#shading prac
mblue-art · 5 months
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jothehuman · 2 years
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slight redesign for jane(s)
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mr-bisk · 1 year
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Well, as weird as it seems i never showed my OTHER Hiperfixation on this blog, sooooooo I'm addicted to Ren & Stimpy since my 14's and I love both of this bastards way too much for my own good.
the first one i was working until this moment and was kinda of a funny process cuz it is a scan of a dumb idea I had with a friend on discord.... Stimpy is a MATERIOL GWORL!!!(Im sorry I made u read that) Also it was supose to have txt, BUT I didnt like it and not even put it on paper.
the second one I.... Kinda of hate. I dont know how to draw Ren as u can see, and making him the center of attention in a drawing made me activate parts of my brain that didnt work anymore..... soooooo I guess I need to prac... tice? Posting cuz I dont wanna make it go to waste also Stimpy IS LOVELY TO DRAW LOOK AT MAI BOI AAAAAAAA-
also shaded stimpeh w my very low knowledge of shading:
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(yeaaaaaaaaaah the mini skirt was supposed to be shiny but LESTNOTWORRYABOUTIT-)
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amateurcomics · 2 years
so here's something I did
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You can guess who it is.
It took me 2 hours to do and I will be doing a paper version soon which I will reblog to this post.
Oh hey look, Shading.
#random prac
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patientcare87 · 1 month
Unveiling Excellence: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment in India
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India, famous for its rich cultural heritage and varied landscapes, also stands as a beacon for an excellent healthcare provider. Constantly growing medical tourism in India defines its attraction pool from various patients across the globe who are seeking not cheap but quality healthcare solutions.
This comprehensive guide goes into the multifarious and varied universe of treatment in India, with an array of medical specialities offering treatments provided by the country and its world-class healthcare establishments.
A Multitude of Medical Specialties: For one, GoMedii devours convolute cardiac afflictions specializing in cancer, acute medical condition, and urgent neurological expertise under qualified physicians and supervised multidisciplinary teams. The GoMedii landing page is the door to a greater spectrum of medical specifications related to India, ranging to just about every possible health-related need or condition. GoMedii takes care of needs, be it a complex cardiac diagnosis or fighting with pediatric cancer or weight issues.
Cutting-Edge Therapies and Techniques: The health care sector in India is a relentless quest for innovation and excellence. Most of the successful and promising modern world medicine find place in India. It is not only the robotic-assisted, and minimally invasive surgeries precision or targeted therapy, and regenerative medicine changed by the rescue in India. In fact, the country is packed with diversified treatment spectrum modalities designed to ensure optimizing ailment and patient outcomes besides trying to cut on risk and comfort.
Renowned Healthcare Institutions: At the core of this healthcare excellence in India are some of the nation's most outstanding medical facilities—hospitals, clinics, and medical centers—all armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art tools and equipment to make healthcare provision a precise science, and staffed with the cream of medical expertise. No other description will do full justice to what India is all about in regard to its healthcare infrastructure readiness to receive patients in various shades of requirements, from swanky academic medical centers in metro cities to special hospitals and well-run hospitals and institutions, and wellness resorts sited in scenic locales.
Medical Tourism Hub: India is one of the top global leaders in medical tourism due to its low cost, access to care, and better than expected outcomes. India has maintained its steady flow of international patients in search of treatment to all types of medical conditions, continuously driven forth by the formidable reimbursement that promises good quality health care at a tenth of what it would cost in most Western nations. They also help to facilitate all of the formalities which concern the international patients and the treatment, including the sending of patents overseas to the lines of the medical toppers in India and the state-of-the-art treatment facilities.
Holistic Approach to Healthcare:
This approach is holistic in the sense that treatment is considered as speaking out for the overall care of the patient, with the well-being of the patient looked at from a purely physical point of view, but from an emotional, psychological, and spiritual point of view as well. The overall impression of such integrated medicine is that it all comes together—in Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, along with conventional treatments—to offer a whole approach to well-being and healing for an ailing patient. Interdisciplinary care teams underline leading team profiles who together execute decisions on close support of treatment plans for achieving patient comfort, dignity, and quality of life.
Patient-Centric Care:
Patient-oriented care forms the basis of what maintains the Indian Health Care System at the epicenter of all patient care. Unbowed through unmoved patient-oriented care. All of the health practitioners in practice, in their fields of specialty, consider in their treatments, effective communication, the spirit of empathy, and collective decision-making with the patient/chief. From full medical consults to caring support services and post-treatment follow-up, patients are treated uniquely to their situations and objectives.
It is the page GoMedii has reserved to stand as the threshold to top 10 treatment in India - more than enough to notify one about the desirous healthcare ecosystem India is proud of. India rightfully defines health excellence through a wide array of medical specialties, most advanced therapies, leading institutions, and care models that stand focused on the patient. India is very much adaptive toward the requirements of healthcare for people round the globe, making it a hub for excellent yet affordable treatment probabilities with generous attention to comprehensive wellness solutions; it is truly a source of hope and healing, welcoming everybody in this land, to be stitching a new web of life enjoyed in health, happiness, and general well-being.
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agakikama · 1 month
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Dziś postanowiłam że dam kolejną postać OC z mojego universum Welcome Hope, jak zapewne zauważyliście mój odpowiednik Poppy Partridge jest o wiele szczuplejszy i ma wiele tęczowo - kolorowych piór, ma także jaśniejszy odcień czerwieni i znacznie krótszą szyję, a jej pierzaste ręce to tak naprawdę silne skrzydła, choć Poppy wygląda na ciężką to tak naprawdę jest niezwykle lekka, może nawet latać ponad drzewa (Wyżej się nie wzniesie jak na 20 m, bo ma lęk wysokości, jak tylko spojrzy w dół, natychmiast kręci jej się w głowie). Moja postać OC Poppy mierzy 8 stóp wzrostu, co oznacza że jest najwyższą postacią w The Neigborhood (ale już nie długo nie będzie jedyna). Poppy jest dość strachliwą kurą, ale kiedy chodzi o pomoc przyjacielowi z sąsiedztwa, nie zawaha się tej pomocy udzielić, bardzo lubi dzierganie, pieczenie oraz spacery na świeżym powietrzu, jej serdecznymi przyjaciółmi są Sally, Frank i Howdy, ma też dobre relacje z pozostałymi przyjaciółmi z sąsiedztwa, bardzo lubi organizować różne okazyjne podwieczorki z herbatą, aby móc spędzić z czas w gronie przyjaciół, gdy poznaje Rose, obie znajdują wspólny język jak i zainteresowania, dzięki wspólnym rozmowom, Rose zaczyna być bardziej otwarta na innych i ufna wobec mieszkańców The Neigborhood.
Co sądzicie o mojej postaci OC, jaką jest Poppy? Chętnie poznam wasze opinie w komentarzach.
UWAGA: Wszelki Hejt czy Trolling na temat mojej osoby czy też moich prac, będzie zgłaszany i usuwany!
