#they are the most character ever to ME. like why does this BUG make me cry ALL THE TIME.
mmm essay about sally and kid gort in the tags (cw for child abuse, mentions of suicide, animal cruelty and a murder attempt. i always hope i don’t have to say this but just in case: i don’t excuse or condone any of her or gort’s behaviour at all.) this is literally not even touching upon everything i have to say because i hit the fucking tag limit lmao. NOBODY READ IT’S BAD BRAINSTORMING I JUST NEEDED TO GET IT OUT SOMEHOW
#thinkin too much about gortie side characters again.#sally this time and why she specifically talks about him the way she does#like dravo is obviously still shitty but to me he was. ‘just ‘neglectful#while sally actively hated and even felt terrorised by her own child#like. it’s not like i don’t understand her at all.#imagine you and your love don’t have much besides each other and your shop and you get pregnant and ready to raise a child#only for it to not be a child he didn’t and doesn’t cry ever and he learns everything so much sooner than most but then he never calls you#his parents and it’s not just a petty thing kids do sometimes you feel that he doesn’t see you as family and the worst part is that you#agree deep down#and as he gets older he doesn’t have any friends and actively rejects the notion of the entire concept#but then as time passes you hear about how he has entire groups of children following him and then several of them commit suicide#and that thing coming to sit with you and dravo at the dinner table says that he did what you did last week when the axe to chop wood broke#and you discarded it and got a new one#and he has these habits of ripping out flowers and making sure that they don’t regrow#and then you hear rumours about a friend’s daughter’s cat disappearing and think nothing of it#until you visit his tree house a month later and find a declawed cat and birds with clipped wings and crushed bugs that he keeps fondly#and then you see him with other children and they don’t know and his face is different and body language is entirely different#and were it not for the fact that you know better you would never see anything but a normal child#and you know that you are one who painstakingly brought this thing that should not be into the world and so you decide to end it all one da#and go to him as he’s asleep with the knife shaking in your hand#but he cries when you’re above him! screams at the top of his lungs!#so you beg for forgiveness even though you don’t deserve it through tears but as soon as the knife is put away you see the act drop and fee#his clever fingers having twisted your brain inside and out and you know that you can do nothing#and so the opportunity arises to at least remove him out of your life if not everyone’s lives and you take it immediately.#but you heard him talk. how he will close his fist around the world one day. and you know that it is not a matter of if but when.#like. imagine that. jesus dude.#like i hc her as someone that is messy and does not know a lot about life and she certainly wouldn’t have been a good mother but the love#or at least desire to love is there somewhere. and believing that having a child is really the only somewhat meaningful thing she can do#with her life. she’s not some hero or rich or anything of note. so there’s a lot obligation and not genuine desire for family here.#but she never really got the chance to be an actual mother in the first place so. who knows what that might have looked like
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kimmkitsuragi · 4 months
THE HOLLOW 😭😭😭😭😭 KNIGHT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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illubean · 2 months
Could I get headcanons for Feitan, Illumi, Leorio, and Chrollo falling for gn!reader who by all means seems like a strong, nuturing, emotionally stable individual but every once in awhile casually says or does smthin that makes people go "Oh you're a little fuckin nuts, actually"
(e.x.: Most of their D.I.Y. furniture is made of different kinds of bone, morbidly interested in the more gorey parts of their jobs, probably works in a field that allows them to be around the dead often like a taxidermist or a mortitian, highkey just unabashashedly a morbid little freak™️ whenever it comes up naturally in conversation but otherwise comes across as just an attentive lil guy you could bring home the average parents would love.)
HXH Men with a Morbid!S/o
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Characters: Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
this is so me
Warnings: dead things and body parts and stuff
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Leorio Paladaknight
being an aspiring doctor, Leorio thought that your knowledge on both human and animal anatomy was pretty useful
at first he didn't think much about your job and just assumed you were some type of doctor or biologist or something
he often asks you questions as he studies and you're a pretty good tutor
the first time Leorio realized you were kinda weird is when one day you were walking down the street and saw some roadkill
and you were like "aww too bad, the skin and bones are too damaged to harvest"
and you kept walking like it was normal while he was like ?!!??!?
or you guys were having a normal conversation and you say something like
"if you died i'd taxidermy you and re-articulate your skeleton so you'd be with me forever <3"
1 taxidermizing humans is illegal and 2 WHAT
he is cold sweating wtf did he get himself into
when he comes to your house for the first time and sees a bunch of bones, animal skins and wet specimens he damn near passes the fuck out
how do you just casually have dead things and remains around your house!?
he is freaking the fuck out and you're just like "dw everything is ethically sourced :D"
yeah he thinks you're a freak and he is too fearful to break up with you ever (not like he was planning to anyways)
Illumi Zoldyck
whatever drew Illumi to you had to have been some type of power
aside from that power, to Illumi you were relatively normal and had a good grip on your emotions which made you a perfect candidate
that being said he could care less what your job was, you'd just end up working for or with him eventually
when he started bringing you around the estate, you often sought out their guard dog Mike and Illumi couldn't think of why
that is until you came back one day with a human femur and bright smile on your face
"... where did you even get that?" "From one of Mike's victims. If I collect enough I could make a whole set of bar stools!"
he blinked at you and chose to ignore your statement
i mean, to each their own am i right?
so you have ah hobby, big deal
Illumi just thinks you're pretty normal personality wise until you randomly but casually drop information about what you do in your free time or have in your home
so now whenever he has a job Illumi calls you in for cleanup
you get to do.... whatever it is you do and there's no evidence of a dead body left behind, it's a win win
Chrollo Lucilfer
he couldn't care less what your job is because it's probably not worse than his 😭
he didn't really notice anything "morbid" about you until he asked about your jewlery
you wore things like resin caster bug pendants or bird skull earrings and stuff
he just assumed they were fake and you bought them because they looked badass
but then you told him you make it all YOURSELF
he is intrigued
he doesn't really question you past that because you were probably buying the bones and stuff somewhere (spoiler alert you're not)
what really caused him to think was when you casually just picked up a dead rat off the floor in some abandoned building you were exploring and suck it in your pocket
bro was so confused
"What do you need that for?" "To make a new necklace :3"
yeah now he knows that your odd taste in jewelry goes deeper than just that
he won't judge you though, if anything you're a better person than he is considering you don't kill things yourself
he is literally a murderer and a thief and has committed like 3467633788 crimes so he couldn't judge even if he wanted to
so now when he sees dead animals and what not he bags them up and brings them to you
he likes to sit in on your cleaning and making process
you seem like a perfectly normal and sweet person to everyone else but Chrollo knows about your freaky little hobby and it just makes him like you even more
Feitan Portor
I feel like for you and Feitan to even be acquainted you have to be part of the troupe
whatever you do outside of it is your business
buttttttt since you are his s/o and Feitan is probably homeless he crashes wherever you are
thus him finding out about your hobby and other job
out of everyone on this list he is the most interested
he too is a morbid little freak
he goes with you to find things and will help you with the cleaning/taxidermy or whatever process if you let him
what he doesn't understand though is why you don't just kill the things you want instead of hunting for already dead things
sometimes he will go catch like a squirrel or something and bring it back to you like a cat and tell you he found it like that
Fei baby. No the fuck you didn't
after doing what you're doing for so long you can tell what caused an animal to die but you wouldn't tell him that
he's just so cute and wants to be supportive of your hobby <3
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mauesartetc · 8 months
Redesigning Helluva Beelzebub
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Hoo boy, roll up the sleeves for this one.
The Original
In my review of Helluva Boss 108, I mentioned that Beelzebub's character design put me in mind of how some DeviantArt kid's fursona might look. And... Yeah I stand by that statement. The most likely reason I can figure Viv Medrano wanted her to be dog-like was to make a reference to her Die Young music video, which featured an anthro wolf singing a Kesha song (for context, Kesha herself voiced Beelzebub and co-wrote a song for this episode).
But for those who are unaware, Beelzebub's traditional depiction looks nothing like this.
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Really the only visual similarities the Helluva version shares with the Infernal Dictionary version are the insect wings, six limbs, and the crown thingy over the head. (At least I think that's a crown-? Kinda hard to tell on both counts.)
Bee's eyes get somewhat more insectoid later in the episode, but that feels like a cop-out. Wow, her eyes and colors changed. Totally a bug demon, right?
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They had the same problem in Hazbin Hotel with Katie Killjoy, who's allegedly supposed to be a praying mantis but barely resembles one, even after her transformation.
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I understand the desire for fresh takes on old figures, and taking creative liberties so the new interpretation doesn't feel generic. But the changes should at least make sense. By now it's pretty clear Viv couldn't care less about representing Ars Goetia demons faithfully, as demonstrated with Paimon, Andrealphus, and now Beelzebub. You could slap completely different names on these characters and it wouldn't change a thing. I posted this meme a while back but it's never been more relevant:
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On top of that, what reason could there possibly be for the design to be this damn complex? Why did she need so many markings on her face? Why did she need so many layers of hair? Why did she need flowing goo for her hair, tail, and body, each requiring dedicated effects animation?
When it comes to a hand-drawn production, less is more. Any superfluous details on a character just make unnecessary work for the animators.
Anyway, here's what Viv has to say about it.
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Alright, I'll admit: The lava lamp bit is a little clever. Basically it works as a regular stomach does, but on demonic steroids. But it wouldn't look so much like Viv's making this up as she goes if we'd seen Bee's stomach performing its intended function in the episode. Let her chow down on a giant piece of food (maybe that cotton candy she's been handing out-?) and swallow it, and let Loona (and the audience) see it dissolving in her transparent belly. As a general rule, if it's not shown or explained in the work itself, it's not canon. Like I've said before, Viv: Elaborate on the nuances in the story you're telling, not on social media.
Also, "Her ears are designed after beehives"? Wh...Wha? Ma'am have you ever seen a beehive.
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(Hell, even if you told me the ears were inspired by the generic cartoon beehive we're all familiar with, I wouldn't have guessed. There's a difference between being subtle and being vague.)
I can kinda see it in the overall shape, but that's a very specific design inspiration that wasn't clear at all in the design itself. Same with the "animal trainer" thing: I never would have picked up on that if Viv hadn't pointed it out. If a character design doesn't visually convey all the necessary information, it's not a successful design. Show, don't tell. There's a communication breakdown between what Viv's telling us and what Bee's design shows us.
(It's possible she actually meant "Her ears are designed after honeycombs", but even then, each compartment has a specific pentagonal shape that's not coming across at all here.)
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I also find it interesting that Bee and Loona have almost the exact same body type. Of course Viv's pretty infamous for samebody syndrome, but it's actually unnerving how similar these two are.
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Might this be a reference to Vortex's "type"? Is this foreshadowing a relationship with Loona? Am I overthinking this? Yeah, probably. Viv's demonstrated a clear preference for tall, skinny body types over the years, so it's safer to assume that's the explanation. It's all aesthetics. It ain't that deep. Occam's Razor and all that.
Finally, Bee how the hell does your shirt work.
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The Concept
So at this point it seems most logical to lean into the "bee" thing for the redesign, and scrap all the canine elements. As for the blobby hair and tail... yeeeah let's nix those too. We're going for a streamlined version that's easier to animate. And because I ignored the ringmaster look for my redesign of Asmodeus, it only makes sense to do the same for Bee's animal trainer vibe (what little there is) for the sake of consistency. I know this version of Hell has a circus theme with its highest-ranking demons, but there's never been an in-universe explanation for why that is.
Let's look at actual bees, then. A quick peek at Google has informed me that certain insect species have smaller, "simple" eyes (also known as ocelli), in addition to their compound eyes. In bees, this manifests as a triangular grouping of three beady eyes on top of the head.
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In her Helluva Boss episode, Bee's full demon form has three eyes, which could be a reference to this triangular arrangement, plus her regular form has two spots on her forehead in addition to the third eye. So it's possible Viv actually did research for something. Pleasantly surprised on that front.
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Next, the body. I've noticed that some folks find Bee's skinny body type refreshing, as the sin of gluttony is too often personified with fatness. And that's fair. That's valid. But consider this:
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Imagine any Vivziepop character saying that about a chubby person. Imagine the series sending the message that fat people can be sexy too, and that they have worth outside of their appearance, enough for at least one character to consider them girlfriend material. That they're valued and appreciated regardless of this culture's beauty standards (which we know nothing about since the worldbuilding is as thin and flimsy as tissue paper, but whatever). Imagine if this show finally had a fat female character who wasn't relegated to the background. Don't know about y'all, but that would be refreshing to me. And when you take into account all the fat-shaming of a character who isn't even fat, portraying a fat character as attractive would be a nice change of pace for this show.
Now let's talk about clothing. In the episode, Bee's clothes show off a lot of her body, with a cutout crop top and short shorts. We can take a similar approach for the redesign (something that still shows off her chest, belly, and limbs, in keeping with the extroverted "party girl" persona), but that perhaps includes more queenly elements.
The Redesign
Because this is a redesign, many elements were already in place, but I still had to figure out how this character would look as a bee. Here's where the preliminary sketches came in. Lots of trial and error in this process.
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Wrestling with this character's face got a lot easier once I realized I could mold it into a pentagonal shape akin to a honeycomb compartment. It took a few tries, but at last, I had a final sketch.
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All that was left to do was test out some color combinations.
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I tried a few different approaches, but in the end, this is the version I felt worked best.
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I used many of the colors from the original, but pushed the orange much harder since orange is the symbolic color of gluttony as a sin. And overall it gives Bee a nice honey-ish look rather than the generic black and yellow we already see on so many bees in cartoons. I thought the colored outlines on her clothing would add a soft, feminine touch, as well.
And just for kicks, here's a quick sketch of her giant form, inspired by the Infernal Dictionary drawing of Beelzebub.
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The canon version of this character exists in the form she does for no reason than to stroke her creator's ego. "Hey guys, remember when I animated that Kesha fan video? Remember how cool that was? Wanna see me foist this unnecessarily-complex character design on other animators while I take a victory lap?" I wouldn't mind so much if Viv animated any of this herself, but she didn't. I could almost excuse this if she had no animation experience and didn't know how much work it requires, but she does. The self-aggrandizing entitlement is just off the charts. But a nonsensical design is leagues better than a stolen one, so... brownie points for that, I guess.
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ineffable-suffering · 6 months
Re: "You go too fast for me, Crowley", because I think I finally figured out the real meaning behind that line
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Naturally, this line of all lines, the most line of them all, is constantly circling around my rotten brain like a moth around a flame.
In addition, though, there's always been another Good Omen's line/exchange that has kept bothering me again lately. And literally until just about five minutes ago, I had never thought of relating them back to each other.
Now, five minutes later, I have and I think I just ... figured it out.
In case you were wondering: The second line that wouldn't leave my head is what Aziraphale says to Crowley during their clandestine meeting at St. James' Park in 1862 when Crowley asks him for Holy Water:
A: "I'm not bringing you a suicide pill, Crowley!"
And here's what bugs me about this: Why did Aziraphale, without a breath of hesitation, immediately assume Crowley wanted the Holy Water to commit suicide if things ever went wrong?
That's ... such a dark assumption to make. Especially because that is absolutely not what Crowley wanted it for, as he literally says himself:
C: "That's not what I want it for, just insurance."
And what does Aziraphale reply?
A: "I'm not an idiot, Crowley!"
Because he firmly, firmly believes that Crowley is asking him to bring him the Holy Water as a foolproof method of taking his own life in case Heaven and Hell ever find out about them.
To this day, that conversation gives me chills whenever I think about it. We so rarely get see what genuine emotions and thoughts for and about Crowley Aziraphale keeps neatly tucked away behind that tightly buttoned waistcoat of his. This moment in 1862 is one of the very rare ones where his façade slips a little – and the peak we get isn't a fun one. It's a very dark, scared and vulnerable one.
What am I on about and how does this all relate to the infamous "You go too fast for me, Crowley"-line? Let's look at it under the cut.
(Word count: 2560 | Reading time: ~10 min. | TW: mentions of suicide)
Like I mentioned up above, it always struck me to my core that Aziraphale very clearly immediately assumes Crowley wants the Holy Water for possible suicide. Not only is that a very dark and upsetting thought, it also poses the question: Why? Why is that the first place Aziraphale's mind goes to?
Crowley says at the very beginning of their conversation:
C: "We have a lot in common, you and me."
He's definitely referring to their (very mutual) relationship Arrangement and the fact that they both find themselves kept apart and watched by their respective head offices, not allowing them to ever misstep and give themselves away.
After bickering around a little like they do, Crowley asks his favour – and he makes it very clear in a quiet and serious voice that:
C: "This is something else. [...] For if it all goes wrong."
He's not just talking about Heaven or Hell finding out about some silly frivolous miracles, no. He's talking about them finding out about their Arrangement, their relationship. The worst of all worst case scenarios.
So bad, in fact, that he doesn't even ask his favour out loud but instead decided to write it down.
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Aziraphale's reaction is ... severe.
We immediately see his face drop as, he too, realizes that this is all of a sudden a very serious conversation indeed. And he immediately and vigorously denies Crowley's request because he thinks it to be one for a suicide pill.
