#peter keating
brookriver-mudlark · 1 year
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started reading The Fountainhead as an intellectual exercise, and am rapidly losing sentience as I progress
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literaryromps · 1 year
Peter Keating when Mama Keating implies Schlenker is going to get the job with Francon if he goes to Beaux-Arts:
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
Peter Weir behind the scenes of Dead Poets Society
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starcrime · 3 months
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this filming-of dead poets society pic >>>>>
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leaawrites · 7 months
Requests are open!
Look into the tags to see who I'm writing for!
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Harry Potter
Golden trio era
Shower Secrets, o.w.
Happiness, t.n.
Under the mistletoe, l.b.
Little life, l.b.
Mauaraders era
Ribbons in your hair, r.l.
Percy Jackson
Take away the pain, p.j.
Underwater, p.j.
Flowers, p.j.
Stars in her eyes, p.j.
Valentine's day kisses, p.j.
It's nice to have a friend, p.j.
Distant Lover, p.j.
Midnight hour with you, p.j.
Rumors, l.c.
Silence and Peace, p.j.
You're everything, p.j.
Our Place, r.b.
tolerate it, r.b.
Gilmore Girls
Time will pass, but our love won't, l.h.
Snowfall, p.p.
Missing you, r.m.
Original Work
It's nice to have a friend (story)
Cliffside (poem)
From Paris, with love (poem)
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theladwhoisweird · 9 days
Oh my, I almost forgot...
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y-a-w-p · 9 days
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happy birthday to the movie that changed my life💗
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picspammer · 2 months
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What will your verse be?
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burtonesque · 1 year
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dead poets society 。・:*˚:✧。
(directed by Peter Weir, starring Robin Williams, Ethan Hawke, Robert Sean Leonard)
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bisexualpotterhead · 2 years
Dead Poets Society boys = Marauders boys (parallels)
So, i think we can all agree that the Dead Poets Society boys reminds us so much of our beloved Marauders. And this thread is just to tell which character from DPS is like another character from The Marauders Era.
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I think, James is most like Neil Perry in this movie. The ringleader of the group, kind and including of everyone, and the typical golden boy, very bright and extroverted. Protective and loyal to the people he love. A troublemaker to an extent (never doing harm). Also, his death is the great tragedy of the story, like James.
But, he is also like Knox Overstreet, on that whole lady business. Knox is totally infatuated with Chris (*cough* Lily Evans *cough*), and would do anything for her, even make a fool out of himself just to get her. Like James. Also, that grin that Knox has, you cant tell me that James didnt have that grin too!!
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Well, this is pretty obvious i believe. Charlie Dalton (Sirius) the best friend of Neil perry (James), like the Marauders. Charlie, like Sirius, is always the more reckless, rebellious and impulsive one, the very extroverted charming friend, who sometimes tend to do things that harm others, tho not on purpose. They are also the official drama queen of their groups. His family is very rich, like Sirius' family, and he has "FRUITY" written all over him. Also Sirius/Charlie, definitely had a thing for Remus/Meeks.
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Now, Meeks and Remus are very much like each other. They are both the "Smart guys", Charlie mentioning Meeks to excel in Latin, Trig and English, the main classes, where i can imagine that Remus is excelling in Charms, DADA and Transfiguration.
Meeks is willing to try anything at least once (except sex), and is a willing participant in most of the dumb shit his friends are doing, but he doesent seem like the type to do dumb shit, much like Remus.
Also, Remus/Meeks has a very good friendship with Frank/Pitts, and Frank/Pitts were closer to Remus/Meeks, than the others guys, whereas Remus/Meeks is more close to the other guys, but still a good friend to Frank/Pitts.
Also Remus/Meeks definitely had a thing for Sirius/Charlie, and they did fuck many times.
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Now, i know many will probably disagree with me on this, but just hear me out.
Now, Peter is like Todd in many ways.
Todd is the shy kid. Or well, he was the shy kid until he was included by Neil, just like Peter was included by James (or so i would like to believe). He is a sweet boy and love his friends a lot (like the young Peter did). Todd struggles a lot in his classes and is afraid of presenting and confrontation like young Peter was. Todd was always outshined by his friends and brother, like Peter, but they both didnt mind very much. Todds friends tried to include him as much as possible, like the Marauders did with Peter in their Hogwarts years.
Buuuuut... Cameron was also like Peter. We see that in the bad qualities. Like, the betrayal Cameron did to Mr. Keating and to the Dead Poets. The way Cameron was reluctant to be a part of the Dead Poets schemes and rulebreaking, but still wanted to be a part of the group nontheless, like Peter with the Marauders. Both Cameron and Peter were weaker than their friends, and they both knew it, and betrayed them to be better/stronger than their friends. Also, the fact that they both got punishment for their betrayals, Cameron being punched in the face by Charlie, and Peter being killed by his own hand.
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Pitts were a part of the Dead Poets, but not that close with everyone (except Meeks/Remus). He liked to be their friend and he was a part of the the Dead Poets meetings and he talked with everyone quite well, but he wouldnt call himself their best friend.
The same with Frank Longbottom and the Marauders. Of course, in this case he wasnt a part of the Marauders like Pitts were with the Dead Poets, but they were both friends with everyone in their groups, but mainly close to one person, Meeks/Remus.
They are also both quite good in school and smart, but not that remarkable or outstanding, like their peers.
They are both sweet and kind boys, pretty much just a character that is "there", and not someone holding that much purpose in the storyline, but still a important character nontheless.
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Mr. Keating is like Minerva McGonagall in the teaching sense.
Mr. Keating were the Dead Poets favourite teacher, and he inspired them all. The Dead Poets also held a special place in his heart, despite all the dumb things they did. He was a brave professor, and he taught his students the way he wanted to, and was even fired for the ways he taught.
The same with Minerva. She was the Marauders favourite teacher too, and she also inspired them. They held a special place in her heart, and you cant convince me that Minerva didnt cry like Mr. Keating did, when she discovered that James/Neil was killed.
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ladytrist · 2 years
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Give me more films to add to my list🫶✨
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literaryromps · 1 year
“It had often astonished Keating; he had seen Roark moving with the soundless tension, the control, the precision of a cat-”
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“-had seen him relaxed, like a cat in shapeless ease, as if his body held no single solid bone.” 
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The Fountainhead (pg. 35)
Roark is a furry now.
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ash5monster01 · 1 month
For all my 18+ DPS fans, if you’re interested in joining a discord and reaching a broader community within the fandom, we would be happy to have you. Please feel free to join us here 💌
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973, Peter Yates)
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ask-pisssoc · 2 years
ur giving james taggart/peter keating energy but if they listened to too way much lana del rey
I've never heard of James Taggart, so he must not be that important. But is he hot?
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90sagony · 2 years
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#245 Domestic studies: Dead Poets Society (1989)
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