#so i can go to the bookstore and see if anything interesting popped up
saccharinerose · 10 months
feels so good to be reading a decent book again.
stayed up late last night reading and im tired
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agusrkive · 4 months
Good Friend Ackerman
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‘what she doesn’t know, won’t kill her. right?’
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summary: Levi as your good friend who’s been secretly pining over you for years
cw: mild nsfw, whipped levi
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you always wonder why your suitors disappear after the first date or even a few potential admirers that would suddenly lose interest after a few hangouts like “hey, I really enjoyed today and I wanna see you again.. call you later tonight?” or “let’s go see that exciting film tomorrow that you told me about last week! i’ll pick you up at 10~ xoxo” then boom! no calls, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable~ blah-bla-blah, cell is blocked, and no sign of Connie Springer from the bookstore.
“I really thought this one was into me, Levi.”
the raven just shrugged before sipping his tea. he ignored you, but the smug look on his face says otherwise. you rolled your eyes at him and he scoffed. he never really misses anything and that’s one of the traits you admire about him. though it sometimes irritates you with how sharp he is that you can never be sneaky with him. talk about multiple backfired pranks and earfuls from the devil himself, but you always managed to get away only because he lets you.
“what? don’t look at me like that. he was the one who initiated it and he said he’d pick me up, I thought he was just late. but there we’re no calls.”
“I think he blocked me.. oh no! what if something happened to him!? Levi, what do we do?!”
it’s his turn now to roll his eyes at you, shaking his head at your dramatic exaggeration. after being friends with you for years, that’s one thing that he’ll never get used to and he’ll never get tired of too. he thinks it’s cute, but he’ll never admit that to you. knowing you’ll never shut up about it and he knows you damn well enough to know that he’ll never hear the end of it with your annoying teasing.
“brat, calm down. maybe it’s a good thing he suddenly disappeared, you don’t even know him that well.”
you gave him a deadpan look.
“that’s exactly what a second date is for! to get to know him better, idiot!”
he flicks your forehead while giving you a headlock. he’s always too fast and you didn’t see it coming. you thought of flailing your arms for release or fake fainting, but knowing his strength and how you always lose to him. he will only let go once you say sorry, but that would only feed his unnecessary ego that he doesn’t need anyway. you try to think of anything, then an idea pops up in your head. a very stupid, childish idea. gathering all your strength, you wrapped your hands tightly around his grip on you as a distraction. then you pushed your behind into him very very hard.
you heard a moan.
and you both freeze—
for a moment, none of you uttered a single word.
then you realize what just happened, he didn’t just— no.. did he? oh god. it seems like Levi realized it too when he suddenly releases his hold and backed away from you as if you were a hot molten lava, which you feel like you are right now with how much your face is burning. involuntary, your hands reached up to cover your reddening face. you are still frozen in your spot.
“shut up”
Levi lets out a grunt as he clutches his crotch in an almost crouching position. he was shocked when you pulled that stunt and all he could do was freeze. you are so stupid, how could you even think of that?he wanted to get mad at you, but he knows he couldn’t.. he’s too whipped and when you pushed into him so hard, he felt it everywhere, you. your ass on him, your plump ass against his dick that is now hard.. it felt so good.
Levi tries to think of anything than the thought of your ass against him, against his hard d- he closes his eyes and sighs trying to calm himself. pissed at himself for getting a hard raging boner that he has to take care of now, pissed at the fact that you know he got a boner because of you and he’s a little embarrassed. you’re still there in front of him with your back facing him and that ass.. Levi looks away, anywhere but your ass. his face flushed and you won’t even look at him, it’s better that way. of course what did he think?
he hates himself for being so horny like a stupid teenager and poor you, now you’ll probably look at him weirdly like how could he? someone who you thought of as a friend and even as an older brother had a reaction to you like that? although he doesn’t see you as a little sister, but you didn’t know that. did you?
pt. 2
the disappearance of connie springer
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yeeterthek33per · 10 months
New Beginnings and Interesting Reads
Mary Fowler x Reader
Requested by Anon
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Honestly, she'd thought she could get away with not stopping to check on the little red light on her dash. It was just blinking so incessantly that she wanted desperately to have it just go away.
Who would have thought the great Mary Fowler, Australian Matildas Footballer, was one to ignore her car screaming at her until it forced her to pull over.
So now, she was stuck on foot, walking around a tiny ass town on the outskirts of Manchester after having it towed to the local mechanic. It wasn't tiny tiny, after all, there was, in fact, a mechanic.
There were a few dotted shops here and there, and there was a main street with a couple of grocery stores and various goods and services fronts. One that, for some reason, stood out to her was a rustic little two storey building. Standing out from the modernised concreting of the other stores surrounding it.
As she walked up to the door, she could see it was a bookstore. Books were lining the windows of varying conditions and colours.
The Rugged Pages.
Huh. Seems like something from a fantasy universe. Perfect way to kill time.
A little bell chimes when she steps in the store with a little push of the door. It's only a few seconds before a smiling employee greets her from behind one the many book laden wooden shelves.
She greets the employee back but doesn't really get a good look at them because she's too preoccupied looking around at the interior of the place.
It's a much bigger interior than she expected. Instead of a full second floor, there's a balcony that wraps around the outer walls and a set of what looks like mahogany stairs leading up from the far left. The centre of it opens up to peer into the upper ceiling and the walls of bookshelves that line the balcony.
There's dozens of shelves downstairs, with varying genres of books and age grouped stories. Starting with the kids' section towards the front and the more adult esque reads towards the far wall.
The oak counter is sat towards the far right of the back wall, a doorway just set in behind it leading in to what Mary assumes is a back/storage room.
"Is there anything I can help you with, miss?"
The accent is shockingly familiar to the aussie. A smile creeps onto her face as she gets a full look of the person behind the australian accent.
Shoulder-length hair pulled up into a high bun with a midlength undercut that looks like it hasnt been shaved down in a few weeks. A pair of plastic framed country road glasses sit on your face, and you're wearing a loose-fitting red flannel shirt tied at the waist with a browny looking red shirt underneath. It's paired together with some black jeans and a pin tacked to the outer pocket on your flanno. The pin has your name on it surrounded by intricate metal flows and vines.
It reads "Hi! My name is Y/n."
"Hey, no, I'm all good, just browsing."
You nod softly with a small smile. You tilt your head back towards where you're loading a big box of books onto some of the smaller shelves designed for kids towards the front of the store.
"Let me know if you need anything."
Mary nods softly before moving to peruse one of the shelves in with it marked 'LGBTQIA+'.
The shelf is lined with varying titles and fronts. There's markers every few books. 'MLM' 'WLW' 'Bisexual Romance' 'Chaotic Ace' (That one makes her snicker a little) 'WLW Mystery' and many other categories. She picks out a title that sticks out to her. 'The Shattered Lands' by Brenda Nation. Perfect, that will do.
She peruses a bit longer in other sections but eventually makes her way to the counter where you pop out from your spot, loading books up.
"Ah, the Shattered Lands, that's a good read. From tiktok?" A little confused, Mary shakes her head.
"No, I.. I just thought it might be interesting." You raise your brow slightly. A smile pulls at your lips.
"I'm glad then. The only time anyone buys this one is if they're fans of the author from tiktok. It's nice to see someone pick it up for the genuine interest. It was a good one to read. If you have the time, there's a little reading corner just by the window if you like."
Mary glances over. It's a comfy little nook with couches and multiple cushions, both on the floor and on the seating. She is killing time at the moment, and she mentions as such, agreeing to stay for a bit to read the book. It was gonna be a few hours before she had to go get her car again. The mechanic said she'd call Mary when the car was fixed. She's lucky. She's got a few days yet before she has anything she needs to do urgently.
"Actually, I might take you up on that offer, I'm stuck here til my car gets fixed, so I've got plenty of time to kill."
You nod in understanding, "Make yourself comfy." As you gesture to the lounge area.
She manages to bury herself into the book for about an hour, various people coming and going, some regulars that she hears you greet with a warm smile and playful tone, most new customers travelling through looking for some quick picks to read on their travels, which you greet with a bright smile and help guide them to what they're looking for.
