#weekly theme: fall/autumn
hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Autumn is Grian favourite season. It's just too bad that when it's gets cold for him, he becomes a sleepy bird with bird brain mush.
He loves everything about autumn. The food, the smells, the leaves! It's so easy to get inspired, he just has to look out the window.
He just wishes he wasn't so sleepy all the time!
The hermits decide the solution is clearly to wrap him up as warm as possible. He's already got the comfy jumper, but now they've made him hats, a big scarf, wing warmers, gloves, even wooly socks that fit his talons.
It's not a perfect solution, but it lets him stay out a little longer. And there's always a hermit happy to carry him back as he chirps sleepily on their back.
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withleeknow · 2 months
seasons of you.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, tooth-rotting fluff or at least i hope so lmao, not v edited and literally no one is surprised lol i sound like a broken record atp just adding that into every post word count: 0.7k note: inspired by a highly fucked up thing that @matchannie said to me yesterday lmao it has not left my brain since you said it you absolute monster
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as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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minho falls in love with you four times a year.
minho falls in love with you in the spring, over blooming cherry blossoms and vibrant daffodils that greet you on your weekly sunset walk. over the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his own without soft fluffy gloves getting in the way, now that it's finally warm enough to retire that extra layer of protection for the season. over the sun coming out of hibernation and filling your days with golden light, falling upon your face and casting you in a magical hue. over the remnants of winter that still leave behind a palpable chill in the air early in the morning or late in the night, that has you reaching out for the comfort of his warmth. over your delighted smile when he brings home a bouquet of tulips after a long day at work. over your glassy eyes, reddened nose and flushed cheeks as he takes care of you when the seasonal allergies kick in.
minho falls in love with you in the summer, over picnics in the park where you both lay on blue gingham picnic blankets, your head on his chest, as you watch the clouds overhead drift peacefully. over watermelon gelatos passed between teasing lips, the confectionary melting too quickly for your liking under the blazing sunlight. over spontaneous drives to the beach even though neither of you can swim, but you go just for fun, just to build sand sculptures in the shape of your cat babies and stand on the edge of the water to splash at each other. over long naps on the couch on days where you're too lazy to venture into the outside heat, preferring to stay cuddled up together under the air conditioner with niki playing in the background.
minho falls in love with you in fall, over shared slices of pumpkin pie as you watch the leaves turn yellow and red right outside your window. over the adorable way you hide your face behind your hands on nights where he puts on a horror movie because he insists on honoring the halloween spirit. over your off-key rendition of taylor swift's all too well (the 10-minute version) for most of the season because you adamantly claim that it's autumn's official anthem. over weekends spent attached at the hip, baking sugar cookies for hours on end. over your crestfallen pout as you take note of how the days keep getting shorter and shorter, already missing warm sunny weeks with all your heart.
minho falls in love with you in winter, over matching scarves and beanies, even though he often has to carry them for you because you have a bad habit of forgetting them before you go out. over the first snow of the season because they say that if you witness the first snowfall with the person you love, then you will stay together for a long, long time. over sweet cuddles in bed as a bad christmas movie plays on tv, and you fall asleep on his shoulder about half an hour into the movie despite being the one to select the movie in the first place. over your return from a shopping spree with your girlfriends with nothing for yourself but everything for soondoongdori, from christmas themed clothes to treats and toys.
but then again, maybe it's not entirely accurate to say that minho falls in love you merely four times a year. if he wants to be precise, then he would say that he falls for you anew every morning he wakes up and sees you asleep in his arms like a delicate miracle granted by a star he once used to wish upon. if he wants to get technical, then he falls in love with you with every smile that you send his way, which is a terribly sappy thing for him to admit but it doesn't make the statement any less true.
minho loves you every day of every week, of every month, of every year. he's loved you before he even met you, when you were just a romanticized idea in his head and hadn't yet walked into his life like the angel he was always meant to find. he loves you every minute of every hour; there isn't a second where you're not on his mind, not a single beat of his heart that doesn't spell out your name. he loves you throughout the seasons and a million times in between.
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki @astronomicallyyy @alm334 @lashaemorow
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 08.04.2024]
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sterekfests · 10 months
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Welcome to our Fall round of Sterek Fests! Sterek Fall Fest will run from September 3rd - October 7th in celebration of Fall, whether you enjoy drinking every kind of pumpkin spice drink or visiting a pumpkin patch every year. There’s a little something for everyone!
Check out our Rules and FAQs. 
We also have a Discord you can join that has events running such as @sterekbingo and @sterekweekly along with @sterekfests.
How to Participate:
Participating in Sterek Fall Fests is easy and stress-free! This is a no-commitment fest where you can participate as little or as much as you want. Participate in one week and none of the others if you so fancy, or participate in all of them! We have an AO3 Collection for you to post all of your creations in!   This fest is open to both Fic and Art, so create to your heart's content!
How to post:
You can post your creations to any website that you want, as long as they are viewable to the public, whether that’s Tumblr, LiveJournal, DreamWidth, or our AO3 Collection. @sterekfests so we see your creations to reblog them. Use the tags #sterekfestsfall2023, and #sterekfests for generic tags. For weekly tags: #sterekfestssweater, #sterekfestsbaking, #sterekfestsbonfire, #sterekfestspumpkin, #sterekfestshaunted,
Late Posting:
Late posting is always welcomed! The collection will stay open for late submissions.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask!
