#witnessing someone in their most vulnerable moments and them trusting you with it
ravegore · 3 months
god. god. god
#i feel like the black sheep carrying more relationship trauma than anyone else#yet passing most easily as the normal well adjusted person#god. it just#it really just feels like im in a completely different world here with them#having to learn their language and customs brand new#im so used to insane and stupid fucking relationships that this feels alien#like i really do not at all understand what its like for them to feel things they do or#for them to feel the way they do about me#i just simply cant comprehend it#i cant understand it. its so different.#intimacy makes most sense to me when its literally the rawest most stressful form you can imagine#witnessing someone in their most vulnerable moments and them trusting you with it#or knowing their deepest traumas in detail#or helping them directly with fighting their demons past or present#i hate this language ive learned but its the only one i know how to speak.#i only feel something when it rips straight to my core and makes me terrified#only then do i feel affection.. intimacy...#what a horrible way to live#nothing feels real or genuine when it isnt shared from the deepest darkest most wounded part of a person#how much intimacy and emotion and beauty am i missing out on because of this...#i wish i could feel what they do. maybe i will one day.#but right now i just feel numb and sad. and alone.#i dont know how to feel the way others do. i would like to.#i would like for my exchanges to not feel like a performance to compensate for the void inside of me
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
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How’d they react to you cuddling into his side randomly one day and then falling asleep…
Dan Heng/Imbibitor Lunae: stiff as a fucking bored and holding his breath as if that was going to wake you up.
He acts as though every little sound has been amplified to the max and will constantly shift his eyes towards you, almost as though he were expecting any sort of signs of disturbance within your once peaceful slumber.
It was so bad he has to look away from you to hide his burning face because he figured out that he might actually begin to enjoy this, enjoy the idea of you actively choosing him to sleep against. God his heart was going apeshit at the dies that you’d might like his company enough to be in a state of vulnerability with him.
His dragon noddle self (Imbibitor Lunae) is fucking delirious with the idea of his ‘mate’ sleeping against him. So much so that if his tail were visible now, it’d be wagging at a hundred miles an hour to the point it’s just a blur.
He secretly hates how it betrays his innermost thoughts to anyone nearby.
Blade: thinks there’s something genuinely wrong with you if you were willing to fall asleep next to him of all people.
Yet in the same breath he acts as your personal guard dog as you slept, keeping people from coming too close for comfort and or making loud, obnoxious noise with just a smile glare thrown their way.
He gets called soft but he honestly doesn’t give a flying fuck.
He acts like he wants to shove you away from him but the moment someone suggests moving you upon seeing how much he apparently ‘hates’ it, and all of a sudden Blade is holding you further again him and telling the person to fuck off under his breath.
He’s so hypocritical but no one dares say that to his face, especially not when he’s holding you against him protectively and glaring at anyone or anything that breathed or moved wrong. Yet when you’re awake, he’ll act like he did no such thing and go about his day like normal.
Argenti: takes this as an opportunity to gaze upon your beauty up close.
In his opinion you didn’t need beauty sleep because you were already as radiant as a freshly blossomed flower, but if you say you need it then who was he -your chivalrous knight- to argue against it.
Some people may think it’s weird that he’s looking at you so intently as you slept but Argenti always had a response at the ready, for he’d tell them that they’ve just never witnessed a beauty in it’s most natural form, to the point that it makes you utterly breathless and unable to look away.
He traces your every feature with his eyes and finds himself adding more onto the list of reasons of why he finds you so appealing, and in more ways than one.
Eye bags? Beautiful.
Stretch marks? Stunning.
Acne/acne scaring? Heavens have blessed you with your own set of unique constellations within your skin.
Argenti is addicted to looking at you while you are awake and it’s no different when you’re asleep either. He just loves that you trusted him enough to witness you like this and he’ll never take advantage of that. Ever.
Welt Yang: he takes care of you as you sleep soundly against his side.
He makes sure you are comfortable and undisturbed as you slept against his side, for seeing you look so at peace and free from all of your daily stresses only proved to warm his already soft heart.
He makes sure march 7th isn’t nearby, as much as he cares for that bubble gum pink haired girl like she was his own child, she was notoriously well known for her easily excitable nature; which wasn’t something you’d need when catching up on much needed sleep.
He’s already draping a blanket over you as we speak and shifting your position to a more comfortable one so that you wouldn’t wake up with a crick in your neck and irritability.
He’ll probably either carry you to bed or join you in your nap by lying himself down on the couch and pulling you up to his chest and holding you there.
It’s such a cute moment and march has photo proof that it happened. Multiple of them.
However papa Welt has a few questions in regard to your sleeping schedule if you were easily able to sleep against his side without issue. He loves you dearly but please for the love of god take better care of yourself or he fucking will.
This is a threat but then again you’d probably wouldn’t mind it if Welt took care of you….honestly same.
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Pairing: Yandere!Alastor x Reader
Word Count: 2'627
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Implied forced relationship, Implied captivity, Toxic relationship, Possessiveness, Invasion of personal space, Non-consensual touching.
Additional Notes: Do be kind, I have not written for this man before and find him exceedingly difficult.
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Every week at the Hotel, there was something new Charlie had planned.
Trust exercises. Ice breakers. Activities meant to bring everybody closer together as a group. To try and get people to open up and show a side of vulnerability that - she believed - would help sinners take one step closer to salvation.
Most of them were awkward, and a lot of them never went as planned. A fact she realized and, after a near mental breakdown, had her promptly take advice from Vaggie and agree to try something different.
The task was very simple compared to the previous activities. She requested everybody to think about redemption and what it meant to them.
Thinking about the definition itself took little to no effort.
Redemption (noun): The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
But it was clear that Charlie wanted more than just a quote from the dictionary. She wanted residents of the Hotel to mull over it while looking deep down into themselves so they could share their stance on the matter later on.
That was the tricky part.
From how you saw it, “saving yourself” from sin was easy enough to accomplish. ‘Just don’t be a dick and avoid the bad shit.’ was the first thought that came to mind, but where you hit a snag was based on what Charlie had shared about Heaven. According to her, even so much as breathing in Hell was enough to solidify your place in the inferno, yet she made it clear that actively resisting sin wasn’t something to go unrecognized.
It took a lot of effort, energy, and courage to do so, and it was hard to disagree even if Heaven didn’t see it that way.
Error was a bit harder. In your opinion, nobody could be saved from that, at least not entirely. Eventually, inevitably, you or someone else would do something wrong, it was just a matter of degree. It could be something as minor as bumping into somebody by accident or as major as Angel relapsing for what felt like the hundredth time, but it would happen and it was only a matter of time.
Charlie did bring up a rather good point, though. Apologizing when you realized you had done something wrong was the best thing someone could do, and it was the first step in the right direction.
You had to give her credit where it was due for that.
But evil was a different matter entirely.
Evil lurked everywhere in Hell. Across every street, around every corner, evil was out in the open for everyone to bear witness and see. None of it was hidden. None of it was meant to be hidden.
What would be the point? You and every other sinner were already in Hell - and many would argue that hiding it would be counterintuitive to being there in the first place.
Charlie tried to plead the case that everyone had good in them. A good that could be tweezed out if given the right chance, and the right environment, which the Hotel was perfect for.
You wish you could agree.
Evil was in the hotel itself, not that Charlie was fully willing to see it.
You believed she was careless there. Little Miss Bleeding Heart wanted to see the best in people, and by god did you ever want to know what it was like to see through such rose-tinted glasses, but you knew you never could. Not in this place.
Stepping a foot into the building was the worst thing you’d ever done because it showed you just how wrong you were about evil being so out in the open. It still had the ability to lurk, something you learned the moment you shook hands with Alastor.
You could see it on his face upon meeting him for the first time - the way Alastor’s perpetual grin widened upon seeing the goosebumps that lined your arms when he clasped your hand in his. No comment was ever made on the matter, but the way his lips peeled back to reveal the black of his gums before he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles said enough.
Something utterly sinister reeked from him in a manner you couldn’t describe, so you took your own advice and applied the same thing you did when it came to sin.
Avoidance. As much as you could, at least.
Some moments were easier than others. The distinct metallic clack of Alastor’s microphone against the floor combined with a surge of radio static usually bought enough time for you to make whatever excuse you needed in order to leave before he arrived.
Other times you weren’t so lucky, and Charlie’s group meetings were usually to blame in that regard.
At first, you made a great deal of effort to put as much distance between yourself and the Radio Demon as you could, which worked for a time. Unfortunately, Alastor caught onto what you were doing much faster than you would’ve liked.
He reveled in it. You knew he did. After a while you had the gnawing suspicion he was purposefully going out of his way to make you as uncomfortable as possible for his own entertainment. You saw no other reason as to why he’d consistently move so close to you that you could literally feel him breathing down your neck.
