#worship the goddess i am or walk
merelybone · 2 years
when i tell a man my body is soft and scarred, that my breasts sag, that my flesh has belonged to others before him, it’s not to be self-deprecating. i’m letting him know my body may not be up to his standards, and in this way i learn whether he is up to mine.
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spineless-lobster · 11 months
The weird thing about my asexuality is that it’s kinda like watered down bisexuality in which everyone around me is so so so beautiful and I want to give them all the kisses but anything more and I will bite your hand off
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reki-of-the-valley · 5 months
I collect husbands like pokemon
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lovebugism · 2 months
#20 from the jealousy, jealousy prompt list with steve pls 🫶🏼
steve doesn't realize he's in love with you until he gets a glimpse of you with someone else (fwb to lovers, fluff, 1.2k)
Steve Harrington spent the entire summer thinking he was the only one who thought your Scoops Ahoy uniform was way hotter than should be allowed. 
The thigh-high socks. The short skirt. The pretty ascot tied around your neck. It was a diabolical concoction. And, yeah, sure, the sailor theme was an acquired taste, but Steve has always been a firm believer that you could wear anything and make him fall to his knees. He’d worship you like a goddess in a goddamn parka, he’s that far gone for you.
The only problem is he thought he was the only one.
He loved you so much that everything else just became white noise. There was never any room for anyone else to love you ‘cause he adored you the most. Or he thought so, at least — until a pretty boy with circle glasses and a chiseled jawline talked you up at the front counter. For ten fucking minutes straight.
He watches the stranger cross the threshold of Scoops, with a sundae in his hand and a dumb smile on his stupid face. “Who was the guy?” Steve blurts from the opened partition the second he’s gone. He folds his golden arms over the countertop, biceps threatening to burst from the navy sleeves of his uniform.
“A friend,” you answer casually as you sort change in the register.
His fluffy brows pinch then relax a moment later. He pouts at the vague response because he can’t handle not knowing. “Seems like you two are real close,” he lilts, trying hopelessly to play it cool.
“We are, actually,” you tell him. You drop the remaining quarters into their designated section and flash him a pretty look over your shoulder. “I’ve known him since I was a teenager— sophomore year, I think?”
Steve nods slowly, feigning interest. “Ah. High school sweethearts, then?”
You slide the opened register closed with your hip. It clunks shut behind you as you spin around to face him. You walk the short distance to the back counter, skirt swishing around your thighs as you go. Steve tries hard not to pull away when you lean in towards him, choosing to bask in your unwavering stare and intoxicating perfume instead.
“You should watch what you say, Harrington,” you caution lowly. “I’m gonna start to think you’re jealous.”
He scoffs. “I am not jealous.”
“No! No way,” he answers, too quickly to be convincing. “We’re— We said we were gonna do the whole unlabelled thing, so… That’s what we’re doing.”
You nod once. “Great,” you hum with a tightlipped smile, spinning away once more.
The door to the breakroom squeaks open a moment later. Steve lingers in the entryway, shifting on his feet like a nervous child in a sailor’s uniform. Crossing his arms over his chest, he peers at you through his lashes. 
“But it wouldn’t be, like, the worst thing in the world if I said I wanted to be the only one who, you know, looks into your eyes, and… holds your hands, and… hears you laugh…” he wonders lowly, scrunching the bridge of his nose. “Right?”
You don’t realize how big you’re smiling when you look back at him. “No,” you shrug, all cool despite your skipping heart. “It wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
“Good,” Steve grins.
The small of your back digs into the counter’s edge when you turn to face him. You meet his pretty face with a sheepish one. “But it does go against everything we talked about it.”
The boy shrugs. “Well, then, screw it,” he blurts. 
“I take it back.”
You laugh before you mean to. The golden sound echoes through the empty store. “That quickly?”
“Hush,” he pouts.
“It took me talking to some guy — who might as well be a stranger to me now, by the way — to change your mind about wanting to date me?” you elaborate with narrowed eyes.
Steve cowers under your stare. “…Kinda. Yeah.”
“So, what?” you scoff. “We’re boyfriend-girlfriend now?”
“If you wanna be.”
You grin up at him while he approaches you, all slow like he’s stalking prey — only you don’t entirely mind being hunted. “Pretty soon, we’ll be playing house if we’re not careful,” you joke, smoothing your palms up his torso.
A crooked grin blossoms on his pink mouth at the thought. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, actually,” he mumbles lowly.
“Steve…” you huff.
He laughs and cradles your jaw between softly calloused palms. “What?” he hums as he ducks down to kiss you. Your lips lock in a fleeting kiss — an innocuous spearmint-strawberry-chapstick concoction.
You let him kiss you, but your pout never wavers. “You can’t just say something like that and expect me to move on,” you murmur.
“I like you?” he shrugs. “So what?”
“So what?” you parrot with a laugh. “We’re not kids anymore, you know? Relationships are pretty serious now, Steve.”
“It doesn’t have to be.”
You meet his doe-eyed look with a sterner glare. “That’s the problem. That’s why we agreed to keep things lowkey. ‘Cause you can’t be serious about anything.”
“I can’t be serious about some things,” Steve insists with a boyish twist to his scruffy features. You arch your brow to egg him on. “Well, you, for starters— I haven’t even looked at anyone since I started seeing you, so… That’s gotta be a start, right?”
Your brows scrunch softly together. You don’t mean to look as shocked as you do, but you can’t help it. “You haven’t?”
“No,” he answers, chiseled features swirled like he’s tasted something sour. The thought never even crossed his mind despite distinctly keeping your relationship (or lack thereof, maybe) completely casual. “Have you?”
“No! I just… I thought that maybe you were, you know, keeping your options open or whatever.”
“So that means you’re not canoodling with Mister Jawline, right?” he jokes with a hopeful glint in his honeyed gaze.
You roll your eyes but decide to humor him anyway. “No, Steve,” you deadpan. 
He grins, prettier than should be allowed. “Good.”
You squint up at him. “Which means you’re not canoodling with Miss Redhead-Nice-Boobs, who comes in every week just to talk to you. Right?”
Steve’s brows furrow. His dark eyes flit between both of yours as he tries to figure out who exactly you’re referring to. “Who?” he wonders with a cartoonish lilt to his voice.
You’re pout deepens ‘cause you don’t know what he’s playing at. Her name’s Cherry — which you think is pretty easy to remember, considering her fiery auburn curls and ruby red lipstick. She’s tall and lean and effortlessly beautiful. Too pretty to be jealous of. You can’t help but admire her.
So Steve’s confusion is equally dumbfounding.
“You do like me, don’t you?” you murmur with a suspicious squint.
He laughs. “Does that surprise you?”
“A little bit. Yeah.”
His nose scrunches. “Still wanna be boyfriend-girlfriend with me, though?”
You purse your lips to the side and pretend to ponder the question “Sure,” you shrug after a few moments, rising to the tips of your toes to smack a quick kiss to his mouth. 
You greet a group of customers a second later, while Steve restocks the tubs of ice cream. Totally casual. Not at all lovesick.
Well… maybe a little.
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vixeneptune · 9 months
A message from your future self 💌
""you did it. You literally have it all and I mean EVERYTHING you've ever wanted and more. You manifested that dream life, that dream house, that dream partner, there's so much more in store for you and you don't even know it yet! I mean the things you're gonna experience are beyond what you can even imagine rn like it's so much better. YOU are soooo much better!
I'm telling you from where I am at, I look around me and see everything I've ever envisioned for myself. I'm chilling in my dream house, abundance all around, looking at myself in the mirror with my desired face and body😍. I see my life partner who worships the ground I walk on, he's EXACTLY my type (yup you manifested him and everything went better than you think rn) he literally adores you, he gives you flowers everyday and makes you the happiest. This man will do anything for u fr.
Girl the love you're about to experience is unreal. Also the glowup you're about to have?? Ohmygod you age like fine wine.. Or more like.. You never age you just keep looking younger and prettier like howww. People wonder what your secret is. I swear it's like I never peak I'm always getting and looking better.
Ohhh and your confidence, if you think you're confident enough now just wait 🤣 I'm so confident now that I literally don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks or says like I'm so expressive and assertive and free! I'm so confident that I could literally dance in the street infront of a bunch of people, I can befriend anyone, I love doing public speeches, I feel good having all eyes on me. My confidence SHOWS it radiates for miles. How I walk, talk and act all show how confident I am. I completely trust myself now like I never have any doubts ! Yup zero doubts we are THAT secure.
I know you're waiting for it and yes, we did THAT TOO. We traveled to alot of cool places, met alot of new amazing people all over the world. You're so rich that it doesn't matter how much anything costs like you don't even have to look at the price, your man buys it for you. You're rich af too from doing your passion and girl lemme tell you.. Success is GUARANTEED for you. You'll see it.
If you ever think your physical body is not malleable, well you're so wrong. You literally shapeshifted like you have your exact desired appearance now and everyone is shocked by your glowup.. They wonder what you did or HOW you did it. I've always been beautiful but this is next level.. I'm talking MAXIMUM level of beauty, goddess level of beauty like it's unreal.
I love realizing how powerful I've always been, like I manifested all of it, you did. You're doing it rn and it's all working out behind the scenes. The moment you want something, the whole universe rearranges itself so it can give it to you, all you ever had to do is be open to receive bc it's already YOURS. Trust me. You already got it and you don't even have to try it all happened so naturally!
I'm proud of you, and I'm proud of myself. even though I already have all my desires now and I'm fulfilled, I still think there's so much more ahead, bc life just keeps on getting better for us! We ARE SO lucky you have no idea
Never give up, never settle for less. "
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lbulldesigns · 9 months
How am I still discovering new things in Arcane? 😂
So I was browsing through Pinterest and found this Arcane screenshot (I think it's a split second frame from when Sevika's walking through the Lanes, you know the scene that's showcasing Zaun under Silco's rule) of a large turtle like Vasteyan preaching to a crowd of Worshippers.
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At first I assumed that these were worshippers of Janna (Zauns goddess and another League champion), and thought it was a nice nod in her direction. But then I looked closer and, ummmmmm...
And discovered....
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A bit of....
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A theme...
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One, there are a lot of eyeballs in this shot 👀
Two, these aren't Janna's worshippers. These are the Eye of Zaun's worshippers.
Silco isn't just a kingpin, he's a figure of worship amongst quite a few in Zaun.
To the point that this preacher isn't just tattooing eyes on himself, but also carrying around eyeballs in jars as if they are tributes to his Messiah.
These people in the crowd are even holding up eyeballs as offerings...
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This is simultaneously interesting and terrifying. Interesting because this is a detail that the animators didn't have to include. Terrifying in that we hadn't truly seen Silco's true influence in Zaun.
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neverinadream · 5 months
Finishing What We Started
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Summary: One dress has Y/N leaving later than she had originally planned.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes-ish
Song Inspo: Leaving Me Feeling Confident - The Driver Era
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, nsfw, smut, pre-established relationship, dom!christian (with like the tiniest hint of soft!christian), sub!reader, praise, uses of the she/her pronouns, possessive!christian, mentions of ownership, body appreciation, the reader does get called a whore and a slut, slapping, teasing, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, handjob, mentions of cum,...think that's it
Notes: happy new year whores! this was an idea that the gc discussed like ages and ages ago that i had stashed away, it was that long ago that christian was still at chelsea when we were discussing it 🫣 anyway....did we like it? do we want another part? feedback is really appreciated
A giggle slips past Y/N's lips as Christian wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her back from the mirror and disrupting Y/N as she adds the final touches to her makeup. "Don't you look gorgeous," he compliments, kissing the parts of her shoulders exposed by the straps of her dress. It was old, something he had seen her wear multiple times before, but to him, she looked more beautiful each time she wore it. A goddess wrapped in gold. "And you smell heavenly, too," he chuckles, breathing in the mixed scent of her favourite perfume and the peaches in her shampoo, "you know, I'd smell even better if you let me use your shampoo too."
