#that's the vibe here that's what he's doing
stervrucht · 2 days
David Bowie plays on the radio and Steve drums his fingers along the steering wheel of his car as he contemplates. He is truly too good for this world. Now he is running errands for Dustin like some common soccer mom. The kid only had to give him one pout – one! – and Steve felt all his resistance crumbling. So, there he is on a Friday evening, seated in his still-running car in a Hawkin’s trailer park.
He stops his car in front of Eddie’s trailer and listens to the music as he gathers the willpower to leave the car.
Laughed at his long black hair, his animal grace, Bowie sings on the radio. 
How fitting
Outside, dusk is setting in and the world colors purple. Closing up Family Video had taken longer than he anticipated due to a difficult customer who couldn’t decide between The Thing and The Nightmare on Elm Street and had asked Steve extensive questions to make up his mind. 
Steve used to be fine with horror movies, but given recent developments (give or take his life the past few years), he isn’t into horror anymore. Out of the two, The Thing is probably the worst offender. Those crazy fleshy monsters hit a bit too close to home. Although, Freddie Krueger does have some vague Vecna vibes to him.
Steve is so lost in thought he doesn't notice the door of the trailer open until Eddie knocks on his window with his knuckle. With a jolt, Steve turns to roll his car window down. Once it is fully open, Eddie leans forward, his arms resting on the car.
“Sup Harrington.” Eddie’s hair falls forward and the low-cut tank top reveals his chest, framed by the silver chain of a guitar-pick necklace. 
Shaved, Steve notes.  Then, realizing he is staring, he tears his eyes away, coming face to face with Eddie Munson who gives him an amused look.
“Oh uh, right” – Steve coughs nervously – “Dustin asked me to give you this…” he unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over to the passenger seat where he grabs the cardboard box of some nerdy game.
“Here–” He hands the box to Eddie’s outstretched hands.
“Hell yeah, Talisman. Took Henderson long enough.” Eddie pushes himself away from the car and inspects the box for a moment. When he turns back to Steve, his eyes move towards the car radio.
“I didn’t take you for a Bowie fan.”
“Oh, I’m not really … Robin must have left it in. It’s … alright, I suppose.” 
“And what type of music does Steve find more than alright?” 
Eddie flashes him a cheeky smile and Steve finds himself somewhat intimidated. Whatever his answer, someone like Eddie will probably find it lame. Steve isn’t all that passionate about music anyway and mostly listens to whatever is on the radio.
“Maybe Queen, The Bee Gees…” he lists in no particular order.
Eddie tuts. “Such a proper boy.”
Although he expects it, Steve still winces.
“I should introduce you to some real music,” Eddie says thoughtfully, then – “Wanna come in?”
Steve takes a moment to think. His parents are out, so it isn’t like he’s expected at home. He has nothing to do tonight except watch some movies (perks of the job). Although the prospect of hanging out with Eddie doesn’t thrill him, it might be the more interesting option.
“Sure,” Steve turns his car off, rolls the window back up and opens the car door. Eddie takes a step back, giving Steve some room to get out. 
Eddie’s eyes move to his chest and Steve realizes he is still wearing the stupid Family Video vest. He quickly takes it off, crumples it and unceremoniously throws it in his car before shutting the door again. With a quick turn of his key, the car is locked.
Steve follows Eddie towards the trailer. It is a warm summer’s night and the shadows of the trees grow long under the purple sky. The trailer park is surrounded by ample woods and fields from which the sound of crickets flares up.
“You coming?” Eddie waits for him at the door. Steve doesn’t realize he stopped moving and quickly makes his way to where Eddie is standing.
“After you, King Steve,” Eddie says, holding open the door with a dramatic bow.
Damn, Eddie is kind of annoying, isn’t he? No wonder Dustin gets on so well with him. Two peas in a pod. Steve lets out an unamused scoff.
Once inside, Steve stands in the middle of the…living room? Kitchen? He isn’t sure what to call such multifunctional rooms. He crosses his arms and shifts his weight from one leg to the other as he waits for Eddie to put the game away.
The main room is crowded and messy. It is the complete opposite of his parents’ living room, which is kept meticulously clean and organized – with the help of their cleaning lady of course. The coffee table is stained with water circles from mugs and the like. Something unthinkable to Steve. If he ever puts a glass down without a coaster, he will face his mother’s wrath.
“Beer?” Eddie calls from the kitchen. He already turned his back to him to make his way to the under-table fridge.
Steve is getting sick of standing around and decides to move to the small beige sofa. It is littered with clothes and after a moment of hesitation, he shoves them aside and sits down.
“You’re fucking tense,” Eddie says as he hands Steve a can of beer. He looks down at the pile of clothes and without hesitation grabs them and throws them in a different corner of the room. Then he lets himself fall onto the sofa next to Steve, which objects with a loud creak.
The sofa really is quite small and granted, a bigger one probably wouldn’t fit. The middle of it sagged considerably too, dragging its occupants to the center.
Steve feels the warmth of Eddie’s jeans-clad legs against his own. They are probably sitting a bit too close and Steve shifts uncomfortably in his seat. 
The can lets out an audible hiss as Eddie opens it and takes a quick sip from his beer. Then, he puts it down on the table and jumps up again.
“Fuck, I was gonna play you some music.” He hurries past the kitchen into a separate room. 
Steve opens his own can – cheap store-brand beer – and takes a nervous gulp as he waits for Eddie to return.
He is starting to reconsider his choices this evening. Perhaps he should just have watched Back to the Future again. Instead, he is in the trailer of some guy he kinda-sorta knows because they have shared custody of some annoying kid (one of Steve’s best friends).
“Oh yes, this will be good.” Eddie re-emerges cradling a few cassettes in his arms like he is holding a baby. He squats in front of the coffee table and releases the collection of plastic cases on top of it. Steve eyes the contents, but he recognises none of it. Then he looks over at Eddie – the flesh of his knee peeks through the hole of his jeans and Steve wonders if Eddie made it himself or if it had naturally torn by use. 
Eddie shifts through the cassettes with ring-clad fingers, picking a few up and turning them around to look at the back of the plastic cases.
“Let’s start with Rainbow,” he mumbles to himself, grabbing the cassette (a hand holding a rainbow over mountains on its front). He walks over to a small side table next to the front door where an old-school cassette player stands.
With a loud click, the front of the cassette player opens and Eddie puts the cassette in and closes it again. Immediately, music starts playing.
“Fuck, hold on.”
Eddie rushes over to the kitchen, rummaging through some drawers until he finds what he is looking for.
Victoriously, he holds up a pencil to Steve and clicks his tongue. Steve takes another gulp of his beer as he watches Eddie move through the trailer with a skip in his step. He is actually excited to let Steve hear his music. Steve feels strangely flattered and he lets himself fall back on the sofa. 
The music stops and Eddie takes the cassette out. Using the back of the pencil, he rewinds the tape. Steve looks at Eddie’s hands as he works. The rings are kinda cool. Maybe he should let Robin pick out a ring for him too. Although perhaps not with skulls and crosses like Eddie wears. Maybe something more simple, like a signet ring or something.
Steve is pulled from his thoughts when he hears the cassette player click shut again. 
“Your player doesn’t rewind?” Steve asks.
“Steve” – Eddie puts the pencil behind his ear and turns to look at him – “I live in a trailer…”
Steve feels heat rise to his cheeks. 
Shit, sometimes he forgets his parents are very well off and some things are considered luxuries instead of the default. He made the same mistake with Robin too – multiple times – but it was hard to prevent. He thinks back on his car – not particularly expensive, but also not as beat-up as Jonathan’s. Does Eddie think he is some spoiled rich boy?
“Right, sorry.” Steve takes another mouthful of beer. Eddie turns around again to put the cassette in the cassette player. 
A song begins to play, the sound reminds Steve of something alien – not really like music at all. Once the drums kicks in Eddie begins to bob his head on the beat, his hands hitting an invisible drum. He dances across the room, drumming his invisible drumsticks along the wall before falling back onto the sofa, stringing his fingers as if playing a guitar.
“Shit, I should really learn this on the guitar.” He leans forward to grab his can of beer. Condensation forms on the outside and when he picks it up, a wet circle is left on the table.
Eddie kicks his feet up, white sneakers hitting the wood of the coffee table and the cassettes rattle. He takes a deep swig of his beer and audibly sighs. 
Steve leans forward, arms resting on his thighs and can between his knees. Once the music actually began, it wasn’t too bad. He didn’t understand the long intros though, and preferred it if music would just start.
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks.
“Not bad.”
“Not bad” – Eddie scoffs – “You, my friend, have not been exposed to nearly enough good music.”
Steve chuckles. “I thought Bowie was pretty acceptable by –” he looks Eddie up and down demonstratively, “ – your kind.”
“My kind, huh?” a smile plays at the corners of Eddie’s lips. “And what would that be, exactly?” 
Well, shit. Steve drove himself straight into possible-insult town. Eddie eyes him curiously, one elbow resting on the sofa’s backrest and his hands holding his can in a way Steve could only describe as cool. 
“Well, you know…” he trails off.
“I know…?”
“Eh, metalheads, I guess?”
“Ziggy Stardust isn’t metal, you know that right?”
Steve sighs exasperatedly. “I know, ugh. I mean he’s–”
“Weird?” Eddie finishes.
Steve takes another gulp of beer, desperate to compose himself. “Yeah,” he answers lamely.
“I suppose he’s pretty weird, huh?” Eddie eyes the ceiling of the trailer while taking a lazy sip from his beer. “Did you know he used to be gay?”
Steve looks to Eddie, who is still eying the ceiling, head lying back against the sofa’s backrest. 
“Used to be?” If Steve is to believe Robin, there is no ‘used to be ’ when it comes to being gay. You either are or you aren’t. Now he thinks about it, Bowie seems somewhat queer with his tight suits and styled hair, but that is what girls dig, isn't it? He has heard countless girls swoon over men just like that.
“You never had a gay phase, Harrington?” 
Steve nearly drops his can.
“You know, live a little, try some shit, see what sticks –”
“I can’t say I have,” Steve mumbles, his eyes now firmly fixed on the can in his hands. He plays nervously with the lip, pulling it in tandem with the music before taking another sip.
“With a pretty face like yours, you might actually get some good ones.”
Steve chokes on his beer. Actually chokes, and he hits his chest with a fist to get himself to breathe again.
“How can you know what you like when you never tried it?” Eddie sits up straight, pulling one leg to his chest as he turns to Steve. His dark eyes seem like a bottomless lake and Steve feels small under his gaze.
“H-have you?” Steve stutters and it is utterly embarrassing. Why is he so rattled by some stupid revelation? 
Wait, did Eddie just call him pretty?
Eddie smirks at him like they are sharing in a secret, and perhaps they are.
“Fuck yes, if someone tells me not to do something you can bet your ass I will do it. Besides, humans are humans, big fucking deal.” 
“So – was it a phase? In your case?” Steve asks carefully. He isn’t really sure why he asks. Maybe it is part curiosity. He never seriously considered relationships with men. Some are nice enough to look at, sure, but marriage, a house, children – that is only meant for a man and a woman right? A world in which someone just casually tries homosexuality seems…foreign. 
“Hm, I guess so … Wow, don’t look at me like that Harrington. Are you disappointed?”
“W-what, no!” Steve really doesn’t know why he is getting so flustered. He suddenly feels self-conscious under Eddie’s piercing eyes and runs a hand through his hair – a nervous habit.
“Fuck, you are – well, alright, maybe for you I can arrange an encore.”
Before Steve has time to respond, Eddie pushes himself upright and leans one knee on the sofa between Steve’s legs. He feels the cold metal of Eddie’s rings under his chin as he lays a sprawled hand on his throat and tilts his head. 
Steve freezes, air caught in his chest as Eddie leans over his face, his breath hot on his lips. Steve’s right hand uselessly holds on to the near-empty can – afraid to spill it – while his left hand digs into the sofa next to his thighs. Then, Eddie leans down, capturing his lips with practiced ease. Steve feels his long hair tickle his cheeks and the scruff of a five-o-clock shadow grace his chin. 
Eddie’s lips move over his, slightly chapped and rough in a way that couldn’t possibly be a girl. Without meaning to, Steve feels his own lips move against Eddie’s. 
Well, now he couldn't pretend it was just something happening to him. He had graduated to an active participant. 
Kissing Eddie Munson. Eddie freaking Munson.  
Robin was going to have a field day.
Perhaps the most surprising part is how he doesn’t hate it. He likes the feeling of stubble on his chin, the hard corners of Eddie’s jaw, the way Eddie pushes him back onto the sofa and he wills Steve’s mouth open with a sweep of a thumb and the cold metal of rings on his face. A hot tongue explores his mouth, stroking it against Steve’s in a way that makes him gasp.
Steve has never experienced anything like it. Usually with the girls he dated, he took the lead. Kisses were usually shy and timid. Eddie is completely different. He knows what he wants and he isn’t afraid to get it. Steve feels something stir in him as he presses back.
Eddie bites his bottom lip, taking it between his lips, and breaks away from him. Steve feels breathless and blinks up at Eddie. His hand reaches over to Steve’s right side, gently taking the can from his hand and setting it away on the coffee table. He turns back, eyes dark and Steve wills his mouth close as he regards him. 
Was he gay? Shit, he doesn’t really want to think about it now. Humans are humans was what Eddie had said right?
Steve reaches out, sliding his hands behind Eddie’s neck, and pulls him back. Eddie moves himself into a more comfortable position, placing a knee on either side of Steve’s thighs and straddling him. Eddie’s hands reach for Steve’s temples, threading themselves through Steve’s hair – rings catch on the strands but Steve doesn’t mind the painful sting as it pulls. He just wants to get Eddie’s lips back on his – and so he does.
Their lips meet, fiery and hot. Open-mouthed Steve explores every corner of Eddie. He lowers his hands to Eddie’s back, playing on the edge of his tanktop and the hot skin underneath. If it works for girls, surely it works for guys too right?
He runs his hands up the side of Eddie’s chest, a thumb over a nipple, and Eddie gasps into his mouth. Steve feels heat settle in his crotch and he is glad he chose to wear jeans made of thick fabric rather than thin trousers. Steve’s hands move over Eddie’s chest, feeling the smooth muscle of it and the roughness of regrowing chest hair.
Eddie’s fingers reach the hair on the back of Steve’s head and yank it back, exposing Steve’s throat. He lets out a surprised yelp when he feels Eddie’s mouth latch to the delicate bow of his neck and suck. 
Steve is learning a lot about himself in the span of less than an hour. The way Eddie tugs his hair, and has his way with him is sending a pleasant jolt straight to his cock.  And Steve can’t help but moan under the ministrations of Eddie’s mouth as he sucks and bites. 
“Y-you’re gonna leave a mark,” Steve breathes.
“That’s the plan,” Eddie mouths against his neck. Then, he licks his way up into Steve’s mouth again.
Shit, he is kinda into this. Steve isn’t sure how he could ever go back to girls now he knows what it feels like to be touched by calloused fingers and kissed with such force. 
Eddie’s hand leaves his hair and travels down to the rim of his jeans, pulling out his shirt in the process. Steve feels the ghost of fingers running along its edge and the muscles in his stomach tense pleasantly in response.
Eddie breaks away from him, his breath ghosting over his lips as he searches Steve’s eyes. 
“You wanna take this further?” Eddie asks, his eyes flitting over Steve’s face.
Steve feels drunk, even though half a can of beer isn’t nearly enough to even get him close to being buzzed. He is also turned on. Ridiculously so. But fuck, what does taking it further even mean in this context. Steve feels like a virgin all over again and shifts uncomfortably in his seat, trying to hide his arousal from Eddie.
Not that they are not actively engaged anymore, anxiety hits Steve like a bag of bricks.
“Uhh…” is all Steve manages to utter.
Eddie throws himself off Steve’s lap onto the empty spot next to him on the sofa. He puts his feet on the table again, hands behind his head.
“You’re right, maybe that’s enough for tonight.” 
It doesn’t escape Steve that Eddie’s jeans look a little tighter than usual.
They sit in silence for a moment, only the voice of Rainbow’s singer cutting through the tension. 
“I thought you said it was a phase,” Steve asks after he finally gets his breathing under control.
“Oh right, I should have clarified” – Eddie grins up at the ceiling – “The gay thing was a phase. I figured I was into both.”
Both? Wasn’t that something only hippies preached with their free love? Somewhere, Steve feels a wave of relief washes over him. He never seriously considered someone could like both. He has some serious soul-searching to do once he gets home.
“Huh,” is all Steve replies. Eddie’s eyebrow quirks in interest as he side-eyes Steve.
“I, uh…probably should get going.” Steve puts his hands on his thighs and pushes himself up. Eddie doesn’t move from his position, but his eyes follow him with interest.
“If you’re ever in the mood for a sequel, you know where to find me.” 
Steve nods, because what else can you do in reply to such a comment? He is baffled at the ease with which the words escape Eddie. There is no shame or self-doubt.
As he lays his hand on the door handle, Steve looks back one final time. Eddie’s feet are bouncing in tandem with the beat of the drums and his eyes are closed. He looks so absolutely unshaken by their encounter that Steve feels almost jealous.
Steve is anything but unshaken.
“See you around,” he offers.
“See you, Harrington,” Eddie’s voice is playful, even though he doesn’t move.
When Steve is safe and sound in the driver’s seat of his car, he leans his head against the steering wheel and stays there for a moment. 
What the hell just happened?
He turns his mirror to his neck and traces the hickey that Eddie left on his throat with a finger. He would have to ask Robin for some make-up to cover that up. 
She is going to love this story.
Steve sighs and pushes the mirror back into its original position. When he starts the car, Bowie continues to sing like nothing happened.
Yes, he was alright, his song went on forever, Bowie sings and Steve groans as he hits the gas.
It is Saturday morning when Steve walks up to the Buckley residence. He passes the garden fence and walks around the house to the backdoor.
Hawkins was struck by the beginning of a heatwave and at this point, the temperature was bearable as long as one didn't move too much. The perfect day for a visit to the pool, but too hot for videos. 
Which is why Steve is sure today won’t be too busy at Family Video. Fine by him. 
The quiet days he works with Robin are always his favorite. Sometimes Henderson comes over – either with his friends or alone – and they mess around with the cardboard cut-outs or watch a movie on the little TV screen hanging from the ceiling. Steve has zero regrets about missing out on college. Everything he loves is right here in Hawkins.
He pulls at the red handkerchief around his neck. It is against company policy to wear scarves (and probably too hot too) but Steve needs something to cover up the damage of his little adventure with Eddie. At least, until he gets his hands on some skin paint stuff – or whatever girls call that type of make-up.
He enters through the backdoor straight into the kitchen, where he finds Robin’s mother clearing the table of breakfast plates. The room smells faintly like toast.
“Morning, Ms. Buckley!” he calls, already moving towards the hallway. Steve hears her respond, but he's halfway up the stairs by then.
“Just a second!” Her voice is muffled. She opens her door, fixing an earring. Her eyes flick to his scarf before meeting his gaze.