Welcome Hope jest stworzone przez: Agakikama
"Welcome Home jest stworzone przez Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
Today I decided to create another OC character from my Welcome Hope universe, as you probably noticed, my counterpart Poppy Partridge is much slimmer and has many rainbow-colored feathers, she also has a lighter shade of red and a much shorter neck, and her feathery arms are actually strong wings, although Poppy looks heavy, she is actually extremely light, she can even fly above trees (she can't go higher than 20 m, because she is afraid of heights, as soon as she looks down, she immediately feels dizzy). My OC character Poppy is 8 feet tall, which makes her the tallest character in The Neigborhood (but she won't be the only one for a long time). Poppy is quite a timid chicken, but when it comes to helping a friend from the neighborhood, she will not hesitate to help, she loves knitting, baking and walks outdoors, her dear friends are Sally, Frank and Howdy, she also has good relationships with her other friends from the neighborhood, she really likes to organize various occasional afternoon teas with tea to spend time with friends, when she meets Rose, they both find a common language and interests, thanks to common conversations, Rose begins to be more open to others and trustful of the inhabitants of The Neigborhood .
What do you think about my OC character Poppy? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments.
ATTENTION: Any hate or trolling about me or my works will be reported and deleted!
Welcome Hope is created by: Agakikama
"Welcome Home is created by Clown @PartyCoffin"
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goointhemachine · 2 months
Drawing Prac
Focused on doing more circles and strokes since I'm totally re-learning how to draw >.<
It's seriously going to be the majority of my time the next few months, afaict, but it'll be worth it. And I can pepper exercises to help contextualise and focus those sessions, so... It's good, I'm happy about it.
And without further ado... CIRCLES!
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Okay, those aren't great, but I found something REALLY neat as I went. This is at 50% zoom on the doc, but the next few are between 270% and 310% zoom and the difference in quality is HUGE.
This makes me think that my general hand movements have improved, but it's the finer movements that I'm struggling with. What a cool find!
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Back to 50% zoom and... I didn't need to tell ya, huh?
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On to strokes!
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Weirdly, the zoom thing didn't help with the strokes... Just gonna have to muscle through that one.
It's funny how strokes going top-right to bottom-left are so much better than strokes going in the opposite direction.
I've decided I'm going to have to practice my shading and thatching with actual exercises, because I'm not sure I can see improvements in this as much as I should like.
So I gave myself this extra bit of stroke practice!
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I figure if I'm learning at the level of a toddler, I'm going to style it that way. BUT WITH RULES!
This was done using 25px brush on a 1080p canvas. No eraser allowed, just brush. This was actually fun and forced me to practice my strokes more than you might expect at first blush. Lots of tracing colours back and forth over each other, colouring inside the lines, etc...
I did my next two based off of this amazing work by X_XASM
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This top one was 25px brush
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The second used an 18pt brush. Was just curious what differences that gives me
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I definitely like the 25pt more because it has the right kind of affect for the style of the cartoon, but it may be slightly too thick. I'll keep messing around.
I really like both of these, though, I'm happy with the proportions and my line work as vast improvements.
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sunsetkerr · 6 months
TELLING THE TEAM | s.kerr the sweet nora universe, masterlist
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summary: you and sam decide that it's finally time to tell the girls about your big news.
pairing: mum!sam kerr x fem!reader
notes: love love love this one
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august 2019, 3 months pregnant
"Y/N, HAVE YOU SEEN my boots?!"
you tried to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at sam before calling back to her, "which ones?".
"my mercurials!"
"which ones?!" you yelled back, knowing she had over five pairs of mercurials.
"the pink ones!" you held back a groan, knowing exactly where she had left them.
"they're under the bench!"
"where?!" sam's footsteps grew closer as she began to stomp down the stairs of your brisbane apartment. sam came into the living room, watching as you rounded around the kitchen counter, kicking out her black mesh training bag.
"they're still here, in yesterday's training bag" you kicked the bag over to her. sam had a bad habit of leaving her things laying around and then forgetting where everything was. you had a good habit of finding them all for her.
"i was looking for that" sam raised her eyebrows as she picked up the bag.
"mhm" you hummed, going back into the kitchen to finish getting breakfast.
"you're the best" sam stopped you in your tracks, snaking her arms around your waist. she rested her hands on your tiny bump that had began to form. "how are you feeling?" she asked, kissing you on the cheek before leaning her chin on your shoulder.
"better," you nodded. "tired still" a sigh escaped your lips, recalling your sleepless night. were you too hot? too cold? you couldn't decide. sam just so happened to sleep through the entire ordeal. 
"we'll have an early night," she drew circles on your bump with her thumb, giving you another kiss. "i'll be home around two?" she looked to you for confirmation that the times worked for you. if, in a hypothetical world, they didn't; you knew she would be home whenever you needed her. 
"okay," you nodded, leaning back into her embrace. "have fun, good luck" you whispered, turning your head to kiss her cheek before she left for practice. 
"oh babe," sam pulled back a little so she could see you properly. "i think.." she lead, "i think i wanna tell the girls".
you blinked a few times, processing what she had said. "really?" you asked her, your eyebrows raised. 
"yeah," sam looked down at your belly, drinking in your new glow. "can't hide her forever" she smirked softly before meeting your gaze again. 
"when do you wanna tell them?" you asked, still a little taken back that 'mrs. lets keep it to ourselves for a bit longer' wanted to tell her teammates. 
"today?" she shrugged, "did you wanna come to prac? i'll set you up in the shade" sam suggested.
you shook your head straight away, "i dont wanna barge in on practice, sam" you told her.
"you're not!" she argued, "they love you".
"i don't want to annoy anyone" you gently pulled yourself from her grasp and went to walk back into the kitchen.
"i want you to be there when we tell them" sam followed you, propping herself up on the counter that you needed to get into. she forced you to look at her, stopping you from getting a bowl for breakfast. "please?" she leant forwards and grabbed your hands in hers, engulfing them in a tight grasp.
you sighed, closing your eyes. "fine" you huffed, "now move" you waved her away, you were verging on hangry.
"thank you" sam smiled, pushing herself off of the counter. she grabbed your hand and pulled you along and away from your cupboard, away from your cereal. "come on, i'm late" she scooped your bag and her training bag off of the bench and hiked her duffle bag on her shoulder, leading you to the front door. 
"my cereal!" you whined.
"shh" she kissed your cheek a few times, quieting you down. "i'll get you breakfast on the way. i'm running late" she chuckled, locking the door behind you both.
"you.. late? really?" you looked back at her as she rushed you towards the car. "no!" you exclaimed, a faux look of shock on your face as you got into the passenger seat of sam's car.
"shut up" she deadpanned before closing your door on you.
the drive wasn't too far, brisbane traffic was kind to you this morning. as you pulled into the car park you saw alanna getting out of her car as well. sam called out to her as she pulled her duffle bag from the back seat.
alanna turned around and you were met with a big grin as she realised that sam had you in tow. "what are you doing here, missy?" she grinned, pulling you in for a hug. you tried to keep your belly off of her as much as possible without being too obvious, not needing your tiny bump to press against her and give it away.
