#peter pettrigrew
marauders madagascar au with james as alex, sirius as gloria, remus as melman and peter as marty
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jamesregulusmarauders · 5 months
The Serpent and the Stag - Regulus/James, Remus/Sirius - Chapter 7/? Out!
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James cursed under his breath. ‘Let me see. I mean it.’
Regulus didn’t answer, but he didn’t stop James from unbuttoning his shirt and gently opening the fabric.
‘What. The. Fuck.’
Regulus caught his wrist before he could touch the bandages.
‘Did the—’
‘It wasn’t a student.’
‘It was …’ Regulus took a shuddering breath. ‘It was a dog, all right? A dog in Hogsmeade.’
James suddenly felt very, very off kilter. ‘A … dog?’ It took all his strength to hold in the sob of fear. ‘Were—’ He swallowed hard. ‘—were you bit?’
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hearts4dorlene · 1 year
Sirius: Moony doesn't fucking cry over Bambi
Remus: It's a children's film about an animated deer, it's not the end of the world
James: We do not mention that movie around me
Peter: How do you not cry Remus? Every normal person cries
Remus: Because it isn't fucking real Pete
James: The insensitivity to even think about discussing that film infront of me is absurd. Show some respect for my species
Remus: Oh for Merlin's sake James, a fake deer is shot dead, it's not that deep
James: *screaming crying throwing up*
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throped · 11 months
Never Glory - Chapter 2
Tom riddle x reader
TW: blood, gore, death all that stuff.
The sounds of birds chirping woke me up. Again. It was annoying at this point and I refrained from cursing those blasted birds into silence. Oh well, guess I have to get up anyway.
I walked towards the mirror in my room and looked at myself. Back to 15 I guess. I struggled to get everything to fit into my suitcase but in the end, it all fit with the help of some magic. Just then, I heard Noctis fly into my bedroom and give a little chirp. Now that's a bird's voice that I actually enjoy. "Oh Noctis! What you got there?" I said as I gently took the letter out of Noctis' beak. "It's from Albus Dumbledore! Probably confirming my application to Hogwarts!" I squealed, my voice a little higher since I'm back to 15. 
I read through the letter and indeed found out that I had been accepted due to Dumbledore of course. Headmaster Dippet had already set my position in Hogwarts up. And to my uttermost surprise, Dumbledore knew that I was going to come to Hogwarts. "Should've suspected it," I said to myself. Once again, the old man really was incredibly wise. 
I got dressed and ventured out to Diagon Alley, making way through the the crowd of people, shopping for whatever reason. I turned to Ollivanders to get a new wand. Ollivander was but another person who knew about my immortality but I promise you that that's it! Only him and Dumbledore knew. Moving on, I opened the door to the slightly ragged shop and greeted Ollivander. 
"Oh Y/N, dear! Been quite long since I've seen you. I see that your returning to Hogwarts?" He asked. I smiled and said, "Yep, thought I needed a change and I just have this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen this year," I said, not wanting to give too much information about my visions. 
"Right, well, have you changed your identity yet?" He asked while sorting out which wand would be right for me. "Oh yes! Call me Daena L/N," I said proudly. 
"Well Daena, I have just the right wand for you. Go ahead and try it," he said. I carefully took the wand into my own hands and gave it a swift flick and then proceeded to see that a glass vase in the shop just broke. "Whoops, sorry," I said shamefully. 
"Not to worry, I have another that may work but there's quite a slim chance," He said as he handed me yet another wand. I studied it and it felt quite light in the hands. the design of it was also wonderful. I yet again gave it a swift flick and it suddenly illuminated a broken lamp sitting beside Ollivander. 
Ollivander furrowed his eyebrows and said, "That is quite strange. No wonder it's you though."
"What's strange," I asked in pure confusion. "You see, this wand is the last one out of a group of three," he said, "I gave one to another student not so long ago, maybe a few years back."
I stared off and silently thought about who could have the brother of my wand. "Oh well, that's that. I'll be heading off now. Thanks Ollivander, bye!" I broke the silence. Although Ollivander was deep in thought, he said his parting nonetheless. 
"How peculiar," I said to myself after that interaction. 
My eyes started to wander to some other shops in which I collected the items I needed. I had enough money of course, considering I had a job and my inheritance from my parents who were rich purebloods. The goblins at Gringotts bank still refused to even tell me their names centuries ago and I don't think they'd be pleased with the fact that I'm still alive to this very day.  