Eventually, though, she's left feeling a little stiff and eventually gets up to wander the shelves. She finds you reading a book yourself at the counter, having completed stacking any new deliveries for the day. You look up at her as she does so, eyes following her over the top of the pages.
"So what's got you coming through here? Travelling from home? Doesn't sound too much like you're from around this area."
Her eyes crinkle with a laugh as she approaches and sits on one of the stools placed underneath the countertop.
"No, I'm just in from Manchester, I live and work there for eight months out of the year, I am from Australia though, just moved for the job, I take it you were too?"
You nod, "Little podunk set of towns in NSW. Moved up north for the opportunity with a business partner of mine. Ended up owning this place instead. Plus, the women's soccer is nice to have available to watch."
Mary blushes a little at that. Did you know?
You chuckle a little, blushing a bit yourself, oops. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't wanna call you out like that. I knew who you were, just didn't wanna bring it up on you, keep work at work, that kind of thing."
She laughs at that, shaking her head.
"Honestly, thank you for that. It's nice to have a little time to myself without any professionalism. Don't worry, though. You had me fooled for a good bit."
Your eyes sparkle with a little playfulness. "Happy to be of service, m'lady." Before continuing. "How're you liking the book so far?"
Mary, to her credit, actually had been enjoying the book, but she couldn't sit still long enough to read anymore.
"It's been pretty good, I got up to the bit about Sapphire going to find the red-haired witch in the forest to ask about what she might know about her origins."
"Ah, you're in for a treat then. The book keeps you on your toes, though."
"Right? There are so many twists already."
"But I'm guessing you're getting a little fidgety there?"
Her nose scrunches up a little, and she sheepishly nods. "Not much of a sitter I've come to discover."
You nod, biting your lip a little. "Would you wanna take a walk around town for a bit? I've got a lunch break for an hour or so. I figured, since you've time and all."
You pause to wait for a bit before backtracking again, a little flustered. "Not that you have to, I just thought you might wanna get out of here for a bit. Come look at some of the cafes with me."
Mary smiles and nods a little more enthusiasticly than she likes. "Absolutely, of course, but I wouldn't want to take up your time."
"Absolutely not, I'm offering. I kinda wanna learn more about you."
She smiles back, nodding, and you begin grabbing your stuff before leading her out of the store and locking the place up temporarily with an "on break" sign posed in the window.
You walk beside her for a few blocks, chatting idly about the town and its aspects. "There's a few places I go to when I forget to buy food for work, which today happens to be one of those days."
You lead her to a cozy little coffee shop. Inside, it's a bit warmer, and the smell of brewing liquid life permeates the air. You nod at the barista working the register. "That's Em, my most likely future best man."
Emily looks up at you as you enter. "Look who it is, ratbag. In for the morning usual?"
You shake your head amused, "Yeah, Em, and another one for the new girl."
"Hi, how are you? I'm Emily."
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm doing pretty good, keeping this one busy, it seems."
"I'm showing her the good places to hit up in town, just getting coffee first. How do you want your coffee?"
Mary gives her order to Em, who starts working on the two beveridges right away. As you wait, she asks about the reason in particular for this town.
"Cause she can't get enough of this!" Emily yells out from behind the machine.
You roll your eyes at the barista. "Nah, you're a pain in the ass."
"You love this ass."
"Too much sometimes, honestly, why are we friends again?"
She gives you a mock offended look, clutching at invisible pearls.
You chuckle and turn back to the striker beside you. "The opportunity was there. The place was cheap, and a quick fix. Plus, the people here are okay."
Emily interjects, waving you both over.
"Actually, the people here are really nice. This one's just an asshole." She winks at Mary as she says it.
"Don't listen to her. She's just jealous cause she can't get a date in a town with a population of two hundred."
Mary raises a brow at that.
"A date?"
You flush quickly realising what you said. "I mean, it was more of a-"
"Nice going sweetheart'."
You whip your head around at the girl behind the counter. "Shut up."
Mary's head tilts back in a laugh. "If you wanted this to be a date, all you had to do was ask."
Your mouth drops open at that, and Emily laughs at your expression. Mary smirks as she picks up her drink and walks to the door, gesturing for you both to keep moving.
"I like this one, keep her around for me!"
Em calls after you, and you turn to glare at the blonde.
This woman certainly has you on your toes.
Your cheeks are basically pinker than they've ever been but you follow regardless, a little sheepish if anything.
You rub at your neck as you both slowly stroll around the corner, away from view. "Sorry about that, I just kind of assumed and I-"
"Ask me."
You look up at her confused.
"Ask me, you want it to be a date, ask me."
Your bite your lower lip trying to hold back from a massive grin.
"Will you join me in this fine, fine hour and go on a date with me?"
Your head does a double take before the girl chuckles and shakes her head.
"I'm kidding, of course I will."
You sigh in relief. You didn't wanna miss this opportunity. She's gorgeous, she plays your favourite sport for a living, she likes to read and she lives relatively close to you. It's nice not to have to be stuck in a one sided long distance relationship. Woah, hold your horses, hasn't gotten that far yet.
"Great, then I've got a great place we can go to, just give me a few minutes while I go lock up for the day, a half hour isn't long enough to be honest."
You're gone for about ten minutes, and you come back to Mary back inside the cafe, chatting with your friend.
"Hey, sorry about that, ready to go?"
Mary nods, and Emily waves you both goodbye.
She slips her arm around yours. You're slightly shorter than her, so it's a little weird at first, but you eventually settle into the hold.
You both walk to another section of town. There, you bring her to a place that looks like a little sandwich shop with a massive arcade attached to it. You tell her about your first encounter here. The place looked decent and turned out to be pretty good. Good enough that you were back on the regular.
"Hey, Y/n, usual today?"
Georgie greets you from behind the register.
"Not today, I'm with someone for a few hours."
"Ah, gotcha. What would you like love?"
Mary hums for a second, browsing over the menu. You watch as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth for a second, and you realise you're staring when she looks back at the cashier. "I'll have a number 12 and a water, please." "Coming right up, hon, and for you L/n?"
"I'll take a number 5 today, please."
"No mayo, extra pickles with a sunkist?"
"You got it."
"16 pound 50 today love."
You're quick to jump in and tap your card before Mary pulls her phone out. She pouts at you, and you chuckle. "I asked you out."
"Only because I told you to." You stick your tongue out at that cheekily. "I wanted to."
Your food comes quickly, and you find a table in the corner, away from the door and any large windows.
The food is amazing as per usual, and the look on Mary's face agrees with that from her first bite. The food is always good here.
"Good, right?"
She groans, "You're kidding, right? How do they make sandwiches taste so good?"
You chuckle and shrug, "No idea, must be that southern English love."
"I swear my nutritionist is gonna kill me, that and my bank account."
"Yeah, I tend to avoid this part of town most days because if I even get close to this place, I can't resist a good teriyaki chicken club."
You finish your food and drinks, and you pull her up with a giddy grin as you lead her into the arcade and grab a loaded up card from your pocket.
"The food is amazing, but the games are pretty close. Come on, I wanna see what we can win today."
You spend the better part of two hours in there, ranging from a basketball hoop shooter to the Mario Kart racer. Turns out, Mary is really good at arcade games. And it turns competitive quite a few times.
In the end, you come away with a combined 2000 tickets.
Which is honestly pretty good for two people in that amount of time. With that, you both pick out a few lollies and a stuffed bear in a soccer uniform, which you all too happily hand over to her. (*It may have cost a few thousand more than you actually earned, but she doesn't need to know that you dipped into your saved tickets for it*)
In the end, the date slows down to a slow stroll around town in the late afternoon. And it's only when she finally gets a call from the mechanic that it has to come to an end.
You walk her back to just outside the mechanics while she picks up her car and pays for the repairs. She's parked it just on the street outside the bookshop while you two talk for a bit.
"Guess this is it for the night, then?" You ask tentatively, shuffling a little.
Mary smiles softly and nods a little.
"Yeah, I have to get back to Manchester with this stuff. And I've got teammates waiting for me to get back as well."
