#spells on wheels
readtilyoudie · 6 months
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thewitchystuff · 1 year
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Hello witches!
I bring you the 2023 calendar for the remaining months  ☆゚. * ・ 。゚
How are you holding up mid-mercury retrograde?
This year I just added the Planet Oppositions because there are a few of them in the later months of the year and I wanted to research them.
This is a Northern Hemisphere calendar and specific dates may vary due to different time zones, so always do your research for your specific region.
And if you find any mistakes or anything do add it if you reblog, so I can keep it in mind for future calendars!
See you in the full moon!!
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 month
April 2024 witch guide
Full moon: April 23rd
New moon: April 8th
Solar eclipse: April 8th
Sabbats: None
April Pink Moon
Known as: Breaking Ice Moon, Budding Moon of Plants & shrubs, Budding Tree Moon, Eastermonath, Frog Moon, Green Grass Moon, Growing Moon, Hare Moon, Moon of the Red Grass appearing, Moon When Geese Lay Egss, Moon When thd Ducks Come Back, Ostarmanoth, Planters Moon, Seed Moon, Sucker Moon & Wind Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aries & Taurus
Nature spirits: Plant Faeries
Deities: Anahita, Bast, Ceres, Cernunnos, Hathor, Herne, Ishtar, Kali, Tawaret & Venus
Animals: Bear & wolf
Birds:  Hawk & magpie
Trees: Bay, forsythia, hazel, lilac, pine & willow
Herbs:  Basil, chives, dandelion, dill, dogwood, dragon's blood, fennel, geranium, milkweed & thistle
Flowers: Daisy & sweetpea
Scents: Bay, bergamot, patchouli & pine
Stones: Angelite, beryl, diamond, garnet, malachite, quartz, ruby, sapphire, sard, selenite & zircon
Colors: Blue, brown, crimson, gold & green
Energy: Authority, balance, beginnings, change, fertility, growth, leadership, opportunities, overcoming obstacles, personal skill development, re-birth, self-evaluation, self-reliance, spirituality, temper control & willpower
April’s full Moon often corresponded with the early springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America: Phlox subulata—commonly called creeping phlox or moss phlox—which also went by the name “moss pink.” Thanks to this seasonal association, this full Moon came to be called the “Pink” Moon.
Other celebrations:
• Walpurgis Night - April 30th
Also known as: May Eve
The origins of the holiday date back to pagan celebrations of fertility rites & the coming of spring. After the Norse were Christianized, the pagan celebration became combined with the legend of St. Walburga, an English-born nun who lived at Heidenheim monastery in Germany & later became the abbess there. Saint Walpurga was hailed by the Christians of Germany for battling "pest, rabies, & whooping cough as well as against witchcraft". Christians prayed to God through the intercession of Saint Walpurga in order to protect themselves from witchcraft, as Saint Walpurga was successful in converting the local populace to Christianity. Although it is likely that the date of her canonization is purely coincidental to the date of the pagan celebrations of spring, people were able to celebrate both events under church law without fear of reprisal.
Walpurgis Night is still a traditional holiday celebrated on April 30th in northern Europe & Scandinavia. In Sweden typical holiday activities include the singing of traditional spring folk songs & the lighting of bonfires. In Germany the holiday is celebrated by dressing in costumes, playing pranks on people & creating loud noises meant to keep evil at bay. Many people also hang blessed sprigs of foliage from houses & barns to ward off evil spirits, or they leave pieces of bread spread with butter & honey, called ankenschnitt, as offerings for phantom hounds.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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esoteric-chaos · 4 months
Esoteric Chaos Masterpost - Online Grimoire
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Need help finding all of my personal posts on my blog? Look no further! Here is everything collected in one place for you.
If a link is not working please let me know and I'll fix it immediately. If you do not see a link and it's just text* those are upcoming posts scheduled.