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To understand how he could arrive at that lightning-quick (and also wrong) conclusion, we have to try and understand how Aziraphale sees Crowley and the threat that the angel himself as well as their relationship poses to Crowley.
Crowley can, at times, be a very self-deprecating and cynical character. He's without a doubt carrying a lot of trauma and unspoken fears and emotions with him at all times. Aziraphale at this point in their relationship probably has a good notion of what those are – but he doesn't know the whole depth of it because they've never been able to speak freely enough and Crowley has seemingly decided to keep many-a things to himself, still. They both tread the waters of plausible deniability very well.
So, to jump to the conclusion of Crowley entertaining suicidal thoughts in the face of unavoidable danger is ... quite a violent jump. And remember: "[...] underneath it all, Crowley was an optimist. If there was one rock-hard certainty that had sustained him through the bad times then it was utter surety that the universe would look after him."
So, what is it that Aziraphale does know that would drive him to such a drastic conclusion when, in reality, secret optimist Crowley only ever wanted the Holy Water to protect himself against Hell to come out safe on the other end of things?
2500 BC, Land of Uz: A: "That [going along with Heaven/Hell as far as you can] sounds, um ..." C: "Lonely? Yeah." A: "But you said it wasn‘t." C: "I‘m a demon. I lied."
After Crowley helps Aziraphale out in Edinburgh in 1827, Crowley is immediately sucked back down to Hell We don't know what exactly happened after that or just how long Crowley was gone. We also don't know if Crowley ever told Aziraphale what happened, once he returned. What we and Aziraphale do know, is that Crowley ends up asking him for Holy Water, out of the blue, only a couple of decades later.
1601, The Globe: A: "But if Hell finds out [about the Arrangement], they won't just be angry. They'll destroy you." (additionally, later in time, C: "My lot does not send rude notes.")
Ergo: It's very clear that Aziraphale seems to have put two and two together with his own angel math by what he has a) witnessed himself and b) what Crowley has said himself which equals: In going against Hell, Crowley has felt incredibly lonely before he had Aziraphale by his side and if Heaven and Hell were to ever find out about them, Hell's punishment would be a whole lot worse than Heaven's.
He thinks Hell would destroy Crowley.
So when Crowley, who so rarely says how he really feels and one of the few times he did, told Aziraphale he was lonely, says he wants the Holy Water, the immediate conclusion Aziraphale comes to is: He wants it as an emergency exit. In case things go pear-shaped. He wants it to escape whatever dreadful punishment Hell would have in stock for such a lonely traitor. He wants it as a suicide pill.
For Aziraphale to not even entertain the thought or believe that Crowley does indeed only want the Holy Water as a means of self-defense is, again, absolutely heartbreaking. Because it tells us a thing or two just how scared and desperate Aziraphale thinks Crowley to be. Something along the lines of: "If I myself am already so immensely terrified of Hell's punishment for Crowley, how terrified must Crowley be."
I think a whole lot of this is also very, very strong projection and shows us how Aziraphale himself feels about all of it. How scared he is for himself and Crowley. Of what would be done to them.
A: „Out of the question! Do you know what trouble I'd be in if they knew I‘d been ... fraternizing?“
He knows they would both suffer immense consequences and that Crowley‘s still would be worse. If anything, in a dark and twisted way, it shows that Aziraphale himself has definitely entertained the idea of suicide as a concept, at least. Maybe not for himself or Crowley, yet, but remember, he‘s awfully fond of Shakespeare‘s Hamlet.
A: „To be or not to be? Buck up, Hamlet!“
Yeah, buck up indeed. (By the way, there's a great meta by @greenthena on why Aziraphale likes Hamlet so much that kind of plays into my point a little. You can read it here).
And again, who knows what Aziraphale might have actually witnessed of Hell's cruel ways already in the past (Edinburgh of 1827, or at other times) that made him arrive at the conclusion that, ultimately, suicide would be the less painful choice for Crowley when faced with Hell's consequence for their relationship.
I told you this was gonna take a bit of a darker turn. So, here we are. At the turn. It doesn't get much lighter from here on out, I'm afraid.
Because all of this gives "You go too fast for me, Crowley" a whole new devastating meaning.
Personally, I always found it a teensy bit difficult to relate that line back to Aziraphale implying that Crowley was trying to push their relationship a little too fast for him.
Deducing that as the meaning of "You goo to fast for me" after we were shown in the montage of S1E3 that Aziraphale, from circa 1941 on, was undoubtedly fully aware of just how madly in love he was with Crowley, has always felt odd to me. And it continued to feel even odder after we got the whole story of 1941 in S2.
Because if that minisode showed us anything, it's that if you let Aziraphale take over the metaphorical wheel for about five minutes, "too fast" doesn't even match the astronomical speed with which he crashes head first into 15th base. Forget the hand holding and kissing, let's go straight to you shooting me on the first date I planned for us!
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And they say romance is dead.
Now look, of course, Aziraphale is still keeping most of his romantic feelings and longing bottled up out of fear that Heaven and Hell could find out about them and have Crowley destroyed. We've established that this very big fear of his is the driving factor behind him never trying to overstep that invisible line.
But still, those feelings? They're there. Oh, Hell, they are t-h-e-r-e.
Our angel is a master of self-delusion but not even he is holy enough to deny the fact that, if he could, he'd want nothing more than to lock that demon down and elope together into their happily-ever-after.
So, when Aziraphale finally budges and hands over the Holy Water to Crowley in 1967, I've always had a hard time believing that that line coming from Mr. "I guess there's something to be said for shades of grey" himself actually meant: "I'm not ready yet, you want to go faster than I do."
Because really, apart from trying to convince Aziraphale of the Arrangement and rescuing him from every silly, coincidental predicament the angel has gotten himself into over the millennia, what exactly is it that Crowley did here to "go too fast"? Hell, he's been at it at the pace of a snail ever since, very well knowing that Aziraphale would take a lot of gentle nudging and lunch temptations invitations to agree with the Arrangement.
All Crowley does in that moment in the car is offer Aziraphale a lift, anywhere he wants to go. And yes, that is code their little dance, that is how he shows his love for Aziraphale. But Aziraphale has never before deemed that an issue or seen it as a too-fast progression of their relationship. He even suggests another date himself two seconds later, saying:
A: "Perhaps we could go for a picknick one day. Dine at the Ritz."
So, what, one sentence later he suddenly wants to hit the breaks again? After he literally looked like this the last time Crowley drove (literally way too fast) through burning London?
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Nah, I'm not buying it.
Instead, here's what I think Aziraphale really means with this line that changed us all (and I'm sorry, but I'm about to one-up the sadness of the 1862 meeting):
I think Aziraphale is referring to what he thinks is the reason Crowley wants the Holy Water for.
And boy-fucking-howdy, does that change the game.
Because if we assume that Aziraphale, all throughout the one-century-long Holy Water standoff, thought Crowley wanted it as a quick, ahem, Escape From Everything, what I think Aziraphale really means with "You go too fast for me" is this:
To him, Crowley is asking the most cruel deed of him to bring him the one thing that could take Crowley away from Aziraphale for good. For ever. In case things go pear shaped. In case Hell finds out about them and comes after Crowley.
To Aziraphale, Crowley is asking him to load the bullet into his gun for the time it won't be a trick. So he can escape before Hell gets to him.
More devestatingly, I think Aziraphale even understands where that notion comes from. Aziraphale knows how dangerous their relationship is. And Hell does not send rude notes. So, I think after pondering on it for a good millennia, part of him has come to understand why Crowley would want an emergency exit.
Which is absolutely fucking heartbreaking.
Especially because that's not even what Crowley was thinking when he made his request. He truly only wanted it as a defense. But Aziraphale doesn't believe or fully realize that. Aziraphale believes the Holy Water is a suicide pill and to some extent even understands why Crowley might want that.
And yet, despite (wrongly, but well) understanding Crowley's intentions, Aziraphale is still deeply upset and terrified at the thought of Crowley taking his own life should they ever get caught. Which explains his extreme reaction all the way back at their clandestine meeting at St. James' Park.
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Aziraphale assuming Crowley's way out of the most pear-shaped situation of them all would be suicide also means that Aziraphale would be the one who'd be ... well, left behind.
He recognises that choosing death over possible eternal punishment is maybe somewhat of an understandable choice. And yet, it's a choice that, to him, Crowley has made without him. Seemingly way before their first talk about it.
Aziraphale thinks Crowley seems to have made up his mind about his escape plan without him in it.
He thinks that if they were caught, Crowley would want some Holy Water around to quickly chug before he would be at Hell's mercy and that would be it.
Crowley would, for the first time ever, really leave. Not just for Alpha Centauri. But actually leave. Escape and run away to a point of no return. For good. Without Aziraphale. To a place where Aziraphale couldn't follow him, no matter how fast he tried to run himself.
It goes a little something like:
"If they found out about us, you would choose to go where I couldn't follow. And you're asking me to pave the road for you to walk there. Without me ever being able to get a say in walking alongside you. You want to go to places where I could never join you. You'd run away without me and I understand why but you didn't even give me a chance to catch up. You go too fast for me, Crowley."
F*ck, man. I think I need to lie down.
Y'know what else that gives new meaning to?
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Alright, that's it, I'm out. Enough sad meta-ing for the day. See you all around once I've stopped slipping further into the void, folks. :')
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
I saw you were doing a fluff alphabet! Hmmm, how about C, E, I, J, M and F for Vox?
C, E, I, J, M, F for Vox
Another character that I am at the moment to grasp onto, in terms of understanding characteristics and writing them.. but nonetheless I am willing to take a crack at writing him! I hope you enjoy, Anon, and I personally give you permission to smite me if this is too OOC!/lh
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Cuddling him is... odd... I enjoy the idea that his body constantly has a faint buzz.. though most of the time when he's not experiencing high energy or emotion, it's hardly noticeable. He prefers being the big spoon, oftentimes pulling you close with your back to him. Sometimes the soft vibrations of his body is soothing, so be sure to take any moment you can to initiate a cuddle session!
Going off of how he reacts when hearing Alastor's return, he can be prone to losing control of himself every now and then. Though, I think that's more so in line with his annoyance and anger rather than all his emotions. He seems like the type to want to come off as.. casual.. in a relationship. He may be devoted to you, but rarely does he drop his walls and allow himself to be completely raw with you. Sometimes he may become irritable when he's been made to examine changing trends so he can best pin point how to promote himself and his tech, though... may become a little snappy.. but in terms of affection.. He wouldn't pour his heart out, but he wouldn't shut you out. Perfectly average in this regard.
Unfortunately, sinners cannot reproduce so having biological children is out of the question. He doesn't much care for children, anyway. He seems like the type to think about being a father, and idealizing it, but not going through with having the child because of work. It sounds sad when it's put like that, but is it exactly wrong? He's so caught up in maintaining the image of the Vees and keeping his own company afloat that outside of the fantasy here and there, he doesn't want children.
It's here he would exercise his status as an overlord and as one of the Vees, by putting an end to whoever had the nerve to injure you. Actually, if it's public knowledge that you and him are together most sinners would know better than to cross you, especially if they aren't an overlord themselves. When it comes to actually interacting with you, I think he would make sure you receive the very best care that money and power can provide, ensuring your recovery is smooth and swift. He may be a little emotionally distant, but that's only because he's beside himself with rage at the nerve of whoever harmed you.
If he's the one injured I think it would play out similarly. Assuming he doesn't deal with the person himself. Wouldn't play up his pain, or down play it either. He would not want to be babied, and he might try to get back to work as soon as possible. After all, trends are ever changing and fleeting. He can't bare the idea of falling behind and possibly being overtaken by a certain radio demon.
He gets jealous... a lot, and when he does things can get ugly. A lot of times it results in him trying to show off and prove why he's better than the other person, and why he's more worthwhile. His screen tends to bug out and buffer while trying to turn the situation into his favor. With Vox it's best not to 'test' him and make him jealous on purpose, unless you're comfortable with the fact that Vox is going to try to run the other person into the ground. Be it literally or with their reputation. Definitely the type to physically pull you away from someone and take you to his side.
Going off of the above and the Injured segment, I think he would make it clear to everyone in Hell that the two of you are an item. A package deal. A couple. If it means having to put a ring on you to put it through everyone's skulls that you're his and his alone, then he might just consider it. Sees it more as a power move of sorts rather than a commitment, whether that causes it's own set of issues is up to you!
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avelera · 1 year
Hob Gadling - the absolute maddest of immortal lads
One of the things I love most about Hob Gadling as a character (and as a result, do my best to capture in fic) is how unique his reactions are to immortality and to Dream, and how he so often does the opposite of what one would expect from the genre of "humans granted immortality" but also what the average person and most of the audience expects that they would do with immortality, lending well to the concept that Hob is, genuinely, unhinged and a truly supernatural creature in his own right, which is often lost when the character we see him most often juxtaposed against is Dream, who is even more odd and unhinged if in very different ways
(I've decided to be systematic about this and go through meeting by meeting so strap in, folks it got long, as usual!)
1389 - First of all, Hob simply bragging at all that he doesn't plan to die. OG hipster right there, loving life before it was cool. But also, ok, loving life after being born less than a decade after the Black Plague ended. And in the midst of a great many Black Plague aftershocks! The latter half of the 1300s was a truly abysmal time to be alive, with huge social upheaval, war, plagues, "two bloody Popes fightin'" and in the midst of all this is Hob motherfuckin' Gadling, cheerfully announcing that death is for suckers and he doesn't intend to ever do it.
The man is a soldier! You'd think he'd be more accepting and philosophical about his inevitable death given the time he lives in, the profession he has chosen, the fact that most young men his age were wiped out at age 9 by the second wave of the Black Death, and just, in general, doing all of this while having the misfortune to live in England at the time.
And then when Dream comes up to him, like a complete weirdo, and challenges him on this, Hob is actually pretty nice to him! He gives him a side eye but he also goes along with the question, tells him to ignore his friend's jibes, and cheerfully accepts the wager! I cannot express to you how many turns in the road there are between what a normal person would do and what Hob Gadling does in that moment.
1489 - This one bugs me because the most unexpected thing Hob does is seemingly regress in maturity despite now being 100+ years old.
Now, I'm a huge fan of the theory that he's conning Dream right now and putting on the innocent chucklehead routine to put Dream off from kidnapping him to Faerie Land in exchange for his immortality. HOWEVER, since that's just a headcanon, let's take Hob as he is on the page!
Hob has a job. A Freaking Job. He used to be a bandit and a soldier, things that kind of make sense to do as an immortal (like The Old Guard) when you can't die! You could theoretically make BANK there just by taking dangerous jobs. But Hob doesn't?? He gets a normal-ass job, though in that day's equivalent of getting a job at Microsoft or Apple before they became big, Caxton is like one of the first modern startups in essence, a new technology that made TONS of money once it was imported, and Hob was on the ground floor. Still. HE GOT A JOB as an IMMORTAL. He doesn't seem to have this immortality thing figured out yet? And he doesn't ask Dream hardly any questions about it either! You'd think he'd be frothing at the mouth to better understand wtf happened to him, but once Dream clarifies that he's not the Devil and Hob's soul isn't in danger, that's it! No further questions, your honor! WHAT??
Also, just when you WOULD expect him to beg for death (that IS the genre savvy thing to do, Dream's not wrong!) he DOESN'T. He's more in awe than ever, he seems to be experiencing a second childhood over the fact. He's just vibing and living life. That's so, so unusual in this genre.
Hob also hasn't done any of the savvy things an immortal might do after 100 years! He doesn't actually seem all that angsty about why is he immortal, beyond a bit of fear he might need to pay the piper (Dream) now for this gift. Most vampires in an Anne Rice novel would have gone through about 20 stages of grief after they dealt with the first 100 years of everyone they know and love dying but Hob seems to not only be unbothered but actively gearing up for the next century. It's so bizarre. IT'S SO BIZARRE and I love it because I LOVE characters who DON'T do what you'd expect!
1589 - Hob has a family. HOB HAS A FAMILY. Who in their right MIND would start a family, knowing you'd have to bury your spouse and your children? HOB MOTHERFUCKING GADLING that's who! It's incomprehensible! He does it anyway! It's why I headcanon that he planned to support and nurture his family throughout time, like it was all very deliberate to found a dynasty, but it need not be! Knowing him, he just saw a pretty girl and married her! He didn't even CONSIDER his own wife and children getting angry and jealous with him for having immortality he can't share with them? He didn't even CONSIDER the heartbreak?? WHAT?! Who knows! He just did!
Now, this Hob HAS begun to do SOME of the things one would expect of an immortal - like build up generational wealth, BUT he has a KNIGHTHOOD. What immortal in their right MIND would draw that sort of attention to themselves?? HOB, THAT'S WHO. What are you ON, man, that's INSANE! No wonder he got drowned as a witch the man had ZERO CAUTION AT ALL.
1689 - the man is destitute. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN IF YOU'RE AN IMMORTAL? This is AS puzzling as anything else. Theoretically, Hob could just take a dangerous job with a high fatality rate for quick cash and rebuild his fortune pretty quickly, but he DOESN'T. What went wrong? The possibilities are tantalizing and painfully human that maybe he did do that and failed anyway, or hit even WORSE strings of truly abysmal bad luck.