You nod in understanding. You're a little upset about the date ending, but you don't show it.
"Thank you for agreeing to come out with me today."
"Hey, pretty girl asks me out, I'm not gonna say no. Besides, I'm definitely gonna be back. I wouldn't wanna miss out on a second date. And a chance to pay you back for the bear as well." There's a twinkle in her eye that says she damn well knows how much you spent on her earlier, and you blush a little.
"So there's a second date?" You ask with raised brow.
"If you'll have me."
"Without a doubt." You answer without hesitation. Mary grins and grabs your hands in hers. She pulls you into her, and you grin, leaning up. She meets you halfway with a soft kiss to your lips.
It sends tingles down your spine, and her hands running up and down your arms leave goosebumps in their wake, making you shiver a little.
It deepens for a second before you take a step back, stopping yourself from holding her hostage here any longer and going any further than you should.
"You're amazing, you know that?"
It has her grinning, and she scrunches her nose adorably. Her hand finds yours to squeeze it a few times before she presses one last kiss to your lips and bids you farewell.
"I'll message you soon, pretty girl, I want that second date I was promised."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, drive safe, cutie."
She waves goodbye and drives off, heading in the direction of the highway, going back to Machester.
You can still feel the tingle of lips against yours, the feel of her fingertips on your skin, and it leaves you keening for more, despite her being long gone. You'd have to keep an eye out on your phone now.
As Mary's cruising along the highway, all she can think about is how your lips felt against hers. How you'd grinned at her when she'd pulled you in to meet her against the side of her car. How easy the two of you just settled into easy banter and how open you seemed to be with her. You were definitely someone she didn't want to let go of just yet.
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Once Upon a Time 2
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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That man is back. You see Andy’s gray jacket as he passes through the front doors. You shouldn't recognise it so easily.
You adeptly scurry behind the end of the bookshelf and hide. You know you shouldn’t do that, he’s a customer, but it’s the third time he’s been there in five days. You’re exhausted, not just of him but everything.
Only after his last visit did you realise he’s stopped asking for Pine. The shop owner has grown elusive and the managers bold in his absence. They barely walk the floor and leave you and the other associates to deal with truck and customers alike.
You hide up around the bestsellers and pretend to sort through the Top Picks shelf. As you do, your headset beeps and Chelsea calls your name over the line. She asks you to pop into the fiction. Great, she’s passing off another customer. All she does is scroll through her phone and drink her sugary lattes.
You hit the button and tell her you’ll be right there. You don’t need her yelling at another old woman. That cost you a store credit and a lot of stress. 
You head along the far wall and turn into the fiction section. You don’t see Chelsea but you find a familiar face nonetheless. Andy smiles and gives you a wave.
“There you are. Wasn’t sure you were working,” he greets as you approach wearily. Of course, it’s him. “I finished the last book so… actually, I don’t know if you watch it but I heard there were some books for that Bridgerton show. I just got into it– is that lame?”
He chatters a lot. He has a certain air to him. He can be charming but also seems to believe that everything he says is interesting. You wish he’d realise that to you he’s just another customer. The worst type; the sort that believes they’re your only one.
“I… I’ve seen the first episode but I haven’t been able to catch up,” you humour him, “we have the books. Some of the most popular sellers.”
You guide him down the aisle towards the spread of colourful covers. He follows and stops to peruse the title. He scratches his beard as he hums.
“Thanks, uh, I didn’t even ask,” he turns on you again, “how are you doing?”
You answer with your usual, the thoughtless, “good, and you?”
“Eh, long day at work. Figure I’d stop in on my lunch. Try to distract myself,” he undoes the top button of his coat, “toasty in here, huh?”
“I guess,” you shrug, “was there anything else you need help finding?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so,” he deflates just slightly, “you’ll be around though, if I do?”
“Sure,” you answer as you repress a wave of agitation. 
You back away as he watches you, almost mournful. You assume he’s a little lonely. You hear divorce is rough. A bit sad to see. He’s probably twice your age and he makes you think of those guys who mope when you tell them not to grind on you in the club. You’re not much into that scene but every now and then Ginny talks you into it.
You see Chelsea a few shelves down. She has an airpod in and her headset dangling. You’re not surprised. Her acrylics tap on her phone as she paces blindly up and down. She won’t be much help.
You stop by the shelf of Garfield comics and fix the few books switched around. Customers tend to mess up more than they buy. The colourful books no doubt attracted children who didn’t know better than to leave chaos in their stead. That’s why you steer clear of the children’s section, even if the plushies are cute.
You spin back, wanting to head back up to best sellers but a tall figure appears from the end of a row. Andy waves at you again, several books against his left arm. He comes towards you as you reluctantly advance.
“Hey, uh, think I found what I need,” he announces, “I was looking at the online shop and you sell the little book lights?” He holds up his fingers to show the size, “they clip onto the page.”
“Oh, uh, yes, those are at the front,” you point, “right on your way to checkout.”
“Great,” he hugs the books tighter. You stand in the lull, expecting him to say more. He clears his throat and traces his fingers around his mouth, “uh, well, you… you can’t check me out?”
“I’m not on cash until one,” you say. “Sorry, but someone will be up there.”
“Mmm,” he nods and looks down at his armful, “you’re so helpful. I wanted to fill out the survey for you.”
“That’s fine,” you shake your head, “really. I hope you enjoy your books.”
"Yeah, I don't know if I should watch the show first or after..."
"Hmm, I don't know," you say. "I hear they're both good."
He doesn’t move right away. His face falls as he lingers. You don’t know what to do. That’s about the nicest way you can say go away.
You put your hand to your earpiece and look away, “yeah, one second, be right there,” you say to no one. “Sorry, gotta get back to it.”
You inch away and twirl around, swiftly dipping down an aisle. His long sigh tails after you as his disappointment nips at your heels. It’s not like he’s done anything wrong, he’s been polite, but it’s a bit much. There’s at least six other associates he can bother. You’d prefer it if he did.
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doctorcrowleywho · 1 year
December 8. Christmas Sweaters (Aziraphale x Crowley x gn! reader)
25 Days of Ficmas - Day 8
Christmas Sweaters (Aziraphale x Crowley x gn! reader)
Word count -   1273  
Warnings - None just tons of fluff
Pairing(s) - Aziraphale x Crowley x gn! reader
Summary - The husbands and you get matching Christmas sweaters
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There wasn’t a doubt in your heart that Christmas was going to be interesting this year. Having a demon and an angel as partners made for a very interesting mix. You never knew what to expect, and that’s what made it fun.
Nothing was too much for your partners. You wanted to go to Paris and try some crêpes? Just say when! You saw a cute sweater at the store one evening? The next morning it was on your bed with the sweetest handwritten note. You wanted a puppy- well that one you were still trying to convince them on.
 But, the point was they would do anything for you and you for them. The love that was created in Azirapahles bookstore was unlike anything in the world. It was like Aziraphale’s favorite hot cocoa mug, constantly overflowing and warm.
 They had both seen so much over the last 6,000 years. Not all of it good and not all of it bad. But, what they found at the center of it all was love. Pure utter love. The love a mother had for her child, the love a friend had for another, and the love they had for each other. The love they didn’t think they’d ever find with anyone else, and then they found you.
Crowley and his angel wanted to do something special for you this Christmas season, it was your first one together as an actual couple. Crowley wanted to make sure it was a good one. Which, was really sweet for the demon to do but he would never admit it to anyone’s face. He was willing to discorporate anyone who looked at you or his angel the wrong way.
Surprisingly, he was a huge hopeless romantic. So, when he heard you and Aziraphale talking one day he got a fantastic idea.
 “You know I never had matching Christmas sweaters with someone before.” you thought mindlessly out loud your eyes still on your book.
Aziraphale stuck his head out from around the bookshop his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at your random comment “Oh I mean I’m sure we can figure something out” he gave you a small smile before returning to his daily task of organizing his books. He mainly did this to ward off some recurring customers, just in case they had a book they were coming back for. This way it would be harder to find.
He was an angel but he never said he was good at his angelic job.