“Geez, you’re early.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve walks straight past her and throws himself on her unmade bed.  Robin pays him no mind and she walks over to her dresser again. From his spot on the bed, Steve can see Robin's face reflected in the mirror as she fusses with her hair. When she reaches for a pouch, Steve is suddenly reminded of why he is early to begin with. 
“Do you have that face-stuff?” he asks as he sees Robin pull a pencil from the pouch.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific than ‘face stuff’.”
“You know, the skin-colored goo.” Steve makes motions over his face as if he’s painting.
“Concealer?” Robin’s mouth is open in concentration as she lines her waterline with black.
“That’s it!” Steve throws himself off the bed and walks over to Robin.
“Sure, I’ve got some,” Robin puts down her pencil and rummages through the pouch again. She pulls out a small beige bottle and holds it up for Steve. He reaches for it, but Robin pulls away.
“Does this have anything to do with your avant-garde fashion statement today?” She looks at his scarf again.
Steve laughs sheepishly and pulls his scarf aside. Robin’s eyes widen at the dark hickey on his neck.
“Jesus, Steve! It’s massive” – she leans in closer – “Was it Rebecca? Never thought she’d be the type...” Robin reaches for his neck but Steve pulls away.
“What? No!” – Steve lets go of the scarf – “I stopped seeing her like five weeks ago. Get with the times, Rob.”
“Well, sorry I can’t keep up with your busy love life.” Robin turns back to the mirror. She definitely isn’t sorry and Steve wouldn’t exactly call the origin of the hickey ‘love’. A lapse of judgment, maybe, or something uniquely in the corner of Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson. 
“Can I get the stuff now?”
“Fine,” she says and she pushes the bottle in his hands.
Outside the car, the world passes in a flash of yellow fields. The windows are down and the scent of drying grass fills the air. Steve turns the music up to drown out the thundering sound of the wind as it enters the car and drums his fingers on the steering wheel while he uselessly mouths along with the music. He doesn’t know the lyrics, but that can’t stop him. The fact it annoys Robin when he does so makes it even more fun in his opinion.
“You’re in a good mood,” Robin remarks while she digs through her bag.
“It’s a beautiful day and I’m working with my best friend,” Steve chirps.
“Uhuh, right,” she replies skeptically. She puts her bag back between her legs on the car floor and fiddles with something in her hands.
Steve’s eyes are focused on the road before him when the music suddenly stops.
“Hey! I was listening to that!”
“I thought you said Bowie was ‘overrated trash’” Robin says while opening the case to another cassette. 
“I didn’t,”
“You so did, and you called his pants too tight,”
“Whatever, driver decides,” 
Robin sighs and pushes the cassette back in. “When I get my license, it will be Blondie all day every day. You better prepare yourself, dingus!”
Steve hums in satisfaction as the music comes back on. Maybe he found it somewhat grating in the beginning, but it was growing on him now. That, of course, had nothing to do with Eddie Munson.
“Did you know he used to be gay?” Steve suddenly says.
“Bisexual, Steve, and of course I know that. The question is, why do you?” From his periphery, he can see Robin staring at him.
“I just heard it somewhere,”
“Somewhere…” Robin repeated. She leans over to put the other cassette back in her bag. 
Steve is relieved when he sees Family Video come into view. It’s not like Robin will forget their conversation, she is far too smart for that. And he really does plan on telling her about what happened yesterday, he just has to find the right moment. Hell, maybe it wouldn’t even be today. 
Steve pulls into the parking space and hops out of the car. He locks his door and throws the keys over the car to Robin. She fumbles in her attempt to catch it and Steve is once again reminded that Robin is a band dweeb and not an athlete.
“Let’s open this baby up,” he says as he tosses the store keys into the air and catches them overhand.
“You’re such a show-off” – she walks past Steve into the store and continues without looking back – “For your information, there are no girls around…”
“Yet,” Steve finishes and Robin groans in response.
There wouldn’t be any girls around for most of the day as it turned out. 
As Steve expected, it was a slow day. The only people who visited were those who probably wouldn’t be found dead sunbathing, nerds who never stepped outside (except to rent a video, apparently), and old people looking for something nice to watch with their grandkids. 
Somewhere between the shelves, Robin is putting returned VHS tapes into their rightful place. Meanwhile, Steve sorts through new arrivals and adds them to the computer system. In the back of the shop,  a guy has been staring at some science fiction movies for probably half an hour by now. Category basement nerd, Steve decides.
They had been working in relative solitude. Steve looks up as he hears the bell signal someone’s entrance. He is greeted with a curly head of hair.
“Henderson!” Steve stands up and throws himself over the counter. The secret handshake is a must and cannot be skipped. 
Shake, box, Star Wars sword thing, guts.
Dustin smiles wildly at him. 
Just as Steve is spilling his guts, the bell chimes again. He looks up, readying himself to apologize to the poor customer he has no doubt scared off with his wild gestures when he comes face to face with dark bottomless eyes.
“Munson,” Steve is probably gawking, at least a little and Eddie looks amused at the scene in front of him.
Dustin, oblivious to it all, immediately starts talking. 
“I was just about to grab my bike when I ran into Eddie. He offered me a ride in his van. Mom’s at the pool today, says it’s too hot to stay indoors; she practically kicked me out of the house,”
“Right,” Steve wasn’t even looking at Dustin as he yapped on. He somehow couldn’t tear his eyes away from Eddie’s. It was strange seeing him in daylight now. The darkness of dusk had made their whole interaction the night prior seem like a dream. Now, face to face with Eddie, Steve was hit by the reality of what had transpired. He felt profoundly awkward.
“ – You should totally get a van, Steve!” Dustin’s voice pulls Steve from his thoughts and he tears his eyes away.
“Y-yeah, probably not. I like my car,” he composed himself, deciding to focus his attention on Dustin rather than Eddie.
“Hey Dustin”  – Robin walks from behind the shelves, carrying a now-empty crate. Her eyes land on Eddie with a hint of surprise – “Hey Eddie,”
“Got anything good yet?” Dustin asks Robin eagerly.
“You’re in luck–” Robin says as she puts the crate away, “We just added The Dark Crystal to our collection,”
“Sweet!” He hears Dustin call when Robin leads him away to one of the shelves in the back.
Steve is left alone with Eddie and doesn’t know how to compose himself. A part of him feels nervous under Eddie’s dark gaze. 
Eddie walks over to the counter and leans against it.
“Cool gig,” Eddie says as he looks around the store. “Do you ever get to keep the cardboard cut-outs?” Eddie points his finger at a life-size cut-out of Indiana Jones that stands proudly at the front of the store. Steve’s eyes involuntary drift back to his fingers again and he really ought to stop that. Sooner or later, Eddie will catch him staring.
“I don’t, but Keith does sometimes,” 
A silence falls between them and Eddie kicks his feet. The guy in the back still hasn’t made up his mind and a little distance away Dustin is eagerly explaining something about the ‘Gelflings’ to Robin.
“Hey, uh, are you doing anything next Friday?” Eddie asks suddenly. 
“Nothing yet,” Steve is desperately trying to stop his heart from beating at such an insistent pace and he hopes his voice comes out as nonchalant as he intends it to.
“You wanna…I don’t know…hang out or something?”
‘ Or something’. What does ‘or something’ mean ?
“Yeah, I– …yeah, sure” Steve fumbles a bit, but Eddie doesn’t seem to notice, or maybe he doesn’t care. A smile grows on his face.
“Cool,” Eddie says.
He pushes himself away from the counter and walks up to a shelf to inspect some of the movies. He leans forward, shifting his weight to the balls of his feet, and hums a song that sounds vaguely familiar. Steve stares at the interlaced fingers behind his back – adorned with silver rings – and shivers at the memory of their coolness against his neck.
“Cool,” Steve echoes.
The whole week, Steve had thought of countless excuses to cancel hanging out with Eddie on Friday, but in the end, none of them carried any weight. He couldn’t get Eddie of his freaking mind and the sappy romance movies that played on the television screen at work didn’t help either.
Eddie had visited Family Video again – once – with Dustin to return a movie. Apparently, they regularly hung out when Steve was busy at work and he felt something akin to jealousy. He had always been Dustin’s role model. Heck, the kid even started wearing his hair like him (thank you, Farrah Fawcett). That was until Eddie somehow inserted himself into the equation. Now, Dustin had grown out his hair and was wearing that ridiculous Hellfire shirt religiously; so often, Steve sometimes wondered if it was ever washed at all. 
Eddie had corrupted him, and maybe he had corrupted Steve a little bit as well.
“You seem nervous,” Robin remarks as she flips through a folder, biting in the back of a ballpen. 
“Well, I’m no–” Before Steve can finish his sentence, Robin continues.
“I haven’t heard you talk about your dates the whole week. Whoever gave you that ridiculous hickey has some serious hold over you –”
Steve feels his shoulders tense. The idea of Eddie having any kind of hold over him was crazy. Steve is cool, Steve is casual. Steve is definitely not nervous about his casual hangout with Eddie tonight.
“ –It’s Friday, aren’t you supposed to be on like three different dates tonight?” she continues.
“Uhm, well–”
“And you’ve been acting weird all week. Things are adding up to a very weird sum. The ‘buying thirty watermelons’ kind of weird sum.”
“You have such a way with words,” Steve rolls his eyes as he finally regains his composure.
“Steve!” Robin throws her pen at his head. He ducks, but the pen hits him anyway.
“Robin!” he mimics her tone.
“It’s someone’s mom, isn’t it? God, Steve–” Robin pulls a face in disgust.
“It’s not someone’s mom! Geez, Rob, what kind of person do you take me for?”
“The kind that acts all mysterious and weird, and suddenly listens to music he hates!”
Maybe going out of his way to buy a Rainbow cassette had been somewhat uncharacteristic. Of course, Robin would pick up on that.
“A guy can expand his tastes…” he trails, hit by the ambiguity of his statement.
Robin sighs, picks up her pen from the floor and gives him an irritated glance. 
Steve hears the bell chime just as he closes the door to the vault in which they store cash overnight. It is only a couple of minutes before closing time and Steve grunts audibly as he raises himself into a standing position. Entering a shop this close to closing time is a certified dick move and Steve is not above sending whoever entered away, customer service be damned. 
“We’re closed!” he yells as he walks back into the shop from the backroom. 
“Eddie’s here for you,” Robin calls without looking back at Steve. 
Sure enough, Eddie is standing at the counter. He is wearing a tank top and his hair is pulled up into a messy bun; his skin gleams with sweat from the heat outside and around his neck hangs a wiry set of headphones. Wind from the air conditioner pulls at his hair. When their eyes meet, a smile creeps on his face.
“Sup, Harrington…I’ve brought the van.” He holds the keys up demonstratively, dangling them from his index finger.
"He brought the van!" Robin exclaims looking back at Steve, her eyebrows raised and a sly smile playing on her lips. Steve can almost see the moment of realization dawn upon her as if a lightbulb had been switched on in her mind.
Steve scratches the back of his head. “I promised Robin a ride back–” 
“No problem, We’ll drop her off. I’ll bring you back to pick up your car later.” 
Steve casts Robin a quick glance and she shrugs in response.
“If Robin’s fine with it…” he trails.
“A van,” Robin whispers as Steve joins her at the counter and elbows him in his arm.
Steve rolls his eyes at her, but still can’t fight the smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth.
Twigs crack under Steve’s shoes as he follows Eddie through the forest. The canopy of the trees offers ample shadow and Steve finds the heat more bearable here than when they had been walking alongside the road. Still, his shirt clings to his back and sweat is slicking his hair as Steve runs a hand through it. 
When Eddie asked him to hang out, he didn’t expect they would be hiking through the forest behind the trailer park during a freaking heatwave. 
He looks over to Eddie. His bangs cling to his forehead and the veins on his arms are thick as his body fights to keep cool. Despite the oppressive heat, there's a glint of excitement in Eddie's eyes.
“There it is.” Eddie stops and looks somewhere in the distance. Steve squints and follows Eddie’s gaze. Between the trees, he can see the shimmer of water, and he realizes Eddie has taken them to Lover’s lake. 
When they near the water, Eddie ups his pace, stepping around some of the bigger rocks and boulders near the lake’s edge like he has done it a thousand times before. Steve tries to keep up, but his unfamiliarity with the landscape slows him down.
At last, he is standing on the pebbled lakeside. The sun is already lowering itself into the embrace of dusk and Steve thinks they have maybe two hours of light left before sundown. He looks to his right where he sees Eddie standing above a pile of wood. When he gets closer, Steve realizes it is actually an old stranded fisher’s boat.
“Pretty cool, huh?” Eddie remarks.
Steve looks the boat over. It’s medium sized and some of its wood has rotted away. A good portion of it is covered in graffiti, and half of it sits in the water. It has probably been there for years.
“You bring all your conquests here?” Steve asks as he watches Eddie climb onto the boat. The question is mostly meant to be lighthearted, yet he feels a sense of anticipation as he waits for Eddie to reach the deck. 
Eddie squats and looks down on him. “Nah, just you.” 
Somehow, those words make Steve’s heart flutter and his cheeks heat up. He quickly looks away, pretending to search for footing to scale the boat.
When Steve reaches the deck, Eddie is sitting cross-legged facing the lake. 
“This is a nice place,” Steve says, sitting next to Eddie. He lets his feet dangle from the side and follows Eddie’s gaze. Across the lake, some people linger, cooling down before heading back to their hot homes. Some children are playing in the shallows and their joyful screams carry over the water.
“Your work?” Steve asks as he gestures to some of the writing on the boat. The wood is covered in crude phrases, names, and dates – some of them are carved, but most look to be written with a sharpie.
“Some of it is.” Eddie pulls out a pocket knife from his jeans and hands it to Steve. “You can add to it if you want.”
Steve turns the knife in his hand. It is a classic red Swiss knife and it lays heavy in his hand. 
“Here–” Eddie twists around and Steve follows suit. Eddie’s fingers are tracing the wood behind them, running them over the carvings in the wood. “– I think I did this about a year ago.”
Eddie removes his hands and Steve can finally get a good look. It’s nothing crazy, just a simple ‘Eddie was here’ carved in crude scratches – eternalised in some rotting wood in a town no one cares about.
Eddie holds up his hand to Steve and he realizes he is asking for his knife back. Steve hands it over.
Eddie flips out the knife and bends himself over the carving. Steve turns back around, looking over the lake again as the sound of scratching fills his ears.
“All done!” Eddie says after a while.
When Steve turns back, he sees his name freshly carved into the wood, right above Eddie’s original carving.
Steve + Eddie was here
“You wanted to immortalize this?” Steve asks amused.
Eddie flips the knife closed again and shoves it into his pocket. “A year ago, I’d never thought I’d be sitting here with Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. Guess that’s pretty fucking special.” Eddie casts him a toothy grin. 
Steve had to agree though. If someone had told him a year ago he would be hanging out with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson on a Friday evening – rather than spend his night on a date or at a party – he would have declared them crazy.
“I suppose so,” Steve replies.
All is quiet for a moment, save the sound of leaves rustling by a welcome breeze. Steve closes his eyes as the wind kisses his sweaty skin.
“I got you something,” Eddie says, breaking the silence and he stands up. Steve’s gaze follows him and his eyes widen when he sees Eddie move his hands over his head to pull his tank top off. 
“But let's take a dip first…it’s hot as balls.” He throws the sweaty tank top at Steve, who slaps it out of the air before it can hit him. The fabric lands heavily on the wooden deck.
“I didn’t bring my trunks,” 
“You don’t need those here.” Eddie gives him a knowing smile as he kicks on his shoes.
Eddie is lean and he has a nice back, Steve thinks. Not particularly broad like some of his former teammates on the swimming team, but not bad for a guy who spends his time playing board games. His torso is littered with fading scars from the Upside Down and Steve has a fair amount of those himself.
“Get on with it, Harrington!” Eddie is already stripped to his underwear when Steve tears his eyes away and finally tugs his own shirt over his head.
A dip in the lake was a fantastic idea and Steve felt himself relax now that he was slowly but surely cooling down to more humane temperatures.
Steve tries to keep his eyes away from Eddie as they make their way back to the boat. The fabric of his boxers is clinging to his skin.
Eddie lays himself down on the deck, using his jeans as a pillow while he fiddles with his headphones. 
“C’mere Steve.” Eddie pats the space next to him and Steve reluctantly seats himself. Eddie is working the buttons of a walkman.
“Remember when I said I got you something?”
“That was like twenty minutes ago,” Steve feels borderline offended at the implication.
Eddie gestures for Steve to lay down as well and Steve complies begrudgingly, resting his head next to Eddie’s on his crumpled jeans while he stares up at the blue sky. He feels exposed in just his boxers and now Eddie wants them to lay side by side.
“Here.” Eddie hands him one half of the headphones while holding the other side to his own ears. Suddenly it dawns on Steve why they’re lying as they are. Eddie wants to let him listen to music. Steve moves half of the headphones to his ear and sure enough music starts playing.
“I put some things together I thought you might like.” Steve can see Eddie turn his head towards him from his periphery and study his face.
“You made me a mixtape?” Steve asks. The idea of Eddie putting together a mixtape for him was…well, really thoughtful.
“Now you say it out loud it sounds kinda lame,” Eddie laughs.
“No, it– it’s really nice.” Steve offers. 
He closes his eyes and listens to the unfamiliar tunes. Eddie did quite a good job at picking music that he might like. It is definitely less intense than Rainbow – the voices are less shrill, the guitar less cutting, and the drums beat at a lower frequency. It’s nice, ridiculously nice, and Steve can’t think of an instance when someone has ever taken the time to put something together for him like this – not even his ex-girlfriends.
They lay there for a while, each holding one end of the headphone. The people on the other side of the lake must have left by now because the only things Steve can hear are birdsong, the sound of rustling leaves, and the music that comes from the walkman. The breeze feels cool against his damp body, and he wonders why he had never done this before – stay at the lake until the sun went down.
Steve can almost feel himself drift asleep when Eddie nudges him.
“Steve.” Eddie shakes him gently by his shoulder.
“Hm, lemme be…” he whines without opening his eyes.
“You’re gonna be mosquito food.” Beside him, he hears Eddie getting up and when Steve finally opens his eyes, Eddie is already wearing his tank top. 
Steve hadn’t realized how long they had laid there. Only a small line of sun was visible in the distance and Eddie’s figure was dark against the pastel sky.
“I’m afraid I’m gonna need my pants,” Eddie says as he points at Steve’s head.
“Oh right.” Steve finally sits up, handing Eddie the makeshift pillow of his jeans.
Once they’re both dressed, Eddie leads them back through the forest. The sky is pink and the trees form black outlines against it. Steve walks after Eddie, who points out when to be mindful of a hidden boulder or a sudden dip in the forest floor. 
They take Eddie’s van back to Family Video so Steve can get his car. The whole car ride, Steve can’t help the feeling of nervousness that sits in his stomach. 
Today kinda felt like a date. 
Normally he would be on the other end of it – driving a girl home after a movie or something. And then, once he stops the car in front of her house, the girl would fidget and Steve would place his arm on the back of her car seat, confident and reassuring. He would tell her he had a good time and if she did as well, he would seal the deal with a kiss.