But somehow, at 300 YEARS OLD it's not until 1789 that we hear Hob has begun socking money away for a rainy day! How does it TAKE YOU that long, sir?? How is that NOT something you figure out in your first century? I've seen a lot of fan writers ascribe a certain amount of immortal savvy to Hob but it's REALLY not there on the page! The guy is NOT genre savvy about immortality AT ALL he doesn't do ANY of the things one would expect, it's absolutely WILD that he falls this low after 300 years after completely failing to, theoretically, CONSIDER this possibility! And then, AND THEN, the guy STILL wants to live. I mean, this one hardly needs saying, that's nuts after what he went through, it's on the page that he's NUTS for this. But the guy is literally in the gutter dreaming of the stars, he is unstoppable I love him so fucking much what a force of nature.
1789 - OK, we've already mentioned that it took until 1789 for Hob to start saving money for a rainy day but let's talk about the fact HE'S NOT ACTUALLY CAREFUL ABOUT BEING CAPTURED?? Again, least genre savvy immortal EVER. You can't die so you'd THINK that being captured or imprisoned or god forbid, thrown down a mine shaft would be the SCARIEST possible fates when you don't have death as an escape, but the guy doesn't even blink at the thought of getting captured by an occultist like Johanna Constantine, dude's totally unbothered! DREAM has to tell him after 400 YEARS that maybe he should be worried about this? THE GUY GOT DROWNED AS A WITCH, picked himself up, dusted himself off, got into some crimes against humanity, and MOVED ON apparently without learning a single goddamn lesson he hasn't had since 1389 which is how to kick ass and look good doing it BUT HE'S NOT EVEN A PROFESSIONAL FIGHTER AS A CAREER, he's just a gentleman of means!
He just... lives a normal human life and seems to expect weird things like being kidnapped by occultists to not happen so long as he stays within those boundaries and you know what? IT SEEMS TO HAVE WORKED! Because to be fair, how many of us outside the bounds of fiction would ever expect the wild stuff like kidnapping to really happen? It's statistically quite vanishingly rare! And that's been all Hob has needed, presumably, to not need to stress since the damn witch trials about his immortality! So yeah, I read fic where Hob is like this very savvy immortal but by 400 YEARS he's BARELY learned to have a savings account under a different name and he STILL doesn't seem too bothered by the possibility of getting hurt or captured! Like, AT ALL?! Absolutely class act right here, top lad, unbelievable, no notes. HOW do you SURVIVE like this as an anomaly, Hob?
1889 - By now, it SEEMS like Hob has bought a clue. He's pretty understated, he's made some amends, SEEMS to have resolved to be less of a shithead, and he's got this immortality thing figured out. It only took him 500 FUCKING YEARS. But again, Hob ISN'T fabulously wealthy as far as we can tell. He's not a megalomaniac and he STILL seems to be vibin' as just a dude doing Just A Dude things like HAVING A JOB and if we borrow from Hob's Leviathan a bit, he's STILL just jumping between industries, just living life down at the normal human level. He hasn't detached from humanity, he lives in the day to day on a level that's just INCONCEIVABLE for a being that's 500 years old.
1989 - Ok, moving on a bit from Hob being an immortal, because getting excited about technology like his brick phone is absolutely so charming I want to squish his cheeks, but he's hardly the only immortal to get excited about that. What I want to talk about is how HOB FORGIVES DREAM for 1889. Because, look, Dream is a prick there. Hob could have been more diplomatic but Dream could have waited for the apology and he didn't.
I have seen SO MANY TAKES where Hob would be MAD after 1889 and RIGHTFULLY SO. But he's NOT. He's not! There are so many fics where he has lingering hurt over it but that's just NOT what the character does! He blames himself! Guy did pretty much nothing wrong except maybe choose his words poorly, but he's blaming HIMSELF for making Dream uncomfortable. Absolute legend. Saints have nothing on this man, that is saint-like behavior. I'd be furious. Hob just misses his friend and BLAMES HIMSELF that Dream isn't there. Not an a single, microscopic trace of anger in sight.
2022 - And then, AND THEN, when he has EVERY REASON to flip out when Dream shows up, finally, after 133 YEARS, after Hob has APPARENTLY stuck around the area just in case, WAITING for him, what does this fucking legend say? "You're late."
THAT'S IT! He's not mad, he totally has a right to be! He doesn't jump out of his chair in shock, that would be a totally expected reaction to! He glances up! He acts like Dream is 5 minutes late instead of over a century WHAT IS THAT?? WHAT IS THAT?! HOW?!! They just settle back with a pint after that like it's nothing. That's not what I would do. I don't think that's what almost any human would do after a shock like that. I still can't wrap my head around it.
So anyway, Hob Gadling, absolutely FASCINATING character from the perspective of just not doing a single fucking thing you'd expect an immortal Just A Dude to do. Goddamn legend right there. Worth remembering for those like me who are obsessed enough to write this guy in fic. He is just so... opposite of everything you'd expect and that is so fucking sexy of him wow
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soapyghostie · 3 months
I’ve been playing acnh a lot recently and was thinking of how Jason, Micheal and Danny johnson would react to it, learning how to play it etc, do you think they’d enjoy it or not care? :)
Um… I know I’ve been gone for a long time. I don’t know. I just had this itch to write today and decided to do this ask that’s been in my inbox forever. Hope you like it.
Jason Voorhees
Jason is a curious observer. The first time he saw you playing Animal Crossing, Jason watched from a distance silently so as to not disturb you playing your game. He could see how engrossed and passionate you were about the game when studying your facial features. It makes him happy to see you happy. 
He wouldn’t express much interest in the game mechanics or the adorable characters, but he does find amusement in the peaceful and carefree nature of the virtual world. The game reminds him a lot of Crystal Lake and the measures he takes to protect it, assuming the main point of the game is to protect the forest, right? 
If you ever sit down with Jason and try to teach him how to play, well it may take awhile to teach him and i mean a very long time. He is confused. He’ll probably tilt his head in confusion, trying to understand the appeal of catching virtual bugs and fishing in a serene village while struggling to figure out the controls. Why do it in a game when you could go outside to catch bugs and fish in real life by the beautiful lake outside the cabin? 
Despite his stoic demeanor, Jason will secretly appreciate the joy it brings you and silently support you gaming endeavors. He may even get on the game and surprise you every once in a while with a virtual gift or gesture to help you with your progress.
Michael Myers
The first time Michael saw you play Animal Crossing, he was intrigued (if that is what you would call it). He’d silently walk around the couch and sit beside you, watching you with a blank and unchanged stare. I don’t know what you’d expect from him. He shows no discernible emotion ever. Anyways, you don’t realize he is sitting right next to you – since you're so deep into your game – that when you do notice him, you get the jumpscare of your life. Thanks Michael. 
Michael finds Animal Crossing so interesting because it’s so peaceful and starkly contrasts with his reality which is full of violence and death. He’s not surprised that you would like something so peaceful, calming, and harmonious. You and him have very different interests and disinterests. Who is to judge though? He’s not gonna judge you because your interests and disinterests make you who you are. You being you is what drove him to you in the first place. 
He doesn’t understand the charm of talking animals and virtual activities, but as long as it doesn’t interfere with his plans, he won’t mind. Michael will tolerate your gaming hobby just as long you aren’t screaming and cursing at your game 24/7 then it shouldn’t be an issue (I don’t see why you’d be yelling at it in the first place). 
If you ever want to rant about your game, Michael is there to listen. It might seem like he’s not with that blank and unreadable expression he always has, but trust me he is. Did you get a new animal friend or new building? Are you frustrated because your best tools break? He’s sitting there taking it all in.
The Ghost Face/Danny Johnson
Out of all the three, Danny is the most likely to take the most interest in Animal Crossing, finding joy in the lighthearted and whimsical atmosphere of the game. He would notice you playing and, with a mischievous smile, offer to teach you how to play by suggesting to guide you through the ins and outs of the game. Spoiler alert, Danny has no clue what he’s doing so don’t feed his narcissistic ego even more.  
Danny, being the competitive person he is, will most definitely turn it into playful competition. He would challenge you to see who could catch more bugs or find more fossils. Stay on your toes because Danny is a fast learner. Once he learns the ropes of the game, he will outperform you any day of the week. 
Danny will often suggest date nights playing Animal Crossing, organizing in-game activities like fishing contests or fossil hunts. Oh great! More competitions. One of his favorite things to do when doing Animal Crossing dates with you is customizing y'all's virtual home. It’s a great time consuming project to be able to express y’all’s creativity together, fostering a sense of unity between you and Danny while sharing accomplishment, even if it’s just a game. 
Danny also enjoys leaving little surprise gifts or notes within the game for you as a way to express affection and to add an element of mystery to both y’all’s Animal Crossing experience. 
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
He Who Hides Behind a Mask.
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Scaramouche x F!Reader.
Warnings: Scaramouche is a mess, Reader is honestly a mess too, implied not SFW.  Word count: 6k. 
Note: originally, this story was going to be lot darker (haha), but after the 3.1 cutscene... i decided mr. mouche can have a break just this once. as a treat. please handle him with care. he really needs all of it he can get. anyway here’s my love letter to my fav genshin character. 
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You are, without a doubt, the worst human in the world.
If Scaramouche was labeled an eccentric by his peers throughout the centuries, he wonders what that would make you. Whatever conventions you abide by are a complete mystery to him. Perhaps you damaged your head at some point in your life and are now living with the consequences. Or, your head has made it out mostly unscathed, and you really are just this foolish for no good reason. That miserable doctor might say there’s an explanation behind every phenomenon, but the charlatan surely would change his tune if he met you.  
What else could possibly explain why you have the audacity to waltz into his office, entirely unannounced, scuttling about like you owned the place?
… And if that isn’t worse enough, why does he let you?
“I brought some reports from Yaroslav and Stepan,” you slap said reports on his desk, then stretch your arms over your head. Scaramouche purses his lips as he contemplates how wide open you’ve left yourself to attack. He considers chastising you but decides against it this time, feeling otherwise preoccupied with your words. He’ll save that lecture for another day. Lord knows he has plenty building up already.
“Did they offer any explanation as to why they sent you in their stead?” Scaramouche scoffs, straightening the papers out and giving them a once over. If memory serves, this time-sensitive information was supposed to be here hours ago. He would’ve hunted the two aforementioned slackers down himself had he not been so inundated with other matters. Really, he shouldn’t be dilly-dallying with you at all, he should just wave you off so he can focus again.
Emphasis on the word should. He knows he most definitely won’t. Not when he had to bite his lower lip to stop a smile from spreading upon you barging in.
You unclasp your standard-issued Fatui mask from your face and toss it aside. “Well, if you want my opinion—”
“I can’t say I ever do, really.”
“—Okay, I’ll be ignoring that comment. Anyway, back to my opinion. I believe they find your lordship unpleasant. Horrifying. The worst company anyone could ask for. Had it not been for the fact they were wearing gloves, those papers would’ve been soaked from how much they were sweating.”
Gross mental image aside, he laser focuses on the insults you so freely flung in his direction. “If my company is ‘the worst anyone could ask for’, why is it you seek me out like a pest so often?”
You help yourself to the chair in front of his desk. Scaramouche had never seen anyone aside from you use it, since the few trembling Fatui agents that managed to survive their encounters here never risked staying long enough to test the furniture. It might as well belong to you at this point. As does the windowsill you somehow manage to balance yourself on when the sun is beaming in, the couch, his bed in the attached room…
“What kind of pest are we talking about here? Bugs or rodents?”
He rolls his eyes. You’re so purposefully obtuse that it’s a wonder your back isn’t bent a hundred degrees. “A mutation between them that maximizes both of their worst qualities.”
“One, that’s too cool to be an insult,” you put a gloved finger up, “And two, I’m convinced that if I didn’t keep you company, you’d go crazy from loneliness and zap everyone to death. I consider this a community service.”
Oddly enough, you might be spot on. What was that phrase again? A broken clock is right twice a day? He mentally rephrases it so that the ‘twice’ becomes ‘once’. He can’t be giving you more credit than is absolutely necessary. While he doesn’t have definitive proof you’re a telepath, it’s too much of a risk to presume otherwise. Your ability to read him is just… uncanny. He has his suspicions.
“You’ve been slacking in your supposed community service then, seeing as you’ve been gone the past week.”
Oh no, that came out way more bitter than he intended. And oh no, now you’re smiling, not the kind he’d begrudgingly call cute should his enemies ever waterboard the information out of him, either. This variation is the worst. Malignance hidden behind a veil of purity. The stuff of nightmares. It’s the ohh-you’re-so-taken-with-me-aren’t-you smile that puts his reputation of being cool and composed on the line. He can’t have that, not with you. It does away with the telepath theory that he desperately clings to.
If you’re somehow not a mind reader, then the only other explanation is that he’s made himself vulnerable enough for you to understand him. He doesn't like the thought of that. Not at all. The possibility pricks at him like a thousand needles, jamming in from all directions. Sharp and digging so deep past the surface, that removing them would cause him to bleed out.
With far more confidence in your gait than he would’ve preferred, you stride over, slinging an arm around his shoulder. The touch fills him with warmth, and still, he shivers.
“Did you miss me?”
There it is — a final blow worthy of taking him out. He wouldn’t succumb to flesh wounds, time’s passage, or elemental attacks that could level nations. It was only the sweet words that left your lips that held the high honor of potentially doing him in. Scaramouche is left stupefied. He doesn’t think about the two bumbling idiots that used you to avoid his wrath, the workload piling up as each second passes, or how grating his fellow Harbingers are.
Absolutely nothing else in this existence registers aside from you.
How close you are, how right it feels when your bodies connect, the scent of pine trees and brown sugar that make up the shampoo he knows you favor. The very shampoo he uses in your absence to try and placate himself until you return.
Emotions brew within him like the tempest above Seirai Island in his homeland. He hides it by biting down on his bottom lip, somehow managing to keep the cracks of his porcelain façade from spreading further. Once the damage is done, he hasn’t the slightest clue on how to go about fixing it. All he knows is that you are the one inflicting the damage. Far more than you could ever know. Far more than any veneer could ever polish.
With a strained tone, he manages to free the words that were lodged in his throat.
“You’re so full of yourself. Of course I didn’t.”
Scaramouche never thought he’d be able to desire a human body as much as he does yours.
It wasn’t until he made your acquaintance that he could understand how scholars went mad in pursuit of knowledge they’d never obtain. They knew it was a fruitless endeavor too, as did he, and still, what other choice did they have but to continue their studies at the expense of themselves? He was a creation — you were created. A line separates you both that he would always pass if it meant he could get the slightest taste. The blame all lies with you. Had you not tempted him, he’s certain he would’ve had the wherewithal to resist.
Or maybe that was just another pretty lie he wove, for he’s more comfortable claiming you’ve trapped him when he’s every bit the willing prisoner.
He once found the human body to be a miracle, something to envy in his earlier days. An unobtainable treasure for a tossed aside husk like himself.
He’s since rectified that naive line of thinking. What was so good about blood that couldn’t clot itself fast enough to heal mortal wounds in an instant? Skin that inevitably withers and sags from brittle bones? A heart that could kill its host should it beat too slow or too fast? The design was subpar. His being triumphed over it in every conceivable category. In the same way a swan would never pause to consider the appearance of a worm in light of its own beauty, Scaramouche thought he lacked the capacity to admire anyone other than himself. He figured that if he’d gone five centuries without finding anyone worthwhile, such a mythological figure must never exist. His modus operandi remained firm. Distrust miserable humanity, mock the foolish gods who are far less omnipotent than they’d like to admit.
Then you stumbled into the picture. No grace, no poise, only offering whatever it is you offer that he apparently just can’t get enough of. Addiction would be putting it lightly.
He runs his fingers over the hand-shaped bruises forming on your hips, then the blotches he greedily left behind on your neck. He considers the faded bites he had left around your collarbone upon receiving news you were to be away for a week on a job. He shifts himself, allowing the light from the full moon to illuminate where you returned the favor in kind, only to find the skin had healed completely. He frowns and tugs at his yukata to hide the perfection.
Indeed, you were subpar in comparison to his own divine design, but he couldn’t help but take a liking toward what your body was capable of. Far from revulsion yet not quite envy. This new emotion that bloomed in his chest went unidentified on purpose, for he never wished to give it a name.
Your body told stories, whereas his scrubbed the words clean from the pages, lest anyone ever read them.
A soft exhale from your sleeping figure draws his attention. You help yourself to snuggling deeper into his pillows, a content little smile on your lips that were raw from his various ministrations. He fights back a laugh at the state of your hair, sticking in enough directions to rival a compass. Absent-mindedly, he smooths out what he can. He’s probably not in a much better state himself. You were such a hair grabber. Perhaps all his spoiling made you impatient.
After running out of good excuses to stare at and touch you, he lays back down. His bed is far more inviting now that you’re back in it. Even if you have an unseemly habit of hogging the blankets.
“I did miss you… a bit.”
