#truce in no mans land
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A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends.
Schofield: "My medal … I swapped it with a French captain." Blake: "You swapped it? For what?" Schofield: "A bottle of wine." Blake: "What did you do that for?" Schofield: "I was thirsty."
Lieutenant Horstmayer: "One letter won't stop us winning the war. And anyhow, when we'll have taken Paris and it's over, you can invite us for a drink in Rue Vavin." Lieutenant Audebert: "You don't have to invade Paris to drop round for a drink."
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The World War I Christmas Truce of 1914
Read a post about the miracle of the Christmas Truce of World War I
British and German troops together, Christmas Day, 1914 On Christmas Day 1914, in the cold, muddy trenches World War I’s Western Front, a truly miraculous event occurred. For a few brief hours, opposing soldiers, British, French, Germans and Austrians in the “No Man’s Land” of France and Belgium, declared their own cease fire.  They laid down their arms, climbed from the trenches, and shared…
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writers-potion · 27 days
The Pirate's Glossary
Ahoy - an interjection used to hail a ship or a person, or to attract attention.
Arr! - an exclamation
Avast! - a command meaning stop or desist
Aye (or ay) - yes; an affirmation
Becalmed - the state of a sailing vessel which cannot move due to a lack of wind
Belay - (1) to secure or make dast by winding on a cleat or pin (2) to stop, most often used as a command
Bilged on her anchor - a ship holed or pierced by its own anchor
Bilmey! - an exclamation of surprise, short for "God blind me!"
Blow the man down - to kill someone
Boom about - when a ship turns in the wind the boom can swing violently enough to injure or kill a person on board. "Boom about" may be shouted to warn others the boom is about to move.
Bring a spring upon her cable - to come around in a different direction, oftentimes as a surprise maneuver.
Careen - to take a ship into shallower waters or out of the water altogether and remove barnacles and pests such as mollusks, shells and plant growth from the bottom.
Chase - a ship being pursued, or the act of pursuing a ship.
Code of conduct - a set of rules which govern pirates behavior on a vessel.
Come about - to bring the ship full way around in the wind. Used in general while sailing into the wind, but also used to indicate a swing back into the enemy in combat.
Crack Jenny's teacup - to spend the night in a house of ill repute.
Crimp - to procure (sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion, or one who crimps.
Dance the Hempen jig - to hang
Davy Jones' locker - a fictional place at the bottom of the ocean. In short, a term meaning death.
Dead men tell no tales - standard pirate excuse for leaving no survivors.
Deadlights - (1) strong shutters or plates fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. (2) Thick windows set in a ship's side or deck. (3) eyes.
Fire in the hole - a warning issued before a cannon is fired.
Furl - to roll up and secure, especially a ship’s sail.
Give no quarter - the refusal to spare lives of an opponent. Pirates raise a red flag to threaten no quarter will be given.
Handsomely - quickly or carefully; in a shipshape style.
Haul wind - to direct a ship into the wind.
Heave down - to turn a vessel on its side for cleaning.
Heave - an interjection meaning to come to a halt.
Ho - used to express surprise or joy, to attract attention to something sighted, or to urge onward.
Letter of marque - a document given to a sailor (privateer) giving him amnesty from piracy laws as long as the ships plunders are of an enemy nation.
List - to lean to one side
Long clothes - a style of clothing best suited to land. A pirate, or any sailor, doesn't have the luxury of wearing anything loose that might get in the way while climbing up riggings.
Marooned - to be stranded, particularly on a desert isle.
Me - My
No prey, no pay - a common pirate law meaning a crew received no wages, but rather shared whatever loot was taken.
Overhaul - (1) to slacken a line (2) to gain upon in a chase; to overtake
Parely - a conference or discussion between opposing sides during a dispute, especially when attempting a truce, originating from the French, "parler," meaning "to speak." The term was used in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" as part of Pirate law.
Piracy - robbery committed at sea.
Quarter - derived from the idea of "shelter", quarter is given when mercy is offered by pirates. Quarter is often the prize given to an honorable loser in a pirate fight.
Reef sails - to shorten the sails by partially tying them up, either to slow the ship or to keep a strong wind from putting too much strain on the masts.
Run a shot across the bow - a command to fire a warning shot.
Sail ho! - an exclamation meaning another ship is in view. The sail, of course, is the first part of a ship visible over the horizon.
Scupper that! - an expression of anger or derision meaning "Throw that overboard!"
Sea legs - The ability to adjust one's balance to the motion of a ship, especially in rough seas. After walking on a ship for long periods of time, sailors became accustomed to the rocking of the ship in the water. Early in a voyage a sailor was said to be lacking his "sea legs" when the ship motion was still foreign to him. After a cruise, a sailor would often have trouble regaining his "land legs" and would swagger on land.
Shiver me timbers! - An expression of surprise or strong emotion. In stormy weather and rough seas, the support timbers of a ship would "shiver" which might startle the crew. The phrase may have been less common during the Golden Age of Piracy than it had become later in fictional works.
Show a leg! - A phrase used to wake up a sleeping pirate.
Sink me! - An expression of surprise. Many pirate exclamations used exaggerated imagery to highten a point. Ye might say the sailors were punchy or a bit melodramatic after a lengthy stay at sea.  
Smartly - quickly
Take a caulk - To take a nap. On the deck of a ship, between planks, was a thick caulk of black tar and rope to keep water from between decks. This term came about either because sailors who slept on deck ended up with black lines across their backs or simply because sailors laying down on deck were as horizontal as the caulk of the deck itself.
To go on account - A pleasant term used by pirates to describe the act of turning pirate. The basic idea was that a pirate was more "free lance" and thus was, more or less, going into business for himself.
Warp - To move (a vessel) by hauling on a line that is fastened to or around a piling, anchor, or pier.
Weigh anchor - To haul the anchor up; more generally, to leave port.
Ye - you
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crimethinc · 5 months
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On December 24, 1914, during the First World War, German and British troops stationed across from each other in Belgium concluded an informal truce in defiance of their commanding officers.
The Germans began by singing; the British responded with English carols, and both sides shouted Christmas greetings across the wasteland between them. A few soldiers stuck their heads above the fortifications and, not being fired upon, made their way to meet in the middle. Soon the enemy combatants were exchanging gifts and embraces.
The truce enabled both sides to recover the bodies of their slaughtered comrades, which had been rotting where they had fallen in No Man’s Land. Soldiers of both armies mourned the dead together. The next day, everyone gathered for a football match. We can imagine how senseless the war must have felt to them that afternoon.
By January, the commanding officers had regained control and the young men who had laughed, sang, cried, and played together were once again shooting, stabbing, and bombing each other.
It is not insubordination that is dangerous—it is obedience that is dangerous.
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apoemaday · 5 months
A Brave and Startling Truth
by Maya Angelou
We, this people, on a small and lonely planet Traveling through casual space Past aloof stars, across the way of indifferent suns To a destination where all signs tell us It is possible and imperative that we learn A brave and startling truth And when we come to it To the day of peacemaking When we release our fingers From fists of hostility And allow the pure air to cool our palms When we come to it When the curtain falls on the minstrel show of hate And faces sooted with scorn are scrubbed clean When battlefields and coliseum No longer rake our unique and particular sons and daughters Up with the bruised and bloody grass To lie in identical plots in foreign soil When the rapacious storming of the churches The screaming racket in the temples have ceased When the pennants are waving gaily When the banners of the world tremble Stoutly in the good, clean breeze When we come to it When we let the rifles fall from our shoulders And children dress their dolls in flags of truce When land mines of death have been removed And the aged can walk into evenings of peace When religious ritual is not perfumed By the incense of burning flesh And childhood dreams are not kicked awake By nightmares of abuse When we come to it Then we will confess that not the Pyramids With their stones set in mysterious perfection Nor the Gardens of Babylon Hanging as eternal beauty In our collective memory Not the Grand Canyon Kindled into delicious color By Western sunsets Nor the Danube, flowing its blue soul into Europe Not the sacred peak of Mount Fuji Stretching to the Rising Sun Neither Father Amazon nor Mother Mississippi who, without favor, Nurture all creatures in the depths and on the shores These are not the only wonders of the world When we come to it We, this people, on this minuscule and kithless globe Who reach daily for the bomb, the blade and the dagger Yet who petition in the dark for tokens of peace We, this people on this mote of matter In whose mouths abide cankerous words Which challenge our very existence Yet out of those same mouths Come songs of such exquisite sweetness That the heart falters in its labor And the body is quieted into awe We, this people, on this small and drifting planet Whose hands can strike with such abandon That in a twinkling, life is sapped from the living Yet those same hands can touch with such healing, irresistible tenderness That the haughty neck is happy to bow And the proud back is glad to bend Out of such chaos, of such contradiction We learn that we are neither devils nor divines When we come to it We, this people, on this wayward, floating body Created on this earth, of this earth Have the power to fashion for this earth A climate where every man and every woman Can live freely without sanctimonious piety Without crippling fear When we come to it We must confess that we are the possible We are the miraculous, the true wonder of this world That is when, and only when We come to it.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
Peace Offering
Yandere Male Orc x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Dub-con/Non-con, smut, cock warming, orc, general yandere behavior, escape attempt, all a big misunderstanding) Word Count: 3.4k (I think I dropped the ball a bit on the smut scene, if it seems a bit disjointed that is because I wrote the last 1/3 of the fic over the course of 3-5 nights and I apologize, I still think it is good enough to post and the rest of the story makes up for it in my opinion, I hope you all enjoy.)  For as long as you could remember the people of your medium sized town had been caught in a fierce and bloody feud with the woodland orcs that had come from the mountains and settled the forest across the river from your home.  The bad blood between your peoples had gone on for so long that no one even remembered what had originally sparked the conflict.  Almost all of your fellow townsfolk were content with their bloodlust and thirst for revenge, but not you. You had always been interested in other cultures and the orcs were no exception, you knew if you could meet with their leader you could broker a truce!  Whenever you spoke out your wishes for peace and diplomacy most of your fellow townspeople just rolled their eyes at you, thinking you were hopeless. Orcs, to them, were ruthless barbarians that had to be put down.  But you were not to be deterred! You would do your best to put an end to the attacks on one another and you’d learn about their culture in the process!  You studied every piece of information available to you on orc customs and culture, it was mostly stuff you had already known, but it still gave you more confidence in your self appointed task.  You spent weeks making the preparations for your diplomatic trek into orc territory. Everything had to be absolutely perfect. You painstakingly made the proper robe. Not only did the style need to be specific but the color had to be lavender, which was the color for cooperation according to your research.  Finally the day came when you were ready, you set off in your attire, gaining many odd looks as you left the safety of your town.  You crossed the bridge that lead from one side of the river to the other. Soon you came to the edge of the sprawling forest that the orcs called home. Despite your resolve you were still extremely nervous. Not just about meeting the orcs, but also of wild animals, and you did not even have a weapon on you as if the orcs caught you with one they might assume that you had malicious intent.  With a deep breath to center yourself you entered the orc’s land. You called out loudly and clearly the orc term for peace, they spoke very little of your language and you had to make sure they knew your trespassing into their home was because you were on a mission of peace.  You held your hands up in the universal way to show that you had no weapons and were no threat to them. You traveled for several minutes, seeing no signs of any orcs, but they saw you almost immediately upon entering their land.  Nrybul, the orc leader, gasped when he saw you. A soft squishy little human walking right into his forest dawning the ceremonial courtship robes and calling out the orc term for “gift”. Your intent was abundantly clear to him. You were offering yourself, or being offered by your people, as a gift/mate to him for peace.  He was intrigued and decided to watch you warily for a few minutes to determine if this was a new human ploy.  When the orc man had decided that you were probably safe he and the guards he was on patrol with made themselves known to you. You almost fainted from fright as three large orcs, weapons in hand, slammed down from the trees and landed a mere few feet in front of you.  They each had to be 7 feet tall. At least.  One of the orcs approached you. He wore a full set of dark plate armor. Rough and rugged, it had clearly seen many battles. The visor of his helmet was up revealing his red eyes and two large, almost tusk like, bottom teeth. This could only be the infamous orc leader that instilled fear into humans on the battlefield.  You could see why, that armor made his already intimidating size that much scarier. You were shaking and sweating nervously.  The orc said something you could not understand, but it seemed neither angry nor hostile. He took you by the hand and gently pulled you close before picking you up bridal style. You yelped a bit in fear from so suddenly being literally swept off your feet.  Nrybul could see you shake and sweating. Poor thing, humans were softer than orcs, but you were clearly far more fragile than most humans. It must have tired you out so much to make the long track here.  It was no wonder to him that you were offering yourself or being offered as a peace tribute to a strong orc. You were so soft and delicate. Clearly no mere human could keep you safe. You were even shaky and exhausted from just a little walk. He was kind of angry that your fellow humans did not give you an escort, clearly you had a weak constitution. But no matter, you were with him now, and he would gladly take up the task of being your mate.  You had no idea why their leader had decided to pick you up, but he did it very gently. Orcs were known for many things, but their tenderness was notably absent from that list, so you took it as a good sign. If they had been taking you as a prisoner you would probably be marched to their town at sword point so you forced yourself to try and relax in his hold.  Though you were by no means able to speak fluent orc you managed to get across your name to Nrybul on the way to their home and you also managed to discern Nrybul’s name.  Nrybul quite liked your name, as even your very name sounded soft and delicate in comparison to orc names.  He said your name several times over the course of your journey, almost as if he was savoring it or trying to embed it in his brain. You of course took this as a positive sign you must have made a good impression!  At long last you came within view of their town, strong wooden walls were erected all around the perimeter with a small guard tower near the main gate. The other two orcs that had patrolled with their leader left and returned to patrol.  As Nrybul approached with you the guard on duty motioned for the gate to be opened and Nrybul entered. His choice to hold a human in this manner, and your attire, granted you two many quizzical looks, though no one said anything other than a curt nod or awkward greeting to their leader.  Your own personal orc escort noticed you were no longer shaking or sweating so he figured you might like to walk a bit and stretch your legs. Nrybul put you down gently and allowed you to walk beside him.  He took you with him into a well lit mine where a few human prisoners were supervised as they toiled for ore. You did not know their names but you recognized them as people from your town, they had been captured during a mission into orc territory and presumed dead.    