But this was Eddie, and they had been just two guys hanging out. 
Two guys that had made out a week ago. 
But that didn’t mean anything. It had just been Steve’s one-day gay phase and he got it out of his system now, hadn’t he? Eddie had only offered out of a misunderstanding, or maybe some weird kindness.
Shit, this train of thought was not helping Steve whatsoever. If anything, it had just made the nervous flutter in his stomach worse.
Eddie stops the van and the red neon light of Family Video plays with the curves of his face.
“There we are.” Eddie pushes himself back into his seat with his arms stretched on the steering wheel. Steve makes no movement to get out. They sit in silence for a while.
“About last week–” Steve starts. If he doesn’t acknowledge it now, he feels like he might go crazy. Besides, he doesn’t know when or if they’ll have another moment alone.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t tell anyone. We can forget about it if you want…” Eddie says without looking at him. His shoulders are tense and his grip on the steering wheels seems to harden.
“No…it’s not–” Steve tries, but Eddie cuts him off.
“Don’t worry Steve, I get it. I know what people say about me –”
“ –and it doesn’t have to mean anything. People make out all the time–”
Steve unbuckles his seatbelt. He’s kind of sick of Eddie not letting him finish his sentences and is ready to return the favor.
He leans over, turning Eddie’s head towards him and kisses him. Hard.
Eddie’s mouth is parted, mid-sentence, and Steve feels teeth beneath his lips. By all accounts, it’s a shoddy kiss – not his best work – but it seems to do the trick.
Eddie loses his grip on the steering wheel, hands moving to Steve’s shoulders instead as he eagerly returns the sentiment.
“Fuck, Harrington, aren’t you full of surprises,” Eddie breaths against his lips.
Steve leans back into his chair and runs a hand through his hair.
“You talk too much,” he says as he opens the door of the van.
By the time he hears Eddie get out of his van, Steve is already opening the door to his  BMW.
“Wait, Steve,” Eddie calls as he jogs over. When he’s standing in front of Steve, he pulls at Steve’s arm, running his hand down and urging Steve’s palm up. He shoves something square in his hand and closes Steve’s fingers around it.
“Next Friday, same time?” Eddie asks him, searching his eyes.
Steve nods silently. He stares after Eddie as he walks back to his van. He opens the door and turns one last time, giving Steve a two-fingered salute before getting in. 
Steve hears the sound of the motor swinging on and looks at his hand. In the dim neon light, he stares down at a small cassette. Steve can hardly read the black letters in the red light, but he realizes Eddie has written something on its white label.
From Freak, to Hair. 
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difeisheng · 2 days
Di Feisheng surfaces back to his own body still gasping, spent and sprawled across the twisted sheets, and feels, rather than sees, Fang Duobing's self-satisfied smirk into his thigh.
"Did that feel good?" Fang Duobing sounds far too earnest, the brat, as though he didn't learn to put his mouth to another's body only a few months ago and make Di Feisheng's life all the more difficult for it. He stares up at the rough-hewn ceiling boards in the dark, and sighs. The boy's a detective; he can draw conclusions himself. Evidence is still on his tongue.
Di Feisheng hears a laugh huffed against his skin, and then the subtle press of lips to his hip, gentle and blink-quick. Fang Duobing pushes himself upright, crawling over Di Feisheng before making to lay down beside him, shoving their shed robes from earlier off the bed. There's still sweat on them both, slick at every warm point of contact, but it'll cool soon enough. The half-moon of winter shining its light through Lianhualou's window promises that.
Fang Duobing's head lands at his chest with a deep exhale, one arm reaching across his torso, and Di Feisheng freezes.
There's no hiding the flinch of tension when they're pressed skin to bare skin; Fang Duobing notices immediately, raising his head to look at him, eyes wide and darker than the night around them. "Lao-Di? Is something wrong?"
And this, this is where Di Feisheng has had to figure out how and when to use words, with someone other than the likes of Li Xiangyi. Fang Duobing cannot yet read all of him like instinct, rendering language secondary. Bridging the spaces between them requires effort.
Yet it's effort Di Feisheng is willing to make. Wants, to make. "No," he says, and relaxes when Fang Duobing visibly does. "Just—" and for all his voice halts, he manages to speak, "stay here like this." Please.
"Okay." Fang Duobing smiles, so easily, so unfairly easily, and doesn't need to be pled twice. When he settles himself back into Di Feisheng's side, it's like he's belonged there for years, not like they haven't done this before.
Sharing a bed is one thing. Falling into each other's heat out of sleeplessness, then for company, is another, and no longer anything new. This, though, while they're still bare and for no apparent purpose other than the sake of it, is... unexpected.
What is Di Feisheng supposed to do? He finds himself reaching for Fang Duobing all at once, cautiously, watches his own arm slowly curl around him in return. Fang Duobing squirms minutely in his grasp, then stills once more, shifting himself even further onto Di Feisheng.
There is no further response, only silence, interrupted by breath rising and falling in waves. Compared to mere moments ago, however, the empty pause now seems less intimidating.
Fang Duobing's hair spills across them both, thrown there by his motions before. Di Feisheng moves to fidget with the ends of it, tugging lightly as it sifts through his fingers. It gets him some kind of content sigh, half-muffled against Di Feisheng's pectoral. Softer, a softer noise than when he'd yanked at it earlier, Fang Duobing between his legs.
He finds that he likes it.
Likes this.
Di Feisheng keeps himself there, unmoving. Fang Duobing's warmth is its own blanket; he wards off the cold of the house, the two of them entwined. Until Di Feisheng thinks, for perhaps just a minute, he's comfortable enough for his eyes to close.
When he opens them, Fang Duobing's breathing has already evened out. He's asleep. The sight of him is enough to convince Di Feisheng to let his own eyes drift shut once more.
There's a first time for everything, he supposes.
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shinestarhwaa · 3 days
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You thirsty whores wanted Mingi to fuck you with his cane so here we are: getting freaky with MingiWonka
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Mingi x Fem reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship AU, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, fingering, blowjob, dirty language, praise kink, sir kink, paraphilia (use of weird objects during sex: his cane), kinda funny imo
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @vesvosmozhno
''Mingi, I can't believe you actually dressed up as Willy fucking Wonka for this comeback. That's insane,'' you laughed when Mingi entered your LA hotel room, still wearing his outfit from the MV filming set. He had begged his stylists to let him wear it for the rest of the day, thinking it'd be hilarious to surprise you in it. After a lot of begging, they let him and here he was; Wonka'ing into your bedroom while you laughed at him.
''Oh come on, isn't it sexy? Mingi Wonka is a vibe right? Don't you like it just a little bit?'' he said with a smirk as he leaned against the doorframe. ''Well,'' you started as you eyed him up and down. He grinned and took off his hat and put it on yours instead. ''Is this some weird scenario like... you get the hat, you ride the chocolatier?'' ''Only if you want to,'' he said, as he subtly kicked the wooden cane with his foot.
You stared him up and down once again, your eyes gliding over the shiny purple jacket, grey slacks that barely hid the fat dick it was holding back. You watched how his fingers played with the cane, stroking it slowly. ''You're fixated on that? While you could look at me?'' ''Well I apologize, mister Wonka, I did not reali-'' ''No, no, no, you shush right now, I can give you just what you want, miss Wonka.''
He got on his knees in front of you and pulled down your silky pajama shorts down, as well as your cotton panties. You licked your lips and laid down against the soft pillows as you spread your legs for your boyfriend. This was the weirdest kind of role-play you've ever done, but to be fair he wanted to put on a Sailor Moon costume on himself once.
Mingi peppered kisses from your upper thighs to your knees and back to your inner thigh, pressing his lips everywhere except where you needed them. ''Mingi, please,'' you whined softly. ''Mhm, patience my love, I gotta prepare you don't I?''
Finally, you felt his lips brush over your wet pussy. You had been thinking of him all night anyway so you were quite aroused even before he came home. Now that he put the thought of fucking MingiWonka in your head you got even wetter. You threw the large hat on the ground and moaned when he started to lick and suck at your clit.
You ran your hand through his hair and moaned out, chest heaving as your breathing picked up. ''Oh God, baby that feels so good,'' you whined. Mingi's tongue worked inside your cunt and made you feel things you only felt when you're with him. Pure magic and pleasure.
Your eyes rolled back into your head when he slid two of his long, thick fingers into your pussy. He kept licking and sucking repeatedly on your sensitive clit, making you moan louder for him. You were a little embarrassed as half of the hotel could probably hear you unravel for him but what could you do when he handsome MingiWonka wanted to use his tongue on your pretty little pussy?
His velvety tongue flicked your bud a few times more before you felt yourself getting closer to climaxing. Mingi groped your thighs and ass with his free hand and made you see stars as the pleasure took over your mind, body and soul. His face was completely burried in your pussy as your orgasm washed over you. You moaned loudly and your body shivered as he rode out your high, flicking your clit with his tongue a few more times.
Mingi panted and got up from the bed, stripping himself bare while smirking at you, a disheveled mess in front of him. ''Look at that... Aren't you such a good little girl for me? I'm gonna give you what you want now, huh? Weren't you looking at this beauty for a while?'' Mingi smirked as he showed you his cane, tracing it lightly.
Your eyes went wide and your pussy clenched. ''A-Are you fucking me with that, Min?'' ''Turn around and ass up, babygirl,'' he ordered you. You couldn't believe him and his crazy mind sometimes but this was something you never could've thought of before. Nevertheless, you obeyed him, getting on your knees and resting on your elbows while pushing your ass up for him. ''That's a good girl,'' he praised you as he cleaned off the cane and lubed it up.
''Now give me a good view of that pretty little pussy, Y/N,'' Mingi said in a raspy voice, positioning himself behind you. You spread your legs a little more for him and waited in anticipation. You took a deep breath when you felt the cold material prod against your hole. ''Oh God, sir,'' you whispered.
Soon enough it pushed inside you with force and your elbows gave out. Your moans were muffled by the pillow underneath you, where your head was pressed in as Mingi rutted the cane into your cunt deeply. It pushed in and out and soon enough he picked up the pace, adjusting the angles to find the exact spot you loved it so much.
You whined loudly and started trembling, your previous orgasm still leaving you sensitive. ''That's a good girl, taking anything I give to you, hm?'' ''Y-Yes, Oh my God, for you sir, for you!'' ''That's right, sir Wonka is in charge here. So if I wanna fuck you with this cane and stuff it into your wet, needy pussy that's what we're gonna do, hm?''
After repeatedly hitting your g-spot and making you moan like a bitch in heat he started to push it deeper inside you, making you scream out loud. Your breathing was heavy and you felt how hot and red your face was, the entire situation nearly becoming too much. You started to grind back on the cane, fucking yourself on it as Mingi forced you to take more and more into your cunt.
''Such a talented little pussy, taking it like that. You're such a talented little girl aren't you? And so dirty, God, are you gonna cum on this angel? Is this beautiful cane that belongs to sir gonna make you cum, and scream and fucking come undone?''
''Yes! Yes it is, sir, oh my God it is!'' you screamed. It was only a matter of a few more thrusts before you felt yourself tremble and shudder as you came for him, cunt twitching and clenching on the cane. When you calmed down he pulled it out and smirked at your gaping hole and then on the slick covering the cane he used as an MV prop just hours ago.
Mingi tossed aside the cane and did not warn you as he pushed his cock inside you, moaning out and throwing his head back. He pounded his thick cock inside you and you had no choice but to take it and let him ruin you. ''Please, please, please,'' you whimpered.
''Please what, little one? What do you want? Is sir's cock not enough? Or is sir's cock so fucking good you're gonna cum again like a little-''
''Yes! Yes, it's too good!'' you interrupted him, clenching down on his cock and earning a low groan from him. He rocked into you and gripped your ass tight, kneading the flesh in his hands. The sounds of skin slapping together filled the room, combined with loud squeels muffled by the plush pillow.
''Are you gonna cum again baby? Aren't you a filthy little girl, jesus, you're gonna take my load baby, gonna take sir's load like a good girl while you cum, isn't that right?'' He thrusted harder into you when you didn't answer him. ''Isn't that right?'' he snapped.
You cried out, tears spilling from your eyes as his cock pulsated inside you, spilling his cum into your clenching cunt. You whined and cried out his name as you came for a third time.
When he pulled his cock out of your cunt and watched it leak out you let your entire body fall back on the bed, absolutely spent. Mingi grinned and took you into his arms. He strokes your hair gently and kissed your head. ''You've done so well for me baby, you were insane.''
''I am insane? Didn't you just fuck me with a cane?'' ''Maybe a bit. I went bazonka like Willy Wonka.'' ''Don't ever say that again, Min.''
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cxffecoupx · 2 days
hyper/calm dynamics
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seventeen × gn reader silly ot13, absolutely unserious warnings: none, only goofy svt word count: 413 author's notes: this was a very unserious thought that came to my mind😭 may or may not have been thought of while watching business proposal videos... might just end up making a 'silly svt series' where i do more of such stuff. also, although i mention the term 'gf' here, it's just for the presentation; i've tried my best to make it gn!! i hope you like it :)
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hyper gf, calm bf seungcheol, wonwoo, woozi
aka sunshine and sunshine protector. this is such a funny thought in my head like i can see their partner being so bubbly and bouncy and the boys just stand by, smiling awkwardly. they're probably like, holding a leash thats connected to their s/o in order to keep them within sight. dont join in on their s/o's antics, but very supportive from the sidelines, probably silently cheering them up. they may not match their partner's energies, but never question their love for them.
calm gf, hyper bf junhui, seokmin, mingyu, chan
literally the opposite. the boys giving absolute second hand embarrassment while their s/o's just there like 'baby i'm not even here'. boyfriend who? but, during rare occasions, the partners might just match the boys' energies; it's hard to not have them rub off on you. the inverse of the previous sunshine and sunshine protector. partner looks at their bf like he hung up the stars and moon and the whole universe.
calm gf, calm bf jeonghan, minghao, hansol
they just exude this peaceful vibe yk. you could join them at any moment and just... exist. tea party vibes fr like some tea, sweet cookies, gentle gossiping. dont have much energy for extraordinary stuff. they're both just happy to be there, with each other. others might find them too underwhelming, but they understand each other well enough. their love language is gentle loving.
hyper gf, hyper bf soonyoung
CHAOS personified. trouble, trouble and trouble yet again. if you think you can control this couple, you're WRONG. horanghae and horanghae enthusiast. match each other's energy to a level that is genuinely concerning (and lowkey terrifying). they're so chaotic it even drains the energy out of others with them. the calm ones are just purely afraid of them. not to worry tho, they do it out of love and love only. hold so much love for each other and everyone else its cute🤧
option d: all of the above jisoo, seungkwan
cant really pinpoint what they'd be cause their energy is all over the place. one thing for sure though, their partners definitely match their freak. i can just see it. if they're calm, they're calm together. if they're chaotic, they rain hellfire on everyone else. everyone prays they remain peaceful because it's hard to manage them otherwise. but no one can say for sure. they could wake up one day and collectively choose violence.
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mochinomnoms · 3 days
Random thing, but between the boys who want to have children in the future who do you think are more open to have adopted children?
The question just came to me when randomly the thought "wait, what if Yuu doesn't want to get pregnant in the future?" came to mind
Ideally, none of them would mind. If it's what you want, then they are more than happy to provide! If we wanted to be a bit more realistic, there are a few where adopting might be an issue.
(I had to go through my brain again to remember who I think wouldn't have kids cause I couldn't find my post, but Leona, Ace, Jamil, and Idia wouldn't want kids so they aren't here. I can't remember if I had more or not on the list)
Kalim and Malleus are the first two where it would be an issue. Quite frankly, the people around them wouldn't allow it. The Asim family gives me the vibe of those who prioritize blood relations as family (if the 30+ kids didn't help with that already). Unless the kid was adopted as an infant and looked very similar to you or Kalim so that plausible deniability was possible, they couldn't risk it. Kalim is often dealing with death threats and assassination attempts just so the next member of the family can be the heir, if extended family were to find out that your kids (and thus next heir) wasn't blood related to Kalim, then there could probably be some legal issues with inheritance. Malleus, similarly, is under a tight leash with the Briar Valley's council that Lilia has been struggling to remove. I haven't seen much of Chp 7 so I'm working with very limited information mind you, but from what I can tell they are very traditional and extremely concerned with maintaining the Draconia (and the draconian part) bloodline strong. I feel that adoption to them would be out of the question with no hesitation. Neither of them I think would feel very strongly against it though: Kalim would see it as an opportunity to grow your happy family and Malleus I think would actually strongly relate, as he himself is an orphan. He'd see it as an opportunity to take after Lilia and give the love and care to a child that more than deserves it. If they really are set with adoption with you, then Malleus would have no trouble setting his foot down, he is the rightful ruler of Briar Valley and if he says that's his kid and heir, then that's his motherfucking kid bitch! Kalim I think would require that he's not only grown a sturdy backbone as an adult, but also a very ironclad will and testament. But it's not impossible, just very very difficult.
The next ones that would have some concerns about it would be Riddle, Sebek, and Ruggie. Riddle's case is a bit similar to Kalim's but not really. It's more so whether is family (specifically his mother) would accept his child being adopted. I think the fear of his kid being alienated from the family would be a lot for him, and I can't really gauge if I this Mrs. Rosehearts would be opposed to it or not, as well as whether Riddle remains in contact with her as an adult and still values her opinion as well. I think it would depend on the circumstances, sadly enough: if you were unable to have biological kids for whatever reason or if you could but would be extremely risk on your health, as a doctor I think she would understand. Sebek though I think would struggle internally a lot, he's not opposed to the idea of adoption at all, but he's so attached to his family name and his fae blood. I think knowing that he has a child that might not be accepted as a true Zigvolt for not being blood related (and potentially a human) would eat him up. He already had to deal with that himself (externally and internally, I'm not sure). But he's also been around Lilia a lot, and I think some positive reinforcement and encouragement from him would help a lot. Ruggie is very simple, adoption is so fucking expensive, man. That's a lot of fucking money, so he's willing to wait as long as needed to save up.
The rest of the cast I think wouldn't have any qualms about it, as there's no history or trauma that I think would affect their decision. I think Trey, Deuce, Azul, Jade, Jack, Rook, and Silver are the most eager to have a family, while Cater, Vil, Epel and Lila are okay not having any if you don't want any either. I think Floyd would greatly depend, as much as I love him, massive mood swings are not great for raising children so he'd need a lot of maturing to do, if he even wants kids (he keeps changing his mind about it, some days he's in love with the idea, other days he's pretty indifferent) but he wouldn't mind having kids with you. Silver would obviously love the idea, he's had a great experience and father, he'd want to pass that experience along to his own kid. So if adopting is an option, then why not! If it's what you want (and they think raising a baby with you is something they'd like to do) then who are they to oppose? They'll love that kid from the moment their eyes meet, as much as they love you!