- Liam (@sterekbros) & Dori (@evanesdust) 
Keep reading to see all the awesome theme weeks ahead!
September 3-9: Sweater Weather
As the leaves change to a beautiful rainbow of colors, it’s time for Stiles and Derek to break out the sweaters and savor some cozy autumn days. Do they explore harvest farms and drink seasonal cups of pumpkin spice latte? Or maybe they take a hike through the woods or visit a corn maze? The possibilities are endless as they embrace the season and all the flavors of fall.
September 10-16:  Baking
It’s that time of year when cool weather brings out everyone’s love for baking! Tarts, pies, pumpkin butter, cookies, cheesecake bars, and cobblers are on the menu. Is Stiles in a baking mood with the change of the weather, getting ready for the upcoming holidays? Is Derek making his mother’s from-scratch apple pie? Maybe there’s a local bake-off for a harvest festival, where Stiles or Derek is the undefeated champion, and the other has come to challenge them to an on-the-spot bake-off. May the best baker win!
September 17-23: Bonfire
The air is crisp and autumn’s arrival is the absolute perfect time of the year to take advantage of the cool nights and starry skies and to make memories around the fire pit with friends, pack, and family. Roasting marshmallows for s'mores and getting cozy with your mate is one of the many things Sterek can enjoy this Fall around the bonfire.  Are they having a pack get-together at the rebuilt Hale house where Derek is hosting a bonfire party for the pack? Or perhaps they’re at the beach building up a bonfire to fight off the salty chilly air? Wherever you take Sterek this Fall, they’ll be snuggly and warm, enjoying the starry night together.
September 24-30: Pumpkin Patch
It’s that time of the year when everyone loves to visit a pumpkin patch! It’s one of the most Fall things you can do. Are Derek and Stiles getting ready for October, which is just around the corner? Are they picking out pumpkins so they can roast the seeds and use the rest for tasty recipes? Or maybe they’re taking their family to visit the games, including hayrides at their local pumpkin patch to support local farms and their seasonal farmers market? Perhaps the pack shows up for family photo ops for Eli’s first pumpkin patch visit! The possibilities are abundant, along with those cute adorable pumpkins we can only enjoy during the Fall season.
October 1-7: Haunted House
Phantoms and demons and ghosts, oh my! With Halloween around the corner, Stiles and Derek would certainly be brave enough to visit a haunted house or two, racing each other to see who would make it out first. Or maybe they work in one, chasing screaming patrons through the attraction. Either way, their wild energy and fearlessness would make for some thrilling entertainment.
@teenwolffandomevents @thebigbangblogproject @sterekevents
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www-jungwon · 9 months
(fall)ing for you : elena's autumn enha collection !
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a cozy ot7 collection of fall-themed fics <3
all fics are fluff & fem!reader, tw will be posted individually
the fics are in rough posting order (also in order of the fall month they take place in) but might change !
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( the lineup )
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between the lines - yang jungwon
falling for the cute guy who works at the bookstore
(wc: 3k)
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sweater weather - sim jaeyun
falling for your best friend's sweaters (and maybe him too)
(wc: 1k)
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i hope you never leaf - lee heeseung
(i'm sry for the pun but isn't it kinda cute 😭)
falling for your best friend as you watch the leaves fall with him
(est wc: 2k)
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binge-loving - sunoo
falling for your best friend during your weekly tv show night (it's gilmore girls)
(est wc: 2k)
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sunsets with you - jay
falling for your best friend on a sunset walk in autumn
(est wc: 2k)
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pumpkin spice latte - sunghoon
falling for the barista who makes your pumpkin spice latte every day
(est wc: 4k)
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marry me - niki
(um little note here i changed the title bc i lowk hated it and in sry for ruining the pun theme lmao)
falling for your best friend as you carve pumpkins with him
(wc: 1k)
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send an ask or comment to be added to the collection taglist <3
also estimated word counts are VERY rough & will probably change a lot lol
here's my full enha masterlist while you wait !
happy fall <3
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Sweet As Pie
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Addison Montgomery x reader Warnings: minor language, minor mentions of alcohol, just all fluff. A wee lil drabble folks, covering the "autumn festival" square for @adarafaelbarba 's bingo!
Despite thoroughly enjoying her stint out in Los Angeles, Addison had to admit, she was glad to be back in Seattle. Sure, it rained a hell of a lot more, but honestly it rained in California too, and at least here she got to actually experience proper seasons. Her favourite of which was autumn, made even the more better by the fact that it also happened to be your favourite. It was an easy discovery, the two of you had gotten together during the winter, spending the spring falling in love and the summer on a lavish vacation split between New York and the Hamptons. It was on a walk late one night that you stepped on a crunchy orange leaf and let out a probably over dramatic gasp, thrilled at the first leaf of autumn. Once the two of you were back in Seattle you were all the rage in planning weekly date nights of every single autumn themed thing you could think of.
Addi spent weekends in the kitchen with you, peeling apples to make cider, pies and jams. You eagerly decorated the house for Halloween, mainly on the outside with a few things right in the entry way for the trick or treaters to see on Halloween night. You curled up on the couch every Friday with a new fall themed movie, cozy sweaters, warm blankets and mugs of spiked warm apple cider. You went through your yearly pumpkin phase, smiling warmly and filled with so much love when Addison would bring home every and each pumpkin flavoured treat she found.
One of your favourite things to do together each fall was the Harvest Festival at Pike Place Market.