"i'm in my rookie season" you chuckled.
"oh yeah, course" alanna laughed as if it was obvious. "silly me," she scoffed.
"sam dragged me out," you walked with alanna, her arm now interlocked with yours.
"sounds like her" 
"right here" sam piped up, reminding you both of her presence. 
"we know" alanna shrugged, giving her a look with a scrunched up file and a sarcastic smile.
"i'll bench you," sam raised her eyebrows at her.
"then how will we win games?" alanna looked from her captain to you, a confused look painted her face. you let sam and alanna talk about football while you all made your ways to the change room. 
"y/n!" emily smiled as she watched you walk in with sam and alanna. she made her way over to you and pulled you in for a hug. 
"hi," you smiled, giving her a tight squeeze. "how are you?" you asked as you pulled away to look at her.
"good," she smiled, "what are you doing here?".
"new recruit," sam cut you off, draping her arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close. emily chuckled and spoke with you about how you had been. it was only a few minutes before ante came into the room.
"alright girls," he clapped his hands as he walked into the change rooms, grabbing everyone's attention. "hi y/n," he quickly shot you a smile as he walked into the centre of the room. "we've got some new drills we want to run today for the midfield, and then i want to run a strategy session" he explained, the coaching staff trailing in behind him. "y/n, you can help me yell at them if they run too slow" he pointed over at you with a small smile on his lips.
"perfect," you nodded, arms crossed over your chest.
"she's good at yelling at me" sam looked at you, a few of the girls laughing at her comment.
"oh, whatever" you rolled your eyes, shaking her off with a smile.
"alright, let's get out there" ante held his thumbs up before heading out, "sunscreen on! it's hot" he called out.
"c'mon, i'll find you a spot" sam put you back under her arm, now a little bit taller with her boots on. "we'll tell 'em after" she whispered in your ear. you all made your way out onto the field and you silently thanked yourself for wearing sneakers this morning so you didn't ruin the turf.
"how are you, y/n?" ante asked as you and sam made your way out.
"good, ante. how are you?" you smiled at him as sam walked off with caitlin. 
"great," he grinned, "joining us today for prac, hey?"
"i've been dragged out, yes" you nodded, chuckling softly.
"it's always good to have you around," he gave you a light pat on the back before heading off to speak with some of the coaching staff.
"y/n!" sam waved you over to the player's bench. you walked over and met her where she had set up a spot for you. "have you got your water?" she asked.
"yep" you nodded, grabbing it from your bag.
"here," sam crouched down in front of you and opened the bottle of sunscreen that the team would use today. "put this on, then i'll take it over to the girls" she told you, squeezing some out into your hand.
"sam-" you went to argue.
"i'm literally not kidding" she looked up at you, not a glint of a joke in her gaze. you rolled your eyes before rubbing in into your face and neck. "ears!" she reminded you grumpily. you chuckled, shaking your head at her. "don't shake your head at me" she gave your leg a little shove. 
"happy?" you asked her, your face oily from the sunscreen.
"very," she stood up, giving your thigh a squeeze beforehand. "i'll see you after, try not to stare at me too much" she playfully tapped your knee with the sunscreen before walking off to meet the girls.
"mm, i'll try" you chuckled, "have fun".
"love you" she called out to you. "sunscreen?! does anyone want some sunscreen?" she shouted as she met up with the girls.
"skip!" katrina called out. sam walked over to her, reaching out to pass her the bottle. "c'mere" kat waved her away from the others, isolating themselves from the bigger group.
"what?" sam lowered her voice.
sam watched as katrina struggled with her internal voice for a moment. "did you.." she sighed, trying to phrase what she wanted to say the right way. "is-" she cut herself off again, before committing to her words. "is y/n pregnant?"
sam's jaw dropped, and she looked around to see if anyone heard what katrina had said. "wha-" she looked back at katrina, "shh.. how did you know?"
she crossed her arms over her chest, and looked up at her young captain with raised eyebrows. "the last time you brought her to training, you told us you were engaged" she reminded you. sam nodded slowly, realising that he had been right.
sam bit her lip before admitting the truth to her teammate. “she's only a month or so along" she whispered, hoping no one was taking notice of their meeting.
"sam! that's amazing" katrina tried her best to contain her excitement. "congratulations! awe i wanna hug you," she knew how important this was to you both. having been the first person to be told that you were going through rounds of ivf, mini had been waiting for this day to come. "i'll keep it on the down-low" she promised.
"thanks min," sam whispered, letting a smile break through finally. she often had moments like this. where it actually hit her.. she was going to have a baby with you.
"i'm so happy for you" kat whispered again.
"sam, katrina!" ante called out, "eyes up!"
training flew by for sam and the girls. not so much for you, who had been sitting in the hot sun. the cool breeze that would come past every few minutes and your water bottle were your only relief. 
"shit, it's hot" caitlin sighed, grabbing her water bottle from the cart. the girls began to gather around the bottle-carts, getting a drink after their drills. 
"i'm dying here" macca agreed, taking off her keeping gloves.
"bring it in girls!" sam clapped. she gathered the girls over by the playing bench where you were sitting, granting them all a moment of solace in the shade. "obviously, i know it's going to be a busy few months. we've got a world cup to go win, i know lots of you have commitments to other clubs too, so i just want to tell you that if you are struggling, make sure you come have a chat with me or with ante. i don't want anyone to feel like they can't come forward if they're not one-hundred percent, okay?"
the girls nodded as sam spoke, listening to what their captain was saying to them. "especially because next year i'll be a little preoccupied so i want you to talk to me now as much as you can" 
a few heads shot up. confused looked were shared between the girls.
but it was alanna that spoke up, "what?".
"because when y/n has the baby next january i might be a little busy" sam nodded, a smile breaking through her neutral exterior. 
"oh my god!" 
"are you fucking kidding?"
you and sam watched as the girls let the news set in. ellie had already ran over to you and engulfed you in a tight embrace. "holy shit! y/n!" she grinned, holding you tight. you laughed at her as other girls came over to say congratulations to you.
"thanks girls" you chuckled, leaning your head on ellie who still had a strong hold you on.
"i knew she wouldn't drag you out for nothing!" lydia smiled, giving sam a little shove.
"she didn't even wanna come!" sam yelled, throwing you under the bus.
"y/n! that’s low" clare held her hands up in the air, looking over at you now.
"she's a liar," you smirked, meeting clare's gaze.
"i can't believe it!" tameka brought sam in for a hug. "congrats guys" she looked back over to you afterwards.
"we're gonna have a baby!" alanna cheered, clapping her hands as mackenzie hugged her.
"i'm gonna be an aunty!" macca exclaimed.
"the kid's gonna have like twenty aunties" sam laughed, earning a few chuckles from the others.
