#then you found out the loyal three were royal assholes
camping-with-monsters · 7 months
// teal mask plot spoilers under cut
I think if the entire plot of The Teal Mask was an AITA post most people would respond with ESH. Right. Not counting Ogerpon though she literally did nothing wrong.
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the-turtleduck-pond · 4 years
Assassin Zuko
Alright, time to go on a whole ass thing about why Zuko being trained to be an assassin makes sense. Will be under a cut because I can tend to get very wordy when I get into something.
Zuko was shown from very early on in the show to have a certain set of skills. Very obvious skills that apparently a lot of the Fire Nation - no matter how high ranked - didn’t know about and weren’t privy to.
The thing people knew about Zuko was that he was a ‘mediocre’ firebender. Which was a thing that the royal family would have been ashamed of and would have show off his better skills, but they didn’t.
The skills that they didn’t show off were that he was a master of dual broadswords. At such a young age this would have been impressive no matter what it was thought of for a bender to use weapons. When Zhao sees them in his cabin though he literally tells Zuko that he didn’t know he was skilled with broadswords.
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Even if he’s an asshole, Zhao was trusted and told a lot of things by Ozai because he knew he was loyal. Yet Ozai never mentions that Zuko is talented with swords and trained under Piandao, a master. Zuko is also horrified when Zhao says this, obviously for potentially being found out, but perhaps also because no one was supposed to know.
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There was also no speculation that Zuko could be the Blue Spirit. Like no one knew that he could do anything even close to that acrobatic. No one seems to know that he has the mask. No one comes close until Zhao sees the swords and makes his own conclusions, like he hadn’t even considered that it could be Zuko under the mask.
Zuko also is kind of stupidly strong. Like, people in the show (Ozai and Azula mainly) call him weak, but... he’s far from weak. The first time we see just how strong Zuko is is when he saves Iroh from earthbenders.
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He also kicked away a full on rock that was being tossed at Iroh’s hands. Not to mention, the chain doesn’t break, it shatters under the force Zuko gives. There is no sign of injury after this (and ATLA isn’t exactly afraid to show injury, it showed Sokka with a broken leg, I doubt it would have shied from Zuko having consequences for actions that his body couldn’t handle.) (Also, note Iroh’s little ‘oh, he’s here in time’ face)
More times we see that he’s almost unnaturally strong is breaking a table at Ember Island (that looks considerably sturdy and well made) with a single kick. There was also when rescuing the helmsman of his ship he catches him one handed as he’s falling. His grip on the ladder isn’t exactly sturdy either, which means that with a normal grip on a ladder Zuko (who isn’t exactly tall or particularly built) can bear the weight of a full grown man falling.
Then there’s back to the Blue Spirit shit. Who taught this boy how to fucking flip around like that and just... disappear for now good reason? Like, Zuko what did you do with that before you were actually out in the world? He literally moves around so silently that he isn’t seen or heard until he’s ready to be. He is practically a ninja and just... like three people on screen know it?
Then there’s the amount of control he has over his strength. That same kick that shattered a chain carefully kicked Sokka so that he wasn’t injured. The amount of control over his strength is terrifying.
He can also mix his bending with his sword fighting, which is dangerous and a completely unnecessary skill that looks far too polished to be done on the spot. So he obviously learned how to do this, but why?
You think I’m done? No.
Zuko slips around seamlessly when he’s not in Fire Nation clothes. People don’t easily suspect him of being the Fire Nation’s own prince 9/10 times unless they happen to see his poster right before/after seeing him. They just go “Oh, look at this teenage boy who looks exactly like the crown prince of the Fire Nation... he’s obviously from the Earth Kingdom.” He fucking walked into Ba Sing Se with Iroh - who laid siege to this city for 600 days - without being thought strangely of. Even Jet - who’s seen a lot of Fire Nation soldiers and therefore should recognize obvious traits of the Fire Nation, like Zuko and Iroh have - didn’t even blink upon seeing him.
Now who would need to be strong, capable of controlling their strength to a fault, sneaky, acrobatic, good with weapons, and able to blend in quickly? An assassin.
Also, from what I know of the comics Ursa was good with poisons and Zuko probably is too and that would still fit with the assassin thing!
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book-of-charlie · 4 years
Zukka Goes to a Ball
Hi, this was supposed to be a fluffy oneshot, but then i wrote out the bullet points, and if I write it later I will add a link to it here but for now it’s gonna be a bullet point fic lads, enjoy
(also I wrote this at like 2 am so I’m sorry for the inevitable spelling mistakes and slight rambling)
AU where Iroh took the throne after Lu Ten died, Ozai was cast out for disrespecting Azulon, Zuko and Azula and Ursa had the option to stay and so they did and Zuko and Azula (especially) are better for it, and so Iroh did all the good shit, opening up trade routes and rebuilding the nations and removing the laws that outlawed homosexuality
Aang is still found when Katara and Sokka are out fishing, but the village is being rebuilt, the men are home, and with the Northern Water Tribe’s help, the two tribes have pooled their resources and customs together to preserve the customs they have/had, but also listened to people like Yue, Sokka, and Katara to see what should be done/changed to help make the future better
The customs mean that Sokka and Katara now have the labels of Prince and Princess of the Southern Water Tribe, just like Yue 
But the customs of arranged marriage and waterbending teachings are looser, so Katara is taught by Pakku, who marries their grandmother and they grow up with him as a grandfather
Kya is still dead, the last raid happened right before Iroh took the throne
Aang and Katara spent some time together, fell in love, have been together ever since
Yue and Sokka were engaged (and in love), until the moon thing happened; it happened bc Zhao was a follower of Ozai, and Ozai has gained a group of supporters who prefer Sozin’s, Azulon’s, and Ozai’s ways to that of Iroh’s - and Zhao snuck into the Northern Water Tribe and killed the fish, and Yue gave her life to save it
Sokka is devastated, and the Water Tribes are ready for war, but still hope for peace after so much devastation
Iroh, Hakoda, and Arnook meet to try and solve these things without war, and Iroh explains what happened in the past with Azulon and Ozai, and why the Northern Water Tribe was attacked
The three leaders decide that an all nations ball should be held, and that a union between the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes would be the best way to smooth things over, and to show solidarity
So its decided that either Katara or Sokka must marry Zuko or Azula
Katara is in love with Aang, and so Sokka knows he must be the one to marry into the Fire Nation Royal Family
He talks about this to katara, who thanks him like hell for not separating her and Aang (not that she expected him to, but it’s a relief)
Aang finds out and thanks him too, and tells him that as the Avatar and as the only representative for the Air Nation, hes been invited and that bc sokka is his family too he will smite Azula or Zuko if they hurt him
He knows Aang wouldn't hurt a fly (seriously, how is he a vegetarian in the freaking South Pole), but he appreciates that Aang and Katara will be there to watch his back
he’s not too upset about being the one to marry bc he knows his sister will be happy, but honestly hates that this is happening at all bc Yue is dead
katara and aang distract him from these thoughts by asking him wether he think’s he’ll be drawn to the prince or the princess (bc sokka is bi and both have known that for ages)
he’s not sure, say’s he’ll see
In the fire nation, Iroh talks to Ursa, and they both talk to Zuko and Azula
They dont know about Aang and Katara, so Zuko and Azula talk about both Katara and Sokka
Azula is still a bit manipulative, but is working on it, and Zuko trusts her enough to tell her that he hopes that he doesn’t have to marry the Southern Princess
Azula asks why, and Zuko admits he likes boys
Azula is silent for a bit, and then says that she hopes she wont have to marry either one of them because she, Ty Lee, and Mai are dating
Zuko swears that she won’t have to stop dating them, that he will be the one to marry
azula and ty lee and mai are v grateful and vow to back him up and kick water tribe ass if whichever one he marries hurts him
in other news, Suki is at the ball as Earth King Kuei’s plus one/bodyguard, and she and azula hit it off so Suki ends up eventually dating Mai and ty Lee and azula as well
back to our regularly scheduled program
Before the ball, Sokka is getting ready with Chief Arnook (Hakoda is getting ready with Bato bc they dating bc I said so)
Sokka says “i loved her, you know. And I will do this for our tribes, and even if I do learn to love whichever of them I’m to marry, I’m not sure I can ever stop loving her, and I want you to know that I did.”
And hes awkward about it, but Arnook hugs him, and says “She loved you so much, Sokka. And she would want you to be happy, as I’m sure you know.” Then he pulls back.
“I know we are technically two separate tribes, but I want you to know, I still consider you a son.” Sokka cries a little, and nods, happy that he has the blessing of the man who was supposed to be his father in law. Sokkas just happy that he can still have that, and smiles at Yue as she rises to look over the ball
Shes smiling cause she knows whats about to happen, and does indeed wish sokka to be happy as he can and will be
Hakoda and Bato come to wish Sokka good luck, bc Sokka and Katara and Aang already talked to them about how Katara and Aang intend to stay together, 
Hakoda mentions how proud he is and sokka has to wipe a few tears from his eyes
Iroh and Ursa know the same thing about Zuko and Azula and Mai and Ty Lee, and both wish Zuko luck as well
Iroh makes sure to say how proud he is, and that Zuko is an honorable man
zuko def isnt crying, nope, but he wipes his tears away and carries on 
So Azula and Katara are both planning on pushing Zuko and Sokka towards each other, but honestly there doesnt need to be any pushing
The ball attendees, excluding the royals of each Nation (and the Avatar), get to the ballroom, and the doors open for the royals (who are all announced by name), and of course everyone knows what the ball is for (security is quadrupled, from all the nations)
First comes Fire Lord Iroh, followed by Lady Ursa
Next comes in King Kuei
Next is Chief Arnook
Then Hakoda and Bato
Then Zuko and Azula
Then Aang
And lastly, Sokka and Katara
Zuko and Azula are standing by Iroh’s throne, and as the water tribe royals walk in, Sokka and Zuko make eye contact
And both are so smitten with each other
And at some point, it is asked that at least one of the young fire nation and water tribe royals dance together
And Zuko and Sokka look at each other and grasp each others hands and dance
its a slow waltz
And they just look so right together, the two princes
And they go out on the balcony and talk
Zuko says he wants to get to know sokka better, and sokka agrees
But is hesitant still, and asks zuko if he knows why the ball was happening
Zuko kinda shrugs, and says “there was an attack on the NWT, by firebenders loyal to my father, whos a huge asshole and im glad hes not on the throne. Uncle wanted to prove that hes not his brother, which leads to me having to marry, well, you.” 
Sokka nods. “So they didn't tell you.”
“Tell me what?” Zuko asked, confused
“The attack on the NWT. The mission was to kill the moon spirit.” Zuko gasped, quickly checking that the full moon was in the sky, which it was. He knew what it meant, what would have happened to the waterbenders.
“They didn’t succeed, though, clearly.” He says, trying for comforting. Sokka laughed, harshly, without humor.
“They did, actually. Zhao - former Commander, now Admiral of Ozai’s followers - he killed it. My fiance, Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe, had a little bit of life from the moon spirit in her. To save us all, she decided to, according to her father, give it back.”
Sokka looks over to Zuko, who’s horrified
“So they’re expecting you to marry me? That’s kinda fucked up, especially if you loved her as much as it sounds like you do.”
Sokka nods. “Look, Zuko, I like you. I can tell already, I do. But,” and here he looks up at the moon, at Yue, “I will never stop loving her.” Looks back to Zuko “She will always have a part of me, and I need you to understand that if we’re supposed to marry each other.”
Zuko nods, understanding entirely. “It wasnt fair, and I would never ask you to stop loving her. I also can tell that I like you too, Sokka, and I’m willing to follow your lead on this. You clearly did love her, and I completely understand that you will continue to. I’m not…” Zuko takes a deep breath.
“I’m not going to ask you to betray your customs, your family, or any past love. I don’t want you to stop loving her, especially not when you clearly love her so much. And I’m willing to wait as long as you need and/or want to.”
Zuko’s nearly out of breath and hes being so honest it hurts, and Sokka’s crying a little so Zuko freaks out and thinks he said the wrong thing but Sokka is quick to reassure him that he said and did everything right
And they go back inside, together, and everyone looks at them, clearly expecting some kind of announcement here
And Sokka steps up, no longer teary eyed (mostly) and says: “I, Prince Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, with blessings from both Water Tribes, ask for permission from the Fire Lord to court Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation.”
Hakoda, Bato, Arnook, Ursa, and Iroh are all by Iroh’s throne, and all of them step up. The guests had already parted the way. Katara and Azula are standing slightly to the side, but still nearby.  
“I, Fire Lord Iroh, give permission to Prince Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe to court Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, but only if Prince Zuko agrees to it.”
Both sokka and Zuko sigh in relief, smile, and nod at each other in agreement. Its Zuko’s turn to step up.
“I, Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, agree to be courted by Prince Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, with blessings from Fire Lord Iroh. I ask for permission from the Chiefs of both the Northern and Southern Water Tribes to court Prince Sokka.”
Hakoda and Arnook step up. Arnook speaks first. “I give my permission for Prince Sokka to be courted by Prince Zuko.” Hakoda is next. “I also give my permission for Prince Sokka to be courted by Prince Zuko, as long as Prince Sokka agrees to it.” 
Sokka smiles at Zuko, and they hold hands to show solidarity between nations. And maybe bc they wanted to
Their sisters and (partners of said sisters) come up to them, smiling
Katara and Aang hug sokka, saying theyre proud of him, but also still thanking him
Azula punches sokka and says to be good to her big brother or else
Sokka says yes ma’am
Katara threatens Zuko, who also responds with a yes ma’am
Azula and Katara shake hands, which scares the ever living fuck out of everyone except Toph who laughs
Shes here bc shes a fuckin beifong 
Aang trained with Pakku already (and katara of course) but has been looking for an earthbending teacher, and so convinces Toph to teach him bc bumi gave him the same advice here as in the show
Her parents aren’t entirely convinced, but Iroh offers to have the Beifongs stay (for business reasons, of course, winking at Aang and Toph), and that Toph will be safe here and can make new friends and future alliances between nations, which convinces them enough to agree to stay for a while
Sokka and Katara had to stay anyway of course, and Aang stays with Katara (and hey, wouldnt it be good if he could learn earth and firebending while at the palace), but everyone else went home
Shenanigans ensue
Zuko and sokka get closer as friends
And still really, really, really like each other
And of course theyre courting each other but soon they start like, dating dating
And fall in love
And live happily
Maybe Ozai tries to ruin their happiness but Toph punches him in his stupid face so its all good
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jackmfvegas777 · 3 years
Furry Species Stereotypes #1 - By Me
These are only my personal views of the furry fandom's species I know from my personal experiences with them,
and if not that, then general common assumptions or stereotypes.
Thus, this is not gospel truth for everyone!
If you disagree, please tell me why!
I'd love you guys' take.
I also tried to name as many species I could think about off the top of my head without looking them up, which took FOREEEEVER.
You can reply to this or anon ask me, or DM me with ones I've missed, even your personal own created species (even if no one knows them yet), I'll do them too in a reply to this!
Real existing species stereotypes down below, here!;
WOLVES ; Due to this being the most common persona, you are most likely someone who follows the crowd and likes things that are popular. You however are still a pretty solitary being, preferring a dark corner over a party's dance floor. You love honesty and loyalty and have those traits to a fault, never ever abandoning a friend or ally, in need or not. You may also like things like squishy toys and squeaky toys, fidget spinners, and any manner of play item. Also, basically, to sum it up; YA' BASIC. Sorry. 😆
FOXES ; Somewhat similar to ferrets, raccoons, & sometimes rats, you both scurry around quickly simultaneously physically, and in conversation, and you may "borrow" items from places seemingly like a kleptomaniac, but for sentimental items. Basically if you are friends with a fox fursona, your jacket and/or gloves, pins, pizza (LOL) and many other miscellaneous items may go missing "mysteriously" due to them collecting it as a habit. They almost never mean true harm, they just like keeping your stuff because it reminds them of you, which can be seen as creepy by some people. But it is also very endearing, if done with pure intentions. But you may want to tell the fox to stop taking your things and ask you first! LOL. You always seem to have a ridiculous amount of energy and for some reason, an insane amount of optimistic viewpoints, and positive happy personality. You also like your books, preferring to spend a night reading then playing video games. (Although you do enjoy those too.) You are pretty academic, but yet you can also do well in physical sports, if you're into that sort of thing. There are a few points in the wolf & dog category I would assign here too, most likely due to all three being canines, like liking the squeaky and squishy toys and other stem items, and being verrrry loyal if a bit solitary in nature.
CATS (BIG) ; ...Y'all are usually assholes! There! I said it! I'm sorry to say, but nine times out of 10, you guys seem to be huge dicks, and I'm... not sure why, exactly?? What attracts the enormous dickwad to the big cat's umbrella of wild cat species? Maybe, perhaps, it is the superior, regal, and majestic appearance of big cats,--perhaps relating to their usual narcissism in normal life? Okay, so, I'm exaggerating a little, I have met some big cats that are great and very good friends. But a lot of them I've seen have been downright rude, callous, cold, and distant, at best! And downright asswads at worse!! However it seems like as bad as they go when they're bad, they go really good when they're actually good. When they are cool people, they're actually surprisingly chill, especially when comparing to the other type of big cat. They tend to usually be D.J.s, dancers, comedians, performers or some sort of person in the entertainment field, in some way. Those type're usually hella nice to get along with, however their super friendly exterior disguises a very weird, eccentric and esoteric mind beneath. They also seem to ooze confidence outwardly, even if they aren't confident feeling on the inside. They are royal and regal, and usually relatively unfazed by anything that would hurt normal people pretty badly. These are usually the type of people who don't get into emotions very often, or if they do, they always still have a wall up between them and the other person. They're strong, but that's because they force themselves to be strong, and it makes for a very bad night if the big cat snaps and takes out their very strong, tiger-like roar of anger on others! Thus if you are a big cat, I suggest finding ways to manage your anger, and finding ways to relieve your stress, as I noticed people who are big cats in their fursona tend to be very stressed in real life for some reason. Again, I'm not sure why people who are, are attracted to that species specifically.
CATS (SMALL) ; You kitties are solitary like the big cats and wolves, however much more docile. There's two main types of cats that are house cats in fursona; There's the serious brooding figure that seems to be always alone yet peaking curiosity in everyone's eyes--the type that is stealthy, sneaky, and very cat-like--as in, realistic cat-like. You may sit strangely or have odd habits in voice or body, something that makes you stand out as different. There's also the second type of cat, which is basically an UWU XOXO anime girl that is ridiculously feminine, high pitched, and almost always is a neko type furry character instead of a full furry anthropomorphic character. Not that there's anything wrong with nekos, they're awesome too, it just seems to be a trend that any neko is usually a cat. You may like to actually smoke catnip! (Okay that was a joke LOL, but yes, it is possible, and yes it does get humans somewhat high, but most would not recommend it due to it being short & tasting bad! LMAO 😆) You also really like batting things around, or batting things off tables or counters--when you have a cup of tea beside you, the urge to knock your mug off the table is irresistible, even though your rational mind denies the notion from actually happening. You tend to like yarn snd thread, whether that means just playing with it or knitting or sewing etc. and making creations with it! You usually like fish a lot, mostly sushi is your favorite, and usually, you tend to be more based in Japanese culture.
DOGS ; See wolves, but add loyalty hella and way more people-oriented. you're somehow more basic than wolves 🤣
RABBITS ; As someone who has a rabbit as one of my main 3 fursonas, I have to admit I love rabbits. We are usually very social, unlike the animal we're based on, preferring to conversate and meet people. Although, like the rabbit, we may be shy to actually begin the conversation, or initiate plans on our own. We also scare easily, and most of us for some reason tend to have anxiety or panic disorders, not always, but quite often, and that can usually be why we relate to the characters of rabbits which go still & shake or attack fiercely with their hind legs if scared. There are some people with rabbit fursonas that are definitely fully shy, but a lot of them are actually quite more outgoing than you would think they are. And no, rabbits usually don't love carrots. (Including real rabbits, they eat mostly hay and carrots should only be a treat!) But for some reason one thing I noticed is that almost everybody's fursona in existence is. Just. Super sexual and flirty and just out there in every way. They can come across as perverted and strange to a lot of people due to this, once they reveal their true colours rather than their cutesy entrance, to those they know well.