Lately, he had adopted the skin-crawling habit of locking eyes with you the moment you stepped foot in the room and patting the seat beside him - reserved specifically for you. Accepting the gesture felt like swallowing nails, but being openly rude to Alastor was something that you knew better than to do.
Instead, you began to find excuses for skipping the meetings entirely and have Angel or Husker fill you in later, which was exactly what you were doing now.
“To be honest I wasn’t payin’ much attention,” Angel said while he scrolled through his phone, resting his chin in his upper left hand while his lower right swirled alcohol around in a glass. “Was the kind of thing that could’ve been sent in an email.”
You traced your finger around the rim of your own glass, its contents untouched. “Still, I want to know what I missed.”
“He’s right, it wasn’t anything special,” Husker replied, slinging a cloth over his shoulder from behind the bar. “Same old bullshit about salvation with a new coat of paint on top.”
A pang went through your chest, but you pushed it down. “So nothing new?”
Angel scoffed and looked up from his phone. “Trust me, dollface, you did yourself a favor.” He downed the rest of his drink in one go. “What were you doing anyways?”
“You know…” You replied with a shrug, glancing down. “I went out.”
Angel smirked, raising an eyebrow. “Out?”
“Yeah.” You tapped your nails against the edge of the glass. “Things were feeling a little claustrophobic, so I went out for some air.”
Husker made a noise in the back of his throat. “Yeah, I know how you feel, kid. This place is a mess.”
Angel tilted his head, placing his phone down on the bar and leaning forward a bit. “So where’d you go? Anywhere fun?”
“Where indeed~.”
All your movements went rigid. After a few seconds, you slowly turned your head to look over your shoulder to see Alastor standing barely a foot away from you, staring down at you with a tight, closed-lipped smile. You hadn’t heard him coming in the slightest, which you immediately could tell was intentional.
Whether he’d used his shadow or had actually stalked up behind you wasn’t something you wanted to think about, and if Angel or Husker picked up on the immediate tension, neither of them said anything about it.
“Hey, Smiles.” Angel greeted with his usual flirtation, placing the elbows of his upper arms on the bartop as he turned to face Alastor. “Fancy a drink? You look a little stiff” He gave Alastor a very long once over, “and I’ll have you know I know a few ways I can help relieve some… tension.” 
Alastor’s lips curled back to reveal his teeth, the muscle in his cheek spasming for a moment.
Mentally you were kissing Angel on the cheek for the save as you slowly picked your coat up off the bar and slipped it on, concealing the goosebumps already present on your skin. Husker gave you a glance from the side and gave a very slight shake of his head, silently advising you against your unspoken desire to leave.
“I assure you, such a thing is never going to happen.~”
“You sure?” Angel rested his lower right arm on his hip. “I have a few tricks that can loosen you up.”
The leather in Alastor’s gloves audibly squeaked as his grip tightened around the staff of his microphone and his attention immediately shifted back to you, ignoring Angel entirely.
“My dear,” His voice dripped with such a saccharine sweetness it made you feel sick, “Could I speak with you for a moment?”
Fewer combinations of words could instill such a unique feeling of encroaching dread all at once, but you refused to let it show as you nodded and turned your body on the bar stool to face him fully; waiting for him to say the first word.
His eye twitched ever so slightly.
That made you swallow.
“Sure.” You slid off the bar stool, doing your best not to appear as reluctant as you felt.
“Lovely.~” He said, promptly turning on his heel and walking towards the staircase - expecting you to follow.
You glanced back towards Husker and Angel, each giving you looks of grim sympathy and confusion respectively before you took a deep breath and forced one foot in front of the other, following Alastor up the steps.
You thought he would talk along the way. Engage in some form of idle chit-chat where he’d be pulling the strings, or even hum along to the countless jazz tunes that he played in the halls over the Hotel’s sound system.
But no such music played and he remained silent. A few minutes into the walk you gathered enough courage to glance up at him and found his eyes locked straight forward, not even sparing you so much as a glance.
You averted your gaze, the hem of your sleeves suddenly the most fascinating thing you’d ever seen.
Eventually, he came to a stop, and he held out the end of his microphone to prevent you from going any further down the hallway.
“Here we are!” Rather than producing a key from his coat, a green flash emanated from the lock when he placed his hand on the handle and opened the door.
He all but leered at you as he gave a small bow that didn’t feel genuine in the slightest.
“After you.~”
Like the alleged gentleman he was, Alastor held the door open for you, eyes never leaving your form as you walked inside his suite.
The smell of dampness and soil hit you immediately.
Alastor’s suite wasn’t the worst thing you’d seen in Hell by a mile, however, it was still eerie beyond words. The skeletons that hung along the walls and mantlepiece of his fireplace became less complete and increasingly disorganized as they led further into the room - which itself gave way to a swamp-like environment halfway through. Undoubtedly a result of whatever hoodoo, voodoo bullshit he was capable of, and while it still wasn’t the worst you’d seen, it served its purpose thoroughly.
It creeped the shit out of you.
“Now, then.” Alastor clicked the door shut, his body half-facing yours as his hand still lingered on the doorknob. “I'm sure you have a good explanation for what you’ve been doing.~”
The immediate dryness in your throat was hard to ignore. You knew what he was talking about, and you knew that he knew, but you still attempted to buy some time as you tried to figure out what to do.
You cleared your throat. “I was just catching up with Angel and Husk-”
He chuckled, the sound like that of a radio shifting stations. “Don’t be coy.” His head turned towards you with a sickening, ossified crackle that bent his neck in a manner that made your stomach lurch. “You’ve been avoiding me, and I’d like to know why.”
“I haven’t.” Lying to Alastor was a mistake, but you still decided to risk it since it wasn’t entirely false. “There’s just been a lot on my mind recently.”
“Hmm.” Interest and something much worse flickered behind his eyes as he faced you fully with another crack of his vertebrae. “Such as~?”
You shook your head, looking away from him. “That’s private.”
There was a quick flash of red, and the tip of his microphone turned your face back towards him - the cool metal of the edge digging into the skin of your cheek. You had to bite back a grimace.
“Not when it concerns me.” His tone was sharp, a stark contrast to the faux politeness he was putting on before. He kept the tip of his microphone where it was to prevent your eyes from looking anywhere but him. “And trust me darling, when it comes to you, everything concerns me.”
His words twisted in your gut. “...I’m not sure what you mean.”
Alastor tutted, his smile widening once more. “Don’t be stupid, darling, it’s unbecoming of you.” The way he said it was patronizing, like he was scolding a child. “You know precisely what I mean, so I’m going to ask again, as much as I hate repeating myself.~”
Cool metal was replaced with the warmth of his hand as he tilted your head up and brought his face frighteningly close to yours.
“Why are you keeping yourself from me?”
It was an odd sensation. Being backed into a corner, both metaphorically and physically. A frightening one that all but yanked on your instincts to do whatever it meant to get the fuck out of there, but you knew that was the worst thing you could do.
Alastor was a predator, a creature designed to prey on those he deemed weaker, and turning your back on a predator would almost certainly trigger a series of events that would not bode well for you.
So you did the next worst thing.
You told him the truth.
“Because I can see you.” The words felt wrong to say out loud. “I can see you for what you are, I can feel the absolute malevolence that radiates off you in waves, and it’s suffocating.”
Saying any more was a horrendous idea, but you couldn’t help but add one last thing.
“And if I want any chance at leaving this god-forsaken place, I can’t be around you.”
The silence that stretched on afterward was deafening.
Mentally, you were bracing yourself. Alastor had killed people for far less, and you expected nothing different for saying something so daring to his face.
You could see it too, the anger that simmered underneath his gaze. You expected the red of his sclera to flash black and his antlers to extend with his body in a grotesque display before you were ripped to pieces while he laughed.
What you didn’t expect was for his eyes to narrow into slits and his expression shift into one that was far more genuine than you wanted it to be, and it was then you knew that being saved from this kind of evil was never going to happen.
“Oh, my dear, you don’t need to worry about something silly like that.” Alastor all but cooed.
“After all, what makes you think I’d ever let you leave?~”
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2024. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
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sliverslipped · 9 months
What qualities of you attract friends?
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Piles: 1-3 from left to right
Please do note that this is my first pac. I'm still a beginner and is practicing tarot with very limited resources. Please be mindful of your words and as it's said not everything might resonate. This is a general reading. Take what resonates and leave the rest. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Credits: Pictures aren't mine. I got it from Pinterest. I've also used the divider from @cafekitsune !! Check them out
Close your eyes and take a deep breath after taking a close look at the images. Choose the one that attracts you the most. Feel free to choose two piles if you feel drawn to both.
Comments and feedback are highly appreciated.
