#this is within the time frame of the show bc i already answered an ask abt 'weird' interests of theirs which is pretty similar
comradekatara · 1 year
the gaang and associates + their most niche interests?
i love the use of the word associates. their business partners. colleagues, if you will
aang: is "being an air nomad" too out of pocket? ok im gonna go with "noodle portraiture"
katara: ecoterrorism <3
sokka: rhyming haikus (but let's be real, when it comes to "niche interests," the world's his oyster)
toph: i mean........ metalbending
zuko: reading sontag's notes on camp from cover to cover
suki: being so passionate about consuming bad art ironically that it ultimately just circles back around to being sincere
ty lee: does chi-blocking count if she (probably) invented it
mai: well she has exactly one interest and it is knives. so knives
azula: memorizing esoteric knowledge about military history to bust out at parties
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fairysluna · 1 year
INVISIBLE STRING | Chapter 1: Lavender Haze.
A disastrous break up led you to them; three guys living in a huge apartment and in need of a new roommate who helped with the way too expensive rent.
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Pairing: Modern!Aegon x Fem!Reader.
Summary: After an exhausting search, you finally seemed to find the perfect apartment, though you didn't expect to find three handsome guys living in it.
TW/Tags: mentions of cheating, cursing, mentions of sex(?, and that's it... i think.
Author's Note: here it is, the new girl au. it's prob going to be a long series bc i want to make justice to the slow burn of the tv show, so... i think this will have at least 15-20 chapters, lmao. they'll be short, tho, so it won't be too much. thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it!!💕
Word Count: 2.5k
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The intensity of his lavender haze met yours in an eye contact that lasted just a few seconds, but it was enough to make you stutter your first words. The guy in front of you cleared his throat, licked his lips and ran his hands through his silver locks before a charming smile appeared on his handsome face. A deep breath escaped you, before you smiled back at him in a less flirtatious and rather polite manner. 
He leaned over the frame of the door, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looked up and down at you, the file between your hands soon became victim of your sudden nervousness as your fingertips started to play with the corners of it. You felt the urge to turn around and escape, thinking that you might find another apartment that will be almost as perfect as this… but something within you made you stay.
“Hi,” you spoke first, softly and kindly, “is Jace here?”
“Who’s asking?” He asked back, arching his blond eyebrows and looking at the file in your hands.
“I’m y/n… I saw the ad online that said you were looking for a roommate,” you took a pause, waiting to see some reaction of realization on him, but you received no answer. “Jace told me to come today.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember hearing something about that this morning,” he nodded slowly, clicking his tongue before he stepped aside. Inevitably, you pecked through the space to the ample space behind him, and you couldn’t help but to love it. “Come in,” he said, “Jace and Aemond went to buy some food but you can come and wait inside.”
You blinked a few times, “Aemond?” 
“Yeah, he’s my brother, he lives here too,” he explained as you slowly stepped into the apartment and sighed. The intense smell of incense reached your nose while you looked around.
“Wait,” you turned to see him, “so there’s three guys living here?” 
“There were four of us, but our baby bro went to study abroad, and we need someone to help with the bills and all that shit…”
“Oh,” you simply said.
“Is that a problem for you?” 
He stood in front of you as you pressed your lips in a thin line. Then, you took the time to consider the options you had; live with three young guys you have never seen before, or return to your best friend’s house, who lived with her very-sexually-active boyfriend. It was one thing or the other, and the right answer was in front of you.
You shook your head, sighing as you purse your lips. “Nope,” you told him, “not a problem at all.”
“Great,” he said, “now, would you like a tour around the apartment while we wait?” 
“Sure!” You answered excitedly, a wide smile appearing in your face.
“I’m Aegon, by the way.”
“I’m y/n.” You replied with the same tone as before.
Aegon chuckled, “yeah, I know, you already told me. Now, come on, I’ll show you around.”
He tilted his head to sign the direction in which you had to walk. It was a small hallway that had five doors; three of them were rooms, one of them was the bathroom, and the last one was a tiny room that had the washing machine and the dryer. Once you reached the empty room, you looked around with dreamy eyes as you thought it was just perfect for you; the closet was huge, it had a lot of light for your plants and the space was more than enough for a king size bed. You started to dream awake, and, without even knowing the rest of the guys who lived there, you began to think about ways to decorate the space that could become your new room.
You looked at the door, where Aegon was standing, and you could not hide the enormous smile that appeared in your visage. He, on the other hand, remained serious, quiet, almost as if he was unsure of having you there. 
“This is amazing,” you said, “it’s so big!”
Aegon pressed his lips trying to suppress a smirk, for his dirty mind thought about the double meaning of your words.
“It is big,” he nodded. You didn’t hear the mockery in his voice.
“Are there other candidates?” You stepped a bit closer to him, “or am I the only one?”
“Uh… yesterday a guy came, but neither of us liked him.” 
“He was not what we were looking for,” he shrugged.
The main door was opened, and Aegon quickly turned to walk outside the room and into the hallway. Soon, two male voices were heard along with the sound of bags and keys falling onto a table. You peeked outside the room, leaning enough to see across the hall, finding two guys in the living room; one had long, soft-looking, silver hair, while the other had short and dark brown hair. You immediately recognized the brunette as Jace, the guy with whom you talked about the apartment. 
Aegon cleared his throat and soon the two pairs of eyes were looking at you. Aemond frowned, rolling his eyes with annoyance as he sighed.
“I told you not to bring them home today, Aegon,” he said sternly, “Lucerys will arrive soon and we don’t want him to see your profanity.”
It was inevitable for you not to frown, confused –and a bit offended– by his words, even though you were not entirely sure of what they truly meant. What you were certain of is that, by the look on his face, he did not want to see you there, which actually made you feel a bit bad. Aegon remained silent.
Jacaerys squinted his eyes as if he was trying to search for something in you –some clue about your identity, perhaps–, and a few seconds later his mouth was shaped in a circle as he saw who you were. His eyes widened and he pushed Aemond slightly, making a not-so-subtle gesture that you were quite able to perceive. He immediately realized what was going on and his eye looked at you with an apologetic stare.
“She’s not mine,” Aegon said, “I found her outside our door.”
“Don’t talk about her like a cat,” Jacaerys said, walking towards you. “Hi, I’m Jace, it’s good to finally meet you.”
“Same thing,” you replied politely, stepping out of the room. He stretched his arm to reach your hand and shake it.
“Come, let’s go to the living room so we can talk more comfortably.” 
You followed his steps, walking back into the living area. The smell of the recently bought Chinese food reached your nose and made your stomach growl. You tried to play it down as you sat in a comfortable chair right in front of the couch where the three men sat. Your hands were resting on your knees as you sighed, looking back and forth at his faces who were concentratedly staring at you. Jacaerys tilted his head, as if he was expecting you to say something first but you just remained silent. 
Aegon laid back, his arm hanging in the back of the couch as he clicked his tongue, seeming kind of bored, and before you could say something, Jace spoke,
“So, why are you looking for a new apartment?” He asked you, “are you new in town?”
Oh Gods, you thought. Now it was the time to tell them the humiliating story that brought you to this place, that made you look for a new home in order to move on. You opened your mouth, trying to force the words out of your mouth but they insisted on being trapped in your throat. You chuckled, a breathy laugh that showed your shame before you were able to speak.
“Weell…” you said, lengthening the syllable as you stared a t your hands, avoiding any kind of eye contact, “uhm… it’s- it’s actually a fun story,” you nodded, “I went to a trip abroad with my best friend, and when I returned… Uh… I found out that my- my boyfriend was kinda cheating on me.” 
A silence. The three guys stared at each other, and then Aegon was the first to talk.
“What do you mean with ‘kinda’?” He asked, “did he only put his tip on or-?”
“Aegon,” Aemond scolded him, “that’s not a fucking nice thing to say, the girl had just being cheated on. Have some respect.”
“She said ‘kinda’,” he shrugged, “I want to know what that means!”
“He fully cheated on me,” you explained.
Aegon nodded, “so that means he put his whole dick on-”
“Jar!” Jace shouted, “five coins, now.”
He rolled his eyes as he started to search for the golden coins in his pockets. Once he found them, he grabbed a jar in one of the small tables beside the couch. You squinted trying to read what the white tape around it said, and after a lot of effort —because the calligraphy was far from being neat— you managed to identify the words 'Douchebag Jar' written on the tape. You pressed your lips, holding back a chuckle; the jar was already half way filled.
“I’m sorry for that,” the brunette said, “and I’m sorry for what happened with your boyfriend.” 
“It’s okay.” You said softly. 
“So, are you currently working?” Aemond stepped into the conversation. 
“I am,” you said proudly, “it’s my first year as a teacher, so, yes, I am working.”
"That's good," Jacaerys smiled, genuinely, "do you have any pets?" 
“Used to have a cat,” you said, “but just like my boyfriend he found another owner and left me with nothing but memories.” 
“That’s depressing,” Aemond said. Jace gave him a bad look.
“Uh, are you guys siblings?” you asked, curiously, “it’s just that I’ve never seen people with white hair and now there’s two of you…”
"Just us," said Aemond, pointing to Aegon. "Jace is our nephew, but we accepted him because he helps us with the rent."
“I can help you with that too!” you joked, but none of them laughed. 
“Listen, we have to discuss our final decision, alright?” Jace said, “give us a couple of minutes. Guys, let’s go.”
Jacaerys excused himself, smiling as politely as he had been. You took a deep breath as they stood up and left the living room, walking towards a room at the end of the hall, which, thanks to the tour Aegon gave you around the place, you knew was the bathroom. 
Jace locked the door behind him, and immediately turned to look at his uncles, shaking his head. 
"Nope," Aemond muttered, "absolutely not."
"Why?" Jace asked, rolling his eyes, "she has a good income, in two years she will be earning more money than all of us."
"She's a girl!" Aemond said.
"So?" The brunette arched his eyebrow. 
"Aegon has the hormones of a fourteen year old," he screamed in a whisper, "if you get a girl in here, we'll have to find a bigger Douchebag Jar."
"I think Aegon is old enough to control his primal urges," Jacaerys defended him. 
"Is he, Jace? Is he?" 
"She's a good candidate," He defended you, "we might not have another candidate as good as her."
"The next candidate can be a man!" Aemond said. "Did you see the way he was staring at her? He was eating her with his eyes!" 
"He won't do anything, he'll know how to control himself," Jace told him, "he can behave."
"Why are you talking about me as if I'm not here?" Aegon interrupted the conversation, crossed arms in his chest as he leaned against the wall, "Look, I'm not going to fuck her if that's what worries you. We need the money, so…"
"So keep it in your pants," Jace finished his sentence, speaking sternly. It almost sounded like a threat. 
"I'll keep it in my pants," Aegon shrugged, "it ain't that hard."
"Promise it.”
Aegon frowned, "what?" 
"Promise that you won't try to- to…" Jacaerys struggled to say the last word without blushing. 
"Fuck her," Aemond finished. 
"What if she is the one that comes to me, huh? What then?" 
Jace scoffed, "please, Aegon, she seems like a smart girl. She won't do such a foolish thing."
Aegon looked at his nephew with a bitter stare, seeming a bit offended. However, he remained quiet, for he knew there was some truth in his mocking words. 
"Alright," he sighed, spitting in his hand and stretching his arm, "I promise I will never fuck the new girl. Let my cock fall off if it happens."
"Good," Jacaerys said, repeating the actions of the eldest and grabbing his wet hand, shaking it slowly. 
"Gross," Aemond muttered, disgusted. 
"So," Jace said, "shall we give her the news?" 
The three men stared at each other, and then, they nodded. Aegon was the first one to walk towards the door, grabbing the handle and opening it so fast that you barely had time to run away. He widened his eyes as you blushed, embarrassed for the position in which they had found you. 
You slowly took a step back, scratching the nape of your neck as you stared at your shoes, once again avoiding the stare of those three handsome guys. However, after hearing their final answer, you were trying so hard to suppress the giant smile that was threatening to appear on your face. 
"Were you… spying on us?" Jace asked. 
A sigh left your lips at the same time you dared to look up at them, all with furrowed brows; Aegon was the only one with a slight smile on his face, which gave you the confidence to explain yourself.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," you said, speaking quickly, "these situations make me feel so anxious, I just needed to know you didn't hate me."
“We didn’t,” Aegon replied, “congrats, you are the owner of the empty bedroom.” 
You jump out of excitement and it was impossible for you to resist the urge to hug them tight. Your arms wrapping around Aegon’s and Jace’s shoulders as Aemond just stepped back. Soft little giggles of pure and genuine happiness were heard from you, as you thanked them over and over again. 
“I can’t believe it!” you squealed, “I swear it on the Seven you won’t regret this decision!” 
Aegon’s chuckle was heard right beside your ear, as he carefully placed his hand in your waist as a habit. You stepped back, still with that sparkling smile on you. 
“I hope you’re not making a mistake,” Aemond whispered to Jace.
“Nah, she’ll be fine,” Jace assured him.
They were so focused on you that they were not able to see Aegon’s face, and the quite peculiar way his eyes sparkled as you started to chant about the good news you had received. He pressed his lips in a thin line, eyes fixed on you.
He was ignoring the unbeknownst feeling growing inside of him.
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narrators-journal · 1 year
You showed me human compassion, now I’m your problem
I’ve been working on this puppy for a WHILE, and I hope you enjoy! I had to rewrite it too, which was a bit of a slog bc I can only write at 3 am lol.
The night sky was always a sight for Minato Arisato to see. Looking into the endless sea of dark blues and purples with the glittering sparks of light decorating the swirling colors had a tendency to calm him, even when seen through a net of branches that partially obscured the fat, silver disk called the moon. Yet, he couldn't drink in the quiet splendor of the darkness that night. He couldn't spare a glance to the sky when he had to keep a close eye on the vague lumps of shadows that were the forests nighttime shrubbery. Especially not when his attention was already torn between searching the shadows for monsters, and keeping his ears open for any unnatural noises from within the flora. Yet, his careful crawl through the woods was suddenly put to a halt when all of the soft, constant chirp and call of insects and night animals abruptly fell silent. Leaving the blue-haired shadow hunter with nothing but his own breathing as a soundtrack. It made Minato's hackles raise more the longer he stood there. However, when he listened closer to the minimal night sounds, the shadow hunter found that he could hear something other than himself in the woods. It sounded like something was digging through the fallen leaves a distance away. Something that would've flown under the radar if he hadn't walked into such a mute patch of eerie atmosphere.           "Junpei? Yukari?" He whispered, scanning over the thick shadows for any signs of his friends, or even an explanation for the odd sounds while he slowly stealthed towards the source of it. Yet, when he got closer to the edge of the small slice of clearing that the weird...bird? Noises came from, the only answer he got was the noises suddenly going silent. Seeing as there weren't any people standing in the oasis of silver light, it wasn't his friends, that was clear. So, he pulled out the specialized gun he used to hunt Shadows and stepped into the clearing with each sense stretched to the maximum. Yet, he also didn't find any monsters waiting to leap out of the shadows and rip his face off. The only thing he found was a wriggling patch of leaves and tall grass. Which, closer inspection revealed was a monster, but one only big enough to be thoroughly tangled in a patch of thorny vines that grew in a webbed carpet on the ground. It wasn't much bigger than a few month old kitten. With ebony hair that had been pushed back by the wind, smooth black skin stretched over an emaciated frame that had patches of glittering black feathers, two sets of equally ink-colored wings, and the hind legs of a bird with the arms of a very starved human.              "Uh, are you...stuck?" Minato asked, tilting his head at the little creature, who jumped and only now seemed to register the hunter standing over him. Staring up at him with bottomless black pits for eyes before revealing rows of little teeth in too big of a mouth when he snarled and hissed at him. Which, only made the blue-haired man roll his eyes. "Fine, stay stuck." With that, he turned on his heel to leave, but paused when the small creature squawked and screamed until he looked back at him blandly, "Are you going to snarl and snap at me then?" The response he got was a quiet growl, but the creature also stopped thrashing and showing Minato his teeth. That time, when Minato knelt down, the shadow didn't bristle or fight him. Allowing the man to carefully untangle his thin body from the thorns with little more than a suspicious eyeing.             "I think I need to cut some of these away. Don't squirm, okay?" Minato said after he couldn't tug them away, and the little creature growled, but didn't freak out when the shadow hunter pulled out a pocket knife and began slicing through the stubborn flora. Once he'd finally gotten the creature's boney limbs free, and the vines out of his irridescent feathers, the blue-haired boy stood up and walked to the far side of the clearing before he put the critter down,           "whatever you did to get like that? Don't do it again. I'm only letting you go because I don't have the energy to kill you, other shadow hunters won't be as kind." He warned while the shadow shook itself off and began picking out any remaining thorns. When Minato stood back up, though, he suddenly raised his head to stare up at him. Which, instantly made the midnight-haired boy tense. Yet, after a long moment of staring at one another in the eerie, impossible silence of the night, the hunter realized that the shadow...wasn't going to attack him. He just sat there and looked up at him until the hunter shook his head and turned to leave. And after that, the midnight-haired hunter's patrol was nowhere near as interesting as that one run-in. So, he simply headed towards the large dormitory his group called home, and, the further he got from the little shadow he'd saved, the more natural noises returned to the woodland. Well, that's still unnerving. He thought as he followed a quiet dirt path, still keeping his senses on high alert just in case, but also taking the time to drink in the sleepy peace of the late hour. And, judging by the sounds he could hear coming up behind him, his co-workers must have also finished their patrols. In one easy movement, Minato sidestepped Junpei's attempt to jumpscare him.            "Man! How the fuck do you always know when I'm sneaking up on you?" The brunette whined, grumpily picking his hat up off of the dirt path and making sure the hairpin he had in it wasn't damaged or dusty. "I'm going to succeed one day, though. Just you wait." He warned while he walked with the shaggy haired boy,           "Why do you even want to jump on me that badly?" That made Junpei shrug and say,            "Partially because you won't let me, and also because I wanna see if you'll give me a piggy-back ride." as if it were absolutely normal for a tall man like him to jump on a smaller person. Which, Minato was about to point out when something slammed into his back like a bowling ball launched through a baseball gun. Naturally, the force of it knocked with wind out of the midnight-haired boy, but even through his gasping and wheezing, he could hear Junpei cursing and felt the creature dig sharp talons into his shirt.              "Dude, hold still! It's small, I'll just stab it." Junpei suddenly assured, which swiftly brought Minato's breath back.             "What?! Don't you dare stab me, Iori!" Thankfully, the sudden outburst briefly kept the brunette from plunging his dagger into the squirming mass clawing into Minato and tearing up his back and shirt.               "But, a monster is trying to maul you! I'm killing it!" The taller hunter declared, but the shorter male insisted,              "Don't!" And, as he spoke, the small creature's boney hands reached his shoulder and the emaciated bird monster crawled from his back to his chest. Trilling up at him from behind a snow-colored, dark-eyed mask with a thin grin as if he hadn't just torn into his back.             "Minato, what the hell is that thing doing?" The brunette asked, eyeing the monster and still prepared to attack if need-be. But, all the cat-sized shadow did was flutter his wings and ignore the hostile hunter in favor of pressing his cheek against Minato affectionately.          "I...don't know," The blue-haired man admitted, "but, I don't think he's hostile. He's not attacking me, and he didn't attack you." That made the taller male pause, thinking that fact over while watching the shadow coo and trill. Later on, Minato might wonder where it got a mask it's size, but for now, he simply sighed and tried to loosen the monster's hold on his now-tattered shirt. It took a moment, but Junpei did eventually sigh and lower his blade,             "Okay, I'll admit that he's not hostile right now. But, what do you plan to do with it?" he asked, and the midnight-haired hunter just shrugged. Trying to put the oddly friendly creature on the ground, or send him off like you would a bird, but all the little creature did was flap its wings and launch itself back up to the boy's shirt. Giving a trill and a few clicks as if scolding him for trying to get rid of it, so he simply shook his head and gave up.           "I guess I'll have to ask Mitsuru what to do." he decided, which got a similarly at-a-loss sigh. Granted, they could've tried to chase the little monster off, but neither wanted to risk either making the shadow turn hostile or continue to linger and draw in some bigger, more aggressive shadow. So, they simply let him stay and continued down the path to the dormitory for the night.
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sugako · 3 years
osamu xf!baker!reader sum: your unrequited crush on the man you sell to is weighing heavily on you until one little party later it isn’t an issue cw: 18+ minors dni, a lil fluff, a lil angst (reader is sad bc they don't think samu feels the same), mentions of drinking/alcohol/party (no one is drunk during), kinda confessions, first time with each other, nipple play, oral (receiving) wc: 3.5k a/n: hi !! uhh i have had this is drafts for months bc i struggled to post it and idk why,, it's def a little longer than usual and little more plot-heavy(ish) but i hope you all enjoy pussy king samu <3
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It felt as though you were admiring him from a distance even when he was standing right beside you.
The afternoon that the owner of Onigiri Miya had called up your small bakery to partner with his business you had been overjoyed. Honestly, you were still happy, it was just tinged by something deeper or different now. You were certainly still happy to sell your goods through the business, but your feelings had really gotten the better of you.
The day, actually the moment you met Osamu you told yourself to get over the petty crush you had developed within minutes of meeting him. His big, tall frame made you feel as though he could wrap his arms around you and everything would be okay. His pretty, steely eyes and soft features relaxed you, made you feel at home.
A week later you were groaning into your pillow when he texted a simple, polite compliment about your baked goods. Desperately, you hoped that the fuzzy feeling would melt away any day now.
Every single time you had to see him again and again to drop off your bi-weekly delivery, the feelings didn’t fade. If anything they grew stronger. The quick, comfortable banter you shared made your chest fill with molten gold that always seemed to harden into a tough little peach pit, strangling the words from your throat whenever you got back into your car.
A month later you were crying to yourself at 2 AM about how you couldn’t get over him even though you hadn’t even been close to a relationship. It was impossible. How were you supposed to get closure from someone you were merely business partners with.
You cursed the way your heart sped up when you got a new text from him. Over and over again you had to remind yourself that it was purely business.
Onigiri Miya (Osamu): Hi, do you want to swing by tomorrow? Lunch is on me
Fingers swiped over the keyboard, groaning as you asked what you should bring for the restock, not realizing it had been two weeks already.
Onigiri Miya (Osamu): Everything is selling fast, but I won’t need anything for a bit, just wanted to chat not about business
Without hesitation you agreed. Even if you were sure he didn’t feel the same, it wouldn’t hurt to keep up a personal relationship with a business. The fact that he had texted you deep into the night without prompt didn’t make it into your busy mind.
Those two little texts were how you found yourself taking a deep breath outside the Onigiri Miya a little after the lunch rush. You stepped into the nearly empty building, immediately greeted by Osamu’s soft, low voice.
“I have to run to the back, but I put a plate for you out.” He calls, disappearing just as the door closes behind you.
It’s painful to admit how your heart swells at the gesture. Your favorite onigiri of his is neatly plated in front of a corner seat at the bar. The two other people on the opposite side of the store are quietly chatting, paying no mind while you settle into your seat. Before you can take a bite he’s bustling back in.