While Nrybul had a discussion with the orc guarding the humans you told the prisoners that you were trying to establish peace. They ignored you and laughed, assuming you would soon add to their ranks. They were stunned in silence when they were lead out of the orc settlement and set free.  He released the prisoners! You had done it, this was a sure sign that your attempt at peace was solidified. You took a few steps intending to go with the released prisoners back home but Nrybul grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you back into town before the gate shut with a resounding thud.  Nrybul knew you just wanted to escort your friends back home, but he really could not go with you and he absolutely would not have you going without him. What if you became fatigued again? You should never be without him attending to you if you are going to be outside the walls. And, preferably, that would not be a thing that happened too often.    He really wanted you to get a meal and rest, as tomorrow you would need to officially consummate the union of yourselves and the peace between your people.  You were extremely confused as Nrybul guided you gently into a large building that you could tell by the amazing smell inside was clearly a dining hall of some type. Maybe he wanted to share a meal with you to commemorate an end to hostilities? Or maybe this was more a part of making peace than it was a celebration of it, like a tradition that must be respected to make it official.  Either way, you had no intention of offending him and ruining all of your hard work so you let him lead you into the building and sit you down at a table as he left for a few good minutes. When he returned he had removed his armor, his attire was sleaveless, showing off his large biceps. You could now see his long red hair. He was quite handsome and you blushed and looked down quickly, hoping he had not caught you staring at him.  He set down a plate of food for each of you and then sat himself down a bit uncomfortably close to you.  You did not notice because you were looking away in embarrassment, but Nrybul was smirking as he had certainly caught you checking out his muscles and looks in general. He was very pleased, he was glad his soon to be mate was so impressed with him.  You started eating when you felt his left arm wrap around your waist and pull you a bit closer. You were unsure what this gesture meant to their kind, but it made you a bit nervous. But of course you could not offend him for fear of the consequences so you allowed him to keep you close while you just looked down and focused on continuing your meal of roast boar and vegetables.  Nrybul thought you were just so cute, acting all shy as he pulled you close. It really endeared him to you how you had been so determined to offer yourself to him despite being as feeble as you were. And now you were all shy and blushing. You were such a perfect mate for him.    When you finished your food you had expected to be allowed to leave. There was still enough daylight to make it home in time before dark. But Nrybul had a different idea of where your home was.  Nrybul held your hand and guided you once more. He lead you towards what was clearly his personal house. This was where you thought something may be wrong, from all the reading you had done you knew orcs did not allow strangers into their homes.  Could it have been possible that all of your gestures and behaviors had been indicative of a desire for courtship? He did seem to hold your hand a lot… But orc sex was rough and you were rather small, Nrybul was handsome, but you did not really intend to leave your friends, family, and home.  You noticed that a hunting party was coming back into the town and the gates where wide open. Screw peace, you did not want to upheave your entire life for it!    You slipped out of his loose hold on your hand and bolted across the town and through the gates. You left the trail so you would not be spotted so easily and headed in the direction that would take you home.  You did not spare the second that it would take to look back, but you heard him call out your name in the distance. You ducked low and made your way slowly through the bushes and weeds and crept away, hoping that they would pass you by on the trail and not bother to search off of it. Or at least not until you were gone.  Your heart was pounding, your legs were shaky, and you were sweating profusely both from the effort of getting away and from the anxiety that flooded you. You had not heard anything in a while so you started running as fast as your burning legs could carry you.  It looked like you were actually going to escape, the bridge would be in view soon and from there it would not be a long way to your home.  Suddenly though you were yanked back from behind, you screamed and kicked but Nrybul hardly noticed as he carefully put you over his shoulder and began the walk back to his town. You continued struggling for a minute or two, but soon gave up due to sheer exhaustion and the fact that he was clearly much stronger than you could ever hope to be. He was not even panting from the chase or from holding you.  Nrybul had actually been thrilled you had ran, as it is an old orc tradition that one mate must chase the other and capture them before their union is consummated. Not many still practice it, but it made him more than happy that you were so invested in immersing yourself in his culture. In fact, because of your efforts he was now sure that he absolutely loved you.  In truth though he was worried, you had demonstrated such a frail constitution earlier and were just so small and weak compared to a big orc man such as himself. He had actually been close to you the entire time, but he did not want to catch you too soon and make you feel like you were weak or unworthy of a proper chase. You had put so much effort into respecting his traditions, he did not need to show off and catch you immediately.  Nrybul decided he would wait a bit and when you seemed too tired he would snatch you up and then once he had you he would take you back to his bed for a nice, deep, well deserved fucking.  Soon enough you were already being carried back through the gates and into his town and shortly after you were entering his home. He wasted no time in rushing you to his bedroom and laying you stomach side down on his bed.  You dreaded what would certainly be a very rough and traumatic sexual encounter with a large orc.  That isn’t exactly what happened though. Nrybul had taken note of the fact that you were so delicate and would never risk hurting you. You were his little human mate, it would be dishonorable and cruel to hurt you. He gingerly removed your garments and appreciated your naked form from behind.  He disrobed then traced his strong hands along your sides down to your ass which he then groped.  Nrybul began massaging your ass cheeks. He figured the day had been very eventful for you and he was sure that you were eager to mate with him and make everything official, but he could tell you were very tense.  The orc pulled some special oil, a secret orc recipe, from a drawer and coated his hands before applying some to your shoulders, back, ass, and legs. It smelled strongly of spice with a hint of citrus. He firmly massaged your shoulders and neck first. The massage was very relaxing, but you were still extremely nervous.  He proceeded to massage down your body thoroughly. Leaving no inch of your back, butt, legs, or feet untouched by his loving ministrations. You realized that there must have been something in that oil he used because now you were very relaxed. At least physically. Despite your anxiety and fear your body remained at ease.  Seeing that you were feeling better from the treatment he had provided Nrybul decided it was time to start readying your hole so he could mate with his beloved (Y/N). He applied more of the special oil to your entrance, liberally applying it until you were dripping. He took one of his large thumbs and kneaded it into your hole as carefully as he could until he could slide in a few fingers into you easily.  The oil must have also enhanced sexual sensations because even just his fingers felt amazing inside of you. Nrybul massaged your insides until you were almost ready to come from his fingers alone, but before he did he stopped and lubed his fully erect cock.  Earlier you had your head buried in a pillow but when he stopped using his fingers in you you looked over and saw his dick for the first time. It stood, almost proudly, at a bit over 10 inches. But you were so eager and stretched now from him fingering your hole that you were now a little less nervous and a little more eager to have it inside you.  You would not have to wait long at all. Nrybul climbed on the bed with you so small and vulnerable below him. He lined up his throbbing cock with your entrance and prodded you before exceedingly slowly sliding into you. Despite the prior loosening it taking him fully still hurt a bit. Mercifully he kept the pace slow as he thrust in and out of your depths.  Quickly the small twinge of pain was replaced by waves of pleasure.  You heard Nrybul whispering your name gruffly over and over as he pumped into you. The orc was still going at a snail’s pace, afraid to hurt his tiny human, but it was agonizingly slow for you at this point.  You moved yourself back against his thrusts until he got the message. Seeing how you were handling him so well and how eager you were for his dick he began plunging into you in earnest. He still was far gentler with you than he would be with an orc partner of course, just a bit harder and faster than he had been with you previously. You whined in an exhilarating mix of pain and pleasure as you felt your stomach bulge out a bit from his sheer size penetrating you fully.  Disappointingly he pulled out, but it was only to flip you over on your back so he could see your face as he mated with you. Nrybul drove his cock back fully into you easily and continued at a steady pace, his large nuts smacking you loudly as you were fucked.  He started speeding up a little more as he stroked a strand of your hair out of the way and pressed a surprisingly soft kiss to your forehead. Then, as he thrust deeply and filled you thoroughly with copious amounts of warm orc cum, he slammed his lips roughly into yours and kissing you in a manner more in line with how you think orcs typically kiss.  You came hard while he kissed you as his still throbbing cock continued pumping cum into you. Nrybul kept you on his cock as he laid down and repositioned the both of you to be laying down. He laid behind you, holding you closely.  As he started to fall asleep with his stiff cock still firmly inside of you Nrybul could not be more content with the peace offering he had been given. He would have settled the costly feud between your town for much less than what he had received, but he would gladly accept and keep this perfect mate that had been offered to him.  You tried to squirm free from his strong arms and cock, but he did not even notice your resistance, leaving you to pout and accept your place as his cock warmer as he began snoring peacefully behind you.  The former prisoners would tell everyone you had them released and lasting peace would be cemented between your people, and all it took was accidentally giving yourself to a large orc warrior who wanted nothing more than to own you, baby you, keep you safe, and fuck you constantly.     
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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He’s so baby girl I swear- this is purely random Vash stuff
Vash never fails to make his affection known, whether platonic or otherwise, so it’s not so out of the ordinary for moments when he’s feeling a little mischievous and decided to sneak up on you -somehow with those heavy arse boots of his- and this can go one of two ways:
A) cage you with his arms and blow raspberries into your neck
B) initiate a tickle war that utilises the town that you were temporarily staying at to act as an massive game hide and seek from the other person trying to tickle you.
It’s childish and stupid but you could never say no to someone with as someone with as big of an heart as Vash did. You swore he was too good for anybody even you but you don’t dare to say so within his presence as you didn’t wish to see his face full with dishearten. Ever. It didn’t look right on Vash.
Also after your ‘truces’ you spent the rest of your day with cheap but good as shit pizza and snuggles. (I’m so fucking lonely)
Speaking of snuggles, I’d like to think that Vash clings onto you very much like a koala bear in his sleep. Going so far as to whine when you manage to tangle yourself free from his stronghold; which only works out for you 50% of the time because there was nothing that brought you more peace then being in Vash’s arms.
They made you feel safe, protected, comforted and most of all, warm. The moment you were caged again this chest, in little to no time you were already drifting off to slumber land.
The same can be said for when Vash wished to be held against your chest. It quite comedic to see him cuddled up closely to you. His blonde hair tickling just under your chin but it was all worth to when hearing him sigh tiredly and nuzzled his head into the junction of your neck, his grip on your waist tightening briefly before relaxing as you run the fingers of one hand across his forearm whilst the other played with the tresses of his hair, nails barely scratching at his scalp.
You swore you heard him make the sound equivalent of a cats purr at the base of his throat.
You called him babygirl pretty boy once and the shocking amounts of shades of red he turned that day became the highlight of your life.
Dates with Vash would be so inexplicably…Vash and no that’s not a bad thing. Given the fact that he’s a wanted man with a sixty million bounty on his head, no place of work would take the risk and have him on board if they knew what’s good for them.
So instead of the stereotypical date night, you both would share the view of the starry night sky up on the rooftops with a scratchy blanket thrown over your shoulders. It was an perfectly imperfect date, much like the perfectly imperfect man sat next to you grinning ear to ear like an excited child.
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torscrawls · 5 months
Happy Holiday Truce @ectospacecadet! This is my gift for you, based on the prompt “Sometimes all it takes is one bad day to break someone: Danny snaps.” Hope it tastes good!
You can also read it on AO3.
“Fenton! Get up that rope!”
Danny clutched his aching left arm tight to his side, cursing Skulker and his attack early this morning as he moved to do as Ms. Tetslaff had ordered. The wound throbbed and radiated pain up his whole arm as he grabbed the rope and started to haul himself up.
“Ha! Fenturd is too much of a wimp to get up that rope!” Dash laughed and was soon joined by the rest of the A-listers.
Danny grit his teeth and reminded himself that what Dash and the rest thought about him really didn’t matter in the big picture. He had more important things to worry about. Like how to keep his wound from opening back up while making it to the top of the rope. Maybe he could use a touch of flight to—
Suddenly the whole rope heaved beneath him, writhing like a snake come alive, and Danny lost his grip. Thankfully the fall wasn’t long, but it still hurt when he landed—of course—on his wounded left arm.
Danny groaned from where he lay on the mat and as soon as he opened his eyes he got a face full of a grinning Dash, leaning over him and looking proud of himself. He still held the rope Danny had been climbing in one hand. Of course he had been the one to mess with him. Danny couldn’t even find it in himself to be surprised.
Danny turned his head to his side and saw Tetslaff on the other side of the room, not looking. Of course.
Dash laughed. “Wow, I didn’t know Fentoe was so weak he couldn’t even hold on to a rope!”
Danny reminded himself that Dash didn’t matter and that he didn’t care about what they thought, that he didn’t care about any of this. He didn’t.
Danny got to his feet, keeping his left arm close to his side. He felt a slow trickling of warmth run down the inside of his arm and really hoped his wound hadn’t opened back up. It would be just his luck.
Tucker jogged up next to him and sent him a concerned look. “Hey, you okay man?”
Danny took a deep breath, relaxed his clenched hands and let it out slowly before looking at Tucker and giving him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Considering Tucker’s grimace, he guessed he didn’t manage it, but his friend thankfully didn’t push the issue. And he was fine, this didn’t matter. It was just a slight annoyance. He would fix the wound after gym was over and then it would all be fine.
They were interrupted by Tetslaff suddenly deigning to look over towards them now that Dash had started climbing his own rope to the cheers of his friends. She frowned and immediately screamed, “Fenton! Foley! If you have time to just stand around talking, then you have time to run twenty laps! Get going!”
So Danny pushed down his pain and started running, Tucker by his side.
After gym was over he waited until everyone else had finished changing out of their gym clothes before doing it himself, ignoring Dash and his lackeys continuous jabs and insults.
He didn’t feel like explaining his wound—which he was now certain he had reopened as the warm wetness on the inside of his arm hadn’t stopped and only gotten worse as time went on—and his extensive bruising. It would just raise a lot of questions. And probably even more insults, and even if Dash and the rest didn’t matter, Danny was too tired to deal with it right now.
He had to convince Tucker to go on ahead without him, “There’s no reason why we both have to be late. Besides, I don’t want them to start bullying you too.”
Apparently that hadn’t been as convincing as Danny had thought, but in the end he had managed to convince Tucker anyway and that was all that mattered.