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Queen of cups you're someone who's seen as the mom of the group, the one who's always there for their friends, the one who's very loyal. Very loving too and this is one of the key qualities that attract strong friendship to you. You're a nurturing soul. Not only are you nurturing you're also very intuitive. You're very sensitive and when you make a connection with a person you treasure them. Page of swords you're a very charming individual who knows how to give the rest a good company. As pages depict someone who's younger either you might be younger by age or you have a youthful energy to you. You're quick witted and you might also be very curious and open minded. Five of cups you're not afraid to show your vulnerable side to your friends. Crying over spilt milk doesn't make you a miserable person either. Though the cards may depict a miserable one, think of it as you showing your vulnerable side to your friends and how much they cherish that you trusted them enough to open up to them about your worries and insecurities. Hermit you're someone who's wise and mature. You know when to withdraw from people and situations to assess and evaluate your feelings and thoughts better. You also have a healing energy to you. You're also very self aware and critical and is also the friend who's very reliable. You're also very spiritual. The sun you have strong leadership skills. You're very charming and you do not hesitate to shower your friends with compliments. You're not afraid of others stealing your spotlight either. You have a healthy ego. You also help people to grow and see their potential.
Gemini, cancer, virgo. Some of you may have these signs or have these placements. It doesn't necessarily have to be though.
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Strength you have great leadership qualities. You're someone who's very resilient. You have a healthy self esteem. You don't find the need to get extrrnal approval or validation because you're very confident in who you are. You also make your friends feel supported. Four of wands you're someone who enjoys your life. There's never a dull moment with you. You don't take anything for granted either. You're also someone who's very social. You're also full of ideas and curiosity. Seven of pentacle you're someone who's well organized, patient and systematic. You have a balance between feminine and masculine energy. You're also a keen observer. You know when to let go and what to let go of if you think that you no longer have a control over it. You do not rush into things, it doesn't mean that you don't want to get it done fast but rather you take your time and know when to rest. You're very reliable and commited. Hanged man you're patient and is capable of viewing things from different point of views. You're someone who's afraid to stand out from a crowd. You're very welcoming of others and make them feel at ease.
Leo, venus in aries, saturn in taurus. You may have these signs or have these placements in your chart. It doesn't necessarily have to be though.
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Hanged man you're capable of viewing things and situations from a new perspective or point of view. Very open minded. You're also very patient. You also make people feel at ease and welcomed.Queen of cups you're someone who's seen as the mom of the group. You're always there for your friends and is very loyal. Very loving too. You're a nurturing soul. Not only are you nurturing you're also very intuitive. You're very sensitive. Seven of cups you're very fun to be around. Your energy may feel like it's all over the place but in this context and getting the card upright it's not bad. You may also have many interests that keep you engaged and make you bit more interesting to your friends. You're also able to view things from different perspective. Page of cups you're vulnerable and emotionally open. You're attentive to the needs of others and is there for them. You're also Idealistic. You're very caring and compassionate. You're selfless. You also make others feel loved and appreciated.
Gemini, virgo, Venus in scorpio, Saturn in libra. You may have these signs or have these placements in your chart. It doesn't necessarily have to be though.
I'm sorry that this pile is very short compared to the previous ones so feel free to check the other ones if you felt attracted to any for more messages.
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saetoru · 1 year
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ you wonder how vash smiles so easily with all his scars, and he shows you (.7k words)
☽ contents ⋮ just fluff for my lil wonder boy :(, mentions of scars
☽ notes ⋮ i tried my best to characterize him im on episode 5 okay :,)
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vash has scars.
you expect as much with the way he lives, just not to the extent that’s before you. he stares at you blankly for a moment as you walk through the door before blushing, the soft, red flush bleeding from his cheeks to the tips of his ears as he scrambles to hold his shirt to cover his chest.
vash has scars—and much like they did his skin, they slash at your heart.
some run long and deep, from his shoulder blade down to the middle of his back. it makes you think about all the times he turns his back blindly to people, hoping, trusting he won’t be betrayed. who could ever slash someone like vash across the back, you wonder, with his guard down and his heart out in the open.
some are small, like tiny bullet holes that heal to form uneven skin, a testament to the way he’s so selfless. you can almost envision him jumping in front of someone, blocking the bullet just seconds before they penetrate skin. because that’s who vash is—he’ll bleed to put out the fire for others in this dry, cruel desert.
even for those that start the flames to burn him down.
distantly, you think maybe you should leave. you should cover your eyes and apologize for intruding and walk out, but you can’t. not when the most vulnerable part of him is right here in front of you. it almost feels like to ignore it is to ignore vash, to ignore his kindness, his sacrifice, his pain and the cruelty he so casually suffers.
vash doesn’t deserve to cry—nor does he deserve to bleed, so you reach out tenderly, slowly, finding the scar that sits over the left side of his chest, letting your palm soothe over the bumpy skin as if it’s still bleeding, as if your touch alone can stanch the flow of blood.
maybe it can—maybe it does with the way his eyes close and his breath exhales shakily as though he’s in relief.
“sorry to walk in unannounced,” you murmur, giving him a tiny smile, making him chuckle lowly. he takes a step closer, lowers his shirt that covers his chest just like he turns his back when he trusts people.
he trusts you to see his back, maybe more than that.
“you could knock,” he teases lightly. you reach out and cup his cheek, running a thumb along the soft swell of skin as he hums appreciatively.
“i could,” you nod, “but then i’d miss the view,” you squeeze his left pec with a giggle, making him flush deeper as he looks away to the side.
and because you love him, because every part of him deserves to be loved no matter how scarred and imperfect it might be, because you cherish the parts of him that no one else did when it counted, you lean and press a kiss over the old bullet wound.
“you shouldn’t open doors hoping for half dressed men,” he mumbles, pouting slightly, “that’s not very polite.”
“i wasn’t looking for half dressed men,” you grin, “i was looking for a half dressed you. otherwise roberto’s room is right next door.”
“you probably don’t wanna see that,” vash shivers, making you giggle as he slumps his cheek against your hold, sighing softly in content when you lean to peck his jaw.
“no, i probably don’t,” you agree, “good thing i walked into this room instead, huh?”
“i guess it was the better alternative,” he says shyly.
it’s silent for a bit. you don’t know how to bring them up, how to so casually ask him to tell you the stories behind every harsh branding across his skin. so you settle for a question you can ask—one that you have, one that you know the answer to, but you can’t help but wonder no matter how many times he replies.
“how…why do you keep going? after all this?” you ask softly, staring at the rough marks across his body, the witnesses of the cruelty he’s faces who never quite leave.
he shrugs, stretches that easy grin on his face. “i deserve to smile,” is all he says.
and he does—painfully, you’re aware how much he deserves to smile and laugh and feel the sun soak him with warmth as the gentle breeze tickles his skin.
“do you?” you ask, slowly like you’re scared to hear the answer, “smile?”
his grin only widens. “yes,” he says sincerely, glancing down at your lips. “i do.”
and then his lips meet yours in a slow, smiley kiss, warm and gentle and tender enough to make you forget about his pain.
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Japan’s concept of confession and why Ochaco might not confess
“Confession” is a big deal in a country as subtle as Japan. Not all people have the courage to confess, but when starting official relationships confessions are often expected. This is what I know confessions to be like in the world of manga: Person A talks alone with Person B and shares with them the secrets of their heart. “I like you please accept my feelings.” This usually ends either with them going out or A being rejected by B. The usual reason for the rejection is “I like someone else.”
I’ve been having some more ideas about the day Izuku fell into Kacchan’s arms and how what Kacchan did for him was almost confessional in a way. He told Izuku what was in his heart, why he bullied him and that no matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t escape him. He called him “Izuku” and we saw the impact this had on Izuku’s face. 
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Izuku just couldn’t believe that Kacchan was calling his name properly for the first time in 12 years, it completely shocked him, and after apologising for everything, he told Izuku, “Come home, let’s do this together. We need to help each other in this fight against AFO.” 
The conclusion of this confession was that Izuku acquiesced to 1-A’s request for him to return, but it was only really possible because his attachment to Kacchan triumphed over his motivations to stay away. It was Kacchan who broke down his walls with his apology. It was Kacchan who filled him with hope that things would be better, and Kacchan who finally hammered into Izuku how important it was for him to be part of the collective. That his inclusion was very wanted and needed, and that he in turn can rely more on everyone as well. That together, they can push forward, trusting in and helping each other.
I think what hurt Izuku the most during his solo arc was being away from his friends, but especially Kacchan. Because that day in the rain, he literally gave up on his solo vigilante mindset for him. After hearing Kacchan’s unbelievable words he had patiently longed to hear for years, it was impossible for Izuku to stay away from him any longer. As he passed out, he stumbled a few steps towards Kacchan who, without missing a beat, caught him in his arms and gently held him. This embrace told us “From now on it’ll be different. I’m gonna be here for you, Izuku.”