DEER ; You guys are the innocent bunch, the kids that seemed to never know what was going on when it came to violence or sexual content in any media or situation. This innocence continues throughout your life. You're usually a 'deer in the headlights' and can get very confused easily and a lot, and also you can become quite shy and reclusive if you don't have friends to pull you out of it to shove you into social situations by force. You may not be 'the brightest bulb in the bunch', but you are definitely the friendliest, kindest, and most understanding one in it. Most people love being your friend because your support gives strength that can't be found elsewhere, due to the power and stability of your connection to people. You also may really like salad.
BEARS ; You guys are a bunch of big gentle giants. For some reason, most every person who plays a bear fursona seem to be gigantic in real life, either super tall, or super fat, or super muscular, or a combination or all of the above! Whatever it is, they're always big intimidating figures. Yet, despite this, they seem to be very sweet, mild-mannered and very loyal. They also seem to have a lazy streak, preferring to lay down and eat honey rather than do anything productive on time. Don't get me wrong, they'll do the task, but it'll just take until they feel like doing it. However when they have ambition, they have it and have it well, being able to rise to Big manager positions very easily. They tend to be very shy both in romantic situations and just in general. Despite their large presence, they're just a bunch of softies.
OPOSSUMS ; An opossum is one of my main fursonas, based on me. Plus I can tell you from experience that opossums are little shits. They will pester the shit out of you, text you non-stop, and talk your ears off if you let them. They're not trying to be annoying or clingy, but they're just that type of person that really clings to people and likes talking to people as long as possible when they like them. Like raccoons, rats, and other things on this list, they like hoarding treasure and they tend to be sneaky mischievous little beings, loving to pull pranks or make a joke to make someone laugh hard. The opossums are kind of the clowns of the furry species, always being the comedian of the group. We love soft blankets and we tend to sleep with our head under the covers completely like we were in our mother's pouch. Also a lot of us do what I call the 'human sofa', where we curl around someone's back as they sit, and become their backrest, to snuggle them.
WEASELS & FERRETS ; Same as opossum, but make them scary and super suspicious all the time. I mean seriously, these guys are "sus". Who knows what they're up to? But they tend to be great comedians, and can always crack a joke that's sly and sarcastic to make someone burst out laughing, even if it's just one person who does due to their obscure references to their many fandoms.
RACCOONS ; Same as opossums, weasels, and ferrets--except add that you love trash. Whether this means collecting empty boxes, like shoe boxes and electronic boxes, or collecting old newspapers, or straws, or broken glass, (who knows?!) or making new pretty things out of old withered things, all of it you adore! You enjoy the feeling of making the most out of nothing, and pulling something out of your ass to survive no matter what the situation. This tendency can lead to intense resourcefulness in every area of life.
SKUNKS ; They all tend to be really chill, mostly... because all of you are fucking weed smokers! I guess it comes with the territory since skunks have a skunky smell, but damn does your skunky smell smell skunkier than a skunk! 😆🤣 Okay, okay, now besides the usual stoner stereotypes, you skunks are pretty chill beings, usually preferring a night on the couch. Although when they do catch you adventuring, they'd catch you frolicking in nature, and catching tadpoles, or doing something odd in a river. You love forests, and also love the sounds of city, traffic, and cars passing by. Rain is one of your favourite times.
BADGERS ; Y'all are some bad motherfuckers, the type of person who could kick anyone's ass, any amount of people, and come out without a scratch. People like you are nearly indestructible, and also tend to be somewhat snappy and harsh to others, although usually unintentionally. You tend to love honey, and/or any kinds of sweet things, which tends to contrast with your spicy personality. You have a pain tolerance out of this world, and you also have mental pain tolerance as well, seeming to never get hurt or let down by others' actions. This is due to you never fully trusting, and always preparing somewhat for a let down.
TANUKIS (JAPANESE RACCOON DOGS) ; This is my main fursona, and like opossums, Japanese Raccoon Dogs / Tanukis are ridiculously loyal and strange, almost clown-like beings, and also like raccoons, they love finding old things and transforming them into new. They also tend to be very artistic and really like colours, usually having some form of synesthesia if not multiple, usually having to do with colour association. Also you usually have a very strong connection to Japan and it's culture, either being Japanese or just loving the culture itself, and tend to base a lot of your life around Japanese things. You may even be planning to move to Tokyo someday! Tanukis are notoriously mischievous, but in a friendly, jokey way, and they tend to never want to make people mad. Due to this, they are always very friendly and positive, as much as they can, even if they feel the opposite inside. These are also the types of people to be very esoteric, weird, and downright uncanny, which fits their Japanese theme as Japan does some weird shit too LOL. Also usually stoners. Also pretty flirty, but not overly.
COYOTES & OTHER MISC. CANINES ; As a less common version of dogs, you have some manner of uniqueness about you! You tend to be active, especially physically, and in sports, usually very likely to do hiking as well. You tend to be pretty chipper, although you can come across as sarcastic or biting when you're in a bad mood. When you're in a good mood, everyone can feel it, and your smile brightens up the space around you! People tend to be attracted to your demeanor, even if you don't mean to attract them, they still come, and this quality can lead you to some of your lifelong friends (and perhaps, enemies.).
SHARKS & OTHER AQUATICS ; You aquatic creatures tend to be the jocks of the group, however despite your jockiness, you actually have quite a brain on you; being able to figure out complex things like math problems that are way ahead of where you are, or learning to read very soon in your life, and maybe even being in spelling bees or talent shows later on! You tend to have a scientific mind, and definitely have at least one or two fish tanks, if not a whole room full. You can be a bit perverted, and even a little bit dominating in conversation, but for people who can get past that--you make a loyal, fun, and active friend.
SNAKES & OTHER REPTILES ; You all tend to seem shady no matter how stand-up you are, and the fact that you never go in the spotlight, always preferring to stay by the sidelines and observe and watch others closely. Occasionally, you may leave a small remark, and due to you barely talking, those things you do say echo only louder for those who hear. You tend to be reclusive and secluded, loving the silence of rainy days with no one bugging you, and your beautiful reptiles. You tend to be quite confident, and even heroic at your best, being kind and also empathetic and caring, and intelligent. At your worst, you can come off as cold, manipulative or even cruel at times. Snakes and reptiles are usually seen with dislike and/or fear by others, which can lead to a hardened heart in you that makes you trust less easily, fearing judgement in who you are.
AXOLOTLS & OTHER AMPHIBIANS ; You guys kiiinda tend to be the 'uwu i'm special!!1!' bunch, but rather than in an insensitive annoying way, in the way that you're genuinely childish and innocent and naive, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Like the aquatic axolotl, you stay young forever, (kind of like Peter Pan!) and you seemingly never lose your sense of humour, your playfulness, or your absolute randomness at times. You are someone who would fight to the death for a friend you just met, even though you are usually pacifistic. You have great traits when it comes to caring for others, and fully taking care of others--skills that would bode well for you becoming a nurse, doctor, psychiatrist or therapist. You tend to love water, and will go swimming the whole summer while it's warm enough! You also don't mind, even if it's cold, you'll jump in anyway.
MICE & OTHER RODENTS ; You guys tend to be even more cutesy and little than rabbits! A lot of you guys seem to be age aggressors due to mental illness, and thus choose a very small, innocent animal as their fursona. These people can also just be generally childlike, innocent and playful, albeit very shy. The other type of rodents are the creepy ass ones who give off a high & mighty vibe, being very confident, swaggering, and even mysterious at times. They're the cool kids you see in school, pretending to be some mysterious goth kid, but really they just learned the goth look a week ago.
GENERAL INSECTS/BUGS ; You tend to be very odd, weirding out the general public more than you do connect with them. You've always felt a strange disconnect between yourself and the world, feeling like you're not really there or like you could be more. You might have transformed from being a totally different person in your past, to being a radically different person now. You tend to rule change and dreams and mystic things, perhaps even being some sort of psychic. You tend to have an extremely open mind and a very welcoming, understanding personality, due to you even seeing the beauty in bugs, which so many find repulsive. This quality will follow you into life, which you must be careful of--don't start trusting everyone you meet. Due to you always seeing the best in everyone, you can get taken advantage of easily.
And now fictional/mythical/extinct/hybrids down here;
DUTCH ANGEL DRAGONS ; Y'all give off a very confident vibe to me, although it's hidden under an exterior of pretend anxiety or hesitancy, which you really don't feel. You're one of those preppy kids who tends to dress girly regardless of gender, can't handle coffee but loves their jasmine tea, likes their succulents planted in their house in cute little DIY decorated plant vases, and wears pastels of colour. You tend to be a bright, vibrant person who sees the best in things, and you can be a little naive due to your extreme and blind happiness that radiates purely from you.
GENERAL DRAGONS ; You tend to intimidate others easily, but this is not something you mean to do whatsoever. In fact, you usually try your best to make friends although you usually scare them off, whether due to being unintentionally too clingy, or just being too awkward in conversation. You tend to have anxiety or different worries about things, but you try and overtake these things with a massive upbeat attitude. Although sometimes, this attitude does falter, and you can become somewhat pessimistic without reminder. Also, like raccoons, ferrets and other similar animals, you love to hoard treasure and things you love, everything from gemstones, to rocks, to bottle caps, to pieces of broken glass--it doesn't matter what it is, if it's collectible, you will collect it.
PROTOGENS/PRIMAGENS ; You guys tend to lean heavily into the Japanese aesthetic, or at least into the vapourwave aesthetic. Perhaps even steampunk! Whatever it is, you follow it heavily. You also tend to be a tech nerd. You can help anyone with any computer problem almost effortlessly, and you even have knowledge of technologies in the recent past such as devices like record players, VHS tapes, etc. that most younger people wouldn't know about (if you are young, or if you're old, you know from experience.). You could even be a hacker of some sort if you wanted to, considering your huge skill with computers. Personality-wise you tend to be very cutesy, excitable and both very very innocent, and yet somehow perverted, at the same time. You most likely speak more than one language. I'm not sure why, but it seems like every protogen or primagen I've met speaks multiple languages, two at least, if not more.
SERGALS ; Very similar to sharks, with some qualities of reptiles. You guys also have the Leo zodiac-like personality type of loving to be loved; being in the spotlight is your favourite thing, no matter what it's for! Due to this, some Sergals will tire of reaching for difficult positive attention, and will start to even accept negative attention as attention they want, then will try and act like a troll on purpose to fuck with people, only to get a reaction. Other times they're just chill and generally relaxed people, although if you threaten their family they become very hostile and very unstable emotionally, quickly.
CRUX ; Due to the history of the species being about being experimented on, and abused, and combined, etc. etc., people who play cruxes tend to be pretty edgy "look at how dark I am!!" people. However not always--sometimes, weirdly, very girly, upbeat & happy people will roleplay cruxes. So it's kind of unsure what you'll get when you interact with one. It's pretty much a 50/50 chance on whether they're upbeat & happy, or dark & brooding. Whatever the case, they tend to be usually neurodivergent, since cruxes are mentally ill if you think about it basically, a lot of people have latched on to them as their comfort species for being mentally ill. Like dogs, you love squeaky toys and also you love piercings, and tattoos, and any body modification you can achieve!
PHOENIXES ; Similar 'emo' type to cruxes--people generally choose phoenixes due to their history of being unbreakable when it comes to physical harm. Due to this, a lot of emo people latched on to them. However there are also regular people who play phoenixes, and they tend to be very regal--if a bit intimidating, and are very ambitious & strong-minded people. They have a fieryness that blazes through to show their phoenix-y nature bubbling underneath the surface.
GRYPHONS ; For some reason, you tend to be very aggressive and domineering individuals--think Bakugo Katsuki from My Hero Academia, the anime. Sometimes you can come off as a huge asshole, but you're really well meaning on the inside, and you try to do your best by everyone--you just seem intimidating and aggressive due to resting bitch face and voice, LOL.
DINOSAURS ; You are an excitable individual, whether that means being angry easily, or hyper easily. You tend to be younger in age, or at least younger in mind, having an innocent heart and somewhat ferocious ambitions. You are strong and untamable when it comes to authority figures bossing you around. Most of the time there's no changing your mind if it's set, and you can be very stubborn, pushy, and audacious at your worst, and at your best; proud, confident, encouraging and passionate!
SKULLDOGS & OTHER SKULLIES ; Similar to phoenixes and cruxes, they tend to attract emo, goth, punk, or scene people, however rarely a bubbly girly person will roleplay one, and usually do it with pastel colours instead of dark. They tend to be somewhat reclusive, but yet enjoy people's company when forced to interact. They are people who don't really give a shit much in most circumstances, but when something gets them stirred up, it gets them up and going quickly. They can be somewhat cold and harsh to those who don't know them well, who know that it's all a façade of intimidation, to drive you away from getting closer to them.
FOLVES & OTHER HYBRIDS ; Similar to foxes, you're an excitable hyper furball that will jump around the room, and meet as many friends, and talk to as many people as you can! You guys seem to have none of the reclusive types of personality traits that foxes usually have, and instead seem to be very pack-bonded people! You love finding lucky things, like a clock or license plate that has triple numbers, or picking up a lucky penny off the street. The little things in life make you very happy.
So what do you think?
Did I get your species correct?
If so, or if not, tell me why in the replies! I will read 'em all.
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
Hey everyone! So we came up with the idea of making a story where you all get to decide what happens. Depending on how well this goes we may do more stories this way. Click the link below for the rules.
We hope you like it!
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What Would You Do?
You knew when you fell in love you’d fall hard. You have always been that person, with a heart too soft, and skin too thin. You were the type of hopeless romantic that books loved to showcase. You wanted perfection in a relationship and a partner and honestly for a while you didn’t believe that you would find it. 
But somehow you did.
You found it in him. Erik Stevens. This was the man that stole your heart and he was very selfish with it. He was very sweet to you, even when he was kind of an asshole to everyone else, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it.
Erik was good to you. He was a loyal man that loved to take care of you and he made it very obvious that he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life. The amount of times he talked about your future together made that very obvious. 
He was undeniably intelligent, he had a plan for his life and he was out to get it and he wanted you to be down for the ride. 
“My rider baby. Together forever.” He’d always sing to you on those late night car rides. You’d smile, heat creeping into your cheeks as he pressed his lips into the back of your hand. 
Erik took care of you mentally and physically. There were days when all he wanted was to eat you out until you melted in his grip. He struggled to keep his hands off of you. PDA was something you had to adjust to being with him. And he made sure that adjustment period was all practice. 
So it boggled your mind when he disappeared for three months effectively breaking your heart. You cried for days, weeks. You loved him and he left you with a fucking fairy tale of a note. “Explaining” where he was supposedly going. Wakanda. Talking about being a long lost prince that was going to demand his rightful place next to his royal cousins. 
He mentioned that he wanted to kill them at first, but when he fell in love with you, he knew that he had to find another way to help his people. You call bullshit. Nevermind the fact that he’s been lying to you the entire time. He really thought he’d be able to explain away his sudden absence and everything would be perfectly fine between you two! As if you didn’t deserve to know any of this before he left you. 
You didn’t believe a thing the note said until you awoke one night. Fear crept up your spine the second you realized you were not alone in your bed. You noticed Erik sitting in bed next to you, a smile on his face as he watched you awake slowly. The same smile that used to make your heart skip a beat.
You go to rub your face when a glint catches your eyes and you see the engagement ring of your dreams placed delicately on your ring finger. 
A big smile spread across his face. He stared at you with admiration and longing. As if he wasn’t the one who left you to pick up the pieces of your tattered heart.
“You like it?” He asked with hopeful eyes. 
You couldn’t figure out how to respond. 
Do you….
1. Choke the fuck out of your ex boyfriend, fiancé, dumbass?
2. Ask to see his “crown” 
3. Throw the ring in his face
4. Other...
@aislinnsilver @wawakanda-btch @marvelmaree @chaneajoyyy
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bohemian-napsodyy · 5 years
I know you Gon come thru on that midterm....PERIODT. My request is Ahk where he is just chilling with his queen (I don't know if you feel comfortable with this but also a child they had before they died).
ahhh thank you!!
And for your request, yes of course! I gave this a little twist, I hope you don’t mind :))
also tw for mentions of death, just puttin that out there
and also Ahk is like in his early 20s here – I remember reading somewhere that Ahk was supposed to be only 17 in the films and uhhh,,, lets make him a bit older ok
I got so invested in this, I’m so sorry it’s basically a fic in itself
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you didn’t think it was possible to feel so much joy.
Ahk’s coronation was tomorrow, and all the preparations had already been done, so you spent the remainder of the day out in the courtyard
currently you were watching Ahk play a game of tag with your son
you’d smile each time Ahk tagged him, playfully grabbing him by the waist and spinning him in a little circle before running off
“Come join us, Y/N! You’re missing the fun!”
you shake your head at first, but then your son comes running up to you and starts jumping up and down, tugging on your edge of your robes emphatically
“please, Mum! It’s fun!!”
you see the matching :D !!! faces your husband and your son are wearing, and you cave
the three of you are running around, your son shrieking out of joy occasionally
you tag him gently before running off, and you look over your shoulder to find Ahk had lifted him onto his shoulders
“You better run fast, Y/N, we’re coming after you!”
you laugh, running faster as Ahk and your son are gaining on you in a fit of giggles
and then you crash into something
no wait
uh oh
multiple someones
it’s the royal guards, and they don’t look happy.
in fact, they kinda look like they’re ready to murder you
“Y/N, RUN!”
your brain just manages to connect uh oh + bad + death just in time for you to whip around on your heel and sprint the other way
Ahk grabs your hand as the three of you run, your son still on his shoulders
“Thought you could get far, brother?”
it’s Kahmunrah
that fucker
you’re surrounded on all sides by royal guards you thought were loyal to Ahk, as well as Kahmunrah and some of his evil friends
“I hate to do this, but I’m afraid Father simply can’t give you the crown. It belongs to me.”
Your stomach drops a thousand feet as Ahk stares down his brother defiantly with a blazing glare
“Go ahead. Kill me then if that’s what you’re after.”
You surge towards Ahk’s asshole brother, ready to murder him with your bare hands, but you’re immediately held back and forced to the ground
“Oh no. I’m going to do much worse.”
You try to fight the guards, but there’s too many of them, and they’re all too strong
you hear Ahk scream your son’s name, and your blood freezes
you manage to elbow a guard in the balls and buy yourself enough time to look over, only to find Ahk hunched over your son, who’s now lying motionless on the ground
he can’t be-
he wasn’t-
your mind reels, you’re still in shock from everything that just happened that you barely catch Kahmunrah’s annoyingly scratchy cackle
“The only way to get to the throne is to wipe out the bloodline preceeding you. One by one.”
You didn’t even manage so much as a glance towards your husband before everything went black.
time seemed to have stopped.
there was nothing but darkness.
and then, somewhere, a voice.
“Are you sure that’s her?”
“Yes. That’s her name on the side right there, Larry. I know in my heart it’s her.”
“…god I can’t believe we’re stealing a mummy from the British Museum. If we get caught, this is all your fault, Ahk.”
wait… Ahk?
your Ahkmenrah???????
you hear the sound of stone scraping against stone, and suddenly the light returns. 
someone removes the bandages covering your face, and you sit up in alarm, the memories of what happened yesterday haunting you
except when you look around… you’re…
well to be honest you’re not sure where you are
but it sure as heck ain’t Egypt
Your gaze lands on none other than your husband, and you almost trip over your own sarcophagus as you lunge to embrace him
hold on what
your sarcophagus
what the hell was going on????
