#the best thing i've made so far is that one satan thing and i have yet to remember how i managed that
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uh oh
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twost3ps · 1 month
Lucifur is gonna be in a pit of a pinch....
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A sneak peek into more of my Scott Pilgrim au!!!
Still tweaking their designs but this is what I've got so far!!! This is a sketch and not final >>>>:(
But let's goooo I just need to choose one more character >>:3 to make the 7
I've gotten a few suggestions so far:
Alastor- it would be funny. Just so funny. And it makes Lucfir question when and how. it's brilliant. Idk how their dynamic would work for this one. Or when really but I'd still consider it o3o
Alastors mom- same as alastor, it's funny. And then it also let's me make lucifur fight Alastor so instead of a 1v1 it's a 2v1. Alastors mom is super scary :)
Valentino- not a lot of history, but it makes the roster start off easy. Possible hilarious character interaction. For one, easy win and second, fast punching bag. Still thinking about the dynamic, but for sure Adam and him have a rocky relationship which let to him to further solidify his hate in sinners and how irredeemable they were also some platonic holydust excuse
Dumah -angel of vindication, and I'm making him Azraels twin brother. He and Azrael will have similar scenarios. When they picked up Adam from earth, he kinda found them kinda hot. Both are ruthless and do share a similar sentiment about sinner, Dumah more so because he's the one judging them. He def hates Luficur and thinks he's pathetic and is not taking his job- the one God so graciously gave him- seriously at all. Even after the fight, Dumah would still not respect Lucifur all that much
Satan- assuming that they meant Satan, as the sin of wrath, makes Luci question again how Adam was able to do this this whole time. Adam got with him, like Mammon, by chance during an extermination. I don't think any of the sins actually care for the exterminations- they're not their people. Why should they? It implied that Lucifur didn't either until Charlie expressed her desire for redemption. Satan liked Adam's wrath and fighting spirit. Thought his weapon was cool too. He could feel all the anger and hate in Adam and was intrigued. Adam thought Satan was really cool too. Also pretty hot and both kinda get off on how much rage they have and their destructiveness.
Still considering:
St. Peter- guys. It's funny. Promise. It's the 'he was a punk, he did ballet' and Lucifur is surprised how they even got together in the first place. He's watching them and wondering what pulled them together. Peter is just glad to see that Adam is actually alive and not dead once he's brought into fight. Lucifur thinks it's gonna be easy before St peter reveals that he's actually a UNIT. Adam and St Peter got together because Adam was sent to train him to gaurd the gate. Yes, Peter is there to let ppl in, but he was also placed there as a surprising first line of defense. They train and ig one thing led to another over time and they got together. So when Luci fight him, he's very shocked at how capable St peter is
Lute- again, I still think that they have a funny father and daughter dynamic but then a saw malaierba's tags and it opened my eyes a bit and made me reconsider putting her on the roster. Adam was Lute's experiment relationship. Dated for like a week, at best, before Lute said "nah I'm gay" and it felt weird for both of them cuz they really just saw eachother as family. Lute is mad protective toward Adam and the fuel of believing that Lucifur is the reason Adam is in hell makes her all just a bit (very) more feral
Depending who I choose will moved them up or down the roster but eyyeyey
Im still open to suggestions!! I might retract the limits I said before just in case.
If I still can't choose, I'll open a poll or something :p
Next post will prob be about the background of everyone else on the roster so far o3o
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chin-chilla-7 · 8 months
I see! Fair enough! Then, I have another thing to ask your opinion about! I thought of ridiculous nicknames for the rest of them instead of some of their usual nicknames! I already said MonMon, & TanTan so I thought of LuLu (Lucifer. I didn't create this nickname. it's actually for a character named Lelouch from Code Geass), ViVi (Leviathan), AzAz (Asmodeus. I also didn't create this one. It's for a character with the same name from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), ZeZe (Beelzebub), and PhePhe (Belphegor). Do you think it's ridiculous enough to confuse all of them?
Hey, first I want to say holy heck it's been a while since I've giving this blog any love, which I am sorry about. I found myself getting overwhelmed by the amount of writing requests I was getting when I originally intended this blog to be a silly little space for me to do my silly little writings. Anyway, considering this is a silly little ask (/pos in the best way), I figured this was a great way to get myself back into it.
Also, thank you for your patience to everyone. I'm gonna try writing some stuff again!! I do love this blog and am excited to keep it going after some time away from it.
Anyway, now to actually address your ask, I think it's so funny to call the brothers silly nicknames, especially if they're a little out there. Of course, they'd all have a mix of reactions.
Lucifer would stare daggers at you if you called him something like 'Lulu' in front of others. "Please refrain from referring to me with such an outrageous name". Really, he's not in love with being referred to as nicknames. At least, not if there are other people around. If you're alone, there's going to be a bit of a different reaction. He'll tolerate it, perhaps even finding it amusing. "You're the only one who can get away with calling me such silly things". And he'd make sure to be clear that you can only call him that in private.
Mammon would have a love/hate relationship with that nickname 'Monmon'. He loves that you call him that, because it feels personal between the two of you. But would hate it if it became something his brother's started calling him. Which, let's face it, that's very very likely considering they love making him the butt end of a joke. So, while he likes hearing the name from you, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he gets so annoyed when he hears it from his brothers.
The first time you call Leviathan 'Vivi', he's pure red in the face. You probably call him it during a gaming session in his room, so he's thankful that no one else is around to witness the pure mess you've made him. He actually finds the nickname really cute, but is surprised you even went so far into considering that he deserved a nickname like that. But don't stop, though. In fact, only ever call him that from now on. He thinks you're mad at him if you call him anything other than 'Vivi'.
Satan simply raises an eyebrow the first time you call him 'Tantan'. It's not the most practical nickname in his opinion, but it's certainly unique. Still, he can't deny the warmness he feels blossom in his chest at hearing you call him that. It's cute, he'll admit it. But he only let's you call him that. The minute his brother's try, they'll be met with his wrath immediately. Lucifer's the only one who consistently calls him it besides you. It makes him chuckle.
Asmodeus is in love with the fact that you gave him a nickname like 'Azaz'. Though, it's the thought of giving him a nickname that he really loves, he feels the actual nickname could use some work. "How about Azzy. That's cuter". If you continue to call him 'Azaz', he'll be pouty. It's not as cute as it could be, especially after Mammon pointed out it sounded like 'Assass'. Like, Asmodeus knows he has an ass, but come on man. He wants a cute nickname, not an ass one. Still, he thinks it's adorable that you tried.
Beelzebub blushes when you first call him 'Zeze'. He finds it adorable. He's the one most normal about the nickname, and feels his tummy twist into knots whenever he hears you call him it. The feeling confused him, at first, because he thought it was hunger or something, but he eventually began to realize that it was the nickname that was getting him to feel like this and not any hunger.
Belphegor also quite likes 'Phephe'. Though, it did take him a few times of hearing it to get used to it. At first, he may have even scoffed at the name, but it was something he warmed up to pretty quick. It wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be, and after hearing Beelzebub also call him it, he was won over.
Thank you so much for your request and patience! I hope the wait was worth it <3
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 4 months
hey there! I'm not sure whether this has been asked before or not, but I thought I might give it a try nonetheless.
what are the main differences between the TdM system and the RWS one, if there are any, in your opinion?
I'm looking forward to writing a blog about it, so I'm trying to gather as much information from as many people as possible. thanks beforehand!
Hi there! Thank you for asking and GOD I hope I'm late because I've been thinking non-stoping about this for the last days just to give you a complete answer. You have no idea how happy I'm to contribute with some firewood to the good ol' war between decks hashahsa.
For me, the biggest difference between both decks and schools of thought is that the RWS Tarot can BARELY be considered a tarot deck (and this is not necessarily a bad thing).
It's a "tarot" in the same way that Taco Bell's "tacos" are tacos. Technically they are and I can't say anything about it but when you compare them with authentic tacos you realize there are enormous issues in their construction, their ingredients, their history and the culture around them.
They are perfectly """edible""".
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Now, I'm the first to admit it, Pamela and Arthur's deck changed not only cartomancy but the perception of the entire world around it. Pamela's exquisite artistry and innovative idea of ​​illustrating the minor arcana made it BY FAR the most important tarot deck of all times. HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE. And as cartomants we owe respect to the deck (and its creators) for literally bringing cartomancy into modernity. It is directly responsible for the fact that we are discussing this topic today and for all the extraordinary artistic madness of hundreds and hundreds of new decks that are printed and designed.
HOWEVER. The deck has HUGE and unacceptable errors that split the modern study of tarot into two and a thousand pieces, but I have to give their case justice. Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith were members of the Golden Dawn and their plan was to create a tarot deck with the ritual, sacred and symbolic associations of the order.
Is it their fault that their niche deck escaped containment? Of course not. We are used to working with luck, it is our territory, so it's no surprise that the mass popularization of tarot (and this deck in particular) came with an equally destructive counterpart. I can't blame them, Geek culture (and fandom in general) has to live every day with the Horrors and Pleasures of seeing their niche content, intended for a few, be dismembered and multiplied in the hyper-globalized sphere of "normie" culture.