“Sorry ‘bout that, got a call.” He says, leaning over the counter in front of you. The way his broad chest is squished by his shoulders.
“No worries.” You say just before biting into the food. He snatches one of the rice balls from your plate, but your mouth is too full and you’re too grateful to protest. “So,” you begin after you swallow, “what did you want to talk about?”
You can’t tell whether the air is thick with awkward tension or if it’s just you.
“I mean, obviously not business.” As you speak, a strangled, little chuckled forces its way out of the back of your throat, but you take another bite of food before it gets out of hand.
He’s silent for a moment, slowly chewing his food. Maybe savoring it or maybe thinking, you can’t quite tell which.
“Can you take nights off from the bakery? I remember you saying ya do a lot of baking and prepping at night.” His expression is impossible to read and you want to tell him that this is, at least for you, business talk, but you hold back and simply answer the question.
“Well, yeah, if I needed to. Uh, why?” You catch how his shoulders tense and lower, his eyes shifting across the windows in the front. Unfortunately, his own anxiety does very little to quell any of your own.
“My brother is having a party and I’m… obligated to go, but I won’t know many people there, they’ll all be his teammates, so I was wondering if you would like to go with me? If you don’t have a… I mean, if you don’t have any plans.” His expression remains still, but there’s a small flush in his cheeks that you catch on immediately. Something in your heart softens with hope.
“You’re twin volleyball brother?” You ask, biting back a smile. “Also, you’ll have to tell me what time the party is and then I’ll let you know if I have plans, but I’m probably free.”
The flush deepens as he recognizes his mistake and slowly blinks, shaking his head. “Yes, ‘Tsumu, the volleyball brother. And the party is next Friday. Around nine.”
Within the limited time you’d spent with him he’d told you about his brother and his old friends. Confidence growing, but not quite steady, you uneasily treaded into your next words.
“Yeah, I’m not working next Friday actually, so that sounds good. Should I text you for the address or…?”
“Meet me here, I can take you. Best to take the train, but it’ll be easier if we go together.”
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Deep in the center of the city, standing close enough to smell the soft fragrance of cologne, you still weren’t sure how easily you had ended up here at the house party filled with strangers hosted by your customer’s pro athlete brother. It was a little much to think about if you took too much pause. Before you could slip into your own brain too much your cheek smushed into the thick muscle of Osamu’s solid back that had suddenly stopped moving, and as you sputtered out an apology the door swung open without him even knocking.
“Hey! Did you really not a-” The blonde mirror image of the man standing directly in front of you eats whatever words are about to spill out of his mouth when he notices you peeking out from beside Osamu. Realizing how ridiculously childish you must look tucked away behind him, you clear your throat and step out so you’re by his side instead.
“Hi, I’m y/n.” You say politely, extending a hand for him to shake. Atsumu’s eyes flit between you and his brother, not bothering to hide a smirk.
“Oh, I know.” He finally says when he takes your hand. Out of sheer embarrassment or maybe anxiety, you feel pricks of heat chase out to your fingertips. The sensation is only compounded by Osamu’s feather-light touch that grazes the small of your back as he tries to lead you past his brother.
“Really,” you start, with a sly little smile, “he’s told me about you’re very impressive-”
“Okay.” Osamu says a little too sharply. He’s glad you’re at ease, but less glad that you’ve immediately taken to lightly teasing him with his brother. “Let’s head in.” The warm breath of his whisper jolts through you and you find yourself nodding, letting his touch lead you.
Just as the door is closing behind you and the excruciating reverb of the music seeps into your ears, you barely catch what Atsumu mumbles before he slips into the crowd of people. “Maybe you’ll finally show her how much ya like her.”
Osamu doesn’t respond, and for a second you think maybe he didn’t hear him, but the way his fingers dig into your back tells you otherwise. You simply pretend that you heard nothing, pointing to the drink dispensers lined up on the kitchen counter across the room. After a quick drink of the sweet, burning mystery drink and after Atsumu started to keep his distance - too busy hounding his one teammate with the dark curls whose name you couldn’t quite remember - things went smoothly.
Time passed quickly, helped on by the dozens of new people you were introduced to. The small talk and repetitive questions had you mentally winded, but Osamu’s constant touch whether on your elbow or back or shoulder grounded you. Instead of feeling your heart race as it usually did when he was near, you only felt calm.
It all came crashing down sometime deep into the night when most of the guests had headed home and those left over passed out, scattered everywhere about the house. Well, everywhere aside from the neat guest bedroom tucked away toward the back that Osamu had pulled you back to when the last man (who had drunkenly tried teaching you how to say ‘volleyball’ in Portuguese) had finally passed out.
The single drink you had gulped down hours ago was long gone from your system, but even without it you still found it easy to speak with him, even as his arms inconspicuously wrapped around your torso and brought you down to lie beside him on the bed. Staring up at the ceiling for a moment while the two of you remained in short silence, a thought came to your head, another thing you want to tell him or ask him. You’re not sure which because in the next moment, when you whip your head to face him, he does the same.
If you had been any closer your faces would’ve smashed together. Any farther away and you wouldn’t be brushing lips. Just as soon as the touch begins, it ends with you scrambling away, stopped from falling off the bed by his strong arm wrapping around and pulling you back to his chest. The silence thickens with every second that neither of you speak, but he thankfully breaks it within the minute.
The words fumble around the front of your mouth like your mouth is numb. “I’m so sorry that-!”
“Well, that wasn’t really a proper kiss.” He says plainly, a smile barely etching its way onto the corner of his lips.
“N-no, it was not.” You whisper. It doesn’t quite feel real when he kisses you for real, and for a second you’re worried you’ve deluded yourself. You sigh into his firm touch, finally releasing the tension in your chest and letting your own lightly trembling hands trace up the space between your chests to settle against his. His body is softer than you had thought it would feel, somehow so much more comforting and homey than you could have imagined.
After an endless moment, his mouth strains against yours as he forces himself to pull away with a little huff. Your eyes find his, bright and hopeful, and still a little bit surprised. Between all your personal longing and resignation that he didn’t feel the same, you hadn’t noticed the way he smiled more when you were nearby, the little blush that dusted his cheeks when you complimented his cooking that first time, and so much more.
“Wanted to do that for a long time.” He sighs, leaning his forehead against yours and letting his heavy eyes close. Hiding your grin in his chest, you nod, wrapping your arms around him and snuggling in closer. When your knee glides against his thigh in an attempt to get more comfortable and flush to him, he clears his throat. “We should get changed if we’re going to sleep here. I have extra clothes in the dresser.”
“Okay.” You nod slightly, not wanting to move just yet. He seems to be with you because, despite his own words, he remains exactly in place with his grip just as tight as ever around your waist. “...Samu?” You finally ask, pulling back far enough to look up at him.
“I wanna kiss you again.”
“Okay,” you repeat, “then kiss me again.” The crooked, giddy smile you’re giving him seems to tense him up even more.
He inhales deeply through his nose, eyes darkening as they flicker across the planes of your face. “I wanna, but I don’t want to push this unless you feel the same.”
If your tired heart could vibrate any harder it would probably be bursting out of your chest.
“Well, I feel that we should kiss again,” you press a peck to his cheek hoping it’ll steady your next vulnerable words, “because I’ve thought about you a lot, and I really like this.” You emphasize your words by glancing down at the negative space between your bodies and running your hand up the built expanse of his shoulders.
Humming, he cradles the back of your head, gracefully moving to straddle you and ghost his lips over yours. “In that case, tell me when to stop.” The hot breathy fan of air from his whisper barely hits your cheeks before he’s pressing a deep kiss against your lips.
You slot together like perfect puzzle pieces, limbs finding the just the right spots to fit into. Mouths move desperately, passionately and without thinking your fingers start dancing under the hem of his shirt, brushing against the hot skin beneath. With a tempered groan, he uncouples his lips from yours, kissing along your jaw and quickly moving to trace down your neck. The kitten nips and licks against your collarbone send electricity through your bones, forcing you to flex into him, hips awkwardly jutting forward for something more.
“You… you, ah, are so perfect.” You pant, eyes blinking wide open when the calloused tips of his fingers roughly trail under your shirt, up your sides, stopping just short of your chest to flip your shirt up.
Groaning so quietly you barely hear him, he buries himself between your breasts and sighs against your skin. “Yer even more beautiful up close and without all this,” he pauses for the briefest moment to undo your bra and lift it over your head with the shirt, “extra stuff on.”
Scoffing out a short giggle, you relax back, watching how his eyes drink you in as though they’ve been starved. “By extra stuff you mea-!” The quip is promptly cut off by the feeling of his mouth latching around one breast, the other being tended to by his opposite hand. Not a moment later he pulls away, smiling as you let out a pitchy whine.
“Yer pretty mouthy when yer comfortable, huh?” He mumbles, lips ghosting over your nipple while the one in his hand continues to be teased.
“N-no,” you rush to disagree. Judging by the eye roll he gives you, he doesn’t seem to believe you, but he doesn’t say anything more, simply bringing his attention back to your chest.
The way his suckles tiny, bright purple marks into your skin sends heat pooling into your stomach, hips noticeably grinding up against him now. As the seconds drag on, he doesn’t seem interested in anything other than your tits, enamored with the way they feel in his hand and mouth. It’s almost too much, and you feel your stomach tightening with every moment the teasing continues.
“Samu,” you whine softly, “samu, please, can’t s’too much, really need…” The words are jumbled and garbled. You can’t quite sort your brain to come up with anything coherent, distracted by the wet pooling in your underwear and the weight of his body crowding over yours.
“Sensitive tits?” He coos with a sharp glint in his eyes, gears obviously moving in his head for the future. “That’s okay,” he continues while pressing a soft kiss to each of your breasts, “What do you really need?”
“Need you to touch me.”
For a second, his mouth opens but he doesn’t speak. You fear he’s going to tease you, make you explain in lewd detail how bad you need him and where you want him to touch you, but he doesn’t. He simply nods, truthfully too caught up in the intoxicating feeling of your body and too impatient to feel you for the first time to drag this out.
“Good girl, I’m gonna take these off.” He starts, hooking his fingers under the waistband of your pants and underwear to take them off together. Without hesitation, his eyes travel between your legs. “Such a pretty, little cunt.” He hums already squeezing in between your thighs. Obviously distracted, he peppers little kissed up the sensitive skin on the inside of your thighs, still caught up staring at your soaking mess.
“Samu, please…” You whine. While you know he isn’t purposefully teasing, well you don’t know but you don’t think at least, it’s just as frustrating. Your knees lock around his thick shoulders, pulling him closer to your heat.
“Okay, okay, pretty girl.” He grumbles, lapping right at the crook of your thigh and hip. There’s a split second of tense silence wherein he carefully spread your lips admiring the glisten of your slick under the dim light of the lamp. Your entire body is tense with anticipation, legs shaking as they struggled to spread around his wide frame.
And just like that quiet moment is over - he laps you up so desperately and greedily you’re twitching under his grasp, clawing at the wrinkled bed sheets below you for anything to ground you. He doesn’t stop when he shifts your legs over his shoulders and wraps his hands around the bottom of your tummy to keep your jostling hips in place.
When you finally look back down to grab his hand, keeping a vice grip around his fingers, you also glance down for the first time. His dark, hazy eyes meet yours and you completely relax at last.
The feeling doesn’t last long, not when he pushes his tongue into your tight, unprepared hole, slurping all he can get and pushing in as far as he can go. Osamu’s eyes roll to the back of his head at the sensation, your cum dribbling down his chin and coating up to his nose that keeps brushing against your throbbing clit.
With a solid, squelching pop he tears away from you. “Taste so good,” he heaves, lips coming back even as he’s speaking, ghosting over you. He buries himself in your cunt again, this time focusing solely on your clit, cycling through different motions until he finds the one that makes your hips strain under his sturdy hold.
“Feel so good!” You sigh. “Please, please wanna cum.”
Smirking against you, he takes the hand you’re not clinging to back under your thigh and props it against your ass, slowly teasing a finger in. Absolutely gushing now, it slips in easily. You can feel his smile grow again for a moment before he refocuses on your clit, motions speeding up and increasing the pressure with which he worked. It’s impossible to not shudder under him now, especially with one arm only holding you down.
“C’mon, pretty girl, cum.” He murmurs, easily hooking a second finger into you, pumping and curling them in time with his tongue. As he feels you flutter and cream he can’t help but rut into the mattress, cock swelling from the taste of you. The pressure inside is too much and your want to let go is pushing you closer and closer, although it’s his mouth and fingers that really push you forward.
“C-cu-!” The words get trapped in your throat, overtaken by a hushed moan you struggle to bite back, trying - but very much failing - to be mindful of all the half-sleeping people strewn through the house. He slowly brings you down, fingers winding down and tongue lapping up your swollen clit while you convulse at his touch in time with the fluttering of your cunt.
At last, you have to drag him off, needily tugging up on his hands until he lets go. You try to pull him in to kiss, but he hesitates, his strength far outweighing your weak, blissful one and he hovers above you. There’s no reason to ask because almost immediately his fingers that were inside of you, absolutely drenched, come up to his mouth so he can make a show of sucking them dry for you.
“Taste even better than the stuff you make.” He sighs, letting you drag him down to your face. You can smell and taste yourself so strongly on his damp lips, it clouds your already hazy senses.
“Hmm,” you manage out, when he rests his entire body weight against yours, lips pressed into the side of your head. It’s only when you go to shift that you feel him pressing so incredibly hard and flush to you exposed skin through his soft pants, that you perk up. “Samu,” you begin brushing your fingers through his soft, dark hair, “can I...wanna help you.”
“Mhmm,” he nestles against your neck, kissing over the spots he left behind earlier, “in a minute, pretty girl, we have a lot of time ahead of us.”
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Wanted to write for Eivor desperately bc I love her. Also ty to @mika-aris for being my cheerleader during this!!!
!!!Minors please do not Like or Reblog as this is an adult work, please respect my boundaries!!!
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit Like- and plz do not look respectfully, leaving horny tags fuels me!
Summary: You and Eivor have always had a flirtatious relationship, resulting in many close encounters. As a hunter, you go on trips to feed the settlement, recruiting warriors to come with you. When you offer to Eivor, she offers a counter of a trade. Private lessons to teach you how to fight, and in return she will give you company. What a shock she's in for when you show her you know damned well how to fight- and how to pin a big girl like her. Or. In which you pin Eivor in a spar match and she's Very horny about it.
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Relationship: Eivor/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Eivor is genderfluid and fem presenting atm, Eivor has a penis, Reader is gender neutral and genitalia is ambiguous so all can enjoy, No penetration or anything just dry/clothed humping
Words: 4k
You would always rather be the hunter than the prey. 
You were the hunter of your settlement inside the Raven Clan. Working alongside Petra and Wallace to ensure your entire settlement had the meat necessary for the feasts that were held often. The cattle could only birth so quickly, and the game within the forest could only be hunted so often before they, too, would deplete. Petra and Wallace stuck more to your island and its surroundings, while you preferred to venture off. 
This normally resulted in you recruiting a few others to tag along, not to help with the hunt, but to help with the load you would return with. The furs were turned to furs for beds, the bones turned to weapons or arrow tips. Nothing ever went to waste. 
The others you would recruit were simply to help cart back or boat back the hunts and to set up camp. And, of course, to provide intimidating company. You did not look to be a warrior yourself; You knew this. You did not have the rugged scarring of the others, or how they swung heavy axes over their shoulders and walked with swagger. But you were deadly with a bow, even deadlier with a blade in your hand. Silent, never startling your prey.
~Rest under the cut~
The only one who could hear you was the beloved Wolf-Kissed. Someone you had admired since back in your last settlement. Her braided red hair, all her tattoos, her crooked smile and the cocky prowess in her step. Or how she played with the little ones, chasing them in all her huge glory and her cloak making her appear all the larger. 
You were close enough with the Jarl’s right hand. Enough that Eivor would seek you out, not just for questions or archery tips, but just to sit with you. Like when you were sharpening blades outside in the nice weather, how you’d heard her stalking up to you. She’d make conversation, her eyes watching you sharpen the blade and you looking up at her from under your lashes. 
“Skilled hands.” She’d tell you, watching how you’d spin the knife in your grip with just your fingers. 
You’d smile back up at her, sweet as could be. “Is it the skill that captures your attention, Wolf-Kissed? Or is it the implications beneath said skill that does?” Before you’d flip the knife in your grasp with a little toss and hold the hilt out to her. Always delighting in the smirk on her lips and her dark green eyes looking you up. 
“A question I am sure you would like the answer to, hunter.” She’d tease back, taking the blade from you with her calloused fingers brushing your hand. 
The flirting was heavy between you two. You suspected she merely had a strong sexual appetite, something you could satisfy. Yet, she never acted. An eternal tease. 
Whether she was denying herself for the sake of denial. Or if she truly just had a flirtatious, friendly relationship with you was a question you never thought you’d get an answer to. 
The question that leads to your answer is one asked in the longhouse. 
A feast is going on at the time. Warriors and civilians alike enjoy the night of boosting morale. Someone is singing, someone is playing a lyre, another is telling tales of their battles and memories of the gods aiding them in said battles. Little ones are delighted by all, running about and through legs and giggling up a storm as they chase Mouse around. The large, white, domesticated wolf that seemed keen on staying in Eivor’s room lest it was to play with the children. 
You’re sitting in your own corner on a wooden box, your feet propped up and one leg over the other. You work on your whittling project, carefully carving the raven’s wings with each painstaking feather. You like the noise around you, your own plate of food and mead long since downed. Your journal to your other side, containing details of where you were to hunt next. A rough sketch of a map and location you wanted to go to, and who pledged to help. 
“Not enjoying yourself?” Comes that low, raspy voice in its forever tease. You peek up through your lashes to see Eivor approaching, a sway to her hip. Like a prowling wolf. 
“On the contrary, I am. I like when it gets loud.” You tease back on your last words, flashing her a smile and enjoying the way her eyes narrow in challenge.  
You move, sitting upright and kicking the box over to her that you had been using for your legs. Eivor bows her head politely, taking the seat offered and swinging her cup back to drink her last of mead before setting it to the side. 
“You are recruiting for your next hunt?” She hums to you, glancing over to your journal. You follow her gaze briefly before returning your eye down to the tedious task of carefully carving out feathers. 
“Yes...Why? Are you interested in attending this time?” You speak as you lift the charm in your hand, twisting it about in the light to get a good look at it. You draw it back to your lap when satisfied, looking towards her with a cocked head. “Or do the gods call you out once more, no time for play?” 
Eivor’s sparkle in her eye returns at your playfulness and you like the look she gives you. That slow glance down to your lips, down your neck and body. She gives you a once over, a hum to her throat and leaning back against the wall with crossed arms as she does it. Making herself appear bigger, broader than she already is. A tone of amusement in her voice when she speaks. “Play time is what you call it?” 
“Thought pups like you would call it that. Free to run and wrestle with who you please.” You struggle not to smirk at calling her a pup. Watching her eyes narrow but seeing a slight darken to her cheeks. 
Oh? Perhaps the Wolf-Kissed had something you could dig your teeth into. 
After a moment, you press again. “Are you interested in joining? You would not hunt. I merely request aid in bringing my boon back to camp. Just some muscle and company with a pretty face.” 
“Perhaps. If you would accept a trade.” Eivor replies smoothly, her eyes sweeping you over and making you pause at what she might be implying. You lick your lips, suddenly much more interested in her than your project. You set it in your lap, giving her your full attention and cocking your head to glance her over. 
“Loki kisses your gaze this evening,” You speak with a narrow of your gaze at the smirk playing on her lips. The sparkle in her eye. Gods- any that would hear you- she is deathly beautiful. “But, I shall bite. What limb must I give up to relish in your company, o’ Wolf-Kissed?” 
“You would give a limb for my company, hunter?” It’s spoken as a jest, a light tease. A grin now reaching the apples of her cheeks, her sharp canines on display. 
Gods help you, you wanted her to sink her teeth into your flesh. 
“And you would give up your important duty of establishing alliances just to help me drag back prey,” You quip back quickly, leaning on your knees now so you can lean forward towards her. Your heart stutters when her eyes fall to your lips, but you mock obliviousness. “Seems we are on equal footing of desiring company.” 
There’s a moment of pause where Eivor just looks at you. Her tongue flicking across her lips and a smile playing on her lips. She pushes from the wall, leaning on her own knees. Close enough to you that you can feel her breath when she speaks. 
“I am told that you fight well with a dagger and bow. That your skills put down wild animals with ease- no matter the size. And yet, those around worry you do not know how to fight without your tools.” She speaks quiet, like it was just for you two to hear. You hold back a smile, biting your tongue as you realize where this is going. “Private lessons. I want to train you. Make sure you can hold your own in a fight if you lose your weaponry.” 
“And since when do you believe the local gossip, Eivor?” You murmur, pushing your luck by shifting a bit to lean the tiniest bit closer. Relishing in the way you can hear her breath still, how you watch her pupils dilate for more reasons than just the candlelit hall.  
“I accept your trade,” You say, leaning back and stretching your arms above your head to work out kinks from sitting there for so long. You pretend you do not see the way Eivor’s eyes sweep your frame. A hungry wolf. “When shall we begin this ‘training’ I seem to oh so desperately need?” 
“Tomorrow at dawn. Meet me at the nearby clearing.” She speaks as she moves to stand. You watch her, your eyes following her just as hungry and noting the sway in her step. Even as she joins the others and gets rowdy with them. Slaps on the back or grasping someone’s nape and fondly bumping their heads together.  
You sigh quietly to yourself when your heart flutters. Letting a breath out you didn’t know you had been holding. You’d...always wanted an excuse to get closer to her. Something more meaningful than just conversations. To be able to touch her in some form or another. 
Regardless. You were quite looking forward to seeing Eivor’s face when she realized that you weren’t just some hunter. You knew how to fight, and you did it well. You were ready to protect the settlement and use whatever was on hand. Yes, you fought better with your weaponry. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t know how to knock someone on their ass and the get the upper hand. 
The bigger they are... 
You enjoy the rest of the feast with a feeling of eyes following you. Whenever you casually glance over you can see how her eyes follow you, peeking over her horn with her lips quirking into smirk. 
You wanted to wipe that look right off her face. 
That night, you sleep well. Rising early in the morning like you always did to get a good start of the day. You go through your morning routine of waking Petra and Wallace, which goes about as well as every morning. With both of them grumbling at you and Petra’s hand waving you away. You set about setting everything out for them to remind them of the stuffing of a few heads to be done today before leaving a note saying you’ll be out for the day. 
The clearing was a ten-minute ride on horseback. Your beloved mare, Daffodil Violet Glenda Charolette the First, or merely Daffy for short, carried you there. All the while you lovingly chatted to her about what a good girl she was. Even doing so as you hopped off once you reached the tree line where you’d have to do the rest on foot. Tying her up and patting her side as she nosed at you in a little push. “Yeah, yeah, I’m going. You make a massacre of these flowers- know they’re your favorite, big girl.” 