A little light bulb went off in Crowley's head and he immediately ran up to your shared bedroom to prepare. “Right Christmas sweaters,” he mumbled to himself as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.  With a simple snap of his fingers, his usual black attire was replaced with a bright itchy Christmas sweater with a large green cartoonish snake stitched onto it. The big boy wrapped all around his chest and its head popped out upon his right shoulder.
The first reaction Crowley had upon seeing his new look was he wanted to take it off, his right eyebrow curled up as if asking his own reflection ‘What the heaven are you doing exactly?’ But, with a quick shake of his head, he turned away from the mirror and got to work on yours and Aziraphale's.
Slowly but surely, he finished your sweaters and a soft proud smile found its way to his lips. He hoped that you two would like your early Christmas presents. There was a certain feeling that swelled up in Crowley’s heart as he looked at the finished product, and he couldn’t wait to give them to you guys.
So, he didn't. He scooped the two sweaters up in his arms and ran down the stairs practically crashing into Aziraphale's study. There he stood in the doorway waiting for you or Aziraphale to notice him, and the cheeky bastard even let out a little cough letting the world know he has arrived.
You were the first to pick your head up from your book, and your mouth practically fell open. There was no way that was your Crowley. The red-headed man standing in front of you with the cutest red Christmas sweater had to be someone else. But, there was no way in heaven or hell that was your Crowley.
 “Oh….my…god…” you finally mustered out as you stood up slowly making your way over to him.
“Eh, let's not bring her into this love.” he blushed almost as red as his sweater as you reached out to feel the material. It was properly scratchy causing you to laugh a little in disbelief.
“Where on EARTH did you get that sweater?” you asked your eyes flicking back up to his which were conveniently hidden by his sunglasses, probably waiting for your complete reaction.
“I made it, do you like it?” he asked doing a spin for you and that’s when Aziraphale walked in. Upon seeing Crowley he dropped the books he was carrying on his desk with a loud thunk.
His sky-blue eyes were wide with utter amusement as he made his way up to you and Crowley. “Oh, I think you look just lovely my dear boy! Look at you getting into the Christmas spirit!” He beamed giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t think I forgot about you two, here! I heard what you were saying earlier darling and I thought it would be wonderful if we all matched!” he explained presenting you and Aziraphale with your sweaters.
Happily, you reached out taking yours as a few tears brimming in your eyes. This was truly one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for you. You still weren’t totally used to all the affection and love these two supernatural entities showed you. It was unworldly, and you would never get over it.
As you tugged it on over your T-Shirt you saw Aziraphales and couldn’t help but laugh. It was perfect for him. An adorable puppy and kitten were stitched being tangled up in Christmas lights in the front, and the cherry on top had to be the pair of angel wings on the back.
Yours was a whole different story, and you didn’t even know where to begin. The whole thing was a beautiful blue which was covered in tiny stitched presents and stockings, and to make it even better ‘You’re the best present’ was knitted on the front. On your back, a pair of devil horns and a halo with one black wing and one white wing sat underneath them.
You and Aziraphale gazed at each other in wonderful shock as Crowley held his breath in anticipation. The whole shop was silent for a few moments until Crowley decided to break it.
“So…..how’d you like them?” he asked shifting his weight between his feet awkwardly. Half of him expected you two to absolutely hate them, while the other half- well the other half didn’t even expect what happened next.
“Crowley I love them!!” You cheered practically tackling him in a hug that he very gladly obliged to. You were practically beaming with happiness, this sweater was something that you were going to cherish for forever and a day.
“Course you do, I knew you would,” he said that same red blush creeping up the back of his neck as Aziraphale decided to join the hug. Suddenly, you were surrounded by warmth and comfort and you knew without a shadow of a doubt that you had found your home.
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lonesome-witching · 8 months
This time we're going back to a spiderman AU, although it is a different one. We're going into the angsty depths of Spiderman: No Way Home. I was very tempted to change the ending but the prompt had said "basically just a little sad Robin and Nancy being oblivious to her" so that it is what this is. I would like to add that I would love to do a follow up on this. I have ideas!! (I don't have time but when has that ever stopped me?)
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
Robin stared into the bookstore. She hadn’t been here in a while. Not since everything that had happened. Not since Nancy forgot about her.
It had been the only way, but that didn’t make it hurt less. And it had been her own mistakes that had caused it, but that only made it hurt more. So, Robin had avoided Nancy’s place of work for all of one week. One week until she caved and had to go back. She had to see Nancy. Even if those gorgeous blue eyes wouldn’t recognize her. Couldn’t recognize her.
Things hadn’t been great for Robin this past week. She wondered if things could ever be great without Nancy right next to her.
It was one of those things that didn’t make sense. Her and Nancy had never made sense. Nancy had been the smartass and had been awfully lonely throughout High School. And Robin had been the same until a spider bit her and she turned into a superhero.
But even then, she hadn’t been interested in Nancy right away. She thought it was impossible to like Nancy right away. Nancy was one of those people that you gradually fell for. She didn’t give you a choice, she slowly crawled under your skin until you couldn’t think of anything else. Until all that mattered was Nancy Wheeler, and her gorgeous puffy perm, and her beautiful blue eyes, and her stern looks.
Anyway, back then Robin had been into Chrissy Cunningham. The head cheerleader and everyone’s favorite Hawkins High student. They had even been on a date or two before Chrissy moved away.
Robin had gotten everything she wanted and had lost it all just as quickly. And then Nancy had waltzed into her life with jokes that sounded a little too serious and questions that hit a little too close to the truth. And Robin fell in love. Quickly and all consuming. It had almost been enough to forget the end of the world.
It had almost been enough to abandon her superhero life. And she had wanted to.  She had wanted to give up everything for Nancy. It didn’t make sense. But emotions barely ever did, did they?
For the briefest moment her life had been perfect once again. She was allowed to kiss Nancy behind closed doors, with smiles and giggles and whispers. And then she had fucked up. Because she was still a teenager and every teenager was bound to fuck up every once in a while. Only when Spiderman fucked up it ruined the world.
The only way to fix it was to make everyone forget about her. To make Nancy forget about her. And nothing had ever hurt that much. Nothing would ever hurt that much.
The bell above the door chimed as Robin entered. Her first instinct was to run back out.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” Nancy voice called from somewhere out of view.
Robin stood frozen, just inside the store. Maybe she could still leave. Just quickly slip out. But she hesitated for a bit too long and then Nancy popped into view. There was a smile on her face and for a short second Robin could pretend she saw recognition in her eyes.
“You didn’t have to stay standing there,” Nancy laughed, approaching her. “What can I help you with? Looking for something specific or would you like some recommendations?”
“I—” Robin’s voice got stuck in her throat. It was a new problem. She had never before had trouble talking. Or maybe she had always had trouble talking, but she had never had any trouble coming up with words.
“I— I would love some recommendations. What’s your favorite book?” Maybe Robin hoped the answer would be different from what she knew. Maybe if Nancy had changed it would be easier.
“I don’t know how much help that will be. I’m stuck in the past. I read The Princess Bride when I was 10 years old and I don’t think I’ll ever love a book as much.”
It stung. It stung that the answer was the same. It would have stung if it had changed. Life just stung nowadays.
“I heard they are making a movie of it. I’m not sure where I heard it and I don’t know if it’s true, but I just heard it somewhere and you mentioning the book reminded me of hearing it. I’m sure you’ve heard of it as well, since you’re a fan of the book.” Robin remembered telling her nearly three weeks ago now. She wasn’t sure if Nancy remembered. “Anyway, I love the Princess Bride. I used to have a copy and then it got lost or my parents threw it away. I’m not sure. I would love to read it again. Do you have a copy?” It seemed like Robin had found her words again. Too many of them.
“We do. I’ll get it for you.” Nancy turned around and walked away, but Robin could swear she saw a smile on the girl’s face.
Robin took a step forward, debating about whether or not she should follow. Behind her the door opened and closed.