I ventured into a pet shop where I got another pet. It was a snake which definitely was not permitted on Hogwarts grounds. But it was so cute I simply couldn't leave it stranded there! Probably getting a horrid owner in the future. It had blood red eyes and was literally just black in color. Still to me, the snake was pretty. I named it Kaiser as I had heard that name a few years ago in a book I was reading. It didn't hold much meaning but I still named it that nonetheless.
"Aren't you a pretty little creature," I smiled as I looked at the snake at eye level. "I'm going to name you Kaiser," I spoke. 
"I like that name," hissed the snake much to my surprise. 
"W-what, is it just me or are you talking," I said, in complete shock. "It's not you. Your a parseltongue," It hissed once again. My heartbeat rose, "you mean, I can speak to snakes?" I asked, remembering a book I read which mentioned parseltongues and their origins. 
"Precisssely," Kaiser hissed. "Well, that's fun. I guess I have an animal to talk to now," I spoke, still in complete shock. I realized that some strangers around me were looking at me weirdly. Oh, I was speaking another language.
No wonder.
I mean, that wasn't bad? 
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wormtraitor · 1 year
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"Fala sério, Peter. Você é tão lento, como vai conseguir ser auror?" A voz de Sirius Black ecoava na mente do Pettigrew, enquanto ele caminhava pelo Ministério, sozinho, passando os dedos pelas paredes pretas e gélidas do corredor. Peter é tão lento. Peter não procuraria por um bruxo das trevas antes de comer uma torta de abóbora inteira. Peter sairia correndo assim que visse uma sombra. Peter tem medo até do Frei do Gorducho. Fala sério, Padfoot. Se você tivesse sido um amigo melhor, não iria ficar doze anos em Azkaban; já imaginou? Peter Pettrigrew, auror? Claro que a culpa do futuro não seria de Sirius e suas palavras soltas ao amigo que batia palmas quando o mesmo acontecia com os outros, de um moleque no auge dos seus treze anos sem muitas preocupações. Mas. Peter Pettigrew, auror?
"Auror? Interessante, Wormtail. Só não se esqueça de que aurores não têm amigos para protegê-los quando a coisa aperta pro lado deles, hein?" esse foi Remus, doce, mas preciso. Como eu sou idiota. Moony tinha razão no terceiro ano e agora tabém, se não fosse prongs, padfoot e moony eu não teria sobrevivido nem ao segundo ano de Hogwarts. Mas sabe, eu poderia tentar, treinar... estudar mais. Talvez eu fique bom. Estudar mais? Já estamos na merda do último ano; imagina, começar agora e, quando estiver pronto, virar estagiário do Sirius no departamento? Nem fodendo. Bom, eu poderia tentar lecionar... herbologia? Não, com toda certeza não. Acho que o Frank seria um bom herbologista. Pena que vai ser torturado até a insanidade- ok, esse não é um pensamento de Peter de 1978, mas a narradora não pode se conter.
Mas que diabos eu seria, no final das contas? Obliviador? Bem capaz do feitiço virar contra mim e eu esquecer o pouco que acho que sei. Na moral, pra quê ter uma profissão? Eu não sou um muggle, é só lançar um accio comida que eu me alimento. Um wingardium e eu construo uma casa. E 'ta de boa. Nossa, como eu sou medíocre e preguiçoso as vezes, sinceramente.
Mas Peter não era de todo medíocre, é claro - na verdade, se ele pudesse se olhar no espelho sem todos os estigmas impostos, veria o seu valor. O Pettigrew era atento, tudo ele percebia, era esperto na hora de se esgueirar por Hogwarts, desbravava com facilidade todos os lugares do castelo e nem precisava estar em sua forma animaga para isso. E foi esse "dom", por falta de achar palavra melhor para o momento, que fez ele encontrar o que achou ser sua resposta.
Já tinha escutado ao longe falar sobre o departamento de mistérios do Ministério, tinha um primo inominável - e eu nunca soube que merda meu primo faz da vida. E era aquilo que ele queria: uma profissão que ninguém pudesse dar pitaco. Não teria ninguém para dizer: Ei Peter, isso aí ficou errado. Ou, nossa Peter, que bosta, hein? Bom, claro que haveriam seus colegas de trabalho, mas a verdade é o Pettigrew sentia-se muito mais confortável com olhares não conhecidos, com aqueles que não o julgavam por situações passadas. Por erros bobos - melhor, com quem não reconheceria seus erros bobos.