"we’ll, i'll be her favourite so i don't mind" alanna shrugged, earning a glare from mackenzie.
as you looked around you realised how lucky your baby would be, because sam was right; they had twenty plus aunties ready to love them as soon as they was here.
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bluechocowitz · 7 years
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I had some free time to draw stuff during an exam, and it looked nice soo I digitalized it :D
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boyorchardoc · 2 years
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lil bit of shading prac w/ Aon 🦇🦄🦇
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softsketching · 4 years
That Spring Noon
For Ashlyn. 
Word Count: 2505 words
By the time that white blankets of snow melted to unearth the vibrant, green blades of grass underneath, your own heart had thawed. You sighed happily. Thanks to Suga's unrelenting kindness, the wounds from your first love's rejection slowly healed over. A seemingly humiliating experience had only deepened your friendship with Suga; you were beyond thankful for his camaraderie. But at some point, the feelings of gratitude he'd sowed in your heart sprouted into something that transcended the boundaries of friendship. With the amount of time you two spent together during that winter, you'd be a fool to deny the familiar yet paradoxically foreign feeling bubbling to the surface.
Stop it. He's just a friend. You shook your head, dispelling your thoughts. And he likes someone else anyway.
It'd taken you almost ten minutes to decide where to spread your yellow picnic blanket. You wanted to find the perfect spot to lay it down–somewhere underneath a tree with a significant radius of shade and surrounded by small spots of bright, white flowers. Luckily, the only people at the park today were a few little children and their parents, so finding an ideal location proved little challenge. After laying down both the blanket and your picnic basket, you checked the watch on your wrist. 11:40. Suga would probably arrive in five or so minutes, knowing him and his tendency to overdo everything. You smoothed down your white dress, then moved to pat your frizzy hair down with your fingers. A soft breeze picked up and ruffled at your skirts. Checking your watch again, you tugged at the hem of your clothing, waiting on Suga to arrive.
"Sorry I'm late," came the voice you most wanted to hear. "I think I went a little too far with prepping the side dishes." Bingo!
You tore your eyes away from the fabric of your dress and turned to face Suga. Today, he wore a light pink, long cardigan. You could see the outline of his sculpted body through his white undershirt, a fact that brought spots of heat to your face. When your eyes moved further down, you realized he was wearing the black jeans that you gave him as a Christmas present.
"How much did you prepare?" Your eyes quickly snapped back to his face as you feigned a laugh.
Suga gave a sheepish smile before plopping down across from you. "Just...this and that."
That day, the two of you joked around until both your sides split from laughter.
"You look like a hair stylist!" You cackled, watching Suga's mouth drop open in fake hurt. It was easier for you to make fun of his appearance than it was to admit that his outfit fit him perfectly, accentuating his toned body and contrasting perfectly with his fair skin.
"Are you kidding? This cardigan is great!" He retorted. "At least I don't look like-" Suga scanned your outfit with lovestruck eyes. What was he going to say to you, anyway? You looked beautiful today. The white dress you wore highlighted every dip and curve in your body, and he had to resist every urge to run his hands through your soft, silky hair.
"Like what, huh?" You laughed harder.
"Shut up," He blushed, tears of laughter brimming in your eyes. "let's just eat already!"
While jesting at each other, you both pulled out the insulated lunchboxes and thermoses stored in your picnic baskets, revealing the contents inside. The smokiness of charbroiled meat, the dance of steamed vegetables, and the earthy aroma of sesame seeds filled your nose as you and Suga uncapped the food. You two dove in.
"Try the meat with perilla leaves and this sauce, Y/N." Suga brought his lunchbox closer to yours, trapping bits of sauce-coated beef and vibrant, green perilla leaves between his chopsticks and bringing it to your own.
"Mah pwate ish fuh." You said.
The laugh that came out of Suga's mouth made your heart skip a beat. "Stop talking with your mouth full, dummy." He waited patiently for you to swallow your food before talking again.
"I'll just feed it to you then."
What? You must've heard that wrong.
"Say ah!" Suga's chopsticks approaching your mouth confirmed that what he said was definitely not a figment of your imagination. And for just that moment, you allowed yourself to succumb to the romantic feelings begging to burst open inside of you. Suga gently place the food onto your tongue, your eyes fluttering shut to imagine how lovely it'd be to have Suga by your side like this everyday–what it'd be like to be someone special to him.
Suga's heart pounded against his chest. So beautiful. At the first taste of the smoky combination of flavors, your eyes shot open. "Mmmm!!!"
Suga smiled and returned to eating his own food. It hadn't even been more than five minutes when...
"Wipe your mouth. There's sauce on it." He poked your forehead. You scrunched up your face in embarrassment. Taking a napkin from the picnic basket, you aggressively rubbed it against your lips.
"Oh my goodness, Y/N. I told you to wipe your mouth—not maul it."
You giggled, sticking your tongue out at the amused, gray-haired boy. "Alright, mom. Wipe it for me then."
The next turn of events passed by too quickly for you to properly recall them. All you could feel was the ghost of Suga's fingers swiping at your bottom lip. He'd closed in on you by then, the beauty mark below his brown eye fading into view as his hands cradled your face. Faint hints of strawberry wafted off of his skin as his thumb delicately wiped at the corner of your mouth. When Suga retreated back to his food, no words left your lips. Your chest tightened; your mind was spinning.
You knew that Suga's presence served as a catalyst that allowed your heartbroken wounds to heal faster. He helped you regain the confidence you'd lost post-confession, and with that confidence came newfound feelings of intimacy for him. But the fact of the matter was that speeding up the process of healing doesn't mean that you've fully recovered.
And when you open up a wound that hasn't healed over...
You gasped, freezing in your spot in Karasuno High's courtyard. In that moment, you could no longer feel Suga's warmth by your side. The world around you crumbled. You were face to face with your first love, eye contact unavoidable, longing eyes square against cold indifference. You were shaking. The thought of glancing over at the smaller figure next to him terrified you, but you did it anyway.
It was like a punch to the stomach, seeing your first love with his arms wrapped around another girl. All the confidence you'd built up over the course of the winter drained out of you at the sight of him and her, and in its place was the same freezing emptiness that choked the life out of your trembling body.
How long had it been since school started? A few months, maybe some months and a half? How long ago was your picnic with Suga? Two weeks, maybe two weeks and some change? Your grasp on time was shaky at best. All you knew right now was that you had to get away. So with a quick turn of your heel, you did.
Your pace was slow at first. You didn't bother turning around to see the look on anyone's face. But as soon as you were out of your first love's sight, you took off sprinting. You quickly pushed past groups of students chatting idly after school, asphalt and cleanly trimmed lawn blurring together to form streaks of grayish, green ground. You sniffled. Tears flooded the corners of your eyes, drowning your vision. Before you knew it, you'd tripped over your own feet, crashing onto the pavement with a hard thud. The impact had scraped both your elbows and your knees, but you couldn't feel the pain. You just needed to get away. Run. You hoisted yourself up off of the ground, tiny pebbles jamming into your palms, and made your way across the school, stopping only when you'd turned a corner that was devoid of students. Soft cries escaped you, rattling your entire body. You felt like the air in your lungs had been ripped out of you. Anger and disappointment churned in the depths of your stomach; you'd been swallowed whole by the plethora of negative emotions swirling dangerously inside.