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So to recap all of that... Kacchan became vulnerable and spilled what was in his heart, Izuku accepted his desires, with it all culminating in them becoming closer. Which is just like a successful romantic confession!?
I think after watching this all go down, something inside Ochaco clicked. A lot of the class are rushing over to Izuku when Kacchan catches him because they’re just so worried about him, but a few of them, Ochaco included, stay standing back. It doesn’t make much sense at all. But we’re given a zoom in of her without knowing any of the thoughts going through her mind.
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They got Izuku back, but she doesn’t really seem all that happy. Momo says to her “this is just the first obstacle we aren’t done yet” and she agrees. Ochaco knows that there’s still more they as a group need to do for Izuku to make his return happen. But the fact that there’s a few panels dedicated to zooming in on her staying put, her almost emotionless face (mirroring Shoto’s) while she’s watching Kacchan save Izuku and his new unbridled intimacy he has with him - could be telling us that there’s something else she’s processing.
Is this moment somber for her because she realised the person Izuku needs the most is none other than the person he has openly admired since she first met him? The very same person who always bared his fangs at Izuku because he was scared him getting close?
Was Ochaco witnessing the beginning of something new between them and suddenly finding herself sidelined as a contender for Izuku’s affections?
Somehow… this could be what it was all about. And that’s why I think there’s a good chance Ochaco gave up her crush on Izuku for good when she witnessed Katsuki return his love and embrace him after that emotionally-charged apology. After this, a more defined distance between her and Izuku appears visible in their next scene together. A respectful distance of Izuku’s own choosing.
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It was like a definitive line had been drawn out that can’t and perhaps shouldn’t be crossed. Maybe they both understood that the person Izuku wanted close by his side has always been Katsuki. That desire wasn’t simply a pipe dream to Izuku anymore, it had become reality. And who is Ochaco to get in the way of that?
And then it’s almost like she is bookending Katsuki’s confession to Izuku with a confession of her own about Toga, putting a close to the Izuocha chapter and she makes a comment which feels double in meaning. “I guess that means we are the same.” or You love a boy, just like I might love a girl. (To put it bluntly)
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And Izuku remembers this line again after he gets separated from Kacchan and Ochaco is telling him to go. Go back to Tenko. Go back to your Kacchan.
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The concept of “knowing how someone feels because you love them and always watch over them” comes up from time to time in manga. In a way, that’s also a reason why Kacchan and Izuku understand each other as deeply as they do and they aren’t afraid of showing it off. They were always watching each other from a safe distance and learning things about each other in this way. I think during chapter 322, this concept is what was happening to cause such a realisation in Ochaco. (And it’s also for this reason Tsuyu, who never had feelings for Izuku, still doesn’t get it.)
It was hard for her, knowing everything she does about Izuku’s deep attachment to Kacchan, to learn that Izuku’s affections for him weren’t one-sided and they were now closer than ever before… That’s why I don’t think she’ll want to get in the way by confessing anymore. If Kacchan’s apology was intended to be compared with a romantic confession, then Ochaco is probably aware that Izuku already “has someone he likes”… and that person isn’t her.
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ekingston · 8 months
Apart from show canon, at which point did u think it was too late for lena's immediate forgiveness to kara's identity reveal
oh boy. anon, here is where i come clean about my shoddy recollection of canon’s chronology. i’ve done so many fragmented rewatches and skipping back and forth—there’s a reason i rarely dabble with canon-adjacent stuff! and that even when i do, i create worlds where Lena figures it out herself! 
second road bump to answering this question is that i have a LOT of feelings about how things played out on the show, and most of them are incongruent with the tone of sgcw. i understand their narrative reasons for keeping the secret from Lena for so long! but the execution is so, so terrible! ignoring large swathes of canon and replacing them with my own is the only way i’m able to enjoy at least the last tiny handful of seasons!
here is where i spend an hour procrastinating from my WIPs, while not successfully answering your question at all:
to be perfectly clear: i adore most parts of canon Kara. and i think i may be hard on her in ways i wouldn't be if i didn’t relate to her so much. i think her backstory is extremely compelling and i admire her ability to hold on to her kindness and hope and joy even after losing everything that was important to her, even when she’s tired and lonely and mad. 
BUT. a healthy Lena—one who we were made to believe was finally freeing herself from Lex and Lillian, rising above the coping mechanisms she’d developed as an unwanted and emotionally neglected child? i don’t think that Lena would (should?) have forgiven canon Kara at all.
after the rift, canon Kara flitted between telling Lena she’d lied to her ‘to protect you’ to ‘one person who sees me only as Kara’ to ‘your last name’ to ‘didn’t want to lose you’ until she literally told Lena she was on her own, and she’d treat her like any other villain until Lena repented, even rejecting her apology at first, as if Kara’s own decisions had played no part in Lena’s downward spiral at all.
the Kara Lena would have forgiven is the much more cohesive and coherent Kara brought to us by our talented fix-it writers: a Kara who is willing to let herself be vulnerable and to second-guess her motivations, one who is able to put together a proper apology and actually listen to Lena's own. 
but, okay, lets table all of that. this is me trying really, really hard to entertain canon:
Kara and Lena’s friendship became painfully lopsided by season 3. i think that was, if i recall correctly, when the super-friends decided to trust Lena enough to regularly ask her for assistance—but not enough to let her be part of their in-group; it’s where they left Lena in the dark about the fact that her best friend had come close to plunging to her death right in front of Lena's eyes, and was actively still fighting for her life; where they tricked Lena into having an extremely personal conversation with J’onn, while he was wearing Kara’s features, only to make belly-laughing fun of her about it later. 
and even then, honestly, it might already have been too late. what about the aftermath of Jack’s death? was that season 2? Jack was Lena’s ex-everything, someone who genuinely loved her, who saw her through the fallout of Lex’s arrest. he was one of her last remaining friends, and Lena pressed the button to let him die in order to save Supergirl’s life. how would Lena knowing that Kara went through that with her, knowing Lena had chosen to save the life of her favorite person in addition to National City’s hero, have changed the way she felt about that horrible situation? that’s where that extremely wonderful heart-to-heart on the L-Corp couch happened, right? Kara swore she’d always be Lena’s friend—while keeping silent about the fact that she was there when Jack drew his last breath, that she had witnessed their final moments.
so—i really can’t tell you anon, i’m so sorry. the 100th episode already fabricated reasons why Kara couldn’t possibly come clean to Lena back when she made the conscious decision to be her friend (and not in a ‘keep your enemies close’ kind of way!), and i’m beginning to think that was the only moment Kara could have told Lena that would have kept her conscience completely clear. Kara should have made it part of her decision—either she was going to be Lena’s friend and give her the same trust Lena was giving her, or she would keep things professional, and keep her identity a secret from her. 
Kara tried to do both, and if i really think about it, i don’t believe that was ever fair.
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prodbymaui · 1 year
Lust Royale Series.
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The alternative universe of the mafia where you serve as the heir of the infamous 'Solaire'.
Lust Royale is an original NCT series written by prodbymaui. The release dates are scheduled to start by the beginning of July.
Copying, translating, re-posting and rewriting the following works in any form is strictly prohibited unless given permission to do so.
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OVERVIEW: In the world of mafia, things would never go according to one's plan. As an heir to the mafia group who had been at the top of the game since the beginning, Solaire's made sure to pull out and use all their assets to protect the rising soon to be kingpin. All guards up to prevent being indifferent to the dangers of what the consequences of their plans may be.
Because unbeknownst to most players; In this game, evil is hidden everywhere-- in plain sight. Driven by greed as they try to conquer everything their eyes gazes at, may it be simple equipments, or a whole organization. People in this area-- they like to be ambitious. A person might be smiling at you genuinely today, but the next thing you know? You will be meeting your downfall in the hands of the exact same person.
TAGLIST: send an ask to be added..
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SYNOPSIS: Being an assassin, it was already expected for love to be seen as a weakness in Yuta's field of work. Therefore, if you find yourself falling in love-- might as well dig your lover's and your own grave because no enemy would pass the chance of sabotaging any glimpse of happiness, especially in the mafia world.
Despite first-hand witnessing the outcome of being in love-- The faceless grim reaper finds himself risking the chance of exposing his identity for the sake of catching the sight of this mysterious woman dawned in her blood red dress.
Coming soon..
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SYNOPSIS: You should've figured out the man the moment he stepped inside your headquarters. You should've found out he's nothing but a threat to the organization. As he stood before you, not as an ally but as a spy-- you felt stupid for letting your guards down and showing your vulnerable side. You should've known.
Because now, you have to battle with these crumbling, weakening feeling of love. All the while, Haechan is out there, determined to kill you with his bare hands.
Coming soon..