As soon as the door closed and Danny was alone he let out a long sigh as his shoulders slumped. He rolled up the sleeve of his left arm with a grimace and then let out another sigh at the sight. Oh, he would definitely be late for the next class. He dug out his beat up first aid kit from the bottom of his bag and got to work.
Ten minutes later Danny carefully eased the door to the classroom open and quickly slunk inside. His hopes of sneaking inside unnoticed were dashed as Mr. Lancer fixed him with a glare and didn’t waste any time before chewing him out in front of the whole class. He could see Dash grinning and elbowing Kwan, Paulina leaning in to whisper to Star as they both pointed at him, Mikey and Nathan looking annoyed at the interruption and aiming their glares at Danny. Danny felt his shoulders climb up towards his ears. Great.
The whole spiel ended with Lancer declaring that he had detention after school and Danny barely found it in himself to give the teacher an affirmative before making his way to his school desk.
Well, no matter. Danny had only planned to get his homework done as soon as he got home, do his chores, and maybe actually go to bed early tonight. Maybe sleep off some of the exhaustion and pain dragging him down. Guess that wouldn’t happen. He didn’t know why he even tried anymore.
He sank down in his chair and Tucker immediately leaned in towards him and hissed out, “Man, your eyes are glowing.”
Danny closed his eyes in defeat. He tried to calm himself down, taking slow breaths and consciously relaxing his shoulders. The last thing he needed right now was any more attention.
After a few tense seconds he turned back to Tucker, one eyebrow raised in question.
Tucker gave him a slightly uncertain thumbs-up.
Danny felt himself relax slightly. Crisis averted, for now.
He just had to get through today.
Just like always.
When he, Sam, and Tucker stepped into the cafeteria it was already full of students and Danny’s head throbbed at the noise. He really wished he had been able to grab more than a few minutes of sleep in between ghost fights, trying to avoid his parents, and all the traps they had set in the house.
Sam and Tucker walked towards the line for food and Danny stumbled after them. Tucker put a careful hand on Danny’s arm and Danny did his best not to jerk away from the pressure it put on his wound. Tucker still dropped his hand, a worried expression on his face, “Hey, man, you sure you’re alright?”
Danny nodded groggily, trying to muster up a smile. “I just didn’t get any sleep last night.”
Which wasn’t a lie, just not the whole truth. He hadn’t gotten any sleep, but he had also been in two fights and one hunt spearheaded by his parents. Then his home had decided he was a threat and attacked him as well. And, oh right; he got woken up by an alarm in the middle of the night because the portal almost blew up because of some new tests his parents were doing. He didn’t even have time to eat breakfast. He looked down at the slop the lunch lady splattered across his plate and it was a testament to just how hungry he was that it actually looked appetizing.
He was doing great.
Thankfully, Sam and Tucker didn’t push it as they walked towards a free table. Danny did his best to follow along in their conversation, but he was too tired to make sense of their discussion about the math homework they had just gotten. Was it futile to hope that he would have enough energy and time to do it later tonight? Probably. Danny wished he had the capacity to feel bad about it.
He looked down at the food in his hands and allowed his thoughts to drift as he followed Sam and Tucker and their familiar voices. At least he would be able to sit down for a while with his friends and just breathe. And eat. Ancients, he was starving.
So of course that was when a foot suddenly appeared in front of his feet and despite his usually quick reflexes his tired brain reacted too late and he tripped, losing his hold on his tray and watching as it spilled absolutely everywhere. He had to use both his hands to catch himself against the floor to avoid smacking his head into it and groaned at the pain radiating up his left arm. Maybe the face would have been preferable to this.
He didn’t have time to get back up before Dash’s laughter rang in his ears.
Of course it was him.
“What’s this?! You can’t even walk correctly, Fentrip?!”
Danny pushed himself up on shaking arms and kept his eyes locked on the floor, ignoring the giggling he could hear from all around him. It was fine. Dash didn’t matter. This didn’t matter.
He blinked when a hand with back nails came into view before carefully grabbing his shoulders and helping him back up. Danny looked up to find Sam frowning at him. “Why do you let him push you around like this?”
Danny blinked at her. Yeah, why did he? His arm ached and he was so tired. If he just fought back once then Dash would know that he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted to him, they would all see just how—
Danny shrugged as he pushed the thoughts away. He couldn’t afford to think like that. He couldn't risk turning into him. Danny feigned nonchalance as he said, “He doesn’t matter.”
Sam frowned at him.
Danny shrugged her hand off.
“Ha! You need your little freak girlfriend to protect you, Whimpton?!”
Danny felt himself tense up. They could pick on him all they wanted, but he hated it when they picked on his friends. They didn’t deserve that. He felt the tension rush back, ensnare itself through his shoulders and his arms until he couldn’t help but ball up his fists.
Sam raised a hand again as if to touch him, but let it drop again without making contact. “…Danny?”
“Dude,” Tucker joined in, voice strained and eyes glancing around them, “calm down.”
“I am calm!” Danny gritted out.
Sam raised an unimpressed eyebrow and Danny forced his hands to relax. He bent down to pick up his spilled food.
“Come on,” said Sam, “let’s go eat.”
They walked away from the laughing table full of A-listers.
Danny looked down at his ruined lunch and couldn’t help but let out a petulant, “I’m not hungry.” If he said it, then maybe it would make it true. Where was Desiree when you needed her?
Both Tucker and Sam sent him pointed looks and Tucker said, “I know that’s a lie. I could hear your stomach rumbling the whole class.”
Danny felt embarrassed that he had been found out; he didn’t like to make his friends worry about him.
Tucker just smiled. “Come on, you can have some of mine. I have a couple of snacks in my bag. Besides, I ate a really big breakfast so I’m not that hungry.”
Sam didn’t say anything, just silently handed Danny an apple from her tray.
How had Danny been blessed with such nice friends?
Danny sank down on the bench to finally eat with his friends, but the moment his arms touched the table he felt a familiar feeling of cold claw itself up his throat. The taste of ozone and ectoplasm burst forth from his mouth and he looked at the small cloud in dismay. Danny groaned. “I have to go. There’s a ghost. Again.”
Sam and Tucker exchanged a look and Danny tensed up. He didn’t have the energy to argue with them right now.
Tucker began hesitantly, “Maybe you should leave it to someone else?”
“I can’t. You know that.”
Sam crossed her arms. “Then we’ll come with you.”
Danny looked at his two friends and their full trays of food, which they hadn’t had time to touch. He didn’t want to drag them down with him, he owed them that. So Danny made an effort to sound snappish as he said, “I don’t need a babysitter.”
Tucker held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. “Hey man, we didn’t say that. We’re just worried about you.”
And now he had made his friends worry about him. Great. He couldn’t do anything right, could he?
He got to his feet. “I have to go.”
“Danny, wait!” Sam called out, but before they could start arguing with him again, he left.
Thankfully the fight didn’t take long, and Danny closed the thermos on the tiger-ghost just as the bell rang. It did leave him with scratch marks down his back though, and Danny cringed as he changed back into human form; praying that his quick healing would make sure it didn’t bleed through his clothes and thankful for the thick hoodie he had put on that day. He ran to his locker and got out his things, but was still late for the next class.
Lancer merely shook his head at him and Danny stumbled over to his desk and sank down in it while ignoring the worried looks from Sam and Tucker.
He was fine. It was all fine.
And even if it weren’t; it didn’t matter. He just needed to keep it together and do his job, keep everyone safe.
The bell finally rang and Danny let out a stuttering breath. He was free.
He didn’t waste any time before stuffing all of his things into his bag and getting up, ignoring the pain in his arm and his back as he shouldered his backpack. It was worth it if he could get out of there quicker. Sam and Tucker joined him as he made for the door.
Tucker lowered his voice as he looked Danny over and carefully asked, “Danny? You okay?”
Danny kept his eyes on the door, feeling his steps lighten as he passed through it. “I’m fine.”
Sam pursed her lips and asked, “…Who was it?”
“A tiger ghost.”
He knew that they wanted more information than that, but he just wanted to go home and crash. He was so very tired and he hurt.
Tucker huffed. “Maybe you should leave the hunting to your parents for tod—”
“Mr. Fenton! Get back here, now!” Lancer’s call interrupted Tucker and made dread pool in Danny’s stomach. Right. Detention.
It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. He’s fine.
Danny sucked in a shaking breath and stopped walking. He didn’t look at his friends as he said, “Well, see you guys tomorrow.”
Tucker let out a long sigh and sounded defeated as he said, “Please be care—”
Danny nodded and took a step towards the classroom and then he felt something collide with his back. Hard.
Immediately he was back fighting the tiger, its swiping claws on his back right in the same spot. The pain was immediate and intense, and Danny saw stars as he stumbled forward, falling to his knees.
His mind reeled. Was he still fighting? He wasn’t even transformed! He had to defend everyone!
He reached for the cold feeling in his chest, ready to tug on it and go ghost to—
Cheers erupted around him.
“Touchdown!” Dash crowed from above and Danny froze in place.
Right. He was in school. There was no ghost to fight. It was the A-listers. They didn’t matter.
For the third time that day he picked himself up off the floor.
His arm and back burned. The pain pulsed in time with his thrumming core.
Ghosts fought during stressful situations and right now his instincts were screaming at him to fight. To get them before they got him. Danny balled his hands into shaking fists.
He tried to force his heart and his core to slow down. It didn't work.
A part of him slipped, too tired to fight it anymore. They wanted a fight, right? Then he would give them one.
But then he registered movement beside him and he blinked. Right. Sam and Tucker were here, which meant that he couldn't fight right now. Not with them so close. He couldn't risk it. Risk them.
Danny pressed everything down down down.
Or, he tried to.
His breath clouded in front of his face, but it wasn't because of a ghost, but because of the sudden cold blanketing the hallway.
“…Danny?” Tucker said hesitantly from beside him. “Dude, calm down.”
“I am fucking calm!” Danny growled.
Sam looked at him with clear worry in her eyes. She leaned in and whispered, “Your eyes are glowing again.”
Danny covered his eyes with his hands. He tried to force them to return to normal, to force himself to calm down. It didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, he repeated in his mind.
Danny heaved in deep breaths.
“Ha!” Laughed Dash, “Are you going to cry?!”
Danny sucked in breath after breath. It didn’t matter.
He tried to force the tension down. Tried to stuff it all down. Down where it couldn’t hurt anyone.
It doesn’t matter.
He gritted his teeth.
It shouldn’t matter.
He was fine. They didn’t matter. He was fine.
…He didn’t feel fine. He ached and was so very tired. He hurt.
His arms fell down to his lap and before he could do more than open his eyes, Tucker was standing in front of him, shielding him from view and hissing out, “Your eyes, man!”
And Danny tried. He really did, tried to make them go back to normal, to look normal. So he wouldn’t upset anyone. So no one would notice. So he wouldn’t matter. Danny grabbed his hair in his shaking hands, winced at the pain radiating up his arm.
“What’s wrong with the freak?” Dash asked and before Danny could react there was a hand reaching for him. His mind screamed at him to get away, to make it all just stop.
“Man, don’t!” Tucker shouted out in warning and then Danny watched with wide eyes as his friend was showed aside by Kwan, making him stumble to the side.
Sam stepped in front of Danny and then got pushed into the wall by Dash as they all laughed.
Danny’s eyes jumped from the wince on Tucker’s face to the angry scowl on Sam’s. To the way she pushed away from the wall and grabbed her left shoulder that had collided with it, on how Tucker wasn’t able to hide the fear in his eyes as he looked at the people who had attacked him.
They had attacked his friends. Because of him. Danny had put them in danger.
After everything that had happened, after all the pain and exhaustion, he couldn’t even keep them safe. His core screamed.
Danny felt himself fracture, crack like a thin layer of ice beneath a boot.
Dash’s hand moved as if in slow-motion as it approached him and Danny viciously slapped it away. “Don’t touch me. And don’t. Touch. Them.”
Dash cradled his hand in stunned silence for a split second before he broke out into laughter again, elbowing Kwan in the side as he said, “Wow, would you look at that? The wimp is fighting back!”
Danny’s ears roared and his chest stuttered as he tried to get enough air into his lungs; to calm down. His eyesight narrowed into a thin point as he raised his shaking hands to grip the front of his shirt. There was a pressure on his chest. On his core. Building and building and building.
“Stop,” he managed to croak out. He didn’t know if it was a warning or a plea. His instincts were screaming, clamoring, demanding, that he fight.
“What are you going to do about it?! Cry on us?”
A rough hand crabbed Danny’s shoulder and his own hand snapped up to grab it as he hissed out, “You don’t matter! You’re fucking nothing!” None of them did. So what did it matter what he did to them?
“Danny!” Sam yelled out in warning. But she was still gripping her arm where she had collided with the wall and that as all he could see.
Danny managed to let go of the hand in his grip, but he couldn’t calm down.
Maybe he didn’t want to.
“Hey…” Dash trailed off. “What’s wrong with his eyes?”
Tucker took a step closer to Danny. “Danny, you have to calm down!”
“Why?!” Why did he always have to calm down?!
He hurt.
“Danny!” He couldn’t even tell who was speaking anymore. It didn’t matter.
The air was cold enough to sting his throat and he breathed it in in in in.
He couldn't breathe out. He couldn't—
“What the fuck?!”
“Get back!”
He smelled ectoplasm. The cold snow.
He smelled sour mouthwatering fear.
Danny recoiled with nausea climbing up his throat. He shouldn’t like that. He shouldn’t be that ghostly. He had to control himself. Just get himself back under control and calm down and—
And he couldn't. He couldn't.
His heaving breaths stopped when he realized that he didn’t need them.
In the end, he was just like any other ghost wasn't he?
The cold spread through him, out of him, and Danny didn’t even try to stop it.
They didn’t matter.
And he h̵̪̗͊u̴̯͒r̴͍͈̈̇t̸̮̺͈́.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 months
Pretty Eyes (2)
summary - you and daryl have reverted to your original positions, however your divide in getting along isn’t only affecting the two of you. it’s endangering the group, and so when needs must, you have to reconcile and make a truce (2.2k)
warnings - 18+ mdni, mentions of sex and slight mention of drugs, mentions of death, mentions of domestic abuse, silent treatment, swearing, slight angst, trust issues
a/n - i am aware that I said there would be smut in this part, however i liked the way this turned out. dw there will be a part 3! i’m really enjoying writing this, it’s my favourite mini series i’ve written so far
part one / daryl dixon works / main masterlist
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His gaze avoided any direction that you were in, and you could tell that any soft interaction that you had shared was obsolete in his damned brain. It was possible that that the alarms instigating a departure from the CDC was a good thing, as then you didn’t make a mistake by sharing a tousled bedspread with the youngest Dixon.