“I’ll be right with you,” Nancy yelled. When she returned she was holding a hardcover book. One she nearly dropped when she saw the person that had just entered. “Steve?” She ran towards the boy and threw her hands around his neck. Robin watched as Nancy kissed his cheek and giggled. “Just one second, let me check out this costumer.”
Steve turned towards Robin and nodded politely. She remembered when Steve was her best friend. It felt like a lifetime ago. It felt like a dream.
Nancy had walked over to the register, punching in some numbers and telling Robin the total. She wasn’t paying attention. She paid without realizing it, just staring at Nancy’s slender fingers.
“It was nice to meet you, Nancy,” Robin said. It sounded sad and too vulnerable.
“It was nice to meet you too…”
“It was nice to meet you too, Robin. I’ll see you around.” It sounded an awful lot like a promise. Robin wanted it to be a promise. But she noticed the look Nancy threw over her shoulder and she stopped believing in fairytales.
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misslavenderlady · 5 months
Don't mind me popping in here to pay my rent ✨️
David gives me vibes that'd he'd be the most interested in Bree's fascination for monsters/creatures of the night- specifically her novels. I can just imagine he even knew a few older ones himself- of course he only ever skimmed through them and never sat down to read them thoroughly...👀
Paul and Marko sometimes fight like little cartoon characters over who gets her attention. You can't tell me otherwise. While she's 'checking them for injuries' these two are squabbling and hitting each other while her back is turned. It's even worse if she decides to hang out with them in her free time- they're fighting over who's bike she's riding, who she's going with on the rides, who's buying her the pretty thing she pointed out or the treat she thought looked good, it never ends. 💀
Dwayne is most likely the only one who wouldn't... Exactly 'lie' about his injuries, given sometimes accidents happen when he's working with mechanics and his bike, but they're nothing fatal or... You know... Something you need to see the doctor for. He'll use ANY excuse to go get checked up by the pretty nurse at the hospital, no matter how many times she tells him how it's nothing but a scratch, or a little bruise. He always just flashes a charming grin and says: "You can never be too safe, right? 'Gotta come to the expert herself just to be sure."
Michael giving her rides home 🥺 wether in a car or on his old bike doesn't matter, he just wants her to be safe going home at night- given his... Past experience. Sometimes he just asks if he can tail behind her if she brings her own ride, I feel he's just very protective over her- but tries his best to keep space and not seem too clingy. OMG but could you imagine if they carpool or something to work? I can see early mornings spent with Bree coming to the Emerson house waiting for Michael to get ready and having some small talk with Lucy, who takes the time to make her some breakfast. [Also totally not dropping hints about getting her son married and grand-babies wink wink]
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Bree most definitely keeps a beat-up paperback book on her desk for the quiet moments of her shift. She loves monsters and romance, and has been very lucky to find a combination of both. She does her best to hide them away, but when she's turned around to find a clipboard or a specific document, David peaks over and catches the title on the spine. Something like "Bride of the Werewolf". It amuses him to no end. On her evenings off, he offers to take her out to the library or bookstore. Somewhere he can sneakily ask about her preferences and watch her blush as they walk past the romance section. If all goes well, he even may try to sneak a kiss when nobody is watching them~
Oh Paul and Marko definitely go full Yakko and Wakko mode around her. I don't care that Animaniacs didn't come out until the 90s. Those boys were going "Hellooooooo, Nurse!" long before that happened. But yeah, they are practically pawing at her for attention. Paulie acts like a golden retriever with a hurt paw, pouting as he shows her where it hurts and asking her to kiss it better. Marko uses his gorgeous eyes and bats his lashes, saying he'd do anything to thank her after getting bandaged up. Whenever Bree kisses them better, they're practically swooning. She doesn't mind playing along, so long as they're not dealing with SERIOUS injuries.
She has a particularly strong crush on Dwayne. Something about the warmth and intensity in his eyes makes her heart flutter. But Dwayne doesn't just go to her for his own needs. He brings Laddie along if he scraped his knee while skateboarding with Dwayne or hurt his finger trying to carry Paul's boom box. Laddie is a brave boy, and Bree is happy to help him out. She always gives Laddie a sticker and a cartoon bandaid. For Dwayne, he's happy just giving her a kiss on the cheek and whispering in her ear about how she'll make a wonderful mother someday. Her face went tomato red since she imagined Dwayne being the father in that scenario~
Michael used to work mornings and afternoons mostly because he didn't want to be reminded of his time with vampires in the night. But when he learned Bree had exclusively night shifts, he got his schedule changed to help her out and keep her safe. She's alone whenever she's at the front desk, and he worries about her a lot. Not just from creatures of the night, but also patients that try to give her hell. He's like her own guard dog. During down time, Michael likes to have coffee or a snack with her. He even knows how she likes her drink, which she thinks is so sweet. And yes, he's happy to makes sure she gets home safe. Sometimes if she pops by to check in on Sam after a visit to the doctor or help out Grandpa for a house call, Lucy will sweetly offer her a spot at the table for dinner. She also sends home leftovers so the poor girl doesn't have to cook after a long day. Bree adores the Emersons and Michael can't help but picture her being a member of their family.
Also! Bree has a chocolate lab named Pepper. She and Nanook are best buddies, so on shared days off, Bree and Michael take the pups for a walk on the beach together. She thinks the two of them might be trying to set up her and Michael together. She's seen 101 Dalmatians after all. It can happen.
No matter what they do together, Michael always makes sure she gets home safe and sound. Little does he know that after he drops her off and says goodnight, that's when the creatures of the night slip into her dreams to keep her company~
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Bonus pics for you, @hypocriticaltypwriter 💜
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bythenineshards · 2 years
I just saw a post that said that in acosf Nesta shouldn't be having a hard time going Downstairs cause well gravity shud be doing most of the work 😭😭😭😭😭🖐🏼
It immediately made me think of you and how u wud slander the shit out of it 😭
Also there was something about Nesta's alcoholism and how Nesta would have been stronger if she was actually shown fighting the temptation to have a drink and not a drink simply because she wasn't able to.
But idk I don't feel like Nesta's Alcoholism was that severe ? Anyways what are ur thoughts??
Hey! I hope you're doing splentastic! Sorry for the delay. Work decided I had to suffer.
First, let me start with a controversial opinion. Stairs are the devil. I will not be taking questions on this matter.
So I don't really see what they're saying as wrong in a realistic sorta way. It is easier to go down stairs than it is going up. At least, that's my experience. My Crossfit days can attest to that. However I will say I think the stairs are a botched metaphor for her "progress". Nesta sees the stairs as an impossible feat to get to the world outside. She frequently has issues getting down but it's rarely an issue getting back up. I could be wrong though, I haven't read Acosf since it was released and don't really plan on doing a reread. Honestly, I could be giving her too much credit for the metaphor. It's just as likely that she forgot going back upstairs would be more effort.
I do think Nesta's problems with alcohol should've been more pronounced. The lack of withdrawal leads me to see her time in the HoW as a punishment for not wanting to do things with Feyre and spending money she has earned. I don't care what the Stans say, she was maimed in service of the NC. She earned that money. Rhys should shut his trap about it too. I've seen Stans say that Nesta being wild makes them look bad as rulers but like... when has that been an issue? They acted like children at the HL meeting. They robbed another Court. Rhys was literally the right hand of a dictator for nearly fifty years. Mor sleeps around and drinks all the time. The Bat Boys were known for acting like Frat boys. Nesta ain't doing anything to their reputation. Also... side tangent....
This is gonna be a bit more personal but I think it should be mentioned. In my personal perspective, Feyre and Co. are really shitty friends and family to Nesta. I've suffered with severe depression since about eleven years old. Do you know what doesn't help? Being asked to do something you don't wanna do. Like not, something you like and have just lost the zeal for but full on have no interest. Them pestering her to come to the Starfall party or come help Feyre pick stuff for her house is the equivalent to asking me to go hiking or camping. Why the fuck couldn't Feyre, Elain and Cassian try to reach Nesta on her level? Like why couldn't Feyre use her newfound love for reading to get Nesta books and maybe write letters to her about what happened in them? When I've slipped into my depression it's things like my husband getting me my favorite breakfast, or taking me to a bookstore or popping in one of my favorite movies. It's not being around a bunch of people who treat me like shit or helping my sister-in-law with her kids. I hope that makes sense. I guess it really follows Feyre's character though. Only interacting with Nesta when she wants something from her.