You strolled through the market hand in hand, stopping in at nearly all the stalls, either picking things up or making a mental note to buy the bigger, heavier things on the way out. You sampled more than your fair share of treats and drinks, indulging in as many of the boozy options as you could, knowing you had the next day off. One of your personal favourite parts of the festival was the professional pumpkin carving contest, and they weren’t your run of the mill pumpkins, they were all giant, very oversized ones leading into a very dramatic contest. One that Addison couldn’t help but beam down at you at just how excited it made you and how into it you got, yelling and cheering the contestants on, taking bets on who was going to end up winning.
You enjoyed the live music, live art demos and even more before winding your way back through the marketplace. You’d barter with each other on what things you wanted to buy on the way out, Addison usually presenting the argument that two of the things you wanted were basically the exact same and you’d simply giggle, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before explaining how you thought they were different. Naturally, you’d always win, leaving the market with full bags and even fuller, happier hearts. On the walk home you’d pick up a few leaves here and there, only the prettiest ones that you deemed worthy of saving, pressing them between sheets of wax paper in the biggest books in the house later on.
Once home, Addison would press a gentle kiss to the side of your head, placing the bags down onto the kitchen island before darting away to change, bringing you back the coziest of sweaters. In the meantime you’d put away everything you’d bought, turning the stove on to heat up some beef and stout stew you’d picked up at the market. There were autumn apple bourbon fizz premade cocktails to pour out into your favourite glasses and freshly homemade pumpkin pie for dessert too. Addi surprised you with crispy yet still fluffy sourdough bread to server the stew in and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the sudden sparkle in your eye at the thought.
After you’d served everything up she’d wrap a steady arm around your waist, kissing your cheek softly as the two of you wandered back into the living room and settled on the couch. The television was turned on to Practical Magic and a small smile would break out on both of your cheeks as the rain began to patter against the windows. The day of the festival was always the most magical, somehow one of the most romantic days of your year together, and it always ended just as wonderful, with the two of you curled up on the couch with some incredible food, drinks, entertainment and most importantly, the person you fancied the most in the entire world.
You let out a happy hum, nuzzling into Addison’s shoulder and she smiled, leaving a kiss on the top of your head.
“You have a good day?”
“How could I not?” You turned your head to look up at her, “I mean, every day with you is already the perfect day. This one just had the added bonus of autumn stuff.” She couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“You’re sweeter than pumpkin pie, you know that?”
“Only for you baby. Only for you.”
Yes, there truly was something incredibly tender about autumn in the Montgomery household, and you would forever and always be thankful that you got to spend the season and holidays together, because there was no place either of you would ever be.
________________ @svulife-rl @temilyrights @summergeezburr@anya-casablanca @ssa-sapphic @ms-calhoun @clarawatson @hbkpop @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @somethingimaginative17 @borg-queer @swimmingstudentchaos891 @newyorker14 @red1culous @thatesqcrush @imlike-so-gaydude @disneyfan624 @oliviaswifey @littlegaybabe @mysticfalls01 @bumblebear30 @molllss @solemnnova @mmmmokdok @imaginaryoperagloves @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @muscatmusic18 @ladysc @drduckthief @narvaldetierra @dxtery @kellykidd @poisonedcrowns
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equus-sims · 8 months
Community Updates | Oct 8th
Important Memos
If you haven't already joined our Discord, please come join us! We're welcoming both TS3 and TS4 players. Don't forget to sign up on our forum if you're interested in entering the challenges shown below.
Be sure to follow us here on Tumblr, where I'll be sharing photos, updates, events, and other goings-on from around our community.
Our first edition of the Sunday Paper has been published! It's a paid bi-weekly newsletter for our Discord subscribers, but a free one will be dropped every other month for everyone to enjoy.
Things to Do:
Our 1st Builder's Workshop Deadline: Nov 1 | For TS3 and TS4 | Forum Event
As we enter into the fall season, your Builder's Workshop task is to design an autumn-themed course for any discipline. The workshop's prize has been revealed–a maple leaf standard and jump pole–which will be available for TS3 and TS4. See below! 🍁
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All Hallow's Stallfront Decoration Contest Deadline: Oct. 31 | For TS3 and TS4 | Forum Event
It's Spooky Season 🎃 and we're going all-in over at O'Neil Equestrian by hosting a decorating contest for our clients, team members, and friends! We'd love for you to join in. It's time to go shopping for the best pumpkins and most spooktacular decor you can find to create the best-looking stall at your barn. The contest will end on Oct. 31st, where all of us will come together to vote on their favorite stall.
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October's Photo Theme: Spooky Trails Deadline: Oct. 31 | For TS3 and TS4 | Discord Event
With Halloween right around the corner, how's your stable preparing for the All Hallows' Eve? Spooky trail rides, costume contests, and hayrides…show us what your stable is doing this year to celebrate our favorite haunted holiday! 🦇
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i-can-read-to-him · 9 months
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VAN EEK! Event, Part 1: Weekly Themes
Thank you to our mod @waterloou for providing the graphic! This is part one of the Wesper Fic Club's Van Eek! event. As always, you are welcome to use these prompts for any Grishaverse ships or platonic dynamics. Prompt fills may be tagged with #van eek event and/or submitted to our AO3 collection. Feel free to tag our blog, as well!
Plain text version of prompts under the cut.
October 1 - 7: AUTUMN
The seasons changing, your favorite fall activity, or anything else fall/autumn related!