“Ahk… what happened?”
he tells you everything. How he had to watch you die, how Kahmunrah tortured him for hours only to make his death seem as if it were an accident
“Poisoned by a scorpion while I was out for a walk, I think that’s what my parents wrote on my tomb,” Ahk mumbles with a frown
he tells you all about the tablet too
“What about our son?”
you see that old familiar glint of mischief fill Ahk’s eyes, only to hear a laugh coming from down the hall of the museum
sure enough, your son comes sprinting over, arms outstretched and ready for a hug 
you notice he’s accompanied by a man on a very large camel
no, that wasn’t a camel
okay where were you???
after a tearful reunion filled with hugs from Ahk and your son and a few other strange faces you’d never seen before, you ask the question that had been looping over and over in your mind
W hE R e   W e RE   yOU????
Ahk and camel-rider-man, whose named turned out to be Teddy, take turns explaining the whole concept of museums
Teddy tells you all about the Egypt craze from the 1920s, and how you were found then, and then brought here to just kinda... be on display
and then it hits you
you weren’t just dead for a few days
you’ve been dead for thousands of years.
You go a little weak in the knees, but Ahk grabs your shoulders firmly to steady you
“It’s alright. So long as we have the tablet, nothing can hurt us now.”
“Not even your brother?” 
Larry, the guy in the dark suit, is the one to step forward, a sheepish look on his face
“He, uh, tried to come back a few years ago… but he’s gone for good Y/N. No need to worry anymore.”
You can’t hold back the sob of relief that escapes you, and Ahk wraps his arms around you, swinging you in a small circle
You hear your son let out a squeal of glee as Ahk laughs with you, and you can’t keep the smile off your face
“Welcome home, love.” Ahk whispers, planting a small kiss on your lips. “I’ve missed you so, so much.”
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frankenfic · 4 years
prompt #4
fandom(s): avatar: the last airbender and boku no hero academia
main character: todoroki shōto, and sorta zuko
other characters: all atla characters except zuko (it'll be explained), and also i'm combining zuko and todoroki's moms into one super mom.
setting: atla universe, with some changes to "zuko's" backstory.
basically i love zuko and todoroki and while i was watching bnha amvs i was thinking about them when i got the sudden thought—what if we replaced zuko in the atla universe with todoroki, and kept todoroki's waterbending ice ability??!?!?
basically, i imagined todoroki as zuko wandering the earth kingdom or whatever while pretending to just be an ordinary waterbender.
like, maybe zuko/todoroki's mom secretly had some waterbending ancestry and by some miracle (curse) zukoroki ended up with both firebending and waterbending.
like, he's still got the same thing where he grew to resent his father for what he did to him and his mother and refuses to use his left side firebend bc he doesn't want to be like his father and shit. except now with the bonus of banishment?
the hard part is figuring out which parts of either of the backstories to keep. for example: who gave him the scar? his mother? or his father?
idea: they both did. now, bear with me here—what i'm thinking, is maybe we keep the incident with todoroki's mom burning him with boiling water from a teapot (maybe iroh's there, idk—or, maybe that's why he always gets so angry when uncle tries to offer him tea, bc everytime he sees it or smells it it triggers his fucking ptsd of the person he trusted most in the world betraying him and causing him unimaginable pain, but like no one knows that bc it was kept so hush-hush that only zuko, ozai, super-mom, and maybe azula know) bc he reminds her of his father—
oh my god sorry for the intermission but what if she burned azula instead bc she's so much more like ozai and then ozai burned zuko bc he's too much like his mother and then we just have both of the royal fire children with burned and scarred faces, one with a burn from boiling hot water and the other from a searing roaring flame and just...both each have burns from one of their parents oh my gOD the ANGST
—and for a couple of years he goes around the palace with this horrible burn and people always stare bc like...that's the crown prince and shit. and idk ozai's probably not happy with it, but the point is:
when it comes to the agni kai, ozai decides to be extra cruel and burns zukoroki in the same spot his super-mum did, except harder and hotter so the burn is ever larger and more painful, so much so that it even reaches his ear and he can no longer open his eye all the way and his eyesight is probably damaged and maybe his hearing as well and—
and then he gets banished and he decides, you know what. fuck it.
his mom's gone, ozai's an asshole, his face burns, he can't see or hear right, and ozai still never found out he could waterbend. so.
todozuko is done with the fire nation. he's had fucking enough. he's decided he doesn't wanna go back, and no uncle i'm never changing my mind.
what would happen if i found the avatar? well i'd help him if if meant defeating my father—and go ahead, tell everyone how much of a traitor i am, i don't care. i'm already banished anyway.
you...what? you're—proud of me?? uncle, what—
and so zhōto and iroh end up traveling together (and maybe the crew, too? idk) zhōto eventually works up the courage to tell iroh about his waterbending and at first he's really terrified about uncle's reaction but
uncle looks at him like he's a fucking miracle or something, he looks at him with wonder and amazement and—
come, zhouto!!!! where are we going???? to get waterbending scrolls, of course!!!!! pick your jaw off the ground, there's no time to waste!!!! think about everything you're going to learn, everything you should've been taught years ago!!!! you're going to be a master waterbender, i just know it!!!!!!
and bc they never ditched the ship or told the fire nation of their treachery (for conviences sake) it's surprisingly easy for them to obtain waterbending scrolls—
—and also the only person who knew about his waterbending before iroh was his mother who he accidentally bent in front of and who, immediately realizing her own "tainted" bloodline was the cause, swore zhouto to secrecy and made him promise to never use it—
—and so zhōto and iroh secretly practice waterbending below deck in their rooms, and they keep practicing with it until they feel they're "ready," and then—with the help of their now loyal-to-the-death-crew (they at some point came to the unanimous decision that zhōto is way better than ozai, and he's surprisingly not a spoilered brat—bc unlike original-zuko he already despises his father and consciously makes an effort to be different) who go along with some made up lie that zhōto and iroh both died—
maybe zhōto fell in artic water during a storm and iroh jumped in to save him against the captain's warnings and refused to return to safety until he found zhōto, but before he could a wave cracked zhōto's head against the boat and he went under and iroh dived and dived and dived into colder and colder water until he was so so cold and he couldn't hold his breath any longer but the surface was too far away and he was too tired from the cold in his bones to swim and with his body empty of its last bit of air he just—
and so with a cover in place, zhōto and iroh said a tearful goodbye to their deathly loyal crew and then set off to live their new lives.
then skip foward a few years and they run into the fucking avatar and friends and wait shit is that—
—not long into his banishment, just after zhōto confessed to iroh about his waterbending, they set sail for the southern water tribe, figuring that it would be a good start for their search for waterbending scrolls, since the north would be too much of a risk and they figure: there's no waterbenders in the southern tribe anyway not after what we did to them so it's not like they need the scrolls...besides, we were gunna give them back as soon as we're done with them so if any waterbender babies end up being born we'll have returned the scrolls before they're even old enough to need them—
—but alas, when they make port they are told by a very angry boy about zhōto's age—
(i'm aging him down a year or two bc shōta was only like 14 in bnha while zuko was 16 i think in atla, about one year older than sokka—so he's about 11-12 when this happens, and katara and sokka are 11 and 12 respectively)
—that the fire nation burned any scrolls they had, when they killed his mother—
—and so, to the great surprise of all the villagers present, and all who hear about it after, they leave immediately without harming or threatening anyone, without even searching any of the (huts? igloos?) for potentially hidden scrolls. they just...leave.
and the scarred one—the one with the golden trim on his collar who the other men defer to as if he's in charge—
—which is ridiculous, he's so tiny, he can't be much older than sokka, how could he be their leader, shouldn't it be that old guy—
—actually thanks sokka for his assistance before apologizing for taking up his time, and then leaves. what the fuck—
—then cut to three years later and now that boy (sokka of the southern water tribe, son of the chief, he had introduced himself as) and his sister (katara of the southern water tribe, daughter of the chief) were apparently traveling with the AVATAR. and that girl, katara? she's a waterbender. a fucking waterbender.
what the fu—
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wanheda0313 · 4 years
This is the Anne Boleyn rant. Excuse the formatting. The assignment was about seeing if a historical figure was a hero or a villain and it needed to be done in first person. I hope you learn something from this
Divorced, Beheaded, and Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. He’s Henry the VIII, he had six badass wives and I say he ruined Anne’s life. Her name is Anne Boleyn and despite what the history books say about her. She am not a villain. 
The history books paint her as a villain. As someone who seduced Henry to get to the throne and then slept with 5 men, including her own brother. To understand her story and how historians are wrong, we need to go to the beginning of her life. 
Anne Boleyn was born on the 5th of May 1507 at Hever Castle (Or May 1501 at Kent castle. We don’t actually know when she was born due to a lack of records being taken from before 1538). Her parents were Thomas Boleyn, who was the first Earl of Wiltshire, and Elizabeth Howard, Catherine Howard’s aunt, which made Anne and Henry’s 5th wife, first cousins. Guess losing your head runs in the family. She had two surviving siblings. Mary Boleyn and George Boleyn. 
She was sent to Margaret of Austria, who was a noble lady who ran a school for the children of royals, wealthy and influential nobles in 1513 when she was 6. Her father believed in all his children getting the best education he could get for them which led Mary and Anne both getting a similar education of what George received. It was described as a centre of high culture for the youth of the nobility. She was assigned a Tudor tutor to help improve my French since that’s usually helpful when you’re in a French-speaking country, but she also learnt many other skills such as mathematics, dance and music. Because of this education, she was offered a place in the French Court where she joined her sister, Mary.
She was a maid of honour under Mary Tudor, my *sarcastic voice* lovely husband’s sister until she left the French court to marry a lord. Henry was furious and instead of Mary, Anne and Mary served Queen Claude of France. She was surrounded by art and culture at the French Court something when Anne became Queen Consort, she brought to the dreary English court. Anne, from 1514 to 1521 was spent severing Queen Claude of France until she was summoned back to England to marry an English noble - James Butler. This was a political marriage to settle a dispute over land and the title of Earl of Ormond which James’ family wanted. But both families couldn’t agree upon terms of what both families would get so the marriage fizzled out. Another reason for Anne returning back to England was the diminishing alliance between England and France
Anne soon became apart of the court of the royal family in 1522. She became one of Catherine of Aragon’s maids of honour just like her sister, Mary. I know the Tudor times weren’t very creative with their names. Her job as a Maid of Honour was that I helped her get ready in the morning and helped her throughout the day with small tasks. The usual. During this time, Mary Boleyn, was a mistress of Henry. 
When Anne arrived at court she was with another guy, Henry Percy but his dad the Earl of Northumberland refused to support the relationship (And fun fact would actually be involved in the down fall of Jane Gray). So during the autumn of 1526, Henry noticed Anne and decided that he would pursue me as his next mistress and stopped seeing her sister, Mary. 
He sent his first letter that year... He sent 17 letters over the course of 7 years from when he first courted Anne to when they got married that survive to this day. The surviving letters are kept in the Vatican archives. In one of these letters, he asked me to be his official mistress to which Anne said yes. Soon his lust turns into love and he finally decided to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne.
He wrote to Pope Clement VII to annul the marriage on the basis that in Leviticus it states “If a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an impurity. He hath uncovered his brother’s nakedness; they shall be without sons (25:5)” As Catherine was married to Henry’s brother, Arthur before he died. Then 7 years later married Henry VIII. Henry wouldn’t be able to have heirs due to his marriage to Aragon, thus endangering line of succession and the future of England. He so far he didn’t have any male heirs. 
Obviously, if you know history, then you know how this turns out. The pope rejected Henry’s claim for annulment. This lead to Cardinal Wosley getting kicked out since he wouldn’t annul the marriage between Catherine and Henry and a new cardinal was chosen. And the rise of Protestantism in England as England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in order for Henry to divorce Catherine and Marry me. 
On the 25th of January 1533, Anne married King Henry in a secret ceremony as Henry was still married to Catherine of Aragon. It was small and had the most trusted members of our councils. It was a long time waiting. 7 years it took from us meeting for the first time when to then when they became husband and wife.  
 Three months later on the 30th March 1533, Catherine of Aragon was made Dowager Duchess of Wales and her daughter Mary was kicked out of the line of succession and no longer called Princess Mary. She was now called Lady Mary. Aragon’s status as queen removed. 
Two months later the 23rd of May, Henry and Catherine’s marriage was annulled by the newly appointed Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer and Henry’s marriage to Anne was declared valid. Then Henry and Thomas were excommunicated by the pope. 
At the end of the month, Anne was coronated at Westminster Abbey as Queen Consort of England which is just a fancy way of saying though she was queen, she has no real power. There was a four-day celebration to celebrate me becoming queen. During this time, Anne was pregnant with Henry’s heir.  
And on the 7th of September, Anne had a beautiful baby girl. She named her Elizabeth in honour of Anne and Henry’s mother. Elizabeth Howard and Elizabeth of York. Anne was thrilled at the birth of a healthy baby but Henry hoped Anne would provide him with the son he so desperately wanted. 
Anne would never give him son. This caused arguments within the marriage. As well qualities that Anne had which were desired in a mistress were things that were not desired in a wife. My intelligence, my affinity for politics and my forward nature were deemed useless when Anne married Henry. To be replaced by total devotion, subservience and to be seen but never heard.  
Soon, the public started to blame Anne for the tyranny that her husband’s government was starting to implement. She was seen as the person who was to blame for leading Henry down a path of sin as if Henry or any of his advisors would listen to anything she’d have to say about how to run the country. 
She wasn’t a very popular queen among the people who were loyal to Catherine and their catholic faith. And this is solidified by the fact when on the 8th of January 1536 when Anne and Henry we’re told that Catherine of Aragon died they wore yellow to her funeral. (sing along if you know the words…. CATHERINE WAS A MASSIVE-). The two did wear yellow to Catherine’s funeral but it was simply due to the fact that yellow was a traditional mourning colour for Spain, the country where Catherine grew up, not to celebrate that she was dead.
Around this time, Anne became pregnant again. She knew this time that it had to be a son but around this time Henry was knocked unconscious, Anne must’ve been worried that she sadly miscarriage a boy. She had a rapid amount of pregnancies but then miscarriages. Most historians say that Anne had two stillborn children after Elizabeth died. One of them being a son. 
After Henry’s fall, he started seeing one of Anne’s maids of honour, Jane Seymour just as he had done with Anne. Jane became his mistress. Henry declared that Anne seduced him into the marriage as if he didn’t spend 7 years trying to court Anne but whatever. Go off, I guess.
On May the 2nd 1536, I was arrested and taken to the Tower of London to await my fate. In my last letter that Anne wrote, she wrote of my innocence of my charges to Henry and pleaded with him to spare me. Anne was 28 years old. 
In history, she’s considered a villain for apparently sleeping with 5 different men, including her brother George Boleyn. Though there is little proof of this that is actually credible. And for seducing Henry into marrying me which then caused breaking England away from the Roman Catholic Church and creating a huge religious reform that had a history-changing impact and launched Protestantism into the mainstream. And created the Church of England for which Henry was the head of that’s true. 
The only confession provided was by Mark Smeaton, a very talented musician, though it took him being tortured on the rack to say that he was Anne’s lover and slept with her at Greenwich 13th May 1535 (Yeet my birthday) even though at that date Anne was at Richmond Palace (Yes the same Palace which Anna of Cleves was given) which is over 4 hours away. Very credible indeed. 
All the accusations didn’t add up to what actually happened. Apparently Anne was sleeping with Henry Norris, a courtier at Westminster when she  was recovering after Elizabeth’s birth with several eye witness’ and doctors saying she did not leaving my room. But other than those two pieces ‘evidence’ nothing was there. Anne never slept with my brother. 
Regardless of the evidence, 4 of the men Anne  was accused of sleeping were found guilty of adultery and treason as they were also accused of conspiring with Anne to kill Henry. Again there wasn’t any proof for these charges. Sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered by a jury of 27 peers all unanimously saying guilty. 
On the 15th of May 1536, Anne and her brother George stood trial, accused of incest, adultery and high treason. Her uncle Edmund Howard (Katherine’s asshole of a father) and her own father, Thomas Boleyn were apart of the 27 jurors who sentenced Anne to death by saying she was guilty on all counts. George and Anne were sentenced to be executed by beheading. 
Anne was beheaded on the morning of Friday the 19th of May 1536. She was reported to have worn a red petticoat under a loose, dark grey gown. In one last act of kindness, a french swordsman was my executor. He cut off Anne’s head in one slice. It was said that Anne joked with him saying since her head is so small, it will be easy to chop her head off. Elizabeth, would’ve two years old when someone told her Anne was never coming back home. 
Henry announced his betrothal to Jane Seymour that day as well. Not even bothering to come and see Anne die
Just as the historian, yes in the afterlife we can still see what’s going on (And six the musical you're doing great sweetie minus how you portray me. I'm disappointed) Paul Gallico said, ‘You learn eventually that while there are no villains, there are no heroes either. And until you make the final discovery that there are only human beings, who are therefore all the more fascinating, you are liable to miss something.’
Anne was never a villain in history but she was no hero either. She was a simple human being who tried her best with a king hellbent on getting a male heir. And she paid the price for failing to do that with her life.
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maryliz2121 · 4 years
Voltron Royalty/Assassin Klance AU
So this idea has been bouncing around in my head for days and I needed to post it. I can’t write for shit so it’s gonna be in a kinda descriptive narrative format thing. What if Lance was a prince and Keith was an assassin sent to kill him during his coronation????
Keith is sent to assassinate Prince Lance during his coronation by Lotor. Lotor wants Lance to be killed because Altea is Daibazaals biggest obstacle in their attempts to conquer the south. Keith has been Lotor’s slave/assassin for years, since the death of his father, and he absolutely hates it. However, he can’t escape because Lotor always hunts him down (it has happened before and it did not end pretty for Keith). To make things worse, Acxa is Keith’s sister and is loyal to Lotor and will not leave him. So, Keith is basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. 
Now, for this mission, Keith gets to leave Daibazaal and go to Altea (whoopdiedoo). He takes the identity of Yorak, the actual bodyguard on his way to guard Lance, and makes his way towards the palace. Upon entering, this child gets whiplash because of how different this palace is from Lotor’s. The difference is night and day. Lotor’s palace is silent due to everyone being terrified of their slightly insane and murderous ruler. In this castle, however, there is constant activity and the palace is full of people. Just making his across the courtyard, Keith is almost trampled by people running around and doing their duties. 
At the gate, he identifies himself to the guards and Shiro, the captain of the guard, takes Keith to the throne room. Shiro is so friendly and outgoing when compared to the guards at Daibazaal poor Keith has no idea how to respond. He has been treated as Lotor’s pet for so long he is taken aback when treated like an actual human being. Walking into the throne room, he sees a young man with the most stunning blue eyes sitting on the throne and Keith is speechless. Shiro introduces him as Prince Lance of Altea and Keith is shook af because nobody told him the soon to be king was this hot. 
From day one, Lance treats Keith as an equal and Keith, bless his heart, barely knows how to act. As the weeks go by, Keith slowly opens up to Lance and lets loose around him. The first time Lance sees Keith laugh, he trips over his own feet and almost topples down a flight of stairs. They grow closer and go on walks through the garden together each pining their heart out while the other remains oblivious.
Pidge, the royal scribe, and Hunk, the head chef, have a bet going with the rest of the staff about when one will break and confess to the other. Shiro gave them a six months while Pidge said they will break in three. Hunk, bless his optimistic little heart, gave them a month before they confess. In the end, Coran, the royal advisor, won the bet because he said they would snap in two weeks (how he had the details down to the time of day no one knew). 
A week before Lance’s coronation, Lance and Keith go to the roof to stargaze. Keith tells Lance stories about the constellations that were told to him by his father as a child. Lance is so hopelessly in love with the Keith and he can’t hold back a dopey grin as he watches him animatedly talk about the stars. keith turns to Lance and is struck by the expression on his face. They lean forward and FINALLY kiss. They boys confess and are even more inseparable than ever. However, Keith’s mission is still ongoing and he didn’t know what to do. 