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fanaticsnail · 1 day
I fell asleep with spotify on and woke up to sea shanties. And in that honor:
Roronoa Zoro loves to drink. Everyone knows this. His high alcohol tolerance means he can usually keep himself in a pleasantly fuzzy state.
Still, there are times where he gets properly drunk. Absolutely blackout sloshed. And this poses the question of what to do with him? How to care for him?
That is, until Sanji joins the crew. See, the rest of the strawhats may be new to this sailing business, but not Sanji. Sanji was raised by pirates on the sea. Rowdy, fun loving, drink loving pirates. And he knows exactly what to do with a drunken sailor.
Snhsiwbehei this is so stupid. Just a silly thing that crossed my mind.
-♡♡ lots of love
Anything for you, ♡♡ Anon. What shall we do with the drunken sailor, indeed? I saw your ask about still thinking on the lazy sleeping Zoro. Thought I'd add a little more lazy swordsman in there for you.
Until The World Stops Spinning
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,000+
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Synopsis: You have just come off watch-shift, just as Sanji wanders onto the top deck of the Going Merry. Both of you discuss what to do about Zoro's current state of inebriation. What shall we do with the drunken swordsman...
Themes: Zoro x reader, subtle sanji x reader, drunkenness, smoking, drinking, sleeping, written with the sea shanty "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" in mind.
Notes: I listen to shanties all the time when I write. It's seriously such a vibe. This anon comes up with the best prompts, and I seriously can't. Edit to add: That version above by The Irish Rovers is what I used to dance to when I did Irish dancing as a child. One of the old tunes that made me want to play violin.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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Gulls singing their sweet song of the morning lingered in the air, the perch of several flocking members sat proudly atop the top mast of the Going Merry. The chef serving beneath the Straw-Hat captain wandered on the deck to enjoy his morning cigarette after setting aside the morning crepe batter to rise. What greeted him in the morning light was a sorry sight to behold.
The puddle of drool pooling from the corner of the sword wielding first mate’s mouth was indication enough that he was past the point of no return in his drunken stupor. His snore rattled and shook the top deck, the wood almost cracking beneath the intensity of the roar falling from his parted lips. 
Standing over the first mate, arms folded in twine, stood the Going Merry’s latest member: the ship's counselor. 
“Mornin’ chef,” you utter without turning away from the snoring first mate. Sanji pouted with a deep frown while placing the filter of his cigarette between his lips. 
“Good morning, counselor. Good watch shift?” Sanji uttered while striking his flint and lighting the end of his cigarette. You nod, both of you not tearing your eyes away from Zoro as the deep rise and fall of his chest indicated traces of life within his death-like slumber. 
“Not a single thing to report, aside from this thing here, of course,” you uttered, gently tapping your toes against Zoro’s thigh as he slept soundly. Sanji inhaled a lengthy breath of his morning nicotine, exhaling down at the swordsman with a soft scowl on his face. 
“How many'd he have?” Sanji asked tilting his head and examining Zoro as his shaky snore. 
“Around five or six, I think,” you bob your head before further clarifying, “Bottles, not short rounds.” Sanji clicked his tongue at the confirmation, gently shaking his head. 
You turn towards the blonde chef, furrowing your brows and looking at him inquisitively. 
“Chef?” you quirked up at him, prompting him to turn towards you in response, “You've probably had the most experience with inebriated sea-folk. Any quick remedies you can think of for this?”
“I can think of a few cures from the tales of old,” Sanji chuckled, his smile turning more playful with each passing moment. “Shave his belly with a rusty razor comes to mind.” You scoff at him, rolling your eyes with a soft chuckle. 
“Zoro's stomach is as smooth as a baby bird,” you laugh at him, “Not a hair to rid him of, rusty razor and all.” Sanji hummed, pressing his index finger to his chin and thinking further. 
“Put him in the longboat ‘til he's sober is the next classic suggestion,” Sanji took a moment to take a lengthy drag with a deep chuckle, “Or: stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe bottom, is another.”
“The Going Merry has no long boat,” you shrug, looking down at the snoring former pirate hunter and lulling your head to the side, “And I don't think he'd very much enjoy a swift spanking on the meat of his ass with a rubber pipe, in his current state.”
Sanji laughed in a loud and unbridled laugh, placing the cigarette on the ground and dulling it's light with the ball of his foot. 
“Put him in bed with the Captain's daughter, then?” Sanji chuckled in glee, softly nudging your shoulder with his, “That's the only other option in the tales and shanties.” You nudge him in return before nuzzling your head against his bicep. 
“While stringing him upside down by his ankles on the topmast is awfully tempting,” you remove your head from Sanji's arm, “We're better off just moving him and putting him to bed to sleep it off, aren't we? Wanna give me a hand, handsome?” 
“Not really,” Sanji shrugged with a soft chuckle before reaching down and grappling one of Zoro’s heavy legs, “But I will because you asked me so nicely.” You shake your head, reaching down and aiding Sanji in bearing the brunt of the swordsman’s weight to take him below deck where the others began to stir from their sleep. 
As Nami got up from the only bed, Usopp and Luffy rising from the hammocks, you gently aided Sanji in placing Zoro beneath the plush duvet and atop the mattress still warm from Nani's body heat. Shaking her head, Nami fishes a bucket from the side of the room and places it by Zoro’s head. 
Stirring briefly from his drunken stupor, Zoro’s blurred and swirling vision glared up at you all before his gaze softened into a lazy smile. 
“I… I love you guys,” Zoro’s soft, drunken drawl lazily called to you all before turning to gaze at you, “Ya’ done with the nigh’ sh-shift, ‘Selor? Gonna snooze?” 
You look over at the crew, gently giving Sanji's arm a squeeze before he turns to begin breakfast for the crew wandering atop the deck. He smiled in response, gently bobbing his chin up and wordlessly telling you to get some sleep. 
“Yeah, swordsman. I'm gonna 'snooze',” you confirm with him, turning to the hammocks and beginning to choose from the three suspended bed-spaces. Before you were able to move away from Zoro’s bedside, his muscular arms shoot out and snake around your midsection, tugging you into a warm embrace beside him. 
Nuzzling into your hair, he takes a lengthy inhale and groans in joy at the body heat radiating from you.
“S’ay w’th me?” he slurred in question, already beginning to fall into slumber with you tucked in his arms. “Only ‘til th’ room s’ops spinnin’?” Facing away from him, you shake your head with a light smile before moving the duvet up to cover the both of you. 
“Sure, Zoro,” you already feel the weight of your eyelids weighing you down the longer you linger in his embrace, “Only until the room stops spinning.” Both falling asleep almost immediately, a soft shutter of a Den-Den image conductor could be heard mixing with the harmonious snores reverberating within crew quarters.
Nami was going to hold those images over the both of you as ransom for more of a cut from your joint haul on this upcoming adventure. You both slept soundly enough to not care, dreaming of what new horizons lay waiting for you.
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thenickgirl · 2 days
bf!nick x male!reader
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summary: in which things between Nick and Y/N get steamy on route to their romantic anniversary getaway.
genre: fluffy smut ✩ pov: idk i was just typing ✩ word count: 2.2k
warnings: swearing, use of pet names, slight rimming, anal sex, public-ish sex, choking, overstimulation, bottom!nick, top!reader.
a/n: good evening, sluts ((affectionate))!! finally, my first fic ever *crowds cheers* it’s also kinda my first smut (i’ve written smutty blurbs and HCs before) so yeah let’s just be cool about it. umm i’d love to hear your thoughts, but as you all know i do like to tussle, so please keep that mind before you say anything crazy lulz. nick nation, i love you so bad. happy reading and HAPPY PRIDE!! 🌈❤️‍🔥
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“I can feel your blood pressure riseeee, FUCK this tennnnsion” Nick sang along loudly as the two of you were on the way to your destination. You were only a few hours away from the condo you booked to celebrate your second anniversary. “God, I fucking love this song. Can I play it again?” Nick looks over at you, playfully biting his bottom lip. “Babe, we’ve already listened to it 5 times” you say chuckling, stealing a glance at him, but trying to keep your eyes on the road ahead. “This is the last time I swear,” he says as he picks up his phone, and before you could even rebuttal, he starts the song over, looking at you, grinning from ear to ear. You shake your head laughing, deciding if you couldn’t beat him you might as well join him. The two of you vibing and singing along to ‘Detention,’ just enjoying the ride to your romantic getaway.
“Y/n how much further? I feel like we’ve been driving for fucking ever,” Nick sighs turning down the music now as he looks over at you, his eyes darting between your face and the gps. “We? I’m the only one driving here, babe” you tease and Nick rolls his eyes. “Shut up! You know exactly what I meant,” he slaps your arm playfully, causing you to fake being hurt. “We’re only two hours away baby, just relax,” you assure him. Nick groans, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks out his window, taking in the scenery. The road you were currently on was pretty desolate at this point, just a bunch of land and dirt roads. You gently place your hand on to Nick’s knee, causing him to look at you. “You okay?” you ask, your brows furrowed with concern. “Yeah, I’m just ready to get to this house and start our mini vacation,” Nick says as he smiles, grabbing your hand and kissing it softly, the butterflies in your stomach erupting.
As you continue down the road a good while, you notice your boyfriend getting antsy, having listened to your shared playlist twice already, the brunette was beginning to get bored. You glance over at him, he sat with his legs apart, his arm against the door and his head in hand, staring at the road in front of you. You smile to yourself, finding his childish behavior adorable. Taking your right hand off the wheel, you place it on Nick’s thigh, the loving gesture being nothing new to him so he doesn’t budge. You slide your hand up a little higher, squeezing his thigh lightly, at this he looks down at your hand before his eyes dart up to your face. You share a quick look, before you turn your head back to focus on the road. You can see the smirk forming on the brunette’s face from your peripheral, your cheeks beginning to heat up as you get an idea.
You squeeze his thigh again, this time a little harder causing him to gasp. “Y/n what are you doing?” he says looking over at you, surprised. You shrug, “I’m not doing anything, my love” you utter, giving him a quick glance. Nick stares at you glaringly, his eyes narrowing as he studies the side of your face before looking back ahead of him once more. Your hand that’s still cupping his thigh moves dangerously close to his groin and Nick’s breath hitches. “Babe, I swear if you keep doing that-“ “then what? hm?” you cut him off as you look over towards the brunette, your brow raised as you question him. You begin to guide your hand over his clothed cock, palming him slowly. Nick moans softly, his cock already hardening from your touch. Still focusing on the road, you continue to palm him, and your boyfriend groans, biting on his lip, his hips bucking into your hand.
The sound of Nick sighs and moans only spur you on more as you dip your hand inside of his boxers, wrapping your fingers around his cock, your thumb circling the tip. Nick began to pant as you stroke him slowly, his mouth open and his eyes rolling back. You smirk as you quicken your pace only to slow down again, teasing him. “Fuck, y/n I- please,” he says between gasps. “Please what? Talk to me, tell me what you want, pretty,” you encourage as you continue to work his length, squeezing his tip lightly driving him insane. “I-I want you to fuck me, p-please.”
“Hm, I guess we can take a little detour.”
You pull over to the side of the road, there hadn’t been any other cars for miles, so you figured this would be okay. The two of you waste no time, hastily climbing out of your respective doors and flinging yourselves in the backseat. Nick practically jumps onto your lap, his soft lips connecting with yours hungrily. You smile in between the kiss before pulling away, “Eager aren’t, we?” you chuckle making the brunette blush. “Shhh,” he shushes before connecting your lips once again, the kiss more passionate than before.
He gasps as you lift him off of you by his waist, laying him down on to the seat gently, hovering over him. Pulling away from the kiss, you lift his shirt up and off of him, your lips trailing down his neck, sucking and nipping at his delicate skin, leaving a mark that he will no doubt complain about later. Nick moans, bucking his hips up against you, trying to gain any type of friction. You grab his hips quickly and hold them, smirking down at your needy boyfriend. “Why so desperate, baby? Don’t I always give you what you want?” you question, smirking as you pull his gray sweats down and he only whines. You lean your head down, your mouth hovering over his clothed length as you look up at him, your eyes meeting his and they’re full of lust. “Answer me,” you demand, your warm breath against his cock making it twitch. “Y-yes, you’re so good to me,” he responds breathlessly, the anticipation unbearable.
You play with the waistband of his boxers, biting your lip as you pull them down and his cock slaps against his stomach. You let out a low moan, your mouth almost watering at the sight. Your eyes take in the brunette below you, not believing that someone so perfect could be yours. “You’re so handsome, baby,” you praise him before licking a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, earning a sigh from your boyfriend. Deciding that maybe you’ve teased him enough for one day, you take his length into your hand before placing your mouth on him. Nick moans loudly, his head falling back as you take more of him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. “Ohh fuck,” his hands find their way to your hair pulling roughly, the sounds of his moans going straight to your already hard and leaking cock. You take him deeper into your mouth, and down your throat, your name falling from his lips over and over. “Shit y/n, mm so good, love your mouth so much, baby” he pants heavily as his length hits the back of your throat making you gag.
After a few minutes you pull him out of your mouth with a pop. You sit up and place two of your fingers against his lips. “Suck,” you demand and he opens his mouth, his lips wrapping around your digits, licking and sucking on them as he looks you in the eyes, the intense stare making your cock twitch. Pulling your now soaking fingers from his mouth, you reach down and put them against his hole, circling first before inserting them carefully. Nick gasps as you guide your fingers inside before slowly pumping in and out of him. You continue to work him open, spreading your fingers apart, and scissoring them. You lean your head down, replacing your fingers with your mouth, licking and sucking around his hole. Your boyfriend moans at the sudden switch as you begin to eat him out, your tongue dipping in and out of him. “Oh my godd, yes yes yes,” his hands fly to your hair once you add your fingers again, as he rolls his hips against your hand. You move your fingers in and out, curling them and brushing against that sweet spot inside of him. The brunette is a moaning mess, his body shuddering from the pleasure. “I- Baby. Please fuck me,” he pathetically begs and after and few more pumps you pull away. Sitting up, you pull your sweats down along with your boxers, taking your cock in your hand, stroking it slowly before lining yourself up with his hole.
“You ready, baby?” you ask. He nods eagerly, biting hard on his lip as you push inside of him, a gasp escaping both of your lips. You start to thrust into him at a steady pace, the lewd sounds of your shared moans and skin slapping against skin only encourage you. “God, you feel fucking amazing,” you moan softly, loving the way your bodies mold together, and you were sure that he was made only for you. Leaning down you place wet kisses across Nick's chest, your tongue swirling around each nipple. He pulls on your hair, earning a low groan from you as his back arches at the feeling. “Mm fuck yes, making me feel so good,” he praises as you continue to fuck him senseless. He grabs you by your face and pulls you in, connecting your lips, your mouths moving together in a heated kiss, and you moan into his mouth, biting down on his lip before you pull away. Looking down into his eyes, you slide your hand up his body, your fingers finding it’s way to his throat, squeezing as you pick up your pace, fucking him harder. You watch as your boyfriend’s eyes roll back in pleasure, “You love getting fucked like this, don’t you? Like the slut you are. My pretty little slut, all mine,” you tease and he only moans in response.
“M’so close,” he whimpers, his body starting to shake. “Yeah? Gonna be a good boy and make a mess for me?” you say as you remove your hand from his throat and reach down to his length, still looking him in the eyes. You begin to stroke his cock, squeezing every time you reach the tip. “Oh, ohh fuck i’m cumming,” he moans out as he comes over himself, taking in how beautiful he looks as he comes undone under you. You continue to stroke him as you're still slamming your hips into him. “Y/n please, no. T-too much, s-so sensitive,” he whimpers, his body trembling from being overstimulated. “I know, I know but you can take it, pretty boy, I know you can,” you encourage as you start chasing your own high. Trailing your hands to his hips holding him in place as you begin pounding into him, his back arching as he nears his second orgasm of the day. “Ohh right there right there please don’t stop,” he moans as you continue hitting his prostate. “Shit baby,” you groan, feeling that knot in your stomach finally starting to come undone. After a few more thrusts, you come inside him as he comes on his stomach once again, panting heavily as you both come down from your high. You slowly pull out and lean down, licking up his cum before connecting your lips in a passionate kiss.
Once you both cleaned up and got dressed, you hop out of the car and back into the driver's seat, only to realize that Nick hasn’t moved. “Babe, what are you doing? C’mon or we’re gonna be late for our check in,” you chuckle at your boyfriend’s silly antics. “What if someone sees me? Oh my god, I can not do the walk of shame back to the front seat,” he says, his eyes widening as he covers his mouth with his hand. “Well I’m not driving ‘Miss Daisy’ so you better figure something out,” you laugh as you look at him through the rear view. Nick sits for a moment, checking his surroundings and thinking about his next move before climbing over the armrest and into his seat, sighing contently once he succeeds. “Oh you’re so dramatic,” you chuckle as you shake your head, putting on your seatbelt. Nick does the same, rolling his eyes at your statement, “Considering the fact that it’s been 2 years now, I can only assume that you love it,” he says looking over at you, smirking. “I do, and I love you,” you reply sweetly, your eyes locking with his. Nick leans over and pecks your lips softly, “I love you too. so. so. much,” he says between kisses. You pull away smiling at him, “I love you more,” you whisper, brushing your nose against his and he blushes. “No you don’t,” he scoffs before grinning. “You’re right, I don’t,” you tease before starting the car up again.
Nick gasps in shock, slapping your arm playfully, “ASSHOLE!” “Ow I’m kidding, I'm kidding,” you laugh as you put the car in drive, pulling back onto the road. “Yeah yeah,” his eyes narrowing at you, his lips later curling into a sweet smile as he picks his phone up again, starting your shared playlist over for the third time. ‘Agora Hills’ playing from the speakers as he reaches for the volume, turning it up, “Oh my god, babe, I loveeee this song!” he yelps excitedly, and you sigh deeply, shaking your head at the boy you couldn’t help but love.