"Over my dead body, babe," she's quick to reply, trying to decide between two different lipstick shades. She settles on the darker shade, deciding not to go with her usual shade of choice, and applies it to her lips. "We'd have a threesome long before I'd ever let you touch my hair products," she jokingly tells him, holding back a giggle as he lifts his head a little higher, his eyebrows perked as he looks back at her in the reflection of the mirror, "oh, yeah, I'm curious to know what Weston is packing."
His arms loosen from around her waist, dropping both to his sides, and he takes a sudden step back. "Wes?" Y/N nodded her head, remaining as serious as she could. Their eyes catch in the mirror and he searches hers for any sign that she was joking. "You're fucking with me," he scoffs, quickly dismissing her when he spots the corners of her lips twitching, "I know it!"
"Of course, I am.” She slips her lipstick into her purse before spinning around to face him. His arms wrap back around her waist, an instant reaction to her wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'd never want to be shared with anyone."
His head tilts slightly to the side, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a partial smile. The look in his eyes, a hunger and desire made to burn the receiver, has her squeezing her thighs together.
"Are you sure you have to go tonight?" He asks, his breath fanning over lips that were begging to be kissed.
"I've already cancelled plans once this week," Y/N replies, raking her painted nails softly against the nape of his neck, "I don't want my new colleagues to start thinking I don't like them just because I happen to have a boyfriend whose hands seem to have a mind of their own."
"Oh?" He grins, walking his fingers down the small of her back. Each step left her body tingling, the sensation strongest at her core. "You mean these hands, right?" A sharp gasp pushes past her lips, reacting quickly to the way his hands squeeze her bum. He only chuckles when she gives his chest a soft push. "Who would you have more fun with tonight? With some girls in some cocktail bar? Or with me, in our bed, where I can worship this beautiful and always sexy body?" His hands began to roam over other parts of her body, caressing her hips, trailing his fingers up her sides, trying to touch as much of her body as he could. "I bet your answer is with me," he hooks his fingers under her chin, keeping their eyes connected, "Correct?"
"Nope." She shakes her head, holding back a giggle as he rolls his eyes. "But…" His eyebrows perk up once more like a dog excited and ready to obey whatever it was she had to say next. Her hands unwind from around his neck and slide down his chest, his eyes breaking away from hers to follow their path. "...you could always give me a teaser of what I might get later tonight."
He smirks. "How long until you have to leave?"
"I should've left five minutes ago."
"Then I better get to work," he licks his lips, bringing his hands to her sides, already pulling her dress up her thighs, "hike that dress up, baby, let me see what's mine."
The gold satin of her dress slips easily up her body, bunching around her waist, and reveals the tiniest piece of lace Christian had ever laid his eyes on. It covered what it needed to and yet still managed to leave nothing to the imagination. Her giggle snaps his eyes back up to her level.
"What is this?" He asks, hooking his finger under the thin band. He pulls it back, snapping it against her skin. "You were going to go out in this?"
"I thought about going out in nothing at all," she answers, his cock twitching at the thought of her bare pussy hidden underneath all this gold, waiting to be discovered, "but then I remember you wouldn't be there to fuck me in the toilets when the two of us are too tipsy to care, and decided there's no fun in that."
"Do the people you work with know how naughty you are?" Christian sinks to his knees, pulling the piece of lace off her hips and down her thighs, scooping it up into his hand and stuffing it into his pocket. "Do they know you cover your pussy with tiny bits of lace and beg to be fucked in nightclub toilets?" He kisses her left thigh and then the right, running his hands over the backs of her knees. She balances on one foot as he lifts her leg over his shoulder. "Do they know behind all those sweet smiles and little laughs that you're just a whore?"
"Well, I prefer the term slut," Y/N replies, carving a path through his short curls, "but being called a whore is perfectly acceptable too."
"I'm sorry," he chuckles, pausing to suck on the inside of her thigh. She jolts, tugging on his hair, whimpering as his tongue licks over the spot. "Do they know that you're just a slut?" He asks again, correcting himself.
"No, they don't, but they might if you keep trying to leave hickies in places that are hard to hide."
"Just making sure that cocky prick, who works on the front desk, knows you already belong to someone," he pleads his case, words becoming muffled noise as he licks his tongue over her cunt. Her body shudders in his hands as he blows warm air against her clit, soft mewls escaping her lips as he flicks his tongue back and forth over it. "Taste so fucking good!"
She holds the crown of his head in a firm grip, keeping him tucked between her thighs. "Feels so fucking good!" She mirrors his enthusiasm, rolling her head back and moaning.
"And to think you wanted to go out tonight-"
"-I'm still going out tonight," she corrects him, tugging on his hair, making him look up at her.
"You say that now," he fires back, licking the taste of her off his lips, "but once I have you coming in my mouth, there's no way you'll want to leave." He sucks her clit harshly into his mouth, making her whine and pull on his hair. He releases it with a sharp pop. "You'll be cancelling your plans faster than it takes for me to get the rest of that dress off."
Back on two feet, she makes her way over to their bed but softly yelps as Christian leaps to his feet and takes her by the waist. He presses a moan out of her pressing his cock, hard and strained against the front of his jeans, into her ass. "Feel that, baby?" He holds her hips still and grinds against her, panting hot breath past the side of her face. "Really gonna let me eat your pussy and then just leave me like this?"
"God gave you two hands, right?" Her smart mouth replies. "Just use your left," she taps his left hand, "maybe then it might feel like someone else is doing it."
"Don't need it to feel like someone else is doing it." His hand finds the small zipper and yanks it down. She laughs, fresh arousal trickling through her body and down to her cunt as he pushes the dainty straps off her shoulders, pulling the rest of the dress with them. "I need it to feel like it's my girl stroking my cock."
She looks down at the dress, a halo of gold silk at her feet. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm giving us both a head start," he says, mouth pressed to the back of her ear, "now get on that fuckin’ bed."
"On my back or my stomach?"
"Should that even be a question?" He gives her ass a slap for her blatant stupidity. The sting lingers as she crawls onto the bed, feeling his eyes watching her with hunger inside as she gets into position. "Perfection," he hums, kneeling behind her, running his fingers down the path of her spine and over the curve of her ass. He gives it another slap, his cock pulsating at the whine that leaves her. "You're staying in this bed tonight, princess," he tells her, grabbing at the back of his top and pulling it off.
"Then you better-" The words stop coming, her voice silenced by a single finger pushing slowly inside. She whimpers, grabbing at the covers, laying her face down against the mattress as he pumps his finger in and out of her, gradually stretching her tight walls. He withdraws his finger and circles it around her hole, teasing her until she whines for him to stop. "Christian!" She begs his free hand snaps to her hip, holding her in place as she tries to push back onto his finger. "I'm already late, so stop teasing me."
Goosebumps rise on her skin as he covers her back with gentle kisses, starting from the middle of her spine and working up to her shoulders. "Did your ears suddenly stop working?" He asks, propping himself up, his large hand splayed out beside her head. He listens for her whimpers, sliding two fingers inside her cunt and then back out. "Me and you are staying in this bed tonight," he repeats, pushing his fingers back inside, "you can go out with your new friends when I'm not here."
"What are you going to do?" She turns her head, meeting his lust-filled eyes with raised eyebrows and the trace of a grin. "Tie me to the bed?"
"Don't give me any ideas, princess," he replies, flicking his eyes to her lips, "we still have some ribbon leftover from Christmas."
A chaste kiss is placed on the corner of her mouth before he rears back on his knees, his focus shifting to the fingers withdrawing from her. His cock twitches and a soft groan slips past his lips, watching his fingers become coated in her arousal the more he pumps them inside her.
"One day, baby."
Christian pictures her laid on her stomach, her wrists and ankles bound together, wrapped in scarlet red ribbon, finished with a bow. The perfect present. A new toy for him to play with.
"One day," he repeats, withdrawing his fingers, and slapping her right cheek when she whines about the emptiness. He sucks them clean, groaning as her taste bursts on his tongue.
"Taste good?" Y/N asks, wiggling her hips, enticing him to taste some more.
He chuckles, unfastening his jeans and pulling his boxers down with them. His cock springs free, the tip engorged and a deep shade of red, leaking a lot of pre-cum, and he tips his head back, a moan trickling up his throat, as he wraps his hand around the head. With two slow strokes, he jerks his hand, squeezing the crown on the upstroke.
"C'mon," he grunts, digging his knees further into the bed to ground himself, "I think it's time you paid me some attention."
Y/N crawls onto her knees in front of him. "This morning wasn't enough for you?" She teases, poking her nails into his chest and scratching them down his skin. Four red lines directing towards his stomach gradually appear, the soft tingle of pain shooting straight to his cock.
He hooks his fingers under her chin, directing her eyes up at him. Christian wasn't the biggest of men but there was still enough of him to make her feel a little bit intimidated. "If I could, princess, I would have my cock stuffed between those sweet lips all the time," he says, running the calloused tip of his thumb over her lips, purposely smearing her lipstick. She grins, nipping gently at the digit. "But you would like that, wouldn't you?" His words aimed to degrade her, but it just leaves her squeezing her thighs tighter together. "You've always been so hungry for this cock; always desperate to get your smart mouth around it."
"I can't help it," she purrs, wrapping her hand around his wrist, pushing his thumb into her mouth. She bobs her head, sucking his thumb deeper until there's nothing left. His thumb pulls out with a sharp pop. "It's just so tasty."
A soft grunt catches in his throat as she wraps her hand around the centre of his shaft, holding it still as she licks her tongue over the tip. It's salty taste has her eyes rolling, a torturous moan rattling deep in her throat as she draws it into her mouth and sucks gently. He pushes on the back of her head, urging her to take more, and she obliges, swallowing him deeper, and pumping what she cannot fit with her hand.
"You're mine forever, okay?" His breathing grows more and more laboured as she switches her pace between slow and teasing and fast and hungry. "I'm the only one who gets to see you like this," he croaks, rutting his hips to meet each of her movements, "this is my mouth to fuck, no one else's."
"No one can compete with you," Y/N reassures him, licking her lips, breaking a string of spit.
He smirks. "I know."
"Not even Rocco-"
"The cocky prick, who works on the front desk," she giggles, not even surprised that Christian had forgotten his name as quickly as it took him to dislike him.
He shrugs. "Cocky prick suits him better."
Her hand takes over stroking him to release, ascending kisses up his chest as she sits up. Her thighs clamp tighter, a new wave of arousal flooding her core, listening to his groans growing more and more desperate.
"Y/N!" Her name slips off his lips like it was a prayer of sorts. Sacred to him and only him.
"That's it," Y/N nods, feeling him twitch in her hand, squeezing and pumping him faster, "watch me as I make you come."
She watches, mesmerised like always, unable to tear her eyes away from the swirls of gold in his dark eyes, even as his cum wets her fingers. She loved seeing him like this. Limp and spent, struggling to catch his breath, hiding the blush that always crept up his neck and made a home on his cheeks, seeking comfort in the crook of her neck.
"Don't," he mumbles, moulding his arm around her waist, trying to keep her close as she attempts to leave the bed. He kisses up her neck and over her jaw. "I haven't finished with you yet."
"It's gonna have to wait." She strokes her clean hand over his jaw, the stubble pricking her palm. He tilts his head, his head still foggy. She leans in and kisses his lips, catching the faint chuckle that trickles up his throat. "I'll message you when I get there," she says, grabbing some tissues from off the box on the dresser, cleaning up most of his cum.
Too tired to convince her to stay, and too aware he was just being selfish by keeping her away from her new colleagues once again, Christian collapses onto the bed.