October 8 - 14: SUPERNATURAL
Magic, monsters, and more!
October 15 - 21: CANDY
The sweetest part of Halloween is the candy!
October 22 - 28: HORROR
Everything spooky, scary, and terrifying!
October 29 - 31: HALLOWEEN
It's finally Halloween! Time to celebrate in your favorite way!
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threebooksoneplot · 9 months
Episode 26 - "Not Sponsored by BetterHelp" (Show Notes)
listen along here
General content warning for this entire season: there will be discussion of suicide! It's a major theme/allusion/plot point in New Moon. There will also be dark humor about suicide.
[00:06:19] Stephenie Meyer's “the story behind the writing of New Moon” blog post
[00:08:51] A Reddit AMA from the person who read Forever Dawn, plus a recent article about the overturning of the law that requires 2 copies of a work to be deposited at the Library of Congress
[00:14:20] Listen to Episode 0 here!
[00:14:45] The BYU symposium Q&A where Stephenie Meyer discusses her "method-writing" Bella's grief by imagining she had lost a child (a fascinating read. There's other buckwild stuff in here)
[00:19:01] Listen to Episode 6 here!
[00:19:16] A video from last fall of the new Quileute tribal school!! Consider donating to the next phase of the Move to Higher Ground project if you're able
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[00:25:02] The New Moon movie tie-in covers:
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[00:25:07] Winni (our Episode 6 guest) having a Moment on a trip to 2nd & Charles with G
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[00:26:10] The original (left) and horrid new (right) versions of the actual New Moon cover. Bonus: it's an Estella Rijnveld Tulip!
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[00:26:15] Stephenie Meyer's New Moon FAQ discussing the tulip cover
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[00:36:10] Vote for your favorite Euphoria and Something title variation in this poll (through 9/20/23!)
[00:37:50] Cousin Oskaar from Iceland
[00:40:58] G’s and Shannon’s “sad green plant” cover image ideas for Euphoria and Something
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[00:41:06] Some “same tulip but green” cover image ideas
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[00:41:36] Shannon’s "colorblind-filtered tulip" cover
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[00:43:06] Some “head of cabbage” cover image ideas
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[00:43:31] Some “overripe banana” cover image ideas
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[00:44:05] Shannon's "little red vial of poison" cover image idea
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[00:44:45] G’s “frosted autumn leaf/frozen branch” cover image ideas
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[00:46:22] Shannon's "cows" quote comes from Nona the Ninth, the third book in one of hers and G's favorite series, the Locked Tomb books by Tamsyn Muir
[00:46:45] G is thinking of this Beau Swan moodboard/edit
[00:47:00] The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
[00:47:59] Vote in the Euphoria and Something epigraph poll (through 9/20/23)
[00:49:57] Manfred by Lord Byron (the phrase G is looking for is “closet drama” lol)
[00:50:36] Vote in the Dark Noon epigraph poll (through 9/20/23)
[00:54:22] Guest of the week Nicole is called!
[00:56:40] “Tumblarity”
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[00:59:19] The Fanlore entry for Superwholock
[00:59:59] Nicole’s viral Lilo and Stitch/Destiel post
[01:05:16] Shannon (left) and G (right) on their cannibalism-themed girls’ trip
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[01:05:42] One of Shannon’s many, many tiktoks asking Smeyer for the Cullens' birthdays (feat. G and Rae [Episode 12])
[1:06:39] Olivia Rodrigo's music video for "Vampire" vs this 2008 RPattz & KStew photoshoot by Jeff Riedel for Entertainment Weekly
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[01:12:55] Shannon’s Euphoria and Something summary
What do you mean Beau became a vampire and Life and Death ended differently? No it didn’t. Right now he’s unfortunately able to relate to trash song Seventeen Forever by Metro Station, because he too is constantly trying to fuck this seventeen year old girl. Fuck you Trace Cyrus! Anyways, Not Like Other Boys Beau doesn’t want to be 18, doesn’t want a birthday party, and super doesn’t want to hear about how his vampire girlfriend, Edythe, wishes she could kill herself! Too bad, so sad Beau. Welcome to the start of book two, where we finally give you a REAL reason for being scared shitless of Jessamine, and all the foreshadowing in this chapter will surely come back to bite you in the ass; one thing you WISH one of these vampires would do already. Hold on tight, king, things are about to get Worse.
[01:23:34] Livejournal user @ twilight-sucks' rant on “liquid topaz eyes”
[01:28:51] With a birthday gift on my birthday
[01:29:36] Wanna watch Romeo + Juliet with us this weekend? Info (and Discord link) here!
[01:31:57] Wack vs tight as fuck
[01:33:10] Yzma
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actually kind of slaps I would totally wear this
[01:35:31] Alice, probably
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[02:02:21] Rabid Birthday Jasper as depicted in the first New Moon graphic novel by Young Kim
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[02:02:45] Some Snickers commercials
[02:22:30] Our alternate cover contest is open through 10/09/23! Check out the details and how to enter here.
[02:23:27] That Euphoria and Something title poll once again
Welcome back to show notes, gang!! We'll be keeping up with this season's notes even as we work our way through posting the backlog of unfinished ones for last season.
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ghostiiess · 8 months
it's finally fall, and what could be better than reading indoors while you're cozy and warm? 🍁🍂
For the next week, from Monday, October 23 to October 29, you'll be treated to one autumn/early halloween-themed headcanon a day!