"Y/N!" You looked to the side to see an out of breath Suga approaching you. The expression on his face told it all: you'd worried him so much that he chased after you.
"Suga?" You whispered. "why'd you follow me? You're gonna be late for prac-"
"It doesn't matter." He replied quickly.
"B-But it does. I was supposed to walk with you to the gym."
"It's okay." Suga said.
You wiped at your eyes aggressively. Seeing this, Suga sighed and inched closer to you. With the same kindness he'd shown you the day you were rejected, Suga ran his thumb across your closed eyes to wipe away stray tears, delicately, as if you were bound to break apart at any second.
"I'm here now..." He whispered. But unlike before, the bitterness in your heavy heart had all but consumed you.
"Don't be sad.." You heard him say.
"He's just one guy. You can do better..." Ha. How would you know? Frustration licked at your insides, and you flinched away from his tender touches. Suga scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
"You're lucky, Suga." You hiccuped.
"You're lucky that you're so perfect. Nobody would ever pass up on being with you."
Suga retracted his hands, taking a perplexed step back. Despite your own brain telling you to stop, you pushed forward with your distateful thoughts.
"Of course you think he's just another guy. You don't even know how painful it is to be in my position."
Stop. It isn't his fault.
Suga shook his head in an attempt to block your words. "That's not true. I understand."
"How could you get it?" The pointedness of your question left him speechless. "You have no idea what it's like to be rejected!" For some reason, the more you talked, the louder your voice grew. Suga hadn't done anything wrong. Matter of fact, he was the only reason you hadn't broken down from sadness that winter. But why? Why were you so frustrated at the gray haired boy who was oozing care for you? Why?
"You don't know that at all," came his uncharacteristically curt response. The air hung heavy around your skin.
"Really?" You said back. "Because the last time I checked, you haven't even had the guts to confess to the girl you like. You really think that you can understand how I'm feeling right now?"
Suga's jaw tensed, but his eyes remained on you. You couldn't breathe.
"Am I ugly?" You asked. Dull pains littered your body.
"Am I boring?"
"Am I stupid?"
He broke eye contact with you. "No."
"Then why, you cried, "don't I deserve to be loved?"
"You do."
"The person I wanted already rejected me, Suga!" A formidable distance had grown between you and Suga, both in physicality and in mentality. "Who could ever like someone like me?!" Tears streamed down your cheeks in huge bursts, obscuring your vision. Perhaps it was because of your tears that you couldn't see his own expression.
Suga was gnawing at his lip, his eyebrows furrowed as he burned holes into the ground. His brown eyes were telling their own story of hurt, confusion, and love, but you were blind, so blind. He looked up.
"Me. I would."
It was like the world stopped moving the moment he uttered those three words. You blinked your tears away, eyes widened in unadulterated shock.
"You say I don't know what rejection is like? I watched you, listened to you spill your feelings about him for two years." A thin layer of ice was beginning to coat Suga's voice. "I listened to you every night when you'd tell me why he was perfect for you. All those times you and I climbed onto the roof of my house to talk–I had to hear you tell me he's the one even when he treated you like crap. All I could do was comfort you when you cried and I-"
"I would like you—no, I do like you. I like you so much, Y/N! Why can't you...look at me like that?"
His voice shaking with desperation. "It's always been you."
Suga's eyes stung. He couldn't believe that he'd exposed his feelings for you this way. With just a few words, he'd ruined everything. Gone were the days where he could admire your laugh, your smile, your sparkling eyes. Your hugs, your voice, your platonic love. Your support, your jokes, your care. You were fading, fading because he couldn't hold his selfish feelings in. Fading because he overstepped his bounds. Fading because he could no longer deny his heart.
You couldn't think of any words to say. For years, you assumed that Suga was head over heels in love with some enigma. You never bothered invading his privacy, thinking he'd tell you when he was ready. But to think that the girl he'd been longing for, the girl he used to cry over during his lowest nights, the girl who dulled the twinkle in his eyes at just a mere mention of her...
was you?
Despite every feathery touch he'd leave on your hands, the overextended bear hugs he'd give you when you two were alone, the slight blush on his cheeks that only appeared when you were around, you were oblivious.
How could you not have figured it out?
"I might not know what it's like to get turned down after finding the courage to admit my feelings." Suga's breaths were uneven, wavering. "But to say that I haven't experienced what it's like to be rejected isn't right." The sound of his breaking voice made you want to rip out your ears.
"You rejected my love before I even had the chance to give it to you."
He shook his head then. You watched in agony as a single tear cascaded down your friend's loving face, your friend's loving face which was now twisted from the hurt. Your heart was in absolute shambles.
"I'll see you later" was the last thing Suga said to you before his back faded out of sight. The sound of his retreating footsteps rung in your ears. Regardless, no matter how much you wanted to move your feet and chase after him, you stayed glued to your spot.
Warm spring air slapped you in the face as you stared out into the open fields. The sun was supposed to be beating down on your wet face today, rays of light supposed to be tanning your uncovered skin. But you were stone cold, alone.
...you get a deeper scar.
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bad361 · 3 years
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portrait prac using sinix shading tips
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whittakerjodie · 4 years
Material Girl (13th Doctor X Reader)
Summary: The reader loves collecting all sorts of beautiful trinkets from their time travelling adventures. The Doctor starts to contribute. REQUESTED BY MEEEEEEE
A/N: the vibes are kinda all over the place w this one i think but here it is!
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: Explosions, but nothing super severe
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You didn’t just love shiny things; anything beautiful caught your eye and kept it for a long while. Part of you knew that you shouldn’t dedicate so much sentiment to material objects, but you couldn’t help yourself. The Doctor noticed your habit for keeping souvenirs when she’d barged into your room at 3 in the morning, yelling about a Silurian attack happening a few towns away. (She’d landed in the wrong month, but you were happy to see her nonetheless, as she was 2 weeks late picking you up for an adventure)
“Oh, this is from Atros!” She said with a smile, picking up a large necklace you’d purchased from the merchant-filled planet. It was glittering with dozens of unknown gems, all wrapped in a red metal native to the planet. It was one of many, many, many jewelry items you had, and it was only a small piece compared to the rest of the souvenirs you’d taken. 
“I know you said not to keep a bunch of stuff, because of the timelines and what not” You said. “But I’m not showing it to anybody, I promise. I just… like having it all, I suppose.” 
The Doctor put the necklace back carefully, thinking as her eyes scanned over the rest of your impressive collection. After a minute and a quick scan of her sonic screwdriver at a particularly suspicious looking item, she turned back to you. “It’s alright, then. Didn’t ever realize you kept so much. Is it just for memories sake?” 