I'm in several tarot groups on Facebook and the question every day is: What is the best deck for beginners? And the truth is that I don't know what to answer.
I have read with both systems and right now, my little TdM is my tool par excellence. I admit that the "dry" art of the minor arcana and the deck in general is an acquired taste. There are such beautiful and impressive decks out there that I completely understand why not many decide to stick with the tarot world's equivalent of vanilla triple condom missionary sex (although this is an aesthetic issue that is being called into question with new decks).
What I don't understand is the conception that the Marseille tarot is more complicated than the RWS!
If the TdM school is characterized (or could be characterized, I curse you Jodorowsky!) by austerity and lack of expressiveness, the RWS school is characterized by paranoia and the pseudo-complexity of symbols and structures.
By "paranoia" I mean the obssesive search for hidden meanings or mystical secrets and messages. Usually where there are none.
Reading with an RWS deck for the first time is a horrible experience and we are very much to blame for scaring away beginner readers. Assuming that you have survived the countless myths that all decks carry (it must be a gift, it's satanic, don't read on Sunday) you realize that you don't know how to read it. Each of the 78 cards has a different scene and all of them are full of symbols. What do the pomegranates on the High Priestess' veil mean? What the fuck is a High Priestess? Why do some cards have names and others don't??? It is an aggressive sea of ​​information that ends up drowning anyone.
But that is not all! Now comes the plot twist and it turns out that not only you have to learn 78 meanings (in equally confusing websites or books) but that each card has a different meaning in reverse. 156 cards in total, each with a series of extensive meanings for love, family, work, money, health, etc. And as if that weren't enough, the spreads look like this:
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Where each of the positions has an extra layer of meaning. This is not a specific problem of the RWS but we have long since passed that point, we only have to manage the disaster that its globalization carried.
The big problem with RWS and its school of thought is that in the process of making a more intuitive tool, it became a creature that feeds on the paranoia of its readers. It is an excellent deck to spread on the table and read lightly: The faces and situation of the characters are clear, the art is friendly and reading is easy. A 10 of swords is an obvious image of failure and pain, the 3 of cups inspires joy and suggests party and friends. It is a tool that fuses the allegorical advantages of a classic tarot deck with the everyday fluidity of a sibyl or an oracle. It has nothing to envy an Italian Sibyl or a Kipper deck.
It is human, intuitive and beautiful.
The problem comes when we want to extract more of it. Being a ritual deck, it is impregnated from top to bottom with numerological, astrological, Hebrew, Egyptian, etc. associations of magic and occultism derived from the not very convincing knowledge of the GOLDEN DAWN. It was not intended to be a deck for common and mundane divination use.
The average casual cartomancer knows the meanings of the cards because they read them on a website (and hopefully in a book/video). Most people don't know who Pixie or Arthur Waite is and probably haven't read any of their original texts. What's worse, there's a good chance you're not a member of the Golden Dawn and you also don't know that previous decks exist. All those symbols and associations that served an original purpose become a mental burden when reading with it.
What good does it do me to know that the coins in the 10 of coins represent the Tree of Life or that the Magician transfers the energies of the High to the Low, alluding to one of the magical premises of the Tabula Smaragdina ("As above, so below") when what I want to know IS IF MY EX WOULD GET BACK TO ME???
A lot of information but useless information. And that's still the best case scenario. At worst…
The incomplete fusion of poorly understood mystical allusions, an intuitive deck loosely anchored in classical cartomancy and the whitewashed psychology of the New Age in search of alternative therapies gave birth to a monster: EVOLUTIONARY TAROT. (But that's another story. The evolutionary tarot isn't really bad in its conception, but the road to Hell is paved in good intentions ahhasha. I have already a post about it).
If the RWS school got rid of the complicated spreads, the reversed cards, the useless lists of meanings, the obsession with symbols and FOCUSED on Pixie's illustrations and read Arthur's original texts it would be easier to use its tool without losing their marbles in the process, but that is going against the current and not analyzing the existing reality.
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By illustrating the minor arcana, the deck became more friendly but in exchange it lost the hierarchy of the major arcana. In the image there are 3 major and 3 minor arcana, but visually they have the same weight and therefore, the same relevance when this SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. The Sun cannot be on the same level as a 10 of Swords no matter how bloody the card is.
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Another situation: Let's focus on the Wheel card. I already made a post about it that you can find on my blog, but in summary there is a HUGE difference between this arcane in the RWS and the TdM. Which is saying a lot when the TdM's Wheel is itself extremely defective.
If the RWS tarot does not respect the hierarchy of the arcana, many of them are "badly" represented, or at least incomplete without the contribution of Arthur and the Golden Dawn, it does not have a divinatory purpose and illustrates its minor arcana based on external sources such as Etteilla, numerology, astrology, etc… CAN WE CONTINUE CONSIDERING IT A TAROT?
I suspect not and this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it has an extraordinary place as a multipurpose oracle that could be developed more freely without the pretension of wanting to be (without actually being) a tarot deck.
And yet, the Marseille tarot is the one that has the reputation of being MOST COMPLICATED!!!???
As I said before, honor to whom honor is due and therefore, dishonor to whom dishonor is deserved ahsahsa. Alejandro Jodorowsky did an enormous job to popularize the TdM deck but he missed a VERY SMALL detail like other important tarot figures such as Papus and Eliphas Levi:
I love you friends, but if I hear someone say again that the Tarot of Marseille holds mystical secrets in its geometry, I'm gonna kill someone ahsahsa. ENOUGH, for mercy's sake! Many beginners infected with the mystical paranoia of the RWS come to the classic decks with the same perception of hermetic and conspiratorial symbology, which is fueled by the LITERAL search for easter eggs and hidden meanings popularized by the aforementioned characters. Sometimes two cups are TWO CUPS and 3 swords are THREE SWORDS. There are no secret codes involved but who seeks finds and sooner or later you will end up paying more attention to the leaves on the decorations or the color of the shoes than to the FUCKING CARD ITSELF.
This manifests, for example, in another of the major problems that both systems share:
Many readers tend to automatically replace the objects in the cards with the later elemental associations. When we see 6 swords in a classic deck, we are not talking about air, MUCH LESS about the meaning that Etteilla or Arthur Waite gave to the card. 6 swords are more swords than you want your enemy to have and since they are swords and not AIR, their function is simply to cause you a lot of damage and pain. Bad omen.
We can add another layer of information, helped by numerology and adjacent cards, but we must never lose sight of the SUPERIOR hierarchy of this obvious and clear message in favor of DETAILS such as the ornaments and the distribution of the swords on the card.
The biggest danger of the RWS system is being overloaded with useless information and ridiculously complicated systems. The biggest danger of the TdM system is not seeing the MESSAGE by focusing too much on absurd details.
The Marseille tarot has MANY flaws as it is a poor copy of Italian decks. Curiously, its situation is almost identical to that of the RWS. By reaching a globalized impression in Europe, the forgivable mistakes of a niche deck spread far and wide. Even so, it preserves the characteristic simplicity of classic decks: You can perfectly distinguish a major arcana from the rest and give it the place it deserves in a reading. The allegories have errors but they maintain a clear and understandable representation for the most part (I also have a post about it).
Many TdM readers do not use inverted cards and free reading on tableaus and strings are the favorite. If we ignore the symbolic paranoia of various authors, focus on the cards in front of us and their allegorical meanings, we have a VERY EASY TO READ tool. It is not as comfortable or friendly as a RWS but it is definitely more free and concrete. Less noise, less chaos. Straight to the point.
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I'm not going to lie to you either, anyone who has used a TdM knows that no matter how skilled the reader is, the deck cannot be compared to a sibilla or the RWS when the topic is everyday and mundane divination. It is a dry, direct deck, but little theatrical or gossipy compared to other decks. In the same way, if we ask a sibyl complex and imaginative questions we will have the same result as if we asked the vegetable seller at the market.
Much of the debate comes down to knowing what your need is and your appropriate tool.
In conclusion:
I think the RWS system is unnecessarily complicated, which undermines its great advantage: Being able to read the deck intuitively without having to study it. I think that if it completely abandoned its desire to be a tarot and became an independent deck of illustrations, it would be an exquisite oracle.
The TdM is not the sharpest knife in the arsenal of classic decks, but it is a very easy tarot deck to learn and use if we ignore the symbolic paranoia and limiting meanings of some authors. It is (like all classic decks) a deck with the limitations of tarot, so instead of forcing it to answer all the questions, sometimes it is better to know when to use another oracle.
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magical-regical · 8 months
Y'all okay,
I started playing 'What in Hell is Bad', it's basically an 18+ version of 'Obey Me' and yea this game is spicy.
Anyway, big surprise, out of all the sexy demons I've interacted with so far, two of them I've done the sideways tango with, my favorite character is this guy
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Who's not even a demon. He's the childhood best friend character.
But plot wise he takes care of the MC before the whole demon thing, knows how to cook, and I'm pretty sure was ready to search through the entire world to find them when they had to take and extended visit to Hell.
What more could you want in a man? A decent dic— according to MC he has that too so check mate.
More thoughts about the game itself under the cut if you're interested.