He whispers it as if it were a confession he’d clung to his entire life, only letting go moments before eternal slumber so that he may know peace. Scaramouche isn’t sure why he’s so adamant about denying you the truth. Is it pride? The thrill of being chased and sought after? Or, more realistically, and far uglier, could it be cowardice? He thought he had removed the filth that is emotion from his being. He declared it to be so, reveled in it, found solace that stretched centuries because of it.
You’ve reawoken that which lays dormant within him. If there’s anything the discarded puppet understands, it’s the danger that comes from rousing things from their sleep.
Much to his alarm, you stir, and he freezes like a thief caught in the diabolical act. You mutter some words that he can’t quite make out. Then, seemingly content with your change in position, you’re out like a light once more. His tense shoulders relax and he almost sighs from relief. He decides it’s too early to entirely let his guard down, not until he can confirm you aren’t faking slumber for some insidious machinations. He wouldn’t put it past you.
“You irritate me,” he murmurs, using the same volume that he did before.
“Your plant died because I forgot to water it like you asked me to.”
Still nothing.
“... Personality aside, you have some attractive qualities.”
Huh. So he was being paranoid for nothing. He huffs in frustration, whether it can be attributed mostly to you or himself, he cannot say for certain. What he does know is that the sun will be rising in a few short hours and he hasn’t gotten a wink of sleep. The fault lies with you, he decides. If you weren’t so pleasant to look at, he’d have been well on his way to dozing off. Every anomaly in his life can be traced back to you like an elaborate tapestry. He’s thought about ripping it off from the hinges, igniting each thread until it frays, warming himself with the fire that he’d start and maintain.
While it might be difficult at first, in the long run, it should make everything easier. Get his focus back onto his lifelong grudges and goals.
But when he feels how your palm locks perfectly into place against his, he decides the warmth he gets from you as you are now is superior. Even if it means that he might possibly be the one to go down in flames instead.
“Hey, [First].”
“If I said that I hated you, would you believe me?”
You take a pause from sipping on the tea he prepared. Your fingers trace the outer ring of the yunomi, eyeing the steam rising from the murky green liquid inside. Unfortunately for Scaramouche, you’d witnessed him preparing matcha tea in the classic Inazuman style, and often bugged him to make you some. He always complained about how high maintenance you were yet never refused the request. The one time you pointed this out, he hastily made the excuse that you talk less and are generally more bearable when your mouth is preoccupied. This earned him a wink that set his face ablaze.
“I think it’d depend on your reason for hating me,” you decide.
He raises an eyebrow at this. “Do I have to have a reason?”
“Well, yeah. Otherwise, you’re not putting your heart into it. It’s too tepid. Go big or go home, as they say.”
Who exactly says that…?
“And what if I don’t have a heart?” Scaramouche proposes. You’re giving him a weird look. He knows he’s being overly cryptic and searching for answers you could never give, but he can’t stop himself. There’s a certain satisfaction to be found in getting all passionate over a perceived wrong. Searching for offenses hidden beneath the reeds that simply aren’t there, yet settling on labeling the rough shape of it just that. He likes it when others make mistakes in his presence. When he has an excuse to belittle and berate them.
What that says about himself, he could care less. Very few have the power and or courage to call him out on it.
He’s scrutinizing your every movement. From the fluttering of your eyelashes against your cheeks to how you readjust your posture, searching and searching for the perfect opening for him to lunge at. He needs it from you, he realizes, in the same way lost humans in the desert need water.
Scaramouche starts drumming his fingers on the ground. Why are you taking so long to respond? Normally, you would’ve rattled off on some nonsensical tangent by now that he’d claim to only be half paying attention to when he actually soaked up every word. Could it be that you sense the underlying severity that he tried so hard to mask? Or is his telepath theory gaining newfound credence again?
He has to sever this connection with you. If he doesn’t, every time he tries to pull away, he’ll snap right back in your direction.
“The way I see it,” you start, five words that make him internally cringe yet lean in nonetheless, “Your heart is a work-in-progress. An ongoing project.”
“What?” He deadpans. Whatever he was expecting, it certainly wasn’t this.
“Hold on, I’m not finished yet. You can’t judge me until I’m done.”
He has reason to disagree but keeps that sentiment to himself.
You set the near-empty yunomi onto the ground and look him straight in the eye. “A heart is what guides you. It takes you in all sorts of directions, good and bad. You’ll think to yourself, ‘why did I do something so stupid, when I knew it was stupid’, and well, that’s because of your heart. So as far as I see it, anyone capable of messing up has a heart.”
You tap your head with your knuckles and he’s semi-amazed it’s not a hollow sound that comes forth. “See, if we only used this and abided purely by logic, we’d all be super boring and perfect. That’s where our heart comes in. It sends us spiraling all over the place and makes things interesting.”
“So you’re saying because I’m stupid and have the capacity to ‘mess up’, I have a heart?”
“Well, I would’ve gone for an artsier flare in trying to sum up what I said, but I guess that’s the gist of it.”
“I’ll be generous and overlook the incredibly foolish nature of your words that defy all sensibility—”
“Wow, thanks.”
“—And entertain your assertion with one final question before I drop the subject. You still haven’t elaborated on the work-in-progress part. Explain.”
“Oh, this one’s simple,” you nod with confidence that makes zero sense to him. “It’s only a work-in-progress because you haven’t realized you already have a heart. Once you figure that part out, you’ll be all set.”
You have the audacity to conclude this world-shattering statement with a thumbs up. Scaramouche gawks at you, vacillating between incredulity and sheer awe over your apparent nerves of steel. Grown men cower in his presence. Villages and settlements are razed on his command. He could very well ascend to godhood one day so that he might tear the false stars from the sky. And here you sit, speaking candidly with him, as if it was the most normal thing.
You interrupt his thoughts by holding the empty yunomi in his direction. “Would it be okay if I had some more of this stuff? It’s delicious.”
He yanks the yunomi with far more force than necessary, turns his back to you, and starts assembling the necessary tools while muttering obscenities under his breath. The matcha powder is all but flung into the bowl. Stupid woman with a stupid pretty face making him do stupid things—
Scaramouche freezes.
You make him do stupid things?
Oh no, this is really, really bad. Wait. There’s still hope. A light at the end of the tunnel that he must run towards. If he doesn’t believe your mad ravings, because that’s definitely what they were, no doubt about it, then he’s safe. In the clear. All good. Above reproach. The implications that would arise otherwise are too damning, possibly enough to rewrite his entire existence—
You wrap your arms around him from behind and rest your head atop his. “Are you okay, Scara? I’ve seen statues move more than you have in the past few minutes.”
He swallows thickly.
“... Kunikuzushi.”
“My name isn’t Scaramouche, you dullard,” he can barely ladle the hot liquid into the bowl from how much he shakes. “It’s Kunikuzushi. Remember that.”
He feels you hum, the sound low and remarkably pleasant. “Ku-ni-ku-zu-shi. Kunikuzushi. Okay, got it. What a relief. That’s way better than what I thought your actual name was.”
“What did you think my name was?” He questions, momentarily forgetting that giving into his curiosity around you often spelled trouble for him.
“Balladeer,” is your instantaneous response.
He lets out a sound he didn’t think he was capable of making anymore. You must believe this as well, for you release your hold on him, swiveling around in front with wide eyes. Scaramouche covers his traitorous face to the best of his abilities, but it’s too late. You caught a glimpse and now he will have to live with the consequences. He swats you away as you try to pry the hand covering his smile.
“Oh wow, I made you laugh!”
“You did no such thing.”
“It wasn’t a derisive laugh or anything either! I thought you could only do evil little chuckles. This is a discovery worth celebrating.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“Look who’s talking.”
For once, he doesn’t have a good response ready to fire back.
Fate is an unfunny joke, as far as Scaramouche is concerned.
He was destined for more than the hand he was dealt. A creation torn away from the higher purpose it was handmade for. Godhood, divinity, a seat amidst seven holy thrones. Fate had spat in his face and turned its back on him. Some — a certain pink-haired kitsune comes to mind — might label his various schemes a tantrum. That could be exactly what he was doing. What the fruits of hundreds of years' worth of labor ultimately amounts to. He doesn’t care if that’s the case. People could look down on petty revenge all they want, but at the end of the day, what matters is that it feels good. Vindicating, exhilarating. There is unrefined beauty in disaster when he is the orchestrator of it.
Yet for some reason or another, he doesn’t want disaster to rip its claws into you.
Your touch is different tonight and so is his. There’s a raw urgency behind it that he doesn’t care to conceal, whereas yours is sluggish, almost apathetic. It’s the antithesis of everything you are and he can’t help but find his mood soured because of it.
Scaramouche is doing everything he knows you like. Touching you in the places that normally produce such lovely noises, devouring you with his lips and body. He’s giving you everything — more than that, even — while you give him nothing. You don’t goad him on or push him away. This impossible to decipher situation has his head reeling. He wants you, he needs to have you, but not like this. Not when you aren’t yourself. For that is what he desires the most.
When he pulls back from his heated kiss, saliva connects your lips in a thin line. He grimaces at your blank expression. Why isn’t this working? In the past, when words failed him, he compensated with his actions. He’d encourage you to sing, make you throw your head back and abandon all sense of propriety, freely handing the worthless notion over to him without a second thought. You never refused to give when he went to take. So this drastic change is both abnormal and unwelcome.
“... What?” He demands, breathless. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Why does it bother him so much?
Scaramouche knows he could get up and leave. Perhaps that’s what he should do, and what he would’ve done years ago, but he’s paralyzed. You’ve injected your venom so deep inside him and he didn’t realize until it was too late. Death’s tolls are ringing in his ear to come claim him, with you standing as his executioner.  
“You’re going to Inazuma,” the words come out slowly and in a tone that hardly fits you.
“Yeah? And?”
“You’re going to Inazuma without me.”
“I’m failing to see the issue here,” he grits his teeth. “Spit it out already. You’re testing my patience.”
You both glare at each other in silence for some time. A little voice in his head that he repeatedly tries to silence tells him he already knows where you’re going with this; you’re trying to give him the dignity of fessing up before he’s pressed further. You were an unrivaled master when it came to navigating the complex maze that is his existence. In any other instance, he might cave and give in. He can’t with this, it’s too imperative, the driving force that’s erred him on for countless years.
Scaramouche scoffs and moves himself off of you, settling on hanging his legs from the side of his bed. You don’t try to stop him or chase after him. You just lay there, your eyes burning on his back, ensuring that the atmosphere remains thick.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. There has got to be nothing worse than when one realizes they’re in the wrong. He can count the times he’s felt this way on a single hand, most of the experiences connecting back to you in some way. Conviction eludes him otherwise. He could shock sobbing and pleading individuals to ashes without batting an eyelash, but no, the moment you’re upset, it’s all too much and he can’t handle the pressure.
Fine. You want him to come out and say it? He’ll do just that.
“I’m going to leave and betray the Fatui,” he says as if he’s discussing the weather. “I want that deplorable Electro Archon’s gnosis. I’ve waited centuries for an opportunity like this to present itself. So, if you have half a working brain, you can see why I don’t plan on having you tag along. You’ll likely be labeled a traitor too for fraternizing with me.”
He’s grateful you can’t see his face, for he doesn’t have his hat to conceal it.
If he has little reason to stick around, you have infinitely less after a cold confession like that. He’s admitted to endangering you despite knowing his plan to one day betray the organization you both are members of. He selfishly embedded himself in you regardless, soaking up your warmth and everything good you had to offer. A parasite, he thinks. That’s what I am. A parasite that grew addicted to you and took more than it could ever hope to give back. He’s discarding you in the same way his mother did to him, once his existence was deemed unfit for its desired purpose. If he considered humans untrustworthy, what does that make him?
“... Is that all you want, Kunikuzushi?”
He’s never heard your voice so soft and delicate. What a shame that out of all the times he’s felt he deserved it, it had to come now, when he knows he doesn’t.
“It is,” comes his curt response. “You’re a fool if you think otherwise.”
He has no better defense other than to say you knowingly got entangled with a Harbinger. You could argue the point, call him on his bluff, hurl every insult under the sun at him. He’d let you too — it might as well be your right. You do no such thing. You don’t even storm out of the room in a huff. Instead, you pull the sheets up to cover your bare chest, fluff out your favorite pillows, and smooth out the wrinkled blankets. Scaramouche has to glance over his shoulders to confirm what it is you’re actually doing. Sure enough, you’ve closed your eyes, and are well on your way to falling asleep.
He shakes his head in complete and utter disbelief.
It would seem that he could never understand you, not even in your last night shared together.
You don’t come to see him off on his voyage.
His ego might be larger than any numerical measurement could hope to quantify, but not even that could make him believe you’d have any kind words left for him. That was the point of him pushing you away, wasn’t it? To enjoy you up until the very last second then make a clean break? Still, he can’t help but feel troubled by the dejection looming over him like storm clouds in your absence. What a pain. It appears you’re destined to annoy him no matter the circumstances.
Standing atop the upper deck, he overlooks the desolate landscape of Schenzaya that seemingly stretches on forever. Muted grays and blues blend together in a dreary canvas befitting of his current mood. Fatui soldiers rush around from all directions, though they do their best to avoid the space Scaramouche occupies, leaving him to brood in silence. The dark aura emanating off of him does well to warn others off.
Scaramouche doesn’t understand why this debacle is troubling him so when he knew it was coming. His ultimate goal has always been obtaining a gnosis or any other path to divinity, that didn’t change when you came stumbling along. He needs to get over this inconvenience promptly. For him to fulfill his lifelong dream, he must ensure his chest is a blank slate. He even abandoned his childlike longing for a heart upon recognizing this. Everything must be stripped clean for what is to come next. This mire plaguing him is no different — he’ll wash and drown it out.
Suddenly unable to stomach the view any longer, he pivots and makes for his private cabin. The mere thought that you’re somewhere out there, far beyond his grasp, where others take kindly to you… he could almost get sick. If you were likable enough for him to ease up in your presence, who else would succumb to your charms? He balls his hands into fists by his side. You could do so well for yourself and he loathes the thought. There’d be some admittedly petty satisfaction if he was confident you’d be alone forever after him, but it just isn’t realistic. Irksome woman. Damn you for being enjoyable company and easy on the eyes. Damn you for making him care in the slightest.
Those he strides past either scramble to occupy themselves with busy work or fixate on the floor. He pays them no mind, viewing them as insignificant as the chipped wooden planks beneath his feet. By the time he gets to his cabin’s doors, fatigue falls upon him, though his long journey is just beginning. He shoves the doors open with enough force that the hinges shriek in protest. His kasa is pushed slightly askew from the doors slamming shut, yet he cannot think to fix it or anything else. Not when he sees what awaits him inside.
Not when he sees you. Lounging on his bed as if it’s the most regular thing ever, a framed picture of yourself in your hands that he brought along against his better judgment.
“I’ve got to say, this shot looks pretty good,” you hum. “Although I have no memory of it being taken, so that’s creepy. Do I even want to know how you got this?”
… You probably don’t, but that’s beside the point.
Scaramouche all but stomps over to where you sit. He is a bundle of unsteady energy that is ready to explode at the slightest trigger. You smile at him as he leers down at you, his eyes twitching from how nonchalant you are about this intrusion. Yes, that’s exactly what this is, an intrusion, you’re entangling yourself into something beyond your scope. Beyond your comprehension.
“How,” He narrows his eyes, jamming an accusatory finger in your direction, “The hell did you get in here?”
His personal security might completely pale in comparison to him, but they should be competent enough to keep the likes of you at bay.
“The same way you did, I imagine. The door.”
Scaramouche growls and you put your hands up in defense. “Okay, bad timing, sorry. I told the guards that if they didn’t let me in, I’d tell you about the time they came back from town drunk and tried flirting with me.”
The lightbulb overhead flickers from the electricity Scaramouche exudes.
“They what?”
“Ah, sorry Grigoriy and Igor…”
He shakes his head, deciding to return to that egregious revelation later.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t throw you overboard.”
You part your lips and then close them, eyebrows furrowing together. Whatever it is you’re mulling over, he doesn’t know why he gives you the time, or why he waits with bated breath. He longs to chalk it up to you being dense. How much simpler that would be, if he could insult your intelligence and call it a day. Deep down, he knows the truth is far more complex than that. You have your reasons for doing what you do. There’s intentionality interwoven into your being, no matter how casual you act. It’s what lures him in and keeps him trapped.
He never knows what you’ll do or say next — and he always wants to stick around just a while longer to see.
“Last night, you told me you only wanted the gnosis,” you set the frame down and fold your hands onto your lap. “I thought about that for a while. Not because it surprised me, but because you chose to stop at that. I couldn’t understand why. I know you’re greedy. I know you want more… you want me.”
You tilt your head, your eyes crinkling and full of mirth. It’s enchanting. “So be greedy. Want me as much as I want you. If your kindness is pushing me away, then I don’t care for it, because I’m greedy too. I only want kindness from you if we can both enjoy it. Talking for hours about the silliest things… arguing about topics neither of us really care about… you making me matcha tea in the middle of the night ‘because I whisk it like I’m trying to break your bowl’. That’s the weird, twisted kindness that I’ll accept.”
Scaramouche has never felt so light and heavy at the same time.