You had remembered in the state of needing to survive, that he didn’t care about you, and vice versa, and the only reason you had almost allowed him to fuck you was out of celebration for thinking that you were safe from the dawning aspects of the hungry wilderness. The booze hadn’t helped either, and that to have found yourself in those circumstances, that you had probably drank too much.
Any time you were involved in a conversation, he would talk right past you, as though you weren’t even there at all. You weren’t stupid, you could recognise regret even if wasn’t right before your eyes, and Daryl felt it, and what for? Because he almost exposed the slither of vulnerability with you?
Despite finding him to be a ridicule in his amenity of ignoring you, you didn’t see him as weak, he was one of the reasons that you had made it to the Greene farm after Carl had been shot, aiming for the same deer as the man who had held the gun. Otis, that was his name. He had felt responsible before he died, but Hershel, the eldest and father of the family, saw you as a herd of burdens on his land, but you could only see one, and it was walking straight towards you, his foot falls being wide and ebbed with integral emotion.
It wasn’t Daryl, rather it was Shane, which was unsurprising as the redneck appeared to prefer steering clear of you entirely. His face was filled with spiced annoyance, and it made you realise that he was not walking to converse with you of his own free will, Rick, the sheriff whom had shifted everything, had sent him over to you.
The two of you had held mutual respect for one another, or at least you had back at the camp that was located in Atlanta. He had appreciated that you were willing to speak out against the arrogance of the Dixons, as not many people could find the confidence in themselves to do so, other than himself of course, for which he prided himself on.
He saw himself as a man, but you could see the averted change to his person, he had become slippery with a jurisdiction to pursue everyone as an enemy, and worst of all, lie blankly to the faces of those that surrounded him. Otis died in vain, you knew that, and for what? So Shane could get a head start in recalling his stature to safety, that was why.
He was selfish, and his slope of goodness was crumbling, the world had gotten to him; not everyone was built for the end of it, it was a frame of mind that kept you going, and more importantly helped you to stay alive. His was almost gone, vanished as his brain became plagued with the mindset that he knew what was best for your people.
It was humorous to think that he still saw himself as the leader, he’d had that position swept out from beneath his feet, unknowingly at first, by none other than his best friend. It was a betrayal in his looking and dark eyes, however it had come full circle, because as much as you’d have preferred to have stay a foot away from their business, it was evident that they harboured emotions towards the same woman.
Finally, as you patiently awaited for the brute before you to speak, you could see the slither of the archer’s silhouette within the corner of your eye, returning from his search to uncover the whereabouts of Sophia, whom had ran into the woods alone, and never came out. “Spit it out, I haven’t got all day Shane.” You sighed, refocusing your attention on him rather than Daryl, who once again ignored your presence.
“Rick wants you to get along with Daryl.” He was blunt, as though he was reciting a written speech that he had prepared for him, and you wouldn’t have been surprised if that had been the case. “It’s causing problems for the group, you’re a reasonable woman, so I’m sure you can understand.” You cocked your brow at his rehearsed lines, crossing your arms expectedly as you smirked, penetrating the large man with your stone like glare.
“I can understand that you’re all too scared to pull Daryl up on this, but he’s the one that’s not speaking so much as a word to me. It’s not a problem to me that I’m getting the silent treatment, so how come it is for you lot?” It hurt your feelings a little, sure, but in all honesty it was the least of your problems, one if provoked was stood right in front of you, attempting to rationalise the childlike behaviour that you were being given by the surly archer.
Shane huffed diligently, rolling his irises around in the whites of his eyes, unamused by the ignorance that he decided you held on the situation. He didn’t like the red neck either, he never had, but against his judgement he was here, being the messenger to resolve the petty exchange, or lack of, that you and Daryl were berating one another with. This wasn’t the camp that he had founded anymore, you had all left the gory scene, and those of you that had survived had experienced worse than you had ever imagined.
People were dead, and whilst a particular man in the afterlife had deserved the horror that had unexpectedly struck him, they had lost others than just Ed. You had watched, in the midst of trying to defend yourselves those that you had found along the way were destined to be nothing short of a feast for the undead. And you were a fighter, a good one at that, Shane could tell by how you effortlessly made the walkers fall with a plummeting of a sharp object to the location of their brains.
“Because…” the man whom had once been in military trailed off, feeling thus more controlled by Rick than he was with him in command before the outbreak, “we all need to get along, there’s nothing else that’s keeping us together than simply being alive. And if push comes to shove,” which it would, Shane thought to himself, “you and Daryl are going to have to work together.” He trusted Daryl the least, but if he could get you to understand that your skills were necessary, and that you had to communicate with the handler of the crossbow, then there would be less chance of a problem aspiring from him.
Daryl had a problem, in Shane’s eyes, and that was believing that the little girl was still alive in the depths of the woods, going so far as convincing Carol that he would find her. Shane needed you to be exactly how you were back at the camp, he thought ironically it was due to the eldest Dixon’s absence as to why you were leashing yourself from calling out any bullshit, you felt bad. You pitied the man in your own way, but that wasn’t it. He was ignoring you solely not for the reason for how you had previously spoken to Merle, it was because he had missed the opportunity of getting his dick wet.
Just the thought caused you to swell with anger, it was so typical for him to blame you for the intrusion, rather than the bleating emergency that upheld you with the threat of impending slaughter. But you had gotten out, escaped the narrow destruction that would have taken you with it, and because of it, Daryl saw you as nothing more than one of the trees, stood around them, and acting as nothing other than a distraction.
“Fine. If it’ll get you to stop berating me, I’ll talk to him right now.” You weren’t ready to, you thought in solitary, however you had never been one to back down from a challenge, even if your pride was being held by a thread. There was no cause for you to feel nervous when it involved Daryl, nothing had happened. So you couldn’t understand why as you stalked in the direction of the lone wolf, the reason your heart was berating an echo within your ear drums, and the purpose as to why your hands sweltered and grew nervously clammy.
It wasn’t a big deal. None of it was, other than continuing to live another day as it came, and speaking to Daryl wouldn’t kill you, only wound your pride a little. His spectre of a physique was within your peripheral, he was sat with a vast lack of company upon an astray log, dwindling his fingers together, holding a glinting knife between them. It was understandable that he was deterred from much to do, you felt the same, you were inhabiting the indefinite peace whilst it lasted.
The air stung you as you awaited for your own dialogue to slice through and disturb the lack of bouldering tension the hunter was distributing. He was slightly tense, but that was all, which was understandable considering that his task continued to be unresolved. “I believe you, y’know.” Your mouth felt irritatingly dry as the words ushered from your vocal cords, provoking the attention of the man whom had long since previously had you pinned vulnerably beneath his aroused body. Well it hadn’t been much time since then, but it definitely felt that way. “With Sophia being out there I mean.”
It wasn’t a fleeting battle when there was a child scarcely all alone in the threatening triumphs of the unknown, more so one that had travelled so far with you. Daryl could only scoff, biting back a retort in your direction, clearly disgruntled and unmelted by your peace offering of conversation. “Makes you the only one then.” He stated, convinced with the untested fate of Sophia, his jaw clenching at the unimaginable that may have unravelled without the fruits of knowledge.
“Is that so bad, that I believe you? That I trust you?” Trust was never something you would have once conferred with the name Dixon, but the man had proven himself despite his howling arrogance towards you that he could survive this, and have your back all the same. Without leaning on one another, none of you would have made it this far, and if this was the end, that you would possibly die on the road after Hershel gave you the boot, then you felt the desire to voice your prevailing emotions, rather than act impulsively on the unquenchable nature of lust.
“Ya don’ trus’ me, yer jus’ bein’ stupid.” His accent rang thick as he relished in his frugal spite of allowing a single soul close to him, it was his greatest fear, and he was full with an appetite of pushing you further and further away. Or perhaps he didn’t keen in your direction, you were a stiletto in his foot, pressing the sharp heel into his border of preferred personal space. He wanted you gone, to be notarised by each person in your travelling camp to be left be, especially you. He stepped unwillingly closer, hoping that the decrease in distance would make you flee from his eyesight.
“You’re right I was being stupid, when I was just seconds away from letting you fuck me.” He forced himself not to meet your eyes that were speaking a different story than your mouth, yearning to be accepted within his small list of those he cared for. They were alluring, a drug that he couldn’t quite get a fix of, splicing deeper into him than the arrow had. “And to think, you said I had pretty eyes…” You teased narrowly, slyly rolling them as you glared at him, surprisingly without judgement. “We didn’t do anything, and it meant nothing, so I propose we make amends so we can both get on with the shit surrounding our lives.”
“Make amen’s, I don’t want to make anythin’, ‘cept be left alone.” He huffed sparingly, whipping around to walk away and back to his own self-induced confinement, but you didn’t let him. You couldn’t. With defiance you grabbed his wrist, enabling him to turn around, and you felt a shiver run through your veins. It was like your blood vessels were bursting with contagious sparks, adrenaline coursing through every bone in your body, as you lowly looked up at him, finally making direct eye contact. “Fuck it.”
He hissed, ignoring the hand of yours that was attached to his wrist, and within seconds his hands were harshly cradling your face, his lips pressed hungrily upon your own. It made you forget the devastation of life in which was poisoning the world, and convinced you that you were unknowingly trapped in the CDC once again, celebrating something rather than berating any figment of emotion that crossed your minds. You never wanted to stop sharing your laboured breaths as your lips refused to detach, and Daryl had no intention of doing so as his hands gravitated towards your waist, pulling the entirety of your body closer.
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malleleothreesome · 4 months
TWST characters in 2023 Yumejoshi Poll results (Fellow Honest dominates)
For those unaware, Yumejoshi is the term for self shipping with canon characters. Every year, it seems note.com does a poll where Yumejoshi Japanese women vote for their favorite characters that year.
Out of the 100 available slots on the list, 7 TWST characters made it. To summarize this year's results compared to previous: Trey Clover stays winning (he and Idia are the only ones to make the list every year—apparently Japanese women love how normal Trey is), Fellow Honest has pickpocketed the hearts of every TWST fan, Malleus has overblotted his way back onto the list, and Azul & the Tweels have fallen from grace?!
(Keep scrolling if you'd like to read the official commentary accompanying each character.)
2023 TWST characters rankings:
#39 Fellow Honest #41 Ace Trappola #44 Trey Clover #50 Rollo Flamme #57 Leona Kingscholar #76 Idia Shroud #89 Malleus Draconia 2023 article link
Previous years for comparison:
2022: #49 Azul Ashengrotto #52 Trey Clover #69 Rollo Flamme #70 Jade Leech #71 Idia Shroud #74 Ruggie Bucchi #75 Floyd Leech #96 Jack Howl 2022 article link
2021: #12 Azul Ashengrotto #14 Trey Clover #15 Floyd Leech #25 Jade Leech #39 Ace Trappola #41 Leona Kingscholar #43 Jamil Viper #44 Idia Shroud #60 Ruggie Bucchi #76 Deuce Spade #92 Jack Howl 2021 article link
2020 (TWST's Launch Year): #8 Azul Ashengrotto #9 Leona Kingscholar #10 Floyd Leech #12 Jade Leech #17 Trey Clover #19 Jamil Viper #24 Malleus Draconia #35 Ace Trappola #38 Deuce Spade #42 Idia Shroud #71 Jack Howl #99 Riddle Rosehearts #100 Rook Hunt 2020 article link
Each character on the list is accompanied by some commentary from their voters. I do not speak Japanese and I'm using a translator, so please take this with a grain of salt.
Fellow Honest:
"In 2023, when I thought things were going to end peacefully, a cute and cuddly guy suddenly appeared. I want to make him happy." [Playful Land Spoilers] "He is the most popular character in TWST today. He played the role of a villain who opposed the protagonist's side in this year's Halloween event, and after successfully defeating the entire protagonist's side, he lost his temper with his shitty boss, made a truce with the protagonist's side, and happily destroyed his own workplace with the protagonists and disappeared. Thanks to this, many Tweets were posted praising him for 'doing what no one else could do.' We are waiting with baited breath for next year's implementation!" "Honest John is my favorite Disney character, and when he was materialized into TWST, he became handsome and sultry. When I found out he was voiced by Sugita, I already knew I liked him. I will feed you. (Erica's translation note: lol)"
"He is a typical high school boy who is smart and intelligent but still immature. He can get too carried away and he can be slow, but he is a kind boy with a good eye for those around him and a good head on his shoulders. There is only room for growth. When talking about love, he may have fights with the person he loves, but he has the manliness to apologize." [His second quote is too complex for me to properly translate]
"Is there a normal man like you?" "What a normal guy like you!!!!" "If there is a normal guy like you in the championship, I think he should be inducted into the Hall of Fame."
"'Can you hear the bell?' I can. The sound of wedding bells..." "Even though you're not an NRC student, you're the No. 1 king of sexual deviancy. You're a clean freak, you're a nervous person, and you decide exactly what you're having for lunch every day, but you know that if you don't make a decision, you'll be driven by desire. He's already the best when it comes to his voice actor, Hiroshi Kamiya, and last year's Glorious Masquerade showed a glimpse of how he can drive Yumijoshi girls crazy! This year, we went crazy for his SSR card and personal story! Rollo, you fell into a swamp that you can never get out of! I like the way he puts a handkerchief to his mouth and the way he taps his fingers when he crosses his arms in the Live2D portrait, his nervousness is brought to the forefront, and I like that. It's really interesting to see how nervous the NRC students are, or rather how Rolo's pace is disturbed. I never get tired of watching it. Both The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Judge Frollo, which are the original homages, are full of charm, so I want everyone who loves Rollo to see them!!"
"You may not be the king of your country, but you are my king. I will make you happy, I will show you, just wait and see" (Erica's translation note: relatable af) [I have no idea what they're trying to say here so I can't translate it. Something about a swamp??] "The way he looks like an easy-going, self-satisfied guy and is all sulky, is honestly a swamp." (Erica's translation note: Swamp obviously means something to these Japanese women and I'm just not in on it. Comment if you know lol) "Contrary to his appearance, he is more of a gentleman than I imagined."