The walk from there is just a few minutes. You know you’re close when you hear the stream nearby. The break in the tree line revealing a near perfect circle of clearing. Beautiful little yellow and purple flowers in bloom among the wild flowers and grass. Butterflies fluttered about, the warm sun casting a beautiful glow on the world as it raised above the trees to shine its light onto the world. 
In the middle of the clearing was Eivor. Already setting a fur up to the side and deerskins that you assumed were full of water. She shrugs out of her heavy fur and armor, setting that beside the fur. Her weaponry follows, axe and shield lain down cautiously. 
“If I did not know any better, I would assume you were trying to court me.” You speak teasingly as you approach, watching her lift her head to look at you with a sparkle in her eyes. “What? No flowers?” 
“I did not take you as the type to want flowers.” Eivor chuckles softly, standing to greet you. She towers over you when you approach, before she bends down to pluck a wildflower from the ground. Tucking it behind your ear when you are close enough and making your cheeks burn. “Forgive me. I shall remember for next time.” 
You scoff at her, despite your heart’s pounding and your face burning. You lightly shove her, laughing when she catches your arm to tug you closer, leaning down towards your face. A form of intimidation, despite her grin. Her eyes looking down towards your lips... 
You lightly bump your forehead to hers. Just hard enough to hurt to make her let you go before you move away from her. Getting some distance before she can grab you again. It’s worth the headache you’d have later just to see her bewildered expression. Going from startled, shocked, to impressed when Eivor offers you a crooked grin. “So. You do know how to fight. This makes things more fun.” 
“As I told you before, O’ Wolf-Kissed,” Your voice coming low and teasing as you shed yourself of your cloak to give yourself more freedom. “Do not listen to gossip.” 
Eivor is bigger than you, broader. She towers over you. It would be foolish to charge her, even while she’s taken off guard. It would be like hitting a wall. Instead, you stalk around her, letting her eyes watch your every move. You feel like you do when you are hunting, seeing a great bear ready for your dagger to swiftly end its life. 
But there are no weapons here. Only bare hands and violence. 
Eivor’s weakness, as you know, is she is not a patient woman. Seen when her fingers twitch, starting to growl at you when you don’t immediately attack her first. She charges you when you come in front of her, and you assume she expects her sheer size to take you out like a raging bull. You wait to feel the wind brush you to signal her closeness, quickly moving to the side and sweeping out your leg, forcing her to trip over your calf. 
“Oldest trick in the book, Eivor, come on.” You tease. Only to yelp when she grabs your ankle and yanks you down onto the ground. You both laugh as you roll quickly, moving too quick for her to yank you into her grasp. 
Her size and strength should have had you down before you could blink. But the gossip seemed to forget that though you did not raise your blade to man, you knew how to get your grasp out of a raging bear or wolf. And your dearest Wolf-Kissed looking at you with a snarl and laughter in her voice as she lungs for you was no different. 
You two go tumbling on the ground, ending up being locked in a grasp where you can keep slipping just out of her grip. Until she becomes too impatient, losing her sense when you keep slipping. It leaves her open, vulnerable. 
You strike then. 
You force your weight forward to knock against her, hitting your knee into her stomach to make her gasp sharply as her air is knocked from her. It gives you enough time to use her own unbalanced weight against her, knocking her onto her back and climbing quickly on top of her. Straddling her stomach and slamming your knees into her hands to keep them underneath you and at her sides, knowing your leg power was much better than your upper body. You slam both your hands on either side of her head in the grass to keep your balance, caging her. 
You’re both panting. Your breath mingling and your shadow casting over her. It doesn’t stop the sun from reaching her, kissing her tanned flesh. Her cheeks are flushed from exertion, her red hair sprawled around her and giving her the image of a lion. Her gaze is half lidded, her lips parted with each breath and her eyes flickering downwards towards your lips. 
“Caught you.” You huff out, trying to ignore the feeling in your stomach at her gaze. Hungry, wanting, with a subtle tilt of her head back. It lets you see the glow of sweat clinging to her, and your mouth waters with the need to taste the salt of her skin. 
“So you have.” She murmurs, her tone soft and low. It does no favors for how you feel right now. “And what do you plan to do with your caught prey?” Her tone is even lower, that damned smirk playing on her lips. She could fling you off if she wanted to. She was strong enough to. She’s not even struggling.  
“That depends,” You murmur, leaning a bit closer to gauge her reaction. And judging by how she tips her head, her lashes fluttering and her lips parting, you take these all as good signs. You lean closer, close enough your noses brush and you can see her sun kissed freckles and her vivid green irises. “How long will you let me pretend you are prey?” 
“As long as you are atop me? I cannot see myself anywhere else today.” She says a bit too breathily to just be exertion. 
You don’t hesitate to lean forward the rest of the way to press your lips to hers. Eivor meets you with hunger, her hands finally working their way out from under your knees to reach up and cup your face. Your heart stutters, her calloused thumbs brushing against your cheeks as you reach to cup the side of her neck. 
She tastes like berries from this morning, sweet and tart against your tongue. You moan into her mouth, parting your lips and matching her pace as you lick your way into her mouth. She mimics your sound, low and guttural in her throat with one of her hands falling from your cheek to grip onto the nape of your neck instead. 
Eivor’s sighs into your mouth make you shudder at how pliant she’s being. When the kiss is broken, you don’t restrain yourself from kissing down from her mouth, over her cheek, down to her jawline where she willingly tilts her head for you. Allowing you to sink your teeth lightly into the tattooed flesh there and tracing downwards with your tongue.  
Her moan when you sink your teeth into her neck makes your head spin. How her hands slide down your back, over the curves of your side to grip your hips and dragging them downwards. You don’t stop her, letting her hands guide you down from straddling her abdomen to instead her hips. The weight of your ass pressing against her. 
Eivor groans low in her throat, and you move from her neck to kiss her again. Letting her hands guide your hips back and forth, grinding against her and feeling your body tremble with the heat coursing through you. Feeling that vague hardness under your body, slotting directly against you. Vaguely hidden by the thickness of both of your pairs of clothing. 
“Eivor-” You moan as you part the kiss from her. Her hands only grip you harder, her hips starting to come up into you every time she jerks you forward. Hard enough that you can spread your legs a bit more across the broadness of her hips and feeling the friction with her. 
You bite your lip, letting your body fall forward so you can rest your face in her neck. Your arms keep you propped up on your forearms, your fingers sinking into her hair to pull on it. Eivor growls in your ear, turning her head to press her lips to your temple and starting to murmur things to you as her hips come up against you. Like she’s trying to fuck you through your clothes. 
Her deep voice makes you dizzy all the while she murmurs, ‘There you are, I have you.’ ‘Wish these clothes were not upon our bodies.’ ‘Want to taste you, want to make you cum-’ ‘Ambrosia will not taste nearly as good as I know you shall taste.’ 
There’s a wet patch on the front of your clothes as your eyebrows knit and you cling to her. Panting as you feel the fluttering in your abdomen, your hips starting to move in time with her tugs until you’re practically humping her. 
You yelp as you’re rolled over, Eivor’s body like that of a bear in how it can cover yours easily. Her forearm presses into the ground beside your head to keep herself up, her other hand gripping your hip to force you to tilt them upwards so her own can hump against you. Like this, she can get deeper strokes, feeling the muscles in her body flexing when you reach up to loop your arms around her neck and dig your fingers into her hair. 
You cum first, a cry from your lips that is quickly silenced when the hand by your head comes over your mouth. You moan into her hand frantically, your hands moving to grip her wrist as your eyes roll into the back of your head and you’re cumming in your clothes. Your hips stuttering upwards into her frantic, harsh humps against you until she’s snarling like a wolf. Her features scrunching up, eyebrows knitting as her hips stutter and she’s cumming with you. 
You can feel the wetness against the front of her pants, pressed flush against you and allowing you to feel the hard outline of her through her clothes. 
You’re both panting. Eivor moves to press her forehead to yours, her eyes closed while you peek at her through your lidded eyes. It’s quiet, a shared moment between you two until you break it with a small laugh. “You did not actually believe I needed training, did you, Eivor?” You say it accusingly, watching the way her lips quirk into a smile that she hides by turning her face to press into your neck. 
“By the gods- private lessons my arse.” You laugh breathily, the dull thrumming of your heartbeat still felt in your body. You can hear her chuckling into your neck, a kiss pressed there that makes your heart flutter a bit harder. You truly did love her. 
“Private lessons in trade for my company on your hunt,” Eivor murmurs, a reminder of the trade as she kisses up to your ear to nip it. No better than a grinning pup as she speaks low into your ear. “Perhaps you do need training. Shall your silver tongue work better elsewhere than just speaking insults towards me?” 
You flush red, shoving at her and taking advantage of her weakened state to roll her back over. You wrap a hand loose around her neck, straddling her hips and delighting in how she looks at you so hungrily. A wolfish grin upon her lips as you huff, “If anyone needs ‘training’, it is you. Shall I teach you to behave like a good pup, o’ Wolf-Kissed?” 
You delight in the way she bites her lip. How Eivor groans low in her throat like the idea of being made to submit under you was the goal all along. 
You put pressure on her throat, delighting in the shocked, aroused look crossing her features when you growl out low. “I was not made to obey. But you, Eivor? I shall teach you to heel.” 
And oh, you would make this puppy howl. 
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one-boring-person · 3 years
Dumb request but. Uncle Bob gets jealous bc someone hits on thee reader. (It's a funny idea tbh. Also change your name. you're not boring!! you're absolutely awesome!!)
Hehe, thanks for the compliment!😂💛 I loved this idea, so I hope you like this!😊❤💛
Total Strangers.
T-800/Uncle Bob x reader
Warnings: some bad language, some light sexual implications
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The terminator goes stiff almost as soon as we enter the store, the unusual behaviour making me lift an eyebrow at him, looking over his perfect posture in curiosity. His imposing frame easily stands out amongst the other shoppers around us, but his new discomfort puts me on edge, aware of his ability to determine and assess threats before I even know they're a problem. With this in mind, I place a hand on the cyborg's arm, looking up into his face in confusion.
"Everything alright?" I ask him, meeting his emotionless stare as he turns it on me.
"Yes." He replies bluntly, still not having quite grasped the balance between using relative information and speaking as briefly as is necessary. 
"You sure? You're very tense." I probe, heading further into the shop with him, going to the section I need.
"I am positive." The terminator responds, following me, his eyes scanning the aisles as we move, the careful turn of his head still not quite natural yet, still a little automated.
"If you say so." I roll my eyes at his answers, choosing to ignore his obvious tenseness and start rifling through the racks of clothes, needing to find something to replace a couple of my old shirts.
"I did." Uncle Bob intones, standing over me, his large build hovering over me like a worried mother might fuss over her child.
It's not long before I get fed up with his presence so close to me, the terminator watching my every move, the precision in his gaze making me antsy. He shadows me around, staring at the people around us until they hastily walk away, his unnerving glare usually quite welcoming, though today it is just irritating me. After ten minutes or so, I turn to him, a small scowl etched into my face.
"Can you drop the hostile act? There's no need for it." I tell him, looking him in the eye.
"I am not sure what you mean." The T-800 frowns, cocking his head, a habit he picked up from me a few weeks ago. Usually, I find it flattering, cute, almost. But now it annoys me.
"I mean you need to stop acting like my bodyguard. It's totally safe here! You don't need to scare people off when they come within five metres of us." I clarify, gesturing to the area around us.
"Why? There is a possibility they may pose a threat to you. It is my objective to keep you safe." Bob recites, face going blank again.
Sighing in exasperation, I briefly close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose frustratedly.
"There isn't any threat, Bob. We're fine, ok?" I try to reassure him, "Just back off a bit, yeah?"
Frowning again, the cyborg nods and steps back, standing by a display of mannequins, his body going still, almost as if trying to blend in with them. Letting out a breath, I turn back to the racks and continue browsing the items there, picking out a shirt and inspecting it, my head cocked to the side, a frown playing at my expression as I consider it.
"Not your colour." A voice behind me suddenly speaks up.
Frowning properly now, I turn to face the newcomer, lowering the shirt as I give them a once-over, checking for any danger they may pose. Finding none, I relax slightly as the red-head smiles at me, showing me he means no harm, his blue eyes straying over my form with no particular subtlety.
"Oh? And what makes you say that?" I reply guardedly, my body moving to face him properly.
The guy shrugs, grinning at me.
"I don't think it will work with your hair, that's all." He tells me, coming to stand beside me, picking out another shirt from the rack, "This, on the other hand…"
Eyeing the garment, I lift an eyebrow as I realise he is right, though I'm far too stubborn to admit it, so I simply place the original shirt back and start moving away.
"Aw, come on! Please don't be like that! I'm only trying to help." The guy follows after me, dropping the shirt and catching up to me.
"I don't take clothing advice from total strangers." I inform him, trying to ignore him as I flick through some more clothes, jackets this time.
"Ah, well in that case, I'm Caleb." The guy offers his hand to me, still smiling, a glint of mischief in his eye.
Glancing at him, I don't react, waiting for him to drop his hand. After a moment, he does, only to instantly pick something off the rack.
"This looks like it would suit you. Wanna try it on?" He looks me over again, holding out the jacket to me.
"Not really."
"Aw, why not?" Caleb pouts, shoulders slumping slightly.
"I told you, I don't take clothing advice from total strangers." I try not to roll my eyes, picking out a different jacket entirely.
"Hey, you know my name. I'm not a total stranger." The smirk is back on his face as he says this.
"You have known her for exactly four minutes and forty-eight seconds. You are a stranger to her." A familiar voice interrupts us, the monotone sounding words muchly appreciated now.
Holding back a smile of relief, I feel my eyes flick up over Caleb's shoulder to meet the hard blue ones staring at the guy's head. The terminator stands over us, his imposing body easily dwarfing both of us, his expression blank, though his jaw looks oddly clenched, something I've never seen him do. Caleb turns to face the cyborg, his expression falling.
"Who the hell are you?!" He bites out, the words flat as he eyes over the much larger newcomer.
"That is not relevant information for me to disclose." Bob replies evenly, staring the guy down, "Now leave. You are not wanted here."
"Fuck no, I got here first. Wait your turn, asshole." Caleb snaps at him, though his tone is a little shaky.
"You are not needed here. Leave." The cyborg intones, disregarding the previous statement.
"How do you know I'm not needed? Think you are?" The redhead snorts, "As if."
"Your presence is very clearly not welcome. She has reciprocated none of your advances, and has been blunt with you to deter you. You have ignored all of this and have continued to pester her for no reason. You are not wanted or needed, so leave." Bob begins, clearly wanting to say more, though he stops at a look from me.
"I'm not going anywhere, and you can't make me." Caleb folds his arms, planting himself in place.
Brow twitching, Bob steps forwards, moving as if to grab the smaller man, hand already outstretched, only stopping when I intervene.
"No, Bob, it's fine. He's not worth it." I stop him, ignoring Caleb's somewhat triumphant look.
Bob halts, staring the other man down, a scowl starting to creep onto his face, staying in place for a good minute, before he finally moves, reaching out to pull me into his body, marching the two of us from the shop. Goosebumps spread out along my skin where he's touched me, the hand at my waist heavy but not unwelcome, the feeling of his hard body pressed into mine making me swallow tightly. We go straight to the car, leaving no room for conversation until we get there, at which point he breaks away.
"What was all that about?" I ask him, confused by his actions, "I mean, I'm grateful that you stepped in, but you didn't have to-"
I'm cut off by the feeling of his large hands on my waist again, yanking me into his muscular body, pressing me flush against his hips. Surprised, I barely register what is happening as he smashes his lips into mine, kissing me roughly, his tongue already slipping out to trace along my lower lip as I gasp into the kiss. My eyes widen momentarily, only to fall closed as I relax into the kiss, my hands coming up to run through his hair, pushing myself closer to him, his muscles right under my touch. The terminator steps forwards, shoving me up onto the hood of the car, still kissing me, his mouth ravaging mine hungrily as his hands start to move, pushing up my shirt to caress my back, one slipping down to grip my ass, tightening around me as he presses his chest tighter against mine. Moaning, I arch my chest into him, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth, the synthetic muscle exploring and roaming everywhere it can reach, only pulling back when I tap his arm, needing to breathe.
Heads staying close together, we stare at each other, our breaths mingling with each exhale, his hands still rubbing over my skin. It's only when a wolf whistle from somewhere nearby sounds that I remember exactly where we are. Eyes widening, I pull back further and look around, noticing the group of men walking past, three of them waving and jeering at us, leaving my neck exposed to Bob. Instantly, his mouth attaches to the skin there, sucking a mark onto my pulse point almost immediately, his tongue smoothing over the area, followed by a wet kiss. 
Trying not to moan too loudly, I gently push him off, already craving his touch again.
"Not here, Bob. It's not appropriate." I gasp out, lightly running a hand down his face.
"I apologise. I was unable to withhold myself." He replies, helping me down off the car, adjusting my clothes for me. 
Lifting an eyebrow, I smile at him in curiosity.
He simply smirks, having learnt the action from John, doing his impression of a shrug and helping me into the car.
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
Do you think Yohan always planned to fake his death and join Elijah in Switzerland, or did he originally intend to really die with the rest of the 'villains'? Part of me thinks that would fit with his pre-Gaon conception of himself, as a monster, not deserving of love, not necessarily seeing a role for himself in Elijah's life beyond getting revenge for her/Isaac, and financing an opportunity to help her recovery. Or do you think regardless of that, he'd still never plan to leave her on her own?
i didn't mean to put off this ask for so long. i was busy, but i also wanted to wrap my thoughts around this before i tried answering. not bc i didn't have an answer to begin with but yohan and death is a subject i'd like to approach, but i'm not entirely sure how i'd like to make the analysis of it, and i'm not sure i ever will.
so that leaves me to answer it here in the best way i can because point blank: i do believe yohan intended to die by the end. i do think he had two plans in place since the beginning (dying or not dying and helping elijah), but of course, until that final moment, he wasn't ever going to know the truth. that end scene of him blowing up the court was a 50/50 shot. he had a plan to make it out, but it wasn't a guarantee.
but lets also back up a bit because before we get to that point, i think it's necessary to point out that the reason yohan gets away and does all of the shit that he does is because he knows that he might not make it out alive. it's why he's reckless. it's why he bends the law the way that he does. yohan's actions prove, over and over again, that he does not care for himself. he does not care to live except to protect elijah. there are so many small moments of this. we call yohan unhinged out of fun, but i think there is truth in it because i've mentioned this casually before (and part of my words above in terms of not necessarily knowing how to approach this just yet) is that yohan is almost...... suicidal himself.
he's reckless. he's said that he does not care about the actual law. his goal has always been getting revenge for his brother, especially for his niece who grew up without her parents. yohan never truly cared about the bigger picture until gaon came along. if we leave out gaon and think of the plot as such, yohan would've been able to prevail much quicker, i'd say. he had a plan and was going to follow through with it no matter what, regardless of the ending. and he knew going into it that there was a chance he wouldn't make it out alive.
which is why i think he partially also allowed elijah to blame him for her parent's death because if she hates him, it will be so much easier for her to forget him. she won't mourn him or miss him. she will be able to move on with her life and live it any which way she wants. but because yohan doesn't really understand kids, let alone elijah, what he fails to realize is that elijah doesn't actually hate her uncle. she's looking to get rid of all of the pent up hurt and frustration bc she never had an outlet to let all of that out. yohan fails to see that elijah cares for him and would miss him, to a degree, if he died.
so now, if we think of the plot with gaon, it twists everything on its head bc gaon has no need to be there within yohan's plans. yohan doesn't need gaon to do anything bc everything was already planned from the beginning. if anything, gaon came in and crashed some things, leaving yohan to pick up those pieces and continue pushing forward. biggest case in point, gaon's stubbornness and his arguments against yohan with the law and what he's doing.
see, gaon eventually comes to realize yohan's reasonings for doing what he's doing for his brother, but i feel like gaon thinks that even if that is part of yohan's plan involves revenge, how much does he think yohan is also doing this for the greater good and wanting to fix society? we know that yohan has no intention of that, but does gaon? and so no wonder gaon protests because if he thinks yohan is trying to fix a broken system (plus get revenge all in the same plot), no wonder gaon continues fighting yohan - he's under the belief that yohan is trying to make things better. but he's NOT.
which circles back to the idea that yohan had every intention of either making it out alive or dying. gaon opened his eyes that yes, maybe things could possibly be good. gaon made yohan question a lot of things along the way, especially his own humanness and realizing that he is worth something and not the monster he let himself believe he was, and what others told him he was. that wasn't part of the plan either, which is why it made it so much harder for yohan to go through with bombing the court because yohan's at a conflicting place of finally understanding gaon's hope but knowing that he only ever had revenge as an intent.
yohan's plan is derailed a bit by gaon being hope and introducing concepts yohan has lived without for so long. before then, yohan lived isolated with one clear goal in mind until gaon showed him he had a reason to live. i also said in another post that while gaon stopped yohan because he didn't want to see yohan going down a path he couldn't come back from, it was already too late at that point. yohan had already set his path long before gaon came into the picture and nothing he said or done would've changed that. but it DID given yohan more perspective and more heart, possibly being at peace even more so with dying knowing elijah would have gaon.
but instances within the show - of course, his two fake deaths. him steering gaon and himself off the road on the middle of the highway. him chasing after the minister's son. yohan asking soohyun to save gaon despite him literally bleeding out.
yohan does not care for himself. he does not care whether he lives or dies, as long as his plan is completed. we can talk til we're blue in the face about how yohan was wrong manipulating the law like he did and various other things, but the reason why? is because he did not care. and it wasn't because of him being a sociopath by any means. it was because he numbed his emotions, lied to himself, and used his love for his brother and elijah to propel him to a desired end with the possibility of his death involved. and quite frankly, that speaks volumes about who he is and just how much he actually cares, how much he actually has emotions.
yohan, to love his niece so much he decided to manipulate the law, to serve his own agenda and purposes for an outcome that wouldn't actually give them that much peace, but would at least position the country in a way they could grow and give elijah a life where she wouldn't have to grow up into that kind of destruction. this is why yohan "leaves" gaon behind and why gaon is the hope of the show because in going along with his plans, yohan realized that if gaon wasn't going to follow him through til the end, if he was going to do everything in his power to stop yohan, then the biggest apology yohan could give gaon was the world - the entire judicial system to make things right, to do better. that was yohan's gift to gaon and his apology because yohan had no intention of making it better. but maybe gaon could with him gone.
i've seen a few comments about how if yohan was someone in irl, we'd all steer clear of him, well, there's a lot of characters out there like that, but i wouldn't stay away from him for the reasons everyone typically lists (like the choking and manipulation) because they think he's that way just bc. yohan's actions mimic those of someone who simply doesn't care because they're depressed and not because they're psychotic. there is a DIFFERENCE. like yes, are some of his actions shitty? and his gaon right to mistrust the things he does sometimes, also yes.
but understand that there is a difference in people's behaviors depending on the underlying mental health issues involved. i don't fully believe yohan had any intent to hurt elijah or gaon maliciously. it's part of yohan being oblivious and not recognizing his own actions mixed with the entirety of his plans to be followed through til the very end. we've seen how oblivious yohan can be (the classroom bird story is a classic example; they all thought he was the devil when in reality, this kid only hurt the bird because it was scaring the girl he sat next to. logically, that mean eliminating the threat. he didn't purposefully kill the bird and enjoy it. it was a practical response within his own personal world).
i feel like i'm missing parts of this discussion, which is why i said this was a difficult topic for me to approach just to get all of my thoughts about it out there. and long story short to answer your question: i think yohan intended to die (just like he had a plan in case went to jail, for example). that possibility couldn't have been ruled out. but i think he had the plan to escape with elijah so that she could get better. either way, whatever happened happened, even if he died. elijah would be taken care of regardless.
gaon throws a wrench in his plans just a little bit, makes him realize his emotional capacities but gaon's not enough to stop yohan from seeing his plans out until the very end, even if that means losing gaon, too, because even if gaon has shown yohan that he is worthy of love and family and affection, it is not enough to forgive everything he's done, and he needs to make right what was wrong. yohan's death in that courtroom, if it had happened, wouldn't be the thing everyone needed to forgive him for his actions but it would be a start in eliminating himself as part of the problem.
another thing to keep in mind, is that we know yohan is not a sociopath, even if that's what everyone wanted us to believe. everyone thought he made sunah jump out the window, but what he was actually doing was protecting isaac and his mother's necklace. sunah made the choice all on her own, set up yohan and framed him despite yohan reaching out time and time again. isaac didn't even understand what had happened and focused on the fact that this girl jumped because of yohan without listening to the truth of it. yohan has always been shown to be fiercely loyal to the people he loves. he's never directly done anything bad (at least as a kid) unless he was provoked.
what people need to understand about yohan as a character is INTENTIONS. and i hope i'm making myself clear on this. everyone thinks he's born a devil, but that has never been the case. yohan's actions just come from a place from blind revenge. if he never needed to get revenge in the first place, if isaac was alive and well, would yohan make these same decisions? would he still be this kind of person who needed to use these methods to work around the law? i don't think so.
i think i remember getting an ask awhile back about whether yohan would eventually turn into who he is now had isaac lived because we see him livid and upset during that flashback to one of his earlier court cases (where we find he's ripping the paper with the pen) and whether or not isaac's death just fast forwarded the process. i don't feel like trying to go dig that post out, and i can't remember what i said on it either, but i feel yohan would have his family as a moral compass to keep him in line, and he wouldn't have succumbed to his present-day tactics. i think he could've worked his way up into the system and made real change. i think his heart could've been there all long, but again, was derailed by isaac's death and of course, plans changed.
this was a mouthful, and i hope what i'm saying makes sense because you can probably see what i mean about how difficult it is trying to organize my thoughts about this subject. but i am under the full belief that yohan had every intention of dying at the end or even before that. i think he's a depressed individual who learned to slowly open back up with gaon's help, but gaon is no doctor and no amount of his kindness would help someone that depressed either. it helped, certainly. but yohan saw himself as a monster/devil until the very end, and was more than willing to kill himself to make gaon and elijah's life so much easier. as penance. as justice. as love.