Here's my program for the week, hoping you’ll enjoy this weekly uploading! Of course, one will be released on halloween, so you'll get two that day :)
This will be my first time doing this, so please be patient! I'll do my best! :)
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day 1: carving pumpkins with ryan
day 2: buying halloween stuff with seb
day 3: making your apartment spooky with justin
day 4: finding a matching costume with darren
day 5: making aesthetic pumpkins with regie
day 6: watching scary animes with kane
day 7: walking outside hands in hands with oliver
hope you will all like it! 🎃
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maubauu · 8 months
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Inktober Day 1: Autumn
“Falling Leaves”
I’m doing a twice-weekly (more or less) Inktober thing with my own prompts. The theme for this one is Autumn and I based this on the cover of Heize’s EP, “Late Autumn.” I wanted to encapsulate the feeling of change, something that is altered in a way that is so unfamiliar. I also wanted to compare it to repetition, seen in the inevitable coming of Autumn annually. Overall, the theme for this is a repetitive/inevitable change.
Some notes:
-This is the first time I’ve drawn my sona and faces like this!! More detail than I’m used to
-The lines are inspired by manga/traditional inking techniques to get a more natural feel
-The grain is something taken from the album covered I referenced, I like it because it makes the piece look a bit more interesting
-The necklace was replaced with a new moon, symbolizing an emotional darkness
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ilovewhiteroses · 1 year
If You Only Knew Me
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Pairing: Professor!The Corinthian x Female College Student Reader Genre: Fluff, drama, romance, smut Warnings: horror themes, murder Rating: 18+ Notes: - This fanfic was requested by @jessamydreams​. Thank you for the idea, I hope you will like it! 💕💕
You were a 24 years old college student in a small town. After Corinthian saved you from a near fatal accident, you felt attracted to him and wanted to know him better…until it turned out, he may not be who he seemed to be…
You had just finished your weekly shopping at the local supermarket and were on your way home with two large bags in each hand. It was a pleasant autumn afternoon in the quiet little town where you spent your whole life and on the way home you admired the beauty of the leaves falling from the trees. While for others it meant the ending, for you this season meant the beginning of something new. Not only because the new school year has started at college, but also because you decided to try to meet new people. Your father left you when you were young, so you always had trust issues, but at the same time, you were into older men. There were guys in your life, but you didn't go beyond dates and a few kisses with them. In a future partner, you wanted him to be protective and understanding. Your mom always told you: The One will come when you least expect it.
You stopped at the crosswalk, you looked around and nothing seemed to be coming. You were about to step off the sidewalk when suddenly a car driving crazy fast appeared. For a moment, you saw that the vehicle was getting closer and closer to you and you thought your life was flashing before your eyes. But then suddenly someone grabbed your arm and pulled you back, the bags fell out of your hands and all your purchased things landed on the ground. You realized that a blond man with sunglasses was holding you in his arms and asked worriedly:
"Good heavens, are you okay?” your mind went blank for a moment.
"What happened?"
 "A madman almost ran you over and I just managed to pull you back at the last moment." he said. Everything happened so fast… You saw your scattered things and started to pick them up, the man helped you.
"Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it!" you said while looking at him. The man was tall and wore a long, cream-colored coat.
"There is nothing to thank, this is normal. When a lady is in trouble, a gentleman helps her.” he said and handed you your bags. You smiled in girlish embarrassment.
"Thank you very much again, but I have to go now." You turned and were about to leave when the man called after you:
"Should I not go with you? After such an incident, I think it's better if I accompany you home, if you allow." You looked back.
"Thank you, but it's not necessary. Bye!" you told him and nodded kindly as your hands were full of bags again, he waved you back. You felt like you were in a romantic movie where the protagonist saves the female character. Not only was he a hero in your eyes, but he was also very handsome, even though half of his face was covered by sunglasses. You finally got home, unpacked and started cooking dinner.
 A few days later, one of your classmates had a house party. Among the guests, there were also those whom you did not know, but you went to introduce yourself to them. You had a good time, drank and talked with the others. You looked into the corner and saw a familiar figure. You walked a little closer and saw that it was the blond man who saved your life a few days ago. Granted, the town was small, but you were still surprised to see him here. You haven't been able to talk to him last time, so now was a good time to ask him a little about who he was. You went up to him and said hello.
"Hello! Nice to see you again! I see you are much better now." he smiled at you which almost made your heart skip a beat.
"Yes, I've been more careful since then." you said embarrassed, laughing. "I haven't seen you around here before."
 "I recently arrived in the city, I'm still trying to fit in." the man said and drank from his drink. It occurred to you that you don't even know his name. “My name is Y/N, nice to meet you.” you gave your hand to him and he shook it.
"My name is Ian Cory." he said. You wanted to ask Ian what he was doing in town, but he turned the conversation towards you, he was more curious about you. You told him that you were an only child and you were a lone wolf all your life, but you never felt lonely. When you were young, your parents divorced and your mother quit her job because she was terribly exploited, so she was able to support you with occasional jobs. As soon as possible, you looked for a job as a student to help her out and not have to ask for pocket money anymore. Ian listened sympathetically to your story, which you liked very much, because at other times you always listened to other people's problems, and they were hardly interested in you. As the party was about to end, you and the other guests began to head home. Ian accompanied you for a while and then you said goodbye to each other. You felt that fate had a hand in meeting your hero for the second time within a few days.
