underworld of the ancestors. The tap of antler picks on stone can still be heard by those who are prepared to listen, and the power and presence of the Lord of Norfolk is all around. There is an indescribable tingling when you step off the last rung of the ladder, place both feet on the floor of the chamber, breathe in, and reach out for that magical understanding of ancient power and wisdom. Low arches lead off into tunnels, but these are now barred against physical entry, although it is possible to glimpse into that network of passages which join one pit to another.
Standing there, we think of the many antlers which were used to mine the Flint. These were most often Red Deer antlers, with the crown and first two tines either burned or cut away. When the tools broke, or became blunted, they were discarded, and in just two of the pits, a total of 244 such antlers were discovered, many of which had been worked smooth by the hands of the miners. On some there were even finger prints in the Chalk which covered them (Clarke Clarke, 1937). So, the Lord of Norfolk is most definitely a horned god, and the magic of the Deer is woven deeply into the fabric of the county. Naturalistic depictions of Red Deer, engraved into floorstone, were found during the early excavations of the site, although many commentators now consider these to have been part of a hoax designed to convince people that this was a Palaeolithic site (Russell, 2000). Nevertheless, this does not undermine the depth of the connections between the Grey Lord, the Deer and the landscape of the county.
It is not difficult to imagine the miners making offerings of antlers, carvings and drawings, as well as the exquisitely worked axe heads. Craftspeople of great skill worked the Flint, inspired or guided by the Lord of Norfolk who, millennia later, can still be called upon to give assistance to the county's makers and artists. I think this is one of the reasons why all of the practitioners of Norfolk's Nameless Tradition do some form of art or craft work, drawing on thousands of years of inspiration and magical help, in the development of the skills of hand and eye.
Of course, the process of going down into the pit at Grimes Graves can be done purely in the mind, in meditation or pathworking. Those who are especially skilled at knowing and visualising what they have not experienced with their mundane senses, can even do this without having been to the place in person. For most of us, though, the physical experience is important, and the effort of a regular visit becomes an act of pilgrimage.
On re-emerging from the shaft, a visit to Thetford's Ancient House Museum can provide a moving insight into the skills of the 20th-century Flint knappers. The Museum is home to an exquisite Flint alphabet, knapped by Bill Basham, in his spare time, over a period of two years. He also made a delicate necklace of seventeen circlets and a heart, which he sold, in 1927, for just £10. Sadly, like many of the Flint knappers, Basham died of silicosis, in 1932, at the age of 38 (Forrest, 1983). But the art of Flint knapping is far from lost. Will Lord, the son of earlier custodians of Grimes Graves, is an expert Flint knapper, and continues to teach the skill, as well as running prehistoric experience courses (www.will-lord.co.uk).
The Lord of Norfolk is a being of Fire as well as of Earth, for this everyday, common, yet intensely magical stone also carries within it the stuff of stars, which can light the hearth fire or ignite the divine spark within. The Flint as a strike-a- light is of enduring significance.
However, like so many things, the power of the Flint can be used for good or for ill and has not always been adapted for purely peaceful purposes. Flint arrowheads come in various shapes and styles, ranging from the chunky to the slender and elegant. The sheer numbers which have been found are thought to suggest that people may have used them in warfare, not just for hunting (Wymer, 1994). Indeed, Flint weapons have been said to be Britain's oldest industry, from Neolithic arrowheads from 2000 BCE, to the gunflints made in Brandon, and much prized for use during the Napoleonic Wars.”
Of Chalk & Flint:
A Way of Norfolk Magic
by Val Thomas
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