Keith already resolved that he would not kill Lance but he knows that even if he doesn’t, others have been sent to kill him and finish the job on the off-chance that he fails. So, he resolved to tell Lance about what he has been sent to do the day before the coronation. But Keith’s luck turned to shit the day his mother left him as a baby and the real Yorak’s body is found by the Altean guard near the Daibazaal border.
He is taken to the dungeon on his way to Lance’s chambers and the whole time he is begging a stony faced Shiro to hear him out. Lance is devastated by the news and even more so by the fact that he thought Keith played him this whole time. In his jail cell, Keith tells the guards that Lance is going to be targeted at his coronation and begs them to let him talk to Lance face to face one time but they ignore him. Luckily for Keith, his interrogation has been pushed back until after the coronation. Unluckily for him, Lance, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge are all so busy with preparations that they don’t visit him. 
The day of the coronation comes and Keith is desperate to get out and prevent Lance from being killed. Coran, bless his gorgeous mustache, had ears in many places and knew that imprisoning Keith did not get Lance out of danger. He went down to the dungeons an hour before the coronation and has a chat with Keith. Unbeknownst to the guards, he dropped off Keith’s blade and a lock pick, telling him to keep Lance safe. 
James, Keith’s guard at that time, was an asshole and entered his cell to rough him up a bit. However, Keith had a weapon and a plan and he knocked James out with the pommel of his blade and took the key. The coronation was well under way at this point and Keith was booking it to the throne room and knocking out guards as fast as he could. 
Busting into the throne room, he barely noticed everyone’s gasps at his banged up appearance as he saw glint of metal in the rafters. He sprinted towards Lance (where the fuck are the guards rn lol) and threw himself over him right as an arrow was fired towards Lance’s heart. The guards (finally) led by Shiro swarmed toward the two of them but stopped dead as they saw the arrow embedded in Keith’s back. Shiro barked orders for his guards to search the rafters for whoever fired the arrow. Lance himself was in tears as Keith bled out in his arms. 
Lance sobbed and asked, “Why?” Keith lifted a hand to brush Lance’s tears gave him a wan smile before choking out, “I was sent here to kill you but I fell in love with you instead” Keith had so much to say but his consciousness was waning and his last thought before going limp in Lance’s arms was, You are the sun, and I could not deprive the world of your warmth.
So I would be a bit of a bitch if I ended it like this so here’s an alternate happy ending below!!!
After passing out in Lance’s arms, Keith was taken to the infirmary and treated for his wounds. He had broken ribs, a concussion, and had a lot of cuts from fighting his way to Lance so the fact that he made it to the throne room was a miracle in itself. The arrow to the back was the straw to break the camels back and the royal physicians didn’t think he would make it. It was touch and go for a bit but eventually Keith was stabilized.
When he woke up, the first thing Lance did was punch him and tell him that if he ever scared Lance like that again, Lance would kill him. The boys had a sit-down and Keith explained the whole situation to Lance. At this point, nobody could really doubt his loyalty to the newly Crowned king so he was off the hook. Klance lived happily ever after!!!
I suck at endings. Could you tell lol? If someone ever happened to make this into an actual fanfic l I would cry tears of joy! Please drop any works (art or writing) in the response (or message them to me) because I would love to see them!!! Thanks for reading <3
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slow-smiles · 4 years
The plan to tell Emma’s parents about her relationship with Killian gets derailed when she is kidnapped by the Dark One. Captain Duckling. Revelations, reunions, adventures, and smut ensues. ~8.7k
The grand finale to the My Princess, My Pirate series. This is part two of four. Also just… ya know, screw the canon timeline, use your imagination.
Read on AO3. Read on tumblr Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
The Swan of Misthaven. Part Two.
Emma awakens with a sharp gasp on the floor of a massive chamber with no windows. The stones are cool under her back, but her skin feels hot, her heart racing. She sits up slowly with a groan. She feels hungover, but multiplied by seventy. A sharp headache makes her feel like her skull is being split in two, oppressive fogginess makes focusing on anything nearly impossible, and a pressing, cloying nausea pushes insistently against her gag reflex. How did she—
The last thing she remembers is the clearing, making the deal with Rumplestiltskin to keep Killian alive, and now here she is. Wherever here is.
The empty chamber is massive, even bigger than the ballroom at the palace, with several support columns evenly dotting the floor in fifteen foot intervals. The air feels dank and heavy, and Emma wonders if this is an underground dungeon of some kind. The stone making up the walls and floor is dark, rough like limestone, and the space is dimly lit by sparse torches along the walls. She doesn’t notice any doors.
She rolls herself to her knees, and at that point the nausea wins the fight and Emma throws up. As she heaves against the floor, her mind is spinning, barely able to pick up a thread of thought aside from where am I and how did I get here.
“There’s no way to avoid the physical aftereffects of having a suppression hex removed, I’m afraid.”
She wishes she could say that when she heard Rumplestiltskin’s voice behind her, she leapt to her feet and demanded to know where she was being held. She does try, but as soon as she gets to her feet and turns, a wave of dizziness and nausea knocks her back to her knees, her hands bracing on the floor. She can’t help the miserable whine that escapes her at the feeling of illness and discomfort running through her.
“And unfortunately for you,” he continues, the click of his boots against the stone ominous in the quiet of the chamber, “the more powerful you are, the more severe the side effects.”
She wrangles enough clarity of mind to say, “What are you talking about?” before her body starts to heave again.
The ringing in her ears doesn’t drown out the sound of him saying, “I must admit, I was surprised to find one on you. The fairies have never dabbled in hexes before to my knowledge, and it was surprisingly well-crafted.”
“What?” Emma chokes out again. Gods, she feels awful. (Even worse than the last time she’d drunk whiskey and blacked out for the entire night. To this day, she doesn’t remember going to sleep or waking up; she had come to, still drunk and vomiting with her pants laying nearby, behind a blacksmith’s forge. Thankfully, Killian had awoken behind the shop next door, doing only mildly better than she, and found her in her sorry state, and they mutually assured their hungover partner got home. This had been relatively early in their courtship, and it was strangely freeing in a way, to see each other essentially at their worst and most stupid.)
“Ding-ding-ding, dearie,” he chirps, so close to her ear, she nearly falls sideways in surprise. How did she not hear him get closer? “You’re a lucky winner.”
“Of what?” she asks, hopelessly confused and desperate for someone to just explain what the hell is going on.
She turns her head to finally look at him directly. His smile is predatory. “Magic.”
Emma barely hears him, or registers his meaning exactly, because her body has quite suddenly decided it’s had enough. Her head drops, she sees white sparkling at the edges of her vision, then sparking across her hands, and before she can say anything in response, she passes out.
It’s just over a day’s-worth of hard riding from the palace in Misthaven to the village just across the border where the former Queen Regina lives, and given that they set out in late afternoon, the time comes to set up camp sooner rather than later.
The quiet cooperation between the three of them is not as awkward as Killian imagined it might be. The King and Queen move around each other like a well-choreographed ballet. He’s quietly amused by the two royals in travelling gear (that is far too nice to truly blend in) who are extremely well-versed in camp craft. He fills in where necessary, and by the time the darkness settles, when the light from the moon and stars are barely enough to see by, David volunteers to take first watch. Snow thanks him, collapses into her bedroll, and is asleep in minutes.
Killian finds himself staring at the orange flames next to Emma’s father in silence.
Emma is supposed to be with him for this part, he thinks. Emma is supposed to be here to guide him. And he--
He’s not supposed to be this person anymore. This person whose every waking moment is consumed with thoughts of how he wants to watch the life drain from a man’s eyes. With Emma, he likes to think he’s become someone worthwhile. Someone who is a part of something. Someone who he’s proud to say he will be for the rest of his life.
When they decided that it was finally time to tell her parents, come out of the shadows, he thought he’d be able to be that person. That honorable man worthy of care, worthy of note, worthy of their daughter’s hand in marriage, someday.
“You should get some sleep,” David says, startling Killian out of his reverie.
He looks over at the King, the details of his face made sharper in the shadows cast by the flame. He looks every inch a man of royalty--classically handsome, even in his age. A regal bearing, even when seated on a log in the woods. The crow’s feet around his eyes and the smile lines around his mouth only serve to make him look sage and wise, perhaps even kindly.
Killian answers him honestly, “I’m not certain I could if I tried.”
David looks away into the flames, and a heavy beat passes before he says, “You are the absolute last person I ever pictured Emma with.”
David chuckles lightly. “I know Snow doesn’t want to acknowledge anything is real until we have Emma back, but I don’t have the same restraint.” Another chuckle, this time deprecating. “Of all the people in the world, of all the potential romantic suitors she’s met, and it’s you.”
Killian doesn’t appreciate the direction this conversation is going. “What we became was up to her as much as me.”
“Sure,” David says, but it doesn’t sound precisely like agreement.
Despite knowing ( hoping ) that he’s a better man now than he was, he can’t change the fact that he can be a bit of a snarky asshole. “There’s clearly something you’d like to yell at me for,” he says, fully prepared to regret his words but unable to stop them from spilling out, “so why don’t you get it out of your system now.”
The King snorts softly. “Which part do I yell at you for? You’re a murdering thief who is apparently over a century old--yeah, I didn’t forget about that--and somehow you’ve managed to capture my only child’s affection.” He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest.
There’s a part of him that says I don’t know how I did it either (which is only true in spirit, as he still doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve her love, but knows that Emma’s heart was only won when he consistently proved that he was in this for the long haul.) The part of him that speaks isn’t so keen on sharing that vulnerability, so he replies, “Well, give me time, I might just grow on you.”
David grunts. “Like a wart. Or an infection.”
Killian grits his teeth before giving the King his most winning smile. “I suppose it’s a good thing Emma’s feelings for me aren’t up to you then, isn’t it?”
Emma’s father grimaces, and there’s that honest voice deep down, the one beneath the arrogant, brash exterior, telling him that Emma is going to be quite cross with him for trying to get under David’s skin like this.
“Were you ever in the military?” asks David then, the segue so unexpected Killian is momentarily disarmed.
“Yes,” he answers, surprised, but quickly buckles down again. “Can you instinctively sense when someone’s had a stick thrust firmly up their arse?”
David barks out a laugh and steals a glance over at his sleeping wife to ensure he didn’t wake her. “You sometimes stand like someone who was military. And you certainly commanded attention in the Council room.”
“Be careful, Majesty, that almost sounded like a compliment. Might give the wrong impression.”
“Just an observation,” David says. A beat passes before he asks, “So what made you turn pirate?”
Killian doesn’t miss a beat and answers, “The dismal pay of a Navy man can’t hold a candle to looting a ship for treasure.” He winces at the automatic defense mechanism. This is the father of the woman he loves, his future father-in-law if he has his way.
David doesn’t miss the wince, and a thoughtful expression crosses his face. “You’re a piss poor liar for a pirate.”
“On the contrary, I’m actually quite good,” Killian answers.
“Is it really such a bane for you to tell the truth?”
Killian sighs, trying to quell the urge to deflect with a lie or a glib jibe. “It’s not a time of my life I care to revisit often, even in memory.” He looks over at Emma’s father, whose silent, probing gaze prompts him to continue. “Fighting for king and country means nothing when your king is a corrupt, underhanded, immoral man who’d sooner throw his loyal men into a meat grinder than even sniff something honorable.” Killian looks down at his hook, idly dabbing the point with a finger. “My brother trusted him. It was the last mistake he ever made.”
“I’m sorry,” David offers.
Killian smiles tightly. “My brother was the best man I knew. A good captain, honorable to a fault, as stubborn as the day is long. The king didn’t care that he’d died. Probably didn’t even remember Liam at all. I refused to serve any monarchy from that day forward. They took everything from me,” he says, voice hazy with memory, “so I was going to take everything from them. At least among thieves, there was honor.” He turns to David again, “No offense, mate.”
“None taken,” David replies, then chuckles a bit. “Kind of ironic that you went and fell in love with a princess, then.”
“No one is more aware of that than me,” Killian says. “I suppose that gives us something in common--falling in love with women far above our stations.”
David huffs a laugh, but doesn’t respond for a long while; the only sound is the crackle of wood in their fire, and the distant song of crickets. Killian almost wonders if the King had fallen asleep when he speaks again. “Emma must mean a lot to you, if you’d go through the trouble to rescue her.”
“She means everything to me,” Killian gently corrects. “I’d go to the end of the world or time for her. Anything if it means she’s safe.”
“And she for you, I take it?”
Killian smiles. “Yes.” He looks back over at David. “I know that I’m not the ideal you envisioned—”
David waves a hand and interrupts, “No, you’re not. And I’m—” he sighs and tips his face skyward. “Given the lengths that you’re going through to save her—coming to us, getting arrested, potentially almost getting executed, throwing yourself back into this feud with the Dark One—” David looks back at Killian. “Looking at it from that perspective, it’s crazy for me to not approve. Snow and I married for love in spite of the circumstances, and I always hoped for the same for Emma.”
Killian feels like his chest is about to burst. Despite everything, could it be that Emma’s father really can forgive his past mistakes?
“This doesn’t mean I like you,” David quickly says, but it’s without heat.
Killian laughs.
David continues, “If you really want to earn my approval,” he points across the fire to the empty bedroll, “you’ll go to sleep.”
Killian rolls his eyes and replies, “If me having a lie down means that much to you—” Killian mock bows from his seat and then makes his way over to his bedroll. “Then I’m much obliged, Dave.”
“Do not call me Dave.”
“Sorry, can’t hear you over the sound of all the sleep I’m getting.”
David grumbles, but doesn’t say anything further.
Killian stares up at the stars, his thoughts a barely cohesive mess. He wishes Emma were next to him so he could tell her about them, try to make sense of everything that’s happened today. Gods, and it really has all been today. He started off this morning with Emma on his ship, not a care in the world and a tremendous weight removed from their shoulders.
Now, here he is, sharing a campsite with the King and Queen of Misthaven, trying to find his footing with his love’s royal parents, and hoping dearly that he doesn’t make a mess of things.
But that itself seems so trivial in the face of Emma being in the clutches of the realm’s greatest evil, and them having no idea why he’s taken her.
Killian’s never been much for spirituality or worshipping deities. He’s been on the sea long enough to know the superstitions, to know about Poseidon and Ursula and Calypso, and all the other gods and goddesses of the sea to whom many crewmen give offerings and pray in hopes for a safe voyage.
But Killian has seen too much, lived through too many years and too many crews to believe their feeble oils and branches, foodstuffs and whispered words make any difference. A strong wind may fall upon murderers or travelers, a storm may wreck a peacekeeping mission or slavers. The sea is nothing if not fair.
But in the darkness, he prays to any deity that might listen that the world might be unfair in Emma’s favor.
Killian awakens with a jolt, the taste of a bitten off shout in his throat and he sits up. The sky has lightened from pitch black and lit with stars to a deep purple, lightening slightly toward the eastern horizon. Early, and not late enough to say that it is yet dawn. He hadn’t been planning on falling asleep, didn’t think it would be possible with the unrest in his mind, but after a few hours of silence, it appears his body made the choice for him.
His heart is racing in his chest, the lingering images from the nightmare scattering but leaving the fear as a gaping maw in his chest. He runs a hand across his face, trying to gather his wits, but he still feels strung out and uncomfortable. Like all of his defenses have been stripped away.
Perhaps he should take a walk. There was a small creek nearby, and perhaps splashing some water on his face will remind him that the nightmare was just that—a nightmare. A garish, twisted vision from his mind that has been stuck on a fear-anger cycle for far too long.
He wishes again for Emma, to speak to her, to have her set his mind at ease, but she’s—
A shudder goes through him as one of the nightmare’s scenes comes to the forefront of his mind again, Emma without a heart, Emma lying on the deck of his ship, Emma crying and begging for him to save her—
With a frustrated, flustered huff, he sits up to find Snow White staring at him. The former bandit princess turned conquering queen has a thoughtful expression on her face, as if he were a particularly interested puzzle.
His breath is still coming in pants, and his heart is still racing in his chest, but Killian is still able to manage a realization. “I missed my watch.”
“You didn’t miss it,” Snow says. “I didn’t wake you. I figured it was the least I could do after I had you thrown in prison and then threatened to have you executed.”
Trying vehemently to turn his manner to conversation rather than lingering on the dream, Killian shakes his head and says, “You’ve nothing to apologize for. Were I in your position, I’d’ve done the same thing.”
Snow smiles. “I appreciate that. You seemed like you needed the rest, at least—” she shifts a bit before she can meet his eye again. “For the last few minutes, it sounded like you were having a pretty bad nightmare.”
Killian stiffens. “I hope I didn’t disturb you,” he replies, and moves to stand, do something with his body that could help alleviate the intense feeling of vulnerability under scrutiny now skittering across his skin.
“You didn’t,” Snow says, a kind warmth in her voice and manner that seems like it should calm him rather than rile him.
“That hasn’t happened in a long time,” he says, as if that explanation should be some sort of comfort. To her, to him, he doesn’t know. His heart still races. He refocuses, remembers how to calm himself. Just because he hasn’t had one in a long time, doesn’t mean he’s forgotten how to get over a particularly intense nightmare.
He shifts on the bedroll so that he faces the flames of the fire. A bit burned down from what they were the night before, it’s mostly charcoal now, but it functions well enough. The slow, steady motion of the flames makes his breathing wind down, and he focuses on the beat of his heart. Draws a breath in deeply, and then lets it out slowly. He repeats this until his body doesn’t feel like it’s about to leap out of his skin.
“If I may ask,” Snow says after the long silence, “who is Milah?”
Killian immediately tenses, his jaw subconsciously clenching; this isn’t the same kind of stress he felt when he awoke. It’s the same kind that came along with David asking him questions about his past last night—and Killian’s about tapped out of defense mechanisms at the moment.
Snow says, “You said her name and Emma’s name a few times before you awoke.”
Perhaps it’s not so much that he’s exhausted his energy to defend his vulnerabilities after the nightmare, perhaps it’s just them. Snow and David, Emma’s parents. They’re the ones who made her, after all, so everything that Emma is came from them. He’s not good at refusing Emma, and her mother seems to hold the same sway over him.
“A long time ago, before Rumplestiltskin was the Dark One, he was just a man. A man with a wife named Milah.”
Gods, but centuries have passed, and it still feels like someone’s pulling his heart out every time he says her name.
Killian continues, “She and her husband had a son, who she loved very much, but couldn’t fix the deep sadness she carried with her. She used to tell me that sometimes it felt as though she were born during a long night, and that darkness lingered with her no matter how often she bathed in the sun.
“And she decided to leave her husband and her son and come away with me.” A knife of grief goes through his abdomen. “We loved each other, and she didn’t see another way out of her unhappiness. So when I left port, she came with me.”
“And her son?” Snow asks.
“We made plans to go back for him that never came to pass.” She’d often confided her insecurity about her motherhood, but had gone no further than that. Privately, he thinks that Milah had been afraid to see her son again, to admit to him that he hadn’t been enough to make her happy where she was.
But that is too intimate a memory to share.
“Later, when he was the Dark One, he found us; accused me of stealing her, as though she were some bauble to be passed around.” He shakes his head, and has to blink a few times to control the wetness at the corners of his eyes. “Milah was brilliant, but she had a bit of a temper. And she just… let the Dark One have it on the deck of my ship. Her words were sharp, and she knew exactly how to hurt him. He didn’t really care for that.”
He tries to be as clinical as possible with the next bit, “So he lashed me to the mast, pulled her heart out, and crushed it. He cut my hand off that day, too, but the pain of that was nothing compared to losing her.”
Snow silently stands and comes to sit next to him, and reaches out to take his hand. Killian doesn’t remember his mother much, but he imagines that being comforted by her might have felt like this.
He blinks harder against the moisture in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” she murmurs. “I understand now, why you were so afraid.”
“Oh, I’m still afraid, believe me.”