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poptod · 3 years
Make Me Your Queen (Ahkmenrah  x Reader)
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Description: He’s never seen anything like you––nothing comes close to your royalty, your beauty, your power, and it draws him in deeper.
Notes: based off ‘make me your queen’ by declan mckenna. i wrote this story with a female reader in mind (bc like, hatshepsut but canaanite) but as always its gender neutral, no pronouns WC: 2.6k
"Now I want you two to stay quiet. Do you understand that? Under no circumstance should you speak without being spoken to," Merenkahre said under his breath, his voice low as he spoke to his two sons. Ahkmen nodded––Kahmuh did not, but he'd heard his fathers' words nonetheless.
"These are the Canaanites, right?" Kahmuh asked in a flat tone.
"Phoenicians," Ahkmen corrected.
"Same thing, but don't let them know I said that, okay?" His father said.
Before Ahkmen could even chuckle, his mother called the three of them into the throne room. He hurried past his brother to stand beside her, looking over the long, glorious hall adorned with pillars and vases towards the tall double doors. Shrouds of silk hung from the ceiling, clouding the paintings drawn so painstakingly on the ceiling.
The breath of fresh air in his chest left him the moment Kahmuh came up behind him, taking his spot closer to the throne.
"I was -"
"We go by rank, don't you remember?"
He curled his fingers into his palm but said nothing. Kahmuh loved to annoy him, and though he never benefitted from teasing him, he continued to do it. Now, however, was a bad time to give into the urge to retaliate––the doors would open anytime now, bringing with it streaming sunlight and foreign royalty.
For several years now Kemet had been embroiled in a conflict with Phoenicians. It was one begun by his father, who had hoped to control several of the bay cities for the trade links they provided to Mesopotamia. This part of his father's life had been kept secret from him––entirely on purpose––until they began to fight back. A treaty was established the moment Merenkahre realized his armies could be beat, and now here they were, waiting for the one who had stepped up to take control of Phoenicia. Ahkmen had yet to know their name. His mother had given him scant information, and his father was unwilling to tell.
Rustling from outside brought his attention back to the front, eyes training back onto the door as it began to crack open. It was a sight he'd seen before, the opening of those mystical doors––rarely at sunset, but today was lucky. Red light streamed into the room, clashing brightly with the gold built into the pillars and marble floor. The light fell saturated on his tan skin till he and his family practically glowed auburn.
A short train of people came through the doors, their shadows stretched against the red carpet before them. The hall fell silent at their entrance; all eyes locked onto the veiled figure in the middle drifting closer to the throne. His breath halted right up to the moment the train came to a stop before the Pharoah. It was then the soldiers surrounding the cloaked figure fell into a bow, revealing tall tresses of black and red silk, a veil lined in gold, and purple hair framing soft cheeks.
Ahk's mouth opened unwittingly, staring at you. Were you born like that? How was that possible? And you––you couldn't be much older than twenty. This was what his father had to find peace with? This was what they would've died to?
The stone look on your face matched his fathers' bitter politeness perfectly. Merenkahre's jaw set as he smiled, rising from his seat to greet you personally. He raised his hand to shake yours and you matched him, raising a hand adorned in golden rings and blood red nails, shaking his hand without a hint of the Pharaoh's kindness in your eye.
"I thank you for the invitation to your country," you said, your lips twitching upwards just slightly, just enough to look polite.
"I'm glad you took up our invitation. We have a feast prepared––I'm sure you and your men are tired from the journey," said the Pharaoh, gesturing towards the doorway opposite the entrance.
You glanced down at the bowed soldiers. As your eyes flickered upwards they landed upon the youngest Prince, leaving him petrified from the acid in your gaze.
"Yes," you said after a moment, turning back to the Pharaoh. "That would be kind of you."
Several of the palace guards took the lead of your group, leading you through the small hallway to the dining hall. The hall was placed near the court for convenience, but the decision left Ahkmen little time to ask his father anything, leaving him stumbling over which question was more important.
He pushed his way past his mother and brother, landing beside his father, who still had his teeth gritted tight.
"How old are they exactly?" He asked, but earned no response from the distant thoughts of Merenkahre. Clearly his father was a tad preoccupied––Ahkmen would, most likely, not be getting answers from him anytime soon.
Ahkmen stared at you throughout the whole dinner. Not once did you glance to see him––if you had, he probably wouldn't have been staring. At least not so hard. You're impressively hard to look away from, your smile curt and teasing, unearthly purple hair curled around a crown of spindly gold.
Over the course of the conversation, he learned several things, most namely the duration of your stay. No one had an exact count of days, but you and your soldiers would stay until a peace treaty was reached with the Pharaoh. Knowing his father's advisors, Ahkmen surmised you would be here for a while, a fact that brought a smile to his face. Even though you hadn't spared any more than a single glance at him, he found he didn't care as long as he could keep looking at you.
He wasn't invited, but he followed anyway when one of the priests led you to your room. You bid the priest good-night only when two of your soldiers entered the room with you, before turning to Ahkmen, a soft but blank expression on your face.
"You're one of the princes, aren't you?" You asked in the silence. His eyes widened at the unexpected question.
"Well, um – yes," he said, stammering over his words.
"How old are you?"
The question took him by surprise but he didn't hesitate to answer.
"Seventeen years."
You paused to take in his reply, apparently finding much to contemplate in his age.
"When I was your age, I was spending my time uniting my Kingdom and clawing us out of starvation," you said in a lofty tone, but before he could form a response, you continued. "I suggest you do something useful, like that, instead of staring at foreign dignitaries."
"I – I'm sorry, I didn't –"
"No need to apologize. Just keep it in mind."
"But... then how old are you now?" He asked, nails digging into his palm. You held his eye so intently now that you were speaking to him.
"Eighteen," you said with a smile, promptly shutting the door in both Ahkmen and the priest's face.
The priest turned to Ahkmen, a single brow raised. An awkward silence stretched between them.
"Can you not tell my father about this?" Ahkmen finally asked.
"As long as I never have to watch you two converse again," he said.
Ever since you came he was enchanted by you––that much was obvious to see. His mother knew, as did his father (although reluctantly), and by his count you probably did as well. Fortunately enough for him, you didn't tease him about it. Instead you kept a polite distance from him––a decision he simply couldn't understand.
He's rarely allowed inside the court while something important is in session, but his father called him in, and he didn’t mind an excuse to be in the same room as you.
"Ahk, come here," the Pharaoh said, and he obeyed, standing by his father's side. "You and the princ-"
"King," you said sharply. It's a title you insisted on constantly, one that your soldiers willingly upheld despite the obvious contradiction. The Pharaoh pulled his lips into a thin line in clear irritation.
"You're around the same age, right?"
Ahkmen nodded.
"Why don't you show them around a little? I'm sure they'd like a break from all these meetings," Merenkahre suggested.
"I assure you I am perfectly fine," you said.
"Septy," one of your advisors leaned over to you, whispering in your ear. He couldn't quite make it out but the tension in your face fell. It was almost nice––you're always irritated around the Pharaoh and it showed.
"Very well," you said, and it looks like it took an enormous amount of pain to get the words out. "I will go with your... son."
Ahkmen practically beamed, making his way across the room to you before taking your hand, and leading you out of your seat. Before you could send any more of a scathing glare at Merenkahre, he guided you out of the room and into an empty hall.
The already-quiet voices of the court faded away as the distance grew greater, leaving the two of you in a common silence.
"He's not making your job easy, is he?" Ahkmen asked despite knowing the answer.
"Neither of us truly desire peace," you said bitterly. "Only to destroy the other. We'll both have to get over that if we're to reach any agreement."
"... I agree," he said, still caught up in staring at you.
The purple in your hair glinted in the streaming sunlight, the only color in the barren hallway lined with arches. Outside, the city sat in its' great bustle, ships lining up and down the Nile, markets flooding each section of Memphis. The sight is one he knew well, but you halted. In a flash he remembered you never came from a wealthy country––you had to build it. Unless you visited some other country, you had never seen a thriving city market.
His footsteps fell quiet when you stopped at one of the arches, eyes trained on the tiny subjects below. A lump grew in his throat the closer he stepped to you.
"How does commerce within the city work for you?" You asked.
Truthfully, Ahkmen had little clue on how the government worked. Only the tidbits he'd picked up from his father. Kahmuh was the one becoming Pharaoh––that was why he was in classes and Ahkmen was allowed free roam.
"We use a fair amount of trade," he began, though had little idea on how else to continue. "We, um... we use grain as a form of currency."
"How much in just one unit?"
He sucked in a sharp breath, biting into his lower lip as he tried to recall. Most times he went out to buy things, they priced far above a single bag, as his tastes were heavily influenced by his palace life.
"It's fine," you said curtly, stopping him in his plight. A small, relieved sigh left him.
"You must know quite a lot about your own government," Ahkmen said in a soft voice. You didn't move from your position, didn't tear your eyes from the market, but the edge of your lip quirked up just slightly.
"I should hope so," you said with a growing smile, "I built it, after all. Or... some of it. I must admit I was aided greatly by my advisors."
Ahkmen chuckled, following you when you left your spot at the arch. He took a quiet lead of the path forwards, discreetly guiding you outside the palace, where the sun shone freely on his skin. The warmth of it gave him good reason to wear few clothes. You, on the other hand, were still adorned in your black and red silk.
"I'm curious," Ahkmen said, keeping a keen eye on you, "how did you come to rule the Phoenicians? Were you royal to begin with?"
"Yes," you said with a sage nod. "My parents were descended from our Gods. When I took control, it was a crucial part of me––it was the only way I could unite the entirety of our cities."
"That's fascinating. So you control the entirety of that coast, now?"
"The cities are independent from me, but for the most part, yes. Now; I would love to discuss such matters with you, but I was promised a break from the politics," you said, and Ahkmen quickly remembered his manners.
"Of course, yes. Sorry. I know a few places you might like," he said with a smile, earning a small one in return as he led you down the sunlit street.
The more free-roaming children that passed by, the more relaxed you grew, eyes dancing at every market stall and homefront. Ahkmen had never known anything but this––to see a King who knew none of it at all was rattling to say the least. Even you, in all your majesty, found the same happiness in others that Ahkmen found in his people. The citizens seemed to like you as well, though he would've been surprised if they didn't. It wasn't every day they got to see someone with purple hair.
"I have a question," he said as the two of you passed by a murmuring crowd. "I, uh, hope this isn't rude, but how is your hair that color?"
"Dyed, actually," you answered, staring forward at the approaching Nile. "Half our trade is made up of this dye. We are great craftsmen and traders, but only recently have we been able to show that to the rest of the world."
"Why's that?"
"Well, before I came, we had no way of travelling to other cultures. I managed to befriend a great architect by the name of Batnoam. You've seen him––he stands beside me in court, but... he built these ships of curved hulls and long sails, allowed for us to hold power over your Pharaoh," you said, your accent becoming more pronounced as your hands moved thoughtlessly to the words. "Once we gained that we gained allies and established trade routes that, I believe, turned the war against you. No offense intended."
"None taken. I know my father can be.. difficult," Ahkmen said. He jumped when you belted out a laugh, raising your chin to the sky.
"I know firsthand your father's military tactics. But there are things he wants from me, things that he realizes he can't take by force."
"Such as..?"
"Look at me," you said, and as he stopped before you, he noticed the sudden quiet of the world around you. You'd made it to the Nile, and walked down far enough to escape the bustle. "Do you see my beauty?"
He nodded.
"Can you feel the power I have?"
He nodded again, too absorbed in your dulcet tone to notice the meaning of your words.
"I have made myself like this, but Merenkahre doesn't know that. He believes my power comes from my riches, from the items my people trade with those around us, and he wants that power. I don't blame him."
"You are so beautiful," he blurted out, eyes still wide as he stared at you.
"I know, dearest. You can close your mouth. I have no need for a prince, and I'm not looking for a Queen."
A soft, dreamy sigh left him as you turned, your attention shifting to the slow waters of the river. He just smiled––his heart burned warm in his chest, leaving tingling in his limbs each time they moved.
I can be your Queen, he thought without much logic behind his words besides the adoration he held for you. You took the title of King when you rose to power; there was no need for a Phoenician King, but they could do––you could do––with a queen such as himself. At least, that's what he liked to think. That's what made his heart giddy.
"Do you come down here often?"
"As much as I can," he answered. You smiled imperceptibly.
"I've always enjoyed the water," you murmured, staring at your reflection. In a split second you seemed to return to yourself, looking up to Ahkmen. "I grew up on the coast."
"I'm happy to take you down here anytime you need a break from the pressure," Ahkmen offered, his heart skipping at the thought of this happening more often. You contemplated his words for a moment before answering.
"I would like that."
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Hello☁️🌻🖤 how are you doing❤ can I ask L & T for isaac please? I'm a new follower and I really love your reactions and headcanon💛
Hi!!! I’m doing well, and I hope that’s the case for you too! Of course you can ask, and ty for such sweet words 💛💛💛 I do my best :D
L - Love (how do they show you they love you?)
I think so much of Isaac’s love comes through in his determination to be a reliable lover. Whether for better or worse, he’s always keenly aware of how others perceive him–he’s on quieter end of the spectrum, sometimes his confidence is easily shaken, and he gets sick/struggles with thirst easily. By rights, everyone in the mansion feels compelled to baby him and coo over him.
But he doesn’t want to be indulged and overwritten like that when he’s in a relationship. He wants a chance to prove himself–he wants to be the first person they come to when they have a problem. Even if it just feels like the weight of the world is heavy in that moment, he still wants to be the person to comfort them. He’s much more perceptive than people give him credit for, and while it may take a little time for him to read the signs correctly, after a point he will know almost immediately what’s wrong and how he can help.
With his lover’s permission–he would sooner cut his own hands off than force his solutions on them–I imagine he does things big and small to help them. If they’re overworked or feeling tired for whatever reason, he’s the first to pick up a broom/apron to help them out. He doesn’t think twice about hanging laundry or dusting. If they’re feeling restless or miss time together, he’ll plan entire days out: seeing the sights of Paris/traveling, going to that new restaurant his colleagues were raving about, finding a new place to stargaze and make love. Even if they have cuts and bruises, he’ll grind his teeth against the pain of the thirst if it means making sure his lover is okay, patching them up carefully.
He’s the type to rarely forget anniversaries or birthdays, and if he does it’s always a freak accident; perhaps he got so wrapped up in the cadence of the semester he just neglected the passing of time while buried under work. That being said, if he does miss it, he will do anything and everything in his power to make it up to his lover. No excuses–he’s well aware he let them down and wants to prove that it wasn’t something he meant to gloss over, just that he truly forgot or didn’t have time.
I think Isaac is v much a lover who can easily go unappreciated because of the nature of how his love works. It’s not always overt and obvious, rarely in your face and loud. It’s a kind of subtle, persistent warmth that makes life better so surely over time that you don’t really notice until he’s already irreplaceable to you. It’s hating mornings and always finding tea/coffee just the way you like it on your bedside, a sweet kiss and canoodling in bed before either of you have to start the day. It’s knowing that your hands and skin are sensitive especially in the winter or while washing, so he made special gloves to minimize the pain and chafing that normal gloves were causing (“with MC, I loved her to the point of invention…”). It’s knowing your favorite song and playing it in the living room while he’s working just because he knows it’ll be enough to lift your bad mood, maybe make you curious enough to seek him out so he can give you more affection and comfort.
With Isaac, love is about giving him a chance to show you he can be what you need–that he wants to be what you need–in the hopes that you’ll never look away from him. And, more importantly, because nothing is more important to him than the sight of your smile; it’s something he wants to cherish and protect forever. To Isaac, love is work–but not in the heavy-hearted way, or a reluctant way–it’s work in a realistic way. All good things in life take time and effort to cultivate, just like all scientific/mathematic findings require similar painstaking gathering of data and correct interpretation. He knows a thesis can’t be written in a single day, and he believes love to be no different–to inspire abiding love and good feeling, it means being there for your lover in meaningful, consistent ways.
Brb gonna go cry bc I fucking love my resident physics/math nerd g o d–
(Side note as to why I think so, too: some of the people he admires the most in the mansion can be considered paragons of this reliability virtue, and I think it’s v indicative of how he aspires to be like them in a way... Napoleon: lives for social justice, is always looking to help people in need esp women and children, always comforts and supports Isaac in moments of doubt Leonardo: always wants to help people and keep them happy, uses any of his numerous skills/emotional sensitivities to provide comfort and encouragement Le Comte de Saint Germain: despite appearances, he is ironclad in his support for his sons and will do anything in his power to protect them–will not abide needless harm or sorrow if he can intervene to help the person/they are receptive to his concern)
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It’s funny because I think this answer is somewhat tied to what I said above, in that reliability does play a part in how things play out between him and his lover. I think for him a big concern is making sure he’s not making the other person uncomfortable with his advances, and that he’s worthy of them at all.
That’s why I think it might depend on the person more than anything. Ideally, if the person is compatible with him and is able to mitigate misunderstandings and his anxiety, I don’t see it taking very long at all. Perhaps within about a year, I think he would venture to ask his lover out on a date. I feel like he’s the type of person who wants to have a good sense of the person he’s seeking as a prospective partner before he makes an attempt at dating. That being said, I also think he’s someone who isn’t afraid to keep trying; if things don’t work out, it’s a little hard on him, but he ultimately wants to keep trying to find someone he is truly in love with. He’s not really the type to get bitter or jaded, he’s more the type to get discouraged and reclusive if people really mistreat him.
Given his status as a vampire, I also see him being very patient with people who need a long time to develop trust to be able to fall in love–for instance people who identify as demi, or perhaps have been through a great deal of trauma. I think people underestimate his thoughtfulness sometimes? I think he’s more interested in making sure a person is comfortable and feels safe around him. He isn’t the type to cross boundaries; I think as long as he knows the person is trying to work through and meet him halfway somehow, he’s content to wait (to a reasonable measure). I do think he is someone who needs connection and physical love to be happy to some extent though…
So yeah the time frame could be within the first two years on the fast track and under ideal conditions, or it could be longer if the other person needs time or they have some differences to work out. I don’t think Isaac is the type to have a hard time falling in love, so much as love is just something that builds over time for him? I think he needs consistent positive experiences with that person, proof that they understand and see him for what he is (hint: a child in a sandbox, not a man interested in fame or obsessive academic prestige) to be able to fall in love. I think this necessity for grounding and persistent effort is what may make some people hesitate around him, but for people who understand how much warmth and thoughtfulness goes into his affections and attempts to reach out despite rattling fears of rejection/social anxiety, I wager they find Isaac easily lovable (and they’re big mood).
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do 41 for catradora
ghost/living person au
behold! another thing i banged out and didn’t edit! kjjdnjjhdn this was fun! i decided to call it hello, my old heart after this song because i am cruel
(also... i think after i write the sequel bc i can’t just leave it like that i might expand this at some point or maybe write multiple versions? i like this a lot jejtnjrtnrnnm)
Adora doesn’t remember most of her childhood. Or much after that, really.
Everything up to the age of 18 is a... haze. Memories of life, of friends, of her identity, are either buried so deep she has to struggle to find them, or gone entirely. Faces, names, places, all gone somewhere she can’t follow.
It’s a given at this point, another piece of the debris of a life her carers left her with. She can’t fix it, and she can function without knowing her neighbour’s favourite colour, so why does it matter? It doesn’t hinder her too much, nor does it really make an impact on her functionality. It does annoy her, though, for reasons she can’t really explain.
There are things left behind in the fog of memory she... needs. Things that might explain this hole in heart, this deadening sense of loss that seems to follow her everywhere now. Things that might make everything make sense again.
Specifically, there’s... a memory of the traces of a memory. Someone Adora hurt, or someone who hurt Adora, or maybe both. And the girl who walked by her side for the first 18 years of her life, the girl who vanished at the drop of a hat, the girl she didn’t allow herself to grieve for. 
She knows how important the girl was to her. And missing her, dreaming about her without knowing why, hurts more than the loss. There’s something... something between them she has to fix. And it might hold the key to everything.