"Finish this later?" He asks, watching her pick up her dress and disappear into the ensuite. Several minutes later, she returns with a cleaner hand, fixed hair and makeup and her body covered once more by the dress that had made her late. "That thing you called a thong is in my pocket," he mumbles, pointing to the end of the bed.
She walks back to the bed and kisses him goodbye. "Think I'll go without it," she winks, giggling as he lets out a torturous groan.
Football Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @brasiliangp @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @kathb59 @emcv1427 @gagaslonina @afterpills @pulisicsgirl @ricciardhoe3
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yourmoonie · 2 months
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My energy is magnetic
I am irresistible irreplaceable and unforgettable. My energy and personality are addicting. It's a privilege to experience my presence.
I am on the highest pedestal. They worship the ground I walk on because I am a Goddess. I always get treated like a royalty because I am a QUEEN.
I have the body, the appearance, the brains, and everything. I am ME, and that's my superpower.
I am so seductive. They can never get enough of me. They are always craving my love and validation. I am their source of inspiration and motivation.
I shine brighter than the world's shinest gemstones. My presence lights up any room I enter to.
I am worthy of all the success, love, and abundance that this universe has to offer.
I believe in myself because I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. My positive energy radiates outwards, inspiring others and becoming a magnet for endless blessings into my life.
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shadowqueenjude · 2 months
I am absolutely certain that had Feyre played her cards right, she would've been worshipped as a goddess in Prythian. Think about it: this seemingly ordinary human girl with no power whatsoever walks right into the den of the faerie who has tormented Prythian for decades and by some miracle, she frees them all. They all see her die. They hear her neck snap. And by another miracle, she is brought back to life, even more beautiful than before. No doubt there were people who believed she was an reincarnation of the Goddess herself. Not to mention that Feyre and Tamlin's story is a retelling of Eros-Psyche, and Psyche does become the goddess of the human soul. She's Feyre Cursebreaker, savior of Prythian. Her wedding to a High Lord would have been presided over by the Head Priestess of Prythian. She could've had temples in her name. They might have even made her High Queen had she willed it. She might not have been as powerful magic-wise as the High Lords, but politically? For a brief time, she was the most powerful person in all of Prythian. Had Ianthe been her position, she would be High Queen of Prythian right now. But instead SJM focused on her magical abilities, claiming that despite having only one drop of each High Lord's magic, she is just as powerful as them. She doesn't understand that a woman learning to survive in a world full of men far more powerful than her is not anti-feminist, it's compelling. Example: Jude Duarte. If Feyre had had half a brain, she would've used her political influence to create equality between the High Fae, lesser faeries, and humans. But instead, her political influence was overlooked in favor of tHe MoSt PoWeRfUl HiGh LoRd To EvEr LiVe. Now that is absolutely NOT feminism: a woman's story being overshadowed by a toxic man.
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miss-conjayniality · 4 months
imagine submissive dilf!jay. you may seem like an airheaded, bubbly trophy wife on the surface. but there’s so much more to you than that. you’re his spoiled princess. he’d move the earth and sky for you. you have him wrapped around your finger and under your spell. your physical beauty may entice him, but your inner beauty entraps him. your inner world is rife with emotional richness that leaves jay feeling seduced.
people always wonder how you’re so chirpy and bubbly all the time. and it’s because your husband is the most doting, nurturing daddy ever to you, his goddess.
there’s nothing he wants more than to please his pretty princess and worship the ground you walk on. it’s your world and he lives in it.
it might seem like he’s the one who “leads” the relationship. but in reality, it’s you that leads it. he lives to serve you. if you want something, he’ll do anything to give it to you like the lovesick little simp he is. you find it quite endearing how such a dignified gentleman like jay can lose his composure because of your beautiful presence. you want those sparkly pink stilettos? jay will get them for u. you want that burberry trench coat? jay’s got his credit card ready. such a good daddy for his pretty little princess.
however, jay does have his bratty moments. you see….he isn’t allowed to touch himself without your permission. but sometimes, when he’s away on a business trip where he isn’t allowed to bring u, he steals one of your pink silk panties and films himself jacking off, whimpering, and shooting ropes with it. he does it at the thought of you, and then texting u the video with a caption like “princess….im so sorry for being such a bad daddy. but I couldn’t help it because i miss you so much”
the moment he sends texts like that, he simultaneously feels two emotions at once - fear and excitement. he fears the power his sweet little princess possesses, yet he’s also embarrassed to admit that it sends a chill down his spine in anticipation of what you’re gonna do next.
you receive the text while you’re out getting ur hair done with ur besties. you immediately noticed the nude thumbnail of the video, leading u to dim your phone’s brightness.
it puts a smile to your face seeing jay so desperate and whiny for you, yet it also has you concocting what to do with him once he gets home.
“tsk tsk….. as fun as it is to see you like this, rules are rules. i’ve been looking for those panties everywhere. I was gonna wear them to welcome u back home tonight. but now it looks like daddy decided to be an impatient slut and take one of my pretty pink panties. beware of what’s heading your way once you’re back,” you respond.
jay follows up with this response - “yes, princess. daddy deserves to be punished for his actions. i am so sorry for being such a bratty daddy to my pretty princess. I shouldn’t have acted on my urges.”
as he aboards his flight, he’s already thinking about how you’ll be tying him up with the prettiest pink ribbons ever - a testament to who you are. sweet n’ sugary, yet deadly.
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straykids-97 · 9 months
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“Soft? I’m too soft?”
Warnings: Reader confides in Felix, relationship woes, mentions of drinking and parties, soft!dom Chan, sub!reader, dirty texting, slight exhibitionism, pet names (goddess, baby etc.), unprotected sex, LMK IF I FORGOT ANYTHING
Word Count: 5.2k
AN: This was only read through once, so please bear with me. It probably has errors and as I am half awake, the end seems a little rushed to me. Anyway, enjoy you filthy sluts :) I also don't put a warning for minors on my stuff bc I feel like it's obvious that minors should not be reading this stuff, but I cannot do anything about that... HOWEVER I am for this one. Reader's discretion is advised and encouraged. There are mature themes in this fic so please, do not read if you a triggered by rough things!
You shift and lay your chin on your forearm as you stare out the window covered in raindrops. You heave a sigh as you watch traffic drive past, waiting for your dear friend Felix to come back with his drink. The Cafe wasn’t very full, but then again, it was the afternoon, and it was normally full in the morning or early evening. You two always hung out at the Cafe- Felix always joked that this was the only place where he could talk to you without one of his bandmates interrupting or eavesdropping. He could tell that something was weighing on you heavily, so he decided to take you to the one place that could be just for the two of you. 
“Ah,” he announces his arrival with a satisfied sigh, sliding into the booth in front of you. You sit up slightly, adjusting your posture when he settles. “This is the best place for an americano.” He snorts and takes a sip, “Are you sure you don’t want a coffee?” You shake your head, “Felix, you know I hate coffee.” He smiles, nodding his head, “Yeah. I know, but I thought I would try one more time.” Felix offers you a soft, lopsided smile as he leans forward, “Are you gonna come clean, or am I gonna have to torture you?” You grin at him, waving your hand at him. “No.” You lament, leaning back in the booth seat. “You don’t have to go to that length. I’ll just come clean.” He offers you a teasing smile, “Good, cuz I sorta forgot them at home.” He shrugs, “I thought you would come clean anyway…” He trails off for a moment, before dropping the question, “So… What’s wrong with you? You’ve been kinda acting-” 
“Distant?” You give him a sheepish smile before shrugging one of your shoulders. “Yeah, I know… I just… I don’t know if Chris… Likes me… Ya know?” You pick at your fingernail polish, fidgeting to try and distract you from the lump in your throat. Felix didn’t speak for a while, probably unsure of what to say. Of course, Chris liked you- he loved you. Worshiped the ground you walked on. Felix was more confused as to the why, more than anything. 
He cleared his throat, “Well… What makes you say that?” He shifts awkwardly in his seat, unsure of how to navigate this very unfamiliar territory. Chris was like the brother he never had, and you the sister he always wanted, so the fact that you were presenting a possible relationship problem, something he didn’t have much knowledge in, was something he didn’t know if he could steer accurately. 
“Well, for starters, he’s super against PDA, ya know. And I understand that-” you hold your hand up in defense before going on, “I do. He doesn’t want someone to capture a picture of me before the company is ready for us to come out as a couple officially and all that.” You sigh, “But… He just acts…” You puff out your cheeks, unsure of how to explain your frustrations to Felix. “So… Nice?” Felix frowns at your words, “Nice? Isn’t that a good thing?” You sigh, holding your head in your hands, feeling your skin turning bright red. “Oh my goodness, I don’t even know how to explain this to you- I shouldn’t. It feels like I’m confessing a filthy sin to a pure nun.” He laughs at your analogy, “What are you talking about? Y/n, I’m your friend. I knew you before Chris, if anything, you owe me an explanation for him making you feel this way. Cuz I’ll talk to him if I have to-” Your head snaps up and Felix stops talking when he sees your beat red face. His mouth parted slightly, “Y/n, what- why are you so red?” He chuckled at your face and reached across the table to pinch your cheek teasingly. You bat his hand away, “He doesn’t like… Ask for anything… I feel like if I initiate it… It’ll feel like I’m begging or something…” You trail off and it suddenly hits Felix like a tsunami, “You haven’t had sex yet?” His voice drops to barely a whisper. Your face turns even redder, “Felix!” You hiss at him, “Lower your voice!” He tosses a quick look over his shoulder, “You and I both know, the barista should be retired right now. We’re lucky if he wore his hearing aid’s today.” You slap his forearm, “Lee Felix!” He beamed at you, “What? I had to repeat my order a million times.” He rolled his dark orbs before leaning back into the conversation, “How have you guys gone almost a year and not fucked?” You want to cover your ears but you can’t. This was the conversation you had planned to have anyway, but you just weren’t mentally prepared to hear someone so sweet and kind like Felix talk like that. 
“Well, you guys were gone for the tour, and then you had to travel to promote the album so Chris and I spent the beginning of our relationship over the phone.” Felix bobbed his head, “Yeah… But that leaves like, five months unaccounted for.” You sigh, “Yeah… I know… I figured, ya know, the distance and time spent away would spark something…” Felix has completely forgotten about his coffee and is utterly consumed by this new information. “But, he just acts so sweet, like usual, so kind and caring… The second I want to do something, then he’s on it. No dragging his feet, offering to do things like going on dates and stuff but…” 
“He’s leaving you hanging?��� You groan, “Sorta? I hate to be like, ‘All this stuff is great but when do we start banging?’ Cuz then I feel like that’s all I see him as and I don’t ya know? I feel like if he wants to, he’d tell me or try to ya know, at least grope me.” You whisper the word like God would come down to smite you if anyone heard it. Felix looks perplexed, that much was clear by the look of confusion on his face. “What?” Felix does another scope of the Cafe before leaning to speak, “Are we talking about the same Christopher Bang?” I snort, “Of course we are-”
“That man is always…” He raises his eyebrows, suggesting something. “Frustrated?” You snort at him trying to be coy, “Yeah, sure you can say that… Maybe you’re the reason it seems to be worse these days.” He grabs his coffee, taking a few sips before going on. “He doesn’t even try to pat your bum?” You blush slightly, “No.” You shake your head and peek over your shoulder at the middle-aged man who is staring at his computer very intently, a pair of headphones humming with the beat of a tune you didn’t know. 
“He just acts so… cautious. Like I’m a piece of paper or glass he doesn’t want to break.” Felix bobs his head. “Have you tried to ya know-” 
“Yes!” You hiss, your cheeks burning red. Felix blushes slightly at your frustration, the conversation you two were having wasn’t one to be talked over coffee in a cafe either. “Ok… Well, why don’t you talk to him?” You groan, holding your head in your hands, “And make him feel ashamed? No thanks, I’d rather dig myself a whole and cover up for eternity.”  You huff, “I’m hoping that maybe he brings it up.” You watch Felix shrug, “If he doesn’t, we’ll be having this conversation again next time.” 