I just finished chapter one, and can I just say this game is hard, in every sense of the word.
It's a new game by a smaller developer so it's full of bugs but I've heard the devs do try their best to patch them ASAP so I don't hold that against them. Aside from my boy Satan not hitting water enemies, even though devs said they patched that a few updates ago, it's mostly QoL improvements that can be made to make the game just overall more enjoyable including but not limited to:
A pity system? Maybe? I don't know if this game has pity or not on their gacha machines and if they do I'd like to know how screwed I am because I have no self-control and have been doing single pulls on the hot boy gacha instead of saving up and doing 10-pulls so I wanna know if it's better to do 10-pulls or if it literally makes no difference because I just go until I hit pity like in arknights.
Skipping the cut scene that plays when you gacha because I swear that's one of the main reasons you can't play this game in public no matter how discreet you try to be lmao
Opening multiple chests at once and levelling up multiple times in one go because as far as I know, right now you need to click one by one for both of these.
Maybe a thing where it just takes you to the part of the story you're currently in instead of making you click through chapter select and scrolling to it.
A shortcut button to the gacha screen, secret club, and dark sanctuary (resource grind stages). They're core aspects of the game yet you can't get to them without going through the home screen.
Auto deploy and auto play for the resource grinding stages
Setting an L-rank character (side note, it's really funny that the highest rank of cards is rank 'L') as your homescreen boi is really awkward because it always ends up zoomed in on one part so you can't actually see the full boi.
This last one I feel like is just a personal thing but why is it three red keys per single pull for the hot boy gacha? Three just feels like such a random number lmao. Ig they mostly want you to use the red gems, which are grind-able to some extent, to buy the keys from the store.
Overall tho, I enjoy it. I like the tower defense like combat system and being able to move units around is actually pretty fun. So yea give it a try, see if it's your cup of tea.
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which character do you think is the most sus and why
honestly i think everyone has at least one trait that makes me Wonder about them, so. i'm just gonna list those under the cut instead. i've gone over some of these in more detail in previous speculation posts, but i don't wanna just link to them for the 48545674567456th time, so consider this a spiritual sequel to that old ass conspiracy board i made. any links are to stuff that isn't readily available on the actual website. anyways:
do i really need to explain this one
okay i'm just gonna pick one of the less obvious things: have you ever noticed that his bio uses present tense the most? like after the little introductory blurb it introduces him as "wally is" as opposed to everyone else's "(x) was"? someone in my discord server pointed that out once and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
what little we learn about his relationship to wally from the website is Odd; both of their bios mention not only that they were best friends, but that this was stated Multiple times throughout illustrated pages and the like, as if someone was really desperate to impress upon people that These Two Are Totally Besties, We Swear. you'd think this would be a poor attempt to disguise there being some animosity between the two, but that doesn't seem be the case, either.
other than that, though, barnaby actually seems pretty normal - perhaps deceptively so...
has a first name that ends in a consonant and a surname that ends in a long "-ee" sound, as opposed to everyone else having a first name that ends in a long "-ee" sound and a surname that ends in a consonant.
is noted to have no canonical backstory; the only other character who falls into this camp is wally.
is an entomologist/lepidopterist (or at least an Enthusiast about those subjects) in a town where the only wildlife present seems to be bugs. this was first mentioned in an ask from 2020, so normally i would hesitate to put this here, but post-website launch concept art never shows there being any non-insect (or at least non-arthropod) wildlife, so i think it is Likely that this still applies.
there are Conveniently little to no notes regarding the construction of his physical puppet - all that the WHRP seems to have been able to confirm is that it did actually have a head-spinning mechanism.
hails from a cave in what is Explicitly noted to be the same forest that surrounds home; post-website launch concept art definitely seems to allude to there being something in those woods, or at least the general idea of julie wandering "out of bounds."
has the most detailed family background by way of her siblings having actual designs and names. her bio clarifies that they didn't live in Home, but no other characters with family members seem to need this clarification. is the implication that This level of detail for side characters is unheard of? then again, barnaby's mom also has a name and design...
can speak to flowers/plants, which definitely sheds a new light on whatever might be going on in this may 2021 concept art. i've seen a lot of people interpret the title of this piece - "liar!" - as an accusation from julie towards someone else (most commonly frank) but given that that the script linked in the february 2023 audition post establishes that julie is capable of lying about what a plant tells her for her own convenience, albeit in a far more playful context... who's to say that she isn't the liar?
her puppet is all but outright stated to have required more puppeteers than any other character.
having a character who's a playwright/director and whose house is built to resemble a mini theater in a story that relies so heavily on the fourth wall (or lack thereof) as a source of horror feels like a very... Dangerous combination.
some people have tried to draw parallels between her backstory and that of old testament satan, buuuut i'm not entirely sold on this. it feels a bit too outlandish even for me, considering that any remaining christian imagery seems to have been relegated Solely to wally and/or home.
her introductory blurb seems to have a nod towards poppy? "She’s a fire-cracker who is willing to let her imagination run wild in the name of a new adventure, albeit at the occasional expense of her more cautious neighbors." that aforementioned audition script Also all but outright confirms that this is about poppy, given her and sally's interactions there, i.e. sally trying to get poppy to come out of her shell by casting her as the lead in her next play and Clearly thinking very highly of her, but pushing her past her limits just a bit too far too fast. again, much like julie and lying, it's all in a playful context, but i wonder... sally, are you paying enough attention to your friends?
i could also make a joke about my sally/poppy agenda, but. i will refrain. for now.
is the only walk-around puppet to not have a live-hand variant.
her puppet also apparently has no surviving photos of it? or at least not any photos of it in its entire eight feet of glory.
in a similar vein to the possible relationship between sally being a playwright and welcome home fiddling with the fourth wall so much, i feel like poppy being a recluse in a series where one of the Main Themes is supposed to be "what happens when a Home becomes just a House/what it's like to live in a decaying home" is a very convenient setup for horror - one that Excites me as much as it scares me. if something happened to her, i wonder, how long do you think it would take for someone to notice?
his theme color, purple, is used very sparingly in his actual design compared to the rest of the cast and their colors - it only shows up on his eyelids and maybe the inside of his bag? even designs like poppy and howdy's make more use of their respective theme colors than eddie's. it being on the eyelids is an interesting choice, too, given the eye motif that's been present throughout so far. eyes are the windows to the soul and all that.
purple also makes an appearance just outside of his post office, in the form of a sprig of lavender with a butterfly on it - and, well. something about purple signifying secrecy/hidden truths, perhaps?
according to this post-website launch concept art, the only two clocks in the entire neighborhood are: A) the street clock between howdy's shop and eddie's post office, and B) the watch upon eddie's wrist. both also seem to share some design elements with him (and maybe sally?) - namely, the eyes.
and of course, his backstory. or rather, the fact that his backstory is so half-assed that it's a running gag that he can't remember his hometown and the most we know about his mom is that she has the same job and She Exists, Probably. like that's fucked up in the context of welcome home, right? we can agree on that?
howdy is an adult and yet Not a butterfly. he never actually pupated he just got Bigger. this is never explained or addressed in-universe as far as we are aware.
and also this is in the presence of a lepidopterist, aka a guy who should Definitely be aware of the fact that howdy should have pupated by now. foreshadowing for a future point of contention? a future alliance, even?
howdy. the shipments. where are your shipments coming from howdy.
much like wally, this one is so obvious that i feel stupid for even dedicating a bullet point here. just fucking look at anything on the website talking about or involving them. this house is All Unsettling Trivia.
imagine i am beaming this brian david gilbert clip directly into your brain whenever i discuss their relationship with wally until further notice
like i've said before, i don't think they're evil evil (or at least, not evil without reason) but i do think whatever they and wally have going on is, like, Not Healthy. they have codependent swag imo.
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666writingcafe · 5 months
Barbatos' Birthday Surprise (Part Four)
August 22
To say that I'm nervous would be an understatement. I don't know if I've ever fretted this much over what I was going to pack for a weekend away in my entire life. Of course, some of my anxiety has probably been ramped up by Asmo, who's been hovering all week and believing that I need his input, but that doesn't explain all of it.
The truth is, I don't want to disappoint or embarrass Barbatos. I know what Satan said about him acting differently at metal concerts, but he only got that information from other people. For all I know, they may have been lying, and Barbatos actually remains subdued, and I really cannot afford to look like a fool in front of him. It may be a weekend away, but both of us still have reputations we have to uphold.
"MC." Lucifer's voice snaps me out of my mental spiraling. "Barbatos just told me he was on his way to pick you up. I think it might be best if you head downstairs so that you're ready when he arrives. I'll carry your suitcase."
"Lucifer?" I ask as he steps inside my room and grabs the suitcase handle. "Do you think I've made a mistake?"
"Regarding this particular trip, no. Being away from all this for a few days will benefit both of you." He begins walking away, but then pauses and turns back around. "It might comfort you to know that Barbatos has been talking to me about this trip pretty much nonstop since you gave him his early birthday present. I've not seen him this excited about something since the last Three Realm Tea Exposition, and that was centuries ago." Lucifer pauses. "Of course, it may have less to do with the concert itself and more to do with the fact that he gets to spend uninterrupted time with you. He's grown rather fond of you."