“Oh, here we go.”
a/n: hiii again, so i tried to make this cute and sweet as well as smutty because it’s what my man deserves. i’m so sorry if this is awful, i really just wanted to see if i could actually write a real fic. also i didn’t know how to format this? so if it’s hard to read or follow, i could color code the dialogue if you think it’ll be helpful. a special shoutout to the gc for helping me out, my bitches always have my back, and i love them so much, thank you baes. if you did happen to enjoy this and want more, then my condolences to you because this stressed me the fuck out and i will probably never do this again 😭
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🏷️: @muwapsturniolo @mattslolita @guccifrog @luverboychris @freshloveforthefit @matty-bear @mybelovednick @ohmtoff @nickgetsmewetter @nicksbestie @sturniolossss @imsosillygoofylol @moonk1ss3d @meg-sturniolo @ghostking4m @sturnioloslut @eden4eva @certifiednatelover @soursturniolo @m0r94n
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ninjacat49 · 2 days
Ok so I’m gonna go through this scene cause some people need it but also cause I really love it so here we go:
Tommy asks if Bobby is okay, and Buck gives him an update (a positive one thank goodness)
Tommy makes a joke about how the 118 should have their own dedicated wing at the hospital (which is so true of him to say), but it’s obvious Buck is not feeling it
Tommy notices, and asks if Bucks okay, in which Buck opens up about how Bobby is more of a dad to him than his own father
This leads to Tommy opening up about his own dad (Tommy lore!!!) and how Gerrard was not an improvement whatsoever (obviously) (also that’s really depressing. Buck you better cuddle with this man rn)
Then Buck starts the iconic part of the conversation, “So maybe we both have daddy issues.” If you’ve paid attention to Buck at all during this show, it’s very obvious that by the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes/face that he’s flirting
And of course we all know the rest, with Tommy returning Bucks flirty energy - “I don’t.” “But you think I do?” “God, I hope so.” Which first of all, Tommy’s voice for the “god, I hope so” has me going insane and if I was Buck I would’ve passed out, and second of all, Buck’s “but you think I do” is very much him still being flirty and trying to get a reaction from Tommy (and he succeeds)
And that’s the end of the scene, where Buck and Tommy are both pleased with the direction their conversation went
For such a short scene, I love how much we got out of them. And for such a short scene, it’s insane how much backlash it’s getting by certain people. Somehow people are saying that Tommy made the conversation sexual right after Buck was vulnerable about his dad, and how that’s messed up, but that’s literally not what happened? If anything, BUCK is the one that made the conversation sexual after Tommy was vulnerable. And you know what? That’s completely okay, because they’re grown adults and have the capability of changing the vibe of a conversation. If Tommy didn’t like the direction Buck was going, he would have stopped it from going further. But he didn’t. Because again, they’re two grown men. Dang I didn’t really mean to go on a rant, but I’m so tired of the horrible takes of this scene. I’m glad that all the people I’m following are also loving this scene and Tommy and bucktommy (though I guess kinkley works better now huh)
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httpiastri · 3 days
NSFW alphabet – pa17
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author's note: hello hello, finally finished this <333 (after idk how many months lmao) happy to finally post it! hope u enjoy !!! and please let me know if you have any opinions or thoughts, feel very free to fill in with what you think abt these prompts (or any other paul prompts 🤭) hehe
nsfw content below !! minors dni !!!
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a – aftercare (what he is like after sex)
i see paul as someone who doesn't like to make a mess, so the clean-up process is important to him. he'll either want to clean you both up with a warm, wet towel, or take a good old shower. he'll find it super cute if you don't have the energy to shower because he'll love holding you up, having you lean against his chest as the water pours on you two.
but in general, i think he'll be very soft after sex. he makes sure to tell you how good you did, praising you and letting you know how much he adores you. it's a lot of smiles and giggles, a very lighthearted vibe. and he craves skin-on-skin contact, holding you close and brushing his fingers along your skin.
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b – body part (his favorite body part of his and also his partner's body)
his favorite body part of his own is his hands – just because he knows how much you love them. he loves how he can use them to give you so much pleasure, and how much you tremble from just his touch.
his favorite body parts of yours are anything he can cover with his hands. he loves seeing how big his hands are compared to your body, so holding you in his hands makes him crazy. he likes your boobs, butt and thighs specifically. (boob man!paul headcanons here)
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c – cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
like i mentioned before, he dislikes making a mess. so cum will go either inside of you, in your mouth, or possibly on your chest, but then he's gotta be ready to clean it all up quickly (or lick it up). he isn't a fan of the like stickyness of it, especially in combination with your sweat, so he'll want to clean you both up after your session.
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d – dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of his)
i wouldn't say that i think paul is a switch, but he definitely enjoys being bossed around by you every once in a while. he loves it when you think you're in charge (when in reality, he's just toying with you, sorry), he thinks it makes you look so cute.
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e – experience (how experienced is he? does he know what he's doing?)
hmmm honestly he's young so i wouldn't say he's got a ton of actual experience. though, i still think he knows what he's doing; he's a fast learner, good at adapting, and he listens well to your needs and wants. he's really good at picking up on your little signs and tells of how you like a specific thing, which i think makes him seem more experienced than he actually is. i also think he's learned a lot from watching videos, so don't be surprised when he pulls out some random trick that has you falling over the edge immediately and he just says "i saw it online"….
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f – favorite position (this goes without saying)
mmmm paul will never be a more content man than he is when his girlfriend is riding him. is this a biased opinion? possibly, but i really see him enjoying it because 1. boobs on full display, so easy for his hands to cup. 2. he really enjoys not having to do as much work, especially after a long weekend etc. 3. again, he likes you thinking you're in charge when in reality, he's definitely going to be thrusting up into you.
though i also think he loves something where he can be more in control, setting the pace and just making sure you feel good. paul is a simple man, and nothing gets him going like a good old missionary where he can pin his girl's hands over her head and watch her gaze flutter as he thrusts into her.
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g – goofy (is he more serious in the moment? is he humorous? etc.)
paul is a goofy guy but also very serious at times? which makes me think that he would be more serious during the deed. he'd of course be able to smile or laugh a little if something funny happened, but mostly he just wants to enjoy the intimacy and get as much out of the moment as possible.
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h – hair (how well groomed is he? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
when i said i think he doesn't like things to be messy, his hair falls under that category, too. he wouldn't be completely clean-shaven, but he likes things to be neat and tidy.
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i – intimacy (how is he during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i personally feel like he can be quite romantic? not over the top but a bit. i think half the time, it's just a good old fuck, but the other time he sees it more as lovemaking and he gets really soft about it. it depends a lot on his mood and the day, but if he's in the right state of mind, he loves having a long go where you're both just fully relaxed and he loves to make sure every cell of your body feels good.
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j – jack off (masturbation headcanon)
oh he enjoys jacking off as much as the next guy. he's a busy guy and doesn't have time to be with you as much as he wants to (and maybe if you even live in different countries, it's extra hard). and therefor, his own hand is just the second best thing. esp during a bad race weekend when he just needs to get some of that pent up frustration out. you'll always be there with him though, no matter if it's in the form of a picture, a voice recording, a clip, etc.. and when you've spent a lot of time apart, he loves to have you on the phone with him….
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k – kink (one or more of his kinks)
size. seeing you in his oversized clothes would make him go crazy. (size kink headcanons here)
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l – location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere inside the house. in his bed, on the couch, having you sit on the kitchen counter, in the shower, you name it.
i think he would be up for some teasing in public; his hands on your thighs inching up under your dress when you're sitting down for dinner, possibly even letting a finger drag across the soaked fabric of your panties. but i don't think he would want to go any further in public, because he would much rather have a real one at home where he can enjoy the moment fully and not risk anyone else seeing. you're his and only his, after all – he doesn't want anyone else to see you like that.
POSSIBLY in his driver's room if he needs to get off before/after a session. oh, and in hotel rooms during the season, but more about that later… AND OKAY LAST ONE: in his car. yes yes yes.
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m – motivation (what turns him on, gets him going)
honestly, whenever you take the first step, it gets him going instantly. if you insinuate that you want to have sex with him, or that you want to try something new, he'll be jumping into bed instantly. he also can't keep his hands to himself whenever you dress up in certain outfits, especially short dresses (no matter if it's a sleek fancy one or a cute summery dress)…
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n – no (something he wouldn't do, turn-offs)
he refuses to share you. he's possessive like that; you're his and only his. no threesomes or anything like that, just the thought of you with another man makes him icky. and it's not even like a funny thing, like "oh he gets jealous so easily, haha!". even teasing him by trying to make him jealous is a no-go zone, he doesn't find it amusing at all. he just gets mad and it's a huge turn-off for him. flirt with any of his friends and he will just leave the room.
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o – oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
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that's all i have to say abt this.
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p – pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
like i said before, i think it depends on his mood!! he can be both, depending on how a race weekend has gone or just his general vibe for the day. mostly probably somewhere inbetween though.
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q – quickie (his opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they're definitely a part of the equation, esp during race weekends. a must to get out some of that pent up energy he so often has. makes him relax more (and he says it improves his performance, too. he got like one podium once when you had a quickie before a race and now he insists on them every time he has an important race).
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r – risk (is he game to experiment? does he take risks? etc.)
in the bedroom, possibly. i think he would be up to trying new things if you really want to, but personally, he could just as well do what you always do. nothing dangerous or something that could ever hurt you even the slightest, so like even if you're trying bondage it has to be with the softest of silk straps.
outside of the bedroom, nuh uh. especially not out in public. like i said, he doesn't enjoy the risk of you accidentally being seen.
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s – stamina (how many rounds can he go for? how long does he last?)
he's a strong guy with good stamina, not sure how well it translates to the bedroom though. surely he can go for a few rounds but i think he's okay with just going all-in into one round instead. it doesn't really matter that much to him.
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t – toys (does he own toys? does he use them? on a partner or himself?)
not a big fan of using them but he likes to watch you use them on yourself :)
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u – unfair (how much he likes to tease)
oh, he enjoys teasing you quite a lot. especially with his hands since he knows they make you so weak; showing them off, flexing them, placing them on your thighs, etc. he loves to rile you up, pretending like he isn't sure whether he will give you what you want or not, making you whine and beg for it.
he also loves it when you tease him back. it's hard for him to pretend like your actions make him feel what you want, because he's always looking up at you with a big smile and showing off how much he enjoys it. this connects to what i wrote earlier about him liking when you're in control; you're just too adorable, he can't hold back his grin.
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v – volume (how loud he is, what sounds he makes, etc.)
mmmm not too loud but not quiet, i feel? groans and moans a lot but also loves just talking and praising you. i also see him being… maybe just a little whiny……. when he's being teased etc. because as we've discussed on this blog before, i think he has a little submissive streak and just. there are some sounds he can't control.
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w – wild card (a random headcanon)
there's just something about doing it in hotel rooms when he's racing that really gets him going. after a while, it's like he's one of pavlov's dogs because just being in a hotel room gets him going. celebratory, fluffy sex after a good race, or rough sex after a bad weekend – it doesn't matter. it's just bound to happen.
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x – x-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
gonna let someone else fill in on this because i just can't 😭
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y – yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
high, but again not over the top. he doesn't need to get going 24/7 but if he has a gf as hot as you, then it's gonna get high. idk he just sees you and boom, instant boner. doesn't need to act on it every time, but he could if you wanted to.
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z – zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterward)
quickly!! a sleepy boy, he needs his beauty rest. quick aftercare, and he'll make sure you're comfortable and good and resting properly on his chest before he lets himself close his eyes. but then it won't take long before he's dozing off…. he puts so much energy into the act that he's completely worn out after it, poor boy.
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What do you think it would be like to marry Kurt? Do you think he’d invite everyone he could possibly think of, or one with just his mothers, Rouge and Gambit? Who do you think would be the officiant?
And do you think he’d go all out for it and make it grand, or just leave it it simplistic? Because I feel like he’d want it to be more simple.
And what kind of ring do you think he would like? I think a silver one would go lovely with his skin, like moonlight casting it’s breathtaking image onto a glimmering lake.
I know that he is technically not allowed to get married since he’s a Catholic priest but I need him so badly! :( Oh my gosh I love him so much! 😭😭😭
You know, I think he could do both, actually. Of course, I also don’t really see him going all out and inviting 500 people while renting a massive hall, but I think he’d want to celebrate with family and friends, so here are my thoughts:
There are in fact two ceremonies, one for him, his significant other and his closest people, and one for celebrating with everyone they want to have there.
The first wedding would be a very small ceremony in a small chapel, probably somewhere in a forest in Germany, just with his s/o, Rogue as his "Best Man“, and one other person for his s/o’s Best Man or Maid of Honour (and of course the priest).
It’s just really small and private and intimate and absolutely lovely. They spend their honeymoon in a small cabin in the forest/mountains in Germany, just a week for just the two of them. Just existing with each other. And don’t think that this man won’t worship the ground his s/o is walking on.
After the first ceremony there is not a huge celebration. They maybe go for dinner in a nice restaurant but that’s it.
The second ceremony though…..is a bit more lively.
I’d like to say, that the wedding ceremony was held on the school’s ground, a few weeks after the original wedding ceremony. And since they’re already legally married, it’s all a bit more relaxed.
Honestly, I’m not sure who would officiate the wedding. My first thought would be Xavier, but I think that’s because he gives off this old, wise man vibes, that are stereotypical for a officiant. Now, that I think about it, I actually think that I would love to see Gambit officiate the wedding.
He’s as good as Kurt’s brother-in-law, so I’d like to think that he would do Kurt this favour, because for him, Kurt is family [though he would never say that out loud] and Kurt thinks the same way. And it’s beautiful.
It’s most likely during vacations. Not that he doesn’t love the kids, but he does not necessarily want them all around. Close ones and older ones, sure, but there will be another celebration for that. For this celebration, he sticks with the older ones.
There is a huge pavilion with beautiful arrangements and decorations and Storm makes sure that there won’t be one rainy cloud around for that day.
Kurt cries, when he sees his s/o walk down the aisle [just like the first time]. The vows are more beautiful than on their first wedding (they didn’t really do vows then, because it was just small) and even Logan shed a tear.
Gambit did a splendid job btw. Just like the rest who helped to organise this celebration, so it would be a bit of a surprise for the newlyweds.
The cake is of course chocolate, though not completely, if his s/o does not like it. The dance is just really emotional and Kurt safely leads his spouse over the dance floor. It kind of inspires the others, so there will be a lot of dancing.
Rogue holds a beautiful speech as sister of the groom and Kurt cries silentely, before just hugging her very, very hard.
It’s a long day, but an amazing one, and everybody made sure that the couple got a few more days to themselves in a cabin in Canada (sponsored by Logan) as some sort of second honeymoon.
After the holidays, there will be a summer party with the kids, where Kurt and his spouse will also be celebrated, but not that much.
In General, I think he will do both weddings, just to make sure that 1) he will have a day solely dedicated to him and his partner without too much stress and 2) everybody they care about will have the opportunity to celebrate with them.
However, no matter how the wedding will go, it will be beautiful. I mean, it’s Kurt Wagner, what are you expecting?
He will spend the entire night staring lovingly at his s/o and dance with them, kiss them and constantly call them “My wife” or “My husband” or “My spouse” as well as “Mrs. Wagner”/”Mr. Wagner”/”Mx Wagner”. Kurt just can’t get enough of it!
It’s also very sweet and it shows how much he cares about them.
It’s just a very, very beautiful affair and marrying him is one of the best things anyone could do.
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yumeboshi · 24 hours
congrats on 100 omg !!!! may i please order a sickly sweet sprinkle sundae? <3 your vibe is simply incredible
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𐙚SICKLY SWEET SPRINKLE SUNDAE:sickly sweet it makes you throw up!
𐙚 dish desc。.a not so romantic dinner sunday made for you after you tried running away.
.。𝜗𝜚 labels。 general yandere themes, manipulation, filthy, mentions of aphrodisiacs, no i promise i write for other characters too, heavy brainrot, MINORS DNI
.。𝜗𝜚 ingredients。sunday
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it was hard to tell by the way SUNDAY smiles at you with eyes hollow like shells, gesturing for you to take a seat at the lavish dinner table. your fiancé, although more of a forced engagement, was undoubtedly a good cook. the dishes set across the spacious wooden table cloaked with heavenly silk were straight from a 5-star course meal at the Reverie, each one tingling your nostrils with an exquisitely savory smell.
the situation might have been very flattering if you haven’t tried to run away from him moments ago.
“please, take a seat. i made it just for you, you know.” he laughs shortly at your hesitance, but his eyes pierce through you, like a predator waiting for its prey.
you feel your heart thud against your chest as you sit down tentatively- the scrape of the chair only scratching your nerves even more. although the scent around you tempted your stomach, your mouth felt paradoxically dry and you felt like throwing up. you felt uncomfortable, as if a thousand ants were crawling over your skin by his stare that never once leaves you.
“you deserve to eat,” he breaks your discomfort with a gentle hand that guides your own to the silver utensils that are far too expensive for you. “you’ve been such a good girl.”
the way he says it tells you he doesn’t think that at all. but how can you possibly deny him, when you’ve already done it once? you should be grateful he’s even allowing you to eat.
but as the steak reaches your lips, you feel a sudden churn in your throat that tells you you really shouldn’t eat it. sunday taps you with the other hand on your shoulder- a subtle warning, but when you don’t do as he says, he sighs in condescension and pries your mouth open to force it in, caring little about the way your saliva stains his pristine gloves.
the meat surprisingly melts on your tongue like heaven- it’s juicy and just so right. it’s the most perfect bite of meat you’ve ever tasted, which shows on your surprised expression which makes your fiancé scold you—
“what did i tell you, dear? I didn’t put anything in there. this indeed says something about how little you trust me.”
and when he removes his and from yours, telling you that he’s not going to cook anymore- you beg him that you’re sorry for mistrusting him. oh, what a sin you’ve committed— how dare you even doubt sunday, who always showers you with such love you don’t deserve after your attempt to run?
he pretends to give in to your pretty pleas when you hug him while sobbing about how delicious it is, all the while telling you that you’re such a stupid little dove he has to teach constantly until she learns he manners.
little do you know, the meat you’re chewing has an oddly sweet aftertaste. the more sunday feeds you with his hand over your own, subtly coaxing you to eat the entire thing, all the while making you think it’s your own choice to eat it, the more your brain fuzzes, your vision blurry, slowly drowning your own coherent thoughts with such a primal need that builds itself to the surface, a desire that morphs into a cacophony in your head that chants that you need him so badly.
and he’ll drag out the drugged thoughts of yours, acting as if you’re the one who badly wants him to bury in his thick cock inside you- when in reality, sunday is the one who desires it so bad. he’s wanted to stuff you full with his own cum- make you his, trapping you with his children since the day he’s laid eyes on you, but a true manipulator always plays the longer game, and he was willing to wait.
now, his long-awaited fantasies are fulfilled as he watches your hole gushing around his cock, whimpering his name as you clutch the sheets- pretty bite marks decorating every nook and cranny. and fuck, oh it makes him feel like he’s finally flown to his desired heaven. he feels complete.
he feels like his twisted paradise is near.
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coruscatingcorvid · 2 days
Hello my dearest friends. Though the time is never specifically stated, through some extremely scientific sleuthing I have determined the likely time period the flashbacks between Annabel and Lenore are taking place.
First off, from the very general vibe of their clothing, we can put them in the late victorian to early edwardian era (roughly 1880s to 1900s). Since we rarely see either of them in bustle dresses, I would assume at least 1890s. While we don't see very many of the iconic 1890s giant puffy sleeves, Annabel's dresses in particular that we see are reminiscent of late 1890s evening wear. For example:
Annabel's dress in episode 67:
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Evening dress from 1898-1900:
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ADDITIONALLY, in episode 90, we see Annabel's wedding dress. While not exact, it is distinctly reminiscent of lace insertion dresses which grew popular during the edwardian period. Though it is not a part of the dress itself, Annabel's necklace is similar to dress collars at this time.
Annabel's wedding dress:
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Wedding dress from 1902:
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Lace insertion dress 1908:
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We also see other dresses from this time period on other characters through episodes 65 and 66.