The black off-the-shoulder dress you chose to wear tonight hugged your curves just right. It exposed just enough but covered equally just as much. The small diamond necklace on your neck was a gift from Chris, a random one, which you were used to. But, since you were too nervous to wear it every day like he wanted you to, you decided to wear it for the occasion. They were celebrating a very big award win with staff and friends. Chris guides you through the throng of people to an area designated for the boys and close friends. Chris pauses slightly, his fingertips on your elbow, “Are you alright? I know how you feel about crowds.” His sweetness never seems to melt you, even now. You smile up at him and you can feel heat crawl up the back of your neck, your heart squeezing in your chest. “Yes. I’m ok. This was part of the deal, remember?” He smiles down at you, giving you one of those earth-shattering, blindingly sweet smiles of his that he’s known for. “And what would that be?” He asks, pulling you in by the waist. You feel your pulse throb in your veins as a small gasp escapes your lips and you bounce off his chest. Chris didn’t do PDA. “Uh- um, the parties, the cameras, all that stuff.” You wave your hand and lightly tap his chest, unsure of what to do with your hands. He smiles at you, “All that stuff?” He leans in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “What would I be without you?” He murmured, making you giggle and pull away slightly, “Perfectly fine.” You remind him, causing him to roll his eyes, “Fine. But dull.” He admits with a shrug, pulling away and offering his palm to you as you walk toward where Felix and the boys are sitting playing what looks like a card game with jax and random little balls. 
You settle beside Minho, who gives you a playful nudge. Chris sits by Felix and Hyunjin, who look to be in a heated debate about something, which is why you decided to sit by Minho. Seungmin, Minho, Changbin, and I.N., were all in the midst of the game when you settled into the couch. You watch them for a while, trying to follow the game but getting confused by all the complicated rules that it has. You sigh and lean back into the couch, tossing a look to see that Hyunjin had left to sit by Changbin, watching the game as well. Felix and Chris seemed to be deep in conversation, but Chris’s eyes were on you. You watch as the muscle in his jaw flexes for a millisecond, and you know what that means, he is annoyed by something. You reach into your bag and pull out your phone, typing a message to him really quickly. 
Are you ok?
You know he gets the message, but he ignores it. Instead, he turned his attention back to Felix who looked as if he may have had one too many to drink. You take a breath in and it catches in your throat when you realize that Felix gets a little too chatty when he gets drunk. And that it had been almost two weeks since you had talked to him about the lack of sex in your relationship. Panic sets in as you slowly turn your face to Felix and Chris. Felix was still talking, sipping on water now; Chris probably made him start drinking water out of fear of what else he would say. You watch as Felix leans forward to eat what looks like pretzels, and Chris takes that moment to pull his phone out of his slacks to see what you have sent him. You watch with mixed emotions as Chris’s jaw flexes and unflexes, his eyes and face illuminated by the darkened screen of his phone. You knew that Chris didn’t like having his phone out while at a function but he couldn’t seem to help himself this time. You watch as his fingers dance across the screen and you immediately stare at your screen, waiting for his reply. Your heart nearly falls out of your colon when it does. 
Felix has loose lips when he consumes alcohol… Care to share?
As soon as you look back up to him, you pray that the couch will open up and swallow you whole. Anything to escape the way that Chris glares at you. You do a double take, unsure if you should look at your phone or at Chris. Finally, your brain synapses start working once again enough for you to form a reply. 
What did he tell you?
He doesn’t offer you the same courtesy of delaying a reply. And you watch with bated breath as he messages you back so fast that it might as well have been said. 
What do you think he told me, goddess? 
Your breath almost comes out in a squeal. Chris called you Goddess when he was teasing you once. A name that he has mentioned in passing a few times because of the topic of him heckling you about being a muse to him. You told him it made you feel like you were in a Greek story about heroes and villains. So then came the nickname Goddess, because in his words, “Goddess are cooler than muses.” 
You try not to shake as you stare at your phone, trying to keep your mouth closed but failing as your eyes gawk at the screen. Before your brain can form another coherent thought, he sends another reply. 
Do you think I’m too soft?
You feel your soul leave your body, and heat rushes through your body. But not the embarrassed kind. You squeeze your legs together and toss a quick glance around to the boys who were all oblivious to what was going on between you and Chris only a few feet away. 
As your eyes land on Changbin you are talking a little too loud, and slurring so much that he is about to start drooling if he doesn’t slow down. Han hands him a tissue from beside Minho, “Rapper down!” You can’t help but smile as Changbin snags the tissue from Han, fluttering it in the wind. None of the boys waste a second to mimic a damsel in distress, I.N. holds his cheek, fluttering his eyes, “Oh no, I’m drooling! Someone save me!” Changbin puffs out his chest and starts to say something, but the buzzing of your phone causes you to become distracted by the boys teasing Changbin. 
Eyes on me baby. I’m not done talking to you. 
Your eyes almost fall out of their sockets. What has gotten into him? He never talks to you like this. Not even when you guys get into a heated makeout session. You slowly raise your gaze back to Chris, who smirks at you. Smirks. Fucking smirks. You watch as his eyes lower to his screen for just a moment to type out another reply. 
I’ll show you what you’ve been missing then, baby.
You gulp, your stomach doing somersaults as you watch him shift slightly. Chris swipes his dark beverage off the table in front of him, swirling it a few times before looking at you over the rim. His forefinger rubs the rim, and you can’t help but think that he’s trying to work you up. It was working. A heated pulse thrums through your body to your core, causing you to cross your legs for friction. You feel a faint sheen of sweat start to form, and the room seems a little too loud and the people all seem to disappear as he focuses his dark irises back on your face. You watch as he swipes his tongue over this bottom lip before taking a swig of his dark alcohol. With one hand, he types a reply. 
Take your panties off. Bring them to me. 
You blink a few times; rereading those two sentences over and over again. Your brain didn’t seem to process what it was reading. That or it was short-circuiting. Either way, your brain was not functioning properly. You glance around, before typing a quick reply. 
Here? With everyone around? 
You glance up to see Chris looking down at his phone. His forefinger was playing with his bottom lip, the rest of his fingers holding the small bourbon glass as he messages you back. The phone vibrates and your eyes read the message before your brain can process what it's reading. Once it sets in, you swear you’re about to faint. Ever since you met Chris all those months ago, nothing could have prepared you for this moment. To read the text that flickered across your screen… 
You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself. 
You sit there, dumbfounded and you aren’t sure what to do. You were surrounded by a mixture of friends and strangers, and what he was demanding of you… Was something straight of an E.L. James novel. 
You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself. 
You huff out a sigh, flopping back onto the couch. How the hell were you going to somehow, manage to shimmy out of your panties in front of 7 other men? They might be drinking and some close to drunk, but they weren’t stupid. They’d know what you were doing by the time your dark silk panties hit your knees. You glance at the phone in your palm, shaking your head. You don’t have to do this- Chris was just drinking and feeling frisky. But, you can’t help but bite your lip slightly at the thought of what you would do if you somehow managed to get them off. What would you do once they were off? Your face pales and you turn to look at Chris a few feet away. 
Chris’s dark eyes seemed to be ignited with something you hadn’t seen in them before. 
Power. Authority. Desire. Dominance. 
You can’t conceal the shudder that runs down your spine as he tilts his chin up at you, gesturing to your phone with his eyes. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even realize that he had messaged you again. 
You have five minutes to have them in the palm of my hand.
Your eyes bulge and you choke slightly on your spit. Five minutes? Only Five minutes? It was going to take at least that to get them passed your hips. Your brain was kicking into high gear for the first time since you had sat down, “Fuck.” You hiss to yourself. Time was ticking, and you had to get moving because you didn’t want to find out what was going to happen if you didn’t do as he said. You put your phone into your purse and begin to shift your silk panties, which were hard to feel through your dress, down to your thighs. It was surprisingly easier than expected but now came that part that you were unsure of. 
How to get them over your bare thighs, knees, and to your ankles without anyone noticing. You take a brief look around, looking twice, three times before taking a deep breath and shoving your dark silk panties to your ankles and swiping them off your ankles. You managed to get them into a wad in your left fist before Minho leaned over to see what you were doing. “Y/n-ssi, what’s wrong?” You giggle, “Oh, I think there’s a hair or something on my leg.” You have your empty hand at him. “I think I got it.” You watch as he smiles at you softly, “Ok.” He turns part way, before turning back, “On your leg?” Your face falls for a split second. He wasn’t as drunk as the others, and you didn’t calculate that. “Well, I’m not sure what it was. I honestly felt like a bug.” You come up with a lie on the spot, kicking yourself for not thinking that Minho hadn’t really drunk at all since you had arrived. He nods his head, “I hope not. I hate bugs.” You nod, “Me too…” You trail off, glancing over to Chris who looked amused by the interaction. You feel a blush creep up your neck when you see that he watched Minho catch you with your panties around your ankles. 
Damn him.
“I think I’m gonna go sit by Chan.” You smile and collect your bag before crossing over to the boys’s game, earning a few groans and slaps on the arm as you pass. You wave them all off and make your way to Chris, who sets his glass aside as you approach him. You almost, almost sneakily slide him into your panties. But instead, you stand there, knees almost touching his as he stares up at you expectingly. “Do you have something for me, Y/n?” He asks, his voice dripping with false sweetness. As if this man wasn’t trying to make you melt from the inside out. You clasp your hands in front of you, “I might…” you trail off, meeting his gaze. You watch as he raises a single arched eyebrow and you remind yourself to find out who did his makeup because damn them. 
It takes everything in your every molecule to not shift under his stare. But still, he waits. After a few moments, he picks up on what you’re meaning and slowly raises his hand to you, palm up. It was high enough for the boys to see if they were watching close enough, for anyone who was looking your way to see that you were putting something in his hand. It didn’t take much of a rocket scientist to put two and two together and figure out what was happening. 
You stretch out your hand and put your black satin panties in his large hand before sinking to the seat next to him. 
“Happy?” You grumble, eyes on the boys who were all too focused on the second round of their game. “Elated.” He replied back, crossing his leg and spreading out your panties on his thigh. You gasp, “Chris-” You start to hiss but stop when you realize his OCD ass was really folding your panties in a small square. You watch as he replaces his breast pocket handkerchief with your panties. He smoothes a hand over his chest as he twists his body to you, dangling his handkerchief by your face, “I think we’ll be needing this.” You frown at his words, “Why?” 
He grins, face falling for a moment as he wads it up in his fist. What was he about to do- “Are you ok, y/n?” He puts a hand on your forearm. “Is it getting too loud?” You don’t have to look at the boys to know that they’re all watching you now. The boys all knew what crowds did to your tiny little introverted soul. “Y/n? Are you ok?” Felix finally started to sober up a little enough to not be slurring. You gulp, shrugging, “It’s getting a little warm.” You admit, truthfully. “I think I might be getting a headache.” 
“I’ll take you outside, yeah? Maybe some quiet and fresh air would help?” You ruefully nod. Chris helps you to your feet like the dutiful boyfriend he is, holding your hand as he guides you skillfully outside of the small gathering. You started to shiver and you weren’t sure if it was excitement or what it was really but adrenaline was coursing through your veins regardless. 
You were panting as Chris pulled you into a small alcove right outside the party. It was dark and hidden and no one would see either of you unless they got within a few feet of you. Chris pushed you flat against the wall, his breath on your face as you stared up at him with wide eyes, “Too soft?” He growled, wrapping a hand around your jaw. “Baby, I am greedy when it comes to you.” His voice is so low that it feels like it’s rattling your soul. “I want everything you give me- I want more than you give me.” His lips crush on yours. It wasn’t the usual sweet kiss, no. This was hot, heavy and fuck it felt amazing. You mewl and wrap your arms around his shoulders as you feel his hands grip your thighs. He pauses only for a moment, pulling that light-colored handkerchief out that was in his pocket. 