"Nice car." These are the first words that come out of my mouth as soon as I'm alone outside with Barbatos. While part of me wishes I could have been more eloquent in that moment, the car truly shocked me. I never would have expected him to show up in a sleek black convertible, let alone one that looks straight out of the 1950s.
"It was gifted to me many years ago by a human sorcerer," Barbatos replies as he opens the passenger door for me. Once we're both in the car, he adds,
"Before you ask, no, it wasn't Solomon. His gifts are far less tasteful." I snort in amusement. "I'm glad someone finds that funny."
"Was I not supposed to?"
"You're fine, MC. Don't think I took offense, because I didn't. I'm just over Solomon's so-called presents." He starts the car and begins driving away from the House. "One time, he got me a taxidermied rat for Christmas."
"Okay, that's messed up. If I know that you despise rats, then Solomon most definitely should."
"It was dressed up as a butler. At least, that's what he told me. It's not like I studied the damn thing. I ended up chucking it in the fireplace as soon as I realized what it was."
"That must have upset Solomon, assuming that you threw it in front of him."
"Oh, it upset him, alright. He wouldn't talk to me for a few days."
"Serves him right. I mean, what was he expecting you to do, turn cartwheels over the idea of having a beady-eyed rat staring at you?" I glimpse a faint smile on Barbato's lips.
"Believe it or not, some of Solomon's friends thought I was overreacting."
"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. His behavior gets worse when he spends time with shady people."
"Which accounts for basically everyone he chooses as company. In fact, I'm a little surprised he likes you as much as he does." Okay...did not expect that.
"It's not a knock against you. Quite the opposite, actually. You have a strong moral compass. He doesn't." He pauses as we reach a red stoplight. Once it turns green, he resumes speaking.
"I don't want you to get the wrong impression of Solomon. At the end of the day, he's more often on the side of good than evil. However, he can be easily influenced into causing chaos, which gets him in a lot of trouble."
"Like Mammon?"
"Yes and no. Mammon doesn't always think before he acts. Solomon does."
"I see." I really did not anticipate him revealing this much information. I thought we'd just talk about our trip and maybe get to know each other a little bit, but this...this is new. I don't want to make Barbatos uncomfortable, but at the same time I like this candid side of him. It makes him more relatable. Softer, even.
"Anyway, the point is, I thought that Solomon would take advantage of you being his apprentice, but he seems genuinely interested in teaching you, which is good for him. He needs someone like you to help keep him focused. In a way, so does everyone else."
"Even you?" The question escapes my lips before I can fully register the thought in my head. Unsurprisingly, Barbatos doesn't answer. I pushed him too far.
In an attempt to hide my embarrassment, I turn my head towards the window and passively watch as we drive past different buildings and trees.
At least it's early enough in our trip that we can still enjoy ourselves later.
Doesn't help me out now, but still.
I don't remember drifting off, but I'm nevertheless jolted awake by the car stopping. Glancing out the window reveals that we're parked in front of a convenience store. I wonder if Barbatos got thirsty or something. In any case, it's a good opportunity for me to stretch, so I get out of the car and begin doing exactly that.
"Everything okay?" The question startles me, as I was not expecting Barbatos to be done so soon.
"Yeah," I respond. "My muscles were just starting to tighten up, that's all." Barbatos nods his head.
"Well, I wasn't sure how hungry you would be, so I grabbed you a couple of things." He hands me a plastic bag containing a sandwich, a banana, and a bottle of water. "All human-friendly."
"Thanks." I grab the sandwich first, which is in a brown paper sleeve. As I take the sandwich out of the sleeve, I end up pulling out a folded-up piece of paper along with it.
"I wasn't sure if you'd be awake when I finished, so I left you a little note," Barbatos explains. I bite into the sandwich before unfolding the note and reading it.
I apologize for not answering your question earlier. It caught me off guard, and I didn't want to sound jumbled in my reply. I was able to think about it, however, and I was reminded of when I helped you study for your speechcraft exam. Specifically, what you had said to me as you were charming me.
To put it simply, I do need you. Maybe not as much or as intensely as the others, but still. You help me relax in a way that no one else has ever been able to. I feel calm around you.
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spareseratoninplz · 1 year
*I love all the brothers to death, but sometimes it really irks me how they talk about Mammon. He's a sweet, greedy little cinnamon roll, and we all love him for it. Anywho... enjoy!*
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"That's enough!" I groaned, standing up straight from my seat and slapping my hands down against the kitchen table.
"Would you all cut Mammon some slack for once? He doesn't make the best choices sometimes, but it's only because he's the avatar of greed!" I said, I then pointed accusingly at Asmo.
"Asmo, you're constantly berating Mammon for being 'scummy', but at the same time, you indulge in your own attribute that you're the avatar of! How would you feel if everyone was constantly calling you a pervert for the things that you say and do?" I demanded. Asmo looked down and away, a the regret adorning his usually smiling face.
"Satan, you're always calling Mammon some variation of 'stupid'. Just because he Doesn't have his nose shoved in a book day in and day out like you do, doesn't make him an idiot." I said. Satan frowned, his brow furrowed slightly.
"Lucifer, I know you have a soft spot for Mammon, as he's the second eldest. However, you not only turn a blind eye to your younger brothers constant harassment of him, but you often encourage it! Would it truly be so awful to take his side for once? As the eldest, you should show all of your brothers equal support in their endeavors!" I sighed deeply, looking over the table at each brother in turn.
"You've all taken it too far this time." I said, shaking my head before glancing over at Mammon who was staring at me wide eyed in disbelief.
"Now, apologize." I demanded, my voice heavy.
"Sorry, Mammon..." The brothers spoke in unison.
"Indeed... (Y/N) is right. Perhaps I've been too tough on you, Mammon. I am sorry." Lucifer apologized earnestly.
I sighed deeply before pinching the bridge of my nose to combat an oncoming headache.
"I'm going to my room for awhile..." I said, excusing myself from the dinner table.
I had been listening to the brother's constant berating of Mammon since I first arrived in the Devildom. I'd held my tongue long enough.
Mammon wasn't just the first demon I'd made a pact with. He was also the only demon who had never transformed into his demon form out of anger or spite. I had felt safe around him since the beginning, forming a bond that only became stronger, even after leaving the Devildom.
Now that I'd returned, it was at though the brothers had taken to insulting him tenfold what they had before.
I was only a few paces from my room when I suddenly heard rushed footsteps behind me. Someone grabbed my bicep, pulling me to turn around and face them.
"Mammon?" I questioned. He was looking away from me, the facial expression he was making nearly unreadable.
"Why'd ya go and do that for huh?" He asked.
"What do you mean? They shouldn't be talking to you like that." I said.
"Listen, I've accepted the fact that I'm a scummy mess. I'm a demon for cryin' out loud. The avatar of greed. It's one of the less flashy attributes, but it's mine, ya know?" He said.
"I appreciate what you were tryin' to do back there, but my brothers are right about me nine times outta ten." He said, shaking his head.
"You're wrong!" I argued, and he jumped slightly, eyes widening at the vehemence in my words.
"Mammon, you're so much more than just your attribute!" I insisted. My hands clenched into tight fists.
"You're funny, smart, and resourceful. Even if you act like it's a pain, you still help your brothers no matter what! You love and care for them very much and you'd do anything for them!" I mused. Mammon lowered his head, his hair obscuring his eyes within a shadow.
"(Y/N)), quit it..." He said lowly.
"No! You deserve respect just as much as the rest of your brothers!" Again, I insisted, and he suddenly grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me roughly against the wall of the hallway.
"No, I don't, okay!?" He hissed. His eyes were red as though he'd cry.
"Mammon...?" I questioned as he clenched his jaw.
"I'm no good, (Y/N). I'm constantly gettin' into trouble with my gamblin' and the money makin' schemes I come up with." He shook his head, frowning, dejected.
"I know I'm always singin' my own praises. Talkin' about how great I am... but it's more to convince myself than anyone else." He admitted.
"I don't see all the bad stuff when I look at you, Mammon." I said, blushing slightly at the words in my head that I knew I was about to say.
"Wh- when... you love someone... you take them as they are. The good and the bad. I wouldn't change anything about you, Mammon. Everything you are- is what I've fallen in love with." I said, smiling softly as he continued to stare with wide eyes.
"... Say it again." Mammon urged.
I pulled one hand from his grip and used it to cradle his cheek gently.
"I love you, Mammon." I said in all sincerity. He leaned into my touch, his eyes half lidded as he smiled back at me sweetly.
"I love you too, (Y/N)." He mumbled, turning his head to kiss the palm of my hand. He took the hand that I held his cheek with and gripped it in his before bringing it to his chest and using his opposite hand to move a bit of hair behind my ear. His fingertips trailed down to my chin where he tilted my face up and pressed his lips firmly against mine.
"Ugh..." Mammon grunted, pulling away after a few moments. He turned his face away, it was burning hot and bright red.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My greed's tryin' to take over again... I want more." He said, his voice dropping an octave as he pupils dilated.
My cheeks began to burn at his confession, but I simply smiled and nodded slightly.