O foda é se o Sirius decidisse do nada virar inominável. Imagina? Foda mesmo é eu não conseguir pensar em três coisas sem moony, prongs e padfoot passarem pela minha cabeça. Eu queria muito, muito mesmo, ser tão bom quanto eles. Os caras são fodas. Tenho certeza que tudo que se proporem a fazer vai dar bom, e eu aqui... De frente pra um arco de pedra que mais me parece uma... Porta? Há, Ministério, cês estão mesmo achando que não da pra perceber que um ARCO DE PEDRA, no meio de um CORREDOR ESCONDIDO, com uma porrada de coisa escrita em RUNAS ANTIGAS, FLUTUANDO, não é uma porta pra algum lugar? E depois o burro sou eu. Ninguém disse que você é burro, Peter, não seja tão duro consigo mesmo. E não demorou muito até que ele encontrasse, ao lado de uma parede e de forma bem escondida, o que seria a maçaneta da porta.
Ao abrir, Peter ficou confuso, porém maravilhado com sua... descoberta? Maravilhado é o caralho, no perdão da palavra. Pra quê tanta porta em um só lugar? Pra onde leva isso aqui? Por Merlin e todo a ordem de bruxos primeira classe, eu deveria ter ido comer e não bancar o desbravador sozinho.
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spinderella-umbrella · 10 months
Once upon a time, in an alternate universe, Peter’s idolisation of Sirius’ worst nightmare of a person leads to a very different path for the marauders, from the very start.
A Peter Pettigrew Project Prompt, What if the Marauders had never accepted Peter as a friend?
Peter is so excited to finally be going to Hogwarts. As soon as he gets to platform 9 and ¾, he yanks off his coat, revealing the uniform he was wearing underneath, and the scarf in the colours that represent his newfound hero, Salazar Slytherin.
It had been a lonely summer, and after he got his letter, Peter devoured the Hogwarts history books, learning everything there was to know about the school he was about to go to including long standing legacy families.
So when he saw Sirius Black on the platform, knowing he was starting the same year as him in Peter bounds up to him excitedly.
“Hi! I’m Peter Pettrigrew, I’m starting this year at Hogwarts too!”
Sirius narrows his eyes at Peter, his nose raised, holding himself in a way that could only be described as “haughty”.
He doesn’t even respond to Peter. There are people watching the interaction, as Peter shifts uncomfortably, but he doesn’t let his smile falter.
He lifts his scarf, Green and Silver, with pride. “I’m hoping to get into Slytherin. Salazar was just so cool.” Peter gushes, and Sirius raises a perfect black brow at him, crossing his arms.
Oh no.
Sirius glances over his shoulder, eyes catching on someone, and he says–
“Potter, if I get placed in Slytherin, please just kill me. It might please my family, but to me, it will be a great embarrassment.”
Sirius turns back to Peter, a smirk on his face.
“Sure, Black.” Potter affirms, and Peter is confused, because their families are supposed to hate each other. How do they even know each other? Didn’t they all just get here? Or maybe he’s really saying he’d be happy to kill Sirius.
Either way, Peter is mortified, his face red with embarrassment. “Oh, okay,” he says quietly, fiddling with his scarf nervously. He feels like a bit of an idiot for even wearing it, now. He isn’t in Slytherin yet, after all.
Someone snorts behind him. “Look at this ickle first year, repping Salazars colours when he’s not even sorted yet.”
His embarrassment well and truly solidified, Peter tugs the scarf from his neck and holds it in his hands, twisting.
Sirius smirks wider, teeth flashing as he catches the movement. “You might be pleased to know, Pettigrew, that the hat has a long history of sorting cowards into Slytherin. If you want something and you believe in something, you stand by your choice, by your beliefs, no matter what other people think.”
Peter swallows, and Sirius sighs. “Well, I’ve hit my quota for public service for today. Come on Potter,” He says, walking towards the train without a glance for Peter, and without looking back to see if James Potter is following him. Because of course he is.
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maraudersftw · 3 years
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Disgraceful - Chapter 3
Summary - James Potter is attracted to his neighbour. Lily Evans wishes she wasn't attracted to hers.
Officially announcing that the fic is going to have mature content soon
Would highly recommend that you read this chapter on AO3, because FFN has really butchered the formatting 😭
“Like I’d actually say no to such an opportunity.” James was grinning against the speaker as he balanced his phone between his shoulder and ear, hands otherwise preoccupied in sauteing the onions and garlic he’d chopped earlier on a pan. “It was all I could do not to ask her if she was kidding over e-mail.”
His mother laughed on the other end of the line. “You should’ve done that, honey. At least they would’ve been better prepared to deal with you.”