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Spiritual Hygiene and Beginner Work - The foundations of witchcraft and spiritual upkeep
Grounding and Centering - How-Tos and Methods
Cleansing - The How-Tos and Methods
Banishing - The How-Tos and Methods
Protection - The How-Tos and Methods
Warding - The How-Tos and Methods
Low Energy Practices - Spoonie Edition*
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Basics in Witchcraft - The basics of witchcrafting
Energy Manipulation*
Safety in Witchcraft
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Spell Crafting Basics - The basics of spellcrafting
"How do I create a spell? Spell reversals?"*
"What is casting a circle? Do I need to?"*
"How do I Power my Spells?"*
"Planetary Timing? What’s that?"*
"My Spell Backfired! Help!"*
"I Think I Was Cursed. What Do I Do?"*
Wheel of the Year Masterpost - Spoonie Witch-Friendly
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Intermediate/Advanced Witchcraft - Types of more advanced practice
What is Intermediate and Advanced Witchcraft?*
What is Energy Work?*
Cursing, Hexing and Jinxing*
What is Ancestor Work? Breaking it down and how to start + extra
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Types of Magic - Different categories of witchcraft
Lunar magic*
Glamour magic*
Hearth magic*
Chaos Magic*
Energy Healing 101
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Kitchen Witchcraft - Infused Cooking Oils, Dinner Recipes, Baking, Tea Blends, Syrups, Etc
Kitchen Witchcraft Masterpost
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Herbalism - Herbal Education, Recipes
Herbalism Masterpost
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Spells - Spells, Pop Culture Spells, Sigils, Spell Oils, Spell Powders
Spells Masterpost
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Spoonie Witchcraft
Low Energy Witchcraft - Chronic Fatigue Edition
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
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Tips and Tricks
Low Energy Cleansing Tip
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Extra’s - Any extra reading material on different topics
Sustainability and Witchcraft*
Endangered and Threatened Plants and Resins*
UPDATED: 4/06/24
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cxsmiicc · 3 months
pov writing a wot fic and having to go on the fandom wiki EVERY FIVE FUCKING SECONDS to fact check
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ivyodessa · 8 days
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Blessed Beltane 🏵️🌱🌼
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invisible-brandy · 6 months
im impressed that phil remembered that they ordered 1 kilo of shreddies in the manchester day in the life video
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sercophe-sinderwidth · 7 months
WoT Thoughts pt.1
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strongermonster · 9 months
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sorry but there's something really funny/bleak to me about the merriam-webster gatekeeping words. capitalism on the dictionary website hiding the words from me. you think i'm going to pay? for definitions? my good bitch i think not. if you won't tell me what the words mean i'll do a shakespeare and make em up as i go
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Mabon Spells, Part I⛤
Before we start, I’d like to inform you that this topic has been broken down in 3 posts since I’d like to share some Spells, Deity Spells and Kitchen Magic, before the actual celebration, to make the entire thing more readable and give our fellow witches enough time to get ready!
I will also share a Mabon Masterpost with all the content I’ve posted regarding the festivity.
This is a list of spells that are a MUST for Mabon!
⛤An Acorn Mabon Spell for Prosperity
An acorn
Marker or paint with paintbrush
Small spell bag or sachet
Small bell (you can get these from craft shops)
⛤How to:
Cleanse your space in whatever way you prefer.
Set the magical Mabon mood – turn on music, burn incense, light a few candles, etc.
Gather your ingredients and tools.
Cast a circle, if you so choose, and invoke the elements.
Hold your acorn in your hands and envision prosperity flowing from the acorn into your hands and through your entire body like a soft orange light.
Keep the acorn in your left hand and pick up the little bell in your right.
Say the following 9 times:
“Blessings of oak, earth and the Mabon season.
Flow through this acorn into my home.
Each time the front door opens,
The Mabon bell rings and prosperity flows in.”
Now draw or paint the Mabon symbol onto the acorn
Place the acorn and bell in the small bag.
Thank the earth, Mabon spirits, and energies present. (Release your circle if you cast one).
Hang the Mabon spell bag on your front door, until the Autumn season has ended.
Then bury the acorn near the front door. Cleanse and re-use the bell.
⛤A Mabon Bath Spell for Balance
Wherever balance is needed, decide you’re ready to improve those things and cast this Mabon spell.
⛤What You’ll Need:
Sunflower petals: linked to the Sun and properties include good luck and joy. 
Also a traditional herb used on Mabon.