"It's okay... I feel the same." I admitted, and he pulled me in close, his grip tightening slightly as I could see his markings beginning to show. I knew he was trying his best to hold himself back.
"Your room or mine?" He asked, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly.
*Let me know if you might want a NSFW part 2 or not, and as always, Thanks for reading!*
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hello, I've never really made a fic request before, so please feel free to disregard this if it isn't something you feel comfortable writing.
A dear pet passed today, and I was wondering if I could request angst+comfort of the obey me brothers comforting gn mc through a similar situation? Specifically, Satan, if all 7 is too many, thank you.
I'm so sorry for your loss, sadly, I know the feeling.
I'm honoured that you decided to send me this ask, and I'll do my absolute best for you. I ended up having time for Satan, Lucifer and Asmo, of you wanted a part 2, let me know.
Satan found you curled up under their covers, where you'd been for hours now.
No one had the heart to disturb you, not after such a dear thing crossed the rainbow bridge.
Satan had watched his human smile and kiss their beloved pet goodbye, watched your eyes overflow with tears, and now, here you lie, curled up in hollow warmth in a fruitless attempt to chase away the pain in your heart.
You didn't look up as he sat beside you, his back brushing your legs.
Satan had to flounder for words, ironic, since he read so many, but all the words in all the worlds and their many languages could not express what he wanted to say.
Nothing could tell you how much he hated seeing you in pain, how much he wishes he could take it all away and bring back what you missed most.
But he can't, he can't say it, so he sits beside you until your tears stop flowing freely, until you wordlessly lift the duvet for him.
Satan slides in beside you, opening his arms to let you sink into his warmth as a fresh wave of tears flooded your eyes. He's never seen you cry so openly, and he doesn't want to ever see that pain on your face again.
But...something about him feels privileged, to be the one you curl into and hold onto as the tears finally begin to dry.
"You gave them the best life, and did all you could." He whispered, pressing a kiss into the crown of your head. "You loved them."
"I know." You croaked, curling your hands in the softness of his jumper, letting him tangle your legs together. Satan isn't usually the cuddler, far from it, but right now, you press yourself close, and he lets you, holds you. "Still hurts."
The demon ran his fingers through your hair, easing you into restfulness. "This too shall pass, one day, you'll remember the joy again."
You haven't left Lucifer's side since it happened, following him around, a shadow of your former self.
You trail the eldest demon with your fingers hooked into his clothes somehow, a finger caught in his pocket, your fist curled in his cloak, wherever you can reach that won't hinder him during his day.
The other brothers have done their best to put smiles back on your face, but that hasn't stopped you from shadowing Lucifer and his steadfast, comforting presence everywhere he goes.
You don't pay attention to where you've been throughout the day, it hardly seems to matter anymore. The ache in your chest is overwhelming and leaves you feeling weak to the world.
As always in your times of weakness, Lucifer was there.
The eldest had a world of responsibilities around him, and has no idea how to comfort you, as his brothers do, and still, you follow him helplessly, curling into his side when he sits down at him, resting your head on his shoulder is he stands still long enough.
Lucifer lets you, partly because it keeps you from slipping into lethargy, and also...because he doesn't want you to leave.
The smiles his brothers manage to get from you don't reach your eyes, but the quiet peace on your face when you fell asleep on his shoulder during a meeting, that was sincere.
In the end, Lucifer has no idea how to comfort you, other than to just be there when you need him.
Even after those smiles start creeping into your eyes, when your laugh can once again be heard in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer is never far when you need him.
"Hey, stop." Asmodeus murmured, gently catching your wrist in his hand to stop your frantic scribbling.
It's been days, and you haven't so much as shed a tear. Quite the opposite, your face has been a hard mask of blank, as unmoving as the marble statues of RAD.
The brothers gave you your space, believing you needed to process, but Asmo's watched you not give yourself time to grieve, throw yourself into your work like your life depended on it, and he can't stand to watch the bags under your eyes get any darker.
The face he loved looks up at him, the lights in your eyes dimmed with grief, lips pressed into a firm line.
"I need to finish this, Asmo."
The demon pushed your chair away from your desk, placing himself firmly between you and your notebook. He sat on your desk and pulled you back toward him. "No, you don't, my love. You need to rest, please."
"I'm fine-"
"Hun, please." He looked deep into your eyes, and tears flooded his as he saw the heartbreak there, muffled and strangled beneath your strength of will. "You are so strong, so so strong, don't use that against yourself, please. Don't hurt yourself, my love."
You watched his eyes grow glassy, watched the tears wet his perfect lashes, and your heart would be silenced no longer.
You buried your face in his chest, wrapped your arms around his waist as both of your wept for the days you felt like your couldn't.
Asmo held you, trapped your knees between his legs and cried into your hair as you cried into his shirt. For once, he doesn't care what it looks like, he doesn't care about stains. You need to feel, and if that means you need him to cry with you, he'll cry 'till his eyes dry up.
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deus-ipsum · 2 months
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The Baphomet
YAY its done!!!
I had abandoned this a very long time ago as just a sketch, but this recent burst of artistic energy has made me go back and finish what I started. I had much fun finishing this piece and so absorbed in it that I used all the class time I had to do so which left some other things unfinished, but I will go and get those done too.
It has been far too long since I felt joy in sketching and making full pieces; I have also never felt this proud of a piece either. I have made drawing that fill me with pride and joy, but this is different... maybe it is from all the progress I made in my skills, the spiritual meaning this piece holds or maybe both. I'm glad I left the drawing as is before coming back because in the time I left it undone I had learned many skills that I had longed to acquire like textures such as the fur. It may have a few flaws here and there, but the only thing I can gain is experience and knowledge of what to do differently in the future.
Besides the quality of the piece I was really motivated to draw this creature because of the many spiritual symbols it holds that are important to Satanism. This is my first Satanic art piece and a great start for the many more I wish to create; I believe this to be the best artwork I have ever created as of now and I'm not saying this in a "I'm the best artist in the world" type of way I'm trying to express my deep love for this drawing and how it will hold a special place in my heart.
Like it says in the title this is the Baphomet a mythical creature, symbol, and deity to some and is of pagan origin. It is a big symbol in Satanism since it holds many spiritual ideas; I will list them.
1. The Baphomet is male and female representing spiritual duality.
2. The goat head (and hooves to go with it) represent life and fertility. (I also added a tail because of another version I saw and tails are cool!). The horns by themselves represent spiritual power.
3. The great wings (I made them the wings of a raven) represent the wings of the soul and spiritual power. The raven is also one of the sacred animals of Satan and a symbol of wisdom and magic.
4. The two Snakes spiraling around a rod are a symbol of life. (you probably recognize it as the Caduceus which are up in hospitals and seen nowadays as DNA and a symbol of healing)
5. The hand position is called "as above so below" and references the spiritual connection between the earth and the cosmos which is important to obtaining spiritual power. (There is also writing on the forearms saying "solve" and "coagula", but I did not add it)
6. The pentagram, which I inverted to also include the teachings of Satanism, can mean a lot of different things, but I know that it mostly represents the elements of the soul.
7. The torch represents wisdom and intelligence which is a very important aspect to Satanism.
8. The crescent moons symbolizes the lunar cycle which is important to magick (and I love the moon!).
9.The writing on the bottom Nullus est deus præter me ipsum is Latin and means "There is no god but myself"; these are Satan's words and He is saying how we all have spiritual freedom we just need to find and obtain it within ourselves.
10. The Morning Star is an addition that is not in the original art piece, but it is seen as the Lightbringer Lucifer.
Lastly there is something I must explain about this creature. Ever since my fascination with the Baphomet began, I've started to see a lot of misconceptions about it and I must explain that it is a antient spiritual symbol and NOT a Demon or or Demonic creature in any way and is NOT a representation of Satan.
Original design by Éliphas Lévi, 1854: gnosticwarrior.com/wp-content/…
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
A Star For You
I personally LOVED this event. I really feel like the writing was dramatically above most of the other events I've experienced so far (other than birthday events and HDD). I enjoyed it so much, I felt like writing an entire post about it! I just have a lot of feelings and opinions and I need to get it out of my system.
I'm so glad they're going with this new thing where they focus on a single character like they normally do for the birthday events. The birthday events are so much better and more fun, in my opinion, so if this is the new formula, I hope they stick with it. It's a lot more satisfying than the weird events where they try to fit everyone in and you don't really get to have much of an interaction with anyone.
I also thought it was interesting how they had Satan as the focus, but then Diavolo was sort of the secondary focus. And because of that you get to see them interact more than I think I've ever experienced so far. (I haven't played Season 4 yet, though.)
So I enjoyed that the two of them got to really interact with MC, but I was also very interested in the interactions they had with each other.
The best part is that there was just as much silliness as always and all the characters (except the three new ones, I think...) were still present and involved. Some of them certainly had more screen time than others, of course. But it felt more like how it does in the main story when an arc is focused on only a handful of characters and you don't see the rest of them as much.
Asmo was especially being himself in this event, I'm pretty sure he referred to himself as Princess Asmo three different times. The rest of the brothers really delivered the humor that makes me enjoy this game so much without taking away from the main event story.