If she could remember, if she could find those shattered memories and piece them back together, she might remember why they took her past from her, and why Catra vanished. Why Catra died.
She doesn’t know exactly why she came here, to the shell of the abandoned home on the hillside. Maybe because it holds her last memory of a memory of Catra, alive and standing in front of her, laughing as she turns to push the door open. Maybe because it’s where she feels her memories... return, in whatever capacity they are able to,
It’s darker than she remembers it. The hole in the roof has since been covered with tarpaulin and framed with a web of crumbling scaffolding, leaving dark, angular shadows climbing the walls and forming ominous shapes on the floor. Adora couldn’t begin to try and decipher the patterns there if she tried.
If she focuses, she can trace the paths they left in the dust together as kids, winding around battered marble columns and up the staircases and back down again, like trails in the snow. 
Adora pushes back the tears. Why am I crying? What is it about this place that-
A memory. Of... her.
“You’re trying to remember me, aren’t you? Stars, I’m so sorry, Adora.”  
If she focuses, she can remember the first day they came here together, a pair of awkward 14 year olds with too much energy and too little time, and hid in the shadow of the stairs on the left, waiting for the night to pass. The details are blurred together, half-buried under a white haze, but if Adora tries, maybe she can -
She can’t. 
“You can. If you want, you can. What they did to you - it isn’t permanent. You can break out of it if you try. It’ll hurt, but you can. I did.”
She shakes the - the memory (a memory, nothing else - something she’ll have to sit and examine later) off. 
Adora picks her way across the floor, careful not to disturb the spiderweb of shadows. It feels... familiar, instinctual. Something more than muscle memory. Almost... almost like she’s being guided by the past she can’t reach.
There are memories here. Adora can feel them in the back of her mind, pushing her gently forwards, urging her on. 
She makes her way into the centre of the main hall of the building - it was a mansion once, she realises - and tries to picture it as it was before - well-lit, grand, beautiful. She tries to see it how Catra would have (because she knows how much she loved this place, even if she doesn’t remember it), filled with stars and candles. 
Adora switches off the torch and stretches out her hands, as though feeling her way forward, except there’s nothing to touch but air. And it feels... heavy. Like she’s being watched.
Except there’s no-one here. She’s alone. 
I’m alone. I’m alone... right?
A growing feeling of terror rises, unbidden, in her chest, and she whirls around, brandishing the torch in front of her like some sort of sword, doing her best to  clamp down on the cry building in her throat.
Nobody. Nobody’s there. 
“I am. I’m right here. Adora, I’m right here -”
Adora lets her shoulders drop. She feels... defeated, for some reason. Empty. 
But the feeling doesn’t go away. And she can’t leave until something happens. She can’t leave until - until she gets her answers.
“What answers do you want, princess?” 
Okay, the voice was definitely real that time.
Adora spins around again, nearly dropping the torch, and - there she is. Or rather, a memory of her - a girl no older than seven, with a tangle of dark hair and vivid heterochromatic eyes, her outline flickering and fading and - 
She reaches out to touch her - and is met with empty air. The girl meets her eyes, and something in them looks so desperate that it makes her breath catch in her lungs, and then she just - vanishes. Melts into nothing. 
She almost cries out. Almost fucking sobs. Because she was right there, all the answers could have been within her reach, and she just watched the girl she almost remembers melt into dust- 
“Not her,” the voice tells her gently. “She’s not real. She used to be, but she isn’t now.” 
Adora shakes her head and doesn’t answer. 
“There are more of them here. Memories. Kinda.” 
“What happened to her?” Adora whispers. They’re the first words she’s spoken in a while, and her voice sounds disjointed and out of place, echoing over and over down the hallways.
Something settles on her shoulder (at least, she thinks it does). “She’s... a fragment. That’s the only way I can think of describing it.” A laugh, one she... recognises. “I think they’re all part of the memories they took from you. They’re shadows. I’m the only real one. Well, real-ish.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Turn around.” 
Her limbs don’t want to co-operate. Because I’m afraid of what I might see.
It takes a monumental effort to get to herself to rise, turn inch by inch, raise her eyes past the cracked floorboards. It takes even more to comprehend what she’s seeing.
“Hey, Adora.”
Catra. It’s - Catra.
Catra - but not. Not quite the girl she watched disappear from her memories three years ago. Her eyes are slightly hollower, her hair is shorter, and she’s... dead.
Very obviously dead, too. It’s not like Adora could miss a stab wound in the front of her shirt.
But... but she’s there, she’s standing right in front of her, wearing an infuriatingly familiar half-smile, and she wants to cry - 
“Ca... Catra?”
Her smile widens. “That’s me.”
“You’re here,” she whispers, and it comes out as more of a sob. She’s here she’s here she’s here she’s here - 
“You’re here,” Catra - Catra -  echoes, beaming. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” 
And Adora can’t do anything except let out a small sobbing noise in response. 
“Do you... remember?” she asks softly, hesitantly, hands toying with the fraying hem of her shirt. 
Adora shakes her head. “Not... much. I remember knowing you.”
Catra nods carefully. Her form has this odd translucent quality to it; she wonders if touching it would cause her to flicker like a hologram and vanish, only to re-materialise again in another place. “That’s something,” she offers. “Better than I’d hoped for, to be honest.” 
Her eyes fix on the torch in Adora’s hand, then flick back up. “I’d put that away if I were you. Light kind of... uh, dispels ghosts. That’s what I am. A ghost.” A smile. “I think.”
Adora stuffs it into her pocket without registering the movement. “H-how -”
“How do ghosts work?” Catra guesses. “Not sure. How am I a ghost? Again, not sure.” She shrugs, as though brushing it off. “It’s been... a long time.”
“I missed you,” she says, in a much smaller voice than she expected. “I missed you so much. I missed - I missed knowing you. I-” 
Catra smiles, and the movement causes her face to flicker at the edges, like static. “I missed you too. A lot.”
Adora bites back a sob. “Wha- What happened to you? How did you- ?” She shakes her head, shrugs. “Long story.”
There’s a long moment of silence. Adora catches herself staring at the outline of her form, the trails of half-shadows it leaves on the floorboards. In the half-light, she could almost be real. Alive.
She’s dead. She’s dead. It would hurt less if it wasn’t so clearly her fault.
“And - what about you?” Catra asks, breaking into her thoughts (which is a relief). There’s genuine concern in her eyes, she realises. 
She really cares about me. I must’ve cared about her, too - I do care about her. I just - why?
“I... also a long story. I think you know most of it already.” She huffs a laugh, blinking back tears. “More than me, at least.”
Catra nods again, slowly. Her eyes flick up and down, taking everything in like she’s seeing it for the first time. And some sort of realisation crosses them, then fades away as quickly as it came. 
“Do you want to... come back?” she asks. 
“Come back?”
“Come back. To the house. I could... I could show you what happened. If you want. It’s getting late, and Glimmer’ll be worried about you.”
Despite herself, Adora almost laughs. “You’re worried about me getting in trouble with my roommate for coming home late?”
Catra grins. “I’ve interacted with Sparkles before. She’ll be pissed, trust me.”
Adora smiles too, and for a moment, it could almost be - before again. Before her memories cut off and leave her with a white wall of nothing. Before Catra died.
“I don’t know if I can,” she says softly. “I might be... I might be dreaming, or you’ll be gone when I come back, or -”
“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere,” Catra cuts in. “I kind of can’t.”
She sits down on the floor and crosses her legs, a clear request for Adora to join her. “It’d be easier if I show you now, but I don’t want to make you pass out and have to figure out how to cart your ass back home.”
“Show me what?” Adora breathes. This is it. This is it. I might be able to... to fix things. Finally.
“What happened to me. And what happened to you. It’s a long story, like I said.” She smiles at her, a little sadly, and presses her palms flat against the floorboards as she sits down. Adora wonders vacantly if she can feel it, if her hands are passing through the wood right now, if she’s solid or just a... a ghost.
If she’s really gone.
Thinking about it fills her with an even deeper sense of loss, somehow. She can’t shake the feeling that it’s her fault, even if she knows that’s not true. And it hurts.
For a moment, they sit facing each other under the shattered skylight, and it could almost be - a memory she can’t quite reach. It could almost be just them again, like she knows they were.
“Are you sure you’ll be able handle this now?”
She nods. Once.
Catra gives her a small, sad smile. Her eyes are transparent, filled with guilt and an emotion she can’t quite place.
The room starts to fill with a soft blue light. It creeps up through the floorboards, making the shadows stand upright and wheel towards the fractured ceiling, making Catra seem to glow from within. Adora has to force herself not to stare (then wonders why).
Smoke tendrils begin curling up through the floor beneath them, wrapping around their legs. She swallows her panic in time to see Catra lift her hands from the wood, leaving scorch marks in their wake, and glance encouragingly up at her. It’s... comforting. Familiar.
“Try to relax, okay?”
Adora nods again. “Okay,” she whispers. It’s all she can manage.
The smoke curls up around her torso and expands, filling the entire room with a blue haze. She narrows her eyes against the strengthening glow, closes them entirely - and opens them again when the door swings open and nearly flies off its hinges.
Before she can move, before she can do anything but cry out, Catra’s hands - Catra’s solid, real hands - clamp as gently as possible down on her shoulders. “It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s not real,” she whispers. “They can’t hurt us again.”
She turns to meet Catra’s eyes, and for the first time since they saw each other, she looks... serious.
And two kids come running through the door.
Adora almost gasps again, because... because it’s her. Her and Catra, covered in mud and soaking wet and shivering, hair in disarray, eyes filled with sheer terror.
As soon as Catra skids in, past Adora slams the door shut, hinges screaming in protest. She watches it happen as though underwater. It feels... it feels familiar. That fear in their eyes - it’s real, and she remembers it. Except she doesn’t.
“Are you okay?”
Past Catra nods, clutching her wrist to her chest. “I’m fine. Are they gone?”
“I don’t think so.” Past Adora jogs over to her and helps her to her feet, smiling faintly. Despite everything, despite the wound at her temple and the blood caked on the hem of her shirt, despite the rain and the terror in her eyes, she’s smiling.
And Adora... remembers.
She remembers everything at once, a hail of flashing images and thoughts and words and feelings. She remembers emotions she didn’t even know she had experienced - burning, horrific grief, loss, missing her so badly she wants to scream at the sky and quite literally burst into flame, choking on sobs in bed - sheer, unending terror, pushed deep down into the centre of her chest, the need to protect, protect her, keep her safe, because she can’t be scared if Catra is - 
Someone is calling her name.
Someone is... Catra is calling for her, holding her against her chest as she trembles, whispering her name over and over again in her ear. 
“Adora, Adora - “
And Past Catra... Past Catra is bent over on the wood, coughing and crying her name, letting out choking sobs, a hand pressed over the wound in the centre of her chest. The door has been blown open again, letting in the wind and the rain, and Past Adora is gone.
“I’m-” She sits up, which is much more of a struggle than it should be. “I’m here. What happened?”
Catra gives her a concerned look. “You- passed out, I think. I mean, I know I said you would, but I didn’t expect.... this.” 
Her voice has begun to distort again, fading into a soft, static hum. The vision, or whatever it was, has begun to flicker and die into nothing, the threads fraying and unravelling until all that’s left is the girl bleeding out in the middle of the room.
Adora detaches herself from Catra’s fading grip as carefully as possible. Because, fuck, the things she remembers-
“You didn’t see half of that, did you?”
She shakes her head. “I didn’t.”
Catra’s face falls slightly. Adora can’t even imagine what the experience was like for her, having to relive her death again for the sake of her memory. 
“But I did...” She clears her throat, rests a hand inches away from Catra’s. “I did remember. Everything.”
Her eyes light up from within, something that has nothing to do with the faded blue glow sinking back through the floorboards. “You did?”
Adora nods. The movement makes her head spin. She remembers... everything. Especially falling in love with the girl sitting opposite her, watching her with wide eyes. Especially the - the magic they tried to wield on her to make her forget, to make her immune to loving. And the way she tried to escape, to take Catra with her to keep her out of their reach, and it backfired in the worst way possible. She remembers her memories being stolen from her one by one, sucking the grief out of her until there was nothing left. 
Most importantly, she remembers waking up in her bed and feeling for the space where Catra should have been the day after they told her she was dead.
“I did,” she whispers. 
Silence stretches out between them, and Adora wonders if they could possibly be thinking about the same thing. 
Without saying anything, without thinking twice, she blurts, “I love you.” 
Catra’s eyes widen.
“We never said that. When you were alive. I always regretted that. I wanted to tell you, and I never got to, and I’m sorry for that. But, stars, Catra, I love you. I love you.”
She’s staring at her like she’s never seen her before, like she did the night - the night they kissed for the first time, the night she can remember with almost perfect clarity now, the night that was hidden from her for so long - 
“Adora -”
“I know it’s been - wow, it’s been years - and I know so much has changed, but I just - I have to tell you that. I have to -”
And Catra laughs. Softly. Her hand comes down and through Adora’s, leaving a wave of - of warmth in its wake, and settles against her palm, and it feels so close to getting to hold her again she swears she could cry again.
“I love you too, idiot.”
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasures Chapter 1
SUMMARY: A demon Kai and an angel Zane, longtime acquaintances who, having grown accustomed to life on Earth as representatives of Heaven and Hell, seek to prevent the coming of the Armageddon...
Current theories on the creation of the universe stated that if it were created at all and didn't just start it came into being about fourteen billion years ago. The Earth was generally supposed to be about four and a half billion years old. These dates were incorrect. Some medieval scholars put the date of the creation at 3760 BC while others put creation as far back as 5508 BC. But these were also incorrect. Archbishop James Ussher claimed that Heaven and the Earth were created on Sunday, the twenty-first of October, 4004 BC, at nine in the morning.
This too was incorrect, by almost a quarter of an hour.
It was created at 9:13 in the morning. The whole business with the fossilized dinosaur skeletons was a joke that paleontologists haven't seen yet. This proved that God did not play dice with the universe. He played an ineffable game of his own devising. For everyone else, it was like playing poker in a pitch-dark room, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiled all the time. To understand the true significance of what that means, we need to begin earlier.
A little more than 6,000 years earlier, to be precise.
Just after the beginning. It started, as it will end, with a garden, in this case, the Garden of Eden, and with an apple. It was a nice day, but all the days had been nice. There had been rather more than seven of them so far, and rain hadn't been invented yet. But the storm clouds gathering east of Eden suggested that the first thunderstorm was on its way, and it was going to be a big one...
Zane fretted as he stood near the lip of the stone ledge, his shining robes shining in the light along with the white, almost glowing, feathers of his large wings. The first two humans off in the distance, Adam and Eve, had barely made their way out into the new world and they were both already in danger. A large male lion made a beeline from nowhere toward them and was now intending on making them extinct. The young angel didn't think this was going to go well.
Thank goodness they weren't unarmed, the angel consoled himself.
Before they left, he gave Eve his shurikens of ice gifted to him by the high angels. He was surprised to see Adam wielding a sword of fire, a weapon not of Heaven, but considering what had happened, he wasn't too concerned about it. Knowing that they had means of protection helped Zane's mind rest, but only a little. The weather was fair, aside from the rapidly building clouds. At least that was a comfort to know. A kind, warm breeze fluttered his clean robe around in a playful way.
It felt wonderful to the angel, but even better how it ran through his unsheathed white wings.
He flexed them out to get a better feel. It felt good to have them free from their confines. He had been practicing getting used to having them put away for his assignment on this new planet. They had warned him upstairs that he couldn't afford to be seen by 'God's Little Projects' down here. Those were their words, not his own. Before Zane embarked, God himself told him they wouldn't be able to handle it due to now learning 'jealousy', whatever that meant.
When he asked him what it was, he said the young angel would find out in time, plus all the other ones.
He still didn't know why God didn't tell him, but God had always worked in mysterious ways. Don't interfere too much. That was the rule all angels lived by. Be ever watchful, a mentor if needed, provide guidance if asked, but that was it. Not too difficult, or so they kept telling him, and already he broke the rule. Now he had more trouble on the mind. There was only so much to do when watching over the birth of a new species. To be so limited to what needs to be done simply wasn't fair.
Not that he condoned rules should be broken.
But this was not going to be easy. His toes curled on the hard surface when he felt that other presence approach closer. It was a sort of tugging sensation that came from deep inside him. He thought it was curious. That never happened before, except when that thing first showed up. He knew it was nearby anyway. At times it felt as though it was hovering just out of sight, watching. But he had hoped it would leave. It felt different than anything he had ever known, and he didn't like it one bit.
Not when everything was so new.
So he promptly chose to ignore it. It was just a lowly serpent demon anyway. Granted, that filthy Hell beast was most likely the reason he had a chance of being fired before he could do his job. Perhaps everyone would understand. They were angels, after all, forgiveness and compassion were at the very root of their cores. Zane rubbed his temple. He had only one job. He hadn't even been here for very long and already he morally mucked it up.
He would be the laughing stock upstairs.
The only other thing he could possibly get wrong now is if Eden caught fire. Then he would officially be out of a job. Zane started wondering if he should have been more aggressive about it and really told that serpent what for. He never was very good at this soldier of Heaven thing or asserting himself in general. Zane truly believed that someone else would be better suited for this than he.
"What do you make of it?" A voice suddenly asked, shattering the silence. Zane jumped, the voice startling him from his own musings. He hadn't noticed he was no longer alone. He was shocked that the creature had yet to attack him, wondering if they were friendly, but that would be outlandish because the very thought is preposterous, blasphemous even. Their kind would never mingle with his. Not without bloodshed, anyway. It simply wasn't done.
The angel turned to his left and couldn't help but do a double-take to the creature next to him.
It was male, dressed in dark red robes, with amber snake-like eyes, beautiful tanned skin, a toned body, and brown hair shaped in a way that reminded Zane of fire. The back of the demon's hands and up his arms were dusted with dark red snake scales. His finger and toenails were incredibly sharp and black. Zane couldn't take his eyes off it, completely transfixed. He almost didn't believe that that was the serpent. He didn't know it had a vessel, let alone a silky pair of feathered, crimson wings with black tips.
When Zane saw the wings he realized that this was not just some ordinary demon.
It was one of the Fallen. That was fascinating to Zane, as he had never met one of them. In fact, if Zane was entirely honest with himself, this dark one was a mixture of striking, exotic, and becharming. Now it was staring at him with those amber serpent eyes. For some reason, they didn't repulse the angel. It was then that Zane remembered that the snake had asked him something and it was probably best to respond. He should also stop thinking of it as an 'it'.
That demon was evidently much more than that and Zane suddenly felt like he was being rude, even if the demon couldn't read minds.
Zane smiled awkwardly, then concluded he had no idea what the creature said.
"Sorry, what?" Zane asked and the brunette pointed out towards the humans.
"That, right there, the whole tiger thing." He clarified and Zane followed the demon's finger.
"That's a lion." Zane corrected.
"Whatever, don't you think it's a bit much? I mean, they just got out, are finding their footing, and the first thing they come across on this big round planet is this aggressive beast?"
"No one said it would be easy," Zane said, even if the other had a point.
"It's trying to eat them!" The demon gawked at him.
"Look, I don't like it any more than you do, uh...?" Zane trailed off when he realized he hadn't gotten the demon's name if it had one. The brunette quickly caught on to why Zane paused and smiled faintly.
"Kai." He answered the unasked question.
"Kai, thank you, but these things are not our decisions to make."
"You're not about to sprout some Holier-Than-Thou jibberish at me are you?" Kai asked as he gave him a peculiar look. Zane wasn't sure how to answer that. That was all anyone ever talked about upstairs. The very idea that someone wouldn't want to, let alone calling it jibberish, preach about it and discuss its many glorious wonders was unheard of. When the angel didn't answer, the dark one rolled his eyes.
"You were, weren't you?"
"There's nothing wrong with that." Zane countered.
"No no, of course not." Kai mocked. "You're within your right to justify a reason as to why God's human race failed at the get-go."
"I'm not trying to do any such thing!" Zane said, growing flustered. "B-Besides, look! The male seems to be fending its adversary off brilliantly on his own! They're obviously capable of taking care of themselves; I only hope that this will be the worst of it, at least for today." He frowned in concern as a roll of thunder broke in, causing them both to look around for the source. Detecting it was from the sky, they exchange looks then went back to watching the battle for survival in front of them.
They stood in oddly comfortable silence before Kai broke it.
"Wait, so that's a lion?" He gasped, almost in awe.
"Yes, It is."
"Never seen one of them before."
"Sorry?" Zane blinked in confusion.
"I said, I've never seen one of those before."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I've never seen a lion before, so I would never have known they looked like that." He shrugged and Zane could only stare. "What?" Kai asked in a rather prickly manner.
"Nothing," The angel squeaked as he turned away, a slight blush framing the tips of his ears. He didn't realize he was ogling again. "Just, find it surprising that one dead animal isn't familiar with an equally dangerous one."
"It's not like I was there when they were created, was a little bit busy with another matter at that time, as you well know." Kai returned as another boom of thunder rumbled closer over their heads. Only this time it had been accompanied by a shocking bright snap of light that streaked across the sky. Both of their sets of wings flinched outward and lightly fluffed at the surprise of it. Zane let out an embarrassed chuckle and willed his feathers to settle down.
He could see out of the corner of his eye the other trying to do the same.
He cleared his throat and thought it best to continue where they left off.
"So, therefore, am I left to understand that, based on what you've said, you've never witnessed a tiger as well?" He asked and Kai immediately clammed up.
"Why do you ask?"
"It's a simple question."
"I don't know about that."
"Really? Do tell, I'd love to hear it."
"Has it gotten a bit stuffy out here?"
"No, I find it quite pleasing in all truthfulness."
"More cloudy things are building up."
"Stop trying to change the subject, please." Zane all but begged and Kai eyed him carefully.
"Why do I get the feeling I'm being ridiculed?"
"I would never," He said with all honesty. Kai looked around as if someone might hear, grimaced, and leaned in.
"Promise you won't tell?"
"Oh, may the Lord himself strike me down if I should ever utter a syllable to another living soul," Zane promised and he clasped his hands as if in prayer. Kai gave him a doubtful look, but eventually relented and grumbled with an obnoxious huff.
"No, are you satisfied now?! I've never seen a tiger, a lion, or fucking whale!" The demon cried as he closed his eyes and flinched again when more thunder rumbled closer. The sky was turning all below it several shades darker, growing ever so closer to swallowing the bright sun. The angel was oblivious to this, however.
"If it makes you feel any better, I've never seen a whale either." Zane smiled. It took a moment, but Zane noticed the smirk flit across that surprisingly pretty face.
"It doesn't," Kai replied as he glanced at him all the same with those gemstone eyes and once again they slipped into a pleasant silence. Zane suddenly had a thought. If Kai didn't seem to know about other animals, did he know about himself?
"Now Uhm, don't take this the wrong way but, you do know what you are, correct?" He asked carefully.
"You mean besides an angel-turned-demon who's damned for all eternity?" Kai said in a sarcastic tone.
