louudthoughts · 2 days
i walked down the driveway,
thinking of all the ways i could kill myself.
i know it sounds crass, but there were so many options. so many ways to imagine. and once you let yourself think of them, the ideas never leave.
i felt so numb.
and then i thought of you, lying in your casket, buried six feet below the ground i stand on. i thought of your family's weeping souls and all the people who cried at your funeral. i thought of how you wanted to live to help people.
and suddenly i wanted to live.
for you.
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louudthoughts · 2 days
i am drowning in every one else's tears.
i am drowning in the tears i cannot create.
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louudthoughts · 3 days
I wonder what you will think
when you see the white lines
on my hips on my arms
in my mind in my heart
will you cradle me gently
or say I’m dramatic
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louudthoughts · 3 days
I’m okay.
it’s getting bad again
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louudthoughts · 3 days
you hate me
but its okay
i hate me too.
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louudthoughts · 3 days
i want you to love me
with your whole heart,
promising never to flee.
treat me like a work of art,
don’t ever let me go.
i’ve always been hiding somewhere
between the light and shadow.
pull me out of the darkness,
hold me like packed snow.
don’t let me see the bleakness,
not ever again.
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louudthoughts · 4 days
when im at your house,
the love is so overwhelming
i want to cry.
it feels easy to laugh,
even easier when you do.
every time i step through the door
it feels like a big hug.
im surrounded by your love,
even when you aren't there.
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louudthoughts · 4 days
i just want to curl up in your chest
and hug you and cry and laugh
because i feel every thing so deeply.
but my brain yells at my heart,
saying, "don't embarrass yourself."
its hard to express anything,
even worse when it's so strong
and it weighs on your chest.
i know you would understand
but i can't explain it.
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louudthoughts · 4 days
i miss you
and i feel
it in my bones.
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louudthoughts · 7 days
dancing words.
twisted smiles.
haunted laughs.
swimming thoughts.
and they always
led back to youm
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louudthoughts · 7 days
You see big romantic gestures on TV, and you watch how much it means to the people on the receiving end. For a while you think it’s just make believe but then you get older and your friends start to tell you they’ve experienced it, and that it’s real. And then people fall in love with you, and start making these gestures towards you. And then you feel nothing. Suddenly you’re not so young anymore. The people you were close to seem to have moved on and you’re left alone trying to fill the hole inside you with whatever you can no matter how unhealthy it is. You keep digging deeper and you keep pushing people away until you look into the mirror one morning at 3 a.m. and realise you never learned how to be loved and love in return. Sure you’ve got your trauma but so has everyone else and they’ve managed it. So why can’t you? What is it that’s so insidious slithering beneath your skin that makes you like this? And you sit at the edge of your bed and your glass is empty and suddenly the sun is rising. So you go back to the bathroom mirror and you face yourself. But you can’t. You can’t look at yourself because you can’t accept that you don’t have an answer. So in lieu of reason or an answer or something to fill the gaping wound in your chest you go back down the stairs. And you pour yourself another drink.
The Mirror Doesn't Flinch - SLR
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louudthoughts · 7 days
h e l d
me down
because you
k n e w
how stronger i would be,
without you
s t o p p i n g
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louudthoughts · 7 days
how much longer do i have
before I break under the grief?
how long do I nurture it
with my rotten flesh and saltwater,
growing it in my womb
until it tears me apart from the inside?
you're so happy dancing
in a crowd you say you love
in the blink of an eye,
moments after I was gone.
when you come home at night,
reeking of cigarettes and wasted youth
do you ever wonder how you could've forgotten someone
you swore you loved?
how long did you take to forget me?
how long
until you feel my grief?
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louudthoughts · 7 days
you made me laugh,
even when my heart
was split in half.
you didn't sew it back together,
but you did better than the aggressor.
you made me believe in humanity,
even while i was losing my sanity.
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louudthoughts · 7 days
my consent belongs to me
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louudthoughts · 9 days
i am lucky to have a friend like you
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louudthoughts · 9 days
but you don’t have to,
the sun surprises you,
early in the morning.
as you see the rays
atop the trees,
you breathe a sigh
of relief.
then suddenly-
you can’t wait for the sun to rise again
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