She had taken a seat on the edge of your bed, peering down at you curiously. Propping yourself on your elbows, you responded: “That’s part of it, yeah, but I guess the aesthetics play into it as well.” 
“It’s pretty,” You clarified. The Doctor grinned, like she’d thought of something brilliant. 
“Fair enough. You should get some rest. I’ll be back soon.” Despite your protests on account of her tardiness, she ran back into her magic blue box and it began to disappear, sending her away from you. Fluffing your pillow up with an annoyed huff you layed back down, eyes remaining fixated on your beautiful trinkets as you waited for them to close. 
It was another week before the Doctor arrived again. Every day you tried to incorporate a bit of alien accessories into your outfit, choosing the most human-like ones so you didn’t raise suspicions. Colors and designs didn’t matter, but some of them had a tendency to be secret weapons or glow in unnatural ways. The last thing you needed was questions being asked and the Doctor taking your prizes away. 
After work one day, you set the pair of sparkling star-shaped earrings, cut out of Etherian sunstone, onto the shelf where you kept everything else. You stared at the pair for several moments, lips stretching into a small smile at their beauty, which was only accessible to you and you alone. Was it selfish of you to keep such things to yourself? You didn’t care to consider things like that for very long. As long as you were appreciating them properly… that’s what mattered. 
The familiar whorp whorp of the TARDIS broke through the air and your lips stretched farther into a full grin. She was late, again, but you found it hard to complain when each trip yielded such wonderful experiences and treasures. You could hear her stomping around the living room, looking for you. 
“In here!” You called. Weeks ago, you would’ve scolded yourself for being so bold as to invite her into your bedroom, but you missed her so much, and you were sure she wouldn’t take notice of the implications. Sure enough, the door was thrown open eagerly. You stepped back from the mirror; You’d gotten dressed again, in pajamas. However, you still managed to add a little extra ‘something’ , a ring made out of resin encasing the ashes of a dead star. It was still beautiful, but in a sad way. It was a privilege to own it, knowing that each particle of ash had once belonged to a collective marvel. When you saw it in the shop, you couldn’t not buy it. 
The Doctor gasped when her eyes fell upon it, immediately pulling your hands into her own. “Wow!” She gasped, turning your hand over. “That looks like… hmm.. Seems like the remains of Sotonus-97!” 
“You can tell by looking?” You asked in awe, blushing as she kept your hand held tightly in her own despite finishing her examination. She nodded, then reached into her back pocket. 
“Close your eyes” You did as you were told, eyebrow raising out of curiosity. The Doctor giggled softly, something that made your heart flutter. Then, your senses focused on the weight that she was setting into your palm. 
“Alright, open them” Once again following the Doctor’s orders, you let your eyes flutter open, and they landed on one of the most beautiful bracelets you’d ever seen in your life. A loud, shocked gasp escaped you as you glanced over the polished gold, curved into a ring that the Doctor could easily slip onto your wrist. All across the surface of the bracelet was a tightly woven abstract piece of circles and lines- you recognized it as the text that littered the TARDIS monitors and ceilings. 
“Doctor… wow” You whispered, running your finger across the bracelet's surface. The Timelord kept her eyes on you, gauging your reaction to the gift. She let out a small sigh as she realized the reception was positive, the edge of her lips twitching upwards. 
“I assume you like it?” She asked. You chuckled; clearly you did, but the Doctor could always use the extra affirmation. 
“Of course, Doctor” You reassured her, setting your hand on her cheek. The two of you froze, smiles not faltering but not exactly growing either. The bracelet felt a lot heavier against your skin, pulling you down and yet doing so little to ground you back into reality. Did you really just do that? Realizing that every second you were panicking was another awkward moment of your hand caressing her, you let it fall back to your side.
“I-I got it from the Patraxus system. They let you engrave anything.” 
“What does it say?” You wondered, tracing the patterns. The Doctor leaned back, scratching the back of her head with an awkward stretch of her lips. 
“It doesn’t exactly have an english equivalent,” You nodded, accepting her answer despite something in the back of your head recognizing her lie. The Doctor wasn’t always honest about some things, particularly related to her past and people, and you knew not to push it. 
“It’s absolutely beautiful either way. Thank you, really!” 
“Don’t have to thank me. Always happy to share bits of the universe. Figured I owed you for being so late, anyway. Speaking of that- were you about to sleep? I can always leave and come back” 
Realizing she was planning on whisking you away, you glanced at your closet. You could find something else to wear. “Don’t you dare. I’ll get changed, and then I fully expect you to surprise me.” 
Not that she ever failed at that. 
When you got changed out of your pajamas and quicikly drank a cup of coffee to keep yourself awake for whatever the Doctor had in store, you pushed open the door of the big blue box residing in your living room. The space-time machine gave a pleasant whirrr as you entered, the crystal columns growing a brighter shade of orange. In the corner of the room, Yaz and Ryan were talking with each other. Graham was nowhere in sight, and the Doctor was fidgeting at the console. 
“Hey guys, what’s up?” 
“Little tired,” Ryan said with a shrug. “Graham decided to skip out on this one, don’t think he appreciates getting his sleep interrupted that much. Hey- what’s that?” 
Noticing his gaze was focused on the Doctor’s gift, you lifted your wrist so he could examine it closer. His eyebrows raised as the gold glowed under the lights of the TARDIS. “Wicked. Where’d you get that one from?” 
“I got it from the Doc actually! Said she owed me for being so late.” Yaz scoffed and crossed her arms, taking her own turn gawking at the garment. 
“We didn’t get anything” 
“You didn’t?” 
“Maybe a quick half-assed apology, but certainly not something like this!” Ryan complained. Suddenly, your cheeks felt *very* warm. Why would the Doctor give you something and not them? Maybe it was easier to find gifts for you because of your collection habits? Or… your mind toyed with another, more romantic idea. Yaz and Ryan seemed to be following the same thread, and they smirked. 
“Well.. I’m sure it's just something she thought would look cool in my collection!” You offered quickly. They shared a look before rolling their eyes, dragging you over to the console so you could help them convince the Doctor to take the three of you to Paris (a trip you’d all been trying to organize for some time- it was hard to decide on what time period to visit) 
The gifts didn't stop at the bracelet; it seemed as though, after showing her your collection, she became quite invested in contributing to it. Even if you weren’t accompanying her on an adventure, she would find something for you to add. It wasn't like you could refuse- each and everyone was beautiful beyond description and begged to be cherished properly. 
“Do you need new shelves or anything?” The Doctor asked. Setting your hairbrush down on your dresser, you turned your head towards her. She was adding a few gemstones to your collection, frowning. There was no longer any space on any surface in your room to house more trinkets. 
“Oh. Guess I didn’t realize they were getting that crowded,” You said with a laugh. The Doctor grinned and pocketed the stones, sitting on your bed. The sight made your heart sing a little. Not the time, you reminded yourself. 
