#the creative independent
On making a living as an artist
In a world where art and other creative pursuits should be an inspiring, honest and a direct reflection of our society, it is truly disheartening to realize that most mainstream artists come from some place of privilege. Whether it be racial, financial, social, or geographic, artists succeed not just from their skill alone, but from having the privilege to make enough sacrifices to pursue art as a full-time job. Even when you do find the right representation, it may feel as though you must sacrifice your independence and your voice as a trade for financial security. This can make you feel like you're alone, or just another piece in a system designed to exploit you for capitalistic gain. Now, now, sweet artist. I know you may feel quite depressed after reading all this. It's hard not to. Part of these frustrations are why I'm here writing this in the first place : because I believe that these systems must change and our approaches to financial stability as artists must be more transparent. I believe positive change comes from the transparency to know what it is that needs to change. For too long, our culture has resisted a more public conversation about personal finances. In many ways, this has enabled us to become a society that's content to embrace the outdated trope of the starving artist. Let's change that.
« How do I make a living as an artist ? », answered by visual artist Yumna Al-Arashi, in the Zine On making a living as an artist by The Creative Independent. You can read it for free on their website !
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pacific-rimbaud · 5 months
I wanted to share a link to The Creative Independent, a really unique and impactful collection of resources including artist interviews, guides, essays and general wisdom about process and the emotional dimensions of being an artist and creatively productive. As someone who struggles with debilitating creative anxiety, I have found so much wisdom and the comfort of fellow-feeling there. Highly recommend.
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undrthght · 1 year
“For me, the creative or productive times are a rather small part of my life, because it’s really about all of the other stuff around that. I’m only able to sit down and focus and produce because I do a lot of other stuff. It’s from all the other stuff that I get the energy and the inspiration to produce something.” - Sofie Birch
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shesnake · 9 months
24 hour time loops: not long enough to create or undo anything permanent, crazy-making but often still funny
365 day time loops: the most fucked up shit you could possibly imagine
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author-mandi-bean · 2 years
How to Write With a Full-Time Job
So...to quote the American poet Hannah Montana, how can I get the best of both worlds? How can I teach and finish my third novel?
Busy, busy, busy. One of my biggest fears coming back from Ireland was that I would not be able to maintain a writing schedule. In Ireland, I truly had all the time in the world to just sit and think about my work in progress AND to work on it. It was a dream come true, but it had to end once I returned to the States and to teaching. One of my lecturers told me it would be nearly impossible to…
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If you don't miss me, MISS ME.
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canisalbus · 5 months
I'm sure you get loads of these but heck I said I'd give it a shot anyway!
Your artwork is so inspiring and beautiful. I recently graduated from art school with a degree in Animation Production but I've decided I'd love to be an illustrator some day. Your work really motivates me and gets my brain juice buzzin. Keep it up!!!
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happyk44 · 1 year
PJO: we need to recognize the value of the minor gods. The Olympians are important, sure, but the minor gods do a lot of work in maintaining and assisting the pantheon, have their own kids and deserve to be seen and valued just as much
HoO: Back at it again with Olympian-only nonsense!
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yardsards · 1 year
a pet headcanon of mine is that after they're done with the sigil removal, emira expands her horizons and starts studying the psychological side of healing, pulling in some resources from the human realm and combining it with boiling isles methods (i imagine the field of psychology in the boiling isles, while existent, was often pushed aside as just a lesser branch of the healing coven back when belos was in charge. i do imagine there's often magic like the memory tweezers involved)
and i imagine she ends up focusing in on like, art therapy and self-expression, because she knows how important that can be, after having her individuality stifled so hard when she was young
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daphneblakess · 12 days
guys i know we're all upset and waiting on watcher for a response but let's maybe not act like buzzfeed was an optimal creative environment lol
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
Is it weird to go through someone's blog and start drawing like them?My art style now looks alot like yours and im not sure if it is plagiarism or not
i know i already made an ask, sry if this is anoying
art style plagiarism is a very messy concept lol. like on one hand, you can't really "steal" a style. artists don't exactly go round copyrighting their artstyles because like-- how would you even do that lmao!! all art is about stealing at least a LITTLE bit!! if you want to get good at art, you have to use references, you have to do studies, and you have to be inspired by other artists. i mean my no.1 "find your artstyle advice" is literally take bits of your favourite artists' styles and smash them together like an artistic frankenstein and see how things go!! so like its not necessarily weird, its necessarily a part of drawing!
but the thing is, art's all about creative and polite thievery. my advice is always frankensteining artstyles bc just copying your fave's artstyle 1:1 is a little rude and EVEN WORSE it's boring and uncreative!!! which are quite frankly the worst two adjectives you can use against art!!