“Not like that. We’re all afraid for her, but for you… You’ve already seen this story play out once, and it ended horribly for you.”
“Is this the part where you tell me to have hope that it will end well?”
Snow laughs a little at that. “Yes, because if we don’t have hope that something will work out well, then what’s our motivation to do it in the first place? But beyond the hope, you should hold onto that fear too. The most insane, amazing acts of courage happen when someone is the most afraid,” Snow looks into his eyes with a startling intensity, “and we’re probably going to need some really insane, amazing acts of courage to get Emma out of there.”
As soon as dawn breaks, the trio are on their way. They ride until early afternoon, when they slow their horses to a walk and enter the small village. It’s along a bustling trade route, located between the sea and the next nearest inland city, so it’s well on its way to becoming a full-fledged town.
Snow leads them to a small estate just at the edge of the village. A modest home sits to the left of the front gate, and beyond that is a truly impressive equine complex consisting of several pastures that are clearly well-kept, a large A-Frame barn that could likely house dozens of horses based on the size, and a few dirt and grass arenas for competitive riding purposes. It is a spread that is certainly only rivaled by the royal stables, and those might be found wanting compared to this place.
A youth of possibly fifteen or sixteen years is leading a stocky gray mare out of one of the pastures when he spots them. “Greetings!” he calls out. The mare he is leading seems to protest the quickened pace as the boy strides toward them, but he does not slow. “My name is Henry Locksley. Welcome to Riverside Farm.” The lad seems to have a practiced gaze for horses as he takes stock of their three mounts. “If you’re looking for nightly board, we are happy to accommodate.”
Snow dismounts and turns to the young man. “No, we’re actually looking for your stablemaster.”
Henry looks a little surprised. “Oh, okay. She was in the stable with Roland last I saw her. If you’ll follow me, I’m heading there now.”
“Thank you,” Snow says. Killian and David dismount as well and the trio begins following the young Henry towards the stable.
David asks, “So, Henry, does your family live in the village?”
“My family owns the farm, so we live right there,” Henry answers, pointing towards the home at the front of the property.
Snow’s small “oh” of surprise is almost unnoticeable, but Killian glances over to find her face the picture of shock. She quickly schools her features to neutrality once more. “So your family—they work the whole farm by themselves?” she asks, the epitome of polite interest.
Henry nods, an eager tour guide. “My mother is the stablemaster, my father mostly does maintenance and sales and then whatever else my mother tells him to,” he says with a laugh. “My older brother Roland is a whiz with numbers, so he does our bookkeeping. My little sister Eliza is a hand just like me, but she’s also studying to become a blacksmith, so she’s at the forge in town right now.”
“It’s nice that your family is so tightly-knit,” Snow says, her tone changing to barely-constrained curiosity.
Nodding and smiling, Henry doesn’t seem to sense any odd mood from the group before him. “My mom says that love creates happiness, so keeping those you love close to you is the best way to make yourself happy.”
Killian can’t read the expression that crosses Snow’s face then. “Wise advice,” she replies.
They reach the stable doors, and Henry swings them open. Inside, it looks as tidy and clean as the rest of the farm. The center aisle is made of brick, an exorbitant expense that gives the barn a high class sensibility. The brick is flanked by wood-planked stalls, and the low ceiling plays host to a few small swallows in the support beams. A pair of mangy barn cats roam around, but the central focal point at the moment is the woman with her back turned to them.
She stands bent over next to a mid-sized black gelding, his front left hoof propped up between her legs. She’s softly muttering to herself when Henry calls out, “Hey, Mom, there are some people who want to see you.” Killian, Snow, and David all halt by the entrance, but Henry keeps walking, placing the gray mare into an open stall on the right hand side.
She doesn’t turn yet, still bent over the hoof. “Henry, you’re going to have to ride into town and get Eliza home, because Lady Gerhardt’s horse is going to need a new set of shoes.”
Henry groans. “But I was going to take Blizzard on a training run!”
The woman drops the hoof and straightens, and begins to turn. “You can still do that later this aftern—” Her words abruptly drop off when she sees just who her visitors are. The former Evil Queen quickly composes herself and finishes, “This afternoon. Before you go, can you run and get your father? Tell him to meet me at the house.” And with a quick nod of her head, “And make sure their horses get properly hitched and watered.”
The sorceress who once terrorized thousands of people over a dozen kingdoms is dressed in riding breeches and lace-up paddock boots, with a thin, brown leather vest over a red button-up shirt. Her long hair is pulled back in a simple braid. The raven-black locks that once held crowns, and had been so famously, elaborately styled, is shot through with gray streaks. She looks like any other stablemaster across any of the dozen kingdoms where she’d left heartless bodies strewn across the lands.
Henry glances between Regina and their visitors with poorly-disguised confusion, but Regina gives him a look that quickly has him agreeing and scurrying off to do what she asked.
As the stable door closes behind Henry, Snow steps forward. “Regina.”
“Snow. You’ve aged.”
Not rising to the bait, Snow observes with a noticeable amount of strain in her voice, “You have children.”
“I do.”
Killian meets David’s gaze behind Snow’s back, trying to convey confusion. What should we do?
David just shakes his head imperceptibly.
Snow continues, “And a husband.”
“Yes. I noticed you brought yours along. Hello, David.”
“Hello, Regina,” he replies, managing a polite tone the just verges on chilly. A shepherd David may have been once, but Killian knows that’s a politician’s voice right there.
Regina’s dark eyes then flit over to Killian, taking him in with a detached air. “This would be a lovely family reunion if you hadn’t decided to bring the Handless Wonder along.”
“Good to see you again, Majesty,” Killian replies, acidic.
Both Snow and David look over at him. “How do you know her?” David asks.
“Former villains support group,” he answers without missing a beat, not wanting to delve into the thorny history he has with the old queen.
“Not important right now,” Snow mutters, and strides forward so that she’s only a few paces from Regina’s side. “We need your help.”
Regina’s mouth purses. “I could hardly be your first choice, unless we're already scraping the bottom of the barrel for help,” she says with a pointed look at Killian before she reaches for a bristled brush in a box next to her. “Why come to me?” She begins to brush the black gelding.
A heavy beat passes before Snow answers, “Rumplestiltskin took our daughter.”
The brush pauses on the horse’s flank.
“How long ago?” Regina asks quietly, then resumes brushing the horse.
“Yesterday,” Killian answers. “We won’t be able to get near him without you.”
Regina snickers, “All those years hunting the Dark One and still can’t perform under pressure?”
“Oh darling, I perform under pressure just fine.”
Regina turns an acerbic eye on him. “Not when I asked you to kill my mother.”
“What?” David exclaims, looking between the two of them, but Killian rolls his eyes.
“Still on about that, are we?”
“This isn’t helpful,” Snow snaps. “He knows what can kill Rumplestiltsken,” she points a finger in Killian’s direction. “and you can get us into the vault where he keeps all of it.”
Regina looks mildly surprised at Snow’s outburst, but ultimately settles on impressed. “Why did he take her?”
“We don’t know,” David says.
“He said that he had use for her,” Killian says. “But that was all.”
Regina looks contemplative for a moment. “Product of true love could be useful,” she murmurs. She turns fully to Snow, seeming to warm to her topic, “When did Emma start manifesting magic?”
“Manifest—Emma doesn’t have magic.”
Regina snorts. “Believe me, she does. I could literally feel her magical signature exploding across the land when she was born.” She begins brushing the horse again, but it looks more like a reflexive movement than with any real purpose. “Either she’s a very late bloomer or there’s—” Regina freezes a moment, her lips parted. A furrow appears between her brows.
“There’s what?” Killian prompts.
Regina gives up on the futility of brushing the horse and drops the brush back in the box and steps fully into their conversation with her arms crossed over her chest. “A suppression hex.” Regina laughs, acidic. “Oh, classic Blue. Didn’t want to get her hands dirty herself.”
“Regina, what are you talking about?” Snow asks.
“After I gave up on casting the Dark Curse, but before I was banished,” Regina explains, “Blue came to me while I was imprisoned. I was—” she clears her throat before she continues, “—I was under the impression that I’d used up the last of your mercy, even if you believed me about stopping Rumplestiltskin’s plans. She asked me for a favor, and if I did it, she would counsel you to grant me clemency.”
“But Regina, you—” Snow tries, but Regina holds up a hand.
“It doesn’t matter. She asked me to create a suppression hex. Easy enough, so I did it. I just had no idea who she wanted it for. I’d always thought it was for an unruly fairy she wanted out of her ranks.”
“But she used it on Emma,” David concludes.
“So it would seem,” Regina says. “Maybe to hide her potential from Rumplestiltskin, or even from me. I doubt she ever really bought my change of heart,” she finishes with a scoff.
“Is he going to ask Emma to finish what you started, then?” Snow asks quietly.
Regina purses her lips. “Hard to say. Maybe he’s found a different avenue.”
“How do we get her back?” Killian asks impatiently. His mind has been conjuring worst case scenarios since Rumplestiltskin appeared in the clearing, and as salacious and shallowly entertaining as it might be to watch Regina snipe at the King and Queen, he’d much rather get on with finding Emma.
Regina examines him a little more closely this time, head tilting in a way that, unsettlingly, reminds him of the Crocodile. “You love her, don’t you?”
“Yes,” he answers plainly.
Regina seems to take it in as information, categorizing it in some list in her head before nodding. “We should take this to the house.”
When Emma awakens again, the hangover-like symptoms have mostly faded and left behind a strange feeling of sensitivity. Everything is too bright, too loud, too sharp. Like scratching a sunburn, it’s raw and a bit painful. She’d been in and out of consciousness since that first time she’d awoken, but she has no concept of how much time has passed.
At least she feels a little less scattered, the fog she’d felt hanging over her completely gone.
She’s still in the same chamber, but she’s alone this time. Her ability to stand has returned, but she takes it slow. Thankfully, no strange symptoms make a reappearance.
She looks down at her hands, and turns over Rumplestiltskin’s words in her head. He said that she has magic.
There’s not—there’s no way.
There’s absolutely no way he can be right, and yet—
“Deep down, you know I’m right.”
She whirls around, hand flying to where her sword would normally rest before cursing.
“No weapons for you, dearie. Not after last time.”
Now that she can properly focus on his face, Emma can’t find any evidence that she’d put out his left eye with her knife. “What, you looking for an apology?”
Rumplestiltskin’s answering smile is chilling. “Of course not. Apologies are fool’s sentiment. No, no, I usually prefer something more concrete.”
Emma grits her teeth. “Like what?”
He tuts lightly. “Not just yet. We need to wake you up first.”
Before she can ask what he means by that, he makes a few quick gestures with his hands, and she notices the red, filmy mist that she knows is his magic rising around him. With another quick gesture outwards, the magic explodes from him, whooshing around Emma like a sharp gust of wind off the sea, but ripping through every support column in the chamber.
Several of the ones closest to them immediately collapse, the sound like a dozen cannons going off at once. The rest are evenly cracked through at the base and begin to shake perilously, the entire structure around them trembling. Emma braces her knees through the shaking, and looks furiously at Rumplestiltskin. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Fix the columns, Emma,” he says.
“Are you fucking crazy?” she exclaims, eyes darting upwards. The shaking has increased, and visible fissures are appearing on the ceiling where the columns are starting to crumble away. “You’ll kill us both!”
He giggles. “Oh, it won’t kill me. Just you.”
“I don’t have magic! I can’t do this.” Rubble is starting to fall from the ceiling, massive chunks of stone plating crashing to the floor. Emma yelps and jumps to the side when a sizeable piece crashes to the floor not three feet from her.
“Oh, but you can!” he says. “This should be child’s play for how much power you have.”
“This is insane,” Emma says, quieter this time, frantically trying to find an exit. True to her first observation, there are no doors to this chamber. She’s stuck.
Fear burns in her throat, I can’t die, not now, I can’t die, Killian is waiting for me, I can’t die now, we have plans, not now, not when everything is starting to fall into place—
It happens between one heartbeat and the next—another column collapses, this time falling straight in her direction. She dives away from it, tucking and rolling to stand again. The column hits the floor right behind her, the concussion rattling her teeth and throwing her forward.
She falls.
She rolls, tries to get up as quickly as she can, but then there’s a stone from the ceiling falling straight at her.
No time to dodge. No time to run.
Either Rumplestiltskin is right, or she dies.
She thrusts her hands out in front of her, hoping for magic but all she can think of is how badly she wants to get out of here, of how badly she wants to see her parents again, see Killian again, by any and every god, she does not want to die today—
She closes her eyes.
She takes a breath, thinking that this could quite likely be her last.
And then she takes another.
And another.
She opens her eyes.
The stone hangs above her, suspended by a white mist that flows like liquid from her hands. She spares a look around her. Everything is frozen by the white mist, the columns held up, the falling debris stuck midair.
It’s unlike anything Emma has ever seen before, and it’s all coming from her. She can feel it, a strange pull against her heart, but it doesn’t hurt. It’s more like the excitement she felt as a child on the morning of Yule, the anticipation she feels when she hasn’t seen Killian in a month, the physical reaction of joy and love made manifest.
Emma laughs, and with a snap of her fingers, everything is fixed. Like time flowing backwards, the damage is swiftly undone. The stone effortlessly knits back together, leaving no trace of the damage that was done to it. The plating from the ceiling that fell and shattered against the floor pushes back together and floats easily upwards, slotting back into the architecture.
When the last column is standing once more, Emma finally drops her hands.
“What did I tell you, dearie?” Rumplestiltskin says. “Child’s play.”
Snow isn’t sure what to expect when Regina says they’ll meet her husband at the house. She only has vague recollections of what Daniel looked like, and even less of an idea of what he’d been like as a person, so to say she doesn’t know what Regina’s romantic tastes are like is a severe understatement. She imagines that Regina’s partner would be a high-born person like herself, a bit prim and classist, maybe abrasively rude in that way rich, egotistical men can sometimes be.
To say that she is shocked to find that Regina’s husband is the one and only Robin Hood of Locksley would be an even more severe understatement than the first.
He is surprisingly warm and welcoming, the friendly dog to Regina’s aloof cat, and something in Snow feels settled, satisfied, happy even. She’d always hoped Regina would find happiness, would find forgiveness and redemption in her own way, and it would seem that she’s found it; more than that, she’s also found someone to share it with who seems to be her perfect complement.
Robin invites them to sit, and offers to put a kettle on so that they can have some tea. While it warms, they all take a seat in the dining room.
It’s hardly the expensive setting Regina grew up with, but it’s certainly nicer than most homes in the village. Solid construction, a fine, tile floor covered in warm rugs, and furniture that runs more along the function line than the style.
They fill Regina in on the particulars of their plan--in as much as their plan has particulars--and Snow takes it as a positive sign that she doesn’t dismiss it outright. “As long as Hook knows what we need to grab, I should be able to get us in,” she says. “But there’s the possibility he’ll see us coming.”
“His visions have never been precise,” Hook points out, but Regina shakes her head.
“When it comes to his own death, I’ve found he has uncanny accuracy.”
“So we split up,” Hook suggests. “He knows I’m coming. If we can manipulate his visions so that he doesn’t know you three are coming with me, we’ll have the element of surprise.”
“Not to barge in,” Robin says, “but as someone with experience breaking into the Dark One’s palace, I may have a solution for you.”
“Experience breaking into his palace,” David repeats.
Robin nods. “I still have the glamour.” He reaches into his pocket and withdraws a small green clover. “When Regina told me what was going on, I figured this might come in handy.”
“Oh good, a plant. Emma is good as rescued,” Hook says.
Robin doesn’t seem annoyed by the sarcasm. “It’s a six leaf clover, mate. Not only capable of casting a powerful glamour spell, but hides one from magical sight, including--”
“From seers,” Hook realizes.
“It was how I managed to sneak in last time,” Robin explains. “Would’ve worked like a charm had I not been captured. But,” he pauses to wave a hand, “that’s neither here nor there. The magic is still good. It could hide all of us.”
“Us?” This comes from Regina, who is looking at her husband like he has two heads.
Robin just smiles at her. “For better or worse, my dear.”
“How did you escape?” asks Hook, who is leaning forward, gaze intense on Robin. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
“Admittedly, it was luck. I would have died painfully had it not been for Belle.”
“The heir to the Southern Reach, correct?” Hook asks.
“Yes,” Robin answers. “Both fortunately and unfortunately, she left him many years ago. I helped her get to DunBroch, and last I’d heard, she happily married the queen there.”
Hook sighs deeply. “So she is no exit strategy.”
“No, she isn’t. She’s been out of his grasp for decades now, and I’m not eager to ask her to throw herself back in.”
“Not suggesting she does,” Hook replies. “We’ll just need to be careful with how we plan to get out.”
The kettle whistles from the kitchen, and Robin excuses himself to go fetch it.
“What about Emma?” Regina asks, standing; by some wordless agreement with her husband, she goes to the cabinet near the wall and removes several teacups, saucers, and collections of tea leaves. As she places them in front of her guests, she says, “If Rumple wants her for her magic, then she’s probably strong enough to hurt him.”
“She already did,” Hook says, and that draws their attention.
“How?” David asks.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” he says. Robin renters with the kettle and pours each of them a serving as Hook explains, “We were in a meadow, where you used to teach her to shoot,” he says to Snow, and she feels her breath catch.
Despite accepting Hook’s story as truth, the fact that her daughter loves him doesn’t feel real. It seems more like a story, a fiction recorded in pages for entertainment’s sake. But small things like that—that Emma showed him that field, an intensely personal and special place for their family—say that this is an undeniable reality. Something real that Emma kept perfectly secret all these years.
“Neither of us were armed. Why would we be, it was just—” Hook stares down at his tea, tipping the cup and watching the liquid move. “It was just supposed to be a nice day out. He appeared in the clearing and froze me as soon as I tried to charge at him, but Emma had a knife in her boot.”
“That’s my girl,” Snow says softly.
He looks up at her words, and his answering smile is wistful. “She’s a marvel.” It’s said with such softness, such tenderness, that Snow feels an ache rattle in her chest. It might not feel real in a lot of ways, but with each passing time she hears him speak, she starts to understand a bit more how Hook feels about Emma. She knows David doesn’t quite approve, and she wouldn’t say that she does, yet, but she can’t say in moments like this that she disapproves either.
Hook continues, “Now, this is just a regular knife, right? But Emma threw it and put out his eye. He bled. I’ve hunted the Dark One for nearly three hundred years and never have I seen him bleed. No legend or story or recounting has ever said anything about him bleeding either.”
“He’s vulnerable to her,” Regina concludes.
“He won’t tolerate having a weakness,” Killian says.
“No,” Regina agrees, “but he isn’t so short-sighted that he won’t try to make use of her before he kills her or traps her or permanently imprisons her or takes her heart or—”
“Enough, Regina,” David says. “We get it.”
“And she’s shown no signs of magic at all?”
“Not that I can remember,” Snow says.
“They might not be obvious,” Regina replies. “Maybe when she was a child, she leapt out of a tree and landed poorly, but came away unscathed. Perhaps she was exceptionally good at getting her way, past the point of reason. She likely wasn’t doing it on purpose, or with any sort of finesse.”
“She always had an affinity for injured animals,” Snow says, remembering. “There were no miraculous recoveries or regrown limbs or anything, but even the wild animals seemed calm around her and were willing to let her handle them while injured.”
Regina nods. “Could be a sign of strong light magic. Was there possibly a time when she accidentally set fire to anything? Not like that,” she says at the alarmed look that crosses Snow’s face, “but just a candle lit while she was particularly emotional? Happy or excited or perhaps angry?”
Hook shifts in his seat, a contemplative look crossing his face at that. “I think--” he starts, but he cuts himself off.
“What is it?” Regina prods.
“Nothing,” he says, and Snow can’t help but notice the tips of his ears going red.
Regina doesn’t look amused. “Save me the trouble of deducing and just tell me what you think you saw.”