“You’re serious about this?”
“One hundred and ten percent.”
“I’m worse than you think I am.”
“That isn’t too surprising.”
“Way worse,” he’s breathless, his face is on fire, and he wants to kiss you senseless until you are too. “If you think I was greedy before, you haven’t seen anything yet. You can’t promise yourself to me without knowing that. I won’t stop at anything to keep you all to myself. If you betray me like my m…”
His voice threatens to crack, but he manages to smooth it over, “If you betray me, I might just destroy this world and everyone in it.”
Including himself.
Your hands are cradling his face. He sees his reflection in your eyes and it's a vulnerable sight that hasn’t stared back at him for centuries. It disgusts him, taunts him, and unearths memories that he thought he buried six feet under. He’s at his ugliest and you look at him as if he were beautiful. Despite himself, he leans into your touch. You were a priceless find. Some treasures were meant to be displayed for the entire world to envy; he decides that method isn’t for him. Your logic-defying ways were to be reserved for his viewing and no one else's.
“And if I never betray you?” You inquire, the pad of your thumb rubbing circles into his cheek. “What then, Kuni?”
His eyes are lidded when he responds. “I don’t know.”
He doesn’t understand trust or the concept of depending on another. In his earliest days, when these imperative truths were beginning to take root, the world burned it to the ground. He always thought the soil was poisoned beyond repair and left it at that. For if tried only to fail again, he’s certain he’d doomed himself to a cycle of disappointment in others.
“Well, I guess that means we’ll have to find out, won’t we?”
You make it sound so easy.
“... Fine. Suit yourself,” Scaramouche fights back a smile at the way you cheer in victory. “Something tells me if I threw you overboard, you’d just cling to the boat, anyway.”
You shoot him a wink. “I’ve been told I’m relentless at getting what I want.”
The imbeciles you surround yourself with might have a point.
Scaramouche knows the words were spoken in jest, yet he fixates on them. You want him. You want him. You want him. For better or for worse (he’s leaning toward worse), you’re still willing to put up with his endless list of negative qualities. He can’t remember the last time anyone offered him that, probably because no one ever has.
You start to move away and he holds you in place, stealing the kiss that’s been on his mind since you had the audacity to show up uninvited. His mouth slants against yours, his appetite voracious and demanding everything you could possibly offer. You reciprocate in kind, your lips curving upward, and your hands guiding his to settle on your hips.
You are the worst human, he thinks, pushing you back onto the bed and eliciting a gasp from you in response.
So it’s his job to see that you’re dealt with accordingly.
By him and him alone.
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whateveriwant · 1 year
Heads or Tails
Summary: Ghost has undergone a lot of changes recently, many of which you find concerning. So you concoct a plan to try to bring the old Ghost back, the first and most crucial step: getting rid of that new mask.
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Word Count: ~4.0k
Warnings: language, slight physical aggression, some uncool boundary crossing, my attempt to sound Bri'ish
A/N: Hello! So this is a new endeavor for me! I've never written for Ghost or CoD/MW before, but I've recently become obsessed with interested in the characters, and so wanted to give it a go. I was rushing a little to get this out, but I really hope you enjoy! :)
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"Bet it's a fetish or somethin'."
Your neck nearly snaps as you swivel to the left, your eyes bugging at the Scot's words.
"Probably humiliation kink… Maybe breath play," Soap ponders aloud, eyes trained across the room pensively.
"Nah, mate. I reckon it's a bad trim, or some bad ink," Gaz adds from your right, making you pivot in your seat. "What'd you think? Tribal or teardrops?" He gestures to his own face, attention also drawn straight ahead.
As the two go back and forth positing ideas, your own eyes are finally steered to the figure in question. This conversation, like seemingly all the ones as of late, is centered around one topic and one topic only.
That damn mask.
While Ghost's signature masks are nothing new to the members of the 141, this one in particular has had you all scratching your heads for weeks. Much like his other balaclavas, this one is dark with a contrasting white skull, only this mask has one minor addition that none of the others have ever included: A big, bouncy puffball right on the top of his head.
When you first saw it, you honestly thought it was a joke; you were on a mission in the tundra, after all. But as you started to laugh, the sharp, deathly glare the Lieutenant gave you had you immediately snapping your mouth shut, averting your eyes out of respect.
Where he got that mask, you hadn't a clue, but you figured it would be just a one time thing anyway. However, that assumption turned out to be entirely wrong as Ghost continued to wear it again and again, no matter the mission conditions. Not only that, but he's also been exclusively wearing it around the base too; that is, whenever you do see him around the base. 
It's been weeks now and you haven't spotted him without that ridiculous mask once. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he wears it 24/7. But that can't actually be the case unless he likes waterboarding himself with every shower, which if he does, then good for him, you guess.
Though you have a lot of questions you'd like to ask the Lieutenant, the one eating at you the most is why. Why the switch up? Why the obsession with this specific mask? Why all these little changes you've noticed about him over the past several weeks?
Because that's the thing. Beyond the pom pom, there's something about Ghost that's been… different. Better, even, in some regards, but there's also been a massive decline in others. 
Out in the field, he's shown significant improvement. His aim has been sharper, his knife skills cleaner, hell, even his walk has been more sure-footed. While Lieutenant Riley has always been the cream of the military crop, for the last several weeks, he's been on another level.
Off the field, however, is a different story entirely. Instead of the man you thought you knew, it's like you hardly recognize Ghost anymore. He's been much more curt, closed off, and dare you say, a downright cunt to you all, and that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of all the other discrepancies you've noticed with his character. 
Like why has he been avoiding the team much more than he ever used to, or why does he immediately shut down any attempts at getting close with him? He's never been an incredibly open or approachable man per se, but it's like he's gone full blown antisocial recluse now.
The sudden switch in his behavior just didn't make sense to you, so you tried casually bringing it up to Price one day, hoping maybe he had an explanation that would help piece things together. In response, however, your Captain simply shrugged his shoulders, dubbing the mask Ghost's "good luck charm" that must've just gone to his head. 
While you didn't necessarily have a better answer yourself, Price's conclusion wasn't good enough for you to accept as the truth. Maybe a lucky rabbit's foot or good luck coin or whatever could explain away Ghost's overnight tactical improvements, but it didn't answer the why of everything else. 
Why has Ghost changed so much?
As you reflect, the sound of Gaz and Soap's continued discussion slowly brings you back to the present, making you blink out of your stupor.
"...been acting all off. Like he's… paranoid or something," you hear Gaz say regarding Ghost. "Like, the other day for instance, when we got dropped off back at base, I swear, as soon as his boots hit the ground, he was booking it like he was about to get shot." 
Well, that's certainly a relief. Not that Ghost is acting strange, but that at least you're not the only one to notice.
"I thought maybe he was just sensitive to the floodlights – those things were ruddy blinding that night – but when I tried to catch up and ask him, you'd think I was chasing him from how fast he ran," Gaz adds.
Though that's a bit unexpected on Ghost's part, you suppose it's not all that uncharacteristic anymore. He's been increasingly aloof nowadays, and while you're not totally sold on Gaz's paranoia claims, you definitely see the cause for concern.
"Y'know, I think you're on to somethin'," Soap agrees with Gaz's conclusions. "Just the other night, 'round two in the mornin', I caught him rummagin' around the kitchens like he was afraid to get caught."
"Hold on," Gaz interjects, craning his head to face the other Sergeant. "What were you doing in the kitchens at two a.m.?"
"Mind yer business, that's what," Soap huffs, waving his hand dismissively. "But anyway, even then he was still hidin' beneath that bloody mask. I cannae even remember that last time I saw him without it," he says, almost dejectedly.
You can't remember the last time you did either, though you're not as beat up about it as Soap is. The man seems to have a certain fascination with staring at his Lieutenant's bare face that you can't say you totally relate to. 
As Soap continues thinking to himself of when last he saw Ghost without his mask, he suddenly snorts, smiling as he tells you, "Y'know, I once tried to break in his room and steal that thing while he slept, but the lad has some unpickable locks on his door, I tell ya," he chuckles.
"Oi, you mental or something?" Gaz's voice pitches up. "Trying to steal his mask? You'd be lucky if he didn't string you up by your bollocks just for thinking it."
Soap scoffs, peeking over from the corner of his eye. "Oh, come on. Like you've never?"
"I'd like to keep my boys securely attached, thank you." Gaz shifts his weight at the uneasy thought, grimacing slightly.
That has Soap turning fully in his seat, making to confront Gaz head on. "So you're tellin' me you like the new mask? That you don't want to see the fucker gone?"
Gaz shakes his head, mirroring Soap as he similarly turns to face him. "I didn't say that. I'm just as tired of looking at it as you are."
At that, Soap throws his hands up, letting out an exasperated breath. "So let's do somethin' about it!" he exclaims, calling back to his attempted theft.
"Like what?" Gaz huffs. "You want me to ask nicely? 'Ghost, would you please lose the mask? There's only room for one ugly hat around here, and Price has already filled that niche. So sorry.'"
As the two Sergeants continue to bicker over the top of your head, you keep your eyes on Ghost who's still in the room. Thankfully, he appears to be completely oblivious to the animated discussion happening around you. You don't think he'd enjoy hearing how his teammates want to throw his mask in an on-fire garbage bin.
Gradually, your attention starts to drift away from the conversation at hand until you're right back at your earlier conundrum: trying to figure out Ghost's deal. 
Why has he been acting so different as of late? What could have brought on such a drastic change in his behavior? As you think, Soap and Gaz's words lightly filter through your mind, and suddenly, the answer becomes blatantly obvious. 
What's the common denominator in all of this? What seems to be the root cause of all this discourse? It all comes down to one thing and one thing alone.
That fucking puffball mask of his.
Ever since he got that new mask, there's been a never ending stream of changes with Ghost, most of which you'd argue are for the worse. You know it's silly to cast blame on such a normally inconsequential scrap of fabric, but at this moment, there's nothing else that makes sense in your mind.
Maybe the change is because his brain is being squeezed too tight or maybe he's been having a constant bout of heat stroke these last few weeks. Whatever the reason, you can see how wearing that mask has negatively affected him, and you're eager to see that rectified.
"I've got it!" you pipe up for the first time, interrupting the Sergeants who are still verbally going at it. You look between them both before once more bringing your gaze back to Ghost. "I know what to do," you say confidently.
Though the old Ghost you knew has been M.I.A. recently, you don't think he's truly gone, not permanently anyway. He's just been squirreled away for the time being, trapped in a cage of woven black thread. You just hope that, with a little luck and a lot of planning, soon…
You'll be able to set him free again.
You peek impatiently around the corner, seeing Gaz standing at the end of the hall. When he notices you, he shakes his head, turning back to keep watch like directed. 
Annoyed, you check your phone again. Soap said they were on their way five minutes ago. You know it's a maze of passageways between here and there, but still, they should've shown up by now. 
At its core, your plan is simple, but so many pieces have to come together for you to pull it off successfully. One screw up and it all comes toppling down, and you doubt you'll ever get a chance at a redo.
Another 30 seconds pass before you're checking on Gaz again, the man keeping a silent sentinel against the wall. The trap's been set, all you have to do is sit back and wait. But you're not sure how much longer you can handle until you go mad.
Just as you're about to text Soap for confirmation again, Gaz perks up, turning and nodding over at you. Before he can be spotted by anyone else, he slips into the room at his back, quickly closing the door shut.
Finally! It's time. Operation Unmask is a go.
You stoop to pick up one of the items at your feet, counting down from 20 as you hear a pair of heavy boots slowly approach your position. When you finally reach zero, you suck in your breath. It's now or never, baby.
Right before the figure can descend on your hiding spot, you pop out around the corner, colliding directly with the man you'd expected to find. Ghost grunts in surprise at the blunt contact, that damn pom pom on his head bouncing as he stumbles slightly.
"Oh, sorry!" you call out innocently. "Didn't see you there." It's not exactly a lie. You struggle to peer around the tower of boxes in your arms, stacked high enough that you can hardly see a thing ahead.
Ghost grunts again as he takes in the scene you've laid out, thankfully seeming to accept it at face value. "Careful," is all he says, moving to continue in the direction he was headed.
"Oh, uh, actually—?" you stop him before he can escape. "Sorry, but… Do you think you could…?" You shift the boxes deliberately in your hold, hinting at the favor you mean to ask. "If you don't mind. They're really heavy."
This plan all hinges on whether or not Ghost will take the bait. Though he's been less than charitable recently, in the past, he used to be quite helpful to you in particular. That's why you're the one who had to ask for his help. You knew that anyone else, he'd decline immediately.
But you can tell Ghost is hesitant to agree to assist you now, not only because of his recent change in character, but because he was currently preoccupied.
"Price is waitin' for m—" he starts to give the excuse Soap had fabricated to lure him out of his room.
"Please," you cut him short, pretending your situation is dire. "It'll be quick. I just need to get these to my office." That's where you pulled them from initially, filling them with whatever junk you could find to weigh them down. Soap and Gaz weren't thrilled to have to lug them all the way over here, but you had to make them heavy to be convincing, you'd told them.
As if on cue, out of the corner of your eye, you see Soap finally make his appearance at the end of the hall. He turns the corner Ghost had come from earlier, having successfully tailed the Lieutenant all the way from his room undetected. Gaz's timing is also stellar as not a second later, he carefully opens and exits the door Soap passes by.
Luckily, Ghost doesn't seem to notice the two Sergeants quietly lurking behind him – a blessing since, sometimes, you swear he has a pair of eyes in the back of his head. 
He considers you for a moment, staring at the stack in your hands, glancing at the others still by your feet. Though you can sense he's warring with himself, another light 'please' from your lips has him caving with a sigh.
As Ghost bends to grab one of the box towers, that's when Soap really makes his move. The Scot creeps forward until he's within arm's length of Ghost, hand outstretching as he reaches towards the Lieutenant's head. Just before he can close his fingers around the mask – intending to snatch and run, the fastest of you three – Ghost does something that surprises you all.
Without even looking, Ghost suddenly jerks away from Soap's grasp, ducking at an almost unnatural speed and angle. At first, it's like he doesn't even realize what's happened himself, but then he turns and sees Soap standing there, hand caught right in the cookie jar.
"What the fuck d'you think you're doing, MacTavish?" Ghost asks roughly.
Soap blinks dumbly, shocked by Ghost’s quick reaction. "S-Sir," he stutters, his brain trying to catch up with his mouth. "Just… thought… I… saw a piece of lint," he makes up the fib on the spot, then boldly reaches towards the mask again.
Once more, Ghost evades his reach, leaning far back like he's in The Matrix. He growls and slaps Soap's arm down. "You wanna keep that hand, Sergeant?" he rumbles.
In response, all Soap can do is nod his head, baffled into a state of silence. 
"Then fuck off," Ghost warns him not to try again. He then nods towards the pile at your feet. "Or better yet, make yourself useful and pick up a box." 
Still in a trance, Soap immediately complies with the Lieutenant's order. The two grab a respective stack, Ghost directing Soap to walk ahead as he no longer trusts him where he can't see him.
Fuck! This is not at all what you envisioned. This train is rapidly going off the tracks, heading straight over a cliff.
But thankfully, you have a potential backup in place, and Gaz quickly makes his way over as he sees things running amok.
"Ghost?" he captures the attention of the growingly irritated man, who stops and turns at the sound of his voice. "Uh… your shoe's untied," Gaz mumbles once he's under the intimidating gaze of Ghost, and your eyes fall shut at the lame excuse.
Christ, this is all going to shit. There's no way you're going to pull this off.
Somehow, though, Ghost chooses to check Gaz's statement, and he cranes his head down to inspect his boots. "No," is all he says, seeing his laces clearly intact. But before he can stand back up, head still down turned, Gaz takes his opportunity before it can slip away.
Gaz tries to grab for the bloated puffball wobbling in his face, but just like before, Ghost seems to have a sixth sense for it. Again, he bends out of the way, spectacularly agile, and shoots a glare at the Sergeant's gall.
"You out of your fuckin' mind? What's gotten into you lot?" Ghost accuses the three of you, turning to look at you all, becoming increasingly suspicious of what you're doing.
Shit fuck ass balls. You need to act fast. He's starting to catch on. 
Panicked, you do the first thing that pops into your head, dropping the boxes to the floor with a thunderous thump. Ghost's head snaps in your direction, eyes wide in confusion, and they only widen more as you purposefully knock the boxes out of his hands too.
"Whoops!" you exclaim and swiftly crouch down, starting to pick up all the bits and bobs that spilled out.
Gaz realizes your intent and quickly follows suit, stooping down to help you clean up the mess. It's a few seconds before Soap catches on as well, and then all three of you are on your hands and knees, crawling around like a pack of vermin.
"The fuck's the matter with you bunch?" Ghost exhales, unable to make sense of the unfolding chaos. Nevertheless, though, he begrudgingly lowers himself down, electing to assist despite his growing skepticism.
As you go about cleaning up the mess you made, you try to covertly catch the eyes of your accomplices. Without words, you ask them which one is going to make a move, who'll grab for the mask next, but both seem a little reluctant at trying their hand again.