There were so many instances of Asmo delivering lines that cracked me the hell up:
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I mean, I am grateful for his existence.
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It was Beel.
Mammon was also participating in his usual money obsessed shenanigans, which is always delightful in my opinion.
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I love him.
And I just LOVED this interaction between him and MC (my MC's name is Ciaran).
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The Mammon and MC dynamic is as excellent as always.
But really the meat and potatoes of this event was the key route. And I'm a little confused about why they even bother with the normal route? Sometimes the normal route has something amusing going on, but I kind of felt like this one was really not satisfying at all. I assume everybody does the key route anyway, but if for some reason you didn't, that ending would have been really anticlimactic. I realize the whole purpose of the key route is to get people to pay money for more AP and battles and such, but it's still annoying. I say, as I give in to the gimmick without hesitation. Anyway moving on.
I LOVED Diavolo in this event. I can only describe him as being princely and benevolent. Like what! When he gave MC his stars, I nearly lost my mind. He was so sweet about it, too. Diavolo's childlike wonder is adorable, of course, but I like it when he's a little more on the side of being a dynamic leader and showing how much he cares about doing the right thing.
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Though earlier in the event he said this:
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And then of course we have Satan. I was kind of neutral about Satan in the beginning of my Obey Me journey, but he grew on me over time. Though while I'm not obsessed with him (like I am with some of the other characters), I am fond of him, so I enjoyed getting some more insight into him. He has one of his angry wrathful episodes in the keyed route. Normally I'm like hmm was whatever it was worth the dramatics? But I was touched that he loses it because he's angry with his brothers for trying to use MC to win the festival.
Then he locks himself in his room for a while to calm down and MC goes to talk to him after getting the stars from Diavolo. And he said some stuff that made me sad because it makes me think he doesn't like himself very much. And then I got to thinking about it and it makes sense. In the main story he's so obsessed with not being like Lucifer and MC has to help him work through a lot of that. But that doesn't mean he's come to accept himself.
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Like c'mon, man, you're bumming me out. :(
BUT he does cheer up of course because MC makes everything better and then he starts saying stuff like this:
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So you know, it all worked out in the end.
Overall, I really enjoyed this event. It was sweet and the star theme is something I am SO into. The art on the cards for the event is so good!
I'm currently still trying to pull one elusive wizard grandpa in the Nightmare event, but I'm not giving up hope.
In the meantime, here are some more screenshots that were taken from this event purely for their comedic value:
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Breakin' the fourth wall a bit there, Levi.
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I don't know what it is about Simeon saying "lost the plot" that I find so funny, but here we are.
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Just MC choosing chaos again.
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He's got a point.
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Just Another Cooking Session (Obey Me!) fic
summary: The kitchen is filled with cooking and chatter. Mostly of the human exchange student talking with Lucifer and Beelzebub. Casual, fluff, romance.
Molly was currently in the kitchen of the House of Lamentation. Making the meal for the demons she dearly loves. A few pots on the stove steaming as they cook various items. While Molly took the time to finish a plate of sub sandwiches to then hand the whole plate over to a very hungry Beelzebub. Who gladly took the plate to kiss her on the cheek and begin munching away. Making Molly smile as she started chopping fruits for a fruit salad.
It was at this point Lucifer walked into the kitchen to look very irate. His steps taking him to sit next to Beelzebub and sigh. So Molly moved to pour the now whistling tea kettle. A steaming mug of green tea soon in Lucifer's hands for the demon to smile in gratitude. His words warm and only hinting at his fatigue. "It would seem you expected my arrival. Or were you going to ask me to join you?"
Molly sighed to nod as Beelzebub nudged half a chicken sub over to Lucifer for him to eat as they talked. Which Lucifer took without question to nibble on as Molly kept chopping fruit. Her words sullen and soft. "I've been having a hard time with a specific want. Namely how I feel about a certain someone." Beelzebub kept munching as Lucifer raised an eyebrow. The Avatar of Pride soon sipping at the tea to then muse a little. "Here I figured you would go to Asmodeus for this kind of discussion. But I take it you already did?" Molly nodded to then huff. "Spent all day doing a spa treatment therapy session with him over things. Which also led to him crying over the fact he isn't the one I fell in love with and ended up as number three." Lucifer flinched as Beelzebub paused mid bite. The Avatar of Gluttony asking, "Do I get to know where I am on the list, Molly?" This had Molly smile sadly to tap Beel on the nose. "Number two is you, my beloved teddy bear." Beelzebub blushed to then hum as he finished his current sandwich. While Lucifer sighed to note, "I already know I am not in the top five. Which stings a bit when it comes to this... Situation."
Molly chuckled to then tap Lucifer on the nose. "You place fourth, actually. But it's mostly a tie between you and Mammon. Do not let that out of the kitchen." Lucifer thought on this to then grin with a fiendish glint to his eyes. "Number one has been apparent for a good long while to myself and to Lord Diavolo. Despite the fact that said number one is completely unable to fathom such. Yet it suits both of you so very well that your heart belong to Leviathan." Beelzebub hummed to then lick his fingers free of sauce. "Right. Both of you love anime and video games. Both of you tend to be really shy. Passionate and tactful. Like two peas in a pod." Molly looked to her hands as a blush roared over her face. Making Lucifer chuckle as he sipped his tea. "I remember when Leviathan fell asleep with you in the living room after the both of you had challenged a tournament group online. Mammon and Satan had also joined the tournament and fell to your combined might. But then you both took second place. Leviathan looked heartbroken for you to openly throw your arms around him and say how fantastic he had done. He'd been about to cry for you both losing. yet you praised him and looked like you had won first place in all three realms."
Beelzebub grinned to openly chuckle. "I still have that photo. It's my favorite of you two together. Levi never expected you to be so happy over losing. But then you made it clear it was his skill and effort that mattered. He told me later how stunned he was. So I told him what you tell me." Molly smiled to recount her manta out loud. "Do your best and celebrate how far you get. That is what really matters in the end." Lucifer nods to finish his tea and smile. "Leviathan will always struggle with his sin. But when he is with you... That emptiness is filled for him to savor the now. I could not ask for more for any of you." Beelzebub stills when Lucifer turns to him to place a hand on Beelzebub's shoulder and hum a warm notation of affection. "This family is the most priceless treasure in all of existence. So we need to be glad for what we have. But I vote we do a special something for Molly and Levi. What say you, Beel?"
Beelzebub nods to then grin. "I want to do that. In fact, I may have an idea on what we should do. There's supposed to be this big concert in the Human World next month that Leviathan mentioned." Molly blinks to then squeak. "Oh! The concert is for the Final Fantasy series! All the best music from the games are going to be played by a live orchestra! It happens once a year and tickets can be extremely hard to get!" Lucifer grins to note, "Would the music include that one album of piano music you gave me as a surprise?" Molly nods for Lucifer to pour himself another cup of tea. "Then we should get tickets. For all of us. But then we get you and Leviathan a special after concert gift. Namely a reservation at a fine restaurant to have an evening to yourselves." Molly soon rushed over to tackle hug Lucifer and Beelzebub for both demons to hug her back. The human giving happy squeaks of sheer excitement. "Thank you so much, Luce!"
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directdogman · 2 years
hey howdy hey! first off, i wanna say that ive been following dialtown since it was a wee baby demo and i have loved to see every inch of progress it has made. i love this game to bits. i can't accurately express how much of a comfort game it is to me, or compliment the writing enough, but rest assured that i believe it's a fockin masterpiece (even if that means i am damned to hell. i welcome u, phone-satan)
that being said! woe be upon ye, i have lore questions for ya (and i'll probably ask more at a later date)
i would love to hear more about callum crown. literally any detail(s) you can comfortably give that wouldn't spoil a potential sequel or that 30-page lore doc (tho , gotta say, i wanna see that lore doc real bad).
you've said before that you'd like to expand on the singular timeline (how all of the routes coalesce in chapter 3) in dialtown, but that it's tough to put the words you have on paper into words on tumblr. i've got time. lemme read info on the timeline i beg of you
is there any particular reason that phonegingi's head resembles callum's, to the point that callum's 3D model head uses gingi's as a base?? there are hints (i use that term loosely) on your blog that gingi might have modeled their head after callum's. is there anything to that?
moreover, i'd like to know if there's more of a connection between callum and gingi than the heads alone. i mean, gingi literally hears callum's voice before hearing anything about the guy, and they can also somehow read his postcard (without the narrator) DESPITE being illiterate?
finally, a silly one, since winter is upon us! how does norm handle dialtown's winters, being a native arizonan/texan and all? as somebody who lived in arizona, lemme tell ya, the folks there don't take kindly to winter.