Hook clears his throat, looking pointedly anywhere but at the current company at the table. “I might have—uh—noticed a lamp lit that I thought I’d put out. After an—” he reaches up to scratch behind his ear, the blush spreading from his ears down his neck and to his cheeks, “intimate moment.”
David makes a choked noise beside her, and Snow elbows him. “Not now, Charming,” she whispers.
Regina blessedly doesn’t press or make any quips. “Strong light magic,” she repeats.
“What does that mean for Emma?” Snow asks, happy to move on from dwelling on her daughter’s sex life.
“It’s the safest kind of magic--drawn from positive emotions, has never caused any recorded emotional spirals, with no known physical detriments. Acts of True Love are made from it. Not much is known about it because of its rarity, but from what I do know,” Regina looks directly at Snow, assurance in her posture and tone, “Emma isn’t like me.”
Snow lets out a breath. It’s a startling statement of personal clarity from Regina—something that Snow never knew her former step-mother would be able to have. To know the damage her own actions caused, to be able to tacitly admit that those actions weren’t something to aspire to, were something to be feared, even… it’s more than Snow ever expected or hoped for.
“So what can Rumplestiltskin do with her power?”
Here, Regina’s expression sours. “If she’s as strong as I think she is? Anything.”
“Focus, dearie. Make the mirror show you what you want it to.”
The image wobbles for a moment, and Emma feels like she might snap her jaw with how hard she’d clenching her teeth to just get the goddamn mirror to cooperate. A second later, the image solidifies, showing the Emerald City of Oz. Once she finds it, she lets out a breath and relaxes a bit, the magic holding.
“Impressive,” Rumplestiltskin says. “You are a quick study. Quicker than any I’ve ever taught.”
“Still doesn’t tell me what you brought me here for.”
His answer is acidic, “I promised I wouldn’t kill the pirate; that was the extent of our deal. I am perfectly happy to remedy that if you’re keen to continue prying.”
Emma suppresses a growl. “Fine, but you’re going to have to tell me eventually.”
“And why is that?”
“A lot of this magic is about visualizing, right?” she waves a hand at the magic mirror, still displaying the Emerald City. “I wouldn’t have been able to conjure that if I didn’t know what I was trying to conjure. So whatever it is you clearly want me to do, I’m not going to be able to do it unless you tell me.”
He stares at her silently for a beat, and Emma knows she’s right, but she really, really hopes she hasn’t offended him. She’s heard horrific stories of what the Dark One has done to his enemies, and she doesn’t care to find out if those were true.
Instead of replying to her, he turns, grabs a book off the table behind him, and slaps it down next to her.
This book looks strange--the binding foreign, the printing unlike anything she’s seen in the Enchanted Forest, the paper perfectly white and evenly toned. There’s an illustration in the book, unbelievably detailed and inked across a whole page. “This is--” she says, running her fingers across it, “This is incredible.”
“It’s from another realm,” Rumple says dismissively. He nods at the mirror across from her. “Conjure an image of it.”
The illustration is of a structure unlike anything she’s seen before. It’s like a massive spire, flared at the base and climbing impossible heights into the sky. It’s not stone or brick, but crafted of what looks like crossing iron bars.
Underneath the image is a caption. Tour Eiffel, 1890.
“What realm is this from?” she can’t help but ask.
“The Land Without Magic.”
Emma raises a brow. They built this thing without magic? Interesting. “If there’s no magic there, how can I use magic to see into it?”
“Child’s play,” he says again, like a reminder.
Emma rolls her eyes. Right, because she’s apparently so powerful. Emma was never the greatest at her studies, but at least her tutors were more specific than this.
She focuses her attention on the mirror again. Despite the lackluster instruction, it seems easier this time than it had the first few. Reaching for images from other realms is still a bit dicey, the one from Oz being the hardest so far, and she feels a similar stretch in trying to see this spire, this Tour Eiffel. In her mind, she focuses on the illustration, wonders what would be around it, imagines the people that might walk past it.
This image doesn’t even flicker. It just springs to life on the mirror after a few moments of concentration.
It looks taller than it did in the illustration, she notes, but then she catches a look of Rumple out of the corner of her eye. He looks absolutely astonished, and she realizes he wasn’t expecting her to get it.
She feels a bit of savage satisfaction at that. Serves him right for underestimating her.
His astonished look doesn’t last long, as he stands at attention like an army commander and gestures for her to follow him.
“Come now, Emma,” he says. “I have a task for you.”
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melodyalanaroster · 5 years
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Beach Edit
“You chased him off!”
“I hope so!”
Alana felt rage flood her veins, make her blood boil and her vision turn red. Without even thinking about what she was doing, her left hand had pulled back and was now on a collision course with Rosalaya’s face. The crash of skin against skin knocked Rosalaya off her balance and sent a royal sting into Alana’s hand, but she didn’t care. She had had enough. She had given Rosalaya more than enough rope to hang herself with and she did so ten fold.
She had made it very clear to the group that she was still very much in love with Nathaniel. While Alexy and Priya didn’t approve, they backed off from him with a certain amount of respect. In fact, Alexy had become tolerable… While Priya… Well, Priya was another story all together… And Amber… Amber made it clear that she would be okay with it… If it helped him.
From the conversation that she was having with Nath, before Rosalaya shooed him away, it seemed that Alana being home and hanging out with him was helping him in a substantial way. It always took all her strength to keep herself from throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him so passionately that he would know precisely how much she loved him. It was easy for Alana to tell how much he wanted to destroy his walls for her, and that made filled her with absolute joy. The man she loves, confiding in her, talking to her, showing his weakness to her. But just as he began to continue taking his walls down… SHE shows up and ruins it.
It didn’t matter that Rosalaya was now pregnant. It didn’t matter that slapping a pregnant woman would tarnish her reputation. What mattered was that Rosalaya, one of her best friends, a woman who helped Nathaniel when he was down in High School, the woman who helped Alana build up her confidence to be with Nathaniel in the first place, had become toxic, and a threat to Alana’s and Nathaniel’s happiness. She couldn’t tolerate it anymore. So, she let her rage do the expressing…
“ALANA!” Rosalaya cried as she clutched her red cheek, a look of absolute shock and terror on her face. “Don’t Rosalaya. I’m done. I have asked you more than once why you don’t like Nathaniel anymore and all you ever say is that its because of his reputation. You never truly explain why, even though I’ve given you multiple opportunities to do so! You push alcohol on me when I’ve stated that I’m trying to quit drinking. You’re shoving Hyun down my throat when I’ve told you and everyone else that I’m not interested in him several times. I’m in love with Nathaniel. I always have been. And what he is now doesn’t change that fact! You were there for what happened with him and his family! You know what he went through! Even if you weren’t there, you’re a PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR! You should be trying to find out the truth, not believing every word you hear like a mindless drone! Not to mention how you ARE having a baby! What a “great” example you’re setting for your unborn child! “Believe all the rumors! Disassociate yourself from people because of bad reputations!” You’re pathetic! You’ve become the epitome of the word “toxic” and frankly, you’re not worth my time anymore! We’re done.” Alana exclaimed as she looked in the direction she saw Nathaniel walk off in and stormed off.
It took her a while, but eventually, she found where Nathaniel had skulked off to. “I should have checked the stairs a while ago. That’s where I hid when I wanted to be alone.” Alana muttered to herself. As she quietly made her approach, she noticed that Nathaniel was on his phone, pouting. “Hey.” She stated when she got to his step and stood in front of him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Rosalaya?” He asked, still looking at his phone. Alana grabbed her left wrist, her hand was still quite red from the collision with Rosalaya’s face. “I had to perform small surgery, Nath. She won’t be interrupting us again.” she replied. He looked up, noticed the redness of her hand, then gazed into her eyes. Alana could tell he was truly upset about the event. “Small surgery? What happened to your hand?!” He pleaded. “I, Melody Alana Roster, just bitch slapped a pregnant woman, told her off, and told her we’re not friends anymore. I said small surgery because it was like removing a tumor.” Alana clarified. Nathaniel looked at her, shocked. He remained stunned and silent.
“Nathaniel Jacott. I don’t give a flying fuck in hell about your reputation. If I did, I wouldn’t be talking to you. But, no, when I look at you, I still see someone who is very much worth my time. Yes, you are a daft, stubborn, prideful, sarcastic, reckless, jackass. No, I don’t like bits of what you do. But no one is perfect. I know you Nathaniel. You’re kind, sweet, caring, loyal, protective, one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, absolutely brilliant, and definitely not worthless. Your morals are still in tact, even if you do disregard them at times. I don’t care about what anyone else thinks about you. Fuck ‘em! Most people are vapid assholes who can’t get over the smell of their own shit anyway! You’re a great guy and I love hanging out with you… So, I’m gonna continue to do so, whether they like it or not.” She explained, confidently. She desperately wanted to hug him and tell him that now that she’s home, he will never be alone again. But, she felt that might be too much intimacy for the present time. Instead, she simply sat on the step next to him, and laid her head on his shoulder.
The look of shock that had been plastered on his face melted into one of sadness then into a small grin. His original plan for the day was to hole up in his apartment, alone, with Blanch. But when Amber dragged him out, he was expecting to be shunned by everyone… Until he saw Her. She has been the only one to not run from him. On the contrary, she always greeted him with some form of grin or smile. When Rosalaya shooed him away, he couldn’t handle it. Her friends were telling her to stay away from him. Her best friends no less. He was terrified that she would listen to them… Until she showed up at his feet. Alana’s answers to his questions were certainly not what Nathaniel expected. She slapped Rosalaya and unfriended her! No words came to him. He wanted to respond to that… But before he could, she had begun talking again. He really couldn’t believe his ears. Here she was, the woman he loves, explaining to him that, even though he is an ass, she sees no reason to leave him.
It was then that three things hit Nathaniel, very, very, hard. One, he still loves her with every beat of his heart. Two, she still loves him, hopefully, just as much as he loves her. And three, that he wasn’t alone anymore… He has her, and he will never let her go. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reposting this due to a broken link on here. I wrote this after playing Episode 7. Credit goes to: FNAFfanart67 ChiNoMiko
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maggyme13 · 6 years
A Snake´s Pet (1/?)
Waking up in a dark room, you didn’t know how and why you got there. That changed when a door opened, and a tall figure stood in front of you.
“Who are you? And Why am I here?”, you asked.
“I am Loki. And you were chosen to bear my heirs.”, the man answered with a cold voice.
AN: This story resulted out of two requests I got and combined. I hope you like it ^^
It is set after Thor: TDW, Thor is living on earth with Jane and hadn’t been back to Asgard since he brought Loki there.
Wordcount: around 3700 (damn that turned out long)
Warnings: angst, mentioning of kidnapping, abo-dynamics,asshole Loki
You didn’t know how you had ended up in this situation. Because one second you had been on your way home from work and the other you suddenly sat in this dark and cold room. All your belongings (minus the clothing on your body) gone, leaving you without no way to call for help or defend yourself with. Not that you would be able to do so, because the only thing you knew was what you had seen on TV and in movies. At least you knew to aim for the crown-jewels.
If my captors have any.
Your eyes had slowly gotten used to the darkness and you were at least able to guess the outlines of the room you were in and decided to take a closer look.
I bet I am going to break my little toe.
Only a few minutes later, you had finished your look round. The room was barely three times three metres big with a metal door on one side and some kind of blanked on the other. Not knowing what else to do, you decided to sit down on that blanked to think.
Are there cameras in here? No- then would there be some blinking lights, right? Where the FUCK am I goddammit.
Letting yourself slide down the wall, you let out a groan and your head rested on the top of your knees and you tried for everything that was precious to you to find a reason for a reason why you where where you were. But you couldn’t find any.
You were what could be a considered a grey mouse, people usually didn’t notice you and you weren’t dressing to impress or catch the interest of others. You worked as a cashier at a little local Mexican supermarket in a California (Oakland to be exact) and were born a half-blood, with your mother being an Omega and your father an Nonblood. Both of them died when you had been young and you had ended up living with your dead mother´s parents, who died when you had been only 18 years-old.
They had left you some money you used to pay the rent and study bills, though it wasn’t enough for you to live alone on it and so you had found the job with Mr and Mrs Alvarez, for minimum wage and one grocery shopping a week for free (for 40 dollars). You liked the old couple and they soon considered you somewhat family and had even introduced you to their son, who was the president of a Motorcycle Club.
Was I captured because of him?
If that had been some gang shit you hoped he would stay loyal to his promise and have your back.
I really could need your help now!
But of one thing you were pretty much certain: you being a half-blood couldn’t be the reason for you being there. You had neither presented as an Omega or Beta (very rarely your kind presented as an Alpha) nor did you have shown any sign that made you seen as one. Aside from slightly increased stamina and strength (and part of your looks) you had inherited NOTHING from your mother. Not that you wanted it otherwise, you liked being able to make your own decisions and not to turn into a horny breeding-machine every other time, ready to sleep with any Alpha that was close and interested in you.
I can choose who I let into my bed. Damn I can’t imagine losing my virginity to just anyone.
Cold began to creep into your bones and you did the only logical thing, rolling yourself into a burrito and tried not to freak out. Knowing you couldn’t to in this situation, you tried to catch some sleep.
Who knows when and if I can get any sleep later. Can´t do anything except freezing at the moment.
You must have dozen off, because the next thing you knew was a light blending you from the (former) closed door. Looking up, you realized someone was standing in the open door. He (or she) was tall and well trained, and even though you couldn’t see the persons eyes, you could feel them boring into you. A cold shiver ran up and down your spine with every passing second, your heartbeat increased, and you had to swallow a lump before you were able to speak.
“Who- who are you?”, you whispered, fear and panic latched into your voice.
“I am Loki and you had been chosen to bear me heirs.”, the shadow answered in a cold and reserved voice.
“I-I don’t understand-“, you mumbled more to yourself than him.
“Of course not.”, he sighted like it was to be expected, like he thought you would be stupid, “You were chosen to be my Mate, so I may breed you and get heirs to follow on the throne.”
Mate- Breeding- But-
“But-“, you wanted to tell him they must have the wrong person, but a deep angry growl from the door shut you up.
He is an Alpha. A strong one-
“Did no one ever taught you to NOT speak back to an Alpha, Omega? Especially not to the one that is to become your Mate.”, he growled back.
“I am no Omega.”
“Of course not, that would have been to easy.”, he huffed under his breath and kept staring at you, “Then you have to learn how to be one. A perfect one. And you better learn fast!”
What? ´Learn to be an Omega´, does that mean- what is he going to do?
“I am tired of waiting.”, you hear him say, but you were in to much shock to react what caused the Alpha to growl at you again. But you still couldn’t move. Suddenly he stood in front of you, his face contorted in anger. His chest heaving and you feared he would hurt you- bad.
When did he get here? How-
“I said: I am tired of waiting. Are you going to stand up, or do I need to make you, Omega?”, his voice and eyes were so dark your blood ran cold and legs reacted on your own: within a second you stood in front of the Alpha, your back pressed against the cold wall, your eyes widened.
“Thought that much. I hope I don’t need to repeat myself again, do I?”
He hadn’t really finished the sentence, when you already were shaking your head to let him known there was no need to.
“Good. You will show me respect and only look at me or the floor, but under no circumstances at anybody else. Dou you understand?”
You nodded.
“Come and stay close behind me.”, he ordered at the same time as he turned around and left the room. Quickly, you followed behind the Alpha: Head hanging low and your arms clutched around your own midsection in a protecting and reassuring manor. Your eyes cast on his heels, so you wouldn’t lose the man out of your sight. The floor was made out of white and golden marble, and the walls must be tall, for you heard your steps echoed through them.
I bet this would be what Asgards floors must look like- wait- Asgard- Loki- I AM ON ASGARD! But whyyyyyyy?!
Wonder and new panic settled in your stomach and head and you once again tried to figure out what that all could mean.
“Omega!”, the god and Alpha in front of you growled, and you fastened your steps, only to notice that he had stopped in front of a big door or gate that was guarded by soldiers on either side, though you only saw their boots.
The moment the door opened, the Alpha grabbed your wrist to guide you inside and though it wasn´t so strong it hurt you, you flinched back at the first second. The grip alone gave you an imagine on how strong he really was.  
I really won´t stay a chance. I am totally at his mercy…
“We are now in the royal wing. Not that you will ever see it again, for you are not allowed to and will not leave my chambers!”, he told you ,”You may look up now, for here won´t be anyone else than us.”
Slowly you did as he had told you, glad that you would be able to walk normal again. Though you knew it would be tense and probably hurt in the morning, and it already had cramped up, making you hiss in displeasure.
Not wanting to think about what could happen next, you let your eyes wander and awed at what you saw. The floor was made of dark wood with golden inlays, the high ceilings and designs reminded you of modern gothic. Huge windows bathed the halls with lights and the ceiling it self was painted to look like a real sky.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work for long. While the Alpha walked you through halls and up stairs until he stopped in front of a black and silver door you assumed would lead to his chambers.
Your breathing hitched your legs became weak, you felt like a panic attack was about to roll over you and you pleaded with your body to not faint.
On its own accord the door swung open and the Alpha pushed you inside. Wasn´t it for his grip you would have fallen over from the sudden movement.
Silver and green. That was the first thing your brain and eyes registered, before you made out furniture and the basic layout of this apartment.
Looks like a damn suit of a seven-star hotel.
You stood in the middle of what could be considered a working area with a long table that was littered with books, feathers, scrolls and so on. Behind that, you noticed a living area with chairs, a table, bookshelves and other things. On the right of there was an alcove with a huge bed in it. Left to the living area were two doors, one opening up to a bath and the other to what you assumed would be a walk-in closet. The whole backwall was one huge windowfront that gave access to a balcony.
At least I can try and keep distance between us once in a while. Maybe I can lock the bath-
“You are allowed to roam the room on your own, though do not touch my stuff without permission. You will do as I say, when I say it. Now clean yourself up Omega, you reek of dungeon.”, with that he grabbed a book and disappeared onto the balcony.
To your surprise was the bath already prepared and steaming. The tube itself was big enough that four people would comfortable fit into it. It had the perfect temperature for you to just relax for a while and forget where you were. Your own apartment unfortunately only had a shower, so this was the first time in weeks that you could take a bath (last time you relaxed in a whirlpool of an waterpark a few months back).
You grabbed the soap laying next to the bathing tube, you began to clean up while trying to make sense of the whole situation.
That all doesn’t make sense- Why did they bring me here? Why me? Why no Omega or other Wolfblood? Don´t they want risk their safety? Of course not. He is dangerous, and Omegas are rare. I am just the next best thing. Though I am sure I am not even that. Maybe there was just an opportunity and they took it.
You had just cleansed your hair, when you felt eyes burn into your back (for you had your back turned towards the door), and you knew the Alpha was standing there.
“Did I take to long, Alpha?”, you asked, your voice barely louder than a whisper, fearing his reaction.
“Are you clean?”
“Then get dressed. Dinner was served, and I am hungry.”
“Yes Alpha.”, you answered before reaching for a towel to get dry. Standing up and turning around, you imagined the man still standing behind you, his eyes roaming over your body- over the body that was now his to use as he pleased for you wouldn’t be able to stop him. But you were mistaken; turning around there was no one standing and relieved rushed through your veins. It was short lived though, the second you wanted to reach for your clothing to get dressed you noticed it gone.
“Loki- Alpha?”, you called out, hoping you wouldn’t anger him like that.
“What?”, he snapped back.
“Is-is- Is there anything for me to wear? M-my clothes are gone.”
“There is a dress in the dressing room I think will suit you well. Now hurry up, I don’t like to be kept waiting!”