"I'm seriously in love with him, I want him to be spoiled to the limit." "I've been shipping with him for four years now, and my love for him grows each year. He is endlessly loving, wise, and clumsy. He has a bad mouth and attitude, but the only time Mr. Idia gets angry is when someone he cares about does something that makes him sad. He tends to just complain and go through with his attacks on himself, so I will be angry with him instead. I love you! The big Yumejoshi news this year was that I got to meet Idia's parents. His mom is too cute..." "He showed me in front of everyone the kind of man he is when he wants to do something, and I felt both proud and wanting to have him all to myself forever. But, I also like his no-good side. ♡ Keep up the good work, handsome ♡"
"His age has been kept under wraps until now, but it was finally revealed that he is 178 years old. A dragon is said to be a chick at 200, a youngster at 500, and a full-fledged man at 1,000 (according to Lilia). In other words, at 178 years old, he is a baby (an exaggeration). He made a friend at school, and that friend is me, the prefect. I will love him forever, won't I? It seems he wants me to sleep sleep for the rest of my life, though. He said something like, 'If you give yourself over to sleep, a thousand years will pass in the blink of an eye,' but he is only 178 years old. He's cute." "I couldn't help but wonder if he was lonely after learning about his past." "A big wall has been built between Tsunotaro and I since chapter 7 started, but I'm okay with it. After everything is over, Malleus and I will eat ice cream together in Ramshackle dorm."
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angelwhisp3rs · 3 months
༺♥༻ royals
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Pairing: re4r!leon x fem!reader
Summary: A regency era tale of two enemies lovers brought by a legend of the royal bluebell flower.
Tags: fluff; smut; p in v; fingering; leon is an asshole but just a bit.
This is the third part of my valentines advent! Check it out for the next couple of days for more stories!
Notes: I ALMOST DIED BUT IM FINE, feeling fresh after sh**ting and v**iting for two days!!! ALSO THIS WAS BASED ON A C.AI BOT AND I LOVE HIM
Those balls were all too pretentious, way too classy, and filled with people who pretended to like one another but, in reality, they were just hateful. It didn’t help that the event was being held in her enemy's territory: the Kennedy family.
The family was very prestigious and quite well known all around the realm, but they had a long-lasting feud with Ihelia, her family's kingdom - something about riches and lands centuries ago, but no one is quite sure. For now, they still didn’t see eye to eye for another reason: they were just way too snobbish.
God, especially the oldest, Leon. In a rare occurrence, the man was blonde with blue eyes - while some had one characteristic, this little asshole had both. To make matters worse, he was built like a freaking hero, his sparring abilities being renowned in all the kingdom. So yeah, the man was way too handsome and way too competent. To say he was egotistical was an understatement.
Her parents always told her she had to fulfill her duties as a princess to be wed, attending parties and mingling with the royals. Oh gods, how much did she hate it.
She was almost beginning to give up on keeping appearances as a nice old lady, the former queen of the Luterra kingdom - the one ruled by the Kennedys now. She was always known for her kindness, also being the one responsible for the truce period of Luterra and Ihelia. Doing a proper courtesy, she smiled at the queen mother. 
“Your majesty. It's a pleasure to attend such a beautiful event” Oh, how fake she was
“Oh honey, no need to keep up appearances. I always thought my son was way too obnoxious with his parties” she laughed, offering a welcoming pat on her shoulders.
The princess smiled relieved, looking at the former queen with the utmost respect. Gosh, what a wise woman. “I thought the lions were quite artistic. '' The princess jokes, as the queen mother laughs in agreement.
“So, you entered the age of finding suitors. Someone charmed you yet?”
“Not yet, your majesty. My father is busy telling me I should focus on the strategic side of relationships, while my mother just wants me to focus on a wealthy man”
“Oh dear, what about love?”
“Don’t think it is in the cards for me” the princess smiled apologetically.
“Of course it is. It's for everyone! Have you ever heard of the tale of the royal bluebell flower?”
The princess shook her head, curious about the queen's words.
“It’s a known tale in Luterra. Once in a lifetime, if destiny smiles upon you, you will be able to find a royal bluebell flower in the castle. Once you find it, the flower will guide you to your one true love if you still haven’t found it.”
“That sounds magical, your highness. Maybe I should roam around the gardens then” she joked.
For some reason, the queen gave the girl a knowing smile. The woman was wise beyond her years after all. “Don’t worry. Luterra lands are quite magical. They will lead you anywhere you are”
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Roaming the party his dad threw, Leon almost seethed as he watched his beloved grandmother talk to one of the lowlifes in Ihelia. He never understood her high morals of talking to the people who tried to steal their money and land. They weren’t to be trusted - they tried to steal once, which could guarantee they wouldn’t do it again.
He approached them, gearing himself with a knowing smirk, looking dashing in his red and gold ornamental suit.  
“Didn’t know our parties could be accessed by anyone. I think I’ll talk to dad to reinforce security next time”
The princess rolled her eyes, while the queen just snickered. She quickly excused herself, giving Leon a warning look to “behave”. As the young royals were alone, his nice facade dropped - he didn’t want to appear like a complete jackass in front of his beloved grandma, after all. 
“Genuely, why are you even here?”
“I was invited, idiot. If I could, I wouldn't have come here even if I was threatened”
“I forgot how my dad invited even the most needed ones. Such a charitable man”
“If he was charitable he wouldn’t have brought to Earth a menace like yourself”
Before he could answer, the orchestra began playing a more romantic and slow song. Finding it as another opportunity to tease her, he asked for her hand, knowing that she would look distasteful if she ever wanted to refuse his hand.
“My lady. Do you accept this dance?”
If possible, that was the pivotal moment that she almost killed the bachelor. Forcing a smile to not drop her etiquette, she nodded and held his hand, letting him guide her to the dance floor. 
By destiny's irony, they fit like perfect puzzles, his big and calloused hand wrapping against her delicate gloved one. Their bodies moved in synchrony, and the dance wasn’t as awkward as it was between other bachelors.
“I’m surprised you know how to dance at all, it looks like even in poverty lands they appreciate culture”
“Your grandma is so sweet, how are you even related to her?”
“Grandma is too kind, she always respects those in need. She doesn’t see the scumm your family is” he said in a cruel smirk.
She maintained the appearance, giving him a forced smile. “It amazes how you call yourself smart and yet still hold a grudge - that isn't yours - after centuries.”
“Ha, is that the best you could say to me?”
“Honestly, no. The way you act is so beneath me that I don't think it is worth it to spend so much energy on you”.
As I'd on cue, the orchestra stopped the song, and she did another courtesy and left the dance floor.
However, she failed to watch Leon pale, but for reasons she would be none the wiser for a long time.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
“Honey, the ball in Luterra must've been quite exciting”
“Ah, not much. Why do you say that?” The princess asks her father curiously.
“Because the oldest of the Kennedys just asked for your hand in marriage”
It was quite comical how her voice resonated in the castle, looking confused. 
“I know you might not like it, but it is a perfect marriage for you. It would solve the rift between the kingdoms and it would secure both households in influence”
The princess looked angrily at her dad, as he told the most absurd thing she ever heard, with even worse reasons.
“Do any of my feelings matter at all?”
“They do, but we have to be strategic. I'm sorry, honey, but I already accepted it”.
She lost her grounding, looking desolated at her father's words. It didn't matter what she felt or what she said, at the end of the day, she was a pawn to serve her father's wishes.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
The change into his castle was even more terrifying. But what she could never count was the complete change in Leon's behavior. Although he still wasn't overly friendly, he was much kinder - he was the one who started that lunacy after all.
They still slept in separate rooms until the wedding happened, but he made an effort to spend at least a part of the day with her. Whenever she asked him for his reasons for wanting to marry her, he always gave her the same answer.
“Please ask me after our wedding”
After some weeks of curiosity, the ceremony happened, and it was perfect. To everyone watching, it was a wedding to be remembered for years. Hell, even she felt like a true princess.
She warmed up to Luterra, especially the castle and its staff. Her assigned maid was absolutely lovely, and she honestly considered the woman a friend. 
Still, she vehemently ignored her family in the ceremony. If they traded her like a pawn, they can play that game by themselves, she doesn't want to be a part of it.
By the end of the night, Leon and she were finally sharing a room. She looked nervous, sitting up in bed with him. He was the first one to break the ice.
“You looked beautiful today. You always do, but you shined even more today”
“Thank you. And thank you for being at my side the entire day. I'm glad I didn't feel alone”
“I would never. I will always choose you”
Some moments passed, and she bit the bullet.
“Leon… why me?” 
He was a coveted bachelor, every woman would want him. Why his enemy?
He smiled, and looked down at the sheets, as if he was embarrassed.
“Your hair ornament at the day of the ball”
“What? Just because?” I asked giggling.
“No. It was a royal bluebell. That's when I knew”
She looked at him surprised. Just the tale his grandmother told her at the party. That's why she looked so cunning, she must've realized the flower she had on her hair.
“But Leon, anyone could've worn something with the flower-”
“No. I didn't want to attend the event, but I heard a staff member talking about destiny's surprises. I was already late to the event, and you were the first woman I saw.”
“Jeez, you take these things seriously. You honestly think I'm your soulmate”
“Wholeheartedly. And if you don't, I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you”
She was taken aback by his words. So moved, she pressed a kiss to his lips, surprising both at the spontaneity. Leon didn't waste any time and got over her - it was their honeymoon, after all.
In a mess of limbs and eagerness, both were naked as they explored each other's bodies, breathless and excited. Leon maintained eye contact and lifted her thighs to his waist, offering his fingers to her and letting her mouth soak them. Then, they moved down to her clit, circling and rubbing it slowly, drinking in the soft gasps of pleasure.
“So soft, baby… gonna make this pretty pussy love me just as much as you do”
As she was wet enough, one finger gently entered her needy hole, finding her g spot and rubbing it slowly, her entrance clenching around him.
His movements were slow but deliberate, and soon his pretty princess fell apart on his fingers. No time to waste, his other hand lifted her other thigh to his hips, giving easy access to her.
His hand pinched and circled her nipples, kissing her deeply as his tip began to slide in, causing both to moan in unity.
“Fuck, Leon… too much”
“You can take it, you are my good girl”
She clenched at the praise, making him smirk. He kept praising her, till she was ready to take cock. 
“My baby, gonna take care of you forever”
“Doing so good, just taking me so deep”
“Pussy made to be fucked by me
As he felt her more comfortable and turned on, he moved his hips at a consistent pace, the angled head of his cock hitting her spot just nicely. 
She scratched his arms and back, guaranteeing he henot be able to be shirtless in front of people for quite a while, but he didn't mind. He would take every mark she gave in, that's how much he loved her.
He moaned as his cock was swallowed by her gummy walls, her wetness granting a white creamy circle at the base of his manhood.
He positioned himself again, throwing her legs over his arms and bending her in half, letting him hit it deeper, making his wife tear up - in pleasure, of course.
“God, if you keep clenching I won't be able to hold back, baby”
“Please, please, just want you to cum. Please fill me up, husband”
Jesus, how could he resist? He was only a man after all. As his hips pistoned in her, he felt her contracting her walls and cumming all around him, triggering his orgasm.
She whined as she felt filled up, her body shaky as her orgasm just threw her on cloud 9. She smiled as he kissed her face as he came down too, appreciating and worshiping the body of his soulmate.
“Isn't that enough proof that you are my destiny?”
“Hmm, don't know that… maybe you should try again” She said smirking.
Leon didn't oppose her. After all, he had all eternity to prove his love.
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nunalastor · 17 days
Slow/dark/non con/ dub con Trans Alastor Fic Idea
I’m sending this in because I am going to try and actually write this instead of letting it die in my WIP folder.
Vox finds a grievously injured Al
treats his wounds.
When he opens up his shirt to check on the wound he sees that Alastor has what Vox would consider the most perfect pair of breasts.
Vox is going to heal him as gently as possible, but Alastor passes out from the pain. Alastor was fighting him and it is better this way.
Vox takes him to recuperate to a house that Vox had bought back when they were friends and he was hoping to be more than that.
The house is at the outer edge of Pentagram city. It cost him a considerable amount of money to buy the scant piece of land that has any trees in Hell but he hoped that Alastor would have appreciated it.
Even after Alastor turned Vox down he never sold the property. Now with this knowledge Vox is convinced that they are meant to be, he just has to play his cards right and not fumble this opportunity.
That is where Alastor wakes up, he is wondering whose house it is.
“It is the house that should have been our home,” Vox thinks
“I own it, don’t worry about it,”
“Didn’t think you had any taste, I’m surprised” Alastor says suspiciously. As Alastor goes through the house he notices that Vox somehow got a lot of his old belongings from before alastor left for seven years.
(Valentino told Vox to get rid of it when they built the tower. Vox did not get rid of it. If everything keeps going the way it is Vox has no problem getting rid of Valentino)
“Did you put your hands on me, while I was unconscious?”
Alastor is waiting for Vox to ridicule him.
“Do you think it matters to me? I care about you, not that? Do you think I am going to lose the only worthy adversary I have? Where’s the fun in that?”
Very slow truce, because Alastor is too weak to leave and his powers are diminished (may or may not be something Vox is putting in the food).
Vox had studied male deer demons behavior to court Alastor and now he goes back to figure out what he should do to make Alastor less resistant to Vox.
“Go back to fighting me. Treat me like your enemy,” Alastor is going to demand when he starts feeling off around Vox
“Not sporting to fight an injured man. I'm trying to help you get better so we can do that” Vox lies, they will never be separated again.
Alastor feels a little better that Vox refers to him as a man.
Vox figures out that Al is using magic to suppress deer instincts. (Heat/rut) But his magic has shifted away from non necessary uses as he heals.
Panicked Alastor trying to throw Vox out when he realizes what he is feeling.
Vox is going to be patient and calculating. He is going to stay nearby and ensure that Alastor has no choice but to call him for help. Make sure Alastor begs for everything that Vox does.