Anyway... I agree that there should've been withdrawal symptoms and an actual struggle with that. However Maas doesn't want to deal with those ugly withdrawal symptoms. Remember? Only pretty trauma is acceptable in her books. The gritty reality of alcohol addiction makes it hard for her to write overly graphic male gaze smut.
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allbeendonebefore · 5 months
hiya, would you have any book or podcast recommendations for a brief overview of Roman/Classical history? not looking to get into the academia side of things, just wondering if there's a go-to Coles' notes with more of a critical rather than reverential eye!
Hi there!
I don't really listen to podcasts and the only one I've really heard is History of Rome by Mike Duncan. It was complete by 2013 but you can still find it on spotify etc. I listened to it and jumped around a lot between events when studying for exams and I also played episodes for my dad while he was driving when we were watching HBO Rome together.
I also recently listened to a two part series on Thucydides that CBC Radio's Ideas produced, not sure if this is accessible outside of Canada or not: part one is from 2011 and is about Thucydides as the first journalist/war correspondent and what set him apart from other early historians, part two is from 2020 and revisits pieces of that podcast in order to talk more about Thucydides' experience with the great plague of Athens. It's not exactly the sort of general overview of history you're seeking, but I bring it up because its something that is immediately relevant to the world today and thus easy to get into without context (particularly because reading Thucydides is a pain)
you've caught me Not-At-Home-With-My-Books which means I can't look over my shoulder and peruse my own shelf, alas. Apart from textbooks though, I'm not sure what I have for somewhat entry level books that I have even actually read and can vouch for. I really like my Classics 110 textbook but I can't remember the title/authors for the life of me. If you come ask me again in February when I'm for sure back home, I'll be able to tell you that, at least!
If you are interested in the how-we-know-this historiography side and writings from people in antiquity themselves, I'd also recommend seeing what's out there about specific ancient historians for periods or places you might be particularly interested in. For instance, you might look for books on Herodotus, Thucydides, Pausanias etc. for Greek history, or Livy, Tacitus, or even Suetonius (who is a hell of a gossip) for Roman, and so on. There might be some good annotated versions out there that have nice introductions with maps and context, etc.
If you're thrifting or browsing bookstores, generally I would avoid pop history books that focus on shock value ("eww i can't believe how depraved those romans were!") or, as you say, anything too reverential ("i cannot believe how downhill civilization has gone since the parthenon!"). The tricky thing about classics is that many if not most authors with a background in the scholarship will specialize in either literature or archaeology and not both, so you might want to look for authors and co-authors who talk about a little of each.
Thanks for asking, I'm sorry that I'm a bit less than helpful at the moment since I haven't formally been studying classics for a few years and I'm out of town away from my own collection where I keep my brain.
And of course as always, if anyone reading this has particular recommendations, please do say so in the notes! :)
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mikareo · 6 months
HIII HIII DOVE !!! js saw you were doing matchups,, sooo excited cs i’ve never done this before >.<
࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 fandom: blue lock !!
desired gender/age: a guy pleaseee <3 not really picky on age tbh, 16-17 probably
࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 personality traits: high achiever & hopeless romantic. really really introverted but chatty and unfiltered around ppl i’m close to ( ngl i say the wildest things ). open minded also a really good listener ‘n really loyal. creative, patient but i can also be pessimistic and mean i think? only happens when i’m overwhelmed tho && i’m an infp and a sagittarius
fave hobbies + activities: drawing, painting, reading books & manga, watching anime, rom-coms and k-dramas, gamingg (literally been on fortnite and valo all week 😭). baking, cooking, listening to music. also love going on runs/walks
࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ideal first date/dream date: all of my first dates are at the cinema which sucks cus you can’t really get to know each other then, so something fun like an arcade or js walking around the mall and looking through bookstores or going to pop-up festivals and getting street food!!
thank youuuu <3 hope this is enough to work with!!
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...y2kuromi!
...this was...so hard...like...i rlly rlly hope you like this character LOL it's ok if u don't tho,, he's a little silly sometimes. i hope ur doing well mimi and that ur weekend was fun!!! i rlly wanted this matchup to be perfect for ur personality set,, n i think you'd get along w this chara nicely :)
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your personality matchup results!
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congratulations . . .‧₊˚🪩✩REO MIKAGE₊˚🫧⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
to be so honest, making a decision on who to match you with took me a lot longer than it usually does. i went though so many options— hiori, kunigami, chigiri, nagi— and none of them fit in the way that i wanted them to. whenever i'd try to pair traits and interests, everything felt really forced and that's the last thing i want to when doing a personality pairing; but eventually i landed on reo! i think you and reo fit together very very well, and i'm pretty confident on that!
one thing that you and reo can mutually relate, is your need to achieve. you're both extremely ambitious people and when you have a goal, there's no stopping you until you reach it. reo knows that you understand that obsession and crave for success. he doesn't feel judged when he's overly passionate about something and talks about it for hours on end, knowing that you're listening to every word he says with an open mind. most people think he's crazy for believing he and nagi can be kings of the football world, but you don't think that. you don't think that at all. if anything, you're right next to him cheering him on; while also giving him a few small reality checks along the way.
for the most part, hopeless romance isn't something that reo thinks about. typically, girls fawn over him due to his parent's money, only wanting to become a rich heiress without actually liking reo for his real personality; they prefer his phony one. you, however, introduce him to the truth that there can be love without manipulation or falseness. you show him how little gestures matter and that he shouldn't waste his time on people who aren't patient enough to see him as he really is. there is a potential love story in reo's book and you're the only one who can start the next chapter and help him read on.
now, you have many hobbies that reo isn't necessarily extremely interested in; but that's not an issue. the thing is with reo, is that he loves to get involved in the things his loved ones enjoy— if you have a hyperfixation on a video game, kdrama, or musician, he's right there beside you to listen or watch along. he loves to splurge on you; aka: taking you out on any kind of date your heart desires and buying you anything you have your eye on— and he's such a doting boyfriend that you can't help but love him for his obsession with making you happy. you've taught reo how to love something other than a hobby, and he's going to show you how thankful he is for that every day.
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mischivarien · 1 year
Sooooo, I randomly started to write Steve angst, on my birthday yes. And I had to share it. All head canons are from various sources and I'm working on gathering them, as theses having been circling in my head for about 11 months now...
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47592025
He doesn't know when it started. Probably when Hargrove smashed a plate onto his head back in '84. Or, no. Most likely when Byers rocked his world by smashing his face in.
It definitely wasn't his first concussion he had gotten. He's had many of those thanks to the many years he was on the basketball team and the one year he tried the football team back in freshman year.
Yea, he doesn't know when the hearing loss, worsening eyesight, or migraines started. When he started to have difficulty with his motor functions, or even when he started to have more trouble with reading and translating between languages.
The hearing loss thats getting so bad, that he can barely hear the kids arguing in the backseat of his car.
Cannot hear the television at movie nights, lea in him utterly confused and ashamed when he doesn't have a clue on what's happening on screen.
The loss so bad, he can't listen to his favorite music. No up-beat disco on lonely car rides or late nights. No indie pop or punk music with Robin in the car on the way to and from places or in her room during 'girl's night'.
His eyesight so bad that he can't see the doors from his spot at the front desk in the bookstore he and robin now work at after Keith fired them for not being present during the entirety of spring break.
Cannot see the drawings Will shows him with a tentative smile late at night while Joyce is at work, bad Jonathan is doing college.
He can't see Eddie's smile when hes hiding behind his notes so the kids can't see his face, otherwise they'd end up guess what might happen during the campaign.
The migraines so bad, he can't get up to go to Robins for the night and watch random shows on her television set while they paint each other's nails and talk about anything and everything while trying to be quiet, minding Robins parents sleeping down the hall.
The pain so bad that if he strains his eyes or ears too much, the pain will become worse, to the point he has to camp out in the bathroom, sitting close to the toilet with how nauseous he is, not able to stand, or he'd faint.