The room you entered was twice as big as the bath and filled to the brim with clothes. Shirts, trousers any kind of male clothing you could imagined was there. And that was were the problem laid: the only clothing there for you, were maybe ten dresses, no trousers, no underwear nothing. And they all were short. You barely wore dresses and if you did, only those reaching your knees and with a pair of shorts beneath. Green, silver and black were the ruling colours. The dress that the Alpha had chose for you was of a dark green colour and reminded you of a (longer) version of a baby-doll negligee. Like the undergarment, the top of the dress seemed to be slightly see-through. The cloth was soft on your skin and the dress itself fitted like a second skin, without feeling uncomfortable. Like you feared, the top was indeed see-through, only good thing was that it was less opaque than you first feared. Only one who knew the fabric of the top was that thin, would be able to make out what laid hidden beneath it, somehow you knew, the Alpha was well informed about that fact.
Pulling your wet hair back, you made your way towards the main room where you knew the Alpha was waiting for you, knowing there would was only the thin dress between him and your body.
With every step you felt more uncomfortable in your skin and you felt like fainting any moment, though you prayed you wouldn’t. Who knows, what the man that attacked and destroyed Manhattan would do to you. Conscious you would at least be able to say no- even though you knew it probably wouldn’t do much.
Arms hugging your own body to give yourself some comfort, you made your way towards the waiting Alpha. He was sitting at a table near the windows, his gaze roaming over your body, making you even more uncomfortable. His eyes lingered on your chest and his eyes grew darker and began glimmering.
He knows I am naked beneath this.
“I see you found the dress I chose for you to wear. I have to admit- it suits you.”, he smiled, motioning for you to take a seat opposite to him. Averting your eyes, you sat down, your hands fumbling in your lap.
“I must admit. Odin chose a pretty Mate for me. Pretty for an unpresented half-blood that is. I would prefer a pure-blood Omega, but it looks like I have to make do.”, he appraised you while insulting you at the same time. His green eyes were almost black, and you were sure it was over anger of not becoming what he wished to.
“Sorry.”, you mumbled, his eyes keeping burning into you, while another growl left his throat.
“Eat. For I become tired and want to rest.”
As soon as the male was finished he stood up and motioned for you to do so as well, his eyes and posture telling you there was no room for an argument.
Your heartbeat increased again, and you dreaded what you knew would come now. You were sure he would start breeding with you and there was nothing you could do against it.
On shaking legs, you stepped closer to him, supressing to cry the tension your were feeling away. The air around him felt a colder than the rest of the room and shivers went up and down your spine; the cold making your nipples harden, making them very visible through the thin fabric.
Stepping behind you, the Alpha lowered his head to take a whiff of your scent. One of his hands rested on your hip, the other on your shoulder (very very close to your throat) snaked around your body in the front, making his forearm rest in the valley of your breasts. His arms pressed you against his chest, and the rumbles that left his body made yours vibrate as well. He sounded satisfied.
“You smell better than I thought you would. Devine. Of *sniff* flowers and berries, very delicate. To bad you will never be in heat, for I wonder how you would smell then.  I am glad you don’t stink like half-bloods and Nonbloods usually do. *sniff*”, his nose moved over the area where the Mating-mark of half- and pure-bloods would be, his teeth scraping over your skin and you were sure he would mark you right then and there.
His laughter was dark, and your heartbeat stopped.
“I won´t mark you- yet.”, he chuckled against your neck and his hand moved from your shoulder to your jaw, holding your head in place.
“You fear me.”, he whispered against your skin, ”You are afraid of I can do to you. What I will do to you. I can smell it. Taste it on your skin. You are right to feel this way. I can do things you can´t and do not want to imagine. But if you do as I say, you will not need to fear too see those happening; for if you bear heirs, I will treat you as well as any good pet wished to be treated. I say get up, you will. If I tell you to sleep, you will sleep and if I tell you to undress, you will do as told. Like any good Omega would.”
“Yes, Alpha.”, you whispered your answer and you felt his other hand moving over your stomach, your legs towards your inner thighs. Your muscles tensed under this unwanted and unknown feeling. His hands rested on top of the fabric and you knew it was only a question of time when he would make his way beneath it and onto your skin.
“I wonder if your skin is really as soft as it feels through your dress.”, he groaned against your neck, and another shiver went up your spine, “You will undress and lay down in the bed while I will take a bath on my own. Don´t fret, I won’t be gone for long.”
After another lick over your skin he left for the bath, already stripping of his clothing. The moment he stepped into the bathroom, you turned towards the bed and began walking.
Maybe I could not do as told. Who am I kidding- he will just rip the dress apart and be angry for defying him.
Not wanting to anger him on your first evening with him, you stripped down the thin dress and hurried to get under the blankets. They were made of silk and fell smoothly around your naked body. Leaving nothing for the man’s imagination. You laid down furthest away from the bath and turned your back towards it. Soon silent sobs shook your body. Though you supressed them quick, not wanting to give the man any satisfaction to pull out of your fear.
Soft steps alerted you to the approaching Alpha and you braced yourself for what was coming. The mattress dipped behind you and your muscles tensed again for a second.
“I see you took my warning to heart and did as you told. Good.”, he rumbled proudly.
One of his hands moving from the back of your head, over your sides to your ass and then towards your thighs. Carefully not to touch any area that would be considered not proper or sexual.
He is playing with me
“What a well-behaved little Omega I have laying in my bed. Let´s see if it stays like that.”, he chuckled darkly, “Why don’t you come closer to your Alpha? I promise I won´t bite- not too hard at least.”
Taking in a deep breath, you scooted closer to the man behind you, until your ass touched his midsection, with only the thin fabric between the two of you.
At once, his arm snaked around your midsection, pulling your closer to him. So close in fact that you felt his member pressed against your ass and to your relieve: it was soft.
“You thought I would start breeding you today, weren’t you? Though it is your luck you are not ready to receive yet. But you will be- soon. So rest, for when you are you will need all the strength and endurance your weak body has.”
 Part 2
 AN 2.0: SOOOOOOOOOO what do you all think about this new story (idea)?
I am sorry if I missed warnings. PLEASE tell me so I can change that!
Please let me know and as always thanks for reading and please feel free to comment, like and reblog.
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Malec + 42. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” please!!
Sure thing, nonny. But it won’t be referring to either Magnus or Alec :D hope it’s okay. Time for some Lorenzo Rey hating in our lives. Canonverse, somewhere between 302 and 305. 
Available on AO3. 
42. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.”
Magnus blasted Alec’s office door open, the anger still boiling in his blood. “I hate him. I fucking hate him.”
He stopped, watching Alec’s still open mouth as his boyfriend stood frozen mid-sentence. There were two fresh-looking Shadowhunters sitting in front of Alec, all geared up and ready to go on their mission. A mission that Alec was probably in the middle of briefing to them.
Arching a single eyebrow, Magnus crossed his arms. The two Shadowhunters grew pale and the girl even swallowed hard, her eyes widening.
“Anyway, demon attack on the Upper East Side,” Alec wrapped up the meeting. He gestured to the door with his head. “Go.”
Magnus watched as the duo nodded obediently and stood up to leave the office. Neither had the courage to look Magnus in the eyes and they avoided him on their way out. Magnus watched as the door closed behind them.
Alec stood up and walked up to him, placing a kiss on Magnus’ cheek. “You ran into Lorenzo,” he guessed, voice neutral.
Too neutral. Magnus rolled his eyes in annoyance. “That pompous jerk. He was at my herbs provider this morning, fulling her ears with his lies. Fishing for a discount, of course.” Magnus groaned. “I’m just trying to live my life as a regular warlock and he keeps showing up wherever I go.”
“I’m sorry to inform but you’re not a regular warlock,” Alec said cheekily, clearly not taking the issue seriously enough. “You’re a royal one.”
Oh. Of course. Ever since Alec found out about Asmodeus, he had been fixating on Magnus’ supposedly royal line within demon realms. Curious hierarchy to pique a Shadowhunter’s interest but Alec was nothing like his peers.
Unfortunately, Magnus was too annoyed to be amused by his boyfriend’s quirky kinks. Which was yet another reason to hate Lorenzo. “Royal or not, that condescending asshole was trying to steal my provider. He even got there before I did. Someone tipped him off.”
“Is it a problem if he starts to buy from the same person you do?” Alec asked as he gently pushed Magnus to sit down.
Magnus sighed heavily, letting himself be guided to the couch. He had to admit it was better to be able to vent to Alec instead of hiding his less-than-pretty emotions from him. But, sometimes, that entangled more explanation than cursing someone and Magnus didn’t have the patience.
The glass of scotch Alec put in his hand changed that. Magnus took a long sip. “Yes, it is. You see, I’ve been doing business with this particular provider for over two centuries now. She gives me her best product and I pay her handsomely for it. But Lorenzo Rey won’t have that.” Magnus rolled his eyes. “He’s the High Warlock so he has to get the best of the best.”
Alec sat down beside Magnus, activated his Memory Rune, and started to massage Magnus’ shoulders. Was that the technique Magnus taught him three weeks before? It seemed like it. Magnus had studied that during his time in Japan and had fused it with some different hand movements he took out of calming spells. A Magnus Bane Original.
Which reminded him. “You had to see him, Alexander, going on and on about this elixir he created.” Magnus shook his head. “I could only watch and think: ‘his ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.’ He can barely mix up a drink, let alone a potion.”
A snort escaped Alec’s lips but he grew serious the moment Magnus narrowed his eyes at him. “Isn’t that the provider whose daughter you saved from Demon Pox free of charge?”
“Little Ellie. Yes, poor thing. I could never charge that healing potion. The girl almost died.” Magnus smiled despite all his nerves. “You’d love her, Alexander. She still calls me Uncle Magnus.”
Alec smiled gently, but then his expression turned somber. “Is there some sort of rule that you have to let the High Warlock take your provider?”
Magnus shook his head, confused. “Absolutely not. Besides, she kicked him out of her shop. Nynma is quite the character, she picks and chooses her clients. Seelies don’t care about warlock leadership.”
It was Alec then who looked puzzled. “Wait. Lorenzo got kicked out? I thought you angry that he stole her.”
Oh, gentle-hearted, practical-thinking Alec. Of course he missed the real offense in the entire thing. Magnus still couldn’t believe how adorably naive his boyfriend was. “Worse,” Magnus explained and raised a finger, “he tried to.”
“But he failed. Miserably,” Alec argued. “Because your provider chose you. Did you even have to ask her to kick him out?”
“No, no. I don’t think she saw me in her shop until after Lorenzo was portaling away with itching powder spread all over his jacket.” Magnus chuckled, the image forever saved in his mind. He was definitely conjuring a picture out of it for posterity. “But the point is that Lorenzo isn’t satisfied with just taking away my title. He’s coming for everything else too.”
To Magnus’ disappointment, Alec didn’t seem to share his worries. “Let him. He’ll find out people in this town have their priorities set up straight.”
“Not too straight, I hope,” Magnus quipped, though just out of habit. He frowned. “What do you mean?”
Alec shrugged. “Well, people here know you, they like you. Lorenzo might have the High Warlock title, but you have their loyalties. They are not just going to flock to him.”
Magnus smiled, appreciating the sentiment. However wrong it was. “He has the power now, darling. These people were only loyal to me because I had it, but now it’s his.”
“That’s not how Nynma thinks,” Alec pointed out. “And I’m willing to bet she’s not the only one that is on your side because of who you are. Not because of your title among the warlocks of New York.” Alec shrugged. “You’ll see. Lorenzo can yield his High Warlock title all around the city. That doesn’t make him Magnus Bane.”
Magnus was about to argue but stopped when his phone buzzed. He fished out of his pocket just to find a text from his favorite mundane candlemaker asking why there was Spaniard weirdo trying to outbid Magnus’ payment for his latest commision and why didn’t the guy accept a no for an answer.
Blinking, Magnus looked at his boyfriend. Alec just smirked and pulled him closer in a hug. As Magnus laid his head on his boyfriend’s chest, he let himself relax. Maybe what Alec said wasn’t entirely crazy. Maybe Lorenzo Rey wasn’t such a threat as Magnus had considered.
Maybe, just maybe, Magnus didn’t have to fight for the love of the people around him. Maybe it was because he had already won it.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Star Wars Episode IX:The Rise Of Skywalker Wishlist
My new Episode IX Wishlist now that The Rise Of Skywalker title and teasr has been revealed
Rey’s training will be complete. It will be revealed that the “We’ve passed on all we know line” will mean the force ghosts of Luke, Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan. Rey is now ready to face Kylo Ren one last time and bring the war to an end
Finn will be revealed as force sensitive and wield the lightsaber by the end. Finn is force sensitive and there is so much evidence. The teaser is a red herring. By the end of the movie Rey and Finn will team up together against Kylo. Rey will have made her own Saberstaff and Finn will wield the Skywalker Lightsaber.
Finn and Poe will have their epic bromance(I love Stormpilot, but I know it won’t happen, I’m happy with Finnrey) and kick the First Order’s asses together
Rey and Rose friendship. Given the picture in Episode IX it seems like we’re finally getting to see Rey have a friendship with another girl FINALLY and a giant fuck you to Rian Johnson and Jason Fry for making Rose bitter and jealous towards Rey for no reason. Fuck you, you misogynistic assholes, fuck you. While we see Finn and Poe’s friendship grow, we will
Knowledge of Finn’s family. We will finally know about Finn’s family is. Perhaps BB-8 hacks into The First Order’s computer or something and the droid reveals it to Finn. Finn will be revealed to be the Lost Prince of  Artorias. Finn is said to be influenced by the Legends character Finn Galfridian, well Galfridian and Kyle Katarn. Finn is the lost prince. This is the best possible way to explain Finn, this would also explain Finn’s force sensitivity and holding his own against Kylo Ren. So how it could work is Finn was born on Artorias and the First Order had plundered the world first due to their weak military. They would take the children of the planet and turn them into Imperials while using the wealth of the royal family to help fund the FO. BB-8 could download these records and show them to Finn and The Resistannce. And Finn wanting to reclaim his title and world. This could also lead to Rey and or Luke training Finn. Finn will take his place as the co-protagonist in a big way.
Rey will be revealed to be the daughter of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Kylo lied, it would not take a genius to figure that out and JJ said there is more to tell. The ship Rey saw in TFA appeared in the trailer. Keri Russell will play Mara Jade. Luke will tell Rey the truth. Maybe it happens like this. “the force is strong in my family. My father had it, I have it, my sister has it and my daughter has it”  “You were never meant to be left on Jakku…I thought you died the night in the academy.” “All those years. I was so alone.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “Did you ever try to find me?” “Of course. For so long I searched the galaxy for you. Everyone said that you had died that night in the temple, that I should give up searching. But through the force, I could still feel you. I knew you were still alive. Every face I seen, it was your. Every voice I heard, it was yours. It drove me crazy. I came to this island, turned away from the force because it was so hard. Feeling that you were somewhere in the galaxy and being unable to find you. Seeing you in front of me right now… I’ve never felt so lucky.” He wanted to turn Rey away from her family heritage and training her because he was afraid of losing her again. But now that he embraces her, he has never been so proud in her life. Luke will explain that his mother Mara Jade took her away from the academy before she could be killed by Ben during the academy massacre. Mara then took Rey to Jakku and blocked off her memories, so she can never be found by Kylo Ren or the First Order. Rey, now a Jedi will take up her family name and stop her cousin and bring balance to the force. It fits. Throughout The Force Awakens it fits, Rey needs to be a Skywalker in order for her journey to make sense. Rey is the heir to the Skywalkers and Kylo Ren is the Heir to Vader. 
The other scenario is Rey will take up the mantle of Skywalker. Rey has finally found her family and her place in the galaxy. Rise Of Skywalker means Rey and her connection to the Skywalkers, it’s about Rey even if she’s not a true Skywalker.  The entire trilogy is Rey’s hero’s journey and her character arc. She started as a scavenger abandoned on Jakku. She found a purpose aside from desperately waiting for something that will never come. The Force Awakens was Rey’s awakening. She found the force within herself and saved herself and her friend. The Last Jedi was about Rey finding her place and eventually becoming The Last Jedi. She found that her place was not following the teachings of the old Jedi or with Kylo Ren. Her place is becoming the new generation of Jedi and Rey herself becoming a legend. Rey will take the mantle of Skywalker and become the beacon of hope the galaxy needs.  
Rey, Finn and Poe will be on a journey to the Death Star graveyard to find the last Kyber Crystal.  Rey wants to use it to bring hope to the galaxy, while Kylo wants to use it as a weapon. It’s a race against time. We will finally see the three as the Sequel Trio. About fucking time.
Rose will be the big deal in The Resistance. Given the only picture we have of Rose in TROS is near a computer, I think Rose will be The Resistance’s hacker. And finally Rose will get the better writing and recognition  that she deserves. She will be devoted to The Resistance and will be a big hand in ending the war.
Jannah will be Jannah Calrissian, Lando’s daughter, she will be crucial to the story and help the trio in their mission.
Lando Calrissian will lead The Resistance in battle as General and be the war hero that destroyed the Death Star. Lando is not a tool for Kylo’s redemption. Respect the legacy characters or don’t use them at all
Leia’s role will be heartbreaking but satisfying. She will give her farewell to Rey, Finn and Poe. I’d also love it if her final action in Star Wars is to use Battle Meditation to lead The Resistance to victory.
A scene of Kylo and Leia together. It might not happen, but I want Leia to have a scene with her son, Leia to try and reach Kylo but it will fail as Kylo Ren is too far gone, her son is dead. He has completely submerged himself in darkness  and has pledged himself to destroying everything his family has built. He has promised to Leia that when The Resistance is in ruins, when my uncle(Lando) is dead, when “my replacement”(referring to Poe) is dead, the traitor is dead, when my cousin is dead(Jannah) and when the last jedi lies dead, then I will finally kill you, mother. Then Leia knows that her son is truly gone.
Kylo Ren is the villain. Kylo Ren is the villain of the sequel trilogy.  He has chosen his path over and over again, Kylo Ren is not getting redeemed and Reylo is not happening. He is The Supreme Leader, his goal is to end the Resistance and finish what Vader started by killing The Last Jedi. JJ himself said that’s what he means by “finish what you started.” Kylo rejected his family and chose The First Order, the point of his story is he is the Skywalker who chose the dark side and rejected the light. He will lead The Knights Of Ren to destroy The Resistance and to either force Rey to rule by his side or die with The Resistance. 
Anakin’s force ghost will visit Kylo to try and save him, but it is far too late. Snoke was preventing Anakin from seeing his grandson to bring him back and stop his grandson from repeating his mistakes. Ben Solo felt betrayed and lost it when he found out his grandfather was Darth Vader. He never found out that Anakin returned to the light and saved his son. Snoke lied about the truth and gaslighted Kylo into believing only Vader mattered and made him believe that compassion made him weak. Ben never learned the truth about Anakin. As for Anakin. Anakin was always the light that was calling to Ben, but because of Snoke, Anakin watched in vain as his grandson was becoming his mistakes. Anakin could hear everything that’s going on, he was a watching Kylo always but he can never be sensed or seen. Anakin hears Kylo ask “Show me again grandfather” and Anakin is so desperate to do something to turn him away from this dark path but he can’t do anything but watch in sadness and horror. So when he is finally able to manifest to his grandson. Anakin will tell him  “I never wanted you to repeat my mistakes. That pull to the light you were feeling was always me. I wanted you to be better than I was, who I could have been” and showing Ben his memories and what he had to go through. His life as a slave, meeting Padme, meeting Obi-Wan, becoming a Jedi, losing his mother, Order 66, losing Padme and being saved by Luke. And telling Ben “Let the light in. You still have a chance, no one is ever really gone“ And Kylo Ren would refuse to believe this. Kylo will retort that “the light made our family weak, your compassion made you weak, I will finish what you started and were too weak to finish.”  and Anakin watches in horror as his grandson continues his mistakes…and realizes he has become worse than he ever was as Darth Vader. His words fell on deaf ears and he could not save his grandson.
The Knights Of Ren will play a big role in the movie. My big hope is we actually learn about The Knights Of Ren. Unlike The Praetorian Guards who were faceless Guards who all just die, we know that the Knights are important and actually characters. We learn they were Jedi who left with Kylo Ren and helped him destroy the new Jedi Order. And they are Kylo’s new family.  The Knights serve The First Order, but they are completely loyal to Kylo. We only know of one of the Knights Of Ren. The Knights Of Ren will destroy The Resistance and finally destroy The Jedi.