The TARDIS had taken quite the hit earlier in the day, while the five of you were getting chased by aliens. The Space-time machine was currently refueling, and Yaz and Ryan had practically thrown the Doctor at you for the night. Now the two of you were alone in your flat, staying up far too late. The Doctor didn’t sleep much, you knew that, but it felt like if you gave into your urge to sleep you’d miss out on time with her. And one-on-one encounters didn’t happen as much as you wanted them too. 
“You alright, Y/N?” The time lord asked. You nodded and she reached over to pull your blanket back, fluffing your pillow. “Think it might be time for you to sleep. Graham gave me a mouthful for interrupting his so much… Sometimes I forget how much of it you lot need.” 
“Not really tired,” You protested, but a yawn contradicted your already weak argument. The Doctor raised a brow and patted the mattress beside her. Unable to go against the Doctor’s orders you lower yourself onto the soft surface. She pulled the comforter back over you, tucking you in. 
“I’ll be in the living room if you need me. Sleep well!” As she stood, your hand caught her wrist, a million thoughts running through your head. “Y/N?” 
“Stay?” realizing how desperate you sounded, you cleared your throat and tried the request again. “Will you stay? Just for a bit? We don’t get many moments like this is all” 
The Doctor blinked, surprised, then nodded and returned to her spot. “Like this?” 
“Well, that’s fine, but you can lie down if you want too,” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but it was better that way; then she couldn’t hear how much it trembled from nervousness. She slowly laid down on her side, facing you with a curious look in her eye. 
“Do you want a bedtime story?” It was too hard to fight your laugh, and the timelord rolled her eyes playfully. “I’ll have you know I’m ace at them. Dad skills. Or- mum skills? No, definitely dad skills. Not that it matters” 
“I just wanted to talk for a bit I suppose” 
“About what?” the Doctor whispered, eyes never leaving yours. 
Before the Doctor could choose from her infinite options, there was a loud bang from across your flat, followed by an orchestra of destruction. The Doctor’s reflexes were a lot quicker than yours and she shot up from the bed just as you processed that anything had occurred. There were several loud footsteps coming closer and a deafening grumbling voice. 
The aliens from earlier. The Doctor stepped into the hallway, switching into Oncoming Storm mode. You finally came to your senses and you got to your feet, looking around the room for something to grab to use as a makeshift weapon. 
“How’d you manage to escape the time loop?” The Doctor demanded to know. When you saw motion out of the corner of your eyes they dropped downward. The Doctor was motioning towards the window, the action just out of the aliens sights. 
Even without following instruction and heading towards the window, you knew any efforts would be in vain. You had no fire escape close by your window and it was too high of a drop for you to make without breaking something, which you preffered to avoid doing. 
When the Doctor didn’t hear the window open she glanced at you quickly, asking why you weren’t doing as you were told with her eyes. You shook your head and she pursed her lips in understanding. Then, her eyes went wide and she quickly dashed back into the room, slamming the door and throwing one of your dressers to the floor in front of it. 
Milliseconds after she did so, the door began to shake as the aliens pounded their fists against it, demanding entrance. The Doctor threw the window open and then her hand landed on your shoulder and pulled you downward onto the floor. Behind the door, you could hear a sinister beeping begin and the Doctor tugged on your shirt, frantically crawling underneath the bed. This time, you were able to follow orders. 
As soon as you were under the bed safely, the Doctor’s arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly to her chest. It was hard to enjoy the position when the beeping was getting louder by the second until there was a sudden wave of force pushing against you. The door gave way easily to the bomb that the aliens had placed behind it, and the splinters of wood shot across the room. Thankfully, nothing hit you, as you happened to be receiving full-body protection from an alien that was a lot less violent than the ones stepping past the destroyed door. 
The Doctor pressed you even tighter to her still as a whimper made it’s way past your lips, her fingers tangling themselves in your hair. “Don’t make a sound” 
You nodded against her embrace, shutting your eyes to make the effort easier. The aliens were stepping all around your room, throwing your belongings all over to examine them. One of the aliens reached the window, and they grunted, annoyed. By opening the window, the Doctor had let them believe that you’d already escaped. 
“Let’s leave,” One of the aliens hissed. “Clearly this place is of no use to us. The humans will pay for their disobedience.” 
Several grunts followed, and then their footsteps retreated into the distance. Just when you found yourself feeling safe enough to open your eyes, the same menacing beep started up again, coming from what seemed to be multiple sources. The Doctor smoothed your hair behind your ear, eyes wide. 
“I think we need to run, now!” Running was the status quo, but it was a lot harder to run from your own home. The two of you rolled out from underneath the bed on different sides, meeting up in the middle of the room to begin your escape. Grabbing your hand, the Doctor dragged you through your flat. All along the floor there were small black boxes, glowing red and beeping. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have a back door by any chance?” The Doctor yelled over the looping noise. You descended the stairs to the floor below. 
“One, another flight down!” The two of you raced to the back door, and you silently prayed that the bombs would be weak enough to not harm any of the other residents of the building. The Doctor kicked the door open, pulling the two of you into the outdoors. 
The move was rushed and the two of you awkwardly fell to the ground just in time to watch the force from the bombs reduce your windows to dust. Flames branched out from all of the brand new holes in your home, burning into the back of your eyes. The Doctor covered you with her body again, shielding you from falling debris. 
Twenty five minutes and a conversation with the fire chief later, you were left standing outside of your destroyed flat, waiting for the others to show up and help the Doctor and you hunt the aliens down again. A shiver ran through your body as a sharp wind moved through the air, and soon there was a sleek fabric draped over your shoulders. 
“Sorry about everything” The Doctor murmured, no longer wearing her signature coat. It was hard to think of something to say; after all, you had just lost all of your belongings and the only place outside of the TARDIS that you could call home. Understanding why you didn’t respond, the Doctor slowly eased an arm around your shoulder to comfort you. “I’d be happy to find you another flat- or a house, if you preferred. And clothes, too. The TARDIS could probably recreate half your closet using your memories alone!” 
“It’s not those things, I suppose… I talked to the fire chief. There’s only a little bit of my collection left.”  You revealed, voice thick and wavering. The Doctor sighed and hugged you tighter, reaching for your hand. You were still wearing the golden bracelet she gave you weeks ago. She smiled down at it, giving your hand a comforting squeeze. 
“We’ll just have to collect a lot more, then. Tell you what- from now on, we’re not leaving a single planet until we have at least 2 items for the collection, I promise. 3, even! How does that sound?” 
Spirits lifting with the help of her cheerful tone and eagerness to make you happier, you couldn’t help but mirror her smile. “Sure, Doc, that sounds great” 
You leaned to your side to press a kiss to her cheek. When you pulled back, the skin was pink, her eyes crinkling as her smile transformed into a grin. Voices called out your names and the two of you turned, seeing Ryan, Yaz, and Graham running towards you. 