“If this come back wet,” he leans in, his tongue dancing on the bottom of your lip, “then we’re leaving.” Your breathing was ragged and your mind was already fuzzy. “Holy shit-” You gasp, gripping his forearm as he chuckled. It sounded like thick molasses. 
This Chris was someone you had never met before. And fuck, no wonder he kept him hidden. If he was out running around you probably wouldn’t be walking or a functioning member of society. 
You feel his fingers delve into your folds and a heavy shudder rips through your body. “Oh my god-” You hiccup, eyes rolling back into your head as Chris rubs soft, quick circles around your clit. He doesn’t go any further, the teasing bastard. And to no one's shock, when he stepped back into the hallway, the fingertips that were covered by the fabric were darkened by your slick. You gulp as his eyes slowly raise to you, “I suppose we have our answer then.” 
Chris didn’t even wait for you to get through the doorway of your apartment before his hands were on you. He didn’t move to take your clothes off, no. He just grabbed, groped, ripped at your body like a hungry man who was so starved of food that he was threatening to eat you. You wrap your hands in his locks as he picks you up by the waist, shuffling you back to the hallway, stumbling slightly. You squeal and he laughs into your lips as he digs his fingertips into your thigh skin, “Whoops.” 
He manages to get you both into your room before he puts you back on your feet. You blink up at him to see his puffy lips even more swollen from kissing so hard that your teeth were gnashing together. Chris’s white dress shirt was rumbled, but otherwise intact. He took off his jacket in the car and left it there. He wasn’t really interested in it currently. “Don’t move.” He ordered. His tone was low, full of authority. You stand there as still as a statue as he shifts to walk around you in a slow circle. 
Chris stands directly behind you, “I want you to take your dress off for me.” You inhale sharply. “Like… Strip?” You hear him chuckle before you feel his hand dance up your shoulder to your throat, “Yes.” He lightly squeezes your throat before letting you go. You turn to look over your shoulder to Chris who was moving to sit on the shoe ottoman at the foot of your bed, legs spread as he settled. You moan softly to yourself and turn to look at him. 
You slowly reach to your shoulders, tugging at the fabric of your dress. You pause for only a moment when it dawns on you that you’ve never been bare in front of Chris before. “Don’t worry goddess.” He laughs softly, “I’ve been dreaming of this day ever since we went to the park and you wore a skirt.” That was before their tour. 
“You’ve been holding off that long?” You ask, almost dropping your hands. “Baby, I don’t like to be gentle all the time… I wasn’t sure if that was what you liked, so I was testing the waters gently. I don’t want to make you do something that you don’t want.” You gulp, figuring that was a conversation for another time. 
The burning in your gut and between your thighs was what was most important right now. 
You take a deep breath and push the fabric down to your waist, exposing your bare chest to Chris before shimming the fabric the rest of the way off, leaving you completely bare to him. You slowly raise your gaze to him to find that he was staring at you so hard that you thought perhaps he was trying to catch you on fire. You almost reach down to put the dress back on but the noise Chris made almost made you fold. 
He made a strange mix of a moan and a feral growl. “Jesus fucking christ.” He groans, “Come here.” He almost barks. You don’t wait and he has you pulled into his lap. It takes no time for him to, quite literally, rip the buttons off his shirt and pants to get him bare as well. 
“I would say we should do foreplay, but you’re wet enough for the entire night.” He teases, his teeth clamping down on your bottom lip. You groan, “Chris-” you start to complain but stop as you feel his cock at your entrance. You both moan, and he pants raggedly, obviously struggling. “Baby- I’m trying so hard-” 
“I’m not glass.” You snap, digging your nails into his biceps, “Quit being a pussy and just-” Before you can get the rest out he thrust into you so hard that it knocks the wind out of you. He wastes no time wrapping a hand around your throat and squeezing it. “Do not say things that you can’t take back, y/n.” The way he spoke made a shudder rip through your body so violently that you thought it would tear you apart. 
Chris pulls out ever so slowly and then drives back into you, causing you both to moan into each other’s mouths. This was so good- fuck, better than you ever could have expected. 
Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any better, his free hand adjusts the angle of your hips and he starts to fuck you hard and fast. You both become a mixture of animalistic grunts, moans, and whimpers as he fucks you so thoroughly that you debated thanking Felix in the morning. 
You felt yourself spiraling toward a third orgasm as Chris moaned, “Fuck-baby- one more, please.” He whimpers, letting go of your throat and holding your hip along with the other hand. You could come at the sight of him whimpering for you, fucked out of his mind, drunk on you, and holding your hips as he fucks you like he hates you. Your eyes roll as your back arches off the mattress, your toes curling and your hands flying down to grip his wrists. “Chirs!” You nearly scream as he slams into you a few more times before frantically pushing away from you, coming all over your thighs and lower stomach. 
He sits there, staring at his mess and panting for a moment, before slumping into your body. “Why did I wait?” He scoffed, talking mostly to himself. “Felix and I were talking about that very same thing.” You snort sleepily as you run your fingers down his clammy spine. He sighs, “No- I mean, why didn’t I just say something? I could have been easing you into this so you won’t be so sore in the morning-” 
“If I’m sore,” you interrupt, pulling his face up to look into his eyes. “That just means that you did a good job.” He grins at you sleepily, holding himself up just enough to give you a few sweet, passionate kisses before pushing away, so that his chain necklace dangled just above your chin, “I would say let’s go have a shower. But, I’m tired. You’re tired. The shower isn’t going anywhere. And if I have my way, taking a shower would just be wasting water because we’ll need it again.” He winks, before flopping down beside you and pulling you into his side. 
Perhaps, talking to Felix was a good thing. 
Now, if only you could get it into Felix’s little thought process about the choking part…
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minhosimthings · 3 months
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Girl Dad!Enhypen headcannons
Pairings: Enhypen × fem!reader (sep.)
Warnings: fluff fluff I'm choking on this fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, mentions of food, also swearing because I can't handle myself lol
A/N: alright bitches I am high on baby fever so if I'm dying IM TAKING Y'ALL DOWN WITH ME. Tagging @jaeyunluvr for obvious reasons.
Stray Kids version!
Lee Heeseung
Is SO Bambi eyed when you tell him you're pregnant
Like 🥺 this be him, all teary eyed and happy
As if he didn't rail the brains out of you last night but whatever
He was already a simp for you but now that you're pregnant?
"My wife is my entire life and I will walk through every element in this world for her and I would destroy this entire world for her did you know that I love my wife?"
SO EXCITED WHEN YOU START SHOWING He cries over how soft you look sometimes
When I say he sings to your belly at night- (he rants about how the baby kicked when he sang his fav song to the guys)
And gets so starry eyed when baby kicks at his favourite song
Literally the best during birth, he's such a cheerleader
Sobs literal rivers when he holds the baby
"She looks so much like you."
Looks at his daughter as if he would end the world for her
Singing lessons are basically free for her and Heeseung sobs to you every night about how good she's been getting
Loves to have Karaoke dates with her and teaches her how to make music
Brags so much
"Y/N can you take your husband please he's been talking about his child for hours now we are tired" "hey guys do you know what she did yesterday-"
He died inside when she tried to hit a high note and succeeded
10/10 dad, must marry Heeseung I have a ring
Park 'Jay' Jongsoeng
Do I hear the best girl dad in the entire world?
When you tell him, he kisses your face so much
WORSHIPS YOU you are a Goddess in his eyes
normally Jay wouldn't let you do anything but now? He will ravage the earth if you lift even an atom
"what are you doing out of bed?" "I have to pee Jay for god's sake-"
Belly massages are free and unlimited with a husband like him
And so is the food because he will cook everything you ask for as if it's the last thing he'll do
Builds the bassinet properly, and makes sure to turn you on because mooscles SHUT UP IM HAVING A MOMENT
Asks his mom for advice if he doesn't know what to do
Is a brave boi during birth like he is NOT hesitant to do any shit you want
Cries part 2
And I mean he sobbed his entire water weight out of his body when he held his tiny baby
"I have two princesses to take care of now"
Takes care of everything, and I mean everything
Not a surprise to see your baby girl strapped to his chest by a harness 24/7
Daddy-daugher dates are a must!!
His phone storage is literally just her
"Hey guys look at this picture of my baby"
Sim "Jake" Jaeyun
Jake.exe has stopped working
Literally just stares at you when you tell him, so much so you have to wave your hands in front of him to snap him out
Congratulations dear reader, because now your husband is basically attached to your belly
"Baby did she kick-" "bro I just moved chill"
Double congratulations because now Layla and him are fighting for your attention
Literally so lost in everything related to women, pregnancy, and birth but he tries
And by that I mean, he stares at you doe-eyed while you explain everything
Most likely to faint during the birth because lord he can't handle this, he's a princess babygirl
Sobs part 3
"she has your eyes" JAKE STOP
Layla and baby besties forever which makes Jake weak in da knees
Will not leave your baby alone even for a second like he's attached to her now
Loves shopping for her
Literally spoils the shit out of her do y'all see this man buying diamonds because I do
"Baby, of COURSE we have to get her matching outfits how else will we do movie night without matchy pajamas"
Jake come home the kids miss you
Park Sunghoon
Yay you have officially broken Park mf Sunghoon
When you tell him, he's literally just 😶😶
No thoughts, brain has evaporated
But then-
You're like chill mf what the hell
Will literally carry you everywhere no matter if you tell him to put you down
"Hoon I can walk-"
*already picking you up* "sorry can't hear I'm deaf"
He makes so many plans, and organises literally everything
Also will get confused on how to build the cradle thingy
He's shit scared of birth, but will definetly allow you to squeeze his hand as hard as you want
Sobs part 4
She looks like you part 3
I'm crying just imagining hoon holding her tiny hands and guiding her through the ice
Your daughter is a fashionista thanks to her dad
Spoils her shitless part 2
Kim "Sunoo" Seonwoo
My dude is so chill
Probably the normalest out of all of em
Hugs you and kisses you all over
But inside he's screaming crying throwing up shaking kicking his feet in the air
Literally treats the house like a military base once you staart showing
*talking to Enha* "If anything goes even the slightest bit wrong I will murder all of you."
So obsessed with literally just watching you because in his eyes you're so adorable
Gets so cocky over helping you like he's so proud, showing off his muscles and everything
Sunoo please you're my age STAPHH
Will probably be disgusted by birth but he's a strong sailor he pulls through
Mentally breakdowns while holding your child because omg she's so tiny!!!
Mint choco lover agenda lessons starts from day 1
No child of Sunoo's is gonna hate mint choco
Daddy-daughter dates are a MUST
Loved bonding with her so much
Will definitely do her hair if she decides to grow it long
Sunoo I am a weak woman STOP
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Daylight | Jenna Ortega
Warnings: swearing
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Jenna smiled graciously at the interviews, waving her hand at the camera directed at her face.
"Hello, my name is Jenna Ortega." She sweetly stated, smiling brighter at the black box in front of her. The interview began, a simple discussion on the young actresses life: talking about her future plans, her love life, everything a viewer would want to know about someone they practically worshipped.
"So, any partner in the picture?" Jenna immediately flushed, thinking about her latest interaction with a girl she met a few weeks ago. Jenna was stuck, her tongue rolling over her front teeth in thought; would you want to be named?
"Her name is Y/N."
Jenna's face was tinted with a pink hue, her blush easily picked up on the receiving side of the camera. The women directing the video smile, urging the women to carry on.
Jenna rubbed her hands together, smiling into the open space.