Ugh, whatever. You'll just do it yourself then. Really, how hard can it be?
Slyly, you creep around until you have a good vantage on Ghost, his back partially turned to you. You edge closer and closer until you're nearly bumping into him, pretending to still pick up the items scattered around. Then slowly, so incredibly slowly, you raise your hand up, reaching towards the back of Ghost's mask. Just as your fingers graze the fabric, pulling it up a mere centimeter, Ghost jolts, springing to his feet with a start.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yells.
"What's wrong with you?!" you fire back, your frustrations boiling over. You pop up to mimic his stance, throwing all stealth to the wayside as you figure the jig is up anyway. "We're just trying to help you."
"Help me?" he sneers. "Like hell. You're out to fuckin' get me."
There he goes again with the paranoia Gaz proposed. Though maybe, in this instance, he's not entirely wrong.
"You think we haven't noticed the differences with you? How much you've changed recently?" you continue. "We can see what that thing's doing to you. You'd be better off without it."
Ghost shakes his head in wild perplexity. "The hell are you on about?"
"The mask, L.T.," Soap rises to his feet. "Take it off," he implores.
"Who the fuck d'you think you are giving me orders, Sergeant?"
"It's just a mask, sir, and we've all seen you without one before," Gaz joins the showdown. "What have you got to lose?"
Ghost looks between each of you angrily, pointing an accusatory finger at you all in turn. "You're all way out of line! Get the hell back," he urges as you three start to close in.
"Why d'ya always hide from us now? I thought we were friends, L.T." Soap reaches forward, his hand immediately swatted away.
"Ghost, really, the thing's a bloody eyesore. Just get rid of it." Gaz tries his luck, only to be met with the same result.
Again and again, you all try dislodging the mask, descending on Ghost like a pack of rabid animals. With each swipe and stretch, he expertly dodges your attacks, bending and batting you away like pests.
"Quit fuckin'—!"
"Just let me—!"
"Oh, for cryin' out loud!"
The scene is total, unbridled chaos – voices raised, arms entangled, rubbish littered all over the ground. You three push forward on Ghost until he's backed into the wall, trapped with no way out. He fights and fights, the pom pom jostling around perilously, until finally, bitterly, he's overcome.
Soap gets his fingers hooked under an edge of the mask, and he yanks, pulling it all the way off. For the first time in weeks, Ghost's face is revealed to you all, and you'd be ecstatic if not for one detail that has you freezing.
Is that a…?
No, it can't be. You must be imagining things.
Actually, that looks kind of real. Holy shit, that's definitely real!
Oh my God! Is that a—?
You, Gaz, and Soap all jump back in horror at the sight before you: a plump, little, white rat nestled atop Ghost's head. The rodent seems just as shocked to see you as you are it, and it lets out a small squeak as you lock with its beady eyes, tiny fingers clinging to Ghost's hair.
"Aaaahhh!" Soap unleashes a girlish shriek, dropping the mask as he rears back.
"What the fuck, Ghost? No really, what the fuck?!" Gaz asks dumbfounded, hand coming up to cover his mouth.
Before anyone has a chance to fully process what they're seeing, the rat tugs on Ghost's hair, moving him to scoop up his mask from the floor. He's guided to shove the fabric back on his head, perhaps a little more roughly than intended, because you hear a pathetic squeak ring out as he does.
He points his index finger at you in a threatening manner, the holes over his eyes slightly askew. "Not a word," he grumbles, spinning on his heel. "Not one fuckin' word!" 
And just like that, he takes off down the hall, a fat, pink tail sticking out from under the back of his mask. It takes a moment before you even realize your mouth is still wide open, and you close your jaw with an audible thud. 
Vaguely, you hear Soap muttering behind you, near tears as he cowers against the wall. "Steamin' Jesus, I think I touched it! Did— Did it bite me? Am I bleedin'? I think I'm bleedin'!" he blubbers hysterically.
"Nah, you're alright, mate! You're alright!" Gaz tries to comfort him, unsuccessful as he’s also rattled.
As the two huddle together in the corner, you're left staring after Ghost's rapidly fleeing figure, trying to pick up the pieces of your newly fractured reality. 
That… was… 
Honestly, you're not sure what the hell that was.
A rat? That rides on Ghost's head? Controlling his every move and muscle? You guess that explains a few things about his behavior recently, but mostly, it just leaves you with more questions than answers.
Where the hell did he get that thing? How the fuck does it work? Why did he even think to test it out in the first place?
Actually, on second thought, no, you don't want to know. You've seen enough for one day, or really, one lifetime. 
At the start of this, you thought you had such a great plan to unveil – one that would simply reveal the "true" Ghost again. You didn't realize that in the process of trying to set him free, you would release a whole other beast, literally. And while at your core you still believe your intentions to help were good, you realize now that, perhaps…
Some things are better off hidden.
A/N: Squeak squeaker squeaky squeak! [Translation: Happy April Fools!]
It figures that my first venture in this fandom is a crack fic. I expected nothing less lmao. But anyway, I'd love to know what you thought! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
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umeoniii · 1 year
Can you do lesbian fluff (or smut) for the aot girls????
lesbian relationship hcs w aot girls
nsfw & sfw
w: annie, mikasa, sasha,
☆ very introverted obvi, but she can actually be very extroverted w her s/o
☆ prefers cute dates at food places like bakeries or sushi restaurants
☆ loves when her s/o makes her sweets
☆ for gifts i feel like she writes things, like letters or poems maybe even a song (probably too embarrassed to sing though)
☆ not the most affectionate but when she is she’s a lot, like a lil puppy dog
☆ sleeps a lot, she sleeps all over her s/o
she falls asleep on their lap, shoulders, stomach i feel like she’s a really sleepy girl
☆ likes hearing her s/o’s stories and adventures
she likes giving her input and opinions
☆ wears ur hoodies maybe bcs she likes the smell, maybe bcs their comfier, maybe bcs she likes bugging you
☆ gets flustered when you even show that you think abt her
☆ actually anything you do makes her flustered deep down
☆ takes turns w u giving back massages
☆ forcefully takes you w her to the gym
you don’t even have to work out but she still wants you there
☆ she lets you touch her abs, even though she finds it odd
♡ she’s more dominant BUT she can be more subby depending on how she’s feeling
♡ loud
♡ likes scissoring
♡ when she is feeling submissive she likes when her s/o eats her out
♡ owns a good amount of sex toys, she bought them really for you
♡ very great stamina
♡ can last a few rounds before getting overstimulated and tired
☆ little spoon when sleeping
☆ very introverted even with her s/o
☆ likes quite and secluded dates, like a picnic
☆ likes when you take photos of her but she doesn’t like for the whole world to see them
☆ makes things for her s/o
something as small as cookies or as big as a crocheted sweater
☆ type of gf who would share a milkshake willingly
☆ super cuddly and warm
☆ remembers lots of things abt you, some things you’d render “useless”
like you had a hamster named zunie in 5th grade
☆ has a playlist of songs that make her think of u
☆ let’s you pick out her outfits sometimes
☆ keeps all the plushies you’ve ever bought her
♡ sub
♡ whimpers and whines
♡ holds you very tightly
♡ sometimes she lowkey gets all somber and sad during sex whispering stuff like “please don’t leave me ever”
♡ sex is very intimate w her
♡ squirter
♡ when she is giving to her s/o she literally eats pussy like a starved woman
☆ naggy loud gf
it’s very sweet though
☆ shows her s/o a lot of love…. a lot
she gives you wet kisses and blows raspberries into your tummy
☆ you guys alr know she likes dates at restaurants but i feel like she’d also like people watching, feeding ducks, or the movies. she likes fun stuff
☆ never a dull moment with her
☆ sleeps wildly, sometimes you just gotta sleep on the couch. she probably snores too.
☆ she’s the type to post all pictures of you for the world to see. ALL
☆ makes slideshows on stuff like why she thinks you guys should buy a roomba
☆ forces u to do couplely things like match outfits
☆ buys corny cards for holidays
“you’re purrfecf for me! love, sash”
☆ play wrestles
takes it way too far. she jumps off the couch and tries to body slam you
☆ if you have bigger boobs just know she’s not gonna leave em alone
she lies on them to sleep and she always just touches them and gropes them
she makes “jokes” about you breastfeeding her and calling you mommy (it’s not really a joke)
~ ♡ def calls you mommy in bed regardless of chest size
♡ with all the eating she does she’s gotta be able to eat pussy
♡ vv whiny
♡ sub
♡ cant last longer than around 2 minutes
♡ will literally touch herself right next to u in bed while you’re sleep
♡ puts whipped cream on your body and licks and eats it off
a/n: i am SO sorry this took so long, i literally got stuck and was gonna try and make this one super duper long but i gave up on it and finished it last .°(ಗдಗ。)° . i hope u enjoy it n’ if there’s another character u wanna see u can request it! <333
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aerkame · 3 months
LMK Mute Reader insert (short)Drabble
Arrrggh, I know I should be asleep rn, but this idea was bugging me, so here you go!
Lately I've gotten much better at ASL, my friend and I have been learning it on and off for months but it really got me thinking, what if an Isekai reader was mute? So much to unpack, and Lego people probably don't have ASL or any way of using their hands to communicate. Worse, there probably would not be or ever be any mute Lego people because of design issues. If so, we just never see it. It presents quite the challenge for anyone entering their world. I can see this MAYBE working out well if the reader ended up in Journey to The West or any other movie/media that does not involve having plastic, yellow, macaroni for hands. Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid Summary: (This is just a drabble to get my idea out because it's buggin' me) Reader wakes up one day in Lego Monkie Kid and struggles to process the lack of human hands.
Sometimes you wish you could scream. This was one of those times.
In front of you stood what was supposed to be a fictional boy in a fictional world; but, having been just ran into by the excited hero made you realize this was all too real to be a dream. Things were clear, you could get hurt, you could smell, you could breathe, and most importantly, you were very self-aware. All evidence points to this being real. And you wanted to scream.
Getting up to dust your clothes off, you watched as what you recognized to be MK also get up. This was so uncanny.
Seeing the gears turn in his head, you watched as MK realized what happened before he came running up to you. "OHMYGOSHIAMSOSORRYABOUTTHAT-" He was frantically bowing over and over, not paying attention as you tried several times to raise your 'hand' to sign to him. You realized you needed his attention but he just kept rambling...and rambling...and more apologies came out until you finally grabbed his shoulder, gave it a squeeze, and made a small smile. Looking up, Mk made a nervous smile back "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you with my staff!" He was practically eyeing you up down your body, most likely looking for injur- Wait. You got hit by his what now?
You flinched upon realizing what actually happened, ignoring MK's worried questions and prodding. You weren't ran into, well, you were, but you also got a good whack from the staff as well. So why didn't you feel anything?
"Uhhm...hello? I didn't hit you in the head did I?" You felt a hand gently tap your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Looking over, you quickly began moving your hands, making odd gestures, trying to explain you were alright. MK looked confused, you looked annoyed once you realized the issue.
These hands, they weren't like yours, you can't communicate with them like you would back home.
A huff left your mouth as MK nudged closer to get a better look, he probably thought you were crazy now.
"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm sure you'll feel better with a bowl of noodles and quick check over?" The sentence came out as more of a question, MK clearly wasn't aware of the issue going on but he was too sweet to leave you here it seems.
It was a hard choice as weird as it sounds. On one hand, you could meet the main cast, but on the other, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. But...you need help and you feel overwhelmed. You doubt you'd feel comfortable being with other characters.
You gave MK a quick nod after thinking it through. Not even a split second passed before you were stuffed in the back of a noodle truck with MK hopping into the driver's seat, eyes sparkling "Perfect! I'm sure you'll love Pigsy's noodles!" Starting up the engine, MK sped off, not giving you a chance to buckle in.
Off in the distance, a bird watched the truck speed away from the crater left behind from one of MK's 'attack'. Imprints of your shoes were embedded into the stone due the force behind the staff. What a concerning sight...
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williaml0ver · 4 months
☆ <3 Naib Subedar Taking Care of Robbie ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 1437
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, not proofread - as if i ever did that before
[🖇️] author's note: this was supposed to be a multiple characters post but i realized that i am NOT made for this, at least for now lmao. I will just post the other two separately soon because it's easier for me this way. 🫨
[🖇️] Maybe this would make more sense with Memory but Robbie is like my favourite hunter of course i had to take the opportunity omg... ROBBIENATION RISE
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-Ever since the past week you managed to get closer to little Robbie. Whether it happened because he was fond of your kindness or you seemed like a perfect playmate he was soon all over you - he'd share candy with you and even make cards with drawings for special occasions. One day when it was already very late you've suddenly heard a few knocks on the old fashioned door of your dorm. You've slowly gotten up, trying not to wake up your lover and opened the door. It was no one else than Robbie himself holding a small plushie. Long past his bedtime. He started explaining he's got nightmares and is scared to sleep alone today, later asking if he could join you two. If you didn't share your room you'd immediately agree, however, in this case you need to ask your boyfriend for consent.
-Naib is suddenly awoken by you, asking what's so important at this ungodly hour? Once the question's finally asked he feels confused, noticing the little boy standing behind with a "mom i just throw up" face.
-Has a hesitant stance at first. Sure, he's noticed you two started spending more time lately, but for you to be babying the boy already? He would be suggesting bringing him back to Michiko or Luchino, but the stone hearted mercenery eventually gives in after you convince him.
-When the three of you finally lay together, you are in between them since Naib prefered to be next to you, he holds you by your waist and meanwhile you hold Robbie. Naib also stays up a little longer to see both of you fall asleep, both because he just wants to look at you and make sure no tricks are being pulled. Seems like the axe boy really enjoyed sleeping together, as he loves visiting for little sleepovers from time to time. This doesn't bug the merc as much, but he still may feel a little, just a little jealous.
-Why would a man slowly pushing thirty be jealous of a small child you ask? Naib thought so as well, but when he saw you both drawing silly stuff on paper he felt somewhat envious. Just when you thought the most secretive, independent, straightforward person under this roof would never loose his cool around you, he sits next to you and starts drawing a wacky stickman.
-Ever since his sleepovers became a frequent thing, Naib is often choosen to be on babysitting duty. Sometimes with you, sometimes alone.
-I can see them having bit of a rough start at some point? Like Naib wanting to distance himself rather than be around Robbie, yet making sure he is around. He'd eye him to make sure you're not being hurt. This small boy, on the other hand, would be ecstatic to finally crack the mercernary's tough shell, the one who's making sure his playmate is safe in bed. With your help, Robbie would like to get closer to Naib, he quickly develops a big fascination with the green hooded man.
-You'd have to start slow and be patient, maybe ask Robbie to help you make lunch for the three of you and later eat together? Naib would begin recognizing the child's good intentions and eventually lets his guard down around.
-Once the adaptation is done, Naib definitely would receive the Cool Uncle™️ title without much effort and be constantly bugged by Robbie pleading him to show some cool tricks he does with his weapons. And well, Naib could be a hesitant one. You may as well step in to beg too, because how can he resist those four cute eyes? (Okay not quite if we think of Robbie but let's go on) The look in Robbie's eyes? Priceless. As if someone put diamonds in his eyes. Seeing the boy being so excited about something so ordinary to him actually boosts his ego and show some dangerous-leaning stuff, you may want to step in. Naib will soon realize that being the Cool Uncle™️ is not an easy task.
-They soon become some kind of partners in crime. Robbie discovers Naib from a totally diffrent side, he's mature, but he can also be a huge tease. He is certainly not the most talkative man, though is providing a lot of security. Naib is even willing to share some of his food of it and sometimee sneaks candies in Robbie's pocket when you're not looking.
-You'd often have to be the voice of reasons between them, as Naib's ego sometimes raises over the roof when showing off to Robbie.
-Eventually, they start spending so much time together that whenever someone spots either of them alone, they ask where the other one is. Naib feels secretly very proud of Robbie.
-One day, to your surprise, he even allowed him to wear his cape. You have a photo of him as mini Naib holding a toy knife standing on your bedroom desk.
-Robbie's personal favourite drawing is the one where he and Naib are in knight armors rescuing you from a dragon.
-Robbie's a curious child. You can't call it a day if you haven't seen him pulling the Merc by his hood and asking for yet another cool story. Naib would either make them up or just slightly modify his stories from the military.
-A lot of field trips! Naib would like to show Robbie some useful tricks, like what to do when you get lost. You, at first, thought that was a cute idea, until Robbie began climbing up random furniture. Robbie once showed you some usefk knife defence tricks that he was taught by your boyfriend, much to your horror. That man is raising a little monster.
-You once decided to go with them for one of those trips. Just out of curiosity. When you went to the toilet alone for a few minutes, Naib started teaching Robbie some fighting moves. Let's say you were terrified when you came back.
-Robbie enjoys when he is picked up by the older man. He likes to put on oversized coats he borrowed from Luchino and go to him, pretending to trick him into thinking that he has grown so quickly.
-They DO enjoy pulling pranks. And when think they would spare you and do it to others, you're actually their main victim.
-Naib specifically learnt a few "magic tricks" to show Robbie. Boy he was shocked.