“Come on then,” You murmured to the time lord. “Let’s get rid of these guys and then start working on that promise of yours, yeah?” 
As the Doctor pulled the two of you back into action, you didn’t bother looking back. There would be time to mourn efficiently later. For the moment, all you needed to focus on was the woman holding your hand. After all, no matter what treasures you collected or lost, the greatest one was always the Doctor
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haechanmochi · 5 years
STRAY KIDS AS DADS - hyung line
absolute expert
claims to have years of experience after dealing with skiz
dad jokes are just flying around all day
cooks home made meals for the kids for every game and after-school activity they have
the favourite parent but scolds the kids when they say this out loud cause he hates the thought that you might be hurt by it
in all honesty, it didn't bother you because the mental child in you also chose him as the favourite
gets very protective of his children in the presence of slightest danger especially if it's something involving his daughter
and even more protective of you
"come closer baby, I don't like the way he's looking at you and my jellybean"
works overtime five days week which makes you mad
doesn't want to fight when you bring it up because he loves you
also doesn't want the kids to be worried
pulls you to his chest and holds tight until you stop complaining and apologises frantically when you start tearing up
"don't cry love, please (y/n). I'll come home before midnight from now on okay?"
"before 11:30?"
"fine before 11:30", he'd agree
carries you to bed and leaves to kiss the kids goodnight
you hear his soft voice, a few minutes later singing 'one for the fame, one for the game'
he'd come to you after a shower and bathe you in kisses
Very playful in bed and always jokes about making more and more chan juniors
Likes being called Daddy Christopher but he'd fall asleep before you could even form a sentence
very very caring
teaches them everything he knows
a huge goof that loves to mess with you and joins the kids in pranking you
and does his cute laugh when you get pranked
resulting in you scolding him and the kids both and grounding minho to a hug-free day
will whine about it and complain to the kids
eventually he'll come and backhug you while you cook
he helps out in the kitchen but you prefer he sleep
because he's a mess of laughs and giggles
does his sexual American dance impersonation on all the furniture (when the kids aren't home)
makes you mad but still makes you laugh 24/7
softly cuddles into you when you ignore him
"(y/n), how about another junior (your-ship-name)" wiggles eyebrows cutely (cause that's his talent)
watches you turn a shade of light red and laughs loud in his high pitch giggles
runs his fingers through your hair and dips down to kiss your soft lips
slowly gets up and takes you to the bedroom, shuts the door and the rest is history
you watch him during daance pracs as he moves, so flexibly
catches you staring and winks
totally the dad to always want to take family pictures
"enough now dad"
"no (y/ child's/ n), just a few more, you look like you're asleep in that one"
insanely protective, to a violent point, of you and the children.
"get your hands off of her you trash" - "minho, calm down, he let go now"
"who the fuck gave you the right to grab my WIFE like that" - "minho let's leave"
throws a punch at the pervert and glares him down Oh if looks could kill
the children cheer on dad from the car
"no bad man will ever hurt you guys or your beautiful mother", he tells them
you both kiss them goodnight back home
he gives you a piggyback to your room, sets you down on the bed and crawls in next to your face, so so close
tells you you're the most capable and beautiful mother
Angry rapper dad?
Heck No, aegyo dad is more like it
All the kids' friends are kind of afraid of him
"Your dad looks like he wants to punch everyone"
But behind that mask is a softie who loves his children to pieces and bits
Reads them stories in his dark clear voice but does cute impersonations of all the characters
Raps to them when he feels like showing off yet also has an angelic voice which he uses to sing them to sleep on the occasion that you're unable to
Takes care of things when you're sick; can cook to an extent
The kids love you both equally
He's very gentle with you despite his DARKNESS
Very gentle and loving in bed too
Doesn't like it when the kids disobey you or talk wrong about you "Hey, I heard that!", "your mother works hard to make sure you have a good future. She loves you and this is what you have to say?", "apologize to your mother".
"Sorry Omma" You smile at his defensiveness and hug your babies to your chest
Babies includes Changbin
Fools around too but only when you're around When you're not he's pretty quiet but the kids have a great bond with him
Your kids know how to rap to Matryoshka; The whole family jams to 3RACHA
Raises very hyper and obedient kids who love theatrics, art and sports equally.
If he has a daughter, he will protecc at all costs.
"We can't let her walk that far are you crazy, (Y/N)?"
"Changbin she's three and she's on the front porch, on her way to garden that has all around fencing"
"Prevention is better than cure" he mumbles under his breath making you laugh
You bet that your son/s will want an eyebrow slit as cool as their dad's.
Inevitably raises some smart kids - Intelligent, cocky like their father, really chill too
Loves you more than anything and loves to show it when the kids are at school
"Come let's dance" - puts a slow song on and comes back to hold your waist and kiss you. Rubs his hands gently on your arms and down your back.
Whispers how much he loves you and slyly whispers what he wants for dinner in your ear
Making you giggle and bury your face into his shoulder "I love you Daddy Beanie"
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aneesaprice · 3 years
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This day 2019 - our last pre-Covid family vacation to the Maldives. This was hands down the most mind-blowing lunch I’ve ever had - 5.8 meters below the sea, enclosed in a glass structure so that you’re literally sitting in a magical underwater world. It all starts with a bit trip to the island with hubby followed by a walk across the sea and down spiral staircases as we watched the waterline rise then disappear. The restaurant is a marvel of light and shades of blue. I expected Poseidon to pop by but he sent loads of colorful reef fish instead to greet us. The food was delicious, service faultless and going to a fine dining establishment in shorts and without shoes on, suited my hubby just fine. I’ve been so bad with posting and messages etc - I’ve been catching up with “settling in a new country tasks” now that Covid restrictions have lifted a bit and we can complete those chores. Plus, there’s been some work done on the house and I’ve had a surprising amount of theory and prac prep at the cookery school. I’ve got my first term’s final exam tomorrow and our final prac exam on Thursday. Then, off for a week and a short trip to the highlands. My first time in the highlands and I can’t wait. I’ve heard so many wonderful descriptions of the Scottish highlands and lochs. I’ve still got stacks of photos to go through and post but I plan to do a bit of that next week and to catch up on messages too. For now, a quick post then back to the books. 📚 . . . #edinburghfoodie #edinburghfoodblog #ukfoodblog #culinarystudent #travelmemories #maldives #58undersearestaurant #undersea #restaurant #foodiememories #foodiegram #restaurantgram (at 5.8 Undersea Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_70hHDc40/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloggvalley · 4 years
"Relaxing Before Practice": Dhawan Cools Down In The Shade
“Relaxing Before Practice”: Dhawan Cools Down In The Shade
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IPL 2020: Shikhar Dhawan is Delhi Capitals’ highest scorer this season.© BCCI/IPL
Shikhar Dhawan posted a picture in his Instagram stories where he is seen relaxing on a bench and captioned it “relaxing before prac (practice).” Dhawan is the second highest scorer in Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 with 471 runs from 12 matches. He also became the only batsman to hit hundreds in two…
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