 It was Monday morning, English literature lecture. You and the other students were already seated in the lecture hall and were waiting for the professor. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw who walked in: Ian. He told you that Professor Donovan won't be able to teach for a while due to personal matters, so he's taking over for a few weeks. When he saw you in the third row, he smiled at you, making your heart melt.
From then on, you enjoyed the literature lectures much more. Finally, not only was the subject interesting to you, but also the teacher. Ian always appeared impeccably dressed and always told and explained interesting stories in class. You often fantasized about him during the lecture, but you still tried to pay attention to the topic. Ian asked you often, making you feel like he was giving you special attention, he was more interested in your answer than the others.
Sometimes you waited for him after lecture and you had lunch together, where you either talked about the lecture topic or discussed life's big questions, but it also happened that he walked you home at the end of the day. You found it strange that while you told him a lot about your life, Ian didn't tell you about his personal life, but you respected that. As the days went by and the time you spent with him, you felt yourself beginning to bond with him.
Meanwhile, the news in the local press was that two people who were missing eyes had been brutally killed in the city. This stirred up the dwellers quite a bit, because crimes of this nature usually don't happen, especially not so cruel.
All you could think about for a while was Ian. You knew that a teacher-student relationship wasn't right, but you knew what you wanted and you wanted Ian to know how you felt about him. You decided to go over to tell him this weekend. You stood in front of his door, your heart was about to fall out of place, you were so nervous. Deep down you were afraid of how he would react. You rang the doorbell and he opened.
“Hi Y/N. What are you doing here?” he asked in surprise.
"I want to talk to you if possible." you said and he invited you in. He had a nice, minimalist style apartment.
"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked.
"Oh no, thank you." you looked to the side and saw his suitcase. "Are you leaving?"
”Yes, it seems. I'll be here for another two weeks." he said, pointing to the couch for you to sit down. Your stomach churned at the thought of Ian having to leave.
You sat down, Ian sat next to you. You looked into his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I hope you don't take what I'm about to say as an intrusion. I know it's not right, but since you saved my life and you became the new literature professor, all I can think about is you. Day and night. I've never met a man like you. Maybe what I'm saying is hasty, but I think I've fallen for you." you said and waited for his reaction. Ian looked away for a moment as if embarrassed and he held your hands.
“Look Y/N. I will tell you honestly, I also feel something for you and you are important to me. But it's not that simple. And this is not about the teacher-student relationship." he let go of your hands and stood up. He started walking up and down, running his fingers through his hair while you watched him. You thought he would freak out about what you told him and throw you out of his apartment, but his real reaction was no less comforting. You also stood up and walked over to him.
"I'm really sorry. It was a mistake to tell you and…”
"Wait!" Ian interrupted. "Let me say something too. If you've been this honest with me, I'll be honest with you. I'm just afraid of what you're going to say.” he said in a trembling voice. You gulped, you couldn't even imagine what he was about to tell you, but you wanted to hear him.
"During my life, many people have confessed to me that they like me and that they have fallen in love with me. But you are different…I believe your feelings are genuine. Others have always only wanted sex from me, but you want more, and I appreciate that. But you should know something…I am not who I seem. If you knew the truth, you'd wish you'd never met me, let alone fallen in love with me. Believe me, I am not worthy of love.”
Tears appeared in your eyes.
"I don't care, I want to know the truth. Who are you?" you asked in a soft voice.
Ian took off his sunglasses and you were shocked. In place of his eyes were tiny teeth.
"My real name is The Corinthian and I'm not human, I'm a nightmare and that's why my eyes are like that." he said in a deep voice. You thought you were hallucinating, you couldn't believe your eyes. You tried to process what you saw. You walked over to him, took his face in your palms and touched his closed eyelids with your thumbs and felt the tiny rows of teeth.
"I don't care what's outside, what's inside matters!" you assured him.
"I have done many things in the past..." he looked at you with sad eyes.
"You probably had a good reason for them, but I'm not afraid. And I don't care about your past either. The only thing that matters now is that you were honest with me.” you told him, touching your foreheads together.
Corinthian was touched that you accepted him and kissed you. You let go of all your worries and tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss.
 After that, not only did he pay even more special attention to you in his lectures, but you met several times and went on romantic dates, but there were occasions when you were at his place. When you were with him, everything was so intimate and peaceful in your heart, even though he himself admitted that he was a nightmare. Not only because of what he committed a long time ago, but also in a physical sense. And you didn't care about all that. You saw the man behind the monster.
As a matter of fact, you weren't completely honest with him either. There's one thing you haven't told him: that you haven't been with a man yet. That was why so far you had only gotten as far as a kiss or a little caress, but you were already planning to tell him, you were just waiting for the right opportunity.
One night after eating pizza, you were watching TV on the couch and it was announced on the local news that the two eyeless victims were sex offenders, so they actually deserved their fate. You listened in shock, looking at Corinthian, who was staring at the screen. For some reason you felt the need to ask."What do you think about this murder? That the two dead had no eyes?”He looked at you."Can I tell you something? I did it, and rightly so, as you heard.” he said frowning, his anger towards them still in him. "What happened?" you asked confused. Corinthian turned off the TV."One night I was walking in the city and the two guys were harassing a girl, when I went over and stabbed them. I told the girl to run quickly. Then you already know the rest from the news." he said and smiled slightly as if he was proud of what he had done. You felt like you should be afraid of him, but you weren't. In fact, you were rather proud of him for daring to do it. After all, he saved another girl. 