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SYNOPSIS: You were cruel, merciless, and ruthless. Unforgiving to those who had wrong you, ensuring to make them pay trice the amount of what they owe. The lack of empathy towards other people was one thing Mark could've used to dislike, or even loathe, you.
However, as he watches you cut the tongues of the men who murdered Song Jaesoo in half-- Mark finds himself grateful to your father for hiring and trusting him to serve as your right hand.
Coming soon..
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SYNOPSIS: In a midst of chaos and danger, you found yourself stuck between the forbidden love your father had warned you about several times and your responsibilities as the successor of the great Song Jaesoo.
Would you rather focus on your goals of revenging your late father to continue his legacy? Or would you finally give in and taste the freedom of being with someone whom you truly love?
Coming soon..
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2023 © prodbymaui
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
Can you imagine during archon war we were like the most scariest, powerful god in it?
The Harbinger of Death, goddess of lost war, brutalz bloody battles, plaques and hunger (anything to do with war basically that happens during and after that's not glorified) so the archon war is causing them to become even more powerful.
Being known as merciless God who kills anyone in their way causes weaker god's to be terrified but at the same, some brave souls seek protection. And surprisingly they get it, because reader is a softie.
Morax in turn is desperate for some allies. Due to him gaining the geo gnosis, he put a massive cross on his back. He has guizhong and osail, but it's not enough to protect his people.
So he comes up with a plan to court the worst possible option - the most powerful bloody god that celestia was considering to become the god of death (because with amount of death in the war, death domain needed someone to look over it)
It doesn't help that he had a massive crush after meeting us on the battlefield and seeing how we help our wounded soldiers and being good leader and deity.
So starts the awkward tries of more rough around the edges, young and hormonal Morax to court us, while ozial and guizhong are trying to change his mind.
slfkslfks holy shit i- never thought about this concept but hhhhhhh
help this turned into a fic before i realized-
ps. not proofread, this is literally word vomit and i haven't reread it yet cause my lunch break's over lsdjflskd
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⬙⤠ masterlist ⤝⬙
you're the god of war, known for your merciless nature and prowess in battle. you're offered the finest wine, battle armors of the fallen, the biggest livestock. each year a hunting competition is celebrated across your nation, with many people joining in to prove themselves to you, a chance for them to show their loyalty and perhaps be granted your blessings in return.
you feed from the hopelessness in your enemies' eyes, the tear of their battle wills, the blood spilled upon your people's weapons. you are the definition of fear and morbid, and your people hold an equal amount of respect and fear towards you. the gods fear you and scorn you but they're afraid to cross your path because they know you're perfectly capable to crush them under your feet if you so desire.
but what most fail to realize is that although you are the personification of ruin itself, you're secretly drawn to everything that's on the opposite spectrum of your nature, but you're so afraid to indulge yourself because what can your battle-scarred hands do besides destroying everything they touch? they don't realize that your fierceness stems from your wish to protect your people. they don't realize that you wish for a company, someone strong enough to stand by your side, someone who wouldn't crumble from your fierceness yet treasures your weaknesses, someone whom you can trust wholeheartedly without fearing that you might get stabbed on your back the moment you let your guard down. they don't realize that you despise having to enjoy the offerings alone....
enter rex lapis, god of contracts, whose prowess falls just a little short below you. but what rex lapis misses, he makes up with his wit and the companions who support him from behind the scenes. rex lapis, like the other gods, fear you and see you as a threat to their people, because in his eyes you're just this thirsty warmonger who thrives upon the deaths of the innocents.... or, well, that is, until he sees you personally mourning over the deaths of your people. immediately, he's intrigued. but he dares not to intrude on your moment of solitude, afraid that he would provoke you if you discover him seeing you in your most vulnerable state. the image stays at the back of his mind, and both guizhong and osial notice how he always fall silent whenever your name comes up.
it isn't until the archon war that he proposes an idea to make an alliance with you. obviously guizhong disagrees and starts listing off the cons of doing so, being his trusted strategist. osial thinks he's gone crazy, and he departs with a snarl and a disbelieving shake of head when the god of contracts tries to explain his reasons. guizhong tries to persuade him otherwise, because there are millions of ways that this could go wrong, and because she has tried to reach out to you in the past but was turned away. you clearly do not want to associate yourself with anyone in the first place. and rex lapis knows that his friend is, as always, correct - but his rational side wavers when he remembers the pained sobs that left your lips and the tears falling down your cheeks.
"nonetheless, we should still try. i have a hunch they will turn out to be different than the rumors."
guizhong starts re-explaining again from the top, and for once rex lapis does not listen.
the next time he dives into battle, the thought plagues his mind, alongside osial's betrayal. maybe that's why he was unable to realize that guizhong was in danger. why he was unable to react in time when his mind's eye connects the trajectory of the blade with the positions of his people. by the time he realizes what was going on, guizhong is already plummeting towards the ground, straight towards your troops' formation.
he's moving on pure instinct when he speeds over towards his friend, he knows it's utter foolishness to appear before the enemy's territory, especially in his frazzled state. he braces for enraged yells and blades sinking upon his skin, he prepares to retreat- and yet everything is silent with the exception of the sound of war in the background. he looks up and sees you, looking down at them with a stoic expression on your face, so different from his memory. the nefarious nicknames flash beyond his eyes, and he grips guizhong's body protectively, draconic eyes glaring up at you, a silent warning.
to his utter shock, your eyes soften. or perhaps it was just his imagination? because you've closed them before he could examine it further, and when you turn towards your generals, your voice is as authoritative and cold as ever, sending shivers down his spine.
but no, it must have not been a fever dream, because you're telling your troops to march forward and conduct themselves along with his troops. you tell them to protect his people and to fully assist his soldiers.
"why?" he asks, and his voice is soft and cracked against the deafening song of the battlegrounds, but still you turn towards him and watch as your gaze falls to the goddess of dust.
"she gave me a flower, once."
it's thousands of years later that rex lapis realizes, as he gazes upon you admiring the first glaze lily that your people managed to cultivate - perhaps it was that single sentence that finally broke the walls he's set around his heart. he casts a forlorn look towards the sea stretching beyond the harbor and the dust dancing in the air under the bright sun.
if only they could see him now. if only they could see you now.
"i told you they would be different from the rumors."
he winces when a speck of dust enters his eyes and chuckles when you start fussing over him, your touch gentle as you examine his teary eyes.
yes, very different indeed.
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pepplemint · 1 year
Ok here's my Trimax Knives Defense (apart from everything obvious):
wolfwood getting blasted with his feelings while holding a gun to his face describes it as "all I could think about was how much I wanted to live" even as Knives outwardly is looking confident and ordering him around. You can't trust what he says about himself or his own motives.
when he kills he kills everyone instantly, every time. It's not that torture doesn't exist in the series, it doesn't shy away from horrible stuff. Who makes sure to kill in a single shot? Someone who is afraid they won't get a second shot.
we get to see Vash's reaction to stabbing and likely killing Rem being laughing, which is a real defense mechanism in- or reliving traumatic and/or painful situations that is often misunderstood. The fact that the author knows this, and made sure to show Vash reacting like that to killing someone, puts a whole other perspective on Knives manic laughing after the fall.
Speaking of defense mechanisms - fear and sadness being turned into anger is very common with emotionally repressed people. Not being able to process whatever strong negative emotion you're feeling, you will react as if you're being attacked. Whenever Knives is emotionally hurt he takes a moment looking emotional before having an aggressive reaction. That pause is important - it's the truth before the protective mask comes on. These reactions are consistent throughout the entire series. See: witnessing the Last Run, Vash giving him some hard truths, Vash leaving the ark, literally the whole story.
Whenever someone seems to be getting too close in a way that makes him vulnerable or might reject him he violently rejects them first with the most surefire words to hurt them. Yet, when he is the one being left, he is desperate for them to stay. Might be reading into it but this is classical abandonment issues.
He has no clear picture of what a "win" would look like. He feels like it's his only purpose as an independent to make sure their kind can be safe. Thinking Vash is dying as he passed out in the last battle Knives thoughts are "You no longer have to be burned by a reality that is too painful." <- this is how Knives feels. This sentence is almost envious. (And it's extra interesting juxtapositioned with Vash later on becoming a link between humans and plants, to make sure all of them are safe. Because Knives wasn't wrong - but he didn't get it right either.)
He keeps fighting even with no way to win. If he admits to himself he hadn't done the correct thing, he would also have to face what he had done. (See: when he sees the plants positive memories of humans he completely on-his-knees- face-on-the-floor-screaming breaks down.) (And oh, would ya look at that, when he does admit he was wrong finally he kills himself after. Almost as if he couldn't live with the knowledge.)