So bad, he can't listen to music at a high volume. Can't listen to the kids rambling about their interests, or listen to everyone enjoying the campaigns Eddie, Will, or Erica come up with, having to step out of the room and find a way to drown out all the noises.
Having to leave the basketball team, and the swimming team soon after, because his coordinations were off, and his legs and arms wouldn't cooperate with him a dn the water.
He's unable to get the courage to paint with how shaky his hands are, unable to get the desired strokes he was once able to create seamlessly.
Being terrified to drive, because one wrong move, one bad shake of his body or one random spasm, and he could end up swerving or crashing. Terrified he could hurt himself moe, or worse, hurt anyone else who's in the car with him.
His reading comprehension getting worse than it was before, the floating letters and mixed up words not registering like they used to. How he can't even try to read, or else his eyes will start to water, and his ears will start ringing with the effort to understand, causing a migraine to flare up.
Being unable to tell if he's talking in English, Italian, or French. Barely knowing if what he's saying is lining up with what he wants to say.
He knows it's bad, he's seen doctors and specialists about everything.
Hearing aids, so that he would be able to hear at least something.
Glasses, so he could enjoy life with better sight.
Medication to help the migraines and uncoordinated movements, so he could live a "normal" life.
Therapists to help with his response to these 'new changes' in his life and to help him gain back confidence in himself.
He's seen them, he's talked with them.he just can't afford those things. How would he? When he can barely afford food for the month. Can barely afford to pay rent for his small apartment at the edge of Hawkins.
He knows he needs those things, knows he has people he can ask for help.
He's not ready to get help. He just wants to sit in the pain a little longer, thinks he deserves it after everything he's done in the last few years, good or bad.
He'll ask the Munson's, or the Hopper-Byers, the Buckleys, Wheelers, Hendersons, the Sinclairs, or Aunt Flo and Phil.
He will.
He's just not ready yet.
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nancypullen · 1 year
Sunday the 4th
Where was I?  I think when I last posted we were just about to run over to Rehoboth Beach to see/hear David Sedaris at BrowseAbout Books.  It was SO much fun!  We went to see him several times in Nashville, but it was always in a theater setting at TPAC.  Ever entertaining, he reads essays he’s working on, takes questions, talks about his book tour and all that - but meeting him in a more intimate setting and having a chat was so much better!  Let me back up a bit and talk about the nice woman I met in line.  Her name is Lynnie, she’s a few years older than me, and she lives in Lewes, Delaware (I looked at A LOT of wonderful real estate there, but we deemed it too far from the Edgewaters), and she sang the praises of her town.  She goes to Zumba and water aerobics (I could just cry), she takes tap lessons from an old Rockette (OMG, how fun!), she participates in everything from book club to Bunco. She was so much fun and just so sweet - she gave me her number and told me to call her if I visited Lewes.  It was almost like having a friend. Waaaaah!
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She was a delight. Back to the bookstore.  I fan girl over authors the way some people do over film stars or singers, and Mr. Sedaris didn’t disappoint.  He was warm, witty, engaging, hilarious, and when he signed my book he doodled in it.  It was the flowers from my shirt.  He drew in everyone’s books, making conversation while did a quick sketch and for some reason it was funny.  Mickey got a bird.
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I had him sign my book for Matt.  I read the book on my Kindle when it came out last year.  This book tour is to launch the paperback.  Matt is also a fan, and I thought he’d enjoy the book.  I loved it.  Anyway, it was a wonderful evening and we headed home through the cornfields as the sun set.
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The following evening Mickey had a big party to photograph so I stayed home and watched the finale of Ted Lasso and bawled.  Oh, it was so satisfying.  If you’re a fan you’ve probably already watched it so I’m not spoiling anything by saying that I was so glad that Rebecca got her happy ending.  But now I’m without my favorite happy, positive people to watch.  Bummer. These two....
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and these two....oh, my heart!
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*SIGH*  I’ll miss it like I miss Schitt’s Creek.  Good stuff. This weekend we crossed the bridge to celebrate Tyler’s birthday.  We stayed with Little Miss so Ty and Jamie could go run free for a bit, then we all shared dinner, presents, and brownies with ice cream.  It was such fun.  In just a couple of months the grandgirl will be in kindergarten, she’s grown up so much just since we moved here.  We’ll drive over to attend her preschool graduation on Friday.  I know that in the blink of an eye it’ll be middle school and then high school graduation. Yikes!  I’d love to pump the breaks on all of that, but I’m glad we’re here to enjoy it.  On the way home I always try to snap a picture of the big ships lined up in the Chesapeake Bay.
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They’re waaaay out there so I can’t get a clear shot from a moving car, but I love seeing them.  I found a website that identifies each ship and its origin country, so I’ll pull it up on my phone and see that one is traveling under the flag of Japan, another from Brazil, or whatever.  You can usually pull up information showing their last port of call and sometimes what they’re carrying.  Don’t ask me why I find it all fascinating, I just do.  I look out at those massive ships and imagine the different languages, music, and meals onboard.  
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  In other news, no, they haven’t caught the python yet.  That’s why I gave a resounding NO when the mister asked if I wanted to go kayaking today.  Well, that and kayaking doesn’t interest me at all. But kayaking with a chance of a python popping up is a thousand times less appealing than normal kayaking. Hard pass.  Mickey and I have very different ideas of enjoyable activities, especially for fitness.  He wants to scramble over rocks, drift down rivers (and have to paddle against the current coming back), stomp through poison ivy, and become a host for ticks.  I prefer a nice, climate controlled activity with a group of women, a soundtrack, and maybe a cold beverage afterward.  Zumba, Jazzercise, water aerobics, that sort of thing. I never got a single tick at the Jimmy Floyd pool. Just sayin’.  I’m past the age where I want to be uncomfortable. I get plenty of exercise working in the yard, I get a dose of sunshine, and I can play tunes or a crime podcast while I do it.  Then I sit in my  shady nook on the porch and enjoy a cool drink.  Won’t be long before this patch is all zinnias and sunflowers.
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While I was enjoying a beverage in my shady spot, I flipped through the local paper.  There was a section listing all of the “Best of the Chesapeake” from hair salons to BBQ to physicians.  This one made me giggle.
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Speech therapists! Can you imagine having a speech issue and having to call and make an appointment with any of those names??  Impossible! I did not see a category for best snake catchers on the Eastern Shore. Oh well, the day is slipping away from me and I need to get dinner started.  Kind of wishing Mickey had something to go photograph so I could just pop some popcorn and say I had veggies for dinner.  Not gonna’ happen, guess I’d better get busy.
Sending out loads of love.  I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend.  If not, then be glad it’s over, have a gaze at what’s left of the Strawberry Moon tonight and tell the universe that you need a break from your troubles. Stay safe, stay well. XOXOXO, Nancy
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if-confessions · 1 year
Ive been wanting to write an if for such a long time, but then I see so many interesting IFs pop up lately that I just feel demotivated to write it anymore. I just don't see the point in writing it anymore, especially since my writing is not that great and I don't think I would be offering anything new or interesting to read to other readers. Maybe its just imposters syndrome kicking in. I might still be giving it another go. I don't really care about it having a lot of views or anything like that because I write for myself of course but, I think it's just more of a me thing idk. Like I think all the things I've wanted to write about all have been filled out by other ifs so I feel like even if I were to write and publish a demo there wouldn't really be any point because there's already so many amazing ifs within that genre and my story doesn't do things that much differently. Sorry for the long confession, but I think this thought has been giving me writers blog for a while. 😓
Oh Anon,
Have you been in a library/bookstore lately? Or watched TV or seen movies? How many times has the Romeo & Juliet story been done to death? There are so many stories that have been told times and times again, by so many different people in so many different ways. Or the same story being told the same way by multiple people... Lol I remember the Friends with Benefits and No Strings Attached mess when they were both released in 2011 and having more or less the same story...
Even if all the niches have been filled by one person, why should it stop people from trying to add onto the pile? So who cares if there is one IF out there have a similar message, or theme, or genre, or concept? No one has dibs on those! that would be hella depressing if that was the case...