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(Dress from 1898, [4])
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(Shirtwaist ca. 1900, [5])
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(Shirwaist 1900-1910, image copyrighted: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/86042 [6])
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This (above) is particularly interesting case because it reflects an earlier time period than much of the other clothing. The character who wears this is Annabel's maid, Nessa. However, this could easily be reflective of the historical precedent for wearing clothes after they were fashionable, since clothing is expensive. The dress she wears here is very similar to dresses from the 1880s.
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(Dress, 1885-88, [7])
Brief hair interlude:
Nessa has exactly Gibson Girl hair, which was popular from the 1910s to about WWI [8].
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Annabel, meanwhile, uses rag curls, a type of heatless wet set.
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(Unfortunately I haven't been able to find historical images of rag curls with reliable sources, though this was one of the more consistent ones, and is purportedly from 1870. Additionally, I could not find any copyright free photos of what setting it looks like, but Annabel's hair in the first image is how you set rag curls, so feel free to look into it yourself!)
Unfortunately, I can't really speak on the menswear, as I don't know enough about it currently to be able to note details that have been translated into art.
I do want to add the caveat that I am not an expert in historical fashion, just a nerd, and while I do have a good amount of background knowledge, there could very well be inaccuracies in this. Additionally, none of this is meant to try and nitpick any historical inaccuracies--the art in the webcomic is gorgeous and I am 100% here for artistic license/artistic interpretation/vibes.
SECONDLY, the most concrete evidence we have for the time period comes from the conversation between Lenore and Annabel's father in episode 67. He says to sail to England on the ship Oceanic on the White Star Line. The RMS Oceanic made her maiden voyage on September 6, 1899 from Liverpool to New York [10]. Upon its launch, it was the largest passenger ship of its time [11]. On September 8, 1914, the ship ran aground [10]. Which is a pretty big time period. BUT, Annabel's father says that she is "The largest and finest ocean liner in the world," which she was, until 1901, when she was surpassed by the RMS Celtic on July 25, when she made her maiden voyage [11, 12].
Thus, the flashbacks (as far as we have seen in episode 105) between Lenore and Annabel Lee must take place before July 25, 1901, and begin after or around 1899!
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crepezinhos · 2 days
3sum w/ kazuha and wanderer where kazuha has to constantly scold wanderer for degrading you😭
Fortune’s Fool
(REQUEST #2: Kazuha + Wanderer Smut)
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POV: The request ☝️
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— Somnophilia does NOT happen even if it might look like it.
— Reader uses SHE/HER pronouns.
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As a wanderer from Fontaine, you’ve made many friends and acquaintances throughout your life. In one of your many trips to Inazuma, you met this very talented wanderer and poet called Kaedehara Kazuha who gave you plenty inspiration and the vibe that you needed in your life. In one of your few trips to Sumeru, you met this other wanderer who called himself Wanderer for some reason and was very complex. He was rude, cold, sometimes mean and very proud of himself, but that didn’t make you unable to develop a friendship with him. After all, in Tevyat, one of the few global-wide traditions is that wanderers don’t attack other wanderers. After all, all wanderers aren’t common and all of them want the same thing, peace and pleasure. So, to make the tradition even better and realer, when there’s an encounter of wanderers, it’s common that they’ll celebrate it and use the opportunity to talk about their recent experiences around the world.
And that’s exactly what you’re doing right now in an isolated bar in Liyue. You had the great luck of spotting the one and only, Kaedehara Kazuha, meditating in a tall, yellow tree, a man popular around Tevyat for being the only human who managed to hold the Musou no Hitotachi alone.
“It was all thanks to my old friend’s vision. Otherwise, I don’t believe I would’ve done it.” He said, taking another sip of his wine.
“Still, that is one great story, Kazuha! It must’ve been a great source of inspiration to your Haikus.” You implied, genuinely impressed at his deed.
“Incredibly, it was not. The only thing I wrote related to that moment was about the fact that the second vision I had with me awakened although its owner has ceased years ago. I don’t want to sound weird but it felt like… his spirit did it. Like it has been watching me ever since my arrival…” Kazuha shared his thoughts, making you take a sip of your wine this time.
“No, no, I totally understand, I also believe that some souls have the strength to live even after the death of their body.” You reassured Kazuha.
But unfortunately, the conversation was cut off due to your attention being dragged by the sound of the bar’s doorbell, signing someone had entered the bar.
The first thing you noticed when you were turning around was the person’s very long hat. Then you realized the person’s short, dark purple hair and the white and blue pattern of their clothes.
It was the nameless Inazuman wanderer you met in Sumeru.
“Hey! Big hat guy!” You called him out, instantly dragging his eyes to you. “Come here!” You said, tapping in the chair right next to you.
He stared at you back for some seconds but didn’t reply, walking to the bar’s counter afterward like you weren’t there.
“Who is he?” Kazuha asked, taking a sip of his wine in a slight suspicion and making you pay attention to him again.
“He’s a wanderer from Inazuma.” You explained.
“Inazuma? That’s weird, he gives me chills even tho I’ve never seen him in my life.” Kazuha said, getting a little more suspicious.
“Yeah, because he lives in Sumeru! Don’t worry, Kazuha, he isn’t dangerous!” You defended Wanderer, turning to him again afterwards. “Hey, c’mon big hat guy!” You screamed but he ignored you again, not even staring at you this time.
“I believe he had a rough day, Y/N, let him go.” He suggested, tapping your resting hand in the table to bring your attention back to him again.
“Well then… where were we?” You asked, finally giving up and fully tuning your body back to Kazuha.
“We were talking about souls and spi—”
Your whole body flinched at hearing a sudden bang in the table coming right from your right side, almost making you jump off your seat unlike Kazuha who didn’t get scared at all. You immediately looked to your right and you met Wanderer and a fat wine cup in his hands.
“Why so scared?” He asked, sitting down at the chair you were previously tapping and staring at your scared face with a mocking smirk.
“To be fair, things get extra emotional for people when they’re drinking.” Kazuha answered for you, scolding Wanderer.
After all, even if Kazuha was also drinking, he had the vision of the bar’s entrance, which means that he witnessed Wanderer’s approach and that he could’ve warned you of it.
Your soul finally came back to your body.
“Yeah, that was super unnecessary!” You screamed.
“Don’t worry, it won’t happen again, I don’t want to drink a lot tonight.” He said, taking a sip of his drink.
“Me neither.” Kazuha said, taking a sip of his wine.
“I guess me neither too…” You said, still a little angry at Wanderer.
“And then he stared at it for like 10 seconds… hic, and still couldn’t realize Ms. Hina was a parody of himself!” Kazuha finished the story, making you both burst in laugh like hyenas, punching the table with your empty cups and fists.
You two were cackling like that for the unfunniest or most random things you could think of. Your belly was hurting so much from the excessive laughs that you decided to rest your head in the table, trying to curl your body and ease your pain. But then your nose begun to hurt from the friction of it against the table, so you turned your head to your right and noticed Wanderer caressing his forehead aggressively, like he was stressed at something.
“What’s wrong, hic, Hat Guy?” You asked, getting up again just to lay your head in his shoulder.
“I don’t feel so good…” He explained, ignoring your nosy head.
“Are you gonna to throw up?” Kazuha asked, also taking it in funny way like you.
“Maybe, if she keeps moving me around.” He said, trying to push you away from his shoulder without moving too much of his own body.
“Oh, c’mon, don’t be so negative..!” You said, throwing yourself again just to hug his two shoulders very tight.
“H-Hey!” He screamed, trying to get you off him in way more panic than before.
“Hey, Wanderer guy, you said you were a puppet, didn’t you?” Kazuha asked, ignoring the situation you were putting him in.
“Yes, I am!” He screamed again.
“Do you have a dick?” He asked, making you and Kazuha cackle like hyenas again.
“W-What?! Why the heck do you wanna know if I have one or not?!” He asked, absolutely mad at the both of you for laughing at such an intimate question.
“I’m just curious… what about drugs? Can you smoke weed as much as wish to?” He asked again, making you and him just giggle more.
Wanderer didn’t even bother answering and fought you off for some seconds, but out of nowhere, he stopped it all and begun staring at a wall, absolutely paralyzed in realization.
“Y/N, get off.” He demanded.
“I don’t really feel like getting—” You tried joking one more time.
“Y/N, I’m gonna throw up and I will not stop myself if I do it on you. ” He confessed, making you instantly weaken your grip in him.
“Are you o—” You tried asking but as soon as Wanderer felt his shoulders become free, he immediately jumped off his chair and ran towards the hall with the “Bathrooms” sign as fast as light. You decided to follow right afterwards even if you weren’t allowed to go into the man’s bathroom.
“Hey, guys, don’t leave me here!” Kazuha screamed, not getting up from his chair.
When you got inside the bathroom, you stopped to look for where he went and met his two feet standing in the farthest stall of bathroom. As soon as you noticed that, you ran towards his direction again and banged the stall’s door sometimes, trying to get in.
“Wanderer?! Are you ok in there?!” You asked, trying your best to hear him through the door but no sound was emitted rather than him breathing.
“I-I don’t know… I don’t know whether it wants to come out or not…” He answered with a whiny voice.
“I mean… you’re a puppet, I wouldn’t expect my body to react like a human’s if I was a puppet.” Kazuha showed up behind you out of nowhere, which made you jump in fear again and let go of the stall’s door.
“K-Kazuha?! Oh my god, don’t do that again!” You screamed at Kazuha angrily, looking back to meet him acting as calm as ever, unlike the situation.
But in that moment of distraction, the door opened, and there was Wanderer standing very embarrassed.
“I’m fine.” He said, pulling his hat down to cover his face.
“Oh, thank goodness..!” You said very cutely like you hadn’t just screamed at Kazuha and threw yourself at him again.
“H-Hey, don’t throw yourself at me, I’m still a little nauseous!” He complained, trying to push you away but suddenly, you felt Kazuha’s hands lay on your shoulders not so nicely.
“Party in the stall!” Kazuha screamed, pushing the both of you inside the stall, making you and Wanderer barely fall in the toilet if he hadn’t put his hands on the walls.
And meanwhile you and Wanderer got up, you heard a click from the door. As soon as you were finally standing up, you looked behind and noticed that Kazuha had locked the door with a silly smile in his cute face.
All that you remembered was Wanderer and Kazuha switching places because he wanted to get out, but both of you pulled him back in. Than you forgot what happened between Kazuha locking the door and the current moment, which made you just more and more confused, because you wanted to know how did you allow yourself to be sandwiched by both of them, making out with you. But it didn’t really matter anymore, they were too good for you to not pay attention in them. Kazuha was behind you now, kissing and sucking your neck as his hands slipped through your shirt and bra, squeezing your breasts gently. And Wanderer was in front of you now, smashing both your heads and lips together with one of his hands squeezing your hair, while his other hands slipped through your underwear and masturbated your clit using two of his cold fingers.
Your brain was barely functioning but you wouldn’t deny that what you were doing with those boys gave you a tremendous amount of pleasure. Two men willing to sacrifice the privacy and art of sex just because they couldn’t wait to fuck you.
Happens that your mouth was the best spot for you to breathe, which was currently being taken by Wanderer’s tongue. He was smirking, loving the power he had over you compared to Kazuha, playing with your clit in ways that made you flinch and screech in agony.
“A-Ah~! Wanderer, wai—!” You screamed when Wanderer suddenly inserted the same two fingers inside you with no kind of warning at all.
But Wanderer ignored you and instantly pulled your mouth back to his. The amount of shock and pleasure from it made your back arch, making it harder and harder for both men to adjust their positions.
“Fucking stand up, I’m not gonna hold you if you fall.” He demanded, stopping the kiss for a quick moment unlike his fingers.
“Hey… let’s be fair to Y/N and us… we’re standing up on a tight place..!” Kazuha scolded with a very gentle voice thanks to amount of alcohol he drunk.
Wanderer leaned up and stepped backwards a few times, letting his hands off you go as started to analyze the situation while licking off his soggy fingers.
“Hummm…” He thought for some seconds while Kazuha still played with your body. “Kazuha, hold her and sit down.” He demanded.
You couldn’t even tell if Kazuha understood how or why but he still obeyed. So he moved both his hands to your shoulders and sat down at the toilet, pulling you down too to sit on top of his lap.
“W-What are you going to do..?” You asked to Wanderer, using some of the energy you managed to regain in that small break.
“Sex!” Kazuha answered for Wanderer very happily, with a cutesy, smiley face.
Yeah, he had no remaining consciousness at all.
But your eyes were more focused on Wanderer slowly undoing his pants with a growing smirk in his face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Surprised at seeing a puppet with a dick?” He asked mockingly, stepping the closest he could to you, your mouths centimeters away from each other.
“So you do have a dick…” Kazuha commented.
“Shut up.” He demanded with an angry voice, looking at Kazuha in distraction before looking back at you with that mean smirk. “Come on, I know you want this… you just gotta say it! I know your brain is still working unlike his…” He provoked.
“Hey, I do have a brain..! Here~.” Kazuha defende himself, pulling you closer to him as he used his knees to spread your legs apart.
Wanderer’s grin widened as he admired the awkward position you were in, sitting on top of a man’s lap with your legs spread by his legs… and Wanderer knew that Kazuha would definitely use his hands during it.
“May I, Y/N?” He whispered in your ear very teasingly, making you throw your head aside in embarrassment.
And finally, you nodded weakly, allowing him to finally push all of him inside you. You were about to scream in shock, but Kazuha was quick to identify it and silenced your mouth using one of his hands.
“Shhhh… we don’t want no one to hear us, do we?” Kazuha whispered in your ear and Wanderer finally begun moving in and out of you after also having his moment of pleasure from entering inside you.
Your brain was only functioning to receive the pleasure that Wanderer gave you, even if he was barely starting, and grip on Kazuha’s arm covering your mouth for dear life. Alcohol really messes with the human mind… maybe you shouldn’t have drunk that much alcohol… or maybe you should’ve. Kazuha’s hands immediately begun roaming around your chest as soon as he saw you relax, trying his best to make you feel even more pleasure. He basically just copied what he was previously doing, but better, even if it was only with a single hand, pinching your nipples and touching spots he knew were sensitive and sucking your neck with his mouth passionately.
It was absolute ecstasy.
Wanderer wasn’t going fast yet, he was more focused on finding the perfect spot and angle to thrust you before driving you insane, but that was going to be very complicated in that place. So his hands were absolutely crushing your hips to keep you in that same rough spot at all costs. It was definitely going to mark them if he kept holding you like that for the rest of I.
“Fucking useless slut…” He let out his stress as he realized he wasn’t managing to perfect his thrusts the way he wanted to.
“Hey… let’s not make this even harder for her… she’s doing the best she could for a woman having sex with two men in a bathroom stall.” Kazuha scolded, stopping his massage in your neck for a brief moment.
“Correction, she’s being relentlessly bred like a dog and she loves it.” Wanderer mocked again, staring right at your teary eyes.
“A beautiful one…” Kazuha tried to make it sound like a compliment, kissing your cheek from behind cutely.
“You know that you and your little praises are not making her feel better than I, right? I can feel her pussy clenching when I degraded her~...” He teased, making you throw your head aside in embarrassment of being stared right on the eye by him while he fucked you with hunger.
But Kazuha only saw that as an opportunity to launch his head further in your neck.
“Well… I don’t think she’d show me her neck like this if I was so insignificant.” He mocked Wanderer, who just stared at him very violently.
In that moment of slight relaxation, you used one of your arms to reach Kazuha’s head and caress it to keep him stimulating you, making Wanderer’s ego slightly hurt.
But before you could have a minute of strength and consciousness, you suddenly felt Kazuha’s hand in your boob slkde all the way down to your belly, than your underwear, than your clit, scissoring it according to Wanderer’s thrusts. Or at least trying to…
You felt your entire body flinch and melt in Kazuha’s lap as every single part of your body that could possibly make you feel pleasure was being toyed. You couldn’t tell who was giving you more pleasure and that just made you get more and more lost in it meanwhile they got more and more competitive for dominance. Kazuha was absolutely making you agonize and flinch with his tortuous, little, teasing touches, and Wanderer was absolutely numbing your mind, trying his best to make sure that he was the main one there. He was the reason why Kazuha had to cover your mouth in the first place but you still clearly hear each slap of Wanderer’s skin against your hips and the puffy, soggy sounds coming out of your pussy.
“Fucking Christ… can you fucking take your dick off my way?!” Wanderer screamed at Kazuha, stopping his thrusts inside you for a moment and making Kazuha stop sucking your neck like a meal too.
You had noticed it ever since you sat on his lap but Kazuha was growing harder and harder with every second. His pants and your weight got in the way for most of the process but now you and Wanderer could clearly see and feel his tip beginning to rub and cover your pussy, which was what made Wanderer angry and stop.
“It’s not my fault I’m not the lucky one…” He defended himself with an embarrassed face.
Finally, you had a moment to breathe and process all the information while they discussed.
“I’m not gonna let you finish her off now that I already got inside her.” He assured, putting his hands on your hips again to make sure Kazuha wasn’t going to do anything to you.
“Well then, what will we do?” He asked, making Wanderer instantly create an idea.
You could see his eyelids popping up like the lightbulb on his brain has just been lit.
But Wanderer took advantage of your distraction and pulled you off Kazuha’s lap for a quick moment just to spin you around and push you back to him. The impact of it made your head fall very close to his clothed erection.
“Make the bitch suck you.” Wanderer ordered, gently squeezing your ass in anticipation.
“Hey, she’s not a bitch…” Kazuha scolded with his gentle voice, caressing your head gently.
“Of course she is! She’s such a horny and cock-hungry whore that’s she’s willing to take two at the same time… am I wrong, Y/N?” He mocked, leaning closer to you just to grip on your chin and force eye contact with you.
“I believe we are also sacrificing the sake of privacy and art of sex due to a snowballed lust, aren’t we? We are also pussy-hungry whores with sadistic kinks according to your logic, but I’d rather call this the peak of humanity.” Kazuha scolded artistically.
Even tho it was pretty much a huge turn-off to you and Wanderer…
“Can you just… shut the fuck up and let me fuck her?” He asked, still trying to understand what Kazuha said.
“Alright, whore… I promise it will be quick, Y/N.” Kazuha whispered in your ear, caressing your cheeks with a thumb and forcing eye contact as he undid his pants with his other hand.
And Wanderer finally begun thrusting you. Now that he had full control of your hips with no sort of intervention from Kazuha, he was absolutely destroying your few, remaining dignity.
Completely numbed and hypnotized by the Wanderer’s vicious thrusts, you shoved your warm, breathy mouth inside Kazuha’s cock with his hands’ assistance, sacrificing your best canal to breathe.
“Oh God…” Kazuha groaned, gently laying a hand on top of your head.
He was absolutely relaxed in his seat, letting you suck in your tortuous rhythm. The hand he laid on your head did nothing but caress it. He was so gentle he even praised you even if sometimes you couldn’t even find the strength to keep your head going up and down in his dick.
“You have no idea how good this is…” Kazuha complimented, looking at Wanderer.