Final conclusion: Knives is a very scared person who never learned how to process his emotions and who grew a thick mask and a wall around his heart to protect himself, keeping people at a distance. He isn't evil or sadistic or considers himself better. He could have been saved at pretty much any point by forcing him to see a proper therapist
TLDR: Committing mass murder is his coping mechanism, let him be 😭😭😭 lmao
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dc-and-arfrona · 1 year
The Execption
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Nightwing x GN!Reader
Type: Fluff
Based of this prompt: I don't trust flirts. I guess you're the exception.
Word Count: 500
Nightwing, renowned for his quick wit and suave demeanor, was a natural flirt. He charmed with ease, leaving hearts aflutter in his wake. But when the reader entered his life, their presence disrupted his usual smooth-talking ways.
"I don't trust flirts," the reader confessed, their voice carrying a hint of skepticism. "I guess you're the exception."
Nightwing's eyebrows furrowed, intrigued by their straightforwardness. He had never encountered someone who openly challenged his flirty nature. There was something refreshing about their honesty, a spark that ignited his curiosity.
He met their gaze, his eyes searching for any sign of jest. But all he found was an unwavering sincerity, a glimpse into the reader's guarded heart.
"Well, I suppose I'll have to earn your trust then," Nightwing replied, his voice laced with determination. There was a part of him that wanted to prove to the reader that he was more than just a charming facade.
As days turned into weeks, Nightwing and the reader spent more time together. They shared conversations that delved beneath the surface, exploring the depths of their thoughts and dreams. Nightwing discovered that the reader had a wit and intelligence that matched his own, and he found himself drawn to their authenticity.
Gradually, the reader's skepticism began to soften. They saw glimpses of vulnerability beneath Nightwing's charismatic mask, moments when he let his guard down and allowed them to see the person behind the hero.
"I never thought I'd find someone who could challenge my perception of flirts," the reader admitted one evening, a touch of awe in their voice. "But you've shown me that there's more to you than meets the eye."
Nightwing's lips curved into a genuine smile, his heart swelling with a mix of pride and affection. "You've opened my eyes as well," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "Being with you has taught me that trust can grow even in unexpected places."
Their connection deepened as trust blossomed between them. Nightwing's flirtatious nature took a backseat as he embraced vulnerability, sharing his fears and aspirations with the reader. In turn, they confided in him, knowing that their secrets were safe within his care.
It wasn't long before Nightwing realized that his feelings for the reader went beyond curiosity. Their presence had become an anchor in his life, grounding him in ways he never thought possible.
"I don't just want to be the exception," Nightwing confessed one evening, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and determination. "I want to be someone you trust, someone you rely on."
The reader's eyes shimmered with unspoken emotion as they reached out, their fingers intertwining with his. "You already are," they whispered, their voice carrying a world of meaning.
In that moment, Nightwing understood that trust wasn't about grand gestures or extravagant promises. It was built through shared experiences, vulnerability, and unwavering support. And with the reader by his side, he knew he had found a love that transcended his flirtatious tendencies.
Together, Nightwing and the reader embraced the intricacies of their connection, proving that sometimes the most unlikely exceptions could become the most cherished bonds.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
#7 for Exile! Please 🥺
A moment from their relationship when she still doesn't trust him, but Steve does something for her - thoughtful and loving - and she lets her guard down. Just for a moment, a bit, but Steve is grateful and greedy - he won't waste an opportunity and will use it to a maximum.
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I went in a little different direction, hope that’s okay!
“Can we drop the hating game?” He’s already stepped into the bedchamber, the door’s already closed, and your hands are already shaking.
His name is on your skin, his soul is entwined with yours and for a moment its easy to forget that you two are so vastly different. Its easy to forget that he was once a gentle King who had been lied to, who had been turned vile and cruel to those he accused of keeping you apart.
For a moment, you can let your walls down and let your eyes flutter closed while the scent of spiced meat fills your nose. Your left hand falls to your belly and your fingers curl in the front panel of your sleeping robe, wondering if its too soon to feel the soft flutter.
“We’re married, you are my Queen. We consummated our marriage-” he steps forward and your heart skips a beat.
Tension turned to lust, lust turned to absolute wanting, and wanting led to you binding his hands with scarves while you fucked him. Wanting led to you fucking yourself on the King’s cock while he watched you, while he let you take what you wanted.
And then you cast him aside and tried kicking him from your bed. You tried to deny your feelings for the man who was so forceful in taking you from your home yet so kind as to not let his people starve.
“-and you warm my bed. Can you cease hating me?” You turned to face him, your eyes widened like a startled deer, your hand clasping at your sleeping robe while your other held the edge of the vanity to keep yourself from wavering.
“I am devoted to you, I am willed to you, and you…”
“-I’m pregnant.” Your breath had faltered, your heart came to a dead stop as you waited to hear something, anything from the man who was watching you with unreserved emotions flickering in his sea-like blue-green irises.
“I’ve missed my last cycle, I’ve become more sensitive, I’ve…” You sucked in air and screwed your eyes closed, imagining a life with moments, of pattering feet running down the halls and his gentle laughter.
He would be a good father, you know that because you’ve witnessed him playing with the village children. You’ve witnessed the compassion he has for the most vulnerable, and you know he would be a good paternal man.
“Y/N,” Steve’s feet padded on the floor, his hands coming to rest upon your arms, thumbs brushing back and forth gently, “Y/N, look at me.”
You shook your head. You negated to give in, and instead had grit your teeth.
You were guarded for so long, you were distant to preserve yourself and in order to pursue a life back in the forest. You didn’t think this could or would have happened like this, you thought you’d had more strength to deny him, even in crazed and angered lust.
“A child,” Steve cupped your chin, he drew your attention to himself as he leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours, “we are having a child.”
“With man I hate.” Your voice was weak, you were unable to speak the truth, and so you hid behind a lie. “A child with parents who don’t even…”
“A child,” he covered the hand that was clutching your belly with one of his, and kept his other hand settled under your chin, “who will have a loving mother and father.”
Truthfully, though you were frightened, you had always wished to have a child. You always wished to have someone to cuddle and bond with, someone you could guide to protect nature and adore the world around them.
“With a man I…” you couldn’t say it again, you couldn’t utter the lie anymore. Every chance to say the word hate was swallowed by yourself as the truth begged to be loosened.
“You should eat something, little owl.” Steve, uttering a petname you had never heard before, cupped your hand in his and gently led you from the bed chamber.
You would never hear the words Forest Wench from his lips again, a new chapter had been started.
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technaart · 2 years
Being Vulnerable for them means
Characters: Kaeya, Kazuha, Venti, Request: how about the genshin men being able to let their walls down around their s/o or trusting them enough to show their most vulnerable state? Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Angst GN! Reader A/N: plz I'm sorry I lost who requested this and any written like this T.T
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The anniversary of that night always felt like it dragged on and on, an eternity Kaeya would think with an unamused chuckle. While he's been through many of these nights on his own, this was your first time witnessing the pain he holds in.
"It was raining just like this," he stated, voice barely audible.
You're careful as you walk closer, taking cautious steps as if afraid to ruin this moment. Kaeya is a closed-off man and even though you're in a relationship, more so with you. Seeing him in such a state, so... vulnerable made an indescribable feeling arise in you.
He looked up at you making you still.
Silence falls upon you both as a thoughtful look passes in his eyes. For a moment you swear you see an inkling of fear and uncertainty that only lasted a small second before he seemed to make up his mind.
Kaeya waved you over. "Come here," He took your hand when you got close enough, pulling you into his lap where he held you tightly to him, trying to give himself comfort. "You know, I never really wanted my vision..."
As he continued to talk to you, telling you and expressing everything that you wanted to see and know a little thought in the back of your mind told you the name of that feeling you felt early.
He trusts you.
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Starts shined brightly in the sky, making it look like someone dumped gallons of glitter up there. It was a beautiful sight and there was no way you were going to be in your room missing it. Aboard the Alcor, you sat against a wall on the floor, head leaned back as you watched the sky.
You've been traveling with the Crux Crew for a few months now, getting along with everyone and keeping up with what needed to be done. The thought of staying becomes more prominent.
"You're certainly up late,"
And maybe that decision is because of him.
Kazuha smiled down at you, joining your side on the floor with ease. The scent of freshly fallen leaves reached you and you tried to subtly breathe it in. Just his presence always brought a sense of comfort to you.
The two of you fall into a soft conversation, enjoying the cool night breeze. Kazuha was a pretty open guy. He told you about his friend Tomo and what had happened, he's healed from the loss. As a crewmate and his friend, he declared you deserved to know.
That wasn't Kazuha being vulnerable.
No, it's the head that was now resting in your lap. His eyes sparkled as he looked up at you with a look that made your heart skip a beat. It's in the way he allows you to card your fingers through his hair, a soft, in audible sigh leaving his lips.