i know this is a lot, so thank you if you even took the time to read lol
Some really interesting questions here. I could write an essay in response to some of these questions, which means you’ve undoubtedly asked some good questions heh. You're a sharp one. Lemme answer these as best I can without anticlimactically revealing essential lore in this random tumblr post heh heh
> "i would love to hear more about callum crown. literally any detail(s) you can comfortably give that wouldn't spoil a potential sequel or that 30-page lore doc (tho , gotta say, i wanna see that lore doc real bad)." The stupid thing about that lore doc is that it should be even LONGER. While parts of the Dialup are explained, parts are left out, because I realized that explaining it would require adequately explaining a piece of very strange context regarding another character. Long story short, it connects to something that should ordinarily be very far removed from Crown's tale, so I left it out. I actually left entire pages out to avoid having to explain who someone previously unmentioned in the doc was. Crown's story is funny in the sense that so much of it is why Dialtown (both the game and the city) is the way it is, but the main story of Dialtown is so far removed from it, the only connections to it remaining being Mingus/Norm's beef. Norm's account of Crown's life isn't exactly inaccurate, no one thing he says is technically incorrect, but it misses vital context that completely changes parts of it. Norm missed the end of Crown's presidency, so he also had to learn from revisionist/secondary sources. Some parts are overly detailed, while other parts aren't. EG: Crown's early life has a LOT of focus, but as the timeline gets closer to the end, the detail slows down. Crown's two years of 'honorary leader of the UN' is brushed over, a title that implies he had control over the entire world briefly. As Norm's extras menu implies, Norm is (just like in Mingus) in partial denial about aspects of Crown's leadership and is also in the dark about the behind the scenes stuff from Crown's presidency. Crown's vice president (and best friend, Milton R. Wallace) ended his life after falling out with Crown over the Dialup, and the postcard read in chapter 3 heavily implies that Marla had returned to Dialtown without Crown after he left office. Since Mingus exists, we know Marla + Crown had at least one kid together. Could you imagine trying to raise a young family with the most powerful man in the world, a man who plans his day down to the hour, all without even having a permanent address? Crown’s final days were lonelier than Norm knows and I’d love to discuss them more one day.    
> “you've said before that you'd like to expand on the singular timeline (how all of the routes coalesce in chapter 3) in dialtown, but that it's tough to put the words you have on paper into words on tumblr. i've got time. lemme read info on the timeline i beg of you” There isn’t much I can really say about the timeline without just calling attention to what’s already seen in-game. Any instance in-game where time seems to be falling apart, there’s common visual signs that reality itself is tearing apart at the seams, hell, even outside of the main endings. Only one character in the cast seems to be really aware of this and... Well, seeing God binge-drinking on the curb is usually a bad sign of what’s to come. Hitchcock’s advice for writers who wanna add suspense to a scene is to make people unaware of something significant that’s about to happen. Example: Two men sitting at a table in a diner, talking about something, say, like football... Not a massively suspenseful scene. However, add a live bomb underneath the table, and establish that neither of the men know that it’s there, and every second of that scene will feel like hours, as you hope to GOD that one of the men will look under the table and notice the bomb before it goes off. The bomb under Dialtown’s ‘table’ has a long fuse, but the clock’s ticking down. A lot of what people have noticed regarding Dialtown’s time fuckery is a symptom of something (or someone?) desperately trying to plug up holes in a sinking ship. Anyway, I think I’ve said enough.    
> “is there any particular reason that phonegingi's head resemblescallum's, to the point that callum's 3D model head uses gingi's as abase?? there are hints (i use that term loosely) on your blog that gingi might have modeled their head after callum's. is there anything to that?” Fun question, and a tough one to wrap your head around. Callum Crown’s fame makes it impossible to tell if there really is any connection between him and Gingi’s appearance outside of an eerie coincidence. If Gingi’s head resembled a frankensteined JFK, I don’t think anyone would think for a moment that it meant that JFK and Gingi shared a direct connection, of course, and same for say, Mr Bean and the like. But Crown himself also being connected directly to Norm + Mingus makes it strange. Maybe it’s just the universe’s weird way of doing things, or maybe caused by an intrinsically unknown force? Maybe whoever built Gingi’s phone head just felt that it should look like the most powerful man on earth? Lotta possibilities. I mean. Like, I know the answer. But, for you guys, maaany possibilities!  
> “moreover, i'd like to know if there's more of a connection between callum and gingi than the heads alone. i mean, gingi literally hears callum's voice before hearing anything about the guy, and they can also somehow read his postcard (without the narrator) DESPITE being illiterate?” Again, gotta commend your sharpness, I’ve heard very few people really ask about this. The big issue with the question, of course, is how utterly abnormal Gingi is. God outright implies that Gingi is some sort of time anomaly, since he’s never seen anything quite like Gingi before, and with some of Gingi’s 4th wall breaking dialogue, it seems Gingi has some fleeting awareness of events in other timelines, somehow. That’s excluding Gingi’s weird biology or the fact that Gingi can hear sentient voices. Gingi is unique. You’re right that Gingi being able to hear Crown is abnormal, and combined with, like you said, them having similar appearances (and hell, I’ll add fuel to the fire: how transfixed Crown was with Gingi in that memory Mingus tearfully recounts during the climax, the one where Crown stares at Gingi while Gingi rummages through the garbage outside his window at the nursing home), there’s enough of a connection to be weird, but not enough of one to say anything conclusive. In my eyes, though, I reckon that some universal force could be drawing these two weirdos together, almost like a moth to a lamp. Birds of a feather.   
> “finally, a silly one, since winter is upon us! how does norm handle dialtown's winters, being a native arizonan/texan and all? as somebody who lived in arizona, lemme tell ya, the folks there don't take kindly to winter.” I imagine when he lived in the cabin, during the winter, Norm CONSTANTLY had a fire lit and basically didn’t leave it. Probably had some kind of insane insulation through hunting animals and shoving the pelts into the walls, or something. I guess he wouldn’t had the time to kill, alright.
Thanks for the great questions. Sorry for the vagueness, but hope you got something out of these answers regardless! Some of this stuff will for sure be coming up in future Dialtown stuff! Knowledge is pain!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 3 months
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Eh, Thursday Afternoon Toriyama posting is fun for now. I'm surprised by how much I've thought about it lately. Not like I'm usually the type to dwell on celebrity deaths heavily, but Toriyama's taken up as much of my mind as when Prince & David Bowie passed close to each other or having the two windows I followed pro wrestling line up with Owen Hart's, Eddie Guerrero's, and Chris Benoit's sudden deaths. We'll touch on it in time but y'all saw Oda is taking a break because of it right? So far I've re-watched a huge chunk of Dragonball and binged the excellent review by Totally Not Mark for Z. I don't think a lot of anime fans, myself included, ever gave Toriyama a fair shake for how truly good DB could actually be.
Like...think about Meruem & Komugi in Hunter x Hunter. How lauded that story is. How much controversy but praise Oda generated by taking such a freewheeling goofy direction with such a late stage of his story. Both of those are just elements of the Majin Buu Saga. Meruem has Cell's design and Buu's arc. And Mr. Satan saving the day by being a good friend and mentor to the Majin? I've always loved that. My actual first exposure was that stretch of the story, staying at a friend's house while Cartoon Network ran a marathon. I liked Videl and we got to see this wonderfully epic clash of titans:
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I remember going back to school in the fifth grade, telling some guy friends who liked the screaming and blowing up Earth shit all about how I finally saw DBZ and they were horrified by how much I loved this nonsense. Mr. Satan is a legend and Goten/Trunks pulling a Vincent Adultman is iconic. But...ma cherie. Android 18 is objectively the coolest thing to come out of that series. You may disagree but it's objective so that would make you wrong. I mean, the Androids alone are already cool as hell for being such a solid callback to the earlier Red Ribbon Army arc. Who could forget 8? Guy was classic. First we have a couple of goofy ones then BAM! kickass young sibling pair named Lapis & Lazuli which is a high watermark in a world with some truly weird names. Since I'll be on about another favorite pair likely somewhat inspired by them tomorrow might as well say it.
That's not exactly off the wall right? Kiku & Izo, Jodio & Dragona, that combat sibling pair of a sister that's feminine but fierce and a kinda fey brother you definitely shouldn't underestimate? Nothing new under the sun but the trope certainly echoes from the Cell Saga. And honestly, can't help but notice that side of Okiku I always want to come out more. Lazuli's best moment that made me love her so much:
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I do like how when she recognizes Goten & Trunks she just takes them out via disqualification using Krillin's disk technique. But I adore the conclusion now as much as I did then. Knowing Mr. Satan was enough of a preening dickhead to pay her double for the glory of the win and throwing the fight. Same flavor as what makes me love Kiku and the Yokozuna as much as I do with a distinctly Nami blend. Tell me those two couldn't play good cop/bad cop to shake someone down.
Honestly a lot of the way I see contemporary One Piece makes sense through that lens, the way the Buu Saga took a different approach was bold and controversial but got the series back to its roots. I bet Toriyama had a lot of fun with it. And thank you for the archetype I love so much even if I didn't fully appreciate the Ur-pair until after I came to love their inspiration.
This is probably too much to get into today, but you can't divorce this from what we know about the Cell Saga, how there was so much editorial meddling when it came to the villains. The more meta elements of how I see Kiku & Yamato, how one is set to age like fine wine even if she wasn't the flashiest and the other will probably never be as popular as you were at the start even if you started white hot. The Android Pair vs. Cell are a great example. Fans as a collective sometimes don't really know what they want, I get why Eiichiro Oda opines about "authors becoming slaves to readers." Weekly serialization is a wonderland. And that wonderland gave us something really cool along the way to giving editors another Frieza.