"I met her a couple months ago, she took my breath away in simple terms." She gazed past the camera, almost like she was in a trance at the thought of you.
"Personally, I think we had a meet-cue. She was at the beach, playing football. One of her friends kicked the ball too far, and it landed right beside me. Immediately, she came rushing over, extremely apologetic. She was rambling, a nervous wreck when she released who I was." Her dark eyes turned into a honey like fountain, irises diluting when she recalled the whole interaction.
"I'm warning you, Chelsea. Don't kick the ball too fucking far!" You warned your friend, the kick kicked the ball into the air retracting her foot before slamming it into the ball. Ignoring all the shouting you sent her way, the ball went past your body and landed right beside someone who was simply trying to lounge on a beach chair. You turned to face Chelsea, jaw slate with anger.
The girl who was just sprinkled with sand sprung to her feet, wiping away the irritating sand from her body: avoiding it invading her bathing suit.
You pushed your foot into the sand, sulking as you walked over to the instantly beautiful girl.
"Excuse me." Your voice betrayed you, speaking like a dog toy. You coughed, standing up slightly taller.
"I'm so sorry, my friend can't aim to save her life. Do-"
She turned to face you, her hair brushing out of her face and meeting yours. The first thing you took in was her eyes, she had piercing brown eyes: dark enough to be black, but you could see the slight caramel colour in the sunlight.
"Oh. You're Jenna Ortega, Wednesday Addams.." you were star struck, mouth dropped at the humiliating situation your friend put you in. Her face scrunched, her cheeks slightly sunburnt.
"Oh. No. I mean, no I don't know. I don't want Wednesday—" again you coughed, offering her your sweaty hand.
"I'm Y/N, who-who are you?" You knew you were making a fool of yourself, but hearing the silk-like sound of her laughter made everything seem fine.
"Pretty sure you already know who I am." The girl replied, shaking your hand. Whether it be the boiling weather, the lack of water in your system, but you could have sworn she had just as sweaty hands: did you have the same reaction to her? Was she nervous? Were you making her uncomfortable?
You retracted your hand, laughing into the air.
"Again, I'm so sorry." She shrugged off any problem, bending over to grab your ball for you.
"It's fine, honestly." She spoke like liquid gold, an absolute goddess to the ear: your body shivered, knees nearly bucking at the sound.
"Yo!" Chelsea shouted from behind the both of you, pressing a hand to her forehead.
"Hurry up and get her number, I wanna play more footy!" Your friend was known for being blunt, not reading the situation at all.
Jenna hummed into the air around the both of you, a teasing smirk on her lips when you looked back at her with an apologetic eye.
"Is that why you kicked a ball at me?" Jenna teased, pressing the ball to your chest. You shook your head, suddenly unable to speak.
"No, no. That's- she's–I didn't." You sighed, knowing you couldn't worm yourself out of this.
"I wouldn't purposely kick a ball at an unsuspecting victim." You tried to act as cool as possible, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
"Wouldn't you? Then, why did you do it to me?" Jenna asked, a snip In her tone. You released a heavy sigh, the weather causing a knot in your shoulder.
"I didn't mean to." You all but whined out, projecting your voice out to gain any sympathy.
"So you don't want my number?"
Your mouth dropped, you were left to stare wide-eyed. She was staring, she was known for having doe eyes with an adorable smile. Currently, she wasn't looking at you like a piece of meat to a hungry tiger; siren eyes, plump lips she'd occasionally damp with her tongue, a smirk on them too.
"Oh." Was all you managed to speak out, awkwardly standing on your feet; the sand was hot, burning your bare feet.
She challenged you with the look in her eyes, raking up and down your body.
"So do you want it?"
After that bold move on her part you two started dating, casually meeting up: every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to spend time together, and you'd even went with her when she needed to re-shoot some scenes in her current film.
When she finally came to light, releasing she was sitting in an uncomfortable chair, eyes prying into her private life like vultures.
"We love that for you, Jenna. She honestly seems like a keeper." The interviewer smiled, turning back to the questions she prepared earlier that day for the women sitting in front of her.
Jenna ignored the change in pace, still so lost in the memories the both of you had already made.
"Yeah, she's only the best person. She's so authentic, honest and I think that is a really valuable quality because you can't just become it; you have to be it by nature." Jenna smiled, nodding along to everything she was saying; blushing at her own words.
"Of course our relationship isn't perfect, she has the power to annoy me. I- I really hate everything soppy, and I don't know, love in general was really off putting. My Y/N changed everything, she's my favourite view, her voice is my favourite sound, she's just my favourite person ever—"
"I really think i- I think I love her?"
When the interview wrapped up, Jenna was quick to leave waving goodbye to the staff before taking charge towards your house.
You were busy cooking, pouring different spices into the bowl in front of you. You hummed to yourself, singing along to the music playing around your whole kitchen. The soft symphony of the singer's elegant voice, preaching in such a way it brought a spark to your heart.
You were so caught up in the moment, mind completely focused you didn't hear the slam of the door, nor Jenna treading through your house with soft pads.
She leaned into the doorframe, watching how you acted when you were alone.
So carefree, reckless-abandon, and smiling like nothing could go wrong. Your back was turned to her, spinning on your heels with a huff of your chest.
After a little while, you finished up your cooking, put the food into the oven and she hugged your back.
Her face was pressed into your shoulder blades, taking in your sweet scent.
"I miss you." Jenna whispered into your ear, pressing a chaste kiss below your earlobe. Your body shivered, smiling into the room. You spun away, wrapping your arms around the girl.
"You were only gone for a few hours, Jen." You giggled, holding her tight into your arms. She didn't mind the tight hold, encouraging the way you clung to her.
"Did you not miss me?" She shrank into herself, a frown playing on her lips.
"I always miss you." You pressed a kiss to her lips, revelling in the way she kissed you just as hard back. Pushing your back into the counter, holding your face in her hands: stroking her thumb over your cheek bone, humming into the fast paced kiss.
"Wanna have dinner with me?" It was a rhetorical question, of course she wanted to spend more time with you; she'd take advantage of every moment she could spend in your arms, in your space, simply just near you.
You served her the meal, sitting down in front of her. She started talking about her day, you listening contendly.
"The interviewer asked about you." Your head perked up, a coy smile playing on your lips as your cheeks flamed red; the thought of Jenna being open and claiming you as her own sent a frenzy through your body.
"Yeah?" Jenna nodded, placing another fork full in her mouth, she tilted her head giggling before speaking again.
"I sort of told the world that I loved you, before I even told you.'" Your fork dropped, colliding with the floor with a loud clatter. Your eyes landed on hers, an audible gulp radiating through the room.
"You love me?"
Jenna smiled, the same smirk of her face just like the day she gave you her number.
"Obviously." She proudly stated, no shame or doubt in her mind as she claimed her truth. You stood up, kissing her skin with her lips. Her cheek was hot underneath your lips, burning to the touch.
"I love you." You told her, smiling into the crook of your neck.
"Well, I am Jenna Ortega." She jokingly said, giggling with you pulled away. You crossed your arms, rolling your eyes at her huge ego.
"Hurtful." You grumbled, pouting like a toddler, she cupped your cheek pressing her lips to yours.
"I love you too."
You pulled away, wiping your mouth dry.
"Even when I panicked and left you that one day?" You nibbled on your bottom lip, the single one problem in your life was the fact you were prone to fleeing a situation you couldn't handle; leaving Jenna, letting the door slam behind you as you did. Jenna nodded, adamantly.
"Even more so, you showed me a private side to your life, opening up to me so I could see the real you. Even when you get nervous, when your body forces you to leave, I'll still love you, Y/N." Jenna promised, kissing your face once again. You smiled, taking a deep breath.
"Oh god. I gotta learn how to fight, especially if people know who I am now. I know people will be mad that Jenna Ortega has a girlfriend."
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tlou-reid · 9 months
All of You ❤︎ Spencer Reid
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♡ SUMMARY: There is not a single part of you Spencer doesn't want to worship. Fat!reader x Spencer
♡ WARNINGS: smut, unprotected piv (be safe!) , oral (fem receiving), mild breeding kink?, body worship, porn with very little plot, reader is fat! 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
♡ NOTE: this is entirely self-indulgent and i am not sorry about it. i hope my fellow big bitches enjoy <3
The lack of hesitancy in your movements was new to you. The way you let your hands pull Spencer closer, and the way you guided him to where you needed him most. Having sex with someone wasn’t new, but having sex with someone who didn’t make you feel like you had to question every movement, every kiss, every noise, due to your size was. Just like everything else in your relationship, you felt comfortable doing this with him. Spencer had always been the most loving and considerate partner. He made you beautiful, even on your worst days. Even now, a few days without shaving, comfortable underwear, and day three hair, after a full day of not leaving the bed, he made you feel like you were a goddess. He truly worshipped the ground you walked on.
He reminded you of this by pressing deep, wet kisses into your jawline and pulling you closer to his body. Even straddling him didn’t scare you anymore. You could feel the spit from his kisses against your neck, but not even that could bother you right now. All you could focus on was Spencer. His hair tickled your shoulder, and his cold nose was cooling off your neck with every single kiss he was giving you. Your mind was screaming “Spencer, Spencer, Spencer,” as you dragged your covered core over the bulge in his grey sweats.
Unbeknownst to you, Spencer was enjoying himself just as much. Your thick thighs had his legs trapped underneath you as he kissed, sucked, and bit on your neck. The noises you were making were like music to his ears, even better than his favorite baroque symphony. His long, slender fingers were pressing deep indents into your plush hips as he tried to pull you closer. He would mumble “come ‘ere” every so often, as he did so.
“Spence-” you let out a whimper as his teeth slid across where he had been sucking, “Spence,” you called again trying to get his attention. It took a decently strong tug of his hair to get him to stop his actions. “I need more,” you whined out. Spencer let out a chuckle at your desperate state. “I know, honey,” he smiled at you, “‘m just enjoying you a little bit.” Spencer had such a lovey-dovey side he reserved only for you. It made the butterflies in your stomach start to flutter and your heart turn to goo inside your chest. Despite these sweet feelings, you let out a frustrated moan.
“I’m sorry, honey,” he said sincerely, moving to press a kiss on your forehead, “I just love this face,” a kiss on your nose, “this nose,” a kiss on your lips, “these lips,” a kiss on the tender spot of your neck, “really love this neck,” a kiss on your shoulder, “these shoulders,” a kiss on the bit of your chest that was sticking out from your pajama shirt, “and this chest.” With that, he was reaching to pull your shirt over your head. You lifted your arms to help him out. Having gone without a bra on your lazy day, he had easy access to your tits. “These boobs,” he continued, pressing a kiss to the top of each of your breasts.
However, he stopped his words there and moved down slightly, pulling your left nipple into his mouth. His right hand moved from the spot on your waist to toy with your right nipple. You let out a loud groan as he sucked the supple skin. Your underwear was growing unbearably between your bodies as he loved on your body. Your hips were moving at a faster pace along him, and he welcomed it with soft whines against your nipple. He was in his personal heaven. Every one of his senses was being consumed with you, and he fucking loved it.
“Spencer,” you whined out again, forcefully pulling his head away from your chest. He looked at you with wide, lust-blown eyes. There was a little bit of spit running out of the corner of his mouth from where he was sucking on your tit. He was, quite literally, drooling over you. “Spencer,” you repeated with a stronger tone, watching him with careful eyes, “please.”
He nodded, tapping the side of your hip as a signal for you to get off of his lap. It didn’t take long for you to be on your back, with him in between your thick thighs. Spencer was immediately on them, sucking, kissing and biting. He only allowed himself to enjoy the feeling for a little bit, then he was reaching up to pull your underwear off of you. You lifted your hips to help him slide them down your legs, discarding them somewhere in the room. He wasted no time.