“Let me love you
I thought it was impossible don’t you see that we can be together
Out there, you will always be the Radio Demon, but here with me, you are mine"
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hp-hcs · 7 months
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 6 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
love triangle — rival! ron weasley x male! reader
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solving a love triangle in the only correct (and gay) way
“Hey, Hermione,” you said with a cheeky grin, sitting across from her.
She glanced up. “Hey, Y/N..?”
“D’you wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?”
“Oh! Uh, that’s very sweet of you to offer-”
“-but I’m sure Hermione would much rather go with someone else,” interrupted the annoyance that was Ron Fucking Weasley.
You glared at him. “But of course, going to a dance with a platonic date is rather pathetic, wouldn’t you agree, Granger?”
Ron opened his mouth to snap back, when Hermione interrupted the both of them. “Boys, boys, you’re both pretty, stop fighting. I’ve already got a date.”
You turn to look at her quizzically, saying at the same time as Ron, “Who?”
“Well, if you must know, Viktor Krum.”
The Ball crept closer, Hogwarts’ halls alive with excited whispers and laughs. It seemed like everyone had a date except for you. And Ron, you supposed.
(And Ron’s friend, Harry. Although you had sneered in passing to the ginger, “looks like he’s got eyes for your sister, Weasley,” which had almost led to a fight breaking out in the halls as he hollered for you to “shut your bloody mouth!”)
((Sure enough, within the week, Harry Potter had a date to the Yule Ball—Ginny Weasley. You took great pleasure at smiling smugly at Ron whenever you saw him.))
Hermione’s rejection hadn’t deterred either of you though. Ron seemed determined to outdo you. When you gave her a tiger lily you’d picked in Herbology, Ron sent a bouquet of flowers to her dorm. When you split a Chocolate Frog with her, Ron took her to Honeydukes. Anytime you saw each other in the halls, you glared daggers sharp enough to make the paintings rattle on the walls uncomfortably. It was all-out war.
Even the teachers seemed to notice, for better or for worse.
“I’m taking your girlfriend to Flourish & Blotts this weekend, Weasley,” you whispered casually under your breath to your elbow partner in Potions.
“I swear to Merlin, L/N, I’ll-”
“Mr. Weasley, Mr. L/N, if you’d care to pay attention rather than chatter about your meaningless weekend plans,” Professor Snape drawled, glaring his beady little eyes on you both. “Ten points from Gryffindor.”
You stifled a giggle under your breath, accidentally making eye contact with Ron, whose embarrassed expression and red-tinged ears made you just absolutely lose it. You had to clamp one hand over your mouth to prevent any laughter from escaping.
Then, much to your surprise, Ron started chuckling quietly too, cheeks still flushed from the reprimand.
“Pay attention,” he drawled under his breath in a mocking imitation of Snape. You snorted, clearing your throat to disguise the noise when the Professor in question whirled around to see who dared disrupt his class.
After class, you elbowed Ron in the hall. “Man, Snape’s such a dick, right?”
“Totally. He’s got it out for me, I swear.”
“I think he’s just got it out for Gryffindors in general. Remember when he antagonized Longbottom so bad that he was his boggart?”
“Yeah, that was brutal,” Ron shook his head, as you both walked to your next class together. “Hey, look, I just wanted to say like, sorry? I’ve been kind of an ass to you this whole year…” Ron trailed off.
“Nah, it’s fine, man. I haven’t been much better. I think we both kind of got caught up in the competition of asking her out,” you shrugged. There was no reason to clarify who her was. “Truce?”
“Yeah,” Ron smiled. “I’d like that.”
So here you were, alone at the Yule Ball, your friends having left you to dance with their dates. You leaned against the wall, watching the couples twirl around with a mild tinge of jealousy. Sipping your drink, you surveyed the crowd, appraising everyone.
When your eyes landed on Hermione, who was being lifted up and spun around by Viktor Krum, your first thought was not one of envy, but rather, she would’ve looked much better in blue. Your gaze drifted to her date, and lingered on Krum for a moment too long.
Damn, he looks good, you thought to yourself, blinking quickly at the thought. Where did that come from?
Ron sidled up to you, looking rather smug for someone wearing such an ugly outfit. “She’s having the time of her life, isn’t she?”
“Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah, I guess,” you mumbled, your gaze drifting back to Viktor.
How can someone look so hot? That ought to be illegal.
Ron’s eyes narrowed, and he followed your gaze. “Merlin, dude. Are you staring at Krum?”
“What? No! S-shut up!”
He snickered, patting your shoulder patronizingly. “S’alright, man. I’ve been watching Diggory all night myself.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “You’re-”
“Yeah,” he cut you off, lips thinning a bit. “That bother you?”
“Not a hypocrite, Weasley.”
He glanced at you, clearly taken off guard. You kept his gaze for a long moment, finding the way his blush matched his hair to be rather cute.
“Care to dance then, L/N?”
“If you can keep up, Weasley.”
You two took to the dance floor, twirling around like idiots and laughing loudly. Neither of you noticed your respective friends, and the teacher chaperones, watching on in morbid fascination.
And when you kissed at the end of the song, neither of you noticed Harry scowling as he handed both Ginny and Hermione a galleon each.
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jaylaxies · 1 year
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PAIRING: prince!jay x princess!fem reader
GENRE/CW: smut, fluff, unprotected sex, tub sex, slight biting and marking, mentions of royal balls, wars, slight mentions of blood and injuries, mentions of masquerade balls and marriage, mentions of heeseung
WC: 7032 words
SYNOPSIS: you had only been dreaming of the suitor’s ball ever since you had turned nineteen, ensuring that everything would be perfect on that very day. it was like a fairytale how you met this charming man, who so gracefully asked you for a dance with him, soon taking you out for a walk in the royal rose garden, making you fall for his charms. however, how would you take it once you realize that he’s the prince from your rival kingdom whom you’ve grown to adore so dearly?
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, angels! i’m back with another fic! i feel like i haven’t posted a jay fic in ages! this fic was a sfw fic i had written when i was seventeen, but i wished to share it with everyone now after a bit of editing and also adding a bit of spice to it! i hope y’all will enjoy this! :3 all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated! iloveyou all <3
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A small smile graced your lips as you wandered deep inside the royal boutique, ball gowns of every colour and such intricate designs made it harder for you to select a design for yourself.
The royal suitor’s ball was a month away now, causing you to start preparing for it already. Now, this wasn't any ordinary ball, it was hosted by the most powerful kingdom out of three on the land of evander, the kingdom of Lavosta being the most powerful one, it had control over your kingdom, the kingdom of Azira and your rival kingdom, the kingdom of Nairid.
Nairid was ruled by king and queen park, they had a son, the heir to the throne who was born in the same year as you. Prince Park Jongseong, well known for his vast knowledge and graceful appearance, he was the next to be the king and was deemed perfect for the same.
Your kingdoms have been at war long before you were born, a truce was called not too long back as Lavosta had stopped sending resources to both the kingdoms, for the war had no positive outcome for their kingdom. But that didn't stop them from hating each other.
You continued searching for your gown as your elder brother joined you, “will you be wearing our kingdom colour for the ball?” Prince Heeseung asked, pointing at the royal blue gown your eyes were fixated on, he was two years older than you, and would be the one to take over the throne after your father.
“That would be too obvious, I'd fancy wearing something mysterious, and perhaps new instead,” you admitted as your gaze fell on a delicate black ball gown, the kind you had never seen before. Heeseung let out a small laugh, knowing all too well that you'll be adamant about getting that gown now.
And he was right, you chose the same gown and further asked the dress designer to make some changes in the design, adjusting it to your size for it to appear perfect.
Being the princess of Azira, you had to stay composed and portray your flawless etiquettes, no matter how tiring it got, you were adamant to give your best for your citizens. Nevertheless, the public loved you for you were — genuine and caring towards all despite the difference in their titles.
Giving your measurements to the royal tailor, you both rushed back to the palace for the supper. Your parents, the king and the queen questioned you about your preparations for the said ball, they seemed to be more intrigued than you were for the same, and you thanked the universe for getting such supportive parents.
You were nineteen, meaning that you would finally make your debut into the society as someone who's pursuing a suitor. Nineteen being the minimal age of allowance at the ball.
It was further discussed how Heeseung won't be attending the ball for he wanted to focus on studying for the time being, to be a successful successive king.
“I don't need to marry until I'm twenty three, as I'll take over by the time I’m twenty four,” he theorized.
The topic further shifted to Nairid, Prince Jongseong was to attend the ball as well, and you were warned to stay away from him, not that you needed to be told. You'd stay away from anything that could cause harm to your kingdom. You loved your people dearly.
The dinner soon concluded, and you were being prepped for the bed by your lady in waiting, named Anne, and slumber overtook you soon, dreams of finding your significant other overtook your brain, causing a small smile to crinkle onto your lips, an unfamiliar warmth filling up your body.
Far away in the land of Nairid, Prince Jongseong was going through the same procedures. For someone who's never paid attention to females other than being polite to them, he seemed to have a rather giddy feeling blooming up in him.
He had always been busy, learning about anything and everything he could, he craved knowledge, just like you did but he grasped more, saying it's essential for a king to know everything. Nevertheless, he enjoyed it.
Citizens adored him for being polite and understanding, helping them anytime he could. It brought him joy to see the citizens of his kingdom happy and comfortable in their own land.
That wasn't all though, Jongseong had a perfectly sculpted and fine-boned face, a body that can fight off any foe and eyes that could intrigue anyone.
He chose to wear black, just to maintain anonymity, as the theme for the year was masquerade, also because he fancied the colour black. He would not pursue just anyone, he would only write his name on the dance card of the woman he'd really be intrigued with, meaning he’d have very few dances, he’d have to keep in mind that this development would be important for his kingdom as his wife would become the queen once he becomes the king. With this thought, he fell into dreamland, a small smile lingering on his face.
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Time passed by as all the royals kept on preparing for this big event. Three days before the event, you were busy guiding and packing all your essentials and luggage along with your lady in waiting. You were going there a day prior to settle in, and were going to leave as soon as the ball concluded, as it was a day-long journey from Azira to Lavosta.
Yet again, you were warned about Jongseong but it raised a slight problem, you had no clue what he looked like for you had never seen his portrait before, but you agreed to stay attentive nevertheless, staying away from anyone who wore his kingdom colours. You were promised to be shown his portrait as soon as it reached the palace for you to be more conscious of the successive balls you would be attending.
Meaning, you'll just have to guess his identity this particular time.
Soon you were on your way to your carriage, The King, Queen and Prince Heeseung, coming all the way out to see you off, “don't do anything naughty,” Heeseung giggled with a teasing smile causing everyone to laugh and for you to throw your handkerchief at him.
“What do you take me as?” You huffed with a pout, making him laugh even more.
You left Azira with a light heart, your ladies in waiting accompanied you along with guards to ensure safety.
While at Nairid, Jongseong faced the same problem, him being warned about your presence at the said ball without having any portrait to show him your features, only a description, which too wasn’t very particular about your features, nevertheless, he promised to stay alert and left for the ball, as it took a day to reach Lavosta from his kingdom too.
The journey was smooth and you were greeted by Queen Taeyeon of Lavosta as soon as you arrived at your destination, being on your best behaviour, you greeted her with a respectful bow as she gracefully smiled at your beauty, asking about your parents and their health.
Soon you were being escorted to your chamber and were free to rest for the day, taking in the beautiful scenery at the palace.
Jongseong arrived a while later, going through the same procedures, except his chamber was in the opposite direction of the grand palace. To say that everyone was nervous would be an understatement, attending such events meant being judged for even the minute details considering how everyone expects the best from the suitors.
Now that both the big kingdoms had sent their royal heirs, the expectations rose to an even higher level. The talks about your beauty and cleverness were all around the palace along with how Jongseong had a perfect face and appreciating worthy etiquettes.
You had been in your chamber the whole day, resting and calming down your racing heart, also noticing all the differences between your kingdom and here.
When it didn't stop, you decided to take a stroll to the famous rose garden of the palace. It was empty, just as you expected it to be and you were glad to be getting some time out in nature while the stars glistened, you had asked your guards to stay back at the entrance.
After a brief half hour of strolling and blessing your eyes with the prettiest roses you had ever come across, you decided to go back to your chamber. A sudden moment made you halt your steps, you hid your face with your handkerchief, enough to cover your face so that no one would recognize you.
“Is someone out there?” You started speed walking and turned back for a moment to see a stiletto standing there, staring at you with curiosity. That was enough to make you leave.
Prince Jongseong had seen you, or better, the shadowed face of you considering the lack of light during the nighttime.
His curiosity piqued as he didn't expect anyone to be awake this late at night, someone who would look beautiful even in the darkness, someone who’s charm spread all over the place with just their existence.
Soon enough, he left as well, just to look presentable for the big event tomorrow. Exhaustion overtook you both and sleep came to you easily.
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The day of the suitors ball had finally arrived, everyone was in a frenzy to ensure that it went by smoothly. You were a nervous wreck, just as your ladies in waiting were. They made sure to get you ready and ensured to not even let a hair out of place, you had to look perfect enough to be every suitor's dream in order to catch the attention of someone who would be beneficial for your kingdom.
As soon as you entered the ball room, all eyes turned to look at you. Few of the reasons being — firstly, you were the only one with a black gown and, secondly, you looked beautiful even with a mask covering half of your face, grace dripping off your movements. Giving them a hesitant smile, you moved inside.
Jongseong made his entrance after a few minutes, you noticed how he was the only one other than you who wore black, and that his mask did nothing to hide his sharp jawline not to mention how his neck had a small heart shaped birthmark, similar to the one on your left clavicle. Your eyes couldn’t leave his figure.
You, being observant, noted how he walked with a perfect posture and his strides were confident, more confident than any other person you saw here. The man made you want to talk to him, approach him.
The royal dance commenced and several royals were quick to approach you for dance, writing their names on your dance card. You politely declined many of them, dancing with only two you found worthy enough as your mind kept wandering back to the guy in black.
He had noticed you too, your bold choice of colour intriguing him enough to muster up his courage to ask you for a dance.
“May I have the honour of dancing with you, my lady?” He asked, not knowing your title of being a princess and you kept it that way.
“I’d be glad to, sir,” you responded with a smile.