Chamomile: also linked to the Sun and properties include prosperity and warding off negative energy.
Rosemary: for purification, health, and clarity of mind and memory
3 crystals (of your choice, but I recommend clear quartz, citrine, and amber)
Muslin bag (optional)
⛤How to:
Cleanse the space and set the mood. Turn down the lights and turn on some music, if you choose.
Light a candle or two.
Draw a warm bath and add the herbs to the water (if you have a bag, add your herbs to the bag and then to the water. This makes clean-up much easier!)
Place the 3 crystals around 3 sides of the bathtub (not in the water, but on the tub itself).
Get in and soak while focusing on balance. 
Meditate on what balance means to you and how you could use more of it.
You can chant or repeat the following incantation:
“I invoke the energies of Mabon,
On a day of balance,
We welcome the Autumn season,
May the balance of night and day
Bring my life balance in every way.”
Soak in the bath for as long as you feel it’s necessary.
Then emerge feeling balanced within yourself and all around you.
⛤Quick Balance Spell
Mabon is observed on an equinox, a time when there are equal parts of light and day. It is the perfect time to reassess and work toward balance in all parts of your life.
⛤You’ll need:
Black candle
White candle
A pen
Some paper
⛤How to:
Set up your altar to reflect the harvest. 
Place a black and a white candle on opposite sides of the altar, and place a piece of parchment in between them. 
On this paper, write down the aspects of your life that you feel need to be brought into balance. 
As you contemplate those aspects, light the candles and say:
"As day and night are now in balance,
so to let my life find balance."
⛤Mabon Ritual
This is a ritual to honor the duality of life and death, sadness and celebration.
⛤You’ll need:
White Candle
Black Candle
A red apple
Some spring flowering bulbs
⛤How to:
 Place one white and one black candle on your altar.
In the center, place one red apple to represent Avalon, the Land of Apples where some traditions believe Mabon was held captive
As a symbol of rebirth, also have on hand a small bowl of spring-flowering bulbs
Light the candles and say:
"You walk the paths of darkness and
You do not fear the coming of the night.
Again you'll rise from the mists of
For you are Mabon, the Great Son."
As a lasting tribute to this holiday, plant the bulbs. When they bloom in the spring, you'll remember Mabon and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
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grimoiregradient · 5 months
A Month of Joy - December Spell A Day Challenge
This month, in addition to the usual open ended spell prompts, I've sprinkled in some holiday activities and given them a witchy twist. I hope you enjoy and if you participate, even for one or two days, please mention me or tag it #witchydecemberchallenge !
Day 1 | Spell | Ribbon
Day 2 | Potion | Ginger
Day 3 | Charm | Giving
Day 4 | Make a spell jar in an ornament to hang on your tree
Day 5 | Glamour | Mistletoe
Day 6 | Divination | Rest
Day 7 | Spell | Cranberry
Day 8 | Bath | Joy
Day 9 | Sigil | Snow Day
Day 10 | Collect sticks and make a wreath intended for protection
Day 11 | Spell | Tinsel
Day 12 | Hex | Ginger Bread Man
Day 13 | Sigil | Baking
Day 14 | Potion | Mint
Day 15 | Bath | Hot Cocoa
Day 16 | Make paper snowflakes using color magic and numerology
Day 17 | Glamour | Peace
Day 18 | Add jingle bells to your door to cleanse your home
Day 19 | Divination | Naught/Nice
Day 20 | Make a garland using dried fruit and sigils of your choosing.
Day 21 | Spell | Knots
Day 22 | Create a good luck charm as a gift for someone
Day 23 | Spell | Candle
Day 24 | Sigil | Snowflake
Day 25 | Spell | Hearth
Day 26 | Make a simmer pot intended to cleanse your home
Day 27 | Kitchen | Cold
Day 28 | Ritual | Tea
Day 29 | Make a small besom/broom with cinnamon sticks to cleanse your altar
Day 30 | Divination | Resolution
Day 31 | Sigil | Firework
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readtilyoudie · 6 months
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candles-by-mokosh · 11 months
Emoji spells for comfort 🧸
Love (romantic)
Love (platonic)
Sweet Dreams
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spirit-amplified · 2 months
Communing with Fire & The East Road In Appalachia: "Fire on the Mountain" Protection Oil
The arrival of the Spring Equinox in the Appalachian Mountains heralds a time of transition and renewal, where the earth awakens from its winter slumber and bursts forth with new life. As a traditional mountain practitioner, this shift in seasons brings a change in focus and direction along my crooked path.