"Then, of course, I know."
"Excellent! Care to say it out loud?"
"I already told you; my name's Kai," The demon grinned. He felt his heart miss a beat, and not in a good way. The thump was alarmingly prominent like his vessel-body was trying to alert him to take note of what this creature was saying. There was no possible way this demon could be this naive. Something else was amiss.
"Yes, I know your name, but I'm asking if you know what you are; do you know what you are?" He asked again and Kai's expression gradually changed from enjoyment to being perplexed. His brow furrowed as he stared off, eyes flicking around as if searching for something but simply grew more confused.
"What am I?" Kai finally asked, getting annoyed by the question.
"A serpent, dear," Zane replied for the demon. Evidently, Kai's face fell back to puzzlement once more and Zane's mouth fell open. It was evident that word meant nothing to the demon. "You don't know what a serpent is, do you?" He asked, almost sadly, Kai shrugged it off.
"What of it?"
"That's what you are!"
"So? What's so important with needing to know the ins and outs of a serpent? Why do you care if I know or not?" Kai snapped, experimenting with the new word in his mouth.
"No need to get upset, I was only trying to help," Zane said as he raised his arms in defense to try to quickly diffuse the tension. He watched Kai focus on the humans again, and it was clear something he had said or done bothered the demon immensely. He felt terrible, and then suddenly that scent came back. Only recently Zane had caught this aroma in the air. It comes and goes with the wind, but the longer he had been here the less deniable it had become.
Never had it been invasive or overbearing, but the angel noticed he could pick it out no matter what kind of stronger scents surrounded it.
Right now, this very moment, it was hitting him stronger than it ever had before.
"Looks like the lion's down," Kai added, noting how successful the humans were doing so far. Another rumble of thunder accompanied by that bright flash pushed ever closer. Perhaps Kai had caught a whiff of the scent?
"Do you smell that?" The angel asked, sniffing the air.
"What?" Kai asked and Zane realized he had made a poor judgment.
"Never mind." The angel shrugged off awkwardly, but thankfully the demon didn't push it. They stood there in silence for a short while, before Kai glanced over at Zane, and his snake eyes suddenly narrowed.
"Wait, where are your shurikens anyway? I thought you had a pair that froze anything they touched?" He asked and Zane froze in fear. "Did you have one, or didn't you? Because now I'm confused."
"How do you mean?" The angel asked as he began to feel uneasy.
"Well, your presence here no longer makes sense, so what are you doing here Snowflake?"
"Are you lost?"
"No, I'm... you're trying to confuse me." Zane accused as his heart started to race,
"I'm trying to confuse you?" Kai almost laughed, and this made Zane even more defensive.
"Yes! That's what your kind do and I will not be swayed into it!" He stated in the strongest voice he could muster at that moment, his chest puffing out slightly as he did. Zane knew he was being cornered. He knew this whole thing was a setup to get him to lose ground or faith or doubt himself in his duties for the choices he'd made and how thanks to him everything was ruined. But that wasn't what upset Zane. He was upset that he fell for it.
He had failed again.
God must have been testing him early and he has failed another one. Or perhaps not? He may have caught it in time, he could still redeem himself if he stayed strong.
"You're the one who's doing the confusing here," Kai lectured. "You're supposed to have some freezing shurikens, which I could've sworn you had, and that would make sense for a Cherub to have in order to guard the Garden of Eden, but let's face it, you're terrible at guarding, and you don't have your shurikens so I ask you again; what are you doing here?" He scowled and a boom of thunder emphasized the demon's point. Zane took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, eyes closed.
All he had to do was be honest, true, and stop being distracted by the alluring visage before him.
"I...I gave them away."
"You gave them away?!"
"Shh! Not so loud!" He panicked, already forgetting the pep-talk he gave himself. "I don't want the head office to hear! Besides, they're not lost or anything; they're right there, see? The humans have it now." The angel explained and pointed to the humans slowly fading in the distance with a pair of remarkably bright-looking objects in the hands of one of them. Kai looked back to the tiny figures, then to the angel. Then back to the figures, and once again to the angel.
Then suddenly, what Zane could only describe as a ridiculously big stupid grin spread over the demon's face, the creature did an unexplainable thing.
He started to laugh, laugh, and laugh some more. It became so severe they turned into fits, gripping his stomach. That damned thing lost its balance and fell to the floor. He rolled around, it wracking his body to near spasm levels, and during it all, he had the utter nerve to speak to the angel at the same time.
"Oh, I would love to be there for your first report! Glad to know I'm not the only one who interfered." He cackled, and his grin grew when he saw the confusion on Zane's face. "What? Where did you think Adam got that flaming sword from?" He laughed and Zane gasped at the realization that Kai had been the one to give Adam the sword, a weapon of Hell. "I hope it doesn't turn out that they aren't too bright yet when it comes to violent weaponry and the use of fire and ice so they somehow kill themselves!"
Zane's paled, even more, when Kai's words sank in.
The angel finally realized that he could get in a great deal of trouble for this. Everything Kai pointed out was more than plausibly true and may happen once the humans were out of sight. This was serious. Even so, he couldn't stop a giggle bubble up to the surface. Watching Kai, he found out, was contagious. It started small but soon grew to a level that was painful to hold in. He tried to stifle it, tried to bite it back with his teeth against his tongue, but it was hopeless.
Zane covered his mouth and did his best to hide it from the cackling demon.
"That's not funny, I beseech you, stop laughing!" He tried to say normally but cracked on the last word. He clenched a fist and nearly begged the other to spare him. Kai rolled to face him and Zane was almost lost again when he saw tears running down his cheeks. He had no choice but to turn away and fisted his hands tightly by his sides. "No! No, I refuse to believe in your trickery! This isn't a joke!" The angel yelled, not caring what he said so long as this lark would end.
Within time, Kai calmed down, breathing heavily.
"They're going to be fine, Snowflake, I'm only teasing you," He said while a chuckle or two still found its way out. "Look how well they have handled themselves against their first threat, and they've only just set foot out there; if I hadn't given them that sword and you hadn't given them the shurikens they would be torn to pieces by now, we saved them." Zane heard from behind him a tired sigh. The loudest thunder roll cracked out, the very appearance of the clouds above threatening their next level to come soon.
The flutter from inside Zane's chest came back.
But, somehow it was stronger this time around. He turned back to face the other being and took notice of how Kai laid there. Wings relaxed, hands resting on the stomach, one leg bent. He was comfortable. Kai, an evil enemy, was content to lay there in his presence. Zane could easily smite him. He would technically be within reason, for what Kai had done concerning the apple. It would be simple, quick, and clean. But that never even crossed his pure mind.
He strode over to the brunette and reached down a hand with a winning smile of his own.
"My name is Zane; it's nice to meet you." He introduced and Kai's eyes widened. He wasn't expecting that. He stared at the hand as if he had never seen its kind before. He appeared unsure of what step to take next. Zane gave him time, not pulling away yet. Soon enough, Kai eventually smiled.
"Hello, Zane, it's nice to meet you, too," He replied and reached up with his own hand, clasped the inviting one, and was hoisted up. Zane nearly dropped the demon, however. Once they touched, the contact was not at all what he was expecting. He cried out, yanking his hand away, and jumped back. His other hand clasped it around the wrist and pulled it close. Zane stared from his hand to Kai in either astonishment or fear. He couldn't decide which it was.
Kai just raised an eyebrow at him, perplexed as to what had happened.
"Oh! Forgive me but, you're so hot! To the touch, I mean!" He stammered as he did his best to explain but not offend.
"Naturally." Kai shrugged. Zane shook his head, confused.
"This is a normal occurrence?"
"Of course," The demon said casually, amused by the reaction from the angel. He crossed his arms, took a deep, over-exaggerated breath. "Being a fallen angel, or more accurate, a demon from the fiery pits of Hell now, so to answer your question; being boiling hot is normal for demons like me," He smiled. The next boom of thunder rumbled on for some time. It was as if the sky was growling its impatience for being ignored.
"Is that all?"
"Yep," Kai replied, but he didn't seem to care. The brunette then opened his mouth and exhaled. The air in front of it appeared to ripple several inches outward. Zane walked up to it, mesmerized, and like a baby who was still testing out the world for the first time, he reached out a hand and ran it through it. It was warm, heated air coming out. It wasn't painful in the slightest. The angel beamed as he wiggled his fingers around it. He kept it up until Kai closed his mouth, grinning at Zane's blush.
Zane was about to agree, then stopped himself and wondered why this was brought up in the first place.
"Anywho, going back to your shuriken conversation with His Almighty, if you can't find humor even in the direst situations, then what's the point of it?" He asked and Zane visibly shook his wings at the way Kai mockingly talked about the Lord. Ignoring that, however, Zaen wasn't sure what he thought of that advice, but he secretly tucked it away in the back of his mind all the same.
"You'll be alright, he loves all of you unquestionably," Kai added and Zane paused. Did he hear that right? Had a fallen angel, a being who willfully rebelled against God just casually admit the Lord adored all of them? Without a second thought about it? What was going on here? Zane turned his head and glanced at the demon. The brunette was rigid stiff. Amber eyes hard, staring intently straight ahead. Jaw clenched. He could see the dark one's fingers turning white from how hard he was gripping his own arms.
So it was a mistake.
He didn't mean to say it. Now at least something about this villain makes sense to him.
"I wonder how far up we are?" Kai suddenly blurted out with a jerk of his head, and then just took off, running over and standing right on the edge of the wall cliff. His red and black wings thrusting out just so as to counter the body weight from tumbling over. Zane gasped and ran after but stayed himself some steps later. For a split moment, he chastised himself for the idea of wanting to save the enemy. But most of the time he was too busy worrying about the brunette disappearing suddenly from his sight.
The wind had picked up some, and was a tad rougher on Kai's clothes and hair, yanking and blowing it around like a dare to take another step.
The demon suddenly moaned, but Zane couldn't tell what he meant. The angel moved fast and was standing next to them once the groan had been uttered.
"Are you alright?" He panicked.
"I don't like heights," The demon mumbled. The eyes were closed and they appeared to be swaying.
"Then get away from the edge, you silly thing!" Zane shouted, grasping the other and guiding him down to safety. When he unclosed his eyes, he got defensive.
"I just wanted to see how far down it was!" He hissed angrily, but Zane just rolled his eyes and neither of them said anything more on the subject. Water from the skies began to fall. When it hit them they shied away from it on the first drops. Zane figured it out quicker than the other one did. Kai seemed a little lost to this experience, unsure of what to do or how to react to it. Kai must have sensed eyes on him, for he turned to catch the angel's icy orbs.
Zane, at this point he stopped trying to reason it, opened an arm, lifted a wing, and beckoned the other in.
To say he was surprised the demon actually moved closer was a hardball to juggle. So many unusual and unexpected things happened in such as short time. He wasn't even sure how he felt. He didn't seem the least bit repulsed when Kai stood so close they nearly touched shoulders, and he could feel the heat of the other's temperature radiating onto him. The demon kept glancing at him, shifting on his bare feet. Eventually, he opened his mouth and asked what seemed to be on his mind.
"No hard feelings between us, yes? After all; I was only doing what I was so ordered to, on pain of repercussion, and all that." He said, looking a little nervous. This made the pale angel go quiet. Unsure of whether to trust what this thing was saying or if he was lying to him and this was planned the whole time. Whichever it was, he hadn't the heart to be cruel.
"No, I daresay, no hard feelings; it's too early for that yet." He replied and another silence surrounded them. Every once in a while, they would both stick their hands out to catch the water droplets on their palms then bring them in under the protection of the angel's wing. Even if they both refused to admit it, Kai and Zane felt at peace at that moment. Where it was just the two of them, huddled together as they experienced the first rainfall with the young planet Earth...
16 notes · View notes
blahkugo · 4 years
Sunny!! I am so happy you’ve hit your 1k milestone!! You are the sunflower of my life and I am so happy to know you 🌻 what about Ushijima with an underground aesthetic for your mood board celebration? 💕
lauren i’m in love with you!! thank you so much my mf QUEEN ♡ & thank you for co-creating the smut pile bc i’ve met so many people on there that i love!! hope you enjoy your ushi ♡
                              -ˋˏ ༻ 光 ༺ ˎˊ-
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— underground! au
— warnings: violence, asphyxiation, pain, gunplay (?), kidnapping
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⤏ ushi, in my mind, can only fit into one role in the world of highly illegal activity: the mob boss. the man is stoic, all business, perhaps a little dense at times (but that’s what a right hand man and underlings are for); so, it only makes sense that he’d be in a position of high power
⤏ what is it they smuggle? coke— pure as snow; it’s the drug of choice for playboy billionaires and a-list celebrities. needless to say, it’s that good shit
⤏ don’t get me wrong, he didn’t choose this path. if anything, he tried ever-so desperately to avoid the family business, even going as far as separating himself from his father completely to create a better life for himself
⤏ but these types of things have a way of roping you back in, and ushijima quickly learns that you can’t escape your past. especially not when you’re on a constant run for your life, fighting off enemy mobs’ hitmen
⤏ when he finally accepts the role, he’s a natural. quick thinking, aloof, unwavering; every choice he makes, he makes with a purpose
⤏ everything’s perfect: money’s rolling in, business is booming, and the perks of being filthy fucking rich aren’t too bad either
⤏ that is, until you come along. rumored to be the most ruthless woman alive, your presence as the competitor mob’s prodigy proves to be increasingly difficult for ushi
⤏ you’re encroaching on his territory. of course, ushi needs to get rid of you; can’t have his spot taken by some heartless woman with a trigger finger
⤏ but when he has you kidnapped, he finds that task much more daunting than he believes it’ll be
“If you’re going to kill me, you might as well get it over with,” you sneer, rolling your eyes. With one leg crossed over the other and a dullness in your eyes, no one would guess your hands are bound tightly behind your back, ropes digging bright red marks into your flesh. 
Your demeanor baffles Wakatoshi; he’d think someone with a gun to their temple, surrounded by dozens of mob men and murderers, would be a bit more afraid, more angry, more of anything. The rumors seem to be completely accurate— you’re apathetic beyond belief. 
“Offer’s still on the table if you want me to gag her, ‘Toshi,” Tendou chirps from behind him, cackling at the whole ordeal. Sadistic motherfucker, but he’s loyal to a fault.
“No,” he sets the handgun on the table next to him with a sigh, “leave us.” The underlings file out of the room without a second glance towards you. 
When he turns back to you, he can’t help but scan your form. He’s well aware he should be focusing on the task at hand— he never hesitates when it comes to disposal— but something inside of him seems utterly put off by your carefree attitude. 
Wakatoshi typically likes his women submissive— compliant and willing to break under his towering frame. It’s simply easier that way. He gets what he wants, sends them on their way, and then he can go back to what matters: his business. 
But you— with the supple lips drawn into an endless frown and the pretty face— he can’t seem to wrap his head around you. 
“Like what you see?” your lips quirk into a cold smile, flashing him a hint of a sharp canine. 
“Yes.” Wakatoshi doesn’t lie, doesn’t see the point of it. His candor seems to throw you off kilter; a hungry gleam takes the place of that usual darkness in your eyes, if only for a moment. Before you can stall any longer, he begins his questioning, “Who’s your supplier?” 
No response. Just that same, detached smile.
“I’ll ask you one more time,” he stalks closer, snagging the weapon off the table. “Who’s,” he bends down. “Your,” the barrel grazes your jaw. “Supplier?” It makes its home beneath your chin, prodding against your delicate neck. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” 
He slams the frame of the gun into your cheek.
After all the indifference you’ve shown so far, Wakatoshi shouldn’t be surprised you don’t flinch. But he is; aside from a single tear trailing your face, you don’t react at all. What made you like this? 
“I don’t particularly enjoy this, you know.” He fiddles with his watch, unsure why he feels he owes you any explanation at all. 
“Yes you do,” your skin sports the bright, seething red of a newly forming bruise. “It makes you feel big and strong, makes you feel like a real man, huh?” For once, you show some real emotion, eyebrows furrowing in disgust. 
He’s acutely aware of the subtle heat scorching his neck; it feels like he’s in the chair being interrogated at your hands. Your hands— they must be aching under the strain of the stiff rope. 
Within seconds, you’re untied. Under Wakatoshi’s watchful eyes, you won’t be escaping. And even if you do— high up on the fiftieth floor and surrounded by his men— it’s not like you’ll be getting very far. You stay seated anyways, perhaps understanding the logic. 
“You’re smart.” His praise is curt, nothing more than it needs to be. “I could use that around here.” 
“I know,” your fingers rub at your wrists, dainty and manicured, “but I don’t play well with others.” 
Having never been refused, this answer infuriates Wakatoshi, riles him up and makes him lose his cool in a way he never does. Before he knows it, his fingers are wrapped around your neck, grip just a hair away from being tight enough to leave marks. 
“I think you forget I could kill you in a second.” His eyes bore into yours, watching closely for the slightest hint of fear. You simply smile through the pain, the retort sliding off your tongue barely audible: ‘but you won’t.’ 
His lips meet yours in a rush of fury. It’s not his fault, not at all— you’re driving him insane. He’s never met a woman who didn’t fall to his will, who didn’t fall into his lap and ask to stay for as long as possible. And it’s the thrill of that, of making you that way, that sends the blood rushing straight to his cock, already rock hard and straining against his slacks. 
The position he’s in is awkward; being bent towards you gives you far too much control over the situation, makes him seem weak. Releasing your throat to grip at your soft thighs and pick you up, he seats you on the table instead. 
“Here’s how this is going to go,” he murmurs against your bare shoulder, palms grazing over your hips, dashing beneath your top to nip at your waist, and finally brushing against your breasts. When he kneads at them, tweaking one of your nipples over paper-thin lingerie, he feels your breath catch. “I’m going to fuck you over this table, and then you’re going to join me.” 
“Fat chance,” of course you’re still a smartass, but he has to admit, that attitude of yours sounds much better paired with slight moans and gasps, with your lips quivering instead of glued into a smirk.
But with that outburst, he grows impatient. Flipping you like a rag doll, he presses a palm tightly against your back until your cheek, the bad one, hits the table. Your tiny skirt is hiked up, your panties tugged down, and then he’s spreading your folds, sinking into you, watching your perfect nails scratch against the dark wood. 
It’s tight, of course he didn’t give you any warning, but a rough finger sliding against your slit tells him all he needs to know— you’re soaked. 
And then he’s pounding into you, merciless, unwavering, the version of himself he knows is true. He’s only known you an hour, and before that, through whispered rumors, but he thinks he knows you well enough. 
Wakatoshi will have to break you in a few more times before you truly understand just how powerful he is.
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takara-kaneko · 4 years
I know I request a lot now so take your time. It could you do a part 2 to the mc leaving one? Good or bad doesnt matter, just some closure about if they’re capable of changing and get mc back? Maybe building up mcs confidence again bc now they’re hesitant to start planning parties again.
Surprisingly, I’m still here! Pandemic life has been really getting to me, haha, but I am still here! I’ve been working on this fic for a while, and it has become much larger than I had first anticipated, but I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless!  If you haven’t read the first story, then click Here!! 
Let Me Go Part 2 (Good End) 
Zen 🎭
He was in his dressing room, changing out of the costume of his most recent character. The performance was a success, and he had been receiving so many compliments by the audience and the cast alike. But he didn’t really feel happy. Hell, he hadn’t been happy for a long time now. Not since MC left. 
Without thinking, he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. Staring at back him was her contact photo, with an empty text bar below. Zen had written up so many drafts, each giving a different apology, and each begging for forgiveness. But he never sent them to her. Not until everything within the RFA was fixed; not until he had fixed everything. 
It has taken some hard work, but he was finally believing that things were the way they should be. The RFA was making strides coping with their loss of Rika. Many, himself included, were really starting to move on. Maybe it was time for him to message. 
With bated breath, he began typing. “I don’t know if this is too late, but I’m sorry. For everything. I don’t expect your forgiveness, nor do I deserve it… I’m just… trying to repair what I’ve done. I’m trying to fix me. MC, I love you, more than I can express in a text. I hope you know that.”
His finger hovered over the ‘send’ button. It had been months, did she really want to get something from him now? Would she even care, or has she already gotten over him? Zen shook his head, trying to ignore his thoughts. With nothing to lose, he sent it. As it was delivered, he heard a chime from outside his door, followed by a soft curse.
Curious, Zen approached the door and opened it. There was no one in front of him, but as he looked out, he saw a figure walking away from him. A figure that had haunted his thoughts and riddled his dreams. Zen stepped forward a few steps and reached out to her, a painful expression painting his face. 
“MC! MC, wait...” 
She stopped but doesn’t turn back to him. “I watched the show…” He strained to hear her, she was almost whispering, “You were really good, Zen.” 
Zen had to restrain himself from approaching her. From wrapping her in his arms and refuse to let her go ever again. But he couldn’t do that to her, she had every right to leave him and never return.
“I didn’t know you were going to watch it. I could’ve gotten you tickets.” He didn’t really know what to say. He was being awkward, Zen knew he was, but so long as she continued to talk to him, he couldn’t ask for anything more. 
MC still didn’t move, almost frozen where she stood. “I didn’t know I was either. A friend of mine got tickets and she didn’t tell me where we were going until I saw you on stage. And I…” Turning her head towards him, he could see the tears falling from her eyes. “...I realized how much I’ve really missed you, Hyun.” 
There wasn’t even a moment to think before Zen was in front of her, wiping away the tears on MC’s face. “Jagi, please don’t cry, I don’t deserve your tears. I’m the one who caused you to leave.” 
He wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in the crook of her neck. If she was really going to be out of his life, he wanted one last memory of her. Her scent, the feeling of her on his skin. Anything he could, he wanted to remember. 
“I’m so sorry, MC… I’m so sorry.” A sob escaped Zen as he stood there, gripping the love of his life. 
“Did you mean it?” She whispered into his chest, “Your text, do you really mean what you wrote?” 
Zen stopped a moment. Did she really not think that he would change everything if it would give him a chance to get her back? “Baby, of course, I do. I would do anything, anything, if it meant that you would still be here.” 
MC sniffled a bit before taking a few steps back. More than anything, Zen wanted to hold on, wanted to have her stay and be with him. But it was her choice, and he refused to take that away from her. As he released her, Zen clenched his jaw to restrain his want to grab her hand. 
She looked up at him, her lip quivering. “I can’t… I can’t just come back like nothing ever happened.” 
 Zen nodded. Yes, he knew that this would be the answer. After all, he didn’t deserve her, even for the time he actually had her. To get MC back was just- 
“We have to start over.”  She declared, pulling Zen out from his own thoughts in a flash, “From the beginning. I need to know that this is real, not something you’ll say to get me back and it goes back to the way it was before. I can’t do that again and I-”
MC’s words are cut short by the feeling of Zen’s hand caressing her face. He looked at her, with nothing but pure euphoria. “For you to be in my life, even if it’s just as friends, I’ll do whatever you need me to. If you want to restart, I’ll just...” 
 Taking a few steps back, he reached out his hand for a handshake, “Hi, my name is Hyun Ryu, stage name Zen. And I am hopelessly in love with you.”