"You are a hero!" you told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek."I am not a hero. I'd kill for you if I had to. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you." he said, then his face became serious. You could hardly speak after hearing this. You got scared a bit."When I said that I had done many terrible things in the past, I was telling the truth. I manipulated people, tricked them into bed with lies and then killed them. I lived the most immoral life possible. It wasn't just the sex that gave me pleasure, but when I cut out the eyes of my victims and consumed them with my eye teeth." he looked at you and you gulped."But after a while I had enough and wanted to finally live a normal life, like a human being. That's why I came to this town. It's a calm, quiet little place, apart from the few crimes that are sometimes committed, and the people are nice." a slight smile appeared on his face again. 
You knew what he was talking about. You were no angel either, dating him, a former murderer who had just confessed his disturbing past. But you found him even more attractive.
"Look...there is almost no one on Earth who has not done something in their past that they are not ashamed of or regret. Don't dwell on the past now. Forgive yourself and promise that you will no longer hurt innocent people, only bad people who want to hurt others." you told him reassuringly. Corinthian looked deep into your eyes and kissed you.
"Wait a minute." you said breaking the kiss. "I want to tell you something."He looked at you curiously.“I've wanted this and wanted you for a long time, but you should know… I've never slept with anyone before. I didn't dare to admit it to you until now, because deep down I was a little ashamed." you said. He cupped your face in his palms.
"Thank you for telling me and don't be ashamed of it for a minute. For a young woman, the first time and with whom she experiences it are crucial."
"I want it with you..." you said softly and took his hand. Corinthian smiled, you could see that he was touched that you trusted him and loved him so much that you wanted to lose your virginity to him. You kissed each other.  
"Y/N, I've never been in this situation before. But if that's what you really want...it has to be special. How about I bring a blanket and we will do it in front of the fireplace?” he asked with pleasant excitement in his soul.
"Hmm, that sounds good!" you replied feeling a thrill in your stomach. You have imagined many times the circumstances under which you would have liked to become a woman, and making love in front of the fireplace was one of your secret desires. Corinthian got up and got a soft blanket and a condom which he placed on the coffee table and then lit the fireplace. You brought a bottle of wine and two glasses from the kitchen to get you even more in the mood. You gave him one of the glasses, poured it for both of you and drank. You put down your glasses and started kissing and then undressing. You pulled off the rest of your clothes and he picked you up and laid you on the soft blanket in front of the fireplace. He started kissing your neck, while his hand moved down to your pussy. He started to tease your slit and clit with his fingers, you moaned softly at that.
"You like that?" he asked as he continued to finger you.
"Yes!" you replied biting your lip. Ever since you first met, you've wanted him. You were already wet enough, but he continued and slid his mouth down to your breasts, he kissed you there too. When he felt the throbbing of your pussy on his fingers, he knew you were ready to receive him. He reached for the condom, tore open the wrapper with his teeth and rolled it onto himself.
"Are you ready?" he asked, worried and excited at the same time.
"Yes, I really want you!" you answered, almost impatiently. He took hold of his hard cock and carefully inserted it into you. It hurt you at first, but you knew that this was the way it was and that it was only the first time that it was so unpleasant. At the same time, you were so into it that you didn't even care. He buried his face in your neck and kissed you there, while your bodies moved together. When he felt that you were no longer in pain and you were moaning with pleasure, he moved his hips faster and harder. You held him close and let the pleasure overwhelm you...
Your first time was perfect and you didn't regret waiting until your mid-twenties, because you became a woman next to a man you love. 
Corinthian decided to stay in town. His short teaching career has come to an end, and even though you didn't meet at the lectures, after school, even more so...  
Tags: @thecorilove86, @placeinthemiddleofnowhere, @destiny-rahl,  @e-dubbc11, @merryandrewsworld, @icytrickster17
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Ren and Doc often like to hang out outside in the colder months, the temperature doesn’t really bother them because they both have very thick fur in the winter that protects them.
Even though it gets matted because of the snow and that’s why, afterwards, they take a hot bath and curl up together next to a fire with mugs of hot chocolate.
If they're out too long, it can freeze in their undercoats, scratching up their skin. Thankfully, Ren adores caring for Doc, and Doc insists that means caring for himself too. If they're in a rush, they'll still make time to sit and brush through each other's fur, dislodging anything that might cause pain. But baths are the best part.
Ren often falls asleep in them - he blames the heat. Doc doesn't mind. He knows part of why Ren is sleeping, is because he trusts Doc to look after him. And once Ren wakes they can scrub each other off, then get dry and laugh at how their fur fluffs up.
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twwpress · 8 months
Weekly Press Briefing #68: October 8th - 14th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from October 8 - October 14, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
There are no open challenges/prompts that we know of this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 4: Five Votes Down aired on October 13, 1999.
Season 3, Episode 1: Manchester Part I aired on October 10, 2001.
Season 4, Episode 4: The Red Mass aired on October 9, 2002.
Season 5, Episode 3: Jefferson Lives aired on October 8, 2003.
Season 7, Episode 3: Message of the Week aired on October 9, 2005.
Here’s what was posted from October 8 - October 14:
Amy Landecker posted an edit of Brad by Twitter user @schiff0rd. 
Josh Malina posted a video of Nathan Salston playing Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem, on piano. 
Josh Malina posted a thoughtful text post about the war between Israel and Hamas. 