Spring is aligned with the energies of the East Road, representing dawn, the rising sun, and the Red Spirits of Fire. It is a time of awakening and transformation, where the chthonic fire of the Red Serpent/Dragon ignites the landscape with its primal energy. The song "Fire on the Mountain" echoes through the hills, carrying the power and vitality of the season.
In the tradition of Old Mother Red-Cap, Spring is associated with power, protection, purification, and defensive magick. It is a time for working with candle magick, solar magick, and tapping into the potent energies of sexuality and desire. The inner flame of witch fire burns brightly, fueled by cunning and will.
The tools and regalia of Spring include the knife/athame (some say wands), symbolizing the cutting away of old patterns and the clearing of obstacles and protection; the broom, representing purification and the sweeping away of negative energies; and the lamp/lantern/candle, serving as a beacon of light and guidance along the path.
As I embrace the energies of Spring in the Appalachian Mountains, may I harness the power of the season to manifest all my desires, protect myself and my loved ones, and walk my crooked path with strength, courage, and cunning.
"Fire on The Mountain" Protection Oil:
"Fire on the Mountain" is similar to a Fiery Wall of Protection Oil, which both have protective properties and folk magick associations. Both are rooted in the tradition of creating a shield of defense against negative energy, psychic attacks, curses, hexes, or jinxes.
Fire on The Mountain is designed to establish a barrier of protection around oneself or a space. It serves as a potent tool for defensive magick and is infused with fiery herbs and ingredients, helping to ward off harm and create a sense of safety and security.
As with many folk magick rituals, there are numerous variations of this type of protection oil, each with its own blend of ingredients and methods of preparation. These variations often reflect the unique practices and traditions of different cultural and regional groups. This blend is one from my own personal sources.
Readers Note:
If you decide to use the carrier oils/base oils listed... I suggest sticking to more of a Castor oil base with a few drops of Neem oil blended in for protective & fortifying properties. Neem oil plain stinks and is pricey! Personally, I also don't suggest rubbing this oil on any walls or surfaces that can easily stain...Castor oil is crazy thick and will leave a forever oil stain on any porous surface you apply it to...ask me how I know lol. A "Nailing Down" ritual or protective enchanting of a ward, or candle magick is great for this oil. As always, you are welcome to stick to a neutral base instead if you don't want to use the suggested oils. (Check my "Carrier Oils Post" below for other oils and their properties)
Make sure to ground your Dragon's Blood Resin well before blending. I know Dragon's Blood is wickedly expensive but I will say a little will go a long way. Plus, dragon's blood is one of those ingredients you just can't beat and it stores super well, and for a long time after... the more it's used, the more of a protective shield it creates... think the wall part of "fiery wall of protection". Personally, I like making this oil smell great... so I also include a few drops of Dragon's Blood Fragrance oil. When I sell this oil, the fragrance is one of its most complimented features.
Now for an optional 2-punch combo, you can add a pinch of Sulfur and Ash to your master jar or bottle... Literally just a pinch of each!!!! Too much and it will muddle your oil and the sulfur will have your oil smelling like an eggy fart lol. Also, make sure to use Brimstone Sulfur... you can get it on Amazon. Many gardeners use sulfur for their plants. Sulfur can be used as a baneful ingredient but it is also great protection and a hex-breaker. Ash is used in this oil for the suffocation of any malevolent energy being sent.
You can make this oil with whatever ritual you would like... On a Sunday in the hour of the Sun, On a Tuesday in the hour of Mars, Under a Full Moon in a fire sign, Under the noon Sun, during a fire ritual or ceremony, or just make it with no ritual at all. It's really up to you. The ingredients and herbs have their magick.
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autismswagsummit · 1 year
Wheel of Doom Round 1
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adhd-merlin · 10 months
merlin being arthur and gwen's third wheel but it's a tricycle
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