Trying to fight back the tears, she reached up and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m MC. And I have missed you every second you have been out of my life.” 
Yoosung ⭐️
These past few months had been a really rough time for Yoosung. Not only having to deal with the regular stresses of his life, but he also had no idea how to do it without depending on someone as capable as MC. 
He had decided to focus entirely on school, even considered dropping out of the RFA, but at their refusal, he explained what happened. The weight of their actions dawned on them. The whole group pledged to work on this mistake, without much pushing from Yoosung. They all seemed to miss MC, even if it isn’t as much as Yoosung did. 
But with the RFA making steady progress, Yoosung decided to get a hold on his life, passing all of his courses this year with flying colors. 
Part of him wanted to call MC, tell her all the good things he accomplished in his strides to become better, but with only time he’s heard from her was the reply to the text he sent the night she left; he didn’t feel he deserved to talk to MC. He didn’t want to bother her. She likely never wanted to see him again, and he couldn’t blame her. 
 But with finals finally done, Yoosung felt like it was time to reward himself for his success. There was a limited time expansion for LOLOL and Yoosung had just saved enough to get it. He went into the game store, excited to finally get to play it. 
Getting in line, he couldn’t help but stare at the hair of the woman in front of him. If he didn’t know better, he probably would’ve thought that it was MC-
Wait. Was that MC? She had the same beautiful locks, the same frame, but it was hard to tell from the baggy sweatshirt she had on. He stood, awkwardly staring at the girl in front of him, trying to build up the nerve to just poke, maybe brush into her so she’d turn around?   
No, no that was stupid… What if it was her, what then?  ‘Oh hey MC, nice to see you again? I haven’t been a happy a single moment since you left; I need you in my life.’ Yeah, Yoosung tells himself, that’s a horrible plan. If it was her, she probably wouldn’t want to see him, anyway. 
He pulls out his phone to look at her last text, “And my heart to you, Star.” Sure, she said that, but did he actually deserve that? Wasn’t what he put her through enough?  But even so… he wanted to see her, even just once. He glanced back down at his phone, at her ring that has become his keychain and made up his mind. 
“Hey, sunshine.” He said, enough for the girl in front him, but not loud enough that it was directed toward her. He watched as she flinched, dropping her phone in the process. 
Yoosung went for it, apologizing as he did. Picking up the phone, he freezes. On the lock screen was of him, happily hugging the love of his life. He remembered that photo, it was the first time MC told him that she loved him. It was one of the happiest moments in Yoosung's life. 
A pair of hands met his, taking the phone. Yoosung almost tried to keep the phone to keep looking at the photo, but it’s not his phone, so he let the other hands take it. Standing back up, he was face to face with MC. 
Status: Frozen
Yoosung had no idea what he was supposed to do. Should he talk? Wave? Maybe just ignore her…? What? no! Swallowing thickly, Yoosung stuck his hand out to wave at her. 
‘I’m such an idiot’ Flashed through his head, but he had to push past it. 
“Hey, Sunshine. You… you look really good.” 
She looked down at her sweatshirt and baggy pants and laughed softly, “I haven’t taken a shower in two days, I needed to get to a high enough level to be able to play the DLC. I don’t have you to carry me through those high-level missions anymore…” MC trails off, looking away from him.
“Are you kidding?” Yoosung said, surprised, "You were much better than me when I started. You’ll be one of the top members on the server in no time! You’re already at ranking 137, that’s incredible to only have been playing for a few months!”
At his words, MC’s eyes widened. Yoosung realized how weird his statement must’ve been. Who keeps track of their ex-girlfriend’s gaming status? Him, definitely. There were times Yoosung wanted to offer her the legendary gear he had collected, but could never build up enough courage. 
Clutching a strand of her hair, MC sucked in a breath, “Well… How have you been? Classes going well?” 
Yoosung nodded shyly, now embarrassed and not sure what to say with her finally in front of him, “Yeah, Finally passed with some of the top grades in my class! Your study guides really helped me out, though I missed working with you on them.” 
“Well, you seem to be getting along fine, so you can’t be missing much.” 
With furrowed brows, Yoosung caught MC's hand as she was about to turn away, “MC… I have been doing these things for you. For how much you pushed me and supported me. For me to fail when you left, would be the ultimate proof that I never should have had you in the first place.” 
MC opened her mouth to speak, but Yoosung persisted, not allowing her to say something that couldn’t be more wrong, “You think I’ve just moved on, but I still haven’t, I swear that to you. Instead, I’m trying to be someone you’d be proud of. Improving my grades, becoming more independent. Even the RFA is trying to change to make it more welcoming to you, if you’d ever think about coming back to me-  us. Come back to us.” 
There was so much more he wanted to say, needed to say. But just as he opened his mouth to speak- 
“Miss, you’re next.” The cashier said, gesturing to MC. Hesitantly, MC released her hand from his grasp and left him alone. He watched as she conversed lightly with the attendant checking out her game. With a smile, he returned her change and a bag with the game inside. Yoosung reached out to talk to her again, but the man calling him caught him off guard. He glanced over towards the man, then back to MC, only to see she was gone. 
With a heavy heart, he reached the man and bought his game, not even reciprocating the attendant’s excited comments about the DLC. Exiting the store, Yoosung was trying not to cry. (He needed to get back home before that happened) So as he went through the door, he didn’t see the figure standing beside it until they had grabbed the back of his shirt. But he was sad, he was angry, he was ready to throw down. Imagine his surprise when he turned, fists formed, only to be face-to-face with MC once again. 
“Sorry to scare you!”  She squeaked, putting her hands up in surrender. 
The sadness in his heart immediately changed to relief as he looked into her serene eyes. Everything was right with the world once again. 
 MC stood there, mustering up the courage to ask the one thing has had been wanting to say since the beginning of their conversation. “I was uh, just wondering if you would like to… You don’t have to say yes, but I’d like you to.”
Even though nothing was actually explained, Yoosung still had a slight idea of what she was trying to say, “I’d love to work together to beat the next few levels with you, MC. Superman Yoosung is always here for Eternal Sunshine MC.” 
She nodded at him, tears beginning to prick the corners of her eyes “I think I’d really like that.” 
Jumin 🍷
“Just reporting: Has the famous CEO bachelor finally found his date to the upcoming charity ball?” 
With a sigh, Jumin turned off his smartphone. Despite their engagement was never announced publicly, reporters everywhere were trying to pin down who was the 'next woman' to be Jumin’s girl now that he was seemingly single. What they never accounted for was that he had no other plans. MC was the only woman he believed could ever understand him. And in these few months, that point became even more airtight. Not even his father truly understood the pain he was going through. He found himself wanting nothing more than to just work and stay home, avoiding everyone. 
But he did have to go to this charity ball. He had made a large donation, albeit in the company’s name, to the organization. After all, it was one that MC supported the most. It meant the world to her, so he’d give it as much support as he could. 
Jumin exited the limo and easily ignored the flashing lights of the cameras around him. Ignored the passing questions and remarks from the reporters. All but one. 
“Have you finally found a replacement for your ex-girlfriend?” 
It took all he had not to turn back to the reporter. MC could never just be replaced. There was no one in the world like her. So with gritted teeth, he entered into the building. 
For Jumin, entering the room immediately calmed his nerves. Looking around the scenery was like a breath of fresh air when such a feeling was so foreign to him recently. He couldn’t spot anything in particular that could make him feel that way, but the whole place just felt so comfortable. 
Glancing at the people, however, there was someone that stuck out among the rest. A woman in a sleek, black dress, carrying a glass of champagne as she laughed with the man across from her. Anger flared in the back of his mind as he watched the smile that graced her slender face. As the man touched the soft skin on her hand. No one should touch his MC- 
But she wasn’t his anymore, was she? And he no longer had a say on who she talked to, not that she would have completely listened to him anyways. 
Even as he was thinking this, Jumin found himself nearing them. Seems his subconscious was wanting to see her once more. Wanting to get that man’s hand off of her. But would she even want to see him? 
Not stepping any further, he began watching her again, trying to commit every feature to memory. But she caught his eyes for a moment before turning back to the target of her conversation. With a small handshake, she turned and headed towards him. 
Unprepared for this conversation, he picked up a glass of champagne from a tray passing him by and drank at least half of the liquid in one gulp. He noted the smile on her face as he did it, which he found interesting. But there was no time to think about it as MC was already on him before he knew it. “Jumin, it’s a pleasure to see you could make it out here. I take you were the one behind C&R’s large monetary donation?” 
Jumin was still frozen, unsure of what to say. She seemed happy. And she was the one to come to him, not the other way around. Surely she actually wanted to speak to him or she wouldn’t have come to him, right? He coughed lightly and looked into her eyes, “Yes, I remember you speaking so highly about this charity, so when the opportunity arose, I made sure to contribute. The RFA’s funding should be coming here too from the most recent party, as well.” 
“Yes, I’m aware,” MC nodded, gesturing vaguely behind her, “I spoke to V a moment ago, he came to represent the RFA.” Puzzled, he looked at her with a curious expression. MC understood and smiled, “I’m now one of the leading positions within the organization. I’m their event coordinator, so I get the list of attendants, as well as how much they donated. Both C&R and the RFA’s were very generous, I must thank you.” 
While it was unexpected, Jumin wasn't surprised. MC was very talented and capable of greatness. He smiled at her, and nodded slowly, “I’m glad to see you’re still making a name for yourself, MC. You’re a talented woman, they are very lucky to have you here.” 
A blush spread across her face at his words. She looked down at the ground for a moment before gazing back at Jumin. There was so much he wanted to say, but here and now wasn’t the right time. He leaned in closer to her, his breath brushing past her ear, “May I speak with you a moment?”   
She nodded slowly and followed him to the corner of the room, away from the crowd. Not that he truly noticed them in the beginning, as everything else seemed to fade away when he is with her. But in their isolation, he could feel his heart swell. Jumin wanted to hold her hand, kiss her, tell her how much he missed her, and loved her. How much he prayed she would come back. But none of that actually came out, all he could do was close the distance between them and wrap his arms around her affectionately. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes as he held her against him. 
Jumin shakily sighed as her hands gripped the fabric of his suit, “Oh, how I’ve missed you…” 
In a quick motion, she pulled away from him, but only enough to look at him with a scrutinizing gaze, “You actually missed me?” 
“Without a doubt, I have longed for you every moment you were away. Did you think otherwise?” He looked at her, feeling a mix of curiosity and worry. 
MC shook her head, her smile falling as confusion began to cover her expression, “If you missed me, why haven’t you tried to bring me back? A message, a call… anything? You’ve been silent this whole time… Even V talks to me more than you do and we both know how hard he is to get in touch with.” 
Sliding his hands down to hold her hand, Jumin tried to put his thoughts into words. “Because I don’t deserve you. You were perfect and I was… flawed. All of us were. I didn’t want you to be brought down because of us. You had left for a good reason." 
“Jumin,” She said softly, “I am far from perfect. I left you instead of trying to work with you on it. And when you never called... I thought you hated me-“ 
Without wasting a moment, Jumin leaned in to connect his lips with hers, cutting off her next words. Hate her? He never once held the smallest amount of anger towards her, the thought of it was revolting. Separating their lips just enough for him to speak, he leaned against her forehead,  “I could never hate the woman I’m hopelessly in love with.” 
She closed the distance between them, sealing the two in another kiss. They embraced in the corner of the room and began to dance before the music even began to play. 
Saeyoung 🚧
Every day was just like the last. Get up, work, finish the job, sleep. The only variation was when Vanderwood would show up in the day. Ever since MC left, he had been coming over more often, complaining that he had to clean up after him more now that MC wasn’t there anymore. 
Though it was really to make sure that he was okay and to force him to eat.
And he was right. Once she left, Seayoung fell right back into his bad habits. Not eating, barely ever sleeping. He was nothing more than a slave with survival as his only goal. To live long enough to see those he loved living a happy life without him. 
But it was odd, he wasn’t able to track MC here recently. She was on the CCTV still, trying to talk to him through it ignoring the strange looks she got for shouting and gesturing at a surveillance camera. But in the world of binary numbers, it was almost like she turned into a ghost. 
With a sigh, Saeyoung turned on his system to continue working on his newest assignment. Maybe it was a good thing, to never be able to see her. Then he’d never be reminded of all the reasons he should never have made her leave.
The words covered the page. Not knowing what had happened, he knew one thing. He had been hacked.
Saeyoung froze.  How did… it wasn’t possible. With crossed brows, he began trying to get around the evident hacking that had infiltrated his servers. All the information he had on this comp- 
“Oh, no... God, please... No.” He muttered, remembering all of the photos he had of his brother and of MC. If his ineptitude put either of them at risk, he could never forgive himself. 
But as he broke deeper and deeper through the firewalls that were placed, he noticed that the hacker had a lock on everything but the photos of them. It didn’t make sense, but it was almost completely untouched.
As he clicked the folder, their photos appeared on screen, untouched, perfect. Except, there was one addition, a video with a black screen. 
 Holding his breath, Saeyoung opens the video. It shows a blank screen for the longest time until a simple 6 words appeared. 
As his mind began processing the words on the screen, Vanderwood entered the room. For a moment, Saeyoung was worried he’d yell at him for the state of his computer, but his partner only looked at him with a knowing grin. 
“MC said that you can either spend two hours unlocking your computer or come into the living room to talk with her for ten minutes.” He stated, trying not to look as amused as he really was. 
 With a sigh, he looked away from Vanderwood, "There really is no way around this, is there?” His friend didn’t reply, only shook his head. Saeyoung stood up, sticking his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and walked out of his room.
There she was. 
Just a few feet away. 
His heart broke just seeing her beautiful face and wanted nothing more than to go to her and apologize for all that he’s done. But he didn’t. Instead, Saeyoung walked passed her and sits across the room, as far as possible. Without a word. “You’ll release my computer?” He asked coldly, staring at the ground beneath her seat. 
MC nodded, before realizing he wasn’t looking at her. Chuckling lightly, she couldn’t help nodding again, “Yes, I will. You know me, I stick to my word. Other than the hour statement I told Vanderwood, it would’ve taken longer. But if you had chosen the hard route, you would’ve realized how much harder it really was after two hours went by and come out anyway.” 
Withholding the want to look at her, Saeyoung ran his hand through his hair. “How did you manage to get into so much of my software without my noticing?”
“When I left, I had wondered if you really didn’t know what you were doing, or if you were just pushing me away again.” She sighed, taking a moment before continuing, “So I hacked in far enough to see your code, and then set up a virus to the video input of your computer. Then I spoke to the CCTV and waited. 15 seconds. That was all it took until you opened it to see me speaking. And as long as that was up, my virus got through. I really didn’t think it would actually work, so it was really helpful you would only focus on me when the videos were up. I suppose I should thank you for that.” 
He could hear Vanderwood laughing from the kitchen, but decided to ignore it. “Why? Why interfere in my work?” 
His sharp tone cut into MC, but she only smiled at his harshness. “Because I wanted to see you, Sae.” 
She.. what? He had outcasted her, tore her down, and made her feel worthless. And she wanted to see him? Saeyoung was at a loss for words. It took a moment for him to speak again. 
“There’s no reason for you to see me again. I don’t have closure or anything for you. You’re better off-“ 
“That’s not what I want.” She interrupted. Taking the moment of silence between then, she stood up and approached Saeyoung, sitting next to him. 
He wouldn’t look at her. He couldn’t. One glance and he knew all of his walls would break. 
“Then what do you want?” 
She placed her hand on top of his, trying not to lose her composure as he moved his hand away from hers. “I want to be with you again.” 
Saeyoung couldn’t help the scoff that came out of his mouth. “I thought you made it pretty clear you didn’t. Isn’t that why you left?” 
While every word he spoke felt like a dagger in his heart, his face remains stoic. “I needed time. And I got that. This was never a permanent deal unless *you* make it one. 
“Then consider this our official breakup. Clean my computer and leave.” 
MC turned her head away from him for a moment, no doubt to wipe away her tears again. “I don’t believe it.” 
“Well, it’s true!” He shouted. “I don’t care about you, now leave me alone!” 
As she goes to refute his words, nothing but a small whimper came out. She placed her hand on his once again, not allowing it to get out of her grasp. With tears in her eyes and a reforged determination, she stared at the man she loves. “Then look me in the eyes and tell me that. Tell me you don’t feel an ounce of feelings for me, and I’ll leave.” 
The quivering of her voice ripped through him in ways that bullets never could. But if he didn’t do it, she would be dragged down with him. Gripping his hoodie tightly, he lifted his eyes to reach hers. To tell her one last time to leave him and go live the life she was meant to live. 
But as he stared at her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, the words he wanted to say disappeared, and Saeyoung began to do the one thing he didn’t want to do- speak from the heart. 
“I never want you to cry, MC. Don’t you see that… That you’ll be hurt by staying with me, and you’ll cry. And I can't take seeing you like that. I can’t tell you I don’t care, but I will ask you to leave, one last time.” 
Unable to look anymore, he dropped his eyes, staring at their conjoined hands until something lightly touched his forehead. Feeling her lips on his skin sent shudders down his body as tears formed in his eyes. 
“I have cried more time since I left this house than I would have in a lifetime by your side. My love, nothing hurts worse than being apart from you.” She could only whisper, the sounds getting stuck in her throat. “Please, Sae, please let me back in.” 
 Saeyoung looked back up, into MC's red-rimmed eyes. How could he ever refuse her? With a simple nod of his head, Saeyoung reached for her, clutching her tightly in a breathtaking hug. And MC’s hold was just as strong. 
Maybe he was wrong. Could this time be the good route, the one where he can actually be happy? Saeyoung didn’t know, but with the feeling of MC in his arms, he doesn’t see how life could get any better. 
.  .  . 
After hearing the conversation, Vanderwood stood awkwardly in the kitchen, wondering when it’s would be okay for him to come back out.
I really hope that you guys enjoyed it! It was a pleasure to write your requests. If you have any ideas, feel free to drop a free request! 
If you want a larger work, come check out my commissions! 
And if you enjoy my work and want to support me, please give me a ko-fi! 
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nmikaelsonimagines · 4 years
Choices: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: could you write a fic set during season 3 where the reader is friends with the group (maybe she’s a Fell or something?) and is human and is weirdly drawn to Klaus but gets upset when he starts flirting with Caroline and she’s all like “of course he wants her. Why would he want me? I’m just a stupid, pathetic, weak human.” and she ends up confiding in Rebekah and Elijah (bc she’s good friends with them as none of the Originals tried to hurt or kill her) then either Klaus overhears or one of them tells him and Klaus confesses to her that it was all just a game to see how much he could annoy the group but in reality he likes the reader. Of course the group aren’t happy at all and makes her choose and she turns up at the Mansion with her stuff. You can decide how you want to end it :) 
Request from Anon: How about a fic set during 3x14 of TVD where the reader is part of the group but tries to stay out of a lot of the drama and she finds Klaus attractive. She is invited to the ball and goes even though she feels kind of stupid and not beautiful and sees Klaus and Caroline and realised that she will never be wanted or given a 2nd glance so leaves early. Elijah sees and goes to her house to see if she’s okay and she tells him everything. He then tells Klaus who confess his feelings for her?
Combined these two so I hope that’s okay! Hope this is okay for you lovelies, and enjoy x 
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You weren’t supposed to be the protagonist in the story, always considering yourself to be more of a side character. The side characters didn’t fall for the villains, that was the job of the protagonist; she was the one who would make him realise that he wasn’t a bad person, would allow him to open up before she finally realised she was in love with him.
That wasn’t supposed to be you, but yet, here you were, feeling your heart break as the bad guy flirted with your friend, complimenting her on how she looked in the dress that he had bought her.
You weren’t supposed to be jealous, you weren’t supposed to be hurting, but when Klaus looked at Caroline like she was his entire world, you couldn’t help it.
No-one knew how you felt about the hybrid, and you were planning to keep it that way. Your friends already didn’t approve of the relationship you had established with Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson, the more sophisticated of the two having become someone you could confide in, sharing your love of culture, of literature, of music, both of you trying to stay out of any drama that broke out between your friends and his family.
When the fights had cleared, you often both found yourselves exasperated, laughing about how your plans to stay out of it all hadn’t exactly worked.
You were sure Elijah had his suspicions about your feelings for his brother, clever enough to recognise a knowing look. He’d spoken to you tonight, and you were sure he had seen how your eyes had drifted to his brother, hoping he would notice you in a dress that when you’d put it on, you’d never felt more beautiful in.
You didn’t feel beautiful anymore.
You felt stupid. Pathetic. So boringly human.
Why would someone like Klaus Mikaelson ever fall in love with someone like you? Not when he had Caroline Forbes in his sight, her hair framing her face, every feature perfectly placed, immortality suiting her well. You didn’t resent Caroline for that; she was your friend, and a bloody good one at that, but for the first time in your life, you found yourself wishing she didn’t exist.
In order to quell more destructive thoughts, you turned, moving your eyes away from Klaus, trying desperately to avoid any more pain. No, it was time to go now. It wasn’t like anyone was going to miss you. You cornered a waiter and politely asked him to tell Elijah Mikaelson that you had gone home and you would see him tomorrow, before walking out of the Mikaelson mansion and going home.
Within a few hours, you were out of your dress, hanging it up on the door and sighing at the thought of never wearing it again; how many balls would you be invited to in your lifetime? You were in your pyjamas now, bed socks on, ready to settle down and watch trashy TV. You almost screamed when you opened your bedroom door to find Elijah sitting on your bed. He was staring at the television, which now broadcast some sitcom whose name you had forgotten.
“Really, Y/N. I expected better of you.”
“Why are you here, Elijah?”
“I came to see if you were okay,” he stood, turning off the television, “You left early. Why?”
“Wasn’t feeling well.”
“What was it? Headache? Nausea? Jealousy?”
Normally you would have snapped back with a witty comment, told Elijah that you didn’t know what he was talking about. But you were tired and you were hurting and you were self-loathing, and before you knew it you were crying and telling Elijah that you were head over heels in love with his younger brother who would never love you back because you were just a stupid human who clearly wasn’t that beautiful even when you were putting the effort in.
You didn’t remember Elijah putting you to bed, wrapping a blanket around you as you slept. You didn’t remember his promise to fix everything, before leaving to go and give his brother a good talking to.
The next day, you heard a knock at the door, expecting it to be your friends. They were on their way, Elena having woken you up with a phone call, explaining how they needed to tell you what they had discovered at the Mikaelson ball last night. You resisted telling her you really didn’t care, muttering okay down the line before hanging up.
So much for a lie in.
But when you opened the door, you were surprised to see Klaus Mikaelson standing there. He looked nervous, and it took you a while to register that he was really there.
“Can I come in?”
“Um, yeah, sure.”
He walked into the house, and you watched as he sat down. He rubbed his hands up and down his jeans, nerves suggesting that he had something to say. You decided not to push it, too tired for any Klaus Mikaelson drama, although secretly, it was a life you were hoping for.
“You left early last night.”
You couldn’t help the remark that slipped off your tongue.
“You noticed then.”