TLDR; it's absolutely fine to take inspiration from other artists and ok if your style swerves towards theirs, but just make sure you don't copy their style exactly lol -- always be adding something new!!!
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davekat-sucks · 15 days
Okay! Hi! So I have something fun to say! I read the anon talking about Karkat being headcanoned as ace. It made me remember the person who runs this blog saying Dave is uncomfortable with sex. I have a narrative reason as to why Dave would be uncomfortable with sex. Two actually! I decided to reread a certain chapter and I realized something. It’s big! The biggest scoop this fandom has ever had!
I think you guys would love it! The fandom is going to have a rude awakening someday. You guys are going to be SO HAPPY! Let’s watch this thing burn down together and hold hands singing Kumbaya My Lord Kumbaya! Fuck I’ll bring stuff to make s’mores!
This me going off about the homestuck epilogue DaveKat scene again and there is some brutal topics covered in here, you’ve been warned. I imagine Dirk was in control of the some of the narrative when Karkat and Dave had sex. I think Dirk had a lot of control over what happened but not all of it. Free will is still a thing. Here is Dirk saying as much! He says he likes using persuasion!
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Did you guys catch a certain part of this when reading it? The non stop animalistic fucking part I mean. That’s weird to say about your family. Moving on.
Dave and Karkat don’t really admit that they like each other romantically… seems like they don’t want to. Right that’s what the fandom must have picked up on. It’s hard for them to date because of the Ace/Aro thing. Or. They DONT. They don’t want to date. They never did. They’re forced to. In meat, it looks like Dirk just wants Dave to top this guy.
Here. Read what Karkat says.
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Then Karkat says “I’m glad you’re my friend.” “I don’t have to wonder what is missing!” Karkat doesn’t have to wonder what is missing! We’ve got everything we need here! But wait! they’re not just friends! They are… best… friends? Karkat sounds unsure of what to even say here? He sounds like he doesn’t know where this is going. What he’s even being pushed to say. He said what he meant already. Dave is the one asking him if they are more than friends.
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Look. If someone with the powers of a god is compelling them to talk about their feelings and this is the most Karkat can say, it means there is NOTHING ELSE THERE. Dirk is losing his shit here.
Here’s an excuse! “Maybe relationships isn’t a thing Karkat does!” Hold on to that thought Dave! If it makes you feel better about having animalistic sex with a guy! I’ll come up with anything to make you think that.
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“HE WANTS IT! YOU WANT IT!” Karkat wants it! You want it too, Dave!
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It’s nothing to worry about Dave! You two can do it right here on the couch if you want! Please want that! I mean he loves you so much! See you two are so so so close! He’s going to bust it open for you! Dave he wants it! Dirk wants it. He is excited at the idea of it. Karkat doesn’t seem to care and diving into Karkat’s head to convince him he loves Dave isn’t Dirk’s goal. Karkat falling in love has nothing to do with anything. Why would Dirk even care? Dirk only cares about Dave having sex here. Dirk isn’t really influencing Karkat either, he doesn’t get into his head at all.
I don’t know how much Dave wants Karkat. I’m not able to really discern that. Though I wouldn’t count this as a confession. Dave is drunk! Or at least tipsy. He has someone else chatting in his head. He can even hear hear what Dirk is saying.
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Dirk is saying all sorts of things in Dave’s head. Dave is stressed to the point of sweating. What was Dirk going to say before he was cut off? A threat? It sounded like a threat. Is it supposed to be encouraging!? Either is fucked!
The let me do this myself bit reads more like an act of defiance. Let me see if this is right or not, Dirk! Though if you’re under the influence and someone has been fucking with your mind to fill it with what they want for you, do you think that isn’t ABUSE?! Brainwashing? Do you think Dave is being lead to believe Karkat actually wants to date him? I think all of those things are true here.
It all reads like Dave and Karkat are forced together. Like that’s even what the writers are trying to fucking say. It reads like they are spitting on the couple and using them as a narrative tool. Someday in the future they have to address Dirk and Dave’s relationship.