Palpatine will return as a Sith Holocron to guide Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren. Palpatine will just be Classic Sheev™ trying to turn Vader’s heir into who he was meant to be and guide The Supreme Leader. It makes sense. The Jedi are guiding Rey, while the Sith guide Kylo Ren. Palpatine guides Kylo to Vader’s lightsaber. The legacy lightsabers of Anakain Skywalker and Darth Vader. Can’t think of a better way to have a final battle than that.
Phasma is dead. She is not coming back. She has been screwed over twice, thankfully Gwendoline Christie’s talent will not be wasted for a third time. It’s such a shame Phasma was not used to her full potential.
Hux will actually be threatening, he wants the kyber crystal so he can power the Empire’s abandoned superweapon that can finally crush the Resistance, he also plans on using this weapon on Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren so can  crush all his enemies in a single move. Hux is playing the long game. I’d also like a Phasma mention by Hux “it is lonely without Phasma, I always wanted her to rule by my side, she will be missed” 
In a final force bond session, Ren will taunt Rey. telling her she is nothing and to join him and together they can rule the galaxy. Rey will then tell him “I was never nothing. I am Rey Skywalker, a Jedi like my father and mother before me”  Ren is like “oh shit” but prepares for her
The final battle will be on Jakku. It will end where it began. It ends at the Empire’s defeat and the birth of the First Order and it ends where Rey’s journey began. Rey will face Kylo, but her friends will stop her from going alone. Perhaps this Kyber Crystal will help awaken everyone’s potential. So this way, we can have Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose and Jannah be the new Jedi who rise. The Skywalkers. Rey and her friends will face Kylo and The Knights Of Ren 
The duel between the new Jedi and the Knights Of Ren will be intense and emotional, it will even rival Anakin and Obi-Wan. It will end with the Knights being defeated but only Rey and Kylo will be left fighting.
Rey and Kylo are evenly matched. But it will end. Rey is giving him one final chance. “Ben, Surrender. Your fleet is in ruins, Hux  has been captured and your Knights are defeated, you have lost Supreme Leader” Kylo Ren will scream at her “BEN IS DEAD, I KILLED HIM. I WILL KILL YOU ALL, AND FINALLY GENERAL ORGANA, THIS ISN’T OVER” Ben Solo is truly dead. his eyes are piercing yellow and his lightsaber is pure crimson. Only Supreme Leader Kylo Ren remains.
Kylo Ren’s fate. The battle between The Resistance and The First Order is over. The fight between Rey Skywalker and Kylo Ren is finished. Rey will chop his hand off and destroy Ren’s lightsaber. Rey has both legacy lightsabers in her hands and Rey at her mercy like her grandfather had Dooku at his mercy.  Ren is screaming and begging her to kill him. But once again, Rey refuses to do what Ren tells her to do. Rey will pull a Aang and sever Kylo Ren’s connection to the force. The war is over. Kylo Ren does not deserve death nor does he deserve to live with the force. He deserves to live with the consequences of his actions and be  accountable for his actions and forever be imprisoned for his crimes against The Galaxy and his family
The final episode will end with the war ending, The Resistance and The First Order has signed a peace treaty and together as the Galactic Federation has brought peace to the galaxy.  Kylo Ren, and Hux will spend the rest of their lives imprisoned for war crimes against The Galaxy and The Republic. Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose and Jannah have formed a New Order, The Skywalkers and brought balance to The Force. It ends with Rey and Finn’s wedding. Luke, Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan look proudly upon Rey and this New Order.
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fangzeronos · 6 years
Pining Ch. 7
| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
Keith woke two days later and stepped out of his pod, rolling his shoulder and sighing as he did. He looked over and saw Lance and Pidge, making his way over. “Where’s Acxa?” he asked.
 Pidge sighed, looking at Keith. “We don’t know,” she said. “When Shiro and Allura got into the outpost to come looking for you two, you were unconscious and bleeding out again, and there was blood on the floor from a body being dragged. Shiro thinks Acxa was dragged out by Lotor, but he hasn’t made any calls to gloat like he usually does. I’m sorry, Keith.”
 “And what about the pod we found?” Keith asked. “The one with the Altean in it?”
 “Allura’s waiting for you to wake up,” Lance said, looking up. “Said that since you found it, it’s only fitting to have you be around to open it up.”
 Keith nodded softly, sighing as he looked down. “Guess you got your wish, Lance,” he said.
 “The hell are you talking about?” Lance asked, cocking an eyebrow.
 “Acxa’s not around for you to hate,” Keith said. “She’s gone, probably dead. Bet that makes you extremely happy.”
 Lance sighed, looking away. “I’m sorry about that,” he said. “I…I really am, Keith. I was way out of line and I…I’m sorry. I know you’ll probably not forgive me and I’ll deserve that, but…I really am sorry I did that.”
 Sighing, Keith looked at Lance and put his hand on his shoulder. “Do it again, I’ll cut your nuts off and shove them so far up your ass, you will never sit again. Understand?” he asked with dead seriousness in his tone.
 Lance blinked and nodded. “Yes, sir.”
 “Good,” Keith said. “Pidge, where’s Allura and Shiro?”
 “Rec Room,” Pidge said. “We’ll all head down there. Lance, go get Hunk.” Lance got up and walked out, leaving Pidge and Keith to head from the bridge towards the rec room. She grabbed her tablet and stood up, walking out beside Keith. “I’m sorry we haven’t found her yet, Keith. Krolia’s been searching every underground network she can think of and working every Blades angle possible, but…we’re not hopeful.”
 Keith nodded, sighing as he folded his arms. “It’s alright, Pidge. It’s not your fault. It was mine for being so careless and stupid,” he said. “I rushed in and got caught up in the fight, not paying attention. It’s my fault she’s been hurt and kidnapped. I just…I hope she’s not dead.”
 Pidge put her hand on Keith’s arm. “As long as you keep hope that she’s alright, she’ll be alright,” she said. “She loves you, and she’ll keep fighting.” She walked into the rec room ahead of him, sitting down.
 Keith walked in and looked over, seeing Shiro and Allura. “Hey.”
 “Hey,” Shiro said, walking over and putting his hand on Keith’s shoulder. “We’re looking everywhere we can. We’ve got parts of the Coalition keeping an eye out and the Blades—” “Are working inside of Lotor’s ships. Yeah, Pidge told me that part,” Keith said. “My love life aside, should we open up the pod?” He walked over with Shiro and sighed, looking at the pod. “Allura?”
 Allura nodded, reaching out and opening up the pod. It hissed, steam coming from the latches as it opened. She and Keith reached out and helped the woman inside out as she wobbled. “Ma’am?” she asked, helping her stand.
 The woman held her head, sighing softly and looking up before she blinked. Her eyes landed on Allura and she felt them get wide, bowing her head softly. “Princess Allura.”
 Allura smiled softly, rubbing the new woman’s arm. “You do not have to be so formal,” she said. “What’s your name?”
 “Romelle,” the woman said. “My name’s Romelle.” She sat down with Keith’s help, sighing softly and pressing her hands to her eyes. “He told us you were dead. He said that all of the Royal House was dead and that Altea had fallen.”
 Allura nodded softly. “It fell ten thousand years ago,” she said. “I was in stasis for that entire time. My friends here found the Castle and woke me and Coran when the Blue Lion of Voltron returned here.” She sat beside Romelle and placed her hand on her arm. “Who told you we were all dead?”
 “Lotor,” Romelle said. “He told us…that we were going to have a new Altea. Somewhere the Empire couldn’t find us. He’s been lying to us for centuries. Our colony was settled across the Galaxy near a time rift, and he came occasionally and got a few hundred of us that were eligible, saying we’d be taken to a second colony. What really happened to us, Princess?”
Allura sighed, squeezing Romelle’s hand softly. “He…had all of you hooked up to machines in the Roshax outpost a lightyear from here. The machines were draining Quintessence from the Alteans. You were the only survivor. The process hadn’t been started on you.”
 Romelle nodded softly, rubbing her hands together. “Damn him,” she said. She looked up as Krolia jogged in, standing up and backing away.
 “Easy,” Allura said, standing up and walking over to Romelle. “She’s on our side. Keith is her son. She’s not under anyone’s command in the Galra.”
 Slowly, Romelle sighed and nodded, biting her lip. “My apologies.”
 Krolia smiled softly. “It’s alright,” she said. “Allura, Keith, we’ve received a message from the Empire.” She looked at Keith who stood up, walking over and putting her hand on her son’s shoulder. “I haven’t looked at it yet. I thought you and Allura should be the ones to see it.”
 “It affects all of us, we should all see it,” Keith said. He looked at Romelle. “All of us.” He walked out ahead of everyone, making his way for the bridge. He folded his arms and clenched his hands, hoping that Acxa was alright. He looked over as the others walked in, Romelle and Krolia bringing up the rear as Krolia helped her stay steady until she got her balance back.
 “Coran, please play the message,” Allura said.
 “Of course,” Coran said, opening the message.
 Lotor’s face appeared on the screen, a dark smirk on his face. “Paladins of Voltron, Princess Allura, traitor to the Empire Krolia. You took something of mine and I took something of yours, Red Paladin. Your precious Acxa, my formerly most loyal General. Would you like to see what’s become of her?” he asked, stepping out of the way.
 As he did, Acxa came into view, strung onto the wall and bleeding with semen stuck to her body. She looked up at the camera and winced as she did, trying to keep her head up before she let it fall, shaking softly as tears fell down her cheeks.
 “She’s become somewhat popular amongst my loyal Galra. She makes quite the perfect little sex toy. If you think you can find her, you’re sorely mistaken, Paladins. The next time you see your dear Acxa, she’ll be broken and nothing more then a loyal slut to the Empire, good for nothing more then relieving our men and women of their basest desires. I hope you’re happy with what you’ve relegated her to,” Lotor said, smirking at the camera. He walked over and wrenched Acxa’s head up. “Is there anything you want to say to your boytoy, my darling slut?”
 Acxa looked up at the camera again before fire lit in her eyes, spitting out a mouthful of semen into Lotor’s face. “Go to Hell,” she snarled. She looked at the camera and smiled. “I’ll see you soon, my love.” The camera lowered as the sound of a fist hitting flesh rang out, the feed cutting and ending the message.
 Keith’s hands clenched. “Pidge—“ “I’m already working on backtracing the message,” Pidge said, looking at Keith before returning her eyes to her tablet. “He thinks he can hide from us? Son of a bitch has something else coming.”
 “Yeah, my foot up his ass,” Keith said. He felt Shiro’s hand on his shoulder, and he sighed softly. “I’m sorry, Shiro. I shouldn’t be so upset about this, but—”
 “You’ve got every right to be upset, Keith. He’s taken your girlfriend, basically let the entire legion of troops on his ship rape her, and she’s still holding out hope that you’ll find her. You’ve got every right to be pissed and storm out, stealing a ship and hunting Lotor to the ends of the Universe,” Shiro said. “If it was Allura, or even Adam, you know I’d do the same thing.”
 Keith nodded, knowing Shiro was right. “Yeah. I know,” he said. He sighed as he rubbed his neck, shaking his head. “It’s my hot-headed nature that got her into this mess.”
 “If you weren’t hot-headed, you wouldn’t be my son,” Krolia said, putting her hand on Keith’s shoulder. “Shiro’s right. You’ve got every right to be pissed and storm out, but the fact that you aren’t means you’re thinking about Acxa’s safety and what’s going to happen to her if you do run in blindly.”
 “I can’t lose her, Mom,” Keith said. “She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
 “Gee thanks, asshole,” Shiro laughed, shoving Keith’s shoulder. “Seriously, though. I’m glad you’ve got her, man. You always needed someone stable in your life, and living with me wasn’t helping you.”
 “Shiro, you helped me as much as you could. I learned a lot because of you, and I’m grateful for it. Don’t sell yourself short about what you did for me growing up after my dad died,” Keith said. “You kept me alive long enough to join one of the greatest things I’ll ever do in my life. Being a Paladin and then a Blade let me find my mother and the person I love more then anything. It was you that helped me find it, and I can’t thank you enough for it.”
 Shiro smiled, hugging Keith. “Let’s go get your girl,” he said.
 “Damn straight,” Keith said, patting Shiro’s back. “Pidge, anything?”
 “No. I’m analyzing everything in the footage, trying to find anything that could help be an identifier or a signal or anything,” Pidge said. “Until I do—”
 “We start storming Galra cruisers and outposts,” Allura said. “Hunk, find the nearest one.”
 “I’m on it!” Hunk said, running over to his console and jumping in to start looking.
 Over the next two weeks, the Blades and Paladins invaded and stormed every outpost and Galra controlled facility throughout the universe. Ezor helped as much as she was able, trying to locate some of Lotor’s hiding spots, but even those came up empty. Finally, after almost three weeks and countless hours of sleep lost, Pidge finally managed to find Lotor’s signal.
 “Keith!” she yelled, running over and grabbing his arm. “I found the slippery bastard.”
 “Where?” Keith asked.
 “Daibazaal,” Pidge said. “It’s the last place an Imperial Cruiser was spotted. Kolivan’s sending recon back to us and I should have it—” Her tablet pinged, and she turned it to show Keith. “Right now. It’s still there, outside of the ruins.”
 “You’re the best, Pidge!” Keith said, high fiving the Green Paladin. “Don’t say it enough, but you really do rock.”
 Pidge grinned. “Stop standing around here and go get your girl. Allura’s ready to go when you’re set.”
 Keith nodded, taking off down the hall before he skid into his room. He quickly changed into his Blades uniform and rushed back for the bridge. “Allura!” he yelled.
 “Keith? What is it?” Allura asked, stepping forward. “Did Pidge find anything?”
 “Daibazaal. He’s on the ruins of Daibazaal,” Keith said. “Pidge said you were waiting for me and information.”
 Allura nodded. “We’ll teludav there and we can storm the Cruiser in Blue. The rest of you will give cover and distract the fighters. We end this today.”
 “Got it,” Shiro said. “Suit up and get ready to go!” He rushed out with Hunk and Lance, Allura opening the Teludav and heading for Daibazaal.
 “I’m coming, Acxa,” Keith whispered. “Please, baby. I’m coming…” He clenched his hands and watched the portal open, closing his eyes as they went through.
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nomorelonelydays · 6 years
Dragon AU - submission
I kinda got carried away. Oops.
The dragon was awake. It’s eyes widened and rearsd its head back, taking its massive neck out of striking range. Sidney closed his eyes and waited for the end. He knew he would be killed immediately if he was to return to his father without the dragon’s head, that much had been made clear when he had tried to argue against its betrayal. Instead of the heat of a flame or cold claws striking him down, Sidney heard a gentle rumbling voice from above him, “Why do you cry little knight?” He froze, not expecting the beast to actually talk to him. Their protector had never bothered ‘diplomatic nonsense’. Even the one time he had taken human form to sign the contract, he had said approximately three words; preferring to scowl at the royal entourage instead. Sidney sniffed and wiped the tears that had begun to fall, from his face, “I have disobeyed the king.” There was a long judgmental silence and the dragon spoke again, his voice colder and more harsh, “You think you will find shelter here?” Sidney looked up at the dragon and saw its, his, lip curl in disgust, revealing long pointed fangs the length of his arm. His black and golden scales glinted in the light coming from a fireplace somewhere nearby. Although the dragon had been distant, he had always been loyal to the agreement and the king. Sidney did not doubt that he had killer traitors to the thrown in the past. “He-“, Sidney paused trying to steady his voice, “He sent me to kill you.” The dragon’s eyes widened in shock as the truth set in. “This is true?” He looked angry and hurt. The dragon looked like he was waiting for a response so Sidney nodded. He growled displeasingly, a sound that echoed throughout the cave and shook the treasure piles. The dragon loomed over him, looking murderous. “Why?!” “H-he thought that we didn’t need you anymore.” Sidney’s voice shook in the face of an angry house-sized creature leaning in close enough to feel its breath, “But… I can’t. You’ve done so much for us, and I just… can’t do it.” This dragon blinked, seemingly surprised at his answer, and… smiled? “You’re funny little knight.” Cautiously Sidney met his eyes, “Thanks?” The dragon’s smile grew, “Pretty too. You stay until the king dies.” “But then one of his last wishes will still be-“ “Quiet” The dragon tilted his head towards the entrance like he was listening to something. Then in a flash, a large claw scoops him up and deposits him under the dragon’s wing. “Be still. Be quiet.” Sidney felt the dragon’s words more than heard them in the darkness between his wing and his side. “-ut do you really think Sidney got eaten?” The voice of Connor, one of his squires asked a few feet from the entrance. The other man snorted, “Of course he did. Always was a little weak for a Prince.” Giroux. He’d always been Sidney’s harshest critic and in his opinion, a grade-A asshole. “Who goes there?!” the dragon shouted. There was a pause, “We bring greetings from the king!” Giroux shouted and his voice echoed like he was now standing in the cave. “Fuck your greetings”, the dragon snarled, “I know what he has done. Tell your king every knight he sends up the mountain will die just like his son.” Connor gasped and Sidney’s heart broke. He had always had a soft spot for Connor. “Leave this place or die.” There was silence and the sound of running footsteps and clinking armor. Suddenly, light shone into his hiding place. Sid looked up to see the dragon peeking under his wing, looking amused, “Little knight is little prince?” “I’m not that little!” Sidney whined. The dragon snorted. “I’m average sized!” “Sure little prince.” “My name is Sidney.” “Okay Sid.” Sidney frowned petulantly, “That’s still not my name.” Only Flower has ever dared to call him Sid. The rest of the castle tended to avoid him; the weird knight that didn’t like to fight and kill. When the rest of the court went out to the country to hunt foxes or boar, Sidney would hide away in the forge with Flower to sharpen his sword (which was already sharp from disuse), or create pretty but useful things like daggers inset with gems or swords with their names engraved. But although the court thought him to be weak and strange, he was still the prince and no one dared to tell his father that he didn’t have the stomach for death. The dragon just grinned and laid his head on the ground next to him, “Short name for short human.” He hesitated before saying in a softer voice, “You can call me Zhenya, little prince.” “Zhenya?” The dragon stared at him for a few seconds and then burst into laughter, “Accent is awful. Aw Sid do not pout.” “I’m not pouting!” Stopping what was definitely not a pout, “I’ve just never spoken in Dragon-tongue before.” “Never taunt dragons before kill?” Sidney could tell that it was supposed to to be a joke but it fell flat. Zhenya’s face was carefully blank. “I’ve never killed anyone.” He admitted, leaning against the dragon’s side, “I have no problem with fighting, but when it comes to the killing blow…” He doesn’t finish the sentence because Zhenya is looking at him with a funny little smile. “Little Prince doesn’t kill.” “I stopped wanting to be a knight after I found out what they actually do.” “Kill monsters?” “Kill who the king tells them to. I’ve always preferred blacksmithing to swordplay. Sorry, you probably don’t want to hear this.” The wing covering him briefly shifted against him and then withdrew like the dragon was trying to hug him. “Is interesting, I don’t mind.” Sidney sighed, the dragon was just humoring him at this point. He tried to stand, “I should get going, it’s going to get dark soon and I need to be as far from the kingdom as I can get before then.” The wing that had lift slightly to accommodate his height snapped down, knocking him off his feet. “You will stay.” The dragon said firmly, “If you go you will die.” “I don’t have much of a choice do I?!” Sidney snapped squaring himself for a fight. Zhenya peered down at Sidney, trapped beneath his with with a smug grin, “Stay with all other pretty things, little prince. When kingdom needs new king, you will return. For now, rest.” The dragon whispered a spell and Sidney’s limbs began to feel heavy, the furs he sat on were so comfortable… maybe he could just close his eyes… just for a second….. “Sleep, little prince.” The dragon said kindly as Sidney drifted away.
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