“You’re just drunk, she’s barely moving her head… Plus, don’t compare a mouth to a fucking pussy, it’s definitely way better in here.” He mocked between slight hisses.
“No, no… she’s warming my cock passionately and I love it.” He defended you again, hugging your head with better strength to assure you.
“Well then… you’re losing the fun.” He finished, and you suddenly felt a hard slap hit one of your buttocks, making you arch your back and separate your mouth to Kazuha’s cock in shock of it.
Kazuha held your face in place, worried about how you felt, but all you did was moan like crazy to Wanderer’s domination in you.
“See? She loves it! Who would’ve guessed that the Great Swordswoman from Fontaine was a hidden masochist?!” Wanderer mocked, squeezing and caressing the same ass cheek he slapped.
“You should not mock people for a kink you’d rather have than not have in sex… after all, not many women like sadistic guys.” Kazuha scolded again, leaning closer to your head to whisper something in your ear. “Don’t listen to him, Y/N… you’re doing amazing… but I really need you to suck me…” He asked, gently pushing your head back to his cock after you nodded in allowance.
As long as Wanderer’s unstoppable sadistic streak was turning you on more and more, Kazuha’s praises contrasting Wanderer’s degradations was absolute music to your ears. You could feel yourself getting tighter and tighter, closer and closer to climax whenever anything related to you came out their mouths, creating a paradox of having your dignity destroyed and recovered over and over again.
“I’m going to take her to a hotel and take care of her, go home.” You could hear Wanderer’s voice speaking above of you.
You don’t know where you are, nor what time it is, but you could feel your body being held by something in the air.
“Can I take her or come with you? I really want to spend more time with her…” You heard Kazuha’s voice slightly echoing in your ears, but you couldn’t see him.
He still sounded drunk. He actually sounded even more drunk.
“Fuck no, you can barely stand up and I don’t want another man sleeping on my bed! Especially one that I don’t know!” Wanderer screamed.
Did you really pass out?
“I mean… you’ve seen my dick and I’ve seen yours too! There isn’t anything to hide anymore!” He said, as excited as a kid.
Kazuha was really another man when he was drunk, wasn’t he?
“Of course there is! And, it’s her decision rather she wants to see us again or not. We literally just fucked her brains out in a bathroom stall, I would never want to see us again if I was her.”
And maybe he’s right.
“Oh-ho? Now you’re being protective of her? You’re the reason why she’s asleep in the first place!” Kazuha mocked.
Is he? You still have a slight fragment of the memory of the orgasm Wanderer brought you to have… right before your eyes closed and your head bonked in Kazuha’s lap.
“Shut up!” He demanded, pulling his hat down to cover his face but that just helped you to see him better, his cheeks were going pink.
After all, he was carrying you in his arms.
“Go, take her home. I’ll clean up the mess we made.” Kazuha said to Wanderer, and he finally started started walking with you in his arms.
What the fuck did just happen?
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Alastor - [ CATCH IT ON CAMERA ]
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This was originally a silly little fluff piece that turned into….well, this. I hope you all got the vibe from the song cause it doesn't get more straightforward than that…
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Taking a polaroid picture with Alastor!!
That was the goal when you stroll into his room with the brightest smile as he sits reading alone late one night.
Your lover doesn't initially suspect what you're up to.
He’s very content with reading as you go about your antics as quietly as possible.
Alastor was perfectly unbothered by your presence at first, used to your soft giggles filling the room and quietly enjoying the jovial aura you emit.
It's only when he hears a distinct ‘click’ of a camera that he stiffens in his seat.
The sharp and quiet sound caused his ears to twitch, claws digging into the leather cover of the book he held, and his red eyes peered over the edge to see the source of the interruption.
You peer back up at him, smiling softly from your spot on the carpeted floor.
The tiny polaroid camera in your dainty hands holds his attention, probably combusting into flames in another universe by the look on his face, but you grasp it tight in hopes it'll stay intact.
“What's that infernal thing doing here?” he snarls quietly, attempting to stay calm as your eyes soften on him, silently begging the stag to be kind.
Though his patience is thin, he withholds his hateful rant about technology to hear you out.
“A little imp sold it to me, and I just couldn't say no, Allie! It takes wonderful pictures too and…and I've always wanted one..” your voice trembled a little, afraid he'd outright scold you.
Alastor seriously considered doing so until he spotted the array of Polaroid prints you'd already taken and left to dry on the carpet.
You had some of yourself. Posing freely in each one, and every frame he laid his eyes on was strangely adorable, with a few mildly scandalous, in his opinion.
Alastor then caught sight of the few you'd taken of him, all off-guard shots, clearly taken at a distance as if not to disturb him.
Those, in particular, had your lipstick print on them, tender kisses you'd placed there as a silly add-on of affection for him, and his tail twitched in amusement at the minuscule detail.
“Let me see it, darling,” he held a clawed hand out, book now resting in his lap, and his posture more relaxed than a moment ago.
Hesitant at first, you hand him the camera, silently hoping he'd refrain from destroying it. You are pleasantly surprised when he shows no indication of doing so.
Alastor inspected the device thoroughly, eyes narrowed as he searched for any signs of the Vees’ technology, but there was no evidence of their tampering whenever he looked.
He still took the precaution of asking you directly, “It's not one of their devices, is it?”
You shift to sit on your knees, not having to ask who he's referring to, “No. Not that I know of…” you answer truthfully.
Alastor hums, seeing no trace of deceit in your expression and having no reason not to believe you; he hands the camera back.
You take it with a gracious smile, absolutely over the moon that he let you have it back, “You may keep it… but any picture you take is only shown to me. Have I made myself clear, dear?”
You nod eagerly, happy to have the camera back and not bothered by his stipulation.
”Okay, Allie!” You chirp, contently fiddling with it again, giggling as you take more silly pictures of yourself.
Alastor watches as you do, following your body as you roll around the floor leisurely, posing provocatively here and there.
It almost annoys him how good you look, acting childish and carefree, barely trying to keep his attention, and moderately unaware of how badly he wanted yours.
The book in his lap was no longer enjoyable, lacking the entertainment you provided, and his focus was permanently on you.
If only you'd put that dammed camera down….
Alastor narrowed his eyes, smile tightening as you rolled onto your back to take a particularly racey photograph of yourself, sporting a rather lewd expression he'd only seen you make amid pleasure he induced.
His eye twitched as you snapped the picture, unable to look away as you stuck your tongue out and winked seductively, tilting your head to get a better angle and inadvertently directing your face towards him.
The stag grunted an obscenity as you eyed him innocently from below, head cocking to the side in curiosity as to why he seemed so stiff.
“Am I bothering you?” Your gaze softens, twinges of shyness seething in at the thought of annoying the overlord, and you braced yourself for him to answer with a curt ‘yes.’
That answer never came.
Alastor remained silent, staring intently at you before reaching a hand out to caress one side of your face.
His touch was cold, a chilled contrast to the heat rising on your cheeks as his claws trailed down your skin, stopping once he reached the curve of your jaw.
Your lips slightly opened, a soft gasp escaping them as his sharp nails ghosted over you. He gripped your chin and chuckled as your instinct to relax in his hold kicked in.
“You're not bothering me at all, dear. I have a request in mind. That's all.” he lowered his voice, unconsciously lessening its static as you hummed quietly in response.
Your eyes fluttered closed, face nuzzling into his palm as you rolled to lay on your front, leaving the camera on the floor near your waist. Your feet kicked up, lace stocking-clad legs lazily swinging as he cupped your face gently, careful not to scratch your soft skin with his claws.
For a brutal overlord to be so tender was unfathomable to most, but you counted yourself lucky to have encountered one.
You basked in his touch for a moment, slowly lifting your gaze to his heavily clouded one, “Is it somethin’ I can help with, Allie?” you asked him quietly, giving a small smile as he scratched his nails under your chin affectionately.
Alastor chuckled, seeing your blush intensify at his gesture, a reaction he'd yet to tire of bringing out of you.
“Yes, you can help, but you'll have to promise to keep it a secret between us, little one. Can you do that?”
His deliberate cooing made your heart melt, every bone in your body buzzing with delight as he coaxed you into secrecy.
“Okay…I won't tell a soul. I promise..” you nearly whine, dying of anticipation and needing much more physical touch than he was giving you now.
“Come to me then, darling,” he barely finishes the command before you slide onto his lap with a giddy smile.
You settle down on him comfortably, straddling his lower half and unafraid to relax against his chest.
Alastor grunts as your body meets his, momentarily distracted by the pressure you impose on his hardening cock, but quickly averts his attention back to his previous train of thought as you tug at the lapels of his pristine overcoat impatiently.
You pout while he raises a brow at you, clearly unamused by your bratty gesture, “I wanna know now…” your expression turns sour, a dramatic showcase he can't help but laugh at before snapping his fingers to conjure the item you left on the floor.
“I'd like to take a picture with you, dear,” he explains causally, and you blank at the statement, having to process the bizarre concept of the Radio Demon of all beings wanting to associate himself with a camera…
Willingly at that…
“R-really,” you squeak out, confused but gradually excited by the prospect.
Alastor peered at the camera in his hand, pricking the newly printed photo you took a moment ago from the bottom slot, holding the picture up to admire its details.
You blushed seeing him study your downright slutty behavior taken in one snapshot.
Though you were a little embarrassed, he seemed amused rather than disgusted.
“I'd like to recapture you making this exact face. You wouldn't mind posing like that for me again, right little doe?”
He articulates the demand as a light-hearted question, fixed grin shifting to a closed smile as he hummed lowly at your timid nod of agreement seconds later.
Your silent compliance isn't enough for the stag, his hips rutting up into you forcefully to prompt a verbal answer, and you give it through a trembling moan.
“N-no, I don't mind at all…”
The pitch in your voice rises, shocks of pleasure igniting in your core from the feeling of his prominent hard-on brushing against your clothed slit.
An immediate patch of your slick forms on the thin fabric that keeps your mound hidden.
Alastor snakes an arm around your waist, holding you close with a toothy grin reappearing on his face, sharp teeth grazing your ear as he whispers into it.
“You’ll put on a show for me, yes?” you nod quickly, unable to help yourself from grinding down on him for more friction,
“Yes..” you purr, helpless as ever, when a deep laughter thunders in his chest at your reflexive response.
“Then smile, my dear! I don't want to miss a single second of your darling reactions..” he held you still as his free hand lifted the camera, capturing the split second his head shifted downward, finding the most sensitive area on your neck and marking it with ease.
You shivered against him, feeling the smirk on his lips as the crisp click of the camera’s flash going off mixed with your startled moan.
He‘d certainly have a grand time with you and your new little trinket.
And you'd accomplished much more than achieving your goal of getting one picture with him…
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Sometimes, I think I'm incapable of writing fluff. It's almost a curse at this point…
The song in this edit used to annoy the shit out of me but ill let it slide this ONE time cause its Alastor…. Credits to creator ❤️
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Neighbour!Eddie x Neighbour! Reader
Knock, knock.
Chapter Warnings: 18+ for smut in later parts if you are under 18 you do not belong here, be gone.
AFAB reader, use of the nickname sweetheart. Eddie pov. Reader pov. Fluff, yearning, awkward flirting, angst, jealous reader, depressive state, comfort, mentions of past toxic relationships, dubious explanations of electricals, stress. Strong language. Nightmares. Whispers in the walls. Horror/creepy vibes.
See Masterlist for full list of warnings.
Author note: Thank you for the love on the last chapter, you beautiful humans. I offer to you a vignette chapter that has a bit of everything, some burning in our slow burn between these two
Featuring some new… guests.
As always, all my love to @bettyfrommars @allthingsjoeq and @somnambulic-thing for writing the original prompt that birthed this weird little world and being wonderful.
Extra thanks to Somna for beta reading and letting me use their green carpet Eddie edit for the header💙.
Reblogs and comments are much appreciated. Love you bye.
Part 7 - Vignette knots in Lachesis's thread.
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“They moved the door.” one whispers
“They moved the door?”
“They moved the door.”
“Broke the hinges.” another hisses
“It doesn't fit.”
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He's not as quiet as he thinks he is.
It's an obvious hush.
One that floats through the silence of the morning, the cadence of his footsteps is soft but he's all elbows and heavy hands, clumsy movements and low mumbling.
The sound travels in under your bedroom door and pulls you gently from a reality you can't recall, you always drift back under once you hear him leave.
The sound of your alarm however, once chosen because of the relatively pleasant sound now grates immediately and has you reaching out blindly to turn it off as quickly as possible.
Stumbling from your room, the morning sun blinds you as it coats the walls in amber.
Cotton mouth and achy joints accompanying you as you stretch your arms above your head, a breath pausing in your chest as you spot the paper sticking out from underneath your front door.
Heavy ink is partially visible through the page as you pick it up, the paper folded twice into a rough square, the creases off centre and you flick the fanned edges which stick out as you start your morning.
You don't read it yet, you wait until there's hot tea and toast which is overdone on one side to accompany his words. Building a little excitement into the morning before the day gets going into a predictable routine.
Your knuckles press into your grin as your eyes finally take it in.
The first read is always a hurried intake of words, greedily consuming what he has to say. You'll read it again with more clarity once the sleep has been washed from you.
But his plans for the day aren't why you're smiling, there's a second page
“Thought I'd make you a character sheet.”
Apparently you're a rogue, and he's drawn you or, a version of you anyway. It's all crude black lines and blue ballpoint shading, you're grinning, nose high.
“Chaotic good.”
He graces you with the ability to make your own back story but.
“Within reason, I've been writing something in case you ever want to play while we're trapped in the planes.”
A rogue.
You look down at yourself, standing in off white underwear and a t-shirt with bleach stains littering the hems.
Sunlight dapples over the paper where your character stares back at you, and your thumb traces the shape of a sun that rests over the chest.
Emotion bubbles up your throat and you shake your head to rid yourself of it.
Your tea is going cold.
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“We cannot keep it out.” One says.
“The tide is sprawling.”
“It's imperceptible, they don't know.”
“Like the frog that slowly boils.” says another.
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A rouge, only dressed in cotton and oversized socks.
He's starting to wonder again if he's made this all up, if you're a character he's imagined. He'd have a little more control over you though if that was the case, right?
“Do you have to go fucking near it.”
You turn to look over your shoulder at him, eyes sparkling with mischief.
He doesn't know how you're so calm, it's a dream you keep on saying, but it all feels pretty fucking real to him.
His hands itch to pull you back, keep you away, but instead he chews his lip, arms crossed tightly as he watches you with a frown.
“It's fine, I'm just looking.”
Your socked feet toe the line between the back of your couch and the abyss which hums lowly.
It's a near perfect match for the sound that made him feel like he was going to puke up a lung, but it's low, far away and it's the only thing that has come from it in the weeks since.
He still refuses to get close to it though.
He had graduated from sitting on the floor by the light to sitting on the arm of his couch, it juts out at a 90 degree angle from the centre of your own, far enough away to feel acceptable.
Then you'd said he “looked like Gollum perched there.”
So out of spite, he refuses to even go near it again.
You'd apologised, tried to pull him back over, but he's nothing but dedicated to the bit, or stubborn whichever you want to call it.
“You said it could be another world-”
“Full of shit that will suck out your soul.”
His tempers flaring anxiety making his skin feel too tight as he watches you.
“You're not even a tiny bit curious?”
The feeling evaporates as you approach him, arms falling to his side as he rolls his eyes at the same argument you've had almost every time you've seen him since he showed you those books.
“I just don't want to be sucked into oblivion," he says, pressing his fingers to his chest and leaning toward you.
You raise your eyebrows, a smile escaping through pressed lips “What you're into is your own business. ”
He falters at your words.
“Th..That doesn't even make sense.” he tries, his usual quick comebacks are turning to ash and leaving his mind blank as his back straightens uncomfortably.
You just shrug still smiling, and he avoids your eyes, willing his brain to think of something other than… Shit.
He looks past you, eyes searching for something to stop you looking at him.
A coaster sits on the side and he picks it up, turns it over in his hands, and throws it into the void.
It's swallowed without a sound.
Your head whips around to follow it and he slumps.
“Hey! What the hell?”
He goes to speak, something snarky about being ‘curious’ but the wind’s knocked from him as it comes hurtling back, hitting him square in the chest and bouncing limply onto the floor.
His hand immediately grabs at the place it hit, eyes wide and heart thrumming too quick.
You snort loudly from beside him and his eyes dart to you.
“That's not funny.” He says, voice pinched a little as he still grips his shirt.
Muffled laughter slips between your fingers that are now clasped over your mouth and you shake your head.
His nostrils flare, temples already aching from the frown he's wearing, but the longer he looks at you, mirth crinkling the side of your eyes as you try not to laugh, the more he struggles to maintain it.
He sucks at his teeth, eyebrows raising.
“You finished?”
Your eyes flit to the dark and another bubble of laughter breaks free when you look back at him.
“Can you stop going near it, before something grabs you.”
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“Boundaries made by man hold little ground,” says one pacing.
“Broken ones even less, the tides will spill.”
“Fix it.” spits another.
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The days are still long, office life mundane, but the weeks are starting to pass a little quicker.
Home's finally becoming the reprieve that you desperately need, but today the hours have felt longer than you thought possible.
You'd woken like this, a little numb for no reason, a little frayed and tender despite the 8 hours of dreamless sleep. You couldn't shake it, the feeling of ghosts hanging around your neck all day.
Now, the last strands of you are snapping, coming undone with every minute that you wait for the god damn elevator.
It never arrives, and you drag yourself up the stairs at a snail's pace, passing the metal gate that's ajar on the second floor, taunting you.
You don't get on it out of spite.
Your door looms back at you when you reach it, rough wood and mismatched frame, you swallow harshly.
You thought you would feel better when you got home.
But the door feels heavier than usual, muscles in your arm biting out in protest at the force needed to open it and you wince as you fall in the threshold.
A distant chime makes you pause as you slam it closed.
A warped, ringing.
He didn't.
It rings again
He did.
“You bought a bell.” You exhale the words more than you say them, they're meant to hold laughter, but your voice barely lilts.
“I am but a merciful roommate.” He rings it again. “Found it at a thrift store for a buck.”
The sound floats oddly down to you from the scar, gnarled protrusions singing, it makes your teeth sit on edge.
You try to smile to yourself, wordlessly pulling yourself over to the couch and collapsing back as the silence hangs, thick and suffocating.
“Thought you'd be more into it, unless you're secretly into me scaring you” He laughs, but it's a little hollow and you cringe to yourself.
“No,” you say, squeezing your eyes closed, “thanks it's funny. Sorry.”
The silence drags out again, you know he's still there, the lack of heavy footsteps that follow him everywhere absent as you curl into yourself a little. You just want to be alone, want him to leave, want-.
“You okay?”
The question catches somewhere in your chest, like fabric caught in a zipper,makes your breath feel a little uneven.
Because you are okay, it's just.
“I'm fine, it's just, I'm. I'm probably going to hang out in my room tonight. I won't be much company“
“Oh, yeah, uh sure.”
You sit up, an outline of clothing and belongings left in your wake as you move to close out the world.
“You know,” he starts, voice curling down and around you “I'm like here, if you need to talk, or whatever.”