Kazuha did more than trust you.
He loved you.
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You had expected to sleep through the night with such sweet dreams of the days to come, not the sound of someone knocking on your door in a sluggish way. The thought of it being someone drunk who just left the tavern crossed your barely awake mind before your started to drift off once more.
The knocking started up again, but this time you woke up.
You hadn't expected to see a certain bard standing on your doorstep, soaked from the rain. He held no grin that he normally gave when he saw you, the smell of alcohol drifted from him.
"Venti, what are you doing in the rain? You're soaked! What if you catch a cold!?" You're quick to pull him inside, rushing about to get him a towel to help dry him off. "Can Archons even catch colds?"
He chuckles at your question. Weak with no humor.
The sound stopped you in your tracks for a good few minutes before you continue your way to Venti with a warm fuzzy towel in hand. Gently, you remove his little hat, placing that down before moving down to his twin braids, undoing them.
The atmosphere is calm and silent. You hold no pressure to make him talk, he will if he wants to. But at the same time, you wanted him to talk to you, to confine in you what was wrong. Let you help if you were able to.
His head leaned forward, forehead landing on your shoulder and making you stop your ministrations. His shoulders shook, soon followed by the sound of crying.
All you could do is wrap your arms around him and hold Venti. Give him the type of comfort he silently begged for, especially from you. The person that not only held his trust but his heart.
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soulntes · 1 year
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a shame.
there are various forms of shame.
on pandora, there's no such thing when it's about mating and forming a bond with someone you truly love to spend the rest of your life with. it's a moment that every young na'vi awaits to experience something so special and sacred even before you know the sensation of how much that person cares and loves you when you bond.
the stories told to them by their parents the importance of choosing a proper mate who'll provide love and give you life.
humans can not experience that innocent and sacred feeling.
a bond that becomes a whole significant difference when sharing the feelings of thoughts, touches, and emotions from who they genuinely love.
ever since she passed through the eye of eywa, her whole entire life change. her body is different and weird as it's now a permanent deed that she'll never regret.. starting to see the wonders and beauty of pandora. her emotions switched more sensitive and fierce and capable of understanding of what was taught to her.
given a once in a life time thing that was granted to her in order to be connected with eywa.. and stay close to jake. her dearest friend.
since she met jake sully her life altered spending majority of their time together when arriving to pandora. she didn't treat him as someone who needed assistance all the time or perceived him a jarhead or a disabled, retired soldier. jake didn't treat her like a fragile woman with a pretty face to get into her pants and found her a reliable and trusting person he's met.
they spent their days together telling their depressing stories and who they were back on earth with getting here to now on pandora. laughed at each other's reenactments of old sitcoms and comedies to lighten up the mood. cried in their vulnerable moments which lead on thing to another. they never regret it. it's treasured and remembered of their intimate relationship. brought a sense of comfort when things got rough with dealing their shifts, jake was studied by the omatikayans in training him to become one of them and her with reports to the colonel and parker about the latest information on jake's progress and helping her avatar progress in her training.
until.. she noticed the sudden change of the man in front of her. the short calls on the other line, sometimes he reassures her that he forgets because of his exhaustion when she doesn't receive one in a day or two.
his behavior change. it's like he wasn't the old jake anymore.
someone that was hidden under his pretend character, unmasking in front of her whenever he talks about the woman who was training him.
that was her name.
the woman who brought life back into the lost man.
she was a beautiful creature. a fierce woman and powerful being she's ever encountered. her strong facial features were the embodiment of femininity as a warrior. she'll never be upset with her because neytiri is a wonderful woman and a suitable mate for her friend and she brings light wherever she goes. you can say she developed a tiny crush on her.
she's known it was going to happen even if it hurt the most to witness the sparkle in his eyes when she brought up the woman.
there was no them or anything that indicates they were a possible couple since the beginning. she decided having a serious conversation with him that they shouldn't involve in any kind of sexual activity if he is in love with the na'vi woman. they can remain friends without sexual pleasure involved.
jake felt defeated at her request. he did love neytiri when they spent time alone in the forest throughout his iknimaya and having those beautiful moments act on upon their recuperation. but he loved her as well so much that he tried putting those feelings aside. in the end, they got on the right foot. jake respected her wishes.
they stayed friends.
that same day of calling it quits, the colonel got involved watching her alone in the cafeteria, drinking her sorrows away with a stained face of dried tears.
just like jake, one thing led to another.. she found herself in the arms of another man, cruel as a demonic monster and controlling, wrapped in his sheets in his quarters. the depressive moment she went through got the colonel taking action of landing a gorgeous woman in his bed where he wanted to know that drove jake sully to slowly stop sending valuable information.
the colonel kept her in arms reach and she goes back to fill the hole in her heart that can never be filled other than her body by this man, using each other for their own satisfaction and wishes.
her calls with jake became less frequent and the affair with miles was daily. whatever she received from jake, the colonel checked through in exchange of providing nights to forget her worries.
it didn't work. everytime she saw jake.. she felt disgust and rethinking her choices.
for her it was an eternal love that could never be broken but hopes the best for her jake.
until came the announcement for the destruction of home tree. the woman immediately sided with jake and the na'vi to save their home even going against the monster with his demonic army alone. she gave jake her support which ended the life of a secret she wished to keep to herself.
after everything they went through and sent the humans back to earth.. she wanted to leave because jake has a life far different than hers.
that is when neytiri came to her. the na'vi woman asked of her to stay with them, that jake deserves his friend with him and she was looking forward meeting his dear friend.
she got along with neytiri. she couldn't never hate her when she opened her heart once again to those who were loyal to the na'vi. they became sisters. a bond between sisters.
the day came for her decision of transferring her life to a new one. it's an experience she'd do again if it meant to start a new life where the people taught her about eywa and the balance of life. she felt free.
all of them did.
it didn't matter that her love is one sided while being a warrior to toruk makto and neytiri, she cares for them.
next thing she knows, jake became a father of four blessed children and a loving home. she felt happy and proud of coming so far. jake felt joyful with her around his kids and mate. never a problem occured since this new life they have is an opportunity to live it to the fullest.
for years it was like this but a new star sparkled in the night sky as it increased it's size and it meant.. sky people were returning.
a war that they were afraid would come back to haunt them and cause hurt once again.
and it did.
they lost neytiri.
they were slowly losing their happiness and home but they're going to fight against the disease so it'll be kept from spreading.
and with that disease came with a past to be birthed with immortality that'll bring a curse.
a curse of the past.
of a human who is dead.
the dead with an immense amount of love coming back.
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@hazelwebsterboo @babyduk213
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
Heyyy you have any hcs about Andy? Esp with the builder and/or Logan? Always love readin ur hcs btw :3c
Andy? You mean my child? The one I kidnapped expressed adopted without the paperwork? My lil ray of sassy sunshine, Andy? Bold of you to assume I would waste my time creating some headcan-
-what a smart adorable little cookie. I mean, look at his adorable freckles and tired eyes!
-this isn’t his first life. You can just tell by how he views the world and dispels random bits of wisdom that no preteen should be capable of doing.
-he’s a big lover of animals and treats most with kindness if they’re friendly and passive. Those that aren’t and that he can just refer to as monsters or mutants or beasts? He still likes to observe them from a safe distance
-you’d think his favorite monster would be a rockyenaroll or a boxing Jack, but nope. It’s a pensky and he’ll take that secret to his grave.
-fastest little thing you’ll ever witness if you manage to not blink. He’s impossible to catch up to or wrangle and he knows it too. He gives Jasmine a run for her money. Because of it, they always have random little races and make bets on them.
-he’s very loyal to Logan and Haru, especially Logan. How can he not be? They’re his dads! He never expected for there to be more room in his heart and life for another person.
-oh but hey, that builder. Hm.
-even after being such a little shit to them in the beginning, he can’t deny that they still treat him with a certain kindness he’s been missing from someone like them.
-ok ok, so what if he kidnapped expressed adopted another parental unit? What if he’s trying to push them towards Logan? What if he’s secretly planning the wedding between the two and seeking covert help for it? Like, mind your own business pls and thanks
-he’s getting better with his manners but sometimes forgets them in his excitement or in a moment of distraction. But he makes up for it when he has his sudden bursts of recollection like: “can you help me tie this?” And soon after you begin- “dang, I forgot to say please. Can you please help me tie this?” Orrr you give him something and he takes off after maybe shouting “awesome!” Or “you’re the best!”, and that’s fine. He’s a kid. But then he’ll either reappear just as fast (kid is like the Flash, remember) or he’ll stop by your door hours later and like “I forgot to say thank you earlier. Sorry ‘bout that. Thanks for earlier!”