“Oh, you’re hilarious, mum, really.”
“Now, where is my favourite son?” Euphemia asked, and he could practically hear the smirk in her voice that so often coated his own.
“He’s right here,” James cheeked back, “cooking the best paella in the world while his mother is needlessly cruel to him. Sirius, the much more disappointing son, on the other hand, is visiting Remus so that he can conveniently avoid unpacking the rest of his items.”
Read more on: AO3 || FFN
Read from the beginning
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gaygryffindorgal · 3 years
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emery kelly as james potter
deaken bluman as sirius black
austin abrams as remus lupin
ethan cutkosky as peter pettigrew
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visbiscuit · 2 years
I need me some Sirius Black fic. Send help
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egdramaqueen · 5 years
Lily! We have an emergency! It turns out Dorcus is failing ALL of her classes! What are we going to do?
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Lily: Don’t worry, Pete.
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Peter: *looks at her with a raised eyebrow* what do you mean?
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afirewiel · 5 years
Wait a second...in POA, Snape saw Sirius’s name on the Marauder’s map, which is why he went to the Shrieking Shack. So he must have also seen Peter’s name on there, right? Lupin had. There’s no way Snape missed it. Yet, it’s never addressed. He never stops to wonder how a man Sirius was supposed to have killed was suddenly alive and in the Shrieking Shack. He completely ignores Lupin when he tries to explain Sirius’s innocence. He acts like he doesn’t know Peter’s there. How could he possibly have missed Peter’s name on the map!?
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jamesregulusmarauders · 5 months
The Serpent and the Stag, Chapter 5/? posted!
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‘Do you want me to kiss you so that you know?’
Peter turned deep scarlet.
‘Absolutely not, I don’t need the trauma of witnessing that,’ said Sirius dramatically. ‘Peter, I forbid it.’
‘Yes, if my boyfriend is going to kiss any man here, it’s me.’ James said it with a grin and a wink, but inside his stomach tightened. The thought of Regulus kissing Peter made him want to break what remained of the sofa.
‘Perfect, you can tell me.’ Peter gestured between them. ‘For science, go on.’
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Peter: You said I´m like the brother you never had
Sirius: No, no. I said you are like the brother I never wanted
Source: The Fresh Prince
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wormtraitor · 1 year
onde: dormitório
quem: @rxmlpin
Peter até gostava de ficar sozinho, mas a companhia de Remus, Sirius e James tornavam as coisas muito melhores - ao menos era o que costumava ser. Antes, piadas e risadas tomavam conta das conversas e das noites dos quatro, mas nos tempos atuais tudo parecia estar mais diferente. James ficou mais centrado e depois de ser nomeado monitor chefe passava muito mais tempo fora do dormitório a noite que antes, enquanto Sirius, com toda a sua trágica história familiar e os acontecimentos recentes, deixava o Pettrigrew um pouco melancólico. Claro, eles não haviam perdido essência dos marotos, mas as coisas estavam mudando e todos podiam sentir; e fingir que não, era impossível.
Wormtail suspirou fundo, sentado na parte de cima de um dos beliches enquanto seus olhos percorriam o mapa do maroto sem alvo especifico, apenas por distração. Observou James vagando pelos corredores ao lado de Lily, possivelmente em uma ronda... Benjy parecia estar no salão comunal da sonserina ao lado de Regulus Black, o que o Pettigrew acabou devaneando sobre o assunto que ambos poderiam estar compartilhando. Observou seu próprio nome no pergaminho, e muito próximo o nome e Remus andando em sua direção - não demorou muito para que o amigo entrasse no dormitório também. "E aí, Moony?" cumprimentou, desviando o olhar do pergaminho por alguns segundos. "Eu perguntaria por onde andou a tarde inteira, mas estive acompanhando seus passos, então... alguma novidade?" era brincadeira sobre acompanhar os passos do outro, mas gostava de fingir que era bem informado.
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siriuslystarbucks · 7 years
Peter: Do you think your favourite animal says a lot about you?
James: What tf did Sirius say abt me this time
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maraudersftw · 3 years
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Summary - My name is Lily Evans. I’m twenty years old. I have red hair and green eyes. I’ve been experimented upon for the past two years. I tell you none of these facts from my own memory—because I have none. I suppose I’ll just have to take their word for it then, won’t I?
Chapter 2 - Can I Breathe Now?
Read on: Ao3 || FFnet
Read from the beginning
Special thanks to @blitheringmcgonagall for all her help in this chapter ❤
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