“I noticed a lot. You looked nice by the way.”
Time to cut the crap.
“Why are you here, Klaus?”
He looked up at you, and you resisted the urge to lose yourself in those blue eyes. For what you imagined was the first time since you had known him, Klaus Mikaelson looked sincere.
“Elijah told me.”
“Elijah told you what?”
“How you feel. About me.”
“That’s why I’m here. To tell you that you’re not stupid. If anyone’s been stupid, it’s me. All the flirting with Caroline, I didn’t mean any of it. It was all just part of some game to annoy your friends, and to- to make you jealous.”
Your heart was beating rapidly.
“What are you saying, Klaus?”
He stood up, taking your hands in his.
“What I’m saying, Y/N Y/L/N, is that I’m in love with you too.”
Your heart stopped beating.
You didn’t know who kissed who, whose idea it was to move back over to sofa, lips never leaving each other’s, didn’t care about any of it. All you knew was that Klaus was in love with you, that you were in love with him, and that you were no longer the side character that you thought you were supposed to be.
There was a spell cast on both of you in that moment, an unbreakable bond that you never wanted to break.
It was a shame your friends showed up just when things were moving along nicely.
Perhaps needless to say, it didn’t go down particularly well when your friends walked in on you and Klaus Mikaelson kissing. There was a lot of shouting, from both parties, noise that came to a head when you were asked a question that should have been difficult, but instead was so easy to answer.
“Well, make your choice. Us or him?”
The friends who didn’t really feel like friends or the man who had just told you he loved you, with a family who had time for you?
The next day you showed up at the Mikaelson mansion with your belongings, Klaus placing a kiss on your cheek when you’d moved in. He smiled at you, promising to give you the world. Always and forever. Out of all the choices you’d made in your life, this would turn out to be the best one.
It was the beginning of a new journey, of a better life.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
Back to the Future
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~1.9k
Warnings: none except fluff and my bad writing bc this is kinda old, btw this is an AU 2017 timeline shhh steve is 33/99 in this hehe
Summary: In which you give Steve the best birthday present possible, with the help of a few genius Avengers and time travel. 
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"Hey! It's one of my favorite kickass superheroes!"
"My favorite Baskin Robbins employee!"
Scott squeezed you into one of his signature tight bear hugs. "Hi! It's been a while."
"Two months is pretty long, yeah," you nodded in agreement. "Where's Cassie?"
"She wanted to come, but had to go to a friend's birthday party," he explained. "I can bring her here next time she's free, though."
"Sounds good."
"So, what'd Tony call me over for again?"
You quickly looked around the lounge before lowering your voice to a whisper. "Steve's birthday is today and we wanted to plan a special surprise for him."
"Ooh, surprises? I love surprises!" he said as you sat down at the kitchen counter together, taking a bite out of a chocolate chip cookie. "I'm listening."
"So..." you rested your chin on your hand as you spoke, "we're going to bring his mother back from the 40's..."
"That's amazing! So everyone else is in on this, right?"
"Yeah. I'm having Sam keep Cap out of the compound for at least another hour by making them take a run throughout all of Central Park. We should probably head out now. You got the van, right? And Luis?"
"Yeah, he's waiting outside by the curb. I'll let him know."
"Okay. Meet us in the hangar bay."
Sliding your army green parka, you grabbed your purse and took the elevator down to the giant hangar bay, where the rest of the team had all gathered. Tony was fiddling with the controls panel as Natasha opened the gates, allowing Luis and Scott to park the van inside.
"Aye, wassup, Y/N?" Luis stepped out of the vehicle as Scott prepped it for the time travel, giving you a high-five. "So I hear you're planning a surprise for your boyfriend?"
"Steve's not my boyfriend," you shook your head.
"Yeah? Then what's with all those lingering gazes?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure you don't."
"When are they getting back?" Wanda asked you.
"We have about..." you tapped your watch a few times, "...exactly 52 minutes from now."
"I feel kinda bad," Peter admitted, "I mean, as soon as Cap wakes up we kick him out of the compound to go running and we're acting like we all forgot what today is."
"Don't worry, kiddo, this'll make up for it," Tony reassured him, clasping his shoulder. "I'm sure of it."
"Alright, so here's the plan," you clasped your hands together, "two of you will be sent back to 1935, a year before Sarah Rogers passed away. You'll explain the situation when you arrive and while that's happening, the rest of us will start setting up the party in the lounge. When you're ready, press the buttons on your suits and come back. Capiche?"
"Capiche," everyone replied in unison.
"Great. Who's willing to volunteer?"
"Clint and I can go," Bucky offered, glancing over at the archer for confirmation, and he nodded in response. "I know my way around there very well."
"Alright. Everyone else, you know what to do. Let's get to work."
Both of them being over six feet tall just like Steve himself, and having speedy and nimble limbs, Thor and Loki had the giant banner reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAP!, the streamers, and balloons up and ready within 15 minutes. Wanda helped you, Natasha, and Peter started laying out all the food on the counter, while Tony, Rhodey, Vision, and Bruce organized the gifts and got the cards ready for you all to sign.
By the time everyone was finished doing their respective jobs, you had roughly twenty minutes before the two men were scheduled to return from their mid-morning run. The elevator doors slid open to reveal Luis and Scott standing there with Clint, Bucky, and a golden-haired woman who had the same piercing eyes as your Steve.
"Hi," she greeted, "I've heard from these two gentlemen here that you are the Avengers. How is Steve doing?"
"He's on a run with Sam," you replied. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Rogers. I'm Y/N."
"You're even lovelier than James described," she smiled warmly, shaking your hand. "And please, call me Sarah."
"I'm really not," you grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck, "But thank you. I can see where he gets his kindness from."
"Oh, you're too sweet. By the way, how old is he turning today? I've lost track of time. I guess that's what age does to you, huh?"
"Well, aside from being frozen and all...33," you returned her smile upon seeing her amazed look, "Yeah, I know. I can't believe it either, even though I'm not much younger than he is."
"My boy really has grown up, hasn't he...Does he treat you well, Miss Y/N?"
"Of course!" you laughed as you set the cake on the dining table. "He's a great leader, and teammate." "I've always pushed him to try and find a lady since he entered high school. From what I’ve learned, you seem like the right one for him," she commented.
"Me? No," you brushed the thought off, "We're just friends."
"I may not have known you for very long, but I saw that little twinkle in your eyes ladies only get when they show interest in someone. And Steve, he's very lucky to have you, you know."
"Mrs—Sarah! We aren't—"
"See, even she agrees!" Bucky pointed over at her. "We've all been trying to push them together from the moment they first joined the Avengers."
"When is he getting back?"
"A little under 15, ma'am," Natasha responded. "That should be enough time for the finishing touches."
It was all chaotic from there; with everyone rushing around and making last-minute changes such as how everything was arranged and all. As soon as you got the text from Sam that they were on their way up, you looked up and immediately told the others, as Tony ordered them all to get in position.
"FRIDAY, turn the lights off," he commanded.
"Yes, sir."
The lights dimmed and turned off, and you, Natasha, and Wanda crouched behind the kitchen counter together, as the others hid behind the dining table or simply stood there when there was no more room left, and Peter curled himself into a small ball underneath. Sarah was standing around the corner, behind the pantry.
"Yes, that would be perfect."
"Hello?" Steve called out as he stepped out of the elevator with Sam by his side, looking around all confused. "Tony? Y/N? Nat? Where is everyone?"
"Don't know, man," Sam feigned cluelessness, "Maybe they went out or something."
You felt a pang in your chest upon peeking over slightly and seeing the hurt look briefly flash across his features. Locking eyes with Tony across the kitchen, you gave him a nod that signaled it's go time.
The lights flickered on and everyone jumped out from their hiding spots. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVE!"
It took Steve a moment to register what was going on before he reacted, mouth dropping open slightly as he took in the scene before him. "You guys did this all...for me? When? How? And why?"
"Because we wanted to make this year extra special for you, Captain," Peter stated with a wide grin, spreading his arms out. "You deserve it. Happy uh...9..33rd!"
"Oh, wait! Before we get to the cake and all, there's one more thing!" Your face brightened as you spoke. "Sarah? You can come out now."
"Sarah what...Who are you talking about?" His brows furrowed together in confusion. "What are you..."
"Hi, Steve," she stepped around the corner, approaching her son. "Happy birthday."
"Ma?" A look of shock and disbelief appeared on his face, eyes widening slightly. "Are you...is this real?"
"Yes, dear, I'm real," Sarah reassured him. "I'm sorry for missing out on so much...I wish I'd been there to see you grow up to become this man you are now. James made sure to catch me up on all that's happened this century."
Tears began watering in his eyes and he was rendered speechless. "I..."
"Hey hey hey, don't cry, sweetheart," she laughed as she wrapped her arms around his broad frame, patting his back as his body began to tremble slightly from his sobs. "It's okay, I'm here."
"Aw, I'm getting all emotional now," Luis sniffed. "This is too much sentiment for me, man."
Steve pulled away a few moments later, laughing as he wiped away the remaining tears from his face. "I can't believe this."
"It was Y/N's idea!" Peter exclaimed. "You have her to thank, not us. You can thank Wanda and I for the cake, though! But this, was all her idea."
He immediately pulled you into his arms, rocking you from side to side and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"You're the best," he mumbled, burying his face into the crook of your neck, as your arms circled around his torso. "I can't thank you enough. How am I supposed to payback for this?"
"It's fine, there's no need to thank me," you chuckled. "As long as I get to see you happy, that's enough as it is."
Sarah agreed to stay for the week so she could make up for lost time with Steve before returning back to her normal timeline. After eating Wanda and Vision's delicious feast of Salisbury steak and potatoes, you got ready for cake and presents, sitting around on the couches in the living room together.
"So, from what James has told me here," Sarah spoke up, "Steve has seemed to taken a liking to someone not long after joining the so-called initiative? He talks about you nonstop when you depart for missions without him, Y/N, and you do as well."
All heads immediately whipped over to face you.
"Oh, ha ha, that..." you chuckled nervously, feeling your face heat up. It didn't help that Steve was sitting right next to you, and could probably see how red your cheeks were. "We're just friends, nothing more. Neither one of us has feelings for the other."
"LIES! LIES!" Pietro shouted. "That's a lie!"
"I'm not gonna deny that, because why lie when the answer's already been made obvious?" Steve shrugged. Everyone's jaws dropped at his statement.
"Okay, the ice cream cake's gonna melt if we keep sitting here and watching the lovebirds," Tony cleared his throat and began lighting up the candles one by one. "Let's do this."
After a quick chorus of 'Happy Birthday' (which was surprisingly good to the point that Wanda videotaped it since she claimed you sounded like a church choir) you were on to cutting the cake.
"I just wanted to ask something really quick. I know it's your birthday and all, but...where's the engagement ring, Cap?" Peter questioned, a mischievous grin on his face. "Are you gonna pop the question?"
"There's an engagement ring?"
"No, Ma, he's joking," Steve chuckled, though his face was now a deep shade of scarlet. "We haven't taken that step yet."
"Yet?" You looked over at him, confused. "So we're dating now, huh? Didn't know that."
"I guess we are," he smiled, holding your gaze for a second longer than normal.
"Well then," Sarah beamed, "you have my approval. I wish you the best of luck in your relationship."
"Hahaha, we will never let you fair Midgardians live this moment down!" Thor boomed, voice muffled by the piece of cake stuffed in his mouth.
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seijurosempress · 3 years
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@shoichee​ I hope this meets your expectations✨ (Bc I refuse to tolerate any more bullying today. Also- Matchup under the cut)
First, I just want to say- I’m sorry. (but not really). I know our love for Hayama runs deep but the moment you choose violence with him, that’s it for you. RIP. It was nice knowing you 😔 But, remember when we first spoke and I asked you if you shipped yourself with Imayoshi and you refused to answer my question? Well- [Insert ‘Surprise shawty’ tik tok audio]
Best Match: Imayoshi Shoichi
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Your subconscious knew what it was doing when you picked out your URL. The moment you said you related to Dazai and then proceeded to talk about socioeconomic issues revolving around globalization while we simultaneously talked about dumb stuff I knew there were only a few guys that could handle your energy and Imayoshi hands down tops that list
Even though Hanamiya out of all people might say Imayoshi doesn’t have the best personality, I actually think you two can balance each other out and understand each other in a way other people may not be able to
Honestly, right off the bat, y’all will probably bond over some form of teasing. Whether it’s making some remark aimed directly at the other, or one of you takes a jab at someone else and the other happens to overhear, it will be the start of a beautiful relationship
Gemini and Leo’s have really good chemistry so it’s no surprise you’ll manage to get along, regardless of your- argumentative natures.
You two are like the two sides of the same coin. While he presents himself as a kind and easy going person, speaking politely to others- until he inevitable shows them his real personality- you, on the other hand, can come off a little cold and critical, scaring people off when you first meet them even though you’re genuinely kind and easy going once you start to talk to them
If you guys meet purely by chance, maybe you’re in the same class, you’re introduced because of a mutual friend, or because one of you overheard the other, the moment you hear how the other carries themselves in a conversation will automatically peek your interest. 
Have you ever seen that meme where they’re like “oh you wanna kiss me so bad”? yea, that’s you two. I can see you getting into the most amusing squabble, just trying to throw the other one off, Imayoshi smirking if and when one of his comments goes right over your head
You’re both pretty smart (I spent a solid hour trying to double check this and still failed but I’m like 80% sure his IQ is pretty up there) so I can see you two meeting because of that too
Imayoshi is just minding his business, checking the updated class rankings posted in the hall across your classroom. Why? He doesn’t know, if he’s being honest. It’s not like anyone could ever surpass him, he’s been at the top of his class each time since his firs- What’s this? He got bumped down? Who the hell are you? Wait no, he knows who you are. He’s heard your name before countless times, mostly followed by your voice as it traveled throughout the hallways, your laugh bubbling out of your small frame soon after in reply to whichever friend had just made a funny remark. Funny. You didn’t seem all that smart at first glance, could he have actually... made a mistake? His gaze flickers to the other side of the hall where he immediately found you, eyes wide and a small smile adorning your features as you listened to your classmate speak. A low hum escapes him as he analyzes your appearance once more. He notices the way your makeup highlighted your already attractive features, the small accessories added to your uniform making you look put together and stylish. Maybe he had underestimated you, he though as he saw you take your turn to speak, your answer leaving your classmate open mouthed with a baffled expression. He felt the slight tug on his lips, the beginning of a small smirk forming on his face as you smiled widely at the response you had gotten.  However, the amusement only lasted a split second, his features falling in disbelief when you turned around, tripping over your own feet and falling face first into the open classroom door. “What are you staring at?” Someone, probably Sato, asks as he strolls up beside him. “Nothing” he sighs, adjusting his glasses on his face. Is it really nothing though? a small voice inside him asks just as a series of curse words and noises fall from your lips, eliciting his own to quirk up into an amused, lopsided smile. Even if it is “nothing” for now, don’t be surprised when both of you “coincidentally” find yourselves bumping into each other more often from now on as he tries to figure you out.
I can see him realizing he has feelings for you while you two are hanging out. Maybe you two will be studying after you asked him to tutor you in math since it’s his best subject, or well, attempting to study at least as you’re nearing half an hour of your 5 minute snack break. He’ll probably be doodling in his notebook while you scroll through Instagram, and it’s not until he looks up to see you so focused on whatever was on the other side of the screen, your fingers quickly tapping away as a smile pulled at your lips that he asks what you’re doing. Without a second thought, you absentmindedly tell him about whatever argument you’re getting into in the comments section under a random photo you came across before you’re back to focusing on the matter at hand. 
His whole trademark is that he’s good at analyzing people, and as a Gemini, he is not an exception to his own skills. He’ll suddenly come to the realization that, while he enjoys pushing people’s buttons, he enjoys the thought of you two being a team even more. While you can be loud and social, making and laughing at jokes, you also know when to get serious and get stuff done, something that that he would appreciate considering he likes respectful and considerate girls.
The problem now is- he may be aware of his feelings...but are you?
He’ll probably try out multiple ways to hint at his feelings towards you but they’ll just go right over your head. In your mind, you can’t see anyone having any romantic feelings towards you and sure he may be acting a little weird, but you’d probably just shrug it off as it being all in your imagination.
Meanwhile the whole time Imayoshi is just standing there like- Is she serious? No one can be this oblivious???? but yet  ✨here you are✨
Now it’s his turn to be frustrated by your conversations because you’re just not getting it? So he decides to try something more straight forward. Girls like pickup lines, right?
He could literally see the moment your brain stopped working. Your face flushed red as a nervous giggle bubbled out of you. All common sense left your body as you made finger guns at him, giving him a slight nod before turning around and walking quickly out the room
it would take you a few minutes to collect yourself, strolling back in the room 30 minutes later, leaning against the same spot you left him moments prior and giving him a pickup line of your own. *queue Imayoshi’s mischievous smirk* “Oh? Is that so?” (he’s such a little shit he’ll probably pretend like he didn’t say anything first to get back at you)
I can see this going back and forth for a while until he finally asks you out on a date, but this time he’ll make sure to do it in a way that will prevent you from escaping and leaving him alone and confused again
Your PDA is most likely kept to a minimum, partly because of your Venus in Virgo and partly because he doesn’t like spontaneity. Your outward relationship will consist of hand holding and pecks but that doesn’t mean your private life remains the same, just because you’re dating now doesn’t mean you’re suddenly immune to his habits or him to yours
You say you want to spend some quality time together? “How about a movie night?” he asks, his smile deceiving you long enough to trap you in his arms as a scary movie plays in his blacked out bedroom. “I don’t like scary movies” you whine, your body pressing into his and a pout pulling at your lips as he “innocently” chuckles, “Oh really? I must have forgotten”
You say you’re a bit cynical about relationships but I think it’s because your Neptune, Pluto and Lilith are ruled by air signs. This means you enjoy spontaneity and creativity in what you do and therefore always gravitate to doing things in which your outcome depends on yourself and not other people. Imayoshi is the kind of person that respects other people’s needs as we can see when he allows Aomine to skip practice if that’s what works for him. This will help you maintain a healthy balance in your relationship, allowing you to be able to feel more at ease and not trapped or like you have to be a certain way with one another
You decide to keep pursuing dancing? He’s proud of you, and will not hesitate to show off and boast about your achievements to the rest of the team
You had a rough week and you want to spend the whole day gaming with headphones on? It’s fine he’ll take the opportunity to relax and go fishing
On the other hand, you want to go shopping? Suddenly he’ll find himself walking hand in hand with you as you and his sister stop at every single store only to leave with more bags that you can carry. 
At first, you would insist you could both take care of yourselves at the mall, but he soon found out that you two should not be left alone. She might be his sister but she’s younger and impressionable and she looks up to you? And you can be a bit scatterbrained so you lose track of her time so you always end up bringing her back really late, along with an armful of shopping bags that he’ll only have to go back and return within the week because being hasty runs in his family and his sister didn’t pay much attention to how much money she was spending
Overall- I think that what really makes you a good match is your ability to communicate with one another. Both of you are pretty honest and straightforward (although your executions are vastly different) which will help you navigate through any obstacles in your relationship
You keep each other on your toes and bring fun into your relationship while also settling down, talking about serious stuff and getting genuine advice from one another when you need it the most. The balance you maintain allowing a stable foundation for the relationship to grow and blossom. He did something hasty? It’s okay, you know exactly what to do to fix it. Someone keeps hitting on you insistently? He’s already walked over to intimidate him to go away. You want to spend quality time together but he wants to go fishing? There you are by his side, scribbling in your notebook and reciting your poetry to him as he listens carefully with a small smile on his face that you’ll definitely not tease him about later. You need help with your math again? he’ll tutor you in exchange for you making him a bento with his favorite meal. Until he learns that you somehow burned half the rice and left the other half uncooked. Perfect balance of give and take. 
Bonus: Takao Kazunari
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You are literally the girl version of Takao omg. (I literally JUST got your message about being the new Takao too smh I know I’m slow but let me finish this first)
You two are so alike and you would make the most chaotic duo but as much as I want to ship you two, I can just see you two being really good friends so I feel the need to include him in this
Midorima would be so done with your shit, he’d probably see you two together and immediately turn around and start walking the other way because he just KNOWS you’re bound to gang up and bully him
The first time you saw is lucky item you probably burst out laughing and thought he was joking until you saw his face flush red
After that, every time you ask about it he just grumbles out his answer, still salty about your initial reaction
Takao never fails to remind you either, trying to hold back his laugh whenever you try to make it up to Midorima but he ends up ignoring you, or you somehow just manage to make it worse
When it’s just you and Takao, you could be minding your business when suddenly one of you makes ONE singular little comment and that just sets off the other, adding onto it until both of you are crying with laughter
Honestly, the only time I can see you taking one another seriously is when you’re having discourse
He’s an optimistic person while you’re a realist which can set off some very interesting discussions between the two of you, your argumentative nature leading both of you to talk about anything and everything as you challenge the other’s ideologies
If you decide to try out a relationship, it’ll be filled with excitement and adrenaline, both of you needing very little persuasion to try out new things
You’ll be his partner in crime and he’ll be yours. You want to mess a bit with your younger neighbors? Why not? You want to go check out the new mall a few town’s over because they have a store you’ve been wanting to check out for months? He’s your man.
While the relationship is fun, you both can get a little ahead of yourselves, going with the flow and getting sucked into your own world; you’ll need someone to ground you
Usually, this role can be plaid by Midorima but it proves to be a bit problematic when he’s nowhere in sight
The amount of times you two have lost track of time or gotten caught up in something because you ran into some friends or even met new people and got lost in conversation, by this point Midorima has probably given up trying to keep track of your whereabouts when you’re together
I wouldn’t be surprised if you two ended up making your own language. He’s good with kids and bad at being quiet while you enjoy making new words and trying out sound effects which he would without a doubt find amusing. You’d probably go as far as to make children believe they’re actual words, could you imagine Midorima’s face when he goes over to Takao’s house and his younger sister starts talking to him in the made up words you taught her
Ultimately while your personalities are very alike, you tend to clash at the wrong points and it would take you working together to compromise to make a romantic relationship work
Both of you surround yourself by others, often finding yourself in the middle of everything, your personality constantly making other people gravitate towards you. This can prove conflicting when you’re together as now you’d have to learn how to share the spotlight, so to say
While you love fashion and makeup and shopping, the poor man just wants to enjoy his trading cards
Although you should use it to your advantage and make him drive you around in Princess Mia’s Midorima’s carriage.
Your might also find yourself more often than not at a crossroads, your realist point of view conflicting with his positivity which can lead to arguments between you two
Overall- a relationship with you would be exciting. There would never be a dull moment and you’d constantly encourage the other to have new experiences and make the most of your time. But moving into a more romantic territory would mean that you’d have to learn how to prioritize things in your life, knowing when to buckle down and get things down and how to successfully come to terms with and work out your differences. 
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Sidenote: I meant to make these a little longer but my brain cell only has so much KNB knowledge stored in her small little filing cabinet that may or may not be a single folder covered in dust and stuffed in some corner
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