Spencer licked between your folds, basking in the taste of your sweet pussy. Your hands were quickly tangling themselves in his long locks. Spencer ate your pussy like that was what he was put on Earth to do. You felt his lips curling around your clit, causing you to arch your back off the couch. His mouth didn’t leave your core as your hips came up. Spencer’s lips turned up in a grin, you could feel it against your inner thigh, at the moans you were letting out. He threw his arm across the pouch of your lower stomach. His hand rubbed at the fat there, before pressing down onto you, getting you level with the bed again.
“Really love this pussy,” he rushed out when he took his mouth off of you briefly, just long enough to slip two fingers into you. His long, slender fingers pumped in and out of you as he sucked on your clit again. You were taken back by his filthy mouth. He went from calling your tits “boobies” to talking about loving your pussy in just a few minutes. Spencer could feel your thoughts changing, not liking the way your body slowed down its reactions to him. He pressed his fingers against the spongy spot inside of you, bringing you back to him. The moan you let out reverberated across the room, making Spencer smile against you again.
It didn’t take long for you to cum on Spencer’s face. He licked up as much of you as he could before you were pushing him away due to overstimulation. He used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth before pressing his lips against yours. Your tongue slipped inside his, enjoying the mix of spit and your slick that escaped out the side of his mouth. He pulled away, wiped his mouth again, and mumbled, “Can I fuck you now?” You giggled at him, nodding yes.
He pulled away, just for a second, to pull his sweatpants and underwear down, throwing them near where your panties lay. He held his length, making eye contact with you as he slid into you. You let out matching sighs of contentment as he bottomed out. He began to thrust out, and you quickly missed the stretch of his length inside of you. Maintaining eye contact, he picked up his speed, hitting all of the right spots inside of you. He let out a moan as you pulled him closer, wrapping your legs around his hip. With the way you were squeezing and the noises you were letting out, Spencer knew he wasn’t going to last long.
“Fuck, Spence” you whined as he leaned into you to suck another deep mark into your neck. Your back was arching into his body again, and he used the opportunity to pull you close to him, slipping his arms around you, as if he was bear-hugging you. You didn’t have the chance to be insecure about your weight on his arms as he used the new grasp to pound you deeper. “I’m gonna cum,” he warned. “Cum,” you rushed out, “cum inside me, Spence.”
And he did, quite quickly with your words of encouragement. He let out a whine as he did, continuing to fuck you through it. He pulled his right hand from beneath you, moving to rub quick circles around your clit. With your last orgasm, it didn’t take long for you to finish on his dick. Your fingers dug into his back, surely leaving deep, crescent marks. 
“Fuck,” you gasped, rubbing over where your nails had dug into him. You could feel his smile against your neck this time. “I love you, honey.” You nodded, letting him know you love him too without any words. You laid there in the afterglow for a while, before the weight of him inside you became too much and you were pushing him away. As he stood, his eyes racked your fucked-out body lounging on the bed. “You’re so beautiful.” With the way he said it, you weren’t sure if he even meant to. He sounded almost breathless, in awe of you. He gave you one last, bright smile, as he asked, “Shower with me?” You nodded, forcing yourself to leave the bed to follow the love of your life into the bathroom.
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begin again
Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
summary - Satoru is so completely different from your ex, you have no idea what to do. luckily, he's there to help
warnings - slight angst, mentions of abuse (from a previous relationship, not Gojo), hurt to comfort, Gojo beats up your ex
a/n - please i love soft Gojo so much 🥰🥰
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Gojo had always been a good friend to you, but once you started dating him it was like he upped the ante on his kindness, love and admiration. He treated you like a goddess, putting you on a pedestal and practically worshipping the ground you walked on. It was strange, so new to you, but it also made you happy.
Something you hadn't been in your previous relationship.
"Good morningggg, beautiful!" A cheerful voice met your ears as you walked into the school.
Gojo was standing there, looking like he had been waiting for you, his smile brighter than the sun when he saw your figure walking in. Your cheeks warmed up, a soft smile tugging at your lips as the white-haired man rushed over to scoop you up into his arms.
"Good morning, Satoru," you giggled. "You're in a very good mood today."
"Well of course I am, you just arrived!" He peppered your face with kisses, as if he hadn't seen you for days, when in fact it had only been a few hours.
You couldn't help but smile more at his words, butterflies blooming in your stomach. He always made you feel good, and it was like he never had to try. Just his presence was warm and comforting enough to put you at ease.
"Wait, aren't you supposed to be training Megumi, Yuji and Nobara??"
"...Technically, yes."
You just laughed, and Gojo offered a goofy smile. He loved hearing you laugh, even more so when he was the one causing your laughter.
He decided to take you out for lunch today. He wouldn't tell you where, but when you found yourself standing next to him outside your favourite restaurant you understood why. He'd wanted to surprise you, and it was extremely sweet gesture. But...
"Satoru, it's too-"
"Forget the pricing," he pouted, looking like an overgrown child, but it was cute. "You just seemed a little down today, so I wanted to cheer you up!"
Green flags. Green flags everywhere with this man. So unlike your past relationship, you wondered if you had dreamed Satoru into reality. Surely this couldn't be real. He couldn't be real, he was too good to be true.
"Come on," he put his hand on the small of your back and guided you into the restaurant. He pulled your chair out for you and pushed it back in when you were seated before he took his own seat. "Order anything you want, because if you don't then I'm ordering the most expensive thing on this menu."
You laughed and shook your head at his teasing, smiling as you told him what you wanted. You stared at him lovingly as he relayed the order to the waittress, his hand snaking its way across the table to find yours. He interlocked his fingers with yours, and didn't let go. You blushed, looking at your intertwined hands and feeling warmth surge through your body.
That warmth, however, was quickly extinguished when a familiar voice rang out a few tables away.
"(Name)? Is that you? Long time no see!"
You gripped Satoru's hand tighter, trying your best not to shut your eyes in terror. You knew that you would only see flashbacks of the abuse you suffered at the hands of the owner of that voice.
"(Name), come on, it's me!"
The flashbacks hit you full force.
Waking up on the cold floor after you'd been knocked out, a fresh bruise decorating your cheek. Curled up over the toilet, retching and coughing up food and blood as you clutched your gut, a dark bruise already forming. Flinching every time he walked into the room, crying your eyes out after he yelled at you for something or the other, being unable to sleep with him next to you in fear of him waking up and beating you for something that happened in his dream. Being unable to sleep because you were already living in a nightmare.
"Hey, you okay?" Satoru squeezed your hand, already on guard and worried about your reaction to that man. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Can we go?" You asked quietly, breath shaky. "Please?"
"Is it because of him?" Satoru asked, "Did he do something to you?"
Before you could answer, a hand clapped down on your shoulder. Your entire body stiffened and you flinched, causing Satoru's eyes to narrow. He knew the signs, and he was steadily becoming angry with this man's presence.
"Who's this, sweetheart? Your new boyfriend?"
You couldn't look at him. You didn't want to. Your breathing came out fast and uneven, and you could already feel tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
"I'll only ask you once," Satoru's tone was colder than you'd ever heard it, "Take your hand off my girlfriend and leave us alone. In fact, leave the restaurant entirely."
"Or what?" Your dumb ex challenged, a mistake on his part.
"I didn't want to cause a scene, especially since this is her favourite restaurant," the white-haired sorcerer kissed the back of your hand as he stood up, a silent promise that everything will be okay.
You relaxed. He made you feel so safe, so secure, that you believed his quiet reassurance and felt your body stop trembling.
"But you are making her very uncomfortable, after I told you nicely to leave." Gone was the sweet, friendly Gojo Satoru you had known and come to love.
This was the scary, powerful Gojo Satoru who could as easily end your ex's life as he could breathe.
What happened next was a blur. You hadn't even known that Satoru was such an adept hand-to-hand combatant, because every enemy he'd faced he'd used sorcery. But here he was beating your ex up - in the alley because he'd had the decency to drag him out of the restaurant - like it was nothing. You normally don't condone violence, especially after what you went through, but Satoru wasn't even hitting him that hard, and he was also getting what he deserved. All your boyfriend had to do was smack him on either his forehead or his shoulder and your ex went tumbling backwards like he'd tripped.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that," Satoru immediately apologised to you when he was done warning your ex to not come anywhere near you or he wouldn't be as nice next time. "And I'm sorry he ruined our date."
As Satoru pressed gentle, loving kisses to every part of you he could reach, you felt yourself tearing up again. But for a different reason this time, and then smile on your face told him as much.
"You're amazing," you managed to choke out, "But even that's an understatement." You took a shaky breath. "Thank you, Satoru."
"No need to thank me," he pulled you into a warm, soothing hug, "I would never let anyone touch you again, and I hate the fact that I'm letting him off so easy after what he did to you."
"You can't murder him!" You giggled, wiping your tears of joy.
He reached up to do that before you could, "For you, I'd do anything." Then he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "Now come, let's go find you a new favourite restaurant."
"No expensive ones though!"
"No promises."
You were getting ready for bed that night, after a wonderful day with your sweet, doting boyfriend. Your living room and kitchen were littered with dozens of bouquets of (favourite flowers), and you were pretty sure you had enough chocolate to knock out all your teeth. You smiled at these gestures, a heavy blush falling across your cheeks.
Then you realised you couldn't sleep, but before you could even pick your phone up to call Satoru, your phone buzzed.
pretty blue eyes 💙: im outside, open up for me ❤
You smiled at the nickname you'd given him when you'd first seen him with his blindfold off. He'd liked it so much he changed his name to it on your phone. Butterflies formed in your stomach once more, and you felt that lovely warmth fill you again. You eagerly padded over to your front door to open for Satoru.
He was sporting a silly little grin as he held up a bag of food, "Thought you might want some company- actually I wanted to come even if you didn't."
Your heart swelled, "Come in. I was actually just about to call you."
"Yeah?" His smile grew. "I guess it was meant to be then."
You giggled at his cheesy line and shut your door, moving to the living room with him. He whistled when he saw all of the flowers, offering you a smirk.
"You must have a really huge admirer," he teased.
"Oh I do," you laughed, "He's the sweetest."
Gojo's heart did a flip at that, and he leaned over to kiss you sweetly for a moment, "He also thinks it's not enough to show how special and wonderful you are."
Your eyes widened, "But-"
"Shhh, no buts," he put his index finger on your lips. "You're my girlfriend, get used to me treating you."
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling genuinely happy and excited in a relationship for once. As you settled down to eat with him, you realised that you had fallen so deeply in love with him that you never wanted to come back up.
"Baby?" You called, feeling your own heart flip when his face lit up at the nickname.
"Mhmm?" He smiled at you.
"Will you stay with me tonight?"
"Of course, baby."
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a/n: ughhh i cannot get enough of this man, he's literally perfect
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
So sunday was my bday - and i was wondering if you had any sort of head cannons about Az - idk if this makes sense - like being posessive with a slightly insecure reader. Like say they are at a resturant or something and some is being rude to you and Az is just like 'Nah thats my girl' type vibe yk?
Sorry for always rambling.
Always much love and support through the days!
Hello my lovely devoted reader 🍸!!!
I am so sorry for the late reply! I hope you had the most amazing birthday!!
And please let me know what you think, hopefully you liked this and it met your expectations! 
Okay, so let's be so clear, Azriel is the most protective of the bat boys towards his mate. Like Cassian is always showing off his girl, and Rhys doesn't even feel the need to be protective because first off, he knows that they can take care of themselves and take anyone down, but also because he is so freaking cocky, he just knows that no one would be able to steal them away.