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hattythewriter · 1 year
Asriel, Biblical References, and his character arc
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One of the things I've appreciated the most about Undertale since first playing it is Asriel/Flowey's character. But while our favorite goat-flower child is understandably one of the more popular characters in the Foxverse, one aspect of his character I don't see discussed as much are the Biblical references and potential allegory related to him. And, while I do see references to his redemption arc on occasion, I don't believe it's given the light that it deserves. So today, I just wanna talk a little bit about Asriel "Flowey" Dreemurr and the depth given to his arc in Undertale.
The first name, "Asriel," can be connected back to the Hebrew name "Azriel." This name, first and foremost, means "God is my help." The reason why this works so well for his character is that he resurrected as Flowey. While it's certainly due to the DETERMINATION injections, Asriel being given a second chance at life through arguably miraculous circumstances gives his name origin all the more meaning. I understand that his name can also mean "Angel of Death" if one were to observe the Islamic and some Jewish beliefs. Considering Asriel's strongest form in the final battle, it would make sense on that note. However, as a Christian myself, the rendering of "God is my help" not only connects with me on a personal level far more, but I also believe is more poignant in regard to his arc. This is due to the grace given to him and an opportunity to still be redeemed even with all he did in his Flowey form (and hyperdeath and death angel forms as well). This links into my favorite part of Asriel's character: his redemption arc.
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Despite all Asriel did, he still broke the barrier and freed all monsterkind. Not only that, but he made friends with Frisk and the soon-to-be ambassador of monsters comforts and forgives Asriel. We also see where Asriel vows to keep his promise of not killing people anymore ("don't kill and don't be killed"), and considering how Asriel/Flowey is kind again at game reopen, we have full confidence that his redemption arc is here to stay. I've also explained before that since true pacifist is open-ended, and considering how much Frisk loves and cares for the monsters as ambassador, it's only a matter of time until Asriel gets his real body back or at the very least settles in with Toriel again. It's left open to interpretation but still hopeful, given how Frisk isn't the kind of kid to forget about friends or loved ones. But in any event, Asriel's redemption arc is by far my favorite character arc in the game. The reason why this is so sweet to me is that it reminds us that anybody can be redeemed. No matter what someone's past is, they can still be redeemed and be better.
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On the redemption arc note, while people have connected Asriel to Christ-like references (with the barrier-breaking and fulfilling the prophecy of letting all monsters be free, the "Angel" mentioned in the prophecy possibly being a label inspired from Christ being the "Angel of the Lord" in Scripture), or on the other hand, Satan-like references due to him being Flowey (a fallen being who was good but then turned evil), I don't think either comparison quite lines up. While I *do* understand why people make said comparisons to either Biblical figure, I don't think either figure is the best choice for a Biblical figure reference. If you ask me, the Biblical figure Asriel most squarely aligns with is actually the apostle Paul. Here's why: -Both are known for committing murder multiple times. -Both have nicknames or alternate names used when they were at their lowest point (Asriel went by the nickname "Flowey", while Paul used to go by "Saul"). -Despite their past, they're still given a chance to be redeemed. -Both end up being redeemed in the end and enter a new phase of life where they're finally on the right track, no longer being vengeful or blood-thirsty like they used to be. While it's definitely not a perfect analogy, I personally like to use these thoughts as a reference to how anyone can be redeemed. Even the lowest of the low can be redeemed, which is a fundamental aspect of why I not only write Christian allegory and references in my own works, but also because it's a hopeful message.
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That's all from me for now. Take care and stay DETERMINED, my friends. (I don't own any amount of the Foxverse, whether UT or DR. Commissioned art at the end is from a friend, codenamed A.S. She requested to stay private).
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mageofseven · 1 year
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 41
Tag list: @astroseuss @zarakem @brielle043 @missloserqueen
Arms still wrapped around MC, the women started walking away from the men.
"Wait--" Satan called out to them as Lucifer reached out for his fiancée.
Diavolo stared into the Avatar of Pride's eyes, her own exuding a colder emotion than he's ever seen from the princess, causing the man to drop his arm.
"I'm going to take MC somewhere to relax and settle herself. I expect you two to do the same."
And with that, Dia led the younger woman away, leaving the two men concerned and dumbfounded.
Once the two women were out of sight, Satan's knees gave out on him.
Lucifer quickly knelt in front of his son.
"This time it's my fault..." The blonde said softly. "So much has happened; so much went wrong. I just expected for things to get worse and when I found she was...devil, I just thought of the worse, especially since none of it made sense to me..."
"You were upset and confused." He held his hands against his son's arm, helping to keep him upright. "You made a mistake, but this situation is unusual. You couldn't have known--"
"But I should have!" The angel closed his eyes and tugged on his hair. "I can't afford to make mistakes; not with her, not MC. She needs me to be better."
The father's heart cracked.
How many times has Lucifer said that to himself about Diavolo? About Audriana and Satan? This is not the sort of thing he want his son to adopt from him.
"MC knows you've gone through a lot; she'll understand--"
"And what if she does?" Satan questioned, tears in his eyes. "What if she does and I just hurt her again? MC has always been the best part of my life, the only one I knew I could count on...I hurt her. I hurt her and I could do it again..."
Lucifer pulled his son in for a hug. A long, tight hug.
It was so hard to know what to say, to know what advice to give when the pride demon himself has these very same fears.
However...he knows what Diavolo has always said to him.
"You have to learn to forgive yourself," He told his son. "Or else...it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you convince yourself this is how it will go, you will only sabotage yourself in the long run."
"But...but I'm afraid." The blonde admitted, a feeling he's never spoke about to others before. "Not just of hurting her but...hell, I know nothing about being a father. What if I hurt them too?"
Lucifer shut his eyes and focused on his breathing. Children...only know what you teach them and those lessons affect them even once they're grown.
Luce never knew how to be a father...so he didn't; he never truly took up that position and instead labeled his son as just another 'brother'.
How is Satan suppose to know when he never truly had one as a child?
Another failure of Lucifer's. Another problem and pain he has inflicted upon his son.
One that he can never take back.
"And that is my fault, not yours..." Lucifer whispered. "I wasn't there for you; you didn't know what having a father was like when you were young."
"I gave you a list of what not to do." He told his son. "I know you are smart enough to fill in the gaps; I know you will be a great father."
And he meant it. He knew Satan would be a better father to his child than he ever was to Satan.
"Shh, it's ok." Dia rocked the human gently.
The two were in the princess's room. In truth, this was the last room Diavolo wanted to be in, but it was the closest and most private option therefore it was the best she could do for the scared and heartbroken woman.
"How could he think that about me?" MC sobbed. "I love him...I thought he trusted me..."
"Satan's whole life has changed; he's shaken and afraid..." Dia explained. "But he still went too far with this; you didn't deserve this, not the accusation or discoverying your child like this..."
"I don't understand any of this..." The human shook her head before looking down at her belly. "If I...if I've been pregnant since I left, how is it that I'm just now showing? After like seven, eight months?"
"Your realm isn't as thickly concentrated with dark magick as the Devildom is." The older woman explained again. "Your world's magick is...thinner and holds a mix of both dark and light magick. There simply wasn't enough dark magick for your child to develop their soul and if a child of any kind cannot develop it's soul then it's body won't develop; it's like a...security measure to make sure you don't birth a body without a person inside it."
MC laid her hands on her small belly, hidden under her night shirt.
"How am I suppose to do this? How can I be a mom?"
"Oh MC..." Dia gave the woman in her arms a small squeeze. "You just love them. Love them and learn from them just as they will do the same with you."
"B-But...what if it's not enough? What if I mess up or hurt them?"
"Then you forgive yourself." The mother told her. "Forgive yourself and keep moving forward, keep doing better for your child."
"I wish I never came back. I wish I stayed home..."
"Staying home would not have helped you. It would have only lengthened your ignorance to what's happening within you."
The younger woman didn't respond, just got lost in own head before speaking their thought aloud.
"You know...I always chose him." MC spoke softly. "Even when my family disapproved of him, disapproved of me dating a demon...I chose him. When I had to choose whether to live with him and the brothers or my family, I chose him. When my father gave me that ultimatum to come home and forget Satan or lose my father for good, to no longer be his daughter...I chose Satan."
The younger woman used her arm to wipe her eyes.
"After so long of chosing him...I ran out of time with those I love. My grandma is dead. She's dead and all of that time I could have spent with her, I can't get back...but the one time I chose to be with my family, to help with the hardship and the grief...he does this to me..."
"Time and time again, you were put in a difficult situation...however, it was never Satan who made you chose. You understand this, right?"
"I know..." The human whispered. "I just wish...I was always made to feel bad when I made a choice and this time, he went as far as accusing me of this...of cheating...how do I move on this?"
"With time." Dia answered. "With time and as much of it as you need, sweetheart."
This was the best answer the mother could give to the other woman, even if it wasn't the best.
Sadly, nothing in this family is easy; MC is simply learning this the hard way. Still, that was all the more reason why Diavolo was going to take care of her and guide the young woman the best she can.
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