-They both get overcompetitive when playing hide and seek. You always pray you're the one hiding because when it's the other way around it may take up to an HOUR, after the merc taught Robbie how to discretly switch hiding spots, much to your annoyance.
-Robbie picks up some of Naib's behaviour. Robbie seldom answer with a very sarcastic and ironic tone. You and Naib had a talk that day.
-As much as Robbie doesn't mean anything bad, he can sometimes get too brave and say something mildly offensive to you. Naib wouldn't hesitate to confront him about it and command to apologize.
-Robbie's very hyperactive, so whether Naib is reading a book or working out with Eli, he would constantly have a pair of small legs following him and asking what he's up to.
-They both like bonding over making food. If Robbie finds anything intriguing him in a cookbook it's only a matter of time until you see them picking up the indegredients together to surprise you. Naib let's him pick anything he wants for the dessert.
-Naib would teach Robbie how to prepare some easy and safe to make meals so he could feed himself on his own <3.
-During his solo babysitting duty, although caring, Naib can be strict. He secretly worries a lot and would not hesitate to send him back to the hunters' part of the manor as temporary punishment. Michiko learned to take advantage of that and would allow him to go back if he helped the butlers and maids do the cleaning.
-I can see Naib being the "go ask your mother" kind of person 😭. Also not very adequate to the era, but he would totally ask the kid if he has any cool games on his phone, just so he could get distracted and Naib could spend some time with you.
-As much as the mercenary likes Robbie, it does annoy him sometimes how he now has less private time just with you.
-Ultimately, while at first seeming closed off, Naib actually becomes very fond of him and is ready to protect him. Robbie meanwhile likes to show Naib how much he loves both of you.
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I don't know what to put here... i'm posting this while listening to Shakira songs... besides the Robbie mini series with Ganji and William (half finished!) i will soon start working on date scenerios with Luchino and Kevin for valentine day yay!!!! If any of my loyal and beloved eight followers is reading this i love you guys i'm swinging my feet goodnight
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snarky-art · 3 months
I swear I dont wanna be mean but why does everyone keep making stella fat. Why is it that the most attractive character, whom everyone finds beautiful inside the show, is the one who is always turned fat. Like... No one would find her attractive if her canon design was like that. I promise im not being mean but I feel like the artists are always projecting themselves onto Stella and wanting to be loved like she is, cause usually the ones making her fat are fat too, like I saw your selfies and you're a bit curvy. I promise im not being mean im just curious.
For starters, send me more fat Stella’s if you can I haven’t seen that many made and would love to see more varied takes on her appearances in redesigns.
Secondly, I made her fat because I think it’s nice to have the character that’s canonically considered to be the most beautiful girl in all of magix, a fashion icon in the magical dimension, a very celebrated trendsetter, be something other than the stereotypical concept of socially acceptable fashion tropes. She isn’t an hourglass, she has cellulite and stretch marks, she’s super pear shaped, and that can be and should be considered something to be normal, since they are, and shouldn’t be seen as things that need to be hidden. Having that put on a loud and proud fashion girly seems good imo and it can only really contribute to good stuff for body image stuff and representation. I did it so people like you could reconsider that beauty is something that comes in multiple forms and shouldn’t have to fit one type of standard. If we wanna get super technical too those standards also very from culture to culture and I image that’s extended even further in Winx club.
The girls are all aliens from different worlds. There’s bug people. There’s a lady in the miss magix episode that has tentacle hair, a blue body, and tentacle hands and feet. I highly doubt beauty standards in canon would be the same as what you’re saying, ie that no one would consider her beautiful. As if people who look like her irl also would inherently be considered not beautiful too. I know lots of people who have people that think they’re the hottest thing ever and they have all sorts of different body types and traits. Lets just call it realism lol
I’m not really projecting any of my physical stuff on her also, outside of I guess stretch marks and cellulite?? But I put those on other characters too so I don’t really think that holds up. I actually put my old body type on Flora since she’s my favorite, but now I’m way more midsized, like a slightly thinner Bloom from my stuff (love this unit of measurement gonna start using the gorls as a reference point for my appearance going forward lol). I’ve always had the “socially acceptable” fat type of body, ie hourglass with even proportions and a super snatched waist. I just think it’s tired and trite to constantly reenforce the idea that “the hot fashion one” needs to be tall and thin all the time, and if she is made fatter, that she needs to look like I did ie not much of a tummy with super equal proportions, big boobs, and a big ass.
Kinda related to that also, I made a post about a lot of character design “rules” too that I think are kinda outdated and annoying, at least to me, since I’ve seen them a million times. We all have. So I decided to do something different that I think would be good for normalizing traits outside of what we consider typically acceptable for that kind of character.
I’m already very loved also and don’t need to project anything on Stella lmaooo
I got multiple partners, great friends, do modeling, and am slaying with my own fashion and appearance stuff outside of that too. That’s all independent of whatever I’m doing with her physical body type when I draw her.
Gonna level with you also, you going “I’m not trying to be mean” doesn’t erase how weird this ask is. Sounds like you have your own gripes that you need to work through. Like, if you consider those traits on Stella ugly, that means you definitely have some internalized hatred for fatness, skin blemishes, scarring, and other peoples’ general appearances if they don’t fit some specific molds that aren’t realistic for the majority of people. Even if it is just genuine curiosity, being aware of this stuff going forwards and reevaluating how you view beauty standards and bodies in general would do you a great benefit imo.
Thanks for going through my old selfies tho it was pretty weird of you but at least make sure to leave a like on them. I looked hot when I was fatter and I look hot now too sharing this with the world is the least I can do💕✨💕✨
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vanellopes-mun · 4 months
Vanellope VS. Turbo: A Mini Analysis!
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There are a million reasons why Turbo’s reveal in Disney’s Wreck-it Ralph is such an iconic and memorable scene. A scene that I and many others have replayed ever since 2012 and its impact has never left our minds. It solidified King Candy/Turbo as one of Disney's top villains ever created, surprising and shocking viewers with a plot twist that Disney hasn’t been able to overthrow with their other movies before they abandoned villains until King Magnifico but he sucks so. He WISHES he was as charismatic as King Candy plz-
But this analysis isn’t just about King Candy/Turbo, it’s also about Vanellope Von Schweetz. She’s the most important ingredient to making this scene work and play out the way it does and ultimately why it’s so fucking cathartic. ( More so than Ralph’s fight against Cy-Bug Turbo in my opinion) After watching how it was originally story boarded, the crew behind WiR perfected this scene with a specific detail that they changed. In the early storyboard, Vanellope causes King Candy’s vehicle to crash, causing him to glitch and transform into Turbo in front of the cameras. While I love love love the extended race between Vanellope and King Candy and sort of wished it could have been longer in the actual film, I am content that they didn’t go with the direction. In the movie, King Candy is revealed after trying to beat/kill Vanellope with his horn rod/pole thingy from his kart, she grabs it and glitches due to stress/adrenaline/her emotions, her blue glitch traveling through the cane and making contact with King Candy, finally putting down the facade he had on for 15 years and revealing him as Turbo to the characters in the film and the audience. It’s such a small detail, it only happens in a second, but it’s all it took for the start of his downfall and his eventual demise. 
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And this is why it brings me catharsis every time I watch this scene. I could never put it into words before, but it’s beyond satisfying that the end of King Candy’s horrible reign starts with Vanellope and her glitch. The very same glitch that he caused trying to delete her code and remove her place from the game. The glitch that he used as an excuse to turn everyone in Sugar Rush against her. He usurped her throne and tried to ruin her life. Despite this, he still had the audacity to shout “Get off of MY track!” earlier. It brings his Roadblasters incident back up, it was his choice, trying to steal the thunder of another racing game that just got plugged in because he couldn’t stand the idea of anyone taking his place, only for Turbo Time and Roadblasters to be unplugged. All of this circling back and biting him in the ass. Vanellope was the key all along and he knew it, he feared her despite never really having a conversation with her as far as we know (Vanellope asking Turbo “What the-?! Who are you!?” leads me to believe that if they did converse in the past, it was not in his true form and he was most likely already King Candy. Plus it just goes to show how fast he hijacked Sugar Rush), but you can just tell by how desperate he was to keep her from racing, he didn’t want anyone to take his place ever again. 
So the scene continues and his famous line and breakdown goes as this: “I’m Turbo! The greatest racer ever! And I did not reprogram this world to let YOU and that halitosis riddled warthog TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!” It’s just so ironic, unfair and hypocritical of him it makes my blood boil! And the way he’s raising his voice, jabbing his finger at her and Vanellope’s trying to shrink away from him as he yells at her face before he tries to murder her I just- So cruel, scary, wicked and disturbing! But Vanellope, this brave WARRIOR, is reminded of her glitch after Turbo calls her for what he believes is the last time. “End of the line, Glitch!” She takes a moment, everything slows down around her as she tries to control her glitch to escape Turbo. She glitches away, missing the wall and It ends up saving her life! I just cannot stress enough how beautiful that is! She used her disability, that everyone thought would simply doom her and the game, and embraced it when she needed it most. Her glitch, while it was suddenly given to her by circumstances she couldn’t control or prevent, she took control back. It’s her beautiful superpower and it’s empowering. After this scene, it’s the “end” of Turbo before he gets nom’d by a Cy-Bug. ( I want to note that he later says “I’m the most powerful VIRUS in the arcade”, part of me wants to believe he said that because clearly Vanellope bested him as the greatest racer ever but I doubt that was their intention lol)
They’re the embodiment of Selfishness vs. Selflessness. While Vanellope had everything taken away from her, she didn’t follow the same path as him. Turbo had everything taken from him, but it was his fault and he only ever thought about himself, never about the destruction he left behind. Hell, all she ever wanted was to be one of the racers, no matter how much they bullied her and ostracized her, she never ended up being evil like him even though it would be a perfect recipe to become a villain, this is also what makes her a mirror to Ralph.  (Remember in that one deleted scene where she said she wanted to break the racers’ legs but come on can you blame her!?!?! She was so real for saying that.) VANELLOPE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER AAAA. 
Before I ramble any further, I will forever love the choices that the writers made for the climax and it just ends up being an absolutely perfect and brilliant scene and I will continue to rewatch for the millionth time. 
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 4 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to playing Lethal Company:
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! to this adventure! I've never actually played Lethal Company so some info may be wrong, I apologize if so. The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Lucifer's reaction:
Really bad at first. But don't tell him that or you'll never get the Avatar of Pride to play a game with you again.
What kills Lucifer the most isn't even the monsters..he can't make the jumps across the gaps but refuses to not try. His pride convinces him he'll make it, just to fail every time. Mans is fuming. The second thing that kills Lucifer the most is other players, when he plays with his brothers depending on what brother it is, they shovel him to death. Poor Luci can't even enjoy a game without being "pranked".
Is actually really good with the monsters, after scanning them and learning what to do he's basically a pro with them.
Plays really efficiently, always scanning, always picking the better items, he has a set time when everyone should be exiting the building and heading back to the ship. Though there are a few cases when everyone dies and then he doesn't make it to the ship on time, he gets so mad that he doesn't even speak, just sitting there with a blank face and his arms crossed.
He is great at being the man on the ship, though he chooses favorites, and depending on who he's playing with he may purposely let someone die just for fun. His brothers have shoveled him to death one too many times. But besides that, he turns off turrets amazingly, and is great at closing and opening doors on time. He's great at call outs of monsters and items, and since he knows the monsters well he can tell the person he's watching what to do.
If he has to only choose two bought items to bring in, he's a savage and he'll choose the radio and a shovel, or weapon in general. Why does he need a flashlight? Scanning gives a minimum amount of light, and anything in the dark is no scarier than he is.
His least favorite monster? Forest keepers, he can handle everything else, but since it's on sight for them he hates them. How is he supposed to avoid going into its sight if it's somewhere next to the ship? He crouches and stays silent and everything yet he always gets caught by them.
Lucifer's favorite thing in game? The company monster, the amount of times he's caused someone to be snatched up by the monster that takes the items, is probably the same amount of times he's played.
Lucifer doesn't prefer to play a modded version of Lethal Company, he says it takes away from the actual game. The only mod he really enjoys is the mimic one, just because he finds it fun to say stuff in hopes that the mimic will say it to the other players.
Mammon's Reaction:
..one would think since it's a scary game that he would be bad..which technically he is, he panics and freaks out..but somehow that's the reason he lives and does good in the game. If things get crazy, Mammon is gone, nobody has ever run back to the ship faster, the only reason I call that good, is because all items would be lost if he wasn't there to send the ship back into orbit. Mammon's scariest moment in game is when he found out that the door to the ship does not stay locked, he was so mad, he thought that was his safe heaven spot.
Mammon does not die in game as often as one would have thought, like I said he bolts, he'll ditch everyone but Mc any day, and sometimes even Mc isn't safe. When Mammon does die it's either to a crawler or his own stupidity. He grabs the circuit bees a lot man, even when someone tells him the run back to the ship would be too far. Mammon also has personal beef with like every loot bug in game, mans does not understand that he should not take their loot if no one has a shovel. There was also a few occasions that Mammon died to Lucifer shoveling him to death, but that's because he started a shovel war with Lucifer.
Mammon sucks with the monsters, probably one of the worst with them out of all the characters, he just flips his lid no matter what monster it is, unless it's loot bugs or bees, for some reason he just beefs with them, but even then he's no good with them because he always dies by pissing them off. No matter how many times someone tells Mammon how to handle a specific monster, he forgets? His mind goes black? Who knows what happens, but he has no idea how to deal with the monster.
Mammon plays chaotically, it may seem like a bad way to play, which sometimes it is, but he honestly does some really cool chaotic things and sometimes saves the day when everyone else is dead. Mammon's also really good at finding items, even though he never scans, he just has a sixth sense for finding items, he also somehow always finds the most expensive items.
Is Mammon good at being the man on the ship? ...in all honesty no.. he's not very good at call outs..because he almost always has the screen on himself, he's a scaredy cat he needs to know if there are monsters nearby. Say someone important goes in, Mc, Levi cause he's good at games and even Lucifer if he doesn't shovel Lucifer to death before he can go in, then he'll actually try to pay attention to them, though he is constantly switching back to check on himself. Even if Mammon is watching someone he's still half bad at call outs, he can tell you where the loot is just fine, but he somehow always misses the red dot approaching until the person he's supposed to be watching is dead. & Since he's bad with the monsters he couldn't tell the person what to do even if he did properly warn them. Despite all this, it is a job in itself to get Mammon to leave the ship, he's a scaredy cat man, he wants to stay somewhere semi safe. Mammon is also trash at shutting down turrets and opening or closing doors in time, just can't type it fast enough for some reason.
Which two items does he bring in if he can only bring two bought items? A flashlight, there's no way Mammon's going in there to search in the dark. & A walkie, Mammon's scared, he wants to be able to talk to someone the entire time he's in the building getting items. & If something happens and he happens to die, everyone will know, because he's not taking his finger off the button that makes the walkies work. Everyone is knowing that he's dying, and sometimes it's more dramatic than Asmo's deaths.
Least favorite monster? Thumpers. Even with a shovel he dies to them. The amount of times he's been told to get behind the crawler or jump onto the railing is infinite, yet he still dies. He hates how fast they are, and he finds their character design to be scary. Have you seen it? How can it run so fast with two hands and no legs?? Truly a monster to Mammon.
Mammon's absolute favorite part of the game is that you can shovel other players. If Mammon gets a shovel everyone dies but him and Mc, Mc doesn't need anyone alive but their first man! If Mammon can't kill everyone then he's just going after Lucifer, he loves annoying and killing Lucifer in game, it's his favorite part of the game. He just sometimes doesn't like the aftermath when Lucifer gets too mad and punishes him over it. Mammon and Lucifer should just not play together unless absolutely necessary, but everyone knows how the two are secretly fond of each other so it's no surprise that they play together more often than not.
Mammon does not like the modded versions of Lethal Company, it makes the scary game scarier! Mammon thought regular Lethal Company was bad, then he played a modded version with Mc, Lucifer and Levi. The mimic, mimicking his brothers didn't get him, it was when he heard it mimicking Mc that he was done. It didn't help that the mimic said something like "Mammon! Come here I need help!", Mammon went sprinting to save his human, just to get a huge scare and die to an imposter that he had thought was Mc.
Leviathan's reaction:
Levi could play games for a living man, he's good at all kinds of games, so it's no surprise that he's basically a pro at the game before he even buys and starts the game up. He did his research and knows all he needs to know before even getting into the game.
What kills Levi the most..other players. Now Levi is not unable to die to monsters, he does occasionally, but most of the time if he dies to a creature it's because somebody else angered the monster or didn't know what they were doing, causing him to die in the crossfire. He dies so often to the brackens because people can't just glance at them, they have to stare and then Levi dies because he's closest. Levi also dies when he self sacrifices for Mc, he likes being Mc's hero, and dying in game for Mc to live is like being Mc's virtual hero, that's his player two, if he cant safely get them both back to the ship, then hes sprinting full speed yelling or getting in the monsters sight, whatever needed to make Mc make it back to the ship safely.