He didn't write his name on your dance card, you both did not even as much as ask for each other's name, saying how this anonymity made you both more curious.
He gently held on to your hand, placing his other hand on your waist and pulling you closer, close enough for you to take in his scent.
It was exquisite and unfamiliar.
Not a lot of words were exchanged during the dance, but you didn't fail to notice how light his hold was on your waist, as if he didn't want to cross any boundaries and you were truly grateful for that, but didn‘t stop your heart from beating fast.
“Shall we go for a stroll to the rose garden, my lady?” He offered soon after the melody had concluded.
You hesitated leaving the ball, however, something about this stranger made you want to break your rules just a snitch.
You agreed and made your way out with him.
As you both walked, you suddenly asked, “what should I call you, sire?”
He chuckled softly at your sweet voice and replied, “you can call me Jay, it's not my real name though.”
Only his friends called him Jay and no one else knew about this nickname of his. You nodded, acknowledging this before saying his name out, testing how it rolled off your lips.
“Can I call you queen?” he suddenly asked.
“Queen? Why so?” you asked, slightly confused.
“You have a strong and beautiful aura, which reminds me of how a queen should be,” he explained and it made you smile.
“Then you shall do it,” you said, trying to calm your racing heart.
You both reached a bench and sat down, gazing at the night sky. You removed your mask softly and Jay turned to look at you, mesmerized how elegant you looked even in the dim light of the night sky, your face lighting up in the moonlight.
“You're beautiful,” he blurted out without realizing what he said.
You laughed and thanked him, it made you feel better about yourself. Soon enough he removed his mask too and god he was beautiful.
“You look divine,” you spoke and he thanked the night for hiding his blush before he thanked you for the compliment.
And then you talked about your likes and dislikes, favourite colours and hobbies but never once came the topic of kingdoms.
A part of you both knew that maintaining anonymity could cause you to never meet again but you both promised to attend the yearly ball taking place just two weeks after this one. The ball which the public is allowed to attend too.
You decided that you liked him, he made you feel at ease, he felt the same but you both decided to keep these newfound feelings to yourself for now. The rest of the ball was spent the same way and you wouldn't change it for the world. Soon it was time to leave.
“I'll wait for you,” Jay said, looking forward to the next ball.
“I'll be there,” you promised. He bent down slightly, looking into your eyes with a soft glint before he gave you a small peck on your forehead, soon shying away. That's how you bid each other goodbye, butterflies filling up your lower abdomen.
All the time on your way back, you kept thinking about him, excited to tell your parents about him. Your ladies in waiting teased you for falling so fast but you didn't care. You felt happy.
Jay felt attached already, he felt that you'd become a great queen for him not just because he liked you, but he knew how intelligent you were from the conversations you had. It was no secret that both of you were attracted to knowledge, a small smile on his face as he looked at the beauty of trees outside from his carriage.
When you reached Azira, you told your parents and Prince Heeseung all about the ball, they were happy for you but your mother had a bad feeling about this, which she hid behind her smile.
Heeseung jokingly called you stupid for not asking his name and you agreed a bit on that part.
A few days had passed by, you were indulged in your daily work and classes as a princess. Your lady in waiting informed you that Prince Jongseong's portrait had reached your palace, now you would finally know who to stay away from. A bad feeling made you want to not go and check the same, but you did so for your safety as you reached your chamber and asked your lady in waiting to show you the said portrait.
You froze as you saw Jay's face on it. Putting the puzzle together, you finally understood how big of a mistake you had made, hand on your mouth as you stood there sadly.
Did he know you? Did he do it on purpose? Disappointment overtook you and yet you didn't want to blame him before knowing his side of the story, you couldn‘t understand why you felt this way, especially when you had met him only once before.
Maybe you were worried about this being a plan, or a betrayal, but the sincerity you saw in his eyes that day said otherwise.
You sighed, asking your lady in waiting to prepare a bath for you as you needed something which would help you relax.
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Meanwhile at Nairid, Prince Jongseong had already seen your portrait a day before you saw his portrait. His heart was heavy, he never once considered you to be from Azira, for he was told that people from your kingdom were ones who are rude and boastful, and he had already made plans to make you his queen. He decided to confront you about this during the next ball, unsure if you would come or not.
Your mom figured out that the guy you met was Prince Jongseong due to your recent dull aura. As a queen and a mother, she called you over, holding you close and later, asking you to get over him before leaving, telling you how this relationship cannot ever be successful.
“He’s from a completely different world, Y/N, I’m sorry,” she said before letting you go and attend the ball which you had been waiting for, while also being nervous about it.
With a shaky breath, you got inside your carriage for the ball. You weren't sure if he would attend. Nor were you sure of what you'd say if you meet him there. Many princes had sent you proposals after the suitors' ball but you turned all of them down without second thoughts, only one man being in your heart.
Jongseong arrived on the day of the ball so you couldn't meet him before that. Your eyes searching for him since the day you had arrived, gulping when you didn‘t see him, relieved and sad at the same time, however, you had to control your emotions if you were to find him.
On the day of the ball, you took your sweet time in getting ready for the same, drawing everyone’s eyes again, face on display for the public to see as you bowed down slightly when the announcer announced your title to the ball.
He had spotted you instantly, learning your name and his eyes fixated on your figure, which this time wore a royal blue gown, your kingdom’s colour. While he wore emerald green, his own kingdom’s colour.
“Princess Y/N, can we talk for a moment?" He approached you almost instantly, gaining attention from others as they murmured about the two of you being together despite the differences in your kingdoms, but he maintained his composure.
You gulped and nodded, excusing yourself from the ladies you were talking to with a nervous smile, not looking into his eyes as you followed him silently.
You both reached the rose garden in a few minutes, “so, Prince Jongseong, I see you know me already,” you started, tone being accusatory.
“I learned about you a few days back when I was shown your portrait, I would not lead you on otherwise, princess,” he explained, sounding sorry.
Him being warned about you made you feel sad, but you had gone through the same thing, which made you realize how you can’t ever be with him.
“I learned about you quite recently as well, I'm disappointed that the circumstances turned out to be this way, Prince Jongseong, I cannot let my kingdom down,” you sighed, forming your sentences carefully.
“I'll take my leave early today, but before leaving, can I ask for something from you, princess?” It was so wrong and he knew it, but he would regret not doing this otherwise, his heart racing, blood rushing to his cheeks as he could not control his emotions anymore.
“What is it that you could want from me, prince?” You questioned, looking into his eyes which made your cheeks heat up.
“A kiss,” he breathed out and your eyes widened.
“I know it's wrong, princess, but I am certain to regret it if I don't kiss you,” he spoke softly.
For the first time in your lives, you both weren't thinking from your minds.
You were thinking from your hearts.
And so you nodded, allowing him to do so with a shaky breath, and soon his lips touched yours in a delicate kiss. That's how both of you lost your first kiss under the dim moonlight, heartbeats in sync with how your lips moved against each other, tingling with the feeling of being so close to each other.
As soon as the kiss broke, you turned away. Not feeling the need to stay at the ball anymore, Jay called out your name in desperation but you didn’t stop, tears forming in your eyes.
You had kissed a man you’d never be able to marry.
Reaching your chamber, you asked your guards and ladies in waiting to get ready to leave and before you knew it, you were returning back to Azira.
Little did you both know that the queen of Lavosta had seen your little escapade from her grand balcony's telescope. An idea formed in her mind to end the rivalry of both the kingdoms once and for all.
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Two days after returning from the ball, Prince Jongseong was called to his father's chamber. His father, the king, had an unreadable expression resting on his face.
“Tell me, son. Why does Queen Taeyeon want you to get married to the princess of Azira?” He finally asked.
Jongseong's breath hitched, eyes widening at his father’s question.
“The queen sent a letter, it briefly mentioned that you were spotted with princess Y/N,” he explained. He wasn't disappointed, all the king wanted was for his son to be safe.
“I'm sorry, father,” Jongseong apologized in a whisper.
“It's not your fault son, the queen has ordered you to get married to princess Y/N without thinking how it will affect our kingdom,” he sighed, looking at his queen with a troubled couple expression.
“I will not marry her.” It hurt him to say this, but he wouldn't let the citizens suffer, also remembering how you ran away after he had kissed you, and maybe you wouldn‘t want to see him ever again.
While in your kingdom, you had gotten the same letter and your parents were worried, knowing how this could be harmful for you and your whole kingdom. So, you had decided the same thing, to say no to the proposal laid out by Queen Taeyeon.
Your brother looked at you with a sad face.
“I'm so sorry, Y/N,” your mom said, hugging you.
Now all that was left to decide was how to let the queen know that you had declined the proposal. It would affect your relationship with her kingdom.
You quietly sobbed in your chambers, wanting nothing more than to be with Prince Jongseong, calling yourself stupid for wanting to be so selfish.
A few days later, queen Taeyeon of Lavosta got both letters saying that both kingdoms had declined the proposal. She knew it wouldn't last long, and this would be the outcome.
“Queen,” a guard entered her chambers, bowing down to show respect to the most powerful queen among the three big kingdoms.
“We found out a spy, he revealed a few plans after we forced him to,” he said.
“What is it about?” she asked.
“They’re planning to attack Azira in a few days,” he informed.
Her guards informed her about the speculations of a foreign king planning to attack Azira, telling her about everything he knew and she took her time to plan ways to help her neighbouring kingdom.
She decided to make a profit out of it alongside, knowing exactly who would be willing to help your kingdom.
She got a letter delivered to Nairid for Prince Jongseong. All that was written in the said letter were the words: princess Y/N is in danger, reach to her with your soldiers as soon as you can.
The letter was successful in getting him restless. Even if he had opposed everything about your kingdom, he had fallen for you and he'd most certainly won't let anything happen to you.
So, he told his father, who hesitantly agreed to help him when he saw that the letter came from queen of Lavosta herself, he also knew that Jongseong was intelligent and wouldn't rush his decisions.
He trusted his son.
He sent Jongseong along with an army of guards to help your kingdom. He would have thought of the letter as a filthy prank had it not come directly from queen Taeyeon.
They set off for their journey to Azira as fast as it was possible, Prince Jongseong led the army with speed, riding his horse as his heart raced with the fear that he won‘t be able to see you if he’ll be late by even a second. A determined expression on his face, jaw clenched and eyes sharp.
While in Azira, everything was calm. Too calm to be normal. For a whole day, no one had visited the palace except for the royal family and their workers. The market was shut down and the town was empty, as if everyone knew that something terrible was going to happen.
A day passed by, Prince Jongseong traveled without stopping and was near your kingdom by the time the enemy had attacked, aiming directly for the palace as the others attacked the town. Soon, the whole army of guards were fighting against the enemy soldiers, you and Heeseung helped the guards as you had mastered using the swords and you insisted on helping.
The king and the queen were made sure to be in the safest place surrounded by the most skilled guards.
Yet, the enemies outnumbered your guards as they mercilessly killed people. You had a long scratch on your skilled hand which made it harder for you to keep up, your protective covering was damaged as well.
Soon, you heard a commotion outside the palace, you had no clue as to what it was till you spotted Jay with his soldiers. He had come to help you despite the unfavorable circumstances of your kingdoms. You didn’t get a chance to even smile at the sight before you had to grab your sword again and attack at the enemy coming close to you.
You were distracted, causing another injury on your shoulder blade, thankfully it wasn't enough to potentially injure to the point you would faint. Jay had spotted you, rushing right into the palace to find you and he ran over to you.
“Princess,” he said breathlessly, cupping your cheeks.
“Prince,” you replied, breathless as well, but this interaction was short-lived as you were attacked yet again.
Jay slashed the man in one go, mentally promising himself to not let anyone harm you, eyes dark as he saw your injuries. It went on for a few hours but yours and Jay's army outnumbered their soldiers, winning the war, he never once left your side.
Until Jay saw your father getting targeted by a man who somehow survived the war, he ran and covered your father, the king. The sword pierced right through him, making him go limp in a few seconds.
You let out a scream while Prince Heeseung killed the last man standing, ending the war finally, breathing hard.
Your father was stunned to see Jay giving himself out for him. You pressed your hand on his wound, applying pressure, crying and calling out for the royal medic to tend him. Soon, he was taken into the medic ward, leaving you out. All you could do was pray, pray for him to be fine and alive. Your father sent many medics all over the kingdom to tend to the others who were injured.
Lastly he sent a letter to Nairid, to the king, to let him know that Jay was injured. He wanted to end the war for all now. He would call truce as soon as the other king would arrive here. It had been hours, yet no response from the medics who were busy treating Jay.
You were taken back to your chamber despite your wailing and were made to freshen up, your eyes swollen, body covered in blood and heart breaking as you imagined how Jay would be, as soon as you entered the medic chamber, you saw Heeseung by Jay's limp body.
“He’s alive, just unconscious,” Prince Heeseung informed you and you thanked the gods, a tear sliding down your cheek.
“You should get married to him, you know?” Prince Heeseung said with a smile, approving the relationship.
“Only if he would want to,” you sadly said, not sure of what to expect, “he almost got killed saving us,” you sobbed, looking at him.
Prince Heeseung gave you a sad smile as your parents entered the chamber as well, their little injuries made you even sadder.
“Prince Jongseong, how can we thank him?” your father spoke, asking no one in particular, showing how grateful he's for Jongseong. Yet, he was sad to see him suffering because of him.
He laid there unconscious, still looking like an angel. A day passed by and you never once left his side. You softly kept muttering how thankful you were to him, wiping his face with a soft wet cloth.
“I think I like you, Prince Jongseong,” you whispered, thinking that he wouldn't hear, a feeling of warmth bloomed up in your body as you finally said it out loud.
As soon as you said that, the gates of the chamber opened, revealing Jongseong's father and mother. You bowed down, showing respect to the king and queen of Nairid.
You were quick to apologize for everything that had happened here and to their son, the queen keeping a hand on your shoulder to tell you that it was fine, and you were not at fault.
They made you feel welcome despite the long rivalry your kingdoms had.
They stayed by Jay, deeply worried and sad seeing their future king and son in this state, muttering how proud they are and how brave he is.
They further met your parents, who had come to the chamber as well. explaining the whole story to them, they called in truce even before your father could say a word.
They hugged each other, looking like they've been friends for their whole life and it gave you hope, hope of being with Jay.