No one can write the story you want to write with your own spice, your way of writing, your point of view, your own twists, etc... better than you can.
[old comments in tags: most amazing IFs weren't amazing at the start they are amazing now because the author continued working on their craft and their stories /]
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cauldronoflove · 1 year
not saying anything that hasn't been said a hundred times before but the ideal created around it being the outlier for someone to read the books they already own is so fucking weird. the "i have two hundred unread books and i just bought a hundred more i'm never going to read hehe" joke that's in every mainstream space dedicated to books, and the characteristics of addiction it unabshedly cultivates. i ran in bookstagram circles in my early teen years until just a couple years ago and i've definitely been guilty of impulse purchasing and stocking my tbr with books i was only mildly interested in just to keep up with the times, so i can only imagine the pressure being piled on as 'booktok made me buy it' tables pop up in the more easily accessible bookstores and the rotation of [three mediocre books getting talked to death every quarter that if you havent read youre hounded] reaches new heights but it's just so disheartening to see over and over again the blatant ways capitalistic mindsets snake into the way we approach art and story. that it doesn't matter if you actually read the books as long as you own them in brand new hardcovers from barnes and noble double-lined on your white billy bookshelves from ikea. that even if you do hate that book or don't take anything from it or just don't want it anymore youre supposed to give space to it just so you can have that trophy. because it's about optics and not about an individual's relationship to what they're reading, just that they've bought it. and i'm so tired of bad faith "well maybe they like that" arguments. sure maybe they do, but have they asked themselves why? what they're getting out of it? what impact they're having? what impact it's having on them? my god read the books you have because you bought them for that express purpose, stop reaching for the next big thing priced at 28.99 and figure out what you enjoy, read nonfiction, read horror, read poetry, read sci-fi, read a classic, read a play, read a book published before 2010, write in them, dog ear the pages, donate the ones you dont want anymore, anything
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ilikereadingactually · 5 months
Bookshops & Bonedust
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Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree
i ADORED Legends & Lattes, so i went into this one pretty sure i would love it too. no surprise, i did! just so fucking charming! cozy, even! let's have more of the cozy fantasy trend please, i'm very into it! and as a former bookseller (and future bookstore owner, maybe, someday), of course i got such a kick out of the whole premise. i want to be Fern when i grow up T^T
it was very fun getting to see a younger Viv, early in her mercenary career, and witnessing the origins of some of the life we get as her backstory in L&L! Fern (owner of the titular bookshop) was absolutely wonderful, perfect, exquisite, insert that Lady Gaga gif here. i loved almost all of the secondary characters who cropped up in Murk too, a very fun little ensemble cast! i went in not knowing who to expect popping up so i won't spoil it, but one familiar face was a delight to get to know in this different way.
though regarding secondary characters i have to say, i was not convinced by Maylee and the summer fling romance plotline--i didn't hate it or anything, it just wasn't interesting to me, and i felt a bit like it had more weight put on it than the chemistry warranted or needed. this opinion brought to you by "my predictable aroace opinions," so take it with a grain of salt.
what i did appreciate was that regardless of the romance subplot going on, the friendship between Viv and Fern was really central and stayed really central! they met each other at just the right transitional time to each help provide what the other needed, which is such a specific and beautiful kind of friendship. situational, time-bound, but it's the kind of relationship that sit for decades on a back burner and then be resumed or revisited with great fondness and ease. it's not a kind of friendship i see a lot in fiction!
the deets
how i read it: the physical paperback, in my hot little hands! still my favorite way to read a book, even though i do less of it than electronic reading overall.
try this if you: enjoyed Legends & Lattes (obv), dig bookstore AU fanfic, get whump feelings about physically powerful women recovering from injuries (i see u), or just love a sweetly nuanced friendship story with a classic fantasy mystery-ish plot in the background.
some bits i really liked: genuine LOL moment and retail commiseration
"The framing changed everything," finished Fern. "Like one of those trick drawings that become something else when you turn them upside down." "I think I saw something like that once on a tavern sign. The Coney & Gull."
"I guess you could maybe intimidate somebody into buying a book." "I think you're underestimating how charming an orc can be when they're not pissed off. Besides, total ignorance never stopped me from trying anything before. I've got one other condition though." "What's that?" "We've got to figure out someplace to sit in here. There's no way in all eight hells I'm standing all day."
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newberyandchai · 8 months
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1968)
Jim: What are you reading? Abby: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. Jim: Best book. Abby: Yeah, but I've read it before. Jim: So have I. Hey, question: If you had to spend the night in the Met or the aquarium, which would it be? Abby: Definitely the aquarium. Jim: Definitely. Yes. Glad you said that. You don't wanna help me with some of my sales, do you? 'Cause I'm kind of swamped. Abby: Sure.
It's the most mundane Office quote to devote any brainpower to remembering (although my name popped up, which is a plus), but this was my only exposure to From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler before picking it up at the bookstore in the kids' section a few months ago. I thought it might be one of those amazing, fast-paced mysteries that involved a group of quirky kids getting trapped in a museum or an aquarium, somehow chancing upon a crime taking place and catching the criminals before any police have a chance to get involved... but nope.
This was a really boring book and I didn't like it.
...I could stop there, but since my last post didn't include any kind of synopsis of the book in question, here you go: A very young girl decides to run away from home with one of her brothers and hide in the Metropolitan Museum of Art until she teaches a lesson to her parents in appreciating her more. The siblings aren't discovered by anyone for several days, which leads to very exciting descriptions of bathing in the museum fountain and hiding in public restrooms while the security guards do their nightly rounds. They sleep in a centuries-old bed and buy food from the nearby automat (if that gives you any idea of the timeframe) and are constantly worried about how many cents they're spending on food and transportation, etc.
But to get to the meat of the story, the girl quickly becomes interested in determining whether a new statue supposedly by Michaelangelo is really an original or a fake. They follow some "clues" and write to the museum, but they receive an unsatisfactory answer in the P.O. box they rent for this specific purpose. In the end, they visit a (slightly rude) rich old lady outside the city who gives them an hour to look through her file cabinets to find out the truth about the statue's origin.
Without spoiling the ending (although I'm sure you can probably guess how everything turned out), it was disappointing. There wasn't any kind of antagonist aside from budgeting concerns, which is hard to take seriously these days when they're talking about the difference between 16 and 20 cents. Something about knowing they're sleeping in an extremely ancient bed that someone was murdered in freaked me out a little, too, and it didn't seem thrilling so much as stressful.
There was a bit at the very end about needing to have a secret -- how knowledge that no one else knows transforms you, even if no one else knows. Claudia (the main character) is desperate to know the truth about the statue because it will make her exciting and important, which is something she doesn't feel at home.
"Returning with a secret is what [Claudia] really wants. [The statue] had a secret and that made her exciting, important. Claudia doesn't want adventure. She likes baths and feeling comfortable too much for that kind of thing. Secrets are the kind of adventure she needs. Secrets are safe, and they do much to make you different. On the inside where it counts."
I'm not sure I entirely agree. The thing about secrets (or maybe a better word in this context is the truth) is that people can choose to see them as lies that sad people concoct for all kinds of pitiable reasons. Lies are (among many other reasons) sometimes created to make people feel important when they don't have anything exciting to share or contribute (I'm thinking of a certain someone saying something along the lines of boasting to be able to solve the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours of taking office...).
I think the book's quote insinuates that if you know your secret is real, that's what gives you your own sense of value — but deep inside the adult side of my brain, I think I might be too concerned with the believability aspect. If something unbelievable (or even extremely believable) is true, but everyone else believes it's a lie... is it really true? (Inside the current political landscape of the U.S., it appears even reality is debatable.)
And I'm pretty bad at keeping secrets as it is, so never tell me about any surprise parties.
I would rate this book a 5/10 and Unrecommendable. It did not meet my expectations and went from being very practical (how to very practically and frugally live in a museum for a few days) to more abstract (~secrets change you~) in ways that didn't add up to a satisfactory ending for me.
Your mileage may vary.
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