-big big big fan of affection from the adults he trusts the most. As soon as he realizes the builder cares for him and loves him? He doesn’t care how tall or old he is even as time progresses, he’ll go from hugging their hips and pressing his cheek to their waist at a fireside meeting, to hanging off them when he’s as tall as Logan, he’ll hang off them.
-not this boy being a long and threatening shadow and- oh. No. It’s just him draping himself across the builder’s back and complaining about his homework again.
-once he realizes how human Logan is and vulnerable at times, he tries to read the man better and keep him from any pain. Even at a young age. He does whatever he can to prevent Logan from enduring any more hurt than before.
-Qi actually likes him! Everyone including the two themselves are surprised about it. Qi was ready to talk this kid’s ear off as a lesson for knocking on his lab’s doors when Andy suddenly told him he wanted to know his thoughts on space exploration for a paper he was writing. Kid actually nabbed the scientist’s heart and now he’s got someone to obsess over space and the stars with. Qi won’t admit it, but he always has time for Andy even when he’s busy.
-family dinners are a must!!! Everyone’s gotta be there. The builder, Logan, Haru, Nemo, grandma Vivi, Rambo, Jasmine. It makes Andy happy seeing some of his found family together.
-he becomes the town’s errand boy for a few years and he actually enjoys it. It keeps him active, healthy, in shape, and expends the energy that used to drive him up a wall! He doesn’t mind running here and there. But he does believe in breaks! They’re important and he’ll chew a person a new one if they tell him to take his break later.
-please please please let the builder ask Andy to help with some commissions. He’s a smart kid! He knows how to read instructions! Lmao what is this? Swedish IKEA furniture? He’s got an active mind and loves when his hard work and efforts are recognized. Plus, he loves the builder and wants to help them. It’s literally a win in his book.
-Jensen thinks Andy likes trains, but really, Andy is just curious about the mechanics and inner workings of them. He won’t break his heart tho so
-Andy often finds himself lounging on a work table of the builder’s when he’s got a free moment and doesn’t have any responsibilities to get to.
-the builder’s home is a second home for Andy. If allowed to come at any time, any day, he’ll take them up on the offer. Bonus points if Nemo has been adopted by the builder too.
-Andy’s got his own throw blanket in their living room. His own toothbrush if he spends the night. His favorite spot to sit. His own books at the bottom of their book shelf. Even his own preferred dishes and silverware.
-Andy’s got a great intelligence and is made for activity and being tasked with things, but for the life of him, he cannot focus on homework if he doesn’t have the right conditions and hasn’t expelled his energy. The builder has gotten used to unlocking their door to find Andy sitting on the floor with his throw blanket over his shoulders, Nemo in his lap, and the child hunched over the coffee table with homework spread across the surface. This even carries on when he gets older.
-Andy likes to let Logan, Haru and the builder know he needs them, even when he doesn’t. So sometimes he’ll request their help with things he’s capable of doing by himself. Or he’ll take on more challenging tasks and ask them for assistance if he knows they can do it. It’s his wordless gesture that he sees their value and reminds them of their importance in his life.
-Andy demands Haru be made a teacher for math and science. He doesn’t have anything against his current one, but the boy has lived with Haru long enough to know how he works and what he has to offer for Andy’s education.
-the builder is the one Andy goes to when he wants to confide in someone. Logan doesn’t really mind it considering he’s the more apparent father figure in his life and he knows how Andy sees him, but he also knows how hard it is to be emotional at times and the builder is someone both of them can trust to take care of his feelings and insecurities.
-if Logan and the builder are together,
-Logan’s gotta accept the fact Andy really loves affection from his S/O, especially if they’re f!builder because of that missing maternal bond he lacks and they make up for. He’s fine with it, just jealous bc now he’s gotta sit on the opposite end of the couch when the two of them are all the way over there, cuddled and bonding. He’s fine.
-it really feels like a family with both his express adoptive parents under one roof with him and their pet (he’ll riot if it’s not Nemo. Literally.) Nothing makes him happier than having them together
-Andy won’t call Logan or the builder “dad” and “mom”- though, he has slipped before and did so, but that’s a story for another time. But he views them as such and treats them like they are. To strangers, he’ll refer to the two of them as his parents or mother/father. He’ll brag about them too because how many other kids can say their dad was an infamous bandit? Or that their parent saved a dying town? That’s right. No one. He’s literally the coolest kid around.
-lmao but if Andy doesn’t get his way with Logan or the builder, he’ll sassily go “whatever, I’ll just ask my other dad.” Before heading to go see Haru
-it never fails to amuse Andy when Logan tries to help his builder in his free time with their commissions only to end up breaking a part they needed because of his brute strength or it just being too tiny in his hands. The boy will be in tears and carve another notch (with builder’s permission) into the side of their work table for amount of times Logan has accidentally destroyed something.
-Andy loves walking Nemo around town to get the pup’s exercise in. He especially loves it when Logan decides to join him and how they could talk about everything and nothing until it’s time to head back.
-and the builder is always there too, waiting for them both with more love and adoration in their eyes than they both think they’re worth.
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radama-zard · 7 months
Dungeons & Drabbles 2023
Day 3 - Approach
FCG & Orym
Orym had known this was coming.
After the day they’d just had there was no way this could be avoided. Still, he’d been hoping it might happen a bit later, perhaps when he wasn't the only one here? Fate was hardly ever that kind though, and he knew there was little point in wishing for what could have been. Whether he liked it or not, this was the situation he’d been dealt with and he, and he alone, would have to deal with it.
… It would really be nice to have at least some back up.
“Hey… Letters?” Orym tentatively tried, putting on his best comforting smile as he ever so carefully approached his quivering friend, almost wincing at just how distressed they seemed. “I know today's been rough. None of us got out of all that unscathed. I- Do you want to maybe… talk about it?”
Internally, he cringed. This really didn't feel like their strong suit. To be perfectly honest, Orym felt far more at home solving problems through actions rather than words, even if he didn't see himself as someone particularly blood thirsty or terrible at talking. It was just that, well, what was there to even say that could make this better?
What Fresh Cut Grass had seen… Orym had only witnessed but a moment of it, and even that was enough to make his stomach twist painfully still.
The grief.
The guilt.
The darkness.
He swallowed thickly, staring down at his shield and Seedling. His only defense, should he fail in soothing his friend. But how soothing was it to be approached like that? To know that one wrong twitch could see your end? Right as you were at your most vulnerable?
That twisting tightened, pain mixing with a nauseating dread.
No. He didn't want that. To be the monster striking at a frightened dog, only gnashing its teeth out of fear.
There was an audible clattering as both sword and shield fell from their weakened grasp, drawing the shaking aeromaton’s attention. Before they could even fully turn around though, there was a pattering of tiny feet, running, dashing and leaping towards them.
A spike of fear.
Then… warmth.
Two tiny arms, wrapped oh so tight around Fresh Cut Grass’ torso, ensnaring them in a shaky embrace.
“... I’m sorry you had to see that. That you… That you were made to experience that. You- No one should have to watch their loved ones die. Should have to- to be put through that guilt again,” Orym whispered, his voice so pitifully small.
“I- It's a pain I-... I know those feelings. That pain. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I wish I could- I don't know how to make that hurt lessened. I don't think I really can. But… Having a good friend by your side- It helps. All of you help me every day. So I- I really hope I can do the same for you, Grass. If you’ll let me.”
Tears stung in the corners of his vision. Tears he readily let fall.
Tears that he felt patter against his head in turn, warm and thick, slickening his hair with their dark oil.
“... I-It… It’s so much…” Fresh Cut Grass whimpered out, their face plate dropping to hide away in Orym’s sweet brown locks. “Orym it hurts so much…”
“I know it does, Letters. I know it does…”
Gods above did he know that.
Thus he held Fresh Cut Grass all the tighter, determined to hold his friend together, even as they fell apart on him.
“But it gets better. I promise.”
“...Does it?”
There was such a shattered desperation to their voice, a need, a barely held hope that was so close to slipping away, that it honestly broke Orym’s heart. Fresh Cut Grass deserved so much better than that. A kinder world. A sweeter life.
… One he swore he would make a reality.
“It does. Together, we’ll make it better. I know it doesn't feel that way right now, but please, trust me. It gets better.”
There was a stillness, an end to the quivering that stole Orym’s breath, that shot a needle of fear throughout him, worrying he may have failed.
Had he made it worse? Had that been one stressor too many?
He thought to brace himself, to prepare for the worst, when all of the sudden, Fresh Cut Grass moved.
Around him tight.
A hug.
The embrace finally returned.
“... I trust you, Orym. Thank… Thank ya kindly for trustin’ me too.”
“Thank you for rewarding it…” Orym uttered in relief, letting that heartstopping breath finally fall from his exhausted lips. “We can stay like this for ws long as you need, Letters…”
“I- I’d like that…”
“I think I would too.”
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