But Az?? Azriel is a protective to the max. He always has been and he always will be. Part of that comes from his Illyrian roots, and the intrinsic need to protect you. But also, he is secretly fearful that you would find someone else who is better than him. Because in his mind, he doesn't deserve someone as perfect as you. He doesn't deserve someone as beautiful, kind, elegant, funny, and intelligent as you. Another part of his protectiveness stems from the fact that you are his mate. His. The spymaster of the night court. Darkness incarnate. He has made many enemies throughout his five centuries of living. Enemies that would do just about anything to see his downfall, even if it means hurting an innocent female, especially if that means hurting the one person Azriel cannot live without, you.
And so...
He is silently always watching. When you are in the same room, he soaks in your presence, and cannot force himself to look away. Because you are the most stunning creature that he has ever met. Because you are the love of his life.
He also has ordered one of his shadows to constantly be around you. And he thinks you haven't noticed, but of course you have. You know your mate. You know his tendencies to be protective. You know the fears that he holds close to his chest, hidden away from everyone, even his brothers, but impossible to hide from you.
And honestly...
You don't mind the protectiveness. You actually bask in it.
You adore the little shadow that follows you around. It has become your silent friend who helps you with whatever task you are working on. Once, you were cooking dinner for you and Az, and the glass bowl slipped from your hands. Had his shadow not been there, the bowl would have shattered into thousands of little pieces. But the shadow was there. And in an attempt to protect you from any harm, it caught the bowl, lifting it back to your hands. And since then, anytime you ask the shadow to do something for you, it will.
You adore the way that Az stares at you. How he eyes you up and down in whatever it is that you chose to wear for the day. How you are the first person he looks for when he enters a room. How his gaze remains focused on you, even while in conversation with someone else. How he looks at you like you have placed every star in the sky. 
Before Azriel, you struggled with the way you looked.
But with him...
With him... with the way he glares at any male who has the gall to speak to you. With the way he practically worships the ground that you walk on. With the way his hazel eyes glow with reverence every time he catches your gaze. With the way he kisses you, so softly, so gently, with his hands cupping your cheeks and pulling you flush against him. With the way he touches you like you are holy, like you are a goddess that has graced him with your blessings. With the way he makes love to you, slow and smooth at first, savoring your scent, your body, your kisses. With the way it always devolves into desperation, into longing, into an ache that builds and builds and builds until saccharine release that floods the bond that ties your hearts and souls together. 
Release that has his pupils blown so wide, the depths of his iris’ disappear. Release that has his breathe stolen from him, gasping puffs of air against your lips. Release that has his entire body quivering, and his wings flaring to span across the bed. 
With him, you can’t help but feel like the Mother took her time creating you, perfecting you for the most handsome mate. Azriel stole almost every drop of insecurity that stains your self image. So rarely do you now experience the dark inkling of doubt in yourself. So rarely. 
But it does happen once every blue moon. 
And every time it does, Azriel is right there with you. Right in your corner. Slipping in murmurs of compliments and praise every chance he can get. Having his shadows curl around the curves of your body, and playing with your hair before tugging you towards their master so he can hold you in a tight embrace. Pressing soft kisses onto every inch of exposed skin you grace him with that day. And just like that, the small flame of insecurity flickers out. 
Only today... 
Today, Azriel was out on a mission all day, and would be meeting you at Mariana’s, the diner the shadowsinger took you to after you finally agreed to a date with him, “Just give me one night doll, just one, and I promise I will change your mind about me,” he murmured into your ear as he swayed your body against his on Starfall. That date had been the single event that solidified your feelings towards the powerful male. And since then, every month, you would meet at Mariana’s to share a milkshake like you had that night. 
Today, Azriel hadn’t been here to comfort you as you feel into a spiral of insecurity. His pulses of love down the bond were met with a wall of self doubt that you were holding tight. The dress that Azriel had bought you months ago was just not fitting you right. The way it clung to your hips felt awkward as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Eventually, you had moved to fixing your hair and smearing on a sheer lip stain, and even that hadn’t worked out as you had hoped. Your hair decided to not cooperate today, and your lip stain had only melted into the inner parts of your lips, making your mouth seem much smaller than it was. Despite not feeling good about the way you were looking, you knew in your heart that Az would look at you as though you were the center of his universe, and that soothed the dull ache as you placed the sapphire earrings on. 
You clutched at the wool of your colbat blue overcoat that matched the spymasters siphons, briskly walking through the rainbow to meet at the little table seated out in the corner of the patio, letting the wind brush through your hair. Azriel’s shadow followed dutifully behind you, snaking through the dark corners of the walkway. Unsurprisngly, the diner was packed to the brim, flowing with regulars and new customers. Mariana’s milkshakes were that of legend. You peaked above the heads that were seated, trying to spot the wavy onyx hair that belonged to your mate, but came up empty. You had shown up fifteen minutes early, and knowing your mate, he would likely show up in five. You both had a habit of showing up to your little excursions early, too excited to see one another again. And this time, you had chosen to meet right after his scheduled mission debrief with Rhys and Cass. 
You silently seated yourself at the table, resting your chin into the palm of your hand as the tiny shadow slithered around the restaurant, taking note of all the patrons who were within 50 feet of you. Your fingers stroked the checkered fabric that was placed over the table as you waited for your mate, content with the quiet chatter around you as a distraction from the excitement of finally being in Az’s arms again. 
You already knew how this would go. He, in his spymaster fashion, silent as the darkness that encompasses him in warm comfort, would seat himself in the chair right next to you instead of the one in front of you. You already knew he would card his scarred fingers through your hair, gently tugging you into a warm kiss before sliding your chair by the bottom right up to his. You already knew he would then wrap his arm around the back of your chair, allowing for his warmth that he seems to radiate to seep into your chilled skin, before signaling the waiter to come take your order. That is how things always go between you. That is how it has always gone between you. 
So you certainly weren’t expecting for this random male to slide into the chair across from you. 
And you certainly weren’t expecting for him to reach out and grab a hold of your wrist with his cold, slightly wet palm from what you could only hope was sweat. 
Startled by the sudden contact from a male who was practically a stranger, you gasped trying to yank your arm out of his hold, “Excuse me.” 
But the blonde males grip on you was tight. Unrelanting. “You’re excused sexy,” he smirked at you, leaning in closer to your face with all sense of personal space apparently gone, the alcohol in his breath wafted into your nose had you nearly gagging. “What’s a gorgeous lady like yourself sitting her all alone looking pretty?” he jeered at you, ignoring the obvious discomfort that was strained across your face. The cold whisper of Azriel’s shadow had wrapped around your wrist, helping you in the effort to pull your arm away as you calmly replied, “I’m here with my mate. Leave me alone.”
His smirk dropped at your statement, a dangerous glint flashed across his blue eyes that had darkened into ice, “I’m just talkin’ to you, you stupid bint. You think you’re better than me?” The grip he had on your wrist tightened, nearly cutting off the circulation as Azriel’s shadow shot away, seemingly to warn his master of the situation that was unfolding. Panic started to roll through you in heaves, unintentionally and unknowingly signaling Azriel through the bond.  
Finality was set in your tone as you attempted once more, this time, with much less kindness and a lot more threat laced through your words, “Let go of me right now or else-” The male cut you off, slamming your wrist he had hold of into the table, “Or else what? You know what? You’re a waste of time. Pathetic fucking whor-” 
You felt the sting of insecurity steep into you. A random male stating your deepest insecurity at fact. That you were a waste of time. That you would never be good enough. Not for Azriel, your wonderful perfect mate. 
You didn’t have time to respond back. You didn’t have time to process the emotion. You honestly didn’t even see what really happened. One second, the male was belittling you so close, you could feel drops of his spit marring your skin. 
The next, the male was screaming bloody murder as darkness swarmed you. 
What brought undeniable terror to the male had brought you utter comfort and peace as shadows began dancing around you. The grip that had no doubt left bruises on your wrist, was gone. You could feel the warmth of your mate, his eucalyptus and midnight rain scent overwhelming you into a deep sense of safety. As you squinted your eyes through the mist of darkness, you could barely make out truth teller sticking in through the males hand and into the wood of the table that was covered by the checkered cloth. You could feel the rage radiating off your mate as his shadows dissapatted, allowing you and every other patron seated close to watch as the spymaster brought down his wrath on this male. 
“Or else me,” Az’s voice was deepened into a void. A shiver shot down your spine at the display of power that was sending pools of attraction at the apex of your thighs. “She is mine. Mine. My mate. How dare you speak to her? How dare you lay your flithy fucking hands on her, you insolent fool?” Any cockiness the drunk male had displayed was gone, sobered from the pain of the spymaster’s dagger slammed through his hand and into the table, trapping him in his own blood that was pouring out of the wound. One of your mates hands was clutching the truth teller by the hilt so tight, his scarred knuckles were pure white. The other hand was locked at the males neck, choking him in place as he stammered out apologies and pleas for mercy that were ignored by darkness incarnate. 
A sudden gust of wind from your left with a resounding thump had you shifting your gaze away from the scene that was unfolding, to Cassian approaching you, Azriel, and the male wearing the mask of general to the night court. His large hand squeezed your shoulder softly before he leaned over to murmur something into Azriel’s ear. At first, your mate didn’t budge from his position, too focused on the now crying male. Only after sending a tug down your bond did his attention snap towards you. 
He wrenched truth teller from the males hand, another scream resounding as Cassian made quick work of knocking the male out with a hard punch to the jaw, and then throwing the male over his shoulder to fly away to the jail where he would await interrogation and subsequent punishment. 
Azriel stayed focused on you, completely unbothered by the male, darting his eyes up and down your figure to check for any injuries. He reached out a shaking hand, hesitating as if he were scared you feared him after seeing what he was capable of. Silly male. 
You smiled at your mate, clasping your fingers through his to rub at the thickened skin, bringing his hand up to press in soft kisses. He pulled you out of your chair, swiftly sliding his arms to wrap around your waist, lifting you up off the ground to where you instinctivly wrapped your legs around his waist. 
He shot through the sky, his grip on you solid and warm, grounding almost. Any insecurities that had been creeping through your mind slowly began to slip away as he whispered words of comfort into your ear, only to be heard by you, his shadows, and the stars that lined the sky. When you reached your home, his grip on you hadn’t loosened until he was tossing you onto the bed, immediately following your flying form and dropping his body on yours. 
His hands stroked at your cheeks and hair, “Are you okay doll? I could feel the panic through the bond and I nearly ripped the fools head off when your shadow told me what was happening.” You hummed, nudging your nose against his as you nodded, soaking in the attention your mate was giving you, preening at the strokes of love and overprotectiveness he was sending down the bond. “I’m fine Az, really.” 
But your mate is your mate. He is also the spymaster of one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, courts in Prythian. Nothing slips past him, especially where you are concerned. He could read you like an open book. He could sense your emotions like they were his own. 
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, he said was true. You aren’t a waste of space. You are the definition of utter perfection. And he was pathetic to think you would use any of your valuable time on him,” you scoffed out a laugh at the gentle words of your mate, but he only pressed his forehead further into yours, his lips brushing against your chapped lips as he continued, “You are mine. My mate. and I am yours. Only yours. No matter how undeserving I may be, the mother has given you to me. And me to you. I love you more than words could describe. The constant awe that I feel around you is beyond any phrase I could use. Every day, I find a new reason to fall for you.” 
He locked his lips to yours in a firm kiss, leaning back only a couple of centimeters after a moment, “Darling, I am so in love with you. I have always been in love with you. And I will always be in love with you.”
And just like that, the sneaky spymaster had stolen every ounce of chilling self doubt and insecurity, replacing it with the warmth of his love, “I am in love with you too Azriel,” you murmured into his plump lips, pecking them after every whispered word. 
AHHHH okay what did you think?!?! Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Please like, reblog, and comment! I always love the interaction, and as always I am so happy and thankful for all the support I do receive. I hope that you all took your medications, had something to eat, and took a sip of water. 
And again, to my devoted beautiful lovely 🍸, I hope you enjoyed. And Happy belated birthday my sweet <3
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