Josh Malina posted photos of himself and Bradley Whitford (and one trolling him) for Brad’s birthday on October 10th. 
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself with Piper Laurie in memory of her after her recent death. 
Peter James Smith posted a selfie from Screamfest. 
Donna Moss Daily: October 8 | October 9 | October 10 | October 11 | October 12 | October 13 | October 14
Daily Josh Lyman: October 8 | October 9 | October 10 | October 11 | October 12 | October 13 | October 14
No Context BWhit: October 9 | October 10 | October 12 | October 13 | October 14
@twwarchive: October 8 | October 12 | October 13 | October 14
Editors’ Choice:
Here are a handful of fics with cozy, fluffy, or funny fall vibes! Some are here for the first time, some we’ve recced before, but they’re all fun reads for this time of year. Please feel free to reblog with your own favorite cozy autumn reads!
How Pumpkin Carving and Twins Lead to Practice by mdrgrl1 [archived by westwingfanfictioncentral_archivist]  | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh and Donna spend the day before Halloween carving pumpkins and babysitting. Not Quite Pumpkin Pie by fictorium | Rated G | No Pairings Listed (Gen Fic) | Complete | Another retreat to Manchester, another... incident. I Knew You by jeaniecregg | Rated G | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete | A cozy Saturday in the West Wing has CJ reminiscing about her past with Toby. 31 Days of Halloween by sam_writes_fics | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn, C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler, Josh Lyman & Mallory O'Brien, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young | In Progress | 31 individual Halloween themed ficlets revolving around everyone's favorite senior staffers. Chapters will be posted once a day, every day, for the entire month of October at 4pm EST. Enjoy.  absolutely smitten (never let you go) by JessBakesCakes for fairwinds09 | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh feels all the air whoosh out of his lungs when he sees the teacher standing on the other side of the door. She looks at the group standing outside her door, puzzled for a moment, until her blue eyes lock with Josh’s. Her blonde hair is tucked neatly behind her ears, and pumpkin earrings dangle from her earlobes. She’s wearing a copper-colored fall sweater, adorned with leaves around the collar that match her bulletin board. Her ID badge dangles from her neck, one of those ink pens in a bright, funky color clipped to her lanyard. “Miss Moss,” CJ says. “This is Mr. Lyman from the high school."
Due to tumblr character limits, this week's fic updates will be reblogged to this post momentarily!
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misty79 · 8 months
👻 Miraculous Flufftober 🎃
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Day 2: Family, Friends, Loved ones
Autumn leaves are falling outside and the du-pan cheng’s are relaxing, playing games with a guest, “Thanks again for letting me hang out here.” Sabine and Tom both give him a warm smile “Anything for one of Paris’s hero’s.” Sabine sets a plate of fall themed sugar cookies in front of Marinette and Chat Noir, “Your always welcome here!”
Chat grabs a cookie and Marinette pulls out the clue envelope from under the board, “Mr. Green with candlestick in the courtyard!” She confidently makes her accusation and out of the envelope comes the cards, candlestick, Mr. Green, and courtyard. “I win again!” Chat Noir looks in shock at her fourth win in a row, “Wow Marinette, how are you so good at this?” She shows him her hand, “I got lucky. When dad made his last guess I knew you had to have shown him the dagger because I had Mrs white and the kitchen. It just happened to be the last weapon that could’ve been in the envelope.”
Sabine pulls a chair around and sits down next to Tom, “should we play another game?” Marinette’s eyes widen, “Let’s play Risk!” Chat Noir furrows his brow, “I’ve never heard of it, how do you play?” Marinette’s eyes widen as she gets up to pull it out while the others put clue away. Chat can’t help but smile at her as she enthusiastically explains the game. This was nice weekly game night at the du-pan cheng’s, if he could get away that often.
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realsushislut · 7 months
Weekly Competition
Time for another Weekly Competition! This weeks theme is 🍂'Autumn Falls'🍂 The competition winner will receive a free month of pro membership for Pornpen To enter simply generate an image on the Pornpen site that fits the theme, join our discord server and submit your entry to the 'Competition' channel, winning entries are decided by the community The competition will run from nov 2nd-nov 8th
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/uZfjga6SUq
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digitalnewberry · 8 months
Autumn leaves
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Woman in orange, Henri Meunier
Leaves are falling in our themed set of autumn postcards, recently added to the Newberry's Halloween page. And while we try to feature a mix of different types of images, it's hard to stay out of the John Monroe collection of artist-signed postcards -- or as some of us call it: "the one with the monkey make-up artist."
The term "artist-signed postcard" is a confusing one for non-collectors. While it might imply an autographed copy, the "signed" part actually refers to the printed signature on the postcard art -- although, even more confusingly, the term is also applied to non-signed cards. As Collector's Weekly explains:
Sometimes the artist’s signature was partially or fully cropped out of the postcard. If the painter considered himself or herself a very serious artist rather than a commercial one, but took a postcard job to pay the bills, that artist was more likely to leave the work unsigned.
So I guess we're saying it's less about signatures and more about vibes? And the vibe is definitely "women with elaborate clothing, hats, and hair-dos." And sometimes leaves 🍂🍁
–Jen Wolfe, Digital Scholarship and Outreach Librarian
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Woman in black with flowers, Alberto Bianchi
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Two women talking, Mela Koehler
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Automne, Henri Meunier
Browse autumn postcards at Newberry Digital Collections
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