Is Levi any good with the monsters? Is that even a question really? Levi has the info for each monster written down on a nearby notepad, not that he hasn't already memorized what to do and how not to provoke the monsters. Levi knows almost everything there is to know, the only reason he wouldn't know what to do is if it was a monster that's new to the game.
Levi plays efficiently, even more efficiently than Lucifer, Levi has a timer that will go off signalling when the monsters on the outside usually show up, so he'll try and get everyone out of the building before then if he doesn't think they are pro enough to deal with the monsters outside the buildings. There is barely a moment when Levi is not scanning while playing, he's constantly scanning, it tells you important info man! Levi knows where like every fire exit is, and he knows how to get the most expensive loot.
Levi is so good at being the man on the ship. He somehow keeps up with everyone in the building, he's amazing at call outs, if it's on the screen he's giving the most detailed description over where it's at and whether it's a monster or loot. Levi plays games and is on his computer constantly, none of the characters match him at the speed of typing, so he can shut down turrets and open and close doors like it's nothing. Levi knows his monsters so well that he can sometimes tell what it is just by the red dot that shows from the ship, but even if he can't tell by the red dot he can tell by the person's description of the monster. Even if it's a vague and panicked, most likely not even close description, Levi somehow knows what monster they are talking about, and he knows exactly how to handle it.
What two bought items Levi brings if he can only bring two? That depends on who he's playing with, and how mad they are making him. If Levi's in a good mood and enjoys who he's playing with then he brings a shovel and a radio, if Levi's in a bad mood and is mad at who he's playing with, he'll bring a shovel and a flashlight just so he doesn't have to communicate with the other players. Levi's main item of choice is the shovel, or a weapon in general, he can survive without a radio and light, but he likes having a weapon on him to defend himself from the monsters if they are killable.
Least favorite monster? Brackens. Levi doesn't even die to them on his own accord, he's died to them so many times due to other players that he can't stand them. He thinks they are the absolute worst when he has other players around him. He honestly doesn't mind them when he's alone or with someone who listens when he tells them how to deal with it. He would rather deal with a coil head, then he wouldn't die due to people staring.
What's Levi's favorite part of the game? He has a lot he enjoys and a lot he doesn't enjoy but his favorite part of the game is the fact that the ship is not completely safe. He loves the fact that the door has a battery, Levi is here to play a scary game, not a game where he can sit in a ship and be completely safe, so he loves that monsters can still kill you in the ship. Levi also enjoys the items that make noise when you carry them, he enjoys the fact that an item that costs money could be the reason you get killed by a monster.
Levi has nothing against playing a modded version of Lethal Company. He thinks some of the mods are fun but he thinks some of the mods are silly and pull away from the actual gameplay. Levi doesn't care what version he plays so he usually leaves that decision up to the people he's playing with. Although Levi does enjoy a certain mod that allows him to have some loot be Ruri-chan merch, like posters and figurines.
Satan's Reaction:
Satan is decent, he is like every normal player at first, but once he starts learning and catching on he becomes an okay player, he's not the best but he's not the worst. He gets better at it the more he plays.
What kills Satan the most is misdirections or miscommunication with the person on the ship. The way they describe things confuses him, so he usually gets led straight into a monster or right off the map into a spot that kills him. Satan does rather well with most of the monsters, and he usually jumps across gaps just fine. The only time Satan dies to not making the jump across a gap, is if he's playing with Lucifer. Satan will watch Lucifer fail the gap, bust out laughing, making fun of Lucifer, just to fall and die to the gap as well. The silence between the death chat is strong, Lucifer knows better than to let Satan hear his snickering, that would send Satan into a rage.
Satan's decent with the monsters, with enough experience of running into them he'll catch on and learn how to handle them, Satan is one of the only brothers that reads the creature data on the ship, so he learns most of his monster information from there.
Satan plays as a prankster, he'll take the game seriously when he needs to, but he's also looking for any opportunity to cause chaos and play a "prank". Satan may do something to purposely get someone killed, or to purposely anger a monster. Satan may also get a noise item, and then cause chaos and deaths when at the company building by angering the monster that takes the items and gives money.
Satan is good at being the man on the ship..if you can understand the big words he's saying and the way his brain works. He doesn't do call outs as one normally would, he describes it a little differently in his own way. He also seems to use a lot of fancy words when he's trying to help someone, so he may confuse the person he's helping if they don't have the same vocabulary as him. Mans is a walking dictionary that gets mad when the person he's directing dies.
What two bought items does Satan bring in if he can only bring in two? Oddly enough Satan is a shovel, flashlight kind of guy, especially if he plays with someone who's willing to walk around with him, they hold the walkie, he holds the weapon, it's the perfect combo. It's usually Mc, Asmo, or sometimes Belphie. If nobody follows Satan, that's still his preferred combo, he doesn't feel the need to talk to the other players, the only reason he'd really need to is to ask for turret help or for help with a door, and if he runs into those things he just goes a different way.
Least favorite monster? Bunker Spiders. Satan for some reason never realizes when there is a spider around until he's already angered the Spider and is being chased by it. Spiders are hard to kill so he usually dies in the midst of trying to fight it with his shovel, but sometimes he survives. He doesn't dislike them because they are spiders in general, he just runs into them too often, and doesn't seem to pay attention to their webs or where their "territory" is. Due to how often he runs into them and deals with them he finds them to be annoying and enraging, so that's why they are his least favorite monster.
What's Satan's favorite part of the game? Satan enjoys the monsters he can kill other players with, he has purposely killed other players with, brackens, Coil-heads, loot bugs, and circuit bees. He also enjoys the fact that if everyone dies all loot is lost, as when he gets everyone killed all their efforts are lost. He usually doesn't do this the day before the company's profit quota needs to be met.
Satan has a lot of fun in modded versions of Lethal Company. He enjoys the fun cute mods, like the ones where loot items can be made into items related to cats, cat posters, cat stuffed animals, ect. But he enjoys the mods that he can chaos with more, like the mimic and imposter mods. Satan's personal favorite mod was one he had Levi make, then he got Levi, Mc, and Mammon to play with him, the mod was one that turned the monsters into an angry Lucifer, the noises the monsters make were changed into Lucifer angrily yelling Mammon's name. Satan has such a good time that gaming session, Mammon's terrified screams made the experience perfect.
Asmodeus's Reaction:
Asmo is really bad at first, somehow he dies within the first five minutes for the first couple of rounds he plays. He takes the deaths like a champ though, he doesn't get upset or mad over his constant deaths in the beginning.
Everything kills Asmo. He says it's cause he's the most beautiful thing in the game, so of course all the ways to die are attracted to him.♡ Asmo dies the most to monsters and just walking off the map due to not properly paying attention. He also dies due to the ship leaving without him a couple of times, as he's actually rather bad at timing everything perfectly in game. Asmo does not die to other players that often, there were a few occasions but most of the time but that was due to him getting caught in the crossfire. Nobody really tries to shovel him to death or try to get a monster to kill him.
Asmo is no good with the monsters. He doesn't even try to learn how to deal with them or even what they are called. He just uses the monsters as an excuse to be dramatic, he could run into a monster that's not usually hostile and he'll still be panicking and screaming into his walkie. He's not even scared he's just being Asmo, he secretly does know a thing or two about a few monsters, just so he can try and be Mc's Knight in shining armor if given the chance, but he's more than happy to be the damsel in distress for Mc if they want to be the hero.
Asmo plays distractedly. It's not even like he's getting distracted by something outside of the game, like he doesn't get on his D.D.D, nothing like that. He just starts exploring, off in la la land as he hears the other players screaming and dying through the walkies, but hey he has a fun time and he enjoys the game. He may not seem useful, but if someone drops loot outside the building doors, he'll pick it up and bring it back to the ship while he's on his exploring adventures.
Man on the ship? No. You treat Asmo like the prince on the ship he is or he lets you perish. Unless it's Mc or one of the few people Asmo deems important or just favorites, then they'll probably die anyways. Asmo is not the best at being the man on the ship, he still somehow gets distracted, even though he's standing in the ship. If it's someone he favorites he'll be paying more attention to them than he would with the others but he still isn't very good. He can turn off turrets or open and close doors, but that's about it. His directions are rather confusing to some, if they don't know how to understand him. Asmo doesn't speak fancy or even speak weird at all, his directions are just confusing for some reason, half the time it seems like he doesn't even know where he's leading the person. Asmo doesn't know a lot about the monsters so he's no help when the player he's directing runs into a monster. All that being said, Asmo loves being the man on the ship. He feels so important and special even though he gets yelled at by the other players before they get picked off due to his miscommunication and inexperience with the monsters.
What two bought items does he bring if he can only bring two? That's not even a question for Asmo, he takes a flashlight and walkie and that's that, even if he had space for a shovel he wouldn't take it. That's someone else's job, not his, he's not meant to get his hands dirty, in game or not. How's he supposed to know that he didn't just get his nails done in game? Besides, being protected by other players with shovels is so romantic! ..in all honesty though, he took a shovel once, did realllly poorly with it, and then everyone always told him to give the shovel to a different player, so he's not even really allowed to take a shovel.
Least favorite monster? Snare Fleas. It's not even for a reason like he finds them annoying in game or does to them constantly. He's only ever died to them a few times but they are his least favorite monster because they cover his beautiful face! He doesn't respect a monster that can't see what true beauty looks like.
Favorite part of the game? Asmo enjoys the song that plays when the items you buy are brought down by that smaller ship thing. Sometimes after he hears it he can be heard humming the tune as he plays. Asmo also enjoys that you can explore around the map, he's been to almost every nook and cranny, gotten stuck and glitched in almost every way possible.
Asmo enjoys the modded version because he was able to find a mod that made the loot items be items related to him. Posters of him, and cute little Asmo plushies. He also enjoyed the mimic mod oddly enough, it didn't scare him, instead he was happy when he heard himself speaking, and he was always saying stuff just for the other players to hear his beautiful voice.
Beelzebub's Reaction:
Beel is pretty bad at first, honestly it takes him a while to learn the ropes and get decent at the game. But once he catches on he's actually rather good at the game.
What kills Beel the most is the monsters. It's not because he doesn't learn or understand what to do with the monsters, it mostly has to do with his mic always catching sounds of him eating and getting him killed by monsters attracted to sound. He also dies to monsters often because Beel's a nice boy, he's a family man, a protector if you will, it doesn't matter who he's playing with, he's willing to die in game for them. Self sacrifices are Beel's number one cause of death.
Beel is decent with the monsters, it takes him a little, but after being told what to do and what angers the monsters he catches on. It doesn't seem to do him any good, as he does to monsters for others, but he can tell the others what to do when it comes to monsters so he feels helpful and like he's protecting them.
Beel plays like a team player. Maybe it's cause he plays Fangol and already works on being a team player, but he's just the best team player out of all the characters. He'll do whatever you need him to do, no questions asked, no hesitation. Someone gives him a task he's on it, someone gives him an order he's following it perfectly. They could lead him straight to his death and he wouldn't be mad, mistakes happen, and holding grudges won't change that. If the group he's playing with doesn't have a teleporter yet to get other players dead bodies back, that's no problem as Beel is willing to sacrifice his life to go try to recover their dead body.
Beel is actually rather good at being the man on the ship, again it could be because he plays Fangol, sports strengthen communication abilities. Beel is amazing at call outs on monsters and loot, he is amazing at giving directions to where either thing is. Beel is decent at turning turrets off and opening and closing doors. If he doesn't get distracted by eating food and have his hands full then he can be pretty good at doing what the other players need. His food eating habits don't hurt his ability to communicate, as everyone he plays with is used to him talking with his mouth full. All that being said, Beel actually doesn't like being the man in the ship, he feels more useful going inside the building. He can protect the other players easier when he's actually with them.
What two bought items does he bring if he can only bring two? This is a hard decision for Beel, Beel preferably has a flashlight, walkie, and shovel, so it takes him a bit to decide what to bring. He ultimately goes with a walkie and shovel, if he walks next to another player with a flashlight, he sort of can see, and seeing in the dark isn't impossible so he works with what he has to. Beel likes having a walkie to communicate with the other players, so he knows who's dying and who needs saving, stuff like that. The shovel is just an obvious choice to Beel, he can't protect the other players from all the monsters monsters, but with a shovel he can save and protect other players from some monsters.
Least favorite monster? Eyeless dogs. They always kill him because he's always snacking on food and his mic picks up on his munching sounds, which attracts the eyeless dogs to him. He tries eating quietly and everything! They just have it out for Beel and his snacking habits.
Beel's favorite part of the game is the rare occasions when they have an amazing loot day and all the players make it back to the ship alive. It feels so rewarding having everyone alive in the ship, it doesn't even matter if they end up not meeting the profit quota and losing that round of the game, he just enjoys the little moment where everyone's safe and happy, chatting away in the ship as they successfully leave the moon with everyone alive and go into orbit.
The modded version messed with poor Beel. He's such a a team player man, a true protector, so the mimic and imposter mod got him more times then it should have, he couldn't help it! He heard what he thought was one of the other players calling for help, technically it was their voices, so he goes running, it's not his fault that almost every time it was an imposter and he gets killed. Besides that, Beel likes this mod that makes the loot items be food, but that mod makes him hungrier than the other mods, so he doesn't play it often.
Belphegor's Reaction:
Don't ask why, because Belphie wouldn't be able to tell you, but he's for some reason a natural at this game. He's so good at everything in the game, for absolutely no reason, as long as he puts in effort and doesn't let his Avatar get the best of him and fall asleep or something.
What kills Belphie the most is his own antics. Belphie is a little chaotic prankster, he dies provoking monsters hoping that they'll kill the other players, Belphie also gets shoveled to death a lot as he starts shovel fights with basically anyone he plays with, even Mc isn't safe from Belphie's antics. Though admittedly Belphie doesn't mess with the players he favorites as much as he does other players. Belphie dies a lot to Circuit Bees, he's always grabbing their hive and bolting for the ship, hoping he gets to the ship before he dies so that the Circuit Bees and their hive will be in the ship, causing every other player to die if they go into the ship with the Circuit Bees in there.
Belphie seems like he's bad with the monsters due to how often he's dying to them, but he's actually rather good with them. Belphie learned what to do with every monster just so he could use it against other players and cause chaos, Belphie enjoys how easy it is to make the other players lives a living hell with the monsters.
Belphie plays like a menace. He's the ultimate "prankster", he'll do literally anything to cause the ultimate chaos. Belphie does not give a fuck, he's a brat man, he is not going to stop his chaos even if they begin to run out of days to make the profit quota. If he successfully makes everyone die too many times and the profit quota doesn't get met, he'll be laughing his ass off as the company kills everyone. He'll be so proud that he successfully ruined the mission for everyone, but that doesn't mean he'll actually play the game, he's the youngest, being annoying and messing with others is what he does.
Belphie isn't allowed to be the man on the ship, he purposely gives incorrect information to make sure the player he's watching over dies. In general Belphie would actually be good at being man on the ship, in the small amount of time he was actually being serious and properly directing someone he did an amazing job, but then his favorite player died, Mc or Beel, so he made sure the rest of the players died too and then he was never allowed to be the man on the ship again.
What two bought items does he bring if he can only bring two? Belphie doesn't have a set of how much he can bring in, cause he rarely actually brings any loot out of the buildings. But Belphie would choose a shovel and a walkie, Belphie doesn't need light or to be able to see to cause chaos. The shovel is a given, he needs it so he can smack on his teammates and kill them, of smack on a monster like a loot bug and then lead it to a teammate. He brings the radio, not because he'll be using it to talk to anyone, just so he knows what everyone is doing and where they are at, who's he's easiest target for chaos.
Least favorite monster? The ones that aren't hostile are a given. But his actual least favorite is Coil-Heads. Belphie runs around a lot, not paying attention to his surroundings just trying to find his teammates to mess with and pick off, however his plans get ruined a lot when he ends up getting killed by a Coil-heads because he wasn't actually playing the game enough to see it in time. If Belphie happens to see the Coil-head before it kills him then he loves them! He can take a Coil-heads to a teammate and abandon them with it, it's a love-hate relationship with them for Belphie. He's just died to them one too many times to just love them, he has to dislike them for always ruining his plans.
Belphie's favorite part of the game, is anything to do with getting other players killed. Any monster that helps him in that mission he loves, anything in the game that helps him do that, he loves, like ringing the Beel touch at the company building and getting your teammate killed when they try to turn items in, or the fact that you can kill all your teammates by putting the Circuit Bees beehive in the ship, things like that are his favorite parts of the game.
Belphie eats modded versions of Lethal Company up, he loves how much more chaos can be caused. The mimic and imposter mod does so much for him! He'll purposely say sentences like "hey guys! There's a bunch of loot over here!" Or "no, no! Don't go that way! There's a monster there. Come over here!" Belphie unlike everyone else, does not look for mods that make the game easier, he is looking for mods to make the game harder and more chaotic. Belphie finds the absolute worst mods, that just make the game a living chaotic hell, then he'll sit back laughing his ass off as the poor people he convinced to play with him try and figure out how to survive and play the game with his mods.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Should I do a version with Barbs, Dia, Luke, Simeon, & Solomon? Or if there's any other games you want me to try and have the characters play. Let me know in the comments or my requests! Other content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Spooky!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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