When I read this line it conformed for me something I was certain of before and I’m certain that is what is being said here. I think there is a clear reason as to why it was put into this chapter. What Dirk’s intentions are. Read it and see if you can catch what I’m going to point out.
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There it is. This is what the epilogue is going with.
Born again virginity. Dave didn’t have his virginity before he died at 13. Why even bring up a line like that if meant nothing. If was a joke?
Why was Dave willing to pay Dirk respect for killing himself in Candy?
For that matter! Why is Dirk so into Dave topping some guy? Isn’t Dirk a bottom? Why is Dirk so into talking about his son and/or brother having animalistic sex with one of the few male characters left alive? Karkat is someone the fandom would have loved to see Dave end up with since they smiled at each other once in Act 6.
So. Here’s what I want to get at. The to long didn’t read version of what I wrote!
What’s the two narrative reasons Dave doesn’t want to have sex?
1. Dave doesn’t want to have sex with someone if Dirk is just going to come into his head and get off to it.
2. Dave isn’t comfortable with having sex because of unresolved trauma.
What was the scoop? The big scoop that would tear the fans apart?
Karkat and Dave aren’t in love. They never were. Karkat wanted to say he appreciated having someone who put so much faith in him. It meant something to him. He said he feels content with that. He doesn’t have to wonder what is missing.
Karkat is Dave’s best friend. They are close. I love that. I want them to have a normal relationship, but they don’t. And they can’t. Even the running for president plot line was introduced so we could have Dave backing Karkat and giving him support. But that, once again, may have just been the narrative fucking with them, setting them up to have a moment like this. This is the problem with meta fiction. How much of this is the characters? The writers? The gods overseeing them? They have Calliope and Dirk picking at these assassinated characters like vultures. Just like how Calliope had John and Terezi get with each other in his dad’s car. John might have liked her but he was dying in that moment. Narratively, that was setting Terezi up to want to bring him back to life. To think they could be lovers in some way, and maybe they can. I don’t know. How much of that was John being fucked with? This story is a horror story. No one here is happy. Nothing here is good. Nothing is clear.
The one thing I am sure of is that born again virgin line meant something. Dave was holding onto his new founded virginity. Maybe he didn’t even feel comfortable saying he liked men because that is like saying he might have in someway enjoyed what Bro did to him. Maybe he didn’t want to have sex because of a terrible experience he had. Maybe the writers of the new homestuck content will pivot, maybe they will undo all of what is being set up here. But why do that? They like the drama!
I can see them containing with this theme. Dave was molested before homestuck even started. That is what is being said here. Bro molested him. Dirk feels horrible for it. He wants Dave to be the one to decapitate him too, like it’s closure.
The true to long didn’t read is basically this: Dave and Karkat is only canon because it’s forced. The writers are even announcing it! Thanks for the years of us having to listen to people falsely celebrating DaveKat! Now we’re going to just sing our hymns and celebrate their destruction.
That actually makes sense. It is fucked up if all along that Ult Dirk and by extension Hussie, WhatPumpkin, James Roach, HICU, and the fanbase itself, are forcing the two without their consent and they can't escape it.
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It was so obvious from the start and yet people accepted it for what it was. This kissing in the laundry scene now gives a different meaning now that these boys did not actually want this but are forced to anyway without their say.
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huskymaine · 1 year
I stumbled upon Naruto’s canon blueprint room and just realize that the blueprint includes multiple Kakashi (probably handmade) dolls that are in Naruto’s posession :
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Kakashi doll at the size of small teddy bear beside Naruto’s bed 
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Kakashi doll on training room as puching bag
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Naruto also has other Kakashi dolls beside those two :
Kakashi doll beta version that was made on the night just after Naruto met Kakashi (Naruto is quite a fast doll maker). 
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Kakashi pillow doll for hugging (anime only)
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This trivia is so funny for me and the fact that it’s totally canon and included in official blueprint kinda crack me out.
Bonus Kakashi and Team 7 dolls Sakura version
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embeccy · 2 months
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"I am independent! I can live alone and I love to work."
- Mary Cassatt
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jstor · 1 year
Okay, the title that Tumblr automatically pulls up is a bit of a mouthful. This is "The Romance of Self-Publishing" by Elizabeth Nelson, a chapter that caught our eye from the OA book Self-Publishing and Collection Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries (2015).
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The new Defunctland video “Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History” is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I’m so blown away. Kevin Perjurer is a master storyteller & documentarian. The man is an artist. Everyone that worked on this video is an artist.
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