They decided to stay at Azira till Jay woke up and soon you were alone with him again in the medic ward. You gently caressed his hair while staring into nothingness.
“So princess Y/N likes me,” suddenly a voice said, scaring you.
You saw that Jay was awake, your eyes widening, a big teasing smile on his face.
Without thinking anything, you hugged him with a shaky breath.
“Ouch!” He let out as his wound was still healing.
“Oh! I'm so sorry,” you said moving back, careful to not hurt him again, he let out a laugh and squeezed you into another hug, making you smile softly as you teared up again, butterflies rising in your stomach, and before you could do much, he was sent to freshen up by the medics, you sat there, waiting for him.
“Are you stupid? Why did you come here? You got injured, Jay–” your little rant ended as he put his hand on your mouth.
You had started complaining as soon as he returned after freshening up.
“Wow, no one has called me stupid before,” he said as if it was an achievement, caressing your cheek slightly, making your stomach tingle.
You sighed, shaking your head and hugged him again with a pout on your lips.
“I like you too princess. I came to ensure your safety. I still have to marry you, you know?” He spoke softly, hoping that you won't reject his proposal.
He wanted to marry you, the mere thought of it made you smile as you leaned back to look at him.
“You want to marry me?” You questioned, staring at him with big doe eyes.
“Only if you allow me to, princess,” he said with a smile, hoping you'd say yes.
“I can never say no to you, prince,” you truthfully said as he captured your lips to his, both of you smiling into the kiss as his hand rested on your waist, his eyes glistening while he looked at your face.
Needless to say, everyone was overjoyed with this news, well, it did take time for citizens of both the kingdoms but they did mend their relationships. And in the blink of an eye came the day of your engagement. Jay had ensured for your attires to look the same as the ones you wore at the masquerade ball, the day you first met, just with different colours.
He looked at you with such pure eyes, holding nothing but adoration for you and only you. After exchanging engagement rings, Jay whispered an “love you” near your ear, making your heart flutter. You subtly whispered “and I love you” back to him causing him to break out into a big smile.
Citizens were happy to see you both jovial together. Your brother kept sending you teasing smiles. Your parents were beaming, matching the smiles of Jay's parents. Lastly, Queen Taeyeon of Lavosta sat there with a proud smirk, she was glad to see you together. Afterall, she was the one to initiate this in the first place.
The ceremony was grand, your eyes going around the venue, trying to capture everything into your memory forever, the reception being even more grand as the royals from all neighbouring kingdoms had come to bless you two with their pure hearts.
“Princess,” Prince Jongseong whispered in your ear when no one was paying attention to you both, enjoying themselves.
“Yes?” You asked softly, a feeling of shyness covering your tone.
He looked at you with adoration, “the gods must really love me,” he spoke, “I prayed for you to be mine, and now, you are my princess,” he whispered.
With your palpitating heart and love filled eyes, you softly said, “I think god loves us both then.”
His eyes widened slightly once he heard you, and he had to use his whole willpower to stop himself from kissing you right then and there.
He couldn’t wait to have you alone with him.
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Once the ceremonies were over, you looked over to your parents, saddened by the fact that you won't be living with them anymore.
Prince Jongseong took your hand and placed it on his arm gently, giving you a reassuring smile as you both made your way towards his chamber, your breathing was heavy as you tried not to think about how you would be sharing Prince Jongseong’s chamber with him from now onwards.
“You must be exhausted, princess. You should clean up first,” he suggested, extending his hand towards the door that separated the bathing area.
You were all alone, the water already warm, set perfectly to take bath by the maids who had come priorly to ensure that you both won’t be needing anything else later on.
However, you seemed to have trouble opening the knot of the corset you had worn, leaving you frustrated as you couldn’t ask for help from anyone else.
With heated cheeks, you called out for the prince.
Prince Jongseong hadn’t expected that you would call out for him, and so, he rushed into the bathing chambers to check whether you required any help.
“Yes, princess?” He asked, breathless once he looked at your hair, which were no longer in a bun, only the accessories still decorated them, his heartbeat rose at your next words.
“Could you please help me take this off?” You asked softly, brushing your hair away from your back to show him the knot.
He came closer, his warm fingers rested on your bare arm as the other one pulled on the string, loosening your corset until it was fully off. His warm breath fanned your neck, his deep voice taking your name in a soft whisper.
“Tell me to go, princess, or else I won’t be able to control myself,” he said, face red and eyes on your figure, which was just in a thin white slip.
You had never felt this way before, your knees felt weak and you did not wish for the price to leave.
“Don’t go,” you whispered out, turning to look at him, “please?”
“Come here,” he said, guiding you towards the royal bath tub.
You did not remove your slip as you walked down the stairs and into the warm water, goosebumps covering your skin at the pleasurable feeling.
You sat down with a low sigh leaving your lips, eyes opening to look at your prince, chest rising up and down once you saw him unbuttoning his blazer, taking off all his clothes.
With a gasp, you looked away, not wanting to invade his privacy and look at him. You were flustered, an indescribable feeling rose up in your lower abdomen.
He soon got into the water, coming close to you. You could see the scars from the battle on his perfectly sculpted body when you turned towards him, the water covering his stomach. His arms flexed when he extended them, calling you in to be in his arms.
Your steps were slow, and his eyes dropped down to see your wet white slip sticking to your body, revealing everything to him, causing him to groan and pull you closer by the waist.
“Do you have any clue how long I’ve wanted you all to myself?” He asked, his fingers on your chin making you look up to him and gulp.
He could have sworn you were the prettiest person he had ever laid his eyes on, your innocent and shy gaze made him go crazy.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, “because if you say yes now, then I won’t be able to stop later.”
“Yes,” you breathed out.
In the span of a millisecond, he leaned forward and his lips were on yours. He tasted exactly like the cherry wine you had earlier, your hand on his chest keeping you stable before he deepened the kiss, titling your head so softly as his tongue tasted your mouth, humming and swirling his tongue around yours.
He leaned back for a second to look at your expression, he was mesmerized, thumb caressing your cheek before he made you both sit down, placing you on his lap, the water reaching your neck as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“I wanted you from the day I saw you, princess,” he whispered, kissing your jaw softly, holding your waist tighter.
“I’ve prayed so much to have you,” you confessed, breathing hard as you shifted on his lap, feeling his length between your thighs.
A soft sigh left your lips, his lips never leaving yours, his hands slowly moving up to touch and get familiar with every inch of your body.
He helped you get out of your slip, breath hitching as he took in your appearance, all wet and naked, breathing hard as you tried to get close to him. He wanted you.
Pulling you up, he did not waste a second before he touched your breasts, kissing and giving them all his attention. Your eyes closed shut at the sensation, soft whines leaving your lips as your hand rested on the back of his head.
“Want you,” you moaned.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he said, cupping your face, “look at me.”
He picked you up by your waist, positioning himself so that you’re just above his tip, your eyes never left his as you slowly sinked down on his cock, stretching your hole as you clenched around him, eyes closing as you felt it all.
He pulled you in a rushed kiss, slowly helping you move up and down, both of you breathing hard as you leaned your forehead against his, gripping on the hair on his nape, noses touching while you breathed the same air.
You leaned in, slowly kissing on his supple skin as you continued with your movements, his breathy groans sounding like melody to you.
His face had a look of euphoria, lower lip bitten when he pulled you in closer, moving his hips in sync with yours, the water felt warmer now, the area steamy and you could only focus on the man in front of you.
He dug his fingers deeper into your waist, helping you move up and down as your lips left noises of pleasure.
“I cannot believe you’re mine,” he breathed, stunned by your beauty and how dizzy it made him feel.
“I’ve always wanted to be yours,” you replied, eyes full of love as he held you closer when you clenched around him, thighs shaking and your high was near.
Jay couldn’t help but kiss your lips again, as if he was obsessed with them, obsessed with you.
Loud whines and deep groans filled the bathing area as you and him chased your high, him pulling you into his arms to calm down, tracing your spine and kissing your shoulder softly while you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled closer.
“I love you, princess,” he confessed, causing you to move back to look at him.
Tears filled your eyes with the amount of happiness that surged through you with his sentence.
“I love you too, prince,” you said, capturing his lips in a slow, sweet kiss.
And to end this royally, it was safe to say that they lived happily ever after.
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swampstew · 8 months
Could I please request Enemies to Lovers with Shanks for the “Oh Captain, My Captain!”? :)
Hello! Thank you for your submission to my event! You did not explicitly indicate in your request whether you wanted this story to be nsfw or not so I left it open ended! You requested Enemies to Lovers with Shanks, and I give you [ HATE ]: “why are you really here? to mock me? to… make me hate you more?” “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.”
Oh Captain, My Captain Shanks
Warnings: None really, some sexual tension but nothing explicit, GN reader (no pronouns or anatomy used), Shanks being a little shit Word Count: 622 Minors Do Not Interact - you will be blocked.
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You were in a shit mood. Recent string of bad luck weighed you down like an anchor, and it felt like a personal thundercloud was looming over you as you brooded in the bar. You must have looked intimidating because not one person approached you; only the bar tender who had been quietly refilling your glass.
You hadn’t asked for it by brand but when all you said was ‘Rum!’ and sat there in silence, he cautiously grabbed a middle-shelf label and kept it near you at all times. You weren’t drinking hard. Maybe had a cup or two, barely sipping the bitter liquid.
Your presence became hostile when a hand softly touched your shoulder. A grating, familiar voice called out to you.
“Whaddy’a want Red Hair?!” you spat venomously. A few minor but mostly healed scars from previous skirmishes with the man felt like they burned with his proximity. “Come to take another pound of flesh?”
Shanks’ normally playful expression was gone from his face. Instead he looked…worried. “Let’s have a drink.”
“I’m serious, let’s have a drink. Call it a temporary truce or whatever,” he held his right hand up in surrender.
That was how you found yourself sitting in a corner booth next to the emergency exit with one of the Four Emperors. Your nemesis.
You didn’t have a personal grudge against Shanks like most until you ran into him. He was always too laissez faire for you to trust entirely and that cost you a few times – and no they were not your fault nor instigated by you. Mostly. You scowl at the memories.
“Cheers,” he tapped his mug to yours though you didn’t drink as he sipped his.
“Why are you really here? To mock me? To make me hate you more?”
Shanks frowned behind his mug, “No, that’s not it at all. You hate me?” He pushed his hand through his ruffled red hair, “I know we’ve had our spats but I thought…you liked that? Playing hard to get, you know the whole thing.”
You didn’t say anything, looking at him in bewilderment. He’d been…flirting with you before?
“Anyways,” Shanks shook his head and took large gulps of drink, “I came to be a friend, because it really looks like you could use one right now.”
Why did that make you tremble?
Make a tightness in your jaw loosen, your shoulders rolled back a little and it was almost like a blanket of anxiety or something else was being slowly pulled off you, letting you breathe fresh air for the first time in a while.
“So what’s up? What’s going on in Y/N-land that’s got you all glum like a plum?” he frowned at you, looking genuinely concerned.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
He laughed at that, “Why do people keep saying that?!”
Hours passed in an instant and you were drunk as a skunk, loosely hanging off Shanks’ shoulder as you laughed at the story he told. With his missing arm, you were pretty close to his scarred face and you never really appreciated how handsome he was. He noticed your staring but didn’t say anything, just smiled and continued with whatever didn’t make you hit or try and kill him.
Shanks wasn’t expecting your kiss but he was interested, returning your fiery passion. Your lips were locked in an embrace, pulling back panting lightly as you released years of apparently one-sided loathing.
“I knew you liked me, deep down,” Shanks grinned at you. Before you could retort, he planted another steamy kiss on your greedy lips. “I like you too. Been flirting with you for a while now. Benn said I wasn’t being direct enough but I thought he was full of shit.”
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ant111fragile · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii. Ok let me introduce myself. my name is seri. I’m a master shifter and my main destinations are different points in history. I have no idea why history isn’t more popular in the shifting community. Like the things I’ve experienced first hand are amazing. Like I’ve seen things with my own eyes that we learn about in history textbooks. It’s the most amazing experience. I’ve been to alot of drs too like hogwarts, mcu, fame, love dr, avatar and so many more but nothing compares to seeing our worlds history for myself.
Some of my fave times I’ve been too: ( I changed my gender to a boy for most of these drs because I wouldn’t be able to experience it properly as a woman because of the time periods and I didn’t want to change history )
The making of the pyramids
Cleopatras ruling
King Tutankhamen
The making of the Great Wall of China
The first man to land on the moon ( I scripted I was a part of crew for the mission )
Queen Elizabeth the firsts ruling
The independence of America
The battle of Hastings
Ancient Greek
Ancient Rome
Seeing the Mona Lisa being made
Meeting Vincent Van Gogh
The Black Death ( I didn’t go to see people die I lived as a part of the government cause I always wanted to know how they tried to deal with it. There was so much panic )
Seeing Martin Luther kind jr give his “ I have a dream” speech in person
The crowning of queen elizabeth the seconds coronation
Meeting William Shakespeare
The Christmas truce
Pompeii before it way destroyed ( it was beautiful )
Seeing the 7 wonders of the ancient world
Hanging garden of babylon
Seeing ancient structures when they were actually In use ( the colosseum, temple of Hera, so many more I can’t even list )
Getting the great honour to learn kalaripayattu in ancient India
And genuinely just getting to live life seeing these people go about their own lives. Beautiful
I’m not going to list anymore cause there so many but I have experienced the beginning of the first humans millions of years ago to the making of the I phone. I am so honoured I get to experience these events and meet the people in the stories we learn. It’s crazy because to us it’s this amazing history we can only imagine but to them it’s just life. They no nothing else. They don’t know how truely incredible they are in our history. I can’t wait to experience more. Maybe one day I’ll even go into the future. Who knows.
Also something else I did was meet Van Gogh and take him to the dr future to the Van Gogh museum so he can see he wasn’t a failure. So he could see he made it. I took this idea after watching doctor who and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I still get chills. To see this man who died thinking he was nothing getting to see a the future where he is known as one of the greatest artists of all time. My favorite shifting experience ever
Woooaaahhhh!! That's like suppoerr cooll!! I'm so happy for you and that is such a cool idea ajajajsk😭❣️
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