Your footsteps falter, head turning to look toward the crumbling plaster that stares back.
You hug yourself, willing the feeling away.
“Yeah, I know. Thanks Eddie.”
You crawl into bed, not bothering to fully change, just hoping that you will sleep and the tightness in your chest will be gone when you wake.
Sleep doesn't come though, hours passing with eyes closed, consciously drifting in white noise and darkness.
You're not sure what time it is when you hear it, the faint sound of music playing behind the wall, it makes you adjust from where your head’s been buried beneath blankets.
He's playing guitar.
Something soft and repetitive.
A knock sounds against the wall.
You don't knock back, but the weight around your neck lessons a little.
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“It didn't work.” One whispers
“They can't be here, if we know.”
“They do too.” another finishes.
“I can hear them already, their laughter’s like mould.”
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“Do you write a lot of your own stuff?” Your voice is muffled a little from where your head rests awkwardly against the arm of the couch so you can watch him play.
He's moved the couch, a compromise born of an argument the last time you were here.
He didn't want to be anywhere near the abyss, you wanted to keep an eye on it despite it not doing, well anything lately really.
So the couch was moved, backed up towards the wall of light where you now lie watching Eddie, he’s lying on the threadbear carpet adjacent to where your door should be. Playing songs and telling you stories of teenage boys making noise in a garage somewhere in nowhere Indiana.
“Yeah, but I mean we still play the classics, you know, gets the crowd going when there's something they all know.”
He looks relaxed for possibly the first time, that you've seen. Speaking to you with his head tilted, eyes soft and stories of his life tumbling out as you listen.
His fingers lazily pluck a tune as he pries his eyes from you and stares at the ceiling, a low hum falling from his chest as he plays you a song you don't know.
It's almost peaceful, and you take in the halo of hair around him, black tee riding up so alabaster skin shows the start of a tattoo you can't make out, fingers moving, practised motions over the strings.
You blink away the stare, shifting awkwardly and swallowing as your eyes flit up to his which are now closed.
“So do you think you will get together sometime soon?” You say around your tongue which suddenly feels too big for your mouth.
“Last time I saw Grant he said Ruby’s sleeping now, so hopefully we can get in some practice, but it's whatever.” he sighs, fingers pausing their movements. “Everyone's busy, it's fine.”
“It's nice they're so close though.”
He gives you a thoughtful look. It's only for a moment but you see it.
You'd taken him up on his offer to talk, hand forced slightly after your ex had changed his number and managed to call you one night while Eddie was narrating a game show you'd never heard of.
Then it all came out, he'd been quiet, let you talk until you ran out of breath. Then he'd been, sweet, funny and then a little angry. You'd made him promise to just forget about it and he hadn't brought it up since.
But now, every time he speaks about his friends you can see him remember, his face changing, a pause in his words that tells you he's gone somewhere else in his head.
“Eddie.” you warn pulling him back.
A wet rhythmic sound comes from the abyss cutting you off from scolding him.
It gurgles, pops and slithers from different points and Eddie crawls quickly up onto the couch beside you.
Then it's gone, as fast as it came.
The drip sounds louder than before in the silence that's left behind.
You look over the impersonation of your shared living space for anything that may be lurking and realise, his hands holding your forearm, side pressed against yours, like he's ready to drag you away.
You look from where it rests to his face which is still trained on the darkness.
At least you have him.
Kind of.
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“They will see it soon, surely.” One says.
“They must.”
“They ignore it.” says another.
“They blind each other.”
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“Thought he was just sending a mic, shit.” he mumbles, box heavy in his arms as he takes the stairs two at a time.
He feels giddy like a kid on Christmas, it has been a long ass 6 weeks.
The fact you had been paid and ordered your mic, only for it to be delivered the next day made him antsy, checking the mail every day only to be left disappointed.
He's tired of talking into empty space, your voice dipping in and out while he sits uncomfortably in the spots where he can hear you the best.
He wants it to feel, real.
It's too early for you to be home, but he wants to be ready and he barges into the apartment heading straight for the kitchen.
The drawer rattles loudly as he throws it open, and he lets it hang on its runners as he rams a pair of scissors into the layers of tape at the box's seam.
Thick black words tear in half on the address label.
“Sir Eddie Munson”
A letter rests on top and he disgards it, diving into bubble wrap and more layers of tape, shredding the wrapping until he reveals cables, metal boxes and a short boxy mic with a stand.
He stares at it all, displayed out between the ripped apart wrapping and scratches at his jaw.
He's not sure it will work, but if he could pick up your music when the stereo’s were close and you could pick up his then he doesn't see why you couldn't use it sort of like an amp. Speak through it to each other.
Obviously he couldn't tell Henderson that.
“I don't know why you need all this.”
He rolls his eyes, Dustin's voice ringing out inside his head as he reads the letter.
“It's going to sound like shit. Plus you already have a mic and an amp. ”
Had, he thinks bitterly and swallows the irritation that follows the memory of selling them .
He skims over the rambling, half a page of it before the kid finally tells him how to set it up.
He can't just plug it in; he knows that there's no output but it's still pretty simple compared to the convoluted explanations that Dustin’s written, diagrams and all.
He tests it, his voice coming quietly through the speaker as the green light on the screen sits dimly displaying ‘unknown input.’
The sound of your door opening and slamming against the wall makes him jump, a bolt of excitement coming with it.
He falls over his feet through the living room, whipping around before he spots it.
The bell rings out shrill and loud and your laughter fills the space with it.
“You know the bell's kind of redundant if I can hear you running around trying to find it.”
He grins at your snark, “I guess you don't want to know what came in the mail for me today then.”
“It came?!”
Your excitement sends another thrill through him and he grins as you tell him to wait, your belongings clattering as you drop them and you run to get your own stuff.
“Okay. So we set it up where it was the first time?” You say voice coming back to him.
Last time, it seems like so long ago. Before you'd even strolled into his mind in mismatched pyjamas, when he thought he might be dead, for a minute.
He flicks it back on, the small screen turning pale green again, and his eyes widen as it brightens, numbers rolling across it in quick succession, the silence crackles.
Your voice comes out through the speaker strong and close and it almost knocks the wind from him as a grin splits his face.
“Did it work?”
“Shit. Hi.” he says, the grin he’s wearing is already aching.
“It works!” The excitement in your voice is palpable, a slight echo ringing out at the volume of it as it leaks through the air.
“Do you think it's just against this wall? Move over to the other side.”
Before he can say anything the line cuts out, screen returning to normal and his stomach drops.
“Are you coming?” your voice calls out from a little further away.
He laughs to himself, feigning irritation “Gimme a second this thing weighs like 30lbs.” He unplugs the behemoth and piles the wires on top, then stares into the empty space.
“Where are you?”
Excitement runs through him, clumsy fingers and hands arranging things quickly in a rush to hear you again.
The switch clicks on and he leans in ready to speak when screeching static roars out, the numbers flying by on the screen in a blur, its increasing in volume like the sound is crawling down the wires.
He yanks the cord out.
“Okay, not there.” You say, nervous laughter evident in the air around him.
His pounding heart slows as he braces a hand on the sideboard.
“Let's try the bedrooms.” Your voice is hesitant as it drifts away and he looks over the wall before turning around as if he'll see you there waiting, he unplugs everything and walks away.
The bedroom works, he should probably say something about what just happened, but you haven't mentioned it either.
Ignoring it is easy when he's here, the worry soon drowned out by laughter and a soft mattress beneath him.
It's comfortable, simple and he doesn't want to leave.
He's ignoring the time.
But you're not.
“Don't you have work?”
He groans, “Yeah.” he looks at the spot beside him where the stereo leans awkwardly against the pillows.
You should be sitting there.
“Think of the money. Work that Munson charm you always tell me about.”
“Tell you about?” he says, pursing his lips and tipping his head back softly against the wall.
“Mhmmm.” There's a tease there in the sound that makes his inside flicker.
“So, you want me to leave?” he says, pitching his voice a little low and equally teasing, a pause follows making him squint, maybe he's read this completely wrong.
“I didn't say that.” Your voice is soft, a little quieter, he expected laughter or an over the top tease.
It catches him off guard, and he nods to himself as a smile creeps onto his face, it drops as he glances over to the clock, he's going to be late.
He takes one last look over your adjoining wall.
“Sweet dreams sweetheart”
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“The threads are fraying.” one says, pacing. 
“Like spider webs.”
“They're caught, wrapped up.” whispers another. 
“Like flies.”
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Light pours through the dark windows throwing light over him, but he casts no shadow. 
“She got it on her like, second go. I swear, that kid's going to be playing the garden before she's out of highschool”
His feet knock against the cabinets below him, the noise ricocheting around the narrow kitchen as you listen to him ramble from your place leaning against the wall across from him. 
A story about his last lesson of the day has bled into tangents, multitudes of stories pouring from him about teaching Lizzy.
It's cute, and you've listened in rapt attention as he gushes about her, but the longer he talks the more you have to hold up your smile. 
“You care about her a lot,” you say, nails dragging bluntly over a bump on your upper arm, not quite meeting his eye “her mom sounds cool too.”
“Oh fuck yeah, she's the best.” He says leaning forward from where he's sat on the counter. 
“Honestly Lizzy wouldn't play half as good if her mom hadn't started her off, I'm just, refining.”He gives you jazz hands and you manage a small smile. 
You can imagine them all, raucous laughter, easy interactions. Warmth and hot drinks, maybe a couple of beers at the holidays. 
It's making you feel sick. 
And it's stupid. 
You know it is. 
So you swallow it. 
But he's perceptive, irritatingly so and his head tips to the side, as big brown eyes try to catch yours.
You can't let him, he'll see. 
That you're jealous, in the most mundane way. 
Jealous of the people who get to walk down the street with him, go grocery shopping with him, cook with him, watch the skies change over the course of a day with him.
So your feet carry you away, to the end of the room. “Maybe Corroded Coffin and her can go on tour some day.”
You hear his feet hit the floor behind you, plaster and dirt being knocked aside as you draw marks in the dust on the counter,  back facing him. You can feel him looking at you and you peek over your shoulder at him. 
“What?” Your voice is small and you cough to cover it. Smiling in a faux confusion that you're hoping will make him leave it alone, but he only mimics your expression. 
“What's wrong?”
“You're being weird.”
“No I'm not.” You clench your teeth at how defensive your tone is, turning to face him fully and leaning back.
“Yeah, you are. We were talking then you just.” he waves a hand over your face. Eyes lingering on yours and pinning you to the counter 
Please leave it be, you plead into your mind and it's like he heard it, saw it maybe, because his eyes flit away.
He flicks up the lid of a pizza box, making a small sound of approval before pulling out a slice. 
“Don't eat that.'' You say nose wrinkled and he pauses, slice mid way to his mouth. 
“It's still good, I had it for dinner.”
“That's not the issue.” Your laugh is small but it's there and the tension in your chest lifts a little at the change of subject. “It's pizza from here.” 
He shrugs, going to take a bite and you pull at his arm. 
“You can't be hungry, we're sleeping.”
“It's fine.” he pulls away his arm and you grimace at him as he takes a bite, his face thoughtful and over exaggerated as he chews. 
“You're going to be sick.” You say as you watch him.
It's a sly grin he gives you after he swallows, and he leans in so his face inches closer to yours. 
He pulls off another bite, chewing around a smile.
“You're gross.” You can't help the genuine smile in your voice and he grins in return. 
Behind the wall away from prying eyes, the darkness twitches at its edges, the scar sparking in time.
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“Enough.” says One. 
“They will not listen.”
“They cannot, they do not understand.”
“Make them.” Says another standing.
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Speaking through the stereo has become the new norm over shouting at each other through the ether.
It's odd that a little clarity in his voice feels like such a monumental change, but the ease of just picking up the mic and knowing you'll be able to sit and speak without straining to hear him makes it so much easier to fall into conversation.
Words that were usually kept for morning letters or when you met in your sleep are said over dinner, he reads books aloud to you when there's nothing good on TV, it's comfortable, easy.
There's always been a disconnect, a barrier of the surreal that meant it was easy to switch off, but now.
It's domestic.
You hear him pad over, back from a shower that was needed, “to wash the last house offa him”.
The mic crackles to life across from you “So.”
“So?” You say leaning into it, eyes still trained on your TV as you look for something to watch.
“You got any plans for, sleeping?”
“Any plans for sleeping?” you tease.
“Yeah you know, I'm just pretty tired so I might not be up for reading and, I mean I'll probably head to bed round… 10. So if you want to, carry on.. ”
“I'm pretty tired,” you say, failing to fight off a smile.
“Yeah? Cool, okay. So, what you doing? ”
It's not like you hadn't arranged to meet up in the planes before, but lately the reasons to meet there were less about wanting to explore what lay there and more just wanting to, be there.
As you drift to sleep and then slowly wake to the sound of the drip it sends adrenaline through you, no longer just because of the nightmare-scape that waits outside your door.
He appears through the light as you walk around the edge of the puddle, still slowly growing outside your bedroom door.
Book in hand, thumb jammed between the pages where you left off and a grin on his face.
He looks warm.
Face flushed, hair a mess, sweats hanging off lanky limbs. Comfortable.
“Shall we continue?” He shakes the book in his hand and nods his head towards the couch.
A whisper, in the back of your head that appears from time to time tells you that you're going to regret this.
This isn't right.
What good could come of this?
You smother it.
It's an awkward dance that proceeds you both taking opposing sides of the couch, both deciding to have your feet up, knees curled against the back pillows.
Then he starts.
The couch cushion’s soft beneath your head as you listen, his rings glinting in the light where he holds the book against his knees.
He forgot to take them off again.
Every character has a different voice, memorised words flowing easily from him and you can tell when he finds himself funny, his eyes lifting to yours to see if his inflection has you grinning.
He was made to tell stories.
You're not sure when it started or who started it.
The slow conscious rearrangement of your legs that's closing the gap between you, but both of your feet are edging, painfully slow towards the centre of the couch.
It's not like you've never touched the guy and you're a goddamn adult but, fuck if this doesn't have you feeling like you're back in high-school, all nervous intention covered up in a nonchalant guise
Striped socked toes stretch and adjust towards you and you pretend not to see.
You wait a few minutes, nerves twitching at the muscles in your legs, you nudge yours a little closer and catch his eyes flitting from the book to your feet, he doesn't miss a word, but adjusts himself so that his foot's now parallel to yours.
You press your foot down into the couch cushion and it moves forward a fraction, a fraction more than you thought it would and your foot’s brushing up the side of his.
His voice falters, and you bite your cheek to stifle the smile that's threatening to break out.
He reads on, his toe coming up to rub gently against your ankle, and you're drowning in petulant butterflies which want to crawl out your throat, you lean into it returning the gesture.
Risking a look up, you watch as he talks through a smile.
Something from the corner of your eye flashes in the dark, but when you turn there's nothing there.
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There's a sound.
Is it the sea?
It dips in and out.
You can't see, your body erased by dense black.
Your feet carry you forward nonetheless.
There's one light, a thin line which stretches over your head to infinity, both in front of you and behind.
Your voice ricochets back at you from all angles, varying volumes and delays making you flinch and turn in place.
You keep walking, footsteps making no sound.
Dread builds the further you go, the overwhelming sense of everything being wrong.
It's suffocating.
You try to stray from the path you've been walking, but your feet won't move any faster and the line above you never moves from your line of sight, always stretching out to show you a path to nothing, no matter which way you turn.
Then it starts to shake.
Like somebody's pulling the ends taught, causing it to vibrate. The sound of a storm surrounds you, and you watch in unfounded horror as the light breaks, fraying and falling apart, pieces caught and swept away by gusts that you can't feel.
Then it's gone.
No sound.
No light.
No up or down, you're not even sure you can feel your feet on the ground anymore.
You're adrift in nothing.
Panic rises to almost the point of hysteria. You can't even move.
“You're not meant to be here.” Comes a voice spoken against the crown of your head.
The scream that rips out your throat rattles your chest as you thrash in the dark.
Frantic knocking comes from behind you but your blood’s still pounding in your ears.
Kicking away your blankets, you back-up until you meet cold wall and the radio beside your bed crackles to life.
The worlds coming into focus too quickly, pixelated shadows dancing in the dark.
Eddie's calling your name almost as frantic as you.
“Sweetheart, I'm fucking begging you here!”
His voice makes its way to you finally, a sob wracking you as you try to breathe, turning on the light, trembling hands pull his voice towards you as far as wire will permit.
You push your head into your knee cradling the microphone to your chest.
“A dream.” you choke out.
“It was just a dream.”
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mysteryshoptls · 4 hours
SSR Deuce Spade - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: I spent all night studying up al all the art, as any honor student would do.
Summon Line: I'm here to check out some art at a museum, I guess. I don't know if I'll really understand what's "good" art, but... I'll do my best as a supporter of the museum.
Groooovy!!: You gotta have good manners, yeah. It'd be totally lame to get scolded by some flowers.
Home: A 100th anniversary celebration... They're so tenacious!
Home Idle 1: I saw Ace really focused on a painting of some Card Soldiers. Yeah, I'd agree it's a pretty cool bit of art... Kinda frustrating that we have the same taste in something, though.
Home Idle 2: That story about how the Thorn Fairy was completely surrounded by soldiers but stood her ground anyway is real awesome. There's no way I'd forget a tale as cool as that.
Home Idle 3: Can't say I really get art, but that painting of the Queen of Hearts and her Card Soldiers was pretty neat. Like... I felt it in my soul.
Home Idle - Login: If any of the exhibits catch your eye, let me know. I made sure to study a lot about these paintings, so I can definitely explain stuff about them! ...Probably.
Home Idle - Groovy: It sucks to admit it, but Sebek really knows his stuff... I gotta make sure I study even harder so he doesn't look down on me!
Home Tap 1: I thought maybe once I got better at painting the roses, my art grades would get better too... But that totally didn't happen.
Home Tap 2: Don'tcha think this Queen of Hearts button is too cool? I got it in one draw from the "Great Seven" prize raffle at the shop.
Home Tap 3: You thought I did a good job explaining the paintings? Oh, great. Though, all I did was do exactly as Viper-senpai taught me, so...
Home Tap 4: Me 'n Epel really got fired up talking about the Lord of the Underworld's chariot. I like it when I get to chat with people who like the same things I do.
Home Tap 5: You think I look like a model student in this outfit? RIGHT!? I TOTALLY THINK SO TOO!! ...Ah, oops. Shouting like that would ruin that vibe, huh.
Home Tap - Groovy: I wonder what kinda stuff they'd have at the exhibit-themed café they got here. You interested too? Oh then, let's go check it out together!
Duo: [DEUCE]: You better be ready to go, Sebek! [SEBEK]: Humph, I don't need you telling me twice, Deuce!
Birthday Login Message: [Yuu], thanks! I knew you'd come celebrate my birthday without a doubt. What do I want as a gift? Hmm, let me think... Oh, I want one of those bib clips for runners. That way, when I clip it to my uniform during a track meet, it might give me a boost, as if I'm running with my best bud!
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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